#i really do like their banter tho...it's fun :D
Winner Winner, Stormfly's Dinner
Pairing: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!oc
Word count: 6.7k
Hiiii I was wondering if you could write a fic about the dragon races? I’ve seen your fic about the Lightfury stealing a dragon rider and really enjoyed it and I loved the dynamic the Lightfury had with your oc, Toothless and Hiccup even tho she doesn’t seem to like him too much. I was hoping you could incorporate that dynamic into an x reader fic? Also, you're free to use Stardust as the name of the Lightfury since I thought it was so cute. Since I know it probably wouldn’t fit into your original story I thought it might be easier to do it as something completely new with similar characters if that’s alright? Love your work and can’t wait to see more! From Anonymous
Hiii i was wondering if u could do something like a dragon racing fic with the sheep since I thought that might be fun. I’ve seen most people have requested Hiccup so I’m just going to request him as well since that’ll be fun and easy for you. So maybe like just segments where the reader is singled out with each rider so she can have some fun banter or moments with them and then maybe she gets the black sheep and wins the whole thing and hiccup is super proud of her <33333 From Anonymous
(Y/N): Your name
(H/C): Hair colour
(D/N): Dragon name
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A loud horn rang out as (Y/N) stepped into the old dragon training arena, her Lightfury–Stardust–following behind her. The noise signalled the nearing of the annual dragon race, letting those know to start making their way over soon. The stands were empty but the pit of the arena was full of dragon riders and their dragons, applying paint to the wings and heads of their dragons.
"Running a bit late now, are we?" Astrid called out as (Y/N) passed her. She wore a smug grin on her face, coloured orange and blue just like Stormfly behind her. Stormyfly perked up at the sight of (Y/N) and Stardust, trying to take a few steps towards the pair to greet them. At the sound of her talons scraping along the stone floor, Stardust's head snapped towards her, and a flash of teeth and a wrinkle of her nose deterred Stormfly from getting too much close. (Y/N) placed a hand on Stardust's head, lightly pushing it in the direction of where a mass of darkness sat patiently and with his chest puffed out slightly as its one-legged rider smeared paint across his head. At the sight of the other fury, Stardust went gracefully over without a second question, leaving (Y/N) to fend for herself.
"Hi, Stormfly. Looking good," (Y/N)'s voice rose as she ran her hands under the Deadly Nadder's chin, earning an elated hum from the beast. A bubble of joy rose from the pit of (Y/N)'s stomach to her chest, lighting her up until her soft laughter rang out around the arena. Astrid soon joined in on the laughter as she followed after her wayward dragon. "You ready for today, Astrid? Been feeding Stormyfly as much chicken as possible?"
At the mention of chicken, Stormfly lit up. Rising from (Y/N)'s grip and stomping her feet lightly in excitement. Astrid raised both her hands to try to calm the Deadly Nadder down, shooting (Y/N) a feigned annoyed glare. "We've definitely been getting some extra practice in, though I wouldn't say… you know what is needed to beat all these knuckleheads. What about you? Got any secret flights in with Stardust in preparation for today?"
(Y/N) ticked her head to the side, the corners of her lips lifting. Her body language showed indifference, but Astrid could tell something was going on that (Y/N) wasn't telling her. "Stardust and I will do just fine without any extra help. We always have a few tricks up our sleeves."
"We'll see about that once we get in the air," Astrid comments as she leads Stormfly back to her painting station. She dabbed a small sponge into the bowl filled with orange paint before lifting her arm to run it along Stormfly's outstretching wing, leaving a trail of paint behind that she would later go over to make the colour brighter and the lines steadier. "I took the liberty of setting up your station near Hiccup's. I hope the colours are to your liking."
"I'm sure whatever you picked out will make Stardust and I stand out amongst the rest of you," (Y/N) called over her shoulder with a laugh ringing through her words, choosing to ignore any undertones of teasing that she could find in Astrid's voice. (Y/N)'s eyes now landed on a new target. A target that she wouldn't be able to reach as quickly as she would have hoped to.
"(Y/N), I need your honest opinion–well, not too honest, or I might cry–about my battle paint!" Tuffnut called out as he saw the (H/C) haired girl walking past. As (Y/N) turned to take in the mix of colours on his face, she jumped back at the closeness of the boy. Tuffnutt had run up to her and was standing with his face pushed outwards with his eyes widened. On it was a yellow skull with the rest of his face blacked out. "Is it too much? Too little? I think I should add more paint but Ruff disagrees."
"It's, uh, very you," (Y/N) said slowly, her palms extended in front of her and faced up as she acknowledged the thought-out design. (Y/N) took half a second to think out her answer before she was closing a fist and lightly punching Tuffnut in the shoulder with it, "You know, I think you should go with your heart. If you think you should add more, then by all means, add more."
Tuffnut stared at her for a few seconds before he threw both hands into the air, "This is one of the many reasons you are my favourite," He exclaimed with a large grin overtaking his feature before he was spinning around and walked back towards his sister, arms still in the air. "You hear that, Ruff? (Y/N) thinks I'm brilliant!"
A smile displayed itself on (Y/N)'s face as she watched Tuffnut happily run back over to his paint station, his half of Barf and Belch looming over as he watched Tuffnut happily smear more paint on his face. The groan that rang out did little to wipe the smile off (Y/N)'s face as she turned to see Ruffnut glaring at her with her arms crossed. "Great, now I'm going to have to deal with the aftermath of all that."
"If it makes you feel any better Ruff, you get to dunk water on his head later. Maybe even repeatedly," (Y/N)'s words got an evil grin stretched across Ruffnut's face as she rubbed her two hands together, shooting her twin brother a sideways glance as she imagines the future that awaited for her.
(Y/N) didn't stick around for too much longer after that since she was losing time. Everyone else had finished painting at least themselves or their dragons and were now either going in for more details or working on whatever they hadn't done yet while she was still yet to even see the colour of her paint. Her hope for getting started didn't stay around for long as a short Viking called out to get her attention.
"Oi, (Y/N)," Snotlout yelled as he waved a large hand at her. Hookfang stood behind his dragon rider, sporting some red and yellow paint along his wings and a little bit on his jaw and cheeks. (Y/N) quickly walked over to greet the boy, not one for ignoring anyone. "You mind helping do my face? I would use the mirror normally, but the twins shattered it earlier while trying to call dibs on it."
"Are you sure you weren't in on the shattering of said mirror?" (Y/N) questioned with a grin as she came to a stop in front of Snotlout. The shorter boy's shoulders dropped as he tried to fight to string a sentence together to defend his honour. It only ended up causing a laugh to rise from (Y/N). "I was kidding, Snotlout. I totally believe it was just those two causing their normal ruckus."
"Good, because you know I would never stoop so low to join in or whatever it is those two get up to," Snotlout puffed out his chest as he said this, earning another huffed-out laugh from (Y/N) at his actions. "Now, about that face paint?"
The laughter slowly died down as the question was brought up for a second time. One of (Y/N)'s arms was raised as she wrapped it around the forearm of her other arm. Trying to let the boy off gently, she spoke softly, "I don't know, Snotlout. I haven't even started on Stardust or my own paint, so I don't think I have the time."
"It will only take a second, I promise," Snoutlout said as he tried to push the bowl of paint into (Y/N)'s hands.
But at the sound of a second horn (Y/N) shook her head and pushed the paint away from herself and back to Snoutlouts chest. "I'm sorry, Snoutlout, but I don't have time. How about if I finish myself and Stardust and still have time afterwards, I'll come back over and help y
The offer was a good one, and the best (Y/N) would be able to give as she could already hear the first group of Vikings arrive early for the race later. Snotlout seemed to ponder the offer, taking his time in weighing it out in his head before giving a single nod of his head. "But I want you coming straight back here once your done. No faffing around with Hiccup afterwards."
One of (Y/N)'s hands shot up to her forehead in a salute as she looked down at Snotlout. "Hearing you loud and clear, soldier."
(Y/N) could hear the huffing of Hookfang, along with some muttering from Snotlout, as she turned away from the flaming duo and tried, once more to get to her desired destination. This time she thought she'd finally be able to. She had gotten through nearly all the dragon riders, and Fishlegs wasn't one to socialise much before a big race, having some pre-race ritual he had to forgo. But as she started walking once more, a Gronckle-loving dragon rider attempted to get her attention.
"Ooh (Y/N)! (Y/N)," He called as he left Meatlug behind, the Gronckle happily snacking on some rocks. Fishlegs held a card in his hand as he made his way over to the (H/C) haired girl, a nervous grin on his face as he came over. (Y/N) came to a stop even though she was a little annoyed at being stopped for the fourth time. She tried to hide that annoyance as Fishlegs hadn't done anything wrong. "I stayed up late last night trying to finish this new card I made for Lightfury's. I thought we needed a newer version since we've found out so much more about Stardust and her species."
A smile fought its way onto (Y/N)'s face as she saw the carefully drawn Lightfury on the small trading card. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she swore she could see every detail on the small picture that replicated her very own dragon. "Wow, Fishlegs, I don't know what to say. It looks amazing."
"This one's for you," Fishlegs quickly said, placing the card in (Y/N)'s hand before she could decline. "And before you say anything, I have a second one at home. I made this one just for you since I know you love everything and anything dragon related."
"Thanks, Fishlegs. I don't even know what to say," (Y/N) grinned as she stared at the small card before delicately placing it in a small pouch she had attached to her belt so it wouldn't get ruined while she was racing. As she thought about the race, she realised how much time she lost between getting to the arena late and having to talk to all the different dragon riders. "Good luck with the race, yeah?"
"I'll see you out there," Fishlegs concluded as they both turned away from each other.
This time, (Y/N) was finally able to get to where she needed to be.
"Hi, Hiccup," (Y/N) said as she trailed her fingers along the brunette's arm. The taller boy looked up at (Y/N), a soft smile on his face as he watched the girl dance around him. "And hi, Toothless. Red is such a good colour on you."
A gargling noise quickly erupted from Toothless' throat in his way of saying hello. Stardust was wrapped around the other dragon, head resting under his chin as she was careful not to smudge any of the red paint, mainly because she didn't want any of it getting onto her scales.
Before (Y/N) could take another step forward, she felt two arms wrap around her waist and pull her backwards. As she fell back into Hiccup's chest, a bubble of a laugh rose from her chest as she felt him pull her down to sit on his lap as he rested his head on her shoulder. At the action, Stardust let out a small growl. Her nose scrunched up as she threatened to take a step forward, the gentle coaxing from, Toothless stopping her from doing so.
“I was wondering when you were finally going to make your way over here,” Hiccup said as he rocked the both of them back, completely ignoring Stardust’s warning as he was already used to the untrusting behaviour on her part. He was sure he was slowly starting to get a breakthrough with the dragon. Having Toothless around certainly helped with that. “Once Stardust over there came bounding over, I knew it was only a matter of time before you would follow. I didn’t know it would take that long though.”
“All the other dragon riders seemed to want to keep me as far away and for as long as possible,” (Y/N) said as she wiggled out of Hiccups grips to the Viking's annoyance. She quickly turned around however and stood between his legs, forcing the Viking to look up at her from where he sat as he extended both of his arms so they could gently rest on her hips. “I’ve got a lot of time to make up for. So, if you could help me by painting Stardust with me, I’d appreciate it.”
At the mention of her name, Stardust stood and stalked a few steps away from Toothless, getting ready to be coated in paint. But when she heard her name in the same sentence as the Viking (Y/N) likes to keep around, her head shot around so she could watch Hiccup with a heated gaze.
“I’m not too sure Stardust likes the sound of that,” Hiccup said slowly. Rising from his seat, he followed after the shorter girl as she moved over to where three bowls of paint sat. Of course, there was the bowl of red paint that Hiccup had used for Toothless, but the other two bowls were left untouched.
“Nonsense. Stardust will stand still as you help me,” (Y/N) announced confidently as she picked up a bowl filled with light blue along with a sponge that sat near it. As she turned back around she sent Stardust a warning look, silently telling her to behave. “I want to do a sort of spiral along Stardust’s back where the colours intertwine with one another. But I don’t know what markings I want to do on her wings or face yet.”
Hiccup came up next to (Y/N), a step or two away from Stardust as he watched (Y/N) dip the sponge into the paint and slowly start to trail it along Stardust’s back. A soft purring began to emit from the Lightfury as (Y/N) worked her way down, her other hand gently trailing along with her. Hiccup took this as his chance to step up beside her now that she had gravitated further down Stardust’s body. At the sense of his presence, Stardust’s head whipped around while the rest of her body stayed eerily still.
“Easy girl,” Hiccup reassured gently as he raised a slightly shaking hand for Stardust to sniff. The dragon however scoffed a bunch of air out of her nose, the wind smacking against Hiccup’s hand as she turned away from him once more with a grumble. As if on cue, Toothless waddled over to them and stopped in front of Stardust to keep her busy while Hiccup worked.
When a hiccup got about halfway, (Y/N) left his side as she walked over to Stardust’s other side. Patting the white dragon on the edge of her wing, Stardust extended it for (Y/N)’s use. (Y/N) started to run the blue paint over the groves of Stardust's wings. As Hiccup walked over to help finish off the wing, he got a similar response to when he stepped up to her once more.
(Y/N) didn't pay too much mind to her, shushing her as Hiccup watched what she was doing. "I want this done on the other wing but in reversed colours. Also, can you fill these in with pink? And trace the back of her wing with it as well before you start on the other side with me?"
"Sure I can," Hiccup agreed, quickly doing what the (H/C) haired girl had asked him to. Again, (Y/N) was able to finish and move on to Stardust's other wing as Hiccup fought to catch up, trailing behind her as he copied her work. When Hiccup finished, he could see the girl crouched in front of Stardust's face while the dragon leant her face down low. Coming to a stop behind her, Hiccup saw the two bands of blue wrapped around Stardust's front legs while she now trailed some paint up her face. Looking at the close proximity between the two, Hiccup said, "I think you should finish Stardust off."
Once the final stroke of paint was drawn, (Y/N) turned back to smile at Hiccup. "Come on Hic, you know Stardust won't bite."
"That's the thing," Hiccup unwearily said as he cautiously stepped forward, an immediate response rising out of Stardust. (Y/N)'s head instantly whipped around at the noise emitting from her dragon. A light scowl was on her face, slowly making the rumbling calm down. "I'm not completely sure she won't."
(Y/N) took a second to think over what she was going to do before she reached a hand back for Hiccup to take, waiting patiently until she felt the steady weight of it. At the contact she pulled him forward, the light ring of his metal foot hitting against the stone floor as (Y/N) pulled him to crouch down next to her. Stardust's face twisted at the sight of the other dragon rider but tried to stand still as (Y/N) was still crouched in front of her.
Grabbing onto Hiccup's other hand, the one that had the bowl and sponge held in it, she pulled it forward before making another grab for his previous hand. Together they dipped the sponge in the paint before trailing it along Stardust's front legs, having two rings on each alternating leg. Since (Y/N) was doing most of the work, Stardust couldn't find it in herself to try and scare them off. She still however made her annoyance known as she glared at Hiccup, the boy only being able to give her a throaty chuckle in response.
As they moved onto Stardust's face, (Y/N)'s hold on Hiccup's hand loosened, giving him the chance to back away if he wanted. But the boy's hand stayed where it was, trying not to seem too keen to get closer. As the sponge dipped back into the paint before moving up to the Lightfury's face, Stardust slowly closed her eyes, allowing the paint to trail across her face. Hiccup could feel a smile slowly starting to etch across his face. Never before had he been able to get this close to the Lightfury with Stardust's willingness. Even if there wasn't much of it right now.
"All done," (Y/N) happily cheered as she pulled Hiccup's hand away from Stardust's face. The dragon's eyes instantly shot open, a smile starting to stretch across her face as she turned to find Toothless to show off the finished work. (Y/N) watched happily as the dragon bounced over to Toothless, spreading her wings as she pranced around Toothless, forcing him to turn to follow her as he showed one of his famous toothless smiles.
"Now it's time for something more important," Hiccup said as he stood. Balancing the paint in one hand, he pulled (Y/N) to her feet before tugging her slightly closer.
"What could be more important than painting Stardust?" (Y/N) questioned, smiling softly up at Hiccup as she waited to see what he might do.
"This," He said as he dipped his thumb into the pink paint and brought his hand up to (Y/N)'s cheek. He waited half a second before running his pink-coated thumb across her cheekbone, making sure he curled the paint up the higher he got. A laugh rang out of (Y/N) as she pinched close one of her eyes when Hiccup ran his thumb underneath it. Once he was done with that half of (Y/N)'s face he wiped his thumb into the palm of his hand, trying to get rid of as much of it as possible before he bent down to place his bowl down and pick up the one (Y/N) had put down earlier. "Nearly done."
"You have to let me do your paint after this," (Y/N) demanded with a grin, leaning forward as she bounced forward on her toes.
"Absolutely not." Hiccup was careful not to mess up the swirls he was painting onto the girl's face. "What I want is simple and I can do it myself. Plus, I know you're going to try and add something to the design if I don't keep a close eye on you."
"Alright," (Y/N) said as a hum in return. She stood still as she waited for Hiccup to finish. "Here, I'll take the paint back over."
At the offer, Hiccup handed the bowl of light blue over, watching as (Y/N) turned to get the pink bowl off the floor before walking over to the table it had originally rested on. Dipping a thumb into the blue paint, she let it coat her thumb before grabbing the bowl of red paint for Hiccup and bringing it over for him. "Thank you, (Y/N)."
"No problem, my love," (Y/N) said as the bowl was handed over. Hiccup's eyes flashed up at her, trying to hide a smile as he dipped his pointer and middle finger into the paint. While Hiccup was distracted by his own paint, (Y/N) reached her thumb up and smeared the blue paint she had gotten on it across her lips until they were completely covered in blue. Hiding her face by knocking her head down, (Y/N) circled Hiccup until she stood behind the dragon rider. Wrapping both of her arms around the taller boy's waist, she rested her chin on Hiccup's shoulder like he had done to her earlier. As Hiccup dipped his two fingers into the paint again so he could drag them along his face, (Y/N) lept forward and placed a small kiss on the boy's jaw.
"What was that for?" Hiccup asked as he lifted his hand up to draw on the paint, ignoring the sensation of the paint (Y/N) had left behind.
"Nothing," (Y/N) grinned, hiding it behind Hiccup's head as she moved to his other side before placing a longer, drawn-out kiss on his cheek. The blue paint wasn't as vibrate as the first kiss but still was a clear outline of her lips. "Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?"
"I never said that," Hiccup said as he twisted in (Y/N)'s arms. His eyes locked on the colour of (Y/N)'s lips too late as he had already dived forward to catch her lips with his own. (Y/N) smiled at the sensation, keeping her arms tightly wrapped around Hiccup's midsection while the boy's brows pinched together. His tongue edged forward, waiting for (Y/N) to part her lips when the taste hit him quickly. Just as (Y/N) was about to grant him entrance, Hiccup pulled back, staring confusedly down at (Y/N)'s lips. "Why is there paint on your lips?"
"No reason," (Y/N) quickly said, feigning nonchalance. Maybe she spoke too quickly or should have been quicker since when she surged forward to try and leave another kiss mark on Hiccup's face, the boy planted both hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders, a groan leaving his now blue-coated lips as he hung his head onto (Y/N)'s shoulders.
"Please don't tell me your blue kisses are all over my face." (Y/N) didn't respond, causing another groan to rise from Hiccup as he lifted his head again, scowling lightly at the shorter girl when all she could do was smile. "You know what?"
"What?" (Y/N) asked, her brows furrowing at the lack of reaction from Hiccup. Once she saw Hiccup's thumb dip into his red paint, her eyes widened at what she knew was coming her way. Dropping her hands from Hiccup's side, she tried to wiggle back and out of his grip.
"No, you don't," Hiccup quickly exclaimed as the bowl of red paint dropped from his hand and spilled across the stone floor. Not to matter though since Hiccup's lips were already coated red. (Y/N) tried to fight Hiccup's arms off her as she backed away with a laugh. Hiccup's arms shot out and tightly secured themselves around (Y/N), trapping her arms to her side in the process. (Y/N) tried to lean back as far as possible but Hiccup only followed after her. Leaning up and forward, Hiccup placed a large kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead, marvelling at the red that was left behind. "There. Now we match."
(Y/N) pretended to be annoyed as she felt Hiccup's arms loosen around her. She wasn't doing a very good job at hiding her true emotions as a large smile blossomed across her face. At that moment, (Y/N) didn't have to worry about anything. Certainly not about the betting that was going on above her.
“My money’s on Snotlout,” Spitelout said as he stood neck to Stoick. Spitelout was looking down at his son as he pointed an all-knowing finger towards him.
“You sure he ain’t gonna throw it all away again?” Gobber asked from the other side of their chief as he scratched his beard with his fake wooden hand, looking down at Snotlout with a less then keen eye.
Spitelout flashed Gobber a glare, both of his arms crossed tightly over his chest as he said, “I’m sure he has it this time around.”
"What about you Stoick?" Gobber asked, turning Spitelout's glare away from him as they both turned their attention to the man sitting down. "Who have you got your eyes on for today's race?"
Stoick didn't even need to think about his answer as he brought a large hand to rub against his chin while saying with a bellowing voice, "My golds going towards my daughter-in-law."
"Oh? Hiccup's popped the big question?" Gobber asked he turned back to look at the pair still wrapped in each other's arms. He could see the splatter of paint they had been leaving on each other's faces, but Gobber was more than content to let them stay in their own little bubble for a bit longer.
Stoick's face pulled downwards at the question. In a grumbled-out response, he said, "Not yet."
"If that boy doesn't hurry up, she's going to do it for him," Spitelout stated, getting silent agreement from the Vikings he was conversing with."Now, back to business. Not putting your gold on Hiccup, eh?"
"Not today, no," Stoick shook his head. "(Y/N) and her dragon have been looking promising recently."
"We'll see if your judgement has grown clouded soon enough," Spitelout teased, grinning as he heard the final horn ring out. Some of the dragon riders got on their dragons as soon as possible, flying up to where they stood on their baskets, waiting for the race to begin. "Normal amount?"
"Hm? Sure," Stoick absentmindedly said as he stood from his seat and walked a few steps forward, gaining the silence from the crowded arena stands. The silence urged the remaining dragon riders to mount their dragons and get to their starting positions. "Vikings and dragon riders, today we join for the first race of the year. On the Gronckle we have Fishlegs, the Monstrous Nightmare being flown by Snotlout-"
Stoick was cut off by a loud cheer from Spitelout, the man yelling, "That's my boy!"
"Yes, thank you for that wonderful display Spitelout," Stoick deadpanned as he turned briefly to face the other Viking as he calmed himself down. "The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut of the Hideous Zippleback, Astrid on the Deadly Nadder, and my son of the Nightfury."
Stoick paused as he got to (Y/N)'s part, drawing the crowd into suspense. "And on the Lightfury we have my hopefully soon to be daughter in law, (Y/N)!"
(Y/N) turned and grinned at the Viking chief, her face light and full of joy as she laughed along with the other Vikings watching from the arena stands as Hiccup gave off a slightly sheepish smile. At his smile, Gobber banged his wooden hand on the arena's railing before pointing accusingly at Hiccup and saying, "We see you, Hiccup and we're all waitin' for that question to be answered."
"Moving on," Stoick yelled as Hiccup threw his hands in exasperation. "I hear now begin the first dragon race of the year! Release the sheep!"
Once the horn rang out, all six dragons took off. At first, it was a battle of speed as they all raced straight up before breaking away from each other so they could scower Berk for any of the painted sheep they needed to win this. There were twelve sheep that they needed to find before the black sheep worth ten points would be shot to the sky.
As (Y/N) guided Stardust a bit closer to the huts when she noticed another fury trailing behind her. Looking over her shoulder with a grin, she saw Hiccup flying not too far behind them, the paint from earlier still smeared across his face and lips. "Love that colour on you. Is it maroon?"
"Oh, laugh all you want," Hiccup waved her off as he leaned forward on Toothless's back a bit more, his hands tightening on the saddle as Toothless tried to speed up.
(Y/N)'s head quickly turned back around, copying Hiccup's movements as she leaned down to Stardust's ears. "Come on girl, it's time to disappear."
Stardust let out a soft mew at (Y/N)'s words. Spreading her wings wide, speeding up as much as possible in the time to heat up a plasma blast in her mouth. Without warning her wings shot inwards towards her body as she turned into a nosedive. As the shot rang out, (Y/N) buried herself as close to Stardust's body as possible. As the both of them dived through the blast, the same cloaking that took over Stardust danced across (Y/N) and the few white scales she had woven into her clothes.
"Whoo!" (Y/N) yelled as they vanished without a trace, the only lingering part of them being her voice. It took a while for (Y/N) to spot her first sheep, the fluffy animal trying to hide under the hut of some Viking. But when both her and Stardust's eyes landed on it, they changed paths without a thought and swooped down. Twisting her body so (Y/N) sat upside down on her back, Stardust flew upside down so (Y/N) could hang down and pick the sheep up from where it lay. Pulling the sheep to her chest, Stardust helped to right them up as they burst back into the sky.
To everyone else, it looked like a sheep had somehow been granted the ability to fly but those who truly knew could just see the ripple in the air as (Y/N) and Stardust tore through the air.
Taking a sharp turn, the two of them with their extra passenger dived back towards the training arena, careful to keep out of sight of any other dragon riders. As they swooped in, the crowd cheered as they faded back into view to drop the sheep into the Lightfury's basket. Taking a quick look at the other baskets, (Y/N) could see that Astrid already had two sheep while Hiccup had three, meaning there were only six more sheep to find before the black sheep was released.
Pulling back on Stardust's saddle, the whistle that commonly was handed to the Nightfury rang out, filling the air as she shot away from the arena. The two of them didn't have time to waste as Stardust looked out for any stray sheep while (Y/N) looked for any dragon riders in the air with sheep.
As her eyes landed on Berk's Nightfury, a grin spread across her face. "Stardust, we need to go after Toothless. Make sure he doesn't see us coming."
Stardust shot out another plasma shot, cloaking them as Toothless looked back as the noise echoed. The dragon's eyes narrowed as it searched for Stardust but eventually had to look away when nothing turned up. Hovering above him though was Stardust as (Y/N) began to climb from her back. (Y/N) kept a hand situated on the saddle as she got ready to drop. Her feet touched down on the leathery back of Toothless, a confused yelp escaping him as his head shot back once again. As the feeling began to climb along his back, he tried to hiss out a warning to Hiccup.
"I'll be taking that," (Y/N) yelled as she tore the sheep from Hiccup's hands before launching herself off and over Toothless's head. Toothless gargled as (Y/N) went falling off of him, diving through thin air as she waited for Stardust to catch her. She continued to fall for a few seconds before she saw a floating sheep hurtling towards her in the claws of Stardust as she faded back into existence once more. (Y/N) landed on Stardust's back harshly, her bones rattling as one of her hands unlatched from the sheep to grab onto Stardust as she turned to the arena, a Nightfury on her tail.
"I'm going to need that back, (Y/N)," Hiccup called as he tried to keep up with (Y/N) and her Lightfury. Adjusting his metal foot, Toothless's tail changed directions, giving them a gust of speed. The soft grunts of a Monstrous Nightmare behind him were slightly startling with how close Snotlout and Hookfang were to catch up to them. Stating his thoughts, Hiccup said, "We can't let that happen, bud."
Toothless made his agreement known as he flapped his wings once, shooting away from Snotlout as they grew closer to Stardust. But no matter what they seemed to do, Stardust had an impossible lead on them. So there was no stopping it when Hiccup watched as both sheep were dropped into the Lightfury's basket. Hiccup and her were now tied. Astrid still had two but the twins had been able to score themself a sheep of their own. Nine sheep found, three to go.
(Y/N) and Stardust shot up once more, hoping to make one final round before the black sheep could be found. They didn't bother to vanish again, shooting through the sky as they tried to find more sheep. It was when a commotion could be heard above them. Meatlug had a sheep clutched in her claws while Stormfly and Barf and Belch tried to herd the sheep towards them. Fishlegs was panicking from atop the Gronckle, a perfect opportunity for (Y/N) to steal it.
Barf and Belch slammed into the side of Meatug, making the Gronckke growl as the sheep was dropped from her to retrieve the fallen sheep already gone after it. Stormfly was close to grabbing it within her claws when Stardust shot forward, sweeping the sheep from the air as she spiraleD up. “You’re going to have to be quicker than that if you want to win this!”
"Stormfly fetch!" Astrid yelled and the excited growl that erupted from Stormfly was anything to go by, (Y/N) was going to be in trouble.
"Fly Stardust, fly," (Y/N) screeched as the Deadly Nadder's eyes locked onto the both of them. Stardust's head shook as she shot forward, taking sharp turns to try and lose Stormfly as they were chased down. (Y/N)'s eyes landed on the last two remaining sheep. Patting on Stardust's neck, the Lightfury's eyes also landed on where (Y/N) was looking. "This is going to be a close one."
Dropping down, Stardust got all of her claws ready, planning on holding one sheep in each pair. As they reached the sheep, Stadust's front claws were able to score the first sheep but as she started to lift, her black claws pointing out to latch onto the sheep's fur, something snatched it out from under her. "I think it's only fair that I get this one after what happened earlier."
It was Hiccup. Both Stardust and (Y/N) were left slightly dumbfounded as they followed after the Nightfury. The others had caught onto their catchings and were trailing after them, making a train of dragons and dragon riders. As Hiccup threw his sheep down, followed by (Y/N) and her two, a final horn rang out, signalling the black sheep as the scores rested five to (Y/N), Hiccup at four, Astrid at two and the twins at one. Whoever grabbed this sheep would seal the victory.
"It's just one more sheep, Stardust," (Y/N) whispered to her dragon, the two of them shooting away from the arena along with all the other dragon riders. (Y/N) could hear them also muttering encouragements to their dragons. "We've come far enough to win this all."
As she spoke, she heard the launch of the sheep, the subtle clank of the chains smacking against wood as the black sheep went flying. It was a fight of flames and talons as all eyes locked onto the black sheep. It was a certain Nightfury that was able to shoot forward and steal the sheep into his clutches. That's when the chase broke out again.
Toothless had an advantage with speed, taking a small lead as Stormfly and Stardust were close behind. Both dragons were trying to shoot forward in front of the other, the riders on their back yelling jeers at each other as their dragons did the work. It was only when Stardust was able to push herself forward in a burst of speed that Astrid let out a frustrated yell. "He's right there Stardust. It's now or never."
As her agreement Stardust flew under Toothless, getting close enough that (Y/N) could reach up and snatch the Blacksheep from his claws, earning a snap from the dragon. "Right, let's go."
As they lowered themselves even further, Stardust let out a roar as they flew. The arena could be seen coming up, crowds of Vikings hitting each other and jumping up to see who had the black sheep as they all rode in.
It didn't stop there though. As they began to dip into the arena, Snotlout came hurtling around from the other side of the arena, an axe in hand as he tried to swing it toward (Y/N)'s head. Stardust already acted as (Y/N) yelled, "Dive, dive, dive!"
Nearly falling from Stardust's back because of the lost grip she had, a not-very Viking-sounding squeak as she fought to grip onto Stardust's saddle. Stardust rumbled from below her as she knocked her tail up, bumping (Y/N) further up her saddle as she swung around the arena, weaving in and out from the different dragons as they tried to steal what was theirs.
As the black sheep made contact with the Lightfury's basket, the sheep getting squashed in with the other ones, a ripple broke out through the stadium as the race ended.
"Yes," (Y/N) yelled as she threw both her arms out, Stardust throwing her own call to the wind as they sailed across the arena perimeter, close enough to the stands that some of the Vikings could read out and congratulate her.
"That's my girl," (Y/N) heard the yell from Hiccup as he flew up next to her, the tips of Toothless and Stardust's wings overlapping. "I almost thought I'd be able to win one over you."
"That is where you must have gone wrong," (Y/N) called back before Stardust was steering her to Stoick's seat, the man waiting happily with a grumbling Spitelout not too far away from him. "Have I won you enough gold, Stoick?"
His booming laugh shot around. "You have this time."
"Placing bets again Dad?" Hiccup questioned as he fell from Toothless's saddle, climbing over to (Y/N) where he pulled her from Stardust's saddle and placed a kiss on the side of her head.
"Of course I was Hiccup," Stoick said as he watched the two. "Picked the right dragon as well."
Turning around to face Hiccup, (Y/N) grinned up at him. "You want to go on another race?"
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ranhaitanisgf · 9 months
May I request Ran with “enemies/rivals to lovers” where Ran accidentally hurts reader (with his words), he goes too far. Usually they tease and make fun of each other but this really hurt y/n, maybe it was one of her insecurities. Anyways, he makes it up too her by taking her “star gazing” and apologizing to her. Thanks!!!!!!!!
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— ran haitani // enemies to lovers // stargazing
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☆ ˎˊ˗ did i go overboard. well yes. but i chose this one in honor of changing my username ! im in love w this man ur honor. srsly tho i loveee writing the silly little banter with the ran fics its actually so fun :D hope yall enjoyyyy xoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ fem!reader implied
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 2.0k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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you’re not exactly sure what’s going on right now. 
one moment, you were lazing around your apartment, watching a drama and eating all the junk food you could see, and the next moment you were slung over ran haitani’s shoulder. 
if you’d known that answering the door would have resulted in this, you would have just ignored it. 
“you stupid motherfucker!! let me down right now!!” you yelled, wiggling around trying to escape. ran’s grip around you was iron tight, making it next to impossible to try and get out. “can you just leave me the hell alone?! i was watching my drama!!” 
“god, you’re such a douchebag sometimes.” you sighed, feeling defeated. there was probably no way you were going to escape back to your apartment if you hadn’t by this point, so you gave up. “what do you even want from me?? i thought you said you don’t like to talk to girls who are nerds ‘cause they freak you out or something.” 
“are you even going to tell me where we’re going??” 
“ran haitani!! answer me!!” ran said nothing once again, completely ignoring you as he exited your apartment building. as he kept walking, you heard the faint rumble of an engine, the rumble getting louder as he kept walking. 
finally, his grip loosened around you, though you were a bit caught off guard by how gently he let you down from his shoulder. his hands held you steady by your waist as you stumbled a bit, feeling a bit dizzy from being upside down. 
“ran, seriously, what’re you doing…?” you muttered, brushing his hands off from you. “it’s like 9pm! why are you here?!” 
“get on.” 
“what?” you got no response, instead watching as he settled himself in the front seat of his motorcycle, which you now realized was the cause of the rumbling sound. 
“are you going to get on?” ran asked, turning his head a bit to look at you. you think that your big mistake here was looking him in his eyes; when you saw the emotion and turmoil swirling in his hazy purple irises, you couldn’t help but to oblige. 
“fine, but only ‘cause you’re acting weird. if someone breaks into my apartment, you have to pay for everything since i know you didn’t lock the door.” you muttered, getting on the back seat of his motorcycle. 
you waited for the bike to revv up and for him to start driving, but he paused for a moment, seeming to be thinking. after a moment, he turned around and reached behind you, searching for something in the back compartment. that same cool expression was on his face, making you feel a bit dumb for feeling so flustered at the sudden lack of space between the two of you. for crying out loud, his face was right next to yours! how was he so calm? 
you couldn’t help but notice that he had foregone his usual braids, instead leaving his hair down. the way that his hair framed his face now covered the sharpness of some of his facial features, making him seem a lot less intimidating and more soft than he normally was. 
he let out a small hum when he found what he was looking for, leaning back from you holding a helmet in his hands. he gently put it on your head, looking at you for a moment longer than was probably necessary before turning back around, his back to you. 
what the hell…
as ran started drive off, you realized that there was a con to him having his hair down; as he started to speed up, his hair whipped right in your face, making you sputter as you tried to avoid it. 
“if it’s bothering you, come closer.” you heard him say. you had no idea what kind of face he was making right now, though it was probably the same cool and collected expression as always. what did he even mean by that? does he know how suggestive he sounds? 
as much as you didn’t like him, you also didn’t like having his hair continuously assaulting your face, so you scooted a bit closer to him. as he said, it was a little bit better, though his hair was still getting in your face. 
you were finally given a break at the next stoplight, giving you a moment to take in the cool night’s air. despite the strange circumstances, you had to admit that being on a motorcycle always gave you a sense of comfort in some kind of way. you enjoyed feeling the wind on your face and seeing everything passing by; it made it seem like nothing else in the world mattered except for that moment. 
suddenly, you felt yourself being pushed forward a whole lot more than was considered ‘friendly’. your chest made contact with ran’s back, your head awkwardly propped near his shoulder. looking to the side, you realized that ran had hooked his arm around your back and had pushed you forward, which you found to be somewhat of a feat considering the distance between the two of you, (you supposed he had his lanky arms and stature to thank for that). 
“hey! what the hell was that?!” 
“just helpin’ you out, doll.” 
despite the flippant way you muttered the word, you could feel the nervousness all bundled up inside you, twisting your stomach into knots. you weren’t sure what to even think at this point; what was he even trying to do here? last time you’d seen him…
“you freak me out when you talk like that; you’re really gonna be single forever if you keep acting like that.” 
so what the hell was he doing now? why was he suddenly acting like nothing had happened? 
although your thoughts were troubled by his strange behavior, you felt a bit awkward just leaning against him like a noodle, so you hesitantly wrapped your arms around his waist, keeping your grip loose. there were no words exchanged between the two of you for the rest of the drive, which gave you plenty of time to try and decipher his odd behavior. 
you weren’t sure how much time passed before ran pulled over to the side of the road, slowing down and coming to a stop. your arms unwrapped themselves from around his waist and you leaned back, looking around. 
he had brought you to a quiet part of the sumida river, the land around you slowly dipping until it met with the edges of the river. looking around, you couldn’t see any part of tokyo or any city buildings closeby, making you wonder just how far away he had taken you. 
“hey, where are we right now?” you asked, getting off of his bike and stretching a bit. “it feels like we came kind of a long way.” 
“i just followed the river for a bit. we aren’t too far from tokyo.” ran answered, flipping the kickstand down as he got off his bike. he pocketed his keys and slipped his fingers through his hair, fixing it a bit after the wind messed it up a bit. 
“so, are you going to tell me why we’re here?” 
“come on.” ran walked in front of you, walking down the steep grassy hill towards the river. you reluctantly followed, jogging a bit to catch up with his long strides. 
“y’know, with the cryptic way you’re acting, i could think that you brought me here to murder me or something.” 
“uh, ran? you’re not actually gonna murder me, right?” 
“okay, right.” the two of you reached the bottom of the hill, standing there for a moment before ran laid down. you were unsure of what exactly was going on, but you laid down next to him, getting a bit worried. 
“hey…did something happen? is everything alright?” you were facing the sky that was littered with stars, but you could tell that ran was taking a moment to think before saying something. 
“you could say that.” 
“huh? what-?” 
“you’ve been avoiding me, haven’t you?” 
“...” now you were the one who was silent, unsure of how to respond to his question. he was right; you had been avoiding him. it wasn’t his fault that you had gotten butthurt over what was supposed to be a joke, but you hadn’t been able to help your feelings. the two of you joked and insulted each other all the time, so why was it that you were so hurt over that one comment? 
you already knew why, but you weren’t going to tell him, not in a million years. 
“you know i didn’t mean it.”
“i don’t know, maybe you did.” you answered flatly. “i don’t know why you even hang out with me. i’m always wondering if you’re gonna just up and leave one day and never talk to me again.” 
“i wouldn’t do that to you.” 
“you can’t say it’s not outside of your character though, can you? you’ve done that to other people, no?” 
“it’s different with you.” you laughed coldly at that, choosing to ignore it. 
“why are you even bringing this up right now? why come all the way here to talk about this when we could have just talked outside of my apartment?” you peered over at ran, feeling a bit infuriated to see the same damn expression on his face as always. 
“am i not allowed to do something to try and apologize?” he asked, suddenly sitting up and looking towards you. “you’re right that i’ve done that to other people, but you’re not other people. you…” for the first time, you saw his face screw up in frustration, eyebrows scrunched together and lips pressed together. “fuck…you’re just different, okay? i felt like shit after i said that crap, and i felt even more shitty when you started avoiding me. so-” he took a breath, his face going back to his usual calm expression. “-i’m sorry.” 
what. just. happened.
for a longer time than you would care to admit, you laid there staring at him with your mouth wide open, wondering if you were in the real world. to be fair, how were you supposed to believe this was real? the ran haitani, apologizing? to you? 
“you…you’re not fucking with me, right?” you questioned, sitting up slowly. 
“...no.” ran murmured, his gaze fixed on the river in front of you. “i can take you back home now, if you want.” 
“no!” ran quirked an eyebrow at you at your sudden response, his violet gaze turning to you. “i mean, uh, it’s fine. i like it here.” ran smirked a bit at your explanation, laying back down. 
“y’know doll, if i didn’t know any better, i would say that you’re nervous right now. why’re you nervous, hm?” the teasing lilt to his words made your cheeks feel warm, making you lay back down to avoid his gaze. 
“you think i’m nervous? i’m not nervous, i don’t know what you’re talking…about…” your words tapered off as ran moved closer to you, his arm slipping under your frame and pulling you against him. he tucked your head under his chin, his arm moving to rest around your waist. 
“hm, i guess you’re not nervous then. what a shame. you’re pretty cute when you’re nervous~” the close proximity allowed you to feel the vibrations of his voice rumbling through his chest as he spoke, making your heartbeat speed up exponentially. 
“what…what do you think you’re-?”
“shh, look at the stars. that’s why i brought you here.” for some reason, his words immediately shut you up, your emotions being too extreme to say anything snarky back. all you knew at that moment was ran; his voice and the teasing tone he always has, his hair that’s splayed all around him making it seem like he’s an angel, his lazy purple eyes that are looking at you right now despite him saying to look at the sky. 
you supposed that you could just look at the stars for now.
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nono-uwu · 3 months
- hrm. Kagami you fuck, why did you do that to Krul. She deserves better
- man, the slow acting poison did come up. But. Why
- tepes siblings flashback. Ouuugh they're so adorable
- okay, so Gurens (and Mahirus) goal now is to resurrect e v e r y o n e as humans. Yk what, if that includes Crowley, Chess and Horn I'm 100% with him.
- oooo the banter between Ferid and Gure(mahi) is kinda fun. Three incredibly fucked up people existing in the same space. Ferid being silly as always and Guren very no-nonsense. (Also the way Mahiru demanifested when Ferid stripped is so real. No one wants to see that)
- THE SIDE EYE FROM ARUKANU IS SO REAL I legit burst out laughing at that.
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- having Arukanu comes with a free magical girl transformation! Slay i guess (tho Ferid's new outfit is kinda mid. I guess it's supposed to resemble his clothes from when he was 16 but it just doesn't look that good imo)
- I think those are four sinful keys? Are they gonna battle Rigr for the rest?
- the way Crowley's just like "Hi! :D", Chess is like an overexcited sports commentator and Horn is just calm is so silly. Agshgnkefgkn chapter is an immediate 10/10 just bc of them. The sillies are sillying 💖🫶💖🫶💖🫶💖🫶🫶💖💖
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- hhhhh Krul is still so beautiful <33 tho rightfully pissed about being dead sort of
Overall: really shitty that Krul is dead, the asspull is still aspulling but everyone was very silly so. Not bad. Hashtag Krul deserves better. Hashtag kill Ferid 2024 <3
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lastoneout · 7 months
Okay I'm finally sitting down to properly watch the PJO series so here's an episode-by-episode live blog I guess. (Fair warning, I haven't read the books since I was a teenager, I am a smidge of an apologist for the films, and my favorite adaptation so far has been the musical.)
Episode One:
All of the actors are doing a really good job, I especially like Sally.
The costume design for both the monsters and the humans is pretty killer. I want Percy's sweater.
I also love the little seaside cabin and want to live there!!!
This is such a mild gripe BUT as someone with dyslexia I wish there was a better way to visually depict it without like, doing the swapping letters thing cuz that's just not what it's actually like at all.
Gabe maybe feels a little too funny. Like I'm supposed to hate him and think it's justified that he deserves to be turned into stone at the end, this version of him is really.....toned down, and his banter with Percy and Sally was fun to watch. I should hate him, but really he just came across as unpleasant. Less abusive asshole and more "old married couple who share interests but can't communicate without shouting" you know?
Loved Grover's little "I'm 24 actually" lmao that was great.
Not a fan of Percy immediately recognizing the Minotaur within a millisecond of it appearing before the audience even got a good look at it. Like, I just sat there thinking "how can he even see it?" rather than feeling scared of a big monster barreling at them.
The action is uh....fine? Feels a little lackluster. Or kinda....divorced from the rest of the show weirdly?? Idk it makes me feel like I'm watching a movie of a movie if that makes sense?? But we'll see where they go with it. (I know banter during a fight isn't realistic and people make fun of Marvel for it, but like...it helps to have at least a little talking. We don't wanna be Man of Steel.)
I feel like there's been a few "slightly out of sync ADR" moments but they weren't too distracting.
Pacing into Sally saying goodbye felt a little long, kinda took the shock of her dying out of the scene, but the actress REALLY sold all the emotional beats so I'll forgive it.
I LOVE the credits sequence!!! Reminds me of the designs on that one box set of the books in a really cool way.
Episode Two:
Oh yes the ugly ass neon orange shirts are here bless!
FUCK YES THAT'S DIONYSUS BAYBEEE!! My ONLY note is that he def could have turned up the energy a little, but that's probably just bcs I love how loud and unpleasant he is in the musical and I also know how unhinged this actor can be.
Chiron is such a delight <3
I like the cabins too, way better than how I imagined them as a kid reading the books lol
Oh, I can see why the new fans fell for Luke so hard.
Grover assuming a human being squished would be like an old banana is very funny. Felt very book-humor in a good way.
Oh damn actual disabled half-bloods, very cool!
Minor but I can't actually tell what Percy did wrong with the bow? Weird editing I guess.
Aside from that I actually love a good "fuck up" montage, I honestly wish it were a little longer.
Probably doesn't matter but I don't get having them burn the food after they've started eating? I thought that was a before you sit down type thing.
Percy burning the blue candy to try to talk to his mom was sweet tho T_T
"real friends" hahahaha.....yeah.......about Luke.......
yay! hazing!
Oh I love Annabeth already >:D
Thalia.....is pronounced differently than I thought....?
(I'm sorry I'm too much of a fan of 'Tree on the Hill' for this exposition dump. That shit hits harder when coming from Grover.)
Percy giving Annabeth the "actually I suck and my self esteem is riding on this so like pls don't ask me to do anything hard T_T" talk is just, so good lmao
ofc he doesn't know what's going on Annabeth you didn't tell him anything
Okay the action is a lot better when it's between the actual characters and doesn't involve a 3D monster, though I still had trouble following all the hits Percy was taking.
Oooh I can see why people did so much art of Percy being claimed that was a good shot.
(I hope they kept the Oracle in the attic...)
Okay I have to go do some things and then I'll be back for more!
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sillydummydum · 3 days
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S/I Yap time!!
OK SO-- I made this little S/I art yesterday and felt like sharing!! My Persona 5 S/I is basically-- well, me (bubbly and annoying) and nothing else lolol I literally insert myself in the universe with some plot changes and it's fun!! She likes space and music! Cuz i do too! :D She's also an indie musical artist but it's like more of a hobbie than anything! (Even if it does helps with money and all! she also does haves some good amount of followers on the niche! But nothing big out of the indie bubble) She wants to work as a songwriter for a famous singer one day!
Her background is nothing crazy but I made some silly changes, like aging up my irl brother (he's currently a lil baby and I made him a lil kid :3) and making me live with my grandma! (fucking love my grandma kisses grandma!!) Also some dramatic aah stuff like dead mom and no dad for me (the basics) 😭😭 My S/I has a strong special interest in space!!! Which is something I'm getting really into lately! So I made mommy an astronomer! She was like best friends with Wakaba (scientific nerds lol) and Sojiro so S/I was very close to Futaba since childhood for that reason!
She is a phantom thieve (shockerz) and uhm I wanted to use my personal experience as a bullied child growing up (mostly because of ableism) and turn that into motivation to make justice, since no one did that for me before!! (Grr goddamn adults!) And finding my own group of weird little people made me much more open and generally happy in real life! So that's what I'm doing on this universe as well! ^^
Yes she entered in kamoshida's case cuz I wanna imagine myself in every little story event.
Yes I study at Shujin.
Yes I am basic. /j
Even tho when it's for self shipping purposes I usually make my stuff in the 3rd semester because... life is beautiful and husby has no filter so it's funnier ✨️ AND YES I AM HELPING THE ROYAL TRIO WITH MARUKI FUCK IT NOW WE ARE FOUR!! (Depression afterwards :<)
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Her Persona is called Selene! Based off the greek goddess of the moon!! She has nuclear/almighty based skills simply because it's chaotic and looks cool!! FUCKING MEGIDOLAON ON THEM!!! POOOWWW BOOM KABOOM!! 💥👊ALSO FUN FACT SHE'S VERY CHAOTIC!! (just like me fr maybe because it is me duh) often being too dramatic, explosive and loud!!! totally ruining stealth when it comes to infiltrating palaces, which usually makes some funny aah scenes because she was dumb-- maybe she's not a good phantom thief...
Talking about metaverse stuff! Her clothes are based off Magicians! Because of her lil show off nature, making everything a explosive dramatic spectacle! And uhm magicians are cool!! -v-"
This concept was made with the help of my bestie! Helping me take a more Kaito kid/Tuxedo Mask inspired design, which i really like allot! big thanks to him!! <3
Relationship dynamics:
On this section I wanted to give a small little insights on her relationships with most characters! Since I felt like it would be fun to do so! :3
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya
- Her relationship with Akira is pretty much like a siblings relationship, Luna looks up to him allot and is the "I wanna be like you when I grow up" type lol even if they are the same age. He is her inspiration to get better, so she will get at his level one day! He also makes extra suggary cappuccino to her when she goes to Leblanc 🤝 ☕️
Ryuji Sakamoto
- Her relationship with him is pretty much the chaotic duo type, shes always giving him death stares when he starts to talk about girls or some dumb Ryuji shit like that 😭 Her and Morgana are constantly slandering him for the funzys, but Ryuji also likes to pick up on her so they're eternally on a war-- and in general they are two loud dumbasses who share the same braincells and have little silly banters 🤲 also HC that Luna helps him dye his hair 🫡
Ann Takamaki
- Her relationship with Ann is the girly besties type, constantly going out shopping, Ann usually helps her to buy her clothes since Luna definitely can't pick her clothes on her own without it looking weird 😭 they also go out allot to eat! Try the newest deserts all around Tokyo! Those two would probably kill for a chocolate cake. And they are getting progressively more poor because of that... She likes to paint Ann's nails and style her hair for fun! because she personally thinks Ann looks like a pretty porcelain doll!
Yusuke Kitagawa
- Her relationship with Yusuke is another of pure admiration!! Yusuke admire Luna for her artistic side on the music and Luna's eyes sparkle at every little sketch he does, I like to think that Luna (just like me) is an artist for fun who really has allot of trouble with drawing certain things that aren't fanart lol, and they go out on little panting sessions togheter. Like I dunno go to Inokashira Park to draw the scenario and his comes out like the next monalisa and hers is like... Blue and Green all mixed up togheter. And she probably got her clothes dirty in the process. He does encourages her to continue tho! And gives her tips that she usually doesn't get-- so uhm sensei Yusuke Ig?
Makoto Nijima
- Her relationship with Makoto is... *sighs* very sibling-like too. Luna isn't the best at school, and always cry for help when it's exams week 💔 Makoto usually scolds her for being too careless at everything, school, metaverse, crossing the road-- but only because she really cares about her. Luna is like the little sister she needs to lookout for so she doesn't get herself killed by accident. Oh fun fact but Luna is also very afraid of Sae (just like me im afraid of pretty woman) so yeah she freezes when she steps in the room 😭
Futaba Sakura
- Oh boooyyy Futaba time!! My relationship with Futaba is so silly and fun and I wanna yap about it!! Ok third person mode on--
So, since they were basically raised togheter, they are pretty close to one another, and have gathered the same types of interests through the years. Since I have the Autistic Futaba HC, I like to imagine that they get each other more than anything, engaging in parallel play most of the time when she was a shut-in. And I like to imagine that Luna was pretty much the only person she talked to at first after her Palace. Also HC that they play Pokemon United togheter. Cuz I said so. They exchange allot of gifts related to their special interests too! Ugh I have so many HC's for us but basically we are best friends forever two little chaotic autistic sillys but i help Futaba with her social anxiety! yipeee :3
Haru Okumura
- Her relationship with Haru is the tea time besties, they talk all day over a good cup of tea and Haru frequently gives her tips of how not make her plants die (very important, I never can make them live...) which is a hobby Luna really is trying to... make possible... (plz don't die this time) and generally her time yapping with Haru is a very comforting one, usually when shes feeling dramatic she goes and hugs Haru and makes her little drama, and Haru is usually the only one who's like "Oh dear :(" and stands her when she's being extra or cheers her up when shes actually sad too! 😭 shes such a sweetheart! <3 don't be mean with Mona and Luna! Haru is gonna politely ask you to stop. (Looking at you ryuji)
- Her relationship with our favorite not cat! He's... Morgana. We know him. But Luna can be considered pretty much his #1 fan???? She thinks he's HELLA COOL like the best phantom thieve ever!! (I love morgana!!!) She really respects him and Morgana is really grateful to have someone that looks up to him (Luna looks up to lots of people! ><") Luna also likes to pat him. Allot. (IM A CAT PERSON OK) which well he doesn't mind but still he's not a kitty that you can just pat like that!!! (He's purring)
Sumire Yoshizawa
- Her relationship with Sumire is... damn, Luna is LOUD. And well we know that Sumi isn't exactly as extroverted as she makes herself seem when she takes on the Kasumi role. So uhm let's say Luna is overwhelming-- very overwhelming! 😭 She's always jumpy and bubbly and is constantly trying to cheer Sumire up, turning into some type of cheerleader for her when she starts to self-depreciate in any way, being overly affectionate and in general being extra EXTRA around her since she gets very worried about Sumire's mental health-- So yeah, Luna is basically constantly cheering her on and admiring her for being able to make things she can't (Even if Sumire doesn't think they're that great :< )... ooh we have another extreme admiration case here!!! Maybe the person she admires the most! Hell yeah! Give my girly some love!~ My bestie <3
Haha that's the end nothing more to see here... hah... haha.... bye...
Goro Akechi
- That's probably the most important relationship of all-- why did I put him in last? I'm embarrassed. Uh... shy? 😭 gonna be more personal about this one uhm-- well
That's my boyfriend over there, I hate him I don't really enjoy his company and I hope he gets therapy. /hj
No, really tho, our relationship is... I can't even describe it, but our dynamic is DEFINITELY the "aww they do care about each other" type-- I constantly enjoy to annoy the hell out of him, just because it's funny?? I'm the devil from the bible. Er... so... the thing is, Akechi constantly get dismissed through story for obvious reasons, he's openly agaisn't the Phantom Thieves and later they do have much MUCH more motives to not fuck with him-- but Luna? DAMN. That girl is I N V E S T E D In being friends with him. Specially on the start, his sob stories actually made her pity him and get all "aw he's miserable... 🥺" lol so she constantly insisted on being his friend, even tho he was internally screaming and trying to push her away, she was CONVICTED. SHES A FRIENDSHIP MACHINE BABY. YOU CAN'T ESCAPE HER!!
So with that forced proximity, they eventually started getting closer, and it was something very... slow? Definitely. Luna never cared about hiding herself no matter how weird people seemed to find her, maybe he would admire that... envy that? Who knows.
Suddenly he started to enjoy her company. Even if she was... oh well a little dumb, yeah, he definitely thinks she is-- He never had people who were close to him, and definitely didn't had someone THAT determined to bother him 24/7. Maaaybe he could call her something close to a friend... right? (Yes they were she stated that every 3 seconds and Luna rules 🫡) And that was before he "entered" to the Phantom Thieves, and when he did? Damn she was kinda happy! Don't talk about the blackmail part showing off to him and telling him all the cool things she could do as she ""teached"" him about the metaverse (lol like this bitch needed to) and they got even closer!! Damn! Let's go play darts togheter and silly around! Yay! :D
I also like to HC that he would eventually let some good amount of things about his real self slip, and Luna would be like totally clueless and okay about it, when most people would think it was weird or out of character. Maybe that's why he got so weirdly comfortable around her? She didn't gave a fuck-- and oh well he wasn't THAT detective princefied around her by that time. Yeah she's probably the closest he got to it... (sweeps Akira under the rug)
And uh... let's skip allot of things so I won't yap about the whole Akechi arc here. Maybe another day.
But Luna was utterly miserable after everything (yall know what), she wasn't angry... just... shocked. Maybe a bit quieter? Less energetic? She was since the revelation, but it was worse now... and the penny dropped at the worst time-- And uh yeah sad above everything I think that's pretty much expected when you lose someone you really like. Despite everything, he was a friend... someone she cared about... maybe more than she should...
Cared about, huh? OH FUCK SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM!!! (Shockerz) GASP WOW WOAH! *VINE BOOM* Who would've guessed. So uhm yeah that sucks, now it's too late...
A little more timeskip--
Oh well damn hi Goro!! What the fuck??? :D
That's where most of the romantic relationship aspects take part, damn he was there now???? It was literally her chance!! To what? Nothing really-- just spend more time to him and get more clingy (like she wasn't enough before) and even MORE bubbly than before!! She was genuinely happy! And now with the useless knowledge that she was utterly and absolutely in love with him. Oh well. And... damn she fell even more for him now! LIKE 20× MORE!! STOP HER PLEASE!!
And uh well she's not very good at hiding it so yeah her secret didn't last long, maybe i'll write how the confession went someday! :)
So basically... at first he was like "What the fuck?? Why????" But uhm maybe er... maybe he uhm... you know-- maaaybeeeee--- okay im flustered BUT MAYBE he would realize in the moment that he was in... love too? Uhm... get a little... yk... awkward there... ,÷*×&×(× er-- I don't know!! I MEAN FUCK OF COURSE HE DID I LITERALLY SELF SHIPP WITH HIM UGH IM DUMB--
OKAY WE ARE DATING NOW. That's the point. 😭😭
It's awkward, not ideal for what people expect of a couple, we definitely still have our little silly banters, he does want to kill me! and i do like to annoy him!! BUT I LIKE IT THAT WAY!! We aren't a veeeery affectionate openly lovey dovey couple but we are deeply in love! And when we do have our little lovey dovey moments it's just us being two dumb messes who don't know a thing about what we are doing! Hand holding? Just the little fingers! Kisses? Barely cheek ones! (On my part obviously im kissing the hell outta his cheeks mwah mwah mwah) I mean, we are trying! I love him and he loves me!! Allot!!! Even if we get a little weird and flustered about it!
I like awkward dating. It's fun. I love my boyfriend. :>
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Oh damn I realized I yapped allot, more than I should-- I was about to write my relationship with other minor characters in the game but uhm that's too much already! Sorry for making you read that much! ^^"
But thank you for reading anyways!! I really appreciate it <3 for reading to my ULTIMATE s/I yapping!! Or... well, a yapping about me! I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to ask questions about my s/i or my self ship if you have any! Oh damn even yap back at me about your S/I's! F/O's? I would love to hear it! ^^
Bye everyone!!!~ ☆
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hey hey! idk if your requests are open or not but can i request a vasco and jake on a first date headcanon?? thank u 💕
first date headcanons (jake and vasco)
details: gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, reader and character are kind of strangers who just began dating
a/n: theyre open atm, im just very slow with answering them T_T and thanks for the request !! <3
my blog's description and pinned post always shows whether or not requests are open, so anyone can check whenever! :D
> doesn't do much to prepare for the date aside from trying to hype himself up SJDHWKDJ he wants to be casual and authentic with you, y'know? that means no flashy gifts or clothes!
> if you pick the date's place, he doesn't mind where; he's comfortable if you are. if you let him pick, he'd want it to be a place that's pretty public to ensure you don't feel like he's trying to get you two alone or something;;
> will take every small opportunity to be a gentleman~ also teasing while doing them; like holding a door open for you and saying, "cuties first!"
> he tries to have light, sarcastic banters with you; mostly to test the waters and see if you're fine with them
> also pretty flirty throughout the date! one, it helps his ego, and two, he likes flustering you <3
> despite his small bits of nervousness, he does a great job hiding them by putting up a confident front and cracking jokes. if you ask though, he'll be honest and say he's a little nervous! in fact, if you seem more nervous than him, he'll straight up tell you in the hopes of easing your feelings 💖
> occasionally his nervousness does slip out through him blushing, laughing nervously, or averting his eyes, so make sure to tease him about it ;]
> very careful with pda; tries not to initiate much unless you do it first. stuff like handholding he subtly checks if you're okay with, but he'll never do anything like kiss you without explicit consent !!
> speaking of kisses... he'll ask if he can give you one on the cheek at the end of the date and ask with a wink if you think there can be a "next time" ^_^
> it's vasco's second date ever... so of course he asks for help again! this time jace involves himself a little less because vasco's first blind date went pretty well. plus, this date wasn't even a blind date so he knew if you agreed to date vasco as he was, he didn't need a makeover <3
> jace still gives vasco a little general advice tho, which vasco really takes to heart--especially about manners and dating etiquette
> he'd do anything to be polite, even if it's a little ridiculous lol (ex: running ahead of you a bit to kick a pebble out of your way to ensure you won't slip on it. he'll even give you a piggyback ride if necessary)
> anyways, overall, vasco's not that worried! in fact, he's excited! he doesn't have much romantic experience so he's just going with the flow because he doesn't really know what to expect
> if the dating place is up to him, he'd pick a restaurant or a zoo/aquarium :] first is classy, second is fun!! if you pick elsewhere tho, he doesn't mind, but he will get somewhat shy/nervous if you pick a place like a karaoke room where it's just the two of you
> as an already down to earth, honest, and oblivious guy, it's easy for him to be his earnest, true self. but of course, he apologizes if he notices you looking uncomfortable/upset with something he says/did!
> his biggest hope is to make you smile/laugh lots! he'd love to score a second date with you, but if not, then he'd be happy just being a friend you can have good times with 💖
> there will be lots of hand holding if you accept vasco's hand ^_^ also linking arms! that's about as far as he gets with pda (aside from greeting you with a hug if you're okay with it)
> at the end of the date, vasco makes sure to give you a perfect 90 degree bow and thank you for spending your time with him ✨ then he'd check if you want to continue what's going on :]
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jojo-schmo · 11 months
Hello! I just discovered your roleswap comic and I'm eating it up, it's so gooooooood. I don't really ship MetaDede personally, but good gods the way you write them bickering and bantering and the near sync when shit gets serious makes me wanna scream in excitement ekdvsiehrhr
Absolutely my favorite part of the swap. It just makes me crave for an actual Bandana Dee boss fight that actually does him justice. (also the Prince of Dreams/Beasts title itches something in my heart really well)
I'm not sure if it was intentional or if you even know who I'm talking about, but giving Bandana Dee a Scythe at some point (plus some wind abilities) really reminds me of General Gong the Hawkeye from Patapon, what with the whole high-ranking, scythe wielding, wind-adjacent thing. Probably just a coincidence tho, but I personally love it!
Hope to see the next update! :D
(P.S. while I was reading the comic, some of the links are broken or straight up missing. I'm reading from the Tumblr app so it's a bit of a hassle. Just thought I'd let u know :D)
Hello there!! Oh my goodness, what a wonderful ask, thank you so much for telling me all of this! As a person who thrives on Words of Affirmation, these types of comments mean absolutely everything to me. <3
If I may go on a tangent about the shipping thing because I'm glad you brought that up. It's a huge complement to hear you say that because-
The Roleswap comic is not a story about romance. But it is about love.
While I am a personal lover of metadede and it fueled my initial creation of this story, I want to take the Roleswap AU in a different direction from a story that's focuses on a ship where "the main characters act the way they do because they are in love or a couple." A "partnership" like theirs can possibly be interpreted as a build up to a romance. But it doesn't have to be! So there's no blatantly romantic interactions anywhere in this story like what may be found in my non-Roleswap, specifically metadede labeled content (Like kisses, confessions of love, etc.).
Dedede and Meta do love each other, like the other protagonists of Kirby love each other. Kirby, Bandana Dee, all the other Waddle Dees, the Meta-Knights, and the friends they've made over the years. The love between many of them has developed over the entire series! They've all come a long way from fighting each other to trusting one another and even having fun together!
I see the love between the Kirby protagonists as one where they care about and want the best for each other. They may not always understand the other's thoughts and motivations. But they respect them and learn to complement each other's differences. They protect each other in battle. They grow together and learn to bring out the best in each other.
So how could two very different and powerful authority figures like Dedede and Meta come together to save their friends and family, and navigate a huge world and an unknown conflict together? That's the main question I want to present in this story.
Whatever the interpretation of the King and Knight's relationship a reader may have, I'm most happy about the fact that this comic has readers!!!
Anyway!! Back to your ask! :D
Primal Bandana Dee means a lot to me too! The only reason this comic exists is because I also wanted a cool boss fight for him, and I had just finished playing Forgotten Land for the first time. It all just branched out from there. I wish I could just spill everything I have planned for him, but alas! I have a story with a set order to tell! I will say that if anyone is worried about not seeing him until the Winter Horns area, that he will make appearances before that. Just stay tuned!
And hey. This is an AU of an existing story. We know how the canon ending went already. To keep things interesting I have to include some surprises in my version down the line somewhere, right? ;)
I also haven't heard of Patapon so the resemblance between General Gong and Bandee is a coincidence! I did look it up and General Gong looks cool!! I respect scythe wielders, haha. Thanks for telling me! If this is a game I have the ability to play it could be fun to check it out!
New Roleswap update is coming soon! I feel bad that it's been about a month and I left it on a bit of a cliffhanger. But my personal and work life is slowing down enough for me to make more progress on the next pages! Our heroes will get out of the underground tunnel soon! :O
Maybe I can offer this behind-the-scenes peek of Dedede's internal monologue in the dark tunnel as a thank you for the patience?
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Finally, big thanks for letting me know about the broken links! I'll sit down on my computer soon and clean up all the links. I sometimes post on mobile and sometimes on web so maybe that messed some things up.
But if anyone needs a non-tumblr reading experience, I've also hosted the story on Comic Fury for a simpler navigation! Link is in the pinned masterpost on this blog, but also here: https://forgottenlandroleswap.the-comic.org/
Thanks for reading this director's commentary! Toodle-oo!
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sukugojo · 1 year
don't answer if you don't want to!!
why did you start shipping sukugojo? i am a sukugojo fan for approximately a year now, i've written many fics for them but like seeing that you're entire blog is dedicated to them, i just wanted to ask why you wanted to ship sukuna and gojo together?
i don't think i could tell u why i ship them if i'm honest. i'm the type of person of who doesn't really have reasons for shipping things haha i just see something and if it tickles my brain, then i go ooh!! i like that!!! and that would be the case for sukugo too :D they just make me happy <33
but i guess i could talk about what i think makes them a really great ship
like, the thing about sukuna and gojo is that they're strong. the strongest. both the strongest from their respective times. and that leads to a lot of fun parallels between them and their positions and their ways of being (things that are now being explored in canon!). which means that they're the only ones who truly get each other.
they're equals. and in a world where they have no equals, a life where they are at the pinnacle of everything, the lonely (and boring!) top, where no one else seems to truly get them, to truly challenge them and bring some semblance of excitement, of feeling, into their lives, but then now there's this other person who is finally finally able to give them what they want, what they need. someone who can actually contain them, give them enough to get them to their breaking point, or take enough from them and not break. it's a joyful thing!!
(and the fact that the manga directly uses the term love to make reference to that oh my god. they found love in each other. that's textual.) (i seriously went feral crazy insane when i read that anon)
i think one thing that does factor in inside my love for them is that gojo is my fave and i love breaking him and doing all kinda things to him, so i saw sukuna and it was like oh. he might be able to deal with him :)
and another thing is that they're just fun!!! their dynamic is super fun!!! both their personalities mesh so well together (don't think anyone in-universe would agree haha, but i mean that in the sense that both their personalities are incredibly fun together, they're very entertaining to watch)
like i love love love how their fight is just them having FUN. u can SEE the joy in their faces, u can feel it in the playful jabs, the smiles and grins. they're beaming. what a joyful thing for them to finally have found someone like that.
not to mention that they keep flirting!!!!!! every single interaction between them is loaded with sexual tension, they're all smiles and banter and sensual touches (im looking at you, gojo) (tho sukuna is very much not blame-free either). they've been like that since the first fucking moment they met like............guys we get it...... u wanna fuck, just get on with it already.
also they're just hot together let's be honest. sukuna sexy, gojo sexy. add them both together. extra sexy. they just need to fight and fuck and fight-fuck and crush the world with the sheer sexiness of their combined selves (tho they kind of already are fjdshkasdg)
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starkittnd93 · 1 year
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@aozorasoann Lol sorry for the tag I just rlly like talking abt this topic and I really wanted to respond-
Bruh fr tho- like as much as I like imagining that Hikari’s actually secretly bottling things up and gets to process stuff.. ..after the plot (is delusional-)
(Spoiler warning for all of the game, brief mentions of suicide but it’s never discussed in detail)
I agree that it was bad writing- We seriously needed to see Hikari actually react and process everything. But naaahhh instead we got “yeah and then he saved the kingdom and somehow cured the curse that he’s had his entire life with the power of friendship and sheer willpower!”
Like no.. that’s not how it works…
It honestly feels like the writers just- didn’t realize the sheer weight of the things that happen to him in his chapters. Like- he watched his dad die in his arms, he watched another friend die in his arms, watched his whole village burn down, his best friends all betrayed him in some way, his older brother constantly demeans him, his mom died in front of him, just when he thinks the violence ended, turned out one of his best friends was using him the whole time for some end of the world plot, who he had to watch kill himself btw, and he has intrusive thoughts, caused by a curse that threatens to consume him— which he never even got an explanation for until the 5th chapter. Like seriously- this man was living with a voice in his head since his mom’s death and everybody dismissed him when he was like “do you hear the voices too?” LIKE..
Yet all of these are treated as plot points rather than life altering traumatic events :/
Thing is- the writers KNOW how to write trauma. They did it with Throné. Hikari and Throné both have very similar stories- they were both raised in a hostile environment where violence was the norm, they both hate bloodshed, and they both have to cut through people who they considered family to continue their goals. (Throné had to cut through Mother and Father- which- while she didn’t care for mother, Father pretty much raised her… meanwhile Hikari has to fight his brother, and multiple friends.)
Why did Throné get to react? Why did Throné get to fall to her knees in despair over Claude being her bio father? Over having to kill her only father figure- and get multiple banters of party members reassuring her that everything will be okay? Why did they take Throné’s story seriously, while brushing off the things that happened to Hikari? Did they think that since he was supposed to be The Strong Warrior Character™️, he just- couldn’t have emotions???
Akxbwjxxh Hikari’s still my favorite character (it may not seem so bc I literally just tore his story apart um oops-) as it’s fun to project onto him and headcanon that he’s actually deeply affected by the things that happen to him and just bottles everything up :,D
I just wish the writers realized how heavy they made Hikari’s story and treated it that way bc seriously- what the fuck ;-;
Also sorry for the essay- this was supposed to be a paragraph um oops
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zhongrin · 6 months
somehow i can get away with getting mischievous hehehe, mostly bc i think some of them can't say "no" or it's nonexistent in their vocabulary (looking at you, dad /hj). i think uncle wrio has the most luck since ik he takes care of sigewinne hehe
as for those three, i have to listen to them bicker on a daily basis smh /lh. okay not all of them, mostly lyney and cyno since they're rhe ones who try hardest to rizz me. bedo doesn't rlly have to try fjjskd. and speaking of rizz, who would you say out of your three can get the most kisses mom? :0 (also do they ever banter)
OOOOO YOURS ARE PRETTY MOM!!! i think they look really good!! >:D /gen /pos. also ye! i think watercolor is like. the one kind of painting i actually have patience for since i like drawing more ehhehe
LMAO your dad dotes on you too much sometimes i swear-
albedo has that silent rizz energy... he's a natural lol
who gets most kisses -> zhongli, hands down. he can just turn into his chonkli form and i'd give him all the kisses and belly rubs (ˊᗜˋ*)♡
do they banter -> yes!!! wriothesley and al haitham actually bicker banter sometimes. the duo seems like such an odd combination, but surprisingly they bounce off each other well???
"don't tell me you're drinking that sludge without cream or sugar?" "..... what did you just call my coffee?"
also, zhongli finds it fun to instigate things only to sit down and watch/listen while sipping his tea because he's just secretly mischievous like that
hsdlkfjsld thank you!! i'm a total beginner and i haven't practiced much these days tho haha i see i see... in my case i find that they're very relaxing to do <3
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mortuarywriting · 7 months
Writing Ask Game Questions! :D ⛔️ How do you handle writer's block or any kind of creative block when they come up?
💬 Do you prefer dialogue or description? 💭 What's something you haven't written about that you'd like to write about?
Howdy! Thank you for asking!
⛔️ How do you handle writer's block or any kind of creative block when they come up?
H a h a about that. I've been burnt out to hell and back and taking some time to just... relax and try to get my feet back under me is the goal. That being said: historically I've noticed if I can't write I've got an art improvement period coming up, and if I'm not happy with my art my writing comes back. Just a question of leaving it to sit and percolate a bit.
💬 Do you prefer dialogue or description?
Look I'm a weak bitch and I love writing witty banter. Snappy back and forth discussions that feel like people would have them and you're reading them in real time, that's what I love. I don't mind the description, but that turns into me overthinking really quick
💭 What's something you haven't written about that you'd like to write about?
Hmm.. I dunno! I think I'd like to finish more of my projects but I'm usually fairly decent about "hey you need to do X so Y and Z" but I'm pretty good about at least starting something I'm interested in. That being said I'd love to poke more at the story I was discussing with Charlie! That one feels so fun and I wanna see how far I can skitter with it. It's fighting me on if it wants to be fanfic or tho and that's gonna be a point of me chewing glass later. My compromise if me sticking with titles vs names
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mariesocuniverse · 2 years
Byeol’s Relationships: Maknae Line
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You know how people say jisung is Chan’s first kid? Yeah that
the same thing basically goes for byeol as well
As much as they clown each other jisung really values her opinions and always asks for it
Whether it be music, lyrics or anything else he always asks Byeol for her opinion
he hasn’t told her this before but he tried writing a song for Byeol to sing solo but he’s too shy about it
also another person she forces to go to bed bc 3racha can wait i’ll fight you all myself if i have to
She’s the sister he never knew he wanted
he gets really sad whenever he does something that disappoints her and doesn’t want her to have that facial expression again
he also very much is very greedy whenever he wants byeol’s love and affection
like what do you mean hyunjin is her favorite? that’s a lie
very clingy and likes to hug and hold her hand whenever they’re going somewhere
he denies it but jisung gets very pouty whenever he doesn’t get enough attention
you know thats ppl who go “Byeoooooooooool” when calling someone? he’s like that
byeol pretends to be annoyed but hasn’t done anything to stop it so everyone knows shes lying
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byeol literally had to do a double take when she heard felix speak for the first time bc that face and voice did not match upon first glance
after that tho?
sun can’t compare with how much these two shine
she didn’t know what it was about Felix but she immediately wanted to become friends with him on sight
she wasn’t surprised at all when felix befriended chan even though chan had his whole dark and edgy persona
Byeol likes to call him her personal energizer
One time he made her brownies when she was on her period and she cried
They’re just so soft with each other it’s so sweet
She was so heartbroken when he got eliminated and needed a moment to take a break
She once again wanted to fight jyp when he came back
sometimes when he speaks english she repeats after him in tiny
Felix’s family jokes that she might be a lost Lee sister that they never knew they had and one of felix’s sisters said byeol might be replacing them
in another world, Lee Byeol would be the biological sibling to Felix
although she’s still very much like family to him even though not by blood :D
he’s very much the person who would go out and be like “Oh noona would like this” or “this reminds me of noona”, etc etc
they both have sections in the rooms of stuff they’ve both for each other
they giggle so much whenever they’re together its honestly so adorable
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this guy right here
Surprisingly these two were very awkward when they first met
Seungmin thought Byeol had a certain aura to her that intimidated him so he felt a little uncomfortable
Byeol did her best to make him feel comfortable while also trying not to push boundaries
But it worked!!!
Sometimes Byeol jokingly says she regrets it bc now?
This boy takes any opportunity to tease her without fail much to her dismay
one little mistake and it wouldn’t be missed by this little shit
seungmin is literally “i can be your angle or i can be your devil” to her
but its all in good fun so she usually lets it go
top tier banter with the two of them and sometimes they don’t stop until someone pulls them apart
he called her cringe once and byeol has never felt more offended in her life
he really is the annoying yet endearing younger brother byeol didn’t know she wanted
whenever seungmin records byeol likes to sit in the recording room and listen bc she likes his voice a lot
seungmin thinks that the two of them have a nice mix of voices and want to do a cover together with jeongin
he likes hearing her sing and play piano bc its calming to him
just a typical sibling dynamic
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Byeol’s baby!
She just has the urge to love and take care of the boy you know?
Does he take advantage of it? Depends on the day
byeol always make sure that jeongin is okay and that he knows he’s talented and worthy of being in the group and debuting
she always has this proud look on her face whenever he’s singing
she ruffles his hair and pinches his cheeks a lot like a grandma
sometimes byeol’s sister likes to joke that he’s basically replacing her as the younger sibling
its not yang jeongin anymore guys in lee jeongin
he accidentally called her mom once and everyone could not stop laughing for a whole five minutes
byeol is like an emotional pillar for jeongin to lean on whenever he needs to talk about anything
he’s the youngest so byeol knows that he needs to be taken care of 
she makes sure his voice is always heard during interviews and hypes him up during variety shows
jeongin also returns the favor by doing things like pulling her away from crowds whenever she gets too far
she’s very much someone he looks up to bc he knows how difficult it is to be in this type of group
he has the mindset of “if its this hard for me, it must be harder on byeol” so he does his best to help byeol even if its the tiniest bit
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cupidstwin333 · 1 year
Hi! May I request a romantic matchup for Obey Me and BNHA? 🙏💕
For the description:
•I'm a 21 yo and also an Aquarius.
•I'm Pansexual and use He/She pronouns.
•I'm a INTP-T and my enneagram is 4w5.
•My hobbies are: Vulture Culture, Writing, Poetry, Reading, Video Games, Anime, Crafting, Singing, and Witchcraft (Ik a lot lol).
•I dislike: Pregnancy (Big irrational fear lmao) Having to plan/organize and/or lead a project and people who're too similar to me.
• My passions and long-term dreams are: Cottagecore (y'know, the fantasy of escaping and living in a self-sufficient cottage with your partner surrounded by animals and nature 💀), Psychology and Music (I also play the Ocarina :D)
*My physical appearance is:
•Voluminous, wavy, dark brown rooted with coral-dyed and upper-back length hair. It's usually tied up in a messy, high ponytail.
•Chubby and baby-like face with droopy, semi-small eyes, a small nose, and big lower-lipped lips.
•My body is on the femenine side, light skin-toned and apple-shaped (chubby); it has large stretch marks, scars, lunars and moles everywhere, including my face. I'm also 5'1.
•I tend to avoid shorts (lol thick thighs struggle) and heels. I often (and only) wear monochromatic, simple and comfy clothes (hoodies, leggings, boots, etc.)
*My personality is:
To strangers, I appear as anxious, shy, quiet, humble, gentle, reserved, unnerving (this was said by a close friend) and somewhat serious and mysterious.
Those closer describe me as quiet, mysterious, mischievous, sarcastic, cranky, realistic, procrastinator, funny (cue dark humor and lowkey sadism), flirty, blunt, overprotective (if we are VERY close), untrusting, loyal, prideful, assertive, and temperamental.
I'm also the therapist/older sibiling (only if needed be) friend that dissapears at random times but gives strangely good or shady (and still, good) advice that can listen to you for hours if needed. Not good at consoling or drama tho (I'm no good at words of affirmation and physical touch lol) I do tend to
My love languages are friendly banter/teasing/flirting and being a simp (platonic or romantic)
Large much? Yes 💀 I'm sorry- (Still love your content tho 💖)
After a long time of thinking 💭 your match is…
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How it started:
One day, in the heart of the Royal Library, Mammon's blue and yellow gradient eyes locked onto you. "Hey, you! What're you doing here, reading all by yourself?" He calls out to you in an attempt to make fun of you.
You glanced up, a mischievous grin forming your lips. "Oh, just educating myself. You should try it sometime."
Mammon scoffed, his pride taking a hit. "Hey, I know stuff! I ain't some dumb demon."
You raised an eyebrow, the playful challenge clear in your gaze. "Really? Because last I heard, you mixed up a potion and turned Beelzebub's snack into a dancing frog."
Mammon spluttered, his cheeks flushing. "Th-that was a one-time thing!"
Your banter became a familiar melody that echoed through the halls of the Devildom. Every encounter was punctuated with teasing remarks and quick comebacks, each exchange sparking an unspoken connection that left Mammon eager for more.
On a sunlit afternoon in the garden, you found yourselves alone. Mammon leaned against a tree, a smirk tugging at his lips. "You know, you're pretty feisty for a bookworm."
You chuckled, your eyes twinkling with amusement. "And you're pretty full of yourself for someone who always falls for Lucifer's tricks."
Mammon's grin widened. "Tch, like you're one to talk! I've seen you struggle with potions enough times."
You crossed your arms, a smirk matching his own. "True, but at least I don't pretend to be the greatest demon in all the realms."
As the days turned into weeks, you found yourself drawn to his unpredictability. He was a challenge you couldn't resist.
One evening, beneath a sky painted with hues of orange and purple, you shared a moment by the riverbank. Mammon's voice was softer than usual. "You're different, you know."
You tilted your head, curiosity dancing in your eyes. "Different how?"
He hesitated, a rare vulnerability surfacing. "You're not like the others. You see through my act, and you don't let me get away with it."
Your gaze softened, and your tone held a note of understanding. "Maybe because I see a bit of myself in you."
Mammon raised an eyebrow. "You? The mysterious bookworm?" He retorted with a hint of confusion.
You chuckled, your voice more gentle than usual. "I may be quiet, but that doesn't mean I can't see past the facade. We're both hiding something, aren't we?"
Your eyes met in a shared understanding, a connection that transcended the teasing banter. Mammon took a step closer, his heart racing. "Maybe we can stop hiding, just for a moment."
You smiled, your hand finding his. "Just for a moment."
General headcanons:
💘You share a love for video games, and late-night gaming sessions become a common activity for you both. The banter continues, but it's laced with camaraderie and genuine enjoyment.
💘He secretly treasures the little gifts you craft for him, even if he tries to play it off as no big deal. Your thoughtfulness touches him in ways he doesn't always express.
💘Mammon might struggle with expressing emotions directly, but he shows his affection in his actions. Whether it's protecting you, playfully teasing, or joining in on your hobbies, he's always there, finding his own way to convey his feelings.
💘Music holds a special place in your relationship. You might serenade each other with playful songs or share quiet moments listening to music that resonates with both of you.
And Dabi
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How it started:
You, a 21-year-old villain with an air of mystery, possessed a quirk entwined with the mystique of witchcraft. You didn’t choose this path of darkness but with your quirk and your misunderstood personality, it seemed like it was inevitable. Your presence held an allure that drew curious glances from the darkness.
Dabi, a figure draped in cerulean flames and enigma, found his path crossing with yours in an unfortunate twist of fate.
One rainy evening, you found yourself seeking refuge under a shelter, drenched by the downpour and some blood that was seeping through your reopened wounds after an unexpected encounter. Dabi appeared like a phantom from the rain, his voice carrying a hint of concern. "Need some help?" He wouldn’t have shared a second glance if it had been anyone else, but you..? You were different, at this point he had known and heard about you just enough to recognize your archetype among the rain and darkness. You were quite the topic among the villains in this area.
You managed a wry smile, Your damp hair clinging to your cheeks. "Someone managed to catch me off guard tonight." You say almost bittersweet as you remember the fight you went through earlier.
As he offered his coat to shield you from the rain, your fingers brushed against his—a fleeting touch that sent shivers down your spine. It was a moment that hung in the air, but both of you didn’t speak of it.
"Thanks for the save," you said, your gaze locking onto his with a mix of gratitude and curiosity.
He shrugged, a small smile forming his lips. "Guess it's the least I could do." He says while glancing at your wounds. They weren’t big or deep but they seemed to bother him nonetheless.
Still, your conversation flowed effortlessly, as if you were old friends catching up. Time seemed to lose meaning as you shared stories and exchanged laughter, the rain creating a cocoon of intimacy around you.
"Flames and spells," you mused, your eyes holding a spark of playfulness. "Not exactly a common combination."
He chuckled, the sound like a rare melody. "But an intriguing one, don't you think?"
As the rain subsided, he offered his hand. "How about we continue this conversation somewhere drier?"
Your heart raced as you placed your hand in his, feeling a rush of warmth that had nothing to do with the rain-soaked evening.
In a cozy and empty cafe, your dialogue evolved into something deeper. Shared interests and whispered secrets created an unspoken connection that felt both familiar and exhilarating.
"You're different from what I expected," he admitted, his gaze steady on yours.
You smiled, a glint of mischief in your eyes. "Expectations are overrated, don't you think?"
As the night wore on, your shared laughter filled the air, punctuated by stolen glances that spoke volumes. You were strangers who felt like kindred spirits, as if the universe had conspired to bring you both together.
Underneath the city lights, he walked you home, your footsteps echoing in the silence of the streets. Before parting, he hesitated, a question lingering in his eyes.
"Can I see you again?" he asked, his voice soft but earnest.
Your heart skipped a beat as you nodded. "I'd like that."
General headcanons:
💘You have a favorite hideaway, a forgotten rooftop overlooking the city, where you meet up with Dabi whenever you feel like hiding away and spending time with him.
💘He reveals his real name to you in a moment of vulnerability, a testament to the depth of your trust.
💘You introduce him to the concept of cottagecore, and you share a dream of escaping the chaos to find solace in a self-sufficient cottage.
💘You use your witchcraft to weave protective charms into his clothes, secretly ensuring his safety during fights and battles.
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do you have any tf2 fic recs? ive got no preference on ship/character/rating, im mostly just concerned with the characters feeling like themselves, and the quality of writing :D
I DO... these aren't All the fics I like but it's some fics that I think of off the top of my head
^ three-part swordvan series, has sex in it I'm sorry. REALLY sold me on swordvan, has like, completely shaped how I think abt them (and is kinda why I think Sniper's such a top). Great at writing their banter, great at giving them juuuust the right amount of depth and emotional baggage to really sell them as Sniper and Demo to me.
Demomedic fic, SUPER great, super cute, gave me my lasting preference for demomedic where Medic gets to get trashed. Medic is just SO fun and cute and likable in this one (yes even tho he steals people's organs). Medic fans take notes! This is how you do it!
Demomedic sex fic u gotta log in for this one sorry. I'm usually not invested in a lot of the stuff in this fic, but so much of it is So good, I really like it. Really really nails Demo's specific vein of low self-esteem AND Medic's specific kind of like. how do I explain it he's sarcastic and bitchy in this BUT at the same time he doesn't pick up on sarcasm from a lot of people, and that's another characterization of him that I really love. They frot in the showers, it's great
Another swordvan sex one. Not so influential on me necessarily but Sniper tops in it and that's a rare mineral around here. They're SO obsessed with each other it's really hot. Oh and like, a good way to characterize them n stuff. I think the best characterization is one where Sniper is obsessed with Demo's ass
Alright I won't recommend too much weird shit where I'm really just like "it's hot" but here's one for the road:
Bushmed petplay fic, REALLY influential on MY bushmed petplay fic, really nails the kind of insecurity I imagine Sniper having and is really good at depicting petplay as a consensual roleplay dynamic Sniper can use to help get over his shame. It's good, it's good. If u like my fic you'll like it
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jdtymns · 1 year
i apologize, im very sorry.
6 yrs ago, there's joy in everythng i do. laughters and innocence in approaching life.
taking steps and uncovering mysteries that lies and offered to me.
exchanging conversations and playful jokes that would literally cause nonstop harmonious giggles.
its nice, it was nice.
years went by and tears begun to show up, anxieties from pending tasks, discussions that led to unimaginable banters of emotion, and traumas that stay, stayed.
theres also fun tho, moments that wished to be kept, memories that wpild be cherished, and lessons that eventually taught me to be who am i today.
i wasnt the bright kid that knwos everythng, not the jester that makes lively comments, not the cool kid that gives off aesthetic style, not the jolly kid that radiates vibrant aura to other, am just the timid kid that lives in his illusionary place that he thinks everyone is nice and gives the benefit of the doubt that all is well, all will be well; isnt?
more years have passed and here i am tonight, its 8-25-2023. i am wandering aimlessly. paths were taken, 5yr loan dictated my next yrs already and that means financially crippled in the yrs to come. barely surviving everyday woth the fam where food is scarce and thinking 2 weeks time before spending money to some fees and daily necessities. career wise, not really. been backed log 3 yrs time, my friends and colleagues were almost done and im on my frst yr. there were days that i keep convincing myself that "we havv our own time", "smol steps lng we r progressing namna" but that alone wont give us to the reality of being here, stucked in the moment.
i was then a happy curious kid, i wasnt supposed to feel this shitty nor to hav this purpose of to gain sympathy form evyrone else.
i didnt like this, but its hir.
naiinggit ba ko sa lahat? yes
can i do that? no
this isnt imposter syndrome nor petty thinking. slowly nandito na sa phase na baka ganto n lng talaga. it is what it is kasi ito ung kaya sa ngayon.
i love the people i havv rn.
theyre my core. fam, hon,relativs, mm, byu.
i luvv u all.
thank u for being patient w me, for being a gud listener, for havving me in ur life.
mahal ko kayo.
its a long post indeed, madrama. but minsan lng to, and i barely exposed nor let this out. ty for staying. if u read this kaht d tayo friends. ty pa din kaht casual lng. :)
havv urself a hug.
u r doing this.
u r thriving, go on.
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cae-liveblogging · 2 years
Tmnt 2003 S1 Ep4
they introduced casey jones early. they usually wait until a while into the series before they do that, at least a season.
"I finally met a guy who's as angry as I am" soulmates <3
this intro kinda slaps tho nevermind the only good part is where they say "watch out for shredder"
Raph was deadass about to kill Mikey
"bro or no, you got to go"
put down the pipe put down the pipe
"raph, have you lost your mind!?" yes
yeah go get some air bby
2003 raph don't make excuses tho like 2012 raph
casey "fiery flashback" jones
love his accent tho
WHY did this lady walk into the shady ass alley
evil laughter
"hand over the purse sweet thing and we promise not to hurt you, too much"
"purple draaaagooonns come out and plaaaaaaayyyy"
"I'm puttin you punks outta business... PERMANENTLY" go casey go go go casey go
"that guys outta control" sounds like someone i know
"keep away from me you lizard thing!" bruh he's not hurting anyone
so violent so fun
two violent boys fuckin around in the street
"we should be tricking out the armored car!"
"by 'we' you mean 'me' "
yeah pretty much
givin mikey busy work
can casey find another thing to call raph than "freak"? come on get original. ik you don't have many marbles but use the ones you got.
at least they're different shades of green but besides that they're nearly indistinguishable. which is exactly why they're color coded
raph lettin loose
post-fight clarity
"take it ea-sy"
manchild casey jones
secret tunnel leads to the surface
is there a single job that donatello doesn't have to do my favorite boy needs a break
formally invited to a fight on friday night, what should I wear?"
apologies brooooo i love this raph so much
"who are you and what have you done with our brother?"
still high key brother antics tho
love how D keeps count of all the times Splinter has told them not to go to the surface
your dad just gave you permission to use the car take it raph take it
splinters face tho
love how mikey just covers his face with his hand while spray painting buddy do you need a mask?
casey on his motorcycle
dragon face
donnie and his fun facts love this man
why would they not know what features there are they were all working on it together.
that is a kickass motorcycle tho
where did raph learn to ride a motorbike?
the front brakes??? really????? threw him of his bike :(
akita slide :)
track pants and trauma dumping
love this A+ banter
casey and raph are a perfect match
the turtle's are so short compared to casey
C: "i can see the family resemblance"
M: "i'm the pretty one :)"
L: "i got my split kick right! :D"
R: "I missed it, lemme see it again"
L: *does it again*
R: "one more time"
L: *happily does it again*
R: "HA! Saw that one!"
C: "i give you a 10"
L: "Raph, only 6?"
R: "hey! it's all I got!"
they are the brothers ever huh
casey is literally the least clever man in existence
"he's your brother" "no no no, he's your brother" "absolutely, he's your brother" i love them all
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