#i really hope i explained myself decently
in1-nutshell · 2 days
Hi! I was wondering if we could please have a continuation of TFE Silver Aid? Where Silver just got her memories back and is leading Starscream to where Skyfire is. Maybe while that is happening, Robbie and Mo are explaining to the others the memories that they saw, and the reactions from Megatron, Optimus and Elita?
I did this one more on the rescue than the bots reaction, they will come in another post.
Hope you enjoy!
Silver Aid rescues Skyfire
SFW, Platonic, Slight Angsts, Cybertronian (Techno organic) reader
It wasn’t everyday an Autobot truly left Starscream speechless.
And it wasn’t every day that Starscream suddenly found himself with the answer to an incident predating the war.
Now thinking about all his interactions with Silver Aid, he feels a bit embarrassed that he never put her and E-2 together.
While Silver Aid was retelling a short version of what happened on the day of the incident, Starscream couldn’t help but notice some of the similarities she had before the war.
Minus some blank spaces, the obvious alt mode change and some quirks she picked up on Earth, it was practically the same bot.
Starscream: “Does Megatron know about… this?” Silver Aid shook her helm, almost sadly. Silver Aid: “As soon as I remembered most of my past, I couldn’t stop myself from running. And anyways I don’t quite know how I’m going to break it to them.” Starscream: “Yes, quite a predicament.” Silver Aid looks down. Starscream clears his throat. Starscream: “And Skyfire? You claim to know where he is.” Silver Aid: “About 99.98% sure.” Starscream: “And if you’re lying?” Silver Aid: “Starscream, I just found out who I really am; what happened to my sister, my best friends, and my former life. My former life is gone. What do I have to lose?” Starscream: “… Do you have the location?” Silver Aid: “I should have the general area.” Starscream hums: “And what will you do for the Decepticon cause in return?” Silver Aid thinks for a second, before turning to the Seeker. Silver Aid: “We both know getting back Sky is more than enough… but I could offer you and the others professional medical treatment. I know for a fact you do not have a medic and field kits are only going to serve you for so long.” Starscream waits a minute before holding out his servo. Starscream: “Deal?” Silver Aid wastes no time in clasping her servo in his. Silver Aid: “Deal.”
So now here he was.
Flying straight forwards one of Earth’s coldest regions; a spider bot clinging to his wings; and some aerial Decepticon’s to accompany them.
Starscream originally wanted to bring just Nova Storm and Skywarp, but Soundwave found out about this ‘rescue mission’ and wanted to come.
Soon enough Silver tapped his wing.
The signal to stop.
As the four cons landed, Silver Aid, still in her spider form, began tapping the thick ice beneath them.
After a couple more taps, she made an X marking where the Seekers were to melt the ice.
It took a matter of minutes before a decent hole was formed.
The water was frigid and dark.
Nova Storm: “Why melt here? There’s nothing but water here.” Silver Aid starts taking out some webbing: “Exactly. To make a long story short, Skyfire is right under our optics.” Skywarp: “I’m not following. You said we were going to get some bot but there’s nothing here.” Silver Aid begins to braid several bands of webbing, making them thicker. Silver Aid: “He’s here all right. Maybe not in this exact spot, but he’s close enough.” Skywarp: “Where?” Soundwave tilted the Seekers face to the hole. Soundwave: “Down there.” Skywarp quickly gets away from the hole. Skywarp: “There is no way I’m going in there!” Silver Aid begins to pass the thick webbing to the Cons. Silver Aid: “Of course not. I am.” The Cons look at her shocked. Silver Aid: “I can find Skyfire easier than you four combined in the dark. Plus, we’re going to need you as dry and warm as possible if we’re going to get him airborne.” Silver Aid firmly ties the ending of the webbing to her midsection. Silver Aid: “Remember to pull as hard as you can when I tug twice.” Starscream: “Tug wha—” SPLASH! Silver Aid’s frame quickly disappeared into the dark waters beneath them. Skywarp: “SWEET PRIMUS SHE JUMPED!” Nova Storm: “I didn’t—how—can bots really survive that? Bots like her?” Soundwave and Starscream still hadn’t looked away from the hole. Starscream: “Only one way to find out…”
Starscream wasn’t going to admit it, but those couple of minutes were some of the most suspenseful minutes of his life.
Everyone was waiting for any sign of a tug or pull from the webbing.
The sharp tugs nearly caught them off guard, but they were ready and flew up.
The former second in command swears he pulled something while pulling at the webbing.
Finally, the ice broke.
The Cons could not believe their optics.
Silver Aid was right.
In a carefully weaved netting was a large white bot and a familiar spider clinging on.
It was mutually agreed that they would not touch the ice again.
If the ice could swallow a mech that size, there was no telling what it could do to them.
Silver Aid just clung to Skyfire’s armor shivering and slightly crying.
Skywarp thankfully had enough energy to warp them all back to the base.
Skywarp sits down when they get to the base. Skywarp: “I need to lay down…” Nova Storm helps Skywarp up. Nova Storm: “I’ll take ‘Warp to the habsuite.” Soundwave helps Silver Aid off Skyfire. The spider tries to transform into her bipede self but is swiftly stopped by Soundwave and Starscream. Soundwave: “Rest. No use if your T-cog malfunctions.” Silver Aid just nods tiredly. Soundwave leads Silver Aid into one of the warmer habsuites in the base. Starscream stares at Skyfire, almost studying him. He looks around before gently taking his larger servo in his. There was a gentle hum near his chassis. His spark was still running. Starscream: “Welcome back… old friend…”
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desertdragon · 8 months
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T/////Eight story amounted to basically nothing so I guess I'm back here to the other stupid as shit game I give too many chances on a more full time basis again (minus still writing my As///u/////Lil////i fic I love that thing too much and people in my DMs are counting on me for more)
At least I'll always have my friend and her best ending
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And her faggot
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EDIT: Ok it was nonsensical and full of holes like swiss cheese but now that i've calmed down this was always a goofy silly dumb game that cares less about taking itself seriously as it does being cool and fun, so while im disappointed and im allowed to be disappointed, im not running away with my expectations on this like others have. Tekken is still fun and will always have a place in my heart. And I do appreciate receiving some things I've always wanted regardless of my upsets with their execution flaws. They were finally able to make me feel like my favorite characters have closure on some level regardless, and that has to be commended.
#devastated. i'm devastated. the one time i was hoping Bamco would give us a decently written feast without shitting the bed#on the one hand i'm a fool for thinking they'd ever not write utter nonsense on the other hand i did get a handful of things i wanted#and i'm ok w going back to not really taking it seriously but it feels like even when i got things i wanted or liked#the WAY they were given to me was so shit i almost wish i got nothing#also this game has the best Asuka ending for once but that's such a low bar- it's the only ending where she's finally happy#god it wasn't even a story it was a skeleton of a script with ten different ppl working in separate rooms only coming out sometimes#to keep Jin on track and even with him as lead he got half baked shit- ALSO JUN??? JUN??? THE WAY THEY DROPPED THE JUN BALL#THE WAY WE GOT NEW CHARACTERS BUT NONE WERE LEGIT EXPLAINED OR GIVEN BACKSTORY? aaaaaughgghghhghghggh#telling everyone here bc i can't put spoilers on my main dash rn since it's not officially out for all platforms yet the PS5 ppl got theirs#and they streamed/posted all the cutscenes and character episodes days early so i saw it on youtube bc im impatient#i know none of you here give a shit lmao#ALSO THE MAIN BRANCH OF THE ******** FAMILY BEING REVEALED AS WIPED OUT BUT ASUKA HAS NOTHING TO SAY ABT IT- HARADDAAAAAAA#it's a fun game to play as a fighting game but dear god anything else you're in the trenches THE TRENCHES#i'm still arguing w myself if i'm gonna buy it once the recent global strike for Palestine is over or if i wait for a steam sale#once again collecting the less than ten things i like abt something and mourning the rest#this is my asuka alt in the pic btw I'll always love asuka goofy or serious but damn girl... I'm so sorry#i liked the ending of T8 but how we got there is borderline nonsensical and contrived#and at the expense of consistent character depth for pretty much anyone#EDIT: YES IM DISAPPOINTED BUT- this has always been The Goofy Game and i accept that now and yes i got things i loved and i love them#this is a game that has never taken itself seriously before anything else- which isn't the same as a serious game dropping the ball ie. FF#so in the end i'm mixed! i have what i don't like and what i think was missed- but i like it for what it is and i LOVE Asuka's potential#i love that in this game Asuka is finally at some form of peace regardless of the holes in the execution
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idkwhatever580 · 4 months
Are you f****** kidding me?!
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader
Prompt: y/n has very bad trauma with alcoholism in her family, so she never drinks. Natasha never pushes it and is always protective of her decisions but what happens when the boys play a little “prank”on y/n?
Warnings: trauma, ptsd in a way?, reader freaks out, getting drunk, spiked drinks, protective nat, swearing, mentions of sh, fake allergic reaction.
A/N: guys sometimes I’m not great at explaining things in the warnings. So I put a question mark lol. I hope y’all understand it though.
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Y/n’s pov
Once again I’m at one of Tony’s parties. I think his excuse this week is his mom’s business partner’s daughter is having a birthday soon.
Whatever. There’s no point in actually caring it’s just another ploy for him to get drunk.
I usually leave before that time.
I start off my night with a water. I plan to finish the night with the same. Then suddenly Pietro comes up to me with Sam and says
“Hey y/n!”
I smile at him and notice he’s holding two drinks.
“Hey Piet. What are you doing?”
He smiles and says
“Bringing a drink to my favorite person.”
I roll my eyes at him. We get along because we like to prank people a lot. And play video games.
I frown as he hands me a drink and I say
“Piet you know I don’t drink”
He curses under his breath and says
“Oh right yeah! Let me take that and I’ll get you a virgin drink yeah?”
I nod my head and thank him as they both walk away. I guess Sam is just trailing along.
After a few minutes they come back and hand me a different drink and I say
“What is this?”
He looks at it and says
“A drink doofus”
I roll my eyes at his antics and say
“No I mean what’s in this drink?”
He looks at Sam and says
“It’s like a celcius!”
Sam agrees quickly and I say
“Oh. So like an energy drink?”
They both nod their head in unison and I smirk and say
“Thanks guys. You know I have a hard time with these things. Especially since nat is on a mission right now.”
Sam wanders off and Piet stays by me as I drink a few sips. It’s pretty good.
We talk a bit and Piet says
“How is that flavor? I have something else and I was just wondering.”
I smile and say
“It’s orange I think. Not the best but it’s decent.”
His eyes have a fire in them and he says
“Here! Why don’t I get you a different flavor?”
I nod and say
“I’m sure two wouldn’t hurt right? It’s only energy drinks and they don’t really affect me”
He nods and says he’ll be right back so I finish off my drink and wait for him.
When he comes back he has a slightly pink tinted drink for me and i immediately try it.
“This one is good!”
He nods his head.
I have about three of those drinks and I’m starting to feel great. My stomach hurts a bit but I feel fine.
And this girl is talking to me and her jokes are literally so funny. Like I have the giggles or something.
We start dancing and then I somehow end up with Wanda. We’re best friends but we are not leaving any room for Jesus. I usually don’t have this much fun at these parties.
Then I end up on a couch with another girl by my side and I’m just talking her ear off. She looks interested.
All of a sudden I get a rush of heat over my face. I just zone out trying to pinpoint what’s going on.
By now the girl has left and I see a flash of red come in my view.
“Y/n? Y/n detka focus on me. Where are you baby?”
My beautiful girlfriend Natasha pulls me from my trance and I throw myself on her and say
She lets me hug her and I get another rush of that feeling again.
She notices and says
“Are you alright?”
I nod my head and then think, and shake my head.
“What’s wrong detka?”
I lean on her shoulder as she sits next to me and I say
“I don’t know. I feel weird.”
Natasha looks at the table and sees three glasses and says
“Are those yours?”
I nod and smile
“Piet got me these three flavors of energy drinks. I can’t remember what he said they were called though. But he said they were like celcius”
She nods and grabs one of the glasses. She picks it up to her nose and smells it and sets it back down.
“Y/n you said you liked these? And you wanted them?”
I nod me head and say
“They were really yummy but I think they’re hurting my tummy a bit”
I pout and she looks to the side as if she’s scanning the crowd for someone. I follow her eyes and they land on Pietro and Sam who are giggling like teen girls. I slur out
“What are they laughing at natty?”
She looks to the side unsure of what to say and my eyes widen and I sit up. This realization has my mind sobered up a bit and I look at her with tears in my eyes.
“Nat? Is that alcohol?”
She bites her lip unsure of what to do but she nods her head and I say
“Pietro and Sam told me it wasn’t. They said they got me a virgin kind.”
She shakes her head and says
“I’m so sorry baby”
I shake my head and push her away. I immediately get up and walk off. I almost bump into a few people and I trip up a bit but not bad. I go straight to our room and Natasha decided to stay back to handle the perpetrators.
She makes sure Friday alerts her if I end up anywhere other than our room.
Nobody’s pov
To say Natasha was angry was an understatement.
She was furious.
She had to watch you storm off to probably go and cry because of what they did to you.
She stands up and brushes herself off. And then she calmly walks over to Pietro and Sam.
They say
“Oh hey nat! You’re back!”
Natasha smiles at them and says
“You wouldn’t happen to know what was in those drinks that you gave y/n would you?”
They shrug their shoulders and say
“What drinks? What are you talking about?”
Natasha is pissed so her patience is gone and she grabs them both by the ear and pulls them to the side of the room.
The noise isn’t any less quiet, it’s just out of the way.
And she goes ballistic.
“Are you fucking kidding me?! Do you know what you did to her?! Everybody knows that y/n doesn’t drink because of her fears that she will end up like her father. She’s probably in our room now panicking about how she’s an alcoholic from three drinks!! And you!”
She points to Pietro
“You know better than to do that! You know she has problems. And you still did that! I should have the both of you banned from stark parties forever! You both intentionally spiked her drink! You two are literally dead!”
By now the room is silent from how loud Natasha is screaming at them. All eyes are on them but she doesn’t care.
“She was your friend and you did this to her! That is the ultimate betrayal and I wouldn’t blame her if she never wants to see your faces again! Get out of here. I don’t want to see you at another party! And I expect there to be ample apologies tomorrow!”
They nod and scurry off. Wanda is behind natashw now and she gives her a look as if she’s asking if they really did that to you and Natasha nods her head.
Wanda’s eyes glow red and she walks off in Pietro direction.
After Natasha knows they’ll be handled she smooths out her shirt and looks around at everyone gawking at her.
She raises and eyebrow and says
“Would anybody like to go with them?”
They all shake their heads and go back to partying.
Natasha goes upstairs to find you in your room.
She slowly walks up to your ball of a self and says
“Y/n? Are you alright?”
Apparently she chose the wrong set of words because you shoot up and say
“No im not alright! How can I be alright?! I’m literally drunk because I’m a lightweight and I feel disgusting because I liked it. And that’s why I never drink because I’m just like my father and I’ll like that shit and I’ll probably get hooked on it now!”
You are pacing back and forth and your breathing is erratic so Natasha goes up and grabs you and says
“Woah woah woah. Detka please calm down. You need to hear me. You are not an alcoholic from getting drunk once. You know that you don’t drink and that you won’t drink. Just because you liked the alcohol does not mean you are hooked okay? You clearly don’t like being drunk at all because it is hurting you.”
You are now just standing in Natasha’s grasp as she speaks to you.
“And you are most definitely not your father. You know now to not trust them with drinks anymore. Listen. I’m so sorry they did that to you. But you need to know it is not your fault. At. All. They spiked your drink knowing that you don’t drink for a reason.”
Y/n’s pov
I nod my head taking in all this information. And I tear up a bit.
“Hey hey don’t cry baby. It’s okay. It’s not your fault”
I shake my head as some tears start to fall and I say
“No no. I’m not crying because of this. I’m crying because you’re so good to me. Nobody would have reassured me like this except you. I just love you so much.”
We both smile and kiss each other and then we pull away because there is a knock at the door and I softly say
“Come in”
Wanda steps in and says
“Hey. How are you?”
I smile and say
“Still drunk”
I laugh and Wanda says
“Do you want me to get you a water?”
Natasha shakes her head and says
“We keep bottles of water in our room. I’ll grab her one.”
Wanda nods and says
“Right well I just wanted to let you know that I just got onto both their asses again and they are on probation for two months”
I furrow my eyebrows and say
Wanda explains to me that probation is basically they don’t get any missions for two months. And she also added in there that they have to do my mission reports for that length of time too which is amazing since I hate mission reports.
“Wow Wands. That’s so sweet. Thank you”
She shakes her head and says
“No problem. Now I have one more question. They want to come in and apologize to you. Is that okay? I just want to check.”
I think about it and Natasha says
“You don’t have to agree detka. They can sulk in their rooms for now.”
I smile when I get a devious idea.
“What if you guys help me prank them back!”
They raise their eyebrows in concern and say
“What kind of prank?”
I think and say
“I can use my makeup skills and pretend I cut myself because of how bad my mind got!”
Their eyes widen and they say
“Woah there. That’s a little much.”
“Yeah Wanda’s right. Maybe a less intense prank?”
I sigh and nod my head. And then I completely forget about my idea when I say
“Wanda! You can use your powers to temporarily distort my face and body and we can prank them by saying I’m having an allergic reaction to the alcohol! Make them regret it even more!”
Wanda smiles and says
“I think that’s a good idea, but you’ve already had the alcohol in your system for a while. I think allergic reactions happen faster”
Natasha says
“They’re stupid. We can say it was a late onset reaction”
I nod my head aggressively. A little too aggressive though so I say
“Woah. Too much head shake there”
Natasha stabilizes me as Wanda says
“Alright. Why don’t you sit on the ground and I’ll work my magic?”
I sit down a little slowly so that I don’t get woozy or anything and while I’m waiting, Natasha gets me a water to help me sober up.
Wanda then distorts my face to look all red and blotchy and I get fake hives everywhere. I smile and say
“Nat. When were pranking them we can go in my bedside table and grab my old inhaler. I can use it to puff and it won’t do anything, and say I’m out!”
She nods her head. Anything to make me feel better.
And Wanda steps out and says
“I’ll be back with the boys.”
I giggle at my devious plan and Natasha says
“You’re gonna have to stop giggling if you want them to believe it”
I nod my head and get in serious mode. I lie myself in Natasha’s lap as she sits on her knees to pretend like she’s cradling me.
We here Wanda walking back and saying
“You better apologize and mean it”
They reply with a few “yes ma’am’s” and Natasha decided now is a good time.
She all but yells.
Thank goodness the party is still going so nobody else can hear.
Wanda runs in with Pietro and Sam hot on her tail and they see me.
Natasha puts on a facade that she’s freaking out and I make my breathing labored as if my lungs are closing up.
“Wanda! Help me out here! Y/n’s having an allergic reaction to the alcohol! I need her inhaler!”
Wanda jumps into action and says
“Where is it?!”
“In her bedside table”
Wanda runs to get it and only now can I see the boys. Their faces are ghostlike when they realize what they’ve done.
I fake puff the inhaler and shake my head. Natasha checks it and says
Pietro and Sam are now freaking out and saying
“Wait she can’t have an allergic reaction it’s been like forever!”
Natasha responds with
“It’s late onset and now her inhaler is empty! None of this would have happened if you didn’t spike her drinks!”
I gasp and say
“Epi… pen”
And Natasha remembers I have an epipen for if I get stung by a bee. And there’s a trainer in the bag so she grabs the trainer and they freak out.
She uses the trainer which does nothing but make a click sound and then she sighs as Wanda makes the reaction fade slightly.
They all sigh in relief and Sam and Pietro are the first to say something
“Y/n we’re so sorry. We had no idea this would happen!”
“Yeah we wouldn’t have done it if we knew!”
Natasha looks up and says
“But you would have done it even though you knew about her father?”
Their faces once again go like ghosts and I start laughing at them.
They’re confused and Wanda starts to giggle.
I hop up and say
“You idiots! We pranked you back!”
They stand there confused. Sam is the first to say
“But- but you used an epipen”
I shake my head and say
“That’s the trainer. It helps people know what to do in a real situation. The trainer doesn’t have a needle or medication in it”
He sighs and says
“What about your inhaler?”
I shrug and say
“Empty one. Doesn’t do anything anymore.”
Pietro is just silent and I say
“Aww Piet. Are you sad that I just pranked you?”
He shakes out of it and starts apologizing.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I know you didn’t have a reaction but I’m sorry because I didn’t think about why you don’t drink. I knew why but I ignored it.”
I sigh and say.
“I forgive you Piet. Just remember that we don’t do pranks that cause harm to someone.”
He nods and I turn to Sam
“And I forgive you too. Now both of you. I’d like to inform you that I have been letting my mission reports back up and I’m glad to tell you that you have until the end of the week to finish five of them”
They groan and say
“Yes ma’am”
I smile and they leave. I turn to Wanda and say
“Thanks fairy wand. You made me feel a lot better”
And I turn to Natasha and say
“Thank you too”
Wanda leaves and we get into bed (not without me putting up a fight) and Natasha makes me finish the bottle before I fall asleep.
“Thank you natty. You’re so good to me”
She smiles and says
“You’re a little devil when you’re drunk you know that?”
I smile and say
“Eh. I’ll be fine tomorrow”
She rolls her eyes and we fall asleep in each others eyes with Natasha knowing I’m gonna be worse when I’m hungover.
A/N: I hope y’all liked it! I kind of rushed it because I have a bunch of things lined up and this is just an extra tidbit I started before creating more lol
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish @justarandomreaderxoxo
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redbayly · 1 month
Zutara Shipping is Canon
Let me explain myself.
I was enjoying an afternoon walk (as I mercifully live in a decent area to go for walks to clear my head) and I started thinking about the Ember Island Players episode when it struck me.
Shipping Zutara is canon.
Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't about if Zutara itself is canon or not (it's totally canon and I will die on my hill of willful self-delusion), but about shipping it.
I'm sure most Zutara shippers still get a little thrill whenever we rewatch the show and our majestic bounty-hunter June, captain of the Zutara ship, calls Katara Zuko's girlfriend.
But, as I said, this is about Ember Island Players.
It never truly occurred to me before that, in canon, Zutara shipping is just a thing. Like, an actual, accepted aspect of the world.
When Puon-Tim wrote "The Boy in the Iceberg," he just outright included a Zutara subplot. And as annoyingly melodramatic as it was, it was still there. He even went out of his way to discredit the idea of Katara and Aang being together. And, even though the play is Fire Nation propaganda (which has since confused me since the wiki says that Puon-Tim is from the Earth Kingdom; though that feels like a retcon), it doesn't seem to show a Zutara romance in a negative way.
And it could've gone in that direction. As propaganda, it would have been only too easy to portray Katara as an evil seductress who corrupted Prince Zuko and convinced him to betray his country. But it doesn't. The Zutara scene is embarrassingly saccharine and schmaltzy, but it's not shown as being bad - except for the episode trying to frame it that way because it hurts Aang's feelings.
And, because of how popular the play seems to be, we can reasonably assume that there were audience members who left the theater as die-hard Zutara fans. Even if they were cheering for Zuko's death - because, y'know, Fire Nation - there weren't any boos at the Zutara scene. Like, some of those folks who cheered Zuko's death also probably regarded Zutara as a tragic love story. There were probably even a few who quietly whispered to each other that they hoped Prince Zuko would run off with Katara and have a happy ending instead of fighting for the throne and dying, as shown in the play.
And with how the war actually ended, Zutara shipping probably only got more popular as Zuko started reforming stuff and being an actually stable ruler as opposed to his psycho dad and sister.
So, with this in mind, Puon-Tim is the ultimate Zutara shipper. Zutara shipping is canon.
I don't really know what else to say.
Any thoughts?
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years
Could you write Xavier X FemReader in which the reader is Wednesday’s family member (sister, cousin, etc) and her and Xavier we starting to get close then all of a sudden her starts acting cold/rude so she thinks she did something wrong and he hates her when in reality Xavier has started being mean is because he’s been in love with her since he saw her but she’s been getting really close with Tyler so she confronts him and he does an angry love confession????
it's you I think of
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xavier thorpe x reader
summary: xavier tries to win the heart of the other addams sister, but she just doesn't seem to get the message.
warnings: bit angst but mostly fluff
A/N: Thanks for requesting anon! hope you like this!
"So, is your name based on weekdays too or?" The long haired boy started as he stands beside you, observing your position as you shoot your arrow and misses again.
You sigh and he steps closer with your back to his chest as he guides your hand with the arrow. "Here, like this."
You feel your heart speeds up but says nothing as you watch him take the lead and hits the arrow straight to the aim.
He slowly steps aside and smiles at you. You give a small smile and gives him your name.
He fakes gasp, "Oh she speaks?" When you roll your eyes and drop your smile he immediately makes it clear he was just joking.
"I know, I'm not easily offended, there's been worse things said to me." You state, picking up another arrow to practice.
"So, do I have to assume you are as terrifying as your sister?" He asks with a teasing grin.
"Oh no, I'm afraid she has already claimed the title of homicidal psychopath in our family, truly the pride and joy of the Addams name. As for me, You'll learn soon enough." You explain, this time your arrow hits straight to the aim, You lower your bow in pride.
"So you mean to say we might end up close enough for me to learn about you myself?"
he had too many questions.
You shook your head and thank him for his lessons before walking away to your dorm room.
Despite being roommates with Yoko, she has not made a single effort to befriend you, as glad as you are for the peace, you could tell it's because of the growing closeness between you and Xavier, the girls were ignoring you in solidarity to Bianca.
You were thankful for that.
It wasn't that you asked Xavier to befriend you, but he was persistent in knowing you, and he seems to respect your boundaries enough to not push you or cross the line, so you accepted his friendship, it was nice to share the quietness with someone else sometimes.
He has even let you sit in the corner of his shed to watch him paint and sketch.
That was probably your favourite activity these days, the comfortable silence and watching him fully concentrate on his artworks.
Today was one of the days you'd get to watch him work, he had sat beside someone else during their classes together that afternoon, but you assumed their routine still remained.
Walking towards the shed, you notice chains around the handles of the door. It was definitely locked as you try to pull it off.
This was confusing, if he wasn't coming today then why wouldn't he tell you?
Bumping into Bianca as you're walking back to your dorm, you gave it a chance and asked her if she knew where Xavier was.
Her scoff and smile was mocking. "Aw, did he finally decide drop your deadweight of an ass?"
You raise your eyebrows at her challenged.
"That's weird, last time I checked, it was you that got dumped." Indulging in her baffled expression, You walk past her to continue looking for your friend.
He wasn't in the library or any of the classes. The last place there was to check was his room, a place you don't think you're allowed to.
The next day was busy as everyone prepared for the rave'n dance. You weren't much of a partier, but you had hoped to ask a certain someone, so you made an effort to search for a decent enough dress.
You snatched the first dress that caught your attention, not liking the whole experience you had force yourself to go through. It was emerald coloured dress, giving in to the assigned flora and fauna theme this year.
Stepping into the local coffee shop, you were met with Tyler as he prepared you your usual.
"You look burnt out, went hiking or something?" He questions.
You chuckled. "Dress shopping." He raises his eyebrows and grin.
"Oh you're going to Rave'n then? Didn't seem like the type that would, got a date?"
Your smile slowly drops as you shook your head.
He nods understanding. "Well, I mean, if you're looking for one, I'm always free this Saturday." He winks and you bite your cheeks.
His attention snaps to the door as the bell rings.
and a customer enter. You turn around and widen your eyes in suprise to see Xavier.
His too as he takes your appearance in.
He walks closer, turning to look at Tyler, then back at you.
Tyler uncomfortably backs away from leaning at the counter to you and clears his throat.
"Uh, want a coffee?" He asks Xavier slowly.
He nods carefully, before taking a seat next to you, watching Tyler move to the espresso machine.
"Didn't know you two are friends." He starts.
You let out an annoyed laugh and glares at him.
"Really?" He blinks, not understanding what you mean.
"You don't answer my texts, didn't tell me you weren't going to be at the shed, and now you're talking to me like you haven't been ignoring me?" You snapped.
"Wha- I've been busy, I forgot-"
"You've been busy, you forgot, which one is it?" You Interrogate.
"Both! Look, I'm sorry alright, I should've let you know, I forgot." He explains as Tyler brings you both your coffee.
Xavier's eyes wanders to the paperbag in your hand. "Is that a dress? You're going to the rave'n?" He asks suspiciously.
"Why shouldn't I?" You ask defensively.
"I didn't say you shouldn't, I just- I mean, do you have a date?"
You instinctively nodded. "I'm... going with Tyler! Right, Tyler?" You immediately turn to him, silently begging him to agree.
Tyler, playing along, nods and confirms.
Xavier's expression changed, and the guilt in his eyes turns blank as he processes what you said.
"Oh." Disappointment laced his voice for some reason. He snatch his coffee and stand to leave. "I'll uh, see you later then." He says briefly before leaving.
you feel the pit of your stomach churn as you thank Tyler.
The Rave'n dance was unspeakably boring. You'd rather be in your room and read with Chopin playing in the background.
Instead you're stuck here awkwardly eating your cake with Tyler by your side.
You spot Xavier by Bianca's side as they walk in together, his eyes meet yours and the betrayal you feel was deep. He had gone back to her.
You excuse yourself to the bathroom, feeling Xavier's gaze burning through your back as you walk away.
You pull back tears and touched up your lipstick after repeating the breathing exercise Kinbott has taught you.
Feeling less upset and more out together aftet successfully preventing a breakdown, you walk out towards your date.
Only to find him on the dancefloor with your sister, Wednesday.
Of course, he had only asked you to get close to her. No one ever wanted you for you.
You were glad you didn't really like him and disappointedlu went to grab a drink. You scan the room and notice Bianca dancing with Yoko, It was then that you notice Xavier wasn't anywhere to be seen. You frown and walked out while no one notice. The idea of knocking on his door was halted as you remember you weren't allowed there, If you were caught, it wasn't the punishment you were scared of but rather the embarrassment.
There was only one option left.
Climbing through windows and walls, you pull out a small screwdriver, unlocking the window next to his bedside, before pushing it open and jumping in.
As your feet lands on his bed, you hear him yelp and swear loudly. There he was in all his glory, in front of the bathroom door.
"[name]?!, What the fuck? Did you seriously just climbed through my window-"
"You weren't at the shed today, and you stopped sitting next to me in class. In fact if I'm remembering it right, you didn't even want me in the shed with you last week too." He turns quiet, eyes not meeting yours.
"You're avoiding me, why?" You ask, making him scoff and turn away from you as he walks towards Rowan's old bed.
You walk to him, pulling him by his hands to look at you.
"Did I do something? Have I offend you?" You go straight to the point.
He frowns. "Offend me? God are you clueless or something."
Saying that you were confused would be an understatement.
"Let's say that I am, spell it out for me then."
He shook his head and pushed your hand away. "I'm not- I'm not offended, okay? Just leave, okay? Go back to your date, and not by the windo-"
"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong." You insist and he sighs.
you two stood like that for a few seconds, refusing to grant eachother's request.
You broke the silence first, unable to take it anymore.
"Xavier, you are my first friend ever, besides my old pet tarantula spider that was accidental killed in our washing machine." He makes a face of disgust.
"I- What I mean is, If I had done anything to hurt you, it was probably accidental, I am not the best when it comes to making friends, let alone, keeping then." You notice his body relaxing as his gaze softens.
"I would understand if you no longer want to associate with me, but I would be very grateful if you could tell me why." You pleaded, heart breaking.
You didn't think you could ever feel this upset.
People had always assumed you were as heartless as your sister, given your awkward and introverted personality.
But the truth was you used your antisocial personality as a wall againts human interaction because you were sensitive. Your heart was the opposite of Wednesday's.
Xavier sighs and closes his eyes briefly before looking at you firmly.
"You didn't offend me, well- not really, it's just-"
"Its- I avoided you, because I thought you didn't feel the same way I did." His confession did not clear anything up for you.
You scrunch your face confused.
"Feel? Feel what?"
His lips became a thin line as he rolls his eyes.
"[name], I like you"
"I like you too, I just told you that-
"No, I-" He sighs loudly again.
"I like you, more than a friend, should. And I thought I've been dropping multiple hints since we met but it seems you've gotten none of them, I thought you just weren't interested in me like that, or else you would've seen them, wouldn't you?"
Your eyes widen as understanding fills you.
The brief silence scared him as he tells you to forget about it and leave.
"Wha- No, no Xavier, I do like you." You immediately tells him before you could stop yourself.
He freezes and his yes scan you for any lies or deceit.
"Right, and you're definitely not saying this because I'm your only friend and you feel bad."
You shook your head but he still looks unconvinced.
"You went out with Tyler. Fucking Tyler. How does anything you do backs up what you're saying?" Tyler's name sounds like a curse coming from his tongue, And you have to admit, it makes you like him more.
"It does make sense what you're saying, but if Im only saying this because I'm lonely, would I do this?" You challenge him.
"Do what?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed.
You answer him by pulling him down by his vest and meeting your lips with his.
Automatically he reciprocates it and his arms move to wrap around your waist.
You smile againts his mouth and you feel him copy it.
Breaking the kiss to catch a breath, he grins at you, all his sulking seemingly gone.
"So just to be clear, you're not doing this because you feel bad or anything right? I don't know, maybe you should convince me again, just to be sure."
Your face breaks into a smile as you grant his wish.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
SAGAU / Isekai Genshin:
You can still use your characters! ... as in possessing them 👻
(all art by me down below, hope its decent lol - did it for u guys and myself i mean what )
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Edit 9/7/23: 1,500+ NOTES??? BRO WHAT!! THABK YOU <3
Edit 12/24/23 + 4/5/24:
My dumbass forgot to put this here .-.
Anywya this is a full length fanfic now ;)
PART 1 (you're here!) / Part 2
You got sucked into a video game. 
Crazy, but it happens ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
yknow how it issss
...you very quickly discover that unfortunately video game rules still apply...
which wouldn't normally be an issue! like, needing to use the bathroom in the middle of a fight? Nope! minor cuts and bruises like papercuts, only actual enemies or fall damage counting? hell yeah that'd be great (theoretically no chronic pains if you got that?? hmmmm unsure)
see the issue comes when you realize, you as a player, don't have a "character" that's all your own
there's aether/lumine yeah.. but bc the game's real now, they're their own people, and you didn't wake up to find yourself as a blonde twin...
the closest you can describe your form as is .. like a seelie?
or like the way ghosts look in game?
but a lot more "starry"
like your specterlike, but you look like you got filled up with stars and the milky way, maybe a reference of you being from another universe/world? (aether/lumine/dainsleif/khaenriah star symbol reference secret thEORY-)
but yah.
you also got just, white eyes.
like, not iris, not pupil. like your pupil and iris got erased
you gotta admit, at least you look really aesthetic now.
(u also got a little cape and hood on at all times, and you cant take it off to see your starrified hair >:/ ,very Blue Diamond-esque, look up Steven Universe, Blue Diamond if you dont know who im talking about)
so needless to say, as soon as you sort of glitched your way into existence you were HYPE
...then you realize your a spooky-no-character-to-pilot-around-thus-no-character-model-body-for-you thingy
and that you cant touch stuff!! >:(
like wth!!!
thats just downright unfair.
so, you figure if you got no body to be.... you gotta find a new "character" to pilot >:)
I choose you, yellow fungi!
you're in the fucking woods (Sumeru somewhere obv, u knew that the moment you opened ur eyes),
what'd you expect?? an archon??
..wait a minute. can you possess an archon-
these kinda thoughts plague your first few days of irl genshin impact playing
a rishabold tiger? yep.
a sumpter beast? kinda slow and heavy feeling but yeah.
...you also try a ruin machine LOL
by far, the fungi and ruin machines are the best to possess, mostly because you can remain upright with those
(tho u did find some type of flying monkey that wasnt in game, but its like,, a real world and jungle now so that makes sense there'd be more complexity + stuff)
you do eventually think you should try and possess a person at this point... but ur kinda nervous 👉👈
its ur first time doin this okay nobody explained the basics to you youve been winging for a week now!
will your mind be replaced with theirs? it hasn't been so far with the creatures/bots
and as far as you can tell, they kinda just-
forget what happened or "wake up" after you possess them
(the tiger you were for a day looked confused as hell when it realized that there was a new pile of fruit next to it when it "woke up", it was your way of saying thank you to the animals of the jungle, u left them little piles of food you collected running around as them)
you should be good to go and possess a random poor eremite
... you figure you want to possess something human-like eventually even if you get a puppet body like wanderer/raiden so...
here goes nothing...
so it's been 2 weeks since you've been forcefully yanked into teyvat, and by the second week, you were trying to possess eremites
which! worked out!
you kinda convinced the entirety of two eremite camps that a certain part one of sumeru's forests is hella haunted bc ppl keep "blacking out" and doing things they don't remember doing, yknow... like possesssion LMAO
they kinda ran off to escape you but, hey!
experiment #2: people possession, success!!
now you were kinda convinced of this when you realized no matter the angle the animals and machines of sumeru didnt react to you getting super close to them (you dont have to touch something to posses it, just look at it really, but you wanted to test limits, so you walked up to sumpter beasts and fungi and ruin machines)
but no one can see you.
you don't have a "character" most of the time, you can float and glide around the ground like scaramouche lol
you cant touch stuff bc of this, you cant smell stuff (u saw the eremites campfires & couldnt smell the smoke until you were them)
you cant eat stuff w/o a body, so.. it makes sense that the eremites and passing merchants, cant see you when you float around, trying to reorient yourself after 2 weeks of experimenting
:( ur only a lil sad about it... but mostly not bc lol u got possession powers so trade off u guess
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the first time you see a vision-bearer you literally scream
ur so lucky u cant be seen or heard
bc Collei would have def screamed back lol
needless to say u stalk the forest ranger- ALL DAY.
Collei goes on patrol around the woods? you go on a patrol.
collei goes to visit other forest rangers? you "visit" other forest rangers at base (lol u def possess a guy who was asleep on a bench nearby & wake up to go talk to Collei "in-person", poor guy was so worried he sleep walked/talked so hard he went to see Tighnari an hour later lmao)
welp, you decide this is your life now, follow Collei everywhere, talk one-sided to Collei until you can possess a forest ranger w/o it being suspicious (dont wanna turn the poor rangers into the terrified eremites from a week or two ago...)
then, after you get the courage and erase the paranoia that tighnari can just... somehow hear your ghostly bullshit-
u do the same to Tighnari (then Cyno when he visits! no u didnt squeal, so what, nobody can hear you- )
Tighnari begins to get suspicious about 3 weeks into this routine.
he's been starting to collect and start a file on all the rangers or nearby villagers that've started randomly "blacking out/sleep walking" in the evenings usually
(u possess as close to nighttime as u can so it seems like sleepwalking)
So when Cyno comes back from a mission gone wrong,
having nearly been decapitated by a rogue flying ruin machine, only to black out and come to standing calmly 10 feet further than he remembered being 1 minute ago...
Tighnari's suspicions are confirmed, and he launches into researching this phenomenon.
his first thought is something like the aranara, but that doesn't account for the effect this thing is having on people
after all, what little forest spirit is strong enough to-
-control humans??
Tighnari begins to get the sense he's in over his head after he finds himself pushed into going into Sumeru City in order to collect more library books or ask around if the blackouts have spread to the city people
he answer is negative, on both accounts.
and he spends about one half of the day walking around, and the other reading up all he can on mythical creatures or ailments
Tighnari gives up for the day, and as he makes his way back to Ghandarvaville, he almost gets ambushed by some particularly nasty muggers
...and then he wakes up 20 feet away, his denro vision thrumming with power, full of worry and fondness for himself??, (just like Cyno said he felt happen to him..)
...Tighnari decides he needs reinforcements.
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uh cya ig!!
Safe travels lmao,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist @revonie / @hat-on-a-cat / @takottai / @sickly-falling (?) / @iruiji
(Sorry about the late tag! I forgot to update my taglist before i posted this 💀 my bad guys)
Also if the people who got put there who i couldnt find a blog for see this, idk what went wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - maybe check and see if ur setting for "being able to be searched/looked up" is turned on?? Idk man
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linberlyy · 5 months
HBO recently released a new video with mini-interviews with actors on green/black team. And do you know what conclusion we made? Our greens actors are so afraid to express their opinions and views on the actions of the characters that they begin to laugh them off, albeit in short phrases, and explain what we already know.
Just take a look:
Tom: “Why should Team Green be on the throne and not Team Black? My name is on the lease for the castle." (We know, Tom, how much you get hated, and we understand that this is all you can say in principle at such events).
Fabien: “I think it's more a loyalty thing for Cole. I think it's his loyalty to Alicent. He wants what she wants. I myself… no comments.” (I was already shy at the end, you are our sunshine).
Ewan: “Aemond, he was bullied and wronged as a kid. They carved his eye out. He bounced back. He put a sapphire gemstone in his eye. And yeah, they're gonna get what's coming to them.” (Here Ewan revealed what we've already...sort of...seen? Why do we need a summary of the events of the first season? Even the last encrypted phrase sounded without the connotation we needed, so that, obviously, God forbid, we put him against mailwife Daemon, against whom he is nothing).
Olivia: "We have bigger dragons." (Poor Olivia, she was hated, it seems, more than anyone else. She looks thinner and tighter. I really hope that we are wrong. They didn’t even say the words in using their party, just so as not to cause a storm of negativity, how dare this ungrateful person go against Rhaenyra!)
While the actors of the opposite side can afford to make too eloquent and provocative statements, it is clear that most of the normies will support them and begin to squeal with delight:
Steve: “Team Black should be on the throne instead of Team Green. Team Green are usurpers. Team Black are the rightful heirs. They were named by the King. They're just better looking, generally.” (Even green actors cannot afford to call their characters “legitimate” and make any comments in favor of the opposite side, but here there is just basic cringe. Everything we like).
Eve: “They're the best. And the annoying people are pretty obviously the Greens. They're all just a bunch of knobs, and they need their heads being knocked together." (No comments, right? Everything is clear here).
Harry: “Team Black are decent people. We are more of a functioning family. We do things the right way." (The funny thing is that the whole Dance is the struggle of ONE family. The fact that EVEN the actors divide both groups into TWO different families already says something, and we do not take this into account, as it is about the same persons in the scripts).
Phoebe: “I think we love each other way more. I think we have a family base that is incredible. (Yes, let's also compare who loves whom more).
Bethany: “Team Black are the most fun. We get on the most. They all hate each other. „You have no idea the sacrifices that were made to put you on the throne“. (In the video, after the actress’s words, they accidentally removed Alicent and Aegon from the trailer, obviously, there was a visible emphasis on the fact that there is no love in the green family, and in general they watched without exception, but with their black maniacs, everything is cool with them).
Matt: “My uncle is a challenge I welcome. If he dares face me." No chance. I'm coming for his head. I'm gonna put it on a spike. Me and Rhaenyra, there's a bloodline to us, isn't there? We're the thoroughbreds." (Compare Ewan's lines with his. There is a big difference. Matt has the ability to say things like this to please the surviving fans, while Ewan does not, because all he gets in response is judgment, hate speech and swearing. And the phrase “We're the thoroughbreds” each time comes closer and closer to the name of H*tler with his “pure Aryan blood”, don’t blame me).
Emma: "We have madness on our side. And we have a powerful naval presence. Thanks to the Velaryon fleet." (Ok, do we need to remind you in what right and wrong ways the characters got it? Do the Velaryons themselves even know what the key is? However, Emma’s words carry disgust, like the words of her fellow actors, so she’s just a bun. Thanks for that too).
Does anyone have any other suggestions as to which side we present to get our ass kissed? The answer is obvious.
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nqueso-emergency · 11 days
they’re taking the latest interview with tim (just came out) as confirmation of bucktommy breaking up and eddie realizing he’s gay…
-tim says not a lot of time has passed between s7&s8, so not a whole lot has changed. he, however, says bt are definitely more comfortable together and he’d definitely say they’re a couple.
-then he said that both like spending time with eddie, but with being a couple, eddie might be a bit left out. and how buck, now that he’s in a relationship, doesn’t have as much free time as before.
-tim also explains that for the first time, eddie can get to know who he is outside of a father, a husband and a soldier.
what they took from this:
-they’ve confirmed eddie will be jealous of bucktommy, that he won’t like being with them and will feel jealous of not having buck’s time and attention (ala 704 i suppose). eddie getting to know himself obviously means he’s realizing he’s gay and thus, coming out.
what i took from this:
-this is a new development in the buddie friendship. buck will prioritize his relationship, as he wants to keep building on it, and eddie will, it anything, feel left out because all of his close friends are happily coupled up and have a very decent idea of who they are. he’s the odd one out this time.
-buck and tommy are more comfortable with each other and want to spend more time together. they’re okay with spending some of it with eddie but they also want to spend time alone, as couples do. maybe buck makes a clear move on this that defines moving on the difference between his friendships and relationship.
-to me, if anything, it means another new step for buck towards that mature relationship he’s been craving for years. i HIGHLY doubt this will turn into: oh i am dumping tommy because eddie is on his own. which imo is confirmed by:
-eddie spends more time on his own and gets to know himself better. because i am pretty sure he won’t be jealous, or mad, and will realize he just needs to work on himself and let buck have the happiness he so much deserves.
-also, please let’s stop with the whole ‘getting to know yourself better is realizing you’re gay’. that’s incredibly bizarre to say. everyone has a moment where they have to get to know themselves better, to be alone and reflect on who they are - me, personally, i moved abroad all on my own when i was barely nineteen. i got to know a whole lot about myself in ways i had never imagined, but one thing i did not is realize i am gay, simply because i’m not.
eddie has a lot of trauma. a lot of things to work through. he’s been a father 99% of his adult life. getting to know himself better ≠ realizing he’s gay.
but. alas. they’re gonna take this and run and pretend this is buddie confirmation just because tim doesn’t want to outright say what will happen.
also cannot help but wonder if this is one of the things you told us they’d get but not deserve
I really love the way you laid everything out anon!!
I'd like to think maybe Eddie doesn't like going home to an empty house, which is fair, and maybe he just tends to invite himself out with Tommy and Buck but not out of jealousy more just because these are his people. And I hope he either picks up on the awkwardness or Buck says something because boundaries are important.
And then I hope maybe Buck reaches out to Bobby, who reaches out to Eddie. Or maybe Eddie just reaches our to Bobby himself, idk. I just need them (the writers) to handle this whole situation in a mature, healthy way.
It's important to a lot of people.
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m0chisenpai · 9 months
˚。⋆ mike schmidt x black!fem!reader
in which mike finally gets the guts to ask the sweet librarian out. the iconic sunshine x grumpy pairing but its more tooth rotting fluff
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Mike finds himself hoping he would see more of Ms.Y/N. He hoped Abby would forget her bag, or book again so he could stumble back into your library and just soak in the warmth of those big brown eyes. And to his luck she forgets a folder, a book, a lunchbox over the span of two weeks.
And each day he comes back into your library he swears he's fallen deeper and deeper.
So here he is, bright and early on a saturday morning, the smell of aftershave fresh in his nose, the curls on top of his head are softer and smell like pine for some odd reason and he's wearing his good pair of blue jeans with a relaxed flannel.
A bundle of flowers sits beside him terribly hidden under his work coat from Abby's prying questions.
"Your gonna ask her out aren't you?" Mike's eyes snap to hers in the mirror.
"And if I was?' Mike grumbles trying to keep his voice nonchalant.
"She said she's never been bowling before" Abby hums looking out the window. And so Mike hums again, when really he hopes and knows that Abby takes that as his thanks.
Abby walks ahead of him as Mike keeps a steady pace behind, wondering if he doesn't look like he's about to vomit or drop. But the sight of you int hat soft worn reading chair calms all his nerves. "Mr.Schmidt! Back again so soon? I think you might get mistaken as staff" you giggle meeting Mike halfway.
"You'd be surprised" Mike huffs watching Abby dive into a bean bag.
"Here" he pulls his arm from behind and feels his pride sweell as you coo and take the bouquet into your arms. "You shouldn't have! Thank you Mike" You reach forward pulling him into a hug and its then he realizes today you smell good. Expensive. Was that a new perfume?
Now that he's looking down at you, he sees that your lips have a little shine, your eyelashes are curlier. You look even more beautiful. And as you walk to your desk with him in tow, you have a gentle, sensual sway to your hips clad in one of those skirts that hug you in just the right areas.
"I was wondering if you had any plans Friday night" Mike finally speaks up rubbing his hands onto his knees to keep them as still as possible.
"Actually I don't! My friends and I were suppose to go out for drinks but mommy duties cut in and they had to cancel."
Luck must be on Mike's side today because your eyes slant and you lean forward to and cup your chin in your hand. "Are you asking me out Mr.Schmidt?"
And Mike leans forward, "I just might be Ms/L/N." And you lay your hand upon his arm.
"Call me Y/N."
Work dragged by for Mike that Friday. But before he knew it he was flying home to shower, shave, fix his hair and pick out an outfit decent enough for a bowling alley. And as soon as Abby's babysitter hit the threshold he booked it to your house.
You lived a few streets over and Mike parked in the drive way of your home jogging to the door. You were beautiful, a black overall dress with a red off the shoulder sweater underneath and matching knee highs to pair. You cradle a small leather bag in the nook of your elbow, covered by the fall chill with a jean jacket that clearly you owned for some years.
"Too much for a bowling date I know" you bashfully giggle.
"No you look beautiful" Mike smiles holding his arm out for you to slip through. He’s a gentlemen opening the door for you to get into the passenger side.
“Now where do you plan on taking me Mr Schmidt?”
“That’s a surprise Ms L/N” he smirks and you let out a silent hum. A silence falls over you and Mike clears his throat.
"Why a librarian?"
"Hm, I was always a book worm but I didn't see myself writing any books of my own. So I though why not work where I find myself most days" you explain now looking to Mike you rest your hand beneath your jaw.
"I know we're away from school, but you truly do n amazing job with Abby."
"I think you're one of the rare few who would think that."
You huff placing a hand on his bicep, "i'm serious. She loves you dearly from the drawings she's always making of the two of you, and she's a kind soul. Clearly she gets that from you."
"Thank you" Mike takes his left hand off the wheel to give your hand a quick squeeze before it returning it to its original spot.
When the neon glow of the alley illuminates, your eyes glow up as well, clutching Mike’s arm. It’s the new place thats opened in town, not just an alley, but an arcade tucked away inside as well. The place is shiny new and you two pay for your shoes and sit down at one of the lanes. Mike quickly ties his shoes, and you struggle slightly, he assumes cause your names must be new and he kneels in front of you.
“Here.” Mike taps his knee and you sigh.
“Mike you don’t have-“
“I insist. I’ve heard breaking one of those hurts bad.” He nods to your short french tips, and you place your foot atop his knee and he quickly laces the left, thenn the right.
“Alright, ready to get demolished?” Mike smirks down at you as you both walk to the lane.
“Don’t get cocky now Mikey, beginners luck might be on my side!” You exclaim picking up the shiny green ball while Mike picks up the darker blue one, he hopes you can’t tell its heavy and he’s struggling to keep hold of it.
“How about a wager then?” You raise a brow, “ winner gets to request anything from the loser?”
You grin rocking side to side. “Anything?” And Mike echoes back the promise. “You got a deal Schmidt!”
The first two rounds you can barely knock down three pins. Mike gets a strike and knocks more than half the pins down. But after he starts letting up. And by some miracle you win by the skin of your teeth.
"HA I told you!" you twirl pointing to the screen displaying you are the winner.
"Yeah, alright. What's your prize?" Mike tilts his head. You hum tapping your pointer finger to your chin as you scan the alley then point.
Its the food station, with fried foods among other sweets displayed on the menu. "I want to share a milkshake with you. With a big cherry on top!"
The night feels magical to Mike, too good to believe as he carries a red tray balancing two cartons of fries and a burger with the comically large milkshake sitting in the middle.
You sit together devouring the alley's greasy treats. With your reward, the shake, sitting between the both of you.
You steal Mike's fries scrunching your nose when he swats your hand playfully, but he lets you eat them. And you lean forward giggling as you two share the shake like some romcom high schoolers. Your hands just barely brushing against one another, your eyes start to glaze and you pull back sharply.
And Mike starts to apologize, thinking he'd misunderstood.
Your hand begin to tremble and its then Mike realizes you aren't even looking at him, its whatever or whoever is behind him that's got you looking like you've seen a ghost.
Mike looks over his shoulder and to his disgust, the arcades got a booth where a bright pink hippo is singing some high pitched song for a kids birthday party. Its jerky movements take him back to the same ones buried in rubble from the previous year.
But Mike can only focus on you now, your having a panic attack. He's seen plenty at his job. So he takes hold of your hands and begins to massage them.
"Hey, you're safe, breath Y/N" he's got sight of your eyes and he holds your gaze as he tries to ground you. "Match my breaths," he breaths in for three, holds then lets go. You do the same.
In and out. In and out.
You do this a few times till your hands relax into Mike's. Embarrassment flashes across your face as you look down to your hands. "I'm so sorry. I just can't stand those...things." you whisper.
"I understand. Mike smiles.
"Really?" You finally look up.
"Yeah, my sister used to be obsessed with them. But it just feels like they're.."
"Watching?" You finish for him and he nods. "Yeah, creepy things." Your nose scrunches again, and Mike can't resist and playfully pokes it making you huff a giggle.
"There you are" he whispers as your smile lights back up. You finish your meal and head back to the car. Some old song plays on the cars radio, your body is turned to Mike. His hand on your knee, your hand atop his.
He drives a bit slower, wanting to enjoy this peace. At one point you lift his hand to your mouth and place a kiss to the back of his hand leaving a glossy red stain and Mikey has to stop the car from swerving.
When he pulls to your home he's reluctant to let go so he can go to your side to open the door and walk you to your front door. The light from your front door illuminates you. The wind tosses your hair a bit. You look too perfect in this moment.
"Thank you for tonight, it was so much fun."
Mike smiles his thumb caressing the back of your hand, "do you think we could do this again? Minus the creepy robots?"
"Of course. Maybe I can beat you at skee ball?" You're leaning closer to Mike and he hums, his eyes closing just when you press your lips to his.
It lasts for a quick moment, a peck that leaves Mike breathless when you pull back.
"Good night Mikey" you whisper opening the door finally letting your hands fall apart. Once your door shuts, the breath Mikey seems to hold releases as does a soft laugh as he walks back to his car.
You truly had him wrapped your little finger.
189 notes · View notes
yelena-bellova · 1 year
Heartfirst: A Ted Lasso Story - Chapter Four
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Chapter Four: Learning Curve
Plot: With the prospect of both a biography and a new team member, Y/n learns more about the modus operandi of AFC Richmond.
Word Count: 6.3k
Warnings: f!reader, language, minor innuendo, (16+)
A/N: This is really the last chapter before things start to get going, so hang tight through the filler, because we’re about to take off lol
Though she spent very little time there, the KJPR office was somewhat of a safe haven for Y/n.
Working at Nelson Road Stadium had proven to bring a level of chaos Y/n wasn’t used to. When she’d make the drive across town for her weekly meetings with Keeley, she was assured the only focus would be work.
So when Y/n entered Keeley’s office and found her boss on the couch, holding two cups of coffee, she was a bit thrown.
“Hi!” Keeley greeted.
“Morning,” Y/n replied, shutting the door behind her, “What’s this?”
“I thought we could have breakfast,” Keeley smiled, holding up the cups, “I want to hear all about your first week.”
Y/n tried to hide her true feelings on the matter, knowing Keeley had all the right intentions. It wasn’t many bosses who cared so much about their employees.
“Okay,” Y/n conceded, setting her things on the far end of the couch and joining Keeley in the middle.
“I didn’t know how you liked it, so I just got cream and sugar,” Keeley explained as she handed Y/n the takeaway cup, “I hope you’re good with dairy.”
“I’m fine,” Y/n chuckled, taking a sip of the drink, “It’s lovely.”
Keeley grinned victoriously. “So,” she kicked off her ridiculously high heels and tucked her feet under her, “How’s it going? Are you loving it?”
Love was a strong word in the case of Y/n’s feelings towards AFC Richmond. She liked Rebecca, she liked Higgins, she…could tolerate Ted. Coach Beard, whose lack of first name didn’t seem to bother anyone, and Roy Kent seemed decent. Some of the Greyhounds were more friendly than others. The work was something she was perfectly skilled at. But Y/n couldn’t say she was in love with any part of the job.
“It’s…” Y/n struggled to answer truthfully while staying grateful, “Definitely a unique place.”
“It’s a lot to get used to if you’ve never been in that world,” Keeley replied, picking up on the top notes of what Y/n was saying.
“Yeah,” Y/n nodded, relaxing a little, “That’s not to say that I’m not happy there. I just think it’s going to take a little while to adjust.”
Keeley took a long sip of her drink before speaking, “Well, if there’s one thing I learned being there, it’s that you’ve got to leave yourself open to new things. I mean, when I first met Rebecca, I was fucking terrified of her. Felt like I was gonna piss myself anytime she looked at me.”
Y/n scrunched her brows in confusion.
“But,” Keeley rested an arm on the back of the sofa, “Once I decided I wasn’t going to be intimidated by her anymore, we became best friends. Now I can’t imagine my life without her.”
“That’s wonderful,” Y/n smiled softly down at her coffee cup, trying to hold her tongue as much as she could, “For you guys, but…I can’t say that I’m looking for anything more from Richmond than a decent place to work.”
One look at Keeley’s face and it was clear nothing about that answer was computing. “Why?”
Y/n slowly shrugged as she searched for the proper answer. “I just…I don’t know, I just feel like there’s your personal life and your professional life and the two don’t really go together. That’s not to say it doesn’t work for some people,” she gestured towards Keeley with her cup, “It clearly did for you. Just…I don’t see that in the cards for me.”
Watching Y/n as she sipped her coffee, Keeley felt reminiscent of the very time she’d just described. She’d cracked Rebecca open, and this felt like another grand opportunity.
“Well,” Keeley smiled knowingly, “I think it’s worth investing time in the people you work with. Like us,” she reached forwards and tapped Y/n’s knee, “I want us to be friends.”
Y/n chuckled, feeling trapped between a very pink rock and an equally pink hard place.
“Even if it takes the whole season,” Keeley continued, narrowing her eyes, “And endless weekends sat in the owner’s box together…”
“This is getting into HR territory,” Y/n smirked.
“Shows what you know,” Keeley replied smugly, “We don’t have an HR department yet.”
Unable to stop herself, Y/n joined in with Keeley’s laughter.
“Now,” Keeley bent down and slipped her heels back on, “We’ve got a meeting to get to.”
Rising from the sofa, Y/n felt like she was going to get whiplash from how fast the atmosphere shifted from work to anything but.
Keeley and Y/n made the short drive to Nelson Road and went straight up to Rebecca’s office. Y/n had daily meetings with the Greyhound’s owner and Higgins, but Keeley only popped in once a week.
“Morning,” Keeley knocked on Rebecca’s door, but entered without asking.
“Good morning,” Rebecca said in a voice Y/n had quickly learned only came out when she was stressed.
“Something wrong?” Y/n asked as she set her purse by the coffee table.
Rebecca took a breath, “Trent Crimm will be joining our meeting this morning. Apparently he has a proposition he’d like to talk to us about.”
Y/n confusedly looked to Keeley before bouncing back to Rebecca.
“Trent previously worked for The Independent,” she continued, “I don’t know if you read the article about Ted’s panic attacks last season, but he was at the helm.”
In fact, Y/n hadn’t read anything about Ted’s panic attacks until recently. And if she had heard the name ‘Trent Crimm,’ it hadn’t made a lasting impression.
“So…” Y/n started, “Do we like him or…?”
“I suppose it’s neutral,” Rebecca sighed, “Or that could change within the hour. We’ll see.”
Y/n gave a thin lipped smile, “Fun.”
By the time the three letters hit the air. Higgins was knocking on Rebecca’s door, Trent Crimm in tow.
“Good morning, all,” he greeted, “I’ve brought our special guest.”
Rebecca stood to her feet, smoothing her blouse as she did, “Trent. Always a pleasure.”
“The pleasure’s mine,” Trent said, his voice smooth and even as he shook Rebecca’s hand.
“I believe you’ve met Keeley Jones,” Rebecca gestured to her friend, “But you haven’t met our latest hire. This is Miss Y/n Y/l/n, she’s heading up PR alongside Keeley.”
Y/n stretched her hand over Rebecca’s desk to take Trent’s.
“Lovely to meet you, Miss Y/l/n,” the former journalist greeted.
“You as well,” Y/n replied, keeping an even expression.
Rebecca gestured towards the chair on the opposite side of the desk, “Please.”
Trent took a seat while Y/n, Keeley and Higgins formed a united front on either side of Rebecca
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I requested to meet with you,” Trent said, pausing briefly after, “As you know, I recently left my position at The Independent in favor of pursuing other creative avenues. However, having spent much time here, as well as other clubs, I know how unique AFC Richmond is.”
Unique. The same word Y/n had used to describe her feelings on Richmond. So she wasn’t the only one who saw it…
“Not only this past season,” Trent continued, “Being relegated only to make a triumphant return, but the team, the coaches…” Trent spread his hands, “It’s all quite special in contrast to other clubs.”
Finally, Trent paused the flattery and got to the heart of the matter. “I’m quite interested in writing a book about AFC Richmond. It would, of course, contain some of the club’s rich history, but I’d specifically like to focus on this season, which would entail shadowing the club for its entirety.”
Red lights. Big, red flashing lights went off in Y/n’s head.
“Well,” Rebecca stuttered, reaching for her tea cup, “That is…certainly a proposition.”
“Quite,” Higgins agreed, that nervous smile pasted on his face.
“It’s wonderful to hear,” Y/n added, glancing briefly over to Keeley and seeing the same panic in her eyes, “That the club’s so highly regarded.”
Trent smiled easily as he waited for an answer.
“But,” Rebecca said rather loudly, before catching herself, “I feel that the final say can’t come from me. I think it’s only right that Coach Lasso be the one who decides.”
“Yes,” Keeley interjected, “That’s a very good point.”
Speak of the devil, or whatever inhumanly cheery being he channeled each morning, The Final Say rapped his knuckles on the door.
“Good morning, Viet-“ Ted began as he strolled in.
All at once, in nervous relief, Rebecca, Keeley, Higgins and Y/n all shouted, “Ted!”
“Hey, look who’s here,” Ted grinned, pointing to Keeley, “Hi, Keeley.”
“Hello, Ted,” Trent turned in his chair.
Ted stopped in place, before shaking the man’s hand, “Trent Crimm. Are you kiddin’ me? Hey, nice to see you, man. You know, they got a big ol’ Ziploc bag full of your hair ties down at the lost and found. You should pop on down, i-if you still want ‘em.”
Ted went about placing the daily delivery of biscuits on Rebecca’s desk, something Y/n still didn’t understand.
“Mr. Crimm has requested to follow the club this year,” Rebecca paraphrased, grinning unnaturally large at Ted, “He wants to write a book about us.”
“Oh, yeah?” Ted raised a curious eyebrow.
“I think there’s a story here worth telling, Ted,” Trent said.
“Yes,” Rebecca smiled, “And we all,” she gestured to her own team, “Love the idea, but obviously as manager, we thought you should have the final decision.”
Ted sucked his teeth, “Oh, okay.”
As he began to think it over, and while Trent’s back was turned on the group, Keeley, Rebecca, Higgins and Y/n began to mouth and gesture a silent chorus of ‘no’ to Ted.
“I mean, geez, you know…” Ted stalled, his eyes bouncing between his co-workers and Trent.
It was a nightmare waiting to unfold, Y/n tried to communicate that passionately with each shake of her head. All eyes were already on Richmond, waiting for them to mess up. Waiting for some drama that could be exploited. They didn’t need someone describing every failure in graphic detail, catching every ugly moment…
Ted felt otherwise.
“Sure, what the heck? Why not?”
Y/n grimaced.
“When can you start?” Ted asked, “No time like the present. Except 11:11, that’s my wishing time. Or 23:11, if I’m at a military base or Euro Disney.”
“Right, well,” Rebecca breathed, “Decision made. Wonderful,” she smiled at the newest addition to the Richmond fold, “Trent, welcome.”
Y/n kept the same polite smile, praying her face held.
The chime of Higgins’ mobile broke the awkward silence.
“Holy shit,” the man exclaimed, “Zava is leaving Juventus.”
“Whoa,” Keeley cried, reaching for her phone in time with Rebecca.
“Wait,” Y/n paused, “‘Zava’ Zava?”
Ted gasped, “What about their kids?” He earned himself a brief glare from the foursome across from him, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what any of those things meant. I thought it was like Greek mythology or something. I was just lost. I just went with that. Sorry.”
“Zava’s a world class striker who’s about to leave his club in Italy,” Trent explained for Ted’s benefit, but Y/n listened as well. She knew nothing more than the name.
“Ooh,” Ted replied, “Cacio later, Pepe.”
“Apparently,” Higgins began to read from the headlines, “He wants to play in the Premier League because his wife binged The Office and she wants to live in England.”
“I think you mean Scranton, Pennsylvania, buddy,” Ted pointed toward Higgins.
“We didn’t do it first, Ted,” Y/n replied, glancing up from Google quickly, “Ricky Gervais?”
“Oh, that’s right,” Ted remembered, “Y’all did a premake over here.”
Higgins brought them back to the original topic. “If we got Zava,” he breathed, “That would be amazing.”
“He would be huge for the club’s brand,” Keeley added, “He’s got, like, 90 million followers. One time he just posted the word ‘7 million likes.’ It got 10 million likes.”
“Yes, but he is very expensive,” Rebecca countered, “And isn’t he supposed to be a bit of a diva?”
Y/n was scanning the top search results for the star player, already not thrilled with the level of consistent inconsistency she saw. But Keeley was right, he was on his way to Beckham level status.
“Yes, huge diva,” the blonde answered, “Enormous. He goes through teams like you go through manicurists.”
“The fumes make me dizzy,” Rebecca defended, “And I overshare,” she quickly looked to Trent, “Please don’t print that.”
“We have to balance what he’d do for the brand versus the enviroment he’d create,” Y/n spoke up, “But, yes, generally speaking, he’d be incredible.”
“Zava has gone through 14 teams in 15 years,” Higgins spoke for the other side, “Leaving behind nothing but chaos and trophies,” longing developed in the man’s eyes, “Beautiful, shiny trophies.”
Rebecca sighed, “Yes, but, Leslie, who wants to deal with all that drama?”
“Apparently, everyone who can afford him,” Higgins answered, scrolling an article, “Chelsea, Arsenal, United, West Ham…”
“I say, let’s just go for it,” Rebecca said, barely letting a beat pass after the utterance of her ex’s team, “I mean, maybe he’s a handful, but who doesn’t love a handful?”
“Well, I mean, if you’re talking salted peanuts,” Ted replied, “Yes, please. If you’re talking Skittles though, no thank you. You know, the dye melts and it gets all over your fingers, makes ‘em all sticky,” Ted laughed before pointing to Trent, “And that, you can print.”
“Wonderful,” Higgins decided, “Let’s set up a meeting.”
“Great,” Rebecca cheered as the rest of the room voiced their own enthusiasm, “Let’s go get Zava. Zava-dabba-doo!”
Keeley and Y/n each collected their things and headed for the door with Higgins and Ted.
“This is exciting,” Keeley said cheerily.
“Potentially a huge headache,” Y/n replied, ever the more pessimistic, “But it could be great.”
“So, am I to assume,” Trent asked Rebecca, not having moved from his spot, “You’re going to pursue a notoriously mercurial player you can’t really afford simply because the team your ex-husband owns wants him?”
From the door, Ted, Higgins, Y/n and Keeley all gave an encore of the previous performance, gesturing wildly to Rebecca to answer ‘no.’
Following Ted’s lead, Rebecca responded truthfully. “Yes.”
A second of silence passed before Trent gave an approving smile, “Love that.”
Feeling safe leaving Rebecca and Trent alone, Y/n followed the group out and down the stairs. Keeley informed her along the way that she was off to oversee a commercial shoot, but to text her if she had any questions. Regardless of Y/n’s reservations, she admired that Keeley was a hands-on boss.
Once in her office, Y/n set down her things and tried to ignore the nagging feeling in her gut that she needed to speak to Ted. He’d gone forward with Trent Crimm’s book idea without even considering the possible repercussions for the club. One week on the job had shown Y/n that Ted was optimistic to a fault.
“He knows what he’s doing, he knows what he’s doing,” Y/n muttered to herself, taking a deep breath and sitting down at her desk. She’d barely made contact with the chair before she was back up, “Nope.”
Descending down the staircase with purpose in each step, Y/n made a beeline for the coach’s office, passing Keeley and Isaac. She knocked on the door twice before poking her head in.
“Well, hey there, Y/n,” Ted greeted from his office, waving her over, “Come on in.”
“Hi,” Y/n smiled, shutting the door behind her and coming to stand before Ted and Coach Beard’s adjoined desks. The latter wasn’t in yet. “Do you have a second?”
“Hey, for a fellow ex-pat, you can have two,” Ted joked.
Y/n had prayed on multiple occasions that she’d learn to appreciate Ted’s off-beat humor as everyone else seemed to. God had yet to deliver.
“I just wanted to make sure you’re considering,” Y/n gestured circularly with her hands, “All the angles of what allowing Mr. Crimm to follow us this season means.”
“Okay,” Ted replied, moving to sit down at his desk, “Speak your mind, small fry.”
“Look, I know that a book all about Richmond sounds flattering,” Y/n explained, “And it is, but…regardless of whether he currently works for a publication or not, Trent is, at his core, a journalist. And some journalists may say they’re out to capture the good, but most of them are only interested in capturing the bad. And he’s going to be here for,” Y/n shut her eyes to accentuate the point, “Every single moment of the season. Which means every slip of the tongue, every mistake, basically,” she gestured between Ted and Coach Beard’s chair, “Any wrong move you or the team make will be put into print and potentially inflated to make you look even worse. It’s just…” Y/n took a breath, “Not the best idea.”
To his credit, Ted not only listened to Y/n’s points, but seemed to genuinely consider them.
“Well, I appreciate you bringin’ all that up, Y/n,” Ted finally replied, “Really. But I’ve known Trent a while and he’s a good egg. He’s not gonna try and paint us any other way than which we are.”
Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “This is the same man who wrote about you having a panic attack on the pitch.”
“Oh,” Ted waved the memory off, “He was just doin’ his job. Ain’t no water needs to pass under that bridge.”
“Uh-huh,” Y/n replied, her mouth hanging open at the lack of thought that was going into this.
“All that aside, I think Trent’s gonna do a bang-up job,” Ted smiled, “And if anything comes up, we’ll make sure to let him know to leave it out.”
“Okay,” Y/n clapped her hands together before holding them up, “Forget I said anything.”
“Wait, what was that?” Ted asked, pressing a hand to his ear for added comedic effect.
Y/n threw him a courtesy chuckle as she made for the door, letting the faux smile fall as soon as her back was turned. She could officially go on record of saying she’d tried to save the club’s reputation. If Ted wanted to sabotage that, it wouldn’t fall on her head…
Emerging in the hallway, Y/n was more in her head than her surroundings. A solid blonde and blue blur in her peripheral vision, Jamie Tartt, brought her back. He was laser-locked on something down the hall.
Y/n came to a stop, glancing down the way from them to see the back of Roy Kent, bobbing down the hall, and Keeley standing by herself, with a bag over her shoulder.
“What are you looking at?” Y/n asked, more confused than curious.
“Science,” Jamie mumbled, his eyes following Keeley as she turned on her heel.
Y/n squinted at the reply, “Huh?”
“I think Roy and Keeley broke up,” Jamie answered.
“They were dating?” Y/n asked, her eyes now trailing Keeley as well.
The question finally broke Jamie’s focus and he turned to Y/n, “How could you not know that? I thought you and Keeley were mates.”
“She’s my boss,” Y/n gave a sideways glance, “Her personal life is none of my business.”
Y/n turned to Jamie, who was already tuned out of the conversation. “But something tells me it’s yours so,” she clutched the rail and swung up the stairs, “Have a good one.”
Behind her, Jamie mumbled some reply as they went on their separate ways.
Later in the day, after extensive research on Zava amongst other tasks, Y/n’s phone buzzed with a text from Keeley.
Are you free for a drink after work?
She sighed tiredly, out of all the people trying to befriend her, Keeley’s efforts were the hardest to combat. Maybe because she was sunshine personified, maybe because Y/n could tell she didn’t have an dis-genuine bone in her body…all she knew was she truly didn’t want to hurt her feelings.
A second text came through, offering salvation.
Promise it’s work related.
Y/n sent a reply immediately.
Sounds good. Text me where.
Once quitting time came around, Y/n drove to the posher side of Richmond and the address of the bar Keeley had given her. It was more upscale than the Crown and Anchor, but not so much so that it would be obscenely priced.
To her credit, Keeley dove right into the business of it all when they sat down. She told Y/n how at the commerical shoot, she’d run into an old friend from her modeling days and had offered her a job with KJPR. Something along the lines of a liaison coordinator between clients.
“Okay,” Y/n shrugged, “I don’t really see how this involves me though.”
“Well,” Keeley slid her martini glass away, “I was wondering, since you’ve got so much experience, if you wouldn’t mind helping me help her get adjusted? It’s a bit of a jump from her previous jobs and I just want to make sure she does well.”
While Keeley could sometimes appear naive, she wasn’t to be underestimated. Y/n knew this already. She was never in the KJPR office for more than twenty minutes at a time. She barely knew the names of the other employees. Keeley knew all this as well.
Y/n narrowed her eyes at her boss, “That’s not why you asked me out tonight.”
Keeley held her gaze a few seconds before breaking with a small smile, “No, it’s not. I just said that so you’d come.”
Y/n rolled her eyes only in half-annoyance as Keeley cackled.
“But I really would appreciate your help with Shandy whenever you’re around,” Keeley said firmly, “She’d benefit a lot, learning from you.”
“Sure,” Y/n shrugged, not even realizing that she was smiling, “Fine. But if she’s as deceitful as you, I want nothing to do with her.”
Keeley chuckled, “Fair. How’d your day go?”
“Fine,” Y/n sighed, twirling the olive on the toothpick of her drink, “Sounds like you had a better one though.”
“Yeah,” Keeley replied, her voice dropping and her eyes suddenly turning sad.
Y/n didn’t need to be told not to pry into anyone’s life, it was a professional courtesy she wanted herself. But if the members of AFC Richmond were so personally intwined, there was a certain amount she had to know.
“Can I ask you something?” Y/n carefully broached the topic.
“Yeah, of course,” Keeley replied softly.
“You and Coach Kent…” Y/n awkwardly ran her finger along the bottom of her glass, “Were you…?”
Keeley gave an almost imperceptible nod, averting her gaze back to her drink.
“I don’t need to know anything,” Y/n held her hands up, “I-“
“No, it’s fine,” Keeley dismissed her, “I mean, it sucks, but it also helps to talk about it.”
Not the intended result, but Y/n wasn’t going to shut Keeley down. It felt like girl code.
“I don’t know, it just…” Keeley pressed a hand to the side of her face, “Really came out of nowhere. I keep thinking back and trying to find where things started going wrong, but I can’t find anything. I mean, I’m wracking my brain constantly just wondering what I did wrong.”
“Look, I don’t know the situation,” Y/n replied, “The little I know about Coach Kent, he seems like a…” she searched for the right word, “Somewhat difficult person.”
Keeley breathed a laugh, “Yeah, sometimes. But not how you’d think.”
“But…maybe things just didn’t work because they didn’t work?” Y/n suggested, trying to ease a fellow woman’s pain a little, “I don’t know.”
“Yeah, maybe,” Keeley replied, not yet meeting Y/n’s eyes, “I just…”
She didn’t need to finish her sentence. Judging by the longing in her eyes, Y/n knew the next words would only reflect the love that remained on her end.
“Right, enough about me,” Keeley said, perking back up, “I just spilled my guts to you,” she poked Y/n’s arm, “Now you’ve gotta give me something.”
“I’ve got nothing to give,” Y/n chuckled and took a sip of her drink.
“Oh, there’s gotta be something,” Keeley squinted, “Have any of the players started hitting on you yet?”
Y/n nearly choked, “Thankfully no.”
“Are there any you want to hit on you?”
This time, Y/n was thankful she didn’t have anything in her mouth or else she definitely would have choked. “No,” she replied, her voice going up in pitch.
“Oh, come on,” Keeley laughed, “There’s gotta be someone.”
“Absolutely not,” Y/n swiped a hand through the air, “Unless you count Dani Rojas picking me up and spinning me around like he’d just come home from war, there’s been nothing.”
“Oh, that’s just Dani,” Keeley smiled, “He’s a sweetheart. But I’d bet you five quid, someone’s already got their eye on you.”
Y/n scrunched up her face at the possibilities of the thought. “Oh, don’t say that.”
“What?” Keeley shrugged, “You’re mad fit, you’re there all the time…someone’s gonna notice you.”
“Subject change,” Y/n shook her head,“Dear God.”
The night went on like that: Keeley trying to see how uncomfortable she could make Y/n until she laughed, which only resulted in them both laughing.
Richmond’s first match of the season arrived on a clear Sunday afternoon in Chelsea.
Y/n got herself to the stadium, clutching her Richmond badge just in case Rebecca had forgotten to put her name on the list. But sure enough, she sailed right on through security and rode the elevator all the way up to the VIP box. Coming down the aisles of seats, Y/n spotted the trio that were quickly becoming her group. Higgins, Keeley and Rebecca were huddled together in deep discussion.
“What’d I miss?” Y/n asked as they parted, taking the vacant seat next to Rebecca.
“According to Higgin’s wife’s, friend’s, sister’s airline stewardess’ massage therapist,” Rebecca sputtered, “Zava’s going to sign with Chelsea.”
“Oh,” Y/n sighed, feeling a bit deflated, “That’s too bad.”
It didn’t take long for the crowd to begin chanting, though neither team had come onto the pitch yet. Y/n glanced down at the field and spotted Roy Kent, facing the crowd and giving a reserved salute. She’d forgotten he was a Chelsea legend.
Y/n glanced over to Keeley, who was firmly squeezing Rebecca’s hand, and felt a twinge of sympathy pain.
But as quick as the crowd had been to cheer on Roy, their attention flipped as Zava himself came through the VIP section, taking a seat in the front row.
Y/n sighed, “Well, that’s a bit of salt in the wound.”
Not before long, the match kicked off. It had been a solid year since Y/n had been to a game, and even longer since she’d been remotely interested. But working for a club, she had to get back into it to some extent. She reacquainted herself with the rules as the clock ticked, her eyes bouncing between players. By the end of the first half, it was 1-0 in favor of Chelsea.
A loud gag came from Higgins, breaking Y/n out of her thoughts. “Is he okay?”
Rebecca didn’t seem at all concerned, “What now?”
“I might’ve jinxed it,” Higgins replied nervously, looking over towards where Zava was seated.
Y/n leaned forward to see an older man approaching the striker, shaking his hand confidently.
“I knew it,” Rebecca complained.
“I’m confused, who’s-“
Y/n’s sentence stopped in its tracks as the older man took off his sunglasses, revealing himself to be Rupert Mannion.
“Oh,” Y/n’s mouth hung around the vowel.
“Would you please go and find out as much as you can from your vast network of lip-reading massage therapists?” Rebecca asked of Higgins, who promptly departed with his phone.
Y/n took the opportunity to scan Rupert from a distance. He looked perfectly pleasant and somehow, that let Y/n know he was as dangerous as he’d been made out to be.
“Rupert’s gonna land Zava,” Rebecca stated.
“You don’t know that,” Keeley replied.
Rebecca sighed, launching into a story, “Years ago when I was bartending in that private club, Rupert and his then wife came into the bar,” she laughed, “He was the life and soul of the party. Buying rounds of drinks for everyone, telling stories. Just charm personified. And he left me a massive tip. And then about a week later, he came back without his wife and asked me out. I, of course, said no and then he left.
“What a dick,” Keeley replied.
“I’ll second that,” Y/n raised an eyebrow, glancing over at the dick in question.
“But then he came back the next night, and the next night, and the next,” Rebecca continued, “And he would just sit at the bar with a drink and chatted to me till close. And he just said ‘It doesn’t matter if you ever go out with me. It’s just worth it being here to get to know you.’”
Y/n and Keeley looked out at the air ahead of them, both contemplating the almost magic of it.
“It’s a fine line between stalking and romance,” Keeley mused.
“And after about six weeks of that,” Rebecca was building towards the conclusion, “He asked me out again. And I said yes without any hesitation because by that point…I just felt so lucky because he wanted me.”
Y/n gazed over at Rebecca, feeling the pang of understanding only women could share. The same one she felt for Keeley.
“He made me feel special,” Rebecca said, old emotion welling in her throat, “Chosen,” she glanced over at where her ex stood, “He made me feel like that.”
Y/n and Keeley looked over to a grinning Rupert, charming many laughs out of Zava.
While Keeley reached over and took her best friend’s hand, Y/n met Rebecca’s eyes and gave her the warmest smile she’d given anyone at Richmond so far. Through that, she hoped, Rebecca would know she was with her.
Not a moment later, Higgins shimmied his way back through their row.
“Well?” Rebecca asked as the three women straightened.
“I just got off the phone with my son’s karate teacher,” Higgins began to recall the trail of communication, “Who used to date the woman who ran Zava’s avocado ranch-”
“Would you please get on with it?” Rebecca rushed.
“He might be going to West Ham,” Higgins nervously answered.
“Damn,” Y/n fell back in her seat, more disappointed with more context.
“Shit,” Keeley exclaimed.
“I knew it,” Rebecca shrugged, entirely unsurprised. “Rupert always gets what he wants.”
The four of them sat there, wallowing in defeat, before Rebecca’s posture perked up again.
“You know what,” she pulled her purse from the floor, “If Rupert can sweet-talk Zava into joining his club, then so can I.”
“Yes,” Keeley cheered her friend on, standing up to let her out the row.
“Alright,” Y/n nodded, proud that Rebecca was willing to fight for the club. Better yet, despite her desperation, she could handle it with grace.
The second half began and the Greyhounds came out on the attack with a new vigor. Y/n wasn’t sure what happened in the locker rooms between halves, but something had changed during the fifteen minute break and it was working for them. Colin delivered the ball to Jamie, who passed it to Sam, who made a spectacular kick that bounced off the goal post, hitting Dani in the face, which resulted in an even more spectacular rebound into the net.
Keeley was out of her seat cheering, hugging Higgins before tugging on Y/n’s hands excitedly. Even though she was only getting re-familiarized with the sport, Y/n felt a pit of joy in her stomach as she watched the team celebrating on the pitch.
After the point, Rebecca made her way back down the row and rejoined the group.
“Well?” Y/n asked, extending her hands in anticipation.
“Did you sweet talk him?” Higgins asked.
“Uh,” Rebecca adjusted her coat, “What’s the opposite of that?”
The three of them thought a moment.
“Sour-yell,” Keeley came up with.
“Yeah,” Rebecca nodded, keeping her eyes on the match, “I did that.”
Keeley, Higgins and Y/n looked to one another in confusion. Any dignity Rebecca possessed seemed to disappear in the face of Rupert Mannion. But now, it had possibly cost them Zava, and Y/n felt the opportunities slip through their fingers.
The game, however, ended better than Rebecca’s conversation. A 1-1 draw and Richmond left with a goal on the board. The team was proud, and in turn, Y/n felt an inkling of pride.
“Right, well,” Y/n sighed as their section began to empty, “Shall we?”
“Yes,” Rebecca replied speedily, gathering her items, “I don’t think I can handle another run-in.”
The foursome picked up and left, heading back into the stadium.
“No one else was around for your…” Y/n fished for some better term for Rebecca’s blow up, “Sour-yell, right?”
“Thankfully, no. But I still think we need to get straight back to the office,” Rebecca answered as they climbed the steps, “It’s not safe here.”
As they made their way out, an above head TV screen spoke unavoidably loud.
“Please welcome the newest member of Chelsea Football Club,” one of the team’s staff said from the press room, “Zava.”
Keeley, Y/n, Rebecca and Higgins froze under the picture, unable to look away as Zava picked up the contract and paused before signing.
“I have changed my mind,” he told the room full of journalists, “Zava will not play for Chelsea.”
“Oh,” Rebecca sighed, “I’m sorry, I can’t watch this.”
As she left, Keeley followed with Higgins and Y/n bringing up the rear.
“Zava will play for Richmond.”
At hearing the name of their club, the group hastened back around the hall corner, mouths agape. As the press room filled with question after question that Zava would leave unanswered, Keeley hugged Rebecca and squealed. Y/n found herself laughing, pressing a hand to her chest in shock.
“So he responds well to yelling,” Y/n exclaimed.
“You did it,” Keeley grinned as she squeezed her friend, “You did it!”
Rebecca looked proud of herself, and rightfully so. This was a win for her, for the brand, for the whole of AFC Richmond. The season had just taken a massive turn in, potentially, the best direction.
“Okay, definitely back to the office,” Keeley made a plan, “We’ve got to put out a statement.”
“Right,” Rebecca smiled, victoriously leading her team out of the stadium.
After writing up an official announcement with Keeley, Y/n headed out for the night. She made it down the staircase just as the last of the Greyhounds were leaving the locker room, dressed for a night out.
“Ah, Y/n,” Sam called, giving a little wave.
“Hey,” Y/n greeted, “Congratulations on that goal today,” she looked to Dani with an awkward smile, “And…you too, I think?”
Dani laughed, “It was magnificent.”
“That it was,” Y/n chuckled.
“Listen,” Sam interjected, “The team is going out for a celebratory drink. Can we convince you to come and join us?”
Y/n shut her mouth and wracked her brain for replies that wouldn’t make her sound like an asshole. She liked the players, from the few interactions she’d had with them, but going out to a club with them was definitely not in her job description.
“That’s really sweet,” she smiled, “But I actually have plans.”
“Ah,” Sam nodded, painting his face with mock defeat, “Perhaps next time? When we win?”
“Maybe,” Y/n smiled, realizing she’d have to come up with another lie when the time came, “But you guys have a great time.”
“Oh, it is already a great time,” Dani replied as he began to make his way down the hall, pumping his fists in the air, “We got Zava!”
Sam and Y/n shared a laugh before bidding each other goodnight. Y/n waited a few minutes in the hall until the last sports car had left the lot before exiting herself.
Once back in the safety of her apartment, she changed into pajamas and flipped on the television. Keeping the volume low, she pulled out her cell from her purse and dialed a familiar number.
“Hey,” her sister’s voice came through after two rings.
“Hi,” Y/n sang as she moved around her kitchen.
“How’s the great football executive?” Caylee asked.
Y/n scanned the contents of her freezer, settling on a frozen lasagna. “Definitely not my title. And definitely not one I want.”
“What? Who wouldn’t want to be in charge of a team who score goals with their face?”
Y/n got a laugh out of the memory, “You watched the game?”
“Of course I did,” Caylee replied, an smile evident in her voice, “Still don’t fully get it, but I watched it.”
Watching as her dinner spun in the microwave, Y/n smiled. Thousands of miles between them and it felt like her little sister was just in the next room.
“Well, ‘one’ would not want to be in charge of a team that scores with their face, or allows a tabloid writer to tail them all season,” Y/n listed off the incidents of the week, opening the microwave before it could beep, “Or gets photographed coming out of a bloody sewer.”
“Ah,” Caylee understood immediately, “Still got that ten foot pole?”
Y/n could finally sigh in exhaustion without worrying anyone would catch her. “Cayl, if you spent two seconds here, you’d understand why.”
“No,” Caylee calmly said, her voice jumping an octave, “That’s never been my thing. It’s always been yours.”
Setting her dinner down on her kitchen table, Y/n took a seat. “It’s not that it’s a bad place, it’s a good gig. The people are just…a lot.”
Caylee hummed, decoding what her sister meant. It came off condescending.
“What’s that?” Y/n asked, semi-annoyed.
“Nothing,” Caylee replied.
“It’s something.”
“Nope,” Caylee popped her lips, “Just wondering if you ever get lonely up there in your cold corporate castle.”
The thing about talking to people who knew you…was that they knew you. Caylee was the only person that could see through Y/n’s barriers and knew exactly what prompted their creation. She was the one person Y/n couldn’t hide from.
“How could I ever be lonely when I’ve got you?” Y/n finally answered, reaching for the tv remote.
Caylee snorted, “Alright, c’mon, fill me in. I wanna hear everything.”
Y/n channel surfed until she hit Sky Sports, where the highlights of the match were being played. The main attraction, of course, was Dani’s goal.
“I don’t even know where to start…” she smiled, watching the replay and settling in for the night.
Heartfirst Taglist
@lalla-04p @optimisticsandwichgladiator @makingmunson94 @taytaylala12 @storysimp @sokkigarden @lightninginab0ttle @poohkie90 @alipap3 @verra-nerevarine @shineforever19 @spaceagechimera @burnafter-reading @qardasngan @cyberpvnk-enthusiast @sogoodtoheritsvicious @buckybarnex @angelsunflxwer @blueanfield
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barksenji · 2 months
I posted this on reddit, but I've seen some gnarly posts about Venezuela here, so I'll post it here too.
"I'll try to answer all of them. I don't know if I can explain like you're 5 because I'm autistic af and English is not my first language, but I hope I can make myself understood.
I condemn practically everything about the government. In Venezuela, on average, only four out of 10 operating rooms in the country's main hospitals are operative, and the shortage of supplies in emergency rooms is around 37%, while in operating rooms it reaches 74%. As for my own experience, I have Classical Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, I had a shoulder subluxation and I still do, and I went to the Victorino Santaella hospital in my country, there's little personnel, to the point that in the area for traumatology you could see dry blood on the floor because there just wasn't enough people to clean it up. Not a little bit of blood, but a lot. If you want decent medical attention, you will have to pay a bunch of money.
I had a strangulated umbilical hernia, which again, is something that commonly happens with the EDS. My dad had to spend 4000$ dollars on the operation, which for us, is a unachievable amount of money. He had to sell his car, and beg his job for the rest of the money, because the car was old asf and only covered about 200$.
Many people say the government is progressive, it is not. In Venezuela the LGBTQ community has absolutely no rights, it's incredibly difficult for trans people to change their documents or access hormonal treatment. Abortion is not legal here, not even in rape cases, gay marriage isn't legal either, and domestic violence largely goes unpunished.
The minimum wage is around 3 dollars, my dad works in transit so he earns minimum wage, because I have so many medical emergencies he has to make illegal driving licenses in order for me to get treatment. It is incredibly hard for my mom to find a job.
If you want an overview of the whole political situation, this thread can explain it better than I can:
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This also explains many of the faults with the government, really, there are too many, I can't count them all.
There’s also no freedom of speech in Venezuela due to Nicolas Maduro’s oppression. All the news channels that are available are on his side. CNNE was removed from Venezuela after doing a documentary on Maduro and also was DW. Our only way to inform ourselves are socials, and most venezuelans are speaking through there.
Maduro's government is not a socialist government anymore, it paints itself that way to outsiders, but it is not. Money that should be going to public institutions is not going to those institutions, hence why the hospitals are in such dire state and you have to pay for private clinics in order to get appropriate care. I don't know if you're familiar with the CLAP bags, The Local Supply and Production Committees (CLAP) is a distribution program of some basic imported foodstuffs promoted by the Venezuelan government since 2016 in which the communities themselves organized in committees supply and distribute priority foods through a modality of delivery of products, house by house at first, later distributed in a local of the community. The problem with these is that they're frequently infected with weevils, maggots, and even if they look "good" on the outside, they can be infected with bacteria and give you food poisoning. Worse is, some people are entirely reliant on these.
They're supposed to protect our indigenous people, but a Venezuelan indigenous leader who opposed the incursion of armed groups and illegal mining was shot twice while in a neighborhood in the capital of Amazonas state. Maduro is also the richest man in Venezuela.
In the protests that occurred in 2017, around 150 people died thanks to the armed forces and colectivos (paramilitaries on the side of the government), police came out with tanks (idk the name exactly in English) and ran over people who were peacefully protesting. Right now, I believe there has been 11 people confirmed injured, though there's probably more, since hospitals are asking for resources to treat the injured.
I think most of these payment methods are only available in Venezuela, but I saw a Paypal here and there, if you can help I'd thank you so much:
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As for the self-sufficiency, I don't know. As I said, I'm 17 and heavily reliant on my parents. This country's also really not accessible for disabled people, I cannot go down stairs and have to walk with a cane, there's rarely a place where elevators are functioning properly: ironically, especially in hospitals. In the hospital Victorino Santaella, my dad has to carry me through a bunch of stairs, he has a bunch of hernias in his back so that's obviously no good for him. I'm also at heavy risk of fainting, so yeah.
Also: I don't know how the housing situation is in Venezuela statistic-wise, but for the young adults, is impossible to get a house. Houses can cost up to 100.000$ and more, the average job will pay enough for you to eat, buy toilet paper, basic needs and that's about it.
My friends, who were studying university, couldn't finish cause they had to get a job in a supermarket or bakery in order to be able to support their parent economically. It's horrible.
We also have no running water, when we do it's brown, our power goes off all the time and I have no health insurance"
Do I support María Corina? Or the opposition? I'm skeptical about them, they're still politicians, and Machado is a Zionist. I'm worried about idolizing these figures, deeply. But there's no alternative guys.
For gringos saying that we are supporting fascists, and whatnot. We have literally no other option. This didn't start with US sanctions, it just got WORSE with them. But these sanctions are a symptom, not the root of our problem.
Please, listen to venezuelan voices. If you're really a leftist, just a bit of research will be enough to convince you that this is NOT even a socialist government anymore.
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noforkingclue · 9 months
Hello! Can I request Mycroft Holmes with the prompt “your hands are freezing! come here, let me warm you up.”? If you don’t write for him, care to share what crochet project are you working on? (I love your work, both the stories and the crocheting).
Thank you and have a lovely day!
Of course I write for him anon! To be honest, I kinda prefer Mycroft to Sherlock. I went along the sunshine and grumpy route!
As for my crafting, I've got a few dolls I'm working on. I've also just started a new knitting project which'll take me fucking ages with lots of new techniques. It'll be a nice challenge for me though :)
Hope you like the fic!!!
Title: First Meeting
Prompt list: list
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
“Oh hello, I didn’t hear you come in!”
Your voice was far too cheerful for the dreary Monday morning. You gave Mycroft and bright smile and you dried your hands on the tea towel. Your raised your eyebrows as you waited for him to answer.
“Umm,” you said at last, “Are you waiting for someone? Did Mrs H let you in?”
“I let myself in.”
“Ah,” you bit your lip and looked away, “are you waiting for Sherlock.”
“So you’re a client.”
“No,” Mycroft sighed, “I’m his brother.”
“His… oh, so your Mycroft!”
“Sherlock’s mentioned me.”
“Once or twice.”
You threw the towel over your shoulder and walked over, hand outstretched.
“I’m y/n l/n.”
Well, he knew that already. Mycroft stared at your hand for a second before, mainly out of some sense of manners, he took it. You let out a gasp of shock as you looked down at your joined hands in shock.
“Your hands are freezing! Come here, let me warm you up.”
Another reason for Mycroft’s less than favourable mood- he couldn’t find his gloves. Unusual for someone as meticulous as him. He knew everything about everyone (or can easily find out if he didn’t have the information to hand) and yet he couldn’t find his gloves. It must be some childish and petty prank played by Sherlock.
“I must-“ he started but you waved a hand
“I was able to put the kettle on anyway. Besides, I’m sure you’d be more comfortable to wait for Sherlock with a cuppa.”
You came back and put down a plate of biscuits.
“Freshly made,” you said, “I don’t usually but I had more than enough and really I think John and Sherlock needed them more than my colleagues.”
Well, it would be rude to turn them down. Mycroft listened to your chatter from the kitchen. In any other circumstance he would’ve found it inane but instead he found it strangely… he actually didn’t know how to explain what he was feeling.
“Mrs H let me have the flat downstairs,” you said, “reduced rent as long as I sort out the damp. She’s kinda like an auntie to me even though we’re not related. I’ve known her since birth, you see. Anyway, getting a bit off topic,” you came back in and handed him a cup of tea, “here you go, that should warm you up!”
You sat down opposite him and curled up in the chair Sherlock usually occupied. You took a sip of your own drink and said,
“I’m sure Sherlock won’t be long. He had one of his,” you waved a hand and wrinkled your nose, “flashes and ran out. I’m guessing you must be used to them.”
Mycroft gave you a tight lipped smile as he took a sip of the drink you had given him. Loath as he was to admit it, you were right- it was warming (and you could surprisingly make a decent cup of tea). You gave him a bright smile as he did so and Mycroft felt the unfamiliar, but not unpleasant, feeling return. This could become dangerous.
The sound of the front door slamming open caused you to jump and you hissed as the hot liquid splashed onto your fingers. Mycroft glared at the door as it flung open and his brother stood in the doorway. His gaze flicked between you and Mycroft and he could see the cogs turning in his head.
“See,” you said brightly, “I told you he wouldn’t be long.”
You stood up and walked towards the door.
“I’ll leave you two to it. I’m sure you have matters of great national importance to discuss.”
“I doubt it.” Muttered Sherlock
“I’ll return your mug later Sherlock,” you said, ignoring his comment, “maybe I’ll see you around, Mycroft.”
“No you won’t.” Sherlock said before Mycroft could reply
Sherlock firmly put his hands on your shoulders and gave you a push out the door. You gave him an affronted look but didn’t comment. Yes, maybe Mycroft will see you again.
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kairismess · 10 months
morning coffee. — akaashi keiji x gn!reader
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🏐 genre: a warm cup of fluff with a few teaspoons of comfort.
✒️ word count: 987
💭 summary: akaashi wanted to treat you to a nice morning for once, but when he tries his hand at making you the perfect cup of coffee to start your day... he starts doubting himself and his abilities to make you happy when each cup he makes ends up even worse than before.
💗 special mentions: @moonswolfie @xoxo-cha
🍥 author's note: never realized how much of an akaashi kin i was until i remembered how much of an overthinker my boy is shower him with love please
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the aroma of roasting coffee beans fill the kitchen, and while the scent usually relaxes him, akaashi couldn't help but feel even more anxious at the sight of another failed cup of coffee that was meant for you. he shakes his head and adjusts his glasses back on his face, his sharp eyes not twitching, but instead looking more and more disappointed at the fact that all his attempts at brewing you a good coffee were going to be much harder than he thought. akaashi would never forget how you liked your coffee, it was an unforgettable blend that he had always looked forward to making, but never got the time to do so until now. though, his hands were plagued with an unshakeable coil—he couldn't make it the way he pictured it. the first cup seemed a little too diluted, and that simply didn't do for the man; the second cup was a little too bitter, and of course, it wasn't good enough, yet again.
after what felt like a thousand cups and a mountain of bags of coffee beans, akaashi felt sort of... heavy, a kind of burning sensation rippling down his throat as another poor batch of coffee was dripped onto the cup, disheartening him once more as he ran his long fingered hand through his ruffled, dark hair. 'it shouldn't be that hard, i make coffee for myself every morning, and it's always decent... why can't i do something so simple for them?' he chided himself in his mind as he began to brew you another cup, hoping that this next one would be worth some happiness out of you. the sound of footsteps behind him got louder as you came into the kitchen, catching him by surprise. he nearly dropped the hot cup of coffee he brewed for you, that still felt like a disappointment to him at the sound of your sudden arrival. he hastily greeted you a good morning, and went back to being silent again, pondering over if he was overreacting or underreacting about wanting to make you a decent coffee as a good start to your day.
"oh, m-my love, um... good morning." he mumbled, trying his hardest to sound normal, but a slight crack in his voice gave him away. he adjusted his glasses one more time, trying to hide the failed coffee attempt from you, but you went over to see what your dearest was up to, and you were amazed. you praised akaashi, complimenting him for his amazing brewing skills–but he finds it hard to believe that you'd be amazed at such painfully mediocre work. and it hurts him to think that he's looking down on your opinion involuntarily. he turns to you and hangs his head a little in shame, muttering an apology as he stares at the murky depths of the coffee he brewed for you, which he had high hopes for to turn out decently, not plainly. you were confused as to why he was apologizing, and you instead kissed his cheek, adjusting the glasses on his pretty face and smiled as you cupped his head in your hands. akaashi's face flushed a little when he noticed your smile, and he cleared his throat, asking if you'd like some coffee, planning to make another cup in his mind because this batch did not seem right enough.
"sure, keiji... is this for me?" you asked him as you looked at the coffee-filled mug you owned that was in his slightly bony hands. as if on cue, he nodded; akaashi could never lie to you, really—it was always in his nature to be true to you, in every sense of the word. he got even redder and flustered as he tried to explain why you shouldn't drink the coffee, but you couldn't really understand him and took the mug in your hands, blowing the steam off the coffee, and taking a few sips of it. you hummed in approval, smiling widely as you took in the bewitching taste of the coffee, looking into his dark blue orbs, which widened a little at the sight of your satisfied expression. "this is... perfect! keiji... you didn't spend a whole morning brewing this for me, did you?" you asked him as he got a little antsy; fidgeting with his fingers and dodging your gaze as much as he could, trying to come up with a response.
you chuckled under your breath, leaning over to kiss his cheek. akaashi felt hot all over when your luscious lips made contact with his cheekbone, brushing over his face, missing your kisses the minute you pulled away from him. he rubbed the back of his head, looking down at the mug in your hands. "but it... isn't it a little too diluted? a-a little too bitter...?" he asked you in a hushed voice. you shook your head, placing your fingers under his chin, guiding his eyes to look back up at you. "keiji, when i say it's perfect... it's already way too perfect for me to give another way to describe it. thank you, my love." you uttered before giving him another kiss, this time, on his forehead.
akaashi felt a little lighter, yet a lot more fuzzy and warm at the feeling of you praising him and kissing his cheeks. he took in the beauty of your natural look in the morning, accompanied with the brilliance of your smile—it was too much love for him to handle, yet he wants all of you anyway. "...thank you, dearest." he replied, kissing the top of your head and cracking a small smile upon his usually stoic face. that morning was a bit of a hassle for akaashi, and even though he can be stuck in the limbo of his perfectionism and overthinking... as long as you say what he does is enough, he feels enough, more than enough, already.
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k4zushi · 9 months
status : unedited, written 01/04/24 ☆ word count : 0.8k
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every time you willed the universe to give you a break it found a way to somehow make matters worse.
it all started with your conversation with hu tao earlier that morning. the incident with albedo made sure that your nerves were on edge pretty much the entire day but what your friend said made you want to move across the globe and never return.
maybe if she hadn’t mentioned the possibility of running into a certain grey haired man maybe none of this would’ve happened in the first place.
you were silently freaking out at every random interaction you had. despite knowing the fact that you had no overlapping classes with cyno as he was a computer science major while you were studying fashion design; meaning you’d be studying on opposite sides of the campus.
honestly that made you even more nervous because alongside your history of “short lived crushes”, you also had a track record of bad luck. not one that could compare to a certain blonde engineering major but still bad nonetheless.
play practice was going half decently well. you had managed to escape interacting with others in the theater as you were mostly confined to the space of the costume room along side a couple other students.
it felt like you could finally breathe for the first time that day since you weren’t constantly trying to hide your presence.
“hey y/n i’m going to step out for a bit to measure some of the actors in the theater!” hu tao said, standing in the doorway. “you’ll be okay here by yourself right?”
you looked up from the racks you were sorting through.
“yea no worries. just looking through these racks from the previous years for anything we can use” you replied before turning your focus back to the costumes.
“thanks, we’ll make send anyone down if they have any questions!!” your bestfriend responded before turning to walk out.
you let out a hum in response fully diverting your attention.
it was peaceful being alone in the costume room. it was kind of dusty and cluttered but it was also filled to the brim with clothes, accessories, and fabric. the fashion design major in you was sobbing from the amount of things you could mess around with.
you were snapped out of your little headspace when you detected a new presence in the room.
curious, you peeked out from behind the racks. that, however, was your first mistake.
“um.. are you y/n?” a slightly familiar voice questioned.
you were trying to connect the dots as to why this person’s voice sounded familiar and it finally hit you as your eyes landed on the one person you didn’t want to interact with.
“yea!! how’d you know?” you said in a overly friendly tone in an attempt to cool your nerves.
cautiously, you stepped out from behind the racks to face the guy you had been avoiding all day.
“i was sent down here by hu tao,” cyno explained. “i’m cyno.”
“ohh i guess that makes sense, it’s nice to meet you! i’m on costume design for the play, just thought i should mention,” you paused to think, head tilted to the side in confusion before you continued. “did you need something from me?”
cyno shook his head.
“no, not really. just wanted to ask you a question if that’s okay”
“if it’s about costumes or the play you know i’m more than happy to answer them for—“
“do you happen to be friends with albedo?” cyno interrupted.
your sweat dropped and your nervous system started to go haywire. the urge to book it out the room and flee was overriding all of your other thoughts.
“oh haha.. uh albedo huh?” you said nervously. that was your second mistake.
“so you do???” cyno narrowed his eyes at you and took a step forward as you took a step back.
“yes…?” you looked around hoping that anyone come to your rescue and interrupt the unwanted confrontation.
when cyno took a step forward, you took a step back to maintain a safe distance away from the intimidating, yet extremely attractive, male.
this cycle continued.
that was until you realized you had effectively cornered yourself against a wall next to one of the costume racks. your third mistake.
you mentally facepalmed at your lack of spacial awareness.
“then does that mean you’re the one he was talking about?” he took another step closer.
“ahaha i have NO CLUE what you’re talking about cyno!!” you said trying to laugh off the sudden tension.
you were starting to panic. not only was this costume room stuffy and triggering your asthma but you also found it particularly hard to breathe when a really attractive guy was practically interrogating you.
and that’s how you found yourself in this awkward predicament that made you wish you had a twin that swallowed you in the womb.
‘i should just quit life huh’
“y/nnnn do you know where the measuring tape is?? it wasn’t in the theater and i can’t find— WHAT THE FUCK????”
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AUTHOR’S NOTES : note that the costume room is going to play a ( somewhat big ) part of the story btww (*´▽`*) this was also kinda a nightmare to write bc i was fist fighting w/ the dialogue and awkward word repetition way too much😕
cyno is so silly.. ik this is from y/n’s pov so it’s hard to tell bc of his bluntness, but he’s actually genuinely curious abt the whole admirer thing. which i find hilarious bc he comes off as freakishly intimidating while confronting ppl😭 it’s bc he has somewhat of an rbf and is completely unaware of it૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ( hence the ‘lack of expression’ i mentioned in a previous chapter )
— TAGLIST : @ioveaether @otomegame-oneshots @ashyiiy @mafuyuslover @yuminako @waengyknow @sharkdays @tikitsune @jihoonotes @gallantys @keiiqq @mochibaby123 @lambcandle @ell1e2010
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
TADC cast x supportive!reader (platonic)
except its hyper specific and applies to my oc specifically because i need a little pick me up today reader is like the circus members anchor as well as a generally serving as a support system and has been in the circus for a while. havent decided on how long but definitely getting close to kinger in terms of how long theyve been stuck. kind of gives off dad energy have not shared the oc here on this blog but i have shared them elsewhere, wont say where because im embarrassed </3 this was originally gonna be a ship chart dynamic but im too tired to draw everyone plus this feels more fun using 'you/your' pronouns for the reader even though its an oc so you guys can at least like, insert yourself REMINDER requests are closed, this is a personal request from myself. any requests sent now will not be answered even after they reopen. please respect that and understand that requests are closed
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saved caine for last (yes i know hes the first one in the list hush i dont actually write these in order) i think you and him would have friendly back and forth banter. youve accepted your place in the digital circus long ago so you dont see much point in trying to interrogate him for information on a possible exit. and sure, i dont know if caine can abstract, but i think he enjoys the conversations between the two of you... that said, given how accepting you are with everything as well as having a "roll with it" outlook on the digital world, he probably uses you as plot stuff and props for IHA; be it as a false hostage or as a means to progress the adventure... definitely has a soft spot for you, i think... jax and bubble have a dark bet on when you will finally abstract/j
ah yes the optimistic duo, the hopeful pals, the sillies. you two are probably the main reason why everyone else is... mostly... fine, i mean i think having someone be so friendly and open cane make things a little easier for other people. as well as this you two mutually lean on each other for support and uplift one another when things get tough. i mention it in kingers part, but you too are also afraid of bugs but you would help ragatha clear her room of centipedes in a heartbeat, even going as far as to collect them with your bare hands.. so uh... take that as a testament to yalls friendship
now im a little stumped on this one because i really dont think the "reader" would be buddy buddy with jax... or maybe they would be... hmm.. on one hand i can see them scolding him for pushing his pranks 'too far' (ex. the ragatha centipede thing, assuming he actually did it), but i can also see a "supportive figure and rebellious kid" dynamic. except jax isnt a kid but you are old enough be his dad, probably.. i think ill just leave that here since i dont have any other ideas
youve been here for a while, so i think naturally pomni would gravitate towards you in order for possible solutions and escape routes, perhaps she would approach kinger, too... but this isnt about kinger </3. fine line between outright shattering their hope but also instilling it, neither are great options... one can lead to despair and the other to obsession; both will lead to abstraction... but theres also the fact none of your past attempts at escape had been successful, nor did you ever find any leads. as for actual potential friendship i think you would take the same route as ragatha in the pilot; show her around and explain things to her in a fairly digestible way. as well as this you tend to gravitate towards her during her first IHA until she gets the hang of them; typically making sure she doesnt get lost or hurt, as well as giving her pointers that could help with the task at hand
writing kinger first, you guys are like the dads of the circus. you more so because you still have a decent hold of yourself. you were there when queener/queenie abstracted, and you were there for kinger during the still on going grieving process. as for actually friendship ideas, you two just sit and talk to one another. thats it, really. i could go on about all the things you two do together, and i probably would since kinger is my favorite and this post is literally about my oc... but i truly dont see these two getting up to anything insane outside of IHA. kinger needs someone to help him fill the silence, and you would be there. and vice versa, i think... bonus, you dont like bugs but you still grin and bare it while listening to kinger rattle on about his cool bug facts... i think that would be nice..
optimistic dad who likes fishing and moody teen who bullies kids on roblox. thats literally the dynamic, except again, zooble is an adult and the reader has no kids... but hey its the same energy. tries to get zooble to engage with IHA but not in a pushy way but more in like... an inviting them to pair with them for comfort and security kind of way. sure you understand that they dont like them because theyre just so over everything but you want them to be included, especially since the IHA are meant to stimulate your minds and keep you guys grounded
honestly i think you just adopt half of the cast at this point, the only people who arent your kids are ragatha caine and kinger... everyone else gets passed around in split custody/j now onto gangle, you probably try to give her peptalks to make her feel better as well as fixing her comedy mask anytime it breaks. as well as this i think you and her sit down and do arts n crafts together, perhaps even making new masks altogether... i like to think gangle hears a few... things about the others and knows things since shes so quiet and in the background so theres definitely some 'gossip' between the two of you... but not in a shit talking way, no i dont think either of you are like that, rather more so just talking about the others
you call gangle, zooble, jax, and pomni generic 'dad nicknames' so like. think sport, champ, bud, pal. stuff like that, with varying reactions... i think gangle wouldnt fight it and actually appreciates it. zooble scoffs and rolls their eyes, jax plays into it while loudly and obnoxiously calling you dad. (whenever you ask him to do something he loudly goes like "okay DAAAAAAD" before likely not doing the thing that was asked of him), pomni is just confused really since shes not all that used to it. huh. guess youre a dad of 4 now
you and ragatha tend to clean up after the others, leaving you two alone and you guys just. talk as you clean. probably do impressions of the others in a really comical and dramatic as well as exchanging stories
you and kinger hunt for new pillows to add to his fort. you try to coax him into stepping out of the tent and explore the grounds, so far you're unsuccessful
touching on the gossip thing from gangles part caine probably tries to ask you for some "juicy drama" about the others. who is having issues with her, whos crushing on who, stuff like that... i think caine would try to play matchmaker if there actually is someone who has a crush on someone else... this goes for the current cast as well as those who have come and gone from the digital circus (cough cough abstracted)
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mcflymemes · 11 months
AS SAID BY JOSEPHINE MONTILYET *  assorted and adapted dialogue from dragon age inquisition
do kiss me again.
sometimes i must remind myself that i'm required to share you with the rest of the world.
how many outfits does one man need?
when i first laid eyes on you, i hadn't an inkling we'd become so close.
i would not object to a closer relationship between us. if that sounds agreeable to you.
i could have danced with you for hours. we must do it again sometime.
if you meant to draw a blush to my cheeks, you've completely succeeded.
i didn't wish to presume you harbored any tender feelings for me.
might we discuss this somewhere more private?
i've never thought your intentions were overly romantic.
forgive me, i don't believe i ever thanked you for helping me with this.
given that you're in one piece, body and dignity, i forgive you.
i need you! yet you threw yourself into danger!
we haven't even known each other a few short months.
how can you declare this liking for me after such a brief time together?
we cannot be seen in a compromising situation.
it was worth the struggle.
i was so worried for you, but at the same time... well, it was the most exciting thing i've seen in ages.
why do this? why risk everything we've built? why risk your life?
is there anything i can do? can i get you anything? a drink, perhaps?
we have better things to do than throw enormous parties. for now.
who left this on my desk?
if you want to attend the soiree, you must find a decent shirt.
what does that even mean?
please convey my thanks.
that does explain a few things.
we cannot replace it with velvet right now.
i'll see to it right away.
his hunches are usually correct.
how can one elf eat so much jam?
i want new locks on that room.
your penmanship is atrocious.
what did they say?
you are rarely dramatic without cause.
don't mention my name!
this is an inopportune time.
we face a dark time, [name].
we've been acquainted for quite some time.
i hope to guide us down smoother paths.
please excuse me. i've much work to do before the day is done.
i don't recall seeing you at any of them.
diplomacy is essential to our credibility.
we are becoming a challenge.
really, you give me too much credit.
while you're here, i do have a question.
if it were up to you, how would you reply?
do let me know if you change your mind.
i wanted to think it was a blessing.
does it... hurt?
i wouldn't wish to impose.
there are a few potential alliances it would be good to discuss...
who does such a thing in front of their guests?
can you not find a single overshirt without mustard stains on it?
have we been here an hour already?
i didn't intend to go on for so long.
you must think me quite the gossip.
i'm glad i haven't wasted your day.
there's no longer a price on my life.
we fought. or perhaps "scrapped" is the better word.
you can imagine the result.
i feel i'm the last to judge whether or not he would have actually used his blade.
i've been looking all over for you.
i've never witnessed such a lovely sight.
sometimes your words are so sweet, they ache.
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