#i really need a real name for this series...
a business proposal, p. 4
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» series masterlist - ⟡⋆˙
» contents - ⟡⋆˙ fluff, crack, angst, au, satoru gojo x f!reader, ceo!gojo, fake dating, gojo being a bit mean ;(
» word count - ⟡⋆˙ 4.6k
» notes - ⟡⋆˙ hello lovelies!! welcome to part 4! i had so much fun writing this one, even more on the next part which is almost done. i am considering on keep working on it to post it as well later tonight, but i haven't taken a long break in a while so it's not guaranteed!! anyways, hope you all enjoy reading and if you want to be added in the taglist please let me know (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
» m.list - ⟡⋆˙
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A few days later, the weekend arrived with a sense of normalcy that you desperately needed. The afternoon sun poured through the windows of the bakery, casting a warm, golden glow over the display cases filled with freshly baked pastries. You found solace in the familiar routine, the rhythmic motions of kneading dough and the comforting scent of bread baking in the ovens.
Rin was there as well, she had offered to help out, knowing your father was away on weekends. Her presence soothed your frayed nerves, distracting you from the turmoil of the past few days.
After sliding the tray of cupcakes into the oven, Rin wiped her hands on her apron and turned to you, a serious expression on her face. “Okay, now that the cupcakes are baking, let me see that document you signed.”
You hesitated for a moment, then pulled the contract out of your bag and handed it to her. Rin’s eyes scanned the pages quickly, her brow furrowing with each clause she read.
“This is... intense,” she said finally, looking up at you with a mix of concern and disbelief. “He really covered all his bases, didn’t he? But... Is it worth all this effort, [name]? I mean, this is a lot to deal with.”
You nodded, feeling a fresh wave of anxiety. “He was going to press charges, which means he would’ve found out my real name and the fact that I work for his company. And then what? I’d get fired and…” You pause for a moment, sighing heavily as you snatch the document back, “look, it’s the best I can do, besides if I back out now I have to pay him back a hundred times the contract amount.”
Rin's expression softened with genuine remorse, turning to face you fully, her eyes filled with regret. “I'm so sorry again for dragging you into this mess. I never wanted things to get this complicated for you.”
You shook your head, managing a small smile despite the lingering anxiety. “It’s not your fault. I made the decision to help you. I just didn’t expect it to turn out like this.”
Rin reached out and squeezed your hand reassuringly. “I appreciate what you did for me. And I’m here for you, whatever happens next. We’ll figure it out together.”
Her words were a comfort, a reminder that you weren’t alone in this. The bakery buzzed with the sounds of customers and the clatter of baking tools, but in that moment, it felt like a sanctuary, a place where you could find some semblance of peace.
“So..” Rin began tentatively, “how’s the studying coming along on your fake boyfriend then?”
You sighed, your hands pausing mid-knead. “The more I read about him, the more unbelievable he seems,” you said, frustration spreading across your face. “Not only was he born with a diamond spoon in his mouth, but he’s also smart and good with sports. Plus, he’s hot.”
Rin chuckled softly, shaking her head. “Sounds like a character straight out of a romance novel.”
“Exactly!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands up in exasperation. “How am I supposed to keep up this charade with someone so… Perfect?”
Rin leaned against the counter, her expression thoughtful. “Maybe you don’t have to be perfect. Just be yourself and do what you can. Besides, it’s not like you’re expected to actually fall for him, right?”
“Right,” you muttered, though the uncertainty in your voice was palpable. “But what if I mess up? What if he realizes this whole thing is a sham?”
Rin placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Hey... You’re overthinking it. You’re smart and resourceful. And if things get tricky, we’ll handle it together. Besides, it’s not like this arrangement is gonna go on forever, is it?”
You sighed, feeling a bit of relief at her words. “I hope not. Honestly, the sooner this whole thing is over, the better.”
As you resumed kneading the dough, the pleasant hum of the bakery was interrupted by the tinkling of the bell above the door. Instinctively, you turned with a welcoming smile, ready to greet the customer, but your words caught in your throat when you saw who it was.
Nanami stood there, his sharp gaze softened as he caught sight of you, and a warm smile spread across his face.
“K-Kento, hi.” You stammered, caught off guard by his unexpected visit. His presence seemed to fill the bakery with a comforting warmth that contrasted sharply with the tension of recent days.
“Hey,” Nanami replied warmly, his gaze lingering on you with a gentle intensity. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“N-no, not at all,” you managed to say, though your heart raced with nervousness. “W-what brings you here?”
Nanami’s smile widened slightly. “I thought I’d stop by to pick something up.”
“Of course,” you replied quickly, eager to assist him. “What can I get for you?”
He hesitated for a moment, his gaze drifting towards the display of bread and pastries. “I’ll go for the chocolate cake today.”
You blinked in surprise. Nanami rarely indulged in such sweet delicacies. “Chocolate cake?”
He chuckled softly, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. “Yeah, Hana is back from her trip. We’re meeting up later, and I thought I’d bring her a treat.”
Your heart sank at his words. Hana—the name echoed in your mind like a distant ache. She was Nanami’s girlfriend from high school, a vivacious woman with a smile that could light up a room. Their past together was something you had to endure in silence, but the thought of them meeting again stirred a mix of emotions within you.
“That’s nice of you,” you murmured, managing a polite smile, though inside, your heart sank deeper. “A-any reason why you’re... Meeting up?”
Nanami paused, his expression thoughtful as he considered your question. His eyes, usually so clear and reassuring, now seemed clouded with memories you couldn’t share.
“We... Haven’t seen each other in a while,” he finally answered, his voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness. “Just catching up, I suppose.”
You nodded, trying to mask the twinge of disappointment. “I see.”
You busied yourself with wrapping up the chocolate cake,  trying to hide the swirl of emotions and the ache in your chest. 
“Here you go,” you said, handing him the boxed cake with a small smile. 
“Thanks.” Nanami replied, his voice tinged with gratitude. 
As Nanami reached into his pocket to pay, you instinctively interrupted him with a gentle shake of your head. “It's on the house today, Kento.”
Nanami hesitated, a flicker of protest in his eyes. “Oh, you really don't have to do that…”
But you insisted, your smile now feeling strained as you forced cheerfulness into your voice. “No, really. Take it. Consider it a thank you for being such a loyal customer and a good... Friend. Also, the thought is very kind of you, I’m sure Hana will appreciate it.”
He paused, clearly touched by your words. “Thank you, [name], I appreciate it.”
With a nod, Nanami gathered the boxed cake and prepared to leave. But just before he stepped out, he turned back to you with a warm expression.
“Oh, before I forget.” Nanami's voice brought you back from your thoughts. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small envelope, handing it to you with a warm smile.
You took it, feeling the weight of the paper between your fingers, and looked up at him questioningly.
“I wanted to give you something.” Nanami explained gently. 
Curious, you opened the envelope and found two tickets nestled inside. Your eyes widened as you realized what they were for—tickets to the concert of your favorite artist. 
Your eyes widened in surprise and joy. “Kento, I... I don't know what to say.”
He smiled softly. “I know how much you love their music, and I saw that they were going to perform here, so I thought you’d enjoy it. You can take a friend with you, someone you’d like to go with.”
Your heart sank at his words, a wave of disappointment washing over you. Despite his kind gesture, you couldn’t shake off the realization that he hadn’t intended to accompany you to the concert.
“Oh,” you managed, trying to hide your disappointment behind a smile. “That's really thoughtful of you, Kento. Thank you.”
Without thinking, you stepped closer and wrapped your arms around him in a hug. Nanami hesitated for a moment before gently wrapping his arms around you. And for a brief moment, you lingered in the embrace, feeling the steady beat of his heart against yours. 
When you finally pulled back, you met his gaze, and a faint smile played on your lips. “You should go. Don’t keep Hana waiting.”
Nanami nodded silently, his expression softening with understanding. “I’ll see you later, [name].” 
With that, Nanami finally left, the bell above the door chiming softly as he disappeared through the entrance. Alone in the now quiet of the bakery, you leaned against the counter, a heavy sigh brushing past your lips. Your thoughts lingered on Nanami and Hana. Would the chocolate cake bring a smile to her face? Would it evoke memories of their time together, perhaps reignite a connection that had once been strong?
Rin emerged from behind you with a mischievous grin and a dramatic sigh. “Well, that was depressing.”
You shot Rin a playful glare, though her teasing hit a nerve. “Thanks, Rin. Really uplifting.”
Rin shrugged, their grin widening. “Hey, I’m just stating facts. You’re the one pining after Kento like a lovesick puppy.”
“I— that’s not—that’s not true!” you retorted, more defensively than you intended.
Rin raised an eyebrow. “Sure, sure. So, when’s the big confession happening?”
“There’s nothing to confess,” you insisted, your voice sharper than intended. “We’re friends, Rin. Just friends.”
“Oh, Kento, hi!” Rin squeaked in a high-pitched voice, fluttering her eyelashes dramatically. “It's so nice to see you!”
You rolled your eyes, trying to stifle your laughter. “Oh, shut up. I don’t sound like that.”
Rin’s grin widened. “Oh, Kento, would you like some extra chocolate on your cake? It’s on the house!” she swings her arm around you, gesturing dramatically. “Oh, Kento, thank you so much for these tickets! I love you so much, mwah, mwah, mwah—”
You shove her away from you gently, but couldn’t suppress a smile. “I’m glad that my mess of a love life amuses you.”
“Hey, laughter is the best medicine, right?” Rin nudged you playfully.
Suddenly the bell above the door chimed again, and just as you were about to welcome the customer, the words got caught up in your throat. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw Gojo enter the bakery, his trademark grin lighting up his face. Panic flickered in your eyes as you glanced at Rin, who mirrored your expression of confusion and concern.
“Oh no, why is he here?!” you hissed to Rin, your voice barely a whisper as you instinctively crouched down behind the counter. “Why is he everywhere?!”
Rin’s composed demeanor faltered, her hands fidgeting nervously, “I-I don’t know?! Just— UGH, you go to the back and get ready. I’ll distract him.”
Before you could protest or even respond, Rin hurriedly shoves you towards the backroom. “Go! I’ll handle this.”
Meanwhile, Rin straightened up and forced herself to put on a bright, welcoming smile. “Oh, hi! Fancy seeing you here. What can I get for you today?”
“Well, well, well. Miss Takahashi, what a pleasant surprise,” he greeted, his tone light but his eyes sharp with curiosity. “I didn't expect to find you here.”
Rin chuckled nervously, internally scrambling for an explanation. “Oh, you know me, always popping up where there’s good food. I’m just helping out my friend [name]— Mei. I mean, I’m helping out Mei. She uh.. Needed a hand today.”
Gojo’s eyebrows quirked up in surprise as he looked around expectantly. “Speaking of Miss Mei, where is she?” 
Rin’s smile faltered for a split second before they recovered. “Oh, uh, Mei’s... in the back. She's um… She’s really focused on something important right now. You know, busy with... baking things.”
“I need to talk to her.”
Rin’s heart pounded as Gojo took a step closer, his gaze sharpening with determination. She glanced nervously behind her, trying to come up with a way to stall him without raising suspicion.
“Mr. Gojo, I really don’t think now’s a good time,” Rin replied with a nervous chuckle, her voice tinged with urgency as she subtly edged closer to block his path towards the backroom. “Mei’s in the middle of... a very delicate baking process. You know how it is, can’t disturb the chef at work!”
“Miss Takahashi—”
“Sorry, sorry! I’m here.” You hastily emerged from the back, now adorned with a quickly fixed makeup look and the styled wig that concealed your usual appearance.
The pair fell silent as the atmosphere in the bakery shifted, the tension was palpable as you faced Gojo, a small smile lingering momentarily on his lips before it was replaced by a focused gaze.
“M-Mr. Gojo,” you began, your voice steady but tinged with apprehension, “what brings you here today?”
“Ah, Miss Mei,” Gojo responded smoothly, his charismatic demeanor unwavering despite the serious undertone in his voice. “You haven’t answered my calls.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you fumbled for an explanation, realizing your phone had been on mute in your pocket. Pulling it out discreetly, you glanced at the screen—a sight that sent a chill down your spine. Five missed calls from ‘Archaeopteryx’.
The feeling of dread washed through you as his previous words echoed in your mind, “If you don’t answer or try to disappear, I’ll come find you.”
You let out a nervous chuckle. “I... I-I’ve been really busy, Mr. Gojo,” you managed, your voice wavering slightly. “You know how it is with the bakery and all—”
“Well, it seems like it’s rather calm now, meaning that you’re not busy at the moment, right?” Gojo’s tone remained polite but insistent, his eyes boring into yours.
You could feel the tension in the room escalate. Rin shifted uncomfortably beside you as you glanced at her, silently pleading for support.
“Mr. Gojo,” Rin began smoothly, attempting to diffuse the mounting tension. “Perhaps you could discuss this another time? Mei really is in the midst of—”
“I need to discuss urgent matters with Miss Mei,” Gojo interjected firmly, cutting Rin off. “Could you please give us a moment?”
Rin hesitated, exchanging a quick, worried glance with you before nodding reluctantly. “Of course, Mr. Gojo,” she replied, her voice tight with concern as she retreated towards the back of the building, leaving you alone with Gojo.
You swallowed nervously, now aware of the weight and the intensity of his presence. His smooth exterior held an unsettling look of determination, sending another shiver down your spine.
“Mr. Gojo,” you started again, your voice steadier this time though tinged with nervousness, “what is it that you need to discuss?”
“You’re going to meet my grandfather,” he replied bluntly.
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. Meet his grandfather? The implication sent a wave of panic through you. Gojo’s family was powerful, influential—meeting his grandfather meant stepping into a world you were not prepared for.
“Tonight.” Gojo continued, his voice carrying a matter-of-fact tone that left no room for argument.
“Tonight?” you echoed, your voice rising slightly with disbelief. “But I have work—”
Gojo cut you off with a wave of his hand. “Close early.”
“I can’t just—”
“Let Miss Takahashi handle it.” Gojo interrupted nonchalantly, as if it were the most natural solution. 
“Mr. Gojo, I appreciate the invitation, but I really can’t just leave Rin to—”
“It’s settled then,” Gojo interjected firmly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. “You need to be ready at seven.”
Gojo turned to leave, his steps decisive as he headed towards the entrance. But before disappearing through the door he glanced back at you over his shoulder, his gaze piercing.
“Oh, and Miss Mei,” he said quietly, his voice carrying a hint of insistence. “Remember the information given to you about me. It’s important for tonight.”
“He sure knows how to push your buttons, doesn’t he?” Rin remarked with a sympathetic smile, handing you a dress she had brought from home. “I can’t believe he expects you to just drop everything.”
You grumbled under your breath as you struggled with the zipper of the dress. “That man is impossible. Who does he think he is, ordering me around like this?”
Rin chuckled softly, helping you with the zipper. “He’s Satoru Gojo, that’s who. Famous, rich, and apparently very persuasive.”
“More like arrogant and annoying,” you muttered, finally managing to zip up the dress. 
After Rin helped you into the elegant dress and ensured your wig was perfectly in place, you stood before the mirror. The reflection staring back at you was not the familiar person you knew—no, this ‘person’ is a creation, a persona crafted for this incredibly complicated and complex situation.
The styled wig framed your face flawlessly, the long waves falling just right. The makeup, more intense than your usual, accentuating your features with precision. The dress, though not your usual attire, draped elegantly over your frame, accentuating curves and creating an air of sophistication.
You took a deep breath, adjusting the fabric slightly and smoothing down invisible wrinkles. This wasn’t just about meeting Gojo’s grandfather—it was about stepping into a role, playing a part in a carefully orchestrated charade.
Rin watched from behind you, her expression a mixture of pride and concern. “You look stunning, [name],” she said softly, her voice breaking the momentary silence. “It’ll be fine.”
You sighed softly as you turned around, facing Rin with a hint of uncertainty in your eyes. "I-I don’t know about this. And.. Are you sure you can handle the bakery?”
Rin met your gaze with a reassuring smile, her hands resting gently on your shoulders. “[name], you look amazing, and I’ve got everything under control here. Don’t worry.”
“But closing by yourself, leaving everything to you...” you trailed off, feeling a pang of guilt for burdening Rin with the sudden responsibility.
“It’s a rare occasion,” Rin interjected, her voice firm yet gentle. “Besides, it’s the least I can do after everything you’ve done for me.”
“Thanks, Rin. I... I hope I can pull this off.”
“You already have,” Rin assured you with a reassuring smile, stepping closer to adjust a stray strand of hair on your wig. “Just remember, it’s just a dinner. You’ve faced tougher challenges than this.”
You nodded, trying to steady the nerves that fluttered in your stomach like trapped butterflies. “Right. Just a dinner.”
Suddenly your phone buzzed in your pocket. Glancing at the screen, you saw a text from ‘Archaeopteryx’.
“I’m outside.”
As the car glided through the city streets, you sat beside Gojo, your attention focused on the documents spread across your lap. They detailed various aspects of Gojo’s life—his achievements, interests, and even personal anecdotes—all carefully curated for you to remember in order to create the illusion of a close relationship between you and him.
Gojo glanced over at you. “How’s it going?”
You looked up, momentarily startled before composing yourself. “Fine,” you replied quickly, a nervous edge to your voice. “It’s just... a lot to remember.”
He nodded understandingly. “It’s important that my grandfather sees our relationship as genuine.”
You forced a smile, though inwardly, doubts swirled like a storm. “Of course,” you murmured, flipping through the pages once more, committing to memorize all of the details. “But.. If he asks how we met.. What should I say?”
Gojo fell silent for a moment, his gaze distant as if lost in thought. Then, he turned to you with a small smile. “You can make up whatever story you want. Just make it believable.”
You considered his words carefully, your mind racing to fabricate a story. After a moment of hesitation, you began, “How about... You came to see me on a rainy day. It was unexpected, but you—”
“No.” he said firmly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. 
Your voice trailed off as you watched Gojo’s expression change subtly, a flicker of discomfort crossing his features as his jaw tightened imperceptibly.
“But why—”
“We’re here.” Gojo announced abruptly, cutting you off before you could finish your sentence. The car slowed to a stop, and you realized with a sinking feeling that further discussion was off the table—for now, at least.
You glanced out of the window, taking in your surroundings. The elegant mansion loomed before you, intricate architectural details adorned the exterior, hinting at a rich history and generational wealth. It was a place that exuded power and privilege, a stark contrast to the humble life you led.
Gojo swiftly exited and rounded the vehicle to open your door. His hand extended towards you, offering assistance. A rush of warmth spreads through your body, sending unexpected butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you take his hand.
“Thank you.” You managed, your voice slightly breathless as he guided you out.
Gojo nodded in response, a faint hint of awkwardness coloring his usual composed demeanor. The brief moment of closeness lingered between you, both of you seeming unsure of how to navigate the unspoken tension that had surfaced.
“Ah, Satoru,” a voice came from behind you, cutting through the moment. 
Gojo turned sharply towards the source of the voice, his expression shifting to a polite and respectful one.
“Grandfather.” Gojo acknowledged, bowing his head slightly.
You turned as well, facing the elder gentleman who approached with measured steps. His presence commanded respect and attention—a blend of authority and warmth that belied his years.
“And you must be, Miss Mei.” Gojo’s grandfather addressed you warmly, a small smile forming on his lips.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” You greeted respectfully, offering a polite bow.
The elder man regarded you with a keen gaze, his eyes assessing you. “The pleasure is mine.” He replied graciously, tilting his head in acknowledgement.
As the introductions settled into polite conversation, you found yourself drawn into the rhythm of the evening—a delicate dance of social niceties and unspoken expectations. Gojo’s grandfather guided the conversation with effortless grace, steering it towards topics that navigated the intricacies of familial pride and legacy. You remained poised and attentive, keenly aware of the role you played in Gojo’s carefully crafted narrative. Each word, each gesture was calculated to maintain the illusion of a relationship.
But then, the elder man’s gaze sharpened, his next question caught you off guard. “Tell me, Miss Mei. Do you love Satoru?”
Startled, you hesitated for a split second before quickly recovering. “Yes,” you replied, your voice steady despite the sudden spike in your heart rate. “Yes, I do.”
The grandfather’s eyes bore into you, searching for any sign of insincerity. “Then why did you break up?”
The question hung in the air, a palpable tension settling over the room. You glanced at Gojo, who shifted uncomfortably beside you, his composed facade faltering slightly.
“Grandfather, perhaps now's not the time to—” Gojo began, his tone attempting to steer the conversation away from dangerous territory.
But the elderly man was persistent. “It’s a simple question, Satoru. I’d like to hear the answer.”
You could feel the weight of his scrutiny, and the silence stretched unbearably. Drawing a deep breath, you composed your thoughts, crafting a response that would satisfy the elder man without unraveling the truth.
“It was... a misunderstanding,” you started carefully. “We had different priorities at the time, and it led to a temporary separation. I... I thought he cared more about work than he did about me.
A low chuckle rumbled in his chest, “well, yes. Satoru is someone who knows nothing but work. And that won’t change in the future either. Are you okay with that?”
You hesitated for a brief moment, then nodded, deciding to add another layer to the narrative. “I understand that work is a significant part of his life. But what convinced me of his commitment was when he canceled an important meeting to come and see me. He knew that he’s an important part of my life, and so he showed me that I’m important to him too.”
The elder man’s expression softened slightly. “That’s quite a gesture.” He then looked at Gojo with a sharp gaze, “you rascal. You really canceled a meeting for her?”
Before Gojo could respond, you interjected smoothly. “Yes, and on top of that it was raining heavily that day. Even though he hates the rain, he still came to see me. It was very unexpected but incredibly meaningful. It made me realize that he was willing to step out of his comfort zone for me.”
Gojo stiffened beside you at the mention of the rain. Meanwhile you hoped the added detail would reinforce the sincerity of your story, blissfully unaware of the man’s discomfort.
“Is that true, Satoru?”
Gojo forced a smile, trying to hide his unease. “Yes, grandfather. It’s true.”
The elder man scrutinized Gojo for a moment longer before nodding approvingly. “I see. It seems that you’ve found someone who brings out a different side of you, Satoru.” Gojo’s grandfather leaned back in his chair, a contemplative look on his face. “Very well. Relationships require sacrifices and understanding. It seems you both have that figured out.”
Later that evening, after the dinner had concluded, Gojo stood outside the mansion, staring into the distance, lost in thought. The evening air was cool and refreshing, a stark contrast to the tension that had been simmering throughout the night.
You emerged from the mansion, spotting Gojo standing alone. Approaching him, you broke the silence. “I’ve been looking for you. It was kind of awkward to be alone with your grandfather after you left.” You said with a small chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
Gojo didn’t respond immediately, his mind seemingly elsewhere. The distant look in his eyes made you uneasy. “H-hey... Are you okay?” you asked, concern evident in your voice.
He turned to face you, his expression unreadable but tense. “You shouldn’t have done that,” he said abruptly, his tone sharper than you had ever heard from him before.
You blinked, taken aback. “Done what?”
“The story about the rain,” Gojo replied with a heavy sigh. “You shouldn’t have mentioned it.”
Confused and feeling the sudden tension, you took a step back. “I was just trying to make our story believable. I didn’t think it would be a big deal.”
Gojo’s frustration was palpable, his usual composed demeanor cracking. “It is a big deal. You have no idea…” He paused for a moment, inhaling sharply, “this relationship is nothing but a simple contractual exchange of money.”
“I-I know that.” you stammered.
“Then stop acting like we’re anything real. Just answer his questions and don’t add your useless comments, got it?” Gojo’s voice was sharp, his eyes cold and distant.
The sting of his words cut deep, and you struggled to maintain your composure. “Okay,” you whispered, feeling a mix of embarrassment and confusion. “I understand.”
Without another word, he turned and headed back inside, leaving you by yourself. You replayed the evening’s events in your mind, trying to piece together what had caused Gojo’s intense reaction.
You knew that there were layers to Gojo that you hadn’t yet uncovered, secrets and pains that he kept hidden beneath his cool and composed exterior. And while the arrangement between you might be a contractual exchange, you couldn’t help but feel a growing curiosity and concern for the man behind the facade.
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» taglist - ⟡⋆˙ @megumisthirdog, @inluvkai, @ieathairs, @roscpctals99, @laviefantasie, @snwvie, @sanriosatoru, @cc1306, @pinkprincessglitterzombie, @keaugh, @eolivy, @peachesnoranges, @indicatom, @jayhyunglover
169 notes · View notes
dearsnow · 3 days
- you go on your first date with your “bar boyfriend”, who seems a whole lot nicer than the guy that tried to pick you up earlier. (bob floyd x fem!reader, fluff <3, you don’t necessarily need to read part 1 but it provides some context)
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word count: 1,686
a/n - i did not expect part 1 to do so well, omg 🥹 thank you all for the love. if i had the writing stability I would’ve turned this into a series, but there is still time for that yet lol. enjoy this fluffy part 2 <3
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You sit in your small apartment anxiously. Your first text to Bob has just gone through, and in the heat of the moment, you threw your phone across your bed and smothered it with a pillow. It was a simple thing, just saying “Hey! I’m Y/N from the bar :)”, and you really have nothing to be scared of, but your breaths are uncomfortably quick in the early morning. It’s like you just took a five mile run. You pick up the book on your bedside table and flip through a few pages, failing to read a single word.
You only put down your fruitless attempt at calming yourself down when your phone gives a muffled buzz from underneath your pillow. You grab it quickly, seeing his just-saved name flash across the screen.
Bob: Hello, Y/N from the bar! I was a bit worried you weren’t going to reach out, but I’m really glad you did.
You: Of course I reached out. You’re a nice guy, I would be stupid not to.
You internally groan before hitting send. He makes your insides turn to mush just by typing on a screen. At this point, you’re scared of professing your undying love.
He is a nice guy, and a polite guy, and honestly an everything-you-could-ever-want guy. You barely spent thirty minutes with the man and you already find yourself wanting to slip a ring on his finger. He’s different, a really good kind of different.
Bob: I’m flattered.
Bob: This might be too soon, but would you want to go out sometime? I know this nice place by the beach where we could get to know each other better.
You: I’d love to!! Lmk the details and I’ll be there <3
As you fling your phone across your bed again to kick your legs, you almost feel bad for it. The man of your dreams is asking you out, and you can’t physically handle the joy that’s pouring out of you right now. You can just imagine his quiet, smooth voice talking away while his eyes light up. When you get the date plan, you eagerly type it into your calendar.
Saturday, 5:30 PM, Ocean’s Cove Seafood and Bar. It’s perfect.
You don’t know how you can get through the rest of the week with the date looming in your mind, but, somehow, you’ll have to find a way to manage.
Your management ended up being text conversations with Bob so frequently it felt like you were always checking your phone for a new message. For the first time in your pitiful dating history, he was the one reaching out often and matching your energy. Talking with him is like a breath of fresh air. It’s almost better than than the fresh air you’re breathing now, walking through the open entrance of Ocean’s Cove. You immediately notice a very handsome man sitting at the table you’re directed towards, with his sandy hair styled perfectly.
As you walk over, he stands and pulls out your seat for you, only sitting down himself when you’re situated. His cheeks are tinted pink. “Hi.” He offers, clearing his throat. “You look really beautiful.”
“Thank you, Bob. You look amazing too.” You say, reaching out to brush against his blazer’s collar. “You always do.”
His face grows impossibly redder.
Just like the first time you met, you fall into the rhythm of conversation easily. It’s awkward, at first, as things often are, but it quickly becomes one of the best talks you’ve ever had. Your food is eaten between giggles and playful comments.
“He seriously made you do five hundred push-ups for someone else’s mistake? Man, you must hate this Hangman guy after he pulled that.”
“Oh, everyone hates him. In a loving way, mostly. Just be glad you’ve never been around him while he’s drunk.” Bob’s eyes are lit up, and the sight is better than you could’ve ever imagined.
You wipe your mouth with your napkin gently, trying to not rub your makeup on the soft cloth. “Wait, what’s he like drunk? He’s gotta be a character.”
He lets out a soft chuckle, and you engrave the sound in your memory. This is amazing. “He gets so competitive, but he’s too drunk to throw the darts straight or hold the pool cue proper. It’s really funny, because he thinks he’s doing well until the darts end up pinned through Maverick’s uniform.”
“Oh geez,” you laugh. “That reminds me of my old friend. She drunkenly spilled tequila down the front of our boss’s suit while trying to impress our coworker.”
“It seems like we’ve got a lot in common.” He smiles. He’s about to say something else, but your waiter stops in front of your table before he can get the words out.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, sir, but we have another couple waiting for your table. We have a three hour policy.”
Three hours? You’ve been here for three hours? You check the dimming light and realize that what you thought was forty minutes was, in fact, a hundred and eighty. Bob pulls out his card and signs the receipt, seemingly a little embarrassed that he also didn’t realize the time. “Here. Sorry for the trouble.”
The card is whisked away before you can even request a separate check. “I would’ve paid for that.”
“No can do.” Bob says, placing his hand over yours gently. “It’s my treat.”
You try to formulate a response to his kindness, but your mouth falls dry. All you can do is whisper a “Thank you,” as the waiter comes back with his card and ushers you out politely.
The outside air is heavy and chilly, cut with the smell of sea spray. As the sun dips below the horizon, you shiver. Without a word, Bob drapes his blazer around your shoulders. You turn to him, eyes slightly wide. “Are you sure?”
The question is about more than just the blazer. It encompasses everything you’ve wanted to say to him, everything that you’ve been worried about from the beginning. Is he sure that he wants to do this? That he really actually likes the person he just so happened to save at the Hard Deck?
“Always.” Is his simple reply. Your hand finds his, and he entwines your fingers like it’s natural. “I apologize if this is overstepping-“
“Do you want-“
You both start and stop at the same time. “Continue.” You say, a smile working its way up to your eyes.
“No, you go.” He insists. He swings his arm a bit, taking your hand with him. You can feel his blazer dip past your hand and onto his, as the sleeves are too long for you.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to go down to the beach with me. It might not be good for our formal clothes, but I really like you, and I want to spend more time with you. As much time as possible, actually.”
This time, it’s his eyes that widen. “You read my mind. I was thinking the exact same thing.”
You laugh, a sound that’s music to his ears. It’s perfect, like everything about you. Like your humor and your storytelling ability, like the slope of your shoulders and the softness of your hands. He could spend his whole life drowning in you. “Then let’s go, before we miss the entire sunset.”
You pull him along, your thumb smoothing over his own, and he thinks he’d let you lead him anywhere. “Look, the beach is so pretty at this time of day! It’s like something out of a magazine.” You exclaim, expensive heels digging into the sand. You can’t bring yourself to care about washing the sand off, not right now.
“It’s almost as pretty as you.” Bob breathes. He doesn’t expect you to hear it, but you do. You turn around and slide your palm over the smooth fabric of his shirt, playing with the collar, before kissing his cheek softly.
For once, you take initiative in your movements. You can’t let him slip away; you think you’d be devastated if you didn’t see him again, if you never told him exactly how you feel. “I’d say it’s nowhere near as pretty as you.” You can tell your face is warm, and his definitely is. “We need to do this again.”
“For sure.” He murmurs. His expression is conflicted, and you feel a small bit of insecurity bubbling up. Does he not want this as much as you do? He takes a small breath of air, eyes flicking up to the sky for a brief moment. His glasses slide down his nose just a bit, but he doesn’t push them up. He’s only focused on the words timidly making their way out of his mouth. “Please stop me now if you don’t feel the same way.”
“If ‘feeling the same way’ means wanting to continue talking, I wouldn’t stop you for the world.” You can feel a hint of anxiety in your tone. Bob takes both of your hands, and the small butterflies are eaten by larger, rougher butterflies. Think atlas moth sized butterflies.
“In that case,” he almost whispers, “would you let me be your boyfriend? For real this time. And I won’t hold it against you if you say no, or want to wait, because I know we’ve only really been talking for a week, and-“
You cut him off with a kiss. His lips are soft and don’t demand anything from you. He reaches for the back of your head, cradling you like you might break. When you finally break away, his glasses are just a bit crooked. You reach a hand up to fix them. “Yes. Yes, I’d love it if you were my real boyfriend.”
“Awesome.” Is all he can manage to say. You giggle anyways, placing your hands on his chest.
“Next time, if a creep hits me up in a bar, we won’t have to lie.”
He places a sweet kiss on your forehead. “If I’m there, I hope he wouldn’t even think to try.”
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Taglist: @seitmai
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lno-x · 2 days
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I wanted to introduce to you a silly web-comic about my life and experience in a really specific art college, that is a big part of my personality About college and characters undercut
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We were slighted. Where are Penelope and Colin in their own story.
This season is just so discombobulated and poorly planned. Part one and part two are not the same show.
This show needs to go back to season one storytelling.
Why aren't we hearing Penelope's letters to Colin. Those letters should be how Colin falls in love with her. They are the writers!!!!!!!!! Why aren't they bonding over writing.
The fact that there were no flashbacks is crazy their love story starts in the past.
Benedict is kissing boys, but what's the point? Sophie's coming next season, so why do I need to see him in the last hour of the show. In the world's slowest threesome. It started in daylight, and Lady Whats her name was still dressed hours later and no Ps or Vs touched. If he'd have kissed a boy episode 2 and lady whoever wanted him all to herself by episode 8, I wouldn't feel like it was for shock value.
Should've opened with the queen getting serious about finding Whistledown. Penelope helps Colin with his writing. He helps her with finding a husband. Tit for tat. He falls head over heels, but she's moved on, thinking he's off limits. He follows her one day bam he knows she's whistled down. Eloise and her fix the shot Cressida makes the claim. Pen tries to let it go, but she can't. Fight argue falls deeper in love. Yadda yadda end of season.
Penelope is married but doesn't get to enjoy it because Whistledown is going through it. And Colin's being a boy about it.
Why instantly do away with Colin is only marrying Pen because he compromised her and is doing it as a friend plot? How fun would it have been if during wedding planning Colin was really getting into it (he knows her fave colors and flowers etc.), but Pen is hesitant because she thinks it's not real. And we get to see a skeptical Portia and Violet see that Colin really is in love with Penelope.
Because this boy who's never courted this girl (wallflower) just said he was going to marry her out of the blue and apparently not because he compromised her. They would be skeptical.
The season opens with Whistledown talking up the Wallflowers one of the girls even gets engaged. That should've been the main subplot. Pen using Whistledown to help the wallflowers of the wall. Then maybe when everyone is bashing Whistledown those girls come forth and praise the column.
Why is there no Colin pulling a Pen and watching her out the front room window?
We don't even get to revel in the fact that a 16 year old girl had the ton eating out of the palm of her hand.
Where the hell did Lord Debling go. What was the point of him?
The show made a point to point out that there are intimate moments in Colin's journals that he deems for her eyes only. Why not have Colin read one of those moments to Penelope!!!!!!!!!! How sexy would that have been. Infinite.
Colin becomes a published author with Penelope's help, and we see none of it.
Colin realizes Penelope is Whistledown through rereading her old letters we hear none of them, we see him kinda read them for half a scene.
Franchesca was such a nothing burger for 2 seasons. All of a sudden, we can't get rid of her. I don't care about her first marriage. Put her ass in Scotland until he fucking dies. Bring her back only as a sounding board for Eloise on her season until Franchesca's season
Why are Mondrich's here!!! That man is fine as hell, but I don't care about their story.
They need to treat each season as a mini series. Focus on one story and treat the rest as filler.
They set the Modiste up as Penelope's confidant. we see her twice. Why not let that friendship bloom.
Cressida: I don't care about her outside of her pretending to be Whistledown.
Like, come on. You gave us a taste of wedding planning, and Violet and Portia were messy mums together.
Penelope's relationship with her sisters changes but again we see none of it.
They get married and have five scenes alone together afterward. Even when they in the same room together, the story is not about THEM.
Anthony and Kate are the perfect example of how I want to see everyone else. They are here, but are they.
They owe Polin at least 90 minutes of more screen time. Which will never get.
Anyways I'm happy for Penelope
Okay, I'm going to stop thinking about what should've been and just enjoy what we got because it's not going to do any good and just make me mad.
These latest seasons just feel like they were produced by someone who doesn't like the romance genre. And if you're a person, like me, who loves romance and all it has to offer, you know how detrimental and annoying people who don't like romance are to romance. Next time you switch showrunners, make sure you get someone who actually likes the thing they're making.
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lionhanie · 3 days
han taesan ; back 2 u (part one)
you can’t help but find yourself coming back to taesan everytime
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this is part one of my series, back 2 u! read the previous part here!
fuckboy!taesan x fem!reader, college au
...featuring! BFFS jaehyun + woonhak, fuckboy leehan (AND he's taesan's roommate), and lovely roomies sungho + riwoo <3
word count: 1.7k
warnings: cursing, alcohol mention and usage, party mentions, TAESAN IS A BIG FLIRT, reader lowkey doesn't like him lol
a/n: fuckboy taesan i won;t U so bad .. . .. </3
likes ♡ and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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You would’ve never expected yourself to be involved with Han Taesan, well-known on campus equally for his pretty face and his ability to have someone new under his arm every week. Your school wasn’t necessarily huge, but it was impressive to think that most students had some inkling about who Han Taesan was.
His existence frustrated you deeply, actually. There wasn't any actual reason to hate him per se, but it was aggravating to think that some people just have so much going for them. Not only was he undeniably attractive to anyone who had eyes, he was also known for his unmistakable musical talent and a captivating charm that drew people in immediately. It’s almost comical the way you could be minding your business in class only to overhear a group of girls a couple seats over talking about how handsome Taesan was at a party last weekend or who his most recent fling could be.
Despite everything you’ve heard people say concerning him, you found it hard to believe he was such a player. Sure, he may have some good looks, but he looks… Innocent, in a way. Harmless.
The first time you’d interacted was in the library. You’ve noticed him in there on various occasions while you were working, but never paid much mind to it, given that he’d only look around the bookshelves for a couple minutes before seeing himself out. Taesan was standing right in front of the library’s help desk, where you worked for a couple hours in between classes. “By any chance, would I be able to check out this book?” He’s holding it out to you, and you’re surprised to find that he’s renting out one of your favorite novels. 
“Yup, I’m just going to need your name and student ID. You can only get it for four days at a time, but you’re free to come back and renew the book if you need more time with it,” You type away at the keyboard in front of you, opening up the form you needed to fill out for book rentals. “That’s a good book, by the way.” Your small talk is unnecessary, but your job was too boring not to make conversation with the few people that actually used your services. 
“Yeah, I’ve been eyeing it for a while,” He’s smiling as he takes his card out from the back of his phone case, sliding it to you on the counter. “Ah, my name is Han Taesan. And here’s my ID.” Picking it up, you notice that the name he’d just given you didn’t match the one on his ID. Han Dongmin? You were almost sure this was Taesan, though. Sensing your confusion, he chuckles as he moves to explain the mismatching names. “Most people know me as Taesan, not Dongmin. It’s just a nickname, really. Does it matter what name I use to check out the book?” He tilts his head as he looks back up at you, waiting for your response. 
“No, not really. It’ll be linked to your ID anyways, so it should be fine.” You scan his ID on the card reader next to you, allowing you to finish up the form splayed out on the monitor. Taesan drums his fingers on the counter, glancing around the near-empty library; he’s humming the melody to a song you don’t know. “You’re all set, Dongmin.” You slide his receipt and a piece of paper telling him when he needs to return the book under the cover before giving it back to him. 
He’s caught off-guard at hearing his real name come from your mouth, but he flashes you a grin regardless. “Have we met somewhere before…” Taesan’s sentence trails off until he notices the name tag pinned to your shirt, “...Y/N?” 
This time, you’re the one caught off-guard. “Sorry, is it better for me to call you Taesan?” You question. He’s probably only striking up a conversation because he doesn’t like people calling him by his real name— that probably explains why people call him Taesan instead. “And no, I don’t think we have.”
“Nah, keep calling me Dongmin. It sounds nice coming from you.” He’s leaning on the counter now, close enough for you to notice the luxurious-smelling cologne coming off of him. “You’ll be one of the few people who call me that, you know.” His comment makes you roll your eyes playfully, scoffing at the way he’s making it sound like a special honor for you to be able to call him that. “Are you free this weekend?” 
The clicking of your keyboard stops as you finally look at him properly, feeling slightly bashful at the sudden question paired with his intense stare. “...Why do you ask?”  Your initial perceptions of Taesan quickly dissolve, as you now realize that this is the type of person he really is. Looks really can be deceiving. He smirks at the expression on your face, happy with himself knowing he has such an effect on someone he just met.
He slides his phone over to you, just like he had done with his student ID just moments ago. You take a peek at it, curious about its contents, only to see a blank “New Contact” screen waiting for you. “Number?” He asks for a girl’s number… Like this? It irritates you to think that he’s probably used this exact sequence numerous times without fail, and now he’s here using it on you while you’re at work.
Hesitating briefly, you pick up the phone and type in your info— You hate how easily you give in to him, almost wishing you played a bit harder to get, but it’s hard to say no to the handsome face of Han Taesan directly asking you for your number. “I’ll text you, yeah?” 
“Okay,” You reply, completely baffled at the interaction that just unfolded all in the span of less than ten minutes. Taesan slips his phone into his pocket and tucks the book he rented under his arm, giving you a small smile as he steps away from the desk. As you watch him walk out the sliding doors, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in. Next to you, your phone screen lights up. 
4 new messages from “Unknown Number”! it’s dongmin [address] come saturday if ur free, starts at 10 i’d love to talk to u again, y/n :-) 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Just this once, you’re grateful that Han Taesan is so widely known, because it was surprisingly easy to find friends who were already planning on attending Saturday’s party. You were at ease knowing you’d at least have Riwoo and Sungho to fall back on if the nerves suddenly took over. 
You wish you could say that you debated on not coming, but that’d be a complete lie, because you’re currently standing in the middle of Riwoo and Sungho’s shared apartment throwing back shots to pregame. “It’s been a while since you came out with us Y/N! What’s the occasion?” Sungho randomly interrogates you while refilling the empty shot glasses on the counter. 
Biting your lip, you contemplate your response: Should you lie and say you just felt like partying this weekend? You’re well aware of the fact that the pair of roommates in front of you are friends with Taesan… So it wouldn’t be weird to mention him now, right? But then again, his parties are huge. Chances are, he invites random strangers to them all the time, so there’s no need for you to act like your interaction at the library was anything special— You’re about to answer when your phone screen flashes on the kitchen island.
2 new messages from “Han Dongmin”! i’ll see u later ya? ik u won’t leave me hanging again y/n ;P 
The notification exhilarates you. Was he looking forward to seeing you tonight? It annoys you slightly to think that Taesan knew you’d show up, even if you’d never confirmed the matter. “Ah… I didn’t know you were friends with Taesan, Y/N!” Riwoo reads the text off your phone from over your shoulder as he moves to pick up one of the shots Sungho just poured. Guess he chose the answer to your internal turmoil for you. “Now that I think of it, how come we’ve never gone to any of his parties together before?” 
Mirroring his actions, you take a glass for yourself and finish it in one clean gulp, wincing at the burn it sends down your throat. “Hm, I don’t think I’d call us friends. He asked for my number at the library the other day.” You correct him, explaining the encounter you shared with Taesan two days prior. 
Being the last to take their shot, Sungho hums in understanding across from you. You can’t help but wonder what it’d be like to actually get to know the kind of person Han Taesan is; Would he maintain the tension with his flirty remarks? Or is he just a normal college student that doesn’t actually live up to the reputation he’s made for himself around campus? 
“So, Y/N, do you think he’s hot?” Sungho blurts out, making you choke on your spit. Riwoo giggles from beside you, patting your back as you finish your coughing fit. “I mean, we don’t care if you think he is. Taesan’s a handsome guy. Hell, half the student population probably thinks so too!” Sungho’s contagious laughter fills the kitchen, making you and Riwoo laugh along with him. 
“Well duh, why wouldn’t I think he’s hot?” There’s a smile on your face as you admit your attraction to the boy in question. Han Taesan is definitely intriguing. The alcohol feels like it’s finally made its way through your system, the room feeling a bit warmer than it was earlier. The three of you didn’t drink much; just enough to give you a little more courage to go to the party without feeling too nervous. You take a glance at the clock on their microwave: 10:43PM. “Shouldn’t we get going?”
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taglist: @minwrlds @luna2nite @taesancore @taesanmoon @helpsplease @taylorluvation (send an ask / comment if you want to be added hehe)
© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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maagicmushies · 3 days
Nen Talks #3 Kurapika
Hey. You got a free hour or two to spare? If not, fuck off because we're talking about Kurapika's abilities, their symbolism and their connection to his story line and this will be a yap session because he is one of the most storied characters in the series with the highest number of abilities.
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So, I think for Kurapika it mostly makes sense to talk about how Nen abilities in chronological order, starting with the Dousing Chain. It's a silver chain with a ball at the end attached to his ring and while it is Kurapika's main chain for combat, the real interesting thing is that the name isn't just for show. Dousing Chain can be used to read maps and tell lies. We're already starting strong because Kurapika is someone who HATES being lied to or even having information withheld for him. All hunters are greedy to an extent, because to be a hunter means to constantly want something that you don't have. Kurapika is this with information, he (unintentionally) compromised the safety of his entire clan just because he wanted to experience more, learn more. The Dousing Chain is this hunger for knowledge taken to it's full form. You cannot lie to Kurapika, nor can you hide anything from him.
His next chain is the Chain Jail on his middle finger and no, I don't think that is a coincidence. It's a gesture brimming with spite and anger and how Kurapika binds the Phantom Troupe. There is more to say about Chain Jail, but it's better saved for a little later on. Next up is the Holy Chain, allowing Kurapika to heal himself or others. This one is almost purely subtext, but Kurapika has a lot of holy themes tied to him. He wears a monk's garb as his primary design for the Yorkshin arc and his primary adversary, Chrollo, has a lot of "anti-christ" theming going on with that evil bible, a cloak adorned with St. Peter's Cross and his twelve disciples. Kurapika is the holy soldier on a mission of righteousness while Chrollo is the embodiment of everything that Kurapika strives to avoid.
The turning point in Kurapika's abilities is the reveal of Emperor Time. It's not a chain, but instead a state he enters when his emotions reach a fever pitch and his eyes go scarlet. Instead of Kurapika being a Conjurer with 100% potential in conjuration with diminishing returns everywhere, it turns him into a specialist with 100% potential everywhere. This is the ability of someone who wants to do everything on their own. Hunter x Hunter's cast is initially set up like one of Togashi's previous works, Yu Yu Hakusho where everyone has their own strengths and no one can truly do anything on their own. However, Kurapika defies this, breaking away from everyone and trying to find any way to be his own team. It's not that he's selfish, it's just that this is HIS holy war and doesn't see the need to drag his friends into it. This aspect of Kurapika isn't just spiritually destructive, but physically destructive because late in the manga it is revealed that there is another restriction tied to Emperor Time. One second for the Emperor shaves off one second of Kurapika's life. As his search for his clan's eyes gets harder, he needs to use Emperor Time more and more. No one really knows how much time Kurapika has left. We just know that he has lost at least 6 years of what he would have had originally, and likely much more than that. After he completes his quest, that might be it. He might just fully burn out. Kurapika has acknowledged this possibility... and is mostly ok with it. Just like Gon and Killua (and his arch nemesis, Chrollo), he doesn't have a ton of self worth, that's what allows him to grab ahold to this great power in such a short time and leads well into the Judgement Chain on his pinkie. Judgement Chain forces someone into an oath with Kurapika and if the oath is broken, the chain which is wrapped around the heart will crush the heart, killing them instantly. I think the allusion to "pinkie promise" might be intentional? As said earlier, oaths and truths are a big thing to Kurapika, so this makes sense but the real tragic thing here is that Kurapika has used Judgement Chain on himself. In order to stop himself from going out of control on his revenge quest, he has made a Judgement Chain vow with himself to only use Chain Jail on Phantom Troupe members. Failure to acquiesce will kill him. Kurapika... still doesn't really know what will happen if he accidentally uses it on someone who isn't a troupe member. It's this lack of foresight and lack of self worth that keeps showing up for him, Kurapika just keeps digging down with no plan on how to get back up and seems to be resigned to the idea that he may never get back up.
The final chain and the one I likely have the least to say about is the Steal Chain. It's his index finger. It basically sucks someone's aura out of their body and then gives that aura (and the ability carried within it) to an ally using Stealth Dolphin. Steal Chain holds a similar role to Chain Jail in Kurapika's characterization, this idea that some nen users are terrible people who need to be chained to hell, having all of their godly nen powers removed. Kurapika really likes this idea because he even uses Judgement Chain to impose this on Chrollo. It fits into that religious theming that keeps coming up with Kurapika, his mission is one of righteousness or at least that's how he sees it.
There are largely two forms of story telling done through nen in Hunter x Hunter. One form hints at a characters backstory and struggles and how they've evolved past it while the other hints at the core of who the character really is. Kurapika's skillset is a fantastic case of the latter, because you get such a vivid picture painted just by knowing what these does. His obsession with truths and oaths, his religious subtext with the troupe and his lack of self worth. It's all communicated through his chains and eyes and this is honestly a fantastic showcase of what a "main character" ability looks like for this series.
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sh0w--t1m3 · 3 months
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I made my version of Lucifer for the silly cult series! His human form is native american!!! (Cherokee tribe) I drsw his face eventually (I got mad because I couldn't get it right 3: )
His feather headband (a type of native hairdress) is made with his own feather before he fell.
He got the native cherokee jewelry from Maurice, who got it from his mother. Maurice is part native (also cherokee) and French :3333
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rubydreamsuwu · 3 months
Block game yuri
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spicyvampire · 6 months
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THE SIGN (2023) EP. 2 // EP. 5 // EP. 6
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3-aem · 1 year
Everyone in fandom constantly fighting over ships and stuff but yall haven't known true suffering until you go over the m/f side of a half dead to fully dried out fandom and are stuck drinking the dust coming out of a rusty 89 year old faucet.
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hauntedtotem · 5 months
sharla x therapy
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sensitivegoblin · 1 year
For those that get their period; does orgasming help?
Maybe it's cus of my pcos but I feel like the periods I m*sterbate through are easier than the ones where I don't (pls feel free to add your two cents!)
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#tw: period talk#I've got a meaty thick undercarriage#and I think I'm general my bodies muscles are tight n hard like rocks#so I feel like the act of cmming opens me up and pushes shit out#I get sick sometimes cus it all gets trapped inside of me#and I'm like an extremely heavy bleeder#it's kinda the same feeling as throwing up or di*rrhea#it's gross and unpleasant but also it feels good cus you can feel the bad things leaving you????#i probably sound weird I'm SORRY I don't have a therapist 😭#yknow the scooper from the FNAF series? I feel like I scoop my insides every time I c-m#aggsdfffff tmi but sorry😭#feel free to leave your experiences/advice/opinions etc if you get a period#it's gross but we need to talk to each other kinda like finding out y'all get paid differently before y'all decide on a union#I'm sorry I high and lonely aggssffffff#anyway let's discuss periods cus I never had that safe place in my life#scenario: my partner gives me forced O s to make my cramps feel better and they shush my sobs with my favorite chocolate#i don't feel like a woman🙃#like...I feel so seperate from the concept todsy#God wouldn't give me these feelings pre weed if they didn't mean something#some days gebder is really hard and I want people to see -real name- not my gender :/#like I'm one of those people who'd use my name as pronouns#I'm just a lil fella#the plots of muppets in space has been my entire life#I feel like it'd be eaiser if I was fully trans cus like#that sounds more legit than 'sometimes I feel different genders'#it sounds like I smoked at least I can see my dad thinking that#I wouldn't even make my dad or family use different pronouns or even involve them in that part of my identity#but I feel like by them not knowing it's a big lie and I really hate lying :(#that's what made me come out as gay even tho I was single#I just...I don't like hiding or lying I wanna share the real me
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jesterwaves · 10 months
my experience with percy jackson is kinda funny in hindsight because reading the first book for the first time i was like 'no way...thalia mentioned!!!!'
#the fool speaks#for clarity - i read the third??? book in elementary school before the others because i needed to get a higher reading level book from#another class and was very shy so they just asked if i wanted percy jackson and handed me the third??? book. it was. as you may have guesse#a tad confusing#and my memory of it is not great thalia was the only character i could really remember. i guess apart from The Percy Jackson.#so anytime they'd talk about the tree and thalia i was like I Know That Tree. I Know That Name#i always wanted to actually read the series from the beginning but never got around to it because a girl in church talked about#how she couldnt even read it anymore because of the gay character#now i am gay and finally reading again! its fun! i love being a nerd again!#(yes i cannot wait to meet nico for real LMAO)#Anyways i finished the first book! love how percy's adhd was portrayed! im going to pick up the second one from my library soonish#if it's in. but i have two books ahead of it an im torn on which book i should read#my heart wants to continue percy jackson but i probably should be getting started on one of these two...#one of them is probably mid at best though T_T#also i do want to watch the movies now that i have read the book so i can understand just why it was disliked. i cannot remember the#movie that well either. the first half of the book seemed pretty similar to what i remembered. the ending was definitely different#i assume thats the majority of the issue? but as i said. cannot remember it that well.
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and i draw parallels solely on the cinematographic basis of “when my man is no more than a millimeter away from perturbation at all times but you give the Whole Right Half Of The Screen 3/4 Closeup of Harrowing Recontextualizations” like that’s right. we’re living it up
#i mean i guess it counts lol. said generally similar cinematographic approachs for said very generally similar scenarios#(a) when a guy shows his hand (shit) & the Team Experience is in shambles & you're two sec away from shooting him for real....#nemik not even being around for said ''oh so this guy is like that then apparently'' but Insisting on giving cassian his manifesto when we#all knew like oh f you're gonna get it lol. unsurprised but not unmoved that nemik's manifesto is the source of that Quoteth....#paraphrasing closely from memory the frontier of the rebellion is everywhere even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward#the imperial need for control is so desperate b/c it is so unnatural tyranny requires constant effort it breaks it leaks....#(b) when against all odds you busted out of island forever factory labor electric containment torture execution jail and made it to a phone#make a risky call home to relay to your mom that you're alive and all only to be informed that she is not#and both still like serving as [major turning points] naturally. end of ep six; end of ep eleven of twelve....#love some drama. even on top of ''oh we knew you'd die but now we know you're dying'' and then like escalation on escalation like umm what's#our bestie here talking about. oh i see. oh he's getting quickdraw blown away right on really at this point; makes sense in this position;#still what a surprise lol truly....that we Aren't surprised maarva dies not only b/c it's heavily cued but also We find out at the ep start#like the one guy dying in prison while we Know that's coming but heaping drama on drama as the doctor tells them what happened on floor two#and we get yet more Acting Wins as andy serkis (lino?)#(nah looked it up & i spoonerized that lol. kino loy. i Only Just Now have one name per each of that heist team down i think lol) so anyways#andy kino loy serkis is getting to be the king of Harrowing Recontextualizations in that moment. ugh just great shit going on throughout#there was a Lot of great [i'm perturbed to harrowed] acting all across the board. its being by and large a cast of characters who are all#like wary and continually endangered with varying degrees of urgency. like the rec abt this series as [tfw depiction of police state life]#star wars ///#andor#truly cassian my [he has the face of a friend] cassian#he really does have this key energy of like your insta new best friend and comrade....nemik's delivery w/''i wrote abt you last night.'' Fun#again like also unsurprising he'd already land on cassian out here like ofc i'll give my crucial legacy work to that guy who just showed up.#and And I Insistingly....and he's right
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himemeika · 1 year
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and there's more on this list...
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iratusmus · 2 years
what is one peice.is it like. a bathing suit. insert panel where sally acorn is cutting up film reels here
one piece is the best selling manga of all time and it damn well deserves it
#im not sure if you meant this as a dumb joke or a genuine question but im going to answer it seriously anyways#bc if you give me the chance to talk about this series i fr will never shut up about it#im going to sum it up as best as i can given that its a 1000+ chapter ongoing manga but Basically#one piece is a long running shounen manga about friendship and freedom and adventure. and also pirates#the mc is a guy named monkey d. luffy who gets rubber hose animation style powers as a kid and wants to find the One Piece#there are many very stupid and very serious shenanigans#the humor can only be described as wildly stupid but lord its so terribly funny#and the tone of the store oscillates back and forth between#''genuinely who hurt you author . why did you feel the need to rip my heart out and stomp on it and then tear it to pieces''#and#''real question wtf am i reading (but in the stupidest funniest possible way)''#but not in a way thats jarring or try hard edgy#the main cast is... spectacular. like theyre so well done and such great enjoyable characters and their dynamics are just DELIGHTFUL#the mc is probably my most favorite mc of all time#the worldbuilding is insanely good and so extremely fun and flexible#there is a massive and sprawling cast but they are juggled so well and when you stop to think abt how many moving parts there are#esp in the later arcs. its like. real question author why are you so good at this#and most shockingly of all i think. is that after 25 years there is no series decay. the most recent arc is one of my most favorites#regardless if youre interested in checking it out rn is literally the best time because we're on a month long break (2 weeks in)#if you need a site i have one. also dont watch the anime unless you really just dont like reading manga bc the pacing is ABYSMAL#ask#scatman-world#also it would be SO absurdly easy to make an archie sonic crossover with it. like. so so easy.#one day ill run into somebody who likes archie and op and then we can talk about judge and locke basically being the same guy#but until then
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