#i really need to organise
onejellyfishplease · 11 months
And she/her but gender neutral pronouns also work :D I’m not too bothered about it
-name guy™️
that sounds right!
also thanks for sharing!
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naarinn · 5 months
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No thoughts, Brain empty
Ya'll next chap is deme arc , trust 🤞
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eyes-of-nine · 8 months
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part 1 | part 2
aghsfshs pls let's ignore how long it took me to post this one😭😭 but i couldn't pass up the opportunity to draw a man covered in blood now could I?
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so I have been avidly following the lovely dbhc au that @shepscapades has made and I have made a little drabble fanfic of Doc and Xisuma because I feel very normal about them :)
setting: hermitcraft season 10, while Doc is in skyblock jail
word count: 1361
Doc is grumbling to himself, ramming his fist into the newly-sprouted tree with not an insignificant amount of prejudice, when he hears the distinct whistling of fireworks crescendoing towards him.
“Have you come to watch me punch wood like an imbecile?” Doc snarks, expecting to hear Scar’s fumbling denials, or Cleo’s cackling assent.
“That wasn’t the plan, no.” The quietly amused voice is far from his first prediction. An oversight on his part, really.
[Vocal Recognition: Xisumavoid.]
“Xisuma!” Doc’s next punch misses the trunk of the cherry blossom tree, glancing off the side and chipping off the bark instead. He blinks away the vocal recognition pop-up, glancing behind him just to check it really is him and not Tango with a goat horn. “Hey, man!”
“Hey! You’ve been busy.” Xisuma’s boots scuff against the cobblestone as he inspects the progress of his miserable sky island. A shulker box thunks onto the stone, freeing his hands up to brush against the cherry wood planks.
“Hardly anything else to do besides work.” Doc throws the words over his shoulder as he continues to gather his cherry wood, not one to leave a project half-done. 
His visitor is content to hum and haw at whatever he finds as Doc works away. It has only been a few days, but the one-sided commentary is surprisingly comforting. After all, no touching the ground means no redstone, which also means no time in the lab. The thought has Doc speaking up, slipping between Xisuma’s quips.
“It’s not been too busy, yeah?” Doc clambers onto the tree as he plucks off the highest branches. He pauses to flick open a calendar overlay, skimming the dates. “Nobody’s scheduled for maintenance checks until next month.” 
“It’s been alright.” The fuzzy wolf-shaped wool mask pops into view as Xisuma emerges from Doc’s pink abode. “Been a bit too quiet, even. It’s weird not having you around.”
Doc snorts to hide the way his thirium pump hiccups at the words. Logically, he knows the sound is far too soft for Xisuma to hear. Having emotions, Doc has found, is hardly ever logical.
“So you came over ‘cause you missed me?” The words are out before Doc can even try to edit the response. It instills in him the same kind of floundering exasperation he feels when trying to recall a comms message already seen by everyone.
“Well.” When Xisuma ducks his head, one ear of the knitted wolf flops to the side. “I mean. I suppose so.”
[Emotion Identified: Shyness.]
“But I did come with an agenda!” Xisuma reaches for the shulker behind him, pulling out a mobile scanner from the lab.
“You’re right about having no maintenance checks on the schedule,” Xisuma says, waving around the scanner. “With you out here roughing it out, though, I figured I should check on you.”
“Ah.” Doc chuckles, ignores his cooling vents spinning faster. “I see.”
“Well, don’t keep me waiting! You look about done with your tree.” 
“I am, I think.” Doc squints through the already-thinning leaves, nodding when he finds no branches left. “Alright, one moment.”
Dismantling the remains of the trunk takes only a few seconds. Doc gathers the wood and plonks them into the chest in his shabby house, with Xisuma trailing behind. 
With two people inside, it only reminds Doc how small the shelter is. Turning around after closing his chest puts him directly in Xisuma’s space.
“So, uh.” Doc shifts back, as much as he can. He ends up plopping down on the edge of his bed, which, well. “Go ahead, then.” 
A check-up does not require much space, really. Doc has done maintenance with the hermits in caves, in redstone farms, in underwater bases and nether bases. This is just the first time Doc himself has been examined outside of the yawning expanse of their labs. The change in routine leaves him uncertain, like recalibrating on angled terrain. 
The ease that Xisuma slips into the motions does well to settle Doc’s stress, however mild. The mobile scanner takes a while to gather results, so Doc answers Xisuma’s laundry list of questions. The list of questions is one curated by both Doc and Xisuma. Most of it is data, which Doc rattles off easily from the numbers that he pulls up in the corner of his vision.
The mobile scanner beeps cheerfully just as they reach the end of the lengthy questionnaire.
“Clean bill of health.” Xisuma shows Doc the display, which focuses less on internal processes and more on external damage or abnormalities. “Although, your average temperature is a bit lower than your usual.”
Doc shrugs. “It’s the altitude, man. Going from spending significant amounts of my time in the deserts and swamps to this is quite the change. Not to mention the wind chill.” 
As if to prove his point, a gust hits the shelter hard enough to make the planks rattle and creak. With no door, the icy breeze rushes in quickly. He tucks his metal arm into his lab coat with a sigh, the exposed components always prone to freezing the fastest.
“It’s not that bad,” Doc states flippantly, knowing without looking that Xisuma is taking in his every move. “I’m working most of the time, which keeps me warm. Plus I have my lava pool to sit beside when I need to warm up.”
“If you say so.” Xisuma shifts, leaning against his crafting bench. “The moment you start to experience temperature glitches, though, call this off. The rest will understand.”
“I know, I know.” This is all in good fun, when it comes down to it. He plays along for his own amusement. “I’ll be fine, Xisuma. I know how to take care of myself.”
“That you do.” Xisuma nods, then, with an “ah” of realisation, pulls his wolf mask off his helmet. 
“Here!” It only takes a step for Xisuma to be back in Doc’s space, pulling the wool over Doc’s head before he can react. 
“Uhm.” The mask is large enough that it goes over his horns easily, fitting loosely around his face. He has to lift and adjust it slightly to get his eyes back through the openings. “What?”
“To keep you warm!” Xisuma draws back again, settling against the crafting bench and tapping his heel against its side. “I mean, even over my helmet, it sure retains the heat. I know it doesn’t quite help with your metal arm, but it’ll at least warm up your horns and face.”
Doc does feel warmer, in fact. Though that is not necessarily correlated with the wool mask itself, and more the action of gifting it to him.
“But it’s your mask,” Doc replies, a flimsy rebuttal. “For your Woolves of Wool Street.”
“I have spares,” Xisuma chimes, eyes squinting happily through his helmet. “I’m sure the others won’t mind if you’re wearing it. Take it as a souvenir, of sorts.”
“Right.” Doc reaches a hand up to the wool. The material is soft, slightly worn from use. It smells a bit like Xisuma’s armour, the polish that he uses to clean it at the end of the day. “Thanks.”
“No problem, Doc.” 
Xisuma’s communicator chimes. A quick look has Xisuma turning back to Doc with an apologetic sigh. “Sorry, I’ve got to go. I’ll come back soon, though, if you don’t mind?”
“Come back anytime,” Doc replies. He tries to reel it towards comedy with a gesture to his surroundings, his meager belongings. “You won’t be interrupting anything.”
The dry quip draws out a laugh from Xisuma, even as he gathers his shulker and activates his elytra.
“See you, Doc!” Xisuma waves from the edge of the cobblestone, then nosedives away, a rocket propelling him rapidly out of sight. 
Doc takes a moment to watch the clouds, then laughs at himself. Did he not poke fun at Tango last season, when he stared longingly at the portal Jimmy left the server with? Now look at him.  
He draws a hand up to the wolf mask, rubbing the soft knitting between his fingers, and decides that Tango absolutely cannot see him wearing this.
He can keep it on for now, though.
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trainerethan · 15 days
Autistic red is real and true to many but I think we should all also accept autistic green into our hearts.
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t4tadrienette · 26 days
Every time they put Yusaku Kudo in an episode is always to show how Shinichi still has a long way to go as a detective, and it annoys me so much. He literally shows up, talks about how he figured out the case long before Shinichi, and then he just goes away. Either shut up or go back to neglectland, I really don't care
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goldetrash · 9 months
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freeuselandonorris · 19 days
I am fizzing for the drag Lando au!!! Just imagine Oscar looking at him like he does but Lando is in full send drag in the middle of a pub nd Logan is just watching it all happen like “dude”
🥹 i'm sooo fond of this verse even though i haven't really written anything concrete for it yet, i just. love to think about it!
anyway YEAH lando downstairs in some grotty pub in the gay village, doing a routine to guess (the billie eilish version ofc) wearing a little brat green latex minidress that's so short you can see the matching thong underneath (and also that she is Not tucked), getting all up in oscar's face and eyefucking him for the "charli likes boys but she knows i'd hit it" line and oscar going absolutely magenta about it but also like this -> 🤩 and logan just being like... dear god i don't need to see this pornograhpy unfold in front of me in real time please.
further thoughts: can you imagine how beautiful lando's eyes would look with a full smoky cut crease and demi-lashes?? the other queens would give him stick for his quite masc arm muscles until he does an insane pole routine halfway through his set (yes i'm projecting heavily here what of it). lando would be excellent at lipsyncing, dance routines, pole tricks and generally being outrageously slaggy onstage, but her jokes are mid at best and she often goes too far to the mean side of bitchy with her crowd work. but she gets away with it bc she's cute.
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brbuttons · 6 months
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Some BS2 sketchbook stuff from the other week. Because stylising characters is hard. ✨
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infinstar · 1 month
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In this soba eating scene, the gaga subtitles were off regarding the subject/meaning of Hiroko's thoughts.
そうそう ... 本来はこういう反応だよ ( Indeed, Normally that's how people would react )
危うく間違えるとくだった ( I almost misunderstood it )
This is important because it is essential to how Hiroko has been acting throughout this entire episode! From the moment Ayaka declared to pursure Hiroko infront of everyone, she has been gauging everyone's reaction to Ayaka's confession/actions. When the coworkers had a positive attitude towards it, it enabled Hiroko to answer positively to Ayaka's advancements and let her guard down momentarily. When confronted with a coworker?/business partner? who framed Ayaka's confession as a type of identity exploration of the youth "before they eventually settle down", Hiroko felt that familiar/what she had been expecting as the reaction to all of this from her experience in the past. This reinforced her mindset as it fed to her own biases that ultimately the world has not changed afterall and she nearly misunderstood that it was okay to be open about it and be accepted.
Ayaka on the other hand is almost blind/indifferent to everyone's reaction/opinion to her feelings as she bulldozes ahead to the detriment of Hiroko. They are both polar opposites. Hiroko cares far too much about what others think of her and subsequently of Lesbian relationships (either romanticing it through works of Yuri or not taking it seriously at all) that she has not even considered what she should do/want now that she can't avoid it anymore. Ayaka can't seem to understand why would Hiroko withdraw from acting on her feelings when she likes her and definitely needs help understanding Hiroko's worries. Even after Risa questioned her whether it was okay to say it infront of everyone after knowing what happened in the past, Ayaka did not get it.
Again, I dont think any character is particularly wrong in their actions (apart from that old man) they are all approaching it from their own insecurities or lack of it in the case of Ayaka. Not everyone will think about the major consequences of their actions before acting and some will only think of that and I love how this episode depicted it.
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Im officially asking to be crowned as "sbi!atla au's #1 fan" because im ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED, YOU HAVE NO IDEA IM SO HYPED!!!
Okok at first i thought that Techno would 100% be a fire bender but after reading ur explanation it makes so much sense for his character to be a water bender
And (just an idea! You don't have to include it or anything) i would love to see people assuming he's a non bender bc he fights without using water and then he just STARTS CONTROLLING THEIR BODY!! BECAUSE THATS THE ONLY(?) FORM OF WATER BENDING HE KNOWS!!
Like- that could be a huge character arc for him; learning to use water bending in other forms
Anywayy, im just brain storming here lol
Also, i love niki as a firebender! It matches her dsmp character so much and it gives so much potential for her
For me, I definitely see Tommy as a firebender, he's got a personality that could only be described as 'fiery', hes THE personification of fire;
Persistent, ambitious, never giving up, fiercely protective, and even, consistent and unchanging
Because if we take a look at his dsmp character, he's all of the above! And please let me explain the last two
Ctommy went through a lot of changes and situations but at his core level, he kept those same characteristics that defined him from the start of the story, till the very end.
Yes, he matured and grew up, yes he went through trauma that definitely influenced him heavily
But he (and if you'd allow me this comparison here>) never became a whole different person like i believe cwillbur did. Cwillbur went from an ambitious leader fighting against corruption and false-power to --not only siding with said self-proclaimed figures of power -- but also becoming so corrupt himself, that he got lost inside the chaos around him, and the chaos inside his mind
CTommy never did. Even if it became borderline obsessive at some point, he knew what he wanted/what the goal was;
The discs and L'manburg
The discs; a symbol of friendship to his best friend tubbo (reminding him of who was beside him at those early dsmp moments), and also a symbol of capability for himself. He alone acquired those discs. Not by stealing them, without any help. His first time having something entirely his. It's a symbol of strength, of confidence. A way of showing that he can do anything himself, if he wished.
And L'manburg; a symbol of revolution, of resistance against the ones hungry for power. A symbol of equality, togetherness, brotherhood, family even!
C tommy always stayed true to those two, whether it was the physical embodiment of those or the things they symbolised.
And i just realised I've been rambling about ctommy for around 10 paragraphs, the spirit of ctommy possessed me. I genuinely don't know what took over me, but im definitely not getting saved if im analyzing dsmp in our year of our lord and saviour Twich Prime, 2024
Anything you decide to do with ranboo, i think would be a great choice. I'd love them as the avatar, but I'd love anything you do with them either way
Thank you for reading all that, and for making the au! It's honestly amazing :D
(also you don't have to post this ask if you don't want to!)
(ill be waiting for permission to put "#1 'whatever name you decide it should be' au fan" on my blog)
Have a great day/night ^-^
You have absolutely permission for the crown, and I Love hearing your thoughts on this!!
I like the idea of Techno only being able to bloodbend at first, and I think I may incorporate that more into his narrative more now.
What I was thinking for his backstory was that he was ostracised and cast out from his village as a young child, being born albino with red eyes instead of blue he was considered cursed (or at best the child of an affair), but when his bending talent manifested he could only bloodbend which scared his people thinking he was a demon or something, so they left him in the tundra to die.
He survived ofc, but the isolation and trauma of living alone for so long manifested the voices (like schizophrenia but I think maybe it's instead a sign of the blood god worsened by schizophrenic symptoms). He always had them, urging him to bloodbend, but they were worsened to become noticable during that time. The bloodbending and albinism being the blessing / incarnation of the blood god, kinda like Yue was of the moon spirit when she was a baby.
He later learns to control water too, but I think he's quite a skilled swordsman, so for his fighting technique that doesn't involve bloodbending he uses weapons he's waterbended into shape and turned to ice. I'm working on some designs for this I'll post later, but in his updated ref you can see a hilt on his belt which he'll make the blade out of ice with (he could do the whole thing, but it'd be cold and uncomfortable, as well as less structurally secure).
The pole on his back works to make his axe and stuff. Then I think he makes a trident out of plain ice. This also gives them the appearance of being blue like diamond gear which I think is neat.
Tommy is also such a great character to work with, even if Techno's my fav Tommy's probably going to be the main protagonist if I get round to making a narrative. You're so right that he embodies all the firebender traits, I think I will end up going with firebending for him now.
I'm not sure if I'll include c!dream in this au or not considering I'm not really into him, but he does have a lot of involvement in Tommy's dsmp lore and development. If I do bring him in then he'd probably do the classic manipulation, probably try to 'train' tommy or smth and isolates and controls him.
I imagine Tommy's bending is actually pretty weak, or starts out that way cause he never had a proper teacher (methinks the other help him later), which makes him a bit insecure and leads to him learning how to be resourceful in other ways cause he can't rely on it.
I really like the discs being something he didn't steal but earned. I think one of the reasons that they'll be so important to him now in the au is because he's a poor thief who's had to steal everything in life to survive, so to have something he wholly earned himself, along with the symbolism of them, is something that means a lot and he takes pride in it. Thanks for bringing that up cause it'll be very useful for his development.
Just gonna leave it with those two for now, I should head to bed haha, good morning/night!
There's so many things I wanna do with this au, Thank you for showing an interest in it, it makes me want to finish more of my drawings lol :)
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creedock · 3 months
what do you guys reckon lorelei's music sounds like?
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kiruamon · 3 months
Kingdom Hearts - Saix
Well... did you know I used to draw Kingdom Hearts stuff when I was still active on deviantArt? No? Well, that's okay. Just felt like sketching (annoyed) Saix for old days sake.
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killeroos · 1 month
Hey are there any old or yesteryear cricships? like from around the 2000s and 2010s?
oh mate you have no idea!!! first of all my favourite ship of all time is from that era - adam gilchrist/freddie flintoff, a real life enemies to friends to lovers tale
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...so is my second favourite ship actually - freddie flintoff/steve harmison
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punter and gilly were and are literally in love
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brett lee/shoaib akhtar is very fun
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sachin tendulkar and shane warne were very close for a very long time
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the 00's aussie opening trio of langer, hayden, and ponting were obsessed with each other and can be shipped any which way
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who else... binga and watto were always jamming together, watto and johnson were so close he would get in trouble by association when clarke and watson were kicking off
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freddie has said that punter and tendulkar were so good when he was bowling to them he wanted to impress them, punter and tendulkar had so much chemistry - of all kinds
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i do want to say that this isn't a comprehensive list or anything its just a few of my favourites <3 that's why it skews so heavily australian and flintoffian, sorry about that!
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anaalnathrakhs · 4 months
love this part of my life where the things that are difficult but challenging and good for me are things i can stop and skip and halfass, but the things that are difficult and painful and pointless are the things i have to live with no matter what
#school and home life are too much to handle so i skip school#because i cant kick my parents out#and appartments cost money#and i dont have a car to sleep in#i could maybe try to dig up my old childhood tent but that brings a whole host of logistic questions + im scared and it's difficult#anyway. it's fine. it's cool. i just have to hold on until i graduate high shcool and then ?????#find a way to live without my parents money OR scholarships#all for some nebulous end goal of having a job (the only field i'm interested in and good at offers two options:#to become an academic#or to become a freelancer#i do not have the fortitude to be an academic and being a freelancer is convoluted and pays like shit)#i might've spent 24h without my parents occasionally if i spent the night at a friend's place once or twice recently#but besides that the last time i've gone 48h without my parents was when the mental health center organised a week camp uhhhh...#two summers ago#incredibly good for my mental health as you can see#god i remember like... years ago. around 13yo maybe or 14. a guy. i dont know if he was a mental health professional or like social cases#but anyway he told me ''you're too afraid to be away from mommy and daddy'' and it made me want to rip his eyes out#several other people have implied or suggested that too over the years and it's just#am i too dependant on my parents? yes. will it be difficult to take my independance? yes.#does it means i don't both rationally recognize and feel that this is really fucking unhealthy and hindering for me#on top of being unpleasant?#FUCK NO#i want out my guy. there's just not many opportunities for an already mentally ill teenager#now that i'm eighteen i have to grapple with the logistical problems of the money needed and how to continue my education#and im sure a billion more if i start searching a little more seriously#perhaps i should kill myself that way i don't cost anyone any more money#broadcasting my misery#vent
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scooterpengie · 8 months
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My two favourite shows at the moment
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