#i really thought i would come back and come back and come back to this in my drafts for days
I promised you some lions! Let's talk about manes, males, and management.
This is Tandie, the current male lion at the Woodland Park Zoo.
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Notice anything odd about him? He's got one of those hilarious awkward teenager manes. Except... this cat is nine years old.
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I was, of course, immediately curious.
Manes serve a lot of purposes for male lions, including being an indicator of health and fitness - it's actually a sexually selected trait and a social signal. Mane texture / hair quality / length is dependent on nutrition and the body having energy to grow (and carry around!) that much hair! The color is also a signal: males with darker manes have been found to have higher testosterone levels.
In one research report, wild males were much more likely to avoid a lion decoy when it had a longer or darker mane - but the girls really loved a dark mane. It's thought this is because a long, dark mane is an indicator of mate quality. Males with longer, darker manes have higher testosterone and were pretty healthy: meaning they had more energy for fighting, had a better chance of recovering if they got injured, and generally had a higher rate of offspring survival. Manes matter!
So, back to Tandie. He was actually born at the Woodland Park Zoo in 2014 alongside two brothers, to dad Xerxes and mother Adia.
This was Xerxes (rip).
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Obviously, a very large, dark, lush mane on Xerxes here. So where did these blond muttonchops come from on his son?
I asked the zoo docents and got an answer that didn't make a lot of sense. They told me that after the three cubs grew into adolescents, they were moved to the Oakland Zoo together. But living together suppressed his testosterone, and he never grew a mane.
Here's a photo from 2016, when the brothers debuted at Oakland. They're a year and a half old in this photo.
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(Photo Credit: Oakland Zoo)
And here's from an announcement for their third birthday.
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(Photo credit: Oakland Zoo)
Okay, so these dudes obviously all were growing manes as of 2017. I think Tandie is the one on the left in the first photo, and laying down in the middle on the second. What happened?
I was just in the Bay Area for a zoo road trip, of course I went to Oakland and tracked down a docent to ask some questions.
It turns out that shortly after the brothers turned three, they started acting like adult male lions: they started scuffling regularly. It's a normal social thing for male lions to live in groups, called coalitions, but according to my lion experts there's generally a baseline level of some social jostling within them. It wasn't quite clear from what the docent said if they couldn't manage the boys together, or if they just wanted to avoid the scratches and small wounds that result from normal lion behavior. Regardless, they put all three of the boys on testosterone blockers in order to be able to keep them together as a social group.
Now, I don't know a lot about the use of hormone alteration as a form of captive animal management, except in the case of birth control. I don't think it's something that's unethical - there was just a webinar on it that I saw go by - but I don't think it's commonly done with big cats. Lions have kind of complicated reproductive cycles, and for instance, we've been learning that female lions can take much longer to come into estrus again than expected after coming off hormonal birth control.
In males, testosterone blockers (or being neutered) means they lose their manes. This is why a lot of rescues will do a vasectomy on their males instead of a neuter - it allows them to keep their mane and the social signals that accompany it.
Tandie returned home to Woodland Park Zoo after Xerxes passed in early 2022, and the docent told me all of the lions had been off their blockers "for while." I'd guess those things happened around the same time, since bringing the trio down to a duo at Oakland would reduce some of the social tensions.
Hormones are such interesting things, though. One of Tandie's brothers has a full mane again, and the other is still totally mane-less.
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As for Tandie, his mane is growing back in, and it looks like he might rival his dad for length and coloration.
He started here, in February:
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What a difference four months (and maybe proximity to a girl) makes!
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saltpepperbeard · 2 days
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hugs ed hugs ed hugs ed hugs ed hug—
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“Oh my god, Robin.” Steve is whispering into the mouth piece of his desk phone, begging she can hear him. Because he’s not going to be removing his hovering hand from over his mouth, while he groans into the phone, risking being overheard.
“What?” She sounds exasperated but not annoyed.
“You know the new guy? The one starting in IT today?”
“Yeah?” He can hear her clicking the ballpoint pen he thought he hid last week.
“He is so hot, and I need your help finding out if he plays for our team.”
“Your team, Steve. If he played for my team, this would be a different conversation. Why can’t you figure it out yourself?”
“Because Mike was the one that brought him by and you know how Mike feels about me. I’m pretty sure he told Eddie I was an asshole or something because he barely made eye contact. I don’t want to come on too strong and then I make it worse if he’s straight.” Steve glances over his cube wall to ensure no one’s listening. “Please, do this for me and I’ll buy you tacos for lunch.”
“Fine, oh speak of the devil. Here they come.” Steve hears her chair squeak. “I’ll call you back.”
They hang up and Steve leans in his chair trying to peer down the aisle and see if he can watch the interaction. Robin’s desk isn’t quite down the line so he can only see the top of Mike and Eddie’s head. Neither of their skulls are giving anything away so he sighs and accepts he’ll have to wait for Robin’s call.
After a painstaking 7 minutes Steve’s phone rings. He grabs it immediately and grunts an acknowledgment.
Steve’s stomach drops because that’s not Robin’s voice. “Sorry, this is Steve.”
“Hey, um, it’s Eddie. We just met.”
“Yeah,” Steve’s voice lilts up. “What’s up?”
“Oh, Robin said you had a question about something.” Of course she did.
“Uh, did she mention what it was about?” He’s going to murder her.
“No,” he sounds annoyed.
Think quick. “I was…do you play softball? I’m on a league and we’re always looking for new players.”
“No?” He’s probably wondering why he had Robin ask him to call. “Not really a sports guy.”
“Oh, yeah ok. That makes sense.” Steve rubs the back of his neck scrambling for conversation.
“Why does that make sense?”
Shit. “No, I just noticed your rings and nail polish. I can never keep polish on my nails during the season. Gets chipped too easily.” Eddie hums some kind of acknowledgment that Steve can’t interpret. “You’re probably in a band or something, way cooler than softball.” Steve sighs and needs to get out of this shit show of a conversation stat.
“I play guitar,” Eddie states simply.
“See? Yeah, so much cooler than softball. I never learned how to play anything. Wanted to, thought it would get me more chicks in high school.” Steve realizes what that sounds like and rushes to add. “Or anyone now.”
“Yeah, ok. Was there something computer related you needed help with?”
Steve wants to jump off the fifth floor of this building because why is he such a disaster at this? “Sorry, no. You’re probably busy. It was nice meeting you.”
“Yeah, you too, man.”
“Bye,” Eddie doesn’t respond and Steve drops the receiver down like he wants the floor to open up and swallow him whole.
“Well that was embarrassing.” Steve whips around to see Robin hovering behind him. “I set you up an easy hit and that’s what you do with it?” She has her right hand on her hip and her left hanging on the edge of his cube wall.
“You sabotaged me.” He points his finger at her then pushes himself to his feet. He needs more coffee.
“I did nothing of the sort.” She follows close behind as he weaves through the maze toward the break room.
“Yes you did. I asked you to find out and keep me away from the entire thing. You didn’t even send me a courtesy Slack message. This does not equal tacos.”
“Not fair!” She whines as he pushes the door open with his shoulder.
“It’s only fair since you didn’t do anything. I was the one who looked like an idiot fumbling to come up with something to say to the guy because my best friend refused to find out if he’s queer on her own.”
Robin’s eyes are wide and she’s not speaking which slightly terrifies Steve. He turns around to see the man of the hour pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“Hmm,” Eddie tuts, then leans against the counter with a level of nonchalance that shouldn’t be doing something for Steve. “That explains that. Glad I won’t be obsessing the rest of the day about what in the world the hot guy was going on about.”
Eddie’s eyes flick up to Steve and when Steve sees the corner of Eddie’s mouth tick up he can’t help it when a blush spreads across his cheeks. Steve thinks he hears Robin back out of the room but he’s not going to turn around to verify.
“My band has a show this Friday. You should come.” He says while pushing his body away from the counter and stalking toward Steve.
“Yeah,” Steve watches the man move closer.
“I’ll email you the info.” Eddie stops a foot in front of Steve, much too close for casual, and it sends a rush of butterflies through his gut. “Harrington, right?”
“Uh huh.”
“Cool,” Eddie puts his hands on Steve’s shoulder and gives it a squeeze as he steps past. “Oh and it’s too bad you don’t paint your nails more. I bet your fingers look pretty wrapped around…that bat.” Steve feels the weight of the pause and so does his dick if the twitch it gives means anything. “See ya later, man.”
When Eddie disappears through the doorway and Steve’s alone he exhales loudly just before Robin’s pushing her way back into the break room.
“Wanna split the carne asada plate?”
“Yes!” She fist bumps into the air. “Knew it.”
“Also, how does manicures at lunch tomorrow sound?” She cocks her head at him. “He thinks my fingers would look good painted when holding-“
“Don’t!” She interrupts.
“A baseball bat,” he says innocently.
“Uh huh,” she narrows her eyes. “As long as you’re driving, I’m game.”
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shadow4-1 · 2 days
I'm just imagining Ghost having a non-existent love life due to his past trauma. After much prodding, Soap convinces him to hire an escort to fulfil his needs. Not just any escort, either, but one of his old schoolmates who specializes in "the complete girlfriend package". (She's also plus-sized.)
"She's a right classy bird. Chooses her Johns real carefully." Soap admits, leaning against the bar top. He pulls out his phone and begins to scroll through his Instagram feed. "She's a lil' pricey, but look. She's got a private villa that she'll keep ye in the whole weekend."
Soap swipes through clusters of photos. The villa is beautiful and the interior has a rustic, home-y vibe to it. It doesn't look like a manufactured place, but like someone actually lives there. Ghost is intrigued just by that fact alone. He's never really had a place to stay when on leave. Well, he doesn't count his shithole flat as much of anything.
"She'll cook fer ya too. N' I think she's some type of masseuse?" Soap prattles on, flicking through even more pictures. It seems he was right. In one of the extra bedrooms there's a massage table set up.
"What she look like?"
Soap smiles sheepishly.
"She's not the type of bird I've seen you go for in the past." He admits before pulling up a folder of pictures on his phone. "But she's bonnie, Lt. A right knockout, I swear."
He scrolls towards the bottom of the folder, looking for a more recent picture. Ghost notices the the skin colored thumbnails as they pass by in a flurry. He already knew, didn't really care, but decides to press on it for his own amusement.
"You one of her Johns?"
Soap nearly chokes. He stops scrolling and looks up at Ghost.
"Well, um...yeah." He admits. Ghost taps on one of the juicy thumbnails. It opens the video. Despite himself, Soap blushes.
Neither man say anything else for a minute. They quietly watch the screen as a pretty cunt is being stretched out by a cock they both know the owner of. She's wet and dripping and glistening in the phone's flash. Her cunt is visibly softer, rounder, with thick outer lips and even cushier looking inner thighs.
Ghost is instantly intrigued by the sight of this woman's body. He'd always found himself in situations with toned or muscular women. He never thought much of it at the time. Ghost was rarely around civilians, and even then he never frequented places a soft girl like her would be seen. Now, in the rec-room, watching a video of Johnny fucking open this girl he realizes he's been going about things all wrong.
Johnny's not being very nice to the girl in the video either. Its apparent he's putting his whole weight and stamina into his thrusts. Ghost couldn't remember ever fucking a woman like that. He'd always had to go slow, angle himself just right to avoid hurting himself or his lovers. A tinge of jealousy shoots up his spine when he notices how the soft pudge of her thighs cushions Johnny's much sharper hipbones.
"You like 'er?" Johnny asks. "She told me she's looking for 'new clients' if yer interested."
Ghost taps through even more of the photos and videos. They're mostly of her pretty cunt being fucked out but there's a few of her looking cute and relaxed in lingerie or nothing at all. She's got a decent face. Better tits though. Ghost doesn't think he's ever seen a set that fucking soft or suckable.
The last video in the folder is of her bare ass. She looks over her shoulder, smiles flirtatiously, then proceeds to shake her body in a way that makes her ass bounce rigorously. Johnny's hand comes into frame. He grips roughly at one of her cheeks and spreads her apart. A thick glob of cum spills from her slightly gaping, inner lips. The video ends.
Ghost raises his brow at Soap.
"She lets you cum in 'er?"
"Ya know I don't like rubbers, Lt. Can't stand the wee fucks." Soap laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I jes' get a copy of my physical from the doc. Send it over t' her 'fore I drop by."
Ghost huffs.
"Here, lemme give you 'er number."
Ghost doesn't try to stop him when Soap fishes his hand into his jacket pocket. He already knows the security code.
"I'll let 'er know yer a friend 'o mine. 'F I vouch for you she'll take ya in no problem." He nods. "I think you're gonnae thank me after all this s' said n' done, Lt."
For good measure Soap texts her a simple greeting from Ghost's phone. She replies within a few seconds. Ghost's eyes glint at the little notification flash.
"We'll see..."
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luveline · 1 day
hiiii if you’re still looking for remus centered requests, i rly liked your best friend steve giving reader a hickey and couldn’t help but think of Remus too! like him helping a shy reader not feel insecure about being the ‘inexperienced’ one of their friend group… by giving her some experience 👀💞? love ya lots!
love u thank u for requesting<3
—Remus gives you your first kiss, and then a little more than that. You know, between friends. fem, 1.2k
“Will anyone kiss me tonight, or shall I go unkissed, like some leper?” 
You laugh at Sirius’ drama. “It’s not so terrible,” you say, coming up the hallway behind him and James, your face bitten by the cold. 
“I know, my lovely little blueberry muffin,” Sirius croons, leaning back and prodding at your cheeks, the smell of cider stuck to him like a cloud, “how you remain unkissed is a mystery to me. Shall we fix that now?” 
Sirius is your friend, he doesn’t poke fun, but you flush nervously at his question. James grabs Sirius by the shoulders and yanks him away from you toward the kitchen, “Stop teasing!” 
“I’m not teasing! I would love to kiss you, sweetheart, just as soon as I can figure out which one of you is the real one,” Sirius says. 
Remus laughs and closes the front door, the last one in. He wraps his hand around your shoulders. “He’d be so lucky,” he says loudly, sending a sulking, pouting Sirius in the opposite direction, James on his tail in giggles promising to feed him some unbuttered toast if he doesn’t chill out. 
Remus’ arm falls behind your back. “Why does he act like that? Four drinks and he’s in love with everyone. He gets so urgent.” 
You confess slowly, “I can’t say I blame him. Sometimes… I wish someone would kiss me quite urgently, and I don’t even need to get drunk.”
“You do?” 
“Just because I’ve never had one doesn’t mean I don’t want one,” you say, “it’s really weird being the only one who doesn’t– who isn’t dating anyone.” You fluster at your confession, worried it’s too much to share, even while his thumb rubs affectionately into your shoulder. 
“I’m not dating anyone,” Remus says. 
“No, but, going for hookups and stuff–”
You falter as he laughs. “You want one night stands?” 
“No,” you say honestly, “but still. You’ve all done that stuff and I’m like, a twenty something loser.” 
“You listen to Sirius too much. You have an entire life to find someone to kiss you.” 
“I sort of want it now, though,” you say meekly. 
Remus laughs again, his arm wrapping tightly behind your back. You’ve both had a drink too, not tipsy like Sirius but the buzz of it perhaps the cause of your loosened tongue, and his easy touching, his teasing. He smiles down at you kindly, “You want a kiss, is that it?” he asks, “Sirius has upset you and a kiss will make it better?” 
You find you love the feeling of his chest pressed to yours, “I don’t know. It would be nice to have one just so he can stop talking about it.” 
He pulls you right into him and angles his face against yours like he’s going to kiss you, his laughing a soft warmth on the tip of your nose. “You want it right now?” he asks, his hand rubbing sweetly into your back. Layers of fabric feel useless; it’s like he’s caressing naked skin. 
“You can’t kiss me,” you say. 
“Why not?” 
“We’re friends.” 
“What’s a good kiss between friends?” He’s following your eyes, he knows all your tones, Remus wouldn’t play with you like this if he thought it wasn’t what you wanted.
“I won’t know how to do it,” you warn in a whisper, you’re reluctance clearly fading.  
“Well, you’re very pretty, so any bad kissing cancels out.” 
You bend into him as his arm pulls you up, your noses nearly touching, closing your eyes as he leans in. 
“You sure?” he asks. 
“Mm,” you hum, though he doesn’t kiss you until you nod. 
Your noses press together most of all, the strongest sensation, but then there’s heat as his lips part so slightly and press into yours. He kisses upward and you have the sense to keep pressing down, letting his soft kisses move you with him, like an ebbing wave. You take an instinctive step back and he pauses, until you attempt to kiss him again and prompt him into movement —he takes the lead. His hands grasp at your back like you’re water slipping through his fingers, letting a sound of pleasure filter from his lips into yours. 
It’s so peculiar. It’s like fireworks, like all the books and movies say, but it’s more. It’s so warm, and his lips are soft even as his kissing turns rougher, as he tilts his head to the side and his lips come apart against yours. Your hand climbs hesitantly against his side, then up, then stuck at the place just above his ribs. 
“Touch me,” he says gently, breaking the kiss as your breath comes fast, “wrap your arm around me, it’s alright.” 
“Am I hopeless?” you ask, placing your arm behind his shoulder and tipping back to see his face. 
He shakes his head, frowning, why is he frowning? “Hopeless?” he repeats. His hand comes up to your face, and that’s almost as bad as the kiss, the heat of his palm on your face and his thumb stroking over the slope of your cheek. He uses that movement to turn your head, and when he ducks in for another kiss, he murmurs, “No, I wouldn’t say hopeless,” the end of it lost on your lips. 
This kiss is rougher again. Your heart beats so loudly you can hear the thump of it in your ears as your eyes close and you attempt to fit a hundred wanted kisses into one. He just squeezes you close and returns your enthusiasm, until you can’t breathe, forced to hang your head over his shoulder as you pant for air. 
Remus kisses your neck. It’s a shock: you squirm at the sensation but let your head fall to the side as he does it again, not nearly as insistent as his lips had been on yours but something unsaid in the trail of his nose as it runs back up your neck and he kisses the skin below your ear. He slows, and slows, until he’s pulling away to stare at you. 
You lift yourself up, nonplussed. “I didn’t know it felt like that.” 
Remus shifts his hand from the side of your neck to the front, wiping at the marks of his kissing with his thumb where it wets your skin. “It doesn’t always.” He smiles at you with just a hint of smugness in his eyes. “I don’t suppose you want to know what a love bite feels like?” 
“Oi!” James calls from the kitchen. “What are you two doing?” 
You pull apart slowly from one another. You think he might’ve forgotten where you were, as did you. 
James catches the fall of Remus’ hand where it had been on your cheek and squints suspiciously. “What are you guys doing? I made toast.” 
You can’t look at him. Remus saves the day. “We’re looking for her earring.” 
“You won’t find it with the lights off.” He glares again with suspicion before turning back to the kitchen. “I didn’t even know she wore earrings,” he mutters. 
Remus gives you a sideways look. “Maybe I can show you what it feels like after?” he suggests, voice measured. 
“Between friends?” you ask. 
“No.” He puts his hand to the small of your back and gives you a gentle nudge down the hallway. “Not between friends.” 
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44st4rs · 2 days
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✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ — pairings!  gojo, geto, nanami, toji, sukuna x fem!reader
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ — cw! 3.5k, drabble format, gojo and geto’s is 1.5k alone, 3some(?), squïrting, fingëring, begging, implications of overstimulation, teasing, c**t play, face sitting, spitting, explicit descriptions of oral
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ — xoxo, chris! ngl gojo and geto’s has a whole plot point, i don’t know how we got here but here we are cuties ;3
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It was his idea, but you never thought your boyfriend, Gojo would act on it. Usually, he’s adamant about having you to himself, thanks to his tendency to be selfish.
It’s something you both talked about and he promises that he’ll work on it—but not like this.
“G-Gojo…are you sure about this?” you croak, harshly swallowing down that lump residing in your throat. You catch Gojo’s eyes as he kneels on the floor, leaning over the edge of the bed to bridge the gap between you both. 
“Yeah, baby. I said I wanna work on being better and not so selfish anymore. So…here’s Suguru to help me out!”
And here he is, Geto Suguru, your boyfriend’s best friend and most trusted confidant. He’s a nice guy, kind-hearted and kinder on the eyes. 
Especially now when he's wearing nothing but those black sweats hanging around his hips. You watch as he drops to his knees to sit beside Gojo.
"Hey, Pretty," he greets, brushing back the thick black strands of his hair from ruining his view of you.
When Gojo said to you a few days ago that he wanted to be more “open and sharing” you thought he meant with food, time, or even his stuff. 
Not your pussy.
“Um…so…h-hey, Baby. I just wanna know…how is this gonna help you be less selfish?” your voice rattling by nerves.
“Oh! Welllll, I was thinking to myself, what’s something I’m really protective over, and that “thing” turned into someone. And I realized it was you, I mean, I just love you so much, baby. But I know you said it can be suffocating to have me at your hip. So, I asked Geto to help me out with this and he was happy too!”
“O…okay…but that doesn’t explain—”
“Basically, Gojo wants to start breaking his selfish habits by sharing…well, you,” Geto summed up, earning a giddy grin from Gojo.
“Yeah! So don’t be shy, Angel. We’re gonna be extra kind with you. I think you’ll like it too,” Gojo purrs as his hand trails along the supple flesh of your trembling thigh. 
“So, go on 'nd spread your legs, Baby."
 A devastating heat swells beneath your cheeks as your legs expose your cunt to the men before you.  It’s embarrassing really, to have your sex life and Gojo’s habits blur in an instant. The only silver lining comes in the form of his best friend, the very man whose onyx eyes marvel at your puffy lips.
“Sooo…whatcha think Suru’? Isn’t she just so pretty?!” Gojo smiles as he rests his hand on Geto’s shoulder.
The tips of Geto’s fingers brush past your folds, delicately prying the delicate sheets apart.
“She is! ‘nd she’s so fucking wet already…”Geto trails off as his eyes dart to your own. The flat of his tongue drags along his pink lips entices Geto's appetite, giving birth to that swirling pit sparking at his core.
His hands break away from its polite fold over his thighs to swarm you, a palm slipping along the underside of your thigh. Yet, the pads ghost the fragile scene, using hesitancy as his means of restraint.
He glazes his sights up your body. The silk robe's barely doing its job of hiding you away, your tits are just threatenig to spill out from behind the purple fabric.
He finally falls onto your face; obsidian hues studying every curve of your pretty features. But it's your eyes that draws him in, those dewy eyes batting
“Can I...touch you, Baby?” He finally gets out, biting back any more words that threaten his shattering composure.
"Mhm...it's fine," you nod, watching as a smile curls across Geto's lips.
"Thank you." The final words roll off his tongue before inching closer to your heat, the swarming warmth of his breath fanning over your bare cunt.
“Aww, she’s so cute,” He coos at your pussy. All he allows to delve into you is a gentle touch, the pad of his thumb sketching along your splayed pussy.
He can't get over it, how he's gotten so lucky to experience your pretty pussy like this. You're soft to the touch, so warm that he can feel all his woes melting away the second he slips past your sticky folds. And fuck, you're so sticky that he isn't holding back from enjoying the cute chimes of his thumb drifting about you, tracing right back to your clit.
Geto's far too close now, so close that his lips brush past your own puffy mounds, planting a fluttering trail that brings him to your quivering bud.
“Let me know if you don’t like something, ‘kay Baby,” He assures with a hand set to knead the underside of your thigh.
“Oh, and Satoru?” Geto donning a sly smirk as he pays Gojo one final glare.
“You won’t be mad if I…accidentally make her cum…will you?”
Gojo rolls his eyes, “Tsk, whatever. But you might wanna tie your hair back… it's gonna get a little messy.”
“Don’t need to, I think it adds to the ambiance.”
Geto’s smirk fades as his tongue mellows against your clit, sending bubbly spools of spit to wade down your folds. He’s quick to twirl that slicked muscle around, cursing your glistening pearl with twitches. 
He digs that much deeper, forcing your perky bud to bear the languid drag of his tongue. Just like that, he’s got your clit under his control, pulling away to watch your clit perk up.
“Oh,” Geto hums, “You taste so good on my tongue, Pretty…”
He’s just so gentle when he’s taken back down, his tongue lulling along the throbbing trench of your folds. His artful strokes pits him before the tight pout of your hole, gummy gasps clinging to the flat of Geto’s touch, And who is he to deny you? He’s made a promise to treat you kindly and that’s exactly what he plans to do when he dips the tip of his tongue against your entrance. 
“Haah, ohmygod Geto—”
“Suguru, baby, don’t be so formal,” Geto grins, his sights flickering between you and your cunt. “Feels good, right? I know it does, but ‘m not done with you.”
Your teary eyes fall onto Gojo. He’s soothing you with a hand on your thigh, his slender digits brushing along your flushed skin. How could he stand for this? Was he really okay with you being split apart and exposed like this, watching his best friend make a mess out of you?
Until those tears ripple down your cheek and you get a clear view of Gojo. Him and the broad chest he's parading around just like his best friend. Him and those taut muscles rippling benenth his porcelain skin—him clenching down on his jaw. 
Pity stains the forefront of your mind. Poor baby, Gojo's trying so hard to stay calm. But you know his antics by now. When he's wearing furrowed brows, clenching his jaw, and holding in each breath just a second longer than normal...he was getting antsy. it didn't help that he had an unfiltered lens to watch how Geto’s tongue dances about your pussy without care.
Maybe all he needs is a little...encouragement,
“Fuck! 'Toru, please?” you whimper out, pushing out a pout you know he won't ignore, “ I want you too!”
“Me?” Gojo dumbly asks as he points to himself. "You really miss me already, Angel?”
"Mhm," you nod feverishly, "Please?"
Eagerly, Gojo taps Geto’s shoulder, “Well you heard my lady, Suguru. She wants—”
“I see why you’re selfish, she tastes so sweet. And ‘m liking having her clit in my mouth. Why don’t we…take her on at the same time?”
“That’s fine with me,” Gojo shrugs. He pays you a glance, his soft crystalline hues scanning your face.
“How’s that sound, Angel? You just gotta spread your legs a liiiitle more…”
You follow along with Gojo’s words, your legs drifting apart until Gojo’s able to slot his head right beside Geto. 
“Wow, you’ve made a real mess of her! Gojo marvels, his thumb pulling back the puffy lip of your pussy.
Geto pulls back, his hand cupping the underside of your thigh. “No, that’s all her, Satoru. Guess she likes me too,” 
“‘Course she does…but let me get her to myself first,” Gojo mumbles out before he smothers himself in your bliss. 
Gojo greets your pussy with a kiss, his lips peppering pecks all over the puffy hood. Geto’s nice and all, but Gojo knows exactly what you need. He knows that you like those soft kisses, that trails right down to your slit and back up to your clit.
He knows how wet that gets you too, but he wants you dripping for him, call it his homecoming from being away from your pussy. So he’s preparing himself by tugging back the hood of your clit, compelling the poor bud to the battering flicks his tongue rains down. 
But he’s so caught up in the spry heat sinking into his senses, that he’s forgetting the reason behind such dramatics. Why he’s so caught up that he didn’t even notice himself delving that much deeper into you, his chin dressed in a veil of your slick.
Your hips pick up against his mouth when it’s too much for you to take, sporadically bucking along Gojo’s working tongue. And he lets you have your way too, it’s what he loves about eating your cute little cunt. He loves watching you crack beneath a few teasing flicks, just for his tongue to sink past your folds and dwell in your sweet elixir.
“She just keeps on getting wetter,” Geto groans as he keeps a watchful eye on Gojo, “But…what happens if we suck on her clit?”
“Hmmm..let’s find out.” Gojo hints.
Geto’s words don’t get the chance to simmer in your mind, not when the two men are two steps ahead of you when they press their blush-ridden cheeks flush against each other. Thankfully, they didn’t need you to think—they just need you to cum.
The puffy pout of their lips quickly settles over your clit, toiling with ushering your swollen bead into their care. But you’re split between then again, your poor pearl bearing the suckling flux of their greed. Gojo’s so gentle, using pools of his spit to spill around your bundle of nerves. It’s messy, the loud squelches of Gojo’s lips strumming at the swell of your clit.
But Geto’s the real tease. He’s so endowed in you that his head bobs along with his worked jaw. He enlists in the aid of his tongue too, the stiffened tip relentlessly scrolling over the bud of the throbbing button.  
All their efforts only pull that shivering heat to overwhelm your core, your pussy spitefully ruining their bare chest in your spewing essence.
“Oh…fuck!” you sob, your back arching off the bed. 
The two men pull away from you, gawking at the glossy fixture made between your legs—your swollen clit, puffy folds, and the timid current of your honey trailing from your entrance. 
“Aw no, I was having fun. Did you cum already, Angel?” Gojo pouts as he nuzzles his cheek into your inner thigh. 
“N-No,” you shudder, “That was just…a-a lot fr’ me.”
“Good…”Geto chuckles, turning to Gojo.
A proposal pops into Gojo’s mind. It’s a selfish one—riddled with the same nasty habit he’s trying to break. And one day, he’ll finally get it…one day.
“Hey, Suru…wanna do it again?”
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Time, time, time, that’s all Nanami wants and that’s all he gets when it comes to you.
He loves taking his sweet time with you after he’s rid of the day from his mind and gets the chance to soak up bliss right between your legs. If he could, Nanami would be laid up like this every day, using his tongue to inscribe the sweetest of scriptures into your cute little gem. 
So when Nanami does get his wish, he doesn’t want you to do a thing. Not to lift a finger, to raise a hand—why, he doesn’t even want you to move.
He’s got everything, all the details, all the responsibility…all the control in his grasp. He just wants you feel good, his sweet little wife. But you have a way with him, using those cute pleas to break away from the goals he’d set in place for the night.
But not tonight, not while he holds the reigns of fate taut in his palms.
That’s why he’s having you sit on his face while his hands brace your thighs, relying on those strong muscles he’s worked hours for to keep you at bay.
He prays you aren’t mad at him, it’s just that Nanami likes to keep himself close to you. He loves taking you like this, for his every sense to be overwhelmed by you. It isn’t enough to taste you, no, he wants to breathe you in, feel every twitch that claims your cunt, to hear the lewd squelches of your pussy sobbing on his tongue. 
And if you remember, tonight he plans on taking his sweet ol’ time with you—which means you’ll have to bear all his antics. 
Just like now, you have to accept the way his tongue bats your clit so lazily. 
Skimming over your silky folds, taunting your pillowy bud to dance to his song—He can’t help it when you’re just so soft to the touch. 
But there does come a time when his tongue gets too sore and he needs a break. When that time does set in, Nanami’s too excited to nuzzle his lips over your clit. He’s trapping those spry nerves between a pucker that’s ready to suckle at your building heat.
And he does just that; encircling his lips to work that pink bulb into a lazy tide. It’s cute to him having a front-row seat to your timely demise. Every flick and twirl he etches into you weaken the pout on your lips and welcomes a spill of babbles to dress the air. It’s all incoherent, but he knows what every single sob means for the welling pit in your tummy. 
But with all his teasing, comes a mess that he’s going to have to take responsibility for— his chin dipping into the milky stream of your nectar. 
He isn’t one to be wasteful. So when the lewd nectar of his spit and your essence threaten to seep from the corners of his lips, he’s got no choice but to slurp down every drop. And he isn’t one for the dramatics, but each gulp resonates deep within his chest as if he’s found his heavenly oasis at last.
“Ooooh fuck! Ken, don’t tease me so much! I wanna cum already!” you squeal, your lips donning a soft pout.
As a special reward, he gets to hear his sweet girl cry out for that crashing high you so desperately desire. And he’s planning to give it to you, but he just needs to remind you one last thing before he does.
“Don’t curse, Baby. Use your words,” he’s grinning too, almost chuckling at the frustration brewing across your features when he steals a glance at you. 
Those pretty doe eyes batting away tears he knows are coming, your plucked brows furrowed, and you lips, oh your lips twisted up into such a frown that…it’s just turning Nanami on more. 
“Well…” he utters along your inner thigh, “I’m waiting.”
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Toji’s got big hands. Not just any kind of hands—worked hands.
Long, thick digits that wear years of work as rough skin and callouses. But even with some years on his hands, he’s still as lithe as ever. His fingers made work quick of any and every task
But there’s something about his fingers that you love—the girth.
The girth of his fingers can stretch you out just enough for his cock to ruin you, hit your sweet spot with shameful ease, and can trace over your clit without a lick of hesitation. He knows how much you love his fingers, but every now and then, you need a reminder of the skills his tongue carries.
Just like now, he’s pinning you beneath the heat of that reminder by painting your pussy in sloppy kisses. 
Sloppy kisses that have to drip down the ridges of his chin and jaw. Sloppy kisses that stain his skin white. Sloppy kisses that can't be contained to the confines of his mouth.
Sloppy kisses that always end with that echoing pop of his lips. 
It’s crazy to Toji how wet he’s gotten you from something so simple. He’s barely even started, nowhere near scratching the surface of his plans for you.
But maybe it’s because he’s calling it a kiss, but that's just the farthest thing from the truth. Toji isn't just kissing you, he's drinking you too, using your poor clit like a straw to quench his thirst. his lips don’t just settle over your heat. His lips are hard at work nursing your clit, relishing the frazzling streaks that spark across the flat of his tongue. 
And he’s cursing in his mind at how good it feels to have to warm his mouth, how good it feels to play with your poor cunny. But that isn’t enough, his tongue’s waiting to put on a show too. 
But that’s in due time.
And through all this, his hands clip to your waist like a belt, the pads of his fingers digging deep into your skin. It’s a little harsh, but it’s for a good cause that he swears by.
Because what’s a better cause than having you cum on his tongue?
And you’re so close that the sheer anticipation wrecks through your body with shivers. But there’s a line that Toji needs to keep you behind—trapping you in a corner with no choice but to beg. 
“Fuuuuck, Toji please! Just a finger! I need more—”
It’s so cute to hear you cry out for more, but that’s the greed Toji’s working out of you. And he hears you, he knows you need more, but that’s simply something he can’t act on.
Toji’s head shakes at your plea, denying your pitiful request with ease. But he’s even involving your clit in the reply to you, his lips clinging to the puffy hood. Your poor clit has to follow every feverish tilt Toji takes on, the swelling heat consuming your core.  
You can’t take it and he knows it, a fact that he dismisses every time your hips jolt beneath him. You try so hard to run away and he appreciates the little game of cat and mouse to welcome you into the scene, but what kind of a man would he be if he couldn’t contain you beneath a firm grip? 
A grip so strong that every buck of your hips gets trapped into the mattress, Toji making little work of your rebellion.
And if he does have to use even an ounce of his strength, he’s simply using it to drag you right back to him and his grimacing mouth. 
Toji's wearing a grin when he finally breaks away from your pussy, his eyes darting to meet your own. 
“Sorry mama, that’s too easy,” his sights falling back to your glistening folds, “Now, stop moving or else ‘m just gonna edge you all night!”
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There’s a certain standard that Sukuna holds both you and himself to when it comes to eating you out. He has a means to execute these standards, relying on methods that aren’t suitable for everyone.
He loves to push your limits, not because he gets a kick out of seeing you whimper out silly pleas, but because he knows that you’ll exceed his expectations. 
That’s why Sukuna starts out so strong, having you lay on your tummy inches from the edge of the bed with your ass in the air. He swears you feel it more, thanks to some research that he never cares to explain.
When he does decide that it’s time to execute his methods, he’s bringing his greedy lips to ghost past your sopping wet pussy, trading up the bedroom’s air for your honeyed fumes. Oh, he loves to see you like this, that well-trained arch leaving nothing hidden from his eye. He can hinge on the succulent contours of your cute pussy, his eyes tracing over the timeless medium of pink and brown hues.  
When he gets past all the gawking, he plants those thick digits around your hips and leaves all the work of stretching your folds apart to his thumbs. God, you’re dripping, still dripping from your gasping slit that's glazing over your cunt like a rippling tide. You’re making such a mess out of yourself, one that he can’t wait to clean up.
He loves to focus on that pretty bud of yours by sealing your clit up behind a suckling pout. There’s a bliss that douses Sukuna’s mind when he sucks you like this, having your clit swell in his care. He's driven drunk by in your heat, every last drop that leaves you so soft and plump that moment he breaks away with a wet click of his lips.
“Ryo…c’mom! I-I can’t take anymore! Stop being so mean!” you sob, lithe hands clenching at the bed’s gray duvet for relief.
“Stop all that crying, you’re going to cum…eventually.”
He knows you can hear it, his fingers partaking in the lewd symphony. He didn’t start toying with your sweet spot yet and you’re already ruining the pretty blanket beneath you in nothing but expectation. But you made a certain remark—him being mean? Sukuna being mean to you?
A hiss cuts through his teeth. “Besides…me being mean?” 
His eyes fall back to your cunt, hinging on the opal rivulets spill from your gasping hole. The trail each tear takes on leads them to coil around your puffy clit, twinkling in the moonlight as a final hurrah before meeting its splattered demise on the blanket. 
If only you knew just how mean it was of you to give him such an image to play back in his head.
“Oh baby, if I’m being so mean…then why are you making such a mess?”
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delfiore · 3 days
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pairing: aitana bonmatí x uswnt!reader
synopsis: aitana leaves for the international break and you become a mopey little shit.
word count: 1.1k
a/n: something short and sweet to get me back into the writing groove. the final inspired me this. and yk what this was nice, writing fluff ... is nice (sometimes).
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It was embarrassing, really, the way you moped.
Unapologetically, you pouted and rolled around on the couch, convulsing and whining the way a child would beg for more candy. You would be convulsing and whining standing up if you weren’t so hung over from all the alcohol and clubbing you had done the past two days (most of which was justified, most of it).
“Do you have to go?” You knew the answer to that. In your mind, you looked very convincing. You’d hoped Aitana would notice and take pity on you and spare you a glance amidst her running around the house to pack.
“Amor, I’ll be back in two weeks.” Then she switched to Catalan. “[Plus you’re going soon too anyway.]”
It was true that the USWNT camp would assemble tomorrow, but that was one more day you would have liked to spend with Aitana after all the chaos of the Champions League weekend. The whirlwind of Barcelona’s victory has left little time for you to be alone with her. As soon as the match was over, the celebrations began, and Carla and the media team deemed that most of it should be on record. You wanted to be with your girlfriend so badly, but with Aitana dutifully attending to Carla’s every PR need, you were left pouting and giving her sad puppy eyes long before this morning.
“But-but—” you groaned as another wave of the pounding headache hit you, and you lay back down on the cushions.
“You see, this is why you shouldn’t drink so much.” She said, standing in front of you for a second to check that you weren’t going to vomit everywhere on the new couch.
“I’m sleepy. Come cuddle, please.”
You watched her stuff another pair of pants into the suitcase that lay open in the middle of the living room. “I didn’t ask you to get up with me.” She didn’t look amused. Somehow, it spurred you on even more, to know that she was having none of your shit but still engaged.
“But I always notice when you’re not in bed with me,” you whined again. “Can’t sleep after that.”
Aitana shook her head, barely acknowledging your predicament, scanning her suitcase, then went back upstairs.
With Herculean willpower, you stood up and followed her up the stairs. You stopped at the door of your shared bedroom, watching her collect her things from the en-suite bathroom.
“It’s just, I’m gonna miss you,” you said pathetically, “a lot.”
You didn’t know why, but this particular stint between this upcoming international break and the last felt much longer than others. It might have had something to do with the many things that happened during it—the many trophies that, looking back, you thought the team must have been running on crack to have won all of them whilst keeping yourselves fit and sane. In the middle of all that, you had Aitana, and she had you. The spotlight wasn’t easy, but it was alright because you both had each other to return to at the end of the night.
Finally, your pout must have worked because Aitana set her toiletry bag down on the counter when she met your eyes in the mirror. “Oh, amor. Why are you acting like a child?”
You didn’t care that you were; you just wanted your girlfriend to hold you before duties take her away.
Resting your head on her shoulder, you let out a sigh of desperation when she put her arms around your waist.
“I’m gonna die here, all alone, all by myself, and you don’t even care.”
“You’re not going to die, Y/N,” Aitana scoffed, but she held you closer. “[I’m sorry we didn’t spend much time together after the match]. Winning is exhausting, sí?”
You blew a raspberry. “Can’t wait for this season to be over.”
“No, you don’t, because then it means we’re going to the Olympics.”
You groaned, and plopped yourself onto the bed. “I don’t like playing against you.”
Aitana giggled, the sound floating like music in your ears. “Why? Scared you’ll lose?”
“Excuse you!” You put your hands on your hips. “I’m calling it, you guys versus us in the final. Better start practicing those free kicks.” You grinned and pulled her close, bumping your nose against her stomach.
“We’ll see.” When she leaned down to kiss you, you were ready and puckered your lips, but Aitana had the audacity to evade you and pecked your forehead instead.
She grabbed your chin and finally bestowed on your lips the kiss that you had been yearning for.
It’s not ever easy to let down your defenses, but with Aitana it felt so easy to do so. You never thought you’d ever be this lucky, certainly not two years ago, when you first transferred to Barcelona and Aitana started consuming your every thought. From the moment you laid eyes upon that beautiful smile and her unstinting kindness, you knew you were gone.
The memory of your first meeting lingered in your mind as your girlfriend dragged her suitcase towards the front door.
“I’ll call you when I get to camp,” she said.
“You promise?”
“Yes, promise. Now come here.” Her hands found yours and tugged you forward as you grinned. How could you not smile when her face was so close to yours? “I love you.”
You cupped her face and kissed her softly. “T’estimo.”
“Don’t be too sad, okay? It will go by quickly.” At least she pitied you enough to reassure you.
As you watched her get into her Uber, you could only wish she was right.
Aitana kept her promise and FaceTimed you once she had settled at camp a few hours later. The conversation didn’t last long, as she had to go quickly after that.
“I’m sorry,” you remembered saying.
“For what, my love?”
“For being clingy,” you laughed and shrugged. “I don’t know . . .”
It was a surprise, then, after you had packed your things for your early flight back to the States that night, that she called you again before you went to bed.
“Babe, is everything alright?” You had feared the worst when she texted you.
Are you still awake? Can we talk?
Super cryptic.
“Yes, everything is good.” After a quick pause, she said, “I couldn’t sleep. I miss you.”
A large grin crept onto your lips. “Well well well, how the tables have turned.”
As you heard a groan on the other side of the phone, you laughed, and thanked your lucky star above that you had someone like Aitana to look forward to coming home to.
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AITA for banning a child from my house?
It's not my child, btw- it's my cousin, an 8 y/o autistic boy. I am 15 and it's technically not my house.
For context, my cousin has EXTREMELY severe autism, to the point where he quite literally cannot form any connections with people and does not sit down at all. He is always running around, yelling in garbled speech, and doesn't understand words, sentences, or commands. He only responds to his name when his mother calls it. He isn't intelligent mentally, either. I do love him a lot in spite of how he has never paid attention to me or treats both me and everyone else around him as though they don't exist.
I have (had?) a cat. I have raised this cat for 3 years and I got this little furball when he was only 2 weeks old. I gave him milk and cared for him so, so much. He was a Persian-British mix and was, frankly, pretty dumb and sleepy all the time. Like a little doll.
My cousin also, apparently, decided that my cat, Velvet, was doll-like, because he grabbed Velvet and refused to let the cat go. I was in the bathroom at the time and only heard the cat's mewing. Nobody else was home. My cousin thought it would be nice to throw Velvet out of the window. Our 4th-story window. Velvet was a spoilt little thing and had never really lived outside of a house, and consequently, died. My cousin? Didn't care. Just went away from the open window and went back to running around the house.
I came out only a few seconds later and was very confused as to just WHERE was the previously mewing cat, and obviously I couldn't just ask my cousin, since he can't talk and wouldn't be able to think of it either. My mom found the fucking CORPSE when she came back home. I was horrified and, while I don't think this was the proper thing to do to a little boy who has absolutely ZERO awareness of his surroundings, I proceeded to absolutely scream my head off at my cousin while grabbing his arm, which resulted in an absolute meltdown from him and my aunt (who had also just arrived) having to physically pry me off him as I was crying. I don't think I can be really blamed for being upset over my cousin KILLING my BELOVED PET just because he was born wrong. I also sort of yelled at my aunt to never come here or bring her son here ever again. My mother has severely chastised me for that and had ME grounded. What the fuck. Mental illnesses aren't all sunshine and rainbows, y'all. Ugh. I feel like I AM the asshole, but honestly. Consider the circumstances. I hate it here and I miss my fucking cat.
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 2 days
She’s Not So Little Anymore
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x reader
Warnings: none, dad Lewis yes pls
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“You’re not leaving the house until you change your clothes!”
“But dad-“ Harper stammered in a broken voice and teary eyes.
“There’s no but, I said what I said. You can go out with your friends after you put some clothes on. End of discussion.” Lewis told his daughter sternly before turning and heading towards the living room.
“I hate you!!” Harper growled bursting into tears and slamming the door of her room.
“Don’t slam the door at me!” He said in a raised tone. Sitting on the couch he sighed and rubbed his face feeling awful because of the argument between him and his fifteen-year-old daughter.
It was not natural for Lewis to yell and get into heated arguments with his daughter. The two have always had a special relationship - she was daddy's little girl for whom he would remove the stars from the sky just to make her happy. Harper loved and was just as close to you as she was to Lewis, but still, her daddy has always been her number one.
But since Harper entered her teenage phase, it has become very difficult for Lewis to accept that she is actually growing up, that she is changing, that she is interested in some other things that are actually normal for her age.
He really was having a hard time facing the fact that his little girl is not so little anymore. That’s why often broke out arguments between the two of them when Harper would stay out too late with her friends, when she would come home late or mention that she had a crush on a boy or for example like today when she would wear something that Lewis thought was too revealing.
Lewis did all this because he loves her too much and wants to protect her, but, of course, the teenager thinks that her father is working against her and that he is "purposely ruining her life".
Fortunately, not long after the argument, you came back from grocery shopping and found Lewis sitting on the couch looking at the switched off TV.
“Hi, baby” You greeted him happily, but you felt a strange energy in the air.
“Hey” He muttered not turning to look at you.
“Is everything okay?” You ask suspiciously, leaving the heavy bags on the hallway floor.
“Everything is fine except our daughter just told me she hates me”
You immediately knew what it was about. You were aware of how much it affected Lewis. You weren't always happy with some of your daughter's behaviors either, but you understood that it was just a phase and that it would pass, but you also understood that it was difficult for Lewis to face it.
You sighed walking up closer to the couch to Lewis from behind and bent down to wrap your arms around him.
“And that is why?” You asked pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Because she thinks it’s normal to leave the house wearing a short ass dress that doesn’t even have any straps God forbid some sleeves” He says visibly upset and you can’t help but chuckle at him. “That’s not funny, y/n?”
“That’s not, but you are” You say making yourself comfortable in his lap. “You’re being too overprotective of her-“
“Of course I’m overprotective of her, she’s my little girl!” He cuts you off trying to justify his actions.
“Would you let me finish, please?”
“I’m sorry..”
“She’s no longer a little girl, Lew. You have to make your peace with that. Sometimes I don't like her clothing choices or her behavior either, but that's why we're here to guide her. But you forbid her too many things and she sees it as you trying to control her.”
“I just..” He sighs leaning his head against your chest. “I just want to protect her.. I miss the time when she was with me non-stop. We used to do so many things together now she only wants to hang out with her friends.”
“Baby, that’s normal. If it were any different, we would have been worried.” You assure him putting your hands on his cheeks. “You’re still her number one, you’ll always be.”
“Youe ability to calm me down amazes me.” He smiles at your soothing and comforting words. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you more than you know.”
“I love you too, baby” You place a soft kiss on his lips. “Now go and talk to her”
Lewis immediately got up and headed towards Harper's room while you decided to sort the groceries you had brought into the house a little while ago.
“My princess?” Lewis said gently knocking on the door. “Can I come in?”
Almost the same second, the door opened revealing crying Harper who was still sobbing. What Lewis didn't expect was for Harper to give him a tight hug and start crying in his arms.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Lewis asked a little worried.
“Because you made me say that I hate you. And I don’t hate you, daddy, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it.” She cried. It stung her as much as it stung Lewis because Harper is aware of how special her relationship with her father is.
“Baby, it’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it. I’m sorry too.” He comforted her rubbing her back. “I don’t like when we can’t talk things out and I hate when we argue. We don’t do that, that’s not us.”
“I know we don’t do that. I don’t like it either” She said quietly.
“It’s hard for me to accept that you’re growing up and that you are no longer my little girl.” He lifts up her head to look at her. “I promise to try to be more understanding of your wishes.”
“Daddy, I’m always gonna be your little girl.” Her words warmed Lewis's heart. She knew what she meant by that. The love Harper has for her dad will always be strong and special and nothing can ever replace it. Lewis was grinning like a child thinking how he is the luckiest man in the world to have the two best girls in his life, Harper and you.
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oddinary4bts · 2 days
Chasing Cars | ch 4 (jjk)
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☆summary: when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
☆pairings: brother's best friend!Jungkook x younger sister!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, this chapter contains mature content)
☆genre: forbidden love?au, college!au, slice of life!au, smut, angst (as usual a lot of it), fluff
☆warnings: the power outage is still power outing, curses, Jungkook being Jungkook, mentions of being really drunk and throwing up, explicit content: they talk about what happened in ch 3, teasing, some Mario Kart (yes, it has to be in the explicit content section lmao), hickeys, brat!reader, dom!Jungkook, big dick!Jungkook, degradation (he calls her a slut/pretty little slut), consent king Jeon Jungkook, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, jerking off, talks about having raw sex, protected sex, praise
☆word count: 9.5k
☆a/n: new chapterrrrrrr! Enjoy reading everyone <3 there's a tiny bit of angst if you squint your eyes really hard, but the real angst will hit much later on. Thank you to @moonleeai and @jessikahathaway for beta-ing, you guys are the best <3
☆series masterpost
☆add yourself to the taglist here!
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Friday, February 15th
You wake up slowly, with the rising sun. Your room is dark, cold, yet you’re snuggled close to Jungkook, whose body heat has been keeping you warm all night. He’s still asleep, mouth slightly parted, and you watch him for a few seconds before the events of last night come back to your mind, and you have to shut your eyes to try to forget.
It’s hard. His arm is still draped over you, and it twitches in his sleep. You try to push him away, but he wraps his arm around you tighter, nuzzling his face in your neck. It does something to you that you entirely can’t deal with, and you shut your eyes even harder, trying to ignore the way your heart is acting up in your chest.
You breathe in, the cold air taming the burning inside of you. You exhale slowly, and to your surprise, your heart finally decides to start calming down. You keep breathing deeply for a while, and you reckon it might have worked better than you expected because, next thing you know, you wake up with a start.
Jungkook is sitting next to you, and he offers you a lopsided grin as you meet his gaze, heart once again beating wildly.
“Morning, peach,” he greets you, voice gravelly with sleep.
You force yourself to sit up, and you stretch a yawn away. “Morning.”
“Slept well?”
There’s a teasing glint in his eyes, mischief laced with his words. You know you shouldn’t be surprised. Know Jungkook is probably going to turn you into a blushing mess even more now. Especially as he smirks, head cocking to the side while he awaits your answer.
“Yeah,” you answer, and you look towards the window as his eyes bore into your profile. You take a deep breath, another yawn moving through you before you’re able to look at him again. “Did you?”
“Better than I thought I would,” he admits, and he stretches before lying back down, pulling the covers to his face. It’s adorable, in a way Jeon Jungkook should never be, and you force yourself to not let it get to your mind as he continues, “I usually sleep like shit when I sleep with someone.”
You purse your lips, refusing to give meaning to his words as you say, “Maybe last night helped.”
The lopsided smile is back, and he nods once, sighing in content. “We should lose power more often.”
In the hopes that power would come back during the night, you plugged in your phone before going to sleep. You reach for it on the night table, and even though your room is still freezing, you’re still taken aback that the power is still out.
“Well, we still don’t have any,” you inform him.
He glances at you. “Then we should go back to sleep.”
At that, you snort, shaking your head. Even though your battery is low, you still go to your emails, trying to see if you received anything from your professor.
What you find is a college-wide email informing the students that all college activities are cancelled today and through the weekend, to start again on Monday. Your gaze widens before you glance at Jungkook.
“Power is still out in college, too,” you tell him. “So, no class.”
Jungkook’s smile only grows wider, and he opens his arms for you to come cuddle again. “Then what are you waiting for?”
Your heart is warm. A hearth, in which a small fire has started to burn. It’s soft, cozy, and you worry at your bottom lip as you survey Jungkook. As you try to figure out when you crossed the line, and if it’s too late to pull back.
You figure you can decide later when the power is back on and this bubble outside of time will have burst, and you lie back next to him. His arms, still wide open, look far too inviting, and it takes you about five seconds before you’re scooching into his embrace.
He sighs in content. “You know,” he lets out. “If Tae learns, I’m a dead man.”
Reality crashes harder than a tsunami on a beach, and you try to pull away. Jungkook holds onto you, even when you push on his chest.
“I was just going to say,” he adds so you’d stop pushing him, “that we should keep this between us.”
You nod against him as you finally stop trying to pull away. “Yes, I agree.”
And Tae doesn’t cross your mind for the rest of the morning. Eventually, you and Jungkook decide to move out of the safe comfort of the covers, needing to eat something before you die, as Jungkook jokes. It’s a quick trip to the kitchen before you figure your room is far warmer than the rest of the apartment. You retreat with fruits, while Jungkook grabs a bowl of the food he cooked yesterday.
Watching him eat it cold makes you gag, so you turn away from him to focus on eating your apple and blueberries.
“What?” he says, and he sounds like his mouth is full.
“How can you even be eating that?”
There are a few seconds of silence, while he clearly swallows his bite. “What’s wrong with it?”
You scrunch up your nose in disgust, glancing at him over your shoulder. His gaze is narrowed, eyebrows bunched together over his eyes as he fakes offence, or perhaps suspicion. It makes you snort, and you look away from him before you speak again.
“It’s cold.”
“Wow, is it?” he teases. “Never would have noticed.”
You roll your eyes, forcing your laugh down because Jeon Jungkook shouldn’t be making you laugh anyway. Silence replaces the conversation, and you finish eating in peace, watching the world outside the window.
It looks straight out of a fairy tale. The trees are covered in a thick coat of ice, and they glisten in the morning light as if they are made of glass. It’s beautiful, in an unforgiving way, and you find peace in their contemplation.
Peace in this comfortable silence with Jungkook.
By the time you’re done eating, Jungkook has wolfed down the bowl he made for himself, and you both return to the kitchen to put away the dishes you’d used. Jungkook leans against the counter while you rinse them, arms folded on his chest.
“What should we do today?” he asks.
You cock an eyebrow. “We?”
“Yeah.” He chuckles. “Unless you want to be alone.”
Your eyes dart to him quickly, before returning to the safety of the spot where the jet of water hits the bowl you’re holding. “What do you want to do?”
“We could go for a car ride,” he suggests. “To charge up our phones.”
“Don’t you think the roads are a little too dangerous right now?”
He plays with his piercing as he frowns slightly, clearly not having thought about this. “Right.” You watch as the cogs work in his brain, and you can’t help the smile that slowly grows on your lips when his features light up. “We can just stay parked somewhere.”
“We’d still have to get there.”
He furrows his brows. “I’m sure they’ve put salt on the streets, we should be okay.”
What he doesn’t know is that you don’t need convincing. You’ve already decided you’d go, mostly because you do need to charge your phone. Not because you really need it right now, but just because the thought of not having it with you feels strange. 
“We’re going?” Jungkook presses as you remain silent.
He must be immune to the teasing glint you know for a fact has taken over your eyes. You sigh, before nodding once. “Sure.”
He beams. “Let’s go!”
His enthusiasm makes you laugh, and you turn the tap off before turning to watch him as he’s leaving the kitchen. 
“Shouldn’t we brush our teeth and freshen up first?”
He stops in his tracks. “Right.” He turns, flashing you a grin that reveals the same dimples you noticed yesterday. “Good luck with taking a shower, though.”
You snort. “Let’s just brush our teeth.”
Which is what you do, Jungkook pushing you with his hips as you stand next to him. You flip him off, and his eyes sparkle as he looks at you.
It stabs right through your heart, and you look away, searching for salvation on the tiles of the floor. It does nothing – reality is just a heartbeat away, and no matter how easy it is with Jungkook right now, you’re very aware that the moment the world returns to normalcy, your relationship with him will too.
And you still don’t understand where this is coming from. Where this easy complicity between you comes from, and why you’ve never really noticed before. Was it because of Taehyung?
It’s a question you ask yourself for the next hour, as you sit in Jungkook’s car listening to music and belting out tunes even though you’re not half the singer that he is. He doesn’t mention it, only laughs along with you before asking you stupid questions about your past, about Taehyung when you grew up and why you decided to move in with them.
He clearly doesn’t like you saying that it was just because it was convenient. It’s clear as spring water, and he pouts slightly as he says, “Not even for me?”
You punch him in the shoulder. “I didn’t know you when I moved in.”
“But now you do,” he teases, smirk moving on his lips. 
There’s more meaning to his words than it seems, and you feel blush creeping on your cheeks. “Do I?”
“I’d say watching me jerk off and come is a good way to get to know me, no?”
He laughs like a child as you flush furiously purple, trying to ignore how, as a matter of fact, his words are actually turning you on. You don’t want to think about last night, just want to focus on the now, on this unexpected friendship.
Jungkook has other plans for you, because he says, “Don’t tell me you didn’t like it.”
You glare at him. “Shut up.”
“You’re blushing.”
If possible, your glare intensifies. “Shut the fuck up.”
He dissolves in a fit of giggles that makes your heart skip a beat, and you roll your eyes before glancing at your phone. 
“Mine’s full now,” you mutter. 
For a reason you don’t quite understand, Jungkook has two phone cords in his car, both of them working to charge. He glances at his phone, shaking his head.
“You’re going to be stuck with me for longer, peach,” he tells you mischievously. “Mine’s only on 75%.”
“Do you really need it full?”
He offers you an innocent smile. “Definitely.”
Your phone buzzes, and you both glance towards it. You’ve received a text from Ria, in the group chat you share with the whole friend group. She’s asking how everyone’s surviving, and if anyone needs to crash at the dorm, which for some reason, is the only place on campus that still has power.
You hesitate for half a heartbeat before turning your phone off.
Today was fun, albeit cold. After charging your phones in Jungkook’s car, you took a long walk through campus, just talking about everything and nothing as if you’d always been close.
As if he didn’t finger you with his cum last night.
Whenever the thought resurfaces, it makes you startle, and Jungkook smirks. Because he knows – obviously he does.
He knows the effect he has on you. You think he sees how you tense whenever his hand touches yours, whenever he stands just a little too close. And maybe that’s why you avoided going home for a long time, because you’re afraid that being stuck between four walls with him again will make you go insane.
Alas, when you both grow hungry sometime in the afternoon, you can’t force him to stay out, so you follow him home, ignoring the weight of your turned-off phone in your pocket.
Fortunately enough, on all the journey walking around campus, you didn’t run into anyone from your friend group. Somehow, you were afraid that you would – what would they think if they saw you hanging out with Jungkook?
More importantly, what would Hoseok think? Maybe it makes you an asshole, but in the moment, you don’t really care. You are entirely focused on Jungkook, mostly because it’s easy to be entirely focused on him. As if he’s the full moon in a summer night sky – he makes all the stars hard to see, as he shines too bright for their glow to be noticeable. 
You sigh as you’re settled in the kitchen, door closed as Jungkook reheats something on the stove. It’s not extremely cold in the apartment, but keeping the door shut does help with keeping the kitchen warm enough to be bearable with only a thick sweater on.
You think Jungkook is crazy. He’s only wearing a beige and indigo athletic Nike vest, and he’s left it unzipped because he claimed he was getting too warm. Underneath, a white t-shirt rests loosely around his waist, and you’ve been doing your best to forget just how dainty his waist is, under all the clothes.
“See, we’re going to build up your heat tolerance,” he says over his shoulder, and he flashes you a grin before focusing on what he’s reheating again.
“Good luck with that,” you answer, chuckling. “I’ve tried before, and nothing works.”
“You and Tae really are the worst at that,” Jungkook teases, and you roll your eyes even if he can’t see. 
Indeed, he’s turned his head towards the window, and he watches the sun as it gets lower in the sky, nearing the horizon. You’re afraid of when it’ll be gone under; you’re afraid it’ll elicit sinful activities between you and Jungkook again.
Afraid, yet with a certain kind of apprehension to it. Perhaps because it’s not fear of him, but rather fear of yourself.
It’s hard to remember that he’s Taehyung’s best friend when you’re alone with him like this.
Especially when he sets a steaming bowl of food in front of you, a wicked smile on his lips as he forces you to eat. As you choke on it, the heat too much to handle for you. Jungkook laughs out loud before handing you a glass of ice-cold water.
It barely helps, and the heat remains for a while as you eat, and even more so as you’re done, watching Jungkook eating a second portion as if he hasn’t eaten the first one in record time. You’re playing music on your phone, your usual study playlist – lo-fi beats – and Jungkook seems to like it. He’s been nodding his head to the music as he devoured his bowl.
When he finishes eating, sitting back in his chair as he rests a hand on his stomach, he once again offers you the wide grin. The sun is setting now – the whole kitchen is turning to gold, and you hate that the glow makes him look ethereal, like he’s a piece of heaven fallen to Earth for you to enjoy.
“Do you want to wash yourself?” Jungkook asks out of the blue. You cock an eyebrow in question, but before you’ve had a chance to say anything, he adds, “We could warm some water on the stove and use that to wash ourselves.”
Your eyes widen. “That’s actually a good idea.”
“Come on, peach,” he lets out, and he chuckles as he shakes his head, a little condescendingly. “You really think I’m stupid, don’t you?”
Stupid wouldn’t be the word that you’d use. Arrogant, maybe. Too full of himself, for sure. But you don’t think that saying so would be a good idea, so you only shrug.
“Aren’t you?”
He bursts out laughing, that goofy smile that makes your heart skip beats in your chest as if you’re twelve and it’s the first time you’re speaking to a guy. “I’m not, thank you very much. I wouldn’t be in college if I was.”
“Lots of stupid people are in college,” you point out mischievously.
He tuts. “I’d thought by now you’d know I’m not a lot of people, peach.” He cocks his head to the side, and his eyes drop to your lips. “You get fingered by a lot of guys like that?”
You turn to fire. “Excuse me?”
And the goofy smile returns, as if he didn’t just say the crudest sentence in the world. “Just teasing you.”
You narrow your eyes but don’t find any retort to that. It makes Jungkook’s grin widen, and then he gets up to bring your bowl and his to the sink. As he’s rinsing them, he offers you a look.
“Should I reheat some water then?” he asks, the teasing tone gone. 
You try a look towards him, but standing there, the sun forms too much of an aura around him, so you can barely see him even if you squint your eyes. 
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“One pot for you and one for me, then!”
His statement makes you laugh, and you get up to actually help him get the pots on the stove. You turn the gas on, using the lighter so that the flames catch, and soon the water is heating up, and the prospect of freshening up brings a smile to your lips.
You notice Jungkook looking at it, features turning somber. And he’s quick to look away. Quick to focus on where the sun dipped under the horizon, watching the clouds turning to gold above.
“Have you spoken to Tae today?” he asks, and the reminder of your brother makes you clench your jaw, ever so slightly.
“No,” you admit. You think he’ll say more, but he remains silent. So you take it upon yourself to make conversation, and you ask, “Have you?”
He shrugs. “Just told him the power is still out.”
The silence is deafening then – you can barely hear it over the clamour in your thoughts. And you don’t know where it’s coming from, only that the more the silence stretches, the more you grow unsteady on your feet.
“How did you guys meet?” you ask, voice sounding a little strained.
Jungkook shoots you a look. “He didn’t tell you?”
You purse your lips and shake your head no, which earns you a chuckle from him. It makes you grow suspicious, and you narrow your gaze. “What?”
“Nothing.” He pauses, observes your features for a moment with those big doe eyes of his before he says, “We met Frosh week.”
You remain silent, waiting for him to continue.
“He was pissed out drunk in a bush,” Jungkook admits, and his eyes fog up with the memories as he looks away from you. “Jimin is the one that found him first. And mind you, I only knew Jimin for a few days then, since we were dorm roommates.”
But you know how easy friendship forms in that Frosh week. You and Nabi are a good example of it after all.
“We couldn’t find anyone who knew him, so we brought him back to the dorm. He threw up in Jimin’s bed, and the next day he suggested grabbing breakfast together, as a thank you for taking care of him.”
Jungkook smiles fondly, and his gaze connects with yours. “And the rest is history.”
It sure is. You’re not really sure where you come into this story – if you should come into it at all. Because Jungkook and Taehyung really are close – what would Taehyung say if he knew what Jungkook and you did?
It’s a scary thought, one that you’ve remedied with Jungkook already. You just have to not tell Taehyung, simple as that.
“I think the water is ready,” Jungkook admits, and he dips his fingers in one of the pots. He nods, before saying, “You can grab yours, and go to the bathroom. I’ll clean up in my room.”
“Don’t you need soap?”
He raises an eyebrow. “You know soap can be carried outside of a bathroom? Like, it’s not confined-“
His sentence dies as you punch him in the chest, and he starts laughing as you curse him under your breath, grabbing the pot. 
“Open the door for me,” you grumble as you walk towards it.
You look up to the water-stained ceiling. “Are you for real?”
You debate silently, though you know that you’ll cave in.
You reckon you’ll always cave in where Jungkook is concerned. 
“Can you please open the door for me?” you ask, and you scold yourself internally for not being able to stand your ground.
“Of course, peach,” he says, grinning widely. “I can actually carry that to the bathroom for you, I need to grab soap and a towel anyway.”
He walks towards you, gently taking the pot out of your hands, so you end up opening the door for him, begrudgingly following him to the bathroom. You follow him in, watching him as he carefully puts the pot down in the sink. 
“Here you go,” he says as he shoots you a look over his shoulder. 
You can’t help but look away as your gazes connect, before mumbling, “Thank you.”
“You could at least sound happy about it,” he teases. You roll your eyes, though a smile teases the corners of your lips. Jungkook taps your cheek, and you bristle, stepping away from him. 
If he cares he doesn’t show it, instead moving to grab a washcloth and his shower gel. 
Are you disappointed to see him go? Maybe. But you don’t let it show, instead shutting the door behind him, making sure to lock it before you strip out of your clothes to wash up.
It’s freezing, and you hate every second of it, so you make it quick, washing the most strategic and important body parts. When you’re done, you move to grab your clean clothes from the…
You never grabbed clean clothes, did you? 
You curse under your breath, mostly cursing Jungkook for making you so stupid around him. You hate it - you feel like you lose most of your brain cells when he’s around. But you can’t help it, and you tightly wrap yourself in a towel as you pray to the God above, if there’s one, to not make you run into Jungkook as you walk back to your room.
Of course, Jungkook opens the door to his room the second you are in front of it. You startle, freezing like a deer in headlights, and Jungkook’s gaze dips to your legs.
You hate the smirk growing on his lips the second it appears.
“What’s got you walking around naked in this temperature?”
Though you reckon his gaze warms you up in an instant, you reply, “Fuck off, I just forgot to get clean clothes.”
He leans against his doorframe, slipping his hands in the pocket of his grey sweatpants. He looks the perfect picture of male insolence, and fuck, it does things to you that it shouldn’t.
Like, make you remember that he fingered you with his cum yesterday. Thinking about it, it was a really stupid thing to do, but you hadn’t been able to resist…
And from the way he’s eyeing you right now, you highly doubt you’ll be able to resist him again. You realize then that the apartment is darkening, that soon you’ll have to light up the candles… 
You’re sinking in quicksands, aren’t you?
“How unfortunate,” Jungkook comments, always so arrogant.
“I said it already, but do really fuck off, JK,” you reply.
He tilts his head to the side - the predator, and you, its next meal. “That’s not what you were saying yesterday.”
You blush, bright scarlet taking over your features, and you roll your eyes, choosing to ignore his comment as you finish walking to your room.
“That’s what I thought,” he says behind you, and you flip him off over your shoulder, which makes him laugh that boyish laugh that does things to you.
You lean against the bedroom door once you get in, heart beating out of your chest, cursing power for going out, and cursing your brother for choosing to do a semester abroad.
It’s useless - the cursing, that is. Because it won’t change anything, and a small, tiny, minuscule part of you doesn’t want it to… so you curse yourself too for good measure.
By the time you finally emerge from your bedroom, the sun has fully set, and you’ve been using your phone as a flashlight. Jungkook is sitting in the living room, playing on his Switch, which apparently still has battery, and he glances at you as you approach.
“Want to play a game?” he asks, offering you a small smile. 
His features are lit from the screen, and he looks soft, his big eyes slightly crinkling at the corners. You hold in your own smile, instead cocking an eyebrow.
“So that I can beat your ass?” you say.
You watch as fire catches in his gaze, and you think he’s about to burn you to the spot. “Oh, you wanna play this game?” he says, his voice suddenly an octave lower.
A thrilled shiver runs down your spine, and you finish crossing the distance between you and him, sitting next to him. The leather couch is freezing, but you hold your wince in as you motion to the Switch.
“You think you can beat my ass?” he asks. 
“I know I can.”
He smirks, leaning back on the couch. He rests his head against the backrest, turning his head towards you. “Oh, peach,” he breathes out. “You’re cute when you try to be sassy.”
You widen your gaze. “Try to be sassy! I’m serious, I’ll beat your ass.”
“In any game?” he asks, and his eyes dip to your lips.
“Mario Kart,” you say, folding your arms on your chest.
You’re wearing a thick sweater, yet it doesn’t stop Jungkook from looking down, and you know exactly what he’s seeing - you, with your legs spread wide open for him like they were yesterday.
“Winner gets head,” he says, and you really think you’re about to catch fire.
“What about Tae?”
You can’t help the question. Because you don’t want to do that to your brother, but you’ve been unable to resist. You know shame and guilt will catch up to you one day - hell, Ria will never let you live it down if she learns what’s already happened. 
Jungkook shrugs. “I don’t think it’d make any difference after yesterday.”
“So you want me to choke on your dick?”
Night and you and Jeon Jungkook really don’t mix well, do they? Because you want him. You want him so bad right now you think you’re about to go insane, yet you know you shouldn’t.
“Fuck, peach.” He chuckles. “I want to know if you taste as good as you look.”
You wet your lips, and his eyes fall to your mouth, staying there as you say, “Well then, winner gets head,” you murmur, and you think he’s about to say ‘fuck it’ and jump on you.
You really do think he won’t be able to resist, and frankly, you don’t want him to. You feel yourself leaning forward, a moth to the flame, but Jungkook clears his throat, and his eyes shoot to yours.
Jungkook sets up the game, and since you can’t play multiplayer thanks to the power being out and the TV not functioning, you settle on whoever gets first place first. Which you reckon is stupid - getting first place when you’re playing against the AI isn’t really an impressive feat. 
You shiver before Jungkook starts his race, and he pauses the game to glance at you. “Do you want to go to your room?”
You cock an eyebrow. “Too excited to play here?”
He rolls his eyes, though a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. “No, you’re freezing, and I figured, since your room is the smallest, if we do like yesterday, we can probably keep it warm. Or at least warmer than here.” His last words are accompanied by a vague motion of his hand encompassing the living room, and you reckon he does have a point. 
“Sure then,” you say, nodding once. 
You get up from the couch, and Jungkook quickly follows you. He’s so close, looming behind you like he’s the predator about to pounce on its prey, and you shudder with delight, warmth pooling in your lower stomach.
You think he knows. You’re convinced he does, because a few minutes later, when you’re in your room with the candles on, sitting on your bed, he leans against the wall, abandoning his Switch to the side.
“What are you doing?”
“It’s so easy to get into your bed, peach,” he teases, and you startle when one of his large hands lightly grazes your thigh.
You swat it away without an ounce of regret, even though the spot he touched feels like it’s been hit by lightning. “Are you saying I’m easy?”
His mouth falls open and he looks surprised, even maybe a little apologetic. “I didn’t mean it that way.”
The wicked smile you offer him makes him chuckle as he realizes you were teasing him, and he grabs his Switch, his brow creasing a little with the frown that adorns his features from concentrating. It’s cute. You reckon it’s adorable, and you reckon you shouldn’t feel that way about your brother’s best friend, so you push the thought as far away as you can.
It’s not like Jungkook is the kind of guy you should feel endearment for. Because you know he’d only break your heart - he’s not the most popular guy on campus for nothing, after all.
“Ready?” he tells you.
You nod. “Good luck.”
He doesn’t need it. He gets first place, and he puts his Switch down on the bed as you realize what it means.
But you’re not going to give in so easily to him, will you?
“If I get first place, too, then this doesn’t count.”
He fake-glares at you, but he shrugs. “Alright. Let’s see if you can get first place.”
The way he says it is ominous, and you gulp, cheeks flushing with pink as you grab the Switch. As per always, you choose Peach as your character, which obviously earns you a snicker from Jungkook, but you don’t mind.
Maybe because you’re starting to like when he calls you peach.
You easily start the race in the first position, Peach racing and drifting ahead of the AI-controlled characters. Jungkook shifts next to you, attracting your attention, and you almost run into a wall, thankfully recovering quickly.
It doesn’t last long. Because next time he shifts, Jungkook brushes your thigh, and you just know he has a wicked smirk on his lips without having to look at him.
“Stop,” you say through gritted teeth.
“Or what?” he purrs, and you nudge him with an elbow. He just laughs, his hand now resting flatly on your thigh. “Got trouble focusing?”
“You’re cheating,” you whine, and you’re hit by a blue shell which puts you back a few positions.
“Am I?” he breathes out.
You sigh as he leans closer to you, and his nose brushes your cheek. Instinctively, you tilt your head to the side, and he chuckles as he pushes your hair off your shoulder, before leaning even closer.
His lips ghost on your neck, and your eyes flutter close, the Switch entirely forgotten in your hands.
His tongue darts out, tasting you, and then he sucks a hickey on your skin. “What?”
“What are you doing?” you ask, voice barely over a whisper.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about my fingers inside of you,” he says, huskily. “All fucking day.” He nibbles at your earlobe, and you let out a breathy sound that makes him chuckle again. “Just been thinking about how you’d feel on my dick too.”
“I know.” He kisses your jaw, and then pulls away, sitting back against the wall. “I think you lost.”
You open your eyes, realizing that you’re still holding the Switch. He’s right – the AIs have finished while Jungkook was teasing you, and you stare at the screen for a few seconds before meeting his gaze.
He looks victorious, happy with himself. You want to wipe the smirk off his lips, so you put down the Switch on the bed, kneeling next to him.
“So you want me to suck your dick now?” you say, voice low, and you drag a hand on his thigh.
His tongue toys with his piercings. “Well, wasn’t that the deal?”
Emboldened, you straddle his lap, and you wrap a hand around his throat for support. You feel him swallow, and you lean closer, watching as the smirk slowly disappears from his lips.
“Was it?”
He gulps. He fucking gulps, and you can’t help but bite your lower lip. Even though the room is cold, you feel warm, a tingly sensation slowly taking over your entire body. His eyes fall to your mouth, and it takes him a few seconds before he says, “Yes.”
You have him right where you want him to be. “Damn, who knew Jeon Jungkook wanted me so bad?”
You lean in, brushing your lips on his, tongue darting out to play with his piercings. He doesn’t move, doesn’t do anything, though you can tell that he wants to touch you.
Maybe because you’re perched on his erection.
“Maybe Tae should have left before, mmh?” you continue. “Maybe you wouldn’t be so desperate…”
Jungkook grabs your waist, spinning you around dizzyingly until you’re on the bed and he’s hovering over you. “Enough,” he says, voice rough.
You don’t lose the smirk. “Or what?”
He wets his lips and then leans in. “I’m going to have so much fun wiping that smirk from your lips, peach.”
“Oh, will you now?” you fire back. “Better get into action then.”
One of his hands grabs the side of your head, tightening around your hair, and he forces you to turn your head to the side. He leaves wet kisses down your neck and then moves back up to your jaw. 
“If only Tae knew how much of a slut you are,” Jungkook says. “A pretty little slut.” Your smirk wavers as he pushes your legs apart with a knee. “I wonder, are you already soaked for me, mmh?”
“Why don’t you find out?”
He chuckles darkly. “Fucking hell, you really are driving me crazy.”
And even though you shouldn’t, even though Jungkook is your older brother’s best friend, even though you know guilt will eventually catch up to you, you say, “Then act on it, JK. Show me just how crazy I’m making you feel.”
His mouth collides with yours with force, and you immediately reach up, running your hands through his hair. He sucks on your tongue, earning a moan from you, and he grunts as you pull on his hair, the soft strands feeling like silk on your fingers.
He grinds into you, and you feel the powerful length of him rub against you. You know he’ll stretch you wide open, and you want him so bad it almost hurts.
You think you’ve wanted him for months already. Yesterday, you could blame it on the alcohol, on your inhibition being altered, but today… Today you know it’s always been about the tattoos, the piercings, and the shameless flirting.
You’ve been in Jungkook’s orbit ever since September – you were bound to crash into him someday.
Jungkook pulls away to meet your gaze. The weight of his body on yours feels right – better than Hoseok’s ever felt. The thought douses you, and you think Jungkook notices.
You know he does, because he says, “Are you sure you want to do this?”
Your eyes flit around his features for a time – his nose, his mouth, the mole underneath his lips, his left eye, the scar on his cheek. They eventually settle on his lip piercings. 
“Are you getting insecure?” you tease. Because it’s all that you know how to do, the only way you can think of pushing the vulnerability away.
His tongue pokes at his cheek, and he presses another searing kiss on your lips. You can’t help but moan softly as he grinds again, and you instinctively wrap your legs around him, your arms circling his neck as well.
When he pulls away next, it’s to rest his forehead against yours. You breathe the same air for a few seconds, until he says, “Consent is hot, peach. Tell me you want it, or I’m stopping now.”
“I want it, JK,” you answer. “I want you to fuck me dumb until my room isn’t cold anymore.”
Jungkook straightens, kneeling between your legs. The candles cast flickering lights on his honey skin, and you watch unblinkingly as he takes off his shirt. 
He’s beautiful. You realized that yesterday, though you didn’t see him without the shirt. But he’s truly beautiful, all muscle and delicate waist, and his skin glows golden under the light of the candles. His brown nipples are perked prettily on his chest, and you want to touch him, want to drag your hands over every powerful line of his body.
“Shit, it’s fucking cold,” he says, and he quickly bends down again. 
You grab the blankets, pulling them on top of him. Without any trace of hesitation, you rest your hands on his back, and you lightly scratch him with your nails.
“Then we better get you warmed up,” you purr.
You don’t need to say it twice. Jungkook finds your mouth again, and he grunts as you dig your nails in his skin, before releasing the pressure. He then goes down to your jaw, down your neck, and he disappears under the covers, spreading your legs wide open with his large hands.
“Can I take these off?” his muffled voice says from beneath the blankets.
You pull enough on the covers to see his face, big doe eyes awaiting your consent. “Yes.”
He smirks wickedly. “Good.”
He’s quick to rid you of your pants. He leaves your panties on, his large hands caressing your thighs as he settles between your legs. You know he’s going to eat you out, and you think you’ll go insane. But nothing could have prepared you for how much of a tease he is.
Indeed, Jungkook presses light kisses on the insides of your thighs, mouth ghosting over where you need him the most, never once giving in to your desires. You’re soaking wet, painfully so by the time you groan, hand flying to his hair as you try to push his head where you want him.
He resists, chuckling darkly. “Growing a little impatient?”
“Eat me out,” you answer breathlessly. “Fuck.”
“Why should I?” He bites the inside of your thigh. “I love watching you squirm under me.”
You whine, yet this time, he licks the wet spot on your panties. Your thighs instinctively close, and he forces them wide open again.
“Don’t move,” he orders.
You try to obey. You really do, but when he pushes your panties to the side and sucks on your clit, your back arches off the bed. 
“Jungkook,” you breathe out. 
He doesn’t answer, too busy pushing his tongue inside you, parting your folds easily. You moan, and your grip on his hair tightens, though you keep him close. And he doesn’t seem like he wants to pull away. He starts making out with your pussy, squelching sounds coming from between your legs with every swipe of his tongue.
Soon, he gets bored of pushing his tongue in and out of you, and he moves back to your clit, circling it unforgivingly. He’s good, that much you’ll admit, and when he circles your entrance with one long finger, you moan again.
“You want it?” he asks, pulling away just long enough to voice the words.
He’s right back on your clit a fraction of a second later, and he sucks on it, flicking the sensitive bud with his tongue.
You feel the orgasm. It’s still far, but it’s on the horizon of your conscience, and you know it’ll hit good once it does. So you say, “Please, Jungkook.”
He doesn’t disappoint. He pushes his finger in, arches it to rub that sweet spot inside of you in time with the motions of his tongue on your clit. You grind in his face by reflex, and he grunts against you as you do so, resting his tongue flat on your clit so that you can pleasure yourself on his face.
He must know it’s not enough. Because after a few seconds of it, he starts moving his face from side to side, and the orgasm looms closer, aiming for you at the speed of light.
It hits when Jungkook pushes a second finger in, stretching you, and your walls clench hard against his digits, though he keeps on pushing them in and out of you in a steady rhythm. He sucks on your clit as you come, and you think you’ve moaned his name at least twice by the time he finally pulls away, drying his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Shit, peach,” he says, and you watch him through the ecstasy blurring your gaze. “You taste so fucking good.”
As if he wants to show you, he captures your mouth in a kiss. You taste yourself, but you’re too fucked out to be able to agree or disagree with him. All you can do is moan in his mouth, and he swallows it with a swipe of his tongue.
 And as he keeps kissing you, keeps branding himself in your mouth, you run your hand on his body, blood boiling from the sheer strength that you know he has. You reach for the band of his sweatpants, going lower to wrap your hand around his clothed length.
He’s big and heavy in your hand. 
Mostly, he’s not wearing any underwear. Or if he is, they are extremely loose, because you’re able to wrap your fingers around him even through the sweatpants. He bucks his hips, and you tighten your hold.
“Why don’t you put that pretty hand under the clothes, mmh?” he teases against your jaw, before he goes to nibbling on your ear. “I’ve been wanting to feel it wrapped around my cock.”
You don’t hesitate. You move back up to the band of his sweatpants, and you quickly push your hand in. You sigh in delight as you find he’s not wearing any underwear, fingers grazing over the velvety softness of his length. He hisses but doesn’t say anything as you test the waters, slowly grabbing his dick.
You lightly stroke him, and he bucks his hips, trying to fuck your hand. 
“Impatient, aren’t you?” you tease him, and he bites at your jaw.
“I’ve been wanting you for a really long time, peach.”
His words make your heart pause in your chest. Because you feel like there’s a deeper meaning, like it isn’t just shameless flirting in the heat of the action. It reminds you of the kiss yesterday, of the way he’d pulled you on his lap with no other intention than to kiss you.
And it makes you tighten your grip on his dick, and he grunts as you start jerking him off faster. But it’s awkward and clumsy with the sweatpants on, so you pull your hand out after a few seconds.
“Take these off,” you say, and he immediately kneels to obey, taking off his sweatpants quickly before resuming his position between your legs.
You’re not sure you were prepared for the sight of Jeon Jungkook fully naked in your bed. Though goosebumps prick at his skin from the cold, he still looks devilish, like he’s about to drag you to hell. His dick stands proud and tall, leaking precum, and the muscles of his thighs strain against his skin. 
He’s big. And not just his dick. Jungkook works out a lot, spends hours every week at the gym, and it truly shows in every angle of him. He looks sculpted in marble, a perfect body that accentuates the beauty of his features, that contradicts the innocence of his big eyes. 
Or maybe what truly contradicts it is the way he fists his cock, jerking off quickly as he eyes you. As he stares you down, and you feel ready to go all over again just from the sight of it.
“You have condoms?” he asks, and he grunts as he keeps jerking himself off.
You have half a thought to tell him to keep going, to come all over you, but you want it too much to resist. So you motion to your night table, saying, “Bottom drawer.”
He nods appreciatively, letting go of his cock so that he can bend and rummage through the drawer until he finds the condoms. He winces as he straightens, a tinfoil package in hand.
“Pretty sure that’s going to be too tight for me.”
You roll your eyes. “Condoms stretch, you know that?”
“Not enough,” he says, flicking your nose teasingly. “But I don’t think we should go raw, so that’ll do.”
Yet, the thought of going raw with him… You grab a hold of his wrist before he’s able to start unrolling the condom on his dick, and he cocks an eyebrow as he meets your gaze.
“Are you clean?”
You see him gulp. Indeed, his throat bobs, and he tilts his head to the side. “Got tested last week,” he admits. “But I really don’t think we should go raw.”
“I’m clean.”
“You’ve been fucking that other guy,” Jungkook says.
“We always wear protection.”
Jungkook purses his lips, taking a deep breath. “Honestly peach, I think I wouldn’t last a minute if I fucked you raw right now. Let me put the condom on.”
He says it in a stern way that makes you let go of his wrist. You feel bad, wondering if you were pushing a boundary, but Jungkook doesn’t seem like he notices. Indeed, he busies himself with putting the condom on, rolling it down his dick, and he winces in pain once it’s all the way down.
“That shit’s fucking tight,” he comments, and then he positions himself between your legs again. His large hands find your thighs, and he caresses up and down once before meeting your gaze. “Are you okay?” he asks, with no lust or desire or anything other than concern for you.
Because of course, he’d notice that you’re feeling bad.
“Sorry if I was insisting…” you say, vaguely motioning to his dick.
He looks down at himself. “About the condom?” He waits for you to nod your head before he says anything else. “Peach, don’t worry about it. I’m seriously close right now, which is really fucking weird, and I just want to be able to make you feel good, m’kay?” He leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You melt, wrapping your arms around his neck to keep him close. He chuckles, mumbling against your lips, “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but you really turn me on.”
You think you know what it is. You don’t think it’s about you, or about him. It’s rather about the feeling of doing something you shouldn’t be doing. Of doing something forbidden, because he’s Taehyung’s friend, and you’re Taehyung’s younger sister. 
But you don’t say it. Instead, you whisper, “Then fuck me good, Jungkook.”
He lets out a breathy sound as he leans his forehead against yours. There’s something so intimate about the gesture that you feel your heart soaring in your chest, and then he pushes your ruined panties to the side again so that he can nudge your entrance with his dick. 
“I will,” he promises, and then he pushes in. Just his tip, yet your mouth falls open at how large he already feels, and you tighten your hold on his neck. “Let me know if it hurts.”
Unforgivingly, Jungkook slams all the way in. You let out a broken sound, and he quickly captures your lips in a kiss as he stays right there, deep inside of you, unmoving so that you can adjust around him. And you know you have a lot of adjusting to do – he’s so large it burns, yet the pain feels good. Far too good, and you easily understand how Jungkook got the reputation that he has.
When Jungkook pulls away from the kiss, he slowly pulls out, before pushing all the way in again. Your walls suck him in, and he grunts, leaning his forehead against yours once more.
“Fuck,” he groans. “You feel so fucking good.”
Before you can reply, Jungkook establishes a steady rhythm. Nothing too crazy, but the drag of his dick on your walls is making you see stars, and you softly moan as he keeps moving, never once faltering.
“Moan for me, peach,” he breathlessly says. “I want to hear you fucking screaming my name.”
And then everything changes. Jungkook kneels between your thighs, pulls your legs against his chest, and starts pounding into you, bending down just enough to hit the sweetest spot inside of you. The change of rhythm and position makes you cry out, and your walls clench around him.
He echoes your cry with a moan of his own, something breathless that makes you want to look at him, to stay with him like this forever. So you open your eyes, and the sight of him is nearly enough to make you climax right then and there. 
Yet you don’t. You don’t come as you just watch him, watch the way he’s frowning, teeth digging in his lower lip once in a while. Beads of sweat quickly appear on his temples, but he doesn’t care. He doesn’t falter, not even once, as he fucks you, and you feel that familiar knot forming in your lower stomach. 
You still don’t come. You keep it in – you don’t know why. You just enjoy the moment, refusing to rush towards its ending. Instead, when Jungkook pushes your legs open so that he can bend down and kiss you again, you welcome him in. You wrap your legs tight around him, keeping him close, and you scratch at his back with one hand, the other getting lost in his hair.
He grunts in your mouth, and he finally switches the rhythm, aiming for harder yet slower. It makes him reach new depths, and you can’t help but moan loudly as he keeps going, keeps ramming into you.
For the first time ever since you moved here, your bed slams into the wall from the force of Jungkook’s thrusts. It’s hot, especially as he moves to your neck, sucking hard. 
“Best fucking pussy,” he says in your ear. “Fuck.”
And then he straightens again, forcing you to let go of him, before pulling out. You whine at the sudden loss of sensation, but he just looks down at your pussy, licking his lips at the sight.
“You’re so fucking creamy and wet,” he tells you. “Look at my cock.”
You obey, looking down to where your bodies almost meet. His dick is indeed covered with your juices, and Jungkook gently pushes it between your folds, collecting even more juice. It’s sinful, inherently so, and you moan lightly as he rubs his dick on your clit.
“Think you’ll be able to come for me again?” he asks.
You look up, meeting his gaze. His lips are slightly parted as he breathes in and out quickly, and he smirks wickedly as you nod, once.
“Make me come,” you say, finding some defiance in you again. “You think you’ll be able to do that for me?”
His gaze widens, and then he chuckles. “Fuck peach.” He chuckles again, slightly shaking his head. “I’m going to get addicted to this fucking pussy of yours.”
You whine as he moves from between your legs, lying down on his back. You shoot him a look, and he motions at his body as if in invitation. It makes you laugh, yet you still climb on top of him, grinding on his dick.
His eyes go to your chest, and he gently grabs the hem of your shirt. Even though it’s still cold in your room – though warmer than before – you quickly take off your shirt, wincing as the cold air hits you head on. 
“So pretty,” Jungkook praises, and his hands reach up to push your breasts together. “So fucking pretty.”
You blush slightly under the praise, and you’re about to sink on his dick when he stops you. Your eyes go wide, and he motions to your panties.
“Take these off too. I want to see all of you.”
He says it with so much reverence for you that you can’t say no. You can only obey, sitting next to him just long enough so that you can remove the panties. They are soaked, and you throw them towards the dirty clothes hamper before climbing back on top of Jungkook.
Your gazes meet, and there’s a moment of you watching each other. You wish you could read his gaze, wish you could know what it means when he grabs your wrists to pull you down. Your eyes never disconnect from his, not even as one of his hands goes between your bodies so that he can align his dick with your entrance.
And then he pushes up, pushes in. As if you forgot just how big he is, you moan, eyes fluttering shut on instinct. Jungkook grunts, wrapping his arms around your waist, before saying, “Look at me.”
You do. You meet his gaze again and try to hold it as he starts jackhammering into you, the new angle so good you feel like you’re slowly slipping out of your body, soaring towards the sky outside. It’s so good all you can think about is him, his body, the way that he holds you so gently yet fucks you so rough. You rest one hand on the side of his face as he keeps fucking you, and when you can’t resist anymore, you hide your face in his neck.
“You’re such a good girl,” Jungkook says. “You take me so fucking well.” He grunts loudly, slamming to the hilt. You think he’s coming, but then he pulls almost all the way out, before slamming in again. “I never want to stop fucking you.”
You moan, and then your lips ghost on the shell of his ear. Though you’ve been struggling to speak, you say, “You’re so fucking big.”
“I know,” he breathes out. “Let me know if I hurt you.”
You whine. “Never. You’d never hurt me.”
His grip on you tightens, like he’s trying to say he wouldn’t hurt you, wouldn’t be able to, and then he’s fucking you again. The knot in your stomach comes back in full force, especially as he starts whispering filthy praises in your ear, growing more breathless with every swipe of his hips.
Just when you think you’ll come, Jungkook grunts, “I’m going to c-“
He never finishes his sentence, but the feeling of his dick twitching inside of you as he stills deep inside makes you fly over the edge, and your walls start spasming around his cock, milking his orgasm. It feels far too good, like you’ve reached nirvana, and it takes you so long to come down from your high that you believe you never will.
But you do. You do, and the first thing you notice is the cold. Though it’s a lot warmer than it was when you started this whole ordeal, you still shiver. 
Jungkook gently pulls a blanket over you, before circling your waist again. He doesn’t let go, not even as his dick, now soft, slips out of you. He lets you lay on top of him, ear against his chest so that you listen to his heartbeat, refusing to move.
You don’t want anything to pop this bubble of peace. Never. You just want to stay here with him, content breathing in the same air as him, until eternity flashes in front of you. Until you grow old and grey, to go to sleep forever. It’s a powerful feeling, though you like to tell yourself that it’s mutual. That his heart, beating softly in his chest, beats for you, in time with the beats of your own heart. You hope that he, too, doesn’t want to let go, though you reckon that this probably was just a hook-up to him, something he’ll be proud of, yet keep to himself. Because wouldn’t Jungkook be the kind of guy to be proud he bagged the little sister? You think he would.
And the thought scares you more than you would ever dare to admit.
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Is it me or is it hot in here? oof- Let me know what you thought of this chapter! I hope that smidge of angst at the end doesn't scare you too much...... bc trust me it scares me OOP
All rights reserved to@/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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whismizxal · 2 days
who’s her man? pt 2 ln4
── in which y/n y/l/n soft launches her relationship and her fans are starting to figure out who it is.
── warning: fluff, secret relationship, love, kissing, probably some spelling and grammar mistakes, if there’s more warnings to be added, let me know.
f1 drivers. navigation. prt 1
WHEN Y/N Y/L/N WALKED THROUGH THE DOOR OF THE ARRIVIALS IN MADRID AIRPORT she didn’t expect to see her boyfriend dressed in a black tracksuit with a large grin on his face.
she was quick to run up to him, drop her bags and hug him. the man held her tightly as he embraced her before pulling back and kissing her quickly and leaning his forehead against her’s.
“hi my love.” she said softly as she looked up at his eyes and stroked his cheek.
“hi gorgeous.” he responded back, his tone just has soft and endearing.
“thought we agreed you weren’t gonna pick me up, you need to rest.” y/n pointed out.
“you honestly think I wasn’t gonna pick up my girl from the airport after I haven’t seen her in two months? you’re crazy.” he said calmly as he held her, looking at her as if she hung the moon and the stars.
“you still need your rest love.” she told him whilst she ran her fingers through his hair.
“mhm, so come on then, let’s go rest.” he smiled, reluctantly pulling away and grabbing her luggage whilst his other hand intertwined with hers.
as they walked towards his car there’s a comfortable silence which is soon broken by him as he places the luggage in the car and opens the car door for her.
“how long can stay with me?” he asks, as he gets into the car.
“three months.” she sees happily, her smile only growing when she sees his reaction.
“yeah?” he says hopeful, his face filled with joy and love.
“yeah.” she confirms nodding her head as she leaned into kiss him which he accepted quickly. “you have me for three months.” she whispers against his lips with a soft smile.
“good.” he murmurs as he kisses her again, placing his hand on her cheek as she places her’s on the back of his head.
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landonorris made a story
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yourusername replied to this story
my love, thank you 🤭
ofc, I can’t help but notice I am mentioned a lot though
it’s for you. pretty sure everyone’s gonna realise we’re dating soon
I love it. thank you gorgeous
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liked by landonorris, your bestfriend and 721,191,822 others
yourusername you guys already know so might as well show a few photos I’ve taken over the past two years of MY BOYFRIEND. happy anniversary love 🤍🤍
tagged; landonorris
view 10,292 comments
yourusername your mum. where else would I get it?
username not the first photo 💀
username she did him dirty with those last two photos
username damn two years
username so happy for you guys!!
danielricciardo surprised you guys kept it a secret for so long
carlossainz55 send me that last photo
⤷ yourusername you got it 🫡
⤷ landonorris NO WHY
⤷ yourusername too late 🤍🤍 sending love
⤷ landonorris I hate you
⤷ yourusername I love you too pretty boy
⤷ landonorris love you more
⤷ carlossainz55 take this somewhere else so I can’t stop getting notifications of you two flirting.
last part, hope you guys liked it <3 also I feel like this is really cringe but idk 😭. also that spotify thing looks so bad so I might change it.
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cutielando · 2 days
Hey I absolutely love your writing it’s amazing!!!!!
I really loved your lando fix where he loved to see you train and workout in the gym I was wondering if you would do it for Charles leclerc pleaseee if not that’s totally fine ily and your fics
a/n: here you go, honey!!! i'm sorry it's a little shorter but this was the best i could do hahah
warnings: implied active and gym rat reader, a lot of working out in a way
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Charles had always been athletic, ever since he could remember. He had to, building up the neck muscle and tolerance needed to be able to sustain the force he felt every time he would get into the car, and over the years he had come to love working out.
Even though his day-to-day routine consisted of working out constantly, he would never ask his partner to exercise as actively or hardcore as he did.
He didn’t believe he should have a say in how someone else lived their life.
But ever since he met you and discovered your love for a healthy lifestyle and the passion that you held for exercising, he honestly felt like he had hit the jackpot. 
He loved sharing his love and passion for working out with you, aligning his workout times with yours just so you could be with him during every single one. It had become a habit of yours, your own little ritual giving you even more time to bond.
However, running with you was, by far, his favorite way to exercise. Getting to see so many beautiful views all around Monaco or Italy, depending where you were at the moment, being able to bask in the serenity of getting to share those beautiful moments with you.
Such an example was your current outing in the beautiful Monte Carlo, hiking through the mountains with Charles and Andrea. 
However, Charles had been slacking more than usual, always being steps behind you and in no hurry whatsoever.
“Charles, please stop staring at Y/N’s ass, we’re never going to make it back home in time if you keep this up” Andrea said once he had caught the driver falling behind you just to stare up at your behind.
You turned around and caught your boyfriend ogling your behind with no shame, staring up at you with wide eyes, like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“Charles! We talked about this” you said in a hushed tone, swatting him on the arm.
“I don’t know what you guys are talking about” he shrugged his shoulders and suddenly picked up the pace, walking in front of both you and Andrea all of a sudden.
You and his trainer shared a look, laughing before you followed him up the trail.
It took you a while to reach the intended target of the day, having to make multiple stops because Charles just couldn’t help staring at you, but you had made it in the end.
When you guys returned home and parted ways with Andrea, Charles was ready to take a shower and get into bed to cuddle you, but he wasn’t expecting you to have totally different plans.
“What do you mean by working out? Mon coeur, we just hiked the entire day, all we need to do right now is shower and cuddle” he argued, following you around as you prepared your bag to go downstairs in the gym for a quick session.
Working out in the evenings always helped you unload from the day, get in touch with yourself after a long day and just relax altogether. And even though Charles was right, you couldn’t ignore the feeling of longing when you thought about skipping a workout session.
“Baby, you know how important evening workouts are for me. I can’t sleep if I don’t work out at least a little bit” you argued back, chuckling at the sound of his stomps and huffs as he followed you to the front door. 
“Aren’t you tired, though? We’ve been outside all day, it hasn’t exactly been a chill activity” he said, still hoping to convince you to just get in the shower with him.
“Not really, no. If anything, I have way more energy and adrenaline to burn off right now” you said, putting on your shoes.
Charles sighed, realizing he didn’t stand a chance in convincing you to stay home. Instead of going about his business by himself, he picked up his shoes and put them on, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“What are you doing?” you asked, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
“I’m joining you. I don’t want to shower without you, so I’m going to come and watch you do your thing because I’m way too tired to do anything” he explained, opening the door for you and locking it on your way out.
You didn’t want to admit it, but you secretly loved it whenever he came with you to the gym. Even if he didn’t do anything, you liked just having him there with you, cheering you on so to speak.
When you got to the gym, you were feeling a little relieved that there was nobody left at that hour. You preferred when it was just the two of you, finally being able to take a break from your busy life and just bask in the feeling of sharing the same love for something.
“I’m just gonna run on the treadmill a little so I can burn some energy and then we can go” you said, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he took your bag from you and sat down on a bench nearest to you.
He settled for playing around on his phone for a while, sneaking glances at you every now and then. He even snapped a picture of you which he proceeded to post on his story, boasting about how hot his girlfriend was.
And as he sat there, your eyes finding his every now and then, he realized just how lucky he was to have you by his side.
He won in life.
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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dark-dawn · 1 day
❝ HEART RATE HIGHS !! ❞ – azriel x reader
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✭ pairing: gym rat ! azriel x archeron ! reader
✭ summary: you swear you only have a gym membership for self-improvement. it’s definitely not to see the cute guy you have a crush on.
✭ contains: modern au, f!reader, college au, but age is vague, fluff, anxious!reader who can’t see that azriel is already a little in love with you, gym culture, alcohol, meddling sisters, because reader is terrible at talking to guys, mutual pining.
✭ word count: 3k+ ✭ a/n: i absolutely love gym fics and i couldn't stop thinking about azriel in a compression shirt, so if i have to suffer, so do you <3
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“wait, did i hear you properly? you’re going to the gym?” nesta’s voice cuts through the quiet murmur of the lecture hall. heads turn, and the professor pauses mid-sentence, frowning at the interruption. you cringe at the sudden attention and whisper an apology, slouching in your seat to avoid the stares.
“you’re acting like i’ve just sprouted wings,” you respond, trying to keep your voice low.
nesta blinks, her surprise melting into scepticism. “well, it is out of character for you. the gym, are you sure?”
you nod.
you can’t blame her for being doubtful. among your sisters, you’re the most averse to exercise. even elain, thanks to her gardening, could likely outlift you. but –
“i don’t know if i should be offended that you’re so surprised.”
“hey, it’s not personal,” nesta replies, her voice softer as she glances around the room. the professor had resumed teaching and students were slowly returning their attention to their notes. “it’s just... unexpected. i mean, last time i suggested going for a jog, you looked at me like i’d grown a second head.”
“yeah, well, i just figured it’s about time i start taking better care of myself.”
“what brought this on all of a sudden?”
you shrug, trying to put your thoughts into words. “i guess i just realised that i’ve been neglecting my health lately. with school and everything else going on, i haven’t been feeling so great.”
nesta nods in understanding, letting you continue. neither of you really cared about this class, after all, and it wasn’t the first time you’d been called out for talking through a lecture.
“i just thought it might be a good way to clear my head, you know? like, a chance to zone out and focus on something other than deadlines and exams.”
“if you turn into a gym rat and only eat chicken and rice, i’m disowning you.”
“you’d have to pry ice cream from my cold, dead hands,” you say, nudging nesta with a grin. “nothing can take away my love of carbs and cheesy fries.”
“uh-huh, sure. that’s what they all say until they’re posting pictures of their meal prep on instagram.”
“you have no faith in me, do you?”
“none whatsoever,” she replies with a grin. “but hey, if this gym thing helps you feel better, i’m all for it.”
“if i ever mention a juice cleanse, you have full permission to stage an intervention.”
“deal. and if you lecture me on the importance of pre-workout supplements, i’m kicking you out of the apartment.”
after your year abroad, you found yourself back at the university of velaris, settling into a new rhythm with your three sisters. the four of you had decided to share an apartment, a decision fuelled by equal parts necessity and nostalgia. it wasn’t long before familiar routines took shape amidst the chaos of unpacked boxes and endless debates over furniture placement.
besides, feyre had been spending most of her time at her new boyfriend’s apartment, leaving a bit more breathing room for the rest of you. you hadn’t met him yet, but you’d heard he came from money and his penthouse had skyline views, so you could hardly blame her.
nesta wasn’t a fan, muttering something about “trust fund babies” under her breath whenever his name came up in conversation. but feyre seemed happy, and ultimately, that was what mattered most, even if a twinge of jealousy occasionally crept in.
“you should come with me.”
“i would rather die,” she snorts. “doesn’t mor work out? you should ask her.”
“no way, i’d look even more unfit next to her. i have some pride.”
“wow, so you ask me instead. you’re such a bitch,” she laughs.
as luck would have it, the gym was just a 10-minute walk away, conveniently offering a discounted price for students. the only downside was going alone.
“but i don’t know how to use the equipment,” you groan.
“and you think i do?” your sister retorts.
“well, no, but at least i wouldn’t look like the only idiot.”
“just find someone with muscles and ask them,” she suggests.
“right, of course, because i’m so great at talking to strangers.”
nesta raises an eyebrow, her lips twitching with amusement. “so, what’s your plan then? to stand in the corner and hope the smith machine starts talking to you?”
“maybe,” you mumble, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up your neck. you didn’t even know what a smith machine was until this morning.
nesta lets out a dramatic sigh, shaking her head. “stop being such a baby and put a cute workout outfit on. you’ll be fine.”
you were very much not fine.
the blonde girl at the front desk, with her bouncing ponytail and bright smile that could probably power the entire gym, was very nice. she had given you a tour of the gym, showing you the rows of gleaming equipment and weight racks, and enthusiastically pointed out the array of classes available, from yoga and spin to high-intensity interval training.
she had, however, assumed you knew how to use everything, and you hadn’t been brave enough to correct her.
you had nodded along, trying to absorb the barrage of information she threw at you, but each machine seemed more complicated than the last, and you were positive some of them belonged in a medieval torture chamber. 
but you could do this. if guys who couldn’t even spell “midterm” could end up looking like greek statues, surely you could handle a single gym session. you were smart, you were pretty. everything was going to be just fine. besides, you had watched enough fitness influencers on social media to have a vague idea of what to do. with a deep breath, you reminded yourself that everyone had to start somewhere ��� or at least that’s what your therapist had told you.
deciding to start your session with something familiar, you made your way over to the row of treadmills. incline walking was hard to mess up. the downside was that it made you feel like you were dying.
thirty minutes later, you were profoundly regretting your decision as you clung to the handrails, legs burning with exertion. sweat had beaded on your forehead, and you couldn’t help but curse under your breath.
with shaky legs, you made your way to the weights, steeling yourself against the familiar wave of self-doubt. this part of the gym was always crowded with an excess of men flaunting their egos, their grunts and posturing only serving to make you feel even more out of place.
you think of nesta and how she would never let anyone make her feel small. she would have your head if she thought you would let any man intimidate you.
deep breaths. everything is fine.
as you attempt to adjust the resistance on the leg press machine, your fingers fumble over the pin that holds the weight stack in place, causing the plates to clang noisily against each other. flushed and annoyed, you would love nothing more than to slink away in embarrassment.
“here, let me.” he crouches beside you and effortlessly rectifies your problem as if you hadn’t been struggling for the past ten minutes.
oh god, he looked like he could go viral on tiktok or be on the front cover of a fitness magazine.
and he was helping you.
stay calm. just ignore the fact that this might be the most beautiful man you’ve ever met.
you couldn’t help but steal glances at the way his muscles flexed beneath the fabric of his black compression shirt, each movement highlighting the definition of his arms and chest.
he was so pretty. you just hoped you didn’t look like you were dying.
“thanks,” you say, your voice coming out a little more breathless than you intended.
oh god, just breathe.
he flashes you a soft smile, “no problem. we’ve all been there.”
you’d like to say you committed to a gym membership for self-improvement.
(you would be lying.)
before ever stepping foot in a gym, your taste in men was somewhat predictable.
you liked nerdy computer science guys you could play video games with and pretentious english lit students who gave you good book recommendations – the indoor sort.
they all tended to look like a light breeze could push them over. not the kind where you could steal their hoodies. and that was fine. you didn’t care, honest.
but then the cute guy at the gym completely ruined your usual type in men. you never imagined you’d be that into muscles, but he looked like he could toss you around like a rag doll, and you soon realised that you actually quite liked the thought.
you initially thought your crush would be harmless – glancing at him from across the room and playing out scenarios in your head.
but then he started offering to unload your plates, and showed you how different machines worked when you looked particularly confused. he would ask you to spot him, despite you both knowing you would be of zero help, and would refill your water bottle when he noticed it getting low.
he would even help to correct your form so you wouldn’t injure yourself.
that, however, had you so flustered you couldn’t even complete the full set. his hand grazing your waist made your heart pound so loudly, you were certain he could hear it. you wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
you told him you had to leave early to finish your essay.
and then, like the gentleman he was, he had asked you about it the next time he saw you, and let you ramble about your major for far too long. the worst part was that he seemed genuinely interested.
you didn’t even know his name and yet you were pretty sure you wanted to have his babies.
“are you sure you really need protein powder?” elain questioned, picking up a bunch of celery for her green juices. “you can get all the vitamins and minerals you need from real food, you know.”
“but it’s so much easier to hit my protein goals with it,” you whined, clutching the tub of powder defensively.
“she’s only doing this because her crush drinks the same brand,” nesta teased, a sly grin spreading across her face as she tossed a box of granola into the cart.
“oh my god, keep your voice down,” you groaned, glancing around nervously. it was 10 pm on a wednesday. the grocery store was practically deserted, but you think you might cry if anyone overhears. “besides, it’s not just because of him. it’s practical!”
“practical,” nesta repeated, her grin widening. “sure, that’s the reason.”
“what’s his name again?" elain said, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
“i hate you,” you muttered, feeling your cheeks heat up. you tried to focus on the nutrition label in front of you, but nesta’s laughter made it impossible.
“come on,” nesta said, nudging you playfully. “you’ve been pining over him for months. when are you going to actually talk to him?”
“you should accidentally bump into him and spill your protein shake all over his expensive gym clothes. it would be a brilliant conversation starter.”
“please don’t jinx me.”
“oh, and then you could do his laundry as an apology, and he’d buy you a coffee because he thinks you’re pretty!” elain chimes in.
you’ve been working out long enough now that you knew the basics of gym etiquette. namely, don’t be creepy. a simple thing, really, but too many people struggled to act like sane, well-adjusted human beings capable of basic manners. it was as if the gym was some bizarre alternate universe where leggings made men’s brains short-circuit.
so you try very hard to not stare at your gym crush doing pull-ups.
but his biceps are flexing, his shirt is riding up, and you never knew you could be so attracted to someone’s back.
you feel like you’re twelve again – you want to write his name in a heart in your diary and talk about him for hours on the phone.
for the first time, however, you’re grateful you don’t know any concrete details about him. you would’ve stalked his social media, found out he had a girlfriend or horrible political opinions, and then cried yourself to sleep.
you’d really rather not know. hopeless yearning is much more to your taste.
but then he notices you across the room and smiles, and you realise your gym crush is very much not harmless.
you decide that you’ll be brave and actually initiate conversation for once.
a horrible idea, really.
“hey,” he responds.
“what are you listening to?” god, you didn’t think you were this awkward.
“oh, i don’t listen to music when i work out.”
“right, yeah, i totally get that.” you actually don’t understand that at all. the idea of exercising with just your thoughts sounds like a special kind of torture, but he doesn’t need to know that.
you fidget with the hem of your shorts, desperately searching for something else to say.
“so, uh, how’s your workout going?” he asks.
“it’s going okay,” you reply, the words tumbling out. “you?”
you want to disappear.
“yeah, it’s good too.” you swear you see a hint of pink in his cheeks, though it’s probably just from finishing his set.
your mind is blank and you have no idea what else to say. “great.”
you hope you look like you’re smiling and not grimacing.
this was quite possibly the worst idea you’ve ever had. you’re never speaking to a man again.
even if they are very pretty and look like they could pick you up without breaking a sweat.
getting ready with three other girls in a cramped apartment was always a challenge. you loved your sisters, but if feyre didn’t get away from the mirror, you would scream.
feyre, always meticulous with her makeup, was painstakingly perfecting her eyeliner, ignoring the sighs from nesta.
“can you possibly move any slower?” nesta hisses, leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms.
you exchange a knowing look with elain, who was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, scrolling through her phone. she had opted to stay behind, and you were growing increasingly jealous of her decision.
“why don’t we just take turns?” you intervene, hoping to avoid a fight before you even got to the party. “feyre, you finish up, then nesta, and i’ll go last. sound fair?”
feyre finally steps away from the bathroom and nesta wastes no time in taking her place, muttering something about how she could do a better job in half the time.
feyre had been persistent about attending one of rhysand’s house parties for weeks now, and despite your and nesta’s reluctance, she had managed to wear you down. it wasn’t so much her persuasive arguments as it was the promise of free alcohol that ultimately swayed both of you. plus, you were a little curious. feyre had been gushing about her boyfriend for months now. 
as you stood in front of the mirror, giving yourself a final once-over, you couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. feyre, radiant in her navy dress, was practically buzzing with excitement. nesta looked as though she’d rather be doing anything else, despite begrudgingly admitting that the three of you looked good.
you had opted for a short, tight-fitted black dress. shocking how regularly going to the gym could actually help your confidence.
feyre led the way, practically dragging you and nesta out of the apartment. elain, now comfortably nestled on the couch with a book, waved you goodbye. “be safe, and don’t drink too much!”
“it’s so cute that you think i could survive the night without being drunk,” nesta laughs. 
the cool night air is a welcome change from the stuffy apartment as the three of you step outside to wait for the cab. feyre was already chattering about rhysand and his friends, while nesta had shot her a look that could wither plants.
you really needed a drink.
rhysand’s apartment ended up being a thirty-minute drive away, nestled in the wealthier district of velaris, and you could see why feyre spent so much time here.
you could hear the music before you even enter, and it smells so strongly of alcohol you already feel a little lightheaded.
it can hardly be called an apartment in all honesty, it’s nicer than most houses and certainly surpasses anything you’ve ever stepped foot in before. it’s spacious, with an open layout that flows effortlessly from one room to the next. plush couches and chairs face a glass coffee table that is currently covered in red plastic cups and half-finished bottles of vodka. luckily, all his furniture was black. you winced at the thought of cleaning the stains that were bound to appear after tonight.
you noticed the floor-to-ceiling windows offering a pretty view of the city skyline, the twinkling lights stretching out like a blanket of stars against the night. you weren’t the jealous type, but you had the sudden urge to strangle feyre.
she had navigated the apartment with ease, her eyes alight with familiarity as she disappeared in search of rhysand. left to fend for yourselves, you and nesta exchanged a glance before setting off in the direction of the kitchen.
as you weave through the throng of people, you catch sight of mor, effortlessly manoeuvring between guests as she pours drinks. she seems completely at ease, flashing dazzling smiles and looking stunning as ever.
mor’s eyes light up with recognition as she spots you among the crowd. with a beckoning gesture, she calls you over. “i didn’t think you two would be here!” she seems genuinely happy to see you, despite only talking to her after class a couple of times.
“our sister is dating the host, so naturally, we’ve been dragged along,” you reply. “she’s off hunting him down now.”
mor’s gaze shifts between you and nesta, realisation crossing her features. “rhysand is actually my cousin,” she explains with a smile. “so, i’ve met feyre a few times now.”
“that’s unfortunate,” nesta laughs. you’re pretty sure she’s only half-joking.
you elbow her. “come on, don’t be mean. i don’t want to be kicked out after five minutes of being here.”
“are you sure? we could go get pizza and ice cream and not wake up feeling like we were hit by a car?”
“are you seriously the voice of reason right now?”
“hey, if you’re going to the gym, then i can be a responsible adult.”  
mor perks up, her eyes brightening with interest. “you work out?”
you smile sheepishly, “i only started a few months ago.”
“you should join me sometime!” mor suggests eagerly. “i usually go with rhysand and a few others, but one of them hasn’t shown up in ages. it’d be great to have another girl!”
“speaking of which, i should introduce you to them,” mor adds with a grin before calling out, “azriel! cassian! get over here!”
and then you spot who is walking over.
“mor, what’s up?” a very familiar voice asks.
because, you realise, it’s your gym crush. it’s the guy you’ve been pining over for months.
your brain is really struggling to comprehend that he’s here, and he knows mor, and apparently rhysand?
has he met feyre too?
he’s wearing all black, like usual, and his biceps look even better in this lighting, and oh god, you want to melt into the ground before you somehow think of a new way to embarrass yourself.
your mind is racing a hundred miles per hour and you’re suddenly realising you’re going to have to avoid feyre’s boyfriend forever if he’s friends with him and – 
and as your eyes meet his, and realisation flickers across his features, you’re really wishing you had stayed at home with elain.
or vanish into thin air. that works too.
“az, these are feyre’s sisters!” mor’s voice breaks through your thoughts.
you’ve finally learnt his name, you suppose, but you’re pretty sure you’ll have to find a new gym.
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barcaatthemoon · 3 days
two become one || bruna vilamala x reader ||
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minors dni, 18+, smut ahead
you have sex for the first time with bruna.
you felt like a madwoman running around like a headless chicken. seven months. you and bruna had been together for seven months already. the question of sex had come up, but neither of you had lived on your own until now. you loved your girlfriend's roommates, but they were always there in some capacity. as for you, it was not at all possible to even attempt sex while you were living at home. that was why you were so nervous to have bruna over for the first time to your new apartment.
there was no guarantee for sex. bruna knew that you had never gotten that far with anybody, not fully at least. there had been a lot of makeouts with past partners and a bit of over-the-clothes grinding. bruna had a bit of experience, but had admitted that a lot of things were very new to her. essentially, it was like the first time for the both of you.
all that had been agreed upon was that bruna was staying the night. you had a plan that didn't necessarily include sex, but you had prepared for it. bruna had dropped a couple of hints as well, but you could tell that she was too nervous to outright say that she wanted it from you.
dinner had been light. you didn't talk much, both of you absolutely entranced by the reality tv show that you'd been binging together. after dinner the two of you continued to watch your show until bruna asked to see more of your apartment. you happily gave her a tour, which ended with the two of you curling up in your new bed.
"i can't wait to hang out with you here all the time," bruna said as she rested her head against your shoulder. you casually had your arm slung around her waist, tracing little patterns on her hip. it was nice, and either one of you could have fallen asleep in that moment. however, both of your minds were racing at the thought of going further. it would be so easy, just a slip of your hand beneath her waistband to get things started.
"i can't wait to have you here. you can stay over more without the fear of us getting interrupted." bruna blushed at your words. you hadn't meant staying over after sex, but it seemed that the shoe fit. your brain caught up a bit slower than bruna's did, and she laughed at your late reaction. "i didn't mean it like that…"
"it would have been okay if you did. most relationships get there eventually. jana and esme have been asking about that. even vicky is getting curious, but alexia usually shuts her questions down early. i think she's kind of afraid that i'll corrupt you or something," bruna laughed nervously. she had thought about that a lot. alexia was nice to her, but it was obvious that there was a bit of strain whenever your relationship was brought up. the captain was protective of you, she always had been. your family had moved from her hometown so that you could play for barcelona.
"what do you tell them?" it wasn't a question that you wanted to ask, but you were curious. there was nothing to tell really, but you wondered sometimes. some of the girls made jokes whenever they saw the two of you together. you'd always run away blushing, often leaving bruna to stand up for the both of you. you didn't mean to, but a part of you felt embarrassed for not having had sex with bruna yet.
"i don't tell them anything, it's none of their business. we will take the steps whenever we're ready," bruna answered. you cracked a small smile as you pressed a kiss to bruna's forehead. bruna glanced up at you for a moment, and you swore that you could see how much she loved you. it was scary sometimes, to love and open yourself up to being loved. there was always the nagging voice in the back of your head reminding you that you hadn't completely opened yourself up to bruna yet.
there had been times when the two of you had gotten close to sex. usually, they were interrupted by either one of her roommates or a member of your family. one time, whenever the two of you had gone out with the rest of the team, alexia had walked into the bathroom to find you with bruna pinned against the wall by the door. that one had been so mortifying that you hadn't accepted another offer to go clubbing with the rest of the team.
"is this okay?" bruna asked as her hands hovered over your waist. it was a bit higher than where she normally placed them, but that wasn't why she was asking. your shirt had ridden up a bit, and her hands would burrow beneath it to rest against your bare skin.
"yeah, of course," you told her. bruna smiled up at you as she placed her hand down. her fingertips brushed against the elastic band of your sports bra, but neither of you mentioned it. you reached down to cradle her jaw as you pulled her up for a kiss.
kissing bruna was your absolute favorite thing to do. you loved everything from the little taste of her chapstick that was always left on the tip of your tongue to the little whine she'd give you when you pulled away. this kiss was no different than the other ones that you had shared, aside from the extra vigor from bruna. she moved to straddle you, her hands fully pushing up your torso until she held your breasts in them.
"it's not too much, is it?" bruna asked you. you were too caught up in the feeling of her hands on your body and the way that her breath felt against your cheek to care about anything else. this wasn't the closest that the two of you had gotten to sex before, but it had never felt so possible before. you hadn't wanted her like you did in this moment.
"i don't think that it's enough. bruna, i want you to take me," you told her. bruna's eyes widened like saucers with excitement. she wanted to ask if you were sure, but bruna knew better. there had been no hesitation with you, just full confidence. "please. it feels right."
"i love you, and i promise that i'm not just saying that because of you know…" bruna trailed off as she motioned between the two of you.
"i know, and i love you too," you told her. bruna pushed you back down against the mattress fully once again with a kiss. she briefly broke it to pull her shirt off. bruna knew that she didn't have to, but she wanted to lead the way for you. she was the one with more experience, she was the one who had been naked in front of another person like this. you had always been a bit nervous changing in the locker room, and while this was different, it was also scarier.
"here," bruna said as she took your hand and placed it on her stomach. your fingers spread out wide before you inched your hand up to touch her like she had touched you before. bruna noticed the way that your hand stalled, almost like you were waiting for her to tell you what to do next. "have you ever touched yourself?"
"once or twice," you admitted. bruna tilted your chin up and pressed a kiss to the underside of your jaw.
"touch me like that," she told you. your brain blanked for a moment before you finally made another move. you brought your other hand up to push her bra up and off of her body. bruna let out a little shiver as the cool air of your bedroom hit her bare skin. "can i take your shirt off?"
"you can take everything off if you'd like," you told her. it felt a little eager, but you really wanted bruna to touch you. you wanted to feel her in every way possible, every way she'd let you.
bruna moved off of you and the two of you both stripped yourselves. bruna had seen you naked before in the showers, but it was different in your bedroom. she felt her throat go dry as you turned to her with your body on full display. you weren't the least bit shy, which absolutely amazed bruna. even she had felt a little awkward showing herself to you like this.
"should we go back to the bed?" you asked. bruna nodded, letting you lay down first. bruna laid next to you, unsure of where to put her hands. like she had done for you, you placed hers on your body. that seemed to be all that bruna needed to take charge again.
her hands were gentle as they explored your body. most of the touches weren't too different from things that you had felt before. bruna liked to hold onto you whenever the two of you did little things together. however, it was the feeling of her fingers brushing over your nipples that really seemed to shock your system.
you let out a soft that very obviously surprised you. bruna seemed to get a little giddy at the sound you let out and slotted her knee in between your legs. this new contact caused you to moan again, but this time, bruna's mouth was waiting to cover yours and seemingly swallow it up.
"bruna, please." you didn't know what you were begging for yet, just that you wanted more. bruna smiled into the next kiss as she settled more of her weight down. this time, she rolled her hips as she let you grind against her. you were so lost in your own pleasure that you failed to notice the growing wetness of bruna's cunt as she ground against your thigh at first.
"kiss me." bruna didn't give you a chance to answer as she cupped your cheeks. you let yourself be pulled into the kiss, a messy and desperate attempt to cover up the sounds of her moans. you moved your legs just a bit, spreading yourself wider for her.
"i want you to touch me," you mumbled against her lips. bruna nodded as she let one of her hands fall in between your legs. bruna kept herself grinding down against your thigh as her fingers teasingly ran through your folds. bruna collected a bit of wetness on her fingers and brought it up to her own lips to taste. she let out a moan at the taste of you as she ground herself down particularly hard against your thigh.
the strokes of bruna's fingers between your folds synced up perfectly with the rutting of her hips against your thigh. she was working quickly to try and get both of you to cum at the same time. the wetness you felt against your skin from her arousal had you practically dripping onto your new sheets. you didn't know that it was possible for you to even get so wet.
"bruna, i'm close," you whined. you clawed at her arm, but didn't make any moves to stop her or slow her down. if anything, you started to get antsy, shifting your hips to meet her a little more than you had been doing before. bruna's eyes stayed on your face, holding eye contact with an intense stare as she watched you cum.
you looked away first as your orgasm tore through you. your body shook beneath bruna's, muscles flexing to allow her to hit the perfect spot. her peak quickly followed yours, both of you coming down around the same time. bruna dropped her weight partially onto you as she laid flat against the mattress. she kept an arm around your waist and her legs entangled in yours.
"can i tell you something?" you asked her.
"please don't tell me that you expected more," bruna pleaded with you.
"i love you, and i'm not just saying it because of the sex. i really do love you so much. sometimes, i want to cry when i think about it," you admitted. the sex was clearing your head out in a way that only left the mushiest, sappiest of thoughts. you felt like you had to get it off your chest.
"i love you too. i don't know if i've ever wanted to cry because of it, but i know that i couldn't bare to think about losing you," bruna said. she pulled you in for a kiss, one that had you melting against the mattress once again. "now, i know that you want to lay here forever, but there are some things we have to do first. if you go start the shower, i'll put the sheets in the washer."
"i should have bought an extra set," you muttered to yourself. bruna chuckled as she watched you groan and grumble all the way to your bathroom. she was quick to put the sheets in the wash, eager to join you in the shower. it wasn't as nice as laying around with bruna for the rest of the night, but you were glad that bruna had the sense to do the little things when you didn't.
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st7rnioioss · 12 hours
matt was leaned against the heaboard of your bed, his legs sprawled out on it. on top of his lap, you were sitting with your pink makeup bag on the bed beside you. your index finger rested under his chin, making his head slightly tilted upwards so you could apply his baby pink eyeshadow correctly.
"matt, sit still! im gonna ruin your makeup," you whined, looking at him with a pout as he moved his legs under you.
"babe, you're- you’re writhing your hips on top of me!" matt argued back, his hands resting just above your skirt tightening gently on your waist. you couldn't hold back your giggle. it was cute how he got so worked up, his brows furrowed the slightest bit.
"'m sorryyy! i just wanna make you look cute.” you chuckled, resting both of your hands at the sides of his face, giving him what you thought would be a quick kiss.
but to your surprise, matt gripped your waist tighter and leaned into the kiss, making the lipgloss you earlier applied to his lips completely smudged against your own.
“matthew!” you mumbled, pulling away from his shimmery lips. matt just laughed, kissing your cheek, leaving a sticky mark.
“you’re so annoying! now i gotta redo your lipgloss and lipliner.” you huffed. of course you weren’t really mad, you just liked to tease matt a little.
“you love me, baby.” he smiled widely, his cheeks an evident pink, fingers tracing smalls patterns on your hips.
─── 🐇
“come on, pucker your lips,” you mumbled, your index finger back under his chin.
matt did as you told, but not without rolling his eyes. he was too busy staring at your tits, pressed together the tiniest bit in your tank top. gently, you swiped the shiny lipgloss across his soft lips, making them a glossy pink.
“look at you!” you leaned back, still holding his face. you smiled at him, but he didn’t look the slightest bit amused.
sighing dramatically, you rolled your eyes at him, grabbing a tiny handheld mirror from your makeup bag, handing it to matt.
“what the fuck,” he raised a brow, trying his best not to smile. the tough guy persona was not gonna last for long.
“don’t say that! you look so pretty,” you giggled with a proud smile, your hands landing on his cheeks again.
you didn’t hesitate for one second, giving him a fat kiss on his lips, definitely messing both you and his makeup up. safe to say, matt was on cloud nine.
─── 🐇
ib: @mattscoquette
taglist: @chrissgirlsstuff @toriinie @cupidzsq @iluvmattyb @ratatioulle @emma4eva @riasturns @sweetbabydoe @elliewrites1 @its-jennarose @abbypost @chrisstopherfilmed @sturniolossss @ducksturniolo @junnniiieee07 @urfavvev3lyn @vschrissturn @keerahsturn @sturniolololover @domaniquessidehoe @sturniolossss @k-l-a-w-s @pearlzier @pjmpcyy @mbsbaby @christhopersturniolo @mattspolitank
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Part Three
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Valencia: You ready?
Erik: You wanna come down to my room? I’m almost finished, I just hopped out of the shower.
Valencia stood in front of a mirror propped up against her side of the dorm room. The idea of going to Erik’s room excited her. Biting down on her bottom lip, Valencia quickly typed a reply.
Valencia: Of course ☺️
She checked out her attire one last time. That yellow dress on her body was sure to have Erik’s attention. At least that’s what the blog said.
-Erik loves sundresses or anything showing off legs and hugging curves. Bonus points to bold colors that pop against brown skin ☺️
Valencia grabbed her black crossbody bag from her bed and she left her dorm room. She shut the door softly, waiting until a group of students talking closely together walked by. The RA dorm room was at the very end of the hall near the bathrooms. Valencia walked down the hall, keeping a lookout for anyone who would be spying on her. Not that anyone really gave a fuck. Rochelle was messing around with a few male students regularly.
Her footsteps came to a halt in front of his door. Valencia raised a fist and knocked with uncertainty. Valencia withdrew her hand and fiddled with her bag. She rocked back and forth on her heels, clicked her tongue, looked from one end of the hall to the other. The door opened and Erik peeked his head out, smirking at her. She could tell that he was trying to conceal himself. Was he—
“Come in.”
The door opened enough to let her in. Valencia’s eyes scanned the room first and then they landed on Erik. She had to close her mouth before she drooled down her chin. If there was a word to collectively describe how delicious he looked at the moment, Valencia would say it. His locs were flesh against his forehead. His skin was glistening and moisturized. He was shirtless with a single gold cross chain hanging between his pecs. His jeans hung low on his hips teasing her.
Erik chuckles, “Let me grab a T-shirt and we can head out, okay?”
Erik turned to grab a folded white T-shirt from his bed. He didn’t take his eyes off of Valencia as he pulled the T-shirt over his head. She peeled her eyes away to look around the room. She had to calm herself down because it was getting heated. Her skin was flushed, body temperature increased, breathing rapid. She noticed a pair of gold boots haphazardly placed in a corner near his closet.
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“You ready?”
Valencia’s cafe noir eyes fell on Erik. He was fully dressed now, holding a denim jacket in his hand.
“I figured we could go to this bomb ass diner I found about a week ago. Best milkshakes I ever had.”
“Is it Macky’s Diner?”
“It is,” Erik smirked at her, “Damn…”
“You. That’s what.”
Erik moved closer, literally standing over her to the point where he had to crane his neck. Valencia’s eyelids fluttered and she looked up at Erik through her lashes. She dropped her eyes to his lips, then his neck.
“This color on you…”
Valencia blushed, “You like it?”
“It’s one of my favorites.” Erik gave her a lop-sided grin.
His hand reached down to twirl one of her braids around his finger. Valencia’s sharp intake of breath didn’t go unnoticed to Erik.
“You got some explaining to do, baby girl.” Erik said with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Oh,” Valencia giggles, “The picture…”
Erik tilted his head and looked at her.
“The one with your face down and ass up. Yeah, that picture.”
Valencia was shrinking beneath his gaze. A nervous feeling tickled her belly. She tried to come up with a remark in her head.
“No need to be all coy about it.” Erik laughs.
“I—I thought you might want to have something to look at when…when I’m not around. So you don’t forget about me.”
Her small voice, timid yet sexy eyes, and voluptuous lips had Erik in the strongest chokehold. He had the biggest crush on her in two days time.
“I couldn’t forget you even if I tried.”
Erik’s hand reached past Valencia and turned the doorknob. Her beautiful smile at his words warmed his heart. Valencia turned her back towards Erik and he used his hand to hold the door open so she could walk out. She stood back and watched Erik shut and lock his door before they walked down the hall side by side.
The lounge area was surprisingly empty. They took the elevators down and Erik walked ahead to hold the door for Valencia. He shocked her by gripping her dainty hand in his much larger one. She looked from their hands to his face and nibbled on the corner of her bottom lip to fight the urge to smile hard. Holding his hand made he blush uncontrollably.
They finally made it to Erik’s car. He released Valencia’s hand to open the door for her. She lowered herself into the seat, the smell of mahogany teakwood filling her nose. The leather seats were warm against the back of her legs since his car was within a shaded area. It was clean inside minus a gym bag tossed in the backseat. She secured herself while Erik slipped into the drivers seat. When he turned on his car, the car vibrated from the music Erik was listening to on max. The Scotts by Travis Scott ft. Kid Cudi filled the interior of the all black Hellcat Challenger. Even in low throttle, the supercharge whine was the best automotive sound Valencia ever heard. She felt like she was in a race car.
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Erik turned his music down a little, laughing at the expression on Valencia’s face. One hand whipping, Erik sat his other hand on Valencia’s thigh. Die Young by Roddy Ricch was next on Erik’s playlist. She loved trap music. Her own playlist would probably shock Erik. He started stroking her thigh and Valencia had to distract herself with fixing her hair in the mirror so she wouldn’t shudder.
“We’re five minutes away.” Erik said.
They walked into the diner hand-in-hand. They came in at the best time. The hostess led them to a booth seat right next to the window. Valencia sat across from Erik and two seconds later, their waiter, a stout, curvy black woman with cropped curls came over to their table.
“Hello. What can I get you to drink?”
Erik stroked his soul patch down to his goatee in deep thought.
“I’ll do a cookies and cream milkshake. No Cherry with extra Oreo.”
“Okay. And you?”
“Can I have the same please? And a water.”
“I’ll have a water as well.” Erik added.
“Alright. I’ll be back with your drinks.”
The waiter sauntered away. Valencia scanned the diner, avoiding Erik’s gaze because he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. She placed a hand over her belly to calm the butterflies. She really needed to relax.
“Are you enjoying the date so far?” Erik questioned, breaking the ice.
Valencia finally looked at him. She gave him a warm smile.
“Yes. I’ve never been on a date before so…”
Erik furrowed his brows at her in disbelief.
“My ex before college never asked me. A guy I was talking to during my sophomore year stood me up. And Isaiah—that was a mistake. Pretty much no experience in what it would be like until now.”
Valencia shrank in her seat. She started overthinking again. Her inexperience probably turned him off. Once again, she was proven wrong.
“Here are your drinks…”
The waiter who Valencia recognized to be Pam from her name badge— she didn’t give them her name—sat their drinks down.
“Ready to order?” She clicked her pen.
Erik motioned for Valencia to go first. She was so distracted by Erik she hadn’t even looked the menu over. She opened her menu and skimmed.
“Okay…I’ll do a cheeseburger with french fries. Extra salt and pepper on the fries please.”
The waiter jotted that down and turned her eyes onto Erik.
“I’ll do the same but make it a double cheeseburger.”
Both of them handed their menus over. Pam walked away to put their orders in.
“…To respond to what you said, they didn’t deserve you. I’m happy to be your first date though.”
Erik smirked at her causing his dimples to pop.
“…And don’t feel ashamed of your inexperience. Ever.”
“Thank you,” Valencia hunched her shoulders and blushed.
“You’re a swimmer? I noticed the bathing suit you had on beneath your shorts today had the school logo on it.”
“I do! I’m on the swim team. Swimming is a real passion of mine. I’m not looking to go pro or anything like that. I’m amongst a few family members of mine who can actually swim.”
Erik nodded his head, “I love to swim myself. Haven’t been in a while. I used to go night swimming in the pool at TSU. I was cool with the coach at the time. Now, since I’m a TA, I can just badge right in.”
“Hm,” Valencia drew in a slow breath, “What else do you like to do?”
Erik looked away and down at his hands on the table he smirked to himself.
“I really enjoy poetry. I used to write my own and recite it at Poetry Live. Most of my work is sexual. Anyone can talk dirty, but there’s an art to painting erotic images in another’s mind…”
Valencia didn’t know if there was even a kink to describe what Erik was explaining to her. If it is, she may have discovered a new kink of hers. She rested her chin into her hand and focused on him.
“…Whether it’s my warm voice whispering into someone’s ear, or amplified. Through words I can arouse a reader. I just think that’s powerful.”
Silence filled the space between them while they enjoyed their shake. Erik licked his lips and then he started talking again.
“Words may be primitive shapes, or puffs of spoken air, but a mind can transform them into a force of thrilling potency. It imbues them with a sexual power. Our mighty mental engines are voracious, they yearn for novelty, new instructions to drive the looms of our imagination to weave stunning new patterns…”
Valencia gawked at Erik. He chuckled.
“I can be very eloquent when I choose to be.”
“I can see that,” Valencia giggles.
The waiter returned with their food. Valencia’s eyes widened at the portions. She wasn’t going to finish all of that. Erik and her reached for the ketchup at the same time. They both laughed and then Erik passed her the ketchup first. Valencia ate her fries while thinking of something risky to do to tease Erik. She was taking advice from the blog earlier after sharing that she would be going on a lunch date.
-You should tease him some more. Maybe eat your food in a sexy way. Slow, make noises.
Valencia grabbed a fry and when Erik glanced over at her she bit down on her fry slowly, drawing it into her mouth with her tongue. Erik rolled his lips, his dimples deep in his cheeks.
“Mm, that is so good,” Valencia closed her eyes, “Mmm…I love French fries.”
“I can tell.” Erik laughs.
Valencia paused, a nervous chuckle escaping her mouth. She sat her fry down and rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment.
Remind me to never do that again, she thought.
“So, how long have you had a thing for me?”
Valencia darted her eyes across the table at Erik like she’d been caught. Erik laughed with all his teeth.
“What makes you think I have a thing for you?” Valencia quipped.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Erik spoke sarcastically, “The constant blushing. The way you can’t even look me in the eye.”
Valencia rolled her eyes. She looked away and back to her food.
“How long?”
She swirled a french fry in ketchup.
“I wish I would have known. I’m glad I do now.”
“Because I’m feeling you too. I’ve seen you around campus. I’ve peeped you out for a while now.”
Valencia gave Erik an incredulous look.
“Yeah. Might as well throw it out there. I didn’t wanna make it obvious because I saw you with Isaiah. I didn’t think you were available. Probably thought I was too old for you or some shit…”
Valencia could not believe it. Erik had been interested in her this entire time?
“Are you being serious?”
Erik chuckled.
“Yeah, I’m serious. Why would you think that I wouldn’t? You’re gorgeous.”
Valencia turned her face away, giggling. She covered her mouth to contain her laughter. They went back to eating their food and the entire time, Erik would look over at her and Valencia would look up at him. Her foot brushed against Erik’s beneath the table and she held her breath when Erik did the same to her but intentionally. Valencia clenched her thighs together to calm the throbbing between her legs.
“I was thinking we could hit up this black-owned library before going back to campus. Is that cool?”
Valencia bobbed her head, “I’m down.”
The bell alerted to their arrival. Valencia loved the smell of a library. It’s a combination of grassy notes with a tang of acids and a hint of vanilla over an underlying mustiness. A customer slipped past them after purchasing a book. The cashier looked up at them and gave them a welcoming smile.
“I’m Simone. Let me know if you need anything.”
Erik and Valencia thanked her. Everything was neatly placed and organized. Hand in Erik’s, he led her to the back of the library, and between two stacks beneath a low ambiance.
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“This is where I find the best poetry.”
Erik released her hand and he walked up to the shelf to his left first. His thick, pointer finger moved from book-to-book. Valencia followed him, her eyes scanning the books. There was one sticking out from its spot so she paused, grabbling it from in between just so she could read the front cover.
“Verbal Stimulation: An Intimate Collection of Poetry. Sounds promising.” Valencia whispered.
Erik turned towards Valencia. He studied the front cover of the book.
“I’ve read this one…actually, I think I may have this…”
Valencia handed him the book. Erik opened it, turning the pages a few times before he found one that he really liked. Valencia leaned her shoulder against the shelf, veering closer to Erik. He cleared his throat and his voice took on a much lower timbre.
“i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite new a thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones,and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again…and again…and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you.”
Erik looked down at Valencia and a smile slowly crept up his lips.
“E.E. Cummings. He writes a lot of erotically charged love poetry celebrating self-love and the excitement of a love affair.” Erik informed Valencia.
“I liked that one.” She replied with a hushed tone and tempting eyes.
Erik placed the book back on the shelf and they continued down the aisle. His footsteps paused again when he’d noticed another book.
“This one is Pablo Neruda. One of his books…”
“Can you read to me again?” Valencia pleaded.
Erik gave her a once over with a smirk. He opened the book to the first poem.
“I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.”
The more he recited poetry to her, the more her panties grew wet. Erik noticed, and he inched closer to Valencia. She placed her back against the shelf and Erik loomed closer, his chest almost touching hers.
“Isaiah called you poet…”
Erik’s eyes danced over her face. Valencia’s eyelids fluttered.
“We have nicknames. Poet is one of my nicknames. My brothers know that I’m a man of words. They used to crack jokes until they realized that my words had an effect on women. They didn’t have much to say then.”
Valencia tucked her chin and quietly giggled.
“Well, I like the nickname,” Valencia looked up at Erik shyly, “Can I call you Poet?”
“If you want,” Erik licked his lips, “You can call me anything you want…”
Erik’s face drew closer to Valencia’s. She released a shaky breath. A tickle crept over her skin when he pressed his lips against her ear.
“I have another one I think you’ll like. It’s one of my favorites…”
“O—Okay,” Valencia shivered.
“Like one slutty little horny slave
listening to her master.. she behaves
he mind keeping hidden what she craves
one hard black dick her pussy loving raves…”
Valencia closed her eyes. Her hands came up to rest on Erik’s chest. She could feel his hands on her waist now. He drew circles with his fingertips, eliciting a whimper.
“I want to unleash on to you
Not out of love but because you know how to receive
Teeth digging into your fair fragile skin, rupturing
I feel hunger ever more
Your little wet mouth lingering in obedience yet I strike with punishment
Feeling your breath withdraw under the pressure of my hand wrapped around your throat…”
His hands leisurely smoothed up her waist until his hands were flush against her back. Valencia slowly opened her eyes and Erik was staring down at her through his gold-rimmed glasses. Her glossy, full lips parted slightly and her eyes focused on his mouth as he recited erotic poetry to her.
“The sight of her makes my mouth drool
So tempting, so irresistible
I take her in my arms
I lick my lips in anticipation
Pulling back the cover
I gaze at her pretty pussy
I can’t wait to taste her pretty pussy
The flavor of her arousal so deeply embedded on my appendage.”
Valencia’s chest heaved up and down, her breasts pushing against Erik’s chest. Now, they were playing into her size kink. The way he crowded her space with his much bigger and stronger body made her phat pussy quiver. Erik used one hand to stroke her chin with his thumb while the other now took its place on her ass.
“Did you like that?” He whispered.
Erik dropped his onyx eyes down to her lips. His top lip twitched slightly with anticipation to taste her juicy mouth.
“You have the most beautiful lips…”
“So do you.”
Erik smirked at her and then he inched closer. Valencia titled her chin up and closed her eyes. The moment his plump lips graced her full lips, a spark ignited within her. Her arms came up to wrap around his shoulders. She stood on her tip toes in her sandals. Erik wrapped a single arm around her waist. Their heads tilted to the left, both of their plump bottom lips sinking into each other like wet cushions. Erik sucked her lower lip into his mouth and dragged his teeth over it before using his tongue to trace the inside of her lip.
Valencia moaned softly into his mouth. Her dress hiked up beneath her ass, almost exposing her black thong. Their lips made moist, smacking noises. Both tongues hot and wet. Erik’s other hand squeezed Valencia’s buns, so much that her pussy opened up. The cool air of the library against her heated pussy caused her to moan.
It was a mixture of a whimper and a moan. The sexiest fucking sound Erik had ever heard. He broke their kiss and his eyes scanned her body.
“That pussy wet?” He asked with a husky voice.
She nodded her head with a pout of her lip.
“Tell me that pussy wet…”
He dragged his tongue over her tongue.
“Tell daddy that pussy wet, baby…”
“…Daddy…my pussy is so wet…”
Valencia’s face was hot. She’d never been talked to like that. Ever. She couldn’t even believe she said it. Erik’s hand sat beneath the under cuff of her left cheek and he made it jiggle. She pressed her face against his chest, her shyness something she was unable to control.
“Can I touch that wet pussy?” He whispered.
Valencia nodded her head again, unable to meet his gaze. Erik didn’t force her to say it this time, only because he was so anxious to see and feel that wet puss for himself. He hadn’t been this excited and aroused in a long time. Valencia turned her back towards Erik and poked her butt out against his crotch.
Erik looked both ways to make sure there wasn’t anyone lurking. He could hear voices so he needed to make this quick. Erik brought a hand around and between her legs. The temperature there made him groan against her hair. Valencia braced herself on the shelf in front of her. Erik started off by stroking her pussy lips up and down through her panties. There was a heated damp spot right in between as if her panties were sitting right in the middle of her phat lips.
Using his middle finger, eyes still looking around, Erik stroked from the top of her pussy, all the way to the back. He did it a few more times before he pinched her pussy lips between his fingers. Valencia’s forehead fell forward and she quietly moaned. Erik did it again. His dick was twitching. He flicked her pussy lips with his fingers and in his mind he couldn’t believe how phat her pussy was.
“Damn, Valencia…”
Erik carefully slipped the crotch of her thong to the side. Valencia inhaled. They sat perfectly to the side and Erik didn’t waste time touching her. When the flesh of his fingers graced the flesh of her bald pussy, Erik exhaled a longing breath. He took his time stroking her outer lips. She had inner folds that poked out between her outer lips. Like a pretty flower. He was shocked when he’d noticed that she had a clit piercing.
“You got your clit pierced?” Erik whispered, his tone laced with shock and arousal.
Valencia chewed on her bottom lip.
“That’s not what I expected at all,” Erik chuckles.
“It’s a VCH. I got it a year ago—”
Erik used his fingers to spread her pussy open wide. He fingered her clit and Valencia almost shouted. He flicked her clit non-stop, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. She had to bite down hard on her lip to control herself. He then used his middle and ring finger to circle her clit.
Valencia almost pulled books from the shelves. Her inner thighs quaked. She could feel her nipples harden.
“You’re right baby girl…this pussy is wet…”
Erik massaged her clit over and over and since it was so quiet in the library, Erik could hear her pussy making creamy noises.
“That pussy talking now…fuck…”
“It feels so good…” Valencia spoke with a hushed tone.
The smell of his cologne and the warmth of his body against her back had her dripping.
“I wanna feel it deeper, baby…”
She knew what he meant. She was a little nervous because all the times she’d been fingered by her ex, she never enjoyed it and always avoided it. Valencia relaxed her body, but her heart was racing. Two of Erik’s fingers sat at her entrance. She stilled her body with anticipation, gaining the courage to look back at Erik. The second her cafe noir eyes met his, those thick fingers were pushing up inside of her.
“Oh my gosh…”
He sank his fingers deep. He started stroking her spot.
Erik placed a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. Her ass pressed into his crotch and she writhed against him. The sound of her pussy was so loud and obnoxious.
“You’re making too much noise…I know it feels good, baby, but you gotta stay quiet…”
The way he fingered her made her fall in love. He knew where to touch and stroke. She was clenching around his fingers. Uncontrollably. She could feel herself dripping down her inner thighs. His hand must be soaked. It had to be with the way he easily went in and out. His wrist didn’t get tired. His fingers didn’t cramp up. She mumbled something against his hand but her words were lost on him.
“This pussy is deep and fuckin’ wet…you lovin’ this shit…my mouth is drooling…”
Erik had to bite down on his lower lip. She gripped his fingers again and he could see her eyes crossing.
She hung her head and pressed her face into her arm. Erik’s fingers sloshed in and out of that wet fucking pussy and when she climaxed it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. She fell back against him, reaching behind her to grip his arms. Her knees almost buckled and a thin layer of sweat made her mocha skin glisten. Erik’s fingers carefully withdrew from her pussy. Even though her panties were pushed to the side, the amount of creamy goodness that came from her stained them.
Erik looked down at his hand and his fingers were dripping wet and creamy. He could smell her pheromones, the scent of her pussy wafting his nose. She smelled amazing. Erik loved the smell of freshly fucked, horny, wet pussy. Bonus points if it’s clean, well taken care of pussy. Valencia turned and braced herself against the shelf. She stared up at Erik through her lashes with low, wanton eyes.
“You made a big ass mess…”
Valencia watched Erik suck on his fingers. He cleaned them off like it was a sweet treat. Her mouth dropped open in shock. He licked between his fingers, the palm of his hand, and sucked on his own lips to get any remnants of her onto his tongue. All while looking at her intently.
“Mm,” Erik licked his lips again, “You taste amazing.”
“T—Thank you.”
Come here so you can taste it…”
He curled his finger for her to come to him. She tilted her chin up.
“Stick your tongue out…”
Valencia did as she was told. Erik touched tongues with her and then they french kissed. Valencia whimpered into his mouth. She’d never tasted herself before. This was the nastiest thing and she loved it. Erik drew back to stare her in the eyes. He was so horny. His dick was fat and long between his legs.
“Take your panties off.” Erik commanded.
He wasn’t asking, he was telling.
“Right here?”
Erik chuckled, “You let me play in your pussy right here, didn’t you?”
Valencia giggled. He had a point.
She slipped her hands beneath her dress. Valencia pulled her thong down and stepped out of it. She held her panties out in her palm for Erik. He snatched them and balled them up before placing it inside of his pocket.
What was he going to do with fhem? Valencia felt a little self conscious. Used panties? Erik could sense her nervousness.
“Thank you for letting me touch you like that.”
Erik kissed her cheek softly. She smiled up at him and swayed from side to side.
“Thank you for making me fall in love with fingering. I’ve avoided it for so long because I didn’t like it when my ex would do it…he made it hurt.”
“It’s never supposed to hurt, ma. That nigga didn’t know what he was doing.”
Erik stroked her cheek with the side of his finger. She was so precious. It made him feel good that he was her first date and first great finger-fucking partner.
“I’ll show you what it’s like anytime you want. Whatever you want, I’ll show you. You have my number…”
Valencia swooned at his words. Erik couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her one last time before they left with one of his favorite poetry books for her to read. When the both of them appeared at the front of the store again, Valencia expected the cashier to mention how they’ve been gone for so long, but surprisingly enough, she simply smiled knowingly at them.
“Find everything okay?”
“Yes,” Erik replied.
She rung them up and they left hand-in-hand back to the dorms.
Back at the dorms, Erik and Valencia stopped in front of her dorm room. She hesitated to enter, and Erik was reluctant to leave. The car ride over, Valencia would catch glimpses of Erik smelling his fingers. The reason for that is because his fingers found their way between her legs again. He’d only done it so he could smell and taste her. It was the most primal thing she’d ever seen. The recollection of her thong in his pocket turned her on and she pictured him smelling her panties. He even questioned if her STD panel was up to date and how often she got tested. Very mature and necessary considering the amount of unsafe sexual activity going on. They exchange info and that was the final green light to go further. And boy was Valencia thrilled about that.
“I’m not gonna lie…I wanna eat your pussy.”
His boldness was too much. She hid her face behind her hands, only for Erik to move her hands away.
“Your dorm or mines?”
Erik quirked a brow at her. He was dead serious.
“Uhm…we should go to yours. Only because I don’t know if Brielle is in there or not…”
“Smart.” Erik said.
He grabbed Valencia by the hand and led her down the hall. They made it to his room and he unlocked the door. They slipped inside quickly and Valencia sat down on his bed while Erik shut the door. He told her to get comfortable so she removed her sandals. She couldn’t believe this was about to happen. If Valencia had ever created a list of things she’d never done or things she’d had bad experiences with, pussy eating would be one of them. Her ex had little to no experience with it and Valencia didn’t care much for it. Isaiah was flat out terrible at it. So far, Erik had proven to her that he could easily change her mind so she wasn’t worried about his pussy eating skills. With a mouth like that, he better be a pussy monster.
The walls in the dorms are thin. Erik decided to put on a playlist of his from the TV in the dorm. He opened Apple Music and found a random rap song for background noise. One she hadn’t heard of but the beat was good. It was definitely something she would shake her ass to. Erik sat his jacket down and kicked off his shoes. Valencia watched him pull his shirt over his head and his abs flexed. One thing for sure, Isaiah has a nice body, but he wasn’t touching Erik.
He walked over to Valencia and climbed onto the bed. She backed up towards his pillow and giggled when he pounced her. They started off with a make out session again. Valencia opened her legs and rubbed her inner thighs along Erik’s waist. His kisses trailed down her neck while his hands pushed her knees back. He sat up on his knees and then his eyes dropped down to admire her pussy. It was smooth, wet, and phat. Pretty chocolate with a pink center. The VCH piercing popped against her flesh.
“The prettiest pussy.” Erik praised.
“Thank you,” Valencia looked away.
“Aight, rule number one, don’t look away while I eat it…”
“Yes sir,” She replied.
“Rule number two, don’t push my head away. I hate that shit. You want it, you take it.”
That scared her. Valencia didn’t know what she was in for.
“Lay back…”
Valencia relaxed against his pillow. She looked down at him, watching him lay flat against his abs. He kept her thighs pushed back and then without further ado, his tongue licked a long trail up her pussy. Valencia’s mouth opened. She locked eyes with Erik and he spread her lips before doing the same thing with his tongue to her inner folds. She curled her toes and fought to shut her eyes.
“Fuck,” She whispered.
This was a real challenge. Keeping eye contact while his tongue flicked, twirled, and glided all over her clit. He knew how to work that tongue on areas she didn’t know could feel so good. He made sure each spot got equal attention.
“Fuck, you taste so damn good…”
“Mhm,” Valencia nibbled on her bottom lip.
Erik planted kisses on her clit before those same lips started softly sucking. Valencia took in a sharp breath. Erik flicked his eyes up at her and then they rolled shut. Valencia threw her head back. Her legs were shaking like she had Parkinson’s. When he released her clit, they both stared at how stiff and swollen it was. This is the moment when Valencia knew she was in trouble. The VCH piercing made her clit extra sensitive. That’s why every time she used her vibrator, she could never last. Two minutes into masturbating and she was cumming.
Erik flicked her clit just a little and Valencia’s body jerked like she was doused with cold water.
“It’s too sensitive—”
Erik wasn’t trying to hear that. He started sucking again. His sucking this time was more like french kisses. Slurping sounds filled the room. He forced her thighs back harder now. He gave her another break, her clit popping out of his mouth.
“You gotta take it. Don’t keep this pussy away from me.”
His voice was huskier and it had Valencia in a trance.
“Okay, daddy.” She replied with a small voice.
He went back to munching. Valencia moaned loudly. The sweetest moans. She fought to close her thighs despite Erik’s words. Her body seizes and she clawed at the sheets. Her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head.
“Unh! Uhhhnnnn!”
She climaxed. Valencia couldn’t believe how hard she’d cum. He finally came up for air. His beard was soaked. Pupils dilated, he looked like a pussy eating savage. Valencia sat up and stared between her legs. She’d never known that her pussy could tremble but she watched it in real time. One look at Erik and she knew he wasn’t finished.
“Mm,” Valencia whimpered.
“Turn over and put that ass in the air.”
She moved towards the center of the bed and arched her back deep like she did in that photo. Erik stood behind her, shaking his head at how fucking beautiful her wide open pussy and ass looked from the back. Valencia peeked back at him. They locked eyes and then Erik whacked her ass with both hands. She flinched and moaned. He jiggled her cheeks while spreading them at the same time.
“This my pussy to play wit’ now. I better not find out you giving this up, hear me?”
“Yes, daddy.” Valencia replied.
“I’m not joking, girl…”
She knew he wasn’t. His tone alone told her that. And why would she? He’s the best she ever had.
Erik got down behind her and started slurping her from behind. The position and the way he did it felt more intense for Valencia. She curled her lower legs up and went flat against the bed, reaching behind to hold her ankles. Erik slapped her cheeks before continuing his feast. She moaned into the bed.
“Yes, daddy,” Valencia cried.
She started moving her hips with the motion of his eating. She felt her body shake out of control and she couldn’t hold her ankles any longer. Valencia moaned on a loop, falling onto her side on the bed. Erik tilted his head and ate that pussy from the side. She held her thigh back and pressed her face into her knee. She was shaking out of control.
“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t,” Valencia begged.
“Mm-mm,” Erik hummed into her pussy.
She felt herself squirt a little and Erik licked that up. His tongue would push inside of her, his lips would suck whatever he could, his saliva mixed with her juices added a sensation mixed with heat. It was amazing.
“So good…I…so good…I’m cummin’…I’m cummin…”
She almost closed Erik’s head between her thighs. He finally stopped and the visual with his messy locs and wet face was beyond sexy. Valencia rolled over onto her back and covered her face with her arm. Erik stood up and his jeans were hanging low on his hips. Valencia moved her arm away from her eyes and she stared openly at his print. What was he holding back in those jeans? A python? He was big. She sat up on her knees and reached out a hand to stroke him. Valencia gripped him and squeezed. That elicited a grunt from Erik.
“I can return the favor.” Valencia said.
“As much as I would love you to, I have to get ready for tonight…”
Time was lost on her. She hadn’t realized how late it was. Valencia tried to hide her disappointment but Erik caught her face in his grip and forced her to look up at him.
“I promise. Daddy will give you this dick tonight, baby. After the party, okay? I promise.”
Erik kissed her lips and Valencia stood up to fix herself. She still had to figure out what she was going to wear tonight and it always took her forever to do her makeup. She also needed another shower. Erik helped her with her shoes and then he walked her to the door. He grabbed her by the hand one last time, pulling her into another kiss. Valencia smiled against his mouth.
“I’ll see you later, aight?” Erik said.
She waved goodbye and left his dorm room. Walking down the hall, Valencia squealed. This was probably the best day of her life so far. At her dorm, she opened the door and found Brielle sitting on her bed on her lap top.
“Where have you been all day?” Brielle pestered.
“Went for lunch, got some fresh air, that’s all…”
Valencia was happy that whatever had Brielle’s attention stopped her from noticing the big, goofy grin on her face.
“This blog is hilarious! Listen to this…I’m fucking my professor for an A in his class. He got me pregnant. I don’t want an abortion, but he has a wife and kids. The sad truth is, I know he wouldn’t leave his wife for me even though he complains about her having wack pussy. I don’t know what to do.”
“That’s wild! What school?”
“Morgan State.” Brielle replied.
A Delta is, whatta AKI ain't. What a Zeta wanna be and whatta Sigma can't. What a Alpha likes, whatta Kappa loves. and whatta a Que Psi Phi can't get enough of. THAT IS A DELTA!!!!
Delta Sigma Theta kicked it off with their stroll through fhe party. Andrea lead the way proudly. Knuck if You Buck filled the party and everyone had their phones out recording the ladies. Body rolling and hands forming a pyramid. Their competitive chant had the other sororities, like AKA, dismissing them and rolling their eyes. The Kappas wolf-whistled, The Alphas watched with proud stances, and the Omegas shouted.
“Get it Get it.”
“That’s right!”
The room was packed from wall to wall. It smelled like weed and sweat. Valencia took her place as a wall flower, dressed in a sparkly bandu with black high waisted jeans. She accessorized with large silver hoops and a layered chain necklace. Her braids were down her back and her face was beat to the gods. She added body glitter as a final touch to draw the look together. Brielle and Skai were on the dance floor, grinding all over each other. Cindy was there with her boyfriend who is a Kappa, chatting with him closely with drinks in their hands.
Dior was standing with the AKA’s she’s an AKA just like her sister Jeanette. It was too crowded to try and watch them do their entrance so Valencia stood back and waited for Erik to do his thing. The crowd erupted when AKA took over.
Valencia could see them a little from where she stood.
Whooo those AKA's
An Ahhka is what a Delta ain't
What a Zeta couldn't
What a SGRho can't
What the Kappas like
What the Ques love
What APhiA can't get enough of us!!!!”
“Valencia, you okay?”
Cindy tapped her shoulder, startling Valencia. It was so loud she could hardly hear Cindy.
“I’m okay! You know how I get with crowds!”
“You wanna grab a drink?!”
That sounded good to Valencia. She nodded her head and grabbed Cindy’s hand. She led the way over to the open bar stock piled with alcohol. Valencia asked for a mixed drink with tequila. The bartender whipped something up for her and she sampled it to see if she liked it. It was strong but very good. Now that they were standing by the bar, Valencia could watch. The Zeta’s were doing their thing now.
“The men, the men, of Black and Gold
1-9-0-6 too cold, too cold
They came to a Zeta and they said to me
They said, ‘I’ll never be as COLD as a Z Phi B.’
The men, the men, of KAPsi
Phi Nu Pi ’til the day that they die
They came to a Zeta and they said to me
They said, ‘I’ll never be as PRETTY as a Z Phi B
The men, the men, of Q Psi Phi
Down dirty dogs ’til the day that they die
They came to a Zeta and they said to me
They said, ‘I’ll stop being NASTY for a Z Phi B!!!”
They performed a choppa style stroll that went so hard Valencia had to cheer them on. Her mother begged her to be a Zeta but she wasn’t interested in pledging.
The Que Dogs stepped up. They all wore skull masks in their colors to conceal their faces so Valencia didn’t know which one Erik was.
Tumblr media
“FUCK IT UP!!!!”
Down in the valley, woh ohh ohh ohh!
There is a place that I long to go!
The name of this place rings in my ear!
Omega, Omega, Omega, Omegaaaaaaa!
Land of the Purple and the Gooooold ohhh!
Land of the Purple and the Gold!
They marched up with heavy stomps and enter-linked arms. The room was filled with flashlights from cellphones.
I kNEW THIS GIRL! (bruhs say Yeah)
Valencia clapped and cheered with a big smile on her face. She recognized that voice. It had to be Erik leading that chant.
They circled each other, barking and howling. It was a turn on for sure. They finally removed their masks and tossed them to the side. Seeing Erik perform had Valencia feeling extra giddy.
The charismatic dance that included jumping, splits, torquing bodies in the air — it’s called “hopping” — is a very athletic show that requires extensive practice to get the mostly synchronized routines down. Those are the videos that pop up on social media, the group breaking out in a routine in the middle of a crowd. The bent just-so elbows and hands pointed at a specific angle — the pose to signify an Omega — that’s what overwhelmed the crowd. The tongue featured in nearly all of those photos — sticking out at odd angles, hanging down — that’s because people in the fraternity consider themselves “dogs.” Atomic Dogs.
The way Erik led the stroll had Valencia stunned. She wasn’t the only woman that felt that way. When they finished, the applause surrounding them was deafening. Erik dabbed up his brothers excitedly and even when they finished, they continued to bark and stick their tongues out savagely. That same tongue that was licking her pussy earlier. Erik scanned the crowd and he spotted Valencia. He made his way over towards her, Cindy watching with nosy eyes.
“Did you like our stroll?!”
“YEAH!” Valencia shouted.
“You look amazing,” Erik pulled her in, “You gon’ have all my attention now…”
Cindy gave her friend a look before slipping away to watch her man do his thing. Andrea cheered and jumped up and down when James stepped up to perform with his Kappa brothers. Erik stood behind Valencia with his arms wrapped around her waist while they watched. Valencia sipped from her solo cup, the tequila already making her tipsy. She scanned the room and noticed Dior and her older sister, Jeanette, watching her with hard eyes. Valencia gave them a strange look before Erik distracted her with his lips on her neck.
What is a nupe? Is it a name understood by few, used by many,and respected by all? Is a NUPE a man of Kappa third, a "son" Diggs second and a child of God first? Is a NUPE a Greek Step Shower, a Lady Mind Blower, and a Pretty Ass Bow Thrower? it is also ever man dreams to become one and every woman desire to have one beside her! It's what a Alpha wanna be and a Que Dawg aint. It's what a Sigma try to be and what an Iota aint.!! YO YO!
Erik threw up a fist to cheer his friend on. Others joined in as well. They finished and the Alphas did their thing. Valencia downed the rest of her drink and asked for a refill while Erik was on his second drink of the evening. He was drinking on Hennessy mixed with Hypnotic. A drink he said was nicknamed ‘Incredible Hulk’. When they finished their strolls, the party commenced.
The tequila gave Valencia some courage. She was bent over with her cup in her hand, shaking her ass on Erik’s crotch. He had his cup in one hand and his other hand on her spine, guiding her. He would roll his hips so she could feel his bulge. They weren’t the only ones getting down. D9 parties are known to be wild. Sex-filled and rowdy.
“Let me get you another drink…”
Valencia didn’t need another one but she agreed. Two drinks in and she was feeling loose. Erik disappeared with her cup and Valencia waited. Someone bumped her shoulder hard and she stumbled in her heels. A random girl with a big natural fro helped her and they both looked towards the direction of who did it. Valencia noticed Jeanette giving her a dirty look.
“BITCH!” Valencia yelled.
“What the fuck is her problem?” The girl questioned angrily.
“I don’t even know that bitch!”
One thing about Valencia, she can throw hands. Don’t let her shyness fool you. Erik returned with her drink and noticed the rage on her face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Some stupid bitch bumped me on purpose. I don’t even know this chick…”
Erik searched the room. Valencia took her drink and Erik leaned down to kiss her lips.
“I’ll be fine.” Valencia said.
“Come dance with me…”
They went to the dance floor again and her ass was on him again. Erik held her hand up while she expertly whined her hips. They locked eyes and Erik bit his lip at her. She loved seeing him in his glasses, but when he didn’t wear them she could really get a good look at his eyes. Dark and sexy. Erik pulled her up and he started touching all over her openly.
“You’re the most beautiful girl in here…so damn fine.”
Valencia blushes.
“Thank you, My Poet.”
“Ahhh shit,” Erik noticed his line brothers approaching him, “Here y’all niggas go!”
Valencia stepped to the side, laughing at Erik trying to fight off his friends playfully.
The crowd parted like the Red Sea and the woman that bumped Valencia started to perform for Erik. Erik looked her up and down with amusement. Valencia looked between them both, her smile replaced with a look of annoyance. The chick got up in Erik’s face and hopped up, wrapping her legs around him. The room got loud and wild. Valencia was almost knocked down. Granted, Erik wasn’t her man officially, but who the fuck did she think she was? Erik laughed and the sight of him laughing pissed Valencia off. He put her down and the bitch kissed him. Valencia turned to walk back to the bar. She was livid.
Valencia sat her cup down and shook her head. She tried to calm down. Maybe she was over exaggerating. She walked away so fast, she probably missed Erik telling the chick off. But still, it hurt a little. Valencia knew all too well about being cheated on and played with. It happened to her twice. If she was going to give Erik a chance, he needed to be honest and not lead her on.
She turned and came face to face with Dior.
“What is your girls problem?!” Valencia argued.
Dior snorted a laughter.
“That’s my sister Jeanette. I heard from Skai that you had a crush on him…too bad he’s not available, sis.”
“Let me guess, he’s dating your sister?”
“Yeah, pretty fucking much. That’s his ex. They broke up because he was going to the military. Now that he’s back, they’re tryna connect again.”
Valencia glared at Dior. She didn’t believe any of it.
“Don’t believe me? Go ask him then.”
Valencia looked towards the crowd She hesitated before turning her eyes back towards Dior.
“Why the fuck are you even telling me this? Because if it’s to piss me off it’s definitely working.” Valencia quipped.
“I just thought you should know. Better sooner than later, right? How would you feel if you found out about it later?”
“Girl, please. I can see right through you. I don’t want Isaiah, so why are you so mad? Give it up.”
Valencia walked away. She had to before she did something reckless. Plus, it wasn’t worth it. Erik wasn’t her man and she wasn’t going to fight over him. She’ll simply walk away, no big deal. One thing for certain, Valencia can move on and never look back.
She left that party as fast as she could.
Fresh face and in pajamas, Valencia sat at the desk in her dorm, the only light coming from her laptop. The tequila had given her a headache. She massaged her temples while ignoring her phone. Erik had called and texted her, wondering where she was. She was in her feelings honestly and wanted nothing to do with him and that party. Maybe she needed to sleep it off. It hurt so bad because she really liked him. He didn’t have to play along. If that’s your ex, why even entertain that mess? These are the games she’s not willing to play.
-How’s everything going with your crush? 😌
Valencia typed a reply.
-Not so good. He isn’t my crush anymore 😪 he just played in my face. Men ain’t shit.
She shut her laptop and climbed into bed to try and get some sleep. Dreams of Erik took over her mind in slumber.
You see that q-dog over there? Play with em’ if you want to and he’ll break your heart…
@goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @hearteyes-for-killmonger @imagining-greatness @chaneajoyyy @uzumaki-rebellion @theeblackmedusa @lisayourworries @ratedbadgal @bombshellbre95 @cecereads209 @cancerianprincess @dameshaemonique @6lack-1otus @thickemadame @thickeeparker @stinkalinkkkk @ehniki @electrixit @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @bakarisprxncess @melodicheauxxlovesfood @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @bxolux @sweet2krazee @bluesole16 @ispywithmylileye @geemamii @unbotheredblackchild @nubianbabee @adoreesun @blackpinup22 @nayaxwrites @dersha89 @honeytoffee @thickianaaaa @modelmemoirs @why-wait-4-eventually @queenfaithmarie @angelicniah @soulfulbeauty19 @aijha @novaniskye @princessxotwod @callmemckenzieee @blowmymbackout @lahuttor @momobaby227 @blackerthings @kenbieee
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