#i really wanna finish this one-shot and then move on to the bigger au
m4delin · 1 year
A favor returned
It's a beautiful morning and Cleo could imagine birds would sing their heart out if she hadn't been in the middle of the town. But listening to the water bubble in the kettle and the footsteps of Bdubs running around upstairs was honestly so much better. It reminded her that she wasn't alone. She hasn't been for quite some time now, but it was nice to be reminded every now and then.
With tea in her hands she thought about the day she had ahead of her. She needed to finish up the grandfather clock, mostly the finer details being left on it. She needed to check up on Bdubs and how his practicing was going, maybe even teach him an new spell if he had been making progress. Today was also Scar's off day which meant he was likely going to hang around the bakery, meaning she could ask him to pick up some new loafs. She smiles and has to hold back laughter when she hears two loud thumps followed by shouting from her boys.
Yeah, her life wasn't empty anymore.
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changetyre · 6 months
Not like this (P2) II Charles Leclerc x Reader (Mafia AU)
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SUMMARY: After losing everything you seek out your biggest and longest-standing enemy to finish it all.
WARNING: Violence, blood, mentions of death
A/N: This one's a little short but I really don't wanna rush this story and write as much as I can when I feel inspired and sometimes that means shorter parts ;)
Once again Charles was woken up by rattling in his apartment.
"Agh fuck." His initial fight response was calmed as soon as he heard your voice.
He got up not bothering to change and simply put a gun in his pocket before walking out.
"Did you just come here to trash my place? is that it?" Charles asked as soon as he spotted you in the kitchen.
"hmm I would've set fire to the place if I had it my way but I guess this'll do for now." you smiled cockily as you took a sip of the coffee you had prepared yourself.
"You couldn't have made me one?" Charles asked as he shoved past you not caring about the fact that he hurt you and your fresh wound in the process.
"I told you to kill me yesterday and you chose not to so it's your own fault you're having to deal with me." You shrugged unbothered as you proceeded to shove him out of the way too looking for something to eat.
"Can you stop destroying my kitchen?!" Charles asked loudly. "Get lost for a second I'll call you when the food is ready," Charles instructed.
"Damn, you are grumpy in the morning." You laughed only moving to a stool on the kitchen island and watching him move with ease through the space.
"I'm not exactly happy about having you around so that might have something to do with it." He spoke as he continued with his task.
"You know I thought you'd have someone doing this for you, I know I did and why isn't your place bigger?" You asked not caring if you were bothering the man.
"Less people, more control. Less space, less possibility of someone entering without me noticing...more control." He explained.
"Hmm, obviously that logic didn't work, did it? I'm here." You laughed earning a glare from Charles which only made you feel prouder.
"I shouldn't be talking to you anyway, how do I know you're not lying and this is all just bullshit?" Charles asked.
"So what do you think I just shot myself and came to your apartment as part of some plan or something?" You asked in a mock tone.
"Wouldn't put it past you." He quickly replied.
"Yeah...although smart that's not what happened. And If that had been the plan I would've just killed you easily." You shrugged.
"Easily?" Charles laughed this time.
"Yeah." Charles turned when he heard the cock of a gun. "Easily." He looked stunned as you pointed his own gun at him.
He felt in his pocket noticing his gun wasn't there and in fact in your hands.
"If I really wanted to kill you, Charles...I would've already." You put the gun down on the counter and tossed it to him.
"So why haven't you?" Charles took his gun back now redirecting your own question from last night back to you.
This time you were left silenced. "If I kill you...it'll be after a fair fight." You stole his own answer.
"Huh." Charles found humor in it.
"I'm going back to my place tonight...If you're not gonna kill me then I need to find answers." Your smile dropped, thinking about what you could possibly find.
"How do you know they won't still be there?" Charles asked as he plated yours and his breakfast but once he looked up at where you sat you were no longer there.
"I don't." He jumped suddenly hearing you behind him grabbing a knife...and fork from his cupboard. "But I know the place...and I'm the best at moving through a space unnoticed." You winked trying to get in his head.
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Reflection Of You | Chapter 16
Genre: Historical!AU, Timetraveller!AU/ Different Dimension, Romance
Pairing: SUGA x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Idol!Suga, King!Yoongi, Guard!Seokjin, Guard!Jungkook, RoyalAdvisor!Namjoon, Servant!Jimin, Servant!Hoseok, Prince!Taehyung
Summary: Confirming you were dating the famous Min Suga of BTS, you knew you were bound to make some enemies. But what you didn’t expect was to be cursed, leading you to meet a cold-hearted, arrogant king that shares the same face as your rapper lover.  
Jimin tries his best to keep you away from Yoongi, not wanting you to see the ugly side of the king. 
Chapter warning(s): Mentions of blood, threats, slight violence. There are executions.
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“One day, I wanna cook for you.” You told Jimin as you dug into your lunch.
“I’ll pass on that meal.” Yoongi said from beside you. You whipped your head to him, sending him a glare.
“I don’t believe I was talking to you! Your name isn’t Jimin, now is it? And I wouldn’t want you eating my food anyway! Now stop eavesdropping.” You hissed, sticking your tongue out at Yoongi. He just made a mocking face at you to which you just gave him a dirty look.
“What do you cook, (y/n) nim?” Jimin asked.
“I definitely don’t know how to cook food like this. You can call it food from the future I guess. With migration and introduction of different cultures, we usually fuse flavours together.” You explained.
“That sounds-”
“Horrible. Destroying the exquisite tastes of Joseon by mixing it with other things.” Yoongi interrupted Jimin.
“Hey, Yoongi? I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this to you but you’re really annoying! Shut it!” You shouted. Jimin covered his mouth as he snickered, watching the both of you argue.
“I was going to say that sounds very nice, (y/n) nim. I look forward to it when the time comes.” Jimin smiled sweetly. You immediately melted, surprising Jimin with a big hug. Of course, you could count on him to be so kind and genuinely sweet with you. Jimin caught Yoongi looking at the both of you and gently pulled away.
“Finish your lunch, (y/n) nim. Then we can go find the gardener.” Jimin cleared his throat, redirecting your attention.
“Right, I better hurry then! Although, I wanna change out of this new hanbok. I wouldn’t want it to get dirtied.” You said, looking down at your dress. Jimin nodded his head with a bow.
“Yah, don’t choke on your food.” Yoongi said.
“What kind of flowers do you want in your garden, Yoongi? Like any particular kind or colour?” You asked, completely ignoring what he said.
“You can decide. A variety of colours would be good. It’s your garden as much as it is mine, (y/n).” Yoongi said nonchalantly. However, you were not expecting your heart to skip a beat at his words. You cleared your throat awkwardly, nodding your head with a hum.
“Done!” You shot up.
“Aish, you gave me a shock!” Yoongi frowned, putting a hand over his chest. Jimin giggled and held the tray of empty bowls.
“I’ll be back to escort you to your room to get changed, (y/n) nim.” Jimin said and you nodded excitedly. He bowed his head and left the throne room briefly. You walked up to Yoongi, plopping down beside him.
“Can I help you?” He asked, not looking away from his food.
“Nope.” You popped the ‘p’. You watched him eat, resting your chin on your hand, until you saw his exposed wrist pop out from his sleeve as he was getting food.
“You’re still wearing it.” You grabbed his hand suddenly.
“What are you talking about now?” He asked, snatching his hand back from your grip so he could continue eating.
“The bracelet that we got at the market last night.” You held up your matching bracelet with a sun charm. Yoongi stopped chewing, lifting his hand to see the similar bracelet on his wrist, just that he had a moon charm instead of a sun. It stood out amongst the other gold and jade jewellery he wore and yet, it was the one he favoured the most.
“Of course. Do you think I would just get rid of it?” Yoongi frowned, slightly offended by you.
“No. I just thought you would remove it during your court duty. You know, it’s not as extravagant or expensive as your other bracelets and bangles. Almost dull in comparison.” You shrugged.
“The price doesn’t matter, (y/n). If I like it, I’ll wear it. It doesn’t have to be gold or rare stone for me to favour it.” Yoongi said.
“I’m glad then.” You smiled softly.
“Jimin should be back soon. Better wait for him so you can go get changed. Be good and don’t cause the gardener any trouble.” He patted your head. You scoffed at his words.
“You make it sound like I’m always causing trouble.”
“Was I not obvious enough that I was implying exactly that?” Yoongi chuckled. You slapped his arm.
“You’re so mean, Min Yoongi.” You crossed your arms. Jimin came back and you grabbed his arm, storming off with him to your room. Yoongi watched you disappear down the pavement, dragging poor Jimin along with you, a small smile making its way to his face.
“Here, (y/n) nim.” Jimin changed you into a simpler outfit, which was a short sleeved wrap around top and some pants. It looked similar to what a farmer would wear. He secured the ribbon holding your top together.
“Thank you!”
“No worries. Ready to go?” Jimin asked. You nodded and he slipped your shoes onto your feet.
“Bye, Hayan.” You stroked the sleeping kitten’s head before leaving with Jimin. Before heading to the actual garden, Jimin took you to the kitchen’s garden, where the vegetables and fruits grew.
“Woah. There are so many different kinds of fruits and vegetables here.” You gasped at all the different plants.
“Here, try this.” Jimin picked a strawberry for you to eat. It was so sweet and refreshing that you let out sounds of happiness. After looking around a little more, you and Jimin headed to the main garden. The gardener was already there, watering some of the plants. When he saw you approaching, he immediately bowed to you.
“Good afternoon, agashi.” He bowed. You bowed your head back. You saw that he had a variety of potted plants and flowers that had already bloomed, ready to be planted into the ground.
“Are these all the options I can choose from?” You bent down in front of  the small pots to take a closer look.
“There are seeds too. But of course, that will take a while to grow and bloom. So I have some already bloomed flowers too.” He explained.
“Yoongi wanted a bigger variety of colours.” You conveyed. Standing back up, you looked around the garden to see the plants that were already there. There were a lot of warm toned colours.
“I like the blue hydrangeas.” You pointed.
“If you would like to match, these are seeds for purplish-blue Chinese bellflowers (aka balloon flowers).” The gardener showed.
“Perfect. What about this flower? It’s so pretty.” You gently touched one of the flowers that was in the pots. It was white flower with yellow in the middle.
“Ah, it’s a magnolia flower, agashi. Would you like it too?” He asked. You nodded your head. You looked through the other flowers, pointing out which ones you would like and even deciding where they would be planted. It was all coming together rather well.
“What do you think, Jimin?” You turned to him.
“Maybe we can add more hibiscuses? They have always been the royal family’s favourite flower.” He suggested.
Yes, you remember Yoongi telling you before that the Hibiscus syriacus (or Korean rose) was the national flower of Korea. And that it has been growing in the gardens of Korea for centuries unknown.
“There are different colours from white to dark pink.” The gardener explained.
“Let’s get a mixture then.” You decided. When all the plants were chosen, you insisted on helping to plant them in the soil.
“A-Are you sure, agashi?”
“Yes. That’s why I’m dressed as such. Don’t worry, just tell me what to do and I’ll try my best not to make a mistake. The same as what we did last time right?” You smiled. He nodded and you began digging into the soil to place those plants, that were already in pots, into the ground. You hummed as you covered the roots and patted the soil down.
“Let me, (y/n) nim.” Jimin helped you with the fertiliser while you moved on to the next. It was rather fun and you did learn a lot from the gardener.
“These need less water.” The gardener instructed.
“Does Namjoon like plants? Back at home, the only one who would talk to me about plants is him.” You giggled.
“Actually, yes. Advisor Namjoon is the one who assists me in watering the plants every morning before his court duties. And he comes to admire the garden every now and then.” The garden said.
“He’s the same then.” You smiled, remembering all the conversations you would have with Namjoon, as well as his little plum tree that he cares for.
“Namjoon back home has a little plum tree that he brings around. He takes really good care of it and loves it. It’s about this big only and blooms a pretty red once a year.” You showed the estimated size with your hands to Jimin and the gardener.
“Ah, a plum tree? Actually, that plum tree there is advisor Namjoon’s.” The gardener pointed to the big tree that was covered in flowers.
“Wow.” You stood in awe.
“It’s pretty. And advisor Namjoon harvests the plums once they’re ripe. They’re really sweet and we use the remaining to make plum wine.” Jimin said from beside you. You nodded your head.
You continued working hard, removing all the plants from the pots to plant into the soil. Then you planted all the seeds.
“Grow well!” You cheered as you watered the soil.
“Agashi, you remind me of jeonha’s mother. She loved this garden and was the only queen I’ve ever seen willing to get her hands into the dirt to plant everything.” The gardener said.
“Yes, that’s why this garden means a lot to jeonha. He doesn’t really like plants or has an interest in gardening but admiring the plants and making sure it’s maintained makes him happy. When I was a kid, I always saw him taking walks with his mother here. They were sit on that bench by the middle and just read for ages.” Jimin explained.
“That explains a lot then.” You smiled.
“I’ve worked here for many years, even when my father was the palace gardener. Only the former queen and you have voluntarily done this.” He chuckled.
“When the flowers bloom, it makes all the hard work worth it.” You laughed. When you removed your gloves, you took a seat to take a break.
“Here you go. Thank you for your hard work.” Jimin poured you a cup of cold tea. You received it with both hands and sipped.
“We should go show the new flowers to Yoongi.” You stood up once you finished your tea. Jimin’s eyes widened as he suddenly jumped in front of you, holding his hands out.
“W-We can’t!”
“Why not?” You tilted your head.
“Uh, we’re all covered in dirt. We should go wash up first before seeing jeonha or we’ll just be dragging mud with us everywhere.” Jimin said. You looked down at your mud covered shoes, Jimin was right. You nodded and bowed to the gardener before leaving with Jimin.
“We should get more strawberries to snack on.” He led you to walk by the back, where the kitchen was. You weren’t that dense that you couldn’t tell Jimin was acting weird but you would question him later.
“I’ll get a bowl to put them in.” Jimin said, running into the palace kitchen to get a bowl.
“Just put them here.” He handed you the metal bowl.
“Which ones should I pick?” You bent down. Jimin was beside you, guiding you on which ones looked good enough to harvest. It wasn’t long until you had a bowl full of strawberries.
“Are you sure we can pick so much?” You asked, laughing when you saw Jimin struggling to balance everything.
“Don’t worry. A lot more was already harvested prior.” Jimin assured. You held his hand and the both of you went back to your room. Jimin placed the bowl of strawberries down and assisted you with your bath. He ran the water, adding some boiled water so it wasn’t so cold while you undressed. There were water stains, plant pieces and dirt all over them.
“Thank you, Jimin ah.” You said, soaking in the tub.
“You’re welcome, (y/n) nim. Enjoy your bath.” Jimin bowed, collecting your soiled clothes before leaving the wash area.
“Ah.” The warm water was nice to soothe your aching knees and hips from having bent down so much. You sunk under and rose again, using your hands to push your wet hair back. 
“There are fresh towels here when you’re done, (y/n) nim.” Jimin’s voice sounded. 
“Maybe I should just stay here forever.” You replied. 
“Then you’ll be a prune.” Jimin giggled. You laughed along, starting to actually clean yourself. You made sure to wash and scrub all the dirt and sweat off your body, using the nice scented soaps. 
“I’m done.” You said to Jimin. He knocked before coming in with the towels. You helped you with drying yourself before applying a lotion on yourself. Even after Jimin dressed you back into a regular dress, he rubbed lotion into your hands, giving you a nice massage. 
“Ah, you don’t have to.” You shook your head. 
“That’s alright, you’ve worked hard today, (y/n) nim. I have to wait for your hair to dress anyway.” He smiled, continuing to massage your hands. 
“Jimin... you’re acting weird. Should I be concerned?” You asked with a tilt of your head. Jimin stopped for a mere second, looking up at your curious eyes with a clear of his throat. 
“There’s nothing wrong.” He said. 
“Liar. I know it has to do with Yoongi.” You scoffed. Jimin remained silent, standing up and heading to your vanity to get your hair brush. 
“Is it about his meeting now?” 
“It’s nothing really, (y/n) nim. It’s just... may not be a good idea to go visit him now. There are court trials today and they tend to make jeonha... very angry. Especially if there are executions.” Jimin tried to put it nicely. 
“I see, so he’s just deciding the fate of prisoners? Well, I mean if they did something really bad then they should be punished accordingly. But you’ve been here longer than I have and if you think seeing him now isn’t a good idea then we can just stay here. No big deal.” You smiled at him through the mirror as he brushed your hair. 
“Hayan.” You placed the kitten in your lap, the topic changing immediately. Jimin smiled at you, happy that you didn’t question him further. You didn’t need to see the horrors of execution day. 
“Here.” Jimin handed you the bowl of strawberries. He stayed by your side as you laid on your bed and munched on strawberries while playing with a very active Hayan. 
“I SAID GET OUT!” You heard Yoongi’s voice loudly, making you sit up. 
“I’m guessing that’s what you mean by angry?” You turned to Jimin. He nodded his head sheepishly. 
Yoongi looked at the scene before him emotionlessly. With one swing of his robe, he turned to head back to his throne. Hoseok was quick to run to his side as he removed his stained outer coat. He dropped it onto the ground while Hoseok scrambled to pick it up. 
“That’s all for today?” Yoongi turned to Namjoon. Namjoon nodded his head rather solemnly. But Yoongi didn’t really care. He waved for Jungkook and Seokjin to approach his throne.
“Get the cleaning crew then.” The king said. The advisor stood up and bowed, calmly walking out the door, narrowly avoiding the mess. 
“Shall I get-” 
“No.” Yoongi cut Hoseok off, picking up the robe that you had returned to him earlier. He slipped his arms through, casually tying a messy knot before sitting down onto his dragon throne. The robe had your faint scent. 
“Is she still in the garden?” 
“No, jeonha. She had returned to her room with her servant after finishing in the garden earlier.” Jungkook informed. 
“Hmm. I’ll dine with her in the dining room. I know this place won’t be cleaned in time. Useless.” Yoongi spat. Hoseok, Seokjin and Jungkook, unable to reply to that, just gave Yoongi a deep bow. The door opened and the palace maids entered to clean the place. Yoongi laid across his throne, legs swung over the leg rest like usual. 
“Seokjin, Jungkook, go ahead and clear the trash. These fools take forever. It’s a waste of time to wait for them.” Yoongi ordered. The two guards bowed and took the stack of boxes at the side, leaving the throne room immediately. 
“Excuse me, jeonha.” Hoseok approached Yoongi with a wet cloth. Yoongi grunted, closing his eyes.
“Make sure I’m spotless.” Yoongi said.
“Yes, jeonha.” Hoseok bowed his head, gently wiping the king’s face with the dampened cloth. Yoongi took this opportunity to rest for a short while since Hoseok was cleaning him. 
“J-Jeonha.” A new voice entered. Yoongi merely ignored the voice, staying completely still. All the palace staff knew not to disturb Yoongi during this time, it was an unspoken rule unless you wished for your own death. Even Namjoon was quiet and did what was told without any hesitation.
“Jeonha.” The voice called out to him repeatedly. 
“Hoseok. Stop.” Yoongi said and Hoseok immediately retracted from him. Yoongi dropped his head to the side, opening his eyes to stare at the figure that stood before him. 
“What? You want to share the same fate as them?” Yoongi asked, boredom laced in his voice. 
“Then get out. While I’m still letting you.” Yoongi said, turning back to close his eyes. He raised his hand for Hoseok to continue cleaning him. Hoseok gently wiped his hands clean, making sure not to miss a spot. 
“I SAID GET OUT!” Yoongi rose from his throne, anger burning in his eyes. He threw Hoseok aside harshly, not caring if the servant got hurt but Hoseok also knew better than to voice anything. Yoongi marched towards the lady, who was quick to back away. He grasped her neck, causing her to choke. He pulled her close until he was breathing on her.
“Let me tell you. No one crosses me. Nothing escapes me alive. Now let me ask again. Do you want to share the same fate your concubines did, Mrs Lee? Because I can gladly make that happen if that’s what you wish.” He growled. 
“N-No!” The older lady gasped. Yoongi released her, causing her to crumble to the ground, hand around her neck as she struggled to catch her breath. 
“You should consider yourself lucky that you at least still have one.” Yoongi stood over her. She scrambled to her knees, fully submitting to the king in front of her. Yoongi turned to sit back at his throne.
“Take this warning. If you want to continue walking, you better play by the rules of this palace.” He said.
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atlafan · 4 years
Lock the Door
a/n: college!Harry one shot because why the f not??????? I’ve wanted to write a good college!Harry au for aw while, and I’m happy with this. 11K of friends to lovers. (not proofread) 
Warnings: Smut.
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It was junior year of college, Y/N and her friends were thrilled to finally be out of the dorms. Even though they were still living on campus, they were in a student apartment, and incredibly thankful. Now instead of sharing a bathroom with hundreds of other people, there would only be four of them. The only thing was Y/N’s parents weren’t thrilled about the people she was rooming with.
There was her best friend, Liv, who her parents actually really liked. It was the other two roommates that made them feel uneasy. See, Liv really wanted to live with her boyfriend Chris, but they didn’t want to exactly live by themselves, and the student apartments for just two people were really expensive. They’d been dating since second semester their freshman year so it wasn’t weird that they wanted to be in closer proximity. Y/N also thought Chris was an amazing person. He and Liv never made her feel like a third wheel, it was an ideal situation. The three would have been fine to live together, but the university had certain policies in place. One guy was not allowed to live with two girls, they needed another guy. That’s when the topic of Harry came up.
“I know he’s not your favorite of my friends, but the other people he was supposed to live with are going off campus, which he can’t afford to do.”
“It’s not that he’s not my favorite, I just don’t know him that well.” Y/N shrugged. “If that’s the case, I think Liv and I should share a room…”
“Yeah, that works. Chris and I don’t wanna be on top of each other all the time, we’re just sick of going across campus all the time.” Liv says. “So, you’d really be okay with Harry living with us? You’ve said before you don’t really care for his lifestyle…”
“He’s just not the first person I would hang out with, but if it means we get this apartment, then I’m cool with it. We’ll get to know each other better if we live together, right?”
When Y/N broke the news to her parents they got into a big fight with her about it, but she assured them that a lot of other students did what she and her friends were doing. Living with boys really wasn’t that big of a deal. If anything it would give her practice for when she someday actually got a boyfriend that she would eventually move in with.
The four of them got coffee together the morning they had to have the housing application in. Harry didn’t say much, clearly not a morning person, but he seemed alright with the situation. He and Chris were good enough friends, and he was also excited to not be in a dorm next year.
“I just have one request.” Y/N says. “A lot of the apartments usually have one room that’s bigger than the other, from what I’ve noticed. I’d like for Liv and I to have the bigger room. Chris, I’ve seen your dorm, you literally have like nothing in there. Liv and I have a ton clothes and other things that we’ll space for…”
Chris and Harry look at each other and shrug.
“Alright, that’s not problem.” Chris says. “We should make a group text so over the summer we can see who’s bringing what. We need to figure out dishes and other kitchen shit.”
“And we’ll still need a mini fridge for extra shit, one of my friends was tellin’ me there’s not much room in the apartment fridges. I can bring the one I have.”
“I have a microwave.” Y/N says. “Happy to bring that too.”
“We’ll also need a chore chart.” Liv says. “Just because Y/N and I will be the women of the house does not mean we’ll be the maids. I am not going to be on my hands and knees cleaning the bathroom all the time. We should also pool in money for toilet paper and stuff like that.”
“Good idea, babe.” Chris kisses her cheek and Harry rolls his eyes.
That was is right there, the attitude that turned Y/N’s stomach. She thought Chris and Liv were a really cute couple, their affection didn’t bother her at all, but Harry seemed overly annoyed. All it was, was a peck on the cheek.
You all wished each other a good summer when the time came. The four of you group texted off and on best you could to make sure there was little miscommunication about who was to bring what. Since Harry was an international student, he would be moving in a week before everyone else. Y/N was actually happy about this because he would be there to help her move in. She’d be coming up the night before move in to get a good parking spot, and then her parents would come the next day with the rest of her things.
For the first time, she texted Harry outside the group chat when she arrived at her apartment. He opened the door for her only wearing a pair of shorts. Her eyes grew wide, and he notices.
“Sorry, it’s hotter than satin’s asshole in here, I hope you brought a fan for yourself.” He rubs the back of his neck, and you laugh.
“I did. That’s the worst thing, no A/C in these old apartment. At least it’s only hot like this for a couple of weeks, right?” He hums his response as she walks in. “To be honest I was expecting a mess…but it looks good in here.”
“Not much to make a mess with.” He shrugs. “I rearranged some of the furniture in the living area so it was less tight next to the kitchen. Got the TV set up too.”
“I can see that, it looks nice.” You smile.
“So…do you like need some help with your shit?”
“That would be great, actually. The microwave is pretty heavy.”
“Thank god you brought it with you. I’ve been dying for some popcorn.”
“Great, you can stink it right up.”
“Relax, I was kidding.” He rolls his eyes. “Take a joke, Y/N.”
Her mouth falls open as he walks out to her car. He opens the trunk and hoists the microwave out while she grabs her luggage bags that were full of clothes.
“I can bring that up for you. It’s an up and up, so Chris and I are on that level, and you and Liv will be up top. That was the bigger room just like you requested.”
“Thanks, I appreciate that.”
Harry helps get everything else inside while Y/N goes to get a prime parking spot. Harry felt sort of awkward just standing around while she unpacked certain things for the kitchen.
“Jesus, it really is hot in here, I need to go change.” She wipes some sweat from her forehead.
Y/N goes up to her room and opens the two small windows, and turns her fan on to try to get the air to move. She comes down a few minutes later in just a sports bra and a pair of shorts.
“This is sort of awkward, but you help me with my bed? I’m having a tough time getting it up a little higher…”
“Not awkward…at…all.” When he looks at her he sees how little clothing she’s wearing.
“If you get to be shirtless then I get to dress like this.” She says, putting her hands on her hips.
“I didn’t say anything.” He smirks. “Besides, I’m sure we’ll be seein’ each other in a lot less as the year goes on.”
She shakes her head and follows him up. Harry’s able to get the bet up a few pegs so Y/N can slide the small dresser underneath it, creating more floor space.
“That’s perfect! My parents are bringing those plastic pins you can stack as like a makeshift dresser that fits in the closet tomorrow. Hmmm.”
“Well, usually my mom helps me make the bed. It’s just so long, it’s hard to get a good grasp on the sheet.”
“I can help if you want.”
“You’ve done enough.”
“It’s fine, I don’t mind.” He smiles. “After this though would you wanna get out for a bit? I feel like it’s cooler outside. We could go downtown for a slice.”
“Oh, I like that idea a lot. Pizza is a must right now.”
Harry helps you get her sheets on her bed, and she tell him she’ll fix the rest later. Y/N knew she wouldn’t need a lot of extra blankets tonight. She throws on a shirt and so does he, and out the door they go. They walk down town the local pizza place, and grab a booth after getting their slices.
“Nice and cool in here, huh?” He says.
“So much better.” She giggles. “Where are your other friends living?”
“They’re over on Russell Street. It’s kinda nice, I’ll have a place to go party, and then have a quiet place to come back to afterwards. Think it all worked out for the best.”
“Can you remind me again what your major is? I know Chris is Sports Management…”
“I’m an Art major…” He says quietly. “And yes, I know it’s going to be hard for me out there once I graduate.”
“Woah, I didn’t say anything.” She puts her hands up in defense. “I think that’s cool actually. What do you do? Paint? Sculpt? Draw?”
“Mix of all three actually. Basically if I can get my hands dirty, I will.” He smirks. “I just wanted to get a degree in something I liked doin’, but I do have a minor in graphic design just in case I need somethin’ to fall back on.”
“Oh, is that how you and Chris met? That’s his minor too.”
“Mhm.” He takes a bite of his pizza. “We had a couple of classes together and got paired on some projects, hit it off right away.”
“That’s great.”
“How did you and Liv meet?”
“We roomed together second semester freshmen year. Our other roommates both dropped out so we got paired randomly. She’s the best, I got really lucky. She was already dating Chris when we met.”
“The three of you seem close.”
“He’s really nice, always included me. They never made me feel like a third wheel which was nice. I mean, I have other friends, don’t get me wrong. I found things to do when they needed their alone time.”
“And you ever find any alone time?”
“That’s an awfully personal question, don’t you think?” She scoffs.
“Thought we were gettin’ to know each other a bit here…sorry.”
“It’s okay…um…I mean, there are guys I’ve been alone with…” Y/N clears her throat. “I use Tinder like every other college student, you know?” He hums his response and finishes up his slice. He leans back and sits with his arm strong across the back of the booth. “What about you?”
“Eh, I like to meet people in person, at like a party or somethin’.” He thinks for a moment, and leans on the table to be a bit closer so no one else around could really hear. “You’re pretty, Y/N, why do you use Tinder?” She blushes. “I mean, surely you could just meet someone out.”
“I…well, I don’t really go to big parties, mostly kickbacks.” He nods and finishes up his bottle of soda.
“You ready?”
They both walk back to the apartment, and he keys in. She goes upstairs to keep unpacking and to tidy up. She was trying to hang up some curtains, but she fell back from trying to reach to high. Harry hears the thud and rushes right up. He had a nicer short sleeve shirt on now, and a nicer pair of shorts.
“Are you okay?!”
“Yeah.” You laugh. “Just lost my balance. Do you think you could help me hang these up quick?”
The curtains get hung and they look great with the twinkling lights Y/N strung up.
“Liv and I love these lights.” She looks at him. “You like nice.”
“Matt’s havin’ a party…do you wanan come?”
“God, with the amount of time I’d need to get ready you’d be late.” You laugh.
“I wasn’t plannin’ to leave for another hour, plenty of time to freshen up.”
“Sure, I could come out for a bit, thanks.”
He leaves her to get ready. She puts her hair up in a cute, messy bun, and touches up some makeup. Y/N finds a cute pair of shirts and a crop top to throw on and down the stairs she goes. Harry was pouring two shots of raspberry vodka into two small glasses.
“Here.” He smiles. “Wait, you drink, right?”
“Yes.” You giggle. “I can’t wait to turn twenty-one. Just a few more months.”
“Same here, February actually.”
“No way! Me too. When’s yours?”
“The first, yours?”
“The fourth.”
“Wow, that’s crazy.” They clink their glasses and off to the party they go.
Y/N drank way too much last night, and she knew her parents would be able to tell. They were there bright and early with the rest of her things. They also put Harry to work.
“You have a lot of shit, you know that?” He says, setting another box down.
“I’m well aware.”
Eventually Liv and Chris show up and it’s hugs all around. Y/N and Liv get a minute alone in their room, finally.
“So how was last night with just you and Harry?”
“It was good! We went out for pizza, he helped me a bunch with my things, and he took me to a party. I’m glad we had the time to get to know each other a little bit.”
“Me too. He can be kind of shy from what Chris tells me.”
“Apparently he’s an art major.”
“I wonder if he’ll hang any of his things up.”
“You know, he’s been in our room a ton already, but I didn’t think to go into his.”
“Well, let’s check it out.” They both go down and into the boy’s room.
Both sides were organized, but they could tell whose side was whose. Harry had his art supplies all over his desk, and had boxes of paint and brushes under his bed. He had a couple of things up as well.
“Looks good in here guys.” Liv says.
Y/N and Liv end up going out for lunch with Y/N’s parents, and then they go on a trip to the grocery store to pick up what they think they need.
“Alright honey, I guess we’ll see you at Thanksgiving, if not sooner.” Y/N’s mother says, giving her a hug.
“Please, be careful.” Her dad says.
“I’ll be fine. Let me know when you get back home. Thanks for everything, love you both!” She sighs as she closes the door. “Finally.”
Y/N and Liv go up to their room and continue decorating it to their liking while Harry and Chris get their gaming consoles hooked up to the TV in the living area.
“So…you got to know Y/N a little last night?”
“Yeah, she’s pretty cool so far. I was kinda worried, I didn’t think she liked me every much.”
“She just didn’t know you, that’s all. What did you guys do?”
“I helped her with her things, we grabbed a slice of pizza, and then I took her to Matt’s for a party. I think there were like three different guys that tried to take her home, but she turned them all down.” He shrugs.
“And what did you do?”
“She didn’t have a key yet, so I made sure she got back here, and then I slipped out an hour or so later to hook up with this girl that gave me her number at the party.”
“Well, thanks for getting her back here at least.” Chris chuckles.
“I’m not a fuckin’ asshole.” He nudges him playfully. “She did have fun at the party, I’ll probably bring her out again. You all can come any time. I feel like that place is gonna be my second home.”
Y/N and Live come down with all the things they like to keep in the bathroom and the boys look scared. For a student apartment it was a decent size bathroom, with a good size tub-shower. Liv opens the cabinets under the sink, and you hand her two boxes of pads and tampons.
“Yup, definitely livin’ with women.” Harry smirks and crosses his arms.
“If feminine products are going to bother you-“ Liv starts, but he cuts her off.
“Got a mum and a sister back home, periods don’t scare me. Was just simply makin’ an observation.”
“Good.” She grabs a small trashcan puts a bag in it. Y/N hands her the lid. “Listen to me very carefully, this is just for Y/N and I. There’s another small can for community use, but this is for her and I’s…”
“Say no more.” Chris says. “Just keep it under the sink and we won’t touch it.”
“I also would like some courtesy with shaving.” Y/N says. “I really don’t wanna see pubes around the toilet.” She crosses her arms. “If you make a mess, you clean it up.”
“I feel like the two of you think we’re savages.” Harry laughs. “I’ve been in a girl’s bathroom before, and I have to say, I think girls are way more disgusting.”
“Why were you in a girl’s bathroom?” Liv asks.
“I was asked to join someone in the shower.” Harry says bluntly. “And it didn’t last long because we both walked in and saw a fuckin’ bloody tampon on the floor. So we went to the men’s bathroom and it was spotless. And while we’re on the topic, you both have long hair, so if you don’t wanna see pubes around the toilet, I don’t wanna see hair in the drain.”
“Deal.” Y/N says. “Let’s move on to the kitchen, shall we?” The four walk out to the kitchen area. “If you make a mess in the microwave, you clean it immediately, don’t leave it for someone else.”
“If someone’s name is on something in the fridge, don’t eat it.” Chris says. “However, I would like to see us cooking together. Like if someone makes pasta, someone else could throw in a meat or veggie.”
“That’s a good idea.” Liv says. “If you make a mess in the fridge clean it up. Check expiration dates. Oh! Trash is a big thing. We all need to take turns with that. If you see it getting full, just take it out, don’t leave it for someone else.”
After spending over an hour on a chore chart and going over more house rules, the four feel satisfied.
A few weeks into the semester, and Y/N noticed that Harry wasn’t home a lot. He was either down at the art studio, or at his friend’s apartment. She also noticed he didn’t sleep there much on the weekends, but it worked out well for Chris and Liv so they could have the room alone when they needed. Y/N never saw Harry bring a girl home with him, and she was sort of relieved.
Living with two guys wasn’t as awkward as Y/N and Liv thought it might be. Everyone was really chill, and it was nice to cook together. It was like being in a little family.
One morning Harry woke up late for class, but desperately needed to shower. Y/N happened to be in there. Everyone usually showered at the same time, but Harry was in a rush and annoyed. Liv and Chris had already left for class. Harry was standing the hall, just in a towel, waiting for you to finish. When he hears the water turn off, he sighs with relief. When she didn’t come out right away, he groans.
“The fuck is she doin’ in there.” He knocks on the door. “Y/N?! I’m runnin’ late, and I need to shower!”
She opens the door immediately and they both freeze. Her eyes fall to the towel that was hanging low on his waist, and then up to him. Her towel wasn’t exactly as secure as it could be either. Her hair was just brushed out and dripping wet down her chest.
“I’m so sorry, why didn’t you knock sooner? I, uh, just let me grab my blow dryer…” She snatches it and scoots by him.
“I’ll be quick if you need to get back in there…”
Harry takes his very quick, and semi-cold shower, and gets ready for class. He had ab out ten minutes to spare. Y/N comes down the stairs, and slips into the bathroom to grab some spare tampons, and bumps into Harry on her way out, causing her to drop them.
“Shit sorry, I’m fuckin’ up your entire routine this mornin’.” He bends down to pick up what he caused her to drop and blushes when he sees that they’re tampons. He grabs them anyways and hands them to her.
“It’s okay, really.” She takes them and sticks them in her bag. “Um…well, have a good day Harry.”
“You too.”
“Y/N?” Harry knocks on her bedroom door late one night. She climbs out of bed and goes down the few steps to open it.
“Is everything okay, Harry?”
“Yeah, I think Liv and Chris fell asleep…and I really don’t wanna sleep on the couch, nor do I wanna go in there in case they decide to get busy again.” He huffs. He looked exhausted, he was at the studio all evening and just wanted to sleep.
“Oh! Well…okay, I could sleep in her bed if you wanna sleep in mine?”
He follows her up the stairs.
“I’ll just sleep in hers, we’re all close enough now. She doesn’t really have a leg to stand on to say much about it.” He yawns and takes his shirt off.
“Okay.” He watches as she uses the small step stool to get back into her bed. He waits until she’s scrolling on her phone to take his pants off, and he climbs into Liv’s bed. “I’m gonna turn the light off now.”
“Goodnight, Harry.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
Similar nights to those kept happening, and Harry was starting to get aggravated, so he called for a roommate meeting to discuss it.
“I’m sick of not bein’ able to sleep in my own bed. I know I’m not here a lot, but when I am, I’d like to be able to just go to my room and go to sleep.”
“You’re right, Harry. I’m sorry.” Liv says, sort of embarrassed.
“I think you two should just share a room. It’s clear that’s what you want anyways.”
“But what about Y/N?” Liv looks at her.
“I feel like Harry’s been my roommate anyways.” She shrugs. “We share every other room with guys, guess I wouldn’t mind rooming with one either.”
“What if your parents find out?” Chris asks.
“It’s not like we’re gonna push the bed together and sleep next to each other like you both are probably gonna do. He’ll have his side, and I’ll have mine. I think it makes the most sense too.”
That afternoon everyone helps move things around. Liv gets situated with Chris while Harry gets his things the way he likes.
“You know secretly, I’m happy they didn’t ask for the bigger room. It’s way nicer up here.” Harry says, sitting down on his new bed. “You sure you’re okay with this? I don’t wanna take away your privacy…”
“I’ll just change in the bathroom more.” She shrugs. “Or, I mean, just look the other way if I happen to need to change quick up here and I’ll give you the same courtesy.”
“I know I’m not here a lot on the weekends, but for the times I am, I mean, uh, like do you ever bring anyone back here with you? If you could just text me a warning or somethin’ or put somethin’ on the door.”
“I don’t…I haven’t, um, it’s been a dry start to the semester.” She blushes. “I had my period, and then I’ve started to get busy with my classes…I’ve gone out a few times, but there’s also no one I’ve really wanted to hook up with. Don’t worry, if the occasion happens I’ll give you a heads up.”
“Is that what you’re out doing on the weekends? Hooking up?”
“Sometimes…mostly I just end up sleepin’ at Matt’s. They have a futon for me there for when I get too drunk to walk all the way back here. You should come out to another party, he’s havin’ people over tonight if you wanna come. Let the lovebirds down there have a little privacy.”
“Good idea, yeah, that sounds like fun.” She gets up and goes into her closet to pick out a casual dress. “Is your friend Matt single?” She asks without looking at him.
“Uh, yeah. Why?”
“I don’t know…I think he’s cute, and he was really nice to me last time I was there. Gave me a bunch to drink.”
“Well, that’s just common courtesy when you bring a girl to a party. Get her all liquored up.” Harry smirks.
“Mhm.” She rolls her eyes at him, and grabs a blue dress from her closet and her jean jacket. “Do you think he’d be into me?”
“What’s not to be into?”
“Oh stop it.”
“M’serious! You’re really nice, and you’re cute. He’d go for you.”
“Thanks, Harry.”
Harry walks Y/N to the party after pregaming a bit at their place.
“Harry!” Matt says as he walks in. “And you brought Y/N again, hey.”
“Hi.” They smile at each other.
“We’re just setting a game of flip cup up in the kitchen, you guys wanna play?”
“Sure!” Y/N says brightly.
The night was a lot of fun. Harry found himself talking to some girl who was clearly trying to get him to go home with her, but in the pit of his stomach he wanted to make sure you got home okay.
“Let me just find my friend and make sure she’s all set, okay?” He say, leaning into the girl and she nods.
Harry searches for you. Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen Matt in a while either. He walks into the kitchen and stops short when he sees Y/N sitting up on the counter with her legs wrapped around Matt’s waist, and his tongue down her throat. He wants to say something, but he opts to just text her that he’s left with someone.
“She’s all set, let’s go.” He takes the girl by her hand and leads her out of the house.
She tells him where she lives and that her roommate was gone for the weekend so they wouldn’t be disturbed. She was a good shag, Harry was having fun, but just as he coming an image of Y/N’s legs wrapped around his own waist, instead of Matt’s popped into his head.
“Shit.” He groans and looks down at the girl underneath him. She smiles up at him and he smiles back.
He pulls out and throws the condom away. She frowns when he starts to get dressed.
“You don’t have to leave…”
“I know, usually I would spend the night, but…uh…I.” He sighs and looks at her. “Listen, I don’t really have a good excuse, I just wanna go sleep in my own bed, I’m sorry.” He leans in and kisses her forehead. “I had a lot of fun though.” He gives her a reassuring smile. “You have my number?”
“Text me anytime.” He winks, and leaves her there.
When Harry gets back to his empty room, he’s not entirely sure what it is about it that’s bothering him. Eventually he’s able to fall asleep, but he’s woken up a few hours later by the sounds of Y/N coming up the few steps to their room. She was carrying her shoes to not make much noise. She gently opens her dresser drawer to grab a large t-shirt and shorts. He looks away while she changes, not that he could really see her anyways with how dark the room was. He hears her get into bed, and the satisfied sigh she makes turns his stomach.
The light creeping in from the curtains punched Harry in the face. He sits up and see Y/N on her side facing him, scrolling on her phone. She looks up at him when she sees he’s awake.
“Morning.” She says quietly.
“Hey.” He stretches and gets up. Even though they’d been sharing a room for a while, she would never get used to seeing him in just a pair of boxers. “M’takin’ a shower.”
“Okay.” He stops short before going down the stairs.
“What time did you get home last night?”
“Um…like 3AM I think. I was surprised to see your shoes downstairs. I’m glad I caught them or I would’ve flipped the light on and barreled up here.” She laughs. “I thought you went home with someone.”
“I did.”
“Didn’t feel like spendin’ the night.” She hums her response. “Did you hook up with Matt?”
“Yeah.” You blush. “Is that okay?”
“Yeah, why the fuck would I care?” He crosses his arms.
“I don’t know…I mean I figured you knew what my intention was since I asked you if he was single, but if you don’t want me hooking up with your friends, I don’t have to again.”
“So if I really had a problem with it, you wouldn’t fuck him again?”
“If you had a valid reason, sure. I mean…it was a nice hook up, but not the best I ever had. It’s not like I need to have his dick again.” Harry had never really hard Y/N talk like that before, it surprised him. “Oh god, don’t tell him I said that…”
“What wasn’t good about it?”
“Well, if it wasn’t the best you ever had, what wasn’t good about it? Come on, you can tell me?” He leans back against the wall.
“I didn’t get off.” She says bluntly.
“And I had to fake it so we could be done.” Her cheeks grew redder.
“You sounded pretty satisfied when you got back…”
“I sighed with relief because I was exhausted and was finally in my comfy bed.”
“So you faked it.”
“Why not just tell him he was doin’ it wrong.”
“He was so drunk, Harry, I don’t think it would’ve made a difference. He passed out after, and I slipped out the door.”
“Wait, you walked back by yourself?” He frowns.
“If that happens again, just call me, okay? I don’t like that.”
“But you were with someone.”
“So? I’m always there for my friends, come on Y/N. What if somethin’ bad happened?”
“Okay, okay, I won’t walk alone again.”
“Go shower so I can shower, will you?”
“We could just save water and shower together.” He jokes, and she whips her pillow at him. “Oi!” He picks it up and whips it back at her, making her laugh.
Harry came home with paint all over his hands, and was scrubbing them profusely when Y/N came in through the door.
“Thank god it’s Friday, I’m beat.” You sigh and flop onto the couch.
“Me too, I think I’m gonna stay in tonight.”
“Oh?” She was shocked.
“Mhm.” He sits down next to her. “Might play some video games or somethin’. What about you, do you have plans?”
“As of right now, no. But who knows, my friends my text and say something’s happening.” She shrugs.
“We could hang out if you wanted.”
“What would you wanna do?”
“We could watch a movie.”
“Sure! That sounds nice actually. We should see if Liv and Chris wanna join. I feel like we never all hang out.”
Harry was annoyed, but not visibly. He really hated hanging out with couples.
That night the four get cozy on the couch for a movie. Chris made everyone drinks, and Y/N popped some popcorn. The girls sit in the middle of the couch while the boys take the end seats. Not that that mattered, because eventually Chris pulled Liv into his lap, and they got comfortable together. The wine Y/N had been drinking was making her sleepy, and her head dropped onto Harry’s shoulder, not that he minded.
She wakes up to the feeling of being carried up to their room.
“Harry?” He sets her down on her bed.
“Yeh fell asleep.” He smooths her hair away from her face. “Brought yeh up.”
“Do you…never mind.”
“I don’t know…it’s stupid, never mind.”
“Y/N, would you just tell me what you want?”
“Well…sometimes I get a little jealous that Chris and Liv can just cuddle, and I didn’t know if you’d wanna have a platonic cuddle with me for a bit.”
“A platonic cuddle?”
“Yeah, but only if you want.”
“What does that entail exactly?”
“Well, you could lay next to me and I could just rest my head on your chest. No spooning unless I’m the big spoon.”
“Why’s that?” He chuckles. “Not that I don’t like being the little spoon.”
“I wouldn’t wanna give you a boner if I was little spoon.”
“Ah, right, because I have zero zelf control.”
“Do you wanna cuddle or not?”
“Yeah, alright.”
He climbs onto her bed and lays flat on his back so she can rest her head on his chest, just like she wanted. He puts an arm around her and rests his hand on her shoulder. What Y/N didn’t know was that Harry had gotten a booty call text, and was supposed to be out the door, but this was something that Harry just couldn’t say no to, so he texts the girl and apologizes, and tells her he’ll be over another time. He feels her nuzzle into his chest further. Harry realizes he very much likes the attention he’s getting from wine-drunk Y/N.
They both asleep like that, cuddled together on Y/N’s bed. Her eyes fluttered open, at first she was confused when she saw Harry, but then she remembered she asked him to cuddle with her. She didn’t remember getting so comfy she had fallen asleep. Both of his arms were around her, and she had a leg over one of his. His lips were parted and light snores were coming from him. Y/N desperately needed to pee, but she also didn’t want to disturb him. She notices his phone lighting up with texts, and her curiosity got the better of her. After all, it could’ve been an emergency.
Lindsay – Matt’s Party: are you serious?   12:04AM
Lindsay – Matt’s Party: you’re rly not coming over? 12:07AM
Lindsay – Matt’s Party: this is the 3rd time you’ve done this, H. I’m done. 12:15AM
Y/N sets his phone back down, and looks back up at him with a raised eyebrow.
He blew off some girl for me? She thinks to herself. He could’ve gone…maybe he didn’t really like her that much.
Harry’s eyebrows furrow and his eyes slowly open. He has the same slight confusion Y/N did, but then he relaxes when he remembers he voluntarily slept next to her.
“Hey.” He mumbles in a sleepy voice, one she had gotten quite used to and liked a lot.
“Hi.” The air suddenly felt awkward. “I need to pee.”
“I didn’t wanna wake you up.”
“So, I’ll just…”
She sits up slightly, and ends up straddling him to try to climb over him. Her head suddenly started hurting and she almost fell off. Harry grabs her by her hips to steady her.
“You’re like really clumsy.” He says to her.
“I’m aware.” She looks down at his hands. “I still need to pee, can you let go of me.”
His cheeks heat up and he lets go of her so she can continue trying to get off her bed. Harry was still tired, and he could easily go slip into his bed, but he liked Y/N’s bed, for whatever reason. So he rolls onto his side and checks his phone.
“Fuck.” He says when he sees the texts from Lindsay. He thinks to text her back and apologize, but he didn’t want to lead her on anymore because odds are he’d stand her up again. ]
Y/N comes back up a few minutes later, feeling much better after having used the toilet and brushed her teeth. She chuckles when she sees Harry still on her bed.
“What are you doing?”
“M’not awake enough to move yet.” He mumbles as she grabs some clothes from her dresser.
“Well, I have some homework I need to get done, so I’m gonna shower and then go to the library.”
“I’ll be at the studio most of the day, and then I’ll probably go to Matt’s tonight…”
He watches her go back down the stairs and he sits up. The two had gotten into the habit of giving each other a play by play of their plans. Harry figured it was just common courtesy as a roommate, but maybe it was a little bit more. It was like they were an old married couple who slept on two different beds. Harry changes into some new clothes quick and goes downstairs. Chris was eating some breakfast as he grabs a Gatorade from the fridge.
“Mornin’, mate.” Harry says, taking a sip of his drink.
“Morning, thought you went out last night?”
“Nope, I stayed in with Y/N instead.” He shrugs. “I feel kinda bad, the girl was pissed…but I think it was for the best.”
Things were a tad awkward between Harry and Matt since Y/N slept with Matt and never really followed up.
“Did she ever say anything to you?”
“No.” Harry lies. “You hook up with girls all the time, why are you hung up on her?”
“I don’t know, she was a good fuck, I’d like to hit it again.” Harry rolls his eyes as bites down on his cup. “You haven’t brought her here since.”
“She hasn’t seemed interested.” Harry shrugs and turns to see Lindsay talking to her friends. They make eye contact and she flips him off. “Jesus.” He walks over to her. “Can we talk?”
“Why? Because you suddenly have the time?” She huffs.
“Fine.” They step aside from her friends.
“You know, you act like I didn’t even tell you I couldn’t come over…”
“One second you’re saying see you ten, and the next you’re saying not tonight. So what happened? Get a better offer?”
“No, it wasn’t that…my roommate needed me…”
“Right, the girl you conveniently share a room with.” She crosses her arms.
“It’s only like that because our friends are dating.”
“What did she need from you then, Harry? Your dick?”
“No!” He groans. “It’s not like that with us, we’re just friends.”
“So then what did she need?”
“She got a little wine drunk, and she seemed like she needed me to stay, so I did. She didn’t know I had other plans when she asked me to hang out a little longer…” Not a total lie, not a total truth. “I really did wanna see you.” He puts his hand on her shoulder.
“I hate how crazy you boys make me, I swear. It’s not like you’re the only person I’m hooking up with…”
“Yeah, same goes for me.”
“I just thought we had a regular thing going, and that was like the third time you blew me off. If you don’t wanna-“ Harry cuts her off by kissing her.
“Let’s get outta here.”
She nods and takes his hand. They walk back to her place, and start to get busy. He was just about to go down on her when his phone rings. He pops his head up to grab it.
“You can’t be serious.”
“It could be an emergency.” He sits up and squints to see it’s Y/N. “Hello?” He starts fingering Lindsay while he’s on the phone with her.
“Harry?” She slurs.
“What’s up?” He rubs Lindsay’s clit and her head rolls back into the pillow.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but.” She hiccups. “Liv and Chris left, or maybe I just can’t find them, anyways, I wanna go home, and you told me to-“
“Where are you?”
“On Russell actually…uhhhhh, 19D I think.”
“Okay, I can be there in like ten minutes, can you hang tight?”
“Mhm. I’ll sit out on the steps for you.”
“Okay.” He hangs up and tosses his phone. “What?”
“You’re a nutbag.”
“Do you want me to fuck you or not? Yeh get me for ten minutes, how do you want it?”
Y/N was sitting on the front steps of the house she was at, waiting for Harry. She was slightly cold from the crisp fall air.
Harry: be there soon :) 1:30AM
She sighs with relief when she gets his text. She sees him walking up the drive and stands up and walks towards him.
“I’m so sorry if I ruined your night.” She stumbles as she walks over to him.
“You didn’t, I’m glad you called.” He hooks his arm around her waist to steady her.
“You smell like perfume.”
“I just hooked with someone, sorry.”
“You what?!” She starts laughing.
“I was in the middle of it when you called, actually.” He starts laughing. “She wasn’t too happy, but I made up for it. Although I deleted her number after I left, it was sort of a parting gift.”
“Sometimes I forget you can be just like every other guy.” She scoffs.
“Hey, I told her it was the last time before I left. She said it was probably for the best anyways.”
“Oh, well as long as she knows.”
“I thought you didn’t really go to parties like this often.”
“I don’t…but Chris got invited out so he brought me and Liv with him, and we all drank a lot. I don’t know how I lost them. I texted them both and told them you were coming for me.” She looks down at the heels on her feet. “I have to take these off, they hurt.”
“It’s too cold to walk barefoot. Lemme give you a piggyback ride.”
“Sure.” He shrugs.
Y/N gets on his back, and he carries her the rest of the way home. When he gets her inside they see Chris and Liv on the couch.
“There you two are?!” Y/N yells as Harry sets her down. “Where the fuck did you two go?”
“Liv got sick at the party, so I brought her home, we’re so sorry Y/N.” Chris says standing up.
“Yeah, Y/N…this is the first time in over an hour I haven’t had my head in the toilet. Chris cleaned it up so it’s all good.”
“Well I’m sorry you got sick.” She starts unbuttoning her pants and scurries to the bathroom. “I have to pee so bad!”
“Thanks for getting her.” Chris rubs the back of his neck.
“It was no problem. I told her I didn’t want her walkin’ alone and to call me if she was in a place where that might happen.”
Y/N comes out of the bathroom and looks at everyone.
“Feel like I’m gonna pass out so I’m going to bed.”
“I’m gonna take a quick shower, I’ll be up soon.”
“You two sound like us.” Liv jokes.
“M’just bein’ courteous.” Harry points out and goes to take his shower. He didn’t wanna smell like Lindsay anymore.
When he gets upstairs, only in his towel, he see Y/N sitting up in bed wearing just a large t-shirt and panties. Harry walks by her quick and hope to god his face isn’t red.
“Yeah?” He turns to look at her.
“Would you come cuddle again?”
“Course. Now turn around so I can change.”
She playfully covers her eyes and he shakes his head as slides his boxers on.
“This is all I’m wearin’, hope that’s okay.”
“S’fine with me.” She yawns, and he turns off the light.
“Scootch over.” Instead she just rolls onto her side, facing the wall. “Thought you said no spooning.”
“Thought you said you had self-control.”
“I do…” He looks down and sees the t-shirt was now bunched around her hips and he could see the lovely curve of her ass in her cheeky panties. “Just don’t wiggle against me like a brat.”
“I’m never a brat.”
“Mhm.” He mumbles sarcastically as he settles in. He slips a leg between hers, and wraps an arm around her stomach. She adjust against him, just to get comfier, and they both settle.
“Goodnight, Harry.” She yawns.
“Night.” He liked the smell of her perfume much better.
“What the hell happened up here?” Liv cackles the next morning, well, more like afternoon, it was already noon. Harry and Y/N wake up and groan. Harry was still spooning her.
“Liv…no offense, but this isn’t your room anymore.” Y/N groans as she rubs the sleep from her eyes.
“I just came up to grab my sweatshirt that I let you borrow a couple days ago, but I can see I walked in on something. How long has this been going on for?”
“How long has what been goin’ on for? We’re just sleepin’.”
“Harry you don’t have any clothes on!”
“Not true! I’m wearin’ boxers.”
“What’s wrong with your bed?”
“I asked him to sleep with me, just sleep, well cuddle really.” Y/N speaks up. “It’s platonic.”
“Yeah, not all of us have a boyfriend to go to sleep with every night, Liv.”
“Well, pardon me.” She scoffs and grabs her sweatshirt. “You know it wouldn’t be a big deal if you two hooked up. I think it would make sense, and-“
“Goodbye, Liv, have a nice lunch with Chris’ parents.” Y/N says. “Hope you’re feeling better.”
“Much…and I’ll tell them you say hi.”
They watch as she goes back down the stairs, and then look at each other.
“Wanna grab brunch downtown?” Harry asks.
“God, that sounds amazing. Just let me jump in the shower quick?”
“Go for it.”
Harry waits for her to leave before getting out of bed. He removes the blanket and looks down at his morning wood. He was sort of glad Liv woke them up so Y/N didn’t have time to notice it poking her. Or maybe she did and just didn’t say anything or care. Either way he wasn’t going to say anything.
He gets dressed quick and waits for her in the living area. Once she’s ready they walk downtown to the diner, and get a booth for two. They both order coffee and water.  
“Wanna split some hashbrowns?” She asks, looking at the menu. “I might get a veggie omelet.”
“Yeah, we could do that. That sounds good too, I think I’ll get the same.” He chuckles.
They both give their orders to the waitress.
“I hope Liv didn’t bother you, you can sleep in my bed any time you want. I kinda like having your wait on me.” She blushes.
“You mean your three weighted blankets aren’t enough for you?” He laughs.
“I do not have three…I have two, and no, they’re not.” She crosses her arms. “I don’t really think it’s that weird.”
“It’s only happened twice too…” He takes a sip of his coffee. “Your bed is way comfier than mine, so I think I’ll be taking you up on that more often than not.”
“Works for me.” She smiles. “I’m really glad we’ve gotten so close, Harry.” She puts her hand over his and it gives him goosebumps. “You’re like my best guy friend.” A punch right to his gut.
“I’m glad we’ve gotten closer too.”
It didn’t happen every night, but Harry and Y/N had gotten into a habit of cuddling and falling asleep together pretty often. There was just something soothing about it for the both of them.
“What the fuck happened up here?” Harry says coming home late from the studio one Thursday night.
“I’m so sorry, I have like two midterms tomorrow and I’m trying to study for both of them and I’m freaking out!”
Y/N had papers and books all over the place. Her laptop was open and she had music playing.
“How long have you been studying for?”
“Hours.” She groans.
“Well, maybe you need a break.”
“I can’t take a break! What if I don’t…what are you doing?!”
He was in the middle of taking his clothes off.
“Hi, I’m Harry, and I tend to get paint all over me, so it required me to change quite frequently. What’s your name?”
“Your sarcasm isn’t helpful. You’re supposed to tell me to turn around.” She pouts.
“Y/N.” He sighs. “You’ve seen me in next to nothing, and to be honest, I don’t really care if you look.”
“You don’t?”
“No.” He throws on a fresh shirt and some sweatpants. He sits down on the floor in front of her. “Look all you want.” He shrugs and picks up her flashcards.
“What are you doing?”
“M’gonna help you study.”
“You don’t have to. I’m sure there are better things you could be doing with your Thursday night.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know, don’t you have some girl you need to go fuck?” Harry’s jaw drops. “I’m so sorry, that sounded meaner than it was supposed to. I didn’t mean-“
“But you still said it.” He shakes his head at her. “Is that what you think of me? Some guy that just fucks a ton of girls.”
“Well, to be fair, you do fuck a lot of girls, Harry.”
“A lot of guys do.” He huffs, and then he smirks at you. “You know what your problem is?”
“What’s my problem?”
“You don’t get fucked enough, no scratch that, you don’t get off enough. That’s why you’re so stressed. You get A’s all the time, you know this shit. You’re just tense because you can’t get there, and you share a room with a dude so it’s not like you’re gettin’ yourself there, unless you’re doin’ it in the shower.”
“Would you listen to yourself?” She laughs. “Can you please quiz me?”
“Thought I had better things to do?” He grins.
“Harry.” She sighs.
“Okay, okay.” He squints at the flashcard. “What is Andre Bazin’s main film theory?”
“Correct, see, you know this.”
“That’s an easy one!”
“I still think you’re just wound up.”
“Would you like to do something about it?” She scoffs.
“I would, actually.” He puts the cards down.
“What? I was kidding, Harry.”
“Well…I’m not.” He sighs.
“You…wait, I’m very confused.”
“To be blunt, I’d like to have sex with you.” Her eyes grow wide and her cheeks flush. “But…I don’t wanna do anything that might ruin-“
“Go down and lock our door.” He’s stunned.
“Wait, really?”
“Do it before I change my mind.” She whispers.
Harry stands up and quietly goes down to lock their door. When he comes back up he sees Y/N bent over cleaning everything up off the floor. She puts everything on her desk, and turns her twinkling lights on. Then she turns the main light off, creating more of an atmosphere.
“You really wanna do this?” Harry asks.
“You’re like the hottest guy I’ve ever met, of course I want to…I just didn’t think you wanted to. You treat me like your little sister or something sometimes.”
“I…wouldn’t call the way we sleep the way I would sleep next to my sister.”
“You really do like grind right into me.”
“So you have noticed that.”
“Of course I have…I just figured it was something all guys did in the morning so I never said anything.”
“You’re on the pill?” He asks, stepping closing to her.
“Do you want me to use a condom?”
He nods and goes into his desk drawer to grab a couple, he sets them down.
“Let’s do it on my bed, it’ll make less noise, yours will rock too much since it’s up higher.” She nods and goes over to his bed and sits down. He sits down next to her. “You’re positive?”
He caresses her cheek.
“You’re shaking.” He says softly.
“I’m nervous.”
“Why? S’just me.”
“That’s exactly why I’m nervous. You’ve always made me nervous, Harry. I’ve just been good at hiding it.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“Because we have a really good, chill thing going here. And I like being your friend.”
“This doesn’t have to ruin anything…” He cups both of her cheeks with his hands. “Let me make you feel good, Y/N.”
He pulls her in and crashes her lips to his. Her eyes flutter closed as he swipes his tongue across her bottom lip, and she opens up for him. He tasted just like the mint gum he chewed constantly. She was making out with the guy every girl wanted. Y/N knew about Harry’s reputation, but she also knew a different side of him. She knew the side of him that liked his head scratched to help him fall asleep, and the way he really did just want a banana and nothing more for breakfast, and the way his hands always smelled like paint no matter how many times he scrubbed them.
He pulls back from her to get some air, or so she things, but his lips connect with her jaw and then to just under her earlobe. She gasps when she feels him suck on her skin, but she loves it. She wasn’t sure what to do with herself, so she just grips at his shoulders, while his hands roam down to her hips.
In a swift motion, he sits back on the bed, and pulls her onto his lap so she’s straddling him. She rolls her hips down on his while they’re lips find each other again. He groans against her bites down on her bottom lip. He hands tug at the hem of her shirt.
“Can I take this off?” He says, panting.
He lifts it up over her head, revealing a sports bra that was really pushing her boobs up. He pulls her close and kisses on the tops of her breasts while she continues to grind down on him. She was starting to feel how hard he was and it was making her wet.
“Just take it off.” She says.
He nods and lifts the bra off her. He moves to take his own shirt off as well before cupping her breasts in his large hands. He tweaks her nipples, making her head roll back.
“I’ve wanted to see you like this for a long time, Y/N.” He says as he wraps his lips around her, sucking one of her breasts into his mouth, and letting it go with a pop.
“You have?” She gasps as he does the same thing to other one.
“You have no idea.”
He pulls her close so they’re chests are flush and they go back to kissing. His hands slide down to the globes of her ass and he gives her a good squeeze. He shifts them to lay her down, and she wraps her legs around his waist, just like how he’s wanted for a while. He kisses down her neck, chest, stomach, and then hooks his fingers into her leggings.
“You’re sure?”
“Please, just get them off. Get my underwear off, just take everything off of me.”
He smirks and does everything she says. She was full exposed to him and it was a glorious sight to see. Every curve, every dip, every mark on her was beautiful. He kisses her left knee and works his way to her inner thigh. He looks up at her one more time and he gives him an approving nod. She grips the blankets when she feels his tongue on her. Her hips buck up towards him, but he uses his arm to press down on her waist. He gives her a few slow licks at first, and then flicks his tongue back and forth on her clit. She moans softly, and then grits her teeth when he sucks on her. Her hands fly to his hair when she feels a finger slip inside. He looks up at her again and she just nods yes.
His mouth works her clit while he pumps in and out of her, knuckles deep, curling his fingers up. She gasps and groans, desperately trying to stay quiet so Liv and Chris don’t hear anything. Y/N’s legs were shaking around Harry, and he loved it. Her back was arching, he could tell she was close from the way she clenching around his fingers.
“Oh, shit!” She gasps and claps a hand over her mouth.
Harry waits for her to finish riding for him to pull his fingers out. She watches as he sucks them into his mouth, and hers falls open. She blinks tears away.
“Are you crying?” He runs a thumb under one of her eyes.
“I just…um…that was intense is all.”
“Do you wanna keep going?”
“Yes.” She props herself up on her elbows. “Do you want me to, uh, return the favor?”
“Maybe another time.” He stands up and pulls his joggers down. “I really just wanna fuck you, if that’s alright.”
“Mhm.” She smiles. Wow, we haven’t even finished yet and he’s already talking about another time. She thinks to herself.
She watches as Harry slowly takes his boxers off. Her eyes grow wide when she see it. It was big, and thick. Suddenly her mouth felt dry. He grabs a condom from his desk and rolls it on with ease. He gets back on the bed, between her legs.
“You’re certain?”
“Yes, Harry, I want you.”
He smiles and kisses her quick. He looks down so he can line himself up with her dripping center. He slowly presses his tip in, and she can already feel him stretching her out. He accidentally slides in a little fast, though.
“Holy shit!” She moans loudly, and he presses his hand over her mouth. Her eyes were wild looking up at him.
“I know, okay, I know, but if you wanna do this you need to stay fucking quiet. I don’t want them to hear. Can you do that f’me, Y/N?” She nods her head yes, and he takes his hand away. “I didn’t mean to just shove it in like that, m’sorry.”
“S’okay, it felt good.” She giggles. He looks down between them.
“S’really snug…you’re so tight.” His words make her clench around him. “Can I move?”
Harry pulls out slightly and thrusts back in, and eventually he found a pace that suited the both of them. He buries his head in the crook of her neck, and hooks his arm under one of her legs, while her other leg was wrapped around his waist. Her nails were digging into his back, and it all just felt so fucking good. Her face was hidden in her shoulder to keep her moans and cries muffled.
“Takin’ it so well, Y/N.” He peppers kisses to her sweaty forehead. He drops her leg and uses both of his arms to prop himself up so he could really give it to her. The bed was shaking, but it wasn’t making much noise. “How’s it feel?”
“So good, so fucking good.”
“Yeah? Like havin’ me in you like this?”
“Yes!” She gasps as he hits her g-spot. “Oh my god.” She says shocked and then looks up at him. “Do…do that again.” He gives her another thrust right on the spot and her eyes roll into the back of her head.
“You’ve never come vaginally before, have you?” He grins.
“Oh, baby…hold on tight.”
She grips his shoulders while he hits the spot over and over. Her teeth were clenched, trying so very hard not to make much noise, but when he hits it just right again, she lets go and cries out. Harry crashes his mouth to hers to swallow it best he can. She was writhing beneath him, having never had orgasm so strong before. Harry can’t last much longer after that, and spills into the condom. He collapses on top of her for a moment or two, just trying to catch his breath. He slowly pulls out of her and she winces.
“Sorry.” He whispers. “You…might be a little sore.”
“A little?” She scoffs. “I can’t believe you fit that whole thing inside of me.” She sits up and grabs her shirt. When she stands her legs feel like jello.
“Where are you goin’?”
“I have to pee, you went down on me, I’m not gonna risk getting a UTI. Just get into my bed, I’ll be back in a second.” He smiles and nods. He was happy she wanted to cuddle.
It stung when she went to the bathroom like she figured it would. She was thankful Liv and Chris didn’t seem to be awake. She fills a glass of water and brings it up with her. She takes a sip and hands it to Harry as she climbs into bed. He takes generous sip and hands it back to her to finish. He puts it on her desk when she’s done. They both sink down and she lays her head on his chest.
“How do you feel?” He asks, breaking the silence.
“Good, how do you feel?”
“Good…didn’t realize there was that much tension between us.” He chuckles.
“Harry, I don’t wanna be one of those girls, but what’s supposed to happen next…”
“We’re gonna cuddle and go to sleep like we usually do. Then tomorrow you’re gonna ace your midterms.”
“And after that?” She looks up at him, and he looks down at her.
“I think I only wanna be a one woman kinda guy…” She smiles up at him. “Would you wanna try going out on a date?”
“There’s a free skate happening down at the ice arena on Saturday night…any interest?”
“No interest in doin’ anything tomorrow?”
“Someone’s a bit eager.” She smirks.
“Alright, ice skating actually sounds good for Saturday. I have a couple of midterms tomorrow too that are gonna take a lot outa me.”
“How about pizza and a movie tomorrow night then?”
“Oh, I like the sound of that.” He kisses her hair line. “What should we do about Chris and Liv?”
“Let’s see how a couple of dates go before we tell them anything.”
“Good idea, although, I’m sure they probably heard you.”
“I wasn’t that loud, and it wasn’t my fault if I was.” She swats at his chest.
“True.” He looks over at his bed. “This could work really well. Use my bed for the fucking, and then we have your nice comfy bed for sleepin’.”
“Yeah, and then there’s no gross wet spot to worry about.” She giggles, and he bursts out laughing.
“I didn’t hurt you or anything did?”
“No, not at all. It felt really good the whole time, I promise. It hurt when I went to the bathroom though.”
“M’sorry.” He sighs. “You were so tight, I didn’t really know how to be any gentler than I was.”
“It’s okay, really. You took really good care of me. I feel way more relaxed now. I think you were right about me just needing to de-stress before my exams.”
The two end up falling asleep, and it’s a miracle Y/N hears her alarm go off the next morning. Harry knew Chris and Liv would be gone already since they both have 8AM’s, so he gets up with Y/N to take a shower. They didn’t do anything sexual, but it certainly was an intimate shower. She thought about him all day, everything from last night replaying over and over in her mind. It was a wonder she could concentrate during her exams.
She orders the pizza when she gets in later and sets up the movie. She bumps into Liv after freshening up upstairs.
“Hey, haven’t see you all day. How’d your midterms go?” Liv asks, about to take a slice of pizza.
“That’s not for you!” Y/N yelps. “And they went fine, Harry, uh, helped me study last night.”
“Oh, good! And who’s it for?”
“It’s, um, for Harry, as a thank you for him staying in to help me last night.”
“Um, okay?”
“Sorry…in fact, I’m gonna go put it on his bed so no one touches it. What are you and Chris doing tonight?”
“We were gonna go to Charlotte’s place. Do you wanna come?”
“Nah, I’m exhausted, I’m gonna stay in, but thanks.”
Y/N: I’m bringing the pizza up to our room, I think we should watch the movie up here too…
Harry: are chris and liv home??
Y/N: for now, but I think they’re going out. I just don’t want them snooping
Harry: good call…I’ll be home soon btw, just finished one of my graphic design exams
Y/N: Yay!
Harry gets in, and goes right upstairs. He locks the door behind him. Y/N was sitting on his bed with her laptop and the box of pizza.
“Hey.” You smile.
“Hi.” He smiles back. “That still warm?”
“Think it’ll stay that way?” He asks, taking his shirt off.
“I guess we’ll find out.” She sets it on his desk, along with her laptop.
“Been thinkin’ about you all day.” He says, leaning down to kiss her. She lays back on the bed so he can get on top of her.
“Really?” He hums his response as he kisses on her neck. “I thought about you too.” He yanks her shirt up over her breasts and kisses on them. “Harry, I really wanna do this again, but I’m…too sore…” She sighs and he sits up. “But…maybe now I could return the favor.”
“Yeh wanna suck me off, baby?”
After one hell of a blowjob, Harry and Y/N cuddle up and crack open the pizza that was waiting to be eaten, and they start their movie.
“How do you think your exams went?” He asks.
“Good, I think I did really well. What about yours?”
“Piece of cake.” He scoffs. “Graphic design is so easy, I don’t know why Chris complains about it all the time.”
“He’s just not as creative as you are. I wish you’d hang more of your paintings up…”
“Really? I have some down at the studio I could bring home.”
“Please! I’d love it, and I’m not just saying that, I think you’re genuinely talented.”
“Thanks.” He kisses her temple.
“I have to say, I was nervous having a guy I barley know as a roommate this year, but it’s worked out way better than I ever could’ve imagined.” They both giggle.
“Mm, I’m sure your parents will be thrilled when they found out their fears came true.”
“God, I can’t even think about that.” She takes a bite of pizza. “I was gonna ask you to come home for Thanksgiving before all this happened, but now maybe that wouldn’t be such a great idea.”
“You were?” He gives her a thoughtful smile.
“Yeah…I didn’t know what you normally did.”
“I usually stay here and eat shitty food at the dining hall. I’d come home with you.”
“You would?”
“Sure.” He shrugs. “We’re tryin’ somethin’ new between us, but at the core we’re still friends right?”
“So then I’d love to come home with you for Thanksgiving either way, and I think it’s very nice of you to think of me.” He takes a bite of pizza. “Plus, then I can see if your family likes me at all.”
“Good point.” She puts the pizza box on the desk and nestles in closer to him. She looks up at him and puckers her lips. He happily gives her a kiss. “I like you, Harry.”
“I like you too.”
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massivedrickhead · 3 years
Bechloe Week 2021 - Day 6
July 31st: Neighbors AU or Famous AU
Read on AO3
So, yeah, should have posted this yesterday but I didn’t have time to finish writing it and then I got drunk. I’m not super happy with it, it didn’t come out like I planned, but I hope you like it anyway. Hopefully I can get day 7 written and posted tomorrow.
Fame for Beca had always been a double edged sword.
It allowed her music to spread across the globe. She got to meet fans and hear about how she had inspired or helped them, just by existing. She got to work with and meet her peers and idols, and perform in places she never dreamed of.
She got to provide for her family. She got to give her kids the childhood she never had, and she got to give her wife the life she deserved.
But she also had to deal with paparazzi following them around everywhere they went.
She had to deal with articles written about her every other day, and intense fans that crossed boundaries, and ones that would trash her online.
Beca was finding that she had more bad days than good days, and it was beginning to weigh her down.
She had to remind herself daily, that there were billions of people who were suffering in the world, and that she was incredibly privileged to live the life she led.
But Chloe could see the toll it was taking on her wife, and it was killing her.
After she was almost in that car accident, Beca had taken a couple of weeks off work. She spent her time taking care of Chloe, playing with Blake, and obsessively re-writing and re-working the songs on her upcoming album.
And it was an insane success.
Everyone who had slated her single ate their words, and Beca found herself skyrocketing to fame for the second time.
Their money worries disappeared almost overnight, but other problems replaced them quickly.
Beca had always been a relatively private and introverted person. It was one of the reasons she had always wanted to be a producer rather than an artist.
So while her fame rose, her anxiety did too.
She tried to keep it to herself, but Chloe has always been able to read Beca like a book.
She always knew when Beca’s anxiety was bad, but she also always knew how to calm Beca down.
So they were dealing with it. They had a system. Beca would work until she couldn’t, and then Chloe would pick her back up.
“People are dying,” Beca would mutter to herself, her eyes squeezed shut, her hands on the back of her head. “Children are dying. They’re going without food, water, and medicine, and they’re dying. My problems are nothing.”
When things were at the worst, she would repeat this to herself over and over as wave after way of anxiety crippled her. Chloe would find her and hold her, and whisper reassurances until Beca calmed down.
It wasn’t an ideal situation, but it was working.
At least Chloe thought it was.
But then Beca reached her breaking point.
It had been a rough week to begin with - she had had to read an article on a prominent gossip site about how she was apparently cheating on Chloe with another musician - so she was already on edge.
Chloe had assured Beca she knew it was all bullshit, but Beca still hated that Chloe had to deal with that stuff. And she hated even more that Blake was old enough to read and understand it.
It was Riley’s third birthday, and she was walking with her girls to get ice cream from the kids’ favourite place.
Riley was up on Beca’s shoulders, Chloe was walking at her side, pushing Riley’s empty stroller, and Blake was walking between them.
“What ice cream are you gonna get, peanut?” Beca asked.
“I don’t want any,” Blake said, frowning, kicking her shoes against the ground.
Beca shot a look of confusion at Chloe. She had been excited when they were in the car, and had seemed perfectly happy a few minutes ago when Beca had taken her hand to cross the street.
“Why not?” Chloe asked.
“I just don’t. I wanna go home,” she said. She stopped walking, so Beca and Chloe did too.
“Hey, what is it?” Chloe asked, crouching down in front of her. She pushed Blake’s dark brown hair out of her face, and lifted her sunglasses so she could see her eyes. “Are you not feeling well?”
“People keep taking pictures of us,” she said in a quiet voice. “And I don’t like it.”
Chloe glanced up at Beca in time to see her face fall.
“None of us like it very much,” Chloe said. “But your Mom is famous. And that means people wanna see pictures of her when she’s out and about.”
“Well I hate it!” Blake snapped. She looked past Chloe and let out a groan of annoyance. “They’re doing it again!”
Chloe turned and saw a man sitting at a table outside a coffee shop pointing his phone at them. He shoved it into his pocket and turned away when he realised he’d been caught.
Beca sighed, and took Riley down from her shoulders. Riley fussed and started crying when Beca put her back in her stroller.
“Sorry baby girl,” Beca said. “I’ll be right back.”
“Beca,” Chloe said in a warning voice.
“I’m just gonna talk to him,” Beca said.
She left Chloe with their daughters and approached the man.
She saw recognition dawn in other peoples’ faces as she got close.
“Hey,” she said, keeping her tone friendly. “Can you do me a favour and delete those pictures you took?”
“I didn’t-”
“Come on, man, even my nine-year-old clocked you. She doesn’t like having her picture taken, and I don’t like photographs of my kids being on some stranger’s phone,” Beca said. “I’ll happily take a selfie with you, if you want, but I’d really like it if you deleted those photos.”
“Yeah, I kinda don’t want a selfie,” he said. “TMZ won’t pay me anything for a selfie.”
Beca clenched her jaw and forced a smile. “Delete those pictures, dude.”
“No,” he said. “It’s a free country.”
Beca could feel the eyes of every other table watching them. She knew they had all fallen silent to eavesdrop.
“Delete the pictures of my fucking kids, do you hear me?” Beca said, trying to keep her voice down.
She was sick of this. Sick of the entitlement that these people had. Like they had a right to her life, and she was sick of the impact it was having on her family.
“Are you gonna make me?”
She saw he was pointing his phone at her again.
She swallowed down the anger that was building. “I’m asking nicely, dude. Delete those pictures.”
“I was taking them of you and Chloe,” he said. “You can hardly see the kids.”
“Is there a problem here?”
She looked at the man who had just arrived and figured he must work for the coffee shop, based on his brown apron with the shop logo, and the name tag that read ‘Dylan’.
“Beca fucking Mitchell here won’t leave me alone,” the guy said.
“This pervert took pictures of my kids!” Beca snapped back.
“What did you just call me?” He stood up from his chair quickly, the raised voice and abrupt noise of the chair scraping attracted more attention.
“How many other pictures of little girls are we gonna find on your phone? Let’s take a look,” she made a move to grab the phone off the table, but he tried to stop her, and caused it to slide off and onto the floor.
Without thinking, Beca drove the heel of her Doc Marten boot into it, hearing a satisfying crunch as the screen broke.
Yes, his pictures were probably already on the Cloud, but she didn’t care right now. He wasn’t going to be able to ruin anyone else’s day today.
“Yes!” One of the patrons of the coffee shop cheered. “Work bitch!”
“That was a $1,500 phone you… talentless whore!” He shoved her, hard, and Beca fell backwards into another table.
With a look of panic in his eyes he ran off, as Chloe rushed towards her with the girls.
“Mommy!” Blake cried, letting go of Chloe’s hand and running over to Beca who was now sitting on the ground, her hand gingerly touching the back of her head. “Mommy, he pushed you!”
She climbed onto her Mom’s lap and wrapped her arms around her.
“I know,” Beca said, hugging her daughter tightly. “But I’m okay.”
A bigger crowd had started to form around them now, and more people had their phones out. Beca could feel the panic building in her chest.
People were touching her, Beca didn’t know if they were trying to help her up or not, but she needed them to stop.
“Can I get through, please?” Beca heard Chloe shout. “Excuse me, I need to check on my wife.”
Dylan managed to clear a space for Chloe to get through with the stroller.
Riley was starting to get upset, and Chloe could see the panic rising in Beca’s eyes.
“Are you okay?” Chloe asked, her voice as quiet as she could make it so Beca would still be able to hear, but that it might not carry to the crowd.
“I can’t be here,” Beca said, her voice shaking. “I don’t want them to see.”
“Okay,” Chloe said. She stood up and quietly asked Dylan if there was somewhere they could sit in private, and he nodded. “Blake, honey, can you help your Mom stand up?”
Blake climbed off Beca’s lap, and held out her small hand for Beca to take. Beca took it, and stood up as Blake pulled.
Dylan led them through the shop and to a small room with a couple of sofas that must have been meant for staff.
“I’ll make sure no one bothers you,” he said.
“Thank you,” Chloe said. “We really appreciate this.”
He left the room and closed the door behind him.
Beca dropped onto one of the sofas and let her head fall into her shaking hands.
She forced herself to take deep breaths as Chloe sat beside her, rubbing a comforting hand up and down her back.
“Mommy?” Riley asked.
“Yeah?” Chloe replied.
“Can we get ice cream yet?”
Beca burst into tears without warning, which created the domino effect of Riley crying and then Blake crying.
“Okay,” Chloe said, surveying her tearful family. “Who needs a hug the most?”
“Mom does,” Blake said, sniffing and wiping her eyes.
“Can you give it to her while I take care of Riley?”
“Uh huh,” Blake said. She climbed onto Beca’s lap again, and Beca pulled her daughter into her arms. “It’s okay, Mom, the bad man is gone.”
“I know,” Beca said, trying to stop crying. “I’m just sad that he ruined Riley’s birthday.”
“We can still get ice cream,” Blake said. “I won’t be angry about people taking our picture anymore.”
“No, baby, you should be angry about that,” Beca said. “They don’t have your permission, so they shouldn’t be doing it.”
Her eyes met Chloe’s who was soothing a still sobbing Riley. Something was going to have to change.
They left the coffee shop once everyone had calmed down, and Beca gave them a big tip for the trouble they’d gone through.
They made it back to the car without any more trouble, and Beca ordered some ice cream on DoorDash to get delivered.
They hung out in their garden for the rest of the day, playing in the pool, and eating junk food.
Chloe kept noticing the smile that would slip from Beca’s face whenever she thought no one was looking.
Once the kids were bathed and put to bed, Chloe poured them both a generous glass of wine, and joined Beca on their comfy sofa in the living room.
“I don’t want you confronting people like that again, Bec,” Chloe said, trying to massage the tension out of Beca’s shoulders.
“I know,” Beca said, closing her eyes.
“I mean it,” Chloe said. “He could have hurt you.”
“I know,” Beca said again. “I promise, I won’t do that again.”
“Good,” Chloe said. She placed a kiss on the back of Beca’s head.
They were quiet for a while as Chloe continued slowly massaging Beca’s shoulders.
“Come on,” she said, planting a brief kiss on her neck. “Let's go to bed.”
They climbed the stairs, briefly checked on the kids, and then changed for bed.
“What are you thinking?” Chloe asked, watching Beca as stared up at the ceiling. She could see tears building in her eyes again, and she brushed one away with a sweep of her thumb.
“I don’t wanna do it anymore, Chloe,” Beca said, her voice breaking. “We can’t take our kids for ice cream. Blake is getting too anxious to leave the house, and Riley is gonna start picking up on that soon. You can’t even work anymore. I don’t… I don’t wanna be famous anymore, I don’t want to live in this stupid town, I don’t want any of it.”
“I know,” Chloe said, softly.
“I’m serious.” Her voice was wobbling dangerously now. “I can’t… It’s crushing me.” She brought up a hand to cover her face as she started crying. “I can’t do it anymore.”
“Hey, shh, it’s okay. It’s okay, we can figure this out,” Chloe said, gathering Beca into her arms. “We’ll be okay.”
“It’s gonna kill me.”
“I know, baby, I know. But I won’t let it,” Chloe said. “Tomorrow we’re gonna call Theo, and we’re gonna figure it out.”
“Thank you,” Beca said, feeling calm relief begin to wash over her. Things were going to change. Things were going to get better. “I love you.”
“I love you too. No matter what your job is or where we live. I’m always gonna love you.”
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thequeenindisguise · 3 years
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Here it is! My first and probably last entry for Ichiruki Month 2021... to be more specific, it’s for Day 11 with the prompt “What do you dream of?”  
I think the last time I participated was like, what? Five years ago? Yikes. I didn’t even improve haha and okay, I know somewhere, sometime ago, someone has already done this AU though. And this was based off the amazing work of jon-lock from deviant art so this would look like crap next to his work. I mean I suck at coloring and at a bunch of other things, I know! But I just really felt like doing this. 
I was actually thinking of writing a fic about it, but if I’m the one doing it, it’s probably going to be multi-chaptered and I just can’t commit to that. So if you know of any fics or fanart with the same theme, hope you can link them to me 😊 I’d really love to dive myself in them.
But despite saying that, it didn’t stop me from writing this silly one-shot called Somewhere In Neverland feel free to read and review there, if you have the time.
And now, if you read through all that, thank you so much for your time! Be safe, hope you enjoy the rest of your day and the rest of Ichiruki Month :D
And now for some more story time, you don’t need to read through this. It will be just me sharing some personal stuff… So feel free to move on with your life without this. Seriously. You can stop here if you just accidentally pressed the keep reading button, you are forgiven 😊
Oh… you’re still reading? Okay, then. So I’ve been really depressed lately, more on because my current job sucks, I just lost the opportunity to get my dream job, the pandemic’s still on-going and I just feel like nothing’s really going on with my life (T.T) I’m broke AF, it’s hard to fall asleep, my face is all pimply, I’ve gained a lot of weight and basically, this is just a low point for me. 
Okay, I know that there are other people with much bigger problems than what I’m going through right now so I just try to deal with it on my own. I made a fanart, just to feel like I’m focusing on something and I actually finished the thing just to ease my mind of my worries. It was kinda therapeutic and I kind of like the feeling of actually accomplishing something. And I even mustered up the courage to join the discord server for IR. My anti-social ass was proud of that. I was even thinking of posting this fanart there just to show everyone that I really appreciate them for welcoming me but at the last minute I chickened out but ended up posting it here? I don’t know either. I’m weird like that. Even though everyone there seemed really fun and supportive, I just… didn’t want to ruin the vibe with my negative aura (the latest chapter was enough to trigger everyone. Didn’t wanna add to that).
Anyway, thinking about these past horrible days and listening to some really sad songs, because why not add to the drama? I was listening to one song about running away to “Neverland” and it got me thinking wouldn’t it be great if I were to just stay a kid forever? That way I wouldn’t have to deal with the pressures of adulthood. Then I thought about Wendy from Neverland and somehow I remembered that on that 2nd Disney movie, she grew up. And to confirm it, I just had to search for that clip on youtube. And yes, it was the part where Peter saw her as an adult and oh god, I kid you not, I started bawling. One, because I didn’t realize that I ship them… oops… and I wondered if Wendy, even as an adult, ever thought of what it’d be like if she had stayed in Neverland. Then I also found this deleted scene from the live action movie which showed Peter reuniting with her, hoping to take her back but he couldn’t anymore because she’s all grown up, and he was so heartbroken by it but then she introduces him to her daughter, with who he takes with him (weird? Maybe that was why it was deleted haha).
And so, I’ve been thinking about it a lot and as always I ended up thinking about Bleach and IR because of the new chapter and all (which wasn’t released yet back then). And I wondered what would it be like if they were in Peter pan and Wendy’s shoes—but first off, I didn’t think Ichigo would fit the role of not growing up because I don’t know, despite being a teen, he looked matured and kinda scary? Kids would never go with him. He’ll be better as the Grinch of Christmas because kids would probably feel like they’ll be bullied even though he’s a nice guy. And so I realize, oh it’s better if we switch them up and make Rukia Peter Pan because she’d be looking young forever while Ichigo grows old (which was what I was expecting from Bleach but somehow they all seem to be aging at the same time now, with all the marriages and the making babies or whatever) And to parallel the manga I realized that maybe having Ichigo live his life (in the world of the living) and have a family would probably be something that Rukia would be really proud of and would be happy to see (Okay, hold up. Just to be clear, I still don’t like the ending for so many other reasons but if it had to go down with Ichigo making a family WITHOUT Rukia then this better be the damn reason for it and that’s to protect him by making him live a normal and safe life before they reunite again in SS. I rest my case.).
And so I connect all this to Day 11 – What do you dream of? Because, well, since the prompt really is up to interpretation… it can be like a “dream” in life? Or just maybe a dream at night? Anyway, this is what I dreamt of literally. Again, I’ve been thinking about it all the time lately  so I had to let it out. And of course, in relation to IR and in this AU setting, they probably dream of being together too (both in life and at night haha) <3
And that’s about it. I just want to leave this long message here so that when the time comes that I feel so much better, I’ll know what I was going through behind this not-so-good-but-a-little-better-than-my-other-works-so-far fanart and that one-shot that I tried my best to write despite my writing skills being very rusty, and know that it will be alright someday and that I’ll probably get through it whatever it was that I’m going through at this moment.
If you’ve reached until the end then wow. Bless your kind soul really and hope you have a great dinner and of course, thank you for lending me your ears or eyes (since you had to read). I may not know you but I really, really appreciate your time 😊
45 notes · View notes
Summary: You meet someone from Negan’s life. Continuation of thirds
Pairing: AU Negan x reader ((female, named Eddie) and others)
Tags: AU Negan, Negan smut, Negan x reader, rough-ish smut
A/N: no proof read. we die like men. also hella long
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Your farewell party was towards its end. Only a few of your friends and family members remained.
You were hanging out by the bonfire sipping on your seltzer.
You glanced over at Negan who was congregating with other adults. He was preoccupied with his phone. He typed a messaged and slide it back into his front pocket before saying goodbye to your dad.
“Hey, Klaus, I’m gonna head out” he said giving him a hand shake and half a hug
“We’ll see you” your dad said
“Bye Frankie, thank you” he gently shook your moms hand with both hands
“Anytime” your mom said gracefully
Negan then approached you across the yard, “Eddie. Good luck out there”
He gave you a very appropriate hug, contradicted by what he whispered in your ear, “Come for your gift later. Back door is unlocked”
You had to have a another piece of him before you left for another semester.
Once the party died down and your folks slipped into bed, you hopped the fence to Negan’s yard.
You came through the back door. Trying to be quiet, knowing the night hours amplified every sound.
After you slid the glass door shut you turned to face the room and noticed a woman standing in his kitchen fixing a drink.
You locked eyes with her. Your heart dropped to your belly.
“I- uh- I’m sorr-“ you began explaining, stepping backwards, your arm blindly searching behind for the door handle.
“Relax Eddie. Negan said you’d be stopping by” her voice surprisingly calming.  
She walked around the corner of the island, two glasses in hand. Your heart pumped harder with every click of her heels. You couldn’t help but notice how her navy blue pant suit hugged her lower half perfectly. Her white blouse teasingly revealing her chest.  
As the distance closed between you you admired her facial features. Sharp jaw, crisp eyebrows, and an average nose on warm ivory skin.
You watch her full long lips move in slow motion “Whisky or wine?”
“Uh- Whiskey” you said softly after the words registered.
“Good, cause I’m Italian” she laughed and handed you your drink.
I can’t be sober right now you advised yourself, and immediately took a swig, keeping a stoic expression as the alcohol burned your throat.
“Whoa! Didn’t even flinch!” she commented.
“Comn lets have a seat” she said as a gentle hand pushed you towards the living room couch.
You sat anxiously. Elbows on your knees, sweaty palms clutching your glass tumbler.
She sat more comfortably, leaned back, her outside leg crossed over her other, and torso rotated to face you.
Before she started any conversation you blurted out, “who are you?”
“You probably should have asked the sooner. Stranger danger, y’know” she joked.
“But who you do you think I am?” She asked curiously. Taking a sip of her wine.
“Uh, I think you’re the main lady, and I’m a home wrecker and I shouldn’t be here” you took another gulp of your drink, trying to dilute your fear.
“Well, I am the other lady-“
Oh god. You immediately brought the drink back to your mouth, but her hand tapped yours, keeping you from drinking too quickly.
“But I know who you are. And you’re not a home wrecker. Negan is my partner and I’m his, and we’re open”
Relief washed over you.
“You know you could’ve have led with that. Not this ‘I am the main lady’ shit” you mocked her, your defenses quickly falling with the new information.
“I know, but you just seemed fun to play with” she giggled.
“I’m Diana”
“So, Diana, Negan has told you about me huh” you were a bit embarassed. Not knowing what negan shared exactly.
Did he tell her you just had sex or did he provide details? Did he tell her how he fucked you in your bathroom with company right outside? Or how he held you down and came on your face?
“Yes. He has”
There was a short streak of silence before you spoke again, “How do you do that?”
She finished her sip, softly smacking her tongue on the roof of her mouth to savor her wine, before clarifying your question, “Do what hon?”
“Be with other people?” You sought guidance on your own relationship
“Well for one, we trust and respect each other. And we’re honest. So it’s not cheating.”
“When one of us sleeps with someone else we tell each other, get tested. And teach other new tricks” She smiled mischievously before taking another sip of her wine.
“But it’s not for everyone” she added when she saw your not so eager expression
You nodded, really listening to what she had to say.
“So how’d you meet?” You asked leaning back.
“I’ve known Negan for years actually. But we didn’t start a relationship until a year and some months ago.”
“I’m a physical therapist and I was working with one of his athletes after ACL reconstruction. And he stopped by well into her rehab program - with her parents of course - to clarify what she could and couldn’t do during practice. So I met negan then, that was about 8 years go”
“I’ve worked with a couple other of his athletes since then. He joins an appointment once in a while to check in on restrictions”
“But the first time we dated was after we ran into each other at a bar. He had just lost his wife and I was fresh off a divorce. We were there for eachother, emotionally... physically.”
“Though we didn’t last the first time. We were on and off again for like a year. We couldn’t stay loyal. We eventually found our way back, when we realized we couldn’t stay loyal to other people either.” She laughed.
“And here we are. Together, happy, understood.”
You nodded, getting a bigger picture of the situation.
“Where is Negan by the way?” You looked over the couch thinking he was hiding somewhere
“He went out to get some wine” she swirled her empty glass before setting it on the table
“Told him to re-stock before I got here. But he didn’t listen. Tells me he was a little busy.”
You knew that comment was a shot at you
Before you could respond you both heard the open and looked over the back of the couch to see negan walk in with a brown bag.
“Hey Eddie! You’re here!” He said excitedly un-phased by his girlfriend sitting next to you.
He walked over to you both
“Hey Dee” greeting her with a soft kiss
It looked so natural.
“Got your favorite,” he gestured at the wrapped bottle, lifting it slightly.
Negan walked into his kitchen and began prepping his glass.
“I’ll get you a refill” Diana tapped your thigh as she stood up and walked with both glasses to Negan.
You heard a quiet conversation between them and thought it best to leave.
“Hey, so I’m gonna head out” you stood up, “nice meeting you,” you gestured awkwardly.
“What! Eddie no, you gotta open your gift first” Negan said while pouring wine into the the two glasses.
“Ah, thanks negan, I’m sure it can wait—“
“Eddie.” Diana interjected.
She walked toward to you, until she was mere inches away. She was shorter than Negan but taller than you. Even without the heels you were sure she’d still have 3-4 inches on you.
“Are you sure you wanna leave?” She lightly put her hands on your hips.
You looked toward Negan. He just casually took a sip of his wine. Then It clicked.
She was your gift.
Your silence was enough for her. She slowly leaned in, giving you an opportunity to pull away.
Your soft lips met hers.
God it felt different. You wouldn’t say better than Negan or other men, but something about kissing this beautiful, grown woman was quenching something you didn’t know you were thirsty for.
Your alcohol infused tongues exchanges flavors but it didn’t stop you from continuing.
Diana pulled away. Too soon for your liking.
“Can I take this off?” She toyed with zipper of your hoodie.
You were completely underdressed but you didn’t expect an encounter with a professional woman. You expected a quick, hard farewell fuck.
You swallowed audibly.
“Yes,” your voice cracked slightly.
You weren’t wearing a bra. Your breasts immediately shifted outside your clothing as your zipper opened up. Her hands dragged up along your ribs, her touch trigged goosebumps causing your nipples to perk up.
“I like these,” she said kissing you again as her fingers pinched your pierced buds. Harder than you expected, not painful, but her force caused your mouth fall open breaking the contact with your lips.
She laughed, proud but not surprised that she was making you act like this. She brought her lips back to continue kissing you.
With your eyes closed, tongue busy, your hands reached to untuck her blouse. Her hands stopped their mannerisms on your nipples and gripped your wrists and pushed them away
“Nuh-uh” she rejected your actions.
Her hands till wrapped around your wrists, she walked you backwards to the couch you were just sitting on. Diana went down to her knees. She leaned to kiss your navel, simultaneously undoing your jean button. She kissed up your abdomen, between your breast. As more of her body made contact with you, your hips began grinding up.
She took a nipple into her mouth. Sucking on it before lightly biting it.
“Ahh” you moaned as she hooked her teeth on your horizontal jewelry and pulled  up - how negan had done the first time.
They definitely exchanged notes. She switched to the other nipple and did the same.
“Take these off” she gripped the hem of your pants.
You lifted your hips of the couch and she helped pull them through your legs. Exposing your wet pussy to her.
“Look at that” she brought her fingers to your womanhood and spread your juices.
You looked down the middle of your chest, Diana between your legs.
Without warning Diana sucked on you clit. Swirling her toungue around it at the same time.
“Oh god!” You whined “fuck!”
She started softly and quickly increased her suction causing you to squirm. Diana swooped her hands under your knees to pin your lower half open to her. Her force spreading your legs was comfortable, enough to limit your movements but not stretching you to your limits as most men would do.
She stopped completely. Pissing you off a little.
“You wanna come?” She asked, already knowing your answer
You nodded.
She returned her mouth to your center. Sticking her tongue out, her eyes locked on yours. She barely flicked your nerve bundle with just the tip.
“Ughhh” escaped you wantonly, your pelvis pushing towards her mouth.
She flicked it little more roughly every subsequent time until she had your whole clit back between her lips. Her tongue working harder than before.
“Mmmhhh!” You groaned intensely. Biting some of the fabric of your hoodie that you were still wearing.
“Oh god- Oh god” you moaned louder and squirmed harder.
Diana’s had to force you down more. “Ugh! Fu- fu- I’m gon—“
“Motheerfuckker!” Both hands pulled downward on the open waistband of your hoodie while your back extended - so much thought it was gonna snap
You rode out your orgasm, instinctively grinding your pussy on Diana’s mouth.
Your eyes closed as your chest continued to rise and fall heavily. Diana gave one of your inner thigh light pecks before releasing your knees from her grasp. She came up to your lips, her hands using the back of the couch as leverage, then you tasted yourself on her tongue.
“You’re beautiful Eddie” she whispered to you.
“Does she always come that hard?” She asked Negan, who you had forgotten was in the room.
“Hardest I’ve seen her” Negan said.
“Though, she’s always sensitive afterwards, which you know I like” he smiled
Diana looked at your eyes, and unexpectedly brought her soft fingers back down to your clit.
You automatically crossed your legs and tried to flip over under Diane.
Both Negan and Diana giggled. You followed suit, really having enjoyed your present.
“That’s cute Eddie” Diana commented on your reaction, sucking on your neck before getting up to walk over to Negan.
Negan handed her a second glass of wine and your whiskey glass.
Diana passed the drink on to you. You took a small swig and set it down on the table and reached for your pants on the floor.
Negan and Diane began kissing each other passionately, not minding your taste between them.
The smacking of their tongues and lips echoed softly.
You pulled your jeans up your thighs with your hoodie remaining unzipped.
Diana noticed you prepared to exit and stopped her kiss with Negan, and tilted her head towards you.
Negan turned to you, “What do you think you’re doing?”
You had a blank stare as your hands froze with your hoodie zipped halfway.
“We’re not done with you sweetheart” Diana added
“She means, there’s more to your present” Negan smiled
“Grab your drink” Diana said as she walked over and pulled on the strings of your hoodie, leading you towards the stairs.
You finished your whiskey as you walked up the stairs, before entering the familiar room.
Diana grabbed the empty glass from you hand and set it on Negan’s dresser along with her half full glass.
Diana led you the bed, “sit.”
she began undressing you from your two garments until you laid completely naked under her. She kissed you and rubbed her clothed body against yours.
Your hands were on her hips encouraging her movements. You attempted to untuck her blouse ignoring your failed attempt downstairs. She didn’t restrict you this time. You pulled her shirt from her waist band and unbuckled her thin belt. Diana stopped her actions to unbotton her blouse and tossed it to the side before resuming to kiss you.
“Dirty girls” you heard Negan enter the room. You could swear you felt your pussy release more fluids at the sound of his voice.
You propped yourself on your elbows and witnessed Negan remove his black shirt and kick off his boots. Diana hopped off you to remove her pants, leaving her in a lacey, beige bra and underwear set.
Negan stepped to kiss Diane, and unclipped her bra. He gripped her breast and eventually her ass and pushed her front against his.
“Mmhhh” Negan groaned when Diana broke the kiss and sucked on his neck down his chest, while a free hand rubbed him through his black Levi’s.
It turned you on, and you did something you never thought you would do.
You brought your hand to your womanhood and began touching yourself, feeing how wet your really were.
“Enjoying the view?” Negan commented.  
Embarrassment coursed through your blood, and you removed your hand.
“Don’t stop” Negan said, “keep playing with yourself darling.”
“Let go” Diana added, kissing down Negan’s abdomen
You brought your hand back to pleasure yourself. Circling your clit with alternating pressure.
Negan unbuckled his belt, and let his member free, pulling his pants to mid-glute.
Diana sensually sucked the head of his cock, Negan tossed his head back. She dragged her tongue from the underside of his base back to the tip. Eventually, taking him entirely into her mouth.
“Agh!” Negan reacted to the deep throat, “that’s it baby. Fuck!”
The sounds of gargling and slobber coming from her pleasuring him brought you closer to the edge. You began rubbing her clit faster, building up release.
Negan caught you getting close.
“Don’t come Eddie.” He said in between breathes, “wait for us”
You were so close but figured that what they would give you would bring more pleasure than what you could give yourself. You willed yourself to stop.
Diana popped off Negan’s dick and came to kneel next to your torso, head opposite of yours. Negan removed his pants and dragged you closer to edge of the mattress.
His long middle finger pushed easily into your wet entrance
“Mmhhh” escaped you.
He pumped his digit in and out while Diana rubbed your clit.
Negan removed his finger and brought his member to your center.He dragged it through your folds, teasing you. Your eyes alternating between Negan’s facial expressions and his cock.
“Fuck” you dropped your head back, desperate to feel him inside you.
“You’re right, Negs, not very patient” Diana laughed, lightly smacking your clit a few times, causing you to jolt in spontaneous directions.
“That’s what makes her fun” Negan explained, continuing to tease you with his manhood.
“Cause she’ll eventually-” one more drag of cock against you...
“Give in!” He pushed himself entirely into you.
“Ughhhh!” you moaned
Negan stilled inside you, you walls beating against him. He leaned down to kiss you, his hips making zero movements.
With his mouth still on yours he pulled out halfway and gave you one hard and fast pump, causing you jaw to open and break the kiss
“What did I tell you about punching above your weight class?” He said rhetorically
“And tonight, there’s two of us” He laughed
He stood back up and began pushing in and out of you at a moderate pace. Diana continued to rubbed your nerve bundle.
“Harder, please” you asked
“Patience” Diana reminded you
“Oh, shell learn patient after this” Negan warned.
He picked up the pace and your release was closer than ever. Especially with Diana working your clit perfectly.
“She’s close” Negan announced.
Diana brought her lips to yours. Negan fucked your harder and faster, you could feel his balls push against you, and the slapping sounds confirmed it.
Your moans were captured by Diana’s mouth.
“She’s gonna come” Negan said through his gritted teeth.
“Fuck!” You yelled into Diana’s kiss, you felt yourself come undone.
You tried to pull your lips away but Diana held you head in place to continue kissing you.
Negan slowed down his pace slightly after your orgasm but didn’t stop. Neither did Diana’s hand.
“Oh god! Fuck! Fuck! Ne— ple—“ You werent able to escape her kiss.
You tried to remove Diana’s hand from your pussy but she pinned it down. So you tried to pushed away from Negan further up the bed, but he pulled your hips closer to his.
You tightly closed your eyes, a few more seconds went by and you felt a second release. You heard gushing sounds matching Negan’s thrusts and felt your thighs becoming wet.
Negan slowed down and remained inside you, as your lower body twitched and squirmed.
“I knew wed get her to squirt” Negan said before celebrating with a kiss from Diana.
“You okay Eddie?” Negan asked still slowly pumping himself into you.
You nodded, your face covered by your crossed forearms.
He flipped your over, legs hanging off the edge, and he picked up the pace once more.
You tried to use the sheets to get gain some distance between your sensitive pussy and negans thick cock.
“No, you don’t” he pulled you back.
You felt wetness over your puckered hole, followed by a finger. Your glutes contracted involuntary.
“Relax” Diana tried to soothe you, “relax for me”
Negan slowed down. You a deep breathe in between thrusts and we’re able to relax a bit more.
Diana inserted one of her fingers in your anus and wiggled it inside you, Negan picked up speed again.
“Oh, already?” Negan exclaimed.
“I know you’re there honey” Negan knowing your were close, “Let us have it!”
“Oh fuckkkk” another orgasm hitting you Followed by a small release of extra fluids.
Negan leaned over your back and sucked on your shoulder and neck before congratulating you “Good job baby, you just might be able to go the rounds”
“Aghhh” you moaned into the bed as he pushed slowly and deeper a few more times.
Negan pulled entirely out of you, your walls pulsating every so often recovering from your intense orgasms.
“Aghhh” you let out softly as you felt Diana’s finger exit your picked hole.
Negan stepped into his bathroom to dry off a bit.
During this intermission, you brought your legs onto the bed, to lay on your side, facing Diana.  
You reached between your tighs to inspect your wetness. Maybe it was all in your head.
“Was that your first time?” Diana asked
“Um, yeah...”
“I’m sor—“ you were caught of guard when she brought your fingers into her mouth to suck on them.
You were mesmerized by her actions
She finished, chuckled, and smiled at you, “What were you sorry for?”
“Um, the—“ You stuttered pointing at the wet stains on the comforter “-the sheets”
“Don’t be sorry. I expect messes from dirty girls” Negan said returning.
“And you’re a dirty girl” he spanked you ass and firmly rubbed it after.
Diana positioned you face up and straddled you. She leaned to kiss you as Negan gripped Diana’s hips and entered her.
He pushed inside her more delicately than he’d ever done with you. You saw Diana’s eye lids flutter with pleasure at her lovers intrusion.
“Ah, Fuck” she moaned into your neck.
Negan fucked Diana on top you. He alternated speed, building up her climax while holding back his own.
While pumping into her, Diana whispered to you, “Touch me”
Frozen by her request you did nothing.
“Touch me” she repeated, reaching for one of your hands that rested on the outside of her thighs.
She brought your hand to her center. You hesitantly began rubbing her.
“That’s it Eddie” she encouraged you “just like that”
Your fingers occasionally bumped into Negan’s dick that was entering and exiting Diana.
Negan leaned over and whispered to Diana, “I need to come now”
Diana turned her neck over to give him a kiss of approval.
Negan snaked his hand in Diana’s hair and pulled harshly, followed by a playful yelp from Diana.
Negan began jackmhammering into her, making growling sounds that never left his throat.
“Ughh” both moaned, coming at the same time, on top of you.
Negan let go of Diana’s hair, and her body weight rested on you. Negan continued to slowly pumping himself in Diana as he softened.
He eventually exited her and flopped himself on the bed next you and Diana, catching his breath.
As Diana reached between her legs, you felt Negan’s cum drip from Diana’s pussy onto yours.
Diana collected some of Negan’s release on her fingers and brought them to your mouth.
You opened and sucked on them. Not breaking eye contact.
“Do you like the taste of me and my boyfriend?”
You nodded, her fingers still in your mouth.
Diana slid off you, to sandwich you between herself and Negan.
“So when are you back from school?” Diana asked.
“Christmas” you said through a yawn.
“We’ll have to get you another presents then”
Your stomach fluttered at her words as the three of you drifted to sleep, limbs stacked upon each other.
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babyflossy · 4 years
i promise | m.l
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gif credits to owner
pairing: mark x reader
requested: yes! my requests are open!
summary: you and mark had been inseparable since birth, you had done everything together. that is, until he starts ignoring you in your senior year.
genre: highschool au, angst, fluff, best friends to enemies(?) to friends to lovers au i guess
warnings: underage drinking
word count: 3.1k (i got carried away)
mark lee had been a constant in your life since your first memory. in fact, your very first was of him; you were in preschool and you had laughed as he was told off by the teacher for breaking a toy plane. it was hard for you to remember anything big in your life that hadn't included mark. your first day of elementary, middle, and high school started by the two of you catching the bus together, talking excitedly about how this was going to be the best school year yet.
he was always there. until he wasn't.
at first it didn't bother you; it was well known that friends naturally drifted apart as they grew up. but when he started avoiding you in the hallways, gaze shooting away when you met eyes, you couldn't deny it hurt you. it hurt that the one person you thought would be with you through everything, the person that had been with you through everything, seemed to be growing tired of you.
it was the first time mark lee didn't sit with you on the bus on the first day of school. instead, he slumped in the seat next to donghyuck, a tanned boy with a fiery personality who had adopted the name haechan throughout highschool. he was rowdy and disruptive and everything you weren't. it may have been the first time mark sat with someone else, but it wasn't the first time you found your thoughts clouded with him the whole day.
as the year progressed, your relationship with mark deteriorated into nothing. the only word to describe him now was a stranger. whenever he wasn't avoiding you, he was laughing loudly with his new friends, a group of six others from varying year groups. you wondered what about them was special enough for him to basically exile you. you decided you didn't want to know.
the only link you now had to your ex-best friend was a boy named jaemin who you partnered with in chemistry, and who flirted incessantly without fail. you were used to it now, avoiding burning cheeks and shy smiles unlike the start of the year. it wasn't that jaemin was a bad person, you just couldn't help but notice how completely and utterly different he was to mark. then again, you guessed time changed people in ways you wouldn't understand.
the school buzzed, as per usual, with the news of hwang hyunjin's upcoming party. the only difference about this particular one however, was you being invited due to your friendship with his friend minho. you had never been one for parties, finding the obnoxious mix of loud teenagers and bass-heavy music unenjoyable at the best of times.
but that was then, and this is now. this is now and as you pulled up your black jeans and looked at yourself in the mirror, you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. the dark brown you had smoked around your eyes made you look far more confident than you felt, eyeing the skin-tight outfit with slight apprehension. it wasn't over the top, but it showed your figure in the most flattering way and you made a mental note to thank yeri later for helping you pick it out.
the first thing you remember thinking when you first entered the house was that your eardrums were gonna burst. the second thing you remember thinking was that mark lee looked really good leaning against the wall opposite, even if his eyes were focused on his drink. your eyes followed his gaze to a blonde stood next to him, and you looked away immediately once you realised she was trying to get his attention. her giggling fell on deaf ears as he watched you head straight to the drinks table, stopping to talk with hyunjin on the way. a dark leather jacket clung to his arms as he slung one around your shoulders, smiling down at you and handing you an empty red solo cup. you surveyed the options on the table, equal parts impressed and concerned at the wide array of spirits and beers. deciding now was as good a time as ever to find out what your favourite alcohol was, you picked up an unnatural blue bottle, filling your cup to halfway. it was sweet and slipped down your throat with surprising warmth, enticing you to finish the cup.
you should have known there was no coming back after the first drink.
time had lost meaning to you hours ago, your head swimming as you swayed with yeri on the dancefloor. you had lost count of how many drinks you had consumed quickly after you entered, finding it much more enjoyable to just try everything. from across the room, a blue-haired boy slinked his way through the crowds of people, a devilish smirk on his face. jaemin slid behind you, resting his hands on your waist to stop you moving so he could lean down the whisper in your ear.
"we're doing shots in the kitchen, wanna join?" under any other circumstance, you would deny straight away, but something about his hands on your waist and the loud music made you forget your worries, grinning at him and letting him lead you away.
the kitchen was the only room in the house with sufficient lighting to see people properly. it was white and blinking and it hurt your eyes momentarily, your vision swimming. it was only when he let you go that you realised jaemin's hands had remained around your waist the whole journey to the kitchen. after your eyesight had recovered, your gaze swept across the other people jaemin had deemed worthy to do shots with. donghyuck stood whispering something to a boy you knew as lee jeno, the school's star quarterback. on his left was huang renjun, the person who had tutored through your chinese class in freshman year. at the end of the countertop was the only pair of juniors deemed worthy enough to be invited to senior parties. park jisung and zhong chenle.
the last person in the small gathering stopped talking to renjun when he saw you and jaemin enter. mark lee stared at you wide-eyed, a shot glass halfway to his mouth. he shot jaemin an exasperated look over your head, rolling his eyes in a way that made you feel somewhat undeserving to be stood with his group. donghyuck's smile when he saw you was teetering on diabolical and you watched him cautiously as you reached over the cool marble to grasp the clear shot glass he offered.
"this is y/n, she's my chem partner," jaemin's voice was accompanied by the loud clink of glass bottles bumping together. jeno nodded in recognition, smiling at you as he pulled two clear bottles from the centre of the table, reading both labels before choosing the bigger one. as if instructed, everyone placed their shot glasses into the middle of the counter and you followed suit. some of the liquid spilled over the edge of the glasses as jeno filled them all.
right before you lifted it to your lips, haechan spoke up, "well, y/n, i hope you're not a lightweight." you shot him a fearless grin before downing the liquor, allowing yourself to revel in the way it burned the back of your throat.
despite the fact you were halfway to wasted, you found yourself regretting judging mark's new friends so early on. they were all so welcoming to you and you fit into their dynamic easily realising over many shots and glasses of cheap alcopops they were all actually really cool people. haechan matched your humour and made you laugh so hard you thought you were going to throw up; renjun relived all the memories you had shared from tutoring lessons, telling you through near tears how bad your pronunciation had been; jeno had indulged you with embarrassing stories of the whole group, jaemin hitting him on the back of the head when he spilled jaemin's crush on your spanish teacher. even jisung and chenle had joked around with you, mainly make fun of you for being so much shorter than them.
it felt like you had known them all for years, except the only one you actually had known for years. mark had expertly avoided every attempt from the others to prompt the two of you to so much as acknowledge each other. you couldn't help but think there was something they all knew that you didn't, but the dizzying mix of laughter and the alcohol in your system distracted you swiftly.
the first time he outwardly mentioned you was to stop jeno from filling your shot glass again. you pouted in response and mark nearly froze, the unpleasant skipping of his heart making him feel ill. "guys stop, she's already wasted." it wasn't untrue, but the blatant concern in his voice swirled up a bewildering mix of emotions. joy that he obviously still cared about you deep down but anger that he thinks he can ignore you for the better half of a year, pretending you don't deserve the time of day, and suddenly control your actions. you would have fought back if your vision would stop betraying you and leaving you with an inability to focus on much.
when donghyuck had joked about you being a lightweight, he hadn't taken into account the fact that you were much smaller than all of them. it was stupid of them to think you would be able to drink as much as jeno, the football star for christ's sake. when you tried to walk to the sink for a glass of water, you had swayed so much on your feet jaemin's hands returned to their earlier position on your waist, steadying you with a chuckle.
you listened to them chat back and forth as you focused on the pleasant coldness of the water. it soothed the growing ache in your head but did little to clear the haze over your eyes. "you wanna dip? we could go get mcdonald's?" you think it was jisung who spoke. but maybe it was chenle. their voices blended to one as you refilled your glass.
unaware of their silent debate, you looked up in surprise to see them all staring at you. it was donghyuck who voiced their question. "do you wanna come with, y/n? we're gonna get food and then probably go back to mark's house." the first sensible thought in a while enters your head. do you really want to leave all of your friends here and leave with a group of boys you barely know while intoxicated? maybe it wouldn't be a very good idea–
"guys, i don't think it's a good idea, she should stay here." there mark goes again with his concern, his attempt to exile you again. it was pathetic really, but this was the first time in so long you had been able to see him, and you didn't want it to end.
"yeah i wanna come." as you followed jisung out the party to the front door, you missed the icy glare mark shot haechan, and the amused quirk of the younger boy's eyebrow in response.
mcdonald's is deserted at nearly three am on a saturday. the walk from hyunjin’s house had involved haechan pushing you on his skateboard to stop you falling over every fifth step. he laughed loudly at your screams when he pushes you too fast, his strong grip on you not letting you fall. jeno and jisung skated in front of you, their balance much more impressive than yours. inside, you all crowd around one of the touchscreen machines and add more and more food to the order, playing rock-paper-scissors to decide who has to pay and cheering in triumph when hyuck is the loser. he grumbles about how he shouldn't have lost when it was his idea to play as he pushes his card into the reader.
it takes fifteen minutes of you all giggling like toddlers for your food to be ready, trying to all fit into one booth. you end up balanced on jaemin's left thigh and mark's right and you can almost feel the differences in their personalities from the way they sit. jaemin's free hand is rested on top of your black jeans, his chin coming down periodically onto your shoulder so you can feed him fries. mark is stiff, sitting in any position that means he doesn't have to touch you. you're unaware of his heart hammering in his chest.
the food helps sober you up enough for you to be able to walk unattended, still sipping on your strawberry milkshake – you had nearly coughed it over the table when renjun playfully choked chenle over a joke he made. the remaining alcohol in your system helped a warm feeling of belonging settle in your chest, your words still slurring together slightly.
the group decided to take you to one of their favourite "hang out places" as jeno had so ominously put it. you were curious to see where you ended up, but seeing as you had had more fun in the past six hours than in the past six months, you didn't really care. a skate park happened to be the mysterious location they were taking you to and you shouldn't have been so surprised considering it seemed to be their main mode of transport.
jisung shot in front, still on his board, flying down one of the ramps and hooting in glee at the feeling of the warm night breeze through his hair. jeno and haechan followed close behind, leaving the rest of you to sit on the edge of one of the ramps, dangling your legs over the edge. chenle and renjun sat on your left talking light-heartedly in rushed chinese. they snickered at your confused face, chenle telling renjun he must have been a terrible tutor, receiving a swift slap to the back of his head in return. you simply laughed at their playful arguing and turned to face jaemin and mark.
jaemin sat separating you two, his eyes watching the others skate around at insane speed, heckling them every now and then. at some point, a speaker had been turned on and a lazy beat echoed through the deserted the park. you let yourself fall back, spine resting against the grass. it was a clear night, not a single cloud obstructing your view as you stared in awe at the sky. your eyes sparkled and the stars twinkled back at you, spreading a calmness through your veins.
eventually, jaemin had stood up and run quickly down the slope to avoiding falling, meeting the others and laughing as he nearly toppled into jisung. with chenle and renjun engrossed in their own conversation, it left you and mark unaccompanied. you hadn't expected him to say anything, to even notice you. shock filled you when you saw him shimmy next to you, lying back so you were sharing the same view.
"i'm sorry, y/n, i really am," his voice was quiet and heavy, choked up. when you said nothing in return, he leaned up on his elbow, looking down at you so he could read the expression on his face. it made him hard to ignore and as you met eyes, you couldn't help but think he looked breathtakingly beautiful from this angle.
"why'd you do it? what did i do wrong?" the vulnerability in your voice made him drop his eyes, scared to look at you. you returned your gaze to the stars and he returned to his position lying next to you.
"i was scared," a sniffle follows his words and your eyebrows furrow slightly. scared? scared of what, exactly? you thought, scoffing in your head. "i was scared that i would ruin our friendship by thinking of you as more than that." oh, is all you think. "i know it's been a long time, but seeing you tonight made me realise i would rather have you as a friend even if i can't have you as more, even if i still love you."
it was overwhelming. maybe because of how pretty the stars looked tonight, grounding you and making everything seem slightly more in perspective, or maybe because of the alcohol still pumping around your system, or maybe just because mark lee is finally sat next to you again and he's describing the feelings you've had since sixth grade but before you know it you're facing him again.
"promise you won't do it again?" there's a childlike innocence in your voice, and he's taken back to the time you made him promise not to steal your candy anymore. as if to punctuate, you bring your pinkie finger up between you, grinning when he wraps his around it and shakes.
"i promise."
you wait until he's facing away from you to speak again, "you know i've loved you since we were, like, ten, right?" he whips his head back to face you so fast you think he'll get whiplash, the stunned expression on his face causing a soft smile to spread on your lips. his eyes are lit up like this and you have a fleeting thought that they're way prettier than the stars above you.
the others melt away into the background, their shouts and laughter going unheard by the both of you and it strikes you suddenly how close your faces are, and you're unable to stop your eyes dropping to his lips where a sad smile rests. it feels as if you're the only people in the skate park, the only people in the city, in the world as your eyes meet once again, an unspoken agreement passing between them. you think your heart is gonna stop as he leans in slowly at first, then more desperately when you don't move away. his lips are warm and safe and more than you had ever imagined. you're so close together now that his cologne invades your senses in an intoxicating mix of familiarity and yearning. the hand that comes to rest on your waist instils a dizzying effect much different and stronger than the shots had earlier and you lean further into his touch.
when you separate, the air is different. your friends are still shouting and joking, you and mark going unnoticed by them. mark looks at you like you hold the answers to the universe. "maybe we could start over as more than friends then?"
"i'd like that."
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Treats For You (M)
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↳ PAIRING: yuzuru hanyu × reader
↳ PLOT: You tend to a nervous Yuzu the night before a skating competition.
↳ WORD COUNT: 9k | one shot | domestic au, smut
↳ WARNINGS ⚠️ pwp, dom/sub, feeding yuzu treats, pegging, some very wet oral (m giving), cum play, oh lord it gets graphic, fingering, crying, mommy kink, yuzu’s crazy back arch, rough sex, masochism, aftercare, some asthma talk
↳ CARO’S NOTE: inspired by this juicy gif. PS: since i usually post for other fandoms — if you’re unfamiliar with yuzu, visit this intro post. 
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Just two minutes after you switch off the light, he starts fidgeting. 
Repeatedly, all while messing around with his pillow. Soon enough, the blanket you share becomes all disheveled. 
You turn your head towards the window to check. All as usual. The blinds are perfectly drawn to shut out the moonlight. Meanwhile, the humidifier infuses the air in gentle ten-minute intervals. Not even the heater is bumbling tonight. Yuzuru keeps on rustling beside you, still. Some of his plushies fall off the bed, one after the other.
Of course he can’t sleep. It’s daunting, no precaution ever helps. The blanket couldn’t be any more crumpled up at this point.
„I’m so nervous,“ he finally sits up another minute later, causing the duvet to lift. A little sigh follows.
Eventually, you turn in the sheets yourself, now facing him. Or rather, what you can vaguely make out as his crouching silhouette.
„Hey,“ you mumble from your left side of the bed. „You watched all of the performances from last month.“ You pat Yuzu’s pillow, hoping he would sink down on it again. „At least twice. Or more.“
God knows for how many hours he stretched in front of the TV on his spongy blue yoga mat, reviewing mountains of footage with a furrowed brow worthy of a restaurant critic.
Every jump and every turn, analyzed over and over. Down to the millimeter. Even the costume got its fair share of scorn. Too wide there, this detail on the collar could be different, that part gets in the way while doing spins.
„It’s all— I don’t know what I’m lacking these days.“
The silhouette doesn’t look like it’s headed to lie down again for the time being. You reach toward your bedstand’s squiggly designer lamp. After fumbling about in the dark, you find the bulky switch at its bottom. On goes the light again. Perhaps a bit too bright, both of you squint hard.
„It’s not like you’re dropping to second place anytime soon.“
Given how you thought you could call it a day before Yuzu started to fidget, maybe your voice is not fully resonant yet. It still carries a little unspoken ‚…right?‘ with it. 
As soon as you finish the sentence, you feel how he can pick up on it already. The humidifier dryly comments by puffing out a cloud of lavender steam.
„I don’t really know,“ Yuzu retorts twisting, going into a deep shrug. He is completely sunken now.
„Looks like a simple big hug won’t do, hm.“
Yuzuru ends up nodding. It’s more knowing than admitting. But you don’t like the sense of resignation that comes with it, at all. The problem goes a little deeper than just motivating him with the stats he ironically already knows, times better than you, even.
It’s been going on for the entire day. The last time he made such a grouchy face at his videos was around Christmas. Back then, he couldn’t quite get the jumps right at the start of his routine. But now? His scores are just fine. Not to mention the jumps.
„I didn’t think you were lacking,“ you say. „You just fell once during training.“
And that was because he was fooling around during a break, not in the serious exercises.
„Sorry for bothering you,“ he buries his face in the blanket, beginning to ruffle his hair all over the place. Frustrated Friday-evening-Yuzu always does that, but the energy doesn’t seem to go anywhere this time.
The murmur of his stomach isn’t hard to miss either. You lay your hand on Yuzu’s back.
„Is it because you didn’t eat?“
You wonder what he had for dinner.
Only more guilty stomach growling reaches you as a reply. Figures: He skipped it, and lunch, too. His breakfast was so frugal, you don’t even remember whether he had his milk or not. 
Yuzu was already pacing around in the living room at that point. Recalling the tricky parts of the upcoming choreography, treading his feet into the carpet, humming the steady rhythm of his skating program.
„Maybe I’m turning into a snickers diva,“ a muffled little comment emerges from where his chaotic hair sticks out from the duvet. At this point, his face is all buried there.
„I mean. If you allow me to baby you…“
Three minutes later. You rub your eyes, shift from leg to leg. The kitchen floor is as cold as ever so you regret not putting on socks. Meanwhile, there’s no problem raiding the fridge. 
You could go to the grocery store five times a day and buy everything Yuzu’s mouth waters over — it’d still be stacked to the top. Snacks, veggies, particular sports drinks in weird blue colors, Japanese pickled plums, gyoza left-overs, salad, various fizzy drinks, mostly lemonade.
It’s like that with any food. Out of sight, out of mind. He won’t bother getting up from the yoga mat if he’s fixated on the TV.
After making two distinct picks and checking whether the fridge door closes properly, then bustling at the sink with a towel, you trot back to the bedroom. Equipped. In the meantime, Yuzu has recollected his plushies from the floor, gently aligning them next to his pillow. 
They’re all in their strictly defined place again. You enter just the second after he’s arranged them in the usual half-circle order, centered around his favorite, all-time friendly-eyed Winnie Pooh bear.
„Will you look at that,“ you plant your little kitchen conquests onto the bed, rousing approval noises from Yuzuru who sparkles right at the box and plate you brought along. The grouchy face dissolves, curiosity takes its place. His food reactions will always be the cutest to you.
„From the market. Wasn’t too expensive.“
Freshly doused in the sink, plump and very ripe.
„And rice cakes!“
Truth be told, there couldn’t be a bigger comfort food on his list and you shamelessly exploit the very fact.
„Every competition has a victory meal. Here, fruits first.“
After plopping down on the mattress yourself, you pick up one, then two strawberries. Immediately, Yuzu’s little upturned mouth opens wide as if a tiger baby was yawning. 
He chews more eagerly than you thought. If you pass him pretzel sticks while he reviews things on the TV, he barely eats one or two of them.
„I like these,“ he swallows, prying for the next fruit in your hand already. „Sweet!“
„Tastes best with cake,“ you rearrange your sitting position, making sure to park your cold feet next to Yuzuru’s very warm ones. His toes are readily brushing against yours, Yuzuru perhaps not even noticing they do. He’s too fixated on the little cakes. In all things he does— focus incarnate. He can’t help it.
„Yes, I wanna try!“
You rummage in the packaging you brought along, draw forth a first treat. A second one you set aside on the plate. Tiger baby opens his mouth even wider, in goes the first chunk of the rich delicacy. Lord have mercy on his stomach, it’s 11:15 PM. But what’s normal to him, anyways.
Ten more minutes pass. After the strawberry box is two thirds empty and three juicy rice cakes have embarked on their last journey, Yuzu looks a lot more content than before, even if his bedhead arguably makes him look like a mad scientist. Junior professor Yuzuru Hanyu, escapee from his genius lab that exploded in a blaze of smoke. 
You take it as your task to brush the outlaw strands back into their place with your fingers after pulling out a wet wipe — those with the way too astringent citrus flavor— from your bedstand, cleaning your hands off the rice. It’s not like your hands aren’t sticky on the regular.
To your satisfaction, Yuzu looks like a swaying cat, nestled into his blanket. With no more stomach growling audible, gladly. You put the plate on the bedside table, lean forward to kiss his belly, and shoot him a fracture of an ambiguous gaze.
„So… Fancy getting even more stuffed?“
„Sure! Is it a surprise?“ Yuzu looks around, presumably searching for more food you brought along.
The pure soul.
„Well, we already had dessert.“
„Oh, right! But, what’s the food, then?“
A little pause follows. Yuzuru couldn’t look any more thrilled. You decide to go with it.
„You’re too innocent,“ you lower down your pants by an inch, thumbs demonstratively hooked into the hem. You raise your eyebrows into a question that he cannot miss. „If you want. You might wanna grab your spray first, though.“
Only the last part fully registers in Yuzuru’s expression that finally goes from curious to… sheepish. He caught on.
Asthma spray at 11:30 PM is a cue he’s gotten familiar with over the last four months. Not in a million years did he think he’d ever have to use it late at night. Whatever decision process is rattling through Yuzu’s brain right now, it’s a fast one, though.
„Ha— okay!“
„Alright, Yuzu.“
„Just once second!“
Food round number two, it is. You kick off your pants and underwear but make sure they don’t land any place where plushies are. Yuzu is already busy at the other end of the room, visibly at work with shaky hands, browsing the cupboard with meds next to the window.
Now that he’s double nervous, you curse your idea, but remind yourself of the last late-evening time Yuzu had his head between your legs. ‚I dunno, I was just concentrated‘ are the words that stuck with you after asking him how on earth he kept his breath for what felt like 45 seconds. 
Whatever masochist devil has been driving him, it gave your boyfriend skills you never even knew were possible to have out of absolute nowhere. Not to mention how easily it distracted him from anything else in the world.
Maybe that focus is an effect easy to replicate, you think. Anything that can take his mind off the competition tomorrow is worth trying.
Carefully, you move over to the right side of the bed. Then, recline on Yuzu’s pillow — on his explicit wish two months ago, you meticulously keep that tradition — and feel surrounded by plushies already. 
Back then, Yuzu insisted that he shouldn’t be the only one watching out for you when you’re having sex. And that the pillow just smells really good of your hair afterwards. So there you lay, feeling all kinds of horny. Given that Yuzu is already returning to the bed, swiping his hair off his forehead. Looking very refreshed, letting his breath play. Sexy.
And there it goes already. The I dunno, I was just concentrated gaze. You arrange your legs wide enough for Yuzu to settle in the middle, him still sitting upright. His hands are still shaky when they reach around your outer thigh, but his eyes don’t lie to you in the very least.
„Your breath alright?“
A little nod, but he doesn’t heed the question for any longer. There’s gladly nothing that his lung doctor can’t figure out. You count on that, but asking doesn’t hurt.
Meanwhile, Yuzu’s eager eyes are already drawn downwards. Getting bigger and bigger. The surprise he had anticipated in fact now dances over his face, flighty and polite, but nonetheless apparent to you. He’s smiling, and it looks shy in the light of the bedstand lamp.
„I, ah…“
It’s as if he hasn’t seen you naked before, every time. For whatever reason, Yuzu always reverts to virgin mode with his first glance. You admit it’s flattering and amusing alike, but also — leaves you with Hitchcock level suspense. 
Yuzuru has proven himself to be an expert in summoning a beginner’s zeal, an almost childlikeness. That keeps you on your toes and promises an intensity that routine and pragmatic energy management could never give you.
After letting his eyes linger a little more, his lips become visibly impatient. He’s already licking them. You’d promised food, and he takes it seriously. That Yuzu’s fingers stroke rather weirdly at your thighs does not escape your attention either. They’re practicing.
„Help yourself, touch.“
The stroking ceases. Yuzu doesn’t hesitate to reach down with his left. How he touches you sends a row of tingles down your legs. His fingertips are amazingly dainty and soft. He explores. Then, soon keeps on caressing about, leans his head forward, all still from his seated position. It doesn’t take too long until he goes straight to getting you off with his right hand.
„This is, wow,“ he mumbles to himself, already immersed in rubbing your clit. Going in circles, taking his time. Alternating between index and thumb.
„Yeah. That’s the spot,“ you shift in the pillow, eventually finding a good position to relax. You exhale, focus on his hand.
„So smooth,“ Yuzu traces his joining left hand up and down your labia.
„Maybe someone wants a taste?“
You were right that he would forget practically anything else. The yoga mat worry brow is blown off his face. Substituted by— appetite.
„Not just maybe, actually.“
Spreading your legs a little more is invitation enough to have Yuzuru lower his head onto your pubic bone, tongue already searching for its favorite place. Your fingers gently interlace in his hair as soon as he starts sucking. Keeping his bangs out of his eyes.
How unafraid to bury his face he is you soon get to witness. You can feel the bridge of his nose glide from lip to lip, and the feathery light brush of his lashes at the base of your inner thighs. 
Yuzu’s tongue has always been cheeky, but today, it feels particularly adventurous and slippery. He can’t help but fumble about with his hands simultaneously. Beginner’s zeal, you knew it’d come.
The bucking of your hips comes too naturally to be controlled. Nor does Yuzuru know just how to hold his head back from thrusting. This little shit. Whatever is in those rice cakes, it made him a new level of keen. Soon enough, his tongue has riled you up plenty, and his focused eyes have become entirely monotone. Only preoccupied with one thing and one thing alone. 
Just how much he dedicates his attention has to be a thing for the books. You feel like blowing up and moaning like crazy at this point, but manage to at least puff out. He knows you’re way too close. There’s a little smile you feel in the way he eats you.
„So that mouth gets a cum filling,“ you twist your fingers out of Yuzu’s wild hair. It’s all tangled again. The return of the mad professor. He has all the space in the world to bop his head as much as he wants now. One, two, three plushies fall over and tumble around the mattress. He doesn’t notice.
The warmth between your legs has been growing ceaselessly. Now, ready to brim. With Yuzu’s agile tongue slipping back and forth over your clit in erratic intervals, you feel like losing your mind with every lick. The way his lips excite you gives off the lewdest sucking noises. All wet, and resolute like a chess player not to drop you off that high. 
He keeps his laps consistent, leans in more, and eventually— tips you off the edge with a fast sequence of letting his tongue dip under the hood of your clit. And letting it stay there, all until your legs start twitching. You groan out.
Yuzu gets a big. Fat. Cum filling indeed.
Your breath goes short, you grab his shoulders. Growling, cursing. Trying to ride the wave, but the contractions catch you harder than you thought. You can practically feel how much you ooze out and ruin his face. 
Bratty he is, Yuzuru forms his mouth all kissy and pecks your clit through every throb. Until the shockwaves subside, letting your shaking thighs off the hook eventually.
Too fucking intense. The surge of pleasure keeps on making your mind hazy long after your orgasm is over. To add fuel to the fire, Yuzuru rubs his belly, as if he just had two happy meals for the price of one.
Pulling off, his face is all bright and slobbery in its remaining smile. His lips are cum-glazed, and more than just plain sweat trickles down his nose. Nothing better than a facial right in front of twenty plushies. Who knew Winnie the Pooh himself would ever be eye witness to Yuzu’s sporty head game. 
Friendly bear he is, it doesn’t seem to bother him. From unsuspecting comfort teddy on Yuzu’s lap 23/7 to live-action porn audience. First row, no popcorn though, but HD sound quality and claims to free spit. The guy is living his absolute best life, isn’t he.
„You… growling. That was pretty hot,“ Yuzuru says. His jaw is hanging all loose and most of his speech is slurred. Yuzu looks all satiated. In your mind, you pat yourself on your own shoulder. Boyfriend corruption: almost complete.
„Like being spoiled? I want you to clean that up.“
Yuzu squeaks out giddy in reply. A moment later, he goes back to lean down again, swallowing and licking up cum from your drenched, swollen lips. His slurping noises are indulgent, wet, and desperately slutty. He succeeds in cleaning you up, but keeps on messing up himself even more. Yuzuru delights in rubbing his whole face into your dripping pussy until his eyebrows are sticky, his lids and cheeks are damp, and you feel capable to get up from the pillow.
Despite not being underneath the blanket, you notice that your feet aren’t that cold anymore.
He sits on the bed like a mermaid, huddled close to you. Normally, he would visibly sort his thoughts like that, but now, all he does is blink and nuzzle up against you with his forehead. 
Settling, Yuzuru doesn’t seem to know where to put his hands and you take it as a chance to pepper them with kisses. The back of the hand, the palms, the wrists. It calms you, and it calms him.
You feel entirely drenched, refreshed and relaxed at once. How Yuzuru cuddles against your legs makes your heart warm, and the moment is blissful.
One lavender steam cloud later, you feel like moving again. Maybe there are two restless people in this relationship. The thought of it is funny.
„We could go on a little more,“ eventually, you pat his head. „With something different if you want.“
„Do you still have energy?“ he asks. His breath is somewhat slowing already. It feels hot against your leg.
„More than before, actually.“
He sits up. Looks like you surprised him again. Little does Yuzu know how much he shakes you up.
You nod, twirling at his bangs now.
„I have an idea. So… you remember what’s been waiting in a box for a month.“
You can tell he knows exactly what you mean. No doubt he didn’t take very long to recall it, either. That tells you something.
„Can we use it?“
That answer was fast.
„It’s what I’ve been thinking.“
„We’ve been putting this off but I’m still curious.“
And your guess was correct. It’s definitely been on his mind.
„Yeah, you’re right.“
Promptly, you direct your eyes to the bedroom cupboard to your far left. The one containing various kinds of skating blades in slender packagings, tracksuits in dark colors, fan presents, and mail orders. Among them, a larger jet black box—
That neither Yuzu nor you dared to open given it was a product of a reckless button click at 2 PM.
Admittedly, after Yuzu passed you a way too expensive bottle of sake that he got for his birthday. Since he’s allergic to alcohol, somebody thought she could give it a sure try instead. Pouring $200 into the sink would have been the better option.
Said black box soon sits between the two of you, wide open to reveal the truth of what sake can do.
„Oh man. What have I done.“
That button click comes back to bite you big time.
„This looks, I think, realistic—?“
At least on the surface.
Of course, you drunk fool had to order the ‚sculpted, real-life imitation‘ version. You couldn’t be any more embarrassed. No more alcohol in this flat, that’s for sure. What else to do but take it in stride now that the box is already open, though.
„I uh, think so. At least with the veins.“
„It’s… it is really big.“
At least three times Yuzu’s flaccid size if you don’t hallucinate right now.
„I don’t know how I’m not gonna tear you apart. How many inches are these, 12? My drunk self is too ambitious.“
Maybe you shouldn’t have used that word and said ‚reckless‘ instead. Because ambition surely and habitually triggers a prancing and posing Shia LaBeouf shouting ‚do it!‘ in Yuzuru’s athlete brain. You can see it in his eyes and already regret thinking out loud.
„We can still try.“
„If that’s a good idea or not we will probably see,“ you begin to inspect the contents one by one up close. „I think I bought a weapon.“
„Now I know why they call guns a strap,“ Yuzuru equally peaks over the edge of the box, looking like his future just flashed before his eyes.
„Next time I pass the sake to your coaches or something,“ you end up pulling out the red harness kit that glaringly lays on top of the contents. All looking very adjustable indeed. „That’s what my midnight fantasy seems to look like.“
Yuzu snakes his hand into the box himself now. Pulling out a transparent, orange-pink 13 oz bottle with a bubbly-looking fluid inside. Gaudy stuff, but a generous amount.
„Mister Lube. My new best friend,“ he says, laying the bottle aside and then pulling off his black PJ shirt. Although he strips quite leisurely, you can tell that Yuzuru is a little tense in his torso. That you will attend to in a minute, you think. But beforehand, you let your eyes roam for something else.
„They probably have something to clean it with in there as well. Let me see.“
You find that even if you might have ordered all this pretty tipsy, the toy set does have its quality. Just before you want to ask Yuzuru to warm up, he visibly ponders, then cleans his pajamas off the bed to make space for a little area.
„If you don’t mind, I stretch my muscles,“ Yuzuru puts aside a couple of plushies, too, but keeps Pooh close, assuming his typical pre-training stances.
He knows himself. That’s good.
„Tell me if you need help for the thigh stretching.“
In the meantime, you ease into the red kit and arrange the box contents on the bed. There seem to be fifteen things going on at once. If this would be public in the slightest, you believe the two of you must look like a bunch of eccentrics to anybody who’d watch you.
Ten minutes later, Yuzuru might just be in Olympic shape, has downed almost half a liter of spring water in one go. You know that he could probably deliver a quintuple jump on the spot if he wanted. The strap-on is all assembled, clean, and you have stored away the practically empty box of sake sinnery.
„I’ll skate cross-eyed and cross-legged tomorrow,“ Yuzu stares right at your crotch, face buried in his palms. Only his eyes peek through the fingers. „Godspeed to my ass.“
You sure as hell won’t disagree. This strap is a threat.
„I don’t know why I had to order supersize out of all possible things. You need a prayer circle after this. Where’s Mister Lube?“
„Here, over here,“ Yuzuru passes over the bottle, shaking it.
„I’ll relax you as good as I can, okay. Before I get arrested for possession of weapons without a license.“
And annihilating Yuzu’s insides with that XXL dick that he sure as hell doesn’t just want halfway in. Lord have mercy. You can only shake your head at yourself for buying this.
„Honestly though. Does it really fit in?“
Yuzu leans his face toward your hip, now on all fours, taking the sight in. He still can’t believe his eyes.
„We’ll see. Let your body decide, not your pride okay,“ you poke the tip of the strap-on into his left cheek. Hoping that it takes away some of the tension, at least. „And you can still tap the mattress.“
„Okay. Tap the mattress.“
He nods quite avidly. Same protocol as always. No spoken safewords, only something that Yuzu can make use of with his reflexes. Speech? Nothing you can both count on as soon as horniness kicks in. 
You tried that for the first two weeks and quickly settled for tapping instead. Especially because Yuzu likes to have fingers in his mouth every so often.
„I mean. You just did like five splits, didn’t you. Warm-ups always help. If your ankle doesn’t fall off?“
That mini workout was more than just impressive, in fact. And still, you eye Yuzuru’s notoriously injured foot. The slim little fella has a long history of recovery behind him.
„The ankle is decent, the usual stuff.“
„I wish we had a smaller toy to start out with,“ you scratch your head. That might be the one thing that’s been missing from the box. „We still have Mister Lube, anyway. Watch this,“ you pick up the orange bottle, flipping the cap open. „It’s actually scented! Worth ruining the bed if you ask me.“
On goes the fluid, you rub it all across the length of the dildo. Must be cherry flavor or something. Yuzuru sure makes big eyes.
„I knew I could count on Mister Lube.“
„Yeah, we use lots. And I’ll be very gentle.“
The cherry scent is gladly much less tacky than the bottle itself, not too artificial-smelling either. You squeeze out a second load and distribute it over the strap-on just to be sure. Yuzuru’s breath goes faster.
„Can I ask something beforehand?“
„Go right ahead.“
„I wanna suck first if you…“
Who knew. The lube probably made his mouth water.
Being honest, you think that it might be a good idea to get this going. Better than blowing his pretty back out right away and making a mistake, even if he is much less tense now.
„I don’t mind, Yuzu. You already have some chapstick on, right? Here.“
You level your hips to line up with his mouth more easily. You can tell that Yuzuru, after some heavy blinking, eventually braces himself. There’s nothing more telling than his tunnel vision plastered all over his face. His eyes, lids heavy, are hypnotized and seem darker. Yuzu’s bedroom gaze is the best in the world.
„Okay, I’ll start.“
A first kittenish lick. A second. A third. Then, brave lips — enclosing the tip. He audibly nips and swallows.
A few more licks, and repeat. Mister Lube seems to taste pretty good. You bless the shady company that manufactures the black box of sin for once. 
You let Yuzu explore, pump his hand around the shaft, lick from all directions he fancies. Compared to his wrist, the dildo doesn’t really fall short in diameter, but with Yuzu’s face up close you are relieved it’s not a complete David versus Goliath match. 
Soon enough, he musters the courage to open his mouth a little wider, cramming a bit more in than just the tip. You can’t deny you’re getting turned on again with the way he slurps and hums around your dick. With the minutes, he becomes bolder, moving his head.
Even if the lube gathers at his chin and seeps down to the bed, he keeps on sucking, now with a first pearl of sweat lingering on his forehead already. You’d never think it’d make him break a sweat. To be fair, he just did fifty jumping jacks in the warm-up.
„Want me to move?“
Two nods. You glide in, let your hips do the work how they want to. You don’t trust your online shopping choices, but your tempo, at least. Yuzuru is making all choked up noises trying to gobble up all the girth he gets, his fingers entangled in your harness. It keeps him in a steady place.
You can work from that, angle a few superficial thrusts into his mouth to get the saliva flowing. The blotch on your bed is already pretty nasty. The slow pace is apt enough to fill Yuzu’s mouth with spit bubbles that begin to foam out bit by bit.
After two more minutes of light back and forth, Yuzuru pulls off to speak.
„Please do it stronger. I don’t mind being hoarse.“
Not a second later, all he does is slurp up a very dripping shaft again. With difficulty jamming it in past the first few inches, but determined, anyway. You didn’t expect anything else.
Yuzu’s lips and eyes are all glossy by now. The portion of lube-infused spit has accumulated at his jaw already, soon to travel down to his throat. 
Stronger, he says. Why not.
„Okay, get ready.“
An abrasive jab follows a shallow one. If it wasn’t for the lube, your dick would scrape right down his upper throat. But this way, the first dip goes in with sufficient slip and slide, not leaving Yuzu with too much dick in his neck for long. All your strap-on does is bounce right back.
What you do hear is Yuzu’s gag reflex… claiming its rights. Still understated, but nevertheless there. After three more thrusts, you decide to stay about halfway balls deep, watching Yuzuru squirm, even try to shove in about an inch more by pressing his head forward. His breath is clean and deep through his nose. You put a checkmark on the my-boyfriend-has-asthma list in your mind.
„You look good with a dick in your mouth.“
What is supposedly a ‚thanks‘ ends up as gargling and choking. Yuzuru starts getting wet eyes at this point. Even a little bow of his head is something that doesn’t slip past your attention. Mannered guy, isn’t he. 
That praise makes him do the horniest noises is also something that you make a memo of. Along with seeing how it’s rendering him all aroused. You’ve seen those neck veins and red chin spots come out plenty of times to know.
A couple more thrusts are not a bad option, you decide. Although it seems that Yuzuru had the idea to hollow out his cheeks that very moment. The vacuum first makes your cock plunge in a little too fast than intended, then naturally pulls Yuzu’s head forward once you move your hips back again. 
It’s why the second thrust catches him off guard, flattening his lips and making your dick slide into his throat with air going in. Yuzu ends up choking hopelessly. It doesn’t look like he’s retreating his head in the very least, however.
Instead, you feel his hands grab at your either hip to secure himself in place. A glance from above, slightly angled sideward, shows you just how hard and throbbing Yuzu’s own dick is, tipping against his stomach. 
Once again, you make an impressed-my-dear face that he doesn’t overlook. His cheeks go hollow again and he keeps up the indulgent speed. Increasingly getting rougher and more pain-craving. Messier. Desperate. 
Yuzu opens his mouth wider not to have his teeth get in the way. It’s serious business now. His throat makes the most disgusting, grunting noises. Oh. Shit. Yuzu’s greed and sloppy lips make your body burn up. Soreness is the very least he’s headed for.
„Wow, Yuzu. Wow.“
It’s not something you didn’t know already. This man is without a singular doubt a lunatic. You whisper more praises to him, your hands grabbing hold of his head to sustain the movement rhythmically. 
Yuzu’s gag reflex has proven to only rebel every other thrust so you can pound away, at that time already giving up even the mattress that must be sopping wet to its core with Yuzuru drooling all over it. Too late for a towel altogether but fuck it.
Yuzu takes the choking well. He’s leaking spit all over, surrenders to your hands. Even if he doesn’t manage to deepthroat the entire length of the dick, he manages an awful lot of inches. By now, he’s gotten the hang of not letting too much air in. All while relaxing his muscles. 
Beautiful hums, chokes, little whines. Too bad your phone isn’t close by. Recording this has to be your very next bucket list entry. You’re glad he asked about this.
You go on thrusting for a few more times until you feel your hips going tired. Once his nose starts getting all runny, you naturally slow down even more. Eventually, you help Yuzuru pull his head off. His lips are all puffy.
„B—woah,“ it’s all he can moan and splurt out, and you help him wipe the glob of saliva and snot from his chin with your sleeve. 
Your pajama shirt might be ruined, but not as much as Yuzu’s tonsils. Who knows just how many times you were deep and fast enough to make them throb from all that friction. Seven, eight times? His food for tomorrow can be a light soup at best. Not even you were as sore after riding and sucking every last drop out of his dick last Monday. 
You’re glad he has the rice cakes going through his system right now. Poor onlooker Winnie the Pooh is probably traumatized by now. There’s only so much crazy dicksucking a bear can handle watching. And still, he gazes at the two of you— in good spirits as ever, cheeks big and bright. In a way, he looks like Yuzu in this very moment.
„How you like it?,“ you softly caress his pinkish lips. „I need to know how many stars to leave on the website.“
It takes a few moments until he can form words again. His speech is fast. He’s still staring at the dildo.
„It was in so deep and, and on my tongue. The dick veins, I could feel them. They were like, like, it was massaging my lips. And I almost thought I could swallow it.“
You raise your brows. Lord knows how deep your cock was inside his brain, but he still picks these things up.
„Attention to detail. Nice.“
Maybe 4.5 stars are a fair deal. At least for throat fucking. The rest — remains to be seen.
„Did I do well?“
His eyes widen. The question is genuine. It’s not something you’d think he would ask. Whenever he trained, he would always rely on his own judgment.
„Ask yourself first, you were the one feeling it.“
That’s not the answer he expected, and he ends up getting red cheeks.
„I liked it,“ he stammers. „Was really hot.“
„It’s what I saw, too. Good job, babe.“
He’s blushing even more now.
„Ah— I think I tried my best.“
You smile and cup his slobbery face. So you’ve taken his throat virginity in the most spit-heavy way possible. He looks cuter than ever.
„Listen. You’re a champ. If I could, I would cum deep inside of you.“
„I think, that would be romantic,“ his wet lips break into an upbeat smile. Yuzu’s eyes get all crinkly.
„You bet.“
A big doting kiss for Yuzu’s forehead is the only thing your brain can conjure up at this point, so you briefly lean down to do it. Maybe Shia LaBeouf is not just exclusively at home in Yuzu’s imagination. 
What you have to admit is that Yuzu’s overflowing athlete’s spirit has easily taken over your hips. You didn’t think you could move properly for that long. Maybe you still have some energy reservoirs left.
„And, and now?“
„I can stuff you with more dick. Up to you. Mister Lube didn’t run out yet. And if Pooh still likes watching.“
By instinct, Yuzuru’s hands snake behind his back to grip his ass, stroking what he knows is your delightful next target. You can tell by his eyes that there are a thousand scenarios going through his head.
„Pooh likes this… very much. He’s never seen something like that before. I think he is curious.“
It doesn’t take a Sherlock’s mind for you to know that he means— himself.
„I mean. I was surprised. If that monster fits into your little throat,“ you add, „anything is possible.“
That’s the final straw.
„I’ll do it,“ he says, moments later on all fours, face lowered and then rested sidewards on the bed, spreading his ass cheeks. Decision making when it comes to strap stuff is Yuzu’s forte, you jot that down in your invisible sex life journal. Not one bit of hesitation. By the looks of it, a very twitching entrance is waiting for you.
Testing period is over.
„Alright. I got something to drive home.“
Now that you think of it. If his ass is already only half as naughty as his mouth, you’ll need the help of a higher power.
„Shit. I think, it relaxes.“
At the expense of your mattress and blanket getting even more greasy with lube, you ease in the tip after massaging it into his sphincter. Yuzu’s ass still has to deal with that new sensation given how his leg muscles are going all bonkers. But indeed he’s grown receptive.
„Comfy like that?“
„Attention, just a little tweak before I go on. Here.“
You softly press down on his spine with your palm entirely flat, and his back obliges immediately. His arch is leaving you breathless. 
Yuzu’s head and chest are snug and soft against the bed while his ass is far, far up. He smiles seeing you venerate his back, he didn’t miss your reaction in the least. No surprise a third of your cock gets sucked into his ass just moments later. It caught you off guard.
Judging by Yuzu’s little yelp and his eyes rolling back, the way you went right into him has found pleasure. The bedposts creak a little because Yuzuru’s legs are shivering. As is his voice.
„I love it, I lo-, please, my, my ass!“
„Can I move?“
„Yes, please!“
The arch did the trick. You love your boyfriend. What follows is a slowly plunging series of rewards, ten, eleven times, pulling at his gripping asshole until it surrenders into going loose. Yuzuru has almost accommodated a third of the length you’re engraving into his ass. You’ll definitely keep using that brand of lube.
„Here, babe. I got a present for your prostate.“
Yuzu is making your favorite lawless face when you hit the spot, controlling the base of the dildo with two your fingers going around it like a cock ring. He looks as if someone just handed him a trophy too big to carry. From his perineum, a thread of lube comes dripping down with a squelching noise. The poor sheets. It’s another virginity taken.
In the meantime, Yuzu grabs hold of the duvet with unsteady hands. His entire torso is nothing but a shaky mess. So erratic. And sweaty. And docile. And beautiful. You want to award him plenty, your little present from above, the jittery boy underneath you.
Pounding away and making him grit his teeth is worth heading for a mean cramp, you don’t care. Watching how your cock is plowing in and out of him at jerky angles with the absolute lewdest, bubbling noises recompensates for anything. 
Yuzu’s rolling eyes have become spaced out and teary, making him look like a crying saint about to enter the golden gates of heaven. Who knew angels had black hair.
With every stroke, his ass becomes every bit accepting to the point of almost glaring open to let you thrust in. Thank God. You compliment yourself on not falling short of the arguably lofty promise to relax him. Moaning Yuzu’s little ass is swallowing it all. 
By the time, his rectum is going hollow and sticky, welcoming every move of yours by giving you ample right of passage. During some thrusts, you don’t even see his sphincter hold on to the dildo at all. His ass is almost as dilated as his loose mouth itself. Your thrusts are working on their own again at this point. What instinct is propelling you, who knows. 
You love the sight and the happy squeals. You tease him with more speed. Not without effect, your hips lunge and aim deep all the more. You penetrate him far enough to start an excavation for ancient relics next Monday. With the tempo increasing, so does the chesty volume in his voice.
„It’s,“ he cries out, „in my belly! Ah! Ah, shit! Shit...“
You see Yuzu let go of the duvet with his left hand. It promptly darts way down to his abdomen where his fingers grope around.
„I can feel it,“ he whines, „It’s rubbing there, it’s a big bump!“
You sure won’t deprive your own hand from that sensation and reach right down, too. Which means leaning forward— and stuffing your strap even harder into his guts. Yuzu gasps out loud. Both your hands meet fondling about, cupping the sensitive area in search for the imprint of the dildo.
What Yuzu says is not understated. His slender little belly is all bulged out in the bottom quarter. Since he’s so thin, it’s almost scary how much your cock just dents him out and twists around.
„Jesus, Yuzu,“ you let your hand roam next to his, even lightly squeezing the area. It’s what really riles him.
What you thought was the maximum for him to take turns out to be nothing but a mere start. Yuzu is so obsessed to feel the bulge more that he starts bucking his ass onto your cock with the most unbridled voice cracks.
You can’t lie. His moans make your jaw drop. His usually so controlled body on the ice is now wrecking and writhing itself to get more dick. 
A thin line of sweat goes on a pilgrimage down his spine already. He impales himself more, gyrates his hips more, whines out more. You wonder how he keeps it together and doesn’t spritz all his cum over the bed and the floor tiles.
It’s the sheer force of will. Always hungry for the next level. You can’t help but admire how enduring he is. And that’s just the first time.
Yuzu’s feet have become agitated on the sheets, responding to every thrust by dangling and swishing around. Yesterday, his right ankle was all stiff and even a bit swollen. Now, it’s moving all over the place. Looks like doggy style is putting all the tension off the ligaments. It’s something else you take deliberate note of.
After five more thrusts and hearing his whimpers getting all drawn-out, eventually, you retreat for a break, letting your cock rest on his left ass cheek. Yuzu inhales, gathering himself. He looks at you with big, glazed bambi eyes. Maybe even a bit incredulous.
„Am I, am I gaping?“
You don’t have to check twice to know.
„All lose. If you knew how far I can see inside of you. Hole new world.“
He can’t hold eye contact now.
„Naughty, huh. But I like what I see.“
Goddamn great ass. You firmly smack Yuzu squarely across his right butt cheek. He twitches, clenches, bites his lips more. They tremble.
„Ah! You tease!“
„Want me to put it in again?“
Wild nodding. Looks like Yuzu’s usual voracity on the ice does an easy, albeit not entirely seamless transfer to bed, too. He still ogles what is about to stretch him out again with due respect. He still can’t fathom something this massive was inside of him, you can tell.
Once you start moving again, you notice his feet and thigh muscles violently jerking. His prostate has gotten all sensitive. Probably all spongy and large by now.
You decide to angle yourself differently and take a deep breath. Impossible to draw this out any longer. From the vicinity of Yuzu’s pillow, you grasp the Winnie Pooh plush toy and maneuver it into his awaiting embrace. He holds it tight in an instant.
With impatient hands, you fumble around the bed for the lube bottle until you find it next to his right foot. Two, three, four generous squeezes onto his asshole, not very accurate at all. Several fine, oily traces end up trickling down his inner thighs. You don’t even bother closing the bottle properly anymore. Too much adrenaline.
„Grab those sheets and Pooh, Yuzu, grab hard.“
„I got it!“
„Time I fuck you up. If you’re ready?“
„Yes, make me cum, make me cum! Please break my ass,“ he’s whimpering. So badly. „I want it! I want it all inside.“
Mister Lube has a last job to handle.
Yuzu has crammed three fingers into his mouth once you get a hold of his hair and deliver the last hard movements. He takes the blows all babbling and sucking himself off. How his ass is not completely falling apart by now is a miracle of nature. Or maybe, just the blessing of his daily training.
The room is heavy with the scent of sweat and cherries. He’s loosened his core so much that sliding in is not a question of you avoiding a cramp anymore, but technique. You feel focused to zero in and not miss the sweet, tender spot. It makes him mewl the first time you push your dick tip right into it. 
The second time, his eyes get big and fluttering.
„Please. Please, hurt me,“ he salivates, then eventually, grabs his plush harder. „Hurt me bad. I’m really begging you.“
Fast to oblige, you claw your hands around his waist and pull his body backwards. The ten nails digging into him are only the last needed set-up. The last jab comes in crisp, landing a severe and punctuated shock. Yuzu’s ass smacks up hard at your loins. The pain quickly snakes right up his spine and leaves his face contorted.
„Oh fuck…!“
Small, shaking Yuzu cums like fifty fireworks going off at once. Not even releasing his screams into the duvet really helps to mute out the heaviness of the first waves. You keep your cock right in place and let it buffer into his prostate at will. 
Yuzu’s legs kick and tangle under you like pasta in boiling water. He cries and groans and curses, and cries out even more. You can see his entire back muscles at work now, going like clockwork. His moans each sound so ecstatic, it registers as a different language to you. He spirals far into his orgasm, sobbing, and it looks beautiful.
„Amazing, Yuzu.“
His semen lands all over his sternum and the sheets, shooting out in several bursts, one more pumping than the other. It’s almost as if all that strawberry juice converted nicely into a blotchy, white fluid. 
His dick is still tensing up completely sensitive. Releasing cum, up until his legs stop going all over the place. Yuzu doesn’t let the sperm cool for twenty seconds that he already reaches down to pick it up, jerking his cock a last dozen times, only to bring to his mouth what his fingers collected. He sucks up all of it.
„Delicious, baby?“
„So nicely milked.“
His relished expression. You imagine that this must have been how the gods first tasted nectar.
While he licks away, Yuzu goes limp head to toe with you carefully pulling out your dick. Inch by inch. Not pulling. Only gliding.
Once you’ve removed the tip, he collapses into a sniffing, giggly puddle of serotonin. Crying, even when you lend him both your hands to lay his face into.
He’s so gorgeous. 
Breathing hard, sweaty, drooling and messed up. His body is so steamy and loose, splayed out all the way before you. His entrance has turned all pink so beautifully. Hot. As. Fuck.
Most psychologists would envy you for being able to gaze this far into Yuzuru Hanyu’s innermost clenching being. How his ass is going to close until tomorrow’s competition, you don’t know. 
Time to pray he won’t digest these savory cakes too fast. Then again, he didn’t eat properly at all. His body is probably soaking up all the fruit and rice in their entirety. 
You pat his lower back gently, making sure to lay him down into a sleeping position already. Pooh is right by his side. Yuzu’s legs are still so dangly.
He’s really let go completely. You’ve not fucked his ass, but his soul.
You want to thank him for trusting you so much. Beside the shady black box manufacturer. 
The bed is a glorious mess.
Removing the strap-on harness makes you feel just how loosened your own limbs have become, too. Come to think of it, this might be your new heavy-duty workout. None of your friends know you do this kind of cardio involving the best ass in the whole city as your personal trainer.
Yuzu’s butt has turned you into a drenched, wobbly homo sapiens that will probably look in the mirror by tomorrow and proclaim herself a bodybuilder from those sheer muscle burn gains. 
When the two of you show up at the rink tomorrow, you both need hunky guys carrying you in by the armpits or something. 
And the whole world will wonder how Yuzu’s wonky ankle magically recovered overnight but he can’t sit.
Changing the duvet at quarter past twelve with an unmovable Yuzu on top of it seems like a thing of the impossible. It’s soiled, it’s sweaty, it would probably make it to the first page if a reporter ever got hold of it. 
But you take it pragmatically and opt for sleeping on Yuzu’s cleaner side of the bed intertwined. It’s surprisingly dry there. Big laundry day tomorrow, anyway.
The only thing you manage to do is reach for the window to open and to grab a glass of water from the bedstand to share. He’s chugging the remaining half down in one go. His hands? Oh wonder.
More than steady.
He calmed completely. After he puts down the glass, you scoot closer to him.
„Your foot — better?“
„Oh? I didn’t even think about it.“
He wriggles his left leg back and forth underneath the blanket, then concludes with a surprised face:
„It’s turning pretty well? I think you hit a nerve. Maybe you should split me in half more often.“
He shrugs. Yuzu’s serious face while saying that so dryly makes you laugh.
„Looks like it,“ you draw out the open lube bottle from beside you, finally closing the lid. „Do you… need a towel?“
„I just need you. I have to be disgusting for once.“
„I’ll scrape that all off tomorrow before we leave. Hot shower, five tons of shampoo. I’ll be breaking out the stuff you clean your skates with if I have to.“
That makes Yuzu chuckle. In fact, he beams a little.
„Sounds like something to look forward to.“
„I hope you can walk, anyway. Is it painful?“
Your biggest sorrow at this point. Taking his mind off was easy, but now he’s got boneless legs. Your conscience nags you for dicking him down out of all possible things.
„You have your weapon license now. I gotta admit… the last one…“
…was ass destruction 3.0, you complete his sentence in your mind. It’s nothing a normal human being could have stomached. „I’ll manage, though. I still feel my legs.“
„God, how does he do it.“
A smug „He’s Yuzuru Hanyu, that’s how, aw yeah!“  is what you imagine God’s answer to sound like. But instead, all you get is a little smile. Very well, from the little God in your bed.
„Pooh did this. When I squeezed him, I knew I could take it.“
He reaches to the middle of the bed. Five consecutive head pats for the bear plushie and Yuzu looks content already.
„Winning medals with just one working ankle is the same as doing it with a demolished ass to you, huh.“
„It’s not demolished, it’s improved and overhauled,“ he smiles. „Never felt any better. It was really good how you did this.“
It’s his strangest sport philosophy yet. But if you know one thing, it’s that Yuzu’s bizarre body hacks have gotten him the podium every time. You can already see him asking for another strap round before your mind’s eye. Before the next competition, at least.
„You honestly blow my mind.“
„And your dick, tomorrow night,“ goes Yuzu’s cheeky winner grin. There it is. Insatiable how you love it. You already feel the need to google ‚hip thrust strengthening exercises’. 
Maybe, if science advances to that point one day, you honestly clone yourself so double your capacity. And so that you can spitroast him. Maybe you order another dildo from the website and pin it to the wall, anyways.
„Must be Mister Lube who did all of this.“
„I want to buy more of it tomorrow. Any other groceries we need, anyway? I’ll be cleaning the floor, too. I hope I’m not too worn-out after skating.“
„We’ll do one thing after the other, alright. There are still rice cakes left for breakfast, those will get you through the day.“
You’ve seen how much of an energy burst the cakes gave him. 
„I really like those,“ he mumbles, then nuzzles into the pillow, sucking in your hair’s scent. Oh, it’s the moment you waited for. „Snickers diva… happy.“
A very cheery, puffy face slowly comes to rest beside you now, hair going in all directions. Infallible and ever-returning: Professor Yuzu’s explosive hairdo. Pooh is all clingy at his chest. A little worn from all the squeezing, but still with an amicable chuckle. You smile from ear to ear. It’s the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen.
You kiss Yuzuru’s little nose and lips until he’s making sleepy sounds. Either this is a late-night mirage created by your very moan-tested ears, or he is actually purring. You make sure the Pooh plush resting at his chest faces him correctly, then clear away the remaining strawberries, shut the window, arrange the blanket, put on your pajamas properly.
The humidifier whirrs in the background while tiger baby does one last big yawn before drifting off. In a matter of two minutes, maybe even less than that. 
Just as you reach toward the bedstand to switch off the light, Yuzu’s hand curls into your shirt from behind. You turn, he is all dozed off. Not one leg fidgeting. However, talking in his sleep with his hand nestled into your PJs.
„Big hug please, Pooh mama.“
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© 2017-2020 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. do not repost.  for entertainment purposes only. all portrayals fictive.
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ohayohimawari · 3 years
And it was Love at First Brawl
A drabble written for Day 7 of @kakaobiweek Violet | Music | Fantasy
This is another humorous piece appropriate for teen-and-up readers and set in a modern AU.
This drabble is heavily inspired by my good friend @azuzeldraws incredible art series, Metal Konoha, and I dedicate this chapter to her. Thank you, Zu, for letting us use your amazing work to promote this event!
And it was Love at First Brawl
It was one of those Friday nights when Kakashi left the restaurant with a stomach full of his favorite supper and an empty soul after dining alone.
Though the day neared its end, Konoha’s club district was just beginning to wake. The streets were full of jaywalkers, inexperienced parallel-parkers, and the night owl versions of early birds lined up in boisterous queues waiting for the bars to open.
Kakashi felt entirely out of place and maybe almost too old for this scene while he dutifully waited at the corner for the pedestrian crossing light to signal his turn. He stepped into the crosswalk once it was safe, and he saw a man on the opposite side, jogging towards the intersection to cross before the light changed.
Kakashi stopped in his tracks in the middle of the street, entirely entranced.
He watched the individual blades of the other man’s black, unruly hair as they bounced with each step. He wore a t-shirt that fitted him like he was born to wear it and a healthy glow on every inch of exposed skin. His sparkling eyes met Kakashi’s as he trotted past him on the street and offered a greeting through a roguish grin. “Hey.”
And that was all it took.
Being a classic lit teacher, he had a multitude of words at his disposal. That man was vivacity personified, and Kakashi turned on his heel, following him with his eyes. The dark-haired man ran right up to the door of the seediest bar on the street and gleefully skipped up the stairs. He exchanged laughter and a handshake with the bouncer and disappeared inside.
The pedestrian light flashed red, alerting Kakashi that he still stood in the middle of the street. His feet moved of their own accord, and a moment later, his brain agreed with their plan. He retraced his steps, abandoning his intention to go home, knowing he would abandon much more than that for a chance to meet the stranger that charmed him.
As driven as he was, Kakashi hesitated for a moment outside of the club, assessing it. The sidewalk in front of it was littered with empty bottles and cigarette butts, and two people appeared to be doing something he didn’t want to interrupt in the shadows of the alley next to it. Then, he assessed himself.
He was dressed more casually than usual, out for a date with nobody but him, wearing a t-shirt that featured a band called ROOT. He had no idea who they were, or why they used all capital letters, but his students chose it from the trendy store Boiling Subject as a gift for him, and it was comfortable after wearing a tie all day. Deciding that his attire was appropriate for the venue, Kakashi walked up the stairs that led to the door, where he was stopped by the same menacing bouncer that laughed only moments before.
“You sure you wanna do this?” The man growled through scarred lips.
“Pretty sure,” Kakashi replied, though his confidence wavered.
“We don’t want any trouble.” The man’s muscles bulged in a show of strength as he folded his arms across his chest.
“I don’t want to bring any,” Kakashi replied, honestly.
“Let him in, Ibiki.” A pony-tailed bartender wearing a high-cut shirt that showed more cleavage than fabric chastised the bouncer.
“Whatever you say, Anko,” Ibiki moved aside to allow Kakashi into the bar.
As foreboding as the exchange was, it caught the attention of the handsome dark-haired stranger who stood at the bar. Bolstered, Kakashi stood in the space next to him.
“What can I getcha, hon?” Anko tossed a stained cardboard coaster onto the bar in front of him.
“A beer,” Kakashi ordered as if he’d never been to a pub before, too nervous to recall his favorite drink.
Anko retrieved a bottle from the cooler behind her while Kakashi withdrew a few bills from his wallet. Then, he wrapped his hand around the bottle of Lone Ninja Star she offered after opening it with her teeth.
Kakashi ignored how unhygienic it was to take a sip from the bottle as he did it, glancing around the bar, looking everywhere but at the man that led him there. It was half-full of patrons in various stages of sobriety and had a stage all set up and waiting for a band to perform. When he finished noting where all the emergency exits were, the most incredible thing happened.
“Cheers,” Mr. Vivacity said, bringing their beer bottles together in a toast.
“Cheers,” Kakashi replied, then pulled a long swig from the bottle, savoring the moment that the man of his dreams had spoken first.
“So, uh,” the dark-haired man glanced down at Kakashi’s shirt, and a chuckle bubbled out of him, “you like this band too?” He tilted his head in the direction of the stage.
“Um, yeah," Kakashi stammered, "I mean, yes. Yes, I do."
"Cool," Mr. Vivacity replied with a smile that made Kakashi's knees buckle. "Which of their CDs is your favorite?"
Kakashi's quick mind kicked into gear on the spot. If the band had multiple releases, then the safest answer would be, "I think their first one."
"Really?" The dark-haired man appeared pleasantly surprised. "So, you're an old-school fan, huh?"
“Yep, I guess I am,” Kakashi laughed a little awkwardly and brought his beer back to his lips.
“I think my favorite track on that one is, Kill Me With Your Kekkei Genkai,” Mr. Vivacity nodded, thinking aloud, and Kakashi felt his eyes bulge, worried that he might not be able to keep up the facade. But then he was spared when the other man suddenly changed the subject. “By the way, my name is—”
“Crybaby Tobi, you finally made it!” A man with slicked blonde hair and wearing a shirt with religious cult symbols literally crashed into their conversation, spilling his beer on Kakashi’s shirt.
The unwelcome interruption glanced at him. “My bad,” he drawled unapologetically, looking down at the soiled shirt. Then, his eyes shot up to meet Kakashi’s.
“WHOA! You’ve got balls, man!”
“Thank you,” Kakashi decided to take it as a compliment, turning towards the bar to grab a few napkins. He blotted at his shirt when Anko shouted to him that there was a hot air dryer in the men’s room, and, as much as Kakashi didn’t want to walk away from Mr. Crybaby before he could learn his real name, he didn’t want to stand there like an idiot in a wet ROOT t-shirt.
By the time he exited the bathroom, a makeshift merchandise table had appeared near it, so he bee-lined to it to learn more about the band to contribute to a conversation about them. At least, now he knew the band’s name was ANBU, and he wondered what was up with bands using all capital letters.
He had barely begun to browse the tracklist on the back of one of the CDs when the purple-haired, facial-pierced woman at the table asked, “You gonna buy that?”
Something about her tone made Kakashi feel obligated to pull out his wallet, and he handed over a twenty-dollar bill.
“I don’t have change for that,” she deadpanned, bored, and sarcastic.
Suddenly, the bar erupted with shouting, so Kakashi quickly grabbed a second CD to even out the exchange and hurried back to the bar and Mr. Vivacity, or Crybaby, or whoever he was.
Then, his heart sank when he saw that the other man wasn’t there anymore.
Kakashi stood in front of the stage feeling like the biggest fish out of water when the club’s sound system screamed into life with the ear-splitting sound of feedback through the amps. Kakashi covered his ears and spun around in time to catch the band taking their positions onstage.
The singer set down a six-pack next to his mic and yanked one can of beer free from it. He held it sideways in his hand, pulled out a kunai, and stabbed it in the middle before bringing the punctured hole to his mouth.
“Tenzō! Tenzō! Tenzō!” The crowd chanted while he shotgunned the beer and cheered when he crushed the empty can against his head. He grabbed the microphone in front of him when his large, almond eyes made bigger by copious amounts of black eyeliner landed on Kakashi.
“What the fu —” He roared, launching himself off the stage, tackling Kakashi to the ground.
Even though he was a classic lit teacher, Kakashi held his own for a long time in a fight against a bar full of punks until he took one bottle to the head too many and woke up in the alley next to the bar.
“Hey,” Kakashi winced as he turned his head to see who spoke to him, already recognizing that voice and feeling a little happier than concussed. “You okay?”
“I think so,” Kakashi muttered, “thanks, Mr. Crybaby.”
“It’s Obito,” the other man laughed, “and you’re welcome, Mr. Metalhead.”
“I didn’t fool you for a second, did I?” Kakashi licked at his fattened, split bottom lip, hoping he looked like he deserved sympathy. “I’m Kakashi, by the way.”
Obito snickered and pressed a bag of ice against Kakashi’s head. “I figured you didn’t quite know what you walked into, wearing a ROOT t-shirt to an ANBU gig.”
“What was that all about?”
“Tenzō used to be the drummer for that band, but he had a big blow-up with their manager, Danzō, so he quit and formed his own band. There’s a lot of bad blood there.”
Kakashi looked down, embarrassed, not knowing what to say and feeling like a total idiot.
“Why did you come to the bar?” Obito asked quietly.
Kakashi sighed through his nose. If he learned anything that night, it was that honesty probably came with less violence. “You.”
“Me?” Obito asked, even more timidly.
“Yeah,” Kakashi glanced up at him. “You passed me on the street, and, I… I just had to meet you,” he felt a little like a weirdo admitting it out loud, but he was past the point of stopping now. “I dunno, I, I just had a feeling, and I didn’t want to let you slip away.”
“Me too,” Obito confided, lowering the bag of ice, and Kakashi peered at him through the eye that wasn’t swollen shut. “I was just about to run back out when you showed up at the door. I uh, I’m the sound guy here,” he tilted his head towards the bar, “and I was running late; otherwise, I would’ve stopped right there in the crosswalk. But when I saw the band was running late, I was about to go after you,” he ended with a shy smirk.
“You’re the sound guy?” Kakashi’s brain was turning to mush and it had nothing to do with how many blows he took to the face.
“Yeah, I, uh,” Obito brought the ice back up to Kakashi’s head, “I messed with their levels hoping the feedback would distract Tenzō long enough for you to get out of his line of sight, but,” he grimaced.
“You wanna go for a drink with me?” Kakashi mumbled, knowing he couldn’t embarrass himself anymore that night.
Obito chuckled at him and held up his hand. “How many fingers do you see?”
Kakashi focused on the fingers in front of his face. “Three?”
Obito laughed louder and stood up, “Wrong.” He helped Kakashi to his feet, “Looks like Konoha ER is our first date.”
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Heart of Novocaine Ch4|| Jax Teller x Sansa Stark (SoA/GoT)
Sons of Anarchy x Game of Thrones AU (show divergent)
Warnings: finally, SMUT   🔥 🔥 🔥
Summary: After loosing her mother and elder brother in an accident, Sansa takes her younger siblings and moves in with Jon, who lives in Charming, to start anew, amidst from and the suffering and heartache from the past. But can she adapt to Jon’s dangerous lifestyle? And what if her “past” comes looking for her? And for how long will she be able to abstain herself from the alluring advances of Jax?
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Chapter One || Chapter Two || Chapter Three
Chapter 4 - Do I Wanna Know?
Margeary and Loras made their arrival in style, walking out of the cab right outside the Teller-Morrow Autoshop. By the time Sansa managed to get her purse and walk out the shop, most of the club’s eyes were already set on the pair, with a few suggestive comments being made out loud. Of course Margeary didn’t let that moment go to waste, and waved back at the boys, sporting her most devilicious grin.
Sansa took them to Jon’s place, where later at night they had a family dinner, just the Starks and the Tyrells. Since Margeary wanted a night out, Jon suggested the club, something Sansa would’ve been against if Margeary hadn’t been so excited by the suggestion. Arya was going with them, and the club ambience was something Sansa didn’t want her 19-year-old sister to be thrown into.
Yet, she relented, even when she wondered if she would be able to keep everyone on their best behaviour until the night’s end. She doubted it, though.
Sansa sighed impatiently, tapping her hand on her knee with vigour and rhythm, as she waited for Margeary to choose something to hear, pulling one dress in front of her, then the other, undecided. She was only in her underwear, having already tried both dresses. Twice.
“The red one, makes your ass look bigger” Sansa pointed, and her friend winked at her
“This is why I love you, babe, you’re always looking after my assets”
Sansa chuckled. She missed Margeary wholeheartedly, she truly did. Margie cared for her so much that Sansa always felt herself falling short to reciprocate that amount of devotion.
“Humm, you’re not thinking of wearing that out, are you?” Margaery made a disgusted face towards her, obviously directed to her loose dark-green dress
“I like this dress”
“I like it too, for church”
Sansa rolled her eyes, but Margeary couldn’t tell because she had already turned her back to her friend and was scavenging through her giant suitcase, throwing pieces all over the bedroom floor “Ah! this one will do”
“Margie, are you serious right now?” Sansa grabbed the dress in front of her, in disbelieve. The dress, black and skin tight, might have looked classy on her friend, but in her taller, curvier frame it would be too much revealing “I’ll look just like those trashy women that hang around in the club”
“I doubt any of them can pull this look off. With those black heeled boots and the right makeup, every boy in that bar will be on the palm of your hand... Even the Prince”
The Prince. Since her arrival, Margeary had made it very clear that she wanted to spend time with the bikers and, at first, Sansa thought her friend wanted only to satisfy her bikers fetish, but as her questions at the dinner began to sound more inclined to a certain VP, Sansa came to the horrifying realization that she was, in fact, playing the sweet Cinderella’s Godmother on her.
Sansa felt her cheeks warming up, as she pulled her dress of and put the new one, squirming inside of it, adjusting it in place “Jax’s not interested in me that way”
Did she sound disappointed? Oh Gods, did Margie noticed it?
Of course she did, she was smiling softly at her “He’d be an idiot, not liking you” Margeary spoke, as she brushed Sansa’s hair with her fingers “you’re the most beautiful woman Charming has ever seen. Well, right after yours truly” that last part was said with a grin, one that Sansa returned.
It was a quiet night at the Sons’ clubhouse, Jax noticed, as he grabbed a couple beers and throttled back to the table where his brothers were. A quiet night wasn’t that bad though, considering that Jon was bringing his sisters and their friends in. He looked around, taking in the faces of the crowd. A few regulars, and a couple croweaters. Even some of the Sons were missing, something he was actually thankful. He walked by Chibs, who was playing pool against Tig, and slapped him on his shoulder, making him loose his stance and fail the shot.
“Oi, you bloody bastard!” Chibs yelled, while trying to hit him with the cue, but Jax dodged it easily. He sat by Juice’s, handling him the beer, but the boy seemed to be focusing elsewhere
“Hey, asshole, here’s your bee- Jesus” was all Jax managed to say, as his eyes followed Juice’s target, landing on the sweetest vision he had all day. Sansa in high heels and a short black dress, showing off those long, beautiful legs of hers. Sansa in a leather jacket and heavy makeup, making her look older, and edgier.
Proper Sons’ old lady material, if Jax was allowed to dream of it.
“Yo, Jon, over here”
It was Juice’s voice that snapped him out of his trance, and he straightened himself on the chair as the group came over.
They all sat down around the table and Sansa introduced them around. The girl, Margeary, was stunning, Jax acknowledged, all sweet smiles and suggestive eyes, the kind of girl that would always stand out in a crowd. Her brother Loras was what Jax assumed to be the common boy in Sansa’s life. Rich, pretty boy, but too scrawny to hold his own. He doubted the boy had ever thrown a punch in his life.
Jax tried to keep himself focused on the conversation that flowed on the table, replying when the questions were directed at him, always on his best behavior, but the truth was he couldn’t help to let his mind - and eyes - wonder off to the pretty red-haired goddess in front of him, and the things he was so desperately willing to do to her... that was until he noticed Margeary staring at him, her perfectly sculptured brow raised with curiosity, her mouth closed in a thin line.
If she spoke up, he was fucked.
“You know what” she started, shifting her eyes towards Jon “I really would like to play a game of pool right now” she got up, and the rest of the group quickly followed her, surrounding the pool table, where Chibs and Tag had just finished their game.
Jax felt himself breathe out, relieved. She caught him red-handed, practically drooling over Sansa, but she didn’t said a word. He needed to be more careful, specially around Jon.
So, out of respect for his brother, he wouldn’t cross that line. Sansa was off-limits.
The night went on, as they played a few games, and had too many drinks.
Sansa passed her cue to Jon, excusing herself to the bathroom.
“What you’re waiting for?” Margeary asked, standing by his side, crossing her arms in front of her chest, watching the game in front of them. No one seemed to be paying them any attention, so she turned her head towards him, speaking in a low tone “Go get your girl”
Jax took a last sip from his beer, setting the empty bottle on a table as he made his way to the bathroom.
Jax entered quickly and closed the door behind him, his eyes never leaving Sansa. She was leaning over the bathroom sink, tracing the corners of her lips with her index finger, brushing away the smudges of her lipstick. The loud music from the bar was barely a whisper against the drumming of his heart, wildly beating against his chest. Jax walked slowly towards Sansa, stopping right behind her. She was facing the mirror, but her eyes were set on his reflexion. On what he was doing.
He held up his hand, brushing against her skin on its way up. Hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, neck. There he could feel her heartbeat pulsating wildly against the tip of his fingers, and he found himself gasp in anticipation.
“I know I shouldn’t be here...” he tried to sound steady, but his voice was cracking with his every breath “I tried to keep my distance...” he continued, his eyes focusing on his hand, and the way it trailed down to her thigh “But I need to know...”
He stopped, and she turned around. Her hands were on his chest, and his on her hips. Her cheeks were flushed red, and her lips were parted, inviting “What, Jax?” she let out, barely a whisper, and it was his ruin.
He held her face in his hands and leaned in for a kiss. It wasn’t a soft one, as he had anticipated. The kiss was wildfire, burning through with every brush of the lips.
Sansa wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, pulling him closer against her body, and Jax instinctively pushed her against the wall behind them. Maybe he had used too much force, since she pushed him away lightly, breaking the kiss, as both gasped for air.
Jax leaned his forehead against Sansa’s and closed his eyes, trying to steady his raging pulse. He had wanted to kiss her for so long, he was afraid that he might not be able to stop now. He didn’t know where it was heading, but he knew exactly where he wanted it to lead.
“What was it, Jax?” he heard her say, and he opened his eyes.
She was staring up at him, eyes round and dark, lush lips luring him to devour them.
“I need to know how you taste, darlin'”
And this time she was the one who jumped into the kiss, capturing his lips with hers, tugging roughly the hair at the back of his head in one hand, while the other explored the skin under his shirt. He couldn’t say he hated it, any of it. On the contrary, the way she nipped on his bottom lip, the way she laced her tongue in his, every little brush with her nails on his skin, every little moan that erupted from her, was only driving him closer and closer to the edge.
He didn’t even noticed that her hands had moved from his head and ribs, down to his belt, until he felt the pull and the unbuckling.
“Are you sure about this?” Jax asked, stupidly, by the looks she was giving him, with her quirked brow and sly smile
“You said you wanted a taste. Then have it”
Jesus. This woman would be his undoing.
Deciding not to waste anymore time, he went back into devouring her mouth with his, as he helped her out of her panties. Then he grabbed hold of her thighs and lifted her up, using the wall for support, while leaving a trace of wet kisses from her mouth, to her jaw, and down her neck, stopping at her collar bone.
“Jax...” Sansa whined, but her voice turned into a whimper as he pushed inside her, slowly, filling  completely her slick and tight core.
Everything about Sansa was euphoric. The smell of her perfume, the sweet and savory taste of her skin, the moans that erupted from her lips, a siren call pleading for him. She was his aphrodisiac, and soon the slow and smooth rhythm he’d started with had sped up, hips grinding as he thrusted in and out of her.
The sound of her moans lost intensity as her walls started to clench around him, and he pummeled harder to help her reach her climax before he lost himself to his. It didn’t took her long, and she dig her nails on the back of his neck as she came, hard and divine, throbbing around him, riding him capriciously.
But it was her dazed eyes watching him and parted lips whimpering sweetly as she came down from her high that drove him over the edge. Jax felt so inebriated by her touch that he had to hide his face on the crook of her neck as he thrusted clumsy this time, growling low as he filled her up with his hot release.
They stood still for a while, both trying to steady their breaths, and Jax raised his head, watching Sansa as she placed her hand on the back of his neck and pushed him closer, a playful smile gracing her lips.
“Did you satisfied your cravings, Boss?”
Jax placed his palm on her cheek, brushing lightly brushing it with his thumb “After tonight, Red, I doubt I’ll ever have enough of you”
Sansa pulled him into a tender kiss, both reveling on the aftermath of their savoring, knowing deep inside their lives would never be the same, now that they both got a taste of each other.
A.N.//- Yay, I’m back!!! And writing smutg, nonetheless! I hope you’d enjoyed this chapter, I’ve never written smut before, and I haven’t written nothing for at least six months, so I’m pretty eager to know what you think of this one. 
Sorry for any mispellings, english is not my native language, and I don’t have a beta-reader. Feedback = Love!
Taglist is OPEN: @lokilvrr @mrsjaxtellerfan @purple-moon123 @cheryl-odair-stark @wanderinglunarnights @madamebaggio @just-get-though-it
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seokiloquy · 4 years
Stick Figures - Kozume Kenma
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AU: Writing soulmate (kind of….) (it’s more like drawing….)  Whatever is drawn or written on your body appears on your soulmate's
Word Count: 1.6K +
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Kenma tended to wear long sleeves. Most people questioned him about it, why would he wear long sleeves when his soulmate wouldn’t be able to see the drawings or writings on his skin? Almost everyone around him, or people he saw walking on the street, wore short sleeves in hope to catch a glimpse of an arm or hand with ink that would match theirs.  
At 16, the inked drawings would start appearing on your soulmate’s skin. If you had one, then the first thing that you drew would glow a light gold against the skin. If you didn’t have one, then it would turn red, but that was rare. It only happened if your soulmate had already died or if there were other individual circumstances. 
He only answered when his mom asked. 
“I only want them to see what I draw. I think that I will just know when I see them regardless of the drawings on their arms.” 
He would meet them when the time was right. He didn’t need to rush things and he didn’t mind waiting. 
Kenma was only nervous the first few weeks of his soulmate-ness. He would draw almost anything that he saw, books sitting on his desk, trees through the window of his classroom, everything and get nothing in return. That was the only time he really worried about it. 
He kept drawing, until one day a small happy face appeared on the corner of his wrist. His soulmate was seeing his drawings and that was the only thing that mattered. However, they wouldn’t draw much or often. Sometimes broken words or sentences would stay on his skin, but he couldn’t make out the messages the person was trying to say. 
The process was odd and convoluted. Most drawings appear on your soulmate's skin unless it was faces or something to give your location. Some words would go through, again nothing that could give yourself away. Sentences would get broken and mixed and only words of emotion would break through to the other side. 
Kenma would get messages like: sun — blossom— every — sad— place. 
He guessed the universe wanted everyone to struggle a bit before they found their soulmate. 
He could tell that his soulmate was more of a writer than a drawer. However, that only made the times when his soulmate drew something more special. He would wake up to stick figures with empty speech bubbles and half drawn butterflies on his arm. Those were the days where he started the day off with a smile. 
He took pictures of all of them, everything drawn onto his skin. 
The biggest surprise was when he woke up with a beautiful drawing on his left arm. Fully bloomed cherry blossoms wrapped around his forearm, drawn with sketchy lines, almost covering it up entirely with it. It started small at the wrist with the first flower and then the blossoms progressive got bigger as it curved down to his elbow. A branch held them all together and spiralled up to his shoulder, fading out just past it. 
He stared at it intently, it almost looked like a professional tattoo, but it couldn’t have been one. Drawings would only show up if they were hand drawn by someone. 
His mom knocked on his door. “You’re going to be late for school.” 
She looked down at his arm and walked closer towards him. “Yours?” 
Kenma shook his head. “No.” 
His mom took his arm carefully and turned it around. “It looks kind of familiar? Doesn’t it?�� 
He could see his mom’s permanent mark below her wrist. It was small and he could never make out what it was supposed to be. Another side effect to soulmates, when you finally meet them, whatever was drawn or written on your arm would stay there. 
“Not really,” he said, looking at it more closely himself. “I see cherry blossoms every day when I walk to school. It could be those or they could have been copied from a picture.” 
“You know people draw really amazing things like this so that it could stand out.” His mom said, dropping his arm. “Maybe you should wear short sleeves today.” 
“I like wearing long sleeves.” 
His mom sighed. “Kenma, have you ever thought that your soulmate might want to find out who you are?” 
He shrugged and then heard the door close behind him. 
It would be a waste to wear short sleeves. He was only going to school and no one at school was his soulmate. The first week that he discovered that he had one, he purposely drew big things on his arms and tried to see if anyone would notice and come up to him, but no one did. Since then, he stopped looking at school. 
He ran his thumb over his forearm and smiled. Grabbing his phone, he took a quick photo of it before it washed off naturally. 
Somewhere out there was his soulmate. 
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Sometimes Kenma despised Kuroo. In the middle of his video game, Kuroo barged into his room and dragged him outside. He was meeting his own soulmate at an art gallery that was showing work of local artists, including his soulmate and Kuroo wanted to go and support them. 
“I’ll buy you lunch and pay for the ticket! Come on.” Kuroo said, pulling on Kenma’s shirt, tugging it where the drawing was. “I don’t wanna go alone!” 
Kenma pulled away and glared. “Fine. Just don’t ditch me when we get there.” 
Kuroo nodded and smirked. “Promise.” 
Kuroo did not keep his promise. He left as soon as he spotted his soulmate. Kenma decided to not waste the ticket that Kuroo brought him, so he walked around the gallery. Not to mention that Kuroo offered him lunch and he wasn’t going to pass that up. 
He enjoyed looking at art even if some of the pieces were questionable. He took his time looking around. Maybe he could take some inspiration from some of the pieces to hint that he was at an art gallery to his soulmate. Most of his attention was on the paintings that had more detail and definition until he moved to a more quiet section of the local artwork and stumbled upon drawings. 
They weren’t the original drawings. They were photos of the artwork printed on large pieces of paper and put into frames to be hung on the wall. There were fewer people here and he could hear Kuroo a little bit away. 
Some of the drawings were better than the art pieces outside in the main gallery. He could tell that the drawings had a lot of care and thought put into them with every line, stroke and shading meticulously chosen. 
“They are really good right?” 
Kenma turned around. A person was standing behind him, their hands behind their back and was looking at the drawings behind him. 
“Yes. I’m surprised that they aren’t closer to the main gallery.” 
They smiled. “I know! If I didn’t know where I was going I probably wouldn’t have seen anything else. They are really amazing.” 
Kenma smiled. “I was trying to find my friend. I’m kind of glad I didn’t find him yet though.” 
The person took a step closer. “I’m (Y/N). Is your friend a part of the galley?” 
Kenma nodded. “I’m Kenma and no, he isn’t, but his soulmate is. Are you part of the gallery?” 
(Y/N) laughed and shook their head. “God no. I can’t draw to save my life. My brother has his corner over there. I’m here as a supporter.”
They pointed behind them. Their left sleeve curled into their arm showing a small part of their wrist. 
Kenma blinked. “What’s on your arm?” 
(Y/N) raised their eyebrows, but rolled up their sleeve anyway. Inch by inch, the drawing that Kenma had stared at on his own arm relieved itself on (Y/N)’s. They smiled and started talking again even though Kenma could barely do anything but look at their arm. “My brother usually does more tattoos and he wanted to try something on a real person that wasn’t himself.” 
After a moment of silence, (Y/N) chuckled nervously. “ Kenma? Are you okay?” 
He looked up and rolled up his own sleeve. (Y/N)’s eyes widened as their arm dropped to the side, staring at Kenma’s arm that displayed their brother’s drawing. He held back a small laugh forming in his chest, did he look like this in those moments of silence? 
“We didn’t know whether or not it would show up on my soul —on your arm,” (Y/N) whispered, still in awe. They threw up a hand to cover their eyes, a smile spreading across their lips. “Holy shit, you suffered through my stick fingers while you drew me amazing trees and flowers.” 
Kenma smiled and walked up to (Y/N). He pulled their hand away and gently held the arm that canvased the drawing. He took out his own arm again and held them together, they glowed a faint gold, marking its permanence. 
“I really liked your stick drawings,” Kenma said softly. 
“Yes,” he said. 
His hand slowly fell into (Y/N)’s hand and held it tightly. “I would love anything you drew.”
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Hello!! This is the first time in a bit at I 1) finished the one shot on time and 2) wrote something fluffy. I feel like I lost my touch with fluffiness though...As you could see if you're an advised reader/follower of this one shot book that I usually write more seriously? Sad? Ansty? Stuff So it’s kind of weird to not write those things….
Hopefully it’s okay? Maybe I’ll try writing more fluffy stuff to keep the skill! 
Also, this isn’t Ready. Aim. Fire? Part 3.. That’s going to be the week after next!!! 
Thank you for reading! - Kiwi
Posted: 11/07/2020
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z-iridest · 4 years
(And now, some Kaminari Soulmate AU Fluff XD... I started this during a Deku Sprint @bnhabookclub )
Why Did It Have to Be Me?: A Denki Kaminari x Female Shy! Reader (Soulmate AU)
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Warning: Cursing
(Based off the song of the same name, please listen to it while reading this! :3 )
"Come on, guys, get a move on!" Mina shouted over her shoulder, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero all attempting to drag a cursing Bakugou toward a karaoke bar.
"GET THE FUCK OFF ME, NERDS! I'M NOT SINGING!" Bakugou yelled as he attempted to dig his heels into the ground to prevent them from dragging him in. Out of all the stupid ass things they force him to do, why did it have to be a karaoke bar?
"No one's gonna force you to sing, man." Kirishima told him. "We're just gonna have some fun. Besides, you've been really stressed out lately, and Kaminari needs a night out with the gang to forget..."
"All right, all right, no need to bring it up again!" Kaminari interjected before Kirishima could finish. Kaminari had gone through a God awful break up about 6 months before. Despite the fact that his most recent ex had been horrible to him, Kaminari couldn't forget her. Hell, he wouldn't even flirt with any other girl.... The only good thing about the relationship ending? His Soulmate Timer tattoo finally popped up with exactly six months to go, the timer now reading 6 minutes, 29 seconds and counting. He felt a hand on his shoulder, bringing him back out of his thoughts. Turning his head, he saw Jirou.
"No worries, Kaminari, we're gonna have so much fun tonight, you won't have time to think about it." Jirou told him. Kaminari gave a half smile while Mina and the others dragged Bakugou inside, Kaminari entering behind them. Just as Bakugou was about to jump out of his seat to leave, Kirishima put his favorite soda in front of him. Bakugou automatically sat back down, though he had a pout on his face.
"Fine, but if we stay here longer than 30 minutes, I'm out of here." He grumbled. The entire BakuSquad got up on stage, except for Bakugou, and sang until their stomachs hurt from laughing so hard. While Kirishima, Mina and Sero were being goofballs on stage, Kaminari jumped a bit when he saw the time remaining. His gold eyes darted around the room. Less than a minute left on his soulmate timer, where was his soulmate? What did they look like? What were they like? Would they even like him? His mind raced with countless questions until...
"G-Guys, please don't." He heard a female voice and turned his head to see a beautiful pair of e/c eyes wide in fright as they were focused on the same stage Kirishima, Sero and Mina were now exiting.
"Aw, come on, Y/N, have a little fun." Kaminari nearly growled at the friend's tone of voice and the look on their face. Whoever it was, he hated them already. You, on the other hand....
Despite your best efforts to stay off the stage, your friends were stronger, managing to push you on stage. You were trembling with eyes like a deer caught in headlights. Your h/c hair was covering half your face as jazzy music started playing. It was obvious that you were scared, and the fact that your friends were laughing at you only pissed him off. Since he knew the song, Kaminari jumped out of his seat, racing over to the stage to get there before the introductional instrumental ended. You noticed that there were only seconds left on your soulmate timer,  jumping a bit when you noticed the blond joining you on stage. Something in that blonde's gold eyes made your panicked breathing start to slow down, bringing you back down from the panic attack that was coming on... He gingerly held your hands in his, his thumb smoothing over the back of your hands.
"It's just you and me right now. Focus on me, okay?" He whispered before he started singing the song to you.
"When you were lonely, you needed a man." He flexed goofily on man, grinning just a bit when he noticed the most adorable blush cross your face. "Someone to lean on, well, I understand.
That's only natural, but why did it have to be me?
Nights can be empty and nights can be cold, so you were looking for someone to hold.
That's only natural, but why did it have to be me?" He sang, dancing with you slightly as he sang.
"I was so lonesome, I was blue.
I couldn't help it, it had to be you and I thought you knew the reason why." His smile got bigger as he notice your growing smile. You were starting to relax. He really got into dancing on stage with you, grinning when a giggle left you.
"I only wanted a little love affair, but now I can see you are beginning to care, but baby...
Believe me...
It's better...
To forget me!" You sang before laughing as Kaminari danced with you to the instrumental, grinning all the while. It was working... The BakuSquad watched Kaminari with shit-eating grins on their faces. Kaminari was forgetting about his ex, and from what it looked like, he had finally found his soulmate... Even better... Kaminari pulled you close to him when the soft melody played, softly smiling down at you. No matter what, he wanted to keep you safe... To always make you smile... He grinned and danced with you as the tempo kicked back up again.
"Falling in love with a woman like you,
happens so quickly, there's nothing to do.
It's only natural, but why did it have to be me?" Kaminari sang to you as he spun you.
"I was so lonesome, I was blue.
I couldn't help it, it had to be you and I
thought you knew the reason why.
I only wanted a little love affair, but
now I can see you are
beginning to care, but baby...
Believe me...
It's better...
To forget me!" You sang back to him, giggling as you two danced on stage, forgetting the world around you. As the song winded down, you laughed as Kaminari dipped you as everyone cheered, the BakuSquad being the loudest. He grinned down at you before noticing that your so called "friends" had ditched you. His gaze softened as he helped you back upright.
"Hey, um... Do you... maybe want to join my friends and I? If you'll allow me to, I wanna get to know you better." Kaminari asked. You blushed and nodded. He got off stage first before helping you down. "I'm Denki, by the way... Denki Kaminari." He introduced himself as he led you to the BakuSquad with an arm around you. You blushed shyly.
"I-I'm Y/N... Y/N L/N." You introduced yourself, blushing darker when he pulled out a chair for you, gently cradling your hand in his as he helped you sit down. Once you were seated, he kissed the back of your hand and sat down next to you. He made the necessary introductions before staying by your side for the rest of the night, getting to know everything about you....
"And that, my adorable little princess, is how I met your goregous mother." Denki finished telling the story to the e/c baby girl in his arms many years later. His infant daughter cooed up at him before nuzzling into his chest. He chuckled as he held her close. "My little spark." He nuzzled his nose with hers, causing her to coo happily and giggle. He chuckled.
"Denki." Denki looked up at the sound of his name to see you, your h/c hair messy with the bedhead he wasn't supposed to see until that morning. "Don't you think it's time she goes to sleep?" You asked him with an eyebrow raised. Denki pouted.
"Not my fault she's Daddy's little girl, she was crying for me, babe." Denki told you before smiling sweetly down at the little girl in his arms. "Yeah, you're Daddy's girl, huh?" He asked her, getting a smile out of her and a squeal. He chuckled.
"Well, she won't be your little girl forever, Denki." You told him. The look that crossed his face in that split second looked like you had just kicked a puppy. He held his daughter protectively close to his heart.
"No." He whined. "Why can't she stay my little princess forever?"
"She has to grow up at some point, Denki. Besides, who'll fight as a hero in your place once you can't anymore?"
"Babe, can't I just enjoy the baby years? She hasn't even got a quirk yet." Denki replied as his little girl started babbling and playing with her little toes in his arms. He grinned down at her and peppered her little face in kisses.
"Fine, but it's still her bedtime." You answered him. Denki grinned at you before shifting his little girl to one arm and holding out his now free arm for you. You obliged, coming close before Denki wrapped his arm around you while holding his daughter. As the two of you sang a lullabye together to send your little girl into the land of sweet dreams, thinking of the little family that you and Denki had made together, neither you had any idea that her quirk had already begun to develop.
And it was quite... Electric.....
(A/N: Btw, there was an Easter Egg in there! Did you catch it? I'll wait while you scroll back up to reread it)
( A/N: Okay, if you scrolled down, you either know what the Easter Egg was or you're just lazy XD. Either way, I'll tell you.... It was the time on Denki's soulmate timer. The time: 6 minutes and 29 seconds, actually points to Kaminari's birthday, June 29th.... I did this one other time in the Soulmate AU one shot I did with Izuku... Can you find it? Anyways, that's it from me for now. See you on the next one shot!)
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yoongi-sugaglider · 4 years
Daegu Quarantine
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Jungkook x reader
Gang/ zombie apocalypse au
Gore, violence, blood, gun shot wounds, zombies, mention of drugs and drug dealing, weapons discharge in self defense, main character death, zombies, course language, zombies, drinking, did I mention zombies?
They were the top of their game, known throughout the city as the smartest and most dangerous crew to ever hit the Daegu streets. But what’s going to happen when this group of young men encounter something right out of a horror film?
Word count: 2172
A/n: Omgg I am soooo sorry!! I forgot to add a read more T.T I fixed it I promise!!!
Part 13===Part 14===Part 15
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Jungkook was blind fury and rage, seeking those that'd dare harm what was his. He stalked through the halls, all caution thrown to the wayside as he mowed down body after body heading his way. It wasn’t the infected he was looking for though. 
“SEO EUN KWANG!!!” Jungkook’s voice rang through the hotel lobby, echoing in the empty expanse as he stopped in the center of the empty space to stare around.
“You know Boss…” A condescending voice drew his attention to the check in desk, “I never really wanted things to go down like this…”
Jungkook drew his gun to center mass, face a mask of emotionless disinterest at the man’s words. “Minhyuk and Sungjae are dead.” He growled the words out, vision tinted red at the corners as he watched Eun Kwang sigh and shake his head.
“I told them to take the night off. They weren’t even supposed to be at the warehouse. But you know how it is. Balancing out a mutiny with an apocalypse is just never going to go in anyone’s favor.”
“A fucking mutiny? What the hell is this, Pirates of the fucking Caribbean? You betrayed me Eun Kwang. After everything you fucking sell out piece of low end garbage. Not only that, you got HER shot.”
The older man shook his head once more with a laugh, leaning forward to place his elbows on the checkout desk’s high wall and tap at his temple with his gun. “Little dongsaeng, it was always in the cards for this to happen. You were just too blind to see that one little boy from Busan could never handle running the entirety of Daegu. You dreamed big, yeah. But kid, this city was just too big for you.”
“What the fuck are you even talking about?” Jungkook stalked forward, arms never wavering as he sighted the gun right for the center of Eun Kwang’s forehead. “I never wanted to run this whole town. You fuckers put that on me. I just wanted to make enough to get by. Make sure my girl had everything she needed. None of that included taking over a damn thing!”
“Easy there little cowboy. Another step closer and my boys are gonna have to protect me and the last thing I wanna do is end up killing you.” Eun Kwang smirked as Jungkook halted in place, eyes darting around to spot three men stepping from the shadows, each with their guns aimed at him and almost manic grins gracing their faces.
Everything was pain and screaming.
“You’ve got to get her to wake up!”
I couldn’t help but to groan, hands reaching out to grab the nearest person as I fought against the pressure held against my outer thigh.
“It hurts...make it stop it hurts!” I whimpered, blurry gaze taking in the worried faces of Seokjin and Yoongi who were working to hold me down. Rose’s face appeared above me, panicked as she shushed me and pressed down on my forehead to keep me still.
We were in a room of some sort, no longer in the hotel kitchen so I couldn’t be sure how long I’d been out cold. Cleaning supplies surrounded us but the pain in my chest and leg kept me from being able to take in any more information as Yoongi had renewed the pressure on the molten mass of ouch that was my thigh.
“Can’t...breath…” I whimpered out.
“Release the straps on her vest. The ceramic plates will have shattered, if she’s got any broken ribs it’s gonna get a lot worse for her.” The voice in my ear crackled to life, startling me as I struggled for a moment to register Jimin’s calm tones whispering in my ear.
Seokjin released my uninjured leg, moving to lift my upper body. The pressure on my chest increased, blinding me for a moment as my lungs decided they didn’t want to work. I stared up at the ceiling, mouth open in a silent scream and tears chasing each other down my cheeks as Jin unzipped my jacket and fumbled to release the straps that’d been holding my tactical vest together.
As the straps released air whooshed into my lungs and I let out a sob of relief, though it didn’t last long as a strange shifting in my chest caused more pain to shoot through me.
“F...fuck…” I coughed, turning my head in Rose’s lap and shutting my eyes as a wave of dizziness rolled over me.
“Alright, once she’s breathing better shift those plates around and strap her back in.” Jimin’s voice came again and I turned my head towards Jin, eyes wide as I shook my head desperately to stop him. But it didn’t matter, and deep down I knew it as Jin pulled the straps tight and snapped them back into place. The pressure was a bit better, but damn did it hurt.
“Yoongi, have you got your silencer barrel on you?”
Yoongi grunted in reply, turning with one hand still holding pressure on my leg as he unscrewed the barrel from his sniper rifle. 
“I’d tell you to fire off a round or two but...not now…”
“I know what you’re gonna say…” Yoongi shifted upwards on his knees, placing the silencer on my chest for a moment and digging into his pocket. His hand reappeared and I watched on in a confused haze of pain and worry.
He nodded to Jin who groaned to himself as he picked up the silencer and held it delicately out to Yoongi. The silent assassin reached out, flicking a lighter and producing a flame that licked at the cold steel of the barrel.
My eyes widened in panic and I began to struggle, knowing deep down exactly what they were about to do.
“Keep her still.” Yoongi growled and Rose rushed to comply.
She grabbed my flailing arms, pinning them down to my sides as she shifted forward to keep a better hold on me.
Me struggling didn’t matter.
The pain no longer mattered.
The...the smell of my own flesh searing didn’t matter.
Only the bliss of one final scream chased closely by unconsciousness.
“Oh god…” Rose retched, losing her grip on the limp woman as Yoongi continued his grim work.
It really took no more than a moment to cauterize the bullet wound. It stretched less than 3 inches along the expanse of her outer thigh, but the blood loss alone would have caused quite an issue later on, not to mention the risk of infection. Yoongi treated the wound as best he could, wrapping it in the remains of the shirt Jungkook had tossed them before they’d locked themselves inside the supply closet of the hotel. 
Seokjin sniffed, covering his nose with the back of his wrist as he stared forlorn down at the cold sweat that glistened from the unconscious form of one of his favorite people. He shook his head, grinding his teeth before tapping the inner earpiece to signal to Jimin they’d finished the work.
The haggard doctor sighed through the communication device. “She should be safe to move. Just try not to jostle her ribs too much. I take it what Yoongi did made her pass out?” 
Rose whimpered, fingernails digging painful crescents into the palms of her hands as she struggled to regain control of the tears flowing down her cheeks. True, she’d been desperate for rescue the moment the news started rambling about people eating each other but...this? This wasn’t what she’d hoped for. She’d never wanted any of them getting hurt.
“I’ll hand things over to Tae, I’ve got to go get the infirmary prepped for when you guys get here. Try not to get hurt in the meantime…”
Yoongi grunted, eyes focused in on the hasty bandages as if waiting for them to bleed through. Taehyung’s voice returned, strained as if he’d been crying though none of them commented on his tone of voice.
“Alright, I’ve got visuals on Boss and Hoseok. The alley looks clear from this angle, along with the side streets that’ll lead you guys back in this direction.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “Boss, I know you want to go after them...but we’ve got to get her back home. Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung could manage it solo but not without risking getting hurt or worse..infected…”
There was a brief moment of silence before Hoseok’s voice crackled over the line. “We’re headed back. Get ready to move out.” 
Yoongi nodded to the two figures either side of him, tucking the silencer barrel into a side pocket on his black cargo pants before handing the rifle itself over to Seokjin.
The trio were silent aside from the occasional sniffle from Rose but eventually they managed to pack as much as they could away, checking to ensure their weapons were all reloaded in the process. 
Yoongi worked gingerly, lifting y/n’s limp form into his arms bridal style and turning to nod to Jin. A single tap to the earpiece and the others were alerted that they were ready to move out and head home.
“Hobi hush. I’ve already told you none of the wounds are life threatening. If you wake the Boss I swear to all the high heavens that I’m blaming it on you and running.”
The whispering voices woke me, a welcome balm to the chaos that had been my nightmares.
Before opening my eyes and alerting them to my consciousness I took a moment to take stock of what I was feeling. The throbbing in my leg had gone away, probably due to whatever medication Jimin had managed to get in me. The weight alone let me know that it’d been treated and wrapped, though the weight in my chest hadn’t eased much.
I groaned, shifting a bit in an attempt to get a bigger breath of air. This got the attention of the two whispering voices which quickly stopped talking followed by the distinctive sound of shuffling bodies. After a moment a small hand slipped around mine, lifting it slightly as Jimin’s voice followed.
“Hey Boss Lady, you waking up?”
I peeled my eyelids open, one at a time before blinking to clear the blur and focusing on the two concerned faces hovering over me.
“Mmm...think I’m awake, though somehow I feel like I should be far more grateful for that stockpile of pain meds you like to keep around.”
Jimin gave me a shaky grin and a sniffle from beside him caught my attention. Lifting my head slightly I caught the sight of a forlorn Hoseok, eyes puffy and the normally sunshine glow of his grin nowhere to be seen. I let go of Jimin’s hand, fingers wiggling to catch Hobi’s attention.
“Hey, I’m here. I’m okay I promise.”
The poor boy whimpered, lower lip sticking out as he grabbed my hand in both of his. Closing his eyes he leaned forward, forehead pressed to my fingers as he sniffled his way out of the tears.
“Don’t...don’t do that to me again Boss Lady. I don’t like it when you get hurt….” 
I shook my head, giving a short laugh that only served to leave my head swimming as whatever was going wrong with my ribs shifted. “Ho...boy…” Releasing Hobi’s hand I arched my back as best I could, inhaling deeply and wincing as something strange popped in my chest.
“Alright now.” Jimin muttered, pushing me back down onto the bed with a frown. “I know it’s hard to breathe, but try not to breathe too deeply. You want those ribs to heal up properly you’re gonna wanna give them a chance to settle back where they belong.” 
I nodded, though relaxing back to where I’d been laying was harder than I wanted. I glanced to my other side, realising that the reason I hadn’t been able to move that hand was because a pair of incredibly toned arms was wrapped around it and a shaggy head of hair was currently pinning it to the bed.
I turned to the other two boys, arching an eyebrow at them in questioning.
“He hasn’t left your side since you all got back. Course...he hasn’t said much either.” Jimin sighed, rubbing his temples to release some of his pent up stress and then carding a hand through his hair. 
“Mmm… how long was I out?”
“Half a day. The Boss only just passed out about an hour ago though…”
I nodded, gaze returning sadly to the softly snoring form beside me. My heart ached for him, even knowing I was the one injured not him. I waved my hand, giving the two boys a soft smile to let them know I’d be alright on my own.
They left, Hobi sniffling the whole way as Jimin softly closed the door behind him. It was better to let Jungkook sleep. Things would run just fine without him for a while.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I love your trans Stevie au so much! I was wondering were Stevie and billy already together when she came out or did they get together after?
I’m gonna write the big fic I have planned for mtf stevie, so I decided to explore something different than what my plan is for that one
Under the cut for some very brief transphobia and a mention of self harm/vague intonations of suicide, Billy talks about his dad (nothing is graphic, but still thought I’d warn)
Billy figured he would be the talk of the damn town he stomped out the Camaro and into the school like he owned the place.
He thought everyone would stare at the vintage muscle car, thought girls would whisper behind their hands as he walked down the hall.
And as he looked across the parking lot, he got a taste of what he wanted, saw a few curious glances to his California plates.
But then a sleek black BMW pulled into the space next to his, a beautiful brunette girl getting out of the driver’s seat.
It was like a hush fell over the lot.
Everyone stared at her as she walked into the school, head held high, shoulders back.
Billy followed her into the school, watching her closely.
Her hands trembled as she opened her locker, carefully placing textbooks inside.
He wanted to know what her deal was.
He leaned against her locker.
“You new here, too?” She looked over at him, smiling weakly.
“In a way.” He held out his hand.
“Billy Hargrove.”
“Stevie Harrington.” He took her hand in his, made sure to smirk just so.
“You think you could help me find my first period? I just moved here, and didn’t manage to get a tour before the first day.” She flushed a little.
“Um, can I see your schedule?” She scanned over it.
“Oh man, you’ve got Andrews for English. She was a nightmare. I had her two years ago.” Billy furrowed his brows.
“I thought you were new-”
“Harrington’s a fucking tranny!” Stevie’s reaction was immediate.
The second the shout came from down the hall, she slammed her locker shut, shoving Billy’s schedule at him.
“Have a good first day.” She practically ran down the hall.
Billy looked back at the group of rowdy guys, all laughing as Stevie darted down the hall.
“Hey! What the fuck?” Billy stomped up to them, shoving the one that yelled against the lockers. “Don’t fucking say that!”
“Dude, that’s fucking Alex Harrington. He like, disappeared last year. He’s a fucking tra-”
Billy didn’t let him finish the sentence.
Punched him square in the nose.
“Don’t ever fucking using that word. You’re fucking disgusting.” He glared at each of the guys in turn. “If I fucking see, or hear, or get any kinda wind of y’all fucking with her, I’m gonna break all ‘a your noses.”
He smirked as they fucking cowered.
Yeah. Bow to your new fucking King.
He found Stevie back at her locker a few minutes into the lunch period.
He leaned on the lockers next to hers again.
“This place fucking sucks.” She gave him an odd look. “Apparently y’all have to eat in the cafeteria. At my old school, I used to eat out on the football field.”
“Yeah, we don’t really have a football field.” She closed her locker quietly. She was fidgeting with her hands.
“You don’t got a lucnh?”
“I, uh, I usually buy it. But I don’t really wanna, wanna face everyone in there.” Her voice was small, and she was avoiding eye contact.
“I could bring you something. Or stand in line with you, or something.” She looked up at him, biting the inside of her cheek.
“Is this a joke?”
“Or like, like a prank?”
“No. I’m really offering.” He tried to keep his face open, wanted her to trust him.
“Um, I guess it would be okay if you stood with me.” They set off down the hall. “But you don’t have to sit with me, or anything.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” She huffed a laugh.
“Did you hear what Tommy yelled this morning?”
“Yeah, I did. Punched him out for it.” Stevie stopped in her tracks, whirling around to look incredulously at Billy.
“You what?”
“He shouldn’t’ve said that.”
“Billy, he wasn’t lying-”
“That’s not what I meant. He shouldn’t have used that specific word, and he shouldn’t’ve fucking outed you. It’s your choice if you want to be out or not.” Her eyes were even fucking bigger than usual as she looked at him.
“I mean, I don’t really have a choice in a town this size. Especially because, because everyone knew me before.”
“Still, it was fucked up. And that wasn’t okay.” They began walking again.
“Um, thank you, Billy. I was wondering who busted Tommy’s face. He’s gotta big mouth. Gets punched a lot.” Billy laughed, and was delighted to see Stevie give him a little half smile. 
The smile was gone when they reached the cafeteria.
But Billy stayed in line next to Stevie. She insisted on buying him a cookie, but he split it in half when they found a table in the back corner of the cafeteria, nudging part of it over to her.
She was tense all through lunch, waiting for something to happen.
Billy reached across the table, taking her hand.
“You’re really brave. You know that, right?” She bit her lip.
“I’m so fucking scared.”
“I know you are. And honestly, it makes sense you’re scared. But I’m here for you, and if anyone gets fresh, they can fucking catch these hands.” She laughed softly.
“Thank you. I really don’t think I could’ve made it today without you.” She took a shaky breath. “You know, I came out to my parents a few years ago. They were, it was bad. And I had to, you know stay in the closet. And at the end of last year, in like, Novemner I, I went through some stuff, and I just, I snapped. I tried to hurt myself. And I think it really opened my mom’s eyes that, that I wasn’t faking. So she talked my dad into letting me transition.” She was playing with her napkin.
“Thank you for telling me.” Billy squeezed her hand. “We moved here because my dad got arrested. And he wanted to come start fresh.”
“Do you, can I ask why he got arrested?”
“He broke my collarbone. Pushed me down the porch stairs. Our neighbors saw.”
“Billy, oh my God, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. I mean, it’s not really, but I just wanted you to know. I get the shitty parent thing.” She smiled at him.
“Would you, would you want to come over? After school?” Her cheeks were a little flushed.
“I’d love to.”
Stevie had neglected to tell him that she lived in a fucking mansion.
Billy stared at it as he parked behind her.
“When the fuck were you gonna tell me you were loaded?” She blushed.
“Um, I kinda forget you’re not from here. That you don’t already know all my business.”
She led him upstairs to her bedroom. It was immaculately clean, but so very plain.
“My mom was real serious about designing our whole house. She’s in the process of redoing my room right now. I mean, I didn’t really mind, but I think she’s trying to make amends, really show me she accepts me.” Billy sat down at her desk as she made a home for herself on the bed.
“That’s pretty cool of her.”
“Yeah. She’s trying. My dad still calls me Alex most days, though.”
“Do you mind if I ask you why you picked Stevie?”
“Um, Stevie Nicks, actually. I just really respect her and I always liked the name.”
“God, my mom loved Fleetwood Mac. She had all their albums on vinyl, and we’d listen to Tusk, and just like, scream it.”
“Your mom sounds nice.” Billy smiled tightly at her.
“She was.” Stevie’s eyes went wide.
“I’m sorry.” Billy shrugged.
“My stepmom’s not too bad. And my little sister’s a hoot. She’s such a little spitfire, you two would so get along.” He sat back in the desk chair, looking at the things on her desk.
There was a jar she had written on with gold sharpie. It had a few bills and was about half full of change. Curling handwriting spelled Pussy Fund. Billy snorted when he saw it. He held it up to her.
“Pussy Fund?” She laughed.
“I was gonna call it the Coochie Collection but that felt a little crass.”
“That felt crass?” She laughed again.
“My dad’s insurance covers hormones, but nothing else, really, so I’m saving up for confirmation surgery.” Billy dug through his pocket, found three wadded bills, slapping them through the little opening in the top of the jar. “Billy, wait, you don’t have to-”
“Oh, come on. It’s three bucks. You’re my only friend in this damn town. Gonna support the garbage outta you.” She beamed at him.
He phone chimed.
“Oh, hell yeah. It’s hormone o’clock.” She pulled a black bag out of her backpack. She rifled through it, loading a syringe. “Okay, I’ll be back.” She closed the bathroom door softly behind her.
He peaked at the contents of the back. She had a few pills, needles in sterile packaging, antiseptic wipes, sanitizer and latex gloves. Billy stood up to look at the little bottle of clear liquid, estrogen.
She smiled brightly when she came out of the bathroom.
“How long have you been on hormones?” She cleaned up her little bag.
“Um, since January 6th. So just about nine months now. I was just on blockers for a while, and then they introduced the estrogen. And I though giving myself shots was gonna be a big nightmare, but I actually kinda like it.”
“I think that makes sense. It’s helping you.”
“Well, and I feel like everything changed so fast, like looking at pictures from before, I look so different. It’s like my body was just waiting to catch up to my brain.”
“I think it was. Just needed a push in the right direction.”
“Plus, I was always kind of a pretty boy. Like, once I figured out how to do my makeup, how to soften some of the edges, it was pretty easy to really feminize my face.” She stood in front of him, showing her a picture on her phone. “That was from like, last October.”
It was a nice selfie, and she looked quite similar. In the image, Stevie’s hair was shorter, but still closer to her shoulders.
But Billy thinks there was a huge difference between the Stevie in the picture, and the Stevie right in front of him.
Her cheeks were fuller now, her eyes brighter. Her hair was long, bu it was also way thicker.
She just looked so much fucking happier.
“You look a lot happier, now.”
“I am. A lot happier.” She was quiet, swiping through a few more old photos.
“I’m happy for you.” Billy reached out for her, touching her waist softly. “Would you, would you want to go on a date sometime?”
She took a step back.
“Look, you can say no, and I’ll still happily be your friend, I just, I like you a lot, Stevie.
“I um, I don’t know.” She sat heavily on her bed. “Last year, I was dating this girl. We had been together for like, a few months, and I really, I really loved her. So I came out to her, and she, she called me a freak, and disgusting, and stuff.” She was hugging herself, looking the floor.
“Is that one of the things that made you snap?”
“I’m sorry. We don’t have to date, that’s okay, Stevie. Focus on yourself. I’m still your friend.”
“I think, I think I do want to date you. You’ve been nothing but kind to me, and I mean, you already know all my baggage. And I’ve known you for like, ten hours.”
“Don’t pressure yourself into something if you’re not ready to date.”
“It’s been almost a year, Billy. And I’ve spent a lot of time in therapy in that year.” She looked up at him, her eyes bright. “Yeah, I wanna go on a date with you.”
And then she did the cutest little wiggle, moving her hips like she couldn’t contain her excitement.
“Friday night? Pick you up at eight?”
“Better make it seven. Things close early around here.”
“You honestly might be the only good thing about this fucking town.”
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selinakidreams · 4 years
Junk of the Heart
this was inspired by this song and a personal experience that i could have only wished ended like this. side note: i thought kiri would b ideal for a first fic post bc........... i wuv him a lot nd i couldn’t get this scenario out of my head; everytime i hear this song i think of him singing it so there u go <3
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paring: gn!reader x kirishima eijirou
band member au! so no quirks
genre: fluff
warnings: none, good ol ushy gushy self indulged romance 
Word count: around 3.3k
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You were surprised that exhaustion hadn’t taken over your body yet. 
The day was a non-stop escapade of the mundane and the irregular; all in the same day, you went in and out of different big cities, to having afternoon coffee followed by going back to the apartment you were staying at to nap, to visiting a local rose garden, to drawing with chalk on the sidewalk of your friend’s house post potluck. You were only visiting for the weekend so your friends were going to make the most of it. 
By the end of the night, you somehow found yourselves waiting in line on the side of a cozy neighborhood venue to try and get concert tickets to an already sold out show.
You didn't really know what was going on, not that you minded; the motto for the weekend was “go with the flow”. However,  the spontaneity of randomly going to a concert where you don’t know who’s playing has peaked your interest. You’ve never done it before and once the idea had time to marinate in your mind, your heart was set on getting those tickets. 
Waiting for 30 minutes for the tickets seemed like nothing until whispers of, “they’re not giving out any more tickets!” And “they’ve officially sold out!” came trickling down the line, causing your heart to falter. 
Groups in front of you started leaving and your group moved to take their place. “Did you want to see if we could finesse our way in?” Said one friend. “Doesn’t it seem pointless, though?” Responded the other, yet your group remained in line. You didn’t want to leave, there was something in your gut telling you not to, but you were starting to doubt the probability of actually getting in.
Everything next happened in an instant. 
Somehow, you and your friends managed to get up to the window selling the tickets and talk your way into getting in. It didn’t seem like a miracle more along the lines of sheer dumb luck, they just happened to find more tickets- but you didn’t dwell too much on it, you were already inside enjoying the vibrations of the live music moving through you. 
Lights were reflecting off of a giant disco ball, bouncing in every which direction, exposing random people in the crowd. The lights on stage only added to the different colors brightening the dark expanse. Bodies swayed close together as the next song started calmly. 
You had been off to the side, waiting for your closest friend to come back with the drinks she offered when you guys were first greeted by the bass and guitar. The rest of your friends had gotten lost in the crowd, but you didn’t mind. The scene you were taking in felt surreal. You had never seen complete strangers come together in a way that it made it seem like they’ve known each other for years because of good music. 
As your friend made her way through the crowd with two cups in hand when the band announced that it was going to be their last song for the night. You looked up at the members on stage; you had been paying so much attention to the experience as a whole that you hadn’t even seen the band actually playing. 
The first person that caught and kept your attention was the man in center stage. Bright red spikey hair with ruby red eyes to match, and a toothy grin. A white electric guitar with a red strap hung on his sizable shoulders. He looked like the physical version of the music he was playing; a plain black fitted t-shirt tucked into his loose blue jeans with holes in the knees. His black converse seemed worn out, like they’ve been on so many adventures, this night on stage being one of them. 
You tried to look at the other members but your gaze always shifted back to him. 
Now with a sweet alcoholic beverage in your hand, you were pulled to the barricade by your very persistent friend. You heard her say something along the lines of, “you look like you’ve witnessed a miracle! We need to get closer!” 
Nobody seemed to mind your friend’s pushiness to the front, everyone there was just enjoying the show had to offer. 
“Before we get on with our last song of the night,” the red head chuckled at the immediate chant of boo’s that rang out, “we figured we ought to introduce ourselves!” His smile showered over everyone in the crowd. He leaned into the mic stand as his big hand loosely covered the secured mic, “in the back, and away from people where he should be,” a melodic laugh rang out as he looked to his annoyed band mate, “is our drummer, Bakugo Katsuki!” The audience was greeted by an eye roll and a curt wave and gave back an applause. “Next we have our all talented bassist, Jirou Kyouka!” She ran her pick over the strings, you felt the vibrations through your whole body and decided to let out a laugh, joining the others in letting out a loud “wooop!”.
“And on the keyboard, we have the electrifying  Kaminari Denk!” A wink and finger guns were shot out and in response, a few girly giggles could be heard throughout the cheering room as well as a few squeals. Kaminari threw his head back and put his hand over his heart.
“And me? I’m Kirishima Eijiro on guitar!” You could hear the swarm of girls that cheered overpowering the crowd as well as thunderous hollers from a few guys,
‘Pretty popular,’ you thought, taking a sip of your drink. Of course he was popular. His smile was contagious, full and bright. You could see the happiness illuminating his eyes, the crinkles by the corner of his eyes showed he truly couldn’t be more content than in this moment.
Bakugo spun his drumsticks and began playing a beat as Kirishima began to talk,“ We had a fuck ton of fun tonight, thank you for having us. We hope you give the same amount of love to the band that hops on the stage next.” he said, the smile never leaving his face. He adjusted the ear piece before finishing with, “But as for us, this song is called Junk of the Heart, let’s go Bakugo!” And just like that, they dove into the song. Kirishima began strumming to Bakugo’s already given beat.
As Kaminari hit the keyboard, the stage lights changed drastically. All of a sudden there was no color on stage or bouncing off the walls, beams of golden light shot out from behind them, giving them the look of angels. The space got significantly darker; you had no choice but to look at the band in front of you. 
Backlit and beautiful, it was as if you were actually hearing them for the first time.
“See I notice nothing makes you shatter, no no, 
You’re a lover of the wild and a joker of the heart,” Kirishima looked out onto the faces that were close enough to see. He loved seeing how invested people got- to see how music can bring people together and create a bond. It made him feel like he was at the top of the world.
You thought to yourself as you watched him sing into the mic, “He looked so god like, it was ironic that you were looking up at him.”- that was until your gaze was met with his. He stopped the wandering gaze; it seemed as though his eyes got bigger than before, which didn’t seem possible. His eyes were already so round and curious, but making eye contact with you brought a different kind of wideness. 
When he sang, “But are you mine?” it seemed like he was asking you.
“I wanna make you happy, I wanna make you feel alive.” 
Your body and your mind felt disconnected. You couldn’t decode any messages that were being played through your head, all you could feel was the beat of the bass match up with your heart. 
“I wanna make you happy 
If you’re a good girl tonight.” He sang to you before looking back at the rest of the crowd. It looked like he had just broke out of a spell.
“Y/n? Y/N? Was he looking at you?? Do you know him?!” Your friend's voice came into light.
And for the first time in the whole day, when the trip’s motto pushed itself into your head, you waved it aside. 
You looked at your friend with a determined smile before leaning into her and yelling out over the music, “No, I don’t know him but I sure want to. After the song, I’m going to make it so there’s no way he could possibly forget the girl in the crowd.” 
Your friend, stunned at your decisiveness but loyal, slowly began to nod. She reached for your hand and wrapped your pinky in hers, then slowly got back into the groove of the song by spinning you around. 
“Let me make you happy, I wanna make you feel alive at night,” Kirishima sang on, grin growing as his eyes wandered back to the spot you were in. Something warm bubbled in his chest.
‘I want to dance with them’ was the first thing he thought when he saw you smiling in the dim lighting, hips swaying with hands in the air, and not a care to be found.
Finishing off the song, the lights faded to black for a second before the room became a tad brighter yet still dark enough to leave the haze of the concert euphoria just a little longer. 
Kirishima bolted. At the speed of light, he handed his guitar to a snickering Denki before navigating his way through the maze of the backstage and into the crowd. So many heads to look over and so many gazes to catch, but when he caught yours, everything simply melted away. Time didn’t stand still, yet making his way over to you seemed like it was one of the easiest things that he could do. 
“I’m sorry but I really need to hear you say something,” Kirishima said loud enough when he approached you, trying to ignore the intense gaze of the person standing next to you. 
You didn’t really know how to respond- to you, everything happened so quickly. You could only tilt your head in response, to which you felt a jab in your ribs. 
“Please just say my name. Not Kirishima but please call me by my first name in the next sentence that leaves your lips.” He said with a hint of desperation. It was almost like he was hoping your voice was a song he could listen to on repeat- that your voice was something he could eventually turn into a song.
You took a slow deep breath and let it out, there was a self-put urgency to have the next sentence you say mean something. 
“I feel like…” you began to say, and paused when you saw his features change to something you couldn’t quite describe, “... watching you perform on stage is something I could do… more often… Eijirou.” 
Something made his eyes twinkle. Maybe it was a trick of the light or maybe you just imagined it, but it made your heart race just a bit faster. When would it reach the finish line?
He let out a breath you didn’t notice he was holding; his chest slightly contracted.
“Just as I thought, your voice is beautiful a-and so are you.” He sighed. “Can we step outside for a second? I promise you it will only be a second. It would be rude for me to take you away from your friend for the rest of the night.” He smiled at your friend for a second. You were a bit stunned; first, the compliment that tugged at your heart a little too hard and now the decency to respect that you came here with your friends. A true kind hearted man.
It took you a second to reply but before an answer could even leave your lips, your friend yanked you towards them. Kirishima’s ever wide eyes grew again but showed no signs of leaving. 
“Listen, this is all up to you,” your friend whisper-shouted excitedly in your ear. With impeccable timing, live music started playing. 
“Anyway, what I was saying was,” your friend stated a little bit louder so you could hear her over the music, “it’s your choice! If you feel comfortable with hanging out with this dude for the night, do it! This is your trip, do what you want and have fun. Regardless, you know where we are and where we’re staying. Just text me and let me know.” She pulled away, waiting for your response. You smiled and mouthed, ‘I’m gonna go’. She showed her delight by pulling you in and leaving with the final note of, “stay safe,” before disappearing into the mass of bodies, probably to go look for your other friends.
You turned to Kirishima before taking his forearm, noting that it was one of the fittest ones you’ve ever laid hands on, and headed out of the venue.
The temperature drop was a bit of a shock but you held your composure as a wave of goosebumps washed over your body. 
You spun around to face the guitarist, only to be greeted with a shyer version of him. It seemed his sheet of confidence went hand in hand with the warmth from inside. As soon as he stepped out, it was instantly ripped away by the cold.
“I- um, well.. may I ask for your name?” He stuttered out, realization hitting you that you never even said your name. You felt your cheeks grow hot before stepping closer to him and whispering your name then taking another step towards him. The nippy air seemed to have the complete opposite effect on you.
At this point, your chest lightly brushed up against his as you looked up at him; his gaze fidgety while yours is sturdy but kind- set eyes flickering from his ruby reds to his plush pink lips. 
You chose not to question your boldness as you pushed yourself up to the tips of your toes.
He had approached you with such determination, you might as well match his energy. 
With your chest fully pressing into him now, you carefully watched his reaction to see if there were any signs of discomfort before slowly draping your arms around his neck. Even on your toes, he was still a head taller than you. 
“Kirishima, what is it that you wanted me to come outside for that you couldn’t do inside?” The teasing whisper dripped from your lips. 
It was as if he was visualizing the words you were saying, his sight trained on how your lips moved.
“Can I kiss you?” He matched your whisper, his head already slightly dipping in to ghost his soft lips over yours while his large palms fell to your hips, invoking a ripple of heat to coarse through your body. 
It was up to you, the fate of the evening was in your hands. Whatever you wanted to do, Kirishima would do as long as he was with you. 
“You can…” you began as you moved to play with his surprisingly soft hair, “walk me to where I’m staying, and maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll let you.” You innocently giggled as you slowly lowered yourself against his broad chest and pulled away completely.
Kirishima’s dazed expression stayed only for a second before he slightly shook himself out of it, a renewed shade of red dusted on his cheeks.
Another giggle escaped from you before whipping out your phone and texting your friend about the newly made plan; red eyes plastered on you and following your every move. 
You slid your phone into your back pocket and scooped up Eijirou’s hand, relishing the size difference, and started walking.
The walk held the best kind of conversation: the kind that consisted of everything and nothing at all. You two were taking your time, walking around local parks and goofing off by performing air guitar and dancing around to no music. He talked about how his band started and how he discovered his love for making music. You talked about how you were visiting your friends because they moved away for college and you couldn’t bear to not see them for another few months. At that you saw his open figure slightly deflate. 
“So you don’t live around here?” He muttered, unconsciously gripping the energy of the lighthearted conversation downwards, but you stopped it before it could get to the point of no return. 
“I’m transferring here.” You said with a promising smile, Kirishima returned the action with a full blown grin. The topic took a turn for the happier as you two chatted about random thoughts and valid opinions. 
Inevitably, the time came where it was you two standing in front of your door, spare key in hand with the outside light illuminating the mirroring soft expressions. You stepped closer, recreating the exact actions you did in front of the venue, and this time when he asked to kiss you, your response was nonverbal. You took his lips with yours at first with a peck. The delicate sound of you pulling away only lead to a deeper kiss, one that made his planted palms uproot and wrap you up entirely in his embrace. Your tongue danced with his; The closeness and warmth had you sighing against his mouth. You slightly pulled away, watching a thin trail of saliva leave you two connected before leaning back in for another peck. To that, he loosened his hold without actually letting go.
“Can I see you before you go back?” Kirishima’s voice was breathy and low, a really good combination for him. 
“Give me your number and we’ll see.” You replied, trying to compose yourself. He chuckled before fishing out your phone from your back pocket, giving your ass a little squeeze in the process. A squeak instinctively left you as you watched a smirk form at the corner of his lips. You refused to look at Kirishima as you put your thumb on the home button to unlock it, your cheeks were too red. 
He added his contact with a red heart next to it, ‘ironic’ you thought. 
The goodbye was drawn out; a lot of lazy pushing away and pulling back in, in addition to feverish kisses and roaming hands, but that all came to an end when you finally pushed the key into the lock and twisted it open before quickly shutting it, leaving Eijirou outside begging you to come back out. 
“No because soon enough I won’t be able to resist you and I’m going to tell you to come inside and stay the night- which would not be cool to my friends,” you laugh as you hear a huff on the other side of the door. 
“You’re right… and I really want your friends to like me…” he trailed off, letting you ponder what he meant for a second. 
“Okay can you just open the door one more time please?” So you did. You were greeted by a sweet and soft kiss, reminding you of a dessert that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. 
“Goodnight Eijirou.” You whisper before closing the door gently.
Replaying the gushy romantic events that took place that night, you took it upon yourself to text him to write a song about you- playfully of course. The charming red cherry on top of a perfect Hallmark-movie-type of night.
He ended up taking it seriously,
and performed it at the next live show you went to, a few months after you transferred. 
And it was that night, when he bounded through the crowd to find you yet again- 
instead of asking to hear your voice, he asked to hear your answer on being his romantic partner.
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