#i really want to make a follow forever but i want to reach 500 first so like all my other mutuals: i love you lot
Is It Too Late to Tell You…
Any Pedro Pascal character x gn!reader (no use of y/n)
Word count- 500
Warnings- nondescript injury, implied hospital setting, came back different trope, protectiveness, pining, love confessions, a plot twist you will not see coming
Notes- Just a little drabble with an idea that had been rattling around in my head for a bit. And I left it open for you to interpret any Pedro character you want for a bit of extra fun. Enjoy and let me know what you think!
More notes at the end of the fic.
@flightlessangelwings-updates is my update blog so feel free to follow that as well and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on when I post!
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But this time you were scared that it went too far, that you could lose him forever. And everything between the two of you would remain unspoken forever. How you wished things were different. You wished you waited for him, stayed at his side. You wished you had told him how much you cared about him before…
“I’m sorry,” was all you whispered to his unconscious form as you reached out and gently brushed a lock of hair off his brow.
He protected you. He saved you. And you couldn’t even tell him…
A low grumble from deep in his throat made you gasp. You took his hand in yours as you pleaded his name and hovered over his face, watching his brows scrunch slightly. Your heart pounded in your chest as his eyes slowly blinked open.
A relieved sigh escaped your chest as you met his soft, warm gaze for the first time in days. Squeezing his hand, you pressed your foreshadowing against his, “You’re ok…” you breathed.
As you pulled away, he looked up at you with a weak smile. His eyes slowly lit up as he recognized your face and you had never been more happy to see his smile. But when he opened his mouth, you realized something was different about him…
“Bay-bay?” his voice was different, higher, with an accent you had never heard before, “Wha happanad?”
You let out a heavy breath as you looked at him with concern in your features and breathed his name, “You…? What…?”
“Ah mai gaad!” he exclaimed, “Dant cray bay-bay!”
“Your voice!” you couldn’t stop the sob, “What’s wrong?”
“Nathang’s wrong bay-bay,” he looked at you with those big brown eyes, “Ya sa prettay!”
You breathed his name as you cupped his face, tears filling your eyes. He was back, but he was different. Emotions overwhelmed you and you didn’t know what to think.
“Bay-bay?” his voice broke you out of your thoughts, “I gatta tell ya…” he squeezed your hand, “I lav ya bay-bay.”
The sincere look in his eyes as he said the word you’d longed to hear for so long captivated you. Your heart fluttered in your chest. This wasn’t what you had pictured at all, but he was here, he was with you, and he loved you.
Fuck it. “I lav ya ta bay-bay,” you replied as you leaned in and kissed him.
✨April fools!!!✨
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Yes this is based on the snl sketch and I wanted to write this for a little April fools drabble for a while and I’m happy I got it done in time 😂😂 Please do rb and share this but don’t spoil the plot twist cause I really want to catch people off guard and make people laugh! I hope you enjoyed this!! 💖
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sflow-er · 11 months
Some thoughts on writing and posting fic
In the last few days, there have been some lovely posts by fic writers, encouraging an anon who was thinking of posting their first fic but worried about readership. That kind of got me thinking as well, especially as my magnum opus just reached a bit of a milestone on ao3:
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Those 50,000 hits (and 1,151 kudos) blow me away, and I'm forever grateful for each and every one of them - but this isn't a post about that. It's a post about how there is no point in comparing these stats to my latest fic, which will take a while to even break 500 hits (and hopefully 50 kudos). Or any of my other fics, for that matter.
Below are some of my personal thoughts on fic writing, the factors that I believe affect the popularity of a fic, and the motivational impact of engagement. My perspective is obviously that of a niche writer, but I think these observations could also be of interest to new writers or anyone struggling with such comparisons. I'll put a cut here because this got very long, but the TL:DR is this:
I write for myself, not for my readers. I post for my readers, not for the numbers.
A quick bit of background info: I have a pretty long history of sharing my writing. When I was little, I used to make comics & picture books for my younger brother, and in secondary school, I used to write stories in my English notebooks that only my teacher ever got to read. In my teens, I wrote fanfic in a couple of obscure fandoms and even a novel-length original story. The readership was just a handful of people, including my closest Internet and IRL friends, and I was very happy with that.
Before YR came along, I had not managed to write a creative text in over a decade. My studies and work had put out the spark, and I thought it was gone for good. So when YR reignited it, I very much started writing for myself. I'm sure every writer knows that feeling of something taking shape in your head and begging to be let out, as well as the satisfaction of seeing it all come together on your screen. At least I really hope they do.
Still, I knew right off the bat that I wanted to share the fic. I didn't care how many people read it, I just really hoped someone would. I missed the feeling of seeing people get joy out of something I created and connecting with them through it. Especially as I didn't have any other outlet for my YR thoughts and feels at the time. I also wanted to contribute something to the fandom that helped me regain this long-lost part of myself - and of course I could use some encouraging feedback too.
So that was how my magnum opus started out, and because of the timing, it became more popular than I imagined. The fandom was young (I started posting in August 2021, S2 wasn't even confirmed until September) and everyone was just really hungry for more. The vast majority of fics were focused on Wilmon from the start, but people were interested in pretty much anything exploring the rich and still largely undiscovered world of the show. My fic was niche and I had neither the guts nor the platform to promote it, but many people still found it.
I consider myself unbelievably lucky to have started posting at such an opportune time. The fandom has evolved in these 2+ years, and things are quite different for authors starting out now.
For one thing, the chorus of writers has expanded as more people have discovered the show and been inspired by it. As wonderful as that is, it does make it harder for any single voice to stand out. I think promoting one's work in fandom spheres such as tumblr and writing compelling tags and descriptions on ao3 has probably become more important, and of course it also helps if you've got some existing readers who follow your work.
Because for another thing, the readership has changed. Some fans have either left entirely or only follow their favourite writers now, while others have joined. New fans tend to start with the fandom classics, other wonderful recommendations, or the fics with the most kudos or comments. Which makes a lot of sense when there are thousands of fics to choose from, but it inevitably puts newer and more obscure writers at a disadvantage. Furthermore, it feels as if the number of readers who prefer completed fics may have increased, as people have seen some fics get abandoned along the way (and they now have more completed works to choose from). Again, that's very understandable, but it can feel discouraging to multi-chap writers.
I also can't help but wonder if there's been a shift in the fandom's interests, especially since S2. There's more canon to follow or disregard now, and people have had more time to develop fanon and their personal headcanons. All that affects what they want to read.
For example, the developments in S2 may have put some people off certain characters/ships/dynamics or made them fall in love with others. They may have started curating their reading to their hopes and expectations for S3. Some might even favour AUs to avoid speculation or guarantee Wilmon endgame, or they might long for fics solely focused on Wilmon and their love after they spent so much of S2 apart. There's nothing wrong with any of these approaches - but they do curb the already lower interest in fics focused on other characters, gen fics, rarepairs, unusual takes, and so on
To circle back to the example of my first fic, it would not get that kind of engagement if I started posting it now. It might be more popular than my other fics thanks to Wilmon featuring prominently as side characters, but it would still be outsider POV. In fact, even readers interested in the characters I focused on might be deterred by, say, the slow burn and lack of sexual content (now that those characters are a more established non-canon side ship and there's more fic available).
In a lot of ways, it's paradoxical to even speculate on this. If I started my first fic now, it would either be a totally different story (compliant with S2), or it might not be finished at all. What those 50,000 hits don't tell you is that a large portion of them were people checking for updates. The project completely took over my life for 10 months, and I doubt I would've got through some of the rough patches without the wonderful readers who were excited to follow it as a WIP, even when my updates got sparse from all the stress. My other fics would either not exist at all or have far less engagement if it wasn't for the loyal readers left over from that first fic, and the first fic wouldn't have as many reads without all the people who have reread it (as I know some have). And of course it is now also benefiting from the large number of existing kudos.
Anyway. My point is that comparing stats is neither fair nor useful, and that doesn't just apply to my own fics or niche fics in general. Every fic is published at a certain point in time or over a certain period of time, in a fandom that is always in flux. The things that inspire us as writers may not align with the interests of the readers - or even if they do, the readers might not notice or be aware of it.
So the question is, how to reconcile the need to share your work and connect with people with the ever-changing odds of those people finding your work?
I'm not going to lie, sometimes it is extremely hard. I often feel really low and doubt myself a lot after posting, but I think I've made it to a point where I don't get too caught up on it anymore.
One key thing is to draw a distinction between the writing and posting. The writing itself should always be primarily for me, because it's my creative energy, time, and effort that goes into it. I should be able to retain that feeling of satisfaction and pride in the story itself, because if I hang my hopes on the audience and they simply don't find the fic, I will just feel like it was all wasted. The value of the fic and especially my value as a writer cannot be tied to anyone else's reaction or lack of it.
Still, the two distinct parts of the process are never completely separate for me. I'm sure they can be for some writers, but I do need that feeling of connecting with people through my creations, and the extra motivation to stick with the effort (to get through longer projects, or to start new ones).
So the second thing I do is, I try to hold on to the mindset I used to have as a kid or teen writing for my brother, my teacher, or my friends. To internalise that my readers aren't numbers on a screen, but real, human people who have taken an interest in this thing I've created. They've allowed me to share it with them and had thoughts on it (whether they put those in a comment or not). Maybe it was just a moment's diversion for them, or maybe it actually moved them. Either way, we connected for a while.
Here, I must acknowledge again that I am incredibly privileged. I've got a handful of regulars who have been reading me since August 2021, and another handful who have jumped on board along the way. Many of them not only read but also comment on what I post. Even that latest two-parter I mentioned at the start has 19 comment threads, and I'm fully aware of how rare and precious that is.
But the fact remains that the contrast to my first fic has still been an adjustment, and I find that thinking about engagement in terms of people rather than numbers has helped me put it into perspective.
I could never find a room full of people to read my writing in real life, but there they are, reading it on their phones or computers and leaving twenty hits on my fic. Every person leaving kudos is basically equivalent to my teacher returning my notebook with that single check mark that meant "I read this and I enjoyed it." As for the individual comments, they aren't too different from my very small group of friends in high school telling me they loved something and couldn't wait for more. In a way, they're even more amazing, because these people don't even know me, but they are still investing their time and emotions into my fics!
Of course this mindset also has its pitfalls. I often feel like I'm letting people down by not writing faster, for example, but that's just one more thing I need to work on. All in all, I feel like I'm definitely on to something here, so thank you for letting me share these thoughts with you!
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cellythefloshie · 9 months
How often do you post?
As a writer myself I feel inadequate when I see people post a ton. I’m trying to get the second chapter out on my first series but it’s taking forever the first chapter was posted a month ago. I feel bad for my readers. -🦩
I don't really have a set posting schedule anymore. If I have the content, I would try to post 2 times a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) but in the reality of it all, I rarely have that much content to push out these days.
In 2023, my muse and writing time was very inconsistent, and it can be seen in the chart below that displays my posts per month for 2023 - this includes fics and imagines (but does not include NSFW Alphabets).
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As you can see, there are months where I posted less than 5 times (January, June, August, October, November and December) others more than 16 (March). Those low post months can be very discouraging, especially when you see people posting a lot of fics in a short period of time - ex this holiday season I saw a lot of people writing anthology collections for the holidays. They were posting almost daily! And here I was struggling to get 3 fics out! And that's a completely natural feeling to have. Sometimes it just takes longer to make content and that's okay!
There are so many factors that come into play when you get to write and post. Work, family, friends, wellness, motivation. They will all cut into your writing time. And please remember, that all of those thing should be a priority before a blog on Tumblr. This is a hobby, for fun, this is not a job. With that said, let me show you how those things influenced my writing in 2023 by comparing 2 months: April and December. The following are my stats for April:
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I wrote 5 imagines for my 300 Follower Celebration and posted 5 fics for Road Wife and one Stand Alone Fic: Daddy Dunn. The shortest post was 528 words, the longest being 7735. The Average Word Count was: 2334 Words.
During this time, I was working 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. My job was not demanding, with a lot of downtime that allowed me to write multiple short fics during my work day.
April is also a month that is not busy for me, I have no family obligation (birthdays, anniversaries etc). which gave me more free time after working hours to write. Burn out was non existent.
The following are my stats for December:
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I wrote 3 fics in December. I had no events active on my blog this month - yes, I've been avoiding finishing my 500 follower celebration posts but I swear I will get those done in 2024. ANYWAY. The Shortest fic was 826 words, the longest being 12,164. The Average Word Count was: 4753.
During this time, I was training at a new job, working 8:30am - 4:00pm. I spent many of my evenings studying. I no longer had time to write during work with the exception of the occasional work break. I also began the transition to working shift work. Burnout has been high (since October/November which also saw me writing 2 and 3 fics respectively) Which means I have also been focusing more on my self care and other hobbies that are a little less taxing.
December is also a busy month in regards to family with needing to shop for Christmas, celebrating Christmas, as well as the new year.
Now, this has been a very long and very detailed way to sum up one single statement - how often you post will be dependent on the writer and often things out of their control. But I did want to show how variable those things can be instead of just spouting off random factors without proof as to how things have influenced my ability to write and post.
Feel free to reach out again if you have any further questions!
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real-jane · 2 years
your own
[bucky barnes x fem!reader]
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written for @heavenlybarnes and her Love in Verse challenge 💕, in celebration of 500 followers. The poem I chose was 'People Aren’t Homes' by Nikita Gill. Full poem at the end! Thank you so much to Layla for hosting! I hope you enjoy some yearning.
summary: bucky hosts her at his farm for ten days, and that's enough to make him realize what 'home' really means. enough to go after her.
words: 1845
a/n: i truly could not have done this without reading @fandoms-writings incredible series something domestic. it has been so healing to read, and very inspirational.
poems and promises masterlist
He takes the dirt road leading away from the farm-turned-safehouse-turned-farm-again cautiously, keeping an eye out for darting deer. The wheels pass over the washboard gravel with an unsettling vibration, but maybe it’s better for him. Being unsettled. Not allowing the fear to curl around his joints and lock them up before he ever reaches you. 
No, people aren’t homes, but you’re the closest thing he’s found, and if he’s ever going to have one moment’s peace… he has to leave the sanctuary of Nowhere.
Should’ve left with you, really, but that would’ve meant accepting that whatever had happened in that house had disappeared with the threat which had landed you there for ten days. You had dutifully returned to the compound with Stark once the threat had blown over, while Bucky had stayed behind to… to wonder. Why nobody had reminded him–why you hadn’t reminded him–that that temporary solace between the two of you wasn’t something he could hold onto forever.
You are water. Can’t grasp you. All he can do now is follow, back to civilization.
He knows he’s on the right track when the street lights bunch up, and bully the stars for dominion over the night. You had marveled when you first arrived at the way constellations dotted the darkness; in your universe, there weren’t stars. Just flickering city lights. But you had your own curiosities, and the longer you spent out in the country, the less the great wilderness amazed. He had to take your word for it–that there is plenty of magic in a city stuffed to the gills with bodies. Has to be. You are there. 
As far as Bucky can figure, you are the only thing which turns curiosity to wonder. 
But by god, if there wasn’t something wonderful about watching you learn about the horses–what it took to gain the trust of a skittish mare, and how easy it was to do so if you carried fat carrots from the garden in your pockets for them to discover with inquiring snouts. It wasn’t just a safehouse, it was his grandfather’s farm. In reality, it was the only semblance of roots Bucky had left, even if his father had been estranged from his own by the time Bucky was old enough to know his namesake. Part of his immersion back into a world where he didn’t have to fight for autonomy was staking a claim on the property which had lapsed into bank holdings; the benefit of constant companionship from America’s favorite hero was that Steve knew how safe the place was, and getting you there had been a no-brainer.
And he hasn’t even kissed you.
It had been ten straight days of quiet dinners and softer mornings, where you slept through chores and still met him on the porch with a cup of coffee when he came in from mucking the stalls, and you never once wrinkled your nose at his muddy jeans or shit-kickers.
If he’s being honest with himself… he’s driving to you because of what you said as you left him, when you could hardly look him in the eye for want of tears. You turned your head back, over your shoulder as Tony led you towards the Range Rover, and–on second thought, you didn’t even speak specifically to Bucky, you had just tossed the words out into the night air, in the hopes that they wouldn’t fall into the dirt un-caught.
I’ve never been this happy.
It paralyzed him. He watched the dirt kick up behind the truck as if you were fading into a dusty mist, knowing all the while that ‘this happy’ included him. How could it not? Bucky realigned his whole world the moment Steve’s call rang through to his landline. Please. She needs asylum–I hate to disturb you, Buck, but you’re the only person I know who gets it. 
He loaned you his bed, in favor of the couch. He leant you his flannels. You wore his jeans when you finally worked up the courage to join him for morning chores, and his horse let you braid his mane with such precision that Bucky questioned whether or not Alpine would follow you to the ends of the Earth, snickering every time you snapped your fingers like a circus pony (and not like a formidable rescued clydesdale, eighteen hands-high). He certainly benefited more from your penchant for stashing pocket carrots than any other equine citizen of the little haven-away-from-hell.
For a while? Bucky had calm nights on his grandmother’s favorite sofa, where sleep was something which came almost naturally to him, again. Not being alone in that great big farmhouse helped. Any creaks in the night were you, sneaking down to take a spoonful of peanut butter like a cure for your own insomnia. Crunchy, because you were a strange person who didn’t mind some obstacles in your spread. 
Without thinking, he dials Steve.
“Listen. Just–I gotta know if I’m crazy,” Bucky breathes, phone held to his ear by the shoulder as he navigates aggressive evening traffic.
‘Go on.’
“You gotta be honest with me. Like brutal, Stevie–”
‘Where the hell are ya? It’s loud.’
“The truck. Listen… I’m–shit.” He gasps as a car swerves in front of his belabored truck, cutting him off. 
‘...you’re here? Buck–’
“No, not–not yet. I’m still at least forty minutes out, if this traffic continues.” He glares at the bumper of the too-slick sedan in front of him, with it’s fuck-me rims and vanity plates. 
Steve’s realization is wrapped in manifold sounds–a belabored ‘fuck.’ A laugh. Tapping, which sounds like it’s on some sort of echo-y metallic surface. ‘She’s been so upset,’ Steve says, finally. Bucky feels like his limbs have been dropped into a free-fall. ‘It’s not been overt; you know how she is. She’s never not smiling, but it’s so fake. She keeps telling me about how your coffee pot just makes the best coffee, if only you can trick the grounds into the right slot–’
“It’s awful,” Bucky admits, scratching his jaw.
‘You’re coming, then.’
“I’m an idiot.”
‘Didn’t say that. Might be the best thing you’ve ever done. Do you want me to tell her you’re coming?”
Does he? 
“I’m–I gotta hang up. I’ll call her–”
‘You sure?’
“She doesn’t like surprises,” he breathes with a pained laugh, as if he should’ve considered that long before ever pulling on his best coat, and diving into the cab of his beat up truck.  
‘She gets you.’
“She’s seen me comin’ since she met me. I don’t have two secrets to rub together. Why would I start now? You gotta hang up.”
‘I’ll see you when you get here.’
“Bye.” Bucky hangs up abruptly and flicks his thumb over to his contacts, selecting your name without hesitation. He listens to the rolling ring, and it cuts off abruptly–
‘Nooooo, you have to be up so early!! Why are you calling? You better be bleeding or in the hospital, James Barnes–’
“Would you shut up?” he breathes, laughing so hard that his stomach clenches in recognition of that bossy tone which came to represent every good thing he wanted to have in his pitifully long life. 
‘Fuckin’ rude. But. You sound alive.’ Why do you have to be so sweet and ridiculous?
“I’m alive, doll.”
‘Hmmm. God. I missed your voice. You know–you’ve got the best voice, Bucky Barnes?’
“Honey–shit. I’m sorry. No, what am I saying… I’m on my way. To you. And I realize it’s way too late, traffic might take me before I get there, but I am comin’ to get you,” he says. “Alpine misses his morning walk buddy.”
‘Just Alpine, then?’ Your voice is so set on being right that it betrays your excitement to hear from him. He lets his head fall back against the headrest, and the silence drape between his lips and the microphone in a swag of good-intentions. ‘Bucky–’
“Shouldn’t have let you go,” he says. You’re struck silent by the admission. He glares at the red rear lights of the mercedes suv which just taunted him by inching forward in the crawl of traffic. 
‘...Oh my god, you’re seriously coming. You hate driving!’
“Doll–I’ll turn around if you don’t want me to come–”
‘No! I’m–Buck, Jesus Christ. I’m wearing your shirt, I want you to come get me.’
“Yeah?” There is nothing so good in the world as hearing you admit it. “Doll–”
“I shoulda kissed you, Barnes. I really wanted to, but Tony’s such a buzzkill.’
“I’ll do it. Second I see you.”
‘If you don’t kiss the smile off my face–’
“You’re happy, baby?”
‘Mmm. So happy.’ 
“I’m gonna take you home. Okay?”
Your silence is poignant. He knows you would never hang up without saying goodbye, even if you are distraught. When you’re quiet, you’re thinking. You’re ruminating. So, when you choke back a laugh and sigh, he knows it’s just because you’ve made a choice. 
‘How fast is your heart beating?’ You ask.
Bucky holds two fingers to his jugular, but he can’t remember a single number which sounds reasonable in the midst of his thrumming heartbeat. “Fast,” he whispers.
‘That’s my home,’ you say, as he eases his truck into the exit lane as his GPS indicates. 
“As if I don’t know,” Bucky replies. He rubs his chest where an ache spreads between his ribs, knowing that the puzzle piece he’s searching for will ease it all the same. 
You don’t have to hang up, or speak; Bucky knows without needing verbal confirmation that you will wait with him on a silent phone line, past all normal or reasonable limits. He doesn’t even need to hear you. You’ve probably muted yourself as Steve hurries you around the compound, preparing as he is known to do for you to take your leave again, but the seconds count upwards on your call as they will do forever in his esteem. That’s why poets number things, he thinks. The things we love can only grow.
People aren’t homes. Homes are homes. They’re cultivated by mutual efforts. And that’s why he pulls his truck up to the security gate and honks twice, and then leaves his keys in the ignition and throws open the cab door, and strides towards the barb-crowned gate as it unfurls to reveal a woman in clothing which belongs to him. Bucky stops a handful of yards from the only person who makes home feel attainable and covers his mouth with both hands.
He forgot that you fell to Earth, too bright and good to be looked at without wincing. 
Bucky kisses you like you might disappear again, all limbs locked in entanglement with yours. It doesn’t take much longer for him to remember that the things which he calls home don’t require retention. Or any kind of leash. 
All the way home, your nose is tucked up against his neck and you murmur secrets you’d only ever trust him with. Things he knew were true long before he had a heart to hold them. 
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the story continues here
Thanks for reading! :)
bucky barnes tag list: @peterhollandkait @honeywithemoney @nahthanks
kate’s masterlist - marvel masterlist
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littlepadika · 3 years
Hi!! Can I please request 💕Din, 🔥enemies to lovers, 💅dom!reader ??? Thank you!!☺️☺️☺️
OOOH I love dom!reader with Din mwahahaha this one is hot and takes a nosedive into soft. Your fave @axshadows?
500 follower celebration
Warnings: Male receiving oral, Dom reader
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Din despised you. Whenever he'd be close to catching a bounty you would swoop in and finish the job yourself, stealing his thunder. You didn't do any work yourself. Din tried everything to shake you from his trail. He tried to lay a trap, he tried to split the reward, he even tried to kill you once. Nothing worked. You always slipped through his grasp.
Your conflict was coming to a head as Karga was tired of the constant bickering.
"Work it out you two or no pucks."
"Find someone else to steal from." Din glared up at you from his seat.
"But I like annoying you, Mando." You smirked. "Fine..." You groaned dramatically. "How about a deal? We both go after the same bounty. If you get him first then I'll leave you alone."
"You'll just come and steal it at the last second like you always do." Din shook his head.
"I'll play fair. I'll even give you a head start."
"I don't need a head start." Din leaned forward menacingly only you weren't scared at all. In fact you smiled.
"Let me finish." You held up your hands. "If you win, I leave you alone. If I win, things proceed as usual and you can't complain. Do we have a deal?"
"If I win, you should give me all the credits you stole from me."
"No way. Finders keepers."
Din grit his teeth under his helmet. Your little grin made something inside him ball up tight and sometimes he just wanted to throw you over his lap and-and- he didn't let himself think those things right now.
"I want a better deal." He folded his arms.
"You're not exactly in a position to negotiate. I'm perfectly happy with our current arrangement."
You loved playing with Mando, making him stutter and sigh. It started off as a power trip, making a Mandalorian putty in your hands. He tried to kill you once but he hesitated at the last moment. You realized his hatred for you wasn't pure, it was tangled with need. You knew he would miss you if you just left him by himself and you sure as hell would miss him too.
"How about..." You saunter over to him, perching yourself on the table in front of him. You saw him stiffen immediately, clenching his hands into fists on the seat below. "If you win... you can do whatever you want to me. You could try and kill me again, but something tells me that's not what you really want." You watched as the visor of his helmet turned towards you. You felt your heart pound faster knowing you had him in your grasp. "See... you could shut me up with a bullet in my skull or with your cock in my mouth. Decisions decisions, Mando."
With you left him dumbstruck at the table.
"Karga- We've reached a deal. One puck and we'll make it a race."
"One puck huh?"
"And don't make it an easy one." You hold your hand out. Karga rolls his eyes shoving two pucks into your hands.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a close one. Both of you were at the same cantina spying on the target. You happened to have more natural assests that drew the targets attention. What an idiot, you smirked ready to drop the sedative into his glass. What you didn't expect was for Din to blast the idiot to hell from across the cantina.
"I win." Din cheered, strolling up to pull the lifeless body off the counter.
"We said bring him in warm!" You glared at Mando.
"We never agreed on that."
"Didn't we?" You frowned.
Mando shook his head. He lugged the body over his shoulder with ease. "Come on, let's get out of here before the imps are on us."
Outside on the street it hit you that Mando won the bet technically. This would maybe be the last time you saw him if what he asked as reward was for you to leave him forever. The warmth in the pit of your stomach hoped that he'd ask for something different.
"You won, Mando." You stopped at the end of the street. He turned, the bounty still on his shoulder. "My ship is that way. Shall I take off never to return?"
The breeze made his cape flutter, but otherwise he was a statue. Conversely it made you squirm where you stood, tugging at your shirt which now felt too tight for some reason.
"No." He said quietly, so quiet you almost missed it.
"Then what do you want?"
"Will you let me put the bounty away before we talk?"
"Fine." You shrugged nonchalantly though you were still nervous. "Lead on."
You had never been on Mando's ship before. It was dirty and breaking down but it softened him. Gave him some personality. He was less intimidating. The clutter and dusty knick knacks made him so human.
"So..." You place your hands on your hips trying to project confidence though you were becoming more and more anxious. "What'll it be, Mando?" Was this the end?
Din was freaking out. He stood on a shaky pedestal he had built to stand up to you. He had only pretended to be arrogant and capable. He played into his appeal towards you but now the game had ended. He was proud of his abilities to catch bounties, track targets, to kill, but his confidence ended there. He had no skills when it came to sex let alone with pretty women like you. You expected so much from him from the way you teased and talked crudely. Din knew he’d never live up to that. He didn’t even know where to start. His desire was bottled up in him with no clear outlet. Just a general direction towards you.
"Mando?" Your gaze softened a little. You realized perhaps he wasn’t going to send you away. You almost smiled as he rocked on his heels. The nervous tick was strangely endearing.
"I'm not going to kill you. I want-" Din struggled to find the words. "What you said in the cantina. You said I could silence you..."
You furrowed your brow in confusion. What did you say? You couldn’t remember-
"When you said I could put my-my cock in your mouth." Din felt his cheeks heat up. He felt himself harden in is pants just at the dirty word.
"Did I say that?" You chuckled. “I guess I did. Is that what you want?"
Din nodded. He waited for you to take charge, tell him what to do, but for some strange reason you were waiting for him.
"You've never done this have you?" You realized, your smile falling off your face. You felt bad for how you treated him this whole time. Maker, you probably made him uncomfortable.
"No." Din looked down in shame. "Fuck-This was dumb. Just go away."
"Mando..." You stepped towards him placing a hand on his arm. The first time you've really touched him. "I'm sorry. I wasn't judging. Most guys don’t like me to be in charge.”
Din cringed further at the mention of your copious previous experience.
“Mando… look at me please-“ and he did feeling some of his dread subside. Your warm reassuring hand felt so good. “I'm happy to show you everything. I want to make you feel good. If that’s what you want.”
“I’m sorry.” He grumbled. He hated feeling so vulnerable. He wanted to explain himself, give excuses for his lack of experience, but the truth was he hadn’t found anyone he was interested in until you.
“There’s nothing to apologize for. Now will you let me do this for you?” He looked at you, searching for honesty. There wasn’t a hint of disgust or doubt on your face.
Din nodded, feeling his stomach lurch in excitement. He felt safe with you which was another completely foreign feeling for him.
“Thank you, good boy.” The word shot through him, making him stand up straighter. You chuckled. “You like that?”
Din nodded shyly.
“Go and sit down.” You pointed at the crate against the wall. Din obeyed looking at you again for acknowledgement. You smiled kneeling down below him. “Good boy. See you’re a pro already.” Din blushed at your praise wanting to continue pleasing you. You slid your hands up his thighs slowly. “You can stop me at any point. Just say stop. My only rule is you have to tell me if I’m making you feel good. I wanna hear you.”
Din nodded his understanding. You raised an eyebrow. “Okay.” He said.
“Good boy. I know you can’t remove your armor which is fine. But can I take your cock out?”
Din nodded biting his lip. His dick was already straining against its confines. He exhaled sharply as you tugged down his waistband just far enough to pull him out. The only piece of skin exposed.
“You’re beautiful, Mando.” You cooed, stroking the warm length gently. You couldn’t wait to feel him in your mouth. A low broken cry cracked the voicecoder. “That’s it… feel good baby?” You stare right into his visor. Din swallowed harshly and nodded rapidly trying to keep from blowing his load.
“Tell me.” You reminded him of the rule.
“Yes!” He huffed. “It feels good. Please more.”
“We’re just getting started.” You promised opening you mouth and letting a dollop of saliva hit the head of his cock.”
“Oh Kriff…” Din pounded his fist against the crate. You continued your slow movements. You didn’t want to push him. He seemed lost in pleasure and you felt yourself warm at his trust in you. You slowly lowered your mouth on him, keeping your suction soft. He whined above you, his thighs flexing under your hands. You flicked your eyes up to him. His head was thrown back. You could see just a small slice of golden neck. He was sucking air between his teeth. The edges of the crate groaned under his grip.
“So-so good.” He mumbled between shallow breaths. You chuckled. He was trying so hard poor thing.
“It’s okay if you cum, Mando. I want you to.”
“But-“ Din’s hips jerked up into your hands. “What about you? I want to- I want-“
“Shh I know baby boy.” You chuckled at his eagerness. Already wanting to jump ahead. “We’ll get there but first you’re going to cum in my mouth.”
And almost on instinct he did, hunching over as ropes and ropes slid into your hot mouth.
“Oh fuck…” He croaked. It was better than anything he had done on his own. Your hot mouth and tongue had brought him so high only to let him plummet into his pleasure with no safety net. He was totally out of control. He didn’t hate it though. He loved it. He wanted more.
He came so much it made your pussy tighten longingly. His groans and sighs were gorgeous. You moaned, getting the last drops.
“Good boy…” You started stroking him back to full mast again. Surging with control and pride.
My masterlist
Permanet Taglist: @ajeff855 5 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement t @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju @pedrosmustache @blackmarketmummy @idreamofboobear @pretty-brown-eyess @persephones-garden @javierpinme @mylittlesenaar @bellaorisa @elinedjarin @beskarboobs @beskar-candy
Din Djarin taglist: @a-skov @pasckles
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
heyoo congrats on 500 followers here's to many more 🥂 akdjhdhd fluffy #33 with ethan? 🤍🤍
“You didn’t tell me your friend was cute! Now, what am I going to do?” + Ethan
You were so sick of blind dates. Or non-blind dates. Or any dates at all, really. Unfortunately, all your moping hadn't helped you at all, you realised, as you found yourself standing in front of a restaurant yet again, Victoria's arm slung around you, a goofy smile on her face. A double date. That just seemed like double the trouble to you. She had promised you that this one wouldn't be a disaster - just her, her girlfriend, and a friend of hers that she was convinced was going to be perfect for you.
With a deep sigh, you followed her into the restaurant, immediately spotting two people waving you over - one clearly being her partner and the other-
"You didn't tell me your friend was cute! Now, what am I going to do?"
Victoria stopped dead in her tracks. "Are you insane? I finally find you a man that you like and you ask me what to do? You flirt like hell, Y/n! The way you're supposed to at a first date, you know?"
It was easier said than done, you thought to yourself as you reached the table, the most gorgeous man with dark, flowing hair and kind eyes getting up to shake your hand and pull your seat back. Oh, he was going to be the death of you.
Ethan, as you quickly learned his name was, turned out to be a perfect gentleman. You, on the other hand, were a mess. It didn't help that Victoria had made you sit next to him, claiming she needed to easily cuddle into her girlfriend at all times, and your thighs kept touching. And his hand kept brushing yours as you reached for your drink. And his arm was slowly but surely wandering around the back of your chair. The smirk he shot you told you he knew exactly what he was doing and oh, he was doing it well.
You had long stopped paying attention to Victoria and her girlfriend, giggling faintly in the background, while Ethan was telling you about his family, his job, his friends. You wanted to listen to him forever. In stark contrast to all failed dates before, this one passed much too quickly, food finished, the check paid, everyone gathering outside. The warm summer air was embracing you but all you craved were his arms.
Victoria and her girlfriend were giving you a quick wave, not even bothering with a real goodbye, obviously not feeling like their presence was needed anymore. Ethan grinned at you, confidently walking you backward, hands softly resting on your hips until your back hit the wall behind you.
"So," he smirked down at you, fingers tracing little circles over your hips, "opinion on the date?"
"Pretty good," you grinned. "Just one more suggestion to make it perfect."
You didn't even have to tell him. He leaned in close but made sure it was you who closed the gap. You couldn't help grin into the kiss. You weren't sure where this was going to go, but you knew one thing: You wouldn't need any more blind dates.
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etherrreal · 3 years
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Pairing: ushijima x reader Genre: fluff Summary: looking back, you’re not sure what made you think that jogging with ushijima would end in anything but complete and utter disaster, but it’s too late to go back now WC: 5k Warnings: brief mentions of non-serious injury, a little blood, implied smut, too many paragraphs about ushijima’s hands A/N: first fic gang! this was supposed to be like 500 words but as the blog title suggests, i’m a liar -Dawn
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You’re not sure what possesses you to go jogging with Ushijima at the ungodly hour of 5AM –and on a Saturday, no less– but here you are, tugging a windbreaker over your tank top and leggings while he waits for you by the door.
Most of it, you’re sure, is just because you miss him. The two of you have been so busy lately –you with your new job, him with the whole professional volleyball thing– so this is the first weekend in a while that you’ll actually be spending together.
It’s only natural that you want to spend as much time as possible with your boyfriend before your respective commitments are back to pulling you both in opposite directions, as they have more times than you’d like to admit in the past four months you’ve been dating.
Or maybe 5AM-you, lacking caffeine, sleep, and any sense of real judgment, is just losing your mind.
Ushijima certainly seems to think so, if the look he gives you when you volunteer to accompany him on his routine morning jog is any indication. He’s far from the most expressive person you’ve ever dated, but you’ve been with him long enough to register the surprise on his features; the way his pretty olive eyes widen a fraction and the way he pauses to watch you, like he’s trying to gauge how serious you are.
“What?” you ask as you join him by the door, removing your slippers.
He raises an eyebrow at you. “You hate running.”
“Running? Absolutely. Jogging, however, I think I can handle, especially if it’s with my handsome boyfriend who I haven’t spent nearly enough time with lately.”
With your slippers out of the way, you move to reach for your sneakers next. A quick glance in his direction confirms that he’s still giving you that same bewildered look, a crease forming between his eyebrows. It makes you falter as you pick up your sneakers, wondering if you’ve made a mistake.
Now that you think about it, he does usually jog on his own. The two of you are no strangers to working out together –if him doing push-ups with you perched comfortably on his back counts as working out– but you’ve never actually joined him on a morning run before.
Is this something he prefers to do alone? Are you overstepping his boundaries by inviting yourself along before checking to see if it was okay? Suddenly, you find yourself wishing you would’ve asked first.
“Do you...not want me to go with you? Because if you’d prefer to go alone, that’s totally fine, I’ll just–”
He catches your wrist before you can put your sneakers back down, and the rest of your sentence is lost somewhere between the fingertips he presses against your skin and the other hand he uses to lift yours.
It’s almost criminal, you think, the way a single touch from him is enough to completely derail your train of thought, whatever you were babbling about suddenly the furthest thing from your mind. You think you shouldn’t be as phased by it by now, not after all the time you’ve spent together, but no such luck.
Really, it’s his hands that are the problem, now that you think about it. His hands, steady and calloused and strong, but still so undeniably gentle and patient when it comes to you.
It’s hard to pick your favorite feature of Ushijima’s when he looks the way he does –all tanned skin, broad shoulders, and chiseled abs– but his hands are pretty high up on your list. They have been from the moment you met him at Iwaizumi’s housewarming party last year.
You had obviously seen him before, though you never actually spoke to him until the party. It was mostly during high school volleyball matches between Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa, courtesy of your childhood friendship with Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
You remember spotting Ushijima and thinking he looked so serious and unapproachable, even more imposing than he did in the photos of him featured in that Monthly Volleyball magazine you used to watch Oikawa vandalize with ridiculous-looking mustaches and devil horns.
When you saw Ushijima at Iwaizumi’s party, he still looked serious, not to mention larger and even more intimidating in person, but his hands were warm and kinder than you were expecting, careful in the way they wrapped around yours when he introduced himself. It was only hours later when those same hands reached for yours again to help you off the couch that you realized you spent the whole night with him.
Now, months later, you’re standing with him in his stupidly expensive apartment, half-panicked that you might’ve overestimated his desire to spend time with you. But Ushijima’s hands are still steady and warm against your skin, even now, reassuring in a way you don’t think you’ll ever get tired of.
“I’d love it if you joined me,” he says, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your hand, and if you weren’t smiling before, then you definitely are now.
You pull on his hand to tug him down towards you, a request that he silently obliges. You perch on your toes to reach him and deliver a chaste kiss to his lips, smiling against his mouth. When you pull away to look at him, you find him smiling, too, in that soft and subtle way of his that you’re so glad he’s chosen to share with you.
“Just promise me you’ll be careful,” he adds. “We’ll be running for a while, and I don’t want you to get hurt. You’re clumsier than most.”
Sadly, he’s not wrong. You are pretty clumsy, almost cartoonishly so. He’s watched you bang your leg on his dining room table practically every time you pass it, heard you curse to yourself after accidentally knocking down every item in his shower. At this point, holding your arm in his is as natural to him as breathing, just so he’s there to keep you from tripping over your own two feet.
And while you definitely appreciate the concern, you don’t think it’s entirely necessary, at least not for this. Sure, you have a bad habit of falling on your ass more often than not, but you’re also able to do so without sustaining any major injuries. You’re confident this time will be no different.
Besides, it’s just one jog. You’ll survive, even if your muscles might hate you for it later. Still, you know he worries about you, which is why you reach up to give him another quick kiss.
“Deal,” you assure him once you pull away. Then, you grin, voice taking on a more teasing edge as you look up at him. “As long as you promise not to be embarrassed when I leave you in the dust. You know, since I’m just so naturally athletic.”
Ushijima’s never been the best at detecting sarcasm, but with you, like so many other things, it’s different. He can tell you’re joking by the way you giggle and wink at him, and when he huffs out a quiet laugh, you smile and sit down to put on your sneakers.
He surprises you when he kneels to tie them for you before you get the chance to do it yourself.
“Careful, Wakatoshi,” you warn him, not for the first time. “If you keep being so sweet to me, you’ll never be able to get rid of me. You might just be stuck with me forever.”
“That’s fine,” he says, like he’s already considered the consequences before and has chosen to accept them. “You’re the only one I can imagine being with for that long, anyway.”
He moves on to tie the laces on your second sneaker, taking zero responsibility for the way his words make your heart flutter in your chest. He always does this: says stupidly romantic things with barely any prompting and absolutely no consideration or even awareness of the effect they have on you.
His voice doesn’t change when he says them, either. He uses the same blunt tone he always does, like it’s a simple fact, like he’s asking you to pass him his phone charger instead of alluding to a potential future with you.
It just makes you fall that much more in love with him.
Not that you’ve actually told him yet. You’re still waiting for the right moment. You wonder if maybe this might be it, but then he stands up and turns away from you to open the door and the opportunity is gone.
Maybe that’s for the best. This morning, you decide that you can handle jogging with your pro-athlete boyfriend or confessing your love for him, not both. The latter will just have to wait for dinner tonight, assuming you make it back in one piece and your legs don’t just fall off from the sudden exercise.
You stand up and follow him out the door.
Ushijima insists you both take the time to stretch before you actually start running, so you spend a few minutes doing so in the empty lobby. You pretend to struggle with a few of them, just so you’ll have an excuse to have his hands on you.
You’re almost positive he sees through your little ruse, if the amused look he gives you is any indication, but he doesn’t complain, guiding his hands over your body to help you bend and stretch like he can’t see the grin on your face.
Once you’re all warmed up, you’re ready to start jogging. You follow behind him as he leads you along his usual path down the block, the streets noticeably empty, save for the occasional passing car.
You know the only reason you’re able to keep up with him is because he’s slowing down for you, but you don’t let it bother you. He’s a professional athlete, after all, and you’re the kind of person who doesn’t even like to run to catch the bus, so it’s to be expected. Still, you give it your all, remembering to keep your breathing steady just like he taught you.
And you have to admit, your aversion to any sort of cardio aside, jogging with Ushijima is actually kind of fun.
For the first five minutes, at least.
Then it all goes to shit.
You’re not sure how it happens, either. One moment, everything is great. Sure, you’re already feeling a little sweaty, and maybe your lungs are screaming at you just a tiny bit –the price of inactivity, and all that– but you power through it because, in the words of so many great orators before you, mama ain’t raise no bitch.
But then you trip on something –a pothole in the street, your own foot, who the hell knows– and suddenly you’re wiping out for the entire world –or maybe just your boyfriend and that one stray cat you passed, which is still pretty embarrassing– to see.
Ushijima’s quite a few feet ahead of you now, because as much as he tried to slow down for you in the beginning, you figure he just can’t help but speed up a bit. He’s not the type to do anything half-assed, not even a casual morning jog. You’re almost grateful for it in a way, because it means he doesn’t actually see you trip and stumble like a baby deer learning to walk for the first time.
He does, however, hear the yelp that escapes your throat, making him glance over his shoulder just in time to see you fall forward. He runs back towards you, but he’s too far to reach you in time, and your knees hit the pavement hard, your hands shooting out to catch yourself as best as you can.
You don’t even have to look to know that the skin on both your knees and your palms is scraped up. There’s also a shooting pain that starts at your ankle and darts right up your leg, reassuring you that you most definitely stepped on it wrong.
Ushijima is by your side in an instant, normally stoic face scrunched up with worry. He helps you twist yourself into a more comfortable position on the sidewalk, though it does little to ease your embarrassment or your annoyance with your own incoordination.
“I’m okay,” you try to reassure him, but that’s not entirely the truth. Your palms are stinging and your ankle is throbbing, not to mention the fact that your knees currently resemble a cat’s scratching post. “It’s not as bad as it looks.”
The look he gives you is doubtful, and you know for a fact he doesn’t believe you at all. “You’re bleeding.”
And holy crap, you are. It shouldn’t be a surprise to you, since you felt the entire thing, but the sight of the blood on your knees and palms still stuns you a bit.
“Come on.” He wraps his arms around you, pulling you up with ease you would normally marvel at if it didn’t make you feel so pathetic. “We’re going back. I’ll be able to treat your wounds and take a better look at your ankle.”
“Whaa– but we’ve barely even started jogging!” you protest, pouting despite the stinging of your cuts. “I told you that I’m fine, Toshi. I can still walk–”
You try to put pressure on the ankle you rolled and immediately wince. You almost stumble forward again, but this time Ushijima is there to catch you, holding you against him with his arms around your waist.
“No, you can’t. You need to treat your injuries, so stop being stubborn and let me help you. We’re going back.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, eyebrows drawing together in frustration –mostly at yourself– but stubborn as you are, you know he’s right. There’s no arguing your way out of this one, not that he would listen to you in the first place. He’s always been protective of you, which means he won’t be budging on this.
You heave a defeated sigh but nod at him anyway, relenting. He helps you hobble along with your arm around his shoulders and his arm around your waist for a few steps before he seems to think better of it.
In one fluid motion, he’s picking you up in his arms, holding you bridal style against his chest. And while normally his arms are one of your favorite places to be, the fact that he has to carry you like this all because you’re an idiot who can’t watch where you’re going is doing nothing to ease your already damaged pride.
You try to convince him to put you down and let you walk on your own, but unsurprisingly, he doesn’t agree. Your face, which is already warm with embarrassment, just seems to heat up even more. Your mortification only increases when you spot his apartment building a few streets later.
God, the two of you were running for what, maybe five minutes? Six? And now you’re already back home? Talk about embarrassing. And right after you promised him to be careful, too.
The fact that the pothole –which you are now deciding to blame for your fall, because you don’t think your ego can handle anything else– had the audacity to trip you and then not immediately swallow you whole to save you this embarrassment is honestly disrespectful, at this point.
Ushijima was right earlier. You do hate running. And you hate yourself even more for believing that jogging at any hour –least of all 5AM– would end in anything other than complete and utter disaster.
Your only consolation is that it’s so early, chances are that no one else saw you trip and almost eat shit in the middle of the street. It’s the little victories that count, you suppose, though you might just have to burn this outfit later to rid yourself of the reminder. You’re not sure how you’re ever going to live this one down.
Thankfully, the universe seems to take some pity on you, since you don’t pass any of Ushijima’s neighbors in the lobby. He maneuvers you into the apartment, managing to close the door behind him and remove his sneakers without putting you down.
When he does finally let you go, it’s to place you delicately on his bed. He disappears from the room and returns a moment later with a first aid kit and an ice pack, while you flop defeatedly onto your back against his pillows, pouting.
“I can’t believe I actually fell.” You groan, throwing an arm over your eyes. You feel the bed dip beneath his weight as he sits beside you, but you still don’t move. “The one time I willingly decide to run, and this is what happens. We didn’t even make it past the supermarket!”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. It could’ve happened to anyone,” he says, opening the first aid kit. His voice is as straightforward as ever, but you know he’s trying to comfort you in his own way. “Besides, it could’ve been a lot worse.”
“Worse than twisting my ankle and making a fool of myself five minutes in?” You shift to prop yourself up on your elbows and raise an eyebrow at him. “How?”
“You could’ve twisted your ankle and made a fool of yourself two minutes in instead.”
The bluntness of his response makes you snort, cracking a half-smile as you push yourself to sit up fully. “Good point.”
You watch as he gets to work, mesmerized by how careful he is with you. He takes your palms in his hands, wiping away the blood gently and cleaning the small scratches it reveals. The scrapes on your knees, which he moves to next, sting more, but he moves slowly enough that it doesn’t overwhelm you. He’s always taken such good care of you, and this time is no different.
After all of your scrapes are covered, he examines your ankle, which is unsurprisingly the worst of your injuries. When he helps you tug your sneaker and sock off, you can both see it’s already swelling.
It’s not broken, he assures you, but it is lightly sprained. You’ll need to rest and compress it until you’re ready to walk on it again, but the ice should help with the swelling. He lifts your ankle on top of a few pillows to keep it elevated, covering it with the ice pack.
He moves higher up on the bed to sit beside you against the headboard, searching your face for any signs of discomfort. “How does that feel?”
“It still hurts, but it’s not as bad as before,” you answer. “Honestly, I think my pride is more damaged than anything else.”
You lean back against the pillows propped up on his headboard and sigh, unable to stop the guilty frown tugging at your lips. As grateful as you are for his help, you also feel really bad that he had to stop and take care of you at all.
If you hadn’t insisted on joining him on his run, then none of this would’ve happened. You would still have two normal-sized ankles, and he would be able to finish his run without having to worry about you and your chronic clumsiness.
“I’m sorry I ruined our jog,” you find yourself apologizing, fiddling with the hem of your shirt guiltily. “It was supposed to be cute and fun, but all I did was screw it up. I’m sorry you had to come back to take care of me.”
Ushijima shakes his head. “Taking care of you isn’t a burden. There’s no need for you to apologize.”
His hands reach for yours, large enough to engulf your own as he turns them over. His eyes follow the path his fingertips trace lightly over the band-aids covering the scratches on your palms. “If I hadn’t gone on ahead of you–”
You press a hand against his chest to stop him, his eyes flickering back up to meet your own.
As endearing as his concern is, he’s not the one at fault here. You don’t think anyone is, really, except for maybe that damned pothole you may or may not have tripped on. More importantly, you don’t want him to blame himself for this.
“Nuh-uh, nope, none of that. I’m the one who tripped, remember? It’s not your fault I suck at running. Or any kind of physical activity, actually.”
You pause, tilting your head thoughtfully as you mull over your own words. He watches the mischievous smile he’s learned to love appear on your face, hears the teasing edge seeping into your tone as you lower your voice just a bit.
“Except maybe the one that involves you railing me into the mattress,” you add with a smirk, playful and just shameless enough in a way that never fails to draw him in even more. “That one, I don’t mind, for obvious reasons.”
He sighs, though your words don’t surprise him. “I really wish you wouldn’t word it that way.”
“Too late~”
You’re practically singing as you grin at him, grabbing his chin and bringing his face closer to yours.
He mutters something about you having a one track mind, but you don’t miss the amusement in his eyes or the fond little smile he casts in your direction. He doesn’t stop you from pulling him in either, allowing you to rest your other hand on the side of his face.
“Thank you for taking such good care of me, Wakatoshi.”
You meet him halfway for a loving kiss that you hope is enough to express your gratitude, one he doesn’t hesitate to return. When you break apart, he rests his forehead against yours.
And right when you think you can’t possibly love him anymore, he promises quietly, sincerely, “Always.”
As usual, he gives you no time to recover. He kisses you on the forehead and then stands up, announcing that there’s something else he needs to go grab before leaving the room.
Honestly, you’re hoping it’s food. You’re starving, and after all of this morning’s excitement* (see also: trauma), there’s nothing more you want than to cuddle up alongside your boyfriend while enjoying a plate of your favorite breakfast food.
To your surprise –and slight disappointment– when Ushijima returns, it’s not with food or anything else to treat your injuries, but rather with a set of keys. He sits beside you again, opening his palm to offer them to you.
“Well, those aren’t pancakes.” You take the keys anyway, twirling the ring around one of your fingers before raising an eyebrow at him. “Are these what I think they are?”
“The keys to my apartment,” he confirms. “I want you to move in with me.”
Your eyes widen. It’s not the last thing you expected him to ask you when he offered you the keys, but it’s definitely not the first one either.
When he first held them out to you, you thought maybe he was just giving you a copy of your own to hold onto, just in case you ever needed them. You’ve thought about offering him the same a few times before, just so he could let himself into your own apartment whenever he comes over instead of you having to get up and open the door for him.
But that’s not what’s happening here. It looks like Ushijima’s chosen to skip the exchanging apartment keys step entirely in favor of just straight up asking you to move in with him. And while part of you is thrilled by it, your heart hammering in your chest with excitement at the prospect of getting to wake up next to him every day, of getting to come home to him, there’s another part of you that’s wondering if maybe you’re moving too fast.
It’s not that you don’t trust him, or that you doubt how much he cares for you, because you don’t. Your previous partners couldn’t even spell commitment, much less agree to it, but Ushijima’s not like them.
He told you, not too long after the first few times you went out together, that he doesn’t believe in dating casually or wasting his time. If he’s with someone, it’s because he sees a future with them. Hearing that was a bit intimidating at first, but it was also extraordinarily refreshing.
Asking you to move in with him, you know, is just another step towards that future. And while the idea excites you, making you feel more secure and adored than in any of your past relationships, there’s a part of you that’s still a bit hesitant.
After all, what sets you and Ushijima apart –more than your senses of humor, more than your completely different levels of athletic ability, as evidenced by the ice pack and bandages you’re currently sporting– is the fact that you, unlike him, often get caught up in the “what-if’s” of a situation. Whenever you have to make a decision, you psych yourself out by imagining every little thing that could possibly go wrong.
He calls your name, tearing you from your thoughts. He’s looking at you like he already knows what you’re thinking, like he can see the tangle of anxiety you feel nestling into your bones. Maybe that’s why he reaches out to take the hand that’s not holding his keys, lacing your fingers together.
“Are you okay?” he asks. “You haven’t said anything.”
“I know, I know, I’m just...processing.” You give his hand a quick squeeze, moving the keys around in your other palm. “How long have you been thinking about this?”
“Since my last away game.” He answers right away like he doesn’t have to think about it, like he just knows. Not for the first time, you find yourself envying his conviction. “I went straight to your apartment from the airport, and you were already there, waiting. I realized how much I liked the idea of getting to come home to you, and vice versa. I’ve been waiting for the right time to ask you to move in since then.”
“Wakatoshi, that was last month. You’ve known since back then?” You stare at him with wide, wondering eyes, your cheeks already warming at the implication, growing even warmer when he nods. “And you don’t think it’s too soon? You’re not the least bit hesitant about living with me?”
“Hesitation is only necessary for those who are unsure of their desires. I know what I want, and that’s you, if you’ll have me.”
If you’ll have me. He says it like it’s easy. Like he’s already yours, to love and to be loved by.
And he is, you realize. He has been for a while, just like you have. You knew you were in love with him this morning, and you’ve known it for weeks before that, too. You just weren’t sure when or how to bring it up, but now you are.
“I’d like that. I like you– wait, that’s not right.” You release his hand, and he stares at you in confusion, the corner of his mouth curving downward. You’re quick to smooth it away with your thumb, your eyes earnest and full of affection as you correct yourself, “I love you, Wakatoshi.”
The confusion in his eyes quickly transforms into surprise. You’re not sure what stuns him more: your confession itself, or the confident, doubtless way you say it. You smile at him and take his face into your hands, careful to move his keys so they don’t scratch him.
“I’ve known it for a while. I just wasn’t sure when to bring it up, but now I am. I don’t expect you to say it back unless you’re ready, but–”
“I love you,” he says confidently, unwaveringly, and now it’s your turn to be stunned.
You blink, taken aback for a few seconds before your lips begin curving into a goofy smile. “Really?”
He hums affirmatively, and after that you can’t do anything besides kiss him. He’s quick to return the gesture, moving his mouth against yours and winding one arm around your waist to pull you closer. He pulls back from you right when you’re about to deepen the kiss. You try to pout, but it’s hard to do so when you feel as giddy and over the moon as you do now.
“Does this mean you’ll be moving in with me?”
“Of course.” You beam at him. “I’d love to move in with you, Wakatoshi.”
He smiles, his arm moving up to wrap around your shoulders, and your own smile grows brighter as you lean into him, cuddling against his side and resting your head against his chest. Things between you are quiet for a few moments, both of you basking in the comfortable silence.
You’re shifting his keys in your hand when a thought occurs to you, and you can’t help the laugh that escapes your chest.
“So this is why you let me go running with you this morning,” you tease. “You knew that if I did injure myself, that would just make it harder for me to leave, so I’d have no choice but to say yes to moving in. How sneaky of you.”
“You volunteered to join me–”
“I know, Toshi, I’m just kidding.” You grin, tilting your head to look up at him. “So, what do you say we go make some breakfast in your kitchen? I’m starving.”
“Our kitchen now,” he corrects, and your heart flutters in your chest for what must be the tenth time in the hour or so you’ve been awake this morning. It can’t be healthy for you. “And I’ll be the one making breakfast. You stay here and rest that ankle.”
He kisses your forehead and stands up to head into the kitchen. You frown at the loss of his warmth, but another look at the keys in your hand has you smiling again.
Maybe jogging isn’t so bad after all.
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Written by: Dawn
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Dark Imagination
PAIRING: Hannibal x Fem!Reader
UNIVERSE: Hannibal
WORDS: 430
SUMMARY/PROMPT: Request given by @iamcavainna | May I request a Hannibal x reader where Hannibal shows up on her doorstep in the middle of the night after a particularly bad nightmare and when he has really bad nightmares, he can only fall back asleep when she’s with him
Trigger Warning(s): Bad dreams | Mention of Killing | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this…
NOTE: Sorry if this isn't what you expected, I'm hoping this finds you well love!
IMAGE CREDIT: Google I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF THESE IMAGES. If these are yours or you know who the creator(s) is please INBOX me and let me know. Thank you.
My Master Masterlist | Hannibal Masterlist | Taglist
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Hannibal thrashed about, his body diagonal on the bed. The blankets hanging off the bed. The sweat of his brow rolling into his dark salt and pepper hair. Shooting up, he let out a gasp and wiped his brow, and looked around. Reaching over to his table for a glass of water. Looking down at himself, he turned and dangled his legs over the edge of his bed.
Running his hand through his damp hair, he lets out a soft breath and looks at the clock. It read 11:14 P.M. Rubbing his face, he slipped a white t-shirt on and made his way outside. You didn't live far, but maybe the fresh air would be good. Perhaps it would help. You were the first one that came to mind. It was the first night he was on his own since you moved to town.
As he walked down the road, he looked around- everything seemed so loud. It was almost as if he couldn't gather his thoughts. He ran over his nightmare over and over in his head. The cornfield, the scarecrows, the distance, the heavy thick fog. All of it started to worry him, Hannibal's mind raced. Seeing you in what felt like a country mile away, and the closer he got, the further you went. It terrified him.
It seemed like it was forever for him to get to you. His mind trying to process his dream. Were you slipping away? But that wouldn't make sense because then you appear behind him in his nightmare, and he turns around, and with a curved blade serrated scythe, he kills you. The more he thinks about this, the faster he walks.
Finally, he approaches his door, and his jaw clenches. He knocks on the door, and his hands are balled into fists. Turning over in bed, you look around, hearing another knock. You were just falling asleep.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." You call out.
Wrapped in a blanket, you walk to the door and open it to find a chilled and sweat-soaked Hannibal, looking like death. You take his arm and drag him inside.
"Jesus, what's wrong? You look like death."
"Bad dream, can I sleep with you?"
He looked like a kicked puppy. You take his hand and pull him into a hug, wrapping your blanket around him holding him close. You take him to your bedroom and climb into bed- and lay with him. Holding him close, you run your fingers through his hair and wait until he falls asleep before you start drifting into a soft slumber.
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ♡ oikawa, tendou & sakusa
tw ♡ children, cursing & mentions of arson
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♡ he is pretty much a professional babysitter, or so he thought
♡ which is why he accepted when you asked if he could help you take care of your nieces/nephews for the weekend
♡ i mean, he takes care of his nephew all the time so how hard could babysitting possibly be? it was basically a free pass to spend the day with you 
♡ however, he began to regret his decision as he sat on your couch and realised that he wouldn’t be able to get even somewhat intimate with you when there was constantly an annoying little boy clinging to his arm, asking him if he had any games on his phone
♡ “sorry, kid.” oikawa smiled, clenching his jaw to hide the rage but it wasn’t very effective, “i’ve not got any games. maybe you could go play with your toys or something.” 
♡ he let out a sigh, making the mistake of thinking that would be the end of their interaction
♡ “can’t you just download some?” the boy retaliated
♡ you snickered, watching as the energy visibly drained from oikawa, yet he still wore his frighteningly bright grin
♡ “i’ve not got any storage.” 
♡ “then delete some of your apps or photos.” the boy said with a shrug, then proceeded to point at oikawa’s home screen, which happened to be a picture of him and you in front of an ethereal sunset, “start with that one. you both look like dorks.”
♡ you and oikawa’s unified gasps of offence were enough to show the boy that he was able to do exactly what he intended; piss y’all off
♡ hence, with a final mischievous snicker, he dashed off
♡ “i hate kids.” oikawa muttered, inspecting his homescreen to see if he really did look like a ‘dork’, “what is his problem?”
♡ “what if our kids turn out like that?” you joked 
♡ his eyes widened momentarily, turning to look at you with an uncharacteristically sheepish expression, “our w--”
♡ “mr kawa!” a cry could be heard from the kitchen so without hesitation, you both hopped to your feet and rushed over there as quick as you could 
♡ once you both reached the area the yell came from, you were fortunately not greeted by anything gruesome 
♡ instead, you both got to behold two children trying to reach the top shelf with the power on friendship; the taller boy was standing on a chair, while the toddler held it still 
♡ however, his grip on the jar of the Nutella must’ve loosened at some point as it now lay dejectedly on the ground, half spilled across the tiles and the other half drenching the toddler, not that they seemed to mind though 
♡ in fact, it looked like they were having the time of their — albeit, short — life
♡ the container was only plastic, hence you didn’t have to worry about shards when you darted over to the poor, chocolate-covered baby and scooped them up into your arms, “are you guys, okay?!”
♡ “yeah.” the boy chuckled, noticing that holding the toddler was transferring the chocolate onto you too
♡ “if you wanted nutella, you could’ve just asked.” oikawa sighed, helping the boy get down safely from the chair before putting the object back at it’s intended spot at the dinner table 
♡ “you could have gotten seriously hurt! i thought you would know better than to do something like this.” you scolded, becoming even more furious as the baby continued to playfully slap your face with their grimy hands, “please don’t do that again.”
♡ before they boy got the chance to do anything besides murmur a vague apology, oikawa interjected, “they won’t get the chance.”
♡ and he was right
♡ after cleaning everything up (including the child, which took forever), you didn’t let either of the rascals out of your sight until your duties as babysitters were complete 
♡ “i think we handled that pretty well.” oikawa mused, gathering his stuff along with you as you both got ready to leave
♡ “yeah, maybe we should do this again sometime.” you suggested, but it was followed by a few second was complete silence
♡ until you both burst out laughing 
♡ “yeah, never again.” you agreed
♡ “the kids can take care of themselves.” oikawa said with shrug, offering his hand to you, before you both strutted out of the disaster house
♡ ever since then, it was a common inside joke between you to, when in the vicinity of a kid causing mayhem or being a nuisance, whisper to each or exchange a look that says, ‘it’s a great day to not be babysitting.’  
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♡ at first, you thought that asking tendou for help babysitting would be a bad idea bc he is just as hyperactive as the damn kids sometimes so he’d probably not be the best influence 
♡ and you knew this bc one time you happened to run into him while out in the park with the kids and you asked him to watch them for literally a minute so you could run to the bathroom but when you came back all you almost had a heart attack because tendou was teaching them fkn tricks on the monkey bars 
♡ however, you then realised that if the kids were busy committing arson with uncle tendou, then they wouldn’t be bothering you 
♡ so here you are, playing monopoly with your boyfriend, a seven year-old and a one year-old
♡ well, it was less like monopoly and more like debate class since none of you could agree on the rules
♡ “well, uncle ten,” the older sibling began, in a very matter-of-factly tone, “if i burn your property down, then i  don’t have to pay you for landing on it.”
♡ “but then you also go to jail.” you pointed out
♡ “not if the police don’t catch me.”
♡ you burst out laughing, meanwhile tendou kept his business face on, “good point, but watch this.” tendou spoke as he rolled the dice, though no matter what if he got a number between four and seven, he would end up landing on somebody’s property
♡ he got a four
♡ picking up his piece, he moved it across each square individually and once he was due to land on your property, he knocked his piece over
♡ “whoops, i slipped.” he chuckled, though his friendly aura immediately dropped as he looked you dead in the eye and said, “i’m suing.”
♡ “you can’t sue me because you tripped!” you yelled 
♡ “i guess i just fell for you.” he said, resulting in the kids both making gagging noises before he stuck out his hand, “100 monopoly dollars, please.”
♡ “like i said,” you tried your best to stay strong and not laugh at his shitting pickup line, “i’m not giving you any money, you fell!”
♡ “i guess we’ll have to take this matter to court then.” tendou said, tapping the shoulder of the one year-old who was currently chewing on a 500 bill which you quickly had to confiscate 
♡ “judge, do you think (y/n) owes me 100 monopoly dollars for poor health and safety conduct?”
♡ “yes.”
♡ “that is the only word they know how to say!” you cried, begrudgingly handing over the money 
♡ “thank you, angel.” tendou cooed, adding your singular bill to the pile he had already stored up; the winner of the game had already been decided 
♡ and although you and the seven year-old kid both cried later after getting your asses kicked in monopoly (the one year-old cried too but they were just hungry), you all went out to get food and actually had a pretty good time
♡ it became a routine for tendou to help you babysit whenever he got the chance and y’all would always play table top games
♡ also when tendou got accepted into culinary school, he’d teach/show the kids what dishes he has learned to prepare and let them help by stirring the pot, adding spices etc etc
♡ and even when he moved to Paris, on special occasions, a box of chocolates would suddenly appear at the kids’ door and all the little pieces would be shaped and moulded into some of their favourite characters or made out of their favourite flavours 
♡ and at one point the kids even insisted that you teach them how to make chocolates so they can send some back to uncle tendou <33
♡ they weren’t the best, but when tendou received the misshapen, slightly stale chocolates at his apartment, addressed from you and the children, he cried
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♡ his first response when you asked if he could help you babysit was ofc ‘ew no 🤢’
♡ needless to say it took a lot mansplain manipulate malewifing to convince him to come over 
♡ but once he did, obviously he was in his full protective gear; there was no way in hell he was going to catch whatever germs the little goblins have
♡ honestly he almost sprayed a chid in the face with hand sanitizer when they came running up to him with open arms, trying to give him a hug 
♡ which was unusual because the kids don’t tend to be overly friendly with new people, but you just brushed it off and figured that sakusa must’ve been an exception
♡ during his time babysitting, sakusa spend most of his energy trying to avoid the children at all costs that it basically became a game of tag, with you helping the child try to reach sakusa, and him hiding
♡ but honestly you couldn’t complain since the whole time the child was playing, they were safe with you rather than playing with fire 
♡ until later you were reminded of their odd fondness for sakusa when they insisted that sakusa carry them to their bedroom when it was their nap time
♡ and as you were shifting through the books, looking for a story to read, it hit you why they seemed to be so familiar with sakusa
♡ it’s because he looked exactly like the prince in one of their favourite story books; same hair, both tall and they even had similar moles to each other
♡ upon noticing this, you immediately showed sakusa and was quite amused
♡ in fact, he found it so cute that he gave both you and the toddler a lil’ kiss on the cheek, as a parting gift — mask off and everything
♡ he ended up reading the story and the kid fell into deep slumber by the time he reached the second page
♡ letting out a sigh of relief, sakusa slumped onto the ground, allowing his own eyes to flutter shut for a moment, “what a day.”
♡ you shuffled over to you could lay down beside him, “indeed it was, prince sakusa.”
♡ “shut up.” he teased, poking your rib slightly before absently intertwining his fingers with your own
♡ next thing you knew, you were both awakened by the sound of a grumpy toddler...
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
“hey google? whats social interaction?”
two fics in one day hell yeah. this time it’s for an AU i don’t think i’ve talked about here, called the Shy!Wukong AU, in which 500 years of isolation had the consequence of absolutely destroying Wukong’s social skills and confidence.
Word Count: 3.4k
Read on Ao3
When MK arrived on Flower Fruit Mountain that afternoon, it was quiet. He walked around for a few minutes, enjoying the silence, a big difference from the constant sound of the city, before sighing.
He walked over and leaned against a tree, barely hearing the soft intake of breath from behind it.
"I know you're there, Monkey King." He sighed again, taking the staff out and twirling it. "I could see your tail y'know."
Wukong slowly emerged from behind him, walking around the tree to stand just outside of MK's reach. MK purposefully didn't look at him, but out of the corner of his eye he could see that his mentor was avoiding eye contact.
"Ah, uh, yeah uh, hey bud." Wukong said, "I uh, didn't know you were here-"
"You were meant to come hang out with me and my friends today." MK said, and Wukong slumped. "I understand having some days were you're just not up for interacting, but this is the third time. ...Why won't you interact with my friends?"
He asked this as gently as he could, but still Wukong shrunk back a little.
"They....they can sense weakness..." Wukong muttered, and now MK did look at him, with confusion.
"Wh- no they don't- well, Mei might, but still." He pushed off the tree, turning to face Wukong fully. "You seriously need to get some more social interaction- it'll help you be more confident again!"
Wukong opened his mouth as though to speak-
"Fighting Macaque that one time doesn't count as social interaction." MK deadpanned, watching unimpressed as Wukong nervously scratched the side of his face. "....Tell you what, if you come with me and Mei shopping tomorrow, I'll get off your case for a week. Does that sound okay?" 
"...Yeah..." Wukong quietly gave his assent, and MK beamed.
"Great! Now, are we going to do training?"
"I didn't plan anything out though...."
"That's okay, we can just spar!"
Wukong was 20 minutes late.
MK glanced at his watch again just to make sure that he was reading the time right, before looking back over to Mei. She was playing some game or other on her phone, looking bored.
"Y'know, I'm starting to think Mr. Monkey King might be scared of me." Mei said after another minute went by with still no sign of Wukong.
"Honestly, you might not be too far off from the truth there." MK admitted, "I was half expecting him to at least send a clone, but he must know that I catch on to that immediately now."
"Do you think he's alright?" Mei put her phone back in her pocket, now glancing at the sky with concern. "Like, he didn't freak too much over it and hole himself up in his room or something again, did he?"
"No, he's already met you once, so I don't think it'd be that bad again." MK pulled the staff out of his pocket, contemplating for a moment. "...Hey Mei, how would you like a trip to Flower Fruit Mountain?"
"I would love to." Mei smirked, before turning around and entering the mall, grabbing hold of the back of MK's hoodie to drag him in along with her. "But first, we're gonna need some supplies!"
When MK and Mei arrived on Flower Fruit Mountain, it was once again quiet.
"Okay." MK shifted the bag he was carrying on his arm, adjusting his grip. "He's probably up in his little house behind the waterfall. He probably knows we're here by now, so..."
"So all we have to do is find him." Mei finished, "Don't worry MK, I remember the plan."
"Right. Okay." They passed through the water fall, walking through the cave. Standing in front of Wukong's door, MK set his bag on the ground in order to lift his arm and knock.
One of the younger monkeys opened the door.
"Hey there!" MK said, "Is Monkey King here?"
The tiny monkey chitters out a response MK interprets as yes, moving aside to let Mei and MK through. Mei easily finds her way into the kitchen, and MK can hear the clattering of some pots and pans as she shuffles things around (they'd bought some hot chocolate, and apparently Mei refused to wait any longer before making it). MK, meanwhile, sets his bag down by the door and starts looking for Wukong.
It ends up not being very hard really, as he finds his mentor laying on the couch, a blanket pulled over top of his head, his tail poking out and resting on the floor, stiff.
...Too stiff.
"Monkey King?" MK asks, and he sees the fur on Wukong's tail bristle, but yet the monkey himself doesn't move. "I know you're awake."
Wukong says something entirely incoherent.
"Me and Mei are here to have a sleepover, if you're wondering." MK says, "Since you didn't come shopping with us."
There's no response.
Suddenly Mei curses, and there's a loud clatter in the kitchen. MK turns, suitably distracted.
"Y'alright?" He yells.
"Fine! Monkey King just has horrible sorting skills is all!" Is the response he gets, and MK quietly chuckles because, well, she's not wrong.
When he turns back around, Wukong is out from under the blanket, standing up, his usual nervous smile plastered on his face.
...But something's off. His back is too straight, for one, the Monkey King that MK knows is normally slightly slouched. The look in his eyes doesn't show shyness either, rather an attempt at faking being shy.
MK makes his deduction in less than a second.
"You're a clone aren't you."
"Oh thank heavens." The Wukong clone, relaxes just slightly, the nervous smile slipping off in favor of a more relaxed, natural one. (One that, notably, MK has only seen on Wukong's clones. Well, he thinks he saw his mentors real smile once, but Wukong had left rather fast after that, so MK had never been actually sure.) "I wasn't sure how long I could pretend to be nervous for."
"He's trying to bail again, huh." MK said, not even surprised, having mostly known this would happen. 500 years by himself had really taken it's toll on the Monkey King, MK still wasn't sure how exactly Wukong had lost his confidence, but the consequences of whatever it was were fairly obvious. It had taken forever for MK to actually get his mentor to just have normal conversations with him instead of just leaving him sticky notes with instructions on them. During that time, Wukong had run away from MK *multiple* times.
Well, not tonight. MK personally respected Wukong's lack of knowledge on how to be social, and knew first hand the experience of not feeling up to interacting with people. But if Wukong didn't at least try to step over his comfort zone, then he'd never become confident again.
Wukong's clone seemed to have the same idea, as he turned, walking off down a hallway. MK heard a door open- followed by a yelp of betrayal, and then the clone was back, carrying a flustered Monkey King over his shoulder, dumping him onto the couch before vanishing, just as Mei entered the living room with a tray covered in candies, as well as three mugs of hot chocolate.
"Did I miss anything?" She asks, setting the tray down on the coffee table, before sitting on the couch to the left of Wukong. The Monkey King actually squeaked, shifting to move to the other side, only to be stopped by MK sitting on his right. Almost as though they'd planned it, they both leaned up against Wukong simultaneously, feeling how he stiffened at the sudden contact.
"Did you get the remote?" Mei asked, sipping at her hot chocolate.
"Yep." MK held the remote up with one hand, easily accessing Wukong's Netflix account. (He'd accidentally stumbled upon the password one of the times the monkeys had shoved him into the house in an attempt to help him interact with Wukong.) "What do you want to watch?"
"Hm, dunno. What do you think, Mr. Monkey King?"
Wukong didn't respond. He still hadn't relaxed either. His eyes looked slightly unfocused, and MK could practically hear the computer crashing noises.
Jeez. Wukong was a lot more touch-starved than he had thought.
And then Wukong moved, sliding down a little, covering his face with his hands. Mei and MK shared a look of concern.
Maybe this much contact was a bit too much to start?
MK leaned away from Wukong, putting just the slightest bit of distance between them, Mei following his lead soon after.
They were both quiet for a moment, silently considering what to do next as Wukong continued to not look at them.
...And then Mei grabbed the pillow behind her, slowly raising it over her head.
MK barely had the time to register what she was doing before the pillow smacked him in the face.
Mei burst out laughing at MK's surprised look, jumping up off the couch, pulling more pillows out of...somewhere. MK hadn't seen her grab them, but they were certainly there now.
He ducked down, sliding off the couch as a pillow soared over his head, flopping against the couch cushions, having not met it's target. He barely managed to shift out of the way of a second pillow, catching a third before it could hit him in the chest.
"Oh it is on!" He cheered, spinning around before throwing the pillow at Mei as hard as he could.
Soon enough the pillow fight increased to all out warfare, more pillows seemingly appearing out of nowhere. MK laughed, nearly forgetting about Wukong-
And then a pillow hit him in the back of the head.
Both he and Mei paused, knowing for a fact that Mei hadn't thrown it, she was in front of him, getting him from behind was impossible.
MK turned around just in time to see Wukong create another pillow out of one of his hairs and throw it.
When MK pulled the pillow off of his face, he was greeted with Wukong's nervous smile, and a bit of anxious laughter.
MK glanced at Mei.
Well. This wasn't exactly the way they had planned to help Wukong come out of his shell a bit, but it could work.
Sleepovers became more frequent after that. Typically they ended up with just a pillow fight, but still, it was some progress, however small.
MK and his friends were more than content to take things slow, let Wukong relearn how to socially interact and overcome his shyness the normal way.
And then New Years happened.
Wukong was still definitely not comfortable interacting with anyone other than Mei, MK, and Sandy, but he did start showing up a bit more frequently. (MK had noticed that Wukong tried his hardest to be more confident around Pigsy. He wasn't sure as to why Wukong did so, but he did. Pigsy himself seemed concerned about it as well, but for the most part let it slide). MK sometimes couldn't help but feel that his mentor seemed a bit...worried about something. But whenever he asked, Wukong would just clam up, sometimes even going so far as to distract MK before teleporting away.
But whatever. It was fine, they were making progress. Wukong was actually somewhat talking to people now, albeit he was still quiet, and easily flustered at the smallest of things. (Tang had briefly mentioned how impressive Wukong's feats were in an offhand sentence, and the Monkey King had practically shut down for an entire half an hour.)
...Unlike MK and the others however, Demon Bull King was more than slightly concerned.
The New Years Incident had been his first time seeing the Monkey King since 500 years ago, and needless to say, he was not what he expected.
He remembered Wukong being boastful, confident, easily coming up with snarky quips left and right.
So it was definitely a shock when, instead of annoyingly chatting or created stupid jokes while captured by Spider Queen, Wukong had simply sat there, quiet, a light blush dusting his face as he sulked, embarrassed over having gotten caught.
Demon Bull King could only wonder what in the world could've happened that would've rendered the Monkey King so shy.
He'd shared his concerns with his family, of course, in a roundabout, thinly veiled way. (He had been fairly certain that the monkey of the conversation had actually been spying on them at the time). Princess Iron Fan had commented about seeing Red Son in a slightly similar state, considering how he never could seem to hold an actual conversation with MK or Mei, instead always challenging them to a battle. (She was concerned, for her son. She'd known that staying in his lab, working on inventions day in and day out would definitely be bad for his social skills, but Red Son had been so stubborn at the time that there'd been nothing she could do.)
Red Son, of course, entirely missed hearing the conversation about himself.
He did however, hear the one about Wukong.
Which, of course, led to-
"Wake up, simian!"
Wukong startled, rolling out of bed, falling to the floor, his blankets falling on top of him and obscuring his vision. He scrambled for a minute, trying to get his bearings as he struggled with the blankets, trying to clear his vision.
A light laugh made him freeze, suddenly glad for the blankets covering him as he felt his face flush as he realized he wasn't alone.
"Seriously? This is the great, powerful Monkey King everyone is afraid of?"
It took a moment for him to place the voice, slowly lifting the blankets up, keeping his head hung low as he checked to make sure.
Bright red jacket. The faint smell of smoke.
Red Son.
Wukong looked away, trying to pull up every inch of confidence he'd regained.
"....How'd you get into my house?" Is what he ended up saying, and he mentally patted himself on the back for not having his voice break mid sentence.
"Please, it's not like it's that difficult."
"There's a whole entire waterfall sealing the place."
"Which is very easy to by pass if you know how."
Wukong couldn't come up with a response for that, instead forcing himself to stand up, trying to put a normal smile on his face, but knowing it would probably only end up being his usual nervous one.
"Uh, um. Why are you here?" He finally asked.
"Well, uh, my father is worried about you so I'm here to help you or....whatever.... something like that..." Red Son said, getting a bit quieter and trailing off towards the end of his sentence.
"I-" Suddenly, irritation overcame Wukong's shyness and anxiety. "You- you're just as bad as I am!"
(Demon Bull King had been right. Wukong had been spying on them during that conversation. He'd originally planned on going over to talk to them, but then, well, as usual he'd panicked, and ended up listening in the rafters while waiting for an opportunity to leave unnoticed.
...That had been a long day.)
Red Son spluttered for a moment, before pulling himself together.
"I am not." He hissed, the edges of his hair sparking.
"You socialize with my successor by fighting him because you don't know how to ask him and Mei to hang out outside of battling." Wukong deadpanned, "And no, battles do not count as social interaction, according to MK."
There was a pause, where they both went silent, staring at each other, waiting for the next move.
An hour later, and they were both sitting on the floor of Wukong's bedroom, both of them looking slightly frazzled.
"I mean, just." Red Son said, "How do you talk to people?!"
"I literally have no idea." Wukong sounded just as stressed and dismayed as Red Son. "I mean, MK and his friends have been trying, and like, I guess it's been working, because they haven't complained about me yet, but still, just, what is social interaction??"
"I don't know!" Red Son groaned, holding his head in his hands. "If- if only we had someone who was really good at social interaction, someone we could copy-"
"Like MK?" Wukong asked, before immediately dismissing the idea in his next sentence. "No, no, he'd pick up on what we're doing and either make us stop or call us out on it way too fast...."
"Agreed, we definitely cannot use the Noodle Boy or his friends as an example." Red Son muttered, "But....to be honest with you, I don't know many other people."
"...Me either." Wukong flopped backwards to lay on the floor, both of them sighing in defeat.
And then Wukong, tensed sitting back up, a thoughtful but also very reluctant look on his face.
"...Actually, there is one person we might be able to go to..."
"...What's being social?"
Wukong and Red Son both looked at their last hope of a savior in dismay.
Macaque stared back with an equivalent amount of confusion.
The three of them sat in the middle of a small park, partially hidden from passerby by a line of bushes. Macaque wasn't even entirely sure how he'd gotten there, and wasn't even close to having a clue as to what was going on.
"What do you mean you don't know- you socialize literally every day!" Wukong threw his hands up into the air, in a mixture of anger and defeat.
"You alone are literally responsible for over half of the city's parties." Red Son added, "How can you not know how to be social when you're the perfect example of a social butterfly?"
"I don't know." Macaque shrugged. If anything, this reaction seemed to cause Red Son and Wukong more distress.
"So you're saying you.... don't actually know how to socially interact?"
"Uh, no?" Macaque leaned back, crossing his arms. "I kinda just go along with whatever happens so- wait why are you crying."
Red Son looked to his left to see that, oh, uh, Wukong was crying. He didn't seem like he wanted to be, if the way he was hiding his face behind his hands and trying to muffle his sobs was any indication, but he definitely was.
"You were our last hope of understanding social interaction." Wukong muttered, voice muffled by his hands. Red Son awkwardly hovered his hand over Wukong's shoulder, knowing that the other still wasn't entirely used to touch.
"...Aren't the both of you interacting with me ri-" Macaque was abruptly cut off as something grabbed him by the back of his scarf, pulling him back into the bush. Red Son was too focused on Wukong, and Wukong was too busy trying to stop crying, to notice the sudden disappearance.
Macaque landed on his back, spitting out a stray leaf as he looked up at MK. (He'd known Wukong's successor was spying on them, he'd heard him hide behind the bush. Still though, randomly grabbing him was a little bit annoying).
"You can't tell them that they're socially interacting." MK hissed, quiet enough that the other two couldn't hear him. Macaque raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Any particular reason as to why?"
"If you tell them they're actually interacting it's like- it's like Cinderella when the clock hits midnight, they both go back to being easily flustered recluses." MK said, "You've got to keep them going without realizing what they're doing for as long as possible."
"...Okay???" Honestly, this didn't clear things up for Macaque at all, but he wasn't going to try and argue with MK now.
MK let go off his scarf, and Macaque returned to his position in front of Wukong and Red Son, adding an extra glamour over top of himself so that his little trip through the bush would be entirely unnoticeable. Funnily enough, neither of them seemed to have noticed his temporary disappearance.
"So uh....wanna keep not-socializing with me at that cafe over there?" Macaque pointed over his shoulder at a nearby place he liked to visit. If he was going to do this, he was going to need another dose of caffeine. "I can maybe try and figure out some tips for you?"
"Yes please." Wukong and Red Son said in sync, already standing up and moving towards the cafe. Macaque stood up shortly after them.
Quietly, watching them walk in front of him, he thought; 'They're idiots.'
"Wukong, why are you hiding your face, Red Son's the one that just face planted while walking through a door!"
The Monkey King's response was completely incoherent, afflicted with second-hand embarrassment. Both he and Red Son refused to look Macaque in the eye.
The shadow monkey sighed, almost tempted to teleport away to find somewhere nice to scream.
MK better find a good way of paying him back for this.
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Gojo Satoru Edition 💙
note: I just want to thank everyone for making this blog hit 500+ followers. Never in my wildest dreams would have thought to have a writing blog and a one that is so supported and loved. I love everyone single of my followers and readers who took the time to read my content. English isn’t my first language so I struggle a lot when writing since I make a lot of typos and I barely have any writing skills. Even though I reread it to check I still manage to find some typos so I’m constantly editing, even my old posts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how happy each comment or reblogs makes me, I love reading what you guys think. I will continue to work hard for you guys and the jkk community! Please look forward to future updates my lovelies! ❤
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A= Admiration (How do they admire you? What is their thoughts about you? What is their reaction in meeting you for the first time? Do they instantly like you?)
Gojou loves staring at you and he's not afraid if he gets caught.
Even if you're doing chores or you're laughing with the first years. You could of just woken up with messy hair, drool dried on the corner of your mouth and he'll still think you're the most beautiful person in the world.
When he stares at you it's as if the world slows down and everyone goes in slow motion. He'll notice the twinkle in your eyes or how you suddenly shifted to your right. As he's in a trace where his hearts flutters at the sight of you.
His Six Eyes will notice even the tiniest detail about you.
Even in a crowded room his eyes will immediately try to find your form. You're the first person he seeks whenever and wherever.
He likes to boast about you to everyone, especially his students. You're his lover and he's proud to have you.
To him, you're his equal, his safe haven. You're the only person he can truly let his guard down with. You love him not because "he's the strongest shaman" but just as "Satoru" and that's something he thinks about that makes him feel all warm inside.
You're his everything, he wouldn't know what would he do if he ever loses you. If Gojou truly loves you he will fully commit to it.
You and Gojou didn't exactly start off on the right foot.
You thought he was too arrogant and annoying.
While he thought you were weak and boring.
You quickly proved that wrong, and his perception of you changed. He would often tease you and find opportunities to spar with you.
You slowly started to grow on each other from rivals to lovers.
He's still annoying though.
B= Bestie (Do they act like best friends while dating? How comfortable are they with you?)
Why absolutely! You guys are lovers at the same time bestfriends.
Gojou is very comfortable around you. He's pretty confident man already but when he's around you there's no breaks for this man.
He will do the wackiest and craziest things just see you laugh and smile.
You both tell each other everything, such as recent turn of events or even student gossip. He loves to gossip.
You can expect him to wake you up at 2 am just to go to McDonald's while blasting music from the car while you both sing on top of your lungs.
Of course there will be moments where both have arguments or disagreements but they don't last long. They get solved pretty easily.
"Wanna get icecream?"
"Fine, but you're playing."
Gojou can be quite obnoxious at times and you're not afraid to let him know. He doesn't listen and still annoy you anyways.
But now you should be used to his antics and don't take them too seriously.
There is no such thing as a boundary for this man.
He can literally become your safe haven during sad times or hell as he tickles you until you cry.
C= Cuddles (How often do they cuddle? How are they when they cuddle? What cuddle position do they like best? Are they the Big Spoon or Little Spoon?)
If he could, Gojou would always want to be cuddling with you. Whenever and wherever you both are.
He loves the feeling of having you in his arms or him in your arms. His home is where your arms are. It's one of the moments where his Infinity isn't activated.
He wrap his long limps around you and bring you as physically close as possible so he can nuzzle against you or press kisses to you.
Whenever he's in a cuddling mood or he's feeling stressed he'll come to find you and pull you to the nearest chair. He'll have you sit in his lap while he embraces you tightly. He won't go until he's satisfied too!
He usually prefers to be the bigger spoon, he likes the idea that you're safe within his arms. Sometimes he'll just stare at you while you sleep, smiling to himself as he drifts off to sleep.
If you're both in bed you must cuddle! It's a rule he made up.
He doesn't being the little spoon either, he loves the feeling of when you playing with hair. He truly feels comfortable and vulnerable within your arms.
He can't decide with position he likes best, he just likes the feeling of your body close to his.
D= Domestic (Are they willing to settle down with you? Are they willing to do chores? What do you two do at home?)
Gojou never thought he would settle down. That is until he met you!
With his busy and dangerous lifestyle, he thought he would spend the rest of his days alone.
Being with him, is a huge risk. The higher ups or the enemies would use you as a bargaining chip.
After lots of convincing, that you'll promise to be by his side forever. You'll have his heart now and forever.
Gojou when he's at home...he's lazy. He'll be munching on some snacks, lying on the sofa while you hang the laundry.
Somedays he's tired from work, so you let him be but if he really isn't doing anything. Some threats work really well on him.
"If you don't don't do the laundry, you're sleeping on the sofa tonight!"
"Then I'm off to do it!"
Having growing up with servants, he's not used to doing household chores.
But he will try, because he doesn't want you take take on the full workload. Teach him, he's a fast learner!
At home, within your arms is where he feels safest. Majority of the time you two would be in contact with each other one way or another.
You're watching tv? He's sitting you with his arm around your shoulder. If you're cooking, he'll come and unexpectedly hug you from behind. This man craves your touch.
Watching movies or television is something you both do very often, you'll both be snuggled up together, while Gojou throws commentary here and there.
Cooking or baking is another thing you both do. Majority of the time you both rarely get to spend together due to Gojou's work schedule. Who ever arrives home first will have to make dinner. However, you two are both at home you both help each other make a delicious dessert or meal. Nothing like eating a home cooked meal together.
Playing video games together is a must! You're his player number 2. He's very competitive so if he wins, it's non stop boasting but if he loses he demands an immediate rematch. Mario Kart or Super Smash Brothers is some the common ones you both play.
E= Endeavor (Are they supportive in you trying to do something? Will they help you reach for it?)
Gojou Satoru is known to be your literal hype man.
He will be very supportive of you and what you're trying to accomplish. As long as it's not something like becoming a murder. He's gonna have to do a double take on that.
If you're gonna become a piano, he'll have a grand piano delivered straight to your home. If you're gonna become an artist, he will buy you the best art supplies.
As they say "live your life to the fullest" and Gojou completely agrees with that statement.
If you're trying to learn something new, he will be encouraging you. There are times where he can be a little but don't take it to heart. He just wants you to improve and sugarcoating things isn't always the best way to improve.
If you're feeling down but you're trying to achieve, he'll be there to comfort you and motivate you.
"Things won't always go your way, but I promise I'll be there to cheer you on."
If you're trying to learn a new skill, he might have a go at it too. He's a fast learner but if he doesn't or can't do something, he'll just blame it on the fact that if he does it then he's gonna become perfect so he chooses not to. It's just to save his huge ego.
F= Fights (How often do you guys fight? Who apologizes first? How long will the fight last? What is the reason behind the fight?)
You guys argue pretty often but they're mostly about trival issues. Like Gojou forgot to take out the trash or who cooks today.
If you both do fight seriously. It would definitely have to do with "work". Because of Gojou's busy schedule you're not sure when will he be back home or when he will be gone. If you both have very different schedules it would definitely lead to some misunderstandings.
If you realize you did something wrong you'll apologize to him right away. While he spouts things like "I told you so!" but he's only teasing.
If he realizes he did something wrong it'll take him a while for him to admit it. Depending on the seriousness of the situation his apology will differ.
If it's something trivial, he'll just pepper you with kisses while says sorry a hundred times.
If it's serious, he'll fully embrace you and apologize, straight to the point no needless words.
Trivial fights don't last long but serious one may take time. Depending on who's wrong or right.
Gojou is a stubborn person so even if he's wrong it'll take him a while to admit it. Maybe days or a week but no longer than that. After all he can't resist not being around you.
G= Guard (Are they protective of you? How protective are they? Are they willing to risk themselves to save you?)
This depends whether you're a shaman or a civilian.
If you are a civilian, he will be very protective of you. You don't have the ability to see curses so who knows what or when can hurt you.
He'll take sure to put lots of talismans and barriers around your home for safety.
Gojou due to his busy work schedule won't always be home or be around you. During these days he's worried sick about you.
He'll be sure to message or call you whenever he can to check up on you.
If he truly senses you're in danger, no matter what he'll go to you instantly. After that happens he'll more frightened of losing you and might resort to leaving you.
Despite how much he loves you, you're life is more precious than him. He can't risk that by being around you.
If you're a shaman just like him, he won't be as protective over you. He'll understand and trust that you'll be able to defend yourself.
He'll make sure to spar with you so that you won't lose in touch in fighting.
Even though he knows you can take care of yourself, in his heart he still worries for you. So he may or may not pop up randomly during your missions and exorcise the curse immediately.
You may end up getting annoyed or mad at him because you may think he thinks you're weak but that's not the case. He just loves you and worries about you.
Whether you're a civilian or shaman, Gojou will 100% risk his life to save you. He's lost so many people, he can't afford lose you too.
If you're out in public, he'll be sure to be holding your hand or have an arm around your waist. He'll glare at anyone who looks at you funny through his sunglasses.
Gojou has a massive presence so good luck to anyone who tries to approach you. They gotta get through him first.
H= Healing (What is their reaction in you getting hurt? Do they get hurt often? Do they help you patching you up? Or do they not know how to patch you up, and tries their hardest?)
Gojou hates seeing you hurt in anyway. Even if it's a tiny wound. It's kinda like if you're hurt he's hurt too. That's his way of thinking.
If you get injured during a mission, you can bet Gojou will be all over you.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"For the hundred time, yes..."
Despite your assurance that are fine, he'll still insist to take you to Shoko just to be safe.
If it's a trivial wound like you accidentally cut yourself or you stubbed your toe. Gojou will be the one to take care of the wound. He does have basic knowledge on how to treat wounds.
If it's a severe wound, he'll instantly bring you to Shoko. He'll teleport all the way from Hokkaido to Tokyo if he has to.
He doesn't know how to use the Reverse Cursed Technique but at the moment when you're dying in his arms he will try his best to.
He will literally become your human shield if he knows things are dire.
If he sees an enemy wound you, well it's gonna be game over for the enemy. Instant oblivion.
It is known that Gojou has his Infinity activated at all times, so he doesn't ever get hurt whether from missions or trivial issues.
Very rare but when he does turn off his Infinity he can get hurt but it's because he let's it happen.
He still gets sick from time to time because that's something his Infinity can't protect him from.
I= Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do you two often go on dates?)
Gojou as we all know is very affectionate and romantic person.
He's very cheesy and likes to tease you just to see you blush.
He can't keep his hands off of you, he has to be touching you even just by lacing your fingers together. He also likes to stand near you often behind you or right beside you.
Gojou goes all over Japan for his missions and he makes sure to always bring a souvenir home for you whether it's a little trinket or something you'll like. Definitely will buy sweets, he'll share just a little though.
You'll often be surprised with deliveries of bouquets at work addressed to you but not written from who but you know who it is.
This man is extremely rich, so you ever have an eye on something, he'll secretly buy it for you.
When you're cold, he'll give you his jacket or hug you to keep you warm. If you're feeling hot under the sun, use this man as your personal shade. He doesn't mind.
It's rare for the both of you to have day offs at the same time so it's always something special to him.
He'll either take you out shopping or a cafe date.
He loves going around Tokyo with you to different places and secretly takes pictures of you when you're not looking.
If you don't feel like going anywhere he's fine with just cuddling you while watching a movie.
Gojou just has a sense for you if you're feeling down or stressed. He'll instantly know and would try to make you feel better.
He can cook your favorite meal or even give you a massage.
He's not shy to show the world how much he loves you, everyone in the Jujutsu society knows about you two.
J= Jealousy (How often do they get jealous? Do they get easily jealous? How will they react?)
Gojou doesn't get jealous easily. He trusts you and knows the things you do and won't do. However, on rare occasions it does happen but he won't directly voice it out.
"I'm the strongest most handsome shaman ever!" But behind that he still has insecurities. It usually depends on the person you're interacting with. If he sees you getting a little too close to someone, he'll step inーcausally stepping in between the two of you. A hand around your waist around strangers and a full on back hug around people he knows.
If a stranger tries to pick you up, he'll swoop right in towering the poor stranger. He knows he's attractive and he knows show to use it.
"Pay attention to me (Y/N), not Nanami!.
"Satoru, we're talking the recent sighting of a grade 1 cursed spirit."
Afterwards he'll just be very whiny and needy, he wants your full attention on him and him only!
K= Kissing (Do they like kissing you? Are they shy or confident in kissing you?)
Gojou Satoru loves all forms of affection. Kissing being one of them.
Gojou has had experience with kissing so he knows what he's doing. One moment he'll be kissing you sweetly then it turns into a full blown make out session.
He's not embarrassed about kissing you in public. Despite the Japanese culture of being conservative of PDA. He won't be making out with you in front of the entire crosswalk but he'll give you pecks or smooches that last a moment or two.
Whenever he leaves for work, he'll always ask for his goodbye kiss or when he's back home he'll be eagerly waiting for your kiss.
Whenever you both pass by each other whether at home or at school, he'll press a chaste kiss to you.
His tongue is divine, he definitely knows how to use his tongue. You can bet he knows how to tie a cherry into a knot using just his tongue.
You will always taste something sweet lingering on him as you kiss him.
He doesn't have a specific type of kiss he likes, he likes them all as long as they're with you. Forehead kisses, cheek kisses, eskimo kisses you name it!
He will definitely will to try out all forms of kisses with you.
L= Love (Who drops the L-word first? Would they rather say it or do it?)
Love is a complicated feeling, Gojou hasn't felt that before with any of his past relationships.
That was until he met you. That's when he realized that what the feeling was.
You were cuddling in bed together, face to face. There was no talking just silence as the two of you stare deeply into each other's eyes. Only the light of the moonlight peaking through the curtains illuminating the room.
Gojou stares into your eyes with a soft smile on his face as he gently lays his hand on your cheek.
Your eyes held the universe within them, the universe that is you and it's staring back at him with so much love and affection within them. He feels the warmth spread throughout his body. He whispers softly "I love you..." as his own eyes reflect yours.
You gasp with eyes widening, processing the words he spoke. You feel your eyes well up in tears, as your cheeks warm. You place your hand over his and whisper back "I love you too.." smiling brightly at him.
That was the moment when he first told you he loved you, it was so genuine and raw.
Afterwards he'll always voice out that he loves you but of course he shows it as well. He'll call you beautiful while pressing a kiss to your forehead.
M= Marriage (How do they propose to you? What’s their ideal wedding like? Where do you plan it?)
Gojou is a very spontaneous man, I can imagine him doing it during the most mundane and random moments. Such as after you're both walking home from a date or maybe it's late into the night while you're both cuddling.
Maybe moments where you're hurt or if he almost lost you.
"Marry me, (Y/N)..."
It's just a spur of the moment kind of thing, when he's the most vulnerable. When he realizes "ah, I want to spend the rest of my life with this person..."
Gojou is pretty flexible with the kind of wedding he wants. He doesn't really have a dream wedding.
The elders of his clan would definitely bug him for a Traditional one as it is customary.
However, if you want a Western style wedding instead he will definitely go for it.
Mostly likely, you both will have two weddings one traditional and western.
Money is different not an issue with this man. Say the word and you shall receive. It's definitely going to be extravagant.
Whether you want to or not he'll find a way to splurge his money.
If the elders are opposed to your marriage you'll both will just have a private wedding, inviting the people closest to you guys.
Not marrying you because someone said no is not an option for him.
N= Nicknames (What do they call you? Do they call you these in public as well? How often do they call you in nicknames?)
Gojou has a variety of nicknames for you!
Ranging from the typical baby, babe, sweetie, darling and honey.
Or something more sweet such as princess/prince, my love, my dearest.
And there's those really cringey ones such as sugarpie, cupcake, my strawberry cheesecake.
He will literally call you by any dessert name.
"Hey, my kikufuku!" Yup, that's you.
If you're shorter than him you can add shorty, short stuff or munchkin to the list.
When he uses them usually depends on the situation. If he's feeling really affectionate or needy he'll be using the really sweet nicknames.
Sometimes he'll even come up with the most ridiculous ones as much as it embarrasses you.
Usually he'll just call you using the common nicknames. He will only use your real name during serious situations.
He's not shy about proclaiming you as his chocolate cupcake. Not even in front of his students or colleagues.
"Are you referring to (L/N) sensei?" "Bingo!"
You've tried to beg him to stop but the man doesn't listen.
O= Open (How open are they with you? Are they willing to share their secrets and past with you? Do they trust you?)
Gojou despite being a man who loves to talk does not like talking about his private life or his past.
It's very personal information to him and he doesn't want the information to fall into the wrong hands.
If anyone asks about it he'll either ignore the question or answer it very vaguely.
You would have to be someone has spent years by his side to be to attain that level of trust with you.
There are some things in his past that isn't easy to talk about, even though it doesn't bother him now. If you ask he will tell you about it briefly.
If it's information not regarding his secrets or his past, he doesn't sharing those details. If you wanna about his mission or want to check his phone, he will let you. He has nothing to hide except the secret pictures he takes of you.
He in return trusts you as well, but he won't pry into things you don't want to talk about.
If you manage to gain his trust enough for him to reveal personal information about him, don't break it. If you do, you will never be able to gain it back.
P= PDA (Are they into PDA? Do they often do it? Their reaction if you hold their hands or kiss them in public.)
Gojou is into PDA but he doesn't flaunt it as often as you think. He won't be making out with you in the middle of the school hallway but he will press chaste kisses to you.
He's not afraid to hug you or hold your hand around the faculty or students.
He won't do something inappropriate in public he likes to keep that in private. Through sometimes he will because he likes seeing you embarrassed while you desperately ask him to stop. Trying not to gain the attention of the people around you.
He also likes seeing the reactions of other people when he does display affection towards you but mostly he does it to see your cute reactions.
If you initiate hand holding with him, he will definitely hold your hand back tightly. If you kiss him, he'll be surprised but then he's quick to tease you about it.
"Oya, is my cupcake getting bold~?"
If anyone looks at you two with disgust he will yell out "you got a problem?"
He's not shy to show the world he loves you.
Q= Quirk (Do they find your quirks adorable or odd? Do they tell you or not? Do they have a quirk of their own?)
Nothing escapes his keen eyesight. He'll notice and remember a lot of your quirks even the ones you're unconsciously doing.
He thinks its absolutely adorable, like how you furrow your eyebrows in concentration how you pout when you're deep in thought.
All these little quirks make you who you are and he adores them.
Gojou will tell you about them of course, even if you try to deny it. If you don't believe he'll try to take a picture to show you which ends up making you really embarrassed.
"I can't help it, I don't even know that I'm doing that..." you whisper with a blush on your face.
Gojou has a quirk of fiddling with his blindfold or his sunglasses if he's wearing them.
Definitely a fan of putting his hands in his jacket or hands while he stands or walks. He doesn't like the feeling of his hands being empty.
R= Reliable (Are they loyal? How loyal are they? Are they there for you when you need someone?)
Gojou is a very honest and down to earth kind of guy. Of course, loyalty is something he firmly commits to.
Cheating is something he won't resort to at all costs. No woman or man is tempting enough for him to be swayed.
We all know he is a good looking guy, he's bound to attract suitors anywhere but he'll turn them all down. He already has you, why would he need anyone else?
There are times where you might feel insecure or jealous but Gojou will always be there to assure you not to. He'll do his best to comfort you, until you're smiling again.
"You're the only one I need..."
During these times he'll even share his precious sweets with you. He'll feed you cake while hugging you from behind.
Have faith in him because whenever you need him, he'll make sure to be there.
S= Solace (How do they comfort you? Do they immediately notice you being sad?)
Gojou just has sense whenever you're feeling sad, even though you try your hardest to hide it.
He just sees through your facade. He won't ask if you're okay when he clearly knows you'll try to lie about it.
If you're trying to avoid him, he'll either pin you against the wall or pull you into his embrace.
He'll be silent as he takes off his blindfold to stare deep into your eyes, how could you lie when those eyes are looking straight at you.
He won't ask you about what's bothering you but he will always be there to comfort you.
Gojou would pull you into his lap on his expensive chair and cradle you like child as he gently caresses your hair.
Ligerning forehead kisses is also he does to comfort you.
Gojou would also bring his sweets stash and slowly feed you some while he hugs you from behind. If you want food, he'll be glad to cook up your favorite meal.
He knows a lot of cringy and cheesy jokes, in which ends up with him laughing at his own jokes. His laughter is contagious so wouldn't be able to hold back a smile after that.
T= Turn-off (What do they dislike in people? What is their turn-off?)
Gojou hates the old way of thinking he finds in elders especially the elders of his clan and the jujutsu society.
He doesn't like anything anything serious or boring. If you're too uptight, he'll find a way to break that.
Another thing he hates is when people do something behind his back or say something behind his back. If you have something to say, then say it straight it to him.
Routine is another thing he dislikes, he's very spontaneous and looks for the fun in things.
He dislikes vegetables and anything bitter. He's a lover of sweets afterall!
Prying too much into his personal life, as proud as he isーhe doesn't like going around talking much about his private life or his past.
U= Umbrageous (Do they easily get offended by what you said? How will they react when you get hurt by what they said?)
Now if you mean playful gets offended then the answer would be yes. If you're seriously trying to offend him, he won't. He's not the type to take things like that to heart.
Call him an idiot, a narcissist, he will playful hold his chest in pain and whine to you while he pouts.
He'll even tease you back if he feels like it.
"Sorry, did you say something~?"
Even though he doesn't take insults to heart, if you use his past against him, he will take offense to it. His past is something he doesn't want to bring up so if you or anyone brings it up. That changes things.
He tries to keep the optimism but he's only human with emotions so there will be times you could offend him.
If you managed to offend him, he'll be unusually quiet as he dwells on your words.
He won't resort to anger but that doesn't mean he won't at times. That's when he's firing insults back you, blinded by rage. He will regret it afterwards though.
V= Vision (What do they imagine their future? What is their dream? Do they want to spend it with you?)
If Gojou truly loves you, he'll definitely would want to spend the rest of his life with you by his side. Somewhere where he doesn't have to be on guard and would always welcome him with open arms.
Yet at the same time he is afraid of the dangers that come associated with him. If you're a civilian he'll try to distance himself away from you. He's afraid one day when he's not around, someone might come after you. His world is completely different from that of a normal person's afterall.
If you work in the same field as him. He'll definitely be more reluctant to push you away, because he knows you can handle yourself. It lessens his worries.
Still life as a shaman is still as dangerous, you're putting your lives at risk every time you go on a mission. The thought of losing you scares him to the very core.
Despite that he still loves you and if can't be with you he would like to associated with you someway maybe as acquaintances or friends.
He dreams of a world without cursed spirits, where he can live a peaceful life, settle down and start a family with you.
In a world crowded with darkness he dreams of a single ray of solace that is you.
Someone that will stay by his side no matter how difficult it will be.
W= Wacky (What is their reaction in you doing something crazy? Will they join you or stop you?)
Gojou Satoru is a man child, he does the most ridiculous of things like wearing a skirt of a highschool student.
If you're the type of person who's just as energetic and wild as him, it's going to be chaos.
You both will pull pranks on the students and faculty. Poor Ijichi being one of your primary targets.
If you're the type of person who's more on the serious side then he'll be shocked by your suggestion.
But of course he's willing to join in whatever plot you have.
Gojou already gives the higher ups a headache, if you're added to the mix it's going to end up being a massive headache.
He lost count of the amount of times he got scolded by Principal Yaga.
He can come up with the wildest ideas and sometimes you will have to become his break.
Principal Yaga specifically asked you to keep him in check after all.
X= Xtra (Random Headcannon about them)
Gojou Satoru has a driver's license. In fact he even owns several cars.
Of course, they're all the expensive ones because he thinks they look cool.
Does he use them? Not that often, when you literally have the ability to teleport or have Ijichi to drive you around.
As you expect he's a fast driver, you will literally be griping your seatbelt for dear life. It looks like he's gonna crash but he won't. He just likes to scare you.
Of course there's a stash of candy and extra pairs of sunglasses in the glovebox.
Gojou is surprisingly a great cook. You would think being raised with servants he wouldn't know how to cook but he does.
He studies the recipe very carefully and cooks. It's as if he has a natural talent for cooking.
At first, you were pretty skeptical of his cooking but once you had of bite of his dish. You could feel the literal flavors explode on your tongue.
When it's his turn for him to cook, expect him to be wearing a cute apron while blasting music from his speaker.
He'll be singing and dancing in the kitchen.
Hug him from behind while he cooks and he'll melt right then and there. Trying to hide a blush from you.
Y= Yearning (Do they long for you? Will they find themselves missing you while you’re away? If so, how will they cope with it?)
Even though you haven't seen each other for a day he terribly miss you. Your just gives him warm and when you're not there he feels cold.
He goes on missions very often and they can last days or even weeks depending on the case. He'll try to update you as much as he can on when he could come home.
Even when he's in the middle of fighting cursed spirits, he'll find his mind wondering towards you.
If he's away from you, you'll be getting calls and texts from him quite frequently. He'll make sure to always greet you good morning or good night and ask how you are.
He'll always ask if you've eaten or not and asks you to send a picture of your meal to prove it to him. He needs to know you're being well fed.
If you think he talks too much he texts just as much. He'll even take random selfies of himself or something interesting he wants you to see.
If you send him a selfie or video he'll save that so fast and save that to his folder. So he can look through them whenever he misses you.
If it's a long mission, he might pack one of your shirts which has your scent so he could take a whiff to calm himself or cuddle as he sleeps.
After a mission if he's not tired yet, he'll video call you every now and then.
He'll try to come back as fast as possible because he doesn't feel complete without your presence.
Z= Zzz (Do they fall asleep easily? Do they move around while sleeping? What sleeping position do they like best?)
If we are talking about the past Gojou, maybe around his youth then no. He had difficulty sleeping because sleeping meant he's vulnerable to attacks.
This is why relies mostly on sweets to stimulate his brain because there are days where he can't sleep at all. His powers drain a lot of energy to keep up.
Once he could run Infinity automatically, he doesn't have any trouble sleeping at all. In fact, he passes out instantly once his head hits the pillow.
The man works hard and goes on tons of missions so of course he's bound to be tired when he gets home.
Gojou Satoru is 190 cm tall so of course he has a large king sized bed at home. He likes having a lot of space but he tends to move around a lot unconsciously.
There have been times where he has fallen off the bed as well.
If you're sleeping with him and want to prevent him from taking all the bed space, you both cuddle that way his limbs are locked on you.
His likes to sleep laying on his back while you lay on your chest or embracing you from behind as you both sleep on your sides.
It's very rare from him to snore but that doesn't mean he doesn't and when he does, it's loud.
However sleeping with him has it's benefits, if you wake up before him you'll be graced by the most angelic view. As he breathes softy while his long white eye lashes remain closed.
If he does wake up you will also be graced by his morning voice which is divine.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Boldlyvoid's 2K Writing Challenge
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First of all, I would just like to thank every single person who has followed me so far. I’ve been writing in the CM fandom for just over 4 months now and somehow I’ve reached Two Thousand followers, including some of the most loving, kind, accepting and wonderful people in the whole world. I love you all so dearly, I believe you’re all so incredibly talented and I want to use this next milestone to highlight all of the talented people who support me!
Use a sentence, or a plot, to build a story. Tag me in your entry use the tag ‘#BoldlyvoidWritingChallenge’
If you submit smut, you must 18+
All entries will be placed on a Masterlist linked in my pinned post <3
Word Count Range: 500-10k
Deadline: September 29th, 2021
Sentence Starters:
“You...you make me feel special and good and all these things that I still don't have the words for yet— good things… things I never thought I deserved to feel.”
“I think I messed things up, I’m not in love with them, I’m in love with _____”
“Are they fighting again?” “Worse, they’re kissing.”
“Are we…” “Friends?” “Yup, that was definitely what I was about to say”
Character A has been sleep deprived forever, the first nightmare-free sleep they get is next to character B for the first time
Person A has always lived in big cities so they haven’t been able to see the stars well so Person B drives them out, far away from the city, to show them what the stars really look like.
At a Halloween Party: Person A getting super freaked out by Person B’s creepy costume but when B takes off their mask A realizes that they’re absolutely gorgeous.
Topics I won't accept:
graphic rape/non-con
Major character death
Drug use/overdose
Angst without a happy ending
(Let’s keep it happy)
I will accept:
platonic pairings welcomed !! (Example: dad hotch and kid reader, best friends Luke Alvez and Matt Simons etc.)
x reader fics: Spencer Reid, mgg, mgg characters, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez and Tara Lewis
ships: Garvez, Ralvez, Moreid, Morcia, Hotchness and Temily
Permanent tag list
@ssacalumsg0lden @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @shemarmooresfedora @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @blanchardsbk @idonotexiste @measure-in-pain @dreams-in-blxck @doc-padfoot @nomajdetective @xoxospencerreid @mggswhorificlover @dinonuggets1967 @meganskane @kya-li @reidsbookclub @muffin-cup @sassymoon @shirleyrose @reidsacademia @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @spooky-goob @strawberryspence @thatsonezesty13
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
The Proposal ~ T.H
chapter six: the end
Synopsis: fake marriage, real trouble
Series Masterlist
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A week later, you sat in a hotel room in Canada with papers all around you. The process to becoming a citizen was a long one, so you wanted to get started right away. You were pulled away from your work momentarily when you heard a knock at your door.
“Who is it?” You called out.
“Room service.” A muffled voice called back. You furrowed your eyebrows before going to the door to inspect the random visitor.
“I didn’t order any-“
You opened the door to see Tom in his regular clothes with a Starbucks cup in hand. You didn’t have to drink from the cup to know it was a matcha latte.
“Good morning.” He smiled shyly and held the cup out. “This is for you.”
“Tom?” You asked in disbelief. “How did you get here?”
You took the cup from him to be polite and took a sip, smiling a little at the correct order.
“I followed the yellow brick road.” He said simply. You gave him an unamused look and took a long sip of your drink.
“Sorry. Was that a bad time for a witch joke? It feels like it was a bad time. Oh God.” He began to panic and looked down at the ground.
“It’s fine.” You assured him. “But what are you doing here?”
“I came to get you back.” He told you. “The office isn’t the same without you.”
You stared at him for a moment, unsure of what to say. Part of you couldn’t believe he had flown all the way to Canada just to try to get you back, but another part of you knew that was exactly the kind of thing Tom would do.
“And also, I really miss you.” He added quietly. “I really, really, miss you.”
“I’ve missed you too.” You admitted, bringing a smile out of him. He pulled out an unused barf bag out of his pocket suddenly and you noticed that he had written all over it.
“Sorry. I came up with this whole speech on the plane and I didn’t want to forget it.” He cleared his throat before beginning to read off the bag. “I know why you ran away. You ran because you were scared. You’re scared of being a part of a family again and allowing someone to love you. Am I right?”
“You might be a little right.” You mumbled as you adverted your eyes.
“You’re scared of having people who love you in spite of all your efforts to shut them out.” He continued. “You’re scared of that because you want it more than anything.”
He folded the bag suddenly and shoved it back into his pocket, deciding to speak from the heart instead. He took your hands in his, prompting you to look at him.
“It’s all here.” He said sincerely. “It’s waiting for you. You don’t have to be scared anymore.”
“And what about when it’s not there anymore?” You asked in a weak voice. “When it goes away, like every good thing does, then what? Who’s gonna love me then?”
“I know you think it’s been a long time since you’ve been a part of a family, but it hasn’t.” Tom told you. “You and me sharing that office the past two years, that was the start of our family. All the late nights we spent reading page after page. Every moment you took to teach me something so that I could be better at my job, so I could be like you. All of that was us, you and me, being a family.”
“No it wasn’t.” You pulled your hands out of his. “You shouldn’t have come here.”
“You told me you were falling in love with me.” He ignored your efforts to make him leave. “Did you mean that?”
“Yes.” You said after a minute of silence.
“I meant it too.” He smiled softly.
“You don’t love me.” You sighed. “You don’t even know me, Tom.”
“But I want to.” He insisted. “Despite every effort you’ve made to shut me out, I’ve spent the past two years trying to know you. And every time you let me in just a little, I’m reminded why I never stopped trying.”
“You’re not in love with me. You just have some school boy crush.”
“I started as that.” He agreed. “But it’s different now. It’s real now.”
“Don’t you get it? This doesn’t change anything.” You gestured between the two of you. “Even if we developed feelings for each other, our engagement is still fake. You could still go to jail. I care about you and your family too much to risk that.”
“Okay, here me out.” Tom began. “Could jail really be that bad?”
“Oh my God.” You groaned and tried to shut the door.
“And it’s not even guaranteed I’d go to jail.” He continued as he held your door open. “Chances are, the IRCC never finds out that the marriage started as a scam.”
“What are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying it’s worth the risk to me. I would risk potentially going to jail to give us the time we deserve. Because I do love you.” He promised. “And I know you love me. As much as you don’t want those things to be true, they are. So suck it up, and let me love you. For Gods sake, woman.”
“I’m sorry, was that a proposal?”
“I’m sorry.” He rubbed his eyes. “There are like 500 hotels in Canada and I was up all night trying to find the one you were in.”
“It’s okay.” You chuckled a little.
“Let me try again.” He asked before getting down on one knee. “Y/n, will you marry me so that we can date?”
“What if we don’t work out?” You fear as you chewed your bottom lip.
“What if we do?” He shrugged.
“Well, I can’t argue with that.” You chuckled.
“Is that a yes?” He asked hopefully.
“Yes.” You rolled your eyes at him. “I’ll marry you.”
“Did she say yes?” Sams voice came from somewhere in the hallway.
“Shut up!” Harry answered him. “I can’t hear.”
“Both of you, knock it off.” Nikki snapped her fingers. “I can’t hear her answer.”
You looked at Tom with a raised eyebrow as he got off his knee.
“Okay, my family is in the hallway.” He admitted. “But it wasn’t my idea. They begged me to come along.”
“All of them?” You asked.
“They really missed you.” He shrugged, making your face light up.
“I said yes!” You yelled out, loud enough for the family to hear. They all came rushing into your room and enveloped you in a group hug, cheering and crying over the news.
“We’re getting married!” Tom yelled over his family’s cheers.
“Fuck the government!” You yelled back before pulling him into a long, reunion kiss.
One month later
“And now, the vows.” The priest said as he took a step back.
You were standing across from Tom on the alter in his aunts hotel on your highly anticipated wedding day. You’d been staying in the UK on “vacation” as you planned your wedding, adding in a few more details now that you had more time. You were still in Nikki’s wedding dress, but this time, you were wearing Toms old tennis shoes. Paddy had lent you a blue handkerchief of his, which you had tied into your hair. Your entire office had come out to see you, all of them insisting they’d never miss your big day. Best of all, Tom was fresh off getting lovely reviews from the media after his book was received by the public.
“Tom.” You began your vows. “You are the most patient person I have ever met. You have overcome everything I’ve thrown your way with grace and resilience. And I have thrown a lot. I even threw a pencil sharpener at his head once.”
You paused to let the crowd laugh at you joke, even though you weren’t joking.
“Over the past two years, you have been by my side every single day without fail. And after today, you’ll be be my side for the rest of my life.” You continued with a smile. “And I couldn’t be happier about that. I’m so lucky to have found someone who refuses to give up on me. To have found the first person to take the time to get to know me, despite every effort I made to never let such a thing happen. Tom looked past all the walls I put up and decided I was someone who was worth getting to know, and for that I’ll forever be grateful. I’ll forever be grateful for a lot of things he’s done.”
“I did not like Y/n for a long time.” Tom began, making the guests laugh. “I thought she was mean and cold and weird for drinking matcha. Like, who lives in England and doesn’t drink tea? I’ll never understand it. But I’ll never understand a lot of things about Y/n. Like how I can’t stay mad at her, even when she throws things at my head. Or how right when I think I have her figured out, she does something completely out of nowhere. Like publishing my book that I didn’t even know she read. Y/n may come off as mean and frigid, but she’s not. She’s actually really sweet when she wants to be. But only when she wants to be. And if you’re lucky enough to gain her trust, she’ll let you in. And that’s when you’ll meet the one the most intelligent, passionate, beautiful, bitchiest women in the world. And you’ll fall just as deeply in love with her as I have.”
You smiled brightly at Tom as a tear of joy slipped from your eye. He reached forward to wipe it with his thumb as the priest went on.
“Do you, Tom, take Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?” He asked. “To have and to hold, until death do you part?”
“I do.”
“And do you, Y/n, take Tom to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“If anyone should have any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
You held your breath and looked at the crowd, anticipating at least one person to object. To your surprise, there was not one dry eye in the house. Everyone, including your employees, was in tears. You looked back at Tom in disbelief and he gave you a wink.
“By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The priest said. “You may kiss your spouse.”
Tom was quick to put his hands on your face and pull you into a kiss, as he had been anticipated it from the moment you walked down the isle. You kissed him back as the crowd erupting into applause and cheers. Once the pictures were taken and the final words were said, you ran down the isle hand in hand.
The reception was held in a room right next store as Toms family and your employees gathered together. You changed into a casual white slip dress and kept your tennis shoes on so you could be more comfortable. After the reception and a few goodbyes to his family, you drove back to your apartment to spend the night.
“I can’t believe it.” Tom sighed happily as you walked through the front door. “We’re really married.”
“Not yet.” You reminded him as you rested your hands on his shoulders. “Our appointment is at 8 am tomorrow at city hall. Harry said he’d be our witness.”
“You made my family really happy today.” He smiled up at you while his fingers drummed your waistline. “They really like having you around.”
“I like them.” You replied. “I’m honored to be a Holland.”
“You don’t have to change your last name if you don’t want to.” He said softly. “I know it’s a sexist tradition and everything. I wouldn’t be offended if you kept yours.”
“Tom, I want to take your last name.” You chuckled. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had the last name of someone who loved me.”
A fond smile tugged at Toms lips before he stepped forward. He silently pulled you into kiss, letting his rough fingers spread across your face. You tugged him by the tie as you stumbled back into your bedroom, never letting your lips leave his. Tom pulled away for a moment to pull his tie over his head and place it around your neck, using it to pull you closer as he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
“You know.” You smiled against his lips. “We might just get away with this.”
“Oh, darling.” He sighed happily. “I think we already have.”
Three years later
“Hello. My name is Sandra.” Your IRCC agent sat in front of you and smiled tightly. “I’ll be handling your case today. You two must be Mr. and Mrs.-“
“Holland.” You finished her sentence with a smile. “Nice to meet you.”
“You as well.” She nodded and shook yours and Toms hand. “I see you’re applying for naturalisation.”
“Yes, sir.” You replied. “I would like an adjustment of status for my citizenship.”
“I see.” She said as she looked over your file. “How long have the two of you been married?”
“Three years.” Tom answered.
“Have you lived in the UK the whole time?” Sandra asked.
“Yes, we have.” You nodded as you slipped your fingers through Toms. He brought your enjoined hands to his lap and held them there while his leg anxiously bounced.
“And you both work?”
“Yes.” Tom said. “We’re the chief editors at the Bullock Publishing Company.”
“And Toms a published author.” You added. “A successful one, too.”
“Wow. Chief editors.” Sandra raised her eyebrows. “So, are you familiar with the process of naturalization?”
“Yes. I have all my forms right here.” You handed her a folder full of your processing forms.
“And you passed the life in the UK test?” She asked as she looked through the folder.
“On her first try.” Tom added. “She didn’t even have to study.”
“Have you ever broken a law?”
“Nope.” You shook your head. “Not even a speeding ticket.”
“Hm.” Sandra looked between the two of you skeptically. “How long were you together before you were married?”
“Two years.” Tom answered. That was the only part you had to lie about, but the rest of your story was truthful. You’d been living in the UK for the past three years as Toms wife, and now it was time to become a real citizen. Sandra looked between the two of you again, not liking how seemingly perfect your story was.
“We met at work.” Tom added when he sensed the doubt. “I used to be her assistant.”
“He stills gets my coffee for me, though.” You smiled at him. “Even after three years of working in the same position as me, he gets my coffee like he’s my assistant. Isn’t that sweet?”
“I don’t mind.” Tom insisted. “After we were married, she changed her coffee order to match mine. Cute, right?”
“We drink tea, actually.” You piped up. “Because who would live in the UK but not drink tea?”
You gulped loudly as Toms leg continued to bounce. You’d managed to get away with it for three years, and you could only hope this meeting wouldn’t jeopardize everything.
“Okay.” Sandra sighed and put your forms down. “We’ll review your case and get back to you in the next few months.”
“Okay.” You smiled nervously. “Thank you so much.”
You grabbed Toms hand and pulled him out of the office as fast as you could.
“She didn’t suspect anything.” Tom said once you were in the car. “I think we actually got away with this.”
“I know.” You laughed in disbelief. “Did we just successfully pull off a fake marriage?”
Tom quieted down all the sudden, looking down at his lap before staring out the window.
“Do you...do you still think it’s fake?” He asked quietly without looking at you.
“Tom, no.” You put your hand on his face and made him look at you. “The engagement was fake. Or, for fake reasons. But the marriage is real to me. It’s been real to me since your mom walked in on us kissing that one day.”
Tom smiled a little a nodded, feeling better now that you reassured him. He took your hand off his face and kissed it as he held eye contact with you.
“Okay. I’m sorry.” He smiled sheepishly. “I was just wondering because I always thought of it as real.”
“Okay, good.” You squeezed his hand. “Then we’re on the same page.”
6 months later, you found a letter from the government addressed to you in the mailbox. You opened it as you walked back inside the house, freezing in your tracks when you realized what it was.
“Whats that, darling?” Tom asked when he noticed your expression.
“The Home Office approved my citizenship.” You looked up at him with wide eyes. “I passed. I’m officially a UK citizen.”
“What?!” He rushed towards you and scooped you into a hug. “Thats incredible. Congratulations.”
“I can’t believe it.” You squeezed him tightly as tears of joy streamed down your face. “I’m a citizen. This is amazing.”
Tom pulled away to give you a congratulatory kiss. He pressed kisses all over your face as you giggled in his arms.
“Wait.” He let go of you with a sad look on his face. “What does this mean for us?”
“What do you mean?” You wondered.
“Well, you’re a citizen now. Technically, you don’t need to be married to me.” Tom said quietly. You gave him a sympathetic look and stroked his cheek with your thumb.
“I know.” You told him. “But I want to be.”
“You do?” He asked hopefully. “You still do, even though you don’t have to?”
“I do.” You promised. “I told you, this is real to me.”
“Okay.” He sighed in relief. “Good.”
“You don’t have to worry about me running anymore, Tom. You’re my family now.” You smiled softly and rested your hand on his face. “And I’m not anywhere.”
“Me either.” He said as he pulled you into a hug. “I’m not going anywhere either.”
tag list 🏷
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @weirdr-artiest @serendipitous-amor @dummiesshort
@foreverxholland @lavender-writer​ @michaela072796 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning​ @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101 @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention​ @justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human @mara-twins​ @iamaunicorn4704 @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique​ @emmamarshmellow​ @unbelievableholland @flixndchill @sovereignparker @thisisthebiplace @spideydobrik @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave @itscaminow @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @smilexcaptainx @quaksonhehe @kelieah @kickingn-ames @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger @love-sick-blues @electraheart-3174 @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @spideyanakin @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff @cookiemonstermusic258
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wongguk · 7 years
a love post
here we go. now that i am extremely emotional and thankgul for my beloved friends that i made here i decided to write yall a little something something so that you all will now how grateful i am for you.
DISCLAIMER: it might be cheesy and gross but that is how i am, also the mentions are not in order cause i love you all the same!
@photosynthesizingparkhyungsik my moof my love my first ever friend on this site. i still remember the time when we were yelling at each other for being in the same fucking timezones [yet here we are not able to skype lol]. man those were crazy times werent they? anyway now that we are so deep down with them friendship i am really glad we decided to message each other. i want to thank you for always listening and dealing with my late fucking ass replies you are clearly a gem that i dont deserve i love you 
@wonhosjaan ummmm the actual love of my life? hello :( there is no one that loves mehreen as much as i do so jot that down. thank you for talking to me, you are literally the best wonho stan i have ever met :( you are so sweet and kind and thank you for taking care of me and yelling with me about wonho. and also for making me watch his vlives to ruin and save my life at the same time. you are literally the best present in my life what did i do to deserves such an amazing person like you? :((( i love you so much and you know i am only soft because of you. ps.: lets not forget to make our dream date once okay i will go to london just for you i love you
@limechangkyun CRISTINA!!!! my ghost friend my emo partner in crime :( i love you but you probs know that already cause it is a love post after all. i am glad we get to witness each other’s procrastination at their finest [read: exam season] damn... why are we like this......... also i hope one day we get to visit each other cause we could go to an all time low concert together or a monsta x one and i could tell changkyun to date you because honestly? goals, my ship should sail i have only good intentions
@jewishtransboy Jas, first of all i want to tell you how proud i am to be able to tell you i am your friend? like omg i am so happy and proud of you, you can’t even imagine. your snaps? my fave thing in the day pretty much. YOU SLAY THOSE OUTFITS BOY AND YOU SLAY MY EXISTENCE WOW I LOVE YOU OKAY??? also can i just add that i am glad u sinned yourself into exo with me cause it makes me happy that i am not alone. also let us be thankful for lananh to connecting the wholesome threesome bless
@ukihyunnie umm lananh? my queen? my lover? wow??? i am just a fan of yours really and i am so happy i got to be friends with you. like literally the day we started talking should be an international holiday. you are the funniest i have ever met, my meme queen, and you are so lovely you deserve all the love tbh, and i never lie when i say that you are my bias wrecker honestly. and thanks for being a trash with me for kiho you are the one who saves me during these dark days
@yteen oh so hi my child hello well you will probs see this and go like ew reyka is back with some emo shit and damn u are so right? so in all honesty thank you for talking to me and always listening. you are my lil squish that i want to shelter and protect for the rest of my life. thank u for blessing me with your selfies like damn legendary? iconic? never done before? an actual angel as your name would suggest. there is many things that i am thankful for and one of them is bap but like??? thank you for being here honestly wow you are so great i love you
@chanxyeollie aluri wow you know i have missed you a lot so now that that is out of the way I LOVE YOU and thank you for being here and telling me how you are. i am always looking forward for your long messages telling me about whatever crazy thing has happened to you and like you make me laugh so much in public ppl are staring and i am like i haVE FRIENDS STOP IT so yea. and like i hope you know that a kpop concert with you is still on my bucket list that is the only thing that matters to me aight
@sunprincehyuck so taki i know we havent talked in ages and you will probably not see this post cause school and stuff but i am really worried about you? honestly i miss you a lot i hope you are fine :/ and just so you know i love you with all of my heart and i hope we can talk sometime cause i miss you like crazy :((((  i actually got this idea from you because you are so lovely? and nice and wow i dont deserve you
@ purple anon - so like clearly i don’t know your acc name for reasons but i wanted to mention you in this. thank you fore messaging me your messages lightened up my days and i miss you and i appreicate you like a whole lot i hope we can talk again soon and i hope you are feeling well and keep being hydrated and stress less get some vitamins and keep on smiling i love you :(
@letmeknow-tomorrow here we are you lil shit you ready for my emo ass? so like 10 years heh? what a waste. OKAY YOU KNOW I AM JOKING BUT I COULDNT LET THIS OPPURTINITY SLIP FROM MY BARE HANDS LIKE SAND. so yeah i am happy we started talking when we were two fetus. this is one hell of a ride. we had our ups and downs. we spent a lot of time together and a lot of time seperate but we are still going strong. it almost like nothing has changed ever since we befriended each other. i think this is how having a soulmate would feel like? but that is really cheesy let me not say that ew. anyway thank you for dragging me down into this kpop mess and honestly in many other messes cause without you i would be NOWHERE honestly. you were always there for me and supported me and my dreams and my ideas that were never born because of my procrastinating ass but- you know them so that is fine. [if you know it the whole world knows it cause you are my world bro] literally i could sit here all day and never be able to finish why i love you so much and why i am so thankful for you so i will stop now but so you know i miss you and i can’t wait to meet you again
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rayslittlekitten · 3 years
Hello to you ❤️ on this fine celebratory weekend 🥳 For your 500 followers ficlet challenge, may I please request a smutty ficlet with Alan McMichael (I watched Crimson Peak recently and okay so it’s not one of Charlie’s bigger roles, but oh is sweet soft Alan now one of my fave Charlie characters 💘) with the following gif
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(gahh look at him looking all fine, clean and handsome whilst going about his working day 💓) and three words strip, shock, sweet.
I’d also be happy if you’d prefer the same three words with Will 😋, as I’m aware Charlie’s character in Crimson Peak wasn’t really one of the main ones.
Than you so much for your submission and as always for your support!! I always LOVE reading your comments! I am forever grateful for them. Hope this is smutty enough for you.
500 Follower Ficlet Challenge Masterlist
A/N: Okay so I've only seen Crimson Peak once and that was when it first came out. I found it a little underwhelming. I had higher expectations because of some of the other Guillermo Del Toro movies I've seen. Hellboy and Pacific Rim are probably my top two. Charlie also had a tiny role. So if this seems a little OOC, sorry! This is like AU, reader is like Edith, but not Edith if that makes any sense. This is also my first time writing anything with Alan McMichael. Coulda did Will, but I like a challenge.
Rating: M
Pairing: Alan McMichael x F!reader
Contains: fluff, events leading to first time de-virginizing wedding night sex
Word Prompts: strip, shock, sweet
Alan has always been such a gentleman. Too gentle, some would say. He's just a wholesome, sweet, honest man. It's what most women yearn for in a man, in a friend, in a husband – except for the women his mother would set him up with. They wanted someone who is charming, passionate, confident, assertive. Dark and mysterious. Someone who can demand attention in a room by merely entering it. Alan are those things, but not in a self-absorbed way.
Mrs. McMichael never approved of you, but Alan didn’t care. He was drawn to you and saw something in you that he didn’t see in the others.
After pursuing you and getting to know you, he asked for your hand in marriage. Spinster, you say, Mrs. McMichael?
You’re both now standing in his bedroom – your bedroom too. This moment has been on your mind since you woke this morning. In fact, you were barely able to sleep. You have never been with a man before, just as he have not been with a woman. Both of you are nervous and excited to consummate your marriage.
After ridding of his suit jacket, he walks over to you and looks you up and down. You feel warmth on your cheeks as he soaks you in. You stay standing where you are and look back at him, not knowing what else to do.
“You look so beautiful in that dress,” Alan breaks the silence.
“Thank you, Alan. You look handsome in that suit.”
“But I would love to see the true beauty underneath all that.” Alan takes a step closer to you. He’s so close you can feel the heat emanating off of him. He reaches up to cup your face and he kisses you. Alan has kissed you before, but never like this. He’s kissing you with urgency and passion. It’s making you feel things inside of you that you have never felt before. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you against his body. You also feel something rigid below your waist pressing against you. His hands travel down to your backside and he cups you through your white, puffy dress.
Alan pulls back from your lips and you are left breathless. You see a fire in his eyes you have never seen before.
“Turn around,” Alan tells you. You are shocked by his assertiveness. You do as he says and you feel him starting to unzip your dress. You let him strip you of your garments until you are wearing nothing but your jewelry. You turn back towards him, feeling vulnerable. Your eyes glance down to the front of his trousers and see a very noticeable bulge.
Alan takes in a sharp breath as he admires your naked body.
“Lay down.” Alan nods towards the bed.
You slowly walk over and lay your back on the cool bed and soft sheets. You watch him disrobe himself before he gets on top of you, ready to officially make you his.
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corpsehusband-simp · 4 years
Request: Can you do a roommate fluff where the reader is noticeably just avoiding eating and all that and corpse tries to comfort her and reassure her.
A/N: This is a bit heavier than I have written but I hope you guys like it. Please remember you are beautiful no matter your body type. I am always here if you need to talk and my DMs are always open for you to message me. I love you guys. Also thank you so much for 500+ followers!!!
Warnings: Angst. Body image issues. Cursing. fluff at the end.
✨Master list✨
You looked up from your phone hearing a giggle coming from Corpse. He was sitting on the other end of the couch also on his phone but your legs were stretched over his lap and his free hand gently traced up and down your shin. These were your favorite days, just you and him hanging out. “What are you giggling about bug?” It was a nickname you had given your best friend years ago. Corpse leaned over showing you his phone. It was a pretty girl dancing to one of his songs. Your smile faltered a little but you quickly recover. “They are getting really creative, how does it feel to have reinvented the E-girl catgirls?” Corpse snorted and shook his head as he returned to his original position. “This whole thing is fucking crazy, I genuinely wasn’t expecting any of this to happen.” You let out a hum and looked at his Instagram story. Your stomach turned a little and your heart dropped. All of the girls he posted on his story were skinny and beautiful. Why would he want to be friends with me when there are all of these beautiful people around him? He must look at me and feel embarrassed. You shook your head and stood up, shoving your phone into your pocket. “I’ll be right back.” You walk into the bathroom and lift up your shirt looking at your body in the mirror. Your fingers gently traced your stretch marks. You didn’t want to spend your time comparing yourself to random girls on the internet but you couldn’t help it when your best friends Twitter and Instagram were flooded by them. You put back on your shirt and rub your face before going back out to the living room. “It’s my night to make dinner, what are you in the mood for?” You needed a distraction and cooking was the perfect thing. Corpse chuckled looking up at you. “Peanut every night is your night to cook, remember when you first moved in here I burnt ramen in the microwave.” You threw your head back laughing at the memory. “Yeah, you are banned from the kitchen. Not to mention you couldn’t get the aluminum foil open.” Corpse gasped and threw a pillow at your head. “Rude!” You laugh and threw the pillow back at him before going to the kitchen. Corpse got up as well and leans on the counter as you search through the fridge. “Buuuug what sounds good what do you want to eat?” “Why do I have to pick what do you want?” You sigh and keep your back to Corpse. “I’m not really hungry” you shrug and turn around, finally looking at Corpse. His eyebrows were furred together. He stood up straight, setting his phone down on the counter and crossing his arms. “Y/N.” His voice was calm but it had a stern edge to it. “Why are you doing that?” You bit the inside of your lip and look at him. “Doing what?” You decided to play oblivious but you knew he wasn’t going to buy it, the man knew everything about you and could read you like a book. “Y/N don’t play coy with me. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you haven’t been eating. I thought maybe you were on your period or just weren’t feeling well but this-” He motioned his hand in front of you. “This is different, so please tell me what’s going on because I’m worried about you.” You saw the sincerity in his eyes. You hated that he was worried because you knew he was already filled with so much anxiety. You blinked a few times trying to fight back the tears. “It’s nothing Corpse. I’m just not hungry.” Your voice was just above a whisper in fear that if you made it any louder it would fail you and shake. Before Corpse could push the topic any further you close the fridge and leave the kitchen going to your room. “I’m gonna head to bed early. “Y/N wait plea-” You cut him short closing your door locking it. You fell face-first into your bed and let out a sob into your pillow. You hated feeling like this. You laid there for a while crying as you looked at the different girls Corpse was posting. You jumped a little hearing a soft knock at the door. “Hey, peanut...can I come in?” You bit your lip laying there for a moment contemplating if you should pretend to be asleep or not. “I can’t see that you’re active on Instagram so don’t even try and pretend you are asleep.” A small smile forms on your lips. “Brat.” You mumble getting up, as you walk to the door you catch a glimpse of yourself in the full-length mirror your eyes were red and puffy. You sigh and open the door. “Hi” Corpse frowns and reaches up wiping away a stray tear off your cheek. “Y/N we are best friends, you are the most important person in my life, you’ve been there for me through everything. You’ve stuck through all the bullshit and you know that I’ve always, always been right here for you so why are you pushing me away now?” You let out a shaky breath and look at the ground avoiding eye contact with him. “Because it’s stupid.” Corpse cups your cheeks with both his hands and gently makes you look at him. “If it’s making you feel like this then it’s not stupid, so please Y/N tell me what’s going on. Talk it through with me because maybe I can help.” You look up into his eyes and your bottom lip starts to shake. “I’m ugly. I hate myself Corpse. I look at all the girls you post and I want to be beautiful and skinny like them.” Corpse’s jaw dropped and his heart broke at your words. “Y/N…” He paused for a moment taking in a shaky breath and tries to blink away his tears. “You are beautiful. There is no debate about that. Your weight does not define your beauty. But you, my dear, are beautiful on the inside and outside. You outshine every girl I have ever posted on my story. I am honored every day to have you in my life please never forget that.” Corpse let go of your face and pulls you into a tight close hug. You cling to him and nuzzle your face into his shoulder. “I love you Corpse thank you for always being my rock.” he gave you a squeeze and rests his chin on your head. “We keep each other grounded. I don’t know where I would be without you.” He pulls back and pinches your cheek. “Now come on Peanut lets get some food and watch TV.” You smile, looking up at him. I may not be perfect but imperfect to him and that’s all that matters. You think to yourself before nodding. “Okay bug but your driving.” He grabs his keys out of his pocket and takes you hand in his. “Deal now come on.”
Tumblr Taglist @fuji175 @corbins-kinda-smart @locallolli @namjoons-crabssss @sadness-babee @reddeserths @eccedxntesi @mayempress  @shinyyoonie @amirahhiddleston @gamerjisoo @trying-to-be-nice-here @jinexedanxrchist @rensaor @yoongis-cumsock @devilishducky97 @mintchip17 @redperson58 @kutiesammyboo @caswinchester2000 @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @thoughtfullydopedragon @neville-longbottomsimp @danny-devitowo @chocolatecloudwinnerhoagie @notmewrongb1tch @moneybagmara @alxcru158 @whatinthyworld @ihavecommitmentissues @mayempress @tanya-sonigra @themeaningofstupid @heavenly3308 @nicetomeetyouamamber
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