#i remember that first url change getting termed
maxellminidisc · 2 years
Wait, did b*tchd*t used to be peteseeger? I think I saw one of my mutuals mention this and I completely forgot to look into it but if so very wild that I keep seeing that antiblack loser all over the dash again.
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phantomcodes · 26 days
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emerald | theme by sage
get the code: static preview / live preview @tina-snow my first theme back!! a npf supported sidebar theme
features (more info below the cut):
toggle: tags on click, updates tab, left/right sidebar
headerbar includes blog icon & title/home link | day/night & tumblr controls buttons
sidebar includes links for home, ask, archive, & up to 4 extras, an uploadable image, and custom description
customizable: blog title, description, colors, body & title fonts, and font size
npf supported, responsive design, scroll to top, 3 corner options, tabler icons
nothing needs to be changed in the code, everything can be changed in the customize panel!
reblog if using
do not touch the credit
all terms / faq
credits listed in the code / credits page
please consider supporting me ♡
this is my first theme in over a year (wtf) so please be patient as i'm still learning to navigate the new npf stuff!! i'm still on a sort of semi-hiatus, i'll be around for questions but please check my faq, answered asks, etc. before asking - i will not answer repeated questions!
blog name !! important
make sure you fill out the blog name field, this is what will show on the top of all your original posts. to clarify: your blog name is your blog’s url - for example: phantomcodes
responsive sidebar
when the browser window gets too small the sidebar will disappear and become toggleable, the sidebar toggle button will appear on the right side of the header
remember tumblr's customize panel is buggy, you may have to toggle the options on/off before saving
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beautifuldead · 6 months
i was in early high school when I first denoted myself as asexual. while I had not experienced sex, I knew I was fairly eh about it; I didn't experience that form of desire towards people. Even if it was an experience I wanted to have, it was never anything about any particular person, but rather just wanting to experience something in general.
The landscape of tumblr at this time was rather ace positive. Asexuality was a well-known label, and a celebrated aspect of queerness. There were light-hearted jokes about the LGBTQ+ community about swingsets (straight people swing one way, gays swing another, bi swing both direction, pan swing violently everywhere, and ace people don't swing at all) that always made me smile.
And then everything collapsed, and the idea that "ace people aren't queer because they don't experience the same oppression" became uncomfortably loud. Everyone had a take, and a lot of people started to en masse make fun of and exclude ace people.
The basis, whether openly or not, was the idea of being "straight passing", that we could be perceived by heteronormative society as compliant and participant, when in fact we are not.
I cannot stress enough that I was there, and I remember it all. I had to delete my previous tumblr account entirely because I made a post supporting asexuality and celebrating it, and I got a wave of hate—to the point that when I changed my URL, someone made a new blog with my previous one to make fun of me.
I remember losing friends because of this phenomenon. I had people I trusted, appreciated, relied on, and that trust was broken because they believed I was undeserving of community with other queer people because, from their perspective, I wasn't oppressed the same way.
It doesn't matter that we were mistreated in ways that were largely similar to other homosexual people, through peer pressure and people trying to "make us straight" or seeing our asexuality as a challenge the same way they might see a lesbian as fixable. It doesn't matter that many asexuals had their committed romantic relationships fall apart because they couldn't please their partners. It doesn't matter that many people still joke about asexuals being plants as a means to demean us.
Because even if none of that actual mistreatment and disrespect happened, asexuals were oppressed by our own fucking community. We were mistreated, disrespected, attacked, and silenced by our queer peers simply because we didn't fuck.
Exclusionists believed we weren't queer enough because we weren't oppressed for being asexuality, so they oppressed us themselves and forced so many of us back into the closet.
It's an impressive level of hypocrisy, that we are mistreated by those who should stand in solidarity with us because they don't get it. Because they think it's weird, or it's a phase, or it's not having found the right person, exactly how they claim to have been mistreated. These people used us as a punching bag to reflect their own grief and trauma upon, to feel big and strong where the rest of the world made them feel small.
And instead, we could have stood together.
Our community online cannibalized itself from the inside out for some twisted game of pain olympics, providing value to only those they deemed worthy, reflecting the way our community as a whole had been treated for decades.
I want to make clear that this happened because of people that decided they needed to be valued on the terms of heteronormative society. This happened because of a need for external validation and acceptance from the people that hate us. I said it years ago, and I'll say it again:
The people who hate us don't care if we're gay, bi, pan, ace, or something else. They care that we're different from them, and they will hate us indiscriminately.
It's this ideology that fed into biphobia, panphobia, truscum/transmedicalism, and eventually terfism. It's this ideology that we have to conform in our nonconformity that has caused this rift.
This community has spent the better part of a decade cannibalizing itself, severing itself, dividing itself, and making it all the more simple for our oppressors to devour us.
Because we're not queer unless we experience same sex attraction. Because we're not queer if we experience opposite sex attraction. Because we're not trans unless we conform to heteronormative gender stereotypes. Because we're not trans at all.
And the last step is that we're not queer at all. Because we were divided and conquered by ourselves.
I will not mince words: this will not happen again. I will not be traumatized back into the closet again. I will not watch as a community built from the ground up for the express purpose of solidarity and supporting the divergent is torn apart by the very people that it exists to support.
Within the last couple years, I determined I am aromantic as well. But because of this experience, despite my perceived solidity in ace/aro validity, I wasn't sure if I should come out, or if I was correct. I hesitated, closeted by those masquerading as a part of my community, made to question in the back of my mind that my feelings were incorrect, a phase, a problem.
Even if I were to be aromantic and not asexual, or asexual and not aromantic, I am still queer.
And now history repeats itself, and a new wave of self-proclaimed judges of queer validity try to take this away from us, and a new wave of asexuals and aromantics are at risk of feeling this same struggle.
It is with no respect, and seething rage, that I say this: anyone who repeats the past is not welcome here. Anyone who seeks to divide our community again is not welcome here.
If you come here to this website to spew hatred and vile at the members of your own community, you are not welcome on this website. You will not repeat the past without consequence again.
If you believe in any such way that queerness requires some amount of conformity beyond not being cishet, you are not welcome here.
In short, and with absolute hatred:
Aphobes, get the fuck off my website. We will not do this again.
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highsocietyhq · 3 months
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which of these mains do you guys remember ? highsocietyhq or haisocietyhq or vikrp or chambordrp... hshq has had many forms over the years !
chambordrp was originally created by admin m sometime around 2014 ? 2015 ? admin j joined the admin team and for a while the group set at chateau chambord, france was just one group among many #royal rp or #rich kids rp groups. chambordrp had to be closed due to low activity but pretty soon admin m opened it again and some of the oldest members rejoined. chambordrp was revamped into vikrp in 2016 ( ? ).
vikrp set in iceland lasted for 6ish months maybe before closing... and then reopening again. i don't remember properly. around this time i ( admin e ) was part of the admin team and admin evy joined the team a bit before vikrp was revamped into haisocietyhq. admin m had gone awol at this time.
haisocietyhq set in shangHAI was when things started to shift from petty drama to something a bit bigger. i think in shanghai we added monarchs ? or maybe that was already in vik, but anyways, in shanghai people actually applied for monarchs. i think dukes and duchesses were a new addition.
then we wanted to move from shanghai to 'a greek island'. but we had a problem: the constant url change was a problem. we couldn't change the url every time we moved, that would cause confusion in the tags. 'highsocietyhq' was already taken by a closed group. what a shame ! but then i figured i'd lose nothing by sending an im to the url's owner and hallelujah ! the owner actually saw the im and was kind enough to give the url to us !!!!! that was amazing. and random. so that's the story behind our url. in shanghai we had our first plot drop/event hybrid when there was an earthquake and i think the hotel suffered some damages.
the greek island plotline was pretty chill until it wasn't. the invasion was pretty wild and i was in summer 2018. when i think back on it, i think it's one our most successful events in terms of character development and engagement. people wrote a lot and it was insanely interactive.
oslo follower the greek island. i have to admit i don't remember much from the oslo period. the plotdrops that i wrote back then were surprisingly frequent though and it was cool that people were really into developing the major plotlines !
dubai followed oslo shortly after nye if i remember correctly. i don't remember the excuse for the move. it wasn't anything major. dubai was fun and different. the big city vibe was fun.
dubai lasted for 8 months and then, in september of 2019, came phuket ! phuket was a lot chiller. i remember us planning all sorts of shocking plot twists. one was a flood and a complete power failure. that never happened. one idea was having them get stranded on a cruise ship.
mar del plata still feels like a fever dream. we moved to mar del plata in august 2020. i swear i always forget we were there. the only thing i remember from this era is the hike/earthquake event. we wanted drama and since we had failed to deliver the flood/power failure/dramatic pd this was really needed !
in april 2021 came tokyo ! i personally enjoyed big city backdrops a lot more so i liked tokyo a lot. i also remember being very pleased with the grapics if i may say so myself. tokyo lasted for a long time and rae won the points game that allowed her to pick like 5 possible locations for a future location change.
i don't remember them all but on the list were regina and casablanca. and we planned to make the regina era really brief and it was supposed to be a quirky comedic era. but you know us ! we don't know how to keep up with a schedule lmao. i think the regina sidequest lasted from spring of '22 and ended in august '22 when we moved to spain for that long event.
the spain was supposed to be a month long thing that would end in an invasion. but the dash was fairly quiet, the admin team was busy af and it just wouldn't happen. the invasion, as you all probably remember, came a year late lmaoooo
we really hoped that the invasion would have been something akin to the one in 2019 but you know, times had changed, people didn't have 8 hours to spend on the computer. the invasion was still a fun extreme event and i'm so glad it succeeded as well as it did because there was room for failure.
after the invasion we finally made it to casablanca where we had planned to end up almost 1,5 years prior lmaoo
and now it's been almost 10 years of a silly little royals group and 8 years of hshq. i genuinely think it's so damn remarkable how far we've come especially considering how the average lifespan of an rp group is like some months. admining this group has been such a privilege !!! thank you !!!
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
Sundrop's FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions!
Can I be tagged in your fics?
Yes! I do that now. You can read more about rules for my taglist and about being tagged here.
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What happened to Careful (your Dad!Spencer fic)? I can't find it!
I deleted the fic from Tumblr. I gave more of an explanation about that here. You can still find it on AO3, because I didn't want to delete the fic from an archive, but my AO3 is archive locked, so you will need an account to view it.
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Are you going to continue Lessons For A Genius?
I labelled Lessons For A Genius as a 'capsule series' on my masterlist because I intended it to be a series of oneshots with no clear overarching story, and therefore - no clear need for an 'ending'. I intended each of the fics to be able to be read as a oneshot satisfyingly without missing out on some of the story. Right now, the series is over, and if I write anything more for it, it will be bonus smutty content, not some greater story.
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I can't find you on AO3! When I click the link to your AO3, there's an error :(
My AO3 is archive locked, so you need an account to view anything that I post there.
I do have a note about this in my pinned post, but I will keep reminding people about it. It's definitely not my favourite thing because I know it makes my writing less accessible, but the purpose is to protect my writing against spam comments from bots and to protect against potential AI scraping that would steal my writing without my permission.
A lot of the fics on my different masterlists use AO3 links because that is the only place those fics are posted on the internet right now. I am sorry if that means you can't read them, but I would highly, highly recommend getting an AO3 account. Once you put your email address on the wait-list for one, you will eventually get an email in order to get an account.
Also, just a general note - make sure you are logged into your account before and after you click AO3 fic links because that might be part of your problem. And make sure that you are not using an AO3 app, because there is no official apps, and I don't know what archive locking does in terms of an app - but I do not give consent for my work to be read on fake AO3 apps. Just use the mobile browser.
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Will you write about (x specific topic) in fics?
Most likely, yes.
You can read my full list of rules here - where I mention topics I won't write for, including safeword use, miscarriages, choking/asphyxiation kink, and a virgin reader character (or a very innocent reader character).
But generally, the list of topics that I will write for is way longer than the things I won't write for. So feel free to ask me if I am okay writing for specific 'taboo' things, because most likely, I am okay with it.
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Did you used to be pinkchubbiebunnie/imaginethesedorks on Tumblr?
My complete list of old urls includes: ravenclawsnerd, imaginethesedorks, thesoundofpurple, and pinkchubbiebunnie.
And I used to be tenpintsofsundrop before I took up residency on my official main blog @tenpintsof-sundrop - but hopefully this will be my last url change ever lmao.
And as a throwback for the girlies, I used to be ravenclawprideforever on Quizilla. (I will be seriously impressed if anybody from that website remembers me from that username and somehow finds me here. I will literally freak out and fangirl so hard if that is the case.)
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Did you used to write kpop fanfiction?
Sometimes I consider posting more of my old kpop fanfics on AO3, but I'm not sure there's enough interest for that. Also on my old kpop blog, the first fandom I ever actually posted fic for there was 5 Seconds of Summer - just as a lil fun factoid.
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Will you ever write a sequel to (insert fic title here)?
Most likely, no.
For the most part, if I write a oneshot (or even a multi-part fic), then I intend for it to be a stand alone story with a satisfying beginning, middle, and (hopefully) a satisfying ending. There are very few fics of mine that I write with the intention of continuing them or someday writing a sequel.
If there is a fic of mine that you particularly love and you really want to see a sequel to, you can ask me about it politely and you could even provide me with some potential ideas of where you'd like to see the sequel go, but for the most part, I write oneshots as singular stand alone fics that will never be continued while I move on to other ideas.
Here is a short list of a few fics that I have considered continuing in case you are curious:
(This list is actually not as short as I thought, but all of these are fics currently posted that I have sequels/follow ups to working in my drafts. So if you like these fics and you want to see more of them, then know that I have been thinking of continuing them too - and sometimes actively working on the continuation in some instances.)
These are listed from most likely to be completed to least likely to be completely based on length and creative struggles.
Emergency Contact - DC Titans, Jason Todd x GN!Powered!Reader. This is a sequel that has been in my drafts for a long time, and I am actually trying to finish it before the end of this month. I think I have about 8k more to finish on it (it's currently about 80% done) before it goes into the editing process. So look out for the sequel soon!
My Bleeding Heart - Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy x Pureblood!Fem!Reader. This prequel is more than half finished in my drafts, and I actually posted a preview of it, but due to lack of engagement and general interest with that preview, I lost interest in writing the fic at the time. I am really proud of what I have written and I hope to get a random burst of energy to finish it because I think it is going to be one of my best emotional fics.
Hold Me Tight Or Don't - The Walking Dead, Glenn Rhee x Fem!Reader x Maggie Greene. This is something I mentioned in another post - but this is a fic that should not even be qualified for a sequel because the main character dies, but this is literally the power of reader/writer interaction and comments. The sequel is going to be an AU where the reader character lives and is immune to the bite. The sequel is fully drafted out and ready to be written - something I am really excited about and hope to do soon.
Missing You - DC Titans, Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd. This is another one that has been in my drafts for a long time, and it's actually half-finished, but I just need that random burst of inspiration and energy to finish it.
Sweet Revenge - The Last Of Us, Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader. This sequel is fully drafted out and I did start writing it, but it was something I lost steam on. I think it would be an amazing fic to compliment the existing one and I really do want to finish it when I get the proper burst of motivation to do so.
Sugar, We're Goin' Down - Stranger Things, Steve Harrington x Fem!Thick!Reader x Eddie Munson. The sequel is drafted out in my docs, and I would like to write it sometime in the future.
Free Use Day - DC Titans, Poly!OG!Titans x Fem!Reader aka Fem!Reader x Hank Hall, Donna Troy, Dick Grayson, Dawn Granger, and Garth. This sequel is something I have drafted out that I am really excited about, but writing a fic that is almost pure smut and making sure that it's good smut is really difficult. So I wanna be in the right mindset when I write this fic. But I promise when this fic comes out, it will be amazing.
Now You See Me - DC Titans, Gar Logan x Masc!Powered!Reader. I have this sequel drafted out, and I really want to explore more of the reader's backstory and his relationship with his father (which, in case you didn't get the implication in the original fic, is Mr. Freeze) - especially because the characters end up in Gotham in Season 3, I think it would be so amazing to show the character coming back to the place of his trauma with a supportive boyfriend by his side. But I know it's gonna take me a long time to write it - and again, time and energy type thing.
Snow In Flordia - DC Titans, Donna Troy x Fem!Powered!Reader. This is another one where I drafted it all out and I started writing it, but I realized that it would be a massive, multi-chaptered undertaking, and I got really exhausted. It is something I want to finish and post, but I have no fucking clue when I will get the time and energy to do so.
A theoretical final act in The Auror!Ron Series, turning it into a perfect trilogy. That is in my drafts, but I haven't touched it much yet because it would be a massive multi-chaptered undertaking with a love triangle, lots of plot points, lot of smut scenes, and it would be generally long for me to satisfyingly finish the series to my liking. (I do hope to finish it someday, though).
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kiefbowl · 1 year
Would you elaborate on why you don't ID as radical feminist? Is it the ideology or the label?
sure, a little bit. for one, I don't feel I've done enough work, either actively or through reading, to call myself that for one thing. You could go back through my blog from years ago and probably find younger me much more willing to use the term radfem on myself indiscriminately, but younger me was also engaging online in unhealthy ways and although I think I always engaged with feminist posts in good faith and was never lying, I definitely found a foothold on "radblr" (which I only use in quotes bc it's not a very well defined space) that I learned how to "game" for attention during my early twenties at a time I was really unhappy and struggling to find fulfillment in my life. And by saying that, I'm not trying to repent anything or even be overly critical of myself, I think that behavior online is common for younger people, and there's an addictive quality to tumblr. The point is, you can be savvy and learn the parlance of humor quickly, bang out posts to get attention, then feed off the praise and attract, what should we call them...crazy clowns? you can attract some crazy clowns that give you more material to work with, rinse repeat etc. I want to be honest about that time in my life with myself, be reflective, and say to myself "okay, I learned a lot then, I made mistakes, I wasn't always honest with myself...now I'm an adult and I get to treat this part of my life even more seriously" with "this part of my life" being intellectual feminism, not tumblr. I'm willing to see myself as a neophyte on certain topics much more comfortably than when I was 22 or 23 or 24, and do so publicly. Well, maybe I've never called myself a neophyte publicly before, and I can probably give myself a little more credit than that, but in any case I had to check my ego and in doing so ended up shedding the "online radfem" identity and persona.
This shift in perspective began to happen when I changed from @aawb to @kiefbowl, which wasn't something I was entirely aware of. When I made the change, I had put myself into a short but dangerous fling with a man who used meth. This man sexually assaulted me several times (doubt he released it), and then some intense drama happened around him and my job, and truly I just fell apart emotionally and mentally. It wasn't the first time I had been in a dangerous relationship with a man and sexually assaulted, but it was the first time I had seen first hand what meth addiction looks like (and sometimes it's boring, and sometimes it's very intense and scary), and it was the first time I was able to contextualize it differently due to exploring feminism. With that contextualization, I was able to re-evaluate so many previous experiences that were less intense but still assault. I spent many years on tumblr championing abused women, speaking to abused women, telling everyone it could be any one of us, the same tunes I sing now, but I had still been some-how blind that all this included me. The brain is strange. While in my despair and crisis, I realized "I really am just a young woman, I don't know anything." I was able to shed my forced certainty for curiosity.
It was also around this time the cluster B gang (seriously can't remember their URLs now) was in full swing and then had a big fall. I can't remember the details, I just remembered feel sour about it. I think I was just ready to grow up. Growing up is slow but I was ready to say "ah fuck it I don't know" and build from there, a bit of a clean slate sort of I guess. Less pressure to know everything and accept studying feminism takes time, dedication, like any other intellectual pursuit.
Hope that helps.
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willow-lark · 1 year
went through your stoncy tag and my delusional ass is now imagining how good they could make it in s5 if they just took the scene where nancy says that steve has changed and, instead of making it about that fucking love triangle again, make it about at least them being friends bc jonathan decides to make an effort to see where steve is at and steve is like ‘i’m a changed man your honour i will give you movies for free’ and omg jonathan going to blockbuster and being all awkward and robin forcing steve to be the one to talk to him bc she knows nancy would want them to be at least friends and AAAAH!!!!!
asdfghk firstly HI i remember i followed u when u were marybennetqueerera, i saw your url and was like. SO TRUE. and you have been putting quality posts on my dash ever since <33
anyways YES. stonathan awkwardly bonding over movies is something that can actually be so personal to me. they both are trying so hard to make an awkward but are such cringefail losers about it. beautiful.
i raise you THIS: s5. the teens (stoncy+robin) are on yet another mission into the upside down. nancy and robin break off to trek ahead together, of course, leaving steve and jonathan to have a heart to heart. steve acknowledges that he's not trying to get in the way of jonathan and nancy, and reaffirms that he wants them to be on good terms. something something i don't have this totally fleshed out in my head but ultimately jonathan is like. what if i wanted you to get in the way. and steve thinks at first jonathan's saying he wants to break up with nancy, but that's not the case... jonathan wants to have them both, and steve does too
cue lots of shenanigans and drama and action fighting the upside down, but when it's finally vanquished and the smoke has cleared, the three of them emerge together. and none of them are willing to let go.
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CFWC Writer of the Month - Inlocusmads
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our many talented fanfic writers and this month’s writer of the month is @inlocusmads! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! Writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
BLOG: @inlocusmads
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? Just Mads is fine!
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I started playing Choices back in 2018-ish (??) after getting recommended by a friend to play Visual Novels. My first ever book was Most Wanted and from then on, set a pattern in me getting absolutely obsessed with action/adventure books. You can imagine my disappointment after I found out, 2-3 years later that MW 2 is cancelled.
2- When, and why, did you join Choices fandom?.
I joined the fandom officially in April/May of 2022. But I was familiar with a Choices “fandom” way back at the height of the pandemic. I just didn’t find the reason to join and chime in and just read meta discussions and commentary on Tumblr & Reddit. But after Crimes of Passion was Wide-Released, I was so invested that I had to join and write my fics. I was happy to know that I wasn’t the only one who found CoP so refreshing from the other books.
Back then, I was only interested in writing theory posts and reviews, but then the whole fanfiction obsession took over and I just went with writing it instead.
3- How did you pick your url name? 
Inlocusmads is my Tumblr User. Locus is a mathematical term defining a set of points following some specific equation in geometry. I picked it because it translates to “In Mads’s territory/set of points” (in-locus-mads) AKA, my blog being a culmination of my works in one place.
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
My first post was an introduction one! (Link) And I remember being so enthusiastic like a kid on the first day of school. It still gives me that vibe. I even promised to write WTD (Wake the Dead) fanfiction, because WTD was finally wide-released, and people were talking about it. Back in May, I had my exams too, so I had absolutely no idea how I managed to juggle exams and fanfiction.
I do not recommend mixing academics with hobbies under any circumstances lmao. But it all worked out! 
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
Since I was 6 years old. I know, crazy, but back then I remember our elementary school teacher reading us stories and I wanted to write one. So I picked up an Aesop’s Fables book and adapted a story from that on a piece of paper. I never knew it was called “fanfiction”. I just liked it!
My official “start” to writing proper fanfiction was in middle school, when I wrote a Harry Potter “Next Gen” AU spanning 40k words. Never finished it and it’s been 6 years since then.
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Crimes of Passion! It’s the one book I’ve written consistently about. Obviously I will expand to other books (Like ES, OH, WTD) in the near future, but currently, I operate from this home base, if that makes sense. Crimes is awesome!
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
My first fic is no longer on Tumblr because I took it down. It was called Bulletproof, and I didn’t like various aspects of it, especially how I handled emotions (They’re definitely not my forte). I didn’t want it to be the first impression I give people. My second fic was Something Like Love (but isn’t), and it is so much better than the first thing I wrote! I would never change anything about it. 
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Trystan Thorne & The Holy Grail! It’s got everything I love- chaos, pointless action for a pointless reason, Nora facepalming for the 100th time, coffee drama and I remember staying up all night to watch multiple Monty Python skits to jazz up my humour-writing a bit. Of course, all the stuff I’ve written so far are some of my favourites, but this takes the cake!
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be, but it could use a little more love?
It has to be my 2-part series on Nora’s Bisexuality - titled Nora’s College Stories (Angler On A Boat ||  Waiting For A Train). I was afraid that I’d not be impactful with my writing and pass it off in a humorous style, but I’m glad it didn’t turn out that way! I’m proud of the positive feedback it has received since then.
As for the stories that could use some love, fortunately, I’ve never had such an experience. I’m so grateful to have wonderful readers. It blows my mind when people reblog my work with memes, gifs, and “asasdfghj!!”. I don’t mind if a fic has 3 or 15 notes, as long as people who’ve read it enjoyed it enough to use a ton of heart emojis and memes. (Looking at you, Max! You’re the best!)
10- What is your specialty as a fanfic writer?
I would say it has to be action/adventure or something more adrenaline-y. Most of my works involve a sprinkle of simulated gore, a bit of dry humour and some peak self-deprecating jokes. I don’t have a proper style or speciality yet, but taking into account my past fics and my overall trend of writing things, it has to be something that’s thrilling to read and write. 
Sometimes the thrill is executed poorly. Sometimes it radiates pure power and heaps of fun. I wouldn’t know if I didn’t write it down. 
11- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Ugh, this is hard! I would say out of these options, I’d write fluff. Fluff is comforting, like “oatmeal, which sustains you” (B99 reference!) and I think it is a fandom classic at this point- a norm in any community of writers. Fluff is also miscible and adaptable in any situation and there is no one way to write it; while angst and smut are both unidirectional, in my opinion.
12- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MC’s or in your writing?
I would say I don’t. Nora and Jane and my future MCs aren’t based on me, nor do I write them after my personality. But the one thing I did incorporate into my characters’ personalities has to be their love for novelty and adventure. I love some novelty in my life, and I hate mundane days. Nora expresses her love for that by taking on challenging cases, and Jane loves rapid change in her life to learn to let go of old wounds.
13- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Emotion. Especially romance. Don’t rotten-tomato’ me-to-the-face just yet! I’m still getting the hang of writing romance besides incorporating it in action and treating it as a separate entity. As a hobbyist writer who wrote a lot of original works, I never really thought to include romance. It was just a lot of bantery friendship and casual mentions of romance. I do want to get better at it! But, of course, as usual, the journey can be quite difficult.
14- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Currently I have a now-untitled (but previously called “Dr Whodunnit”) project with a crossover featuring characters from OH and CoP. Most of you will most likely be familiar because I advertised it as my “biggest project yet!” and didn’t live up to it. Sorry, guys!
I took it down with the sole intention to improve the writing because I found it rushed and hasty in several places. I don’t want to give out a tentative date just yet, but it’ll most likely be revised in about a month or two : around August of 2022. 
I love my readers so much and I want to give them my absolute best work possible. 
15- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first?
Sure! I mean, none of my works are extremely explicit. I would be embarrassed because fanfiction-writing is usually frowned upon/heavily stigmatised, but I will recommend them to read anything that interests them. If they’re into romance, maybe A Second Chance and if they’re into friendships, I’d direct them to my general fics that only feature some good old teamwork!
16- Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
Growing up, I read a lot of Neil Gaiman, Rick Riordan and Lemony Snicket and I loved their writing styles a lot. Recently I’ve taken a liking to screen-writers and producers (I know screenwriting ≠ actual writing) but it takes a lot more effort to translate written work to a full fledged production. 
There’s Baran Bo Odar and Jantje Friese, the creators of Dark .The writers behind Brooklyn 99 and Parks & Rec. Erin Kelly and Chris Chibnall, writers of Broadchurch. I’ve always wanted to blend longform writing with exciting conceptual-style building-up and some of my favourite shows and the writers behind them have inspired a lot of my works.
Some of my favourite shows such as Adventure Time, Gravity Falls and Gumball have such a fun and innovative way of expressing unique, chaotic ideas. I’ve always looked up to that!
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
Definitely my untitled-formerly-titled-project-named-”Dr Whodunnit”. I think it’d make up a fun crime TV show. 
18- Do you write original stories?
I definitely have, in the past! I wrote a time-travelling story and I guess one about engineering humanoids. There was also a really, really old work of mine featuring dragons and young teens battling an evil Dark Lord. So yes, I do write original works, but at this point in time, I’ve taken some time off from them.
19 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I play a lot of online chess, read books and solve puzzles- be it Sudoku, crosswords, (even my very morbid obsession with Wordle) or solving a Rubik’s Cube. I’m also a tired student, so most of my time is either writing fics or catching up on academics. I also bike. The lockdown has clearly converted me into a couch potato, so I could definitely use some daily exercise. 
20 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
This one: 🐍 Nora’s birthday falls in January 1989, aka the Year of the Snake and I sometimes sprinkle it across my fics and headers so much that I got attached to it really quickly. 
21: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
A huge huge thank you to the team at CFWC for this wonderful opportunity! I absolutely love the initiative of conducting weekly events and bringing more fics into light. It’s so heartwarming to see a diverse pool of fic writers, and I’m very fortunate to interact with all of them.
Shoutout to Max from @pixelatedhayes (go check out Max’s art!), Lin from @ofmischiefandmedicine (Laura Levchenko for the win!), Kate from @quixoticdreamer16 (Incredibly supportive and such a shining gem to this fandom!) for being super supportive and tuning in to read my works and literally every other reader/creator/fanartist/fic-writer out there on Tumblr, contributing their part to the fandom. 
If you’re there, I’m so happy and please keep doing what you love.
I’ve heard that the community has grown smaller since the early days and I’m glad that even though there are a few of us, we’re doing our part to support each other.
To quote Captain Holt and sum it up: “Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a much more interesting place.” Thank you so much :) Hope you have an incredible day ahead!
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gyokujyn · 5 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
Tagged by @blackwood4stucky - Aspen, thank you for the tag, but I am breaking all the rules and changing most of the some questions to really get to know me (and hopefully you)! Pretend I tagged you at the bottom, too, cause it won't let me tag you twice!
1. How did you get your nickname (or url)?
I don't really have a nickname, but my url is the first long term OC I used to RP back in the day. I see a lot of hate for RPing OCs these days, but when the internet still screamed at you before you could logon, almost everyone RPed OCs--in fact it was looked down on to RP an existing character or an OC that was related to an existing character. Gyoku Jynnae was a Star Trek OC, but I also RPed Star Wars, D&D, and a few others in AOL chat rooms, forums/message boards, and email. I keep the name in case I ever run into anyone from that time in my life because some of those people helped keep me alive and I'll never forget it.
2. What's the last thing that made you cry?
Therapy yesterday. I'm trying to be less allergic to feelings. Go me.
3. What's your latest guilty pleasure?
I generally don't feel guilty about the things that bring me pleasure, lol, but I'm a little embarrassed that I realized my Stucky playlist on Spotify has long since exceeded 200 songs (sitting pretty close to 230 rn) so I created, I shit you not, a spreadsheet to help me most effectively split it into more specific lists for various timeframes or feelings and I am really enjoying listening to all the songs and organizing it.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I never did organized sports, but I did regularly get dropped in the wilderness with a map and a compass for "fun" when I was in high school--does that count?
5. What are your pet peeves?
I hate the sound of chewing/lip smacking/swallowing. I probably have misophonia because it makes me want to vault the table and punch someone.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hair and hands, usually. Eye contact is not my forte, so I am way more likely to remember someone by their shoes or something than by their face.
7. What is your eye color?
Hazel. I have a ring of brown around my pupil, then a ring of green outside of that like some kind of ridiculous YA novel.
8. What super specific trope or genre is your kryptonite?
Not sure how super specific this is, but I love psychological horror and body horror. I love the kinds of stories and movies where I walk away thinking I'm moving on with my life and then days later, something happens and my heart is pounding and I'm thinking about it again. I love horror that lives under your skin and in the back of your mind until it grips you out of nowhere.
9. What is your superpower?
I am very observant of details, which might be a superpower, but it usually feels like my villain origin story. It makes me good at reading people, but terrible at finishing projects because all I see are the faults and I get overwhelmed and it never gets finished.
10. Which fictional world would you be happy to call home?
You remember that late-aughts Bruce Willis movie where everyone plugs into an interface that lets them leave their bodies at home and navigate the world in an idealized, customizable body with no pain? Yeah, me, neither. I don't think about being able to have a pain-free body that reflects my personal image of myself everyday. Not at all.
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading, creating art, and video games. Between kids and COVID, my other hobby, tabletop RPG, is on a long term hiatus.
12. Do you have any pets?
We've recently lost a dog and a cat, so we're down to 1 cat and about 27,000 fish (not really, but we do have 8 running fish tanks, 3 of which are each over 50 gallons, so, like, there's a lot of fish).
13. What is your biggest toxic trait?
Oh, man, when I am in a relationship with someone, I want to be the center of their fucking universe. Which is weird because I am not monogamous and I am my wife's number one wing man, but it's not about jealousy. I want to know that I can trust my partner to have my back. That they're thinking about me. That they want me. I want to be wanted desperately. I will and have broken up with partners who weren't bad people or a bad match for me, they just weren't as mad about me as I wanted them to be. I feel like a narcissist typing this out, but it's the truth.
14. Is there anything you're afraid you won't accomplish?
I don't know that this is really an accomplishment, but I always wanted to have lots of kids and I always wanted to foster and adopt some of my kids. I knew kids growing up that needed safe homes and never got them (I probably was one, but I was afraid to get into the system, so I just kept my head down and dealt with it) and I always wanted to be the safe place I never had. But, it's expensive. Not the kids--I know kids are expensive (I already have 2). I don't understand why fostering and adopting is so expensive.
15. What's number one on your bucket list?
I want to go back to school to become a teacher, but I'm really finding it daunting right now.
Tags: I'm just tagging a dozen recentish mutuals that I don't know so well, yet... no pressure, but I'd love to get to know you better! @winterscrump @basnatural @eloquentreverie @vellicore @milarca @the-kestrels-feather @iceandironbars @sarahowritesostucky @natashadied4oursins @thepiper0fhameln @hypnxrchy @shurisbedroom If I didn't tag you, but you want to play, please feel free to jump in and tag me anyway!
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honeyviscera · 7 months
i saw a post about "how did you get into writing" and i was going to reblog but i realised this is too long winded for tags lol. anyways in terms of writing poetry, i remember it started back when i was in seventh grade, and i started to write haikus on small post-it notes. i ended up losing a lot of them, so i decided to start a poetry notebook. i would write very short poems in it, or rather, stanzas, just whenever inspiration struck. it wasn't until like grade 8 that i remember writing my first Good Poem, that is, the first poem that i was really satisfied with, the first poem where i wrote it and was amazed i had written something like that. it was called "whimsical mind". i remember reciting it to my friends i was so excited about it. throughout the rest of junior high, i would carry that notebook around, and write little poems in it. eventually, around the end of grade 9, i switched to writing my poems in google keep (basically a notes app, but you can sync on your computer, organise with tags, etc) because it was faster to write on the computer rather than in a tiny notebook.
for all of high school, i just kept on writing. in grade 10, i wrote a very long free-verse prose poem, "the sea". it was the first poem i had written that was that long. previously, all the stuff i wrote was really short, split into stanzas, only a few words in each stanza etc. but "the sea" changed how i wrote poetry. (it was also the inspiration for my old url, the-ancient-ocean.) there was a shift after that, my poems became a lot longer, more winding. more complex. sometime in grade 11, i got into writing body horror, because i needed a way to talk about my mental state. using anything other than my own body for a poetic device felt too distant, or detached.
i can kind of trace the overall theme of my poetry-- when i started back in grade 7, i wrote about the world, its beauty, observation.... then i began to write about immortality and existentialism..... "the sea" was kind of a waypoint between those two themes. then, from existentialism to..... body horror. there's another poem that i can't think the name of, that was a transition between those two as well. (i'm remembering the line "string your bones together, needle and thread, remember, you're already dead. it sucked the life from you.") my body horror poems are my favourite.... it's where my new url comes from, too.
anyways now all i know how to write is body horror. again, anything else feels too detached......... too impersonal. anyways that's how i got into writing lol. it's been about 7 years.... wow.
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You know the drill:) :) :)
1-50 weird asks and GO
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
I don't know if "comfort" is the right word, but right now it's probably Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach and...Boromir from LOTR. Ichigo is currently my favorite main character period and Boromir is....well. He's a deeply flawed character that tries and fails and tries again and manages to do good at the end of his life and I hope I'm able to do the same before I die.
lighter or matches?
I'm a certified pyromaniac, so the answer is yes. I prefer lighters for cigarettes and cigars though, whereas matches, I like launching them off of the lighter strip.
do you leave the window open at night?
Up north, open. Down here...closed. Permanently closed. I hate the weather down here.
which cryptyd being do you believe in? All of them. Skinwalkersmustdieskinwalkersmustdieskinwalkersmu
what color are your eyes?
why did you do that?
You think *I* know???
hair-ties or scrunchies?
how many water bottles are in your room right now? ....none
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
Hot tbh
would you slaughter the rich?
some of them
favorite extracurricular activity?
back in school it was band tbh and I can and should be bullied for it
what kind of day is it?
today was a long day at work unfortunately
when was the last time you ate?
just a couple of bars when I got home since it's a fasting day
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
(sorta, not to term yet)
can you drive?
Yes, ignore my friends that say I drive like a maniac I am completely fine I am not an adrenaline junkie I am not -
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
near sighted
what hair products do you use?
whatever is on the shelf. I used to use old spice but I think it's been giving me a reaction lately
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
....I don't think you want me to do that
do you say soda or pop?
something you’ve kept since childhood?
a lot of my books tbh. some of those are in uh...not great shape to my shame
what type of person are you?
I am a piece of shit
how do you feel about chilly weather?
winter supremacy or die
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
sniping off politicians
Ideally if there's not a lot of light pollution I do love looking at stars
perfume/body spray or lotion?
spray, since I'm lazy
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
only all of them
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
do you wear a mask?
how do you like your shower water?
is there dishes in your room?
what type of music keeps you grounded?
church hymns tbh
do you have a favorite towel?
the last adventure you’ve been on?
Hmmmm....good question. The last big one was the honeymoon to Colorado
is there a song you know every word to by heart? They're all metallica songs but several
what’s your timezone?
Central US
how many times have you changed your url?
a stupid amount of times
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
Not you yet, but all of my best friends from high school are still my friends now with 3 of them even being my groomsmen
a soap bar that smells good?
I...don't know actually lmao
do you use lip balm?
did you have any snacks today?
how do you take your coffee?
depends - if it's typical shit coffee, cream and sugar. If it's good coffee, black
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
Bleach Brave Souls, does that count?
what’s your take on spicy foods? I love them
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
*REDACTED* nice try FBI
can you remember what happened yesterday? More or less!
favorite holiday film?
This is cheesy as fuck, but probably The Polar Express or Year Without a Santa Clause
what was the last message you sent?
I think it was me letting my coworker to let me know if I could do anything for him since his mother passed away
when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
Uhhhhhhhh....I think it was as a teenager from my Grandfather, or wine from my mother
can you skip rocks?
I can't, unfortunately. I ain't gonna lie, I'm kinda retarded
can i tag you in random stuff?
No you fuck - OF COURSE YOU CAN
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trivalentlinks · 2 years
abelia, edelweiss, camellia, aloe vera :)
Thank you so much for the ask <3 <3 <3
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
The first part no, but the second part, unfortunately, yes, in fact most of my jewelry.
I generally don't wear jewelry when I go out--can't actually remember the last time I did, possibly for a high school dance?
But when I go to a department store, I love to go look at all shiny jewelry and admire how much they shimmer in the light. And when I went with a parent, sometimes they'd be like, "you seem to like that $5 jewelry set, I'll get it for you", which they did because I was very hard to shop for and generally didn't like things.
And I did (and do) like the jewelry. I just... never really think to wear any.
Though sometimes as a kid I would put all of my jewelry on at once and pretend to be a treasure hunter/pirate who just found a pile of treasure. Think this:
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(And sometimes when I consider getting rid of my little box of jewelry, I still just look at it and go. Hm. We could get rid of this. Or we could… see picture above.)
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
My username's a bit of a riff on my previous username, bipartite-pairings, referring to a graph matching problem in CS, about pairing things up one-to-one, which I thought was appropriate for a blog about the Bruce Banner/Tony Stark ship. Two computer-sciencey people being paired together.
Trivalent is also a graph theory term: it means each node is connected to three others; when I started the blog I thought I'd ship OT3+1, centering on the node connected to three others. It later turned out that I didn't actually ship OT3+1, at least not romantically, oops, but kept the name anyway. (>_<)
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
I was a bit of a misfit when I was younger, and often hung out in a circle of misfits where I was still the misfit among them: the others in my social circle did theatre and D&D and I did not (beyond watching my friends' plays and occasionally foam-weapon sparring with someone who tried to throw a glove at the kid next to me but hit me instead).
I might be less of a misfit now, maybe? Though not substantially.
I was also very "not like other girls" throughout my teens. I never said it out loud, but I felt that way. My other social circle (besides the theatre crowd) consisted of people who were all very competitive at a couple things that I was also very competitive at.
They were very male-dominated fields: I was the only girl at my school competing, and in one of the fields, I was the last girl to compete internationally representing the US, and it's been more than a decade since I competed. (And the number of girls who have ever been on the US team can be counted on one hand.)
(Imagine a competitive starcraft player who never says she's "not like other girls", but she goes between two social circles, one as the non-artsy person in an artsy crowd and another in the competitive starcraft circle where she pretends not to notice that she's the only girl, but, hey, if anyone called her a girl, she could hand them their ass at starcraft. It does not occur to either her or them that this doesn't make her any less of a girl.)
I've mellowed out a lot on the not-like-other-girls front, for pretty much the same reason all the other girls outgrow this phase. Girls are just people; everyone's a little different, but we're all just people.
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
Close platonic friendships. Especially long-standing ones. My partner is my best friend and I love him and he's wonderful, but it's not the same, you know? He has a couple friends he talks to and plays video games with a few times a week (not for very long each time, but enough to catch up), and yeah, I get a little envious.
He went to school with these guys from age six to the end of high school, so he did have the advantage of living in the same small town until college, but I don't think this is the only reason. I think it's more that I just don't really know how to maintain long distance friendships? Like, I did make friends in high school and college, but we fell out of touch for the most part. We call each other maybe once or twice a year now, if at all.
On a more light-hearted note: Pets! I really want a pet cat. Never had a pet, always adored little furry animals. I'm hoping I'll be able to get one soon, since I'll be settling somewhere more permanent.
Thank you so much for asking <3
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babylulururu · 2 years
Orchid, edelweiss, palm tree for the asks? 😊
Of course!
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
Odds and Ends by Ryo (Supercell)!
It tells the story of Ryo's journey with Vocaloid through the eyes of Miku. I believe this was supposed to be Ryo's last song in Vocaloid, but I think he did one a few years later and hasn't touched Vocaloid since then. It's a fantastic song, and the storytelling and emotions that the story tells are really something else.
If you want to get into my personal "perfect" version of the song, it would have to be at the 2016 Nico Nico Cho Party. For those not in the know, these were concerts put on by NicoNico (basically a video-sharing platform similar to YouTube, but I would compare it more to BilliBilli in terms of how the site works) relating to Vocaloid, and the last song they sang was Odds and Ends. This wasn't the first time the song was performed at a Cho Party, but this was the first with a great many Vocaloids joining in the song. I can't remember the exact list of who exactly showed up but I know all of the Crypton Vocaloids did (the ones under the same company as Hatsune Miku) and that GUMI and Teto did.
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
People took Lulu Ruru, and I don't know why. So I put baby in front of my name.
As to where the name Lulu Ruru came from, let me introduce you to Ruru Amour from HUGtto PreCure.
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Back in like 2018ish there was a debate about her name being Lulu or Ruru so now my name is a combination of the two because I be like that.
Now the baby part in front of my name. Again, 2018, there was a new PreCure movie released where everybody became tiny babies for some reason I forgot why but they did. So anyways, I changed my profile picture to this for a few weeks.
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and such, babylulururu was born!
In all seriousness though just call me Lulu or Ruru if you wanna call me by something on the internet. Calling me babylulururu sounds weird.
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
Let me introduce you to Otto Apocolapyse.
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He basically is the reason why Honkai Impact 3rd is so messed up. I won't get into details but you can get a rundown of what he does here.
He shares his CN VA with Ayato and Artem.
Thank you for asking! Link to the ask game!
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emailsecurityguy · 2 years
You Are the Weakest Link.
Ok, disclaimer time; I work for the company that has made People-Centric Security their mantra.
That being said, people are the weakest link in your organization. I don't care how much you think your end users are savvy, well-trained, or able to not click on links, they are still your weakest link. Add to that the fact of phishing emails are still the number one attack vector for cybersecurity, in terms of volume of attacks, and you have a ripe conditions for your end users to click on something bad.
I'm gonna be a bit non-PC here; Every organization has one of those people who's just shy of retirement, in their 60's, they're fantastic at what they do, but they're not very computer savvy because the 80's was absolutely horrible about telling us how computers really worked (remember pop culture taught us that every computer was sentient, robots were common, and computers could control anything electronic even without a network interface).
Well, those people will click on stuff. Email about a package that won't be delivered? Oh, I'd better click on that. A PDF warning me that we're late on a payment and going to get sued? I'd better open that.
So how do we fix that?
Well, there's no one magic bullet to stop that. It needs to be a multi-tiered approach.
First off, end user training. Train them to look at the email address and confirm it matches messages they previously have received. Train them to stop and think before they click. Train them to reach out to IT if there is ANY question about a message's authenticity. Quite a few organizations offer it: Mimecast, Udemy, KnowBe4, Proofpoint to name a few. They typically offer more bells and whistles if you subscribe to their email filtering services as well (if they offer it).
Second, try and stop those messages at the perimeter. It's sad but true that email security, for the most part, is a reactive science/art. All of the big security companies still react to threat actors and threat campaigns. That being said, a number of things will help; warning tags on authentication failures. Heightened security scanning on a list of impersonation targets. A sanity check on any request from an email that asks for monetary changes.
Third, work with your security vendors and buy into any integrations they may have. If your email security vendor can integrate with your firewall to analyze incoming URLs real-time, do it. If you have a workstation monitoring vendor who can analyze clicked links, set that thang up.
Finally, the line between security and usability is often a thick, blurry line. Don't fall into the trap of letting the business side lower your security posture because "we have to click three extra times". All it takes is one bad click and you're the next Equifax ... and you're not in the position to survive what they did. They're one of three companies that do what they do. I'm not saying ignore business processes, I'm saying inform your end users that in the long run choosing complete ease-of-use over security is the wrong choice.
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an-asuryampasya · 2 years
[more armchair language-stuff rambling (been a while!), admittedly mostly written for an audience of me, under a cut since I remember my manners]
(well, to me anyway)
So idk what the official linguistics term for this is, but one pretty significant difference between English and the other two languages I speak is how words get combined.
Okay so first off, insert here standard disclaimer regarding confirmation bias. With that out of the way: When I speak English, I mostly try to keep each word of the sentence distinct as I speak it (and fail, but that's because /I/ personally am a terrible speaker. Anyway, I digress). The exceptions are contractions, but again, melding those words together is only accepted for certain established/common contractions like 'isn't' or 'ain't'. I can't expect to get away with saying/writing "mashtagether" or something instead of "mash together". But the thing is, in Telugu I sort of can.
I mean there's this whole section of grammar devoted to rules on mashing words together based on what sounds they start or end with (and they're pretty intuitive for most part, tbh) rather than a list of words like in English (i.e., is+not=isn't, etc.), and they apply to any set of words with those starting/ending sounds. These combined words are accepted in both, written and spoken Telugu too. (Even my url is a sandhi! It's a+surya+pasya=asuryampasya, if I'm not wrong. Sidenote: "if I'm not wrong is such a useless phrase for a reader. 'I'm saying this but I could be wrong, haha! So you can take away nothing from what I just said, except maybe that I'm annoying'. anyway, still using it though.) (Also, similar rules are also present in multiple Indian languages. Though I'm talking only about Telugu because that's what I have at least a vague idea about.) (Also also, yes I am incapable of not including a minimum of 68 asides in parentheses.) (Oh, also, if you're wondering, it's still quite easy to understand words even when joined together. "Mashtagether" makes no sense and is possibly hard to separate into the constituent words in English, but it's not so hard in Telugu. Idk why - the rules? the intuitiveness? not sure. Maybe just good ol' phonetic languages ftw? idk, anyway, back to the point.)
Anyway, I swear I'm going somewhere with this.
[....at this point I took a break to grab a snack and forgot the point I was going to make ._. ]
ehh ditch, too sleepy to care. moving on!
BUT. Aside from sandhis, there's another, informal form of mashing together of words that occur I think. At least, I think they're not covered by sandhis since I don't use them in written Telugu, but I could be mistaken. Or perhaps they're more accurately corruptions?
Anyway, the point is, these are more fascinating to me and I'd love to talk about them more, but right now I want to talk about one specific type of this corruption (as I'm going to call it). It's the first time I've noticed it be repeated in multiple words (with similar sounds, of course - which makes me wonder if I'm misidentifying it as a corruption). First, there's 'mom's brother'. In Telugu that would be your 'mamayya'. Except none of my cousins call my dad their 'mamayya', and instead say 'moyya'. (Well, more accurately they say Bobmoy since that's what 'Babu mamayya' eventually devolved into. It's also fun to say. See also: the derivative used by their kids: 'Babu tata' becoming Bobtat.) Or father in law, which in my part of the world is 'mamayyagaru'. But my mum was gently nudged to not pronounce it that way - and instead 'moyyagaru' is preferred. Now consider the completely unrelated word, raw mango! 'kaya' = unripe fruit, 'mamidi' identifies mango. So a raw mango is technically 'mamidikaya', but when spoken it's often called 'modkaya/maudkaya'.
For some reason, mama/mami words get converted into mod's.
They're unrelated words that underwent similar changes. Though I suppose that makes sense - Telugu is a phonetic language, and so it should be natural that these changes are based on the phonemes and stuff? (also I am aware that phonetic language isn't a techical term but bleh.)
okie that exhausts what I remember wanting to say and I can't be bothered to figure out a good ending or even edit, so uh.
this concludes this post?
Oh wait, I know!
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ahmetasabanci · 4 months
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