#i remember there was some dragon lady who was rich or something and was evil and her name was Bonnie LOL
zzariyo · 2 years
I said I gave up. I lied
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now that i have actual maybe designs for the main guys, i really wish i remembered the……story. LOL
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dycefic · 3 years
In The Interim
I must have read at least a dozen variations on the 'ancient and forgotten order of something or other is revived by the Chosen One and some ancient mentor or something' story, in which ancient relics or fortresses or holy places usually play a significant part. I've often wondered what happens to them in the interim, while their orders are scattered and their existence forgotten. I'm always fascinated by the generally elided parts of a story - what happens after the evil empire collapses, or while the dystopia is setting in, or the time between the fall and rise of the order of something or other.
Also, you know, I play Dragon Age. Skyhold is... inspiring.
There is an ancient fortress that waits in the mountains for the day when its people will return. Dust covers the floors, and many of the ancient statues have fallen.
I do not know what the fortress waits for. Was it an order of scholars? There was a library, with shelves full of scrolls and books. They are ancient and fragile now, so I never enter the room except to light a fire to dry the air, now and then.
It could have been an order of warriors. There are rooms full of ancient weapons. I know what a sword is, though I have never seen swords shaped like this. There are blades on long poles, like some strange mating of an axe and a spear, and other things I cannot name. What is not too rusted, I oil and tend.
Perhaps it was a religious order. There are many statues, and one motif that repeats often, a woman holding a lamp in one hand and a flower or leafy plant in the other. There are statues of her, and paintings on the walls, and even a mosaic of stones in one of the courtyards. I dust the statues and the paintings, and sweep the mosaic. In the room that seems to be a shrine, I keep a light burning on the altar, as the signs tell me others have done before me.
I don’t know what most of what I find signifies. There are chests full of faded and rotted fabric that was clothing once, but I do not know what the sigils mean. There are devices on shelves whose use I cannot begin to guess. There are letters or symbols carved into the stone in several places, but they are not in the language I know.
But there is a garden. Even after years of neglect, the soil is rich. I do not know the language the people here spoke, or why they lived here, but I know the herbs they used. I know the vegetables they ate. I recognised the bones of chickens and goats, when I dug in their midden for fertiliser.  I found the bird cotes, and replaced rotted perches and lured the pigeons which had gone wild back with seeds and insects from the garden.
Some of the perches were large, too large for any pigeon. I don’t know what birds roosted there. But sometimes I see a large bird circling high up, a crow or a raven, and I wonder if it’s a descendant of those birds.
The kitchen has been used more recently than the other rooms. In a small room off the kitchen I found an old straw bed, and clothing that is not too unlike my own. And on the wall of that room, scratched on the stone, I found a series of crude drawings.
A figure in long skirts walking up a slope between trees. A crude representation of the fortress. The same figure, standing in the garden, with crude plants around her feet and what are probably meant to be birds in the air over her head.
These I read easily. “I climbed the mountains and found this place. I lived here.”
The next row was different.  The same figure, repeated several times. Then a crude outline of a skull. Then a door with a symbol on it. It took me a while to figure that out.
Then I found the door with that symbol, deep below the fortress. When I opened it – cautiously, remembering the skull – I smelled the faint memory of decay.
When I went down, I found an ancient crypt. There were niches in the walls, like narrow beds one above the other, and ancient bones within them. Some had the rusted remains of armour, some the dusty shreds of what might have been robes.
And I found other bones. They were not in niches, but laid on the floor at one end of the room. Twelve complete skeletons were there, and I could see, looking at them, that they were not all the same age. One, at the far right, looked almost as ancient as the bones in the niches. The one on the left still had shreds of flesh here and there, and hair spread around its head. When I examined that one, I found that one of the legs was broken, and had not healed.
They are all women, I think. The newest is still wearing skirts, and I can see the decayed remains on some of the others. What hair remains is long, though it is not certain that either man or woman living in this isolation would cut their hair, and some bones are still encircled by bracelets or necklaces.
They were called here, I think, as I was.
There is a long history of hermitage, among my people. It is more common among men than women, but now and then one will be moved to retreat from the world into solitude and contemplation. Usually they are moved by a god, or go to tend some sacred relic or shrine.
I was alone in the world, when I felt the calling. I packed up my belongings, bade farewell to those few who might miss me, and set out to walk into the mountains. I did not know where I was going, but I knew I was going somewhere. And then…
Then I found this place, and I knew. It is empty, but it is not abandoned. It is only waiting. Waiting until its people come back, until some great need calls them, or destiny, or the turning of the wheel. And while it waits, it is… lonely, perhaps. So it calls out, to those who are right, who will be content in this quiet solitude, who will feed the pigeons and tend the garden and light fires in the library and oil the weapons.
The woman before me broke her leg. Perhaps it bled too much, or wound-rot set in. She must have known she was dying and dragged herself down to lie beside the others. When I know my time is coming, I will go too. If I do not have warning, if death comes quickly, I conjure you who come after me to carry my bones down to that crypt, to lie beside my sisters in peace, until the fortress lives once more.
I leave this record in hope that it will help the next hermit who comes, when I am only bones. And if you who read are no hermit, but coming in some dire need or peril, if you come to awaken again what sleeps here, to give the lady with her flower and her lamp a name, or perhaps to earn your own, then welcome, for we have kept this fortress against your coming.
It has been waiting for you.
(This short account, written on parchment, is preserved by the Order as one of its most precious relics. During the Interim, the period of almost eight hundred years in which the Order was largely forgotten and the fortress was left empty, sixteen women are believed to have been ‘called’ to preserve and tend it. Aside from the bodily remains in the crypt, and a few images scratched into a wall, this is the only evidence they chose to leave of their existence. None have ever been identified, and the parchment is unsigned. Nevertheless, the sixteen Guardians are venerated by the Order for their faithful, solitary service to powers whose name they never knew, and their bones are entombed together, side by side in death as was their wish. Without their care, we believe, there would have been little left for the revived Order to return to.)
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Marinette: Crazy Rich
           So in this fic,. If you’ve seen Crazy Rich Asians, you’ll know why as the fic goes on. Also, I totally ripped a few lines from Girl Meets World; fans of the show will recognize them instantly!!!
 They met when they were young; younger than either of them remember. The first time, Marinette and Ali had both in babes in their cribs when their grandmothers’ introduced them. The second time, they just learn to walk and or run, and seemed love making a mess of everything; again not something they could remember but had plenty of pictures of.
The third time, and the one they both remembered, Marinette had been just six-years-old. Ali had been seven. They each were the apple of their grandmother’s eyes. Their grandmothers were best friends having known each other since they were little girls.
It had been a playdate at one of the Young family homes. Ali had worn a dapper grey suit that would look ridiculously expensive on an adult man, let alone a child that just barely learned to tie his shoes. Marinette had worn a darling silvery purple dress that was closer to a ball gown than any dress any other four-year-old girl would wear to a playdate.
           Both kids shyly hid their faces behind their grandmother’s skirts and had to be coaxed softly to greet each other.
Prince Ali bowed regally as he had been taught, “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Young.”  He was a handsome boy with dark-skin, olive-green eyes, and black hair. Ali always wore a charming smile on his face as expected of him. He was a Prince, and while it wasn’t easy, he did what of expected of him.
“It is an honor, Prince Ali,” Marinette curtseyed gracefully. She was a beautiful girl with long black hair and bluebell eyes. She was the essence of a perfect little lady. “We have a wonderful playroom that I would like to show you if you able?”
Prince Ali looked to his grandmother for an answered. She nodded silently, an amused smile on his face. The young prince grinned, “Yes, please.” He held his arm out for Marinette. She took it, a pink blush on her face, and they walked side by side out of the foyer, their perspective bodyguards trailing after them, while their grandmothers’ cooed in the background before departing to have tea.
           The playroom was larger than three apartments combined; it had specific areas dedicated to art, sports, video games, tea parties, a jungle gym built to look like a castle, and even an area just for snacks. In order to get around, there were trampoline paths.
           Prince Ali blinked in awe.
“You get used to it,” Marinette giggled. “Come on!” She grabbed his hand and ran across the trampoline path to the jungle gym. They jumped the entire way, their bodyguard watching from the distance ready to act if something went wrong.
“Call me Marinette,” Marinette said when they made it to the top. She pulled out two foams swords and handed him one. “Or Mari.
“Ali,” He said as he took the sword.
“I’m Pirate Captain Sparkle,” She yelled and pointed her sword. “And you my dreaded rival have come to steal my treasure… Captain.”
“Tiger Eye,” Ali nodded seriously. “Captain Tiger Eye. Engarde!”
           The two pirate captains dueled all over the jungle gym before teaming up to defeat the evil space monsters that came to steal all the ice cream and candy in the world.
           Ali laughed as he jumped into the foam ball pit after a giggling Marinette. They both laid there for a moment trying to catch their breaths as they stared at the ceiling painted to look like the night, each constellation connected.
“You’re not how I imagined,” Ali said.
           Marinette hummed, “Spoiled rotten, uptight, crazy rich brat who only like tea parties and princess things; who’d cry the second I don’t get what I want?”
“Well… yes.”
           She shrugged, “I get that a lot. I don’t know why. If I so much as considered for a moment of throwing a tantrum in public, my grandmother would have me shipped boarding school in Sweden. No matter what my parents said.”
           Ali nodded, “Same. Though, mine would be in Scotland. My mother has a strong fascination with Harry Potter.”
“You’re not what I imagined either.”
“Stuffy prince, that always had his nose in the air,” Prince Ali started, “So he can look down on everyone; that expects everyone to bow and cater to his every whim?”
“That about covers it.”
           He snorted, “My grandmother would have me scrubbing bedpans at one her hospitals the moment I ever said was better than anyone.”
           Both laughed.
“Do you ever get tired of it?” Ali suddenly asked. “Always been told to do this, or that you can’t do that. Always being on your best behavior because of what people would think. I never get to do anything I want.”
Ali was the first grandchild and took after his grandmother Queen Aishwarya with his kind, fun-loving nature, as well as his ability to recognize authenticity in people. Like Aishwarya, Ali would later become a philanthropist who dedicated his time to volunteering at and donating money to child hospitals and leading the go-green initiative in his country. He wasn’t allowed to behave like most kids; never allow himself to be as free as them.
“Shoulders back and stand up straight,” Marinette recited. “Mind your manners, smile for the cameras. Always be clean and orderly. It’s like I’m a trophy. Don’t make a mess. Watch what you say but never let anyone think you can’t say it. Sometimes it sucks. But what I can I do. Can I really cry about it? I’m a rich, only child that gets everything I want… as long as I behave. There are expectations of me, and if I stay, I get shut down.” Hard.
           Marinette spent her childhood split between France and Singapore.  In Paris, she was able to relax as Marinette Dupain-Cheng the daughter of a pair of rather well-known bakers. In Singapore, she was Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Sung-Young or just Marinette Young for short; the granddaughter of Eleanor and Phillip Young, an heir of the wealthiest family in all of Singapore and most of the world. And people, her family mostly, and the paparazzi had expectations of Marinette Young.
           Marinette Young was a Singaporean child socialite. The media referred to her as “The Princess” for her beauty and the impeccable fashion sense she distributed from a young age. She followed her older cousin Astrid to all the fashions, taking her cues from her.
           Marinette lift her head to look at Ali, “What do you like to do?”
“I like to help people,” Ali murmured. “I like helping my grandmother at the hospitals and making sick kids feel better. Maybe be a doctor!”
“I like fashion, my cousin Astrid likes it too,” Marinette said. “So let’s make a deal. You help kids. I’ll work in fashion. That’s what we want to do so we’re going to do it. Okay?”
“Deal,” Ali nodded firmly and then looked thoughtful. “Are we friends?”
           Marinette smiled, “Best friends.”
           And so there were. Over the next few years, the two would meet up for playdates frequently. Eventually, Prince Ali would come to know Marinette Dupain-Cheng well too.
           When the playdate ended, Marinette waved goodbye sadly as her new friend left.
           That night, while her grandmother brushed her hair before bed, she asked. “Did you like Prince Ali?”
           Marinette nodded, “Yes. He was very polite and played pretend really well.” She left off the part where he was a dreaded pirate captain because of details.
“Aishwarya and I thought you would like each other,” Eleanor nodded. “I’m glad to see you get along well. Hopefully, you will grow closer as you get older.”
“Why?” Marinette asked curiously. Her grandmother had never cared about whether she would still be friends with her playdates in the future. Normally, the playdates were a way to have a business meeting with it being obvious to the outside world that it was, in fact, a business meeting.
           Eleanor smiled softly down at Marinette, looking less like the elegant scary Dragon-lady the media claimed she was, and more like any loving grandmother.
Eleanor knew she always favored Marinette, her first grandchild; even if she had severely frowned on her oldest daughter Sabine marrying a baker. Though she had frowned less once their bakery became a successful international chain, akin to Gordon Ramsey restaurants. Their headquarters in Singapore. In Eleanor’s defense, they came from a rather wealthy family and with roots of nobility. Who wouldn’t be a little upset if their heir and beloved daughter running off to marry a baker she met in France? Sabine had even gotten Nick and Astrid to help with her elopement.
It would be years before Eleanor manages to quell the snickers and rumors that persisted after Sabine’s departure, and just as long until she was willing to speak with her oldest child again. However, that was mostly because she learned Sabine was pregnant.
Eleanor was in France for the duration of the pregnancy and had loved Marinette instantly the second she was born. Her beautiful granddaughter with hair so black it looks blue in the right light, and bright blue eyes bluer than anyone could even imagine. It’s a wonder, Eleanor, ever let go of her. (But apparently, Tom had the right to hold his child too, or some nonsense like that.)
           Because of her grandmother, Marinette’s childhood was… odder than most. While her parents preferred a more modest lifestyle despite their wealth, her mother’s side of the family… did not.
“Do you know how your grandfather and I met?” The older woman asked. Marinette shook her head no. “We met when we were really young, about you and Prince Ali’s age. Our parents were business partners who believed marriage was the best solidify the partnership, and bring up both of our families statuses. So we were betrothed.”
           Marinette blinked, slowly understanding hit her. “It means engaged right?”
“In a way,” Eleanor nodded. “It meant we were promised to each other and that one day we would marry; uniting our families as one. Do you know why I’m telling you this?”
“The playdate,” Marinette said. “It was a test to see if Ali and could get along. We are to be promised to each other.”
           Eleanor put the hairbrush down. “No. You are promised to each other. We finalized the arrangement today. The official betrothal will be announced after your thirteenth birthday. One day, you will marry Prince Ali. Prince Ali is the oldest child of Queen Aishwarya’s oldest son. Do you know what that means when you marry him?”
           Marinette nodded, not fully understand what being married meant. Or what being betrothed meant but knew it was important. She thought of Snow White and Cinderella, and what marry a prince meant for them. “If I marry Ali, it means one day, I’ll be Queen.”
“You’ll be a princess,” Eleanor correct gently. “Queen Aishwarya’s steps down, which will not be for quite some time, her son and heir will take her place, and then one day Prince Ali will take his father’s place. Then you will be Queen.”
           Marinette grew up dealing with the fact that she would one day be Queen the best way she could; she put it of mind. It wasn’t like her life changed all that much; she just attended more lessons than usual.  Heck, her life changed more when she became Ladybug. So she was engaged to be engaged, so what? All that meant was that she couldn’t date anyone seriously. She could date though, which was what counted.
           She and Prince Ali were still best friends and what girl didn’t want to marry her best friend?
           When Marinette was thirteen, Prince Ali had a surprise visit to Paris under the guise of visiting the local children’s hospital. It was the first time he came to visit without his grandmother with him. And it was the first time Marinette met him without her grandmother there.
           They met at a secluded rooftop restaurant. Prince Ali wore a dark suit. Marinette wore a stylish, elegant red dress, that coincidently matched Prince Ali’s tie. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun. When they sat down for dinner and a violin started to play, it took Marinette all but five seconds to realize what was going down.
“This is quite romantic. You could’ve had just asked me on a date, you know?” Marinette raised an eyebrow. “I might’ve said yes.”
           Ali gave her a devilish smirk, “As if there was ever a chance you’d say no.”
           His bodyguard huffed a laugh, “He was too chicken to ask.”
“Really, Kalil! Really!” Prince Ali face-palmed in the face of Marinette’s giggles. “It’s not funny,” He told her.
“Yes, it is.”
           Ali sighed but gave a low chuckle, “It’s a little funny.”
           It went silent as each tried to think of what to say.
“I just wanted to-” Ali started.
“I know that this-” Marinette said at the same time.
           They both gave small laughs. Marinette nodded, “Please, go ahead.”
“We’re older now,” Ali swallowed hard. “You’re thirteen now. And I just wanted to… I wanted to know if it was still alright. If you were still open to marrying me?  If not, we should be mature about it. We should let our grandparents know before the announcement. Then we’ll go our separate ways and never talk or see each other again if you want.”
“Save yourselves and our families the embarrassment,” She nodded. Marinette fought now to glance down; to not show weakness, as her grandmother taught her, as her mother taught her like Astrid taught her. She was a Young. Youngs’ were not weak. “Do you want to marry me?”
“I asked you first!” Ali whined, making his bodyguard snort.
“How old are you? Six?”
           He stuck his tongue out, “Six and a half for your information.” Ali shook his head. “When we were little we made a deal. You’d go into fashion, and I’d help sick kids, help people all over the world because it’s what we wanted to do; not what anyone wants us to do. You’re a fashion designer. I’m a philanthropist. Pretty brave of us considering if Nick ever decides to run for the hills, you’d be shipped off to Harvard business school before you managed to make a protest. And if something, gods forbid, ever happen to my father; my grandmother would have me sworn in as the next king before I even buried him. Medical school or not. So let’s be brave again. Let’s only marry each other if that’s what we want. Deal.”
“Deal!” Marinette nodded. “So do you want to marry me?”
“Mari!” Ali groaned. “I asked first!”
“What point being?” Marinette said innocently. “Fine, let’s start with an easier question. Do you like me… like that?”
“Do you like me?”
           Marinette’s bodyguard, Torivana, snickered in the background. Marinette glared. “I… like you, Ali.” Other than Ali, she had only ever had a crush on two other guys; both crushes were short-lived. Adrien, who was regulated to being the brother she always wanted after she learned he was Chat Noir and her parents all but adopted him. And Luka, she realized quickly, with his dyed hair, rock band, and future tattoos was the type of guy her grandmother would have assassinated before she’d let Marinette seen in a romantic relationship with. Plus, it didn’t help that Luka asked her if Adrien was single.
Ali was different though. Marinette had set out in the very beginning to not like Ali romantically, figuring she could break off the promise between the families if it was seen that there was no romantic feeling between the two. However, the more she fought not to like-like her best friend, the more she did.
“It’s you I like, Ali,” Marinette admitted, her heart beating wildly.
           Ali looked at her for a moment, just really staring at her. “I like you too.” And he did. He fell for the blue-eyed badass that was his best friend. He’d known he liked her for the longest of times but was too afraid to tell her. “And I’d never want you to not be a part of my life. If you don’t know if you want to marry me, that’s fine. We can wait. I can wait. If you want to play the long game and see what happens. Okay. I’ll play the long game. Live your life, I'll live my life, I know you're out there... and I'm out there, too.
“That's your deal?”
“That's my deal.”
           Marinette leaned forward, “I have a counteroffer.”
“You are definitely Eleanor Young’s granddaughter.”
“That’s a compliment,” Marinette shrugged. She took a deep breath and said, “I want to marry you; not just because of our families but because of our friendship. I think we’d be good together. We are good together. Maybe, I’m not in love with you now but maybe after some dates, whenever you buck up and ask me on a real one, and being girlfriend and boyfriend for a while, maybe I will be. If sometime in the future, when we get older, we change our minds, we’ll figure it out then. You fight my grandma, I’ll take on yours.”
“I want to marry you too,” Ali admitted, a small smile on his face. “You know you can ask me out too, right?”
“I could,” She stressed the second word.
           They laughed and just looked at each other, olive-green eyes getting lost in blue and vice versa.
           It was the sound of a throat clearing that made them jump out of it. Each blushed red as the waiter looked at them expectantly with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her face.
“We should order,” Marinette said, opening up her menu quickly.
           They ignored their bodyguards chuckling in the background.
           Outside of the Marinette Young universe, Marinette Dupain-Cheng found it a lot harder to be nice and amicable all the time. For starters, Lila had come back to school. She didn’t mind most of the lies she told. They were annoying, however, after years of dealing with faux-faced people, she could ignore most of them. She could even ignore that al her so-called friends believed them.
           However, Marinette hated, absolutely hated when Lila lied about Prince Ali. The lies were utterly ridiculous but Marinette was overprotective and had half a mind to use every resource to have the Italian Embassy look into all of Lila’s travel claims. But she was better than that. She would not stoop to Lila’s level.
           It took three months for Marinette to lose all her friends in class. They had simpered after Lila and her lies and believed Marinette to be a bully. They stopped hanging out with her, stopped inviting her places, and sent mean texts to her phone causing her to change her number. They openly declared they weren’t her friends anymore.
           Again, this wasn’t something Marinette batted a lie at.  She didn’t care what they did. Or said. As they long as they didn’t go too far, Marinette was fine with ignoring their existence. Should they step the line, Marinette would use everything in her power to destroy them.
           It was a good thing after all. Her mother, Grandmother, Nick, Astrid, and everyone else in her family always taught her to be wary of fame-seekers and gold diggers.
           It was clear that the class wasn’t really interested in what Lila did but the promises of what she could do for them. And if they had to toss aside a childhood friend to get into her good graces then so be it.
           The class was getting ready to depart for winter break.
“Prince Ali and I are going to winter in Switzerland, you know.” Lila lied, causing Marinette’s eyes to narrow. “Every year since we were children. It snows all the time in Zurich. And he just loves it.”
           First of all, Ali hated the cold. It was why Marinette insisted one of their playdates be in the Alps after he broke her favorite china doll; spite, pure spite. Second of all, it didn’t snow all the time in Zurich; barely at all.
           Anyone could fact check the second one. But no one bothers. Not even the journalist of the class, Alya.
“We go with the Young family,” Lila continued. “One of the richest families in the world. I am friends with Lady Eleanor’s granddaughter.”    
           Marinette nearly fell down laughing right then and there.
           At the end of class, her ex-best friend and the class’s new class president, stood up, “Don’t forget everyone, class party at my house,” Alya cast a quick glare at Marinette and Chloe who sat in the back. “At least for those of you invited.” Their other classmates snickered and threw vicious smiles at the girls.
“As if we’d want to go,” Chloe said. “We have plans for Winter break that doesn’t involve going to a last-minute, obviously poor planed party. That never happened in the last class president’s watch.”
           Marinette smirked. “She’s right. We have plans. Chloe’s coming with me to visit my grandmother in Singapore. My family can’t wait to meet my best friend. Luka and Adrien will be attending as well.
           Alya huffed at not getting the reaction she wanted. Also because she never got invited to go to Singapore with Marinette before, and they had been best friends for the longest time. Shows what kind of friend Marinette was! Lila would never do that to her.
           Chloe, Adrien, Luka, Kagami, Ondine, Aurore, Claude, Mirielle, Nathanial, and Marc would all join Marinette for Winter Break. They were surprised when Marinette had offered to pay. Even more so when it was on a private plane.
           Trust Chloe to be the first to say something.
“So you’re rich,” The blond asked.
           Marinette hummed as she reads her magazine, “We’re comfortable.”
“That is exactly what a super-rich person would say,” Claude laughed.
           When they got to Marinette’s home, that was less of a home and more of a palace, they realized just how right they were. Particularly when they saw the dolphins.
“So you’re crazy rich,” Claude correct.
           During Winter break, once they got to Singapore, Marinette officially introduced her best friend, Prince Ali, to her other friends. They got along well, though he was a bit wary of Chloe at first.
At the Young Family New Years’ Eve celebration; which was closer to a giant festival, it was announced that Prince Ali and Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Sung-Young, the only grandchild of Phillip and Eleanor Young, would marry after Marinette’s 21st birthday. The new article was released shortly after; it was filled with pictures of them as children growing up together, depicting their friendship, each family’s wealth, and it told the agreed-upon lie that Prince Ali asked for her hand, as traditional in his country. The media went wild.
Marinette knew the moment it was announced and her picture was released that things would change. She wouldn’t just be Marinette Dupain-Cheng, daughter of bakers. At least she couldn’t pretend anymore. Marinette would be a princess; people talking about her, Ali, and the future royal wedding for years to come.
Once the celebrations had died down, her friends ganged up on her.
“A prince!” Chloe shrieked. “You’re marrying Prince Ali. How could you not tell me! I get to be the maid of honor to a Princess!”
           Adrien glared, “Why are you the maid of honor. I’m practically her brother.”
“Exactly!” Chloe hissed. “Maid of Honor!”
“Oh, this is not over!”
           That night Marinette, with her grandmother’s blessing, gave Aurore the exclusive scoop on the engagement via an interview and an article. Overnight, her blog became internally famous. Magazines and newspapers citing her as a source.
           Returning to Paris had been wild. The moment they stepped off the plane, they were met with the flashes of cameras from the paparazzi; each one screaming her name.
“Marinette! How does it feel to be marrying Prince Ali?”
“DO you think you’re too young?”
“Are you ready to be a princess?”
           Marinette ignored them all as she got into the limousine with her friends. “So that was pleasant.”
“That was insane!” Aurore laughed. “Is it always this bad?”
“No, Singaporean paparazzi are a bit tamer.”
           The limo didn’t head to the bakery. Marinette nor her parents would be living there from then on. Instead, they bought the empty mansion across the street from Adrien’s home. They purchased it when her grandmother let them know the announcement would happen soon; giving them plenty of time to decorate. The gates were heavily lined with security.
“Oh we are so having our next sleepover here,” Mirielle said brightly when they got into the house.
“Are you going to miss living at the bakery?”
“Yes,” Both Marinette and Adrien said, causing Marinette to glare at her friend, “We talked about this; just because I had a bunk bed, did not make it your room too!”
           Adrien huffed but clearly looked like he disagreed.
           Luka chuckled and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder, “Aww, babe. Did the mean girl hurt your feelings?”
“You were my friend first,” Marinette pinched her nose. “Where’s the loyalty?”
           When school started back up again,  Marinette’s limo literally went straight across the street to pick up Adrien.
           Gabriel opened the door before Marinette even had the chance to knock. “Miss Dupain-Cheng-Sung-Young, an honor.”
           Marinette eyed the man. He, while always polite, seemed nicer than she’d ever seen him before. Normally Marinette would fill the urge to fix her casual outfit. But today Marinette didn’t do casual. She wore a tan Cashmere sweater dress, stockings, with black Burberry heals, and a look of boredom on her face. Gone were the pigtails, instead Marinette’s hair flowed down her back. “Is Adrien ready for school, Mr. Agreste?”
“He will be down in one moment,” Gabriel answered. “Congratulations on your engagement. You and Prince Ali make a lovely couple.”
“Thank you.”
“I was unaware there was a Young in Paris,” Gabriel chimed. “I would have loved to arrange a few playdates between you and Adrien.”
           Marinette smiled coldly, “Adrien is one of my dearest friends now. And while an official date hasn’t been set, I do hope I can count your attendance at my wedding. Despite recent… difficulties.”
           Gabriel stiffened, “Difficulties? With Adrien?”
“With Lila Rossi,” Marinette corrected. “A model of yours. She has made several outlandish claims both towards the Young family, Prince Ali, as well as several celebrities. I fear the actions that would need to be taken to… rectify this. I sincerely hope the Agreste brand isn’t hurt in the process.”
           Despite the subtly of her words, the threat was loud and clear. Fix Lila, ditch Lila, or we’ll destroy you.
           Adrien came down the stairs in a rush, not noticing his father’s pale face. He and Marinette, and Gorilla left the older man still standing stunned.
           Gabriel called for Nathalie, “Fire Miss Rossi immediately. Sever all connections, now!”
           After Adrien, they picked up Kagami, whose mother was an old friend of Sabine’s as they had grown up together. Kagami had always known that Marinette was actually Marinette Young.
           The next stop was Chloe who seemed more at home in Marinette’s limo that Marinette did.
           When the got to school the paparazzi were still waiting. The bodyguards Gorilla and Torivana held guarded the children as they entered the school. Damocles was waiting at the door, a simpering smile on his face, and a greedy look in his eyes at the potential donations he could get from Marinette and her family.
           Marinette cut him off before he could even open his mouth, “You expelled me without a proper investigation. Or going through the proper channel because of an ambassador’s daughter threw a hissy fit. You’ll be hearing my lawyers.”
           The man paled so white Marinette thought he had died right then and there. Until she saw him shaking.
           The bodyguards escorted the kids through the halls, where students stopped to watch the future princess pass.
           When they got to class, they saw most of the students waiting.
           The four ignored them and joined Nathaniel in back where they had been sentenced for not believing Lila.
“Girl!” Alya yelled with a grin on her face. “I can’t believe you’re marrying a prince! You should’ve invited me to your family’s party. I’d have loved to come.”
           The others in class nodded. Though Rose did look a bit teary-eyed. That was when Marinette remembered her ex-friends crush on Ali.
“That party was dope, dudette!” Nino added. “How’d you get Beyonce to perform?”
           Marinette smiled, “Shouldn’t you be hanging of Lila’s coattails somewhere. Where is Miss Rossi anyway?”
           Alya shrugged, “She’s a liar, you were right. Best friends with the Young Heir, yeah right. You should’ve just told me you and Prince Ali were a thing, and I’d have believed you.”
“You should’ve fact-checked,” Chloe glared. “It was obvious she was a liar.”
“No one’s talking to you,” Alya glared from where she sat in her seat. “I’m talking to my bestie.”
“Again, Lila isn’t here,” Marinette said. “And last I checked we are not friends.”
           Alya rolled over what Marinette said, “How could you give Aurore the inside scoop? I totally needed that. Ladybug had been ignoring me for months.”
“Aurore’s my friend,” Marinette said easily. “Which is more than I can say for most of you. How was the class party by the way?”
           A few of the students had the grace to blush and look away. Alya wasn’t one of them, “I’m sorry, okay. I shouldn’t have believed Lila.” Alya shrugged. “You don’t have to sit back there anymore. Me and Nino can make room.”
Marinette blinked. How could she not be getting this? “I wouldn’t sit with you if that seat was only one in school not on fire.”
It was at that moment Bustier and Lila walked into class. Bustier seemed oblivious to the tension that seemed the classroom; though she did know all about Marinette being engaged to a prince.
To Lila’s credit, she didn’t blink at the few glares she received. Her eyes on Marinette, half full of greed, half full of jealously. She knew all about the Young family; insanely rich socialites who were the It family in all of Asia. She cursed herself for not researching into Marinette more before declaring the girl her enemy and doing her best to maker her life hell. And now Marinette was marrying a prince.
Lila frowned. No wonder the bluenette always glared at me, She thought, she knew first hand that I was lying.
“Marinette,” Lila said sweetly. “I was so happy and that you and Ali finally revealed your betrothal. I wish you would’ve told me.”
           Most of the class looked at the girl like she was crazy.
“I don’ t like you,” Marinette stated easily. “You do not know Ali. You were not childhood friends. You do not know the Young family. Astrid did not ever come to you for fashion advice. She does not know you exist. As Eleanor’s only grandchild, I can happily say that we are not friends. Leave alone.” She cast a cold look to the rest of the room. “That goes for the rest of you. You happily declared we weren’t friends anymore. Well, we’re not friends anymore.”
           Her declaration rang through the classroom.
           No one said anything to her for the rest of the morning, apart from her friends in class.
           When lunch came, just before the bell rang, there was a knock on the door. Prince Ali stood there, looking as regal and as handsome as ever. “It seemed, I am a bit too early.” He said with a polite smile, though he had been long aware of the inhabitants bullying way.
           The bell rang.
           Marinette smiled, “Just in time actually.” She got up and walked to the front of the class, most of the students too stunned to move.
           Lila jumped at her chance to actually meet the prince, “Oh Prince Ali; it’s wonderful to see you again. My mother spent some time in your country. She worked was an ambassador.”
“And you are?” Ali asked, causing Lila to flush red as another of her lies were exposed.          
           She knew she could’ve easily spun to the class that Marinette was just jealous of her. They’d believe anything. It was a lot harder with the prince there to deny everything.
           Neither him nor Marinette waited for a response.
           They long since vowed to only ever wait for each other.
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commanderlore · 4 years
Brok Odinsson
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Brok Odinsson, the oldest of the Odinsson’s brothers, the golem crusher, the Dolyak’s King, Svanir’s Torment, the Avatar of the Bear, the Living Siege Machine, the Last giant of Tyria...Brok has a hundred of tittles and nicknames acording to his legends.
Brok was the firstborn of four brothers, his mother teach them enough to survive in the wilde and then She burned the house to make sure her kids will endure themselfs and leave them to find his husband, who, aparently, flew in fear of his wife.
“I don´t remember much about my father...but He was a good man with a kind hearth and tough us well before leaving his own sons of fear to my mother...She wasn´t evil or a bad woman...but She had...uh...bad temper and strong arms...honestly I can´t blame my pops for that and I pray the Bear every day that the poor man can run fast enough”       
-Brok about his dad-
At the begining the four Brothers worked and fought together but in some moment each one follow his own path. Brok, as any young norn, wanted to become a legend and be remember for enyone lucky enough to meet him. Of course a hot head like him was the first in getting on some trouble, but thanks to his huge (even for a norn) size was able to survive everything.
Years passed and little changed for him, met plenty of people in his adventures but most of the time traveled alone...His fame, strength and size grew up...just like his riches. Saving people of monsters, defeating raiders or find ancient treasures always gave him a good reward...and knowing that he always prefered to sleep in to the wild, hunt his own food and fix his own equipment (He learned also how to become a blacksmith), expent very little, just enough for drinking or inviting others.
“Gold?! What’s so special about gold?!...Yeah, it sure is shinny but can’t be eaten, can’t be drunk, can’t heal wounds and with it are made weak weapons and armors!...I prefer to waste my gold inviting some friends to a drink and see their smiles...that’s the best way to waist for my gold! HAHAHA!”          -Brok Odinsson-
Despite his rude and wild look with that red beard and the scars He always shows a goofy smile and a cheerful expression, always decorates with a huge laugh and tons of hugs and compliments for those around him. The few times he has been angry it has become in a vision of pure terror for those who had to face him like that.
Speaking of scars, the one in the face is his favourite and most recent prize, gotten by defeating a Boneskinner in Bjorna with his bear hands (the joke in this is that He adopted his bear form for that) and wears the skull of the beast on his back as his most amazing victory...for now.
“You should have seen it! all bones, hunger and darkness! but in front of it there was Brok the Great! and I´ll be strike by a lighting underwater if I would let that beast leave without the taste of my vengance for my fallen friends! So I embrace the bear and fought it like A mountain fights a storm! And I can tell you that before rip that huge skull with my own bears I saw something in the black eye sockets of it cursed skull! And it was FEAR! Because that thing was facing a REAL beast in that moment! AND THAT BEAST WAS ME!!!HAHAHAHAHA!”
 -Brok about his scar and trophy- 
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Brok is also a silver-tongue loverboy with the soul of a bard...always flattering others, in specially the females...Brok admire almost every female form...specially the tall, strong and thicc norn ladies. Doesn’t care about being polite or subtle. All this boldness is made for the fear to regret something in his death.
“I asked that fine norn lady If she would like to share the bed with me tonight and She slapped me in the face...but I don´t regret it! Now I know the answer! Hahaha! Just imagine if I would never talked to her...years will pass and then I will face my glorious death against some legendary monster...but in the moment I face death I think: Oh... What would that girl have said if I had asked her?...And then I die in regret for not knowing the answer...That´s why I dont think, my friend! I do!...I ask her how nice she looks and how much attractive am I to her! I tell you how noble you were when you offered to help those citizens! And I punched that bastard in the face at the moment He threatened that poor boy without hesitation!...I tell you my friend! I´ll prefer to ask for forgiveness that ask permission! Now let´s drink again! And I already decided to invite you without care of your opinion! HAHAHAHA!    -Drunken Brok-
Brok is a strong ginger norn covered in tattos and scars, Wearing always intimidating heavy armor and using various big weapons as warhammers, great swords, axes or shields that looks like city walls. And the most  distinctive of his feaures...his big.
And I mean REALLY big...humongous...The biggest norn you would ever see...a mountain of flesh that in each step a tremor happened....some people actually consider him the last of the ancient giants of Tyria....Is actually really good news that colossus is not in the Dragon’s side.
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writingthrones · 5 years
the northern dragon- part 3.
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TAGS: @psychosupernatural , @xleviiiix , @ashtronomyyyy , @starkbelova , @5aftermidnight , @makapaka11 , @mxxkscreate-write , @scorpiosmalfoy , @harrison-shot-first (feel free to shoot me a message if you’d also like to be tagged!)
DESCRIPTION: the world thought that just 2 dragons survived, that house targaryen was missing its third head. but there was another– the youngest, the final child of the mad king and queen rhaella. of course, she was almost part of the near extermination of her house. but the honorable ned stark, unable to watch a babe be murdered for crimes she did not commit, rescued her from an awful fate. instead, she grew up amongst wolves within the walls of winterfell.
NOTES: things are really beginning to take off in this part! it’s only gonna get more intense from here so i hope y’all are ready. thanks so much for being patient with me! i really want to get these parts out as fast as i can because i know how much waiting sucks when you’re really invested in a story but i also wanna make sure that it feels like the story is furthering itself along rather than just mindless filler before things suddenly take a turn. also i know i’ve messed with the timeline a bit but try not to think about it too much please lmao. it’s been a little confusing going back and forth between episodes and writing but it should all still make sense. any kind of feedback is welcome and thank you to everyone who has given some so far!
WARNINGS: ned’s death :( so angst, naturally. 
When Lady Stark learned of what you had done, she was reasonably upset. You were someone who she cared for, a woman and someone not meant for battle. She did scold you, saying that what you had done was foolish before becoming softer and explaining that she just worried and needed you around while they sought to reunite their family. She helped you tend to your wound and when the next battle came, she was sure to keep you close to her to make sure that you didn’t sneak off again. You understood, of course, but it didn’t make it any less disappointing. The thrill of battle was like a drug and you couldn’t help but to seek more. Who knows what kind of action Robb would have to take if you continually disobeyed him, though.
After finishing tending to what wounds you could, you were headed back for your tent. As you did, though, you had to pass the cage that was housing The Kingslayer. The man who murdered your father, breaking his oath and driving a sword through his back. You knew he was a truly evil man but it didn’t stop the feeling of anger that swelled in your chest. Clenching your jaw and fists, you picked up your pace.
“Hey, girl!” he called. It caused you to jump slightly, then stop dead in your tracks. Why would he be calling to you, a random peasant girl who just so happened to be taken along with the Northern army. You had half a mind to keep walking and act as if you’d never heard him but instead you swallowed hard and turned to face him. Stepping close-- but not too close-- to the bars, you stared down at him. “What?” you questioned simply.
“I.. remember you,” he said with sudden realization as the light of the torch lit your face. “Yes... you’re the Stark’s pet!” he said, smirking, clearly pleased with the way it had obviously gotten under your skin. It certainly wasn’t the first time you’d heard something like that. You stepped back, ready to walk away and never look back. “Wait!” he called again. Cursing the curiosity you felt, you stepped forward again. “What do you want?” you asked through gritted teeth. 
“You’re actually quite pretty, do you know that?” he tilted his head, the pleased smirk never wavering. He knew exactly what he was doing. “It’s a shame they keep you all covered up like an old hag.” It was easy to see through the game he was playing but that didn’t make it hurt any less. You had to remind yourself, though, that it wasn’t their fault. Had it not been for all this, you’d be dead. Was beauty really worth risking your life? Opening your mouth to speak, he cut you off. “Anyways, I’m sure you’ve heard...” his voice trailed off and you waited for his next words with bated breath. “A Lannister always pays his debts. And if you freed me now, my father would grant you riches you couldn’t possibly imagine. You’d finally be out from underneath their thumb. Do you really want to shrivel up and die in that freezing and quite frankly, depressing place? Of course not. So let me go right now and we will both escape. Nothing and no one will be able to touch you so long as you’re by my side and once you’ve been repaid, you’ll be free to go wherever you like.” Speechless, all you could do was stare.
“So what do you say?” he finally asks, obviously annoyed by your silence. Swallowing hard, you responded, “No.” Turning around without looking back, you walked away. You could hear him call out again, but that only made you quicken your pace. After making it into your tent, you fell to your bed and began to hyperventilate. Tears pricked at your eyes as you put your hands over your face. You hated yourself for considering the offer, even if it was only a split second. You loved the Starks, you wanted nothing more than to bring Ned and the girls home but... there was a longing to be more than a peasant girl. Being a noble, a royal, it meant you could... but you shoved away the thoughts. It didn’t matter because it could never happen. All that could be done was to accept the life you were given. It was a good one, even if it was not the one that had been originally laid out for you.
You woke up to the sound of your tent’s entrance being thrown open harshly. Startled, you pulled the covers up over yourself. Thankfully, it was Lady Stark. But she was disheveled; swollen, red eyes and visibly shaking. “Y/N...” her voice broke. “Lord Stark, he’s...” You felt your heart sink into your stomach as you waited for her to finish the sentence. “He’s gone. Joffrey beheaded him for treason.” Just saying the words out loud caused her pain. Hurrying out of bed, you threw your arms around her. She squeezed you for a moment before backing up to look at you. “Cover yourself, quickly,” she said while sniffling. Her tone was that of worry. Nodding, you hurried over to your trunk completed the wrap. Walking back to her, your eyes grew wide and watery. “And Sansa? Arya?” you questioned, voice shaking. “We know that they are holding Sansa. Arya..” she broke, tears trailing down her cheeks as she screwed her eyes shut. Opening them and trying to calm her breathing, “No one is quite sure where she is.”
Grief began to intertwine with rage as you thought about that sick bastard who beheaded the man who risked everything to save your life. He would pay-- no matter what it cost you-- you would make sure that he paid with his mistake in blood. “We’re going to get them back,” you said, trying to keep yourself from completely breaking. “I know we are. We’re going to get them back and-- and Joffrey will pay!” All she could do was nod. “I’ll leave now,” she said quietly then exited without another word. You quickly dressed and when you left your tent, you could feel the difference in the air. The tension was thick. The Northerners were truly bloodthirsty now, if they hadn’t been before. Taking note of his absence, you began to search for Robb. It didn’t matter that you two weren’t on great terms (and hadn’t truly been in years, frankly), you needed to see him in a time like this. You needed him to know that you were ready to do anything and everything to make sure that Ned’s death was avenged.
After some searching, you followed the sound of grunting. Lifting your light skirts, you made your way through the wood until you saw him-- striking a tree in a clearing. He hadn’t noticed you at first and you watched him, eyes watering as you did so. Not once did you flinch, instead feeling the tears streak down the fair skin of your cheeks. He finally turned to you and you quickly wiped them away. “Robb..” you said as you inched closer, noticing the wetness of his cheeks, the glassy look and red nose. His breathing was heavy and it seemed as if he stared right through you. Carefully, you made your way closer. He dropped his weapon and, taking this as a good sign, you finally got within arm’s length of him. “They killed him,” was all he managed to get out. Nodding, you reached for his hand, causing him to recoil. “No, I...” he couldn’t complete his sentence but he just looked to you, eyes wide. “We’ll make him pay. Every last one of them, they’ll all pay for what they’ve done. I’ll-- I’ll make sure of it.” You didn’t sound nearly as strong as you had with Catelyn.
His expression hardened slightly, while yours did the opposite. “Please,” you said, your indigo eyes pleading. He said nothing, instead just reaching out to touch your hand as you had his. You looked down at them and took a risk as you inched closer, drawing a deep breath before wrapping your arms gently around his neck and embracing him. He was as stiff and still as could be before finally allowing himself to wrap his arms just as gently, if not more so, around your waist. It felt like you were children again. The tender moment was over just as quickly as it began, though. Neither of you said a word as you broke apart. “We will,” he nodded before walking past you. He hadn’t elaborated on the extent to which he would allow you participate. Nonetheless, you were happy to get some cooperation finally. You absolutely refused to stand aside as a pathetic excuse for a medic but now had not been the time to fight him on it. Maybe it was just in the moment but you wouldn’t push any further on the subject.
It was impossible to sleep that night. All you could think about was the final moments of Ned’s life and wondering what Sansa was doing and what they could be doing to her to make the Starks suffer even more. And Arya, where could she possibly be? Had she escaped or was she just dead somewhere? The thoughts were racing and endless, nearly sending you into a panic attack just lying there in your bed. So you shot up, panting and hurried over to your trunk and threw on the wrap. You exited the tent, the brisk air giving you a sense of relief. Men could be heard recounting their experiences in the battles and discussing what the next move would be or what they thought it should be. Walking through, you kept from making eye contact with any of them. All you needed was just a moment to breathe without being disturbed. That’s when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Jumping, you turned around quickly and took several steps back. Eyes adjusting to the low light, you saw that it was Theon. A sigh of relief fell from your full lips.
“Sorry...” his normal tone was understandably gone. No one could manage their usual act today. “I want you to know that it’s clear you know what you’re doing and you deserve to be out there with us. I know what Lord Stark meant to you, you deserve to fight for him, too.” You didn’t know what to say but it really didn’t matter, because he turned and walked away immediately. Sighing, ventured to the edge of camp and leaned on a tree, staring up at the moon. After calming yourself as much as possible, you returned to your bed and succumbed to pure exhaustion.
The air felt different again the next morning. It was less melancholic. Everyone was ready to continue the advance, to cut down every Lannister that came their way. But there was no battle to be had today, only gaining ground and planning the next move. Riding beside Lady Catelyn, you stole a glance at Robb every so often. You wanted to be beside him, to join in the planning and fight together.
When you finally set up camp, there was really nothing to do. Robb had been cooped up since you stopped with all his advisors and the rest of the men polished their weapons, drank and ate. With the lack of action, all you could do was find whatever mundane chores would be useful. Nightfall came and there was a more formal dinner to which you had been invited. It was a time to raise the morale and prepare the men for the hardships to come. You didn’t have anything to say and instead watched the others, finally being able to smile after the news had hit. Your eyes always seemed to find their way to Robb but you tried to keep them away. The men eventually directed the conversation to the growing conflict, discussing this issue with the Iron Throne. Ned had died trying to reveal the truth about Joffrey and the true heir. Robb clearly wanted to honor his father’s wishes, but the men wondered why they should bother themselves with what these Southerners did.
“Why shouldn’t we rule ourselves again?” said Lord Karstark, looking out to each and every lord. “It was the dragons we bowed to and now the dragons are dead!” Your eyes went wide for a moment as you remembered it was your ancestors who took their independence. Your namesake had been the one to take the Vale, a land thought to be impenetrable. “There sits the only king I mean to bend my knee to-- the King in the North!” he exclaimed, unsheathing his sword as he got down on one knee. Robb rose from his seat and the other lords began to join in. Theon pledged himself to the man who he called a brother and then the chants began. Surely it could’ve been heard for a ways away. Your eyes fell on Robb’s shocked face as you felt yourself truly smile. For a second, his eyes fell on you and you swore you could see a smile. Just as quickly, though, they flicked away and moved back and forth to watch all the men.
You returned to your bed that night with a smile on your face you’d thought impossible after all that had happened. So Robb Stark, the boy you’d grown up alongside, was a now a king. The King in the North, they had cheered, who would deliver revenge and take back their independence. You felt happy for him and yet.. there something else, a feeling you couldn’t quite explain. Deciding not to dwell on it, you threw the furs over yourself and drifted off to sleep.
The dream tonight, a memory of your past, was not so pleasant. You were 13 at the time, same as Jon, with Robb and Theon newly 14. They were all starting to truly pay attention to girls, though Jon was not nearly as obvious as the previously mentioned two. This all meant that they paid less attention to you, save for Jon. The once sweet relationship between you and Robb was all but forgotten. He was growing into a man now and he had no time for you. It was about the time for Lord and Lady Stark to start considering marriage prospects, which meant for lots of feasts inviting the various noble houses of the North. You were lucky enough to be included in such occasions though you never really wanted to be there. Often, you would sneak away to keep Jon company. He had never been allowed to attend such events, breaking your tiny heart. This particular night, though, you happened to stick around when young Sansa insisted you should. Unable to refuse the girl, you nodded with a forced smile and sat beside her. She told you all about the family who had been invited this time. You nodded every so often to let her know you were listening when you heard snickering. Your brow furrowed in confusion and that’s when you began to hear whispers coming from somewhere behind you. “Why does your father even let her come to these anymore? The girl’s an eyesore.” The voice was unmistakably Theon’s, followed by nothing but a chuckle from Robb. You felt your heartbeat quicken and your face flush with embarrassment. Sansa clearly took note of the way your demeanor changed but by the look on her face, she hadn’t heard what you did. “Y/N...?” she asked, though she sounded so far away. As the tears started to well in your eyes, you hurried to pick up your skirts and slip out of the Great Hall without causing any kind of scene. As soon as you were out of there, you began to wail. Dashing down a quiet hall, you tried to lower yourself to a silent sob as you sat leaning up against a wall.
The next morning you were dressing when you had been disturbed by someone barging in. You pulled the top half of your dress tight to your chest, leaving your back exposed to whoever had come without knocking. “Y/N--oh!” said Theon. Your face was red but luckily he was unable to see. “I’m sorry, Y/N...” his voice sounded distracted and you didn’t even want to imagine what his thoughts might be. “We are leaving soon but, uh, Robb wanted to speak to you first.” You nodded, “I need to dress first, obviously.” He didn’t give a response, though you noticed there was a few moments before he finally stepped out.
You pulled up the top and zipped yourself in before smoothing out the skirts. Why would Robb need to speak to you privately? Swallowing the lump in your throat, the heart in your chest thudding at an unnatural pace. You took a deep breath before holding your head up high. He may be a king now but you would not cower subserviently. Making your way quickly through camp, your hand reached out to grab hold on the fabric that acted as an entrance to his quarters. You were no longer facing Robb Stark, the acting Lord of Winterfell but King in the North Robb of House Stark. 
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starlitshores · 4 years
Harry Potter & the Death of the Author.
First, and most importantly: I stand in solidarity with trans women and trans men. I hope you know that you are an integral part of our community, that you are loved and welcomed and needed, and that so many of us see and celebrate you. I hope you are safe and happy and loved at home, but if home is a tough situation for you, know that there will be a time when a found family will embrace you. We’re waiting for you. You matter and you belong.
tl;dr beneath the cut: HP fandom oldbie good memories. Queer adolescence. JKR = evil TERF. Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe are great. Death of the Author.
There has been so much going on this month, and this may seem trivial in comparison to all of that, but J.K. Rowling continuing her TERFy nonsense during Pride Month really hit me in the gut.
Harry Potter has been an overwhelmingly positive force in my life.
I am Fandom Old. I have been extremely invested in Harry Potter since early 2000. I was given a paperback of Philosopher’s Stone for Christmas when I was 12, right before getting Mono and reading PS, CoS and PoA 5 times each while stuck at home. Goblet of Fire was my first queer reading. (Harry was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy!) I joined FictionAlley in 2001 and still remember the old SCUSA ship names and why H/D was “SS Guns ‘n’ Handcuffs” because I beta’d chapters of Irresistible Poison for Rhysenn. I made my first LJ account in February 2003, back when you needed an invitation. Hell, a fandom friend gave me the invitation for my first Gmail account when it was still in beta and everyone had Hotmail accounts with 1MB of space.
I wrote fics with my best and now oldest friend who I met in Armchair Chat on a Sunday afternoon. We later became Armchair mods and people recognised us for the first time at a meetup at Woody’s on Church Street. In my second year Romantics lecture I made a friend because of Harry Potter who ended up being a light in my life and whose wedding I was meant to attend this summer. She introduced me to two of my best friends in London, who I consider family. I was in the room in Toronto when we all found out (and panicked) about Strikethrough. I was there on the sidelines when the idea for AO3 was formed, when it was created, when we were forced to migrate away from LJ and it fractured our community.
I’ve participated in and moderated con panels. I had a kickass time with some kickass ladies in hotel rooms in Chicago and Orlando (you know who you are!). That time I crossed the border at Sarnia and was directed to a Tim’s down the road? Car full of HP girls and luggage (and alcohol). I did drunk karaoke with Libba Bray and almost threw up on Veronica Roth’s amazing yellow leather jacket after that hell ride at Universal. Chris Rankin and I enjoyed Starbucks and a post-con pre-flight chat in the Orlando airport lounge. I attended the press preview of HP7:P1 in London and my students were super jealous.
I have original Sherant and reallycorking pencil sketches. I have SO MANY BUTTONS and a baseball T that is now 16 years old which says “Because every hero needs a dragon.” There are handwritten beta edits on paper printouts of Beautiful World by Cinnamon in a box in my parents’ basement. I am still friends or friendly with people on both sides of That Wank. Yeah You Know Which Wank I’m Talking About.
Over those many years I made a lot of friends, several of whom I’ve kept in touch with even though we’ve all grown up and are well into our 30′s or 40′s and have real jobs and partners and kids and stuff these days. I’ve chatted with a few of them in the last few days and yeah, we’re feeling fucked up.
At 11, at 14, at 18, at 21, at 25, JKR’s pen was all over my life. Her stories very literally shaped me as a person. And though as an adult I have grown to understand that her stories are deeply problematic, they -- along with Buffy and Lord of the Rings, and Queer As Folk, and The L Word -- were my gateway into queerness. So yes, her TERFy bullshit felt like betrayal the first time around. Now she’s attacking us AGAIN during PRIDE month? WHY?
JKR is a grown fucking adult who got rich off of writing stories for and about vulnerable adolescents, and then should have stopped talking.
Adolescence is the time when kids are learning about and starting to accept who they are and it’s fucking scary for a lot of them when they realise they’re queer. Back before she was opening her big mouth on the regular, her books gave me a safe space to figure myself out when I didn’t fit in anywhere else. But now she won’t stop opening her mouth. And for what? To tell every trans kid who ever read her books that they don’t matter to her and that she doesn’t believe in them.
Those kids are us. Our friends. Our family. Our students. Our colleagues. Our teammates. Our partners.
And that, J.K. Rowling, makes you evil. Evil for using your platform to hurt those kids. Evil for doing it during the time of year they’re meant to feel supported and celebrated. Evil for deciding that you’re somehow a member of our community and somehow a more pure member of our community who is allowed to pass judgement on us because “I have a lesbian friend [who is also a TERF]”. Evil for crying victim when someone calls you out, claiming TERF is a slur and aligning that with misogyny in one of the most hypocritical white liberal woman temper tantrums I’ve seen all week. And that? That is saying something because there’s been a whole lot of that shit this week.
The support of Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe means a lot to me. Hearing them affirm wholeheartedly that trans women are women (and trans men are men) and that they stand in solidarity with the queer community in clear opposition to the TERF who gave them their careers? I can’t speak to how trans fans feel right now, but yeah, that means a lot to me.
So. What to do. Well, I was there when the last book was released and we collectively agreed to ignore the epilogue. (Epilogue? What Epilogue?) In our little corner of the fandom the last line of the series was: “I’ve had enough trouble for a lifetime.” I think that’s quite fitting. I’m advocating for us to embrace the Death of the Author.
She may have put it out into the world but we made it ours.
It is ours. We don’t need her anymore.
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poemsforpersephone · 5 years
This is part two of this list here HANGED MAN PROMO REC LIST. I’m going to split these up in a slightly different way than the other list, but I will still go into a bit of detail as to why I think a fan of The Last Sun would enjoy these books too. 
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Fey Novels
I’m going to start with basically anything and everything by Holly Black, because she knows how to build fantastical, beautiful, scary worlds that are detailed and fleshed out in a similar way to how the world of The Last Sun is. 
The Folk of the Air series is comprised of three books, The Cruel Prince, The Wicked King and The Queen of Nothing, and I devoured all three as soon as I got my hands on them. I’m typing this fresh off of having read the third and last book of the trilogy in fact. In terms of LGBT rep the main character’s sister has a female love interest and there are other characters scattered throughout who are very obviously not heterosexual. Lots of political intrigue and power moves between the courts too, which is another reason why TLS readers might enjoy!
The Darkest Part of the Forest is a stand alone novel (sadly). “Children can have a cruel, absolute sense of justice. Children can kill a monster and feel quite proud of themselves. A girl can look at her brother and believe they’re destined to be a knight and a bard who battle evil. She can believe she’s found the thing she’s been made for.” It’s just really good in all honesty, kick ass characters, strong friendships and family bonds, great plot and one of the main characters is gay and another is bisexual.
Tithe and the sequel Ironside are both very good and a more ‘urban’ fantasy than Folk or Forest which, to me at least, are more pure fantasy in a way although all of them take place in the modern world. It’s been a while since I read these two specifically, Tithe has a gay main supporting character who I really liked, and he’s also in Ironside too.
Moving away from Holly Black but staying within the realm of fey magic the Wicked Lovely series is a beautiful mix of urban and fey magic. Each book in the series stays within the same world and plot line but generally delves into a different character’s POV. Ink Exchange is technically the second book in the series but my favourite and IMO can be read alone, but I would recommend the entire thing. Two of my favourite bisexual characters are heavily featured in this and pop up through out the rest of the series, sometimes only a little and sometimes a whole lot. 
Prince of Air and Darkness by M.A. Grant. “The only human student at Mather’s School of Magick, Phineas Smith has a target on his back. Born with the rare ability to tap into unlimited magick, he finds both Faerie Courts want his allegiance—and will do anything to get it. They don’t realize he can’t levitate a feather, much less defend the Faerie Realm as it slips into civil war.” I MEAN how could you read that description as a TLS reader and NOT want to give this one a go???? 
Abhorsen Series
In another realm entirely the Abhorsen series is a stunning example of world building which starts with the novel Sabriel, then Lirael and then Abhorsen. I can’t remember there being any lgbt characters in these three, I read them like ten years ago and they were published in 1996 so that kind of explains that, but I love them so much, they’re so well written and I really think fans of TLS will like these. They aren’t urban, but they’re very fantasy and the magic system is super interesting. Possibly one of my favourites in any book ever. 
“Sent to a boarding school in Ancelstierre as a young child, Sabriel has had little experience with the random power of Free Magic or the Dead who refuse to stay dead in the Old Kingdom. But during her final semester, her father, the Abhorsen, goes missing, and Sabriel knows she must enter the Old Kingdom to find him.”
I recommended the Batwoman series last time, this time the rec I’m making is for a comic series called The Wicked & the Divine. The art work is beautiful and concept is unique and intriguing: “Every ninety years, twelve gods incarnate as humans. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are dead.” It’s also lovely and diverse in it’s cast. I think fans of TLS will enjoy the characters in this especially. 
Saga is also very popular with sci fi fantasy fans, so I think a lot of TLS fan will be into this if they wanna give comics a go. “When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe.” I’ve only personally read the first issue of this but I enjoyed it a lot. The art is really pretty and it’s quite diverse from what I’ve heard/seen, but I’m not 100% sure about lgbt characters. I know there are some in but I’m not sure how prominent they are.
Dragons. That’s all i’m saying. If Rune could turn into a dragon or ride a dragon... ahh the possibilities are endless. If anyone asks why this rec section is on the list i’m just gonna say its part of my shiny new determination to see Rune turn into a dragon in a sequel later down the line. I think we only see a dragon once in The Last Sun right at the start but man. It got me hankering for more you know? K.D. Edwards if you’re reading this... you know what to do ;) .
The King’s Dragon by W.M. Fawkes and Sam Burns. “Lord Tristram Radcliffe has a secret—he is the only dragon at the king’s court in Llangard. It’s a secret he’s kept from the knights he’s fought beside, from the ladies who bat their lashes at him, and from his closest companion, Prince Reynold. If it were to get out, he’d be banished to the Mawrcraig Mountains along with the rest of his kind, but the kingdom of men is the only one he’s ever known, and his heart lives in the stone halls of those who’d count him an enemy.” 
Silk & Steel by Ariana Nash. “A tormented dragon prince. A captured elven assassin. Duty demands they fight for their people, but love has other plans.” 
Spellbound by Allie Therin. “Arthur Kenzie’s life’s work is protecting the world from the supernatural relics that could destroy it. When an amulet with the power to control the tides is shipped to New York, he must intercept it before it can be used to devastating effects. This time, in order to succeed, he needs a powerful psychometric…and the only one available has sworn off his abilities altogether.” Another disclaimer: I haven’t read this one yet but the reason it’s on my list in the first place is because it gave me some TLS vibes so I thought i’d bring it to everyone else’s attention too!
Black Dog Blues by Rhys Ford. “Ever since being part of the pot in a high-stakes poker game, elfin outcast Kai Gracen figures he used up his good karma when Dempsey, a human Stalker, won the hand and took him in. Following the violent merge of Earth and Underhill, the human and elfin races are left with a messy, monster-ridden world, and Stalkers are the only cavalry willing to ride to someone's rescue when something shadowy appears.”
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan. THIS BOOK. oh my god. “Each year, eight beautiful girls are chosen as Paper Girls to serve the king. It's the highest honor they could hope for...and the most demeaning. This year, there's a ninth. And instead of paper, she's made of fire.” Such a beautiful, well crafted fantasy world. Such rich characters. Ugh i love it and the f/f romance it brings to the table. 
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queenmiriamele · 4 years
Tagged by @queen-of-salt-and-fury! Thank you.
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
Dragons, for killing evil men purposes, obviously.
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls?
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?
Several history books, specially regarding fascism.
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?
I don't mind, as long as they are my size. Most of my clothes right now are second hand aniways.
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?
I won some extra money washing my aunts kitchen and bathrooms walls. She paid me well.
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?
I will read more again.
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?
The sky, to watch everything else from where I am.
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?
It was a nightmare. My cat was ill.
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now?
Three chocolates cake
lavender dream; turn ons/offs?
water lilly; when was the last time you cried?
Two nights ago, over the nightmare.
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?
Probably Pride and Prejudice or Lilo and Stitch.
desert rose; do you like yourself?
Most of the times
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity?
Yes, I met Mary Beard in person and I acted as translator when she visited the Ancient History department at my college.
night owl; how many countries have you visited?
Two: France and Belgium.
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle?
Yes, several castles, fortress and alcazars, and participated in the archeological excavations of one (Gozon)
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?
I don't know.
lantana; what’s on your mind right now?
Lots of things and nothing at all.
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?
Gemini, but i don't act like one at all.
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.
I've got really small feet. There are only 94 women with my first name in Spain. I'm currently reading 'the dagger' from His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman. My favorite drink is diet cola. I don't like any of Tarantino's movies.
daphne; do you believe in karma?
queen of the meadow; ever been in love?
Not besides early stages.
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?
Mary Beard, Taylor Swift and Ter as professional women. As a person anyone who stands to defend themselves and others.
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
Several biblical stories, specially the ones turning around King David.
remember me; did you make someone laugh today?
iris; do you believe in ghosts?
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
The 60s. Late 19th century. 1st century BCE Rome.
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not?
No, unless I got a permanent salary despite not working, and permanent youth for me and my loved ones.
primula; what makes you sad?
Suffering, mine and other's.
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not? Yes. I did the same I do every Tuesday.
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?
My mom and my BFF
Lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?
Chocolate cookies.
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?
Yes, I would choose another master and risk more on my professional options.
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?
Annie Dalton's books' heaven.
violet; favorite tv show?
Aquí no hay quien viva.
sunflower; share a favorite quote.
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?
Wake up around 9. It's sunny but cool. I read until 12, go outside, have the meal at a restaurant. Go home and dedicate the evening for my hobbies.
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?
Reading, watching movies, TV shows and YouTube videos. Puzzles. Tabletop games.
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?
Dying my hair blue, but i did it.
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?
My age or older.
sweet pea; who means the world to you? My mom, my BFF and my cats. why? They are my emotional support.
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read?
Colleen McCullough Masters of Rome. Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion by Jane Austen. Lazarillo de Tormes. Gemma Doyle Series by Libba Bray at the top of my head.
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?
Prince Zuko.
magnolia; coffee or tea?
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?
Cat person.
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction? Diet cola and YouTube.
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
Not really.
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
Blue turquoise.
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not? Yes
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?
Yes, depression, several times.
clover; how would your friends describe you? Responsible and capable.
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert? Introvert.
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?
Bad but entertaining comedy shows and wartime romance movies.
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words.
Critical, empathetic, intelligent.
lotus; best memory as a child?
Watching cartoons, buying books and toys.
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color? Green, brown.
dahlia; do you like crystals? I'm indifferent
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? Poverty.
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house? Ravenclaw.
calendula; biggest pet peeve? I don't know.
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet? Second.
blazing star; share a secret. If I share it is not a secret.
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier? Happier
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?
Daenerys Targaryen
bluebell; do you wear glasses?
nymphea; forest or river? River.
orchid; do you like exercise? No, I hate it.
pansy; do you like poetry? Some of it.
morning glory; any special talent that you have?
Critical analysis skills.
@latristereina, @marta-elentari, @niniane17, @oadara, @tatticstudio55
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for-peace-war · 7 years
[Ambrose]: “England”
In the town of Shelford within the barony of Nottinghamshire, a boy of six had hardly completed his chores when he took up the nearest plank and became a hero.  It was unwieldy and poorly made, with a handle that begged splinters and a blade that was prone to shatter in two heroic passes, but to the lad it was his birthright and could have no more majestic.   “I am Sir Elmer de Carentan,” he declared with swelling triumph that could only come from a boy’s unchecked innocence.  He swung mightily then and cleaved into a host of foes that were so dismayed by his strength but tufts of dandelions were left to scatter in the blow’s passing.
From the shade of a tree and nursing a manual writ in Latin from one of her tutors, the bold warrior’s sister spoke with a voice sweet and careful. “Almire,” came her correction – inoffensive, but exact, “and there were no ‘sirs’ when he crossed with King William.”   She then added, with the special care that only a sister could manage, “but your French is much improved, little brother.”
“I am no brother,” challenged the lad, “I am Almire de Carentan!” What a spirited cry he did give then, and the world did  tremble at his might.
That lad of Shelford, whose sister then was a head taller than him and lengthened in body and leg, continued to proclaim the strength and prowess of his good ancestor.  Sir Elmer – nay, Almire – was one that would challenge any manner of beast that he could find: a dragon lounging upon a fencepost that would yowl and flee when he clashed plank against pole, or a sea of Saxons that scattered to the wind when he charged into their midst and saw them chirp fearfully at his awesome approach.  Who but he could have protected Shelford from evil spirits and dark beasts?
Perhaps he did not much resemble that man that had left the township of Carentan along with his great lord, William the Conqueror, and seen the whole of England reshaped, but the lad was spirited and his imagination vast.  He had once told his mother, when she cared to hear of her son’s exploits, as to how he had fought with the king and strove to greatness in her name.
“I am not so old that he would have known my name,” she had told him.  The lad was crestfallen then, but remembered how proud he had been all the same to have envisioned that great confrontation that saw his mettle tested against evil Harold and his fallen warriors.  He had quit the conversation then and went out to play.  At play, after all, he could be his true self.
There were, of course, times when the boy was not Almire.  If his brother, Randel, chose to join in the play then it was the elder’s decision who he would be.  “I shall be Almire,” declared Randel all full of confidence and pride, “and you will be Rou.”  Rou, the loutish retainer to the great Almire.  It was Randel whose hair was more red than blond, and whose frame was more wire than muscle, but he stood taller too than the warrior and so it was Randel that chose what would happen.  On occasion he did not force him away from the role of his hero (though it vexed Randel that at play he would be Arthur and for some reason, Almire de Carentan would be at his court), yet he found that any game played with his brother was less enjoyable.  When his spirits were low and should his sister have been near, she would offer him a sweet thing and whisper gently, “Almire would not so frown.”
And so Almire did not frown. Almire struggled and prevailed.
Games with Amice were much less vexing than those with Randel.  The lad, with his wooden sword, could rescue Amice and never need worry that she would take his sword from him or cast him as another.  He learned at the age of six that it was his duty to protect her, for she was the country and the land and Shelford all within one person.  “I vow to save you,” had been his promise as best he could manage, and then again he said in French: “You are my lovely lady!”
His lovely lady was capable of anything.  When he was sickly, she made him posset and read him stories in French (for he had no ear for Latin), which bade him grow strong and healthy.  He did not often care for the stories about romance, yet hearing the words come from her lips was always something magical.  Amice was a beautiful girl, with rich hair that fell down her back and a lean, delicate frame.  “You remind me of Guinevere,” he once told her shyly.
“And are you my Galahad?” She asked, stroking his hair. Even before he had given his answer, she had set to giggling and he could not but join her. “No,” he said. “I am Almire de Carentan.”
By the age of ten, the lad had learned of another great hero – Sir Waldorf Burland, this one not the mysterious legend that had come from Carentan, but his own good uncle on his mother’s side.  Though Matilda Burland had never shown much interest in her son’s machinations, Sir Waldorf ever encouraged his thoughts and dreams. “What-ho, Almire!” he would shout to the lad, whose features brightened as day cast against retreating night.  “Have you news of vanquished foes anon?”
“I have slain many a foe,” he would reply cheerfully, “and many more will fear me by the morrow!”
But Sir Waldorf’s legend became all the greater when he, at the behest of good King Henry V, did show great disservice to the French dogs that lapped at English land.  Then, the lad had accepted his Christian name in all things – Ambrose – and fell less into the play of knights save when it was appropriate.  His wooden plank had been replaced with a proper training sword, and he saw himself bruised and tired before day’s end whenever he had the chance.  His hands were callused, his muscles sore, but he never gave up in the face of the foes that danced in his mind and he practiced time and again.
“Tell me of Agincourt,” he had begged of his uncle. Sir Waldorf would gain a certain look, queer and distant, that saw a small smile to his face.  “It was something beyond compare.”  Not satisfied by that, Ambrose would fill his uncle’s words then with more meaning.   Were there many knights? “Yes, of course.”  And did they breathe fire and roar? “Only the larger ones.”  Were you frightened? “Not with my good king at my side.” Would that I might seen it, uncle. “Never that, my boy. Never that.”
It would be around that time that Amice, aware that he was bothering their good uncle, would drag him away for some lesson or to play at castles and maidens.  There were few times that she would do such willingly then: her legs had outgrown her body, and she no longer played at streams and in fields.  Two of her friends had by then been betrothed and when she spoke of the prospect, Ambrose saw a sad thing enter her eyes.  He did not know what could make so lovely a lady so very sad.
How innocent it all was, then.  The lad, who by the age of twelve was taller and more robust than his brother, continued to chase the dream of seeing sorrow away from his sister’s eyes.  He learned to fight with his right hand, for the left was sinister in nature, and pushed himself beyond even what he believed to be his limits.  When they chased each other about the garden, Ambrose found that her long legs could always keep her a step ahead of him, yet when she chased him she never seemed to be able to catch him, either.   Randel no longer played with them then – he was always at study, or complaining about this or that.
No, it was in those moonlit moments that the lad and his lady were free of trouble. The spirited laugher of children then spilled into the righteous roar of a man.
Cravant was not at all like the games the lad had played as a child.   Now eighteen and armed for war, Sir Ambrose of the House Carrington waded into the fray against mad-eyed Scots that would have seen him felled in the very river where his countrymen floated as though logs.  His shield up, he felt the thud of arrow after arrow against it, braced himself and shouted for his king and his country, and pressed onward with those that fought beside him.  These was no innocence to be had in war.  Only death awaited those that looked away from the grim reality of it.
Overhead, a screen of arrows from the English longbowmen proved far more valuable than their Scots counterparts, who could not overcome the ingenuity and strength of English arms.  It had been hours of nerve-racking waiting before that moment, but then the Earl of Salisbury had his fill of the precursor to battle and saw his men into river.  The water was well on waist-high, and when a man fell into it his voice could easily be heard as he perished beneath the weight of the war about him.  Still onward they moved, ever certain that to slow would be to lose sight of not only their enemy, but glorious England and the riches she promised those that fought valiantly in her name.
It was not the English Channel, no, and the Earl of Salisbury was not William the Conqueror, but as Ambrose crossed that river with his countrymen, he could not but help recall the games that the lad had played.  How foolish he had been then to not realize that the archers he charged at play could return fire – what an idiot he had been, to believe that his sword would always find his enemy, and that the field of battle would ever be level and flat and perfect for engagement.
There came a triumphant cry from across the bridgework, where Lord Willoughby pressed against the Scots who had so lost focus of their target that they knew little of what to do.   The French had quit the field by then, brave only when they were certain of victory, and the Dauphin’s champions proved themselves of no greater value or worth than the pigeons he had scattered when he was but a lad.  Ambrose took the lead then, sloshing as best he could to pass by the Earl of Salisbury, Thomas Montagu, who shouted a spirited “At them, lad!” to which the young knight answered with a brilliant sword arm and bloodied cry.
Dandelions scattered peacefully, drifting upon wind and sailing to land elsewhere to take root.  Men, when hacked into, screamed sanguine tears and spread bile and blood wherever they were stricken.  Ambrose came to know that well that day, on the bloodied banks of the river Yonne, when no longer did gay laughter meet his ears but instead cries for mercy and damnation were all the Scots cast upon him.  He thought to hold back for a moment then, but saw two of the fell beasts swarm toward his uncle and knew theirs were not hearts made of merciful things.  Ambrose, young and spirited as he was, cleared the distance and saw one battered with his shield, before his companion’s arm was taken at the joint.
“What-ho, Ambrose!” his uncle cried, clearly fatigued from the art of fighting.  Age was catching him at long last, but he was yet a lion that could roar with the might of a thousand Frenchmen, or twice as many Scots.    Together, they joined with the remaining contingent and saw the lord’s word done against the defenseless Scots who died in droves, but to their credit, fled not into the distance.
The killing went on for some time, with neither mercy nor respite shown for any that might have thrown down a weapon or dared to seek peace. They were sworn enemies, these Scots and the English, and the Burgundians certainly saw no reason to offer them quarter either.  It was not until night was beginning to fall that the crows neared for their meals, which littered ground and floated in the river, and saw the whole of the Yonne made into a soup of innards and blood for the act of war.
“So this is battle,” Ambrose said blithely as he wiped vomit away from his lips. He was deliriously exhausted and pleasantly fatigued.  “It is bitter stuff, isn’t it?” His uncle but shook his head. “You have the spirit of war in you, my boy.” “Nay,” he corrected. “’Tis the blood of Almire de Carentan.”
Cravant had turned a boy into a man. Verneuil turned a man into a god.
Sir Waldorf had retired from the fight not long after Cravant, for his injuries were grave enough to merit further attention and a companion of Agincourt deserved his rest all the same.  Within a year’s time since that glorious battle though, Ambrose had become hardened to war and tested in his mettle.  But the age of nineteen then, he had gathered enough spoils to send home to the Shelford and see a proper dowry prepared for Amice.  A young knight not much different than he, named Sir Joseph Baldwin, had himself a lordly brother in want of a wife.  Joseph spoke well of his brother and so Ambrose saw fit to write that a match had been found – and the means of procuring it well received.
Amice wrote him then a beautiful letter, detailing how she had always known her brother would be the champion that she read of.  So many emotions had been awakened in Ambrose when he read her fine penmanship, detailing elegant and eloquent praise for him, that he had several times been forced to stop reading so that he might regain his senses.
His reply had been short. “For my lovely lady, I would do anything.” Were there any words truer, then?
By the time that Verneuil had come, Amice’s letter could no longer be read.  He had folded it and unfolded it so many times that to do so once more would see it break to pieces, and he wore it within his armor nearest his heart so that her pride would fill him.  Just then it was fitted against him, as sweat soaked through his under shirt, and he placed his hand over his breast where it rested. The field before them was dire, but it was into that field he knew they must go.
There were old names and faces to be appreciated at Verneuil.  Though he had arrived just shy of the Earl of Salisbury’s advance, Lord Willoughby was also present.  The great Duke of Bedford had decided to challenge the French outright, while the defeated lords of Scotland in the form of Douglas and Buchan moved to meet with Salisbury.   Ambrose had been of half a mind to return to meet the Scots once more, but he knew well that his fight was with Bedford’s men – live or die, it would be only just that he should treat the French to a piece of what his uncle had in Agincourt.
How foolish he had been to make so empty a thought and not realize how true it was to prove.
The sun shone down upon them mercilessly for a full day, baking them in their heavy armor and scorching any surface that could not find shelter.  Ambrose, sweating profusely then, felt miserable and fatigued for the effort of standing at attention for so long. The French did not wish to cross the field any more than the English did, and the Scots would advance only when their masters had told them it was good and proper to do so.
A cry rose from their ranks: “Saint George! Bedford!”
The Milanese and Scots were making quick work of Salisbury’s men as the battle unfolded, with the Italians hungering for glory in the face of what they believed to be a route.  Ambrose and those about him though were faced against the French, commanded by Viscount Aumale, whose support came in the form of heavily armored Lombards that took the field as rolling thunder and balked not at the size of their host.  Bedford, a hero of battles before, commanded his archers to prepare the ground to break their advance, but knew that it would do little.  “We fight or die as men of God,” called he to those behind him.
Almire de Carentan’s blood roared within Ambrose’s ears as chevalier and knights met in the middle of the battlefield.
Then came the killing. Then came the dying. Then came the god.
At Cravant, it had been the water that men pushed against when they wished to advance.  At Verneuil, bloodied and cruel Verneuil, it was the very sound of fighting that oppressed.  Two armies full they were, with men sworn to glory and honor and the strength of arms that could see nations made or broken in an evening.  Ambrose found himself in the crush of it more often than not, swimming as best he could against the hail of shouting and clattering of weapons against armor and nearly drowning in the violence that surrounded him.  It was tiresome work to stand and impossible work to move, yet both proved incapable of stopping him on his progress.  
He had become a god, then. He would not be stopped by any man.
It was a brutal contest, which shook the bones and broke the spirits of many.  Ambrose refused to relent, and with the sight of Bedford and his great pole-axe as a beacon of hope, charged the enemy until they fought at but a standstill of merciless hacking and slashing.  There was no music in war – no ballad that might have made bards sing lovely tales.  It was blood and it was broken bone and bile and cursing and crying and fear.  It was a hatred and violence that poured free the eyes, and made teeth gnash and words come out as nothing more than mere names: “Shelford!” “Bedford!” “England! Amice! Amice! Amice!
God, but did the god scream for his belonged sister then.
He was hit, several times, with blows that would betray him in later days.  He was staggered and he was shaken, and twice over he was nearly felled but for the practice he had known as a lad.  Wooden swords shattered when they were swung incorrectly, so he had learned to hold them just so.  Dandelions may have been scattered with ease, but the arm tired if the economy of motion was not minded properly.   Pigeons flew away when one charged at them – but the energy to control the sprint, that was what had been taught to him then.   As Ambrose met with chevalier after chevalier, he could think only of the death that awaited him if he did not continue fighting.  
There would be no posset to save him. There would be no story to soothe him. There would be no song to waken him.
There was only death for those that fell. And he was so very close to falling.
There came a blow, solid and true, that struck the side of his helmet and set his world to spinning.  His sword nearly left his hand, and he certainly left his feet, but as he fell backward.  He thought of the shade of the tree where he had been told that knights had not existed so long ago, and remembered fondly how alive he had felt when he chased after Amice in the moonlight.  Could those things be forgotten in the pall of death, he wondered?  But just as death sought to take him, it was Bedford’s pole-axe that meted it out to the advancing chevalier.
“At them lad,” he was told. So at them he went.
That was when the blood made him a god – when fear was broken and all that was left was the vehemence he knew for his foes.   His sword arm was disaster for any that fell in its way, and though hammer and axe might have proved greater weapons against armor, he hacked at gaps and joints and bodily toppled those that were too foolish to avoid him.  “England!” He cried out again and again, for England and Shelford and Amice were all the same.  
“ENGLAND!” He vowed. He would live to return to her, no matter the price.
By the end of the day, there was no more killing that could be done.  Though his head rang with a terrible ache from the blow suffered, Ambrose did not shy away from the gathering of spoils from those fallen.  When camp had been drawn and men were rewarded for their services, Ambrose found pen and paper and quickly thought to write to his sister so that she might know all that he had seen: all that had he endured.  Agincourt had been uncle Waldorf’s, but Verneuil was his.
Yet his pen did not find paper when he thought to tell her of the glory, for there was no glory that he could remember.  There was death and there was suffering.  There was fear and there was chaos.  Ambrose’s hand shook as the silence of the night found him, and he realized then he could say little.
“Dearest sister, A great victory has been won for England. I have survived to write these words to you and pray you will respond with news of home.
Pray, do not inquire after what happened here, though. For I cannot tell you of that, my lovely lady. Never that.”
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real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Arc-V Aftermath: A Duelist’s Revenger (23/26)
When all is said and done, things have quickly recovered in the four dimensions. But when weird things start happening, the Yu-Salad Boys and the Bracelet Girls quickly realize they have some loose ends to fix. Co-written with @violetganache42​​​​.
WARNING: Dub names will be featured in the story.
The start of the second round was quickly approaching as Teams Obelisk and Turbo walked towards the Center Duel Field's arena. Since Yugo, Rin, and Crow brought their Duel Runners with them like yesterday, that would mean Yuri, Dennis, and Sora may have to take part in three simultaneous Action Duels or Turbo Duels. At that point, it currently didn't matter what type of duel they'll be engaging in because the two dimensional counterparts are more focused on their encounter and their potential rematch, depending on what the monitor says who's dueling who, of course.
So when the pairings included Yugo vs. Yuri, the Turbo Duelist got on his Duel Runner, put on his helmet, and sped over to Yuri. "You're gonna pay for what you did!" he exclaimed.
"Now now, don't act so rash," Yuri said as Yugo braked his Duel Runner. "You already had your Rin-union."
"It's not that!" Yugo clarified. "Tell me what you did to my memories!"
"I would if I could," Yuri explained. "But after Yuya poofed Astrograph Sorcerer into existence, I, too, experienced a strange case of amnesia."
He wasn't exactly wrong. Ever since Zarc was revived, the Yu-Salad completely blacked out…except for Yuya, who managed to temporarily regain control to help Riley and Ray win the duel and put a stop to the continuing onslaught. Because of that, he was the only reincarnation who was able to recover prior to Leo's separation procedure.
Yugo wasn't sure how to respond, but the Fusion Duelist cleared his throat. "Aren't you going to say something?" he whispered.
"Huh?" Yugo asked.
Yuri let out a frustrated sound. "That's the whole point of Wicked Dueltainment," he whispered. "My teammates and I play the role of villains to entertain the crowd. It was Dennis' idea and so far it's working."
Dennis did got the idea of Wicked Dueltainment when he was dueling against Yuya back in Heartland City. He, Sora, and Yuri clearly have no ill will towards Yusho; their evil behavior is all part of the act. Luckily Yugo quickly caught on.
"You liar!" the blonde-banged Duelist exclaimed. "And I'll never forgive you for kidnapping and brainwashing RinRin!"
Yuri let out a sinister laugh. "You are certainly persistent," he said. "But once this duel is over, your beloved dragon and soul will be mine once more!"
The duo knew Zarc accepted himself being split back into his reincarnations once again, so there was no way their souls were getting absorbed, regardless of who wins or loses. The two then headed towards their section of the arena where they will be dueling.
Dennis smirked as he saw Rin. "Why hello there," he said, approaching the Windwitch user. "How funny for us to meet up once more." He proceeded to kiss the back of her hand, but she pulled back in disgust.
"I have a boyfriend," Rin pointed out.
"Oh, hush now," Dennis said. He caressed her cheek. "A beautiful lady such as yourself deserves someone far more civilized." He knew Rin and Yugo were dating; him flirting with her was all part of the act.
Unfortunately, Rin didn't understand that. "Beautiful...?" she asked, swatting Dennis' hand away from her face.
"But that's what you are," Dennis said. "Absolutely beautiful."
But Rin got on her Duel Runner. "Let's just duel already!" she said, wanting to get this over with.
She was more used to Yugo calling her cute nicknames, so hearing Dennis treat her the same way kind of annoyed her. After putting on her helmet, she drove to her section of the arena with her opponent following her. With two matches already figured out on who's dueling who, that would mean Crow was going up against Sora.
Sora whimpered. "Pwease don't hurt me," he told Crow, looking at him with a sad look in his eyes.
"Nice try," Crow said. "I remember what your dueling style is really like."
With that, Sora dropped the act, a sinister grin appearing on his face. "I see," he said, taking out a lollipop. "Then crushing you will be all the sweeter." He bit into the lollipop, the hard candy making a loud CRUNCH.
Well, that isn't scary, Crow thought to himself with a somewhat surprised look as he got on his Duel Runner and put on his helmet. He then revved his engine and drove to the last empty section of the arena as Sora pursued him. All six members readied and activated their Duel Disks, three of which were programmed into the Duel Runners, and shouted, "Let's duel!" Blackwing vs. the child psycho. Windwitch vs. the polite mastermind. Speedroid vs. the deranged psychopath, a long-awaited rematch that Yugo has been looking forward to. Team Turbo sped their way to the different tracks to begin their duels against Team Obelisk.
"Dearest me," Yuri remarked. "I suppose I'll have to keep up. So I'll start things off with Polymerization. Arise, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon! Your master is in need of transportation!"
A Fusion Summoned Starving Venom appeared on the field with a malicious growl to help stay in character as part of the Wicked Dueltainment. Yuri then stepped onto the palm of his ace's hand and proceeded to follow Yugo with his dragon carrying him. Dennis and Sora did something similar by summoning Shaddoll Hound and Frightfur Bear and using them to give them a lift in their Turbo Duels.
"I need your assistance, Shaddoll Hound!" Dennis commanded.
"Come to me, Frightfur Bear!" Sora exclaimed.
"My goodness!" Melissa remarked. "Looks like Team Obelisk has decided to use their monsters to keep up with Team Turbo! That's some pretty cleva thinkin'."
As the three former Obelisk Force soldiers rode their monsters, they managed to catch up with Team Turbo. Unlike most of the duels that took place throughout the Team Duel Tournament, the simultaneous Turbo Duels weren't divided into three smaller arenas; instead, they took place in one Action Field with the three sections as each of the member's starting points.
"My turn!" Yugo exclaimed as he drew a card. "And I'll start things off by setting the Pendulum Scale with Speedroids Passinglider and Dominobutterfly!"
Yugo placed his Scale 3 Passinglider on the left Pendulum Zone and his Scale 8 Dominobutterfly on the right, allowing him to summon monsters between Levels 4 and 7. "Time to show this rich snob the true power of Speedroids!" he exclaimed. "I'm bringing out Speedroids Double Yoyo, Horse Stilts, Razorang, and Rubberband Plane!"
The four Pendulum Summoned monsters flew out of the "portal" and onto the field. Double Yoyo, Horse Stilts, and Razorang are all Level 4 while Rubberband Plane is a Level 5; whatever Yugo is planning, this Pendulum Summon was only the beginning.
"But I'm not done!" Yugo continued. "I summon Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice, which I'll tune with Speedroid Rubberband Plane to call forth a mystical cross-sword with the power to cut every enemy down to size! I Synchro Summon Hi-Speedroid Kendama!"
Hi-Speedroid Kendama is Level 6 WIND Machine-Type Synchro monster with 2200 ATK and 1600 DEF. If it's in defense position, Yugo can inflict piercing damage to his opponent. It also has two other effects, which can be used once per turn: a Machine-Type monster can be banished from the Graveyard so that 500 damage can be inflicted to the opponent or it can be special summoned from the Graveyard if no cards are in control, but normal summoning/setting is prohibited on the turn this effect is activated.
Yuri was confused but also amused on why Yugo would choose Hi-Speedroid Kendama. It has less ATK than Starving Venom, who has 2800 ATK. He let out an amused laugh. "Seriously?" he asked. "All this hype for a sword?"
"Oh, I'm not done," Yugo said. "Since I have over two wind-attribute monsters on my field, I can special summon Windwitch - Snow Bell!"
"What?!" Yuri asked. "How could you have that in your deck?!"
Yugo chuckled. "Kinda a funny story," he answered. "RinRin originally had four Snow Bells, but she gave her extra one to me." He held up the card, which had a pink heart drawn on it. "I save it for special occasions like this tournament."
Yugo placed Snow Bell on his Duel Disk to special summon it. She flew out of the materializing light from her card and onto the field; what makes her stand out is she has the same pink heart on her. Not too far away, Rin saw the copy of her Tuner monster that she gave to Yugo as she dueled Dennis. She let out a loving sigh, not letting this distraction interfere with her duel.
"Now I'm gonna tune this extra-special Snow Bell with Speedroids Razorang and Double Yoyo!" Yugo continued. "Come on out, Giganticastle!"
Giganticastle is a Level 9 EARTH Rock-Type Synchro monster with 2900 ATK and 2800 DEF. Its effect allows it to gain 200 ATK and DEF for every non-Tuner Synchro Material used to Synchro Summon it. Since Razorang and Double Yoyo are non-Tuners, Giganticastle gains 400 ATK and DEF, making it 3300 ATK and 3200 DEF.
"Alright Giganticastle, punch out that overgrown weed-dragon!" Yugo exclaimed.
As the humungous Synchro monster clenched its left fist and prepared to throw a punch to deal 500 damage, the sound of Yuri's whip cracked. Starving Venom was being commanded to help him find an Action Card as fast as he could. "Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, I wish for you to seek out an Action Card!" the Predaplant user exclaimed.
The dragon growled obediently and scanned the Action Field for an Action Card, preferably a Spell. Ultimately he found an Action Card, so he flew over to it, allowing Yuri to grab it with his whip. "Thank you, my treasured pet," he said. "Now I activate the Action Spell Evasion to protect you from harm!"
Evasion's effect negated Giganticastle's attack as it lowered its fist and unclenched it. Starving Venom purred in satisfaction because this is one of the many examples of his undying loyalty to Yuri. He is willing to assist him in any situation and vice versa.
Yugo wasn't happy with the results. "I'll get rid of that dragon somehow!" he exclaimed, ending his turn with a face down.
"Don't get your hopes up this early," Yuri said. "I draw!" He checked his hand, ready to-
"Pummeling Paw!"
Yuri's turn got interrupted by Sora, who was just about to attack Crow. Unfortunately, the attack nearly startled Starving Venom because of how in close proximity the two duels were. "Sora, control that mutated teddy bear!" the purple-haired teen exclaimed. "You nearly startled my dearest pet!"
"Sorry about that!" Sora replied.
Sora and Frightfur Bear took off to continue their Battle Phase. What the heck was that all about? Hopefully, this time, nothing will interrupt Yuri, who has already concocted a strategy for his Main Phase.
"I activate the Equip Spell Mark of the Rose!" Yuri declared. "By banishing Predaplant Flytrap from my Graveyard, your Giganticastle becomes my obedient servant! Now come to me, Giganticastle!"
A black rose mark appeared on Giganticastle's forehead and was quickly engulfed in a bright purple light that dragged it to Yuri's side of the field. "What the?!" Yugo asked, alarmed. "You never had that card during our last duel!"
"You are quite simpleminded," Yuri said. "I went to a local card store with my team weeks ago for a new booster pack sale. This card was one of the cards I purchased."
Yugo let out a small frustrated scowl at his Synchro monster being taken from him. Apparently, he wasn't the only one who has been upgrading, improving, and strengthening his deck. But Yuri wasn't done with his turn.
"I activate my Skill: Mind Merge!" Yuri declared.
Starving Venom roared loudly as he could as he mind merged with Yuri as the Predaplant user was absorbed into the dragon. Yuya was flabbergasted. "How is he doing that?!" he asked aloud.
It never occurred to him until just now on why his counterparts can mind merge in various ways. Yuto overlays his mind with Dark Rebellion whereas Yuri fuses with Starving Venom. He hasn't seen what Yugo's Skill variant is, but he does have an idea on what they may represent. The Skills that have been used seemed to have reflect a different special summoning method; the only question is why his mind merge is standard. Is it because the dimension he resided in was also standard? Did he not unlock a Pendulum variant of his Skill? …What would a Pendulum variant of a mind merge look like?
"Earth to Yuya?" Zuzu asked. But the tomato-haired teen was too lost in his thoughts to even hear her.
Back at the duel, with Giganticastle under Yuri's control and his mind successfully fused with Starving Venom's, he was ready to begin his Battle Phase, with his ace making the first move. Yugo drove on his Duel Runner, struggling to figure out a counter strategy as he looked at his cards and his Hi-Speedroid Kendama. Even if he does use one of its effects, it wouldn't make a difference because the double attack would deliver a whopping 3900 points of damage, leaving him with only 100 Life Points! In other words, he is screwed.
"I activate the Action Spell Miracle!"
Yugo turned his head to see Crow driving by him, who has already gotten and used the Action Spell. He couldn't help but notice his friend was in grave danger, so he decided to mash their two duels and make it a 2 vs. 2 tag team duel. It was a clever idea to do so for two reasons: 1. Kendama isn't destroyed and Yugo only takes 300 damage from Starving Venom's attack, and 2. Since Crow was already dueling against Sora, the intrusion penalty doesn't apply, meaning he won't lose 2000 LP.
"Can't forget about me!" Rin added. "I activate the Action Spell Big Escape to end Yuri's Battle Phase!"
Correction: it is now a 3 vs. 3 tag team duel and the intrusion penalty wasn't utilized since Rin was dueling against Dennis. As a result of this epic save/duel conversion combo, the crowd went insanely wild.
"Incredible!" Nico commented. "Team Turbo has decided to combine their duels into a single tag team! I've never seen anything like this!"
"Neither have I," Melissa agreed. "Looks like these folks are the first Duelists to try such a trick."
Yugo heard the announcements Nico and Melissa made and the sound of the audience cheering like crazy, and needless to say, he was highly thrilled with it. He wasn't expecting his friends to help him out by making an amazingly impactful tactic, causing everyone to root for them. This just may be the first time where people are starting to support him.
As for Yuri, he was strongly taken back by what Rin and Crow did because he nearly had his Synchro counterpart on the ropes. Starving Venom reluctantly growled as the mind merge was cancelled and his owner reappeared in his hand to get ready to end his turn, only for him to see that Dennis and Sora were accompanying him.
"My goodness," Dennis said. "This is quite a surprising twist."
"Indeed," Sora agreed. "But if this duel is now a free-for-all, crushing them will be sweeter than before."
Yuri quickly snapped out of his funk. "You're right," he said. "How dare they try to gang up on me! We shall attack them with everything we have!"
Yuri concluded his turn by playing two more face-downs before passing it on to Rin. As she drew a card from her deck, she carried out her Main Phase based on what cards she currently has. So far she was able to summon Winter Bell and she just drew Fusion Sage. If she uses that and the Glass Bell in her hand, she could bring out Crystal Bell. However, since this was now a 3 vs. 3 duel, she came up with a better idea.
"Hey Yugo, is it alright if I borrow your Speedroid?" Rin asked.
Yugo nodded and replied with a "Sure thing".
"Good," Rin said. "I summon Windwitch - Glass Bell!" the green-haired Duelist continued. "Not only does she let me retrieve my third Ice Bell from my deck to my hand, but I'm gonna overlay her with Yugo's Speedroid Horse Stilts, allowing me to XYZ Summon Tornado Dragon!"
Tornado Dragon is a Rank 4 WIND Wyrm-Type XYZ monster with 2100 ATK and 2000 DEF. During either Duelist's turn, Rin can detach one XYZ Material to target a Spell or Trap card on the field and destroy it.
Rin's teammates and Team Obelisk were all surprised at how she perfectly executed an XYZ Summon. They were also perplexed on how she even learned how to XYZ Summon when she's capable of Synchro and Fusion Summoning. She explained that Lulu taught her about it during their imprisonment back at Duel Academy.
Yuto looked over at his girlfriend. "Is that true?"
Lulu nodded in response. "Rin also taught me how to Synchro Summon," she explained. "It's fun, but it doesn't really fit with my Lyrilusc cards."
"I activate Tornado Dragon's special ability!" Rin continued. "By using one Overlay Unit, he'll free Giganticastle from Yuri's control!"
Tornado Dragon blew a gust of wind that destroyed Mark of the Rose, causing the black rose mark to vanish and Giganticastle to return to Yugo's side of the field. A stunned Yuri couldn't believe what he was witnessing; how can someone he abducted some time ago be incredibly handy and strategic in a variety of special summoning? The last thing she might end up doing is learning how to Pendulum and/or Ritual Summon.
"But I'm not done," Rin added. "I activate the Spell card Fusion Sage to retrieve my Polymerization from my deck!"
The deck slot of Rin's Duel Disk brought out Polymerization, and as she retrieved it, it caught the audience's attention, especially Yugi. Through the monitor's screen, he and everyone else immediately recognized it as the vintage Polymerization card.
"Now I'll use this same Polymerization card to fuse my Winter Bell with the Ice Bell in my hand!" Rin continued. "Maiden of snow and ice, become one with the magic of crystals and shed your ragged disguise to reveal the princess within! I Fusion Summon Windwitch - Crystal Bell!"
The two Windwitch fusion materials glowed light blue and light red respectively as a huge shard of ice appeared, encasing Crystal Bell in it. Instead of her breaking the ice apart prior to Revival Zero, sparkles lit up from the ground and orbited around her, melting the frozen water while enabling Rin's Fusion ace to twirl around and bring out her true, inner beauty once more. The Windwitch user let out a cheerful laugh as the field was covered in sparkles.
"My goodness, I never get tired of seein' that Fusion Summon!" Melissa remarked.
"That's no surprise," Nico added as he checked Rin's bio. "According to her official dueling bio, Rin is known to bring out true beauty in everything, especially in her dueling style."
What Nico just said was exactly right. No matter how many times it's been repeated, Rin bringing out true beauty was quite the spectacle to watch. Even Yugo couldn't help but stare in awe at her wonderful Fusion Summon; in a way, there's no need for a sparkly vision since the sparkles are already there.
"Yeah!" Yugo cheered. "That's my adorable snowflake princess! I love you so much, RinRin!"
At this point, Rin didn't mind Yugo announcing to the entire world about how they're dating. Due to his high energy, he just can't help but blurt it out loud; he really loves her and is so gosh darn proud about it.
Blushing slightly, Rin continued her turn. "I'll activate Crystal Bell's special ability!" she said. "By using her discarded shell from the Graveyard, she'll deal out 1400 points worth of damage to Sora!"
Thanks to Crystal Bell's effect, the Fusion spellcaster inherited Winter Bell's name and effects for the duration of Rin's turn, then proceeded to take out 1400 LP from Sora.
"Now Crystal Bell, attack El Shaddoll Grysta!" Rin exclaimed. "Sparkling Snow Gust!"
Crystal Bell aimed her attack at El Shaddoll Grysta and blasted a windy strike that contained sparkly snowflakes that destroyed the target, delivering 350 damage to Dennis' Life Points. However, thanks to Grysta's effect, if it was sent to the Graveyard, Dennis can select a Shaddoll Spell/Trap card that is in the Graveyard and add it to his hand.
"Nice try," Dennis said. "But thanks to El Shaddoll Grysta's special ability, Shaddoll Core is retrieved from my Graveyard!"
Shaddoll Core is a Continuous Trap card that is also treated as a Level 9 DARK Spellcaster-Type monster with 1450 ATK and 1950 DEF when special summoned. By doing so, it can be substituted for a Fusion Material with a listed attribute on a Shaddoll Fusion Monster. If it's sent to the Graveyard, Dennis can target a Shaddoll Spell/Trap card in the Graveyard—except Shaddoll Core—and add it to his hand.
The selected Trap card slid out of the Duel Disk's Graveyard slot and Dennis retrieved it with his right hand.
"But you're still open for a direct attack!" Rin pointed out. "Tornado Dragon, blow him away!"
Tornado Dragon inhaled and blew out a giant, powerful gust of wind in a similar manner to a dragon that breathes out fire to reduce Dennis' Life Points down by 2100. "I place one card face down and end my turn," Rin concluded.
"Not bad," Sora said. "But it's my turn!" He drew a card and smiled wide. "Oh yeah!" he said. "I summon Fluffal Mouse from my hand!"
Fluffal Mouse scurried onto the field with a chocolate donut in its hand. Its special ability allows Sora to special summon up to two copies of Fluffal Mouse from his deck during his Main Phase, buy only when it's face up on the field. He also can't special summon monsters from his deck on the turn it was activated…except Frightfur monsters, which was perfect for him because he had a Fusion monster in mind that he plans on bringing out.
"Now I'll activate Fluffal Mouse's special ability to call on two more Fluffal Mice!" Sora continued. "So I'll use Polymerization on these three mice along with the Edge Imp Sabers, Fluffal Dog, and Fluffal Cat in my hand! Edge of sharpness, mayhem of mice, barking warrior, and paws of fury! When they all come together, get ready for a flurry! I Fusion Summon Frightfur Wolf!"
The Fusion materials fused together as they glowed light blue and yellow. A pair of scissors cut open a plush stomach before being sewn back in place, with two more scissors using their blades to jab onto the upper torso and support the front paws. A stitched up head turned around in place and howled as two magenta eyes glowed in its mouth before Frightfur Wolf appeared on the field.
Its appearance may look scary, but its effect was the true nightmare. It is allowed to attack multiple times during each Battle Phase based on the number of Fusion Materials used to Fusion Summon it. With a total of five Fluffals and one Edge Imp, Sora can attack six times in his Battle Phases!
"Well done, Sora," Yuri remarked. "You really have mastered Frightfur Wolf's special ability."
"You bet!" Sora replied. "Frightfur Wolf, wipe out Team Turbo once and for all!"
"Not so fast!" Rin exclaimed. "On your attack, I activate Quaking Mirror Force!"
Quaking Mirror Force is a Trap card that is similar to regular Mirror Force, but instead of destroying all attack position monsters the opponent controls, they are switched to face-down defense position and cannot change battle positions due to this effect.
Frightfur Wolf unleashed its attack on Team Turbo, but it was blocked by Quaking Mirror Force, causing the ground to shake and switch it to face-down defense-position. Unfortunately for Sora, the Trap card affects all attack position monsters, and before he knew it, Frightfur Bear was also switched to face-down defense position and he fell down onto the Action Field just as the shaking stopped.
"No fair!" Sora complained, running up to Starving Venom and grabbing onto his tail to keep up with his teammates. "I was this close to winning!" He set a card on his field before ending his turn.
It was now Crow's turn, and as he drew a card from his deck, he glanced at what he's got before making his move. He placed the drawn card into his hand and then summoned Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn; thanks to its effect, he can special summon another Blackwing monster besides this one, and he chose Mistral the Silver Shield. He then activated Monster Reborn to bring back Ghibli the Searing Wind. Now he has everything that he needed. He tuned his Level 2 Mistral with his Level 4 Kris and Level 3 Ghibli to Synchro Summon his Level 9 Assault Blackwing - Kusanagi the Gathering Storm.
"Kusanagi, wipe out that weed-covered dragon!" Crow declared.
Kusanagi's effect allows it to gain ATK equal to the total ATK of the Blackwing Synchro Materials until the End Phase; with a total of 2000 ATK from the three monsters, its ATK shot up from 3000 to 5000 and began to deal 2200 damage to Yuri's 4000 Life Points. However, the Predaplant user has his two face-downs and he was ready for a counterattack.
"Not so fast!" Yuri said. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell Battle Fusion to strengthen my beloved pet!"
According to Battle Fusion's effect, Yuri can target an attacking monster and the targeted Fusion monster gains ATK equal to the ATK of said attacking monster; in this case, Starving Venom's ATK skyrocketed up to 7800, so Crow will end up taking 2800 damage, which is equal to the Fusion Dragon's original ATK.
"Starving Venom, clip that pesky bird's wings!" Yuri ordered, aiming his whip at Kusanagi.
Starving Venom extended his wing and shot out purple and magenta lightning bolts at Kusanagi, followed by an aquamarine blast that destroyed the monster. Prior to the three duels becoming a tag team duel, after Sora Fusion Summoned Frightfur Bear, Crow summoned Ghibli in defense position, which was destroyed and then equipped onto the opposing monster, gaining 1000 ATK due to its effect. In other words, he hasn't lost any LP until now, which makes his current LP 1200.
"Dang it!" Crow said. "I set two cards face down and end my turn!"
"Then it's my turn!" Dennis said. "I draw!" He checked his hand. "Excellent. I summon Shaddoll Dragon!"
Shaddoll Dragon flew out from his card and onto the field. It is a Level 4 DARK Spellcaster-Type monster with 1900 ATK and 0 DEF. Its flip summon effect can send a monster the opponent controls back to their hand while its monster effect can target and destroy a Spell/Trap card on the field if a card effect send it to the Graveyard. The downside is only one Shaddoll Dragon effect can be used once per turn, and only once that turn.
"But that's not all," Dennis continued. "I play the Spell card Nephe Shaddoll Fusion, allowing my Shaddoll Dragon to become a light-attribute monster so I can fuse it with the Shaddoll Beast in my hand! Now I shall Fusion Summon El Shaddoll Construct!"
The many doll-like limbs attached itself until it formed a female body that looked like she was wearing a long-sleeved dress that went passed the knees, except the front part of the skirt was more open. She is a Level 8 LIGHT Fairy-Type monster with 2800 ATK and 2500 DEF. She must first be Fusion Summoned using a Shaddoll monster and a LIGHT monster as Fusion Materials. If she was special summoned, a Shaddoll card can be sent from the deck to the Graveyard. During the Damage Step, if she was battling a special summoned monster, that monster is destroyed. If she was sent to the Graveyard, a Shaddoll Spell/Trap card can be selected in the Graveyard and added to Dennis' hand.
"Now attack that oversized sword, El Shaddoll Construct!" Dennis commanded.
Not too far away from where Team Turbo was, Yugo spotted an Action Card right next to the track and sped up to grab it from the ground. "I activate the Action Spell Evasion!" he exclaimed. "So now Kendama is safe!"
As fast she was getting ready to attack, El Shaddoll Construct had her attack negated and went back to her standard position. "You got lucky this time!" Dennis said, setting a card.
"My turn!" Yugo happily said. "I draw!" He brought his hand towards him so that he can see what card he drew. He became starry-eyed because he had a feeling this was a winning card. "Final turn!"
As the Card Fighters cheered after hearing Yugo say those two words, he carried out his turn that will potentially lead his team to victory. "First I'll summon my second Speedroid Dominobutterfly from my hand!" he declared. "Then I'll tune it with Hi-Speedroid Kendama to pave the way for a dragon even mightier than Clear Wing! I Synchro Summon! Take flight, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon!"
Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon is a Level 8 WIND Dragon-Type Synchro monster with 3000 ATK and 2500 DEF. Once per turn, her quick effect allows her to negate an opposing monster's activation, destroy said monster, and gain ATK equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK until the end of this turn. If she's battling a Level 5 or higher monster, she gains ATK equal to the target's current ATK during damage calculation.
Rin was amazed, glancing at Yugo. He looked back at her and winked, making her blush slightly. She knew exactly what he was planning on doing.
"Now I equip Crystal Wing with the Equip Spell United We Stand!" Yugo continued. "Allowing my dragon to get stronger thanks to my girlfriend's monsters!"
"So what?!" Yuri asked. "I defeated you once, and I'll defeat you again!"
"I don't think so," Rin said. "I activate the Trap card Lost Wind!"
"That's not all," Crow added. "I activate my newest Trap card: Oasis of Dragon Souls!"
Lost Wind enabled Rin to target a special summoned monster and simultaneously half its ATK and negate its effects while Oasis of Dragon Soul allowed Crow to target a monster in the Graveyard and special summon it in defense position as a Wyrm-Type; if the Continuous Trap leaves the field, the monster is destroyed and vice versa.
"How dare you use that Trap card on me, you little witch!" Yuri exclaimed.
"What can I say?" Rin cheekily asked. "Didn't want my boyfriend to have a repeat of your last duel with him."
Starving Venom's ATK got cut in half from 2800 to 1400 due to Rin's Lost Wind. As for Crow, he special summons Kusanagi the Gathering Storm back onto the field as a Wyrm-Type and in defense position. Including the resurrected Synchro monster, there was also Giganticastle, Tornado Dragon, and Windwitch - Crystal Bell, meaning Team Turbo had a total of four monsters on the field aside from Crystal Wing. With United We Stand, she gained a 3200 ATK and DEF boost, making her current ATK and DEF 6200 and 5700 respectively.
"But that's not all!" Yugo continued. "I activate my Skill: Mind Merge!"
The Skill's activation resulted in his Duel Runner becoming synced for two reasons: his Duel Disk has been programmed into it and the mind merge helps prevent it from crashing. His mind then began to tune itself with Crystal Wing's, creating what seemed to be a humanized Synchro Summon; in reality, this was definitely Yugo's Synchro variant of his Skill. Yuya was still watching the duel from the Center Duel Field's monitor screen, and after seeing yet another mind merge variation, his mind was pretty much broken by now.
"I..." Yuya stammered. "H-How..."
Zuzu had taken out her paper fan and used it to whack Yuya's head. It has been weeks since she last brought it out. Thankfully that was enough to snap Yuya out of it.
"Thanks Zuzu," Yuya said.
Zuzu smiled and gave Yuya a loving kiss, her fingers in his hair. "You're welcome," she replied.
Back at the duel, Yugo had completed tuning his mind with Crystal Wing's and saw that s/he had punctured through Starving Venom, who roared in agony before exploding that sent Yuri flying towards the ground as he lost all of his Life Points. Because the Fusion dragon was in the air at a pretty high altitude while going at a fast speed, and combined with the devastating attack he received, it caused him to nearly break his spine upon impact. Sora, on the other hand, lost his grip on the dragon's tail when he exploded and the force from the explosion pushed him back, landing face first on the ground at a good enough distance away from the tag team Turbo Duel; the last thing he needed was to get run over by Duel Runners.
"Hey Red!" Sora called out to Dennis. "A little help here?"
Dennis heard his friend's cry. "El Shaddoll Construct, please assist our friend," he commanded.
Construct left the duel and levitated over to where Sora was before lowering her right arm down and opening her hand to offer him a lift. He got up from the ground and hopped on her hand while rubbing his face, which had a few scratches here and there. He was kind of glad that he didn't end up with a bloody or broken nose from that faceplant. Raising her arm back up with Sora sitting on her palm, they glided back to where the Turbo Duel was currently at. As they whisked by, his eyes caught something; he could have sworn he saw Yuri. He turned his body around and found himself staring at his Obelisk friend, laying down because of how hurt he was. There might even be a possibility that he might lose consciousness.
From the sidelines, Celina also saw Yuri. She activated her Duel Disk. "I activate Polymerization!" she declared. "Lunalight Cat Dancer, retrieve Yuri and bring him to me!"
Lunalight Cat Dancer grooved her way out onto her field and immediately obeyed Celina's declaration, hovering to where Yuri laid, picking him up, and returning back to her owner with him being cradled in her arms. With the Fusion monster setting him on the ground, she returned to Celina's deck as the Duel Disk deactivated.
Celina's eyes were locked in place shortly after she deactivated her Duel Disk, staring deep into Yuri's face to make sure he wasn't in too much pain. Yet…she couldn't help but think about how cute he was when he's sleeping. The thoughts overflowed her mind and gradually consumed her until she placed her lips onto his and sealed it with a kiss.
Yuri's green eyes slowly opened. "Celina...?" he muttered.
Celina smirked. "Welcome back, Sleeping Cutie," she said.
Sora and Dennis had briefly spotted Cat Dancer carrying Yuri off to the sidelines for some help, meaning it was time for them to go full force on Team Turbo. Once Yugo cancelled his mind merge and ended his turn, the "child psycho" drew a card and then activated his face-down.
"I activate the Trap card Frightfur Designer!" Sora declared. "This'll allow me to retrieve Fluffal Cat from my Graveyard and treat her as a Frightfur monster!"
The special summoned Fluffal Cat pounced her way out of the Graveyard and onto the field. Sora then jumped off from El Shaddoll Construct's hand and landed on Fluffal Cat's back for transportation. "Good kitty," he said, patting the top of her head. "Now I just need something to get the rest of the team back into battle..."
Cat scurried along the track as Sora searched throughout the Action Field. He doesn't have anything in his hand that could help him, so he's hoping he can find an Action Card somewhere. Fortunately, he spotted one on the right side of the track. With help from the Fairy-Type monster, he retrieved it.
"I activate the Action Spell Backflip!" Sora exclaimed. "Allowing me to get back my two Frightfurs!"
Backflip was an Action Spell card that can negate card effects on monsters that flipped them from attack position to face-down defense position. The two face-down cards turned around vertically and then flipped up back in Attack Position, bring back Frightfurs Bear and Wolf, much to Rin's dumbfoundment.
"But that's not all!" Sora continued. "Now I can activate the Spell card Frightfur Fusion, allowing me to fuse Frightfur Bear and Frightfur Wolf with the Edge Imp Frightfuloid in my hand! Fury of bear, beastly huffer, ragged stitches! When the three come together, prepare for some glitches! I Fusion Summon! Come out my mighty mashup! Frightfur Chimera!"
The three banished Fusion Materials glowed red, green, and gold as they swirled around into one monster. A dark blob morphed itself into shaped before revealing its monstrous form to the public. Sora's greatest creation has surfaced once again and he is showing no mercy; it is part of the Wicked Dueltainment, after all.
"Your repulsive monstrosity is no match for us!" Rin exclaimed.
"Oh, I wouldn't get your hopes up too soon," Sora said. "I activate Frightfur Chimera's special ability! He gains 300 additional attack points for every monster on the field!"
Crystal Wing, Crystal Bell, Tornado Dragon, Kusanagi, El Shaddoll Construct, Shaddoll Hound, and Fluffal Cat. That makes seven monsters, meaning Chimera gains an additional 2100 ATK for a total of 4900 ATK!
"Now how about I put that pathetic excuse of a Fusion card out of its misery?" Sora asked. "Frightfur Chimera, attack!"
Chimera's bear head opened up its mouth and fired a missile that destroyed Crystal Bell, lowering Rin's LP down to 1900. Unfortunately for Sora, he triggered her second effect.
"Nice try," Rin said. "Crystal Bell returns to the field in her previous form!"
"Yeah, well I'm still taking your Fusion card!" Sora pointed out. He then special summoned Crystal Bell on his side of the field, increasing Chimera's ATK up to 5200 due to its effect. Because Crystal Bell hit the Graveyard upon being destroyed, her effect still activated as Rin special summoned Winter Bell and her Level 3 Ice Bell.
"Alright Rin," Crow said. "Think you can finish things off?"
"Gladly," Rin answered. She drew a card. "I activate Fusion Recovery!" From her Graveyard, she retrieved Polymerization and another Ice Bell, the one used to Fusion Summon Crystal Bell.
"And she's done it again!" Nico announced. "Just like during yesterday's duels, Rin has successfully retrieved her only Polymerization card!"
"Now I'll combine Winter Bell with one of my two Ice Bells!" Rin continued. "Sparkle to life once more, Windwitch - Crystal Bell!"
The second Crystal Bell Fusion Summoned in the same manner Rin's first copy did: a giant chunk of ice containing her rising up on the field and sparkles orbiting around and melting the ice, giving her the freedom to twirl around to demonstrate her true beauty.
"So what?" Sora asked. "I've heard all about your new Fusion-Synchro strategy. As long as I have your first Crystal Bell, you can't deal any massive effect damage."
Rin giggled. "Not true," she replied. "Tornado Dragon, attack the Crystal Bell that Sora imprisoned and return her to my Graveyard!"
Tornado Dragon breathed out another gust of wind that was aimed at the first Crystal Bell, whose ATK was halved to 1400, destroying her and bringing Sora's Life Points down to 1900. This worked to her advantage because her monster was sent back to Rin's Graveyard, meaning she can activate her monster's effect.
"Now I activate Crystal Bell's special ability!" Rin continued. "Use your former shell and absorb your twin's level into effect damage!"
Crystal Bell absorbed Winter Bell's name and effect to target the destroyed copy of herself to deal 1600 damage to Sora, leaving him with only 300 LP. However, he wasn't impressed.
"Nice try!" Sora exclaimed. "But I still have a couple of life points!"
"I know," Rin said. "Why else would I have the Trap card Secret Barrel?"
Secret Barrel is a Trap card that deals 200 damage for every card the opponent controls and that are in their hand. Right now, Sora controls two monsters on the field and has used up all the cards in his hands, meaning he will take 400 damage; in other words, he will lose the duel.
"What?!" Sora asked. "You tricked me!"
"That's RinRin's strategy!" Yugo explained. "She's a pro at dishing out effect damage!"
"Precisely," Rin agreed. "And with this final attack, Team Turbo officially wins the duel!"
Secret Barrel fired out bright yellow orbs of light towards Sora, dwindling his Life Points down to 0, giving Team Turbo the victory. Even if Dennis did end up pulling a win in his turn, it still wouldn't make a difference because the tournament rules say the team duels are best two out of three.
"And with that, Rin has allowed her team to move on to the final round!" Nico announced.
The audience cheered and applauded for Team Turbo as they slowed their Duel Runners down to a stop and the Action Field and monsters dematerialized. Dennis landed safely by jumping off of Shaddoll Hound whereas Sora fell butt-first onto the ground once Fluffal Cat vanished. In terms of constantly getting hurt, today was not his day.
"Aw man!" Sora complained as he stood up. "We were this close to winning!"
"Don't worry, Sora," Dennis said, placing his hand on the blue-haired boy's shoulder. "Rin is a tricky one. It's a good Yuri disarmed her in the Synchro Dimension."
It was true that Yuri easily took care of Rin before abducting her. Besides, the former Obelisk Force trio not making to the finals wasn't a complete loss; their first ever Wicked Dueltainment was a huge success. Speaking of which, Sora and Dennis had to get Yuri for their closing monologue.
They began to run their way to where Lunalight Cat Dancer brought their friend to safety. Meanwhile, anguish and pain filled up Yuri's body and brain, which Celina quickly noticed. Was it because his back was hurting after falling from such a tall height? Was it because his team didn't make it to the finals? Whatever the reason is, she decided to show him some affection. The same kind of affection from yesterday by kissing his neck. Unbeknownst to them, Sora and Dennis had already arrived to get him for their closing monologue when they saw their…display.
"Yuri, you can spend time with your girlfriend later," Dennis said. "We have to conclude our Wicked Dueltainment."
"Oh, right..." Yuri said, closing his eyes as he embraced his girlfriend's affection. "Oh no, Team Turbo has defeated us. Guess we must retreat for another day. Yugo's dragon and soul will be mine, blah blah blah blah blah."
This sounded very unlike Yuri to be speaking like that; one might even say he was out of character. For starters, he called Yugo by his actual name this time. No "moron". No "XYZ". Just Yugo. Secondly, and more importantly, he was too distracted by the amount of affection he was receiving from Celina.
"No... Seriously..." Sora said, feeling embarrassed. "We should get going."
"Do you mind?" Yuri asked. "I just realized Miss Celina dressed up nicely for me and I wish to spend time with her-" He moaned a bit when he felt her nipping at his neck, reaching up to put his hand on the back of her head. "Oh yes, please continue."
Well, this was…awkward for Sora and Dennis. But after a few more nips, Celina stopped her moment of affection. "Well, that's enough affection," she said.
"But Miss Celina, I see you are wearing a dress and the Solid Vision rose I gave you on our first date," Yuri said. "Let me spend more time with you."
"No, your team's right," Celina said. She gave Yuri a single kiss on the lips. "Now go knock 'em dead."
Yuri took out his Violet Flash card and asked Sora and Dennis to place their hands on his shoulders. They wondered why he would question something like that when they were informed that he had a feeling others that are making physical contact with him will teleport along with him. Honestly, it was a good thing he was using Violet Flash because the shirt he bought from the store a few weeks ago didn't exactly cover his neck, so a red bruise was exposed after the nips he received. He figured he and his friends need a costume change for their closing monologue before the finals begin.
"So what do you say?" Yuri asked. "Shall we begin our closing monologue?"
"You bet!" Sora answered.
"Indeed," Dennis agreed.
One Violet Flash later, the trio was now changed into their respective costumes they wore during their opening act. They headed off to the center of the arena, fully prepared to give out their ending speech on how successful their first Wicked Dueltainment act was.
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nancydrew428 · 7 years
Nancy Drew Books
I decided that I wouldn’t put every edition of the books (except for editions with more than one story in each physical book), because that would take weeks or more lol. But if you want to find different editions of any books, here are some websites you should look at: series-books, nancydrew.info, and nancydrewsleuth. Also, all of these are physical copies, and I don’t have specific dates for the books (just the year that the first and last books of a series was published), and for the extra/related books, I don’t have any dates whatsoever. So now, without further ado, here are all of the books:
Nancy Drew Mystery Stories (Original/25 Chapters) (1930-1956) -
The Secret of the Old Clock
The Hidden Staircase
The Bungalow Mystery
The Mystery at Lilac Inn
The Secret at Shadow Ranch
The Secret of Red Gate Farm
The Clue in the Diary
Nancy’s Mysterious Letter
The Sign of the Twisted Candles
The Password to Larkspur Lane
The Clue of the Broken Locket
The Message in the Hollow Oak
The Mystery of the Ivory Charm
The Whispering Statue
The Haunted Bridge
The Clue of the Tapping Heels
The Mystery of the Brass-Bound Trunk
The Mystery at the Moss-Covered Mansion
The Quest of the Missing Map
The Clue in the Jewel Box
The Secret in the Old Attic
The Clue in the Crumbling Wall
The Mystery of the Tolling Bell
The Clue in the Old Album
The Ghost of Blackwood Hall
The Clue of the Leaning Chimney
The Secret of the Wooden Lady
The Clue of the Black Keys
The Mystery at the Ski Jump
The Clue of the Velvet Mask
The Ringmaster’s Secret
The Scarlet Slipper Mystery
The Witch Tree Symbol
The Hidden Window Mystery
Nancy Drew Mystery Stories (Original/20 Chapters) (1959-1975) -
The Secret of the Old Clock
The Hidden Staircase
The Bungalow Mystery
The Mystery at Lilac Inn
The Secret at Shadow Ranch
The Secret of Red Gate Farm
The Clue in the Diary
Nancy’s Mysterious Letter
The Sign of the Twisted Candles
The Password to Larkspur Lane
The Clue of the Broken Locket
The Message in the Hollow Oak
The Mystery of the Ivory Charm
The Whispering Statue
The Haunted Bridge
The Clue of the Tapping Heels
The Mystery of the Brass-Bound Trunk
The Mystery at the Moss-Covered Mansion
The Quest of the Missing Map
The Clue in the Jewel Box
The Secret in the Old Attic
The Clue in the Crumbling Wall
The Mystery of the Tolling Bell
The Clue in the Old Album
The Ghost of Blackwood Hall
The Clue of the Leaning Chimney
The Secret of the Wooden Lady
The Clue of the Black Keys
The Mystery at the Ski Jump
The Clue of the Velvet Mask
The Ringmaster’s Secret
The Scarlet Slipper Mystery
The Witch Tree Symbol
The Hidden Window Mystery
Nancy Drew Mystery Stories (Cameo) (1959-1960) -
Set #1 (#30 The Clue of the Velvet Mask, #31 The Ringmaster’s Secret, #32 The Scarlet Slipper Mystery, #33 The Witch Tree Symbol, #34 The Hidden Window Mystery, and #35 The Girl Who Couldn’t Remember)
Set #2 (#1 The Secret of the Old Clock, #2 The Hidden Staircase, #27 The Secret of the Wooden Lady, #28 The Clue of the Black Keys, #29 The Mystery of the Ski Jump, #35 The Haunted Showboat, and #36 The Secret of the Golden Pavilion) (#27 = Purple Ribbon)
Set #2 (#1 The Secret of the Old Clock, #2 The Hidden Staircase, #27 The Secret of the Wooden Lady, #28 The Clue of the Black Keys, #29 The Mystery of the Ski Jump, #35 The Haunted Showboat, and #36 The Secret of the Golden Pavilion) (#27 = Turquoise Ribbon)
Nancy Drew Twin Thriller Book Club (1977) -
1-2  The Secret of the Old Clock/The Hidden Staircase
3-4  The Bungalow Mystery/The Mystery at Lilac Inn
5-6  The Secret at Shadow Ranch/The Secret of Red Gate Farm
7-8 The Clue in the Diary/Nancy’s Mysterious Letter
9-10  The Sign of the Twisted Candles/The Password to Larkspur Lane
11-12  The Clue of the Broken Locket/The Message in the Hollow Oak
13-14  The Mystery of the Ivory Charm/The Whispering Statue
15-16  The Haunted Bridge/The Clue of the Tapping Heels
17-24  The Mystery of the Brass Bound Trunk/The Clue in the Old Album
18-19  The Mystery at the Moss-Covered Mansion/The Quest of the Missing Map
20-21 The Clue in the Jewel Box/The Secret in the Old Attic
22-23 The Clue in the Crumbling Wall/The Mystery of the Tolling Bell
25-26 The Ghost of Blackwood Hall/The Clue of the Leaning Chimney
27-28 The Secret of the Wooden Lady/The Clue of the Black Keys
29-30 The Mystery at the Ski Jump/The Clue of the Velvet Mask
31-32 The Ringmaster’s Secret/The Scarlet Slipper Mystery
33-34 The Witch Tree Symbol/The Hidden Window Mystery
35-36 The Haunted Showboat/The Secret of the Golden Pavilion
37-38 The Clue in the Old Stagecoach/The Mystery of the Fire Dragon
39-40 The Clue of the Dancing Puppet/The Moonstone Castle Mystery
41-42 The Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes/The Phantom of Pine Hill
43-44 The Mystery of the 99 Steps/The Clue in the Crossword Cipher
45-46 The Spider Sapphire Mystery/The Invisible Intruder
47-48 The Mysterious Mannequin/The Crooked Banister
49-50 The Secret at Mirror Bay/The Double Jinx Mystery
51-52 Mystery of the Glowing Eye/The Secret of the Forgotten City
53-54 The Sky Phantom/The Strange Message in the Parchment
Nancy Drew Mystery Stories Paperbacks (Book #s: 57-175) (1979-2003) -
The Triple Hoax
The Flying Saucer Mystery
The Secret in the Old Lace
The Greek Symbol Mystery
The Swami’s Ring
The Kachina Doll Mystery
The Twin Dilemma
Captive Witness
Mystery of the Winged Lion
Race Against Time
The Sinister Omen
The Elusive Heiress
Clue in the Ancient Disguise
The Broken Anchor
The Silver Cobweb
The Haunted Carousel
Enemy Match
The Mysterious Image
The Emerald-Eyed Cat Mystery
The Eskimo’s Secret
The Bluebeard Room
The Phantom of Venice
The Double Horror of Fenley Place
The Case of the Disappearing Diamonds
The Mardi Gras Mystery
The Clue in the Camera
The Case of the Vanishing Veil
The Joker’s Revenge
The Secret of Shady Glen
The Mystery of Misty Canyon
The Case of the Rising Stars
The Search for Cindy Austin
The Case of the Disappearing Deejay
The Puzzle at Pineview School
The Girl Who Couldn’t Remember
The Ghost of Craven Cove
The Case of the Safecracker’s Secret
The Picture-Perfect Mystery
The Silent Suspect
The Case of the Photo Finish
The Mystery at Magnolia Mansion
The Haunting of Horse Island
The Secret at Seven Rocks
A Secret in Time
The Mystery of the Missing Millionairess
The Secret in the Dark
The Stranger in the Shadows
The Mystery of the Jade Tiger
The Clue in the Antique Trunk
The Case of the Artful Crime
The Legend of Miner’s Creek
The Secret of the Tibetan Treasure
The Mystery of the Masked Rider
The Nutcracker Ballet Mystery
The Secret at Solaire
Crime in the Queen’s Court
The Secret Lost at Sea
The Search for the Silver Persian
The Suspect in the Smoke
The Case of the Twin Teddy Bears
Mystery on the Menu
Trouble at Lake Tahoe
The Mystery of the Missing Mascot
The Case of the Floating Crime
The Fortune Teller’s Secret
The Message in the Haunted Mansion
The Clue on the Silver Screen
The Secret of the Scarlet Hand
The Teen Model Mystery
The Riddle in the Rare Book
The Case of the Dangerous Solution
The Treasure in the Royal Tower
The Baby-Sitter Burglaries
The Sign of the Falcon
The Hidden Inheritance
The Fox Hunt Mystery
The Mystery at the Crystal Palace
The Secret of the Forgotten Cave
The Riddle of the Ruby Gazelle
The Wedding Day Mystery
In Search of the Black Rose
The Legend of the Lost Gold
The Secret of Candlelight Inn
The Door-to-Door Deception
The Wild Cat Crime
The Case of Capital Intrigue
Mystery on Maui
The E-mail Mystery
The Missing Horse Mystery
The Ghost of the Lantern Lady
The Case of the Captured Queen
On the Trail of Trouble
The Clue of the Gold Doubloons
Mystery at Moorsea Manor
The Chocolate-Covered Contest
The Key in the Satin Pocket
Whispers in the Fog
The Legend of the Emerald Lady
The Mystery in Tornado Alley
The Secret in the Stars
The Music Festival Mystery
The Curse of the Black Cat
The Secret of the Fiery Chamber
The Clue on the Crystal Dove
Lost in the Everglades
The Case of the Lost Song
The Clues Challenge
The Mystery of the Mother Wolf
The Crime Lab Case
The Case of the Creative Crime
Mystery by Moonlight
The Bike Tour Mystery
The Mistletoe Mystery
No Strings Attached
Intrigue at the Grand Opera
The Riding Club Crime
Danger on the Great Lakes
A Taste of Danger
Werewolf in a Winter Wonderland
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: Super Sleuths (1981-1984) -
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: Super Sleuths
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: Super Sleuths #2
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: Be a Detective Mystery Stories (1984-1985) -
The Secret of the Knight’s Sword
Danger on Ice
The Feathered Serpent
Secret Cargo
The Alaskan Mystery
The Missing Money Mystery
The Nancy Drew Files (1986-1997) -
Secrets Can Kill
Deadly Intent
Murder on Ice
Smile and Say Murder
Hit and Run Holiday
White Water Terror
Deadly Doubles
Two Points to Murder
False Moves
Buried Secrets
Heart of Danger
Fatal Ransom
Wings of Fear
This Side of Evil
Trial by Fire
Never Say Die
Stay Tuned for Danger
Circle of Evil
Sisters in Crime
Very Deadly Yours
Recipe for Murder
Fatal Attraction
Sinister Paradise
Till Death Do Us Part
Rich and Dangerous
Playing with Fire
Most Likely to Die
The Black Widow
Pure Poison
Death by Design
Trouble in Tahiti
High Marks for Malice
Danger in Disguise
Vanishing Act
Bad Medicine
Over the Edge
Last Dance
The Final Scene
The Suspect Next Door
Shadow of a Doubt
Something to Hide
The Wrong Chemistry
False Impressions
Scent of Danger
Out of Bounds
Win, Place, or Die
Flirting with Danger
A Date with Deception
Portrait in Crime
Deep Secrets
A Model Crime
Danger for Hire
Trail of Lies
Cold as Ice
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Poison Pen
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Final Notes
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If Looks Could Kill
My Deadly Valentine
Hotline to Danger
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Dance Till You Die
The Picture of Guilt
Counterfeit Christmas
Heart of Ice
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Flying Too High
Anything For Love
Captive Heart
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Passport to Danger
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A Question of Guilt
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Murder on the Fourth of July
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Out of Control
Exhibition of Evil
At All Costs
Royal Revenge
Operation Titanic
Process of Elimination
River Heights (Spin Off) (1989-1992) -
Love Times Three
Guilty Secrets
Going too Far
Stolen Kisses
Between the Lines
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Cheating Hearts
The Trouble with Love
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Mixed Emotions
Broken Hearts
Hard to Handle
A Mind of Her Own
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Friends and Rivals
The Jealousy Trap
Junior Class Trip (SuperSizzler Edition)
Nancy Drew Notebooks (1994-2005) -
The Slumber Party Secret
The Lost Locket
The Secret Santa
Bad Day for Ballet
The Soccer Shoe Clue
The Ice Cream Scoop
Trouble at Camp Treehouse
The Best Detective
The Thanksgiving Surprise
Not Nice on Ice
The Pen Pal Puzzle
The Puppy Problem
The Wedding Gift Goof
The Funny Face Fight
The Crazy Key Clue
The Ski Slope Mystery
Whose Pet is Best
The Stolen Unicorn
The Lemonade Raid
Hannah’s Secret
Princess on Parade
The Clue in the Glue
Alien in the Classroom
The Hidden Treasures
Dare at the Fair
The Lucky Horseshoes
Trouble Takes the Cake
Thrill on the Hill
Lights! Camera! Clues!
It’s No Joke
Fine Feathered Mystery
Black Velvet Mystery
The Gumdrop Ghost
Trash or Treasure
Third Grade Reporter
Make Believe Mystery
Dude Ranch Detective
Candy is Dandy
Chinese New Year Mystery
Dinosaur Alert
Flower Power
Circus Act
The Walkie-Talkie Mystery
The Purple Fingerprint
The Dashing Dog Mystery
The Snow Queen’s Surprise
The Crook Who Took the Book
The Crazy Carnival Case
The Sand Castle Mystery
The Scarytales Sleepover
The Old-Fashioned Mystery
Big Worry in Wonderland
Recipe for Trouble
The Stinky Cheese Surprise
The Day Camp Disaster
Turkey Trouble
The Carousel Mystery
The Dollhouse Mystery
The Bike Race Mystery
The Lighthouse Mystery
Space Case
The Secret in the Spooky Woods
The Snowman Surprise
The Bunny-Hop Hoax
Strike-Out Scare
Zoo Clue
The Singing Suspects
The Apple Bandit
The Kitten Caper
Nancy Drew on Campus (1995-1998) -
New Lives, New Loves
On Her Own
Don’t Look Back
Tell Me the Truth
Secret Rules
It’s Your Move
False Friends
Getting Closer
Broken Promises
Party Weekend
In the Name of Love
Just the Two of Us
Campus Exposures
Hard to Get
Loving and Losing
Going Home
New Beginnings
Keeping Secrets
Love On-Line
Jealous Feelings
Love and Betrayal
In and Out of Love
Otherwise Engaged
In the Spotlight
Her Interactive Study Guides (2002-2011)
The Official Strategy Guide For: Secret of the Scarlet Hand #6
The Official Strategy Guide For: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake #7
The Official Strategy Guide For: The Haunted Carousel #8
The Official Strategy Guide For: Danger on Deception Island #9
The Official Strategy Guide For: The Secret of Shadow Ranch #10
The Official Strategy Guide For: Curse of Blackmoor Manor #11
The Official Strategy Guide For: Secret of the Old Clock #12
The Official Strategy Guide For: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon #13
The Official Strategy Guide For: Danger by Design #14
The Official Strategy Guide For: The Creature of Kapu Cave #15
The Official Strategy Guide For: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek #16
The Official Strategy Guide For: Legend of the Crystal Skull #17
The Official Strategy Guide For: The Phantom of Venice #18
The Official Strategy Guide For: The Haunting of Castle Malloy #19
The Official Strategy Guide For: Ransom of the Seven Ships #20
The Official Strategy Guide For: Warnings at Waverly Academy #21
The Official Strategy Guide For: Trail of the Twister #22
The Official Strategy Guide For: Shadow at the Water’s Edge #23
The Official Strategy Guide For: The Captive Curse #24
Nancy Drew, Girl Detective (2004-2012) -
Without a Trace
A Race Against Time
False Notes
High Risk
The Stolen Relic
The Scarlet Macaw Scandal
Secret of the Spa
Uncivil Acts
Riverboat Ruse
Stop the Clock
Trade Wind Danger
Bad Times, Big Crimes
Dangerous Plays
En Garde
Pit of Vipers
The Orchid Thief
Getting Burned
Close Encounters
Dressed to Steal
Troubled Waters
Murder on the Set
Trails of Treachery
Fishing for Clues
Mardi Gras Masquerade
The Stolen Bones
Pageant Perfect Crime (Perfect Mystery Trilogy)
Perfect Cover (Perfect Mystery Trilogy)
The Perfect Escape (Perfect Mystery Trilogy)
Secret Identity (Identity Mystery Trilogy)
Identity Theft (Identity Mystery Trilogy)
Identity Revealed (Identity Mystery Trilogy)
Model Crime (Model Mystery Trilogy)
Model Menace (Model Mystery Trilogy)
Model Suspect (Model Mystery Trilogy)
Green-eyed Monster (Eco-Mystery Trilogy)
Green with Envy (Eco-Mystery Trilogy)
Seeing Green (Eco-Mystery Trilogy)
Secret Sabotage (Sabotage Mystery Trilogy)
Serial Sabotage (Sabotage Mystery Trilogy)
Sabotage Surrender (Sabotage Mystery Trilogy)
California Schemin’ (Malibu Mayhem Trilogy)
Mystery at Malachite Mansion (Malibu Mayhem Trilogy)
Stalk, Don’t Run (Malibu Mayhem Trilogy)
The Best of Nancy Drew Classic Collections (2004) -
The Best of Nancy Drew Classic Collection: Vol. 1 (#1 The Secret of the Old Clock, #3 The Bungalow Mystery, and #43 The Mystery of 99 Steps)
The Best of Nancy Drew Classic Collection: Vol. 2 (#2 The Hidden Staircase, #25 The Ghost of Blackwood Hall, and #56 The Thirteenth Pearl)
Girl Detective Super Mysteries (2005-2008) -
Where’s Nancy?
Once Upon a Crime
Real Fake
Ghost Stories
Papercutz Nancy Drew Girl Detective Graphic Novels (2005-2010) -
The Demon of River Heights
Writ in Stone
The Haunted Dollhouse
The Girl Who Wasn’t There
The Fake Heir
Mr. Cheeters is Missing
The Charmed Bracelet
Global Warning
Ghost in the Machinery
The Disoriented Express
Monkey-Wrench Blues
Dress Reversal
Doggone Town
Sleight of Dan
Tiger Counter
What Goes Up…
Night of the Living Chatchke
City Under the Basement
High School Musical Mystery
High School Musical Mystery Part II “The Lost Verse”
Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew (2006-2015) -
Sleepover Sleuths
Scream for Ice Cream
Pony Problems
The Cinderella Ballet Mystery
Case of the Sneaky Snowman
Fashion Disaster
The Circus Scare
Lights, Camera … Cats!
The Halloween Hoax
Ticket Trouble
Ski School Sneak
Valentine’s Day Secret
The Zoo Crew
Mall Madness
Thanksgiving Thief
Wedding Day Disaster
Earth Day Escapade
April Fool’s Day
Treasure Trouble
Double Take
Unicorn Uproar
Babysitting Bandit
Princess Mix-Up Mystery
Buggy Breakout
Camp Creepy
Cat Burglar Caper
Time Thief
Designed For Disaster
Dance Off
The Make-a-Pet Mystery
Cape Mermaid Mystery
The Pumpkin Patch Puzzle
Cupcake Chaos
Cooking Camp Disaster
The Secret of the Scarecrow
The Flower Show Fiasco
A Musical Mess
Museum Mayhem
Butterfly Blues
Nancy Drew Movie Books (2007) -
Nancy Drew: A Novelization of the Hit Movie
Nancy Drew: Hello, Hollywood!
Nancy Drew: Still Sleuthing
Nancy Drew: Hollywood Head Scratchers
The Movie Star Mystery (Nancy Drew Movie)
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys Super Mystery (2007-2012) -
Terror on Tour
Danger Overseas
Club Dread
Gold Medal Murder
Bonfire Masquerade
Stage Fright
Nancy Drew: The New Case Files (2010-2011) -
Nancy Drew: Vampire Slayer
A Vampire’s Kiss
Together with the Hardy Boys
Nancy Drew Diaries (2013-Now) -
Curse of the Arctic Star
Stranger on a Train
Mystery of the Midnight Rider
Once Upon a Crime
Sabotage at Willow Woods
Secret at Mystic Lake
The Phantom of Nantucket
The Magician’s Secret
The Clue at Black Creek Farm
A Script for Danger
The Red Slippers
The Sign in the Smoke
The Ghost of Grey Fox Inn
Riverboat Roulette
The Professor and the Puzzle (AUGUST 2017)
The Haunting on Heliotrope Lane (JANUARY 2018)
Nancy Drew Clue Book Series (2015-Now) -
Pool Party Puzzler
Last Lemonade Standing
A Star Witness
Big Top Flop
Movie Madness
Pets on Parade
Candy Kingdom Chaos
World Record Mystery (OCTOBER 2017)
Springtime Crime (MARCH 2018)
Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie (2017) -
Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #1
Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #2
Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #3
Nancy Drew And The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie #4
Extra Books -
The Nancy Drew Cookbook: Clues to Good Cooking
The Nancy Drew Sleuth Book: Clues to Good Sleuthing
Nancy Drew Ghost Stories
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: Campfire Stories
Nancy Drew Ghost Stories #2
The Nancy Drew Scrapbook
Nancy Drew and Company: Culture, Gender, and Girls’ Series
Nancy Drew's Guide to Life
Confessions of a Teen Sleuth: A Parody
Nancy Drew Mad Libs
Clues to Real Life: The Wit and Wisdom of Nancy Drew
Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her
The Lost Files Of Nancy Drew
The Official Nancy Drew Handbook
Nancy Drew Classic Paper Dolls
Nancy Drew & Her Friends Paper Dolls
Nancy Drew Anthology: Writing & Art Featuring Everybody's Favorite Female Sleuth
Nancy Drew Starter Set (#1 The Secret of the Old Clock, #2 The Hidden Staircase, #3 The Bungalow Mystery, #4 The Mystery at Lilac Inn, and #5 The Secret of Shadow Ranch)
Nancy Drew Mystery Stories Collection: 11-20 Book Box Set (#11 The Clue of the Broken Locket, #12 The Message in the Hollow Oak, #13 The Mystery of the Ivory Charm, #14 The Whispering Statue, #15 The Haunted Bridge, #16 The Clue of the Tapping Heels, #17 The Mystery of the Brass-Bound Trunk, #18 The Mystery at the Moss-Covered Mansion, #19 The Quest of the Missing Map, and #20 The Clue in the Jewel Box)
The Secret of the Old Clock 80th Anniversary Limited Edition
Nancy Drew Sleuth Book Reprint
Nancy Drew Pocketbook Mysteries Reprint
The Lost Files of Nancy Drew Reprint
Nancy Drew Cookbook
Nancy Drew Mystery of the Lost Dogs A Picture Book
Nancy Drew The Secret of the Twin Puppets A Picture Book
The Nancy Drew Mystery Activity Book
The Nancy Drew Detective Logic Puzzles Book
Nancy Drew: Clues to Color
Nancy Drew: Mystery Pictures to Color
Nancy Drew Mystery Stories: The Secret of The Old Clock and The Hidden Staircase
3-in-1 The Bike Tour Mystery, The Riding Club Crime, and Werewolf in a Winter Wonderland
Rediscovering Nancy Drew
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Edward Stratemeyer and the Stratemeyer Syndicate (Twayne's United States Authors)
Whitman Juvenile Books: Reference and Value Guide
The Girl Sleuth
Series books and the media, or, This isn't all!: An annotated bibliography of secondary sources
Tom Swift, the Bobbsey Twins and Other Heroes of American Juvenile Literature (Studies in American Literature)
The Secret of Collecting Girls' Series Books
Collector's Guide to Children's Books, 1850-1950: Identification & Values, Vol. 2
The Artful Spirit: Crafty Hobbies to Gift Wrap... Your Life! (Heart and Star Books)
Boys and Girls Book Series: Real World Adventures, Identification and Values
All about Collecting Girls' Series Books: Nancy Drew, Judy Bolton, Cherry Ames, Penny Parker, Kay Tracey, Beverly Gray, Connie Blair, Vicki Barr, Dana
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wonderlandcrows · 7 years
Kinkshamed Squad + Corpses
  THE GHOST: You walk for hours in a dark forest where the air is oppressing that you hesitate to breath. The forest makes you paranoid, as if alive, but seemingly everything around is dead and as long decayed. That’s when you stumble upon a skeleton. There’s nothing you can distinguish that could tell who it is so you get closer, it’s then you realize..you’re trapped. Blood everywhere, you can’t see anything, and suddenly you find yourself in hell, how did you get here? And your sins are crawling to find you and there you find a husk of the a man that once was. You recognize his insignia….  this is Nymril Elkraen’s . You’ve heard of him, he was called the Ghost Slayer of Ulvenwald, he apparently saved the city a long time ago, but there’s darker things too… His eyes are blank not the emptiness kind of blank ..but just pure white with rage and there’s appear a demon behind him, you don’t recognize it but it smile and release it’s ‘‘pet’‘. The Hero lunges at you and you’re no more.
THE THIEF: You walk in search of treasures, this forest is big, there’s a lot of hiding places. You and you’re party get attacked by a demon, you wonder how it got there, it’s not their usual hunting spot at all, nonetheless , you run for your life. You find a cavern, the entrance well hidden but it catches your eyes. There’s something about it…You’re alone, you worry about the traps that could be in here but your greed takes over you like a sudden rush. You need to go farther. You need to! It’s incredibly dark, so you light a torch… the cave seems to get smaller the farthest you go in and yet no treasure….Nothing. It’s almost ….peaceful. You begin to believe that it should be better to go back , when a small light appears before you. It’s seems like a firefly, except it emits a reddish glow and more begins to pop up, you take it as a sign to walk farther. What you assume to be firefly stops around a crouched up form, it’s quite…fascinating how someone could go that far. The humanoid form, is tiny , is it a child? As you take your time to inspect it, you finally notice the firefly-like lights are standing where the eyes would be it’s creepy..But what’s more interesting is that you notice a lot of shines in the corpse. You came all this way, you deserve it right? As you extend your arm to take an item, a decayed arm stops you with a surprising force, a lot gurgle emits from the corpse you panic. In your head, you hear : ‘‘ You shouldn’t steal from a dead woman….. You do not need it……..’‘ You know now, you’ll die, but you can’t stop thinking how beautiful it is to see the lights floating around, how the riches are glistening inside the small body and suddenly it’s all black.
THE BRAVE : You’ve always been curious about this forest. You remember the stories of your grandmother, she said that this forest used to flourish with live and that it was the most beautiful place in all the land. Now, it’s merely a shadow of it’s past glory…….It actually looks more like a bog. It emits toxic fumes, people can’t live around the area anymore, you can’t even hear insects. They must have been disintegrated by the acidic liquid destroying everything. You recall the story of this place…. This was used has some kind of arena for a legendary battle between a dragon and a dragonborn. The strong dragonborn fought bravely but it wasn’t enough to defeat the evil dragon who had undergone some kind of mutation, to save her love, she sacrificed herself. At least that’s what you heard. But it’s wasn’t just that, if someone were to traverse the acidic farbog, it’s said they would get some kind of legendary power. You had to try. You almost did it…. You remember getting there and seeing the corpse of this giant beast, everything was worst around it except a small patch inside of it. It was full of greenery…. Just this single patch….It’s a fountain. The water , seemingly pure, went out through the skull of a dragonborn. As you stepped into the grass patch, everything wilted and decayed quickly, the water turned into pure acid, you tried to go back but it was too late…
THE SELFLESS : As your adventure reach an end, a beautiful area awaits ahead. Lush greenery, animals you’ve never seen, beautiful flowers…. It feels surreal. And yet, as stunning as it is…. you can’t help but to feel somehow sorrowful. You notice in the middle of this haven, a statue….Or at least you think it is. It has a humanoid form, it’s seems to be made of wood. There’s not much resemblance to any heroes or entity you’ve ever heard of. It’s like, it’s jotting out of this weeping willow, who seems to be protecting it… The statue seems to be praying, not the usual way you see it done. The eyes are hollow… You can see a nose but no mouth. You prepare your camp when you hear sobbing, you turn towards the wooden statue. The sound is indeed coming from there…. Flowers and plant life is coming out of the hollow eyes, they don’t seem to be coming to hurt but that’s when you notice a black blemish on where the heart would be…..It’s spreading very fast… Into the group, into everything, suddenly it turns into a nightmare. The wooden figure, still crying , only now, wilted flowers, stands up. You try to run, but vines jots out of the ground and keep you in place. It holds your face and you see a mouth forming and it speaks to you, in a softer voice you imagined : ‘‘ I …-I have to keep her…alive….. I’m her ….champion. ‘‘ The mouths open whole and you feel weaker as if , whatever this entity is, was draining you of your life force. You see yourself drop, but you feel no sadness. You are part of the forest. You will live forever, the forest returns to this little safe haven, to wait for it’s next victim. The champion prays to our lady, as he had always done in the past and continue to do so even after his…. death. Technically, he is not dead, but not alive either. Just like you, just like the thousand of souls flowing through the forest. Stuck here forever.
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celticrune · 7 years
all the even nrs for ur dnd chars!!
Under a cut because good lord
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?JayHe doesn’t have any official titles, but he probably ‘title’ likeSlayer of Bandits or Hammer of the Revolution or idk something cheesy like thatin his hometown. Nothing that serious, but he still fucking hates it
MoranaWell, her evil original self is called The Demon Queen, so that’s a thing.
SurinaHer surname, Korath, is a title of sorts. It’s a designation she earned for hercohort, meaning demon in Draconic (or something along thoselines, I don’t remember the exact translation). She got the name by massacringfive fellow recruits in a tournament battle royale (that technically wasn’tsupposed to be fought to the death)
ValThey’re quite the scourge to the rebellion and the nobility alike, so thereare probably references to the Shadow or something along those lines. A figureof smoke and mirrors, a supernatural assassin who always gets their target. Butno one knows it’s them, so that doesn’t really count. Other than that there’ssmaller (but so much more important) titles like “beloveddaughter”, “precious bird”, and so on. 
TemperanceLady Temperance Abycan of Tergeste is her official title.
Rayanot yet
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’sa good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? JayHe had a pretty normal, happy childhood. He loves his parents, even if they’resomewhat overbearing sometimes. His mother got him his apprenticeship at thelocal blacksmith, which he’s very grateful for, and his father introduced himto his faith even before he became a cleric.
A particularly good memory would be after the battle for hishometown, when he returned to find them both safe and (mostly) healthy.,knowing that he managed to protect them.
MoranaShe doesn’t remember much about her parents, seeing as they died when she wasyoung. She remembers warmth, and love. She remembers the smell of the stews herfather would make, napping close to the heat of the fire, leaned against herfather as he would occasionally tend to the food or the fire. She remembers hermother telling her stories, great tales of history, rich with adventures andtreasure and people at the core of it all.
These are good memories. The worst memory of her childhoodis one she only recently regained through some divine intervention: seeing herparents be forced to summon the devil Mephisto, seeing him kill them, and thenhaving him mark her.
SurinaDragonborn don’t ascribe to the traditional family structures of most other races.Similar to the qunari in Dragon Age, children are raised communally, away fromtheir birth parents. Surina was also raised in such a cohort with otheryounglings her age. She doesn’t remember the people who gave life to her, andshe really doesn’t care.KeijiKeiji was also raised somewhat communally, but that’s because his parentsdied on a mission not too long after he was born. They were part of a monasticorder dedicated to Pelor, and he was raised by them. He wanted to fit in, hereally did, but he was always something of a troublemaker with a casualdisregard for rules, so he didn’t really get along with the headmaster.
Most of his good memories revolve around Rin, anotherapprentice. She was a few years older than him and he saw her as an oldersister (but then the cool kind of older sister, who teaches you how to picklocks and parkour around guard patrols so you can steal the good liquor fromthe head monk’s desk).
TanwenShe loves her parents, even if the relationship got somewhat strained afterher sister died and she had to leave on a vision quest. She always wanted tostay close to home, to take over her family’s farm and find a family, but well.
She spent a lot of time exploring the woods with her youngersister and their dog when she was younger, which were great times. She was bestat treeclimbing, but her sister was faster, and they could sit and talk forhours.
Her worst memory, well. The fights she wasn’t supposed tohear but heard anyway as her parents argued over her path in life (follow theuncertain path of a god’s chosen, or ignore her calling and stay close to home)are pretty high up there.
ValThey don’t remember much of their birth parents, and what they do remember theydo their best to ignore. They still sometimes get nightmares, dreams where theyfeel warm and loved and safe, they’re held close, surrounded by a familiarscent that they can never remember upon waking, but when they do open theireyes they can’t stop crying. It’s an unforgivable sign of weakness, but the feelingof loss and the sense that they’re missing something is toobig to push down.
TemperanceShe’s an orphan, left on the doorstep of a church-run orphanage by a mother whodidn’t want to deal with a demon-touched child, so she doesn’t really havememories of her birth parents. She had a pretty bad relationship with the nunsat the orphanage, until she realised how easy it is to lie and manipulatepeople into doing what you want them to. After that, the nuns’ attitude towardsher improved tremendously.
WhisperWhisper didn’t really get along with her parents, mostly because they wantedher to be someone she’s not. They could be warm and close when they carefullysteered clear of subjects like religion and her plans for the future, but therewere a lot of screaming fights. 
A good memory were the times Whisper and her mother would behome alone and they’d improvise music together. Whisper has a beautiful singingvoice (something the church choir was grateful for) and her mother plays thepiano, so they’d while away long afternoons improvising music together. Hermother tried to teach her how to play the piano, but that… did not go well.
RayaRaya has a pretty goodrelationship with her mothers still, when she’s in the area she’ll always comeby to visit. They were a happy family when she was younger, even if one of hermothers never got over being startled when she accidentally shifted into yetanother dangerous predator.
She bonded a lotwith her other mother over being a druid, and the time they spent together asshe learned how to control her magic is very precious to her still.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Didthey finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects didthey enjoy? Which did they hate?JayJay never got a formal education cause, well, peasant in a DnD setting. He wasapprenticed to a blacksmith and he liked that a lot, he loves working with hishands and making something tangible, and he seemed to have a gift for workingwith metal. When he turned out to have cleric powers he maybe should’ve,y’know, studied religion and religious history and all that, but also fuckthat. He was never a fan of book learning, and suddenly being able to healpeople with a touch and a few words doesn’t change that.
MoranaShe a nerd. Even as a kid she’d read anything she could get her hands on,though she was especially interested in ancient history. When she was oldenough she went to Wizard College™, where there’d hopefully be more to readthan the rather meagre library of her mountainous clan. There was, and she wasa good student even if she was often more invested in her own research, ratherthan whatever was on the curriculum. She didn’t manage to finish her studies,given how the whole “summon a devil so you can get a first-hand source on theirculture rather than only legends and myths” plan didn’t really go so well.
SurinaShe excelled at military strategy,though she preferred practical combat lessons over most other subjects. In linewith that, she was trained to and became an officer, leading her own squad andon her way to greater things when that plan was sadly derailed.
KeijiHe’s the annoying kid that neverstudies yet still gets decent grades. How?? Not even he knows. He wasn’t reallya fan of most theoretical classes, considering he didn’t care about most ofthem, vastly preferring the practical lessons. One thing he was interested inwas languages, though he kept that fairly quiet (cause showing genuine interestin things is for losers). He studied them on his own time, and he’s fluent inquite a few languages.
TanwenShe tried, she really did, but no one told her that being a cleric wouldinvolve this much sitting down and reading.She hated it from the bottom of her heart, and though that hate has tempered somewhat,being told she has to read something still incites a knee-jerk irritation.
ValThey’re a quiet and conscientious student, a quick learner (it’s one of thefirst things they learned after all, how to not disappoint). They don’t have apreference for subjects, as all knowledge is similarly useful. Quietly though,they are more drawn towards theoretical lessons, where there is no chance oftraining accidents.
Their one weak point is magic lessons, given their wildmagic. Temperance has tried her level best to train it out of them, but she’scome to accept them for who they are, magic misfires and all.
TemperanceShe didn’t go to school, but the nuns taught her and the other girls how tobalance a checkbook, how to sow, how to smile and be polite and pleasant, allskills necessary for securing a husband and running a household. She taughtherself magic from a wizard’s spellbook she found, and she found she excelledat charms and other mental manipulation.
Whisperooooh boy. Her parents wanted her to join the clergy like them, so theygave her a v religion focused education as she grew up. She hated it. She’dsneak out of lessons and assigned study time as often as she could, parkouringaround the city instead. She much preferred studying under Asp to be a ranger.
RayaShe wasn’t really focused on a formal education either. She inherited herdruidic powers from one of her mothers, so she was pretty home-schooled in thatregard. There weren’t many books involved, it was very much a gut-feeling kindathing, which she was grateful for.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as anadult? Do they like animals? JayHe likes big dogs, though hedidn’t have a pet as a child. He’d like to get a dog, but adventuring is adangerous hobby, so he wants to wait until he has settled down.
MoranaShe was never really a big fan of animals, though she liked birds. She’s gaineda newfound appreciation for wolves though.
SurinaShe’s not a fan of pets, thoughshe likes useful animals, like whatever her country uses as wardogs (probablysome form of insects, knowing Athas).
KeijiThere were no pets at themonastery, and even after he’s never really considered the idea of owning one.His opinion on animals is mostly just ???
Tanwendisney princess. She gets along with any and all animals. Even the onesthat could kill her. Especially the ones that are trying to kill her. She had adog as a kid, and she’d like to have pets again someday when her life is not sodangerous.
ValThey sometimes pet street cats when they’re out on a mission and have somespare time, but that’s the extent of their interactions with animals.
TemperanceShe used to want a cat. She still wants a cat, if only for the aesthetic,but all cats hate her guts. They have good instincts.
WhisperShe loves birds, especially birds of prey. She didn’t have a pet as achild, though she always begged her parents for a bird. She still one day wantsto tame an owl and keep it.
RayaShe sees animals as friends, notpets. She spends a lot of time hanging out in animal form with variouspopulations, but she’d never want to own them.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do theyhave or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as agodparent/babysitter/ect?JayHe’s pretty good with children. Hewants to make a family eventually, but it’s a far off in the future kinda plan.
MoranaShe’s pretty neutral on children.If she were to ever have children she wants to adopt, especially with what shenow knows about Mephisto. Whatever mark he’s left on her, she doesn’t want torisk passing it on.
SurinaShe says she’s alright withchildren. Do not believe her. Her views on child safety are not to be trusted.
Keiji?? why. Get these things away fromhim.
nah he’s not thatoutspoken. He mostly just doesn’t know what to do with children.
TanwenShe loves kids. She fusses a lotover them, but she’s a great older sister, and she’d make a good mom someday.
ValNo opinion. They like taking careof the younger kids at the school, though it’s sometimes hard to see them beingreplaced so often.
TemperanceShe has a place to play-act atbeing a mother, aka the school. That’s really all she needs. She doesn’t want achild for sentimental reasons, and she really only cares about personal power(not setting up a dynasty), so she doesn’t need an heir for that either.
WhisperLargely neutral. She’s Too Cool™for caring anyway so y’know
RayaCubs are cute.
12. What is their favourite food? Jay?? I have no idea I’m sorry
MoranaShe loves stews, mostly becausethey remind her of home.
SurinaSweet baked goods (not that she’dadmit that to anyone)
Keijithe dnd equivalent of junkfood
TanwenFruits, berries, that kinda deal.
ValCookies. They don’t get the chanceto make them very often, but every so often they’ll bake cookies with theyounger children.
TemperanceShe enjoys fancy cuisine just forthe fact that’s it’s expensive and fancy. She likes getting to revel in herstatus.
WhisperHot chocolate. It was a bit morecommon when she still lived with her parents, but after she left with Asp itbecame a very rare treat, which made her enjoy it even more.
Raya?? no idea
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/arestaurant/meal?Jayno??
MoranaI’ve pretty much covered thisalready, but yea. Spending time with her dad as he made stew.
SurinaHer best (and only) friend fromchildhood, Jarrash, became a baker in the city while she joined the military.They couldn’t see each other often anymore as adults, but she treasures thetimes spent together when she did happen to be in the city and she’d go visithis bakery.
Keijinot really
TanwenShe found a little grove with somefruit trees in her time spent in the forest. That was a spot she visited oftenover the years.
ValAlready covered that.
Temperancenothing specific
WhisperToo many to count, most related toAsp and their life together after she became his apprentice.
Rayanot really
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it?Where do they keep it? JayRare metals, crystals/gems, any materials he can find that catch his eye.There’s a reason he’s so fucking buff and it’s because of all the shit he keepsferreting away into his backpack which he then has to carry.
MoranaBooks, mostly for research. She currently keeps them on their sanddasher.
SurinaKills. But no nothing physical,she doesn’t take trophies or anything like that.
KeijiIn the college au, pillows. Hisbed is like 90% pillow it’s a wonder how he even sleeps in it. He doesn’treally collect things in his canon tho. Maybe cities he can’t go back to causewhoops he sure done fucked up there and now he may be kinda wanted
Tanwenthe way it’s going, traumas. Butthat’s not really a voluntary collection on her part.
Temperance…do her birds count ascollectibles. I mean in her mind they do so that’s what I’m going with. They’rea treasured collection she’s quite proud of them
WhisperShe sometimes takes trophies from successful hunts. She has a harpy featherfrom the first time she led a hunt, and she’ll probably accumulate a few more duringher adventures. She’d wear them as accessories, or put them on her bow or herarmour maybe.
RayaSeeds from plants she encounters.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tvshows, films, video games and anything elseJayin a modern au, probably terriblereality tv. In his canon, I’m not really sure.
MoranaHistorical epics. Myths, legends,tales of wars won and lost.
SurinaShe doesn’t really do non-fiction,but she does like swapping stories about old battles around a campfire.
KeijiHe’d deny it, but he has a softspot for cheesy romance. Mostly he’ll read truly terrible romance novels justto make fun of them (and so he can quote them at people and make them cringe),but sometimes he finds a gem he truly enjoys.
TanwenUnironically reads the cheesiestof romances. She’s a romantic at heart, even if her taste in literature israther terrible
ValThey don’t have a lot of leisuretime for reading and the like (other than some required popular works so theywon’t miss any references and stand out), but they like aesthetic performanceart (if that makes sense). There was a ribbon dancing performance in Tergesteat one point and they were entranced. Anything that manages to convey emotionand intent purely through physicality and aesthetics.
Temperancemanuals on how to emotionallyabuse and brainwash young children. she keeps them under her pillow. (nah sheprobably mostly just reads to keep up with popular trends so she knows whateveryone’s talking about) She likes theatre though, she likes peoplewatchingand talking shit about the actors (depending on who she’s with)
WhisperStories about heroes, folk heroeswho make their way from humble beginnings to saving the world, legendaryheroes, anything she can get her hands on.
Rayastories about animals, cause she’sa fucking furry
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do theydo when they’re favourite song comes?(this kinda turned into fave musicgenre whoops sorry. also modern au cause more choice in music)JayHis singing voice is pretty rough,but he’s fond of music, and he’ll always quietly sing along. He’s really goodat lullabies for some reason??
MoranaMusicals are not really her thing,pretty neutral about music as well.
SurinaShe’d work out to like really zenand calming music. No one understands how, but she makes it work.
KeijiHis taste in music is all over theplace man, including things that he’d keep on his phone just for Irony™. It’s aminefield don’t ever give him control over music at a party. Actually somewhatdecent at singing, though he rarely uses it.
TanwenAcoustic piano music, femalevocals, some pop music. She’s not that good at keeping a tune but she has areally sweet and gentle singing voice it’s nice.
ValSymphonic metal and more in thatcorner of genres, the classic emo bands.
TemperanceClassical music, Nicki Minaj,country songs about women killing their husbands. It’s kinda all over theplace. To her eternal shame she can’t sing for shit her voice is absolutelyterrible
WhisperOnly listens to Cool Kid Musiclike punk rock. Has a very hidden secret folder of Taylor Swift songs and thelike that she only listens to on special occasions. She has the voice of anangel, and she used to be in a choir when she was younger, but she doesn’t singoften and really only in private. It’s too much of a reminder.
RayaForest ambientmood always. Alsosome slow music, things that just generally set a peaceful mood. Has an alrightsinging voice, nothing particularly special. She’ll sometimes sing to theplants on her rooftop garden cause she wants them to be happy.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do theyinsult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?JayHe will bitch endlessly aboutthose prissy nobles in their fancy goddamn castles, haven’t done a hard day’swork in their lives, but he usually keeps that to an inner monologue. He won’tinsult people often, though he has little patience for incompetence in peoplein leadership positions.
MoranaIf she doesn’t like you, you willknow. She doesn’t really have a go to insult, she improvises.  Generally though, if someone’s pissing heroff in conversation she’ll draw back into a very sharp sort of arrogance.
SurinaShe doesn’t lie, but she alsodoesn’t air her opinions, though Sylta has managed to push her buttons morethan a few times. Clanless is something she calls those lawless people outsidedragonborn society, though she usually saves it for when people are beingparticularly dishonourable.
KeijiHe’s very creative. He’ll snark tono end even in casual conversation, but if he really wants to annoy someone hisbarbs get a lot sharper and more pointed.
TanwenShe rarely ever actually insultspeople, mostly cause she’s tried very hard to train herself into not thinkingbadly about people. She’s a bit too honest and blunt sometimes, but that’s notout of malice.
ValThey’ve mastered the backhandedcompliment for when it is appropriate. They almost always keep their opinionsto themself though, and they’ll use whatever insults are appropriate for theircurrent disguise if the situation calls for it.
TemperanceShe mostly bitches about peoplebehind their backs (often to Chal), but she’s also a master of the backhandedcompliment.
WhisperShe tries, she really does,  but her insults are hilariously pathetic. Shedoesn’t do words well under pressure, so she’ll often flap out some reallyunimpressive insult. “Cracked walnut!” is a classic.
RayaShe believes in actions more so than words, but she’s rather blunt with herwords still when she chooses to use them. If she doesn’t just leave thesituation entirely, she’ll just straight up tell the person why she thinksthey’re unpleasant, rather than coming up with some creative insult.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore?What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?JayHe’s actually a fairly heavysleeper, which is not a good habit for an adventurer. Doesn’t snore, and thoughhe prefers soft mattresses he’s pretty used to bedrolls and terrible inns bynow.
MoranaAnswered here
SurinaAnswered here
KeijiAnswered here
TanwenAnswered here
ValAnswered here
TemperanceA light sleeper, with theoccasional nightmare. Her bed is quite comfortable though, a large four-posterwith plenty of pillows on them. Most of them she had Val steal from variousassassination targets. It makes them even more comfortable.
WhisperAnswered here
RayaAnswered here
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing?Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? JayHe doesn’t usually bother with hiding his emotions and he also doesn’t hidehis happiness. He’s still somewhat contained about it, the most you’ll get is asmile and laughter.
MoranaShe doesn’t show a lot of outward signs of happiness but she’ll be morerelaxed, more prone to smiling, more affectionate. Just a bit looser ingeneral.
SurinaShe rarely lets her guard downaround people she doesn’t completely trust, but when she feels safe and happyshe’ll actually smile, she’ll talk more, be more prone to affectionate words.
KeijiHe has no problems broadcastinghis amusement, his exhilarated joy during battle, his glee at managing to fuckover some pompous asshole, but he’ll almost always hide genuine happinessunless he’s around close friends or a significant other. When he’s really happyhe just softens. He’ll get more touchy, drop the snark (mostly), and just bemore honest in general.
TanwenShe’s all smiles, even more so than usual. All The Hugs. Prone to randomdeclarations of affection and just getting really bubbly and excited abouteverything.
Valwhat is happiness. even in aus where they get out they’re still fairlycontained in their happiness, though they’ll actually smile and emote and showthat they’re happy without worrying about how it’ll be perceived.
TemperanceHer being happy is rarely a good thing for anyone. Her happiness most oftencomes when she fucks over someone else, so there’s always a touch of arroganceand smug satisfaction to it. She’ll treat herself by doing some luxuriousself-care routine or the like, or treat herself to a particularly nice bottleof liquor (and drink immediately cause like hell will she let the conman stealthis one) (chal can have it he’s allowed) (not that she’d tell him that)
WhisperShe tries to hide it cause happiness isn’t Cool™ but she’s really easy toread. She’ll light up, she’s all smiles and she can’t stop talking aboutwhatever it is she’s so happy about. Or really, whatever’s caught her interestin that particular moment. It’s adorable.
RayaShe’s a very tactile person ingeneral, but even more so when she’s happy. She’ll sometimes go panther andjust curl up around people and purr. She has something of a rusty purr whenshe’s in her elven form as well, but sometimes she prefers cuddling in animalform.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scaresthem? How do they act when they’re scared?JayOne of his fears is that somethingwill happen to his family in his absence, that they’ll be hurt (or worse,killed) while he’s off on an adventure that he doesn’t really want to be on inthe first place. He goes very quiet when scared, and he tends to distracthimself by getting protective and defensive.
MoranaAnswered here. When scared, she either goes quiet (whenshe’s faced with something so far beyond her she can’t do anything, or anythingshe can’t fight), or she lashes out, albeit physically or with words.
SurinaAnswered here. She isn’t scared often, and even when sheis she’ll often push it down in favour of taking action. She’ll do what needsto be done first, there’s time for fear later, when everyone’s safe.
KeijiAnswered here. He goes pale, his hands start trembling,and he’ll get a little frantic (or very frantic, depending on how scared he is)about trying to get away from the situation. If it’s a situation he can’timmediately get out of he either stops talking or doesn’t stop talking in anattempt to distract himself (and convince everyone he’s totally fine)
TanwenAnswered here. She cries when she’s scared. She’ll havetrouble regulating her breathing as well. She tends to try and surround herselfwith people, or find reassurance in physical touch.
ValAnswered here. As with most emotions, they don’t reallyshow any outward sign of fear.
TemperanceLosing control, feeling powerless.She’s used to being the manipulator, controlling events from the shadows. Shehad plenty of time to feel powerless during her childhood,  and she never wants to return to that. She’dinitially flip towards anger if she gets scared, getting defensive and tryingto get out of the situation. If that doesn’t work, she’d pull out any weapon inher arsenal to get out.
WhisperAnswered here. She gets loud when she’s scared, turningup the rambling and the bluster in an attempt to cover up her fear. In asituation where that isn’t an option she’ll start fidgeting with anything andeverything.
RayaAnswered here. She’ll often revert to animal forms whenscared, prowling around people close to her and rubbing against their legs.Intense emotions like that are easier to deal with when she’s like that, soit’s a common coping tactic for her.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced?What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?JayHe doesn’t exercise just for thesake of exercising,  but working at theforge is pretty hard work so it has the same effect.
MoranaHer idea of a work-out is holdinga book up over her head when she’s reading in bed.
SurinaShe has a morning work-out routinethat she keeps up. She likes the routine of it, and it’s a reminder of home.
KeijiHe meditates every morning, and Iimagine he also does some pretty regular training. Gotta keep those skillssharp.
TanwenNot really. There are the trainingsessions given to her by Rhogash both when they were still in the Underdark andjust before he left, but that wasn’t a regular thing.
ValThey keep their skills sharp bygoing on missions often, they don’t have a regular exercise routine.
Temperancehell no
WhisperNo exercise routine, but she leadsa pretty active lifestyle in general.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buyclothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear tosleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?JayPractical. Lots of pockets andpouches to ferret away things he finds. In his canon you’ll most often find himin heavy armour, his glaive close at hand, or in simply but sturdy clothes andlike a heavy apron for when he’s working at the forge. He wears a simple ironcog on a leather band around his neck he made himself, his holy symbol. Hisears are also pierced, with two studs each. He’ll sometimes wear prettierearrings, but given how it’s not very practical he usually saves that for whenhe’s in a situation where he’s sure he’s safe.
MoranaIn modern AUs, she tends to coverup a lot. Long sleeves, turtlenecks, that kinda thing, cause she has prettyintense burns covering most of her body in those. A constant though is thatshe’s fairly simplistic when it comes to fashion, she’s not really a fan ofjewellery and such adornments.
SurinaAlso quite practical. In modern AUsshe’d have that military aesthetic going on (also cause y’know she’d actuallybe in the army). In her canon she sticks mainly to simple but functionalarmour.
KeijiIn canon, something quite similarto Kaecilius from the Doctor Strange movie. Simple black underclothes, with agolden sash/overshirt type thing with Pelor’s symbol embroidered onto it. In amodern au, it could vary wildly. He can pull off a suit no problem (he’s hadplenty of practice), but especially because of that he tends to prefer casuallooks during his day to day. Also never lend him a sweater you won’t get itback. He totally went through a punk phase.
TanwenIn canon, mostly armour. She’dlike to wear pretty dresses sometimes, but she never really has the chance. Heronly jewellery is an amulet with a spider engraved on it, a reminder of when agroup of prisoners got caught in one of her spells and she accidentally killedthem. In a modern au, it’d be skirts and dresses whenever she can get away withit. Light colours, light fabrics, lots of swish. She has more practical outfitsas well for her labs and for when she volunteers at the local hospital, butyea.
ValWhatever is most practical. Theyhave a plethora of disguises at their disposal and outfits for any layer ofsociety. Around the house they default to simple pants and a shirt. They likegoing around barefoot at home, because it’s something they can really only dowhen they’re in a safe space. In a modern au, they have a more punk aesthetic.They don’t leave the house without their leather jacket which is covered inpins (unless Lytte is wearing, in which case they also don’t leave the housebecause they’re Compromised), heavy boots, dramatic make up, chokers.
TemperanceFancy as fuck. Tergeste is aVictorian-styled city, so those kinds of fashions. She tends to wear mostlydark colours, to offset how white everything else about her is. Tasteful makeup, expensive but not garish jewellery, her hair pinned up in the latestfashions. She’ll be somewhat less done up when she’s just around her birds, butthere’s always a level of polish to her appearance. In modern aus she stilloften has her hair in some braided updo, but her clothes are less fancy. Stillhigh-quality and stylish, but y’know more like normal people. She still tends towardsformal clothing more often than not, but it’s more business casual. (is that aterm? I feel like that’s a term)
WhisperWorn and dirty leather armour, adappled grey cloak that’s useful for mountain camo but stands out like a damnbeacon anywhere else. She wears a necklace with an iridescent blue feather anda simple, but lovingly carved wooden symbol of Bahamut over her armour. Noearrings, cause while she wanted to get them she wimped out just before. In amodern au she flips between Edgy™ looks, shirts from metal bands she’s neverbeen to, that kinda thing, and very practical boots, cargo pants, long-sleevedshirt looks for when she’s on trips or out survivaling or whatever she gets upto. She always wears a simple cross necklace, but she keeps it hidden andtucked away under her clothing.
Rayalike, leaves? She doesn’t go intocivilisation often, so really the only reason she remembers to wear anything atall is because armour is practical for when you get into fights with uppitybandits. She likes making flower crowns though, and she’ll often druidcraftflower for whoever she’s traveling with and stick them in their hair or ontheir clothing. She favours feline forms for when she shifts, but idk if thatcounts as a fashion choice. For a modern au, she dresses like a damn hippie.She has very little concern for fashion and other people’s opinions, so any ofher outfits are a damn fashion nightmare. She looks like she got eaten by athrift shop, thrown up, and now she’s wearing whatever clothes happened tostick to her.
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do theylike their body?JayAt like 1,95m he’s pretty tall,and Strong™. Not like built like a bodybuilder cause that isn’t practicalmuscle at all, but yea he has some definition. He’s pretty okay with his body,no particularly positive or negative feelings.
MoranaShe’s also tall, average but solidbuild. She used to be pretty happy with her body, until she first got brandedby Treznor (a mark which she didn’t want the rest to know about, so she had tokeep her upper arm covered up), and then found out that her black skin isbecause she was marked by Mephisto as a child, not a natural thing. She’spretty fucked up about that realisation, and it’s really put her off thecolour.
SurinaTall and broad. She’s p much abrick wall of scales and teeth and scars it’s great fun. Though she canappreciate beauty she’s never seen the point of it for herself. Her body servesher well, and that’s all it needs to do.
Keijipretty and he knows it. He’s shortand slight, about 1,60. He doesn’t seem like much, but he moves with a sort ofpredatory grace, and that’s really not about body type at all well done me. Helikes his body.
TanwenShe could be called willowy if itweren’t for the surprising amount of muscle she’s built up. Adventuring’s hardwork yo. Still, about 1,70 and relatively slim, most of her bulk comes from herarmour. She likes her body, though she doesn’t like how dangerous she looksnowadays, with the muscle and the scars she’s gained. It’s an unpleasantreminder of just how much danger everyone’s in on a daily basis.
ValAverage height, average build,unremarkable facial features. The kind of face you could see in a crowd andthen immediately forget. The one thing that stands out is a scar bisectingtheir left eye, and that eye is a prosthetic of a slightly mismatched colour.Scars on their ankles and wrists from restraints. They don’t have an opinion ontheir body.
TemperanceTall (about 180), and on the curvyside. A damn ghost, with white skin, white hair, and pupil-less white eyes.Pale curling ram’s horns frame her face, and she has a thick, prehensile tailas well as hooves. She’s somewhat regal in the way she carries herself, alwayspoised, always composed. She likes her body, she’s proud of her tieflingfeatures.
WhisperShe’s on the short side, at about155. Surprisingly muscled arms and back, mostly from archery. Despite nothaving a recent growth spurt or being all that tall, she moves like a ganglypuppy. It’s adorable. She’d like to be taller so she could tower over peopleand be intimidating, but that’s the only real gripe she has with her body.
RayaAverage height, lean build. She’s unhappy with her body sometimes, butthat’s mainly because it’s merely elven. She’s so used to her multitude ofshapes and forms that her own body feels rather limited sometimes.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Canthey sing?JayAnything practical, though weaponand armour smithing is his specialty. It’s his main hobby as well, it’ssomething he spends a lot of time on.
MoranaShe’s pretty good at burningenemies with hellfire? But nah she’s a Nerd™. She likes researching anythingshe can get her hands on in her spare time, or just reading for fun.
Surina what is fun
Keijibeing a sneaky little shit andkicking ass. He’s also pretty good at woodcarving. Nothing large or dramatic,just simple things. He likes carving little birds to keep his hands busy duringlong watches.
Tanwenshe’s got those healing handsbaby. I have no idea what that was and I am so sorry. But yea, her main talentis her gift for healing. She likes reading cheesy romance novels in her sparetime, and she loves hearing people talk about love or romance.
ValThey’re very good at what they do(as they should be, given the amount of time Temperance has invested in them).They don’t really have a lot of spare time for hobbies, though. One thing theyenjoy is watching the stars, and spending time with the younger children in theschool.
TemperanceShe excels at manipulating thosearound her. Her ambitions and her birds are quite a timesink though, so shedoesn’t have a lot of time for hobbies. She does regularly spend time with Chaland The Conman, which usually ends up with her and The Conman sassing eachother while Chal rolls his eyes a lot.
WhisperShe’s a great hunter, she lovesthe process of tracking a beast, sneaking up on it, etc. It’s a fun challenge.It’s pretty much the one situation where she’s actually in her element and notputting up a front.
RayaShe’s quite good at gardening,what with being a druid and all. She doesn’t often settle down for long enoughto make her own garden, but she’d like to. Her main hobby is frolicking inmeadows it’s great fun.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do theywish they had?JayDetermination, if that makessense? People who have a clear goal for their life and who are working towardsthat. He’s just kinda floating along, taking things as they happen, and thatattitude is something he admires.
MoranaShe admires people who can stillbe soft in this world.  Who can opentheir hearts and be kind regardless of the harshness and danger that’s soprevalent everywhere around them.
SurinaExpertise, no matter the field.
KeijiNormally I’d say honesty, peoplewho can just say what they’re feeling, cause that plays into the whole “peopleadmires things they’re not”. But honestly (heh) those people baffle him morethan he admires them. He just. Doesn’t understand why you’d do that. There’snot really one singular trait he admires in people, though he’s drawn to asharp wit.
TanwenConfidence.  Even if she doesn’t show it, she doubtsherself and her choices a lot. She admires people who can stand behind theirchoices with zero doubt.
ValNothing really? They practicallyworship Temperance, but that’s not really admiration. Yea I don’t think theyreally have any traits they admire, cause that’s a thing people do and they’renot a person.
TemperanceAnother difficult one. I’m gonnahave to go with nothing again, because admiration requires seeing someone as atleast an equal, if not above you. She just doesn’t see people as people.They’re game pieces, pawns to be directed and used. Chal’s the only one exemptfrom that, and though she loves him she doesn’t admire him either. She respectsthe Conman, but again, no admiration.
WhisperShe admires, more as an abstractconcept than anything concrete. She admires people who stand up for the weak,no matter what. People who’re respectful and kind and who’ll keep fighting nomatter what’s standing in their way.
RayaShe doesn’t really interact with other people a whole lot, but when shedoes she’s drawn to those close to nature, those with a love for animals. Thosesimilar to herself really. She’s confused but impressed by people with actualsocial skills. the real cryptids
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Orcan they naturally stay awake and alert?(assuming the college au wherecoffee is actually available)JayNot really, mostly cause they makehis hands v jittery.
MoranaNot a lot usually, but during examweek? Coffee all day every day. How else is she gonna pull those allnighters.Rorik has had to shepherd her to bed on more than one occasion.
SurinaShe doesn’t like having to rely onexternal stimulants to stay awake, so only in extremely rare cases. And thenit’s usually black coffee, nothing too sugary.
KeijiBlack coffee is his mortal enemy,though he has learned how to drink it. Doesn’t mean he likes it though, andwhen he has to stay awake he usually defaults to energy drinks. Consideringthat he’s doing like another half major on the side, this is often.
TanwenShe likes Starbucks, but shedoesn’t drink coffee purely to stay awake. She doesn’t like the taste of coffeeanyway so her Starbucks drinks are sugary monstrosities.
ValThey usually manage to stay alertpretty well on their own, but sometimes you just gotta chug 4 straightespressos.
TemperanceShe prefers tea over coffee, blacktea when she needs a boost.
WhisperShe doesn’t really like the tasteof either, so she makes do without.
RayaShe prefers making her own herbalteas.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrificeanything for? What is their secret ambition?JayHe doesn’t really have any. Whathe really wants is to just return home, inherit his master’s forge, and justwork on his projects in peace.
MoranaFreedom. She wants to be free fromTreznor’s brand, free from Mephisto’s deal constantly looming over her. Shedoesn’t want to be afraid anymore. She’d do quite a lot to get there, and thelines of just how far she’d go are getting increasingly blurry.
SurinaRevenge. She wants to killVethrel, and either clear her name or die during the battle. She’d go pretty damnfar for that, though she’ll avoid collateral damage if she can.
Keiji¯\_(ツ)_/¯ he just wants tohave a good time. Maybe lowkey die, just a little. For now, he just wants tolive the good life and get as far away from his old home as he can manage.
TanwenPeace. She just wants to be ableto stop fighting. To stop being in danger, to stop having to put her friends indanger. But she can’t do that as long as there are innocent civilians beingthreatened.
ValObedience. They want to serveTemperance best they can, to remain useful lest they be discarded. They’ll doanything to make sure that never happens.
TemperancePower. She wants to rule this cityfrom the shadow, to sink her claws into it until she can twist any events inher favour with a word. There are pretty much no limits as to how far she’llgo.
WhisperRecognition. She wants to be afamous hero, to have confirmation that she made the right choice by leaving.She thinks she might do some morally neutral things to get there, but when pushcomes to shove she would choose to protect people over hurting them any time.
RayaShe doesn’t really have any largegoals either. She’s content to live as a nomad, traveling where the wind takesher. She’ll occasionally chase down primal shrines if she catches wind of them,to make sure they are safe and to do what she can to honour and protect them,but it’s not a life goal for her.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Arethey good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in themost? JayHe’s from a relatively northerntown, so he’s more used to the cold. Somehow, despite being used to working inthe heat, he still hates when the weather gets too hot.
MoranaShe’s actually quite glad theycame to Athas, as the hot desert weather is quite nice for her. She’ll startbundling up as soon as it gets somewhat cold, though she won’t complain aboutit (much).
SurinaSimilar to Morana, she’s quitefond of the dry desert heat. She’s far less fond of the cold of Cruinne-ce, butshe won’t complain about it. she just. steadily puts on more and more layers. Shelikes thunder storms though, as a lightning dragonborn it always makes her feelat ease.
KeijiHe’s impervious to temperature?? Noone understands. He can wear the same thing in basically any weathercircumstance. He’ll cover up more when the temperature nears zero, he’s notthat bad, but yea. it’s weird.
TanwenShe’s from a rather temperatearea, so any shift in temperature throws her off. She tries not to complainabout it (too much) but it does show.
ValIt depends on what they’re doing. Theylike clear skies when they return from missions, so they can see the stars. Anovercast sky and rain is often more useful though, as it limits visibility.
TemperanceShe likes some dramatic rain,especially since 95% of the time she can stay cozy inside while it happens.Temperature-wise, she’s better at dealing with hot weather than the cold, whichis something of a shame as Tergeste tends towards cold and wet.
WhisperShe does well in the cold, thoughif she knows someone well enough she also won’t hesitate to stick her ice coldhands under their shirt. She will complain about the heat, then remember heroesdon’t complain and shut up for a while, get fed up and complain, and repeatthat ad infinitum.
RayaShe loves thunderstorms. She loves feeling the energy crackle in the air, lovesthe displays of natural power. She gets cold easily, but when she does sheusually just shifts into something with a thick furcoat so she doesn’t have todeal.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does theirfirst impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?JayHe makes a pretty good firstimpression, unless you’re a noble. Then he comes off as far more suspiciousthan he usually is.
MoranaShe’s rather cold and distant whenshe first meets people, it takes her a while to warm up to them. Especiallyrecently, with everything that’s going on, she hasn’t really been welcoming tothe new party members.
SurinaHer introductions aren’t usuallyfriendly, but neither is she. So while the first impression isn’t necessarilygood, it’s also not wrong.
KeijiPolite and charming, for mostpeople. A side of snark if he doesn’t immediately need something from you, orif you seem like someone who could give back as good as they get. So yea no reallynot accurate in most cases.
TanwenFriendly and eager, she’s alwaysexcited to meet new people. Her introductions can be a tad awkward at times, asshe tends to forget social protocol, but it’s a pretty accurate reflection ofher.
ValDepends entirely on the target andwho they are at that moment.
TemperanceDepends on who she’s talking toand what she wants from them. Can range from intimidating/scary but hot as hellto a poster girl of good manners and friendly charm.
WhisperAwkward as a rule. She tries to be cool and make a good  first impression, and almost always comes offas “trying too hard”. Which, to be honest, is a pretty good description of herso hey y’know
RayaWell first of all it depends onwhether you’re talking to her in her elven form or one of her animal forms.Uncomfortably long eye contact is a constant though, as is a pretty universallack of tact or manners. She doesn’t come off as unfriendly or hostile,necessarily, just really fuckin’ weird.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do theyorganise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t wantto go but were dragged along by a friend? (again for the college au)JayHe’s alright with parties. Hemostly goes when he knows at least some friends are going, but he’ll enjoyhimself even if it’s all strangers.
Rorik might be ableto drag her along to a party, but she’d be there purely for him.
SurinaNot a fan.
Keijiyes are you kidding me. He, Wyatt,Scytta and Sylta throw the best parties on campus. He’s made some of his bestbad decisions at parties, including the first time he hooked up with Wyatt.
Tanwenawkward bean. What’s she doinghere who invited her. She doesn’t really go to wild parties, but she’ll go withfriends or if Ghilli asks her to. She’ll have the most fun if she sticks withpeople she knows, though she can get by alright on her own for a while.
ValThey don’t really like partieswhere there’s a lot of alcohol present for personal reasons, so they tend toavoid those. They prefer just spending time with friends in a more calmenvironment.
TemperanceNot too big a fan, though she’llturn up occasionally depending on who’s there.
Whispershe tried a few times, when shejust started college. It didn’t go well for anyone involved.
RayaShe prefers more quietenvironments.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewherewith them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials? JaySome of his tools, general supplies, a weapon. Also more sentimental things,like mementos of his family and friends.
MoranaHer ritualbook, basic survival tools, that kinda thing. Mostly practicalthings. She doesn’t carry around anything of particular sentimental value.
SurinaHer journal, which she startedkeeping back home so it still has notes about her old unit and her time inAthas. Other than that, her general adventurer’s kit.
KeijiHe doesn’t really have anypersonal items he’s particularly attached to, so yea his adventuring kit.
TanwenHer shield and armour both have Eldath’s holy symbol on them and they weregiven to her by a couple who took her in when she was very lost, so she’d definitelywant to keep those close. Also one or two very worn books she carries around withher. Beyond that, her adventuring kit.
ValA basic disguise kit, various different disguises, a few hidden weapons,their lockpicking set, some funds to potentially get them out of a stickysituation. Just things that might come in useful.
TemperanceThat’s a hard one for her, considering she isn’t an adventurer like theothers, and how much she relies on others. Her spellbook is definitely vital. Withthat, she can rebuild basically wherever.
WhisperAsp’s bow, the symbol of Bahamut her parents gave her before she left, theharpy feather from her first hunt. She has an old and worn prayerbook at thebottom of her pack that she’ll take out and thumb through on special occasions.
RayaOther than some basic tools, she’s set as long as she’s in a natural area. She doesn’treally carry any mementos with her, and nature will provide whatever she couldneed to survive.
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kuriboo · 7 years
yeah this is happening tonight so let’s have ourselves a big old recap! we’re in season 4, yeah, but season 4 has the same like plot line, antagonists and stuff that season 3 did, so like, let’s think about all that and make sure we got our heads on straight, our shit all figured out. i can remember most of this stuff separately, but not altogether as one season.
-in season 2, we successfully dismantled the social (and financial and just in general) structure of our setting, new domino city. as such, the best three protagonists (yusei jack and crow) have all moved in together. they are all roommates, renting out a place. yusei, who formerly had no real occupation, is now a mechanic. crow, who had no real occupation but took care of several small children that had no one else, now does like, odd jobs, sometimes late at night. jack, formerly a professional duelist and considered for some time to be The Best until yusei kicked his ass, now has no job, and spends his time spending what little money the trio have on coffee. 
-season 3, our heroes spent their downtime preparing for the World Racing Grand Prix, a dueling tournament involving teams of 3, turbo duels, sharing life points, relay races, fun stuff like that. as a fun nod to make me happy, if memory serves, the princeton family (chazz princeton from gx, but also like, his family) is sponsoring this shit. do you think chazz does turbo duels now? probably. anyway, season 4 kicks off with the wrgp actually finally starting
-the city has three new directors of like, public safety or whatever the fuck. one of them has a sword. they are really bad at their jobs. they’re often just like not around when needed and spend their downtime creating dueling robots that threaten public safety. they’re the obvious antagonists
-the dueling robots? they have a recurring theme of summoning monsters that can absorb people’s synchro monsters. since literally everyone’s ace monsters in 5ds are synchro monsters, this is an obvious problem. yusei spends a whole like five episodes figuring out how to like reliably defeat that. the answer just plops itself in his hands eventually, in the form of an asshole wearing an asymmetrical visor. this asshole shows him accel syncho summoning, the like worst thing to ever happen to yugioh, somehow beating out contact fusion. basically, you drive fast and tune two synchro monsters to make another synchro monster but it’s an accel synchro monster. it’s super unnecessary, i have no idea how that solves the issue in any way, and it’s like barely even come up even in passing discussion since it was introduced and i hope it stays that way. (it won’t, i know)
-one of the teams competing in the wrgp is team unicorn, who are super good but also huge assholes for no reason. i have no idea why they get as many episodes around them as they do. they really. aren’t that relevant to the plot. but let’s center like 4 episodds so far around ‘em
-the crimson dragon was a relevant thing in the first two seasons. it really doesn’t do anything now besides a) bring six people closer together into the circle of forced friendship by association, and b) allow the protagonists to cheat at card games. it keeps helping people cheat so it’s still relevant but i don’t know. why. it doesn’t really. matter? but like everyone chosen by the thing has a cool dragon and crow didn’t have a dragon but then oh he had it all along the real dragon was actually friendship (kind of) so that’’s a thing. crow has a dragon so now he really can be a protagonist.
-jack doesn’t have a job but regularly accidentally interferes with police work and makes it up to them by bringing in whoever they’re after himself. at this point they might as well hire him and pay him. it’s the closest thing to a job he has. i want to say this has happened for sure at least three times, but definitely absolutely it’s been at least twice.
-halfway through season 3, some asshole named bruno washes up on the beach, and you guessed it, lost his memory. the police shove him into yusei and co’s house because they can. bruno and yusei regularly stay up all night doing mechanical shit. bruno thinks he is a pacifist, but also nearly chokes someone to death in the first episode of season 4, so, who the fuck knows. he is still around and still doesn’t remember a damn thing.
-there’s a clown guy named lazar. he’s the vice director under the directors previously mentioned (his previous employer? also evil. never trust someone who is a director kids) and he like does what they want usually but sometimes fucks shit up. he’s currently on paid leave to be on the run and hide so the directors don’t like, kick his ass for something or another. he’s been doing that for so long i forgot he was a thing at all, in the show. he has a wife and kids who have the same haircut as him, but in different colors. he literally runs a clown deck.
-there’s this girl named sherry who has the worst fake french accent in the world. she like had a happy life with her parents and shit and then her parents were kidnapped or killed or something because of some weird ass yugioh card. sherry and a butler of her family’s (they were rich and shit) survived and have been living on the run ever since. sherry spends her downtime trying to figure out exactly what card ruined her life, like, what is it and why even is it that important and who used to have it. apparently iliaster was involved with the incident and she’s convinced that they’ll be involved in the wrgp and has been trying to set up a team. she tried and failed to recruit yusei in that. listening to her is a nightmare
-i don’t think we know much else about iliaster, other than that they were involved with the antagonists of season 2, the dark signers. the name’s been thrown around but i don’t think anyone knows a single fucking thing about them. they exist.
-the directors previously mentioned have these tall like organization 13 chairs but just like three of them. they are usually sitting in these chairs. they stare at a glowy circle thing, i think they call it a circuit, and they want to power it up with duel energy. the protagonists apparently provide the most so they kick the protags asses a few times. the circuit has all the energy it needs? no idea what this means. fuck it. it’s tournament time.    on a side note, these guys should’ve been fired by now what the fuck. i think it was a case of like, no one else would take the job, though, so, yeah,
-for whatever reason, two of the main characters are now voiced by iris from pokemon, since season 3 started. both voiced by her. sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s talking without like, looking at the screen. one of these characters has started stealing iris’ catchphrases as well. yes, they both have dragons.
-so season 3 we have new directors, dueling robots that render synchro monsters useless, accel synchro monsters, an amnesiac named bruno, a dueling tournament, and some lady trying to figure out the secrets of a card that ruined her life. so there’s a whole like season of that, and then the last like eight episodes of the season take place in the wild west. with guns and the gold rush and quick drawing and shit. yeah. centering around a former antagonist of season 2 that we all probably almost forgot existed, no less. it’s extremely jarring and makes no sense and while it’s nice to see what happened to you kalin, this would be better not in the middle of the overall plot story arc when we already have like five other plots going on.
-they keep trying to push this thing with like yusei and akiza and romance? but yusei only cares about motorcycles so it’s awkward and feels really, like, bad. out of nowhere everyone starts joking about them being a thing when the girl hasn’t been around for like ten episodes (which is a good thing), so like, that exists but i don’t like it
-crow’s arm is broken because he practiced too hard. went too fast. he’s banned from dueling.
this is like every ongoing plot point i can think of it’s ridiculous, like, side plots are fine but like five on top of the main plot all so mixed up that i can’t remember them all most of the time.
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piratejeni · 7 years
How to Choose your First Tarot Deck
Choosing your first tarot deck can be a daunting task.  There are SO MANY out there and it seems like every day, someone is making a new one.   When I got my first deck, it was 1987-ish and the internet wasn’t born yet.  I lived in a rural area and my access to anything other than Waldenbooks was very limited.  Now, anyone can easily design a deck, have it printed, and market it.  AMAZING.
I didn’t even choose my first deck.  It was a Christmas gift when I was a teenager and I’m embarrassed to say that I don’t remember if it came from my mom or my grandmother.  One of the two, anyway.
My first deck was the Mythic Tarot which is loosely based on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck (RWS).  The Mythic Tarot takes it’s inspiration from Mythology which is pretty cool, but also very specific to those stories.  Many of the cards are similar in imagery to the RWS, but not in meaning.   The book was very detailed into things like “this bird symbolizes Zeus… and this Devil is actually Pan… oh and this lady here?  this is Persephone.”  Cool, but difficult to read if you try to shoehorn the images and symbolism into modern day life. It can be done, for sure, but it requires a LOT of memorization.
The Mythic Tarot: the Devil, The Heirophant and the Chariot.
  The Mythic Tarot: Ace of Pentacles, Six of Swords, Five of Wands and Eight of Cups
As you can see from these images, they are pretty specific to individual personas.  There is Persephone there in the Eight of Cups.  Yes, her leaving the physical word behind and moving into the darkness does sort of mirror the idea of the Eight of Cups so that’s good.   Poseidon is the Ace of Pentacles, which I personally find confusing because Pentacles is traditionally the Earth Element and Poseidon lives in the water.. but sure.. bursting forth with new energy.. ok.  The Six of Swords here is Orestes who I know nothing about.. and the Five of Wands is Jason’s battle with the Dragon over the Golden Fleece so, yeah, it’s a fight.
But, basically, there is too much here for a beginner, in my opinion.
Seriously Consider the Rider Waite Smith in the Yellow Box
The RWS (unless you read Thoth) is what a lot of decks are based off and the beauty of the RWS deck is that it lends itself to an intuitive interpretation.  The cards evoke an emotion and a feeling and provide a lot of detail to explore so you don’t have to learn something by rote.
Rider Waite Smith
Rider Waite Smith
See how the Five of Wands is evoking an emotion of conflict among people?  And the Six of Swords feels like a family leaving the choppy waters headed towards smoother sailing?  (Yes, the Ace is hard to get an emotion from.. I know.. but you have keywords to fall back on to kick your intuition into gear ~ it’s a good idea to know the “traditional meanings” but don’t be limited by them.  Think of it like the drugs that were prescribed for depression also work for smoking cessation.  They were intended for one thing but also work for another..  follow me?)
A word on intuition:  if you want to be a tarot reader  it really benefits you to work with your intuition. It gets your left brain out of the way and opens you up to the message from the Universe. The Tarot is a TOOL to facilitate your connection to the Information Highway. (and it’s not as old as people claim.. at least not as a divination tool)
The RWS is a great place to start.  The other thing is that a LOT of books, teachers and websites reference it.  If you will be looking for support from others, it’s good to have a working knowledge of this artwork. Also, I can’t help it.  The wands look like giant penises to me.  They just do.  Take a look at the Ace of Wands and then tell me I’m wrong.
Look at a lot of decks to find artwork that appeals to you
I don’t enjoy the RWS artwork and I really don’t like the overt Christian overtones.  I think it’s super important to find artwork that appeals to you.  It’s difficult to find the message in the card when you don’t like looking at it.  I actually got rid of my first RWS deck because I just couldn’t read with it.  (I have since purchased a new one to work with for study only.  But I have no intention on reading with it)
The deck I worked with for YEARS was the Morgan Greer.  It’s a close up image of the RWS artwork and it’s borderless, which I enjoy.
Morgan Greer
Morgan Greer
But still, lots of Christian overtones.  Since the explosion of Tarot interest, I’ve had some great opportunities to get decks that are still RWS based but with a twist.
Modern SpellCasters Tarot
Modern SpellCasters
Check out the Chariot!  Talk about moving forward without really knowing where you are going… but doing it anyway.  And there are more Alchemical symbols here and the deck has more of a magickal feel to it. Which is intentional since it’s meant to also work Magick.  And the Eight of Cups has a slightly different vibe to it. I also love this deck because many of the images show people of different colors, sizes, races and sexual identities.
Modern images for modern times can sometimes read easier.
This is my newest deck for my collection and it totally updates the images.  This is the Everyday Witch Tarot and I’m really digging how easy this is to read.   You may not feel that all of these images are modern (cloaks, cauldrons etc) but they are a lovely mix of Modern images and NeoPagan Traditions.  This deck just sings to me because of this mash up.  I suspect there is a modern deck out there for you that fits your path.  (Some of us do have actual magick brooms and wands and cauldrons in our homes.)
Everyday Witch Tarot
Everyday Witch Tarot
New Readers should probably avoid decks with pips
Tarot was a game, originally.  If you go back to before the RWS deck, you will find the Visconti Deck  named after the family that had the cards.  See, paper was expensive so only rich people had decks and only rich people had time for actual games.   I picked up this mini deck at the J.P. Morgan Library gift shop, where you can view three of the original Tarot cards from this deck.
I don’t read with it.
Visconti Deck
Pips Only.. you can’t even really tell the swords from the wands
These decks don’t give you anything to work with other than numbers.  That’s more than half your deck that you would need to memorize meanings for.  Not an easy task and not really an intuitive task either.
Probably steer away from Novelty Cards/Promotional Material for your first deck.
Have you seen Penny Dreadful? Vanessa has a beautiful deck that was made just for the show.
I own it.  I don’t read from it.
Penny Dreadful Tarot
Penny Dreadful Tarot
It’s amazing but limited in it’s ability to spark intuition. Also, all the minor cards 2-10 are pip cards. Nope. Just really neat to have it and look at it. (And I will admit that I’m currently waiting for my Twin Peaks Tarot deck to ship and I probably won’t read from that one either).
Which brings me to..
Probably best to avoid highly stylized/non-human decks to start.
There are some great non-human decks out that that probably read just fine.  But they can be hard to read for beginners and can feel a bit off putting to friends you may want to read for as practice.  Let’s face it. Some people still think the Tarot is Evil with the Capital E.  I adore my Deviant Moon deck but I’ve only used it once in a reading for a client because.. well… look at it.
Deviant Moon Tarot
Deviant Moon Tarot
The only time I used it for a client was when they made a point of telling me they identify as non-binary and most decks are well.. Binary.   And actually a lot of decks are very…. white.. and straight.  Many of the images in the Deviant Moon deck are not gender specific.  (I admit, I didn’t pick the best cards to demonstrate this but I was rolling with a theme)
Where do you go from here?
I think the best thing you can do is to get your eyes on some decks before you decide.  Some great places to look at decks before you buy are:
Your local metaphysical shop: Sometimes the owners will have decks open for you to look at. This is fantastic!  But buy your deck there, ok?  Don’t fondle the merch and then get a deal online.  Spend the extra bucks to support your local seller.
Aeclectic Tarot :  An astonishing number of decks with a good sampling of each card in each deck.  Plus reviews from actual readers.
YouTube:  A google search for YouTube Tarot Reviews will get you a ton of hits and a lot of folks will show you every single card.  You will also get a lot of info about things that might be important to you like, card stock or boxes or the book that comes with it.
Amazon reviews:  lots of readers will put pictures of the cards in their reviews and are not shy about sharing their thoughts. (which reminds me.. I have a few reviews to do)
Other readers:  Opinions are like assholes.  We all have one.  What I think about a particular deck may be very different than what your friend and favorite reader thinks. Ask us. We LOVE to talk about our decks.
It is impossible to buy the “wrong” deck.
Truly.  Every deck will tell you something about yourself.  It will help you find what you are comfortable with and what you aren’t comfortable with.  Discomfort is educating in and of itself.  If you outgrow your deck or decide you don’t want to read from the one you bought, there is a healthy market out there for second hand decks.   Many of us pooh pooh the idea that you shouldn’t read a used deck.  If you really want to unload a deck you don’t like, someone will buy it.
What it really comes down to is this…
Buy the deck that speaks to you .. and if it doesn’t speak to you in six months, that’s ok too..  See, people evolve.  What you like today, you may not like tomorrow.  And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  Your time with the Tarot will change your perspective on things..  on people.. and on yourself.
How to Choose your First Tarot Deck was originally published on Jeni Reads Tarot
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doedipus · 7 years
LP D&D: Tumble in the Tundra
It’s like the Rumble in the Jungle, except not in central Africa.
Something about the concept of magic items really tickles my fancy, moreso than a lot of other fantasy tropes. Stuff like the Moonlight Greatsword from the Dark Souls games, Link’s heaping arsenal of hyper-specialized tools, and Guts’ berserker suit and robot hand strike me as being super cool. If I had to rationalize it, I guess it comes down to gadget-based heroes being more fundamentally human in my mind than someone with the innate ability to light things on fire with their brain, and in the context of tabletop games, magic items can provide some more flavor to combat and river crossing puzzles than a party of totally mundane humans. Like, the time when Coy ended the battle at the late Lord Hier’s dinner party by crashing the airship through clever use of the teleport hat was wayyy cooler than the dozens of other encounters the party just brute forced their way through.
One of these days, I really want to run a campaign in a low-genre game like Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green or something, and use quadcopters or smartphones the same way our DM in this game uses the helm of teleportation or the cloak of the bat.
I’m bringing all this up because the map the party had been carting around this whole time is basically a smartphone. As usual, content under the break.
Teller redrew the map
While he was drawing, a woman’s face appears in the map and speaks to the party
Her name is Natalie
She’s the map
Of Amarak //The last empire to control western Faerun
Natalie is having none of our berk questions
Connie asks about the sisters, Natalie gives an info-dump
They were anti-imperialist
Minnia formed a pact with some demons
Amarak successfully repelled them, and recorded their strategies in Natalie
Lucas asks about Minnia’s location
Apparently she was split into 5 pieces, and her remains scattered
One near Luskan and Syrup Leaf
One near Calimport
One near Shulk
One near Amathar
One in Winterkeep
One in Candlekeep
Natalie can give the party more detailed advice as we get close
“You seem kind of full of yourself. I like that. I’m also kind of full of myself”-Lucas
Coy asks Natalie what she knows about what’s-her-name
My responses are limited. You must ask the right question.
Max works through his headache and remembers names
Natalie has an image of her on file
Graham realizes something is off about the map
Coy and Graham take a closer look
The kingdom of Demara was apparently bigger in the past
It was slightly smaller than Amarak, and its ally
Graham puts his ear to the map
Natalie recommends he clean his ears
He does. On Natalie.
Natalie is violated
Lucas tries to concuss Graham, but he’s doing the dance of his people
Natalie dislikes being called “Map”
Coy recommends the party go check out the giblets at Syrup Leaf
Lucas is confus. What’s a syrup leaf?
Coy attempts to explain
Natalie wants to map out a relationship chart for the party
Esmeralda is a lady
no srs guys
Telepathy sex dungeon //from Sigil trip one
Lucas denies any knowledge of this “Rolen” //Rich also denies any knowledge of this “Rolen.”
He literally has no knowledge of Rolen
Or the drow attack on Amnswater
Graham reveals he’s never learned anyone else’s name
Coy considers storage options for Natalie
Can we laminate her?
Can she survive in a bag of holding?
Natalie the smartphone can keep track of our quests. How convenient! //Not like we tend to think in terms of “quests” anyway. We mostly just bumble around and then things happen
Connie asks about the Sigil portal
The ruins of the Sigil-Amarak trade hub is nearby
It’s by the crags
Graham has a question for Map
Where’s Catarina?
There isn’t one lol
It’s recently independent obvs
What’s the dog to milk ratio?
It’s 3:1, Rap
Coy asks for a brief overview of the war
Amarak allied with nearby kingdoms
They cornered Minnia in Beydale and dismembered her
There was also a golem army, which Natalie can activate
Escrima asks about extraplanar creatures
They came out through the underchasm
He asks about mother
Apparently, she patroned a few generals during the war
Callie Thorngage, Nedda Brushgather, and Escrima Smith
Natalie shows images of said generals
They bear a striking resemblance to Graham, Connie, and Escrima Smith, respectively
//From what little we know so far, Callie Thorngage was ostensibly a cis woman. The implication is pretty clearly that the members of the current party are reincarnations of these other three folks, with Escrima being the Gordon Freeman to MOTHER’s G-man. So like, why would Graham’s previous incarnation be a cis girl? Wouldn’t it make more sense if the old Graham was also a dude, and the trans thing happened because he was literally a dude dumped into a girl’s body? I swear, cis folk have no idea how to write this sort of thing.
They made it out of the war okay, and joined mother in the ether
Escrima accuses Natalie of tripping balls
She is a map. She does not trip
Amarak awarded mother some sort of reward for its assistance
Other team photos are revealed
There’s doppelgangers of Greg and Eva too.
Greg’s clone being the son of Theodin, King of Amarak
In a painting of the dicing of Minnia, a soldier uses The Cleaver to cut up Minnia’s body
The Cleaver is stored near the Sea of Fallen Stars, in a vault
Vaults are scattered around the continent, full of puzzles and treasure
Well ain’t that somethin’!
Graham and Escrima develop a plan to shoulder check the sisters and the bits of Minnia into the ocean, and then burn down the ocean. They will play their victory jingle on a triangle made of snakes
The hammer is also a snake
Coy accidentally lets slip that she has a soft stummy
Graham wants to touch it
Coy tries to be intimidating, but fails
Lucas prays to Oghma to try and figure out all that Rolen nonsense
All his memories are starting to get fuzzy, come to think of it
Eva’s are getting pretty strong, though
Lucas decides to take a look
She kept a Lucas shrine back in Candlekeep
She reduced it down to a drawing of Lucas, hidden in her cape
Lucas finds the picture. It’s of the two of them getting married.
The gang interrupts Lucas’ meditation session
He’s crying a bit, so he tries to use thaumaturgy to cover it
He makes flames come out of his eyes (by accident?)
Coy throws a potion of healing in his face
He feels very healthy
Coy explains to Lucas about the information the gang gleaned from the map
Lucas would rather Natalie just give him the information herself
Natalie recalls MOTHER as the “entity of dreams”  
Lucas wants to know if it’s good or evil.
Natalie gives him a cryptic answer
It’s a force of stability more than anything
Lucas asks Natalie if the Escrimas are the same
The one in the painting was 23 at the time of the war
Escrima always assumed he was 18
Natalie displays the group portrait with the generals, not-Greg, and not-Eva
not-Greg was named “Silifrey”
not-Eva was named “Merla Terlef,” and was married to Silifrey
Coy is irritated she doesn’t have a double
Lucas Explains Proskur to the party
He regrets getting involved, and blames himself for Eva’s pseudo death
Lucas goes to bed, as does Coy
Connie goes to the bathhouse
There’s a human man and an elf woman in the bath already
They’re married. Damn.
They’re here to open their business selling devices, gadgets and things
It’s a clock, but portable. Astounding!
Escrima wants to talk to Natalie
Coy opens the map, and prudently decides not to let Escrima touch it
Escrima asks about the generals
They were adventurers before joining the war
Lots of dragons killed, innocents saved, etc.
He wants to know about Callie Thorngage
She was a lady knight in the army of Amarak
Part of the agreement between Theodin V and mother was for the three to become generals
He asks to see the stats of the sister’s army
Several million gnolls, orcs, drow, and, oddly, fiends
The sister’s army had some generals too
They’re doubles of Lucas and legacy edition Coy. what?
//Again, why would Coy’s past-self-apparent be a dude? Grumble grumgle grumble
not-Coy was named “KUNG” in all-caps. Most dragonborn were on the sisters’ side. KUNG was killed in battle
not-Lucas’ name was Cefrey, who was the lead mage in their army. He was a necromancer who led a legion of undead
He looks like edgiest Lucas
Escrima and Coy go show Lucas
Lucas is appalled at Cefrey’s fashion sense
Lucas contemplates joining Minnia
The trio contemplate soul recycling, and realize it’s totally possible
Something or other did this intentionally
Natalie points the gang towards the planes
Lucas asks Natalie who put her in the box
It looks like Rocky. It’s probably Rocky.
Torix resumes control
Zerander heads for the bathhouse
The gang manages to sleep soundly for once
Lucas dreams about spiders
Connie has her recurring dream again
The next morning, Lucas goes to the scroll place. He spends the day copying spells
Zerander visits the blacksmith
He wants to get a silver zweihander
The smith agrees to make it out of the silver the gang sold to the armorer
Connie wants to take Nat 20 to the library
She tracks down Coy, and retrieves Natalie
She makes her way to the library in the main castle
Nat 20 has limited space, and can only absorb like 50 books
Connie feeds her a bunch of atlases and encyclopedias
She takes a bit too much pleasure from absorbing books
Zerander and Coy continue shopping
He visits an apothecary looking for alchemist’s fire
Coy bought all the fire in town
Graham goes looking for a way to upgrade grey matter //His hammer
Most of the people he asks are kids for some reason
He ends up at the blacksmith anyway
The smith upgrades it a dice class
In order to reduce the price, he spends the day working under the smith
Zerander goes looking for firearms
A shop sells old-timey hand cannons
The cannon and five rounds are 650gp
1d12 + 6 blunt damage!
Zerander talks the shopkeeper down to 600
He also goes to buy some basic supplies
He gets some holy water from the temple of Oghma
The priests want a donation of knowledge as payment
Zerander tells them about the time he fought a bear
Escrima spent the day swimming in the boiling hot river
He finds 5gp
He also finds a constitution saving throw
The water he drank is... not great
His goal was to get all wrinkly, and counts that as a success
During the night, Graham goes to check on Escrima
There’s puke everywhere. It smells disgusting
A maid tries to clean it up
Escrima asks Graham how he’s handling Nat 20’s info dump
Graham can barely understand a ham sandwich 
Escrima suggests they go to the bathhouse and turn it into puke water
They instead decide to try to become frogs
For some reason, they are unsuccessful
They’re not even green
Mother tells Escrima that she has more things to do
Escrima feels rebellious. He wants a piercing.
Graham considers having the blacksmith make Escrima a lily pad-shaped helmet
Lucas tries to relax in the hot spring
Distracted by current events, he fails to notice Coy and Zerander in the springs when he got in
Zerander explains the boomstick
Lucas doesn’t pay attention, and is instead transfixed by Zerander’s giant dong
It’s like, the size of his leg
“Eyes up here!”
Lucas comments that Coy looked better when she was a guy //Damn it, Rich
Lucas and Zerander fail their diversity training courses miserably
//Specifically, Zerander calls Coy “it.” Of all the shitty things to call a trans or intersex person, “it” stings the most in my mind. We’re human too, damn it. I’m still a bit sore about this whole interaction, but I guess this is the sort of thing that happens when you hang out with cis people in stealth. Since opening up to the players about being trans, it really hasn’t been an issue.
The gang goes to retrieve the items they ordered
Graham also has the lily pad hat made
He dubs Escrima “Sir Escrima of the Lotus Helm”
He tries to remove the hat, and fails
Lucas is informed of the frog plan, and polymorphs him into one
Graham kisses frogscrima, returning him to normal
Lucas turns him back in the middle of this
Lucas then polymorphs Graham
Graham attempts to pee on Lucas
Coy buys a crossbow that she can fire grappling hooks out of
Zerander goes to find a boxing ring
He meets a half-orc boxer named “GGrumsh”
GGrumsh wants to fight. The organizer sets up a match for that night
The whole of Neverwinter will be there
Connie asks Nat 20 about airships
Invented by dorfs on the continent of shulk
Big business in Neverwinter
Denyr’s Mechanical Marvels
The gang heads over to the shipyard to check things out
Their couches are okay
The boss mentions that they’re manufacturing ships for the sisters of dawn
Coy remarks that the sister’s ship was poorly made, having had firsthand experience
Coy has Connie message Rocky about the appraisal of the diamond
Janice, Rocky’s secretary answers back, which is odd
It was worth 1,125,000
The gang asks about types of construction
They gravitate towards rune-fueled, heavier than air flight
They pass a few of the sister’s ships on the way out
As Lucas wraps up, he hears some murmurs about the fight between GGrumsh and a foreigner. It’s starting soon!
The gang goes to watch the fight
Zerander strips down to boxing gear
The crowd cheers for GGrumsh
They boo Zerander as he enters. He flips them off
Graham bets on Zerander, and Lucas bets on Zerander’s dick
Battle against Ultraheavyweight GGrumsh of Neverwinter
Zerander pulls a “Well! What is it!” to try and goad his opponent into attacking
...which he does.
Zerander trips GGrumsh
GGrumsh regains his balance and attacks
He calls his attacks like a true monk
Zerander tries to trip him again, but sneak attacks only work once!
He then tries to grapple GGrumsh, and again fails
GGrumsh releases a flurry of blows, wounding Zerander
Zerander pins GGrumsh to the ground and slugs him several times
GGrumsh tries to get up, but is unable to get out from under the goliath
Zerander continues to pummel GGrumsh
GGrumsh manages to land a solid hit from his compromised position
He continues to try to escape the grapple, but fails
Zerander continues to pulverize GGrumsh
Zerander pulls out an elbow drop!
GGrumsh yields to nobody
Zerander picks him up, and slams him into the ground, knocking him unconscious
Zerander is awarded a belt adorned with the crest of Neverwinter
It grants +1 CHA
Also 250gp
Graham won 80gp on the fight
Escrima christened him “Dong, Champion of the Crucible”
The crowd begins calling him that, angering Zerander
The next day, Zerander goes to the smith, and asks about melding it into his armor
You can’t do that
Coy has pancakes
The gang heads to the old trade hub
It’s abandoned
They venture deeper into the castle, and find a courtyard
The castle is covered in seals of Amarak and other kingdoms
The party is curious as to why the castle was abandoned, and consult Nat 20
It has teleportation circles to Calimport and Baldur’s Gate
Lucas asks Natalie whether or not we could easily travel back and forth from Calimport
Probably, if the return portal is still active
Escrima expresses distress at the idea of going back to Calimshan
The temple Escrima was living in was ransacked, and the perpetrators are likely still there
He fled with another acolyte from Calimport to Candlekeep
“Now I gotta go take a shit in that bush”
Lucas opens the door to the portal rooms
There are a number of safety measures in the complex designed to brutally murder invaders
DAE acid?
As they go deeper, they hear a deep moaning noise coming from the portal room
Lucas uses an arcane eye to see into the portal room
There’s a beholder in there!
0 notes