#i rlly do like them together but good god damn was i MAD
amoralmorel · 1 year
Ok in hindsight I should have known i was aro when i got SO MAD that Ophélie and Thorn like,,,,,actually had romance. I got so pissed abt something so clearly telegraphed bc i was rooting so hard for platonic marriage ophethorn.
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slicznymartwy · 11 months
Can I request Billy Lenz X AFAB!Reader where l the reader got pregnant because Billy forgot to use the condom.
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my mind is going in a billion different directions on this one :0 its a little bit of a mess, but i rlly liked this prompt !! angst ahead warning: potentially dubcon, unprotected sex
☾⋆⁺₊ billy lenz x afab!reader getting pregnant
you buy condoms out of self preservation. maybe it isn’t true self preservation, since you wouldn’t entertain billy at all if you really cared about your safety, but it gives you a little peace of mind. you leave them in your bedside table for the next time billy visits you, but you don’t remember them until he’s sitting back on his knees, keeping your legs spread to watch the mess he’s made spill out of you.
you don’t panic, even though there’s a little alarm bell in your head telling you that maybe you should be worried about letting a sick stranger finish inside you. you tell yourself that if there’s a next time, then you’ll stick to your guns and tell him what’s what.
but billy’s like a hurricane. he sweeps into your room and rips your mind to pieces. nothing makes sense when billy’s around - up is down, and every bit of knowledge you have about safe sex gets tossed aside for these new primal urges. your brain tells you he’s a stranger, but your core aches for him like he’s a familiar lover.
you shouldn’t be surprised when notice the symptoms. you know you’ve done this to yourself. you can’t even lie and say that billy forced you because he never did, you wanted it every damn time. you knew the condoms were right next to you the entire time, but you left them unopened because you wanted to feel the way billy adored your fucked and used hole.
a lot of thoughts cross your mind. you could take a break from school and move back home with your parents. it’s a common enough mistake among girls your age, they probably wouldn’t even dig too deeply into who the father was if you came up with a good enough lie. 
you think about your friends in the house - what if billy gets mad and hurts one of them? you wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt if he lashed out to your friends.
shuddering, you also realize that this would be billy’s baby. who knows what he could pass on to his spawn. even if the baby was perfectly healthy, what kind of a father would billy be? what if he called nonstop and spewed obscenities into his child’s ear?
an abortion, you decide, would be the best course of action. the mistake was telling billy about it at all.
you only do it because it feels lonely, carrying this secret. you can’t tell your friends, because then they’ll ask who the father is. they won’t be satisfied with a shrug, and god forbid it gets spread around as a rumor. billy will keep your secret, at the very least.
you tell him in your bedroom, sitting beside each other on your bed. he doesn’t betray much on his face. you wonder if he understands, at first. then, you feel his fingers against your stomach, a gentle press. you touch his hand with your own, mourning your baby together.
the peace in the room doesn’t last must longer. you can tell the longer billy thinks about it, the more upset he’s becoming. his breath is coming faster and he rips away from you to fold in on himself, covering his face with his hands.
when he finally speaks, it feels like he’s trying to rip the baby out with just his words.
he calls you a stupid slut and asks why you did this, as if you chose this for yourself. he’s spiraling and he’s getting more and more upset. you don’t really understand him - you know so little about his past and it’s difficult to calm him down.
he blames you for it, and it breaks your heart. you weren’t sure what to expect from him, and maybe that is your fault. you really were terrible at self preservation.
notes bc i have more to say but not sure how to glue it together
feel free to interpret this how u like (personally i avoid the whole sa topic when it comes to agnes and i havent watched the 2006 version at all) but i think that whatever happened, billy feels some guilt. the thought of bringing his baby into the world terrifies him because to him, de facto he’s going to cause it pain.
like i said about the 2006 ver, never watched it im not a fan, but you can interpret his pain in that way too. it would bring up a lot of really wretched memories for him
i don’t think he would be ready for a baby at all. theres no reality where he’ll suddenly shape up and be any kind of father figure.
but for the sake of this being fiction, i do kind of like the image of him holding his baby for the first time and feeling a lot of love for it. maybe healing a little bit too. i think he’d be forced to watch his child’s life from the sidelines, he wouldn’t be allowed by reader to interact with their child at all, but i think he’d be proud to see them grow up. he’d see he can put good in the world, too. he doesn’t have to contribute to generational trauma. idk i know thats not how life works but it’s nice to think about
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ididkn0w · 1 year
Baby good morning😞 I’ve missed you so much I’ve been thinking about ur face. So lemme tell u ab my day so far. Babe I don’t want u to get up alrrrr😞😞 I haven’t stopped imaging us together like us pretending to be babies and sad for a kissss😭. We would hold hands everywhere n talk like best friends and take the coolest pictures of each other and laugh all the time. Ok so I’m at a resturaunt now I typed everything from before yes like nothing but bc bro I’ve been on this tour n I haven’t been able to have anyone off my fucking ass n when he talks n we stand there like I can’t be on my phone. So basically Idek if I alr started but idc I’ll repeat myself. So we hadda leave and whatever and we met up with the tour guide and I was not feeling good at all man I had the biggest headache n I was so nauseous man I was feeling so so bad like horrible. We got on a like team I guess from the city and we got to the first place and he was explaining shit I never payed attention bruh I’ve been bad in the morning and then the rest of the day I think I’ve been like hella dissaciated I’m ngl I might not even say much cus the whole day I’ve just been feeling like shit n I rlly was not like present. So then this was at like 9:30. Bro I can’t with my grandparents they treat me like I’m 7 all day every day it’s so much bro. Ok so then they were going into this sultans palace and Ik all ab this btw😅 I like history especially the ottoman one. Ok so we alr went there when I came like two years ago so I was like aight imma head out like u guys go check that out I’ll wait for u guys here bc they haven’t come before. So I waited for them and so i fell asleep on a bench😭 for two hours😭 like straight up public bench at a park n ofc I woke up every once in a while but I was so bad like I couldn’t keep falling asleep n like everytjme I woke up it was random ppl sitting next to me and whatever n I would check the time like damn they’re still not back. But thankfully I was sleeping bc wtf would I have done for two hours n then finally I woke up all super good n happy n motivated I felt so much better and then I was like fuck like how much longer will I have to wait like awake doing nothing. N thankfully they came like 15 min after. So then bruh I literally don’t even rmb what we did lemme see my pics. Oh yes there’s a pic of a baby bc I want to have a baby with u. And that was the bench where I slept at. N then we went to a cafe nearby n we tried postres and I had this drink it was rlly yummy. And more moon underthink sorta signs. Then we went to this underground thing and like I wasn’t having it so whateverrrrrr n like it used to be an aqueduct for the sultan some shit like that. And it was actually cool n they had Roman gods and goddesses in there bc the ottoman used to be scared of the Roman’s. Then we went to a very pretty mosque. I LOVE GOING TO MOSQUES. Middle eastern countries are def my second favorite place to go/have been after Thailand. Yes Ik our number one is Thailand😆😆 I love that we twin like that I love you. Ik we’re gonna go together. I need to be rich and travel with u. My number 3 is Russia. U have to take me to Ghana. Then we went to a market obv spice market but they had other stuff especially fake stuff this is where I brought my fake yeezy slides😭 imma buy another pair😭 easy to like trash them yk what I mean n I also want a fake bag but u might convince me otherwise lmk (u my stylist) imma go to those shops tomorrow. Then we went to a rooftop n im showing u my pimple. Then we left n then we got on the metro n we’re at this popular restaurant I took pics of ppl who have been here before for u that yk. Bro oh my god I just got up the did a whole show for us they even threw a plate and they made me hold this bread that said Colombia I was so fucjing red oh my god. If I didn’t give u much details or I’m not all being funny n shit perdon Bebe I’ve been pretty mad. I’ve just been wanting to get home n talk to u. Acabo de comer bebe now I’m in the bathroom shitting. The food was very yummy im just anxious bc I just wanna talk
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pixie-cocaine · 4 years
ATEEZ Reaction To: Having a wet dream about you
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yourusernames: Omg can I request ATEEZ reaction to having a wet dream about their friend? (Who would start developing a crush, who would want to have a one night stand and who wouldn't care at all?) Thanks!!
A/N: These reactions are based solely off of what I think they’d do, I am in no way, shape or form, telling you that this IS how the members would handle this scenario. Like shit, I dunno the guys :/. This is a gender neutral reader reaction btw :)
(This is very explicit, you have been warned!!!)
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Hongjoong ♡:
• It felt like the actual thing
• Your lips; sweet like pink lemonade and eyes staring into his with a soft sparkle that originated from his bedside lamp
• but what felt more real than anything was you
• Your scent, your taste
• Your touch...
• It was all overwhelming in the sense that he found himself breaking out of his dreaming state, breath heavy as if he’d been sprinting for hours, and a lusty sheen screening his mind from acting with any sense of rationality
• He was horny horny, dawg 💀
• I feel for that man, it’s tough...
• He could already tell that he had an...accident, before he pushed the duvet off his body due to registering the last couple twitches of his restricted cock in his shorts
• No wonder he could ‘feel’ everything so well
• He wasn’t able to sleep the rest of the night.
• Couldn’t help but begin to feel a crush blossom for you
• As y’all already know, the man gets attached to the ones he spends the most time with
• You’re no exception
• Would end up telling you about his feelings. It was eating him up inside to keep it to himself
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Seonghwa ♡:
• He has no right looking this good, dawg. It literally makes me so mad lmao
• Lemme lick your face, I bet it tastes like expensive concealer and everything I’ll never have >:}
• Anywhore
• He felt feverish, even inside his dream
• It was odd; he could feel you, but he couldn’t feel you. He remembers the surreal sensation of warmth under his palms as he grabbed onto your bare ass whilst you bounced you on top of him, panting hard and clutching at his damp hair to pull his head back
• He groaned, and just as he went to switch positions, he was snapped out of his dream
• Was like “Fuckin pardon?” when he realised where he was; his empty bed, alone in his own room, no sign of you
• Frowned, pushing the covers off of him because dawg, he was heating up OwO
• Then realised the large wet spot at the front of his sweatpants
• “What the...”
• Was never the same™ 
• Everytime he saw you, he couldn’t help but feel that same heat in his hands, and he felt guilty about it. 
• Didn’t know how to approach you about it at all. What was he supposed to say?
• “I nutted in my pants because I dreamt about doing the dirty with you”
• Just wouldn’t bring it up
• Good chance he’d catch feelings. Seonghwa builds bonds with the people he knows, it’s very easy to tell that when he cares, and he would care dearly for you. Once the chance that anything intimate between you two arises, I’m sure he’d begin to think of you romantically once you’re shown in said light.
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Yunho ♡:
• Now wouldn’t a flustered Yunho be a sight? Damn...
• He loved looking down at you
• The way you smiled at him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling his bare chest into yours as you whispered how good he felt inside you, cooing out words of praise and encouragment 
• It was hazy, but he can still vaguely remember how you kissed him so sweetly. How your fingers smoothed his bangs away from his eyes, and how you moaned into his ear softly with each thrust
• It was only when you cupped his cheeks and spoke, did you break him out of his dream;
• “Wake up.”
• His eyes shot open
• Only a blue ceiling stared back
• “Mmm...?” Yunho sits up and rubs his eyes roughly, already aware of the blush that paints his cheeks and nose because he can feel the heat in his face
• Said ‘What the fawk 😃’ when his brain caught up with what he just experienced, as well as the stickiness that clung to his inner thighs when he moved to go get some water
• This bitch was contemplating his whole life after that
• Is ‘UwU’ with you from then on cuz a babie caught butterfwies ;(
• Rlly bad at hiding his feelings lol, you’d catch on eventually
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Yeosang ♡:
• It was messy, to say the least
• Kitchen island sex? Yup :D
• The dream wasn’t at all put into play with any sense. You guys were just... in the kitchen, when you confessed your feelings and made a move on him
• A deep kiss mixed with the pounding of nervous hearts all put Yeosang in a fever outside of his dream
• “Say you like it,” You panted, using the hand on the back of his head to push his forehead against yours while the other kept you from laying onto the island
• “I like it.. Fuck, I like it”
• “Yeah?” His hips stutter when you clench your walls around him, and in turn, he lets out a choked-off gasp
• “Y一Oh my god一Yeah...”
• Damn... he was FEELING it lmao
• Funny thing is that he slept throughout the entire dream and woke up only when his foot did a little mid-sleep spasm
• Stared at the wall while frowning for soooooo fucking long
• Whole time he said ‘ya know wot, that’s real interesting 🤔’
• Then was like “Prolly just horny 😃. oh well, time to change my underwear”
• And that’s what he chalked it up to in the end. Would maybe make a joke about it to you next time y’all hung out if he’s feeling loose enough and doesn’t mull over it for too long
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San ♡:
• Hold on, lemme get a half-assed feel for the man... yes... mm-hm... ah, I see... OK!
• So, from what I can tell, San would distance himself from you slightly. Maybe. 
• That night, as he lie in his bed, breath coming faster with each motion that went on in his head, he saw you in a way that he never thought would happen.
• Skin, slick with sweat and eyes like burning coals as they focused on him. There wasn’t much to remember before it was already fading, but he could still make out how much his stomach lept and spun, heart oh-so thunderous in his chest. Whatever you did with him in the dream... it sparked something inside him.
• San was in a daze as he woke up, his body not quite cooperating with him when he tried to sit up, and instead, falling limp with the next couple of attempts.
• Really just stared into space with the look of a dead man
• What did he do when he finally saw you again?
•  ✨ pretend he didn’t see shit ✨
• Not the masked uncomfort-
• Depending on whether you’re one for confrontation, he might just cave if you press him about his weird behavior enough, but be fast, because I’m sure he could push his feelings down succesfully if he tried hard enough.
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Mingi ♡:
• Dude... the fucking happiness of the dream...
• Silly giggles when you’d accidentally bonk eachother while switching posititons, bright smiles when you stared at eachother after a long time, random compliments, and nothing too serious that you couldn’t find playfulness in. Even when you’d both stop smiling to let out small moans and feel the moment together, it was always lighthearted.
• It was some shit you’d see at the sundance ;(
• Then he woke up-
• You were the first and only thing he thought about as he gained conciousness. He wanted you... you, you, you, just you.
• He’d never wanted anything so bad. A sudden longing that made a lump form in his throat and an overwhelming feeling of how much he’s always wanted you.
• So, like Mingi does, he strived for that goal >:D
• He made an effort to see you as many times as he could and whenever you were free to hang out. And finally, one night when you both lie in his bed and gazed thoughtlessly at the ceiling, he told you.
• “I had a dream about you, you know.”
Not me basically making a summary of a could-be fic-
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Wooyoung ♡:
• Now believe it or not, this bitch is hard for me to get a grasp on. All I can say with confidence is that he has the sex appeal of a milf stripper and is kinda stubborn-
• Hmm.... bothered.
• That is the feeling it would pull from him.
• Hungry; frequent patterns of warm breath against sweat-slicked skin, mumbled curses past wet lips, nails dug into his stomach deep enough to draw blood yet barely acknowledged through animalistic films over both your eyes, and teeth furrowed into the flesh of his shoulder as you scratched at the blank canvas of his back.
• It was all raw sexual aggression from both sides. So much so, that you both practically fought during it.
“I hate you. I hate you like you don’t even know, Wooyoung,” You speak, breathless, and reach up to weave both fists into his hair, “I love you so much that I fucking... hate you.”
• Then...
• Gone.
• Just like that, the dream was replaced with the sight of familiar bedroom walls as Wooyoung opened his eyes, a sigh escaping past his lips when he finally pieced things together.
• “As if I wasn’t already stressed enough...,” He murmurs, staring down at the new stain on his sweatpants.
• From that point on, it’s a new habit for Wooyoung to catch sight of you and keep his gaze there; just staring when you’re not looking, and feeling terrible afterwards. He feels like he violated you somehow, and with that ball of dread in his stomach whenever he sees you, he becomes distant.
• It’s not catching feelings so much as it is a new desire.
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Jongho ♡:
• Jongho, Jongho, Jongho... whatever will we do with you?
• Upfront about it, surprisingly.
• He caught feelings. How could he not when you’re one of the most breath-taking people he’s ever had the pleasure of knowing?
• That face of yours, along with your voice so soft and encouraging in his ears, was enough for him to cave.
• “Just like that, baby... Just like that.”
• He doesn’t even remember the details of the dream. Just your words and kisses, which still make the touched skin of his body heat with excitement whilst he blinks down at his hands.
• He clenches them; one, twice, then lets them fall back to his sides. He doesn’t need to look into his pants to know that he’s soiled himself.
• He feels kinda... empty? After the dream. Lmao just as exhausted as San was, really, but both at the fluttering his heart when he thinks of you, and the dream itself, so cleans himself up real quick before going back to sleep. 
• The fluttering doesn’t go away the next morning.
• So... he tells you :D
• As soon as you walk through the door, holding a bag of snacks and drinks for preparation to crash at Jongho’s apartment for a little bit, he sits you down on the couch, much to your confusion at the serious face he has.
• “I know that this kind of thing can ruin friendships and I don’t want that. At all. But, I had a... dream, about you last night and now I can’t really stop thinking about you...”
• Not the pounding of his heart making him dizzy :*
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dcbnam-aep · 2 years
Star Trek picard 209 thoughts:
- once again here for the agnes content in the episode recaps and alison pill getting to narrate the ‘last time on…’
- still not over how rios brought his new crush and her son to a ship that’s about to be attacked by the borg, not his smartest choice
- kinda sad seven is referring to the borg queen as jurati tho, out of everyone she should understand the most that agnes isnt rlly agnes
- oohhh dead borg?
- ok the changing clothes thing was cool
- shoutout to the cinematography crew, im already rlly liking the vibes and the shot of everyone transporting in amongst the vineyards was very pleasing
- *opening credits*
- ok but now suddenly they’re all together i though the ships transporter was offline??
- ‘trash dump of a mind’ lol even AI cant organise their files and thoughts
- lonely ahhhhh
- ayyy agnes genius is definitely not an idiot pop off
- forgot how much I loved actual agnes like ahhh bestie is so smart and considerate and HUMAN and ahhh I’ll say it again Loml
- the switch to baby picard was at the worst time I was getting so invested and excited
- haven’t decided whether I’d consider this mental health rep good or bad yet
- ok back in action love and also the transition was nice
- rios what are you doing ur gonna get someone killed- maybe yourself-
- oohhh that was some nice tech
- rios don’t be mad at least let her treat ur arm first
- completely removing rios from the core of the episode AGAIN *sigh*
- why did Tallinn lowkey look evil in that shot tho
- Soong is so… Soong
- I predicted that shift back into the past ngl
- why do I want to play hide and seek with young picard now?
- ok at least Seven is not in the white top so we’re not at risk of her being killed YET
- The green beam thing made me jump
- the green beam thing made me jump AGAIN
- ok and then what was meant to be the jump scare didn’t make me jump
- gfs who kill borg together stay together 🥰🌈
- kudos to the picard child actor cause he’s doing a rlly good job
- i like the lighting giving dnd vibes
- Raffi bandaging up Seven 🥰🌈 (clexa parallel)
- the white shirt underneath the white shirt underneath the white shirt underneath ahhhh
- don’t forget the ice pick
- ‘we’re not getting out of this’ ‘no, probably not’ IF THIS IS FORESHADOWING I SWEAR TO GOD-
- why they didn’t look for Elnor in the weapons area is beyond me like that’s highkey obvious-
- stop with the rios flirting scenes ndjhfhf agnebal 4 life ✋😫
- damn it Soong also being a genius and working the hidden door out
- i predicted the ‘like me’ owch- I feel so so bad for the mum she just needs some help and truly does care for Picard
- ahhh now im invested in the young picard storyline cause I wanna know what happened to the mum but at the same time I want them to go back to agnes out queening the borg queen
- ahh I missed Elnor’s accent
- ahhhh fake but not exactly fake reunion awwww
- ‘she’s still in there fighting the queen’ u bet she is
- Seven has no right to look that hot covered in blood
- core theme of this entire series- loneliness
- now the jacket is unbuttoned we’re slowly creeping towards her maybe death uurrgghhhh
- ayyy pop off seven
- would’ve been bad if they’d rematerialised not in the walls lol
- huh well that didn’t work
- the borg queen kinda slaying in agnes’ body means agnes has great fighting potential
- ahhh fuck and there’s the mortal injury noooo
- ‘love’ at least we’ve got it acknowledged on screen that seven and raffi love each other
- the borg queen confused at crying giving tpol energy
- sadness, loss, dispair- the things agnes is plagued with actually helping her fight the queen
- damnnnn go agnes gonna defeat the borg queen with some well-placed rambling
- ‘cant be sad forever’ agnes is gonna take that as a challenge lol
- throwing the queens words back at her
- agnes ready to save everyone who wants help awwww <3
- collect scraps and offer second chances
- ‘a real collected based not on assimilation but salvation’
- weakness can be strength go agnes keep preaching
- muscly rios arms
- he’s gonna kiss her and leave anyway
- oop he kissed her
- aaannnddd he left
- wow prediction expert go me
- boom
- *runs away* that would also be me
- ‘becoming something new, something better’ IDC IF ITS BETTER I WANT OG AWKIES LOML CYBERNETICIST AGNES
- ah no the mum- i still haven’t decided if it’s good or bad rep, bit of both? at least it was dont somewhat sensitively? but not sensitively enough?
- not the slo-mo of the brick flying stop jsjjdjd
- and the crack sound why is it funny-
- Raffis adorable sigh at seven and her calling her extraordinary kskdjdj 🥰🌈
- agnes leaving a final message for her wannabe father figure
- well they basically confirmed that agnes is the borg queen from ep 1
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Tik Tok Tyranny (Marcus Moreno x f!Reader)
Part of the Making Moves universe
Summary: Missy has become obsessed with Tik Tok. Luckily for her and not-so-luckily for you, her mini-mom adds many likes to her posts. Marcus gets roped in too.
W/C: 2.6k
Warnings: Language, Missy gets The Full Name when Marcus gets mad. otherwise it’s rlly tame.
A/N: PSHSHRHTS guys this idea has been rattling around my head and I thought it was super cute so I had to do it!! Lots of love to @leonieb for inspiring the first fic in this universe (who knows, maybe there are more to come?), @theteddylupinexperience for helping me out with all of my plot and helping me come up with this idea in the first place, and my babe @softly-sad for simping over Marcus with me and giving me some ideas!!
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Missy’s Tik Tok page has been blowing up lately, and most of it is due to you.
It all started when she downloaded the app, showing you and her father the funniest ones she’d found. Many of them consisted of cute animals and bad jokes, since she inherited her father’s sense of humor. Your phone constantly dinged with new messages from Missy, sending you funny videos and recipes.
This morning, you wake to big brown eyes in a tiny head above your bed. “Good morning,” Missy sings. “We’re making a Tik Tok. Up and at ‘em!” She shouts, pulling back your covers.
You groan and roll over, finding Marcus’s side of the bed empty. “Where’s your dad?” You ask with a gravelly voice, eyes fluttering open.
“I don’t know. Doesn’t matter, he’s not gonna be in it. Actually, we do need a cameraman- Dad!” Missy hollers into the hall.
You groan and rub your eyes, reaching for your glasses. “It’s like 7, kid. How do you have so much energy? You don’t even drink coffee,” You ask her, a yawn overtaking your face.
“Because I’ve been planning this since last night,” she says with a grin, ripping the covers back once more. “Come on, please.”
Another yawn. “Fine. What are we doing, hm?” You ask her, eyes opening as you stretch out in bed.
“I’m dressing you for the day,” she sings. “You know those videos?”
“No,” you groan. “There are a lot of videos, kid.”
“You’re annoying,” she pouts and plops next to you. “Your Gen Z bestie dresses you for the day!”
Marcus walks in with two mugs of coffee, and he hands one to you. You smile and thank him and he looks at his daughter with a furrowed brow. “You’re not making her regret moving in, are you?” He teases her.
“No,” she rolls her eyes as you sip your coffee. “We’re making a tik tok. I’m gonna dress her for the day and you’re going to be our cameraman,” she tells him with a grin, handing him her phone. “Alright, let’s go,” she says and stands, hauling you up and almost making you spill your coffee.
“Damn, Missy,” you laugh and stand with her. “Okay, what do you want me to do?”
She shrugs. “Uh, wave at the camera. This will be the before shot.” Your hair is messy and tied up, your glasses perched on your nose. You’re wearing a large t-shirt belonging to Marcus and a pair of shorts. You sip your coffee and wave as Marcus records it. “Good, all is going to plan,” Missy grins and leads you along.
That video got a fair amount of likes; it didn’t go completely viral, but you were popular. It made Missy excited beyond belief and she insisted that you make another. “How good are you at dancing?” She asks casually over lunch.
“Oh God, Missy,” you chuckle and shake your head. “Not great, but I can move somewhat easily. What did you have in mind?”
She beams at you. “The scene from Mamma Mia where young Donna is on a boat Bill and they dance around on it!”
You both adore the Mamma Mia movies. They’re what brought you together; Missy needed a female presence in her life besides her grandmother, and one night, after being ditched by her friends, Marcus suggested she text you. You brought her to your house and the two of you watched Mamma Mia while eating pints of Ben and Jerry’s, singing along at the top of your lungs and making jokes at the movie’s expense.
It turns out that the dance isn’t overly complicated. You’ve both watched the movies so many times that it’s almost like second nature to the two of you. You’re practicing the dance to the blasting speakers in the backyard when Marcus finds the two of you. “Hey ladies,” he calls out, but you can’t hear him. The two of you are spinning each other around and laughing as you practice, Missy bonking into you and making you both stop, beaming laughing.
Marcus pulls out his phone and records it for a moment, grinning as he watches it. His two girls having the time of their lives, dancing to the Mamma Mia soundtrack in their shared home. It’s wonderful.
The dance segment ends and you both stop, catching your breath. You grin as you see Marcus and rush over to him, throwing your arms around him. You kiss his cheek before burying your face in his neck. “Hi, snuggles.” It’s your favorite name for Marcus: he’s tall and strong but so cuddly and unbearably soft. You want your arms around him at all times. “I missed you all day, stupid work,” you chuckle.
He wraps his arms around you too. “Missed you too, baby. You and Missy are two great dancers,” he chuckles.
“Please. I look like I’m dying,” you snort, lifting your head and kissing him softly on the lips.
That’s your second Tik Tok video to earn a favorable amount of likes: the video of the dance that Marcus took while you practiced.
The two of you make a new joint account: @missyandminimom. Mini-Mom was her new favorite term for you: you weren’t quite her stepmom yet, not married to Marcus and not a legal guardian to her. But you were like her mom. Thus, Mini-Mom was born.
The video was posted again there and got likes in the thousands, sending you into relative fame. Missy screamed every time she checked the app, her new followers exciting her far more than it excited you.
The next step, Missy decided, was that Marcus needs to be a participant. But not a willing one, or at least not a participant that appears as willing.
“Please Dad, you just need to walk through the background!” Missy begs of Marcus with wide eyes.
Marcus shakes his head but smiles. “You’re not making me dance.”
“Nope! It’ll be just the two of us dancing, and you do whatever you need to in the background. It’ll be funny!”
“Isn’t the point of those things that the people don’t know they’re being recorded?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Just act like you’re not! People will think it’s hilarious, us dancing and you just walking in the background. Everyone will recognize you and we’ll get famous!”
“Fame isn’t the goal,” you clarify to Marcus and to Missy. “We just think it would be funny,” you offer up.
Marcus can’t say no to you. “Well, I suppose,” he groans, and Missy cheers and throws her arms around him.
“You’re the best! I love you so much!” She squeals, letting go and running over to where you stand. “Okay, we’re gonna count down then do the dance, you just walk through the background, stop and look, whatever.”
Marcus nods and you give Missy a high five. “Nice going,” you tease and nudge her side. “Alright, you ready?” You and Missy have been preparing the dance for the past couple of days, and you’re wearing matching outfits now.
“Yeah, here we go,” she squeals and presses the record button. She backs up next to you as the timer beeps.
You start the dance, and Marcus walks dutifully through the background a few seconds in. He stands there for a second, staring at your ass, before wandering out before you complete the dance.
“Woo!” You and Missy both shout as you walk to the camera and check out the video. The dance goes perfect, and you widen your eyes as you look back at Marcus over your shoulder. “Jesus, Marcus,” you tease.
“I got distracted,” he murmurs, blushing, and you run over to him and wrap your arms around him, jumping up and wrapping your legs around him too. He holds you up and kisses the side of your face. “You’re so good with her.”
“She makes it easy,” you laugh and bury your face in his neck.
Missy whips around with her phone and records the two of you, where you stand koala-wrapped on Marcus. “You’re so gross,” she groans and heads off to edit the video.
The video does, indeed, go viral, as people recognize that that’s Marcus Moreno in the background, so that must be his daughter and does he have a girlfriend now? You even found you and Missy on the cover of a digital tabloid, in a shot of you hugging. At least they were kind about you.
The next video is a prank on Marcus. You and Missy spent the day planning it, giggling nefariously as you set everything up. You replaced Marcus’s katanas at home with a pair made of plastic, meaning he can’t summon them with his powers. When he returns home, the trap is laid, and you and Missy follow a loose script.
As you cook dinner side-by-side with your boyfriend, you smile up at him. “You know, you’ve never given me a demonstration of your powers, baby,” you murmur to him and kiss his cheek, continuing to stir the ingredients you’re working on.
“Because at home, I’m just your man,” he says and kisses you softly, cupping your face with one hand. You smile into his lips, and you have to admit that you appreciate it. You didn’t realize he was a Heroic until a few weeks of being his neighbor, when it finally clicked that he wasn’t just Marcus, he and Missy weren’t just the Morenos, he was Marcus. Moreno. He always leaves his work at work and you appreciate it.
“Why are you so fucking cute?” you coo and kiss him again. “Still. Just… do the thing, please, whoosh those katanas over here?” You ask, wrapping your arms around his middle and looking up at him with big eyes.
He sighs and nods. “I suppose.” You can see Missy shooting from around the corner and you sneak her a thumbs up. He stares in concentration, holding out his hand to summon them. Damn, he must be out of practice, he thinks, focusing harder. His lip twitches in frustration as it doesn’t work. “Fuck!” He ends up shouting after a few moments where nothing works, and Missy claps a hand over her mouth.
“Dad!” She exclaims with a laugh. Marcus very rarely curses, if ever, and his eyes widen as he realizes she was filming it.
“Melissa Angélica Moreno, don’t you dare-” he threatens as he realizes what she wants to do with it. It’s going on Tik Tok, whether he likes it or not. He lunges after her and Missy squeals, launching off a chase through the house as Marcus pursues her.
That video got the most likes of all of them. Glimpses into celebrity lives always do, and you knew from the start that Marcus’s videos would garner lots of attention. Lots of people thirsted over him in the comments. Many duets were made of people saying they wished they were you. You only supposed it was fair; who wouldn’t want to be with Marcus?
“Baby?” You mumble late one night in bed.
“What is it?” A sleepy Marcus murmurs next to your ear.
You sigh, rolling over in his arms to face him. “I know you’re famous, and Missy’s Tik Tok isn’t helping either, but you love me, right?”
His eyes open and he frowns. “Where the hell did that come from?” He asks, pulling you closer and wrapping his arms tight around you. “Of course I do.”
There’s still a small frown on your face. “You’re a superhero. You have a ton of people who would line up to date you. Lots of options.”
He chuckles and kisses your forehead. “Baby. I fell in love with you when you were wearing a fuzzy bathrobe and drinking coffee on your porch. How could you ever question how much I love you?” He asks, voice tinged with sadness.
You feel warm inside at his words, scooting closer. “I know. I just… get insecure about it sometimes.”
“You never have to be,” he assures you and kisses your forehead. “I have never and will never love anyone more than you, except Missy. That’s a tie.”
You giggle softly. “I love you so much, baby,” you murmur into his skin.
“I love you too, cutie. Now please go the hell back to sleep.”
“More like a grizzly bear,” you grumble but smile. You fall asleep just like that, your arms around him tight and face nuzzled in his neck.
Two days later, Missy comes flying into your bedroom on a Sunday morning, nearly making Marcus spill his coffee. “You guys!” She squeals. “I just posted a Tik Tok that got the most likes ever, and it’s only been up for like ten hours!”
You groan and scoot away from Marcus so Missy can cuddle in between the two of you. “What did you make now, huh?” You ask as she nestles in.
Missy projects her phone to the screen. She takes your left hand and Marcus’s right, joining them and grinning. “Let me first just say… you’re welcome,” she giggles.
The video starts. my simp-erhero dad and his love🧸✨ flashes across the screen over an image of you on Marcus’s shoulders in their backyard pool.
The video rolls, and it’s about 40 seconds long. A popular love song plays in the back over clips of you and Marcus. You kissing Marcus’s cheek after he found you and Missy dancing to Mamma Mia in the backyard. You, cuddled on top of Marcus on the couch, the both of you napping. You koala-clinging to Marcus after he stared at your ass in that dancing video. Marcus kissing you softly as you cooked dinner and asked him to demonstrate his powers. The last video is of you, Marcus, and Missy at a theme park. Both you and Marcus kiss one of her cheeks in sync, making her giggle. The music fades and the video starts again.
Marcus turns to the two of you, eyes watering. He looks into your eyes first. “Did you help her make that?” He asks.
Your eyes are watering too, grinning. “No.”
He grins down at his daughter, the tears slipping from his eyes. “Missy. That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. What inspired you to make it?”
She has a real answer: it’s that she wanted the two of you to see your relationship the way she did. She wanted to reassure you. She’d heard you that night when you told Marcus you felt insecure.
But Missy is a snarky little preteen, 4’4” of prepubescent rage and glitter. “The likes I knew I’d get,” she shrugs and skips out of the bedroom happily.
Before you can say something loving to Marcus, he takes your face in his and kisses you slowly. You both chuckle into each other’s lips, you breaking away and looking at him with big and happy eyes. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Marcus grins, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “Hey, I have a question for you. Well, it’s more of a statement.”
“Go for it,” you nod.
“We should get married,” Marcus says plainly with a smile. “I’ve already asked Missy about it, she thinks we should too. Of course, if you don’t want to, I get that. I know we haven’t been dating as long as other relationships do before marriage, and-”
“Yes,” you grin. “Let’s do it.”
He grins and kisses you, holding both sides of your face in his hands. “You know, the two of us seem to really like rash decisions.”
“They always work out in the end, don’t they?” You ask with a grin.
Marcus kisses you in response. They do, they really do. He breaks away a moment later, grinning and watery-eyed. “I still don’t know what a simp is,” he sniffles.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867
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kiloxy · 3 years
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Listen Guys I have come up with the greatest theory/analysis of my life. Twitter could NEVER. This is about to solidify me as one of the lead big brain theorists on tumblr, cross my heart..... *cough* shit-poster *cough* I mean what? anyway... This analysis includes lots of receipts! Now let’s begin me launching my 1000000000 IQ career faster than Dream can MLG water out of this damning post. 
Tw: Close up of eyes since I zoomed in images of their eyes as proof. It will be under the cut.
So let me start with the question everyone has asked: WHO IS DREAM?!?
He’s the mysterious lime green, tea kettle sounding, god level skill, 10000 IQ, pissbaby enigma that took the internet BY STORM. He has grown so fast and so quick it’s insane, big brain plays must be through the roof. We could wonder how he did this... Why he did this.... But really. All we should care about is WHO THE FUCK IS HE?!!?!
Excuse my language... But anyway.. I have been working DAY AND NIGHT. To figure this out for you guys. It’s been 78 hours of no sleep. After escaping Dream’s basement (smart ass found out I was going to expose him) I have finally made it to a computer to post this...   
Dream is Blonde George
Okay wait wait wait! Before you go leave, screaming and appalled, slamming the button to unfollow my broke ass, hear me out. 
First point... What the fuck is blonde George?
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THIS MAN. REMEMBER HE BLEW UP?!?! WHY DID HE? WHY??? I mean we hate him! Well the only reasonable explanation is that he was a PLANT!
Yes that’s right, blonde George was a plant. This is actually Dream. Now Dream loves chaos, he’s even mentioned before he may make a stan account/pose as a cosplayer and I think this was his way...He leaked this photo of him on twitter to fuck with us. To test the waters before the Mr.Beast video where he might reveal himself as blonde George. 
Only Dream and his 1000000 IQ could blow up a post like this guys, think about it! 
We know Dream’s hair color okay, look at this twitter post where he does a hair color reveal:
Now let’s take a closer look. Here’s Dream’s hair:
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Rest of the analysis under the cut includes more analyzed images, links, and video as proof:
Now I took to an eyedropper and examined Blonde George’s hair and got:
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LOOK HOW CLOSE THE NUMBERS ARE!  AND WE KNOW NUMBERS DON’T LIE! The more samples I took of blonde George’s hair and compared to Dream’s the clearer it became... Their hair... Is the same! 
Now that we have the hair matching what else can we figure out? I mean Dream said he had green eyes, we even have a pic here of them. 
But I ask you.... Dream’s smart. You really think he’s telling the truth? I mean think of the the vlog incident. Man is a liar. 
I introduce to you a concept: CONTACTS
You see Dream knew that blonde George would get a lot of traction (he wanted it to). But he didn’t want to be outed too fast. I mean blonde white dude? blowing up on twitter? Obviously traceable back to Dream. So change one of his most distinct features, his eyes! He is wearing brown contacts. I have proof, let’s look at blonde Gog again. uSING MY EXPENSIVE HIGH TECH EQUIPMENT I-
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I mean first just looking at this you can see the odd white glare on his eye... Now that is not your usual eye glare, no... That’s an eye glare that shows what it looks like when light reflects off a contact lens. He is wearing contacts! 
But if that isn’t enough for you I cleaned up the photo of blonde George’s eye using mad skillz I learned from crime shows and got:
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Dream put in brown contacts! Why else would this “blonde George” be wearing contacts huh??? We know real George has 100% real gorgeous brown eyes. 
Now you may be saying, well that’s just an edited photo of legit George. We have the real photo of George.  But no, it’s not! THAT’S WHAT DREAM WANTS YOU TO THINK SHEEPLE, WAKE UP!
Dream put on a red hoodie, styled his hair to look like George, and he posed just right so it looks like it’s an edited version of that photo of Gog. But it’s not! We can tell by the contacts! Also George would never exude the off vibes blonde George does. It doesn’t pass the vibe check. 
Now while there are so many other bits of proof... This is getting long and I want to wrap it up. So here’s one last big bit of proof. 
They talk about blonde George and, George claims it is photoshopped but he smiles nervously. And as he pulls up blonde George Dream does his nervous laugh. Why is he nervous? Why would he be nervous?? about this “meme”. Maybe because he’s scared to be found out,
Now the most important part:
“I don’t rlly like it tbh.”- Gog.
“Uhhh I don’t like it.”-Dream.
Now you may have brushed past this upon viewing, but.... Nobody asked for Dream’s opinion. This was supposed to be about GEORGE why would Dream input his opinion and speak like it’s about him... BECAUSE IT IS HIM
Now the most damning of all... 16:50 same video.
“Dream have you like ever done a face reveal or no?”-??
“No- I haven’t yet. I do plan on doing one but I haven’t yet.”
As he speaks his words get more rushed and quiet, he’s lying. He’s nervous.
Then George saving him, redirects the topic completely off blonde George and Dream immediately jumps on the new topic eager to switch focus. It’s so weird how fast they move the topic, the clearly don’t want to talk about it. George is a good friend, he knew that Dream was scared and needed an out of the conversation before he outed himself as blonde George. 
But... they couldn’t keep the ruse up.... BECAUSE I AM HERE! 
*cough* Anyway, now my very very last point. 
Why haven’t we ever seen Dream and Blonde George in a room together huh? It’s weird right?? They can’t coexist separately because THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON. IT’S SO OBVIOUS! 
If this grade A++++, wagyu quality, meaty with receipts analysis wasn’t enough to convince you then.... I am going to hack into Mr.Beast’s content. I am on my way to his house as I type this... Next post I am LEAKING images from the shoot when Dream drops the sign that will SHOW that he is in fact Blonde George. 
If you have more proof.... Anything to add... react... or respond to this analysis. My inbox is open.
Wish me luck, I honed my hacker skillz just for this. You may not be able to trust Dream, but you can trust me! Hopefully I can do this before Dre catches me again. 
o7 bois 
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
Makoto has rainbow loom
Leon has tech decks
Chihiro has silly bandz
Mondo has his kickass embroidery and Perler beads
Taka has Rubik’s cubes and Perler beads
Hiro has fushigi magic gravity balls (that looks even worse typed out than I thought it would)
Sayaka has lip gloss phones
Aoi has those little things with the water and teeny tiny rings that just float and then there’s the button yk
Sakura has hair chalk and the friendship bracelet kits
Byakuya has a mini etch-a-sketch
Toko has Mad Libs
Hifumi also has Mad Libs, but the fandom versions
Celeste has the little Disney Princess teacup sets that came in a giant teapot
Junko has Lisa Frank bags and stationery
Mukuro has the glow in the dark stars that you stick on the ceiling and worms on strings
yes yes yes !!! Makoto has rainbow loom and I’m not gonna go on another ramble about it but I love that for him I rlly do hdbsbdbdbdb
And!!!!! Yeah yes yeah yeah yeah!!!!!! Oh my god dude tech decks are so cool and fun to fidget with......he’s had so many of them taken away for disrupting class but he always seems to come prepared with like a billion of them hdbdbsbdd nobody knows how he’s able to carry and hide so many hfbfbfb The noise bothers some of his other classmates, so he has to be careful with them, but they rlly are some of his favorite things to toy around with 🥺
Chihiro,,,,,,silly bands,,,,,,,,galaxy brain,,,,,,,sometimes during lunch she just takes off all of the ones she’s wearing and lines them up on the table to look at them bc,,,,,,hdbdbdb pretty shapes and colors,,,,,,,and then forgets to eat unless someone reminds her dhsnsbdbs
Makoto 🤝 Chihiro
their arms being COVERED in bright colored bracelets
Mondo and his embroidery ❤️ we stan a king
And the perler beads,,,,,,,uffbdbdbdbdbd me getting flashbacks to my childhood with all these damn things omg but yeah it’s very calming for him!! it requires a lot of patience, but it’s also repetitive movement and action so he’s kinda just !!! 👀
he and Taka have quiet afternoons where they just both do them (either working together or separately) and it’s so nice n softttt??? Comfortable silence ishimondo,,,,,,,,,m love
And Taka with his Rubik’s cubes oh my LORD he probably knows the secrets to most styles!! he can do them pretty quickly, and usually asks someone else to mess it up for him again, but literally give him like a couple of minutes and complete and total silence and BAM there u go
also highkey he could probably solve it with one hand if u asked him to because that’s just,,,,,literally how much of his spare time he’s spent with these damn things dndnsbdbdw
highkey the only reason he has one is because he ordered it when they were still in business and adamantly REFUSES to admit that he got scammed hdbdhsbdbdbw
he’s not good at it, per se, but he’s built up some sleight of hand skills, definitely hdbsbdbd also it’s probably just fun to roll around and fidget with (plus it’s weighted!!!)
everyone else watches him playing with it like,,,,wow king I am so sorry
he’s also definitely dropped it on the floor of his dorm room bathroom AT LEAST twice, which ended up shattering the tile (and possibly a ball, as well) so he’s just kinda :’)
literally just,,,,,her vibes are immaculate oh my god ? she’ll put some on and then immediately call her girlfriend over like “babe come here I need to test something” just to kiss them on the lips bc ./////.
she is just,,,,,so cute I’m gonna die??? she also makes the obligatory “sorry, I need to take this,” joke whenever her lips get chapped and she needs to put some on bbfbfbvbf
I do not know what you mean for Aoi’s but I support it wholeheartedly!!
and friendship bracelets oh my GOD 🥺 she’ll do them if she ever needs to de-stress or relax, because the repetitive movements are very soothing!!! and she’s 100% made a bunch for her classmates, ofc oh my goodness
Sakura 🤝 Makoto
Making bracelets as a coping skill and giving a shit ton of said bracelets to their classmates because they like to see them happy
hdbdvsvdvdv byakuya totally does!!
He hides it in his dorm; nobody must EVER know about it okay if they find out he’ll die. But it’s really really fun to fidget with and he finds himself using it after particularly taxing or rough days!!! Plus the visual satisfaction,,,,,shit can’t be beat
TOKO AND HIFUMI MAD LIBS!!!!! oh my god they have solidarity so they give each other words if other people are unavailable/not cooperating hdnsbsbsv
and they both crack up when the other person reads the story, too 🥺 Like Toko will try to pretend that she doesn’t find it funny, but she’s snorting and trying to keep a straight face by the third sentence. They both get such a nice fluttery feeling at making others laugh, too!
Jill has tamagotchis!!! A bunch of them!!!!! And she’s really good at taking care of them; she acts like they’re her children dhsbdvsbs everyone else in class 78 is always like how are they all still alive you’re not even fronting most of the time???
(asmr Toko checks on them and takes care of them sometimes for her but she’d die before letting anyone else find out about that ❤️)
And Celeste with the disney princess tea cups oh my goddddd 🥺🥺🥺 they’re practically some of her most prized possessions and she’s very proud of them
Kyoko has maybe two or three or so furbies that she carries around with her and treats like her literal children wnnssnnsdbdb she’s literally the embodiment of the “do you care if I take the skin off this furby” meme no I won’t take it back it’s true
she does shit like create long furbies and other weird ass stuff like that because sometimes she’s awake at 3 in the morning and gets Ideas™️
Makoto is horrified ❤️
HELL YEAH junko loves the Lisa Frank aesthetic ngl like????? bright ass colors!!!!! holographic visuals!!!! oh my god she definitely carries around the little backpacks even though they’re too small for her bdbsbsbs
like she can’t fit anything useful in there and then gets frustrated because of it shdhnssbsb Mukuro is just kinda “why don’t you get a normal backpack” “bECAUSE IT’S NOT FUN, MUKURO”
And Mukuro with the glow in the dark starsssssssssss waaaaa oh my gosh she loves them so much they’re so calming to look at ??? prettyyyyy and also she has solidarity with Kaito because he has them too hdbsbdbd
they both find out the other has them and it’s just the Spider-Man pointing meme and *vibrates excitedly*
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
ok so i think we've all felt undervalued by a friend or like you're not a priority to them while they're your first priority (or am i just petty? maybe.) i want to know how you think steve would act if he felt undervalued by billy (friends or dating) i rlly like your writing sorry i'm asking a lot.
don’t apologize for requesting stuff! I love getting these.
Also it’s big projecting time
“You wanna go out tonight?” Billy was hopping as he tugged on his jeans.
“Can’t tonight. Goin’ out with some of the guys from the shop.” Steve bit his bottom lip.
Billy had started working at the autoshop down by Family Video, the owner had taken him under his wing, and Steve was glad Billy had made some friends, had some positive men in his life.
And he was excited that Billy had made friends in this town when Billy announced he was going out with them after their Friday closing shift.
But then he kept going out with them, and started hanging out with them more than Steve.
“Have fun.” Billy swooped down, kissing Steve on the forehead before booking it out of their little apartment.
Steve huffed, slumping back onto the bed.
He kinda felt like he could cry.
He and Billy hadn’t gone out together in weeks.
Billy was barely home for dinner these days.
It made Steve feel like when he was in high school, with parents that were never around and friends that didn’t give two shits about him.
He called out of work, couldn’t really bear to be seen or interacted with today.
He stayed in bed all day, counting down the hours until Billy’s shift was over.
He watched the clock, the blanket pulled up so just his eyes were peering out.
He watched as the clock kept ticking, as an hour passed since Billy’s shift had ended.
And then two hours.
And then three.
Steve did start crying at the four hour mark.
It was getting late, and Billy still wasn’t home.
Steve got out of bed for the first time today, locking the bedroom door.
Billy can sleep on the fucking couch for all he cares.
He had move past sad now, had sped right into seething.
He slammed himself back into bed.
He sat there, arms crossed, pouting at the locked door.
He put everything into his relationship with Billy. Everything.
He barely had any friends, spending all of his time with his boyfriend who fucking ignored him.
But no, he can’t be mad at Billy for making new friends. It’s not his fault Steve has no fucking social skills, no fucking friends his own age.
But even the kids had been pulling away.
Dustin hadn’t radioed him for a ride or to hang out in like, a week.
And he was right back sad.
but then keys were scraping in the lock of the front door.
Billy’s boots were heavy in the entry hall.
Steve could hear him stumbling around, and dove back under the covers, peeking out from underneath them.
The handle jiggled. Steve’s breath caught.
Billy knocked on the door.
“Hey, Stevie,” His voice was deep and raspy, just a little slurred. “The door’s locked.”
“That’s because I locked it.” Steve popped out from under the covers to talk back, scooting back under them afterwards.
“Um, why?”
“Because I don’t wanna see you.”
He could feel Billy sigh through the door.
“Baby, can we not do this tonight?”
“We’re not doing this tonight. We’re gonna do it in the morning. After a nice sleep apart.” Billy sighed again.
“Fine. Goodnight, I guess.”
Steve felt a little vindictive at the sound of Billy walking away, the sound of the couch groaning under his weight.
And then he just felt like shit again.
He sat on the bed, chewing at one of his cuticles.
He should go talk to Billy.
But Billy was drunk, and talking to Billy while drunk is talking talking to the world’s horniest brick wall.
He slumped back onto the bed.
He missed Billy, missed him so fucking bad it hurt.
There was a soft rap on the door.
Steve glanced at the clock, Billy had been home for an hour and a half.
“Sugar, I don’t like it when you’re mad at me.” Billy sounded miserable.
Steve huffed, getting up slowly.
He unlocked the door, retreating back to bed.
Billy opened it slowly, found Steve sitting nestled in their bed, his eyes big and bright.
“Talk to me, Goose.” He perched on the end of the bed.
Steve wasn’t looking him in the eye. Bad sign. Fucking bad sign.
“It’s stupid.” Worse sign. Even worse sign.
“Baby, it’s not stupid if it’s makin’ you feel bad.” Billy had chucked about two gallons of water before this talk, trying to sober himself up for this.
“It is stupid.” Billy reached for his hand, and Steve pulled his out of the way. Oh God. Oh God. Code red.
“It’s not. Please tell me what’s on your mind. Please, Pretty Boy.”
“Do you still love me?”
Sirens were fucking blaring in Billy’s head.
This was fucking bad.
“Of course I still love you. What’s this about?” Steve shrugged, still looking at the duvet covering his lap.
“I just feel like you’ve been ignoring me.” Billy took a deep breath.
“Can you tell me why you’ve been feeling like that?” Steve huffed, one of his eyebrows twitching up.
“Because we haven’t been on a date, or, or eaten dinner together, or, or had sex in like, a fucking month, and it makes me feel like shit, Billy, because I’m happy that you have friends, and people that take care of you, but I-I” Steve’s lip was trembling, tears pricking at his eyes. “Nobody cares about me anymore and, I don’t think they ever did, and I’m unlovable-” he was openly crying, letting everything flood out.
Billy was panicking.
He tugged Steve’s shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug.
“You are not unlovable. You are so loved. I absolutely love you. I’m sorry I’ve made you feel forgotten. I’m gonna work on it, okay? I’ll be home for dinner, and we’ll go out again, okay? I promise.”
Steve was heaving in his arms, wailing into Billy’s chest.
“Nobody cares.”
“So many people care. So many.”
“The kids don’t need me for rides anymore, and you have other people in your life, and my parents were right.”
That was the final straw.
Billy took Steve’s face in both his hands, making him look up at him.
“Your parents were not right, about anything. Not a damn thing.” Steve was still crying, Billy kissed his teary cheeks. “You are just made of love, Sweet Thing. You’re loved by so many. And the kids are just growin’ up. Going through that phase where they’re too cool for their parents.”
Steve gave a watery little smile. Progress.
“I’m sorry I made you feel bad.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“But it is. I mean, I love spending time with you. And I should’ve been more available to you.”
“But I can’t fault you for making friends. It’s not your fault I have none.”
“You’ve got Robin. I’m sure she’d be down for a night of wine on the couch.” Steve huffed a laugh. “But I’ll stop going out with them.”
“No, I don’t want that. I just, we need to find a balance. Like, have a set date night that we can’t miss. Or, or, something. You have friends and I want you to keep having friends. Just maybe, we gotta make time for each other.” Billy nodded seriously.
“You feelin’ any better?” Steve nodded, gave Billy a tiny smile. “Good. Can we go to bed now? Talk some more in the morning?”
“Yeah. And you can sleep in here. I’m sorry I locked you out.”
“I’m just glad you let me in.” Billy rolled over Steve, making him laugh as he put all of his weight on Steve.
He scoot up behind him, pulling Steve close to him.
“Wait, is that-”
“Sorry. I’m still kinda drunk, and apparently working shit out like grown ups makes me horny.”
“Oh my God, Bill. You’re a menace.”
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
About your atla ship songs, I have a couple of questions (sorry if my phrasing comes out wrong, english isn't my first language and I worry it might across as accidentally defensive): how did you end up with the choices for zukka, jetko and yuekka (note: I haven't seen the great comet, so feel free to obsess over it, I'm intrigued now and the hype is appreciated!)? Sidenote: I think the mailee choice is HILARIOUS and the tokka one just make me sad, I didn't expect to be attacked like this😭
kdjfha;s i love you im gonna obsess SO HARD over great comet now. you may regret this
this is gonna be so long so the rest is under the cut whoops
yuekka: no one else from great comet
where do i even begin. WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN
okay so background information on this show: it's based off of a 76 oages excerpt from war and peace and its centered around a woman named natasha (and this guy pierre but he's irrelevant to this song so we wont worry about him) and natasha's bethrothed is off fighting in the war right now. she hasn't seen him in a while but she is in love with him.
every single lyrics of this song SCREAMS yuekka to me. the innocence and purity of their love. the love at first sight. and even the melancholy ending just- i go apeshit for this song. i love this song so much. and denee benton's voice??? kljsdhflwksugf please listen to this song if you haven't already. listen to the whole show. your life will be changed forever.
onto the lyrics (i stg this is ab to be the whole song whoops)
"the moon"
THOSE ARE THE FIRST WORDS ON THE SONG. natasha and andre (her bethrothed) met underneath the moonlight. Sokka and Yue first spoke to eachother at night and always met each other for their most intimate moments under the moonlight. also yue is LITERALLY the moon so like: right of the bat with those two words it's yuekka.
"and i saw your eyes / and i saw your smile / and the world opened wide"
sokka fell in love with yue the moment he saw her in the canal. she literally enchanted this motherfucker. everything about her made his heart go crazy. and 'the world opened wide' to me is from yue's perspective. Yue had never left the north pole and sokka had seen a good chuck of the world at the point. He took her on appa, he told her about his adventures. he saw the world yue wished to see and you know damn well that Sokka would have done anything to give it to her.
"oh the moon /oh the snow in the moonlight / and your childlike eyes and your distant smile / ill never be this happy again / you and i and no one else"
natasha sings fondly about the moon and the snow, seeing as it was where she fell in love with andre. yue and sokka LITERALLY fell in love in the same place: in the snowy nothern water tribe under the light of the moon. childlike eyes: THEYRE CHILDREN!!! distant smile: this is where it gets a little sad. theyre both children with way too many duties during a world that has known nothing but war for the past century. they want to be happy but yeah, theyre smiles are distant and far away because happiness seems out of reach for them most of the time. i'll never be this happy again: the moments yue and sokka shared together were probably the happiest either of them ever were. they were able to ignore the war and the world in the moments they shared together. and with no one else. no one else would be able to give each other this sense of peace and happiness and love.
"joy and life inside our souls / and no body knows just you and me / it's our secret"
Yue and Sokka had to sneak out in secret at night to go and see each other. Yue and Sokka couldn't be together for real because Yue was already engaged, but they were literally in love so she decided to see him anyways in secret. kasdjfhklasjd im losing my mind over them at this point.
"this winer sky / how can anyone sleep / there was never such a night before / i feel like putting my arms around my knees / and squeezing tight as possible / and flying away"
these are my FAVORITE lines in the entire song. yue and sokka had never felt this strongly about anyone before and that's why they are so drawn to each other. they had never experienced love before and they wanted to hold onto it for as long as they could even though they knew they couldnt. Sokka takes yue up on appa and she is wistful and wishes she could live like he does every day: ie flying away. oh my god these two deserved so much better. so much fucking better.
now for the saddes part. the saddest fucking part.
"maybe he'll come today / maybe he came already / and he's sitting in the drawing room / and i simply forgot"
natasha misses andre so intensely at this point. when i first listened to this show and heard this song i was like "wait a min... is andre like... dead?" and im sure i wasnt the only person who assumed that this was why natasha felt so sad by the end of such a beautiful song. (spoiler alert andre is fine)
but this line really exemplifies how sad natasha is, and hints at the fact that andre may never come back. it implies that their relationship is doomed (at least in my opinion) and that's all yuekka. Sokka misses yue intensely when shes gone. Yue accepted her fate almost immediately but sokka was in denial. he thought there had to be another way. but in the end it wasn't meant to be. and sokka will go on, loving yue, wishing for her back, even though it's not possible.
fuck im gonna cry.
zukka: all i've ever known- hadestown
"i was alone so long / i didn't even know that i was lonely / out in the cold so long / i didnt even know that i was cold"
sokka is from the swt so theres where the cold comes in. also in the gaang (initially) it was just him katara and aang. and katara and aang were much closer to each other than sokka was with aang and the two of them were benders so sokka was kind of an outsider with the two of them. He also represses a lot of his emotions and feels the need to do everything himself so i do see a lot of loneliness in sokka. and the fact that so many people in his life have left him (his mom, yue, his dad, suki briefly, etc...) he is known to keep people at an arms length. i see a lot of loneliness in sokka.
zuko's loneliness is a lot more obvious: he has literally been cast out and abandoned by everyone except iroh. and even then he still feels the need to be alone (remember zuko alone? thought so) these boys look after themselves and push others away and revel in their loneliness in order to keep themselves from getting hurt. at least in my opinion on canon and also some fanon because id be a liar if i said fanon didnt influence how i view ALL my ships (not just zukka)
"all ive ever known is how to hold my own / but now I wanna hold you too"
COME ONE MANNNN, they just wanna hold each other. theyre both very big protectors as well and kljhflkasdhg they wanna protect eachother like kljdhfl im gonna lose it rn.
"You take me in your arms / And suddenly there's sunlight all around me / Everything bright and warm / And shining like it never did before / And for a moment I forget / Just how dark and cold it gets"
SUNLIGHT SYMBOLISM. zuko is literally powered by the sun. i don't think i even NEED to elaborate on this one anymore lol. They find comfort in each other away from all of their trauma. when they're together nothing else matters and i personally love that for them. they both deserve love.
"I knew you before we met / And I don't even know you yet / All I know is your someone I have always known"
these two are extremely similar in canon. many parallels. older brothers overshadowed by their prodigy little sisters. longing to make their fathers proud (granted one dad is good and one is fuckin evil), both are pretty bad with emotions. both are seen protecting others before themselves (sokka protecting suki during the serpant's pass, sokka protecting toph on like multiple occassions, zuko protecting katara in the final agni kai), the list goes on. they know who the other is because they see themselves in the other person. they already know each other because they are each other (in a way, not entirely, but the similarities are strong in my opinion)
"I'm gonna hold you forever / The wind will never change on us / Long as we stay with each other / Then it will always be like this"
i just think this line is so cute and sweet (ignoring all the symbolism and foreshadowing that comes with the last line in the musical itself. im gonna pretend this is nothing but happy) and i think these boys deserve happiness so yeah. this song is zukka to me lol.
jetko: thrill of first love- falsettoes
if you've never listened to this song go an do it now. you will know INSTANTLY that it is jetko because of the dynamics alone. marvin and whizzer are pure jetko and i take no crticisms.
marvin and whizzer are both extremely stubborn, and they don't always get along, and they fight a lot, and they get mad at each other a lot, and they are both passionate as hell, and they will bring this passion into everything. they love each other that is without a doubt, but they arent perfect and they are once again stubborn and determined as fuck.
sound familiar? it's literally jetko.
the lyrics aren't what remind me of jetko, but the dynamic itself. the lyrics are too on the nose for a gay couple in 1970's america so that rlly cant apply to jetko all that much. but the way these two characters bounce off of each other and get annoyed with each other and argue with eachother reminds me of jetko. because let's be honest: these two are the most stubborn characters in the whole show. they will fight for what they believe and it will take literally everything to change their minds.
i love jetko but i think they would have petty arguments all the time and get aggravated by one another so easily. and this is even seen in canon: they work so fucking well together but they did not even HESITATE to fight one another after neither of them would give in and let the fight about whether jet was right or wrong about zuko being a firebender. like i cannot say it enough they are stubborn as fuck.
but underneath all that stubborn pettiness and bickering: marvin and whizzer still love each other. and jet and zuko would still love each other. because even though they are stubborn when it comes to arguments, they are even more stubborn and determined when it comes to each other. these two passionate motherfuckers are in love.
(now when i chose this song i decided to ignore the fact that this song literally spells out the fact that marvin and whizzer's relatinoship is doomed because they literally say passion dies. thats the difference between jetko and whizzer and marvin because i dont think passion dies. i chose this song strictly for the bickering lmao)
and i know you didnt ask about tokka but,,,,
i rlly wanna talk about the tokka one
so im going to
tokka: on my own- les mis
look. i KNOW this song is about unrequited love and i love tokka as a couple but,,, the unrequited love in this song just SCREAMS unrequited tokka to me so thats what i went with.
eponine is a girl who has neglectful parents who lives life by her own rules: toph. eponine is shown to be tough and confident and spunky to others but behind all of that she has emotions, she feels love, she hides her vulnerability so much: toph. she is in love with a guy she cant be with because he loves someone else: TOPH
eponine is toph to a t and toph is eponine to a t. this is not up for debate lmao
"without him i feel his arms around me"
toph is always seen grabbing onto someone (and its almost ALWAYS sokka) when she's somewhere where she can't use her feet to see. FEEL and ARMS cmon. look at it.
"and i know / i know that he is blind"
COME ON. IMAGINE TOPH SINGING THIS LINE. this line is already powerful enough in les mis but having toph, a blind character, sing it just makes the symbolism even deeper. toph sees the potential relationship they could have together. toph sees that sokka is oblivious to this. toph is not blind to the truth or the potention, but sokka is blind to her feelings. im about to lose my mind over this line.
"I love him / But every day I'm learning / All my life / I've only been pretending / Without me / His world will go on turning / A world that's full of happiness / That I have never known"
i need to sit down for a moment. toph grew up in a household where her parents did not understand her. she has learned to hide her true emotions and vulnerabilities from everyone. and its the fact that toph knows that she and sokka will never be together and the fact that she still loves him in spite of that is what makes this even more heartbreaking.
"but only on my own"
thank you for indulging my theatre kid nonsense. you are very sweet and kind and lovely and awesome and i hope you have a lovely day bestie :) <3
ask me why i think these songs go with these ships
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kaitosimp · 3 years
Hold on by Cody Fry. This gives me Saimota vibes. Like shuichi waiting for kaito to come home from space.
Feel again by OneRepublic. Yknow this gives me oumota vibes!! Like kaito helping Kokichi to figure out his own emotions!
How far we’ve come by Matchbox Twenty. Yknow I don’t really have a ship for this. Just kaito vibes!!
The final countdown by Europe. Kaito. Come on. We can all tell it’s Kaitos song. It has an old sci fi to it!
Footloose by Kenny Loggins. Gives me saimota vibes. Idk what it is about it, but it does!
House of memories by panic at the disco. Pregame oumota vibes.
Hold us together by WILD. Saimota. :)
Run away by Fareoh, this just gives me saimota vibes. Could also be oumota
Beating heart by Ellie Goulding. this gives me saimota vibes in a way that corresponds with them making up after chapter four. :(
Turbulent by Waterparks. This gives me saimota vibes too. Kinda like shuichi trying to ignore his feelings for kaito because he feels like he doesn’t like him back, and he doesn’t want to ruin the friendship.
I’m making too many of these-
The hold on song is def saimota!! It gave me feels thinking of it in Shuichi's perspective and him missing Kaito while he's in space 😭😭😭 Or y'know, after he dIES :,))))))) 💔 Either way it hurts 😔✋🏽
Oooh yes I got oumota vibes off feel again!! I saw it as Kaito just coming into Kokichi's life and teaching him what love is like and it's just them in love ty 😩💜
I rlly liked the how far we've come song, its super catchy!! I def got the Kaito vibes, it made me think of his progress and how far he's come with his friends/the love of his love by his side 🌚👌🏼
I honestly forgot final countdown existed so i had to listen to it again 😂 Now that I have, I agree, it has Kaito vibes all over it, even in the melody and beat and everything??? I never noticed the space-y elements to this song like leaving earth and going to Venus so this has been a treat 👁👄👁
Footloose is so dang funky, I love it 😂😂 I know I've heard it before but idk from where! I got saimota vibes too, particularly when it says the stuff about the person playing it cool and obeying every rule but the singer digs a way into their heart, it made me think of Kaito getting Shuichi to come out of his shell and live a little y'know! Then the stuff about life passing by and how you gotta cut loose, it just makes me think of that again, of Kaito brightening up Shuichi's life by showing him new things and expanding his horizons and just yES, it makes sense 🌚
I already knew house of memories but I'll never skip a chance to listen to p!atd, this song is amazing 🌚✋🏽 I DIDN'T SEE THE OUMOTA BEFORE BUT I DAMN WELL DO NOW, DAMN 😭😭😭 GOD I SEE IT AS OUMOTA LITERALLY BEFORE THEY ENTER THE KILLING GAME??? ASDFGHJKL 😭✋🏽
As soon as hold us together I got hit with saimota :,))) I literally see it from either of their perspective and its like, they're falling for each other and its a scary new feeling but it's also amazing and despite how rocky it may be at the start its okay cause they'll get through it 😭💜
Run away gave me both saimota and oumota feels 😭😭 Though saimota gave me many more feels, cause it made me think of it in Shuichi's perspective @ Kaito and him missing Kaito after he goes to space oR, YOU GUESSED IT, AFTER HE D I E S 🥲
Oof, I def got them make-up vibes with beating heart 😭 God, when it said "wanna hear your beating heart tonight before the bleeding sun comes alive" and "i want to make the best of what is left" I automatically thought of the night those two made up through the window and how that was the last time they talked before it all went to hell with the hangar plan, sOB 🥲💔
Man I really liked turbulent!! I def see it from that perspective of Shuichi trying to make his feelings for Kaito disappear and he's just mad that he fell in love with him :,) Also ngl, I got oumota vibes from Kokichi's perspective but that's solely bc of the cussing and attitude 😂
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lousimusician · 5 years
Why It’s Fun To Be a Tease
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Requested by: @t-hollands-bitch
Request: Could u write something about the reader teasing Tom all night long while him and the reader are out with friends. When they get back home, Tom teases the reader and edges her so much untill she's a moaning mess and begs to cum. When he finally lets her, he makes her cum so many times so she is overstimulated and falls into subspace. Soo yeah, pretty wild hehe
(A/N: I didn’t include the part about subspace bcuz I don’t rlly know how to write it lol, hope you enjoy anyway!!)
Word Count: 1.8k, unprotected sex (DONT DO THAT)
“Fuck- Tom!” You cried out.
You were bad tonight
You lifted your hips off the bed, grinding your pussy against his mouth. 
You made Tom mad
Your hands pulled on the tie that bound them together at the headboard.
You thought it would be fun to try something new
His arm came up to wrap around your hips, pushing them back on the bed.
And it was
He hummed against you, knowing the vibrations drove you crazy.
You had teased him all night at dinner and even though he was punishing you now, you were still having fun
His tongue was on your clit and fingers knuckle deep in your pussy, making you cry his name over and over again.
He was just so hot when he was mad
You were close— so fucking close.
And Tom knew it.
So, just as you were about to cum, he pulled away.
”Tom!” You screamed again but this time in frustration.
He smirked down at you, “How many edges is that?”
You scowled at him, “Three.” You muttered bitterly.
He narrowed his eyes at you, “Watch that attitude princess.” He mocked, “The night’s just started.”
You turned your head away from him, “Well can we move things along then?”
His jaw clenched in anger, his fingers trailing past your hips and over your folds, making you jump slightly. “You brought this on yourself. If you act like a slut all night I’m gonna treat you like a fucking slut.”
Christ— he was so fucking hot
You looked him in the eyes, challenging him, “What can I say? You looked so good when you got all red and flustered when I was palming you through your jeans at the dinner table tonight.”
He clicked his tongue, his hand came up and he pushed his thumb in your mouth, pulling down on your jaw, thumb holding down your tongue, “You better watch that mouth, I’m two seconds away from gagging you.” 
You held eye contact with him for a few more seconds before breaking it, making him smirk down at you.
”Now,” he started, “Where were we?”
If only Tom knew this wasn’t working the way he wanted it to
And who knew you’d be so into it
And even though he was still pretty pissed, you could tell he was into this too
But fuck— you just really wanted to cum right now
”No, Tom,” you whined desperately, eyes filling with tears, as he pulled his mouth away from your sensitive and dripping pussy.
Tom smirked down at you and he laughed.
He fucking laughed.
“How many edges is that now, pretty girl?”
You sniffled, blinking back the desperate tears, “N-ine.” You muttered, voice cracking at how sore it was from screaming all night.
His fingertips traced your hips as he hummed, “Not so tough now huh?” 
You didn’t answer.
”I asked you a question love.”
”...No,” you answered quietly, and his grin widened.
His eyes landed on your soaking cunt, and he sighed, letting his fingers trace over your puffy lips and swollen clit. You jumped from the contact, because of how sensitive you were.
”You look so fucking good like this princess,” he groaned, “All swollen and sensitive.... made a fucking mess of the sheets love.” He said making you whimper.
You shut your eyes, trying to ignore how your clit throbbed when his finger brushed near it.
”Wanna cum?” He asked, making you perk up.
”Y-yes- please Tom, wanna cum. Wanna cum so bad,” you whined.
”Okay,” your eyes widened, feeling relief flood you, “After one more edge,” he finished.
”No!” You yelled, “No Tom, no more. Please I just wanna cum-“
”Quiet,” he hissed, “I can easily make it five more edges,” and with that he slid two fingers into you easily.
You jumped at the sudden intrusion and let out another yelp. 
He thrust his fingers into you over and over again, his thumb easily finding your clit. “You gonna behave next time we’re out?” He asked making you nod your head. “Words.” He snapped, reaching over and pinching your nipple.
”Yes!” you gasped out.
”You’ll be a good girl next time?”
”Y-es! Yes Tom, I’ll b-be a good girl.”
No you won’t 
”Good.” He said, leaning over you and crashing his lips to yours.
You kissed him back eagerly, grinding against his hand.
It honestly didn’t take long to get you to the edge again due to how sensitive you were. And you were so so close to cumming, and you knew Tom knew that too, but when he hadn’t pulled his hand away you figured out he wanted you to tell him to stop. And you’d be damned if you dragged out this punishment any longer than it needed to be. So you broke the kiss.
”I’m gonna c-cum,” you moaned.
He grinned and pulled his hand away, ignoring your whine, “Good girl, I almost thought you were gonna be a greedy slut and cum.” He laughed, “How many?”
”T-ten,” you whispered.
”Good job pretty girl.” He muttered, and he pulled away. Kissing down your neck and breasts, over your stomach, until he finally reached your pussy. “But that was only the first part of your punishment.”
You looked down at him wide eyed, “W-what?”
”How many times do you think you can cum right now?”
”I-I don’t know...at most... f-four?”
”Then I’ll make it 6.”
”But Tommy, ‘m gonna be too sensitive for that,” you whined, making him narrow his eyes at you again.
”I’ll still get that gag sweetheart.” 
Your mouth closed shut, and you watched as he licked a long stripe between your folds, making you jerk your hips at the sudden contact again. He wrapped an arm around your hips to keep you still as he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked. 
”Fuck— oh my god, Tom!”
His movements were relentless as he finally worked you to your first orgasm of the night. His fingers easily found your entrance and slid in. He angled them a couple different ways before finally finding the spot that turned your moans into screams.
He thrusted his fingers hard and fast as he continued to suck on your clit.
Your orgasm seemed to come out of no where, your mouth falling slack in a silent scream while your back arched off the bed. Tom’s eyes looked up at you, completely entranced. But he hadn’t stopped his movements once you came down from your high, immediately working you towards your second orgasm. And he had barely given you a break between your next two orgasms as well.
He sat up after you came for the third time, staring down at your flushed face and watching as your chest rose and fell in pants, your eyes shut and eyebrows furrowed.
He leaned over and undid the tie around your wrists. You immediately lowered them once he did.
You fluttered your eyes open and looked up at him, and Tom finally paid attention to his throbbing cock and groaned.
With quick movements, Tom pulled down his boxers and flipped you over onto your stomach, the tip of his cock easily finding your entrance. 
He pressed his chest flush to your back, lips grazing your ear, “Got me so fucking hard princess,” he roughly grunted, sliding his tip along your folds, “Been teasing me all night, driving me crazy.”
”Please T-Tommy, fuck me.. want you to feel good,” you said.
You had to admit that you had been a bit cruel to him all night, especially when you sucked him off in the restroom of the restaurant you were in, just to leave him high and dry right before he was going to cum.
You just wanted to get a rise out of him.
See what he’d do.
And you were more than pleased by the reaction.
And even though you were so fucking sensitive you just wanted him to finally cum tonight too.
Not even a second later, Tom had pushed his cock into you all the way, bottoming out, the two of you moaning in unison at the feeling. 
“Fuck, you’re so fucking tight pretty girl-“ you cut him off by tilting your head up so you could crash your lips against his in a rough kiss, he quickly kissed back fervently. He pulled out and roughly thrusted into you, setting a fast pace.
He pulled away from your lips and started muttering dirty words and praises in your ear, “Feel so good- always feel so f-fucking good for me. Not gonna act like a desperate little slut in public anymore right?” You moaned in response, “C’mon, use your words princess.”
”N-no, ‘m gonna be g-good for you.”
”That’s right— because sluts get punished and you don’t like to be punished.”
”No— fuck, ‘m gonna cum.”
Actually... you fucking loved it
”Me too- fuck- go on cum for me again.”
And with that you threw your head back on Tom’s shoulder and came with a moan, Tom following soon after you, his head falling against your neck, biting down on your shoulder.
Once he finished, he pulled out of you, quickly flipping you onto your back again and he moved to settle between your legs, breaths hitting your oversensitive pussy. 
You jumped at the feeling of his tongue on you so soon after your last orgasm, “No Tommy,” you whined, “I told you I can only handle four, ‘m too sensitive.”
”Then you’ll think twice about behaving like a brat in public again, won’t you?” He teased, lips and tongue going back to work on you and pulling two more orgasms from you.
After your last one, you were completely spent. Your pussy throbbing from how overly sensitive it felt. 
You were a sweaty and shaking mess by now, and you were so out of it that you hadn’t noticed that Tom wiped away a tear that escaped your eye. 
”You okay darling?” He asked, placing a kiss on your shoulder.
”Mhm,” you hummed, “Just overwhelmed.”
He sweetly pecked your lips, “You were so good for me sweetheart, Let’s go get you cleaned up; ok?”
You nodded, “Okay,” you sighed.
”After, I’ll put on a movie we can watch til we fall asleep, sound good?” 
You nodded, “Yeah.”
He grinned, pecking your lips again, “I love you princess, so fucking much.”
You sighed, your fingers coming up to play with the curls at his nape, “Love you too Tommy.”
Okay.... so maybe teasing Tom in public might actually become a regular now.
He’s gonna be so fucking pissed next time....
But that’s why it’s fun.
[A/N]: please let me know what you think! Lol I was so nervous to post this cuz I haven’t written smut like this in soooo long
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zhuhongs · 3 years
Since rewatching the guardian drama after reading the novel has made me mad about how bad and good both of them are I am Obligated to write out a list of what I think the perfect merger btw both versions of canon are. This will be in list format otherwise I’ll end up writing like 6k words again. 
TLDR: the genre stays as supernatural from the novel and not Sci fi, bc that was rlly not fleshed out well. Shen Wei is a ghost king, and all the dixingren are ghosts or demons like originally intended. The ghost race naturally exists and wasn't born from kunluns shoulder fire or anything. They just exist separate from humans. Not all ghosts are former humans, some people are just born as ghosts, like Shen Wei. Zhao Yunlan has the guardian whip and all the cool stuff that comes with the Guardian order.  Overall, i’d keep the novel’s plot and relationship progression and ending without the backstory. Instead the backstory is a merger of both canons. From the drama I’d keep the characterization and themes as well as like half the extra cases and omit the other half. 
I’ll be elaborating much further on my ideal backstory and other stuff under the cut bc the rest is 1.5k and I don’t wanna clog the dash 
Okay SO In my ideal backstory there are two timelines just like the drama but the mythology of the book. The god Kunlun is actually zyl that went back in time and became a god. But the one that went back isn’t the current Zhao Yunlan. There has to be an original timeline where the god Kunlun never existed. Thus the great seal nor the separation of the three realms don’t exist either. Zhao Yunlan must go back in time to become a god, meet Shen Wei in the past, and create the current timeline where the separation exists but isn’t perfect. The current timeline is the one that the majority of the series takes place in.
In the original timeline, Zhao Yunlan is just some dude living in a world where ghosts, fairies, and all other beings just live in a giant free for all and it's kinda just a mess. 
Like there’s government in modern context and all and all races live with each other but there's constant tension. ZYL works at some equivalent of the SID (same staff and side characters, but novel vers. Lin Jing is a monk, CSZ a zombie, etc) to protect people and all that and their job is rather hard. One day encounters the thousands year old ghost king Wei (who isnt shen wei yet bc zyl gave him that name in the future) who works alone as like a rouge cultivator of sorts. He lives on the surface undercover as a professor still bc he’s trying to not catch Yezun’s attention but does all the stuff he normally does as Heipaoshi. The two ally together for a case and bc they both have the same goals of getting all races to live in peace. At current, there are forces working together to decimate the human race, all lead by Yezun
As they work together they become closer and all that. Shen Wei tells him about how he was unable to prevent the great war 5 thousand years ago and neither could the gods so  he’s spent the past 5 thousand years trying to make up for it. As they search for ways to stop Yezun, they gather the 4 hallows and learn how to use them to manipulate time so ZYL can go into the past and stop the great war and separate the three realms (living, dead, ghost).  Shen Wei wants to go back with him but he can’t because he was alive all those years ago so if he goes back it will create a paradox. ZYL promises he’ll find Shen Wei in the past and create a timeline where they could be together in peace (that is the current timeline)
When goes back he becomes the god kunlun because there needed to be a new god born at the time to prevent the war.  Also this time traveller looked promising to Nuwa, Fuxi, and Shennong. And I know in the guardian universe gods are usually born and ppl don’t become gods. EXCEPT this can happen when a god passes on smth from their body onto them bc that did happen in the novel with Kunlun making shen wei a demigod. And since fu you and ma gui are supposed to be gods Nu Wa and Fuxi I think that when they die, they should make ZYL a god and that's how this stuff happens.
So like ZYL explains to the gods the time he came from and how he wants to save everything and they make him a god and he works to save everything just like he did in the drama but this time with the novel plotline. During this time he meets young Shen Wei (he’s still like a hundred or so years old) and they get close and all the stuff from the backstory happens. He gives him his name, all that good stuff. The entire time doesn’t let him know that he’s from the future or that his real name is ZYL. He just poses as kunlun. 
The two of them alongside the other gods (who still die at the times they do in the novel) work together to end the war and establish the great seal and set up the cycle of reincarnation, per the current timeline. Although the seal and cycle of reincarnation aren’t perfect. Gods can’t reincarnate, and ghosts still don’t have souls. And just like the novel, doing all of this kills ZYL bc it takes a lot of energy to create the seal even though it isn’t perfect.
Shen Wei of course doesn’t want ZYL to die and zyl says it's alright because he fixed the timeline so there must One day they will meet again and ZYL reveals the truth about the timeline to shen wei before he dies. This becomes the promise that Shen Wei mentions to meet again. Before he dies, ZYL gives him the shoulder fire as a memento ( i still like the candy wrapper necklace deal but i’ll take this too. Maybe both.. The pendant is still just rlly cool.. Gay ppl)
Shen Wei knows gods can’t enter the cycle of reincarnation and still makes the deal with Shennong to strip Kunlun of his godhood and let him reincarnate. This sets us into the novel timeline where isn’t allowed to meet any of zyl’s reincarnations before he becomes zyl otherwise he will die and also fuck up the timeline. The same 5 thousand years of pining still ensue bc Gay Ppl and i love making Shen Wei suffer but he doesn’t have the shrine room thing bc i think thats weird and yea.. Bad. 
In the meantime Shen Wei does a lot of things mostly just protecting the great seal and working for Hell to keep the peace but still does other stuff. He still watches out for ZYL’s reincarnations but doesn’t do much besides make sure they don’t die a premature death. They meet again finally at the beginning of the series and the timeline resumes like canon. And that's my master plan that merges both drama logic and novel logic while making a much better timeline. (I hope that makes some sense)
Da Qing is still Kunlun’s pet cat and important. Novel backstory applies to him. And I already mentioned him kinda but as for Yezun (Gui Mian in the novel) his deal is similar as in the drama but just a ghost. And he is a big player in the great war, he thought Shen Wei abandoned him as a kid but they were just separated. Shen Wei doesn’t know it's him till the end of the war and couldn’t stop him in the OG timeline and vows to bring him to justice and make amends. Shen Wei continuously tries to explain things to him but he just won’t listen and is imprisoned in hell bc yk… war criminal stuff and yeah he’s the main antagonist trying to break the great seal bc he’s still made about the past. Idk. Yezun wasn’t well written in the novel OR the drama so like… honestly he just needs to be completely rewritten and I don’t care enough about that. He can just be a weak villain idk
the drama characterization stays the same for everyone else bc found family go brr. However for Lao Chu i… hmm… i think he should still be a zombie but the reason he killed someone should be related to his brother. I like that addition and then shen wei realized his sentence was unjust and exempted him. i like that storyline merger. bc the brother thing and him admiring Heipaoshi was drama only. in the novel lao chu just murdered some kid for a rlly whatever reason.
uhhh in terms of the cases… id make adjustments to most of them. i think the li qian case should be like the drama bc the novel just had her as a murderer and it was boring. 
For the mountain river awl one was fine… novel version was funnier and more interesting action wise tbh… rip zyl and his exorbitant flirting. uhhh the whole reveal that shen wei was the soul reaper thing was kinda… ehh in the novel but i did love the comedy of afterwards Shen Wei pretending he went into cardiac arrest when he actually just… has no pulse bc he's a ghost. 
ID KEEP THE WORTH IT SCENE AND RAIN SCENE… THOSE FUCK SO HARD… I love the drama for adding those every damn day. the novel version of zyl losing his sight sucked and was sooo boring.  Keep the drama version on that.
also id keep dr. cheng. i'm very pro dr. cheng and her friendship with shen wei it adds so much to his character imo. keep the fruit seller man and his wife for the merit brush..omg it adds SO MUCH the way the drama did it.. like the drams build up with the novels pace of that arc.. mwah. it felt like it dragged a bit in the drama but if it went faster and without the hospital ep and with sha ya (sorry sha ya) that would've been so good. tho keep novel version of da qings memory loss and lao li. that was rlly impactful.
id say keep some of the cases like the mirror one, the eyes doctor one, etc. just to like.. yk have more to fill in general.. novel pacing but drama characterization without the bs that wasn't fully realized. and novel ending ofc. And that’s it!!
I hope most of this makes some amount of sense  but it probably doesn’t. In my head it all tracks but like ik most of u don’t know anything about the novel so this sounds like gibberish. Also I know this would literally never happen but this is MY ideal merger of the two canons that I feel compelled to expand on for some reason. Anyways, as io said,, we need to rebuild guardian. Like literally let me and the mutuals write Guardian and it will be 500 times better.
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superbatson · 3 years
If leif/tobin/both of them had a coming out scene, how do u think it would go? (I just feel like ur a rlly good writer ! 🤩)
i'm sorry this is a really really late reply. i miss getting asks so i just thought i'd scroll through my inbox out of boredom and found this again, so. hopefully you're not mad! and you don't mind this just being a stream of conscious headcanon thing rather than a fic
god leif..... i probably self-project onto him a lot bc he's my fave but he just gives me such nervous bisexual vibes (bc he is bi and definitely appears twitchy and always striving for perfection) so he'd be really really anxious and nervous to come out to tobin. probably spends like 20 mins pacing in the bathroom, trying to plan out everything he wants to say (while also imagining all the bad ways in which tobin could react), before finally taking a deep breath and stepping out to face the music.
i should backtrack and note that i have a running headcanon that leif and tobin are roommates (oh my god, they were roommates) but i would set this back to them in college - yes i know the show said leif canonically roomed with someone else in college but MAYBE that was a one year thing or leif and tobin went to different colleges but got an apartment together senior year. there are plenty of ways i can work around that canon 😅
so leif steps out of the bathroom and tobin's in the living room, maybe playing a video game or something and leif's just softly like "hey tobes, you got a second?" and tobin glances at him and pauses the game while saying something like, "sure, anything for you, bro" (and of course leif's heart flutters at that, tobin so willing to break away from his video games just so leif could tell him something).
leif probably had some whole long-winded story planned out to tell tobin about his journey to realizing his sexuality and stuff but his brain just kinda blanks and all that comes out is, "i'm bi"
and tobin is so nonchalant about it, he's just like "cool. that's all you wanted to tell me?"
and leif is just gaping bc he expected so much more of a reaction and prepared for a thousand different ways in which this could go but somehow this wasn't one of them. when he finally finds his voice again, it kinda cracks when he goes, "yeah," before he clears his throat, "i thought you would have more of a reaction"
"nah," tobin says with a shrug. "i mean, it's cool with me, 'cause i'm bi too."
"really?" leif asks, his voice cracking again. (and damn, there goes his heart fluttering again.) "you are?"
"mmhmm," tobin says. "kissed a lot of dudes and chicks in high school. well, those who were into me, obviously."
leif can't help but flush, thinking about tobin kissing other guys and girls, imagining himself in their place.
"wanna join me?" tobin asks, pulling leif back to reality. he's holding an extra controller out towards leif.
"sure," leif says. he joins tobin on the couch, sitting down next to him as he resumes the game, adjusting it for two-player mode. they're sat next to each other just like old times, with barely any space between them, 'cause they're comfortable around each other like that. while leif's still blushy, he can't help but feel a sense of comfort in tobin's presence, the warmth of his body next to him. his body relaxes in a way it never had for all the years he's known tobin, like he finally let out a breath he'd been holding for far too long.
it feels good to be able to breathe again.
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an1malcannibal · 4 years
So about that sog Kai au 👀👀👀 do you mind telling us about it????😳😳😳
ALSJJDJSKALAJSJSKALA GOTCHU BRO 🥺💞💞💞 thank you for asking!!!!! Beware.... long post time....
Basically this starts aaaallllll the way back in season 4, where when Kai became the red shogun, he got involved in even shadier and shadier business situations (he basically becomes a for-hire grunt/guard because he’s so good at fighting! As a result, he’s so deep in the underworld and it’s dealings that when the ninja tried to look for him in season 4, they straight up can’t find him. They use all of their connections, everything they can, but he’s completely disappeared, without so much of a trace past three months after Zane died. (This is a year later. They hadn’t checked up on Kai in a while, he had a huge fight with them before he left, swore he never wanted to see them again, etc. they decided to give him time and space). So they file Kai as a missing person, and come together for the search for him! A few days after the report is filed and they start the search, they get their invitations to Chen’s! Kai didn’t get an invite because even Chen couldn’t find him... so the ninja have to make the difficult decision to pause their search and try and go save Zane, only to have nya AND Garmadon show up because Nya came with him for backup, but then she heard abt Zane, and made the even harder decision to join them on their quest to get Zane. Season 4 happens relatively the same, only Nya was the one to become romantically involved with skylor instead of Kai (staff moment didn’t happen because nya didn’t have the villainous traits for the staff to bring out rip. But it did help connect her to her elemental powers a little early! Good for you queen). But anyways. Harm still gets yeeted, seasons aftermath is the same except now they have Zane and have to face the search for Kai, which hits them like a ton of bricks. Season 4 ends.
so when season 5 starts everything is pretty different, there’s no tea shop, because all of their energy and focus is on the search for kai, so nya hasn’t had time to rlly focus on trying to develop her powers, so later when she trains her skill level is abt the same. morro happens, which delays the search AGAIN. they are in very low spirits abt all this. season 5s ending and resulting effects are the same. skybound does not happen just like in the show :). day of the dead happens, season 7 is a bit more complicated but again, results for the ninja are the same. basically normal seasons, except kai isn’t there and they are generally in lower spirits because all of their free time is spent looking for kai, but they think he’s either vanished completely or.... something worse that they don’t want to think about. so by time season 8 starts, the ninja have definitely become much more lax on their search, not spending as much time on it, dealing with other threats. they hate it, but ninjago needs defending and they are the ones to do it. by time season 8 starts, they’ve stopped actively going all over ninjago. they just keep their eyes out during missions more, that kind of thing. MEANWHILE!
this whole time, kais been doing his shady activities. traveling around with different gangs until he finds one that have him work for them full time, however it’s one of the biggest organized crime syndicates in ninjago. all over the whole continent! so he basically has to travel a lot, and he goes DEEP undercover, because originally he didn’t want anyone to find him, then it became he was so ashamed of all the criminal activity he’s taken part in. however, after a while of stewing in definitely the WORST environment for this kind of thing, he slowly but surely has so much resentment, the anger, then eventually even hate for the ninja. it wasn’t near overnight, but it happened. he thought about all the hurtful things they had said to eachother in their last fight. how deeply everyone’s words had cut. how they all seemed to gang up on him, when he now knew he was grieving, and sure he was out of line a bit then, but did it really require that? them taking everything out on him? he thought about how it took months for them to even realize he was gone, that his last motel was a dead end and he hadn’t left a trace since. how they didn’t try and somehow let him know that zane was alive. how they had seemed to search for him like mad and then disappear for so long, almost at this point having given up on finding him entirely. he didn’t want to talk to them, but it had been nice, secretly, to know that they at least cared enough to look for him, to miss him maybe. he thought about how zane dying had fractured the team, but kai being as good as dead didn’t seem to meaningfully impact the team in any way. he was selfish for thinking this, he knew, but GOD it hurt him more than he could describe. all that he had done for each of his teammates. his sister. his family. his whole life he had done nothing but sacrifice for all of them, only for them to not sacrifice a thing in return for him? he is. angry. and devastatingly depressed about it at the same time. and he’s filled with so many conflicting emotions, because on one side he still truly cares about them, and would do so much for things to go back to the way they were. but on the other side, he is just filled with so much resentment and anger, hatred all built up, the feeling of betrayal and deep, gut wrenching sadness, all swirling together, clouding his mind, mixing with his deep, almost hidden happiness of being actually FREE of all of the hero junk, the responsibility, the destiny, EVERYTHING. he also, even more secretly, enjoys the fighting more now. he doesn’t have to hold back. he can keep going until he burns himself out because that’s what he’s paid to do, damn the consequences. he’s swept up into being more and more violent, even accepting a few hit jobs a couple of times, mainly to see if he could. he could. basically rn he’s an absolute SOUP of conflicting violent emotions and dubious morality. This is the state he’s in when he meets Harumi.
he meets harumi on a job, she was working with the opposite gang, starting to get herself into the crime rings so she could firmly establish the sons of garmadon, (this part might change a bit because i actually have to watch season 8-9-10 lol but i’m getting to it i promise) they end up outside after, ending up sharing a lighter and some smokes, causing them to start talking, and end up opening up a bit and bonding a bit. they end up sort of.... acquaintances. they will talk after a job or before sharing a lighter to smoke sometimes, talking about so many different things. eventually they end up talking abt the ninja and how much they HATE them, harumi egging kai on in his negative emotions towards him, revealing her parents fates. kai ends up revealing the stuff abt his parents, how he was forced to raise his sister from far too young..... eventually revealing that he was, at one time. the red ninja. never again to him though. never again. he’s begun to hate everything he once stood for. harumi has her suspicions, he fit the description of the missing red ninja, from broadcasts and flyers. this was just the kind of business where you don’t ask those kinds of questions. besides, she liked kai. and what better way to get back at the green ninja, the once she hated most, than getting his former teammate on her side?
So that’s it so far!!!! I hope u like this bro! I have a lot more details and fights in mind, especially when we actually get into season 8 lol, but I don’t wanna spoil anything rn!!!!! Lots of fun stuff I’m planning on posting lol 👀 PLEASE tell me what u think bro..... I crave feedback and criticism..... pls bro.... 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years
ewbts - my top moments
no i will never stop laughing at that abbreviation it’s beautiful. buckle in because this is gonna be long, and probably don’t read it unless you’ve watched/read kuroko’s basketball and like izuki lmaoooo
chapter 1: hatchling, awaken
Izuki swallows. “Why do you all think I can do this?”
Then Kiyoshi turns to him with steel in his eyes (that must be how he got nicknamed Iron Heart - he seriously never backs down!) and asks him very clearly, “Why don’t you?”
Why don’t I think I can be captain?
“Because nobody thought I could be until now.”
aka “ceru is a masochist”, exhibit 1/???. anyway lets hear it for insecurities!!
chapter 2: liftoff
Predictably, Kuroko drags him aside at practice the next day and says, “I have something to tell you, Izuki-senpai.”
Izuki smiles at him. “Is it about your five evil exes?”
Kuroko looks horrified. “My what?!”
i think im funny
chapter 3: crash landing
As Izuki walks off the court, he looks for flashing glasses and grey eyes.
He curses himself for the heavy sadness that falls over him like a blanket when he doesn’t spot them.
yay for “ceru is a masochist” exhibit 2!
Oh, he [Izuki] watched videos of Aomine, came up with strategy after strategy to corner him, but videos and strategies can only go so far. Aomine in real life is something else entirely, a flash of lightning setting the court on fire with the sheer elegance of his crazy street basketball. All one can do is sit back and watch, awed beyond belief. Nothing can curb the wild madness that is Aomine Daiki – unrestrained, gleeful insanity dancing across the court like it’s his playground.
i also rlly like this line, it has some pretty imagery and we all know im a slut for pretty imagery~
chapter 4: a broken bone grows back stronger
“All right,” Koganei says to himself, moving to stand in front of the hoop. “One more time.”
He jumps, raising the ball to just above his face and releasing it. It misses, and he lets out a cry of frustration.
Can he even do this? Is it worth the time?
Koganei bites back the wave of guilt that washes over him at the thought. Izuki, Kiyoshi, Tsuchida, Rinnosuke, Kagami, Kuroko – he’d be letting them down if he didn’t give this his best shot. They’re all so dedicated to basketball that they each have a special skill honed from years of practice and love for the sport. If he can’t bring anything of his own to the table, what will he mean to this team? Seirin makes him want to be a team player, to add his skills to theirs rather than shining on his own. The change is good, yes, but he doesn’t want to stop there – he doesn’t want to be useless.
He will not be useless.
a bit of context: in this fic, since hyuuga did not return, koga became the SG for seirin :D i think my favorite character to develop, apart from izuki, was koganei - it was so fun to imagine all the ways he could have gone!
chapter 5: spreading new wings
All too soon, the day of judgment arrives, and Seirin convenes in the gym one last time before they head off to the Winter Cup building. No one says anything; not Kagami, fresh from his training trip to America, not Izuki, not Kiyoshi or Riko. They simply stand there, breathing in the scent of cleaner and leather and something else that’s so entirely Seirin, and knowing that no matter what happens this Winter Cup, they will return to the gym different people than they were before.
Different, and better.
Then they head out and off to the opening ceremony of the Winter Cup, not looking back once as they do.
yay for more pretty words!!!
“Oh, no worries. The actual motivational part is coming. Anyway, as I was saying – Tōō was just better than us that day. It’s hard to admit, I know: far easier to blame yourself, say you didn’t give it your all, but you know; we all know. It was their day to shine, not ours. But I think we’ve worked hard enough and are in a good enough mindset to change that, today. We aren’t scared or apprehensive about Tōō and Aomine, because we’ve faced them before. We know what attitude they’ll walk into our game with, and that’s what we’re going to exploit!”
“You’re going to exploit,” corrects Tsuchida. “Unlike you, the rest of us aren’t manipulative bastards.”
That raises a bunch of cackles, which quiet down when Izuki gives his team a glare. It doesn’t work on Riko, however, who sniggers under her breath and smirks at him.
izuki highkey sucks at pep talks lmao
chapter 6: ride the storm
Kagami and Aomine were made for each other. Made for this rivalry, this intense competition that will push them to their very limits and carry them onto a plane that no ordinary human can reach. Neither can defeat the other per se - they’re destined to stand neck and neck forever. However, one has a trump card on his side; and that trump card can make all the difference in the world.
Aomine Daiki may be strong, but Kagami Taiga is just as good. And damn him if the power of Kagami’s determination coupled with Kuroko’s unshakeable support won’t overwhelm the undisputed king of basketball.
Move aside, light bulb, Izuki thinks vindictively. The tube light is here to replace you.
pretty words. gay words. i love them (aokaga + izuki being a salt man lmao).
chapter 7: eagle versus aegis
“So bitter,” he [Izuki] reflects aloud, answering Himuro’s question.
That’s the emotion in his eyes. That’s what I might have become, if I had let my anger grow.
And suddenly he isn’t seeing Himuro Tatsuya anymore, but a version of himself, a version with darkened eyes and a mocking smile and pain and rage bubbling below the surface. Immensely talented, but not able to break the last barrier. Because he’s an ordinary man, and it’s as much as an ordinary man can do.
Strong, so strong. But also so terribly, heartbreakingly weak. Weak in a way that today’s Izuki Shun will never be.
GOD where do i even start w/this scene its literally everything i’ve ever wanted to write ksjfhsfj
chapter 8: clawing through mirages
Izuki’s taken aback for a millisecond before he continues his mad dash towards Murasakibara, letting out a war cry as the center makes to simply toss the ball into the hoop.
“It wasn’t their intention,” says a quiet but familiar voice. “But, this is the result of Kiyoshi-senpai and the other upperclassmen’s tenacity.”
Izuki grins, feeling new strength fill him up.
Together, huh? Okay. Together.
“This is where it ends for you!” shouts the voice, becoming stronger.
Not one, but two hands knock the ball out of Murasakibara’s hands and onto the ground. Kuroko shimmers into vision, smiling at Izuki with all the happiness in the world, just as the final buzzer rings.
i loved writing this match tbh, yousen is super underrated!
chapter 9: catch the updraft
21 - 22, in their favour at long last. Izuki grins at Kasamatsu, who shakes his head wearily.
“Using my own advice against me. What a terrible student you are,” he says, affecting an old man’s voice.
“The true student is the one who beats the master at his own game,” Izuki says quickly, sliding back into their familiar banter. “I swore to myself, my drive would beat your drive today, kitakore.”
“When did you get so wise?” asks Kasamatsu with a sigh, ignoring his pun and receiving the ball from Kobori, who was quick to grab it once Koga scored. Izuki just laughs, not bothering to reply and instead focusing carefully on Kasamatsu’s movements.
Kasamatsu shifts his weight right, left, then right again. Izuki narrows his eyes, trying to figure out what the hell his upperclassman is doing—
But it’s far too late, as Kasamatsu successfully passes through his defence in his moment of distraction, ball clutched tightly in hand. The sound of the scoring whistle is shrill and unpleasant to Izuki’s ears, and his chest stings at the loss.
“What was that about the main course?” Kasamatsu teases, wearing an enormous grin as he comes forward to guard Izuki once more. 
izuki + kasamatsu banter is so so fun to write y’all have no idea
chapter 10: headwinds
This is your fault. If you’d been a better captain, a better point guard, a better everything, none of this would’ve happened. Seirin would have been well in the lead and controlling the game—
Izuki shakes his head violently, trying to get rid of his intrusive thoughts. He knows he’s a good captain, and doing this to himself will do no good for the rest of the team. He has to be strong for them. He has to lead them to victory, he can’t be a weak person overwhelmed by emotion. But it’s so hard to breathe, suddenly, and Izuki’s about to sink when—
“Don’t worry, Captain. I’ll take care of this match today,” says a confident and familiar voice, and a hand claps down on Izuki’s shoulder. He turns, a little surprised by the sudden contact, to find Koganei’s cat mouth set in a determined frown. “You can rest your hopes on me. I’ll be Seirin’s wings for as long as you need me to.”
kogazuki brotp feels man. kogazuki brotp feels.
chapter 11: cliff edge
Riko nods, sobering up a little. “I do know. And… I have to admit, I was a little harsh on you in the early days… I kept comparing you to Hyūga-kun.” She looks at the ground briefly, then raises her head to continue, meeting Izuki’s eyes with no hint of doubt in her own brown irises. “But then I saw how different you were. How you were never willing to give up, even if you were the worst player in the world. That’s what… that’s what made me truly believe in you.” She swallows thickly, taking a deep breath, but not averting her gaze from his.
The honesty and trust in her eyes is what shatters Izuki’s calm.
He steps forward, and she rises too, opening her arms. Then he hugs her tightly, murmuring, “Thank you for having faith in me.”
The “Of course. You’re family,” that she whispers back fills Izuki’s already overflowing heart even further.
Eventually, he lets her go, and she drops lightly to the ground, straightening her sweater and skirt.
“We never speak of this,” Izuki warns her, moving towards the door of the room.
Riko nods, back to her usual haughty demeanour. “Of course. No one can know we’re actually big softies who care a lot for each other.”
“To them, we’re just sarcastic jerks,” Izuki agrees. “And that’s the way it stays.”
anyone said izuriko brotp???? this fic is just platonic feels tbh
chapter 12: overcast skies
What should I do? Someone tell me! the voice cries out in Izuki’s head, a voice he hasn’t heard since the loss to Tōō. It is the same voice that whispers all his insecurities in his ear in the dead of night when no one is around to reassure him, the same voice that gave rise to all his fears and worries. It is the voice of the vulnerable and weak part of Izuki, the one that needs someone to guide him with a gentle hand, and he hates it.
It is a voice that, frankly, he never thought he would hear again. Yet, here it is, crying out for attention, screaming for someone to help.
He thought he had left it behind. It turns out he was wrong.
Izuki shoves it deep into his heart with more effort than he’s exerted all game, breathing a heavy sigh when he succeeds in locking it behind the glass wall that keeps his emotions away.
let’s hear it for “ceru is a masochist” exhibit 3~
chapter 13: nosedive
“I don’t know who you are,” Koganei completes his little speech, anger brimming in every part of his being. “But I know that my captain is Izuki Shun, not Akashi Seijūrō. The coach can bench you if she likes; we can fight without our captain, because we know he wants us to win for his sake. We’ve been fighting without him all the match, and we can continue doing so. We don’t need a player that can’t play with the same passion as us!”
Izuki looks at the ground and doesn’t respond. Somewhere within, something is stirring at Koganei’s words. Something that cries out to fill the gap inside him.
Next to speak is Kiyoshi, standing up and executing much the same move as Koga had by yanking Izuki up by his collar. However, Kiyoshi pulls Izuki into a standing position so that Izuki is half-leaning against him.
Brown eyes meet black, and Kiyoshi simply states, “I didn’t expect this from you, Shun.”
Then he rears his fist backwards and punches Izuki in the jaw.
“ceru is a masochist” exhibit 4!
chapter 14: bird of prey
“I just… I didn’t think you’d give up so easily.”
Koganei’s head shoots up. There’s fury in his eyes, and his face is white. His hands are shaking.
Izuki continues, calm and careless as he always is, “Really… after you gave me all that talk at halftime? I don’t believe this is you.”
Koganei’s jaw clenches, and he cries, “But I have done everything I can! He’s just too good—”
“And when has that ever stopped you?” Izuki keeps his voice quiet and even, but it has the gravity he intended it to - Koga falls silent immediately, eyes wide and riveted on him. “When have you ever backed down from fighting? You don’t know the meaning of giving up. You’ve never cared about whether someone’s better than you. I knew a shooting guard once, just like you, and he had the potential to be the greatest in the world. He was held back because he cared that he was worse than others. But you? You never blinked at it, just practised and practised until you could do the impossible.”
His words are getting louder with pride; he’s unable to keep it steady with the outpouring of emotion in his speech.
“Tell me, who can master Ray Allen’s form in one and a half years? Who can be such a rookie at basketball, yet be able to fight an Uncrowned King and respond to a shot that has left all its previous victims unable to move?!” Izuki leans forward and jabs a finger into Koganei’s chest demandingly. “Tell me, who the hell was that?!”
“Me,” Koga whispers timidly, looking down.
ahhhh yay for more platonic comfort and bonding. *izuki voice* yelling is the way to get ur team to get their shit tgt
chapter 15: born to soar
Izuki finds himself moving, barely thinking as he grabs the ball and bawls for an attack. He’s running faster than he ever has, flying up the court like there are wings on his legs. No one follows at his pace - they’re all too far behind.
No one but Kiyoshi.
The rhythm beats louder than ever, a heavy pulse in Izuki’s head and heart. He can feel Akashi on his heels and knows he needs to do something.
One second left—
Izuki’s hands move on their own, passing the ball to the one person he knows that he will always find.
Kiyoshi catches it and jumps.
The ball leaves his hands.
The whistle blows to end the game. Kiyoshi’s shot hits the backboard and drops straight into the basket. Time stops as a shrill sound screeches into the air and the ref shouts, “124 to 123, Seirin High wins the Winter Cup!”
there we go. the most heartwrenching scene of this chapter ahhhhh
chapter 16: final flight
“We should go. Don’t want to keep them waiting too long,” Kiyoshi says, staring daggers at Hyūga, who to his credit doesn’t flinch but merely stares back.
“Let’s go, then,” Izuki agrees. He looks straight at Hyūga and allows a small, formal smile to play on his lips. Hyūga just nods, accepting the answer.
Izuki nods back, then turns around and starts walking away. But even as he moves toward the exit, something weighs heavily in his tired chest. For the first time in a long time, he isn’t confident in his decision.
Acting on impulse, he turns on his heel and yells out, “Call sometime, maybe!” before walking backwards out the door that Kiyoshi holds for him.
It’s an open-ended suggestion. Hyūga can choose to wallow and ignore it, or he can choose to pick up the phone. Izuki isn’t going to do so either way - he’ll be happy if Hyūga makes that call, but he won’t be terribly sad if he doesn't.
This time, he’s going to be the one that walks forward without looking back.
ahhh okay so this scene means a hella lot to me personally because... i had to grow, the way izuki grew. izuki’s now strong enough to sort of put the olive branch out and say, “take it or leave it,” and if it’s left he’s not gonna be upset. that’s something i really learned with a lot of difficulty and i think that that growth - in both me and him - is a lovely thing.
and there we have it! my favorite moments from each chapter of this story. *cries in a corner* god i can’t believe it’s over...
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