#i rolled everything up already
coolgoodandfine · 9 months
day one and i'm already so busy with other things i don't even know if i'm going to be finished with the drawing before the day is over lol.
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solaestial · 2 days
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I'm glad you're evil too - Pinocchio-P
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desceros · 2 months
so whats this about leo going to a bookshop a little too much for it to be normal at the end of the fic?? 👀
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bananasofthorns · 8 months
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IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER except for the fact that I don't own a white button up yet so Long Lost shirt it is
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muttsandmustelidae · 3 months
i feel like the way ‘dogtok’/‘dogstagram’ talks about reactivity makes reactive dog owners feel a lot more ashamed than they ought to
#idk i just.. don’t really see anything to be ashamed about? and i hate the ‘your dog is reactive because you FAILED’ mindset#sometimes you do absolutely everything right and the universe still throws some shit at you that leads to reactivity#and it’s just a thing that happens sometimes#dogs are animals with teeth and claws and fur and tails#they shit outside and roll in dead things and sniff each others butts#and sometimes have big feelings about things#and that’s just part of being a little critter#it’s not a moral failing on anyone’s part that your dog is a dog instead of a cardboard cutout of a dog#not everything goes smoothly 100% of the time and sometimes you end up with an extra Thing that needs to be worked on#and yeah of course Working On It can be stressful. no one wants to see their dog having a hard time. which is exactly why we don’t need to#-be pushing the added stress of GUILT#it’s not helpful to anyone. it doesn’t prevent reactivity in the future. it just makes someone who’s already having a hard time have a-#-worse one#this is not a situation that needs blame#idk if any of this makes sense#my meds are making me a lil weird lmao#@ everyone who has a reactive dog: you’re doing a great job and if anyone tries to make you feel guilty#eat them#keep Workin On It and remember that Dogs Is Dogs#kill the goblin in your brain that tells you you’re the worst guy to have ever done it#you’re normal your dog is normal. give both of you a cookie rn
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b-blushes · 1 year
💀 why
💀 why
this was going to be a longer post but actually it's fine like that i think.
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smidge-j · 4 months
Free me from this prison cell (sick)
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ladytano · 1 year
okay everytime I finish an episode I go on wikipedia to read about the production and the entry for The City on the Edge of Forever is SO MUCH LONGER than all the other ones that I’ve read so far. The production sounds like absolute hellfire. Some vintage 56 year old drama for anyone who want to read about it lmao.
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
I tried to eat my first meal of the day but it was all gross because I cooked it wrong and I kept burning myself and idk if I can eat it. It's kind of starting to feel really not worth it
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sanchoyo · 1 year
well talking to my mom went well (I just told her I’m really unsure rn. Her first response was ‘oh well what’s the rush, ur not dating rn are u?’ Which. What does that have to do with gender??? It made me stop and laugh at least lmao). Also she suggested I just keep the clothes in a box or smth for a month or two so that if I change my mind abt dresses and skirts I don’t throw them out and regret it. Which was an awesome suggestion bc quite frankly I’m very emotionally attached to my clothes. A lot of the dresses are real vintage or actually worth a lot too and very unique and…a part of me wants to try and rework them and sew them into either shirts or pants bc they’d fuck severely but 1. I don’t have a sewing machine 2. I…feel weird about modifying such old clothes. It feels kind of bad…like what if I fuck them up bc lack of sewing experience!! I’ve only rly done basic mending (…and I guess that Ichigo cosplay years ago but even that didn’t turn out great bc it was my first project. aaa)
#sanchoyorambles#this post is 90% anxiety oops#also what if I am a dude. and I have to tell my dad. nightmarish#coming out to him was hard enough the first time 😭 it’s so awkwardddd#….I kind of want to look into t but I’m broke and also scared of needles#am I …a guy….??#I don’t know. we r looking into it. 🫣#fuck I already didn’t like my name so much so I’ve been playing w the idea of legally changing it for a year or so anyway#I….might be looking at baby names websites#fuck. fuck I just changed my art blog insta YouTube AND neocities to lynnscribbles tho!!!! the fucking work to change everything I swear#rolls around in agony#Lynn is neutral enough maybe 😭#I knowwww doing it legally cost money tooooo 💀 can things be free for me bc I’m swag. or .#like ofc these are all hypotheticals but umm. hm#🫣……🕴️#if…I do end up being a guy it’ll still be in a pretty fem way like let’s be real#my level of whimsy won’t change . I will be masc like ken from barbie. or like rococo dandies . etc. still pretty pastel an frilly#…so still gnc…ashsjfkckn#again I’m still not entirely sure I’m just testing things out. in the gender trying room so to speak#I AM confused a bit bc I thought I was a lesbian but really how much I love women is my only tie to lesbianism#so I might think abt that label too which feels bittersweet#I love the flag I have it on several jackets as pins and patches!!!#closest second label might just be queer but I dunno …will need to reflect#if it doesn’t fit anymore after I think on it I’ll Marie Kondo it and thank it for its time before replacing it I guess 😭
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tariah23 · 6 months
But until then they will be at each other’s throats
Tbh, If you aren’t Black or Asian then I don’t think it’s fully appropriate to comment on like, any of this, especially even mentioning “the being at each others throats,” part if I’m being honest, like. Black ppl as a whole don’t really have much of an issue with anyone else, it’s usually just the other way around really and for the most part, we accept everyone (sometimes to a fault,) into our space and culture. Just as long as it’s not appropriative or making fun of us then it’s like, what can you do? There will always be conversations needed to be had in order to build some kind of common ground between poc but yeah.
#black ppl can’t stop non blacks from getting locks and using a blaccent/aave or this and that but hey what can you do#rambling#tkf replies#I don’t want be put on the spot to talk about race stuff like this tbh it’s a bit 😭#anonymous#the video itself was whatever like I’ll roll my eyes because the dude probably wanted locks because he thinks black ppl look cool or he#might listen to like chief keef or whatever tf but it’s whatver like at this point my bare minimum for cultural appropriation of black folk#is to at least talk to black ppl (like do these ppl ever have any black friends or ppl they hang around before they do all of this….. not#really so it’s a bit…. odd most of the time but whatever)#they watch a few rap videos and think that is how every black person in the world must be#like just as long as they aren’t saying the n word and using aave then I can look the other way I guess I don’t have the energy#to focus on stuff like then otherwise#it’s already a hopeless and losing battle at this point but just as long as other ppl remember that black people aren’t just their silly#little makeup and fashion trend that they can slap on at any moment when they want to look cool#and that we are people with a vast amount of culture that should be respected than alright#I learned in the comments of that post that there is also a huge chicano subculture in Jp as well#the Japanese girls dress up as latina’s and everyone’s obsessed with lowriders so that’s something#that’s…. something………#regardless of how it starts it’s always nice to see people want to learn about how other people live#their lives their culture their everything#the world can be reset tomorrow and I bet you 1 million bucks that after a couple of millions of years#there would still be cultures shared and expanded upon between ppl wanting to learn grow love and share are innate to us as humans
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raposarealm · 1 year
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OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE- I got the unit itself and not one copy of the three-star memo!? I got like, six other three-star memos, two four-star memos ("Reaching Out Towards Our Goal" and "Depart at Morning Glow", so not even particularly stellar ones either,) But. I got a four-star rate-up unit in forty pulls. ...Alright, Masara, Kokoro, y'all win. I give. I guess I have to like this unit now. I formally apologize for being a dick about the whole event now. I really do have a whole carton of eggs on my face. I still want that memo.
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jvzebel-x · 9 months
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infizero · 10 months
ok that final credits scene was awesome. sooooo cinematic so so cool. also can we talk about light hallucinating L right before he died
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
like truly i find this americans generation insistance on this stupid idea that sex trafficking and talking about trafficking is conspiratorial propaganda so fucking gross and offensive and uncaring. bc its all satanist worshipping baby eating illuminati cults far right propaganda blah blah blah
neverminddd how this shit is offensive to hear as someone whose been through it, nevermind being from the balkans because the western europeans hold the exact same brainrot when it comes to us and our issues. american has a huge trafficking issue. absolutely huge. hell even our romanian women get trafficked to this place. california, south in particular, is one of the top states for trafficking if not the top, so idk what the fuck all these california ppl are running their mouth abt all these years (privilege)
and you know whose most impacted by sex trafficking in america, predictebly? women of colour. indigenous women and girls (high poverty rates in reservations, high rate of depression, alcholism, suicidality etc, racism, skrinking reservations etc. included in this issue the high rates of girls and women going missing and/or being killed on/near reservations), south america women and their children who may be trafficked at any point before they reach america, but also at the american border while they try to cross as some cayotes are sex traffickers (and bc of the poverty many immigrants and undocumented immigrants experience, as well as the lack of cultural knowledge making them even more vulnerable). Black women and girls from what i know are statistically hardest hit by the sex trafficking thing, some studies say at the same level as Indigenous women (40% of total both) because god knows this country hasn't dealt them enough hardship already; here all the same sort of factors are at play as in previous cases. The economically and racially disadvantaged, which live in a system which seeks to keep them down in a million ways and to exploit them continously, are hit hardest. Racial fetishization and degradion from johns and pimps also plays into this. All this is combined with the fact that bc its women and girls of colour, often police and media and society dont want to give a single shit - these cases and issues and this suffering goes unnoticed, unacknowledged, uncarwd for
Here's the thing. if this generation cared, theyd KNOW just how many trafficking cases come to light in california, in america. they would Know that every time they come out, many times many of the girls or women or both are of colour. They would Know that indigenous women are going missing at terrifying rates. they would know that most sex trafficking victims & (child) prostitutes are of colour. theyd know that most times when i see cases of american ex-prostitutes being assaulted or killed, theyre of colour. Many are white american girls as well, who also, big surprise, tend to come from the lower classes, the foster system, homelessness, abusive families, or other disadvantaged and vulnerable positions.
Except despite how damn woke this generation is and how everyone loves to pay lip service to "listen to marginalized women blah blah" "intersectionality blah blah blah" no one wants to give a shit about the whole damn sexual slavery issue this country has. and in fact they want to pretend it barely exists at all, the fabrication of republicans with their pizza gate. or they want to pretend it doesnt exist at all bc you see some well off onlyfans model said sex work is empowering and like most sex workers choose it so like you see like, its all good like, stop shaming sex workers like, stop, like, being so putitanical. jfccc
this. isnt feminism, its not intersectional feminism, its not any sort of feminism. its not any sort of woke or progressive or caring. this. its having the privilege of denying the uncomfortable reality which just so happens to hit societies most marginalized and vulnerable women and girls in one of the most horrifying ways. pretending like its conspirational propaganda is such a gross way to talk about this because outside of the general ignorance, it adds a layer of outright denying the severity of the pain and suffering at hand, on top of the sex work bullshit being pulled. wtf
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summertimemusician · 2 years
No one:
Me, running on a full coffee thermos and zero sleep after a long day, after playing Hollow Knight to get a break from collecting figurines so both me and Link/Four won't go insane before rolling up to ruin Vaati's entire day and existence:
The Hollow Knight from Hollow Knight🤝 Breath of The Wild Link/Lu Wild 🤝 Original Attempted Calamity Hero
Thought to be a kingdoms final hope but due to circumstances outside of their control ended up idnavertedly heralding it's doom by either failing to defeat the evil/only sealing the evil for a time until it would inevitably break free to rampage again and either aiding in dealing with it or being unable to do anything about it/sealing it with their fall from grace.
The Hollow Knight from Hollow Knight🤝 Breath of The Wild Link/Lu Wild 🤝 Age of Calamity Link/ Lu Calamity : No Mind to Think No Will to Break No Voice to Cry Suffering, though to be fully emotionless/stoic but oh, they feel a lot actually but they're forced to hide and suppress it due to the expectation set upon them by their respective kingdoms in being their only hope against a great evil and so they're expected to just be a machine that gets the darned job done, probably needs a big hug a blanket and warm soup.
The Radiance 🤝 The Pale King 🤝 Hylia 🤝 Demise : Higher Beings with Thematic Parallels, something something "Maybe in another life I could have had your life and you mine" idk.
Hylia 🤝 The Pale King 🤝 King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule : Idnavertedly condemning the people they love or care for to arguably a fate worse than death in an attempt to do the right thing in an extremely dubious manner to protect their subjects, No Cost Too Great. In true Deity fashion showcasing how being loved by one is dangerous on the case of the first two idk maybe it's just the mythology obsession rearing it's head.
Anyway, have a lot of thoughts about them. Discuss I guess? *Leaves without elaborating to get more coffee*
#Wild what the FUCK-#Maybe it's just the sleep deprivation but I kind of think I'm onto something#Maybe it's just me wanting to get back to writing the Breath of the Wild au's where everything is the same but The Hollow Knight is there#and BOTW Link/Wild gets himself a buddy and ally who he can massively relate to that ain't Wolfie and they both heal from their plots#Not dragging Wolfie he's the best boy still no worries#and then it segways into LU and Wild just rolls up to the Chain with this being that is both A Literal God and Void and Shenanigans ™ ensue#Twilight is probably chill because he already knows Hollow and is not too bad with dark magic#and everyone else is going#maybe Hornet and Ghost are in there too for flavor idk haven't worked on it in a while because Life#or the Au where Everything is the same but the previous Attempted Calamity is there as a ghost#and is like a feral overprotective but nice ancestor to Wild like how Time was to Twilight#Occasionally backseats if Wild is out of commission but hey he gets a free guide#even if the guide itself has no idea what he's doing#Then it segways into LU#Fia (OATCH) and Twilight have custody battles over Wild#Idk haven't gotten that far on that one either#These guys plus the Hero of Men and First kind of make me want to write an essay just to evict them from my head for a hot second#Because they're there rent free and I kind of need that thought space for other stuff#Hylia and The Pale King have a shocking amount in common with each other as does the Hollow Knight and BOTW Link/Link in general#In this Hollow Knight and LOZ essay I will-#Have a lot of thoughts about them and think about them a lot#legendofzelda#loz#linked universe#hollow knight#lu wild#lu calamity#lu twilight#Lu Fia (Original Attempted Calamity Hero)#the hollow knight
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