#i sat on this artwork a little too long and now i'm not really a big fan of it but whatever
jichanxo · 6 months
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if you're going to feed your friends a fake story, it's important to be on the same page (the exciting follow up to turtleneck yagami)
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dangerpronebuddie · 3 months
Saw this post from @thatbuddie and cried writing this. Happy Father's Day to all who celebrate and all who struggle through it. Love y'all 🩷
He doesn't know why he's torturing himself. It's not really torture, but the ache in his heart is. He can't help the smile on his face even through the tears as he looks through the box. Seeing how much Chris' artwork has changed over the years is more than enough to have him in a blubbering heap in the floor of his closet. Seeing it while knowing he won't witness how it'll change for who knows how long is almost enough to completely shatter him. Handmade cards, origami swans Shannon taught him to make, origami frogs Buck showed him, and the heart Eddie insisted on keeping rather than tossing out all sit neatly tucked in the box at the top of the closet. His reasons for keeping the heart are too difficult to explain. It's one of his favorites. He stacks each piece carefully beside him, wiping his tears on the sleeve of his hoodie so he doesn't damage the pages. He's not outright sobbing. He'll take it as a win. Chris still isn't speaking to him, but Ramon sends lots of pictures and updates every day. He says Chris is adjusting okay, but not his usual bright self. Eddie knows the feeling. He opens the card from last father's day and can't help but outright giggle. Chris' handwriting is just like Buck's. Small and slanted and barely legible unless you're used to the style. He doesn't know why it's so hilarious. Maybe he's losing his mind. He collects himself with a deep breath and sets the card aside before reaching into the box and taking the next piece from the pile. This one does break him. He remembers standing on the sidewalk as the bus drove away, surrounded by parents who seemed more than happy to have two weeks without a kid to take care of. Eddie couldn't understand how they were so ecstatic to watch their kids leave. He feels the same way now as he did that day. Glad he let Chris go, but more than a little empty without half of his heart. He feels a tug in his chest, like the string that connects them wants to snap. He resists the urge to hold on tighter, just like that morning all those years ago. He blinks through the tears at the writing in the card. Chris' assurance that Eddie would be fine is the thing that has him choking out a sob, dropping the card to his lap as he covers his face with his hands. "Hey, hey, Eds, it's okay." Eddie hiccups a sob and slumps against Buck's chest. He doesn't know when he showed up. He didn't hear the door, or Buck's usual cheerful greeting. He's just glad he's here. There was a time when he'd try to collect himself. Scoop the broken pieces into some semblance of a person and pretend he's fine. But he's not. And he knows Buck's not either. Eddie twists and wraps his arms around Buck's neck, his shoulders shaking with each sob. Buck rubs soothing circles on his back, whispering reassurances to him Eddie barely registers. "I'm sorry," Eddie whimpers, holding tighter. "Hey, it's okay," Buck says softly, his own voice wavering. "I miss him too. I know."
Eddie doesn't know how long they stay curled around each other, holding each other together as the tears fall away. It reminds Eddie of the day Chris left. How he had turned to Buck and broke. They sat on the floor by the couch for over an hour, simply holding each other, clinging to the one and only lifeline they both had left. Eddie sniffles and takes a deep breath after God knows how long, finally collecting himself enough to lean back. He wipes his sleeves across his face and takes another shaky breath. "No word from him?" Buck asks. Eddie shakes his head. "You?" Buck shakes his head. "Doesn't mean he doesn't love you, Eddie." Eddie knows that, he does. But some days, his mind doesn't let him believe it. That was how he ended up in the closet floor, sifting through the evidence. "You still up for lunch with Bobby?" Buck asks after a few minutes. "If you're not, we can plan it another day. He'd understand." "I still want to go," Eddie says with a genuine smile. Just because he's having a shitty day doesn't mean Buck and Bobby have to as well. Buck stands and offers a hand to pull Eddie to his feet. Eddie stands with a groan and winces as his knees crackle. Buck giggles and opens his mouth to speak. "Don't you say a word, Buckley," Eddie warns, pointing a finger at him. Buck smirks and raises his free hand in surrender. "Wasn't going to say anything. I was just going to find your cane." "You're older than me!" Eddie squawks, lightly bapping his chest. "Your knees say otherwise," Buck grins. He tugs on their still joined hands. "Come on. Cap's waiting on us." He practically drags Eddie to the door. Eddie smiles, already feeling a little lighter. Buck's always been able to do that. Always been able to drag him from the depths of his mind so simply. Both their phones chime as they step out into the afternoon sun. Eddie takes his from his pocket as Buck does the same. Eddie's heart stitches a piece of itself back together at the notification. A message to the Buckley-Diaz (Chris picked the name) group chat: Superman: Happy Father's Day guys Love you The tears that fall from Eddie's eyes this time are filled with joy and love. He beams at Buck, who's wearing his Christopher-specific grin. Eddie pulls him into a hug and they dissolve into laughter laced with relief. Eddie knows they still have a lot of work to do. Frank even suggested having a therapy session with Chris. But this? This is a start. This is what finally lets him believe- "We're gonna be okay," Buck says, cradling the back of Eddie's head. Eddie curls his fists in Buck's shirt, holding tight. "Yeah. We're gonna be okay." He presses his temple to Buck's. "Happy Father's Day, Buck." "Happy Father's Day, Eddie."
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storytowrite · 4 months
|The FINE Art ~ Hwang Hyunjin|
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Theme: Art Student! Hyunjin x Y/N
Warnings: mention of nudity, smut, 18+, unprotected sex, the age gap Y/N is 15 years older than Hyunjin.
Word Count: 5257
Summary: Life wasn’t easy for you. You lost your job, lost your husband who remarried and took everything away leaving you only with an old, sick cat. You desperately needed money. Thankfully, your friend is an art teacher and your body is quite tempting. Especially for the young, talented student.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but the cat needs surgery if you want it to live longer. We cannot wait long.” The vet said his verdict. Your old cat, Lemon, was ill, and you knew that. The thing was that you didn’t have enough money and you were in a really bad situation. 
“How much is for the surgery?” You asked. 
“It will cost about $3000 in total with all the care.” The vet answered your question and you sighed heavily. Why on Earth does it cost so much?! And more importantly - how will you gather all the money needed? 
“All right… If that’ll help him, please do everything you can. I can’t lose him too.” You said tiredly. 
“We’ll do everything we can to save this little boy.” The vet smiled at you honestly. 
You nodded and left your cat at the vet’s clinic. It wasn’t a good timing for such expenses, but you had to do everything you could to just save your animal. You sighed heavily once again. The previous week was hard and now this. Your life was a mess. You lost the job, since your boss decided to hire “some younger girls” and you were simply too old in his eyes. 
The divorce process was finally over. But unfortunately your ex-husband took everything he could, including your apartment. Because of this, you had to move in with your friend, at least until you get back on your feet again. Fortunately, Lina was happy to help you. 
You returned home wasted and without your cat, which you left at the veterinary clinic. You wanted to cry. Earning $3,000 in a short time seemed unrealistic. Well, because how to do it? 
"Oh Y/N are you back already?" Asked Lina peering at you from above another artwork she was working on. "Everything ok baby?" 
"No, nothing is ok. Lemon needs surgery and I don't have that much money to pay for it. And I still can't find a job. Everything is falling apart for me." You sat down heavily on the couch. "And I also need to find an apartment and..." 
"Woah, slow down honey. I don't mind your company. You and Lemon can stay with me as long as you need, after all, you know that.... And as for work, I think I have an idea." She smiled slightly at you. You knew that kind of smile from Lina's genre of brilliant ideas. 
"Oh no, why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?" You asked, looking at your friend. 
"Don't exaggerate, it's nothing like that.... Besides, we'll both benefit from it." 
"Fine, what's the idea?" You asked, slightly curious. 
"Great... you'll love it!" She clapped her hands. 
After an hour of talking to your friend and her persuading you, you finally agreed to help her with her little project. Lina was a drawing teacher in the art department, and her students were just starting to learn how to sketch real people. They needed a model for this, since the topic was THE FEMALE BODY. 
At first you had a lot of concerns. Lina wanted you to pose nude in front of a group of some of her top students. You had huge objections to this. You didn't feel like showing your body to strangers in their twenties. But you had no choice. The deal was simple, 10 sessions at $300 each, for a maximum of five hours per class. That is, two weeks of work. You were able to do it, right? 
"I don't know Lina, I have to think about it..." You said, glancing at her. 
"Just don't make me wait too long for your answer.... Besides, you have a beautiful body for our age, so what's the problem?" She asked lightly. 
"What do you mean what's the problem? I'm supposed to show off to a group of 20-year-olds? After all, they are children!" 
"Honey, these are young adults. Besides, they are just a few people. I'd rather pay you than some strangers. Think of Lemon. He needs this operation.... And if you prove yourself, who knows? Maybe I'll hire you permanently?" She persuaded you further. 
" Oh, hell no... I'll find a job, eventually." You replied quickly. "But fine. I'll take part in it..." You agreed, sighing heavily. "Just so I don't regret it..." 
"Believe me, you won't and you'll even like it!" She replied excitedly. "We'll start first thing tomorrow morning! Prepare yourself properly, you know, shave and.... " 
"Okay, I'll prepare properly.... Anything else?" You asked in a tired voice, interrupting her sentence. 
"Hm... take some clothes to change into.... And well, put on some nice underwear. Tomorrow we start with the upper body. The students will sketch your torso and breasts above all. Well, and tie your hair in a ponytail, it will be easier to see your collarbones.... But that's at ease, I'll tell you everything exactly tomorrow." She grinned. "Go rest, I still have to finish here." 
You sighed heavily and went straight to the bathroom, following your friend's directions. You still weren't convinced about the idea, but the situation forced you to do so. You felt stress above all. You may have had a nice, fit body, but you certainly weren't used to showing it to strangers. 
After a long and warm shower, you headed to your bedroom, where you fell asleep rather quickly. The next day would be a very long one... 
The next day you got up early, got dressed and did light makeup. You left your hair loose, for now at least. Later you'll tie it up in a ponytail. Your friend had already been bustling around in the kitchen since morning. 
"Good morning! Ready for today's challenges?" Asked a delighted Lina. 
"Mhm, I won't be any more than I am." You muttered uneasily. 
"Oh grumpy... Come on, or we'll be late." Lina didn't seem to mind your dissatisfaction. 
"And breakfast?" You asked. 
"We don't have time... you'll get something on the spot." Your friend waved her hand and pulled you with her to the exit. You left her apartment and headed for the car. The trip to the university didn't take long, but you were getting more and more stressed with each passing moment. No wonder, after all, you will be posing naked.... 
You entered the university and headed straight to the room where the classes would be held. Lina showed you everything inside and once again reminded you what to do and how to do it. Your task was quite simple. All you had to do was show some breasts and sit still on a stool for a good couple of hours. 
The students began to fill the room, and you heard Lina greeting them cheerfully. You sighed quietly. It's going to be a long couple of hours. 
"Dear students, I have a little surprise for you today." You heard your friend's words. "A good friend of mine has agreed to get herself acquainted with us. As I said, you will learn sketching on a living organism.... Y/N come join us and show yourself to our students." 
You took a deeper breath and stepped out from behind the screen. You stressed all over. You stood in the middle, right next to your friend, trying not to catch eye contact with any of the students in the room. 
You quickly swept your eyes around the room. There were eight students in the classroom, three girls and five boys. They looked rather uninterested. You glanced out of the corner of your eye at Lina, who continued her argument. 
"Y/N will be our model today. Please be nice to her, she has never done this before. Today we'll take care of the upper body. Your task is to reproduce Y/N's torso and breasts. We sketch from the neck until we reach this point." Lina showed them exactly how much to sketch. "Y/N honey, take off your top and bra and sit on the stool. Do any of you have any questions?" 
The students did not answer Lina's question. You, on the other hand, with slightly trembling hands, undressed from the waist up and sat on the stool. Your friend even gave you a pillow to make you more comfortable. 
"Great, push your breasts out a little more and..." Lina began to correct your positioning. "Perfect! Okay darlings, you can begin." 
The group of students got down to sketching. You swept your eyes around the room. Everyone was focused to make the best possible representation of your body. Lina walked among the students and glanced at their progress. 
Time passed quickly. The students worked in silence. None of them had spoken a word since they entered the room. They were focused on the task at hand. 
One of the men present in the room caught your attention. You had never seen such a handsome man before. He had noble features, his hair was slightly longer and black. He had an earring under his eyebrow, and a black leather jacket perfectly framed his body. 
You swallowed your saliva. The man looked like a prince, and there was plenty of finesse and elegance in his movements. You honestly couldn't take your eyes off him. There was something about him that attracted you to him, something magnetic that you could not describe in words. 
The man in question noticed your gaze. It was as if he sensed that you were looking at him. He raised his gaze slightly, looking deeply into your eyes, and gently raised his eyebrow. You felt a blush appear on your face and your throat suddenly became dry. A strange feeling welled up in your lower abdomen as he smiled slightly and winked at you. 
"All right my dears. Let's take a break for a while." Lina suddenly announced, breaking the silence that had prevailed. "Let's let Y/N stretch her legs.... Come back here in 15 minutes and we'll continue." 
The students put down their sketches and began to leave the room for the break, and Lina handed you a sweatshirt to cover yourself. She smiled warmly at you in the process. 
"Well? Not so bad, huh?" She asked. 
"It's fine... Although I was stressed." You replied and took a sip of water. "Your students aren't very talkative, are they?" 
"As artists are." 
"I thought there would be more students in the room." You said, sipping water again. 
"Nah, I have a small group. But they are the best of the best.... You could say it's such a VIP class." Lina laughed. "You know, it's an extra class for the more ambitious ones." 
"Oh, now I understand..." You nodded, and your thoughts fled to the mysterious boy with an earring under his eyebrow. 
"Would you like to take a peek at the sketches? The students really sketched your body very well..." Lina took one sketchbook in her hand, belonging to the boy you were looking at. "Oh look, Hyunjin did it the best. That boy can perfectly render every detail.... He's my top-of-the-class student." She smiled proudly. So the boy's name was Hyunjin. 
"Wow... This is amazing." You said, sincerely impressed by the way Hyunjin rendered all the details. He even sketched the delicate birthmark you had under your breast. 
"Right?" Lina asked. "If you ask Hyunjin nicely, he might give you his sketch..." She winked. "He has a real talent, and by the way he looks like Aphrodite herself conceived him. He could be a model, but there's a rule at the university that students can't pose, which is a shame..." She sighed quietly. "I myself sometimes wish I could see..." 
"Lina! This is your student..." reprimanded your friend. 
"I know, that's why I leave some things only in dreams." She laughed quietly. "Hungry? I'll get you something to eat." As she said, so she did, quickly leaving the room.
You sighed softly and your stomach growled. Not eating breakfast before leaving was a mistake. You glanced at your watch. The break was slowly coming to an end and your friend had not yet returned with the promised food. In turn, students slowly began to return to the room.
"Hungry?" You suddenly heard a voice behind you. You turned to look at the owner. In front of you stood Hyunjin, who was a head taller than you. He smiled slightly and handed you a banana. "Eat... you've got another 2.5 hours of sitting ahead of you."
“T-Thank you…” You said, taking the banana from him and peeling it right away.
"You welcome... I wanted to say that you have really beautiful breasts." He said, looking you straight in the eye. "I can't wait for the next few days to see the rest."
"Oh thank you?" You replied slightly confused and blushed slightly.
"Nothing." Hyunjin winked at you. 
"Okay, guys! We can get back to work!" Lina called as she entered the room. "Y/N, please sit down the same way you sat before. Perfect! Remember, there are 2.5 hours left until the end of time. At the end of the day, you should have at least five sketches."
Everyone went back to work. The banana Hyunjin gave you, calmed your stomach for a while. You sighed quietly, sitting half-naked on the stool. Honestly, you were counting down the minutes until the end. 
Every now and then you found yourself staring at Hyunjin, who was working intently on the sketches of your body. You couldn't take your eyes off him. He was too handsome to resist. You didn't even feel that time had passed quickly. 
Lina announced the end of class and let you get dressed. Students slowly began to file out of the room. You watched them leave, saying a quiet 'goodbye'. Your friend approached you after everyone else had left the room."You were great today." She grinned. 
"I'm taking you to dinner, come on! And mentally prepare for tomorrow. We'll show them a little more... Can you handle it?"
"Yes, I think I can... Although I don't know if I want to show them everything." You started.
"Well, tomorrow's plan is legs... you can have a thong, we'll move on to the private parts at the end of the week, and next week we'll have poses... Well, I think you should be able to handle everything easily." Lina continued.
“Mhm, if you say so…” You muttered. The prospect of showing your private parts to students didn't make you feel optimistic, but when you thought about Hyunjin, it didn't sound so bad either...
The week flew by very quickly. The students tried to accurately portray all the details of your body on paper. On Friday, the last day of the first week, there was a class on sketching 'private body parts', as Lina called it. And that meant you had to show your vagina. 
The thought of this did not fill you with any optimism at all. You didn't want to expose yourself so much in front of the students, but Lina forced it on you. To be fair, she did suggest that she would pay you more for the day, so with a slight hesitation you agreed. 
You sat in the room wrapped only in a silk dressing gown and waited for the class to start. Your friend went to talk to the dean, leaving you alone. You sighed quietly and stuck your gaze into your phone, trying to calm your thoughts. 
Hyunjin entered the room, but you were so busy with your social media that you didn't notice his presence. The boy walked over to his stand and unpacked all the necessary items before turning towards you. 
"Hi pretty." He said in a velvety voice, snapping you out of your activity. "What are you going to show us today?" He asked and winked slightly. 
"Ekhm... Private parts." You replied feeling a little intimidated, looking up at him. 
"And you're convinced about that?" He asked. "You look confused and scared." 
"Well, it's certainly quite a step out of my comfort zone.... But I can't back down now." You answered honestly. 
"I understand... If it's any comfort to you, I'll try to replicate everything very accurately." He smiled.
"Thanks I guess..." She grunted. "I've seen your work before. You have great talent," he said. 
"Thank you, beautiful." He smiled warmly at you. "But the credit goes to the model I sketch." He winked, and a blush appeared on your cheeks. "It suits you this colour, you know? I wish I could paint a picture of you. In a red see-through nightgown.... What do you think?" 
"A painting?" You blinked, not expecting such a proposal. "I don't know..." 
"I have to create a portfolio for the final exam.... I've already painted three paintings of my friends, but I still have one left. And you are beautiful. I'll pay." He replied, watching your reaction. 
"I have to think about it..." You replied, but didn't finish the sentence because he walked in on you in mid-word. 
"I understand." He replied and wrote something down on a piece of paper. " Here, this is my phone number, if you make a decision, just text me..." He handed you a small piece of paper with the number on it. "Just don't make me wait too long for an answer, lovely." 
"R-right." You replied and hid his number in a safe place. 
The rest of the students entered the room, along with your friend, who smiled broadly at you. She welcomed the students and gave them the guidelines for the assignment. 
"Well Y/N. Sit with your hands behind your back and push your chest forward a little too. And spread your legs..." She said to you and helped you adjust your position. "My dears, you may begin. "
Sitting apart in front of a group of people has not been one of the most comfortable activities in your life. However, you didn't pay much attention to it yourself. Your thoughts were consumed with Hyunjin's proposal. Should you accept it? He said he would pay, and so far there was no indication that you would find a job.... 
You decided to give it a chance and agree to his proposal. After all, it's just another day's work as a "model." You survived a whole week in front of students, you'll survive being alone with Hyunjin too. 
Before you knew it, the class was over and the students had left the room, and you were free to get dressed. Lina was still talking to individuals while you typed Hyunjin's number into your phone. You made up your mind and as soon as he left the room, you texted him. 
Ok. I agree.... When do you want to do it? ~ Y/N
Wonderful news sweetheart! Let's meet tomorrow evening at my place. Remember, red nightgown 😘
 He wrote back almost immediately. You swallowed your saliva. What are you actually doing? 
The next day you went to the address Hyunjin sent you in a text message. You were stressed. You didn't know what it should look like or how long it would take. Your body trembled and your mind wandered into dangerous territory. You felt both apprehension and excitement about the whole situation. 
You stood in front of the door of his apartment. You took a few deep breaths and knocked gently. You waited, listening for the sound of footsteps. After a while, the young man opened the door for you and let you in with a smile. 
"I'm glad you agreed." He said, taking over your coat from you. "Make yourself comfortable... Would you like something to drink before we start? Coffee? Tea? Water? Maybe wine?" 
"Water is enough... Although I won't actually despise wine either." You replied and timidly entered his living room. 
The room was large, definitely bigger than your friend's entire apartment. Not surprising, after all, Hyunjin lived in one of the more expensive neighbourhoods in your city. The white leather furniture, laced with gold accessories, perfectly matched the aura that this man was producing. Everything seemed truly royal. 
"Wow." You gasped in awe. 
"Do you like it? My parents made sure I was comfortable in the city.... Would you like a tour of the apartment?" He asked, handing you a glass of red wine. 
"I'd love to... If I can, of course." You accepted the drink from him and took a sip. 
The boy showed you his entire apartment. He had three bedrooms, but he had transformed one into a studio, and the other was used as a dressing room. 
"Okay, ready for us to start?" He asked as you walked through the apartment.
"I think so." You replied hesitantly.
"Great!" He smiled broadly. "Come on, I'll paint you in the studio... I'll get everything ready and you can go and change in the bathroom. Leave when you're ready. It'll take me a while to paint though... It'll take all weekend, actually. But like I said, I'll pay. $1000 is enough?"
"H-how much?" You were stunned when you heard the amount he gave.
“If it's not enough, just tell me…” He replied, watching you.
"Not enough? I didn't expect it to be so much..." You started. "It's too much…"
"Hmm... I don't think so." He shrugged. "We'll talk about it later... You can go change in the bathroom now and I'll set everything ready here." He said, unimpressed.
“Sure…” You replied and headed to the bathroom.  $1000 to pose? You were shocked. How much money does this young man actually have? 
After a few minutes you were ready. You looked at your reflection in the mirror. You were wearing a slightly see-through red nightgown that hugged your body perfectly and highlighted all your curves. You decided to leave your hair down, but you put a small decoration in it. You fixed your delicate makeup and went out to Hyunjin.
"Wow, you look amazing." He said as soon as he noticed you. "Like I said, this colour suits you very well."
"Thank you." You replied, slightly embarrassed.
"Okay, you can lie down." He pointed to a small sofa in the center of the room. "I would like you to lie down comfortably, and if you want to sleep, just close your eyes. The only thing that matters is that you stay in the position I put you in."
“Sure, I can do it…” You replied and followed his directions. You settled into a comfortable position on the sofa and Hyunjin stood over you. He leaned down gently and positioned your body. His touch was pleasant. You felt the nice warmth radiating from his body.
"Perfect." He said and smiled contentedly. "Okay, let's get started. If you want a break then say so." 
Hyunjin began to paint. You lay there without moving, watching his every move. You began to wonder how it was that your life had brought you to the point where you were. 
Hyunjin painted in concentration, and there was silence between the two of you. You didn't seem to mind. You felt your eyelids become heavy and you didn't even know when you fell asleep. 
You woke up after some time and stretched slightly. It was already twilight outside. You looked around the room you were in. Hyunjin was nowhere to be found. You stood up and stretched your stagnant body again. You were curious to see how Hyunjin's progress was going, but before you could get closer to the painting, the door of the room opened. 
"Oh, you're awake already." Hyunjin smiled slightly. "Hungry? Come, I've prepared dinner." 
Only when the boy mentioned food did you feel that you were actually hungry. You followed him into the kitchen, where delicious smells were coming from. 
"You are handsome, you paint and you cook. Is there anything you can't do?" You asked, sitting down at the table. Hyunjin glanced at you laughing. 
"Thank you for the compliment, beautiful." He winked, at which you blushed. He served you dinner and you began to eat. 
"Enough with the painting for today, it's late." Hyunjin said. "If you want, you can stay the night.... We'll start again first thing tomorrow morning anyway." 
"I don't want to get..." You started. 
"But that's not up for discussion." He interrupted you in mid-sentence. "It's late, I don't want you to go home when it's dark outside.... I'll prepare a bed for you." 
"Hyunjin, but really..." You started again but his one look left you unsure what to say next. "Okay. I'll stay the night." 
"Great." He smiled at you. "Come on, I'll give you something to sleep on..." 
" You know, after all, I can sleep in what I'm wearing." You replied while watching him. 
"Believe me, if you stay in this red nightgown, I won't hold back."  He replied with full seriousness. 
"Oh..." You made a sound. " All right..." 
You followed him to his dressing room, which occupied the other room. Hyunjin walked over to a cabinet and pulled out an oversized hoodie and handed it to you. "It should fit." He smiled slightly. 
"Thank you." You replied with a slight smile. "I'll take a shower." 
Hyunjin nodded and you parted the rooms. You went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, and a pleasant feeling once again settled in your lower abdomen. Hyunjin, on the other hand, was in the bedroom preparing a place for you to sleep. 
After some time, you came out of the bathroom in his hoodie. You could smell his perfume lingering on his clothes. You smiled slightly, to yourself. His scent was so soothing. 
"Do you like the smell?" You suddenly heard his voice behind you, at which you jumped slightly. 
"Y-yes." You stuttered, at which the boy smiled. 
"I have to say, no matter what you're wearing, you're every bit as beautiful." He said, walking closer to you. "I like you Y/N." 
"Thank you, I guess..." You took a gentle step back unsure of where this conversation was leading. 
"When I say I like you, I really mean it." Hyunjin leaned slightly over you and brushed lightly against your waist. You swallowed your saliva as you looked straight into his eyes, your back resting against the wall. Hyunjin was leaning with his hand right next to your head and his body was leaning against yours. You bit your lip slightly and gently moved your legs, feeling yourself slowly getting wet. The situation you found yourself in was definitely not on your bingo card. 
"Hyunjin, we don't..." You began, trying to keep up any semblance of a smile yet. However, his closeness and magnetic scent were too tempting to resist. 
"Shhhsh." The boy moved his thumb over your swollen lips. "You don't even realise how sexy you look right now." He whispered in your ear while biting your earlobe, which was met with a quiet sigh that left your lips. You felt his gentle smile as he moved closer to your neck and gently moved his velvety lips across it. "You like it." He stated, observing your reaction to his touch. "I wonder if you'll like this too." He added and moved his hands a little lower, slipping them under the hoodie. 
"Hyunjin, it's not..." You started, but feeling his long fingers glide across your skin, leaving goosebumps on it, you were unable to control your senses. Hyunjin's lips attacked your neck more boldly, and you tilted your head further back so he could have better access. 
Hyunjin glided his lips along your neck looking for weak spots, and once he found them, he immediately started leaving red hickeys in those spots, which was met with your moans of approval. 
You rested your hands on his torso, and the young man delicately lifted you up, grabbing your buttocks. You put your legs around his waist as his lips found their way right to yours. 
"I want you." He whispered, brushing his lips lightly against yours. "And I know you want me too. Say it." 
"Please." You said quietly. 
"You're asking? For what?" He asked backing away slightly which was met with your disapproval. 
"Kiss me, please." You moaned pleadingly. Hyunjin smiled at you and pressed his lips into yours. His kiss was firm and forceful, but that's what you liked best. You moaned blissfully into his mouth as he grabbed your buttocks tighter. Hyunjin took this as a sign of approval and carried you to his bedroom. 
Hyunjin put you on the bed immediately, finding himself above you. His knee came between your legs pressing lightly on your spot. He leaned over a little more and cupped your hoodie with his hands. 
"You are phenomenal." He said, watching you. His hands moved over every bare patch of your body, exploring every inch of it. Following his hands, Hyunjin placed you on the bed immediately finding himself over you. His knee came between your legs pressing lightly on your spot. He leaned over a little more and cupped your hoodie with his hands. His hands moved over every bare patch of your body, exploring every inch of it. His hands were followed by his lips, which also explored your body. He left wet footprints in his path, interspersed with huge hickeys. 
You moaned blissfully when his lips found their way to your lower abdomen. You felt his smile against your skin. Hyunjin gently spread your legs and moved his hand over your core. Your reaction encouraged him to continue. 
He bit lightly on the inside of your thighs, which was met with your slight jump. His strong hands, however, held your body as his mouth took up your pussy, embracing it completely. 
You moaned loudly and slid your hand into his hair. You pulled his hair gently as his tongue penetrated your insides, melting with pleasure. 
Hyunjin drove you to pleasure, and your body arched in an accompaniment of moans. The young man licked and returned his lips to your mouth, kissing you. You immediately responded to his kiss, hungry for his velvety lips. 
Your hands moved over his body. You wanted to get rid of his clothes as quickly as possible. Hyunjin laughed quietly. 
"So eager, huh? Patience darling, be good and you'll get what you deserve." He said amused and helped you undress himself. Once he was standing naked, you moved your hands over his penis, which was already ready for use. "I don't have condoms..." The boy began. 
" Doesn't matter, I want to feel you, now, right now, please!" You moaned needily. 
"I like the way you are asking." He snarled quietly and slid his full length into you. 
"Oh yes!" You whined loudly and moved your hands down his back as he began to move. 
His movements became faster and less precise. He went deep, perfectly attacking your g-spot. Your and his moans filled the entire room.
"Hyunjin! I…" You started digging your nails into his soft skin.
"Come on baby, cum for me." He groaned loudly. "Fuck!"
"I'm cumming!" You moaned loudly, clenching around him. 
A few seconds later, you felt warmth spreading through your insides. Hyunjin collapsed on top of you after a moment, his head resting between your full breasts. You were both breathing heavily.
“You are my muse." He murmured after a while. "Be my muse forever?"
"With pure pleasure." You replied quietly, gently stroking his back, making him smile.
"You know what? You are the FINE art." He said. "My muse."
And After an eventful night, you both fell asleep cuddling together.
-> Masterlist
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ceareon · 3 months
Yan! Angel x Apostate! GN! Reader
You find yourself surviving the end of the world. Yet now you're stuck with the angelic creature that tore your world apart. content warning: end of the world, gore, male yandere, religious themes, obsessive behavior. ALSO NOT PROOF READ
Part 2: "Repentance"
Artwork: "Death on a Pale Horse, ver. 1" By Benjamin West
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The air was still, barely anything made noise. The soft cackles of the burning buildings in front of you slowly stifled into silence, leaving you alone with your thoughts as well as the smell of burning weed and flesh. Oh that burning smell of flesh reeked. Its been engraved in your mind since the start of all of this.
Your mother had gone missing. As well as thousands of humans on the same day without a trace. This of course brought mass destruction to the cities, humans suddenly disappearing without a trace was unheard of. Especially in broad daylight with witnesses. Despite your best efforts. In mud, you kneeled at sunset on the day of your birthday, dread filling you from the fact you couldn't find where your mother had gone to. You hadn't even been able to blow out your candle, now your dearest mother was gone, almost like she ceased to exist.
It was the day after your birthday when the first seal was broken, the white horse with its horseman grasping a bow, galloped forward in a quest to conquer. You couldn't forget that day, where the crown the horseman bared on it's head was soaked soaked in blood. In front of your eyes, your brother was taken from you.
Not long after you ran, tears pouring from your eyes as you feel your breath start to become uneven. You clutched your ears tightly, not listening when you hear your father calling out to you. Your heart was erratically beating. What the hell had just happened?
Hours go by, hiding in the small meadow near your home. Barely any people there yet you could still see the destruction being caused on the cities just far from where you sat. In your hand was your phone tightly clutched in your hand, you could see the countless posts on people lasts goodbyes, last smiles, last sorry's, last moments. Tears drip down, once you see the last post your father had posted. You were tagged in it.
"I love you @/darling"
posted on XX/XX/XXXX, a few minutes ago
You couldn't control the tears from pouring down, tears staining the screen of your phone before you threw it on the ground from sheer anger and disdain for yourself. How could you abandon your last family member? Dread started to fill you. You couldn't even breathe anymore.
You collapsed on the ground, choking blood as you barely had a will to live. Yet despite everything, you were never killed. You couldn't even take your own life despite having tried it so many times. This end of times had lasted for at least 7 days. Yet you felt as though you've been surviving for a decade.
The air had suddenly gone cold. No longer did you feel that comfort of knowing your end was near. No. All you felt was dread. Like every little moment you had made to soothe yourself for your end was going to be ripped out of your stomach. You felt like you were about to vomit. You couldn't even bring yourself to look at the holy creature that burned it's thousands of eyes into you.
"Fear not... I'm here to bring you your salvation..."
Beside you it kneels down, gently, it wraps an arm around your waist, trying to make you sit up, yet you don't comply, causing it to huff in annoyance.
"Must you really be so stubborn?"
It forcefully grabs into your hair, pulling down to make you look up at it, yet your eyes only haze once you see the blinding light of it's halo. Fear stricken you as you see the adoring affection it shows through it's in humans face. You absolutely detest it.
"Oh... You are more enchanting than I would have thought."
Burning anger and sorrow reeks through your skin, yet you were too weak, too tired to show it. All you could do was spill the tears you've forced down for so long. It's inhuman face contorts, you could see it's makeshift eyebrows furrowing, while the thousands of eyes that were on it's skin squints, almost in a confused manner. Yet in all honesty you didn't know what emotion it was actually showing.
"Oh, human... My human. You must be so confused. I'm here to take you where you belong. To the kingdom above."
It's disgustingly human lips turn upward into an odd smile. Causing you to recoil back from uncanny disgust. No where in your pathetic life were you about to trust an Angel. Not after the calamities they've brought to the earth in the name of salvation. Just thinking about it made you heart clench as you were reminded by what you've witnessed for the past 168 hours. No amount of holy water will make you forget what these vile creatures had done to the planet you called home.
The Angelic creature immediately apprehends you to the ground using it's four hands. You couldn't even squirm under it's grip. It wouldn't let you go. Not after having you under it's grasps now.
"I had never given you the option to say no."
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Home is Where His Heart Is
《You are visiting an odd town that isn't on the map.》
《Human Au》
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《Warnings: the subject matter this ARG has are potentially disturbing. Welcome Home was created by Clown and artwork shown by @/partycoffin.》
You had decided to use the vacation days you've been saving up. You wanted an adventure, something to make you feel alive and ignore the monstrous strain of your workload for a month.
So here you were, driving to an odd little city that you couldn't recall ever seeing on a map.
The air was sweet and the sky was clearer than in any place you've been to. After driving around for a few hours, you find a cozy little Bed and Breakfast next to a farmhouse.
A young tall woman with colorful short-haired locks greets you timidly at the front desk. Adorn in a simple shawl with a few rainbow feathers here and there on her hair and clothing.
She signs you on the guest list and tells you what your room number was. Handing you a key, before she happily tells you what tonight's dinner would be...
If you'd like to join her for supper that is!
"Sure! I'd love to!"
She happily leads you to a dining area where a few other guests sat. Digging into what you assumed was soup, she and you chat about this town and neighborhood.
Asking her about the "Must sees!" Or any activities that might be happening that you might wanna watch out for.
"Hmm, not much, I'd say... Oh! Actually, the church is holding a festival in a couple of days. That's something to look forward!"
"Have you gone?"
"Almost every year! But I think this one might be my last year, so I'm gonna make it count."
"How so?"
Poppy, is what she asked you to call her, smiles.
"Well, I've been fancying a man for quite some time. So I thought it'd be my last time going solo."
Poppy brings her shawl closer to her chest.
"I'll be turning in, see' you in the morning (Y/N)." The woman said quietly, leaving only a small trail of feathers behind her.
After a refreshing sleep, you gaze around your room. Before immediately jumping out of bed and heading to the small balcony in your room.
"This is living, God I needed this so much." You state, fondly gazing at the melting colors in the sky for morning daylight.
You stop daydreaming when you feel your bones become sore from holding your position too long. Stretching your arms behind your head, you yawn.
"Excuse me!"
Startled by the shout, you gaze around the ground below. Falling onto a handsome young man sitting on a small rock with a canvas beside him. Realizing you could be ruining his painting, you shout
"Sorry! I'll leave now!" You call back, slowly backing away from the railing.
The young man hurriedly gets up from his seat, flailing his hands in the air dramatically. Calling for you to wait, which you did.
Listening to the man apologize for bothering you from below the balcony.
"I just came to find some inspiration on this fine day, I didn't mean for it to drive you away."
He calls up to you, thankfully not too loudly. Even if you were on the first floor.
"It's fine... You're fine." You call down, embarrassment evident in your voice. Slowly backing away from the rail. "Uhm, I'll just... Go."
You rush away and back into the safety of the drapes and curtains. Fiddling with the soft fabric, a dreamy smile makes it way on your features.
You think you're gonna love this vocation.
[Taglist open for a day!]
[Human Au! I just thought what if the puppet show was just a really weird colorful town that is unfamiliar? Fan art, reblogs, hearts and comments are always appreciated!
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come-away-with-me87 · 2 months
The Art of Love Chapter 9
Chapter 8 here
After cleaning up, he suggested that you both grab your glasses of wine and make your way back to the living area so you could sit down, talk, and get to know each other better. You did just that, and sat down close to each other on the couch. You didn't know what to say; you were so rusty at this. So you decided to bring up Eri; thinking that would be a good subject to start on, and he didn't seem to mind at all. You told him how Eri was opening up more at school, and even started befriending another student. Shouta absolutely beamed at this, saying "after spending most of her life around adults, including now, I'm very happy to hear she's making a friend."
You then told him about the emotion color wheels you had the class make, and how Eri's had consistently remained on green for happy for the duration of the week, "she really seems to be opening up more and coming out of her shell. Even her artwork is not as dark as when she first came to my class. But I know it's not just my class; she speaks very highly of you and the others at the U.A." Shouta just smiled at everything you were telling him; you could tell he cared deeply for that little girl, and made him all the more alluring to you. By that point, you hadn't noticed that you two had inadvertently inched closer to one another on the couch.
You two went on to talk about yourselves in length, really getting to know each other. You told him your tale of becoming an art therapy teacher, and he told you his story about how he landed at the U.A. teaching the hero course. You talked about your passions in life, what really made you tick, and how you'd ideally like to see your lives turn out. You then got into the subject of relationships, which is a subject you were kind of dreading, but you knew there was a possibility of it coming up tonight. He mentioned that he has been in one relationship in his life; he was in his early twenties, and it wasn't a long-lasting relationship by any means. "She was another hero, but we just didn't go well together in the end. And I have been single ever since." You could tell he was leaving the door open to you talking about Kento, since he mentioned the picture on your desk the other day at school.
You decided then and there to tell him everything; what was there to lose in telling him? You told him how you met Kento around the time you started your role as teacher, and became engaged after two years of dating. You then explained that a month before your wedding, he was killed in a villain attack. You left out the part about the decision you had made at his funeral back then to close yourself off to relationships. Shouta put his hand over yours on the couch, "I'm so sorry for your loss, Y/N, that's terrible." You let him keep his hand on yours, and you just looked down at your lap, quietly replying, "thank you, Shouta." Shouta still kept his hand on top of yours, his thumb absentmindedly grazing your hand. It felt nice. Shouta looked over at your empty glass on the table, and said he'd go pour some more for the both of you. While he was doing that, you smiled to yourself; Shouta was very easy to talk to, and you could truly see yourself end up really liking him. The conversation between you two flowed easily, and he made you feel comfortable. You were still lost in thought when he came back with two freshly poured glasses of wine and sat back down. "Anything in particular on your mind, Y/N?" You just looked over at him and smiled, "I was thinking how easy you are to talk to. I'm really happy you asked me out on this date; I'm having a wonderful time." He smiled back at you saying, "I am, too. You can feel free to say no to this, I would completely understand if you did, but in the spirit of being forward again...may I kiss you?" You felt your heart skip a beat at this question. You knew there was a possibility of this happening, and you were previously very nervous about it, but all of your nervousness seemed to wash away when you looked into his dark eyes. "I'd like that," you finally said. He moved closer to you on the couch, gently put his hand up to your cheek, and captured your lips in a sweet kiss. You slightly turned your head to the side to deepen the kiss, which surprised even you. You two kissed like this for several minutes, until you finally, reluctantly, pulled away. "As much as I would like to continue kissing you, I think it's best if I get going." He sweetly smiled at you, "I understand, let me walk you to the door." You two walked hand-in-hand over to his door, where he pulled you to him in one last kiss, this time both of his hands cupping your cheeks. You wondered if he could feel how hot the skin on your face was from how flushed you were. He was a very good kisser for him being as inexperienced as he said he was. You two stood there for a few moments, still kissing, and he was the one to pull away this time. "Y/N, I had an amazing evening with you. I'd love to see you again, if you're interested." You looked up at him with hazy eyes, "of course I'm interested, I'd love to see you again, too." You pulled him down to you by the collar of his shirt for one more kiss, saying "goodnight, Shouta." "Goodnight, Y/N." With that, you walked out the door and were almost about to walk down the stairs, when something told you to turn around. You turned around, and Shouta was still standing there in his doorway watching you leave. You smiled and gave him one last wave. and made your way down the stairs and into the courtyard where your car was. You got into your car, sighed deeply, yet happily, and smiled up at the campus. Tonight was one of the best nights you've had in a long time, and you knew, from the bottom of your heart, that Kento would be so happy for you. ******
To be continued... ******
Tag list: @lili-pond ; @jaguarthecat ; @big-denki-energy ; @ivydoesit23 ; @salientseraph ; @dreamofkaty ; @simp-hub ; @bluebreadenthusiast ; @fuzzyfestcat
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jasminedragonart · 1 year
Okay, so I've basically uploaded all of the selkie images in the first collection. I'm going to post the snippets here too. There's only three of them and they're not that long. Really they're just three snapshots into a fic I'm never going to write. So, after this post I'll have posted everything in the collection. If you want to have a pdf of all of them I'm going to put it up on Ko-fi later today, I'll post a link to it.
But, yeah, this is the first collection of selkie stuff. I think, for the next one, I might do an NSFW or slightly NSFW one with a bit more nudity. I don't like putting the nsfw with the gen artworks and what I've posted isn't that bad since, yeah, merfolk wouldn't often wear the bandages around their chests because they would get damp. So, yeah, the next one might be a little more risqué and the characters in there will be over 18. So, likely it'll be focused more on the LOK characters since Korra is defo over 18 in her own show. Plus, you know, her dilf dad and Iroh II are in that show too.
Anyway: snippets
         Day three of his imprisonment dawned with Sokka jolting awake when someone touched his tail. The automatic ‘HEY!’ he would usually aim at Katara died on his tongue as his eyes opened to red, red, fire, metal, red.
  Right. He wasn’t at home anymore. He wasn’t, well he didn’t even know where he was he just knew that barking at the teenager holding his tail wasn’t the best thing to do right now.
  The guy, Zuko, Prince pouty pants– amongst other names he’d heard the crew call him– didn’t seem to be trying to make him into Sokka stew. Instead, despite his grip being tight, his fingers were gentle as he rubbed something foul smelling on his– ow! Ow! Oh that stung.
“I’m sorry,” Sokka heard over the blinding pain. “I’m sorry,” Zuko said again, scowl hardening even further as he rushed to add more salve to the gashes in Sokka’s tail. “I only have a few more and then you’ll be done and– I knew I should have let uncle do this.”
  Sokka wanted to protest, he really wanted to say anything to this guy, but not screaming was on the top of his agenda right now and not screaming was what Sokka was going to do. No human sounds. That was what mom always taught them.
The salve stung even as Zuko fastened it back in the medicine bag. His tail was wrapped, Zuko eyeing him for a moment before taking off the upper part of his armour. Sokka only had a second to wonder how a kid his age managed to get muscles like that before he was hoisted into the air, his bathtub prison growing distant as he was carried out of the room and up to the upper deck.
  He was tied up. Naturally. After their second day together Zuko had learned that Sokka would do his best to jump overboard, injuries be damned, meaning a rope and a guard were constantly on Sokka whenever he was away from Zuko’s room.
  He wanted to pout, but the fresh air after being trapped in Zuko’s room? Amazing. Sokka was finally starting to understand why Katara always said his room stank. There was just something about the sweat of a teenage boy that made him want to puke. Or maybe that was just how Zuko smelled. How the fire that shot out of his hands smelled as he ordered one crewmate or another to spar with him in his daily melee.
  He wanted to say it was entertaining. It should have been entertaining. But Zuko was good. He was beyond good and he was Sokka’s age. It made him sick to think of what this guy would do when he was older. When the Southern Water Tribe came back onto the Fire Nation’s radar.
         A board slid over to him, Sokka knocking his head back as the other bane of his existence sat himself opposite him. “He’s rather good isn’t he?” Iroh said, sending a word of encouragement to his nephew before placing the tiles on his board. “He will be training for a while I think, I gave him some new scrolls to look over last night.” Yes, Sokka knew, the candles Zuko kept lit as he tried to read those scrolls keeping him up half the night. “What say we have a quick game while he finishes his warm ups?”
  Sokka forced himself not to respond. To never respond. Iroh didn’t know. Iroh couldn’t know. He was just… Sokka didn’t know but he wasn’t going to be the one to spill his tribe’s secrets. He’d already gotten himself captured by the enemy, the least he could do was keep his mouth shut while he waited for– for– well he didn’t know.
  Death? Release? Whichever was waiting for him he guessed.
  Iroh moved a tile on his board, those eerie eyes looking at Sokka expectantly. Sokka could feel his face twisting. He wondered if turning his back was too much of a sign he understood them?
  Iroh didn’t care. After a while he simply moved Sokka’s piece for him and, like the last time this had happened, explained the rules to him again like Sokka was simply confused, not scared for his life.
  All in all, it was a long morning.
  Truthfully, Sokka didn’t know what was worse. Time on deck, with Iroh watching his every move. Or time in Zuko’s room. True, there was no Iroh, or crew or the promise of freedom if he just untied himself and jumped overboard. But there was Zuko. Zuko and only Zuko and Sokka had never wanted to fill a silence as much as when he was trapped in that suffocating room with the guy who spent half of his time meditating and the other looking over maps and scrolls.
  His bathtub was the worst too. How did the Fire Nation use these things they were so cramped? Or maybe they were standard issue? Sokka didn’t know,  all the boats, the proper boats, back home had been taken by dad when he left. Maybe they had cramped bathtubs too. Still, he doubted dad spent hours upon hours inside of one every day.
  He missed dad. He missed Gran Gran. He even missed Katara, and when he missed Katara Sokka knew things were getting bad.
  He groaned, arching his back to try and move his tail into a more comfortable position. Something popped in his spine, the feeling not wholly uncomfortable.
Unfortunately it was loud enough that Prince fire hands heard it, rushing over from his desk to run worried eyes over him.
         “What was that?” He said, to himself Sokka was guessing since Sokka wasn’t supposed to know what he was saying and, unlike with Iroh, Zuko definitely thought he was a stupid dumb animal. He had to. There was no way the guy would be so… gentle, as he checked Sokka over if he knew what Sokka was. That being not stupid, or dumb. “Sorry,” he moved Sokka’s tail to the left, “I’m sorry,” he lifted it up, Sokka still impressed that the guy didn’t even break a sweat at the weight. Sokka was usually a light guy, but the tail added a few extra pounds.
  Eventually the examination got a bit much, Sokka batting the prince away much like he’d seen the polar dogs do to some of the kids. Zuko took the hint, his scowl making an appearance as he looked Sokka over one last time.
  “I suppose you’d be screaming if you were in pain,” Zuko mumbled before walking back to his desk. He glanced back every so often however, Sokka grumbling to himself as he tried, once more, to get himself comfortable for the night.
  Truthfully he didn’t know how he fell asleep. He still didn’t know how he’d slept the night before, or the night before that. All he did know was that he did sleep and when he woke Zuko was there again applying salve to his tail. Salve that needed time to air out, meaning no bathtub for Sokka. Meaning time with Iroh.
  On and on and on it went. An endless cycle. A punishment maybe? Whatever it was, it didn’t look like Sokka would be escaping it anytime soon and with each passing day he couldn’t help but wonder what would hurt less: a spear to his tail, or being burned alive by his captor?
         “You should leave,” Zuko sighed.
         “And then what?” Sokka asked, pulling himself up onto the bank. “You wouldn’t last a day without me.” Iroh might, but Iroh was a hardened war general. Zuko was… more pathetic than he looked, and he looked pretty pathetic right now. “What did you do to your hair?” It hadn’t looked… great before but, with the patchy hair growing in and the long patch at the back. Yeah, this wasn’t one of Zuko’s better looks.
  “I’ve done fine on my own before,” Zuko snapped. “I’ll be fine again. Go find uncle if you’re that desperate to bother someone!”
  Sokka forced himself not to bark back. He deserved some of this animosity, he knew that. He knew that if he had been carting around an animal that wasn’t an animal and had been listening to him be gooey and soft in his private time then, yeah, maybe he too would be as grouchy as Zuko. But he also knew not all of this was because of him. “I don’t even know where your uncle is,” for one, “and,” loathe as he was to admit it, “look, we have a common goal here. As much as I would love to swim home and never see you again you’re,” why was this so hard? “very persistent.” Amongst other things.
  Zuko gave him a look. “What?”
  “My sister is with the Avatar.” He could hardly believe it himself. All those weeks he’d spent listening to Zuko talk about the Avatar and his girlfriend only to find out his sister was that freaking girlfriend? He felt sick just thinking it. How had Gran Gran let this happen? “I don’t know how he managed to persuade her to go with him but I need her safe and home and not with that freak!” He was over 100, who knew what he was doing with her. “You know how to track him. You know where he's likely going next so,” he grabbed at his waist, the skin loosening until it fell into a cloak. Zuko’s cheeks reddened as Sokka wrapped it around his waist. “We do this together. I’ll help you take out my sister and you help me by finding them in the first place.”
  Zuko glanced over, then faced him fully when he saw the cloak wrapped around Sokka’s hips. “You’d really make a deal with me?”
  “You sang me a lullaby when you thought I was having nightmares, I think you like me enough not to kill me on our way there.” Their way back? Sokka would deal with that when they came to it.
  Zuko’s brow furrowed. “You realise my father wants him imprisoned.”
  Yeah, Sokka did. But he also knew he would burn down the entire world just to see his sister safe. The war had survived so far without the Avatar. Sokka was sure they could find a way to survive a bit longer if the Firelord took him out permanently.
         He held his hand out, “I can breathe underwater and I look as far from Fire Nation as you’re ever gonna get. I’m useful.”
         Zuko considered the hand for a moment before taking it, standing up himself. “Fine.” They shook on it. “But we take him alive. The terms of my exile were very clear on how the Avatar was to be returned home.”
  They let go after a moment, Sokka flexing his fingers to get rid of the lingering warmth. It took a moment for both of them to get their bearings, for Zuko to take back the things he had stole. Once he did, he let Sokka in on what had happened while he’d been gone. How Azula was actually a bad guy– shocker! Also that Iroh was living in a cave.
  “You could have gone with a better haircut,” Sokka told him.
  Zuko’s cheeks reddened again, “I didn’t exactly have much to play with!”
  True. “I’ll fix it when it gets a bit longer,” Sokka decided. Maybe he would give Zuko a nice wolfcut. His own was quite dashing if he did say so himself. “A proper haircut could help you blend in with the locals. Make them less inclined to call your sister on you.” His scary, terrifying sister.
  Seriously though, how was it that the guy with the macho scar was the softie of the family?
  “Thank you,” Zuko offered quietly.
         “Wow.” Sokka honestly hadn’t believed it when Aang had said Zuko was his descendant. Yet, there it was, proof in the flesh. “That’s er-”
         “Uncle said it should grow longer,” Zuko said, his scowl settling into his features as he turned his small cloak around in his hands. Sokka meant small too. It must have been hidden when Zuko was a baby. Azula too, Sokka spying the other coat that had been hidden away in the Fire Nation archives 
  “It will,” Sokka promised. “The two of you just need a chance to get to know each other again.” He stepped closer, Zuko letting him run his fingers over the coarse fur. It was lighter than Sokka’s. It made sense, Aang’s was still white despite him being around the age his adult fur started to come in. Sokka wondered if Zuko’s would change as soon as he put it on or if he would get a few weeks of pure baby whiteness before whatever colour his tail would be grew in. “You know, this actually makes a bit of sense.”
  Zuko hummed in question.
  Sokka picked up Azula’s. “Our tails are a part of us, To be away from them,” he shuddered, “Gran Gran once told me people used to go crazy. That the Fire Nation would take our coats just to make us go crazy. Our tails balance us.” And to be without it, from birth? No wonder Zuko and Azula were so messed up.
  Zuko followed his gaze, promising, “I’ll get it to her. Maybe it’ll help her sleep.” Sokka knew he’d been worrying about that. The letters came in daily that Azula was growing more and more paranoid. She’d outright refused to eat her meals yesterday. She’d stopped sleeping long before that. He took the cloak off Sokka, putting it back into its trunk. He followed Zuko out, the door closing with a heavy click. “You really think this will work?”
  Sokka shrugged, forcing a smile on his face, “Only one way to find out.”
  Aang was practically bouncing when they found him. He’d wanted to come with them to the archives, but Toph had started destroying the royal garden and someone– not Sokka– needed to reign her in. Sokka felt quite bad for her as he spied her under a tree. Then he remembered how much Toph hated swimming to begin with and the guilt faded.
  Besides, Katara had promised to sit with her. The two of them had been talking about a bending battle at dinner last night, Sokka was sure the royal gardens would really be destroyed by the time they came up for air.
  He took his tunic off, unwrapping his coat from his hips and pushing his boots and pants down. Aang had already clambered into the small river that ran amongst the gardens, darting back and forth as he told Zuko to hurry up.
         Sokka glanced back, spying the hesitation in Zuko’s hands on his belt. “Katara’s not watching,” he teased.
         Zuko sent him a look, but it did its job of loosening Zuko up enough to actually take his clothes off. Not for the first time Sokka wondered how on earth Zuko still had muscles like that after the months of starvation they’d endured. He grabbed his own cloak up, walking to Zuko’s side just as the last of his clothes ended up on the grass. Handing his own cloak over, Sokka took Zuko’s off him.
  “Relax,” he told Zuko, “Your tail will fit.” He wrapped his arms around Zuko’s waist, separating the cloak out until it touched the small of Zuko’s back. There was a gasp against his neck and then Sokka had to act fast, Zuko’s legs falling out from under him.
  His tail was white, but the longer they both looked the darker ir appeared around the edges. Spots were appearing and changing, some of them as dark as Zuko’s hair, others a light gray.
  Aang wiggled his way over to them, pulling himself alongside Zuko so the two could compare colours. Sokka tugged his own tail on, happily falling to the grass in time for Aang to start dragging them both to the river.
  He remembered how daunting it had been when his dad first brought him swimming. The disbelief that he could actually breathe underwater. The hesitance in dunking his head. Dad had ended up flinging him into the deep end, mom yelling at him to be more gentle even as Sokka took his first breath under the water. He remembered the fish he’d seen. The penguin otters. He remembered how happy he’d been when he realised he could keep pace better with dad under the water than out. He remembered how happy his parents had been showing him all of this, and Sokka could kind of understand that now as he watched Zuko steel himself and, like he did everything, dive head first into the water.
  There was that moment of disbelief as Zuko breached the water. There was ease in which he realised swimming was so much more easier with a tail. There was the smile that Sokka hd seen only a handful of times in their year and a half together. The one did his upmost to bring out as much as he could these days.
  Sokka slipped into the water, lazily swimming around and catching Aang when he swam too close.
  Mostly he watched Zuko.
  He was caught more than once, yet it was only when Aang went to coerce Katara into swimming with him that Zuko swam over to ask “What?” and there it was, the shock again that he could speak. That he could be heard, not quite like they were above water, but Sokka knew what he’d said anyway.
         Sokka shrugged “I’m just happy for you.”
         Zuko gave him a smile. Another one to add to this list and– screw it, he dove forward, gently capturing Zuko in a kiss.
         “I’m really happy for you,” Sokka said when he pulled away.
  Zuko blinked at him a few times before another smile graced his lips. Before Sokka knew it he was being dragged down to the bottom of the river, Zuko clinging onto his shoulders as they kissed amongst the riverbed.
  He vaguely heard Katara call him gross, but Sokka didn’t care. Everything was finally alright in the world, why would he care what his little sister thought?
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Lazaret's First Friend
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I really want to post more content featuring Lazaret as a hatchling/baby on here, so have this post for now.
I'm not really proud of this artwork, I'm just proud of the story that I've written to accompany it.
Niall (pictured) is a white-tailed eagle chick. He is around 9-10 years old (in bird years, of course) in this artwork. He is very shy and is scared of communicating with others, but he managed to become friends with baby Lazaret due to her curiosity in him as he walked past her stroller.
Story starts below:
It was a warm and sunny day at the local park. Lazaret's caregiver was pushing her stroller around the greener areas, allowing the baby bird to look at the trees towering above her in awe.
Baby Lazaret was fascinated by everything new around her, and even a short walk in the park would bring the infant immense joy. The fresh air, the chatter of others in the distance, and the calm feeling of being pushed around was perfect for her little mind to enjoy.
A while later, her caregiver pulled to a stop at a nearby area where a few other children and toddlers were playing. She sat down on a bench, admiring the sunny weather and the cool breeze that often swept nearby.
"Mama's going to take a short break. You be a good baby, okay?" she smiled, placing the stroller right beside her so she can keep an eye on her adoptive daughter at all times. Lazaret cooed in delight as she curiously gazed at her surroundings, wanting to see more things that were new to her.
As Lazaret's caregiver was resting, a child cautiously approached the stroller, also curious at what was inside. The child was a a few years older than Lazaret, but he still had downy feathers on his body. He also had a rather anxious look on his face, as if he was worried about something. He stood a few inches away from the stroller, seemingly scared to approach at a closer distance.
He peeked into the stroller, seeing the little baby bird that was in it. Seeing this new face, Lazaret looked up as well, blankly staring at his face before letting out a happy gurgle.
"Hi... hi there, baby..." he muttered.
"Ababa... googoo..." Lazaret babbled, seemingly wanting to continue on with the conversation. She then put one of her hands into her beak and started to suckle on it greedily.
Seeing this little infant, the child couldn't help but smile. She was just so happy and full of bliss, with nothing to be afraid of because she was new to the world.
"Name's... Niall. Nice to meet you," he replied, still remaining at a distance from her. The baby continued to suck at her hand, staring at him curiously.
Noticing Lazaret's caregiver right beside her, he immediately froze in slight shock. He looked back at the infant, who was still staring at him.
"I... I don't think your mother would like me to be here with you for too long... so... I think I should go."
Just as Niall was going away, the baby began to cry, as if she wanted him to stay by her side for a bit longer. Quickly, he turned back and approached Lazaret's caregiver timidly.
"Um... excuse me, but... would you mind if... I..."
Before he could even finish his sentence, the caregiver gave him a nod of approval and gestured towards the baby.
After thanking her, Niall approached the stroller yet once again, feeling bad that he had made the little one cry.
"Hey... sorry about that. I... never thought that you... you would cry because of what I did."
Hearing Niall's voice, the baby gannet immediately stopped crying and looked back at him.
"Baba..." she whimpered, reaching her chubby hands out towards his direction.
"I... I can't touch you... y'know. I... I will hurt you. I... don't want to hurt... anyone."
He looked away from the baby, feeling a sense of guilt and shame - not only because of what he had just done, but because of him remembering how he was treated by others the same age as him - laughed at for being weak and accused of being a vicious and ruthless bird of prey. No one liked him, except for his family.
Lazaret, not knowing why he was acting like that, began to whine, flailing her arms around for his attention. To her, Niall was just like any other bird. Her mind could not process him as any sort of cruel bird - she was interested in who he was, and that was all that mattered to a baby like her.
Reluctantly, Niall walked closer to the stroller and hovered his right hand over the baby's body. Instinctively, she attempted to grab onto one of his fingers, smiling and gurgling happily at her new toy.
Niall continued to stare at Lazaret, who had just placed one of her hands back in her beak again, sucking on it for comfort. He felt... happy. It was confusing for someone like him, but he felt a surge of joy rushing through his heart.
This baby was trying to play with him, feeling safe in his presence.
He felt... loved.
As his newfound emotions were welling up inside him, baby Lazaret grabbed hold of one of his fingers with her spare hand and began to squeal with joy.
"I guess... there's still someone out there... who likes me, after all," he chuckled, smiling back at the baby.
"Buhbababah!" Lazaret babbled back, enjoying the company of her new friend.
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Hiiii congrats on 100 followers!! I was wondering if I could get a match up? Maybe mentor or sibling figure? Happy either way tho. I know I sent this in a little late so please ignore this if you've got too many requests :)
I use any pronouns, mbti is infp-a, I'm caught up with the manga but I haven't yet read the light novels!
It might take a bit of time but I get along with most people, I really try not to at times but as soon as they tell me even something remotely personal to them I tend to get soft ;; though id say, it's very difficult for me to get along with people who blame other people for their own mistakes and then just sit there crying about it when it's completely on them. If something is your fault and you start to get overwhelmed because of it that's totally okay and I understand, it's just when they blame other people that pisses me off. Those are the kind of people I really dislike but if u give me enough time with them I'm sure I'll warm up eventually. ANYWAY
im very into reading, art and animation, I like to make jewelry and do embroidery, baking and dance, and I play bass. That's all that comes to mind for hobbies I don't really do many extracurriculars in my free time either I use to do a few martial arts but that was a few years ago now :p
Anyway thank you very much ♥️ hope ur having a good week and I hope ur blog continues to grow and thrive :DD
Also fr just ignore this if its too late
Hi anon!!! Thank you for the kind words >.< and it was quite nice writing your matchups, so enjoy :)
The images used are not mine. They belong to their original owners.
Your mentor is... FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY!!!
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-Fyodor is an intense mentor; he would be training you nonstop for your missions. He will give you breaks, however these breaks are short-lived. Literally when you've sat down and had a breather, he would start to teach you again
-He likes how you're quiet and observant. Fyodor doesn't really see anything wrong in observing other people before interacting with them; in fact, he encourages it even. He does give you some tips if you're suddenly forced into conversation with someone, because sometimes it happens on missions and he would hate it if you couldn't handle it well
-Fyodor was not expecting your talkative side anytime soon. On one hand he's glad how you don't trust people easily, but on the other hand he's slightly confused on why you kept it hidden for so long. He thinks that with the right training, your energetic side would be quite beneficial in missions
-He also appreciates how you communicate. Fyodor isn't someone who is really in touch with emotions, and he prefers keeping conversations straightforward and logical. Communicating through writing is probably more efficient because Fyodor is a very busy man, so he wouldn't have a lot of time to have a full-on face to face conversation
-Learning new things? Ask and you shall receive. Fyodor has a lot of knowledge hidden in that anaemic self of his, and he will gladly teach his dear student anything that you asked him to. When he's teaching you, he has this way of keeping lessons informative and interesting, so interesting that you never want him to stop teaching. He secretly likes your willingness to learn
-Affection? There is nothing more foreign in Fyodor's vocabulary book. I wouldn't recommend touching him though, because not only would it be awkward, his skin is also cold as ice and not to mention there's the danger of his ability accidentally activating. But compliment him, give him some hand-made gifts, and he will slowly get used to it. It still is kind of awkward for him, but I'm sure he can manage it
-Fyodor also likes your artistic hobbies. I'm pretty sure he would drop you some book recommendations to read in your spare time, and he has really good taste in books. He will look at and compliment your artworks and embroidery, and even listen to you play bass! Needless to say, he is a lover of art and he is secretly happy that his student shares the same love
-Nowww Fyodor will most likely teach you the skills of conversation. Such as how to gather information, how to gain someone's trust quickly, how to manipulate someone even; needless to say, you wouldn't have social anxiety anymore 👍
-He would make one of his subordinates teach you self-defence. Your martial arts experience comes in handy, because being part of Fyodor's organisation is quite dangerous. Even when Fyodor makes sure you don't run into too dangerous situations, it's still better to be safe than sorry
-Apart from your lessons, Fyodor wouldn't really have a lot of spare time to spend with you. So he might ask Ivan or Nikolai to keep you company, but in his (rare) breaks he would be perfectly happy to spend time with you, perhaps even engaging in conversation with you every now and then
-He cares for you in his own way. Your missions have lower risks than the other subordinates, because Fyodor plans it all out and makes sure that there's nothing you can't handle. Even when he's still his own nonchalant self around you, he is secretly more relaxed when he's around you
-Nobody dares to mess with you, because who would want to mess with the devil's student? You definitely get some privileges, because Fyodor’s subordinates all respect you and listen to you. If someone still dares to pick a fight with you then say goodbye to them because they won’t wake up the next morning
-Chess games! You always lose but it’s fun playing against Fyodor. He teaches you a few tips and tricks, and even if you know nothing about chess he still makes it a fun experience. I’m pretty sure that under his guidance, you could become a state chess player
-Fyodor is a very interesting mentor... and he teaches you what he knows so that one day, you will succeed him
And last but not least, your sibling figure is... NIKOLAI GOGOL!!!
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-He’s quite a chaotic and interesting brother figure
-Nikolai didn’t really mind your quiet personality at first; he’s already used to Fyodor. He would continue to talk with you energetically, and I feel like he would be the type of person you would click with
-He was pleasantly surprised at your talkative and affectionate side. Nikolai feels honoured that you trust him enough, and he is so going to reciprocate the platonic affection x10. Basically complimenting you everyday, hugs, headpats, even piggyback rides if you asked for it
-He lovessss receiving your handmade gifts. Nikolai basically goes ‘did you make this for me?’ before showing it to everyone and saying how awesome his little sibling was. He also tries giving you his own hand-made gifts, and even when some of them may be weird, the thought’s still there
-I feel like he might like art too. Drawing and painting? You could draw anything and Nikolai would hang it on his bedroom wall. Making jewellery and embroidery? Just tell Nikolai and he would immediately be aweing at your handiwork. He finds dancing very cool and would be down to learning it from you. And baking? Just say the word and Nikolai is immediately getting all the ingredients and equipment for you
-Would totally want you to teach him bass. Mostly so that he could mess around with Fyodor, but he will sometimes be serious and play a piece on the bass. You should advise him to watch Davie504 (he’s an awesome bassist and youtuber)
-Nikolai would also love to teach you anything that you asked for. Such as how to fight an opponent, how to keep a conversation interesting, and even some magic tricks! He loves doing small magic shows for you, especially when you’re upset. He likes it when you laugh, because your laughter is so precious to him
-Please but if you’re upset, he would listen to you rant or cry and afterwards would say a few words of encouragement. Would also give you hugs, but these hugs last longer and have far more deeper meaning. Nikolai cares about you a lot and just wants to see you happy and free
-That one time somebody hurt you, he immediately took care of them. No questions asked. And let’s say that the way that he took care of them was not the prettiest to say the least...
-Anyways, he loves taking you out to places to hang out! Such as amusement parks, circuses, fun fairs, you name it! Nikolai loves spending time with you, and why not spend some time together doing fun stuff? Of course, he also is perfectly happy staying in comfortable silence with you too
-An eccentric but caring older brother otherwise. Nikolai seeks the ultimate freedom for both of you
Sorry that this was kinda late!
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ghost-in-the-hall · 2 years
Dances In The Moonlight (Falk Maria Schlegel x GN! Reader) - Part 1
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(A/N: I'm trying something different again! I'm really nervous about posting this one, so I hope you all enjoy it. I'm probably going to be working on this pretty heavily until it's done so expect some hopefully quick updates!)
WARNINGS: None for this chapter, just introduction stuff, some slight pining/mutual flirting. Soft Falk hours.
Part II
You slid into the confessional booth with a sigh, eyes meeting with the Clergy member through the cross hairs of the fence that separated you. A ghost of a smile played on his lips as he took a moment to study you. You were greeted with a thick German accent that had a tinge of curiosity behind it. "What can I help you with, my dear?" You swallowed thickly, you thought coming to talk about what was troubling you was supposed to help.
"Father… have you ever felt like no matter what you do, you just don't fit in?" You had been floating through your life with no real sense of purpose. You had spent so long trying to live up to everyone's expectations that you had truly lost yourself in the process. The man on the other side of the screen breathed out a laugh.
"I know a thing or two about not fitting in." He shifts in his seat as he ponders what to say next. "If it were me, I would do my best to cut ties with everyone and everything from the life that isn't suiting me… for a little while at least. It would probably give you a chance to find what exactly you want out of your life." Your brow furrowed slightly as you listened to his words. Before you had a chance to ask any questions he began to speak again. "Our Abbey welcome's all here without question, it might even be able to provide something you're missing." You'd be lying if you said it didn't appeal to you. A full change of pace, people, scenery, it sounded like a good idea.
"I…" you weren't sure how to respond. You sighed, anxiously cracking your knuckles.
"You don't need to make a decision right now." His soothing tone lulled you back into a state of comfort. "Maybe sit in the chapel for a while, think things over, yeah?" You nodded.
"Thank you, Father." He dismisses you with a polite nod. You sat in the front row of pews before the altar, listening to the shuffle of footsteps as various people entered and left the confession booth. Shapes in all colors of the rainbow shifted across the altar as the sun gradually began to set.
"Still thinking, are we?" The pew creaked as the Clergy member you spoke to earlier sat beside you. He folded his hands neatly in his lap. This was the first time you actually had the chance to see what he looked like. Slightly unkempt light brown hair and sharp features contrasted the softness his gaze held. Beautiful brown eyes that only greatened how easily you were drawn in by his presence. "What's making you so apprehensive about staying?"
"Who said I was thinking about staying?" You challenge, concentrating on the toe of your shoe kicking against the floor.
"You would have left by now if you weren't." The steady taps of your foot stopped in an instant. "I have a feeling you and I might not be as different as you think. It wasn't too long ago that I was in the same position you are now. Going through the motions day by day, not truly feeling like any of it mattered… does that sound about right?" You paused for a moment before nodding in response. He stands, motioning for you to follow him. "I'd like to show you something, come with me." He led you through a doorway to what appeared to be a maze of hallways. "Stay close, we wouldn't want you getting lost." He chuckles slightly at your amazed expression as you took in the sight before you. He walked slowly, allowing you time to get distracted by the different artwork that lined the walls until your focus eventually wandered back to your guide. "You're smiling." He points out with a grin of his own. You look down at your feet, letting out a slightly embarrassed laugh.
"I guess I am." You hadn't even realized it, but it was the first time you had genuinely smiled in a while. You looked back up at the man before you, kind gaze never wavering as he studied you. "Father, this place is incredible. I never realized how massive the Abbey was."
"These halls would be yours to explore if you decide to stay." You took a deep breath, this could be your one and only chance at a fresh start. Something you had always longed for was being gifted to you by a complete stranger. "You're looking to find a place where you belong, right?" He takes a small step forward, cradling one of your hands gently in his own. "My dear, I think that is something you would absolutely be able to find here. Let me help you keep that smile on your face." You took a deep breath, glancing around the candle lit halls as you thought about whether or not this was somewhere you could call your home. Starting your life over was terrifying, sure. But, the hands that held yours were so warm, the way he looked at you made you feel important. Standing here with him even just for this short amount of time had ignited something in you, a sense of want, for what exactly you couldn't place. The man's eyes glowed in the candle light, watching the smallest shifts in your expression as you ran through every possibility that came to mind.
"I'll stay." You respond abruptly. He smiles brightly, elated by your response. He, however, didn't move from his position. Almost as if he could feel that you had something else to say. You had entered this church on a whim and now you were agreeing to dedicate your days to it while you searched for who you really were. All of this because of the man that stood before you with the mischievous glint in his eye. "Father, I do have one more thing I'd like to ask you." He hums in response to your statement, giving you his full attention. "I don't believe I ever asked for your name." He chuckles softly. Thumb running slowly across the top of your hand before he reluctantly released it.
"You can call me Falk." He leans down slightly, almost as if he was ready to tell you a secret. "Also, I don't believe in using honorifics outside of mass, so just Falk is fine."
"Falk." You repeat the name back softly, liking the way it sounded as it tumbled from your lips. "Thank you."
"The pleasure is all mine." Falk insisted that he help you take care of your arrangements, he wanted your transition into the Abbey to be as seamless as possible. Before you knew it you were caught up in lessons, mass, and your daily chores around the Abbey. It felt right being here, but there was still the sense of want you had experienced that very first night. You gazed at the window as you picked at your breakfast, the dining hall nearly empty aside from you and a few people others. The smell of freshly brewed coffee caught your attention first, then the sound of footsteps casually approaching your table.
"Good morning, Falk." He effortlessly slides into the seat across from you. He sets his mug down with a sigh before pointing an accusatory finger at you.
"You weren't at my mass this morning." Your chin perched on the palm of your hand, playful smile on his lips letting you know he wasn't upset. "You never miss my mass."
"I overslept." His eyes narrow. You oversleeping wasn't the issue, it was why you overslept. He didn't need to say another word for you to confess. "I might have stayed too late in the library."
"You know it's important to rest-"
"I know." You groan, thinking of a way to try and defend yourself. "The Abbey just has such an amazing collection."
"Which will still be there when you wake up." He chuckles. He moves to reach out for your hand, he stops himself and decides to fold his hands in front of him. "You have all the time in the world to read those books, it's important you take care of yourself." He takes a long sip of his coffee, his gaze switching between you and the window. "I was concerned when I looked out there and you weren't in the front row."
"I'm surprised you noticed I wasn't there." You exchange a soft smile.
"Your smile is always the brightest in the room, of course I noticed." You couldn't hide the blush on your face. He was beaming with pride over the fact he managed to get you flustered. The two of you got to sit and talk for a while longer until he had to leave for a meeting. "I take it you'll be in the library again tonight?" You nod in response, causing Falk to chuckle. "If I don't see you, make sure you don't stay there all night."
"I won't, I promise." He bids you one last farewell before he heads off. You found yourself unable to wipe the smile off your face as you went about your duties for the rest of the day. As expected by the end of the day you had made your way to the library. Now sat comfortably in front of a roaring fire, bare feet tucked beside you under a blanket, and a pile of unread books at your side, you were all set to enjoy your evening. You were interrupted not too long after by the sound of the library door opening and thudding back close. You looked back over your shoulder, from your nights spent in here you knew no one was usually in here this late. You could hear footsteps approaching you, weaving their way in between shelves of books. Your body tensed, only catching flashes of a shadowed figure as they grew closer to you.
"Well you certainly look comfortable." Falk emerges from the darkness with a chuckle. You let out a sigh of relief, laughing slightly at your paranoia.
"You scared me." You giggle. He chuckles, approaching the couch you were seated on slowly.
"Would it be alright if I joined you?" You hurriedly collected the books, moving them aside to make a space for him.
"Please do." He sits with a groan, a result of the long day you were sure he had. "What brings you all the way down here?"
"I was curious about what you were reading that had you so interested." He narrows his eyes, struggling to read the spines of the books next to you before leaning in to get a closer look. Your breath hitched in your throat as you watched his face hover in front of yours. It took you a moment to realize he wasn't wearing his paint anymore, you noticed a few spots he had missed where the paint had settled into the wrinkles by his eyes. Your heart was pounding in your chest, it was a wonder he couldn't hear it. "You can read German?" You were forced to release a breath you hadn't noticed you had been holding. You were finding it hard to find any words at all to say with him sitting so close to you.
"Hardly." You chuckle, holding up the German to English dictionary that you kept plastered to your side. "That's part of the reason I'm here so late, it's a little difficult to get through a book when you have to translate it word for word." He glances between you and the stack of books.
"Maybe I could read some of it to you, give you a break." He offers with a smile.
"Oh, you don't have to, I'm sure you've had a long-" He cuts you off with a wave of his hand.
"Nonsense, I'd just be reading in my room anyways." You exchange a smile. "What would you like to read first?" He asks as he cuffs the sleeves of his shirt. You swallowed thickly, struggling to tear your eyes away as you watched his nimble fingers work their way around the fabric. You simply grabbed the first book in the pile and handed it off to him. His fingers brushed against yours as he grabbed the book, his hand soft and warm. Your mind instantly wandered back to that first night you arrived at the Abbey, your hands wrapped securely in his own as that same warmth spread through your whole body. Your eyes found his, golden in the light of the fire. He hesitantly reached out, brushing some stray hair from your face. You reflexively leaned into his touch, a blush slowly creeping across your cheeks. His eyes widened slightly as he realized what he was doing. "I'm sorry." He clears his throat, hurriedly opening up the book you had handed him. If there was one thing you were sure if it was that Falk had a wonderful voice for reading stories. His soft tone threatened to lull you to sleep. You found yourself drifting closer to him, reading the German on the page that he almost effortlessly translated for you. You leaned back into the couch, your eyelids heavy as the plush cushions wrapped your body in their warm embrace. You eventually drifted off listening to Falk read to you. The last thing you remember was someone gently cradling you as they laid you back on the couch, pulling the blanket up over your shoulders.
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rolesplay · 4 months
・┆✦CONFESSIONS — a Thomas/OC fic.
or: how amelia found that she can like art, after all (a/n: highly inspired by Honeyworks' Friday's Good Morning, Sunday's Secret and other works.)
She was meant to confess today. Yet, nothing seemed to go her way: she overslept, the cake she endeavoured to bake emerged less than perfect, her hair refused to behave, her phone suffered water damage, its speakers destroyed, and her favourite teacher was absent, replaced by a rather dreadful substitute. And that was merely the beginning. The school day unfolded with an array of challenges she simply had no energy left to confront.
Now, it was pouring, and she had forgotten her umbrella. She longed to return home for a good cry. With Caleb held up at varsity practice, her only option was to face the downpour. Inhaling deeply, she hoisted her bag above her head, bracing herself to dash to the station, when suddenly, someone called out to her.
❝ Freshman. Where are you off to? ❞
The voice was unmistakable. Her crush.
Her heart raced, her cheeks flushed.
Avoiding his gaze, she mustered a single word: ❝ Home。 ❞
❝ Without an umbrella? ❞
Gazing despondently at the relentless rain, she bit her lip and responded,
❝ Yes。 ❞
He exhaled, unfurling his umbrella. ❝ Come on, then。 ❞ 
❝ Pardon? ❞
❝ We catch the same train。I've noticed you。Let's go。 ❞
He had noticed her before. Truly noticed her.
Side by side, they walked under his umbrella, her mind a whirlwind. Silence prevailed until he broke it.
❝ Do you like art? ❞
❝ Not particularly. ❞
His brow furrowed in confusion.
❝ But you're always in the club, freshman. The President even urges you to join. ❞
❝ I'm not fond of things I don't understand。 ❞ She absentmindedly placed a hand over her heart. Her cardiac condition had always mystified people, including the best and the brightest of cardiologists, and she disliked that. She disliked the unknown. Yet, she smiled. ❝ Much of art… it's beyond me. I don't get get it。 ❞
❝ Why frequent the club, then? ❞
Her moment had arrived. She could confess, right here, right now.
And so she did.
❝ You。 ❞
❝ Excuse me? ❞
A pause. Then, she began to ramble.
❝ I know this came out of nowhere, and I hope it's okay to say… but I've actually been wanting to tell you that… It's just that… I've had this crush on you. I've always watched you and it's… When you paint, it's like the world fades away, and it's just you and the canvas. It's like nothing else exists, and that intensity, that focus—it's captivating. I find myself watching, not the art you're making although obviously I do it too, but you. There's this crease you get on your forehead when you're really into your work, and I don't know why, but I find it adorable. It's like a signature of your dedication, a little mark of your passion. And I guess… that's what drew me to you. Your passion, it's inspiring. I— ❞
❝ I- It's fine; I understand。I get the idea。 ❞ Now it was his turn to blush.
❝ Oh。 ❞
The rain persisted, and the awkward silence resumed. He said no more. Her earlier confidence crumbled. Still, she persisted. ❝ Y- you know? You don't need to reciprocate。I just wanted you to know。 ❞
❝ Alright。❞
He remained silent thereafter, even as they left the rain for the station shelter, even on the train. They sat near, yet she kept a respectful distance, her heart feeling heavy. She yearned to return home, to embrace her grandmother, to weep.
As her stop approached, she readied to disembark, but then—someone grasped her hand.
She whirled around in astonishment.
❝ I can explain, if you want。 ❞
❝ About what? ❞
❝ The paintings。The artworks。All of it。 ❞
Her heart quickened. His hand enveloping hers felt vast. She was overwhelmed with emotion, predominantly elation.
❝ Amelia, would you like that? ❞
He addressed her by name. He knew her name.
She had thought him indifferent, but—
The train slowed to a halt. It was now or never.
She squeezed his hand, then released it. ❝ I- I would love that。 ❞
Alighting at her stop, she found her grandmother awaiting her, the neglected umbrella in hand. She faced a gentle scolding for her forgetfulness, but Amelia couldn't suppress her smile.
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dorylinae-supremacy · 5 months
💀 Necromancer AU 💀
Wooo I'm home finally time to post my snippet!
Uhhh AU I've posted vaguely about before but its basically Phil being a delulu necromancer who thinks of himself as an artist and ends up accidentally making himself a son (or three) as he decides to explore a new 'era of art.'
Tags: Dark Phil, darker than usual so heads up, explicit gore, i mean its a necromancer au, idk what you expect, dead boar, graphic description of corpses / rot, grubs / insects, ~584 words, you get the vibes as you read.
Phil liked to think of himself as an artist.
Really, if you thought about it, that's what he was. He took what was discarded by others and turned them into wonders of art that few could even begin to imagine.
Sure, sometimes his artworks liked to rebel. Some parts simply rejected their other parts and forced him to find new materials that would actually be able to fit but that's what made it fun. It kept him thinking.
No piece of art was ever truly done, sometimes one might get a bit too reckless and a part might fall off. Luckily as a witch he was able to fix such minor mistakes. He was able to toy with the very material of reality and he could turn it into the most beautiful of pieces.
That's what led him here, he was desperate for a new piece to work on. All others had slowly lost their shine, no longer filling him with satisfaction every time he looked at them. Now he looked at his old works and only saw mistakes, things he could've done better if given the chance. He didn't bother recycling them; the parts felt tainted and useless.
This work would be a brand new start. A clean slate for him to test all his skills on. Luckily there was a market for his discarded pieces, people looking to snatch up whatever shit he decided he didn't want anymore. It'd be pathetic if they weren't giving him such good money for it.
Or maybe that made it even worse? He was never sure. It wasn’t like he cared enough to, after all. They gave him money and he gave them crap. It worked out wonderfully in his favour.
Tonight he was following a path through the woods that led him to his harvesting grounds, a scrapyard that had unwittingly become the source for his most recent materials. The pieces he was able to find always had some knack about them, a quirk that told a story. It made wonderful fuel for his imagination.
He surveyed the ground, sending out little magic tendrils to feel for the telltale spark of opportunity. He always allowed his magic to guide him in his artistic pursuits, the mana that fuelled his veins had amazing taste in scraps.
He shifted the grip on his shovel as he made his way to the first blip, eagerly cracking open the earth below him. A couple minutes of digging and he was soon rewarded for his effort.
In the shallow grave sat a boar, bloated and rotting. Flies and whatever other insects had already gotten to it, maggots working their way out of where they were laid. The stench of death wafted with the disturbed soil but he didn’t let that bother him. 
It felt almost welcoming, something so familiar about it bringing him a warm comfort.
There was no doubt that livor mortis had already set in for this cadaver, the fur wet and sticky against his hands as he hefted it out of its pit. Eagerly, he brushed away the squirming grubs from their feeding grounds in favour of inspecting the corpse a bit more.
Some of the insects were clearly still inside, skin writhing when muscles have long gone still. It would do well for a new piece of art. The little skin that he could see was a deep purple in colour, confirming his suspicions of blood pooling.
That wouldn’t do, though.
It wouldn’t do at all.
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this is a belated wedding gift for @shittygaypornmagazinedotcom and a mwa to @petulant-poet
gay 😩💅
may i present ...
You're My Work Of Art.
sometime in the late renaissance
The paintbrush glided across the canvas with practised ease. He had his lower lip between his teeth, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. A masterpiece was in the making. He could feel it.
Across from him, a young man sat on a stool, as still as he could be. He watched the young painter do what he did best, and smiled to himself. Leo was always asking to paint him. Frank was always the model. No one else. Never anyone else.
Leo sat back, his features easing into a grin. "You know that painting by Leonardo? Of Jesus?"
Frank snorted. "Is there only one?"
"Well. He always painted him on the model of his lover. The figure of Jesus we worship is actually da Vinci's lover. Am I not doing the same?"
"Are you comparing yourself to da Vinci himself, love?" Frank chuckled.
"Let me dream, fool." Leo shot him a cheeky glance. "You know. We get on our knees to pray to the Lord. I bet ol' Leonardo got on his knees for his Jesus, too."
"Leo!" Frank admonished, barely holding in a laugh. Leo could see the suppressed laughter and smiled to himself.
"Stay still. I'm almost finished," Leo ordered, and Frank obeyed. Some time later, Frank was free to go. He stayed to watch Leo perfect his latest artwork. Frank thought he always made him look much handsomer than he truly was.
"The painting is prettier than me," he complained.
"On the contrary," Leo countered, "not even the finest artist can do you justice, my dear."
Frank blushed. Only Leo knew how to make him do that.
As Leo finished up, Frank went to get himself a drink. He sipped it slowly, watching the love of his life hum a lively tune and smile to himself as he touched up what was bound to be a true masterpiece. Leo was really talented.
He went to sit by him, head on the painter's shoulder.
"Why do you only ever draw me?" he asked, genuinely curious.
"Because," Leo said, still focused on the canvas, "I appreciate beautiful things, and wish to paint them. I see a rainbow and paint it. I see a sunset and paint it. And you. You are the most beautiful thing in creation. You are worth more than any of the paintings I make of you trying to capture your loveliness."
Frank blushed again. "Stop that."
"Stop what?"
"Being so poetic. I'm the poet. Stop stealing my expertise."
Leo turned to him and laughed. "Ah, right. Spin a tale for me, then. Weave me an intricacy of words while I work."
"That was an alliteration," Frank told him.
"And I told you to write me a poem. Or, scratch that. Say it aloud now. I love your voice. Make something up now."
Frank kissed his curly hair and tried to think. "Summer nights and summer days/pass me by in a haze,/but you part the mists of woe and sorrow/and make me feel like I have a tomorrow."
Leo smiled softly and kept painting.
Frank continued: "Then let me spend those days with you/summer days in skies of blue,/and let the nights live long and loud/'til winter comes in a hateful cloud."
Frank hugged Leo from behind and kissed his hair again. "But I need not fear the cold snow's ire/for with you the ice melts in raging fire/and we'll be safe in our little den/until the summer comes again."
"Beautiful," Leo whispered, eyes shining. "That was beautiful. And so are you. I love you so much."
"I love you too, my darling," Frank whispered back. "I love you too."
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 5 months
My Unwanted Mate - Chapter 1 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Calvin Frey
Calvin Frey never liked the idea of Mates... now more so than ever. He's in for a surprise or two.
Putting away my cell-phone, I groaned in frustration and clenched my jaw.
I've been working overtime with the crew trying to get these houses built earlier than originally planned.
The pack was steadily growing under my best friends command, which made my job all the harder.
With a bigger pack, we needed more space and homes to accommodate everyone.
I'd just gotten in when my boss called to tell me they needed me in tomorrow too.
He's had me working all seven days of the week from dawn to dusk.
It wouldn't have been a problem for me a couple years ago but I had someone waiting at home for me now.
Unlocking the front door, I stepped in and immediately got to untying and kicking off my dirty work boots.
"Papa," Benjamin, my little ball of energy came running at me as soon as he noticed my presence in the house.
I scooped my pup up and ruffled his black hair.
"How's my pup?" I asked, carrying him into the kitchen.
"He's a mess, is what he is."
I looked up at my younger brother who sat at the table with his hands covered in kids paint.
Benjamin giggled, playing with my beard as he usually does.
That's when I noticed that his hands were equally covered in blue and green paint.
My beard was probably smeared with it too.
"Have you been finger painting again?" I asked.
My two year old pup nodded his head excitedly.
"I show, papa," Benjamin giggled.
He clapped his colorful hands making me smile.
Walking over to the table, I sat down with my pup in my lap and let him show me all of his artwork.
"Wow, my pup is an artist."
"Artist," he giggled, his little teeth on display.
"There's a pot of spaghetti on the stove, make sure to put it up before you go to bed," Torin spoke, turning from the sink with clean hands.
"Benji wanted to wait for you to eat."
My pup was stolen from off my lap as my little brother covered his face in kisses making him laugh hysterically.
"Uncle Torty," he squealed, still having trouble pronouncing his name.
"You be good for your papa," Torin said, getting a big nod from my pup.
"Who's your favorite uncle?"
"Uncle Torty."
Torin giggled before reluctantly giving me my pup back.
I stood up to follow him out before remembering the phone call from my boss.
"Hey, uh, could you maybe watch Benjamin again tomorrow?" I asked awkwardly.
I hated asking for help but there wasn't really much choice.
Scratching at the back of my neck, I stood in the open doorway as Torin fixed his scarf on the porch.
"Of course," he quickly answered, as if the opportunity would pass him by.
I'm pretty sure he'd pup-nap Benjamin if he could get away with it.
"But you'll have to pick him up from the Pack House and stay for dinner."
Torin leaned over to kiss Benjamin's cheek one last time before running off to his car before I could complain.
I would have changed plans and had Mom watch my pup but I knew she'd try to string me into dinner too.
Her and Torin were too much alike.
After making sure my little brother got into the car okay, I shut the front door and locked it.
As Torin had said, there was a large pot of spaghetti on the stove still hot.
After helping Benjamin clean up the table and then cleaning him up after he'd gotten distracted by the paint, I made us our plates.
I knew he was going to need a bath after this and I was right.
Most of the spaghetti ended up on the front of his shirt and face instead of in his tummy.
When he couldn't get the noodles on his fork and didn't like the slimy texture on his hands, he resorted to just putting his face into the food.
I left cleaning up for later and instead took my pup to the bathroom upstairs and got him in the bathtub.
It wasn't a long bath because he was getting tired and grouchy.
He didn't even want to splash around with his toys.
Carrying him to his room, I got his dried off and moisturized before pulling on a pull-up.
"Papa," he yawned sleepily, trying to climb up into my lap where I sat in the rocking chair.
Torin had insisted that every pups room needed one while they were still little.
He'd basically decorated the whole room.
The walls were kept white but there were framed pictures of cartoon wolf pups and a gray fuzzy rug Benjamin use to crawl around on.
The only thing that had changed was the crib that was swapped in place for the small toddler bed that now had Hulk sheets.
Torin had brainwashed my pup into liking the superhero.
I held my pup in my arms as he cuddled close.
My dirty shirt had already been taken off after it got soaked giving him a bath, so I didn't worry about getting him dirty after just getting him clean.
Absentmindedly rocking the chair and rubbing his back soothingly had both of us drifting off.
Sometime during the night I woke up and tucked Benjamin into his bed, making sure to turn on the nightlight on the nightstand or else he'd wake up crying.
Thankfully I remembered to go downstairs and put away the leftover spaghetti.
I don't know how but Torin would have found out somehow and lectured me about wasting food.
There was no need for an alarm clock, Benjamin the energy bunny, works just fine.
He wakes up at the same time every morning and runs straight to my room to jump on me.
I made us oatmeal for breakfast because it was the only thing I knew how to make without burning it.
Mom's skills in the kitchen weren't genetic, sadly.
But with enough cinnamon and sugar, even Benjamin liked it.
He ate sloppily like always, oats all over his road little face.
He looks just like I did in the pup pictures mom dug up to show me.
The only differences were his dark hair, naturally tanned skin and hazel eyes that looked like a darker green than my own with flecks of brown mixed in.
Those were the features he got from Carmen.
I hated thinking about her.
Not because of me but because of Benjamin.
I still couldn't understand how she could do it.
How she could leave behind her own pup without looking back.
All for a male she claimed was her Mate.
"Papa, that's mine," Benjamin whined, trying to climb up my leg for the Hulk sippy-cup Torin got him.
It was one of the only few he'd drink out of.
After filling it with apple juice, I handed it to him and he was instantly happy again.
"Come on, we have to get you to Uncle Torin," I groaned while picking him up, pretending he was getting too heavy.
Benjamin giggled.
"I, big pup."
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sotosot · 11 months
The New Sot Times - Oct '23 - What's up?
Hey since you're here, October 28th is Creature_Unknown's birthday. Make a note of this!
What's up? Art is going well. I'm trying new things, and I'm happy that my art is going in a new direction. There's more great stuff coming up next! The new art I want to make is going involve other things I enjoy beyond kink artwork and the fetishes I enjoy.
Is kink artwork going away? No. Quite the opposite, actually. My goal is making kink art that is even more whacky, and provided with even less context than before. I find this way of expressing myself much more interesting nowadays.
Why do I want to do that? The answer is a little complicated. I don't have as much to say online these days. I enjoyed twitter, but I don't really anymore. It's become very clunky. Being active on twitter for several years helped me learn that I enjoy sharing art above all else. The element of surprise in what I share next is lots of fun too! Nowadays I'm just exploring the web and taking in new art most of the time. So I'm learning to make art that speaks for itself too. I'm really excited to go in this direction. So-- going back-- the kink artwork I draw is already pretty niche. Now I wanna take it a step further, make even more goofy stuff, and not explain myself further.
Since I want to share even more artwork with everybody, I'm retracing my steps a little bit. There's a lot of gaps to fill on my other galleries and platforms. I will be posting my artwork from 2019 up to today across my platforms to fill in these missing gaps. Uploads will be a mix between old and new for as long as it takes to get through all of this stuff. Enjoy!
I'm also looking into building up my own website soon. I would like to work with anybody capable within the furry community to help me make it, and I'm willing to pay for your work. Send me a note through FA if you're interested.
If you want to see all of my artwork in chronological order, I have an artpack of all my work from the past ten years! I put a lot of work into it, and it's always a great help when someone picks up a copy. There is also a cheaper option for my sequences from that same timespan.
Just wanna see my new art? Go to my TELEGRAM channel: SOTBOX Art usually shows up on TUES / THURS / SAT
Want to see new artwork even earlier, along with many other sketches and larger works in progress? Pledge to my SCRAPBOOK Art will usually be posted on MON / WED / FRI
After that, please check here on FA or DA. For general social media feeds-- TUMBLR BLOG / BLUESKY / TWITTER
Want to see me post my artwork elsewhere? Lemme know.
Think that's about it. Have a nice day!
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squippy360 · 2 years
Reader dom, sub Peter parker, sub, Tony (I need this artwork to live)
Here ya go
Sub!Peter Parker x Dom!Male reader x Sub!Tony Stark
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Cw:(first time, soft to hard fucking, hella gay, vibrator, spanking, praise, degrading, mentions of getting pregnant, mentions of 'boypussy' but is still male, smut)
Tony Stark had fallen head over heels in love with you. You were his 24/7 bodyguard (cliche I know-) that would constantly be near him. He asked you to be his boyfriend and you happily agreed. You couldn't deny that you loved his cute face too. You loved the way he would melt from just you looking at him. Even a single touch from you could make his legs wobble a tiny bit.  The power you had over him just made you feel warm inside. You made your way to the kitchen where Tony is currently complaining about a headache. 
"Anthony~" I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He let out a long and tired groan. I smiled and spun him to face me. I held his legs either side of me and sat in his seat. I gently put his head on my shoulder and rubbed his back. "It's ok, Baby~ Daddy's here to take care of you~" I cooed to him teasingly. He blushed and let out a sigh and relaxed into me. "You better…" He grumbled. 
I hummed and turned to the sound of an elevator opening and saw Tony's newest assistant, Peter Parker, walk in and looked pretty stressed. "Mr. Stark, I need to talk to you- Oh! I-I'm sorry I didn't know you were busy!" He said as he saw us cuddling in the kitchen. 
I waved him off. "It's alright. We were just relaxing a bit. What did you need?" I asked. He squirmed and fiddled with his fingers, his gaze averting to the floor. "Um…N-Nevermind!" He mumbled. I smiled when I heard a little snore come out of Tony. "It's just me now. My bunny here is sleeping~" I cooed softly. Peter came a bit closer, sitting in one of the seats next to me. 
"Well…um…I know you two probably won't feel the same but I just need to get it off my chest, even if you reject me." Peter said quietly as to not wake Tony. I nodded and guestered him to continue. "I-I have a…really big crush on you and Mr. Stark. I can't help it, you two are so attractive and…these weird thoughts keep coming up…" Peter quietly whimpered. 
My eyes widened a bit at his confession. 'Why would this adorable little boy lust after us? He could have picked a younger person…' I thought. "Oh Peter...Are you sure you would want to have a romantic relationship with us? I mean, you're so young. You could get a relationship with someone you deserve." I mumbled to him. 
He looked up at me. "I-I'm sure I want you and Mr. Stark. I can't think about being with anyone else. I love you." He whimpered. I stilled for a bit, thinking for a bit. I lifted the hand that was on Tony's thigh and tilted Peter's face to look up at mine. "Oh my~ How could I refuse a pretty face like yours~" I purred. "Here. Come with me~" I whispered and walked to our bedroom. Peter followed us quietly. I gently laid Tony on the bed. 
"Let's wake our Piccolo Topo(little mouse)~ I'm sure he'll like this present~" I purred and took his clothes off. Peter blushed and got in between Tony's legs. "I-If you say so…" He whimpered and licked the tip of his cock. I smirked and went behind Tony, kissing his neck to wake him up. "Tesoro(darling)~ Come on, My little pudding cup~ Wake up for me~" I whispered in his ear. He whined and bucked against Peter. "What…" He mumbled. 
"Look at your little present here~" I purred and snaked my arms up his shirt and began to play with his nipples. His head fell back on my shoulder and he let out a long and lazy moan. "So fucking cute~" I growled and pinched his nipples. He arched his back and gasped. "Mr. Stark~ My body feels hot for you~" Peter whimpered and bobbed his head up and down Anthony's cock. Tony gasped and his hands came up to Peter's hair. "S-Shit, kid…Your mouth feels so fucking good~" Tony groaned. 
I slowly grinded my cock on his ass. "Ohhh the things I want to do to him~ I want to fuck him right on the bed while is sucking your pretty cock off~ I want to fuck him until he can't think about anything but us~ I want him to scream as loud as he can until he looses his voice~" I growled. I felt his whole body heat up from the statement. "W-What are you waiting for then…" He huffed. 
I smirked. "Oh don't worry, I'm going to make sure that all of those things I said are going to happen~" I murmured and bit his ear. He let out a lewd groan and came into Peter's mouth. I rubbed his tummy, watching him twitch from the intense feeling. I moved over a bit and took my clothes off. "Peter~ Be a good boy and take your clothes off~" Tony purred. 
Tony watched with a hazy look as Peter shimmied his clothes off. He noticed us staring and climbed into the bed, hiding himself in the blankets. "C'mere baby~" I growled and pulled him closer and pinned his arms away from his body. He relaxed a bit and looked up at me with those big, adorable, puppy eyes. I let out a shaky sigh and saw his twitching cock. "P-Please be gentle…I-I'm a virgin…" Peter begged. Virgin…Peter Parker?
All movement around us seemed to stop. Peter shifted uncomfortably under our gaze. "Is that bad…?" Peter whispered. I shook out of my daze and gently rocked my hips against his. "No~ Not at all~ It just means that we are the first ones who get to touch your pretty body, Ragazzo Carino(pretty boy) ~" I growled. I rolled Peter over so that he was on his knees with his face buried into the bed. I quickly snatched the lube from the dresser and poured some on my fingers. "Are you comfortable? Is there something you don't like?" I asked. 
He shook his head. "Please continue!" He begged. My fingers gently danced around his hole before gently plunging inside the warm cavern. "Wow~ you're so tight~" I praised and ran my hand over his smooth thighs. "Così fottutamente carino(So fucking pretty)~" You mumbled. You stuck another finger in, scissoring his hole gently.  
He whimpered and clutched the bed sheets. His thighs were shaking a bit as I nuzzled into them. "No one else is ever going to see this~ only us~" I growled. I pluck my 3rd finger in just to make sure. He looked down at the pre-cum dribbling down his cock. "I'm ready! Please fuck me! I want to know what it feels like~" Peter begged. 
I pulled my fingers out and slowly lubed my cock, edging Tony and Peter at the same time. I got behind Peter and slowly rocked my hips into his, teasing my cock at his entrance. "Ready? Ask nicely." I ordered. "Please, M/n! Please fuck me!" He begged. I held his hips and slowly eased my cock inside of him. He gasped and moaned loudly. 
"Fuck~ Your so tight and warm~" I groaned. "Mr. Stark! Please put your cock in my mouth! I wanna taste you!" He begged out, fisting the sheets. "You're so adorable, Peter~ Here's your reward~" Tony purred and shoved his cock inside of Peter's mouth. 
I slowly moved in and out, careful as to not hurt him. "Your so fucking cute~ I just wanna do this," I said and slapped his ass, moaning when I saw it jiggle. His body jolted at the sudden movement and moaned loudly. "Cute~" You purred and slapped his ass more. You set a medium pace, making sure he was comfortable. Your arm wriggled under his tummy and you jerked his cock off. 
"Mmm!!!" His screams were muffled by Tony's cock. "Peter, Take it easy~ Don't rush it- Ah~" His sentence got cut off by his sudden moan when Peter sucked on his lip. I reached by the side of the bed for a vibrating buttplug in the 'toy box'. "Tesoro~ Spread your legs for us~" I smirked. He spread his thighs apart more and leaned back. I lubed up the plug and slowly eased it in, making sure it reached the base. 
He sat back up and slowly rocked his hips. "Fuck~ Please let me cum this time!" He begged. I smiled and turned it up 2 settings high. Tony's breath hitched and he grabbed onto Peter's hair. I leaned down, my chest resting on his back and I nuzzled into his neck, kissing his neck. 
His whole body was shaking and he came right in my hand. "Did you cum already~ Adorable~" I licked my lips and bit down on the nape of his neck. He shivered and moaned loudly on Tony's cock. "Cumming…!" Tony moaned and pushed Peter's head on the base of his cock. 1I grabbed Tony's wrist. "Be gentle, Tesoro~ It's his first, let's be gentle~" I cooed. "I-I don't mind! Please wreck me!" He cried out. 
"I don't want to hurt you." I whispered in his ear. "Please! Harder! Spank me more, Amore!" He begged. My pupils dilated and at his words and I spread more lube on my cock before pounding him into the bed. "Keep sucking that fucking cock, who told you that you could stoo~" I growled and spanked him harder. He let out a long moan and choked on Tony's cock. 
I turned Tony's setting all the way up as Peter choked on his cock. I could hear it buzzing through his tummy.  Tony groaned loudly and clawed at the bed. "TOO MUCH!!! OH FUCK!!!" He screamed and came again. I jerked Peter's cock faster when my own orgasm neared. I kissed and bit his neck more, admiring the red and purple Mark's I left. 
"Your going to take this fucking cock~ I'm going to stuff your boypussy with~ my cum~ I'm going to breed you so fucking deep that well have children~ Oh~ You like that idea~ Do you like the idea of having a tummy filled with kids? Walking around with a baby in your tummy at such a young age? You fucking slut~" I growled. He pulled off of Tony's cock and screamed out. "YES!!! PLEASE BREED MY BOYPUSSY!!! GET ME PREGNANT!!!" He screamed and came again in my hand. My cock twitched and I came deep inside Peter. Tony let out a broken groan and came on Peter's face. 
I turned the vibrator off and let them rest. Peter went limp and collapsed on the bed, twitching and panting. I went to get a damp towel and wiped Peter's body down, cleaning his face and then his ass. I took the plug out of Tony and let him curl up in the blankets. "Can you put a plug inside…like the people do when they don't want anything to leak." Peter mumbled shyly. I smiled and reached in the box and grabbed a pretty blue buttplug for him. I put some lube on it and gently put it in, making sure it was snug inside of him. 
I wiped Tony's toy down before throwing it in the box lazily and hopped into bed. I wrapped my arms around Peter as he curled into Tony's chest. "Good job, Peter~ You were such a good boy today~" He praised. Peter smiled weakly. "Thank you, Mr. Stark." He mumbled before drifting off to sleep. Me and Tony gave each other one last look before falling asleep as well. "G'night, Tesoro~" I whispered. 
Next up: Tony stark x ??? X male reader
It's a secret :]
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