#i saw a dragon tail pillow and got inspired
furbearingbrick · 8 months
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just a silly idea i had: novelty pillows modeled after the President siblings' tails
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r0-boat · 4 months
Whb Kings as Monsters
Thank you @aet-tsu and @da-shrimping-station for the inspiration from your cute art and you're writing.
(I wanted to do them as pets but you two already got that covered so now they're monster hybrids just pretend they are your 'pets')
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He looked pleased, His smile wide as he drank the water and ate the chicken. Poor thing must have been hungry! Well, you are so glad to feed a hungry mouth. That night, You heard scratching at your window; it was the hybrid from before! How the hell did he get here?! Did he follow you back????
tiger hybrid/Weretiger! You saw this hybrid in the daytime while you were shopping, sitting at side, and the heat. His tail swishing, his shirt was off, trying to keep himself cool. His ears folded back. You walked inside the store, coming out with a bottle of water and some food, bringing it out to What you thought was the cat hybrid. He seemed to worry of you at first, but when he noticed you had food, His eyes widened, looking at the cooked chicken and back at you.
It is now been one month, and the cat still will not leave. He plays idly on your bed, sleeping. You thought he was just a normal hybrid. However, you were greeted by something horrifying the next full moon. This hybrid was not a cat!!! You see that now. You now stare at the giant wear tiger now curled up on the floor of your living room. You thought this thing would kill you, but it has taken quite a liking to you. However, you are still getting used to the random temper tantrums, and your house getting destroyed because of it...
Despite being a tiger hybrid. He still acts like a cat. Laying in sunspots, making biscuits with your pillows(destroying them). He even brings you dead things mostly; it's a wild game. You hope to God he doesn't bring in a human corpse one day; your weretiger is just an oversized cat. Well, you don't know why you're surprised.
Satan is practically attached to your hip He goes wherever you go even to the bathroom. And you can't help but smile when your big cat starts to rubbing himself against you purring. When you stop petting him he demands you to keep petting him.
A dragon, an ancient dragon waking from its slumber, its den filled to the brim with riches of the old world. Now here, as he walks among the humans using magic to make him appear human, He sees that this new world's wealth has changed drastically. He hungers for that wealth. However, he must lie low. With that, he comes to you bearing golden gifts, of course.
You are thinking that you haven't woken up yet. It's handsome man a suitcase full of solid gold bars coins and pearls asks to live with you and be yours. This man with a big grin swears that he can protect you. Dream or not, You are very much considering taking the money replacing all that furniture from Satan's rampaging is tiring.
The dragon's eyes widen when he spot it a familiar figure. Your cat boy (tiger) hisses immediately pouncing on the man. Even with the tiger's sharp terrifying clause It did nothing against the dragons almost indestructible golden scales. "I swear my friend you get shorter every time I see you!"the dragon laughs.
With his endless amount of wealth all of you move to a bigger house with a bigger yard. Mammon studies human money and how to acquire it. Mamon bellows in pride when he talks about his riches, and goes on and on about tell excited he is to add more wealth to his collection. And how he could take good care of you, His chosen master.
Since this time living with you, he has been liking you every day more and more, especially how tiny you are. He likes to pick you up and haul you around. Maybe he could even convince you to go flying with him.
Over time, he slowly warms up to you. You notice how he gets possessive over You don't know much about monsters well except for dragons and were tigers. However, you did hear about Naga's being possessive over mates. But that shouldn't be right... How could this monster see you as his mate? He looks like he wants to kill you half the time.
A Naga, You're not sure why or how he's here. He just showed up in your garden. Underneath your wooden deck, He looks hurt. You finally have to lure him out with food.
He glares at you, and when you get close, he snarls, telling you to back away and don't touch him. But at the same time, he's the one who comes to you; he gets close, watching you intently. Even as he kisses and threatens to kill you, You try your hardest to tend to his wounds. Finally convincing him to let you touch and take care of him.
Sometimes he has his whole body wrapped around you, trapping you in this coils, making sure no one else sees you but him. Keeping you like this calms him. Having you so close to him, like this, he feels like you were all his. Your warm human body is addicting to him.
Your other monsters hate him because he's practically claimed your room. Satan and him have brawls for your bed. And, of course, Mammon loves to provoke the Naga.
Mothman/moth hybrid (hear me out): You heard a knock at your window. You see a handsome man with moth wings and antennae waving to you, giving you a wink, and gesturing at you to open the window. At this point, you are not surprised. Immediately opening the window. The first thing this winged man did was kiss you on the forehead and hug you. Next thing you know, your Levi tackles him to the ground, squeezing the lights out of him. He only stops when you tell him to.
Apparently, they know each other. As your are pissed off, Naga hides in your closet. You asked him how he found this place, And he said confidently, "I smelled you!" Moths find their mates by senses of smell. And he thought you smelled good, so obviously, you are his mate. You are not deterred by the fact that you already have three other monsters lined up for that title.
Beel Only shows up at night, leaving during the day sometimes; he's gone for days at a time. Only to just show up randomly, sometimes with random souvenirs as gifts. He is really good at blending into human society. They're already hybrids walking among the streets, and he does not need to do much.
He will always find you because no matter how bad his memory is he will always remember your scent.
Beel and Mammon, who are eager to learn about humans, Go out together. Beel teaches him all he remembers about humans. Sure, Beel and Mammon are no different parts of human societies, but they get along pretty nicely compared to the other two.
Vampire. He has already lived among the humans for quite some time. How you met him? Well, You haven't been out with people for a while now because of you certain somebody's usually chase them away, whether it be a friend or a date.
This person has already been your friend online and the two of you set up for a little date night. You thought it odd that he didn't order anything else but wine and drinks; however, He was paying for the meal, so you did not think anything of it.
Lucifer had no intentions with you in fact, he found you quite charming. He was not one of those vampires that lure people into their home as their prey; no, He is a doctor. If he needs blood bags, he will get blood bags without harming humans.
You got a little tipsy and he invites you to take you home. Forgetting about your four other things you agree... You're greeted at the door with a dragon with his arms crossed puffing out his chest a snarling yelling cat a hissing snake ready to pounce. And Beelzebub laying on your couch waving at you. Apparently, they know this vampire. Why does this keep happening?
Since you're already friends with his 'acquaintances' He drops the bombshell, which is honestly the most normal thing you've heard all week, that he is a vampire. Well, he is not ready to drink from you just yet (since he sees that as an intimate thing). He does drop by in his back form, which you had fun squealing over, and picking him up and petting him, which he reluctantly allows you to do.
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twisted-crumpets · 4 years
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━━ Malleus Draconia ━━
If Malleus is ever alone with Lilia (usually this is very late at night), he will curl up into his lap like when he was younger.
Lilia can’t help but chuckle at this intimidating giant attempting to make himself tiny.
Malleus often comes across Silver sleeping in random areas in the school when playing with his GaoGaoDragon and stops to give him a soft kiss on the forehead.
Little does he know, Silver smiles everytime
Sebek’s constant worrying over him flatters him immensely.
It can be rather annoying, but he truly does appreciate that someone cares about him such a great deal despite his strong magical powers.
Malleus frequently sits by the fireplace and likes to change the colours.
Bonus: He will randomly light the fireplace and change the colour to spook students passing by.
Malleus enjoys reading, but can often find it a bit boring because he’s read practically every book out there.
He actually prefers talking to people and hearing about their lives, since he doesn’t know anything about it.
Therefore, when Lilia talks about events in history that Malleus didn’t know about or corrects any inaccuracies in history, he sits there in awe.
It’s actually really cute because he has his head resting on his hand and has his eyes wide open in awe. Sometimes, he even tilts his head like a puppy.
Sebek may or may not have taken a photo and sent it to the ‘Great Malleus Draconia’s Guards’ group chat.
Wishes to be Leona’s friend and everyday he slowly tries to walk closer to him and seek Leona’s reaction.
Cannot suntan. I repeat. Cannot. Suntan. He literally just looks like a piece of paper in the sun and is almost blinding.
If he gets angry, he huffs and little circles of smoke come out of his nose.
Has to sleep on his back because of his horns.
I’m not sure if this is canon or not, but he can allow some of his draconic features to come out.
So, when he’s home during school breaks, he will let his tail out and subconsciously use it.
This adorable man will pat Silver and Sebek on the head constantly and even high fived Lilia with it and he has NO IDEA.
Once had a lollipop in public, and his split tongue scared the life out of a random child and he gave them one of his sweets because he thought they really wanted one.
If the dia boys ever mention having sleeping troubles, Malleus comes over with a hot drink.
When they lie in bed, he helps them sleep with his magic and gives them a warm hug and they never bring it up because he thinks he’s being sneaky.
He keeps getting spooked by his own shadow.
Lilia made him a GaoGaoDragon plush and he is not ashamed to admit that he needs it to sleep.
Goes to Silver’s room for hugs and Silver never brings it up.
He’s extremely warm so Silver has no complaints.
Random thought: Malleus finds cows really cute because they have such deadpan faces.
Owns ALOT of pillows and blankets, each differing in size and material.
So when any of the dia boys are ill, he remembers which blankets and pillows they preferred and will make a bed nest out of them.
If they ever want for anything, it’ll appear the next day outside of their door.
“Ahhh~~ I missed buying that odd human instrument.”
Nothing could ever be odder than the day a huge dragon boy asked for bagpipes.
Random baby Malleus headcanons:
Had a bad habit of knocking things over with his tail.
Lilia once had a bad nightmare and the next day saw Malleus threaten his bed to leave him alone.
When he was a kid, he befriended lizards all the time.
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I saw @permanentlyexhaustedowl liked a post I reblogged and I got inspired (I may or may not have gone “oH MALLEUS SIMP” and then got to writing) 😂
I wanna eventually do all of the twst boys and talk about how I view their relationships.
I hope you enjoyed your meal!
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loptyrs-moved · 3 years
Can you talk more abt ur fandoms ocs? I like your writing a lot and would like to know more abt em
Oh my goodness I’m 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you’re SO sweet thank you!
Well, I have quite a few and some have their own deeper lore stories that go with them. If you guys want more information on them, I can do separate posts on all of them. But Here they are! I’m so excited to share my babies with you!
More is under the cut. The Picrew I used is here.
Ikemen Revolution
Black Army Side
Corrin Fukui
Age: Appears to be in mid-early twenties
Hair: Brick white
Eyes: Blood Red
Height: 4′11
Any other Qualities:
Draconic features -- She’s literally a dragon but not by nature
Curved Opalescent Horns
Shimmery opalescent tail
Wings that also shimmer in the light
Pointed ears
Easily frightened by loud noises and sudden movements
stunted growth
Hoards blankets and comfort items
writes in a journal every day 
its one luka got for her and she refuses to write in anything else. she pours her heart out on the pages, and all her memories
she had a brother! but he passed away because of the magic tower :(
turns into a gIANT DRAGON 
Was found by Luka while on a patrol near the forbidden forest, lost and afraid, so she was taken in
Had amnesia at first
She actually is an experiment of Amon and she managed to escape
Excellent at sewing and gardening
Sufficient with baking
She’s for Luka! The way they fell for each other was a slow, gradual trust, and mutual understanding. She saw him as a man, as he was, and nothing else.
Sometimes is called Corri
gentle hearted and innocent
but not as innocent as you’d think 
she’s a dragon, and she’s a greedy little one
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Ophelia Dae
Age: 24
Hair: Crimson red
Eyes: Jade green
Height: 5′8
Any other Qualities:
A skilled swordsman, and one of the Chosen Thirteen
9 of Spades baybeee
While she is more accustomed to short swords and sabers, Phelia is a magic user! But she isn’t really in agreement with Ray with his stance on magic
“Is he bothering you Queen?”
Was friends with Ray and Fenrir while in school, and was just as much of a hellraiser as them
she was there when the day things went dark happened and was almost taken but that day is a blur for her
phelia REFUSES to talk about it
she still has nightmares
raised by a single mother
TRIVIA! She was an old fire emblem oc i had and she was the daughter of Arvis -- so if you squint when she uses magic you’ll see Valflame
joined the army probably because Fenrir was too, and she was inspired by him 
she joined for her own reasons but he made it easier for her to do it too
his passion was what made her fall for him in the first place
has a personal vendetta against the magic tower for what they did to her and her friends
will sacrifice herself if necessary to the cause
Bruh girl
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Amira Nasiri
Age: 22
Hair: Chocolate brown
Eyes: Turquoise blue
Height: 5′3
Any other qualities:
My version of Alice! Difference is that she’s Persian
That’s it
She’s just as spunky as Alice 
however she responds with being called Alice a little different
she’s adamant about being called Amira
At some point she just accepts Seth does it to distance himself
also an avid baker like alice
Amira is just Alice except she’s just my take on her. 
She has the same vibrant spirit as Alice
and I personally consider Seth the canon route for REASONS
just ask me why fjgdfgjksd
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Red Army Side
Azul Flores
Age: 25
Hair: Raven black
Eyes: Wisteria purple
Height: 5′0
Any Other Qualities:
An old friend of the Queen of Hearts
like she met him when she was 8 years old
fought his bullies when they would give him a hard time when he was a kid
they dated for a WHILE
did NOT work out
Ambitious, hard working young woman who was married into a high standing family on the Red side. Her mother was a teacher and gained the attention of one of the Chosen Thirteen on that side, and got married
Azul is NOT the officer’s daughter. She’s his step daughter
Has had extensive studies on the History of Cradle and of the Red Territory.
Wants to be a Cradle Historian
Works for the Red Army as a personal assistant to the queen
Look their story is very dramatic and it hurts me every day so please stay tuned with them. 
Heckles Jonah like its her job — she knows him better than anyone elsd, if anyone knows his bs, its her
Bad resting bitch face
Actually really shy, and quiet when in different surroundings
A sweetheart and will cut a bitch for you once she knows u
She is perhaps one of the most transparent, honest, genuine person. there is no bullshit with her. she will tell you her honest thoughts with you
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Cerise Nam
Age: 19
Hair: Berry Pink
Eyes: Petal Pink
Height: 5′2
Any other qualities:
Her mom came to Cradle from a far off place, and set up a food and pastry shop in the Central Quarter. Met her dad. Been there since
They live in Black Territory
She works for her parents and works with the pastries/desserts
loves making desserts from where her parents are from
She knows the Queen of Hearts VERY well since she makes the best mille feuille
Got a job from him actually, and works for the Red Army Headquarters kitchen
Loves to cook and bake!
a little naïve, but she’s a realist
youngest of FIVE kids!!
Morning girl
She may be petite but she can HEAFT heavy bags of flour/rice/dry goods
Met Zero by accident, and crashed into him while in town
love at first sight for her. how can you fault her?
she thinks he’s dreamy... and sweet...
does she flirt with him a little? Cerise can’t help it...
She and Zero have more of a hidden relationship because she fears her parents won’t approve
family stuff -- and she understands
look im cheesy
dont worry it works out
zero has to consider himself and his own personal stuff too so its a little difficult 
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Non Army Suitor(s)
Lucile Lidell
Age: 20
Hair: Straw blonde
Eyes: Aqua blue
Height: 5'1
Any other qualities:
She and her twin, Noelle, are the actual descendants of the original Alice
Inherited unusual hairpins that were from cradle
More of the 'modern woman stuck in the wrong time' kind of gal
Noelle and Luci: partners in crime
Short skirts galore
Does not give a singular shit of what MEN think of her
Wants to be taken seriously
Sometimes acts like an airhead in order to get attention. She's actually pretty somber as a person and prefers to be in the background as her sister takes the stage
loves her sister more than anyone else in the world
When she and Noelle fall into Cradle, they kind of hightail it and live in the woods with Harr and Loki
Sticks with Harr since he's literally the least threatening man ever
First man to feel safe around
"Excuse me he said NO pickles!"
Will cut a bitch for him, or use magic -- luci will hurt someone if they even think a bout looking at him wrong
Loves to make clothes
'I mended the holes in your cloak for you...' 'Bye Harr, be safe and have a good day.'
'Welcome home, I missed you.'
Puts up a tough girl front but she's just a big softie just like him
Doesn't realize she has a crush on him until shit starts to hit the fan
Actually very vanilla tbh but wants to spoil her bf
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Ikemen Sengoku
Ito Tsunade
Age: 26
Hair: Straw Blonde
Eyes: Molten Gold
Height: 5′5
Any Other Qualities:
Graduate student at the same university as Sasuke 
got stuck in the storm with him and Mai, and was tossed into the sengoku era
but she got separated from Mai
Met Shingen first much to her luck because uh.... lets say Tsunade is aint the sharpest tool in the shed
her aesthetic when she gets there?
her head might be empty but her tits are fat and they will protect you
Music nerd — loves traditional Japanese instruments, especially the difficult ones
Specializes in girl metal in modern day
eventually proves herself and plays some sick chords for the takeda/uesegi forces
she has entertained them for now
puts sake away like a monster
when she meets sasuke, she finds comfort in the fact he’s also lost with her, so she clings
asks him how to protect herself from shingen bc he’s horny lolol
genuinely thinks sasuke is hilarious
also does NOT realize she’s in love with him until the gravest of grave happens
her name was UNINTENTIONAL
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Aibana Hinata
Age: Presents in his early-mid twenties
Hair: Black Midnight
Eyes: Haunting gold and vermillion
Height: 5'3
Any other qualities: 
The concubine of Nobunaga
Please know I made him a long while before the other guy was dropped so I’m just gonna offer this little gay boy
Nobunaga bought him from a brothel after being so intrigued by him. Hina entertained him so well that he was set for life
Likes to challenge Nobunaga in battles of wits
board games
debate as pillow talk
swordplay if the lords will entertain him enough
Bisexual as hell
Gender? Don’t know her
He uses all pronouns
True pronoun: princess
Smart, and educated
former geisha
he can read! and write!
if there is mai, he would bond with her like no one else
he would be her best friend
her confidant
genuinely adores her
even if she is pursuing nobunaga, he doesn’t resent her ... he just wishes that she would find room in her heart for him too
puts up a tough exterior
a softie.....
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anathtsurugi · 5 years
A Gentle Nudge - A Kalluzeb Ficlet
Hey all! Still alive up in here. Surgery recovery is going well, but yeah, that’s definitely why the delay in the latest chapter of TCTW. In the meantime, have some more ficlet.
 I am a Jedi. My patience is without limits.
 I will not be moved to anger. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
 Though I'd say you're already suffering pretty hard, a second, snide voice in his head adds.
 I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the kriffing Force, and the kriffing Force damn well better be with me!
 Kanan Jarrus gave up on sleep with an enraged cry, sitting up in his bedroll. In all his travels throughout the galaxy, he had thought he'd come up against the worst snorers the stars could show him.
 Then he had met Garazeb Orrelios.
 This fool Lasat could snore louder than a sonic buzz saw and nothing could seem to wake him once he'd fallen asleep. Kanan had tried shoving him, poking him, shouting as loud as he dared, even tried some less than gentle Force prodding. Nothing. His companion was dead to the world. There was nothing for Kanan to do but spend the night on forced watch, because there was no way he could sleep with that racket in his ears, and he couldn't quite talk himself into smothering their new companion.
 He would just have to suffer through it in grudging meditation...and vow never to go on a night run with Zeb ever again.
 Just go to sleep. You've heard worse.
 Seriously, if you can sleep on the streets, you can sleep anywhere. This sleemo's not gonna get to you.
 You're not gonna blow this by complaining to Hera the first kriffing night!
 "I give up!" Ezra Bridger snarled miserably, curling into a ball and burying his head beneath his pillow.
 In the alleys and slums of Capital City, he had heard all different kinds of snoring, from the tiny and petite to the loud and monstrous. But nothing, nothing he had ever heard in his young life came anywhere close to the sound of Zeb Orrelios snoring. Forget the scent, forget the grudging, growling anger and snide comments and threats of bodily harm. Nope. He could handle all of that.
 It was the snoring that would drive him crazy.
 He didn't doubt they'd put him, the new kid, in a bunk with Zeb for a reason. Well, if they were trying to smoke him out, they had another thing coming. He was sticking this out. But just because he had tried everything he could think of to get the snoring to stop short of outright shoving a pillow in his bunkmate's face didn't mean he couldn't make Zeb pay for his own lack of sleep come morning.
 Where was it Sabine kept those spare paints again?
 Just another tired soldier.
 He needs his sleep same as you.
 Bear up, Captain. You got through Echo's and Wolffe's snoring. You're gonna get through this, too.
 "Oh, for the love of kark, Zeb!" Rex snarled as he sat up beside the slumbering Lasat, delivering a blow to his massive shoulder that did nothing whatever to interrupt his sleep or his snoring. "Guess now I know the reason Kanan refused to do these overnighters with you."
 The only response he got was a warbled binary chuckle from Chopper as the snarky astromech rolled through the little camp.
 "No, you can't poison him," the old clone scolded...
 ...tempting as the offer was at this exact moment.
 If the Spectres had learned anything about Kallus in the weeks since he'd properly joined up with the Alliance, it was that he was a supremely light sleeper. It wasn't possible to enter a room without waking the man if he happened to be catching a few moments' sleep. Ezra had once attempted to wake him and had gotten a hand at his throat for his troubles.
 He hadn't made that mistake again.
 None of them had asked questions when Kallus and Zeb had begun to spend more and more of their down time together...nor when they'd even begun to hear certain noises from behind Zeb's closed and sealed bunk doors.
 The question they all really wanted to ask was...what would happen to this burgeoning relationship of theirs when Kallus' light sleep came up against Zeb's infernal snoring?
 And that answer came on a routine supply run.
 Awaiting their contact planetside, the team had set up something of a camp beneath the Ghost. After fighting off a local gang to prevent the discovery of the drop off point, Zeb and Kallus were both plainly exhausted and had fallen asleep together near the heating unit Hera had going, facing each other with their arms loosely around one another. And of course, as they all knew he inevitably would, Zeb began to snore.
 "Oh, boy," Kanan muttered.
 "Here we go," Ezra said nervously, eyes flitting to the napping pair.
 As if set to a chrono, Kallus started awake, eyes darting about for danger, but he quickly realized it was only the sound of Zeb snoring. Smiling easily at the Lasat, he shook his head and pressed a kiss to Zeb's forehead. Then he began to push him and they all tensed, waiting for the inevitable struggle that would ensue.
 But it never came.
 With Kallus' gentle nudging, Zeb simply rolled onto his other side and fell silent. And for a moment, the Spectres all reveled in the sudden silence of the camp, all shocked beyond words. But before Kallus could fall back asleep, they were all on him.
 "How did you do that?" Sabine demanded in a hiss.
 "I- I'm sorry?" the ex-Imperial started, looking up at all of them.
 "I didn't think that was physically possible," Kanan said.
 "Did I miss something?" Kallus continued to ask in bewilderment.
 "Alexsandr Kallus, you are a miracle worker," Hera declared with a smile and a small shake of her head.
 "What?" he tried again, still unable to make heads or tails of their amazement in the blissfully silent atmosphere.
 "No one in the galaxy has ever been able to get Zeb to stop snoring. And then you just waltz in here and give him a little nudge and that's the kriffing end of it?" Ezra demanded. "I call bantha poodoo! You come into my house-"
 "Shush," Kallus pleaded with a small smile, understanding beginning to dawn. "You'll wake him."
 "Mating krayt dragons couldn't wake Garazeb Orrelios," Rex put in. "Doubt even you're gonna change that."
 "Well...we'll see," the ex-agent said tenderly, more for a different pair of ears than theirs. Kissing one of those ears, he smiled and tucked himself back in against Zeb, wrapping an arm around him and spooning him from behind. Zeb himself just gave an easy sigh, smiling peacefully in his sleep.
 No one else commented on it again. They all simply sat back and relished the unexpected peace and quiet of the night.
So I feel like I should probably tell the story that had a hand in inspiring this little piece.
I have, historically, always been a very loud snorer. My wife's a very light sleeper herself and she quickly discovered that the best way to alleviate my snoring was to give me a little push so I would roll over and cut that shit out.
Some things I suppose I should point out here are that I am, A. a damn heavy sleeper, and B. one stubborn bitch. I've never considered myself a particularly accommodating person. When I dig my heels in on something, they will stay dug, come hell or high water. Neither of these things are true with my wife. Where a combined earthquake and hurricane could never wake me, she can wake me with a few gentle touches and a whisper. And when she wants me to roll over, all it's going to take is that little push.
Everyone else? Ehh...they're not so lucky.
When I was waking up from my recent gallbladder surgery, I learned from the nurses that they'd had to fight me every step of the way to keep me lying on my back. Apparently I had done nothing but try to curl up on my side. Probably could've saved themselves the heartache and just gotten my wife down to recovery. Heheh.
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nomnomzombies · 5 years
8x05: Dany’s Inferno, fulfilling the YMBQ, the Fall of the Golden Queen
> Part 2 < “Two Graves, The Pale Mare”
> Part 3 < “Going Forward”
This is probably going to be the longest of the analyses. Also on the docket is “Two Graves and The Pale Mare,” and “Going Forward, Political Jon.” I still have a final to finish today, so I’ll be updating this post with links as I get the other pieces posted.
I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to format this, since I have a handful of quotes from A Storm of Swords to contrast to the sack of King’s Landing, so we might have a point of reference when we look at the series of events. So I have them at the top, numbered, and I’ll be referring back to their number as they become relevant.
These chapters are quotes that involved the overthrowing of Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen. I’m going to be using these (9) quotes as points of reference throughout my analysis, in reference to Daenerys, to compare the four instances in which Dany has sacked a city.  
ASOS Daenerys III  
(1) “Unsullied!’ Dany galloped before them, her silver-gold braid flying behind her, her bell chiming with every stride. “Slay the Good Masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who wears a tokar or holds a whip, but harm no child under twelve, and strike the chains off every slave you see.” She raised the hapry’s fingers in the air.... and then she flung the scourge aside. “Freedom!” she sang out. “Dracarys! Dracarys!”  
“Dracarys!” they shouted back, the sweetest word she’d ever heard. “Dracarys! Dracarys!”
ASOS Daenerys IV
(2) “When he was gone, Dany threw herself down on her pillows beside her dragons. She had not meant to be so sharp with Ser Jorah, but his endless suspicion had finally awoken her dragon. ‘He will forgive me,’ she told herself. ‘I am his liege.’  ….. She felt very lonely all of a sudden.”  
(3) “On the morning of the third day, the city gates swung open and a line of slaves began to emerge. Dany mounted her silver to greet them. As they passed, little Missandei told them that they owed their freedom to Daenerys Stormborn [titles, titles] ….
“Mhysa!’ a brown-skinned man shouted at her. He had a child on his shoulder, a little girl, and she screamed the same word in her thin voice. ‘Mhysa! Mhysa!’ …..
Dany felt a lightness in her chest. ‘I will never bear a living child,’ she remembered. Her hand trembled as she raised it. Perhaps she smiled.”  
Daenerys V
(4) “I am the blood of the dragon,’ Dany reminded herself. Her thoughts were spinning in circles, like a rat chasing its tail.”
(5) Inside Meereen the slavers would soon be reclining on their fringed tokars to feast... whilst outside her children went hungry. A sudden wild anger filled her. ‘I will bring you down,’ she swore.
(6) “How could you? What did the Usurper promise you? Gold, was it gold?” The undying said that she would be betrayed twice more, once for gold and once for love. “Tell me what you were promised.”
“Varys said... I might go home.” He bowed his head.
‘I was going to take you home!’ Her dragons sensed her fury. Viserion roared, and smoke rose grey from his snout. Drogon beat the air with black wings, and Rhaegal twisted his head back and belched flame. ‘I should say the word and burn the two of them.’ Was there no one she could trust, no one to keep her safe? “Are all the knights of Westeros so false as you two? Get out, before my dragons roast you both. What does a roast liar smell like? As foul as Brown Ben’s sewers? Go!”  
Daenerys VI
(7) Dany broke her fast under the persimmon tree that grew in the terrace garden, watching her dragons chase each other about the apex of the Great Pyramid..... From here she could see the whole city... And beyond the walls...
‘Do all gods feel so lonely?’  
(8) “This one is content to stay with you, Your Grace. Naath will be there, always. You are good to this—to me.”  
“And you to me.” Dany took the girl by the hand. “Come help me dress.”  
(9) “I want your leaders,” Dany told them. “Give them up, and the rest of you shall be spared.”  
“How many?” one old woman had asked, sobbing. “How many must you have to spare us?”
“One hundred and sixty-three,” she answered.  
She had them nailed to wooden posts around the plaza, each man pointing at the next. The anger was fierce and hot inside her when she gave the command; it made her feel like an avenging dragon. But later, when she passed the men dying on the posts, when she heard their moans and smelled their bowels and blood..... Dany put the glass aside, frowning. ‘It was just. It was. I did it for the children.’
For the first time since the season premiere, I actually found myself wishing that we’d gotten a little bit more of Dan’s POV last episode—not a lot! (she’s eaten up enough of the season as it is) But there’s a real difficulty in trying to understand what was going on through the character’s head. Because, as it is, we don’t even get the chance to see how she’s engaging with the smallfolk. When I was writing out my initial outline, I’d entertained the idea that part of the reason that she burned the city was because she hadn’t been engaged by the smallfolk as she had in the past. In Yunkai (3) when Dany is greeted by the slaves, she describes a wholesome feeling—one that contrasts the feelings of emptiness and loneliness she experienced earlier in the chapter (2). It would make a lot of sense if we were seeing her saviour complex roaring its ugly head. She goes to the North and feels as though she should be heralded because she put her conquest on hold, but when the people don’t love her, she’ll accept their fear.  
So what happens when she comes south, again? We hear the conversation between Dany and Tyrion.
Interestingly, when he enters the tactical room to tell her of Varys’ betrayal, he’s quite perfectly framed to be standing in front of the dragon’s maw. Now, “Three Heads” tinfoilers may feel a sense of foreshadowing and absolution, but I think it’s more likely to either be alluding to 1) Tyrion’s possible execution or 2) a reference to the fact that Dany is no longer herself, but she is the dragon now. In their conversation, she’s overtaken with paranoia and grief... just because she happened to be right about the fact that she was betrayed doesn’t take away the fact that she was waiting to be betrayed.
This may be a bit of a sidenote, but the first thing that I actually started analyzing about GoT was the music, all the way back in 2016—I picked up on the fact that, in season 5, Jon had gotten his own character theme, and this is how I knew that he wasn’t actually dead. Fast forward to season 6? When Dany is burning the Khals, you hear the scary dragon theme (not the inspiring one). In this scene, when Dany turns back to stare out over the Blackwater, we hear the scary dragon theme again—I'd guess it was played by a single bass or cello.. Certainly not an orchestra. There is no unification; there’s no chorus of people heralding the might of the dragon. It is only the dragon.
Then we hear the conversation between her and Jon
but the most important part, here, is the piece where she simultaneously threatens Sansa and attempts to bring Jon back into her bed. Immediately before Jon enters the room, we see Dany and Grey Worm saying their goodbyes to Missandei in the form of tossing her collar into the fireplace. This moment is emphasizing the state of Dany in mourning the last person who provided a barrier between Dany and her worst impulses. I mentioned in my 804 analysis that Missandei has given awful advice, but the presence of Missandei was enough to remind Dany of how loved she was. Dany understands that the situation between her and Jon is not the loving connection she wishes it was. In the 804 bedroom scene, she acknowledges that fact when she says that Jorah loves her—this is contrasts to the dynamic between her and Jon.  
When Jon stands before her, he looks terrified. He just saw Dany burning Varys alive without so much as a trial—the complication of this interaction may have to do with Jon’s beheading of Janos Slynt at the Night’s Watch (there wasn’t a trial for that, either, but the circumstances were entirely different, as Janos was speaking out against him in a room full of people rather than conspiring behind Jon’s back). Conversely, however, Jon is probably also scared shitless because he knows that all of this is coming about because of his decision to tell Sansa and he’s worried that he will also be burned. This interaction begins to feel as though Jon is on trial.  
The reason that none of this is just, however, is that neither Jon nor Varys have done anything that they didn’t tell Dany they would do. Varys told Dany that he would first confront her before conspiring, which he did. Jon told Dany that he was going to tell Sansa and Arya, which he did. As demonstrated in quote (6), Dany is very quick to perceive things as betrayals, despite knowing that the situation is just more complicated than that. In (6), she demands to hear Ser Barriston’s reasoning for going undercover as Arstan Whitebeard, and in the end, she sends him to go into the city with Ser Jorah anyway. She still denounces him. Jon’s ‘trial’ and Varys’ execution is not madness. It is Dany’s flawed reasoning in action. Just as Ser Barriston’s quote demonstrates, “Your father gave people the justice he thought they deserved.”
At the end of it all, Dany concedes “Let it be fear, then.” aka if I can’t manipulate you into loving me, then I will accept your servitude through fearing me.  
We have the scene in the Throne room, Tyrion negotiating with her to surrender at the sounds of the bells. The most important part about this scene, however, is when Dany tells Tyrion that Jaime’s been taken prisoner and then tells Tyrion that “The next time you fail me will be the last time.” As we saw in 804, Dany is understanding how to be clever. And like she was not very clever in having a prisoner to manipulate Cersei, she now has a prisoner to manipulate Tyrion. The only reason that Jaime is still alive is because Dany needs to manipulate Tyrion into continuing to do her bidding. Varys had no one to use as leverage, and he was not useful as leverage against anyone. So here, we once again see the value of political prisoners. Dany doesn’t have access to Sansa right now, so she uses her words to constantly remind Jon about Sansa; Dany takes Jaime prisoner and reminds Tyrion what happens to people that she believes betrayed her.  
Once we see Dany’s Inferno begin by destroying the Iron Fleet and taking out the scorpions, we (as the audience) are at an impasse because, so far, what we see Dany doing is very reasonable war tactics. She’s disarming the enemy and providing an avenue for her ground forces to neutralize the opposing forces. She lands Drogon on the battlements, and we see how fucking terrified the people are of her. This is, not only, because of the fact that Drogon is the equivalent of WWII bombers, but also because Cersei has invested a lot of time into brainwashing the smallfolk into associating Dany with a blood thirsty conqueror. This is the point that I’m wishing that we’d had a moment of Dany taking in the townfolk, because I do want to have at least a modicum of reference to how she’s dealing with their reaction to her. However, based on the knowledge that we have from Jon’s ‘trial,’ it’s fair to assume that she’s embraced the fact that she will be ruling through fear. This plays into the conversation that Cersei and Sansa had at the siege at Blackwater when Cersei says, infamously, “make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy.”  
I don’t think that Dany burned the smallfolk because she wanted them to fear her, however. As I established in my “Gold and Silver” analysis; Drogon is Dany’s ‘throne.’ She feels the most powerful when she’s on his back, and the two have merged into a singular identity.  
In quote (7), we are illustrated with a direct comparison to what Dany was seeing on the back of Drogon as she was staring down the Red Keep,
“Do all gods feel so lonely?”
Dany (in the books) is as obsessed with prophecy as Rhaegar was, and she’s seeking men to fulfill the ‘three heads of the dragon’ prophecy, as she fancies herself to be Aegon she needs men to be Rhaenys and Visenya.  
In quote (9) we see Dany has an anger problem. Quote (8) illustrates that when Dany is angry, her dragons respond in kind. So, as Dany is isolated atop Drogon (and I brought up in a little vent that every time Dany climbs on top of Drogon, she is escaping reality), staring down the Red Keep, she starts to get angry that Cersei isn’t ringing the bells. And since she has no one to check those impulses, and is instead in her own little world, her and Drogon begin reciprocating rage.  
Missandei’s last words were, “Dracarys!” as quote (1) provides that it’s Dany’s favourite word when she’s feeling angry and powerful. On top of the world, she’s always loved to watch people burn and die. And here she is, on top of the world, staring down the Red Keep and seeing the entire symbol of her family’s dynasty in the hands of Cersei Lannister. It doesn’t matter that they’re surrendering, because she’s already angry. She’s already seething and ready to burn Cersei to the ground.  
Grey Worm is angry, too. The whole point of Grey Worm’s arc is not that “he’s a ruthless killing machine,” but the fact that he can once again feel. The Unsullied go through a process of dulling their physical and mental/emotional sensations. The fact that Grey Worm threw the spear without command, but rather precedent, from Daenerys illustrates how much he loved and cares for someone (“Love is the death of duty”). Grey Worm is in pain.  
Dany is the YMBQ
We see Cersei standing at the same balcony that she observed the Baelor explosion. While it can be easily explained as “that’s just the best balcony to look over the city,” we can’t deny the fact that this symmetry gives us (the audience) the idea that Cersei has a plan. We are expecting her to pop off some grandiose, Machiavellian scheme that proves that Cersei was baiting Dany into. Instead, we find Cersei regressing into a Janos Slynt.  
GOT 409 (sidenote: I’m trying to type up this dialogue but both Janos and Jon are JS so fml)
Slynt: “Bars of those gates are four inches of cold rolled steel.”  
Slynt: “There’s no such thing as giants... stories for the children...”  
GOT 805
C: “All we need is one good shot.”  
Q: “All the scorpions have been destroyed...”
C: “The Red Keep has never fallen.”  
Q: bitch it’s falling rn
And let me say. Cersei. Deserved. Better. If we look at everything that Janos Slynt was: King’s Landing trash. And upjumped.... whatever he was—I don’t even remember if he was a sellsword or what before he was commander of the City Watch. Cersei Fucking Lannister deserved better than to be equated to Janos Slynt on her failure. /rant
So how does this make Dany the YMBQ? (Younger, more beautiful Queen)  
The YMBQ is meant to “cast [Cersei] down and take all that [she] hold dear.”
Once Dany goes on to assault the Red Keep after burning the Western half of King’s Landing, we have a distinct shot of Drogon blasting out the Lion sigil on the stained glass window. All throughout the series, Cersei has never stopped referring to herself as “The Queen,” even when she had moved on to being Queen Regent/Dowager Queen/Queen Mother. Cersei has insisted that King’s Landing is her home, twice, when Tywin tried to have her marry Loras and move to Highgarden and again when Tommen tried to convince her to move back to Casterly Rock. Cersei’s core identity is derived from the Iron Throne. In the siege at Blackwater, when Cersei thought the battle was lost, she was ready to meet her end via suicide sitting on the Iron Throne. She was ready to kill herself and Tommen. Now, though, she wants to live and attempts to flee to save her unborn child. And instead of meeting death on the Iron Throne, she meets it in the basement. So, all that Cersei holds dear: “The Queen” title, King’s Landing/The Red Keep, the Iron Throne, Cersei’s unborn child’s life. In one afternoon, Dany takes it all. And casts Cersei down (into the basement, specifically)
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kristallioness · 6 years
Rise from the ashes
Summary: A restless night brings back disturbing images of war and forces the married couple to think about the safety of their future.
Word count: 3,336
Author's note: I've seen 2 documentaries about what's been happening to the rohingyas in Myanmar/Birma and can sum it up with one word that their entire government and army are denying: genocide. It is genocide and literal hell over there and I feel so upset/mad because I can't do anything to help those people. The rohingyas basically have no human rights anymore because of what the army has done to their villages, their homes and families, simply because they're muslims (of a different religion). This just.. let me just raise awareness by writing a story, which hopefully helps me cool down a little. This story also talks about what it feels like to be a part of a culture with a very small population, who's still targeted by a certain bigger country, and whose people fear another war breaking out and them getting wiped out completely. (Hint: it's my homeland.) I've thought about this quite a few times - how Aang can imagine what happened to his people (or what horrors they saw) based on his own experience, when he had to fight Ozai during the comet. He saw what those firebenders were capable of. Despite his victory and the end of the war, these war atrocities that they saw aren't forgotten so easily. He probably had nightmares about it later in life. Also, I was inspired by some of the stuff I've read in "Imbalance: Part One" and @tashiandnima. *promotes*
His big ears picked up high-pitched screeches similar to those of the fat, fluffy bird native to the foggy swamp. But the cushiness of his pillow felt too appealing to leave. That is, until his nose caught a whiff of some strange sort of meat being grilled. The air nomads were known to be strictly vegetarian. Something was off.
Aang released a long yawn while slowly getting up from bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with one hand. Beads of sweat stuck to the back of it when he wiped his forehead.
The beginning of the third summer month had been rather hot, considering the heavy showers that'd cooled off the Southern Air Temple merely a week ago. Staying in the sleeping quarters felt like being cooked alive in a heated oven right now.
Once his blurry vision had sharpened, his grey eyes gazed out the window, where they were met with the welcoming of a crimson sky filled with clouds. Tiny pieces of hot cinders were hopping over the windowsill and landing into the room, glowing like tens of fireflies until they were extinguished on the floor from lack of material to keep them burning.
Small flames flung in the air outside, accompanied by a sizzling sound and followed by the same screeches from earlier. Plumes of smoke were visible further away, rising higher than the Patola Mountains. This was serious - the temple was on fire.
Aang quickly grabbed his staff, opened it into a glider and flew outside. He had no idea he'd just jumped out of the frying pan and straight into the fire.
A welding noise deafened his hearing, but warned him of an incoming shot of massive firebending that he barely managed to dodge, which forced him to crash-land in the courtyard down below. The hastily formed air cushion softened the impact to the ground, but Aang was far from finding safety.
He could barely make out the wavering figures of twelve Fire Nation soldiers, who hadn't noticed him until he fell into their encirclement. They would've killed him on the spot if he hadn't reacted fast and airbended a round shield around himself to block their simultaneous blasts.
The spinning air tossed the large flames around, inadvertently redirecting the attack towards some of the soldiers, who had to run further away or defend themselves against their own fire.
"Aang, run!"
He let the shield dissipate and, while the soldiers were distracted, he ran faster than the wind to search for a hiding place right behind the south wall. Aang had recognized the voice of the man who'd saved him, but he didn't dare to look back to see what happened next.
He plopped on the ground and looked around the burning surroundings in confusion. What was happening? How did the firebenders find their temple? Why were they attacking them? This had to be a nightmare, it just had to be.
The screeches emanating from the other side of the temple became much clearer with each passing second. Those definitely didn't belong to a bird like he'd assumed. Someone, several children were screaming for help. His friends.. where were they?
Aang's curiosity got the better of him and he had to peek, but he wished he didn't.
"Get to your bison! We'll hold them off."
The monks were trying to clear a path for the young ones so they could evacuate on their similarly panic-stricken companions. The blood-red sky became filled with roars as the bison soared through the streams of fire coming from the ground, which guided them right back down towards the invaders.
Aang ducked back behind the wall just as some of the bison started to fall from the sky when they were shot down. He could see the other boys hanging onto them for dear life, some jumping off the saddle before the animal hit the ground, running away from the firebenders who began hunting them down.
The heavy thuds shook the earth beneath his feet as the huge corpses hit the ground one by one. He had to lose focus on counting the number of injured or.. deceased bison. Hearing the horrific screams of the boys, little boys exactly like him, fading away and being replaced with new ones was tearing his heart apart. He could only imagine them getting caught in the fire and suffering a slow, burning death.
Aang curled up, shut his eyes and covered his ears to block those awful sights and sounds. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he desperately wished for all of this to stop. He wanted to help everybody, but walking back out there would mean certain death. They needed him, he was the Avatar. He had to do something.
He ceased his crying when he heard Monk Gyatso urging some of the firebenders to follow him somewhere. Aang grabbed his staff and ran out in the open. He spotted his mentor leading a huge group of Fire Nation soldiers inside the meditation tent. Nothing happened for a couple of seconds.
Suddenly, flames began flying out through the drapes, setting the cloth on fire. The grown men grunted at the beginning, their grunts soon replaced with weird coughs that sounded like they were choking on something, and after that.. silence. This pattern rippled at least thrice before it was cut off by a sharp scream that sank Aang's heart.
His knees wobbled and he collapsed to the ground, dropping his staff next to him with a clunk. The world as he knew it was falling apart around him. His home, his friends, their pets, the elders.. they got to Gyatso.
Aang could hear a second wave of soldiers marching towards him. He looked up at them in disgust, tears welling up in his eyes. He hung his head and released a bellowing roar that echoed a thousand lifetimes' worth of rage. The firebenders stopped at the sight of the airbender kid, whose eyes and tattoos began to glow. They'd just found their target.
Aang entered the Avatar State and attacked the Fire Nation soldiers, knocking dozens of them off the mountain top with a single blow of airbending. His air spout carried him high above the battlefield towards the front of the temple.
The strong winds scattered some of the fire blasts directed towards the young air nomads running away from the troops. The firebenders halted their fire for a moment before shooting it all towards the Avatar instead of the other boys, who stopped in their tracks to see what was going on.
"It's Aang!"
"He's here!"
The kids pointed fingers at him as fear was replaced with hope, but Aang couldn't hear them cheering him on. The Avatar State had complete control of his actions. He didn't notice the other young airbenders start taking down more firebenders to help him liberate their home from the invaders together.
"Come, we must help the Avatar!" the remaining elders declared, doing everything they could to protect Aang from harm. Some of them were hit, others burnt alive on the spot. Each time a fellow air nomad took their last breath, Aang's wrath grew, but his vigilance faded.
His own breath hitched when he received a hard blow to the back by something that resembled a large whip, except with a furry tip. The air spout holding him up disappeared. He was in free fall.
Something appeared to be flying circles around him as he descended through the clouds. Aang's glowing eyes met a pair of angry golden ones that shined through the fog before the creature revealed itself. It was a blue dragon, diving right after him together with the man riding on his back.. Sozin.
Aang tried to turn himself right side up to fight back against the elderly Fire Lord, but his dragon continued delivering several hits with its tail and wings, making him lose balance and spin around uncontrollably. A moment later, just before he could fall to the ground, the beast opened its mouth and breathed fire at him. Aang could only see the bright flames as he was engulfed by them.
"Aahh!" he exclaimed as he sat bolt upright, still panting after the terrifying encounter. When he opened his eyes, the blood-red sky was replaced with utter darkness. He couldn't hear the screams of his friends or the monks anymore, the much bigger bedroom remained quiet. The summer heat was gone and his bare skin was caressed by the cool winter air intruding through the small gap left between one of the windows.
Two arms came sliding across his chest and over his shoulders, enveloping him in a gentle embrace. A warm, slightly wet nose rubbed against his shoulder.
"It's okay, Aang. It was just a bad dream."
Was it really just a bad dream, or simply a painful reminder of the past? The airbender lowered his head and broke down in tears at the sound of his wife's soothing voice, which had brought him back to reality. He covered his eyes to hide it. He was back home on Air Temple Island.
"Shh.. I'm here. We're both here, sweetie," Katara hushed him, giving him as much time as he needed to process his emotions. The 'we' referred to both her and the tiny miracle of life growing inside her for the past few months.
Aang shifted a little so he could return her hug, careful not to squeeze her too tight since the soft fabric of her tunic, which covered her belly bump, was rubbing against his own. He sought comfort from her by burying his face into the crook of her neck, crying into her shoulder for a while.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
She wanted to know what storm was raging in his mind, her voice filled with concern. It must've been something really bad if he sobbed like that. She didn't want him to suffer alone. Katara sensed how he answered with a nod.
She pulled away and cupped his face in her hands, tenderly running her fingers over his cheeks to dry the last of his tears. He sniffed and took a deep, calming breath.
"It was horrible, Katara. I-I saw the air nomads, the sky bison. I saw my friends, Monk Gyatso.. they were all being burnt to death by firebenders. It was the day Sozin's Comet arrived a hundred years ago. Except that.. I was there."
"Oh, Aang.."
This time, she was the one who gave him a tight hug.
"Is there something I can do?" she whispered into his ear.
"Yeah.. just, hold me."
And she did. Katara let her hands rub up and down on his back, her fingertips running over the edges of the scar in the middle of his spine. She planted a couple of kisses on his shoulder, one hand coming up to the nape of his neck to hold him close. She felt his body shudder as he let out another shaky breath.
"Come.. come here," she urged him, slowly pulling him onto the mattress as she lay down together with him. Her hand snaked around his neck to bring his head down on the soft pillow that was her chest. The other one skidded across his arm until it found its way into his own. She laced her fingers with his, raising their entwined hands to her lips to give a peck on the small arrow on the back.
"You're safe here. I'll protect you," she murmured while he snuggled up to her side. She gave a second kiss on the light blue stripe connecting to the bigger arrow on his forehead.
"Thanks, Katara."
She promised herself to keep an eye on him until he fell asleep. She watched the changes in the expression on his face. Aang seemed rather thoughtful the entire time, not willing to close his eyes.
He slowly untangled their fingers one by one, then tiptoed over her ribcage and pressed his palm above her heart. Katara figured that focusing on the strong, steady beats and her even breathing would calm his mind, reassuring him of her presence.
She attempted to lay her hand above his own, but it slipped away before she could. His hand hovered over her breast and landed on her stomach, where it started rubbing circles around her belly button. Katara frowned when he went on for more than a minute. She clasped his hand to stop him.
"What is it? Are you worried about the baby? Because everything was fine during tonight's healing session-"
"No, it's not that. I'm glad that everything's okay, but it's just.. Sometimes I think about the awful things that some people are capable of doing. You know, terrorism.. war.. genocide. How can we possibly bring a child into a world that's so.. cruel?"
Aang didn't expect her to release a long, content hum as she fondly nuzzled her nose against his bald head, squeezing him in her embrace. Her confidence was infectious.
"We can, because we've worked so hard to make our world a safe and peaceful place for everybody to live in. You've worked so hard. Republic City is a testament to that."
"I guess you're right.." he sighed, a tad too sadly for Katara's liking.
What once was known as Cranefish Town had grown so much in size during these past few years. Ever since the young couple had decided to build their nest on that small island across the bay to keep a watchful eye on the progress. Establishing the first police force, fire department and hospital helped in maintaining order and improving the welfare of its citizens. But it was far from the dream Aang had for what it would become.
A hand came up under his chin and scratched at his short beard, gently beckoning him to lift his face a little so she could gaze into his stormy grey eyes. The worst was over and serenity started to prevail.
"Hey, it may not be perfect, but it's the right way. Founding this capital is a really important step towards the future. A better, safer future for our children."
"Child-ren? Plural?" he wondered playfully, making his wife giggle.
"I don't see why not. We'll fill our baby's world with kindness.."
Her finger ran along his lips, tugging at the corner of his mouth to form a smile.
"And compassion.."
Katara caressed his cheek with the back of her hand, as if she was wiping away invisible tears, or drying up the ones he'd shed after he woke up.
"And most importantly, love."
She closed her eyes and leaned forward to offer him a kiss. She nipped at his bottom lip before pulling away slowly, longingly, her diamond blue eyes shimmering in the darkness like the stars at night. The coolness and stillness reflecting from them helped settle the remnants of unease.
"And we'll teach our baby to do the same. To make the world a better place. Just like we've done so far."
Aang smiled at that thought for a mere moment before his smile faded away.
"But.. what if it's above our heads? What if another power-hungry dictator came to rule and tried to wipe out another culture?"
He took her silence as her pondering over that reality. It hadn't even been a decade since they'd discovered other southern waterbenders besides her and she'd ceased being the last descendant of that part of her culture. To say that she felt relieved would be an understatement. She felt ecstatic, and he hoped to share that excitement with her a second time one day. When a new airbender would be born.
But the fear that something similar might happen to his or any other culture in the future, including Katara's, still lingered in his mind whenever these painful memories were brought up. This time, they were brought up by a nightmare.
Katara's answer was simple, yet determined.
"No. As long as we're around, as long as the Avatar is around, it'll never happen again. Not to your people, not to my tribe, not to my sister tribe, not to the United Republic, not even to the Earth Kingdom or the Fire Nation."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because we'll teach the next generation to make sense of our past, so they can uphold our legacy. If they know what happened and they understand why it happened, they can learn from the mistakes of their predecessors and they'll know how to prevent such tragedies from ever happening again. And they can help the next Avatar maintain this delicate balance we've worked so hard to achieve."
Her wisdom was beginning to sound like his. Maybe it'd rubbed off on her, but Aang grinned at that idea. The possibility of their children helping his reincarnation, the next Water Tribe Avatar in line to protect the world. He knew he wouldn't be around to see it, but his chest would swell with pride if that came true. And he believed that Katara would be proud, too.
Her fingertips grazed his cheek while coming down to his jaw, raising it higher and asking him to look her in the eye.
"Besides, I would protect you or any other nation that's being attacked. And we'll teach our children to do the same. To understand where they come from and why it's important to help preserve different cultures. Our cultures."
Our cultures.. not his or her culture. Theirs. The way she'd emphasized it sounded like she considered them to be one people, which was actually true when Aang remembered what the guru had taught him. And coming from her mouth, it truly sounded endearing.
Katara laid her hand above his, the one that'd remained on her belly the entire time. She tenderly rubbed a small clockwise circle around the spot together with him.
"And we'll protect our baby at all cost. I won't let any harm come to this little fellow. No, I won't," she cooed in a silly voice, which made Aang chuckle.
"Heh, me neither. I'll do everything I can to protect our baby.. and you.. and the five nations, too. I'll protect all of you, promise."
He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze in return. The soon-to-be parents startled a little when the baby gave their entwined hands a kick.
"Did you feel that? I think he likes your promise."
"Or she might just want a breather. Don't worry, baby. Daddy's gonna leave you alone now so you can sleep in peace."
He withdrew his hand and propped himself up on his elbow, leaning over Katara's tummy to kiss the baby growing inside her good night.
She giggled as her husband snuggled up to her, pulling the blanket higher to keep them warm from the chilly, but fresh air. He glanced over his shoulder and airbended the small crack between the window more shut, so the temperature in the room wouldn't become too freezing.
She felt how his hand wriggled up under the sheets, slightly tickling her waist until he settled it back on her chest. The corners of his mouth rose once he could sense the subtle thumps of her heart beating against his palm. He blinked and looked up at her, the same loving smile decorating her lips as she laid her hand above his own.
"Thank you, Katara. For everything you said."
"You're welcome, Aang. Now, try and get some sleep," she murmured to him, her fingers caressing the back of his hand as he nuzzled his nose against the soft fabric of her tunic, letting his eyes fall shut.
"I'm right here for you, sweetie. Wake me up if you need anything."
"Okay.." he mumbled, finally allowing sleep to conquer him.
Katara pursed her lips to give him one last good-night kiss on the top of his head, after which she followed his example and fell asleep, her precious airbender safe and sound in her arms. She never let go of him that night, just like she'd promised.
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To The Stars Who Listened (Sanders Sides Fallen Star AU)
After drunkenly making a wish on a shooting star, Logan Sanders got more than he was expecting when the star fell from the sky and into his living room. Now in human form, the star by the name of Patton claims he is there to help grant Logan’s wish.
Pairings: Logicality and Prinxiety
Chapter summary: Roman’s struggle with the accursed writer’s block is a difficult one, but maybe what he needs to make a break through in his writing is something new? Maybe to find some inspiration from an unlikely place? 
Word Count: 3,475
Warnings: Mentions of drinking and of getting drunk, writer’s block, lack of self care-[hygiene/eating/drinking/etc.] (I think that’s it, but please let me know if there’s something I missed!)
[Chapter 3]
Roman sat at his desk with his face buried in his hands. An entire day had gone by and inspiration had barely tapped him on the shoulder. He’s tried everything, but lo and behold the sun sets on yet another uninspired day. He cursed himself as his eyes threatened to close once again, but then again he hasn’t slept in a couple days. To think, just a couple days ago he had been nagging Logan to get some rest. Then again, based on the fact that Logan never comes up with stories (let alone get drunk on his own), Roman figured he definitely needed the rest more than him.
“And I thought that I was the master storyteller.” Roman huffed out before standing from his desk and stretching his arms out before stifling a yawn. His muscles felt stiff from spending all day at his desk and man did the small action feel like heaven. Another thing that would feel like an angel’s heavenly kiss right now would be the feeling of his head on his pillow while he knocks out on his bed, but sadly he had work to focus on. He let out a small sigh as he stared longingly at his bed before walking to the bathroom. Maybe splashing his face with cold water could wake him up a bit? Hopefully this time would be successful since he’s been splashing his face with water almost every hour with no luck.
Roman was quick to turn the faucet to its coldest setting before cupping his hands under the water with a sigh. He looked up from his hands and nearly jumped backward at his reflection. It was just so unlike him! His hair was messy and tangled (essentially an abomination), his eyes had dark bags beneath them (definitely not designer), his tan skin was certainly paler than usual (it wasn’t all that noticeable since his skin was still naturally dark but he could tell his gorgeous glow was gone), and he was still in his Mickey Mouse pajamas that he had put on over a week ago. His precious hygiene routine had clearly been thrown out the window along with his creative spark. If he didn’t have his inspiration and creativity, along with his practice for perfect hygiene and good looks, then who was he?
He let the water that was in his hands fall into the sink as he let out a frustrated groan before he shut the water off. No amount of rinsing his face was going to help him write a story, so he stomped back to his desk and sat back down. His tired mind kept wandering back to the story Logan had come up with. Maybe...Maybe a shooting star was just what he needed?
He got up again, stumbling a little this time from the lack of sleep, and made his way around his apartment making sure to turn off all the lights. He remembered how Logan would ramble on and on about light pollution or something like that when they were younger, so he smiled to himself after completing his task. Of course, now sleep was calling out her sweet song to him, and it made it slightly harder to navigate his messy home in the dark.
Roman opened the patio door and stepped out. Immediately he started searching the sky for any signs of a shooting star. With any luck he could at least wish away the pain in his royal ass that was his writer’s block. He’d do anything for inspiration at this point, even fight the accursed Dragon Witch from one of his previous books.
After searching and searching as best as he could with the naked eye, he let out a frustrated noise. This wasn’t going to work. Of course it wasn’t going to work! Standing out here and procrastinating wasn’t going to work!
Roman shudders at the thought and scrunches his nose. That sounded an awful lot like something Logan would say, but totally ten times harsher. At least he would give some helpful advice like telling him to go to sleep on time, to drink water, and remind him to eat. It was kind of strange that he hasn’t heard from him since his drunk phone call. Hopefully he was doing okay. Maybe he should call him later to check up on him?
Suddenly he felt his black cat, Sugar, purr as she rubbed her head against his leg. Was her bowl empty again? He should check it before getting back to writing. Even if he put off his own meals, he’d rather drop and suffer the pain of a million deaths than neglect his child.
With a sigh he bent down and pet the small cat before looking up at the sky one more time. He silently prayed that he could make his wish, but felt pretty hopeless. It would be just his luck if he never saw another shooting star in his lifetime.
“Let’s go inside, Sugar. Looks like the stars don’t want to listen to me complain tonight.” He said with a small sad smile, looking down at the cat who meowed in response. He gave a dry chuckle, and turned his gaze back to the sky. His eyes widened as he slapped his hands onto the railing of the small patio porch, startling his poor kitty. Were his eyes just playing tricks on him or had he seen what he thought he saw? Could the thing that had made its way from the right side of the sky to the left have been a shooting star? Only one way to find out.
“Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight….I wish I could be inspired-maybe find my muse? Anything that could help me get my creativity going again.” Roman said after closing his eyes tight, feeling hope bubble up and flourish in his chest. There was a moment of silence. All Roman could hear was the sounds of the night. Well, at least the sounds of a Floridian night which consisted of crickets, frogs, and cicadas if it’s hot enough. He honestly wished that the frogs here sounded like coquis. He’d take them chanting their own names like a choir of Pokemon than sounding like a duck getting run over but hey, Florida, right?
Roman kept his eyes closed for a moment longer and took in a deep breath before opening them. Well, he might have to wait a hot moment for his wish to come through, but at least he got some fresh air, and the stars looked beautiful...tonight?
Now, if Roman was right, he could have sworn the shooting star he had wished on had made its way to the left of the night sky, so what exactly was this really bright one tripping on? Was it getting brighter? What was going-?
“I drunkenly made a wish on a shooting star last night and that very star crashed into me…”
Suddenly Logan’s words from their last phone call rang in his ears and made sense as the star appeared to be getting brighter, as if it was heading straight towards him. A sense of panic ran through his body as he backed up into the house, unsure of what he was doing exactly, but the star was getting brighter and brighter until it was too bright and Roman was wide eyed and frozen with shock.
The impact was harsh as Roman was thrown backward, but he instinctively wrapped his arms protectively around the ball of light that was growing heavy against him as they landed onto the ground. Roman groaned in pain, his eyes shut tightly from bracing the impact. He could see the bright light fade from behind his eyelids, which he kept shut until the light was gone entirely from fear of going blind. When that happened, he allowed his eyes to fly open and his breath caught in his throat (and it wasn’t just because he had gotten the air knocked out of him).
Now, Roman wasn’t one to normally believe in love at first sight. Actually, who are we kidding? Roman was a sucker for love at first sight. He wrote about it all the time and dreamt about it daily for Pete’s sake! However, what he was feeling now as he gazed into the gray eyes of the man above him that he was currently holding in his arms was definitely different from the feeling he got when a handsome barista at the local coffee shop touched his fingers while passing him his order. No, this was much stronger.
Now, if we’re being entirely honest about the situation Roman is currently in and look at it from an ‘outside of Roman’s tired and hopelessly romantic mind’ point of view, Roman wasn’t so much gazing at the stranger. It was more of staring at him with wide eyes as he tried to breath. In all honesty, he looked like a fish out of water.
The stranger held his stare, equally-or seemingly equally-terrified. It was in that moment that Sugar decided to wander back into the house and start rub her head against her owner’s barefoot. The small action made him laugh-or at least attempt to-which in turn frightened the man, making him jump back as Roman was gasping for air while trying to wiggle his foot away from the clueless cat.
When Roman had finally managed to catch his breath, he quickly ran to the nearest light switch. Had he imagined the whole encounter? Once the switch was flicked on, Roman could feel his heart race in his chest when he saw the strange man in the corner of the room...standing on his couch? Oh, he looked scared. Roman took a slow step forward but jumped backward when he heard Sugar hiss. He had accidentally stepped on her tail and now he felt like the worst human being to ever walk the earth.
From the corner of the room the star watched as the human had jumped back in fear after hearing the creature make a strange sound. It must be a form of protection to scare off attackers.
Roman took another step forward, but this time watched where he was stepping.
“Greetings, Stranger.” Roman started to speak as he neared closer to the man. “I am called Roman and this is my home-”
Roman jumped back once again in surprise as the man hissed at him. He took it as a warning to back away. Okay, Ro, baby steps this time and-OH MY GOD HE’S NAKED.
The human dashed away and the star smirked to himself. He wasn’t very knowledgeable on humans, but he was at least a quick learner. Or at least a fast enough learner to see how to protect himself. The star’s sense of ease disappeared the moment the human had returned, but this time they were holding something? It appeared to be a piece of fabric of some sort.
“Let’s-let’s try this again, shall we?” Roman said, raising his hands to try and convey that he wasn’t going to hurt him. “I’m Roman. Roman Prince Figueroa. This is my home, and you’re free to make yourself comfortable if you’d like, but please take this first?” He said while holding out the fabric for the stranger to take.
The star eyed Roman...Roman...This must have been the human that had mistakenly wished on his star while trying to wish on the passing comet. Apparently now he wanted him to take the bundle of fabric from his hands.
Roman couldn’t help but notice the side eye the stranger was giving him. He should be the one giving the side eye right now, no matter how attractive the stranger is! He’s naked in Roman’s own home for Pete’s sake...but, maybe he’s not used to the surroundings? Or even human things? Roman let out a sigh before looking the stranger in the eye.
“Look, I know you don’t really know me and you’re probably unsure of whether to trust me or not, but you have my word that I would do no harm to you. I’m just as confused by all of this as you are and I would just really like to help you get accustomed for now until I can get my friend to figure things out-and he’s really smart, I swear! The guy is literally a walking brain. I’m sure he’ll know what to do, but for now I’m gonna need you to trust me.” he said, speaking earnestly. Who was he if not a man of his word?
The stranger furrowed his eyebrows together in thought before taking a careful step and taking the fabric in his hand to which Roman gave a small, hopeful smile. After the star examined the fabric that appeared to be a human garment of some sort, he raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“It’s a hoodie. I kinda just grabbed the first thing I could since you’re...you know?” Roman replied bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. The stranger silently replied with an unamused look that seemed to say, ‘Do you really think I know?’. Roman took in a deep breath a silently prayed for a right way to say this.
“You’re-...Well, you see-...When-when humans aren’t wearing clothes they’re...kinda naked? Or nude? Whatever you know it as I suppose, but point is that’s kinda what you are...right now…” Roman mentally kicked himself for how awkward he sounded and how confusing the explanation must have been. Curse his tired mind!
“Sorry if that made no sense,” Roman began, looking away from the stranger “I knew I should have gotten some sleep.” That last sentence was more directed to himself than for the stranger to hear.
When Roman turned his attention back to the stranger, he was surprised to see the stranger looking down at their own body with a look of shock while his cheeks began to turn a mix of both purple and black, making the freckles look as if they were swimming in galaxies. Was that normal though?
“Hey, are you alright?” Roman asked, concern lining his voice. The stranger looked back up at Roman and bit the inside of his cheek before shoving the hoodie back into Roman’s arms.
“What are you-?” Roman began, confused by the action. The stranger interrupted by pointing at Roman’s shirt, then to the hoodie, and then to himself. This was definitely an odd situation, but Roman tried his best to figure out what the stranger meant.
“Do you...want the shirt I’m wearing instead?” Roman tried guessing. The stranger shook his head in reply.
“You want my shirt and the hoodie?” was met with another shake of the head from the stranger.
“Do you want something more like the shirt I’m wearing?” Roman tried again, getting a little frustrated, but again the stranger shook his head, a little more aggressively this time.
“I don’t think I’m understanding.” Roman groaned.
‘No kidding.’ The star thought to himself, half amused but mostly annoyed.
“Do you want my pants too or something?” Roman tried again and was met with an even more aggressive shake of the strangers head as well as a dirty look.
“What do you want from me?” Roman said, throwing his arms up in the air in frustration. The stranger ran frustrated hands through his hair before stepping forward and snatching the hoodie back and covering his head with it.
Roman stood there for a moment in surprise. The stranger stood there with his head covered, taking in a deep breath before pointing once again to the hoodie and then to his body. Now Roman felt like an idiot.
“You...you need help putting it on?” Roman asked. The stranger nodded meekly from beneath the hoodie. Why hadn’t Roman thought of that sooner? He must either be very tired or a true idiot...Well that wasn’t a pleasant thought.
“Right...Sorry about that-here, I’ll just-...” Roman said, taking the hoodie off of the stranger’s head before helping him slip his arms through the sleeves and then zipping it up. Thank goodness the hoodie was oversized enough to cover most of him up, but now Roman needed to find him pants. The only issue was that he didn’t have anything clean in his house since he had been procrastinating on doing his laundry. He really should have listened to Logan. At least it didn’t seem like top priority for his surprise house guest since the stranger immediately walked over to the large bookshelf that he kept in the living room.
“So, my dear-uh-what is your name by the way?” Roman asked as he watched with curiosity as his guest passed his hands over the different book titles, letting it linger over a few different ones. For a simple question, he was taking an awfully long time to answer. Did he not want to answer the question? Why was he skimming through the large selection of books? In all honesty, the star-man was very confusing just as he was mysterious. He seemed to have froze with his hand on a particular book, only turning around to give Roman a look of shock and confusion before letting out an amused huff and pulling the book out. He took the book and handed it to Roman before pointing to the title. ‘The Enclogues by Vergilius Maro’ seemed to be the book he had chosen.
“What does this mean to you?” Roman asked, which earned an eye roll from the man.
“Hey, easy there, Buddy. I haven’t slept in over twenty four hours, so do cut me some slack? My brain is exhausted.” Roman admitted, turning his attention back to the book.
The star stood there in shock. Was this human crazy? Just how many hours has he been awake for? This was something he wanted to do something about but there were some formalities to get through first. So for now, the star shook the thought from his mind and pointed to the title again before pointing to himself.
“What are you-?...Is...Is that your name? Vergilius?” Roman asked, a large grin making its way onto his face. The star nodded before using his thumb and index finger to gesture smaller, or in this case, shorter.
“Uh, shorter? Then I guess it would be either Virgil or Verge if I’m right? That’s how people refer to Vergilius nowadays.” Roman said, pondering it for a moment. Virgil smirked, watching Roman think. The man must be pretty intelligent after all, or at least he would guess so based on the fact that he actually had a book by Vergilius Maro, a Roman poet.
“So, Virgil,” Roman tested the name out “what exactly are you doing here?” and in that moment Virgil decided to retract his previous statement. Roman had a feeling that he wasn’t gonna be getting a verbal answer anytime soon, but he had a feeling that he might know someone with the answers he needed.
“You go ahead and stay here, I just have to make a quick, teeny-tiny phone call to that super smart friend I told you about, alright?” Roman said, pointing with his thumbs to the room behind the living room. Virgil simply raised an eyebrow and shrugged before turning his attention back to the bookshelf and the various titles. Once Roman saw him occupied, he dashed to his room and dialed the number from his most recent call.
The phone rang a few times, reminding Roman that it was late, but he had hope that the phone would be answered. That didn’t stop him from chanting, “Come on, pick up-pick up!” in his head until the call finally went through.
“Hello? Roman?” Logan answered groggily from the other end of the line making Roman sigh in relief.
“Hey there, Pal! Sorry to wake ya up, but I kinda have a bit of a problem on my hands?” Roman said, speaking quickly from the nervousness he was feeling now that the reality was sinking in. The line stayed silent for a moment.
“And, what type of situation have you found yourself in exactly?” Logan asked.
“Well-uh-you know how you told me about how you got piss drunk and made a wish on a shooting star only to have it fall from the sky in the form of hunky guy?” Roman replied, his voice an octave higher than normal.
“What-I-I never described him in such-such a way…-What is this about, Roman?”
“Well, it’s late and I haven’t slept in ages so I thought ‘Hmm, a shooting star sounds like a good idea right now’. I went ahead and made a wish on a shooting star, and Sugar was with me and-well, Logan, it’s raining men, hallelujah, it’s raining men.” Roman quickly finished off. “Help?”
A/N: Sooo, I know it’s been a while since I updated, and I know this chapter isn’t very long, but here it is! I had some pretty bad writer’s block (partially from having to write about writer’s block and partially because I’ve been really busy at my new job), but now I’ve got the ball rolling again, so I’ll try to write more on my days off from work so I don’t leave the story without an update for long periods of time ^^” Lol Hope you guys enjoy!!
Tag List:  @tenkowo-chabashiwa @ilylogan @anony-phangirl @lunareclipse-524 @beach-fan @bookwormravenclawgirl @professional-fangirl75
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fictionalabyss · 6 years
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Pairing : Gabe x Dragon!Reader. Dean, Sam, Cas
Word count : 1,497
Written for : @spnfluffbingo
Square : Wing fic
Warning : N/A
A/N : This was inspired 1000000% by @sorenmarie87 and her work, so please go check her out if you haven’t already. She’s my muse. This fic is for you, Darling.
Click here to read part 2 called Treasure.
SPN Fluff Bingo Masterlist.
“Come on, Sugar, let me see them.” Gabe followed you across the parking lot.
“See what?” Dean asked confused.
“Show me yours and I'll show you mine?” Gabe wiggled his eyebrows.
Dean sat up straight in the pool chair he was lounging in. Why the motel even had them surrounding a pool that looked like it’d been empty for years, he didn't know, but there was a cool breeze that evening that paired nicely with his cold beer, so they were relaxing outside for a change. “What the hell is he talking about.”
“Sounds like he wants to see her breasts..” Sam mused.
“Wouldn't mind seeing them either, but why hound the girl?”
“He wishes to see her wings.” Cas glanced up from where he lay, as if tanning despite still wearing his suit and trench coat.
“What wings?” Dean looked past his brother, to the angel.
“Pleaseeee.” Gabe was on the ground, clinging to your ankle like a child so you couldn't walk away again.
“Alright, Jesus Christ!” He scrambled up as you grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it off, right there in the parking lot. Dean and Sam's eyes went wide when they saw you weren't wearing a bra under your shirt. “Happy?” you asked, turning your back to him to reveal tattooed wings on your back.
“I am.” Dean muttered, with a full view of your front. Sam nodded quietly.
“You know that's not what I'm talking about, Cupcake.” Gabe said quietly.
You growled at him and stormed past the boys, going for your motel room. Their eyes following you, Dean taking in the wings. “Did you know she had that?”
“Never seen her with anything less than a t-shirt before.” Sam answered quietly, in awe of the dragon like wings tattooed to your back. The door slammed shut, and a moment later, Gabe was opening it and walking through it as well. “Just show me.” he whined, door closing behind him.
Dean looked to Sam and then Cas. Sam shrugged, but Cas was laying back again with his eyes closed.
You sighed. “Please, Gabriel.. They don't know.” You turned and gave him a sad look. “And mine.. they aren't as beautiful as angel wings.”
“Show me.” he urged softly. “It's just us in here.”
“Sometimes I hate you.”
“You love me.” he smiled, watching as you sat in the middle of the bed, your back to him and the door and window behind him.
“Nope, I need to know.” Dean jumped up and hurried over towards the window. Finding a crack in the curtains he watched as you sat on the bed.
“You're such a perv.” Sam muttered to his brother as he looked in over his brothers head.
“You're one to talk..” Dean mumbled, and they watched.
With a sigh, you closed your eyes and concentrated.
The color and shading of your tattoo took on a more lifelike tone and a slight shimmer from the light. And slowly, it began to lift off your back, the two large tattooed wings began to unfurl and grow larger as your wings spread out behind you.
“Stunning.” Gabriel breathed out as he reached out.
“Don't.” you turned your head. “You know how intimate that is..”
“Oh I do, darling..” he moved around, ducking under a wing to view them from the front. “They're beautiful.. you're beautiful. Can I see your full form?”
“Don't push it.” you warned him.
He laughed, and as it rang in your ears, his own wings spread out, golden and almost as large as yours. “Promise is a promise.” you sighed and looked down. “What's wrong?”
“I wish mine were as beautiful as yours. Mine are.. scary.. dark..” You were cut off by a shiver that rolled through your whole body starting from your right wing. When you looked up, Gabriel was running his fingers over it.
“Brilliant with so much color in the light.” he pointed out, in awe of them, his fingers moving over scales towards your shoulder. “Blues, greens, purples.. all I've got is gold.” You blushed, your body warming and shivering again as he continued to run his fingers over your wings.
“Son of a bitch.” Dean's eyes were wide. “Shes’s-”
“A 148 year old dragon.” Cas answered from behind the brothers and they both turned. “Still a very young, by their life spans. Gabe has been infatuated with her for some time, really.”
“That's why he started showing up more the last few months.. she's been with us.” Cas nodded to Sam.
“How- why-” Dean couldn't get his thoughts straight. “But she-”
“Not everything is black and white, you taught me that.” Cas pointed out. “Not everything supernatural is a monster. I'm not. She's not.” he glanced to the window behind them. “She's killed her own kind for you.” Cas reminded him of how they had met you, when you saved Sam's life and instantly won over Dean.
Dean groaned. “What do we do?”
“Nothing.” Sam answered, earning a look from his brother. “Look, she's our friend, right? You called her family yourself, Dean.” Dean rolled his eyes. “She's obviously scared to tell us, we're hunters. So, we act like we don't know. Wait for her to be ready to tell us.”
Dean glanced back inside and sighed. “Yeah, whatever.”
It was going to be hard for Dean to pretend he didn't know. He could lie better than most, he had a lifetime of practice, but certain things he had trouble hiding, especially from those closest to him. And you were pretty damn close.
Dean had decided to start simple. Bring you breakfast. If he could handle breakfast, he could handle the rest of the day. And if not, well, at least they'd be in a public place, so fallout was limited.
Knocking on your door, there was no answer. Trying the knob, he found it unlocked. He glanced over at Sam and Cas who were coming out of the next room, Sam pulling on his jacket, then Dean pushed the door open.
“Sweetheart, we're going for breakfast, are you-” the words fell silent on his lips as he took in the sight before him
Gabriel had done something to the room, it was much larger inside than it should have been. It was about the size of five rooms, easily, and three stories high, with a night sky for a ceiling. The furniture was gone, just a pile of pillows and blankets almost like a nest covered the floor. Dean couldn't step inside if he wanted to. And smack in the center, was a sleeping dragon wrapped around the angel. The massive iridescent wings wrapped protectively around his sleeping form as he cuddled up to a tail.
“Guys… I can pretend I didn't know yesterday, but I can't unsee this…”
Sam glanced in, and your eyes shot open and your head came up. “Oh..” Sam breathed out.
In a panic, you changed back to your human form, naked and small in the massive room. Before anyone could do or say anything, Gabes wings wrapped around you. “It took me all night to get that comfortable.” he grumbled and you huddled in his wings trying to hide. “What do you two knuckleheads want?”
“We-” Dean licked his lips. “We wanted to know if you guys were joining us for breakfast..” You peeked out from Gabe’s wings, and he didn’t miss how scared you looked. “We’ll be waiting by the car while you get dressed.” He gave you a soft smile and shoved Sam out of the doorway so he could leave and close it behind him.
“Do you think they hate me?” You looked up at Gabe.
“No, my little sweet potato.” He shook his head. “I think, maybe, they might be a little hurt you didn’t tell them. But they love you.” He gave you a smile and you nodded. “Hey, you never answered me last night. What’s your favorite treasure?” You gave him an innocent smile, and he shivered feeling your fingers brush over his wings. “Ouch!” He yelped pulling back and you stood there rolling a single feather between your fingers.
“Angel feathers.” You smiled softly. “They’re rare, and I always wanted wings that beautiful… I think yours are my favorite.”
“Mine are my favorite too..” He muttered, shooting you a glare while he fussed over the wing. But he couldn’t help but smile at how you looked at that one feather of his, like it was the most precious thing in the world. “Alight, get dressed before dumb and dumber come back in.” He snapped his fingers and the room was how it should be, including your clothes on the floor.
“Thank you. For making me open up, and for another feather.”
“Yeah yeah, just don’t yank it out next time.” He teased. “Or I’m taking a scale for my collection.”
“You don’t have one.” You chuckled.
“I’ll start one.” He threatened and pointed at you.
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Tagging : Supernatural - @roxyspearing  @internationalmusicteacher @extreme-supernatural-lover @super100012 @legend-o-zelda @kickasscas67 @just-a-fiction-lover @sandlee44 @dancingalone21 @castianityislife02   @starry-chaos
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melodyofmuses · 6 years
Hiccup woke up feeling warm and content in a way he’d never felt before, and yet strangely numb. His left arm was completely numb and yet he was too comfortable to even think about shifting. A slight movement in the bed made Hiccup’s eyes snap open, gaze instantly falling to the woman in his arms. It wasn’t a dream, he had slept with Astrid in his arms all night after he inked a dragon onto her back. A lazy grin slipped onto his face, loving the way her golden locks had fallen out of her braid to spread out over his chest.
The inventor lay there for a while, enjoying the simple pleasure of holding the girl he loves in his arms. Eventually Toothless decided he’d lain in bed long enough, trudging over to nudge his rider. “All right Bud, just gimme a minute, okay?” Green eyes watched the dragon take a step back, sitting expectantly at the end of the bed.
Toothless had been up since before the grey dawn had broken, green eyes fixed on the humans in the bed. He knew the importance of spending time with your mate, which was why he had allowed Hiccup to sleep in a little longer, but the sun was beginning to rise and he needed to stretch his wings. Impatiently he settled at the end of the bed, luminous eyes demanding Hiccup get out of bed already.
Snorting at the impatient dragon Hiccup gently slid out from under Astrid, reaching for his prosthetic to attach the metal appendage. Peeling the blanket back he took a look at her marking, her skin looked like it could use a little more saliva and bandaging the whole thing might be a good idea to prevent her shirt irritating the tender skin. Leaning in he pressed a kiss to her lips, his fingers lightly tracing the dragon on her back from nose to tail.
“Mmm, is this how I get woken from now on?” Astrid smiled, almost rolling onto her back before she realised she didn’t have her bindings or a shirt on. Blue eyes fluttered open to gaze up at Hiccup. “’Cause I could definitely get used to this.” Reaching for the blanket, she tugged it to her chest before sitting up.
Hiccup couldn’t help the goofy smile on his face as she pulled him in for a proper kiss. “Mmm, morning to you too Milady.” Capturing her lips once more he tugged her into his arms, forcing her to wrap her arms around his neck as he stood up and carried her over to the chair. “Hey Bud, think you can give her a little lick for me?”
The black dragon rolled his eyes at their antics, but at least it meant he was closer to having their flight. Dragging his tongue over the blonde’s back he watched the boy take a seat behind the girl. Green eyes watched the boy tug the blanket free, hands carefully winding bandages all the way up the girl’s back until the whole design was covered.
“There, that should do it.” Next was her hair, Hiccup gently combed her hair out before re-braiding it with all the flyaways and loose strands tucked back into place. He knew she could do it but he wasn’t sure how sore she would be, and he really didn’t want her in pain while she attempted to do what he could do for her. “I gotta go take this useless reptile out for a flight. I’ll see you later, okay?”
Astrid sighed, leaning back into his warm body as his arms wound around her, his lips placing a lingering kiss to her neck. Then he was gone, tugging his shirt and riding gear on as an excitable dragons bounced around the hut. “Have a good flight.” She called after them as they left the hut, leaving her to dress for the day and head down to the main hall.
For the next two days Astrid went to Hiccup’s hut, or he came to hers, morning and night to cover her back in dragon saliva and clean bandages, before Astrid brightly told Hiccup the tenderness and irritation was gone. Slipping into his hut Astrid grinned at the young rider getting ready for bed. Quiet footsteps meant he hadn’t heard her come in, his back turned to her as he removed his shirt, only for her to gasp at the sight of bandages on his right bicep and left side of his chest. “Hiccup, why didn’t you tell me Ryker hurt you?” They had fended off a hunter’s raiding party the day before.
“M-milady!” Hiccup spun to face his valkyrie, surprised by her presence. “I-it’s not what it looks like, I promise. Ryker didn’t do this.” Fingers fumbling with the bandage on his right arm, he slowly unwound the bandage to reveal his personal crest of a Night Fury on his right arm, lining up exactly where it sat on his armour. “I uh- I was inspired by your marking and decided I should have a couple of my own.” Moving to the other bandage, Hiccup removed the cloth covering the left side of his chest.
Blue eyes widened, a shuddered gasp as she saw what was there. Emblazoned on his chest, directly over his heart, was a Deadly Nadder. It’s head was low, wings unfurled, and tail raised, ready for battle and guarding his heart. “Hiccup, I- .” There were no words, it was beautiful and she knew he’d done it just to prove he belonged to her.
“You have me, Astrid, all of me. Now and forever.” Bold steps brought him over to the Valkyrie, one arm looping around her waist while the other lifted her hand to rest against the Nadder. “Carve out my heart, it’s your name written there.” She wore his personal symbol, not the Haddock family crest, his, and now he would wear hers. His heart beat for her and her alone, of that he was certain, just as he knew she would guard it with all the ferocity of a Nadder.
Blue eyes gazed up, almost overwhelmed by the intensity of his devotion. The girl had to remind herself to breathe she was so lost in the power of his stare. “Hiccup, she’s beautiful.” Carefully her fingers traced the skin just beside the Nadder, before laying the lightest of kisses to the inked form.
“Yes, you are.” Hiccup murmured softly, fingers lifting her chin to kiss her as he’d been wanting to all day. A few more kisses peppered her face before he finally pulled away, taking a seat and calling Toothless over to lick his markings. “Okay Bud, do your thing.” He sat still for a moment, letting the dragon cover his markings with saliva before he felt Astrid step forward and bandage them back up. Smiling, he followed the blonde to his bed, removing his prosthetic and settling down for her to use his chest for a pillow while they slept.
The next morning brought a flurry of commotion. After the most recent hunter raid Hiccup thought it was a good idea for them all to return to Berk and visit their families. They had been away for a while now and it would do them some good to spent time with their family and friends. It would also give them a chance to grab any extra provisions they might need while trading some items they’d acquired on their travels. It also provided the perfect cover for Hiccup to take care of a personal matter.
The riders reached Berk just in time for lunch, the famished riders quickly removing their packs so their dragons could feed themselves before joining the vikings for the noon meal. Stoick appraised his son as they ate, there was something different about his son, but he couldn’t seem to put his finger on it. All he knew was something was different. Before he could pull Hiccup aside, Gobber whisked the boy away to the forge, rattling off a list of jobs he needed the lad to help him complete while he was there.
Gobber had left to deliver a sharpened sword while checking on an ill dragon, leaving Hiccup to man the forge. It was nearing dinner time, so people stopping by to make requests had long since died away, leaving Hiccup plenty of privacy when a certain Valkyrie dropped by to distract him. Leaning against his workbench he sighed into the kiss, arms wrapped around the spirited blonde, fingers burrowing beneath her top until he could drag them tantalizingly against her bare skin. Her own hands had long since slipped under his shirt, her fingernails scratching lightly against his chest and stomach as he made her whine against his lips. Gods did he love this, being able to hold her and kiss her whenever he wanted. Dipping down to suck teasingly on her neck Hiccup suddenly bolted upright at the sound of Gobber’s voice.
“What the bloody Hel is goin’ on in ‘ere?” Hiccup jerked away, eyes wide like a startled rabbit while Astrid disappeared out of he closest door, leaving Hiccup to face his godfather alone. “What did ye do? I know dragon tails an’ that was a bloody Night Fury on her back. So tell me, what was yer personal symbol doin’ brandin’ that lass like a cheap yak fer sale?”
Hiccup winced, he had really hoped Gobber hadn’t seen that. “S-she asked me for a marking, and she chose one of my sketches and asked me to do it for her, so I did it.” Hiccup replied softly, he really hated actually having to explain this, it was just so...personal. “A-and it’s not just her, Gobber.” With a sigh, the lad removed his shirt, letting his godfather see the Night Fury on his arm and the Nadder proudly inked on his chest. “B-but that doesn’t matter, because I’m asking Dad to write up a contract tonight.”
Gobber’s mouth dropped open, Hiccup was asking for Astrid’s hand? “Well why didn’t ye say so?” The one-legged viking strode forward, crushing Hiccup’s lanky form in a bear hug. “Odin’s beard, it took ye long enough. I’ll admit, I almost lost hope, but ye got there in the end, an’ that’s what matters.” Finally releasing the boy he bent down to get a better look at the markings. “That’s some good work there lad. What did she say when she saw that’ ‘ey?”
Gasping to fill his lungs with air after his Godfather’s crushing hug, Hiccup panted out a laugh. “She loved it. Actually she uh- she kissed it.” Cheeks flushed bright red as he remembered the way she’d spent that night letting him know how much she loved it. Hel, his lips were still burning from her kisses, and it just made him long for her even more. “I love her Gobber, and better yet, she loves me. Thor, what are the odds of that happening, huh?”
The canny old blacksmith roared with laughter. “Lad, ye weren’ subtle. Anyone wit’ eyes could tell ye loved ‘er.” The groan that left the love-struck boy just made Gobber laugh even harder. “And e’er since ye brought that dragon o’ yer’s around, anyone could see she was jus’ as head o’er heels fer ye. Ye two were jus’ too oblivious ta notice.” Intelligent Hiccup certainly was, observant, not so much. Gobber loved the boy like a son and he was ecstatic that he’d finally managed to woo the woman of his dreams. “Now put yer bloody shirt on an’ go get that contract. I wan’ godbabies ta spoil!”
Nodding his head, Hiccup grabbed his shirt and tugged it over his head. Taking a moment to make sure he didn’t look as if he’d had a roll in the hay before heading for the door. “Oh, an’ Hiccup.” Gobber’s voice stopped the lad, turning to face the blond viking. “Do ye think ye could do one o’ those markin’s fer me?”
A bright grin crept onto Hiccup’s face. “I’m sure I could come up with something for you. How about tomorrow afternoon, after you close the forge?” Gobber nodded his agreement and Hiccup turned, racing for Haddock Hall. It was time to talk to his father about making his intentions towards Astrid official.
As promised, the moment the forge closed Hiccup set up his workbench to do a marking for Gobber. The older blacksmith loved the design Hiccup had come up with for him. It was based on the viking symbol for a blacksmith but with dragons curled around it. Taking one bulging bicep in hand, Hiccup began to sketch out the design in charcoal.
“Hey Babe.” Astrid greeted, kissing Hiccup’s cheek while setting a plate of food down beside him as well as a pitcher of water. Hiccup wasn’t much of a drinker, especially when he was working. “I figured I better grab you something before all the good stuff was taken.” A much larger plate of food and a large tankard of mead was set beside Gobber, much to the blacksmith’s enthusiasm.
“If ye hadn’ already asked fer her hand, I’d tell ye to marry ‘er.” Gobber grinned widely at the lass, watching as she pulled up a chair beside Hiccup, taking the cloth to blot the design while Hiccup worked. “An’ congratulations on finally pinnin’ the lad down an’ forcin’ him ta make an honest woman o’ ye. Don’ gimme that look, we both know she made the first move.” Gobber directed the last comment to Hiccup, his stare daring the lad to say otherwise.
Astrid chuckled, history would dictate that she made the first move, and she guessed technically she had by asking Hiccup to mark her, but she had to give him credit for actually making a move this time. “Actually, Hiccup kissed me first.” Astrid replied, earning her a pair of raised eyebrows from Gobber, the bushy blond caterpillars threatening to disappear up into his helmet. “Technically I was asleep for the first one, but he claimed the second one too.”
“Thank you, Milady.” Hiccup’s dry wit rolling off his tongue as he leaned over to claim a quick kiss. “For defending my honour and virtue as a man.” Taking a quick bite of his dinner he returned to his work, thoroughly enjoying the playfulness of their newly found relationship. Had he known his bond with Astrid would only become deeper and more honest, he would’ve bared his soul to her ages ago.
Rolling her eyes at his sarcasm Astrid took a sip from Hiccup’s cup. “So I shouldn’t tell him about how you professed your undying love to me then?” Hiccup’s head snapped to face Astrid, green eyes wide as he gaped at the girl while muttering a ‘Thor no!’. An act that only seemed to embolden the girl.
“Oh Odin, now that’s a story I need ta hear.” Gobber crowed with glee. Ripping off a giant mouthful of roast chicken he stared at Astrid with eager eyes. He was an old romantic at heart, especially when it came to his godson, and he wanted to know what Hiccup said to make the young Valkyrie swoon.
The next day word had gotten around, Gobber no doubt boasting about the new ink resting under the bandage wrapped around his massive arm. Snotlout had been the first to approach Hiccup, his cousin demanding a Monstrous Nightmare all over his back. Right up until Hiccup showed him a needle, then the boy had muttered something about being needed for chores before scurrying off.
Fishlegs had been next, the husky lad stammering out a polite request for a Gronkle. Smiling, Hiccup had nodded his head to the workbench now set up for Hiccup to ink his fellow vikings. The young rider was actually becoming quite good with a needle, and his penmanship was exemplary. Passing Fishlegs a roll of bandage he instructed the larger boy to have Meatlug lick it twice a day and then redress the mark until it felt better.
A couple of other vikings were waiting for Hiccup to mark them, among them Gothi, the Village Elder. Gobber peered over to translate the old woman’s scratchings before Hiccup kindly inked the symbol of a healer into the woman. Gothi’s toothy grin at his work was more than enough for Hiccup as he asked Toothless for a drop of saliva before dressing the site and helping Gothi up.
Hiccup was actually doing quite well with the marking, every viking who had requested one had left a few coins behind as a thank you. The whole endeavor was really starting to make Hiccup smile, to know that so many vikings wanted his art on their bodies. His good mood lasted right until Ruffnut sat down and indicated exactly where she wanted her marking to be situated.
The young rider stared at her, eyes wide in horror as she indicated an area he would only ever consider inking for his wife. “No!” Hiccup stood up, his arm pointing towards the door, requesting she leave immediately. “That’s it! No more markings! For ANYONE! I’m done!” Packing up his tools and his ink, Hiccup grabbed his sketchbook and left not stopping until he was in Toothless’ saddle and high up in the sky.
Slipping into his Haddock Hall, Hiccup started at the sight of his father’s gaze waiting for him. “I heard you refused to do any more markings for people. Left a lot of vikings quite upset.” Hiccup’s head fell, the last thing he needed was his father’s disapproval, yet somehow he’d found it.
“Ruffnut wanted one...down there.” Hiccup grumbled, slumping down onto the chair across from his father, noting the plate of food set aside for his arrival. “I just couldn’t do it, Dad. The only person I want to see down there is Astrid.” With a groan the boy dropped forward onto the table, face pressed into the timber.
Stoick’s eye crinkled with mirth as he stared down at his son, finally letting out a hearty chuckle. “Aye, which is a good thing. Shows character. It’s also one of the reasons her father was so eager to sign your contract.” The vast Chief smiled as his son’s head lifted, eyes wide with hope as Stoick placed the signed document on the table between them. “As of this mornin’, Astrid is your betrothed and Ah’ve already paid her bride price.”
This was better than anything Hiccup could’ve hoped for. His father wasn’t mad at him, actually he seemed proud, and he was officially betrothed to the girl of his dreams. “Dad, thank you. This- this is everything I ever wanted.” Finally sitting up, Hiccup slid his meal over and began to eat. He’d missed dinners with his dad.
The Chief smiled down at his son, grateful Hiccup had finally gotten everything Stoick had wanted for him. Seeing his son happy and with a woman he loved, who loved him back, what more could a father want for his child? And seeing the man that Hiccup had become, he couldn’t be prouder of the man who would eventually succeed him. “So, would you reconsider your decision about markings for your Chief?”
Wide green eyes stared at his father, did he really just ask for a marking? “For my Chief, no.” Hiccup replied, a soft smile covering his face as he  glanced at the mountain of a man. “For my Dad, always.”
A loud guffaw filled the room, a wide, toothy smile on the Chief’s face. “You can tell me all about your betrothed while ye do it. I want ta hear all about yer grand proposal, how did ye win yer Lady Fair?” Stoick’s beaming face looked down upon his son before opening his vest in preparation. “I-I want something ta help me remember yer mother. Put her close ta my heart.” A large, stubby finger tapped his chest, indicating the spot he wanted.
Hiccup thought about the Nadder covering his own chest. “I know what you mean.” Grabbing his charcoal, he began to sketch out a design. This was for both of them, and he was going to make it something his mother would be proud of when she met them on the fields of Valhalla.
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neruran · 7 years
How to Be a Matchmaker Dragon
A/N: This was inspired by the combo of this little comic by @saisai-chan​ and the news that in the third light novel Kirishima has been confirmed to be the dragon Bakugou’s riding in the fantasy AU ending. While I do like KiriBaku, I also ship Kacchako and I adore the idea of Kirishima helping his emotionally constipated bro out. And of course, since Kirishima’s a half-dragon and can fly, he’s Bakugou’s wing-man. Pun very much intended. Sorry not sorry.
Anyway, please reblog, comment, and/or leave a kudos if you enjoy this!
(Read on AO3)
“Cosmic Meteor Strike!”
Eijirou watched in awe as giant rocks came shooting from the sky, crashing down on the demons Ochako had been fighting. He’d always felt an instinctive sense of respect and fear towards magi for the feats their magic could perform, but Ochako was a whole other level even if she humbly insisted she was still learning. Powerful as she was though, he didn't feel uneasy around her like he did with other mages thanks to her kind and open spirit, and he was certainly glad to have her as a companion and friend.
Of course, he knew he wasn’t the only one who was glad. He glanced beside him where his friend (technically master, but Eijirou felt they’d travelled and fought together long enough that their relationship was more familiar than master-servant) Katsuki also stood watching the magical onslaught in amazement, cape blowing behind him in the wind kicked up by the impacts. Then again, Eijirou could tell that the levels at which the two of them appreciated Ochako’s company were not quite the same. Katsuki may call him a carefree idiot a lot, but Eijirou was not a complete idiot and he liked to think he knew Katsuki pretty well. Katsuki very evidently felt some inkling that went beyond mere admiration and respect for Ochako, because his expressions and body language around her were rather different if you knew what to look for.
Eijirou was happy for him, honestly; his friend wasn’t exactly the most social person, preferring to fight anyone to prove he was strongest in all the land and claiming things like friendship and romance were a waste of his time and effort, but Eijirou knew no person is an island-- wait, island didn’t seem right, because there were plenty islands that were rather populated and fun and easy to get to, like that one he flew to once that had this really delicious meat dish--
He was getting sidetracked.
Anyway, point was, he knew deep down Katsuki was perfectly capable of ordinary human feelings even if he denied them to the heavens and underworld and back, he was just very, very bad at processing them. Eijirou understood that, and was sure Katsuki had his reasons for being that way, but it didn’t mean he had to stay that way. People said it got lonely at the top; Eijirou thought that it only felt lonely if you let it feel lonely, and he certainly wasn’t going to let that happen to Katsuki. Ochako would be good for him; she was gentle but also challenged him, made him think twice both in combat and conversation with her spells and surprising quips, called him out when he was going too far and empathized with him when he was upset. Their group had only been travelling together a short time compared to how long Katsuki and Eijirou had been companions, and already she seemed to understand him on much the same level Eijirou did, if not moreso. He also thought Katsuki would be good for her, pushing her with earnest respect while also being a strong, solid shoulder for her to lean on when she’d had enough (figuratively and literally; Eijirou knew those muscles of his were not just for show), fiercely loyal and protective when it counted, and not to mention funny once you saw past his bluster.
Problem was, Katsuki was Katsuki, and he obviously wasn’t going to get anywhere on his own. He needed a little push in the right direction. So with a sly grin, Eijirou leaned down and nudged his friend to get his attention, glanced to Ochako pointedly once Katsuki’s gaze had turned to him, then looked back to meet Katsuki’s eye, his brow arched in teasing suggestion. He snickered as Katsuki went red with the realization he’d been caught staring, the warrior huffing and turning away put on a hasty cloak of aloofness, but Eijirou knew him too well.
Too caught up in their wordless exchange, neither of them took notice of the debris that began to rain down after being launched into the air by the impact of the meteors. It started with dust and small pebbles, but soon larger rocks the size of a person’s fist clattered around them, and not a moment later Eijirou’s snickering cut off with a yelp when a larger stone hit him right on the top of his snout. It certainly smarted, especially since he hadn’t been expecting it and therefore had no chance to activate his inborn magic to make his scales harder, but he’d had worse. But, it did give him opportunity, or more importantly, Katsuki opportunity. So he played up the injury, letting out a whine and collapsing, forcing tears to well in his eyes.
Katsuki, unsurprisingly, kicked up a fit.
“What the fuck?!” he roared at Eijirou. “I can’t believe this! You’re a dragon, you wimp, you can take a puny hit like that!”
Just as Eijirou expected, Ochako passed by not a moment later on her way to reconvene with the rest of the group, pausing when Katsuki’s yelling caught her attention.
“Ah!” her exclamation caught both their attentions, the two of them turning to her as she rushed over, frantically apologetic. “I’m so sorry, Eijirou! I didn’t mean for you to get hurt!”
Katsuki, ever quick to use anger to disguise some other unwanted emotion (Eijirou guessed this time was the fact Ochako’s sudden approach made him flustered), immediately turned his ire on her. “Y-You!” he snapped with an accusatory finger pointed, cheeks flushing in what he’d probably later claim to be anger. “Stay away you fucking witch-- and watch where you’re aiming!!”
Ochako barely acknowledged him, walking up to Eijirou with single-minded determination.
“Take some responsi-- Oi! Are you even listening?!”
She evidently was not, interrupting Katsuki’s ranting to call out “Healing spell!”, lifting her staff into the air.
“Stop ignor--...” Katsuki trailed off as Ochako began to murmur words that he and Eijirou knew to be the language of spells but neither had any understanding of, watching in stunned silence as she shut her eyes in concentration and lifted her staff higher.
The bulbous tip where her magic concentrated began to glow with a soft warm light, and the boys stared in amazement as the bruise on Eijirou’s snout faded then disappeared altogether. Healing magic was always a sight to behold, and it was an infamously difficult magic to learn, so Ochako’s precision and speed was definitely something of note. Cautiously Eijirou reached a talon up to poke at the spot where it had been, lighting up when not even the slightest ache remained, and turned to Katsuki with a proud and happy smile. “Look at what she can do! She’s so impressive!” he thought, silently willing Katsuki to understand him and do something about it.
Ochako lowered her staff again as the spell finished, looking notably more weary than she had when it had started. She smiled tiredly upon seeing Eijirou healed, then began to stagger where she stood. The two boys jolted as she started to tilt forward, and Eijirou went to stick his nose out to catch her, but she caught herself with her staff before he could.
“Holy shit! You- You’re about to pass out!” Bakugou yelled, anger poorly disguising his worry.
“Hahh…” Ochako sighed, smile going wry with her fatigue. “Guess I pushed myself too far with those last two spells…”
Eijirou suddenly felt bad; if he had known that her meteor spell had taken so much out of her, he wouldn’t have played up his injury so much to have her think it warranted a healing spell. Magic exhaustion was dangerous, and he hated the idea of putting one of his friends in danger just for the sake of playing matchmaker. He crooned in concern and apology, but the noise was quickly drowned out when Katsuki started to yell again.
“Then fucking rest, you dumbass!” he roared (honestly, sometimes Eijirou had to wonder if he was the real dragon between the two of them). Then, to Eijirou’s surprise, he suddenly calmed, cheeks pinking as he glanced away bashfully, voice dropping to a mutter. “And...thanks. For healing him.”
Oh-ho, so maybe Eijirou didn’t need to help that much after all. Still, a little...extra push wouldn’t hurt.
“Haha, it was no prob--”
With Katsuki distracted and Ochako too tired to notice, Eijirou snuck his tail behind the mage and - gently enough to avoid hurting anyone but forcefully enough to knock her forward - shoved her right into Katsuki, startling both the humans so they tumbled over, Ochako on top of Katsuki. Eijirou snickered as Katsuki let out an impressive stream of profanity that was only half-intelligible in his sputtering rage, then smirked smugly as he left his tail draped over them, weighing the pair down so neither were able to get up. His amusement and pride only grew as Katsuki seemed to realize just what Eijirou had done, his face going nearly as red as Eijirou’s scales.
“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR, YOU--!” he started to snarl, but a groan from Ochako cut him short, making him look down in surprise. It seemed she’d truly reached her limit, and promptly passed out with her head pillowed on Katsuki’s chest. She really didn’t look well so disturbing her probably wouldn’t have been the best idea, and Katsuki appeared to realize this because he let out a sharp hiss between his teeth and reluctantly relaxed back, the glare on his face entirely ruined by the faint blush on his cheeks. “Fine. But when she wakes up, you move.”
Eijirou merely grinned in response, all too happy to agree. He made a point to turn away to give the two some semblance of privacy, flopping down to have a nap himself, kicking up a small breeze that managed to take Ochako’s hat off; he quickly caught it with the end of his tail so it wouldn’t get lost. If he happened notice Katsuki’s hand drift up to softly comb through Ochako’s hat-mussed hair, he would pretend he hadn’t and not tease him for it later.
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labyrinthofleah · 7 years
For that dragon!BMP AU, I forgot to think of how letters from the King would be sent back to the dragoness!MC. Although I suppose it can be fun for a BMP2 scenario. I can see the Spencer family forming a plan to catch my MC off guard by pretending to work as cafe staff. Just have Hayden ask the MC for pastries from one address, have her go there, then trap her while she waits for her order. I'd have Wilfred and BMP1's MC alive for more verbal persuasion, think sit down and talk type.
[Wheee, I had fun writing this! Though I... kind of got off your original train of thought, Anon, sorry about that. o3o;; This is for dragonshapeshifter!Leah, btw. :D Thanks for sending this ask, I got so inspired!]
Roberto’s face scrunched up as the first rays of morningsunlight fell over his closed eyes. Sitting up in the cot his dragon captor hadset up for him, he wished, not for the first time, to be back in his own cozybed in his own familiar room in his own Villa Altaria.
He looked around the cave that was his (hopefully) temporaryhome, absently brushing some hair back from his eyes. At least the dragon hadprovided several blankets and pillows, instead of making him sleep on the sandyfloor manacled to a wall or something.
In fact, she’d done more than that. She’d fed him fullmeals, asked him several times if he wanted her to get him a change of clothes(”That royal uniform is nice, but it doesn’t look too comfortable”), and evenlet him browse her modest collection of books as he pleased. The books weremeticulously organized and obviously well cared for, as were the rest of her meagerpossessions. 
Now that he knew he would be spending his captivity inrelative comfort, he felt a stab of curiosity. It had been several daysalready, and he hadn’t exactly been in the presence of mind to leisurely explorethe rest of the cave when he’d first arrived. He swung his legs over the sideof the cot and stood up, making a futile effort to smooth the wrinkles out ofhis red coat.
Then he saw a familiar figure standing in the entrance tothe cave with her back to him. If he hadn’t known better, he would have thoughtshe was just a normal woman with a rather small frame and long black hair. Asit was, he already knew she could easily turn herself into a serpentine dragon almostas large as Villa Altaria, with a wing-span to match and a maw full of sharp,shiny fangs.
Oh, and she could breathe fire too. 
You really couldn’t judge based on appearances.
Loose sand crunched beneath his feet, and she turnedat the sound, smiling. “Oh, good morning.”
“Morning.” He smiled back. It had mostly come as aself-preservation reflex when she’d first brought him here, but now he felt itwouldn’t hurt to interact with some modicum of civility.
He noticed a sheet of paper in her hand, and dialed up thecharm. “What’s that, a love letter?”
She frowned and glanced away. Oops. Sore topic?
“…The King sent a reply to my ransom note.”
“Dad did?” His affected charisma fell away in an instant,but he didn’t care. “What did he say?”
She sighed and looked back at him with an expression almostlike pity. “He said… he couldn’t give in to my demands just yet. He wants tonegotiate.”
Roberto felt a cold knot form in his stomach. But the dragonwoman was still looking at him, looking like that. He plastered on a carefree grin.
“Oh, okay!” He said brightly. “Well, I guess it can’t behelped. No worries, I bet I’ll be out of here in–”
“I’m sorry.”
He paused. “What?”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “I know I kidnapped youand all, but… I’m just kind of desperate. Not that that’s much of an excuse,”she mumbled.
He didn’t know what to say to that, and she went on, “Believe me, I want this to be overas much as you do. I don’t want to keep you here against your will any longerthan I have to.”
“…I believe you,” Roberto said slowly.
From the look on her face, she hadn’t expected that. “Wait.Really?”
“I mean, you haven’t given me a reason not to, consideringthe circumstances. I have a question, though.”
“Why did you kidnap me in the first place?”
Her eyes widened, and she blurted out, “I didn’t tell you?”
“No?” He laughed a little awkwardly, and she sat down on thespot, pressing a hand to her forehead.
“Oh my GOD, I’m an idiot. I’m so sorry. I don’t know how I—”
“H-hey, it’s okay!” Roberto rushed to reassure her. Herself-deprecating remorse seemed very real. “Uh, but would you mind telling me…?”
“Yeah. Yeah, okay, of course. You should have been the firstto know, anyway.” She heaved a sigh, then said, “You know that big resort they’replanning to build along this whole beach? Revitalize the Altarian economy alongthis coast and all that?”
He nodded. “I had a hand in approving it.”
She made a face he couldn’t interpret. “Right. Well, anyway,as you could probably tell, this—” She gestured around the cave. “—is my home. I’velived here for years. I don’t exactly pay rent, but the locals know I livehere, and they don’t really mind.”
“Do they know you can turn into a dragon?” Roberto instantlywanted to punch himself, and she shot him a withering look.
“No, why do you think they don’t mind? They just think I’m aweird hermit.”
“Sorry. Uh, go on.”
She shrugged listlessly. “There’s not much else to say. Ifthe resort construction gets underway, I’ll be out of a place to live.”
He fidgeted, feeling a little guilty in spite of himself. “Youcan’t, uh, get a place in town or something?”
“With what money? And what work skills?” She gave a snort ofhumorless laughter. “They don’t know I turn into a dragon because I keep tomyself. I’m… not that great at keeping it under control sometimes, which makesholding down a job difficult. No money means no paying rent. No home.”
She practically bit out the last words and rose to her feet,stalking out of the cave. But before Roberto could think of getting his hopes up,her skin turned shiny and opaque, her black hair blowing thick and wild as iftousled by a strong wind that only affected her. Membranous wings sprouted fromher back, and as they billowed out behind her she was towering up and up and out…
Finally, she flicked her tail and craned her long,scale-encrusted neck around to look Roberto dead in the eye. Clear, dark rumstared up into slit-pupiled silver.
“I need to be alone,”she told him, in a voice that was still hers and yet far too powerful and gutturalto ever come from any human vocal cords. She was not growling or roaring, buthe felt as well as heard it all thesame, spreading through the sand he stood on, up his legs, shaking into hiscore. “Don’t even think of trying toescape. I… I still need you. I’ll be back before dinner.”
With that, she moved to the side ofthe cave entrance. Bracing her massive hind feet, she shoved a huge boulderacross it, blocking it off. She had left plenty of candles lit inside, andthere were enough gaps around the edges of the boulder that smoke would escapeeasily enough and fresh air would flow in. But the gaps were too small forRoberto to even stick his arm through.
Still, he spent a few minuteslooking for a way he could maybe pushthe giant rock aside just enough forhim to squeeze out. He knew it was useless, but he had to try.
He finally gave up and turned away witha frustrated grunt, shoving a hand through his hair. Then he grabbed thenearest candlestick and headed to the back of the cave, where the dragon womankept her books.
At least he wouldn’t be too boredwhile he was here.
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chikkachu · 8 years
I’m Back
Summary: Natsu welcomes Lucy home, in the way he knows best. NaLu Smut OneShot. 
Singspiration: If you fancy a laugh —> At Last - Etta James
A/N: I was going to flesh this out a bit more, but I decided I’ve been late enough haha! I hope you enjoy your requested smut @nalufever  . Also, credit where credit is due to @keii  for her amazing NaLu art that gave me inspiration ;) This story is 10% some kind of plot and 90% smut. ;)  
She paused, a shuddering breath left passed her lips. Too much time had passed since she had left. A year to be exact.  Absence taught her that time moved slowly when parted from the second half of her soul.
He would be charging towards her any minute now. Finding her scent from miles away wasn’t unusual, it was in his nature. Rooted to the spot, Lucy couldn’t find it within her to move. Still debating what she was going to say, what could she say that would be believable. She had never lied to him before, technically it was lying by omission. He would never have accepted she had to find Aquarius alone.
Hence the reason, travelling to the continent via the spirit world so he wouldn’t be able to track her.  
“He’s not here you know.” Pivoting quickly to source the voice, piercings and coal orbs came into view, eyes focused on her as he spoke, “Salamander’s on a job.”
“Gajeel.” He hadn’t aged a day.
“I hope you’re back for good Bunny,” Before she could turn around and head back, his words made her stop.
“You hurt him.”
And myself, she added silently in her head.
“I know.” She whispered, because what else could she say.
“Are you coming in or not?” He asked after a moment of contemplative quiet between the pair of them, brushing past her with a nod that signified that she should follow. She did so without complaint.  
“How is Levi?”
“Why don’t you ask her yourself?” He replied, patting her head gently as she caught up with his large ground swallowing footsteps.
Seeing Fairy Tail again sent her blood pressure soaring, happy memories surfacing in her mind. For now, she would concentrate on greeting her guildmates and worry about Natsu later.
Dragging her hand over the familiar stone wall, breathing in their home. Smoke, charcoal, rain, and wilderness, all Natsu. Looking around she noticed he hadn’t changed anything, the vase she placed in the corner, the little carvings he made her were still in the same arrangement above the fireplace.
In the front of their log burner, Happy’s sheepskin rug had surface dust, telling her that they had been away for a while.
Walking further inside and feeling jittery, tears threatening to form with nostalgia overwhelming her, Lucy sat down on the sofa. Laying down, Natsu’s red coat making a nice pillow to rest her head on. Nosing the fabric, a smoke-wood scent surrounded her, enabled long gone dreams to float into her psyche.
Planning for babies and growing old together, a pleasant pass-time, before and after she left.
Now, she wasn’t sure if he would forgive her, let alone take her back. Deciding to use her time efficiently she put herself to work, cleaning the house from top to bottom. After changing the bed linen and wiping over all the windows, she took the time to explore.
A small leather bound book lay on Natsu’s side of the bed, on closer inspection, it was her diary. It was worn, as though it had seen a lot more use in the years she’d been gone.
Had he been reading it, trying to figure out why she had left?
Where she had disappeared too?
The answer came to her almost immediately because yes, Natsu would track her to the ends of the earth. And like with Igneel, he would continue to do so until he found her.
He loves her with his entire being, she knew that without a doubt. Natsu didn’t do things in half measures.
It was all or nothing.
The reason she left as she did was to find Aquarius, which unfortunately was a task she had to complete alone, part of the test she had made for herself. She should have been annoyed that he intruded on her privacy, but he wouldn’t listen anyway.
Lucy buried herself under the covers, warm hues colouring the atmosphere and room, telling her it was nearly dusk.
She awakened to the noise of the door crashing open downstairs, a nervous feeling settling into her stomach when she realised that their reunion was imminent and fast approaching. Lucy pulled the covers over her head, in an ill attempt to hide and give herself time to prepare.
She wasn’t feeling ready, despite the hours she had just taken to think about him and what she could say. The bedroom door swung open, slamming into the wall loudly and she closed her eyes tightly, staying perfectly still.
Apparently, Natsu had other ideas, the quilt ripped off her form. Lying still, she made no move to turn around. She didn’t need to. Swung around by her ankles, Lucy came face to face with a sullen Natsu.
Positioned at the edge of the bed, his fingers gripping her thighs as he stood between them.
Neither said anything as they continued to stare. The urge to touch him, to feel his warmth, for the first time in what felt like an aeon. Lucy reached forward, using an elbow to support herself, as her fingertips grazed his chest.
Gripping her hand, Natsu flattened her palm on his chest, she felt his pounding heart underneath her fingertips. She stayed there for a moment, before tracing a path up his neck, to cup his cheek, her body rose to accommodate the movement. Face to face, his breath tickling her bottom lip, they drifted closer.
“Lucy,” Natsu growled her name, the noise full of heat, he grasped her neck, controlling her head as he took her lips. Canine teeth teased over her upper lip, then he lay butterfly kisses, making his way to the corner of her mouth. Placing a sweet kiss, a pause in momentum got the desired effect. Turning, Lucy tried to catch him, succeeding in a nibble before pulling away again.
Laying teasing pecks on her lips, she followed him each time with no success. Fed up with his teasing, she gripped his hair, her other arm looping over his shoulder. Smirking as she wrapped her legs around him, finding the leverage to pull him on top.  Two could play that game, but Lucy didn’t want to play right now.  
When they started their relationship, it became quickly apparent their arguments were settled carnally more often than not. She got too upset to speak and Natsu always acted on how he felt, getting straight to the point. Asking why he always initiated after an argument, Lucy received a typical Natsu answer.
“Lucy all fired up, is the best Lucy. We always make it right anyway.”
His unshakable faith in their relationship was amazing. Lucy had to agree, Natsu all fired up was sexy. She’d never admit it out loud but watching his strength and passion in a fight did things to her. Sometimes it got ridiculous, such as when he argued with Gray.
She should want to bang their heads together, instead, she wanted to pull him into a broom closet.
Who said quickies didn’t get the job done?
They had certainly christened a few surfaces at the guild. Not that she would ever tell Erza that. Right now, Natsu was in one of his rare intense moods, probably due to his still being mad. Angry Natsu fucked like the fire dragon in his soul, all heat and ferocity.
Groaning as he finally kissed her properly, sucking him into her mouth, pulling his hair every time his tongue twirled with hers. Pushing against his chest, flattening her breasts under his weight, loving the feeling of him surrounding her, pinning her to the bed.  
Using the hand gripping his hair, she trailed her nails down, over his shoulder blades lightly.  
Increasing the pressure as she moved, tense steely muscles resisted. He flexed, the motion inducing an age-old instinct to thrust. Hooking her leg over his thigh, she met his hips half way. Lucy slipped her hand under his waistband, gripping his buttock and forcing a slow grind that left her thighs shaking in pleasure.
“Naughty girl.” Natsu purred, dipping his hips slightly, allowing her to feel his bulge.
“Do you know why?” His voice was an octave lower, nibbling from her ear down to her throat, he placed open kisses on her pulse. Lucy writhed under him, desperate for attention, he knew her weaknesses and kissing her neck drove her wild, even thinking about it turned her on. Natsu knew it, not above using knowledge of her body to his advantage.
“I said,” Her breath hitched feeling a warm hand cup her breast, “Do”, his finger circled her nipple, “You”, trapping the tip with his thumb, “Know”, she let out a cry as he pinched, “Why?”
The lack of skin contact was maddening, heightening her sensitivity, Natsu always knew how to torture her.
“Left-” Warmth engulfed her nipple through her shirt, sucking her through the cotton fabric as she struggled to make an answer,
“I left.” He bit down at her words, giving a short burst of pain, before soothing the ache with his tongue. Slowly, using his other hand to hook the back of her knee, pushing it towards her chest, her calf resting on his shoulder.
“Yes. You did.”
Pulling away from her breast, he smirked at her soft whine of protest, still lightly massaging her flesh. Instead, sitting back on his knees keeping her leg suspended on his shoulder, he placed soft kisses along her calf.
He glanced up at her underneath hooded eyelids, moss green irises reflected pure sin and vengeance as he smoothed a hand over her inner thigh. Previously, she never would have thought Natsu would be the demon under the sheets. Other than typical male ogling when he saw her naked, he had never shown any interest. It wasn’t until after their first time, she found out the Devil wears Prada.
Or in Natsu’s case, a cheeky grin, and open vests.  
Lucy jolted, her hips vaulting off the bed when he pressed a thumb over her clit. He didn’t move, using the hand that was knocked off her breast to hold her down via her abdomen. The lack of movement was unbearable, instinctively she rocked upwards and yelped. His hand positioned directly above her bladder, applied force whenever she thrust upward. It gave her the unsettling feeling of needing to pass water, but it was also building an amazing pleasure in her core.
A risky game.
“Natsu, you kinky bastard!” She twisted her lips, arching her back.
“Ah ah, Lucy.  I know you love it,” To prove his point, he circled her bud roughly and once again she tried to move with him. Crying out, her eyes rolled back at the beautifully erotic ache swelling inside. Moving on autopilot, she shoved her shirt and bra up, clutching onto her breasts creating her own pleasure.
“When you disappeared, I searched the entire house for clues,” Forest eyes held hers, his thumb following her cleft downward, the drenched fabric of her panties allowing smooth movement,
“I came across some interesting books in your drawers…”
Oh no, he didn’t!
“Heh, you know what I’m talking about.’
Lucy wailed as he pushed into her entrance, the fabric pulling tightly over her clit as he continued, voice almost bored if it wasn’t piqued with lust, “I think you’ve been holding out on me.”
Stretching her panties to the side, Natsu inhaled deeply, sighing in contentment.
“Look at you, so red, so pretty.” Lucy pinched her nipples to distract herself from the anticipation. Fingertips ghosted over her mound, she could barely feel it but it still caused a shiver to roll over her skin.
“It’s my favourite colour,” His eyes fixating on the prize he was about to indulge in flickered to hers, the lazy smile on his lips was deceptive. Natsu’s moss green depths were promising she would scream.
“…Especially on you.” Two digits started circling her hole, never entering, smearing her natural lubrication upward occasionally. The ache building to an unbearable level had her straining against the hand holding her down. Pressure in her abdomen, plus teasing caresses had her insides clenching harshly. Her other leg flailing as the sensation accumulated.
“Oh, my god. Natsu, please!” She begged, thrashing just a little.
“Since you asked so nicely…” He chuckled softly, but he still didn’t do what she wanted, for him to fill her.  Instead, he started teasing her clit with light touches, interchanging from a circling motion to flicking.  Arching her back, she let out a strangled moan.
She didn’t think she could get any more sensitive. It didn’t help she hadn’t had a proper orgasm in a year. Hadn’t felt his touch for too long.  
“Mmm, you have such a pretty pussy, so swollen and wet.” Husky and deep, his voice made her body tense and move, burning with desire for him.
“Your clit is so distended right now, asking for attention…” Natsu leant over her body, a hand pushing her head up to meet his, their foreheads touching not obstructing her view of his work.
“If I pinched it right now, would you cum Lucy?” Too overcome to say anything she stayed silent but apparently, that was a bad idea because his finger slid up, making her hips jolt.
“Answer me.”
“Yes.” He kissed her forehead tenderly before he made true on his suggestion. Trapping her bud between thumb and finger, he used them as a clamp, lightly pinching. Screaming, Lucy felt like her nerve endings were exploding in her groin, pain and pleasure causing tremors over her skin.
“I can’t, I can’t-” She managed to swat his hand away from her clit, Natsu was quick on his next attack. His hand returned to her stomach, he plunged two fingers deep inside, curling up to her sweet spot.
“It’s not over yet.” Lucy choked, saliva filling her mouth, as he moved his fingers continuously over her g-spot. The sloshing sounds from his moving fingers were deliciously lewd to her ears, as he forced her into another orgasm.  Eyes rolling into the back of her head, she felt her muscles contract, her heart rate soar, and she grabbed onto the bedsheets for support.
Claiming her mouth as she moaned, Natsu pulled his erection from his pants. Swirling the warmth of his tongue over hers, she could feel him starting to enter. Drowning in his scent and loving the feeling of being intimate once again, his penetration was slow. She could feel his heat, his high body temperature making her toes curl. As he pushed forward her hand shot out, stopping his progress temporarily.
“It’s been awhile, it hurts,” Lucy growled at his smug-ass grin, glaring at him.
“Too big for ya Luce?”
“Shut up.” She shot back with a small pout, letting out an embarrassing squeal when he rolled them over. Gasping as gravity sunk her further down onto his cock, the new position making it easier to adjust. Under no illusions that he was handing over the reins, feeling his grip on her ass and his knees rising behind her. Rocking gently, feeling his girth stretching her walls, she leant forward bracing herself on his chest.
Nose to nose, she stared into his forest depths falling deeper into a haze.
Strapping muscles contracted under her weight as he started moving, meeting her halfway.
There was nothing feminine about Natsu other than his sakura coloured hair, his body solid, masculine, moulded through rigorous training and dragon/demon entities inside. An aura of danger and adventure surrounded Natsu, it’s what attracted her to him all those years ago. 
Even now she was still craving the thrill and how empowered she felt at his side. Arching her back, the friction on her aching nipples caused her lean into the hand kneading her ass. Her denim skirt rucking up above her creamy buttocks served as a turn on. Lucy would never tell, but role playing was a huge turn on.
She felt like a salacious schoolgirl. The feeling of his fingers gripping the skin close to where she wanted him was making her needy.
Warmth engulfed her nipple, playfully taking it between his teeth and sucking sporadically. Gripping his hair to pull him forward, she didn’t consider she had given up leverage. Wicked eyes met hers, locking his arms around her waist and digging his feet into the mattress. Natsu pistoned upwards his cock hitting the right spot, proving he still remembered how to drive her insane. A swift smack on her ass made her grind down, his tip hitting her cervix.
“Natsu!” A mixture of pain and pleasure had her pussy clamping down, feeling the ridges of his shaft as he forced his way in. His mouth switched breast to suck harshly on her neglected nipple, thrusting deep.
“I, I can’t-”
“You keep saying that,” Slowly gyrating in a manner that stroked her clit, his tongue leaving her nipple, pinching the other, rolling the nub between his fingers, “But you can.”
He pulled out leaving his tip resting at her entrance before plunging back in, bottoming out. Lucy bit into his shoulder, feeling the need to place a mark of her own. Breathing in the smell of sweat and sex as he continued, feeling her clit throbbing with need.
Oh, she was so close.
Natsu slid his hand down to trace the skin where they joined, her legs instinctively tried to close as slid in two fingers alongside his dick, fondling her clit with every stroke.
“Such a hungry pussy.” Natsu’s gravelly voice and the feeling of being delectably full sent her careening into a powerful climax.  Nails digging into the sinewy muscle of his biceps, her lips sought his. Mouths dancing in a languid exchange of tongue, her eyes focused Natsu’s as she felt the heat of his release filling her.
Lying on Natsu’s chest, head tucked under his chin, she traced the Fairy Tail emblem. The silence wasn’t awkward, they basked in a serene peace. Sighing she enjoyed the soothing caresses on her scalp, Natsu wasn’t capable of doing nothing. He was always fidgeting or moving, and at times like this, she greatly appreciated it.
“That was quite the welcome home.” She said softly.
Honestly, she didn’t expect anything less from her hell raiser of a boyfriend.
“I still haven’t forgiven you yet,” He quipped, his eyes glinting as he continued, “We still have lost time to make up for.”
“You left me as well!” She argued with a pout, and he smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“I know,” He shrugged it off, now stroking the base of her neck, “We’ll make up for that too.”
Lucy liked this plan.
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