#i saw some ppl talk about them but i tried avoiding spoilers at the time
utoveria · 5 months
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jackienautism · 10 months
briefly talked abt this w/ my friend (hiii @kilowattsons) (dont read this if you dont want too many spoilers) after i FINALLY watched saw (2004) w/ them but i just. i jsut. ii..
throwing my SMG followers a bone rn. but hear me out hear me out. laura and travis + amanda and john parallels. esp in fanon context
I JUST. to preface this i KNOW that amanda canonically refers to john as her father, but that ddef doesnt make the relationship any better fdgkfng butOKAY OKAY. HEAR ME OUT
it pisses me OFF how (outside of that dumbass batch of ppl that ship them ...) fans REALLY tried to make travis out to be some sort of uncle figure for laura and thats just ..... not how things work? kdfgnf no matter HOW you spin it, their relationship will NEVER be healthy, unless you wanna have something so DEVOID of canon, which is just annoying. like. at that point just make up your own characters DSFKGNFDGK LIKE. travis and laura will not and can NEVER have a relationship where things arent icky or bad. and if you say otherwise youre just too indulged in fanon and i recommend playinmg the fucking game again
but the same goes for amanda and john yk... it jjust. their relationship is MEANT ot be one of toxicity and whatnot. its not MEANT to be healthy. but (and i see this a LOT) ppl love to paint a picture that shows them in this normal and loving relationship and to me its jsut ???? dont get me wrong i ENJOY seeing these characters in happy and normal contexts, but sometimes its just.. it becomes so far from canon that it becomes almost .... ignorant? like youre purposely avoiding the canon material and making things that only YOU wanna see? if that makes sense? which, once again, there is no problem with. i of course indulge in stuff like this from time to time as well but its just .... this is fucking saw we're talking abt. its not meant to be happy or w/e
the only reason WHY this relationship exists is bc of the saw world and the in world contexts. outside of it (if everyone and everything were cookie cutter and happy and not Bad) there wouldnt be a need for john to have amanda and for amanda to have john. bc in a "happy" case, john woudlnt have lost his child. and amanda woudlnt have a shitty relationship w/ her father. the NEED for them both wouldnt exist if everythign were ideal
i hjavent rly looked for it much but the whole "jigsquad" thing is just sooo ..... like. i dont want to be mean ! and i get ppl can do whatever they want w/ the media they consume ! but ! it annoys me kdfngfg bc realistically nothing in this world is healthy and its sort of annoying when ppl make it out to BE healthy. like. thats the whole appeal of these characters and their relationships. theyre MEANT to be bad for each other. theyre MEANT to be toxic. theyre NOT meant ot have a normal relationship! and writing it as such defeats its original purpose!
ok back to travis and laura . like. first things first travis being a cop and locking her and max up for 2 months already deters them from having a good and meaningful and normal relationship lmao . but at the end of chapter 9? he manipulates himself and his situation to get laura to help him in his family bullshit. aka . killing a person she knows absolutely nothing about. shes not a shitty person, so of COURSE shes goingn to say "sure" to the person tthats practically begging for her help. and in this line of events, she can even be killed! like! and travis should fucking know this! hes willing to use this girl hes traumatized for his own gain! to solve HIS problems! its fucked up
and do i even need to say how john used a girl hes traumatized for his own gain? its written all over the movies brother. and in canon, he DOES end up killing her! he leads her to her demise! yes i kn ow hoffman's note is essentially what lead amanda to her demise but. john is the one who put this all in motion and who wanted to test her again despite beating her test in the original movie. and for making it through the bullshit of saw ii
but yeah. long story short. ppl making it seem like that these 2 duos have good familial relationships is so just errrghhhh . in laura and travis' case, this is NOT the answer to being a normal person and not shipping them. they shouldnt have a relationship at all realistically lmao. and the same goes for john and amanda, even if amanda canonically relies on and sees john as a ffather figure. if it werent for their pasts, they wouldnt need each other
basically what im saying is that. travis and john traumatize these girls then eventually uses them to further their own agendas, which get them (or can get them) killed. and yet fandom LOOOVES to see them as this normal healthy familial dynamic and it pisses me off and and and
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realcube · 4 years
trying to be nice to their crush hcs
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thank you to 🍦anon for this cute request!
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characters: tsukishima, kyōtani, sakusa & suna
content warning: swearing & sexual references 
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kei tsukishima 
♡ this is all yamaguchi’s fault (︶^︶)
♡ he found out tsukki had a crush on you bc he mentioned you a lot in conversation so yamaguchi interrogated him for answers then lo and behold, the beanpole had a lil thing for you 
♡ you sit in front of tsukishima in homeroom while yamaguchi sits beside him so when you leaned back and asked him if you could borrow a pencil and he spat back a snarky remark about you being too irresponsible to care for your own pencils, yamaguchi hastily offered you one of his own before scolding tsukishima 
♡ he explained to his clueless friend that being nasty to people isn’t a good way to get them to like you 
♡ so perhaps he should be nicer :)
♡ honestly, tsukishima would’ve just looked yamaguchi straight in the eyes and went ‘no’, if it wasn’t for the fact you shot tadashi the sweetest smile anD PLAYFULLY BLEW HIM A KISS AFTER HE JUST GAVE YOU A DAMN PENCIL LIKE WTF 
♡ after that, he decided to give up his current personality and pick up a new one 
♡ jk jk 
♡ but he had to binge a whole bunch of those youtube psychology videos that are like ‘psychological tricks to make people like you’ and ‘THESE 5 MIND TRICKS WILL MAKE YOU THE MOST POPULAR PERSON *EVER*’!!
♡ spoiler alert: he wasn’t the most popular person but perhaps that was bc he only went to the effort of using those tricks on you 
♡ god bless him; he tries hard, he really does. (not his best, just hard)
♡ but you don’t have to be extremely observant to realise that he’s began acting different around you and of course, it confused you seeing tsukishima being nice
♡ what irritated you was how dismissive he was being of your questions though, as he was clearly trying to lead you to believe that you were crazy and he’s just always been a nice guy 
♡ but as soon as he figures out that he angered you, he’ll instantly switch back to him normal self - draining his mind of the hours of phycology studying he did last night to just pretend like it never happened 
♡ and if he’s feeling flirty, he might be extra mean to you ( ̄︶ ̄)
♡ also he makes a mental note to never take yamaguchi’s romance advice ever again 🙄
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you sighed, removing your hand from your bag after desperately rummaging through it in search of a pencil once again - deja vu. once you accepted that a pencil wasn’t going to materialise out of thin air, you peered over your shoulder and tapped the corner of yamaguchi’s desk, who wore a suspicious grin which you decided against questioning. 
“yamaguchi, do you think i could borrow a pencil again? sorry, this is the last time, i swear. i’ll be sure to get some on my way home after school tod--” 
yamaguchi dropped the line him and tsukishima had rehearsed many times beforehand, while clutching his pencilcase dear to his chest, “woah, (y/n). you’re so irresponsible. sorry, i can’t lend one of my pristine pencils to someone who is too forgetful to remember to buy some; what if you forget to return it to me?” 
tsukishima cringed at how forced it sounded but he couldn’t help but admire yamaguchi's dedication to his role. this allowed tsukishima to swoop in, pencil in hand, “here.” that wasn’t in the script but he panicked! okay, now, eye contact. 
you just sat there and stared at both of them with the most dumbfounded look plastered on your face. what just happened?  why were they both acting like they were in drama class?  and why are they both so bad at acting? they’re both passing performing arts for fucks’ sake!
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kentarō kyōtani 
♡ sorry but i firmly believe kyōtani is the sorta guy to be extra mean to ppl he fancies smh
♡ the rest of them just act (somewhat) like themselves around their crush but kyōtani is himself2 (himself^2)
♡ like one time yahaba found you trembling in your locker bc you had gotten mud on mad dog’s white shoes so he chased you through the hallways of the school, threatening to trek mud on your forehead 
♡ yahaba took it upon himself to investigate as to why kyōtani was so rude to you and he got his answer as soon as he mentioned your name to mad dog and the boy’s face immediately flushed red 
♡ so after practise, yahaba schools mad dog on how to get chicks (⌐■_■)
♡ in short, his advice was ‘good guys get laid’ and for kyōtani’s understanding, ‘good’ and ‘kind’ were interchangeable 
♡ mad dog wasn’t completely oblivious to how he treated you and he was aware that he was far from ‘kind’
♡ although he usually doesn’t listen to people in general, yahaba seemed to know what he was talking about so he figured there was no harm in trying to be nice 
♡ but ngl, he just spent the rest of the day wondering...what is kind?
♡ after a few messages back and forth with yahaba, he figured that the best place to start was by apologising for - y’know - chasing you around the whole school 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
“oi!” kyōtani bellowed through hallway, paying no mind to the students that cast him dirty looks as his sights were locked on you. standing unsuspecting by your locker, stuffing your textbooks into your bag until you heard his deep voice echo through the hall, to which you visibly perked up and began frantically looking around.
he marched towards you, hands in pockets and when you noticed him out of the corner of your eye, you were more than ready to drop all your shit and bolt away. but he didn’t let you as before you were able to take off on your heels, he grabbed your shoulder and spun you around to face him - then he noticed your hands raised in defence by your face and your head hung low.
his heart sank and his grip on your shoulder immediately softened, “i’m not gonna punch you, idiot.” he spat, rolling his eyes and gritting his teeth, trying to appear angry in hopes you’d mistake his light blush for pure rage. 
“i just wanted to say that i felt bad for chasing you through the halls yesterday - you didn’t stand a chance so i guess it was a bit unfair.” he said, frowning as you replied with silence so the duty fell on him to fill it, “and i got the stain out, anyway so.” 
more silence. lovely.
suddenly, he puffed his cheeks out as his eyes snapped to meet yours and he roared, “ARE YOU GONNA FUCKING SAY SOMETHING OR ARE YOU TOO BRAINDE-”
“are you wearing eyeliner?” 
and that was the true story behind why you missed last period, because you and kyōtani had a 30 minute conversation about eyeliner and make-up, then he convinced you to skip the rest of class with him so he could buy you ramen as an apology gift.
so yeah, he figured that perhaps he should try being nice more often.
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kiyoomi sakusa
♡ he didn’t need someone to tell him to be nicer, he’s just predisposed to attempt to show kindness to someone he is fond of
♡ in his mind, showing kindness, respect and stripping himself of all his personality = the only way to be desirable 
♡ (ofc this takes place before he meets atsumu tho lol)
♡ so it’s not the realisation that’s the problem for him, it’s the execution 
♡ like how is he supposed to be nice without either sounding creepy or condescending? 
♡ *cut to sakusa practising in the bathroom mirror* ‘your hand looks- no-’ he scoffs, flicking cold water onto his face, ‘your hair looks cool- pretty- nice?’
♡ *camera pans to sakusa laying in bed, staring intently at the ceiling while imagining vivid and scarily detailed scenarios about ways he could mess up while talking to you* 
♡ *camera zooms in on sakusa’s face as he manifests a nicer version of himself*
♡ he might - depending on how insecure he is - watch one of those psychology videos or read a wikihow for help
♡ but other than that, he independently tries to alter his personality in order to gain your favour bc..true love ?
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you smiled as a basketball rolled up to your feet during gym class, followed by the sound of someone approaching you and upon raising your gaze, your eyes met sakusa’s unmistakable black ones. his face hovered only a few inches away from yours due to the fact you had both reached down to pick up the ball at the same time.
he quickly pulled himself away, tucking the basketball under his elbow as he adjusted his mask so it properly covered his face to ensure that you didn’t see the light blush slowly spreading across his cheeks. he then proceeded to blurt out what he had been rehearsing for the past few nights, “oh, thank you, (y/n). your hair looks lovely today, by the way.”
you giggled, holding your hands firmly by your side to avoid fidgeting and making it obvious that his sudden comment flustered you, “thanks, sakusa. and, if we’re handing out compliments today, i didn’t know you were good at any sport other than volleyball but you’re doing surprisingly well at basketball.” you joked, your lips slowly curling into a cocky smirk, “though, i don’t think you’d stand a chance against my team.” 
god, you’re such a tease. you make it so hard for him to be nice to you. so, of course, your comment returned his ability to utter almost every sarcastic comment that comes to mind - screw being likeable. “you think so?” he quirked a brow, tossing the ball onto your lap then pacing backwards, “go on, then.”
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rintarō suna
♡ it was probably those tips on social media that told him he has to be nicer 
♡ and plus he saw terushima get all the chicks and he was just sitting there like ‘where are my bitches at? 🥺’
♡ anyway, all the guys on social media that had girls lining up outside their door always had one thing in common: misogyny  obnoxious personalities !!
♡ and his whole personality was a sacrifice suna was willing and ready to make for just a crumb of cooch  🤲
♡ though you weren’t exactly his crush yet, suna thought you were the best person to carry out this experiment with bc he heard through the grapevine that you had a crush on him so perhaps this would make you happy
♡ he didn’t prepare much beforehand though which he immediately regretted as soon as he approached you bc admittedly, his game plan of ‘be self-assured but friendly’ was a bit vague 
♡ so he basically just had to bullshit through a whole, awkward conversation with you while wearing a forced ‘bold’ smirk which, in reality, looked as though he had just seen tiddies for the first time 
♡ hardly self-assured or friendly 
♡ also, the fact you thought he was playing a prank on you must’ve drastically altered the results of his experiment 
♡ at one point he says something extremely stupid you’d just quit playing along and just blurt out ‘wtf is wrong with you today’
♡ to which he’d be like ‘ahaha, nuthin much bbg, how bout you?’
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you rubbed your temples in order to soothe the throbbing headache suna gave you simply by existing. like yes, you had a crush on him 10 minutes ago - but that was before he came up to you and started acting like terushima on dodgy medication. “oh and your skin is glowing bab--”
“jesus christ, rintarō, shut up!” you cried, gripping the edge of your skirt to prevent your self from delivering a swift punch right to his stupid face. he’s seriously gotten on all your nerves at this point; firstly, by spamming your phone in the middle of the night asking for homework answers (accompanied by cursed memes) as he actually managed to wake you up. secondly, by acting so oblivious to the fact you clearly had a crush on him and now, this!
heat rose to his cheeks in embarrassment as his creepy smile instantly fell right back into his resting bitch face, “this isn’t working, is it?” 
“what’s not working?”
suna scoffed, rolling his eyes - his façade having evidently disappeared. “this.” he sighed, looking around as if someone was going to save him before his eyes finally settled on you and he was reminded of what he wanted in the first place, his sparkle was rekindled for just a moment which caused him to blurt out, “just fuck me already, i’m not asking for much.”
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rurifangirl · 3 years
aight. here somes the ask lore thingie
tw for ppl readin: mention of mental illness, father mention
firstly, how did rui end up meetin the rest of the gang? did they all have sum sort of run in? did they just happen to meet on exident?
also is the father a villain? i remember ya mention him, and was wonderin
and do they have a specific place where they stay? like in a dormstory, a single house, do they live in a single town, or in completly different places?
do any of them suffer from mental/physical illnesses? if they do, how does it affect their life/relationships w others?
Aight, so here we go, be ready cuz shit's long.
(1st part - The Rui n the gang meeting; The Shou meeting) No Tw
Honestly, I also kinda wanted to do this for quite a long time, so I'm gonna firstly talk about how the gang (w/o really mentioning the others name's since they're gonna get introduced soon) met itself and decided to form, and then I'll individually do It in Lyva's and Shou's case, specifically Shou's since i mentioned that his meetin was somethin id have to take care of in another post, so i will rn.
First things first, w the whole gang. Now It wasn't really casually, mainly because Lyva n Rui did meet up, but It was during a special occasion still, that being a really important manifestation in one of the main regions in my oc universe. (They don't have name's yet so pls don't bash me🤡) Them being primarly the Forest, where Rui eventually lives in after all of his past shit, the near-countryside part, where Lyva was living, a pretty much city living on water, where Shou's currently living, and many more, as such the dunes with which I'll introduce Qiran (hopefully tomorrow/today),The sea itself, some High up places and as I said many, many other more. Other than this brief intro, they meet up where Lyva used to live, but mainly because of problems and out of conviniance.
Everyone had something to take back from, so they agreed to help eachother to reach that end, so it's all really planned. Now i won't really go w Lyva, cuz i explained how she met Rui the first time n how they helped her, so I don't need to ramble more on this. Now I'm gonna go w Shou's part though.
This Is more of a note i wanted y'all to know first, cuz i really like how Lyva n Rui met him the first time (cuz the second time was when the gang then all agreed to form n all that jazz.). Basically, Rui n Lyva were out, n visiting new places as such, to prepare themselves further and to try and search for more weapons, cuz they both knew that they'd eventually get in trouble, and even though they still are good, they wouldn't stand much a chance, n since Shou's Place is known for its production they decided to go. N fun fact, there's many funny shit that happends, for example Rui tries to touch a fish, but gets SLAPPED by It. They're still mad >:[. Ajkskdj anyways, some other stuff happends n they just, lose themselves. They had a map ofc but still managed to do so. But Rui was usin It so, I don't really blame em for gettin lost.
Shit happends n they find themselves pratically in front of his shrine/palace. Shou's servitors (cuz he saw everything happend from afar n gave them the okay) brought em in, but rather than makin em idk some tea n just making them recouver, Shou rather put them under some "tests" w/o tellin em, to see if they were any use.
For example he brought them some cups of tea, but before drinking them Rui noticed somethin unusual in the water, so they gave Lyva a sign to not drink It, n as Shou asked as a reason why they just replied that they weren't thirsthy, leavin Shou in a kind of defeated state. Bitch if i love this part honestly, there's so much fun to seein all of their reactions, but I'm gonna go brief rn. So other of this tests pass later n Shou eventually gets upset cuz they're all winnin n seemingly makin fun of him, lettin him in a weaket standpoint, n a fight happends. Even though it's a 2v1 situation he can still manage pretty well, so It ends in a draw. They get to talk after this and get to understand that they don't have to necesseraly be on the opposite side, though Shou Is still unsure whether to belive in that or not.
After they leave him, pratically almost alone w only a bunch of servitors helpin him. He admits defeat n won't show up until the event and yadayada. (Also it's during this weak time of his he'll meet Qiran which i already have plans w so it's all goin to be said bout their relationship in their post.)
(2nd part, the father mention.) Tw:father mention
So it's true that w Shou i did mention his father, but I'm not entirely sure bout his involvment honestly. In theory he kind of is a villain itself, even because of his devilish nature, so it's true, but im not sure whether to make him an independent villain or part of a group of them. But rather than that yes, i do want to make him some sort of villain in the end, because that's also part of Shou's agreement to be part of the group. I will make concept art for him so he'll definetly be involved. Not gonna lie, mabye that bastards also involved w Rui's cult too in a way or another but im givin in too many details holy shit I'll never get outta this fuck
(3rd part- where do they live) No Tw
They live in their own homes honestly, but It would be no surprise if they'd all decide to sleep over someone in specifical, though they have their own place. I made some concepts for Rui's intern home, which here It Is 😤 (forgive me for the bad quality but it's 2 am rn 🤡) I made this a while ago but only did Rui's, so I'll do Lyva's, Shou's n the other one's too. They live in different places, for the exception of, atm, Qiran, since I'm gonna say that they're more of a traveller n don't have a stable home.
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(4th part- the mental/physical ilnesses) Tw: Self harm and Mental ilness mention
Well, this Is gonna be a ride. They all suffer from Ptsd, which Rui n Shou suffering from It the most. It still affects them all, though in different occasions, so Imma just do them in specifical. (Also because i gotta add some shit to shou that i didn't wanna add because i thought It was too much honestly)
It affects them really much. They use crystals n gems to avoid anything going w their past or anything remotely related It, as whenever they feel awful about havin those flashbacks when they still were a child. They never want to talk about what happened, n during their moments It gets really, really bad. Both emotionally and physically, as their body sometimes cannot handle anything so it completely shuts down. They never really got any help for It as Rui's too scared to share bout their experience, both because of trauma itself that doesn't make them say anything even if they wanted to and because of the cults influence, so either way they've got to handle It by their own.
Other than havin to deal w mornin sickness, which Is the least for her, she has to deal w her neglectful childood and how desperate she's always been for litteraly anythin, whether it's related about love,friendship, food, toys, anything. She tried to seek for help and semi found It, but as of now she can't keep up w It and has better things to take care of. It's still really bad overall, but she's hoping for things to get better. Spoiler It really won't.
⭕Tw for sh⭕
It's... really fucking bad. I'm gonna get outta this w saying something i didn't want to add because it's really triggerin, but im gonna do It now. So basically, I've mentioned them acting feminenly for his own mother, but i didn't say what would've happened if he displeased her. She would just stare down at him and whispering some awful shit or names. This would happen especially whenever he'd slip off that mask of his or revealed even a tiny bit of his devilish essence. Note that he's still a child here. So, best thing he could to was to "punish" himself, which basically consists of him scratching his arms too much and, i don't really want to continue this, forgive me but it's kind of triggering even for me. But...you can guess what he's doing, since he even to this day still keeps sharp nails. I'm sorry for putting this, but it's another way to show how his mother fucked him up and now suffering from this.
I'm sorry for rushin the last part but i'm not personally vibing w it.
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@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @dopesaladlady @damnfoxx (I'm really unsure bout taggin ya in this ;-;)
If you want your tag removed, dm me cuz it's 3 am at the moment n i may have messed em up. (I'm not gonna recheck tomorrow so that's why)
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Have you ever dated someone more than twice your age? >> Yes.
Have you ever “dined and dashed”? >> No.
Have you ever been cut off by a bartender because you were too drunk? >> No, but I’ve been with someone that was. They responded just the way you’d expect, lmao (spoiler: negatively).
Have you ever borrowed money from your mom & lied about why you needed it? >> No.
Have you ever dated someone just because they had money? >> No.
Have you ever lied to your spouse about the money you spent shopping? >> There is literally no reason why I would ever have to lie about money. 
Have you ever flirted with a cop to get out of a ticket? >> No.
Have you ever gone on a first date with no underwear? >> No.
Do you treat attractive people better than others who aren’t as attractive? >> As far as I’m aware, no.
Are you more comfortable with friends that are less attractive than you? >> That’s not something I think about, no.
Have you ever hated a job to the point that you tried to get fired? >> No, I just stopped going.
Have you ever lied about your weight on a driver license? >> No.
Have you ever lied during a job interview? >> I’ve never had a job interview.
Have you ever lied to your boss to get out of work? >> No.
Have you ever lied under oath in court? >> No.
Have you ever bought alcohol for someone underage? >> Not to my recollection.
Have you ever started a rumor to ruin someones reputation? >> No.
Have you ever switched tags on an item to pay less for it? >> No.
Have you taken any pics of yourself that you wont want your parents to see? >> Yeah.
Did you ever tell your BF/GF you like their outfit when you really didn’t? >> No.
Did you ever get fired and tell someone you were laid off? >> No.
Would you turn a family member in if you saw them commit murder? >> ---
Have you ever turned in a school paper that someone else wrote for you? >> No.
Have you ever written a check that you knew was going to bounce? >> No.
Do you feel accepted by your BF/GF ’s family? >> Meh. I’m not really interested in being accepted by them, so it doesn’t matter anyway.
If you were an employer, would you hire someone with your exact work ethic? >> ---
Do you lie about your age? >> No.
Would you risk your life to save a total stranger? >> I don’t know. It’s difficult to say what I would do in a position I’ve never been in.
Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? >> No.
Have you ever snuck out of the house to go out with friends? >> No.
Have you ever shoplifted? >> Many times.
Have you ever done something because of peer pressure you are ashamed of? >> No.
Have you ever been embarrassed to introduce your parents to anyone? >> I’ve never been in this situation to begin wtih.
Would you leave a note on a car claiming responsibility if you damaged it? >> Possibly.
Have you ever dis-liked some because you thought they look better than you? >> No.
Have you ever used someones handicapped parking pass to get a parking spot? >> No.
Hve you ever held back a well deserved compliment because you were jealous? >> Yeah.
Do you guilt people into giving you what you want? >> If I’ve ever done this, it wasn’t intentionally.
Would most ppl consider you better than average looking? >> I don’t know or care what most people would think about my appearance.
For yourself, would you rather have a perfect body or high IQ? >> Neither of those things interest me very much.
Have you ever embarrassed some intentionally in public? >> I’ve Naruto-run in a store parking lot while with Sparrow. :p
Have you ever used a false ID? >> No.
Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? >> I’m not embarrassed to tell people that I don’t work.
Would you give up your car to save the planet? >> I don’t even have a car. I’m definitely not going to try to convince Sparrow to give up her car, considering personal vehicles are the most reliable form of transportation around here. Maybe we can convince some CEOs to give up their high-carbon-footprint corporate practices? Hmm?
Are you more likely to believe a man or woman? >> The gender of a person doesn’t play much into whether I believe them about something or not.
Has your credit card ever been declined? >> Sure. I’m poor, lmao.
If you ran over an animal would you keep driving? >> I don’t drive but if I did, maybe. Depends on the situation. If I hit an animal on a highway it’d probably be more dangerous for me to try and slow down or stop than it would be for me to just keep going.
Do you think your parents are too critical of you? >> —
Would you cover up your boss’s wrong doing for a promotion? >> —
Do you avoid conversation with ppl you think are smarter than you? >> No, I just talk less and hope they fill in the silence with delicious, delicious information.
Ever blame a sibling for something you did wrong? >> No.
Have you ever dated someone you met through a personal ad? >> Yes.
Ever lie about you [or your kids] age to get a discount? >> No.
Have you ever accepted credit for someone else’s work? >> No.
Did you ever buy something expensive,wear it once and return it? >> No. This reminds me of that Shameless arc where Debbie had a whole racket based on this, lol.
Have you ever re-gifted something? >> Of course. No use keeping something I’m not going to use, or that someone else would enjoy more.
Do you really care about saving the planet for future generations? >> I care about the planet and I care about supporting future generations. That doesn’t mean I know what to do about either one.
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yaboylevi · 5 years
What about this chapter did you not like? love your art btw ❤️
Sorry for the wait, I wanted to read the official chapter and wait for a bit to see if my feelings changed (spoiler: they didn't).
It would be way faster to list the few things I enjoyed but alas.
VERY negative opinions under the cut. Seriously, if you liked the chapter, don't read this, I don't want to spoil your fun or upset you. I didn't bother to write this in a respectful tone, it's not an analysis, it's just me venting. That being said, if you guys read this ignoring my warning and get upset, it'll be your fault and responsibility, yeah.
The Annie's father stuff was okay, though I hope it's gonna be explained why he was the only one in Liberio running against the flow of the screaming crowd.
Then we get Reiner being pathetic once again, I am so tired of this. What's his purpose in the story aside from killing people, being a nuisance and or dead weight to others and feeling sorry for himself? I would've appreciated if he had had some introspection on how his rushed plan was partially the cause for Porco's death and Falco's transformation (and all the other deaths bc Zeke would've never screamed in Shiganshina if Reiner hadn't pushed for another attack there). But anyway if he'd had introspection, it would've been about self-pity and NEVER growth because he seems unable to have that, so I would've disliked it anyway. 
If I wasn't already rolling my eyes this hard at Reiner, then I would've started at Gabi. She's all over the place and I guess it's understandable since she is a kid and also deeply shocked and in pain. I understand it. But I don't like how Isayama made her go from despair, to murder instinct, to calm and collected in 2 pages. It's just ???? Then we have the Eren parallel and I groaned out loud. Whatever its meaning is. It's just forced.
One of the things I hated this chapter for and that I'm becoming so annoyed at in general lately, is that EVERYTHING parallels something that has already happened, and I don't understand if Isayama thinks he's being smart or if it has some deeper meaning like "oh see, history repeats itself!! wow!! a concept that is not being repeated ad nauseam in the series, not at all!! /s". I don't need it to be shoved into my face.
Idk. Also Reiner, of course, being safe in a house amongst titan territory...of...course...
Then the 104th scene. Ugh. Jean's delusion is so annoying. One moment he's rational, the other is like "muuuuu ereh is doing this for us!!! we couldn't do anything!!!", then he's rational again. Maybe if they had paid attention to Eren, and didn't only take into consideration stupid ideas that would've never worked for 4 years, maaaybe yeah, this wouldn't be happening. Who knows. I'm just tired of the 104th whining about their situation. I understand where they're coming from, their feelings, etc, I understand it's a crazy and emotional situation and all, but we already have SO MANY CHAPTERS about it, it's time to move on at least with the plot. It's just so pathetic and annoying. It makes me angry how he's basically trying to avoid responsibility or rationalize genocide like all the Eren goat stans in the fandom. I hate this mentality so much. "if they disappear, so will all the hatred! Do we really have to stop him?" JESUS CHRIST JEAN..............yikes
And then of course they (and Isayama) had to ruin chapter 108.
Then Jean also had the guts to say they should kill a kid so they can revive a commander, just bc he's too scared to take the reins of the situation. Again, I understand the struggle, it's the same as Hange afterall, it's just very, very ugly how he didn't even waver. Connie's been acting irrational, and he's been swept up by his anger for a while now, so I understand his development. Plus I find it more relatable to wanting to make a big sacrifice for someone you love, rather than someone you (think you) need. But Jean???? wtf. He doesn't even think back on the sin he was willing to commit, he isn't ashamed.
Armin as well doesn't even care that it's a kid they're talking about, he's only strategizing. And here's another annoying point: he's able to make these calculations now but when it comes to Eren his brain freezes and he becomes a delusional kid. Where were his brains when he had to think up of ways to negotiate with the world? Anyway, I get it, it's because Eren's his childhood friend and family. I am just so tired of seeing this again and again, and again. We've been stuck on this for over a year... Nothing has changed, they're just dejectedly going back and forth on their opinions and feelings. Really goes to show that Eren was the real heart of their group...
Connie flying away from the battlefield, effectively splitting again the povs we need to follow is...big yikes.
Parallel to Trost, parallel to Serumbowl. Yeah wow so interesting.
Nile dying so quick like that was also underwhelming. And it was unnecessarily cruel, imo, that as a titan he tried to kill children when as a person he was so sweet with kids (except with Eren, of course...).
The Gabi-Sasha parallel left me a bit confused. On the one hand, I don't like the killer being paralleled to the murdered. But on the other hand, I understand why that is [/inserts meta that i don't care about writing]. The Kaya-Gabi moments were also cute + Nicolo's little speech was nice, though a bit awkward, imo. I bitterly laughed at Gabi finally admitting that she mindlessly killed people just to be praised. At least she can better herself from now on! If only her cousin could take his self-pity and do something to change himself with it, but no, he just wants to change others or run away (and this is why i don't like reiner anymore).
Shadis saving these ungrateful kids was pretty cool.
I felt bad for Yelena, I want to see more of her (and maybe Mikasa+Louise), but instead, we have Jean vs Floch angst and I'm already sleeping, because I care so little about both of them.
Isayama painting Jean as a cool leader is just embarrassing when moments before he was pathetically whining and trying to kill a child (to which there was no setup, especially comparing it to the setup for Connie's plot thread. The last we saw of Jean with a kid was him wondering if he hesitated in killing the Cart because of Falco 15 chapters ago...and that was a compelling doubt but I guess he hadn't hesitated at the time, after all lol). The pages dedicated to the killing of the titans were boring, occupying space for nothing imo. Glossing over them would've sufficed, there could've just been the Pixis stuff, and it would've been fine. Which, btw, made me laugh a little in retrospect, because Armin is once again involved in the death of a Commander. Oh well.
I also didn't like that mini-flashback with Eren&Pixis. I guess Isayama wants to ruin every single nice moment Eren had with other people, because Eren is soooo so so bad now uwu, for no good reason, and it's only his fault right? people were nice to him and look at how he repaid them uwu. Big yikes for me.
I expected more from that Louise panel because it made me go [EYES EMOJI], but I guess I'll have to wait.
It's also unbelievable that NO ONE IN THE WHOLE STORY has thought of stopping Floch, when last time they arrested him, so technically why would they even leave him running around NOW? It's beyond me. Do they have a brain?
As for the basement conversation with Gabi, I hope that "I won't give up on Falco" panel + Armin looking at Gabi thoughtfully will start a "We can't give up on Eren" mindset for the 104th, but I doubt it's gonna be handled in a non-pathetic way, considering how's been done as of late.
Gabi screaming to talk to Eren was also very embarrassing from a reader pov (well, my pov). Because she was RIGHT THERE when EMA talked last time, and she should know that would most likely not work (I guess she's talking out of desperation but still...ppl be like "yeah!! they should talk to ErEn!1 why didn't they think of it!?!?!" and I mean it's probably gonna come down to that if the final audio is of any indication...I just find the presentation of this concept awkward and forced). 
I really disliked most of Gabi's part, even though she's a character I have learned to enjoy. I guess what shined through in this chapter is exactly what I don't like about how Isayama uses Gabi's character: it seems like she's just there as a fast-paced mini representation of the story themes, so she's just an instrument to the story. Sometimes I feel like she's a real character, sometimes I feel she's just a tool for the story and the themes.
Armin's reaction to hearing about Annie is...I don't know. aruani has been one of my first ships and I used to be obsessed, but this is just awkward and forced, just like the previous aruani scene that made me angry at Armin. I don't even understand if Armin's shocked, scared or happy. All of these don't make sense to me, because I have no clue what he even expects from her.
Annie's release from the crystal happened in an unexpected way which i appreciated, though I would've liked it more if she had decided to get out on her own. But it depends on if she was stuck in there or if she was still willingly escaping from reality. If she was stuck, I will love this a lot more, because basically Eren set her free.
Also, Eren's radio podcast was longer I guess ("Eren said he would undo all the hardening"), and I wonder why we couldn't hear it all. Sigh.
In general, the "theme thread" of the chapter (adults & kids) felt really pushed in our face. I appreciate when things are a bit more subtle, this just came off as...boring, because every scene made me go "well, of fucking course this scene would end like this...". The only tense moment was the Connie part, let's be real.
And yeah, my perception may be also partially because I am so tired of no Eren pov and "eren is the evil, evil villain" rhetoric, so maybe I will appreciate this chapter more once we get his pov at the end of the story (bc i have no illusions left that this won't happen anytime before the finishing line). For now, I'm just frustrated because I didn't care about ANY of the things that went down in this chapter. Like, okay, let's move on, ffs.
Everything felt forced and contrived, like, Isayama must know that nobody cares about this stuff that much and everyone would prefer to see literally anything else amongst Eren, Historia, Levi&Hange, the Colossals. Hell, imagine if this chapter didn't have Annie at the end. That was the only thing that made this chapter barely worth the read for me. I hope the next one will at least follow Connie and Annie, if I can't get any of the other things that interest me.
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alicia’s plotting ideas/notes??
ideas & stuff!! feel free to message me either here or on urstyle or wherever else u have me, or comment directly on this post, to plot! ill put finalized notes w/ rest of snow’s info once we have it down :)
Sky - so since seraphina’s a newer racer, she and marivana don’t know each other super well? but they’re almost complete opposites, in terms of like racing specialties, and marivana doesn’t feel threatened by seraphina in any way. she probably keeps her distance whenever they aren’t doing things their agency has sent them on? 
It would be kind of fun to say that maybe, as a publicity stunt, twilight’s official statement is that snow has been mentoring sky behind the scenes? 
and they have to pretend that’s true, even though it’s not lol
LOL but it would be funny if one day marivana showed up at the track while seraphina was doing stuff and was just like, “so twilight wants me to teach you something that makes it look like i’ve actually been helping u. u free atm?”
but overall I don’t think marivana has too many strong opinions about seraphina, unless we want to create some kind of drama?
Ice - premade; tbd
Supernova - Marivana is…pretty indifferent? when it comes to Supernova. She knows who she is and what she’s done, of course-who doesn’t?-but if you think that she’d be starstruck and/or falling over herself when Supernova’s around her…well, you’d be wrong. Marivana’s had multiple trusted parties tell her that she’s just as good as Supernova was, at her peak, so she knows that she’s not a threat-for now, at least. Marivana’s a bit wary of the other racer, but also a bit curious to see as to where this comeback will lead.
So, depending on how much of the wedding and divorce was public....Marivana def would remember 1) the wedding, and 2) not giving a shit about it
The 2 of them have raced together, right at the very beginning of Marivana’s career? like 10+ years ago? and if As even remembers all that girly snow princess stuff, she could be like “lmao so twilight really pulled a 180 on her”
AHHHH so I know I never made this explicitly clear because I suck as a human being but - the deal with unicorns is that agencies/manufacturers/etc say that they’re just robots? agencies probably actually believe it, but in terms of the manufacturers they might be vaguely aware of otherwise but also don’t want to jeopardize any profits so they keep that shit on the DL
but obviously for ppl like Mari/As who have been riding for p much their entire life, they can tell when horses are distressed, happy/content, etc?
and robot unicorns are basically horses in terms of how sentient they are? 
so i have no fucking idea when this would happen, but the 2 of them mutually acknowledging that RUR is pretty fucked up for the unicorns?
also like....IT WOULD BE SO CUTE if the two of them sort of rolled their eyes at the same time about some kind of story regarding another rando racer who quit maybe a lil after As did (so the newer racers aren’t familiar with her)? and then they realize that they both rolled their eyes at the same time LOL
honestly just being Tired Grandmas together
anyway. @interluxetumbra LMK what u think!!!
Sunbeam -  tbd
Flower - Marivana knows exactly what 𝑅 𝐼 𝒮 𝐸 is pulling with Flower (her own agency did the same thing to her, after all), and she is not fooled at all. She’s not stupid; in the robot unicorn racing industry, nobody is completely, utterly unknown when they debut unless they had no prior experience with robot horses/unicorns in the past. Marivana knows that Flower probably had to work her butt off to stay with 𝑅 𝐼 𝒮 𝐸, and she would bet her right hand that the image that Flower puts out to the public is just that - an image.
is the lil club plot we have how they meet/1st time they actually talk 2 ea other????
speaking of which - how do we want to write that? collab in a gdoc???
& then they just keep coincidentally running into ea other randomly????
aura saying something super Flower-esque and marivana just rolling her eyes and being like, “ok great now tell me what you really think about __” ??? lol
aura somehow discovering that marivana is into BOTANY, of all things????
maybe this is when she makes some sort of dry remark about the bio for Flower on the RISE website? “[Flower] grew up in a lush green meadow, hidden away from prying eyes by miles and miles of ice. How Flower managed to get the ice to melt for long enough to plant flowers and trees will always be a mystery.” and marivana’s like “lol magic my ass there’s literally no fucking way”
she explains it with a good amount of scientific jargon thrown in and aura’s just like watttttttttttttt :0000
literally hit me up ANYTIME i already adore them
also - their aesthetics as racers? put together? a+++++++++
OMG THIS IS LIKE WAY IN THE FUTURE BUT LIKE, we should say that their secret relationship somehow ends up going public for the ~drama~??? and instead of being super freaking pissed off, both of their agencies are just like “lmao okay ice queen x fairy princess? best ship” and use it for publicity?????
Flame - Marivana knows about 1) the image that she projects, and 2) that this image is pretty true to who Flame really is, for the most part. Her verdict? Flame could prove to be annoying, if she gets relevant while Marivana is still in the industry as a racer. Marivana doesn’t know what life not racing would be like, but she’s well-aware that she’s the oldest racer out there (well, besides Supernova, who doesn’t count. She’s making a comeback, after all), and that retirement is probably not too far out in her future. So, if Flame is still around within the next 5-10 years, then Marivana might start worrying about her. For now, she’s just the irritating racer with ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ who won’t ever stop causing a scene.
So they haven’t really interacted much yet, do we wanna say? 
they’re wary of each other because both their unicorns specialize in high power/strength so they’re like, more directly in competition?
are they going to engage in the RUA equivalent of a twitter fight??? in a publicity stunt that both of their agencies are putting on?
maybe snow has once insulted kehlani in an interview??? though it was fake/staged/scripted by her agency so she doesn’t actaully feel that way but ya know. doin it for the vine
and kehlani responds in kind, maybe at the behest of lazer, maybe not?. and it just keeps going???
but ya, marivana prob finds her personality kinda annoying so would generally avoid her unless kehlani approached first
Nyx - so like, snow probably thinks sol is way too flashy and all over the place, & does not engage her ever? she knows of the rumors of foul play, ofc, b/c who doesn’t, but she assumes that the rumors are super blown out of proportion (as rumors tend to be)?? and snow knows that if sol ever tries to target her/other ice world racers specifically, twilight will literally strong-arm lazer into dropping her. so she’s not that worried about that stuff????
definitely thinks her razor-sharp precision with U-800 is something to be admired, though, even if it’s not the flashiest skill like dressage or speed
OMG LOL spoiler alert but the 2nd event is a race on lava world, so they’re all on the main LW training/practice facilities in the days leading up to the race???? and we TOTALLY need to have them do that weirdly super aggressive staredown/pre-game smack talk sesh that they do in super extra sports anime LOL
Widowmaker - snow’s heard of her, knows of her, has competed against her, but since they both tend to keep to themselves they haven’t really talked? it could be potentially cool if eleni guessed about/found out about what actually happened with marivana’s 1st unicorn?? OMG DRAMA but what if she actually knew of the armed thief? who was on ice world for whatever reason lmfao we can hand-wave it. bonus points if she’s pissed that 1st unicorn killed the person?????????? lol
and it could be POTENTIALLY FUN to write a scene with them where eleni basically calls her out on the fact that, yeah marivana fucking hates twilight for deactivating the first unicorn so why tf does she still race for them/earn them so much money???
also marivana has literally no retirement plans atm so.....i have NO FREAKING IDEA if this would ever be possible or not, but if she somehow?? gets involved? with the people who wanna fuck up TEF govt for not giving a single shit about black hole ??? ? ??? ?? thru eleni????????//
idk dude feel free to just be like “lmao alicia that would never happen” if it feels too OOC!!! it’s also like 4 am & i’m only half coherent so ;D
but i literally have no idea in what context the calling out would be in!!! maybe if marivana saw some top sekrit info that eleni might have access to and was like “i won’t tell anyone at TWILIGHT if you tell me why you have this”? and eleni is like *eyeroll* “not like u have any reason to like ur agency”
Taglist: @ayzrules @bebemoon @jay-swagsby @filthysoulls @shiftyprincess @kzombi3 @now-on-elissastillstands
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yiulee999 · 6 years
opm time traveler au (spoilers)
genos goes back in time and tries to disguise himself and befriending sai as a bookworm lol and they become good friends until sai is fooling around and playfully steals genos’ glasses one day and the you know 💘 💘 💘 💘
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what started out as a random doodle turned into a multi-chapter length fic draft out on discord!! *o*
the full convo/story is posted below bUT its heavy angst!! be warned!! sorry about the casual lingo, i was posting in chat format XD 
so time traveler au picks up from when sai was getting picked on back in middle school chapter in the manga
and when genos goes back in time he thinks the only way he can get close to saitama if he was an ‘outcast’ too
so he purposefully nerdifies himself more? lOL how is possible,,,
Originally genos got sent back by dr. Genus as way to figure out the key to sai’s strength
Bc in the ‘future’ genos, they had just met and genos just wanted to know what made sai powerful
And initially when they meet genos is very forward about wanting to know all about saitama who finds it kinda creepy and stalkerish when he finds genos tailing him in the hallways and after school haha
And other classmates notice how the new kid (genos) follows/takes an interest in the class loser (sai) so predictably they start making fun of and bullying genos too
Genos, true to form, doesnt give a fuck xD
But sai has mixed feelings about it bc it was the first time someone took an actual interest in him and even though he’s so forward, genos never overstepped boundaries with him and was an okay guy overallBut alot of the story has to do with sai trying to figure out what its like to have a friend
And what to do because hes never had one
But he does know that he doesnt like seeing genos getting pushed around or made fun of so there are moments where he’ll try to stick up for him by telling them to knock it off or pulling genos aside to a differnt hallway when he sees the bullies coming
At the same time hes so confused on like what to do right, so he’ll also try to push genos away, ‘maybe if he didn’t hang around me so much, he’ll won’t get picked on…’
There was one scene i knew i wanted to do
Where after sai stands up for genos, the bullies treat sai worse
So it was an after school thing, behind one of the school buildings where sai is beat up pretty bad (like barely standing) and the bully has him by the front of his shirt and had his fist pulled back
When genos arrives
Before, sai had managed to ditch genos so he wouldnt see sai when he’s ‘weak’And always made up some excuse when he bruises or other injuries
So genos interrupts the scene by straight up grabbing the bullies wrist
And seething in all toasty righteous fury ‘dont touch him!’
and sai cant see it cus he had two black eyes at this point
but this was some dialogue i had written:
S:’What’s he doing? Why is he helping me?‘ "Hey–“
Bully pulls back fist "Look, kid. You’re new so I’ll give you a free pass this time if you walk away right now. You wouldn’t want us to mess up that pretty face of yours, would you?"
G: "How generous of you. Unfortunately, I won’t be extending the same courtesy to anyone who treats this person disrespectfully. Especially not ugly trash like you. "
Bully: "Why you–!! ”
And when the bully tries to redirect the hit to genos, genos instinctively throws out his palm and says ‘incin—‘ before he realizes he doesnt have his cannons
And genos is about to get b e a t
When sai wrenches himself from the bullies grip and takes the hit for him
They like tumble down and genos is confused to what happened before he sees sai lying motionless beside him, bleeding from his head and unresponsive
And i was gonna end a chapter there with genos screaming saitama’s name…
Next chapter was gonna be sai waking up slowly and in a world of hurt
He realizes he’s in the nurses office
It was night time
And when could finally see, he hallucinates seeing like 8 mini genos (remember the genosbots :3)‘Why…whys there eight of you/??’
So basically genos is worry over him so much whereas sai says its fine but genos is like feeling really bad so sai shakily reaches over and gently taps him on the forehead
And grins weakly, ‘there, now we’re even.’
Genos is crying openly bc he’s remembering when future saitama playfully hit his head after a spar and he thinks that saitama-sensei is strong no matter how old he is
And he’s just…overwhelmed by how kind and strong saitama is, even when he has no strength at all (Cus hes like 14 rn haha)
I think a couple days pass, and genos and saitama are eating lunch on the roof (cue bento box scene lol)
Sai is healing nicely, genos is still feeling bad whenever he looks over an sees the bandage on sais head
Some dialogue:
Eating lunch on the roof. G: How’s your wound? S: Hm? Oh, it’s fine. Don’t worry, my teachers say I have a hard head. G: I’m sorry. S: ? Why are you sorry? Not like you’re the one who punched me. G: I made things worse. If I hadn’t antagonized him, then–!! S: Then he woulda beat me up anyway. Seriously, man, it’s not your fault, okay? So you can stop doing all those things for me. G: Like what? S: You know! Like being nice to me and buying lunch and stuff. You don’t need to feel guilty about it anymore.
Sai is still kinda insecure abt having a genuine friend, so he still thinks genos is being nice to him out of pity or smtg, (and genos had been particularly nice to him after he got injured so he figured it was out of guilt)
And i mean….it was,, genos feels terribly guilty…but i think watching sai, who was powerless, attempt to protect him just made him more intrigued (and unbeknownst to him fall a lot deeper in love XD)
But genos says thats not why he does those things
That saitama reminded him of ‘someone’ he knew whom he admired greatly
At his ‘old’ school
He tells sai about his ‘sensei’ and how amazing this person was and all of his great qualities
And sai was feeling a little more depressed at each praise genos was singing about this person (coughjealouscough)
And i have another piece of dialogue here…
S: if you like him so much, why did you leave?   G: …I wanted to see the kind of person sensei was before he became strong. this is where he grew up. S: …seems like a lot of effort just for one person. G:.that person (sai thoughts: he’s still talking?)…no matter what i did..I couldn’t reach him. I’d do anything to close the distance between us..I thought that if I came here, I would be able to understand him. I thought I could help him. G: touches saitama’s wound But instead, I’m still the one being saved. I never learn.
And genos gives sai this painfully heartfelt smile and its full of regret, frustration, self-loathing, admiration, and some other unidentified emotion that just floors saitama
Saitama sees genos’ smile and his eyes and is just...stunned by the level of vulnerability he sees (he’s never gotten close enough to anyone before to see it)
So he reaches out, hestitantly at first, before wiping away genos’ tears carefully because if he touches any harder he’s afraid genos would crumble
S: “i dont really get it...but if you feel that strongly, then i’m sure some part of your feelings reached him.”
And they share their first hug then :3
((When i wrote this, genos didnt have glasses haha so i guess that scene where sai realizes how pretty genos is would go before this one))
I guess if the glasses were involved, sai would be torn between wanting genos to take them off (so he can see his eyes which oddly finds that he likes them...alot.) and keep them on so other ppl wont see how pretty he is
Bc sure if they saw, genos would no longer be his friend
He would have so many ppl vying for his attn, he would be surrounded by girls and guys and would be approachableAnd saitama would get left behind
But i think even tho sai wants to be selfish and keep genos to himself, he also realizes that genos wouldnt be bullied if he were more accepted
So he would encourage genos to ditch the glasses and genos would end up getting accepted by everyone but he would still stay with saitama and nothing would change between them other than saitama getting really red at random times and avoiding eye contact more
It would just be one of the many things that strengthen their relationship as friends. And i think i had planned some stuff where they do a bunch of typical friend / kid stuff
Like genos tutoring saitama on math, genos running circles around sai in track/field (‘wtf...huff are...huff you?! huff some...kinda...rOBOT!?). Them going to the arcade, saitama taking genos around to explore his hometown, they go on hiking trips and stuff. 
genos finding out saitama lived alone and that’s why he always buys lunch (or doesnt eat if he got bullied out of it that day) and talking out their issues and genos reaching out and saying yeah, he knew what it felt like to be alone
but that saitama should never feel that way because he wasn’t alone anymore, and saitama joking affectionately ‘yeah i have you to stick annoyingly close.’
and also heavy scenes like when you have to fill out future goals sheets in school where sai shyly admits that he’s always thought it’d be nice to be a hero and was shocked when genos was oVERWHELMINGLY supportive bc he’s never had anyone cheer for him like this, believe in him like genos does. And he calls genos crazy for agreeing with him, but he thinks he must also be crazy because when genos looks at him like that, he feels like he could do it
and its one of the first moments we see sai really open up to genos
bc being a hero was something he truly cared about
but his teachers, his classmates, heck the world, didn’t think he could do, they thought it was a hopeless dream for someone, and he’s so used to facing this kind of rejection that he’s started to believe it really would be impossible for someone like him.... 
but all it took was this one person, this one friend to tell him he could...and it made him feel invincible
and its probably the scene where saitama realizes how important genos is to him.
So of fucking course its when saitama realizes genos is important to him that drama bomb hits Basically, Dr. genus comes and pays genos a surprise visit. And hes like “did you forget the reason I sent you back here? Any updates?”
And genos is like “i have nothing of interest to report”
genus: "This isn’t some children’s game, you know. "
genos: "I must be careful not to expose myself. Saitama-sensei is more observant than I had initially planned--"
genus: "You’re stalling. I have an idea: Fight him. "
genos: !!! dr : "You’ll have a disguise. I will re-install your blasters. Perhaps a stressful situation will trigger a transformatio--. "
((so it was gonna be hinted at that even though genos appeared like a normal human, he was just redesigned by genus and was actually still a cyborg) genos: "I refuse to put Saitama-sensei in danger!!"
dr: "What danger? He is more than capable of--"
genos: "Right now, he is powerless. An attack could kill him--!"
dr: " And doing nothing will kill us!! Your mission is to find out the secret to his strength! Something we both wanted to discover and the entire reason why I chose you as my test subject! I will not sit here idly while you indulge in your childish fantasies that will get us both erased from the timestream. Look. " //he shows genos a pic of the hero registery from their time//
genos: " !!! Sensei’s name is missing!”
dr: " Your name is gone too. I dont know what you did but your actions are interfering with the future. Here. Collect your belongings and leave no evidence behind. We depart in 1 hour. "
genos: " !! Wait! Give me more time!! I understand now..!"
//genos has a bunch of flashbacks of when he does fun stuff with saitama. When sai tries to make him something in cooking class (and fails badly lol). When saitama shares his manga with genos. When they watch anime together.//
Genos: “I understand now..what type of person sensei was...his strength (when sai was protecting him from bullies)...his kindness (sai wiping his tears away)...his warmth (sai hugging him*)...!!”
“I finally understand...!!”
sai holding his hand, sai smiling and eating with him..
“...what its like to feel human again!!!”
He’s suddenly lifted off the ground and pushed roughly against the wall. Dr. Genus has him by the collar.
“Reality check, little shit!! You. Do. Not. Belong. Here! You’ve been playing pretend for far too long! And guess what demon cyborg?”
He tosses genos to the ground
“Time’s run out”
So chapter was gonna end with genos’ hand slowly fading in and out
next chapter would begin with genos being given 2 hours by dr. Genus to basically pack his shit and go. bc they cant leave any trace of the future stuff when they leave So genos ends up back in the classroom Packing his cute stationary and shit xD
(That sai bought him o b v i o u s l y )
And he’s startled by the door sliding open
And saitama walks in
He’s suprised to see genos there (and looking guilty?) “did ya forget smtg?”
And genos just kinda..looks away
And sai sees him packing up and taking everything and hes quiet for a bit ...
“You’re leaving?” He asks softly
“Saitama-kun, I—!”
“Why?” He keeps talking in that soft tone, but it silences genos more effectively than a shout
“I..I can’t...”
S: “...Is it because of that person?”
(Sai remembers the shine in genos eyes when he talks about his ‘sensei’, his special person, and his heart kinda just falls to his feet)
(i never had a chance, did i...)
Genos cant answer because yeah it was because of saitama in the future. So what if genos disappeared? Genos didn’t care. But the world needed saitama. It needed Saitama The Hero. He had to leave now so saitama can exist in the future
But since he cant say anything, for fear or changing the future even more, genos just doesnt say anything
So sai assumes that yeah, it was because of someone else, someone better than him, someone who deserved genos’ admiration and loyalty
He doesnt say anything, just approaches genos slowly, trying not to startle genos who has like deer in head lights ready-to-b o l t
And saitama rests his forehead on genos’ shoulder, barely touching him but close enough that genos cant ignore him, genos can feel his presence and his warmth
And theres a moment where genos is t o r n
Bc this saitama acknowledges him in a way that future sai wouldnt. This saitama looks at him and sees him whereas his sensei’s gaze passes over him to focus on the sale sign
And genos has been in school again, and he realizes he missed it. He missed having his worries be about being late for class, missing a school assignment, whether he could sit next saitama next class, what to pack for his and sai’s lunch tomorrow
And he knew in the back of his mind, that his real self, was in surgery at this time, trading warmth for fire and destruction, shedding his humanity while his future self was regaining it in the past,Thanks to saitama
He inhales sharply, ‘sai—‘ S: “don’t go.”
G: !
(Sai thought genos was going to say he was going to leave and he didn’t think he could hear him say it) S: “I know..he’s precious to you...” He reaches for genos, and after hesitating over touching genos’ hand, he settles for gripping genos’ sleeve of his school uniform tightly S: “but you’re precious to me “
And genos has tears streaming down his face. Because he wanted to stay, he had never wanted anything so much before than to just stay with saitama before he became sensei, to cheer for him when no one else would, to stop him from reaching the point he had trade his emotions for his strength, to stop the emptiness before it could touch him
But he also knew...that in order for his sensei to become strong...saitama needed to have these struggles that pushed him to change
That success without sacrifice was impossible, and he knew, genos KNEW it in his soul that if he stayed...if HE was the factor that caused saitama to limit himself, to fall back on a regular life when genos had seen it with his own eyes that this was a man destined for greater things...he would never be able to forgive himself
Genos throws his arms around saitama and hugs him tightly. He feels like he’s floating with nothing to ground him than the feeling of saitama returning his embrace equally tightly with his still lanky arms
G: “Saitama-kun....Thank you.”
G: “...goodbye.”
So next chapter begins ...With genos ending up back in genus’ lab
G: “Are we back?”
dr: “It appears so. We should—hey!! Where are you going?”
And genos is running off to look for saitama/his SENSEI because he had to exist, he had to still be a hero, right?!
He bumps into a monster
But not just any monster...Its the mosquito girl XD
Genos fights MG because its what he’s supposed to do, but he’s not scared for the fight...he’s scared for what’s to come AFTER...
And saitama shows up and finishes off MG with wan punch!!!
Genos is thankfully, not in disrepair bc he managed to dodge her attacks and was basically stalling for time
Saitama kinda sees him and looks at him blandly but to genos, that garrish, eye-burning yellow hero suit was the best thing he had ever seen
S: “Oh. A civilian? Are you oka—“
And he freezes all of a sudden.
And genos also freezes bc he doesn’t know what to do Its saitama-sensei...he should know the script, he’s done it all before
But now saitama-sensei was the stranger and he longed for the comfort that came with saitama-kun’s toothy smile
But he too had changed....he was a cyborg now, weaponized arms and black sclera on full display. His core spun dangerously. Would saitama even recognize him? Would he remember that day in the classroom when they parted ways, that was only a few hours ago for genos but more than a decade for saitama?
Genos froze. Would saitama even want to remember? After all the heartbreak genos had caused him?
Lost in his thoughts, genos almost didn’t notice saitama approach until the soft crunch of asphalt right in front of him jarred him to reality
Genos held his breath
Saitama didnt say anything. Only let that sharp gaze pierce genos in ways no monster could.
Genos couldnt read what he was thinking, he never could on his sensei’s bland face but this time, there was something tightly guarded in those brown eyes.
Saitama muttered something so low that genos had to use his advanced hearing to pickup
S: “It cant be...”
Louder and taking an aggressive step forward, saitama clenched his hand into a fist. He narrowed his eyes. “...If you’re some kinda shape-shifting monster...this won’t end well for you.”
G: “It’s genos!! I’m...I’m genos.”
Saitama freezes and his eyes grow wide. Genos almost instinctively lurches foward when saitama falls back on his heels, appearing shaken.
S: ...genos?
Genos nods tentatively.
For a moment, saitama doesnt say anything. But genos finds he doesnt need to. Those brown eyes had opened and genos could see, could feel some far-flung emotions creep back into that achingly familiar face as saitama let his gaze trail from his new eyes down his circuited arms and linger on the glowing blue that peeked through his shirt
After what felt like years, genos saw a corner of saitama’s lips twitch.
S: “It really is you....Heh. You haven’t changed a bit.”
G: “Sai—“
S: "I tried to forget you. I tried to go back to life before you. I finished school .... somehow got a job as a shitty salesman..."
S: "...I really tried."
Genos looked down, ashamed. He had been the one to injure saitama so unforgivably. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like if saitama had done the same to him, if he had turned genos away from being his disciple. Kicked him out. How could you forgive someone who changed your world for the better, only to leave it behind?
More than anything, he needed to beg for forgiveness, not that he deserved it—but saitama did.
G: “Saitama, I—“
Sai shook his head, like he didn’t want to hear it.
Genos thought his core would crack.
S: “I thought...If I were strong, things would get better. If I were stronger than that person..maybe you would have picked me instead.”
S: “Maybe you would have stayed “
S: “I trained and trained until I became strong...but it wasn’t enough. To capture your attention, I had to be the strongest.” Saitama pauses and shoots him a small, cheeky grin that had echoes of the same toothy smile Genos cherished.
S: “I would have to be, to take care of someone as high maintenance as you.”
Then the smile faded. S: “But even after I became strong..what did it matter? You had left and I didn’t know if I would ever see you again. And if for some crazy reason i Did meet you again...I didn’t know if i had it in me to ask you to choose again..”
G: (full on oil tears, the whole shebang)
G: S-Saitama..!!
Saitama grinned helplessly at him.
S: “So hurry up and choose me, genos!”
G: “Sensei!!!” [ because I had already chosen you a long time ago ]
They hug.
THE END!!!!!!!!!!! :’D
There’s a small epilogue where sai’s like..you called me teacher again. Im still not a teacher you know (in reference to this original post: http://yiulee.tumblr.com/post/139194391025/time-travel-au ) .
And genos is like: dont worry sensei, ill explain it to you
And sai is like ah, okay? But first. surprise smooch! S: been waiting 12 years to do that :D 
endless thanks to @konorai​ @batneko​ @egg-in-the-basket​ for bearing with me while i unloaded this beast into the discord chat..yall the real mvps!!! ;3; 
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imadethisatage11 · 3 years
Live-blogging my reaction to Spiral: from the book of saw
Spoilers under the cut
TL;DR: my overall review is that it was good but I’m going to go watch DPS to cleanse me
- ok so that woman got robbed and for what
- I had to pause to find out who this detective’s actor was Bc it was driving me nuts and it’s MCMURRAY FROM LETTERKENNY???
- love that they’re gonna fuck up this train conductors day lmao
- LOVE genuinely that we’re back to looking gritty and having an old tv play the video and having some rapid cut camera work early 2000’s vibes I embrace you
- why does the voice sound like that,, I wasn’t expecting John but why is it so non threatening now it’s literally just Some Guy™️
- I am glad I paid $15 to listen to Chris Rock talk about Forrest Gump. Worth my money and I mean it genuinely I love Chris Rock he’s great. Stream Everybody Hates Chris on Hulu
- “Z?” Zeke who just had his cover blown: this MF
- “do I look like a fucking Jamaican nanny?!” I- 😀🤚🏽
- ayo Max Minghella
- Chris Rock falling just short of being convincingly aggressively cynical Bc he is Chris Rock with the voice of Chris Rock
- it sounds like he’s setting up jokes that don’t have punchlines and instead they’re just like,, mediocre cynic cop dialogue
- while looking at some pretty fucking intact teeth: this bum is gonna be pretty hard to ID
- I mean I guess the homeless don’t have dental records but were you not even gonna try?
- I’m very pleased Chris Rock put on gloves before handling the strange package I love actually smart character choices that would make sense for them to make
- I.e. the cop knows how to properly handle unexpected unmarked packages delivered to the precinct
- “I thought the jigsaw killer was dead” “well if it’s another copy cat…” another wait is that referring to Logan (which Logan pinned on the other coincidentally crooked cop whose name I’ve forgotten) does that imply Logan only did like? The one trap? And hasn’t been active? Just waited ten years after John died recreates the one trap he was in and then stops?? I mean don’t get me wrong if movie wants to ignore Jigsaw (2017)’s existence I’m game but like what
- also why do the packages look like they’re wrapped in Tiffany boxes lmao
- oh yay they did run dental
- Chris Rock is an asshole but they should go with protocol if that’s what they’re doing
- ordering a man mid piss out of the men’s room to yell at Zeke
- does conflict of interest matter when the whole precinct knows the victim?
- uncomfortable stand-offs with your ex while at the home of a grieving friend
- Samuel L Jackson!
- “I could’ve killed you!” “What are you talking about, I have the gun!” *SLJ pulls a gun out* “I could’ve killed you”
- daddy issues
- “you think this is linked to John Kramer?” Bruh you think it’s NOT??
- ik this is SO far fetched but I rlly hope this movie tells us wtf happened to Dr Gordon. I’m sure it won’t but a girl can dream
- “should we tell Zeke?” “Fuck him” I get you guys don’t like to work w him Bc he’s an ass but like. You’re just not doing your jobs now you’re just proving he’s right that you’re untrustworthy
- splitting up and not telling ppl where you’re going is the number one way to get kidnapped or murdered but way to go cop instincts
- what is this Chinese finger trap ass shit
- love the blue tones tho very Saw
- all it needs is to become uncomfortably green
- fun fact I actually watched the first saw w my friend who is red green color blind and he said it looked AWFUL and I was like oh yeah everything is blue tinted like twilight blue tint and later it’s green just FYI (he thought that made significantly more sense than whatever shit ass color palette he was perceiving)
- being mad at your son for turning in a dirty cop Bc now you’ll have to mess with internal affairs
- and then assaulting someone??? SLJ is an even worse asshole lmao
- another Tiffany box bound in twine maybe it’ll be one of those cheesy diamond heart necklaces
- HELLO what is that ugly ass pig puppet
- also the voice is so stilted did the killer use fuckin text to speech so they couldn’t unscramble the voice like they did to Hoffman?
- cops finding dead pigs, a little on the nose
- oh so this dude has a history of “fuck it” ok well screw that guy then
- SLJ deserves to be pissed at that cop for letting Zeke get shot but like what an unhinged man he threatened to kill him and then actually assaulted him HOW did he EVER get in charge to begin with
- ok wait is Zeke actually the only decent cop (inc his dad but maybe excluding the newbie)
- that is a truly gruesome way to lose fingers tho I must say but he deserves that shit
- wait did the trap not go fast enough or was there a way for him to do that faster and I missed it
- like should he not have hesitated Bc there was a time limit or was it just rigged
- cuz the machine had to pull them off he couldn’t just cut them quickly
- so are they just gonna leave broken leg Dude there or
- also just now I tried to talk abt this movie (so far) vs Jigsaw (2017) to my mom and I got too excited and referenced some character names she didn’t know and she shut me down and said she didn’t care 😀
- live-blogging to my, like, five followers that compromise one one (1) person that knows me IRL, one (1) Sawtual, and a handful of ppl only here for my main DPS content to fill the void of emotional parental neglect. What a great website
- oh no did the rookie die :( he was actually sweet
- I feel like he was too important to kill offscreen tho
- like they’re TELLING us he .. was skinned.. but was he REALLY
- Chris Rock having a revelation: AH FUCK
- everyone else at the crime scene: ….
- favorite thing abt movies that were already gonna be rated R is when they’re like “well if we’re already at R we might as well say fuck”
- she has to SEVER HER SPINAL CORD? Why was she deemed the biggest asshole
- also how on earth was this trap portable it IS in their basement right
- transporting the hot wax is just what gets me
- Chris Rock rn: are you tired of being nice? Don’t you just wanna go apeshit?
- was this abt his dad the whole time???
- does it count as live blogging when I do one big post instead of several small ones lol I just want it to be avoidable for ppl who are just here for Dead Poets Society
- man’s fully abt to cut his arm off like barely even hesitated long enough to notice the bobby pin he could pick the lock with
- there’s a body here suspended
- not hanging mind you
- but covered and suspended
- and I bet it’s the newbie
- ah damn it’s Pete that’s disappointing
- it’s possible the trailers just made him seem more important than he was
- why are they punishing Zeke for reporting a dirty cop and having his career accordingly ruined like he did the right thing and already suffered for it? This killer doesn’t like crooked cops?? Why does Zeke have to be tortured by hearing this dude die like that’s what they want isn’t it?
- I think it’s too late pal
- the glass trap was pretty fucking cool though
- I didn’t think he was a MURDERER but I KNEW he was alive
- I’m terrible at guessing endings but it makes viewing more fun
- honestly,, do it Chris Rock ACAB
- “you want me to kill cops?” “No, fuck no, just the bad ones”
- what a fun villain though
- I have no idea what the Ultimate Game Plan™️ is here though is he gonna make him kill his dad? I mean his dad does suck but making a dude KILL his DAD? That is a tall order Max Minghella
- ok but literally why wouldn’t you listen to him here shoot the target??
- ANGIE! It WaS aNgIe
- killing this man is not correct justice anyway Zeke
- shot the target! Good man
- groovy of them to play the Hello Zepp soundtrack rn
- oh shit what’s going on SLJ knows what it is
- oh.. w o w. Brutal way to go. Very heavy handed imagery
- and that’s all I guess who the fuck knows what’s up w Doctor Gordon
- and I guess Max Minghella is just gonna get away now but tbh Chris Rock only seemed truly mad at him for involving his dad
- nice rap remix to the OG Hello Zepp score very cool credits music
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sem-t-ver · 6 years
3. About him
I used to believe that i had no feelings. Or had the superpower of controlling them. Since what happened between me and my father. Was my decision: gave my heart and take a ice cube instead.
Always racionalizing things, if something could hurt me somehow, i just cut off and walk away very fast. No looking back. Its a long story, filled with two messy minds that crossed again. But in this chapter, the prom chapter, i'm writing just to drain out my thoughts and feelings.
IMPORTANT: this is based in the vision of many ppl, from the same event. Spoiler: this is not a love story. He dumped me, basically. When i was dressing, Olí said: If you forget to enjoy because of that crap guy, i'll hit you right on the face. Frozen queen, ok? And friends his balls! Your not that girl who feeds his ego. Get over it. Once again, i've told her to give him a chance, he's introspective not cocky!
I was avoiding to see him. He plays with my mind and its very tricky. I know its not intentional. But he does.   And in the prom, he was obviously there. Gorgeous, breathtaking. Wearing black, as usual. Curiously, Gabi Y. said the day before: idk any men who look great at black shirt. And he's the one. Shit. I saw him with his cousin, said a shy hi and walked away. Photo shoot and a stuff. I thought was my mind, but Mari said: this guy is checking on you, really staring you (she had no clue).  I tried to relax. Was my day, my moment. But no lies: i was insanely happy to see him there. Even if wasn't because of me. Lots happened. Gabi Yanagui telling me the story: He was with us from the middle to the end of the party. He's not our friend. Was because of you. His sister hissy fit when she saw it. He's a nice guy. Really. At first, I thought was because he's cousin wanted Gabi. But no, he stayed with us, even with Olivia making fun of him. He had fun. He called you, kept looking at you. There was an hour that you filled me with pride, passed by wonderfully, not caring at all. He called you! He decided to stay. This and much more was her vision. She reminded me of the woman who looked like an Indian and all the other memories I lost. Apparently, we had a lot of fun together.
Olívia told me that although she changed her mind about him, she still thinks I deserve more. That he cares about me, but not enough to stop being crap. He's cool, but stop romanticize damaged ppl.
Gabi did not pay any attention to him or the way he acted with me. She was full focused on the sound. The only remark she made was about his cousin being "egotrip", just talking about himself. It was tiring and uninteresting to her. And to top it all off, she said that if he did not take action (even one night stand), while it could be the happiest and most striking day for me, he does not deserve me. Thank u, next! After the party, on Tuesday I went to have a beer with Loki and along with Gabi we talked about the night. Under his vision, he was in mine. And the phrase "you look wonderful, what a pity we're friends" was a sung. I should have kissed him, he would not turn his face to refuse. Actually, it was a shame Loki did not go. We have a lot of fun.
The next week I called him to talk and he ignored me. I insisted and he refused. That is, we are not friends. Friends respond, talk, go out together.
Some things get a constant questioning in my head. These are answers that only he can give me and it will not happen. Why did he say my friend Mariana is beautiful? Why did he stay with us if we're not friends and he did not want to kiss me? Why did he take us away if he did not intend to stay? is a unanimous question: If you did not want to kiss me, it's because we're friends. But if he ignored me later, we are not friends. What does he want with me ?????? I have very vivid dreams about him, things I would like to talk about, and places I would like to show. But he does not give me a chance. He hates me. He's afraid of me. Or maybe he has regretted it.
All I know is that the knot that formed in my throat when I saw him with another girl on Friday has not undone until now. I did not want to marry him, I just wanted him to feel 1/4 of what I feel when I see him. We could have so much fun, talk so much, learn so much until he left. He invited my friend to visit him in California, and the next day he did not even answer me. I doubt I'm indifferent to him. I wanted it to be. I wanted it to be different. He's messing my mind. I'm confused. He shows up time by time, ignores me when he's sick and came back being nice like nothing happened? Please, decide. Let me stay for real or let me go. I'm a REALLY good friend, but if it's to be indifferent, pay to see how cold I could be. And as an enemy, it's about to be born better.
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