#i say as i write a fic that isn't james potter centric
inkpot-winters · 1 year
sorry i haven't been that active on tumblr i've been having breakdowns over the lack of james potter centric fics
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limetimo · 2 years
My fics rated by how many times it says "Regulus" (per 100 words)
Invisible Ace 2.61 I didn't expect it to have a better ratio than Get Help but wow here we are. It's a really short Regulus-centric ficlet though
Rise and Shine, Cockerel 2.30 Frankly surprised by this one, didn't think it said "Regulus" all that many times
Get Help 2.23 Short and sweet and with Regulus' POV, makes sense
The Book Of Love 1.94 Frankly surprised this one, I expected it to be less filled with Regulus? Though it is about Regulus through James' eyes, so.
Bet You Thought You Saw The Last Of Me 1.76 Inferius Regulus my beloved. I'm fond of him
It would eat you like poison If you knew what I knew 1.76 I honestly forgot how good this one was. Also. The song is stuck in my head again. Does it get your blood boiling... Does it make you see red... do you wanna destroy it... does it get in your head... Literally the perfect song for Regulus realising what a lying bastard Voldemort is
Expert on Call 1.69 acutely cute, also expected less
I Do Not Accept This 1.51 Regulus and rat!Kreacher on an adventure ♥
Regulus Orange Is The New Black Cat 1.5 I had fun with the concept of Regulus being stuck as a cat animagus and becoming Crookshanks...
45 Decibels 1.36 I should write more of this. I love how soft Regulus is here. Cat years did him good. Somebody send prompts
Lord's Redemption (Friday 30, October 1981) 1.34 So much a n g s t in here but also I love the poetic language I managed to give it. Very Regulus centric
Regulus Didn't Die For This 1.29 This was fun to write. Regulus didn't die for Harry to enter the Triwizard Tournament with 0 safety precautions. Also Discord Death my beloved
I Pledge My Loyalty 1.25 Seems appropriate. I like what I did there ^^
Lily's Little Adventure 1.2 I looove Regulus interacting with children ajaksj. This was fun to write I want to write more
Heads of Houses, Head over Heels 1.17 Bartylus my beloved ♥
Somebody Call Out To Your Brother (he’s calling out your name) 1.08 No surprise here, that with the repetitions in the second half
The Unfroggivable Curse 0.93 ♥♥♥♥♥ I don't know why I expected there to be more of "Regulus" but I did. It took a detour to Snape and Lily and the Potters and the Lupins. Ofc there isn't that much of "Regulus". Still. My baby-cheeked baby
To Reach A Port We Must Set Sail 0.71 Stabby Regulus is stabby :D
Capymama 0.64 :D :D :D Yeah this was fun to write and came out pretty cute
Black Madness 0.62 I love it when my boy is allowed to go unhinged ♥
One Night Marriage 0.61 Yeah I guessed about that much, the Lily POV is probably why it ranks higher than Meet Ugly
Meet Ugly 0.5 The focus of the fic is pretty evenly divided between him and Lily so I'm not too surprised.
Sincerely, Your Favourite Cousin 0.4 I love them Black cousins ♥
Reginald Black 0.12 He's got amnesia, the name Reginald which he refers to himself as comes up... 1.4 times per 100 words.
Jealousy Jealousy 0.12 Yeah this one is more about Lily
Paint Me Anew 0.04 Kreacher calls him Regulus once. But like this is almost 3k of me picking wallpapers for Grimmauld Place :D
Everything Wrong With (Your Local Vigilante Punkband) 0.04 His name is there once and I think that was an accident actually lol. He's speaking to his muggle therapist
To Be Or Not To Be (Involved With A Vigilante Punk Band) 0 He is amnesiac talking to his therapist and his birth name doesn't even come up lol. I remember avoiding writing it, even. This one was fun I adore it.
Sinking Slowly 0 He's mentioned, but apparently not by name, huh. Oh. Sirius refers to him as "Reggie" three times, okay
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narukoibito · 2 years
Hi! I know you've recommended ginny centric stories, could you do some Harry centric ones ? Thank you!!
Fic Rec: Harry-centric
Gosh it's been so long since I've put one of these lists together, and I've been sitting on this request for a long time.
I consider Harry-centric fics to be when the fic really sheds some new light on his psyche or story (perhaps in an AU or in canon). I didn't think I would have any stories to offer because I tend to focus on Harry/Ginny stories or Ginny-centric stories and I was satisfied with Harry's POV in the books. Then I went through the stories I've read and thought, huh, well I have a few that do fit the bill (though mostly have already been rec'ed).
Anything with an * is a WIP, and indented fics have been rec'ed before. Mind the trigger warnings.
Post-War Canon
22 by @floreatcastellumpostsosts​ Harry realizes he has outlived his parents. Coal by @floreatcastellumposts Two Christmases, a lifetime apart. For all the things we put Harry through, we always want to see him with the happiness he so very much deserves. Just Harry by @glisseowrites Ginny gets Harry an amazing birthday gift. The How and the Why by fluffernutter8 A beautiful ode to James and Lily, their love for Harry, and his love back. It gets me every time.
"We'll figure it out." by @stuckwith-harry
Ginny is pregnant, and Harry hits a low.
Cake by @floreatcastellumposts
Parenting is not always easy, and Harry is afraid of his own temper.
warm front by @jiilys
This isn't exactly canon to some, but I consider it close enough since I am liberal with post-war but still epilogue-compliant. This is a beautiful post-war story, where Harry moves to Australia to be with Teddy after the war but continues to search for something.
Alternate Universe
you will bleed to death with the pain of it by @lullabyknell Harry Potter is born with the words "Avada Kedavra" written over his heart. Blackboards and Broomsticks* by @glisseowrites An absolute delightful professor!Harry story where, in this universe, he decides to become the DADA professor much sooner than we usually read about. The writing is truly amazing, bringing interesting OCs, seeing Harry transition into teaching, and spending more time with his burgeoning family. 
the girl who lived (again) by dirgewithoutmusic
"It's just that I'm a girl," Harry had said, and Arthur had nodded and asked her about how telephone booths worked. He would call her by the right pronouns until the day he died at the respectable old age of one hundred and thirty three, and he would make it seem easy.
The Peverell Dilemma by @deadwoodpecker
Trigger Warning: Rape. Harry begins to realize he doesn't know his best mate's little sister very well at all. The story has adventure, disguises, Harry being jealous of himself, pining, romance, and then some, but what makes it stand out to me is how well written the trauma and repression is, which is why I definitely consider this a Harry-centric story despite all the other factors at play.
Steel by mute90
A fic from LiveJournal, featuring a much darker Harry than I'm used to so I put it under AU, but it's so good regardless.
They say he's strong. In truth, he's just...repressed.
As always, there are just my preferences. I'd love if others shared their recs with me too!
If you're interested in more recs, feel free to check out my rec lists, sorted into the following categories below:
All-time Favorite recs
Muggle AU / Coffeeshop AU recs
Post-War Canon recs
Missed Moments recs
Pregnancy recs
Outsider Perspective recs
Amnesia recs
In Every Universe recs
Angst recs
SugarQuill recs
Muggle and Wizard/Witch recs
Rivals to Lovers recs
Humor & Gen recs
Married recs
Not my OTP (Not Harry/Ginny) recs
Friends with Benefits recs
Ginny-centric recs
Break Up to Make Up recs
Injured / Hospitalized recs
Canon Divergence recs
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acnelli · 2 years
Nelli's Birthday Recs
All credit for this lovely idea goes to @lumosatnight. It's my Birthday today and I want to share some quality stories with you to enjoy. Especially, in those last two years fanfiction and fandom in general became a safe haven for me. A very welcome escape from reality and overall joy in general. So thank you for this 💛
Just like Lani, I'll introduce 12 stories and authors (for each day in July leading up to my Birthday). Except for one, they're all Ron-centric (no surprises there but you probably follow me for that exact reason, so...I guess it's fine ;)). I can only encourage you to read these stories as well as checking out their writer profiles for more.
And I'll never get tired of saying this: Leave Kudos & comments if you enjoyed reading a story. No matter how old the story is, no matter how many Kudos and comments there are already, your comment will make a writer happy. Always (imagine this in a Severus Snape/Alan Rickman voice)!
This is not sorted by ship at all. So, scroll through the whole list, please. Pairings: Romione, Rarry, Kron, Perciver, and a selection of many different pairings from the microfics I recommended.
Holidate by @accio-broom [M, Ron x Hermione, WIP]
Fed up with being single for the holidays, two close friends agree to be each other's platonic plus ones all year long. But will they catch real feelings along the way?
This story updates on every major holiday and finishes on Christmas 2022. If this isn't the coolest idea?
My Microfic May 2022 by @curlyy-hair-dont-care [various ratings and pairings]
Her submissions to @microficmay 2022 were such a delight to read and I was looking forward everyday to read one of these lovely stories.
The Romione, Blairon, and Marthur fics were my favs but all of them are great.
A Perfect Birthday Morning by @hillnerd [M, Ron x Hermione, 1k+]
Ron's 34th Birthday.
Hilly isn't just one of my favorite artists ( @hillnerd-art) but also a great writer. She also organized hangouts during the panini which were such a life saver, especially in 2020.
A Muggle Cliché by @cescalr [T, Ron x Harry, 8k+]
Harry Potter. The squib son of James and Lily Potter. The nephew of Sirius Black.
Ron is never going to hear the end of this from the twins, he realises, with great despair. In his defence, Harry Potter should be dead.
I can't stress enough how great of a concept this is and how well-written this story is, especially how Harry is written.
what you know about love (i got what you need) by @playitaagain [M, Ron x Harry, 6k+]
Ron shows Harry that it's okay to seek comfort, to have someone hold you. He allows Harry the space to cry while showing him how much love can be found in another person's nonjudgmental support.
Five time Ron initiates comforting Harry and one time Harry seeks out comfort.
Beautiful story with the 5 + 1 prompt. (Just as a FYI, I still get notification for this story on the @harryronfest blog almost every day :)).
Treacle Treat by @orange-peony [E, Ron x Harry, 30k+]
Fred's funeral turns out to be quite lovely, Harry thinks, in spite of how heartbroken they all feel. Everyone says something nice or funny about Fred, trying to remember the good moments. Harry can’t get the words out, but Ron is by his side, the back of his hand pressed against Harry’s, his eyebrows scrunched up as he sobs quietly.
“Stay,” Ron whispers after dinner, when everyone gets ready for bed, pale faces looking empty and wiped out. “Don’t go back to Grimmauld Place. Stay here, Harry. Please…”
Harry nods, then follows Ron upstairs, to the room where they’ve spent countless summer evenings, chatting in bed with a laugh and a cheeky grin on their faces.
They lie in the dark in silence this time, and Harry feels so cold.
So much angst, so much smut, so much love. So much of peony's beautiful writing.
A Heart So Colourful by @lumosatnight [E, Ron x Viktor, 1k+]
Rita Skeeter’s article dropped on Tuesday afternoon. By Wednesday morning, it was posted all over Hogwarts. Not even Filch’s personal quarters had been overlooked (though why a student would risk sneaking in there, Merlin only knew). By Thursday, even the professors were talking about it. By Friday, the Minister, himself, was Flooing his associates across the pond.
Viktor Krum was gay, and he had asked Ronald Weasley to the Yule Ball.
This is so cute and a really lovely idea. Also shout out to Lani for getting me into writing again with microficmay.
Perfect Strangers by @adenei [T, Ron x Hermione, 5k+]
Ron Weasley is just like any other University student: he attends his classes, plays for the football team, and spends much of his spare time working at the coffee shop that's owned by his best mate's parents. What will happen when an ordinary shift brings in a new customer?
I might have mentioned that I love Coffee Shop AUs right? This here also comes with a Jily lives bonus and adenei's amazing writing.
In Which Landon Is Accidentally Observant, and Peters Misses Quidditch for No Good Reason at All by @constitutionalweasleymonarchy [T, Percy x Oliver, 3k+]
The arguments between Percy Weasley and Oliver Wood are so legendary, a mere glare is enough to clear out the dormitory. The problem is, Landon and Peters live here, too.
(A 7th year Perciver from the POV of their dormmates.)
Usually, I recommend A Counterpoint to Working Lunches by RGF but this story made me laugh so much and I was absolutely delighted about the new ship name she came up with for Perciver.
Right Here, Right Now by @cheesyficwriter [M, Ron x Hermione, 1k+]
Ron and Hermione share a tender moment under the stars during the summer following the Battle.
This was written for the @romioneficfest 2021! As every story written for this lovely fest, cheesy's story warmed me from the inside out when I first read it.
The Handyman by @reallybeth9 [M, Ron x Hermione, 2k+]
She gave me another one of those tight-lipped smiles, and I realized that I desperately wanted to see what one of her real smiles looked like.
“It’s nice,” she said. “Or it will be once it’s decorated.”
I wanted to ask her if she could help me decorate it but I held my tongue, knowing that it would be an inappropriate thing to ask.
Smutty goodness with a twist but you have to see for yourself.
The Quiet by @be11atrixthestrange [T, Ron x Hermione, 1k+]
A father/son shopping trip turns into an understated moment of bonding.
This story will not just make your Romione shipper heart happy but you'll also find yourself shipping an entirely new pairing. My personal headcanons about Hugo's character were also shaped by this story. And Dad!Ron is always a treat, isn't it?
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isahorcrux · 2 years
Please dont conflate the real world harm JKR has caused us LGTBQ people to reading and writing fics with DE!James. This alienates those of us readers who have marginalized identities who dont have issues reading DE!James not to mention the countless POCs/LGTBQ who are in the other Harry Potter fandoms who read and write stories about death-eater main characters. Marginalized ppl should always feel safe to state their opinions without fear of being shouted down & Im proud they are speaking up. Shaming ppl who dont oppose the death-eater trope & the name calling Ive seen isnt the way though.
There's a lot to talk about here and if you'd like to come off of anon to have a nuanced discussion privately, I'd be more than happy to do that with you. I am not here to call anyone names. And I'm not here to shame anyone. I am here, first and foremost, to support my fandom friends who are hurting.
Firstly, if you have no issue reading these fics, no one is stopping you from reading those fics. No one is coming to take your devices or delete your ao3 account. What I am saying is going forward, I personally, will no longer promote these specific fics on my page (that I control) because it makes people that I love dearly in this fandom deeply unsafe and uncomfortable and I do not want to be the cause of that.
I am also calling on all fans who have engaged with specifically the de!james trope (again, that's the topic at hand within the jily community that I am addressing, I am not here to comment on any other death eater centric fics for that's not the particular niche of fandom I am in) to read and listen to poc/jewish fans who are speaking out. See why they are uncomfortable with this particular trope, see why they are upset, think critically about what an influx of this type of fic is doing to the community at large. Fandom doesn't operate in a bubble.
As far as conflating real world harm jkr has caused, I assume you're referring to the last paragraph of this post here. First, I want to say my words here were not meant to conflate the irreparable harm jkr has done to lgbtq people to fic writers creating fic surrounding de!james. What I wanted to do was to offer up questions I personally have asked re: jkr's bigotry for those attacking poc/jewish fans for speaking out about their discomfort within the community.
That being said, antisemitism is very much still an issue that still exists to this day. And when, death eaters are very much a thinly veiled allegory for nazis and they start to become romanticized, there actually are real world consequences for that, even if de!james is just fanfiction. (we know of course, this isn't just a fanfiction issue. nazi romance novels are still a thing in fiction. and the storyline of the new hp video game is chock full of antisemitism). Based on the discourse surrounding de!James today (and honestly this isn't the first time either), there are clearly real world consequences happening. There are real people behind tumblr blogs who are hurting. And they're being made to hurt in a space that should be safe for them.
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