#i say the former at him as well but lovingly
ectojyunk · 4 months
Y'know what, that post abt female chars got me thinking. I feel like there *are* some char tropes that get hated on more when its a dude. I'm thinking, if Asahi was a girl, there'd be much less "pathetic simp" and "I want to beat him to a pulp" going around and more "she's so yandere that's cute" and "she loves himmm, idm her gaslighting me"
... Or am I completely off the mark? I genuinely don't know bc I'm v gender blind with these topics
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leonw4nter · 9 months
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(Second) Prettiest Fairy Princess
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Dad!DI!Leon x F!Reader
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“Say ‘bye’ to momma!” Leon beams as he holds his daughter, Aurora– or Rory, as you two lovingly call her.
“Bye momma!” the little girl in his arms beam. One hand wound around his neck and the other raised up, a tiny hand waving at you.
You say your own share of byes too, pressing a kiss to your 4 year-old’s cheek before giving Leon his own kiss to his lightly chapped yet still pink lips. You get in the Uber Leon picked up for you, shutting the door and heading to the mall where you will be having a girls’ day with Helena and Hunnigan, your former coworkers. Despite retiring because you were going to become a mother, you still stayed close with the two.
As soon as the car is no longer in his sight, he heads back into your shared home. Rory asks to be put back down so Leon does as she wants, bending down with a slight groan and making sure she’s standing upright before he lets go and bends back up, another groan escaping his mouth along with the faint pops of joints. My age is definitely catching up with me now, he thinks to himself though he doesn’t mind if it’s you he’ll be aging with.
“Daddy! I want to play!” Rory excitedly says as she takes Leon’s hand with her tiny ones and drags him to the stairs, heading for the direction of her room.
“Alright, alright, kiddo. Let’s head up, no?” he asks with a pleased smile. There’s dishes waiting in the sink and laundry waiting to be folded but they all could wait if it means spending some time making his daughter smile. The sight of his daughter’s grin and the gold wedding band that flashes a bright gold beam whenever the sunlight hits it is something his former self didn’t think he could ever experience. Back in ‘98, he was certain that the farthest length of meeting the greatest love in his life and starting a family would stop at dreams and wishful thinking but he was wrong.
He didn’t even realize they had reached the top of the stairs as he almost trips, engrossed in the sweet monologue he had going on in that head of his. His daughter’s tiny arms push him into the pastel yellow and pink room before shutting the door and proceeding to yank out tutus and tiaras from a toy basket.
“Sit.” she sternly says as she points to the carpeted ground right beneath Leon’s feet. Not one to disobey a lady’s orders, he promptly sits down with crossed legs and looks at her with genuine interest. Not too long after, Leon is dolled up to look the part of “a pretty princess for a tea party but you’re only the second prettiest because I’m the first one”, which earns a small laugh from him. Even to himself, he's second to everything because he always keeps his girls at first.
Rory hands him a small mirror so Leon can see the sparkly splash of pink, green and orange on his eyelids as well as the most pink blush he’s ever seen. His lips are the brightest shade of red ever making him look real goofy but if it means making his daughter’s day, he doesn’t mind; she’s the princess and he’s just the jester (and the occasional knight in shining armor). She swiftly puts her own play make-up on, her own lids smeared with different sparkly shades of pink and her lips in the same red shade as Leon’s.
“Your highness, let me get the tea and cookies.” she says in a wonky British accent.
“Alright, my beautiful princess.” Leon says, though he doesn’t put on a fake accent.
“Daddy, no! You’re supposed to also say ‘and please give me the sugar plum tea’! Again!” she says with a hand to the hip, dropping the accent.
“Okay,” he softly mutters with an amused smile. She definitely got the sass from her mother. “Alright, my beautiful princess, please give me the sugar plum tea!” he repeats.
She smiles brightly and excitedly announces that it’s coming right up. She walks out of the room, occasionally coming back in to take some more cups, plates, spoons, and bowls. Wait? Bowls? The princess is putting her heart and soul into this so-called “sugar plum tea”. Because the princess was brought up with manners and polite etiquette, she served Leon some cookies and cakes as he waited, along with a Beanie Baby that her uncle Chris got her (insisting it’s a snack, providing no further explanations). Playing along, he loudly made chomping sounds while she walked out of the room and busied herself with the tea. After a few minutes, she walks back inside with a tea pot and tiny cups filled with water.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, madame. My chef ahem is new to the kitchen so I had to tell him how to prepare tea the princess way,” she apologizes as she sets the cup in front of Leon with a complementary saucer.
With a sharp eye, he looks at the water and sees that there isn’t anything floating on the water; the water doesn’t look cloudy too and it’s impossible for her to have gone downstairs and taken water from the dog’s bowl so he deemed it safe to drink. After all, she did exert some effort into actually “making” the tea. He hooks his fingers in the loop of the tea cup, making sure to emulate the sticking out pinky finger just like Rory is doing before taking a sip. “The water doesn’t have an odd taste. Okay, she definitely wasn’t fooling around,” Leon quietly observes. He gives her a bright smile, complimenting the tea and calling it “the most delightful beverage to ever tickle my taste buds, a true drink fit for the prettiest princesses in this kingdom”, which prompts the little girl in front of him to giggle and start complimenting the “chef” who prepared the “tea” (the “chef” is, in fact, the Djungelskog that Leon got for you when you were 6 months into the pregnancy and very much emotional every time you saw the bear at IKEA’s window or online site). Apparently the chef is French and has worked with Barney and the Little Einsteins, according to her. This entire moment is too silly and wholesome so Leon decides to take a selfie, making a mental note to send this to you later on.
The tea party carried on for a few more minutes until she got drowsy, prompting Leon to get up and carry her over to her bed. Grabbing a few sheets of wipes, he removes the eyeshadow and lipstick on her face before unclipping some clips from her hair and taking her tutu off. It doesn’t take long for her to fall asleep and Leon picks the toys up, pouring the water out of the pots and cups and wiping them dry before putting them back in the basket. He takes this chance to finally get back at the chores waiting for him but not before he sends the picture to you. Opening the app and choosing the contact named “my Y/N”, he sends a short message asking how you are and detailing the sweet playtime he had with your daughter along with the picture. After an hour or two, he finally finishes doing the chores– even sweeping the floors and polishing the dining table, as well as bathing the dog. He gets in the shower and freshens up, remembering the tender moment hours ago and finding himself smiling wider each time.
It’s now quarter to 6 and Leon finishes setting up dinner just as the bell rings. He practically skips to the door, his face lighting up with joy when he sees you. He takes your bag and slings it over his shoulder, undoing the strap of your sandals and asking about how your day went. As you step out of them, he takes the heels and places it on the shoe cabinet and puts your bag on the couch. Rory jumps off of the couch, excitedly walking over to you and hugs your legs with the brightest smile you’ve ever seen. She tells you about her and her dad’s day, tiny hand gently holding your wrist as she leads you to the dining table for dinner. You were just about to reach over a piece of food and cut it up into smaller pieces for her when Leon places a hand on yours, telling you that he’ll do it.
“C’mon honey, you were out walking all day. Just sit and have dinner, I’ll do it this time,” he softly says. You don’t argue against him, letting him do the cutting. Rory does all the talking, which you are thankful for since your social battery is nearly drained.
Dinner tasted amazing as usual and now your entire family is in the living room, watching The Little Prince on the TV. What Coco does to Leon, The Little Prince does to you; you’ve never finished the movie without shedding a few tears and laying on Leon’s shoulder for some comfort. Though you both know it’s a movie that has you reduced to tears, you still choose to put it on because not only is it genuinely good, it’s a movie Rory loves. While waiting for the movie to finally load, a question pops up in your mind.
“Sweetie, where’d you get the water for your tea from?” you ask. Leon doesn’t mind, probably guessing that she got it from the water bottle you forgot to bring downstairs in the morning.
“I got it from the fish tank!” she beams. Your smile swiftly drops and your head turns to Leon; you swear you’ve never seen the color drain that fast from his face. The movie finally loads but Leon feels slightly off, the food in his stomach making him feel a little odd. He’s that weak for his little girl; he’s a seasoned agent trained to read people by their mannerisms but his daughter’s devious giggling made it past his normally highly-perceptive gaze.
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NOTE - I whipped this fic up right after @agent-dessis-posts asked me if I write dad!Leon and I immediately got that burst of motivation. There was this book called "Make A Wish" that I read around mid-November and the dad matched ID/DI!Leon's description so the whole time I just pictured that version of Leon whilst reading and it was AMAZING (the dad in the book is a single dad to a nine year old which made it even more amazing for me). Anyways, you guys seem to really like my fics which I appreicate a lot so thank you so much!!! I'll post the directory to my blog soon, I'm just making things look cuter :)
The heart dividers are from @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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cybrsan · 1 year
Party of Three | C.S, J.WY
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AO3 Link | Masterlist
Summary: Things take an unexpected turn when Wooyoung walks in on you and San.
Pairing: Choi San x F!Reader x Jung Wooyoung
Genre: Hidden feelings, threesome, smut
Word Count: 5.3k
Warning(s): Alcohol & drug use, sex under the influence 
A/N: This fic is the most well-liked among readers on my AO3. The writing may not be up to my current standard as I first posted this in 2019, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! 
Everyone is already stoned by the time you show up at San and Seonghwa's apartment. The former is the one to open the door, greeting you with red eyes and a lazy smile.
“Hey, gorgeous,” he greets. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
Before you can respond, you're slammed with the familiar smell of weed that wafts out into the hallway after him. Greedy to get started, you give your boyfriend a quick kiss on the cheek and push past him into the kitchen, avoiding his grabby hands with skilled ease.
You throw your bag down onto the counter and then make a beeline for the fridge, desperate for some sort of alcohol after the stressful week of final exams you've just gone through. Grabbing a beer, you sit on one of the kitchen stools and give the room a once over.
Jongho, Yeosang, and Yunho are sat on the floor playing Mario Kart as Mingi sits behind them on the couch, knees pulled up to his chest. It seems like he's pretending to be some sort of referee based on how every once in a while he shouts random things like, "Oh, come on, Yunho! Don't you know how to drift?!" You smile at his antics—you've missed this.
Meanwhile, the other couple of the group is squished into one armchair, Hongjoong's legs draped over Seonghwa's lap. Hongjoong's eyes flutter open and closed and Seonghwa chuckles, lovingly watching his boyfriend struggle to stay awake. As always, a stoned Hongjoong is a sleepy Hongjoong.
You go to turn back to San—thinking that you've seen everyone—when a silhouette on the balcony catches your eye. You’re overtaken with surprise when you recognize it to be Wooyoung, taking a hit from San's prized glass pipe. He hadn’t come to one of these get-togethers in a while, ever since he broke up with his girlfriend. Actually, now that you think about it, he hadn’t been here that much even when they were still dating.
He spots you and he smiles, his eyes turning into crescent moons from pure happiness. After shoving the pipe into Seonghwa's waiting hands, he jogs over and plants a soft kiss on your cheek. You laugh and give him a hug, ecstatic that he seems like the Wooyoung you used to know. He was always touchy when stoned, but he had been holding himself back because his ex didn’t like him showing affection to anyone other than her.
“Thank god that bitch is gone,” you say, squeezing him one last time before letting go. “I missed this Wooyoung, the real Wooyoung.” You pause before adding, “My best friend, Wooyoung.”
Wooyoung runs a hand through his black hair, laughing. “Yeah, me too. I’m glad to be back.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Mingi shouts from his place on the couch.
Of course, Wooyoung agrees instantly. You roll your eyes; he’s a fiend when it comes to alcohol of any kind. “Hell yeah! Let’s do shots.”
Wooyoung jogs over to the liquor cabinet and grabs a bottle of vodka. You shiver involuntarily; you and Smirnoff have a dark history. As he begins to pour the gasoline into shot glasses, he shoots you a questioning look.
You shake your head. "No. Hell no. No shots for me."
Despite your greatest efforts at resisting, Wooyoung's puppy eyes and Mingi's pouting (those two are unstoppable when they team up) manages to convince you and, half an hour later, you're three shots in. Yunho tries to pass you another one and you grimace, slapping his hand away. He looks offended and cradles the shot to his chest as if it spilling would have been the greatest tragedy of the modern age.
"We don't waste alcohol in this household, Y/N," he explains.
You can't help but roll your eyes. "Right, of course. Anyway," you look to where San is, leaning on the railing of the balcony with his pipe in hand, "I'm gonna go join my boyfriend and get stoned. Alcohol tastes like shit, I can only handle so much."
You practically skip to the balcony, excited to spend some one-on-one time with your boyfriend. It's been nice hanging out with the whole group but all you want right now is to be in San's arms. So, you decide to do exactly that. You bend down slightly and crawl right in between them, letting yourself be caged between his body and the railing. He doesn't get surprised and you let out a sigh of relief, grateful that he's been smoking for a few hours already. You're positive that if he was more sober he would've flinched and the glass pipe would have fallen out of his hand and down twenty-five feet onto the concrete below.
He smiles when he sees you, the corners of his eyes crinkling and his oh-so-precious dimples making an appearance. Leaning down, he captures your lips in a kiss. Smoke fills your mouth and your eyes widen in surprise; you didn't notice him take a hit. He pulls away and you exhale, letting the smoke evaporate into the night air. You cough slightly and he smiles, pressing another kiss to your forehead.
"Sorry, angel. I couldn't help myself."
The pet name makes you clench your thighs and San notices, eyes darkening. He knows exactly what the effect is of him saying that and you know he did it on purpose.
Fighting away the blush attempting its way onto your cheeks, you take the pipe from his hand, inhaling. You let the smoke enter your lungs, relishing in the familiar burning feeling. On your exhale, you say, "It's fine, just warn me next time."
Just as you take another hit, Seonghwa peeks his head out past the balcony door. "Hey, Joong and I are tapping out for the night."
San raises an eyebrow. "You mean he's still conscious?"
Chuckling, Seonghwa responds, "Let me rephrase. Hongjoong has passed the fuck out, so I'm taking him to my room to lay him down."
"Typical Joong," you say with a laugh. "He's fun for the first hour or so, and then he just gets tired." You always get stuck looking after a hungover Hongjoong while Seonghwa goes to work and you have a feeling tomorrow morning won't be any different.
Seonghwa nods, agreeing. With a half-wave, he turns to go back inside but suddenly stops, casting you and San one last look. "Oh, also—if you guys are gonna fuck tonight, can you try to be quiet? I have work tomorrow and wanna get a few hours of sleep in so my hangover doesn’t completely decimate me."
You blush and bury your face in San's chest, embarrassed. "Hwa! Can you not?"
Normally, San would be just as embarrassed as you, but not tonight. Without batting an eye, he says, "Alright, we'll try."
You pull back from him and gently swat on his arm. "San!"
He looks at you curiously. "What?" He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you taught against him and leans down to press his forehead against yours. "You want me to lie and tell him that I'm not planning to make a mess of you ton—"
"On that note, I'll take my leave," Seonghwa interrupts, disappearing back into the apartment.
"Oh my god." You pat your cheeks, forcing your blush to die down. "I always forget how much... bolder you get when you're high."
San leans down, placing a soft kiss on your neck. The gesture sends an electric shock throughout the rest of your body, causing your hair to practically stand on end. "Don't pretend you don't love it," he whispers, the heat from his breath ghosting against your skin.
"I don't—"
He cuts you off by taking your chin in between two of his slender fingers and forcing you to look up at him. "No lying, angel."
As if on autopilot, you respond, "Okay, Sir."
The second you close your mouth, you know that you've just set something in motion. You can see the change in San happen, something inside of him switching into gear. He's always had two sides to him—your soft, romantic boyfriend and then the rougher, more possessive side of him that comes out when you call him by that name.
Placing the pipe down on a table, he grabs you by your wrist and drags you inside past all the stragglers left in the living area. Yunho wolf whistles and Mingi and Jongho laugh quietly amongst themselves. Wooyoung, on the other hand, watches the two of you with an expression you can’t quite place.
"You two have fun now," Mingi jokes. Then, addressing the others, says, "Time for us to leave unless you wanna hear them going at it."
Leaving them to their own devices, San brings you to his bedroom. The second the door closes he has you pressed against it, capturing your lips with his own. You press yourself into him, letting out a content hum against his mouth. In this position he towers over you, his frame completely enveloping your own. You don't feel nervous or scared, though; in fact, it turns you on.
You hook your fingers under his shirt, desperate to feel his skin against your palms. He helps you out, pulling away from you for just a moment to pull it over his head and toss it somewhere across the room. His lips are back on yours within the next second, as if your mouth is a magnet for his own. You run your hands up and down his back, feeling the muscles tensing under his skin. Just having his skin bared to you is already enough to get you moaning; you need more of him and you need it now.
You pull away from his lips to get some air. In between gasps, you manage to say, "Bed, now."
Your wish is his command. He lifts you up, biceps bulging, and gently places you on the bed. He hovers over top of you, messily leaving open kisses against your skin. You moan, giving into the sensation. It's been so long since you've had him like this and the buzz from the drugs is only making everything so much better.
"Wait." San raises an eyebrow as you crawl out from underneath him, hopping over to his desk. You open the top drawer and rummage around until you find exactly what you're looking for—a freshly made blunt. Picking that up and a lighter, you turn back to your boyfriend with a mischievous look in your eyes.
He smirks, leaning against the pillows. "I like the way you think."
Strolling back over to him, you get on the bed and throw one leg over his lap, straddling it. You give him the blunt and the lighter and, as he ignites it, you take off your shirt to give him a good view of your breasts. You hadn't worn a bra today, knowing that he loves when you don't. He almost chokes on the smoke as his eyes drink in your form, so greedy for a taste.
San's about to take another hit when the door to his bedroom opens. You cover yourself, panicking until you see exactly who's standing there—Wooyoung.
"Woo...?" You murmur, the syllable dropping off into a question.
He closes the door behind him and steps into the room. "Can I... Let me join you."
San chuckles. "I knew this would happen eventually."
You furrow your eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"Woo has always had a thing for you. He told me a while ago. It's part of the reason he broke up with his ex, besides the fact that she was also a major bitch."
"Is that true, Wooyoung? Do you like me?" you ask, uncovering your breasts. His eyes instantly fall to them and he gulps.
You're sure that his honesty and what you do next is partly because of the drugs and alcohol swimming in your system.
"Alright. Join us."
Wooyoung moves forward, shedding his shirt as he does so, before crawling onto the bed next to you. He takes the blunt San holds out for him, plump lips forming a delectable "o" as he inhales. You watch him with hooded eyes, imaging those lips leaving a trail of blooming marks down your body, between your legs... You'd be lying if you said you'd never thought of this prior to tonight. You lean forward and kiss him and, for the second time that night, smoke transfers into your mouth from another's. This time, however, you're more than ready for it. You close your eyes in ecstasy, french inhaling as you slowly rock your hips against San's crotch, relishing in the groan he releases. You can feel him hardening through his jeans and you instinctively clench, already so desperate to have him—someone—inside of you.
Letting the blunt hang haphazardly out of his lips, Wooyoung grabs your waist and helps you move against San who occasionally lifts his hips, adding to the delectable friction that's making you whine.
Smoke starts to fill the room, making everything hazy. With every inhale, the smell of it invades your senses. You love it more than anything—it makes you feel like you’re floating. You reach over and pluck the blunt from Wooyoung's lips, taking another hit. Leaning down, you kiss San this time, biting his lip. Once he gives you access, you push the smoke into his mouth with your tongue.
“Fuck,” he groans, letting the smoke evaporate into the air. “It’s so much hotter when you do it to me.”
Placing the blunt into San's mouth, you reach down and unbutton your pants, managing to slip them off of your legs without even having to get off of him. With one less layer of clothing separating you, the friction of his tented jeans rubbing against your core is that much stronger. You throw your head back, sporadically rubbing yourself against him.
He reaches up and grabs one of your breasts, squeezing your nipple in between his fingers. “My angel is needy, huh?” he murmurs, smoke coming out of his mouth along with the words. You whine, nodding. “Alright then. Let me take care of you.” As an afterthought, he looks to Wooyoung who is currently palming himself through his jeans. "Actually, why don't we have Woo do it? I'm sure he's been dreaming about how you taste."
Before you can blink, San places the blunt in the ashtray on the side of his bed and flips you around so that your back is pulled taut against his chest. He nods at Wooyoung who gulps, moving forward and lowering down so that he's lying on the bed between your legs. You're certain that, at this point, your arousal has begun to leak through the fabric of your panties and the way his dark eyes take in the sight makes you squirm in anticipation.
San laughs, placing a sweet kiss against your temple. "Be patient."
Wooyoung begins to lightly trace patterns on your stomach as San attaches his plush lips to your neck, licking and sucking at the skin. The sounds you’re making are absolutely lewd, yet barely anything has even been done to you. Wooyoung leaves a hickey above the lace trim of your panties before hooking his fingers under the waistband and pulling them down, revealing your soaking cunt.
He kisses the inside of your thigh once, twice, before finally licking a strip up your core. Your entire body shudders and you arch your back instinctively. Your ass grinds against San's crotch and he groans, digging his fingers into your sides to keep you still. Your thighs close around Wooyoung's head yet he doesn't seem to have a care in the world, eating you out painfully slowly as if he is savoring every taste. You whine and squirm, fingers and toes searching for purchase within the sheets.
"Please, please, please," you gasp in between ragged breaths.
Wooyoung pauses, mouth hovering right above where you need him most. His breath is enough to make you clench, desperate for anything and everything.
"Please what, angel?" San asks. "Use your words."
"Please let me come."
Wooyoung kisses you right above your clit and you practically scream, tears welling up in your eyes. You're never like this, never this needy or this sensitive—it has to be the weed in your system. And you'd be lying if you said you didn't like it.
"Please who?" San's voice is deep, demanding.
Your voice is faint, barely a whisper. "Please, Sir."
He looks towards Wooyoung who is still hovering between your legs, lips glistening with your juices. "What do you think, Woo? Should we give her what she wants?"
Wooyoung pushes his hair back off of his forehead, sweat droplets falling onto the mattress below. "I know I'm more than willing to follow through."
San laughs, his chest reverberating against your back. "I'm sure you are. In that case, go for it; see if you can make her come as hard as I can."
Wooyoung takes on the challenge. His mouth attaches to your clit, sucking and licking at the sensitive bundle of nerves. When he adds a finger, plunging it into your dripping core, you scream his name.
"Fuck, Wooyoung!"
Your hand tangles in his dark hair and you can't help but pull, too lost in your own lust to hold onto any semblance of thought. Wooyoung doesn't seem to mind, though. If anything, it turns him on knowing that you're so far gone.
"Come on, baby," San whispers, hot breath dancing across your ear. "Come for us. Show me how good Wooyoung is making you feel."
Wooyoung adds a second finger and before you know it, you're seeing stars. A blinding wave of heat and pleasure overtakes you and you're shaking but, God, it feels so, so good. Wooyoung guides you through your orgasm with soft, gentle licks against your swollen pussy as San whispers words of praise against your skin. When you come back down from your high, you register the feeling of tears on your cheeks.
Wooyoung, finally satisfied, crawls up to lie beside you on the bed. He chuckles softly when he sees the state you're in and kisses away the wetness on your cheeks with a smile.
"It was so good that you cried, hm? You're so cute." Then, turning to San, he smirks. "You ever make her come like that?"
San rolls his eyes. "Of course I have. Don't get ahead of yourself."
At this point, you can barely find the strength to form a proper sentence but still, you grab onto one of San's biceps, fingernails digging into his tanned skin.
"Why don't you show him?"
San's eyes widen ever so slightly. "Are you sure you can handle it right now?"
You nod fervently. "Yes, God yes."
San still looks hesitant so you take initiative, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling his lips down to your own. You kiss him with everything you have, hoping it expresses your wanton need for him. Against his lips, you murmur, "I want you. I want you inside of me, please."
"Fuck, angel..." He groans and closes his eyes, shaking his head ever so slightly. "You have no idea what you do to me."
After shimmying out of his pants and the boxers underneath, he reaches behind Wooyoung and searches around in the drawer next to his bed, pulling out a condom. He carefully rips it open and, after blowing into it, begins to roll it down his shaft. He moans at the friction and you frown, realizing how little attention you've given him. Shooing his hand away, you take over, rolling it all the way down to the base. He buries his face in your neck, groaning every time you move. You continue to stroke him, bringing your hand up to the tip of his cock before twisting your wrist and moving back down. He doesn't let you continue your ministrations for long, grabbing your arm and forcing you to stop.
"I'm close," he explains, sweat pooling at his brow, "And I would much rather be inside of you right now."
You smile and peck him on the lips. "Okay, I'm ready."
With your consent, he lifts you up and sits you on his cock, pushing past your walls. He stills with a gasp. "Fuck, you're so wet. Wooyoung did a good job of getting you ready for me, didn't he?" You nod and he begins to thrust, making you fall forward and lean against his chest for support. "You always take my cock so well, don't you? It's like you were made for me."
You let out a strangled moan, the praise combined with his actions sending shockwaves straight to your core. You came not so long ago and already you can feel your pleasure coiling once again. "Fuck, yes, I'm yours," you say.
Wooyoung, neglected, takes action and moves forward, tucking a finger under your chin and tilting your head, forcing you to look at him instead of San. "Y/N... kiss me."
You lean forward, stopping a breath away from his lips. "Sir," you whisper, "Can I?"
San shudders as you clench around his cock. "Go for it."
At his word, you capture Wooyoung's lips with your own. The first thing you notice is that you can still taste yourself on him; the second thing is how passionately he responds to you and how eagerly he returns your affection. He tangles his hand in your hair, tugging slightly on the strands. You moan at the sensation, nipping at his lips in the process.
San snaps his hips, slamming into you at a menacing pace that has your thighs shaking from the force of it. You gasp and, unable to keep kissing, grab at Wooyoung wherever you can, searching for support. Your hands find purchase on his biceps and you dig your nails into his skin, too lost in your pleasure to be gentle. However, Wooyoung doesn't seem to mind—in fact, the slight pain causes him to moan.
You can tell San is close by the way his breathing is getting heavier and his thrusts are getting sloppier. You clench around him and he squeezes his eyes shut, groaning.
"Fuck, baby, oh my God—"
"Sir, I want to come with you," you whine, throwing the nickname in there because you know it will help bring him to the edge.
He kisses you and brings a hand to your clit, furiously rubbing it with the pads of his two fingers. "Okay," he pants, "Come with me, angel. Come with me."
The coil building in your abdomen comes undone once he snaps his hips at an angle that hits that one spot inside of you and you impulsively lean forward, biting onto Wooyoung's shoulder to muffle your loud moaning. The spasms of your walls against his cock have San following after you mere seconds later and he eases you off of him, letting you fall to your back against the mattress below.
San places a loving kiss against your temple and turns to Wooyoung, who at some point had taken off his own jeans, freeing his swollen cock. "Woo, come here," he commands, crooking his finger. You frown, realizing that Wooyoung has gone the longest without being touched; how unfair. You reach out a hand, willing to help relieve him, but San stops you. "No, you rest. I'll take care of him."
You watch with wide eyes as your boyfriend goes slack-jawed and takes Wooyoung's leaking cock into his mouth, allowing the other boy to fuck his throat. He sucks him off with the ease of someone who has done it multiple times before, knowing when to move and when to still, when to use his tongue and when to not. Saliva begins to dribble out of the corners of his lips and his eyes tear, but you can tell he's eager to help Wooyoung reach his end what with the way his hands are supportively rubbing the other's thick thighs. If you weren't so exhausted, you think you might have come again just from the sight of it.
It doesn't take long for Wooyoung to come with how long he's been holding off and San takes all of it, swallowing and gently pulling off of him. Wooyoung collapses against the headboard, chest heaving. After catching his breath, he looks at you and smiles.
"Well... this was fun, huh?"
You can't help but laugh, so blown away by the turn this night has taken. "Fun is just one of the words I would use, I think."
Wooyoung reaches out, carefully pushing your hair off of your forehead and the loving action reminds you of a question you had wanted to ask earlier.
"How long have you wanted this?"
His ears turn red and you can tell that the question embarrasses him, but he answers anyway. "Since before you and Sannie started dating."
"Wait... back in high school?" He nods. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was scared," he admits. "You and I had—have—been best friends for so long and I didn't wanna risk ruining that by acting on my feelings. Then I introduced you to Sannie and, well... the rest is history." You punch him on the arm and he whines. "What was that for?!"
"You idiot! I liked you too."
"You... what?" His complexion pales as the information sinks in. "Fuck."
San, silent until now, wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you towards him, kissing your cheek. "Y/N... do you still like Woo?"
"I..." You pause, startled. "Is this a trick question?"
He laughs. "No, it's not. And there's no wrong answer. Just be honest with me, baby."
"M-maybe." Your voice is small, tentative; telling your boyfriend you have feelings for your mutual best friend isn't something you ever saw yourself doing.
"What if I said I did too?" San asks.
Your jaw drops and you search his face for any signs that he's joking, but he looks completely serious. "Really?"
San nods. He gestures for Wooyoung to come closer and he does, scooting forward so that he's sitting right next to you. He rests a hand on your bare thigh, gently caressing the skin there and calming your nerves.
"Yeah. I like both you and Wooyoung and you like both of us, right?" You nod. "What would you think about making this a normal thing?"
"Like... the three of us all being in a relationship?" you ask.
Wooyoung shrugs. "We don't have to have any sort of label. This is just something we can try out. If it doesn't work, that's okay too. I won't mind."
You take a moment to think, weighing the pros and cons. Then, you realize something. “Wait… Did you guys plan this whole thing out?” San and Wooyoung share a guilty look and you laugh, shaking your head exasperatedly. “God, what am I getting myself into?”
Wooyoung’s eyes light up. “So you’re willing to try?”
You nod. “Yeah, I am."
"Great!" San kisses your nose and gets up, discarding the used condom into the trash can underneath his desk. He slips on a pair of sweatpants and goes out the door to presumably get some things from the bathroom, but of course not before throwing the two of you a dimpled smile and assuring that he'll be right back.
He returns shortly, opening the door with one hand as he holds two washcloths and some lotion in the other. He closes it with his foot and practically jumps on the bed, eager to not keep you or Wooyoung waiting any longer. Gingerly, he wipes away with your sweat, starting with what's on your face and not stopping until you are fully refreshed. Then, as he hums under his breath, he squeezes some lotion onto his hands and begins to gently massage you, helping to loosen up any tension and soreness you might feel. He saves your abused core for last, making sure to be extra gentle.
You watch with a content smile as he smothers you in aftercare, letting yourself just sit back and soak in every second of it. You used to feel guilty when he did this, feeling bad you weren't doing anything in return, but he's assured you so many times that he enjoys it and wouldn't do it if he didn't want to that you can't help but just selfishly enjoy it now.
Not wanting Wooyoung to feel left out, he makes sure to give him the same routine. Wooyoung is hesitant at first like you used to be but, before long, he's practically purring. Once San is done, he slides into bed behind you and covers your scantily clad bodies with the previously discarded blanket. Instantly, you slide closer towards him so that your back is against his chest and he sighs contentedly, resting his chin on the crown of your head. Wooyoung turns to face you and San, forehead almost touching your own, and you kiss him, making him laugh.
"I can't believe this is real," he admits.
You smile. "Me neither. It's weird, but it's nice."
San hums in agreement, already drifting off.
"I love you," you say softly, chest aching with just how much you mean those words. "Both of you."
"I love you more," San responds. Just like always.
"I love you, too." The same words Wooyoung has always said, but now with a different meaning.
It's nice, you think, having two people to wish you goodnight.
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The following morning, you're the one who wakes up first. Wooyoung is the first thing you see, mouth slightly parted and hair a complete mess. You smile, finding it endearing. San's grip around your waist is tight but you manage to slip out of his hold, getting out of bed and throwing on a pair of underwear and a t-shirt. You open the door and quietly make your way to the kitchen, hoping that Seonghwa and Hongjoong are still asleep. You don't hear any commotion and you let out a relieved breath, glad that you don't have to deal with the embarrassment of facing anyone after—
"Good morning," Seonghwa says, peering up at you over the rim of his coffee mug. You freeze, watching as he takes a sip and then places it down on the counter in front of him.
"Oh, um, hey. Hope we didn't, uh..."
"Keep me up? No, not at all. Not like for a second I thought you were getting murdered from how loud you were screaming or anything like that."
Your entire body seems to burn from the force of your blush. "Fuck. Sorry, Hwa."
"Whatever, it's fine. But, I have to ask... Is that Wooyoung's shirt?"
Looking down, you see that you are most definitely wearing that shirt Wooyoung had on the night before. "Yeah, I... We, um..."
It's at this point that both Wooyoung and San emerge from the bedroom, San still clad only in his sweatpants and Wooyoung in a pair of boxers. San instantly puts his arm around your waist and lovingly pecks your cheek, and Wooyoung smacks your ass as he walks by to get to the coffee pot.
Seonghwa raises an eyebrow as he watches the scene play out. "You know what? This weirdly makes a lot of sense." Getting up and putting his now empty coffee mug into the sink, he adds, "Anyway, I'm headed out. You three think you're up for another party tonight?"
Your mind travels back to last night and what incredible things the party led to so, without missing a beat, you respond, "Oh, God yes."
Seonghwa laughs. "Cool. See ya later, Y/N."
The door closes with a slam behind him and you hear a groan come from the hallway behind you. You take a look around the bend to see a very, very hungover looking Hongjoong hobbling his way out of Seonghwa's room. You smile and share a look with Wooyoung and San, shaking your head. Looks like your prediction was right—you're gonna be stuck taking care of him after all.
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cyberpunkgyu · 1 year
Out of All. - K.TH
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pairing: kang taehyun x f! reader
summary: taehyun melts when it comes to you.
genre: romance, fluff, vv short one shot!
warnings: not proofread, that’s it
i love kang taehyun :)
“taehyun, wanna be my boyfriend?”
you stared back at the boy that has rejected pretty much everyone at school, watching him blink slowly at you. you both stood on top of the rooftop of the school building, no one was there as it was after school.
you were probably wondering how you got in this situation. well, let’s start from the beginning.
you’ve had feelings for taehyun for years. you first met him during freshman year, when your former math teacher asked him to tutor you, as it’s the subject that you struggled the most. you really wanted to pass that class, not wanting to retake it for summer school, as you already had plans for summer vacation.
taehyun is surprisingly very patient and kind to you, opposite of what you heard from others. he was often described as cold, having no emotions, and rude. he has rejected so many girls, denying the gifts that are offered to him, telling them that they are wasting their time.
“you really think he’s going to say yes? keep dreaming.” one of them told you, rolling their eyes at you when they overheard you tell your best friend, chaewon, that you plan on confessing to him.
that comment made you think, wanting to prove them wrong. but now, you don’t know anymore. they’re probably right. he has rejected all of them, you really think he’s going to be different to you?
gulping, your hands were clenched into a fists by your side. he then hummed, nodding at you. wait what?
your eyes slowly widened, ears feeling hot. “sure.” he gave you a smile, his dimple popping out. his eyes were soft, gazing at you.
“you want to?” your tone confused, not expecting his answer. he chuckled lowly, tilting his head a bit. “do you want me to say no?” he asked, raising his brows.
shaking your head hastily, a shy smile appears on your face. “no, of course i want you to say yes.” you looked down at his hand, taehyun noticing when you did, so he took your hand, intertwining it with his.
you stomach flips, your cheeks red as a tomato. his hand felt nice against yours. you looked back up at him, “can you pinch my cheek so i know this is real?” you blurted out, biting on your bottom lip.
he looks at you with his big round boba eyes that you adore so much, pulling you closer to him by your hand that was still kept in his. he let go of your hand before he began pinching both your cheeks, instead of just one, firmly but gently. his smile grew bigger, his cheekbones becoming more prominent.
“you believe it now?” he leans closer to you, his forehead touching yours, feeling your heart was about to explode.
“y-yeah!” your cheeks felt like they were on fire.
he leaned back up before taking your hand once again, holding it in his own.
“come on, let me drive my girlfriend home.”
“why is taehyun here?” someone whispers, everyone else in the room watching as taehyun walks in the room with a huge bouquet of flowers, not even sparing them a glance as he only looked at you, who was very busy writing something down.
looking up after hearing the commotion, a wide smile immediately appearing on your face as you saw him.
“my boyfriend’s here.” you said, standing up to take the bouquet he held out for you before kissing his cheek. everyone’s mouth opened, seeing something they never thought would happen, which is to see taehyun being romantic.
the bouquet had different pastel colors, making you smile.
“what is this for?” you let out a soft laugh, admiring the flowers in your arms while taehyun looks at you lovingly.
“i saw those on the way here to school, and it made me think of you.”
“how so?”
“those are the prettiest bouquet out of all.”
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partycatty · 7 months
so i made a post about revenant johnny and i’m totally aware you saw it so what about a smut fic with revenant johnny??
i’m not entirely sure how we’d get to that part and i’d like to think we aren’t a revenant. im not entirely sure what the plot would be but i really just need to get my back blown out by revenant johnny
love ya 💙💙
revenant!older!johnny cage > join me
revenant johnny meets you after his turning. the carnal desire never vanished.
warnings: kinda angsty, not explicitly consented to, you get SLAMMED TO POUND TOWN AND BACK. NETHERREALM AND BACK. OUTWORLD AND B— oh also lore adjustment to mk9 and mk11 :3
[ masterlist ]
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you didn't think recent events could get any weirder, truly. just five years prior you lost the love of your life to a corrupted sindel, and with the knowledge that his cursed corpse sauntered beside a sorcerer such as quan chi, you honestly felt like coming face to face with a younger version of yourself was the most normal thing to occur. your job as a leader of the special forces was to capture and eliminate all threats to earthrealm, including but not limited to your former husband.
now under the command of a previous timeline's raiden among others, you had built enough of an army to counterattack what you lovingly called the zombified versions of your once-friends, liu kang and kitana. kronika was a force beyond your understanding but you knew that losing all you'd come to build would be a loss greater than... well, no. it was everything you'd lose.
at the bow of kharon's ship, you stood with a loaded rifle alongside a band of people you'd grown to admire; jax, jacqui, cassie, raiden, liu kang, kitana, kung lao, fujin, nightwolf, and of course a younger version of johnny. he nudges your side, aiming his own rifle at the sky with a hand on his hip.
"i hope we don't die out there, i'd love to tap that someday," he coos into your direction, perhaps louder than intended and earning horrified looks from everyone - including your fatherless daughter. you stomp on johnny's foot. perhaps you would have fallen for his charms in the past, but dear god was he more punchable than ever in that moment. even still, you miss his quips and jabs. what you wouldn't give to see the color return to his cracked, hellish skin.
"it is an honor to fight alongside most of you," you call out, facing forward as your subtle dig at younger johnny makes him frown. "raiden says it better. may the elder gods protect us."
it's not long before the large boat scrapes against the shore of the island, and your entire army charges into battle. guns, swords, and fangs spill so much blood, you could smell more iron than when you were riding down the crimson sea. your thoughts are cut short when a path opens, and you shoot a glance to your comrades.
"i see an opening!" you shout, pointing. "i'm going in!" a chorus of encouragements and cheers fill your ears atop the war cries, and the one that stands out most is cassie. your daughter's voice raises, slipping into grief mid-battle.
"if you find dad," she cries, praying to the gods that she won't lose both parents. "tell him i love him!" the knowledge that this battle will end in only one of you making it out alive terrifies her beyond belief but she does all she can to keep a strong face and salute you as you disappear in the crowd. cassie knows that a revenant version of johnny wouldn't fully understand, wouldn't fully accept her love, but she couldn't die or have him die without expressing it one last time.
you weave, shoot and slash through the crowd and end up in a castle-like structure. perhaps if you were to rise to the top you could use the position as surveillance or sniping. you could possibly even find a weak point. the building is just distant enough for the war to hardly reach the inside. your breathing and the sound of boots hitting stone are all you could focus on as you turn a corner.
blood rushes to your ears and you could feel your vision become glassy at the sight of the figure at the end of the hallway. even after all this time, you knew that shape. johnny stood in the dead center of the long hall, arms crossed and waiting like he predicted your arrival. maybe he did.
"no, nonono," you pant, leaning against the wall as your brows furrow. "not you. not now." the grief you thought you conquered washes over you.
"well i'll be damned," johnny smirks, pulling his sunglasses from his face and tucking them into his shirt. "long time no see, sugar." he takes long strides to you and your legs feel embarrassingly weak when you slide to the ground, gun clattering to the stone surface alongside you.
"anyone but you—" you're muttering under your breath, trying to ground your spiraling thoughts. "please."
johnny's in front of you now, kneeling down to meet your gaze. his skin is paled and crackling with a hellish glow, and his eyes are a heinous reddish shade. the outfit he wore was similar in style to his usual, but darker in palette and slightly edgier. in any other context, it was a good look.
"you look just as good as the day i left you," he grins, dismissing your grief and turmoil for flirtation. you want to fight back so bad, to shove him away and put an end to this but dammit it was the first time you'd heard that voice, that damn voice.
"why did you leave me? cassie?" you're involuntarily sobbing now, full of conflict. "why are you doing this?"
"you're the one causing this entire problem," johnny's defensive, jabbing a finger to your chest. "kronika's new era can save us. neither of us join the military. can you imagine it? white picket fence, two dogs and a daughter, home cooked meals every night and none of this bullshit—!" johnny's arm extends out to a nearby window, giving you both a view of the demon-human-demigod war on time. "—baby. join me. we could have everything we've ever dreamed of." his tone isn't as desperate and loving as it should be. it sounded... pushy. frustrated that you're disobeying what he wants.
"no," you choke out, tears flowing freely now. "you're being played a fool, johnny." he doesn't like your answer, and instead wraps a large hand around your small neck. he slides you back up the wall and spins you, your front now pressed up against a wall.
"you know what i'd miss more than your stubbornness?" he growls into your ear. his hand pressing hold on the back of your head is brewing a headache that quickly fizzles away when his other hand tugs your hips toward his front. you swallow, afraid to reply. "this sweet ass."
his cold, dead hand plays with the fat of your ass which spills a growl from his lips. instinctively rutting into you makes you spill an involuntary whimper out, craving his touch after so long.
"always a pain in my ass," johnny groans, slapping a cheek and watching it bounce. "i've gone years without it, i was practically losing my damn mind."
"johnny—" you barely breathe out. you're not entirely sure what you were going to say anyway. the warmth of his hardness shocks you as it slides up and down your clothed ass.
"mm?" he hums, transfixed on the way your behind fits his cock nicely. it was clear he wasn't fully listening and instead relishing in your presence once again.
as if he could read your thoughts, johnny chuckles to himself and kicks the rifle away, only stopping his humping momentarily to remove your defenses. your legs slightly part to try and catch the gun with your foot, accidentally giving him more access to your embarrassingly needy cunt.
"yeah, fuckin' speechless," he growls, hissing at the sight of your soaked bottoms. "bet you missed my cock, yeah?"
you could hardly even whimper from the onslaught of emotion. johnny's hand snakes to the front of your neck, forcibly arching your back as he pulls to lean into your ear.
"join me," he demands coldly.
johnny's hand dips under your waistband.
"join me," he demands again, tone getting progressively more animalistic as he tugs downward.
your pants are practically torn off as he grabs a fistful and tugs them to your knees with his mind-numbing strength. you weren't sure if he ripped your panties or tugged them off too. you hear something unbuckle on his end, and his hot, wet tip tickles your entrance.
"last chance." even though his hand returned to shove you into the stone wall, you could hear his cocky grin.
"go fuck yourself," you spit, realizing your grave choice of wording.
"i'll do you one better." he slams his entire cock inside of you, and it immediately settles into your walls like it was made to bury itself there for all of eternity. even still, going without dick that good leaves your pussy burning and on the verge of crying for other reasons.
he bottoms out quick, leaning back to admire how nicely he settles inside of you.
"well fuck, look at that," he says with genuine amusement in his tone. "you look so pretty stretched out on me like this, it's a sight for sore eyes."
your fingers claw at the stone, eyes rolling back as you take his full length without verbal complaint. as you pathetically attempt to protest, all you can sputter out are disconnected syllables. johnny's thrusts start off slow but he snaps into you as he reaches the base inches.
"all this whining but you're fuckin' soaked," he laughs, snapping into you harshly to hear you cry out. "you're a horrible liar, you know. you wanna join me, i can f — haah —" his own cocky nonsense is cut short when you clench around him. he lurches forward in shock, moving both hands to your hips to deepen his grip. "i can feel how tight you are for me."
in little to no time, johnny's cock is pounding into you at a breakneck pace, a horrid slapping sound echoing off of the castle walls as they mix with your obscene moans and his deep grunts. you're sure he's piling more unholy words into you but they feel so far away when he's plowing into you like a dying man — well.
his cracked, grey fingers grope you shamelessly, pinching your nipple through your uniform or rubbing rapid circles into your clit. the pleasure is too much too quickly and you feel a warmth pooling in your stomach as your juices coat his shaft.
a gasp escapes your lips with each thrust, your husband quite literally knocking the wind out of you each time he slams into you.
"i missed you," he purrs out, and just like that all hesitation and guilt you had flew away as his words made you cum hard. a glimpse of his humanity poured through at your orgasm, and while it was flattering, you had bigger problems to worry about then, including just how hard you came.
each wave of pleasure was met with an extra thrust for good measure, a pulse shooting to your clit that makes your knees buckle. what you quickly realize however is that your zombie husband isn't done with your body quite yet.
"oh, no no no," he tuts, thrusts getting wilder and filling you to the point of tears. "you're done when i'm done. this is what you get."
your sensitive walls continued to shamefully take every inch he forced into you, and you could writhe and twitch as a drop of drool spills from your lip. this revenant was fucking you stupid, using your body for all it was worth in the moment. you hated yourself for falling for his undead charm all over again. your vision was going black and starry before another orgasm rode up on you again, johnny's back shots doing nothing to soothe the overstimulation that was racking your body. it's not long before he's whining too, which turns into his signature whimpering when he fucks into you harshly, spewing his cum inside of you like he owns you. you cum with him this time, flooding with your own juice mixed with his cum that now coated your walls nicely.
tears still burned in your eyes, and so did your pussy from the unexpected stretch. johnny panted above you, face turned up at the ceiling as he tries to compose himself.
"holy..." he pants, wiping the sweat from his face with his arm. he wraps an arm around you and slaps at your bare pussy, making you yelp and jump back against his dick that's still buried inside. you swallow thickly and nod, too hazy to make sense of it all.
"i..." what the hell were you going to say? what is there to say after all of this? you're dumbfounded, fucked silly but torn apart by grief. as you crane your neck to look at johnny, you find that he's already looking at you with a coy expression. like he robbed you of something. tore your very being apart piece by piece and was proud.
"hope you're not mad at me for the whole dying thing, by the way."
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wingedhallows · 6 months
we'll be family, part 2; sirius black
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pairing: sirius black x reader | 2.6k words plot: sirius is finally back and your godson is as well. You're determined to finally be a family, no one will come between, you're determined. prompt: "we'll be family" authors note: I might make this in a short part siries :)
navigation | part one
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You’ve hated these neatly built houses as much as you did fifteen years ago, the way every single one of them looked exactly the same made you want to vomit, it bored you to death.
Harry was tucked behind you, even if he was almost taller than you. You lifted your hand and knocked three times before you could hear some shuffling inside.
The door opened without a sound and Lily’s sister came to sight, her face contorted into a confused or rather bewildered expression.
“Who might you be?” She screeched, her voice had given you a headache all those years ago as well. You’ve been here before, with Lily actually. She had invited her sister and her pig of a husband to their wedding. They didn’t want to hear her out, kicking her out after you had shoved your wand into their faces, ready to recite a curse.
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten me, Petunia.” You gave her a small smirk before you walked straight past her, your hand in Harry’s as you spoke. “Go, get your things.” Harry had left some books and clothes behind, not everything had found its place in his trunk when he ran away. Harry gave you a nod and sprinted up the stairs.
“Get out of my house this instant, Y/N.” She did remember you.
You turned around and a small chuckle escaped you.
“I’m not here because your company is so exquisite, Petunia. I’m simply here because my godson forgot some of his stuff.” Some heavy footsteps sounded from within the house and Vernon came into sight. His eyes were wide, a pint of ice cream in his fat hands. “What’s she doin’ here?” He grumbled, cheeks painted red from even the littlest physical effort.
“Lovely to see you again as well, Vernon.” You waved at him dramatically and leaned back against the wall. “Get out, right now.” You sighed and shoved a cigarette between your lips. With a tap from your finger it lit itself.
“You really wanna talk to me like that?” You took a drag and blew the smoke in his direction. He didn’t answer as his eyes flew up the stairs. Harry has been rummaging through his former room for a few minutes. You had told him to be thorough, you didn’t want to come back here again.
“How’s your sister, oh, I forgot she’s a bit out of reach lately, right?” Vernon clenched his fat jaw and Petunia threw her hand in front of her mouth with a gasp.
“Well, I’m glad he’s gone actually.” Vernon spoke as he licked the spoon clean. You nodded and blew some more smoke. “Me too, you lot are so awfully boring.” Petunia walked past you to stand next to her disgusting husband. “Excuse me?” You laughed, cigarette sizzling away in your hand.
“You should be ashamed actually.” You paused as you walked up to her, your face now awfully close to her own. “To tell him his parents were killed in a car accident.” Your eyes were cold as you blew some smoke in her face, she had to cough as you watched her, mouth in a sour snarl.
”To say his father was an unemployed drunk when he was one of the best Aurors out there.” You paused, eyeing her up and down.
“Merlin was wise to not grant someone like you a spark of magic.” The stud of the cigarette now in your palm as it vanished. “God knows what a disaster that would’ve been.” 
Harry shuffled down the stairs as you turned around with a bright smile on your face. You embraced his face in your hands and placed a quick peck to his forehead. He gave you a small smile and said, “I’ve got everything.” You nodded and grabbed his hand.
“You were never cut out to be parents, not even with your own.”
You brought a hand to the back of Harry’s head and petted him lovingly.
“He was always better off without you, I hope you know that.” Both of them didn’t speak as you gave Harry a tight smile and said, “Ready?” He nodded and without another word you apparated both of you away, back to Grimmauld Place, back to Sirius.
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Your hand was in Sirius’ hair as he had his head in your lap, the book in your other hand hovered over his head. He hummed with his eyes closed as Harry darted into the living room. Your head whipped to the young boy and you closed the book to place it down. Sirius stirred and sat up, his hand snaked around your shoulders.
“Did you need something, Harry?” He nodded and sat down on the small stool in front of the both of you.
“I wanted to ask you about something.” You nodded, waiting for him to continue. Sirius hand found your upper arm to squeeze it lovingly, you looked at him and your heart felt so full. You leaned over to place a kiss on his lips.
“Right, I wanted to ask you about this picture.” He placed one of the many fotobooks on the tiny table and placed his finger on a picture.
Sirius and you were intertwined, limbs crossed and slung in a comfortable manner. The picture displayed you on top of a blonde individual, your fist raised and as fast punching down, sure to break the person's nose.
“Is that Lucius Malfoy?” You brought a hand to your mouth, trying to stifle a laugh. You simply nodded. Sirius barked a laugh and took the album from Harry’s hands, admiring the memory.
“Godric, she beat him up good.”
“Why?” Harry asked, a small smile on his lips. You sighed with a smile on your face.
“He talked shit about your mum, so I hit him.” Harry laughed, his chin rested on his hand as he listened to you explain. Sirius put the album down and heaved another laugh.
“Hit him? You knocked the lights out of him, like a fuckin’ bulldozer.” Harry shook his head as he eyed the photograph again. A satisfying warmth spread in his chest as he watched your fist connect with Malfoy's face over and over again.
“Well, Pettigrew didn’t waste a minute to snap a picture.” You complained, a hand in your hair. His minions had seen Peter with the camera and insisted on having Dumbledore check it. Because there was evidence, you were down for three weeks of detention.
“I’ve never been someone to just sit by when shitheads like Malfoy insult my friends.” Harry nodded and took the album back. He hesitated but asked anyway.
“I now know a lot about Sirius but not so much about you.” He paused and closed the album.
“Should I tell you about myself?” You asked with a small smile on your face.
Harry nodded and placed the album on the small table. “Please.” You nodded and slung one leg over the other, Sirius hand in yours.
”It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, Harry.” He shook his head. “I don’t care.” You nodded and watched Sirius light himself a cigarette.
“I was born into a fanatic pureblood family, just like Sirius. My parents were cruel, selfish pricks who didn’t care about anything else but their image. Had me dress up and displayed like a circus animal most of the time. I had a younger sister and a younger brother.
Ebony and Caspian were kids when our parents pressured them to be a part of the cause.” You air-quoted the last bit. Your chest tightened, the pain of losing both of your younger siblings still sat deep, it would until your last breath left your lungs.
“Ebony was naive, fast to find her place in the ranks of Voldemort's army.” You paused as you took the cigarette Sirius held out for you to take. Harry looked at you, eager to hear more.
“Caspian was wiser, he listened to me and became a member of the Order.” The smoke filled your lungs as you tried to push the tears down. “He was a great wizard and a lovely young boy. Sadly he was one of many people Pettigrew ratted out, he had no chance.” Harry leaned back in his chair and muttered a small “I’m sorry.”
You smiled at him before a huff left you. “Nothing to be sorry about, Harry. It’s sad, but that’s how it is.” Sirius thumb massaged your hand and you flashed him a small smile.
“I met Sirius before our first year, at a pureblood ball, actually. We didn’t like each other at first, the anger of our families stood between us. Around second year I got close to the Gryffindors, I hated nothing more than pretentious, arrogant pureblood pricks, so my house wasn’t really a place to make friends.” Harry chuckled and nodded along.
“All through third and fourth year we became great friends, all of us. At the end of fifth year, I had a bad fallout with my parents. I refused to get the dark mark and my father dueled with me. I had worked on my wandless magic since third year and I kind of felt this fight with my parents coming.
Working with McGonagall on wandless magic all those years saved my life, I believe. He didn’t spare me but neither did I. If I weren’t more focused on protecting my little brother, who was only thirteen or so, I would’ve killed him, maybe I should’ve.” You paused and wiped a stray tear. The smoke filled your lungs again and Sirius took a drag as well. His lips swiftly on yours for a quick peck.
“I escaped with my beaten brother in hands to the gates of Hogwarts. With the last bit of strength I sent my owl, Onyx, to alert Dumbledore. He made sure we were safe.” The stud of the cigarette found its way into the old ashtray and you took a breath.
“Ebony was lost to the dark, I knew that much, but Caspain was alright, that was all that mattered to me.”
“Caspian and I stayed with the Potters over the summer the next few years, I’ll alway be thankful to their kindness and generosity.” Harry nodded and rubbed his thumb on his chin with a questioning look on his face.
“So, Caspian died because of Peter Pettigrew’s betrayal.” You nodded, a pang of pain in your chest followed. “Your sister, Ebony, is she-”I sure hope she is, I killed her myself.” 
The tears formed again, as you remembered how your baby sister layed on the dirty ground, clothes torn, lip bloody as she stared you down. “Eby.” You had whispered, your wand in your hand, hair in a tangled mess. Tears coated her cheeks as she choked up.
“I won’t apologize.” She had said, as fleeting light exposed her bleeding form. “I know.” You had whispered back, tears leaving your eyes as well.
She was dying.
Blood seeped from her mouth, her nose. “You do it, no one else.” The terror shook you, your damp clothes seemed to cage in like an iron claw. “Of course.” Your knees had connected with the damp ground as your hand found her cheek, a sob escaped your lips.
“I love you, Eby.” She nodded, her eyes roaming your face. Her lips tore into a smile as she sobbed a quiet “Love you too.” Blood splattered in your direction. “Avada Kedavra.” You had whispered and with a green flash she was dead.
“Excuse me.” You whispered, before you jumped to your feet and made your way out of the room. There were so many things you had buried, tried to forget. It was all in vain, you were damned to remember, to feel those emotions, to relive those events. You’re simply damned.
Your chest heaved with panic, your hands trembled, sweaty. “Love?” You whipped around to face Sirius, his face twisted into an empathic manner, his hands held out for you to take. Harry stood behind him, his eyes on the ground.
“Love, come here.” You took a big breath and embraced the man you loved, his hands wrapped tightly around you. You reached your hand out for Harry to take.
“Harry, love.” You called, his eyes found yours. With hesitant steps he made his way to you, his warm hand grasped yours.
“Don’t feel guilty, it’s just hard, is all.” You embraced him in your hug. There the three of you stood, tightly wrapped in a hug. You ruffled Harry’s hair and gave him a small smile.
“Though it’s in the past, it doesn’t always stay there. I wanted to tell you, so don’t feel bad.” He nodded and placed his hand in yours.
“The more I get to know you, Y/N. There more I see what a great woman you are. I’m glad to have you as my godmother.” You embraced the boy's face in your hands and placed a quick peck on his forehead. You wrapped your hands around Harry.
“Thank you, Harry.”
“Oh, how touching. Nice to see the family coming along.” Remus closed the door behind himself. You broke apart and walked over to your dear friend.
“Rem, how good to see you.” You smiled before embracing the man in a hug. “Moony, old friend.” Sirius smiled and hugged him as well.
“Kreacher, go fetch a bottle.” Sirius threw at the mean old house elf. “No need.” Remus swatted his hand.
“I come bearing news.” He rested his hand on the chair next to him. “Quite urgent, it seems.” “Good or bad?” You threw in, eyebrows furrowed. He tilted his head and gave you a small smile.
“However you want to take it, dear Y/N.” He paused and you huffed in amusement.
“There might be a hint on Peter. Albus wants to see you, Y/N.”
The smile left your face in an instant. “And he sent you because?-”He thought you might like my face more than Kingsley’s.” You patted Remus’ shoulder.
“True that.”
“They’re coming with me, both of’em.” You stated. Sirius's eyes found yours.
“But Sirius is still-”I’m not the struggling witch fifteen years ago, Moony. If they want either of them, they’ve got to go through me, so, Peter is as much Harry’s problem as mine or Sirius’ and we all want revenge. I’ll take responsibility, does that make you feel better?”
Remus shook his head with a sigh before holding his hand out for you.
“Once a troublemaker, always a troublemaker, huh?”
You nodded and held your hand for Harry to take, Sirius hand found your arm as well and within a flash the four of you had aparated to the grounds of Hogwarts. 
“The Marauders are back, huh?” You chuckled. Sirius slung his arm around your waist and chuckled. That grin, that beautiful grin of his. You were sure to do anything in your power to see it on him as a free man.
You were going to crush Peter Pettigrew, you were going to avenge your brother, Alice, Frank, Lily and James. You were going to protect your family, Harry.
“You scandalous beautiful Minx.” He chuckled.
“Get a room.” Remus complained.
“I actually know a room around here.” He smiled at Remus who threw him a dirty look, who remembered the many sleepless nights he had to endure during their school time.
“You’re a wanker, Padfoot.” Sirius clasped your hand in his and pushed Harry forward.
“The one and only.” As he followed Remus down the corridor. With Sirius and Harry beside you, you felt complete.
However broken and beaten you three were, you were family now.
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truetogaia · 1 year
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i'm thinkin' lets have some cute wari content b4 we move onto the nasty stuff AHA
pairing: tonowari x reader
genre: tooth rotting fluff
notes: felt the need to write something fluffy and cute to cleanse my polluted soul. Plus I really just crave some cuuute wari rn.
synopsis: sick 'wari, thats it.
THIS ONES FOR U @avatarkv ♡
The soothing sounds of waves rolling easily up the shore, paired with the chirps of airborne creatures had awoken you suddenly, along with the concerning, loud coughs of your dear mate. Worry had painted a frown on your face as you had placed a cold hand on his hot forehead, checking his temperature. 
As it turned out, the mighty olo’eyktan had come down with a cold, and he did not want anyone to know. So, you had carried on with your day, fulfilling your duties as Tsahìk, and carrying out a small portion of his as well, since he had not been able to lift even a finger that morning. Oh yes, your mate was very sick.
Upon your arrival home, you noticed that he was still sleeping. You frowned once again, for the sun had begun its descent hours ago, and it was now closer to evening. 
With quiet steps, barely noticeable even to a mouse, you tiptoed over to where Tonowari laid snoozing. He looked so cozy, so undisturbed and free from the stress and pressure of the demanding role of olo’eyktan. You pondered for a minute, or two, if you really had it in you to wake him from his peaceful slumber. No, no you couldn’t possibly. He deserved all the rest he could get, considering the overwhelming amount of workload and responsibility he shouldered as clan leader. 
A gentle smile placed itself upon your features as you lovingly observed your mate. Carefully, as to not wake him up, you moved a loose strand out of his face. You got up, an idea forming in your head as you rummaged through the pod for some medicinal herbs. 
A sweet, delicious scent filled Tonowari’s nose, waking him from his nap. He groggily rubbed his eyes in an attempt to see clear again, because it could not truly be this dark outside, could it? His tired gaze wandered around the lit up pod, searching for his lover. And he soon spotted you, crouched down, leaning over the large pot situated in the middle of the room. He yawned, stretching his long, strong arms, before preparing himself to stand up. 
“Oh, good morning, or should I say good evening, ‘Wari!”  Your voice interrupted his action, and once again he sat himself down. “I’m just getting some warm soup ready for you, It shouldn’t take too long, my dear. You just stay right there.” 
His face wore a doting smile as you got up from your former spot, carrying a wooden bowl with hot, steaming soup. 
“Here you go. Drink carefully now, and don't forget to blow on it. It is still very, very hot.” You warned, handing him the piping hot bowl. He nodded, gently placing his hands atop yours as he accepted the bowl. 
“Thank you, yawne. Truly, you are the sweetest gift.” You grinned proudly at his praise, happy to be of help to your beloved. 
He wasted no time when he was finished, wrapping his long and strong arms around your form. You struggled against his tight grip, reminding him that he was sick. And that you did not want to be infected. 
“I have important matters to attend to tomorrow, ‘Wari, you know this. I can’t get sick now, who is to take care of the village?” He hushed you, placing a loving kiss to the top of your head.
““I am not going to get you sick, just let me hold onto my love while I lay dying.”
You rolled your eyes at his antics, giggling as if you were a teenage girl again as he peppered your reddening face with gentle kisses and pecks. His warm embrace was enough to make you sleepy, and soon it was Tonowari’s turn to admire you, ever so lovingly.
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
ⱼᵤₛₜ yₒᵤ ₐₙd ₘₑ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴀꜱᴛᴀʀɪᴏɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ꜱʜᴀᴘᴇꜱʜɪꜰᴛᴇʀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ꜱᴏɴɢ: ʟɪᴀɴᴀ ꜰʟᴏʀᴇꜱ- ʀɪꜱᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴ
Tw: Murder, blood, comfort and fluff in the end.
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Astarion had finally did it, he killed his master. The man who had tormented for decades. At first he wanted to be as powerful as his old Master, but you had talked him into being different. You knew he could do better then Cazador, that he could break the cycle of this kind of torment. And he did, he didn't choose the path into become like his father, but that still didn't stop him from killing the person he hated most.
All you could do was watch him, watch his as he stabbed the blade into his former master without mercy. You didn't bother intervening, you let him do what he wanted. He was taking out all the anger and fustration out on the now bloodied and stabbed body of Cazador. It almost scared you, you've never seen Astarion this angry. Sure he was mad at you for meeting Cazador in the first place, but now this was a new level.
Now that was over, his master was now dead. Astarion then dropped to his knees, covered in blood, letting out a cry. As if he held in his real feelings for a while now. You saw him at his weakest now. As he cried, you couldn't help but approach him, you didn't want him to feel alone. So you got down on your knees and wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him into a tight but light hug. He didn't seem to mind you at the moment, all he could do was just cry, as a sign of relief. As you hugged him, you felt blood getting onto your hands, getting stuck into your skin, but you didn't care. A couple minutes passed, his cried began to die down. Now he was slightly sobbing and trying to catch his breath. You felt Astarion's cold hand, softly grabbing yours and giving it a small squeeze.
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Back to the camp, you took him to the riverbank near the woods. He was still covered in now dried up blood. He also didn't seem to speak at all. He was in some form of shock. You didn't mind it, he was processing what had just happened a couple hours ago. Once at the riverbank, you sat him a giant rock while you went to get some water on the rag you brought. The only sound that was heard was of you squeezing the remaining water off the cloth and the water splashing back in the river.
You went back to Astarion, who was still quiet and staring off, you leaned down a bit, beginning the clean the dried blood off his cheeks, as well as his dried tears. It was a slow process, you didn't want to be rough, you were as gentle as possible. Then you moved down his neck, to his chest, stomach and arms. It was still quiet, only the sounds of your breathing and the cloth rubbing against his pale skin. You then cleaned his right hand, that had been covered the most. The blood was dried, almost turning into crust. It was a bit harder to remove, but you got it. He was now completely clean.
Before you were about to go clean the dried blood off the cloth, you felt Astarion's strong arms pulling you into a tight hug. Similar to the hug that you gave him. You then dropped the cloth and hugged him right back again. With your arms around his neck, softly caressing his muscular back and shoulder blades. He still didn't say anything, he seemed a bit focused on your calm heart beat. "Thank you.... thank you so much for what you did for me... You actually believed in me... You believe I am better than him." He mumbled against your neck, as he continued to hold you. This felt your heart swell up and beat a bit faster. All you did was hug him, and softly run your hand through his silver locks. "I'm just glad that you're alright." You responded to him, giving him a kiss on the head, lovingly. You and him stood there, for a long moment, just hugging one another.
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
The Garden - NSFW Version
Summary: Six years after the sudden death of your father, you return to his beloved home to restore it to its former glory. A series of strange events leads you to find a friend in a strange horse that appears on your property. Little do you know there’s more to this horse than meets the eye. 
Pairing: Kix x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, monster AU, kelpie!Kix, minor character death at the start, grief, magic, shapeshifting, loosely based on folklore, cultural differences, no foreplay, unprotected sex, outdoor sex, sex in the rain.
A/N: This is the NSFW version of the fic. It's slightly longer due to the smut at the end, but if you would prefer to read the SFW version, it is linked down below. This was originally going to be a kinktober day but this story got a bit away from me and wound up less...kinky I'd say than I planned. So instead I'm posting it just as a monster/horror/regular smut fic. (though there is a bit of a praise kink at the end 👀)
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It’s a day you’d rather forget. 
Your father had spent hours and hours of his time making the house perfect, making the yard perfect. He wanted everything to be perfect, but he’d never get to see it. 
It happened suddenly. You’d been the one to find him, searching for him in the backyard, in the labyrinth of paths and bushes and trees. You’d found him lying there in the grass  almost like he was taking a nap, but you knew him better than that. The panic that had risen in your throat was like nothing you’d ever felt, your scream heard clear in the house as you’d desperately tried CPR, but it was too late. 
To say it was a shock was an understatement. 
Now you’re sitting in the pristine grass he had mowed every other day without fail. His pride and joy was being tarnished by tents and plastic chairs. You tried to listen as some “mate” he’d had in college spoke about their time together, telling stories you’d never heard, referencing a man who was nothing more than a pile of ashes sitting on a table in front of the begonias he’d lovingly planted for your mother. She was crying into your grandmother’s shoulder, sobs wracking her body. 
But you don’t cry. 
Instead something is rising in you, something twisting, threatening to choke you. There were too many people, most of them you didn’t know, sitting in his lawn and tarnishing it with their heels and their shoes. He would have hated it, the holes in his golf course grade grass, the shoe prints that would no doubt be left imprinted in the grass thanks to the rain the night before. Footprints in the dirt of his precious gardens, trampling his flowers, squishing the only thing that mattered to him in this world beside you and your mother. 
You can’t stand it anymore. 
You don’t care that people stare as you get up from your seat, walking out of the sweltering tent. The sun is high, heating the ground beneath your feet as you take off running, losing your shoes in the process. You don’t care, feet squelching in the wet grass, then the underbrush as you force your way into the trees along the property line. You run through the trees, ignoring the branches grabbing at you, the leaves snagging in your hair, the roots tempting to trip you, tangle your feet and send you to the ground. Tears have blurred your vision now, running blindly, trying to get away from the pain, the...wrongness behind you. 
Finally a root jumps up and grabs you, tangling around your ankles, sending you to the ground. The mud is wet as you hit it, splattering on your black clothes but you don’t care. You don’t even bother to pull yourself up, laying in the mud as you sob. You miss your father, you miss his quirks, the things you never appreciated before. The things you never paid attention to that you should have. The things you’d never get to do again, the things you’d never get to hear or see again. All the sorrow wells at once, the numbness of the past few days wearing off. 
A splash near you draws you from your grieving, your head snapping to the side, finding a small lake. You had no idea it was there. Then again, you hadn’t spent much time in the forest by your house. Your father had always warned you of faeries but you’d never believed him. Faeries were children’s stories. 
But the horse head staring at you from the lake has you questioning that. 
It’s black as night, reeds tangled in its black hair. It's submerged up to its milky white eyes, no bubbles appearing where its nose is in the water. You have to be hallucinating. The past few days had gotten to you finally and you were seeing things. That was it. Maybe you’d hit your head when you were falling and this was all just a dream. 
You stay still as the horse begins to move closer, its head rising up out of the water now. A low buzzing begins in your ears, rising in pitch until it almost sounds like...music. You’re entranced, staring at the horse as it stands still. Something draws you towards it, something tells you to touch it, not to fear the water but to jump in and climb on its back. 
The cold lake water startles you from your trance. You hadn’t even noticed you had moved,  kneeling at the edge of the water, wet mud threatening to suction you into place. It’s soaking your clothes but you can’t bring yourself to care. 
Your name being shouted through the trees drags you from your thoughts. You lower your hand, realizing it had been reaching out towards the horse. It’s gone, taking all trace of it having been there, not even a ripple on the surface of the water left. Maybe it had been a hallucination all along. 
Arms are wrapping around you, pulling you from the edge of the water. 
“Stay away from there!” A woman is saying, chastising you for getting close to the lake. Your head is swimming, the buzzing still in your ears. “Those waters are dangerous.” 
Something is wrapped around your shoulders, and you find you're shivering despite the warm sun above you. You recognize who it came from, the overwhelming scent of aftershave reaching your nose. 
You're led back to the house and taken inside. Your mother is there instantly, worrying over you. You numbly allow yourself to be led to the couch, Jeffrey sitting you down on it. He lived two doors down with his mother, and more than once had come calling on you with any excuse he could use to do so. You thought he was sweet, but that was it. 
Someone is speaking, someone else is handing you a glass of water. But everything seems distant to you. Maybe you were dreaming. Maybe you were in a coma and this was all some sick fantasy brought on by delirium. 
You know that’s not the case. The brain wasn’t capable of thinking all these people up, all the things that you’d seen, all the people you’d met over the past few days were real. 
Your dad being dead was real. 
You sip the water, letting people fuss around you. Jeffrey is sitting next to you, his arm wrapped around your shoulders supportively. You’re still wet, the cold water grounding you, but it was also a reminder of what you’d seen. The horse in the water. How you had been so drawn to it, wanting to touch it, willing to walk into the lake to get to it. 
The thought scares you more than anything that had happened the past few days ever could. 
Six years. 
Your mother had held onto the house for six years. 
She moved you both to town, unable to stare at the work your father had put in. The constant reminders of him were too much for her to handle and so she’d run from it. You had returned once you had your own car. You had constantly driven past it, pulled into the driveway to stare at it. It looked sad, like something out of a fairytale. The outside needed repainted, the yard had overgrown, starting to take back the house as well. The garden your father had put so much work into and the bushes were all dead. It was like the forest was slowly creeping in, retaking the land as its own. 
Six years and you had finally graduated from high school, gone to college and gotten a useless degree. Six years to work up the courage to ask your mother for the keys, wanting some place to stay that wasn’t the cramped apartment rife with your mother and her sorrows. 
Finally it was yours. 
You start with the house, cleaning it up inside. It was dusty and damp after the six years it had been closed up. You air it out, sweeping and dusting every inch, making it shine, just like it had six years ago. The yard, however, was something else. Its glory was gone, shriveled up and overgrown from six years of neglect. You knew you could never return it to its full glory, but at least you could try. Spring is coming, the days slowly lengthening and getting warmer. You want to get it cleaned up so you can begin planting soon.
A few days go by without incident. You finish fixing up the interior of the house and begin on the exterior. Ivy has made itself at home on one side of the house, and it desperately needs repainting. The roof needs to be cleaned as well, moss growing on the side facing the forest. It truly feels like the forest had slowly been reaching out, trying to reclaim the land. 
For a moment you feel as if you should let it, as you watch the ivy peel back from the side of the house. What was the point of cleaning up the house? Your father is gone. He won’t ever see it again. 
You push the thought away, finishing your work for the day. 
It’s after dark when it happens for the first time. You had been making dinner after closing up the house when a low buzzing had started to sound in your ears. You look around, wondering if perhaps it’s one of the lights. You move around the room, standing next to each one, but the buzzing never changes in tone or volume. 
You flick the lights off, but the buzzing doesn't cease. The moon is out, illuminating the lawn as you stare out the window. Your lips part in a gasp as you catch a shadowy form standing in the long grass. You move closer to the window, blinking in shock. 
It looks like...a horse. 
Its eyes glint in the darkness, reflecting the light of the moon. A feeling of uneasiness washes over you, the buzzing in your ears feeding the fear starting to bud in the back of your mind. Your hand shakes as you reach for the curtain, quickly drawing it closed. The room is bathed in darkness and you fumble for the lightswitch, the buzzing stopping as soon as the light flicks on. 
You breathe in the sudden silence, your heart thudding in your chest. There was a horse in your yard. You turn back to the kitchen, trying to calm the fear gnawing at you. Maybe one of the neighbors had gotten a horse and it somehow escaped into your yard. There was certainly plenty for a horse to eat in the overgrown yard. 
Perhaps you should make a visit to the neighbors again. It has been years since you’ve seen them. You can let them know one of their horses is escaping at night. 
None of your neighbors have horses. 
You try to process the thought as you work on painting the exterior of the house. You had visited them the day before, making them known of your return to your childhood home. You had asked briefly about the horse, but you’d gotten nothing but shrugs and one strange look from Jeffrey’s mother. 
Perhaps it had escaped from somewhere outside of the neighborhood then. There were many farms all across the countryside. The horse could have wandered in from anywhere. Hell, the horse could have been a hallucination for all you know. A trick of the shadows. 
For all you know there was no horse at all. 
The thought sends a shiver down your spine, something in the back of your mind prickling. You get the sudden feeling you’re being watched. You turn on the ladder, glancing at the forest behind you. You scan the treeline, but there’s nothing in the thick underbrush. 
Your father had always warned you about going into the forest as a child. Forests are strange places, and while there were no large predators you had to worry about, there were...other things. The trees were tricky and liked to play games, making you get lost on purpose.
And the faeries. 
You had believed him, at least as a child. Then you brushed him off as you grew older. Faeries were nothing but stories and legends. 
Still, you never ventured into the forest. Something about it has always given you goosebumps, making the hair on the back of your neck stand straight. 
You turn away from the trees, resuming your painting. You want to get it done and dry before the weather turns wet with the coming spring. You have a lot to do before then. 
The buzzing returns that night. 
You’re in bed this time, tucked away upstairs in your old room. It hadn’t felt right, sleeping in what was your parents' old room. Some of your dads stuff is still in there, and you don’t feel brave enough to start looking through it. Not yet. 
You had just been drifting off to sleep when the buzzing started, pulling you from the precious slumber. Your heart jumps in your chest, fear buzzing through you almost as loud as the buzzing in your ears. Your gaze turns towards the window overlooking the front yard. What would you see if you got up and looked? Will the shadowy horse figure be there again? 
Your breathing picks up as you hear the familiar creak of the porch steps. The front door is locked, you had made sure of it twice before you retired to bed, but that doesn’t stop the fear screaming in the back of your mind. 
Your legs are shaking as you rise from the bed, slowly tiptoeing to the window. You glance down at the yard, but you can’t see anything. The porch continues to creak, slow, heavy footsteps making their way around the side of the house.
You open your door, glancing down the hallway towards the stairs. You let out a breath, cursing the fact everything you could use as a weapon is downstairs in the kitchen. You tiptoe along the hallway, making your way slowly down the stairs. 
You stare at the kitchen window as you make your way to the bottom of the steps, the curtains thin enough you can make out something moving on the porch in the moonlight. You sink down, making yourself as small as possible as you hold your breath. 
There’s a horse on your porch. 
It’s unmistakable, its shadow illuminated through the kitchen window. You’re afraid, breaths ragged and shaky as you stare at the figure through the window. You wonder if it can see you even in the darkness. Its head turns towards the window, ears flickering. You hold your breath, the buzzing in your ears getting louder. 
It almost sounds like...music. 
A deep, sad song begins to come through the buzzing like a radio picking up a distant signal. Tears fill your eyes as something tugs deeply in your chest. The grief from the last six years comes back to the surface, the house suddenly feeling so large and empty. You want to escape, you want to run out the door. You can’t stand it, being alone. The house was supposed to be full of light and laughter and happy memories. It’s so cold and empty now. 
The creak of a board on the porch snaps you from your thoughts, your body halfway to the front door. You hadn’t even realized you had gotten up. You stumble back, racing for the stairs and back up to your room. You push your desk in front of the door before diving under the covers, putting a pillow over your head to try and block out the buzzing music. 
You let out a shriek as you leave the house two days later. 
Standing in your yard is a black horse. 
It’s just standing there, staring right at you, unmoving. Your hand is on the doorknob, ready to rush back inside. There’s no buzzing this time, no song. It’s morning, the sun coming over the hills. The world is damp from how cold it was last night. There’s no hoofprints in the tall grass, no sign of the horse trampling through it. You wonder how long it’s been there. 
“Can I help you?” You ask, feeling stupid as the words leave your mouth. You’re talking to a horse. 
Its ears flick at your words and it continues to stare at you for a moment before it lowers its head, starting to graze on the tall grass. You relax just slightly, your hand slipping off the doorknob. Perhaps it’s just a lost horse, come to graze on your jungle. The other neighbors all keep their lawns well kept, so you can rationalize why a horse would choose this yard over theirs. 
Maybe this was the horse you’ve been seeing at night too, simply making itself at home where there’s plenty of food. Maybe you’ve been imagining the buzzing, the music. Maybe the emptiness of your home truly is getting to you. 
Your foot hits something as you take a step forward, drawing your gaze downward. Sitting on your porch is a silver halter. You glance at the horse, its eyes on you as you bend down to pick it up. The leather is soft and worn, diamonds lining the sides and the nose. The buckles shine like new, and you wonder if they’re real silver. 
You glance back at the horse, finding it staring at you as it chews. You take a cautious step forward, then another. The horse doesn’t move, staying still as you make your way down the creaky steps. 
“Is this yours?” You ask, holding the halter up. 
The horse bobs its head before bending back down to graze. 
You blink in shock. Did the horse just...nod? You take a couple steps forward, closer to the horse. It’s big, tall and strong even with its head bent. Its coat is slick and shiny in the morning light, its mane thick and curly and long enough it drags on the ground when it eats. It’s a beautiful horse, and you can’t imagine someone just leaving it here. 
“Aren’t you...supposed to be wearing this?” You say, holding up the halter. 
The horse rears back, letting out a loud neigh as you approach. You stumble back as it moves away from you, staring at you with a cautious look. Your heart is pounding in your throat, short breaths puffing in the cool air. 
“Okay, okay.” You hold your hand out, your fingers trembling. “You don’t have to wear it.” The horse continues to watch you as you make your way back up the steps. “I’ll just...put it inside so it doesn’t get damaged.” 
The horse is grazing again when you step back outside, almost like nothing had happened. 
You watch it for a few moments before sighing. “I guess if you’re going to help with the yard you can stay.” 
You should put up a poster at the general store in town about the stray horse that’s made itself at home on your property. You go about your day, the horse contently grazing on your long grass, paying you no mind. It’s nice, not being alone, even if your companion is a mysterious stray horse that apparently understands you. You’ve always heard horses are very intelligent, though, so perhaps it wasn’t that strange it was able to answer you. 
You work on repairs outside the house until sunset, tired and sore from all the work you’ve been doing. You haven’t even touched the garden yet. You should pull out the lawnmower tomorrow and at least get the grass trimmed down. Make it look like more of a yard. 
You turn around, nearly jumping out of your skin as you find the horse right behind you. You hadn’t even heard it approach you, not even its footsteps on the stone path to the front door. 
You put a hand on your chest, taking a deep breath. “You’re a sneaky thing, aren’t you.” 
An almost mischievous look flashes in its eyes, so fast you almost don’t notice. Almost. You take a deep breath, calming your racing heart as it stretches out its head, sniffing at your sweatshirt. You hesitantly reach up, resting your hand on its face. Its hair is silky and smooth under your hand, almost feeling faintly damp. 
It blows out a breath, pressing its face into your hand. You scratch its nose, a smile tugging at your lips as it moves its head with your hand. 
“It’s nice, not being alone.” You say, gently patting his head. “Things didn’t used to be this way. But, maybe someday they won’t be anymore.” You pat his head before pulling away. 
He watches you walk up the porch steps, and you take one last look at him before you close the door, locking it. 
You relax on the couch after dinner, your eyes drawn to the halter sitting on the coffee table. You pick it up, feeling the weight of it in your hands. It’s heavy from the diamonds, and you just know it has to be expensive. You turn it in your hands, looking at the other side. The leather is worn, which must mean it gets used often. It probably looks good on the horse, the silver contrasting its dark hair. 
On the back of the nosepiece is three letters embroidered in the leather. 
Are they initials? Or perhaps the horse’s name is Kix. 
There’s no other markings, no other indication of the owner’s information anywhere. You run your fingers over the soft leather again before you set it back on the coffee table, heading off to bed. 
The horse is standing in your lawn again the next morning. You’re less afraid this time, walking down the steps without pause. It watches you, its tail flicking. There’s something about its stare, those dark eyes watching you with almost human understanding. It sends a shiver down your spine, fear tickling the back of your mind again. 
You shove it aside as you pull the lawnmower out of the shed, sighing as you stare at the expanse of lawn you’re going to have to mow. 
You turn to look at the horse, its eyes on you. “There was a name on the halter.” You say, leaning against the lawnmower. “Kix, I think.” 
The horse bobs its head in a nod. 
“Is that...your name?” 
It nods again. 
A smile tugs at your lips. “Are you...a boy horse?” 
It nods once more, before lowering its head to graze. So that was his name on the halter. You still can’t help but wonder who he belongs to. Surely someone was looking for him. 
Kix continues to graze mindlessly as you mow the tall weeds and grass. As you said you would, you leave a small patch for him to graze on in the back of the house, away from the street and the front door. You know it’s only a matter of time before the neighbors notice your mysterious visitor. You’re surprised none of them have come knocking yet.
The day grows warmer, the sun bearing down on you as you mow the lawn, working your way in a circle around the house. You finish up back by the shed, shutting the lawnmower off before you collapse in the newly cut lawn, breathing heavily. 
Footsteps crunch through the grass before you’re staring upside down at Kix’s nose. His lips tickle your forehead as he sniffs at your head, your hand pushing his nose away. You push yourself up to sit, wiping the sweat from your brow. 
“I don’t know how my dad did this, like, every day.” You say, running your hand over the short grass. “He loved his lawn. He loved his yard. He loved his garden.” You shake your head, staring at the tangled vines and dead bushes, the weeds that have taken over where meticulously planted flowers used to bloom every spring. “Now look at it.” 
Tears burn your eyes. You don’t have the skills your father had, the knowledge, the drive to make and keep the landscaping so beautiful. 
“It deserves so much better than this.” You say, shaking your head. “He deserves so much better.”
Kix nudges against your back, nickering softly. You sniffle, wiping the tear that slides down your cheeks. You knew it would be a lot of work, and you knew you could never restore it to what your father had. You could still try. You could still make it look decent. If nothing else, you could at least clean it up. 
Kix is there every day, greeting you at the porch every morning. He hovers behind you often as you begin to work on the garden, snacking on weeds and helping you clear bushes. As soon as you cut one down, he drags it to your trash pile for you. 
You talk to him as you work, telling him all about your family, your dad, your life after you left. You worry about your mom, but you know she’s doing what’s best for her, just as you are. 
Kix seems to understand you, not in the way animals do, but in a human way. It’s a bit unnerving sometimes, the way he looks at you as you’re speaking. You have little experience with horses, though, so you can’t be sure if it’s all that unusual. 
You like having him around. The house feels less empty, even if he stays outside. You haven’t had any strange experiences since he showed up, so you can’t complain. You had begun to question if coming back out here was worth it. Now you’re glad you came back, and you decided to stay. 
You get the garden and the areas around the yard cleared, everything looking so bare now. There were a few bushes still standing, Kix having pushed you away from some of them. You had left them with a shrug, moving on to others that were dead and crumpled. Deciding what to plant was going to be harder.  
You do research, looking at various plants that not only look good together, but also will be easy to manage. You’ll be spending a lot of money, but it’ll be worth it. 
Kix is surprisingly absent the morning your plants get delivered. You don’t see him until the delivery truck is long gone, and you’re hauling plants around the yard to their respective places.
In fact, any time you get visitors, he makes himself scarce, even when it’s the neighbors. It’s odd, but perhaps he’s just shy. You don’t blame him. You weren’t the biggest fan of all of the neighbors, but you’ve known most of them since you were a child. 
Jeffrey’s mother comes to visit one day as you’re working on planting some seeds for flowers. You invite her in for tea, sweaty and dirty but she doesn’t seem to mind. Kix is gone, having disappeared silently before she arrived. Sometimes he moved so swiftly and silently it almost seemed unnatural. 
“How have you been, dear?” Jeffrey’s mother asks you. 
You shrug, pouring the tea. “It’s strange, being back. The house seems so empty.” 
“The yard looks lovely. I’m sure it will be positively stunning come summer.” She says, looking out the window. “Your father would be proud.” 
A bitter smile forms on your face. “I’m sure he would be. I’m not nearly as talented as he is.” 
She turns from the window, her eyes spotting the halter on the table. She gasps, covering her mouth as she stares at it. “W-Where did you get that?” 
You frown, eyeing the halter before looking back at her. “It showed up on my doorstep.” You say. “With a black horse.” 
She rushes towards you with surprising speed, grabbing you by the arms. “Don’t tell me you’ve gone into the woods again! Don’t tell me you’ve gone back to that place!” 
“W-What are you talking about?” You frown at her. “I’ve never gone into the woods.” 
Her grip on your arms loosens just slightly. “You don’t remember. The day of your father’s funeral. You ran from the service like a sinner fleeing church straight into the woods. We found you out by the lake, right on the edge of the water.” 
Your ears begin to buzz with the familiar sound as images flash through your mind. You remember being angry at everyone for ruining your father’s yard. You remember running from the service, running through the trees. You remember feeling like they were grabbing at you, trying to pull you in all directions. You remember falling, you remember the buzzing sound and the horse in the water. The black horse with milky white eyes. 
“You must get rid of it.” She says, staring at the halter. “Do not go near that horse again. It will only bring you death.” 
You sit on the couch, staring at the halter after she leaves. Things begin to click into place as the memory of that day, the memory of what you saw, the memories of the strange events when you returned replay in your mind. 
Your father had warned you about lakes in the area, that there was a legend about shapeshifting horses that would lure you into the water and drown you. You had brushed him off, just as you had about other things. You know what you saw that day, though. You had nearly been a victim of one yourself. 
And you’ve been talking with it every day for the last few weeks. 
It hasn’t seemed like it wanted to hurt you. But it’s understanding of your words, it’s knowledge, it’s manner, even its eyes tell you everything. You’ve been spending every day with a kelpie. 
You leave the house the next day, halter in hand. It’s a foggy morning, colder than it should be. It feels fitting as you approach the dark figure waiting in your yard. You stare at its too human eyes, holding the halter tightly in your hand. 
“You’re no horse, are you?” You ask, your heart thudding in your chest so hard you’re certain he might be able to hear it. “It was you that day, wasn’t it? You were going to kill me.” 
The horse blows out a breath, taking a step closer to you. You take half a step back, holding the halter up between you like it might protect you. He takes another step forward, stretching out his neck to nose at the halter. He wants you to put it on him, you discern. 
You’re not sure what will happen when you put it back on. He doesn’t look like that horse in the water without it, but will that change? Will he turn back into the murderous beast he’s supposed to be? He could kill you in this form. A well aimed kick would do the job. Why would he want to be in his other form to do it? Would it be easier? Quicker for you. 
Or perhaps the halter will allow him to communicate easier with you. 
It’s a risk you’re going to have to take. 
Your hands shake as you fit the halter onto his face, having to try a couple times to get it in the right position. As soon as you buckle it the buzzing begins again in your ears. You stumble back a couple steps, Kix shaking his head before he stares at you again. His eyes are milky white, his coat dripping with water as if he’d just climbed from the lake. You stare in horror as his body begins to contort, his bones snapping. 
You stumble back a couple more steps, your feet slipping in the damp grass, sending you sprawling onto your back as he shifts and changes, and suddenly you’re staring at a man. 
He’s tall and strong, rippling with muscles. Your cheeks grow hot as he steps towards you, damp curls falling onto his forehead. He’s naked, tanned skin on display, save for a silver chain around his neck. His eyes are dark, not unlike those of the horse. 
You scramble back as he squats in front of you, but his hand catches your leg, keeping you still. The buzzing becomes almost unbearable, pulsing in your head like a migraine. Cold skin touches yours as you screw your eyes closed, the buzzing beginning to quiet to almost nothing. 
“I apologize.” A deep, accented voice says. “I did not realize you were so sensitive to magic.” 
You crack your eyes open, staring up into deep brown eyes. He’s squatting over you, his hand on your cheek. His skin is cold to the touch, though he’s likely been out in the cold all night. 
“You....you’re...” You stutter out, staring up into his handsome face. He is handsome, his face like what you would expect to find sculpted out of marble in a museum. 
“I am a kelpie, yes.” He says. 
“W-Why....why?” You ask, shaking under him as he stares down at you with a mix of emotions on his face. 
“Let’s get you inside, then I will explain everything.” He says, gently hauling you to your feet. 
It’s possibly dangerous, allowing a kelpie into your home but you’re not in a state of mind to protest. At least this way your body won’t be laying in the yard for days, you think. At least this way you won’t face the same fate as your father. 
He’s shockingly gentle as wraps a blanket around you, sitting you on the couch. He’s still completely naked and dripping water and here he is taking care of you. Your face is still hot despite the chill to your fingers. 
“There’s a towel in the closet.” You say, trying not to stare at him. “A-And some clothes that might fit.” 
He nods, stepping away from you finally. You sink down onto the couch, staring out the window as he digs through the closet by the bathroom. He comes back a few moments later with a towel wrapped around his shoulders and sweatpants covering his bottom half. They were your fathers, the spare he kept downstairs in case of emergencies. 
He sits down on the opposite end of the couch from you, staring at you. You pull your knees to your chest, tucking the blanket tight around you as you stare back. You can hardly believe you just watched the horse you’d spent the last few weeks interacting with shapeshift into a human. 
“Are you going to kill me?” You ask, wanting to get it out of the way first. 
He shakes his head. “No. That was never my intention. Though, I did consider it briefly when you appeared on the shore of my lake. It is simply my nature.” He shrugs. 
“Why didn’t you?” You ask. 
“I could sense something about you. The deep sadness within you, and something else that I now know is your sensitivity to magic.” He explains. “I was curious about you. I watched you every day until you left. I waited six years for your return.” 
Your heart is still thudding in your chest. “You were on my porch.” Is all you can think to say. 
“Yes.” He nods. “I wanted to see you again. I tried to draw you out, but you were resistant to my magic.” 
“That’s why...you gave me your halter?” You ask. 
He nods, stroking the silver chain around his neck. “It is what gives me my power. Without it, I am hardly more than a regular horse.” 
“So...if I took that off...you’d turn back into a horse?” You ask, eyeing the chain. 
He nods. “Yes, and I could not change back until you placed the halter back on.” 
“Why...why did you wait for all those years? Why did you find me?” You ask. 
“You are very beautiful.” He says, a soft look in his eyes. “And I was curious about you. My normal form was too much for you, and I knew I had to gain your trust, so I gave you the source of my power to do with what you wished. I would have remained a horse forever if that is what you wanted of me.” 
Your lips part in a gasp at his words. It sounds so very romantic from someone you just found out is actually a shapeshifting horse. You’ve known him for quite a while, but at the same time, you’ve only just met him. 
“Kix,” You swallow thickly. “I-I’m not sure what you want me to say.” 
He scoots closer to you, taking your hand in his. His skin is still cool to the touch, even against your slowly warming skin. “I wish to be with you, if you will have me.” He says, sincerity shining in his eyes. “I will stay with you until you cast me out. If you wish for me to remain a horse, I will do so. You will carry my halter for all eternity, just as you carry my heart.” 
You flounder as you stare at him. It’s all very sudden, though you suppose the courting rituals of supposed mythical creatures is a bit different than a human’s. “This...this is moving very quickly.” You say, shifting so you’re sitting on the edge of the couch. “I...I considered you a friend, as a horse. It was nice having someone around. This place...it’s so...empty and lonely now. It’s like a void when it once was full of life and joy.” 
Kix’s arm wraps around your shoulders. “Let me help you fill that void. I will do whatever you ask of me.” 
You keep Kix at arms length as the weeks pass. Human culture and customs are foreign to him, and you find yourself not only having to teach him, but having to move him often. He likes to be close to you, he likes to touch you. It’s strange after years of distance and sadness. He’s eager to do anything you ask of him, sticking close to you almost every hour of every day he can. He only disappears every few days to return to his lake, usually late at night. He’s always back by morning, sometimes in horse form, but usually in his human form. 
He helps you with the yard, eager to mow it as often as you ask him to after you teach him to use the lawnmower. He does it with almost no effort, always leaving a small patch for his horse-self. He helps you with the plants as well, the flowers you’ve planted growing and blooming, and the bushes he’d pushed you away from while you were clearing things out beginning to grow back as well. 
It’s not as good as your father would have done. You still like to think he’d be proud, though. 
The spring rains arrive, bringing a steady downpour for days. It leaves you and Kix mostly cooped up inside for an extended period for the first time since he revealed himself to you. He begins to grow a bit restless, and you hear him sneaking off every night to return to his lake, or perhaps just to run around for a while. You feel a bit bad, keeping him cooped up, but he offered no complaint. He could leave if he wanted, you had made that clear, but he stays dutifully at your side. 
Things begin to change as the rains continue, the dynamic between you shifting. He stands closer again, hands lingering when he touches you. He sits closer to you, stares at you more. 
Things shift even more one night when you’re making dinner. He had been setting the table as you chopped vegetables for a salad when your knife slipped, cutting into your skin. You drop it with a hiss, watching the blood bead along the edges of the cut before sliding down your hand in a steady stream. 
He’s there in an instant, hands cupping yours. He stares at your cut and for a moment you’re afraid he might snap, he might change, his promises might go out the window. Were kelpies like sharks? Would they lose all senses of themselves in the presence of blood? You had done a little reading on kelpies, but sources were varied and contradictory. Of course, you could have asked the actual kelpie in your house, but you’re never quite sure how to broach the subject. 
He wraps the dishcloth around your hand before leading you to the couch. He sits you down before gently unwrapping your hand. The dishcloth is stained and will have to be thrown out. His cool hands close around your injured one, surprising warmth blossoming across your skin as he closes his eyes. The buzzing begins in your ears again, vibrating through your whole being. He brings your hands to his face, whispering something inaudibly before he blows against your hand. 
He slowly removes his own hands, and your eyes widen as you see nothing but smeared blood on your skin. Not even a line where the cut had been. The buzzing dies down to a quiet murmur, where it always was with him near. He wipes the blood from your hand and from his with the ruined dish towel. 
“How did you do that?” You ask, still staring at your hand in awe. 
“Magic.” He states simply, his breath fanning your face. 
You look up from your hand, finding him so close you can see the small imperfections of his face. The light stubble growing on his cheeks, the light smattering of freckles on his nose, the crease between his eyebrows. His arm wraps around your waist as he leans in closer, eyes fluttering closed as he presses his lips to yours. 
You freeze in shock, stiffening in his arms as his cool lips touch yours. You weren’t expecting it, and it’s a bit forward, but you don’t dislike it. 
He tears himself away from you, jumping up from the couch. He looks horrified, eyes wide and wild like a startled horse. “Forgive me.” He stutters out before he flings the door open, racing out into the rain. 
“Wait-Kix!” You yell, running to the door but he’s already gone, disappeared into the night. 
You glance back at the house before you take off running towards the trees. The rain pelts against your skin but you don’t care, the memories of your father’s funeral fresh in your mind as you break through the treeline, entering the forest. 
It feels as strange as it did that day, the branches and bushes and roots seeming to reach out to you as you run. You call out to Kix, but he’s completely disappeared. You pause to breathe, looking every which way, but you’re not even sure which direction you came from anymore. You’re not even sure he entered the forest at all. 
“Kix!” You call out loudly, starting to run forward again, hoping you’re going in the right direction. “Kix, come back!” 
A root reaches out and trips you, sending you into the mud. The canopy of trees blocks out some of the rain, but it still slips through, misting down onto the forest floor. You push yourself onto your knees, spotting a lake just through the bushes. You crawl through, ignoring the way the bush tears at your clothes and skin.
You stop at the edge of the lake, looking out at the water. It’s alive with the falling raindrops, your hands and knees sinking into the mud as you kneel at the edge of the water.
“Kix!” You call out again, crawling forward until your hands are in the water. “Kix, please!” 
It’s cold, the rain having soaked you to the bone. You’re shivering, your heart thudding in your chest. You’re not even sure this is the right lake. Nothing looks familiar, but then again, you haven’t been here in six years. 
The water begins to ripple, dark ears and milky eyes peeking above the surface. 
“Kix!” You call out. “Please...come back. I-I liked it.” You take a deep, steadying breath. “I’d like you to kiss me again.”
The horse sinks back under the water, your heart still thudding in your chest. A sudden horrible thought races through your mind. Was this even Kix? Was there more than one lake in the forest? Had you just signed your death warrant because of your foolish desperation? 
The water ripples, a familiar curly-haired head appearing from the depths as Kix slowly makes his way forward to the shore in his human form. He drops to his knees in front of you, the buzzing sounding in your ears as he cups your face. His skin is frigid, even against your own chilled cheeks. 
“That was foolish, coming after me.” He says, almost shouting over the pouring rain. 
“Why did you run?” You ask, shivering from the cold. 
“You did not kiss me back. I thought perhaps I overstepped. I thought you were angry with me, that you might throw me out.” 
“It surprised me,” You say, looking up into his dark eyes. “I-I wasn’t expecting it. But I liked it, and I’d like you to do it again.” 
He leans down, pressing his forehead against yours. You breathe each other in for a moment before he’s closing the distance between you, pressing his lips to yours. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. His skin is frigid and offers no respite to the cold mud seeping into your pants, or the rain pelting down around you. 
His arms wrap around your waist, pulling you tight against him. You’re shivering, fingers and toes long having gone numb in the freezing rain. He moans into your mouth as you bite his lower lip, your tongue slipping in to tangle with his. His hands slide down to your waist, wrapping around you tightly. 
He lifts you, pulling you slightly up the bank before your back meets soft grass. You part your legs for him, his naked body slipping between them. The rain pelts down around you but you don't care, his hands making quick work of your soaked clothes. Despite your nakedness, the chill is leaving you as your body warms with arousal, his cold hands dragging along every inch of exposed skin. 
“I’ve been waiting so long for this.” He says, nipping at your neck as his hands squeeze at your body. “So long for you.” 
“Take me.” You gasp, hands grabbing at his curls, at his body as much as he is yours. “I’m yours.” 
He lets out a content hum, pulling away only to pull your pants off. They disappear in the grass with a wet plop but you don’t care, laying naked in the dirt and rain under him. His cock is hard as he stares down at you, slick and laid open for him. 
Your fingers sink into the mud as he drags his cock along your slit. His eyes are dark as he stares down at you, lining himself up. Your lips part in a gasp as he presses into you, stretching you open. It burns, your hands pulling him down against you. You cling to him, meshing your lips together in an attempt to distract yourself from the pain. He’s so big, stretching you open as he presses into you. 
Your head falls back as he bottoms out, pressed entirely into you. Your body buzzes with energy, fingers sinking into his skin as the sensation becomes almost unbearable. 
“You can take it.” He moans into your ear. “You can take it. That’s it.” 
You clamp around him, a breathy moan leaving your lips. You feel him smirk against your jaw, his hips rolling against yours as he slowly begins thrusting into you. 
“Such a good girl for me, offering yourself to me like this.” He says. “You’re mine.” 
“Yours.” You gasp, walls fluttering around him at his praise. “All yours.” 
A low noise rumbles through his chest as he speeds up his movements, fucking into you faster and harder. The dirt at your back bites into your skin as your body moves from the force of his thrusts. 
“Kix!” You gasp, pleasure mixing with the buzzing under your skin. It’s becoming too much, warmth pooling in your belly. 
“Such a tight pussy, taking me so well.” He groans in your ear, nipping at the shell. “Going to cum for me? Going to cum around my cock?” 
“Yes!” You cry out, back arching against him. 
“Good girl.” He all but growls. “Going to fill you with my seed. Can you take it?” 
Your eyes roll back at his words, your mind hazy and buzzing. “Yes! Yes! Please give it to me!” You cry. 
His hips drag along your clit as he fucks into you wildly, your orgasm slamming into you. You cum with a cry, milking his cock as you writhe under him. 
“Yes!” He groans. “Yes, take it.” He slams his hips into yours, his hot release spilling into you. 
You groan at the feeling, toes curling in the mud as he fills you in the middle of the forest. It’s so carnal and wild, your body streaked with dirt and soaked from the rain. 
He collapses on top of you, his heavy body pinning you down. You wrap your arms around him, the warmth of your skin contrasting the chill of his. He presses his lips to yours, kissing you passionately. 
“Ride me.” He breathes against your lips.
You pull back to stare at him. “Didn’t we just-” 
“No,” He laughs. “I want you to ride me.” 
Your mouth falls open. “Oh, right. Okay.” 
He pulls away from you, stepping back into the water before his body contorts and cracks, shifting back into its horse form. He kneels in front of you in the mud and you slide onto his back, not caring that you’re naked. You wrap your arms around his neck as he stands, his hooves kicking up mud and water as he takes off running into the trees. 
You cling on for dear life but you can’t help the laugh that tears from your throat as the rain and wind whips at your bare skin. You feel happy and free for the first time in a long time. 
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@rosechi @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @wolffegirlsunite @jedi-hawkins @sinfulsalutations @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @clio3kantarella @eris-k @thorsterstrudle @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @sleepingsun501 @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @523rdrebel @thrawnspetgoose @originalcollectionartistry @gwalchmai2970 @maddiedrmr @sunshinesdaydream @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @lickylickylicky @sweetheartsnips @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @mooncommlink @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @ghostperson69 @captain_rexs_cyare @jediknightjana
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lxvebun · 2 years
Buns notes: I haven't forgotten about you angels but writing has been slow lately, take this piece I had to violently shake out of my brain as an apology
Content: Drabble. 300 words. Alhaitham x gender neutral reader. Fluff. Kissing. Little mention of blood.
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“It’s scientifically proven a kiss heals all wounds, you know,” you tell Alhaitham as he leans against the bathroom sink while you carefully clean up dried blood from his arms and hands after a rather unfortunate encounter with Eremites.
“Oh really? I don’t remember learning about that at the Akademiya” Although others may say he sounds annoyed, you're able to catch the underlying teasing tone, and the way his eyes so lovingly trace over every detail of your face are enough to make it clear that he really isn't angry.
"Yeah, but you weren’t a very good student were you, what was your attendance rate again?” your words make him unsuccessfully suppress a laugh.  Even for you, it's rare to hear Alhaitham laugh out loud, but you have noticed that he enjoys hearing how his former professors and students criticize him despite getting the highest scores in class.
"alright prove it then" and that's all the permission you needed to lift his hands up and to begin pressing a gentle kiss to his wounds, but just before you could lean in Alhaitham was quick to, with still bleeding hands cup your face and lean down to capture your lips in a breathtaking kiss.
"Curses Haitham, I'm supposed to kiss your wounds” you breathe slightly out of breath
"Why? I believe this works just as well if not better. Seems like you were right, I can barely feel the scrapes anymore" with that said he leans in one last time, stopping just before your lips touch, wordless way to ask for your permission, and then once you slightly nod your head, pulling you back into a sweet healing kiss.
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Thank you for reading!<3
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vnti-vntiety-recs · 2 years
Petty Wars
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★  PAIRING: mingyu x fem!reader
☆ WORD COUNT: 7.5k
★ GENRE(S): smut, kinda switch!Mingyu, established relationship
☆ SUMMARY: An argument between you and Mingyu leads to a 7 day war of stubbornness to see who cracks first to apologize. Aka I don't know how to summarize, just read it
★ ☆ WARNINGS: smut/unprotected sex/, kinda toxic!relationship?, swearing, sexual acts, mentions of drinking/smoking, rough handling, not really proofread
☆★ NOTES: This is my first ever fanfic y'all PLEASE have mercy. lmk if y'all liked it. reblog/like I might write a lil sum sum here and there. no but this scenario came to me while at work i just had to write it down lol
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Just like any other Friday night, you and Mingyu find yourselves at one of Jeonghans' many parties. By the time you get there, everyone is already tipsy. Jeonghan and Seungcheol are already starting up another round of beer Pong against Soonyoung and Jihoon. You can see Dino out of the corner of your eye dancing to the beat of the music coming from the speakers that Seungkwan is currently sitting in front of. Seungkwan isn't one for parties but tends to get dragged to them by accompanying Vernon, who is DJing tonight's party. Seungkwan is Vernon's tech guy and helps with equipment. He seems to be the only one sober so far. You turn to Mingyu and smile. 
"oh looks like we came too late, they already started without us." You yawn, stretching your arms upwards, hiking your short black dress up in the process. "alright let's dip" you make to turn around when Mingyu catches your shoulder. 
"come on, you promised we wouldn't leave early this time," he practically whines.
Despite your near-perfect party attendance, you would actually rather be at home than out partying. Mingyu, on the other hand, being the extravert he is, loved partying with his former dorm mates. 
Due to your clashing schedules, you would rather be out with Mingyu than home alone. With your love for Mingyu outweighing your hatred for parties, you find yourself attending one every Friday.
"Ugh, I'm too sober for this. Let's get wasted already. " You roll your eyes. 
"That's my precious baby," he coos mockingly.
"whatever Gyu, I'm going to go get us drinks. Find us somewhere to sit." With that, you make your way to the kitchen, not hearing Mingyu's response.
For a college student, Jeonghan was loaded, and despite popular belief, it was not his parent's money. Everything he has, he owns himself. How does he do it? Maybe a little conning here drug dealing there, but we don't talk about that. We're just here for a good time.
You're pouring a cup for your boyfriend when you see Seungkwan make his way into the space. 
"Kwan~," you sing, wiggling your fresh set of nails at him. 
"this bitch," he sighs. "what are you doing here again? I told you we're closed go home." he playfully bumps your shoulder, trying to take the liquor bottle from your hands.
"Hush boy, I just got here. Have you had anything to drink tonight?" You giggle at his antics
Seungkwan pulls a face with a mocking smile and salutes, "I'm on the job, plus I have to drive Vernon and his precious equipment home," he says, making you burst out laughing 
"How's my favorite duo?," you ask, taking a sip from the cup you originally poured for Mingyu. "Have you told him you want to be more than just his tech guy?" You quirk a brow at him. 
"ugh let's not talk about it, I don't need people knowing I have a crush on that fucking idiot" he throws his head back in anguish
 You smile at his comment and shrug. "Well, let's catch up later. I'm here with Gyu, and he's probably gonna throw a fit if I keep him waiting any longer. Text me, ok babe?" You make a shaking motion with your hand similar to a phone ringing.
"Alright, bye slut. " He flicks you off lovingly and walks back out toward the DJ booth. "Ask Vern when the next smoke sesh is," you yell after him. He continues to walk, but you can see his head shaking with amusement. 
You will admit you spent more time catching up with Seungkwan than you previously thought. When you make it back into the living room with both you and Mingyu's drinks, you see Mingyu seated on the couch with a red solo cup in hand and a girl sitting on his left. They seem to be deep in conversation as you continue to watch with a quirked brow. "Here we go," you say to yourself and roll your eyes. 
Mingyu is one of the sweetest people you have ever met. He's handsome... and funny....and charming.. and ok, you get the point. He's very popular around campus, and girls never fail to flirt with him even in front of you. Usually, he shrugs them off and ignores their advances, but this time is different it seems.
You approach the two, being the "bold bitch" as Seungkwan likes to call you, you sat squarely in Mingyu's lap, surprising him a bit. 
"oh babe, where have you been? I've been sitting here forever don't you know how thirsty I wa-" 
"Seems like you already found a drink." You cut him off, not paying attention to his whining. You look toward the girl sitting beside him.
"Hello, and what was your name pretty girl?" You question.
You may be jealous, but you're not rude, or at least you try not to be. This girl has done nothing wrong so far. She even smiles at your compliment. 
"Hey, I'm Yeun, I'm guessing you're Mingyu's girlfriend?" You nod politely. 
"Yeun is my friend from middle school. She just started attending this month. Isn't that crazy?" Mingyu states as he excitedly shakes your shoulder. 
"Yeaaa amazing," you tight smile. "well ill let you two catch up. " Your grip tightens, clutching onto both drinks that you have been carrying.
Downing one of the drinks, you get up and excuse yourself. Mingyu reaches out to get you to stay, but you just shove the other drink in his hand. 
"looks like you're running low, here." You smile at him.
Mingyu knows you too well. He can tell you're irritated and decides to let you cool off, choosing to bring it up later. 
Annoyed, you walk around the house until you find the person you're looking for. Spotting him out by the edge of the pool, you walk over with a smile. "Hao!" You wave, catching his attention. Minghao looks up from his phone and smiles, kicking his feet from their spot in the pool, trying to splash you. "Nice try asshole, cut it out. " You complain and take a seat behind him in one of the pool chairs. He gets up and sits beside you. 
"what's up..or what's wrong? You look pissed." His ever-attentive eyes zero in, making his brows furrow. 
"ok, lemme rant real quick and then you can tell me how much of a stupid dramatic bitch I'm being" you sigh.
You give hao a quick rundown of the scene in the living room with Mingyu and pretty girl Yeun. You wait for him to talk some sense into you.
"You're being dramatic. Mingyu is literally always following like a lost puppy." 
You kick your feet dramatically proving his point. "I know, but ugh, you should have seen the way he was looking at her! His eyes were practically shining!" 
Hao pulls his phone back out, already knowing you're about to go off again. He was going to be here for a while. He listened intently, and after you whined to Hao a little more, you started to feel a bit better. You let out a loud sigh and shrug your shoulders. 
"yea, you're right, Hao. I am dramatic" 
"I know. " He doesn't look up from his phone but hears you get up. He waves at your retreating figure, knowing you're probably going back inside to see Mingyu.
As you walk back in you hear a ding in your purse and pull out your phone to see hao send you a funny tik-tok, the caption reading "when your friend goes right back to the bitch she was just crying about." You turn around with a laugh and mouth a 'no literally'
You lock your phone and make your way back to Mingyu. Unlike before, you sat back in his lap with a little less determination. He looks up from his conversation. 
"Did you go pout?" 
It annoys you that he can read you like an open book. You roll your eyes "lets gooo~" you try to whisper 
"in a bit, I'm still catching up" he shrugs off your behavior and goes back to talking to Yeun. 
You sit quietly for a bit until their shared laughter starts grating on your nerves. You're irritated all over again. That cup of liquor from earlier starts tasting a little like this bitch trying to steal my man. You shake the thought from your head. Knowing you might get rowdy, you get up and make your way to the front porch for some fresh air. You look behind you to see if Mingyu even noticed. 
"Still talking to Pretty girl? ok, I see how it is," you say under your breath before pulling the front door open and leaving. 
You didn't like to make yourself out to be a drama queen because you really did try to be a better and more understanding person, but once that liquor starts talking, you start feeling petty and now you gotta go the whole extra mile.
You call an Uber and go home. One thing about you is that if you feel unwanted, you're gonna leave. Simple as that. You make it home and throw your shoes off, already about to start the petty war. 
You grab your extra blankets from the hallway closet and make your way to the guest room. You begin setting up your makeshift camp for however long this war was going to be. You are stubborn, yes, but Mingyu is right there with you in terms of pettiness. You grab your charger from the bedroom, your switch from the living room, and some snacks from the kitchen. You lock yourself in your new makeshift room. Even through your anger, you send Mingyu a quick text telling him you went home and that you're safe. Yes, he pissed you off, but you know he would have a heart attack if anything happened to you. You're all ready to go. You shut off your phone, knowing he's gonna blow it up once he notices you've left. You turn on your switch to binge your favorite game. 
You must have dozed off because you're awoken by the front door shutting with a bang. You can already tell Mingyu is annoyed. He makes a straight shot for the guest room, knowing you go in there when you're upset. He tries the doorknob. You're not a rookie. Of course it's locked. You can hear him let out a humorless laugh.
"ok, that's how we're playing, huh? Stop being childish, come out here and talk to me." 
"Oh, so now you notice me? Didn't seem to wanna talk when you were too busy at the party flirting with other bitches."
A part of you cringed at the word, not really wanting to call her out of her name, but aye, we already here. Fuck it.
"I told you were just friends. I'm not about to explain myself, you're being dramatic." 
You jump out from under the covers and swing the door open. " First you wanna talk, now it's 'I don't have anything to explain'. What do you want Gyu?" 
"I want you to stop being annoying and come get in the bed. " 
Andddd it's game on. 
More than anything, you hate being called annoying. You also hate being called childish, but you let that one slide because there was some truth to it, but annoying?? Now it's up.
"You wanna know what's annoying? going to get drinks, and I come back to you giving my spot up to someone else. What's annoying, is when I tried to join in on the laughs and giggles, and you ignore me the entire conversation, like I'm not LITERALLY sitting in your face." You huff 
"What's annoying, is me leaving at-" you look up at the ceiling and press a finger to your chin in thought 
"1 am, you not noticing or reading my text till 2 am, just for you to get home at -" you grab his wrist and look at his Rolex "3 am. But you know what? I am annoying. Let me be annoying in my own bed tonight. goodnight, Kim Mingyu. " You gently shut the door in his face with a sickeningly sweet smile, not letting him get a word in. 
Mingyu would be stunned if he wasn't already used to your antics. He knew you were just lashing out and would be back under him tomorrow. Even so, something about you calling him Kim Mingyu pissed him off a little. You never called him Kim Mingyu. He shrugged it off and walked back to the main bedroom. If you wanted to throw a tantrum over not getting his attention for a couple of hours, he would let you. He knew you needed to cool down anyway, so he got ready for bed, deciding to try again with you tomorrow.
Back at your "camp," as you liked to call it, you did cool down and realize that, yes, maybe you were overreacting a bit. Your feelings were still valid though. So, what did you decide to do to convey those feelings to Mingyu? Be an adult, sit down, and have a healthy conversation? Of course not. You were too stubborn and prideful to apologize. Maybe even a little embarrassed that you acted out. So instead, you decide to stay locked in your room until Mingyu apologizes :)
You wake up the next morning well-rested and in a better mood. Mingyu tends to hog most of the covers, smother you in your sleep because of his clingy tendencies, and take up half the bed due to his large frame. So you were able to sleep soundly all night long.
You can already smell the breakfast that Mingyu is cooking, instantly putting you in an even better mood. At this point, you have started to totally forget why you were even upset last night. You get up to go brush your teeth and take a quick morning shower. You had skipped one the night before too angry to go into the main bathroom, afraid you would run into Mingyu.
While he's busy in the kitchen, you sneak into the bathroom and shower. By the time you come out, you assume Mingyu is already done preparing the meal and is now eating because as you approach the kitchen; you see him seated with his back towards you. You assume he made you a plate, like he always does. You walk around to the other side of the table just to be met with nothing, just the wood top of the table. Mingyu, who is across from you, eats his meal with a smug look on his face. 
"where's mine?" you cross your arms across your chest. 
"where's my apology?"
"apolo- apology?!" you sputter mouth agape. 
"yes. I want an apology for the way you acted yesterday. " He takes a bite out of a piece of bacon and then holds it out to you.
You lean in, ready to take a bite, when he withdraws his outstretched arm back toward himself. "not until you apologize," he tuts. 
"Huh, are you insane? You're gonna starve me until I apologize? For what? apologize for you ignoring me all night at the party?" Here you were getting ready to forget about the whole thing when he has the audacity to ask for an apology? In your eyes, you're the innocent one here!
You huff out a sigh. "How about you apologize first and then I follow after?" 
"What are you, a toddler?" 
"you can take care of yourself" 
"I don't wanna take care of myself. I want you to spoil me," you say with a hint of aegyo to butter him up. 
He ignores your whines and continues to eat, soon finishing up his plate and placing it in the sink. 
"Fine, be that way! I just won't come back to the room until you apologize to me!" You grumble
"That's okay. I just won't make you breakfast until you own up and admit you were showing out last night. " 
"Oh yeah! Well, I won't talk to you until you admit you were totally gushing over Yeun!" 
"well looks like I'm never apologizing because that never happened! Just admit you were jealous!" he's growing frustrated and begins to walk out of the kitchen 
"hah fine...I won't touch you either." You threatened
This seems to stop him in his tracks. He turns to you with a smirk and closes the gap in distance between the two of you. Mingyu leans down to be eye to eye with you. "let's see how long that last princess" his eyes flutter down to your lips and then back up again to make eye contact. 
Unimpressed, you step around him into the living room turning on the tv. "Ha, because I'm the one that can't keep it in their pants. Yea right, Mingyu you practically live off of affection. Good luck to you. " 
You're on your 2nd day of sleeping in the guest room. Although you're sleeping better, you can't help but start to feel lonely all by yourself. As corny as it sounds, the nights are starting to feel colder. you miss the way Mingyu would wrap his arms around you at night and keep you pressed against his chest. You missed the way his hair would tickle your face in the morning. You missed his good morning kisses, and you missed seeing him first thing in the morning. If you were going to get him to apologize, you had to work fast.
You get up and make your way to the Main bathroom. You refused to shower in the guest bathroom, preferring your garden tub over the guest bathroom's alcove tub. Lucky for you, Mingyu liked to sleep in. You had free rein in the bathroom, not having to worry about confronting him. You were afraid that your vulnerable morning thoughts from earlier would make you lose face in front of him. After washing up, you sneak out of the bathroom only to see Mingyu wide awake, covers thrown from his body as he crawls out of bed. One look at him, and you knew you had to get out of there ASAP! Mingyu sits on the edge of the bed, rubbing sleep from his eyes. His hair is a mess from last night's sleep, similar to how it looks after a good pulling. When your eyes rake down his body, you are met with his naked chest. 
nope. nope. nope
If you let your eyes wander any longer, you just know you will pounce on him, so you fix your eyes on the door and make haste to get out of the room. Mingyu watches you scamper out of the room with a toothy smile and a yawn. "Good morning to you too princess. "
After that morning, you sit in your room and plot. He totally planned that. You know he did because he usually sleeps with a shirt on since he gets cold at night. You've decided, since Mingyu took the first shot, you had to make sure that your return fire left him feeling wounded and sorry. If Mingyu wanted to fight dirty, you were going to give him hell. 
That evening, Mingyu left the house to go shoot hoops with the boys, giving you time to stock up on ammo. You went into the main bedroom and looked through your drawers, finding all of Mingyu's favorite pieces of clothing. Your skimpy shorts, your low-cut tank tops, some sexy panties, and a few other things you knew to drive him crazy. You return to base feeling satisfied. You freshen up and change into your velvet booty shorts and matching velvet cropped tank top. You perch yourself on the living room couch and wait for battle.
About an hour later, you hear keys rattling to open the front door, and you spring into action. You toss the phone that's been keeping you company and straighten your posture. You sit up and watch him enter the house. It doesn't take long for his eyes to land on you, and you can immediately tell you have him right where you want him. You can't quite say you have the upper hand just yet because when he enters, he's glistening in sweat wearing a loose tank top and basketball shorts on.
This was not going to be an easy battle. 
His skin is practically glowing. You can't help but lick your lips a bit. This makes Mingyu raise an eyebrow at you with a smirk. He takes a hand and puts it under his shirt, lifting the bottom to wipe the sweat from his brow. Your eyes immediately take in his form. His muscled chest and abs practically begging to be licked clean from the sweat dripping down his body. Your eyes can't help but follow the one drop of sweat that rolls down from his neck, guided through the valley of his pecs, past his abs, and into his navel. You have to rip your eyes away. All your hard work will be for nothing if you don't get it together.
You make your way out from the living room and into the kitchen, grabbing ice cream from the freezer and heading back into the living room. When you return, Mingyu is seated where you were last on the couch, man-spreading, making his shorts ride up and giving you the perfect view of his thighs. He gave you a challenging look, waiting for your next more. At this point, you're ready to say fuck it all and ride his stupid thigh, but you are determined to knock that stupid, smug look off his face.
You put on a show looking for the remote to turn on a movie. You bend over to look for the remote, knowing damn well it's sitting on the coffee table in front of both of you. you play stupid for a little while longer, letting him enjoy the way your shorts ride up as you "look" for the remote 
"you really want that apology huh?" Mingyu chuckles. 
You ignore him, finally turning and faking a gasp. "oh there it is! Silly me. " You grab the remote only to drop it. Oh no, would you look at that? You dropped the remote right in front of Mingyu's spread thighs. You crouch down to grab it, giving Mingyu a full view down the front of your tank-top, boobs practically spilling out in the process. 
"My bad, let me get that." You purr seductively 
As you're coming back up from the ground, you use one of Mingyu's thighs as leverage to pull yourself up. As you're making your way to stand up, you lean more into him than necessary, letting your palm slide up his thigh, pushing the pant leg of his shorts up even higher. You hear a gasp come from him as he grasps your wrist 
"Please baby...don't wanna fight anymore." He looks into your eyes with a groan and licks his lips. "please ill be good for you, I promise." 
You tilt your head with a smile. "Good enough for me that you will apologize?" 
"Don't start with that. " 
"You started it first. Now beg for me to touch you. " You grasp him through his shorts.
"fuck can't take it... please... I need you." He pulls you in for a kiss. 
You're quick to place a palm over his lips, snatching your other hand from him. "I'm still not hearing an apology?" 
"your seriously gonna do this? I'm so hard right now, don't you miss me?" he pouts up at you.
You look down at his lap for confirmation. You find that he is indeed straining against his shorts. You have to physically bite back a moan. 
"That's right baby, it's all for you, come here" he tries to pull you in again but you completely pull off this time. 
Cue the whining. 
Mingyu ends his short tantrum with a huff. You run a hand through his hair until he relaxes against you with a sigh. You tighten your grip immediately and drag his head back.
"Didn't I say I wouldn't touch you until you apologize? I'm not playing with you puppy. " You set him with a hard glare before removing your hand and grabbing your forgotten ice cream and walking back to your room.
"let me know when you start feeling a little apologetic puppy," you yawn with a stretch "until then you're on your own." you don't spare a glance in his direction and shut your door behind you
A few days have passed since the "remote incident" as you like to call it. Honestly, you were surprised he's been able to keep his hands to himself this long. Mingyu is usually insatiable. you know he must be up to something, but you don't care, all truths will be revealed in due time. 
One thing has gotten better though. Mingyu has started making you breakfast again. He couldn't bear to watch you struggle in the kitchen any longer. You never learned to cook, always telling your mother that it wasn't necessary because you would just marry a chef. 
you're not married but eh, close enough, a win is a win. 
You hate to admit it after all those years, but looks like your mom was right. The last couple of days were rough. You tried to follow a few recipes on your own but somehow always screwed up the measurements, causing the meals to end in disaster. So maybe it is important to cook for yourself. The least you could do was learn the basics to help Mingyu out around the house. This week put into perspective how hard and exhausting cooking is. You don't know what you would do without Mingyu. you're just glad that although you two are both ridiculously stubborn, your love for each other still shines through all that hard-headedness. 
You can't help but look across the table and steal glances at your boyfriend. Your heart warms as you watch him enjoy his meal. You finish up and head to your room. 
Nothing major happened for the rest of the day. You just lazed around, did some school work, and took a nap. Mingyu was out of the house today. You took some time to enjoy having the house to yourself. After your mid-day nap, you go to shower. Tonight, you were going out with some friends, so you get dressed and grab your stuff. You settle for something a little more toned down than usual since you were just going to a friend's house and then maybe to a bar for a few drinks. You text Mingyu telling him not to wait up for you as you head out. 
It had gotten pretty late, and although you were seriously contemplating just crashing at your friend's house; you decide to head back home, nothing beating the comfort of your own bed. Your group of friends finishes up your drinks and begins bidding each other goodbye.
"You sure you don't want to just crash with us tonight?" your friend, Jae suggests.
"Yea, aren't you like having that weird fight with Mingyu right now anyway?" your other friend Chaeyeon chimes in.
You sigh at the reminder that yes; you are currently fighting with your super hot boyfriend when all you really want to do was have him pound you into the mattress, attention too occupied to argue with you or make any slick comments. You're already starting to regret waging this entire war. The thought of how many orgasms you would have had by now is killing you.
How's that saying go? play stupid games, win stupid prizes? yea, you have definitely started to feel like an idiot over the past couple of days.
"yes ok I know we are fighting, but I seriously hate sleeping anywhere other than my own bed"
"aren't you staying in the guest room of your apartment right now?" Chae points out 
You tilt your head with a sarcastic smile. "Your point?"
"Isn't that like literally the same thing?" Jae counters with a side eye
"well I'm only staying in there because I was being a crybaby and now I gotta face the consequences of my actions," you groan "but it's okay, ill be ending this soon"
"Oh, your gonna apologize?" Minnie pokes his head over into your conversation.
You hate to have come this far and lose, but you haven't been fucked in the past 5 days and it's starting to mess with your head. Yesterday, you swore that you were seeing double and that your vagina started talking to you. You were gonna go crazy soon if one of you didn't cave first.
"why do I have to apologize? " you whine again about the topic for the umpteenth time
"Babe, we all know you don't care about giving a little stank apology. You're just too much of a sore loser to drop the act and admit defeat." Jae sighs.
 You think his word over, and you agree. Normally, you would have already apologized by now if that meant having Mingyu rearrange your guts. But the circumstances are different. You already put on a show, threw a tantrum, and started the war. You were too prideful to admit you were wrong or that you overreacted.
Annoyed that your friends could see right through you, you open your phone and call an Uber home. 
"oo she mad" Min snickers
"I'm not mad, I'm tired, and I'm going home," you fake sniffle, begging for sympathy from your friends.
"You're so extra," Chae bursts out laughing.  
"I don't care. You guys are being mean to me!" you clutch your purse closer to your body and glare at your friend's.
"I've literally been deprived of dick for like the last 5 days? You should know how sensitive I am right now! I thought this would be easy, but it seems like im the only one affected. That brat is doing just fine it seems"
"oh yea, he's the brat," your friends say in unison.
Your friends being used to your antics can't help but laugh at the whole situation. Only you could get yourself wrapped up in something like this.
"my Ubers here losers" 
"get home safe slut," Chae smiles
Done with making a scene, you make your exit
"call us when you get home," Jae nags
Your friends, used to your behavior by now, know you weren't actually upset and were just expressing your frustration over the situation you got yourself into. You love that they were able to understand your actions and accept the fact you were a little extra. You wave them goodbye and leave to go find your Uber only having a few more minutes before they cancel your ride.
You get home at around 1:30 am; you assume Mingyu is fast asleep, given the fact that when you entered, all the lights were shut off and he was nowhere to be seen. You accept the fact that you may have to use the stupid guest bathroom to wash up before bed. You tip-toe down the hall towards your room when you stop in your tracks. The main bedroom was a little further down the hall. You notice the bedroom door cracked, but that's not what halted your movements.
Just faintly, if you hold your breath, you can hear heavy breathing and the muffled sound of skin slapping against skin. the fact that you have been on edge the last couple of days due to dick deficiency must have made you extra sensitive to the familiar sounds coming from the room. You can immediately imagine what he's in there doing. So that's how he's been getting through the days unbothered. you were certain that after the remote incident, he would cave that night and come to you with an apology. The only thing he was coming to was his fist, it seemed. 
"that's totally cheating" you grumble under your breath, extra annoyed at the fact that you didn't think to do that first instead of going to sleep horny. in your defense, you were positive he would cave any day now.
You're making your way to the door, just about to push it the rest of the way open and have your way with him when you stop. An evil grin makes its way across your lips. You know exactly how you're going to get Mingyu to apologize and to fuck you in the process.
Determined now more than ever, you grab the doorknob and shut the door, alerting Mingyu of your presence in the house. You turn back around and make your way to your room. You were going to put an end to this petty war.
That morning, you hid out in your room until you heard the front door shut, marking Mingyu's departure. You remember Jihoon telling you a few days ago that the boys were hitting the gym and asked if you wanted to join. You had previously shown interest in a new workout routine that you wanted to try, and with Jihoon practically being the group's personal trainer, he was excited to acquire a new gym buddy. still fighting with Mingyu at the time, you declined to tell him you would have to reschedule. Looks like that ended up working in your favor. 
You make yourself breakfast, shower, and put on Mingyu's favorite lace set. getting ready took about an hour and a half, so you're not left with much time to start the show. You make your way to the main bedroom and head into your shared closet. You reach onto the top shelf of the closet, palms searching for your special box. cursing Mingyu under your breath for pushing it so far back, knowing he probably did it on purpose. What you were looking for was your toy box that Mingyu hated. he claimed he could make you feel better than all your toys combined. After finding out he was a man of his word, you retired your box to the closet. You pull out your favorite rose toy and dildo. You close the lid on the box, returning it to its previous spot. You exit the closet and sink into your bed. 
You missed your bed so much, your body practically melting into the mattress as you got comfortable. Mingyu's scent surrounded you. It seemed to be stronger than usual given the fact that his sent completely washed out yours during your 6-day absence.
You sigh contently, almost falling asleep before you shake yourself awake and get to work. He was going to be home soon, so you had to work yourself up. You turn on the rose to your desired setting and place it over the lace of your lingerie, not daring to remove it before Mingyu got a good look.
As your body starts to warm up, you trail a hand up to play with your nipples. You touch yourself until you're practically dripping onto the bed. Mingyu's scent heightens your pleasure. You turn to shove your face deeper into the pillow, letting out a whine at the familiar scent. When you turn up the settings on your toy, you moan at the delicious feeling. You can't help but roll your hips into the toy, imagination taking over. You think of all the ways Mingyu has fucked you in the past.
You soon hear the front door open, alerting you that Mingyu was home. For your plan to work, you needed to have as much control over your desire as possible, so you dial down the vibrations but still keep a small hum against your center. You can hear Mingyu close in on you as he grows closer to the room.
He finally makes it to the room, and when he enters, he comes in with freshly washed hair, low hanging sweats, and a tight black shirt. He must have showered at the gym. You almost have to rip the toy away from your core. You could come just from the sight of him. Mingyu's eyes land on your quivering thighs and heaving chest. He curses to himself as he makes his way over to the bed, getting ready to pounce on you. 
"Don't come any closer, or I'll stop." You can barely get out as you stretch your free hand out in front of you, pushing his chest back. He lets out a loud groan but listens well.
"You're going to go sit down over there in that chair like an obedient puppy and behave. You won't touch me until I permit you. Do you understand?"
Mingyu immediately follows your command and sits in the chair you strategically placed at the foot of your bed. 
"I heard you last night, you know? I bet it felt so good to cum in your hands instead of me. Did you make yourself feel as good as I make you feel?" You say sarcastically
"fuck, please let me-"
"Answer my question puppy or else you won't get anything from me tonight"
"Only you baby, only you can make me feel good. Let me make it up to you. I'll make you feel so good, I promise." Mingyu begins to palm himself through his pants as he rambles on.
"You had your chance puppy. I let you know I was home. You knew where I was, yet you chose to finish yourself off, so now you get to sit and watch as I do the same.
you ignore his insistent whining and squirming, shutting your eyes to focus on the feeling
"selfish...puppy," you say out of breath, arching your back at the stimulation
You hear more rustling coming from the chair Mingyu is sitting in and opening your eyes. You were met with the sight of him gently thrusting his hips up into his palm. you swear quietly under your breath at the look in his eyes, practically screaming to let him have you. 
"Sit still, no touching. you're gonna be a good puppy and sit there and take what I give you"
"Please," he begs 
"That's not what I wanna hear, you know what I wanna hear"
you grab the dildo previously hidden from Mingyu's view and rub it against your entrance, collecting your essence and coating the tip of the toy with it.
"I can't hear you baby, if you don't make it quick, ill just fuck myself" you threaten as you prod just the tip between your lips.
"fuck it. I'm sorry. I should have paid attention to you at the party. Please, just fuck me already," Mingyu cries with a heaving chest.
"good boy" you smirk as you throw the toys down and beckon him over with a finger
Mingyu springs from his spot in the chair, pulling his clothes off in the process and climbing into the bed
You reach for his hair and pull him close to your face, looking him dead in the eyes. He doesn't dare touch you yet until you permit him.
"I'm still in charge. You got that?"
he nods obediently 
"You can touch me now. " You breathe, releasing his hair and falling back on the bed. Mingyu immediately crashes his lips to yours in a hungry kiss, practically moaning into your mouth. He can't help but grind his hips against your core, almost shedding a tear at the feeling.
"i've missed you so bad... fuck." he begins
Moving down your body, kissing your neck, and down to your breast, he removes your bra in the process. While his mouth is busy working on your chest, he shoves a hand down your panties 
"your so wet, I can't wait to feel you stretched out on my cock. after all this time you think you can still take it?" he asks smugly
"You're not behaving puppy. Maybe you need something else to keep that mouth of yours busy. " You push his head down in between your legs. Mingyu happily takes the hint and pulls your panties down your legs, immediately attaching his mouth to your heat. He's barely started, and you're already losing control. Being unable to feel his touch for the past couple of days has made you even more sensitive than usual. Mingyu eats you out like a man starved, making you wrap your legs around his shoulders and bring a hand to his hair. You pull him further into you with a cry. You can't help but rock your hips into his mouth.
Mingyu's middle and ring fingers find your entrance again. Using your slick, he coats them enough to slip through and curve deep into your cunt. You watch him from your spot above him, you can see him grinding his hips deep into the mattress, making you smirk. It feels like you are getting close, so you pull him up, knowing if you finish now, you won't have enough energy for what you're planning next. Much to his dismay, you unlatch his mouth from you. Before he can get out a whine, you catch his lips in another heated kiss, sealing off any complaints from him. You can feel him get lost in the kiss, so you take this opportunity to push him onto his back, taking Mingyu by surprise. 
"Thank you for apologizing baby. " You trail a pointed nail down his body until you reach his throbbing cock. "I also want to apologize to you as well," you swing a leg over his hip, positioning yourself over him. "This is my way of making it up to you, ok?" you smile genuinely as you sink onto his thick cock. 
You would usually be able to take it with no issues, but since it's been a few days, it takes you a few more seconds to get comfortable. Mingyu can't help but moan at the feeling of you clenching around him as he takes your face into his hands and kisses you slowly. Before you pull away, you take this moment to fully adjust. As you pull up almost completely from him, you maintain eye contact before dropping back onto his lap. You watch as Mingyu throws his head back with a loud moan. You repeat this over and over until you find a steady rhythm. Mingyu grasps your hips, helping to guide you up and down his length. You switch pace to something quick and shallow, making you throw your head back at the feeling. You sit down completely on his lap, leaning back enough to hold on to his thighs for a minute to grind your cunt against him, wanting to feel him deep. Mingyu can't take it anymore and plants his feet on the bed. He begins fucking up into you from his position. You have to place your hands on his chest to keep steady.
"I'm almost there puppy...just like that...take it all"
Mingyu squeezes his eyes shut at your words, thighs beginning to shake
"I won't last..please let me cum princess"
"hold it, you're doing so well for me...my good boy. " 
He brings a hand down to your clit and begins to circle it roughly, losing his mind. He can barely hold it. This time tears really do stream down his face as he begs you to let him come. At the sight of his tears, you clench down on him hard and release all over his cock. 
"cum for me" is all it takes to have him release deep into you. You can feel him in your stomach with how deeply he's thrusting riding out his high. You fall next to him, having spent all your energy. You catch your breath and turn to him.
"I really am sorry for the way I acted. I should have tried to talk to you about it before throwing a fit"
"It's okay, I understand. If I saw you talking to some guy at a party I'd be pissed too"
you smile at his comment and can feel yourself drift off to sleep.
The next morning you awake to the smell of breakfast. You move to get out of bed when you notice you're wearing a fresh change of clothes. Mingyu must have cleaned you up last night when you passed out. You also notice your stuff has been put back in their rightful spots that you had previously taken out to store in the guest room. You smile to yourself and make your way to find Mingyu. He's in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the two of you. A sense of normalcy falls over you and you are content with this feeling. No more petty arguments and wars. Everything is back to normal. 
He turns to you with a smile. "good morning princess" 
You take a seat and smile in return. You finish your breakfast with Mingyu and straighten up the guest room, returning it to its former state before your war. You spend the rest of the day catching back up with Mingyu. There were a lot of updates that you missed because you were too busy ignoring him. You swore that you would never let another disagreement go on for that long. You seriously missed hearing his voice.
With that, on the 7th day, everything was back to the way it was before, and the two of you fell back into your normal rhythm.
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tsaricides · 6 months
(Sorry for sending this here but your askbox in boyfridged is not working for me 😓) I read the new issue of the Red Hood Hill mini and I have to say I'm fascinated by the kiss one because its literally so out of nowhere, but mainly because it's such a representation of how writers attempt to shove Jason into this boxes that fit the more classical comicbook antihero (not that i think he even is one) without actually writing him as a distinct character.
In abstract I think the exploration of relationships both with friendships and romances with Jason would be interesting just because he has been so isolated and grew up in circumstances that didn't really allow for more normal socialization? and also because he is genuinely so intense and constantly losing the idgf war that hes bound to be an absolute little weirdo in any dynamic like he has no parameters of what a regular friendship or relationship would be or function like anymore
So its so bizarre to see writers still attempting to play him as a womanizer who just does random hookups without accounting for yknow his actual character
all very true; i've seen a lot of people very firmly reject the idea of him being given a romantic storyline at all, or even being quite hellbent on jason having no friends; and i want to say i do agree he is not well equipped to handle any of these relationships, but this is specifically why exploring them would be so fascinating. as you said, he is so intense in terms of how he seeks any sort of relationship out, but something that is also apparent in-text is that he very fiercely searches for connections with people to whom he can relate (one of the main reasons he looks to donna, who has came back from the dead!) i'm also of a rather unpopular opinion that because of that he would be very prone to entering relationships (both platonic and perhaps under certain circumstances even romantic/sexual in nature) that would be detrimental to him, as despite everything he remains quite naive (and i'm saying this lovingly. this is not an attack, despite the word itself having negative connotations) in his grand ideas about love. and, as you pointed out, he has been so isolated that he doesn't really know what normal socialisation should be like, which on top of his own perhaps at times unpleasant social habits makes him rather vulnerable.
alas. dc would rather make him into a cardboard cutout with competence i have no idea where and how he would gain. i understand some of it is logical in a sense that he had to develop *some* communication skills in order for his plans to work out (which is a very generous claim, given most of them actually fell through--) , but there is a difference between commanding people/investigation versus personal relationships-- and i would be even very much interested to see the hints of his own inability to form the latter affect the former (which we used to get. sparsely.)
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photogirl894 · 5 months
Sorry for not specifying, lol. Those were from the angst prompt list! (this is the person who requested the Rex one-shot)
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I can most certainly do that for you, anon, and thank you for specifying the list!! 😊
**Slight spoilers for TBB s3 ep6**
4. "Do you know what it would do to me if I lost you?"
16. "It's my job to protect you."
Pairing: Rex x fem reader
Rex had assigned you to be a bodyguard for Senator Riyo Chuchi after her own guards had been lost in an assassination attempt, especially now that she was neck-deep in her support of the Clones. She was going to need someone to watch her and she didn't want to risk anymore of her own security detail, so Rex entrusted you with that task, which you were glad to undertake. You and Riyo were similar in the fact that you both weren't Clones, but supported them in everything, fighting for their right to have a place in the galaxy. Though, after the Emperor declared the Clones were dangerous and would be replaced by his own order of stormtroopers, you knew that you and Chuchi had a lot ahead of you to help protect the Clones.
Soon after, Rex really began working hard on improving his underground network of Clones to fight back against the Empire while you helped Senator Chuchi from the inside. Neither side had it easy by any means. You and Rex kept each other informed of everything going on. He was always checking in on you, making sure you were safe. You were important to him, just as he was important to you. There was always something unspoken between the two of you that you honestly were a bit surprised hadn't been brought to light yet, given the constant danger you both were in. It didn't matter, though. You both had work to do and lives were at stake, so any feelings would have to wait.
A few months later, Chuchi was going to meet with Senator Avi Singh, the former Separatist Senator, and both you and Rex were going to be at that meeting for extra security. It wasn't long into the meeting that Rex got word something was wrong and then suddenly, there was a beeping noise in the room. A thermal detonator was thrown through the window of the room and Rex jumped into action. He caught the detonator and threw back out the window, nearly seconds before it exploded.
He had saved both Senators' lives, but seeing him throw himself into danger with such a close call made your heartrate spike with fear. He could've been killed just then had he only waited a few seconds more. Before you could say anything, he ran off to pursue the assassin while you got Senator Chuchi and Senator Singh to safety.
Some time later, he met back up with you, reporting that the assassin got away. Once you saw he was all right, you suddenly couldn't hold back.
"What were you thinking, jumping in front of the grenade like that?" you questioned him.
"I was protecting the Senators. It's my job to protect them," he stated. Then he looked intently into your eyes. "It's my job to protect you, as well."
You stepped closer to him. "I don't need you to protect me...and even so, I wouldn't want you to protect me by risking your life like that."
"I'm a soldier. It's what I do," he said.
"I don't accept that," you replied, laying your hands on his cheeks. "Do you know what it would do to me if I lost you?"
Rex's lips parted in surprise at the question, his eyes searching yours, but then he turned his gaze away, guilt etched in his features on his face as he whispered your name.
With a gentle nudge, you made him turn his head back to look at you and you stated, "Yes, we're soldiers, but we're also both human. That doesn't mean our lives are nothing to just throw away for someone else's sake. We both deserve to live...and to love."
Then, with those words having been spoken, you brought your lips to his and kissed the Captain softly and lovingly, enough to get your point across and hopefully not scare him away. After seeing him nearly have a brush with death, you were willing to take a chance at admitting your feelings. The time for waiting was over.
The sensation of your joined lips sparked a fire within the Captain that only been just an ember for so long. His arms were around you so quickly and tightly, nearly crushing you against him, and he deepened the kiss almost right away, seemingly wanting to lose himself with you.
After a passionate moment, he broke away, his breath heavy. "I know I said I was protecting the Senators," he said, "but all I could think about was you. I...I didn't want to see you hurt."
"I don't ever want to see you hurt either, Rex," you said back. "Please don't ever do something so risky like that again. We need to get through all this together."
He took your hands in his and gently kissed your fingers. "Together."
Photogirl894's Angst prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers celebration fics
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princess-pray-a · 1 year
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Characters: Gilbert, Chevalier, Clavis reader
Paring: Gilbert X reader
Words count: 750
Synopsis : Clavis and KING Chevalier visit Obsidian as Rhodolite representative on birth of Gilbert and former belles (your) child. As Gilbert let's them meet the baby they both witness something that leaves them surprised and smiling in the end .
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Gilbert holds his little baby just so precious, his eyes so soft on her his bloodlust gone the room felt so calm like a shrine ! Everyone including Clavis and Chevalier could feel that the conqueror beast was conquered by a little kid , something not even the most genius of men could do . His smile is so care free as he gazes at his little daughter . “ My little tiny bunny , you look soo much like your mother , let daddy protect you ok !?” He speaks to her his tone coated in honey, after coming out from his world of happiness a joy after being a father for the first time Gilbert glances at Clavis and Chevalier .” Fufu look how cute is my daughter Chev I bet you are jealous but you too have been an uncle , And Clavis I hope you won’t drag my little one into your pranks ! But I am assured you will help me like a good friend won’t you !?”. “ The mood grew slightly tense as Clavis understood who it was before him . The conqueror beast was a beast after all now a protective one . Chevalier heaved a sigh “ Ridiculous, I don’t care”. He was almost going to leave the room when Gilbert blocked his way out .” Aha nope nope atleast have a look at her , no wait fufu hold her see for yourself how charming she is!” With the gleeful smile Gilbert hands his daughter to Chevalier , Chevalier who was clearly annoyed now holds the infant with somewhat awkward clumsy handle on her yet being careful not to hurt or drop the little one . When he gazes at her face her brown doe like eyes sparkle and a giggle escapes her lips while her hands extends towards him, trying to grab him , Chevalier who always had even adults cowering at his intense icy gaze felt a sense of warmth and surprise at how this baby was clearly enjoying herself held by a man known as brutal beast , it probably was because she herself was the daughter of the women with the most beautiful heart in rodholite “ BELLE” and the conqueror beast as her father. Chevalier smiled a little the same soft smile he rarely showed some selected people . “ Ah Chev smiled ! Wow she even won over the brutal beast “. Clavis exclaimed . “ hhaha didn’t I say you Clavis … she “ Gilbert was trying to explain about how wonderful his daughter is when he got interrupted, he couldn’t believe his ears “ ma.. ma … mama” his little baby was looking towards the door while held by chevalier, there stood the love of his life mother of his daughter , you , THE WOMEN. WHO ONCE WAS BELLE. That was your daughters first words . You and Gilbert rushed to her but she was not done yet . “ pa.. pa .. papa fuuup “ she called gilbert. Chev holding the baby didn’t know what to do . He was confused why were both you and Gilbert acting so strange its just some words by a baby while Gilbert and you both were tongue tied and almost going to burst to tears. “That’s our baby’s first time speaking “ Gilbert spoke softly . Now he gets it getting to witness a child’s first time speaking is definitely something to behold he realized how warm Gilbert gaze felt . But what he didn’t anticipate was the child’s next move .“ cheu, chewu, chev “ she called out to him with her so precious smile . How could someone so small be so courageous . It wasn’t anything big but it was big for chevalier it was Important for him. And not only him she glance at Clavis and started calling out to him as well “ clai, clavi, Claveshee “ . Now it was Clavis’s turn to run to Chevaliers side “ dearie me ! You are definitely dangerous taming 3 beasts as soon as you start speaking How am i going to leave your side when you call out to me soo lovingly !you are going to be more courageous than your mother who married the world wide disaster !”Captivating the brutal beast , the conqueror beast and the pleasure loving beast all at once with her charms your little baby was definitely was an enigma who was to turn the world upside down ! . You thought as Chevalier handed you your baby while Gilbert pressed a kiss to your forehead ! While the four of you made your way to the gardens to witness something even more wonderful with you little life in arms.
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A/N CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING TO THE END ! I was soo much in awwe with the new card for gilbert in jp where emma has been changed to kid it made me write it💓💓💫😌 my hearttt feels blessed hope you like it !!
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pilferingapples · 7 months
started re-watching LM 2K with some friends who also make terrible life choices
went in honestly thinking , Hey! maybe I am forgetting things! Maybe it's not as bad as I remember it being!
well 1.5 hours into this 8 hour fever dream and I can say. I was forgetting things all right! quite a lot of things! but whoo boy I owe Past Me an apology, this is bad and every new Thing I Had Blocked Out Of My Mind makes it worse
Thoughts, While I Have Them:
why does it start literally on fire
I'll give John Malkovert this: he does seem disturbingly horny for the idea of inherent traits and inborn social hierarchy. Beeblevert didn't really seem to know what to do with his phrenology displays; Malkovert whispers to them lovingly at night and probably licks them. This guy feels about eugenics like Grantaire feels about Enjolras. This guy is messed up.
( ...filmmakers know that when they've got someone with lots of human skull measurements and phrenology and Types of Human displays, they're saying that character is into eugenics, right? I'm not saying it's a bad move, it can be very accurate and telling ,but like. They get what that's doing there, right? RIGHT???)
The dialogue...is bad.... it's so bad...
"yellow is the color of happiness"
this timeline is a shambles. Fantine doesn't have Cosette until after Tholomyes is gone, and then apparently holds out for YEARS in Paris, since Cosette is if anything a little older than her book age when Fantine meets the Ts; meanwhile Valjean doesn't get out of prison until AFTER Fantine has moved to M-sur-M. Which of course means there's no factory for her to work at!
...but then after Valjean (very intentionally) steals from Petit Gervais, we cut to Fantine working in the factory. The Nettle Cloth factory . Which means Fantine was doing SOMETHING before Valjean showed up to Disrupt the industry with his Tech Breakthrough but like. What. If she was doing something else then why doesn't she go do that some more after she's fired? Because she very much doesn't, she goes right to attempting sex work...badly
like trying it with Javert first Badly
and then he threatens to arrest her but doesn't?? who is this man, what kind of Javert is he ffs . Letting a Poor go unarrested? Seriously this doesn't even scan with his characterization in this series
Instead he starts stalking Fantine and giving her Helpful Hints. He comes in right after she has a client?? and tells her to go to the circus??
She goes and finds the dentist and tries to get him to pull TEN of her teeth bc for no reason he's giving 4 francs a tooth instead of 20 for the fronts. The dentist is the only character in this show with sense and says NO THAT'S TOO MANY TEETH, and he just cuts her hair instead And listen we've got another Fantine with Mostly Straight Brown Hair , it's not even that long, and I'm sorry but there's NO WAY that's worth more than teeth, why do adaptations keep doing this
also why do they keep making Fantine so passive, so dependent on people telling her what to do? She makes bad choices sometimes--often even!-- but she Makes Decisions and fast, she goes all in without any pushing, that is a defining part of Fantine's character! but everything she does here gotta be because someone told her she Should
another one where Javert inexplicably goes to M sur M to see Cosette. Why? What possible reason for this?? he almost seems like he has a weird crush on Fantine rather than JVJ but that's. That's incoherent, for this character. even in this series!!
I've written so much and haven't even gotten to Valjean officiating a wedding for, apparently, a famous former sex worker in the town ? this is mentioned once and I don't think it'll ever be relevant again
1.5 hours in, Points For: a very cute little donkey, Petit Gervais having his Marmot, some very nice architecture, Baptistine existing
Unpoints for: everyone's bafflingly inconsistent characterization, the absolute mess of a timeline, Myriel still living in the palace but letting homeless people sleep on the floor?? , lots of very pointless Walking Around Time , Thenardier Sex , why do directors think I want to see them get it on, Please Stop
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bg-brainrot · 6 months
WHaBFHtLA - Astarion x GN!Reader - Chapter 12: The Source of his Pain
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader (Elf!Tav)
Genre: Reincarnation, Angst, Mystery, Slow burn
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, POV Second Person, Canon-Typical Violence, references to past Astarion trauma, references to death and dying, lots of talking
WC: 3.3k words, 12/?? chapters
Summary: As you aim to leave and never look back, Astarion realizes that perhaps *he's* the one that made the mistake.
A/N: In case you were wondering, I planned this out like anime arcs lol. We had the memory arc, meeting Astarion arc, and this is the end of arc 3, which I lovingly called Astarion Feels Feelings.
Ao3 | [Ch11][Ch13] | WHaBFHtLA Masterlist
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Astarion has spent the last 150 years of his life convinced of one unflinching truth: That his cold, unbeating heart was only capable of aching for one person. When that person died, so did, he presumed, his ability to feel that ache for any other.
In a prison deep below ground, with the sound of your parting words echoing in his ears and your tear-filled eyes burned into his vision, he is reminded of how fragile the truth can be.
Clutching his chest and staring at the door you closed in your wake, he mutters a string of curses to himself before moving into action.
“Are you following me to make sure I leave? Don’t worry, I’ve heard enough. I’ll be out of your life soon,” you say, not turning back to look at the man who stands just in the shadows of the doorway behind you.
He slips out of the darkness, into the hall, keeping a sizable distance between you. The vampire doesn’t say anything, and, in fact, you likely wouldn’t have noticed him were it not for the undeniably intentional noise he is making with each footstep. You know he could move silently if he wished, but he wants you to sense his presence– it’s an invitation to talk to him, one that you’re not inclined to take at this point.
“Or did you just want to make sure I was thoroughly torn to shreds?” you ask, continuing to walk down the hallway. “Consider me well and truly mangled.”
You were done shedding tears by now.
You’d cried the entire time you were escorted by Petras, ignoring his concerned, stumbling questions. As you navigated your way out of the spawn’s fortress, you thought of what an absolute idiot you’d been. How not a single part of this experience had been worth it. How you should have just stayed at home, reached maturity, and lived a regular, uneventful life back at Neverwinter.
You’d cried the entire time you traced the Bibberbang path back, pausing every few steps to wipe your tears lest you blow up. You thought of your family, how ashamed they would be that you’d come all this way for nothing. How you’d ignored them and made a fool of yourself in the process. How you were yet another cautionary tale for young, naive elves now.
You’d cried the pathway back to the house, before it dwindled into sniffles at the long ladder before you. You thought of Halsin and how he’d believed in you, assured you that Astarion would see you for who you are. How you’d promised him to visit with Astarion someday. How you clearly didn’t deserve to share a soul with the Hero of Baldur’s Gate.
Your tears finally dried up on the ladder, as you went rung by rung all the way back to the surface. You thought of your former self, wondering how they left this man in such a sorry state. How they’d sent you on this journey with their memories, made you care for the man they loved, filled your head with delusions of romantic grandeur. How maybe the dreams were worthless anyway, and you only saw things the way you wanted to see them.
Your eyes were red and puffy but dry by the time you went back to your former room to collect the rest of your belongings. Now you finally allowed yourself to think of Astarion. How the man of your dreams turned out to be a nightmare in the flesh. How no amount of unearned love would help him. How you shouldn’t be the one to help anyway.
So now that this man stalks behind you, burning holes into your back with his gaze, you can’t bring yourself to care. Don’t want to care.
“Are you really going to keep stomping after me after all that?” you ask, exasperation clear in your voice as you stop walking once more.
Finally, he speaks. “You really have the same soul… don’t you?” His voice is soft, and you can hear the same fear you saw in his eyes back in the cells.
You shrug. “I thought it didn't matter.” You turn back toward Astarion now, anger coloring your next words, “And, since it doesn’t matter who I am, please stop following me.”
Now that you can see his face, the sadness in his eyes is unmistakable. His lips curl into an anguished smile as he says, “It doesn’t matter. Not really. I’m not the same man your soul met all of those centuries ago.” He takes a shaky breath and continues, “And I'm certainly no longer the same man who held your soul’s body in their dying breaths 150 years ago. That man died with his love that day.”
His words come from a place of honesty, but they don’t hurt any less. “Thank you for confirming that it doesn’t matter,” you reply through gritted teeth, trying to understand why he would take extra time to torment you. “Now since I’ve already said my goodbye, I hope you don’t mind if I just leave.”
“Please,” the word comes out short, caught between breaths. “I know I likely don’t deserve it, but if I could have just a few minutes of your time.”
You want to say no. Every piece of your body and mind screams at you to say no. But as it always was with this man, you were thinking entirely with your heart and soul. “Only one minute.”
He sighs in relief, and the words come pouring out of him, as if he’d been bottling them up the entire journey back from the Underdark. “I can be rash, I can be difficult, and gods know that I can be spiteful– but I know that after three centuries of being my own man, I am nothing if not enduring.”
You wonder where he’s going with this, and contemplate asking when he takes a breath and looks at you. Something about the way he stares, as if he’s finally seeing you, not as another mad person at his doorstep, but as a real, genuine person, gives you pause.
“When I see you, I don’t know what to feel,” he says, running a hand through his hair in a nervous habit you recognize from your memories. “My survival instinct tells me to run, to hide because you are a source of pain. And some part of me, I don’t even know which, tells me to let you stay in my house. It tells me you can’t come to any harm. It tells my heart to burn when you cry.”
A lump forms in your throat, and the tears you’ve only just mastered build beneath your eyelids. After a heavy swallow, you ask, knowing full well the answer, “Which part seems to have won out so far?”
“You’re right,” he says, hand clutching at his chest now. “I don’t like pain. I’d much rather inflict it, as I’m sure you’re well aware.” The vampire gives a dark chuckle before continuing, “So I’ve spent years trying to endure, to make sure that no one could hurt me. Not anymore.”
“Then, please, allow this source of pain to leave your life,” you say, taking a small mock bow, ready to stomp down the stairs in a huff. “I’m sure your minute is up.”
He’s taking strides toward you before you can finish your bow, his face set in determination. “Impatience must be part of the soul. Before you cut me short on time, let me finish.” He stops a few feet from you, staring at you intensely. “What I’m trying to say is… I wasn’t even aware that I could still feel this pain toward someone. I didn’t know how you managed to slip through my defenses, and I was afraid to find out.”
You stare back, your resolve to barge out of his house in a frenzy suddenly wavering with his piercing red eyes on you. His words settle into you as you wonder what he’s trying to say. “So, you believe me. But it doesn’t matter. Also, all I do is cause you pain, and you hate that?”
His own words summarized on your lips seem to be too much for him as he sighs up toward the ceiling. “Yes, I suppose if you’d like to condense my words in such a crude fashion, that’s all strictly true.” Astarion looks back down at you, face serious, as he says, “I think I’m saying that I’d like to start over.”
The last two days are fresh on your mind, the tears that you cried likely still stain your cheeks, and yet something about the simplicity of starting over makes you want to forget them as easily as he suggested. “I think I would like that,” you say, and when his expression seems to lift at that, you hold up a hand. “But, I’m still concerned. I didn’t come here intending to be a source of pain, and I don’t want to be that for you.”
“Don’t worry about that,” he says with a dismissive wave of his hand.
“How could I not?” you ask, shaking your head with a furrowed brow.
Astarion tilts his head toward you conspiratorially before pulling at each one of your heart strings painfully once more. “The owner of that soul has already been the deepest source of pain for me for decades. What’s another drop in the bucket?”
“Astarion, I–”
“I’m an old man, darling,” he interrupts, and it’s clear it’s not meant to be self-deprecating. It simply sounds tired. “I’ve spent centuries under a cruel master, I've buried countless friends, and seen those whom I consider family die. But nothing– and I mean nothing–” The word comes out as a harsh growl. “Compares to the pain I felt when I lost my love. I don’t know if that pain will ever leave me. So don’t worry about me.”
You’d been there for the end, and heard the very same pain in his voice. You have no doubts that he only speaks the truth, but you’re unsure what to do with it. Your own anger dulls in the face of the memory, and you find yourself wondering how you could show up at his doorstep, forcing these memories back to the forefront of his mind. In order to truly start over, you’ll have to apologize for that.
“I know,” you end up saying after a moment of silence. “While I can’t truly relate, I recognize that it’s an agony like no other. I’m sorry for rushing into this when I couldn’t possibly understand it. I’m sorry for reminding you of it, and for any new hurt I’ve caused through my hasty actions.”
The vampire before you seems to be about to respond to your apology, perhaps with one of his own, when he pauses as if something’s just struck him. Abruptly, he poses you a question, “How old are you?” He seems afraid to ask, pursing his lips ever so slightly.
“Nearly a hundred,” you answer, noting his visible relief. “I actually wanted to come sooner, but I… well, I was told it would be a bad idea.”
Astarion laughs at that and you frown in response, unsure what to make of this man’s temperament quite yet. “It was a terrible idea. Now I’m wondering if the soul is in charge of making decisions, since my love was full of terrible ideas. In fact–” He stops talking, the warm smile that had crept on his face frozen in place. “Nevermind. I won’t bore you with well... your own past.” 
You can see the hurt on his face, as though he’d been unprepared to relive the memory that came unbidden, been unprepared to open up again so suddenly. Already you were a source of pain. “To be fair, I didn’t experience everything,” you clarify tentatively, feeling the need to reassure him, to help him understand that these memories could be a source of happiness. “You’re welcome to share if you’re comfortable.” 
He shoos the thought away like an annoying fly. “Forget that. You’re a hundred?”
Furrowing your brows, you nod. Is he about to make fun of my age? Am I too young?
“That means your soul was only at rest for half a century.” He tilts his head with a wry smile. “Of course, you wouldn’t sit still, you absolute menace.” He says it in such a soft, loving tone, you know it isn’t meant for you. You wonder how he ever planned on pretending he didn’t love your past-self, but decide not to ask– instead choosing to bring him back to the present.
“Not to interrupt you, but why does it matter how old I am?”
Astarion clears his throat, returning to the matter at hand. “Apologies, when you mentioned being unable to relate, I grew worried. I simply must have pegged you correctly when I called you a scholar.” The grin he gives you is tepid, as he hears the half-lie in his own statement.
Scholar was putting it too lightly. His previous words ring through your head, just one of the harsh statements he’s flung at you, ‘What are you? A pampered scholar, deigning to leave your little tower for a night of entertainment?’ You wince remembering it. “While I am a scholar, I do take offense to being called pampered. As well as many of the other things you’ve said so far.” You’re proud of how firm your voice is, and you cross your arms to emphasize your point.
“Right, that’s understandable.” He looks away from your searing glare, and clears his throat once more. “I do appreciate you showing up here, even if I’m somewhat unprepared for it. I didn’t know how to react to you. Ultimately I was too severe, and for that. I’m…” He takes a deep breath and meets your eyes once more. “Sorry.”
You stare at him for a moment, wondering what to do with that awkward and somewhat unapologetic apology. Despite the part of you that is somehow still enraptured by this silver-haired devil, that deeply wants to welcome the lackluster apology, you manage to leave it at a simple, “I appreciate that.”
“Good,” he says with a relieved sigh, as if you’d accepted his apology.
You decide not to correct him, and instead press on now that you’ve both apologized for your actions. “So where does that leave us?”
“To be completely honest with you,” he starts, and his red eyes meet your eyes in a sort of plea. “I meant it when I said I’m not really the same person anymore. I don’t know what you hope to achieve or if what you hope to achieve is even possible.” The sorrow in his voice runs deep, and his hands clench at his sides, as if he can't believe how frustrated he is at himself. 
“I don't know either,” you answer, looking away from him as the weight of his turmoil comes crashing down on you. Clearly just trying to return to a life together was out of the question– you’re not even certain if you even want that with this man anymore. Though there is one thing that still guides you, as ever. “But I should like to at least do right by my past-self. I don’t know why I received the dreams I did, but I do know one thing.”
“What’s that?” Astarion asks, looking at you with a quirked eyebrow.
“That my past-self was… worried about you. Even if you don't want to be with me, I want to make sure you’re okay. If only for them.” Then, as if to add context to the statement, you continue, “It sounds odd, maybe it’s even egotistical? But I care about them almost as much as I care about you.”
Your words hang between you both for a moment. Belatedly you realize that, while you’ve thought it plenty, even told him repeatedly that you are his former-lover, you’ve just told this near-stranger that you care about him.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean–” you cut your words short, wondering if there’s any point to trying to diminish it. Because, while you don’t know if it’s love, you do care for this man in a way that extends past all reason. It shows in your actions and your words, in the fact that you stayed here and listened to him despite it all– so much so that there’s really no use hiding it. “No, that’s not true. I don’t know if I love you, but I do care about you.”
Astarion looks torn and your honesty seems to have shocked him into silence once more. “I truly don't know if I’m capable of love again,” he finally states, an unmasked desperation to his voice– afraid that he may very well be broken beyond repair, afraid of the rejection that’s bound to follow. “Is that… alright?”
A beat passes between you as you digest his words. After the pause, you simply say, “Okay.”
“Okay?” he repeats, brows furrowing in concern.
“Yes, that's okay. I don't need love,” you say with a single firm nod. Unsure if that’s too harsh, you add, “Not while I don’t even know you. I think for now I'd like to just get to know you, the real, present-day Astarion.”
“In that case,” he begins, shoulders visibly dropping as he releases the tension he’d been holding since following you back into his house. “Would you give me the chance to learn who you are as well?”
You give him another nod, this one with a small, tentative smile. “I’d like that.”
“Very well.” Astarion gives a soft sigh, taking in your packed bags and placement on the edge of the stairs. “I know I hardly have the right to ask this after well… all of this. But would you like to stay here for a bit? We can spend some time together.”
He invites you to stay so casually, you almost find yourself agreeing immediately. It is what you wanted, after all. But after everything that’s transpired, you know that you should stop leaping into situations like this heart-first. “Are you sure that’s the best idea?” you ask, giving him a concerned grimace. “I appreciate the offer, truly, but it seems like this place may house too many… difficult memories.”
The vampire gives you a sad, understanding smile before shaking his head. “Perhaps, but it was still our home.” When he says ‘our’, you know he doesn’t include you in particular. “It may even prove to be helpful.”
Your eyes search his somber red gaze for any inkling of a ruse. When you find nothing, your already weak will crumbles. So you gulp, and say, “In that case, I’ll stay.”
“Excellent,” Astarion says, clasping his hands together. Then, as if remembering himself, he adds, “But only until the end of the month.”
You’re confused and concerned at having a time limit, and you’re about to say something when Astarion holds up a hand.
“It’s nothing personal. I have to go visit Gale for his ridiculous birthday celebration and I'm not leaving someone, even if they are the reincarnated soul of my past lover, alone in my house. Especially now that they’re a damnable wizard.” Then under his breath he adds, “Of course you were reborn as a wizard. Just to add insult to injury.”
You ignore the comment about your magic, choosing to focus on the much more shocking piece of information, “Gale’s still alive?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Out of everyone, how are he and Halsin the ones I’m stuck with.”
Despite his flippant response, you get the sense that he’s closer to Gale than to Halsin if he’s attending his birthday, but you decline to comment. Instead you only say, “Alright then. One month.”
One month. That should be more than enough time to right the wrongs you’ve done to each other, learn who the other is, and figure out where to go from there– right? 
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