#i seriously doubt anyone is gonna send me anything
copperstown · 5 months
WIP tag game!
I was tagged by @jez-bez and I have literally never been tagged in anything before, so how strange and exciting!
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I don't have a WIP folder (how organized do you think I am?), but these are some of the more recent WIPs I've started working on or done some work on within the last year, maybe? yikes. So they're not new new, just newer than my ancient ones.
Between Us - Waan's birthday
Haikyu - Tanaka won't let Hinata make them rivals
Hidden Agenda - talk about zo's mom
Love in the Air - photographer phayu posting about retired model rain
Love in the Air - PrapaiSky take care of Rain
Love in the Air - Sky's story
Love in the Air - Rain isn't stupid
Not Me - Formula 1 AU
not me - sean and dan talk
Pit Babe - northsonic thing
until we meet again - deanpharm drabbles
You're My Sky - domevee get together at the celebrations
Uhhhh, I'm gonna tag @misshanbb, @theres-a-goldensky and @wedielike. No, we don't know each other, but I know your fics and they are good, so... [runs away to hide].
No pressure on anyone! It's all in good fun!
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dandelionpixels · 4 months
eleventh doctor x reader x river
ask: Hi! I was wondering if I could request a Reader X Doctor (11) X River kinda Drabble where the doctor meets the reader for the first time and the reader realizes this is the ‘friend’ River was trying to hook them up with? Thank you and keep up the amazing work 😁
- It takes an unbelievable amount of effort on River’s end to arrange the ‘coincidental’ meeting.
- She begs you to come with her to a fancy dance, promising you don’t have to stay long and that it’ll be fun.
- At the same time, she sends multiple messages to the Doctor, praying they’ll find him in time. They all say there’s a possible invasion threat, and that he needs to be at the venue on this date, dressed to be undercover.
Which explains her usual carefree attitude being slightly dampened as she rushes around your house, getting ready for the party. Checking times, then her phone, then your outfit, then her phone again.
You’re a little excited, despite your insistence that you’re only doing it to satiate River. It’s the routine of getting ready, it’s fun. You smile to yourself and River points at you through the mirror, “I knew it! It’s gonna be fun, don’t you trust me?”
River is beautiful as ever, a dark green dress making her hair look brighter than ever. She drapes her arms over your shoulders as you sit in front of the mirror, “You look wonderful. Ready?” You nod and the two of you head for the event, taking a taxi to avoid having to drive home.
A couple minutes after you get in, River disappears. She never means to leave you but a party is her environment, to socialize and have fun and order complicated drinks. She always gets drawn in by a crowd, so you smile as she gets led away by a lady in a purple dress. Heading for the bar, you lean against the counter and order just a soda. Keeping an eye on River seems like a decent reason to stay sober for tonight.
You hear the man beside you order a Shirley Temple and can’t help but smile slightly. Shooting him a slight glance, you notice a couple things. Firstly, he’s wearing a bright bow-tie which is not bad… but definitely interesting. Secondly, he’s absolutely got a pair of binoculars stuffed in his pocket.
As his drink gets set in front of him, you keep watching out of curiosity. He downs it in almost one gulp and sets it down with a grin plastered on his face. You’d think he’d never had one before.
You decide to say something, pointing at his empty glass, “Nice drink choice.”
His face falls slightly and you can’t help but laugh, “No- I’m sorry- I wasn’t making fun. I seriously think it’s a nice drink order.”
Grabbing one of the cherries to ear, his face returns to its previous grin. The expression almost seems familiar, but you really doubt you’d know anyone besides River at the party. Brushing his hair out of his face, he sticks out a hand, “I’m- uh-,” He’s clearly rethinking giving his name, “It’s pleasure to meet you.”
You take his hand, “Nice to meet you too, I’m.” You cut your sentence off, mimicking his lack of a name. He smiles and he almost looks bashful. It’s endearing, like the Shirley Temple. Earnest and endearing.
Before you can continue talking, he gasps slightly and hides his face behind his hands. You let out a confused laugh, “You good?”
He nods hurriedly and peeks through his fingers, “I thought I saw… it’s nothing. Have you noticed anything weird tonight? Like really weird?”
Resisting the urge to point directly at him, you glance around, catching a glimpse of River’s hair bouncing on the dance floor. You shake your head, “Not really, are you on the run or something?”
He shakes his head, “I’m- it’s complicated.”
You raise your eyebrows, “I can keep a secret.”
Looking around and then back to you, he speaks softly, “I’m undercover, doing surveillance.”
Nodding, you know you should probably think he’s crazy. But weirder things have happened in the last couple years, so you decide to buy it, “You’re not doing a great job blending in over here, no offense. Normal people at parties usually, y’know, dance.”
He nods solemnly, and then ducks his head shyly again, “People tell me I’m not a great dancer.”
You stand, offering him your hand, “C’mon mystery man, let’s not blow your cover.”
Taking your hand gently, he stands as well, letting you lead him onto the dance floor. You move past a couple people but stay closer to the end, and pull him closer. He does a wonderful impression of a boy at his first school dance, hands hovering over your waist.
Shooting him a look, you wrap your arms around his neck. It’s braver than you usually are, but something about the familiarity of his face and his shy demeanor has made you unbelievably bold. He surrenders, letting his hands rest on your waist, thought admittedly stiffly.
Starting to sway softly, you realize he may not have been being dramatic about his dancing skills. He’s somehow swaying in the opposite direction. You move your hands from his neck to his waist, adjusting him until he’s somewhat in sync. Moving your arms back up, you smile slightly, “Not so hard, right?” He’s clearly focused on keeping track of his dancing and just mumbles in agreement. Endearing again.
After a couple minutes, you hear an instantly recognizable silky smooth voice to your right.
“Mind if I cut in?”
Both you and your dancing partner drop your hands and turn to face her.
Both of you look at each other, and then back at River for an explanation. She smiles coyly, gesturing between the both of you, “See, I knew my matchmaking skills weren’t rusty! Honey, meet the Doctor. Doctor, meet my honey.”
You spin to face each other, mouth open, “I knew I recognized you. River’s been trying to set me up with you for months.”
His mouth drops open as well, frowning slightly, “There’s no alien invasion, is there?”
You pause, thrown off your rhythm, “I- I have no idea.”
River pats him on the shoulder, “I’m sorry my love, no alien invasion.”
Her face lights up, “Wasn’t I right? You guys are great. Blushing faces, nervous hands, the start to every great story.”
You flush an even deeper red and glance up at the Doctor, who’s doing the same.
Blowing the both of you a kiss, River returns to her previous crowd, going back to dancing like nothing had happened.
You look up, taking a breath to steady your breathing, “Would you like to go back to the bar and get two Shirley Temples?”
He cocks his head to the side, clearly confused, “Two, but I-“ You point between the two of you and his face shifts into understanding, “-Oh! Yes- I’ll- Let’s go.”
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theflyindutchwoman · 7 months
I have 3 things to talk about…
1. How nice it was to see Tim talk to the guys about his fight with Lucy. I’m literally shocked that he was so open with them! I love that he’s growing, opening up and confiding people that aren’t just Lucy and Angela (And Genny to an extent) he was so many friends now!
2. I am unable to move past how married™️ and sweet and domestic it is that Lucy calls tim to get the bugs at home 🥹 and how she suspected that he was just killing them but didn’t say anything and Tim was like pretending to set them outside even tho he wasn’t because he appreciates how empathic she is to even bugs 😭 I just can’t get over the idea that badass Lucy Chen is scared of bugs, well maybe not scared but whatevs, and makes her grumpy boyfriend take care of them but still insists he doesn’t just kill the scary bugs — do we think post Jackson death, pre-Chris she would call Tim over to handle the super big ones? Omg can you imagine? I’m dead
3. Can we talk about how the dance was like the biggest indicator we’ve ever had that these two are so FREAKIN TACTILE WITH EACH OTHER! Like it was kinda obvious before that their shared love language is touch, but I feel like you really, very clearly see that in the dance. And I just 😭 they love each other so much and just want to touch and snuggle and be with the other so much.
I am still very unwell. And I haven’t even processed the ILY’s fully yet so we’re not gonna go there 😂😂😂
Just when I thought I had recovered enough, you decide to send me this. This is a live footage of me right now :
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. The 'bug scene' Listen, after the dance, this might be my favorite part of the episode. This scene was the cutest thing ever… and yes, it was peak married energy. Let's be real here : what is the point of having a boyfriend if it's not to have him take out the trash and deal with the bugs? (just kidding!). Seriously though… Lucy once said that she used to treat the coackroaches in her first apartment as pets (3.11 I think), so it's not like she is fundamentally scared of bugs. Neither is Tamara for that matter. She just wanted Tim to take care of them, in a very Lucy way. But the fact that she knew he was killing them all along but pretended not to know is perfect. Again, that is so her. And then, add the other layer to that scene. Out of all the questions she could have asked, she chose this one. I feel like it was her way of diffusing the tension, of making Tim more comfortable by asking such an innocent question, with no stake at all, before bringing up the real issue between them.
. Tim at the bachelor's party scene You have no idea how much I wish that part had been a little bit longer, so we could see more of the reactions. Still, I love how this scene was cut, with the back and forth between the two parties. How both of them needing to confide their frustrations to other people. And you're right, this is huge for Tim. At best, he would open up to Lucy (obv not an option here) or Angela. Maybe Genny. But certainly not someone like Randy who he barely knows and who can't keep a secret. Or even Aaron… His former aide. That's how much this relationship is important to him. It may have started as a way for him to vent but he also wanted to hear some advices. And he did listen to Randy's suggestion - of all people.
. The dance On the one hand, did anyone still have any doubt that these two are so tactile with one another? The undercover mission was all the confirmation we needed, really. But on the other hand… I didn't think it was possible for them to be even more tactile. It's somehow more intense, more intimate… It just shows how much they craved reassurance. They needed that touch to ground themselves. Lucy needed to play with his lapel and he needed to pull her in closer to him. And don't get me started on how she was playing with his hair or caressing his face. IN PUBLIC. There was no room for Jesus in that dance. She was looking at him the same way she did before 'naked times'… And where did they sneak off after that dance? 👀
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mopillow · 10 months
He Cheng Week day 2…
Bless He Cheng and his benevolence, this man knows his brother can’t be trusted and still he doesn’t stop believing in him
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It helps that he doesn’t have to run after him, he needs better employees tho
But I’m not here to talk about how much he wants to trust his brother nope, I’m here because it’s obvious that at some point my beloved is going to change his tactics, now we have seen that He Tian can get away from almost anyone so how can He Cheng get him to come willingly??
He could just go talk to Mrs. Mo, I would love to see that but I would prefer if HT and Mo talked and figure this out before they’re forced to go on separate ways, I seriously doubt he’s going to be forcefully removed, if he goes by his own will he could visit or at the very least stay in contact with Mo
The answer for me is Mo Guan Shan, and if He Cheng hasn’t use him to his advantage is because that would create a big problem with his brother and right now they need to be closer for He Tian’s sake, but why pillow? Why do they need to be close? Can’t He Tian just leave all the family behind?? Well no is not possible for He Tian to leave the family behind for safety reasons, he could try and live a wonderful life by himself but reality is that as long as his last name is He that’s not gonna be easy, and people wouldn’t hesitate to hurt him or Mo just to get to He Cheng or his dad, even if Mr. He could be the bastard that HT has told us all this time the faster and most effective way to hurt He Cheng is to do something, anything to He Tian and also if HT wants to be independent he needs money and he has none so education it is, he needs to think about the future and use what he has to his advantage, right now he only has his brain
So you guys don’t have to believe me but in my opinion Mo is going to talk some reason to He Tian and maybe that’s why HT looks upset when they see each other again. He probably understood but still kind of hurts when you’re ready to leave everything behind only to be told that you need to think properly, they can’t keep running for long, the goodbye is close and all I’m hoping is for the brothers to have a good relationship, the alternative is for Mr. He to send someone to get He Tian and that’s not going to be pretty for anyone, interesting yes very but awful for our mental health
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queenofbaws · 4 months
heyyy queenie hope ur doin well!! bit of a curveball but im Curious since ive been brain rotted with it lately, so could i ask for whump prompt 13 for the scream franchise?? any characters/movie u want, but id love u to take a stab (tee hee hee) at it :]
not-quite-six sentence weekend :P
There were a lot of emotions playing across Mindy's face as Amber pulled the knife out: doubt, intrigue, disbelief, something that could only be described as pre-schadenfreude...but worry wasn't among them. Neither were its closest cousins, concern and fear, so Tara had to figure the sudden uptick in her pulse was, in fact, solely her issue. If Mindy wasn't worried, then there probably wasn't anything to worry about. Period.
"Sick, right?" Amber flicked her wrist, a flourish that immediately came across as practiced even to her untrained eyes, and the butterfly knife click-click-clicked around her fingers before snapping back into place. "Copped it at a gun show this weekend with my dad. Guy running the stall said I was a natural."
"Why am I not surprised?" Tara snickered, then feigned a frightened little noise and pulled away when Amber turned, holding it out towards her. "You know if anyone catches you messing with that thing, like, right outside of school, they're gonna take it, right? You do get that? It makes sense to you? In your brain?"
She pulled a face, scrunching her nose up. "Uh, no they won't."
"Uhhh, why not?"
With another click-click-clack, she spun the knife around. "How're they gonna take it from me? I've got a kniiife."
Before she could pull away, Amber took one of Tara's hands in hers, laying it flat on the table they were sitting at. She laid her own hand perfectly on top of it, lining their fingers up until Tara's hand disappeared entirely.
"Want to see the coolest trick?"
"Uh." That was it. That was all she had time to say before Amber flexed her hand - both their hands, really - and their fingers spread wide, and...and she understood what she was about to do. Her eyes widened. "Hey, wait, nononononono!"
"Chillax, I've been doing it all week and I've still got all my fingers. You're in good hands."
"Famous last words." Though she'd been going on quite the face journey across the table, Mindy had been awfully quiet until then. Now, as Amber switched her grip on the knife, holding it more like a caveman getting ready to strike, she leaned forward with her elbows on the table, pointing her phone down at their hands.
Pre-schaudenfreude. Yeah. Tara had been right on the money with that one.
"Seriously?" Amber scoffed, "What? You think I'm gonna get performance anxiety or something?"
She sniffed once, Mindy, then shrugged one of her shoulders. Her phone didn't budge. "Nah, I just want to make sure I get this clusterfuck on video so there's evidence in the inevitable personal injury suit Tara's gonna file against you when you slice her open like an Amazon box."
Amber raised her eyes to Mindy's, her expression inscrutable. "I'd stab myself first, duh. That's the whole point of putting my hand over hers."
"Oh yeah, totally," she nodded. "The whole point, mhm. Well this is for you too, because when you stab yourself, then, I can send it to America's Funniest Home Videos. They give out cash rewards for the really funny ones, don't they?"
Tara braced herself as Amber readjusted, rolling her shoulders and assuming her focus-face. Ooh, she didn't want to be a part of the finger-stabby-knife-game-thing, she didn't want to be a part of that at all, but what choice did she have? If she pulled away, it'd knock Amber's concentration off! If she just sat there and took it, the risk of getting stabbed was literally exactly the same! There was no winning here, no getting out it, no -
"Hey guys!"
The choice was made for her.
Wes slammed his hands on the table as he joined them, sliding up from behind to sit on her other side. It startled her so badly that she could only pull away, jolting like a cat with its tail stepped on. Across the table, Mindy groaned, and beside her, Amber similarly jumped, and while her poor, asthmatic little lungs really didn't appreciate the sudden scare, her poor, unstabbed little fingers sure did.
"What's going on? Why're we all hunched over and whispery?" he asked, but the only answer she had for him with a quick smack on the wrist. "Ow?"
"Why would you do that?" she breathed a second later, the tension leaving her in one huge whooping rush. "That wasn't cool! You could've - " But as luck would have it, that was where her lecturing came to a close. Her eyes had flicked to the side for just a second, a natural human reaction, and what she'd seen...well, she wasn't sure what to make of it. "...what?" Tara asked, glancing between Amber and Mindy.
"So America's Funniest Home Videos then, huh?" Mindy's eyebrows went up as her phone went down. "If I was a pettier person, just so you know? This is where I'd be saying I told you so. But I'm not! Lucky you."
It took her a moment longer than she would've liked to figure out what that could've possibly meant. When she did, she startled all over again, almost jumping out of her seat as she spun to look at Amber. "Ohmygod - did you - ?!"
"I'm. Fine," she said through gritted teeth, looking anything but.
She did get up then, standing from the table's bench to circle around and - the noise that came out of her was a little too embarrassing to describe. "Fine? You're fine?! You have a goddamn knife sticking out of your leg!"
Wes paled immediately, turning to Mindy with wide eyes, no doubt hoping she'd shed some light on the situation. She didn't, surprising no one, and instead glanced towards the front doors of the school, waving Chad over to join them when she spotted him across the way. "Well here's the good news, Am," she said, not even trying to hide her amusement, "I think you can definitely still salvage that psychosexual homoerotic tension you were going for with that brilliant stunt. Just yank that puppy out, let Tara stick a finger in there and wiggle it around a little. No harm, no foul. Everybody wins!" Then, under her breath but still more than loud enough for them all to hear over Amber's harsh breathing, "Especially me, once your idiot-ass goes viral."
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton
This week we're circling back to the main WIP through a snippet featuring Cal, Sabrina and her defense of John. *oof* Leslie needs a hug too, for real.
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"Drop the weapon and turn around, I won't ask twice." This voice… Sabrina complied, crouching down slowly, one hand discarding her weapon on the ground while the other used the opportunity to pull out her throwing knife out of its holster. "Now turn around.", the gun poked her between her shoulder blades again, and she willed her heart to slow down, refused to let panic overtake her with her life on the line. She stood back up and spun around, in one swift move the blade was at the neck of the man holding her at gunpoint, giving her a leverage after being snuck on. "Technically, you did ask twice, you mo-", the words died in her mouth the second her eyes registered who standing in front of her. "Gray?", Calahan muttered in disbelief as he reached out, removing her cap, "It's you. You… WHAT THE HELL?" "Kid.", Sabrina withdrew her hand, shock washing over her at the realization how close she had been to injuring him and before she could react he had her enveloped in a hug, "You're okay. Thank fuck." Hartley held her at an arm length, eyes full of concern as he examined her all over to confirm his words. "I'm fine, Cal. Seriously.", she let out a relieved laugh as she sheathed her knife and bent back down to pick up her gun, "I should be the one asking if you're okay, I almost stabbed you in your carotid." "Not gonna lie, that was kind of hot.", the remark was followed by one of his usual winks.
Low whimpers behind her paired with paws scratching against metal snapped her back to reality, erasing the smile off her face, "We have to get Boomer out." One carefully aimed shot was all it took for the lock to give way, and Boomer wasted no time, rushing at her and almost knocking her to the ground the second she raised up the door of the cage. "Hey, Boom.", Sabrina crouched down and stroked him on the head, "At least you made it… for once, not everything was in vain." "I can't believe you're here. That you're actually okay. Fuck.", the way his voice shook took her aback, and she couldn't help but send a worried look over her shoulder, finding him staring at her like she would vanish if he lets her out of his sight. Eyes ran over his his denim jacket that had seen better days with a couple of faded crimson stains seeped into the light material, making her hope none the blood was his. A sniper rifle was strapped to his back, his weapon of choice he had used to take out all the Peggies around them shortly before her arrival and save her the trouble of having to face John's men. Now freed, Boomer had quieted down, standing close to her and watching the younger Deputy in anticipation, tail wagging slightly. "Who's a good boy?", he bent down, taking his turn to greet Boomer, then he turned to Sabrina, "Let's go inside, I have so many questions and so much to catch you up on." She winced, "I doubt you'd like anything I would tell you…" Calahan was the first to cross into Rae-Rae's home, his features twisting into a deep frown at the bullet holes marring the walls and doors, and the way the Peggies had wasted no time rummaging through the woman's belongings, strewing anything they hadn't deemed of use to the Project all over the place.
"Ryan?", Sabrina hollered, rushing to search each room, checking underneath the beds and any hiding spot big enough to conceal Rae-Rae's boy. Cal shook his head, "I don't think he's in here, Gray. Haven't see anyone aside from the Peggies and you. When I got to my spot, Rae-Rae was already dead." "Fuck." "Yeah, things are bad, but now that you're here, there's hope. You were always the voice of reason, keeping me in check…", he furrowed his brows, "I thought John Seed had caught you, Gray, that it's just me from all us not in the Seeds' clutches." Sabrina took a seat on the couch, while Boomer rested his head against her knee, the heartbroken look in his dark eyes making her wonder if he was aware of his beloved owner's fate. Her chest felt heavy and she dreaded having to break the news to Calahan as he paced around the living room, almost wearing a trail in Rae-Rae's carpet. "Cal, I-" "I kept hoping you'd meet up with me that goddamned morning, so many times I looked back, telling myself I would see you emerge from the shadows", his voice choked up, and he blinked rapidly before taking a deep breath, "I thought I lost you, Gray. First I feared you haven't managed to get away, then everyone kept telling me you probably died to a trigger happy Peggie… But I knew better, I felt it."
"Calahan.", Sabrina stopped him, "I didn't escape. Not really… I made it out of the helicopter, managed to crawl away with my head spinning like crazy, then John was there, looming over me with this victorious smirk like he'd finally brought a game to an end…" Something about the way she had said his name, caused Hartley to pause his pacing, "That bastard." "I tried to shoot him, Cal, but only ended up passing out at his feet." "So it was you on that road with him. I received intel about a sighting of you, with John Seed. I couldn't wrap my head around it… why you'd be there." She nodded, "I woke up in an empty cell at his bunker, kid. Ended up being escorted to a torture room-" Calahan's eyes shone with fury, "Did he lay a hand on you? First Hudson, now you, I swear, I'm doing my own version of a Cleansing the moment I see him." "Joey? What's happened to her?" He remained silent, heading for Rae-Rae's TV and turning it on as he said, "It might be better to see it with your own eyes. He's taking matters beyond what you call 'tasteless advertisement', Gray." John's face appeared on the screen, his piercing blue gaze making her shiver through the recording the same way it did in person anytime he would aim it her way. But this was another side of John, before her was the man that was the face of the Project, his act carefully crafted to lure you in, fool into false pretense of security and acceptance. Staring at him was like going for a swim in a the calmest of waters, submerging fully only to encounter the shark that was lurking beneath the surface all along. She used to naively joke about his billboards, about how bizarre his old broadcasts were. All that now felt like it was thousand years away, belonging in a simpler times.
"Even the Father knows deeply of sin. It's a poison,", the outfit he wore was the same one he had on as she sat in his horror movie worthy room, his plane jacket that she had seen in his office bearing a familiar dark stain, her blood. Somewhere along the way before their confrontation where she had figured out his identity, he had taken his time to film a new broadcast, even more chilling than any of his previous ones. He spoke of the "Power of Yes" in the same matter-of-fact, cheery tone he used in his address that was blasting outside the house. Then Joey appeared on screen and Sabrina choked back a sob at her state: the duct tape stuck on her mouth, mascara covered cheeks, fresh injuries that didn't seem to be from the crash alone. "No.", her eyes brimmed with tears like Hudson's, pain shooting through her heart as she faced the ugliness of reality. "He's been playing this on a loop all over the region. Calls me daily, taunting me about Hudson, my impending 'Cleansing' and how I'd be joining her soon so he can save my soul.", Cal muttered, fidgeting with his zippo lighter. Sabrina knew the clicks of it brought him comfort, helped him to keep his anger in check anytime it would reach a dangerous point. "I'm so sorry." "I watched that damned broadcast so many times, looking for you, hoping I've missed you in the crowd, praying I didn't because of what it would mean. I suspected he must have you after the way he stared at you in Joseph's church." "Stared at me how?", she asked in confusion, her time at the Compound feeling like a blur, as if covered in a fine layer of mist she couldn't quite push through. "Like you were his next meal.", Hartley gritted out.
"Cal." "What happened, Gray? Because I'm so lost and I need you to tell me Mary May ain't right to worry you've turned or have been playing us all along, working for Joseph." "You think we're safe in here? There's a lot to cover, kid." "As safe as we'd be in Holland Valley while John Seed is still breathing." "I just need you to remain calm and listen, okay? Promise me you will." Calahan rubbed at the stubble covering his jaw, "I will do my best. Can't promise my fist won't go through any walls, I'm barely holding it together here." As if sensing her unease, Boomer raised his head to glance at her, offering her silent support, "One of his men tied me to a chair, there was a table full of tools, hinting torture was next on the menu. I grabbed a knife, cut myself free, but the damned door was locked, Cal." Sabrina shivered as she recalled the long wait until John had finally shown up, how she had imagined any possible outcome and never making it to her sister. "I waited what felt like hours until John appeared, I was planning on killing him, I truly did. He stood between me escaping that bunker and getting back to Savannah." Calahan's eyes shifted to hers in panic, making Sabrina add, "She's okay, kid." "Thank God. I avoided your cabin, knowing the trouble it would bring to her and Ms. Darcy. Why isn't he dead, Gray?"
She took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for Hartley to look at her like she's lost it after her next words. The truth sets you free, right? It certainly had with John… she was freer than most people in the Valley, it seemed. Or safer at least. "I've been having visions since I can remember, Cal. Glimpses… of the future, oftentimes I wouldn't be able to even place them or they'd be useless as seeing someone have a stupid, mundane conversation. This is the part where you tell me it's impossible? That I'm certified.", she let out a humorless laugh. Calahan shook his head as he finally sat down next to her, "You saw something at the church, didn't you? It why you hesistated to arrest the fucker. You were so damn pale." "I got a vision of the crash, how they were taking away the others. I tried to help, but-" "We didn't listen. Fuck. I'm so sorry, Gray." "I'm used to it by now. It's more surprising when people believe me.", she gave him a sad smile, "So anyway, John comes in, starts talking about how much he knows about me, how I'd confess all my secrets to him. Turns out telling him he won't be getting shit from me is the wrong thing to say, he lost it and got all up in my face, and all I could picture was slashing his throat, leaving him to bleed out. But then I saw his tattoos…" Hartley had grown restless the more she spoke, flicking his lighter open and closed at an alarming rate, the sound echoing as her words died down. Sabrina reached out, stopping the haunted movement, palm covering his hand.
"Throughout the years, I've seen a lot of things, there was something that remained a constant, a man, I could never quite see his face, Cal, but his tattoos are practically embedded in my mind by now." "No way. Those ugly ass scribbles he has going on?" Sabrina nodded, "It was his tattoos I was seeing all this time and it stopped me, made me doubt if I'd succeed at killing him, if it won't make things worse for me." Calahan had a strange look on his face, "Why?" "Because none of the visions involving him had taken place yet, which meant he would live." "This is… Jesus.", he shoved his free hand in his jacket pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lit one quickly, taking a deep pull before muttering, "Forgive me, Rae-Rae." "I know. He asked me what I've seen at the church, suspecting something had happened. I came up with a plan… to use his curiosity, his hubris to my advantage. I needed to 'confess'." "Gray, that shit means nothing, those damned broadcasts about confessing your sins, confessing doesn't get you-" "Not my 'sins', kid, but about my ability, that I could be of use to him. I couldn't try to be a hero, I had to get back to my sister alive. And it worked… eventually he brought me to his office, and we made a deal for him to bring me to Savannah in exchange of knowledge." "You joined them?", Calahan's voice was cold, distant. "I didn't join anything. I offered him my notebooks where I kept notes of my past visions, he could have them all for all I cared. He met Savannah and I-I managed to convince him to not bring us back to that hellhole. She's at his ranch right now, I sneaked out because I saw a vision of Rae-Rae, hoped I'd be able to warn her.", tears were threatening to escape, to spill out like her words had, "But I was too late."
"This is insane. A deal?", he pushed off the couch, returning to pacing, concern mixing with his anger as he swiveled to face her, "How can you trust him? He fucking had you tied to a chair!" Sabrina bit her lip, "I know how it sounds, trust me. But it's the only choice I had and still have." "We can get her, Gray. Right fucking now. Have Savannah in Fall's End before John knows what hit him." "And then hide or constantly be on the run with him pissed off because I've broken our deal and fled?" His blue eyes darkened as he took another drag of his cigarette, "I told you I'd kill him, now feels like the perfect time. Bet it would be hard for him seek revenge when he's dead." The thought of the man she had looked for all these years getting killed by another that had become like family to her threatened to split her heart in two, "He's just one head of the snake, Joseph is the one pulling all the strings." The edge to his words chilled her to the bone, "I will see how old Joe likes it when I personally deliver his brother's corpse at his church's doors, no hiding behind a warrant or upholding the peace this time around. I'm torching the whole place to the ground, like they did with the Sheriff's. What I should have done long time ago, really." Something darker, haunting, filled with regret lurked behind his last remark. "No."
Sabrina got up too, trying to keep panic out of her voice, knowing it won't do her any good in her attempt to make him see reason, to stop him from rushing headfirst into his own demise and taking someone she cared for down with him. "You can't kill him." His laugh was void of any humor, "Can't? Or you don't want me to? Because take one look outside and what Joseph turned us all into - killers." "We can use him, make him see.", she steeled her gaze, "He's not too far gone." Or at least she hoped it was true, holding onto every moment they had shared that told her as much. "The guy that ties people to chairs in his bunker and carves sins into them ain't too far gone?", Calahan seemed less than convinced as he searched for something he could put his cigarette out on, finally dropping it into a half-empty cup of coffee. The same one Rae-Rae probably hadn't gotten the chance to finish when John's men had stormed her property, set on seeing their mission through. Carving? What the fuck are you doing, John? She avoided asking what he meant by it, sensing a landmine in hiding. "He's not-" "He's not what?", there was a disbelief in his tone when he cut her off. "I know it makes no difference, but he's not tying people up himself." "Great, so he's entitled on top of being a violent psycho. Must be all that money… fucking attorneys."
"Cal.", Sabrina pinched the bridge of her nose, watching him open and close Rae-Rae's cabinets on another hunt for God knew what, "Can you please just sit down, you're making me jittery as hell." "There you are.", he exlaimed as he pulled out a liquor bottle out of one of the cupboards, downing a drink before pouring himself another and walking back to the couch with the glass clutched in his hand like a lifeline, "Don't look at me like that. It ain't early for a drink now. And even if it was… I'd say the circumstances excuse it." "I'm not-,", she shook her head, "I'm worried about you, kid. Have you eaten-" Calahan walked over and pulled her into his embrace with his free hand, the scent of smoke wrapping around her like his arm did, "You're something else, you now that? You're basically a hostage and worrying about me eating." He pulled back, offering her a small smile, "Back to the 'John can be redeemed' argument now that I've gotten my dose of liquor courage. And look, I haven't even punched anything yet." She lowered herself back onto the couch, gaze focuse on Rae-Rae's backyard through one of the living room windows when Hartley took his previous seat next to her. "He hasn't 'carved' anything into me." A groan ripped free from his chest, "Yet." "There's a different side to him, one I'm willing to fight for." "You mean different than that?", Calahan pointed at the now muted TV playing John's broadcast on a neverending loop. "Yeah."
"In what way?", curiosity shone in his blue eyes. "He helped me make breakfast. He was worried about me when I got hurt and kept us out of that bunker." Hartley whistled, making Boomer's ears perk up as he remained curled up by the couch, "Romantic. Leslie can also make breakfast, you know? And better yet, he's not part of a cult." Sabrina blinked at the sudden mention of her ex-partner, the squeak of the front door as it swung open, making both of them jump from their sitting position and point their guns at whoever had decided to try sneaking up on them. "Cal, you in here?" It was as if time stood still where she stared at the man that filled up the entryway of Rae-Rae's house. Where she told herself what she was witnessing was impossible. Then one simple word sprung her into action. "Rina?" Sabrina was rounding the couch the second her nickname rolled off his lips, and Leslie set off towards her too, meeting her halfway. An arm snaked around her waist, the other holding a shotgun while her hands clutched at his leather jacket. "What are you doing here?", the question was met with his laughter, and she couldn't help but blink back another wave of tears that wanted to escape. "What do you think?", she pulled out of his embrace, her eyes meeting his, "I came to see you."
A fake cough sounded behind them, "Just reminding you two I'm here in case a make-out session ensues…" Sabrina spun on her heel, "Why didn't you tell me, kid?" "You found her.", Leslie chimed in at the same time. "Sure, I will take the credit.", Calahan raised his glass and took a generous sip, "Now, sit down, chief. Gray was in the middle of telling me all about John Seed's 'sweet side'." Parish complied, perching himself on one of the armrests of the couch while she stared at the two of them, shock coursing through her system. "John? Sweet?", he frowned as he patted the empty space next to him, and Sabrina shuffled over reluctantly, "Why were you two talking about that fucker?" Calahan left his glass at the coffee table that was moved away from her usual spot by the couch and lit up another cigarette, "Well, well, well, fuck me, if things ain't about to get interesting. The next couple of minutes consisted of her catching Leslie up on the attempted escape, her short stay at the bunker and finally coming clean about her visions. "So this is how you knew Kim will be having a baby girl?", Parish asked as he accepted the drink Hartley had poured for him, "Why didn't you tell me, Rina?" "I was afraid…", she muttered slowly, gaze glued to the intricate pattern on the carpet below her feet, "that you would look at me differently or worse, not believe me at all."
His hand came to rest on top of hers, "You know me better than that." "I do." "And John… is the 'mystery man'? You two haven't met before you moved here." She nodded and offered him a sad smile. "You're certain it's him?" "I am." Leslie rubbed at his lip, a telltale sign he was deep in thought, whispering a quiet, "Fuck." Calahan was sitting down on the floor a few feet away from them, cross legged, stroking Boomer's head as the canine snuggled against his knee, "Speaking of Johnny… how are your breakfast making skills, chief?" Sabrina's eyes widened, "Don't start." A wicked grin was pointed her way, hinting at his intentions, "Can't do. Tell me, Gray, have you noticed perhaps that Leslie here looks like a certain someone?" It was Leslie's turn to send him a look of warning, "Cal. I do not." "He practically can be John's double, unfortunate fate considering the current state of the County." She crossed her arms over her chest, "Les looks nothing like John." The words won a grateful smile from Parish, "Thank you, Rina." "Tell that to all the folks I had to stop from killing him,", Calahan paused, "you're welcome by the way." Her face twisted in concern, "People have been threatening you?" "It's fine. Nothing I can't handle." "Wouldn't call it fine.", Calahan argued, "But my point is… you have a perfect John candidate, Sabrina, sitting right next to you."
Parish finally brought the glass he'd been holding up to his lips, "We're not going there." "Absolutely not going there.", Sabrina repeated for good measure. "You sure?", Hartley cocked his head to the side, "He's also taller than good old Johnny, has a voice that doesn't grate my ears, especially when he says 'Deputy'." She rolled her eyes, "I happen to like his voice, thank you very much." The moment the words left her mouth, she wanted to slap a hand over it, especially with how his lips twisted into a devilish smirk, "You sure about that? Check back with me when it turns out he chants 'Yes' over and over when he comes…", his voice pitched in an attempt to mimic John's, something she wished to unhear, "'Yes, Deputy. I'm so close. YES. YES. YES.'" By then Leslie's glass was empty, and she was tempted to pour herself a drink as well, "Cal." "What? You two think he doesn't? I'd go as far as to bet on it. Bastard sure loves the word." "I really don't want to visualize my best friend in bed with another man." Sabrina hitched her thumb towards him, "Exactly." Calahan chuckled darkly, "Though luck, chief. Your best friend has been seeing it for years." "Calahan!" "Look at me,", he pointed at his eyes, "and tell me you haven't, not once, seen a vision of Johnny in a compromising position. The noisy part of me wants to know, you know… but then when I think more about it, I feel like puking."
"I haven't.", she retorted quickly, cheeks heating up at the lie. "Liar." "Drop it, Calahan." "The more you deny it, the less I believe it's all innocent, Gray. How R-rated did it get, though?" All he got as reply was silence. "Fucking ew. That bad?", his first covered his mouth, before he muttered to himself, "Johnny must have some hidden moves." "Calahan." Leslie cleared his throat, running a hand over his face in exasperation, "Can we change the subject?" "Sure.", Calahan said with a nonchalant shrug, "I can just circle to it later. Now that I have you here, Leslie, maybe you could get it through her skull that she can't be staying with him at his ranch. Deal of protection and spicy visions be damned." "Where have you been staying, kid?", Sabrina uttered out. He scrunched his nose, "Mary May's couch, turns out my cabin has an cult infestation problem, thankfully Zorro held the fort until I arrived. Haven't slept that well with people getting snatched and killed left and right…" "Exactly. I can't risk Savannah's life. You know how they say, 'Better the devil I know, that the one I don't'? John's that. A safer alternative than the unknown." "How safe of an option is he really, Rina?"
Calahan chimed in, pulling out his lighter again, watching the small flame dancing before he extinguished it, "I just can't imagine you and Savannah under the same roof with that bastard." "He's actually different around her. It's kind of scary how easy he switches roles. From this,", she gestured to the TV, "to a man that carries me to bed because he refuses to let me sleep outside. 'Can't let a bear eat me.', he said." "Have you though even for a second he might be playing you. Trying to lure you in, so you join the fucking cult." "I won't. And I don't think he is…" Hartley rolled his eyes, sending a pleading look towards Leslie who remained awfully quiet, "For fuck's sake. Help me over here, Parish." "He hasn't told Joseph about me, Calahan. He's keeping it a secret, keeping my visions a secret." "Or he's lying, and they're both laughing at how trusting you are." "No." "How can you be sure?", he scoffed, "The bastard is a master manipulator, a sleazy lawyer that stole half the County's land for the goddamned Project and had Whitehorse shaking in his boots, and you… are next on his to-do list. Literally too, I guess." "That was something Joseph put him up to. Me… if he really knew about my visions, I'd be dead by now. Even John couldn't deny it." "Good old Joseph, oh, how he'd lose his mind if he learns 'God' has been showing visions of his brother fornicating to someone else, he'd probably die from the shock before I have the chance to kill him.", he narrowed his eyes, a look of disgust passing over his features again. "Can you please stop talking about me and him in that way?" Leslie spoke up for the first time in forever, "Dito."
"Sorry, Gray. But I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact you like the guy… with his weird fashion sense, questionable siblings and, I don't know, the giant knock-off of the Hollywood sign he had them Peggies built for him." "You're forgetting the billboards." "Thanks, chief. Billboard, broadcasts,", Calahan blew the flame of his lighter, watching it come to life again, "posters of his face all around his bunker, I'm being told by trusted sources. That true?" "Yeah. I saw a couple." His eyes lit up all of sudden, "Oakley bet me $50 a while back that he has a sex room in the ranch." "Are you for real?" "As serious as me promising I'd be setting his 'YES' sign on fire and taking selfies underneath it, perfect lighting and all that. So, does he?" "As far as I know… no?" "Not a definitive answer then?" Leslie got up without a word and walked out into the backyard, the two watching him as sat onto the picnic table there with his back to them. Calahan released a laugh, "I think he had enough of me." "You think?" "Now it's just us…", he lowered his voice, "Those visions… was Johnny that good, promise I won't tell a soul?" "Focus." "Yes or no?"
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Tagging, @poisonedtruth @direwombat @adelaidedrubman @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @g0dspeeed @madparadoxum @purplehairsecretlair @aceghosts @shegetsburned @jillvalentinesday @nightbloodbix @wrathfulrook @florbelles @corvosattano @voidika @theelderhazelnut @chazz-anova @clicheantagonist @cassietrn @stacispratt @simplegenius042 @thesingularityseries @eclecticwildflowers @dumbassdep and anyone that would like to share a wip ❤️
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franciskirkland · 10 months
Alright to start this ask off I'm just gonna say my interactions w/ you have genuenly been one of the funniest ive had in a long ass time. I've read ur recent post and I empathyse a lot. You seem incredibly funny and genuine. Idk your situation and your background and even your age, but I think you can and are pulling through. Things will get better even if you dont actively want them to. Im not saying this in a vague hope to make the situation you are in better. Im telling you, as a person who from the age of 14 went from therapist to therapist, somehow been on meds that dont fuckin exist yet in croatia, someone who feels trapped in the very /country/ she lives in with no means of escape, someone who is "waiting" for things to finally financially/academicaly/politicaly be better so that I can make something of my life. As it did for me, you will feel joy again in what you do, in what you have, and in what you can achieve. I think it's ok to be down, its ok to feel like "if a bus hit me tomorrow i wouldnt protest" but the thing about people is we adapt rather quickly. So putting yourself out there, going to places you are scared to and believe yourself to be an outcast from is exactly what gets you to meet people and see things that youll remember forever. And after a while the outcast will stop coming to these places, the person there will be someone who belongs. Apathy is a way of saying "fine whatever i dont even care anymore" but youll see how much you care.
I started getting ok after a full decade of *trying* and what I've always found is that for me the saying "don't take anything seriously" is no.1 rule. I get worked up, anxious and overwhelmed with so much so many times.
You may have problems with people at work with friends and whomever, but the main thing you gotta remember is *you cant change anyone but yourself*
And its not a change of personality, hair color, interests, its how much something will get to you, how willing are you to give something up thats not working out and how you will percieve something.
I have no doubt that you know all of this crap but i guess i wanted to say all of that just bc there is no greater pain for me than when i see someone feel like i did regardless of the reason or situation.
Keep on truckin and doing what u love even if its mpregfrance posting. I will always be here to send you to liking-france-jail, mwah <3
hello my sweaty angle <3 i'm sorry i'm just replying to this now. i had to sleep on it because your thoughtfulness deserves a sincere reply.
first of all - thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being so kind, sweet and insightful and offering your support.
the fact that you would take the precious time out of your day to write this out for me is, in a word, unbelievable. i really appreciate you checking in, it's an incredibly caring thing to do. to be honest i'm a little overwhelmed by the magnitude of this unexpected message and i wish i knew how better to express my appreciation.
i really do love to hear that i made you laugh. i live to shitpost. i've always prided myself on my sense of humor and sometimes i feel as if it's slipping away, so it's reliving to hear i've still got it.
unfortunately i still haven't had the strength to eat. i'm heading to work in a bit. things are pretty rough right now, but when have they not been? obviously my present circumstances aren't the root cause of all my problems. in fact my life has improved since moving here.
extensive bianca lore and vulnerability under the cut, apologies in advance.
basically, in so few words, my current situation is that i'm nearly 25 and have nothing to show for it. i've lived in different cities across the US, had great jobs, apartments, friends, roommates, relationships, etc. i have done a lot of living in a short amount of time. but then, in retrospect, it feels like it stopped.
about 3 years ago i was in a very bad place mentally due to the isolation of the pandemic, and i met my husband online. in early 2022 i gave up everything, saved over $10k for the visa and moving costs, and relocated from the US to australia to live with him. our relationship itself has improved from how it used to be, but since the beginning we've had seemingly endless bad luck and financial setbacks.
last year, not long after our (very disappointing) wedding, i suffered a devastating miscarriage. ruptured ectopic, massive internal bleeding, required emergency surgery etc. not only was that traumatic emotionally, but i wasn't eligible for healthcare at the time bc of my immigration status, so we're still paying off the medical bill.
we share a house with my mother in law who is a domineering, emotionally incestuous single mom and an emotionally abusive narcissist. i don't throw that term around lightly, as so many people do these days, but i honestly believe she's devoid of empathy. she's admitted that she dislikes me and thinks i'm stupid because i don't talk much, and goes out of her way to make me feel unwelcome.
so i'm stuck in an area that feels, to me, like the middle of nowhere. i'm not homesick, i love this country. it's just that i'm not used to suburbs. i feel most comfortable in a city where there's people and places and things, neon lights and background noise and stuff to do.
i'd would be happy to live anywhere as long as it's not with her. it honestly feels like a prison sometimes. that sounds dramatic but she's cultivating an unbelievably hostile environment that causes me to feel on edge whenever she's around.
needless to say we need to move, desperately. it's our #1 priority. more than anything else i want a place of our own and eventually a family. we've been actively househunting for the better part of a year, but the rental market is catastrophically bad right now. it's not even about the money, since we're both working we can afford a decent place. it's just that it's so competitive. every showing i've attended, there's been like 30 other prospective tenants. we've been turned down from every apartment we've applied for.
on top of our living situation i have complex health issues that are just getting worse. my energy is zapped. trying to balance work work and housework leaves me with almost no free time to write.
this barely scratches the surface of why I Am The Way That I Am™. i'm not saying any of this to evoke sympathy or brag about 'having it hard'. simply trying to explain. my upbringing was abusive and dysfunctional in a number of ways. i just barely graduated high school. i never had traditional opportunities, i was raised in a way where there's basically no assumption/expectation that you'll ever be successful or fulfilled. i'm diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD and bipolar 2 - haven't been able to get my proper meds in australia. i've been addicted to hard drugs and alcohol. i'm not pleasant to be around. i will probably always look like and act like the lower class, white trash girl that i am. i have spent my entire life in survival mode.
i'm always in the midst of some identity crisis or running away from something. so yeah, i've been hurt and downtrodden. i've also experienced the beautiful side of life from time to time. i've gained a breadth of knowledge and met incredible individuals who introduced me to new perspectives and i'm forever grateful for them. with the way i've lived, i'm very lucky to not be dead or incarcerated right now.
ok, pity party's over. for real this time.
you're pretty much describing exactly how i feel. you know the struggle. the part about waiting to live my life; that's precisely where i'm at. i don't necessarily have a desire to fit in, i just want to get away into somewhere that i can adjust better to.
my isolation is partially due to a lack of energy but also i don't seek out interaction because i'm afraid no one else can understand me. not because i believe i'm too 'complex' or 'damaged' to be understood. that's a load of self-pitying bullshit. it's just scary to be truly seen. or vulnerable. or genuine. bc the results of such openness are unpredictable and uncomfortable.
it's hard, but i know i have to find it within myself to take that push. what's holding me back right now is mainly my material conditions, circumstances out of my direct control. i have no doubt i'll feel at least 50% better when i stop living with this woman.
i certainly have no problem with starting over if something doesn't work for me. contrary to what i might've described, i believe i'm pretty well adjusted, self aware and rational. as is obvious i don't take many things that seriously lmao. i went from caring wayyy too much about everything, being overly emotional and sensitive, to going entirely with the flow and accepting what i can't control or predict.
also i am well aware that you can't change people, that's never been my goal lmao i've never needed someone to tell me that <3
tl;dr, thank you. so much. this really uplifted and inspired me meli, thank you so much for being so thoughtful and compassionate.
it sounds like you're also stuck between a rock and a hard place in your own environment, and i'm sorry to hear that. it's a wretched feeling but i believe you you will thrive no matter the setting, because in all seriousness, you're incredibly talented. i hope you know you should follow your dreams. hell, it looks like you already are and you're giving us the privilege of witnessing it. your art is stunning, the passion and care you put into your work is obvious. your matthew is absolutely beautiful - like his maman.
from a rabidly devoted france woobifier to the designated france hater, i'm only going to say this once but you are validated in your distaste. i understand. you gotta admit though, he is a MILF.
if one thing is certain i will never stop frussyposting. in fact right now i am thinking about france hetalia big fat juicy boobies mmmm milky squishy. i'm giving her a teensy tiny little slut waist and childbearing hips. i would give him a brazilian butt lift but he doesn't even need it!!!
if that is a crime then lock me up. please. strap on the handcuffs and throw me in the crate for naughty little freaks teeheehee >:3
be careful tho. if you keep sending me gay ass love letters like this they're gonna start shipping toxic yuri melianca even harder <3
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more-better-words · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @iamstartraveller776! Thank you! ☺️
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 49 (that number will be changing soon)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 538,126 (a full third of that is a single story 😅)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Ummmm....I have written for numerous fandoms over the years, and most of them you haven't heard of! (no seriously)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? The four fics that make up my Star Trek: Enterprise series Built to Last, (and one other lol).
From the Ground Up
What We Build Here
For the Duration
The Place We Call Home
Lay Down the Beat (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)
5. Do you respond to comments? Heck yeah! I love comments. I'm such a comment ho, bring 'em on.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I have kind of an allergy to angst, so...none, really. Okay, What We Build Here has a slightly angsty ending, but that was ONLY because I knew I was writing a followup and the angst would be healed! Bittersweet is about as hard as I go.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hmmm...Almost all of them? 😄 Destiny and Venturing the Uncharted both have pretty darn sappy happy endings, and of course, the whole point of the Built to Last series was to provide a happy ending, so... yeah. Come to me for all your "everything's gonna be okay" needs.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Haven't on AO3. Tumblr, though...that's another matter. (Which never fails to bewilder me. You're gonna take time out of your life to send anon hate to ME? ME?? Who the actual frilly heck am I to warrant anon hate??)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Sort of? Kind of? For years, I didn't try, and now I have, and it's all rated M because I don't think I have anything more explicit in me, but I'm enjoying it? (it's all extremely fluffy, though, because I'm just a fluff merchant at heart)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No, I never have. I'm not sure my brain's wired for that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, but the majority of my fic is so niche I would be stunned if I did.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? See above, re: niche
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Sort of...years ago, I co-wrote some Baldur's Gate AU fic with a friend that never got published anywhere. Which is a shame, because it was good stuff.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Whichever one I'm writing at the moment lol.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably the sequel to In a Strange Land. Of all the stories I've started and never finished, that one stings the most.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue. I like to think I have a pretty good ear for it (so to speak).
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. 😅 I'm great at having characters sit around and talk, but I'm terrible at having things actually happen.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Complete neutrality. I've never done it, so I don't give it much thought.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Buffy the Vampire Slayer! And if you managed to dig up my old LiveJournal, you could still read it!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I love them for different reasons at different times. 😄
Tagging anyone who wants to play!
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zukkacore · 3 months
I didn't realize that there was a character limit to these asks, so I'm gonna to a Part 2 for Things That Are References to Things I like! Part 1 was for @italicized-oh & i figured i'd just split it up
PT 1 | PT 3
Nobody tells you that at the end of everything, you’ll accept anything. I'm a hack b/c in Night in the Woods its "At The End of Everything, You'd Hang Onto Anything" Which I thought was interesting bc the text has multiple readings on it. In that it's about people trying to restore a glorious past that is never going to return. Like. Trying to cling to an old way of life despite it hurting people. Very Porter. But also about when you have so little options in your life you'll literally cling onto anything, even if its bad for you. Very Jace
He’s taking charge for tonight, but he likes it when Porter chases him. He’s always liked it, even when it got him into trouble. Honestly, commitmentphobe jace is very @hauntedwizardmoment in my mind due to Love's never meant much to me etc etc but Porter chasing and Jace enjoying being Chased is very @iaus Epilogue for me. We're getting metatextual up in here. I love commitmentphobe Jace. I just think it's real bc hes sorcerer! No higher power no contracts no oaths no fealty to anyone! We sit around and talk abt how great inherent magic is! There's also a conversation of reference of like. Gods chasing down objects of their affection esp in greek myth. Hades kidnaps persephone. Apollo chases Daphne. (We take ourselves v seriously here on the sb pwp site ok obviously we're here to reference classics when the gay old men are evil to each other...)
He’s not the one digging up old corpses. A stretch? Like Real People Do by Hozier. Hozier's take is so tender tho... But it's not NOT there. But also like. Why was Porter digging. And what did he bury when he pulled Jace from the earth. Things to think about
He’ll stick around for as long as Porter wants him, and then some. Porter could do the same for him. / Right? / A flash of blue in the periphery of his eye, something clatters to the floor, and there’s the unmistakable sound of shattered glass. His head jerks in the direction of the noise. That gaudy motivational poster has fallen to the ground. This is also such a Fleabag moment to me. I really like the moment when they're kissing and something like falls in the church that kinda spooks them bc earlier the priest is like "i love it when he does that" about god like. Sending them a sign. To me, this is kinda a twilight shards cassandra moment, even though she's in a place where we can't really reach her. Jace is experiencing doubt, so he actually channels this weird form of divine intervention. It's about the possiblities, but also just the doubt that Porter will return the favor like he wants. And we all know how that does. But also. There's a universe where he's brave enough to ask Porter to stay. There's a universe where he isn't. There's a universe where Porter listens and he does stay. There's a universe where he does not.
NGL Epilogue is kinda the king of like weird offbeat and intimate peripheral details abt the mundane jaceporter life that paint such a picture in your mind. The Brooch turning up again is such a me kinda being and offbrand copycat of Jace cashmere sweater moment (but evil version). B/c its like. There's stuff about Jace being appearance obsessed in there, but there's also the reference of like. The moon and stars. Its an heirloom. Like. Porter is literally supplanting Jace's religious background (Galicaea and the moon) and his inherent magic lineage (Sol, the sun being a star and just the name Stardiamond). He's denying both of his parents upbringings (yes my Sol heritage or sol worshipper father n galicaean elf mother for jace truthrism is so real. He just seems like the type of guy who was in the TRENCHES over the evangelical / protestant vs catholic thing, but Fantasy Edition. Which is why Cassandra would fix him but that's for another time). & the desire to be covered up implies a whole thing about modesty in a religious sense. Or at the very least decorum & the heirloom is tradition. The Cashmere sweater thing is still rattling around in my mind tho. Wish it was me
"Oh / I pity you" - this is so strange but i can't stop thinking abt the way Viola says "I pity you" to Olivia in twelfth night. ("that's a degree to love" "Not a grise. Tis a vulgar proof we pity enemies" something like that). Like. There's something about Olivia loving Viola for something she's not, isn't it? Loving and looking past. Pity not being love. We even pity enemies. And like. Jace can even pity someone who has hurt him so badly bc i think he sees how nakedly pathetic some of this is. but also. Of course he pities him. They're the same. But also. On some level I think when Porter says he doesn't want to be left, this is his fear as a man but also his fear as a god talking.
“I’d miss you too much, Starshine." “I’d come back, you know. I'm Kept” Obviously there's a whole Persephades n Hadestown vibe. the whole "youre early" "I missed you" thing. The connection between missing someone so much that death is transcended or brought on, or missing someone who is always a plane away. Porter is here, Jace goes to the infernal realm and comes back (and b/c he was dropped, almost twice. It's a cycle). Porter is going to ascend, Jace is here in the mortal plane. The idea of missing someone so much that you're going to tighten the control on them, too, you hurt them, you betray them, you need to own them. And I'm kept is obviously b/c they're so persephades they're so married b/c marriage is a kind of death < 3
"But I... miss you. Ain’t that peculiar?” - another strange pull. I Think the line "I do love nothing in the world so much as you. Is not that strange?" from Much Ado so compelling and lovely and funny and just. Augh. Also the sister line "I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest" what if i chew glass! I just think that's so... true for them. Porter loved Jace even among his imperfections and Porter's revulsion n aspirations n need to control. Is not that strange? And Jace despite EVERYTHING is so i love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest. He's made to love Porter. He can't even stave off the love with the rage he was made to bear. There's also something abt Porter expressing doubt I find so compelling and contradictory in its own way bc he literally wants to take the goddess of conviction's domain away.
The WHOOLLLEEE traveling into a memory thing is very Howl's Moving Castle for me. Like obviously. Especially the feeling of it being so dreamlike. But its ALSO very Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. Like this idea of realizing the journey of being together and discovering each other and having treasured experiences that make you you is more important than getting the happily ever after.
The Pomegranate tree (but also the Poppies) in Porter's backyard flashback - obviously Persephades. Hadestown etc etc.
“I don’t give a fuck what you think of me, or about who your Jace was. I’m —” This is so GOTG3 its actually embarrassing. I like that movie sorry i know i should be put down for liking MCU but it cannot be helped. I talked abt it here. Something about grieving someone who is still here. Trying to make them into the person you want them to be even tho they're different now.
"I’m just—done playing house, Porter." is also so evil inverse of "I finally found my family" "I thought you already had" from gotg2 imo lol. BOTH families that Porter are trying to cling to are fantasies. The lineage he's trying to restore n whatever bullshit he has with Jace and TRGs
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
Can i request Madara, dating someone who is sweet, gentle, and calm person? 🥺🥺 They are also someone who's very known for their kindness. Imagine energetic Madara with a calm lover <3 Madara would be running all the way around while his lover only watched him from the other side, feeling awe by his cuteness.
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When you introduce the idea of you dating someone to your friends, they’re all understandably surprised.
You’re usually very calm–nothing can ever phase you, it’s how you’re able to put up with so many eccentric idols without even batting an eyelash–but somehow just talking about your partner seems to have an effect on you. You’re blushing visibly, and your composed demeanour is slowly shattering the more you talk as you hide your face in your hands.
They all make an attempt to guess who it is based on who they’ve seen you interact with, but none of them can remember anyone who makes you act like this.
Mama ♡
Remember to rest, Y/N-san!
Take breaks if you feel like it!
Don’t overwork yourself!
Mama is always here to help!
don’t worry i will :)
you take care too ok? be safe
love you <3
Mama ♡
Anything for Y/N-san!
I love you too <3!
The rest of the manga club watches with varying expressions of concern (Keito-kun, Jun-kun, Tori-chan) and near-terror (Mao-chan, Midori-chan) as you smile giddily down at your phone, a dreamy sigh escaping your lips.
“You don’t think…” Isara whispers, slightly fearful. Takamine has his head buried in his book like that will save him from the horror of this conversation. “That Y/N-senpai is dying, do you?”
“No, of course not.” Keito dismisses his worries easily. “I would know if that were the case.”
“But senpai is acting sort of strange, don’t you think?”
“I’m sure it’s nothing as drastic as that…” But a frown makes its way upon his face. There’s no way… Right?
So when you finally give the dramatic reveal (after reassuring Mao-chan that, no, you’re not dying, yes, you promise), the look of warring confusion and absolute horror upon Keito-kun’s face when he realises your ‘precious partner’ is none other than Mikejima Madara is a sight to behold.
Part of the reason everyone is so bewildered at this turn of events is the fact that you’re composed and quiet and Madara is, well…not.
Initially, you find yourself fielding questions from (hopefully!) concerned classmates–who only know of him as that scary guy from MaM–about whether you were coerced into dating him. You know they mean well but it still grates on your nerves, how they see him like some big scary bad guy when really, he’s the exact opposite?
But when they see your lovestruck expression as you watch your boyfriend run rampant as you trail more sedately after him, there’s no doubt that this is a true match made in…maybe not heaven, per say, but Yumenosaki for sure!
He’s always thinking about you, and it shows when he messages you at odd hours of the day to check in on you, or sends you pictures of things he thinks you’d like, or little trinkets to remind you of him. Your boyfriend is so adorable, God? You’re so lucky, seriously. How’d you get blessed with someone as amazing as him!? You must’ve done something really incredible in your past life.
It’s strange to see you acting so shy and different from how you normally are, but no one can deny the way you light up when Madara is near and the way he’s always looking out for you shows the depth of your love for each other.
WC: 556 words
so. i caved. hope u liked this anonnie! jeez i rlly got to get back into writing… it took me SO LONG to do this im sorry :(( hope u weren’t waiting for TOO long cries. anyways im gonna. go back to grinding for df mama soon! but hopefully i can finish all my reqs by this week (or at least most of them qwq) also haha pun im so hilarious ahaha
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red-riding-wood · 2 years
Back from Hiatus
Trigger warning? I think? Brief mentions of medical stuff, nothing graphic. Oh, and death (but none occurred).
TLDR if you don't want to read seven paragraphs: Physical health bad, mental health bad, now hospitalised, fucked up when transferring my story files, hospital bad, home soon?, regardless you will be seeing me back in your feed probably more than you'd like
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Rambling below cut
So, about a month ago I had to take a step back from Tumblr... and then an even bigger step back from Tumblr, because I had taken a step back from writing and I found that I just pressured myself too much to write and post when I did use the app. (I did my best to save your guys' stories in my drafts to read later but... I may have missed some and I definitely have some catching up to do.)
Why did I take a hiatus from writing? Well, that was due to my physical health declining in a real bad way. I won't get into it too much here, because I would end up telling a dramatic yet probably honestly boring story of the last four years of my life, but I'm willing to answer any questions if anyone's curious.
Anyway, that sent my head into a state of just utter... fear, I suppose. It's very difficult to care or focus on anything else when death is literally on your mind, and I was also in this weird state of limbo because I wasn't sure if I would be going to hospital or dying or what... so I didn't write, or really do anything except try to take care of myself the best I could. And I pretty much just isolated.
I've been in hospital a couple days now. The fear of death has lessened, and I think I'm gonna be okay, though I'm straight up not having a good time. I had this idea that what would get me through it was writing, so I sent myself all of my docs for my WIPs. Thing is, I keep shortcuts to them on my desktop, and apparently they don't save changes to the root file?? A lesson I learned after I showed up and found that massive chunks of my writing, notes, and storyboards were missing. Yeah, I fucked up.
But now there is talk of outpatient care as soon as this Friday which means I can maybe go home with my TPN (feeding through a vein tube which is the best way I can describe it since I am not a medical professional; it's basically a hardcore IV and I assure you it's badass and exactly like Cyberpunk 2077 -- that was sarcasm but seriously, props to anyone who lives with these because these are terrifying). If that's the case, I'll be able to carry on with White Ribbon and the fics I had started for Darjeeling and Budapest, and it will probably be a lot easier for me to write in general. I haven't tried writing yet, but hospital is a really uncomfortable environment for me (I mean, I'm sure it is for most people but I have a lovely lifetime dose of trauma on top of the usual) and I'm not managing as well as I thought I would so I have my doubts on how well I will be able to focus. (Don't worry about requests, guys... I haven't forgotten about any of them and I still fully intend to fulfill them, even if it means writing your smutty fantasies in hospital.)
If that's not the case, and I'm stuck here until surgery, well, I am willing it into the damn universe that I'm gonna write again regardless. So if you don't see me post something in the next week you have my blessing to send copious amounts of hate mail.
Thank you for reading my long-winded explanation. Oh, and, don't hesitate to message/reach out or tag me in anything! I'm feeling more social again now that I'm not, you know, dying and stuff.
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queers-gambit · 1 year
Hi Cherry ❣️
Just wanted to let you know that you're a very talented writer, and everyone on here loves your fics, me included of course. Just in case you may doubt yourself honey 🥰🥺
So far I've read every single one of your Billy Hargrove fics and to say that you're one of my favorite Billy writers is an understatement. Up and Out is a personal favorite to be honest, it holds a special place in my heart. 🥺♥️ It's so rare to find Billy writers on here, most people misunderstand him, even fans and many Billy writers. Wether it be a Billy fan or a Billy hater, he is always seen as either :
a) a horrible abusive being who deserved everything that happened to him. Like for real, some people truly have no empathy for abuse victims, Billy isn't abusive, he is a victim who lashes out, there is a huge gap between the two. Of course lashing out at others isn't the way to go, but I strongly believe that Billy doesn't want to do any of that either, he feels deeply guilty for things he isn't responsible for (like his mother leaving him with his abusive dad) or for things that are beyond his control due to his overactive hypervigilence and trauma responses.
or b) the sex symbol. Like seriously, I know he is beautiful and all, but he is still a teenager. He should not be sexualized the way most people do on here. I rarely ever come across a fic that doesn't depict him as a sex icon. Yes, he is gorgeous, we all know that. Yes, he is hypersexual, we know that. But that's not ALL he is. He is SO MUCH MORE than that. And people forget that his hypersexual behavior is probably the result of some trauma. I feel like he secretly really wants affection, love, hugs and cuddles and validation. He is just too afraid to show the slightest ounce of vulnerability.
or c) the repressed gay sex symbol. Like. Okay, to each their own. But seriously. Him not showing affection towards the girls we saw him with (like Vicky and Tina for example) doesn't mean he isn't interested in women. It means he is a scarred traumatized young boy who doesn't know how to express affection in a healthy way. Just like Jim Hopper. They share some many similarities, it's just insane. Anyways, that's a just a thought.
Damn, I'm so sorry for my rambling, I got carried away. 😅 Thank you for giving us a more accurate representation of Billy Hargrove. ❣️ We need it. Please don't stop what you're doing. 🤍💕 You're talented, always remember that Cherry.🌷
you know what we're NOT gonna do? apologize to Cherry for sending her a message of ANY length! i adore your guys' messages, so, whether you write me 3 words, 10 words, 30, or 500, i'm really jazzed to read them all. welcome to my heart, poppet, i'm so very happy you're here to share with. thank you so so so much for the compliments and support! you sweetie pie, cutie patootie!
i feel like i rarely get conversations anymore, it's all requests; so this was a nice change of pace 'cause you're looking really deep into a character that had incredible potential, so it's really cool to form your own thoughts, ideas, emotions.
i think you made some interesting points about Billy's character. but in all honesty, he's such an ambiguous character that i like the idea that he's versatile; so there's no "wrong" Billy. but i appreciate you saying i represent him - he's a fun character to write for 'cause, again, he's versatile and anything goes for Billy Boy.
however, i want to remind you and anyone else of something.
YES, victims themselves can ALSO in turn become ABUSERS. it's a righteously toxic cycle. you know the phrase, "monkey see, monkey do?" it's very much similar to that. children see what mommy and daddy do, so they think it's acceptable behavior until someone later in life corrects them. but then there's also that phrase, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks," so even if you were correct them, odds are, the lesson isn't going to stick because they're conditioned to believe, think, act, feel a certain way. the way the abusers programmed them to be.
it's a concept that i, myself, am still trying to learn. let me explain: i have an older sister who was abused by our mother and the first chance she got, she moved out. their relationship is MUCH better now, but it took years of therapy for my sister to cope with all that had been said and done. however, in therapy, she came to terms with the fact that our mother had been abused by her mother - our grandmother - who had been abused by HER mother - our great-grandmother.
my sister had to teach herself that this cycle was not a reflection on her as a person or as a daughter, but rather this was a generational curse that dates back way-back-when. so while it's like, yeah, our mother was abused by our grandmother, that still doesn't excuse 100% of what my mother did or said to my sister. see what i mean? yeah, my mother's a victim, but she didn't just continue the cycle of abuse but fanned the flames - marking her as an abuser, too. it's not her fault, it's not grandma's fault, it's not great-grandma's fault - it's a societal behavior that has never been kind to women in basically any culture, religion, region, tradition. however this doesn't mean we get to excuse abuse; accountability still needs to be held, wounds need to be healed, and justice needs to be shelled out.
Billy is still a kid, he's excused because he truly doesn't know right from wrong, but it's important to me that i reiterate that my writings are MEANT to romanticize toxic men and relationships. you should not entertain things that are not good for you, things that make you sick, things that cause harm - you do not deserve that kind of turmoil. please stay safe.
again, Billy is meant to be romanticized - but your real life situation is NOT to be. you are all so very special to me, i want you all to stay safe and know that should anyone need it, i'm here for any chat.
all of my love and all of my forehead kisses 🖤
( ps if you're wondering how my sister got abused and i didn't, i guess my mother didn't have the time because i was diagnosed at a young age with rare medical conditions that have kept me in and out of the hospital for over a decade. so maybe 'cause God was tryna unalive me, my ma didn't think to abuse me in the way she did my sister, but trust and believe, i had my fair share of bullshit )
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
5 Anti LO Asks
(Note: All of these asks are before episode 206 (Season 2 finale) so some may be dated.) 1. it's always privileged ppl who are LO's biggest fans because they can see themselves in persephone's shoes :/ meanwhile nymphs are actively looked down upon and its written off as "funny" or "deserved" (minthe deserved better)
this comic sucks lol
2. I see a lot of people say the early art was more detailed but tbh it really wasn't? the quality was very loose and inconsistent, but what made it interesting was it was more fantasy like with strong composition and use of color/contrast (which LBR here, it's a few more swipes of a brush, it not that much more work if at all) which makes it's decline into such flat, static poses and colors all the more jarring. Her style has if anything become more complicated technical-wise and its worse for it.
3. What’s confusing to me about Eris’ design (wow she really only showed up for two episodes huh) is why does she look like a off brand harpy? Why do the rest of her family just look like people but she’s the random one out? Hell, why in general does it seem Rachel’s only extent into anything beyond boxy man/tiny and curvy woman is at best wings and maybe some horns? She clearly struggles with same faces/bodies yet does nothing to tell anyone apart. It’s so weird and lazy.
4. See it's funny because Rachel is framing Apollo as bad for loving his mother and being loyal to her, but Hades is framed as good for being so loyal to his mother who quite literally gave up trying to protect him and happily had TWO MORE kids with his father while he was imprisoned in his stomach. I get their situations are different and all but Rhea has done nothing to deserve such unquestioned loyalty and love while we're supposed to hate Leto because Rachel said so.
5. So with the new episodes - canonically 10 yrs have passed right? So Persephone should be 30 now (cause I think the last time we saw her she was 20?) - but she looks and acts the same? (Actually I take it back she seems to have regressed character wise) And yes, I know there's that thing RS set up where Persephone stops aging so she looks the same (so she doesnt have to draw Persephone any different / older I guess) but after 10 yrs we see her.. Basically mope around, talk to a tree of Hades and act like the same teen she was yrs ago. She does start to take ownership of her actions then Immediately pulls back on the statement with a very haunty look on her face as she states "well its not All my fault" which semes to imply she doesnt think she should be punished for the murder she commited?? And then she goes on to talk about how she thinks her green hands are a turn off as though this is her biggest concern? And later we see her mope about then act excited about her ears getting pierced so it doesnt seem like shes taking her job of regulating spring very seriously. And she asks zeus to send a letter to Hades but doesn't ask to see her aging mortal mother? Not even the nymphs seem concerned about Demeters whereabouts cause their too busy fawning over the idea of persephone having sex with Hades At Last (which is implied when they give her a condom - like props for trying to promote safe sex but still).
Things that seemed to be big deals also no longer seem to hold weight? Like minthe and Daphne are fixed no problem? As far as I know (I haven't seen the fp chapters) We don't even get to see persephones reaction to Daphne being turned into a tree nor minthes reaction to being non-plantified? Shes just chilling and is her usual sassy self?? Shes not complaining to Zeus that shes stuck with the woman who almost killed her??
Aside from that we have Apollo and Artemis being crowned and Hebe looks lile a carbon copy of her mother...
And I'm gonna actually push back on that earlier anon ask - yes techncially Artemis could have asked for anything but I doubt Zeus would've followed through with Artemis' request if she had asked for persephones banishment to be lifted. Like it would be too easy an out for Persephone plot wise so I guess she banished herself? (Idk maybe Artemis knows he wouldn't do it and her self esteem is so low that this is the next best thing in her mind.) Like I think its the same reason why Apollo asked for Leto to... Be unbanished .... but didnt ask for Persephone to be made into his wife because I don't think that's something Zeus would have budged on despite saying they Could ask for anything, he means within limits that he set. Could he do it? Sure. Would he do it? Doubtful.
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zandercomics · 2 years
You know what, fuck it, I’m going to make this a big thing now because you just don’t seem to get it.
TL;DR because I’m fairly certain you won’t read this, you aren’t helping anyone with all these comments. You are either stroking your own ego, are oblivious, or both. And it’s fucking disgusting.
I literally used it once, but go on I guess, maybe im taking the quote to literally.
You did say my “willful ignorance” was “hilarious”, which is both making fun of me assuming a lot about me. Also all throughout these interactions you’ve called me part of the problem and other things, implying that I am at least accidentally (though you lose the accidental benefit of the doubt by saying it’s willful) in the moral wrong, while you are saying you are in the mora right. If that isn’t implying you think you’re better than me then idk what would be. Just because it’s not directly stated doesn’t mean it’s not there.
But here let me clarify why I think you are just (again I hesitate to use the word because of how it’s been co opted but it’s so much quicker to type) virtue signaling.
First off this is clearly a joke. OP has made it clear that they are in no way suffering under the delusion that the boys will either come to the wedding, respond to the STD, or even open the letter (though I’d be willing to concede the last point given that they added jokes so at least the HOPE for that one is there). At most their interactions with NSP has been to offer a business transaction; be 99% turned down,but told to send info; and, clearly knowing that it’s a lost cause, send a piece of paper in the hopes of making them and some other people on reddit smile at a joke. Can it be misconstrued as serious after EVERYTHING? I guess, theoretically, someone with an incredible inability to read social queues (digitally or otherwise) and/or with serious mental illness saw this they COULD think that OP was being serious, though I’d question whether they would wait to see the answer before assuming that they see it as okay. I think only THE MOST delusional or oblivious would think that they could get a different result from the same tactic, but there is things like NPD, so maybe there’s a SHRED of a point there, but, and this is important, a stranger’s mental illness/state IS NOT OP’S RESPONSIBILITY! It is solely the responsibility of the person with said illness and (assuming it’s to the point of diminished accountability) their care network (be they family, friends, doctors, etc.) if you like quotes so much here’s one I always liked from a great podcast “your mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility”. To believe anything else is both unfair and unrealistic.
Second, your original reply was a massive exercise in futility. If OP had said something to the effect of “sending NSP an STD for my wedding, I hope they actually come!” Or something to that effect your response would’ve been pertinent and I wouldn’t have said a fucking thing. But, as I said before, OP is under absolutely no delusion that, if they even read the letter, it’ll be seen as anything more than “haha save the date and sexually transmitted disease have the same acronym” plus a few other random jokes to make them laugh. If someone as delusional or oblivious as said above STILL thinks they could send it and NSP Will seriously show up, your post will hardly change their mind. If someone is either unwilling or unable to see that sending a serious STD is futile and unrealistic, a stranger being sardonic on the internet is definitely not gonna be what stops them. To think it will be is both delusional and self centered.
Third, if there was ONE benefit of the doubt I was willing to give you its that, in your original reply, it could be seen as saying “oh well if they are impressionable enough to be swayed by one person being okay trying this then one dissenting voice would be just as noticeable”. I can at least see a bit of logic there. But you lost that benefit with all your bad faith arguments and “caring” (will clarify this part) and hypocrisy (see the response about not making fun of or acting like you’re better.)
Fourth jokes like this are not direct causes of any of the danger of parasocial relationships . Except in potential fringe situations, they arent even indirect causes. There is no research I have found that anybody who has stalked and/or killed someone they were a “fan” of were pushed in that direction by obvious jokes. What I HAVE seen is Untreated Mental illness, lack of a good social and medical security network, and ignoring the causes of mental illnesses, the lack of said networks, and the warning signs that a person is dangerous leading DIRECTLY to atrocities.
This is why I think all your sentiments about caring about people being hurt are made in bad faith. Someone who generally wanted to help people wouldn’t waste their time on this non issue.
Given That, let’s go down a rabbit hole, if you’ll indulge me. If you REALLY wanted to combat that you would be working to address those issues. But maybe you don’t have the time, but when you see something dangerous you call it out. That’s fair, life is busy! But, as I said before, clearly labeled jokes are not a danger that needs to be called out. Maybe you got mixed up, that’s fine, it happens. But wait, you’re doubling down even when you’ve been shown why you’re wrong? maybe you weren’t convinced? But there were direct points where flaws in your argument were shown, why didn’t you address these? If they didn’t convince you surely you can explain why? Oh wait you address them by saying they’re irrelevant or implying the other person is a bad person. Well that doesn’t make a lot of sense, why would you call flaws in your argument irrelevant? Why would you attack my moral character without explaining why you weren’t convinced? I’m sure there’s some other benefit of the doubt I could give you, but honestly it’s getting hard to keep doing so.
So what am I left to think? The most likely, in my opinion, is That you’re just trying to show how awesome and great you are for caring so much about people that you are willing to even call out simple things to strangers OR you derive some enjoyment out of publicly showing people online they’re wrong when you GENUINELY believe they are. Tbh the first one is at least partially true to me, so that’s fine, but, as I said before, you haven’t really shown you were worth giving the benefit of the doubt to and that you are willing to use bad faith arguments.
THAT is why you “explaining the dangers of parasocial relationships” in THIS Thread the way you have been is actually you acting “Holier than thou”. Admittedly it might not be 100% the best phrase to use, but that’s more because I try not to use “virtue signaling” (the actual best phase imo) because it has been co opted by alt right shitheads and now has the connotation of a buzzword to dismiss ANY form of giving a shit. Does that answer your fucking question?
Honestly you’re probably gonna make fun of me for this big explanation and not even look at the TL;DR, and that’s fine, I probably should’ve tried to find a way to let this conversation go, but you really pissed me off. It’s not a good look to use a real societal problem to boost your own ego, but it’s fucking disgusting to do that, go in places where it’s not even an issue, and THEN act like you give a fuck and are trying to help just to make yourself look good. That is far more damaging to the people who this issue affects because it not only DOESNT ACTUALLY ADDRESS THE ISSUE, but it in fact MAKES PEOPLE THINK THE ISSUE IS TRIVIAL. People will be more likely to dismiss this issue because of people calling out things that aren’t part of the issue and THAT is far far FAR more damaging than a fucking sex joke.
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beann-e · 4 years
Haikyu Characters Reacting To Their S/O Screaming Back At Them
Aoba Johsai
Read Part Two Here
kyotani Kentaro
-everyone knows kyotani for his anger and how he doesn’t suck up to people so when they found out he was dating someone they had to assume this someone had the ability to put him in his place and right now that’s just what they needed
“ mad dog-chan you can’t do this not right now“ oikawas voice rang through in annoyance
“ yeah we need you to go in “ iwazumis voice sounded tired as if he was exhausted by trying to convince the boy for the past 5 minutes during their halftime (long timeout)
kyotani grunted as he turned from both of his teammates looking to the wall as he sat on the bench
“ coach seriously — we need him and he’s just on the bench doing nothing “
“ he said he’s tired of you guys only calling him in for 5 minutes and then sitting him back out like an animal— that you use to show off and then send outside when company’s gone “
“ well he’s our secret weapon “ oikawa screamed “ that’s literally what you do “
kyotani grumbled as he rolled his eyes at oikawa who huffed as he moved to turn to the bleachers “ oh forget this he’s not even listening to iwa-chan “
“ well you know what to do flatty-kawa “
“ duh you see i’m doing it iwa-chan”
oikawas hand came up in a wave as he moved to the referee whispering to them as they spoke on the speaker their voices crisp sending a chill through kyotani’s spine
“ we need a y/n l/n to come down to Aoba Johsais Bench — A y/n L/n to come down to Aoba Johsais bench “
you stood up smiling widely as you jumped your way through the crowd voice heaven sent as you screamed “ that’s me “
moving through people talking sweetly “ oops — sorry — sorry have to go take care of a loose hothead—whoops—you should really watch where you place that drink “
you hopped down the stairs waving at the team and the referee as you came to a stop in front of kyotani who was even more mad than he was initially
“ babe whats up why are they calling me down here again “ you sighed “ it’s only happened five other times and I thought we got past it “
“ they say that like it’s nothing “ kindaichis voice came out small as he rubbed the back of his head
“ kyotani “ you called confused usually he would answer you by now and comply and go play for a little while just to make you happy so you could go sit down on the bench to watch his game closely
“ uh somethings wrong iwa-chan “
“ yeah somethings off he’s not responding to her this time “
“ kyo what— “
“ if anything he looks like he’s gonna snap “
oikawa laughed at his comment “ yeah right y/n ‘ s too nice he’d feel horrible if he snapped at ‘em —they’d probably cry he wouldn’t do it “
oikawas face dropped as he heard the loud voice ring out inside the gym “ GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME“
you shuddered at his voice “ your even more fucking annoying than that dumbass over there “
your mouth dropped “ all you do is come down here and bother me everytime and I only go in for you — i’m not doing it this time i’m gonna stand my ground”
he screamed “ they use me for those 5 minutes and then toss me out i’m not doing it — like I said i’m sitting right here on this bench and standing my fucking ground “
your face went up in shock as you felt your body flinch at his voice kyotani and the rest of his team immediately feeling bad at what the whole gym just witnessed everyone listening closely feeling sorry for you
Oikawa moved to glare at kyotani as he walked over to wrap his arms around you “ aw y/n-chan it’s ok to cr— “
“ YOU SCREAM AT ME ONE MORE TIME LIKE THAT AND IM GONNA KNOCK YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF WITH THE BAT MY DAD WACKS INTRUDERS AT HIS STORE WITH “ your screams came out louder than his as you stared down at the boy in front of you
“ I don’t care if you go out there and wipe the floor down with fucking towels or scrape it clean with a toothbrush but your going out on that court kentaro“
your voice was stern “ you better be glad they even give you 2 seconds on that court you love so much with your shitty attitude —if it was me i’d make you a bench rider the whole season while you watch shittykawa smirk at you everytime he goes up for a set that you won’t get “ your screams catching the whole gym off gaurd
“ so your gonna go out there and stand your fucking ground on that court “ you mocked him hand pointing from him to the court
Kyotani’s body shaking at your tone “ kentaro “ you spoke his name like a curse as he jolted and race to stand in his position on the court head never turning back to look at you again as you continued
“ You will score everytime you go up for that ball — everytime you hit something or come in contact with it— I want a point on that board do you hear me“
“ yes “
“ kentaro “
“ yes ma’am “
you moved to fix your clothes as you stared at everyone in the crowd “ everytime my boyfriends feet leave that ground you better clap your asses off do you hear me “
everyone shook their heads in a yes motion afraid of you and how such a big yell could come from such a small person
You smiled at the team before you took your seat on the bench near the coach who read off all his plans for kyotani that hed never listened to
“ oh trust me we’ll do that plan “ you said as you shook your head ignoring all the whispers from the males around you
“ do they know the game doesn’t start back up again until 5 minutes from now “ mattsukawas voice came out in concern
“ I —uh I don’t think they care “
“ oikawa what’s wrong with you “ iwazumi turned to see oikawas face made up in a frown as he sulked
“ pretty y/n-chan called me your stupid nickname “
-oikawa never liked losing especially when it was to someone younger than him someone he didn’t like so you can imagine his anger when he lost to Karasuno
-no one expected the hallway to erupt in his screams so soon
“ tooru what’s wrong “
“ i’m just a little tired y/n i’m ok “
“ no but you — you look angry “
he took a deep breath as he shook his head in annoyance moving to walk off you standing in front of him stopping his exit
“ ok then if I look angry why the fuck would you stand in front of me “
“ because I “
“ because your fucking annoying that’s what it is “
“ tooru”
“ no don’t baby me y/n I don’t need you or anyone else to tell me I played good and I was amazing obviously I wasn’t if your standing here talking to me in a hallway and not in front of me while I celebrate on the court “
“ it’s ok baby — you can still win a volleyball nat— “
he lost his cool as he screamed looking down on you “ WHEN Y/N WHEN HUH “
he screamed harshly “ it’s over — are you fucking stupid there is no next time shitty kageyama took it there’s no next time for me — fuck we’re— we’re third years “
his voice sounded bloody by his screams that sounded throughout the hallway his team coming in to check and see if everything was ok receiving their answer when they turned the corner to you taking over
“ if I knew you were so fucking stupid I wouldn’t have dated you you were probably the bad luck charm that made me lose my shitty gam—“
“ the only thing that made you lose this game was you asshole “
your voice was laced with venom as you shot at him screaming constantly “ you and your shitty need to keep working endlessly maybe if you didn’t have a hurt knee — oh wait howd you get that “
you pretended to think “ oh I know FROM OVERWORKING YOURSELF “
you pushed a finger to his chest “ when I say your gonna make it to a nationals someday your gonna make it to a nationals someday you don’t doubt me is that clear “
his face was in fear as his mouth opened wide in a o form unable to process an answer
“ is that clear tooru oikawa “ you screamed
the team letting out yes’s for him as he moved to look back at them before he turned to you shaking his head like a puppy whod accidentally peed in the house
“ I need words “
“ y-fuck y—yes y/n — baby I mean ma’am — shit I mean yes baby “
you moved to stand straight as you cracked your neck and let a smile play on your face as you turned away from him walking to the entrance of the gym “ ok — babe I meant to tell you i’m gonna go say good game to kageyama- kun you go to the busses and make them wait for me ok “ you waved at him as you opened the door “ love you “
“ they wouldn’t dare leave ‘em “ kyotani’s voice came out in a laugh
“ fuck leaving them — theyd let ‘em drive“ hanamaki joked with mattsukawa who was screaming in laughter
your body entering the gym and walking over to kageyama who straightened up turning to speak to hinata who stood in fear
“ you speak nothing of what we heard to y/n-senpai“
“ y-yes ka-kageyama “
“ kageyama-kun youve grown up so much I love it“ you said holding your arms out to him speaking like he was a baby
“ h-hi y/n-senpai “
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dreamsclock · 2 years
I was halfway through a post abt how c!Bad isn’t victim-blaming c!Tommy by having empathy for c!Dream, and I was gonna reblog it right up to the last sentence where they said c!Dream was gaslighting c!Sam in prison to make him feel bad 😭 Bitch wtf
Its still surreal to me that ppl think c!Dream was gaslighting c!Sam during the prison arc. Even if you believe c!Dream is the most evil unredeemable cartoon villain in the world he literally had no power in that situation. Like dont u think he’d gaslight his way into not eating raw potatoes all the time or something
Maybe I would b willing to give Dream antis the benefit of the doubt if it weren’t for the fact most of them have no critical thinking skills and they send random ppl death threats for liking a fictional dude smh
it’s a shame people don’t realise “c!bad has empathy for c!tommy but is frustrated by him” and “c!bad has empathy for and maybe even cares for c!dream” can coexist as takes :’) like ! they’re not mutually exclusive !! especially considering nobody really seems to know about exile !!
re: c!dream gaslighting in prison…. are people forgetting c!sam is THE gaslighter girlboss ?? /lh but seriously, c!sam gaslights the hell out of c!bad (and probably other characters but i only specifically remember c!bad). what makes anyone think anything he says about prison activities can be trusted??
i don’t doubt that c!dream was doing his best to manipulate c!sam and c!quackity and his visitors, you know, Because He Was In A Horrific Situation And Was Trying To Escape Slash Survive (and also that’s just. how he rolls.) but GASLIGHT is a funny one.
literally what could he even gaslight c!sam about. “sam Ur crazy. quackity already came to torture me today. don’t u remember. pls don’t let him back in oh my god haaahahahaaa” LIKE ??
c!dream was probably using every tactic in the book to make life even slightly easier for him in prison (faking being worse injured to try and get c!quackity to stop torturing him, lying about escape plans to c!sam, calling c!quackity sir to get on his ‘good side’) but i think the important thing about c!dream’s ‘manipulation’ here is that ultimately he was doing anything he possibly could to survive. nobody blames an abuse victim for doing things underhand to survive. it’s no wonder c!dream was doing those things and i don’t think they should be held against him as like. acts of evil and villainy. when we have c!awesam “gaslight gatekeeper guilt trip” dude to deal with 😭
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