#idk why that sends me but it does; almost as much as him making breakfast being a positive; a reason for Cal to not kill him...
inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton
This week we're circling back to the main WIP through a snippet featuring Cal, Sabrina and her defense of John. *oof* Leslie needs a hug too, for real.
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"Drop the weapon and turn around, I won't ask twice." This voice… Sabrina complied, crouching down slowly, one hand discarding her weapon on the ground while the other used the opportunity to pull out her throwing knife out of its holster. "Now turn around.", the gun poked her between her shoulder blades again, and she willed her heart to slow down, refused to let panic overtake her with her life on the line. She stood back up and spun around, in one swift move the blade was at the neck of the man holding her at gunpoint, giving her a leverage after being snuck on. "Technically, you did ask twice, you mo-", the words died in her mouth the second her eyes registered who standing in front of her. "Gray?", Calahan muttered in disbelief as he reached out, removing her cap, "It's you. You… WHAT THE HELL?" "Kid.", Sabrina withdrew her hand, shock washing over her at the realization how close she had been to injuring him and before she could react he had her enveloped in a hug, "You're okay. Thank fuck." Hartley held her at an arm length, eyes full of concern as he examined her all over to confirm his words. "I'm fine, Cal. Seriously.", she let out a relieved laugh as she sheathed her knife and bent back down to pick up her gun, "I should be the one asking if you're okay, I almost stabbed you in your carotid." "Not gonna lie, that was kind of hot.", the remark was followed by one of his usual winks.
Low whimpers behind her paired with paws scratching against metal snapped her back to reality, erasing the smile off her face, "We have to get Boomer out." One carefully aimed shot was all it took for the lock to give way, and Boomer wasted no time, rushing at her and almost knocking her to the ground the second she raised up the door of the cage. "Hey, Boom.", Sabrina crouched down and stroked him on the head, "At least you made it… for once, not everything was in vain." "I can't believe you're here. That you're actually okay. Fuck.", the way his voice shook took her aback, and she couldn't help but send a worried look over her shoulder, finding him staring at her like she would vanish if he lets her out of his sight. Eyes ran over his his denim jacket that had seen better days with a couple of faded crimson stains seeped into the light material, making her hope none the blood was his. A sniper rifle was strapped to his back, his weapon of choice he had used to take out all the Peggies around them shortly before her arrival and save her the trouble of having to face John's men. Now freed, Boomer had quieted down, standing close to her and watching the younger Deputy in anticipation, tail wagging slightly. "Who's a good boy?", he bent down, taking his turn to greet Boomer, then he turned to Sabrina, "Let's go inside, I have so many questions and so much to catch you up on." She winced, "I doubt you'd like anything I would tell you…" Calahan was the first to cross into Rae-Rae's home, his features twisting into a deep frown at the bullet holes marring the walls and doors, and the way the Peggies had wasted no time rummaging through the woman's belongings, strewing anything they hadn't deemed of use to the Project all over the place.
"Ryan?", Sabrina hollered, rushing to search each room, checking underneath the beds and any hiding spot big enough to conceal Rae-Rae's boy. Cal shook his head, "I don't think he's in here, Gray. Haven't see anyone aside from the Peggies and you. When I got to my spot, Rae-Rae was already dead." "Fuck." "Yeah, things are bad, but now that you're here, there's hope. You were always the voice of reason, keeping me in check…", he furrowed his brows, "I thought John Seed had caught you, Gray, that it's just me from all us not in the Seeds' clutches." Sabrina took a seat on the couch, while Boomer rested his head against her knee, the heartbroken look in his dark eyes making her wonder if he was aware of his beloved owner's fate. Her chest felt heavy and she dreaded having to break the news to Calahan as he paced around the living room, almost wearing a trail in Rae-Rae's carpet. "Cal, I-" "I kept hoping you'd meet up with me that goddamned morning, so many times I looked back, telling myself I would see you emerge from the shadows", his voice choked up, and he blinked rapidly before taking a deep breath, "I thought I lost you, Gray. First I feared you haven't managed to get away, then everyone kept telling me you probably died to a trigger happy Peggie… But I knew better, I felt it."
"Calahan.", Sabrina stopped him, "I didn't escape. Not really… I made it out of the helicopter, managed to crawl away with my head spinning like crazy, then John was there, looming over me with this victorious smirk like he'd finally brought a game to an end…" Something about the way she had said his name, caused Hartley to pause his pacing, "That bastard." "I tried to shoot him, Cal, but only ended up passing out at his feet." "So it was you on that road with him. I received intel about a sighting of you, with John Seed. I couldn't wrap my head around it… why you'd be there." She nodded, "I woke up in an empty cell at his bunker, kid. Ended up being escorted to a torture room-" Calahan's eyes shone with fury, "Did he lay a hand on you? First Hudson, now you, I swear, I'm doing my own version of a Cleansing the moment I see him." "Joey? What's happened to her?" He remained silent, heading for Rae-Rae's TV and turning it on as he said, "It might be better to see it with your own eyes. He's taking matters beyond what you call 'tasteless advertisement', Gray." John's face appeared on the screen, his piercing blue gaze making her shiver through the recording the same way it did in person anytime he would aim it her way. But this was another side of John, before her was the man that was the face of the Project, his act carefully crafted to lure you in, fool into false pretense of security and acceptance. Staring at him was like going for a swim in a the calmest of waters, submerging fully only to encounter the shark that was lurking beneath the surface all along. She used to naively joke about his billboards, about how bizarre his old broadcasts were. All that now felt like it was thousand years away, belonging in a simpler times.
"Even the Father knows deeply of sin. It's a poison,", the outfit he wore was the same one he had on as she sat in his horror movie worthy room, his plane jacket that she had seen in his office bearing a familiar dark stain, her blood. Somewhere along the way before their confrontation where she had figured out his identity, he had taken his time to film a new broadcast, even more chilling than any of his previous ones. He spoke of the "Power of Yes" in the same matter-of-fact, cheery tone he used in his address that was blasting outside the house. Then Joey appeared on screen and Sabrina choked back a sob at her state: the duct tape stuck on her mouth, mascara covered cheeks, fresh injuries that didn't seem to be from the crash alone. "No.", her eyes brimmed with tears like Hudson's, pain shooting through her heart as she faced the ugliness of reality. "He's been playing this on a loop all over the region. Calls me daily, taunting me about Hudson, my impending 'Cleansing' and how I'd be joining her soon so he can save my soul.", Cal muttered, fidgeting with his zippo lighter. Sabrina knew the clicks of it brought him comfort, helped him to keep his anger in check anytime it would reach a dangerous point. "I'm so sorry." "I watched that damned broadcast so many times, looking for you, hoping I've missed you in the crowd, praying I didn't because of what it would mean. I suspected he must have you after the way he stared at you in Joseph's church." "Stared at me how?", she asked in confusion, her time at the Compound feeling like a blur, as if covered in a fine layer of mist she couldn't quite push through. "Like you were his next meal.", Hartley gritted out.
"Cal." "What happened, Gray? Because I'm so lost and I need you to tell me Mary May ain't right to worry you've turned or have been playing us all along, working for Joseph." "You think we're safe in here? There's a lot to cover, kid." "As safe as we'd be in Holland Valley while John Seed is still breathing." "I just need you to remain calm and listen, okay? Promise me you will." Calahan rubbed at the stubble covering his jaw, "I will do my best. Can't promise my fist won't go through any walls, I'm barely holding it together here." As if sensing her unease, Boomer raised his head to glance at her, offering her silent support, "One of his men tied me to a chair, there was a table full of tools, hinting torture was next on the menu. I grabbed a knife, cut myself free, but the damned door was locked, Cal." Sabrina shivered as she recalled the long wait until John had finally shown up, how she had imagined any possible outcome and never making it to her sister. "I waited what felt like hours until John appeared, I was planning on killing him, I truly did. He stood between me escaping that bunker and getting back to Savannah." Calahan's eyes shifted to hers in panic, making Sabrina add, "She's okay, kid." "Thank God. I avoided your cabin, knowing the trouble it would bring to her and Ms. Darcy. Why isn't he dead, Gray?"
She took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for Hartley to look at her like she's lost it after her next words. The truth sets you free, right? It certainly had with John… she was freer than most people in the Valley, it seemed. Or safer at least. "I've been having visions since I can remember, Cal. Glimpses… of the future, oftentimes I wouldn't be able to even place them or they'd be useless as seeing someone have a stupid, mundane conversation. This is the part where you tell me it's impossible? That I'm certified.", she let out a humorless laugh. Calahan shook his head as he finally sat down next to her, "You saw something at the church, didn't you? It why you hesistated to arrest the fucker. You were so damn pale." "I got a vision of the crash, how they were taking away the others. I tried to help, but-" "We didn't listen. Fuck. I'm so sorry, Gray." "I'm used to it by now. It's more surprising when people believe me.", she gave him a sad smile, "So anyway, John comes in, starts talking about how much he knows about me, how I'd confess all my secrets to him. Turns out telling him he won't be getting shit from me is the wrong thing to say, he lost it and got all up in my face, and all I could picture was slashing his throat, leaving him to bleed out. But then I saw his tattoos…" Hartley had grown restless the more she spoke, flicking his lighter open and closed at an alarming rate, the sound echoing as her words died down. Sabrina reached out, stopping the haunted movement, palm covering his hand.
"Throughout the years, I've seen a lot of things, there was something that remained a constant, a man, I could never quite see his face, Cal, but his tattoos are practically embedded in my mind by now." "No way. Those ugly ass scribbles he has going on?" Sabrina nodded, "It was his tattoos I was seeing all this time and it stopped me, made me doubt if I'd succeed at killing him, if it won't make things worse for me." Calahan had a strange look on his face, "Why?" "Because none of the visions involving him had taken place yet, which meant he would live." "This is… Jesus.", he shoved his free hand in his jacket pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lit one quickly, taking a deep pull before muttering, "Forgive me, Rae-Rae." "I know. He asked me what I've seen at the church, suspecting something had happened. I came up with a plan… to use his curiosity, his hubris to my advantage. I needed to 'confess'." "Gray, that shit means nothing, those damned broadcasts about confessing your sins, confessing doesn't get you-" "Not my 'sins', kid, but about my ability, that I could be of use to him. I couldn't try to be a hero, I had to get back to my sister alive. And it worked… eventually he brought me to his office, and we made a deal for him to bring me to Savannah in exchange of knowledge." "You joined them?", Calahan's voice was cold, distant. "I didn't join anything. I offered him my notebooks where I kept notes of my past visions, he could have them all for all I cared. He met Savannah and I-I managed to convince him to not bring us back to that hellhole. She's at his ranch right now, I sneaked out because I saw a vision of Rae-Rae, hoped I'd be able to warn her.", tears were threatening to escape, to spill out like her words had, "But I was too late."
"This is insane. A deal?", he pushed off the couch, returning to pacing, concern mixing with his anger as he swiveled to face her, "How can you trust him? He fucking had you tied to a chair!" Sabrina bit her lip, "I know how it sounds, trust me. But it's the only choice I had and still have." "We can get her, Gray. Right fucking now. Have Savannah in Fall's End before John knows what hit him." "And then hide or constantly be on the run with him pissed off because I've broken our deal and fled?" His blue eyes darkened as he took another drag of his cigarette, "I told you I'd kill him, now feels like the perfect time. Bet it would be hard for him seek revenge when he's dead." The thought of the man she had looked for all these years getting killed by another that had become like family to her threatened to split her heart in two, "He's just one head of the snake, Joseph is the one pulling all the strings." The edge to his words chilled her to the bone, "I will see how old Joe likes it when I personally deliver his brother's corpse at his church's doors, no hiding behind a warrant or upholding the peace this time around. I'm torching the whole place to the ground, like they did with the Sheriff's. What I should have done long time ago, really." Something darker, haunting, filled with regret lurked behind his last remark. "No."
Sabrina got up too, trying to keep panic out of her voice, knowing it won't do her any good in her attempt to make him see reason, to stop him from rushing headfirst into his own demise and taking someone she cared for down with him. "You can't kill him." His laugh was void of any humor, "Can't? Or you don't want me to? Because take one look outside and what Joseph turned us all into - killers." "We can use him, make him see.", she steeled her gaze, "He's not too far gone." Or at least she hoped it was true, holding onto every moment they had shared that told her as much. "The guy that ties people to chairs in his bunker and carves sins into them ain't too far gone?", Calahan seemed less than convinced as he searched for something he could put his cigarette out on, finally dropping it into a half-empty cup of coffee. The same one Rae-Rae probably hadn't gotten the chance to finish when John's men had stormed her property, set on seeing their mission through. Carving? What the fuck are you doing, John? She avoided asking what he meant by it, sensing a landmine in hiding. "He's not-" "He's not what?", there was a disbelief in his tone when he cut her off. "I know it makes no difference, but he's not tying people up himself." "Great, so he's entitled on top of being a violent psycho. Must be all that money… fucking attorneys."
"Cal.", Sabrina pinched the bridge of her nose, watching him open and close Rae-Rae's cabinets on another hunt for God knew what, "Can you please just sit down, you're making me jittery as hell." "There you are.", he exlaimed as he pulled out a liquor bottle out of one of the cupboards, downing a drink before pouring himself another and walking back to the couch with the glass clutched in his hand like a lifeline, "Don't look at me like that. It ain't early for a drink now. And even if it was… I'd say the circumstances excuse it." "I'm not-,", she shook her head, "I'm worried about you, kid. Have you eaten-" Calahan walked over and pulled her into his embrace with his free hand, the scent of smoke wrapping around her like his arm did, "You're something else, you now that? You're basically a hostage and worrying about me eating." He pulled back, offering her a small smile, "Back to the 'John can be redeemed' argument now that I've gotten my dose of liquor courage. And look, I haven't even punched anything yet." She lowered herself back onto the couch, gaze focuse on Rae-Rae's backyard through one of the living room windows when Hartley took his previous seat next to her. "He hasn't 'carved' anything into me." A groan ripped free from his chest, "Yet." "There's a different side to him, one I'm willing to fight for." "You mean different than that?", Calahan pointed at the now muted TV playing John's broadcast on a neverending loop. "Yeah."
"In what way?", curiosity shone in his blue eyes. "He helped me make breakfast. He was worried about me when I got hurt and kept us out of that bunker." Hartley whistled, making Boomer's ears perk up as he remained curled up by the couch, "Romantic. Leslie can also make breakfast, you know? And better yet, he's not part of a cult." Sabrina blinked at the sudden mention of her ex-partner, the squeak of the front door as it swung open, making both of them jump from their sitting position and point their guns at whoever had decided to try sneaking up on them. "Cal, you in here?" It was as if time stood still where she stared at the man that filled up the entryway of Rae-Rae's house. Where she told herself what she was witnessing was impossible. Then one simple word sprung her into action. "Rina?" Sabrina was rounding the couch the second her nickname rolled off his lips, and Leslie set off towards her too, meeting her halfway. An arm snaked around her waist, the other holding a shotgun while her hands clutched at his leather jacket. "What are you doing here?", the question was met with his laughter, and she couldn't help but blink back another wave of tears that wanted to escape. "What do you think?", she pulled out of his embrace, her eyes meeting his, "I came to see you."
A fake cough sounded behind them, "Just reminding you two I'm here in case a make-out session ensues…" Sabrina spun on her heel, "Why didn't you tell me, kid?" "You found her.", Leslie chimed in at the same time. "Sure, I will take the credit.", Calahan raised his glass and took a generous sip, "Now, sit down, chief. Gray was in the middle of telling me all about John Seed's 'sweet side'." Parish complied, perching himself on one of the armrests of the couch while she stared at the two of them, shock coursing through her system. "John? Sweet?", he frowned as he patted the empty space next to him, and Sabrina shuffled over reluctantly, "Why were you two talking about that fucker?" Calahan left his glass at the coffee table that was moved away from her usual spot by the couch and lit up another cigarette, "Well, well, well, fuck me, if things ain't about to get interesting. The next couple of minutes consisted of her catching Leslie up on the attempted escape, her short stay at the bunker and finally coming clean about her visions. "So this is how you knew Kim will be having a baby girl?", Parish asked as he accepted the drink Hartley had poured for him, "Why didn't you tell me, Rina?" "I was afraid…", she muttered slowly, gaze glued to the intricate pattern on the carpet below her feet, "that you would look at me differently or worse, not believe me at all."
His hand came to rest on top of hers, "You know me better than that." "I do." "And John… is the 'mystery man'? You two haven't met before you moved here." She nodded and offered him a sad smile. "You're certain it's him?" "I am." Leslie rubbed at his lip, a telltale sign he was deep in thought, whispering a quiet, "Fuck." Calahan was sitting down on the floor a few feet away from them, cross legged, stroking Boomer's head as the canine snuggled against his knee, "Speaking of Johnny… how are your breakfast making skills, chief?" Sabrina's eyes widened, "Don't start." A wicked grin was pointed her way, hinting at his intentions, "Can't do. Tell me, Gray, have you noticed perhaps that Leslie here looks like a certain someone?" It was Leslie's turn to send him a look of warning, "Cal. I do not." "He practically can be John's double, unfortunate fate considering the current state of the County." She crossed her arms over her chest, "Les looks nothing like John." The words won a grateful smile from Parish, "Thank you, Rina." "Tell that to all the folks I had to stop from killing him,", Calahan paused, "you're welcome by the way." Her face twisted in concern, "People have been threatening you?" "It's fine. Nothing I can't handle." "Wouldn't call it fine.", Calahan argued, "But my point is… you have a perfect John candidate, Sabrina, sitting right next to you."
Parish finally brought the glass he'd been holding up to his lips, "We're not going there." "Absolutely not going there.", Sabrina repeated for good measure. "You sure?", Hartley cocked his head to the side, "He's also taller than good old Johnny, has a voice that doesn't grate my ears, especially when he says 'Deputy'." She rolled her eyes, "I happen to like his voice, thank you very much." The moment the words left her mouth, she wanted to slap a hand over it, especially with how his lips twisted into a devilish smirk, "You sure about that? Check back with me when it turns out he chants 'Yes' over and over when he comes…", his voice pitched in an attempt to mimic John's, something she wished to unhear, "'Yes, Deputy. I'm so close. YES. YES. YES.'" By then Leslie's glass was empty, and she was tempted to pour herself a drink as well, "Cal." "What? You two think he doesn't? I'd go as far as to bet on it. Bastard sure loves the word." "I really don't want to visualize my best friend in bed with another man." Sabrina hitched her thumb towards him, "Exactly." Calahan chuckled darkly, "Though luck, chief. Your best friend has been seeing it for years." "Calahan!" "Look at me,", he pointed at his eyes, "and tell me you haven't, not once, seen a vision of Johnny in a compromising position. The noisy part of me wants to know, you know… but then when I think more about it, I feel like puking."
"I haven't.", she retorted quickly, cheeks heating up at the lie. "Liar." "Drop it, Calahan." "The more you deny it, the less I believe it's all innocent, Gray. How R-rated did it get, though?" All he got as reply was silence. "Fucking ew. That bad?", his first covered his mouth, before he muttered to himself, "Johnny must have some hidden moves." "Calahan." Leslie cleared his throat, running a hand over his face in exasperation, "Can we change the subject?" "Sure.", Calahan said with a nonchalant shrug, "I can just circle to it later. Now that I have you here, Leslie, maybe you could get it through her skull that she can't be staying with him at his ranch. Deal of protection and spicy visions be damned." "Where have you been staying, kid?", Sabrina uttered out. He scrunched his nose, "Mary May's couch, turns out my cabin has an cult infestation problem, thankfully Zorro held the fort until I arrived. Haven't slept that well with people getting snatched and killed left and right…" "Exactly. I can't risk Savannah's life. You know how they say, 'Better the devil I know, that the one I don't'? John's that. A safer alternative than the unknown." "How safe of an option is he really, Rina?"
Calahan chimed in, pulling out his lighter again, watching the small flame dancing before he extinguished it, "I just can't imagine you and Savannah under the same roof with that bastard." "He's actually different around her. It's kind of scary how easy he switches roles. From this,", she gestured to the TV, "to a man that carries me to bed because he refuses to let me sleep outside. 'Can't let a bear eat me.', he said." "Have you though even for a second he might be playing you. Trying to lure you in, so you join the fucking cult." "I won't. And I don't think he is…" Hartley rolled his eyes, sending a pleading look towards Leslie who remained awfully quiet, "For fuck's sake. Help me over here, Parish." "He hasn't told Joseph about me, Calahan. He's keeping it a secret, keeping my visions a secret." "Or he's lying, and they're both laughing at how trusting you are." "No." "How can you be sure?", he scoffed, "The bastard is a master manipulator, a sleazy lawyer that stole half the County's land for the goddamned Project and had Whitehorse shaking in his boots, and you… are next on his to-do list. Literally too, I guess." "That was something Joseph put him up to. Me… if he really knew about my visions, I'd be dead by now. Even John couldn't deny it." "Good old Joseph, oh, how he'd lose his mind if he learns 'God' has been showing visions of his brother fornicating to someone else, he'd probably die from the shock before I have the chance to kill him.", he narrowed his eyes, a look of disgust passing over his features again. "Can you please stop talking about me and him in that way?" Leslie spoke up for the first time in forever, "Dito."
"Sorry, Gray. But I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact you like the guy… with his weird fashion sense, questionable siblings and, I don't know, the giant knock-off of the Hollywood sign he had them Peggies built for him." "You're forgetting the billboards." "Thanks, chief. Billboard, broadcasts,", Calahan blew the flame of his lighter, watching it come to life again, "posters of his face all around his bunker, I'm being told by trusted sources. That true?" "Yeah. I saw a couple." His eyes lit up all of sudden, "Oakley bet me $50 a while back that he has a sex room in the ranch." "Are you for real?" "As serious as me promising I'd be setting his 'YES' sign on fire and taking selfies underneath it, perfect lighting and all that. So, does he?" "As far as I know… no?" "Not a definitive answer then?" Leslie got up without a word and walked out into the backyard, the two watching him as sat onto the picnic table there with his back to them. Calahan released a laugh, "I think he had enough of me." "You think?" "Now it's just us…", he lowered his voice, "Those visions… was Johnny that good, promise I won't tell a soul?" "Focus." "Yes or no?"
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Tagging, @poisonedtruth @direwombat @adelaidedrubman @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @g0dspeeed @madparadoxum @purplehairsecretlair @aceghosts @shegetsburned @jillvalentinesday @nightbloodbix @wrathfulrook @florbelles @corvosattano @voidika @theelderhazelnut @chazz-anova @clicheantagonist @cassietrn @stacispratt @simplegenius042 @thesingularityseries @eclecticwildflowers @dumbassdep and anyone that would like to share a wip ❤️
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lovegasmic · 3 months
switching it up a little but can i get a bff gojo x fem reader where reader moves on from having something with gojo??? it’s inspired by that one tik tok audio “does he make you laugh?” and the girl responds with “he doesn’t make me cry” and it could be angst IDK I NEED IT PLEASE
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 angst cw. f!reader, situationships breakup, Satoru is jealous jealous and very bad at showing his emotions. ( i wrote this with that one satosugu scene in mind help ) more bff Satoru
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you weren’t doing that to him, right? there was no way Satoru saw you chatting and laughing with a guy over a cup of some unknown beverage at a nearby café, one where you both often got breakfast from.
but he couldn’t say anything, you were best friends, nothing more, nothing less, so —although incredibly appealing, causing a scene wasn’t in his plans. instead pacing in the solitude of your apartment from which he had a key, and if you were to bring that dude home, then Satoru would happily kick him out.
‘how long are you taking in coming back home? is your... stupid little date more important?’ he huffs to himself, the four walls of your living room his only comfort, observing his every move, every step and desperate check on his phone for news from you, even after sending you a text to hang out.
an hour, two hours, how long has it been? merely 20 minutes that feel like an eternity.
but you come back, making Satoru’s invisible puppy ears perk up at the sound of your footsteps and keys finding the doorknob, “hey, when did you get here?” you ask with an oblivious... gorgeous smile and the blue eyed desperate wants to kiss you stupid, to bruise your lips with his teeth.
“where were you?” he asks instead.
and you frown at the demanding tone, “...out?”
“you didn’t answer my texts”
“oh” a hint of understanding flashing through your eyes, “sorry, I was kinda busy”
giving into unfounded jealousy Satoru’s jaw clenches, “with who?” he takes a step closer, staring at your dumbfounded expression more clearly, another step closer, “i saw you with that guy, who is it?” one last step and he has you almost caged against the wall, your scent filling his senses, almost making him bend and slam you against the wall to kiss you, to make you remember you’re his.
“Satoru, what the hell is wrong with you today?”
“am I not enough for you?” although his voice is low and full of anger, there’s also a hint of vulnerability he’s not yet ready to show, not in this situation, not when his heart is about to break.
“Satoru, i—”
“does he treat you better than me?” he cuts you, “does he make you laugh?”
“he doesn’t make me cry”
he’s taken aback, the mask of anger melting under your defensive tone, “what?”
“i’m tired, Satoru, of... whatever we have, I want stability, not just a random fuck once every couple of days”
so that’s how you feel... that’s what you think of him... hasn’t he showed you how he felt? how much did you mean to him?
the words die in his throat like his heart, struggling to properly articulate his feelings, but... you’re hurt, he can see it in your eyes, just how long has he been driving you to the edge, with this constant back and forth, coming to fuck you just to get a new girlfriend days later. he’s an idiot, isn’t he?
so why can’t he just apologize? why is he stepping back, giving you room much against his will because he already misses your warmth and perfume?
“sorry” he mutters weakly, but sorry for what? for playing with you? for not being honest? for invading your space? perhaps all.
conflicted with realization, that he fucking loves you so much he’s struggling to breathe, mind in a haze as he steps towards your door and walks out without a word.
but if your happiness is not with him, then Satoru hopes that you find it with someone else.
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spidybaby · 11 months
Adivina... I'm sick🤧 and if it's possible, I would like to request some fluffy Pepi taking care of his sick girlfriend, please😭 Idk, maybe he trying to cook for her? Calling readers mom or his (or both mothers) to see what can he do?, dancing randomly to cheer her up a bit 'cus reader hates getting sick?😭 please and thank you in advance! TAKE CARE!🌻✨
"Okay, that doesn't sound like a normal cough."
You turn to him. A cup of hot tea in one of his hands and a bottle of water in the other.
You wanted to answer, but a wave of new coughs interrupted you.
"Yeah, no." He left the thing in your nightstand. "You go back to bed, call in sick, and I'm getting you some medicine from the store."
"But I have paperwork." You say, voice almost gone from the sickness. "And I have this project."
He shakes his head no, grabbing you by the shoulders and walking you to your bed. He helps with your shoes and makes sure you're tugged comfortably in bed.
"Please hear me." He kisses the top of your head, passing you the tea. "I'm going to the pharmacy. Please drink this, and I'll be back, amor."
He left your apartment to go get you some medicine, some snacks, and something to make a soup.
He knew an amazing place to get you some chicken soup for you to feel better, but he prefers to cook it himself.
Every time he's sick, you cook something for him. Sometimes some nice breakfast, sometimes a nice soup.
That's something that makes him feel better, your love and care for him. So he wants to do the same for you. To make you feel what you make him feel.
He picked up regular and normal medicine, some headache pills, vitamins in gummy form, some sweets, and some hydrating drinks.
He then drives to the grocery store. He knew he needed some vegetables, chicken, and maybe some other things, but he didn't know how much of everything or if he needed something to season or something to make it taste homemade.
The phone rings three times before your mom answered.
"Hola cariño, como estas?" (Hey honey, how are you?)
"Hola, sorry to bother you. I just need some help with something."
"You never bother me, tell me how can I help you."
He explained what he wanted to prepare for you, and how lost he was in ehat to get.
"You're such a sweetheart, I'll help you. First, you're getting chicken breasts, maybe three potatoes, corn, two carrots, celery."
She gave him a list of what to get and how much, some seasoning brand names. Instructing him on how to add it and how to season it.
"Gracias, you're a life saver." He smiles to himself, the shopping car full with things for the soup.
"I should be the one thanking you. You take care of my baby when I'm not able to. And I'm grateful for that Pedri"
"I love her. You don't need to thank me for it." He says honest about his feelings. "I have to go, so I get to her place soon and I can feed her this for lunch."
"Bye sweetheart, take care and don't get sick."
He pays for everything, getting you your favorite hot drink from your favorite coffee shop.
When he gets back to your place, the first thing he does is go back to your room to check on you.
"Hi." You say, voice more gone than before. "I missed you."
He gives you your drink, kissing the top of your head. "Why don't you try to sleep, amor?"
He runs back to the kitchen, getting the pills. He makes you take the medicine so you can rest better.
"Thank you, I'll ask you to lay down with me, but you're not getting sick." You laugh.
"I'll be here when you wake up."
"Love you." You send him a kiss which he catches and dramatically place his hand onto his heart. This action makes you laugh again.
He goes back to the kitchen, organizing everything in the order your mother gave him. But he keeps forgetting the instructions, not wanting to mess up everything he picks the phone and calls someone who knows about soups and cooking.
"Hola, mi niño."
He knew his mother was an expert in cooking, having a Tasca of her own. She definitely knows what she's doing.
After the explanation of what he's trying to do, what he bought and the steps your mom gave him.
Rosy gave him a bit of a different instruction, the ingredients being the same, but the preparation changing a little bit.
"I can't help but laugh at you Pedri, you don't even cook for yourself, but you're cooking for your girlfriend."
"Love does magic mother." He jokes, can't helping the blush that creeps his cheeks.
"I wonder if your mother gets sick, will you make her some soup?" His father asks
"That would be on you to make her a soup, don't you think?"
"Got me there, niño." They all laugh.
He FaceTime with his parents till the soup is about to boil.
"Bueno, I have to let this sit for a while, I'm going to go check on her and bring her down to eat."
"That's okay, take good care of her and the good man we taught you to be."
"Adiós, Pedri." His father waves at the screen.
He hung up, connecting his phone to the charger. The soup boils for a few minutes more. Adding the last bits of salt to his taste and ready!
He plates the soup, letting it sit out so it wasn't too hot for you.
When he walks into the room, you're sleeping with the tv on. He noticed the way your cheeks were red, pressing his hand on your cheek he feels that you might have a little fever.
"Mi amor, wake up princesa. I made some lunch for you."
You softly humm a no, making him feel bad for waking you up.
"C'mon, princesa, you need some food and medicine." He caresses your cheek. The warmth feeling of your cheeks makes him worry.
"Five minutes more." You hug his body, his hands on your hair massaging your scalp.
"You have to eat."
"I'm sleepy."
"I know, a little bit of food, and you can go back to sleep, amor."
You nod, taking a good minute to sit on the bed. He grabs your water next to the bed and another pill for the fever.
You make a face at the taste of the pill. Feeling the sour aftertaste of medicine makes your stomach turn. You gag a few times, pushing him lightly and running to the bathroom.
Pedri follows you, picking you hair that was a mess due to the sleep. Making it less messy for you.
He pats your back. Once you're done, he helps you get up.
"I hate this." You cry as you brush your teeth. "I don't like feeling like this."
"It's okay, hermosa. It's just a cold."
"I don't like it."
You hug him, holding him tight like a teddy bear. The way to the kitchen feels long for you.
You can't smell that much, but when the tasty smell of soup hits your nose, you focus on the kitchen.
A plate of soup is sitting there waiting for you. "You make soup?"
"I hope it's good, your mom and my mom helped."
"That's super sweet, if I could I would kiss you."
"Here." He kisses your shoulder. "Now eat, my love."
You ask him to tell you about the game that's taking place tonight. He was still I recovery and not allowed to play, so he was going to support his friends.
You feel so much better with the food and love he's showing you.
"I love you so much." You say, feeling like crying due to the sweet actions. "You're the best."
"Don't thank me, I'm here for you in sickness and in health."
"We're not married." You say, knowing that what they say when you get married.
"Yet, amor."
You scrunch your nose and eat the rest of your food. Feeling lucky to have someone to care for you in this hard time.
A/N: I'm sick too, so the timing is perfect 😭🤭
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hellfire--cult · 1 year
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Inspired by this TikTok
Cupid!Eddie x Fem!Reader - Oneshot
Request - Eddie's past - Back to Hawkins
Words: 10.7K
Warnings: Pure absolute fluff and romantical tension. No Smut. You will fall in love with Dorito.
Summary: After bad dates and a heartbreak, you believe god is playing jokes on you. You believe love is not for you anymore, but your own personal cupid comes to the rescue to change just that... You just never thought he would look like that.
A/N: IDK I just loved the idea of that TikTok showing Cupid falling for the girl he is supposed to help, and I found myself writing a whole fucking oneshot of Eddie being the protagonist. Personally, I love this couple! So if you want to send some asks, or blurbs for me to write, I would love to write more oneshots of these two, or even imagines! (and smut ofc) SO ASK AWAY.
If you do get inspired by this story or Cupid!Eddie, please, credit properly! I would love to read or watch whatever you guys make! ❤️ Anyways, ENJOY, and remember that if you liked the story, a reblog is very much appreciated! ❤️
And follow me for more oneshots and series!
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You were sure this was a joke.
Like, this had to be a cruel joke sent by someone or anything at all. You were minding your own business, at your company’s annual party, and you could invite guests this year. 
Now, you didn’t expect your own fucking boss, who is ten years older than you, to walk in with your Ex-Boyfriend, hand in hand. The man who told you he loved you, asked for your hand in marriage, and the very next day he told you it was all an impulse. 
You left him on the spot.
That was a year ago, but to see him again, hand in hand with your own boss, who met him before, was just a cruel joke. You almost dropped your glass of champagne as they smiled while walking, introducing themselves to people. The worst part of it all? They looked genuinely happy. You could see it when he would lean over to whisper something in her ear, and she would giggle, or the soft touches of hers fixing his tie, or a strand of hair out of place. 
You were a mess, for a whole year, trying to move on, going date after date, with people that weren’t even in your own interest, but you never rejected a date. But you were now tired, wanting a connection, and it seems like God wanted to laugh at you right now, because he was showing you how your Ex had no problem in doing so, and it seems he found an even better match.
So you went home. You didn’t even stay for the party, and you didn’t even introduce yourself to them. You have seen enough for the night, and all you wanted to do was to get home, pet your fat cat called Dorito, and head to bed. Maybe cry a little.
Makeup gone, hair up in a messy bun, long oversized shirt on, and a pair of large sweatpants, you hopped in your bed with Dorito on your lap, and turned on the TV to find something suitable to watch while you drift to sleep.
But it seems now Cupid wants to laugh at you too.
You change channel through channel. Titanic, The Notebook, Harry meets Sally, Dear John, and fucking Breakfast at Tiffany’s. 
“Are you fucking kidding me you son of a cunt!” Dorito perked up, alarmed, looking at you and you were huffing angrily through your nose, staring at the screen across your bed, turning it off completely and throwing your remote to the floor. You held onto Dorito, under its armpits and made him stand on your lap, in front of you.
“Mreow~” He greeted you and you just felt your eyes fill with hot tears as you looked at him.
“Is cupid playing some fucking joke to me? Why does he get a happy ending and I had no luck whatsoever? Why?! I was the one who got hurt!” Your cat tilted its head to the side as you kept your rant going on, anger and sadness coming out of your mouth. “Fuck love, fuck destiny, fuck the cunt cupid is.” 
The doorbell rang, startling you and Dorito out of your stare contest.
“What the fuck…” You looked at your phone and tapped on it to look at the time. 10:25 PM. Maybe a neighbor in your building had a problem, or needs help with something? You stood up, putting Dorito on your bed, and walked towards the door, looking through the peephole. A man you don’t recognize stood there, long hair down, wearing a black leather jacket and he wasn’t facing the door.
You slowly opened it, a sweet smell invading your nostrils , and you realized he was just a tad taller than you. You cleared your throat and he turned around to flash a dimpled smile towards your way and you felt like your throat had caught on fire by how beautiful this man looked to you.
“Hi! I’m Eddie.” He introduced himself to you and you slowly blinked, coming back to your senses and realizing just how horrible you look right now. You had no makeup on, a messy bun in your head, your sleepwear was on, and you had Stitch slippers on your feet. You blushed a deep red and introduced yourself to him, wanting the earth to swallow you whole.
“Are you new in the building?” He looked around and then back down at you and shook his head.
“No, I’m here for work.”
“Yeah, I’m your Cupid.”
What did he just say?
“I’m sorry, what?” You were stunned on the ground, staring at the crazy man before you. 
“Like I said, I’m your cupid. I’m here to help you find your one destined partner, and for you to also apologize for the way you–”
You closed the door on his face. No. No way. This is some sick dream of yours, it has to be! Maybe the glass of champagne you took was enough for you to lose your senses and your right mind. Or maybe you’ve gone crazy with loneliness. That is also a really big possibility that you weren’t going to deny. You locked your door, stepped away from it and took a deep breath in.
“Okay, that was weird.” You walked towards your room again, only to scream at the top of your lungs when you saw that man laying against the headboard of your bed, petting your cat that was purring on his chest.
“It is very rude to slam doors on people’s faces.” He glared at you as Dorito started doing biscuits on his chest. You were breathing heavily with your hand on your chest and you pointed at your living room and back at him, and repeated the motion again.
“But you– There– And now here– how?” You couldn’t even formulate a good question. You were completely shocked, because a strange man, who claims to be a being that doesn’t exist, was on your bed, petting your cat with no care in the world. 
“Like I said, I’m cupid. Your cupid to be exact.” He explains as Dorito nuzzles his face against his neck, purring wildly. He is an affectionate cat, but only with you really, so you were surprised he was even doing this to a random man that was on your bed. Who MAGICALLY appeared in your bed.
“What the actual fuck, am I drugged or some shit?”
“Did I get drunk and didn’t notice?”
“Not really, no.”
“Did I go crazy?”
“Not for now, no.” He was looking at you while you rambled on and on, being patient. You were trying to correct your breathing, gulping loudly as you nodded once in thought.
“Okay… Okay, this is fine… This happens in real life, completely normal…” You said more to yourself than anyone else in the room as you sat at the edge of the bed, looking at nothing in particular. You heard Eddie sigh, as he put Dorito on his belly for him to lay there.
“I know it’s a lot to take, but I sensed you were a little bit distraught, and you even insulted me.” He says with a stern look on his face and you slowly turn to look at him with wide eyes.
“How is any of this real?”
“Alright. I’m going to explain it to you so you can finally digest what’s going on.” He readjusted himself, putting Dorito on his lap as he sat right next to you on the edge of the bed. “Everyone’s got a special cupid. We normally don’t get to work unless the person actually feels discouraged and hopeless in terms of love.” 
“I’m not discouraged–”
“Yes, yes you are, and I don’t blame you. Seeing an ex move on happily when you remain stuck is not something easy to see, much less if all the guys you’ve been seeing till now were a complete waste of time.” He says with a chuckle and you were still trying to comprehend what’s going on right now. Maybe you need to sleep, but if this is a dream, then might as well get some advice.
“Alright… So why are you sending me these guys that are horrible for me? Don’t you know who’s the one for me? Like my destined person?” You ask and he started petting your cat on his lap as it purred loudly while he looked forward.
“No. I don’t know who your match is, nor the one for you. And before today, I never sent anyone your way, nor made you fall for anyone, not even with your ex.” He explains to you and you were frowning in confusion at his words.
“I thought cupids, like… Throw an arrow through two people’s hearts and they fall in love.” At that Eddie lets out a wild laugh, shaking his head. 
“No, no… That’s all Cartoon stuff. We only help consummate a relationship. We help our person be hopeful about love again.” He explains to you and you were still wondering how he would help in this situation.
“So, how does this work?” 
“Well, I can make you meet people that might be of your taste, just out of pure coincidence. I can help you with your looks, with your confidence, and also advise you.” He finishes saying as Dorito lets out a big yawn and you couldn’t help but yawn as well, copying his movement. 
“So, you will basically hook me up with someone and hope for the best. Is that it?” He chuckles at you, shrugging and standing from the bed.
“Something like that, but we’ll see. For now, go to bed.” You were feeling your eyes growing heavy, and your body completely relaxed as the sweet scent invaded your nostrils. This was a good dream, knowing your mind made up a little cupid to feel hopeful of finding someone for you. The one.
Yeah, you really wanted to find the one.
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Your eyes slowly opened, feeling so refreshed, like you had slept correctly for once in your life. 
You sighed happily when you felt Dorito purring loudly on your chest, waiting for you to wake up. You wrapped your arms around him, caressing him softly. 
“What a dream huh? You were in it too. This cupid dude showed up and you were all over him.” You giggled, sitting up on your bed and you sniffed the air. You slowly stood up, your stomach grumbling with the need of food in your system, and you walked out to the living room. 
You screamed.
“JESUS H. CHRIST!” Eddie thrashed around, the plate on his hand falling onto the sink as he finished washing it. He turned around to look at you with a frown to his brows and widened eyes. “What’s wrong with you?!”
“You– Am I still dreaming?” He sighed heavily, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. Dorito was meowing on your arms, trying to get away and you put him down. He waddled towards Eddie, throwing himself on the floor to show him his big fat belly. Eddie bent down and scratched the cat, making him stretch out.
“I told you, I’m real.” He says, getting up again and putting some eggs and bacon on a plate. He put it on the island counter and motioned for you to sit on the stool. You slowly walked towards it, sitting on it, not leaving your sight off Eddie.
“This is crazy… Am I the only one who can see you?” You ask as you see the plate pushed over to you and an empty glass. You frowned at it and looked at him. “Where’s the juice?��� He smiled at you and looked down at the glass again and you followed it, seeing the glass now with the orange liquid inside.
Your heart was beating against your chest, the nerves flying all around your belly. This was real, he is real, what he is doing, as magical as it appears, it’s real. 
“Yes, and no. People can see me, but my powers don’t really work on them. My only job here is to get you better, and hopeful for love.” He explains to you once again and you blink, grabbing onto the glass of juice, taking a sip of it. You put it down and scanned him, squinting a little bit.
“I thought Cupids were like cherubs… You clearly don’t look angelic to me.” He laughed at that, giving you a nod. 
“That is true. I don’t look like a regular cupid. We all have our own personalities, and our own styles. We were human once, so it is something natural for us to be ourselves.” You were confused now, interest picking up as the shock of the situation was wearing off.
“You were human? You look human to me, present tense.” 
“A normal human cannot teleport and make things appear out of thin air darling. I look like one, but I am not one.” He explains to you and you tilted your head completely confused.
“And how did you become one?” He was about to answer you, but his head lifted up, almost alarmingly and he clapped at you to quicken your pace with your food. 
“I’ll tell you later. Eat fast!” You were looking all around as he paced around the room and you basically inhaled your eggs and bacon, chugging down your juice, almost choking as you saw Eddie pouring milk on Dorito’s plate.
“Okay, I almost died, but I am done, what happened?” You asked him and he stood up, looking at your attire and he sighed, shaking his head. 
“That won’t do, okay… So, he uses polo shirts, so maybe…” He tilted his head once and you felt a swoosh of air hit your body once, and you were completely confused as to what happened until you looked down at yourself, your eyes widening when you saw yourself wearing some leather pants and a white shirt on.
“What the–”
“Nope.” He tilted his head again, and you felt the air hit you again. You looked down to see a floral pink dress on you and you scrunched up your nose at it. “I know, it’s pink.” He gave a nod to it, and the dress turned navy blue.
“You can… change my clothes?” You asked him, completely bewildered and he nodded, letting a sigh out.
“Like I said, I am here to help you.” He walked towards you and you felt your breathing hitch as he pulled you hair down from the bun and he shook it a little bit. You pushed his hands away but then saw he was putting your hair over your shoulders in perfect waves. He then put his hands on your face and you stared up at him, feeling your breath quicken at his stare.
He was absolutely gorgeous. 
“Alright, makeup naturally done, hair done, clothes excellent. Good. He should arrive any second now, so I will hide in your room.” He pulled away from you and you blinked wildly, shaking your head in confusion.
“What? Who is coming–” Your doorbell rang and he whispered to you.
“Just be yourself, no tricks, no jokes, nothing. Be yourself!” He bolted out of the room, getting hold of Dorito, giving you a soldier salute before closing the door behind him. You were stunned into the ground and the doorbell rang once more, and you snapped out, rushing towards the door, slowly opening it to see the man before you.
Oh lord…
He didn’t turn around yet to look at you, but you could already see from his profile that he was so beautiful. Beauty marks on his features, brown hair neatly done on his head, brown eyes looking at the horizon while he waited for you to open the door, and… He was indeed wearing a polo shirt.
“Hi! I’m Steve, I moved–” He looked at you only to stop talking completely as he stared at you, gawk would be the exact word. You were looking up at him, waiting for him to continue but he started stuttering out of nowhere. “I– Shit, um– Like I said, I’m Steve.” He introduced himself again and you smiled at his playfulness, feeling a warm feeling in your chest.
“Hi Steve.” You presented yourself and you looked down to see he was holding a small bag of something. He took a deep breath in and gave the bag to you, which you grabbed with a confused frown in your face, but your smile never fell.
“I uh, those are cookies, I didn’t make them of course. I don’t know how to bake, or cook for that matter. I mean, I tried, you know, it’s not that I expect it to be done for me, but I just simply suck at culinary interests.” He was rambling, completely nervous in your presence. He didn’t think a beautiful girl would live in his building, and now he was thankful for Robin who helped him pick this place.
“I mean, if you know how to cook sausages and some eggs, then you’re good to go.” You reply to him, trying to lighten the situation and you succeed, as he chuckles, showing you off his charming smile and you could almost feel yourself melt at the sight.
“I’m more of a pasta guy. I’m a pro at that.” He replies to you and you giggle at his response with a nod.
“Well, if I ever smell burning, I know who to save first.” He put a hand over his chest as if he got wounded by your words and he winced as if in pain.
“We just met and you are already killing me off? That’s brutal.” 
“I said I’d save you.” You giggled again and he bit his bottom lip, nodding.
“At least there’s one good person in this building. I said hello to the lady in the first floor, department B, and she almost sent her cat to chase me off.” He said to you with a frown and you nodded at that with a roll of the eyes.
“Mrs. O’Donnell. Crazy bitch, don’t ever cross paths with her. When you are doing your laundry, or even taking out the trash. You see her, turn around and come back later.” You advise him, remembering how you tried to start a conversation with her in the laundry room and she kept eyeing your clothes to tell you that you were a sinner.
“Okay, keep that noted.” He licked his lips and you felt yourself blushing slightly at the change of air around you two as he took a step closer to you. “Should I keep my distance with you too?”
You gave out a little snort and you felt like a high school student again as he flirted with you, looking down at the floor, swaying a little. 
“I’m a good neighbor.” You reply, looking up at him and you notice the slight glint in his eyes as you let him go on with his flirting, not pushing him away and not making any excuses. He pulled out his cellphone, almost dropping it because of his nervousness but he tried to play it cool for you as he opened his contact list.
“Since you are the only friendly neighbor I met, is it too crazy to ask for your number?” He licked his bottom lip and you raised an eyebrow up, smirking at his sly way of asking for your number.
“You don’t have to do the whole neighbor charade to ask for my number, you know?” You tell him, seeing him blush slightly. God, he is cute. But to your surprise, he continued with his playfulness, grinning at you.
“Oh, you want to give it to me for some other purpose?” Your eyes widened, catching you off guard, and he laughed at your reaction instantly, making your cheeks get a tint of pink in them as butterflies swam in your belly.
“Now for that teasing, I will not give you my number.” You threatened him and his eyes widened, shaking his head but his smile was still on his lips.
“Sorry, sorry. I would love to have your number.” He sincerely replies now, handing you his phone and you bite the inside of your cheek to forbid yourself from smiling even further as you type in your contact number in his phone. You handed it back to him and he smiled down at it and then looked up at you. “If you smell smoke, it’s probably me making toast.” 
You shook your head with a giggle and said goodbye to him, looking at his retreating back as he glanced back at you one more time, making you jump in embarrassment as he caught you red handed spying on him. You immediately closed the door of your apartment, the smile not disappearing on your face.
A cute boy. A very handsome boy, and a gentleman at that. 
You sighed happily and turned around, only to scream at the sight of Eddie with an excited look on his face, holding Dorito by his armpits, jumping up and down slightly, making the cat meow in annoyance.
“You gotta stop screaming every time you see me sweets.” He said while putting Dorito down on the floor, and looking at you. “So? Did you like him? I can sense you do, but I want to be completely sure.” You shook your head but a smile crept on your lips and you hid your face in your hands bashfully, making Eddie jump in excitement. “Hell yeah baby! That’s what I am talking about!”
“Now I get it when you said to me you will make me meet people just by coincidence.” He nodded at your words and sat down on the couch, Dorito following his step and laying down next to him. 
“Exactly! I knew he was coming over today, and I can also see a little bit of the other person before meeting you, letting me know that he is indeed worth meeting.” He explains to you as starts petting your cat, making him yawn loudly. You walked towards the couch and sat on it, leaving Dorito in between you and Eddie.
“So, can you tell me about him?”
“Nuh uh. I know about him, but won’t tell you. You have to meet him yourself. What I can tell you though, is that he is not a psychopath, nor is he into freaky shit or something. I wouldn’t risk your life like that.” Your heart skipped a bit at his words, feeling a sense of protection from him. You cleared your throat and looked out the window.
“So, you’re like my guardian angel now?” He chuckled at that, and shrugged.
“Different job, but for now, it kinda seems like it.”
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Steve messaged you the day after.
And the day after that.
And the next day he invited you for some coffee at the cafe next to your building.
The days blended together, and you found Eddie’s company in your apartment quite warming. It was nice to come home and see him watching a movie or hear him sing in the shower. You put out your couch as his bed, which he told you was not necessary since he could come and go wherever he pleased, but you insisted nonetheless. 
You both sometimes cooked together, and sometimes he would make food appear when he didn’t feel like moving an inch. You wondered if his powers made him tired in some way. He was very reserved with who he was, and what he could do, but other times, like today, sharing a glass of wine, he would let go a little bit.
“So, you told me you were human before.” You say as you both sat on the couch, facing one another with Dorito in the middle with his belly up for scratches which Eddie was dutifully doing.
“That’s right.” 
“Does that mean you are dead?” You ask him and he chuckles, taking a sip of his glass of wine, shaking his head.
“No. I am not, but I am immortal, and for some reason I don’t bleed.” You nodded in understanding, but still slightly confused,  and took a sip of your own drink before talking again.
“Alright, but did you die to be able to turn into cupid?” He frowned at that, looking down at your cat, letting out a big sigh. You felt the air in the room shift into something more melancholic, as if sadness sipped through the walls.
“No, not exactly. The only way to become a cupid is if you chose to be. You can die from a broken heart, or continue on as a helper.” He explains to you and you feel your heart sink in your chest as well as anxious nerves writhe in your stomach. 
“Does that… mean you were heartbroken?” He wasn’t looking at you, just swirling his glass with the liquid inside. He looked distant, as if the memory was causing him pain.
“I was. But a broken heart can come from various places. From a lover, from a friend, from family… I just received too many blows in my life, and I couldn’t take it anymore.” He says while taking a sip out of his glass, a very long one. You wondered how many ended up like him, disheartened, broken, to the point of not wanting to keep going any longer. 
“Did a lover do that to you?” You ask him, curiosity very present in your eyes as you looked at him and he gazed up to lock eyes with yours. He shook his head and your features grew sad for him. “I know you said you couldn’t know who is ‘The One’, but does it even exist?” You ask him now and he straightens up in his seat and gives you a nod. 
“Yes. The One exists. Your destined person. They do, but there is… something about that.” He says with a pained frown while looking at you. “They can be alive at any point. They could be alive right now, same timeline as you, or, they could have already died, or never been born yet.” 
Your eyes widened at that. So, the game of life and destiny was just some cruel joke. It was as if someone was just playing dice over your heads and deciding if you would suffer or meet your other half. If you were going to live happily ever after, or drown yourself in misery and loneliness. 
“Did you have one?” 
“No. When I became cupid, I only got one piece of information, and it was that they weren’t born yet.” You nodded at that, taking a sip of your wine and scooted even closer to him.
“So, right now you don’t know who they are at all?” 
“I don’t know if they were even born. Once you become cupid your own love life is unknown to you.” He chuckles sadly, grabbing the bottle of wine off the table and pouring himself some more. You lean your glass towards him and he pours you some as well, muttering a soft ‘thank you’ to him.
“When did you…?” You stutter a little at your question, not really knowing how to keep going with it, but a knock on your door makes you jump up slightly, and you look at Eddie alarmingly. He simply chuckles and looks at you, his hand reaching up to your cheek, lingering there for a few seconds.
Your breathing hitched slightly as you looked into his eyes and he looked back into yours. The alcohol was mixing with the butterflies in your stomach as you felt his warmth invade your skin, your air, and you just wanted to keep looking at him. You wanted to hold him, tell him everything is going to be okay, that he was an amazing man, even after what he went through.
And you just felt a little helpless around him.
He gulped and pulled away from your face, giving you a dimpled smirk.
“Put a little blush on those cheeks. Go open the door for him.” He got up from the couch and held onto his glass of wine, walking into your room. You didn’t know if he was in there or actually leaves whenever Steve knocks or comes to say something to you. You got up from the couch, putting the glass on your coffee table and walked towards the door, pulling the door open to reveal Steve in a suit. 
“Hi there.” He says with a smile and you feel yourself becoming warm at his greeting. He is such a cute man. 
“Hi Steve, or should I say Mr. Harrington?” You say with an eyebrow raised up in question, combined with your smile as you eyed up his suit. He laughed and gave you a nod.
“Yeah, I know, you’re mesmerized.” You roll your eyes at his words and you giggle, feeling this interaction lifting the heavy mood from earlier on that you had with Eddie. “I actually got off work early, and it got me thinking… uhm.” 
You bite your bottom lip, giggles completely halting as you wait for his words. Was it going to happen? Was he going to ask you out? Finally? 
‘He is.’
Your eyes slightly widened at the voice, making you look behind your back to see if Eddie was next to you, or behind you, but he wasn’t anywhere in sight.
‘I can talk to you in your mind sweetheart. Part of my job is to make sure you don’t mess up while talking.’
You wanted to roll your eyes at his cockiness, but you couldn’t when Steve was being a mumbling mess in front of you. He might think you’re making fun of him or something and you certainly weren’t doing that.
‘Urge him.’
“Steve…” You called him out, giving him a small smile of encouragement and he took a deep breath in, stopping with his rambling and cleared his throat.
“Sorry, I just haven't asked a girl out in a while so…” He said with a slight blush on his cheeks and you raised an eyebrow up at him.
“You were going to ask me out?” You say, almost a whisper as you looked up at him and it seems he got all the courage he needed as you stared at him, waiting for him to keep going.
“Yeah. I got off early today and honestly… The first thing I thought of was that I wanted to see you.” Oh, that certainly made you blush, and he wasn’t far behind that, but despite his nervousness and his cheesiness, he kept going. “So maybe, I can pick you up at 6 PM on friday? We can head down to the bar a few blocks from here.” 
‘You don’t even need me to tell you what to say right now.’
You cursed at Eddie inside your head because he was distracting you. ‘Shut up!’ You yelled at him, not really knowing if it works the other way around, until you hear a soft chuckle vibrate in the depths of your mind, and you knew he had gotten your message.
“Friday at 6… It’s a date, Stevie.” You comment with a smile, and the guy before you was almost bursting with happiness as his eyes sparkled at your approval. He bit his bottom lip, and you felt your heart beat loudly into your ears as he nodded at you.
“Perfect. I’ll see you then.” You watched as he walked down the hallway, stealing a few glances over his shoulder and towards you. You waved at him one last time until he was out of sight and you entered the house, slamming the door shut with a big smile on your face. Eddie was already out of your room, smiling with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Eddie, oh my god!” You squealed excitedly as you rushed towards your phone to raise the music up from the speakers. ‘I Wanna dance with somebody’ by Whitney Houston was blasting and you couldn’t help but want to dance out of happiness right now. You were going on a date with a cute guy on friday! A guy who doesn’t look like he just wants to get in your pants! A guy that is genuinely interested in you and is willing to make conversation and get to know you!
“The 80’s? Really?” Eddie asks with a cock of his head, his eyebrow raised up. You just rushed over to him and grabbed his hands, twirling both of you around, catching him completely by surprise as he stumbled while you moved him. “You know this kind of music is not my scene? Thought my clothes were pretty obvious, sweetheart.”
You felt your stomach twirl at the nickname, but you kept the smile on your face and then started pulling his arms back and forth, making him sway in his place. A smile was creeping in his face as he looked down at you and he instantly twirled you in place, making you giggle and then he pulled you to his body, his hand on the small of your back and his right hand holding your left.
He started singing along as he started moving around in an exaggerated manner, making you laugh and helping him sing along. You were happy, content in this moment right here. You felt his sweet scent invading you, as you saw his Adam's apple bob up and down as he sang along in high pitch and then low in order to make you laugh.
“Now that’s a singer right there.” You say with a smile and he chuckled, looking down at you.
“I was in a band actually. Played guitar too.” He says to you and you caught the sad smile that painted in his features. You raised your hand up, pulling a curl of his behind his ear, slowly and gently, and you felt a wave of lightning course through you, as if you had touched a naked copper cable. 
He was staring down at you, his eyes locked in yours as you inspected him, touched him. He was about to pull away out of nervousness, and because he was starting to feel tense at the situation. A situation that never happened to him before. He never had this much interaction with his human, he just helped them and–
“Is the 80’s your time?” You asked him, taking him aback completely. You both fell into a small sway, going side to side as his hands rested on your hips, barely touching you, while your hands rested on his chest, staring up at his features.
“How did you know?”
“You know a lot about the music of that time. I caught you singing some songs before while cooking, or showering and they’re all from the 80’s.” He gave you a small smile and then a nod.
“1989 was the year I decided to become a Cupid. I was 23 years old.” So he is, technically, younger than you. But if you had to count the years he kept his youth, he is much older.
“What happened to you?” You brushed your hand over his chest, just where his heart is, and you could feel the beating of it, and you could almost hear it from how hard it was strumming against his chest.
“I got cheated on by the only girlfriend I ever had… Slipped up and lost my band too and then, I– I lost the only person who ever cared for me. My uncle. Died from a heart attack.” You looked up at him, feeling your eyes burn with incoming tears and he gave you a sad confused smile. “I’m telling you my story, and you’re the one crying?”
“Yes, I mean, it’s you, and you were in pain, so much that you–” You stopped talking. When he mentioned to you that you could die from a heartbreak, you wondered if he meant it literally, or if he meant that the pain was too strong that he considered ending it all for himself. He put his index finger under your chin to raise your head up in order to look at him.
“Hey, I’m okay.” You couldn’t help the sadness that ran over you, like a wave that just drowned all of the happiness you were feeling seconds ago.
“But, what about your friends? You didn’t have any?” You asked him and he winced slightly, giving you a small nod.
“I did tell you I was in a band.” His grip tightened around you, and you realized you both had stopped moving with one another. “Once one becomes a Cupid, it’s as if you never existed. Everyone forgets about you and the memories they shared with you.”
You couldn’t help but stare up at him. He was in constant loneliness, despite being a helper of love. He was all alone, moving around the world by himself, doing all of this for the benefit of others. You shook your head at him, giving him a small smile to take away the tension that was on your shoulders.
“Well, I am your friend now! We can go have fun together, and we can even get you a new guitar!” You say, jumping slightly with excitement but he was not copying you, his eyes staring at you, but not really. He was distant, as if his mind had gone somewhere else. He bit his bottom lip, and let out a sigh.
“Darling… You will forget about me.” You frowned and shook your head at him.
“There’s no way! You’ve helped me so much, and Dorito can hardly live without you now–”
“Once you fall in love, my job is done, and you won’t ever be able to see me again.” 
You stood still. Frozen. Your heart stops completely at his words.
You’ll forget about him? Eddie will be gone once all of this is over? He will disappear once you fall for someone else? Does Eddie think you are being a bother and that’s why he is insistent on Steve? Did he not want to spend time with you anymore?
“That’s– That’s not fair, it should be my decision if I want to remember you or not!” You pulled away from him, a tear threatening to run down your cheek. He was standing still, inspecting you with a sad look on his face. He was dreading the moment he would have to tell you this, because he was afraid you would not continue pursuing Steve just to be able to keep being friends with him.
He appreciated it. He’d grown fond of you, and even took notes of all your quirks and little movements. How you bit your nails when you were concentrating on a movie. How you hummed a tune every time you watered your plants. How you wanted the magnets on your fridge to be color distributed. And he adores the fact that you love strawberries to the point of getting sick with them.
“It’s not our decision. It’s destiny. I am just a helper in your life, and not a human.” Your eyes widened at that, and a smile creeped on your lips, walking towards him again, grabbing his hand.
“Then turn human! I can help you get a job! You can move in with me, and we can go to a bigger apartment, and–” You didn’t want him to leave you. Not when he has helped you so much. For the past two weeks, he had helped you build up your confidence in ways you didn’t know you could feel. He had helped you through your nights, crying after going to work to a place where your boss was mentioning how happy she was with her fiance. He had held you, rocked you, sang to you in order for you to calm down.
Eddie was more than happy to help you. That’s his job. He liked, as horrible as it sounds, holding you while you poured your heart out onto his chest, crying as if there was no tomorrow, because then he would make you laugh and it was all thanks to him. He would make you smile, and it would be directed to him. 
But the reality of things are way worse than a smile.
“I can’t turn human.” Your smile fell instantly at his words, and you gulped tightly. There was no way… You can’t digest the fact that, if everything went right with Steve, you would forget about Eddie. Then he would end up alone again, and you wouldn’t even know. You would be oblivious to that. He looked at your face and then sighed. “The only way for me to become human again, is to mend my broken heart.”
“Mend…?” He nodded at you and he grabbed your hand, pressing it into his chest.
“I have to love, and be loved in return. Seal the bond with a kiss, and I… I would become mortal again.” 
The tear finally slipped from your eye. You felt hopeless for him, a sadness you’ve never felt in your life. Your sister’s passing was something you could see a mile away when she was diagnosed with Leukemia. Your father, you knew he was cheating on your mother since the first day you hit puberty, so you weren’t surprised when they got divorced and he remarried.
This sadness was unexpected, and was washing over you as if it were the only emotion you could feel at the moment. 
Eddie’s arms engulfed you, pushing you close to his chest. How is that heart that was beating loudly against his chest broken?  How could they hurt someone like him? Why can’t anyone fix it? Why does he have to leave?
“Hey… The good part of this is that Steve looks like an amazing guy… And–” He pulled away, wiggling his eyebrows at you, wiping your tears away. “I did a little bit of research on past encounters, and all girls have really nice things to say.” You sobbed a little as you tried to talk.
“About what?” He wiggled his eyebrows again and that’s when you caught on, gasping and slapping his bicep with a noise of disgust coming out of your throat. He laughed at your reaction, causing you to giggle through your tears. 
Cupid is a dork.
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“Well, I had a great time.” You finally say as you reach your door, Steve right behind you. You had an amazing evening with him. He picked you up at exactly 6 PM, and you both headed down to the bar he mentioned before. The conversation was fluid, as if you two had known each other for a long while, but also, the flirting was there, but not too explicit because well… Someone was a little distracting through the evening, even now.
‘This is the part where you invite him in, and you blow him on the couch.’
‘Eddie, jesus, shut the fuck up.’
“Me too. And how convenient it is that we live so close to each other.” Steve says with a smile as he leaned on the doorframe of your front door when you finally opened it and stepped inside, looking back up at him. 
“That is definitely a plus.” You say while biting your bottom lip, staring up at him. You were anticipating a move of course. You wanted it to happen. 
‘He is not going to do it.’
‘Shit, should I?’
A moment of silence was in your mind and then you heard Eddie’s voice again.
‘Maybe it is too soon.’
Huh? That was definitely not the answer you expected him to say. You thought he was going to make you kiss Steve, which you really wanted to. Steve was blushing as he spoke to you about wanting to go on another date again and you really wondered if Eddie was right on it.
‘Are you sure Eds? I mean, he really looks like he wants to, but is too shy to do so.’
‘I said it is too soon.’
You frowned slightly at the change of tone in his voice. It sounded too demanding, as if he were angry with you. Your jaw clenched, and you muted your head, just everything. You tiptoed towards Steve, and planted a soft kiss on his lips in response to his rambling about a second date.
His lips were plump, expectant. He was stunned for a whole second and then you felt him kiss back, his hands and arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you close to him. Your arms immediately wrapped around his neck, feeling your chest warm at the feeling of someone’s lips on yours as well as an anxious feeling that wasn’t sitting quite right at the pit of your stomach.
What it was, you didn’t know.
He pulled away after a few seconds with a blissed look on his face, his eyes completely blown from the kiss, and he smiled downwards at you.
“Well, that answers my question on the second date then.” You giggled at that, your arms still wrapped around his neck. 
“Maybe we can have some dinner at your place next time?” You flirted with him, voice low and he whistled, calling out your name with a smirk to his face, knowing what you were meaning.
“It’s a date then. Next wednesday?” You bit your lip and nodded at him. He bent down and kissed you softly on the lips again, pulling away only seconds after and then pulling completely off you. “Can’t wait…” He kissed your cheek and he skipped down the hallway, making a fool out of himself just for you to laugh at. You shook your head and closed the door to your apartment, turning around for your smile to only drop.
Eddie was with arms crossed over his chest, almost glaring at you. You’ve never seen him mad before, so this was a new sight for you.
“Did I speak in chinese?” He asks you and you just roll your eyes at him, going to your kitchen to get a glass of water. “Why did you go against what I said?”
“Because it was bad advice! I kissed him, because he clearly wanted to, and I got myself a second date!” You exclaimed at him, your own anger filling your body as you poured some water into your glass. He was pacing behind you, glaring daggers in your back.
“How can my advice be bad?! I am your Cupid! If I say something it’s because there’s a valid reason for it!”
“And what was the reason to not kiss him tonight?” You turned around to face him and he wasn’t looking at you. He was just looking to the side, at nothing in particular but with the purpose of not clashing with your gaze. “Or what was the reason for distracting me all night?!”
“You were too interested. Guys get bored when girls are easy, just throwing themselves at them.” Your anger was exploding now. What did he just call you?
“Did you just call me easy? Is that what you think I am?!” You couldn’t help how tight your chest was feeling at the moment. You wanted to throw something at him, yell at him, make Dorito scratch his perfect face. His eyes widened and then he slapped his hands over his face, as if he had just realized something.
“Shit, no, that’s not what I meant–”
“Then what did you fucking mean Edward?” You stuck your hip out, looking at him with an angered look in your face and he shook his head at you. 
“Don’t twist this on me! You kissed him when I told you not to! You have to follow what I say to you, or this thing with Steve won't happen!” Your nerves were making your body shake, feeling your eyes burning from the incoming tears that were for sure about to spill. Your body was ablaze, and the knot in the stomach you felt before worsened. Your heart was beating in your chest, almost as if you were having a heart attack. 
And your mind was going places, words and thoughts swimming in your brain, just so fast, that you didn’t have the chance of thinking before talking.
“Are you that desperate to leave me!?” You yelled out as tears started running down your cheeks, not able to contain your emotions any longer. “Are you that bothered about helping me?! Do I annoy you?! Am I that detestable to you that you want me to forget about you?!” 
The self deprecating words kept coming out of your mouth like bullets to him. One by one, hitting him in the chest. He made you cry. The tears that were falling down your cheeks were because of him. He felt his throat closing up as he stared at you, taking a step towards you. 
He stared at your sobbing face, as you tried to wipe away your tears and your nose. Even now, even with the stained face, he found you beautiful… And that thought scared him. 
He raised his hand up, caressing your cheek, gently, and slowly. You sniffled, looking up at him, and your knees almost got weak at the sight. He was staring at you with eyes you’ve never felt before. An adoration that you only saw in movies, and described in many books you’ve read before. 
You instinctively took another step, your body an inch away from his. Your heart started picking up the pace, rapidly, listening to the blood rush through your ears, and your mouth went dry as you looked at him. The world stopped, time itself, even sounds around you became silent. 
You wanted to. You needed to. You had to.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he was still in a state of trance, not pulling away from your embrace, but his arms moved by their own accord, wrapping themselves around your waist. 
You want him.
You raised yourself up, tippy toeing, slowly in order not to scare him away. You knew these feelings might be inside you, but you needed to make sure. You wanted to make sure. You wanted it to be true.
You need him.
Your chest went flush against his as you started to reach your goal, your breath picking up as the thoughts in your brain ceased to exist. The only thing that was there, the only one was Eddie.
Eddie. Eddie. Eddie. 
Tight hands grabbed onto your shoulders, and ripped you apart from the body you were stealing warmth from. Your back hit the fridge behind you, making you wince slightly. Your breath was heavy and when you looked up your eyes widened when you saw Eddie’s face. He was panting, as if he were in pain. His pupils were dilated as he looked at you.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
And you heard the crack. You could even hear it. A small crack in your heart as he says those words, as if repulsed by the idea of being kissed by you, a mere human. You licked your lips and shook your head, gulping loudly as he pulled away from you, stepping away.
“I’m– I’m sorry– I just wanted–”
“You’re confused.” He says to you and you feel like he was clawing at your chest with those words, making you shake your head at him.
“What? No! I–”
“We need space. I have to give you space so you can focus on Steve.” 
You felt your throat close at those words, your eyes widening as you saw him retreat to your room. Space? Confused? Your brain was running a mile per minute and your legs finally moved, rushing towards your room right after him.
Only to find Dorito meowing with sadness as it looked all over your room. 
You looked all around, feeling your heart start to pound in your chest as you rushed towards your closet to look inside. You then walked back out to the living room and kitchen area, finding it empty too. You slammed open your bathroom, feeling your tears coming down even more and more. 
You kicked your door in anger and finally sobbed out as you rested against the doorframe of your doorway. You slid down on it, falling onto the floor as you cried into your hands. 
He left. He left you.
There were no more movie nights. No more music sharing. No more brainstorming for outfit or date ideas. No more cooking for two. Who is going to fill Dorito’s plate in the morning when you are asleep? Who is going to wait for you at home, apart from your cat, after a long day of work? Who is going to tell you so many stupid stories about his teenage years now?
No, you didn’t want it to be Steve. You didn’t want that part of your life to be done by Steve. It felt wrong, and you were just now feeling it. You were just now realizing how wrong it feels to put Steve where Eddie was. 
You fell for Cupid. You stupidly fell for your own cupid. And it was obvious that the feeling was not mutual. It was obvious that he did not want anything to do with you. It was obvious that you would have to keep moving on in order to fill the empty space he left. Would he appear again? Or will you be able to fall in love with Steve?
How can you possibly forget about Eddie?
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Two months later.
You were tired. Exhausted really as you walked up the stairs of your apartment. 
Your eyes were bloodshot red, but it was something that was going to happen, because you knew it wasn’t going anywhere really. Your day at work had also been quite stressful, but the ache you expected to get when you got your boss’s wedding invitation, never arrived. You were actually excited for it, knowing there will be food and free drinks.
You opened the door of your apartment, turning the lights on as you took your coat off, closing the door and throwing the garment onto the couch. You walked towards the pantry, getting hold of your bottle of wine, and getting your corkscrew device out to open it. With a loud ‘pop’ you smiled slightly at the relief this will bring you, pouring a glass for yourself. You took a long sip, turning around to face your living room.
“Dorito?” You called your fat orange cat, but heard no meows. You walked towards the front of the couch and didn’t see him there. He must be in your room. You sat down on your couch, turning the tv on, and you groaned loudly when you saw Titanic on screen. You clenched your jaw and decided to keep it on, taking a sip of your glass again. 
You felt a shiver run down your spine but paid no mind to it, cracking your neck slightly at the chill. 
“Why did you do that?” 
You sat still, your blood freezing over at the voice you haven’t heard for over two months. The voice you wished to hear again and didn’t think you’d ever would. 
“Why did you break up with him?”
You were shaking, putting the glass on the coffee table before slowly getting up. Your stomach was in shambles, and your heart was with an energy you haven’t felt in a long while. Ever since he left, you felt hollow, as if you didn’t have the energy to keep pretending, to keep trying.
Steve had been nothing but sweet to you the past two months. Intimately and publicly, he was the most caring person you’ve ever been with… But he wasn’t Eddie. You tried, you really tried, but you knew the love you could possibly feel would be empty, almost numb. So before you could hurt Steve, you decided to call everything off, with nothing but being honest with him.
He sadly understood, and was grateful for you to be honest with him and not wait till he was completely devoted to you to break his heart.
You turned around to face him, and he was just standing there, with a pained frown in his eyebrows and your breath caught in your throat. He was wide eyed, staring at you, his hands shaking as his whole body ached, for what, he did know, yet he wasn’t going to act on it.
“I– Uh… I’m Eddie, you probably–”
“I never forgot about you Eddie.”
And he was stunned. He gave you the time, he gave you the space, he left you. He went onto helping someone else to keep himself distracted, not wanting to see something he would regret with you. He gave you privacy, to you and Steve. So how? How is it possible that someone as perfect as him, didn’t get your love?
“I said… I never forgot about you.” 
The only thing separating you at this moment, was the couch between you two. You could hear his heart and he could hear yours. You gulped loudly, walking around the couch to finally stand in front of him. You wanted to reach out, grab him, hug him tightly against you, tell him so many things, but first, one question remains, so you pushed through the knot in your throat, and spoke through the tears that were already slipping out of your eyes.
“Why did you leave me?”
His breath hitched, feeling a sting of guilt at the pit of his stomach, as well as feeling his heart clenching and unclenching inside of his chest, wanting to explode. His bottom lip quivered slightly and he sniffled, looking away from you.
“I– I had to. I had to leave because I…” He didn’t want to say it. All his life, he ran away from this feeling, scared of it. He was terrified of ending up as a cupid again, or deciding to finally put an end to it all. But he knew that this time, there was no running from it. Not anymore. 
“Remember what I told you about ‘The One’?” You gulped and slowly nodded your head at him. He licked his lips in order to continue. “I explained to you that The One for each person really does exist. I also explained to you, that this person might be in your present timeline, might have already passed away, or they haven’t been born yet.”
Your throat was dry, feeling your whole body shaking with electricity and anticipation as he slowly looked up at you, his brown doe eyes locking with yours and you felt a sigh escape your lips.
“And here you are… Born in 1998.” 
You processed his words, and they felt like cold water being dumped on you, but at the same time they felt like a great relief, like a warm blanket covering you. Eddie was telling you that you were The One for him. Your cupid was confessing that he believes you are The One.
“Y-You…” He stopped you again, stepping away from you. You didn’t realize that you were taking steps towards him, as if you were a magnet, not really being able to control your movements.
“I am not… It would be from the beginning with me… I don’t have a job, no family, no friends, nothing… I don’t want to be a leech, but… Sweetheart, I don’t know if I can stay away from you much longer.” He lets out a shaky breath as he feels the weight on his shoulders finally leave him. He was waiting for your rejection, for you to push him away, tell him he is insane for this. But when he looked up, he saw those eyes he looked at you with months ago. His own widened as he realized you had looked at him like this that night, and the night before when talking about The Lord of the Rings. And many mornings before that as well.
“Then don’t…” At your words, Eddie took a step towards you as you took one towards him. Standing face to face, bodies only a few inches from one another’s, only your heavy breaths filling the room, you licked your lips to be able to talk to him again. “So… You say I am The One for you… Does it mean you are The One for me?”
And Eddie looked down at you, his mind finally stopping and setting its goal on one thought only. You. You. You. Your scent, your eyes, your tics, your anger, your smiles, your voice, your sleepy face, your laughter, your cries. 
Just you.
“Let’s find out darling… Kiss me.”
Your heart leaped at those words, wrapping your arms around his neck, almost instantly, as his hands took the position they did last time he was at your home, around your waist. Your breath was fast, as the universe stopped and not just for you. Eddie was feeling the exact same thing in your arms. You both were the only ones in the whole world right now, the only ones wasting the oxygen away. 
His hands tightened around your waist, as your breaths mixed together as he leaned down to help you meet him halfway. You closed your eyes, and he did as well, as your lips finally touched, melting together as if it had always been meant to be. 
He groaned into the kiss, feeling like a firework just exploded inside of him, an intense heat engulfing his whole body, making him grip you even closer to his body and you sighed in contentment as fresh tears filled your eyes behind your eyelids. Happiness was consuming you and you will happily succumb to it. Your lips moved together as your nails dug into the skin of his shoulders, trying to push your body into him, more, and more. You just wanted to feel him, all of him, because he was here.
He heard you moan in happiness against his lips and he almost fainted right then and there at the sound, but another feeling was taking over his mind. The voices in his head stopped. The insistent noise that told him to help, and help, and do something for someone else stopped. He pulled away from you, and you immediately looked for him, but he kept the distance with his head.
He was breathing heavily as he took a step back from you, unwrapping his arms from your body. You were still shaking at the event, wanting to go after him but he rushed towards the kitchen and opened one of your drawers. You were staring at his back as you saw him jump and something dropping on the counter. He turned around to face you and stomped towards you with a look on his face that was puzzling you and making you feel uneasy.
“What do you feel about me?” He asked you and your breath got stuck in your throat again, feeling embarrassed and fearful for what the words that want to come out of your mouth will inquire, but there was no stopping this, no more running away from it.
“I’m in love with you Eddie…” He stared down at you for a few seconds, a smile breaking on his lips as he lifted his hand for you to look at it. Your eyes widened when there, in the tip of his left index finger, you could see the small speck of blood, slowly dripping down the digit. 
‘I don’t bleed.’ You remembered his words and then your eyes teared up as you also realized the condition it took for him to become human again.
“To love… and be loved in return.” You say those words making him smile widely, his right hand reaching for your cheek to wipe your tears away with his thumb as a gentle sob escaped your lips. He called your name for you to look at him and even in the blurriness of it all, you could still see those brown doe eyes, shining with fresh tears as he spoke to you.
“I’m in love with you darling.” He called out and you almost choked on a sob as you held onto his face, squishing his cheeks to pull him into another kiss. A shock of electricity ran through your body and you knew this was right. You somehow felt this is what it was always meant to be. This is what your heartbreaks led you to, your suffering, your tears. Everything led to this perfect moment and to all the moments to come with him.
You both pulled away from the kiss to look down at the fat orange cat that had an unamused look on his face. Eddie chuckled and tilted his head, but nothing happened. He groaned loudly and rushed to fill Dorito’s plate by hand, making you giggle in amusement. 
“That’s going to take some time getting used to.” He comments as he straightens up again, putting the bag of food back inside a cabinet. Once Dorito rushed to his food, Eddie immediately swept you off your feet in bridal style, making you squeal in surprise, holding onto his neck. He chuckled loudly as he walked towards your bedroom, making you blush in anticipation.
“Now where are you taking me Cupid?”
“Heaven.” He said with a smile and you giggled while he slammed the door to your room shut.
Cupid isn’t so bad after all.
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End of One Shot
I really loved writing this. If you liked the story, all likes and Reblogs as well as comments warm my little heart!
Hope I can return to this couple some time in the future!
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karahofthedawn · 1 year
-sigh- I miss you’re writing, “You Owe Us One” is one of my favorite series! Lately I came up with this idea, I hope maybe you’ll be interested in using it, where Reader is still stressing over school and pressure from her parents (like what she’d been dealing with in Part 4) and Fred’s way to make her feel better would be to bully the Harry into giving him the password to the prefects bathroom and making it all romantic for her like a huge bubble bath. Because he’s not very good with words, like George and he doesn’t always know the right thing to say, but she can’t help feel overwhelmed with love and care and just cries and they have an intimate bath? idk idk could be fun? maybe it leads to some smut…who’s to say…😂����‍♀️
You Owe Us One - An Apology
Fred Weasley x Reader
Ask and you shall receive!! I hope this is what you were looking for.
I do miss writing the twins, so I may start back up again.
Thanks for giving me inspiration. 💜
Words: 3.5k
Contains: smut
There you are, letter in hand trudging down the corridor to the Hufflepuff common room. This isn’t the first time you’ve received a letter of the sorts, though it has been a month or so since the last. Your eyes burn from the tears threatening to burst out of you. You have to make it back to your dorm. Everyone else would still be in classes or having lunch. Just a minute or two to break down alone would be enough to get you through the rest of the day.
Why, is all you can think as you pass by a window. The sky seems to be reflecting how you feel internally, dark heavy clouds holding back everything they have as they pass over the castle. There was no forecast of rain today, but you knew even in just a glance that it would pour.
Why does she always have to see the worst in me? Your thoughts echo as you travel past the fruit painting that leads to the kitchen. You want to reflect on the good times you had with the Weasley brothers by sneaking into the cabinets late at night to get a quick snack, but it is almost impossible with the remembrance of the letter from your mother burning at the forefront of your brain.
She always knew just how to bring you down.
“Hey,” someone calls from the far end of the hall. You take a deep breath, centering yourself before turning to the familiar voice. It was who you expected - Fred, of course. You had completely forgotten to meet him in the garden after breakfast.
“Fred,” you say sweetly. “I’m so sorry, I just - “you pause and quickly tuck the letter in your black and gold coat.
“Completely forgot about me,” he says with a broad smile, pinching your cheek as he reaches you.
You tilt your head and roll your eyes. “Forget you? That would be impossible.”
“That right?” He crosses his arms and leans towards you. “Then I guess you must have gotten lost. Gardens are on the other side of the castle.”
As much as you love to banter with him, you just didn’t have it in you. “I know, I know.” You rub the bridge of your nose as another wave of anxiety races through your body. “This just isn’t a good time right now, okay?”
You turn to leave, but Fred steps in front of you. “What, are you going off to snog one of those Hufflepuff boys?” He challenges with a raise of an eyebrow.
He was kidding, you know this, but just the thought of trying to defend yourself against such a silly notion almost sends you over the edge. “Fred, please.”
“I’m just playing with-”
“I can’t right now,” you say sternly and push past him. You tap and open the Hufflepuff door and immediately slip in without a word.
Fred watches you with a puzzled expression as you disappear behind the barrels. Laying on the floor was a folded piece of parchment that fell from your coat as you rushed off. Fred kneels down and takes it delicately between his fingers.
“You must be the culprit,” he says to himself while eyeing your mother’s name.
—-------- Later that afternoon—----------
George slams the paper down on the table, causing the rest of the Gryffindors to jump and stare at the twins reproachfully. His face was as red as a phoenix as he recounted what he read in the letter. “And this is- this is her own mother?”
“Yeah, quite messed up, isn’t it?” Fred responds solemnly.
“To say the least,” he huffs and squints at the words in front of him again, still trying to take in how unbelievably cruel they were. “Useless? Pathetic? A disgrace to their lineage?”
Fred quickly snatches the page from his brother and tucks it in his back pocket. “I know what it says, you don’t have to tell the whole castle.”
“Sorry,” he sighs and leans back on the chair. “I can’t stand this woman. Our mother -”
“Our mother would never,” Fred finishes for him. “I know, and I made some stupid joke about her snogging someone else.”
George continues to stare down at the table where the letter used to be. “You didn’t know, don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m sure Y/N will understand.”
“Right,” he says while pulling at the sleeves of his undershirt. “But I’ve been thinking that I should make it up to her.” Fred felt a ton of guilt, and the truth was that he wasn’t entirely sure if she even wanted him to read that letter in the first place. So what if him bringing it up just made her feel worse, to know that others know how her own mother treats her?
“How do you intend to do that?” George tilts his head back to look at his brother. “Another trip to the Room of Requirement?”
“No,” Fred says simply. “I was thinking something different.”
George lifts his brows and kicks his feet up on the table. “Well that’s a first from you.”
“You can’t possibly believe that’s all I want from Y/N,” he snaps back, which makes his brother drop his smug expression. “I have something in mind, I just need -” his words are cut off as he notices his younger brother Ron and his friends enter the common room. A smirk slowly stretches across his face and he beelines towards them.
“Ron, really, I can’t keep looking over all of your work,” a frustrated Hermione hisses at Ron who pretends to not hear her. She takes the roll of parchment and forces it into Harry’s hand.
“I don’t know anything about this,” Harry spouts and tries to hand it back to her.
“I don’t care, and frankly you two should have been doing your own work years ago!”
“Oh, come off it,” Ron snaps. “It’s only a few paragraphs and I’ve already written it. You know I’m terrible at grammar and all that.”
“Even more reason for you to do this yourself,” she says smugly. “As a prefect-”
Harry stands in the middle of the two as they continue to bicker. He did what he learned from the Dursley’s, completely dissociating until they wear themselves out.
“Just who I wanted to see,” Fred announces as he snakes his arm around his brother’s flaming red neck.
“Not right now,” Ron grunts and tries to push Fred off of him. It was no use though, as his grip just tightened even more around his neck.
“This is urgent, so yes, right now.” He tugs him forward, sending Ron off the hilt and into a chair.
“Urgent?” Hermione asks while scanning his hands for some kind of new invention. They had gone toe to toe over them not testing on first years enough times, that she always assumes it’s something to do with that now.
“Yes, for Y/N,” he admits, which makes her shoulders drop immediately.
Hermione perks up, “is she alright?”
“I mean physically, yes.” Fred scowls down at his younger brother and his messy copper hair. “I just need, well, a favor.”
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Ron scoffs and crosses his arms. “What do you want?”
“Oh, nothing much,” he says nonchalantly before dropping down to his level. “Just the password to the Prefect bathroom.”
“That’s it?” Harry asks as he finally starts to listen again.
“That’s it!” Fred exclaims. “I just need the password and then I can be on my way.”
“No,” Ron says bluntly. 
Fred’s smile drops. “No?”
“No,” Ron reiterates with an even harsher tone. “I don’t know what weird prank you have planned, but I actually like that bathroom thank you very much.”
Fred takes a breath to calm himself. “It’s not for a prank.”
Ron waves his hand dramatically. “Well whatever plan you have in your head, I want no part of it.”
Hermione steps in before Fred can reply. “You said it has something to do with Y/N?”
He nods as he runs his hand through his long red hair in frustration. “I really don’t want to say what it is. Why can’t you just trust me?”
Ron rolls his eyes. “What are you mental? I can answer that with a million different reasons-”
“I’ll give it to you,” Hermione pipes up and places hand on Ron’s shoulder. “If it’s something for her, then I trust your intentions.” She had seen how protective the Weasley brothers were over Y/N. Whatever he had planned, her gut knew that it was important to him.
Fred nods and lets out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t about to beg, but digging up blackmail on Ron would have taken up time he didn’t have.
“Thanks,” he says simply while looking at Hermione. “You always were my favorite of Ron’s friends.”
Harry’s mouth goes slack. Hermione beams.
------- Later that evening---------------
A screech wakes you up from a nap, making you sit up in bed at once. You rub at your eyes until the blurred circle at the edge of your bed comes into view. An owl - a small brown one with large golden eyes. Tied to its legs is a letter. Even at a distance you can see that it is addressed to you. Your heart drops, your mother never sent two letters in one day. Though, she wouldn’t use any other owl but her own.
You reach out and untie it quickly, hoping to solve the mystery of the sender before it sends another wave of anxiety. Your fingers trail over the letters, they didn’t look familiar to you at all. It was written sloppily with black ink and off center. You turn the back and slip your nail under the crease to open it.
I’m sorry for the stupid joke I made earlier. I know there’s no boy in Hufflepuff that can compete with me.
Your smile falters when you remember how cold you were with Fred. What he said was something he didn’t need to apologize for.
Meet me in the Prefect bathroom at 1am. The password is ‘Pine Fresh’.
You have no idea what to expect from Fred, but the idea of being alone with him sends your heart on a rocket to the moon. You just hope that your low mood doesn’t sway him off of whatever he has planned.
—------------- 1AM—---------------
The time moved so quickly that the next thing you knew, you were already at the Prefect bathroom. You stare at the door, not entirely sure how to open it. You clear your throat and softly whisper the password that was written on the letter. The large wooden doors slowly swing open and reveal the massive bathroom behind it.
The moon peeks through the large pane window and glides across the ripples of water from the giant bath in the middle. It must have just been freshly filled, as the steam was rolling off the top and into the dark. You step forward and the doors shut behind you. The soft lapping of water can be heard against the marble siding of the tub. Large sculptures and paintings line the room, giving it an ethereal feeling that you’ve never experienced before.
That’s when you spot a silhouette at the corner of the bath. The moon’s rays capture Fred’s copper hair laying delicately on his broad freckled shoulders as he turns his head to you. He snaps his fingers and small objects begin floating around the water, some hovering right over - others keeping still at the edges. He spoke softly and objects revealed themselves to be candles, just like the ones you once saw in the Room of Requirement. You gasp as you are able to finally see the rest of the scenery. Flower pedals are strewn across the floor and dancing across the top of the water. It smells of roses and lilies, your two favorite scents.
“You made it,” he says with a smile.
“Of course I did,” you laugh as your eyes wander around the marble walls. “What’s this all about?”
Fred lifts his feet from the water and walks towards you with his arms outstretched. “What, I can’t do something nice for my girlfriend?”
Your heart jumps hearing him say the word, ‘girlfriend’. You still haven’t gotten used to that yet. “No, that’s not it,” you say shyly while letting him envelope you. His bare chest is warm against your cheek as he runs his fingers through your hair.
Fred pulls back and kisses your forehead. “Come on,” he whispers. “Let’s get undressed and take a little dip.”
“Okay,” you say breathily as he turns and slips off his pants. You remove your clothes one by one, folding them as you go and laying them by the stairs that lead to the tub. Instinctively you hold your arms over your breasts as you get to the water’s edge. Fred holds out his hand to take yours then guides you into the tub.
The water was at a perfect temperature and the floral scents immediately greeted you at once. Your hair floats over the top as you get to the deeper part where Fred stands waiting. He pulls you in and brushes the wet strands from your forehead. There was something different about his expression that you just couldn’t place.
“What is it?” You ask as you reach up to stroke his face with the back of your hand.
“Nothing,” he says with a strained tone. His copper irises reflect a candle that passes behind you, and he furrows his brows. “I just, I wanted to tell you -” His pupils dart away as he perpetually begins shifting his body more. “I think that you’re amazing.”
“Oh,” you say with large eyes and a rose tint reaching your cheeks. “I think you are too, Fred.”
He licks his lips, his face moving closer to yours. He was concentrating on exactly what words he needed to use to express exactly how he felt. “And if anyone tells you otherwise, you should ignore them.”
You crease your brows together, as you’re trying to understand where this is coming from. Fred was never the type to give these types of speeches.
“Even if it’s a teacher, or a slytherin, or.. Even a parent,” he drifts off as he sees your expression change, this time to complete shock.
“The letter,” you mutter while backing up. “How did you know?”
“You dropped it,” he answers quickly. “It’s awful -”
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” you squeak out and fall back onto a step, and land with your head just above water. You were able to forget, even just for an hour, and here it was being shoved in your face yet again. It wasn’t just the old wounds reopening, but you are also deeply embarrassed.
“I know,” he admits and kneels in front of you. “Please, Y/N, I didn’t want to upset you. I read it and I just, I needed to make sure you were okay.”
“Well,” you rub at your face with your palms. “I’m not! Okay?” You feel yourself falling back into shambles as the memories of your mother’s words come back to you, engraving in your brain as they were on the paper.
“O-okay,” Fred stammers and sits to the side of you. He glances between the moon and your red face. He was never good at these things, but he was going to try his best. “I don’t think anyone would really be okay after that.”
You shake your head and collapse against him. “You don’t know what it’s like,” you sob out. The seal of control has been broken, and now there was no stopping the tears. “No matter what I do, I’m never enough.”
Fred’s warm fingers trail from the base of your neck and tangle in your wet hair. He pulls you against the crook of his neck as you slowly fall apart.
“I get good grades. I never get in trouble. I do everything right but I will always be the worst to her.” Your eyes well so many tears that the scene around you goes blurry. “What am I supposed to do?”
There is a lump in Fred’s throat as you speak. He can feel how raw and visceral your pain is. If there was one spell he knew that would lift the pain from inside your chest, he would have sold his soul right then and there to make that happen for you. “I think,” he says softly, pulling your face back so he can look you directly in the eyes. “You should start living for yourself and say fuck all to her.” He holds your chin gingerly with his fingers. “They are going to regret doubting you, Y/N. You are an amazing witch and a wonderful person.” His thumbs catch your tears on your cheek. “And if you ever forget how special you are, then I will be here to remind you.”
Just like that, the dam finally fully opens and you wrap your arms around his neck sobbing. Never in your life have you felt so emotionally vulnerable, and you thank Merlin that it is with Fred. You stay wrapped up in his arms for what felt like an eternity as you let out every emotion that you’ve held back for years. He remains silent and holds you tightly against his chest until your sobs slow, and your breathing goes from spastic to rhythmic.
The world finally comes back to you after the surge of intensity passes. You realize that not only is the room quiet, but so is your head. That nagging self hatred has lulled itself back into the deep recesses of your mind for now.
You sit up and look into Fred’s face. He grins at you as his eyes flick back and forth, trying to read your expression. “Thank you,” you say hoarsely. Then without any hesitation you add, “I love you, Fred.”
Fred’s mouth goes slack and he pulls you into a hug. You wrap your legs around his waist and perch yourself on his lap as he looks dumbstruck up at you. “I love you too, Y/N.” Those words leaving his mouth felt other worldly, but he knew there was nobody else on earth who deserved them more than you.
Hearing him say it back lit a fire inside of you. You meet his lips with yours, and he immediately grabs you by the hips and matches your energy. Just like that, the pain was gone and was replaced with passion. Your tongues dance as he guides the edge of your cunt onto his erection. You gasp and dig your nails into his shoulders as you press down on him.
He grabs a fist full of your hair and pulls your head back as your walls finally accept him fully. You moan his name as his cock pulsates deep inside of you, his hips staying pressed against yours. His fingers dig into your sides as you begin riding him slowly. 
The water didn’t help the lubrication as much as you would have thought. If anything, it made him feel bigger than ever. You do your best to relax your muscles as you continue to move up and down on his shaft, but that’s quickly made more challenging as his fingers find your clit. 
Fred licks his lips hungrily as he watches you with dinner plate pupils. “Keep going, you’re doing so fucking good,” he says in a low growling voice.
You do as you're told, even though your legs begin shaking violently as an orgasm approaches. “Fred,” you groan and roll your head back. “Please, I’m going - going to-”
He laughs through a moan and begins thrusting from underneath you. “Go ahead, darling. Cum for me.”
You cry out as another thrust sends you right over the edge. You crumble against him as he continues to use your body. The water splashes and spills over the marble walls of the bath as he increases his speed. He holds your neck tight, but not enough to cut off oxygen, so that he could watch your face as he cums. You feel his hips shudder and he pushes you down hard against his lap.
“Fuck!” He yells out and pulls you into a kiss by your neck.
You squirm against him as he fills you to the brim, leaving you shaking and helpless against his chest. He rolls his head back and releases the tension on your neck and side. “Merlin’s beard, how are you this good every time?”
You laugh and then whimper as he pulls himself out of you. “I swear, our bodies are made for each other.”
He kisses the top of your head and combs through your hair. “Georgie and I really have the best girlfriend out there,” he laughs. “Fuck.”
You never understood what they saw in you, but every day you’re starting to believe them more and more. Besides, he was right, you were going to start living for yourself. Who cares what your mom thinks anymore. You’re a legal adult and don’t have to follow any of those self esteem killing rules any longer.
You just hope, more than anything, that Fred and George will continue to stand by your side every day.
You wrap your arms around Fred’s chest and breathe out. “This is the best apology I’ve ever gotten.”
Fred smirks and stares up at the statues among the ceiling. “And it’s the best one I’ve ever given.”
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hangmanapologist · 1 year
lmao I sent that and then fell asleep for like 11 hours but I’m here now! *cracks knuckles* so Rhett has always been made fun of by his family for being hairier, his brother and father never really having much body hair themselves, but he has hair everywhere. it’s something he’s kinda insecure about. but with hookups it never really comes up because honestly they never get further than just wiggling their pants down far enough to get down to business, so that’s not really a problem. the problem comes when he first meets you. he doesn’t just want a quick one and done. he wants to take you out and treat you right, even if that means you don’t do more than a sweet kiss goodnight for the first seven dates you go on. but date number 8? it’s on. (you invited him in for “coffee” hoping that taking initiative would spark something in him. it does.) you’re straddling him on the couch, grinding and whimpering against him, enjoying the way his arm hair feels against the skin of your back where your shirt has come up. he’s so hard underneath you, you can’t wait to get at him so you slip down to the floor and start undoing his jeans when he’s like “uhhh… you don’t… it’s the first time so don’t feel like you have to” and you’re like 🤨 bc what? and when you express that you want to suck him off he’s like “…are you sure? I’m kinda hairy.” and you’re like “I know I like it” before going to town which blows. his. mind. after he cums you address what he said before and he tells you that it’s something he was made fun of and that other girls have complained that it’s scratchy and not cute. and you’re like “okay well they’re stupid. you’re hot and sexy and I love a hairy man. gonna floss with your chest hair.” and he full body blushes, mouth wide open in shock. his chin almost hitting the ground when you announce that you’re gonna ride his thigh. his eyes get glassy when he sees how wet his leg hair is as you’re moving against him. and you’re almost in tears because it feels so good. after you cum he gets you on your back and starts talking about “how puffy your clit is baby, is it all swollen because of my leg hair or because you wanna cum again? hmmm?” and then proceeds to eat you out until you’re wiggling away from overstimulation. he’s hard again and decides that it would be fun to make you ride him until you both cum again, his pubic hair scrapping again your sensitive clit makes you cry and it weakens your legs so you can hardly move and he’s like “oh poor baby. you need help?” then flips you onto your stomach, props your hips up and works you both over until you’re dripping with his cum. (you think your clit is gonna get a slight reprieve but his calloused finger makes its way around, getting you off one more time before he spills into you.) drooling and brainless on the couch he gently cleans you both up and gets you to bed. in the morning he’s trying to decide whether or not to sneak out because that was a lot for the first time and what if she didn’t like it and he’s spiraling when you roll over and play with his chest hair, kissing the smooth skin of his shoulder “morning cowboy. wanna go grab some breakfast? I’m starving after last night.” and he’s like “it wasn’t too much?” after kissing him to death, morning breath and all, you’re like “it was but in a good way and while we can’t do that every-time we will definitely be doing it again. now feed me.” y’all shower together and it’s not until you’re walking into the diner ahead of him that you’re walking a lil funny and he can’t help but be smug about it and wrap his arm around your waist, making sure no one looks at his girl funny. you enjoy breakfast and then the rest of your lives together.
idk why him apologizing for being hair is so hot but
When he’s fucking you and he’s on top and you’re skin to skin you can feel his chest and stomach hair rubbing against you, especially your nipples and that’s what can send you over the edge a lot of the time!
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
Idk if you read Lore Olympus but chapter 129 gave me an angsty request idea.
So Persephone, who’s the goddess of spring, goes into a hibernation-like state and when her emotions go out of control, she ends up growing her hair really long and her body sprouts a lot of plants from her; to the point of covering her and whatever area she’s in with her plants.
So I would like to request head cannons of the Brothers reacting to an MC who gets really sad whenever the brothers insult or threaten them and after several weeks of being berated by demons it causes MC to shut down and go to their room but mistakes a comfort spell with a plant curse that causes their hair and plants to grow continuously long. The plants fill up MC’s room and while they would normally be surprised at the mistake, they don’t care any more. They allow the plants to to grow, even wrap around their neck and body, and hopes the curse kills them off before the brothers notice as they go in the “hibernation” stage of the curse (The curse causes the victim to grow a lot of plants and vines from their body until they die, which can take a few days).
I’m sorry for being so long and descriptive, I just wanna see the Bros panic and feel guilty that MC felt pushed to do this to themselves but I understand if you don’t want to do it
I don't read Lore Olympus but you described the situation really well so I hope this is something close to what you wanted.
Comfort spell gone wrong
Lately, nothing seemed to be good enough for the demons. No matter what you did one of them would find something to berate you for.
“Mc, your grades are subpar even for an exchange student. You’ll have to try harder in order to not be a disappointment to Diavolo and myself.” Lucifer warned over breakfast.
“Mc, you burned dinner. You should learn to be a better cook.” Beel grumbled. As if you had ever seen any of these ingredients before ending up in the Devildom.
Even Mammon seemed to be in a particularly unpleasant mood. A never-ending string of complaints about how hard it is to protect an ordinary human. “Geez, you’re such a hassle human.”
Taking refuge in the library to study and to give Mammon a break from you proved disastrous and nearly deadly. Somehow you’d managed to spill your cup of tea all over an old somewhat rare text after Asmo had barged in and startled you. Your string of bad luck continued when Satan rounded the corner and saw the soggy tea-stained pages you’d been trying to decipher. In his fit of rage, he’d called you several unpleasant names and asked if you were “capable of doing anything right or if all humans are as stupid as you?” You’d left as quickly as you were able to avoid any more of his wrath.
No matter where you went you kept walking in on Belphie napping and without fail he’d say something nasty to you, that would make tears burn the backs of your eyes.
Levi had angrily called you a “useless normie,” who he wished would “never come back.” and had pushed you from his room with a slam of his door.
Even Asmo who usually just ignored you when he was upset found every reason imaginable to critique your every aspect. Physical and personality. Not a single one of which made you feel any more than worthless.
So was it any wonder when at the end of a long week you’d locked yourself in your room and decided to try that comfort spell you’d heard Solomon talking about? It seemed simple enough. But then your tears had blurred your vision as you’d recited the words and your Latin was still shaky at best. But it was just a few lines! And there was no way you were going to go to one of the brothers for comfort when they had seemed perfectly happy to make you miserable for the last few weeks.
You’d read the spell aloud and curled up hoping that the spell would kick in and you’d feel even just the slightest bit better. The blinding green light and sudden drop in energy was the first and only warning the spell had gone wrong. But being new to magic meant it still sapped your energy, so you didn’t stop to think something might be wrong. By the time you realized what was happening, everything was out of control. Plants had begun to sprout from your skin and the floor around you, growing and growing. With each inch they grew you felt your exhaustion creep up and consume you. You were just so tired. Your eyes fluttered closed. This was wrong! You forced your eyes open again. You need to fix this. The spell! But a short nap wouldn’t hurt, would it? You’d have more energy after you woke up. Then you could go get one of the brothers. Satan would know how to fix this. Or Lucifer! He’d clean the spell up easily. Yes, after you woke up…
Lucifer hadn’t seen you all weekend. He figures you’re most likely studying. But you don’t show up for meals and none of his brothers have seen you either… and oh Diavolo! He can feel the spell from the dining room. How did he not notice sooner? The cold pulling sensation of the spell, like it was sucking the warmth and life from its surroundings.
When Lucifer reaches your door Mammon is already there. Knocking and shouting for you, but there's no answer. He all but breaks your door down, his brothers behind him, and finds you at the center of the spell. Unresponsive and covered in the plants using your energy to grow. The plants had begun climbing up the walls and twisting through your hair, sending out snow-white flowers.
“Beel! Don’t!” Lucifer warns as Beel reaches out to pull a handful of plants from you. “We don’t know what did this and what will happen to Mc if we just rip the spell off like that.”
“Lucifer, Mc did this to themself,” Satan points to the open spellbook. “It looks like they got a comfort spell mixed up.”
Fortunately, your last tired thoughts were correct and Lucifer is able to break the spell quickly. You wake surrounded by the brothers.
All this happened for a comfort spell? Because you didn’t feel like you could come to him, to any of them?
He’s so sorry Mc. Enough that as he leans down to pick you up out of the mess of withering plants you can feel tears fall onto your face.
“Nothing I did was good enough for you Lucifer. Any of you. I just wanted to feel… I just wanted-”
His heart breaks when he realizes this is his brother’s fault, his fault. “You are always good enough, Mc. Much more than I could ever ask you to be, and if I ever made you feel like you weren't. No, the fact that I made you feel like you weren’t, means I have been truly terrible.”
You’re choking back your own tears now and you curl further into his arms as he carries you down the hall. “You said I was a disappointment.”
“My dear Mc, you have never been, nor could you ever be a disappointment to me. Forgive me for ever making you feel as if you were.”
Lucifer takes you to his bathroom and draws you a bath to wash away the last of the plant matter from your body.
Afterward, he’ll bring you anything you ask for. He wants to wrap you in his arms but doesn’t want to push you, so he asks softly if he can hold you.
He’ll spend weeks trying to make this up to you, even after you forgive him, he’ll be sure to tell you how much he loves you more often than he did before.
Shit human! Why didn’t you come to him? He loves you so much and oh. He made you feel like a burden.
How could he be so stupid when he knows how his brothers make him feel?
Mammon begs for your forgiveness in front of all his brothers.
“Please can ya forgive me? I never meant to make ya feel like a burden. You're the only human I- I want to protect you Mc. I’m so sorry.”
Mammon helps you up and since your room is covered in plants he offers to let you sleep in his room for the night.
He wraps you in blankets and brushes the hair from your face with trembling fingertips.
There are still a few stubborn leaves sticking to your face and in your hair so Mammon takes a warm washcloth and wipes them from your face before gently untangling the plants from your hair.
You’ll be getting little gifts and tokens of mammon’s affections for the foreseeable future.
He threw you out of his room when you came to him for comfort and the guilt at seeing you almost die because of it is eating him alive.
He feels frozen
Maybe you would be better off without an otaku shut-in like him. He starts avoiding you like the plague.
You start to think that Levi is so disgusted with the fact that you did that spell that he doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.
Despite this Levi still checks up on you. He wants to know that you are ok, he just does it without you knowing.
He’ll ask his brothers about you and discreetly glance at you during meals to make sure you’re eating enough and look healthy.
A few days later when your favorite and manga anime start showing up outside your door you confront Levi. “Are you mad at me? Do you just not want to be around me after what happened? Levi, I miss you!”
He is shook, and he can’t believe he messed up so badly.
He’s happy that he can invite you to hang out again, and he makes sure to spend long nights gaming or watching movies with you until you fall asleep against him. He’ll even stutter out how much he treasures his time with you, blushing fiercely all the while.
Satan feels anger swell up inside him. How could he have let this happen? How could no one have seen how upset you were?
Once the spell has been dissolved he is at your side instantly. Brushing vines from your skin. His fingers are shaking in anger but his touch is so gentle.
When both you and your room are cleaned up Satan sits at your bedside, book in hand, reading to you.
He just wants to be close to you now. He wants you to know how much he cares about you but is still too worked up to get his thoughts out properly.
Eventually, his thoughts calm and he stops reading in the middle of a sentence. “Mc, I am so sorry. I never meant to make you feel unwanted. Every day I spend with you is infinitely better than a day without you. I know the spell was a mistake but… we almost lost you. I almost lost you.”
He wants to talk about what pushed you to do this. He won’t push but he really does think that he will be better able to help you if he understands.
Satan makes sure to spend more time with you from now on. He makes a conscious effort to check his temper at the door and be with you when you need him.
Sometimes he’ll just read to you until one of you confides in the other in quiet voices.
As you blink your eyes open Asmo gently brushes some plants from your cheek.
You are so pale and his heart breaks as you flinch away from him. You feel like a mess and you know you must look like one too so curl your body away from him trying to hide. Trying to avoid his critical gaze.
This is the moment Asmo knows he screwed up.
He draws his hand back, for a moment, before reaching out to you again. Cupping your cheek and wiping your tears away with perfectly manicured hands.
Lucifer has him take you to his bathroom to clean up while the rest of the brothers work to clear the plants from your room.
Asmo is quiet for a long while as he untangles plants from your hair.
“You’re so loved, Mc,” he says softly. “You are.” he insists when you shake your head no.
“More than you could ever know, and it’s our fault for not telling you. My fault for not making you feel worthy.”
After this incident, Asmo wants to make sure you know how beautiful you are. He starts self-care days once a week that soon turn into whole family affairs. Each week different combinations of his brother attend and you all work to pamper each other.
Asmo makes sure nothing like this happens again, he never wants to be part of the reason you feel unloved ever again.
At first, Beel thinks you did this on purpose. Once the brothers realize you messed up the spell he is less angry but no less distraught.
Once you wake up, he wants to take you to get desserts. He’s heard humans eat Chocolate/ other sweets to feel better. And this makes sense to him, food does make everything better.
But you don’t want to go to Madam Screams or the kitchen to make your own. You’re still so tired. Not to mention embarrassed that you screwed the spell up this bad.
And now they are all staring at you like they care so much when none of them had any time to notice how they were making you feel before.
When you become unresponsive to the brother’s questions and apologies Beel scoops you up in his arms and walks away with you.
Something about the way he holds you close to his chest and his warmth causes you to finally let go.
You bury your face in his shirt to muffle your crying.
“I just… I felt so alone! And… I...but no one” you gasp out shakily between sobs.
Beel soothes you with soft murmuring as he gently cards his fingers through your hair and strokes down your back.
Once your crying quiets he starts to speak “Don’t do that again. You can always come to me Mc. I’m so sorry you felt like you couldn’t”
Belphie thinks it’s a joke at first. “Man, how could they mess up this bad?”
Then he sees Lucifer’s panicked expression and it hits him how serious this is.
Belphie is immediately by your side. Hands frantically feeling your wrist for a pulse.
After Lucifer breaks the spell and your eyes flutter open Belphie is filled with relief until a wave of guilt washes through him.
He can’t believe he fucked up so badly again. Sure this time he didn’t directly cause you physical harm, but he did play a role in causing you to almost die again.
“I am so very sorry Mc, I never meant to hurt you.”
He does everything he can think of to make it up to you. Anything you ask him for, as long as it’s within his power, is yours. No questions asked.
He asks permission just to hold your hand for weeks afterward as if he thinks you’ll come to your senses and decide you don’t want anything to do with him.
He wants to comfort you so bad.
To make sure you don’t feel like this again Belphie pulls you away to nap with him as often as he can get away with it. Most likely only a few times a week (much less often than he would like). Sometimes he uses this time just to talk with you. Others you really do nap, and Belphie curls himself around you. Occasionally he enters your dreams while you nap together to make sure no nightmares can touch you.
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! boys with a s/o that becomes clingy/affectionate while drunk
characters: kyōtani, kenma, iwaizumi, matsukawa and bokuto
thank you anon for this marvellous request mwah
tw// drinking, suggestive themes, sexual references, swearing
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Kentarō Kyōtani
kyōtani was used to having a cool, laid-back s/o who was just as awkward about physical touch as he was 
i mean, that’s kinda a part of the reason he liked you so much - so y’all could get over your awkwardness together
so imagine his surprise when his usually level-headed, calm s/o came stumbling out of the club, a blubbering mess and threw themselves into his arms, wailing something about a maths test
he was like ‘omg why are they touching me? i kinda like it- wait are they crying? tf? i ain’t ever seen them cry before- should i help them? lord everyone is looking at us now. so what the fuck do i do- AYE DON’T TOUCH ME THERE’
so he had no choice but to dip with you flung over his shoulder lol
he took you back to your shared apartment and forced you to drink some water and instead of ordering a take-out, he just gave you his leftover burrito which he took to the club smh
it was probably cold 
but that was the best he could think of at the time bc he simply needed to shut you up with food bc the alcohol in your system was causing you to become especially touchy, hence resulting in kyōtani getting especially aroused
but the last thing he’d do is fuck you while you’re drunk and i firmly believe that despite the fact kyōtani is a bit of a lout - he still has like a basic moral compass
but i mean if you kept being so damn suggestive then it was gonna be a lot harder for him to resist his urges
you were rubbing him up and shit, calling him every pet name in the book so ofc he just stuck a burrito in your mouth and went ‘stfu 😡’
the painful part was that he was silently enjoying it too (┬┬﹏┬┬)
(though, he was red from blushing lol, not anger) 
and he wasn’t used to it either so obviously he was gonna get flustered, i mean, everything was happening all at once
oh and you told him ‘i love you’ and he literally combusted like lord have mercy on this man 
just that morning you were calling him your ‘annoying rat boyfriend’ (jokingly, ofc) and now you love him?-
that wasn’t the first time you told him that you loved him but he was still blushing none the less 
and he stammered out a ‘love you too’ PRAYING that you wouldn’t remember any of this the following day
anyway, he cuddled you to sleep and railed you as soon as you sobered up - the end ❤
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Kenma Kozume
pov: you’re kenma happily being a wallflower in the club then your s/o approaches you, demanding for you to fuck them 
- ok, end of POV - 
anyway, your speech was slurred so kenma wasn’t really sure if that was what you were asking him to do but if it was, he would’ve happily obliged if it wasn’t for the fact you were clearly drunk
mans was blushing though
bc y’all hardly ever do it but now - all of a sudden - you were tightly wrapped around him, garbling erotic threats into his ear
kenma was worried at first but you were like..really weak
so it wasn’t hard to get you off his torso, usher you out of the club and grip your hand as he ordered a taxi 
also kenma had read enough wattpad fanfictions to know how to deal with someone while they’re drunk 
but none of those fanfictions ever mentioned a single thing about how to deal with yourself while your partner is drunk
like seriously..he was in pain
both from the throbbing erection he had and the aching embarrassment he felt - both stemming from the fact you tried to give him a lap dance in taxi ✋ please oml
anyway, he took you back to his apartment and insisted that you have a few slices of the left-over pizza in the fridge along with a glass of water
after you changed into your pyjamas, you had clearly sobered up slightly as you could now compose coherent sentences
but that wasn’t any better for him bc now you were draped over him, whimpering into his ear about how much you love him
‘i’m so lucky to have you, kenma. i love you so much. you remind me of my first cat - you’re such a cat- i mean, blessing..you’re such a blessing.’ 
ngl, at that point he would be at a loss for words, just deciding to hug you until you fall asleep
like he finds it so cute that you’re finally opening up to him about how you feel as you’re usually quite composed and restrained 
but also- what does he do now? 
you eventually fell asleep in his arms and the next day, you woke up to kenma having made breakfast and telling you how much he adores you which was..confusing, to say the least
he told you about how you acted when you were drunk and to say you were embarrassed would be an understatement 
also, he’ll tease you about it for the rest of your life ;)
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Hajime Iwaizumi
literally all you had to do was send him a text like ‘iwa...,,.,...ily so mycj ❤’’ and he’s already waiting in the line to get into the club lol
he marches in there, finds you, grabs your hand and drags you home 
let’s hope that your friends know what iwaizumi looks like so they don’t have to just watch a random guy haul you out the club-
and tries to act all like angry iwaizumi >:( but when you are trailing behind him, muttering about how amazing he is, he becomes more like angy iwa grrr (*  ̄︿ ̄)
by that, i mean that angry iwaizumi would bring you home and lecture on how irresponsible it is to get so intoxicated 
but angy iwa just takes care of you but with a disapproving scowl 
and angry iwaizumi would make nasty, bitchy remarks about how inappropriate your outfit is 
while angy iwa would be like ‘babe, your outfit is lovely but maybe wear something different next time, idk....’
either way, he takes good care of you 
he makes sure you eat (and he cooks good food btw - he doesn’t make you eat leftovers lmao) 
he lets you change into more comfortable clothes
he ensures that you don’t die in the shower 
and he forces you to go to bed
but all of that is rather difficult when you’re clinging to him like your life depends on it, raving on about how sweet of a boyfriend he is and covering his face sloppy kisses
his original plan was to go train some more in his gym (yes, there is a gym in y’alls house-) but when you were peppering his cheek in kisses, begging him to stay with you for whatever reason, of course he didn’t have the balls to leave
 so he ended up laying like a log in bed as you cuddled up to him like koala, resting your head in his chest and allowing him to run his hand through your hair as you slept
in that moment - as he stared down at your tranquil figure - he realised how grateful he was for moments like these, as he finally got see a side of you that he knew you’d almost never exhibit when you’re sober
like yeah, you often tell him how much you love him but he can always tell that it’s as if you’re setting aside your pride to say such a thing but now, you’re gushing on about it with the most genuine look in your eyes, he can tell that you’re being completely sincere 
and to say that he adores it would be an understatement 
so yeah, you were kind of a pain while drunk but you were also the most adorable thing that iwaizumi had ever laid his eyes on (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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Issei Matsukawa
ok so the only reason matsukawa wasn’t getting drunk with you was bc the first time y’all got drunk together he got fined for public indecency and you got done for public intoxication
so you decided that it was best (for your wallets) if you took turns getting tipsy
emphasis on ‘tipsy’ bc you both went to the bar together (along with a few friends) and you promised matsukawa that you’d only have a few drinks 
so please explain to him why he is now having to carry you bridal style out of the bar because you are too hammered to walk properly 
and he was kinda grumpy bc he had to leave his friends mid-conversation bc not only were you pestering him but also, the erotic things you were whispering in his ear caused him to get a boner
and he was getting weird looks from people as he carried you home but that was the least of his problems tbh- he didn’t even notice lol
the biggest issue on his mind rn was the fact that you made him hard yet you can’t help him bc you’re drunk smh 
like he was tempted at first bc you seemed down to do it but he quickly came back to reality and realised how morally incorrect that’d be 
so he was mumbling curses the whole way home just to tune you out bc if he paid any more attention to the racy promises you were muttering in his ear- he’d explode
he’s alright at taking care of you like he isn’t iwaizumi’s level of caring but he’s a close second, i mean he’s gotten drunk plenty of times so he knows the basics
he was like ‘drink water idk lol ’
anyway, once he handled himself he wasn’t too fazed by your lustful advances
and he was so smug about it too deadass like ‘keep talkin’ me up, (y/n), you ain’t getting shit until you’re sober.’
smh ANYWAY he thinks you’re so charming when you’re like lovey-dovey drunk but SO annoying when you’re horny drunk bc like- he can’t get some (T_T)
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Kōtarō Bokuto 
best for last 👌
ok anyway he’s an athlete and he doesn’t need alcohol to have a good time- he’s forever drunk tbh- drunk on life :)
so while you’re getting hammered with your pals, he’s doing stupid shit while sober lol
once you both rendezvous outside the club to head home and you’re absolutely steamin- he’s just like ‘hi, babe! how’s your night been?’
anyway, he drives back to y’alls house and since you’re fatigued at first, you spent 90% of the car ride sleeping
but when you get home, more awake, you’re all up on him
but you’re not like sensual drunk- more like..emotional drunk but with love 🥺
so basically you are sobbing into his chest about whatever and bc he is an such empath he will start crying too, or at least get a bit emotional 
you could say something like, ‘omg, bo. i hardly get to see you because you’re at work so often- i wish i could spend more time with you. i miss you so much’  ╯︿╰
and he would deadass reply whole-heartedly while weeping into your shoulder, ‘I’M QUITTING VOLLEYBALL, (Y/N)!!’
(ok, so maybe he was a bit tipsy too- but like..definitely not has drunk as you)
he has no idea where to start when it comes to taking care of you but he tries (´◡` ‘) 
at the very least, he ensures that you don’t having any more alcohol and that you don’t die somehow 
he’s v overprotective though 
you could be getting a fork to eat your instant-noodles with and he’ll be like 
‘apologies ✋ but i cannot allow you to handle such a dangerous weapon while intoxicated. maybe eat with a spoon instead, idk.’ /h
other than that, he just cuddles you to sleep and deals with you in your badly hungover state the next day
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
do you have any headcanons for how Zemo would act with a virgin reader? (Idk if you do HCs during the week so feel free to wait until the next sleepover if I’m bothering you early shsjsjk)
yes, yes I do and this made me Soft 
first of all, I think he’d actually feel a little guilty/worried about being your first.  he’d get more concerned about ‘taking advantage’ or making you uncomfortable due to the vast difference in experience levels.
because as we know, he has experience.
but once you assured him this was what you wanted, he’d finally be willing to admit how much it turned him on that you had never been touched that way by anyone else.  he’d really relish the chance to make your first time unforgettable (because if he’s going to be your first... he might as well be your best, maybe even your only).
the key word here is going to be slow.  he could easily spend hours just kissing you so of course it’ll take him all night to do this properly.  he’d get you so worked up with every little thing he did that you would be begging for more right away.
not that it would work... he’d smile and remind you he’s going to do this properly.
“patience, draga, don’t you trust me?”
still, he thinks your whining and pleading is really cute, as is the way you rock your hips on top of him, trying to ride his thigh.  he’d let you do it for a while, watching you mewl and gasp, before grabbing your hips tight to keep you still.
“let me do that, let me help you, darling...”
his fingers would be so delicate in their touch, he would draw gentle circles around your clit, kissing your neck and ear and whispering about how beautiful you looked, constantly showering you in praises.
in fact that would be true the whole night, though he would be a bit more gruff when he was finally inside you but we’ll get to that later.
because after he made you come with his fingers, he’d be putting his mouth on you next, telling you how badly he wanted a taste of the pleasure he’d just given you.
and if you thought he was good with his fingers... hoo boy you’re in for a ride with his tongue.
your back would arch so hard you could probably get a few cracks out of your spine, to be totally honest.  and you’d moan maybe louder than you ever had before.
“shh, we can’t have anyone hearing you draga... nobody gets to hear you come but me.”
you’d come at least once if not more by his mouth, and he’d happily lap up every drop, growling and moaning against you (especially when you begged him to finally fuck you, sobbing about how much you wanted to feel him inside you).
finally, when he was satisfied with your total exhaustion and desperation, he would kiss his way up your body, a bit of his own need finally coming through (though only slightly).
when his lips finally found yours you would hum at your taste on his tongue, and gasp a bit when you felt his cock slide over your pussy.
“are you still sure this is what you want?” 
you were amazed you could beg him for an hour straight and he would still reaffirm your desire for this.  and when you did, he’d hold your legs open gently, kiss you one more time, and finally-- finally-- fill you.
it would still sting just a bit, even after all the build-up, just because that was sort of inevitable with his size.  but he’d still be so so gentle about it, taking all the time you need as he kissed you softly and wiped away any small tears that might fall.
he wouldn’t move until you were ready, and even before the last of the sting faded you’d be moaning for him, holding onto his shoulders as you tried your best to memorize the feeling.
“how does it feel, draga?”
his voice would be even lower than usual, making shivers run up your spine just with its deep timbre.  so of course it took you a second to stammer out that it felt good, really fucking good, that you wanted him to move faster and really fuck you.
which he did, still pretty restrained overall but more eager as you heard him moan softly with you, his hands gripping your waist tight so he could hold you still and thrust every inch of himself into your soaked channel.
and that’s when his praises turned from sweet to filthy.
“so tight, darling, you must’ve never had something so big inside you before.  you sound so perfect when you moan for me like that, do it again, draga...”
when he started to move faster, more desperately, you’d watch his face and find yourself moaning his name just to remind both of you that it was him inside you.
after spending all evening focusing on you, it’s nice to see him get a little greedy, taking something for himself.  you loved knowing that it was you making him feel that way, and it helped you understand why he had enjoyed being on the other end of this so much.
“come on my cock, draga, I know you’re close, show me how good I’m making you feel.”
as always, you’d be helpless to his commands and your walls would squeeze him tight as you came; it feels different than when it’s his tongue or fingers, and by different I mean fucking amazing.  coming with something filling you so deep is just too perfect.
and the way he would encourage you as you came, oh goodness.
“good girl, there you go, that’s it... coming so hard for me, you’re doing so good, darling...”
and when you start sobbing his name and pulling him closer because it’s almost too much, he’d hold you tight and promise to come inside you, nice and deep just like you need, kissing all over your face while it’s twisted in pleasure.
“I’m right here, draga, I’ve got you.”
he’d kiss you again, even though you’d gone a bit limp and could only lazily kiss him back, as he spilled his come inside you.  he wouldn’t pull out for a while, I think, wanting it all to stay deep and calling you his pretty little cockwarmer.
don’t forget the aftercare!  because he certainly won’t.
the praises don’t stop for quite some time, even when he’s already drawn a bath for you and carried you to it.
unfortunately he couldn’t let you fall asleep until he’d helped you clean up and dry off, and then he’d be happy to slip in bed and hold you for the rest of the night, you can’t tell me he wouldn’t be the perfect big spoon.
and he’d make breakfast in the morning.  possibly send you flowers the next day.  most likely buy you gifts of all kinds.  so yeah, moral of the story, zemo is the perfect person to take a virginity and I will not be accepting any disputes to this claim.
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
Nurse Din
Relationship: Din Djarin x Reader Warnings: N/A, just fluff! Summary: You seem to be coming down with a cold so the Mandalorian takes on a new role: a nurse. Based off the prompt: person b pressing their forehead against person a's forehead to check if they have a fever. A/N: this is one of the last fluffy one shots (i have a whole Din series i never posted on here...yet.....along with some smut.........will be posted at some point i promise) I have for my Mandalorian writing and honestly? I miss it. I will be writing for the Mandalorian again because idk it was just a nice time. I liked letting myself explore that world and characters :)
You woke up just feeling… bad. Your muscles were aching, your stomach was doing somersaults, and… oh, Maker, was that a burn in your throat?
"Ugh," you tried to groan at your disheveled state but it came out more like an aggressive cough which certainly did not help your throat.
You squirmed on the cot, taking advantage of the fact you were alone as your husband was already up doing whatever he did. (Okay — you did know his schedule but your uncomfortable state was preventing you from registering anything. You were just thankful you weren’t cramped together with him in this state.)
You were just starting to drift back to sleep as your heavy eyelids finally caved in from staring at nothing when something gave out a little coo next to you. Reluctantly, you peaked over your shoulder and came face-to-face with the small green child you had come to adore — well, he was adorable when he wasn’t waking you up.
"What?" You grumbled, your tired voice coming out rough. You let out another cough which Grogu just cocked his head at.
When you didn’t show signs of getting up, he started babbling again, trying to get your attention.
You forced yourself out of your near-dream state, furrowing your features wondering what in the galaxy he could want — oh. You were supposed to get him breakfast. In your delusional, ill state, you had completely forgotten your responsibilities.
Well, okay, you thought, it was just getting him breakfast, and then you could return to sleep. But even just the motions of sitting up in the cot made you hack up a lung. The child looked at you now fully concerned about what was going on with one of his parents. You tried catching your breath but the mixture of the coughing with the aching muscles and burning throat was taking a toll on you.
It wasn’t long into your coughing-fit that Din caught wind and came to check you. Usually, you were up by now, watching the child. When you weren’t awake and ready yet, he had simply thought Grogu was giving you a hard time. But when the unmistakable sound of coughing rang throughout the ship, Din realized there was much more going on. A mild panic set in as he made his way in to check on you.
"Riduur?" Din asked, entering the sleep quarters. He watched you slumped over in the bed, groaning in discomfort. The child was looking between you both, mostly wondering who was giving him breakfast.
"Hmm?" You hummed, turning to your concerned husband in the doorway. Shivers ran down your back. You reached for blankets, cuddling them tightly. Din made his way to bed picking up the child in the process and setting him on your pillow. Din stood at your side, looking down at you.
"What’s wrong, cyra’ika?" He asked, placing a loving hand on your shoulder, feeling you shake beneath his touch. Din wasn’t liking this one bit.
You coughed, clearing your throat and, said, "I think I caught a bug."
Din sighed and removed his helmet. Leaning down, he touched his forehead to yours, feeling the feverish warmth radiating off your skin as he did. More panic started settling in, realizing your hunch was very much correct.
You two had stopped the other day in a busy village totally ran over with a bustling population. You hadn’t thought much as you wove your way through the crowd to purchase the items you were looking for. But, as fate would have it, someone somewhere was incubating something and you caught it.
You melted into Din’s touch, letting your muscles relax a bit, even if it was a peculiar gesture. "What did you do that for?"
He pulled away and replaced his helmet. "What do you mean?" The muffled voice returned.
"You checked my fever with your forehead," you let out a weak chuckle, glancing up at him as you readjusted the blankets. "Don’t we have devices for that or something?"
Din shrugged, "I went the old fashioned route."
"I don’t even think they did that in the old times," you gave a small smile knowing fully well your husband was growing annoyed with you as the seconds went by. Well, what could you say? A little cold wasn’t taking away your feisty attitude
"You’re sick, can barely make it out of bed, and you want to argue with me about how I checked for a fever?" Din asked, his tone holding fake anger.
"Please," you paused, letting a small cough take over for a second. "I haven’t been able to focus on a single thought all morning. Be thankful I’m even awake and talking."
Another shiver came over you after you spoke, sending you into a shaking fit. You pulled the blankets but found you had already acquired all of them. Noticing your distress still, Grogu waddled from the pillows, making himself comfortable in your lap. He looked up at you, eyes squinting in concern. Your heart dropped as you realized you were still neglecting the little guy.
"Oh, shoot," you frowned, "you still need-,"
Din cut you off. "I’ll take care of him. You just rest, cyra’ika."
He scooped up Grogu who was still looking at you, confused. He cooed, trying to reach out to you. Din held him back and motioned for you to lay down.
"Are you sure?" You asked, curling up on the bed.
"Of course," Din nodded and tucked you into the blankets. You smiled stupidly at the care he was giving you.
It was a slightly miserable rest, but you were able to get what felt like just a few minutes (in reality, it had been a few hours) of sleepy bliss before Din came back with Grogu following closely behind. You blinked in confusion, trying to wake up as Din sat at the foot of the cot. Your mind didn’t feel as hazy as it had earlier but the aches were still as present as ever.
You rolled over, greeted by your husband. His helmet had been discarded again and he was watching you, a concerned look in his eyes. You tried giving a weak smile hoping to communicate you were okay. He didn’t seem convinced.
Breaking your stares, a soft babble came from next to the bed. You looked over and were greeted by the child who was holding a little thing of soup. While you couldn’t smell it well, it was steaming and looked fresh, making your stomach give the tiniest rumble.
"Soup?" You coughed. "For me?"
The child extended his arms, trying to hand you the bowl. Two big eyes peeked over the rim as he watched you, waiting. You sat up and graciously accepted the food. You held it close, taking small sips of the wonderful broth. You didn’t even really know there was soup on this ship so either someone spent a nice credit on it or Din had been holding out on you.
"Is it- Does it taste alright?" Din asked, seeming almost… nervous. You gulped down more broth, brows furrowed in questioning.
"It’s wonderful," you nodded. "Why? Is there something wrong with it?"
Din chuckled, "No, no. I just…" He paused, looking down at the floor and then back at you. "You’ve just never been sick before — well, none of us have ever been sick before — and I’m just not used to taking care of someone like… like this."
"Oh, honey-,"
But Din abruptly stood up before you could get anything else out. Planting a sweet kiss on your forehead, he mumbled, "I’m gonna find you some tea."
You frowned but nodded, continuing to drink your soup. You despised when he would do that. He’d open up a little bit and then shut down. Granted, he had gotten better at it the longer your relationship went but you thought marriage would be the helpful push he needed and it hadn’t added up like that so far. But it was fine. You took your own time to reassure him about things, putting words where his sometimes weren’t.
He came back moments later as you finished the last of your food. You handed the bowl back to Grogu who took a second to see if he could find any leftovers for himself. You gave a small smile watching him stick his head in the bowl, hunting.
Din gave you the cup of tea and, just like the soup, you cradled it close, sipping the liquid slowly. The continuous warmth was doing wonders for your throat.
"Maybe you should be a nurse," you said, peaking over the cup at your husband who was again taking a spot at the foot of the bed. He turned to you, a playful smirk on his face.
"A nurse?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Yeah," you nodded. "Retire and take care of some little ole sick folks like me. You’re doing such a good job at it."
"Was that sarcasm?"
You sighed, dropping the joking act. You reached your one hand to grasp his, which he happily welcomed, and said, "No, riduur, it wasn’t. I mean it. I’ve never felt so cared for before."
Din looked away as if taking in your words. He brought his other hand to pat your connected ones. After what felt like the longest seconds ever, he turned back to you, his grateful eyes meeting yours.
"I’m glad," he said. Your heart raged with love for the Mandalorian before you. Never did you think you’d find someone who comforting, so caring, and yet here he was like a fever dream.
You took in the love he had to offer and placed a light kiss on his cheek, trying to return it just a bit. He smiled and turned to place a real kiss on your lips, but your hand came up in protest.
"I’m disgusting," you explained, disconnecting your touch and returning to cuddling your tea. "Maker knows what germs I got brewing."
"Fine," he sighed, "but you owe me endless kisses once you’re better."
You smiled, "Endless kisses?"
Your husband nodded, "Oh, yeah. So many kisses your lips are going to be so sore."
"Sounds horrible," you giggled, taking a sip of your tea. "But worth it."
Din let out a low chuckle and got up from the bed. He returned a kiss to your cheek and said, "Finish your tea and then get more rest. You need it, cyra’ika."
You nodded in agreement and watched as Din picked up Grogu, and began carrying him out of the space.
"Come on," he said to the child who was watching you. "We need to let your mom sleep."
The child gave a little coo in either agreement or protest (you couldn’t tell but either way it was adorable). You smiled, watching them exit. Finishing up the last of your tea, you placed the cup on the floor and then curled back up in your blankets.
Drifting off, you relished in the comfort of everything. Sure, you were sick out of your mind, but you had two loves waiting for your recovery and eager to make you feel better any way they could. Oh, yeah. This was way more than you could’ve ever asked for.
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rainybookshop · 3 years
Texts from 1917
Fandom: 1917 (College/University AU)
Words: 1288
Read it on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36087733
Tom: I woke up with Schofield
Joe: Called it
Joe: I woke up with Leslie
Tom: this explains so much
Tom: hey do you want to go out for breakfast
Will: Did you just send me that from the bathroom?
Will: Tom I’m literally in the next room
Will: I can actually hear you typing
Tom: just answer the question okay
Will: I was going to make us pancakes but sure
Tom: no pancakes is good!
Tom: pancakes is great
Will: You were too nervous to ask in person huh
Tom: ...maybe
Will: you’re so cute, get out here
Tom: okay Joe just answer me this one thing
Joe: no
Tom: just this one thing and I’ll stop asking I swear
Joe: NO
Tom: does Leslie keep the beanie on when you’re
Tom: you know
Joe: I don’t even want to think about how many times Mum must have dropped you as an infant
Tom: also you’re evading the question so I’m assuming the answer is yes
Joe: ugh FINE tbh we decided to take things slow and get to know each other. That first night we just fell asleep watching a movie.
Tom: wait what
Tom: well that’s
Tom: pretty cute of you really
Joe: I answered you now piss off
Tom: do you pass each other notes in class too
Tom: whisper sweet nothings in his ear
Tom: doodle Mr. Joseph Leslie all over your notebook in hearts
Joe: I’m telling mum you said Mrs. Bowman’s cherry pie was better than hers
Tom: BABE did you know that Joe and Leslie are like. legit dating not even hooking up like who would have guessed
Will: Leslie basically lives in that beanie are you really surprised he has emotional issues
Tom: ajksdfs I almost spit my hot chocolate all over my laptop
Will: Plus there’s nothing wrong with getting to know someone better before you jump into bed with them
Tom: you just couldn’t resist these baby blues huh
Tom: wait really?
Will: Uh honestly yeah that’s pretty much it
Tom: omg
Will: You were smiling a lot and you kept waving your hands around when you were telling your stories
Tom: omg
Will: And then you were so sad when you thought I wanted to leave and well you know the rest
Tom: I’m literally giggling like a schoolgirl this is so fucking cute <3
Will: <3
Tom: there’s a foreign exchange student glaring at me HARD rn
Will: Idk why you even go to the silent floor you’re physically incapable of not talking for 5 minutes
Tom: seriously this dude looks like he’s going to stab me at any second
Will: Do you need me to come get you?
Tom: I’m mostly kidding but also
Tom: yesplease
Will: Be there in 3
Jondalar to The Convoy Boys group chat
Jondalar: hey Tom do you think you could come pick up Will?
Tom: I thought you were all out for boys night? is he ok??
Jondalar: no no he's fine it's just - well.
Jondalar: Katy Perry came on and he just keeps mumbling about cherry chapstick and scrolling through your Instagram looking kind of sad.
Jondalar: It’s really pathetic but also none of us can deal with his face doing that anymore can you please resolve your fight?
Tom: we didn’t even fight???
Jondalar: oh boy
Tom: he’s just really sweet and romantic yk? and I think my appendix thing really scared him
Rossi: true
Cooke: your face literally lost all colour I didn’t even know a person could do that
Tom: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk I was pretty out of it the whole time
Malky: glad you’re okay man
Singer: ^
Jondalar: ^
Tom: thanks guys :)
Tom: but yeah I’ll come get him
Tom: I might have already been on my way over
Tom: Joe might have kicked me out.
Tom: said I was moping just because Will was gone and I was making him another playlist
Cooke: Doesn’t he already have like 12?
Rossi: Wasn’t the last one just all your feelings about his hands?
Jondalar: oh boy
Will: Can we watch WWII in color tonight?
Tom: bad day huh?
Will: I’m still stuck in the chem lab, our first test tube exploded and almost started a fire so now we have to redo the whole thing
Tom: you’re a history major why are you even taking chemistry
Will: I ended up in the wrong classroom on the first day and I was too proud to say anything so now I just have to stick it out
Tom: lmfao. wait really??
Will: Lol no I just liked chem in high school and thought it would be a nice break from writing essays
Will: But instead I’m stuck here re-doing an experiment because one of my lab partners might be drunk and the other one got thrown out of Chem II for causing a rat infestation
Tom: I have so many questions but idk if I want to know the answers
Will: I might actually strangle one of them if I have to be here much longer
Tom: I’ll come by in 10 with coffee
Will: I love you
Tom: ….
Will: …
Will: Shit well that’s not how I meant to say it
Tom: it’s ok I know you’re probably exhausted
Will: Well I mean I am but also
Will: I do. I love you, Tom
Tom: I love you too Scho
Tom: I’m also pretty sure everyone in this coffee shop thinks I’m crazy bc I just stared at my phone for a minute straight instead of ordering when it was my turn but
Tom: I don’t care. Hang in there, I’ll see you soon.
Will: See you soon babe <3
Tom: <3 !!
Joe: [image attached: Blakefield napping.jpg] Seriously what is it with Scho and sleeping on trees
Joe: and ofc course it’s a cherry tree
Joe: Tom and his #aesthetic
Leslie: this is freaking adorable I hate it so much why would you send this to me
Tom: afjdkalfjdkaslfjdklsafdkslafdskla
Tom: omgomgomg
Tom: Scho HELP
Will: Tom what's happening are you okay???
Tom: so I may have
Tom: acquired a pretty accurate replica
Tom: of a WWI uniform
Tom: and dressed up in it
Will: Holy shit
Tom: and taken a couple of pictures
Tom: to send to you
Tom: obvs
Will: Holy shit.
Tom: except then I might accidentally
Tom: have sent all of them to professor Mackenzie
Tom: like the super scary prof who set us up to fail our midterms like lambs sent to the slaughter
Will: Lmfao seriously?
Will: Wait. How did you even manage to send them to him?
Tom: ....I have him saved in my phone as super scary prof Mackenzie
Tom: which comes right after Scho
Will: Lmao babe you have to admit you might have set yourself up for that one
Tom: ajlkdfjaklfjadlfjdklds NO FUCKING WAY
Tom: he just emailed me BACK
Will: He didn't.
Tom: holy fucking shit he said he "admired my commitment to the historical accuracy" and asked if I'd be willing to put together a full replica for extra credit
Tom: I might actually pass 20th century history omg
Tom: what a fucking roller coaster ride that was
Will: Only you, Tom.
Will: This is the funniest thing that's happened all week but also I love you so much for dressing up in that uniform for me
Tom: well btw
Tom: I'm still wearing it <3
Will: .....
Will: Be there in 2
Leslie to The Convoy Boys group chat
Leslie: Why is Schofield running across campus?
Jondalar: He said something about Tom and WWI uniforms and just took off
Tom: I can explain
Joe: Do NOT
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dabiboy · 4 years
So... It is 1:30 am here, which means that is my birthday. I've never been fond of it, tbh. Idk if it is because I don't like being the center of atention, or if it makes me sad because no one of the ones who called themselves my friends sends a message, only when they need my help... But honestly? I don't care, I have my family and that's the important thing, right? Besides, it feels just like another day. As this is a blue day for me, here are some birthday drabbles for the ones who can relate!
The first thing he did in the morning, was looking at you. Peacefully reading a book whith the morning light, trying not to wake him up. He smiled, remembering that the day before he went through the documents in his office to finally know one of your biggest secrets. Your birthday. You've been formally together as a couple for almost a year, and as he had no idea of when your birthday was, he decided to take the matter in his own hands, and even before saying good morning, he spoke.
"So today, huh" his raspy voice made you smile, not sure of what was he talking about
"Good morning to you too" you teased "what is it about today?"
"I don't know, you tell me, birthday girl" Keigo lifted an eyebrow, and your cheeks got immediately red.
"How did you find out?" Curiosity took you over, and you placed your book aside.
"I went through your files at the office, nasty work, I know. I was just... Curious" He shrugged his shoulders "why didn't you tell me?" The truth was, he was a bit hurt, but he was also looking at you with tender eyes at your shy reaction, and he couldn't help but caress your cheek.
"I... I don't like it. It lost it's meaning ages ago, it's not like someone other than my mom and dad cares" you laughed, bitterly.
"Well, I do care" he stiffed, almost angry at you for such insecurity "It's the day you were born! And I love you, so much. You deserve everything and... It should be a special day, no one... No one should be sad on their birthday" He said, one wing resting on your back.
"Kei, you don't have to do anything, really it is just a date"
"Your date, and you're my love" His large hand cupped your cheek, his thumb caressing your cheekbone. "It's ok if you don't want to throw a party and shits like that. We could watch a movie, go to eat somewhere nice, I could spoil you a bit too y'know" he teased, kissing your jaw. "I'll grant you one wish, c'mon. A car? Maybe a bigger house? Or a trip to the caribbean? Ask and you shall receive" Keigo said with a smile
"Being here with you is the best plan, really. Just the two of us. And maybe... Some ice cream" you smiled shyly at him and at his ministrations.
"Me and ice cream it is" He kept the smile as he kissed you "happy birthday, my angel" his voice came out in a whisper "now stay here, I'll make you breakfast"
"That's not nece-"
"And I'm not getting a no for answer" lots of kisses on your jaw, and chin "and I will spoil the hell out of you today, because you deserve it, love" his smile made you smile, and even though you didn't like the date, with him? The day got instantly brighter. It was going to be a happy birthday after all.
You knew he knew you didn't like your birthday, and out of all people he was the best at comprehending the feeling. No messages, no cakes, no happiness. Just another numbed day. He was a villain, and he didn't care about mundane and insignificant things, but he knew you didn't like being alone, but didn't enjoy full time attention either. He knew you got sad when none of those bastards came to say at least 'hb' damn, he wished he could burn them all. But instead? Instead he dressed up not to be caught, and got to the city to find what he wanted.
When the sky was turning dark blue, he knocked at your door.
"Dabi? What are you-"
"You know why, move your ass and let me in" you couldn't help but laugh and did as he instructed. "Happy birthday, princess" he smirked, and pulling you by the waist his rough lips collided on yours.
"Thank you" you said once the kiss was over, caressing his cheek in a tender gesture.
"Here, got ya' this. Don't know if you like it but at least it looks cool" he took out a chocolate from his jacket, he had stolen it from a store, no big damage. "And shit, I owe you the damn flowers cause Compress forgot. Imma burn his ass" he rolled his eyes, but you hugged him. And very tight.
"This is great, I love it"
Truth was, that it was not a big present, nor a expensive one. But the fact that he got it, the fact that he cared and that he was there meant everything for you.
"I can be your second gift if you like" He smirked, tugging at your waist before bitting your lower lip"
"Only if I get cuddles later" you teased him back, lifting an eyebrow
"I can't say no to the birthday girl, can I" he scoffed, hands moving to your ass so he could lift you up, making you tangle your legs on his hip. "You get anything you want from me tonight" Dabi said in a whisper
"Anything" a kiss on your lips "because you deserve everything I'm able to give you, everything that's in my hands, everything that I can make possible, you deserve it, because I fucking love you, doll" He smiled, and kissed you again.
"I love you too, Dabi" you said in a breathless voice.
"Now, what does the birthday princess wanna do first?" He teased, "should we... Give that chocolate some good use?"
Having Dabi there, giving you his whole attention and even his soft side was everything you could ask for. He was there, his warm body closer to you, kissing you so lovingly and tenderly, was the perfect way of spending a birthday. That's all you needed.
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Congrats on 200!! 🤗
I would love 🖼 a moodboard for .... hhhhmmmm how about HotchReid?
And I can't find a pencil, but I would love any blurb about HotchReid as well ❤
Eeeehhh I'm excited!! Congrats again! 🤗
I am ALWAYS on board for HotchReid, and you were my other freestyle moodboard so you get my Light!HotchReid moodboard that’s all soft and warm and romantic <3
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AND IN THAT VEIN, I had an idea and ran with it so this is half blurb/half one-shot and idk where it came from but have some domestic, established relationship HotchReid C: and thank you so much for sending me the asks and celebrating with me!
//In which Jack outs his dad and Spencer’s relationship before they even get a chance to call it one//
They don’t mean to start sneaking around. Honestly they don’t. 
It just… happens.
There was no rhyme or reason for it, hiding what was very obviously becoming a permanent fixture in their lives in and outside of work. This gradual build up of moments and conversations and late nights that turned to intimacy as easily as everything else about them. Shared looks, subtle touches, feather-light at first -- until the glances turned heavy and the touches more prominent. The stolen moments turned to stolen nights, hidden behind hotel room doors or buried in tangled sheets back home in D.C. 
They didn’t need to hide anything. Not from the team, their friends they considered closer than family. But they did -- purely because they didn’t want to share this yet. Label it. Place it in those societal boxes of expectations and questions and future aspirations when right now it was… so easy. So perfect. Almost domestic in its comfort it offered, because it was theirs and theirs alone. It can be whatever they wanted it to be --
And right now, it felt like home.
Hotch always rises with the sun. He goes on early morning runs at all times of the year, rain or shine, even when it snows. He’s always back in enough time to get Jack up and ready for school, shower and get himself dressed for work, he’s a creature of habit and routine is his comfort zone. But now --
Now, sometimes it’s hard to leave his bed in the mornings, and the sight that always greets him when he returns from his runs makes him smile like he hasn’t in a long time. 
Spencer sleeps much later, sometimes until Hotch is done showering and has already tried to wake him up two or three times with bribes of coffee. Kissing his cheek or wild curls while still smelling like sweat from his run, and Spencer swats at him or hides under the covers without even opening his eyes. And Hotch lets him until it gets too close to the time when they need to head into the office. 
“Why does Spencer get to sleep in?” Jack asks with a tired whine, now nine-years-old and pouting over his bowl of cereal as Spencer finally drags himself from bed and to the coffee pot at half past seven in the morning. Hotch smirks and weaves around the man, scooping him close to kiss him good morning before letting him continue his trek. 
“Because he finishes his homework before bedtime,” Hotch answers his son, looking pointedly at the half completed math homework on the kitchen table. The deluge of questions were just another diversion tactic, he could see right through it, and he doesn’t let up until Jack picks up his pencil once more. 
“You have homework?” Jack asks Spencer, who sits beside him and is still rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses. Steam off his coffee the only breath of life he needs to wake up fully.
“Oh, I always have homework. Last night it was actually Morgan’s ‘homework’, he thinks I don’t notice when he slips files onto my desk.” 
Hotch sends Spencer a reprimanding look, because they both know that Morgan and Prentiss slip Spencer files all the time and he’s supposed to be putting his foot down about it. 
“He should really do his own homework,” Jack mumbles, glaring at his own math equations. 
“Well you be sure to tell him that when you see him again, Jack.” Spencer would pay good money to see that conversation, and he smiles fondly at the young boy for having his back. 
It’s barely ten minutes later when Spencer is getting up from the table and is gravitating towards the coffee pot for cup number two when Jack pipes up again.
“Hey -- was I supposed to not tell anyone about Spencer living here?” 
Hotch and Spencer look at each other, not realizing that… really that was what had happened in plain terms. Spencer did indeed live there. He couldn’t even remember the last time that he had been back to his apartment. Weeks, maybe. 
“It’s not really a secret bud, why?” Hotch asks, hesitant because… it’s not a secret, they just haven’t said anything to anyone.
“Because Aunt Penny didn’t know and now she’s sending me lots of screaming emojis.” 
Spencer looks to his phone and he also happens to have about a dozen text messages from Penelope. Most of it unintelligible key smashes and strings of pictures. 
“No texting at breakfast, you know better,” Hotch reprimands Jack as he checks his own phone. The juxtaposition making Jack scowl and Spencer snicker. Hotch finds he doesn’t have as many messages from their tech analyst, but he does have a few. The whole team probably knows already. 
He sends out a text to everyone that says ‘team meeting 9am’ 
“Guess I don’t have to take the train today.” Spencer is giving him a look over his coffee mug, amused but still hesitant. “I feel like we should be nervous, but I’m not.” 
Hotch can’t help the smirk of a smile on his face as he presses Spencer to the counter and kisses him fully, but still at least a little chaste -- with Jack making gagging sounds in the background. ’Dad, gross--’
“Finish your homework, and go brush your teeth,” he tells him without looking over. One more kiss that tastes like coffee and too much sugar, grinning a little too wide.
“I can’t tell if you’re happy, or plotting something.”
“A bit of both,” Hotch answers cryptically.
“Now I’m nervous.”
“Don’t be, I’ve been planning for this day for a long time.” But he keeps his secrets to himself as he ushers Spencer towards the bedroom -- their bedroom, he now realizes -- to make him get ready for work.
An hour later, the team is gathered at the round table in the conference room, and Hotch passes out binders to everyone packed with training material.
"Wait, this is an actual team meeting?" Prentiss blanches.
"How is this not about you and Reid sleeping together!?" The shock of a five pound binder in their hands seems to have taken any accusational tones out of anyone’s voices, but Hotch still scowls at Morgan’s outburst, and Spencer immediately jumps to their defense.
"We aren't sleeping together, we're…" they look at each other. "Living together. Are together."
"Dating." Hotch simplifies.
"Okay, so this ISN'T about you two 'dating'?" JJ elaborates this time, careful gaze darting between them, as is everyone else’s. 
"No, this is about how none of you noticed we were dating,” Hotch answers evenly, calmly. “If it had been about announcing ourselves, the text would have said ‘family’ meeting." 
That makes a few people smile, Penelope making a soft squeal in delight, and it changes the air in the room dramatically. 
"So ‘family’ dinner Saturday, Dave's house thank you for volunteering." Hotch says, just to wipe the smug look off the older man's face. He hadn’t said a word, yet, but with the smirk he’d been sporting all morning he didn’t need to. 
"This," he points to binders. “is a refresher course you all get to audit. Profiling 101, I want them on my desk by the end of the week. Morgan do not pass it off to Reid, you're doing your own homework this time."
Spencer can’t help it, he laughs. Hotch manages not to -- even in the face of Morgan’s comically betrayed expression.
At least Jack would be pleased to hear it.
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startanewdream · 3 years
Hello Mah, forgive me for coming to ask for another prompt, I should control myself more, but I was reading ''Fate'' when I came across with this part ''Harry will have a full plate with these two someday.''
And I thought that if you haven't written that, make Harry complain to James and Sirius or Lily, idk, over the Easter break, about how Hermione and Ron are fighting, and maybe, just if you want, there is no Voldemort? Just to see the Golden Trio even more as teenagers, as they should be. But if you want to put Voldemort to give that dramatic touch of yours, it's okay too, you decide :)
and if you don't want to write that, that's fine too <3
Hiiiiii, Sweet! <3 please send all the asks you want!
I loved this prompt so much that I couldn’t help myself. So please enjoy this family moment between Harry, his parents and Sirius as they discuss Ron and Hermione’s possible relationship, during the Easter Break of Harry’s Fourth Year (for curiosity, in this universe, Ron and Hermione begin dating the start of their Fifth Year - and one day I’ll finish a WIP about Hinny’s relationship in the same universe) 
Oh, and I know you asked for the Golden Trio being teenagers, but, really, here the parents are the teenagers:
Harry looks at the letter Errol just dropped with a heavy sigh that’s muffled by the sound of the owl hitting the glass of the window instead of flying away.
‘Rest before you go back’, Harry says, picking up the owl carefully (Errol blinks in thanks) and taking it downstairs to the tree next to the window of the kitchen that stands as their owlery. His parents are there, with Sirius, finishing their breakfast.
‘Morning’, Harry says distractedly, helping to place Errol in a branch of the tree, next to a sleepy Hedwig.
‘Come take your breakfast, Harry’, his mother tells him. Harry sits, yawning.
‘What’s with the grumpy face?’, Sirius asks, watching him.
‘I woke up early. Hermione sent me a letter - and when I was almost sleeping again, Errol came with another’.
‘Ron and Hermione are already writing?’, James asks, sounding amused. ‘You have been apart for only one day, you know that, right?’
Lily giggles. ‘Look who's talking. When was the last time you spent a day without seeing Sirius?’
‘Hey!’, James complains, while Harry laughs too. ‘If I don’t see him, how will I know he’s been feeding himself?’
‘Maybe trust he is a functional thirty-five-year-old guy?’
‘Hey, I am right here’, Sirius remembers.
‘Yeah, and you are eating breakfast in our place, which just proves my point’, James notes, smirking. He turns to Harry. ‘What’s so important they had to write to you on the first day of the holidays?’
‘Privacy, James?’, Lily says, amused. ‘Or you used to share the contents of your Marauder letters with your parents?’
‘I hope not’, Sirius intervenes. ‘He used to talk a lot about you in those letters - I am not sure Monty and Mia would have enjoyed reading so much about your very nice pair of -’
‘Hey, hey!’, Harry interrupts, raising his hands. ‘Kid alert here!’
‘Very nice pair of eyes, Harry’, Sirius says calmly. ‘Why did you think I would say?’
‘Oh, shut it’, Harry rolls his eyes, ignoring the redness around his neck. ‘And if you want to know, it’s no big deal, they don’t stop talking about it anyway. It’s about Viktor Bloody Krum’.
‘Harry -’
‘Sorry, Mom’, Harry adds hurriedly. ‘It’s just I don’t wanna ever hear about him again, really’.
‘What happened to all that admiration?’, James asks, surprised. ‘I thought you were cheering more for him than for the Hogwarts Champion’.
‘That was because…’, Harry’s voice drifts off, embarrassed. He doesn’t really want to talk about why Cedric Diggory annoys him lately. ‘Well, I don’t have any problem with Krum, but don’t say his name out loud near Ron and Hermione unless you want to hear them bickering’.
‘Oh, they are still in that phase?’, asks Lily, a grin playing on her lips that Harry doesn’t understand.
‘They always bicker, it’s just… I don’t get it, I thought Ron would actually be glad Hermione is friends with Krum, but all he does is complain’.
‘They are friends? Krum and Hermione’, his father asks, raising his eyebrows. Harry supposes that’s really an unlikely pair.
‘Well, friends, I don’t know - wait, I didn’t tell you? Hermione went with Krum to the Yule Ball’.
James and Sirius make a chorus of ‘ohhhh’, raising their eyebrows at the same time, and pull their chairs so they get closer to Harry.
‘You didn’t tell us!’, his father complains.
‘I didn’t think it was important’.
‘You really need to sort out your priorities, Harry’, Sirius says, somber. ‘That’s big news’.
‘Hermione and Krum?’, Harry asks doubtfully, then he grins. ‘Oh, wait until you hear everything then’.
And he tells them how Ron got upset with Hermione’s choice of date, accusing her of fraternizing with the enemy.
‘Nice phrasing’, Sirius agrees.
‘I should have used it when I found you snogging Anthony Travers’.
‘He was hot’.
‘He was a Slytherin!’
Lily rolls her eyes. ‘Grow up’, she mumbles, but they don’t seem to hear.
‘And at the end of the Yule Ball’, Harry adds, expecting for their reactions, ‘she told Ron that next time there was a ball, he should ask her before someone else does, and not as a last resort!’.
Sirius and James don’t disappoint him. ‘OOOOOOH’.
‘One point to Hermione!’
‘She definitely hit a nerve there’.
‘And then what happened?’, Sirius asks curiously. ‘The next day? What did they do?’
Harry shrugs. ‘Nothing, actually, they just pretended nothing happened’.
‘I will need to talk to Ron’, James says gravely; he looks at Lily. ‘If you told me something like that, I would be asking you out the very next minute’.
She gives him a loopsided grin that Harry is sure she learned with his father. ‘As if you would ever not ask me for any ball first’.
James grins, raising to kneel in front of her. ‘My dearest Lily, would you give me the pleasure of your company for all balls for the rest of your life?’
‘Oh, get a room you two’, Sirius says, rolling his eyes. ‘I am waiting to hear the rest of the story. Come on, Harry’.
But Harry is looking wistfully at his parents. ‘It must be so nice to ask someone out when you know she is going to accept it’.
James laughs. ‘Well, now it seems easy, but when I asked your mom, trust me, I was nothing but a nerve-wracking mess’.
‘He fainted’, Lily agrees, looking fondly at her husband.
‘It was not a faint! I just closed my eyes for a while -’
‘Harry’, Sirius interrupts out loud. ‘So if everything was ok, why are you receiving letters now?’
‘Oh’, Harry grins. ‘It’s because of the Second Task. The champions had to rescue the things they would miss the most - and for Krum, that was Hermione’.
‘That is so -’
‘Unexpected?’, Lily suggests. ‘Unbelievable exaggerated for someone you just went to a ball together?’
‘Romantic’, Sirius finishes, frowning at her. ‘What did James see in you, Evans?’
‘Potter’, she notes, smirking. ‘And from what you said, he was very fond of my pair of… eyes’.
‘Oh, stop you two’, James says, waving his hand as if they are two misbehaved kids. He glances at Harry. ‘I take Ron didn’t like it very much’.
‘No, he hated it. I mean, he was very worried with Hermione while she was underwater, though I told him Dumbledore wouldn’t really anything happen with any of the hostages… and then when she was safe, he got angry with her!’
‘Of course he did’, James agrees, eyes sparkling with laugh. Harry doesn’t see much humour in this story.
‘Well, now they keep arguing about Krum, about house-elves, about whoever Ron is talking to, about everything, and I am in the middle of it. Letters and all now’.
James exchanges a look with Lily. ‘We were never like that’.
‘No, we went from arguing to bantering and then snogging’.
‘It wasn’t arguing, I was just an arse and you didn’t take it quietly’, James says unabashed. ‘But I meant we never took pleasure in arguing just for the sake of it’.
‘I wish you had’, Sirius notes. ‘At least then I could shut you up with a spell’.
‘We were not that bad’, James says fairly. Sirius gives one of his barking laughs.
‘You two keep looking at each other when you thought the other wasn’t looking, both convinced the other didn’t like you back, while you both sighed all over the place, finding some stupid excuses to be near each other - I mean, come on, how many meetings could you have in our final year?’
‘I was Head Boy!’, James remembers.
‘See? The worst excuse ever to get near a girl’.
Harry blinks. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘Your parents’, Sirius says joyfully. ‘And comparing them with Ron and Hermione’.
‘What they have to do in common?’
‘Oh, Harry’, Sirius looks at him almost pityingly. ‘You see, when a boy likes a girl - or another boy, or when a girl likes a boy or a girl -’
‘You are just complicating everything, Padfoot’, Lily tells him brightly. ‘What he means is that there is something going on between Ron and Hermione’.
‘Yeah’, Harry agrees, his brows furrowed. ‘They are fighting’.
The other three laugh. Harry crosses his arms, annoyed.
‘But why are they fighting, Harry?’, his mother asks gently.
‘Because they are two stubborn people?’
‘But why now, why about Krum?’ When Harry shrugs, without answering, Lily shakes her head. ‘Oh, dear, you are as oblivious as your father’.
Lily places a soft kiss on James’ face before turning to Harry.
‘Ron is jealous of Hermione’, she explains patiently. ‘And Hermione wished Ron had asked her to the ball before. You see now?’
‘So Ron and Hermione… will become Ron and Hermione?’
‘I don’t know that’, Lily says. ‘Not every crush turns into something’. 
‘Ours did’, James whispers, smugly.
‘And not every school romance lasts after school either’.
‘Seventeen years together’, James sings. Lily throws him a fond look.
‘And counting’, she agrees, offering her hand for him to take it.
Sirius rolls his eyes.
‘You see what I had to endure with these two? That will be you with Ron and Hermione’.
‘They like each other?’, Harry repeats, thinking, but now that they’ve said it, he supposes he couldn’t really be surprised.
All that bickering had to mean something - and beyond that, they were always close, always gravitating around each other. He supposes he should be glad they would move on that bickering phase, but if they did...
‘But - what if they get together? I will be a third wheel! Worse, what if they get together and then split up? We won’t be friends -’
‘You are overworrying, son’, James assures him. ‘You won’t stop being their friends no matter what happens’.
‘Yeah’, Lily mumbles. ‘Look at Sirius’.
‘What about me?’
‘James dating me and marrying me didn’t affect the relationship between Prongs and Padfoot’, she notes, ignoring Sirius’ wink at her. ‘So you will be fine with them’.
Sirius nods gravely. ‘There is only one rule you need to follow when your best friends are dating, Harry. Remember that and your life will be easier’.
‘What is that?’
Sirius grins. ‘Always knock on their doors before you enter any room they are in or else you will see them in positions you didn’t even know it was possible’.
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blazedgraysons · 4 years
okay so i didn’t really want to send a concept to you bc for some reason this anon thing scars me but... virgin reader and gray? mayb he eats her out idk?
A/N: wait honestly i’m so sad that this whole anon thing scares you. like feel free to come talk to me whenever you want, anon or not. but thank you for the request, sweet nonny, i hope i do it justice.
Also!!!! Being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed of . Literally doesn’t matter when you lose it as long as it’s with someone you trust and you’re okay with!! Now let’s get into it. 
Warnings: yeah this is literally 2.8k words of just gray wanting to fuck. it’s nsfw for sure
You weren’t trying to blueball Grayson, at least not intentionally.
It had started one Saturday night. You were in bed, flipping through some magazine when Grayson walked in from his shower. Your relationship is still very new, having just become comfortable to spend the night with one another. 
He’s wearing nothing but a tiny pair of black briefs, water droplets sliding down his chest and towards his-
“Hey. Eyes up here.” He jokes, tilting your chin so you're looking at one another. You close your mouth, not even realizing you had started drooling.  He’s smug, smirking when he discovers the effect he has on your body.
“Hey.” You whisper, still wrapped up entirely in the presence of your boyfriend.
“ Hi.” He whispers back, moving closer until his lips are brushing yours. You pull him into you, wrapping a hand around his neck so he can kiss you properly. It’s overwhelming, body heat radiating onto you, and you can’t touch him anywhere without feeling skin. This is the territory you’re most familiar with, making out needily like the both of you are high schoolers again.  You’re still trying to pull him closer to you, not being able to get enough of him, and it’s not long before he’s crawling onto the bed with you.
He leans down, trying to get you to lie back, and you’re so distracted by what he's doing with his mouth that you don’t even notice his hand moving towards your leg. He trails his hand up your thigh, rough and calloused fingers moving higher and higher until -
You jump, trying to move away from him, and he pulls away rapidly, concern written all over his face.
“You good?”
“I need to pee.” You both speak at the same time. He looks at you for a moment, taking in your frantic, almost scared expression. Your eyes are wide and not meeting his gaze, breathing heavily. He’s not stupid; he can tell something else is bothering you, but you didn’t bring it up so he’s not going to press you.
“Yeah, go ahead.” You scramble out of bed and practically run to the bathroom. You know you’re overreacting and should probably just be honest with him. But you don’t want him to look at you different, embarrassed that he’ll only see you as inexperienced, innocent, and want to find someone else who can please him.
You splash some water on your face and walk back into the bedroom, Grayson dressed and some wilderness survival video playing on his phone. You kiss his cheek before turning to sleep away whatever shame you’re feeling, and not another word is said.
The second incident happens a few days later. You wanted to surprise Grayson with vegan french toast, for once,  instead of the other way around. You had planned to make him breakfast in bed, but ever the early riser, he’s up before you can even put the food in the pan.
“What’s this, Angel?”  He sneaks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You jump slightly before turning to kiss him.
“I wanted to surprise you with breakfast, but you woke up too early.” He hums, watching over your shoulder as you measure out the egg substitute before placing kisses on your neck.  What starts off as light and playful turns into deep sucks, sloppily kissing your neck in hopes of ending this morning differently than you had planned.
“ What’s up with you today, Bailey? You’re never this nice to me in the morning.” You moan softly at a particularly harsh suck, knowing that you’re probably going to have to go heavy on the makeup today.
“Don’t know. Think I just woke up hungry for you instead.”  His voice is shot, gravelly with sleep and horniness. You’d be turned on if he didn’t press himself against you at that moment, letting you feel all of him.
He hums, showing he’s listening, but more preoccupied with trying to move his hands under your leggings.  You move away from him once his hands slip under your waistband. He looks at you, head cocked like a puppy. You get a chance to take a good look at him, clad in only his L.A. Kings sweatshirt and briefs. His hair is messy from sleep, but if you’re honest, all you can see is his morning wood. He looks at you expectantly, waiting to hear why you stopped him.
“I don’t want the toast to burn.”
He looks at the stove, then at you, then back at the stove.
“Angel, it’s not even on.” He places his hand in the pan, proving his point.
“Yeah, but if it gets too hot when I do turn it on, the toast will burn easier. Simple science, Gray.” You both know what you’re saying makes absolutely no sense. Still, you’ve turned around, finishing making his breakfast and changing the subject.
Grayson looks like he wants to say something, but he drops it as well, answering questions about whatever workout he has planned today even though he knows you have zero interest. He makes a note to ask you about this later, but ultimately forgets about it, giving you a few more days of peace.
The final straw is a movie night.
You’re both laid up on the couch, scrolling through the different titles on Netflix. You’re lying on top of him, Grayson’s arm wrapped lazily around your stomach. His hand traces small patterns while clicking on a title to read a description before moving on to the next.
“What do you think?” You look up from your phone, noticing he’s stopped on some random documentary. You honestly don’t really care what Grayson picks, more than content to just spend time with him.
“I don’t care, amour. You choose.” The tracing on your stomach stops at the nickname, and you feel his breath hitch before he starts the patterns again.
“You know, I don’t think it really matters.”
“It doesn’t?” You look at him, wondering where he’s going with this.
“Yeah, I mean, I don’t think we’re going to be doing that much watching anyways.” He moves you over so you’re lying on top of him, faces mere inches away from each other.
“Oh, really? Shame because I was really looking forward to,” You turn to check the screen “Velvet buzzsaw.”  He laughs a little before his face turns serious again. You watch as he struggles to focus on you, eyes fluttering down to your lips every few seconds.
“Yeah, a shame.” He mutters, pulling you closer. He kisses you, and your heart rate doubles. If there’s anything about Grayson, it’s that he never does anything halfway. He always kisses you like it’s the first time, making you want to fall in love with him all over again.
It doesn’t take too long for Grayson to become restless, wanting to start moving the night in a different direction. His hand slowly moves toward your ass, squeezing lightly. His kisses down your neck, sucking hard while he subconsciously grinds into you. It isn't until he starts pulling at your shirt, gesturing for you to take it off, that you pull away again.
“Okay, what’s wrong, Y/N?” He sits up to face you, breathing heavily.  
“What do you mean?”
“I mean any time I, y’know, try and do anything with you, you just stop me. Do you not want to sleep with me?” His mind is going a mile a minute, frustrated and confused by your hot and cold tendencies. He doesn’t want to pressure you, more than willing to do whatever you need to feel comfortable. However, the lack of explanation is leaving him baffled.
“Are you not attracted to me?” He asks slowly, trying to consider every option in his mind. You stare at him like he'd suddenly grown two heads.
“Are you seriously asking me that?”
“So... so what’s going on, Y/N?” He runs a shaky hand through his hair, “I mean, I’m not trying to pressure you or anything, but you gotta understand, you’re killing me here.” He smiles weakly. You lean you head back, closing your eyes before blurting out,
“It’snotthatI’mnotattractedtoyouI’mjustavirgin.” You rush it out, mumbling, and Grayson’s not even sure if you were speaking English at that point.
“I’m sorry?” You look at him, bewildered that he would apologize, before realizing he’s just asking for a repetition.  You sigh and take a deep breath before repeating,
“It’s not that I’m not attracted to you. I’m just a virgin.” You close your eyes again, waiting for teasing or whatever cruel expectations your brain has given you. Instead, Grayson surprises you.
“That’s it?”
“What do you mean that’s it? Yes, that’s it.”
“I mean, I understand if you’re embarrassed, but Angel, it’s not that embarrassing.” You finally open your eyes to look at him, still expecting to see him holding back laughs or looking at you with pity.  Instead, he’s just looking at you with more love and adoration than you’ve ever seen.
“I know it’s not, and I know it’s stupid. I’ve just always wanted it to be with the right guy, and I know for a fact that it’s you. It’s just-“ You pause, not wanting to be even more vulnerable than you’re already being.
“Just what?” He questions, softly encouraging you to continue.
“It’s just what if I’m not good enough for you. What if I’m not as good as the other girls you’ve been with, and you decide you don’t want to be with me anymore.” He does snort loudly at that.
“Where would you even get that from? I’m not with you because I expect you to be like super good at sucking dick or some bullshit. I’m with you because I'm in love with you, and if that means waiting days, weeks, or years until you’re ready, I’m fine with that. I just want you to be honest and not feel like you can’t tell me these things.” His confession leaves you warm, more in love than you’ve been before, even if it’s not the most ideal circumstances.
“But, I don’t want you to be like unhappy or unsatisfied until I’m ready.”
“So, let’s go slow.”  He suggests.
“Slow?” You cock your head, not really understanding where he was going with this.
He hums in agreement, “Yeah. We’ll take it step-by-step. Whatever you’re okay with, I’m okay with.”
You lean in, kissing him again, but this time you’re leading. You push him back into the couch, crawling into his lap. He moans lowly, happy with the attention, and holds you closer to him.  You grab the back of his shirt, pulling at it to get him to take it off. Grayson grabs your hand, stopping you before pulling away. You lean in again, wanting to continue with where you were going.
“ Woah, angel, slow down. We’re not gonna do this now; I want to actually make it special for you. “ You whine at that, appreciating the fact that Grayson cares enough to want to make it memorable and romantic for you, but you feel more than ready to show how much you love him in the most intimate way. He notices your frustration, letting out a deep breath before suggesting,
“We can always do something else.”
“Something else.” You agree, dazed and just drunk off the Grayson Dolan effect. He smirks at your response and moves you from on top of him.
Your heart drops to your stomach when Grayson slides off the couch, onto his knees, and in between your legs.
He grabs the waistband of your shorts, kissing where the elastic meets the skin. You can’t take your eyes off of him, watching as he takes in every inch that’s exposed as he pulls your shorts down. He tosses them over his shoulder while taking in what’s before him. He kisses your inner right thigh, moving higher to the apex before switching to the other one. He repeats this on the other leg.
“You okay?” He checks in with you, wanting to make sure he’s never doing too much or not enough. You nod eagerly, not wanting him to stop now that he’s begun.
He takes a moment before continuing, softly kissing your clit over your underwear. You hold your breath, watching as he places another kiss, and another, and another before he’s gently sucking it into his mouth.  The pleasure isn’t overwhelming, underwear still providing a barrier from what his mouth can truly offer. Nevertheless, you whimper slightly, and Grayson groans at the sound.  He let’s go, starting to pull down your underwear, eyes checking in with you again. You nod, and he pulls your thong down, exposing yourself for him. You try and close your legs, not missing the way his eyes darken a full shade, and his stare grows more intense. He moves them apart, pulling a leg over his shoulder so he has full access.
“Fuckin’ perfect.” Grayson takes a deep breath, wanting to savor this. He would be the first man (and hopefully last) to touch you like this, to hear what it sounds like you when someone feels the most sensitive parts of you, to see what it looks like when your cum. Frankly, the thought makes his head spin, and at this point, he doesn’t know whether he’s doing this more for him or for you.
He kisses your clit again, this time the feeling stronger with nothing blocking the way. He pulls away, checking your reaction for any discomfort before licking you slowly. He uses two fingers to spread you apart, giving him full opportunity to do whatever his heart desires.
He tastes you growing wetter, sweet musk feeling the air, and he’s already addicted, more than content to die in between your legs. He fully takes your clit into his mouth, suckling slightly. You’re whimpering lowly, trying to hold back any noises. Grayson, however, wants the opposite.
“C’mon, let me hear you.” He leans back, voice hoarse, weak, and so fucking wrecked. His lips are swollen and shiny, and you could cry from just how erotic it all looks. He leans back, giving your clit a long hard suck, and you nearly scream, crying out from the blinding, white-hot pleasure he’s giving you.
“There she is.” He groans, more than pleased with himself. He takes a finger, scooping up some of your wetness before slowly inserting it.
His dick twitches, and it takes everything in him not to cum right there. You feel so warm and wet and so fucking tight. You’re gripping him like a vice, and if that’s how you feel with one finger, he has no idea what he’s gonna do when he actually fucks you.
“ Fuck, Grayson. So good.” You can feel yourself leaking onto the couch, and the noises he’s making are obscene. You would feel embarrassed if it wasn’t for the fact that you think you’re gonna cum.
He adds another finger, trying to stretch you out. He’s entirely making out with your pussy now, eyes closed, and just enjoying everything about this. He’s slurping up everything you release for him, and it’s wet, messy, and sloppy just the way he loves it.
You thought you would know what to expect when you came, having made yourself cum plenty of times yourself. But nothing could prepare you for an orgasm brought on by Grayson Dolan.
The coil tightly wounded in your stomach suddenly snaps, releasing waves of pleasure all over your body. Grayson leans back, not wanting to miss your face when he makes you cum for the first time out of many. Your head thumps on the back of the couch, mouth falling into a perfect O, eyes rolling into the back of your head. Grayson’s hooked and continues to pump his fingers slowly, not being able to tear his eyes away from how hot you look.
When you’re finally done, he moves his hand up to his mouth, sucking whatever’s left on his fingers, dark eyes stuck on you. If you weren’t so exhausted,  you swear you would’ve fucked him then and there.
“Well?” He asks, watching you put yourself back together.
“Holy shit.” You breathe out, brain completely turned to mush, and not able to form anything remotely coherent. He laughs loudly, leaning back on his shoulders to look at you.
“Do you want me to-“ You gesture to his lower half, dick still very hard and not going away.
“No, I’m good. Step-by-step remember.  I’m going to use the bathroom for a second though” He gets up, stretching nonchalantly before walking away.  You get up as well, making his favorite snacks and queuing up his favorite movie. He deserves it. And when you wake him up with head the next morning, let’s just say it’s because he deserves that too.
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billyspotato · 4 years
Hi can I get a rafe imagine where they’re dating but the reader loves the pouges and she has like a protection spell especially on Pope and she finds out what he did to him at the golf course w topper and reader ignores him or makes him jealousw JJ as punishment tysm this my first time requesting one so I hope that’s not too much aha
A/N: I changed some things to make it more intense and angsty, hope you like it either way. (Sorry for taking so long, btw)
Best Friend - Rafe Cameron
Words: 3.700+ words
Type: Angst & Fluff
Summary: (What’s in the request)
Warnings: English is not my first language, sorry if I misspell something. Swearing, maybe? Fem!Reader.
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A/N: Gif’s not mine :)
You swipe clean the wooden tables while listening to Kiara’s conversation with JJ, silently.
“Y/N, can you give this to the table in the corner please?” Kiara’s dad, Mike, says to you.
“Of course,” You say with a smile.
You discard your wet cloth and wash your hands quickly before grabbing the plate of food and taking it to, who you believe are, some tourists.
They thank you as you place the plate down and as you walked away, both of them started eating their appetizer.
Your phone vibrates on your back pocket and you check it quickly, a text from your boyfriend, Rafe, wishing you a good morning. You smile down at the screen and answer him quickly before Mike could notice, but Rafe is quick to ask something else: if you’re going to the party tonight.
“What did I say about phones, missy?” Mike says, making you look up at him and apologize, smiling at his fake-angry expression.
You send a quick ‘idk’ to Rafe and shove the phone back in your pocket.
“I’ll see you later, Y/N,” Pope says while walking out with JJ.
“Bye, have a nice day at work,” You tell him, and he smiles at you while waving at you and walking out.
If you had to choose, Pope is definitely one of your favorites guys in Kie’s whole friend group. No offense to JJ and John B, but you always found Pope so cute and innocent. He’ll always be your favorite.
And that’s probably something that Rafe does not like. Even when dating a Pogue (you), Rafe wants you to stay away from that crowd and hang out with him and his kook friends.
As if his crowd is any better.
Kie walks behind the counter as well and gives you a small smile when noticing that you spaced out. You smile back while slightly shaking your head and turn your attention back to the plates.
It’s been some hours, and your shift is finally done. It’s almost time to have dinner and you’re exhausted. How are you supposed to go to a party?
You say a small ‘goodbye’ to Kie and her parents before walking out.
As you were scrolling through your phone and walking down the small makeshift wooden bridge, you see John B walking back to the restaurant with a frown and a glare.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You ask him once noticing.
“What, are you going to act like you don’t already know?” John B asks you with an angry tone while scoffing at your concern.
“Know about what?”
“About what happened to Pope”
You look at him confused. Wasn’t Pope supposed to be working until now?
“You really don’t know, do you?” John B asks and you shake your head, ignoring the texts that you’re receiving from Rafe. “Pope got jumped when he was delivering groceries in Figure 8”
Your eyes widen in shock right as those words came out of his mouth.
“By who?”
“Rafe and Topper at the golf course” John B says, and you start to understand his anger towards you.
Your boyfriend did this to one of your best friends.
“How bad is it?”
“Pretty bad,” John B says while nodding and looking down at the flooring beneath you, “Pope is at his house, in case you want to see him”
“Yeah,” You say while sighing in disbelief, “I’ll go over to his, then”
John B nods again and turns to walk out of this conversation and in the restaurant, probably, to tell Kie everything. You walk down the wooden path and get to your mom’s borrowed car before driving to Pope’s house.
After some time of hanging out with Pope at his house and trying to make him feel better, everyone from the friend group started to come inside to the house.
You ignored JJ’s glare as he came in and you went over to the kitchen to make Pope’s favorite sandwich. And Kie comes in.
She sits next to Pope on the couch, taking a look at his bruised skin, but she doesn’t say anything, she just looks.
You walk back and give Pope the sandwich, which got you a smile and a small ‘thank you’ from him. You smiled back slightly and sat on his other side.
“Did they say why they did this to you?” Kie asks, finally speaking.
“Just that I don’t belong to that part of the island” Pope answers before taking a bite out of this sandwich.
You look down as you felt your blood boil. How could Rafe do this? And for what? Some sort of sick entertainment?
You want to call him and make him drive over here just to get screamed at, but you decide not to, for many reasons, but mostly because he has a big party tonight, that you were supposed to go with him. And to be honest, ditching him sounds way better than exploding at him. Especially when he doesn’t know you’re doing it. Guess that that party will be very entertaining. Waiting for his partner the whole time. What a fun time!
JJ continues to send a glare towards you as you heard Kie’s way to change the subject with Pope, but she stops when noticing the blonde’s annoyance towards you.
“Jesus Christ, JJ. It’s not her fault that this happened” Kie says.
“Oh really?” JJ asks with pure anger in his voice, “Because she’s the only one here that is dating a fucking Kook that surprisingly is the one that beat Pope into a pulp” He says, using sarcasm.
“How does that make me at fault here, exactly? Because I date a Kook, JJ? Screw you!” You say, not taking his annoyance anymore, “I might date Rafe that doesn’t make me less of a friend to Pope or less of a human when it comes to knowing what’s right or wrong”
“Doesn’t seem like it” JJ says, “Rafe has done so much fucked up shit and you still date him, maybe you don’t know the right or wrong thing”
“Oh well, excuse you,” You say with a tone filled with sarcasm and annoyance, “Do you want me to dump him over text or call right now just so you can feel slightly better about yourself and what you’re saying? Because, surprise surprise, JJ! I know my boyfriend fucks up a lot, but fuck me if I want to have a conversation face to face with him when shit like this happens”
“I still haven’t seen you plan a conversation with him”
“Oh, shut up, JJ!” Kie says, defending you. “It’s not her fault, she doesn’t control Rafe. He was the one that fucked up, so that means that he should be the one feeling like shit. So, stop trying to make Y/N feel that way”
JJ rolls his eyes at Kie but finally shuts up and leans back on the couch.
“I’m going outside for a bit,” You say in almost a whisper.
Pope and Kie look at you slightly concerned, and you walk around the coffee table to step outside to the warm night. When shutting the door behind you, you lean your head back on the cold wall, deep in thought.
You tie the lace of the apron behind you when stepping into the restaurant’s open kitchen and you say a little ‘good morning’ to Mike and the other co-workers.
“You look tired, did you sleep well?” Mike asks you.
“No, my neighbor’s dog didn’t shut up for a second, last night” You lie, making him smile a bit.
“That’s rough” He comments, making you say a little, ‘yeah’.
You start by picking up the plates of many types of breakfast dishes and taking them to each table, trying your best into giving a smile to each customer.
You stayed up late last night because of everything that happened. You want to talk to Rafe about everything, but you just don’t know how to. And also, the words that JJ gave you last night also didn’t really help with trying to feel less pressured.
Rafe texted, called, left voicemails. Everything. And you ignored most of them, you read some and heard some of his drunk voicemails, in which he would act like he was sad because you dumped him but eventually, say that he loves you anyway.
So that didn’t really help either.
Today is Kie’s off day at work, which means that you’ll be extremely bored today, but hopefully, she will still have any kind of meal here.
After almost an hour of serving plates of food to many tourists and some locals, and grabbing back the plates, Kie and the guys walk in, ready to have their late breakfast.
Pope gives you a small hug when seeing you, while you are occupied with asking him how bad he feels today, in regards to how sore he is. Which you just got an ‘I’m fine. Better than ever’. Kie and the guys just gave you a small smile as they walked by you.
One of your co-workers goes to their table to ask what they feel like eating and you check if Mike needs you to take anything before you walk over to them.
You sit next Kie and she starts making conversation right away.
You laugh at her and she smiles, grabbing Pope’s and JJ’s attention into the conversation. She continues whatever you two were talking about and you notice JJ looking at you.
You sign with your head as if you were asking him ‘what?’ and he mouths a simple ‘I’m sorry’.
You roll your eyes at him playfully and he smiles as he notices that you are playing around.
Kie continues talking, not even noticing what just happened from two sides of the table and just like that, the group is back to normal.
“Y/N” Mike calls you and you get up, thinking that it’s time to serve more food, “Someone’s here for you”
You freeze when your eyes meet Rafe and the guys stop talking behind you when noticing him.
You unwrap your apron from around your waist when close enough to the barstool, where Rafe is standing, and grab his wrist before pulling him with you to the outside of the restaurant.
“No breaking my plants!” You hear Mike scream as you were walking out.
You two walk out and move over to the side, where the chairs are.
“What the fuck were you thinking, yesterday?” You ask him, catching Rafe in surprise.
“What are you talking about exactly? Because if we’re talking about the party, I was the one that got ignored the whole night”
“That’s what you’re really worried about?”
“About you, out of nowhere, not texting me right after saying that you were getting off work, not answering calls or anything? Yes, Y/N, I was worried about that”
“Don’t turn this around,” You say before Rafe was able to make you two start talking about how he was ignored, “Before the party, around lunchtime, you did something, right?”
Rafe hears you and starts to think, really not remembering anything at first. Until…
“Shit,” Rafe says before clenching his jaw.
“Yeah, Rafe, exactly ‘shit’” You say, “Were you expecting me not to know any of this?”
He doesn’t answer. And you stay silent for some time, letting the silence set in Rafe’s ears. When noticing that he isn’t going to talk about anything else, you decide to talk.
“Just tell me why you did it” You say while bringing your hands to your head in frustration, but he stays silent again, “You don’t have a reason, do you?”
You shake your head in disbelief and look away from him, not wanting to believe his words.
“So, you just did this out of pure entertainment? Beat up my best friend when he was just working” You ask him, “Do you at least feel any remorse in what you did?”
“Of course, I do,” He says, and you scoff at his words, “I do”
“You couldn’t even remember that this happened when I asked you, Rafe” You say, “How do you expect me to understand your side or even forgive you when you say and do shit like this?”
“Because I did it without thinking. Your friends had been annoying me for some time now and I just, stupidly, exploded” He says, and you shake your head again. “I know I shouldn’t have done it. I know that”
“Seriously Rafe?” You admit, “Your friends also annoy the shit out of me, you know? With their stupid jokes and with their sexist comments. Everything. But you’ve never seen me start arguments or even fight anyone! Why do you feel the need to start this shit every time?”
“I don’t know,” He says, and you scoff again, “I’m serious, I don’t”
You two stay silent. Rafe doesn’t try to defend himself, he just stares at the wooden floor silently. You also aren’t looking at him but at one of Mike’s plants.
“What can I do for you to forgive me?” Rafe asks in a whisper, making you stare back at him and snap out of your thoughts.
“I don’t know, Rafe,” You say, shrugging before looking away to the side. “But you have to apologize to Pope. You know that, right?”
Rafe looks up at you, you’re not even looking at him, and that hurt him, in some way.
“Yeah,” He says, nodding and looking down at his hands.
Silence is set between the two of you again and you look inside the restaurant, where you find the guys and Kie looking at you.
“Should I do it now?” Rafe asks and you shake your head.
“Not yet, everyone is still pissed, even if they don’t show it” You say before looking down at your shoes, getting a glimpse of his hands, which don’t stop moving. “Any other day, just not today. Let this calm down for a bit”
Rafe nods and you look over at him while silent.
“I’ll see you around, Rafe,” You say before leaning forward and walking back in the restaurant, not letting him have time to respond.
As the door closes behind you, you grab your apron and tie it around your waist once more, ignoring your friends’ eyes on you.
Once you start helping Mike with the plating, you notice Rafe finally getting up from his chair outside and walking away, back to his car.
A week passed, you and Rafe haven’t even texted each other since the altercation on the restaurant. But you both know that you are okay by talking to mutual friends that hang with both kooks and pogues. They’re useful in getting information on both parties.
Talking about parties, you’re in one right now. It’s nothing too crazy, just a bonfire beach party. It’s mostly chill. Just hanging out and meeting new people.
“JJ, be careful,” You say while laughing after he pushed you away playfully, “You almost made me spill my drink”
“Ooh, such a bad consequence of my actions,” He says while waving his arms around dramatically.
“Shut up,” You say while rolling your eyes and also pushing him away by hitting him with your shoulder.
He laughs at your way to hit him and at the way you sip your drink, as far as possible from him, since last time you did it confidently, he just slapped your cup down out of hands and into the sand.
“JJ don’t!” You say laughing, as he moves his hand closer to your drink.
“I’m not doing anything,” He says, smiling.
“Then why is your hand here?” You ask, still giggling.
“Because I’m protecting your face from the sun”
“It’s 11pm, JJ” You remind him of the dark skies that are surrounding everyone.
Pope rolls his eyes at the two of you and then his eyes shift to someone further away.
You follow his gaze, curious and see Rafe, standing with some of his kook friends by the entrance of the beach, looking at you with a frown.
“What is he-” Pope starts to ask but JJ hits your cup out of your hands once again, catching you by surprise.
“Are you serious?” You ask him.
You glare at him and he laughs at your annoyed face, before getting up and offering you another drink as a way to make you forgive him.
“Maybe I should go talk to him,” You say to Pope after JJ walks away and he looks over at you.
“When was the last time you two talked?” He asks before sipping his non-alcoholic drink.
“Last week,” You say, and his eyes widen at your answer.
“Oh, okay,” He says while nodding in shock, “Maybe it’s better”
You look down at your, now trashed, cup and spilled drink on the sand before almost forcing yourself into getting up and walking over to your boyfriend.
Once Rafe notices that you’re walking his way, he’s quick to end his conversation with Topper and Kelce. And once you’re close enough, every single one of his kook friends stare at you.
“Can we talk?” You ask him and he nods right away.
You two walk off to a more secluded area and Rafe decides to be the first one to talk once you are far enough.
“I know I still have to apologize to Pope” He says right away and you shut your mouth to let him talk, “I just haven’t done it because it never seemed right to walk over to your friends and ask to talk to him, especially when you were there. And when he was alone and working… Even worse”
You stay silent while looking at him in the eyes as he continues to avoid looking at you for too long, and you decide to speak.
“Do you want me to get him?” I ask and he nods, “Okay”
You step away from him and quickly walk over back to your friends. Both JJ and Pope look up at you once you stand next to their sitting selves.
“Rafe wants to talk to you,” You tell Pope and he looks at you confused, “I’m serious”
“Why?” He asks.
“You’ll see. It’s nothing too bad” I tell him and both him and JJ get up, “Oh. No, no, no. You’re not going in there” You say while standing in front of JJ.
“Why not? I can’t let my boy go in the lion cage on his own”
“He’ll be fine, JJ,” You tell him, “I’ll be close to them”
JJ sits back down after taking a good look at your face, as if he’s trying to see if you’re lying, and you turn back to Pope, who was waiting for you.
You two walk side by side and when you two are close enough to Rafe, you let Pope walk alone to him and you stay back to let them talk in peace.
You’re close enough to hear random words in random sentences but too far to understand anything.
Rafe looked slightly nervous, but nowhere close to how Pope looked.
You turn to look at JJ and everyone in your friend group is staring at you as if you’re crazy. Why is everyone acting like you just killed Pope?
You look back at the two boys and Pope continues to nod while listening to Rafe, looking way more relaxed than when he got there. You can only hear words such as ‘sorry’, ‘hit you’, fucked up’ and ‘apologize’.
It was a lengthy speech and Pope almost caught you by surprise when he started talking as well. In which you only heard, ‘forgive you’, ‘love her’ and ‘it’s okay’.
You start walking to them when noticing that their conversation has died down and just after two steps and with also them not noticing that you’re closer than before, you see Rafe grab Pope’s arm before he could walk away.
“Just one more thing,” He says and Pope nods, making Rafe let him go, “Do Y/N and JJ hang out a lot?”
“Sometimes, yeah” Pope answers, without understanding where Rafe wanted to go with this.
Until he does.
“Oh, but they’re nothing. JJ just likes to constantly pick on her, there’s nothing between them”
Rafe visibly relaxes and Pope gives him a small grin.
“I’ll see you around, bro. Good luck with Y/N” Pope says before walking away.
“Yeah,” Rafe says before laughing a bit, “I’ll need it”
Pope smiles a bit at you when walking by, without noticing that you probably heard everything, and you walk back to Rafe.
“So, how did it go?” You ask him and he looks down at you.
“Good, he forgave me” He explains, and you nod.
You look down at the sand under your feet and slightly kick it before looking back up at Rafe.
“What was that about JJ?” You ask him and his eyes slightly widen at your words.
“What?” He asks and you smile at him.
“The question you made Pope about me and JJ hanging out a lot?” You ask and he looks over to the side before chuckling, acting like he’s embarrassed.
“Yeah, I didn’t know you heard that” He says, and you chuckle.
“That was all I heard, to be honest” You explain, and he nods before looking back at you, “Were you jealous?”
Rafe bites the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing out of embarrassment at you and you grab his hand to hold you into yours, just like you used to do, before all of this.
“Just admit it” You whisper, and he rolls his eyes at your playful words. “I’ll take that as a yes”
You look over at your friends and they all circled Pope to listen to what just happened, and you relax when noticing that Kie is smiling at what he’s saying.
“Am I forgiven by you as well?” He asks and you look back at Rafe.
“If you promise you��ll never, ever, do something like this again,” You say emphasizing the word ‘ever’.
“I promise,” He says, and you give his hand a light squeeze.
“Then you’re forgiven,” You say before pecking his lips quickly, catching him by surprise.
Rafe looks down at you with a sweet smile and quickly leans down to you to connect your lips once more. You two smile into the kiss and you cup his face closer to you.
- - - - -
Hope you guys like this one 💖
🌸✨Sorry, but I’m not writing in this account anymore. Go check out my new one @twinklelilstarkey ✨🌸
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