#i slept 14 hours today & 14 hours the day before
emdotcom · 4 months
Status update! I'm still fucking tired, & i still have no money
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hotfuss · 2 years
i’m once again falling into another cycle of horrifying sleep schedule and work that is leaving me a shadow of a person and i want to cry so badly
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irndad · 1 year
hi im back! okey so def can see spencer still wanting to hug and snuggle with you even when fighting or mad at each other. he even gets genuinely ??? confused ??? when you try to sleep on the couch instead of in bed at night. he holds you and either reader or him is like "i know we are snuggling right now but i am still super pissed off at you." lol i can just see it. he may be petty when mad but he wont stop trying to touch you bc its a biological need of his and no argument is more important than needing you 🥺
enjoy this I did it very fast!!!! ily
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He knows he’s not easy to be with sometimes. She would never say it, but it’s true. He doesn’t always get the jokes, sometimes pushes things too far and without even knowing it the ground gets pulled out from under him. 
And sleep- Sleep is so complicated. The memory of the first time she slept in his bed is etched into a place he could never erase. Spencer had always had trouble sleeping, either fear or alertness plaguing him into the late hours of the night. He used to lie awake, the kind of exhausted that feels like it’s seeping out of your bones, while constantly facts he’d unwittingly memorized about how sleep deprivation can cause brain damage. 
But then she’d come into his life. All soft words and gentle disposition, and there really is something magic about the way that everything just dissipates when her warm, soft body curves into his own. He’s slept well almost every night since. 
Except today, she isn’t coming to bed. 
It’s his fault, and he knows it. He wasn’t being fair. She hadn’t seen him for two weeks (and he hadn’t slept nearly enough without the weight of her form beside him since the last time he saw her) and she’d said that she wanted to be prioritized more. 
“I haven’t seen you in weeks, Spence!”
His head was killing him. Was it actually possible, for a headache to kill you? Her voice is audibly upset, and it’s alarming how he could be the cause of it. 
“Please,” he had said through labored effort, “Can we talk about this later?” 
“When would you like to talk about it? Because I don’t ever know if you’re leaving-“
“Do you even know what it is that I do?  That it’s not a choice for me to go? I have to do this. I can’t pick and choose and honestly, I don’t want to. If you don’t get that, we’re not doing what I thought we were doing.”
It sounds foreign, his own voice. And it’s after he’s said it that the sick taste reaches his throat because oh, that means the end. Her lovely face is unreadable for a brief moment, before something like grief splays over her expression.
It’s silent for a beat, and Spencer wishes he could swallow the words back up, rewind his life like a battered VHS tape where he’s not so stupid to mess up the one thing that’s ever brought him peace.
“You’re not yourself, Spencer. I’m gonna give you a minute.”
A minute, it turns out, is hours in the living room. She hadn’t left, thank fucking god, but she hadn’t come back. Of course she hadn’t. She wasn’t the one who needed to apologize. 
He’s just so tired. 
He thinks of her so-sweet voice, the curve of cheek- the junction of her neck and shoulder, and how much he would like to have her pressed against him. He pads out into the living room like a nervous puppy, and sees her sleeping on the olive green couch she had picked out. Her hair was splayed across the arm of the sofa, and her head laid on a throw pillow, their fuzziest blanket draped across her form. 
His first thought is how low he’s dropped, that he’s jealous of a blanket. 
His second his that she is not coming to bed. He sits beside her gingerly, and the scent of her body wash lingers in the air. 
“Are you planning on coming to bed?”
“I didn’t think you’d want me to.” He can tell she wants to sound cold, but the truth is much worse; she sounds guarded. 
“I always want you to.” It’s the most honest thing he’s said today, and it’s just not fair, how much he revolves around her. How he has waited 14 days, 13 hours and 34 minutes to hold her again and managed to ruin it within the first 20 minutes of having seen her again. He grabs her hand, soft and pliant against his in a way that almost makes his heart leap. “Please? Come to bed?”
Her gaze softens, the warmth and light that guides him back in her eyes, and he hopes his relief isn’t too visible. It’s then that she drinks him in. It feels too revealing like she can see right through him. His clothes are old. He’d rushed off the jet to see her, and the half moon circles under his eyes only lend to the unimpressive picture of himself. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” she breathes, touching the side of his face. He instantly leans into it, the contact more than he’d be willing to give up to save his dignity. “Come here.”
She wraps her arms around him, and he pulls her into his lap, squeezing her tight to his chest, like she might disappear. 
“I’m still mad at you,” she says, looking at him with such affection it betrays her words.
“That’s okay,” he says into her collarbone, “As long as I still have you.”
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foone · 10 months
Your best guess is that you've been in this time loop for something north of 15 years. You've lived that day, April 9th, 1997, something like 6000 times. You think... The second most ironic thing about being in this time loop* is that you have ADHD, and time blindness has always been something you've suffered with.
The time loop hasn't helped. You'll really get into a book, and don't look up from it until it's yesterday. Or, earlier today? Or tomorrow, it's all the same day. You wake up in your bed at 8:27, having slept through your alarm, no matter what happens. You've had plenty of time to do all the classic time loop things: told everyone (they forget the next day), kissed everyone (a surprising number of people turn out to be up for itl), tried to run (you made it all the way to Memphis one day, but it didn't make any difference), tried to make everything perfect and right (harder than you'd think, and there's nothing obvious that needs fixing), and gotten yourself exploded and shot and run over. You even made it into orbit once, NASA still swearing at you on the radio the whole way up. You've robbed all the local banks, kidnapped the mayor, and stolen half the stuff in the town, just to see what people have. Why not? It's hard to have a sense of morality when there are no repercussions to any actions, at least none that last more than 24 hours.
You convinced a scientist to shoot neutrinos at you once, thanks to something you'd read in a book on time. Didn't seem to make any difference, though you could swear the next day felt different, in some hard to define way.
You've gotten into a rhythm of starting each day and just walking out your front door, to visit a different place in the city, and knock on their door. If they're home, you ask questions, then use the answers next time to get further. If not, you let yourself in and see what their house looks like from the inside.
Even their shocking crimes no longer can shock you. Mr. Stevens is a burgler, Jenny J. is halfway through murdering her husband, Alex over on 5th street has a basement full of photos they shouldn't have, and more neighbors than you'd think are cooking meth or growing cannabis in their little backyard sheds or closets.
You can go to the police, you can confront them, you can explose them, or you can get a weapon and go all vigilante on them... It doesn't matter in the long run (and for you, the long run is very short indeed). They'll be fine the next morning, back at it again like nothing happened.
You wake up that same Wednesday morning, put on some clothes, and walk out the door. You got into a gimmick of crossing the road with your eyes closed: you know where the cars are, and if you keep the same pace, they definitely won't hit you. Besides, if you do, you wake up back in your bed. Big woop.
But you don't make it to the road this time. You trip, falling on the hard concrete of the sidewalk. What the hell? Your arms ache from catching yourself, and you have to suppress the time-looper instinct of "I hurt. Restart the loop!",at least until you figure out what happened.
You look back and there's a sneaker sitting on the sidewalk. A perfectly normal shoe, just a little skuffed up. A bit down the sidewalk, there's another, the other foot presumably.
You have a moment of equal parts panic and elation. You're out of the loop? You're out of the loop! This might be Thursday.
You gather yourself from the sidewalk and run back up the path to your door. You open the newspaper... April 9th. This is still the same day. You look back at the road, seeing the patterns of crossing cars you've seen thousands of times before. You listen, and your neighborhood sounds right. You can hear Timothy down the road yelling about baseball, so it's not 9:14 yet.
This isn't a new day. This is the day. This is your day. So why is something different? What, a partial time loop? And almost time loop? Most things are the same, but not all? It makes no sense.
You hear yelling down the road. You jog towards it, as an out of place sound just doesn't happen in your day. Around the corner there's a police officer shouting at a woman who is rapidly disrobing and flinging her discarded clothes at the officer, who is shouting at her and his radio. So far, she seems to be winning, but she's about out of linen ammunition.
You realize you don't recognize her. She's not one of the people you know, and you know everyone. She's someone new, the very anthesis of what a time loop is about. That, combined with recognizing that charicatistic disdain for consequences makes you gasp. My God... She's another time looper. She's done this day before, and it's just repeated, and now she's doing everything to see what happens. You're not alone in this crowded city anymore! You run towards her, eager to introduce yourself.
* Themost ironic thing about being in this time loop is that every copy of Groundhog Day at your local Blockbuster is checked out.
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sinnersweets · 3 months
DogDay x Reader part 15
<-----part 14
I slept for about four hours before DogDay woke me up saying he needed to head out and that I should go home and rest up. I didn’t want to leave but I needed to run errands and make some calls. DogDay then carried me to the cable car and continued to hold onto me while we waited. “So, what are you going to do about CatNap?” “I can’t talk to him now but later tonight I’ll have a word with him. I’ll also talk to Sarah; see if she knows why he’s acting like that.” I nodded and leaned into his chest. I started thinking about some stuff; that is until I remembered something very important. 
Its Damians birthday today. 
“Oh my gosh! It’s Damians birthday today!” I looked up at DogDay and said, “I can’t leave, it’s his birthday and I wanted to spend it with him.” “Oh man, I had nearly forgotten about his birthday; but Angel you’re not looking the best right now. I think you should just go home and rest up there.” I shook my head no and said, “I can rest up in the infirmary. I need to tell Damian happy birthday and tell him the good news.” With a heavy sigh DogDay nodded and carried me inside Home Sweet Home and had one of the doctors look at me. 
Surprisingly I didn’t break anything, just had bruises. The doctor gave me Tylenol and was about to leave when he suddenly said, “I hear you’re taking Damian.” I swallowed the pills and replied, “Yes, I take him home tomorrow.” The doctor smiled and nodded while saying, “He’s a good kid, always past the tests with flying colors. We were this close to having him-” The doctor suddenly stopped talking and laughed nervously. “Having him what?” I asked. “Nothing, I misspoke. Get some rest Ms. Y/N.” The doctor quickly exited the room before I could say anything else.  
It had been two hours and already I was feeling much better. Laying down was starting to bore me so I decided that I would go out and try to find Damian. 
When I exited Home Sweet Home, I spotted Hoppy playing hopscotch with her group and KickenChicken playing duck duck goose with his group. I couldn’t help but smile. Seeing them interact with the kids made me feel happy. I would miss them both, even if KickenChicken did hit on me from time to time. Hopefully DogDay will convince them to leave here and come with me. 
Hoppy spotted me and called me over to her group. “Hey Y/N! Wanna play some hopscotch with us?” I politely declined and asked her if she had seen Damian. “Oh yeah little dude! I think he and DogDay are in the Playhouse.” I could feel my palms getting sweaty just thinking about going back into the Playhouse. Three hours of hiding and not getting caught. “Y/N? You okay?” I shook my head and focused back on Hoppy. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. On second thought, I think I will join you for a game.” Hoppy smiled and said, “Atta girl!” She then took my hand and led me over to her group. 
Once I played a few games of hopscotch KickenChicken then called me over to play a new game with his group. I really wanted to go see Damian, but he hasn’t come out of the Playhouse yet. With a heavy sigh I agreed and KickenChicken held onto my hand and led me to his group. 
“Ms. DogDay!” is what KickenChicken’s group yelled out when they saw me. Even though I wasn’t in uniform they still called me that; it was cute. “Hello.” I waved at them with my free hand. “Looks like I don’t need to introduce you Ang- I mean Y/N.” I gave a small smile to KickenChicken. “Thank you for using my name, now can you please let go of my hand? Your feathers are making my hand itch.” “Oh sure, sorry.” KickenChicken then let go of my hand and I softly scratched my hand that he was holding. 
I looked around and didn’t see Emily around. Thinking back to when I was with Hoppy I didn’t notice Edward around either. “Hey Kicken, where’s Emily today?” “She hasn’t been scheduled in a couple of days, not sure why though... In fact I think most of the helpers haven't been put on the schedule; you and Sarah seem to be the only ones here.” “Huh, I wonder why.” KickenChicken shrugged his shoulders and said, “Makes no difference to me. I can handle these kids all on my own. Now to our game.”  
KickenChicken decided to play red light, green light which I was all for it. I was chosen to be the one who says the words while he and his group tried to get to me. I headed up to the duck pond and turned around before saying, “Red light green light one two three!” I quickly turned around and everyone froze in place. I then turned back around, repeated the words, and turned around even faster next time. Some kids moved up a little bit while others moved and got out.  
“Red light green light one two three!” When I turned around, I was surprised to see both DogDay and Damian playing along. DogDay was the closest one to me while Damian was a few feet behind him. I swallowed hard as I knew that DogDay would get me. I slowly turned back around and said, “Red light- AHH!” “I gotcha Angel!” DogDay picked me up and gave me a gentle squeeze. “Haha, seems like you did.” DogDay then put me down and I smiled over to Damian and walked towards him. “Happy birthday kiddo!” I held out my arms towards him and he happily ran up to me and hugged me. “Thank you, Ms. Y/N. Mr. DogDay said you needed to speak with me?” I looked over to DogDay and he gave me a thumbs up. “Uh yes, I have a present for you.” Damians eyes gleamed with joy. “We’ll be down the hill when you’re done Angel.” Before he walked away DogDay kissed the top of my head and ruffled up Damians hair a little bit. “Talk to ya later Y/N.” I heard KickenChicken call out to me while he and DogDay walked down the hill together. 
I took Damians hand in mine and I led him over to the duck pond. “Go ahead and have a seat.” I said gently to him. Damian sat down and looked at me with patience but also curiosity. I took a seat next to him and suddenly felt nervous telling him that I was now his mom. “So um, how is your birthday going so far?” “It’s alright. Mr. DogDay gave me another card.” “Ah yes, he told me that’s what he normally gets you. Not to sound rude to DogDay, but I think my gift is much better than that.” Damian smiled at me. “Okay let me not stall anymore.... tomorrow will be our last day here because I have officially adopted you and I am taking you to your new home tomorrow.”  
Damian just stared at me for a couple of seconds before he said, “You mean you adopted me? And I get to go with you?” Suddenly Damian started crying. “Damian are you-” I was cut off when Damian jumped on me and gave me a very tight hug. “I can’t believe I finally got adopted! You're my mom now! Does that mean Mr. DogDay is now my legal dad?” I cleared my throat and chuckled nervously while saying, “No, me and DogDay are not married.” Damian looked at me and said, “But is he coming with us?” My heart sank when he asked that. “Not right now. I am trying to make it possible so that he can come with us; and everyone else too.” I then explained what my plan was to Damian and I’m not sure if he fully understood it, but he smiled and seemed excited about it. 
Once I finished talking with Damian, I led us both down over to DogDay. When we reached the bottom, my phone started ringing and I handed Damian over to DogDay while I checked to see who was calling me. “Hello? Yes, this is her. Uh huh. Really? That’s wonderful! Yes yes I’ll be there in an hour! Thank you!” “You seem excited Angel.” I squealed in excitement as I said, “I just got a call from the city and my request for a plot of land has been accepted! I need to head over there and start planning everything!” “Really? That’s amazing Angel!” “I don’t know what that means but yay Ms. Y/N! I mean mom!” 
I hugged Damian goodbye and stood on my tippy toes and gave DogDay a kiss on his nose. “I’ll call you after I finish, okay?” DogDay smiled lovingly at me while saying, “I already miss you Angel, but I look forward to your call.” “Bye mom! See you tomorrow!” “Bye, I love you both!” “We love you too!” I waved goodbye and headed over to the cable car, excited to get started on my project. It’s all coming together.  
(If you wanna be tagged in the next part lemme know in the comments!)
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asurix · 5 months
'' Valentine's day''
Genre: NFSW/SMUT, Dazai x reader, dom!dazai, sub!reader,afab!
content warning: Oral sex,vag!nal sex, sadistic,whimpering,praising,degrading and swearing ( i think thats all lol)
Ok so... i made a new poll and dazai won....again- i mean hes hot but twice is foul i thought chuuya was going to win or fyodor... OR Tachihara??? but i guess my charming suicidal guy won...
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 DAZAI
Dazai was you're boyfriend, he wasn't all tho like typical boyfriends... he was way more different... A normal boyfriend would cuddle you and care for you, but Dazai? all he could do was fuck you're pussy until you're cunt remembered EVERY vein from dazai's cock, you weren't complaining, but come on? the least thing he could do was show a bit of romantical feelings... right?
You and Dazai were at home, you wanted to test out Dazai's feelings for you, lucky for you it was valentine's day, you approached Dazai looking a bit suspicous in his eyes, ''something wrong?'' he asked raising a eyebrow, his attention leaving his phone but instead to you,
'' do you know what day it is? Dazai?'' you asked curiously, ''14 februari, why?'' he answered you're question, you couldn't belivie this guy he really forgot valentine's day? what a jerk! you groaned walking away from him irritated, ''whats wrong bella? why so mad!'' he yelled from across the living room, the voice echoing to the kitchen, making you more irritated, ''just dont talk to me'' you rolled you're eyes, ''why not?'' you heard him exactly behinde you, wasn't he just in the living room what the hell?, you got startled by his sudden presence, ''n-nothing you just forgot a special day'' you're expression turning from irritated to sadness,
Dazai tilting his head, confused still not understanding what you were trying to say, ''huh?'' he said confused, ''are you serious its fucking valentine's day and you couldn't bother to remember a simpe day to appreciate you're lover?, n-no not even lover!? just you're booty call!'' you yelled at him, ''valentine's day? already-'' just by hearing that you got so ticked off you stormed out of the room angrily, you sat down on the bed, grabbing the pillow from you're side, then shoving it in you're face, groaning in it, such a pain! you thought to yourself, 6 hours has gone and you hadn't even realised you went to sleep, not until you checked the time to see its 8 pm, god i slept for 6 straight hours? you thought to yourself, before you could get out of bed you heard keys opening the front door,
he went out? you thought again to yourself, you walked over to the front door to greet Dazai completely forgetting what happened 6 hours ago, ''where did you go?'' you said curious, ''i went out to get you're valentines present's'' he said smiling before taking off his shoes and coat giving you a kiss on the forehead before setting the stuff he bought on the kitchen counter,
''valentines gift's?'' you asked confused, thats before you remembered everything that happened ''o-oh yeah...about that im not really mad anymore s-so you're fine i guess...'' you said scratching the back of you're head, ''well i wanted to get my girlfriend some stuff for valentines day because my bella donna deserve's the world'' he said smiling warmly, ''well im glad im you dont see me as you're booty call Dazai'' you said smiling back ''i never saw you as my booty call Y/N'' he said, his face turning serious, ''ive always seen you as my lover, my only one, my stress relivier and my everything'' he said turning his back to you, unpacking all the stuff he bought for you, ''i got you this lingerine donna, it would look really nice on you while you ride me'' he said grinning, you couldn't help but laugh, ''you're such a idiot
Dazai'' you said laughing, ''im serious, yesterday you didn't leave the house, and today you didn't leave the house either so am assuming...no i know you didn't get me anything for valentine's day'' he said his grin widening, ''but its okay, you can cover up a apology with just you bouncing on me today for valentine's day, thats all i want'' he said smiling, 'well you're not wrong i didn't get you anything for valentine's day, so i dont have a choice to ride you'' you said ironiclly,
-after you opened all the gifts with Dazai-
''There bella i got you all these stuff, now all i want as my gift is you're body'' he said grinning, before you could say anything, he picked you up bridal style taking you to the bedroom, he threw you on the bed, you sat up, Dazai standing infront of you while you're sitting on the bed, ''my, what do you have in plan?'' you asked him, ''i have a lot for you, say this is you're punishment for not getting me anything for valentine's day, i get to be rough how ever i want got it?'' he titled his head waiting for you're respons
'' do whatever you please, love'' you said smiling, he unbuckled his pants, his hard cock flinging out of his boxers, he lined up his cock to the entrance of you're mouth, ''open wide, donna~'' he said smiling wickedly, he pushed his tip inside you're mouth, making you gag a little bit, you started licking his tip, massaging his balls, Dazai couldn't help but moan, ''f-fuck... i might c-cum if you continue like this, and i dont want be done bella~ he said chuckling, he grabbed you're waist then threw you on the bed, he postioned his cock to the entrance of you're soaked cunt, he slammed inside you causing you to whimper, ''d-dazai...'' you choked out, ''n-not to deep please'' you whined out, ''i said i was going to be rough bella, just take it like that bitch you are, alright?'' he said before slamming inside you again hitting you're sweet spot mutliple times.''i know you like it there bella'' he laughed, ''s-shut up..'' you cried out, Dazai contiuned violating you're cunt hitting you're G-spot again and again this assault continued for minutes until Dazai finally couldn't handle you're pussy clenching around his cock, making his cock twitch inside you, he finally gave in and came. ''f-fuck...bella youre clenching my cock so h-hard...'' Dazai groaned, you couldn't respond due to the overstimulations getting the best of you, you pasted out without you, yourself knowing it, you woke up to hot tea on you're nightstand, and heart shaped chocolate and a bouqette of flowers with a note on it, ''ill be back donna for our dinner, just going to pick some groceries love you x- samu'' this idiot, you chuckled to yourself, you drank you're hot tea and ate you valentine's chocolate, before going back to sleep, waiting to see what Dazai has planned out for you.
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pbelfz · 1 year
Two to One | 13 |
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Pairing: Bakugou x Reader x Midoriya Chapter Title: Default Dance Chapter 12 | Chapter 14 Story Masterlist Summary: You are a simple college girl working at a cheap, back alley café! The top heroes, Deku and Ground Zero, visit your work in hopes of ordering coffee, but they pick something else up instead. You begin an interesting relationship with the pair, while slowly becoming aware of certain underhanded tactics they are using. Idolization isn't always that bad... Right?
WARNINGS: controlling, manipulative?
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Deku never smiled as much as he did on television.
Izuku came down with a hearty fever within the first two nights of (Y/n) officially moving in.
Katsuki was quick to point his finger at her, blaming her for bringing her city germs into the house, but Izuku insisted one of his high school interns was coughing in his office a few days prior. Regardless, Katsuki kept his distance from both of them.
In the few hours he was awake, Izuku worked from home, sending reports to his agency secretaries and signing off on investigation collaborations. He slept most of the day otherwise, leaving (Y/n) alone in the spacious house.
All of her personal belongings were relocated to the new house, but it’d been an overwhelming feat to unpack most of the boxes – not that she had that many to begin with. Still, it gnawed at her how final this all seemed. She couldn’t help but feel like she jumped the gun a little too quickly when she saw the face her RA gave her when they exchanged lease documentation.
She’d never lived with any of her previous partners before. What would she tell Hana if she wanted to come over to hang out? Would Deku or Katsuki even be okay with her having guests at all? The last time she recalled needing approval for friends visiting was when she lived with her parents.
Her frown tightened as she performed the next dance move of Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani. She remained sour even as the TV screen dinged, signifying a perfect score.
Izuku groaned into the pillow, hearing the music travel up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Even with the door closed, it grew harder and harder for him to block out the nasally ‘Nana na na na na’s, the ache in his head pulsing with each beat, right behind his forehead. He texted (Y/n) a few minutes ago to turn the TV down, but she must not have seen it. He supposed this was his cue to get up.
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Izuku – slowly, with no urgency about him – made his way to the kitchen. His cold was getting worse, but he didn’t want to worry Katsuki or (Y/n). He glanced at (Y/n) in the living room once he reached the bottom of the stairs, and on a normal day, his interest would’ve piqued to see her playing Just Dance.
However, today was not that day.
He turned and continued to the kitchen.
Izuku’s eyes could hardly stay open as he made himself a cup of peppermint tea, adding some honey for his throat. He took his time with it. Why not, right? Gwen Stefani was serenading him.
Deku never smiled as much as he did on television. That was one of the first things (Y/n) noticed when she moved in.
‘If I was a rich girl, nana na na na na–,’
(Y/n) was completely enthralled in the game, but once she turned around for a spin, she locked eyes with Izuku, who was leaning against the wall with his cup of tea.
“EE-eezuku!” She covered her mouth to conceal the tail end of her yelp before scrambling to finally turn off that damn game. “How long–?”
“Did you get my text?” Izuku cut (Y/n) off more harshly than intended, which took her by surprise. He’s never the one to do that. Izuku noticed his slip-up as quickly as she did, and he took a sip of his tea, glancing at the floor.
“No, I left my phone upstairs. What did it say?” (Y/n)’s voice was soft, worried that she missed something important. Izuku shifted his weight, his reply just as soft as hers, much gentler than his previous interruption.
“I was just trying to sleep,” his gaze flickered to the TV hanging on the wall behind her. (Y/n) got the hint.
“Oh… I’m sorry.”
Izuku nodded before turning away, withdrawing from her. “It’s okay.”
(Y/n) couldn’t help but feel compelled to follow him to the kitchen.
“How are you feeling?”
Izuku opened the fridge, bending over to check the lower shelves for something quick to eat. “Better.”
“Good.” She withheld the urge to feel his forehead to check his fever.
Izuku grabbed some bread, meat, and cheese to make a sandwich. He didn’t look at (Y/n) as he reached for condiments, which were right next to her.
Is he really that upset that she didn’t turn the TV down?
“Are you mad at me?”
It’s only natural to ask.
Izuku finally looked up at (Y/n), his face almost appalled at the question. “No,” was all he offered before biting into his sandwich and walking past her. “Just tired. And sick.”
He left her in the kitchen by herself.
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With all of the audacity Katsuki carries, (Y/n) never anticipated how attentive he was towards Izuku.
She felt creepy, watching from the doorway as Katsuki spoon-fed Izuku the last of the homemade soup his mother dropped off. (Y/n) was in class when Mitsuki came by, but from what little Katsuki shared of his homelife, the Bakugous were a gourmet family, so it was no surprise they had their own recipe for everything.
Regardless of how big the house was, (Y/n) still felt lumpy and in the way. Katsuki brushed by her when they crossed paths in the hallways, almost purposefully knocking shoulders with hers. She didn’t have the heart to ask him if he actually was doing it on purpose, though; she still felt like a guest here.
More so now than ever, as she watched Katsuki kneel by the edge of bed, stroking the back of Izuku’s neck. Izuku was dozing off with a cooling pad on his forehead. They were muttering to each other about something, and Katsuki wore just a hint of a smile on his face as he monitored a drowsy Deku. (Y/n) didn’t want to interrupt them. They surely noticed she was there, but Katsuki wasn’t going to make an effort to call her in; Izuku was the priority at the moment. She observed how they looked at each other, and a black, tarry pit in her stomach kept telling her it was different from how they looked at her. Their hands found one another, Katsuki’s thickened skin naturally a comfort for Izuku, just as Izuku’s scars were for Katsuki.
(Y/n) hoped she caught the flu next week.
She turned and went back downstairs.
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Days passed, and Izuku’s cold lessened into an irritating sore throat.
Izuku became antsy, not accustomed to being away from work for so long. The house was spotless from the compulsive cleaning he did when Katsuki wasn’t around (he would’ve gotten yelled at). (Y/n) gently suggested he continue resting, but her words went ignored. She then offered to help but was disregarded. That was fine with her; she was behind on her assignments because of her shifts at Satou’s.
Izuku’s weights clanged in the basement gym while she proofread a 10-page essay. (Y/n)’s fingers tapped on the keyboard, unable to focus on her work as she listened to her boyfriend work out. Two minutes passed, and there was silence. (Y/n) fixed a sentence on her document.
She paused and waited.
Silence for another minute.
(Y/n) read another paragraph.
Her concentration muddled once more, she groaned and closed her laptop.
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Izuku almost instantly threw himself back into hero duty the second Katsuki’s mothering radar subsided.
The Bakugou-Midoriya-(Y/n) household found what their “normal” was.
Disgruntled Katsuki.
Overworked Izuku.
Unoccupied (Y/n).
It’s not like she was necessarily waiting for them to do anything with her! It’s just this situation screamed “roommates”. Isn’t that what they were now, though? Roommates with benefits, except they haven’t done anything sexual since Izuku’s got sick. (Y/n) wanted to talk to the two heroes to clear up any boundaries, but the throuple were hardly ever in the house at the same time. (Y/n) busied herself with schoolwork, carrying about her business as she usually would back in her apartment, except now there were two hunkering men lumbering about.
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“Deku and I made dinner reservations for all of us tomorrow,” Katsuki mentioned over his shoulder.
Neither of them bothered to mention this to her before right now. (Y/n) tightened her lip to keep from rolling her eyes.
“I don’t think I can go. I’m going out tomorrow,” (Y/n) pondered aloud, scrolling through Instagram on her phone.
Katsuki’s attention, previously only halfway in the conversation, was now yanked fully into it. He finished his rep, setting the weighted barbell above him on the bar holder before sitting up on the bench. Sweat gleamed from his torso, and he grabbed the nearest rag to wipe his forehead.
“This is the first time I’m hearing about this,” he grunted, glancing up at (Y/n). She shrugged, still invested in her phone.
“I guess it was kinda last minute.” A slight jab.
Katsuki was quiet for a moment, trying to be careful about his words. “Does Deku know?” He asked, trekking over to the dumbbells.
“Does Deku know what?” Izuku suddenly called from beyond the basement stairs, the sound of the front door closing behind him. (Y/n) glanced upwards, noting how Deku always appeared at just the right moment.
Izuku took his sneakers off in the foyer, exchanging them for his slippers before bounding down the stairs. He was noticeably tired, and even though he wasn’t in his hero costume anymore, his clothes still seemed worn. He may have run into another villain on the way home.
Katsuki snorted a dry laugh, giving (Y/n) a look as he began another set for his workout. The dumbbells were bigger than (Y/n)’s head.
“I’m just going to a karaoke party tomorrow. Maybe some barhopping,” (Y/n) peeped from her place on the floor next to the weight rack. Katsuki glanced at his partner.
Izuku’s mouth tightened ever so slightly, but only Katsuki caught it. “Oh.”
“Who are you going with?” Izuku asked, hiding the hesitance in his tone as he stepped further into the basement.
Katsuki set the dumbbells down much quieter than Izuku did. (Y/n) didn’t know why they were making such a big deal about this.
“Hana. My coworker from Satou’s.”
Both men appeared to be in thought.
Izuku spoke first. “We can talk about it after we shower, okay?” He suggested with a soft smile, leaning back as an invitation for (Y/n) to follow him upstairs to the bathroom. (Y/n) remained seated on the gym floor.
“What’s the big deal?” She asked. Part of her was looking for a fight; they felt it. She wanted to do something with her friends, and they finally decided now was the time to give her attention? Katsuki and Izuku looked at each other. Katsuki was more reclusive than Izuku when voicing his concerns, so he withdrew as he wiped the bench down with a rag. Izuku sighed.
“We’re just worried,” Izuku spoke for the both of them, as he naturally did. (Y/n) blinked, setting her phone to the side as she prepared to hear them out.
“About what? I’m gonna be with my friends.”
Izuku scratched the back of his ear and stepped over to her, crouching down to her height on the floor.
“Everyone there is cool, I promise,” (Y/n) softened her voice, trying to comfort them further.
“(Y/n), we’re concerned about the college culture.”
(Y/n) furrowed her brow at that and glanced at Katsuki, who was watching the exchange.
“What do you mean by th–?”
“Just don’t be a whore,” Katsuki all but blurted as he picked up his water bottle and started chugging.
“Katsuki!” Izuku shouted over his shoulder. The volume didn’t seem to affect Katsuki, but it made (Y/n) jump. There was a beat of silence, as if Izuku was debating on yelling something else, but instead he turned back to look at her with an apologetic expression.
“We’re just worried about drinking and all that,” Izuku tried to explain, returning to his regular pitch. (Y/n) glanced between both of his eyes and held her tongue because she was about to tell him he sounded more like a father than a hero. “While they may not be villains, some people can do pretty villainous things, like slip something into your drink. If you’re going to drink, keep your drink on your person, and try not to take your eye off of it,” Izuku warned. (Y/n) shifted, and although she felt like he was overexaggerating everything, she still felt uneasy under his gaze.
“Yeah, I know…”
“And can you text our groupchat when you get there tomorrow? What time is it at? And the address?” Izuku asked, pulling his personal phone out of his pocket.
“Yeah, of course. I was going to, anyway,” (Y/n) picked her own phone back up to check her texts with Hana. “Karaoke is at around 8:30 PM at 228 Yugun.”
“Text every thirty minutes,” came Katsuki’s request. (Y/n) looked over at him, then back at Izuku, who seemed to be typing the address and time into his phone reminders. There wasn’t any rebuttal from the other hero, so this seemed to be a consensus between the two of them.
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It was so much easier to socialize with Hana by (Y/n)’s side.
(Y/n) cheered along with everyone as Hana completed the song on the screen. It wasn’t perfect, but Hana laughed off her mistakes, something (Y/n) always admired about her.
Their other friend from school, Chiharu, was a naturally gifted singer and was getting high score after high score on each song. Natsuko and Jin, who were dating, sang a duet but were too tipsy to get a score above 37%. Every time someone offered (Y/n) the mic, she politely declined, satisfied with simply sipping on her drink and eating some of the platter.
“Jin fucked that one up that time!” Natsuko laughed, slipping her jacket off and resting it on the seat behind her. Jin was carefree and good-natured. Patient. Everyone in the group knew Jin and Nat were a good match. Jin was flipping through the available list of songs, her shoulder-length hair swaying when she wiped some of the beer from her lip.
“You can’t blame all of that on me,” Jin retorted playfully. Chiharu suddenly shot up from her seat, pointing at the screen.
“Wait! Pick that one! Pick that one! I know the Tiktok dance to it.”
“Oh, God, nooooooo, boooooo,” Hana moaned with a thumbs down.
“Wait, no, I wanna see her do it!” Came Nat from the other side of the room.
(Y/n) sunk into the couch, cradling her drink as she glanced from person to person, a blissful smile on her face. After a dedicated discussion, Jin finally picked the Tiktok song. Just as Chiharu was warming up for her dance, (Y/n)’s phone vibrated. She pulled it out of her bag.
(09:48) Katsuki : What time you coming back?
(09:50) (Y/N)ヾ☆* : not sure yet
Katsuki is typing…
(09:50) Katsuki : Can you ask?
(Y/n) sighed and scratched her head.
(09:51) (Y/N)ヾ☆* : i asked. No one knows
Katsuki started typing again. He was typing for a while, but then the bubble disappeared. (Y/n) stared at the screen. He began typing again.
(09:53) Katsuki :  Deku’s picking you up
(09:53) Katsuki :  When you’re done.
(Y/n) replied with a thumbs up emoji.
(09:54) Katsuki : So let us know when you’re almost done, so he can head over there.
(09:54) Katsuki : Are you drinking?
Jesus Christ, Katsuki can talk when he wants to. (Y/n) shifted in her seat, setting her drink down on the table in front of her so she can type with both hands. Hana eyed her.
(09:55) (Y/N)ヾ☆* : I will
(Y/n) didn’t know if he responded because she shoved her phone back into her bag. She looked over and saw Hana already looking at her.
“You okay?” Hana asked.
“Oh, yeah. Just group project stuff.”
Hana nodded, understanding. Nat then came over and handed mics to her and (Y/n).
“I picked out this duet just for you two.”
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(Y/n) and Hana stood on the curb with their arms locked at the elbow as they waved goodbye to their friends, watching the three of them stumble away in the direction of their apartments. Jin and Natsuko lived together, and Chiharu lived in the complex around the corner from them. Hana lived on the opposite side of the city campus, so (Y/n) offered to walk her. They were both laughing at a video someone posted on Twitter of the Deku Fortnite skin.
“Why didn’t they include Shoto? Dynamight and Deku, but no Shoto?”
“I don’t know, maybe he didn’t approve it,” (Y/n) remarked, watching Deku’s character dance on Hana’s phone. “And with good reason.”
“And Dynamight did?!”
(Y/n) shrugged, sputtering a laugh. “Maybe Dynamight likes the game.” By force of habit, (Y/n) pulled her own phone out of her bag to check her notifications. She ended up ignoring it for most of the night, so she couldn’t imagine what she missed.
To her surprise, she only missed one text from Katsuki and one text from Izuku. Izuku was letting her know the time he was picking her up at, which was… in 3 minutes.
(Y/n) stopped walking, her sudden halt pulling Hana back. Hana looked at her, confused.
“So, my ride is actually a few minutes away, and I only gave them the address to the karaoke bar…”
Hana understood, and she smiled. “Oh, okay! Text me when you get home?”
(Y/n) didn’t think Hana realized she didn’t live on campus anymore.
“Of course.”
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Izuku pulled up to the curb in the sleek black car he and Katsuki alternated driving. They had other cars, but they both must’ve preferred this one. It was 1 in the morning, and the streets were starting to quiet down.
He wordlessly unlocked the car, and (Y/n) popped into the passenger side, smiling. Izuku didn’t give much of a greeting as he pulled off as soon as she buckled in.
(Y/n) broke the silence first. “I didn’t know you were in Fortnite.”
It was dark in the car, but (Y/n) could see the way his brow furrowed as he drove, as if he were trying to recall what on earth she was referring to.
“Katsuki’s in Fortnite, too,” she giggled. “Your costumes look a lot different, though.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he was no louder than a mumble as he looked past (Y/n) to make a turn.
(Y/n) sunk into her seat, taking this as her cue to leave him alone. Where Katsuki pushed her when he was upset, Izuku ignored her.
“How was your night?” He finally asked, after the lights of the city became sparser. (Y/n) perked up.
“It was a lot of fun! I was a little nervous to sing, so I spent a lot of time watching my friends, but Hana and I did a song together near the end.”
She didn’t know, but Izuku could smell the alcohol on (Y/n)’s breath, and he slightly turned his head away from her as she spoke.
“You have a lot to drink?” He asked quietly, a hand leaving the steering wheel to scratch his ear.
“No, not a lot.”
“How much?”
“I don’t know, I wasn’t really–”
“How much, (Y/n)?”
(Y/n) looked over at him, blinking. Izuku’s gaze was still fixed on the road.
“I think no more than five,” she peeped. She watched him.
Izuku continued driving. They were almost home.
“You think?”
“I think, yeah.”
He was silent. He made another turn, and the light from a streetlamp shined down on half of his face, so (Y/n) could finally discern him. He appeared unaffected.
(Y/n) didn’t know what else to say, and whatever buzz she was feeling before quickly dissipated. She sat there with her hands folded in her lap. If this was Katsuki, she would’ve yelled back at him, but this was Izuku. Izuku has a different command about him.
The car was parked, and (Y/n) looked up. They were home. Izuku turned the car off, but he didn’t unbuckle. He turned to (Y/n), the light from the porch finally illuminating his face enough to give (Y/n) an emotion she recognized: pity.
“Please try to keep track next time.”
(Y/n) didn’t know what to say.
Izuku got out of the car, closed the door, and headed inside with his hands in his pockets, leaving (Y/n) alone in the car.
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lovesuhng · 8 months
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couple: bestfriend! yuta x bestfriend! reader
“Please sleep over”
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Today was the day before your best friend Yuta's birthday. For weeks you were thinking about different ideas of what to do to make that day even more special and you decided to do something that would definitely make your friend happy: buy a ticket for the concert of The Last Rockstars, a super band formed by the four biggest Japanese rockstars and great inspirations from Yuta.
“Come on Yuta, get off that couch, go take a shower, change your clothes because we’re going out.” You said, entering your friend's apartment, who was lying on the couch watching something.
“Hi Yuta, how was your day? Your birthday is tomorrow, right? What are we gonna do to celebrate? These are things I would like to hear. And I don’t want to go anywhere today.”
“Maybe you’ll change your mind when I tell you where we’re going” You said, taking two papers out of your bag. Yuta changed his expression instantly, his eyes widened, not believing what he was seeing.
“Don’t tell me that’s…” “Two tickets to the sold-out The Last Rockstars concert? Yes, it is, but since you said you don't want to leave the house, I'll see if someone else wants to…”
You were interrupted by the tight hug from your friend, who lifted you off the ground and then gave you several kisses on your face saying “thank you”, some of them being dangerously close to your mouth, but even as your heart beat faster, you ignored it a little, seeing the happiness on his face.
“Now you have to get ready soon because we only have two hours before the show”
Yuta got ready quickly and a few minutes later you were already at the place where the show was going to take place. You could feel that he was very nervous about being about to see his idols, so you just held his hand and smiled, trying to calm the man down.
The show started and you could see the sparkle in your friend's eyes. He screamed, sang at the top of his lungs, got emotional and that made you have fun with him, after all, you also knew some songs, not all like Yuta, who was the biggest fan in the world. Some moments in the show, when they played slower songs, he hugged you and anyone would think you were a couple and that didn't bother you, you liked it more than you could imagine. It was almost two hours of great fun and, on the way out, you even bought band shirts to wear as a “couple outfit”.
You went to drop him off at home and made a point of going to the door of his apartment.
“Seriously, when Hyde appeared, I thought my heart was going to come out of my mouth and that I was going to lose my voice because I screamed so much. It was surreal.” You just laughed at how excited your friend was talking about every moment of the show.
“I can already see that you won’t stop talking about this show for the next few months”
"Thanks to you." Yuta placed his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Thank you for everything."
“No need to thank me, you know I would do anything for you.”
“Even give me a birthday kiss? It’s past midnight.”
You blushed in embarrassment, but nodded. Then, Yuta came over and kissed you. The kiss was much better than you expected, after all you thought about what it would be like to kiss your best friend constantly. You felt him smile between the kiss and, if it weren't for the fact that he was holding you, you would definitely fall, as your knees practically turned to jelly after that.
“Wow. Happy birthday” You said, still with your forehead pressed against Yuta’s. “Well, I think I better go, we’ll meet later to celebrate your birthday.”
"Wait!" Yuta said as soon as you were out of his arms. “Please sleep over.”
Even though you found the request unexpected, after all you had never slept with Yuta, you couldn't deny your best friend's request.
“This is going to be the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
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hannyoontify · 11 months
the best birthday gift - jeon wonwoo
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member | best friend!wonwoo x reader ft. the rest of svt
genre | fluff, attempted humor, high school!au (but they’re not at school)
word count | 2.8k
synopsis | it turns out, wonwoo works best under pressure
warnings | cursing, reader wears a tank top, reader is short and gets made fun of for it (lightheartedly), sex jokes, friendly bantering
notes | set in southern california, LA/Hollywood, based on real life events from yours truly and kids don’t jaywalk not proofread
happy (late) wonwoo day!! to the sweetest boy ever, i hope you had a wonderful birthday <33
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Whoever thought taking public transportation with fourteen people to downtown LA was a good idea deserved to “be buried alive 6 feet under with those bug-eyed Chihuahuas”, according to Seungkwan. 
In his defense, Seungcheol thought it would be better for the environment. It totally wasn’t because of the fact that he was the only one with a driving license and it absolutely wasn’t because he wasn’t confident enough in his driving skills to be responsible for the lives of thirteen other people. Where would he get a 14-seat car anyway? 
All fourteen of you trudged along the cracked sidewalks of downtown LA, broken up into smaller groups as Seungcheol led the way in the front with Jeonghan and Jihoon. You stayed in the back, with Mingyu and Wonwoo, who were intensely debating whether or not a person can suck their own dick. You occasionally pitched in with your two cents, but you mostly stayed quietly in the middle, enjoying the spectacle that was laid out in front of you.
You were so engrossed in Mingyu and Wonwoo’s conversation that you almost ran straight into a streetlight. You yelled in surprise and Wonwoo barked out a sharp laugh, almost in tears as you rubbed your nose with a pout. Mingyu cracked a smile as you threatened to demonstrate firsthand to your best friend what you learned from your second grade taekwondo class. 
“You don’t wanna mess with me, Jeon Wonwoo. I was a yellow belt in second grade.”
“Yeah, and I’m, like, a whole head taller than you. What about it?” Mingyu’s ears perked up at hearing those fighting words and reached for his leftover popcorn from earlier. It was safe to assume that Wonwoo chose death today.
“You know, with your height and broad shoulders, you would think there’s at least one bone with common sense in you but I guess not,” you countered.
“You do know that tall people have the same amount of bones as short people like you, right?” Wonwoo sneered. 
You did a double take. “Wait, really?”
“Oh my god, [Name], what’d you learn in human anatomy?” Joshua asked. He was standing next to Mingyu, his hand reaching into Mingyu’s bucket of soggy popcorn. “I thought you passed that class with an A.”
“Yeah, with my help,” Wonwoo muttered under his breath. “They slept in class everyday and I ended up having to tutor them for 16 hours the day before our final.”
You swung your arm around his shoulder and grinned. “I still owe you for that one, how can I ever repay you for your kindness?” You asked dramatically.
Wonwoo reached over and pinched the side of your ribs. “How about growing another couple inches?”
“Fuck off,” You pushed him away from you and stuck out your tongue. In retaliation, Wonwoo flipped you off. 
Mingyu and Joshua watched the two of you bickering in amusement. The older boy leaned over and whispered into Mingyu’s ear, “I give them two weeks before they either start dating or fucking, I don’t know which one yet.”
Mingyu snorted. “I give them three days.”
“It’s a deal then,” Joshua reached out and shook Mingyu’s hand with his non-buttery hand. Unfortunately for him, he had reached over and gripped the latter’s oily, buttery hand. “EW WHAT THE FUCK MINGYU.” 
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“Why did we stop?” You heard Seungkwan ask. He was currently holding onto Soonyoung’s backpack strap like it was a leash, stopping him from running off into the wild streets of downtown LA. Next to him was Seokmin, who just looked happy to be wearing his newly acquired Minions bucket hat. 
After walking for what seemed like forever, Seungcheol had finally signaled the entire group to stop walking by an intersection. Mingyu glanced towards the front, where Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Jihoon seemed to be in a heated discussion about something. Although you couldn’t hear what they were saying, you could tell they were getting stressed by Jihoon’s eyebrows that furrowed into each other with every passing second, Jeonghan’s more exasperated hand movements, and Seungcheol’s lips that began jutting into a pout as he got more and more worked up. 
You let out a tired sigh. Your feet were aching and sore, your shoulders were sunburnt and itchy, and you probably smelled like a mix of sweat and weed right now. It wasn’t you that was smoking weed, but the esteemed gentleman sitting next to you on the metro-rail earlier was and you’re pretty sure the smell was permanently woven into the fabric of your tank top. You shifted back and forth between your feet, trying to alleviate any weight and pressure off your feet for at least a second and Wonwoo seemed to notice this because he silently guided you to a nearby bench,
You spared him a quick glance. “Thanks, Woo. You should also sit.” 
“Short people tend to have a shorter life span. Compared to you, I have plenty of more time to sit down,” Wonwoo shook his head with faux sympathy, almost enough to convince you that he was being serious but you knew him better than that.
Despite being absolutely exhausted, you assumed you had enough strength left in you to give Wonwoo’s shin a good, hard kick. 
“Ow, what the fuck was that for?” Wonwoo complained and you just grinned.
“I hope you shrink.”
Wonwoo stuck his tongue out at you childishly and you just rolled your eyes with a giggle, momentarily forgetting about the hot, blaring sun and the impending sunburn on your shoulders. He glanced down at you with the ghost of a smile tugging on the corners of his lips and you felt your stomach erupt into butterflies. Your not-so-little crush on Wonwoo was old news, but no matter how much time you spent with him, his smile always managed to turn you into a messy pile of goo and butterflies. 
Waiting for further instructions, Wonwoo leaned on you, his arms resting on top of your head as he scrolled through his phone. You stared down at the ground, trying to ignore the warmth of Wonwoo’s body next to yours. If it was anyone else, you would’ve pushed them off already, complaining about how hot it was, but this was Wonwoo. 
You tried to use the breathing techniques Minghao taught you a while ago, but it didn’t help calm your fastly beating heart. You wiped your sweaty palms on the fabric of your pants and licked your chapped lips. You almost forgot how much you hated summer in southern California.
In an attempt to distract yourself, you thought back to the long day and how chaotic everything was from the start. All fourteen of you agreed to go to Universal Studios Hollywood for Wonwoo’s 17th birthday, and the morning was alright. You all made it to the theme park safely via public transportation and after a long, fun day, the group decided to head back home to catch the last train.
You guys missed the last train.
In Jun’s defense, he didn’t mean to get lost. He was busy trying to apply another layer of sunscreen and when he looked up, everyone else was gone. He wandered around the city for a while before he caught sight of Soonyoung’s bright tiger backpack (no one knows why none of them used their phones to contact each other). By the time all fourteen of you were reunited, the last train had already left, leaving you guys to take the cheaper, but much more sketchy metro-rail. 
After missing the original stop on the metro-rail, you guys had to ride back for another 20 minutes, then navigate the streets of downtown LA in the late afternoon heat to find a specific bus stop, leading to your current situation.
“Okay, everyone! Our bus is supposed to be here any second,” Seungcheol called out. Immediately, everyone’s focus seemed to snap to the three boys who were standing side by side, arms crossed and firm looks on their faces. “The bus station is diagonally across the intersection so we need to-”
Jeonghan, looking somewhere else, began to urgently tap on Seungcheol’s shoulder. “Cheol, that’s 460. That’s our bus.”
Seungcheol felt his blood run cold. Across the street, he saw a bright orange bus making its way down the street, pulling up to the bus station diagonally across from where he and the rest of his friends were currently standing. 
Everyone seemed to be under a trance as they stared at the run-down bus pull up to the station. Soonyoung was the first one to shake off the trance, breaking free from his beloved tiger backpack and leaving it in Seungkwan’s limp grip. He bolted across the street, ignoring all the different car honks and curses that were thrown at him. He had somehow made it not only across the street, but diagonally across the intersection, ending up on the same sidewalk as the bus station.
Soonyoung looked behind, expecting everyone else to be following him, only to see the rest of his friends staring at him dumbfoundedly.
“KWON SOONYOUNG WHAT THE FUCK?!” Seungcheol yelled. 
Seungcheol waved at him urgently, doing everything in his power to resist the urge to run through the LA traffic to simply throttle the younger boy. “NO, DON’T FUCKING APOLOGIZE JUST STOP THE BUS.”
Soonyoung stared at Seungcheol with a confused look on his face. “WHAT?”
Finally breaking out of your own trance, you stood up and began pointing to the bus. “STOP THE FUCKING BUS. TELL THEM TO WAIT.”
Chan noticed that the crosswalk light turned green and began running. “COME ON WE NEED TO MOVE.”
My dear reader, have you ever seen a stampede of any kind? Whether it be the stampede of wildebeests that trampled Mufasa to death in the Lion King, the rush of high school students to the canteen during lunch, or thirteen teenagers running down the crooked streets of LA, I’m sure you can imagine the picture. Sweaty and red faces, backpack straps flying off shoulders, breathless laughs, unintelligible yells, and hands tightly gripping and tugging at each other.
More specifically, Wonwoo’s hand gripping yours. 
In the spur of the moment, the only thought in Wonwoo’s head was making sure you were safe. So when the rest of your friends broke into a sprint, his first instinct was to grab your hand and pull you along. 
Here you are now, your hand still in Wonwoo’s as you guys caught your breath while waiting for the second light to change. Soonyoung stood on the other side of the crosswalk as the living epitome of the standing emoji, waiting for someone to say something.
Seungkwan angrily shook his fist that still held his friend’s (tacky) tiger backpack. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GO STOP THE BUS!”
Soonyoung helplessly pointed towards the bus that had already left the station and was now waiting at a red light. “IT LEFT! IT’S TOO LATE!”
“GO! GO ASK THEM TO STOP. STALL THE DRIVER, JUST DO ANYTHING,” You screamed desperately. All around you, your friends were also yelling at Soonyoung, telling him to stop the bus and ask the driver to wait. 
Soonyoung finally gave in and ran back towards the bus that was still waiting at the red light. With every passing second, everyone inched closer to the edge of the curb, impatiently waiting for the light to change. And after what seemed like forever (it had been three minutes), the light finally changed and you made a run for it. Pushing past Jihoon and Vernon, you sprinted down the sidewalk with incoherent yells. You passed by other pedestrians who all looked at you and your friends questionably, and for good reason too. It wasn’t everyday you saw a group of teenagers running in downtown LA in the middle of July. 
There was maybe another hundred feet left in front of you and you’ve never felt more exhilarated before in your life. Adrenaline coursed through your veins as your feet made heavy contact with the gum clad concrete. You felt like you were in a teen movie. You could almost imagine the BGM as you and your friends dramatically run together in slow motion, your hair flowing in the air and you find yourself smiling. Wonwoo caught up to you, running by your side as the two of you silently sprinted down the street with bated breaths. 
Wonwoo glanced over at you and felt a warm feeling spreading throughout his chest. This feeling wasn’t unfamiliar to him, but it amazed him how easily he was swept away by your charm every time he was in your presence. Your laugh always pulled at his heartstrings and your smile seemed to brighten up every room you entered. Wonwoo was drawn to you like a magnet and there was nothing he could do about it.
As the two of you got closer to the bus, Wonwoo suddenly had a thought. He reached for your hand and pulled you closer to him. 
“[Name],” Wonwoo started breathlessly. The bus was now less than fifty feet away and Soonyoung had successfully managed to convince the bus driver to wait for you and your friends. It was now or never. “You said you would get me anything for my birthday, right?”
You let out a strangled grunt, trying your hardest to not sound like you were fighting for your life after running for only five minutes because that was just simply embarrassing. Up ahead, Soonyoung had already made his way into the bus and found himself a comfortable seat in the back with a content smile. You slowed down as you approached the bus and breathlessly set down a foot on the front step of the vehicle.
Behind you, Wonwoo gently rested his hands on your hips and whispered into your ear, “How about a date?”
You felt your heart drop past your ass, your feet, and into the deepest, darkest pits of hell. Skinship was normal between your friend group, but this was different. And also, what the fuck did he just say? Were you slowly losing your hearing? Your mom was right, spending too much with Seokmin and Soonyoung did damage your ears-
Wonwoo let out a soft laugh behind you and almost as if he read your mind, “No, you’re not hearing things [Name]. This is me asking you out.”
You desperately needed someone to pinch you. 
Climbing onto the bus with a perplexed look on your face, you mumbled a quick ‘thank you’ to the bus driver who seemed a little less than happy to have a bunch of hooligans on his bus. Wonwoo’s big hands never left your waist as he guided you to an empty seat towards the back of the bus. You simply followed his lead as you tried to comprehend what your best friend just said. This was all probably a prank, right? You sank down in your chair and looked at Wonwoo, who was trying to get himself situated next to you. Was he being serious?
“Yes, you idiot. I’m being serious. I’m so surprised you haven’t caught onto my crush on you yet, with how obvious I was being,” Wonwoo had whispered the last part under his breath but you still heard it. His hand reached for yours that was resting on your lap. “I understand if you don’t feel the same way but-”
“I do,” you said abruptly, interrupting him. After realizing what you just said, you wanted to slap a hand over your mouth, dig a hole underground, crawl into it, and never come out of it ever again. “I mean- I- What I mean is…”
Wonwoo looked at you expectantly, his brown eyes gleaming with hope. He nodded at you to continue and you felt like your tongue had suddenly turned into cotton. Everything in your mouth was dry and heavy and you had to lick your lips before continuing.
“I do… feel the same way about you. I’ve liked you ever since that water balloon fight we had in eighth grade on your birthday. And-” You choked on your words again. “-I would love to go on a date with you.”
Wonwoo felt like he had just won the lottery. He simply couldn’t help the smile that tuuged up on his lips as he gave your hand a firm squeeze. “Okay.”
You returned his smile and hand squeeze. “Okay.”
Exhausted from the long day, Wonwoo rested his head on your shoulder as he drew small patterns on your knee. “I think this might be the best birthday yet,”
“Yeah, since you agreed to date me.”
“You’re so corn-”
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reblogs and feedback always appreciated ^-^
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xjustakay · 10 months
(8/14) prompt: hockey — 868 words (figure skater Reg/hockey player James) @jegulus-microfic
Regulus wasn’t a fan of early mornings until he realized that’s the only way he gets a proper moment of peace at the rink. No cousins there to compete with for perfection, no mother barking insults disguised as coaching. Just him and the ice; the smooth familiarity of his skates, the cold biting against his cheeks, and some time to focus on something that’s not the whirlwind in his mind.
He’s a little bit sore today, in ways not entirely regular for him, but he’s pointedly ignoring the why. Honestly, he’s grateful he asked for early access to the rink prior to his official practice. Saves him from wincing through his stretches in front of an audience when the gently throbbing ache in his hips and lower back hit him. He’s doing a great job at focusing on anything but these reminders while out on the ice.
That is, until there’s the loud clang of a door banging open and then shut, just as he’s landing his triple lutz.
Regulus huffs irritably and lowers his outstretched leg to join the other foot so he can whip around toward the source of the noise. At first it’s just the vague silhouette of someone; could be one of the opening staff members (he knows in his heart that it isn’t). As the person nears the outside of the rink at the opposite end, his inner suspicions are confirmed.
With a scoff, he skates familiarly in another half-lap around the rink. Regulus made sure that he would have plenty of time before the official opening, before any scheduled private practices for the day.
Which means James Potter absolutely should not be here. The hockey practices are in the afternoons and evenings anyway, so it doesn’t make sense for him to be around this early.
Regulus purposely takes his time to make his way over to him (and if he makes it a point to land another triple along the way just to show off, that’s no one’s business). When Regulus finally lets the glide of his dwindling speed carry him a short distance from the edge of the rink where James is leaning on his forearms, there’s a lazy grin on James’ face.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” Regulus says by way of greeting.
“Good morning to you, too, sunshine,” James’ eyes drag down in an all too obvious once-over before returning to Regulus’ face.
He purses his lips tightly, arms folding over his chest. “It’s not open hours yet.”
“Good thing I own the rink, huh?” James toys.
“Your parents own the rink.” Regulus rolls his eyes.
“Semantics.” James waves a hand and stands up so only his hands rest on the wall. “Funny thing happened this morning, you know.”
Grey eyes shift to the side as Regulus sniffs shortly. “I don’t care.”
James is unfazed, laughing lightly at his dismissal. “Didn’t expect to find myself alone in bed when I woke up after what happened last night.”
It’s a good thing Regulus’ cheeks are already tinted pink from his skate, it makes the way that he unfortunately blushes less apparent.
“Or that my hockey jersey is missing, for that matter,” James adds. Regulus’ focus snaps back toward him, finding dark brows lifted and a smug smirk curling at James’ lips. “I know you slept in it and all, but I’m gonna need that back from you, love.”
“I can’t stand you,” Regulus huffs; deflecting.
“Oh, is that why you let me lay you out like that?” James’ grin widens, turns dangerous and dazzling with the flash of his teeth and mirth in his hazel eyes, when Regulus’ mouth falls open with a soft exhale.
Lifting a hand, James beckons him nearer. Regulus doesn’t think his brain and his legs are connected currently, because he moves, closing the couple feet gap to stand directly at the boards in front of him. Without easing back at all, James stays encroached in his space in a way that shouldn’t feel as welcome as it does. There’s warmth coming off of him that Regulus could sink into, if he let himself, and it’s tempting. Just like last night, it’s so fucking tempting.
He hadn’t been good at self-restraint then, either.
James circles a hand around Regulus’ wrist where he holds onto the wall, his thumb sliding beneath the cuff of Regulus’ long sleeve to rub in circles over the knob of bone. Regulus toys his lower lip between his teeth, blinking slowly as his gaze flickers over James’ face so close.
“I’ve got a game tonight,” James says, quieter now.
“I don’t care,” Regulus repeats, but the vague breathlessness of his tone suggests otherwise.
“Mm, I bet.” James squeezes at his wrist once, his lips twitching. “Bring me my jersey then stay to watch me play.”
Regulus leans carefully into the wall between them, his own dark curls brushing James’ forehead briefly. “Not interested in hockey.”
“Maybe not,” James muses. He slides both hands up Regulus’ forearms to his elbows then down again, settling over the back of his cold hands and warming them. “You are interested in me, though.”
And, well. Regulus doesn’t have a solid enough denial for that.
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tasteleeknow-remade · 2 years
— addicted to you: homecoming
pairing: minho x fem!reader genre: smut, fluff, angst, established relationship. content: 18+ minors dni. warnings below cut. word count: 1.9k
summary: minho has been on tour for weeks, he can't sleep, so you send him an audio message to help him relax aka minho humps a pillow.
↳ part one
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profanity. afab!reader. obsessiveness. pet names. dirty talk. grinding. cockwarming.
↳ this is part two. READ PART ONE HERE.
You’d slept maybe three hours total. Minho was coming back today. The last time you remembered checking the time last night - waiting to pass out from pure exhaustion - it was around 5am. These last few days were the hardest. You didn’t know how you’d managed it. The past month you kept how much you desperately missed your boyfriend to yourself. Half way through the tour he had called you to say he was coming back, taking a 14-hr flight just to spend a few hours with you before heading back again. It took a lot out of you, convincing him to stay where he was. If he really knew how much you’d struggled this past month, it would have ruined the trip for him. He’d been so excited for months leading up to it. So, you sent him the appropriate amount of i miss you’s and kept the rest quiet. 
You were sitting out on your small balcony, watching the rain fall. The sliding door was left open to ensure you were within earshot of the front door. Your leg bounced as you sipped your coffee. It had been storming all day and you wondered if it had caused much turbulence for his flight. He hated turbulence. A few months back you’d taken a trip together and when the plane suddenly dropped, he’d gripped your hand so tightly, you couldn't help but grimace. When he noticed he dropped your hand. “Sorry,” he’d said. “thought you might be scared.” He sat with his hand gripping his thighs until you noticed the tips of his ears turning pink; his usual giveaway for when he was embarrassed. You took his hand back and leaned over to kiss the tip of his ear before speaking, “Thank you.”
Three loud bangs on the door startled you, coffee spilling over the side of your mug. “Oh shit,” you jumped up, setting the mug on the nearest flat surface as the doorbell rang. “Coming!” You ran across the apartment skidding on the floorboards and slamming into the door, palms flat against the wood to stop yourself. Grabbing the handle you swung the door open and found yourself engulfed in the smell of your boyfriend before you could even get a look at him. Arms pinned to your side you found yourself being lifted off the ground. As soon as your feet touched the ground again you pulled your arms free and wrapped your arms around his neck. “You’re back,” you mumbled into his neck. He was still for a moment and then you were forced to take a few steps back as he walked you into the apartment, kicking the door shut behind him. You still hadn’t seen his face. His lips and nose brushed against your skin as he nuzzled his face into your neck. Your hand moved up to grasp a handful of his hair at the back of his head, holding him there. He inhaled a deep breath. You tried to move your head back so you could finally look at his face but he held you firm, refusing to let you. “Let me kiss you,” you said, trying to pull back again. 
“I need to hold you for a minute.” His voice sounded strange so you relented and relaxed into his arms. He was probably tired, overwhelmed. Your fingers began playing with the hair at the back of his head, tickling his scalp with your fingers occasionally. If you did this when he was falling asleep he would always get the softest smile on his face, like he had never had a worry in his entire life. Your boyfriend’s sniffle broke you out of your reverie and you felt the wetness on your skin for the first time. You pulled his head from your shoulder - no resistance from him this time - to find his cheeks damp and eyes watery. “It’s okay,” you whispered, running your thumbs across his cheeks. You watched his face crumple and then his mouth was on yours and you were taking steps back until he had you pressed into the wall. 
“Missed you,” he breathed into your mouth, hands moving to lift you up so you could wrap your legs around him. “Thought about you like this every night.” You pulled his head back by his hair to look him in the eyes. 
“You know I missed you too, right?”
“I know.” He tried to bring his mouth back to yours. 
“No,” you held him back. “I don’t think you do know.” His brows furrowed as he adjusted you in his hold. You continued, “I cried most nights. I could hardly sleep. I kept showing up late for work because I would fall asleep so late I'd end up sleeping through my alarms. I was running late for my train that time I sent the- the recording because I'd been called into a meeting so they could tell me I'd be let go if it happened again.” You paused, reaching to the neck of his t-shirt with one hand to pull at a fraying piece of thread. “Sometimes, I thought about being really selfish and begging you to come back to me.”
“I would have.” 
You looked up into his eyes again. “That’s why I didn’t,” you paused, taking a deep breath. “I never want to make anything harder for you.” Your gaze dropped back to his collar. “I just- I just want to make you happy.”
“You make me so happy, baby,” he said. “You know what I dreamt about?” He moved his head to the crook of your neck and began sucking marks onto your skin. He sucked your skin into his mouth, licked the mark he created and then murmured words into your skin before starting again. “I dreamt about fucking you against the wall like this as soon as I walked in,” he worked on creating another mark before continuing, “I wouldn’t fill you up against the wall though. I was going to take you to the couch,” another mark. “Have you cockwarm me until you couldn’t help grinding yourself into me.” He started on marking up the other side of your neck. “Gotta make sure you’re as needy as I am.” He pulled back to look at your face. “Because I am.” He brushed a stray piece of hair off your face. “Needy for you, I mean. I didn't know how much until I was away from you. Think i’m addicted to you.” 
You pulled his head towards you so you could kiss him, feeling his lips against yours again, you knew you could never let him leave without you again. All those nights you’d spent wishing he was holding you, touching you, fucking you. You dropped your legs from around his waist, pushed your hands against his chest to create some space between you. You reached down to loosen the tie at the waistband of his sweatpants. “Did you like the gift I sent you?” You asked, watching your hands fiddle with the string. 
“Yeah, fucked my pillow while I listened… imagined it was you.” Your eyes snapped up to his. He grinned at your expression. “Go on, take my pants off, baby.” 
“Did you really?” You were still holding the string on his pants.
“Fuck my pillow? Mm, came in my boxers.” 
Hooking your thumbs into the waistband of his sweatpants you dragged them over his ass, taking his boxers with them. Before they’d even hit the ground you were grabbing the hem of his t-shirt attempting to pull it up over his head. He laughed, reaching up to help you. He threw it aside as he stepped out of his sweatpants, kicking them away too. You put your hands on his chest again, pushing him until he took two small steps back. “What?” He asked, a small smirk on his face. 
“Just having a look,” you answered, dragging your gaze from his mouth down his naked body and back up again. He stood still as you did it, letting you get your fill of him. When you met his eyes again he stepped towards you. 
“I passed the inspection, did I?” He stood over you, your back to the wall, one of his palms flat on the wall beside your head, the other playing with your hair. 
“I want to watch you fuck the pillow.” 
“Yeah?” He rested his forehead against yours, eyes closed, the hand that had been playing with your hair reaching under your dress. Suddenly he pulled his head back. “Where’s your underwear, sweetness?” His hand moved from your hip to cup your cunt. “Did you want to be ready for me?” He moved his fingers through your folds lightly, tracing from your opening to your clit over and over. “You’re like a little gift, aren’t you?” He pulled his fingers from you and brought them to his mouth, pushing both his index and middle finger between his lips then pulling them out again, coated in his spit. “Mm, definitely addicted,” he murmured and then he was turning you around and pressing you into the wall, your palms against the smooth surface. He attached his mouth to your shoulder as he pushed his crotch against you “Gonna let me grind against you like I did that pillow?” He grabbed your hip with one hand. “Arch your back for me, baby. Good girl.” 
You were completely gone. Imagining him fucking himself into that pillow ruined you. You had to make him do it in front of you. His cock slipped between your legs, startling you. “Minho!”
“It’s okay, honey. Just gonna rub myself on you lick this, grind my cock against your wet little cunt… just like that.” He had one hand holding one of yours to the wall while the other gripped your hip. His cock was spreading your lips as he ground himself back and forth. “So warm.” 
You’d missed this, feeling him against you, his soft voice. “Don’t leave me again… please.. you can’t.” You burst into tears, gripping the hand he’d had on your waist so you could pull his arm around you, his chest pressing into your back. 
“Shh.. never… never leaving you again.” He pulled away from you and took your hand so could walk you over to the couch. He dropped himself into it. “Sit on my lap, baby.” He patted his thighs and you climbed onto him, legs straddling his thighs. “You’re so brave for me.” You sniffled and rested against his chest, head resting against his shoulder, hard cock trapped between you. “Always so brave.” 
“Did you really fuck the pillow?”
You felt his chest move as he chuckled, “God, you’re really into that.”
“Can I sit on your cock now?”
“Can you- yes, you can sit on my cock. You can sit on it whenever you want, baby. Belongs to you.”
You lifted yourself onto your knees and took him in your hand so you could align him with your entrance. “Slowly,” he whispered. You looked up at his face as you lowered yourself, watching as his mouth opened and his head fell back against the back of the couch. You pressed yourself against his chest and felt both his arms come around your back to hold you against him. “Just like that. Let me feel you,” he groaned. “No moving for a bit.” You closed your eyes, feeling him fill you. You could get addicted to this.
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Dark! Xavier Thorpe x reader: part 7
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
"Hey Y/n." Enid shouted as Y/n walked through the canteen two trays hovering next to her as she held her necklace Enid rushing over as she smiled widely at her.
"Hey Enid, i can't talk got to get back to Xavier before his breakfast gets cold." Enid's eyes widened as she stood in front of Y/n with a knowing grin.
"So the bets started? What did he make you do?" Y/n tried not to blush as she thought about how they'd cuddled and she'd basically humped him like a rabbit, her hand tightening around the necklace.
"I cleaned his room then we both had a nap, i slept in Rowan's old bed." Enid pouted annoyed her and Ajax's plan hadn't worked they'd hoped Xavier would have asked her out or atleast been a little cheeky with his requests since Ajax always made fun of him for turning into a puddle whenever Y/n touched him. He still had 15 hours to make a move Enid assured herself as she waved goodbye rushing over to Ajax as she began spewing what Y/n had told him back to him, Ajax smirking at Enid before shushing her.
"There is no way my boy would pass up sleeping with Y/n, also he went into town and got her 'presents' to wear during these 24 hours he's got something planned." Enid squealed excited for the two of them to finally get together her and Ajax kept talking getting closer and closer until he coughed blushing and looking down. Enid blushing back as she realised how close they'd gotten staring at her nails as they tried to move on awkwardly. 
Y/n arrived the Xavier's dorm pushing the door open with her powers as she clicked her fingers once it closed her tray being placed on his desk whilst she walked over with his tray, the maid dress now on her as Xavier grinned putting his arms behind his head and looking her up and down lazily.
"I could get used to this." Y/n rolled her eyes sitting by his waist as he sat up placing the tray in his lap as she adjusted the skirt of the dress.
"Don't get too comfy, you only have 14 hours left and then i will be getting revenge." Xavier took a bite of his toast smirking at Y/n before leaning forward keeping eye contact as he tilted his head.
"What are you going to do cuddle me in my sleep?" Y/n huffed as Xavier sat back with a small laugh enjoying how flustered Y/n got knowing what he was really insinuating. Using her powers to splash him with water as he went to take a drink, glaring at her as he wiped his face.
"That wasn't very nice, you should be thankful i'm so merciful." Xavier said with a cocky smile as Y/n raised an eyebrow leaning back on her hands and crossing her legs looking him over before clicking her tongue wanting to get a rise out of him.
"Hmm, you're right any other guy would probably have done something must worse, probably had me on my knees by now." Y/n kept the smile off her face as she watched Xavier choke on his drink his eyes darkening as he placed it down glaring at her.
"That's not funny." Y/n started smirking as she stole a slice of toast off his tray laying back as she lifted her legs up tucking her knees up as she ate the toast staring at the ceiling.
"You should have seen your face." Y/n laughed as they both ate Xavier trying his hardest to keep his eyes on her face but the way her legs sat, knees togethers but feet apart meant her skirt pooled around her upper thighs. His eyes dragging along her legs before dropping between her thighs where her underwear peaked out barely covering her from his eyes before she dropped a leg covering her from his eyes as she turned her head looking at him. 
"So what's the plan for today?" Xavier tried to play off how he'd been staring at her underwear by looking at his food taking another bite of toast and leaning against his bed his hand dropping to her thigh as he rubbed up and down her soft flesh. 
"Can i be selfish and keep you locked up here with me all day?" Y/n smiled at him leaning up on her elbows giving him a mocking look.
"I don't know can you?" Xavier grinned moving his tray to the bedside table wrapping his hand around her thigh and dragging her closer until her thighs sat either side of his waist her body between his open legs only the covers stopping them from touching as he leaned over her body.
"Oh absolutely." His hands moving up her thighs as she sat up forcing him to lean back as she ran her hands along his arms up to his neck linking her fingers behind his neck. 
"What can i do for you then sir?" Y/n saw the look in his eyes when she called him sir, his eyes darkening and the vein in his neck popping out as he tightened his grip on her thighs thumbs digging into her inner thighs enough she hoped it would leave bruises. Xavier didn't even know what to ask as he looked at her, the devious look in her eyes as she pulled herself closer making his head dip as she ran her hand through the back of his hair watching him shiver. Tilting her head in a taunting way as she pulled lightly making his mouth open in a silent moan as he sharply breathed in staring at her as she licked her lips. 
"I can't do anything without being told. Sir." Y/n found this more fun than anything else they'd ever done, teetering on the edge of friendship, taunting and teasing but not knowing who would break first. This was the real bet, whoever gave in would be the real loser. Xavier wanted so badly to drag her forward and kiss her, his hands flexing on her thighs as he moved them higher his thumbs touching the sides of her underwear as he watched her, her eyes tinted purple in lust as he dragged his hands higher pushing her dress up to grab at her hips. Y/n didn't break eye contact as Xavier's fingers tapped along her skin, sparks shooting straight between her legs as she lightly bit her lip but she wouldn't look away, if he wanted to be selfish he had to make the first move. 
"I can ask for anything i want?" Xavier whispered his eyes dropping to her lips as he moved closer, dragging her hips until she met his lap Y/n letting go of her lip as she nodded. His eyes glazing over as he squeezed her hips making her squirm slightly in his hands as he let out a shaky breath. 
"Anything." Y/n breathed out the two of them moving closer until the door opened, Y/n and Xavier jumping as Y/n turned falling onto the floor hiding herself behind the bed as she used her powers to get back into her pjs panic flooding through her as she popped up seeing Ajax sheepishly smiling at Xavier glared at him.
"Shiiit, sorry i uhh..." Ajax panicked as he rubbed his neck looking behind him pleading with Enid to come out and save him, Enid walking in with a wave as she looked at Y/n hiding behind the bed in her pjs and Xavier looking like he was going to murder Ajax. 
"It's almost time for the team meet up for Poe cup? Did you guys forget?" Y/n went red as she remembered Enid telling her about it over and over, all the teams would meet up and hang out for a few hours the weekend before the Poe cup which was a week today, looking at Xavier his glare turned into a sheepish look as he smiled at his friends.
"Give us 5?" He said Ajax and Enid smiling before closing the door the both of them silently dancing at their victory, not knowing they'd actually stopped anything from happening. Y/n stood up wiping down her trousers as she awkwardly looked at Xavier grabbing the maid dress and shoving it into the bag throwing it under the bed as she turned to him.
"Pause on the bet?" Xavier nodded with a blush as she waved at him running out turning as she opened the door.
"See you in 10." Y/n ran into Enid pushing her towards her dorm as she whispered at her how much she disliked her in that moment, Xavier walking to the door and pulling Ajax in by his collar.
"You dick, i almost had her!" Xavier said dropping onto his bed annoyed as Ajax grabbed the bag Y/n had left pulling out the maid dress with a questioning look. Xavier grabbing it and throwing it under his bed as he got up grabbing his uniform glaring at Ajax. 
"You had her in a maid dress since midnight and only just made a move?" Ajax sat on Xavier's bed laughing as he watched his best friend angrily storm about his room.
"No that was just a joke when she brought me breakfast, we slept when she got here." Ajax nodded.
"Yeah Enid saw her this morning she said she slept in Rowan's bed, you're lame." Xavier ran a hand down his face as he walked in the bathroom changing, talking loudly so Ajax could hear him.
"She didn't sleep in Rowan's bed and for the record you're the one who can barely talk to his crush at least i got mine in my bed." Xavier came out with a smirk fixing his tie as he zipped up his hoodie Ajax scowling as he threw his blazer at him crossing his arms.
"Whatever, lets go." Ajax mumbled leaving the room as Xavier grabbed his sketchbook and pencils following behind him as they walked down the stairs to meet the other teams. 
Y/n ran her hand through her hair as she looked at Enid as she used her powers to dress herself before pointing her finger at Enid with purple eyes.
"You and Ajax are the worst! We were just about to, i don't know what but we were going to do but it was something!" Y/n said as Enid started apologising hugging Y/n as she rolled her eyes patting her back as she said sorry for shouting although she really wanted to not be able to forgive her for at least an hour but Enid made it impossible. Y/n sighed as Enid pulled her down the stairs ready for the hangout with everyone although Y/n was still ruffled from being so close to Xavier as they saw everyone in the hall waiting. Xavier smiled at her as she walked over his arm sliding over her shoulder as Ajax waved awkwardly at Enid, he wanted so badly to ask her out. 
"Yoko said she can make the best virgin mojitos." Enid said as she pulled Y/n's arm Bianca standing on the stairs as everyone looked at her except Xavier who was too busy wrapping his arms around Y/n's shoulder and placing his head on hers not paying attention to anyone but Y/n. Bianca staring at them for a moment as Y/n poked him making him pay attention as he rolled his eyes and looked up.
"Alright everyone, in preparation for the poe cup next week Principle Weems has set up a a tent by the lake for us all to enjoy a relaxing few hours." Everyone cheered as Bianca started walking everyone slowly following as Enid and Ajax walked their hands brushing together as Y/n elbowed Xavier.
"Look." She whispered Xavier nodding as Y/n used her magic making Enid trip slightly Ajax catching her as they looked at each other Y/n smirking at Xavier. 
"Playing dirty? I like it." Xavier said as made their way to the tent, benches and chairs all set up with each team's colours on as Enid moved back grabbing Y/n and pulling her out of Xavier's arms to their table. 
For the next few hours Y/n and Xavier were sat separately both looking across at each other but suddenly out of sync never catching the others eye, Yoko handing out another round of Virgin Mojitos as Y/n sipped on it annoyed she'd been dragged out of Xavier's dorm. Xavier glaring at Ajax every chance he got, he could have been buried between Y/n's thighs right now fisting her maids dress as she moaned out his name and instead he was watching her drink a fake mojito and make small talk.
Wednesday Taglist: @celibacy-or-death @sarcastic-sourwolf @snips-501 @lilithskywalker @parkersmyth @hey-im-bored504 @1horrormoviewhore1 @peachycupotea @moonmaiden1996 @bebopsworld @betray-jaes@o-the-o-grim-o-reaper-o @ilovedeadguys @kaz-2y567 @darling-twh @90sgothik@thematicallythalia @cheezybread @arivh @kaz-2y567 @akinatrix @just-sana @manuosorioh@alohastitch0626 @snips-501 @lovesanimals0000 @trashmouthsahra @whatinthefreshhellisthis@elle4404 @pasta88love @sourbiscuit @sl-t4ym1r @whatinthefreshhellisthis @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @bringontheweirdworld @laneyspaulding19 @torirosalie @nushy @sophiexoxsblog@here4thefanfic @clevercreatornight @@here4thefanfic @runrabbitrun3 @bi-narystars@doingurmom69 @hanmashujisfuturewife @maystecc @hannaeditzs @yeehawbitchs @living-breathing-bibliophile @kissmebakugou @yunoguns @iovaki @paulina15 @hotgirlsshareaccounts@wonderlandco @kylobensgirl @tobylikesfire @cazza2009 @formulaangel55 @mxxny-lupin @nerd-queen14313 @let-love-bleeds-red @gloriousgam3r  @
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iamalivemaybe · 8 months
Young ballister
He was a shy guy. That's not really a headcanon probs but he is pretty introverted. So at the beginning, when he first came to the institute, he was always training alone and often even trained at night because I would bet he is a night owl
NIGHT OWL, he LOVED to read into the night till like 3 am. So his sleep schedule is pretty bad. Maybe 3 to 4 hours?
He was malnourished before he came to the institute. He was shorter than any other kid. And didn't have the biggest growth spurt. That's why he is so much shorter thank Ambrosius
It took him a long time to trust Ambrosius. He found it weird that the descendant of Gloreth himself wanted to be his friend. Because he thought he was a douchebag just like Todd
Young Ambrosius
He tried to befriend Ballister so often, and for over many years till they were teenagers. Ambrosius was never interested in Todd and his clique. The first time Ambrosius laid eyes on Ballister he knew that he was his new friend. No matter how long it took
Ambrosius was as a teenager shorter than Ballister. Ambrosius hated it, BUT when he was around 14 years old he grew immensely almost over night. Ambrosius found it funny, but Ballister didn't
Ambrosius was always the type to cuddle something (or someone later in life) at night. He needed something to hold onto, like a teddy bear or a dog plushy. Before he dated Ballister he had a 1m teddy bear to cuddle. But since Ambrosius started to date Ballister and they slept together he ditched the bear and knew he found a better bear to cuddle with (Ballister was the new/better bear(obviously))
Ambrosius is not a night owl. He's a morning person (is there a description for that too?? Like early bird? Idk) He likes to go to bed early and sleep a lot. His sleep schedule is pretty healthy, like 8 hours a night. Except if he had funny night with Ambrosius than he needed every coffee mug available. While Ballister was the happiest person ever, except his ability to walk was stolen than he stumbled through the room
That will be it for today :D I have more for the young ones but also for the adult ones. I can do more if anyone wants more
But have a good day/night you beautiful beans 🫘 🫶🏼 and happy Halloween btw 🎃🎃
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britcision · 1 year
I have not slept more than 5 hours together this whole fucking week and not more than 7 hours a day
It is therefore appropriate today to give you TIM! And TUCKER! All aboard the Lore Drop!
Chapter 14’s nearly fucking done I swear I was waylaid but I think I have solved the problem. Now the new second secret much bigger problem is my intense desire to commit Dragon Age crimes
Soooo chapters will probably stay a lil slower here for a bit, but hopefully not this slow again until June, when I will be Busy As Shit
A Good Excuse To Be A Bad Influence V
It was a weird feeling to have his body shaken while his consciousness was so far from it.
Feeling his face pull into a frown not quite mirroring what he felt it should be. Tucker could never have explained precisely what part of him entered his devices; just that it was him.
Quintessential, pure essence of Too Fine. Everything he was without the meat he was born in.
But then he did have to slot back into that meat, and trying to do that without matching positions always left him feeling weirdly off kilter the next day. Like he’d put on a shirt but the shoulders were skewed too short.
So despite not being conscious of a face on his extended form, Tucker tried to form it into a frown anyway, sliding back under his own skin like a teen sneaking back through a window after curfew.
Hadn’t those been heady days?
Eyes slowly opening, it took Tucker a moment to remember how to focus them. That they weren’t cameras. But then Tim Drake-Wayne came into focus, and the frown changed to a grin even before he fully “woke up”.
“Morning,” he mumbled, rolling and stretching, getting used to the feeling of a body again. It was a little weirder each time, which he might have worried about if he didn’t see himself as an extension of his PDA anyway.
“You were singing in your sleep,” Tim told him without preamble, returning the smile.
Tucker hesitated for a moment, suddenly embarrassed. If… well. If he’d been singing along, that…
Look he’d picked songs that’d embarrass Danny, he wasn’t gonna give a fuck about it. The only actual question was, did he tell Tim?
Who else would ever understand better just what it meant to interact with tech the way he could? Could get excited with him about how cool it was?
He wasn’t fucking gushing to Technus. No way. Tuck was easily the one winning that ongoing hackathon, but it was the principle of the thing.
To the zone with it. Tim knew about Amity Park, he knew about the ghosts and the liminal tech. And while they hadn’t exactly discussed liminal people, it’d come up.
Tim could have a sneak preview. As a treat.
Decision made, Tucker gave the younger man another broad smile because yeah, bragging about your super powers to a very cool and impressive person? That felt good.
Tim might be a vigilante too, but Tucker was pretty sure Jason was the only souped up Robin. Most of the bats were famously power free.
“Oh, yeah. I was bullying Danny,” he explained with a light chuckle, glancing up to find his beloved PDA, Ida. She was half under a blanket now, so he tugged her back out.
Tim chuckled softly, leaning back and stretching himself.
“Good dream?” He asked and Tucker snickered, stroking gently across the screen.
“Danny wishes it was a dream.” Tucker paused, frowning a little at the confusion on Tim’s face. “So you remember we kinda talked about the whole liminal thing?”
That seemed to jog Tim’s memory, confusion fading into an analytical frown that Tucker was already becoming familiar with. That good ol’ geek face.
“The humans with budding ghost powers,” he agreed, and Tucker had to wonder if maybe he just hadn’t put the right pieces together yet.
He hadn’t exactly said that most of Amity Park were liminal, but it was a little hard to remember he had to. Like, they lived on a portal to Hell.
Maybe he shoulda.
Well, at least it was a cool way to introduce it to him.
Tucker pulled Ida into his lap, flipped her over, and tapped the plain plastic backing to demonstrate.
“Mine’s a low level technopathy at the moment,” he explained as the PDA hummed and then began playing… well, still Montero, so he flicked it again and changed it immediately to Country Roads.
Tim was watching him with a kind of hungry fascination, and Tucker turned the music off with a thought, then passed her to Tim so he could check for secret touchpads.
“It’s not something I can do with anything,” he explained with a modest shrug, grinning with pride as Tim immediately got to scanning the casing.
All simple plastic, not even biometrics; what would be the point? Even touching the PDA was pretty much a formality at this point. She was a part of him.
“Technopathy? So you can control it with your mind? Why not with anything?” Tim asked eagerly, hands stroking over the plastic, eyes darting between it and Tucker.
Like he wasn’t sure which was more interesting, Tuck or tech, and Tucker absolutely took that as a compliment.
“It has to be a device I’ve really gotten into. Like, down to the source code, or something I’ve cracked before a couple times, and then I can just feel how all of it works.”
Tucker wiggled his fingers demonstratively and the PDA beeped to life under Tim’s hands, making the other man gasp. And yeah, totally envy in those cute blue eyes he turned all balefully on Tucker.
“How many of the functions can you use? Anything the PDA can do, or…” Tim trailed off, clearly thinking of everything he’d already seen the PDA do.
The real question would have been what couldn’t Ida do. And honestly? Yeah, Tucker remembered the trial phase.
He gave another shrug.
“Technically? Yeah, anything it can do, but I still prefer hacking the old fashioned way. Most of the network stuff too, cuz I’m only really “in” the PDA. Or Danny or Sam’s phones.”
Tucker hesitated, wondering how best to really explain the difference. Danny had never been any good at it, Tucker’d had no idea what he was talking about from the video game thing right up until he’d been sucked in himself.
Which… was probably gonna be a next-hangout adventure for Tim and the bats. And Oracle, if he could swing it.
For now he gave up, giving Tim a hopeless grin.
“Honestly it’s something you’ve really gotta feel for yourself. Danny’s great at the transition from real world to code, but he always just punches things, y’know? Turns out knowing how code is actually supposed to work doesn’t translate well to being part of it,” he added with a sigh.
Because frankly? It was bullshit unfair. Tucker could code an entire other galaxy around Danny with his eyes closed, but put them in the same metaphysical layer as a firewall and Danny could just.
Punch it.
Which, theme for the week, was also not how firewalls fucking worked. At some point Tuck figured he’d either gain a new level of understanding through liminality, or give up and ask Technus a couple questions.
Technus was currently Tucker’s subject instead of Danny’s anyway. They’d made a bet.
Which meant Technus shoulda told him about their shenanigans in time, which was probably what Tucker would hold over his head for the whole firewall thing.
It was so nice when things just worked themselves out.
Tim looked a little disappointed, but mostly still intrigued. Tucker could see his fingers just itching for his own tablet to take notes.
“Do you think that’ll change?” He asked, blurting it out like he couldn’t hold back now that Tucker stopped talking, “I mean, if you become more liminal? Or just practice your abilities more?”
And see, this was what Tucker loved about Tim Drake-Wayne. They were on the same wavelength. He grinned back.
“Probably. But I mean, it’s kinda cheating too. For now I kinda like that I have to do things the way I always used to first, before any ghostly powers kick in. It’s more me, y’know?” And like hell he’d let anyone think his code skills were just some meta ability.
He’d worked damn hard for those skills, and he was damn good. One of the best, and he was also good enough to know he still wasn’t actually top of the charts.
That was the Oracle, although knowing they still hadn’t cracked his servers felt really good.
Tim was all but vibrating, clearly full of questions, but they were both interrupted by a loud growl from Tucker’s stomach. Immediately echoed by Tim’s, so at least he wasn’t alone.
The two shared sheepish grins, and then Tucker stretched.
“So, breakfast and then Twenty Questions?” He offered cheerfully, and Tim nodded at once, thrusting the PDA back and rolling off the frankly massive bed.
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai
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i-dunno-but-im-here · 3 months
more detail for the situation: we met a week ago. spent 14 hours together on impulse overnight, never slept and never had sex, most we did was make out a little right before i went home. we both skipped our classes in the morning to stay together. we have been texting daily since then. his parents arrived in the city the day i left his (he dropped me home on his way to pick them up from the airport) and to my knowledge they have been staying with him and helping him totally renovate his place. we were generally not talking through most of the day and starting to talk at around 5, but the time we talk has been getting later and later, and he hasnt said a word to me today. am i being played or is he just being normal about someone he only met a week ago
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megalony · 1 year
Like Father, Like Son- Part 14
Thank you all for the lovely supporting messages on this series, I hope you all like this part.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​ @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c​ @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez-blog​ @jonesyaddiction​ @milanosaurus @httpfandxms​ @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @mrsalwayswritex​ @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @crazylittlethingg​ @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod​ @ceres27​ @avyannadawn​
Series masterlist: @lharrietg @viking-raider @coldmuffinpartycloud​ @kikisparadise18​ @everydaymultifandom @deangal-101 @thevelvetseries​ @alexa-fangirl-forever​ @its-me-meg​ @misshale21​ @fanfictionaddiction99​ @moonlacebeam​ @rebelliouscat​ @inanna999​ @mylittlecrazyworldofinterest​ @joviejuliette @mandybug39 @geekwritersworld​ @melisssaa​ @angelcavill66​ @lostinlifexx @greensleeves888​ @comboboo​ @leyannrae​ @myartistrash02​ @yourdaydreamerfan @pretty-pillow-princess​ @bicyhot1​ @springholland​ @kingliam2019​ @michelehansel​ @tomhiddlestonlove15 @sarahjoestewy-blog​ @1007grace​ @art-estrange​ @little-brattyangel​ @rhilee91​ @cassiaodinsdottir​ @eileen-stuff @swthxrry​ @mis-lil-red​​ @a7texas @f1-hoff​
Series masterlist
Summary: Henry and (Y/n) have five children together meaning their lives are always busy and complicated. But their family is tested when their eldest son decides to take his anger out on (Y/n).  
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Lifting his gaze from staring endlessly into his coffee cup, Henry felt a wave of relief and sadness welling up in his chest when his eyes landed on his mum.
He shifted Briar a little higher up against his chest, feeling the toddler nuzzle his face into his neck with his arms cocooned up to his small chest. Meeting his mum halfway up the corridor, Henry wrapped his free arm around her and pulled her into his chest. When he saw his mum yesterday he knew he had scared the life out of her with how he had almost cried that (Y/n) and the kids were in an accident and he had to go and find them at the hospital.
He couldn't stop apologising on the phone last night for how he had worried her, he didn't mean to do that and he would never just drop the kids off with her without at least two days advance notice. But he didn't want to bring the little ones to the hospital when he didn't know how badly the rest of his family was hurt.
"How are they?" Lisa rubbed her finger against Briar's cheek before they slowly started to walk back down the corridor towards the room.
Henry had taken to walking up and down the corridor to tire Briar out and so he could go and get himself a drink to keep him awake.
"(Y/n)'s finally asleep, but Harvey hasn't woken up yet."
Neither Henry or (Y/n) had slept last night, they spent the hours watching over Harvey and waiting impatiently to see if he would wake up. At two in the morning when the sedation started to wear off, he started to get distressed. His limbs were subtally shaking, he was froffing at the mouth and his heartbeat was fluctuating so he was put back under anaesthesia for the third time and anti-convulsant meds were put straight into his blood through a drip.
The plan was to keep him on the meds in liquid form, then when he woke up and hopefully started to get better, he could be put on them in tablet form. The doctors didn't know whether he would keep having seizures once his brain swelling went down so they wanted him on meds for at least a month to be sure.
"What have the doctors said?"
"Not a lot really," Henry took a big swig of his coffee but the caffiene didn't perk him up and he knew his expression gave away that he was at his breaking point. "If it weren't for the seizures they would have said he was fine and he should have been awake by now. If he can't wake up today without a seizure they want us to agree to put him into an induced coma so his brain can heal for a few days."
Henry wasn't sure about agreeing to that just yet. He didn't want Harvey shoved into a deep slumber, something about it just didn't sit right with him. But on the other hand, Henry knew that they didn't have any other choice. If he couldn't wake up without his brain going into shock and having a fit then there was very little choice. They would have to put him in a coma so they didn't have to sedate him every few hours. At least in a coma his body could rest and start to heal and his swelling could go down.
They rounded the corner and Henry pointed out the right room for them to enter. In the far left side of the room sat Briar's pushchair and next to it, Athena was in her carrier happily dozing off to sleep.
And then there was (Y/n), sat in the chair next to Harvey's bed with her arms folded over on the bed and her head resting on her arms as she finally managed to get a few minutes sleep. Both her hands were wrapped around Harvey's hand that she hadn't let go of since the early hours of the morning.
Walking into the room, Henry gently set Briar down in his chair and handed him a beaker of juice before he moved to stand behind (Y/n)'s chair. He placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned down to kiss the back of her head while his mum sat down in the empty chair on the other side of the bed.
He let his eyes wander back over to Harvey but he couldn't get over the state of his head. It didn't matter how many hours Henry had spent watching over his second boy, he couldn't help how his stomach turned into tight knots or how his heart seemed to squeeze and clench whenever he glanced over at Harvey's temple. He just didn't look right.
The left side of his head had swollen up like a balloon overnight until half of his head looked like Frankenstein's monster's huge overlapping brow. The wound was angry and inflamed with a bright red streak and multicoloured bruising splotched all around the shaved area. It was like there was a big helium balloon sitting just underneath Harvey's skin and the colours were showing up. And with how big the cut was, it made his eyebrow swollen which meant when he opened his eyes his eyelid might be pushing down a little.
Henry didn't want to see Harvey with a shaved head. Since he had been a baby he had lovely brown locks of hair that made him look just like Henry and Henry loved that. He loved his little double and he knew Harvey loved his floppy hair, whenever they went to the hairdresser he only let them snip an inch off his hair since he was a toddler.
Time seemed to slip away from them while Henry stayed hunched over the chair, kissing the back of (Y/n)'s neck and rubbing his hands up and down her arms while she continued to sleep.
When Harvey had finally settled down early in the morning, Henry had managed to convince (Y/n) to go for an X-ray and then get her chest binded when it was confirmed she had broken two ribs and fractured a third. But he was struggling to get her to agree to crutches, she shouldn't be putting weight on her knee when it had been dislocated but she didn't care. When Harvey was up and about, Henry would try again.
"Henry, look."
Opening his eyes, Henry leaned over (Y/n) to try and see what his mum was talking about and a spark of adrenaline came to life in the pit of his stomach. Harvey's fingers were moving. This meant that he was either going to go straight into a seizure, wake up and then have a seizure, or, more impossibly, he might just wake up without a fit.
Henry was praying for the latter but not getting his hopes too high after the night they had had.
"Sweetheart, wake up. He's starting to come round." He gently held (Y/n)'s shoulders and started rubbing his thumbs in circles against her skin to rouse her. (Y/n) felt like she had been asleep for hours but she instinctively knew it couldn't have been more than an hour she had dozed off. She managed a weak smile when she saw Lisa sitting opposite her but her eyes widened and she felt more alert when she felt Harvey's arm twitching underneath hers.
Moving her hand, (Y/n) gently brushed her fingers between Harvey's curls that were still there for the time being and she brought his hand up to rest against her cheek. All three of them seemed to hold their breaths and wait in agony for him to start moving. Deep down they knew what they were expecting to happen but they daren't say anything just yet.
A mumble passed through his lips and Henry tried to strain his ears to work out what he was saying but he couldn't fathom it out.
Harvey's head started to nod back and forth kind of like what Charlie did as a stim to calm himself down and his pale lips finally started to mumble 'dad' over and over, finally getting a bit louder.
"I'm here bud, we're both here." Henry could of groaned when he reached across to ruffle Harvey's hair that felt wrong to touch with how bad the state of his head was. But he wanted Harvey to have that touch that he always associated with Henry so he could be sure he was with him.
"Can you open your eyes baby?" (Y/n) kissed the back of Harvey's hand and leaned back into Henry, smiling when she felt his chin perching on her shoulder. This was longer than usual, this was the most awake he had been since the crash without suddenly droning off into a seizure. It was promising.
"Yeah, it's me baby and nanna's here too. Open those eyes," Moving her free hand, (Y/n) leaned across and pressed the emergency button at the back of the bed. They needed the doctor here to assess Harvey and be around while he was awake. This was the closest they were getting to him waking up and they needed to make sure he was alright.
It took a while for Harvey to even try and blink, his eyes were moving beneath his eyelids that were twitching like they were glued shut. But when he finally started to blink, his lids fluttered like butterfly wings and squinted at the brightness of the room.
(Y/n)'s heart could have broken in her chest right the very moment Harvey moved a trembling hand up to try and touch his head. He barely skimmed his fingertip over his stitches before he shrieked and pulled back before a low, guttural moan escaped his lips. His eyes were barely open but now they were watering and big sobs started to wrack his chest.
He must be in pain.
(Y/n) turned her head to look back at Henry, her own eyes glossing with tears. What were they supposed to say? What could they do?
"Shh, buddy it's alright just calm down. You've banged up your head so don't try touch it." Henry moved towards the top of the bed and kissed Harvey's temple before he held onto his other hand when he tried to move it towards his head again. They couldn't have him prodding at it becuse he was clearly in a tremendous amount of pain.
A sharp gasp escaped (Y/n)'s lips and Henry sucked in a deep breath, trying not to recoil back when Harvey's eyes finally opened wide enough for them to see his left eye. His usual golden brown orb was there, but a deep ring of red was circled around his eye and the white of his eye was bloodshot.
"Everything okay in here?" Doctor Stone, who had been looking after Harvey since he got here, came bustling through the door along with an older nurse who they knew as Angie.
"He's starting to wake up,"
Lisa crossed around the bed and stood next to (Y/n), resting a hand on her shoulder while the doctor stood on Harvey's other side. It was evident on his face that he was relieved to see the young boy awake and not having another seizure. They got their hopes up at two in the morning that he migiht just wake up, only to watch him be sedated straight away when he seized.
"Alright Harvey, I'm doctor Stone. Can you see properly, are you having any problems with your vision?"
Grabbing a small torch from his pocket, the doctor was very gentle when he pulled Harvey's eyelid back and flashed the light across his right eye to watch it constrict. Then he did the same to his bloodshot eye which thankfully was constricting meaning his eyes were still sensitive to bright lights.
"It's... blurry." Harvey motioned to his left eye but he couldn't stop from whining at the pain that was floating around in his blood.
"That's okay, your head took a big beating yesterday. Can you wiggle your toes?" He nodded with a small smile when Harvey twitched his toes and moved his feet, showing he truly didn't get any nerve damage. "Good, are you in any pain?"
"My head, oww, mum,"
"Shh, alright baby." (Y/n) kissed his hand again when he began to cry but she looked at the doctor when he lifted up Harvey's left hand. His fingers were twitching and his hand and up his arm was trembling very subtally which didn't look good.
When the doctor let go of Harvey's hand and tried to touch and assess his head, a howling scream left Harvey's lips and his whole body jumped against the bed. (Y/n) reached across to grab his hands and hold them down, she could see he was about to hit the doctor to get him away. Violent, horrid sobs left his chapped lips and he began to screech even though the doctor was only very lightly touching his head.
Henry lightly sighed to himself and leaned down to press his hands on Harvey's shoulders when he started to wriggle and become distressed. His knees came up towards his stomach and he tossed from side to side, jerking his hands out of (Y/n)'s so he could push everyone away.
"Okay, nurse can you put some morphine in his drip please?"
Jerking his arms out of (Y/n)'s hold, Harvey reached up and deadlocked his arms around Henry's neck until his dad was almost smothering him. Henry braced his hand on the back of the bed so his weight wasn't all thrust down on Harvey who would be squashed if that happened. He wrapped his other arm around Harvey's waist and tucked his face into Harvey's neck. He could feel his heart physically shattering with his baby boy sobbing into his neck.
He kept hold of Harvey while the nurse quickly injected a shot of morphine into the IV tube near his wrist.
"I'm here, shh you're alright, dad's here."
Henry didn't realise how much strength Harvey had until he tried to pull back and the arms around his neck tightened like iron bars and crushed him back down to his sons chest.
"Okay, let me sit on the bed with you then." It wouldn't do his back any favours to stay stooped over the bed in a headlock for much longer.
Harvey seemed to have an internal debate before he relented and let his arms go loose. He went like a ragdoll, allowing Henry to lift him up so he could sit down on the bed. Henry sat up against the back of the bed and spread his legs so Harvey could shuffle between them and cuddle up close to his chest. Harvey laid on his side and brought his legs up near his stomach and wrapped his arms as far as they would go around Henry's toned abdomen, snuggling into him as much as he could.
Out of instinct, Henry's hand went to go towards Harvey's hair but he recoiled back and moved his hand to his son's neck instead. He couldn't touch his head without inflicting immense pain and that cut a deep wound within him.
"When he's settled this afternoon we'll take scans of his eyes, just to check them out. His brain being swollen might just be pushing on some nerves or they could be damaged from the force of the crash but it shouldn't be permanent."
"Thank you,"
"I'll take little one for a stroll, give you all some time together," Lisa kissed Harvey's outstretched hand before she got Briar's pushchair and left the room after the doctor. It would be one less child for them to worry about and they could focus on Harvey for a little while.
"What happened?" Harvey's voice was quiet and Henry guessed the morphine was already kicking into his system because he had gone rather still in his arms.
"Someone crashed into us yesterday, you got banged around in the car and hurt your head, baby." (Y/n) moved to sit on the edge of the bed and slowly rubbed her hand up and down his arm.
"Is everyone okay? W-where's Pete?" It seemed to dawn on him that the only siblings in the room with him were the ones who weren't in the car when it crashed. Peter was always by his side like a little shadow but he wasn't here right now. Was he alright? Did he get hurt?
"Everyone's fine, bud. Pete and Angel are with auntie Leah and Charlie's with grandad. You gave us a scare, though, we were worried."
A comfortable silence fell around them and Henry relished in the feeling of having his boy in his arms. During the night he had contemplated just about every scenario that could possibly happen over the next few days, one of them being the thought that Harvey wouldn't wake up. To have him here in his arms, awake and as well as he could be was the best outcome possible and it was one Henry worried they won't get.
Turning her head, (Y/n) glanced over at Athena to check she was still asleep but a tremor rattled through her body when she felt Harvey jump beside her. His trembling hand moved back to touch his head, it was so painful but it was also an itching kind of pain just beneath the skin that he wanted to be rid of.
His fingers graced over the top of the stitches before he suddenly realised his hair wasn't in the way. His hand moved rapidly around the top of his head even though it made him wince until he started to scream.
They shaved his head.
His head was the size of a watermelon.
The pain was excrutiating.
There were so many different reasons for him to start screaming and each one made his blood boil until all he could do was scream until he had no air left in his body.
"Baby, baby it's okay-"
"M-my hair... oow it hurts!" He didn't know which reason to cry for the worst, the fact that his beloved hair was now half gone and ruined, the fact his head seems to have doubled in size since he last remembered. Or the fact that he couldn't touch his head without feeling the blinding pain or even open his left eye properly due to the swelling.
"Buddy, shh. You had a really deep cut, they had to shave some of your hair to stitch you back up. It'll grow back." Henry's words weren't comforting enough so he wrapped his arms tighter around Harvey and started to rock him like he was a babe in arms again.
They couldn't have him getting so pent up like this it would make him feel worse. He didn't need any stress when his head and brain were swollen like they were.
"Shh... oh baby."
"Alright baby, I'll be back first thing in the morning and I'll bring Angel and the boys to see you, okay?" (Y/n) kneeled down in front of the wheelchair Harvey was slumped down in and rubbed her hands over his knees reassuringly.
She needed to go and get the kids and take them all home, they had had enough mayhem for one day. Athena needed to be settled at home and have a bath and her evening feed and Briar needed to go sleep in his own bed rather than his pushchair. The rest of the kids needed feeding and being in their own beds.
(Y/n) didn't want to leave, she really didn't. The thought of going home and leaving Harvey here after what he had been through made her heart ache but she couldn't leave Charlie, Angel and Peter any longer.
But Henry was staying. Harvey couldn't be on his own in case something else happened and he wouldn't cope without one parent sat with him and with the way he was clinging to Henry, they both agreed he should stay the night. Then in the morning they would switch and Henry would have the rest of the kids and get a shower while (Y/n) stayed with Harvey. This was going to be the arrangement until Harvey was able to come home.
"Love you,"
"I love you too," Pushing to her feet, (Y/n) kissed his temple before she rounded the chair to hug Henry. After sleeping the early hours of the morning on Henry's lap in an armchair, (Y/n) wanted to curl up in their own bed with Henry's arms around her. But for now, a lasting hug and simmering kiss would have to be enough.
"I'll call you when he's asleep. Love you, baby."
"Okay, I love you," Leaning on her tiptoes, (Y/n) kissed his cheek before she got in the lift to go downstairs. She had walked up to the assessment ward with them since Harvey was having an eye scan done.
"Alright bud, here we go."
Henry rapped his knuckles on the door before slowly opening it and pushing the wheelchair into the room when they were beckoned in. It was a simple scan just like they did at the opticians, Doctor Stone told Henry whey wanted to see all the veins and nerves and the back of his eyes to see if there was any damage. He was very sure there wouldn't be lasting damage but they needed to be safe.
"Is it Harvey?"
"Yes it is," Henry answered when all Harvey could do was shrink down in his seat.
"Let's get you sat down and it will be over within minutes."
"Dad..." Turning his head, Harvey looked up at Henry who towered over him like a real-life superhero trying to protect him. He didn't want to do this, he hated the optician and he still felt ill, his head felt so heavy and huge and painful that he was still whimpering in pain. He didn't want to have big bright lights shined into his eyes.
"It won't be for long, I'll sit with you, come on."
Moving round, Henry sat down in the seat and motioned to his lap, smiling when Harvey slowly hobbled out of the chair and clambered onto his lap. He leaned his back into Henry's chest, feeling strong arms wrapping around his middle to secure him and keep him safe.
"Alrighty, rest your chin here and press your forehead into bar there." The doctor lowered down the bars until Harvey's chin was firmly resting on the chin rest but Harvey pulled away when he tried to push the plastic bar against his temple. His head was still fragile and it hurt, he wasn't pushing his forehead into that to make it hurt.
"It hurts!"
"Okay, just get as close to the bar as you can, you don't have to touch it. Now, a little assessment first. When you see a red dot appear on the screen, press this button for me."
He pushed a little red button across to Harvey before pressing a button ready for the lights to appear. It would check how good his vision was and determine any spots in his vision or the corners of his eyes that weren't working properly.
"Dad, I have a headache." Harvey turned to look round at Henry when the two-minute assessment was done. Even behind his eyes was starting to throb and closing his eyes and trying to rest didn't help earlier. He wanted to sleep but he was in too much discomfort.
"Just the scan left and then you can go back and sleep, you're doing amazing, buddy." With a sigh, Harvey turned back to the scanner again.
"Can you open your eyes wide?"
"I- I can't,"
His left eye was now almost swollen shut and he had cried continuously until his face went blue because he hated the feeling of trying to open his eye and only partially seeing blobs and blurs. It was like someone was holding their finger on his eyebrow and constantly pushing it down into his eye.
"I'll hold it open, stay still buddy." Henry tried to be as gentle as he could when he pulled the top of Harvey's eyelid up. It was the only way they would get a picture, he couldn't help his face and forehead being swollen like it was.
Harvey didn't like it.
He didn't like the blinding white light that flashed in front of him or the dark blue that followed the camera flash. He didn't like the headache that immediately formed behind his eyes or the blaring red dot he had to stare directly at to get a good picture. The dot wasn't even a proper one, it was tiny and far away and his left eye couldn't focus on anything even with Henry holding his eyelid up.
"All done, good job."
Henry nodded and leaned back in the chair but his smile slowly faded when Harvey didn't try to get off his lap and get back in the chair. He stayed almost completely motionless apart from the odd whimper before his head suddenly flopped back against Henry's shoulder.
"What's up, bud?"
After a minute of complete silence, Henry gently moved Harvey's head so he could try and look down at him to see what the problem was.
"Harvey- fucking Jesus!"
When Harvey's head suddenly pivoted back into his face, Henry's head snapped back so hard a muscle in his neck twinged. A throbbing pain pulsed in his nose as blood trickled down the back of his throat and down his face towards his lips. Tears blurred Henry's vision and streamed down his face but he had to push through them and move because he had Harvey violently throwing himself around on his lap.
He was seizing.
Wrapping both arms around Harvey's jerking middle, Henry pushed the chair back before he slipped off the edge of the chair and went down on his knees. He laid Harvey down on his side on the floor and quickly wiped his face on his bare arm so the blood didn't pool down onto his son.
Henry kept his left hand secured at the base of Harvey's neck and moved his other hand to rest on Harvey's arm, keeping his boy laid on his side so if he threw up like he had been doing while having a seizure, he wouldn't choke. He continued to sniff and snort the blood from his nose and mouth, flinching every time Harvey voilently flopped against the floor like a fish.
He was going to be littered in bruises tomorrow.
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