#i soooooooooo missed writing these god
msbhagirathi · 1 month
Come, let's begin.
1. Episode starts with Khushi flashing back to all the horrible moments that happened that day. Mind you, this is the same day going on, the day just after Payal's marriage broke and the day all of them went to The Dargah.
2. The same day Arnav and Khushi had their fight regarding Gods and their existence. Then him releasing those clippings and the Mul Rajani part and Khushi in the market with her parents and all of a sudden people giving her annoying glares and muttering things about her character, then their encounter with Shyam and coming back to GS, her parents' decision to send her away to Delhi and then finally, them going to the office of that news channel and her finding out about him, releasing those clips. Uff. A lot to happen in a single day. I think, they forgot to end a day, in between. Lol. Enough. Now back to the epi.
3. Khushi is adorably ranting about her horrible day which was made even more horrible by that 'Laard Gorverner'. (Yes that's the official spelling for me now. But who cares? Lol.)
4. I don't think we should take it jokingly tho but I don't know why did they show as if Khushi is intrigued by him more than being indifferent to his existence completely. She's already given him a nick name and keeps using it, at every chance she gets.
5. She's got insulted by almost the entire Lucknow and her neighborhood and yet they show as if she is not that serious with his misbehavior and him in general entirely for something so terrible that happened to her. She never even mentioned it at least once about this incidence later.
I agree that they did it for the show, but still, they could have shown her anger, her indifference like they did it in the guesthouse track. The fierce and no-nonsense Khushi. Whatever.
6. While she is recalling her opinion regarding "Bina dil ki Dilli, machis ki tilli." (It's a rhyme made for Delhi and it's heartless people.) There, Shyam comes up, after stalking and following her from that office and is now pretending as if he was passing from there and merely happened to coincidently see her there too. Bloody b_stard.
7. Now. Tell me. How did he know it was her father's 'batua' ? Okay. Fine. His photo must have been there. And address too. Coz he reveals that he was coming to her house. And Khushi is caught off guard by the revelation, but seeing her astonishment he quickly diverts her attention by twisting his answer. KHUSHI!? DON'T IGNORE YOUR GUT INSTINCT OKAY!?! DON'T!!! I AM WARNING YOU OF THIS LEECH!
8. Lol. Who am I kidding? This is the same girl who was in denial of her feelings for a certain someone, okay let's not go there right now.
9. Btw, this is for all the girls who are reading this. Never ignore your gut-instinct or more precisely the girl-instinct. Never ever. Be very aware of who is around you for what purpose or intention. Now. Back to the epi.
10. Khushi, naively, tells him everything about who she knows there and who is she going with. Girls, I am warning you again. Never indulge into a complete stranger, let alone giving them info bout yourself or your location.
11. She did not have to tell him, any of that. Don't be too good for your own good, Khushi, please.
12. The atmosphere in GS is very melancholic as they complete their last minute packings and babuji comes and offers a spoonful of dahi-chini. Khushi has tears in her eyes but probably this is the last time that she would cry and anyone would not get affected by it, because after this Arnav would always, always, always get hugely affected whenever he would find Khushi crying. Ok. Ab chalo, Dilli.
13. The sun dawns, the next day and we find ourselves standing on the busy roads of Delhi, outside the railway station.
14. Khushi complains about the speeding cars and compares them to the ones in Lucknow.
15. Buaji demonstrates the method to cross a road, this busy. Buaji, leave the girls, even I won't be able to cross the road the way you did. You are unique, Buaji. You are you. No one can be you. Lol.
16. The girls fret over a little, but nervously start to cross the road. But, ultimately, they end up creating, a traffic jam.
17. Hahahahaahahah. The auto scene always gets me. Lol. Buaji tries to get in the auto, while complaining about the size of the 'darwajja' (door). And when she gets in from this side, Khushi falls down from the other side. Lol.
18. "Humara auto mein toh teen ka hee permit hai, mataji." "Toh hum kaa chaar dikhayi de rahe haen?" *smacks the driver* "Chal nikaal riksa." Lol. (My auto permits only three people, ma'am. Do we seem to be four people, here? *smacks the driver* Now come on start the riksha.)
19. So. Tho. Funnily portrayed. But, sad, as well. The driver adjusts the mirror to stare at Khushi while driving and Khushi is well aware, so she covers her face with her dupatta. This. Right, here. You won't believe but this kind of behavior is so damn common, even I have faced these kinds of situations. I HATE THIS. I DESPISE THIS. I DOWNRIGHT ABHORE THIS. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH. Enough. Now get back to the epi.
20. They are there. Laxminagar. They get out of the riksa. Buaji asks the fare and the driver says it's 200. Khushi feels that it is ridiculously high. She starts arguing but the driver says he is ready to dismiss the fare for her, in a very flirtatious tone. So, Khushi being Khushi, pulls a suitcase so hard, that it smacks his head from the back, before giving a final blow, she says "Maaf kijiye, Bhaiyyaji. (scowls)" Lmao. I love Khushi.
21. Buaji tells them about the situation of water supply in Delhi. And, she goes inside the house. Khushi and Payal share their feelings of the 'weird' experiences they faced up until now.
22. AND. HI BITWA. Oh. When did you land in Delhi? You know what your wife has also arrived in Delhi. Ahhhhhhh. The cravat. (😍) Lol. ASR guitar BG score is so soothing. Arnav is leaving for office. Anjali di has made his 'favorite' Bhuni methi ke parathe (roasted fenugreek seeds' flatbread) "Side rakhne ke liye nahi de rahe hain, kha lena." Lol.
23. Anjali di reminds him to come back home early as today Naniji is coming back from her pilgrimage to Vaishno Devi and there is a puja at their house. But, our chhotte straight up refuses to 'waste' his precious time in 'these' things and asks her to make up some excuse for his absence.
24. Anjali di is reminded of the 'prasaad' that she has to make for the puja so after saying, "Chhotte tum na bohot baatein karte ho, dekha sab gadbad karaa di, hum chalte hein, bye.", (when she did all the talking and didn't even let her chhotte speak a single word. Lol.), she leaves. Her chhotte is left incredulous at her antics.(Those who say that he started smiling or feel any positive emotion only after Khushi came into his life permanently, SEE THAT, GO AND OPEN THE EPISODE.)
25. Phuphaji? Worked? In? Railways? Lol. See this.
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26. "Tohre hoth bijli aawat nahi, girat hai girat. Dham dharaam." Lol. Buaji. I hate to admit this. But. You are so damn right.
27. "Haan. Jaise aaj aap girin." Famous Last Words Ft. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada.
28. And Buaji throws a cushion at her for spitting the fact of the century. Buaji. Please let her be.
29. Did I say it earlier? I think not enough. I will say it again. Babuji is the only person who can read Khushi so well.
30. Hmm. So. Buaji. WHAT IS YOUR DAMN PROBLEM, HUH? Whatever.
31. Buaji makes fun of her tears. Why Buaji why? Why do you exist?
32. Khushi and Payal enter ~what seems to be like~ their room as Khushi describes it aptly- Kamra nahi puratatva vibhaag ki site (Not a room but an archaeological site. Lol. I snorted.)
33. Both the sisters take up the meticulous job of cleaning the room.
34. One jerk of the dirty bedsheet and Buaji is immediately having an attack of asthma from all the dirt shoved her way.
35. Both of them panic and help her lay down on the bed. Khushi rushes to find her pump but to their utter dismay, it's empty.
36. Khushi snatches her basta and phone and rushes out to buy a new one. She takes Paaji's scooter along with her.
37. Bitwa informs his manager that he is crossing Connaught Place and that he will be there for the meeting in ten minutes.
38. His manager further goes on to give him a 'good' news that 'that fashion show wali ladki' has been humiliated so much by the people that she has left the city altogether (Arnav, did you send your men to keep a check on your dear wife Khushi?)
Arnav admonishes him for wasting his 'precious' time. (Tell me something honestly Bitwa, you did feel bad for her, even if it was just for a fleeting second, didn't you?)
And just as he says the line that it doesn't affect him even if she leaves the country, Khushi's reflection appears on the side glass of his car and she whoosh pasts him in a second. (Watch out Bitwa, she is definitely not in some other country but in the same city as you, not very far too, so be careful, you might fall in love.)
39. And, now yet another time, Khushi is on a scooter with a funny-looking helmet and she is driving.....or more like running, skidding, jumping but in a scooter way. Lol. This is her 'Hum Khushi Kumari Gupta' style driving.
(Remember the 'Hum Khushi Kumari Gupta' style running, skidding, jumping, i referred to in Epi. 3? This is the driving edition. Lol. Whatever.)
40. Okay, one more point, after that i am coming back to the epi. See, the last time, Khushi was on the scooter and where did she end up? Infront of her husband Arnavji.
This time as well she is on a scooter, so where will she end up? Not very hard to guess it, i think? Kyun meri Parmeswariyon? *winks*
41. So. Now. Back to the epi.
42. Payal informs her sister that 'pados wale Kaul uncle' had brought a pump for Buaji and now she is fine but Khushi insists that she should get her a new one anyways.
43. And. Within a few moments. Sure enough. She takes a turn towards the wrong side and runs right into a car; scratching it all the way along with one of the mirrors from the scooter, crashing into pieces on the road, within a few seconds.
44. She picks up the broken glass and guiltily walks towards the driver's side of the car only to come face to face with her husband Arnavji.
45. I love how her guilty expression immediately changes into something more like she is about to admonish him for his 'mischiefs'.
46. And our Bitwa. Oh damn. Just look at his positively delicious face and that expression is something like 'Oh. Damn. Uss ullu ke patthe ne toh kahan tha ki isne sheher chor diya tha. Toh phir yeh yahan kya kar rahi hai. Ab tera kya hoga Arnav.' Lol. No. Its something like 'Shit. Shit. Shit. Arnav. Shit. You are a gone case now. No one can save you from falling for this beautiful girl.' Lol. No. You decide his inner thoughts from this expression. A homework for y'all. I will ask y'all in the next one.
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47. But look at that face tho. *keeps staring at the screen* *doesn't realize that the screen is now flashing the precap* Shit. Shit. Shit. Sorry. I don't watch precaps but I couldn't stop myself from staring at his beautiful face.
P.S.: Ok. So. Howazit? Do tell. Ok. Then. Bye. Y'all. God bless you.
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I have a complicated outlook on the big reveal that Chuck (aka god) is the villain.
On one hand, I'm like, very anti religion. I don't believe in god at all. I think organized religion is evil and easily corrupted. and I see the ways that religion (specifically christianity) gives people an excuse to be hateful. basically, I like the fact that god is the villain in supernatural bc I see religion / christianity so negatively. it felt like a hell yeah moment for me. especially bc I was raised in the south where everyone is just soooooooooo christian and people have told me my whole life about the "power of prayer" and that I need to "give everything to god". which, in my opinion, all of that is ~bullshit~. especially because like... we see horrible things happen everyday to people who do not deserve such treatment, but tHe GoOd LoRd doesn't lift a finger to stop it (bc he's not real). And even if he was real (he’s not), you’re telling me that children get cancer and people get murdered but he’s this loving almighty father??? You’re telling me there’s a pLaN and a ReAsOn FoR eVeRyThInG??? Bullshit. Absolutely not. There’s no reason for a child to get cancer. There’s no reason for rape and murder to exist. so I've always viewed church/ prayer as shouting into the void. Bc no one is listening!!! which is basically what happened to sam and dean. god was not answering prayers, he didn't care. he didn't listen. So the reveal of god as the villain was so satisfying to me, it felt like vindication.
on the other hand, I loved chuck! before the reveal that he was The God, back when he was just a guy to us, I was like "what a weird little dude. He's endearing and kind of pathetic and he the writes supernatural books, that's fun." and in every episode after that (up until the reveal of him as god) I liked him more and more. Then we found out he was god and my view of him changed a little. I was kinda pissed at him for being such an absentee father and leaving sam and dean alone to deal with all the apocalyptic shit / general awfulness. but he was still that endearing, likable guy. And he talked about free will and how he didn’t step in because it wasn’t right of him to intervene and dictate their choices. so I didn't hate his guts…
UNTIL- the s14 finale. He's just such a spiteful asshole. The way he sees sam and dean as nothing more than his favorite show makes me ill. And it made me miss the version of him from the earlier seasons, when I thought he was just some weirdo prophet guy.
even when I rewatch the show, I still love that version of chuck. I still really enjoy him. And then when everything turns sour in the s14 finale, I hate his fucking guts.
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flbrokensoldier · 1 year
Scoot..scoot 👀
(ignore if you don't take requests)
Soooooooooo... *Whispers*
A Mercy X gn!reader
General idea: Reader takes up a risky mission not knowing if they'll come back or not, they give Mercy a kiss and promise to come back,
After a year they still haven't come back until she heard knocking and found reader kneeling and asking for her hand in marriage 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
-Mei Mei (^_-)-☆
I hope you love it though! I loved writing it, none of your ideas fail to make me super happy <3 (ALSO SORRY IF IT FEELS RUSHED I TRIED REALLY HARD AT THE END 😭)
Mercy x GN!Reader
"Far Away For Far Too Long."
(Song: Far Away - Nickelback <3)
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Honestly she couldn't tell how long it had been now. She couldn't focus on it anyways, she had work to do, all she knew is she stopped counting after a few months. Everyday she tried to push the worry she still felt deep inside, knowing the possibility came down to that you could have been dead, or hospitalized for God knows how long. She truthfully didn't like both outcomes, especially the first one. For the second one, she'd rather you were in her care rather than someone else. She just couldn't stand it but, after a while she had to push back her worry and grief she felt so she could still work.
That day you left was burned in her mind, it stayed there for the past year. The blue sky was almost nonexistent from the sunlight pouring in and drinking up your figure. She could remember how the beautiful morning light drew the edges of your body perfectly. She could almost swore you were a Greek statue, hand carved and brought to life. She looked into your eyes, a deep sadness laid in them but it was covered with complete love and adoration.
You were wearing your uniform, all suited up and ready to go on a dangerous mission. It involved Talon, that's all she needed to know, she understood immediately as soon as the word Talon fell off your lips. That didn't matter yet, what mattered is you were leaving, soon and you had to say your goodbyes.
You cupped her face with your hand as your thumb traced over her cheek. The soft touch was almost too much, how badly she wanted to come with or keep you in bed all day so you couldn't go. Her eyes were filling with tears slowly, but she tried to suppress the tears so you wouldn't worry about her. You caught on rather quickly though, her silence said it all.
"I'll be back.. I promise you that.." You whispered at her softly, your eyes never leaving hers.
"I know." She grabbed your hand and pushed your hand onto her face a bit more.
You leaned forward, brushing her hair out if the way of her face and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "Mark my words.. I'll be back.."
She gripped your hand and she pulled your face back to her, kissing your lips softly yet deeply. Her other hand found it's way to your hair, running her fingers through it and holding your head close. After a bit you both parted for air, but kept your foreheads touching as you both took in the pure comfort of these last few moments together, the last moment together for a whole year.
"I'll hold you to that." She smiled softly.
Currently, she was in her living room, resting after a long day of work. She had the TV on, but she wasn't listening. The background sound was almost too much, despite trying to distract herself. It didn't work though, she was caught up in her thoughts, thinking of you. That smile planted on your face before you left, the soft kiss, everything. She missed you so deeply, it was almost unbearable. Oh how she wanted to feel your touch, see your face, and kiss you again.
In the midst of her thoughts a knock came to her door and she paused. She muted the TV as she had stood up, walking to the door. Her eyes locked on the door handle, hesitating for a long moment before she turned the handle and pulled the door open. Her eyes widened at who she had seen, she nearly dropped to the ground out of shock and pure happiness.
There you stood with flowers, bandages wrapped around your arm that she could see peaking out of what appeared to be a nice suit/dress. You had a few wounds but nothing too terrible, at least not anymore. You had several scars too but those were hidden as well, right now you just wanted to be in Angela's arms, but first you had to do something.
Tears filled her eyes as she smiled at you. "It's been far too long."
"Yet I came back, as promised." You handed her the flowers.
She took them and set them on a shelf next to the door before she wrapped her arms around you. Hiding her face in your neck while she cried. Happy tears mixed with laughter of relief. You instinctively wrapped your arms around her too, holding her close. The moment was like finally achieving your goal you wanted to pursue most of your life. The relief, the happiness, and the overwhelming feeling of love.
You both took a moment to calm down before you let go. You smiled confidently as you took a step forward.
"I have one more thing.." You said as you grabbed a box from your pocket. (Yes the dress has a pocket if you picked that)
She tilted her head before it hit her.
You were suddenly on your knee, a ring sitting in the box. "I know, it's been a long time since you saw me.. But I wanted to make it right. So Angela, what do you say?"
Her eyes poured tears as she nodded quickly. "Yes."
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antrea · 2 months
this is a ramble but i just wanna write down my thoughts
i'm a new hockey fan as of february so this was my second flyers game ever and first flyers game at home (now i'm like as being 'born and raised' in nj/philly area god i've missed out on so much)
ivan played so fcking amazing for literally just being thrown out there after what like 1.5 weeks stateside? like what on earth
i still wholeheartedly believe in sammy and i cannot take this slander bc if he is so bad then the whole team is worse and cannot provide offensive support (see habs, hawks games)
tipp is soooooooooo fast. i think there were 2 separate isles breakaway chances where thankfully he was actually the only one to catch up with the dude and the pressure he created was enough to totally erase the chance. there were so many times that i thought he was gonna score bc of his sheer speed :(
morgan had some brilliant moments but i think around 2nd period i was sure he was on torts' doghouse bc he just gave away (flag) a lot of pucks lol and he started to move more slowly and then i think that's also when torts moved tippy up and shuffled some lines and i was sad - but honestly he was still injecting so much speed and creativity and he was actively winning back pucks he lost so yeah!!!
i will never forget that final 10 seconds goal for the rest of my life. the farg ERUPTED and i was just like non stop screaming and JUMPING UP AND DOWN for like 5 whole minutes. i didn't even know who fcking scored, it was so chaotic. when they said frost i nearly expired on the spot
i think frost giving away the puck during OT was like the saddest thing ever but i think that line should've started OT anyway........
about refs: since i'm so new to hockey i wasn't sure what was a missed call or just philly fans yapping lol. it's definitely much harder to tell from 200's level what is a foul and what is not
i don't know if i was just like clued in to looking out for cam atkinson mistakes but oh he lost the puck a lot :/ and when he had it he never really did that much with it
whew PK was actually back today i think and i totally attribute it to seels. i think there was one PK where he and garny blocked consecutive shots and you could HEAR it ooft
on the flip side i hate our PP so much and i quote the woman behind me but "it doesn't even look like we're on a power play"
wells fargo center is nice. for some reason before 2024 i went to 0 hockey/ice arenas and now i've been to 4 (blue jackets, caps, habs, flyers) and flyers is by far the nicest
gritty is INSANE energy man we are so lucky to have gritty
due to driving in (ugh next time i'm taking the train) i only had time to speedrun one of the shops on the concourse and there were 0 frost jerseys broooooo. they had like every other player. i was trying to figure out which of the like 4 jerseys we have this season to get anyway and i still don't know...
i was just reflecting all the way home that like i've started seriously following sports since 2010 with german football/bvb and since then i've hardcore picked up ravens nfl, orioles baseball, and figure skating, and i've just never felt this kind of high in-stadium until flyers hockey. and maybe it's just bc i've never been to like orioles playoffs or bvb in germany (i've only been to bvb friendlies in the states) but like i feel like hockey should be more popular lol
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brothersonahotelbed · 11 months
NICO NICO OH MY GOF HI HI I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH im so sorry i just went and disappeared on you like that. went through a really bad time and got sick of my blog (which i honestly have been for a good while) and just decided to wipe everything and be alone for a little. it's so good you should try suddenly disappearing into a fog sometimes I'll just want for you to come back when you've cleared your mind. sorry i miss you a lot and it's so nice to get to talk to you again :). oh here's some poetry from a book i've acquired through ah id say dubious means and ive bookmarked some that reminded me of you and your sea thing. im gonna go through and find some more for you. anyway PLEASE catch me up on things how's everything have you been writing show me show me how are your little silly creatures any new stuff youre insane about any cool things you wanna show me tell me everything man IVE MISSED YOU MWUAHMWUAHMUWHA
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enyway these are the poems 👍. ly man
okay first before anything please please PLEASE don't be sorry for disappearing and retreating into the shadows for a bit. i mean it. you're braver than all of us for knowing when to take a break and even having the guts to deactivate for the betterment of your mental health especially with your posts blowing up and people being annoying and going through shit with your mental health and everything, i'm proud of you for taking that step & happy you did it!!! of course i was worried but i'm glad you're here and i'm glad you were able to do that to help scrape the grime and dirt off <3 seriously. :)
umm how things are going!!! idk nothing much has changed since you've been gone tbh? i just found out my coworkers at the library and i are getting a pay increase because the county loves us soooooooooo much and bc we've been working so hard, so that's cool!! i also finished writing a good omens fic that turned out to be 15 pages long (rip) and it was the first piece of non-poetry writing that i've attempted AND FINISHED in over a year. ACK!!!! im v proud of it :]
ALSO a little bit of tragic news our favorite girl (guitar) vendetta, my beautiful lovely woman, is like. on the fritz for some reason? her channel switch is fizzling out and she's have connection issues with the amp and it's really sad. but!! since my birthday is next month (the 17th), i talked to my parents and they agreed that for my bday present they would help me pay for a NEW GUITAR????. THIS IS THE ONE I HAD MY EYE ON
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last thing, i watched juno 2007 (Finally!) during your absence AND IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO WATCH IT. elliot page and his little egg self :') idk it made me tear up a little i loved it so much. <3
my cats are as beastly as ever of course. here are some pictures:
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we all missed you so much man it hasn't been the same without you here. i love you so much zed so so so much <3333
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le-velo-pour-dru · 8 months
i missed the mental struggles because i too was up writing a very long paper that i should have written weeks ago and is due tomorrow but as someone who has just witnessed the Horrors you can do this!! it won't be too bad once you get going with it, whatever it is <3
THANK YOU SO MUCH OMGGGGGGGGG 😭🩷 I can't believe we were both going through the same thing that's crazy- I've actually written the whole thing by now, and all I have to do is proofread it and make sure it's actually good, but ohhhhhhhh my god, I was soooooooooo stressed out all evening into this morning, so I appreciate this ask so much, you are so incredibly sweet waugh 😭🫶💖
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drarry-fic-rambling · 2 years
Hi, Phoebe!!!!!! This is such a brilliant idea for a blog! Thank you for running it!
I recently read through all of @amelior8or 's Drarry fics and I can't get over them! Two in particular won't let me live my life anymore.
The first is Yesterday, a short fic of only 700ish words, but it really packs a punch. Harry has been cursed to forget every Tuesday and it isn't angsty, despite the memory loss. Draco is his auror partner and makes sure to always help Harry through Thrusdays - he also takes advantage of the situation and it's soooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The second that I just can't get over, is High Aspirations, another fic on the shorter side, though this one is close to 4k. In this one, Harry is just...... Perfectly written. Draco is absolutely stunning, and Harry is definitely justified for being head over heels for him. The story is brilliant and fun and fast paced and soooooooooo worth the 4ish minutes it takes to read through it and let it ruin you for the next several days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello lovely!! What a sweet message. Thanks for submitting this.
OH my god both fics are absolutely gorgeous. I cannot believe I hadn't read them both before. I believe I've read @amelior8or's work in the past but I think I'd missed those fics and my GOD they are both genius and creative and super well done. Thank you for the recs.
Read High Aspirations and Yesterday on AO3!
Hey yall It's @phoebe-delia! This is my sideblog. The purpose of this blog is for people who might not want to have a full-on Drarry or fic rec blog but who have a favorite fic or piece of art that they're so passionate about that they want to write a rec. As always, remember to check the tags & leave comments and kudos!
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lostmykeysie · 2 years
I’m actually obsessed with the missing link it’s so good !!!!!!!!
THANK YOU BABES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i did like a lil planning session for the rest of the chapters earlier in the week now i'm back on my bad bitch shit (now that i've stopped hiding and am interacting with the world) and i am so excited i might wee honestly i love writing this damn series maybe it will never end and then what will we do???? kidding it will EVENTUALLY but that's how it feels sometimes
also i know i keep saying this but it's gonna be so fucking long FML and i owe so many other fics lmao see you never at this rate because we're averaging just under 10k per chapter and we're looking at 16 chapters with no epilogues soooooooooo god save us all tbh
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goji-pilled · 2 years
Soooooooooo I got a little thing I wrote. I’ll send it here for when you return here but I gotta give a general little explanation for it first. A mutual friend of ours came up with the funny idea to make God Mizuki a thing by telling me one word. Mizukami. So I obviously had to write a story on that and it’s one I’m REALLY proud of and think it’s my personal best work yet. Now that that’s over with, I shall give you the story.
The Goddess was observing all the stars in her galaxy. They were her passion, her joy, her love. They shimmered vibrantly with all sorts of different colors. They came in different sizes and brilliancy as well. Simply put, they were all unique in their own way. However, there was always a particular star that caught her attention, it was a brilliantly bright orange star. It held a truly special place in her heart, she felt nothing but love for it. Unfortunately though, there wasn’t much time to admire it today, as the Goddess was quite busy managing all the stars. She had to make sure they were all in alignment, in their correct places, and they had to look stunning too of course. It was a busy job, but she truly loved it with all her heart.
While placing the stars around, she noticed a particular lonesome and dim star. “Unfortunate, its time is nearly up…” The Goddess thought to herself, though it wasn’t too late to save it necessarily. She floated over to it and held it in her hands. “You don’t need to try so hard to shine anymore. You can rest now.” The Goddess grasped the star lightly, the inside of her palms glowing a bright blue. She opened her hands and scattered the bright blue dust into her cape, creating another star there. This was a tough part of her job, seeing such beautiful stars have to die isn’t easy. At the very least though, she can carry on their legacies as the Goddess of Stars. Every star can last forever with her.
After finishing her arrangements, The Goddess took time to relax. Her favorite activity out in this galaxy of hers was to, of course, observe her home. Her sister was smiling, happily chatting with their mother. It was always nice to see her family doing well, yet, she felt saddened she couldn’t be there. She observed them for a little while longer before going around and observing the small city she grew up in. It was still as beautiful as ever, and still had its wonderful scenery. She moved on, witnessing a little bit of everything, and then stopped. There was something interesting. Something important. It was a lone girl with long orange hair, laying alone in a field. She was staring up to the sky that was full of stars. “Iku…” The Goddess spoke quietly. Iku rose her hand up to the sky, and in return, The Goddess reached out her own hand. The Goddess smiled, as she was now laying next to Iku. Iku was entirely unaware of this, as she couldn’t see The Goddess but that didn’t stop them from stargazing together. “I won’t watch over you as the Goddess of Stars… but as Mizuki Hoshi instead.”
I really think I popped off with this one lmao, hope you liked it lmao
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beomglocks · 3 years
what soobin is like as a boyfriend
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warnings & other: none i just love him but let’s be honest who doesn’t, this gets cheesy in some parts bc he just gives off stereotypical kdrama bf vibes but guys he’s the one
w/c: round to 1k
ok first off 
sorry if i rant soobin is my baby so ofc i think he’s the perfect boyfriend
he’s so
ok when you meet him he’s a shy boy
like really won’t wanna look you in the eye
ok like super fucking awkward
like painfully and you’re like “hahah ok that’s cute”
that only applies if you look intimidating tho
if you’re one of those people who’s blessed with not having resting bitch face he’ll be flirty
well you know..
he has his own methods of being flirty
he’s charming in his own way
probably does what yeonjun does but more subtle
will stare at you
and when you make eye contact he smiles and rubs his lip with his finger DJSJSKDK PLZ
alternatively: looks away, purses his lips with a smile, ears get red, looks back up to you already looking at him then he waves
youre left like
“omg he’s so fucking cute”
ok but actually like he will reel you in without you even knowing
next thing you know you’re laughing at his lame ass jokes
god forbid you think he’s funny
“you think I’m funny? well we should date” :)
wait im pretty sure he said he doesnt go after someone unless he knows they like him back
tbh he’d probably wait until you make the first move
or wait until you show interest or else he’ll just hide his feelings
you have to bring him out of his shell
once you do...oh boy
100% never leaving you alone
always telling you how much he loves you
he’s the sweetest
teeth rotting sweet
i feel like he would slowly open up to you during the relationship
he’s not like automatically into it if that makes sense
shy to initiate things at first
such as kissing and touching
asks you if it’s ok first
we love consent
free samples kind of guy
dont take him to an ice cream shop or shops in general
he will devour the free samples
next thing you know you’re leaving with goat cheese and the newest ice cream flavour
he gives hopeless romantic vibes
would want to bake with you in the kitchen
and i know this sounds cliche but
flour fight
he’s cute with it at first
just rubs some flour on your nose then next thing you know
“we turned our dog white”
he’s a simple man
he probably spoils you
but not like expensive item type of spoiling he isn’t extravagant
god forbid the price range of any of the items he buys you exceeds his actual paycheck
cute gifts that you’ll actually use and cherish
i dont see many fights happening with him tbh
maybe if you question his leadership choices then i can see a fight happening
for example if you think he couldve handled a situation better in a certain way and you point that out to him he’ll get all defensive
“im the leader of my group dont tell me what you think is best for my group”
then you’re just like “well shit fuck you too i was just tryna help”
i can see him distancing himself after a fight if you’re also feeling a bit aggitated
doesn’t talk to you until it’s literally 2am and neither of you are sleeping bc yall always cuddle and you’re not cuddling him
he’s always the first one to say sorry
my god he makes fun of you so much
not on a beomgyu level though
more of a “if you say something silly i will make you feel so dumb for the rest of the day” kind of clowning
wow jealousy
i feel like he’s not super jealous unless he feels threatened
everything was fine until the fire nation attacked
once he sees you getting a little too buddy buddy with someone else he’s like nah i gotta shut this shit down
he’s humble but once he’s jealous he’s all braggy to make himself seem above who ever was trying to get at you
“yeah i think we ALL-”
boy do you have to comfort this big baby
he’s sensitive :(
hold him and rub his head on his off days
tell him he’s the best boy and it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks screw them
he laughs like 
“shouldnt i be comforting you?” 
soooooooooo sappy
cliche asf boyfriend
buys you flowers
if he could he would be doing the whole radio outside your window thing (side note: yeonjun would too be he’s whipped asf)
college bf (we saw it coming)
see also: college bf who helps you in what he can and tells you to screw math bc you don’t need it anyways
shows up at your school or job after his practice
everyone loves him
you gotta be on guard 24/7
i wouldnt say you’d be insecure per se but soobin definietly lacks awareness when it comes to being flirted with
he recognizes others advances but laughs awkwardly, forgetting to tell the person he already has a partner
~cue mild argument~
at the end of it all he’s like “dont worry i only like you jeez”
if he’s working on a song he asks for your input
or rather how would you interpret a certain emotion that he isn’t able to convey
just to joke around, if he has to write a song about heartbreak but neither of you have been through that he’ll be like
“well there’s a first for everything :)”
soobin 100% takes the time to learn about your culture
he’s invested what can i say
introducing you to the other members isn’t THAT bad
but they definitely clown soobin
txt: “how come your partner is cooler than our own leader”
“maybe they should lead us instead” (joke)
soobin’s like fuck yall i can be cool :(
always send you cute selfies
with messages along the lines of
“i miss you :((((”
“bring ice cream on your way back!”
“be safe tho xxx”
he gives embarassing dad vibes
you can’t introduce him to your friends !
since he has you around he isn’t too shy and once he engages in conversation you better pack your bags
he’s trying to be funny (keyword: trying) but really it’s just your friends laughing to not make the hot idol bf not feel bad
you help him with his script for music bank
speaking of music bank
yes, yes, you are clowning him like the rest of txt and he comes home like
“not you too :(((((((”
my goodness hueningkai
yall tussle over soobin’s attention
sometimes it feels like youre sharing soobin with kai
you love them both but youre like “kai sweetie it’s cold and i wanna be the one to cuddle my bf so please”
speaking of cuddles 
best cuddles
ones where he’s wearing a really comfortable sweater that’s actually nice material and your face gets buried in his chest 
his limbs will be tangled in yours no doubt
but wow he’s so warm you almost never wanna let go
they don’t call him “home” for nothing
tall boy
makes fun of you if you’re shorter than him
yes he does tease you by placing items on higher-than-you-can-reach shelves
kick his shins he’ll give in
you: ”hows the weather up there”
him: “nice actually but you wouldnt know now would you :)”
tell him your problems, tell him anything
he will listen
and i mean let-you-ramble-for-hours kind of listen
but at the end of it his input is always valuable and he isn’t judgemental
he’s a good listener and gives good advice!!!
he’s not the leader for no reason put some damn trust in him!
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cgogs · 2 years
I’ve been meaning to leave a nice message in your ask box for a week or two now, ever since I found your writing, but I never have the words to express just how much I absolutely adore your writing. I’m literally just. staring blankly ahead trying my best to make my brain articulate words but goddamn do your fics leave me completely speechless.
I found Oxeye Daisy while searching the c!dnf tag on tumblr in a desperate attempt to feed my brain. I’m a multishipper at heart but sometimes DNF rents out any and all available space in my mind and refuses to leave. Then I saw it, your post. Announcing that the first chapter was up. I followed you, we’re mutuals even, how had I missed it?
I open it. Its only chapter has more than 10k words. It’s c!dnf. I can’t believe it, I hit the jackpot. The first scene has me instantly hooked and I don’t stop reading until I finish the entire thing. I could See the first scene so clearly. it’s so clear that it’s blurry, because I even imagined the rain. Dream and George’s dynamic is a breath of fresh air, it’s exactly what I want to read. It’s messy, it’s complicated, even unhealthy sometimes. They can’t communicate for shit yet they both try, and don’t try, because they love each other.
They make me lose my mind. Like vibrate out of my skin while reading lose my mind. Like the first thing I did after finishing the chapter was run to @dreamslesbian's DMs and scream continuously for an hour lose my mind. And God don’t even get me started on that scene in the mineshaft. Plus the flashback? Them kissing for air? THEM KISSING FOR AIR. OH MY FUCKING GOD I CLAWED AT MY ENCLOSURE, I TELL YOU. The codependency got me so good.
AND THAT’S JUST THE FIRST CHAPTER. YESTERDAY I WOKE UP TO THE UPDATE RIGHT. The first thing I did in the entire day was read it. Like, immediately. I INHALED IT. I LOVED IT OKAY, IT’S EQUALLY AS GOOD AS THE FIRST ONE, IT’S JUST A WONDERFUL CONTINUATION, IT FITS SO WELL. Every time they talk I just @#%&/!=)$?@ GOD. I love how you write them. LIKE GEORGE????? INCREDIBLE SHOW-STOPPING AMAZING WONDERFUL. He’s soooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him. Him wanting Dream to want him, to need him. The entire part where he stops talking out of spite? LOVE IT. When they talk about it afterwards? Dream’s response to everything. ALSO THE FACT THAT DREAM IS ERRATIC IN HIS RESPONSES SOMETIMES??? Like the morning after him and George talk, when George takes the arrow out of his shoulder, how he’s acting completely different, closed off, with the mask on??? MY GOD. LIKE YEEESSS IT’S THAT SWEET SWEET TRAUMA LET’S GOOO. AND THE FACT THAT THEY ARE BOTH TOUCH-STARVED AS HELL BUT THINGS ARE HARD AND DIFFICULT AND UEUEUEUE
I feel like they managed to communicate a lot more in the second chapter, even if it was still a mess, and I’m honestly scared for the next chapter but in a super excited ‘i hope they suffer emotionally, i hope they cry, I hope I cry, I hope we all cry’ type of way.
Also I’m not even half finished like I uhhh haven’t even started talking about for queen and country like uh.
I AMM CRYING FFOR REAL THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MMY LIFR this is making my week my month my year like.
I put so much effort into oxeye daisy like blood sweat tears fingernails , i am so fucking glad to have made content people were hungry for like THE PEOPLE NEEDED THIS FIC... THE C!DNFERS.....
I'm going to reread this message one million times. I wish I could frame it. I'm showing all my friends. And my cat.
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kykyonthemoon · 4 years
Hellow! I’ve see many arts being produced in the Genshin Impact community. But please, can you imagine the other shonen bois simping over the MC. Either Lumine or Aether?! The dynamic between the shonen bois with our MC is soooooooooo great!!! Like I hardcore HC that everyone is at least bisexual in the Genshin Impact world.
Thank you for the request~
For this one I’d like to write for both Aether and Lumine as MC. They are both precious and they both deserve all the love there is.
Since there are many male characters in the game so far, I will only write some simple headcanons for each, and they will be in three groups; Mondstadt, Liyue and Fatui~ Please note that there are characters that I feel connected and easier to write than others, so pardon my mistakes. Xingqiu and Chongyun are not included in this post because I do not know much about them (Sorry!) 
I’m sorry if this is so bad but asjhdasdasda, here we go. The Genshin boys simping all over MC headcanons ~
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Teases MC, a lot; but he’s just covering up his true feelings for MC by teasing
Finds out everything about MC in just one night
Always put MC through challenging, stressful situations, and when MC gets mad at him, he’d just smile his way out of it
He also thinks MC’s angry face is cute
Is MC’s secret bodyguard, protecting MC from dangers they don’t even know of
Literally invents a new grape juice recipe for MC
Makes sure MC is safe before he goes to rest every night
He might appear cold from the outside, but his burning heart beats for MC only
Writes lots of songs and poems about MC. In fact, MC is probably all he would ever write 
Mc is his muse; whatever they do becomes his inspiration
He turns his unspoken words into songs and lets the wind carry them away, rather than telling MC face-to-face
Has every song to play - depend on MC’s mood
Every morning when MC opens the door and finds flowers, fruits and even some raw meat on the doorstep, it’s from Razor
Follows MC around like a good puppy
Doesn’t know what to do with the feeling he has for MC, so he’s just confused all the time
Considers MC as his lupical and protects at all costs
Idolizes MC as the star of those legendary tales in Mondstadt (He’s MC’s biggest fanboy for sure)
Gets so excited whenever MC is around and talks a lot about random things
MC’s personal tour guide in Mondstadt. He wouldn’t miss a chance to show MC around and go on an adventure together
Will randomly tell MC old stories or tales about Liyue, most of those stories were his own adventures
Occasionally sends MC exquisite gifts, ones that MC realizes they have to pay for after
Might already plan for his and MC’s peaceful life and funeral together in the very far future
Since he’s the God of Contracts, once his heart signs that love contract with MC, he’ll be by their side for eternity
Doesn’t like how MC just shows up and turns his world upside down at first, but then he must admit that he’s quite attracted to MC
For quite a long time, he didn’t see the purpose of being the only Yasha left, but he admires MC’s spirit and decides to fight along their side, even though it might cost his life
Smiles for no one but MC
Buys MC’s info (from Paimon) with big bags of mora
Always challenges MC to a fight and always lets MC win, probably because he’s too distracted by how graceful MC is in battle
Will make fun of himself just to see MC laugh
His family knows how much he simps over MC
If asked, he’d say he hates MC more than anything in this world
But secretly he has pictures of MC hanging all over his bedroom walls
Makes sure MC remember him by bringing troubles every time
It’s a love-hate relationship but Scaramouche makes sure no one can make MC’s life miserable but him and him only
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300iqprower · 2 years
The servant designers for fgo all have that one series that decide to base a servant on. Melusine's np is a yugioh 5D's reference, half the greek servants are gundam jokes, the list goes on. Also, the greek gods are robots because Nasu and company really like robots and are big fans of gundam iirc.
they COULD have made "the greek gods are robots" work but so far it doesn't really add anything. Artemis works but not because of anything specific to robots; it'd work just as well if not better if they focused on the eldritch aspects (Honestly I pin at least Artemis’s execution as more an Evangelion thing than a Gundam one but I'm not familiar enough with either to truly say) and Hephaestus felt like a non character in Atlantis for it. But considering he's in Olympus maybe it was intentional and a setup to him being a proper character here. Poseidon was...overall a hit more than a miss, I'd say. Again need to do Olympus before I can really comment.
I don't really think there's anything wrong with that design philosophy but FGO has a pretty big history of, in multiple ways, hyperfocusing on the influence to a fault *Cough* plagiarism *Cough* and I call the overarching alien garbage "Evangelion fanfiction" for a damn good reason. I don't mean that as a negative at evangelion I mean it in the sense of Notes is so far removed from the overarching theme of FGO that to suddenly include so many elements from it at the end is basically the equivalent of Nasu writing a story, it getting super popular and becoming its own entire platform, and then nasu using all that success not to further develop that world, but instead inject his own amateur work and force it in so he can give a pet project a massive stage. At least, that's how it's felt so far, and why I dread the idea of even acknowledging ORT. I really wish I could have any degree of faith that i'm being a complete doomer about this, but this series has never, not even once, rewarded faith I've placed in it. There has ALWAYS been a catch...at best.
.....well that got off track. Design, right, well I think the series has a LOT of misses in its designs, well beyond the "simpler" issue of waifuism and such. I say that because I'm including any design that doesnt really make me feel anything as a miss like I would an actively bad design, granted that’s to be taken with the appropriate amount of salt given how objective all that is. With a premise like this there is soooooooooo much you can do with every single character's design and by that metric a lot of FGO's designs are lazy or uninspired. One of the issues with the focus on homage is that it means even when a design is inspired it can end up focused on completely the wrong thing.
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
immj2 25.12.20 lb
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you know what’s hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighly unrealistic about this scene? that she picked up a call from a number she doesn’t have saved. no millennial does that. we wait till it stops ringing and then google/truecaller the number and see if someone worth talking to.
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vansh knows this and is thinking omg what kinda crazy person have i married?????? this bitch bonkers.
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anyway, after ACP Anda, i think she deserves another catchy nickname, so imma call her Bitch-oo Babe.
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he fully knew who was calling based on his reaction and is trying to distract her. this shadyassssss fucker, man.
also music therapy? i shudder to think what kinda music this freak might like. those alone might be grounds for divorce. i could never be with a person whose music taste i don’t at least begrudgingly tolerate, if not respect and appreciate.
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anyway, hearing his voice, Bitch-oo Babe hung up, like any sane woman would, knowing that this dude is around.
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this looks hella uncomfortable. not to mention dangerous. stop distracting the driver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ghar nahi, kahin aurrrrrrrrrr. for quality time. with this dude. oh boy.
lmaoooooooooooo she’s like “but dadi.......???”
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“riddhima, dadi se main pyaar karta hoon but tumhe nahi lagta honeymoon par dadi ko laana thoda awkward ho jayega???” snortttttttt.
she’s like nooooooooo but dadi’s waiting for us and he shows his horndog side and is like and i’ve been waiting monthssssssss. AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT, ASSHOLE??? TUMHE FURSAT KAHAN FROM PLAYING SHITTY MINDGAMES, INSTEAD OF LIKE..... STRIP UNO OR SOME OTHER FUN GAMES THAT WOULD RESULT IN ORGASMS? 
he literally just told her “humara din hai, riddhima. aaj ke liye apne dimaag se sab kuch baahar nikaal do.” oh don’t worry bro, she’s permanently like that only. aapko aaj ke din ke liye koi special instruction dene ki zaroorat nahi hai.
gaadi mein gadbad. of course. but it just stopped. didn’t blow up or anything. hmph.
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how fortuitous ki gaadi stopped in front of this beauuuuuuuuuuuutiful setup. hum toh jab bhi phas jaate hain kisi busy road pe hi hota hai, and then traffic builds up behind and honks at us repeatedly and makes us cry.
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he’s saying “nice” but very creepy shit about aaj ke baad jeene ke liye kuch bachega nahi and aakhri pal and all, and this idiot girl is just simpering at him instead of having alarm bells go off in her head. sis................ why are you like this??????? self preservation naam ki cheez kyun nahi hai tummm mein??????? like, i’m a depressed bitch who is constantly craving death and even my brain is like GET OUT IF YOU WANNA LIVEEEEEEEEEEEE every time i hear something “meaningful” said by this guy.
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of course when he’s being normal, she has to ruin the moment by thinking of telling him everrrrrrrrrrrrrrything. sigh. why are you two so fuckinggggg exhausting?
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blah blah ateet hai, not present and aane waala kal, blah blah blah. let’s live our life and forget everything in the past. yeah ok, let’s see if he’ll follow his own words or if he’s gonna dig up shit from the past and torture her over it.
bathroom mein ek surprise hai? oh boy. this fucker’s surprises are never good. 
thankfully she used her brain and is like was all this planned, us coming here???? he’s like jagaah yehi thi, but the car breaking down here was a coincidence. sure. i don’t believe a single word outta your mouth, you silver tongued fuck.
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man, you’re so hot. why can’t you just be a good human being also???? ouff, apparently, that’s asking TOOOOO much of men these days.
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aslkjdlsakjdlsakjdlaskjldkjsalkdjsal the way the psycho theme music just started playing in my head!!!!!!!!!!!
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some shady talk with angre. could be talking about riddhima, could be talking about anupriya. who knows??????/ either way, some woman about to get her life ruined by this fucker.
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behen still adamant on confessing the truth to him. wrote one big dramatic letter. who the fuck writes letters anymore???? put that shit in an email or a whatsapp message or some shit, sis.
anyway, condition is that gimme a rose and i’ll understand you’ve forgiven me and want to start a new life with me despite all this.
kept the letter next to his wallet.
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ek pal ka sukoon nahi hai is ladki ki life mein. always from the frying pan into the fire.
vansh came running, tab tak person has disappeared. with his wallet. (and her letter.) so he’s like koi chor tha shaayad.
he’s like let’s go home if you’re uncomfortable and she’s like NOOOOOOOO I’M FEELING BETTER NOW.
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yeah. this is the face of someone feeling “better” minutes after being attacked.
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sis soooooooooo horny for her husband she’s just brushing aside trauma acquired 2 minutes ago, to get laid. god, could never be me. 
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jesus christ what the fuck it’s like a gulabjal ka factory exploded nearby. i have a headache just looking at this. so fucking ott.
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anyway, she’s panicking about no gulab in his hand. SIS. LOOK AROUND YOU??????? GULAB HI GULAB HAI. HAR JAGAAH. LIKE...... WHAT MORE GULAAB THAN THIS YOU WANT, HUH??????????/
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happy tears, happy tears. (FOR NOW.)
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everytime he does this getting down on his knees and making this 🥺🥺🥺 face thing, i go buck wild.
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god he looks soooooo good and he’s saying allllllllllllll the right things. pity i don’t believe him.
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behen ne bhi kar diya pyaaaar ka ailaaaaaan.
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i’m so fucking mad that this is the fucking nonsense they gave us as first sex scene. ugh. ek toh lip sync. woh bhi to a song i hate. upar se so much ootpataang nonsense. in terms of disappointment, i think this might rank even higher than shivika’s laal ishq. that at least had sexy soundtrack and the expressions and all on point. this is literally cringey as fuckkkkkk.
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wow. one neck kiss that lasted .03 seconds. thanks. i’m all satisfied now. 😒😒😒
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anyway, i sat through it so y’all could have these caps of rrahul’s face looking good. enjoy.
agla episode mujhse abhi dekha nahi jayega. uska lb kal. i need to go get rid of my disappointment at whatever this was, by watching some new girl or something. ok bye.
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You gonna call out the white writer, that said people were being "racist and sexist" with him? Supercops sucks, but all I see is you all being blind to any wrong stuff says, you claim to have a higher ground on those crazy people, you have good morals. You always have a a explanation when someone on prodution say something wrong or tone deaf, how ou gonna do it for this one? Oh wait when you cant you start witht he name calling, which name calling gonna be this time?
You see, this is a perfect example why I don’t care about this type of anons and find them laghuable. 
Because yeah, white writer - there is exactly one white writer on twitter. Any name? Nah. Any last name? Nah. Link? Nah. It’s so easier to be butthurt and pour your llife frustration on me. Good job! And yeah, I’m a GOD and know every white male writer on twitter. Personally. 
And yes, sorry I focused on Supercorpses shitting on two POC male writers and bisexual Latina writer. And bodyshamed another female writer. And making shame lists and wanting to send shit to their employers, because this is how you deal when the writers don’t support your ideas.  
When did I claim i have a higher ground? When did I claim I’m a good person and my morals are amazing? Mhm? Sweetheart? Please, explain yourself.
I’m sooo soooo soooooooooo sorry that I don’t give a shit about people who: sent death threats to the actors, body shamed and slut shamed them, said shit like “Mel is not our Supergirl”, hated on the real life relationships, babies, jobs, talents, mental health campaign used racial slurrs, put monkey stickers on black actors faces, call anyone who don’t like what they like homophobes, call people who don’t like Lena “merry gang of homophobes”, made fun of people’s dead parents, called asexuals straight etc. 
How did it all start? Oh yes, a writer telling a fan that they don’t write sc as romantic. And scs lost their shit. And why? Because our dear amazing best wtiter in the universe aka Rachell Berry of Toxicop Fandom was moaning for months about clois pararells, how it;s for sure romantic, how her minions should have gone after the writers and demand supercorp, how they are queerbaited etc. You reap what you sow. Becasue what has happened how, it’s a result of tears of scs harassing sg crew. Now it seems they have enough of the shit. But I guess, you are missing this lil point. 
 Also, it’s pretty funny how the list and other hateful statements were made by well known SCs who are famous of their hateful and disgusting tweets and posts. But you are going to ignore it I guess?
Anyway, my dear coward, go and choke on your own shit. Have a wonderful day :)
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Training Room (Avengers x Reader){Chatroom}
Author’s Note(s): I got the idea for this from one of those quotes I’ve seen on like every incorrect something blogs. This is the second chatroom I’ve done, I honestly had so much fun writing this but I am aware it’s not the best. This time there is a reader x someone slight pairing but I wouldn’t want to spoil who it is. 
Y/N has started a chat.
Bucky has joined the chat.
Y/N: Bucky!
Bucky: yeah?
Y/N: I need help!
Bucky: oh my god
Bucky: what should I do????
Y/N: I’m just bored
Bucky:  JUST BORED!!!!!
Bucky: You can’t do this stuff to me y/n, I almost had a heart attack
Bucky: I thought your life was in danger or something
Y/N: So, you thought my life was in serious danger?
Bucky: yes…
Y/N: and you thought the first thing I’d do in that situation is start a chat. I’m dumb buck but not that dumb.
Bucky: Well I realise now I might have been a little quick to jump to conclusions
Y/N: a little….
Bucky: anyway, what was with the response to me saying I’d tell Steve
Y/N: oh that…haha
Y/N: that was nothing
Bucky: hmmm
Bucky: if that’s the case then why are you so bored, weren’t you playing on your game station with Clint
Y/N: OH my god
Bucky: what?
Y/N: you called it a game station
Y/N: you are such an old man…I’m wheezing
Bucky: Stop trying to change the subject!
Y/N: don’t know what your talking about old man
Bucky: OH…I figured it out!
Bucky: Did Steve put you in time out again kid
Bucky: HAHA
Y/N: It’s bad enough Clint witnessed the whole thing, I can’t have the guy who calls a console a game station mocking me.
Y/N: my ego has already taken a big hit
Y/N: :(
Bucky: sorry y/n
Bucky: How do you have your phone?
Y/N: I hid it somewhere he wouldn’t check ;)
Bucky: 😳
Y/N: It’s soooooooooo boring buck
Y/N: anything interesting happen lately?
Bucky: uh yeah of course
Y/N: and???
Bucky: actually, I can’t think of anything
Y/N: useless buck, bloody useless!
Bucky: fine! What about you then?
Y/N: Uh well…
Y/N: Got called gay in the training room the other day.
Bucky: What happened?
Y/N: Got called gay in the training room
Bucky: Yeah, but why?
Y/N: I was being gay.
Bucky: In the training room?
Y/N: Yeah, it was in the training room.
Tony has joined the chat
Tony: What are you two up talking about?
Bucky: Talking about how y/n was called gay in the training room the other day
Tony: you got called WHAT
Y/N: gay
Tony: but why would they say that
Bucky: well, she was being gay
Y/N: yeah, I was
Tony: This explains nothing, you guys realise that right?
Thor join the chat
Thor: LADY Y/N!
Y/N: :)
Thor: :)
Tony: should I be offended that I didn’t get that welcome?
Bucky: Y/n got called gay in the training room the other day.
Thor: :(
Thor: why would someone say that to you lady y/n
Y/N: well Thor… I was just being gay I guess
Thor: So, this all took place in the training room?
Tony: Y/n got called gay in the training room the other day
Tony: why am I always stuck in the chat with you simpletons
Y/N: :o 
Bucky: :o             
Thor: :o
Tony has added Bruce to the chat
Tony: Please man save this chat
Y/N: hello Bruce :)
Bruce: hello Y/n
Tony: why am I the only one who isn’t being greeted y/n
Thor: Bruce did you hear what happened to y/n?
Bruce: no, I have not heard Thor, is everything alright y/n?
Tony: guess I’ll just talk to myself then
Y/N: I got called gay in the training room
Bucky: it happened the other day Bruce
Tony: Oh fuck sake just read the chat I can’t go through this again
Bruce: Who called you gay y/n?
Tony: I can’t believe I didn’t think to ask that
Y/N: HA what a simpleton
y/n has added Loki to the chat.
Thor: Loki confess to your crimes!
Bucky: Confess
Loki: For what crime?
Y/N: Oh, they mean for calling me gay in the training room
Loki: I called her gay in the training room
Thor: brother…how could you :(
Tony: Oh my god just tell us why
Bucky: CONFESS!!!!!
Y/N: It was because I was being gay!!!
Tony: but HOW
Y/N: Oh, I was kissing Valkyrie
Bucky: you…and Valkyrie
Bucky: Kissing…
Bucky:  😳
Y/N: yup
Thor: Congratulations lady y/n!!!
Bruce: Well it’s a surprise that’s for sure, but you two would make a lovely couple
Y/N: Thanks Bruce :)
Bucky: so, you two were like kissing
Bucky: on the lips
Y/N: yeah in the training room
Tony: And you didn’t think that was something you should have mentioned sooner
Natasha has joined the chat
Y/N: I did
Tony: WHEN
Y/N: When I said I was being gay in the training room
Natasha: yeah…think I’m going to give this chat a pass
Natasha has left the chat
Bruce: Yeah, I feel like my time can be spent more valuably, but y/n I am happy for you.
Bruce has left the chat
Loki: Y/n?
Y/N: yeah
Loki: ur gay
Y/N: no u
Loki has invited Steve to the chat.
Loki has left the chat.
Thor: of course, lady y/n. I will protect Vals beloved with my life
Thor: and that has nothing to do with the fact she intimidates me a little
Tony: don’t worry bud she intimidates us all
Y/N: oh yeah, she does ;)
Bucky: Steve…?
Thor: oh it seems my brother calls on me, must go
Thor has left the chat
Y/N: coward! He was supposed to protect me
Bucky: when did Steve get this scary
Tony: oh my god
Tony: how did I miss this
Tony: Steve put y/n in time out
Tony: I am going to choke on my drink that is too funny
Y/N: then choke
Steve: Y/N answer the question
Y/N: I snuck it in my bra :)
Bucky: OH, that’s where you hid it
Bucky: ….
Bucky left the chat
Y/N: coward
Tony: I want to know what y/n did to get put in time out
Tony: Did you not eat all your vegetables little one
Steve: Y/N! this is the sort of behavior that gets you in time out
Tony: Y/N, you need to learn to Respect your elders!
Steve: I’m coming to take your phone off you
Tony: I’m totally coming to see that
Y/N: It wasn’t even my fault Steve it was Clint’s
Steve: No excuses Y/n!
Tony: Now I’m curious, what happened?
Y/N: I threw my controller at Clint’s head
Tony: oh my god I need to see that
Tony: good thing there is a camera in the living room
Steve: Tony! Don’t encourage this behavior
Y/N: He deserved it! He was cheating
y/n has added Clint to the chat
Clint: Free her Steve! I did deserve it
Steve: Y/N!!!!!
Y/N: Steve…fuck time out
Y/N: Clint you better run :)
y/n has left the chat
Clint: oh shit
Clint has left the chat
Steve: The disrespect
Steve has left the chat
Bucky has joined the chat
Bucky: Is there a reason as to why Clint just ran past me screaming
Tony: trust me, you don’t want to know
Bucky: oh god we’ll never hear the end of this from Steve
Bucky: also, I noticed you said there was cameras in the living room?
Tony: yeah, want me to show you the video of y/n hitting Clint?
Bucky: sure…but you wouldn’t happen to have footage from the training room…?
Tony: why would you
Tony: Oh I see, you dirty old man
Bucky: what uh I don’t know what you mean
Tony: hey I didn’t say anything against it
Tony: actually, I’m a little disappointed I didn’t think of it
Tony: come to the lab, we don’t want y/n to see us watching the footage
Tony has left the chat
Bucky has left the chat
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