#i spent a really long time fearing making a drawing for the video because i was like
bmpmp3 · 4 months
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and of course here's the drawing from my recent voicevox cover~
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moosha-mushroom · 3 months
Media I imagine different fiction podcasts in instead of the media of being a podcast.
TMA: A selection of volumes, relating to the fears, each with those removable covers. Those covers has a victim or two, and then underneath the cover is a really detailed cover. The paper is decoratively ripped, with a kind of scraggly font, and each has a foreword and ‘author’s note’ from Jonathan Sims.
Malevolent: A really gritty graphic novel with deadly detail in each panel, and very little color. Maybe a trinket on each important character has a color? Like Arthur’s eyes being yellow or Oscar’s collar having a blue sheen to it. The novels are long, dramatic, and intimate in a visceral way.
Welcome to Night Vale: Local 58 bullshit. A broadcast on television with low quality images and audio, tacky music, and a kind of 80’s aesthetic. Each episode the words WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE zoom onto the screen, the purple eye behind them. And each weather segment is an animated short by a different artist.
The Penumbra(Juno Steel): A webcomic. Hours spent scrolling downward a comic that has so much color and GEOMETRIC design. Juno and his curvy jaw, brown pie slice eyes, a cartoonishly high collar for his investigator jacket. Nureyev and his sharp square jaw, shimmering jewelry, and stick legs. Characters sticking out of the panels, fonts changing constantly, a little blue Juno that does his narration and *guitar theme plays* each time he appears.
Wolf 359: A classic comic. Issues month by month. Different special covers of the characters in extra dramatic poses or scenes. Even MORE panel breaking than Juno Steel. So MUCH onomatopoeia, even for small things like the clink of a panel or the disapproving hiss of Hilbert in the background. Geometric designs like Juno Steel, but less colorful. Like the superhero art style mixed with a more stylized look.
Midnight Burger: You pull up the Midnight Burger website. They have a hidden page that has a sort of script-comic thing going on, where the art is next to the writing. Small coded in notes from Leif sometimes pop up if you hold your arrow over the art. Links are attached to the parts where Effie and Zebulon play music, linking you to the music so you can listen to it while you read.
Desert Skies: An animated show. Indie, something you’d find on YouTube. The animation is bouncy and incorporates 3D animation alongside the 2D. Maybe the Sphere Movers have 3D models and the staff don’t? The credits are short because it was made by one guy. People are complaining about it on Twitter /j. People are making content farms about it. Everyone is pissed at Corson like they’re pissed at Jax.
The Amelia Project: A sort of simulation video game. You play as Arthur. You listen to their stories and draw pieces of the tale to invent their death. Every once in a while the game transitions to a point and click suspense game where you solve puzzles as Cole and Haines. Maybe there should even be an Operation-esque part of it where you work as Kozlowski.
Ghost Wax: A novel with a lot of pictures spliced in it. The stories are all in a single book, though the book is through Luca’s perspective— so he picks up on the ghost’s body language and Voncid’s reactions. The pictures are tarot cards with each victim as a card. Some are repeat cards— Lorem does not have a card at the end of the story. Nor does Our Home or Evening at the Ardent. The pictures are only white with black line art. No color whatsoever.
Kakos Industries: A company newsletter. Not a broadcast. A newspaper that arrives at your door and has big bold letters with the main story and pictures of the events that happen in the story as it goes. And the Sunday Comic page is full of employee shenanigans. Some innocent… some not.
I am losing my mind.
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barrenclan · 5 months
unsure if this has been said before but please let me get what i want (the deftones vers specifically) feels very fitting for pinepaw or maybe even rainhaze. the family guys who are almost foils to each other when they're both going through a messy rough time 🤝
I really like this suggestion, because Morrissey is my current voiceclaim for Pinepaw so he's very Smiths-coded in my mind.
Haven't had a dream in a long time See, the life I've had Could make a good man bad
So for once in my life Let me get what I want Lord knows it would be the last time Lord knows it would be the first time
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Oh my friend, British men screeching is just about my favorite musical styling.
Want land in the valley There's pieces of you breaking off (Pieces of you breaking off)
Big money's in the basin, you don't come back without it He's killing with abandon to get over the mountain Got darkest rum from Mama, seething in the liver Blood disease from Papi, poisoning the river
Friends on the Other Side works pretty well for Ranger, at the very least his attitude. Rainhaze's deal came from desperation rather than greed, but I do like things that speak to his thoughtless self-centeredness and hero complex.
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That's a Rainhaze song if I ever heard one!
Stuck in the middle of a forest made of Flesh and bones and they're all scared of A lost little boy who has lost his heart Fear's not enough, they have to Tear him apart
Follow the scent of iron sinking Deeper into corpses rotting But they can't hear you talk, talk, talk About every little thing
And the Hound Is humming you A lie, a lullaby
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Ohh, yeah... I can see it.
I wonder who I'd be If all these bad things Didn't happen to me
I must be The Virgin Mary To create a son Who will suffer so much <- the sloug.......
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The tone of the song is pretty light, but I can see the lyrics working! Especially drawing parallels between the original great destruction and the current onslaught.
Oh god, come quickly The execution of all things Let's start with the bears and the air And mountains, rivers and streams Then we'll murder what matters to you And move on to your neighbors and kids Crush all hopes of happiness with disease 'Cause of what you did
And lastly, you're all alone with nothing left but sleep But sleep never comes to you It's the guilt and forever wakefulness of the weak It's just you and me
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Ah, that musical is on my watchlist but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I've heard pretty good things, though!
I roar! And you cry! I'm the reason You run and hide!
You better leave your hopes behind No one's gonna stop him You better hope he's out of sight Or you're doomed to be a victim
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Objectively wild pull, but I do love Johnny Cash, and his voice reminds me a lot of what Mallowstar's would be like. I like this song a lot with him. :,]
Well, I won't back down, no I won't back down You can stand me up at the gates of Hell But I won't back down
Well, I know what's right, I got just one life In a world that keeps on pushin' me around But I stand my ground and I won't back down <- wahh mallowstar...
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I'd definitely this has big Slugpelt energy.
Dear, I fear we're facing a problem You love me no longer, I know And maybe there is nothing That I can do to make you do Mama tells me I shouldn't bother
Lately I have desperately pondered, Spent my nights awake and I wonder What I could have done in another way To make you stay
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It's a pretty good song!
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YAY Queen song! This is interesting; I can see it very well with characters that are still a spoiler to talk about.
So much ado, my lover So many games we played Through every fleeted summer Through every precious day
All dead, all dead All the dreams we had And I wonder why I still live on All dead, all dead And alone, I'm spared My sweeter half instead All dead and gone
Damn I ran out of video links
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felonytaxevasion · 3 months
For the record here are my other Undersider drunken karaoke night picks I think about this situation a normal amount (lie)
Round 1 - No One Has Added Underage Drinking To Their Daily Crime Journal Yet
Lisa - Lisa starts everyone off with California Girls because she is, in her heart, A California Girl She's Undeniable Daisy Dukes Bikinis on Top. Lisa is probably the closest thing the Undersiders have to a good singer but she's totally hamming it up here to break the ice in hopes Taylor will participate
Aisha - Every single Rihanna album has gone platinum in Aisha Laborn's bedroom and she will take any opportunity to make this fact known. I think she would pick Only Girl In The World because Aisha really feels like Rihanna made that one just for her specifically. Not a singer with technical expertise but she brings the most passion and joy to her performances
Brian - As stated in an earlier post he picks Bruno Mars Beautiful Girls All Over The World, possibly Just The Way You Are. He did not pick them to serenade Taylor specifically but at one point he does make eye contact with Taylor during the chorus and it embarrasses them both. Aisha pretends to vomit.
Alec - picks the exact same song as Brian and does it worse in every way. Intentionally makes eye contact with each of the Undersiders making sure to really draw out Brian's turn
Taylor - Peer pressured enough to participate but not enough to choose a song she actually likes and listens to in fear of being judged. She performs Fireflies by Owl City with real fireflies and it's equal parts charming and horrifying. Lisa cheers too loudly and Alec hides behind Brian and Rachel from the bugs. Taylor vows to never perform at karaoke again
Rachel - refuses to participate
Round 2 - Everyone is Slightly Tipsy
Lisa - Lisa performs Girls Just Want To Have Fun and gets really into it. She only hits half of the high notes but she tries really hard to hit all of them. It's the closest thing to an impressive performance any of them achieve all night
Brian - cuts in front of Aisha to perform Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Performs all nine minutes even while Aisha boos him and also sings the guitar solos. Experiences joy and whimsy for the first time in months
Aisha - Don't Trust Me by 3OH3. While singing the line "I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him" she gets too excited and flings a bracelet off knocking a glass off a table and shattering it. This does not slow her performance for even a second
Alec - Friday by Rebecca Black. Very pleased with the negative reaction this inspires. Aisha tries to chase him off the stage and the latter half of the song is just them wrestling for the microphone
Taylor and Rachel decline to participate and instead sit in the corner and whisper gay things the whole round
Round 3 - Completely Lost In The Sauce Wasted
Lisa - Incredibly Solemn and Serious rendition of Video Games by Lana Del Rey. Alec dims the lights and everyone sans Rachel wave their cellphone flashlights for her
Alec - Alec has spent the entire night lying and telling Aisha he can sing all the words to Rap God by Eminem. He messes up the words in the first verse immediately. Laughs through the rest of the performance and accidentally makes up a new word that becomes he and Aisha's new terrible "inside joke" they insist on saying every five minutes for the next month
Brian - Low by Flo Rida. Does a whole dance routine to go along with it. Everyone except Aisha has a GREAT time
Aisha - Super Bass by Nicki Minaj. High off the excitement of his last performance Brian performs along and completely steals the show. This leads to the first bout of drunken crying (Aisha. Immediately followed by Brian) followed by drunken declarations of love and affirmation
Eventually the affirmations lead to Taylor agreeing to singing one more song so long as every Undersider individually promises her they won't make fun of her. She picks This Is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars because she is a terrible angsty teenager in 2011 and she sings it very badly. Everyone stills cheers for her though and it is a very good finale
On the way home they get Rachel to agree to do the barks if the rest of them sing Who Let The Dogs Out acapella. This footage is captured by street cams and the footage of the teenage warlords walking down the street barking is presented as a "twisted intimidation tactic" by the PRT for the next three years
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sleepy-shutin · 11 months
one thing i keep thinking about the more i get out of my isolation and actually start doing things is the fact that i actually like want to have hobbies now. like for fun. before i didn't really do much other than draw, write, watch youtube videos, play video games and scroll through social media. i didn't really do much of anything. now that i have a job and i actually am living my life now, i want to actually have hobbies and it's probably related to wanting to better myself and like get better and move on from the horrible 9 years i spent my life, but like it's genuinely weird to me. i want to have hobbies. i don't always have the energy for them, but i want to do things now. amazing, how having control over your life and doing the things that make you happy and being able to get out of the house like makes you want to be alive and stuff.
like, you know how during covid people started doing things like baking and spending time with their families and all that jazz for like a couple of weeks or months, and then after that everyone started going crazy with isolation and fear and mental health problems? it was like that but stretched over 9 years where at first i wanted to do things, and then i got stuck for several years until towards the end when i was finally allowed to get a job. lol. and even almost 2 years in i still feel like i'm still 'settling' into it, but like i'm getting to the point where i actually want to do things with my life and i want to figure out how to put the things i want to do with my life into my life every once in a while.
and one thing about my insane trauma is that it has made me completely and utterly normal about serizawa katsuya from mob psycho, like jesus christ. there has not been a person normaler about this man than me. i know exactly how he feels about most things and nobody talks about how the isolation affects you and how you become after that many years out of contact with most people and not doing anything. this is the only character that i have ever seen in my entire existence on the internet that has this kind of experience that i also had. having a relatively normal life (don't ask me to define normal), then all of it implodes and suddenly things are different for many years and you don't leave the house or talk to people or do anything. ever. for a long, long time.
and then you come out of it and you're in the same town you grew up in but things are different now and you're a weirdo that nobody remembers because you didn't really leave the house for 9 years, but people at your job are nice to you and treat you mostly normal anyway which is nice.
i don't even know what's gotten into me tonight, i'm just like all over the place and i feel insane and i just feel like publicly journaling about it instead of not journaling about it privately. i haven't journaled about anything properly in months, but it's fine because i'm doing it now i guess.
anyways. tldr, forget reigen. serizawa is my babygirl. i do not have any trauma and i'm very fine and normal.
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rainbowchewynuggets · 2 years
re: the fate of TMA: Encore
Up to this point, I’ve been able to get most of TMA: Encore posted. But there are some issues that I’ve been struggling with for a while that are really starting to eat away at my ability to continue.
Even though Encore is practically fully written at this point and I’m just getting the planned drawing sections done, the writing itself is still largely what’s giving me the most trouble.
When I started this project in earnest, I was going off of a very rough outline and mostly writing on the fly. That method works fine for a lot of writers, but it turned out to be really difficult for me. I spent very long periods just trying to figure out how to get from plotpoint A to B to C. I eventually cleared some time to sit down and hammer out a proper coherent script. For logistical reasons, I gave myself about a month to get it done. And I did–which was a huge achievement for me. At the same time, as you can imagine, what I came out with was a little raggedy. I’ve been trying to make small edits as I go to smooth things out and pick up on missed opportunities, but I’m honestly starting to think that it’s just breaking other links in the chain.
The other big reason is due to my decaying relationship with horror. I used to love horror movies and video games, and I reveled in body and abstract emotional horror especially. The Thing. 1408. Silent Hill. TMA’s literary horror vibe was a transformative experience for someone who almost never read for fun growing up. It’s one of my favorite stories, period. Unfortunately, traumatic world events and difficult personal experiences have made horror a lot more… horrible to me in recent years. The tension and terror that used to give me catharsis now only causes me genuine stress. Writing horror still works for me though, which I think has also made it harder to keep myself from going overboard. That fucking concrete forest section with Jon gave me shooting pains to reread.
My point is, I just can’t get myself to relisten to TMA anymore or even take it in by summary. This has left me to rely on my own memory to keep the characters and world consistent with canon. Which is a lot like trying to draw a still-life portrait of wax fruit in 100-degree heat.
The worst part comes in realizing just how smart TMA is. Its explorations of the nature of fear and trauma are what inspired me to want to make Encore in the first place. But the structure and depth of it is even more substantial than I realized when I listened to it. For instance, I recently saw a post talking about how tragic Tim’s character is. He’s such a nice funny guy who does his best to roll with everything in S1, and is slowly ground down to a miserable angry stump of who he used to be by the time of his death. It takes years. And it’s not a natural part of his character. I didn’t write Tim that way in Encore. I figured it would be a lot easier to draw that negativity out of him, in the same way that it doesn’t take a lot of prodding to get Jon to misbehave. That interpretation serves the conflict I wanted to write, but it misses the point of his character, I think. There’s a lot of stuff like that in Encore at such a foundational level that it’s hard to level the dissonance when you compare it to the podcast.
Which sucks, because I originally conceived Encore as a retrospective on what the series was like to listen to (until it took so long to make that I pivoted to make it a separate study on the relationship between fear, pain, and agency, and the existential horror of time travel/immortality). I don’t really feel prepared to do any of that if I’m still discovering so much of what makes TMA work. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think unhinged, canonically-inconsistent fanfiction is bad or shouldn’t exist. But that just isn’t what Encore is supposed to be for me.
All this makes me feel really really… bad. A little bit incompetent, but mostly tired. There are only a few chapters left, and the script is mostly ready to go. Man, I don’t know if I want to go through with it though. My creative spirit has had it rough lately, and I’m about to make some big life changes that are going to make it way harder for me to get art stuff done. And, y’know, I’m supposed to be cutting back on the stuff that makes me more worn-out than happy.
I think I mentioned in a post a while ago that I’ve considered stopping before. I’ve had misgivings about the quality of the writing (and the sheer burden of making full pages of art) for a long time. I convinced myself to keep going because I’ve bailed on a lot of projects over the years and was determined to believe in myself and finish this thing. However, following an audit of the work I’ve put into it, I’m realizing that not finishing wouldn’t make the endeavor a complete loss.
The biggest reason that I make anything is because it makes me a better writer and artist. Even if I’m unsatisfied with the result, I feel accomplished that I sat down and wrote a whole script on a really tight deadline. My usual problem with any writing project is that it keeps sitting on the burner, boiling away, ballooning in scope until it’s impossible to finish. I feel like I’ve been able to make a greater level of peace with compromise and cutting down the stuff in my head to get shit out the door.
Also, tone is hard. Voice is hard. They can be even harder when you’re piggybacking off of another creator. Again, I don’t think that a fanwork or guest work necessarily has to have the same voice as the original. You’re different people, after all. A person can certainly train their tone toward a certain idea with effort, but it helps to know what comes naturally to them. I’m still figuring my own voice out, and it turns out that it isn’t this. The void left behind by my horror safe-space appears to have been occupied by a gif of Gir whacking Shinji Ikari over the head with a frying pan at high speed. Even in Encore’s most manic state, I strain to keep myself from pingponging out of bounds with violent emotional hyperactive energy. Maybe I can try sticking closer to writing action and comedy with only a moderate sprinkling of morose horror.
As mentioned last year, I made important realizations about the way I draw comics. I was taught to draw through studio art where putting your all into every piece is usually the goal. But that’s super unsustainable when you have 7-10 “pieces” to make on every single page. Falling apart halfway through a giant project pushed me to find ways to mitigate the workload without radically changing design consistency. That means formatting, rendering, and composition.
Even before that, the whole fear-color mechanic was a joy to build up. And I finally figured out how to do borderless color art! :3
I can bring all these improvements to the new things I do in the future. All the derivation-related issues in this project are making me think it’s time to move on to original stuff, anyway. Let me tell you, there is a ton of stuff I’d like to make.
TLDR; I’m considering not finishing TMA Encore because I think the quality of the writing has fallen apart, and I need to move away from writing horror and fanworks for a while.
So. The other reason I kept going after that long gap last year was because people appeared to be really into the story. I’d like to give you guys the chance to weigh in on how I handle this. Because for all I know, this is all happening in my head and everything is fine. Your options are:
A) Please finish the last few chapters with art, whenever you get around to it.
B) Please post the last of the script without pictures over the next few weeks.
C) Please don’t worry about finishing it.
Your answer won’t be a definitive vote on what I do, but I do want to value your opinion in what I decide. Through it all, I feel really happy that people have been able to enjoy and express opinions on the longest thing I’ve ever kept going. I look forward to whatever comes next.
After careful consideration, I’ve decided to finish posting the whole thing. Chapters will be longer with way less art.
Thank you everyone, for your kind and sincere encouragement and opinions.
Here’s the next chapter btw
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coffee---bean · 2 months
big summarising of my thoughts and development, the past week... (pt. 2)
the other thing i looked up was the wikipedia page for prayer, which led me to this article:
Sacred Movement: Dance as Prayer in the Pueblo Cultures of the American Southwest by Sarracina Littlebird
"dance is the chosen mechanism of religious expression because of its potent expressive capabilities" (this is in many tribes of Native people sharing a common ancestor living in the southwestern US).
"ritual drama, in dealing with life itself, is a process which serves to unite humans with other humans, as well as humans with other-than-humans, the revealed with the unrevealed worlds, the visible with the invisible" (a quote from Charlotte J. Frisbie).
this made me think of Charli XCX, whose most recent album brat is a dance record which fleshes out and humanizes the club without taking away any of the fun and dancing and amazing music.
this song, 365, is the closer. the message is simple - even after all the uncertainty and pain and chaotic energy of the album, charli XCX is still in the club, and now it feels a lot more intense and certain. the music is more aggressive and wild, it feels a lot more free and weird than it's poppier counterpart, the intro track 360.
the lyrics are in a kind of litany form, ending every single line with "bumpin' that" - basically a reference to dancing, enjoying music, or doing cocaine, or whatever else. the repetition feels religious, like the lifestyle of a monk, a kind of devotion to a lifestyle.
that's interesting, but there's also this song:
this song is similar to prayer by brockhampton - very buzzy, simple synth chords - the feeling of someone having a weird existential crisis or awakening. a short little interlude, a moment where something happens.
when i think about the amount of time someone spends with a work of art, especially in a gallery, it usually isn't that long. what if my work could feel like that little moment of calm, of breathing. what if it was bright enough to draw you in and make you stop, but it didn't try and challenge you, except to ask you to come closer?
this song is about considering having a baby, and there's this lyric:
So, we had a conversation on the way home Should I stop my birth control? 'Cause my career feels so small In the existential scheme of it all
in a weird way, that feels like not wrestling with God, to me. just letting something happen. i'm not trying to say that i don't fuck with birth control, but that's the feeling i get when i think about this song in relation to my work. i think about the idea of a star like charli xcx writing the lyric: "we had a conversation on the way home", something so mundane. like you're getting out of your own way.
i watched a video by caleb gamman about brat, and in his video he talked about this song and charli's stated uncertainty about motherhood. he said this:
"i think 'baby fever' is the funniest thing in the world... like, it's not a crazy thing to mention, but it's probably the most undignified and desperate that you can come across, like 'haha, i want a baby. fundamentally change the course of my life forever!'"
that idea of being undignified and desperate really appeals to me, because that's how i felt when i prayed, and how i feel when i post on instagram that i am feeling suicidal.
i thought about that moment of isolation and fear, and i thought of the scene in raging bull by martin scorsese, where jake lamotta is stuck in a prison cell.
some of the comments underneath the video
@frankwilliamson4576 -- "prison and jail will break even the strongest man. I spent a year in a state pen for possession of cocaine when I was 22... it shows just how easy it is to fuck everything up..."
@amanred9337 -- "the reality that there is no one left to blame but yourself
someone quoting Martin Sheen -- "it shows that if you're not able to forgive, then that's where you end up - inside a small cell."
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i began to switch the idea of wrestling to the idea of performing music, inside the cage, and everyone watching.
the next day, in class, i drew this:
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me, inside this facility-looking fence thing, inside a kind of box thing, performing for the audience. i was thinking about the idea of being trapped in trauma, of art being a re-enactment of trauma, and if i did perform a prayer in front of an audience, i would be continuing that narrative.
so i decided to include a hole in the fence, made with bolt cutters, in a reference to fiona apple's album fetch the bolt cutters, which is about trying to leave a bad situation or feeling (and also an album which ends with her in prison!).
as the artist and performer, i do still need to be back in that place to draw things out of it, but if there's a hole in the fence, then this guarded facility with an opening becomes an option, not a prison. a place i can enter and leave when i need it, and something that is distinct, but not seperate. the boundaries between my trauma and my non-trauma are loose.
another thought i had was that the idea of praying for myself, for my own 'sins', for my own worries and fears to be calmed, feels really selfish. and i think a lot of my past work has been kind of self-expressiony in a i'm suffering way. and that's ok, but i want to start making things to help other people. i want this to help people.
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i kept drawing it...
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finally, i think i've landed on the idea. the platform, raised and clearly theatrical, like lars von trier's dogville, with blue lighting like club silencio from david lynch's mulholland dr., and a dead stick in dirt in the centre, like a marcel duchamp readymade. a microphone and CD player coming out of the dirt. the CD player loaded with a karaoke tracklist, and you can sing, if you want. the cage is open for the audience to come in.
i think when i present the work, i'll do a little performance, cutting open the fence, folding it back, and then singing something for them.
that's where i'm at....
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keefwho · 6 months
April 08 - 2024 Monday
This morning I skipped cleaning because I wasn't too convinced anything needed cleaning. I regret this because I feel bad skipping out on a chore like that. Something could have been tidied, I know the toilet needs it for example. I wish I had buckled down and done it, I intend to tomorrow to make up for it. For breakfast I made a rice stir fry using spam, onions, peppers, and an egg. It turned out pretty good.
For work I warmed up with more torsos, focusing on the waist. I worked more on 57's commission and am a little disappointed with how the colors came out but they think it looks good so thats at least part of what matters.
After work I did my workout, I almost did the full 4 miles before my 1:30 cutoff time. I couldn't see the partial eclipse today because it was too cloudy. Mom told me some crazy shit regarding the eclipse, saying it's some kind of sign that the US needs repenting or something. I almost said something to her about it but I chose to only do that if she somehow drags me into it or asks for my thoughts. Otherwise I'll just listen.
For lunch I made the best salami sandwich I've ever made. I cooked everything perfectly and it tasted great.
During my afternoon work I spent my time in TK's server while she, her friend, and boyfriend played PoE together. They thankfully weren't only talking about the game so I actually got to chat with them. This really old game called Douchebag Workout 2 came up which I didn't expect anyone to know and one of the guys started playing the old flash game and screen shared it. I took a long time on today's request, partly because it had a lot of specifics. Then I worked on a meme pic for DS a little before I had to get ready for therapy.
In therapy we talked about how I've been reaching out to others and expanding my social network. He also asked me some important questions and basically validated the kinds of things I've been thinking and plans I've been making, ensuring me that it sounds like a good idea.
After therapy I joined AE and his friend and watched them play games while I worked more on that meme. I left when DS was ready to work on her fursuit. I finished drawing and winded down by watching the furry con videos she had playing. We also watched a little EAH and MH content.
In bed we did our puzzles ez, read a really long MH chapter, and played KH2 as usual. We talked about some things and I got something off my chest that I needed to for awhile. I actually told my therapist earlier about doing that and I didn't think it would happen so soon. I needed it though, that was for my sake. After she fell asleep, I started writing a bunch of stuff down that I need to talk about in the future.
Today I did well when thinking about defusion. I've started imagining my thoughts in Donald Duck's voice sometimes and it does the trick. It also feels appropriate because in Kingdom Hearts he is one of the main good guys but has been a bit hostile and problematic in the past. My automatic thoughts aren't "bad", but they sure can be unhelpful sometimes. I did a good job being able to focus today. I also just feel kinda good about myself, expressing my thoughts and needs without fear because I know they are valid and that ultimately I'm trying to do whats best for me and the people around me. There is nothing to be ashamed of there, I define that as the mark of a well rounded person.
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curlyxxx · 6 months
Hi! I really like making beats, recently started to make a discord server🔞 where only a few of my friends have joined.... Most of them are people that I've met in the last year or sooner. All of them haven't treated me any differently from me being as myself as I can be. Normally, I don't share my thought's or creative outputs due to fear of judgment. I've made this Tumblr for me to post anything on my mind or to post openly. Anyways😅
My name is Curly, I'm a Transgender female, in my 20s... I've been involved with music for 10+ years but this year, I started Producing my own beats. Previous experiences has lead me to Video editing (12+ years). I haven't only spent my time living in the City.. I grew up kind of in the mix between country & Bigger Cities.. Younger me liked to explore a lot, I'd go on walks and disappear for hours listening to the same tracks on an iPod Classics... One of those old ones with 256gb. I maxed out the storage in middle school. I'm glad to be out of the toxic space I was in & I kinda finally feel like I'm headed in the direction I want to be going. Through my journey, I've lived in the woods (a fishing resort) for about 4 months. Learning all kinds of trades. With stories like being charged by a bear with mom's cubs climbing a tree😆. - I should note I normally use a lot of emojis... I tend to because I feel as though I can't articulate myself properly... Plus I really don't want people to misinterpret what I'm saying at all...😅 I enjoy gaming... So much to the point I've been guided by a friend to make a game. I've been taking my time to learn & slowly get organized, as I move soon. More Space! I finally get to use 2 monitors again & have a setup with a decent chair.. The game I'm going to make is a visual novel, I have 2 - I'm currently working on with a few other ideas I could work on in the future... I'm learning pieces of Python, Ren'py and small amounts of other code. I'll be making the entire visual novel myself, both games! I might get some help through people I meet through my future journey.. & I really look forward to it! but I'm currently still in a learning phase for what I really wanna do. It took me a really long time to realize or find the right people I needed to surround myself with... or I guess people I want to be around! I'll probably post again tomorrow, but I don't really have a schedule until the move... I really enjoy writing, I spent most of my high school years trying to figure out how rhythm works with words... Trying to match words to a beat... Took me a really long time to figure out on my own. Now, I'm so grateful for the people around that have nurtured me especially when I was most vulnerable. I care very deeply for those around me & sticking around. I was essentially left in the Dust by a group of YouTubers trying to make a Quick Buck during the Pandemic. I never made a penny... I tried to keep up with their level of business and dug myself a hole... Now I'm building what I hope to be my future from this point on. All I want to do is draw & learn... I want to constantly Learn from/with people. I have a huge interest in what's going to come in the future! Hope whoever reads this has a good weekend. Hopefully I'll post again soon. Stream plz cut it out by Curly | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
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horsewizardart · 2 years
Dare To Be Stupid
I hit 1500 followers on Twitter today and decided to do a little writeup on how drawing ponies has made me feel. The long and short of it is that making inherently silly just-for-fun art like the stuff I’ve been posting has been really freeing for me in a time in my life when I don’t know what my relationship to art is anymore. Thanks to everyone for sharing and enjoying my stuff; seeing it spread around has been really unexpected for me, and I appreciate how nice you’ve all been.
Longer post after the break; I can be very self-reflective a lot of the time so this has been on my mind for awhile.
So here’s the main point: Drawing ponies has restored a lot of the joy that I get from working on projects, after a couple years of having a pretty rough relationship to art. For the majority of my life I have thought that I wanted to have a creative career. However, pursuing that idea has, historically, made me less willing and able to actually be creative. When I focused on this idea, I became self-conscious, scared of what I was or wasn’t making, unwilling to follow threads that I thought would be interesting because of fear of making a bad impression on a future boss I didn’t even really want to have. At some point in 2020, after I graduated college and started working a grueling production art job, I stopped posting new work online and only drew when I felt like I absolutely had to. I was thinking of myself less of a person and more as a potential employee at Future Better Job. I’m still untangling that web in my personal art; I draw nearly every day now, but it still takes a very long time for me to come up with an idea I want to pursue from start to finish outside of fanart. 
Contrast that to pony stuff - earlier this year when I decided I was gonna start posting my pony drawings, it wasn’t in pursuit of anything beyond sharing what I had been making. I've always been hated doing commissions, so there wasn't a financial incentive, and the fact that I'm using a big company's intellectual property means there'd be some Challenges in trying to make anything more out of it than this. The fact that people are interested in my stuff has been an incredible surprise, and has also compelled me to poke my head out a bit and try to make some friends (note that outside of ponies I’ve never been a fandom person, and there’s about a five or six year gap between when I was first interested in ponies and when I got back into it a couple years ago, so I’m still a little new to that part).
It’s also helped me see an alternate path forward, where I can maybe truly separate work from passion. In hindsight this should have been a little more of an obvious thing; I am a certified Jobs Hater who, even at a job I was generally pretty fond of, has spent every minute on the clock wishing the clock would catch fire. Probably makes sense that crossing those two streams would be a tough thing to make work.
This may seem like a lot of fuss over drawings of the famous little ponies holding up video game consoles and drinking Monster but drawing incredibly stupid things (in a good way) has been way more rewarding than I’d have ever expected. It’s helped me find the joy in experimenting and playing around with what I’m making instead of evaluating its potential outcome. It probably didn’t have to be ponies that opened this up for me, but I’m glad that it is. Thanks for being here.
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justanartisticduck · 2 years
Warning: eyestrain, LONG post (please please tumblr don’t ruin the quality ;u;), implied abuse, death/harm, fire, teeth..? And glitchy effect, please look elsewhere if these make you uncomfy.
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SO! This is a little thingy I did based off a song called “Neighborhood #2 (Laika)” by Arcade Fire! Now, earlier I made a post saying how this song really reminded me of my Duck interpretation regarding both their past and future- now this is mostly based off the meaning/references of this song, now I won’t get into too much detail, especially since one of the references is EXTREMELY dark and sad SO I’ll summarize by saying the themes I decided to focus on here! First being the topic of running away from a… not so great life.. And second being a death that was MEANT to happen- (both themes were discovered by the music video and also by some research-) NOW I chose these themes since they.. directly correlate with my Duck (both being that their childhood was.. not great.. and by the fact they LITERALLY DIE IN THE SERIES-) hence why this song reminds me of them so much <3 So yeah! Now i wanted to protray so much but alas i was limited to only a canvas- (some day i will make an animatic of this.. some day <33) BUT i did try representing a few things here!! First off at the top of the canvas we have Malicia, i put here here mostly cuz if the lyrics but also bc she was the first person who influenced Robin’s long line of misfortune. Alongside that we have younger Robin, to go along with Malicia.. Now before you ask their feathers are brown here because this is before they had started dying their feathers green and the reason they had wings was because birds thought it was cool AND they also recently have been thinking about that one legend abt Icarus flying too close to the sun with his wax wings and ended up falling into the ocean because of this- (listen birds has had a LOT on their mind lately leave me alone-) AJYWAYS so they also have some odd red lines surrounding them as you can see- now these are supposed to be spider lilies (which, if you dont know why they are important here, search their meaning) NOW these were supposed to be more detailed but I literally couldn’t make them more detailed for it is late and birds has been drawing this for hours- SO yeah!! Next we see both the feathers which are falling from Robin’s wings and the stem of one of the spider lilies which reside nearby current Robin who now bears their classic green feathers. Now i don’t have much to say here about them in this portion of the thingy BUT i like to think this is them pre June 19th, this also is supposed to correlate slightly with what is below them.. BUT i like to think THIS is them upon realizing Roy is a bad person, this is them upon loosing their friend Daisy (which may or may not have been referenced by the flowers covering their eyes- 👀), this is them upon the time that.. for once in all their time knowing eachother… they and red weren’t on great terms- So, their distrust for Roy continues to the next shot but, instead, here they are not just distrustful of Roy… but also.. they fear him here- Alongside that this is where the stem of the spider lily ends, where their lost feathers transform into teeth which, note, belong to the monster can- (and also notice, it seems as if the teeth are about to bite onto Robin… gee, wonder what thats referencing lol-) and then Roys hands are now surrounding the duck as they look with pure fear.. this is where the canvas ends… and… well… considering the themes and foreshadowing already present- im sure you know what this likely means for them-
Now thats it for the main description as to what birds was thinking upon making this!! NOW uh this all was inspired by the song mentioned previously and yeah!! (Also small thing i wanna mention but i personally like to believe Robins brother, Rodney, is the one singing here, out of greif and anger, but thats just my personal silly thought hehe- >:3) BUT i am so SO happy with how this came out!! There are a few things i messed up BUT I DONT CARE THIS MAKES ME FEEL ACCOMPLISHED AND I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS!! Seriously i hope yall thought it was as cool as i thought it was :3 Anywho, goodbye and i hope yall liked this!! :DD
(Also side note: not to be annoying but please reblog this- i spent literal hours making this and im really happy with how this came out and i would appreciate it if you could reblog this- you don’t have to BUT i would still appreciate it!!! Ty <333 -sincerely, a tired Duck)
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (8)
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(c!Technoblade x fem!Reader)
(Still no Tech this time, please don’t be mad! But hey we’re in L’manberg now! That’s pog right? Plus we officially meet Wilb and Fundy! But remember y’all, if this chapter doesn’t do well then I can’t write chapter 9! So show chapter 8 some love!! <3)
I tried drawing Reader! -> She.
And xoxoyukixoxo-art-dump on here drew her too! She looks so SICK! SHE!
He’d been watching her for some time now. 
Not all day and night like some weirdo but he’d noticed instantly when she’d ‘logged on’ so to speak. The first thing to make him curious was him wondering how she arrived here in the first place, but when he tried teleporting to this new person it strangely hadn’t worked. He’d simply not gone anywhere, which was beyond puzzling. He should be able to teleport to anyone on this server. That little tidbit, the not being able to teleport to her, was the second thing to make him curious. So curious in fact that he spent a very long time just looking for her. When the ability to teleport to her was no longer an option he’d found searching for someone was much harder, but in the end he’d found her. And good lord was she a big one. Not taller than endermen or anything bigger but she definitely towered over the villagers she lived with.
He didn’t know how she ended up here since you needed an invite to be allowed on the server. And he knows she wasn’t invited, because he knows ALL the people who are invited. Hell, at one point he even tried banning her (an action which kicks players from the server) but… nothing had happened. He’d been hidden and watching her when he’d done it and she’d not even noticed, just kept on planting flowers around one of the villager’s houses without a care in the world.
He’d unbanned her and nothing changed again. Then he’d tried using other commands on her. Teleport, clear, give, and even Kill. Not a single one did anything. That made him nervous. He’d never encountered something like this before. It was unheard of. If this player decided to become hostile, or End forbid, GENOCIDAL… it would have very disastrous consequences for the other players on the server..
He decided then and there to monitor her deeply until further notice. 
Which turned into him popping up by her village and sneaking in to watch her and what she did day in and day out for a few months. And honestly.. She seemed pretty benign. 
All she really did was change up the village she lived in and decorate. When not doing those things she would do other hobbies like cooking and potion making. She’d also leave the village sometimes to just explore. He took those chances to go inside her home and snoop around. He also noticed aggressive mobs were pretty neutral towards her for whatever reason. That only ever happened if a player had a clear relation to a mob (aka a hybrid) or if the player had creative… Which it looked like she had. But she also didn’t look fully human.
“What a strange being you are..”
Before you knew it the next day had come, bright and early. 
You’d had to go back to the Overworld around sunrise to get ready to greet Tubbo. You’d explained to Azo that you’d try to come back as soon as you could but for now you had to go on a trip for a while. She was sad to see you go but said okay and to hurry back. Your heart broke all over again, feeling terrible that you had to leave her alone but there was nothing you could do. You’d bring her with you if it were possible but you knew her entering the Overworld would turn her into a zombie instantly. And that’s not a fate you’re willing to make anyone go through.
But you left her a chest with some golden carrots, some apples, and even some of the stew you’d made for Tubbo and Tommy. She liked the stew, so you left her a few bowls and even some juice to drink in case she got thirsty. You hugged her goodbye and told her you’d bring her a gift back. She nodded happily and then you sadly had to leave through the portal. Which you made sure to destroy after exiting it. Didn’t want anything wandering through. That would be a disaster. 
Once you were back in the overworld you went home and sat on your bed and just thought. More than anything you just wanted to step in and prevent Schlatt and Quackity from winning. But you didn’t know if doing that would have dangerous consequences or not. You’d seen so many movies where a small change in the past ends up having massive effects in the future. Damn butterfly effects. Stopping them from winning the election could end up causing a civil war within L’manburg. Or Tubbo, Tommy, or Wilbur could end up hurt or even lose a life. Or something even more devastating could happen. 
...But you hated the thought of Tommy and Wilbur getting exiled. It wasn’t fair or just. Especially while getting shot at and chased down like dogs. Schlatt and Quackity really pissed you off with that part. Seeing Ponk and Punz just instantly turn on the two original founders left you feeling utterly appalled. Schlatt hadn’t even been sworn in as president yet! He’d not taken an oath or anything! None of what he ‘decreed’ should have been taken as law! None of it was legal-
You pause. None of that WAS legal.. right? Did the citizens even know that? Were they aware that simply winning an election wasn’t the instant inauguration that Schlatt and Quackity made it out to be? Surely there was more to L’manburg than simply the bare bones parts that were shown on youtube in your original world. There had to be actual systemic structure for this whole ass small country. You wanted to believe there was, because the alternative made you facepalm. But at this point you honestly just didn’t know. You would need to have a discussion with Wilbur and Tommy (Wilbur more so since he was the adult in this situation).
You needed to talk to Wilbur asap.
Tubbo and Tommy came to get you bright and early, the blond looking more anxious than he was trying to let on. Seeing the usually so upbeat and grinning boy so nervous made your stomach churn. So you’d pulled him into a hug, not even letting him finish his greeting to you before you did. He went silent and was tense at first. But you took in a breath and said in as reassuring a tone as you could physically muster,
“Don’t worry kiddo. Things WILL be okay. I’ll make sure of it, alright?”
Tommy was silent, but you could hear the choked gasp of breath the boy took in, and you felt how his lanky body seemed to relax in your hold. He awkwardly put his arms around your back, seemingly not used to this, the whole hugging thing. At least not such heartfelt ones. He’s hugged Tubbo, Wilbur, and Philza but this one just felt different. It felt safer. Like if he stayed here nothing could hurt him. It was weird but.. nice. Part of the boy didn’t want to let go. He didn’t want to leave this new safe place. Here hugging you there was no fear of losing the election, no worries of wars with the DSMP, there was nothing bad. Just a pleasant warmth he felt like he could just fall asleep to.
But the bigger part of him knew he’d never hide away from his problems. It wasn’t who he was. He wasn’t some baby coward who hid behind mommy for protection when shit got tough. (missing how his subconscious referred to you as ‘mom’) He was a MAN! Nevermind he was barely 16! He was practically an adult (in his own eyes)! He’d fought in a war for independence! He’d battled for his and his countrymen’s freedom! There’s no way he’d cower away from this damned election! 
With a new fire in him, largely in part to the confidence you seemed to have for him and L’manburg, he eventually pulled back from the hug and gave you one of his signature bright grins. He said thanks but there’s no way he was worrying! Like you said, things were gonna be fine! You gave him an encouraging smile in return and agreed, then added that if anything DID go wrong you’d stick by them and make sure it all got resolved. The teens looked grateful for your support. But then you bid the villagers goodbye for now and told the iron golems to make sure to keep them all safe.
Then you three were off to L’manburg.
Walking into L’manburg was weird. You’d only ever seen parts of it via the videos you’d watched from the various minecraft youtubers. But being there in person was wild, seeing all the buildings and pathways was interesting though. Tommy and Tubbo changed into their ‘presidential attire’, which were just those vaguely old school British military uniforms they wore at the start of the L’manburg thing. You still ruffled their hair and cooed over them, saying they looked like official little men. They got all huffy and Tommy swatted your hand away, making you laugh. Tubbo suggested showing you around before the election began, which you thought was a good idea. So the pair escorted you around L’manburg, showing you the main places plus their houses and favorite spots. You gave Tommy a Look and asked him if he really lived in a dirt hut.
“It’s DIRT Tommy, not even cobblestone. Just a dirty dirt hut,” you said with a sigh.
Tubbo snickered while Tommy tried defending himself. But he honestly was just making excuses though thankfully he got cut off by Wilbur showing up. He was in the same uniform as both teenagers and you saw him giving you a wide eyed look as he walked up. You could tell he was used to not being around someone so much taller than him. Which you guess made sense since he’d been hanging out with teenagers, a girl, and his own son mostly. You think Dream is taller than him but you don’t know how often they’re around each other peacefully to notice height..
“Oh, hello, you must be Reader! Tommy and Tubbo have told me about you!” the brunet man said with a charming smile. 
You returned the smile and held your hand out for him to shake. He gave a firm handshake and you said he must be Wilbur and that the boys had mentioned him to you. He gave a sly smile to the two boys and asked if that was so, and said he hoped they’d said good things about him. Not liking his teasing tone Tommy cut in and said he told you about Wilbur being a bitch! You laughed and Wilbur punched Tommy in the shoulder, laughing when the boy loudly claimed he was abusing a child!
Wilbur rolled his eyes at the blond boy and asked what the occasion for you visiting his lovely country was. You gave a relaxed smile and said you just wanted to come out and support ‘big man’ and Tubbo on this exciting day! Wilbur smiled and perked up when Tubbo said they were giving you a tour of L’manburg. Wilbur asked why the shortest boy didn’t say so before and gestured for you to follow him, saying the best person to give a tour is always the president! You liked his charming enthusiasm but you could still see the nervousness just lurking under the surface for all three of them. You hated that their worry was justified. 
Wilbur took over showing you around, Tubbo and Tommy right behind him adding little comments here and there to irk him. You ohh’d and ahh’d at the polite times, even saying how cool the place was. You even got shown Wilbur’s ‘ball house’ and their extensive nether pathways briefly. You got a bit distracted in the Nether, wondering if Azo was okay. Though you supposed she was a tough kid, what with having survived in the Nether her whole life so far. But she was just a little kid, still a toddler. She shouldn’t have to survive. She should be living.
“And I guess that’s the whole tour! I hope we’ve given you a good impression of my country~” Wilbur said with a smile, thoroughly snapping your attention back to the present.
You were thankful they couldn’t see how your eyes widened when you realized you’d totally zoned out during the last leg of the tour. Instead of worrying you just gushed and said you’d been really dazzled! The trio grinned and you ruffled Tommy’s hair and said you could expect no less from the big man himself and sweet Tubbo. The pair were happy to hear you praising the country they’d worked so hard to have, with Tommy even playfully swatting your hand away from your hair and saying anything he helped with would be the best. Wilbur gave a very big brother reply of ‘oh really?’ that was dripping with doubt, which started to set Tommy off.
The two started going back and forth, causing you to roll your eyes. Yeah they definitely had the brother vibe about them. Though Wilbur lost interest in arguing when he spotted someone a bit aways behind you and Tommy. He perked up and waved, calling out ‘FUNDY!’ to get his son’s attention. You all glanced over to see a fox hybrid in a uniform that was the same as the boys around you, only the coloring was off. Fundy’s was more pastel colored while the others were darker/more saturated. Wilbur waved him over and you noticed the way Fundy’s muzzle scrunched up when Wilbur threw an arm around his shoulders, but you said nothing. Not really your place but from what you remember of the smp videos… Wilbur wasn’t the ideal father figure to his furry son..
“Fundy, this is Reader! She’s a friend of Tubbo and Tommy’s! She came to support us today,” Wilbur said with a smile.
The fox quirked an eyebrow at you and asked a mildly incredulous voice if your name was actually ‘Reader’. Tommy told him to shut up and pointed out that his name was ‘Fundy’ so he had no room to be criticizing anybody’s name. Fundy raised his paws in surrender and said fine, whatever, no need to jump down his throat about it. You chuckled and said it was okay, it was a rather odd name. And you liked his name, it was cool. Tommy actually boo’d you while Fundy smiled, glad at least someone stuck up for him. Though that reminded Fundy to ask Wilbur if he’d seen the ballots…
Wilbur’s mood darkened and he gave a clipped, “Yeah, I saw them.” His tone making the other L’manburg citizens feel uncomfortable. You spoke up, asking what was wrong with them? Had someone tampered with them or something? Fundy sighed and rubbed the back of his neck and said yes and no. Yes someone had changed them but it wasn’t really ‘tampering’, just altering to fit with the new campaign runners. She gave his upset father a side glance, his triangular shaped ears going back when he saw the way Wilbur’s eyebrows were furrowed and his jaw clenched. Seems the current president was still pissed off that his son and first lady had decided to run against him together..
“Well we had to change the ballots to include all the people running, and even an ‘other’ option… Yeah,” Fundy said lowly.
You couldn’t help the way you raised an eyebrow at that and said, 
“Isn’t that just the standard for ballots? Designing ballots to not show all the people their options would just be criminal.”
Wilbur didn’t seem to like your (in his opinion) unwanted input and said however L’manburg designed their ballots was none of your business anyways, especially since you weren’t even a citizen. You could feel yourself narrowing your eyes at the brunet, though nobody could see it, and replied that you didn’t need to be a citizen to point out that not putting all the names of those running on an ELECTORAL BALLOT was hugely unethical and borderline malicious hindrance to the citizen’s right to free choice. This little snit between you and the current president had dropped the mood low, with the three boys beside you looking more than uncomfortable. 
But thankfully Tubbo found his voice and before Wilbur could retort to your statement he turned to you and said the election and debate would be starting soon and that he’d sit in the audience with you. This reminded Wilbur that he needed to practice his speech and debate responses with Tommy so he straightened his posture and adjusted his coat before giving you a faux smile and then telling Tubbo they’d see him afterwards. You kept a polite smile on your face as the four led you to an open part of the village center where a large stage/platform had been built along with seating in front of it. Wilbur jerked his thumb towards the stage and told Tommy to come on and the blond boy said he’d be right there in a moment. The brunet looked put out but nodded and stalked off, leaving the four alone in the audience area.
Once he was out of earshot you turned to Tommy and gave him a disbelieving look and said in a hushed tone,
“Tommy, you and Wilbur weren’t ACTUALLY planning to tamper with the ballots were you?? That’s insanely unconstitutional! The people of L’manburg have a right to know and be able to choose whichever voting option they want. If they don’t have that option then it’s not a real election, it’s just the illusion of choice.”
The blond looked uncomfortable, sweating and avoiding eye lens contact with you. He felt ashamed because… well that HAD been the plan. At least Wilbur told him it had been before Quackity found out. He’d not been sure about the plan but he hadn’t done much to argue with Wilbur either. He’d convinced himself it wasn’t that big of a deal, but seeing how shocked and offended you looked that they’d even thought about doing that made him feel like a bastard. You saw how nervous he looked and sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing softly before reassuring him you weren’t angry.
“I’m not mad at you Tommy, I’m just disappointed that this was something you went along with. You have to know how wrong that was? Imagine you were a regular citizen and you voted in the election but later found out it was all rigged, you’d never had a choice regarding your country like you’d been led to believe. Wouldn’t you feel wronged?”
Tommy seemed to deflate at your words but gave a remorseful nod, neither of you noticing that your words seemed to have also struck a chord with both Fundy and Tubbo as well. You gave the blond boy a reassuring smile, saying that part of being a member of government was respecting the people’s choices. Even if you think it’s stupid and wrong. You have to let the people choose for themselves. The ability to choose is sometimes the only difference between merely existing on this bitch of a world and actually Living~
Tommy seemed to have taken your words to heart, making you smile at him before pulling him into a half hug and saying sincerely,
“I’m proud of you Tommy, Tubbo too. You’ve both done so much for this country. More than any child should ever have to. I wish more than anything that you’d not HAD to sacrifice and lose so much. But I’ll be here to support you both going forward. I just don’t want either of you doing anything unethical. You’re both better than that.”
Tubbo almost teared up and came over and let his face rest against your side in a show of affection. He’d never had anyone say they were proud of him before and honestly.. he didn’t know how badly he needed to hear it until you said it. Tommy leaned into your hug, close to tearing up like his best friend but he blinked rapidly until the tears faded.
None of them noticed the envious way Fundy stared at them, feeling jealousy bubble in his stomach at the way you seemed to care for the two boys. He felt childish for feeling that way but he couldn’t help it. You clearly cared about the two in a maternal way, that much was obvious. But you weren’t treating them like babies either. You were respectful and loving at the same time. Fundy wondered if that’s what it was like to have a mother..
They all broke away when they heard Wilbur yelling down at them from the podium. Tubbo sighed and Tommy straightened his hat before giving a cheeky smile. You told him to go give his best, and no matter what happened you’d be proud. This pumped the blond boy up and he gave a cheer before ruffling Tubbo’s hair and turning to the stage and running up around the side to get to the top, you and the brunet watching him go. That’s when you remembered the fox hybrid that was still standing close by. You offer him a calm smile and say kindly,
“So, Fundy was it?”
tagged folks: @salinesoot​ @lady-bee-fechin​ @kacchasu​ @putridjoy​ @lunawritesstories​ @galaxypankitty3030​ @paradigmax​ @zachariethememerie​ @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles @nikkineeky @artsimatsu @hufflepuff-demigod @corpiet @beepa99 @anxiousnarwhale @bananaaddictmilkshake
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peachesandmilktea · 3 years
hi im hoping to request a matchup!
i go by he/him pronouns and prefer guys. im tall and a bit chubby. I’m neurodivergent. im usually quiet and keep to myself unless im with friends, then im more outspoken. i am a big nerd and play d&d, draw, read, and collect pokemon cards. im absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs and the video game hollow knight. im very touch starved and just want hugs and cuddles.
A perfect date would be probably going to an arcade or watching a movie or just staying in.
My favorite song is Nightmare King from the Hollow Knight soundtrack.
I’m asexual so I’m not really into nsfw stuff
Thank you
Match-up Event Masterlist (The characters are all aged-up for this event)
I match you with...
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Tamaki finds solace in you. If the rest of the world towers over him, terrifying like a never ending nightmare, it doesn't feel so scary anymore when you're holding his hand. Maybe it was the fact that you were quiet, that, for once, he didn't feel like he had to act a certain way to impress you before failing miserably like he does with others, or maybe it's the fact that you make his heart feel at ease even though he has so rarely felt peace before, but soon enough, it's as if he can't even breathe without thinking of you. When you tell him of games you like or any other hobby, he'll listen intently, half-scared to say the wrong thing, half-obsessed with anything that catches your interest. But then, it's easy to forget the fear when you fascinate him so much he forgets his own terrors, and he'll enjoy discovering your passions, leaving dreadful thoughts and insecurity behind every minute spent together.
At first, he doesn’t dare hold your hand or touch you, too scared that you’d find him too bold, disgusting, even. But the more time you spend with him, the more the need to touch you, to hold you in his arms, to cuddle with you becomes overwhelming, and he quickly lets it take over. He almost faints in relief when you don't push him away and from then, there's no stopping him anymore; he'll take your hand in his at any occasion, a shy blush dusting over his cheeks, lips tilted into an embarrassed smile that he can't seem to hold back no matter how much he tries to.
Dates with him are fun because they make him forget his anxiety and that's when he smiles the most, just because he gets to spend time with you and have fun by your side. Tamaki absolutely adores playing with you at the arcade even though he loses pretty often. He still tries and tries and tries and improves until he can beat you for a round or two. Time flies whenever he's with you, but love never stops filling his heart and he can keep smiling, if only for the fact that he knows you're his and he's yours, and there's no need to worry about anything else as long as you have each other.
Please tell me if you liked it ♡
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centralsaints · 3 years
mcl headcanon masterpost pt.1 - armin
let's start this off with my long term favourites; the twins. this is armin's part, and alexy is next!
will start this with his full name being armin frederic lemaire
if you name a joint, he has probably dislocated it at least once in his life. he’s always been hypermobile, having chronic pain (mistaken as growing pains) and fatigue, being prone to dislocation. that later becomes a diagnosis of hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome.
that makes him also prone to getting migraines and headaches regularly, explaining the whole hating bright lights thing
he has had an eating disorder on and off since he was about 15; partly diagnosed, he meets the criteria for OSFED, so his ed is a bit. weird and all over the place. it’s mostly periods of restriction with a fear/disgust of food, followed by periods of binging and eating more or less normally. he’s closer to atypical bulimia, in terms of specifics, because the binge/purge episodes aren’t that frequent. he went inpatient once, and still jokes about how he was the only guy there. only his family knows about his eating issues as of now.
another thing about the ed is that it was already kind of in the making when alexy had his unaliving attempt, but that was really what kickstarted it all.
around UL, with nathaniel going absolutely off the fucking rails, armin and amber struck an odd friendship. they both could clock the other on their fucked up eating issues, but neither said anything for a long time, until amber did. they agreed to try and recover together.
his favourite pokemon type is ghost (thank you anon, idk anything about pokemon but i wanted to include this)
he plays animal crossing with kentin (who doesn’t like admitting that he plays it because it’s very relaxing for him) and jade.
he’s a gemini sun, cancer rising, libra moon, same as alexy.
he has add (adhd inattentive type) and his most common stims are bouncing his leg and chewing his pens. his object permanence is also absolute shit, if its out of sight, it doesn’t exist.
he doesn’t untie his shoes when taking them off or putting them on, and has ruined many perfectly good pairs of shoes that way.
he has made tik toks starring rocket the ferret
his playlists are lo-fi music, video games and movie soundtracks, and like. twenty one pilot.
his nose is crooked from when he broke it around 11 years old
he also bruises really easily (mostly due to his EDS) and his legs are always covered in various bruises. he’s also very clumsy, which doesn’t help
he doesn’t like alcohol; he doesn’t like the taste, the way it makes him feel and the aftermath; it doesn’t take much to affect him and he’ll sleep for an entire day. but he’ll sometimes drink in social situation just to not feel left out.
he’s bisexual. the less obvious stuff; what’s his type?? I know having a “type” isn't really a thing and u like who u like. with that said i think hed like slightly androgynous looking girls (soft spot for shaved heads. its soft;;), girls who are very very feminine but in an out of the ordinary way (think lolita, hyper pop fem vibe, goth girls in corsets, etc), guys who work out (he has a weakness for back muscles), in general people who stand out in a crowd be it with their appearance, style or their attitude
no i still have absolutely no idea how he would come out. i think he probably didn’t. he just started talking about it naturally, because it wasn’t a big deal. i think one day, either his mom or alexy made jokes about oh, when would he finally take this one cute girl on a date, and he just said, or maybe it’ll be a boy. it just happened like that
ref post for his fashion sense
he can do a killer winged liner. look, man’s into cosplay, of course he can.
he’s played mystic messenger ironically at first and then ended up actually liking it
he actually can draw, because he spent all middle school drawing anime characters in all his notebooks
he always sits kind of awkwardly (proof is the episode 12 illustration lmao) because 1. bi people can’t sit right (source: me) and 2. he’s just. really lanky and has long limbs and doesn’t really know what to do with all of it
this one is from an anon last year: “I have this weird hc about the twins. Alexy sleeps with like a million pillows and blankets , while Armin tries to sleep with pillows but throws it out every time even though he's asleep.” and i love it. he also probably sleep in very weird positions which leads to him waking up hurting a lot of the time
he also has a weighted blanket that he and alexy kind of just. get turns using when they both still live at their parents house. it helps armin’s pain, and alexy’s overstimulation issues. when they leave, armin gets the weighted blanket
armin has a dimple on his right cheek when he smiles
he helped alexy dye his hair until they moved out and started living separately
he has his driving license, but alexy doesn’t
he’s scared of dogs (he probably met demon at one point bc i like him and cas being friends, and he was so nervous about it, poor boy
he likes taking ice cold shower in the evening because the cold water and then sinking in a warm bed make him sleepy and actually helps him fall asleep
he probably played dnd at one point
he smokes ouid occasionally, at first it was recreational, but it kind of helped with his joint pain so
i think this is all of them? i might be missing a few ones i never wrote out or that are buried in my files but i honestly don't feel like going through the dozen unfinished fics and compilation documents that mention armin in my drive or i would still be here next year
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Hey babes, can I have a slasher matchup? Appearance wise I'm 5'6 with long red hair and blue eyes the way I dress is either is super fem dresses, skirts putting a lot of effort into my appearance ect. Or an absolute bum. I have a bubbly, outgoing I'd like to think I'm pretty perceptive and have a good nature, I think my cons are my emotionally, people pleasing and being disorganized. The way I love can come off as intense(?) Meaning I don't hold back on expressing that I'm interested in someone, I'm very passionate and spontaneous I think my love language torwards my partner is acts of service and gifts. My hobbies include rollerblading, skateboarding, drawing and gaming.
Thank you for your wonderful content :)
I paired you up with...
♡Brahms Heelshire♡
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No seriously thanks to all of you who have been nothing but kind and supportive. 
Now let's get to the juicy content
Brahms, my stinky wall man, my beloved. I had to admit I did have to think about it a little bit because I wanted to give you a perfect match and finally I decided that none other than Brahms could be the one for you. 
First of all I feel like the whole either dressing up or just putting whatever is something that resonates a lot with brahms. He would sometimes get all nice and fancy for his pretty y/n but other times he feels the weight of the world on his shoulders so he would appreciate the fact that you too seem to have days where you don't really wanna wear anything special. 
Now while he can have a really volatile temper, his personality tends to be more on the shy and soft introverted side. He has spent all his life behind a wall, having only his parents as human interaction. The fact that you can be the outgoing one and kinda manage the conversations ecc is going to make him a lot more comfortable. He likes that you're perceptive cause that saves him a lot of troubles trying to convey in words things he can't really explain
Unfortunately I have to say Brahms might take a little bit of advantage of you being emotional and a people pleaser (i know, what a bummer) but i don't think he does it on purpose. 
As I said in a few of my posts his whole life he has been fighting for everything and to show he's worthy of love and understanding. Somewhere along the path he has lost sight of how he has to treat someone in order to win their love. He's going to kind of guilt trip you a lot and tends to manipulate your good intentions but fear not! He loves you and he wants more than anything for you to love him back, like truly love him and not just fear him so if you talk to him he will do his best to change. 
About being messy, well he actually enjoys putting things in place ecc so if you ask him he will help you (obviously you would have to give him extra kisses after for being a good boy!) 
When i tell you that this man absolutely adores how intense is your love for him…oh lord
He's on cloud 9, that's how much he likes you and your attention. He needs a lot of reassurance, at this point you can't even say he's touch starved, he's straight up love starved. He has never had someone who would just like to show him love without him having to do something remarkable to get it you know? So it's actually really perfect you're like this. And he's not going to hold either!! 
About your hobbies, I think he would love to play video games with you. He would be an animal crossing type of person I'm sure. 
I can almost see him running to you super excited to show you his little house all decorated ♡♡ 
Plus I think everyone will agree that brahms is  mind blowing talented at drawing.  He would spend whole evenings with you, drinking tea, listening to music and drawing in a comfortable silence 
This matchup made me think about this song
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Two In One - Part 1 {Klaus x Caroline}
Two In One {Part 1}
Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)
I do not own "The Vampire Diaries", it belongs to its original creator Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. Nor do I own "The Originals", which belongs to it's rightful creator Julie Plec Michael Narducci, Leslie Morgenstein, Gina Girolamo. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release of "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals". Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited.
Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website.
If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (If you ask nicely, I for sure, will agree). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me and the story you are getting the idea from.
Warnings: Damon bashing, Katherine x Elijah, Hayley bashing, Elena bashing(? - Kind of)
Info You Might Need To Know: Here, Klaus didn't come to gloat over Katherine's dying body. This is after The Originals season 1, episode 8 (Klaus' fight was badass by the way. I saw a clip of the coin scene from the show, and fell in love with the guy all over again) So Klaus has control over the city..
Word Count: 3.9K
Requested: By no one
Summary: Where instead of jumping into Elena's body, Katherine jumps into Caroline's. And head off to New Orleans with Nadia.
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Today's Special
Two are better than one,
If two act as one.
Mia turned to Katherine, "Repeat this spell so I know you understand how the passenger works."
Katherine shook her head, "I can't."
"Just say it. Jaryakat a zem. Daryeet acza." Nadia said, getting frustrated and desperate. Her mother was running out of time. "Say it and it's done. Your spirit goes inside my body and Mia will activate it by calling you forth and you get to live."
"Can I have a moment with my daughter please?" Katherine asks Mia. Looking at Katherine, Mia nods, and exits the room.
Nadia shook her head, "I know what you're going to say."
Katherine shook her head, "We don't have time for this. Nadia, letting my father rip you out of my arms...it was the biggest regret of my life. I should've fought harder to keep you, but I didn't. So I spent the next five hundred years making sure I didn't make that mistake again. I fought for everything, and in the process, I had a long, full life. And I got to know my beautiful daughter. You spent the last centuries searching for me."
Katherine picks up a syringe from the table. "Don't waste another minute on me. It's your turn to live."
It's now Nadia's turn to shake her head. "You can't do this."
Damon, who is still laying on the floor, regains consciousness in enough time to listen in on Katherine and Nadia's conversation.
Katherine was about to deny her daughter once again, when they heard a loud commotion form downstairs. "What's happening?"
Nadia rolled her eyes, "Caroline just came back."
Katherine was about to move on, when an idea formed in her head, and a smirk appeared on her face. "I think I may have thought of a way for me to live. To truly live without the fear of Klaus hanging over my head."
When Nadia had come down to tell her that Katherine had wanted to talk to her, Caroline had been hesitant. But seeing that she was a vampire, and the woman was dying. Caroline couldn't see the harm in it. So the baby vampire found herself walking into the room.
Katherine had grown pale, and you could clearly make out the wrinkles on her eyes. Asking if she was ok, seemed a little insensitive at this point. So Caroline settled for a kind, "You wanted to see me."
The doppelganger nodded, she patted next to her, asking for Caroline to sit down. The blond was tempted to draw the line here. But seeing the woman's condition. She couldn't find it in herself to say no. So she took the offered seat.
"It has come to my attention that I owe you an apology." Katherine tells her. "I'm the one who turned you into a vampire, without your permission and I'm sorry."
Caroline felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. "It's fine. It turned out to be the best for me in the end." Despite the fact that Katherine had in fact killed her. She didn't want the brunette to die with any more baggage on her conscience. So she found herself nodding, "It's alright. I… I forgive you."
"I'm also sorry for this. If nothing else. You were probably the only one in this damn scooby gang that I could actually tolerate. Maybe even liked." Katherine says, confusing the blond. Without giving her a moment to understand what was happening the brunette takes her hand and says the spell, "Jaryakat a zem. Daryeet acza."
Caroline's eyes turn black. She slumps onto the floor. As she does, Katherine's body dies. Caroline is then woken up by her phone ringing. Still in a groggy state, she answers it without looking at the ID.
"Hello? Who's this?" Caroline asks.
The only response she received was Mia's "Vyjdi." Once again, Caroline's eyes turn black, indicating that the traveler's spell has been activated. Katherine has officially taken over Caroline's body.
Katherine hears her daughter's voice from the other side. "Hello. Are you there?"
"I'm here." The doppelganger answers.
"Talk to me. Did it work?" Nadia asked, hopeful.
Katherine, in Caroline's body, walks over to her own corpse and checks her pulse to make sure she is truly dead. "Of course it worked. I'm Katherine Pierce...I survive. I'll see you soon."
Katherine was in the bathroom, touching up her makeup when Caroline woke up. The original host of the body had caught the guest off guard. Enough to push her back and regain control of her body.
It took Caroline only an instant to realize what had happened to her. Klaus had told her all about it. She was assuming it was similar to what had happened to Alaric, Tyler, and Matt. Meaning there was definitely hope for her to get her body back and kick Katherine out permanently.
Caroline looked into the purse Katherine had been carrying, and found her phone. Lucky for her, Katherine hadn't thrown it away yet.
Caroline first called Bonnie, but it instantly went to voicemail. She tried Elena, but when she didn't answer after eight rings, Caroline hung up. She then tried Calling Stefan, but his phone was apparently out of service!
Caroline was running out of people to call. She tried Damon next. Every second she waited, only made her more anxious. She could feel Katherine trying to fight for control, and knew it was only a matter of time before the ones helping her realized she'd been gone for too long and came looking for her.
"What do you need, blondie?" Damon asked.
"Damon, I need you to find me. I have no idea where I am. I don't have long. Katherine's taken over my body and I can't get her out on my own. So please-"
Damon cut her off. "Yeah, I know."
Caroline's heart fell. "What do you mean you know?"
"Yeah, well it was either you, or Elena." With that Damon hung up. Caroline's arm limply fell to her side, the phone dropping to the floor. Caroline soon felt herself joining it on the ground.
Once again, she was second place to Elena. But this wasn't about grades, looks, or even who got the boy. This was life or death. And they had chosen Elena's over hers. Damon knew. Maybe they all did, and she was the fool walking into the trap.
Nobody had cared.
Nobody put her first.
'However long it takes.'
Caroline felt a sob rise up in her chest.
He was the only one who actually put her first. He had even chosen to save her… over his own sister.
And she had only used him.
Caroline cried into her arms. Realizing that it was too late.
He was gone. And he wasn't going to come back. He had wanted her to come to him. And by the time that she did find him, Katherine probably would have already made this permanent. She'd be gone.
Katherine would have her body. Maybe Klaus wouldn't notice and would get played by her. But she doubted that it would be anything worse than what she had done.
She had broken his heart.
The door to the restroom opened and Nadia walked in. Her eyes instantly zeroed in on Caroline, sobbing on the floor. A part of her wanted to comfort the sweet girl. But this wasn't just about her. This was about her mother. So Nadia instead said, "Vyjdi."
Katherine woke with a gasp. "What happened?"
"Caroline woke up." Nadia answered. "There's a witch in Mexico that we need to see. To make the transition permanent."
Katherine nodded. "But first, we need to stop by New Orleans."
"New Orleans?" Nadia asked. "But why?"
"Because Elijah is there." The brunette answered, washing the tear streaks off of Caroline's face.
"But so is Klaus." Nadia pointed out.
Katherine smirked, "Oh I know. But he wouldn't even suspect Caroline. I've been running from that man for five hundred years. God, the satisfaction of knowing that he'd be chasing after me."
"He'd be chasing after Caroline." Nadia corrects. "Which you aren't. What if he finds out."
Katheirne sighs, "I know that. That's why I'll try my best to avoid him. Something Carebear has done on multiple occasions. So I won't have to worry about my cover being blown."
Nadia doubted that they'd be able to enter New Orleans without the hybrid knowing. But this was the first time she'd gotten to spend time with her mother, practically since she was born. Not wanting to risk it, she chose to keep her thoughts to herself.
When Katherine went to sleep later that night, she found herself in a park. She saw Caroline sitting on a bench, with her arms around her knees, and pulled close to her chest.
Katherine found herself sitting next to her. "So what now?" Caroline asks, without looking up.
"Well you've always been the smartest of the bunch. I'm sure you already have an idea." Katherine tells her. "I'm going to be stealing your body. There's a witch in New Mexico who can make this permanent. We're still not sure what the spell will do to your soul. Just that it will give me full control."
A part of Caroline is telling her to stay strong, to lash out. The part of her that want's survive is demanding that she fight. But she's just so sick of it. Ever since she became a vampire. The only thing her friends have done is doubt her. And now, they even gave up her body for Elena.
"Why my body?" The blond finds herself asking.
"Because they wouldn't care nearly as much. They would barely even try to get it back. Sure they may try a couple of tracking spells. But after a certain distance, I doubt they'd even follow. And in a couple months, they would have pushed it all into the past." Katherine tells her. "Another bonus is that Klaus wouldn't even try to hurt it. For the first time in five hundred years. I'd be completely free. And even if he does capture me. It's not like he can exactly torture me and get his revenge."
Caroline sighs, "Well you were right about one thing." Katherine turns to her, raising an eyebrow. "Damon picked up my call." Seeing Katherine's panicked face, Caroline chuckled humorlessly. "Don't worry. He told me he knew you had my body… and that it was better than you having Elena. Bonnie, Elena, and Stefan didn't even pick up the phone. So I'm assuming they know to."
Katherine's eyes widened and she subconsciously found herself feeling sorry for the girl. She had been abandoned by all her friends. All for little old Elena. Constantly time and time again she was put in danger. Heck, it was the reason Katherine even changed her into a vampire. And now, she was going to lose her body. In a way, she was only in this mess because of the doppelgangers. In a way they were alike…
The brunette quickly shook her head. Her life was on the line. Her only chance to be with her daughter. She didn't have time for this. She needed to say her goodbyes to Elijah, get the spell to make this body hers, and then finally move on with her life… and be with her daughter.
"So… where are you going?" Caroline asked.
"New Orleans."
Hearing the name, a spark of light appeared in Caroline's eyes. "Isn't that where…"
Katherine nodded. "Klaus is there. So is Elijah. I intend to say goodbye to him."
Caroline nodded.
The sun around them began to set, meaning Katherine would soon wake up.
Katherine was standing up, when Caroline grabbed her hand, "Please don't hurt Klaus. You in my body…which means you do have the power to."
"But didn't you?" Katherine finds herself asking. And instantly finds herself wincing at the harshness of her tone.
Caroline's face fell, "I know… but…"
Katherine sighed. "I won't. In fact I intend to stay as far away as I can from him."
Caroline nodded. The fear and aching was still growing steady in her chest. But she felt relieved. At least now Klaus wouldn't be dragged into another one of her messes… that were really Elena's messes that she always ended up dragging him into.
Katherine and Nadia had been traveling in a car for six hours. So as soon as they had checked into a hotel room. The first thing they wanted to do was explore the city. Katherine was dressed in black, skin tight jeans. A blood red halter top with an open back. She finished off her look with a black leather jacket.
"Hmm. Not so sure how I feel about the blond. But I gotta admit. It can go well with a lot of looks." Katherine said, aspecting Caroline's image in the mirror.
Nadia sighed. "Come on. Let's go. I could definitely use a drink."
"All right, all right." Katherine sighed, following her daughter out.
Nadia stopped in front of a bar. "Rousseau's, come on. Let's try it."
It was noon. So the bar was pretty empty. They were greeted by a blond woman behind the counter. "Hi. Just give me a sec and I'll be with you."
Katherine nodded.
"Caroline?" A voice asked. Katherine felt the blood in her veins freeze. She'd heard that voice many times before. And even when she didn't, there wasn't a night that went by that it didn't haunt her dreams. But it was lacking it's usual malice and threats. Of course it was. It was calling for Caroline, not Katherine.
Katherine forced herself to turn around to see Klaus. Elijah stood just a few feet behind him. From the corner of her eye she could see Rebekah sitting on a bar stool. Both were just as surprised to see Caroline in New Orleans.
Katherine pushed her fears aside, and painted on her best smile. "Hey Klaus."
"Not that I'm not happy to see you, love. But what exactly are you doing in New Orleans?" Klaus asked, smiling.
Katherine shrugged, "I was getting bored. So I decided to go on a road trip."
Klaus raised an eyebrow, "I thought you'd be starting at Whitmore this year?"
Katherine resisted the urge to scream. Why did Klaus have to remember everything about Caroline. You'd figure that as the bloody hybrid, he'd have more pressing concerns then a baby vampire. "I decided to take a gap year." she answered.
Klaus nodded, accepting the answer.
"Why don't you join us for a drink?" Rebekah said, flashing a smile. She could see that the baby vampire wanted to get out of here, and decided on angist letting that happen. Something about the baby vampire was off. She could tell that Nik had picked up on it too.
Katherine was about to turn her down, but was cut off by Klaus. "That's a great idea sister." He said, leaving no room for Katherine to refuse.
As Katherine and Nadia sat down, Rebekah spoke again. "Since when do you wear leather jackets? I thought your thing was supposed to be sweaters."
Katherine cursed herself for not being more careful. "Nadia chose it for me. I figured trying something new wouldn't hurt."
Klaus turned to Nadia, "I'm assuming your little friend here is Nadia?" The brunette nodded, on guard. This was the man who had hunted her mother down for five hundred years. "Where exactly did you meet her love?"
"On the road. We ended up becoming travel buddies." Katherine answered at once.
Klaus leans back nonchalantly. Something was wrong, and he intended to find out what. Klaus was just given the perfect opportunity to test her.
"Well my offer still stands, love. I did give you my word that I would show you Italy, Iceland, Switzerland?"
Katherine laughs and agrees. Within a second she felt the world spin around it's access as she was pinned against a wall. "What?!"
"Wrong." Klaus growls. "I promised Caroline Rome, Paris, and Tokyo."
"Fine. You're right. I'm not Caroline." Katherine confessed. As she felt Klaus put more pressure on her throat. She quickly went on. "But this is her body."
Klaus loosened his grip, but kept a firm hold on her. "What do you mean?"
"I was dying. So we transferred my soul into Caroline's body. It's still her body. And she's still in there somewhere." Katherine informed him. "So go ahead. Try and hurt me. You'd only be hurting your precious Caroline."
"Then who are you?" Klaus asked.
It was Elijah who answered, "Katerina." He had been in love with the woman for five centuries. Of course he knew all her mannerisms and the way she dressed to the way she carried herself.
Klaus growled, "You took her body."
"Karma's a bitch." Katherine laughed. "You can't do anything to me."
"I wouldn't be so sure." Klaus growled, his eyes flashed golden. "You will give Caroline control of her body back. You will stay quiet and still, until we can find a way to remove you from her body. Permanently." He compelled.
But Katherine just shook her head, "Vervain. And you can't bleed it out of me. Unless you'd enjoy watching this baby vampire's blood drip down her arms as you bleed her dry."
Klaus shook his head. "Fine. You bought yourself a couple more days. But as soon as that vervain passes through your system. Your fate is sealed. Consider yourself lucky that you are in her body. If you weren't…" Klaus growled.
"You can't, I won't let you." Nadia stepped in.
Katherine's eyes widened. She had completely forgotten about her, judging by the looks on everyone around thems faces. She wasn't the only one who'd forgotten.
"Oh, and pray tell, how do you think you're going to stop me?" Klaus asked.
"No!" Katherine shook her head. "Leave her out of this."
"Mother!" Nadia cried.
A smirk appeared on Klaus' face. "Mother? And here I could've sworn I had already killed all of your family." he then turned to Katherine. "I may not be able to currently harm you. But she's a whole other story. I could always make you watch, as I slowly torture her to death."
Katherine shook her head, and turned to Elijah, "Elijah, please. If there was even a tiny part of you that ever loved. The please. Protect my daughter."
Even on Caroline's face, Elijah could clearly see Katherine's fear. "I will."
Klaus turned his head around, his grip on Caroline's throat had moved to a firm, but gently held on her arm. "You're kidding me right? Now, you choose now to make your stupid promise. Isn't your plate getting a little full. With the promise to Hayley, Sophie, and Marcel's little witch as well? You wanna add your soon to be dead lover's daughter onto there as well?"
Elijah stayed silent, so Klaus turned to Katherine, "I suggest you enjoy knowing that as soon as that vervain passes through Caroline's system. I'm making sure she regains control over her body once again. And then, finding a way to remove your parasitic soul from her body permanently."
Caroline's heart pounded rapidly, giving away Katherine's fear.
"Come on. We're going home." Klaus told his siblings. "Normally I'd be more than happy to leave Katherine to the wolves. But right now, she is in Caroline's body. I'm not gonna risk anything." He then turned to the woman in question, "and remember this, if anything happens to Caroline or her body. Your daughter will be the one paying the price ten fold. Elijah's promise be damned."
I got the original idea for this from venomandchampagne over on Fanfiction . Net, who has her own Klaroline one shot book.
Was the idea of Katherine going to New Orleans before the spell was permeant, stupid? Yeah. But in my defense, their really wouldn't be much of a plot without it.
There will definitely be a part 2 of this coming out. (I do have it planned out. Just need to write it. I'm trying to write the part two's to several of the Klaroline one shot's I have lined up. It's just that I have so many ideas (Literal six google doc's pages worth). It may take some time (Even years) but all the part two's I have told you guys about, will come out… Eventually.
Also, I saw this on YouTube, and just had to share it. (One of the few things I actually am looking forward to, when watching the originals). Like that moment when Rebekah realised that they were screwed. Loved it.
For those of you reading on , I sadly can't add the video or the link. So here's the name of the video: The Originals 1x08 Klaus fights Marcel
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