#i started this on september 2nd and only just now finished it
acid-drenched · 2 years
Gay Version of Ghosts
Hey there, friend! My name is Phantom. Welcome to my personal freakshow. Here’s some fun stuff about me to get you situated and cozy. Buckle up.
🐺 - Phantom, but I like nicknames a lot.
🐺 - Currently 21. Birthday is June 12th!
🐺 - I don’t like to think about pronouns too much, but she/he/they all work just fine. Usually I default to they/them, but I don’t really care.
💕 - Absolutely in love. My partner in gay is @gardenvarietychao! Our gay couple tag is #Phantom n Chao
✏️ - I draw! I also write! My art blog is @peculiar-phantom. Currently working on a Kirby Verse with the aforementioned boyfriend.
🎙️ - I suck ass at talking to people and have negative social skills. I love talking to people, but holding conversations is a nightmare. I find voice calls to be way easier. I’m also not always social and like to recluse into the clown circle I call the besties group. My general random post talking tag is #phantom talk.
🎶 - I’m usually listening to music! I have a huge ass Spotify playlist with a lot of the songs I like. My favorite bands are Slipknot, Mindless Self Indulgence, Nine Inch Nails, and Breaking Benjamin. My favorite song right now is probably Before I Forget by Slipknot or 7 Minutes in Heaven by MSI. Adderall and Finale also by Slipknot are great too, tho. Same with Never Wanted to Dance and Shut Me Up by MSI.
📝 - I know some people might be able to recognize me because I used to be a SUPER active roleplayer, especially in the Kirby roleplay community on here. My Marx blog was mostly active from 2014-2015 and went by a few URLs. Sorry if you remember how I was back then. I was 13. (Currently thinking of returning to the RPC)
🌙 - I’m VERY introspective and like to have deep conversations. I also like to joke about clown sex because it’s funny.
🔞 - Speaking of… I reblog text posts and memes that are NSFW! I make a lot of sex jokes.
👥 - I talk about my OCs sometimes! The tag I use for that is #oc fuckage . Mostly memes, but I should really actually talk about them. Working on many stories.
🐺 - My favorite animal is the wolf, if that wasn’t already obvious. i was a wolf girl lol. Was also a rawr XD random kid.
👁‍🗨 - Perpetually in my emo phase.
📷 - I love to record and stream with friends! Will link that sorta thing when it comes up.
🃏 - I like jesters.
👁‍🗨 - I also like shadow or eyeball monsters.
💖 Kirby!! (Biggest Fixation ohh yeah baby i love the sinister egg and clown)
🦊 Pokémon (Second biggest fixation! Zorua and Zoroark, my beloved)
🧱 Mario
🦝 Animal Crossing
🕶 Persona (3, 4, and 5)
🔪 Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
👽 Invader Zim
🐱 Webkinz
🦔 Sonic the Hedgehog
⭕️ Portal
💼 Ace Attorney
📓 Death Note
☀️ Okami
🕊️ Kid Icarus
(There’s more, but I’m lazy)
“I've wished for this, I've bitched at that I've left behind this little fact You cannot kill what you did not create” - Duality by Slipknot
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sissylittlefeather · 11 months
A/N: here it is! I finally finished it! This could be a prequel to my other two, if you want it to be. Otherwise, it's just a fun 2nd person Elvis x fem!reader one-shot about a young and innocent Elvis on the night he becomes a man. There are most definitely historical inaccuracies, but let's just let those slide please 🥺. I'd love feedback, if you have any!
Warnings: Virgin Elvis, f/m p in v sex, fingering, lots of kissing, kind of a slow burn, unprotected sex, cussing, etc
Last thing: I'm using a gif of Austin Elvis and one of the real deal EP because you can imagine either one. Whatever makes your heart happy.
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Baby, What's Your Name?
You've always been bold for a girl of your generation. Your first kiss was your idea and you haven't been "innocent" for a while now. Not that you are open and available for anyone, you just don't hold back when it comes to falling in love.
The year is 1955 and your friend Margie has begged you to come with her to a concert tonight. You have class the next day, and you take your college studies very seriously, but you figure you can still get home at a decent hour. Apparently, there's a new singer that Margie is gushing over. She's heard from other girls that he's supposed to be "something to see". Margie doesn't have much else going on; school isn't exactly her thing. She'll tell anyone who'll listen that she's only there to find a husband. You roll your eyes at this thought and go back to flipping through your closet for something to wear.
"Y/n, just pick something! We're going to be late!" Margie begs, pouting. You settle on a pink and white gingham sundress, sweeping your hair into a ponytail and tying it with a matching pink ribbon. You barely get your shoes on before Margie drags you out the door of your room on campus.
The crowd is almost entirely female. "Who is this guy?" You think to yourself. Oh well, no matter. Hopefully it'll be over soon and you can go home and get in bed. It's already late and it's a warm night for September. Margie is bouncing around next to you in her seat.
"Oh my gosh, I just can't wait until he comes out! Eliza said he's the cutest thing she's ever seen!" You roll your eyes again. You do that a lot around Margie. You didn't pick her to be your roommate; the university did. Still, she's been a decent friend, even if she's a little ditsy and boy crazy.
Finally, the other acts are finished and the announcer comes out to let you know this new artist is coming out.
"Please welcome to the stage Elvis Presley!"
The crowd goes absolutely insane. You start to wonder if maybe you've been studying too much. How could you not know this man that everyone else is so crazy for?
He walks out to the middle of the stage. He's wearing a pink jacket that matches the color of your dress. You're surprised to find that he's much more attractive than you imagined he would be, with his boyish smirk and black hair. You sit up a little straighter in your chair, but a group of girls has gathered in the front standing up, so you can't really see anymore from your seat.
Margie grabs your hand, "Come on! Let's go up there!"
"No, no I'm okay here."
Then he starts to sing. Your heart skips a beat and something deep in your stomach turns over. You stand up without even thinking, trying to see better. Margie takes the opportunity and grabs your hand. You don't fight back as she drags you up to the stage.
When you get close enough to really be able to see him, the thing in your stomach flip flops again. He's moving. And not just, like, tapping his foot. He's moving his legs and his hips in ways you didn't even think was possible... not in public, at least. The thing in your stomach moves deeper in your body to the place between your legs. You are drawn to him like he's got some kind of spell on you. More girls press in behind you, but thanks to Margie, you were up there pretty early and you're only one row back from the stage.
You need him. You need him to notice you and want you too. You start racking your brain for what you can do to get his attention. Every other girl around you is screaming like a fool. That won't work. They're also reaching for him like they might pull him off the stage if he gets close enough. He's moving around the stage quite a bit, but he's very careful never to get too close. If only you had something to throw... but you don't have anything in your hands, no bracelets or anything, and the ribbon from your ponytail isn't heavy enough to make it all the way to the stage. He's singing a slower song now, playing his guitar and looking around the crowd. Somehow, his blue eyes make contact with yours and your heart stops. You become acutely aware of your panties and the place on your body directly under them.
Wait. That's it! That would certainly get his attention. And you could easily get them off with the crowd surrounding you. Also, your full skirt that goes all the way to your knees will keep anyone from really knowing they're missing. You start working them down your thighs and Margie notices you wiggling next to her.
"What are you doing?!"
"Don't worry about it."
Finally, you feel your panties hit your ankles and rest on your shoes. It's nearly impossible with the crowd pressing in around you, but you manage to get them off your feet and into your hand. You take a second to thank the heavens that you were wearing pretty pink ones with lace, and not your laundry day undies. You look up to the stage, assessing how hard to throw them to make it right to where he's standing. After spending years playing baseball with your brothers as a kid, you're pretty confident you can get them there.
You take one last look at him; he's holding the mic at an angle, leaned over it and singing with his whole body. The second he finishes the song and stands up, you use all the strength in your arm and calculations you've just done and throw...
They land perfectly at his feet. You couldn't have possibly done any better if your life depended on it. Margie and the other girls directly around you stop and look at you, trying to figure out what you've thrown on the stage.
"Now, what's this?" He asks, picking your panties up from his feet and holding them up. When he realizes what they are, he blushes deeply.
"Well, that's something I didn't expect." He laughs into the mic and looks out into the audience to try to figure out who has given him such an awkward gift. The other girls are staring at you with their mouths open, so it's not hard for him to figure out. Your blush matches his, though, so he simply nods his head slightly in your direction, puts your panties in his pocket quickly and quietly, and moves on to his next song. The girls go back to screaming and you feel various others in the crowd wiggling like you did just minutes ago. Before he can even finish the song, panties are flying on stage left and right. He starts laughing, "ladies, I'm very flattered, but this is really unnecessary!"
The announcer rushes back out onto the stage, stepping between Elvis and the microphone.
"Thank you, Mr. Presley, for such a lovely show! Now, that's the end of our program for the evening, everyone. Thanks for coming out and be safe on your way home!"
You feel a little guilty for ending his set early with your panty-throwing, but you didn't make all those other girls go crazy. Still, you wish he would stay up there forever, singing and moving his hips. You're not ready for this feeling to go away. Another crazy thought enters your head. Maybe you'll try to get your panties back...
It wasn't hard to figure out where he is staying. There's really only one nice motel in town and the cars from his tour caravan are in the parking lot. You managed to convince Margie to go on home, so you're alone. You're a little nervous, walking into the motel office, but your boldness wins out.
"Hi. I need to know which room Mr. Presley is in."
"Yeah, you and every other girl in town."
"Right, but he asked for me. Call him. I just forgot the room number." It's a flimsy lie and you know it. The motel worker picks up the phone and dials "121".
"Never mind, I was lying. You caught me. I had to try though, right?" You chuckle softly as you back out of the office. Once you're outside, you head straight to room 121. When you get there, you have a sudden attack of nerves. It's so late at night and you're about to knock on the door of a man you've never actually met. This is crazy.
You're standing there trying to decide what to do when the door opens and he almost walks straight into you.
"Oh, I'm sorry darlin', I didn't even see you there." You're frozen to the spot, speechless at his closeness to you as he stands in the doorway of his motel room. He explains something about wanting to talk to someone about how to keep the show going, even if the crowd gets rowdy.
"But I'm not sure why I'm telling you this. Why are you here?" His brows knit together in the center of his forehead.
"Me? I'm just... well... I believe you have something of mine." Again, your boldness beats your fear and you walk past him into his room. He looks out the door and around nervously before closing it gently and turning around to face you. The curtains are pulled shut tightly and the glow from the lamps makes everything in the room kind of orange.
"Something of yours? Honey, I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."
"Something I threw on the stage." You look him dead in the eyes, hoping he'll recognize you.
"Oh. Oh! It's you!" Thank heavens, he does recognize you. He blushes again, not as deeply this time, but the memory is affecting him.
"I do have something of yours, but I have no intention of giving them back." He smiles playfully and walks across the room to where his jacket is hanging on the back of a chair. He pulls your panties out of his jacket pocket and holds them tightly in his fist.
"The way I see it, you gave me these, fair and square."
"Well, I wasn't really thinking, and it's weird not wearing any..." you realize what you've just told him and his eyes slowly drift to just below your waist before he snaps them back up to meet your eyes again. He swallows hard and you stand there awkwardly, not sure what to say next. You walk across the room to him and reach for your panties. He holds them up high over your head and pouts.
"Do you really want them back?"
You're standing so close to him now that you can feel him breathing. Your heart is in your throat with the sensation of his closeness. You don't want your panties back. You want something else entirely.
"No..." you whisper quietly, trying to signal him that he could kiss you if he wants to, that he should kiss you.
Somehow, he reads your signals correctly and leans in slowly. He moves carefully watching for signs that this isn't what you want, but your upturned face and eyes closed softly are exactly what he's hoping for. When his lips finally touch yours, they're gentle, but soon after he drops your panties on the floor and grabs your face with both hands. His lips part yours and his tongue dips into your mouth hungrily. He moves his hands to your waist and you throw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a more passionate kiss. You're locked together like this for some time, kissing, before you realize his hands are shaking lightly. He pulls out of the kiss and puts his forehead on yours, breathing heavily.
"You kiss me like this much more, darlin' and I'm not sure I'll be able to stop."
"I don't want you to stop."
He pulls back and looks at you, his mouth hanging open in mild shock. You can't figure out why he's so nervous. You're saying "yes" in every way you know how. He swallows again deeply and blushes a little.
"Aw, now, honey, don't say things you don't mean. I've never..."
Your eyes widen in disbelief. His nervousness is starting to make sense. He's never done this before. He's a virgin.
The realization makes you smile and you giggle a little at the thought. This man, who dances on stage like he does this every other night, has never actually been with a woman.
"Well, it's not that funny." He pouts again.
"No, I'm sorry, it's not funny at all. But if you don't want to do this, tell me now. Because I won't let you if you really don't want to." You smile reassuringly, but your body is aching for him to touch more of you.
"I didn't say I don't want to." He goes in for another deep and passionate kiss, his tongue moving in ways you'd never imagined. All you can think about is his tongue touching you in other places and that warm spot between your legs gets even warmer. He picks you up by the waist, lifting your feet off the floor just enough to carry you to the bed. Laying you gently on the bed, he stops for a second and looks at you laying there in your pink gingham dress. You prop yourself up on your elbows and kick off your shoes.
"Nothing... I just... pink is my favorite color." He mumbles before laying on the bed next to you. You're both laying on your sides facing each other and he begins to undress you carefully, first untying the ribbon in your hair. Then he slides his hand down your back to unzip your dress. The zipper ends where your panties should be, but aren't, and as his fingers brush your skin, you tingle all over. His hand travels back up to the latch of your bra. He fumbles with it for a bit, his fingers trembling, before he finally gets it unclasped. You become keenly aware that all he has to do is slide your dress forward and down and you'll be completely naked. You can see by the bulge in his pants that he's had this thought too. You put your hand up to his face, cupping his cheek.
"You're sure this is what you want?"
"Honey, I've never been more sure of anything in my life." He pulls your dress and bra forward and off of you, standing up to drop it on the floor with your shoes. Now you can really see his hardness pushing against his pants. He takes his shirt off and you sit up to unbutton his pants, letting them drop to the floor next to the pile of your clothes.
Now you're both naked. You touch him gently and he sighs and looks up at the ceiling. After a few seconds of this, he almost can't stand it anymore, so he lays you down on the bed, crawling on top of you, still trembling, but obviously gaining confidence. He presses his lips to yours again and you rub your tongue along his bottom lip before he opens his mouth into a deeper kiss. His hand moves down your body, stopping to caress your breast and run his thumb over your nipple. His hand shakes less and less as he moves further down your torso to your hip. He rolls to the side a little and walks his fingers over to the place between your legs. You open them just enough for him to slip a finger inside you. You let out a small moan against his mouth as he moves his finger in and out and in again. You stop kissing him and look into his eyes, reaching down to his hand. Gently, you guide his thumb to the spot that makes your stomach turn over and your heart beat faster.
"Here. Do circles." He listens eagerly and does exactly as you tell him. He feels the knot harden as he massages it, so he keeps up a consistent rhythm. You lose the ability to give him further instruction-- he doesn't need it anyway-- as the pleasure builds up between your legs. You can feel yourself approaching your climax and prepare yourself for the fireworks. He's watching you so closely, taking cues from your body about what to do next. He puts his finger back in you, doing a tickling motion with his fingertip against your insides. You might burst with all the electricity flowing through your body.
"Oh! Yes! Fuck!" You cry out as the ecstatic release washes over you and you begin to pulse around his finger. He smiles widely, amused by your cussing and pleased with his ability to give you an orgasm on his first try. You're not exactly sure how he managed it, but you really don't care. You're still riding your body high. He moves his hand back to your hip and you feel your wetness on his fingers. He's kissing you again, grinding his hardness against your thigh. Despite your release, you're ready for more of him inside you. You reach down again, wrapping your hand around him softly and moving his hips to line up with yours. You put his tip against yourself and pull back from his kiss.
"Last chance to back out." He smiles and looks directly into your eyes. Then, he pushes forward with his hips, just like he did on stage, filling you entirely. The sensation almost overwhelms him and he sets his forehead on your shoulder.
"Oh fuck, baby." Now it's your turn to smile at him for cussing.
"It actually gets better." He lifts his head off your shoulder to look into your eyes and there's an excitement in his that almost makes you laugh out loud. Instead, you plant a kiss on his lips and wrap your legs around his waist. He starts to pump in and out rhythmically. You're not surprised that he's good at this part. You've seen him move on stage. Still, you know he probably won't last too long, since it's his first time, and there's more you want to show him. You release him from your legs and push him off of you and onto his back.
"Oh no baby what...?" With one leg on either side of his hips, you lower yourself onto him. He nearly loses his mind as the change in angle changes the sensation. He moans deeply and grabs your hips, guiding your movement as you ride him. His pleasure is building up and you know he's close as you slide up and down. You move faster and faster, pushing him toward his climax.
"Oh fuck, shit, fuck baby!" He yells as you feel him shudder underneath you and fill you with his warmth. He moans loudly as you move up and down a few more times to really push him over the edge. With him still inside you, you lean forward and lay on his chest. He wraps his arms around you.
"Wow, honey, that was... wow." You smile against his chest, satisfied with your work. After a good amount of time in this position, you move off of him and lay down next to him on your back. He props himself up on his elbow and turns to face you.
"How soon can we do it again?" You chuckle at his eagerness as you realize you won't be making it back to your room tonight. Suddenly, his eyebrows come together on his forehead in worry and you rearrange yourself to look him in the face, mildly concerned at his expression. You brace yourself for some kind of confession. Instead, he smiles and innocently asks:
"Baby... what's your name?"
You erupt in peals of laughter, wrapping your arms around him and rolling over on top of him. You think of the panties on the floor of his motel room, so glad that Margie dragged you to the concert tonight. This might be the beginning of something wonderful.
"My name is..."
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criminal-minds-girlie · 2 months
it's been a while since i've sent anyone an ask. i see your suggestions are open and that you are willing to try derek/hotch. they are my otp and there isn't a lot out there that isn't just my writing - would you be willing to give it a go? anything is fine. i don't prefer smut but you're the author and i'm not picky if it is them. (came here because of the boops!)
Love and Apologies
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Authors note: this is my first time writing a Hotch x Morgan fic so i hope it's good I've only been writing a short while THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT
pairing: Aaron hotchner x Derek morgan
genre: hurt?/tooth rotting fluff
Summary: hotch and derek had an argument the night before and it transpires into work
word count 587
3:00pm thursday 2nd september
Hotch is in his office when he hears a soft knock on his door.
He looks up and sees Derek, and says, "Come in."
Derek shuts the door behind him and walks over to the side of Hotch's desk.
"Hey," Derek closes the door behind him "you..still coming to mine tonight" he bounces on his toes a little wondering if they are even going to talk about the argument they had the night before.
"yes." hotch said, looking down at his computer. he really didn't want to look at derek as he was still upset about the argument
Derek nods and sits opposite Hotch and bites his lip, he sighs and shakes his head.
"what" hotch asked, annoyed that derek wasn't leaving.
"nothing" Derek snaps back, hotch just glares at him.
"look derek, i have work to do, go sit with reid or something, he seems to be your new favourite person"
"what? Are you still mad about last night??"
"you are!" derek said standing up leaving and going home early hurt and upset
6:30pm Thursday 2nd september
Derek is sat curled up in bed hiding under his duvet holding one of hotch's shirts close as he hears his front door unlock he knows it's most likely hotch since only him and reid have keys but reid always calls before coming around.
Derek is too upset to move from the position he's in. He can hear hotch moving around downstairs, he can hear the fridge opening and closing and hotch is probably getting a drink.
Derek closes his eyes and just pretends to sleep in bed shuffling around as Hotch comes in and sits by derek.
"i know you're awake" hotch whispers and derek opens his eyes
"hi" Derek mumbles softly, not looking at the hotch and sniffing a little.
"you were right," hotch said, laying down next to derek "and i'm sorry"
"m sorry too i shouldnt of got upset and left" derek mumbles turning to face hotch
"it's ok, you're allowed to be upset" hotch replies kissing derek's head
"I love you" Derek mumbles, snaking his hands around hotch.
"I don't care if you're in your suit, still I want a cuddle" Derek mumbles nuzzling into hotch.
"i need to take my shoes and blazer off first" hotch replies
"no" derek grumbles pulling hitch into his arms
"babe" hotch chuckled
"nope" derek mumbles looking up at him "you know...i want pancakes right now i'm hungry i haven't ate because i was so upset"
"I brought food with me," Hotch says, getting up and taking off his blazer and shoes and crawling back into bed and handing Derek a takeout bag.
"chinese" Derek mumbles, smiling a little.
"yep, your favourite" hotch said, opening the container.
"Mmm noodles," Derek smiles while sitting up.
"Here," Hotch handed him the box and a fork.
"Thank you" Derek mumbles, smiling as he starts to eat.
Hotch kisses his cheek and smiles and he starts to eat his own food.
Once they are finished eating, Derek leans his head against Hotch's chest.
"you know.. the only reason i talk to reid so much is because he's lonely... he's never been the same since maeve died" derek admits softly
"i know" hotch replied
"so you need to stop getting jealous when i'm talking to him..he's my best friend" derek smiles
"I know, I'm sorry," Hotch mumbled.
"It's ok, I forgive you" Derek smiles and pulls hotch in for a kiss.
"I love you," Hotch mumbled.
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corffee · 9 months
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❅*⋆Production has started! More information down below!⋆*❅
You heard it! I am finally starting my own merch series! After realizing that there aren’t many Sonic standees out there, I wanted to take some action and change that! These acrylic standees will feature your favorite sonic characters, either in different outfits or just cool poses! Some will be seasonal or tri-monthly, limited edition or in stock for a long limited time. The size of the standees will be 7 inches (2.54 cm). There will also be polls deciding which characters should be featured next, like this series! *Note: THEY WILL NOT BE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE! CONTINENTAL U.S. SHIPPING ONLY!!!*
For the Holiday Series, there will be two rounds. The first round is open now, but will end on the 17th. It will consist of two questions each with three characters. Then whoever gets the lowest votes in both questions will not go on to the final round. The link to the poll is down below so go cast your vote ASAP!!
The final round will decide which two characters will be featured (Sept. 18th). Right after the poll ends, I will get to work on the designs. I’m giving myself 20 days starting on the 25th of September. When I finish the designs, I will order them on Vograce (May be ordered on Oct. 16th). The production time is 2-6 days and the shipping transit time for standard is 8-16 days. After the prototypes are delivered, I will spend time on any changes that they might need, coloring, size, shipping time, add-ons, etc. Then I will open the Standee Pre-Order on my Ko-Fi, hopefully by the 1st or 2nd week of November. The pre-orders will close on the 29th or 30th of November. Right after that, I will order them on Vograce. Hopefully, they will come and I can ship them off before my Christmas break ( Dec. 21st). My goal for this first project is at least 50 orders, and I will be so grateful if it comes true. And I will definitely continue creating Sonic Standees for you all if you support me.
Future notifications on the production of the standees will be rebloged to this post, so keep an eye out! If you have any questions, comment on this post or send an ask!
LINK TO POLL: https://forms.gle/Zx1brS5t8HuiJXNS8
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unioncolours · 9 months
The 4th Majsasaurus Year 💖
And so yet another year in fandom has passed. I always write these on the day of my first fanfic’s upload date, which is 22nd of September, and it’s a small tradition to write it, even if this year it was uploaded on the 23rd. My bad, hehe.
 In 2020 I wrote my Majsasaurus Year, in 2021 my 2nd Majsasaurus Year and last year my 3rd Majsasaurus Year. This fourth year has been significantly quieter than my last years, especially the firsts, which is also visible on my AO3 page with fewer fics (in numbers) uploaded and no fanarts uploaded.
Still, let’s take a look at what my fourth year as a certified ShikaTema + Shikajin nerd has been up to!
Please keep reading if interested 💙
I ended my 3rd Year discussion with presenting my then brand-new long fic Labyrinth of Confusion. At the time of that discussion only one chapter of the Inojin-centric Crime and Punishment vibey-fic had been uploaded, the first one, and I was excited for what the fic would turn out to be, because this fic was the most pantser like long fic I’ve ever written. I had no clue of anything at any given moment, but damn if I didn’t manage to make the pieces fall perfectly together by the end. LoC ended up being 92k words long and writing it from the very beginning to end took me a bit more than five months. You might think it sounds like a rather long time period for Majsasaurus Bex, and if you did, you are right. I did think so too.
In the middle of the process of writing LoC I went through a stressful time which involved direct triggers to my very bad decline into depression in 2021. This time I managed to work with the triggers opposed to the first time it happened and my wellbeing didn’t spiral down, but it meant a much slower process of writing overall. I moved houses too, and I swear to god, there is nothing more creative-killing than moving your home. It’s stressful, time consuming and expensive and this move involved a lot of planning for the private economy in times such as these. This is the reason I have not made a single artwork since August 2022; the move was heavy on my psyche, and everything involved with economy – and besides that my subscription for the software ran out and lifting the pen became so hard.
This also meant LoC turned into a slow process.
I wrote in my 3rd Year Discussion this: “I sincerely hope I will look back to this fic with love, compared to whatever I felt after Hope in the Universe. I am lowkey excited. Hopefully my readers will also love it.” The other fic referred to was one I wrote during 2021 when I went through the same triggers as now and I hoped so much to not feel bad. And I didn’t feel as bad, finally.
Do I look back at LoC with love? Yes, I do. The final chapter of LoC was published the 1st of February in 2023 after the hard labour of love to build up this mystery and worldbuilding heavy psychological thriller. I am so, so proud of how it turned out, especially given that I tried out a new writing style which I think hit the nail on the head and then drove that nail right into my readers’ hearts.
My absolute bestest Varya drew me a fic cover for LoC, including three artworks here, here and here. Thank you for your enthusiasm.
During the time of uploading LoC, something magical happened. I received my InoShikaCho zine I had worked on in its physical form and to just leaf through it and see my words printed in it and see the artwork of characters I love an unhealthy amount of was amazing. After LoC was finished, and the zine started wrapping up the long process, I uploaded my fic for it onto AO3 for everyone to enjoy.
The fic in question is Stick, Poke, Pierce! which is a funky, funny little piece of baby gen InoShikaCho being young menaces. I wrote that fic back in 2021 and you can read about the process in the Majsasaurus discussion for 2021, and it was a joy to get back to a fic one hadn’t touched in such a long time, this time with accompanying art from the artists of the zine. This cute snappy one shot received surprisingly little attention on AO3, but oh well, it IS cute, and I think people can enjoy cute stuff too sometimes.
I also wrote in my 3rd Year review that I “maybe” have a third chapter to my Temari x Sakura fic as part of my bi-yearly wlw urgent need for this year, but in the end chose against it. In February I started writing on an independent InoTemaSaku sexy threesome fic instead, but writing sexy things didn’t fit with my overall irl mood at that time and I dropped the fic. Did you hear it, Majsasaurus dropped a fic? She who completes e v e r y t h i n g ? I know, I know, I am shocked too, but luckily this was just a wip that went to sleep instead. Maybe I will revive it, because I do want to write more wlw-sex scenes because those are the best for me. Or maybe I will get an Ino x Temari fic out instead that I have an idea for. We don’t know yet.
The urge for wlw-content did not disappear with that part of my life though, as I immediately after deciding to drop the threesome fic started writing what I called WIAG, that was titled to When I am Gorgeous. The idea to WIAG had been in my head for a long while, ever since 2020 in fact, but sometimes you need to marinate your ideas properly before committing to writing them. Let’s not be hasty, and so on. WIAG is a historical au set in the 1930s, being about women who were deemed mad on poor criteria and sent to an asylum. I so enjoyed writing it, and it was so different compared to LoC – the plot heavy, buildup heaving and death heavy action and psychological thriller it was. To quote one of the lovely people who commented WIAG, it was like writing (/reading) a “water colour painting”, so despite the heavy theme, there were many moments in the writing that were surprisingly calm and relied heavily on nature.
I wrote the entire fic besides the final chapter and published the first chapter in April 2023. I even commissioned a fic cover for it by @mheerdraws which can be seen here. WIAG contained what I yearned for, a bit of wlw-action while still being a Shikatema fic. I was rather nervous over it – not for posting the cruel events I depicted in the fic, but for the romance in it, fearing monoshippers ShikaTema shippers to throw rocks at me, but no one did and even if they were monoshippers they loved if enough to give the scene and romance between Temari and Ino a chance, which made me so happy. This was also the likely reason the fic didn’t receive much traction; there was little spice between Shikamaru and Temari which is probably what a lot of people want when scouting for a Temari fic. I am very proud of this fic.
After WIAG I took a well-deserved break, an interesting one at that, since during the time period I wrote WIAG, a fic which dealt heavily with fertility and women’s freedom and right to have (or not have) children in a historical light, I became pregnant myself. The final chapter of WIAG was uploaded in June, when some of the pregnancy symptoms kicked in for real. The biggest symptom I had was tiredness and a lot of it, including naps every day, and I left the creative brain on pause for the entirety of June. I didn’t write a single word in June and didn’t feel bad for it either, which is rare for me.
My fandom life was quite on pause during the summer with me focusing a lot on myself and my irl needs while writing an original fiction work on the side. My OG fiction work was finished in September. In late July I started writing on a fic again, this time a once more, Shikajin my beloved-centric one shot. It was fun to focus on something short and silly after two very emotionally heavy works – also to show my readers that I still have a damn range, haha. I can do both fluffy and sweet, and the heavy angsty torture. The silly one shot going smut turned into what was in August uploaded on AO3 as Attractive. It was lovely to drabble into nothing but romantic fluff and smut without any specific plot. That fic also featured an OC little sister to Shikadai, and she was a blast to write.
One of the anti-highlights of the fandom year was definitely when the time skip designs were revealed. I saw Inojin's new hair style, and, I kid you not however I wish I exaggerated, cried during seven different occasions over the span of four days. I cried over his hair for fucks' sake, me, a grown-ass woman, hAHA. This is a testament on how snowed in I am on these next gen boys, and how close they are to my heart. I fucking love Shikadai and Inojin, way too much, hahaha. Now I have melted the idea of his hair and do not feel awful about it anymore, but I am ever so often sending bombastic side-eyes to Ikemoto.
In September, I decided it was time to tell the fandom world about my little baby and I started writing on my “projection fic”. I don’t often project while writing, so this was a fun exercise. It’s a fic about Temari expecting Shikadai and specifically the birth scene. I finally managed to finish the fic today and uploaded it immediately out of pressure for my 4th Year discussion, hehe. The projection fic became almost 7k words long – and is a wonderful mix of poetic descriptions and just raw depictions of pushing a living baby out of you with all the gore involved. It is called we hold galaxies.
And that was today.
That was an entire year in fandom for me. I have managed to distance myself from jealousy and frustration which I felt a lot last year and have felt more peace in myself and my presence than maybe usual. I gained new friends from a new server, but also lost a great amount of friends too. Now I have learned to let go of fandom friends instead of grieving them a long time, even if it still hurts when your friends give up on you. I also dived into a new fandom (though I am very quiet about it on the internet and have not mentioned this out loud), which is Bungo Stray Dogs. My best fandom friend @notquitejiraiya moved to my country this year, which was a wonderful gift.
I am sad I stopped drawing, that’s true. I am not happy about the little amount of different fics I wrote, but still, it was the right amount.
And for the 5th Majsasaurus Year? I truly hope I can get out a semi-long fic of Shikajin before January (I am aiming for 30k, canonverse) and after that my goal will be to re-edit and re-write To go down with the Sun, my first long fic of Shikajin, which also is one of my best fics of all time. I wrote it when my English wasn’t perfect, so the edit would be only on surface level with language and phrases rather than fixing major content, because there are no plot holes in the entire thing.
Other than that, I don’t know. I don’t know how to write fics while having a newborn baby. But I truly hope there will still be plenty of Majsasaurus on the internet to share in the future too 🥰
Thank you to everyone who has read and commented my fics since September 2022. You make it all worthwhile to hang around four years later too.
Yours truly, Majsasaurus Bex
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witcherwheeloftheyear · 5 months
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@astaldis (I borrowed your own wrapup post for this, I hope you don't mind)
Imbolc February 2nd: The Glade
On their journey from Toussaint to Stygga, Geralt's Hansa comes across a beautiful glade. But is it safe to make camp here for the night? Friendship (Words: 660; Chapters: 1/1)
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Ostara March 20th: Where the Tulips Grow
Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri learn that Jaskier has gone missing under suspicious circumstances. Circumstances that hint at a kidnapping. Yennefer leaves Geralt with Ciri and goes to save the bard. But not all goes as planned. The hero becomes the damsel in distress and Jaskier has to save the day. Romance/Yenskier (Words: 23,951; Chapters: 9/9, )
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Beltane May 1st: Belleteyn
Yennefer has a beautiful May Night with her lover. Who the lover is? I had one specific Witcher character in mind when I wrote the fic, but you might fancy a different pairing. So, feel free to decide yourself whoever works best for you, Yennefer/Geralt, Yennefer/Jaskier, Yennefer/Istredd, Yennefer/Cahir, Yennefer/crossover character, Yennefer/You, ... loads of possibilities! Romance/Smut (Words: 3,469; Chapters: 1/1)
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Litha June 21st: A Night to Remember
It's Litha, the longest day of the year, and Geralt is throwing a garden party at his newly acquired estate, Corvo Bianco, the old vineyard in the Sansretour Valley. Milva cannot dance, but Cahir is a good teacher. The delicious wine and Jaskier's newest song also help. And then there are Angoulême's Hansa Games and Regis's hot hooch ... Friendship/Romance/Humour (Words: 4,160; Chapters: 2/2)
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Lammas August 1st: Of Bairns and Banes
It is a beautiful night, fair summer weather, the air balmy, the sky clear and sprinkled with stars. The perfect night for the village’s traditional Lammas celebrations, the feast of first fruits. However, unlike in the neighbouring villages and the years past, there are no bonfires here today. No corn dolls to be burned and bulls or horses to be sacrificed as an offering to the gods. No ritual dances or athletic competitions are held or blueberry loaves baked in the village bake house. This year there is no matchmaking and rolling about in the hay. For the village is in mourning, the villagers terrified. And very much in need of a Witcher. Lucky for them, one has just arrived.
This is the story of Cahir’s first solo monster hunt. Spooky Adventure (Words: 2,977; Chapters: 1/1)
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Mabon September 22nd: Her Idea of Fun
“Finished!” Angoulême exclaims and starts to dance circles around the victim of her wager. “I bet nobody’d take him for a Nilfgaardian now!” she adds with a raucous cackle that reminds strongly of a goose on fisstech …
Cahir loses a bet and Angoulême is having fun. Friendship/Humour (Words: 444; Chapters: 1/1)
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Samhain November 1st: The Present
It is the evening of the last day of October, Samhain, a magical night where the gates between worlds are wide open for those who can travel through space and time. Ciri can, and she has a surprise for her boyfriend Cahir, a very nice surprise. Romance/Cahiri (Words: 1,656; Chapters: 1/1)
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Yule December 21st: Jaskier's Jolly Yule Jumble
Another festive event is coming up in Toussaint and Jaskier has the perfect idea for how to celebrate it with his Hansa. He only needs to convince Geralt and the others that his idea for their Yule party will be fun, lots of fun. Friendship/Humour (Words: 8,681; Chapters: 4/4)
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angstyaches · 6 months
i’ve been thinking about a halloween prompt for donnacha because i’m so incredibly obsessed with his and henry’s relationship dynamic.
i know you’re not big into overeating, so you know how when you don’t eat, you eventually start to get a little woozy and gross feeling? donnacha hasn’t eaten in hours cause he’s been busy running last minute halloween errands (can you get more candy? we have to have this very specific sweet! that place was out? oh no! can you try here?!) for everyone and he’s starving by the time he gets home.
he’s staying in with henry this year because he doesn’t like going out and hen doesn’t really go out anymore either. plus, donnacha doesn’t want to see a repeat of last year where he walked in on henry anxiety puking on the bathroom floor after snapping at lucy. so he beats a hasty retreat to henry’s room to get away from the mayhem happening in the shared space after he gives everyone their stuff, and he’s got a bag of his favourite junk food with him that he starts to munch on while he jabbers on to henry about his day. everything is going great!
only… his belly isn’t really liking all the sugar and it isn’t really helping his headache go away and he’s getting quieter and quieter until henry finally asks him what’s wrong.
Yes, it's December 2nd, and yes, I know this is late.
Thank you so much for this lovely, detailed, thoughtful request, anony 🐭, I appreciate you so much and I hope you're well.
I've had this draft for so long and I'm a bit tipsy right now as I'm posting it, so I'm sorry if there are typos/inconsistencies, or if it just straight up isn't good 👍
CW: overthinking, stomach pain, mention of cheating, mention of breakup, overindulgence (sugar), mention of chronic pain, platonic caretaking.
Word Count: 4,200+
Donnacha barely had a second to breathe as he stepped through the door, before he was being beckoned through to the living area by someone who didn’t even live here. 
Autumn was dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast; her outfit was casual, nothing extravagant like the yellow ball gown from the movie, but he could tell that was who she was. He felt a pang of recognition at the lace detail on the collar of her yellow blouse. Had she worn that on a date once? Had he been with her when she’d bought it? A second pang, this one tinged with loss. 
It still sent him reeling, sometimes, that she wasn’t his, and he wasn’t hers. 
“What is it?” 
“Get in here.” 
Donnacha sighed. He’d been running on empty all afternoon, actively ignoring the rumbling in his stomach and the tension in his brain for hours now. Now that he was home, he felt like wilting. 
He blinked in bewilderment as he stepped into the living area. Lucy had been stringing up Halloween decorations since halfway through September, but she’d really doubled down at some point since he’d left this morning. He could barely see the mouldings for the amount of fake cobweb and crepe paper streamers filling the corners and tapering off across the ceiling. 
But it was the unfamiliar faces that really threw him. 
“Donnacha, this is Dixon,” Autumn said, gesturing towards the Asian guy dressed as Legolas from Lord of the Rings, and then to the dark-skinned girl in the ladybird costume. They were both sitting on the couch, flanked by a seated Claudette on one side and by Autumn standing at the other. “And this is Leigh. We’re in the musical together. Guys, this is Donnacha, my –” 
She didn’t falter as she spoke, but in between her words, Donnacha’s heart did a sickening flip. Was she about to bring up the fact that they were exes? He wasn’t sure he was comfortable advertising that with these people he didn’t know – 
“Oldest friend,” Autumn finished. 
Donnacha let go of a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. “I mean, I’m not that old.” He smiled; both Dixon and Leigh had beautiful smiles, so it would have been a little difficult not to. “Great to meet you both.” 
“You, too,” they practically said in unison, which led to Leigh curling her lip and softly backhanding Dixon’s leg. Next to Dixon’s knee, there was a glossy pride pin that caught Donnacha’s attention. It was attached to the strap of a side bag that he was holding firmly in his lap. 
Donnacha breath caught in his throat as he thought about the flat cardboard packet that was currently sitting in the top drawer of his bedside table. Inside, still wrapped in plastic, was a bisexual flag pin. He’d been a little drunk and dizzy when he’d ordered on Etsy, and it’d seemed like a great idea at the time. He’d even smiled proudly to himself when it had arrived, but as soon as he’d started opening the package, as soon as he’d started thinking about actually wearing the pin, a pain had bloomed in the pit of his stomach. It just seemed as though advertising his identity was unnecessary. Maybe dangerous. Undoubtedly more trouble than it was worth. 
He understood it now, though; he felt himself wanting to be seen, to be recognised, like Dixon. 
Shit, he thought. Maybe he should have mentioned his pronouns after Autumn had introduced him – 
It was too late now, because Lucy was scampering up to him, hands outstretched. “Thanks, hon.” 
She relieved him of the shopping bags that had been testing the limits of his shoulder sockets for the past hour. He smiled at her tiredly and looked at her skinny denim jeans and plaid shirt, wondering if she hadn’t gotten changed yet, or had poured so much Halloween spirit into decorating the flat that she had none left to fuel a costume. 
“You kept the receipts, right? I’ll pay you back tomorrow afternoon,” Lucy said. 
“What are you dressing up as tonight?” Claudette asked from the other end of the sofa. Donnacha realised she was addressing him. Their eyes were pinned on Donnacha’s face over the rim of their cup. Autumn had promised – of her own volition – that she would never tell anybody that Donnacha had kissed someone else during their relationship, but he could never quite shake the feeling that Claudette knew something more than they let on. 
“Eh, nothing.” Donnacha shook his head. “I’m… I’m actually not coming out tonight.” 
“Oh, you’re not?” Autumn looked genuinely crestfallen, which gave Donnacha yet another strange pang in the centre of his chest. He didn’t know what to do with it, so he boxed it up, tucked it away in the back of his mind, and tried to stop thinking about it. 
“Jesus, Donnacha!” Lucy called out from behind him. She’d propped the bags on the edge of the coffee table and was fishing things out, one by one. “You let us boss you around on the phone all day, and you’re not even partying with us? Why didn’t you say something!” 
“Lu, it’s grand, seriously,” Donnacha smiled. He edged a little closer to her as some familiar packaging caught his eye. He’d almost forgotten that he’d grabbed something just for himself amidst all of the bossing around. “These are for me,” he chuckled sheepishly, reaching for the packets. 
Lucy just nodded and shrugged. “Yeah, fair enough.” 
“Anyway, I’d already promised I’d drive to the shops before this other plan came up…” 
“Ooh-ooh, other plan?” Lucy lowered her voice, though everybody could still hear her, clear as day. “A hot date?” 
“Oh, yeah.” Donnacha smirked. “I’ve got a date with this floppy-haired lad who works in web design and never leaves his bedroom.” 
As soon as he made the joke, he wanted to snatch it out of the air and swallow it back down. It had somehow sounded like an unnecessary dig at his friend, and implied that it really was a date. How the hell had that happened? 
“No – I just… Me and Henry, we’re just gonna watch a movie and hang out. You know, after what happened last year, I didn’t think it’d be good for him to be, you know, overwhelmed…” Donnacha couldn’t believe it was his own mouth that was saying these things. Nobody needed him throwing about reminders of Henry’s meltdown last Halloween, least of all Henry himself. 
Autumn gave one of her politest smiles and turned to say something off-topic to Leigh. Claudette was still eyeing Donnacha with a curiosity that bordered on disgust. Even Lucy didn’t seem to know what to say, which was never a good sign. 
Donnacha frowned, irritated. He’d spent all afternoon hunting down everybody’s requests for the Halloween party, edging through traffic jams, bothering staff members about their stock. He hadn’t expected to be hoisted up onto anyone’s shoulders like he’d scored a winning try, but shouldn’t he at least be allowed to be himself? 
He pushed that feeling aside, packing it up alongside his confusing feelings about Autumn, and his reluctance about his identity, and his nervousness about Claudette, and his guilt about Henry. 
He cleared his throat and rubbed at his stomach, which delivered to him a nasty twinge to remind him that the last thing he’d eaten had been a pathetically small, dry article that had barely passed for a blueberry muffin at 10am. The packaging of his chocolate bars crinkled in his other hand, and he couldn’t help eyeing the half-empty plates that were scattered throughout the room, holding mini spring rolls and spicy wedges and breaded cheese sticks. 
“There any food left?” he asked, feeling oddly grateful for the opportunity to change the subject. 
“Yeah, lots.” Payton. 
Donnacha turned around. 
They were sitting at the dining table, and had been quiet and staring at their phone since Donnacha had come in. They were wearing a navy jacket and had curled the front of their hair, but Donnacha didn’t care to contemplate their appearance any further. 
They half-smiled at him and nodded towards the kitchen. “Help yourself.” 
Help yourself. Of course, Payton would know all about helping themself, since they’d helped themself to Autumn less than a fortnight after the break-up – 
“Thanks,” Donnacha said, making a beeline for the kitchen. 
Everything edible was spread out on baking trays and was dried out from the oven and cold from sitting out too long. It was hardly an appetising site, especially while Donnacha was already thinking about tearing into his Macaroon bars. He’d been hit with a wave of nostalgia when he’d spotted them on his hunt for Lucy’s obscure requests, and he’d bought them thinking they would be his desserts for the next few weeks, but who was going to stop him from making them into his dinner tonight? 
His stomach gurgled quietly beneath his hoodie. On top of the sharp hunger pains, it felt knotted with tension. He couldn’t believe how easily he forgot how skipping meals affected him, making him shaky and emotional. It’d been a mistake to let it get this bad. 
After tossing a small handful of wedges and some ketchup onto a plate, Donnacha tucked his chocolates under his arm and swept through the living area one more time. 
“Happy Halloween, have a good night,” he smiled, and he didn’t stop to let anyone’s expression or response sink in. 
“Oh,” Donnacha deadpanned, “you’re working?” 
Henry didn’t turn around at first, and Donnacha realised it was because he had his noise-cancelling headphones on. He must have seen the light from the hallway reflected in the computer screen though, because the further Donnacha pushed the door open, the more Henry’s attention seemed to twitch away from his work. 
He took off the headphones and swung his chair into a half-turn. “You’re late.” 
That face was a relief to lay eyes upon. Henry had washed his hair, there was some colour in his cheeks, and the circles under his eyes were barely a smudge. His eyebrows were scrunched up in a frown, but that was hardly unusual, and Donnacha knew that Henry could be frowning himself into a knot and still be genuinely content. 
He didn’t understand it, but he knew it. 
“Did you say something, by the way?” 
“Yeah.” Donnacha tossed his Macaroon bars onto Henry’s bed. He sat down on the mattress, his plate of wedges on his lap. “I was trying to ask what you’re playing at. Working? I thought we were watching a film.” 
Henry’s mouth slid into a thin, stretched line, his expression taut with unvoiced laughter. 
“What?” Donnacha asked. He thought for a second about what he’d just said, popping a mini spring roll in his mouth and crunching down on it. Then he sighed, replaying in his head what he’d previously said, hearing it through Henry’s ears. “Seriously? Fil-um?” 
Henry cracked a smirk. 
Donnacha pointed at Henry’s computer screen. “Switch that off.” 
“I want to finish what I’m working on.” Henry held up his hands, pre-emptively stopping Donnacha from protesting. “This is on you. I had to start something to occupy myself, and now I have to finish it. You were very late.” 
“Yeah, I’m extremely aware. Bloody starving as well,” Donnacha said over a grumble in his stomach, dipping a cold potato wedge into the little pool of ketchup on the side of his plate. “So, are we not actually watching this movie anymore?” 
“Of course.” There was no little amount of judgement in Henry’s gaze as he adjusted the bridge of his glasses. “I still can’t believe you’ve never seen The Nightmare Before Christmas.” 
Donnacha chewed without much relish. He took in, for the first time since entering, what Henry was wearing. “I still can’t believe you own a... baby-grow.” 
Henry glanced down at his orange one-piece pyjama set. “It’s a onesie.” 
“Same thing.” 
Henry held eye contact with him for a few seconds as he pulled the hood of the onesie up over the top of his head. A Jack O’Lantern face was stitched into the hood, and a little green stalk sat at the crown of Henry’s head. “It was a birthday gift from Lucy.” 
“Was it? All she gave me for my birthday was scratch cards.” 
“Try being her friend for ten years.” 
Eyeing the pumpkin pyjamas one last time, Donnacha shook his head. “You know, I think I’m good.” 
“Mmhmm,” Henry grunted. Hood still pulled up, his attention had already been drawn back to his computer screen. 
Donnacha let him work in silence for a couple of minutes, slowly chewing his way through his pile of wedges, but eyeing his chocolate bars with much more enthusiasm. He hadn’t had a lot to eat yet, but having calories inside of him had improved his mood drastically. 
Licking a smear of ketchup from his thumb, he glanced up at Henry. “Did you get some food?” 
Without tearing his eyes away from his work, Henry pulled his hunched shoulders further back into his chair, unblocking Donnacha’s view of a paper bag that sat next to his keyboard. “I secretly ordered Thai noodles while I was waiting for you. You were very –” 
“Very, very, very, extremely late,” Donnacha finished for him. It brought a smile to his face, to picture Henry in his pumpkin onesie, creeping down the hallway to collect his food at the front door without alerting anybody else in the apartment. 
“I have some leftovers, if you’d like to warm them up.” 
“Nah. Thanks.” Donnacha reached over to put his half-full plate on Henry’s nightstand. The scratching sound of ceramic on wood made Henry’s gaze jerk to the side. 
“Hmm. Thought you were starving?” 
“I am.” Donnacha rubbed his palms together. 
“Then, what are you going to… What are those?” 
Donnacha grinned broadly as he tore open the first packet, and the wrapped chocolate bars fell onto the bedspread. He felt a spark of pride upon seeing Henry half-turn his chair again. “Come on. Don’t tell me you don’t know what these are.” 
Henry’s head bobbed from side to side. 
“They’re Macaroons!” Donnacha exclaimed. “They’re a classic. Don’t tell me you never had these as a child?” 
“My mother didn’t care much for sweets.” Henry touched the bridge of his glasses again. 
“Want to try one?” 
Henry shook his head. “I’m full.” 
“Alright, but you’re missing out.” Donnacha picked up one of the bars and laid it to the side. “Know what, I’ll save you one.” 
“Save me one?” Henry’s voice rose. “How many are you planning to eat?” 
“Never you mind!” Donnacha waved a hand towards Henry’s computer before his fingers began wrestling open the wrapper on the bar. “Don’t you have graphics to design, or something?” 
“I do.” 
The first mouthful of the bar seemed to melt away on his tongue, but after the second, Donnacha began to feel the warm, giddy sensation of sugar settling in his belly. Mentally, he was right back in his hometown – or rather, the closest village to the remote area where his father’s farm was located – surrounded by crumbling stone walls and single-lane roads and the smell of vegetation. 
Donnacha happily burned his way through three more of the bars, and was fishing the next one out of the packet when he let out an involuntary sound that Henry clearly found distracting. “Mmm.” 
“Enjoying yourself,” Henry observed. Maybe it had been intended as a question, but there was no doubt in his voice. 
Donnacha shook his head in a way that meant yes. “You have your cartoons and your old films, Hen –” 
“Fil-ums,” Henry repeated incredulously under his breath. Every time, he acted as though it was his first time hearing Donnacha pronouncing that specific word in that specific way. 
“But this – this right here –” Donnacha flattened the empty wrapper between his thumbs and stretched it tight, so that the words lay flat and the pattern unrumpled. “This is pure childhood joy for me.” 
Henry’s desk chair creaked as Henry shifted his weight, bracing his hands on the armrests. He looked vaguely uncomfortable, and Donnacha was about to ask him if something hurt, but was cut off. 
“You had those a lot,” Henry asked, “as a kid?” 
“Every weekend, after mass,” Donnacha nodded, chewing quickly so he could swallow. “Da’d stay at the church because he’d be talking to the priest, and Mammy had this group of friends who would stand and smoke just down the road, and they’d – they’d give me and Aoife some pocket money, and…” 
He took a break to swallow again, saliva filling his mouth as the sweet aftertaste lingered. 
“And the two of us, we’d hightail it down the road, to the corner shop,” he said. “The shop owner was called Mrs. Breathnach, and she always took her time coming down to open up after mass, but me and Aoife were always the first ones waiting for her, and she used to know our favourites off by heart, so she’d be unlocking the shop and rattling off, ‘a Dip Dab for Aoife Ní Mhurchú, a Macaroon for Donnacha Ó Murchú, and one carton of milk’. Mammy always got us to pick up the milk as well, so there’d be milk for Sunday tea…” 
He was quickly realising that there was no satisfying end to this story, no way for him to whip up the words to properly convey why these were such important memories. 
Henry had stopped working altogether and was looking at him from the desk chair. His dull green eyes were unreadable as always behind his glasses, especially in the low lighting and with the computer screen glare reflected in the lenses. 
“Sorry.” Donnacha swallowed again, realising his cheeks were burning and his stomach was doing flips. He took a bite of chocolate. “I’m rambling like my Uncle Seán at Christmas dinner.” 
“It’s okay –” 
Donnacha gestured towards the computer screen. “Do you not need to get your work done, so we can watch this movie?” 
Henry was silent for a couple of seconds. Donnacha genuinely didn’t feel like chatting anymore, and he was really hoping that Henry wouldn’t push the subject. But he thankfully turned his chair back towards the desk and took the computer mouse in his hand. 
After a little while, Henry reached for the chocolate bar that Donnacha had placed aside for him. He undid the wrapping so that there were no tears down the side, no damage done to the text or the design. His careful precision brought a private smile to Donnacha’s face. 
“Want to finish it?” Henry asked after eating the quarter that he’d broken off. 
“Aw. Do you not like it?” 
“It’s nice,” Henry said, “but I’m still full from dinner.” 
Donnacha pressed his lips together as he eyed the chocolate in Henry’s hand. His throat was dry, and his stomach was now pulsing with pain. “Wrap it back up. Have it later.” 
Once again, he expected Henry to refuse, especially since he didn’t seem overly enamoured with the bar in the first place, but thankfully he nodded and folded the wrapper down over the open side. He went back to tapping away with his computer mouse. 
Donnacha sank back a little on the bed, trying to find a comfier position that didn’t place too much pressure on his stomach. He started to reach for another chocolate bar but stopped himself.  
“You’ve gone quiet,” Henry remarked after a notable amount of time had passed. “What’s wrong?” 
“What d’you mean? You asked me to be quiet.” 
“Never usually stops you.” Henry sat back in his chair, reaching up under his pumpkin hood to scratch his scalp. “Can I ask you a question?” 
“’Course you –” 
“Why did you stop telling the story about these bars?” 
“Because – because it wasn’t really a story,” Donnacha frowned. “There wasn’t anything else to tell, and I didn’t want to just keep… you know, rambling on.” 
“That word again.” Henry’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Do I ramble on when I talk to you about work, or movies, or my life, or whatever?” 
Donnacha frowned. “No?” 
“But that’s what it felt like you were saying. Do I tell you too much? Because it feels as though you never tell me anything about yourself.” 
“There’s… not much to know –” 
Henry scoffed loudly, a sound Donnacha had not expected to hear from him. It set his teeth on edge, and the sensation was uncomfortably similar to the hurt that flared up when he thought about Payton and Autumn. 
“You don’t tell me shit either,” he said. He was trying for a calm, measured tone, but somehow managed to sound like a sulking child. Like he’d gone into the corner shop and they were all sold out of Macaroons – 
“What?” Henry choked out. 
You – you never told me why you stopped going out, why you stopped being Lavender, why you stopped bringing dates here… Donnacha’s stomach turned over, and he was hit with the sudden realisation that he might be sick. The back of his hand hovered towards his mouth. How the hell could he even have considered saying that? How could he compare the details of his silly little life story with... whatever it was that had kept Henry locked up at home for so long? 
He was just grateful he’d managed to bite his tongue before speaking. 
“I’ve upset you.” A dry hitch in Henry’s voice. “I’m sorry.” 
“No, no, Hen, it’s not – it’s not about that.” 
His breath caught in his throat, heat swelling in his cheeks, as his insides gave an uneasy shift. It mightn’t have been so bad – in fact, it relieved a little pocket of pressure in his belly – if it hadn’t sounded like a lawnmower engine trying to take off. No denying it now. 
“Pain in my stomach,” Donnacha admitted, massaging his side. “Right here.” 
Henry turned his head, just slightly, and Donnacha caught sight of the look on his face. Something more than a sneer, something less than an eye roll. And his eyes were trailing close to the packets of chocolate bars that sat next to Donnacha on the bed. 
“What?” Donnacha demanded. 
“No comment.” 
“You think I did this to myself.” 
Henry turned back to his screen. “No comment.” 
“And no sympathy either, I take it.” Donnacha sighed and pressed a little harder into his belly as he rubbed. The pain was warm, tight, tucked right up under his ribs. It felt a little like bloating, without feeling overly full. Like all of the chocolate had clumped together in his stomach and was sitting like a dead weight. 
“I never said that, now, did I?” 
Donnacha looked up to see that Henry was actually shutting his computer down. “Oh... you’re done?” 
“Mmm. Yeah. Let’s go with that,” Henry said, which suggested to Donnacha that he wasn’t actually finished, but Donnacha was too relieved to make an argument. He hadn’t really acknowledged it, but the main thing getting him through the day had been this – time with Henry, time in which neither of them had to pretend that they were something they weren’t, or less than they were. 
Henry spun his hair to the side and eased himself to his feet, wincing as he unfurled his legs. It suddenly felt silly – insensitive, even – for Donnacha to be complaining about something as fleeting and, yes, self-inflicted, as a belly ache. 
“Are you okay?” Donnacha asked, half-rising from his position on the bed. “Is – is your hip...?” 
“My hip’s fine,” Henry said as he sat down heavily on the edge of the mattress, one arm extended in Donnacha’s direction. “Come here.” 
Donnacha exhaled and allowed himself to sink into Henry’s embrace, to enjoy the feeling of soft waves of hair brushing against his own. His own was short, aerodynamic, clipped and primed for always being on the move, while Henry’s had an air of messiness, of softness, of a way of living that involved no urgency.  
Good, Donnacha thought with an odd flare of protectiveness. With all the pain and hardship that he’d been through, Henry deserved that kind of life. 
A hand pressing against his belly made Donnacha groan and cuddle in closer, but shame pushed against the warmth in his chest. 
I was supposed to be taking care of you. 
Donnacha heard himself let out a whine, and his cheeks flushed. In an almost instantaneous response, Henry wrapped his arm tighter around Donnacha’s waist, tucking his face into Donnacha’s hair. 
“How about you just try to get some sleep.” Another question that wasn’t a question. An offer that Donnacha wanted to sink into. Henry’s arm trembled against his ribcage, but he kept the hug going. 
Donnacha shook his head, hair bristling against Henry’s stubbled chin. “Let’s watch The Nightmare Before Christmas.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah.” Donnacha rubbed at his eyes and tried to sit up a little, resisting the urge to let his body curl around the sickly pain beneath his abs. “I might need a few more belly rubs, though, if you’re up for the job.” 
Henry clicked his tongue in the back of his throat and pressed a quick, passing kiss to the side of Donnacha’s forehead. “Of course you do.” 
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dopedoopey · 9 months
(Okay so hear me out. I wrote this on 15th August and it’s 1st September today. I’ve got some things to say. I initially didn’t wanna post this because I’m delulu but let’s just say things have escalated.)
We’re halfway through the season. Max is practically steam-rolling all drivers (including his teammate) at this point and he will keep doing so until he wins the championship this year. Zandvoort is gonna be his, we know that. But if there’s anything that could potentially break his win streak, it’s Monza. Not because of the so-called curse the track supposedly carries, but because it bleeds Ferrari. There’s no better win for Ferrari than Monza. We unfortunately couldn’t have the Imola GP this year because of the floods in the Emilia-Romagna region. Another important race that Ferrari could only hope to win back then. (They didn’t have the upgrades until the Spanish GP, so they would have performed poorly at Imola anyway)
Now that we’ve seen some improvement in strategy, pace and overall performance, Ferrari doing a lot better than they were at the start of the season. (Hopefully will they continue to improve). With Charles’ P3, P2 and P3 in Baku, Austria and Belgium GP respectively, he’s had some consistency and is now 5th in WDC standings.
Carlos however, I wouldn’t say the same about him. Yes he’s been quite consistent, finishing in points almost every race with only one DNF but he has yet to score a podium. And I think that very thing needs to change in Monza. I want Carlos Sainz Jr to be the Ferrari driver winning in Monza this year. The haters are gonna come at me with knives, frankly idc but it’s something that needs to happen. And here are my reasons-
1) Carlos could be leaving Ferrari for Alfa Romeo (Audi) or possibly Alpine for the 2025 season as his contract with Scuderia Ferrari expires at the end of the 2024 season. Personally I think he would want to stay and sign a similar 2+3 contact Charles has allegedly signed. (It’s silly season so I could be completely wrong but those are the top rumours/news so heh~).
2) I will spend forever highlighting the fact that Monza is literally the most important race for Ferrari (which they continue to bin with shit strategy) and winning in Monza is every Ferrari driver’s dream. Charles has achieved it in his debut year at Ferrari and with the great Sebastian Vettel as his teammate which makes it iconic. Carlos also has that very dream. It’s evident, he finished 4th last year (uneventful safety car period robbed a podium as he had the pace)
3) He has the car to do it. We know that ex Ferrari team principal Mattia Binotto specifically had SF-23 designed to cater more to Carlos’ driving style and technique than Charles’. Yes the SF-23 is a shit tractor that can only manage to bring nothing more than 4th place in constructor’s championship this year. But I’m getting the feeling that Ferrari might get this shit together for Monza and at least manage a podium finish for either drivers. (I’m delulu)
1st September
Update 2nd September
Carlos p3 and Charles p4 I’m okay
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Persona 3 Problems: Maiko Birthday Shenanigans!
Interesting things going on with Maiko in the fandom. Won't say what but let's just say......jail to that person (and *saves screenshot* At least FeMC fans have ammo to fire back TT0TT)
BUT besides that......welllllll. That post made me realize something. Atlus is inconsistent about her age!
Maybe that's why I thought Maiko was A LOT closer to Ken's age than I originally thought, but the game (iirc OG/FES/3P) actually says she's a 2nd grader. I DO remember P3P stating that, because that's the version I usually play (SHOCKER! in my defense half of it is because it's usually on the go, and the other half is I like seeing differences between the male/female sides....it's also faster). Anyway, it was also the first thing I checked when I did a playthrough, so I'm fairly certain.
Buuuuut according to the wiki (fandom one, I know I know, issues, I'll see what I can do about updating it, but I have to bring ammo/screenshots u_u), she's a Libra (ok so far so good, also Nanako is a Libra, ironically, also Nanako is in 1st grade iirc), and she's.....9. HuH? Wut?
Apparently P3P will list her as 9 years old. Specifically on the TV missing person announcement..... Which I do vaguely recall them mentioning her on the TV, I don't remember the age they mentioned. ;w; So I'll need to double check that.
Anyway this is a problem, because it doesn't make sense/add up, and contradicts the line about being a 2nd grader (fun fact: if you clicked the link above, Maiko is born the same year as Futaba, but Futaba should be a year ahead of her....tho iirc P5S states Futaba's been held back a year? So now they are ironically in the same grade? TT0TT). 1st graders in Japan are generally 6->7, and 2nd graders are 7->8, 3rd 8->9, 4th 9->10, 5th 10->11 and so on! So Maiko can't be a 2nd grader and 9 unless she was held back....which the OG text doesn't indicate. But if she WAS 9, she'd be either a 3rd or 4th grader (Ken is 5th grade). I'd have to check, but I coulda sworn she was much smaller than Ken (who would only be a grade or 2 above her).
Fun fact she goes missing (assuming the websites are correct) around 10/21. I'd have to look at the timing of the news broadcast, but that would mean she we missing 1) a little while after her birthday (between a few weeks to literally yesterday) , 2) it was on her birthday (;w;), 3) it was the day before her birthday (;w;)
Because of that ONE day, it's hard to tell if it's saying she JUST turned 9, or is actually about to turn 10.
Her birthday, if the 2nd grader thing is correct (along with the Libra thing), she'd be turning 8 in 2009. So 2009-8=2001! So her birthday should be c. September 23-October 22, 2001 (she'd be 14->15 in P5 but 15 in P5S. Futaba for ref turned 15 before P5 started and turned 16 near the end of P5, and is 16 in P5S)
If the 3rd grade theory is correct, the the birthday would be: c. September 23-October 22, 2000 (this would put her in the same year as Futaba, assuming Futaba didn't drop out originally)
If the 4th grade theory is correct (assuming she hadn't had her birthday): September 23-October 22, 1999 (this would put her in the same year as P5MC/Anne/Ryu/Yusuke, for reference on Ken, Ken is in the same grade as Goro/Mako/Haru).
The fandom Wiki seems to be going for the latter two (if you read the hovered note).
Personally? I think P3P just.......made a mistake (people like the bring up "Atlus can't math" a lot esp with that one thing with P4, so it's not that far fetched). That OR (which I think is funnier and more tragic TT0TT). Her parents reported her age wrong. ajskdflj;f
I mean, they are in the middle of (or just finished their) divorce. They are both a taaaaaad bit neglectful since they don't realize Maiko's been hanging out with a high schooler for so long (as well as planning to run away). So I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked up the reporting lkajfdsljfaka So it might not be a Persona 3 (Portable) Problem, but a .....Persona Parent problem! ;D
ANYWAY, this is something I wanna keep an eye out when I replay the P3 games (along side when I'm playing P3R). So expect a sequel post.
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The omakes and filler episodes in Bleach are insane in the way that they tell us all that, logically, the timeline of the series should have been way longer!
Christmas and New Year's omakes when Ichigo never really had ONE single Christmas with the Shinigami?
Fillers that needed at least two extra years of story to make sense even if they're not canon?
It's actually insane when you think that, for example, the Lost Agent Arc takes places in less than week if I'm not wrong?!? (Timelines are complicated because we need to Google them each time.)
The first Arc takes a month... Okay, we know her mission (well, we know afterwards...) was only a month. But could have been two to three months.
Soul Society Arc makes a bit more sense that it's fast. It's supposed to reflect the half assed, cheat codes filled "training" Urahara and Yoruichi imposed on Ichigo because time was of essence!
But then there's like no time to prepare for the confrontation with Aizen and we get the long ass (episode wise) Hueco Mundo Saga that just goes on and on and on...
Theoretically it starts on the 1st of September and ends on the 2nd of December... But...
Inoue is kidnapped (not really but okay....) on the 30th of October and Aizen is defeated on the 1st of November...
Again, way too fucking fast.
The Lost Agent Arc (or Fullbringer Arc) begins on some Monday of April (at least after the first week, because Ichigo's back in school for his last year of Secondary Education) and ends on Sunday... Okay.
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Makes no sense. But moving on to worse things...
When I was just begging my Bleach journey and I thought Kuchiki Byakuya was a damn weird name, 366 episodes were going to take months and months to finish, (two months to finish everything up to tybw cour 1) and I really wanted to hear Yuichi Nakamura and Daisuke Ono's voices, ( "So, Tsukishima is one of the good guys, right?" I asked my younger son... Who just smirked at me...) I kinda — for some reason — got into my head that between the Fullbringer Arc and TYBW it must have been two years!
It made sense to me.
Boy, was I wrong!
Now, if we'd have those two years of interval in universe, it would have given us a "logical" place to insert most of the filler and omakes. (though Byakuya was wearing the Kenseikan in those and we know he stopped wearing them, along with the scarf altogether...)
But with the canon timelines?
There's no place to insert those humorous Kuchiki Byakuya and the others giving Yamamoto letters for Santa, the one were Byakuya gifts Ichigo the Sakura Crested All Access pass and the New Year's cards with Byakuya and Rukia trying to draw a snake...
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tonytylerdraws · 9 months
August Artist Blog (more under the cut)
For August I tried to make a vlog, not only to document my month making art, but also my attempts to overhaul my approach to making and sell art. However, I’m not experienced at making vlogs, nor do I have a quiet, dedicated space to record voiceovers. But I did post a video of me doing marker work. We’ll get to that in a bit.
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First off, in case you’re new here, my name’s Antonio Tyler. I’m a webcomic creator and illustrator. I’ve been making art most my life, but started drawing comics in 2003 with my first webcomic, Synaptic Misfiring.
I drew variations of Synaptic Misfiring for a few years, got married, had kids, worked two jobs (because California). Over the last 5 years, though, I’ve been focusing more on illustration and selling products, though o want to get back into webcomics. I did a 3 episode Webtoon called Only Human, but I haven’t done a comic in a few years now.
Mobile Studio Setup
I don’t have a dedicated studio. I know a lot of artists do. But it’s not impossible to have a setup that is portable.
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I use a 4th generation iPad Air with 64GB and a 2nd generation Apple Pencil. I use IbisPaint X, and use the paid version. I find it’s most ideal for making comics. And it’s constantly updated. New features are added all the time.
I have an assortment of tonal markers by Tombow, and a couple of Copics.
I always carry my iPad with me, so I can work on sketches or finished art whenever or wherever. You can access IbisPaint’s cloud storage via internet if needed, but it also stores files locally. It’s great being able to draw on a lunch break, a bus ride, or at the library. Occasionally I carry a sketchbook and pens with me if I intend to do traditional art.
Rethinking websites and storefronts
A couple months back I looked into doing a website on a number of platforms, such as Wix, Squarespace, etc. While a lot of them are pretty affordable, and have good options, I don’t really use my website much. It’s mostly a hub for all my other sites and profiles.
Tumblr, having been purchased by the Wordpress folks awhile back, is really pushing itself as a website alternative, with their templates (which they always have had) and having direct sales of web address. I’m in the process of updating AntonioTyler.com while also keeping the functionality of a Tumblr page. Tumblr is notorious less functional as a mobile site or app. So choosing the right template has been a challenge.
One thing is making a Linktree/Beacons/Milkshake-style link page instead of just a text based link page. Including links to all my different store fronts.
Updating my storefronts happens to be another thing on my to do list. I have several, and they are all decentralized. I use several: Ko-fi, Threadless, INPRNT and BigCartel. Originally I was going to use BigCartel for my sole storefront, but issues with getting Stripe to work dampened those plans. And BigCartel was mostly for my international customers, since it uses Printful products. But since there was a less than enthusiastic response, I will keep all my storefronts, but make them specialty shops. Threadless will have the bulk of my products, BigCartel will be a seasonal exclusive shop, INPRNT will be my…prints, and Ko-fi will be my digital shop (though I’m toying with the idea of carrying my Printful items here).
September plans
Working on some new Wand-Slinger merch for the seasonal shop. Threadless will be getting an overhaul. The website will be wrapped up and relaunched.
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astaldis · 5 months
My Witcher Wheel of the Year 2023 Fics
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Thank you so much for creating this fun event and the inspiring prompts, @witcherwheeloftheyear 😘
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Imbolc February 2nd: The Glade
On their journey from Toussaint to Stygga, Geralt's Hansa comes across a beautiful glade. But is it safe to make camp here for the night? Friendship (Words: 660; Chapters: 1/1)
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Ostara March 20th: Where the Tulips Grow
Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri learn that Jaskier has gone missing under suspicious circumstances. Circumstances that hint at a kidnapping. Yennefer leaves Geralt with Ciri and goes to save the bard. But not all goes as planned. The hero becomes the damsel in distress and Jaskier has to save the day. Romance/Yenskier (Words: 23,951; Chapters: 9/9, )
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Beltane May 1st: Belleteyn
Yennefer has a beautiful May Night with her lover. Who the lover is? I had one specific Witcher character in mind when I wrote the fic, but you might fancy a different pairing. So, feel free to decide yourself whoever works best for you, Yennefer/Geralt, Yennefer/Jaskier, Yennefer/Istredd, Yennefer/Cahir, Yennefer/crossover character, Yennefer/You, ... loads of possibilities! Romance/Smut (Words: 3,469; Chapters: 1/1)
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Litha June 21st: A Night to Remember
It's Litha, the longest day of the year, and Geralt is throwing a garden party at his newly acquired estate, Corvo Bianco, the old vineyard in the Sansretour Valley. Milva cannot dance, but Cahir is a good teacher. The delicious wine and Jaskier's newest song also help. And then there are Angoulême's Hansa Games and Regis's hot hooch ... Friendship/Romance/Humour (Words: 4,160; Chapters: 2/2)
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Lammas August 1st: Of Bairns and Banes
It is a beautiful night, fair summer weather, the air balmy, the sky clear and sprinkled with stars. The perfect night for the village’s traditional Lammas celebrations, the feast of first fruits. However, unlike in the neighbouring villages and the years past, there are no bonfires here today. No corn dolls to be burned and bulls or horses to be sacrificed as an offering to the gods. No ritual dances or athletic competitions are held or blueberry loaves baked in the village bake house. This year there is no matchmaking and rolling about in the hay. For the village is in mourning, the villagers terrified. And very much in need of a Witcher. Lucky for them, one has just arrived.
This is the story of Cahir’s first solo monster hunt. Spooky Adventure (Words: 2,977; Chapters: 1/1)
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Mabon September 22nd: Her Idea of Fun
“Finished!” Angoulême exclaims and starts to dance circles around the victim of her wager. “I bet nobody’d take him for a Nilfgaardian now!” she adds with a raucous cackle that reminds strongly of a goose on fisstech …
Cahir loses a bet and Angoulême is having fun. Friendship/Humour (Words: 444; Chapters: 1/1)
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Samhain November 1st: The Present
It is the evening of the last day of October, Samhain, a magical night where the gates between worlds are wide open for those who can travel through space and time. Ciri can, and she has a surprise for her boyfriend Cahir, a very nice surprise. Romance/Cahiri (Words: 1,656; Chapters: 1/1)
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Yule December 21st: Jaskier's Jolly Yule Jumble
Another festive event is coming up in Toussaint and Jaskier has the perfect idea for how to celebrate it with his Hansa. He only needs to convince Geralt and the others that his idea for their Yule party will be fun, lots of fun. Friendship/Humour (Words: 8,681; Chapters: 4/4)
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wipbigbang · 10 months
Story Title: Horseplay and Roughhousing
Fandom: Original Work
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49701922
Summary: When Janie’s lover, the mob leader Sidney “Dog-Ear” Foss, proposed a night of entertainment at his club, she didn’t realize SHE was going to be it. Now Janie’s tied up, blindfolded, and is being pleasured by all the top criminals in the city. Too bad not everyone invited knows how to treat a lady.
Warnings: all of the sex (well that can involve a woman), body horror, painful transformation, body control, minor homophobia, sexism, death of a non-major character who totally deserves it, slut shaming, implied cannibalism, (the body horror and bigotry are only in the 2nd chapter, which you can totally skip)
Characters: original female characters, original male characters, original non-binary characters, and original agender cyborg
Pairings: f/f, f/nb, f/m, f/agender, f/f/fm
When I Started: September 2021
How I Lost My Shit: Probably got distracted by another project
How I Finished My Shit: the WIP Big Bang was the deadline I needed. I had to rewrite a few bits - mostly with Black Hands - to better being non-binary and genderweird and then it was just a few scenes to finish off.
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whatagirlwants · 10 months
How do you reconcile "when everything went down we'd already broken up" with Skin???
i don’t think we’ll ever know the exactly details of january 2021 between those 2 cuz i think a lot was happening.
i do think she released not knowing where her relationship with him was going or thinking he just needed space and releasing it was in a way standing up for herself.
joshua was in the hospital for January 14 when his song was released
sabrina’s song skin was released January 22
i think they ended around the time he was in the hospital but i think sabrina writing and recording that song (it was how she felt that time regardless where they stood) and i dont think she thought it would be done fr. but at the same time her name was trending because of this drama, she’s signed to a new label, putting it out was also their decision after she played it for them.
she sings in bilab: “was only trying to hold u close while ur heart was failing” to me indicates he was pushing her away.
like she says in vicious about skin era (i think): “i tried to look for the best in the worst but like fuck me that caused a commotion” putting skin out was what she thought was best for her at the time.
but i think she hints at the breakup in the music video of “skin”.. she was no longer with him and under the rain which now reminds me of the lyrics in before i had love “cause it's starting to rain”.
i think their relationship was complex and she cared about him and thought whatever was going on was temporary because she also did post his song “only a matter of time” to her story with “🥹”.
February she posts a short part of before i had love which now we have the 2nd verse of it and it’s clearly not a love song. and in march she posts space and dust which again is about him wanting space and her wondering how he is. due to my tornado post’s they obviously saw each other again in march in nashville few days later she posted space and dust and it probably ended when she left nashville to go film a movie and they were done again. cause after filming her movies, the summer of 2021 sabrina took her producers to new york and started writing and finishing the album and released skinny dipping in September.
Vicious was written pretty late.. vicious was sabrina looking back at 2021 which is why it’s different than how she felt for the rest of the album. sabrina wrote vicious in 2022 february. so i think knowing these little details is important to put everything into perspective 😭 i just said a lot but that’s just what i believe went down.
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k-white · 1 year
I am gonna make an Headcanon regarding Only Friends to cope with the fact that I will not have Khao and Neo make out in that show and I am sad about it!(like this is the second time this year that I have been robbed! first Earth and Khao in MLC and then Neo amd Khao in OF! Aof and Jojo I am disappointed! why can't I have my EarthKhao and NeoKhao! I want at least Khao and Book make out even as a revenge kiss or a rebound kiss to Top and/or San cuz if I am gonna get SanTop or NickSan at some point I also want RayMew!) So bear with me!
Ok so Boston and Ray! my HC is set before university when they were still in highschool, like 1st or 2nd year when they are still fairly yung and inexperienced, it is summertime Mew is away with his family for a trip(We know shit about their families and the only one we have context to is Ray cuz we know he is welthy so maybe with the show this will make no sense, I also think Ray could have a sister? in case in this she is older in Uni and is living alone in a flat not with Ray) and Rays ones are away for a business trip for a couple of weeks so they decide to spend tine at his house cuz it's bigger has a pool and they can do what they want cuz nobody is there, so they spend the days splashing in the pool eating junk food and watching TV, so one day they are watching a movie and it's a romcon and as the leads kiss Boston asks Ray if he ever kissed anybody and he says yes he kissed a couple of girls(for now I identify all the boys as gay cuz we only see them attracted to guys so in this hc they are realizing they both like guys and are not attracted to girls) but he didn't like it and Boston says that he as well kissed a girl he was dating in middle school but he didn't like it so they look at eachother and Ray asks if kissing boys would be different, so Boston suggest they try with eachother to try it out so they do and it works a lot more than with a girl even tho it's a bit akward and messy but they both liked it better, so they finish the movie keep hanging out like always and then B goes home.
A couple of days pass and they are still at Rays house, his parents wuold be back in 4 days so they decide to make them count, so Ray asks Boston if he wants to sleep there for the 3 nights he would love to but has to asks his parents for permission and they say yes, so the first night they decide to stay up late cuz of course they do! they are teenagers after all, they watch tv and late at night they stumble upon an R rated movie and decide to watch it, tho they are not really invested in it considering it is a straight couple and both boys are pretty certain they are gay, so Ray suggest for them to look up some movie with 2 male leads on his PC, they go in Rays room and look for a movie or a show with more explicit scenes(this in my head is set in 2016 so still no explicit thai bl have aired yet and Sotus still has to air cuz its july and it came out on september)
they find one and start to watch it and it is immediatly clear that they are a lot more interested, watching the leads interact and kiss and be together, they are not used to see this kind of representation and even in school the more out people are saw in a bad way and even bullied, so they watch engrossed the movie when suddently Boston asks Ray if he's ever done it, it took Ray a moment to understands and then he says that he never did it with neither girl or boy, so has Boston he only ever get to kissing, so he propose they do the same as with the kiss but with sex and to be each other firsts so that way if they ever got a boyfriend they would be more experienced and appear in a better way, "you know more cool"
Ray is a bit taken aback cuz this isn't just kissing his friend is talking about it's sex and even tho they wouldn't be able to do a lot on that first night it is still crossing an undrawn line that is still very present, but he also is very curious especially considering that he had this kind of thoughts for a long time and he never acted upon them because of societal pressure and the heteronormarivity still very present around him, and honestly Boston is a very cute guy and doing it with him would be no problem Ray believes
So he agrees and that first night they reserch a bit on gay sex together and decide they will go for only getting eachother off for now as they are still awquard and shy over it
they don't do much those 3 days just kissing and a bit of handjobs, then Rays parents get back and they ang out less at Rays house and more outside, and with sleepover be it at Rays ot Bostons they don't do much for fear of theire parents
so one weekend Rays parents have a small trip to make to assest some legal business on the same location of their business trip, and the boys decide to use the opportunity to practice what they have been learning over the weeks, they also have less time cuz Mew would be back soon and they want to get it over before their friend is back cuz otherwise they would have to excude him and make him feel not wanted
So that weekend they do a lot more and it is awquard and messy but they both feel like rockstars like they conquered mount Everest, this is what they want who they are! and they are not gonna be anyone else from then on, this was the first time they did it together but it wouldn't be the last, cuz they decide to keep practicing together to be better and cuz they really liked having sex even if it was a bit messy
When Mew is back they decide not to tell him cuz they are sure he would surely believe that Boston and Ray had some sort of relationship or have feelings for eachother cuz they know Mew is a romantic that loves the idea of love itself and of relationships amd casual sex would probably be the farthest thing from that!
cuz after all what the boys had did not involve feelings at all, they just liked doing it together neither started having a crush and what it was time to stop they did no question asked, they kept it up for the summer then come the school year they only did it for a handfull of times then got back a bit more in summer next year and kept like that untile the last year of highschool, then they webt on a summer trip before uni and met a couple of guys each and decided to stop cuz they started their agreement for this! being able to be with people and have more experience and it worked, so they remained friends and stayed friends until the last year of university... then a lot happened but that is for the show to tell not me cuz that is Jojo story and this is just a little something that I was thinking about for a wile now and wanted to word it out
thank you for those that took their time to read this, I know it's probably trash and when the show airs will probably make no sense, but hey this is what stories are for expressing our heart out unapolojetically even if it doesn't allign with canon and a lot of the time screw canon give me fanon all the way
thanks again and see you when the show start filming and then when it airs for the mess it will be! I am so exited!
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The Blue Brand Wrestling Blog #1 - Wrestling News From This Past Weekend (WWE Payback, CM Punk & Tony Khan)
The Blue Brand Wrestling Blog
The Blue Brand Wrestling Blog #1��
Wrestling News From This Past Weekend (WWE Payback, CM Punk & Tony Khan)
Hey there guys & girls,
I’m Andy Mac, AKA The Blue Brand owner and creator (@The_Blue_Brand) on X / Twitter. I thought I would delve into the world of blog writing and what better thing to write about than my favourite pastime Professional Wrestling.
I started watching WWF back in early 2000 around the time of the Royal Rumble. I was instantly hooked and became an avid fan of the great one, the brahma bull – The Rock! I was 100% invested in his battle with the Big Show around this time before heading towards WrestleMania 2000’s fatal four-way (McMahon in each corner) match against the champ Triple H, Mick Foley and The Big Show. 
Since then, I’ve never looked back really, and I’ve been watching WWE for 23 years and counting. During this time, I’ve checked out TNA / Impact Wrestling, AEW and most recently Pro-Wrestling NOAH from Japan.
Anyway, maybe for a future blog I’ll write more about my introduction to the world of professional wrestling as a 9-year-old in the year 2000 and tell you who my favourites were. For now, I’m here to talk about this past weekend – 2nd & 3rd September and two stories I’ve decided to give my views on. Obviously, all opinions given are my own. Let’s get started –
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WWE Payback – Saturday 2nd September 2023.  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the PPG Paints Arena. 
Seth “Freakin” Rollins (C) Vs Shinsuke Nakamura – Winner, Seth “Freakin” Rollins. 
Match Length – 26:05.
I know most people coming out of this PLE are talking primarily about the women’s steel cage match between WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus and “The Man” Becky Lynch. Don’t get me wrong, this match was great and deserves all the praise and plaudits that is currently receiving, but for me personally the main event was the highlight.
First of all, it was extremely refreshing to see a different main event match at a PLE that didn’t include Roman Reigns or the Bloodline. Of course, I’m a huge fan of this storyline and the journey we’ve all been on the past few years, but it was nice to explore and experience something different.
In the build up to this match we got to see a ruthless and more aggressive side of Nakamura that we haven’t seen in a very long time. On top of that on the night of the PLE the company released an awesome animated promo package with Nakamura narrating over the top of it about what he planned to do to Rollins in their match. Rollins sold this well during the match – I also enjoyed the personal touch with Nakamura taking aim at Rollins family in the build-up.
Both men made their way to the ring, went through the usual introductions before the match got underway. Heading in to this one I had put money on Nakamura winning, especially with The Great Muta being in attendance. But in the end after a match that lasted just over 25 minutes, Seth Rollins managed to get the win with a curb stomp. This match was refreshing in sense that we had a babyface champion defending his title successfully in the main event of a WWE PLE. I also loved the fact that the pacing of the match was really well laid out. The match was telling the story of an injured Seth Rollins dealing with severe back issues that had been highlighted in the lead up to this match – So naturally as any good heel should do, Nakamura attacked and went on the offence with strong moves on the champions back. I’ve got to also give Michael Cole and Corey Graves huge credit for really selling the severity of the back injury and the pain Seth Rollins was having to deal with. My only critique of this match was the actual end, it felt quite abrupt, not due to match length, but maybe I’ve become to accustomed to multiple kick outs from finisher after finisher in Roman Reigns and AEW main event matches.
Initially I was disappointed it also ended the way it did for Nakamura, a clean loss after being so savage before and during the match. But thankfully once the PLE went off air Nakamura assaulted Rollins on the ramp. This feud still has legs, Nakamura can be a whiny but savage heel who feels embarrassed losing this World Title match in front of The Great Muta.
Let’s see how this one plays out on Monday Night RAW tonight!
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Tony Khan and CM Punk – AEW Release CM Punk after (another) backstage fight
I’ll start this with Tony Khan – The list of job titles this man holds within the company alone should show why this doesn’t work. I know people will be quick to tell me The Elite are VP’s and have different roles within the company… But let’s face it, Tony holds all the real power and authority and he’s shown multiple times that he isn’t capable of being a strong leader or showing true authority to members of his roster who act out or behave unprofessionally. Let’s be honest, CM Punk should have been gone after the press conference and fight afterwards with The Elite last year, this all occurred after he defeated Jon Moxley for the AEW Championship at All Out 2022 last September. The fact Khan was willing to bring him back, basically create a whole new show for him and allow the carnage to continue and expected it to be smooth sailing says it all. What did he expect to happen? Can you imagine Vince McMahon allowing this to occur?
Now I’ll quickly discuss CM Punk – As I write this there are reports online about WWE actually being interested in CM Punk last year before WrestleMania. The idea of him returning at the Royal Rumble 2023 and being eliminated by Kevin Owens was proposed. This would supposedly lead to him facing Owens in the main event of WrestleMania night one. This apparently was actually considered by Vince McMahon and Triple H. These reports also note that Vince McMahon is open to Punk returning and Triple H would consider it, however he would want long-term story plans etc… in place. All of this makes sense if you consider Punk showed up at a Monday Night RAW earlier this year in the parking lot.
In conclusion, Tony Khan in my opinion needs to hire proper management that can be in between himself and the talent – Omega and The Young Bucks don’t count, sorry Tony. CM Punk, well, if he really does get one last chance with WWE, my advice would be –
Make a deal like Brock Lesnar / Goldberg – Work a set amount of dates, only work in the ring on PLE and have a set amount of TV appearances. Be a special attraction, be the star that you were between 2011 & 2014 in WWE.
 Do as you’re told by Vince McMahon and Triple H – Learn from your mistakes in AEW. Yes, I blame Tony Khan for not being able to control his roster, but CM Punk also has to take responsibility for being a veteran who handles disagreements with fist fights. You can’t settle disagreements in this way in 2023.
I was a huge CM Punk fan back in his run with WWE, I couldn’t wait to see him in AEW. But due to a couple of fights and injuries, we were robbed of a full two year run and got a stop / start one year run. It’s a real shame, his career deserves to end better than this.
Anyway guys, I’ll stop rambling now. Thanks for reading if you managed to get through it all. I intend on trying to do between 2 to 3 of these posts per week as well as a few personal blogs and maybe even some gaming blogs (WWE 2K23 ‘My GM’ & TEW 2020 ‘Pro-Wrestling NOAH’ saves)
Please leave feedback, if it’s constructive then I’ll always appreciate it. I’m always happy to learn and to become better. Please keep it respectful though, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Take it easy guys,
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