#that person HAS to be a troll
sillyfudgemonkeys · 8 months
Persona 3 Problems: Maiko Birthday Shenanigans!
Interesting things going on with Maiko in the fandom. Won't say what but let's just say......jail to that person (and *saves screenshot* At least FeMC fans have ammo to fire back TT0TT)
BUT besides that......welllllll. That post made me realize something. Atlus is inconsistent about her age!
Maybe that's why I thought Maiko was A LOT closer to Ken's age than I originally thought, but the game (iirc OG/FES/3P) actually says she's a 2nd grader. I DO remember P3P stating that, because that's the version I usually play (SHOCKER! in my defense half of it is because it's usually on the go, and the other half is I like seeing differences between the male/female sides....it's also faster). Anyway, it was also the first thing I checked when I did a playthrough, so I'm fairly certain.
Buuuuut according to the wiki (fandom one, I know I know, issues, I'll see what I can do about updating it, but I have to bring ammo/screenshots u_u), she's a Libra (ok so far so good, also Nanako is a Libra, ironically, also Nanako is in 1st grade iirc), and she's.....9. HuH? Wut?
Apparently P3P will list her as 9 years old. Specifically on the TV missing person announcement..... Which I do vaguely recall them mentioning her on the TV, I don't remember the age they mentioned. ;w; So I'll need to double check that.
Anyway this is a problem, because it doesn't make sense/add up, and contradicts the line about being a 2nd grader (fun fact: if you clicked the link above, Maiko is born the same year as Futaba, but Futaba should be a year ahead of her....tho iirc P5S states Futaba's been held back a year? So now they are ironically in the same grade? TT0TT). 1st graders in Japan are generally 6->7, and 2nd graders are 7->8, 3rd 8->9, 4th 9->10, 5th 10->11 and so on! So Maiko can't be a 2nd grader and 9 unless she was held back....which the OG text doesn't indicate. But if she WAS 9, she'd be either a 3rd or 4th grader (Ken is 5th grade). I'd have to check, but I coulda sworn she was much smaller than Ken (who would only be a grade or 2 above her).
Fun fact she goes missing (assuming the websites are correct) around 10/21. I'd have to look at the timing of the news broadcast, but that would mean she we missing 1) a little while after her birthday (between a few weeks to literally yesterday) , 2) it was on her birthday (;w;), 3) it was the day before her birthday (;w;)
Because of that ONE day, it's hard to tell if it's saying she JUST turned 9, or is actually about to turn 10.
Her birthday, if the 2nd grader thing is correct (along with the Libra thing), she'd be turning 8 in 2009. So 2009-8=2001! So her birthday should be c. September 23-October 22, 2001 (she'd be 14->15 in P5 but 15 in P5S. Futaba for ref turned 15 before P5 started and turned 16 near the end of P5, and is 16 in P5S)
If the 3rd grade theory is correct, the the birthday would be: c. September 23-October 22, 2000 (this would put her in the same year as Futaba, assuming Futaba didn't drop out originally)
If the 4th grade theory is correct (assuming she hadn't had her birthday): September 23-October 22, 1999 (this would put her in the same year as P5MC/Anne/Ryu/Yusuke, for reference on Ken, Ken is in the same grade as Goro/Mako/Haru).
The fandom Wiki seems to be going for the latter two (if you read the hovered note).
Personally? I think P3P just.......made a mistake (people like the bring up "Atlus can't math" a lot esp with that one thing with P4, so it's not that far fetched). That OR (which I think is funnier and more tragic TT0TT). Her parents reported her age wrong. ajskdflj;f
I mean, they are in the middle of (or just finished their) divorce. They are both a taaaaaad bit neglectful since they don't realize Maiko's been hanging out with a high schooler for so long (as well as planning to run away). So I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked up the reporting lkajfdsljfaka So it might not be a Persona 3 (Portable) Problem, but a .....Persona Parent problem! ;D
ANYWAY, this is something I wanna keep an eye out when I replay the P3 games (along side when I'm playing P3R). So expect a sequel post.
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elvisqueso · 4 months
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— "...What do you say to a tree??"
Pocahontas (1995)
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nekropsii · 4 months
RUFIOH PROPAGANDA: Literally everything he has ever done to and about Damara - cheating on her and lying to her for years, seemingly never standing up for her when Meenah was terrorizing her, still chasing her image as a sex object to this day (particularly Aradiabot, who he says acts “just like the real thing”), and calling her his “psycho ex” behind her back constantly while acting nice to her face.
KANKRI PROPAGANDA: Straight up doesn’t think Misogyny is real and denies its existence outright, calling it a meaningless pseudoscience not worth any concern, discussion, or consideration. Slutshames Porrim directly to her face.
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ryssbelle · 8 months
Some of y’all portray John Dory as so old and yeah he is older and you can do whatever you want forever as an artist or writer but he is 30 years old and yall draw him like his pushing 50
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Mans got one foot in the grave and the others going in the second he his 36
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#my art#dreamworks trolls#trolls 3#trolls#trolls john dory#trolls band together#also i would like to say im not upset or anything by this#age is like weird when it comes to how its displayed on peoples faces#like bramch is 24 and has crows feet#its also neat how everyone seems to have aged fine and by that i mean looking their age#except for branch and for some john dory#and those two are the ones who spent a lot of time isolated and (most likely for john) depressed#and like yeah loneliness and sadness does age you#physically mentally emotionally#so it is like natural that john would look and feel older than he is BUT#not by decades dude#cuz like yeah branch has crows feet but he also still looks somewhat his age#you can tell the wrinkles in his face are from frowning not from age#tho like i do love peoples personal designs and takes#theyre all very unique#i just thought this was funny#and also it kind of needs to be said#cuz people act like once you turn 30 its all over but dude thats when your life is really beginning in that#you usually finally know who you are you know#like one of my friends hes 29 and like hes living the dream dude just doing what he loves and its so nice#and im not saying he has it all figured out but he has enough that hes setting a pretty damn good example#and hes only just begun you know he still has so far to go in life#we joke that hes old but again its all jokes#i just dont like that people think your life ends at 30 cuz you still have about 50 years left#but yeah anyway moral of the story 30 isnt old and you still got a lot more life to lead before you crumble to dust have fun live well
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kabutoden · 3 months
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listen i know i said they dont have godtier powers but au where they do. list. listen. are you hearing me. mage of time ceruleanblood with intense and volatile emotions and low emotive knight of doom rustblood. its doomed yuri. its timed yuri. ill love you forever but we dont have that. and we never will. duty. knowledge. resignation to fate. a single moment between enemies/lovers to last an eternity the scorpion and the fly..........
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spooky-pop · 1 month
Wrote out so much stuff so I can work on my self indulgent Life is Strange True Colors AU...I think I will call this one my Haven Springs AU! In this AU there's no kings/queens, and I'm basically inserting these characters into the True Colors story while changing a couple things here and there in the story/character relationships. Name of the town stays the same.
And this summary doesn't contain anything thats really a spoiler for the game so, here's what I got so far.
Poppy has unexplained powers, she can read minds, feel others' emotions, and even take them away. After being separated from her sister for 8 years, Poppy shows up to a small mountain town called Haven Springs to start her new life, and catch up with Viva as well as see where she's put down roots. Branch is a Park Ranger as well as a part time bartender at the Tavern, and Barb is the town's local radio host and musician with big dreams. Poppy meets these two while visiting the town's local record shop. Poppy eventually becomes close to them both (I will be exploring both of their romantic paths, BranchxPoppy, and BarbxPoppy) And each of them learn about her powers and what she can do. Angst warning: Her time with Viva is cut short when Viva is lost to an accident she couldn't be saved from, and everyone is left reeling. Poppy, with the help of her friends, uses her power to find the truth behind her sister's passing as well as coming to terms with her own past. And along the way, she falls in love and realizes there IS a home and future for her after all.
AAAAAND that's all I got so far. I think I'll make Creek the owner of the Tavern? And he and Branch are actually buddies in this one. And maybe I'll throw Clay in this one too. Idk! This may end up just being a crossover post and no more but I know I'm gonna be invested in making more lmfao.
Brain worms brain worms bye
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cherrirui-official · 3 months
Sorry I've been gone for pretty much all month, the ancient ones awakened from their slumber and only I could defeat them. Anyways Happy Pride! Yippee!!
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littleaipom · 1 year
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Drawing TrollJim in 2023 🎉💙
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ninja-troll-lover · 9 months
*at 3am* Hazel: *runs into Branch’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead! Branch: *wakes up* Dude! Hazel: *cackles* Poppy: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind Branch* What the fuck, Hazel? Hazel: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
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starleska · 2 months
ah, i love waking up to hate mail making fun of my art 😶 but you know, i think it speaks a lot to the emotional illiteracy of some folks that they think such a thing will get a lasting rise. who knows why they do it? is it for a cheap laugh? are they projecting because they dislike their own art? are they so personally miserable that they just want to tear other people down to fill that gaping void in their real lives?
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taborc · 7 months
Your art looks like it would taste like grape gummys 🤤
Especially creek, he looks so chewable 💖
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mmm grapes
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bobbydagen24 · 7 months
do you think Branch would still feel somewhat uncomfortable around his Bros in the future? Due to being so unfamiliar with being a part of a family? 😞😞😞😞
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even tho they seemed like they were willing to try at being a family again at the end of TBT but obviously 20 something years is a Hell of a long time and in Branch's case it was pretty much his whole life.
so do you think there'd still be a level of tension and uncomfortability?
like maybe we see the other Bros just playing happy families seemingly easily slotting back into their old dynamic while of course having fun sharing the newer parts of their lives with each other.
but maybe Branch would still feel somewhat uncomfortable about it even if he isn't exactly sure why or maybe he even straight up has a touch of imposter syndrome feeling like he doesn't belong in the family or any kind of family for that matter.
given he spent nearly his entire life as a loner so I can't imagine suddenly being expected to slot into a a big family would be all that easy kinda different from the other Bros where they all mostly grew up together.
and even after splitting apart went on to still have close people in their lives Bruce obviously had his wife and later children Clay had Viva and the rest of the Putt Putt Trolls.
and while Floyd doesn't have any cannon relationships I imagine he was a fairly sociable person who at least had close friends over the years.
only exception is JD given he also lived mostly alone for all those years with only Rhonda for company but he still Grew up with the Brothers and their Grandma up until he was likely a late teenager/young adult.
so I feel Branch would very likely be the one who'd have the Hardest time adjusting to just suddenly being a part of a large family again or any kind of family at all really.
what do you think? do you think there'd still be some awkwardness/uncomfortableness from Branch when it comes to his Family in the future?
I find this stuff interesting to think about lol I Really got my Fingers crossed we do get that Christmas Special in the future and they explore something like this since it'd be a pretty good chance to do so if it does take place around Bro zone's first Christmas back together as a family.
Branch straight up lived by himself as an orphan for most of his life so having him just be all okay and easily adjusting to having 4 Brothers back in his life would be disappointing tbh.
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fabuloustrash05 · 9 months
So my top three favorite ships include of...
3) Two singing and dancing trolls, one is a princess who is always over hyper and so joyful and positive, and the other is an anti social grump who has A LOT of trauma and abandonment issues, but hey, he's in a boyband and has a cool bunker!
2) A prideful prince of an extinct alien warrior race who's way too obsessed with defeating this one guy and also has God levels of power and his wife who is the richest and smartest woman in the entire world with an "I can fix him" mentality and she surprisingly did in fact fix him.
1) A mutant turtle that knows ninjutsu, has anger issues, some unresolved daddy issues, beef with his blue brother and has a major fear of cockroaches and a very tall warrior woman who is apart of an alien salamander species and she can beat his ass effortlessly (and he likes that).
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starlightphil · 5 months
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hammerhead-jpg · 3 months
Let me beat a dead horse for a second:
I don't want to be willingly ignorant but my brain is in DENIAL about homophobic redacted fans existing what😨
Like I wanted to believe that it was like only one person that was being homophobic and everyone just overreacted because I just couldn't believe that more than one homophobic REDACTED fan exists but THEN my dash just got filled with my moots responding to racist and homophobic asks so WHAT IS GOING ONN😨😨😨😨
If ur a homophobic redacted fan PLSS hop into my asks because I need these questions answered I don't care if you call me a slur or turn on annon anymore!!!
How-huh-WHAT redacted series are you watching that you are convinced that there are no gay redacted characters????? Just HOW??? Where???are we sure we're talking about the same redacted audio?
Because I would kinda get it we were talking about mha or fuck it even chainsaw man but REDACTED AUDIO??? It's not like you guys just want to ignore the gay parts and act homophobic but you're ACTIVELY saying that there is NO redacted character that is gay?? Did you watch only three redacted audios be honest with me???
Like I get that some of these people might just be trolls or bait but honestly I don't care it's still fucking disgusting
Please someone make it make sense
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spooky-pop · 4 months
Waiting with anticipation for a response to my tattoo inquiry pls...pls give me a quote...I need my broppy tattoo I need it
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