#i stepped on the scale thinking i lost weight when actually i gained 15 pounds i wanna kms
hibiscuts · 1 year
the body dysmorphia is hitting hard tonight boys 😔
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allfryam · 10 months
sub shop
Zach was a junior in college and he was having the time of his life. He was the president of a frat, he had an almost perfect physique, and he was doing great in school. His physique was his defining feature all through high school, but he had gained a couple pounds in college and his abs started to fade. You could still see them when he flexed, but there was just a bit of pudge to his once toned stomach. He assumed this was from all the beer he was drinking at his frat parties, but he didn’t mind the extra weight.
Zach’s only problem was money. He had lost his last job and had been unemployed for a few months. He saw an ad for a local sub shop that was hiring downtown and he decided to apply. They hired him and he was ecstatic. The uniform was a little awkward though. It was a light blue button up polo, with navy blue khakis. Zach thought he looked stupid wearing the outfit, but he wasn’t going to pass up this job opportunity. His first day was a breeze. He learned how to man the register, make bread, sort chips, and most importantly, make subs. All employees got free subs while they worked, and Zach took advantage of this. He had never tried one of their subs so he just got a regular size Italian sub. The second he bit into it, it tasted like heaven. Zach quickly finished the sub and got back to work, but it was all he was thinking about for the rest of the night.
Zach began to get into a routine. He would clock in, work for a bit, make a mouth watering sub, scarf it down, get back to work, and clock out at the end of the night. Most of the time he would stick to a six inch sub, but when he was really hungry, he would go for the foot long. It was like he was in a trance while he was eating. He didn’t even feel full until he was done.
Zach didn’t think this job could get any better until he looked in the mirror one day. His slight paunch has blossomed into a round gut. He looked like he had put on over 15 pounds! Was it really all of the subs he was eating? No way! He had only been there for about a month. Besides, Subs are way healthier than burgers or pizza. Although he was eating a fair share of those things at frat parties too.
Zach continued to eat the fattening subs without realizing he was continuing to grow. One night, Zach decided to try the super sub challenge. He had to eat three footlong subs in under an hour. Zach decided that it would be easy. He sat down after picking his three favorite subs and waited. When his subs were ready, he dug in immediately. He moaned with pleasure as the savory meats reached his tongue. The lettuce, tomato, onion, spices, mayo, and bacon, each with their distinct flavor and purpose. Zach was in heaven. Before he knew it, he was finished with the first sub and on to the second. He gulped it down just as fast, and the third wasn’t any harder. Zach decided this was too easy. “Bring me a fourth sub! I can keep going!” After struggling with the fourth, he finished it and tapped out. He leaned back in his chair and burped loudly. His tight pants and shirt were straining to hold back his gut.
200 POUNDS?! “DUDE WHAT THE HELL!!? I WAS LIKE 170 A COUPLE MONTHS AGO!” Zach stepped off the scale and looked in the mirror. He couldn’t believe it. That small gut he was rocking was no longer small it was round and soft, and it began to roll over his tight belt. Zach grabbed a handful of his pudge and frowned. He hated looking like this. But it didn’t stop him from going to a frat party later that night. There, he ate two entire pizzas, and two six packs of beer.
this story is actually based on a guy I used to work with. When he showed up, he would always flex his abs and brag, but after a while of working at the sub shop, he stopped bragging. It became apparent why, when his shirt started riding up and you would get glimpses of his growing belly. If I continue this story, it won’t be accurate to real life scenarios, but I wouldn’t be against making Zach even fatter. Let me know!
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soft-bellied-tannies · 11 months
Chubtober Day 29!
Listen, you don’t have to tell me that today is absolutely a stretch for the prompt, but I love this idea and I’m willing to make the reach. 😂
So, hear me out. Today’s prompt from fatguarddog’s list is Android. Are there any actual androids in this story? No. But! JK uses his phone which is likely a Samsung so android…right?
Jungkook and Jimin started their dynamic a little over a year ago after graduating college.
Jimin had gained his “freshman 15” throughout college and their relationship which awakened something in both of them.
Ending college at 150, but having active lifestyles and busy schedules meant that Jimin’s gain was slower yet just as enjoyable.
Jungkook was an excellent feeder. They both loved looking through forums and coming up with plans together.
Jungkook buys one of the electronic scales that connects to his phone with an app when Jimin is around 170.
Since he is a big tech guy, Jungkook figures out how to change the function on the scale to always display a number less than what Jimin actually weighed, but he could also see the actual results on his phone.
Jimin had been trying for his current goal of 200 for months and always pushes more with dinner or a stuffing when he weighs beforehand.
No matter what he does, Jimin is still under 200 every time he steps on the scale.
He’s already catching on to something being up with the scale situation, but Jimin doesn’t say anything, thinking Jungkook will admit that he’s doing something soon.
When Jungkook tries to push it farther by making the scale show that he had lost weight, Jimin finally feels that he has confirmation his partner is doing something with the scale.
Jimin’s not a tech guy at all so he doesn’t know how Jungkook is doing it, but he’s certain that has he rigged it up somehow.
Jimin obviously wants to gain so he doesn’t care that it obviously has encouraged his gain.
However, Jimin did have a surprise for Jungkook at his 200 goal that involved special lingerie he bought and he’s going to be pissed if it doesn’t fit because of his extra unknown gaining.
Jungkook is away the next weekend for a bachelor party so Jimin buys his own scale to see just how far over his 200 goal he is, certain that he hadn’t lost weight with the way he had picked up his eating lately.
Jimin tests the scale they’ve been using and gets 193, unsurprising as he’s been fluctuating between 185-195 for at least two months according to that scale when he feels like his weight is steadily going up.
Then Jimin gets out the new traditional scale he bought, assuming the number will be higher.
He is in absolute shock when it says 223 meaning Jungkook has managed to ‘hide’ over 30 pounds from him.
Jimin thought he was just going to be a few pounds over 200, maybe 205-210 at the most.
He isn’t mad in the slightest because he’s feeling both proud and turned on by 223.
However, he also thinks that Jungkook most know his actual weight since he’s the one messing with the scale.
Jimin decides he needs to get back at him.
When Jungkook gets home, Jimin decides to ask for a big dinner to absolutely stuff himself as a welcome back - ordering a massive takeout order with his favorite dessert.
He also asks to weigh in before the meal as they occasionally liked to see how much Jimin ate by weighing before and after.
Jimin uses their normal scale and it again says 193, putting on his normal pouting act that he will never hit 200 at this point.
Jungkook comforts him and takes them back to the living room to have a massive meal.
Jimin does push himself to make his point even better and eats more than he ever has, needing help up to go weigh himself after the meal.
Jungkook gets their scale out, but Jimin stops him.
“Wait, let’s try my new one.”
Jungkook panics internally as Jimin pulls out a scale he has never seen and proceeds to step on it, seeing 227.5 light up the screen.
Jimin thinks to himself that 4-5 pounds of food is impressive since he knows his real starting weight before dinner and uses that energy as he puts on another act with Jungkook.
“Oh my god, that’s impossible. I’ve never eaten that much in my life, but there’s no way I ate 30 pounds of food…unless…”
JK immediately knows his little game is up and is ready to grovel.
“Baby, listen, I can explain.”
“Oh, you better. You are in trouble.”
Jimin’s ‘punishment’ for Jungkook is that Jimin is still going to wear his fancy lingerie and eat a huge tray of desserts like he planned.
However, instead of letting Jungkook hand feed him or even tie Jimin up like he planned for 200, Jungkook is now the one who has to sit across from Jimin with his hands tied up, unable to touch or feed Jimin throughout the entire night.
Jungkook learns to never tamper with anything in their house again, quickly learning of the mean streak in his typically soft and sweet Jimin.
Also, when Jimin hits 250, the reward of being the one to feed and pamper his beautiful baby in celebration is much better than any punishment could ever be.
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shinydocsberrytea · 3 years
my first ED related tumblr post was 76 days ago. i started using an app to track sugar, macros, calories, sodium, water, etc., 72 days ago which was 5 days before moving into college. i think i’ve definitely had orthorexia longer than that bc i started hardcore dieting during late june. & i think it’s possible that i’ve had BED my entire life, but it didn’t become severe until the pandemic. i’ve been crying more recently. when i say recently, i guess i mean since last sunday. after my 4 day binge. i STILL haven’t gotten back to my LW that i was at before the binge. and i feel like i won’t be able to fucking breathe until i’m back there. the past week has been so stressful. first of all, i have to go home for thanksgiving break in 2-3 days. this makes me anxious for multiple reasons. one, i’ve only lost 15 lbs since last seeing my family & part of me is worried it’ll be too noticeable & they’ll be upset or try to intervene, but weirdly i’m actually more anxious that they won’t notice or say anything. that i think i look more different than i actually do. second, the fucking food. i don’t want to not eat anything my mom spends all day cooking bc ik that’ll make her & my dad sad. but i’m afraid if i try any of it, i will eat fucking everything in sight. and that it’ll be the same as last weekend where i intended to just enjoy some good food but the food was so addictive that i couldn’t stop eating for multiple days. my family eats a lot & the house is always full of unhealthy food. there’s a reason i associate my hometown house w BED and my college apt w orthorexia. i’m just really going to try to allow myself to eat whatever i want, while staying under my cal limit & not binging. i don’t think i’ve done that at all since starting dieting so wish me luck. i’ve been trying to eat & exercise perfectly. i even took multiple buses to a different town yesterday to shop for things i didn’t need just so i would be forced to walk for a long time. i have been heavily leaning on adderall & intermittent fasting to keep me from binging. i fasted for over 23 hours yesterday. felt like shit. on average i fast for 20 hours daily. i fucking hate it. i crave breakfast every morning. but if i eat breakfast, the minute i’m done i feel really depressed that my food is gone & that i’m expected to wait until lunch. eating food just makes me want to eat more food. which is why small eating windows are the only thing i’ve been able to depend on lately. it allows me to have a mini binge while staying under my calories for the day. it’s been so much harder to lose weight than it was in the beginning. i don’t think there is anything more fucking frustrating than trying to lose weight you’ve already lost. bc even when u make progress u don’t get any of the serotonin/high that u normally get w progress, bc it’s progress that’s already happened before. and that high when i step on the scale and the # is lower, is the main thing that keeps me going. i think i’ve developed dysmorphia bc when i do weigh less i cannot tell at all unless i weigh myself. once my scale confirms i’m smaller then i start seeing it everywhere in the mirror, but without weighing myself i assume i’ve gained and i see myself bigger. the scale determines my day, every single day. if i have maintained it will be a normal day. if i’ve lost weight i’ll wear a gorgeous outfit and fill my day w hobbies i love. if i’ve gained weight i won’t be able to focus on anything positive/productive the entire day except how much of a disgusting failure i feel like. while i am technically at a healthy weight according to bmi, i am so fucking far from where i want to be. like 40 pounds away. & i can’t tell if it’s the BED voice or the recovery voice in my brain that tells me that i’m fine the way that i am. part of me thinks it’s a small part of me that wants to recover now, accept who i am, & try to maintain my weight while eating normally. but i’m worried it’s not a recovery voice, instead it’s a BED voice who wants me to think i look fine now so i can eat whatever i want
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Get Motivated to Drop 2–4 Dress Sizes in One Month: 4 Steps to Get your Dream Body
How to lose 4 dress sizes in a month or how to lose 20+ pounds in 30 days all mean the same thing, losing weight on a deadline. Whether it be a high school reunion, your own wedding, or other specific occasions. But before we get into it, let’s talk about what matters most when it comes to effective and successful weight loss.
In this article, we’re going to cover the 4 steps to get your dream body. I always believe the best solutions are the simple ones so I don’t have 12 tips or 15 keys to losing weight fast. Just the 4 keys that are essential to successful weight loss.
Note: This article is more about the principles of weight loss and proper mindset to get you motivated for a higher success rate.
📷 If you’re interested in learning exactly how I lost 20+ pounds in 1 month without exercise after each of my pregnancies over age 40, then read this article for further details.
1. First Key to Successful Weight Loss: Set up Practical Goals 📷 Different Aesthetic Standards Let’s take a look at the picture above. Sure you see the woman in a black dress. I believe you may not find her to be super slim but she has beautiful feminine curves which make her look just as attractive as the lady in purple on the right, who’s holding a wheel position on the ground whom I believe most people would consider being slender. I don’t know about you but they’re both just as fit and beautiful to me.A friend of mine once told me when he was younger he used to find chubby girls much more attractive than skinny girls. As you can see, human perceptions of beauty change from time to time and vary from individual to individual. What really matters is the way you see yourself. In my opinion, every woman is unique and beautiful her own way. Some might be sort of ‘big-boned’ while others are rather plump or extremely tall and skinny. Each of us is born with an inherited body type which we sometimes can do little to change. So before we even jump into any sort of diet or workout plan we need to know what our natural body type looks like and get the idea of the best version of the body we are most likely to achieve and feel comfortable with it. It’s impractical to pursue the hourglass figure when your natural body type is rather tall and “narrow-butt” if you know what I mean. It’d be nice to have a body like that of Kim Kardashian, whom I pretty much believe is born that way.Measure Your Dress Sizes instead of Weight Losing 3–4 dress sizes in a month is actually a more specific goal than losing 20 pounds in 21 days. It will make you less obsessed with the numbers on the weight scale when all you have to do is measure your waistline & hip circumference. It will give you a better idea of how close you are to your fitness goal.2. Second Key to get you started: Mindset Mindset is essential for successful weight loss in the long term. You need to truly love yourself for who you are and be willing to do whatever it takes for your well-being. You are beautiful the way you are. You are worthy of a great and healthy life and you will get your dream body once you started believing in yourself.What are the real reasons that make you want to start losing weight? Health issues? Want to fit in some fabulous outfits? Abs that will turn heads when you’re on the beach?Try to find the strongest motivations that will get you started and keep you going towards your goal.They have to be bigger than just want to look great and feel good about yourself which by the way is nothing wrong either. It’s so important that you’re doing this out of strong love for yourself and your loved ones because it will give you the power to continue and get you motivated. That’s why having your mind in the right place is crucial to successful weight loss.My 4-year-old daughter asked me a question the other day:” Mom, will you still be around when I grow up?” “Do you want me to still be around by then?” “Of course I do! I want you to always be around no matter how old I am.” “I will do my best, honey”, was the promise I made to her.That reminds me of my parents, who are already advanced in age yet still being so healthy and energetic and not suffering any kind of pain which most elderly people do(backache, rheumatism, arthritis, knee pain, etc.).My father is a wise and experienced natural therapist and herbal expert and is able to take good care of himself and my mom. I am so grateful that my parents are still so healthy and I want to follow the good example they set up for me.I’d like to quote what my father used to say to us:” Always watch what you put in your mouth. You are not a trash can! Don’t just eat anything because it tastes good.” 📷 📷 Use the Power of Mind Think of Your Body as a small universe with your mind is the most powerful thing that maintains the balance within this small universe.Or if we think of the body as some sort of hardware then your mind is like the software that actually makes the hardware works at its best.I know this metaphor might
be a little too simplistic but it’s important to fill our minds with positive thoughts. Because your mind and your words actually have the power to program your life into the way you want it to be.If we fill our minds with negative thoughts then we’re most likely not going to take any action to achieve any goal that would make us healthier or have a better life than we deserve because deep down in our hearts we think it’s impossible or just too difficult to achieve.That’s why mindset is the key to successful weight loss because it is often followed by aligned actions which naturally lead to a change of lifestyle. Now that if you know for sure you are doing this out of strong love for yourself and your loved ones and you have your mindset in the right place then we’re good to go.Seek Professional Help Now if you are having some sort of eating disorder problem like you often found yourself staring at the big empty ice-cream container after watching your favorite movies at midnight.Or maybe you are stress-eating a lot or some of you even suffer from something worse such as bulimia or anorexia. Then the last thing you need to worry about now is the way you look like.I’d suggest that you look deeper into the real reasons behind your eating disorder behavior or even seek professional help if necessary. 📷 📷 3. Third Key that is Crucial: Maintain Hormonal and Metabolic Balance Maintaining hormonal and metabolic balance is the essential key to successful weight loss especially for women who are overweight and what they’ve been doing is eat very little and move a lot while still not getting the result they want.A hormonal imbalance can greatly affect women’s beauty and the distribution of their body fat[1]. For example, the lack of estrogen can cause our skin to lose its tautness which means the wrinkled face and fine lines around the eyes. When the estrogen levels are low it could lead to excessive weight gain as well.The growth hormone, which is known to be able to help burning fat while also building your muscles and bones during your deep cycles of sleep-[2][3]. That’s why having quality sleep is so important if we want to actually lose that stubborn fat that’s stored in our trouble spots because the effective fat-burning process actually happens while we’re sleeping not when we’re exercising.The Insulin hormone, also known as the “fat-storing hormone”, is produced by our pancreas, regulates the metabolism of carbs, protein, and fat. Insulin is released when our blood sugar levels rise. It helps absorb glucose from the blood and store it for future use. If we absorb too much glucose our body converts it into fat which causes weight gain. That’s why we need to stay away from refined sugar(or refined carbs) in order to prevent a dramatic rise of blood sugar levels that spike up the secretion of insulin which results in converting excessive blood sugar into fat.Cortisol is a steroid hormone, also referred to as the “stress hormone” due to the fact that its release is increased in response to stress and low blood sugar levels. We want to keep our cortisol levels down so we can turn on that fat-burning mode which boosts our metabolisms and helps us lose the stubborn fat in our trouble spots. Basically, when our cortisol level is high our body switches from the fat-burning mode to the muscle-breaking and fat-storing mode.I don’t want to bore you with the science here but it’s important that we understand that the human body is complicated and we need to take multi-factors into consideration instead of just simplify things with the “eat less and move more” equation.
If you want to know how to “eat more exercise less” to regain hormonal and metabolic balance then read this article to learn more.
4. Fourth Key: Stop Dieting In saying dieting I mean any kind of calorie restriction diets or weird/extreme diets that might cause nutrient deficiency which could be screwing up your hormonal and metabolic balance and thus make all your efforts and attempts at weight loss go in vain. The kind of dieting that’s not sustainable and practical, the kind that makes you feel listless, depressed, tired and your moods swinging from time to time you could hardly summon any energy to do what you want to do.As I have mentioned before, we do need to watch what we eat but we also need to develop a healthy relationship with our food so we won’t be afraid of having food that would actually make us healthy just because it has higher calories.The thing about counting calories is that it’s hard to be accurate. The same food seasoned and cooked in different ways could have different calorie counts. When we count the calories of a specific fruit we also need to take into account other factors such as its maturity because of the difference of sugar content in it.As for the chicken breast we have is it with skin or without skin and what’s the protein to fat ratio of it? Sounds complicated, isn’t it? Well, it is and it’s exhausting and inefficient if you have to do this on a daily basis.By the way, do you always feel like you need to remove the skin of the meat you have because it will make you fat? Well, do you know that eating meat along with its skin actually helps you digest better, and having good quality fat such as natural animal fat actually helps you burn fat in a more efficient way?What and How to Eat Matters I don’t need to tell you what you should eat to lose weight healthily because you’ve probably already gathered tons of information from different sources about it.You know how important it is to have good quality proteins to help you build muscles(boost metabolisms), that you should also include healthy fat, carbs, probiotics, fibers, vegetables in your meals as well so I guess I shouldn’t waste your time repeating what you already know.But what about the type and combination of food, what kind of protein together with what kind of carbs and vegetables, the amount of each category, what seasoning to use, which food combination or pairing of spices/flavors works better, when to eat, etc?For example, Crab is a great source of protein, and orange is also considered a good source of carbs which contains low calories and several vitamins and minerals. However, eating a great amount of crab while guzzling gallons of cold orange juice may not be a good choice for people with poor digestive systems.Drinking soup made by a certain combination of meat and vegetables is different from eating each ingredient separately. Salmon is well known for containing omega 3 fatty acids which may also help us burn body fat. However, we need to look deeper into the nutritional differences between farmed salmon and wild salmon. We also need to be careful not to have seafood as our main source of protein given the fact that the ocean is highly polluted and chemicals and pollutants can be absorbed by fish or other marine life through their environment and diet.Yes, there is a lot to take into consideration when it comes to choosing food for health and effective weight loss.Losing weight or dropping dress sizes fast is not something difficult to achieve. Eating nutrient-dense food combinations in the right way can lead to rapid weight loss without having to starve yourself or doing excessive cardio/HIIT exercises.
Get Motivated to Drop 2–4 Dress Sizes in One Month: 4 Steps to Get your Dream Body If you agree with me then click here and this product buyhttps://www.digistore24.com/redir/348520/sooraj1394/
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butchprincecharming · 4 years
CW: disordered eating thoughts
After WEEKS of fucking up my diet- a single week where I fucked up even worse, making awful decisions because my medication increase making me not care (excuses, I know) I thought I’d weigh, to see how bad I’d messed up my loss and how much it would take to recover. I thought about what I ate yesterday and was confident I must be bloated out of my mind. So how have I lost 5 pounds??? I’m. So lost. I thought my scale might be broken because I got on it and it said I’d lost /a/ pound, so I reset it, and now, consistently, no matter how much I reset it it says I’ve lost about five. Like what the fuck. I was having trouble losing when I stopped weighing. How much must I have lost if I’ve eaten the awful things and amounts I have the past few days- in the past day, that I can still feel weighing me down- and the scale still shows five pounds?
Tbh I was having. Unhealthy thoughts. I had an intension of how to fix what I’d been doing and weighing was the first step. I figured weighing would give me the motivation to do it. And I still want to eat vegan, and on top of that healthier vegan than I’ve been- that was an unfortunate lapse of judgment based on a variety of excuses- and the thoughts of what I wanted to do hasn’t exactly magically gone away, but... what the hell. Seeing I’ve averaged actually /losing/ weight, however much more slowly, without looking at the scale, definitely makes me stop and pause. Like, I know my opinion of what I’m doing shouldn’t be entirely based on weight, and the health and moral reasons definitely have been what kept me on so hard for 3.5 months before I messed up. But if free form vegan eating, even with my many health mess ups and few recent veganism mess ups, still averaged to loss- I actually feel like I’m being shown how returning to that obsessive approach, might fuck me up. Like- rationally I know that the things I did to lose weight before I went vegan and mostly wfpb were obsessive, and usually resulted in maybe five pounds of loss, followed by binging and 15 pounds of gain, a cycle that went on so long I got to my high weight of 365. But part of me was like- now that you cook healthy things and eat vegan even when you’re unhealthy, maybe you could just. Go back to some of the “method” changes you wanted to do, and moderate yourself, get yourself back on track. Some of them aren’t that bad, like how I want to slow down my eating and be more mindful- that change was never that obsessive. But others definitely made my therapist side eye me, and I’m sure struggle not to outright tell me to stop, for months. So this kinda slapped me and made me be like- oh, maybe I really /shouldn’t/ go back to that extreme approach.
I don’t know. Anyway, I’m going to do better from here on out- my meds are in my system and I can actually think again, which helps a lot. Basically living my life in a fog, on my period, having to go into further debt to pay over a thousand dollars to get my car back running- things just stacked up, and though I still shouldn’t treat that as “okay,” i can’t get off track every time things in my life go bad, I know I’m still relatively new and I’m trying to be nice to myself.
On positive notes- I got some vegan cookies in the mail, I bought some tasty vegan food yesterday, received some cookbooks for Christmas, and have the ingredients to make me what will hopefully be a good wfpb soup for my dinners for the week. Time to dig back in
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backa-gain · 5 years
I’m back
Hello! I just want to put a disclaimer here really quick about some things.
• I’ve been on this app on and off for eeeehhhhh 4ish years so I know how this goes when it comes to any sort of ED blog. I highly encourage that if you are someone who is just now joining or “new” to the community that you stop while you’re ahead. I’ve had and still have a binge eating and anorexia problem since I was around the age of 13. I do not wish this on anyone. Trust me.
• Seriously please do not do this as a choice if that’s what your intentions are. I understand your pain, I’ve been in your place before. Looking back at it I wish someone wouldve encouraged me to do life a healthier way.
Now that I’ve gotten this off of my chest I would like to share my story with you.
When I was around 12 years old I learned to hate my body. I stepped on the scale and weighed 170lbs. This was devastating to me because I had knew plenty of girls my age that were around 100-140lbs at the most, and knowing my weight only made me feel so much worse about the way I saw myself. I decided to fix this though. Lucky for me I started off the right way. I started weight watchers and was running a mile a day on the treadmill. Everything was healthy. I was only losing 2 pounds a week, I was still eating right and excersizing the way I should’ve been. I did this until my freshman year of highschool. When I started that year I was around 150lbs and pretty content with myself and my progress. As the year went by, my negative thoughts about myself came back. I started to feel worthless and pretty shitty. At the time I had quit excersizing and eating healthy and had probably gained a few pounds back. I remembered how slow my progress was when I first lost weight and it discouraged me. So I decided to just cut some meals here and there. It was mostly cutting lunch. I had a boyfriend at the time so I would go see him in the library instead of eating. The progress was great. I quickly lost around 10 pounds in no amount of time and loved it.
Here was where shit went haywire.
I started to notice that when I would actually eat lunch or eat to much I would QUICKLY gain around 3-4 pounds back in less than 2 days. I remember being so frustrated at the time because my weight would just bounce back and forth and I would keep bouncing from 140-150 and I hated it. I tried everything to keep my weight down and go lower and I couldn’t because everytime I would lose the weight I would gain in back plus some more just because I fucked up a weekend. And this is when the binge eating kicked in. I would starve during the day at school, then when I would get home I would eat everything I could because I was so damn hungry all the time. This is when I came to tumblr. I’m not quite sure how I found the ED community but I came on here to vent and talk about my problems. It was so nice because I had people to talk to who were going through what I was going through and so much more. They were very accepting and cared for one another. I love this community. However I had become obsessed with my weight. So much as to all I could think about was two things, my weight and food. I had lucid dreams about eating food because it had gotten so bad. This behavior continued ALL throughout highschool. I was fucking misrable. I hadn’t noticed that my ED made me a total bitch. It ultimately made me the most antisocial person ever. I lost good friends because of my mood swings. I was depressed and had major anxiety and hated myself.
My senior year was when I was the worst. I had gotten down to 130 pounds over the summer. All of these drops in weight don’t sound like much but no one will understand how bad your situation is except for you. Just to give you an insight, I went on a cruise that summer. I started the cruise at probably 138lbs. It was a 7 day cruise and btw on cruises you have all you can eat buffets and restaurants that are free to you. I had that opportunity for 7 days. You want to know what I did? Everyday on the cruise I would spend 30 min to an hour in the free gym, and weigh myself in the gym. On top of that I fasted for 3 days. I fucking fasted on a cruise because I was afraid I would gain weight. I ended the cruise at 133.0. During my senior year however, I gradually made my way back to 148. I remember freaking out and working out so hard to lose the weight again but I couldn’t. I was so hungry, depressed, and miserable. One day I got so fucking tired of it. I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch anymore and I was eating little to nothing at dinner. One morning before school, I packed a ziplock bag of my little brothers goldfish and another ziplock of his teddy bear graham crackers. I came to school and ate both of the bags in my first period class within 15 min time. That was the day I gave up. I completely said fuck it and let everything go. Every trick and advice I had learned or that was given to me was thrown out the window. I couldn’t stop eating after that. That was around 2 months before my graduation. The day I gave up I was 145lbs. The day I graduated I was 160lbs. And it’s only gotten worse since then.
It’s been 5 months since I graduated. My metabolism and binge eating is so fucked now that I am now 212.0lbs. It is so hard for me to lose weight. I am so ashamed of myself that I hate going out in public. I don’t even want to visit friends and family anymore because I feel so disgusting and ashamed. There are girls who are beautiful at any weight, but not me. I have nothing but jealousy and anger in my head over the fact that I let myself get like this. It makes me sick.
I am back on tumblr again because these disorders don’t go away. These disorders stay with you. I promise.
Please stay safe. 🌻
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kelleyish · 5 years
What’s up tumblr
It’s Tuesday night.  I’m in a bit of a mood this evening.  It’s only about 11:15, and i had a two hour nap this afternoon, but I may go to bed soon anyway.  I am enjoying listening to the thunderstorms going on outside though.
So it’s been about a week since my website went live.  We’ve had almost 20 customers so far, which is exciting.  It’s also very far from where we need to be ultimately.  Our medium term goal would be about 150 customers a day.  But we’re currently only listed in one place, the state’s listing of vendors.  The vast majority of people who are looking for a service like ours would just google it, instead of searching out the state’s list, and we pretty much aren’t appearing on google yet.  And there are a good number of competitors who actually pay for google ads, so of course they’ll come up first.  But we’ve got some game plans in the works.  
My weight loss...sigh.  The end of last week I lost focus a bit, and had a couple carby items.  Some crackers, a hot dog, but nothing insane.  I had a feeling I wasn’t going to see a good weigh in, and I ended up stepping on the scale Saturday morning, two days early.  I weighed exactly what I did nearly *two weeks ago*, down to the tenth of a pound.  That’s disappointing when you’re as big as me, and you’ve been as good as I was leading up to those couple days.  
Anyway, I ended up having a cheat day that Saturday, on the down low.  Yeah, I hid food and soda from my parents, ate it over at my house while I was putting the finishing touches on the cleaning before my sister and her husband temporarily move in.
On Sunday I got back to keto, but that day and the next were terrible because I’d reactivated my cravings.  I wanted more Coke so bad, and I was angry about it, but I didn’t try to sneak off and get any more.  I thought about it every five minutes, though.  It also made me angry knowing that if I were at my house, I definitely would have continued that cheating for who knows how long.  And then I think, how am I ever going to sustain this?  What if I live here for a year and lose 100 pounds, what’s to stop me from falling off the wagon and gaining it back in an instant?  
Today has been better at least, and I’ve been peeing a bit more these last couple days, getting rid of a little water.  I will probably weigh in next Monday, and see where I am.  
It’s just so demoralizing, knowing I have at least 150 pounds to lose, and people on the keto reddit boards that are as big as me seem to lose so much faster.  Most days I’m at 1200 calories or less, and I’m working out, it should be falling off me in sheets!
I’m not a terribly patient person, and it gets me in trouble.
Speaking of patient this week is going so slowly waiting for Endgame.  We’re not seeing it until Sunday and it feels so far away.
And speaking of Avengers...I accidentally turned off my alarm this morning instead of hitting snooze, and slept an hour later than I meant to.  But in return I was rewarded with some very graphic dreams about doing some very graphic things to a certain Avengers actor whose name rhymes with Driss Blevins.  So that was pretty fun.
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kizardofkoz · 3 years
It was a little over a year ago and we were visiting with our best friends over Labor Day weekend. I was still in my first year of new baby, knee deep in first-year-baby-love and my all too familiar struggle of *bouncing back* (which has Never been my actual experience. It’s more like a slow rolling on the ground mixed with some crying, disgust, guilt, disgust at my guilt and guilty about my disgust, very slow muscle gain and trying to figure out how many WW points are in the scones I just made - because friends, I make a mean scone) and I was just feeling so irritated with where I was compared to where I wanted to be. Our friends looked so lean, healthy, toned -and I? 
I was jealous. 
I felt soft and annoyed. While I was grateful that I carried a baby for the fourth time, I was So. Over. Losing. *The Baby Weight*.
They said the only real change they had made in their lifestyle was that they had been running. (They also only have half as many children and are in a different life stage with their ages, but we’re focusing on the health portion here.)
And so.
I began running. 
100% it was born out of a competitive desire to look and feel better and become a runner. But I actually found a part of me that I lost during quarantine, and the several year pattern of having and raising baby boys. 
I would leave my house for 30-60 minutes, put on a podcast that scared me (it was early fall when this love affair really began to take hold and I would listen to Spooked! - holy crap, it is absolutely terrifying. So I would throw in some true crime, just to shake up my amygdala) and as the weather started to cool and leaves started to turn, I found my alone time, running the streets of my neighborhood. 
And it was good. 
I have had an interesting relationship with running and fitness my entire life. Exercise, up until this past year probably, was usually a punishment. A method to burn off the calories that I so painfully counted and tried to delete one way or another. (For several years -junior year of high school through sophomore year of college- that would involve sticking a finger down my throat, which is not a unique story for a teenage, American girl, yet it still feels quite vulnerable as I have never publicly mentioned it, like on this blog that has hundreds of thousands of followers. ;) I grew up sitting on a piano bench. I was never a super athletic kid (and was often told that) and things like running, and sports and physical coordination seemed like another realm that I would never know. So I would admire all of the athletic kids that looked so sinewy and strong and natural, and I would feel embarrassed and frustrated that God gave me the body that I had. I was grateful for my artsy, musical abilities, but in this culture, as a young woman especially, there is no greater skill or attribute, then to be small, smooth, and beautiful. 
I am still trying to figure out how to undo parts of this thinking. 
Stretched skin, years of confidence building, therapy and relearning that food is actually really delicious (who knew!) has helped tremendously. I wish I could hug younger me. 
But she had to learn this on her own. 
In her own way. 
In her own time.
So at this time, as a matured 37 year old, I went into running differently. I would leave my house and find new paths that had more gradual hills because you don’t realize how hilly your neighborhood is until you try to run. Or ride a bike. Or in my case, walk a bike up a hill.
But I would also allow myself to slow down. To walk. For the first time in my life I listened to my body, and if she was tired, I walked. If she couldn’t breathe, I slowed down to catch my breath. And it changed everything. I built strength and avoided injury. I looked forward to my next run because I wasn’t too sore, and because once I had quit using running as a method of torture it actually started to become quite rewarding.  My soul needed the exercise as much as my muscles.
Minus all of the true crime and ghost stories, it was kind of like prayer at times. Or some really bizarre, spooky therapy.
Three weeks ago I had the absolute honor and life blessing of being able to attend a women’s retreat in Estes Park, CO. I flew there early on a Thursday morning to meet up with 20 women who I had never met to reconnect with a God that I was missing dearly and to find myself again.
Oh my gosh. 
I can’t even explain the exact magic of that weekend and I actually won’t give away too  many details because part of the retreats’ (there are two: a mens ones and they just began a women’s one last year) magic is the slight, secret-society-ish-ness of it, so a previous group won’t ruin the experience for those that follow. 
But I felt so taken care of and loved. I have not had the time and space to release and let go the way I was able to. In years. Every meal was prepared and cleaned by a woman named Jess. Every activity was thoughtfully planned yet not overbooked. I didn’t have to make a decision, make  breakfast or make a to-do list. My nervous system settled and my brain was clearer than I feel it has been in my adult life.
And my heart. 
I didn’t realize how lethargic I had become in my own faith. Of course I love God and Jesus and my faith is the most important thing to me, but was I actively doing anything to strengthen and encourage it? Negative. 
And this is where muscle comes in. 
I have been running and conditioning my body over the past year to run miles, to handle hills, build my stamina and improve my pace. I have put in the work and time and my body is stronger. Muscle memory.
In Estes, I feel like I just went through a spiritual bootcamp. I received a megadose injection of peace, love, refinement, depth, stillness and Jesus. I can either keep going and try to maintain and strengthen this muscle, or I can become apathetic, put it off for tomorrow, make excuses that were never meant to be excuses and just not prioritize this thing that I claim is the most important thing to me.
Guys. (And gals!)
I did it.
I’m doing it.
I am actually carving out time each day (mostly) and I am keeping a prayer journal and reading from a devotional (I go between Shauna Neiquest’s “Savor”  - thank you Meredith Hopping and Sarah Young’s “Jesus Calling”, thank you Mom), and I am Reading My Bible. (I’m a Message girl, which should not be surprising at all. The Poetry and FEELINGS!) And I am actually WANTING to read the bible. Like, I am finding it interesting and I actually kind of look forward to reading it the next day because I want to know what happens and not “I am reading this because I am Supposed to and because I have promised God since I was a child that I would read the whole thing and there’s no time like at age 37 to make good on a promise to Jehovah that I made as a 6 year old. That makes sense.”
I say all of these words NOT TO BRAG AT ALL BECAUSE NO NOPE NOPE NO NO, but to hopefully encourage others out there. (PS, I’m reading 1 Kings - if you’re Trump, that would be “One Kings”, I’m also praying for compassion and less judgment from myself. And that was the most compassionate way I could say that.:) I realized that just like with exercise, I often felt that if I didn’t have enough time to really sit down and read chapters of the bible, or have 10-15 minutes for a deep, thoughtful prayer, then it wasn’t worth giving God any time at all. I was being a perfectionist with my faith life and refused to not partake if it couldn’t be what I thought it would be. Or should be. 
And I don’t really think God, in the end, gives a shit. 
I think God wants any and all. God will take a 10 second, or 3 minutes or half hour long prayer. As long as it is authentic and humble and vulnerable because I think that is what God works with best and how we can refine and mature the most. I also think intentional longer prayers that include time to pause and listen (especially with the terrifying, faith building fear of But what if God doesn’t answer).  God and I have always chatted throughout the day, but overall, I realized that I was getting in my own way with some twisted perfectionism, when all God wants is my truest, most imperfect self.
Along with this, I have also been much more gentle with myself. I skipped a day the other day. (And yesterday!) And this is okay. I wasn’t able to get it in and instead of shaming myself and feeling guilty, negative and embarrassed, I gave myself love. I let myself  walk instead of run because there are busy days and hills and we aren’t made to run and dominate every single one of them every single time. 
 It is also important to note that I spent much of this weekend eating chips and birthday cake as it was our eldest’s first sleepover party. I stepped on the scale this morning and it was 2-3 pounds higher than it normally is. And you know what? I am actually okay. I am probably the most okay I have ever been in this situation and I am absolutely floored and comforted that I know God sees me and knows what I need. I know that in time I will get back to where I was, not with punishment but with mindfulness. And to stop eating the cake (it was so good though). And maybe ease off of the chips. 
And to joyfully run.
God’s grace is so wild, and beautiful, and abundant. 
I think I grew up with a bit of a childish, lopsided idea of God. I don’t know if it was my education, my church, my family or my own absorption and interpretation, but for a very, very long time I knew God was loving, but I also knew God was wrathful, jealous, vengeful and judgmental. After years of growth and exposing myself to other theologies, biblical philosophies, and finding my own spiritual and path, I have rediscovered Jesus and God in a whole new way. I have been reminded of, or relearned, God’s tenderness. 
God’s Gentleness. 
God’s Compassion. 
And I truly think if we could remember these qualities first, and also use these qualities first as Christians - to one another, to ourselves, and to *gasp* non-Christians - the world would literally be a different place.
I am going to continue building these muscles. I have worked really, really hard to get to where I am physically and I am really, really proud of it. I can run and keep up with my children, I have no idea what I could bench or deadlift but I can pick up our enormous <99% 1 year old multiple times each day and I feel like that in and of itself could be a really popular WOD. “The Kepler”: pick up 35 pounds 50 times and run across the house between each set of five. Then halfway through you change the laundry over as fast as you can and at the very end you realize you forgot to push start on the dryer. 
Repeat as necessary.
And I am going to continue building my spiritual muscle. This looks like prayer time, bible reading, (I even installed a wall light so I can read in this special spot because we know that special spots are really important to Jesus.) and prioritizing this priority to me. 
And this also looks like tenderness. 
Because even God knows we need a sabbath and sometimes the body just needs to rest. 
The soul, too. 
And I am learning to be gentle with myself. To love me and give grace to me even when I skip a day. 
At least spiritually. 
Because physically, I am still doing “The Kepler” daily. 
Even more exhausting because my warm-up is “The Wyndsor”.
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The charcuterie board that puts all other charcuterie boards to shame. Jess, a pilates instructor with a gift of hospitality, healthy cooking and presentation made us the most beautiful meals. And coffee. And wine. And pop corn. And fudge. I miss Jess.
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I know what you’re thinking - *Now I see why they have 4 boys!* BECAUSE I LOOK SO DAMN GOOD IN OVERALLS!!
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Just 20 something of my new dearest friends. I can’t wait to see them again next fall. So I can start crying every six sentences and zen out in all of God’s natural beauty coming through the landscape, the carved out time and the stories each of these women are carrying. Ready to drink around a fire with all of you again. I will try to stay up later this time. Maybe. (Who have I become??!) #Revel2021
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defectivemecha · 7 years
TMNC(at)- A TMNT OC insert Part 1.01
Okay, I stand corrected. Each episode may have to be split into three parts? Please bear with me.
S01E02- A Better Mousetrap 2/3
Of course, it couldn’t have been more than an hour or two before I could hear Leo and Raf starting to argue downstairs. ‘Is it too much to hope that they’ll knock each other out before too long?’ I groaned and scrunched up tighter as the argument escalated. ‘How in the world does Splinter sleep through this?’ “Fine, I’ll deal with it.” I growled to the ceiling before rolling out of my comfortable nest to go separate the two idiots before something regrettable was said. When I got downstairs, the scene was pretty much as expected, Mikey was passed out in front of the still-running TV and Donnie was working on a mouser that looked to be whole again, while Leo and Raf were grappling in the tunnel leading into the lair. ‘So… What, one of them tried to leave the Lair?’ I leapt down to the bottom floor just as Don exclaimed triumphantly, “Ha! I got it working again!” Mikey suddenly shot into wakefulness again as Don began typing up a storm on his computer.
“Hey, awesome! But, uh, what are you doing now?” Mikey asked, still obviously half asleep. “I’m looking for some kind of return code, something I can use to track it back to the source.” Donnie explained, waving at me as I examined the little tin terror uneasily. “Maybe if we can figure out where it came into the sewer, we can block the door and at least stem the tide until I can devise a way to keep these mousers out of the lair.” “Sounds good,” I responded absently as the arguing in the tunnel became a fight, “in the meantime, I’ll see what I can do about shutting up the testosterone twins so that relative peace may be restored.” Donnie shrugged as Mikey snickered, they were used to the conflicts, I was still new enough to the idea of sibling rivalry that it bugged me.
In the way of things, though, I didn’t get farther than halfway before- “Oh for-” Donnie smothered a curse as the mouser sprung to life and cleared his desk for him as it trotted in the direction of the tunnels. For being so stout, it was an agile little thing, dodging tackles from both Mikey and Donnie on its merry way around the main chamber. “Donnie, I swear,” I vowed, snagging my knives and weapons belt from the rack. “If you can’t learn to control your toys!” I flung a shuriken, but the little monster turned before it could hit! “Hey, it wasn’t my fault!” Donnie claimed indignantly as he grabbed his bo-staff. “Um, yeah, that would be my bad. Actually.” Mikey grinned sheepishly as I glared at him. “No time! It’s getting away!” Donnie cried.
What ensued was a five mutant race to keep up with one overpowered toaster as it led us into the tunnels closer to the subway system. “Whoa,” I skidded to a stop as the mouser continued clattering it’s merry way out of the tunnel and along a pipe that spanned the length of a massive septic-tank-thing? “Watch your step here guys,” Leo warned, “don’t wanna end up as mutant soup.” I shuddered as I regarded the drop, and the smell, thankfully I had to pay too much attention to my footing to worry about other things, like what I was stepping in. Of course, things only got better, because the mouser began climbing the wall!
Of course, we all had a pair of shuko spikes on us, metal spikes on substantial “gloves” used for climbing when anything else is too clumsy, it’s not easy to climb with them, but it’s doable. “Uhg. Next time, let’s leave the wall crawling to the dude in the blue and red tights!” Mikey complained. “You read way too many comic books.” Leo retorted. “Hey Tami, why not just use your claws?” Mikey wondered. “Because I’m not Wolverine.” I panted, glaring at the robot that was dragging me ever farther from my warm bed. “Meaning,” I continued, “that my claws are barely stronger than normal fingernails, so trying to climb with just my claws would only end in a very messy declawing. Answer your question well enough?” Mikey thought it over for a second, “Yeah, I think so.” he conceded. “Hallelujah.” I muttered, the bot had finally climbed into a tunnel. A few moments later, and we were back to running down dark and smelly tunnels.
“Just curious, Don.” Mikey started apprehensively, “What’s to stop Old Turbo Jaws from munching up another 6.2 on the Richter scale?” ‘Good question. This thing surprised Donnie once.’ “I shut down its jaw servos.” Donnie stated, a quick glance showed that he was pretty confident. “It couldn’t even chew through a stick of gum!” Which was the universe’s cue to hand it’s beer over to a half-conscious karma, the mouser skidded to a stop and proceeded to daintily chomp a hole through to wall of the tunnel. “You were saying?” Rafael snarked as we slid to a stop. “But I-” Donatello faltered, “I’m sure I shut it down.” I looked the mouser over curiously as it started in on the wall itself, for Stockman to one up Donnie like this is a fair testament to the former’s skill as a techie. “Oh,” Mikey sighed jokingly, “Don’s finally lost his techno mojo. Sad, really.” Donnie made a face as he regarded the tiny terminator. “It must have some kind of… Security override routine.” He mused, “Come on!” ‘Why would a PR project like a rat-catcher have advanced security measures?’ I wondered as we rushed the freshly made tunnel. ‘Heck, why would a rat-catcher need the ability to burst through walls like the Kool-Aid man?’
“Oh no.” Donnie groaned. “What is it Don?” Leo asked. “If I’m not mistaken,” Donnie began, “that’s a serious water main hanging right over heads!” ‘No-no-no-no, please tell me he’s not about to say-’ “So?” Raf prompted, just as leaks began to sprout ominously from the pipe. “So!” Donnie yelped. “Our little mouser friend just ate through the pipe’s support!” Cluuunk! ‘Fudge-’ I scrambled for the tunnel just as Leo cried, “Incoming!” and the old pipe burst, before any of us could get out of the way! ‘Faced-’ I grabbed the pipes along the wall and the back of Mikey’s belt just as the water hit. ‘Fools-’ Thankfully, they all had good reflexes and survival instincts, so he managed to grab Leo and Raf, who in turn had Donnie. ‘Frolicking with-’ Unfortunately, mutant or not, trying to anchor a 5 person daisy chain against the full fury of a bursting water main is not feasible without extra gear. ‘Frivolous-’ I slipped, and we got washed out the tunnel, the initial surge had enough power to send us tumbling into the yawning chasm of sewage. ‘Frogs!’
What followed was nothing short of a miracle of training and luck, Donnie was able to catch himself on a sturdy pipe with his bo-staff. “Grab on!” He shouted desperately. Somehow, Leo, Raf, Mikey, and I were able to grab hold in yet another daisy chain. “Ouch!” Yelped Mikey. “Watch the claws, Tami!” I grimaced. “Sorry,” I snarled, “I just gained 15 pounds of water weight in 5 seconds and lost a year of life to unmitigated terror, so bear with me for a moment while I ATTEMPT TO THINK CALMING THOUGHTS WHILE HANGING ON FOR DEAR LIFE TO A FLOGGING CHAIN OF TURTLES ABOVE AN UNREASONABLY LARGE SEWAGE SYSTEM!” My volume had built to full on tirade before I could even register the building hysteria. “Ow!” Barked Raf, cutting me off before I could start berating people. “Watch your own claws, Mike!” Mikey writhed a bit. “Aw, keep your shell on Raf!” Mikey teased as he began to swing his feet, and me, like a pendulum. ‘WHAT DOES HE THINK-’ “I got an idea!” My stomach clenched again as he got the whole chain swaying. “MICHELANGELO DON’T-” The threat was cut off by a shriek of pure terror as the momentum caused Donnie to lose his grip and send us sailing through space, and water again.
“Huff!” I wheezed, slamming into the wall face first and shortly followed by one, two, three, four similar impacts all around me. “Guys,” Donnie panted, somewhere above and to the right of me. “Is everyone okay?” Someone spat down and to my left, “Peachy.” Raf growled. ‘Speak for yourself!’ I was having issues hanging onto my dinner, and my breath. Glad as I was to feel solidly anchored again, even if into a wall, there was no way I was thanking Mikey for this stunt. “Yo, Tam.” Raf nudged me slightly, “You alright?” I couldn’t move, the adrenaline had my heart pumping so hard I could barely hear them, but my muscles felt frozen. I couldn’t even move my tail! “No, she isn’t.” Leo snapped from above, and I could nearly hear the glare he shot Mikey. “Quickly, Don, give Raf and Mikey your bo-staff.” “Gotcha, bro.” I heard wood scrape against brick, and the slap of wood against flesh as Mikey caught it. “Now, Mikey, carefully slide it between Tami and the wall. Raf, grab the end. The two of you are gonna have to work the one shuko with your foot to free your hand. Now the two of you need to move so your staff-hand is level with her stomach.” Shuffling and scraping as Mikey and Raf moved to be parallel with me and I could hear Don’s bo staff scrape against the wall just above my belly button.
“Tamara, can you hear me?” I eased an eye open and looked up at Leo. “I need you to trust us. Drop and grab the staff, Mikey and Raf can carry you up until we reach a tunnel.” ‘Drop? Again?!’ I gave an involuntary whimper as my arms trembled ominously. “Get ready,” Donnie warned. My fingers released the shuko spikes just as Raf and Mikey moved the staff farther from the wall, causing the staff to hit me dead in the chest and helping me wrap my arms around the strong wood. Though I had faith in the brothers’ strength and dexterity, breathing was a trial until Leo grabbed me by the waist and set my feet on solid ground, well away from the edge. Unfortunately, my legs were considerably less solid and I slumped against the wall as my knees gave out. ‘Breathe. In for 5… Out for 10… Focus on the stability of the earth around you.’ I focused on this as Michelangelo and Rafael climbed into the tunnel. “Hey,” Mikey knelt down beside me. “Tim-Tam, you going to be okay?” It was petty, and he certainly sounded apologetic, but that doesn’t change the fact that-
“YOU OVERGROWN, SOFT-SHELLED, NITWIT!!” I screamed, launching myself at him as the residual adrenaline sparked a bout of short-lived fury. “WARN US NEXT TIME!!!” I landed a perfect punch on his chin before Raf managed to grab my shoulders and drag me off of him. “Easy,” Raf cautioned, keeping a firm grip on my shoulders as I tried to get my breathing under control again. After a minute or so, the rush faded and exhaustion began to set in, and Mikey was staring into the tank while Donnie and Leo discussed what to do from here. “Mikey,” I sighed, stumbling over to rest a hand on his arm. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have blown up on you like that.” Mikey shook his head, frustrated. “No, you were right, I should’ve warned you guys before I did that. If you were warned…” I shook my head, social interactions weren’t my strong suit, especially when emotions came into play. “It was the fastest way to get down,” I shrugged, trying to cover my unease with indifference. “I probably would’ve freaked out even if you had warned me and if we had stayed on that pipe for too much longer, it may well have broken under our weight and then where would we be?” I looked down at my hands as Mikey thought it over, my claws were still extended, so I tucked them into my pockets. “You gonna be okay?” He inquired apprehensively. I thought it over for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, I think so.” I assured him, a bit surprised at the truth of it. I grinned, “Or, at least, I will be once I dry off. I really was not planning on playing extreme urban water sports today.” Mikey slowly smiled back, still a bit unsure, but maybe this wouldn’t loom over him so much now that we’ve talked it out, sorta.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Red Wine Diet
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-red-wine-diet/
The Red Wine Diet
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    THE RED WINE DIETslicedigital2019-04-29T20:02:48+00:00
Dear Wine Lover;
I’m about to tell you the story of how one twist of fate during a vacation completely turned my lifelong beliefs–and my career–upside down…
And how I discovered that a large portion of the science we thought we knew about weight loss is just plain false…
I’ll admit…It was a “WOW” moment that changed my life…and could quite possibly change yours.
The old-school thinking goes like this:
Drinking alcohol is bad for you…
It makes you gain weight…
It gives you the dreaded “beer belly.”
Well, it turns out they’re WRONG.
By the time you’re finished reading this, you’ll see that it REALLY works like this:
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If you combine a glass of red wine with some of your favorite foods, in this very specific way, you shift your metabolism into hyperdrive!
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It’s important you get the full story about how one “off-the-wall” observation I made during a West Coast vacation will change how you look at alcohol and weight loss forever…
This quirk of science–which on the surface is a complete contradiction to what we’ve all been told, has been right under our noses for decades…even centuries.
I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and Certified Nutritionist, hired to help people lose body fat.  
I have been in the fitness industry for roughly 30 years.  And for the last decade, I’ve keep detailed records of how much weight my clients have lost.
At last count, my clients have lost over 5000 pounds of body fat!* 
That’s two and a half TONS of ugly fat.
*NOTE:  This is fully documented through my in-house Biometric Tracking software.
Frankly, if you lived anywhere near my facility north of Boston, I’m the guy you went to when you absolutely needed to lose weight…kinda like a “hired gun of weight loss”, if you will.
I only mention it to highlight an important point…
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I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and Certified Nutritionist, hired to help people lose body fat.  
I have been in the fitness industry for roughly 30 years.  And for the last decade, I’ve keep detailed records of how much weight my clients have lost.
At last count, my clients have lost over 5000 pounds of body fat!* 
That’s two and a half TONS of ugly fat.
*NOTE:  This is fully documented through my in-house Biometric Tracking software.
Frankly, if you lived anywhere near my facility north of Boston, I’m the guy you went to when you absolutely needed to lose weight…kinda like a “hired gun of weight loss”, if you will.
I only mention it to highlight an important point…
Do you think all of my successful clients STOPPED drinking wine while they lost all that weight?
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Of course not!
In fact, many of my clients started drinking a little more wine…(not to excess, of course!)
But…now I have a bit of a confession to make…
At first, I had no explanation of why they were losing this weight so easily (of course, I could take some of the credit, but I knew inside there was more to it).
Not that long ago, I was one of those trainers who was telling my clients that they had to stop drinking alcohol if they wanted to lose weight.
The thing is… many of them had no intention of giving up their favorite glass of red wine…yet time and time again, they still lost weight!
And even though I never fully understood the reasons behind their fat loss success, I thought…
“Hey, if they’re happy, I’m happy!”
But all the while, something kept gnawing at me.  I just knew there was more to the story…
After all, 5000 pounds of fat loss doesn’t just happen by accident!
My personal revelation, and how it triggered the journey that changed everything!
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I was on vacation visiting friends in California I hadn’t seen in at least 15 years.  
I was really looking forward to getting together with them again…
And as I figured we would…we had a great time.
Now, this is a really fun crowd, and as expected, the wine was flowing freely.
The weather was ideal and Northern California looked as beautiful as I remembered…
I’d lived in California for a while in the 80’s and early 90’s when I was competing at a world-class level in the shot put and discus.
Back then we throwers all had one dream in common…
To throw as far as we could…and if everything fell into place at the right time, earn a spot on the US Olympic Team.
Staying ‘fit and lean’ was not our concern.  Our dream required us to get as big and powerful as possible.
But that was then….and, as  life goes on, our priorities change.
These days–with all of us in our 50’s or older–most of us pay close attention to our health and nutrition.
(In fact, I have made it the focus of my career.)
After back-to-back days of socializing with old friends, lots and lots of good food – and plenty of wine – it was time to head back East.
And this is  where things took a strange turn…
When I got home, I couldn’t help but notice something…
My pants fit a little looser than normal, and I could feel something was different.
I stepped on the scale expecting bad news from a week of eating and drinking way more than usual; but, instead of gaining weight, something really bizarre happened…
I actually lost about 5 pounds over the course of 4-5 days!
On top of that, I didn’t even notice the weight loss happening…
The weight was just gone.
And, I’ll admit to one thing for sure…
It was certainly not for a lack of calories!
I overindulged a LOT during this trip.  Eating plenty of food and–yes– getting a little “buzzed” on a pretty regular basis.
That’s exactly why none of this made any sense.
As a fitness pro, this was just weird…
I mean, I’d been doing the weight loss thing for over 25 years, and was at a total loss as to what was happening.
I was experiencing first-hand the exact same effect I saw in my other weight loss clients for years.
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And I was more than a little intrigued.
Something unusual was going on here, and that’s when the professional side of me took over.  I could no longer sit back and take credit for something I didn’t fully understand.
So I sat down, grabbed a pen and paper and did something that I ask of all my clients to do…
I wrote up a complete ‘food recall’ of everything I ate over the course of my trip.
Every meal.  Every snack. All of it…
I even tracked how much red wine I drank…admittedly that was a little tougher…(hey, don’t judge me)!
As I looked at my food log, an unusual pattern started to emerge…
As the guest, of course, I was eating whatever food I was served, and since my friends could be considered “foodies”, the menu had a lot of things on it I didn’t normally eat.
Apparently, the change in my menu was the trigger.
And there it was, right there on the paper…staring me in the face.
A food-wine combination that burned fat like gasoline!
It turns out, I had accidently stumbled onto something science had just recently proven in the lab.
A newly discovered process that turned “traditional” weight loss assumptions upside down!
Because of my eye-opening vacation experience – and my geeky love for research – I dove in and quickly became an expert on alcohol and its powerful connection to weight loss.
I soon realized that a lot of the warnings about alcohol and red wine just didn’t hold up. 
As you may have already heard, not all alcohol is created equal.
Red wine is actually one of the healthiest types there is.
Studies on red wine have been popping up in the media for a long time now.  You may have seen some of them…
Here is summary of an expert opinion from the Mayo Clinic.2
The alcohol in red wine can…
Help prevent artery damage caused by high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the “bad” cholesterol
Produce positive changes in blood pressure
Raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the “good” cholesterol
Reduce the formation of blood clots
In fact, there was some great news for women specifically!
“A study of more than 19,000 middle-aged women from the Archives of Internal Medicine found that women who drink a moderate amount of alcohol, such as a glass of red wine a day, are less likely to become overweight or obese than women who don’t drink.”
Here’s another one…
“Scientists followed nearly 16,000 middle-aged women in a seven-year study for the Women’s Health Initiative found that women who drink moderately are more likely to maintain a healthy weight than non-drinkers.”
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However all of this good news comes with one important warning:
If you make a common mistake and combine your wine with the wrong types of food, most if not all of these health benefits can be lost!
You’ll shut down your fat burning machinery completely!
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It all started with research being done at the Washington State University and Harvard Medical School.  
Professor Min Du’s work at Washington State verified the existence of a previously unknown fat burning process in humans.
And it even has a name:  “The Fat Conversion Pathway”
Let me explain…
Without diving into the details too deeply, here’s how it works:
Dr. Wu and other researchers discovered there’s a powerful enzyme with the sole function to trigger the conversion of stored fat into energy.
The problem is (and the reason you haven’t lost weight with wine before) there are toxins common in most diets that makes it impossible for this enzyme to do its job…
This enzyme (called AMPK for short)–when activated–ramps up your metabolism and melts fat off your stomach, arms, and thighs faster than nearly any other nutrient out there.
The problem is these toxins inactivate this enzyme.  Now, I’ll give you one guess where this “fat-converting” enzyme can be found…
Yup.  Red Wine.
Right away, I’ll bet there’s one question in your head you’re just dying to ask…
Can I really drink wine AND lose weight?
The short answer?  
Yes. Absolutely!
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In fact, I now believe that drinking wine is exactly what you SHOULD be doing to lead a healthier life, while you get rid of those unwanted pounds…
…even if you drank wine in the past and actually GAINED weight!
…even if you’ve tried all those MISERABLE fad diets…
…even if you DESPISE working out.
Because today, you’ll discover how to lose weight
...without giving up your favorite glass of wine…
…without spending hours at the gym…
…and without weeks or months of deprivation spent trying to get that body you’ve been longing for.
Believe me, as a wine-drinker myself, I’d be skeptical too…but since I’ve pulled all the pieces together and witnessed this approach work soooo many times, there’s just no denying it!
In fact…
My newly discovered approach has helped my clients collectively lose more than 5000 POUNDS total!
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And I’ve pinpointed a simple food-wine combination that reignites AMPK, and turns on a fat-burning pathway inside your body that’s so powerful…
You could lose 15 pounds in just 60 days
Keep in mind, like so many fitness experts,  I’d sworn off alcohol for both myself and my clients whenever weight loss was the goal.
But, because of this new discovery, now you don’t have to choose between enjoying your favorite wines and losing weight.
You can have both.
Listen, if you’re over 45 like me (OK, so I’m actually over 55)
You’re not looking to get ‘ripped’…
You don’t have illusions of being a fitness model…
You’re not training for a bodybuilding competition…
This may sound weird coming from a fitness business owner and former All-American athlete, but the reality is –
It is NOT my mission in life to see how shredded I can get my abs.
The majority of us simply want to…
feel better…
move better, with fewer aches and pains…
have plenty of energy throughout the day…
maintain a clear mind…
keep stress levels in check…
enjoy life with family and friends…
and yes, lose weight and look good while doing it!
I suspect most of you would agree, these are not outrageous goals.
Can you imagine what your life would be like if these simple desires fell into place?
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No longer carrying around that extra 10, 15, 20 or more pounds…
No more waking up with aching and painful joints…
Walking through your day with a surge of additional energy, without that jiggly fat slowing you down…
Noticing your endurance levels suddenly skyrocket…
Stepping on the scale every morning and seeing the numbers drop lower and lower…
Breaking out in a big grin when your clothes start to fit the way they’re supposed to…
Feeling a renewed confidence as you make your way through the day.
Realizing your stress levels are plummeting…
And even starting to turn heads like you did years ago…
But, all the while, never giving up one minute of your valuable social life.
This is all possible with this newly discovered approach.
In fact, putting this process into place involves nothing more than “tweaking” the things you ALREADY do!
Here’s why this matters to you…
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I had finally figured out the one simple factor that can make the difference between weight-loss success or failure for the average wine drinker…
Now, I can finally explain how you could be sabotaging your own weight loss, without even realizing it, by rendering your own “fat-converting pathway” inactive!
When you take red wine and combine it with this simple food trick you push your own metabolism into  overdrive – by re-activating AMPK!
In fact, it turns out that drinking red wine may actually be the ‘missing link’ to your weight loss goals.
I realize this is completely contradictory to what every fitness expert in the industry may tell you, but research has verified it!
Losing body fat does NOT have to involve weeks and months of starvation and stress.
Just as I had proved it to myself over the course of a few short days in California…
I don’t mind telling you that once I figured out that AMPK was the weight loss explanation I was after…
I was ecstatic!
…And it’s something so simple, ANYONE can put it to use!
This powerful secret explains how red wine can go from being a cause of your weight gain to your most powerful weight-loss ally!
So, here’s what I did next.
I wrote down what I consider to be a simple set of guidelines for anyone looking to lose body fat, but still have a full and vibrant life…
…including drinking red wine!
It’s called
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The Red Wine Diet is your complete guide to putting the power of this simple daily food-wine technique to work… quickly and easily… so you can slash up to 15 pounds of ugly body fat in the next 60 days.
The Red Wine Diet pulls all these factors together into a plan that you can literally live with for a lifetime. 
You CAN drink red wine and lose weight!
In fact, The Red Wine Diet will show you how you can target body fat, get the physique you’ve been after, AND enjoy your life while you do it!
…even if you drink wine but have watched helplessly as the scale moved in the WRONG direction…
…even if you’ve tried–and failed–with all kinds of other diets in the past…
…even if you don’t have any intention of living in the gym in order to achieve your goals…
And you can do this without...
…giving up your social life and
…passing up that relaxing glass of wine at day’s end…
…plodding along endlessly on a treadmill…
…giving up the things you enjoy in life in order to achieve the body you’ve been after.
Very quickly, let’s talk about what The Red Wine Diet is NOT…
It is not physically demanding
It’s not complicated
It’s not expensive
Again, my clients – and now hundreds more who have purchased my book in a dozen different countries all over the world- have lost thousands of pounds of body fat by following the simple, science-backed approach in my book…
Most importantly, in “THE RED WINE DIET” you will also find simple and easy-to-understand explanation of…
A listing of the foods that can halt your results almost instantly, so that you can avoid ‘self-sabotage’
A step-by-step plan to guide you to fat loss success -even if you have stumbled and failed before
How to shut off your fat storing mechanisms, while cranking up the Fat Conversion Pathway
Exact meal plans based upon the proven, but little known, food-wine combination
A list of “weight loss accelerators” designed to speed your progress by as much as 30%
A “Done for You” list of 9 simple rules, proven to put you on the path to a leaner, healthier and longer life
All for a price LESS THAN a decent bottle of Pinot Noir!
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I clearly spell out…
How just one simple food trick could hold your key to fat loss by turning on your own fat burning machinery…
When you drink and with what foods will determine whether you gain weight or lose weight
How to CRUSH the obstacles holding you back…
Why alcohol is not the enemy of weight loss…
What the REAL health benefits of wine are…
A list of foods you must avoid like the plague…
A list of specific steps you can start today to speed up your results…by as much as 30%!
The 9 science-based rules for living a LONGER, HEALTHIER LIFE…
And if you order my book today…I have a few more treats for you!
BONUS #1:  “The Red Wine Diet Cookbook” – FREE!
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What possible good is a diet book without a matching cookbook?
So I went “all in” and commissioned this cookbook from a professional European chef.
My one requirement?
I needed 150 recipes that fit your lifestyle, and are in line with my unique Red Wine Diet approach…
The finished product is a cookbook I could not be happier with!  It’s a perfect fit!
Bonus #2: “Stress Elimination Solution” – Free Report!
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Throughout my years as a weight loss expert, I have encountered one enemy of weight loss that seems to be EVERYWHERE!
It has become an integral part of our lives…
It disrupts our sleep…  
Harms our health…
It literally shrinks our brain…
And is a direct cause of weight gain!
I’m talking about STRESS!  
…but, stress is more under our control than we realize.
Stress also happens to be one of the most powerful causes of weight gain known to man!
Since the vast majority of my clients are fighting the same battle against stress we are, I HAD to study stress in serious detail.
So much so, that eventually, I became certified in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Brain Fitness…
To that end, I produced a 21 page report on the topic called the “Stress Elimination Solution”
Previously, I have only provided this finished paper to my clients, but to help you battle against this relentless enemy…
I want you to have the report for FREE, when you purchase The Red Wine Diet!
BONUS #3: “Successful Aging Blueprint: A Step-By-Step Guide To Reclaiming Your Health And Developing A Resilient Mindset After Age 45”
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Also FREE!
This is  something I’m also incredibly proud of…
I’ve dedicated my life to helping the clients at my facilities, as well as coaching clients across the country, to OWN their aging process.
(And believe me, you don’t need to be over 50 to start planning!)
My latest book–available on Amazon for $9.95 presently–picks up where The Red Wine Diet leaves off…
You’ll get instant access to my best and proven lifestyle changes that will allow you to dictate your health for decades to come…on your terms!
If you have any intention of maintaining an independent and vibrant life for the rest of your days, you’ve found a roadmap for the process in my latest book.  
Inside you’ll find an exact plan to “OWN” the coming decades by:
Developing an ability to achieve any goal you set
Understanding the unique nutritional needs of anyone over age 45
Learning how to design and execute the ideal workout to suit your needs
Identifying the REAL enemies of successful aging we all face
Keying in on ‘core concepts’ of being a Successful Aging Rebel!
Yes, I’ve included a LOT of bonus material here because I truly want to get The Red Wind Diet into your hands, and have that decision be a “no-brainer”!
So go ahead and click the “Order” button and grab “The Red Wine Diet” NOW!
The price for instant access to my incredibly popular book, The Red Wine Diet is only $14.95!
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*No physical product will be shipped
One final note…
Over the years, clients have paid me thousands upon thousands of dollars to get results, and to get access to the kind of information found in these books.
But I’m not charging you thousands…
I’m not even charging hundreds…
Actually, if you priced The Red Wine Diet  book plus all the bonuses out separately, it totals just around $65.00…
That’s FAR less than I would charge for a single workout with me at my facility.
And I’m not charging that much either…
So why would I practically give way years of research and insights for $14.95?
Because I have seen first hand how frustrated people are by the entire weight loss process
AND I know that the myths that persist, along with confusing headlines are NOT helping you reach your weight loss goals!
You need clarity.
You need this information.
And it’s now priced at $14.95.
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You may say, “Hold on Art, what if I read the book and decide this approach is not a good fit?”
Well frankly, in that case, I don’t want your money.  It’s that simple.
“If you are not satisfied for any reason within 60 days of purchase, I will happily give you back every penny of your investment.”
No questions asked.
You can drop 15 pounds in as little as 60 days, all while you’re drinking wine every day…and finally be rid of the weight.
All for $14.95
AND it’s completely risk-free because it’s fully covered by my guarantee.
You have zero risk, so why not?
Is there any reason not to check it out?
I stand behind “The Red Wine Diet” without reservation!
(I DARE you to find a guarantee like that from any diet book on the market!)
So click the button below to start losing weight today.
*No physical product will be shipped
I look forward to helping you along your journey.
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Founder – Successful Aging Academy Author | Speaker | Wellness Activist
Enjoy Life.  Lose Fat.
P.S. – If you have read this far, I HAVE to believe you are truly interested in losing that stubborn body fat AND having a fun-filled life.  
I am so eager to get my book into your hands as soon possible, I am offering “The Red Wine Diet” for only $14.95…
AND I am adding the Cookbook (Also a $14.95 value)
AND the Stress Elimination Solution report (A $29.00 value)
AND my latest book “Successful Aging Blueprint” (priced at $9.95)
All Bonuses FOR FREE.
*No physical product will be shipped
P.P.S. – Keep in mind, you have nothing to lose…except unwanted body fat, that is…you’re protected by my irrefutable, unshakable, ironclad, no-hassle 100% Money Back Guarantee.
(Did I include enough adjectives for you!!!)
Click on the “Order Now” button to get instant access to EVERYTHING described and be reading my book in just minutes.
NOTE:  This is a digital product. A physical book will not be shipped.
If you prefer a physical copy, you can simply order my best-selling book on Amazon.  
However, neither the cookbook, nor any of the other bonuses items are available for free with Amazon…
*No physical product will be shipped
Fischer-Posovszky, P. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July 2010; vol 92: pp 5-15.
Anderson CA (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Sept. 23, 2013
News release, University of Buffalo.Ghanim, H. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2010.
Kodali M, Parihar VK, Hattiangady B, Mishra V, Shuai B, Shetty AK. “Resveratrol prevents age-related memory and mood dysfunction with increased hippocampal neurogenesis and microvasculature, and reduced glial activation.”  Sci Rep. 2015 Jan 28;5:8075.
Howe et al.  Presented at 24th Scientific Meeting of International Society of Hypertension, 22 Oct. 2012.
Gresele P, et al. Resveratrol, at concentrations attainable with moderate wine consumption, stimulates human platelet nitric oxide production. Journal of Nutrition. 2008;138:1602.
Red Wine and Your Heart.  Circulation American Heart Association: http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/111/2/e10.full
Alcohol and heart disease. American Heart Association. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/More/MyHeartandStrokeNews/Alcohol-and-Heart-Disease_UCM_305173_Article.jsp. Accessed Sept. 5, 2013.
Saremi A, et al. The cardiovascular implications of alcohol and red wine. American Journal of Therapeutics. 2008;15:265.
Tangney CC, et al. Cardiovascular benefits and risks of moderate alcohol consumption. http://www.uptodate.com/home. Accessed Sept. 3, 2013.
Resveratrol. Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/phytochemicals/resveratrol/. Accessed Sept. 5, 2013.
Resveratrol. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. http://naturaldatabase.therapeuticresearch.com/nd/Search.aspx?cs=SCHOOLNOPL~AER&s=ND&pt=100&id=307&ds=. Accessed Sept. 5, 2013.
Carrizzo A, et al. Antioxidant effects of resveratrol in cardiovascular, cerebral and metabolic diseases. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2013. In press. Accessed Sept. 5, 2013.
Mukamal KJ, et al. Overview of the risks and benefits of alcohol consumption. http://www.uptodate.com/home. Accessed Sept. 3, 2013.
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The Red Wine Diet | 2019 | Email Support: [email protected]
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wanderbitesbybobbie · 5 years
REAL TALK: How I Lost 8 pounds in 3 Weeks
  Once upon a time, I was a swooping 114 lbs. on the scale. I was close to 100 lbs., the ideal weight for my height. It took me 3 months of gym workouts and strict diet to get to 114. But then on June 2019, I had to fly back to Sydney for school works and in no time I was back on my MAD diet (meat all day). I mean… who can resist Australian Beef Steak with Peppercorn Sauce? I had zero self-control. I was snacking on ice cream in winter. I created a strong relationship with burgers and big fat potato chips. I was stocking on rare TimTam flavors which I could only find in Aussie. Coles, Woolies, and Aldi were my favorite hang-out places. If I felt a little broke, I would turn to $5 Domino’s Pizza and devour the entire thing. Also, my love for noodles didn’t help. Sydney Chinatown was my noodle-go-to place. Dry noodles, ramen, stir-fried, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai… name it! I knew where to get them. Surprise, surprise! I was 121 lbs. when I left Sydney.
I was back in the gym, trying hard to lose the weight I gained. I ran 15 mins. full speed on the treadmill and continuously did circuit training. I did Pound exercises and Muay Thai. It wasn’t hard to lose the excess weight. I went back to counting my calorie intake and avoided rice. I firmly believed that white rice makes my tummy bloat.
2 months of hardcore training and I was back in the game. I was losing weight again. My core training was working. I can see the lines on my abs getting firmer. I had to be stricter this time. Unfortunately, my psychiatrist became a bit worried. I was being obsessed with weight-watching to the point that I sometimes starve myself by eating just a fruit to avoid consuming my calories. It was the biggest mistake I have ever made. My depression went back, and it was bouncing like crazy. I had to stop the “diet”. I was still taking my plant-based protein shakes to replace some of my meals. It worked for a while, but then I flew to Jakarta.
Jakarta is a food-haven. I love Indonesian Cuisine. I love every bit of it, may it be something spicy, or sweet, or out of the ordinary. It was truly a gastronomic adventure that I totally forgot about calorie counting and diet. In Indonesia, rice is life. Plus, Indonesia is the home of “Three Buns” which happens to be the number one burger in Asia. I was lucky enough to be able to taste it while I was there. Each day was a totally different food experience. Which got me thinking… maybe traveling makes me gain weight? Maybe I should ditch food blogging?
The reality is… when you start eating unhealthy, you become somewhat addicted to it. You go after your cravings. For a few months, I drove to the biggest food night market in Manila on Fridays. It’s a street food heaven! I had pork barbecue smothered in fatty oil and dessert shakes colored in flavorful sugar. I would eat anything I wanted. I would snack on a cheese platter with a cold glass of Moscato while watching Netflix. I was at my laziest. I stopped going to the gym and stayed in front of the TV just like a sloth.
Until I felt it. My spine was hurting. It was probably my scoliosis, reminding me that I was becoming too heavy. I started having heart burns and I had trouble breathing. I wanted to go back to 114 lbs. I was only 14 lbs. away from my goal weight. I had to step on the scale and face it. I WAS A WHOPPING 139 LBS., bloated as hell, insecure, and having nothing to wear from my closet. What did I do to myself???
This is it! I have to re-evaluate all my choices. I started de-cluttering and cleansing. Not only on my diet, but also with my surroundings. I started cleaning my room. I chucked all the things that didn’t matter anymore. Old papers, old cards, old mugs, old clothes… and then I started with my cleanse.
I started stretching again and visiting the gym. I was slowly getting back into the rhythm. But, I knew I had to stick to something that would not make me go back to my unhealthy lifestyle. I was then introduced to a Netflix Documentary titled “The Game Changers”. It’s a documentary that explains all the science behind a plant-based diet. At first, I was hesitant to try focusing on a plant-based diet. I mean… c’mon. It was clearly not a balanced diet for me. I need my meat, I need my fish. But… as I slowly took in the facts, it gave me the extra push that I needed. It completely changed the way I see (and eat) food. 
I started changing my meal plans. I started choosing greens from being the carnivore that I was. My plate became more colorful, not from fancy sugars, but from the vegetables that I hand-picked from the farmer’s market.
I was doing it. I was giving it a go. Completely changing my diet to plant-based was hard at first. I always craved for roast pork and grilled chicken. But then, realizing that plant-based foods can be as whole as what we would normally eat, I started cooking healthy. My protein source became completely plant-based. My sauces were all plant-based. Some people would always tell me… “No. You need to eat beef or fish or chicken breast or eggs to get your protein fix.” What people don’t understand is that these meats are only carriers of protein. THEY ARE NOT THE SOURCE. At the end of the day, what do these animals feed on? Cows that produce dairy and beef meat eat grass. Chickens eat corn. Pigs that produce your favorite pork chops eat whatever, God-knows-what. THEY ALL EAT PLANTS. These animals are bred and confined in an area where they can get sick and contaminate their own species. They are injected with antibiotics of high dozes to avoid deadly illnesses that can sometimes be transmitted to humans. It’s the same with seafood. Commercial breeders breed the fishes in pens and we can only imagine the amount of mercury they have taken from swimming in highly polluted waters.. Plus, let’s not forget the fact that not all parts of these animals are lean. There will always be excess fats which can tick off your cholesterol levels in dangerous amounts. Hello Bagnet, Lechon Kawali, Crispy Pata… fat deep-fried in fat. THEY TASTE SOOOO GOOD… I won’t argue. But we all know, it’s bad for you.
Anyway, as I started shifting to a plant-based diet, counting my calories was easier. I started avoiding dairy and animal bi-products. Since vegetables and fruits theoretically have lower calories than meats, I indulge, but NEVER go beyond my allotted calorie count. In a matter of few days, I started losing 2 lbs. I was eating healthy and exercising. I started cooking Thai, Korean, Mexican, making tacos out of vegetables and soft shell whole wheat tortillas. I’m a dessert person, so when I craved for sweets, I had almond milk shakes packed with strawberries and bananas. Almond Milk contains 45 kcal per 180 ml serving, compared to 200 plus the excess sugars you get from full cream milk. I made everything homemade… Pesto in Wheat Pasta, Thai Eggplants with Tofu and Basil, Kimchi Stew, Vegetable Curry. Everything was from whole foods, none of the bi-products. I snacked on fruits instead of my cheese platters. I started reading the labels and looking at what I was actually eating. In 2 weeks, I lost almost 6 lbs. I was truly amazed.
Anything that says sugar-free uses sugar substitutes that contain Aspartame or Erythritol. These substitutes are essentially cheaper than raw sugar in a mass production set-up, however, these chemicals do more bad than good. They contain carcinogens (main cause of cancer), just the same carcinogens you get from over-cooking processed foods like bacon, hotdogs, and what-nots. I am a Food Technologist myself and I have been working in a diet cafe in Australia which required me to make “healthy” recipes as the head R&D Pastry Chef. They wanted me to create things that say Sugar-Free, Gluten Free, Lactose Free… and whatever “Free” you could possibly think of. Guess what they ask me to use? NOTHING but chemicals. I choose not to drop the name of the cafe. I would rather zip it than get sued. LOL.
I am not pushing anyone to be on a plant-based diet. I am simply relaying how I lost weight by eating healthy and exercising. My therapist would always tell me that 30 mins. cardio a day (dancing, pound, running, walking) is ultimately healthy for the brain. I try to do it even when I’m just at home. This is my fitness journey. I share my healthy recipes on this blog.
Paleo Diet
Intermittent Fasting
GM Diet (for cleansing)
Military Diet
Low Carb Diet
What works for me doesn’t always mean it will work for you and vice-versa. It’s your dedication and will to change that makes it possible. Weight gain doesn’t always mean you’re getting fat. It can also mean you’re getting leaner, thus the muscle gain. Remember, skinny doesn’t always mean healthy and healthy doesn’t have to be skinny. 😊
        REAL TALK: How I Lost 8 pounds in 3 Weeks was originally published on WanderBitesByBobbie
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amyvictoriali · 5 years
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Weight gain. 
They say that metabolism slows down in your mid 20-s. I knew this day would eventually come, but I was nevertheless wholly unprepared. I think my height leveled off at 5′5 freshman year of high school, and since then my weight in high school fluctuated around 105-115 pounds, senior year being the heaviest. I went off to college feeling kinda chubby, and worked my ass off the summer before my sophomore year to get things back under control. Sophomore year I reached 105 again and felt like I was in the best shape of my life. Pic on the left = winter of sophomore year. Then, junior/senior year the weight started creeping back up, especially because I got so stressed applying to med school and would use days off to imbibe rather than workout (don’t be like me lol). Not to mention being official legal = going out to drinks all the freaking time. By the time I finished college, I was at 127 lbs. Big yikes. 127 isn’t that bad for a 5′5 girl with muscle, but it’s pretty bad for someone like me who is all fat and no muscle. I also store fat primarily at my waistline, making it even worse to be even mildly overweight. I went from wearing a size 0 pants to a size 5 and from a S to a M (and thus had to re-buy all my clothes). Once again, I tried to crack down on weight loss, and after my first year of med school I managed to get it back down, but only to about 118 :( It was still a 10 pound drop though and I felt encouraged that there was only 10 more pounds to go to get back to looking the way I wanted to look.
AND THEN 2nd Year/STEP 1 HIT ME LIKE A TON OF ROCKS (or, more accurately, heaping pounds of pasta)
Maybe it’s because David moved in my second year and we are always eating out, or maybe it’s because I became extremely sedentary studying for Step (no joke my day would be like wake up, study in bed, eat food, study in chair, eat more food, study back in bed, sleep ... maybe like 100 steps a day and this was for 3 months) ...
Whatever the reasons, I stepped on a scale recently and I am 126-7 pounds after a meal, 124 in the morning. GUYS. I lost all my progress in a mere matter of months. It is so disheartening. I feel like I’m back to the drawing board with 20 pounds to lose. And what’s even more pressing is the upcoming bachelorette trip and wedding. These pounds NEED to go. 
I’m going wedding dress shopping this weekend with some of my besties, and there’s a part of me that already feels sadness about looking like an elephant as I try these dresses on. It’s supposed to be a fun day of feeling fabulous, but it’s hard to feel that when all you feel is f a t. 
Tangent: period bloating or face bloat after sleeping too much is the worst. I was at a cat cafe earlier this week and my face was soo freaking bloated I saw the pic and wanted to cry. Salty food is also my vice ugh ugh ugh
Tangent 2: being overweight/storing fat in your belly is infinitely worse when you don’t really have boobs, b/c then you can’t even be like “oh hey I’m just curvy now” like no, I am still flat-chested and bearing giant 2nd trimester belly 
Whining aside, I’m publicizing all of this to feel more held accountable. Losing 15-20 pounds in 2 years is doable, and I know this. I’m sure if I put in some cardio 2-3x a week and cut back on the takeout I could lose the first 10 easily. The second 10 will require more effort and intense dieting, but if it’s a pre-wedding thing I don’t necessarily have to sustain, it’s also do-able. I can...be content with a 115. Overjoyed with a 105, happy with 110. 115-120 puts me in anxiety, and >120 and I am the trainwreck you see now. Well, actually you don’t SEE all the panic that goes on in my mind, but my days are essentially covered with a veil of gloom b/c anytime I pass by a mirror or take a pic I’m reminded of how fat I’ve become. Btw, the pic of me on the right was taken a few weeks ago, and that’s even after I edited the photo a bit to slim my face slightly. In reality it’s even chubbier. When I was looking over engagement photos my bro took, I was like, “does the camera add 10 or do I just look like that now?” and he, being as honest as ever, was just like “dude that’s just you now...you’re not skinny anymore” and I died a little on the inside.
Y’all, I will do this. Will check back once I’ve hit 120. I am gluttonous and lazy but for the sake of an upcoming wedding, I must have self-restraint. 
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scottyunfamous · 7 years
The Importance of Self-Care
Hellur, fancy face!
Welcome to another highly inappropriate weight loss journey post. It may interest you to know that I’ve recently (as in like 5 hours ago) embarked on a lil experiment with a 14 day teatox created by BooTea. It was recommended to me by one of my girls who has lost maddddddd weight (like MAAAADDDDD weight), so I thought ‘Shit den, lemme see what it’s really saying.’ I’ll be doing live updates on my Snapchat and will deliver a full honest review in 2 weeks’ time on your fave new blog (…yes, I mean this blog lol).
Onto what we’re actually talking about today…
When I began my weight loss journey again I had an idea of what to expect; the resisting of temptation to consume things I shouldn't to improve my diet, the physical challenges I would have to overcome to improve my fitness, the discipline to keep at it, and creating the mind-set to help me grow mentally and emotionally on this sometimes very fucking emotional experience.
When we take on these trying ass journeys, it's never a flippin straight road or uphill climb. Nope -the shit goes up, down, left, right…generally any direction you don’t want it to. When it comes to our body’s reactions, there's only so much about it that we can control. Ideally, everytime we eat a piece of salad, drink a glass of water, or do anything that resembles some semblance of exercise (walking to the fridge counts as cardio. Don’t @ me.) we want to see that we are 15 pounds lighter when we step on them scales, but that's not how the shit works.
When you first jump on this weight loss ting and you change yo shit up, your body is on a mad one. Weight loss is you and you are weight loss...then your body gets used to your new diet and routine, which means you've got to push a little more. It's a constant challenge, especially when you aren't blessed with a fast metabolism.
If you’re like me, the constant (self-imposed) pressure to go harder may be a lot for you to deal with mentally, especially when shit isn't going to plan.
Last week I had my cheat day. The following day, Mr took me to a hotel. I got high as fuck, and for those of you who enjoy God's magic flower, you already know how them munchies will have you fucking up a plate of food like it’s your last meal. I ordered too much then ate too much... I should probably stop smoking… Anyway, the following afternoon I stood on the scales to see that I'd gained 3 kilos.
I stripped off and stood on the scales again: 2.5 kg.
I went to the bathroom: 2 kg.
Embarking on these journeys then putting on a significant amount of weight in the process is the worst. You feel like a failure, like you didn't try as hard as you should have, that maybe cheat days aren't for you. As you shrink it’s like you get even harder on yourself because you can’t come this far then go backwards. That’s not progress. Honestly, it doesn't get easier, you just have to get tougher, but tough doesn’t always equal…well, tough.
The thing that has carried a heaux throughout this last year has been making sure that I fucks with myself, heavily, like on a whole other level of extravaganza. Self-care is one of the most valuable remedies I’ve learned through this process, simply because it pushes me to continue without berating myself and gives me a stress-free way to pick myself back up when I’m down.
Do shit that makes you feel good about your fuckin self, betch. It’s okay to take a lil break and switch off for a hot sec to get your head right. It’s vital.
Here’s a few self-care activities that I love that you can try out/incorporate into your own self-care routines for those dayswhen things don’t go to plan.
When I feel like shit I listen to music with high vibrations, the kinda music that makes me feel like a cheeri-heaux (get it? Cheerio...cheri-he...anyway). I sing along at ig’nant volumes and dance in the mirror to it like it’s just me, by myself, and bitch when I say dance in the mirror I’m talking that carefree black girl 'wow wow wow thots' shit that you may not do in public because it’s that peak (in my case, extremely whorish or neeky). Listen, I do not fuck about when it's music time. Lemme get sad and fling on some Cheetah Girls (DON’T PLAY LIKE YOU DON’T FUCK WITH THE CHEETAH GIRLS PLEASE); a heaux will be strutting like she means it and freeing my uckin mind all up and down my room, doing dramatic hair flips with my wig and not caring if it flies off coz ain’t nobody but me there to see it. I’ll be doing big big international diva in my bedroom, singing all the harmonies and adlibs by my damn self all at the same time, because I am a one-bitch-band. Issa wave.
D’you know what else is a vibe, low key -herbal tea. You will drink a cup of peppermint tea and feel like your soul has been cleansed and refreshed, bitch!
Next: baths, and not just any regular bitch bath, nope. Heaux I‘m talking that ‘I done used half the fucking bottle of bubble bath, this water is so hot it will probably burn my skin so I’mma have to ease into it, there are candles all over the place like say I‘m being romanced but really I am romancing my damn self, I got that Sade on in the background and a fire ass book to read, so I will sit in this shit till my skin is wrinkled and the water turns cold, then I’mma top it up with more hot water because bitch, I aint done yet!’ kind of baths. Hooker, it is imperative that you go all out for these self-care baths. Stay in there for 5 hours. Enjoy yo’self!
Personal grooming is also my shit.
Ain’t no better feeling in the world that when you have removed all of the hair from your body. You feel like a vivacious velvet vixen, just be rubbing your thighs together for fun because the shit is smooth.
We doing the whole fuckin’ face regimen tonight, heaux! I’mma exfoliate, lather it in some weird shit that promises to tighten my pores, put some cumbers on my eyes and lay back because I’m bougie and tonight, life is a spa, rinse it off, use my face wash, get that micellar water, clear these pores, get that toner, then bitch I will slap on the thickest layer of Astral you have seen in your life (this tip came from Muva Amber Rose), and just sit there and let the shit marinate.
Wash your hair. Use all the products, deep condition yo shit, massage yo fuckin scalp! Yes betch, you smell like a coconut summer breeze and it’s wonderful!
Do your nails, do your makeup, because sometimes the shit that will bring you back from the edge is remembering how truly tun up you are, and realising that you’re on this journey and this ain’t even your final form. THESE SKREETZ AIN’T READY FOR YOU WHEN YOU REACH YOUR GOAL BITCH, HOW ARE YOU SO FIRE NOW AND THERE’S MORE FLYNESS TO COME. FUCK OFF. YOU ARE TOO MUCH!
Clear your space. Fling on some good music and tidy your room, change the sheets, dust, polish, sweep and reorganise some shit, then light you some incense and relax. This is heaven.
This is another good one; get your thoughts out. When I’m too wound up I write out exactly how the fuck I feel, completely unfiltered ‘cause ain’t nobody reading the shit but me. By the end of it I’ve talked myself down of whatever ledge I’m on, I’ve found a resolution to my problem and my peace is back where it should be.
Go outside. I’m not telling you to go hug no trees or nothing, but it’s summer, there is a park somewhere, just go there by yourself and just be amongst nature. Sometimes being surrounded by plants and animals and shit reminds you how small and magical you really are in the grand scheme of things, that whatever you’re worrying about may not be as deep as you think, and that you will get through it, because bitch, you've gotten over all the other shit in your life and you’re still here, getting these haters mad and thriving.
Take a nap. You remember when you were younger and it was nap time and you just were not on it, these days, as busy as we all are, naps are luxury. Literally, when I get too overwhelmed, it’s nap time. Shut off the world and dream a little dream of no stress. By the time I wake up, I’m good.
However, if you don’t have time to nap, I strongly recommend meditation. For those of you who follow me on Snapchat, you’ll know that I’ve hopped back on my spiritual journey and that my life is on the up because it helps to keep me focused and centred. Being that I fell off for a while, it’s not always easy to meditate without getting distracted, so for those of you who this is new to or if like me you have a little trouble clearing your mind, here is some great meditation music. Literally, all you have to do is set a timer for 10 minutes and concentrate on your breathing and nothing else (saying ‘so’ when you breathe in and ‘hum’ when you breathe out in your head or out loud also helps –recommended by Deepak Chopra). When your time is up you feel a little calmer and clearer.
Go to the gym. Yes, I know, it’s horrible and it makes you get hot, tired and sweaty and there is no dick involved, but girl, working out is scientifically proven to improve your mood because of the endorphins that it releases (endorphins are the chemicals that make you happy).
Understand that you are the captain of your yacht (I know the saying is ship, but I think yacht sounds more bougie and extra, so well go with that), and part of being the captain of your yacht mean that you are in control of yourself at every given moment, even when you don’t think you are. If shit goes left you can either choose to be upset about it and let circumstance control you or you can control your circumstance by choosing to find a lesson in every bad situation. Every negative experience you have can teach you something, if you let it.
It’s all about perspective, heaux. Look at where you went wrong and decide how you’re gonna handle it should it pop up on you again.
This is my best tip so I saved it till last -yell nice things at yourself in the mirror. When you’re feeling down about fucking up, or the way your body looks or whatever, all you’re focusing on is lack. You look for all the results you haven’t acquired yet and you beat yourself down about not having them, overlooking everything that you do have. I stand in the mirror (sometimes naked if I need a lotta love) and I compliment myself. When I first tried this method of affirmation, I begun with all the things I physically liked about myself. As my confidence grew I started finding the good in stuff I wasn’t too hot on: “YOU CAN REST SNACKS AND BOOKS ON YOUR BOOBS AND TUMMY. IT’S LIKE HAVING A DELUXE BUILT IN TRAY, LIKE ON A PLANE. YOU’RE LIKE A PRIVATE JET, BETCH!” I then moved onto my personality: “YOU DON’T SWEAR TOO MUCH, YOU’RE JUST FUCKING PASSIONATE ABOUT SHIT, PLUS SWEARING MAKES SHIT FUNNIER. YOU’RE BASICALLY A COMEDIAN!”
The reason that I harp on about building yourself up mentally throughout this process is because of the times when it’s not as easy as you’d like it to be. It’s important that you can be your own support system because you may not always have someone to lean on. Once you’ve shown yourself some proper love and respect, your mind will be right as rain (never understood that saying. Rain is dead.) and you can get back on track without having anything fucking with you.
If you enjoyed this post you may also enjoy my free downloadable guide, #LavishLife, a motivational 9 step programme that I createdespecially for you, to help you live your best life beyond just weight loss, e.g. if you want a new job, more money, a better social life, etc, the #LavishLife guide will have something for you. You deserve to have everything you want and you can. All you gotta do is take care of you, bitch.
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Click the image below to read my previous #SvelteHeaux2017 post:
Fancy something a little more daring? Read chapters 1-6 of my sexy, award-winning urban romance, Running Wilde (new chapter posted every Friday)
 Until next time, fancy face
Love Scotty x
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katastrophizing · 7 years
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So, I posted this on Reddit, but I figured I would post here as well!
Bit of a long post, but I want to share some detail about my weight loss/fitness journey...
I'm a 25-year-old female that, through CICO (Calories In, Calories Out), has been able to drop from my highest weight of 200 lbs (January 2016) to a healthy, fit 125 lbs (though in the pic I've posted is when I was probably closer to ~187 lbs). Also, I'm about 5'7", for reference. I actually lost the first 65 lbs in about seven or eight months (I know that's very quick, but I was very determined!) with drastic lifestyle changes. I was very depressed at close to my highest weight. I've been diagnosed with manic depression and generalized anxiety for about nine years now, but it got especially bad around December 2015/January 2016 when I was the heaviest and most physically unhealthy I had ever been. I was barely motivated to get out of bed some days, I had no job, hardly any friends, and I was a serious emotional overeater with major self-esteem and confidence issues. But one morning, by the grace of God maybe, IDK I really can't even explain what happened (maybe it's because the first number on the scale was, for the first time, a 2 and not a 1), after a long crying/self-pity session, something just kinda stirred within me. Like an epiphany of some sort. At that moment, I decided I was going to stop making excuses and acting like a victim to my misery and obesity, that enough was enough. I was sick and tired of being unhealthy, overweight, and miserable. I wanted to gain control of my life. I had tried numerous attempts at weight loss before, but never could stick with any kind of routine or diet for longer than about two weeks. But this time it was gonna be different, I decided. So, I put on a pair of sweatpants and some old running shoes I had lying around and I left my house with my hardly-used Fitbit watch (that I had received as a Christmas gift from my mom about a month earlier), and I just. started. walking... I wasn't sure where I was gonna walk to or for how long, but I wanted to do ANYTHING other than just sit at home and be miserable. So, I put in my earbuds, turned on some upbeat music, and just kept walking. I walked for about two hours around my neighborhood and when I got back to my place, I realized that I had walked five miles! And it felt good... It was just one walk (granted, a really long one), but I decided I was gonna make it a habit. I started going on daily five-mile walks that I had mapped out around my neighborhood, and actually usually twice in a day (one walk in early morning and one in late afternoon), since I was unemployed/not in school and had extra time on my hands. My feet/legs were definitely hurting and sore at first, but gel inserts for my shoes really helped a lot. This long-distance walking was nearly every day for about four or five months, a time period in which I dropped about 40-45 lbs. The first 15 or 20 being in the first month alone. As the weight dropped and I was eating healthier/becoming a lot more active, my overall confidence was increasing, my sleep, "brain fog", and feelings of "meh" (as I call it) were all improving/diminishing, and my energy levels were higher than they had been in a very long time. I was even starting to get some compliments from family and people around me who noticed my weight loss and my overall change in mood/attitude, which felt pretty good honestly.
My CICO was monitored pretty thoroughly through consistent food logging on the app, "My Fitness Pal", and activity monitoring on my Fitbit HR watch. Diet, in summary, was mainly cutting out soda (for good! To this day, I still don't drink soda.) and fast food (though I admit I will now occasionally have fast food as a "cheat meal"), drinking lots of water, and I greatly decreased my intake of refined carbs/sugars. I replaced a lot of these foods that I was used to eating with more protein-rich foods/fruits &veggies/healthy fats & carbs. Less crap, basically. It was very difficult at first because I loved things like Kraft mac and cheese and Dr. Pepper. I also had a horrible habit of overeating in general and eating out of boredom, rather than when feeling truly hungry. However, I was determined to change. As I practiced more self-discipline and started noticing results in how I looked/felt, the cravings lessened and became easier to combat. I realized I could eat healthier, fewer calories and still feel satiated.
And though I know it's not usually advised to go higher than a 1,000 calorie deficit a day without consulting a medical professional first, my daily step count was averaging about 27,000 (which, for my weight then, was a LOT of burned calories) and my overall caloric deficit was usually anywhere between 700 and 1,500 (but I was careful to not ever eat below 1200 calories for the day and generally my consumption was between 1500 and 2000). I was losing a steady 2-3 lbs a week and feeling pretty awesome as I noticed results not only in the mirror, but with how I carried myself and my overall attitude.
I hit a relatively short three-week plateau in May (I think?) which was frustrating at first, but caused me to switch up my fitness routine a bit. I started mixing in some higher-intensity cardio such as jogging (could barely jog a half mile at first, but now I go anywhere between 2-6 miles) and hiking local trails. I also incorporated some at-home strength training using 5 or 8 lb dumbbells three times a week to help with overall body composition and fat loss. By early July, I had lost about 55 lbs , was at what's considered a healthy and no longer overweight BMI, and finally felt confident enough to go out and look for a job again. I landed a decent job after my first interview, something I would have not even thought possible 6 or 7 months earlier.
I hit my first major weight loss goal of 65 lbs, weighing 135 lbs, in late August, I believe? (As you can see, I can't quite remember the exact timeline right now lol). I maintained this weight for about six months, but still felt like I could maybe "cut" and get some more muscle definition. So, just these last six weeks, I've lost ten more pounds and have attained a more ~toned~ look through yoga, running, heavier weights at the gym, and hardly any going out/drinking [Though I know it's not exactly beneficial for weight loss, I still have drunk some alcohol throughout this journey. It used to be mainly very sugary drinks (i.e. whiskey/coke) when I was fat, but I switched to a not as bad vodka/club soda while I was losing weight.] I don't think I want/need to lose any more weight at this point, I might try to add some muscle/weight even, but I can't express enough how much this experience has changed my life in SO many aspects, not even just physical health and appearance [though that's definitely a huge (no pun intended) plus!]. Like I mentioned, I have more confidence overall, more emotional stability, my bipolar/depression and anxiety symptoms have been significantly alleviated, and I feel like a productive member of society again (I'm also attending college again and planning for a new career path). Of course I still have my ups, downs, issues, and insecurities (who doesn't?), but I've definitely come a long way and am pretty proud of that. I feel like a whole new person. And this newfound wellness obviously isn't JUST because the number on the scale has changed, but it's a result of the diet and lifestyle changes I incorporated to lose the weight in the first place.
Though I wouldn't call what I did disordered or dangerous, I realize that what worked for me may not be the healthiest or most realistic options for everyone. I lost a pretty significant amount of weight in a relatively short amount of time. I would definitely advise consulting a doctor or medical professional before trying anything that might be considered too extreme or drastic! The focus should not be on how fast you lose the weight though, but rather making permanent (yet sustainable), healthy lifestyle changes that take you in the right direction. Additional advice I would offer is to remember to not compare your progress to anyone else's or let a "setback" keep you feeling defeated and/or prevent you from moving forward. As long as you keep at it and don't give up, then you're on the right track and results will come! :) Any questions, feel free to ask!
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fitpaprika-blog · 7 years
Clothing Sizes and the Scale
This is just a short post to say that I had a light bulb go on for me recently regarding clothing sizes and the scale. I finally broke down and bought new clothes. This is part of my journey to create a better body image. I’ve been in desperate need of new clothes because of a number of reasons - (1) I’ve gained back enough of the weight I lost that some of my clothes don’t fit anymore, (2) My style has changed, so I don’t like a lot of my clothes anymore, and (3) A lot of my clothes have worn out and had to be tossed. However, I’ve been reluctant to buy new clothes because we can’t really afford it and because I wanted to wait until I had lost some of the weight. I know that even if I lose 20lbs, some of my clothes will fit nicely again, so I was waiting.
I think this was feeding into my poor body image. If, everyday, I go into my closet to decide what to wear, and all I see are clothes that I don’t feel comfortable in, either because of the fit or the style, then all I am saying to myself is that I am uncomfortable in my skin. I’m uncomfortable, and so my outward appearance is going to reflect that feeling. I felt like the first step to accepting my body was to feel good about how I got dressed everyday, as superficial as that may seem, and my husband and I agreed that we could add a little bit to the debt we have been working on diminishing in order for me to feel better.
So I went shopping, which, even though I am a fat girl and have been for a long time, is not something that really bothers me anymore. I’ve written before about how I go clothes shopping, so I won’t get too detailed here. But the long and short of it is that I go through a store and I pick up everything I see that I like in my size or the size that I think will fit and then I go try everything on. This particular shopping trip happened at Target, since I was trying to get the most for my money, given our budget. So in the juniors and misses sections, I picked up everything I liked in an XXL or sometimes an XL, if they didn’t have an XXL, and in the plus size section, I picked up everything in a 0 or a 1, depending on what was available.
It doesn’t bother me to pick up these large sizes, and when I was trying things on, I often had to go back out to the store floor to pick up a smaller size. On the other hand, sometimes the XXL did not fit. For the plus sizes, the 0 or 1 size was too large in tops but sometimes didn’t fit well in dresses or bottoms. I can’t wear a size 16 or 18 in Misses (and completely forget about a 15 or 17 in Juniors), but my Torrid jeans and work pants are a size 18. I love to say this - what is the truth? There isn’t one, and I’m not embarrassed to buy a variety of sizes, all the way up to the biggest size, in all three of these sections, nor am I embarrassed when something doesn’t fit in the dressing room. The only emotion I feel is either annoyance at having to go get another size to try on or disappointment if the size not fitting means I can’t get the item because they don’t have another size - not disappointment in myself, just in the situation. Sometimes it isn’t the size that doesn’t fit but the style - no matter what the size is or even if the size fits me, the style of something that looked cute might not work for me, and that’s fine. I actually prefer it if I can tell from trying on the wrong size that I won’t like it in a different size because then I don’t have to try it on again, and I don’t have to spend another second thinking about adding this item to my closet.
Sometimes, I choose to buy the larger size. I tried on a dress in Target, and I liked the XXL, but I knew the XL would fit, so I tried on both. I preferred how the XXL hung on my body more, even though the XL fit perfectly fine. Sometimes I feel disappointment, not because the store doesn’t have a bigger size to fit me, but because they don’t have a smaller size in stock! This happens a lot in plus size stores or sections when I am looking for tops. I am pear shaped, which basically means I am plus size on the bottom and straight size on the top (except in the case of boobs - some styles require a plus size top in the boob area, like button downs). I’m not saying that I don’t feel disappointment about clothes because a store doesn’t have a big enough size - definitely happens - but I’m saying that the emotion I feel is not related to whether I need a bigger or smaller size. It is related to the fact that I need a size that the store doesn’t have, and I wanted to buy that item, and now I can’t. It’s disappointment in the store or the situation but not in my body or my size.
My feelings about clothing sizes have completely shifted over time to the point where I could give a shit what the label says, as long as it fits me and looks good and I like it. I’m not ashamed at the sizes I wear, and I wear a ton of things that I “shouldn’t.” I am particularly fond of horizontal stripes, and they run rampant in my closet. I have always been attracted to that pattern, and when my teenage self read countless magazine articles about how I shouldn’t wear that pattern because it would widen me, I was so heartbroken. I remember shopping during that time, and I would like the style of a top or a dress, but I wouldn’t buy it if the only pattern it came in was horizontal stripes. Even my idols on What Not to Wear, who seemed ostensibly body positive, cautioned against their plus size clients purchasing these types of stripes. I got over it, obviously.
I also have some bodycon items, crop tops, and, god forbid, mini skirts. I sometimes struggle with wearing my more “daring” items, but I don’t hesitate to purchase them in the store, if I like them. I don’t shy away from trying on styles that weren’t necessarily made with my body size and shape in mind. At this most recent Target adventure, I tried on countless rompers. Turns out, I just will never look good in a romper. I can’t even quite figure out why, but I think it’s my proportions. I still bought one on clearance that I think will be a good beach cover up. And I tried on a bunch of them because - why not? The worst that can happen is that I walk away saying, “Okay, that’s not for me.” Which is exactly what happened. In contrast, I tried on this wrap skirt that I didn’t think would fit at all or look good, and it’s my favorite item I bought. Same with a couple of t-shirt dresses. The fabric is clingy, and it doesn’t have a fitted shape or nip in at the waist. Probably when I wear this dress in either of the colors I bought it in (olive green and black), there will be people judging me. But I think I look great in it, and it is super comfortable - and I’m glad I tried it on, despite the fabric and style, so that I could find out that I liked it.
Here’s the light bulb - If I no longer care what the clothing label says or what I’m “supposed” to be wearing, why do I care what the scale says and what I’m “supposed” to weigh, as long as my body is carrying me around and looking good doing it? As soon as that thought entered my brain I was like, “Whoa. Truth bomb.” The scale is just a number, like these clothing sizes that have no meaning. First of all, I bought a large, XL, and XXL from the same damn section in Target that day, depending on the item. So - what size am I? Oh, I’m Meaghan size, okay, cool. Second of all, even if I had bought all XXL that day or had to go to another store because Target sizes weren’t working for me, who cares? And I need to bring both of those attitudes to the scale. That number doesn’t mean anything. I’ve proven time and again, both to myself and on this blog, that that number on the scale is a filthy damn liar. It bears no reflection whatsoever on your value as a person. It doesn’t even reflect how well - or not - you ate that week or how often - or not - you exercised that week. Sometimes I’ll be on point and the scale won’t move or will go up and other times I won’t be on point, but I’ll lose weight. So that number is more or less meaningless. It’s not even a reflection of health since the number of pounds you weigh does not reflect your muscle to fat ratio on your body, your cholesterol, your blood pressure, etc.
If I can finally believe that clothing sizes are meaningless and don’t matter, why can’t I believe that about the scale? What is stopping me from realizing that that number doesn’t matter, and I don’t have to put any value in it? Well, I’m working on it, you guys. I’m working on it.
Part II of the closet transformation happened yesterday. I went through everything I don’t wear because, at least in my mind, it is too small or doesn’t fit well. I got rid of 23 items - 10 of those I hid somewhere in my house (my husband did this for me) because I know I shouldn’t look at them everyday and think about how they don’t fit me, but I’m not ready to give them up. It is very likely that this is not my “final” weight once I “normalize” via intuitive eating. I fully expect to drop somewhere between 20 and 30 pounds, even though I won’t be focusing on that or working toward that as a goal. When I went from 275 to 190, I set aside a box of clothes that were too big but that I wanted to have re-sized because I loved them so much. I recently opened up that box, figuring that a few of those items might fit me now, and I actually tossed a lot of them because I didn’t love them enough to pay to have them re-sized. I am expecting the same to one day happen with the stuff I hid yesterday. The first step is to stop looking at them. The next step is to one day look at them again and not care as much as I once did.
The other 13 items are going to either Goodwill or my best friend, with most of them going to my best friend. I realized I was giving away a lot of black, and she is required to wear black at work, so then I started looking at everything like, “Will I still love this in a year? Will my BFF love it now and want to wear it? Should neither of us have this?” Somehow it was easier to part with things if I knew they were going to my friend as opposed to Goodwill. Don’t worry - I cleared it with her first before setting things aside for her.
The end result means that my closet and dresser are filled with things I want to wear and will wear - I also got rid of underwear, socks, workout tops, etc. that aren’t even being factored into the 23 items - those were just from my closet. I have a short list of things I need. All of my leggings have thigh holes in them or starting to grow; I never realized how many nude undergarments I needed, so it is time to replenish; and it was hard to justify keeping two strapless dresses while also throwing out my old, ill-fitting strapless bra. But mostly I am ready to get dressed every morning and feel good about my clothes.
And I have to work on generating that same feeling about my body itself - to look at it everyday and feel good about wearing it.
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