#i still dont like how luz's mouth looks
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luz and king probably would have fit better but i dont know how to draw king so hunter it is.
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I still think TOH is insane for heavily implying Luz is the Evelyn to Hunter's Caleb in HM by giving Evelyn similar features to Luz like her profile and hair color [even though witches can have every color on the rainbow as their hair color] because they literally could have just made Evelyn look like Willow and be done with it but they didn't even though it would have been effortless and they go even Crazier by doing this:
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They put that fucking painting in the bottom left corner to mirror what's going on in this scene. Like you're literally supposed to read this as Luz and Hunter = Caleb and Evelyn. It does not matter that this monster isn't actually Philip because that's exactly what he looks like as a monster.
This will never not be Absolutely Bewildering to all my six senses tbh
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wackulart · 2 years
Emperor Belos x male reader who was Evelyn’s brother and they were really close. They got split up but reader goes with Luz to the battle at the end of kings tide and they get reunited. I’m starving for Belos bro I’m so gay for this man
There there, dear anon.
I will do my best to provide Belos food for you
Also just so reader can still be alive since that was all in the past im gonna say that the curse is like a matching thing before they had split so they can be immortal too but they dont depend on palismen bc they have a bile sack so i can keep it sweet
Belos x Evelyn's Brother!Reader
Watching everyone gather for the Day of Unity had been the most terrifying display that you had seen in years. All of those demons and they had no clue what they were up against.
Luckily for you, a human girl and your great nieces who you'd never thought to see had tracked you down to inform you. You had no clue how they managed it, you've been in hiding for centuries after you had the most crushing argument with the love of your life and ran off after the confrontation with your sister and his brother.
You didn't stay long enough to know how it ended.
Perhaps it was better that way.
Years had gone by since you had left and you wished you could have changed things, you wished that you hadn't spoken such horrible last words to him, to your sister, to her husband.
The past was the past now, you had a situation to take care of.
The human girl, she said her name was Luz, along with you had been captured by a smaller demon that worked for the Emperor. In your hiding you had never heard of this Emperor but from what you had been told, he was no good. So you were prepared to aid the human in any way you could if it meant saving your home.
You were dropped in a room that you couldn't see from the other side of the orb you two were being held in. Luz had seemed frightened for a moment, but forced a determined look on her face.
One of your hands touched her shoulder and she looked up at you.
"It'll be alright." You whispered and she smiled back at you.
After an outside conversation died down, you heard another voice acknowledging Luz and slightly confused of who you were. That was until the field was dropped.
You saw Luz begin to prepare glyphs so you unsheathed your staff and held up a shield to give her time.
The Emperor had suddenly gone still and taken a step back. You didn't falter, but something began to tear at your chest as you saw him look at you with recognition. Your name left his mouth and you were caught off guard. He couldn't have known your name.
He moved towards you slowly and you backed away in confusion, then your eyes moved to his clothes, his face and back to his eyes.
No, no, it couldn't be.
Then you remembered that night all those years ago.
The night you had both created a spell to live together, as long as one heart beats the other will continue to live on. He called it marriage and you took it.
You glanced at the red that began to glow under his jacket sleeve and back to the orange sigils that glowed on your arm.
Luz had been watching everything, confused on your lack of attack and even more on the Emperor's. She saw your arm and squinted before pulling on your arm.
You looked back at her, dropping the spell as you tried to come to grips with what was happening. You couldn't speak, just shaking your head as if you would wake up from this strange dream. Luz looked away from you in a panic and tried to set off a glyph before you felt arms wrap around you.
The man who you hadn't recognized before, the man who you hadn't seen in years, the love of your life, your dearest--
"Philip?" You muttered and you felt him relax in your arms as you slowly wrapped them around him.
He pulled away to take to your face in his hands and smile at you. "My love, it has been far too long."
You kissed his wrist and felt tears well up in your eyes, you had missed him so much. By the way he had taken your hands and kissed the knuckles, you could tell that he missed you too.
The warm thoughts were quickly interrupted by Luz's cry to you.
"Look I don't know what happened between you, but you've seen what he's doing! We showed you what he's been planning and what he'll do to everyone, don't fall for this!" She begged.
Luz was right, despite what you had with Philip before all of this, he was currently trying to eradicate your world. He could already see the conflict in your eyes as he took you by the face and turned you from her to look into his glistening blue eyes.
He touched your foreheads together. "My love, I would never put you in danger. The day that I lost you, I have never forgotten."
Then he fell to kneel in front of you and held your hand. "Come with me. Let us leave this place and live out our dreams, let me show you my home."
Your heart sank as you looked at him and then you looked at Luz. There was no simple decision, either one would have consequences that would shatter your heart forever.
So, what should you do?
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gaybananabread · 2 years
i dont know if your requests are still open, but could you maybe write something about luz finding out hunters scars are tkish or something? sorry if im bothering you!!
This is an adorable concept! I love using him as my emotional punching bag, so there's a good bit of angst (as with every Hunter thing I write).
Lee: Hunter
Ler: Luz
Summary: Hunter is resenting himself and his scars. Luz teaches him to stop blaming, and makes a smile-worthy discovery.
Warnings: Owl House spoilers! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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Mirrors were a common enemy of the group. Eda used to hate how she looked with her feathers, Amity was embarrassed of her eyebags, and Willow just didn't like her face. They all learned to love themselves as they are. Now it was Hunter's turn.
He was scowling at his reflexion, cataloging his scars. They covered his arm and the side of his face, taking up most of his skin. He hated the way they look, tainting him, reminding him of all he lost that night.
Flapjack's death had hurt. Especially since he's basically the one who caused it. If he'd just stayed with the group, told Luz to wait, gotten over himself, Flapjack might still be here. Instead, they're dead, all for him.
He couldn't look at his face anymore. He left the bathroom, accidentaly slamming the door behind him. He winced at the loud noise, knowing someone would be over to see what happened. He wasn't really in the mood to talk.
As if on cue, Luz came around the corner, concern plastered on her face. "Hey, is everything okay in here? I heard the door... slam." She looked at his face, worry settling on her features. Luz walked over, closing the distance between her and the angsty teen.
She took a minute to think, choosing her words carefully. "Hunter, are you okay? You look sad and tired." A little blunt, but fair. He was sure he looked like crap. He just stared at her, thinking of what he could say. "Here, let's sit on the couch."
She led Hunter over, sitting him down. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He stayed silent, looking at her eyes. They shown with concern and worry, both things he didn't want to see. She had no reason to care about his feelings when he had done so much.
Luz was apparently psychic, because she knew exactly what he was thinking. "I care about you because you're my friend. They weren't your fault, Hunter. They loved you, and it's okay to miss them. Blaming yourself only makes things worse. Your scars are a reminder that they love you, and would do anything to keep you safe." Dang, she's good.
She sighed. "Is it... okay if I touch you?" Hunter nodded, looking away from her. Luz scooted over, bringing her hand up to his face. She traced his scars, but stop when he flinched away. He looked just as shocked as she was. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"
He shook his head. "N-no. It just felt wierd." She went back to tracing, but stopped again as he jerked away. She noticed the corners of his mouth tugging upwards. Realization dawned on her. "Oh my Titan, your scars are ticklish!
A blush creeped onto his cheeks. He turned away, not denying the statement. Luz lightly grabbed his wrist. "Is this okay? I don't wanna over step." Hunter's blush doubled, hiding his face in his shoulder. He mumbled out a response. "It's fine, I guess."
Luz lit up, smiling at her new opportunity. She started to trace the scars on his arm, drawing little shaped into the sensitive flesh. He tried to hold in his giggles, but the persistent titters flew out, lighting up the room. "Mmmehehehe! Luhuhuz!"
He squirmed around, not tugging away, but definitely trying to escape the tickles. Luz giggled at his silliness, moving up to trace his neck. Hunter snorted, scrunching up his shoulders. "Nehehehe! *snort* Ihihihit thihihickles!"
He still didn't tell her to stop, nor did he push at her hands. He just sat there squirming, enjoying the sensation, feeling carefree. He didn't feel guilty when his friends were with him, enjoying his presence. Moments like these made him feel good, reminding him that he matters.
Luz traveled up one last time, going back up to his cheek. His giggles calmed back down, returning to their light and airy sound. "Thihihihis wahas duhuhumb!" She smiled. "Maybe a little, but you like it. Plus, it helped with your stinky-stupid thoughts. All around win!"
She stopped her traces, giving him a hug. Hunter gladly returned it, finding comfort in her arms. He got his last giggles out, clinging to Luz. She just smiled as they sat there, silently talking out their problems.
Maybe scars aren't so bad afterall.
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dballzposting · 2 years
hey do you know that post that is like "evil infodumping where you just tell lies" "older brother"? well that reminded me of an idea i had the other day
but since the Son family lives in the middle of el campo yknow i got thinking that they might believe on this one folklore leyend "la luz mala" (the evil light) that tbh just spawns in the forest and honestly older people use it to make little kids not go into the forest alone so i think Chichi would have told that to both Gohan and Goten
And whereas Gohan found out it was fake the second Piccolo threw him in the middle of fucking nowhere? I feel like Goten still believes it simply because he never got the explanation of why la luz mala happens and he hasn't gone to the forest alone because he listens to his mom you know, Gohan has tried to explain it to him once or twice but he doesn't think their mom would be too happy with that so he doesn't outright tell him;
Like he tries to give hints into the thought process that it's not real but Goten doesn't catch them and Gohan doesn't try anymore because at least his brother isn't going into the forest at night alone idk.. In the end it's not like he lives like that all his life he eventually finds out it's just a legend but he does live most of his childhood or teenage years believing that there is fucking spirits in the forest until idk Trunks gives him the scientific explanation on why lights spawn in the forest to make himself look smarter and then he goes to Gohan and Gohan is like "He's right and i've been trying to tell you most of my life" and Goten is like that picture at the end of the comic of the guy that wakes up from the dental surgery anesthesia and tries to fit his own fist in his mouth as fast as possible and then looks so distressed when they stop him
But i mentioned the evil infodumping older brother thing because the second Trunks finds out he's going to try to make Bulla believe it, not for any noble reasons he's just messing with her, and i feel like that would be hard to do but he could pull it off if he was feeling mischievous enough at the time, like going to "DAD HOW DO I MAKE AN ARTIFICIAL MOON" extremes, but it only works if he's a kid i don't think teenage Trunks has the energy to do that, if he was a teenager he would tell her "It's real, i've seen it, Goten too, ask him" and exudes the confidence he does that could make you believe that a jellyfish is 90% piss if he told you that (real thing i did to my internet friends btw i dont think any of them fact checked it until i told them it was fake a year later)
also about Gohan again: future Gohan would tell future Trunks about it so he doesn't go into the forests alone to train or something at night because he can't watch him or defend him in case anything happens to him just like Chichi told him so he wouldn't get hurt when he was a kid, so future Trunks believes in la luz mala until he gets older and maybe when he goes to the past he talks to present Gohan about it and Gohan tells him how "Yeah it's not real but my mom didn't want me going into the forest alone in case i got hurt" and it actually sinks in and he realizes that's also one of the many ways Gohan tried to protect him back when he was alive, and that worked even beyond that because Trunks didn't go into forests at night again did he?? (he goes in the day time and maybe he pets some animals like a disney princess but not at night, maybe he grows out of the habit once his timeline is at peace and he looks at the stars because they're pretty and who doesn't like stars)
and maybe he doesn't cry about it once he knows and remembers the man who practically raised him alongside his mother and that he's admired for most of his life but maybe he just does a little sad slightly shocked face and thinks about it while looking down at the ground because he looks like does that a lot for some reason
its 3 am i should go to bed uhh thats a @yu7i moment, saludos desde argentina
I do not know that infodump post but I can extrapolate details + the joke so we're all good
I don't know the anesthesia post either but again it all makes sense anyway
Maybe all of my lovely followers know those posts in question so maybe they love this post as well
Astute comparison between kid Trunks and teen Trunks .. I never would have cared to think it ... as a kid he has fun going sooo far for a prank but as a teen he has the ability to just sound so completely legitimate in one sentence that he doesn't need a whole set-up, and he would rather not have to put the time in anyway ....
So true about Future Trunks . . . . that is a bittersweet and profound experience unique to him . The other dragon ball guys don't get that . And when Trunks was young, he thought that Gohan was old, because that's how kids think. But now that he's 17 he realizes that Gohan was not that old, but he still did so much for Trunks .. and he had the tact to get Trunks to not go into the dangerous woods at night by using the same trick his mother had used on him .. if Trunks had a child that he had to be responsible for in his life then he would use the same trick now. And thats sort of completely beautoufl . Beuaotufl. Sorry. Beuaotuifl. Beautiful
Thank you for sharing as always
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
writing request!!! :D:D:D
I think you've talked about the location of the rips on hunter's shirt in king's tide vs everyone else's scratches? well i am here to propose . . . what if belos slashed just a tad bit farther through the shirt. what if.
make it fluffy with cam + owl house crew + vee or make it angsty, i dont mind either way
i love your writing btw it's amazing and the perfect mix of heartbreaking angst and im-gonna-cry-its-so-sweet found family happiness
I actually started writing something along these lines right after the episode aired, but this gave me the motivation/reason to finish it, thank you :)
“It’s okay, mi carina. You and your friends are safe here.”
For some reason, those words made Hunter’s knees buckle, and suddenly, Gus was supporting Hunter more than Hunter was supporting Gus. The adrenaline that had pushed him all the way here faded, and he was suddenly very aware of how tired and achy he was, and of all the little stings of the cuts and scrapes the fight had given him.
And a tearing, aching rawness across his stomach. Hunter pressed his good arm to his stomach, his vision going spotty with pain.
Gus nudged him. “Hey—Hey, are you okay, man?” he whispered
Hunter blinked back the fuzziness pressing at the corners of his eyes, shaking his head wordlessly.
Ms. Noceda ushered them all inside, fussing over the cuts and bruises that marked all of their faces. Hunter sank down to the ground, leaning his back against the couch. He closed his eyes, waiting for her to finish hovering over Luz so that he could get at the first aid kit.
“And you, hey, are you okay?”
He opened his eyes again to see her bending over him, alcohol swab in hand. Without waiting for an answer, she knelt down next to him, dabbing at the cuts on his face. Hunter flinched away with a hiss at the sting of the alcohol.
“Oof, I know, I’m sorry, it stings, but you need to get that cleaned up, okay? Would you prefer to do it yourself instead?”
Hunter nodded. He held out his hand for the swab, but the fingers of his right hand weren’t responding, still numb from the draining spell—and yet somehow, at the same time, burning and aching like hell itself, all the way up his shoulder and neck. He tried to grip the swab, but it just tumbled from his trembling glove. Ms. Noceda caught it, then gently took his arm, wiggling his fingers.
“Can you move your arm at all? Is it broken? Does it hurt?”
“It was magic,” Luz explained, her voice tired. She was curled up on the couch with Amity, her eyes bleak and red, “It’s not injured, right, Hunter? Just… the spell?”
Hunter nodded, trying and failing again to make his fingers move. “Sorry,” he croaked. The single word took almost all of his energy, and he went silent again.
Camila shook her head. “What for?” Her hand gently tilted his face up towards the light, and she dabbed again at the cuts. This time, Hunter didn’t flinch away from the expected sting, but his heart pounded in his chest at the contact. She plastered bandages on the cuts. “Any other injuries?”
 Hunter shook his head at the question on instinct, closing his eyes again. His arm dropped away from his stomach, and he leaned his head against the couch.
“Madre de Dios,” he heard Camila gasp, and she took his good arm. “Hey, where’s the injury?! Hunter, wake up!”
Hunter forced his eyes back open, blinking blearily at the source of the panic while the others crowded around. Red was staining his good arm, and he blinked at it for a couple of moments.
Stomach, he said, or tried to, but he couldn’t make his mouth move, like someone had just hit the “mute” button. His head swam, and he started to close his eyes again.
“His shirt’s ripped—look, there, I think Belos clawed him! I thought he missed, but…”
Someone looped their arms under Hunter’s, dragging him away from the couch and laying him flat on the floor. Cold air brushed up against his torso as the bottom of his shirt was rolled up, and then he heard an angry hiss from Camila.
Sorry, he wanted to say, sorry I said no, I don’t know why.
The cold sting of the cleaning alcohol against his stomach made him tense, his reflexes kicking in, and his good hand swatting Camila’s hand away. A wave of fear washed over him, making his stomach writhe as she reached out. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—
But she just took his good hand, holding it in hers. “There’s something in the wound,” she said gently, “Some kind of mud or slime or something. I need to get it out.”
Gus took his hand from her, and Willow took his other (as if he could move it anyway, but the gesture was appreciated), and Camila turned back to the injury. Silent tears of pain rolled down Hunter’s face as she cleaned out the wound, and he squeezed Gus’s hand.
Camila set the cleaner down, and Hunter went limp again, his hand almost sliding out of Gus’ grip.
Sorry, he wished he could say, but he still couldn’t talk, still couldn’t make his mouth move to say the words. He saw Camila pick up a needle and thread, and he gripped Gus’s hand again as the needle pierced his skin. She was quick, efficient, but it still seemed to take an eternity. The moment she dressed the wound and stepped back, he curled up on his side, ignoring how it made the wounds twinge and burn.
Sorry. I’m sorry. Sorry I made you worry.
I don’t know why you’d worry about me.
But I’m sorry I made you…
His whole body was shaking, from cold, exhaustion, pain, blood loss, he didn’t know, all he knew was that he couldn’t stop.
An arm slid under his knees, and tilted him back onto his back, another arm sliding around his mid back, and scooping him up.
“I’m going to find you some dry clothes,” Ms. Noceda murmured, “will you be able to change, or do you need Gus to help?”
I can do it
The words still weren’t coming. So Gus followed, and Ms. Noceda left the two of them alone in a bedroom with a fresh shirt and pair of shorts for both of them, one a size too big, and the other clearly Luz’s.
“Can you move your arm?” Gus asked softly.
Hunter tried to move his fingers, but found he still couldn’t and shook his head. He flushed as Gus helped him change into the dry clothes, furious at himself for being so helpless, but all he could do was sit there, and he could barely even do that.
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry you have to take care of me, I’m sorry…
Hunter slumped forward, his head falling onto Gus’s shoulder. He heard Gus calling for Ms. Noceda.
No, I’m just tired, he wanted to say, don’t bother her, don’t worry her for me.
I’m sorry, I’m supposed to be taking care of you.
The words still wouldn’t leave his mouth.
And Ms. Noceda was there again, and she checked the stitches, and touched his forehead with the back of her hand and declared that he had a slight fever, but it wasn’t anything to worry about. And she scooped him up again, putting him in the bed and pulling the blanket over him.
“Rest. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself right now.”
Hunter was shaking again, and she brushed his hair out of his forehead.
“I’ll come check on you again in a bit, okay? Try to get some sleep.”
You don’t have to do that.
I’m sorry, you don’t have to check, I’ll be okay.
But she came back.
He still wasn’t asleep, even though he couldn’t move from the exhaustion. Everything hurt too much.
He didn’t have to say it.
She just brought him a couple of red pills and some water and helped him sit up long enough to swallow the medicine.
And then he was falling again, this time onto her shoulder, and her hand touched his back, rubbing gentle circles, and he thought there might be tears leaking from his eyes, because she was making gentle shushing noises and telling him he would be okay, and that he was brave to have come all this way injured like that.
Sorry, sorry, sorry to cry on you like this
But her touch was warm and soft and comfortable, and the red pills must be doing something (or maybe it was the soothing voice telling him he’d be okay), because his eyes were closing without replaying his uncle’s death in his head.
Thank you, he wished he could say.
But he fell asleep silently.
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gh0--st · 2 years
Summary: Luz and Amity spend some quality time together.
Ships: Lumity
Characters: Luz (Ler) Amity (Lee)
Warning, This is a Tickle Fic, if your not into this, dont read this fic.
It was a noisy night at the Owl House. Eda and some others were partying downstairs, While Luz was staying upstairs with her girlfriend, Amity.
Luz could still hardly believe she and Amity were really dating, it felt like a dream. Amity was reading a book, with Luz watching.
Every now and then, Amity would catch Luz staring at her and they'd both become a blushing mess.
This time, Amity looked up, And if course, Luz was staring. Amity smirked, "Oh Noceda, am i just to dazzling that you have to stare?" She said, barely realizing the words that came out her mouth.
Luz's face went red, And so did Amitys. Amity stared back down at the book, burning with embarrassment.
Amity jumped as Luz's arms wrapped around her, squeezing her tight. Amity put down her book. "Maybe you are." Luz said.
Amity blushed, her ears twitching. Luz grinned at her. Amity smiled, "Well, it is common for a witch in such low position to fall for a Blights charm~" she joked, booping Luz on the nose.
Luz let out a dramatic gasp, "You jerk!" She said, giving Amity a small poke in the side. Luz jumped as Amity squeeked.
"What was that?" Luz asked. Amitys face went red, "Nothing!" She quickly said. Luz raised a brow. "Mind if i test something?" She asked.
Amity blinked, confused. "Uhm, sure.?" Amity replied. "What are you-" Amity was cut off as Luz suddenly squeezed her sides.
Amity let out small laugh, before smacking her hands against her mouth. Luzs eyes widened, "Oh my gosh! Amity are you- Are you ticklish!?" She exclaimed.
Amity tensed, "What? N-No! Of course not!" She stammered. Luz smirked, "Oh~? Then you wouldnt mind if i did.. This!"
Without warning, Luz pounced onto her girlfriend, and scribbled her fingers down her sides. Amity squeaked before bursting into small bubbly giggles.
Luz couldnt help but smile at how adorable her girlfriend was. "Not ticklish huh? Well you seem pretty ticklish to me!" Luz teased.
Amitys face went red, "S-shuhuhut uhuhup!" Amity managed to say through her giggles. Luz smiled mischievously.
"Your so cute like this Amity! Your like a wittle kitten!" Luz teased the girl, giggling as Amitys face went redder and redder.
"L-L-LUHUHUZ PLEHEHEHEAS!" Amity begged. "What is it? You want more tickles? Ask and you shall receive!" Luz said, scrabbling under Amitys underarms.
Amity squealed, instantly shoot her arms down, "NOHOHOHO! LUHUHUZ!" She laughed. "You kinda trapped my hands, Blight, cant stop now!" Luz grinned, starting to speed up her attack.
Amity laughed, letting out small snorts and tried to hide her tomato red face. Luz's heart melted at the sight. "Youre so cute!!" Luz squealed.
Amity couldnt respond through all the laughs and snorts she was letting out.
Finally, Luz stopped her attack, watching as her Girlfriend regained her breath, still letting out small giggles.
Luz hugged her, "Enjoy yourself, Mittens?" She asked. "You're the worst-" Amity said, nuzzling her head into Luzs neck.
Luz planted a small kiss on her forehead, "You love me!" She said. Amity smiled, and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.
Luz rested her head on Amitys, and closed her eyes. How did she get so lucky, meeting this witch.?
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snackleggg · 2 years
O Titan Where Art Thou Spoliers!
I'm again having Thoughts™️
What the fuck was that whole starting bit. So King's connection to the Collector let's him do that. Also the Collector doesnt seem to be aware that they ARE connected
I know the Collector is supposed to be bad but damn, the "Wait dont leave!" And "I wont be alone anymore!" they really just sounded like a lost kid
This episode was like self reflection time
Steve face reveal was the reveal we never knew we needed
I like how the helmet broke open for King's horns
"Looks like I'm due for a growth spurt soon" BABY BOY, NO STAY SMALL
Lilith this whole episode like, she had some realisation about herself
Full intro!? I missed you!
"Aw she sent so many hearts" the fact that they make sure to give us a single lumity crumb! Like! They know what we want!
King's the son of the boiling isles confirmed. I'm not crying this is eye sweat
Eda holding back her hand when she found out Lilith left a map, this woman wants to choose violence so bad
"Oh so you found a commune of blood thirty fanatics in a place that was supposed to be empty!" Eda throwing the shade
The "Tall genes" comment stqjwydykd
King being called Lilith's nephew is everything to me
"I wanna go on a heist!" "Of course you do" Eda this is your influence and you know it
Helicopter Hooty
King playing on the beach, my heart 🥺
Just, the whole scene of Eda talking to Raine and begging them to keep her kids safe. Eda's voice actor did an amazing job and I just got so emotional
The fight between Luz and Eda AAAAA IM GONNA CRY
"I can recommend a good therapist" yes, please let Lilith (and everyone else) get some therapy after this
"I'm going to set you down, please try not to bite anyone" WTSYDJFKEIW DARIUS
Eberwolf with the chomp chomp on those cuffs
At least we got what happened with the fight explained
Luz fan girling over Raine is everything
Raine calling Luz a human witch like yessss. Also the Eda bragging comment pfff
"You're a horrible actor, I had to make it look real" DARIUS IS A THEATER KID asdfghbkhk
"Uh this is just like Hexside" I wanna know the interactions Darius and Raine had in Hexside, you cant just say that and NOT explain!
"I'm starting to think I wasnt very good at my job" Its okay Lilith, you're getting better now is what counts
"We talked about this- You promised!" "I DID NOT AGREE TO THIS NAME" Darius is officially one my favourite characters
King's little "meow meow!" Being a reference to the first episode when Luz put her cat hood on- i cant
Honestly this just makes me even more hype for the next episode
Steve being part of the rebellion, YES
Amazing episode. Good little intermediate episode with just the right balance of fluff and angst. Still gonna be thinking about that beginning bit though
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
i dont have anymore interesting questions at the moment but im sick as hell and feel awful and would definitely appreciate some fluffy Beta!AU info if you've got it
I’ll dig through the trash and see what I got for ya chief
This isn’t canon Yet Maybe but I really like the idea of Luz like. having a guitar or a bass. And anyway singing in her room about stupid or angsty shit but once while singing she realizes it fits Amity pretty well and its not so much as angsty as Yearning and she has a crisis abt it but she still writes it down anyway. Amity later found it n was just Hmm as she looked at the lyrics.
Amity is the dumbass who would chew on objects she shouldn’t and then Luz whirls around like “WHAT do you have in your MOUTH?” shes liveed w King he does this all the time. She’s also a dumbass and sticks her entire hands in Amity’s mouth to pry it open and yank out the object. Even if you somehow knew Amity wouldn’t try to bite you she has BIG sharp teef but Luz does it w zero hesitation and gets a bleeding hand and a brain short-circuit for her troubles.
You’ve heard of Luz doing smoft gestures to Amity now get ready for: Amity doing smoft gestures to Luz. Leaning on her, nuzzling up to her neck, tracing the scars on the back of her hand, letting Luz lay her head on her and cupping it, all that good stuff. 
Eda wouldn’t know how many days would go by for a long time, she’d blink and suddenly a whole month had gone by and she swore she barely moved more than a few feet. So Luz started helping her with calendars and keeping track of the days that go by. Eda’s still a crackhead but she’s a lot more aware aware now and eventually even stopped tormenting King and just let him hang out around her. Certainly worked out in the end w Camila so she’d call it a win win
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djpurple3 · 4 years
Catch me trying to write fanfic on my phone bc its 12am and i dont care anymore. Roceit time. Roman angst. Hurt comfort.
@leiasolo77 @merlybird500 @broadwaytheanimatedseries @magpiemorality @stonedvirgil idk if yall like roceit or angst im just throwing pancakes at the ceiling and seeing what sticks. Feel free to ignore
Deceit kissed him softly, and Roman sighed. It was a perfect sigh, a happy sigh, and a practiced one at that.
Roman knew exactly how to act to seem okay. He knew exactly how to kiss Deceit back, exactly how to sling his arms around his love's neck and sigh contentedly. He knew exactly how to act.
"Roman," Deceit murmured against his lips, and the pure fondness sent a shiver down his spine. It was a double-edged sword, that chill. It was a wonderful hunger for more, to chase those sweet kisses and linger over them all night long. The other edge ripped through him, cold and merciless, and judgig by how the guilt settled in his stomach, Roman could tell what sort of a night it was going to be.
But that wasn't Deceit's fault. Deceit was kissing him just right. It seemed that even in his most quiet, intimate and unseen moments, Roman still just... wasn't enough.
He let Deceit deepen the kiss surrendering dreamily just as Deceit expected him to, and when they broke for air, Roman guided his lips up into a soft smile he practiced every day in the mirror.
Deceit hummed softly, pressing his hand to Roman's cheek tenderly. Roman buried into that steady warmth and let his eyes fall closed, unable to meet that soft look in Deceit's eyes any longer.
Why did Deceit even love him? There were so many better options than Roman. Whilst it was polite of Deceit to humour him, it all began to bubble horribly in the base of his throat.
"Roman," Deceit whispered again, and his voice was soft, yet thick. "Look at me, my love."
Roman swallowed it all down, and looked up at his love with shy eyes and a gentle smile, pressing a hand over Deceit's with a hum.
"What is it, mi luz?" he teased, turning his head to press a kiss into Deceit's gloved hand. No doubt still-gloved because Deceit didn't actually want to touch him.
"They say the eyes are the windows to the soul," Deceit began gently, taking Roman's head in both hands, turning his head so carefully, like Roman was made of glass, so Roman had to meet Deceit's mismatched gaze and all the intensity that entailed. "And I have been gazing into your eyes long enough, my prince, to know that tonight, your eyes tell me your soul is deeply and unequivocally sad."
Deceit flinched at how suddenly and openly Roman's face fell. And it turned into confusion and concern as Roman disentangled himself from his arms and took a step back.
"I apologise," Roman formally offered, and he was very impressed with himself, how even he managed to keep his voice. "I did not anticipate these... feelings to linger as long as they have."
Deceit frowned at him. Roman forced himself not to drop his chin. Showing weakness would prove that he wasn't good enough, especially for Deceit.
"Can I help?" Deceit offered slowly, voice coloured with concern. "What do you normally do on an off-day?"
Roman shrugged.
"I tend to keep working," he said, folding his hands behind his back. "And the feelings pass. They always do. I'll get out of your hair."
Roman turned to leave, but Deceit grabbed his wrist to stop him.
"Roman," Deceit said bluntly. "That's what we call repression."
Roman froze, wide-eyed, before trying to shake Deceit's grip.
"Roman, what do you do to look after yourself?" Deceit asked again, more forcefully (more desperate) this time. "How do you take care of yourself on a bad day?"
"What do you want me to say?!" Roman cut back, trying to twist out of Deceit's grasp once more. "Rose petal baths? Spaghetti? Disney movies? I don't, okay? Why waste all that on-"
On someone like me, was what Roman was going to say. But he found that he had his hand pulled over his own mouth before he could finish. And by the time he could pull it free, his lips were captured by Deceit's, whose breathing was hitching with what Roman realised was sobs and his eyes were wide open and confused even as Deceit pulled away, because this reaction was not what he'd expected.
He's expected... hatred, maybe. Distaste, certainly. He'd expected Deceit to all but spit in his face and turn him away for daring to be broken.
"My love," Deceit breathed, and Roman's own breath hitched at how it was still 'my love.' "Roman, what would you like first? The bath? The movies? We are not putting off looking after you for another second."
"I do not wish to be a hassle," Roman half-laughed. "I'll be fi-"
"Loving you is no hassle," Deceit cut him off. "How often? How often do you mask your sadness behind that radiant smile of yours? How many façades have I kissed? How many times have I neglected you?"
"You've done no such thing," Roman tried to argue, but one look into Deceit's watery eyes silenced him.
"Who was it who convinced you?" his love whispered, pulling him in tight. "Who told you that you were only worth it if you were perfect? I need to know, so I know who to turn to dust."
Roman laughed wetly at that, and it wasn't until Deceit rubbed his thumb under Roman's eye ever so softly that Roman noticed he was crying.
"Come, my love," Deceit smiled, equally as damp. "We're going to go have a self-care day."
"Can't have a self-care day if you don't care about yourself," Roman blurted dryly, before he flinched back in preparation for the reaction he was bound to get.
Instead, Deceot pressed a soft kiss into Roman's temple and pulled him in close, letting Roman bury his nose in the crook of Deceit's neck.
"I'll teach you," he said thickly. "It's not going to be easy, but you deserve to understand just how much you're worth it."
Deceit was always good with words. Good enough to jab at something in Roman's unequivocally sad soul and make the tears start flowing in earnest, until Roman was sobbing openly into Deceit's shoulder.
"Until then," Deceit vowed through a shaky tone, "I'll love you enough for both of us. I promise."
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Pecks and Clementines (George Luz x Reader)
Author’s Note: After this, I’ll shortly open my inbox so please stay tuned! I apologize in advance if any of my lovely readers are allergic or dislike clementines hnhh. Also also- I love you guys, that is all.
Warnings: just a few swear words, nothin’ too major +its pretty fuckin long cause ahaha slowwww burn with luz hnghh 
Words: 7.1k (my essays are quaking)
Description: A simple interaction shared between you and George leaves him enamored and he finds himself having feelings for you. You soon follow suit. Who knew giving clementines could get you someone as amazing as George?
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Taglist:  @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi,@noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @gutsandgloryhere, @hihosilvers, @rayleighshughes, @floydtab, @wexhappyxfew, @sherlollydramoine, @meganthesunflower, @3milesup, @jamie506101, @sunflowerchuck, @softlieb, @k-websters, @punkgeekchic, @speirs-crazy-ass, @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant, @runtdrummer, @fromtheoldtimes​
+if ya wanna be added, dont be afraid to send an ask or dm!
A gesture was all it took.
What happened wasn’t even something intimate; it was more of a touch that was commonly shared by acquaintances or strangers rather than lovers. To briefly put it, that gesture was just you offering him a clementine. He remembers how he was fixed upon the bright orange clementine in your soft hand, ripe and just begging to be peeled and eaten.
A kind, old woman generously handed you plenty back in England and so you thought you’d share. George was the nearest to you and so he was the first one who received the sweet citrus fruit, something he never thought he’d be thankful for.
Passing it along to him, you thought nothing of the interaction as a mere act of kindness. However it felt like so much more. How an act as simple as that made him burst into flames is an enigma. Not to mention how your hand ever so softly brushed against his. The touch lingering mere moments longer after the deed was done and George couldn’t help but feel just a tad disappointed when it finally disappeared.
He didn’t even know if he felt it... But he did, and with that one coincidental incident--he was hooked. A magnetizing presence was what you had, and like a piece of metal, George was instantly drawn to you.
Who wouldn’t?
There was something unique about you, something he had never seen or experienced before. That moment back in England felt so far away but also felt like it just occurred yesterday. The technician thought about you for weeks, the beautiful and more than capable soldier who put up with the company.
(Y/N) (L/N)... (Y/N) (L/N), he kept repeating in his head, your name ingrained in his head and it spilling out of his lips like a mantra. Thoughts about you in his head bouncing around like how a ball would when thrown against a surface.
The young man couldn’t identify how to describe how he felt, what he was experiencing only categorized as a deep and sensual longing. Of course George knew that it was way more than a passing fancy, for it was exponentially deeper. Complicated were the feelings of love, and George was yet another who got caught in the mystery of it.
His heart fluttered whenever his honey brown eyes laid upon yours, that radiant (E/C) hue that seemed to reveal your innermost secrets yet simultaneously concealing them from the outside world. Of course for the past few months of his newfound attraction towards you, he’d dismiss it as nothing serious.
But one cannot plainly deny fate and George soon accepted that fact. Now, he made more of an effort to see you--to interact more with the woman who’d captured his heart. But moments with you were scarce, making it even more a reason to cherish and savor them for as much as he could.
Easy Company had been staying in Normandy, the events of D-Day all too fresh on everyone’s minds. A break was what they needed and the men indulged themselves in the quiet and peaceful moments before they would move out again. They were stationed in a quaint town where they were now resting.
Perconte was showing off the many watches he had snagged from dead soldiers to Blithe, who was only silent and once again zoning out. Banter was frequent and it comforted the both of you, a homey and cozy feeling enveloping your forms. But all good things come to an end and Welsh had told the company that they would be capturing a town called Carentan. Welsh had just informed the men, who were still tired and perhaps a bit sluggish, that General Taylor would be sending the whole division for this.
“Remember boys, maybe three days and three nights of rough fightin', and you will be relieved!'" George rang out towards the group. The ebony haired man receiving a few laughs and an especially amused look from 2nd Lieutenant Welsh as well. George cracked a smile of his own as he continued.
“Another thing to remember boys, flies spread disease, so keep yours closed.” Laughs were plentiful then, one soldier even jokingly telling him to shut up.
Then… That’s when he heard it--your laugh. George had never heard anything more beautiful in his entire life, and for once in the war, he felt like he was floating his way to heaven. He never noticed you were so close to him, as he was preoccupied mimicking the  General himself. George let his jaw go slack and gazed at your twinkling eyes, your lips still stretched in a smile. His own orbs never left your form and while his mouth was parted, no words came out.
“Ello, Georgie, you were imitating Taylor a lil while ago, what’cha mimicking now? A rock?” A devilish grin was on your face and George felt himself heat up, a light rouge color dusting his cheeks.
You chuckled as you walked alongside him with the rest of the men. The technician’s eyes only widened for a second before reverting to their normal size. “For your information Corporal (L/N), I was imitating a soldier who was left speechless from looking at a beauty.”
After his remark, it was your turn to flush. Turning your head sideways so as to not let George see your face from picking up any more color. Triumphant and feeling a bit proud in himself for making you react like that, George nudged you and you were met with a smirk. You two stuck by each other’s sides as you and the rest of the company kept on marching to their next destination, butterflies in your stomach the whole journey through.
Happiness was what you felt, and you found yourself experiencing them when you were with George. Silence took over you both, it was comfortable and quiet, even if the rest of the boys weren’t. For George, it wasn’t like him to be silent--little did you know that he was only like that because he was far too afraid to embarrass himself.
Prior confidence be damned, the poor boy was reduced to a puddle when around you, and you could say the same about yourself when you were around him too (you were just a tad bit better at keeping your composure than George).
Deciding to strike up another conversation with him, you looked up at him and your two eyes met for a short time before turning back to face forward again. “You all good, Georgie?”
“I’m good.” Warm hazel eyes glanced at your being next to his, the corners of his lips tugging into another one of his dopey smiles.
The way the sun played upon your hair, the beams reflected on it making it seem like you had a halo, and after taking note of that his smile only grew bigger. “Very good, (Y/N).”
And George knew that no amount of his jokes or imitations could hide the fact that he was head over heels.
Carentan was nothing short of traumatic, it was something else and the thought of it left a foul taste on George’s tongue. It made him queasy just thinking about it and while he knew these sorts of things would happen, George would rather much prefer if these events were shoved deep in the back of his brain.
A lot of things kept his mind running though, like Skip’s hilarious recountings of what he did in his hometown, Johnny’s quips and sarcastic comments, and Guarnere chipping in his opinion on obscure matters. And of course, how could he forget you sitting right beside him--so close it was almost unbearable. You two joined in whatever conversation the men close to you were having and George felt as if he’d been blessed every time you giggled at one of his jokes.
Then all the sudden Smokey was reciting a poem he had made, much to the chagrin of Talbert and Smith. “Night of the Bayonet” as he had called it, and George exhaled air out his nose the moment he started speaking. Talbert and Smith were good-natured about it though, and every time Gordon finished a rhyme, a chorus of light chuckles followed. It was amusing, seeing one of your fellow soldiers like this and you were grinning throughout the entire thing.
“Never knew Smokey was Shakespeare.” You comment under your breath, and George perked up almost immediately as soon as your melodious voice flowed to his ears.
“Neither did I, but we’re all full of surprises aren’t we?” George playfully replied, reveling in the smile you sent his way before turning back to the standing soldier. Smokey went on in the background, making everyone in the mess hall chuckle.
Finishing his poem, with a slightly embarrassed Talbert and Smith still trained on his figure, Smokey took off his Purple Heart and announced how he’ll give it to Talbert. The mess hall erupted in whoops and cheers as Gordon handed it to a more than gleeful Tab. The atmosphere was right, and it was all smiles and laughs, how glad George was that Carentan was far behind them. Conversations danced in the air, easily coming out and before George could engage a talk with you, Lipton’s voice filled the air.
Words ceased and heads turned, their attention fixed on the Sergeant.
“Couple of announcements, men.”
“And woman.” George turned his head at you, his head of soft, dark hair taking up most of your vision.
His quiet comment and signature smile made you a bit more relaxed as you had quite stiffened up ever since Lip stood up. You playfully smack his arm and George raises his hands in a faux surrendering motion. The young man sticking his tongue playfully at you as you mockingly rolled your eyes before reverting your attention back to Lipton.
Apparently, their training had been canceled and you wrapped your arms around Babe (the replacement who you and Guarnere quickly got along with) and George briefly while cheering, the latter returning the gesture. Not even a second later, Lipton then announced how their passes were revoked. Smiles turn into light frowns and George’s happy mood deflates, he could feel your arms slowly dropping from his shoulders.
To further add salt to the wound, Easy Company wouldn’t be returning back to England. They were heading back to France, and they had to pack up all their gear and get a move on. Plans you had hoped to do in England were now unceremoniously pushed out of the window, your eyebrows now furrowed hard. You puffed your cheeks out in annoyance and in quiet exasperation as the building turned silent.
George and you exchanged glances at one another, George mouthing ‘what the fuck?’. That made you chuckle louder than you expected and during the Sergeant's announcements, and few men craned over to where you were, giving you a confused glance. Your head dipped from slight embarrassment and you teasingly glared at Luz, who only mouthed back a simple ‘not my fault’, which in return you softly elbowed his upper arm.
“As you were,” and with that, Lipton’s announcements were concluded.
Everybody remained silent for just a little bit longer, seemingly trying to process the new information, but it wasn’t long before chatter rose up. The table, however, was noticeably not the same old happy table they were before. Skip and Luz only looked down and you glanced at black haired individual, thinking of ways to cheer him up.
“Hopefully there’ll be sweet old ladies who give out a store’s worth of clementines in France too,” you said while nudging the technician.
The way you had said was almost wistful, dreamy even, as if you genuinely hoped that you would get at least one of the fruits that you have come to love. Luz immediately mentally makes a note to get you some soon.
George immediately let a wide beaming smile fill his face, his head replaying the memory of you ever so graciously handing him one--the moment where he realized that he had become smitten by you. In a singular moment, you noticed how the whole table seemed to brighten up. What you didn't notice was how George’s gleaming eyes were glazed and a light pink color situated itself on his cheeks.
“(Y/N), of course there’s plenty of them in France. I’m just not sure if they’ll give any to you though.” You feigned hurt at George’s joke, dramatically wiping nonexistent tears as you pretend to not stand George’s presence any longer.
Like a sappy movie, George imitated a heartbroken man and you broke your act, laughing hard at George’s ridiculous imitation. That same warm feeling returned to his chest seeing you clutching your stomach, laughing heartily at something he did.
It was surreal, transcending all human comprehension.
Skip and Martin were caught up conversing on a subject George couldn’t care less about and Guarnere and Heffron seemed to click instantly and they discussed things back in Philadelphia. Recovering from your fit of laughter was no easy task and you begged George to stop messing around or else you wouldn’t be able to breathe.
“You’ll make history Corporal (Y/N), can you imagine--the first soldier to die of laughter rather than a battle wound.”
“And you Luz--the first soldier without a brain to survive a war.”
Proudly smirking at his widened eyes and gaping mouth, it was beautiful seeing it bloom into another one of his charming grins. With no one really paying you two any mind, your smile to George felt different. No longer was it friendly, it felt almost more at that moment. In the frame of just a few seconds, you knew that there was something else.
The chatting in the background kept you tied down to Earth before you could further float away in the moment you and George silently shared. You two were just chatting mere seconds ago, so why now does George look so…? Look so handsome, why now do you only notice that? It was nothing, it was natural to acknowledge an attractive person, and so you paid no mind to that fluttering feeling located deep inside of you.
Clinking from the white porcelain dishes snapped you out of you and George’s reveries and you blinked a multitude of times to get a sense of what just happened. Skip ruffled your hair as if to catch your attention, and it worked.
“The “I’ve-Been-Scared-Shitless-by-the-Ghost-of-my-Great-Uncle” look doesn’t really suit you two.” Skip had said to you as he finished messing up your hair, you turned to give him a deadly look only for it to look like a pout--which he laughed at.
George stood up from the bench and situated himself next Skip before gracefully putting his arms around his shoulders in an exaggerated manner.
“Are you done shitting on the face my mother gave me or is there something else, Mr. Warren ‘My-Dick-was-Baptized-in-the-Niagara-River’ Muck?”
Skip quirked his eyebrows up at George, and a sound that seemed like a combination of a snort and an ambulance left the dirty blonde man. Amused and cheery, the three of you erupt in a burst of subtle chuckles and your exuberant beam dies as you three begin to quiet down.
“Well, if you two weren’t so busy ogling each other, we’re goin’ out already. Need to pack our bags and head out to France, just our luck.” Skip’s thumb pointed to the exit, a steady flow of soldiers already heading out the wooden door.
You grumble quietly, remembering what Lipton had said prior to all this and George couldn’t help but notice your slightly sour mood. Skip was well ahead of you and George, as the both of you took your time getting ready to leave. That same comfortable silence in which you two were so familiar with encompassed you both, but it was slightly dampened from that inconspicuous frown you brandished on your lips.
Finally standing up and smoothing down the wrinkles that have accumulated on your skirt from sitting down, your gaze fell to George. He was patient and didn’t mind waiting for you, but on his face a concerned expression makes itself known.
You attempted to reassure him with a smile, which only seemed to make his eyebrows furrow more. Walking towards the exit and subtly pushing your way through the soldiers by the door, you spoke up about your worries and frustrations.
“I’m just upset, y’know?” Your hands gestured to yourself before falling limply to your side, the both of you subconsciously walked back to the barracks--already having memorized the path to it.
“Oh wow, who would've guessed? Jesus Christ (Y/N), your frown is as noticeable as Malarker’s hair.”
George’s response made you blow out air from your nose, your tense soldiers relaxing before they went stiff again. The raven haired technician placed a reassuring hand on the back of your neck, immediately relieving you.
“But don’t you think it’s too soon?” You questioned him, “We only just got back from Carentan and we lost 65 men there. 65 men, Georgie!”
Immediately hands turned your body to face the man in front of you, and your lips briefly opened from the suddenness. Even after you had already been put forward his hands rested on your shoulders, lightly gripping the fabric of your uniform. Your breathing evened out, no longer the erratic rhythm it took on just a few moments ago. The dirt road you two occupied to the barracks were surprisingly barren, despite the many soldiers who seemed to have been more than eager to head back.
“It’s alright (Y/N), it’s goin’ to be alright.”
“And if not..?” That tinge of desperation in your voice slightly broke something in George and it struck a chord in his heart.
He didn’t want you to be like this--in fear of what the future holds. To see his crush and closest friend look so defeated and frustrated left a deep sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach and he desired nothing more than to see you beam again. Oh how he wanted to just swoop you up and kiss you until nothing other than him was on your mind, but he restrained himself. A genuine look nestled itself in George’s sepia eyes, and his hands loosened their grip on your shoulders.
“Well, you still have me.” A shit-eating grin that exudes cockiness replaced his once serene one. He was obviously trying to cheer you up, and of course it worked.
“Oh, shut up, George.”
“And you think that you saying that will make me?”
Your hand went to playfully shove him, but his arm wrapped around your body, pulling you flush against his side. That same beautiful laugh of yours rang out in the air and the once tense and melancholy atmosphere from just a few moments ago dissipated like smoke on a rainy day. The sun could only hide in shame when it saw your blinding smile and George never felt so happy. Previous negative emotions also washed away, being replaced with a soft feeling of bliss.
You two walked back to the barracks, laughing on the whole journey there. The both of you seemed to forget how you still have your arms hanging around each other’s forms, too wrapped up in the conversation you shared with George. Either way, if you did notice, you didn’t think that you would ever want to let go. And for once you let your mind slip about what will happen in the war.
Like what George said: you did still have him after all.
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Returning back to France wasn’t as bad as you had thought, maybe it was because you now grew closer to the ebony haired technician. Mourmand-le-Grand was a quaint little commune and news said that you’d be occupying the small town until Easy Company received orders for another assignment. For the most part, it was so serene, quite the opposite of what you were actually feeling.
A cacophony of little tiny voices of your head screaming at the same time and a discord and flurry of emotions swirled in your chest--restless thoughts about George occupied the space of your brain, turning it into a pig sty of complicated feelings.
After that day, your feelings for George surged through the roof, and what you thought was just as a simple crush turned into something more. Spending time with George went as usual, but you noticed a few additions.  Both you and George acknowledged this, but you two were too unsure of the signs to ever push things forward.
Maybe it was the way your hand was lingering longer on his shoulder, the way George looked at your direction for a few more seconds than necessary, or the persistent emotion that always flourished whenever you were near him. That same persistent feeling that could be compared to honey--sticking no matter what and saccharine sweet.
You two knew about your feelings toward each other, hell you even accepted the fact that you did! But how come you two never did anything else? It was if you two stumbled across a brick wall blocking you both from the next step, and instead of trying to find a way around it or break through it, you two just sat there. It just never picked up, and you really didn’t know what to do about it.
If someone were to tease you and George by calling you two a couple or ‘good match’, the latter would always erupt into flames. You would stammer, denying all claims even if they were so fucking obvious and clear as day-
Malarkey and Skip always pestered you to make a move, for he was as in love with you as much as you were with him. They’d try to goad you to finally make the relationship official, often asking you what were you waiting for. You dismissed their ideas and swatted their suggestions to do so, much to the chagrin of the two. It wasn’t as if you were afraid that he didn’t reciprocate your feelings, you knew he did. It was just…
God, why was it all so complicated?
“I don’t get it (Y/N), I really don’t,” Skip propped his elbows on the wooden table, “What’s the point of waitin’ around, you’re just making it harder for yourself.”
Malarkey scooted his chair closer to you and Skip, deciding to hop on the conversation you two are having, “Yeah, you two are practically a couple by now, why are you stalling?” He added, his flaming hair emphasizing the look of disbelief and confusion on his face.
“Well, it’s going to be weird, George is my friend!”
“He also happens to be a friend,” Skip raises his arms to put air quotes, “who is in love with you!” The blonde man quickly quips back, his hands gesticulating wildly in the air to highlight the absurdity of your predicament.
Not having the energy to respond with one of your own snappy remarks, you let Skip’s words sink into your mind. You exhaled and slowly slumped on your chair, your warm forehead making contact with the cool surface of the table. A groan from the back of your throat left your lips, your two confidants giving each other looks before turning back to focus on your hunched form.
“How about you tell him tomorrow?” Malarkey casually suggests, not noticing the way your eyes grow big.
The question punches you deep in the gut and you struggle to form a cohesive thought for a second. You raise your head to give an incredulous look to Malarkey, “And what makes you think I’ll agree to that-”
“Just think about it, (Y/N). You both still have your weekend passes, right? So maybe you two can have some quality couple bonding time with each other--tell him how you feel then you two can do whatever it is couples do.”
Your head went up at the idea, Malarkey grinning when he saw you do so. Your eyes flickered between Malarkey’s face and your lap, your (E/C) orbs deep in thought. Suddenly your face grew warm at the idea of you and George spending time together, and maybe actually going on a date. (Well technically you two actually went on plenty of dates and things like that, you both were just too stubborn to ever call it them that or admit it.)
“And you won’t even have to worry about the rest of us bothering you two because we’d probably be too shit-faced to.”
Skip let out a cheeky smirk and gave a knowing glance to both you and Malarkey, the both of you playfully rolling your eyes at the man. You contemplated for a few more moments, trying to wrap your head around what you’re going to get yourself into. It was a bit stupid--how you were waiting and putting things on hold. Maybe Skip was right about you making it more difficult for yourself and George. Your fingers and fingernails drummed against the wooden table as you pressed your cheek into the palm of your hand.
The two men only glanced at your figure, still idle on the chair. Waiting for an answer, you finally broke the stale, silent air. You released a breath you didn’t even know you were suppressing and gazed upon the expectant looks on Malarkey and Skip. They were on the edge of their seat, looking like a kid waiting to open their presents on Christmas.
“Fine. Tomorrow. If it doesn’t go well I’m going to replace your bullets with stale bread.”
Your thinly veiled threat, which wasn’t even a threat but more of a joke, didn’t deter Malarkey and Skip from bursting into a fit of cheers. Their loud whoops and shouts made you smile and gave you just a bit of reassurance for the next day. The blond and ginger man could be seen giving each other high-fives and patting each other on the back, clearly they had been anticipating this moment for a very very long time.
You knew these two will never shut up about them being you and George’s wingmen if the date goes as planned.
“Stop moping (Y/N), before y’know it, you’re going to be asking yourself why you didn’t do this sooner!”
You looked at Malarkey quizzically but as soon as you did your expression turned into something of the brightest of smiles. The two of them sunk back into their chairs, clearly proud of their feat of finally convincing you to go on an official date with George Luz himself. Both of these idiots are the both the best and worst things to have ever happened to you.
But you now had a date to worry about, and you prayed heavily for it to go well.
So that’s where you found yourself currently, fussing over your uniform even if you usually didn’t. Tilting your cap so it rested perfectly on your head and adjusting your tie ever so often. Adrenaline pumped throughout your body and a surge of excitement plowed through your being every few minutes.
You remember the pep-talk your two friends have given you (if you can even call it that, it was just Skip teasing you and Malarkey reminding you to stay responsible like a mother). Their reassuring smiles as they left the door brought a feeling of consolation to your nerve-wracked figure.
“--go get him, (Y/N)!”
“And don’t forget to use a condo-” You never shoved anyone so fast out the door so hard in your life.
“Why can’t you two just hurry up and get drunk sooner?”
Your exasperated tone did nothing to hide your clearly warm and flushed face, but your eyes could’ve most definitely paralyzed the men. Skip and Malarkey chuckled loudly before Skip stopped right in front of the door and took off his cap and bowed. Malarkey soon did the same gesture.
“You wish is our command, m’lady.”
Sarcasm flowed from every pore of that statement and you can only huff in amusement at their antics. The two men rushed to the pub where most of the other soldiers were, their arms raising up to bear you farewell, more words of encouragement leaving their lips. A cheeky grin flashed on Skip’s face as he gave you one last joking middle finger--which of course you returned to him.
Their forms disappeared around the corner and you took all your willpower to calm down your rapidly beating heart.
It was now or never, you had guessed.
Even with the two men always pouring you with comforting remarks and consoling you, your body soon soared above the skies with anxiety once again. Oh, you didn’t even know what you were worried about--you like him and he likes you.
In what part of this date was making you so nervous, you two had done it plenty of times. Perhaps it was because you finally came into terms that you did indeed have feelings for him, for all the other times you were so blissfully ignorant of your special bond with him. Shaking your head to relieve yourself of any more questions, you opted to stay silent for the duration of your wait.
So you patiently waited for George near the dirt road where you had told him to meet you. Your thumbnail was placed between your lips and your left foot drummed against the dry floor in a very antsy manner. Seconds rode on achingly slow, it was if they wanted you to suffer. Maybe this was a bad idea, and maybe he wasn’t going to come after all. Why’d you ever listen to those two? What good ever came from actually paying heed to them? With a defeated sigh, you kicked a pebble near your feet and maneuvered your body to head back to the barracks-
“Hey, (Y/N).”
So you turned slowly, your form still in the middle of trying to walk back. And as soon as you did, you thought you were blinded from the sheer beauty that George exuded. Your voice got trapped in your throat and you swore you forgot to even breathe for the briefest of moments. George Luz, standing in front of you with the brightest smile you ever saw him wearing. Both of your lips slightly parted as you took each other’s appearances in, gawking not so subtly at each other.
If you fainted, you wouldn’t exactly blame yourself--just look at him! His soft and short raven hair picking up light from the sun’s rays, giving it a sheer glow. And that damned smile of his, the same one he always wore--and every time they captivated you, this time was no exception. His uniform was clean and crisp, fitting him quite nicely. All you wanted was to stop time so you had just a moment to gather yourself. Instead of fluttering butterflies, you had a whole stampede of elephants occupying your stomach.
“You don’t look half-bad yourself, Georgie,” The amount of effort you put to make your voice sound presentable, you would’ve squeaked it out if you just let it out.
George only hummed in acknowledgement at your greeting, clearly distracted by your presence as you were with his. Your hands shuffled nervously, catching his eye. And the way your (E/C) gleamed as they always had, and despite you acting so flustered, that same spark you carried with you was noticeable. Your lips were caught between your teeth, and he laughed almost sheepishly when you noted his look. Beautiful… You were so beautiful in his eyes.
Time whizzed by and the date for which you two came for flew over your head. Stammering at the realization, you snapped out of daze and walked forward to stand face to face with George.
Forgetting the basket in his hands, George raised it up for you to see. You didn’t even notice that he had a basket for you, as you were too caught up admiring him. It didn’t even take a second for you to immediately recognize its contents. The vivid orange color of the many clementines that were nestled in the straw basket made you beam. After taking one into your hands and inspecting them, you turned your head to look up at George.
“You remembered! How’d you get these?”
Before his response could leave his lips, you pressed your index finger at his lips--effectively shushing him and making him flush.
“Wait no let me guess-” Your fingers snapped before pointing at him, “An old woman came up to you and ever so generously handed you these.”
George laughed and while shaking his head briefly, and that sent shivers crawling down your spine, and you felt aware of the close distance you two shared. You stepped away cautiously, as to not put attention on your form. George eyed the basket one more time before locking his chocolate eyes onto yours.
“Where’d you get 'em then?”
“Saw a tree down by the road-” Cutting him off you glanced at the orange citrus before playfully shoving George.
Shameless was George’s expression, he even seemed pleased even. You gawked at his nonchalant attitude, and George passed the straw basket to you.
“Oh, George you didn’t!” Strolling to your intended spot with George was filled with quips and chuckles, but you couldn’t conceal the surprised expression you held in your face. Eyes still blown wide and mouth stuttering. George stole these clementines… For you? He surely must be joking-
“Oh yes, I did.”
“George Luz, holy shit, where’s your dignity?” You teasingly questioned him.
While you seemed reluctant and against the idea of stealing the possessions of others, you didn’t even hesitate to let your fingers snatch up a small clementine from the basket.
“I never had any in the first place.” He replied, to which you giggled at.
Finally arriving at the place where you and George had agreed to spend your date at, you plopped yourself on the grass with the grace of a new-born deer. You were quite glad you and the technician decided this to be the place. It was simple, really, just a tree near a meadow. The spot wasn’t that far off from the main road and you had a clear view of the serene commune. The sky was absolutely beautiful, a gorgeous azure color--free of any clouds with the sun blessing you with its warm, welcoming rays.
The basket was set between the two of you, giving you a bit of space. The tree provided you with shade, the rustling of the leaves making for relaxing background noise. You would’ve heard the birds singing if it weren’t for the incessant pounding of your heart--it still manages to run a marathon even after it had surely been beating since the beginning of the day.
While your gaze avoided that of George’s, he was quite the opposite. George rested his eyes on your figure, trailing over your form and taking in every single detail. Adoration stretched across his face as the day continued, the two of you staying in a cloak of comfortable silence.
The clementine from earlier was still pressed snug against your palms, and to keep your head busy, you decided to peel it. Using your nails to shed the outer skin and popping a piece into your mouth, immediately hitting your tongue with the fresh taste. Growing bold, you picked a piece and reached your arm to offer it to George.
As if a movie reeled in his head, he was reminded of the first time he had ever interacted with you. George took the piece in your hand, his fingers brushing against your palm--offering him that same shock as the moment you two had shared in England. Muttering his thanks, he concentrated on how utterly peaceful you looked (even when on the inside, you were practically having all natural disasters occurring within you).
You grabbed another clementine from the basket, and once again offered a piece to George, who only looked pleasantly taken back. Breaking the silence, conversations soon flowed easily, like a stream. Hugging your knees close to your chest, you chatted with the black haired man, laughing and giggling ever so often at one of his stories. No longer the silence you two had shared at the beginning, but rather that same banter and ridiculous back-and-forth you always had with each other.
“Did I ever tell you the story of how I stole the neighbor’s dog?”
“You did what?”
“Don’t worry--I gave it back, naturally.”
Letting his words sink in, you grinned--your lips reaching the corners of your eyes. For a second, you felt slightly guilty for laughing at the whole thing. You raised an eyebrow at him, urging him to tell you more.
But you leaned back, still in disbelief at his words and still finding his antics just a bit amusing all the same.
“Well did I ever tell you the story of how I’m going to smack you so hard, they’ll give you a Purple Heart?”
His soft head of hair turned back in a flurry, his hands flying up to shield his upper arms. Giggling, you reassured him that you wouldn’t.
“I’m only joking, calm down!”
Settling down, George continued the many stories of his shenanigans back at his hometown. You gazed in wonder the whole time, nodding your head absentmindedly at each syllable that spilled out of him. The digits of your hands slowly inched closer to his, George also unknowingly doing the same.
The timbre of his voice and impressions left you breathless, your chest almost hurting from the countless times you let out a long chuckle. The grass felt nice upon the surface of your skin and you resumed your conversation with Luz, until you felt something warm against the back of your hand.
Visibly tensing up, you realized that George’s hand was on top of yours. Slumping and relaxing your shoulders when figuring out, George’s words came out fuzzy. Muffled and incoherent, you no longer paid them mind--instead bringing your fingers to intertwine with his. Your companion stopped speaking, sentences refusing to leave his lips.
Without even having to utter a word, the two of you were drawn to each other. Leaning in closer to close the proximity between you two, the basket placed in the middle was knocked over--the small clementines falling out and rolling a short distance before stopping. The clementines were strewn about, but you and George paid no mind. Tantalizing, his lips were right there in front of you--slightly parted and ever so rosy. And with a burst of passion, you leapt to capture his mouth in a slow peck, one that only lasted for a few seconds.
You did it. You actually did it.
“I love you so fucking much, (Y/n)--”
But before George could even say anymore, you silenced him with yet again another short kiss. Your reply was as clear as day, and George looked so enthusiastic and happy you could’ve giggled just a bit at his reaction if it weren’t for the current ardent atmosphere.
George’s cheeks were warm to the touch, and as you pulled away from the brief kiss he could only watch as you breathed heavily. Silently and deliberately, you leaned in--much slower this time. The peck from before laid forgotten in the fervent kiss you gave him.
Your (S/C) hand resting on the side of his head, cupping his head gently. Fingers that were once only loosely connected were tautly wrapped around her each other, his thumb brushing over the supple skin of your hand. In a moment that lasted for what seemed like forever, when you finally stopped--you only craved more.
It was so feverish and heartfelt, yet so tender and like a feather barely ghosting over the edges of your body.
Was this really the same George you knew all this time?
That was all George said, he himself finding no words to even capture what he felt earlier. Captivated by you, George let his hands grab onto both of your wrists, slipping them down from his face so he can hold them in his own hands.
Deciding to tease him just a little bit, you smirked.
“Was I really that bad?” The way his face turned from a sappy, adoring look to a flustered emotion gave you happiness you couldn’t really fathom.
“Of course not- (Y/N)... You were-- You were amazing.”
“Real smooth, ain’t cha Luz?”
Still wrapped in each other’s embrace, Luz pulled you forward, setting yiu down on his lap as he wrapped his arms around you. Burying his nose in the crook of your neck, you relished in this intimate moment you shared with George. Sitting dormantly with limited movement, the world went still for a moment.
The early morning turned into a bright afternoon. Scooped in his hold, you pressed compassionate kisses all along the edges of his face, his eyelashes fluttering subtly whenever you did so. With the grass matted around your bodies, George’s voice--like music--peppered sweet and quiet declarations of love into your ear.
As you were about to doze off with the feeling of glee surrounding your head, George leaned forward, effectively knocking off your stupor on his shoulder. Light fingers brushed the skin of a nearby clementine--the rest still dispersed in a small pile. Bringing it up to your half-lidded eyes, you twinkled at the sight.
The simple act of you two offering the other the sweet fruit seemed like it was you and George’s own unique way of saying ‘I love you’. Sparing not even a second, you brushed what seemed to be like your 1,000th peck of the day on his nose. A fond feeling bloomed in his chest and he was sure that if he wasn’t already sitting down, his knees would’ve given out then--no matter how many times you did it.
“Of course.”
The cotton white clouds aimlessly moved in the sky as the leaves rustled all the same. There laid two people enveloped in each other’s presence. Silently vowing to forever love each other til the end of time. Chestnut eyes focus intently on your (E/C) ones, an affectionate grin setting deep in you and George’s features.
A clementine is shared, just as how the both of you shared your love with one another. Both of your lips move to meet, the whole world once again stopping as you finally do.
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Author’s Note: (*slaps fic* this bad boy can fit so many words in it) Fucky fucky fuck- wow was that absolutely a long ride. As I have mentioned before, I’m finally going to open my requests really soon (whopeee)! I’m sorry if I sound like a wanna-be poet, my vocabulary and grammar skills do be lackin’. I may have a few mistakes here and there and I also apologize for that.
Hnghh, but I hoped that y’all liked this fic! I love you all for takin’ the time to read it. 😩💕
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rohad93 · 4 years
Worth the Fight
Medival Au, cause i am nothing if not predictable in what i like to write about. dont expect these updates as quickly as MM. im still working out the plot.
Trees, fields, and more, big surprise, more fields. Sometimes she spotted the occasional wild animal scampering through the grass, though that was the most interesting thing she’d seen so far.
”Are we there yet?” Luz asked for the third time in an hour as she and Eda trudged along the dirt road they had been following for two days as it wound through the fields and forests of the countryside.
“Do you see the city?” Eda asked as she glanced at her apprentice out of the corner of her eye.
“Then we’re not there yet!” Eda threw up her arms. “Kid, relax, we’ll get there when we get there, I know you’re tired, I’m tired, hell, King is tired.” She gestured to the demonic dire wolf trotting along beside them, tongue lolling out of his mouth. His black fur shined in the sun but was near blinding against the white fur on the top of his head that created a distinct skull-like pattern across the top of his face.
“Poor baby…,” Luz cooed as she reached out and scratched the space between his horns, making his tail wag.
“He’ll live….” Eda rolled her eyes. “but you might not if you ask me if ‘we’re there yet’ one more time,” she grumbled, adjusting the light plate armor on her shoulders. It was the height of summer and as used to traveling in the stuff as she was, she was still baking under the sweltering midday sun.
Luz just pouted as they walked along. The leather of her boots was rubbing raw spots on the soles of her feet with each mile they walked.
Two days ago Eda had shaken her awake from where she and King had been lying curled up in a pile of hay. The seventeen-year-old had been half asleep and had missed most of what the older woman had been saying to her, just trying to keep her eyes open as Eda rambled on and shoved their meager belongings into an old rucksack.
What she managed to glean from the rapid-paced, one-sided conversation was something about a job, money, and leaving town, which did catch her attention.
They had been to a lot of towns over the years she had been training under Eda, and some were definitely better than others in terms of how the locals treated humans, but the one they had been staying in for the last year was probably the worst of them all. It got to the point that when Eda went to meet potential clients for jobs, Luz had to stay behind because they would take one look at Luz trailing behind her and decide that no matter the older woman’s reputation with a blade, they didn’t want the human girl around.
They’d see her rounded ears and sneer, glaring down their noses at her. Surely any self-respecting witch or sell-sword worth her salt wouldn’t be letting a human follow her around. Eda would say something snarky that almost always resulted in a near brawl and Luz would stick her tongue out at them as Eda stomped away, grumbling colorful words under her breath.
Eda was on her side, but it eventually boiled down to being able to eat and Luz decided it was best to just stay behind, even though it meant she wouldn’t get much in the way of training in swordsmanship or the combat magic that went along with it, not that she could actually do the same kind of combat magic that was natural to Witch’s anyway, being human.
As Eda had once explained it to her, witches had an extra organ, a bile sac, she wasn't entirely sure that's what it was actually called, she learned a long time ago that Eda had a tendency to make things up if she didn't know the answer. Supposedly it was an extra organ that allowed witches to absorb the natural magical energy of their world and use it to add powerful effects to items, especially weapons. Those that did were witch knights, the strongest and some of the most respected members of society, and Luz wanted so badly to be one, to prove that she was worth something, human or not, but without a bile sac, she was lacking the magical aspect, which left her at a distinct disadvantage. Heck, she didn’t even have a real sword, so she couldn’t even do the most basic jobs to help Eda feed the three of them, King alone ate like a horse, with Luz trailing behind him. She was a growing girl after all! Eda always said she’d get one when she thought she was ready, not before.
She’d usually just use the dull-practice blade Eda had given her to work on her stances and strikes, beating the living tar out of whatever trees she happened to come across in the woods while she waited for her to come back with King trailing along behind her.
To say she was glad to be out of that town though was an understatement, even if Eda still hadn’t told her where they were going, and as glad as she was to have left the dreary little town of Beldville, she was so tired of walking!
She pulled at the collar of her violet-colored tunic, sweat was making it stick to her clammy skin, but she knew better than to say anything, they were both hot and tired.
They continued the silent trudge beneath the sun, which thankfully was slowly, but surely sinking closer and closer toward the horizon, though it didn’t lessen the heat any. Eventually, the sun had moved to dip just below the horizon, nearly blinding her with its bright orange rays, as it sank and dark blues were starting to rise up over the horizon line in response to the waning light.
Luz shielded her eyes with a hand and glanced into the distance. The dark smudge in the distance was slowly growing into the silhouettes of buildings and she grinned.
“Is that it?” she pointed excitedly toward the end of the road.
"Nope," Eda said, popping the 'p'.
"Whadda ya mean 'nope'?" Luz whined. "That's a town!"
"It's a town, and we're going to spend the night there, but that's not where we're going," she informed her and Luz groaned, shoulder slumping.
"Where ARE we going?" she huffed.
"Patience, apprentice." Eda wagged a finger and grinned at her, making Luz grumble.
Eda always said that when she didn’t feel like explaining herself, which was often.
It was a small town, and although it was nearly dark there were still a number of people milling about the streets.
A few people glanced at her and Luz frowned, pulling up her hood to cover her distinctly rounded ears from view. There was no need to draw any unneeded trouble when they were only going to stay one night.
Eda noticed the motion but said nothing as she dug through a pouch on her belt.
"Here, Kid." She held her hand out to Luz, who held up her upturned palm as Eda dropped a handful of coins into it. "Go get yourself something to eat and I'll meet you back here at this inn." she hooked the thumb over her shoulder to the worn building behind her.
Luz broke out into a wide smile at the silver coins in her hand.
“Thanks, Eda!” She turned and dashed off down the road with King hot on her heels. Eda just smiled as she watched her disappear around the corner.
Luz trotted down the street, she didn’t know this place, but she knew most towns had pretty similar layouts and the market was always at the center of town, and sure enough, she soon found herself walking through the market with King at her side, most people gave the cloaked girl and the demonic creature a wide breadth, understandably. Usually, creatures like King were wild, bloodthirsty monsters that would just as soon rip off your arm, and she’d seen him do it the last time she’d been attacked by a villager with a human problem.
Luz had never feared him, he’s always just been Eda’s silent companion and her big baby ever since she’d started traveling with the gray-maned sell-sword.
She reached over and scratched that certain spot behind his right ear that made him let out a low growl that almost sounded like a happy hum to her.
“Hungry buddy?” she asked, smiling as they walked and he snorted.
There were days Luz was almost sure he understood every word she said. There was just a certain, almost intelligent look in his rusty, red-colored eyes when he looked at her.
“Let’s get some food then!”
She glanced around at the different shops and a few stalls before her eyes fell on a storefront and lit up.
‘Tomes and manuscripts’
“Book shop!” Luz whispered excitedly to herself and made a beeline for it. “Wait here, King.” She turned to the beast, who snorted and plopped himself onto the ground outside the shop. She pushed the door open and grinned as the smell of ink and old parchment filled her nose.
Luz loved books, though she rarely had access to them. Having to carry everything you owned with you at all times meant that you just couldn’t have some things, and books were heavy and took up space that could be put to better use, for food or supplies, that’s what Eda said anyway. Luz would reluctantly admit she was right, but she didn’t have to like it!
“Welcome!” a voice called from her left. She looked over at the old witch peering at her over his spectacles at her. “Can I help you find anything?”
“Uh, thank you, just looking.” she waved a hand.
He nodded and she walked down the many shelves packed with worn leather-bound tomes, grinning to herself as she ran her fingers over their spines, feeling the smooth, cool bindings beneath her fingertips. So many stories, knowledge, and wild adventures aplenty crammed between two hard leather covers. Luz adored books, a lifelong love affair lit aflame by her mother, who had taught her to read and write at a young age. Something uncommon among the lower classes of witches and unheard of for humans in the Empire of the Boiling Isles, who were the lowest class citizens of them all, but her mother hadn’t been from the Isles. She’d always told Luz about a beautiful place across the sea, with fine grain, white sand beaches, and tall trees very unlike the ones here, that dipped and swayed with the wind, their leaves long and few, but still perfect for blocking out the strong rays of sunlight on a clear day.
Luz sometimes wondered what it might actually be like to see it with her own eyes, she doubted she ever would, her mother had always told her it was far away and she’d left to escape a war, bringing only her native tongue and a sack of food.
Luz hummed to herself as she continued browsing up and down the dimly lit rows of books with rapt interest. She turned a corner and glimpsed a small table covered in old, worn books, and felt drawn to them.
They were all hefty tomes and she flipped through the first few on the stack, nothing of any real interest, some play scripts, and something about treaties on the great war. She set them aside and picked up the last one in the stack. It had a dark brown cover with gold inlay around the corners and spine. It’s worn leather bindings were pockmarked with scratches and divots, some worse than others. She flipped it open and found some of the pages were yellowed and crinkled in places as though they had gotten wet and been left out in the sun to dry at some point.
The pages were full of runic writing that she couldn’t even begin to guess at, but as she flipped through the pages she stopped on one with a drawing, a perfect circle with several lines that made up some kind of symbol.
There was very little text in the book that she understood but one set of runes did stand out, the symbols meaning ‘light’. She’d learned them years ago when her mother had told her that her name meant light.
She ran a finger over the crisp, inked lines of the glyph.
They glowed.
“Augh!” she nearly tossed the book across the room, it clattered across the floor with a heavy thump and she grimaced as it landed on the wooden floor. She held her arms up in defense, but the book only continued to lie there.
After a moment quickly scooped it up and gazed at its gold bindings before she flipped it back open to the page with the illustration. She hesitated a moment, hand hovering over the illustration before pressing her fingers over it, skin running across the rough parchment beneath.
The lines began to give off a pale light as she traced them, till eventually, the entire thing was awash in soft glimmering light.
Luz stared at the glowing drawing with open awe and wonder.
“Magic…,” she breathed.
She’d done magic, she wasn’t sure what kind or even what it was supposed to do, but for the first time in her life, magic!"
She needed to look through this, all of it.
"I'll be closing shop in a few minutes!" The shop keeps voice carried out through the store making Luz jerk.
A few minutes wasn't nearly enough time! Her mind raced with thoughts before finally deciding as she slapped the book closed and hurried to the front counter where the shopkeep was still standing.
“How many snails for this book?” she set it on the counter and he eyed it for a moment.
"This? Bah, ten snails, it has little value to any witch, merely theories on old magic.
"I'll take it!" She slapped half the money Eda had given her on the counter.
Only King would be eating tonight it seemed, but the chance at magic? Worth a hungry night.
He nodded and accepted the coins as he pushed the book back toward her, but as he did, got a glimpse under her hood and spotted her rounded ears.
Luz knew what happened the second it happened. His brows crinkled between his eyes and his once, disarming smile, curled into a sneer.
"A human, in my shop!?"
Luz snatched the book off the counter and bolted for the door.
"No take backs!" she squealed as she burst out the door, making King jump up as she did.
She dashed back the way they had come, the black beast loping along behind her with an excited, rumbling bark.
It didn't take long for them to get out of sight, turning the corner and ducking into an alley.
She pressed her back to the wall, clutching the book to her chest, and waited until it finally seemed like she wasn't being chased; she peeked her head out and found the street clear.
She turned back to look at the worn leather-bound book in her hands and grinned.
She couldn't wait to look at it better later.
King whined at her side, scratching at her with his paw.
"Ah, right, right. Let's get you some food, buddy." She smiled at him and snuck toward the other end of the market, spending the rest of the money Eda had given her to buy meat for the beast, who wolfed it down in record time, practically swallowing it whole before they made their way back to the Inn.
"Get some grub?" Eda asked from her place sitting in one of the beds when they walked into their rented room. King immediately trotting over to the empty bed and jumping up on it and curling up into a massive black ball of fur.
"Fed King, yea." She nodded, pulling off her cloak and kicking off her boots before she climbed into bed, shoving King over.
He growled at her but she just shoved harder till there was space for her to lay. He snorted in response but never lifted his head as she laid next to him, book in hand.
“What about you?” Eda narrowed her amber eyes at her, noticing how she only mentioned king. “And where’d you get the book?”
“Uh…” Luz stalled and Eda sighed.
You bought the book instead of eating, didn’t you?” It wasn’t really a question.
“Yeah…,” Luz mumbled and Eda sighed.
"Well, what was so much more important than eating? If it's another flowery love story, kid, I swear…," she trailed off, rolling her eyes.
"It's not!" she insisted. "It's a book about magic!" She flipped it open and opened to the diagram and ran her hands over it, creating the same glow as it had in the bookshop, which made Eda sit up.
"Well, look at that…" she tilted her head. "What's it do?" She looked back up at Luz.
"I'm… not sure yet…" She shrugged. “I need more time to read it." Eda hummed, looking at the glowing glyph on the paper before shrugging and plopping back down on her bed.
“Whatever kid, just don’t stay up all night looking at it,” she grumbled, rolling over and pulling the blanket up over her head.
“You go it, teach!” Luz promised as she snuggled back against King and flipped through the pages.
She really wished she could read any of the writing around it other than the runes for light. She flipped some more pages and found another diagram, a sketch of a sconce, or something similar with a circle drawn above it and little lines indicating rays of light. She hummed to herself.
She had only the basic knowledge of how Eda did magic. She could just kind of think about what kind of effect she wanted to apply to an object and would press her hand to the blade of her sword and it would glow for a second before taking effect, she’d made her show her enough times to know.
Luz pursed her lips and leaned over to her satchel sitting on the floor by her bed and dug out a piece of charcoal she liked to use to draw when they were on the road or she was waiting around on Eda, ignoring the angry rumbling of her empty stomach. She pulled her training sword out of its sheath and looked at the blunt, reflective weapon for a long minute before carefully drawing out the glyph across the flat of the blade.
she glanced back and forth between the book and her blade, humming to herself when the last line was completed. She hesitated a second before pressing a fingertip to it and the glyph glowed before the bright light spread across the entire length of the blade, lighting the room up.
Luz stared at it in awe, before a bright grin stretched across her face, empty stomach forgotten.
She’d done it.
She’d done magic!
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miraclealignersv · 5 years
Truce (George Luz x Reader) High school au
Ask: @whatwouldidowithoutgeorgeluz : i think i've been following you for a while and i'm only now learning you write??? oof??? but i was wondering if you could do a george luz high school enemies to lovers au if you can? thanks! (ps i'm reading ur writing and it's really good :))
A/n: aww thank you cutie! I really hope you enjoy, really tried my best! Also fun fact I learned while doing my research for UCLA, apparently in the 50’s all you needed to get into UCLA was a good transcript and a $5 fee. Y’all I got rejected from UCLA last year I’m—
Tag list: @gottapenny @wexhappyxfew @bandofmarvels @medievalfangirl
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Everyone knew about the rivalry between Y/n Y/l/n and George Luz. Hell everyone had gotten tired of said rivalry that had originated freshman year. With senior year coming to an end it had only died down, no one knew why they despised each other so much.
Y/n when asked would say he was annoying and egotistical, she would go on and on about his inflated ego and how much of an asshole he was. However when George was asked he would reffer to her as the spawn of Satan, calling her all sorts of things from conniving and narcissistic to an all around bitch.
They would often hold their heads high when either was in the same class room. However at times it did get nasty, and teachers would have to get involved. Y/n could tell anyone off the top of her head how many afternoons she had to spend in detention all because of him, it was 67 times.
The school year was coming to an end, this also meant the graduating class of Toccoa High School was to spread their wings and fly away. Many of the seniors getting their acceptance letters from various universities. Y/n had been called into the principals office, scared that Luz had said something that had gotten her in trouble. However she was instead handed six envelopes, all with her name written in the front.
Y/n didn’t want to make a big deal, hell she didn’t even want to open them. There was a fear that she didn’t get accepted to any of the ones she applied to. Hell she had perfect grades, always had them. However her SAT score was low, no matter how many times she took it she could never have a perfect Score. To add to all of that she wasn’t good enough— especially since David Webster had gotten his Harvard acceptance letter days before.
At lunch time she hid out in the halls where no one usually hung around. From the nervousness alone she felt as if she was going to die, she couldn’t open them. Pacing back and forth she took her bottom lip in between her teeth and chewed at it, there was no way she was going to open the letters.
Holding them in the grip of her fingers and stared at each individual one. Tears forming in her eyes from the desperation and how nervous she was. The sudden urge to sit and cry just outside a classroom hit her, and that’s exactly what she did. Lowering herself down onto the floor of the hallway with her back to the wall. Setting the five envelopes to the side she then placed her hands over her face and cried silently.
She didn’t care if people passed by and saw her like that, she didn’t care. All she wanted was to open the goddamn letters, and sooner than later she would have to. She heard footsteps coming down the hallway, she didn’t even budge she just kept silently weeping into her hands. Then the footsteps steps stopped in front of her.
Slowly raising her head up she expected to see one of the annoying freshmen that wandered the halls. She even expected a teacher, but never did she expect George Luz. He just stood there watching her as she tried to compose herself.
“Spawn?” He asked, y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes as she brought the back of her hand to wipe her tears away. George only stared confused at the crying girl.
“What Luz?” She spat back before sniffing slightly annoyed that he was there, George chuckled and turned his gaze over to the envelopes that laid face down next to her.
“Heard a demon kind of scary sound coming from this side of the hall thought I’d check it out” he teased, y/n sniffled again and continued to wipe her face with her hands. His eyebrow raised up in confusion, 10 times out of 10 y/n y/l/n always had a sassy remark. “Didn’t realize you were capable of human emotion y/l/n” y/n scoffed this time and gathered her bag, in the process sliding one of the letters towards George’s feet.
“Shit...” she muttered under her breath as she reached for it, instead George placed his foot on it causing y/n’s Jaw to clench. “Luz I’m really not in the mood for- Just can you give it back” she sighed, George furrowed his brows and bent down to pull the letter from under his shoe. His eyes widening as he read the university name, Dartmouth.
“Dartmouth...” he read, y/n only felt the tears in her eyes again at the mention of the university. “Rejection or acceptance?” He asked, y/n rolled her eyes and shook her head trying to fight back the tears.
“Why do you care” she asked, George sat down and inched his way towards her. “Luz can you just—“ George shushed her and grabbed the rest of the envelopes.
“Harvard, Rice, Dartmouth, Princeton,Cornell, UCLA?! Y/n why haven’t you opened them yet?” He asked, y/n shook her head and looked away. “I got mine back from Pen State, although it’s not my first choice I think I’m sticking with it” he explained, y/n swallowed hard as she tried to reach for the letters.
“Luz just...” he only moved them away from her and continued to babble on about his top choice being UCLA.
“Haven’t gotten my letter, I was called to the office maybe I did get them— whoa why are you crying?” He asked still very shocked that the girl who returned his fire was crying. He respected the hell out of her for how proud she was, and he knew that their rivalry wasn’t all hatred. George has known her for years, hell they practically grew up in the same neighborhood. He remembered the first time he ever met her, they raced down the street on their bikes, y/n falling and breaking her leg. And never once did she shed a tear.
“It’s just.. they’re rejection letters” she sniffles still not looking up, George only furrowed his eyebrows. Y/n was known for her grades, hell she had been on the high honor roll list for all four years of high school. “I bombed my SAT” She sniffled and looked down at her lap, George raised his eyebrow.
“What was your score?” He asked after a while, y/n inhaled deeply and felt the tears in her eyes again. “I got a 1250” George shrugged, y/n sighed and closed her eyes.
“1525” she muttered, George’s eyes widened at the number and slowly nodded.
“Hey, just open them.” He urged the letter into her hand. When she didn’t take it he patted the letter onto the end of the envelope before ripping the other end and pulling out the folded letter. “Here,” he handed her the letter she only shook her head.
“I can’t Luz,” she whispered, as she stared down at the letter as if it was going to bite her. George waited a while before groaning.
“You big baby..” he muttered as he opened the unfolded letter and cleared his throat. “Miss y/n y/l/n... were sorry to inform you...” George trailed off before turning to y/n who quietly let the tears that had accumulated in her eyes stream down her cheeks. “C’mon y/n, Rice is lousy anyway! They don’t know what they’re missing! Let’s see what Cornell has to say” y/n bit at her lip trying to hold her sob. George only continued to rip the end of the envelope and open the folded letter in his hand.
“Holy shit, y/n... you got accepted” he said in disbelief, y/n gasped and reached for the letter reading it over and chuckling in disbelief as George opened the rest of them. “What’s your first choice?” He asked as he ripped the UCLA one open.
“Dartmouth” she urged as she grabbed a hold of the Harvard one. They both unfolded the letters at the same time. “Its a no from Harvard” her voice saddened a bit as the words left her mouth.
“Acceptance! UCLA wants you y/l/n” he cheered as y/n reached over to grabbed Dartmouth as he grabbed Princeton . She watched as he skimmed over it and raised his gaze, giving her a head shake letting her know that she wasn’t accepted.
Taking the envelope in her hands she sniffled before ripping the edge open. Pulling the letter out, she took a deep sigh and closed her eyes. Her eyes skimming over the letter. Her mouth opening and tears forming in her eyes. George only watched and sighed in disbelief, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder as he got up.
“I’m in” she whispered, George turned around and furrowed her brows. “I’m in!! Holy shit I’m in!” She giggled before getting to her feet and pulling him in for a hug. George didn’t question it, he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her. Before pulling away she giggled again and jumped from how happy she was. “Whoa did we just..?” She asked taking a step back, George’s eyes widened and took in a sharp inhale.
“This damn rivalry has gone on for too long dont you think?” He asked, y/n placed her hands on her hips. “You’re off to your private school to succeed and I’m off to succeed, why don’t we call it a truce huh?” He asked opening his arms, y/n raised an eyebrow at his request and sighed. She shrugged and embraced him.
“Truce” she hummed as she held onto the letter, once she let go she reached down to grab the rest of the letters as he waited for her to recollect her things.
“You owe me a milkshake, after sitting there for the past 20 minutes I deserve a kiss at least” he shrugged as they walked down the hallway. Y/n rolled her eyes and pushed him playfully.
“I can totally take that truce back y’know” George chuckled at the words, he only shook his head and pushed her back.
“And I’ll tell everyone you cried like a wittle baby” he mocked fake tears making y/n roll her eyes.
“Fine, strawberry or vanilla?” She asked with a smile as they headed out of the building.
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himbowelsh · 7 years
ok, what about life guard!buck and luz pretending and almost drowning in the clubs pool? but he is saved by gorgeous blonde life guard that finds george v cute.
Buck loves his job.Sure, spending his entire summer policing a public swimming pool has its downsides. There are always the rowdy kids, the screamers, the overconcerned parents who panic when their kid goes underwater for a second. Without fail, Buck will have to kick a few groups out for refusing to follow the rules. And there's always the one kid who manages to go missing.All the cons of the job, however, are outweighed by how much Buck enjoys it. He genuinely likes being a lifeguard. It's not just getting to sit in the sun shirtless and flash a smile at anyone he finds attractive. It's about helping kids have fun, and making sure they stay safe while doing it. That's the reason Buck loves being a lifeguard.
So no matter how many kids try to drown each other or refuse to obey diving rules, Buck will always have a smile on his face when he comes into work each day. There's nothing better than getting to do a job he enjoys.Some days, of course, are easier than others.Today has been one of the chaotic days at the YMCA pool. The pre-school swimming class was here earlier, and a lot of the parents chose to stick around for some more water  time with their kids when the pool opened to the public. Now, not only does Buck have to keep a eye on the dozen toddlers running around, there's also a group of middle school boys tossing a football back and forth near the deep end, and some rowdy college kids playing on the slide. Buck's patience is fraying, and his nerves are on edge. If his hair had room to get blonder than it is already, he's sure he would be going white."If you can't keep the ball in the pool, you've got to take it out!" he tells the middle schoolers for the third time, after they narrowly miss knocking over a pigtailed child toddling along the edge of the pool. "Last warning, guys!""Sorry, sorry!" The kids wave at him, and Buck sighs as he turns back to his chair. They're just trying to have fun, but it's Buck's job to look after all of the swimmers. One person's fun could land someone else in the infirmary, and Buck's responsibility is to keep that from happening."Hey, guys! Knock it off and look up here, watch this!"His eyes stray towards the group of college kids still at the top of the slide, calling down to their friend's below. They all seem to have enough sense to steer clear of the slide's mouth, but Buck keeps his attention on them anyway. There's something about the scruffy-haired guy lingering at the top of the slide that tells him he's going to be trouble. Maybe it's the wicked smirk on his face; maybe it's the way his entire body seems coiled as he waits for his friends' gazes to turn towards him.Only once he sees he has their attention does he move -- he pushes himself off and blasts down the slide at record pace, nearly shooting right over the side. Buck's eyebrows raise as the guy emerges from the mouth, a grand splash announcing his impact with the water. It takes a second too long for the kid to resurface. Once he does, he's laughing."Real impressive, Luz!" one of his friends scoffs. The guy named Luz rolls his eyes and swings at the speaker's head, still grinning. He's proud of himself, even if no one else seems impressed.He's got a nice smile, Buck muses -- but that's all he has time to think before a screech from the other side of the pool snatches his attention away.Sure enough, one of the toddlers has taken a nose dive and skinned her knee. It's nothing serious, but she is bleeding. Buck steps away from his post for just a moment to usher the whimpering child and her fretful mother towards the infirmary. He makes sure they get there safely, offering the little girl a few words of confident reassurance. He waits until he's coaxed a watery smile out of her before starting back towards the pool.He was gone for a minute. Two minutes, tops.How can people cause so much trouble in only a minute?"Luz, come on," one of the college students is hollering as the pool comes back into Buck's vision. "That ain't funny, come back up!"Buck's stomach drops. He knows that tone -- annoyance masks the creeping worry edging into the words, as each second passes and Luz does not reemerge. Buck has been doing this job for a while; he's seen people stay under the water for longer than they should, just to mess with their buddies. He's also seen a joke turn serious fast."Luz!" someone else says, louder. The alarm in his voice splits through the echoey pool hall, and Buck is over there in two seconds flat."Where is he?" he demands, crouching at the edge of the deep end. "How long has he been under?"One of Luz's friends, with olive skin and dark eyes gone wide with worry, points towards the water slide. "He swam under there, but he ain't come up since. It's been a minute, I think, I dunno --"Buck doesn't need to hear any more. He plunges into the water without a second thought.In lifeguard training, you have to learn special skills. Keeping your eyes open underwater when goggles aren't on hand; locating people in the murky world below the surface; developing an instinct for when intervention is really necessary. Buck's instincts are screaming at him, and he knows something is not right as soon as he dives below the water line.It takes him just a few seconds to spot him -- a figure twisting beneath the bottom of the slide, face-down. His back is pressed up against the plastic, while his arms are cast below him, scrabbling for something to hold on to. It's obvious what's happened -- he swam beneath the slide and now he's trapped.There isn't a second to waste. Buck seizes the man around his waist and drags him out from underneath the slide. Then he swims up, up, until his head breaks water and Luz's writhing body surfaces with it. Buck inhales a gasp of air at the same time Luz does, but only one of them chokes on it.He hauls Luz onto dry land, and finds himself crouching over him the next second. Luz's dark hair is slicked to his face. His skin is pale, his lips parted and desperately trying to draw breath. The terror in his wide eyes strikes a chord in Buck. He helps the other man turn over, pats his back until his gagging abates and he vomits a flood of water onto the pool floor. When Luz looks up at him again, he's trembling."Jesus," is the first thing he chokes out, shaken gaze locking on Buck. Despite the circumstances, Buck feels himself crack a smile."It's Buck, actually, but that works too." He pats Luz's back again, and he inhales a wheezing gasp. His airway sounds clear; it doesn't seem like he inhaled too much water. They ought to call the paramedics, but that question is up to Luz. "Pretty close call.""You're telling me." Luz coughs again and drags the back of his hand across his lips. "My fault for being the dumbass who had to swim under the freakin' slide.""Not as dumb as half the things I've seen, but pretty dumb, yeah."George blinks up at him, soaking bangs dripping into his eyes. "You gonna kick me out?" he asks, more curious than hesitant."I could. You shouldn't be swimming for a while, at least. I'd feel a lot more comfortable if you let me call the paramedics to get you checked out.""No. God, no." Luz coughs again, as if the very idea sets him off, and shakes his head. "That ain't happening. I'm fine."Buck wants to believe him, he really does -- but he's been doing this job for a while. "Take a trip down to the infirmary, at least."When Luz glances up at him again, there's a spark in his eyes -- something inquisitive and wicked, as electric as his smirk from earlier. Buck feels his heart beat double-time, the memory of that smile flashing in his head. When he catches Luz's lips turning up again, he can't believe his luck."That depends. Will you take me there?"Buck's eyebrows raise. He glances back to Luz's friends (who seem less concerned now that he's okay enough to flirt, rolling their eyes and muttering, "typical Luz") and then to his fellow lifeguard, Christenson, who is watching the scene from his own post.What the hell? Buck might be great at his job, but he's also an opportunist. He's no going to pass up a cute drowning victim -- at least, not when said drowning victim is smirking like that."Sure," he replies. "I'll take you."Luz grins and takes his hand, allowing Buck to help him to his feet. He's a little shaky, and probably takes advantage of Buck's support more than he needs to, but Buck isnt complaining.Yep, Buck decides as he leads Luz out of the pool area, relishing the feeling of the man hanging off his arm. He really loves his job.("So," says Luz, "how long would I have to stay under to get you to give me mouth-to-mouth?""Let's skip the drowning part," Buck suggests, a smirk on his own face. "We can do mouth-to-mouth any time.")
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ruinsrebuilt · 7 years
Think about it: highschooler!Lieb falling in love with the the popular class clown George Luz. Imagine how Lieb ends up talking about it to George and George is like /Nix's chuckle to lieutenant Jones/, wait, are you serious? And Lieb feels so OFFENDED!!!!!!!! Because he opened his heart to George!! And George is trying his best to not hurt Lieb who...ends up crashing his lips with George's who is just !!!!!! eyes wide open!! But he closes his eyes and melt when Lieb pushes him on the wall and(1
just keeps breathing over George’s lips with closed eyes while they are still /too much/ together and hot as hell, its steaming!! George almost says something, opening his mouth but Lieb says “shut up” very softly and they both laugh while in the meanwhile exchanging some little kisses. “i thought you liked web, lieb” and lieb just snorts “me too,” he looks at luz “but you showed you can be even more annoying than him” and luz arches his eyebrow, “dont ask, i just have a thing for annoying guy(2 
george is a little bothered but lieb just laughes “you are alright, I like you.”
ahhhhh I love it!! I’ve never considered them as a couple before, but I love this whole scenario SO MUCH omg :’) 
idk who you are but you should write more of this because I would definitely ready it!! thanks for sharing :D 
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I don't mean to bother you, but could you do hate to love headcanons for Bill Guarnere please?
oh you’re not bothering me at all! this is a NICE request- im into this idea and i loved writing hcs about this! thank you for requesting this lovely idea, it’s amazing!
Taglist: @floydtab, @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi, @noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @hufflepuffpancakes​, @hihosilvers​, @rayleighshughes
Hate to Love HCs with Bill Guarnere
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you were generally well-liked and respected in camp toccoa and always hung out with george luz and perconte
these two were your best friends-
so you thought you would be fine with bill guarnere-
you didn’t really dislike bill guarnere at first because you two never really talked and you always conveniently left when he came in
you two avoided each other, and you were fine with anything as long as he doesnt bother you
but oh boy- shit started to change as the days went on
oh so you thought that you and bill could get along at first? i’m sorry to say that you were wrong-
somehow, bill is just now actively pursuing you just so he can insult you or poke fun at anything you do-
of course you tolerated at first cause like, you thought it was just a one time thing and iTS BILL GUARNERE-
his insults and snarky personality is one of the biggest things that he’s know for-
sooo you let it slide and never paid much mind to it
then bill turns around and decides to prove you wrong
but fortunately he never went that far, he’d only say his run-of-the-mill insults-
it wasn’t that that annoyed you though
it was how much he did it that annoyed you-
everywhere you went or whoever you hang out with, bill would never fail to poke fun at you
whether it was his vulgar insults, his pushiness, his bold personality, or his shit-eating grin??- you didn't know
you knew that was just his brand, but holy shit- you couldn’t take anymore of it
bill would constantly pester you until you snap and just straight-up leave
but even when you would leave to not interact with him this man will still be there- 
and i dont think thats a coincidence
but bill would only purposely annoy you because this poor boy doesn’t know how to express his affection but you sure as hell didnt know that-
so when he sees you get mad after his teasing, he’s just a little bit confused-
but like even though you thought it was funny at first, he just kept doing it
this pissed you off and you always try your best to keep calm and ignore him
like you aint giving him a reaction, youre too stubborn-
but then he’d always flash a cocky smirk once he sees you leaving after he annoyed you just a little too much that day
and when he does that you cant help but like a teensy bit annoyed, 
cause like who wouldn’t??
you swore that you could punch him and i swear you almost did
thank god the easy boys were kind enough to literally keep you from knocking out guarnere
seriously, this man does not know when to stop and you just couldn’t stand him
like god forbid you two being next to each other for 1 second
but then shit turned around once more- but for the better this time
while easy two was out in the field, bill literally pushed you out of the way and shielded you from a nearby grenade you didn’t see
you were very thankful but first of all you were SURPRISED that this man actually saved your life
the man that you hated- saving you?-
lEMME tell you- as cheesy as it is, words really couldn’t describe how you felt
confusion? relief? shock? 
fuck it man, it was all three of them-
as you’re just staring in shock at him, he’ll just act all nonchalant about it 
you just kind of watch him walk away with your mouth wide open and your eyes wide fucking open-
your thoughts on him immediately start to change after that day
and you no longer found yourself disliking him
like you didn’t know exactly when your thoughts on him started to transform but it was somewhere after the incident-
of course, he also clearly changed his attitude after that day too-
like then suddenly he’d stop his teasing?
like, yeah it still happens from time to time now, but like it wasn't as overbearing as before
but then bill actually starts to hang out with you more without actually outwardly teasing you anymore
and you are just completely 
like he’d sit then next to you and after a few moments of silence he starts to talk to you about random stuff
it was awkward and first but then you guy would actually start to talk and you think it’s a miracle
it was slow progress at the beginning but small talk quickly turned into long conversations that were full of laughter
this man who seemed unapproachable and harsh who was actually nothing but a big softie
you slowly warmed up to him and you even found yourself welcoming bill guarnere’s quirks and unique personality
as you opened up to him, he also opened up to you and soon most of your free time was spent talking to him
your relationship grew stronger as the war raged on and you couldn’t help but feel a certain way towards him
like it started with small things, but those small things led to STRONG ASS FEELINGS- i mean, can you imagine?
you started to notice things you haven’t ever noticed before, like how cute his smile was, how nice his voice sounds, or how caring he can actually be-
i mean, he already noticed them but bill just started to appreciate and love them even more than before-
like the way your eyes light up when you get excited, when you laugh at his stupid jokes, and when you’re just existing-
bill refuses to admit that he’s getting sappy for you, but he knows that he does-
tension soon builds up between you two guys and its a wonder how easy company hasn’t caught on-
i mean, the longing and adoring looks you cast each other are precious and you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world
bill wouldn’t also trade anything in the world for those smiles and happy expressions of yours
bill also seemed to be hiding his feelings behind his personality pretty well, but he’s actually struggling-
after a few days of thinking, guarnere just decides that he couldn’t wait anymore and he also decides to shoot his shot
and he’s so GLAD that he did-
things couldn’t have turned out better for the both of you
if you already haven’t ascended when he took your hands into his- then you definitely ascended when he confessed
for someone who had a very bold and brash personality, bill was surprisingly soft spoken and tender during his confession
the confession was short- BUT SWEET! 
you almost died when you heard bill apologize and explain why he treated you so badly when he first met you
you were just in awe at this man. this beautiful, snarky, bastard made your life 10000x better and a world without him was not a good world at all-
immediately you would say how you felt, your hands still in his and you decide to intertwine your fingers with his
bill instantly kissed you as you finished and the warm sensation that you shot straight into heaven and it could only be described as euphoric
even that is still an understatement
when you stopped, bill raises his hands to cup your face and the feeling you got was aSTOUNDING
he just looked at you with such soft eyes that were full of love and you could help but melt
you were still breathless, but you begged for more of his touch
more kisses were shared privately among the two of you, and you wouldn’t want to have it any other way
but believe when i say that easy company had their mouths dROPPED to oblivion when they found out that the two of you were dating-
they had to admit it, you two did make a surprisingly good match and they were living for every single second of it
while you two got off on the wrong foot, you couldn’t be any happier to be with him
you and bill would also sometimes find it impossible that you two even hated each other in the first place
but it was all worth it, because you two ended up in each other’s arms in the end anyway 
and for you and bill, that was all that mattered
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im sorry if i took too long to answer your request but i finally posted it! i really liked writing this and this was just such a nice request!
hopefully you enjoyed these hcs and i also hope that it’s good enough! 💞💞😊
btw im sorry for any mistakes of any kind!
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