#i still hold the portal theory fondly
apollos-boyfriend · 9 months
Maybe the channel will turn into something good, maybe the channel will completely die in 6 months.
i really do hope it turns into something good. because there’s a genuine reason why game theory was so beloved in its beginning and why so many people (myself included) have so much nostalgia towards it. and yeah, not all their old videos were great either, but they weren’t plagiarized. they weren’t directly contradicting canonical points for the sake of being “out there” and “different”. i really do hope the channel(s) can slow down and take its time to focus more on the love of theory crafting instead of the shock value of being different
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rnelodyy · 2 years
Wittebane Timeline Theory
Okay, so… With s3 around the corner, and the backstory of the Wittebanes likely being in the forefront, I wanna lay out my final theory on what the fuck happened to those two, because while the general gist of the story is clear, there are some loose threads that still need connecting. So here is the timeline as I see it.
Philip and Caleb grow up in Gravesfield, a new town built by Puritan settlers. Philip clearly remembers his childhood fondly, as most of the memories in his mind are of him and Caleb smiling and playing together.
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However, Caleb’s childhood was a lot less idyllic. As the older sibling, he got saddled with a lot more of the responsibility and expectations, and considering there are no parents to be seen, there’s a good chance Caleb was raising Philip alone. If the flash of him Hunter got in the opening montage of Thanks To Them is accurate, Caleb was likely overworking and starving himself to give his brother a better chance at life.
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Eventually, the brothers become old enough to go on a witch hunt themselves. They go into the woods, armed with pitchforks, and lo and behold, Caleb meets an actual, living witch.
He should be, y’know, hunting them, but fuck it, he’s intrigued! He’s curious about magic and how it works, because he sure as fuck won’t be able to learn that kind of stuff back home, and at this point he’s pretty disillusioned with the values of the people in Gravesfield.
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And then, when the witch goes back to the Demon Realm, Caleb follows them. Whether he went willingly, or was tricked, or just followed without realizing he wouldn’t be able to go back is unclear, but either way, Caleb ends up in the Demon Realm, leaving Philip – who was too scared to confront them – behind.
Philip does not take this well. He blames himself for letting Caleb get abducted, and most of all, he’s now EVEN MORE radical about his hatred of witches. He spends months to years of his life trying to find a way into the Boiling Isles from the human world, and when he does eventually find it, he spends even longer trying to find Caleb.
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But when Philip eventually gets there… Caleb has settled in. He’s got a home, he’s got a wife, he’s got a baby on the way, and most of all, he’s realized that witches aren’t evil. He’s realized that the people who told them that were either wrong or lying, and that the ideals he grew up with aren’t worth holding onto.
However, Philip has always been stubborn, and over the past however many years it’s been, has been using these ideals as a crutch. Witches are evil and they took his brother, that was his whole motivation. Clearly, Caleb must have been tricked or enchanted somehow. 
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Here’s our first piece of heavier speculation. According to Luz in Yesterday’s Lie, Philip didn’t design the portal himself, he just found someone who could build one. Considering Caleb is really into woodworking, and assuming he shares Hunter's love for learning about magic, it’s not unlikely that he built the portal door (or at least made a start on it).
Caleb shows Philip a portal door prototype, but clarifies that it doesn’t work yet. It still needs Titan’s Blood, which can only be found in Eclipse Lake, and the journey there is too dangerous to attempt alone.
So they put a party together, and Philip, Caleb and Wittewife hike up the Knee and into the tunnel system. However, the brothers get separated from the other party members along the way (likely due to Fool’s Blood), and wind up at Eclipse Lake alone. 
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They use the Titan’s Blood to power the portal door, and it opens, leading back to Gravesfield. Philip’s excited, finally he can bring his brother home, finally things can go back to normal!
But Caleb doesn’t wanna leave. He’s got a life on the Boiling Isles. He’s not scrounging for scraps anymore, he’s not sacrificing everything to give his brother a chance at life. He’s got a steady job, he’s got a roof over his head and food in his belly and enough free time to get a proper night’s rest. He’s got a home, a wife, a Palisman and a baby on the way. He wanted to get Philip back home ‘cause he could see his brother was unhappy in the Demon Realm, but he wasn’t about to sacrifice even more of his life. Phil’s an adult now, he should be able to take care of himself. 
But that’s not why Philip came to the Boiling Isles. He wanted Caleb back, he wanted his old life back, he just wanted everything to go back to the way it was, even if Caleb was miserable. 
So Philip gets angry. And when Philip gets angry, he gets violent.
The argument gets heated. Philip draws a knife. Caleb, in self-defense, draws one too. The two fight. Caleb loses.
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And that’s the exact moment when Wittewife, having been separated from the brothers by a Fool’s Blood cave-in, enters the scene. She sees her husband dead/dying on the floor, sees Philip standing over him with a knife, and promptly goes beast mode on his ass.
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(We have now officially entered Straight Up Guessing territory btw lol)
Philip manages to escape Eclipse Lake alive. He couldn’t bring his brother’s body, but he could bring the portal door, now fully functional, and use it to escape.
So Philip returns to Gravesfield alone. He tells everyone the story from his perspective, and spins events to make himself and Caleb the tragic victims. Two brothers, lured into a realm of evil by a witch. Noble heroes, struck by tragedy, wisely leaving out the whole fratricide part. He edits and publishes his journal, it gets referenced by other authors, and soon he and Caleb are considered the most prolific witch hunters of Gravesfield.
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However, there’s now a problem. During his time in the Demon Realm, Philip has been eating Palismen. And either because of whatever Wittewife did, or because he just had one too many, his body starts to change. While giving testimony in the town hall, his curse acts up, and everyone in Gravesfield realizes Philip was not as unaffected by witchcraft as he claimed. So they try to treat him like any other witch. 
But Philip, believing he’s got a righteous cause, gets angry. And when Philip gets angry, he gets violent. A fight breaks out, and when a torch gets knocked out of someone’s hand, the town hall is set ablaze, allowing Philip to escape.
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He knows he can’t go anywhere in the human world, so back to the Demon realm he goes, slashing the portal’s eye and burying it to make sure nobody else can use it, and nobody from the human realm can follow him.
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So Philip is now stuck, trapped in a realm he’d spent all that time desperately trying to leave, having killed his own brother only to be rejected by the townsfolk he was trying to appease. So, he goes back to his original plan. Prove himself the ultimate witch hunter, with Caleb by his side, and return to Gravesfield having slaughtered every witch in existence. They’ll HAVE to take him back if he does that!
He seeks out the Collector. He digs up Caleb’s body and makes the first Grimwalker. It doesn’t listen to him, so he kills it and makes another, this time making sure to crush any hint of disobedience. He carves glyphs into his arms and cuts his ears into points, changes his name when “Philip” gets run out of too many towns. He donates his journal to a library so his version of events also ends up in Boiling Isles history. He adopts the mannerisms of the preachers from back home, draws bigger and bigger crowds, and becomes Lord Belos, who then becomes Emperor Belos, savior of the Boiling Isles.
He then starts making preparations to go back home on the Day of Unity, when… oopsie daisy. The portal is gone, having been dug up and repaired by one Edalyn Clawthorne, who currently uses it for sourcing premium human garbage. Not only that, the woman who broke his nose 300 years ago suddenly shows up as a teenager in his scout regimen, and rumors of a strange human girl on the Isles start floating around, matching the description of Luzura the Crab Maiden.
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Plot happens, the portal gets exploded and rebuilt, the time loop is closed, Belos carries out his plan on the Day of Unity only to be foiled by some children and smashed against a wall so hard he becomes the consistency of guacamole. 
Meanwhile in the human world, Philip Wittebane’s journal continues to circulate. It gets referenced by other authors, who then reference those authors, and the incident with him being cursed and burning down the town hall gets dismissed as a baseless rumor once people start becoming more skeptical about the concept of magic. A statue of the brothers is erected, the town hall gets rebuilt and eventually becomes a museum, which is then taken over by Jacob Hopkins, who wants to be the new Wittebane brothers.
And so we end up in the present day.
I hope that ties up some loose ends, specifically the questions of how the people in the human world knew about paper glyphs and Flapjack being Caleb’s companion, and what the significance of the burning town hall is. This is all a lot of speculation, so it will probably be at least partially debunked tomorrow, but that’s my theory so far. :)
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sweatersexual · 3 years
just some black ink on some blue lines (and a shadow you won’t recognize)
Read on AO3
Stan wished he knew what was going through Ford’s mind when he’d packed this box and shoved it in a closet. When they were kids, they’d insisted to their mother on cleaning days that the piles of the stuff in their room were organized, they had a system. Ford probably still had one, but Stan was no longer privy to it. He’d probably be annoyed with Stan for messing it up if - when - he got back.
But if Stan was going to turn this room into a gift shop, this closet would have to be cleared out. So he dug through the motley collection of vinyl records, books, part of a research paper, a jar of molasses, and a Cubic’s Cube, placing most of them in the pile of Ford’s things to be packed away and eventually returned to him. The book on Fifth-Dimensional Calculus, though, that might be helpful with the portal.
Two loose sheets of paper fell out as he flipped through the book. A letter, but not addressed to anyone. Still, Stan had spent enough time bent over that journal to know Ford’s handwriting back to front.
I’ve fallen in love with him, the letter read. I never imagined I could fall in love, let alone with a hog farmer from Tennessee, but he’s brilliant and charming and something electric runs through me every time we touch.
The confirmation that Ford was gay after all these years was hardly a surprise to Stan. He’d suspected Ford’s sexuality for about as long as he’d questioned his own. But Stan could never imagine writing anything so sappy about a guy he himself was into. Stan snorted as he continued reading.
I know you would tease me if I told you this in person. That’s only one of the many, many reasons I can never send this letter. But I feel like I have to tell someone about this or I’ll burst. Anyone else would think I was some kind of pervert. But somehow, I think you would understand.
I know we never talked about this, back when we still talked. We both knew how our father felt about men loving other men . . .
This letter was written to Stan. Ford had wanted to tell someone he was in love, and he had thought of Stan, even though they weren’t talking to each other. Ford must have picked up on Stan being bisexual in some way and known that it would have been safe to come out to him, if circumstances were different.
Well, he’d have been safe from homophobia. Safe from the usual brotherly mockery was a different story.
We both knew how our father felt about men loving other men, and his disapproval hung like a specter over everything we did. I know some psychologists would blame his overbearing nature for my current inclinations . . .
Overbearing nature, yeah, that was putting it lightly. “He’s an asshole,” Stan muttered to himself.
. . . but I can’t help but feel that if an overbearing father makes one queer, there would be a lot more queer people in the world. And psychology is a very inexact science anyway.
Stan had already figured, but it was nice to have someone as smart as Ford say that at least one of the theories people put out about why people weren’t straight was bogus. It didn’t matter why he or Ford loved men, because they weren’t about to change, and they weren’t hurting anybody. The sooner more people realized that, the better.
I’ve given up on analyzing why I feel the way I do about F. The fact that we have so much in common probably has something to do with it, but we didn’t always get along so well. When we first met a few years ago, I found his unique blend of hick and hippie mannerisms very off-putting. He thought me stuffy and intractable. Still, we managed to stand living together long enough to become close friends, and now, something more romantic in nature as well.
A few weeks ago, he insisted we take a break from studying. We drove out to the middle of nowhere and stargazed, something we’ve done several times before. Talking about space excites our imaginations. It has sparked many a conversation about the future, not just our own hopefully bright ones, but that of the world and humanity at large. This time, however, we got on the subject of how grateful we were to have each other in our lives. I’m a loner by nature, as you know, so connecting with anyone as well as I do with F is rare and precious. No sooner were the words out of my mouth than his lips were on mine, and I was reciprocating wholeheartedly.
When the kiss broke, he looked at me questioningly, worried, I think, that either of us would come to our senses and acknowledge the enormity of what we had just done. Instead I simply kissed him back. We’ve shared so many since then, and the close quarters of our dorm have proven too enticing to get schoolwork done without distractions. I’ve had to relocate to the library several times in order to get any real studying done.
That nerd. Of course his main concern about getting a boyfriend was how it would cut into his study time.
Despite how busy we are, we’ve still found time for things like walks around campus or daringly holding hands in the back of a dark movie theater. But mostly we’ve spent an increasing amount of time in each other’s arms back in our dorm. We made love last night. I’ll spare you the details, but I’ll have you know he’s just as considerate and patient in bed as he is anywhere else. Perhaps even more so.
Oh come on. “Considerate and patient?” That’s how you’d describe your waiter, not your lover. Had the sex not been that good? Not that Stan wanted to know the details, Ford had been right about that, but sheesh, Stan expected something more spicy than “considerate and patient.”
I can’t believe I just put that down on paper. Thank goodness you’ll never read this, you’d say I’m such a sap. I can’t help it, I’m in love and the only one I can talk to about it is the object of my affections. And as much as I do love talking to him about us, it would be nice, just for once, for someone else to know how happy I am, and why.
Yeah, Stan had been there before, when he’d dated guys who weren’t out. It sucked, not being able to introduce him to your friends, having to worry about who was watching when you so much as held his hand. So much of what was normal for couples just couldn’t be for you.
But sadly, disappointment is just as much a part of life as love is. You taught me that.
Stan winced. Ford had basically just called him a disappointment. Stan had known their father had felt that way about him, and Ford probably did too, but damn. Seeing it in writing like that still hurt.
Even F may leave me someday. As lovestruck as I am, I can still see the obstacles ahead of us clearly. I try not to let it taint my time with him now, much in the same way I still look back on our childhood fondly, even though it ended so badly.
I still keep that photo of us on the Stan-o-War, you know. F has seen it. He thinks we should talk to each other. I have no idea how I would even start. And sending this letter is still very much out of the question. Ma thinks you moved from the last address you gave her anyway. I would tell you to call her, but that would involve talking to you.
See you never,
Stan turned the letter over and sighed. Disappointment or not, at least Ford didn’t completely hate him. You didn’t write a letter like that to someone you hated. You didn’t keep a picture to show your boyfriend. You didn’t fondly reminisce on old memories. It sounded like Ford had considered reconciliation as a possibility, but not one he knew how to pursue. Stan could understand that. He had felt the same way.
Stan wondered if he had enough information to look up this F guy. Surely it wouldn’t be hard to track down a Backupsmore alumnus who’d been a hog farmer from Tennessee and had the first initial F. Maybe he was the owner of the smaller sized clothes Stan had found lying around the house, or of the vinyl records that didn’t seem to fit Ford’s music taste. Or maybe Ford had moved on from his college sweetheart and they belonged to someone else.
No, looking up F was a bad idea. Either he’d figure out Stan was impersonating his brother and ruin everything Stan was working for, or he’d believe Stan was Ford and Stan would have to pretend they had romantic history. Neither option was worth the hassle.
Stan ended up keeping the letter down in the basement with his brother’s journal. Whenever Stan reread it, he felt every minute of the decade plus he and Ford had spent growing apart. In another life, could they have shared those moments together? Could they have come out to each other in person? There was a whole relationship as adults they could have had, and maybe it was still a possibility.
Stan just needed to get that portal up and running.
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Harry Wells x Witch Reader (Flash) Short Story: Chapter 1
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“Harry get down!” The male ducked at Iris’s words, and Iris flinched, barely dodging the blaze of fire that blasted in her direction.
“Whooo! Next time make sure those cuffs are on!!” Their present metahuman had not very safe fire wielding powers. After just barely stopping him from blowing up his old job building, they were now struggling to contain him. Barry was dealing with another situation, so they were fighting to hold their own.
“Killer frost would come in handy right about now.” Iris squealed, ducking behind an overturned table, and Harry frowned, jumping to the same location. Without his gun he was a sitting duck.
“What’s the plan?” Harry asked.
“Wait it out.” she advised. They couldn’t exactly face him off. Harry raised his head to glimpse the spot of his weapon. It was on the other side of the room. If he was fast enough, he could make a break for it. Iris followed his gaze. “Harry no, we wait for Barry and the others. I don’t want to explain why you got barbecued!!”
The laughter of their assailant wasn’t very comforting.
“Come on old man, let’s see if you can outrun my flames.” He challenged. Harry’s mood was quickly depleting.
“Ready or no-” The bright flash of a light temporarily blinded the meta, and both Harry and Iris turned in the direction. She sighed in relief, assuming it was Cisco vibing in, but was surprised when a young woman jumped through the circular portal. Sporting a duffle bag too. It disappeared almost as quick as it appeared, and now all the attention shifted.
“What do we have here?” the male snickered, raising his hands as flames erupted.
“W-Watch out!” Iris yelled.
Your eyes shifted between the man standing in front of you and the two people hiding behind a desk.
“You’re kinda cute, might not set you on fire.” He spoke. Harry thought for sure you would at least react to the man that was holding fire in his palms, then again, you’d just jumped through a portal from who knows where.
“Damn it, so much for a vacation, I was so ready to kick back and relax, now I gotta deal with this.” you dropped the bag, stretching your limbs. The meta raised an eyebrow, a bit annoyed at your reaction.
“Hey! Don’t you realize you’re in some real danger. Don’t ignore me you bi-”
“Somnum.” As soon as the words left your lips his eyes shined blue, and he fell to the ground, unmoving. Iris and Harry released a breath, now they were facing an entirely different problem. When you saw the guarded way they were looking at you, you waved your hands around.
“O-Oh shit no I didn’t kill him or anything, he’s just asleep!” you said hurriedly, running over and flipping him unto his back. Iris felt a bit more reassured when she saw the steady rise and fall of his chest. “See, completely fine. Maybe a moron but fine.” you grinned, and Iris picked herself from behind the desk. Harry wasn’t as welcoming. He squinted, taking slow steps to his gun, just in case.
“You really saved us there. Thank you.” Iris moved closer with a friendly smile which you returned. “Of course, fighting demons is sort of my thing.” Iris’s brows furrowed. “Demons?” you nod. “Yeah, what else could he be. Humans don’t exactly have magic powers am I right?” you laughed at your own joke, and Iris realized at that moment that maybe she didn’t really understand this. She thought for sure you were a meta. “He..he wasn’t a demon, he’s a meta.”
“A what now? “
You had no idea what metahumans were, so the theory of you being one was completely off.
Harry grabbed his gun, charging it up and pointing it at you.
“Who are and what do you want!”
“Harry!” Iris scolded.
“What, she just pops up from a circle light and knocks that meta out without so much as a flinch. I think we should be a little more cautious. “
You were still smiling widely at Harry. He didn’t know what was more unsettling, the fact that you didn’t look the least bit intimidated, or the way your smile directed at him was giving him weirdly calming vibes.
“I’m a witch!” you chirped.
“Come again?” Harry spoke.
“Witch, you know, magical powers, fighting demons and other evil magical creatures. I know what you’re thinking, brooms and pointing hats which personally I’d like to say is a bit offensive if you really think about it and-” The whiplash of wind smacked into your face and your eyes widen at the man now standing at the dark skinned women’s side. He was wearing a suit and all.
“Woah, that’s a lot of red..”
“Iris are you okay, what happened? I got a notification that the lab was under attack. “ He seemed distracted with his worry for the woman, and she quickly reassured him.
“I’m good Barry, after you guys dropped that meta off he kind of went on a rampage. The cuffs got loose.” Barry looked over, now noticing the way Harry was still holding a gun, when he followed he saw the very unconscious male, and an unfamiliar woman.
“Uh, hi.” he said a bit awkwardly.
“Sup.” you greeted.
“Who umm, who is this?” he inquired.
“(Y/N), (L/N) at your service. Full fledged witch.”
“Yep! So you guys get any food around here. Been travelling for a while. “ you just started walking around, in search of a fridge it would seem. Barry’s brows knitted and Iris sighed.
That was an understatement.
“So while we were out superheroing, you guys found a wizard?” Cisco voiced.
“Witch.” you corrected, munching on your fries.
“Well, I’m just glad you came in when you did, you really saved us.” Iris thanked.
“We had it handled.” Harry groused from his side. He was messing with some type of machine, and you just scrunched your nose at him. In which he blinked in confusion. “Please tell me why again we’re entertaining this kid.”
“Excuse me I’m thirty-five! Although I’m flattered by your compliment.”
“You’re older than me?” Barry asked in confusion. You nod. “What, do I really not look like it.” It did make sense why those bouncers always asked you for ID before entering.
“What can I say, got good genes.”
Iris was still watching you with a little smile. You smiled back of course, a bit confused, but still happy that she wasn’t as mean as Harry. Barry noticed, and he had a feeling he knew why his wife was looking at you so fondly. He reached over, giving her arm a squeeze, and she looked up at him, glowing. There was a secret exchange between the both of them.
“Can I just comment that you guys are so cute, kind of remind me of Harry and Macy, if they ever stop avoiding the obvious that is.”
“Wait, there’s a Harry in your world too?”
“Well yeah, but he isn’t like Mr. Grumpy over there. Plus he british. He’s a whitelighter.”
“What’s that?” Cisco was as expected curious about all you had to offer. He’d been quizzing you since he got back from as he phrased ‘superheroing.’
“They're like guardians, they protect witches like me. Macy and her sisters, their witches like me. I needed to take a break from the whole helping save the world thing. It seemed safe now so I thought I’d do a little universe jumping. My day job was getting a little stressful too. My brother thought I could use the relaxation so he’s running our business right now. I wonder sometimes if we’re even related because the guy loves working. Guess you get that way when you work long enough and I feel like I’m rambling, am I rambling?”
“Annoyingly.” came Harry’s flat response.
“Kay..so do you guys mind if I stick around town for a while. I can even help with your little meta problem which is even crazier than fighting demons every once in a while. “
You were grinning so widely, Barry didn’t really have the will to turn you down.
“S-Sure why not.”
“Are you serious Allen, for all we know this whole story could be made up. Witches, really? What if she’s just some psychopathic meta.”
“First of all, ouch, I’m not some psycho.” he looked utterly unimpressed.
“Is it really that hard for you to believe in magic, you fight superhuman people on the daily. “
“They were brought about by science, logical explanation. Magic isn’t real. No proof, no logic.”
You shifted from your seat, dusting your hands. Stepping closer, you stopped when you were face to face with him. He was pretty tall now that you were closer.
He was still somewhat glaring at you, and the others in the room were watching in anticipation.
“Let our eyes reveal what cannot be seen, and show those what seems make believe.” you turned your palm, and Harry’s gaze shifted to the pink light now emitting from your hand.
“Terra, ventus, ignis, aqua.” 
Right before his eyes, he could see the elements swerving in your hand. The four major elements connected, right before they rose, in seconds the light from you dissipated, flashing quick and evaporating, leaving nothing but bright specs of what appeared to be crystals. Harry gaped.
“Awesome…” Cisco muttered.
“Somethings in life aren’t logical Harrison, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Love, fear, hope...these are all things that exist, but we can’t see it, touch it, does that deter the belief in its existence?”
Harry was speechless. This time when you watched him, you were just beaming, and he couldn’t comprehend why it erupted a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. You just stared at each other, after a few silent moments, Harry moved his gaze to the floor, clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses. Without another word he was walking off. You watched him until he made it around the counter.
“I think he likes me.”
Cisco laughed, and so did everyone else in the room.
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Heya Folks, so I’ve been enjoying the weather and bashing around ideas that would make for an epic fic,or even just my theories of how V7/8 could possibly play out. 
(Its in no way a prediction or do I have any expectancy of this any of this happening, just a lil bit of fun  and by no means a demand made of CRWBY or a claim that I know what they have planned or that I can write it better, anyone who claims any of the above and that they can are dipshits in my eyes.) 
I don’t have time to dedicate to writing it so I thought I’d get it down on bullet points, but If I do make it into a fic with will be called “Birds of a Feather.”
As we are going into Vol 7 and the Atlas arc, here are some thoughts. 
 * Picking up immediately from the end of VOL 6
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 Arriving in Atlas, our trusty heroes touch down and are detained by the Atlas Military. Though they plead for an audience with General Ironwood and explain why they are in possession of a military Airship from the Argus base, (The ‘lengthy’ report from Caroline Cordovin having yet still to be written and submitted.) their pleas fall on deaf ears at first.
 Weiss makes an adamant plea that her sister, Specialist Winter Schnee be contacted, rather than her father, as they have top secret information detrimental to the tide of the coming war which needs to be delivered immediately.
 They are still detained whilst the personnel in question are awaiting confirmation of information provided. 
Whilst detained, Blake is split from the group, much to Yang and Weiss protests, but Blake tells them that its ok, and is taken to the Faunus allocated holding cells, I shall be referring to as The Pound/Kennels
 (Divergent, Yang refuses to be split from Blake and so is held with her.)
 Whilst split from the group, Blake (&Yang?) sees how the Faunus ‘prisoners’ are treated, realizing that there is still very much to be done with regards to Atlas and its prejudices towards the Faunus community
 (It would also be a great way to show and not tell, even if there are snippets of info about the disparity between Mantle and Atlas parted to the two women.)
 Maybe Blake tells the Faunus of what occurred in Haven, that the WF is now back under the leadership of Ghira, returning to the previous peaceful ways, working with the humans rather than against.
That Adam Taurus and Sienna Khan are dead. (This could also segue-way into a brief moment of showing just how much killing Adam has affected both women)  The news is met with mixed reactions from the Faunus.
 * Specialist Winter Schnee arrives to the holding place of our main cast. After a heartwarming reunion between the Schnee sisters (as heartwarming as Winter can be) information is relayed minus a few omissions bout stealing an airship and vicariously causing the subsequent Grimm attack back in Argus, the Relic and Ozpin being in Oscar’s head, a request to see Ironwood is made.
(Extra points of some Winter/Qrow friction… The pair are cynically sassed by Maria.)  
 Weiss also makes it known that Blake (&Yang?) have been detained elsewhere and demands their return. The heroes are delivered to Ironwood and they are reunited with Blake (&Yang?). Apologies are made to Miss Belladonna for her treatment. 
Discussion of the Relic, Salem’s plans, Cinder as the Fall Maiden, etc occur, finally bringing Winter into the fold and Ironwood up to speed.
 (Yang still does not admit that she is aware that Raven is the Spring Maiden)
 Ozpin finally makes an appearance, much to the groups surprise, Winter’s shock and Ironwood’s expectation. (Maybe a tiny bit of unmentioned but shown discord from Winter towards Ironwood at being kept in the dark?)
 Qrow questions Jimmy about the Relic of Creation/ where abouts of the Winter Maiden and the importance that Salem and her faction do not get their hands on the two Relics. Ozpin presses the issue to be met with Ironwood cryptically parting that the Relic of Creation is ‘safe.’ Much to Ozpin’s and Qrow’s frustration.
 Mention of new clothing needed, Maria’s goggles, Yang’s arm and Gambol Shroud needing to be fixed. Lodgings are offered at Atlas Academy
 Our heroes make moves to go to lodgings leaving behind Qrow, (maybe Oscar/Oz and therefore vicariously Ruby) with Ironwood and Winter so that they can strategize. 
*Weiss begins showing the group round Atlas, (perfect opportunity to show us the aesthetic of Atlas much like we got to see Argus. The tech, architecture, culture etc.)
 Blake is ‘cat’ called so to speak, (Get your pet back on its leash) thereby showing the audience and the group just exactly what Faunus face on day to day basis.Everyone comes to Blake’s defense, esp Weiss and Yang.
 If Blake does not come under fire then at least in the background the group witness Faunus treatment, via difference in clothing, service jobs etc. 
It could even play out that when trying to enter an establishment that Blake is either denied entry or forced to enter through a Faunus door, akin to Apartheid or at the minimum, disgusted looks.
 Weiss is rather vocal. (What’s that supposed to mean?) and outright refusing to enter an establishment that treats Faunus that way…. The proprietor would end up grovelling and snivelling…. 
“I’m willing to make an exception for an illustrious Schnee!” OR ”So the news ‘is’ true… You have lost your mind!”   (As a call back to Jacques threat in Vol 4)  
 Nora offers to go in there and smash the place to bits.
 Blake begins to voice concerns that maybe she ought to put back on her bow, much to the group’s dismay.  (Maybe some sage advice parted from Maria)
 Henry Marigold is in the background having witnessed the altercation before slinking off????
 Our group meets Flynt and Neon, who offers to take them to the Academy and get settled. Brief happy reunion occurs. 
Neon walks through the streets of Atlas bold as brass, seemingly unaffected by the looks they are garnering, but also calling out to a few vendors she knows who jovially return her greeting, giving the sense that she is much liked (and as a direct contrast to the previous altercation) much to Blake’s surprise  
 New outfits are acquired. A few weaponsmiths admit that maybe Yang’s arm Atlas Tech is beyond their skill.
 Maria says that an ‘old friend’ will most certainly have the skill to repair her arm, and Blake’s weapon.
 *Maria goes to visit her ‘old friend’, with Blake and Yang(Ruby if she has returned from strategy meeting, or if she never attended it) in tow.
 They are brought to a workshop/lab. As Maria and the old man catch up, and he is looking at the goggles/weapons that need to be fixed. the girls have a look around.
 Ruby is fangirling over weapons. (They come across either the schematics for Penny, half built androids, ie inner framework etc ) OR a previous model, who is working as the old man’s assistant. 
Ruby is taken aback, when she meets the Penny 2.0, who does not recognize her and Ruby realizes that she has none of Penny’s memories. Ruby is visibly upset OR The audience sees schematics for Penny’s design, or an arm on a workbench in the processes of being rebuilt, or very distinctive feet poking out from under a cover. (this would save Ruby from yet another heartbreaking moment)  The old man in question is Professor Polendina. Once they find out that this professor Polendiina, he and Ruby have a heartfelt discussion about Penny and he is pleased to hear that penny had become what she always wanted which is a real girl and that she had made friends, who remember her fondly and will never be forgotten.  Prof Polendina fixes the goggles and begins preparing to fix Yang’s arm telling the group that it will take time and they can return at a later date.
 The group leave.  
 *Meanwhile. Cinder and Neo arrive in Atlas/Mantle, immediately going about finding a Spider’s Den for information on TEAM RWBY.
 Tyrian is stirring up trouble amongst the Faunus in Mantle, claiming that siding with his ‘Queen’ will grant them the tools to overthrow the Atlesian Elite whilst Watt’s pays a visit to Jacques and other people in positions of power, fear mongering and telling them what exactly is coming to Atlas, that they don’t stand a chance and the only way to ensure their survival is by siding with his employer.
 This begins to sow the seeds of dissonance, and doubt in Ironwood’s leadership.  
I have have a loads more written that I am corralling together but its something I’ll keep working on keep you posted.. If I do ever write a fic .. It will be called Birds of a Feather cause a good chunk of it is tied to the return of Raven and a desperate last stand with the Branwen twins back to back, trying to give Tai much needed time to get the kids out of the city. 
 There's a huge flash in the sky, behind the kids as they are escaping and all we hear from Yang is a very soft '"Oh' or a gasp. .. 
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 (She is the only one who knows her mother has died as she felt the power entering her.  She keeps this to herself as nobody knows Raven is the Spring Maiden other than Cinder.
 It’s not meant to be some overly dramatic scene, just a soft realisation that Raven was indeed thinking of her in her last moments and did care.
 I'm a firm believer that Raven made out to Cinder's faction she didn’t give a shit about Qrow or Yang as an added layer of protection, that when she finally did double cross Cinder that Salem's faction wouldn’t come after them in retaliation, esp given Raven's semblance and her still being able to make a portal suggesting that she is still very much attached to her brother and daughter)
Yang spends the rest series not using her semblance, her father and friends believing it is to do with what she has learned in the last 3 volumes, rather than something else, which Blake does pick up on.
If Yang does use her semblance it will be sparingly and the others just think that is has evolved.But Blake defo knows otherwise and presses the issue.
 Maybe someone returns with Qrow's weapon signifying he is dead and that there was no sign of Raven, who everyone assumes ran and left him to die. Maybe a negative comment is made by Tai to that effect causing Yang to lash out an tell him Raven's died protecting them..
 When asked how she could possibly know, she tells the others that she is the Spring maiden. 
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On the Weiss /Blake/Faunus issue. The Fall of Atlas causes the Atlesian elite to flee to Mantle where they are met with mixed reception. Some Faunus are adamant that they don't help. Others rush to help them.. 
 The Atlas Elite come to realise the kindness that these people are offering even after they have been treated as lesser.. (extra brownie points if the douchebag who told weiss to get her faunus on its leash is actually the background accepting help) 
 Whilst the group are hiding amongst the locals, attempting to regroup and Winter tries to coral what is left of the Atlesian Military, taking over command after the death of General Ironwood
.Weiss comes to see just how bad the conditions really are in the factories, esp SDC factories and truly sees how the other half lives. She is aghast to see other human beings running around with her Grandfather's legacy branded into their skin.
 When she points this out to Winter, she finds out that her older sister was aware of it,  but only due to her military duties. 
Weiss is of course appalled that Winter would keep this from her, who in turn tells her it was out of protection, that there was never a right time.
 Weiss vows that when all this is done she is taking back the SDC from her Father/Whitley no matter the cost.
 Some faunus are not at all happy that the Schnee's are down amongst them and it is Blake that comes to her defence explaining the new focus of the WF, what happened at Haven and that Weiss will stay true to her word. The faunus from the detention centre back at the start, back this up. 
The group find that they are being hunted for and make the ultimate desicion to leave and make a bid to escape.
A call is made for all Atlesian Military personal to return to their posts as the a new council has been formed , with Jacques Schnee at its head, (with Salem obv pulling the strings cause Jacques is a now a puppet.) having taken the place of Ironwood.
All Atlas students are also called to go back to the academy. Team FNKI refuse.    And Winter goes freaking rogue, gathering soldiers and personnel loyal to Ironwood.  Team FNKI join her, as do other students and Faunus from Mantle  vowing to protect what it is left and not let it fall until the very last man/women
(maybe the Branwen’s Last Stand happens here??? ).
Our heroes abscond with the Relic of Knowledge but without the Relic of Creation which is now in Salem's possession.  Spotted by Emerald, and it is suggested by a short clip that she follows them at close quarters. 
Our heroes are battered, injured and moral at an all time lows, (similar to vol 3 , as in all fairness they need a huge loss to balance things out and remind us of the stakes and NO ONE is protected by plot armour, extra points if Ruby loses an eye)
At the end of volume 8 , our heroes are in a non disclosed location, licking their wounds and wondering if they can truly carry on.  
A flash to Atlas devastated, surrounded by flying Beringals etc in the sky circling.
This plays out concurrently over the two volumes. 
As Salem and her hoard of flying monkeys descend on Atlas and tear it asunder. Emerald and Mercury come across Cinder and Neo.
As Emerald rushes to apologise profusely that they didn't know  she was alive. Cinder brushes her aside. 
 Over time, Emerald comes to witness the difference with the way that Cinder treats Neo and becomes increasingly envious, Mercury points out what he did in V6E9 that Cinder doesn't give two shits about her, to which she replies,
 "You don’t know that!". 
The tension between Neo and Cinder build, mainly from Emerald's side, as Neo literally sassily  shrugs it off. Maybe at some point there is a 1v1 fight
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 (mainly cause I really wanna fricking see a battle of the semblances... Hallucinations v's Illusions. 
Creating something from nothing, that only one person can see,  ie, Emerald's multiple copies of Mercury surrounding Yang back in Haven..... 
V'S twisting the real to look different, as I noticed Neo can only manipulate matter, as a disguise rather than create something from nothing.Neo needs something to work with. So Neo manipulates matter and Emerald manipulates the mind) 
 We know that Neo would win in a 1v1 with just fighting skills,  though we are also aware that Emerald is fully capable of taking on a number of Grimm by herself.  I think the semblance aspect would really make fight between the pair anyone's guess.
 Ultimately, either Neo throws the fight in order to stay close to Cinder and her original goal which is stabbing that bitch in the back, or Emerald wins.
 Emerald is defeated, exhausted and hurt. Surrounded by Grimm, Cinder leaves her to die.  
(Extra points for Emerald on the ground reaching out with hand as the city burns around them , eyes brimming with tears, as Cinder gives her a look , before turning her back and walking off. Cause I’m a sucka for heartbreak)
 Emerald's fate is unknown, until we see her at the end of the volume, spotting our Heroes leaving , there by kick starting her road to redemption, of sorts.
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 (It always struck me as odd that in V6E9 why her and Mercury were present and told a very strategic piece of info.
 "The only thing that can stop Salem's plans for Atlas, is Vacuo coming to their aid, that Vacuo must be kept out of it at all costs!"
Esp when CRWBY are known for keeping things very close to the chest and making every cent of their budget count.. Which leads me to believe that it is important esp with concern to Emerald and Merc, which again makes me think that Emerald will eventually leave with that information and deliver that info to Vacuo, either out of genuine guilt and wish to make rights, or as a way to avoid being imprisoned. 
 We know that Vacuo have a very laxed view on criminals etc.. so it’s the perfect place for Emerald to flee to,  whether Mercury goes with her remains to be seen.)
 That’s as far as I’ve gotten with concerns to that. 
This could happen anywhere long the narrative, maybe towards the end of v7 or v8 I see this pair standing back to back surrounded by enemies. Anything to stall and allow Tai to lead the kids out of danger. Cuts to scene in the aftermath of an epic battle with their slain enemies, Both sat on the ground, leaning back to back, both exhausted, maybe Qrow injured,  Qrow takes out his hip flask, giving it a shake, he takes a sip. He hands it to Raven, who takes a small sip before handing it back, Enemies approach a second time surrounding them, Cinder or maybe even Salem. they are severely outnumbered. The Branwen’s struggle to their feet supporting each other. 
“I never thought it would end like this!”
“We came into this world together, we go out of this world together!”
“Ah come on, that’s not like you, who says it’s over?”
(either line is interchangeable for either character)
They exchange a look, both knowing that this is the end, before turning with weapons raised and running into the fray. 
Cut to where the kids are, who witness sanse huge flash in the background, Yang’s soft ‘Oh’ and then cut back to Qrow’s hip flask on the ground, dented and scorched. 
Yes! I know , I am  a monster!
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