#i still like my old one so i'll still use it dw
nguyenfinity · 1 year
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Guess who’s been experimenting with a new chibi style
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griffin-girl-r · 7 months
Blackhill requests you say? Dw I got you covered!
Natasha and Maria are both happily married with an 8 year old daughter (r) when r’s dad enters the picture (r was conceived in the red room so he’s a bad guy who Nat had a one night stand with at some point idk)
She's mine
Created: 11.11.2023
Finished: 16.11.2023
Edited: 17.11.2023
Age: 8
Word count: 2,935
Warnings: Homophobia , Mentions of sexual assult , Abandonment , Misogyny
Anymore let me know
Request: Yes (Tumblr user) (@ravensinthedaylight)
Pairings: BlackHill, Natasha Romanoff x Lev Ilyin (Original!Evil!Character) (Past mention)
Natasha and Maria were quietly sitting on the couch in their living room, snuggled closer to each other as their 8-year-old daughter, Y/N, was sandwiched in between the two women.
'Lilo and Stitch', Y/N's favorite movie was playing on the TV and their little girl was absolutely fascinated about everything that was happening in it as if she wasn't seeing this movie for the millionth time.
Natasha had to buy 40 new DVDs with the movie, in the last 7 years since its release, because Y/N watched them so often that they quickly got scratched and, therefore, almost useless.
Natasha could only blame her wife for introducing their daughter to this movie.
Now, truth be told, Maria wasn't actually the other biological parent of Y/N.
Years ago, when Natasha was still a young mere prisoner of her own life, she was forced by the organization that had taken care of her training to have intimate relationships with a man she didn't even know.
More of like, being offered against her own will by the Red Room to one of their men but that is all in the past.
She was ready to keep living with everything that happened to her as long as the only good thing that came out of everything, her daughter, was by her side.
A knock at the front door interrupted Y/N's innocent giggles and the little family looked confused towards the door.
Who could be at the door at this late hour?
"I'm coming!" Maria shouted, carefully moving Y/N's sleepy body, who was using Maria as a pillow, away
"I'll get it." Natasha quickly placed her hand on Maria's arm, stopping her
Maria looked at Natasha for a second and the agent wanted to protest but the reassuring smile the redhead was wearing was too tempting.
"As you wish, my love." Maria smiled back
"I'll be quick." Natasha quickly peaked her wife's lips, then stood up, making her way towards the front door
Natasha opened the front door, unaware of the darkness that was lurking just on the other side of it.
A sickening smirk formed on the face of the man who was standing just in front of the red-headed woman.
"Hello, Natalia." He said "Long time no see. Did you miss me?"
Natasha froze in place for a moment as she took in the sight of the man she never thought she would see again.
Memories of a long-forgotten time had resurfaced in her mind.
She shook her head "No..." Natasha whispered "What are you doing here?"
"Well, you know..." The man began "I came to take back what's mine."
Natasha looked at the man, her eyes widening in shock.
"You are not going to take my daughter away from me!" She protectively declared
"Our daughter, my darling." The man corrected her "Oh, and what makes you think that I'm here just for our daughter?" He chuckled "I am here for you as well, Natalia. You are mine just as much as our daughter is." He stated as a matter of factly "How is she, by the way?"
The man took a step forward, walking uninvited inside Natasha's home, and looked around.
"I bet she grew up a lot in the time I haven't seen her." He added when Natasha hesitated to answer his question
"Leave her alone, Lev." Natasha raised her voice "She's innocent. She doesn't have anything to do with all this madness. I thought you were busy planning the world's dominance. How come you have come for us after all this time? How come that HYDRA let you leave their safe prison."
"How?" Lev chuckled "I was never a prisoner at HYDRA, to begin with, unlike you. I am one of their highest-ranked agents. Why do you think they offered you to me out of all people?" He explained "Now I am here to claim what's mine. And this time, neither you nor our little girl will run away. I will find you anywhere."
Anger raised inside of Natasha just as much as fear built inside her.
She couldn't believe her eyes. She couldn't believe that after all this time, the man who hurt her and took advantage of her body was here to claim something he never took part in.
More specifically, in the raising of Y/N, which he had no right over.
"Just leave us alone." Natasha shouted
"You wish!" Lev laughed sadistically
From inside the living room, Maria's ears picked up on the raising tone of her wife's voice, and her instincts kicked in, telling her to go and check what was happening.
"Stay here, baby." Maria kissed your head "Mom is gonna go and quickly check if Mama is okay out there and see who is at the door."
"Okay, Mom." You replied distracted as your attention was fully focused on the movie
Maria stood up and with one last ruffle of your hair, she made her way towards the front door.
"Honey?" Maria called Natasha confused, as she took in the sight of the unknown man sitting in front of her wife "Are you okay? Who's is he?" She pointed to the man "Were you expecting someone?"
"So this is that so-called wife of yours I've heard about." The man smiled "Well it's nice to meet my replacement but we have to leave, Natalia."
Maria looked confused between Natasha and the man for a second.
"What do you mean you have to leave?" Maria asked "Babe?" She turned her head towards Natasha, waiting for her answer
Natasha looked up from the floor, directly into Maria's eyes and the brunette could see the tears that were present in her wife's eyes, causing Maria's instincts to heighten immediately as a surge of protectiveness overflowed her senses.
When Natasha begged Maria to help her just with one look, Maria pushed Natasha behind her with a swift move.
"I don't know who you are." Maria said, her muscles tensing "But I'll have to ask you to leave. Nicely." Se ordered the man through gritted teeth
"You have no right to tell me to leave." The man laughed "I am here to claim what's mine and you, weak woman, will never be able to make me leave."
Just then, Maria's brain clicked on what was happening and she understood who the man that was standing in front of her was.
"You monster." Maria whispered angrily "I know exactly who you are."
"Well..." The man raised his arms, proud of who he was "It took you some time to figure that out." He sang "I expected you to be smarter than this."
"This is the last time I am asking you nicely to leave this house. That unless you want to have some serious problems." Maria said once again
"Oh, come on." The man chuckled sarcastically "You don't expect me to be afraid of a woman and especially of you, don't you?"
"Well, I wouldn't say the same thing if I were you." Maria tilted her head "I am ready to do anything to protect my family."
"Your family?!" The man shouted "They're mine! I am going to take my belongings and leave."
"They are staying here." Maria protested "You don't even know how my daughter is named, let alone have any right over her. I raised her ever since she was a five-month-old baby. I was the one who changed her diapers, checked for any monsters under her bed, and loved her, not you." She hissed "And the same goes for my wife. She's mine for a reason."
From the corner of her eye, Maria saw some movement right behind her, and she saw the man's smirk growing wider.
"Aha, my sweet girl!" The man cheerfully exclaimed "I finally came home. Are you excited to see me?"
Y/N silently peeked at the man from behind her moms.
"Mama?" You called shyly "Who's that?" You pointed towards the man
"No one, baby." Natasha quickly tried to make you leave "Just go back to the movie, okay? Me and Mom will be there very soon."
"Mom?" Lev raised his eyebrow "There is no such thing as another mom. I am your other parent, sweetheart." The man tried to tempt you in a sweet tone "I came here so you could have a normal family. I am your Dad." He declared
"Dad?" You asked confused, looking up towards Natasha "I have no dad. I have Mama and Mom. I already have two parents."
"Well, your parents must be a mom and a dad, not two moms." Lev tried to turn you against your mothers
"But, I love my moms." You innocently declared "They love me and we're always having fun. And Mom always carries me on her shoulders and buys me ice cream, while Mama reads me bedtime stories and gives me the best hugs in the world."
But just before you got to finish your sentence, the man snatched you away by your arm and forcefully held you in place.
You let out a terrified scream as tears quickly made their way down your cheeks.
"Mama!" You screamed out in fear, begging Natasha to help you
"Leave her alone!" Natasha screamed as she tried to grab you back from the men, but she didn't manage to "My baby!"
"Leave my child alone!" Maria threatened "That's my daughter you're holding there. You just don't get it."
"These two girls are mine! And she's coming with me." He pointed towards you
"She's mine!" Maria shouted as she grabbed your other arm quickly and pulled you towards her with all her force, causing the man to loosen his grip on you "They are both mine!" Maria declared as she quickly shoved you behind her to shield you from anything, just as she has done with Natasha "I don't know what's the reason behind your actions and what your evil plan is, but you must leave right now!"
Lev, in a fraction of a second, lifted his arm and punched Maria in the face.
Natasha let out a horrified gasp, her hands instinctively flying to her mouth to cover it in order to muffle any sound.
"Mom!" You screamed, afraid that your mom was badly hurt
"It's okay, kid. Mom is okay." Maria reassured you as she looked towards the man "So, you want to fight?" She nodded, taking a deep breath "Alright then, that's what you'll get."
And just like that, Maria delivered a punch back towards the man and a fight started.
Natasha wanted to help her wife, but she also knew that you needed protection and reassurance as she took two steps backward, shielding you with her body.
Kicks and punches were thrown around from both sides and just as the fight was getting more violent, a blowing sound was heard and the door of their house was slammed open.
"S.H.I.E.L.D., get down!" A deep voice shouted as agents armed with weapons burst inside their home
"This won't end like this!" Lev shouted as he tried to fight his restraints, just as S.H.I.E.L.D.'s agents escorted him away
"We'll see about that, Lev Ilyin!" Maria shouted behind him before she quickly turned her attention back to her wife and daughter "You're okay." She said in a rushed but reassuring voice "Everything is okay now, my sweethearts." The brunette woman pulled you and your mama in her arms "No one's ever gonna be able to take you away from me, I'm here and I will always protect you, you both are mine and no one else's."
Your small whimpers broke both Maria and Natasha's hearts.
Natasha held you tightly in her arms "It's okay, baby, it's okay. You're okay." Natasha kissed the top of your head and you hid your face in her stomach
Your cries slowly turned into quiet sniffs as you basked in the protection you felt from both your mothers as Maria protectively held you and Natasha closer to her.
"You're both okay." Maria whispered "We're all okay."
Natasha raised her head and looked at her wife's face, a gasp escaping the redhead's lips.
"Masha, you're hurt!" Natasha worriedly looked at Maria's bruised face and raised her hand to touch her wife's cheek
Maria tenderly grabbed Natasha's hand, stopping her from touching her cheek.
"It's okay, my love." Maria reassured "It's nothing. I just need a little bit of care from you and our little princess and I'll be all healed in no time."
"I'm sorry." Natasha whispered on the verge of crying "I never expected to see him again."
"None of that!" Maria sternly declared "You have no fault in this. Okay?"
"But Maria..." Natasha began before sighing when she saw the look on Maria's face and the spy changed the subject "How did the agents show up just on time?"
"Well, I kind of activated the alarm I have on my bracelet and they were alerted when I realized who Lev was." Maria shrugged her shoulders as if it wasn't such a big deal
"You sneaky agent." Natasha chuckled, a gleam of proudness shining in her eyes
"Well, what can I say?" Maria tried to sniffle her laughter "I am prepared for any situation."
But just as they hugged again, the sweet moment of the small family of three was interrupted by Nick Fury, who walked inside the room holding a file in his hand.
"Agent Hill. Agent Romanoff." He nodded, greeting the women "I want to thank you for catching one of the most wanted criminals on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s list.
"Well, you know..." Maria turned annoyed towards Fury, angry that he disturbed their moment "He kind of messed up with my family. I had to do something about it."
"As a thanks, I have a very special mission for you both." Fury stated "I need your help and you have just proven to me that you're both fit for this mission."
Natasha sighed, rolling her eyes "I knew there was something about you showing up here, Nick, not just because of Lev Ilyin."
"You know me, Agent Romanoff." He stated unimpressed, extending his hand towards them, offering them the file "Ilyin is just another trophy to our collection."
The couple grabbed the file from his hand and Natasha opened it, looking at the name of their next target that was written on the first page with big, bold letters.
"Tony Stark?" Maria asked confused "Isn't he that annoying, reckless man who thinks he's smart just because he has money and who wears sunglasses at parties that take place at night?"
"You couldn't have described Stark better, Agent Hill." Fury nodded "That's why I need Agent Romanoff to infiltrate inside his company. You have all the information there. You're getting a new alias and your mission is to protect him as danger is too close to him right now. We need to take action or the next events will have a turn for the worst if we don't intervene in this." He explained before adding "For the whole globe, not just for Stark."
"Consider it done." Natasha nodded, accepting the mission
"I promise you both, you won't regret helping with this mission." Fury looked in between the two women
"We hope we won't, Sir." Maria squinted her eyes
And just like that, Fury turned around and left without adding any other word.
Maria peeked at the page where all the details about Natasha's new identity were and quickly scanned the page with her eyes, reading the important details.
"Well, I see he didn't think too much about a new name." Maria said teasingly "Come on! Natalie Rushman? He could do better than that. And you were supposed to be a model?" She chuckled "No way!"
"Oh, shut up." Natasha playfully smacked Maria's arm "Let's just leave the mission for another time, okay? I have enough time later to study this role."
"All right, Miss Rushman." Maria laughed, wrapping her arms around Natasha's shoulders while taking a gentle hold of Y/N's small hand "I think we had a movie to watch."
"Stitch!" You cheered excitedly
"Yeah, baby, Stitch!" Natasha lovingly smiled down at you as you all made your way back to the living room
That night, Maria lay awake in the bed she and her wife shared.
Natasha and their daughter were sound asleep as today's events drained them out of energy.
The brunette agent turned on her side with a sigh and scanned the faces of her two loves in the darkness.
"No one will ever be able to take you away from me." Maria whispered "I promise you both that we will forever be a family regardless of our past or of what other people might think about us."
Maria slowly leaned closer and kissed your cheek.
"You're so loved, Y/N." The brunette whispered in your ear "And so are you, Tasha." She also pressed a gentle kiss against Natasha's cheek "You're my blessings and I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have you both."
What happened today, helped not only Natasha and Maria, but also you, to realize how lucky you were to have each other and on how much love your small family was actually built on.
Maria vowed to fight until her last breath, just so she could keep you and Natasha safe, as her love for her girls knew no bounds.
And just as Stitch has said.
'Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.'
And a true family is built on love, not blood.
Permanent taglist: @lizlil , @mmmmokdok , @natsxwife , @lovelyy-moonlight , @observeowl , @froufrousnowman , @youralphawolf72 , @halstead-severide-fan , @daggersquadphantom , @circe143 , @ravensinthedaylight , @darkstar225 , @dannipotatoo , @justarandomreaderxoxo , @theunchosenonee , @cherlenovix
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shadale-s-safe-space · 8 months
I don't know much about you as a person, but from what I can gather you've had a long journey with art, but still have the motivation to continue even when its rough. I'm sure you didn't start out making masterpieces, so if its not too much trouble, do you have any advice for a 16 year old artist losing motivation? i feel like im stagnating right now and its awful
Idk man, all I can say is, draw watchu want without the care who's gonna see it or what they gonna say , commit to new ideas and care less about pleasing everyone, because I know that way too well, I started learning by drawing animals, flowers and nature, "you should draw something else", switches to furries " No you must do human portraits", draws humans *no one fuckin cares*, and I felt miserable drawing what I didn't want all the damn time just trying to please everyone and be liked, hell, I still do that sometimes cuz I'm a dumbass. When in reality, when you do your own thing is when you're the happiest, this internet bullshit? Yeah don't trust the likes and favs, people like what they find relatable, no one really knows how much time you've spent on your drawing or how much you love it, when a 5 min doodle you did could do more than a painting that took 2 whole days to complete just to be scrapped in a new speedy record, paint what you love for yourself and you only.
Don't be shy to learn new things, I have tons of stuff I don't post here cuz I know people wouldn't care about it, but here for this post, have this that I practiced when I felt too depressed to think of anything good and wanted to step back from the MD artstyle
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You'll see, you'll thrive when you draw what you want, and get yourself a drawing buddy! That way you'll stop focusing on the internet and more on each other, and each other's improvement. Tbh I struggled with that one. Since everyone I had were not into art irl, I somehow managed to find someone after 10 years of drawing alone. I honestly wanted more people to join in and make an improvement circle, but unfortunately that never happened.
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I found myself twice as productive now than ever, even though I'm not active here as much I am still drawing and making things, ofc giving you more comics! And other fun things in the future I hope.
If you're struggling to draw something just do it, man commit, i was uncomfortable drawing men and male characters for years, I've wasted so many years being "too uncomfortable" and draw a naked person like yeesh who fucking cares, it's for studying.
And ofc if you feel like you're not improving at all please, please experiment with your artstyle and try something new, please refresh your mind, I was stuck for years doing the same thing over and over, same colors, same 2px brush, drawing like a machine same shit over and over, I felt so stuck and lost, but also afraid to do something new, idk why, I guess I never felt good enough or deserving of it. I also didn't go to art school, I am NOT a professional, nor will i ever be in my opinion. Hell, me feeling like I'll never be good enough left me afraid to try and apply for art school, they were asking for sculptures, different mediums all that scary stuff and I was like, I don't.. know.. how to do those things... I can't build a portfolio in less than 3 months?!?! I don't even know how to use half of what they're asking for!!
In reality at the end of the day, art is what you make of it and no one can stop you, search for inspirations and don't be afraid to try, yes you'll fail fist 2 or 10 or hell even 100 times, but you'll come back with more knowledge than ever.
For ending I give you the most confusing drawing to ever exist [dw he's just sleeping on top of her and she's just ghasping for air but awe romance or sum lol] is it weird? Yeah but I had a fun time making it hahaha
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Idk I'm bad at putting my thoughts together, but hopefully some of this helps.
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jakowskis · 8 months
torchwood fanfic resources
so i'm a chronic livejournal archaeologist, and fixating on 2000s media is particularly fun for me because it means i get to go digging on lj / dw / old fanfic forums. below you'll find some of the excavations from my torchwood fixation (give it up for month 6!) it's pretty much got every comm i've ever stumbled upon and found useful, or thought others would find useful. it's largely fanfic-oriented, though there's some more generalized comms, too. i hope you guys enjoy!
i was originally going to include a link to my reclist on this post as well, but it's still a wip, so i'll just post that separately in the future.
general disclaimer: most of the content here is from 2006-2013 or so. period-typical attitudes may pop up in places. i'm not sure if most modern tw fans have witnessed the original fandom at all, but i felt a need to say this anyway, because i've seen some icky stuff. i've warned for anything notable. gwen bashing in particular may unfortunately pop up in some of these comms, especially in the comments, so tread carefully.
if you're new to probing through old lj comms, remember to always have the wayback machine on hand, because you're going to run into a lot of purged accounts and seemingly lost fics, but sometimes you get lucky and something's been archived :)
as of the date i'm posting this, all of these comms are still accessible, but if you're from the future and some have been deleted, again, go ahead and give the wayback machine a try. additionally, livejournal has a system that includes 'cross-posting' in which, if authors choose to (and the majority of them do, to get their fics more visibility), fics get posted to multiple comms at once. so chances are, even if one comm gets deleted, the contents will survive through other comms. kind of like how reblogs continue to exist even when the original blog is deleted.
finally, ctrl + f is your best friend if you have a specific ship/character/trope you're invested in, especially in comms with less than ideal tagging systems. if a comm does have a substantial tagging system, you can find all of its tags by adding '/tags' the end of the urls i've provided.
ok... let's begin :-)
assorted livejournal communities
✎ torch-wood: this is essentially a torchwood subreddit. it started before the show even aired, and one of the highlights of it is episode reaction posts (easily accessible on the right side of the lj) that document how everyone immediately reacted to the eps, which is pretty damn cool, fandom-history wise. only thing i should mention is there's quite a lot of gwen and owen bashing in the comments of some of those reaction posts, so just be wary of that if you love those two like i do, 'cuz it's a bit of a bummer.
✎ torchwood-three: this comm is an extremely cool then-daily newsletter (that still updates sometimes?!) that compiled as much fan-content as it could find into cleanly organized lists. the posts made immediately after new episodes aired contain reactions, discussions, meta, theories, new fic, fanmixes, just about everything. very very cool to go back and see the way the fandom was thinking as the show was airing and as they were getting to know the characters. here's a direct link to all posts made in late 2006, during the airing of s1.
✎ torchwood-fic: exactly what it says on the tin. desktop layout is easy to navigate, tags are all there!
✎ torchwood-fic's profile page also features a list of affiliated accounts that's pretty handy. it's worth taking a peek at, in case i've excluded anything in this post that you might be interested in.
✎ twgenrefinders: handy dandy comm where people would ask for fics of a certain variety & be treated with reclists, or hyper-specific fics... pretty cool stuff, ive got several threads bookmarked to sort through the links later. ofc, please note that some of the things people asked for might be stinky. particularly i've seen a lot of ppl requesting gwen bashing fics :/
✎ twstoryfinder: cousin to the above comm; here, people would ask for a very specific fic they'd lost. it's kind of fun to find fics through because you get someone describing memorable scenes + hyping it up, so it's different than just a standard summary. this one still gets posted on, too, which is crazyyy.
✎ tw-unpaired: for gen fics! no romance allowed! there's some good character studies + friendship fics in there. stuff's tagged by character + authors are even tagged, in case you find one whose writing you particularly enjoy. this is v useful for when someone's main journal has been deleted.
✎ torchwood-decaf: a comm where janto is BANNED. nah i'm kidding, it's not anti-janto, it was just made because janto is so huge that it overshadows everything else. pretty smart, tbh; wading through the sheer mass of janto content can be tiresome.
✎ jack-in-cuffs: for dark tw fic, or uber smutty tw fic. as a fan of dark!fic, there's some goodies in here, but of course it's not everyone's cup of tea. most of the writers included warnings, but if you go a little further back, some people weren't as courteous; navigate with caution.
✎ jack-owen: for fic featuring our captain and his (second favorite) doctor. i know this pairing's kinda divisive nowadays, but i enjoy it a lot. the comm's got a dismal tagging system and, ngl, i don't truly like any of the fics there (i'm very intrigued by jack and owen's relationship but i've never found fic that really does them justice, and i still haven't figured out how to write them myself) - but i'll include it anyway.
✎ odetojoi: for fic featuring owen in the middle of a janto sandwich, for those of us who are allergic to women (/sarcasm). there's an oddly impressive supply of fics of the three of them, and a good chunk of them can be found in this comm. (everytime i see this comm i think of a certain abbreviation found in p/rnogr/phy... but i digress)
✎ halfwee-and-tea: for ianto x owen fic. haven't gone through this one much, truthfully. i hate when comms have no tagging systems agh.
✎ owenharper-fans: a comm for the saddest undeadest bisexualest doctor around. also features a few burn appreciation posts, which is nice to see pre-pac rim era. mostly just features a shit ton of owen fic, particularly owen x ianto fic. mostly sufficiently tagged. if you need me once i post this, btw, i will be balls deep in this comm.
✎ the pro-owen alliance: another owen-focused comm - i think this one was made directly in response to owen bashing. haven't combed through this one much but it's got a fair amount of fics.
✎ house-of-cooper: a gwen comm! made in response to gwen bashing. haven't gone through it, but i'm glad it exists.
✎ torchwoodcoffee: ianto comm! this one's hugeee. the majority of it's janto, but the pairings aren't tagged, which is really frustrating. about 6k fics on there, though! just untagged. fff.
✎ tw-femficfest: a comm for fic about any and all of the torchwood ladies. tagging's cleanly done & there's some handy fic round ups, too.
✎ tw-femslash: yuri!!! wahoo!!! a comm for f/f tw ships. there's quite a lot of fic on here, but unfortunately there's no tagging whatsoever. sigh.
✎ tw-classic: a comm for 'all things series one and two of torchwood'. was made after s3 and was popular around s4 out of nostalgia for the golden age <3 good amount of fic, discussions, etc.
✎ torchwood-house: this comm is, like, letterboxd, but for torchwood fanfic. basically a group of individuals who thought of themselves as having Good Taste would read Good Fic and then go in this comm and write a post about why they recommend it. it's well-made, easy to scroll through, and sells the fics v well, and it kinda gets you more excited to read them when you get to see someone hype them up with Fancy Words. it's like a little torchwood yaoi bookclub. we're eating quiche
✎ tw100: a drabble challenge; this thing's full of 100 word drabbles. ngl i hate drabbles but i'm throwing it in here anyway
✎ touchyerwood: i love kink memes... i love kink memes less when my favorite character/pairing is unpopular. the pac rim kink meme's been a blessing bc i'm a basic ass newmann - the torchwood kink meme? not so much. it's got a fair amount of shit, though, so maybe someone else will appreciate it. this one isn't the original, that one's been wiped off the internet, to my chagrin. keep in mind before digging that people in kink memes are horny & gross. that's your warning.
✎ reel-torchwood: for any and all movie aus... ok i have a bone to pick with this comm. i'm a big movie nerd, i love film, i've seen dozens of films i've thought would make good aus - i combed through this and there is not a SINGLE fic in there that piqued my interest. NOTHING. needless to say my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. i'm sure my experiences aren't universal though.
✎ torchwoodslash: ah, remember when we called it slash? gee whiz. i'm not big on this comm, it's not very user friendly + there's like no tags whatsoever so it's extremely hard to navigate. enter at your own risk & good luck, lol.
✎ rounds-of-kink: this isn't a torchwood-exclusive comm, but it's got a sizeable torchwood tag, which can be found here. pretty organized tagging system; makes me happy.
✎ tw-declassified: this comm was mainly used for running a 'torchwood bingo', which, i've been in other fandoms that do episode bingos and it's usually cute... this one confused me a little so i didn't bother peeking around too much, but still a cool little bit of fandom history.
✎ writerinadrawer: this was an annual torchwood writer's challenge that ran for four years... it's kinda hard to navigate but it does have some fic in it so i'm putting it here.
✎ dmarley-recs: a recs journal someone ran for compiling torchwood fic; it's got a l o t of recs on there, largely jack/ianto.
ok and straying from lj briefly for two other places to find fic...
✎ kink_bingo: this is a dreamwidth comm, and it's not torchwood-exclusive, so i've linked straight to the torchwood tag. this comm has a livejournal equivalent, but for some reason the tw tag is pretty barren on that one? not sure why. but on dw it's got a fair amount. the tagging system is rough, it tags fandom and kink but not pairing, which is irritating, and every post is hidden under a cut AND makes you go through a discretion barrier every single time (but probably only if you don't have an account? i'm not logged in) which makes navigation a pain. but i dunno, more smut, if you want it.
✎ whofic.com: this site is for doctor who fic, but it's got a very substantial amount of torchwood fic. i do not, however, like the formatting at all. i'm being overly nice; i HATE the formatting. it's very reminiscent of fanfic dot net but, like, worse. it reminds me of adultfanfiction dot org which was a NIGHTMARE to use. but! there is torchwood fic there so it's going in here.
aaaand there we go! that's all i have. i hope these prove handy! enjoy :D
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luxiem x reader || halloween !! day two , part three
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personally, he'd be the most 'adult' about halloween
like ya know
he wouldnt go out of his way to do stuff for the day but like
he loves it whenever you try to scare him
its like his advent calendar except its you on every single day counting up to halloween trying to desperately get a yelp of surprise from him
tw for like mention of a knife like once [its fake yall dw] IM SORRY BUT LIKE I ALSO MADE THE END LIKE A WEE BIT SUGGESTIVE OK I COULDNT HELP MYSELF
"You aren't gonna get me this year, my love." Vox chuckled, taking a box of cereal from the pantry before leaving you standing there, dumbfounded.
You were hiding in the pantry at an ungodly hour of the morning just to scare your fiance, and he didn't even give a single flinch! You were dressed up as Ghost Face from the Scream franchise (which was his favourite set of horror movies) and you even had a fake knife in your hand, yet all he did was take a box of cereal from behind you and laugh.
"Ugh... Come on, not even one small reaction?" You huffed, taking off the mask to give him an annoyed pout. It was already nearing Halloween yet he still didn't give you any reactions about any of your scares.
"Honey, your face is too pretty to scare me." He said with a smirk, pulling your chin up to face him as he kissed your forehead lovingly. He would never admit it because he knew you'd probably stop doing it, but he thought you were so cute whenever you tried scaring him. As a 400-something year old demon, there is barely anything that'd give Vox a genuine scare nowadays, and you weren't one of those things. No matter what you try and come up with, nothing can get a spooked reaction from him. Though, there were a few times that he deemed 'pretty creative'.
"Don't try and flatter me, I'm trying to think of how to scare you." You turned your face away from him, pursing your lips as you came up with a different plan. He laughed heartily, putting the cereal box to the side and giving you a hug.
"I guess my little imp is still trying so desperately to scare me. I promise you, darling, all of this is futile~ I don't get scared by your adorable antics." He tapped your nose cheekily, using his other hand to rub your cheek. He was so fond of you, you might've thought he was falling more in love with you with every year that passed where you kept up with this tradition of attempts at scaring him (which wasn't off from the truth).
"One day, I'll get a scream out of you." She pressed on teasingly, kissing him on the lips.
"I can get a scream out of you any night, baby." Vox winked, holding your chin for a few moments as he let your mind wander on about his words...
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chuuyasheaven · 1 year
Heya! I'm literally OBSESSED with your Dazai fanfic for valentines event its so good omg it got me rolling on the floor gasping for air, beating the shit outta my octogawa plushie 😭 ( he's fine dw)
since I'm thirsty af can I request prompt 9, 11 and 12 for this hot ass mf Akutagawa and its a jealous seggs and bondage too where he tied you up with rashoumon omg... Also happy late valentines day I'm sorry if I hadn't wish you valentines day on 14th I had go to my old school for reunion 😭😭
Anyways I wish you luck bbg 😼😼
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ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ/ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ: 9: “Beg for it, let me know that you deserve it.”, 11: “You're mine and I'm only yours, got it?” and 12: “Let me hear your sweet moans, baby.”
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ:Jealous Sex with Akutagawa! I guess he just wants to make sure you know who you belong to, right? <3
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: Jealous!Akutagawa, fem!Reader, Rashoumon being used as a rope to tie Reader up, rough sex, ada!Reader, bratty!Reader if you squint.. Lmk know if i fucked smth up!!! Accidentally added 10- (y'all are in the bedroom btw.)
ɴᴏᴛᴇs (ғʀᴏᴍ ᴍᴇ): I lowkey giggled when i read this..but i love this smut-trope alot! (if that's a thing) and it's okay, school sucks lol. Enjoy bbg! 🤭
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“Tell me, why did you hang with that disgrace of a tiger again?” he growled against your neck.
For a little context, you and Akutagawa were a couple.
But you were both from enemy organizations, which didn't stop you from dating though.
I mean, yeah, Akutagawa doesn't like any of them except for you and Dazai, but it really bothered him that you were friends with the Weretiger, one of his biggest enemies..
This time, he was just really annoyed.
When he walked to the café where you were supposed to be at, he saw how you smiled at Atsushi the way you smile at him, not to mention that you let him touch you.
He just waited for you to finish, gave Atsushi a quick death stare and walk off with you.
Now back to where we left off-
“He was just hugging me, Aku, it's not a big deal!”, you spoke up for yourself.
“I don't like the way you smile at him, it actually makes me want to kill him even more.”, Akutagawa responded,
“Aku, let's just leave this for some other time. It's getting kinda annoying, y'know?” you tried to change the subject.
Akutagawa looked at you with slight annoyance.
How could you say that? He was just worried about you and Atsushi, what if you left him for Atsushi like Dazai did? Poor Aku. Come on you couldn't blame him for being jealous!
But, he won't let you be.
Akutagawa wants to, no, he needs to convince you to stay by him.
That's when something inside him snapped.
“Rashoumon!”, interrupting the silence in the room, as black ropes held you in place.
Being not able to process what had just happened, you feel you chin lifted by his hand.
“You know how such things annoy me, right? If you still don't get it, let me demonstrate.” Akutagawa just said.
“Akutagawa, what do you mean by-”, you let out a slight 'eek!' when you felt Rashoumon ripping off your panties.
(idk if Rashoumon can do that but yeah and yes, you had a nightgown on)
As you wanted to ask him again, you heard him removing belt, but also felt yourself get wetter by the second.
Lining up at your cunt, he let's his free finger get a taste of your slick.
“You're already wet? What a whore, but since, you taste so fuckin' good, baby, I'll let that slide. I know for a fact that the Weretiger will never get such a good taste in his miserable life, don't you agree?” Akutagawa smirked slighty, as he started inserting his cock into you.
You muffled your moans at this euphoric feeling, which Akutagawa didn't like. The Rashoumon tangled up your hands.
“Come on, Let me hear your sweet moans, darling, let everyone know who you belong to..” he panted as he started thrusting his length into you.
That's when you started to moan shamelessly louder than expected, not like he didn't like it.
How could you even keep quiet if he was fucking you so good? Akutagawa's cock hit all the right places, he filled you up just right!
“I'm c-close, Aku! Please don't stop..!” you desperately moaned to him, you let out a whine as he slowed his pace down.
“Oh? Well, i might aswell stop right now, because i don't know if you deserve it..”, as you tried to move, you desperately failed.
Akutagawa, who saw this reaction let out a chuckle.
“You're such a slut. But if you have to cum that bad, beg for it, let me know that you deserve it.” he just demanded that from you because he was close to cumming, so hearing you beg for it, was gonna speed the process up.
“P-please, Akutagawa, i need you so bad..please let me cum! I swear, I'm only yours, i love you so much-”, you got interrupted by his erotic thrusting.
But now he was eager to cum, he needed to release into you.
“That's..damn r-right, you're mine and I'm only yours, got it? I hope you did by now.”, Akutagawa felt your cunt hugging his cock deeply, letting him lose a groan.
“Fuck! 'M so fuckin' c-close, Aku!” you told him, after the last thrusts your coil in your stomach snapped.
Bliss following, as Akutagawa shot his cum right after.
He released you from Rashoumon and collapsed on the bed, panting heavily.
You did the same. Akutagawa found himself hugging you and nuzzling into your neck.
“Did i make clear that you're only mine?”, you just whispered loud enough for him to hear,
“Yes, Aku, you did. I'm gonna set some boundaries just for you, but for now i want you to rest, m'kay?”, You felt his head moving, assuming he was nodding.
After all this, he drifted into sleep.
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Reading back at it i realized that I accidentally added the 10, but who cares? because it looks good lol. Hope you enjoyed it!!! :)
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doverstar · 3 months
reading your posts about your time watching doctor who reminded me of the first time i discovered doctor who, mainly, the eleventh doctor. i was going through such a tough time, and one day i just decided to watch doctor who to see what all of the fuss was about and started 'the eleventh hour.' it was pure magic to me. everyone has their doctor, and matt smith will always be mine. he was great! i loved how eccentric and warm he could be. i loved how he was just so sweet and kind to all of his companions, and i loved that undercurrent of darkness that was always bubbling under the surface of his character. matt smith was brilliant and i really, really wish they'd bring him back as the doctor in some way. i miss him so.
I so enjoy your blog and I was delighted to get this in my inbox. I loved reading this and picturing how you discovered the show; if anyone else wants to share their own DW experience with me, please take this as a sign! Commiserating over loving and missing the Doctor, feeling like he really is your friend (silly but true), is very cathartic to me. Nine was my first, and so was Rose. I didn't know anything about the show at all when I started in that basement bedroom, went in completely blind. I know what you mean by pure magic! I thought Christopher Eccleston would be the Doctor forever, and I was totally in love with him. I thought he was the reason everyone loved the show (I hadn't even seen Matt Smith's face yet, that's how in the dark I was at the time!). When he changed into David Tennant, I'll never forget how strong my feelings were. The revulsion and despair were huge. I was a lil teenager wrapped up in a zebra-patterned blanket downstairs, outraged that the 40-something with the big ears had transformed into hot young hair man. When Harriet Jones pleaded for the Doctor's help and Rose started crying in the kitchen, I was a mess. No television show that I can recall inspired in me such realistic emotions before Doctor Who, not like that! It took me so long to get used to Ten, and even now I still look at him and remember how hard it was to get used to him. Felt like someone had forced me to move homes or something. And when I finally got caught up to the show on live television, Matt Smith was finishing off his first season, and oh, he was so easy to love. Even as an adult now, his variation feels so safe. I love everything about him, the childish energy, the old man movement, the rhyming way he talks, and when he's angry, he reminds me of Eccleston. I'm like, That's him! That's the Doctor! I rewatch that era for Matt alone. When Clara looks at him regenerating and whispers "Please don't change," I cry every time. She's right. We were all saying it. Also reading your I miss him so totally made me stop and actually get emotional too - that says it all about the Doctor, about that time in my life (yours too, sounds like!) Eccleston to Smith. I miss him so.
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starfilled-galaxy · 1 month
System info + introductions for the alters :D This post is occasionally updated !
We're a proxy system (linked) which means there's a permanently frontstuck host and instead of switches we only blur/blend Each alter is associated with 1 emoji that we tag and emoji combos = blurry/blended
Fictive heavy, lol whoops
Collectively sex-repulsed asexual, also collectively share the same neurodivergencies (adhd, autism, social anxiety) tho some of us have more heightened nd traits than others
Quoigenic! Which means we don't know if we're traumagenic or endogenic or mixed origin or smth else and honestly we don't fucking care to find out
We switch between I/me and we/our a lot, we tend default to I/me though unless talking about multiple of us or the system as a whole
Usually we use the term "alter" but we dont mind sysmate/system member/headmate etc, alter is just the shortest lol
Alter intros under cut bc it's kinda long!
💫 - Niko! Pronounfluid. Genderfluid, grayromantic gaybian. Alterhuman (otherhearted cat). Not a fictive, just decided to steal the name from Niko OneShot. Perma frontstuck host :'3
🌌 - Aster. He/him. Unknown romanticity or gender, though I'm pretty sure he uses most of our space-themed gender labels. Alterhuman. Partially a prosecutor (only gets hostile when he feels threatened... like a bee lol)
🩸 - Fang. They/them. Unknown romanticity or gender. Alterhuman (demonkin and otherhearted bat). Traumaholder. Loves red and black color combo :3c One of the 3 "Knife Freaks"
Yeah ik I'm "edgy" and "emo" and "cringe" but who cares. Be cringe and be free. I'm having the time of my life looking like a 14 year old's cringe emo OC and nobody can stop me -🩸
🏀 - (rw) Kel. Usually he/him but sometimes uses she/her and very occasionally ae/aer and xe/xyr. Bigenderfluid, pan gaybian, possibly arospec. Furry, also really likes rock. Rw Hero is his comfort person and he's in an in-sys relationship with Sunny ^^ One of the 3 "Knife Freaks"
Genuinely fuck off if you treat me/source like a joke stop it I'm a person too you assholes -🏀
🌹 - (rw) Hero. He/him. Transmasc, abro pan bi. Really likes bugs and especially dragonflies. The only adult alter in the system, and also takes a role of trying to comfort everyone in the system
🔪 - Sunny. He/she/they. Trigender/boygirlenby, gaybian. He fucking loves scene. Also he apparently introjected as like post-game (true ending) so his sight is kinda blurry in his left eye (yes we're aware canon Sunny got his right eye stabbed, its just a source-fictive disconnect) One of the 3 "Knife Freaks"
🧡 - (hs) Kel. He/him. Boy, cis doesnt feel right but he's not a transguy so he's just neither, unknown romanticity. Yeah there's two Kels, and two Heros, dw about it. They just share names. Anyway he's silly he's the youngest of us. Doesn't wanna be called a little tho!
🍳 - (hs) Hero. He/him. Transmasc, unknown romanticity. He's very shy and anxious and rarely talks. Seems to be a symptom holder of our more extreme social anxiety
🦴 - Hector (dog). DOGGY!! Kel and Hero's lil shiba inu is a fictive! He/him, no gender just dog. Not to be confused with agender, just unlabeled. He's very excitable, and uh only speaks in barks, even in typing. I'll have to translate for him any time he talks
🍃 - Hollyleaf. Wow omg a not-omori fictive?? No way... /silly She/her. Christmasgender/xenogender, unknown romanticity. She and Lion are very source-detached since when they introjected it had been a long time since I read the books with them in it
🦁 - Lionblaze. He/him. Unknown romanticity or gender. He's silly and fluffy and honestly kinda similar to the hs Kel fictive personality-wise, but less kid-like
I know source was written in a super boring way but it still makes me sad to be called boring :< -🦁
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~League of villains members as things I said/done/whatever~
Y'all will think I'm messed up but oh well
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Tomura: "yawned whole time and ate chips in front of psychologist while sitting next to best friend that was low key nervous and anxious (I was with best friend for support @wholelottawidows thas you dawg 💀), offered psychologist chips and later when I ate whole bag, I licked my fingers in front of both of them and picked my ear when psychologist wasn't watching."
"Drank like 3-4 mugs of coffee and monster energy drink in one day but still fell asleep anyway"
"What's the point of all these hard work if we will all die either way, sooner or later?"
"When having breakdown, I remember something funny and stupid which makes me burst into laughter and forget what I was crying so violently about"
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Dabi: "I'll start working out this summer, just to be able to fist fight and beat up our dads one day"
"chased sibling with knife around house it was a joke just to scare him don't worry no one got hurt lol"
"Life is short make it shorter"
"Made my younger step sibling hit step father in the head few times with something"
"Damn this headache fucking me in brain really hard now"
"It is what it is (I would say that after I fucked up something 💀)"
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Toga: "Slept with knife under my pillow few times"
"have one stabbed pillow on bed which is covered with old t shirt"
"when I was a child I used to bring dead hedgehogs and mouses to my mother saying: Look at this poor kitty mom, let's help it!!! While the fucking animals were flattened like pancake and were literally full of ants and flies"
"Tried to snatch a street kitten once but failed and gave up"
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Spinner: "Tried to eat cigarettes and rocks I found on ground as kid"
"I know I'm atheist and don't believe in that shit, but you hoes need Jesus"
"one time i ran through a swarm of tiny flies and my mouth was opened since I was gasping for air because of running and some of these tinyass flies got into my mouth accidentally I could feel them in my throat and gave up from trying to spit damn bug out so I swallowed it 💀"
"Who needs bitches when you have perfect sandwich"
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Twice: "-Why is your nails painted pink? I mean you are mostly dressed in black it's surprising.
- Because I'm fucking fabulous"
"Smoked one or two times my whole pack of cigarettes and than my best friend's whole pack of cigarettes in one day (dw she gave me it I didn't just stole it and smoked it without her permission and I'm not heavy smoker now 👍💀👍)"
"Feels confident and looks at mirror whole time thinking how good I look, than after 30 minutes look at myself in mirror and either cry or laugh saying how dumb I look"
"accidentally choked on my own spit few times"
"Tried to help my best friend to get up one time because she fell but right when I got closer to her I tripped and fell as well"
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Magne: "cold & badass women are daddies and cold & badass men are babygirls and pretty princesses"
"Bullies my siblings but when someone else does it I go protective mode like: "I'm the only one that can bully this dumbasses"
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Mr Compress and Kurogiri:
"I can't stand you bitches so I'm cutting my legs off"
"Smacks siblings hand/head when they touch something they're not supposed to or something that's dangerous for them"
"one time while I was making coffee, my younger brother came to me to bother me and annoy me out of boredom, so I told him to go away. He did go away but not really far away, he stood at one line of kitchen floor half of meter away from me, I saw what was he trying to do he was trying to provoke me so I was like: If you want to provoke me at least do it fucking right you idiot
And I grabbed him and pulled him with me as I stepped on the actual ending line of kitchen floor and left him there as I went back to making coffee for myself"
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~We gotta go baba now ~
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I apologize to all people that I told earlier I'm going to sleep, sorry y'all but this idea farted up on my mind and I had to write it immediately so that I don't forget it 😍😍😍
Got a lil distracted 😔😔😔😔
(I hope people won't unfollow me bc of this💀💀💀)
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Computerfriend by Kit Riemer
============= Links
Play the game (or its alternate version) See other reviews of the game See other games by Kit or follow @adz
============= Synopsis
The year is 1999. The place is Godfield, Louisiana: the tech capital of the world, where the sky bleeds acid and the mud boils in the bayou. It’s time for your state-mandated digital therapy.
============= Other Info
Computerfriend is a Twine (SugarCube) interactive game, submitted to the 2022 Edition of the SpringThing. I playtested this game.
Status: Completed Genre: Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk
CW: suicide, violence, consent violation, bodily fluids, animated content Note: the animation can be toggled off. Also drastic change of colour between passages.
============= Playthrough
First Played: March 2022 Last Played: 30-May-2023 Playtime: around 20min (one ending) - 1h+ (another ending) Rating: 5 /5 Thoughts: Therapy: Hardcore mode.
============= Review
Computerfriend is a nihilistic take on a future/past, where everyone is miserable and somehow still living through a more-than-poluted world devoid of community sense and safety nets. Following an unnamed incident, you are required to follow therapy sessions via a AI program on your computer, the eponymous Computerfriend(.exe). However, this program is not... what you'd expect of therapy.
Spoilers ahead. It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
Computerfriend was my introduction to Kit's world, randomly answering a call to playtest it ahead of the SpringThing 2022. I remember it being very confusing and trippy and gross, and yet I did not want/could not to look away. I devoured that game, and played again and again until I had found all endings*. *Ok, I'll come clean, I cheated for a few. I opened the file on Twine and looked up how to get there.
Coming back to the game felt like swimming in a strange but comforting acid pit*, and talking to computerfriend.exe felt like talking to an old toxic friend you are not quite sure whether they mean good or harm. Needless to say, I was like a kid in a bath, refusing to leave. *dw I've never really done that.
Not going to lie, this game is very strange. And it has been stuck in my mind for over a year now. It has marked me in ways I'm still discovering today. Even if it is not supposed to be beautiful, with its blinding change of colours or its eye-printing fonts or the literal ugliness of the setting, there is still charm in the harshness of the visual. Even if it is not supposed to be cathartic, each story run left me strangely satisfied and [at peace / terrified / confused / angry / revolted]. Even if it was incredibly bleak and borderline fatalistic, with an unliveable world devoid of nature and cows that can lay eggs, there is still shreds of hope in there that survival is still possible, maybe for a bit longer.
In its indulgence in all that is considered bad, the game manages to be so incredibly good.
Honestly, I could stop here and be satisfied. This ruly incapsulate all my feelings about the game. But because I am greedy, here's below some randomly organised thoughts about the game. This is just because I want to talk about the AI program and could not find a better transition.
While the story is supposed to be about your recovery, the main show revolved around computerfriend.exe, your at-home therapist AI, which still needs a bit of tweaking before it can help you get back on track. At first, it seems the AI does not truly listen to you, as it goes down a checklist as if to fill in a form (to try to understand you) - the dissonance between your answers to questions and its responses is very staggering (for lack of better word). As you progress down the "recovery" path, the AI will propose different treatments, going from strange to terrifying to injecting yourself with drugs. If you refuse or don't find the treatment useful, it will pressure you to continue. Even saying NO is a painstaking process (and the first time, it is even ignored).
computerfriend.exe can truly be awful, but it remarkably funny. When it first assesses you, it does not just look up your location or how the weather is, but also finding the contacts to the nearest first respondent and pollen level (am i supposed to have hay fever?). This might be the bleakness of the game affecting me, but I still chuckle at it. Same after you close the application and try to reopen it, it will tell you to butt off because it is busy. It even gives you homework, actions to essentially distract yourself until the next session (and the options are delightful).
Some more random stuff, but less long:
starting with the 5 See, 4 Touch, 3 Hear, 2 Smell, 1 Taste calming method was brilliant, especially because it makes the situation all the more dire and tense.
The fucking computer visuals were so dope, especially that 90s webpage with the gifs everywhere, the weirdass adds, and the clashing colours. The news headline killed me.
transgender_foucault is an amazing username (especially having studied the work of foucault)
the world is so fucked up you can eat a kebab made of human flesh (just some cells mutating to make meat). Is that the future awaiting us?
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xiaoao · 1 year
Btw reader = you ( kinda obvious )
plan !!
infos :
reader :  Umi Kitsune, female, immortal, introvert.
facts : She is summoned by who are in need of help or advice. Reader tends to help others that are their species, though reader may seem cunning and mischievous, she is actually one of the most helpful and kindest kistunes out there. Reader has 9 tails, however has not mastered her powers. Her family, the kitsune guardians and one of the few kitsunes that can transform into human, her family died due to protecting the enchanted forest where she, the reader resides, and now, reader is now the guardian of her forest and ancestors, if she has any left. Most Umi Kitsunes can be found in reader's forest, reader's forest is an extremely big forest. However, Umi Kitsunes are almost extinct due to some unknown reasons, reader, is still investigating. ( will be posting an prologue, so this series will have a masterlist ! )
age : reader has no specific age, however she is thousands of years old, so dw ab her being a minor !!
powers : reader can create illusions, because of this, when she is in danger she summons illusions and flee the scene safely. She also uses this to protect people ( ykwim, the guys n gals. ) She can also posses peoples or kitsunes minds, although she hasn't fully mastered this, she does try and test it with her other kitsune friends ( that can't turn into human )
mask : in combat, the mask will look a little like this or this ( u pick ! u imagine what u want <3 I picked the second mask bcs it looks / has the colour scheme of Xiao ! Xiao's one of my favs hehe )
likes : reader likes rice cakes ( according to google kitsunes like anything rice related ) and onigiri !
clothing : readers dress / outfit looks a little like this ! or you can imagine Yae Miko's clothing on reader, the skirt is js a little more covered. :) this is an example !
scaryish fact : yk how I mentioned reader hasn't mastered her powers yet ? Yeah, she unknowingly kills, she had killed foxes that are stepping in her forest, or maybe even kitsunes. However if you think about it, reader might be the cause of extinction of the Umi kitsunes ? Wrong. There's a different killer, and reader is aware, and due to this, reader's mind has one goal, "kill the killer." Her mind is focused on one task, and that is to kill, how does she kill ? Take Layla as an example, she "sleep walks", but she's wide awake, she just not in her right mind. There are only times when this happens, rather, when the killer decides to attack.
Now the character infos are done, I decided to make it js mu favorite characters instead of like 9 characters LMAOAOA, but I decided to make it Xiao, Wanderer, Cyno, n Tighnari ! Since they're my top favorites n the characters I have the most fun writing, I decided to do them instead, I'm planning on adding Lumine, Aether, and Paimon too ! ( Lumine n Aether are aroace ) idk if I should make it fluff mixed with gore yet, still planning ! Also idk if I should make it multiple endings like which character you end up with yk, or if u got the opportunity to go to teyvat w them, not sure yet, since the planning is still in complete, I'll be finishing telephone first ! Will be editing this whenever I get the chance.
Taglist : @riabef ( told me they wanted to be tagged in my blogs LMAO) @xiaos-wif3 ( there's smth Xiao related here ! Hope you dm <3 )
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penny-anna · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
oof only 5 okay!!
i was gonna do 1 per fandom but then i realised that came to 6 so screw it u get 6:
The Engraving (BBC Merlin)
Arthur had somehow got into a situation wherein he had to bugger the man who was – let’s face it – the closest thing he had to a best friend, and unless luck was very much on his side things were going to be awkward forever. Camelot has been stricken by a terrible drought! Fortunately, Merlin has found a magical ritual that can bring back the rain. Unfortunately, it requires group sex - and Merlin is a virgin.
this was one of the last merlin fics i wrote n its a very stupid and silly and fluffy gangbang. really enjoyed writing the 'everyone lives happily ever after' AU on this one. very fun :)
Golden (Doctor Who)
Good gracious, it had been so long since he’d been seduced. He’d forgotten what a delectable experience it was. After an exhausting run-in with the local monsters, the Doctor takes Jamie to a hot spring to relax.
THIS IS ANOTHER SMUT. SORRY. very honest answer here. this is my dw piece i go back to most often. love the atmosphere of it.
And I'll shiver like I used to (LOTR)
He could taste it on his tongue, the salty tang of the sea, fresher and somehow saltier than the sea he knew. He could feel the sand, soft and light underfoot, warm from the sun. 'Sam,' the voice had said, saying his name so tenderly, so carefully, as if it were something precious, something to be treasured. 'Oh, Sam. I’ll wait for you.' Samwise Mason is a junior member of the Stonemason's Guild of Haven City; he works hard, but doesn't stand out. He dreams, again and again, of a beach with white sand and a kiss goodbye. Samwise Mason is making a statue.
tough call here but im still so pleased with this one i worked so so hard and i think it's the most romantic thing i've ever written
Constellations (The Witcher)
"I know how soulmarks work. If a person has two names writ upon them by destiny, then one is to guide them to their true love and the other to their worst enemy. Everyone knows that." / "That’s an old wives’ tale." When Jaskier was fourteen, two names appeared on his skin: 'Geralt' and 'Yennefer'.
VERY tough call here as i wrote a lot of witcher fics i still love but hand on heart this is the one i most enjoyed writing. blasted it out in like a week iirc. great stuff.
the world won't wait till you're older (DCU/Shazam)
Shazam didn’t understand how taxes worked. He always seemed kind of lost when they talked politics. Wally often had the sense that he was nodding along with things he didn’t really understand. He knew what vaping was. Inexplicably he knew what TikTok was. Weird guy. The Justice League try to adjust to their newest member. They know he's hiding something from them, but in their line of work everyone has secrets. Shazam's no different. Is he? Or, the Justice League accidentally inducts a child and then deals with the fall-out.
obvious choice haha!! my most popular DCU fic!! its a banger i hope to match it one day
time to time (Back to the Future)
“Will you shut your damn mouth and listen to me?” his other self hisses. He gulps in a breath, and breathes out; then, resolved, he does his best to shake his head. “No,” he says. “Whatever you have to say, I won’t hear it – having any knowledge of my relative future could –” His other self claps a hand, hard, over his mouth. His palm is damp. Clammy. Emmett makes a protesting sound against it but before he can wriggle free, the other him speaks. “Marty dies.” A cloud passes over the sun. The Brown family are on vacation, taking a break from the stresses of 1986. It's a beautiful summer day. What could possibly go wrong?
hnghh got a lot of bttf fics i love but this one remains the stand out for me. obsessed honestly.
thank u!! i'm not going to send asks bcos im lazy but for once i will tag some people uhh ok @uighean @limerental @bg-sparrow @megamindsupremacy @wromwood
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purgemarchlockdown · 4 months
For the ask game !! 2 and 9 for Amane 25 for Muu 8 for Kotoko
I'm a bit tired (I haven't eaten the whole day, Im about to though dw) so this might be shorter than you'd like! Sorry about that!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? Everything about her next question-
(Cat Symbolism if you Really Had to make me choose)
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Yeah, she acts like younger me and I have a younger sibling.
The question is would she tolerate being roommates with me, person who talks for 5 hours unprompted and says that I'll be "done quickly" even though I never am.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I've said before INMF was my first impression of Milgram generally. I remember it really clearly.
Me: Oh huh this is some really pretty animation, she seems like an ass but that's entertaining to- oh my god she killed someone. Oh??? What???? *checks comments* This is a series?????
I think of her more sympathetically now compared to before. I still think she's...a questionable person but also everyone here is a questionable person morally. Extremely enjoy her and her cycle.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Coming here swinging huh- this is a weird grip with Kotoko discussion I Have. I think we focus too much on how the actions are bad and why she does them, without fully examining her mindset and ideology? If that makes sense?
She sits in the same boat with my feelings about how people view Shidou. Those actions come from genuine places of grief or depression or self-hate yes but they aren't...just that. Their part of a character's wider ideology.
Kotoko being self-hating and wanting to get rid of the "dirty" parts of herself...does not change the fact that the way she's doing it is by eliminating the people SHE sees as dangerous, degenerate and destructive. It's why I'm trying to get more confident in just calling her a fascist. I like how Milgram forces us to realize that the "monsters" are not really...separate from us. That there's nothing really separating us from falling into those mindsets. But to do that we have to acknowledge what those mindsets Really Are? If that makes sense.
Kotoko is ableist, Kotoko is misogynistic, Kotoko aligned with the system of Milgram. These are all important parts of her character.
When Kotoko hates "evil" she's describing Groups of people she considers inherently flawed in some way and thus needs to be eradicated for the greater good.
This mindset is self-destructive, no one can be perfect enough for Kotoko, least of all Kotoko. But it harms So Many People outside of her.
Admittedly, Kotoko is more personal to me, uh- I know for a fact that ten year old me would of been murked by her. I also know ten year old me wanted to hurt everyone who hurt her. This colors my view of her significantly. I try my best to be kind to her but that really weighs on me sometimes.
...That got sadder than I meant it to be.
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purplekoop · 15 days
I do feel somewhat insane with all my War Bots ramblings laid bare thus far and then also there's this other, much less organized but also older expansive game concept I have across thoughts and google docs that I've yet to share here... Well, that describes a couple projects actually, but that's besides the point.
The one I'll go into just a bit for now is Darkworld Showdown, a platform fighter in a world plagued in eternal night, with an original cast of characters that span all things "horrific", with all manner of monstrous, undead, unholy, and otherworldly fighters taking part in battles caught on camera by a top-secret government organization.
The idea came about after I accumulated a number of gimmicky or otherwise fun-sounding ideas for platform fighter characters, but felt they lacked a coherent theme to tie everything together. The initial idea was called "Worlds Showdown", an even more generic name that was alluding to how every character was from a different planet, explaining the wildly clashing aesthetics. This still felt like a pretty weak idea overall, aside from a few fun character concepts. The breakthrough came when I learned about Darkstalkers, which is, to paraphrase greatly, like Street Fighter but spooky themed and also after using five suitcases of illegal substances. Don't worry about that second part.
So the idea was simple: take the most spooky-adjacent characters from the existing bunch, modify some of the others, forget about the weakest of the rest, and then expand the cast from there to fill the niches of unfulfilled spooky and fighting archetypes.
Now, this initial stage of DWS was years ago now, and was heavily collaborative with a friend who I've had increasingly spotty communication with since then. They suggested several full characters and helped brainstorm ideas for others, so they're an undeniable part of the project. Due to not wanting to do too much without them, I've since focused more on other ideas, primarily of course being War Bots.
Now I'd go more into the cast and lore, but most of it is years old and very poorly organized across a single multi-purpose discord channel. I'd at least share some art, but again, unfortunately, most of it is old! very old! and bad! I got a couple with decent art at least, so as a little sampler I'll give them a brief showcase.
The first is, perhaps unsurprisingly, a personal favorite of mine: the demon luchador Diabla!
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A prideful but ultimately kind-hearted demon, Diabla is a star wrestler in a supernatural fighting circuit. She's the dedicated grappler of the cast, lacking in mobility in range, but making up for it with devastating close-quarters damage and combos. She always fights for a crowd, with her unique Crowd Appeal mechanic hyping up the in-game audience when she uses flashy moves or lands a hit after taunting. The more fired up the crowd is, the more flaming her tail is, showing how powered-up some of her moves become. If she's in a bad spot, she can trade in her hype for a blazing inferno of glory with one of her special moves, depleting her flame entirely but letting loose a massive explosion that increases in size and power the more fired up she was beforehand!
An opposite in size, playstyle, and morality, the other face I have for now is Astrel, the cosmic jester!
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Astrel was a normal puppet used in an astronomy show, but was infused with an unusual celestial power after the incident that left the world in eternal night. They now have aspirations of keeping the night sky visible forever, and ascending even further into the stars. The little pest fights from a distance, leveraging their accordion-like arms for long-reaching attacks. They also can deploy their Orb of the Cosmos, which will float in place until recalled, and will retain the strength and launch angle of whatever attack it was last hit by, be it Astrel's or its opponent's, serving as a tricky tool for either player to make use of. Astrel is very floaty and light, and lacks quick close-range attacks, making them very vulnerable when a foe closes in, but is thoroughly skilled at making that as tricky as possible to accomplish.
And... alright I don't have any better images for this one, but last up for now is the slime next door, Mugie!
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...yeah that's it. Best I got for picture quality.
Once a girl named Maggie who died in a tragic accident, her memory was recreated using a synthetic organic compound made by her father, and so she was brought back to life as a being made entirely out of gelatinous green slime. Mugie is the beginner-friendly (and just plain friendly) all-rounder of the cast, with no crazy strengths or gimmicks, but no major flaws either. She has a well-rounded set of attacks utilizing her gelatinous nature, such as throwing a small bit of her goo as a bouncy projectile, or flinging herself using her own elasticity. Her playstyle is fairly adaptable, and her overall simplicity makes her easy for new players to use, but her individual moves have more advanced mechanics for experienced players to master.
Hopefully I can get a few more characters polished up and ready to show soon, because I'm pretty fond of this gang of weirdos. There's some great ones to look forward to: a fencing vampire, a shadowy boxer with a name you're never gonna see coming, a girl who's equal parts shoto and kaiju, a weird fish, and an oversized hunk of unholy roadkill.
I also hope nobody minds me indulging in this other project of mine for a bit. Don't worry, War Bots isn't getting shelved or anything. The recent inexplicable influx of unwanted hero shooters from actual companies is less demotivating than you'd think, but it's more just my interest in the already existing ones has hit a lull. On the contrary, I've been on a pretty decent fighting game kick lately, playing Ultimate and Third Strike a fair bit while also getting into some of the older King of Fighters games along with my sibling because of the SF6 announcements. And those are just the games I've been playing recently, let alone the more obvious aesthetic inspirations like Darkstalkers itself and Skullgirls. And also Rivals of Aether is cool but that's on my Steam account and my computer situation is! still a situation!
Anyways uh. fighting games are cool. this is mine. hopefully. I think the buff demon lady is neat.
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austim · 6 months
this ask is on your side dw!! i am just complaining. i think it's annoying when people are like "i don't think people should get credit for just running a video through a gif converter" as if that's what all of us are doing. me personally i make all my gifs in photoshop and have had to spend a lot of time learning how to balance quality with optimization for use, color correcting without overcorrecting, etc etc.
some people use ezgif, like you, and spend time doing those same corrections, balancing optimization and quality, etc.
and either way, gif makers are making gifs so you don't have to! if you don't want to put in the time finding footage and making gifs, that's the service gif makers provide! without them, if you're not doing them yourself, the whole gif-based community falls apart. so maybe put a little respect on that... idk :c it just sucks all around 👎
Literally there's been less and less gifmakers over the years BECAUSE people do not respect gifmakers. I remember when the second a movie came out there'd be multiple gifsets of it before most people even have a chance to see it in a theater; that's how much people cared about and loved to make gifs. Nowadays a movie can be out for months and I'll only see an old gifset or two made from the trailer and nothing else (ofc this depends on the movie, but I remember almost every new release got this treatment, not anymore).
There are still plenty of movie gifmakers, but not nearly as much as there used to be. I think the same can be said for stim gifmakers; there are far more abandoned ones than active ones, and gif theft and general disrespect is one of the biggest reasons why. We're definitely the most vocal about this issue from what I've seen, and I think that's one of many reasons why the stim gif-making community is still going strong. I've thought of no longer making gifs after feeling exhausted seeing them stolen or miscredited so often, but I don't think I could stop for long; I love making gifs too much. I think many of us feel the same way.
I think the people who don't respect us either genuinely have no idea what it takes to make a nice gif and have never tried, or know they're in the wrong but are too ashamed to admit it so they double down.
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justtothesea · 5 months
JOSIE! OMG! This is gonna be an odd little ask but I was looking for Peterick rec lists and found yours and your username just rang a bell so I scratched my head for a while and then remembered the old dreamwidth/livejournal days and because I still have the same Gmail I found some of our old conversations from there! You definitely most likely won't remember, I used to manuanya on LJ but anyway aside from sounding like a massive weirdo and creep I actually just wanted to pop in here and say that it is SO GOOD to see that you're still into FOB and all that! Anyway, sorry for sounding a little creepy maybe!
OMIGOSH MANU!!! <33 Of course I remember you, it's not creepy at all! Aww this is so cool! I always wondered where all my lj/dw friends ended up, especially you! - the ones I'm still in touch with have left the fandom. But I'm still here! Took a break for a bit but I'll always be a bandom loyalist <3 I'm so happy you found me!!! How are you??
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