#i still love gl
ghostlyerlkonig · 5 months
The "there's no f/f ship popularity because of the fucking fujos" is popping up again on a different app and it always upsets me because, genuinely, until there are more butches and studs (BUTCHES and STUDS not just a buff gal) in media, I have so very little interest in damn near all f/f ships because it's all fem fem. And not even femme femme. They have same face syndrome half the time.
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khaopybara · 25 days
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❝You said if I graduated as a doctor, I could ask you for anything, and you'd give it to me. (...) I know now what I want. (...) I want you.❞
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thegreatkarma · 6 months
ongsa is her only competition and somehow she’s still losing
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thaigls · 16 days
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[UNCUT] The Loyal Pin ปิ่นภักดิ์ EP.6
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snikt111 · 11 months
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respectthepetty · 1 month
Nine is *that* intern
Nine did not just intern with Jane and date him. He was *the* intern who didn't have a background in the field yet got the big job!
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But I don't think that it was *just* that Nine got the job without the background. I think Nine got the job based on Jane's idea!
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And the colors tell me this!
Brown Boy Tae in his brown shirt is still filling up a pink water bottle because he misses his Pink Person Mee.
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Pink Person Mee is wearing pink and black because she is falling for Black Brooder Judy.
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Red Rascal Pie is wearing red because she is a badass who has always known herself.
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But Yellow/Orange Oddity Pah is only painting with his color this week because he struggled with self-confidence and self-image thinking he wasn't talented enough.
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And, of course, Green Guy Ryan wore pink "self care" heart socks,
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and a little heart on his purple sweater over his heart because he is in love with Jane.
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So what does this have to do with Blue Boy Jane?!
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I wrote a couple of weeks ago that my handy dandy 7" Chromebook's screen resolution was soooo dark that it was hard to tell if Jane was black or blue.
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Like all the other characters, colors evolve based on interactions and feelings with and for other characters. Tae is carrying a pink bottle, Mee is wearing black, Ryan is in his heart era, and Jane's blue has evolved throughout the show to be lighter, yet the show confirmed that Jane was dark blue . . . which is because of this Black Brooder!
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It has to be difficult to be a light Blue Boy in love with an intern when Jane has this dark cloud of his previous idea-stealing boyfriend who got the credit and the job for his idea lingering behind his back, no?
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So not only was I finally told what Jo's job is (THE PRESIDENT!),
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But now I think I pieced together why Blue Boy Jane is so damn dark all the time!
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A Black Brooder not only took credit for their shared idea and got the big directing job, but also broke Jane's heart because they were dating and Jane helped his boyfriend, who had no background in the field, since he loved him!
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I don't know why I'm smiling. Well, I know why I'm smiling because a good color narrative makes me happy, but that's a sad story IF it's true which it could not be true and I just made up an entire thing that is actually not the story and that specific previous intern experience could have nothing to do with Nine and Jane's relationship and Nine only dated Jane and nothing more.
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But Jane does seem a lot lighter around Ryan.
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Well, anywho! Ryan is wearing pink (for love) and Jane's (light) blue next week
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While Tae is going through his Sad Boy Era in black because his heart is broken and he is miserable and when people are sad and heartbroken their colors turn darker and . . .
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jade-len · 9 months
i adore how mxtx sorta flipped the idea on the whole top/bottom thing with svsss, and just BL relationships in general.
making bingqiu very open to switching, not making the "bottom" super feminine and actually leaning more to the handsome side compared to the "top", how luo binghe is manipulative sensitive and cries easily, etc. one of the main themes in svsss is literally about sexuality (and possibly even about gender roles).
as a queer asian man myself, i absolutely despise the "yaoi archetype" and it was one of the reasons why i avoided consuming BL media. hell, years ago when i first saw heavens official blessing, i mentally groaned and went, "ugh, let me guess, the bottom is super feminine and innocent, while the top is masculine and experienced." of course, that's not the case now, but it's disappointing how that thought was there purely because of the god awful way fetish-y media portrays homosexual people and couples. because, believe it or not, we are not assigned male/female typical gender roles just because one likes to top/bottom (and even then, it's not even like that! some people have preferences, sure, but it's not so strictly "i'm top/bottom")
so, while i absolutely LOVE the english novel designs (especially luo binghe's cute curly hair, gongyi xiao, etc, and personally believe a lot of the takes from the western artist on the designs are an improvement), i am greatly saddened by people subconsciously assigning shen qingqiu as someone more delicate and feminine and luo binghe as someone super masculine and muscly. like, if you're going to have luo binghe depicted as the western design (i believe this stems from binghe being applied to more western ideals for men, and, admittedly, i actually really love his design), at least don't make shen qingqiu feminine and delicate? don't have his appearance play into the stupid yaoi thing?
i get that people have different takes on svsss, especially how the western version depicts it. but, people just... seem to very over exaggerate the top/bottom roles when it comes to bingqiu (again, these two are, canonically, VERY open to switching).
it's weird, it's uncomfortable, and it comes across as, "so, who wears the pants in the relationship?"
so, can we please have more canonically handsome shen qingqiu? canonically beautiful and pretty boy luo binghe (they literallly state that binghe looks EXACTLY like his mom, su xiyan! while a more handsome woman, is still very beautiful!! plus it is stated several times that binghe is slim, and that shang qinghua made him that way!) or at the very least, a BL couple who actually look like normal people (ok thats a little hard considering binghe is literally supposed to be perfect) and not just a stupid fetishized version of themselves.
and no, i'm not saying that queer men shouldn't be feminine or men who are feminine shouldn't be in a relationship with guys who are masculine, etc.
TLDR: please stop twinkifying shen qingqiu and going against what mxtx defied for us queer men (the stupid yaoi roles). and for the love of whoever you believe in, do NOT think that i hate the english design or people's personal interpretation of characters, i just hate the subconscious assigning of gender roles to bingqiu and how media portrays and fetishizes LGBTQ+ relationships in general.
edit: also i love teardrew's (check them out on twitter!) interpretation of shang qinghua. while i do really like the the eng novel design's tiny scared hamster vibes, teardrew's version just radiates "up to no good, paranoid but suspicious looking bitch" rat man and i love it so so so much. i'm not gonna repost their art bc i don't know how they feel about that but perhaps you can search up "svsss designs" on here, you'll see it pop up eventually lol.
edit 2 (1/16): i just saw someone reblog a post (that im pretty sure was referring to this one because, well, if you saw it i think it'd be a little clear kahxj) that was about how bingqiu switching and completely eschewing traditional top/bottom dynamics was a fandom idea or smth? so now i'm wondering, since i swear i remember that they were open to switching, but it's just that sqq preferred to bottom and/or was just a little too lazy to top. plus, sqq is a pretty unreliable narrator who says he doesn't want something one moment and then he does. how could he say no to bingbing? esp if he seems to wanna try bottoming too. perhaps i'm mixing things up though, idk? so if anyone can find that passage that says he only and strictly wants to bottom or whatever please show me! but i think the point of this post still stands haha (i wanted to ask about it, actually, but when i clicked on the og post's user it turned out that they blocked me ? so that was a little surprising oops. hey if ur somehow reading this, im... sorry for making you want to block me bc of this post? akdhxjj)
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mossiistars · 1 year
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i don't watch ranboo that much anymore but still! very exciting to see this project come to fruition after so long!!
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freensrcha · 1 year
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Be Mine the Series : Prologue Teaser
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a-skirmish-of-wit · 1 month
I am a wee bit baffled at how Lada's mum saw Lada a bit teary eyed after being apart from Earn and that was enough for her to abandon her incessant homophobia (granted it was alongside some cajoling from her husband too)
But she wasn't compelled to do that U-turn when she caused their initial breakup and watched Lada go through excruciating heartbreak? not even when it was jeopardising her studies? much confusion
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kdramaxoxo · 8 months
Okay so these are the first kisses I'm waiting for rn:
Ji Won & Ji Hyuk: Marry My Husband
Myung Ha & Yeo Woon: Love For Love's Sake
Jeong Woo & Ha Neul: Doctor Slump
Sakae & Soga: Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka
Fuyu & Itsuki: Chaser Game W
Ritsu & Ikegami: Jack o' Frost
And now also:
Kim Sa-Ra & Dong Gi-Jun: Queen of Divorce
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gretahayes · 9 months
batman fans are really annoying and almost definitely the most annoying dc fans (and i say this as a batman fan.) but green lantern fans are a close second because holy shit man
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volleypearlfan · 3 months
this poll includes anime that center a lesbian relationship, irregardless of if it’s marketed as a Yuri or not (for example, G Witch wasn’t marketed as a yuri)
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 2 months
why is looknam "the dowdy friend" again? is it because she has a great rack and perfect comedic timing? get in my inbox idolfactory i have such questions for you
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Who is Jo?
It's only the fifth episode of The Trainee but I feel confident about who is the Blue Boy since I learned more about him this episode.
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Ryan is a chill Green Guy who helps everyone including Pie in the very beginning of the episode by changing the copy paper and helping her. This hasn't changed.
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Pie is still being her red passionate self now that she is assistant director for the music video.
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Pah is still the yellow and orange odd one out.
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Judy is still a sophisticated Black Brooder, and Mee is an evolving Pink Person.
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(who gives her crushes pink donuts, so can Judy get one already?)
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But the focus of this episode and post is about Jane!
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We got to know more about him, and my original theory about him seems to be correct because I believed Jane was the Blue Boy since he seems cold and distant but everyone overlooks how dependable and loyal he is.
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And once Ryan steps into Jane's apartment, it becomes even more clear that nobody really knows (Blue Boy) Jane.
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(Sidenote, to be honest, I'd be Purple Person Ja, and not just because of the hair. I have beef with authority figures for no good ass reason. I need no reasons to dislike management, supervisors, admin, or anyone with power, so I ain't mad at her for talking shit about Jane every chance she gets)
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Not only are Jane's curtains that shut out the rest of the world in the apartment that he intentionally selected since it's so close to his job blue.
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But Ryan learns that Jane doesn't eat spicy food after Jane makes Ryan dinner in his blue pot.
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And much like Pie's red bag, Mee's pink purse, and Ryan's green tote, Jane's bag has blue on it.
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But what makes me really believe Jane is a Blue Boy is his behavior.
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It seems like Jane has a box of shooting schedules (or storyboards) right at his front door that Ryan has to push a bit to get through, which much like the location of his apartment reinforces that his job is his life. (unless those are bills, then those bills look odd, and boy is about to be evicted)
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Jane's movies are in alphabetical order (however, he alphabetizes "The" which should not be done because article adjectives a, an, and the should be omitted in alphabetizing, but . . . it's his personal collection, so do you, boo boo)
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His album collection seems to be displayed by color connection (black, white, red) since I spotted Kodaline's 2022 album Our Roots Run Deep, Coldplay's 2002 album A Rush of Blood to the Head, and the 1980s Japanese rock band, Southern All Stars' Tiny Bubbles.
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And the real kicker is Jane's favorite movie seems to be Mary is Happy, Mary is Happy, which is a Thai film about a creative girl who has to go up against her power-driven headmaster to get the yearbook produced as she encounters all the chaos that comes along with being a teenager.
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And even his coworker (boss?) stated that Jane has the director's eye but he had a bad experience as an intern. Jane is talented yet guarded, which is very Blue Boy of him! Also, this book is free in the Archive and amazing!
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So even though Tae has a blue phone and his blue headphones with a blue emoji heart to match Mee's pink heart as a he thinks of her with a pink background,
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My money is on Jane being the Blue Boy since taking care of a Green Guy comes natural to him.
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But the real point of this post is to ask "Who is Jo?" Is he the boss? A helpful office worker? Both? Because he is the only one who interacts with all the staff and actually notices all of them. He knew Pah was Pah when he was pretending to be Tae. He realizes Judy is amazing. He knows where the number for the copier tech is. He takes care of the fish.
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Is he the original Ryan?!
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Is 23.5 perfect? No. (Nothing is!!)
Did I still fall in love with it and its characters deeply? Yes.
Did I think the ending was sweet? Yes.
Am I now sad that it’s over?
Also yes.
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