#a lot of gl is just boring
ghostlyerlkonig · 5 months
The "there's no f/f ship popularity because of the fucking fujos" is popping up again on a different app and it always upsets me because, genuinely, until there are more butches and studs (BUTCHES and STUDS not just a buff gal) in media, I have so very little interest in damn near all f/f ships because it's all fem fem. And not even femme femme. They have same face syndrome half the time.
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rillette · 2 years
gl ring comms is just truckers on the long haul talking about their life struggles over cb radio
EXACTLY!! its like an unholy mixture of a discord call and cb radio bc you have some GLs liveblogging whatever they're up to and then some other GLs just talking shit and then occasionally someone will pop in and turn it into a storytime session, and it is never ever quiet unless Real Shit is happening
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plaguethewaters · 1 year
i am having. so many au thoughts and i should not.
#like i wanna watch gl but noooo gotta think about fucking MICHAEL BELOVED WEDDING.#in my one day au whcich is veeery shortly#a canon divergence from rans death onwards#mikes wedding would be so far out in the timeline its kind of hilarious - cause obviously at the start of the story hes like three#but twenty five smt years out in the future from the start of my au he and evelyn get married#and im just inagining their dance (i have a whole ass section of lmanburg culture for dances it is so important to me)#and michael being absolutely decked in bells and shinies and scarves#kind of like indian dress im thinking yknow bc piglin culture and drapes and hot climate#and Evie's like. part witch from her mother side.#and her dress cant be white thats boring snd also witches are creatures of the night and all#so im thinking of stealing wedding dress conventions from starling#like i stole circle dancing from everywhen i see you anyway - its my oc stories and i can steal what the fuck i want from them alright#so like modtly black dress with colored accents - she doesnt have a color yet but im thinking either baby blue or green#specially if i steal some of her design from matchmeakers#mike is brown + red cause hes emo. with gold cause piglin#Buddie (his bestie) is purple and magenta cause shes also emo but with a lot more scene influence#then benny id darker reddish and prism is dark prismarine colored#so a nice aqua green would work - i really need to draw her properly ut cant all stay in my mind forever#but one day has so many ocs in there i would never stop#oh well. autism brain ig#time for gl
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k0yaz · 3 months
HiIII i saw your wlw post and :3 :3c can I request Arlecchino with a quiet and stoic lover,, well usually stoic, but she opens up more to Arlecchino and the kids! However she gets really shy and embarrassed when expressing positive emotions or gives gifts, which is ironic bc shes also very affectionate towards her. Ik this might sound bland but giving you lots of freedom with this /w\ gl with your beidou fic!! (Love her smmm)
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Pairing(s): arlecchino x fem!reader
CW: sfw, female reader, established marriage, arlecchino is referred to as your husband, soft arle yayayay, reader is slightly insecure, mentions of judgy ass bitches, another proposal woah, mention of arlecchino’s real name, pure fluffy, omg lesbians wowowoow
A/N: MAAM ARE YOU AN ANGEL FOR SENDING ME THIS REQUEST. Also I know this req sounds like head canons but I couldn’t help myself I wanted to write a one shot
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Blissful silence enveloped the living room space in such a way that it brought you a sort of comfort, sitting on the couch beside your beloved husband with no sound harbored between you two. You always bore a hint of stoicism in your nature, especially in your mannerisms. Expressing yourself specifically had always been a struggle for you. Many people tended to believe that you just didn’t care, or that you were coldly unfeeling.
Such presumptive pointers often circled your thoughts constantly, which you clearly had a strong distaste for. However, she had never assumed. Nor had she pushed you away for your reserved nature. Arlecchino had never let you go no matter what, that was for sure.
Arlecchino glanced up at you from her cup of tea, which barely brushed against her bottom lip as her x-marked dark eyes practically pierced into you. You simply stared back, unsure of what to say to her, before looking back down at the book in your hands at the scribbled words on the pages.
The soft clank of glass gently grazing against wood was heard once Arlecchino set her teacup down on the table. Your expression didn’t falter or bother to look up as your eyes continued gliding over the pages, completely absorbed.
Your husband never fell short when it came to showing you affection either. She would always deliver you tender kisses, combined with sweet praises whispered in your ear whenever you needed it, making your heart flutter at every little action. Her patience towards you, along with the way she blatantly showed how much cares about you, ignited a sort of small flame within you. You began to attempt to show at least a bit of emotion toward her. Hints of affection.
Simply put, you felt safe around Arlecchino. Safe enough to open up to her. Safe enough to allow those pure, warm feelings to slip through the cracks of your closed off shell in front of her. You weren’t used to expressing such emotions, resulting in yourself getting all bashful and embarrassed whenever you felt that smile curve the corners of your lips.
You almost jumped upon hearing Arlecchino abruptly call your name, now stood up and halfway across the living room. Closing your book, you gently placed it on the table and looked over at her, wondering what she called you for.
“Yes, Arle?” You hummed, examining how her gaze practically traced every move you made intently. Steam from her freshly filled teacup fogged the atmosphere slightly, before disappearing as she gave a light huff to the cup carefully held by the handle between her fingers. She looked back up at you with a rather fond look in her usually cold and unfeeling eyes, taking a moment to gather her thoughts.
You cleared your throat, wanting to break the palpable tension in the air. “How are the children doing?” You began, still staring at Arlecchino’s focused expression with her teacup still in hand. “Fine. They’re currently out on a mission together, but nothing too serious nor life threatening.” She replied. After what felt like forever, Arlecchino finally set her teacup down and spoke up, seemingly able to articulate her thoughts properly.
“I was thinking that…perhaps the ring I bought you was somewhat unsatisfactory. Especially for something such as important as marriage.” She insisted, clearly wanting to keep her serious expression. Yet the faint softness present in her eyes clearly told you otherwise. Her hand lowered to her hip, to slip inside her pocket and pull out a small ring box. As she extended her palm holding up the ring box slightly toward you, you felt your heart pounding out of your chest and ringing within your own ears upon seeing her crack the box open.
Your eyes scanned over the stone on the burnished silver of the ring—it was nothing you’d seen before. A gleaming ruby with fades of black around the corners, posing a striking resemblance to Arlecchino’s eyes. A soft hue of red tints your face upon seeing the ring. Your eyes widened as you suddenly felt all warm inside and grew quiet, slightly feeling bad that you couldn’t exactly show your appreciation for the gift that made you feel all loved and fuzzy inside.
Arlecchino however, knew you all too well. The silence hanging in the was nothing but your silent appreciation for her. She proceeded to remove the ring from the cushioning of the box and reached out her free hand, prompting you to place your hand in hers. Immediately understanding her subtle gesture, you placed your hand in hers in a fluid motion.
Her nails lightly brushed along your knuckles as she wrapped her fingers around your hand, her grip gentle, yet firm. She slowly reached over to pull off the old ring on your finger and placing it in the box for convenience, before sliding the newly bought ring onto your ring finger toward the end.
It fit perfectly.
A warm, genuine smile made its way across your lips, your cheeks still flushed as well. Despite your initially bashful reaction, you finally locked your eyes with hers. A tender expression present in her eyes. You allowed your eyes to bore into hers for a few moments, staring at your husband with a loving gaze.
You began to take a few hesitant steps toward her, reaching your arms up bit by bit. Not even a few moments later, you practically threw yourself into her arms while wrapping your own around her neck in an embrace filled with adoration. Arlecchino simply exhaled a soft hum as she reciprocated your embrace. Her chin rested on your shoulder contently, her eyelids lowering in a more relaxed state.
Heat crept back up to your face upon feeling her plant a quick kiss on your forehead protectively, the affection just causing your smile to stretch a bit further near your cheeks.
“(Name). My beloved wife. My sweetheart. Just know I only want the best for you, and you only.” Arlecchino murmured in a quiet voice, as if she only wanted the two of you to hear the exchange of such sweet and sentimental words. She loved every part of you. Your stoic nature being nothing short of you caring for her. The way you reserved your affection and love for her, and her only. The way you warm up to the children as well. How you got all flustered and bashful upon experiencing any positive emotions, or when you handed her gifts with a loose grip and head turned away. She loved everything.
Arlecchino immediately fixated her attention onto your lips, caressing your cheek with her palm resting along your skin, and thumb grazing your cheek lightly. Her heart fluttered upon hearing you utter her real name. The way the name she buried behind fell from your lips like a sacred word that allowed her to lower her guard around you.
“I love you.”
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A/N: I told yall if I like the request I get a lil too into it and cook up something ik I went overboard but idc
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
crack idea Tim ruler of worlds It's canon that YJ went to space a lot of times, Impulse even has an spaceship, so during one of those missions on space they accidentally help a planet to overthrow a tyrant, a simple mission they did in less than a week, but now the planet has no ruler and they have no idea what to do, so the citizens of the planet decide to ask YJ for help, i mean they saved them after all surely YJ would know what to do next. Tim who plays Civ V on max difficulty on 4x speed while solving cold cases, decides to rule their planet until they decide on a leader and a new government system, all he needs is a signal for communications to earth and he can visit every couple of months if needed ,after all how hard can it be? the answer is pretty easy, but Tim has a feeling that once his rule ends Civilization V will be really boring to him now, and he doubts it will matter that much, except other planets noticed, and apparently when you have a planet that belongs to you it's easier for those planets to get in contact when they need help, adn that's how Tim ends up ruling a small sector of space, he also played spore till the space stage so he knew how to handle multiple planets. Later when he get's control of Wayne Industries he understands how Bruce managed to pretend to be incompetent while being CEO, he only needed to remove a couple of shareholders and change a couple policies to improve efficiency, profits and employee satisfaction by 50%, it's honestly kinda boring compared to managing his planets. Lucius and a couple workers of WI are very much aware, that if Tim wanted he could completely rule the company with an iron fist, when they heard that Tim is planning to give it back to Bruce some of them seriously considered killing Bruce so that Tim continues as CEO. Meanwhile in a planet far away from earth some green lanterns save a planet that was under attack by yellow lanterns, the battle was hard on the planet, but they noticed that one of the lanterns was a human, they all knew of the prosperity, happiness and the protection that the planets ruled by red robin have, so they decide to ask for the human green lantern to contact Red robin if he was willing to rule their planet in exchange for helping it recover, surely this won't have any consequences.
This is such a beautiful crack idea I'm in love! The potential for chaos, the reveals, the long time secret. It's fantastic.
I am curious how many planets he ends up ruling by that point. Also, Starfire, Diana, Aquaman, and the GLs might insist that Tim be respected as the interplanetary ruler that he is. Suddenly, no one in JL can refer to Tim as anything less than a title of respect fit for someone of his position.
I'm also curious how Tim handled managing those planets while Bruce was gone. How did he keep that type of communication from Ra's?
Add onto Tim's ruined reputation with the JL (if you want extra spice)? What if someone tries to recommend that the JL takes over leadership for Red Robin due to them believing Tim can't handle it despite the many years he's not only led but brought the planets prosperity? That JL member is insisting on an action that will bring about war.
Just so much possibilities and chaos it's delicious. Thank you!
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hallowpen · 2 months
There was a lot of destructive criticism surrounding My Marvellous Dream is You, but I actually thought the series was quite good despite its shortcomings. I'm a lot more forgiving than most when it comes to Thai GL series, and that will have absolutely affected my viewing experience. But... every time I would see a comment that just read "This is boring/terrible/stupid" without ever elaborating, I felt very much like Khun Pu's character from Be My Favorite hehe
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*WARNING*: There will be minor spoilers for the final episode of My Marvellous Dream is You, should that be something you wish to avoid.
I will be the first to admit, that I was very skeptical about this series in the first handful of episodes. So let's just get my personal negatives out of the way first... I think, by now, it's no secret that I do not support where a lot of Thai GL adaptations source from. So, this series already had an admittedly disadvantaged subjective expectation from the get go. It wasn't really surprising to see pacing issues within the first 5ish episodes, that seems to be a common occurrence in Thai GLs produced by IDOLfactory. Whether that is a result of the novels the series have thus far been adapted from OR from a choice in direction is up to you. I, personally, think it's a bit of both. Where I believe certain productions struggle in letting their narratives breathe, I find the complete opposite problem to be true with IDOLfactory. There were a lot of plot points that needed restructuring or to be removed entirely in order to have a stronger cohesive story that focused on the main characters' relationship more so than it did.
Now, while I stand behind my opinion that the series could have benefited from tighter and better organized storytelling, a lot of the groundwork was there to make a decent character driven narrative. And that's what I've chosen to focus on. Wan and Kim are both deeply flawed characters. There were so many inferences to be drawn from character relevant visuals and their joint backstory that truly informed their current dynamic.
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One of the most interesting parts of watching a series, for me, is having to pick up on certain character cues in order to understand and delve deeper into the core of their behaviors.
Wan and Kim share a trauma, and it's easy to see how they both became so dependent on one another to fill the void their fathers left.
In flashbacks, Wan is presented as egoistic and headstrong since high school. She is also shown to be extremely protective of Kim before she even realizes her feelings. Kim, on the other hand, is a bit more sensitive. She cherishes Wan's attention and affection to a point where she would be willing to play a little dirty in order to keep it for herself.
All of these emotions become heightened once they are forced into adult life with adult problems. Wan is struggling with her mental health. While trying to balance fame and the repercussions her actions might have on her career, Wan must also deal with her mother's alcoholism... which has essentially caused her to check out from Wan's life. Her need to have Kim by her side, and never leave her, has become less protective and more possessive. Kim's desire for approval and affection has led to an over devotion of herself to Wan and constant worrying about disappointing her mother. She's neglected her own wants and needs for so long, that she's afraid putting herself first would be considered too selfish...too much like her dad. Her mother's cancer diagnosis further pushes Kim to continue to place her mother's wishes over her own desires. Even though comments about Wan and Kim being 'annoying' or 'frustrating' were aiming to be negative... they weren't exactly wrong. The audience was supposed to feel that way. Heck, even the surrounding characters called out their behavior on more than one occasion. Because in an effort to not lose one another, Kim and Wan fell into a cyclically unhealthy dynamic where their actions and reactions were actually pushing each other away. Their inability to communicate their true feelings to each other beyond their (unbeknownst) shared dreams prevented them from making any true progress toward a romantic relationship that they both so desperately wanted, but were each terribly afraid to pursue. Their feelings for each other were put up against the reality that their love being unreciprocated could spell the end of their relationship altogether. There was an added pressure of being unfairly compared to their fathers, where any romance between them might be found 'unacceptable'. Couple that with societal views of same-sex relationships, and you can understand why these two were so hesitant to reveal their truths.
(Quick sidenote: I did not agree with the idea that what Kim and Wan did was exactly the same to what their fathers did. They did not leave and abandon their families. Marwin didn't make it easy for them, and given the glimpse we saw into his family's cruelty, it made all the sense in the world to have him react in the way he did. Kim and Wan were at least willing to stay and face the hard consequences of their choice, no matter the outcome.)
I think them having to work through all of their issues made the moment of Kim and Wan finally deciding to be together that much more satisfying... And that was the point Kru A was trying to make when he explained his direction for their relationship on social media after hearing viewer feedback (He was subsequently rudely criticized by interfans for that decision, to the point where he alluded to the fact that he might take a break from directing... but that's a whole other discussion).
That final scene of them being married purposely not clarifying whether it was in a dream or in reality alluded to the fact that their shared dream world and their real life were no longer at odds, finally. I thought it was very fitting.
The frustration caused by KimWan's lack of communication reminded me of a similar dynamic between Team and Win in Between Us, a series that suffered from a lot of the same problems (not enough focus on the two leads and irrelevant plot points). However, those characters and the actors that portrayed them didn't receive even half the amount of negative reactions. They existed, trust me, but there were a lot of positive reviews to balance it out. I'm not going to get into what that means, because I think you can make the inference for yourself.
All in all, I don't think this series deserves to be completely written off. Is it perfect? No... but an effort was made, and it wouldn't hurt to make the effort in return to understand the vision. Fay and May did an incredible job for their first go around as main leads. And I hope they get the chance to develop their craft further.
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bubbipond · 2 months
I realized why I like Kdramas and BLs/GLs (animes, movies, etc) such as We Are. I love how the pacing and story feel like you are in the story setting yourself. I mean that media like We Are takes you on walks through the characters' lives as if you are in the story yourself. I guess what I am saying is, I love how realistic they are. The stories are being told in a way that feels like a day in a normal person's life. Any one of us could be those characters or in the position they are in. I know many find it boring but, I find I escape the best when I connect well with stories. Don't get me wrong, I love sci-fi and fantasy, but, there is something about a piece of media making you feel warm that just gets to me.
While watching this show, you can see yourself in characters and understand their choices—even when you don’t. There is no big love confession. There isn’t some big breakup or fallout because the point of the show is that you don’t need these things to enjoy life or media. It’s OK to be angry at your significant other and it’s OK to not know what you want. It’s OK to value more of the small things than the big things in life. But if you do want the big things that’s OK too. During the course of the show, I constantly felt like I was in this situation with them. I was heartbroken for Fang/Phum, I was frustrated for Peem, I was cracking up with Tan, and exasperated with Chain.
I remember graduating high school and college and it honestly does kind of feel like the ending of something. You are no longer a child after high school. You can no longer be as silly or indecisive after college. It’s the real world after that and I think that’s one of my favorite aspects of this last episode. The original acknowledging that this is kind of the end of where they are now. And I love this story for reminding me I felt the exact same way during these instances. Say what you want about New and his writing and directing style, but I think there is a lot of lessons to be learned in simplicity. Though I will miss this show, I think of it kind of like Lisa K spoke on a Friends reboot. Some stories you need at some point in your lives because those are the friendships you need. But at some point, your life is different and those friendships while still important, aren’t your core anymore. You are away from home for the first time and this becomes your family. So when that time in your life ends so does the way your friendships go. You are still friends and you still love each other but it’s never the same.
I adore this show and it’s somehow has made it to my top drama list. Not just bl, DRAMA. Goodbye We Are.
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kostektyw · 8 months
Villainess anime reviews
went on a bit of a binge, so here's a compilation:
I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss
rating: lots of fun
one of the funnier entries on this list in my opinion, i actually laughed out loud multiple times
the protagonist is a capable and determined lady, as well as slightly unhinged which i always enjoy, i love weird women
breakneck pace, speedrunning like 3 games in the 12 episode, so it is the opposite of boring
this anime has everything: ducks, crows in bowties, crossdressing, ducks, video game brain rot, and ducks
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord
rating: at east somewhat interesting (still ongoing, episodes watched: 5)
aside from the gimmick a pretty standard isekai with pretty eh animation
a lot of this show is kinda boring, but there are still interesting and enjoyable moments
the protagonist is charming and probably the strongest part
i will probably be continuing to see what happens next so depending on that my opinion may change
The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior
rating: charming
one of the series from this list that i enjoyed most, even if the story and the world are a bit simple, the characters and their struggles still work and aren't too difficult to get invested in
a bit more drama in this one, with tragic flashbacks (or whatever they're called if its abt an alternate plotline) that i found maybe a little too frequent
here the protagonist is also capable, driven, and quite traumatized, i wanna hold her in my hands like a baby bird
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!
rating: cute!
the bisexual harem is a breath of fresh air
bakarina's dumbassery is a great source of comedy, she's also pretty lovable so the harem around her is believable. and i love a gal with a hobby
I'm in Love with the Villainess
rating: eh
kinda disappointed with this one, i was hoping for some fun gl story, but it could barely watch the first episode and had to force myself to try a few more in hopes it got better (it didnt)
the romance part felt more like harassment in those first episodes, and sure, ive read that it progresses further, but the protagonist didnt really endear herself to me with that
given the comedy tag on mal there were probably some jokes in it, i just couldn't identify many good ones
7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!
rating: hell yeah! (still ongoing, episodes watched: 6)
the best one of all shows listed and the only one that's not an isekai
much more grounded, with good worldbuilding and another capable lady as the protagonist, but this one even more so, as well as much more mature
very pretty, even if i find some character designs questionable :v
definitely got me hooked and i will be watching more
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bachiras-toaster · 6 months
bruh i wish there was GL that was on the same level of fever dream as animes like sasaki to miyano or given .. maybe the good GLs just aren’t popular but i’m seriously upset that i cant find any good ones </3
the ones i find are usually bland— (and sometimes borderline problematic 😭???)— and they just don’t have the same kind of dumb humour or tense scenes you can find in straight romance animes. honestly a lot just feel like excuses to sexualise wlw couples…
a few decent ones ive seen are im in love with a villainess, bloom into you, and kase-san and morning glories, but they were all just kind of boring to me and just didn’t hit the same. like i need an anime that’s set out exactly just like some generic romance like horimiya or something.. but make the love interest a woman!
i live for lgbt+ rep in anime as a pansexual girl myself. as much as i like a lot of popular romance animes with straight couples, ones with queer couples feel more special to me. i also quite like a lot of BL animes, but it’s only really because of the queer rep and it just makes me wish i had a girlfriend as i’m watching it LMAO.
i swear ive searched the heavens and earths for GL animes that are at least over a 7/10, but i’ve fallen short.. </3
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mamaladeskies · 2 months
Shutline is Nasty Business
I happened upon Shutline the animation by chance as I was surfing an unnamed website for the next thing to watch when the poster of Jake and Shin caught my eye.
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Tell me, how could I pass this? Look at their shadow!
I pressed play immediately, expecting a buddy cop show because I didn't read the description -- descriptions are for the weak, plus this is as adventurous as I get. What I did not expect was the low budget animation and the nastiness (compliment)!
Yoh, I'll be honest, I was about to dip and skip this anime because the characters look like paper-people with a voice actor slapped on top, and frankly after reading the manhwa, I stand by it.
But! The moment the show started to linger on Shin's features, I had to find out where this was going. I'm talking like precious seconds dedicated to Shin's ass.
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I was not disappointed. Shortly after, Shin was on his knees paying homage to Jake's glorious manhood. This is fancy speak for Shin was giving Jake a bj in public.
My eyes were nearly watering in disbelief! I don't think I've seen something this mature in animation, to be fair though I don't watch a lot of anime. The closest thing may be Citrus but it was not this mature. Citrus was mainly sensual with lots of kissing and it had a semblance of a plot. Shutline's plot did not make sense, so while I kept watching for the mature content I was also trying to understand what the hell was going on.
At the end of 5 episodes each 5 or 6 minutes long, I was thoroughly confused. It made sense that the next course of action was reading the manhwa.
I finished Vol 1 in a matter of hours, it's that good. The manhwa caters fully to my tastes: two masculine men, grey characters who are well developed, no declaration of love, instead their actions communicate it, an interesting action driven plot, slow burn, no heteronormativity, and aged-up characters who are actually mature.
The drawings were also really good; those of the characters, I especially love how Shin looks, and the background as well. It's obvious the author is not cutting corners.
Something else I need to commend is how the author was able to communicate their sexual tension in drawing. There's a scene where Jake goes to visit Shin at the garage and then we get these panels of Shin's muscular build and Jake being discreetly hot and bothered. The fact that Jake could get turned on by Shin's armpit... I'm in awe.
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In girl love (gl) mangas that I've read when the author has panels focused on the women's intimate parts like boobs, sometimes I'm like, what was the reason! Because the woman might only be doing mundane stuff like reading with no love interest in site to warrant such close ups. Thanks to Shutline I've seen the potential of such close ups.
Which brings me to something else; the sex has greater purpose! When the characters had sex within the first several episodes I was sure I'd soon get bored if the story was stuffed full with them and do thorough skimming, but I was wholly satisfied to find that they're purposeful.
For one, yes it helps take their relationship to the next level -- one sex scene shows us how Jake is pushing his boundaries for Shin. And two, it's advancing the plot -- in Vol 2 Shin and Jake have a discussion that determines where the plot goes next while having sex. In this particular scene we also get to see Shin trick Jake which was interesting, finally my boy gets a point against Jake.
A nitpick I have is how Jake reminds me of Wilson Fisk from Into the Spiderverse, both Fisk and Jake fill the screen/panel and they both like black suits. I swear I am not reaching, I just can't unsee it.
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I don't think I have a major critique of the manhwa yet. As for the animation; it's very obvious important back stories were cut so that you need to have read the manhwa to get it, what's majorly left is the mature scenes. This makes me think that the animation might be fan service. It is not a bad thing, but I definitely stand by the fact that the story itself is so good it deserves better.
This reddit user says that Shutline has the potential to rival KinnPorsche and I have to agree, but only if done well.
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bengiyo · 4 months
23.5 Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, Ongsa went overboard on trying to reconcile with Sun after Sun outed all of them at a dinner she wasn’t prepared for. Sun felt human for the first time for me. Luna and Aylin are going strong, even as Luna has been pushing Aylin. Mawin confessed to Tinh. We left Ongsa and Sun on the swings as they discussed dealing with distance.
Episode 12: Promise Me…Sun
Interesting. They used the slow start at the end for the boys to highlight the impending graduation for multiple pairings.
Still amusing to me that everyone in the astronomy club is queer.
Waiting for Tinh and Chaoren to blow up another moment by popping up so the show can throw water on a hot moment.
I am enjoying Ongsa’s whole family showing up to help teach her cooking.
OMG they really just brought plain rice. Incredible. At least she brought seasoning.
I’m appreciating how chill both families have been about all of the sleepovers.
So weird that for all that the show has written Mawin as attracted to Tinh, because he interacts so often with Ton, I’m always like, “Here’s how Euro can still win…”
Did Tinh try to plug in a device immediately after pulling it out of water? That’s such a bad idea.
This is kind of a quiet episode, but the cast hanging out is decently watchable.
I kinda wanna be with them about how overthinking isn’t great. It’s not a bad thing to take from all of this.
That 13-hour time difference with Thailand is brutal. Sun must be in the Rockies.
Wow this extended epilogue feels dull.
Final Verdict: 6.5, This Was Boring and Generally Unsatisfying. I really didn’t want to be harsh to the MilkLove GL project, but these episodes did not flow together, and there’s a lot of confusion about queer reality in this show that leads to some dissonance. Individually these episodes were sometimes fine, but as a whole there’s not really a story I felt really connected to, especially when it comes to the boys. In all seriousness, why are Mawin and Ton even in this show, and what purpose do their romantic plotlines serve? This was not the moment and it really should have been. Milk and View give really accessible performances that I enjoyed.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 5 months
Ok, I have done some catching up! This mostly fell as I expected. There have been many shows that ended up far better or far worse than indicated by their trailers, so who knows how the final product will land, but here are my first impressions. (QL only, the hets are still boring to me).
Most excited for:
Revamp - pump it right into my veins, baby. The aesthetic still matches the original trailer, Boun looks so fucking hot, and if GMMTV has the sense to let BounPrem do what BounPrem do best, this will be an epic series. Sad about the loss of Boss. Looking forward to both Santa and Mark getting to hopefully break out of their usual innocence pigeonholing.
The Heart Killers - did not expect the FirstKhaotung and JoongDunk pairing, but I am here for it. Even though Joong and Khaotung do not look remotely related. Finally GMMTV has realized Joong should be killing people onscreen and we get sexy pursuing Dunk. First & Khao do feel a bit similar in vibe to Sand & Ray here, but presumably with the series they'll have no problem more fully developing them in a unique way.
The Ex-Morning - I don't always vibe with plotlines like this, but my baby Singto is here, and I like the meta-ness of giving him and Krist a story about former partners coming back together and relighting the spark.
Less excited, reserving judgement:
Us - I'm happy we're getting another GL, and I haven't seen Bonnie or Emi in anything before, but they seemed amazing, and the chemistry is on point. I'm just not a big fan of love triangle stories, especially with siblings. Also I want more of Sing being a bad boy with his tits out, less crying in the rain. But I will probably still watch to show support.
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist - I am delighted that Mark is getting his well-deserved lead, and he and Ohm seem great together. I just don't love dentists as romantic leads. I know this is a me thing, the dentist's office is just a very stressful place for me, and having scenes there just brings up past experiences. I had the same issue with My Tooth Your Love. The plot also feels just so-so. But I hope this is just the start of a lot more Mark leading role material!
Thame-Po - similarly, really happy about Est in a lead, he and William have great chemistry. And I do think it's good to have shows pushing back at the public over this idea that idols aren't allowed to have personal lives. But it's also not a very original plotline.
Perfect 10 Liners - *weary sigh* We're going to end up with 40 year olds playing college students, aren't we? That said, I felt the same way about We Are, but I'm really enjoying it. So it could be fun. I'm happy to see Junior and Mark again. And according to online, we will also get AouBoom and MarcPoon (and it might be 3 series in full, good lord!?), so I'm on board with more of them.
Note to GMMTV: posting a slide that says "chemistry on point" before showing Perth & Chimon, does not make us believe in the chemistry! For the love of god, do some heavy duty chemistry workshops, or give Perth a new partner.
Ossan's Love - I haven't seen the original, but gotta admit, not a huge fan of this kind of comedy. I do like that the boss is an older man, represent, but I'm not sure if I'll enjoy this one.
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aballadforbarbatos · 1 year
a gift for satan, the master tutor
btw this one is like. 80 points long so gl with that. i had fun with it though! hopefully you do too ^.^
“listen. satan. let’s go out.”
his brain totally stops at that. nobody else seems to notice- did you whisper it? he can’t quite remember! he needs to reboot his brain, hold on a second MC
“hellooo? satan? i asked if you wanted to go out with me to town? on a shopping trip?”
there also wasn’t a single question there, so he can’t help but suspect you were trying to tease him with the possibility of reciprocated love…
you smile at him. he thinks about saying no in retaliation. but then… what if asmo goes with you instead… or mammon… can he really risk that? no.
great day in town too btw. nice and warm and peaceful. you say something about how lucifer would give you his credit card if you got 100% on all your exams, and you did! satan thinks about how lucifer is such a goddamn sap when it comes to you. grow a backbone, loser
“so where are we going?”
“clothes shopping!”
ugh. he hates clothes shopping. it’s so boring, and he has enough in his wardrobe. so do you actually, why are you choosing to go CLOTHES shopping with lucifer’s credit card?? you already have enough?!
he voices this. but nicely. you shake your head and laugh.
“no, silly! we are going clothes shopping for YOU.”
we what now
“no offence, and i mean this with my whole heart, but your clothes are so incredibly ugly. it always looks like you got dressed in the dark. this belt looks like the one i had when i was 11.”
ok, rude
“it’s a good thing you’re a demon bc your closet is a sin in itself”
:( he thinks it looks nice!
“tbh i am embarrassed to be out with you looking like that, but for today it's fine because it’s for the greater good”
apparently it does not look as nice as he originally thought. ok
well, it’s lucifer’s credit card, and he gets to spend the day with you, so it COULD be worse
majolish is up first
he does a lot of standing around while you play around with clothes
“it’s kinda hard to see how this would look on you because your jacket is so goddamn ugly. can you take off your shirt for a second”
TOTALLY misses the flirtatious tone in that sentence and is just offended instead
then it clicks what you asked him. but he still doesn’t get what you were talking about and just gets nervous
“mc we are in public?????????”
you give him a Look.
he doesn’t understand why (he will hours later) (he will burst into your room while there’s another brother in there and say “i’ll take my shirt off for you mc!” and pull it off and the brother will punch him in the stomach. i’m thinking of mammon when i write this)
you find a sales attendant
“hey so i’m gonna burn all his current clothes because they’re awful”
you gesture at his outfit
“the jacket is distracting me because it’s ugly. can you help me out here?”
“have you tried taking it off?”
“i asked but he whined”
the attendant purses her lips but keeps her mouth shut. probably because he’s the avatar of wrath
“it’s so terrible because when you look at his face he’s hot, but then you look at the rest of his outfit and realise you value your dignity more. imagine how much of a heartthrob he could be if he didn’t permanently look like he was getting dressed in the dark!”
“i see. this could cost a lot of money…”
“it’s okay. we have his dad’s credit card.”
he’s going to strangle you. he starts thinking about how to kill you. au revoir mc. it is the end of your life. you will not get a gravestone.
then he remembers how much he’ll miss you. FUCK.
satan settles for a very strong glare. scowl and everything
“um. what size is he?”
“great question. satan take off your shirt so we can find out”
he does not. he still doesn’t get it. he does know his size though so he lets the demon know and then she does her thing.
then it’s trying on clothes. DAMN he hates this. this is terrible and SO BORING. how tf does asmo do it
it takes forever too :(
the demon whispers in your ear.
“hey satan have you tried wearing pants that fit you so we don’t have to suffer through the ugly belts you choose”
at least asmo isn’t here with you???
you even asked if he could wear one of his new outfits out of the store and fold up the other one, and that’s how he ended up wearing something more “stylish”
you pay for them to deliver his new clothes to the house of lamentation via truck because you decide you can’t be bothered carrying the boxes.
not that it would be possible there’s like 20 there and they’re NOT small
“i feel like we’ve hit the spending limit on lucifer’s card even though it doesn’t have a limit”
honestly he feels like that too. but he’s a lot less remorseful about it than you apparently are
you grab his hand and squeeze it and look at him with such a lovely warm smile that it makes this whole day worth it.
you really wipe away all his suffering with a smile. this is really bad for him, satan is in for a whole world of trouble with you
you squeeze his hand
augh he’s so in love with you this is terrible. but so GOOD at the same time it’s a complicated thing don’t ask him to explain it
“now we get to go home and have fun!”
have fun…?
“we don’t have to go that far”
“no we do. we can get belphie and asmo in on it too!”
so that’s how he’s spending his saturday night. burning all his clothes.
asmo says this is a celebration and brings music
belphie brings gasoline
asmo says that it’s fabric so there’s no need for gasoline
belphie pours more on the clothes like he’s making a point. satan has no idea what the point is
you bring out the rest of his clothes and tell him to kiss them goodbye
“can i at least keep the jacket?”
loud sigh from you! whY??
“ok sure whatever. now lets light these things on fire!”
asmo and you are having a great time. belphie is watching them all go up in flames from his spot on the ground
lucifer comes out and yells at you both but you’re too busy dancing in front of the fire to pay attention
“dance with me?”
satan feels a smile tug at his lips as he takes your hand.
he’s in love with you.
he’s so in love with you.
his heart will beat for you forever, taken in by your evil doings and gentle ways.
and tonight he’ll dance with you until the flames subside and you tell him to stop.
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absolutebl · 2 years
2022 BL Wrap Up - All The Shows I Watched... rated
I’m not going to talk about everything BL that I watched in 2022, that would be the longest post ever. But still, this is a really long post. Sorry, not sorry. Everything I watched got a pithy little review. 
2022 BL - Watched & Rated
This includes any show that ended in 2022, including those that started in 2021. Alphabetical-ish order.
21 Days Theory (Thailand YT ) 6/10 
Tropes: high school, cheating, secret crush, high angst
Initially I REALLY loved this little show. It reminded me of Blueming + Make it Right (never forget I’m the world’s foremost Make It Right apologist, and the lead even looks a little like Fuse). Why did I like it? 1. GAY UNCLE character giving GREAT advice!. 2. Boys in blue shorts are back! 3. Seme is already pining, uke is tsundere but with reason and conflict is set up and executed well as a result. 4. lots of linguistic discussion and flirting (they made the linguistically fascinating couples post). Everything about this show is in my wheelhouse and this would have jumped high in my rating (even at this length) if they had bothered to finish it like the YA romance it clearly was. But the ending was disappointing. I’m not mad about it, but I’m not happy either.
The 8.2 Second Rule (Japan YouTube) 6/10
AKA 8.2 Byo no Hosoku
Tropes: secret admirer, food in love, soulmates
Very short BL about a schoolboy who makes magic candy for a series of handsome classmates, questing for a soulmate. Each ep is a new love interest and while the sweets help others, they keep failing to bring him love. Of course h's overlooking someone. The lead was very good and the theme, cooking, and eventually romance were charming, but it is a series of BL vignettes not really a cohesive story, no kisses or anything. Japan doesn’t give us sweet BL this short very often, so it was nice to see them try out the style.
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A Man Who Defies the World of BL 2 (Japan Viki) unrated
I consider this show a documockary, not really a BL. As with the first installment I loved it beyond reasons, I tagged the second season review onto the first. Review here.
About Youth (Taiwan GaGa) 8/10
It’s truly lovely little coming of age high school BL with classic YA low drama but high angst, I didn’t even mind the singing, and that’s saying a lot. It featured Taiwan's modern take on AePete: popular but painfully lonely rich kid, Guang (complete with evil pressure-cooker tiger parents) meets and is basically adopted by poor nerdy (secret rockstar) Qizhang. HE EVEN HAS AE’S TOTE!!! Side dishes are Guang’s adorable bestie, Ray, and even more adorable (also a rockstar) Jian. Lots of BL tropes but also this is quite queer and very Taiwan with an earnestness depth I haven’t seen since My Ride an almost real world authenticity. Not that I normally like that in my BL, but I’ll forgive Taiwan (and the Philippines) for their sticky almost dirty style if it is this endearing and engaging (see also Gameboys). I wish it had been given a bit more room to breathe, but all in all a great edition to the Taiwanese BL lexicon which was in dire need of just this kind of content. Full review. 
Ai Long Nhai (Thailand iQIYI) 6/10
Tropes: messy gay, trial relationship, friends to lovers
Look this show was just a typical Thai BL university pulp about a confident gay and a clueless manic pixie dream boy, that had potential, chemistry, and earnestness going for it, but no plot and not enough side dishes. In the end it was boring and you know I always rate boring lower than hot messes. Still it’s better than your average Thai BL, nothing happens but at least the nothing mostly shirtless, the gay dads are the BEST, and that’s about all I can say for it.
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Bad Buddy (Thailand YouTube) 9/10
Tropes: secret lovers, Romeo & Romeo, sunshine/tsundere, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, GL side plot
GMMTV’s flagship BL started 2022 on a BANG (okay no actual banging but you know what I mean), starring heavy hitters Ohm & Nanon in a pitch perfect university Romeo & Juliet masterpiece that will give you domesticity meets pain whiplash throughout and jet lag at the end. Great production values, killer acting, and some conscious effort to correct for half a decade of Thai BL’s anti-queer mistakes. GMMTV, we forgive you. More. Live blog of this one is here. Full review here.
Behind Cut (Korea, Jan Viki) 8/10
Tropes: grown up problems, finding your dreams, friends to lovers
Better than average chemistry (for KBL) and a unique setting almost pulled this show into the realm of something quite special but it never quite managed to get away from the pacing and story structure issues endemic to KBL’s limited time frame and scope. Still It gets the job done. Full review here.
Big Dragon (Thailand Gaga) 7/10 
Tropes: player love-rivals/enemies to lovers, rich/poor
This is a decent execution of true enemies to lovers, these two spy on and bully each other, exploring darker themes. The way the leads transition between anger, resentment, titillation, and flirting (and the way, with kinksters, this can all be the same thing) is really well done. This BL pairing proved itself to be a lot more sophisticated than I expected with nods at kink in a more respectful way than Mame could ever dream, plus excellent chemistry, but something was askew around plot, directing, and ending. 
Blue of Winter AKA Judo Boys (Korea YouTube) 3/10
Tropes: Bad boy/good boy, mad crush, reunion romance
OMG, is that..? Did Korea give us… a pulp? I do believe they did! The sound quality was poor, lighting sub par, even the filming and staging wasn’t on point (for Korea). Sadly none of that was the problem, this could have actually been good, the cast was excellent, but instead it was just really... odd. Focused on the wrong couple in the triangle and spent too much time on some elements and not enough on... ya know PLOT. Not terrible but not good either. in the end I didn’t know what I watched and neither did it.
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Bleuming (Korea iQIYI) 9/10
Tropes: enemies to lovers (sort of), coming of age, self worth and self acceptance, lonely prince, sunshine/tsundere
It’s a tiny bit dark and a tiny bit bittersweet, almost too honest to a university experience and first love for BL. I wasn’t into it at first, but both leads turn in solid performances and by ep 5 it got good, becoming a narrative about self discovery, as well as understanding and accepting others people’s flaws without hurting them. Ultimately, we witnessed two characters maturing because of each other and their mutual affection while that affection was never itself the conflict point. Instead, tension was built around other aspects of identity, popularity, and self-worth. While production values were a touch lower than usual, Blueming included decent kisses and other forms of intimacy and a satisfying ending (all rare for Korea) plus there’s judicious and very elegant use of tropes, (which is expected). Full review here.
Check Out (Thailand iQIYI) 4/10 
Tropes: office, second chance, high heat
Special episode 0 (prequel) filmed in 2021 was the only good thing about this show. Characters lacked motivation, there was no story, the leads were a fine pair but the sex scenes managed to be both good and boring. I nearly DNFed. Ugh. 
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry YT) 8/10 
Tropes: reincarnation, fated mates, paranormal elements
Choco Milk Shake (Korea YouTube) Stongberry gave us a full length BL on YouTube! It’s a BL miracle and an endless delight. It was wonderfully cute, unexpectedly hilarious but expectedly silly, a little too poignant, occasionally gut wrenching and with a somewhat expected weird (but happy-ish) ending. The actors playing the two pets must have had the best time. As, indeed, did I watching it. Jealous Milk made me cackle so hard it scared the actual cat on my lap, Choco was perfectly cast, and the chemistry was ultimately decent. In Strongberry I still trust. Thank you thank you, may we have another, sirs?
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Cherry Blossoms After Winter (Korea Viki) 9/10
Tropes: High school to college, cohabitation, stepbrothers, popular boy/nerd (shy, loner, bullied), orphan protag
Korea took on early Japanese sweet yaoi but gave it their signature softness and precise production style with a STUNNING color palette (beautiful pastels, sun-saturated over-exposure), manga framing style, some traditional BL character archetypes, that tiny edge of bullying roughness and out-of-control seme, plus FINALLY a palatable take on the stepbrothers trope and it was, in a word, classic. Sophisticated and understated CBAW is not slow, it’s just subtle. It's dream-like and atmospheric, as if the whole thing took place under cold water on a warm spring day. Is there plot or peril? Not really. Do we care? Also, not really. Look, I can’t help it, I’m old school and so is this show. I grew up reading sweet yaoi, and this was THAT YAOI just on my screen. There’s no objectivity with me and CBAW. It’s a beautiful pastiche and I loved it for how it made me feel and what it reminded me of. It’s not flawless, but it is a wonderful experience. Full review here.
Cherry Magic the movie (Japan grey) 8/10 
AKA Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!: The Movie AKA 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii 
Tropes: LTR, cohabitation, self acceptance, coming out
I liked it, not as much as the original, it lacked the humor. Again no kissing, these actors must be expensive, but some nice domesticity. Still with Thailand bringing the higher heat with such consummate casualness these days (licking ass and taking names) there really isn’t much of an excuse anymore for no kisses, it felt a little phoned in. Even Korea has buckled, come on Japan, grow up. 
Close Friend 2 (Thailand Viki) 6/10
Tropes: LTR, adult problems, the closet, coming out
It’s basically dealing with two kinds of closet: the one imposed on us, and the one we impose on ourselves. Honestly Pierce and Phoon are very mature characters for a BL couple - the kind of relationship that only OhmFluke could really portray, and they do it very well. That’s almost the problem - it is too well done and thus discomforting. if you don’t like realism in your BL avoid this show. I liked the celebrityhood vs fandom storyline, although I thought it was too generous to those fans. Both pairs did well but I wasn’t wowed by story or content, over all a bit dull.
Coffee Melody (Thailand Viki) 5/10 
Tropes: cafe setting, food is love, sing your feelings
Stars Pavel (my love) as a cafe owner (Forth in 2moons2) and Benz as a composer (Call it What You Want). This should have been my kind of BL - on the fluffy end of the spectrum plus honestly queer. Unfortunately, the slow pacing, manufactured angst, odd secondary story arcs, and a selfishly immature unlikeable wet dishcloth main character, Yi, meant its flaws outweighed its charm. Jean (flame on snark fairy) is MINE, I love him so much but in the end neither he nor Pavel in an apron could save it for me. It’s not bad. It’s not good either, tho. Ultimately so forgettable I’ve probably already forgotten it. 
Color Rush 2 (Korea Viki) 7/10
Tropes: crush, friends to (almost) lovers, paranormal, suspense, murder investigation
In this second installment the plot revolves around Yeon Woo searching for his mother (and, sort of, his probe) joined by Se Hyun, whose sister is involved. We’re right back in gay allegory territory only this time the question is: Can you miss something you never had? Especially when it has to do with your own identity? Also, has Sehyun switched his (supposedly) natural inclination towards obsession onto Yeonwoo? I liked it. I liked Hyuk a lot more than I was expecting too. Like the prior installment, Color Rush 2 was stylish and clever (although not quite as clever). Honestly, in the end, I don’t know what to say about Color Rush 2. Does it work as the second installment of a trilogy? Absolutely. Does it work as the final installment of a duology. Absolutely NOT. Full review here.
Cupid’s Last Wish (Thailand YouTube) 6/10
Tropes: pining/tsundere, bodyswap, quest, road trip
Win is such an incredibly unlikeable character I really struggled with this show, no skin off Mix’s acting, but holy fucking irredeemable tsundere. Also I really do not like body-swap. The final ep tried (and for some it may have been successful) but combine this with bodyswap (my least favorite trope) and even EarthMix’s chemistry (which has improved since Thousand Stars) didn’t save it.
Cutie Pie (Thailand YouTube) 8/10
Tropes: arranged marriage, age gap, secret identity, cohabitation, rich kid problems, he’s in engineering
Very high production and a lot of visual references to live action yaoi gave this show a whiff of Japan but ultimately it stayed firmly in Thailand’s BL camp veering from absurd to appealing to annoying and then back to absurd again. If you can roll with the arranged marriage conceit and very lifestyle D/s relationships, the chemistry is spot on even if the plot is naff and sappy and driven by miscommunication. Watch this one for the pretty, give it a pass on depth. Full review here.
Dear Doctor, I'm Coming For Soul (Thailand YouTube) 7/10
Tropes: PNR, grim reaper, enemies to lovers
This is a romance between a doctor trying to save his patients and a reaper who is both his enemy and (eventually) lover. Basically it’s the genius premise of a gay Doom at Your Service. High concept looks good on you, Thailand. I enjoyed it more than it’s ending deserved, and the best I can say is that it’s not strictly HEA but if you’re okay with Life: Love on the Line, you’ll probubly be okay with this BL.
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DNA Says Love You (Taiwan GaGa) 8/10
Tropes: secret identity, reunion romance, queer family, bisexual awakening, sunshine/broken, healing, quest
While this is one of those series (ostensibly) carried by the sunshine seme character (Taiwan is always weak in seme/uke) and he does a stand-up job, Erek Lin, who plays the love interest, Amber, is luminous. I found the twist entirely predictable, but knowing what would happen didn't spoil this show for me, in fact I think I sympathized more with Amber and understood his behavior better, because I knew. The exact way it’s handled (medically speaking) is a little disingenuous to a queer narrative (AKA they could have just GONE there) but I didn’t mind, because all the characters around Amber act with such integrity. Since this is a queer story arc that other shows have systemically mishandled and made depressing, DNA deserves extra marks for its uniquely upbeat approach. It’s full of queer found family representation and an unexpected amount of domesticity, plus it’s Taiwan, so the kisses are great. The last few eps really are special and life/love affirming - and the ending is big-grin charming. Full review here.
Gen Y 2 (Thailand grey) 5/10  
Tropes: this is an insane soap opera
Exactly as chaotically messy as expected, possibly worse, as the four main couples apparently each decided they were acting in a different kind of BL. While I do believe that the world demands the excess Star Hunter provides, it is utterly exhausting to watch. No full review because I live blogged this one here.
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Thailand YouTube) 7/10 
Tropes: my ghost boyfriend, PNR, domesticity
This is a light horror plus family drama built around a well executed BL trough-line that felt honestly queer with fantastic chemistry from the lead pair. (I hope that we see more of them.) Pluem delivers the softest most seductive krap ever and watching them flirt over noodles is an unalloyed pleasure. Use of I/you pronouns is super interesting and cute. For me personally the surrounding cast, premise, and story didn’t resonate but if you like a touch of gothic in your BL this might appeal.
The Eclipse (Thailand YouTube) 8/10 
Tropes: sinister boarding school, haze the one you love, suspense, high school setting, coming of age  
GMMTV does gay Blacklist with a good boy/bad boy pairing. Starred First & Khaotung plus the side dish pair from FUTS NeoLouis. This is a good show but the cast was excellent and the leads were absolutely flawless. They gave us a nuanced and multifaceted burgeoning relationship: philosophical (and socio-political) conflict contrasted to moments of empathy; flirtation contrasted to moments of genuine affection. This narrative is less about love than it is about courage and tenderness. However, near the end the pacing was off and the plot frustrating. Still, this is an enjoyable watch, with an ending that features verbal consent and a funny blooper reel. 
Enchanté (Thailand YouTube) 7/10
Tropes: childhood sweethearts, sunshine/tsundere, secret admirer with a touch of Cyrano de Bergerac and dose of Boys Over Flowers.
Theo returns from France and starts a written flirtation inside a library book (!) at his new uni with the mysterious Enchante. When he and his best friend Akk hunt for Enchante’s real identity, 4 senior boys step forward - all intersted in dating Theo, all with ulterior motives. Can’t fault the chemistry or the classic old school Thai uni BL and Akk (Force) was particularly sympathetic. But the twist over Enchantie’s identity felt disingenuous, manipulative, and unnecessary and the whole narrative was flawed as a result, Theo became unlikeable and irredeemable. GMMTV seems to specialize in squandering great chemistry on shoddy scripts. Honestly it probubly should get an 8/10 by my rating system but I was so disappointed I’m giving it a 7/10 and not bothering to write a full review. Live blog ep-by-ep recap here.
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Gaga) 2/10
Tropes: my ghost boyfriend, paranormal, kill the gay, dark 
Smart boy in love with zombie incubus, keeps him alive with sex. This prevailing wistfulness between our leads about the future that they know they will never get to have. The way Michan is constantly listening and feeling for his Koichi’s heartbeat for a reassurance that is never going to come.Japan, king of thirst, gives us both that and PAIN: these 2 are drowning in yearning and loss. Careful with this one - you break it, you bought it, and it'll break you... wide open just to see what color your guts are. After watching, you too might be walking around alone, forgotten, and wondering why no one understands your loss. Not only does it not end happily, it ends hopelessly. 
NOT RECOMMENDED (for newer BL fans) 
Even Sun (Thailand iQIYI) 5/10
Tropes: vacation romance, enemies to lovers, sunshine/tsundere
The language is fun in this one (they also use chan/nai so I’m guessing it’s and organized crime thing), the cast is excellent, the boxers mildly interesting and BounPrem’s chemistry is unmatched, but... I still disliked it. It was unequivocally boring.
First Love Again (Korea Viki) 7/10
Tropes: fated mates, bodyswap
A popular novelist who remembers his past lives meets his soulmate who has been reincarnated in the body of a man. This one started out a touch mean spirited, but it pulled itself together and we even got a good kiss (for a KBL). Then they went from like to love to boyfriends in a red hot minute. The confession/rejection scene was justified and the reconciliation and ending was... fine. All in all the pacing felt rushed, and the romantic arc was underdeveloped, but that’s par for the course with Korea’s short form. If you don’t mind a heavy does of melodrama in your BL this one has a solid story with a strong concept that’s well acted and produced, making it a classic KBL with better than average chemistry but ultimately a touch forgettable. (Full review here.)
Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai! (Japan Viki & GaGa) 8/10
AKA Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss! AKA Mr Unlucky Can Only kiss
Tropes: opposites attract, accidental relationship, cohabitation  
Mr Chronically Unlucky (another adorable chaos muffin) and Mr Always Lucky end up dating after they meet at uni orientation. It’s JAPAN yet they kissed in the first episode. What freaky alt-reality did I enter into? That’s all they kiss tho, over which I was a touch disappointed (I know). Still I spent far too much of my time with this show biting my knuckles and squealing “THEY’RE SO CUTE!” Amusing story: I paused mid the most tooth-achingly adorable first date in the entire universe and Viki was like “something missing?” and I was like “MY HEART YOU BASTARDS” It is very slapstick Japanese style comedic (light) BL reminds me a bit of Kieta Hatsukoi or Cherry Magic. So if you like that style of BL you’ll adore this show.
Happy Ending Romance (Korea Gaga) 8/10
Tropes: office romance, identity theft, cohabitation 
As a BL it kinda isn’t (sorry to say). There’s no tropes dropped and no real romance narrative beats. This is about dishonesty and pride and there is an elegance to the theme. Which is essentially the idea that possession is not love, and therefore, those who love the Writer have to prove their love by letting him go. Honestly, I’m not sure how to rate this show as a result. This is a blog about BL and this wasn’t that. Full review. 
RECOMMENDED (but not if romance is what you’re primarily after) 
Hard Love Mission (Thailand WeTV) 3/10
Tropes: office romance, spoiled celebrity, 
Phenomenally dull Thai pulp about a journalist sent to interview a celebrity who ends up his manager, only 4 episodes and it still could’ve been shorter. It’s a bummer, the concept wasn’t bad. ALSO Chinese censorship got its gross mitts all over it (thank you, Tencent). Do not waste your time.
In Your Heart (Mainland China GaGa) 2/10
Tropes: friends to lovers, codependency, amorphous ending
It’s very mainland China BL, which makes me feel a bit like we are back in 2016 being tormented by nostalgia. It hasn’t a single modern sensibility in it (to be fair neither does China’s het stuff). Which I don’t mind, but it felt off? Messy? Sideways? I was surprised that there was some high heat, but I wasn’t surprised that the couple ended up separated. And yet... If you expect to be disappointed, can you still be disappointed?
Kabe Koji (Japan Viki) 7/10 
Tropes: celebrity romance, sunshine/tsundere 
Basically this is A Man Who Defies the World of BL + Senpai This Can’t be Love (as @heretherebedork said) and equally painfully EXTRA. Nakao Masaki playing a sunshine bouncy himbo character is a fucking revelation, I didn’t think he had it in him. This should’ve been my favorite BL of all time (IT’S AN IDOL LOVE INTEREST!), but the tsundere is too tsundere for me, I really hate the stalker photograph thing it’s apparently a trigger I didn’t know I had until BL tried to romanticize it. I kept feeling like there were the bones of good story in this drama, and I got glimpses of it, but then it’s covered again - like tasty steak smothered in Kewpie mayo. 
Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai (Japan grey) 7/10 
AKA I Only Want to Keep Looking at You
Tropes: friends to lovers, coming of age, high school setting, introvert/extrovert
This is a beautiful piece of cinema well acted, about two boys who are opposite personalities and grew up together. Gifted and serious Sakura (Kura Yuki from His the series) and outgoing eccentric manic pixie dream boy, Yuma. It is very pretty and this is the kind of atmospheric elegantly performed BL that only really comes from Japan (complete with dead fish kisses - what you though Korea invented them? oh no). I felt like I was “supposed to like it” more than I did, ultimately I was left feeling like I had seen it all before. So for me it was lovely but slightly unmemorable.
Kiss X Kiss X Kiss - Perfect Scandal (Japan Billibi) 7/10
SHORT 5-8 minutes sample pack micro-romances: 2 featured BL-ish setups. One with idols in a group together and a secret relationship (Idol Kiss) and another featuring a reluctant boss and flirty subordinate (A Sweet Kiss). Both were cute but mostly just, ya know, kissing. (Reminds me a bit of Korea’s early Triple Do You Want). The interesting thing about the idol one, is one of the leads is ALSO in a het installment. He gives great chemistry with both his partners. And I think he’s a good example of an actor being just, ya know, an actor about the physical part of a romance. Which I take about in terms of never assuming queerness based on performance, here.
RECOMMENDED (for what it is)
KinnPorsche (Thailand iQiYi) 7/10
Tropes: bodyguard, mafia, cohabitation, BDSM, he’s a monster but he’s my monster
VegasPete were in one drama; KimChay were in another; KinnPorsche were in each of those randomly but then sometimes in their own extremely slapstick cheese-fest alt-reality + Tankhun. There were clearly 2 directors with 2 distinct and conflicting points of view, who apparently never had a single conversation with each other. Was this show good? Nope. Was it absorbing as fuck? Sure. Was it well acted, absolutely. Were the sex scenes great? Yes. We the fight scenes awesome? Actually yeah (special props to Jeff for the hand-to-hand stuff). Did I enjoy the kinky bits? Certainly. But all that said: the VegasPete universe of KP was the only universe I really enjoyed and would like to revisit, and I only got that 1/5 of the time. Mathematics is working against this one, for me personally. So I guess I, at least, am still waiting for the perfect mafia BL. I think it might be up to Japan at this juncture. As a result of fan fervor meets my own hearty indifference, I don’t really know how to judge this show but I have to go with my heart, and KP didn’t win it. No full review here on tumbr but I did post on to MDL.
Kissable Lips (Korea Viki) 2/10
Tropes: fated mates, paranormal, vampire, codified chase/stalker/ seme
Vampire has to decide between killing the boy he loves or living longer himself. Perfectly cast with a sexy, deadly, tortured vampire and the sweet uke prey who managed to be soft and appealing without being weak or inactive (props to the actor). Better kisses than your average KBL did not mitigate the fact that they killed 1/2 of the couple. Ultimately, one of my most disappointing BLs of 2022. Full review here.
La Cuisine (Thailand GaGa) 7/10
Tropes: crush, campus star, bully trigger, best boys, soft & sweet,
A sweet and kind of pure show, and like Thai desserts perhaps requires too much patience for a layperson. Because of the pacing and the focus on the bad girl character, I did dock it. But if you like stuff in the Oxygen vein, then this show is for you, and far better than most Thai BL pulps. That said, I suspect that I enjoyed it more than many would. Full review here.
Love Area 2 (Thailand GaGa) 3/10
Tropes: I don’t know and neither does it
Look, it wasn't as bas as Bite Me, but it wasn’t actually good, either. This started out as Thailand tackles love triangles pulp style, but by season two lockdown had changed everything. Valen & Kaitoon dropped some great kisses but traded off crazy hair and makeup in a scene-by-scene whiplash that was clearly pickups done months after initial filming, and the second lead just... vanished. It was surreal. Side dishes jumped up screen time but tackled mental health... badly. A fantastic new queer side character was randomly introduced, June, who was the best thing to happen to BL linguistics in 2022 but had nothing to do with the rest of the cast, show, or plot. What a mess. Yes tehre was some very good chemistry and June is a GREAT queer character... BUT...  In the end, I was just confused af. Full review here.
Love Class (Korea GaGa) 8/10
Tropes: university BL, forced proximity, unrequited love, crush, slight love triangle, triggers (outing, bashing, stalking)
This was a fast-moving, bloated, complicated little show with stronger than usual story structure, well-acted if lacking in chemistry, that managed to be very appealing and engaging despite itself. What it lacked in content it more than made up for in pacing. Both bingable and rewatchable.
Love in Spring (Korea grey) 3/10
AKA Spring of Crush
Tropes: historical, soap opera, fake identity, hidden secrets, cross dressing
This drama was all over the place with uneven acting, narrative, and focus (sometimes it wanted to be a slapstick comedy, sometimes a depressing drama) which meant no one, actors or viewers, took anyone or anything seriously.... AND it’s a bromance. I was left wondering is SalHyung is now code for “they were roommates” in Kdrama historicals but otherwise largely apathetic and unimpressed. Korea, we now know you can do better. Watch Tinted With You or Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding instead. Full review here.
Love in the Air (Thai iQIYI) 7/10
Tropes: enemies to lovers, too stupid to live, stalker/obsession, university setting, grumpy/tsundere, sunshine/tsundere, abuse triggers
What’s it like? Two stories of aggressive player dudes pursuing innocent younger boys. Terrible. Also entertaining and engaging and kinda hot. Like all good dumpster fires. Recommended only if you know you like this kind of thing. Look, you remember in high school drama class where they make you “envision a basket, and put all of your worry, bad mood, and anxiety into that basket, and leave it outside the door”? Well, in order to enjoy this show, you have to do that, only with your morals. Some people have bigger baskets than others. Mame’s creature whipped me into a verbal frenzy, resulting in yet another trash watch. 
Love Mechanics (Thailand WeTV) 6/10 
Tropes: messy disaster bi, out gay boy, cheating, drama llamas
My favorite messy cheeky drama-llama boys were back in spades. And initially I enjoyed it more than I should and more than it deserved. This whole series is basically a diatribe against cheating, with the sweet out gay boy reaping all the punishment a disaster bi can enact. YinWar are geniuses at chemistry and good actors, and their new high heat stuff is excellent, but the story was not improved by being given more time to hang itself. Full review on MDL. 
Love Stage (Thailand Feb-March YouTube) 8/10
Tropes: childhood crush, sunshine/tsundere, unrequited love, secret identity
This BL surprised me with its charm. The acting was good, the leads were appealing, support cast on point, and the production values high. It followed the original manga story arc relatively closely: boy falls in love with girl as a child, grows up to discover girl is actually a very pretty boy. Although there are some quintessentially Thai changes that mellowed, softened, and extended the romance arc. One of the things I’ve always appreciated about this story is that the climax is about coming out as a celebrity couple as well as gay. I like the examination of the nature of celebrity versus privacy, and the contrasting kinds of closets. And I love that they depicted two couples with two different versions of this choice. A solid and enjoyable show. Full review here.
Meow Ears Up (Thailand GaGa) 4/10
Tropes: PNR, catboy, broken characters, hurt/comfort
Adapted from the Korean manhwa Hey, Your Ears Popped Out. This is interesting, Thailand doesn’t adapt from outside their own y-novel tradition very often. This is a pretty classic version of catboy trope: a lonely orphan comic artist adopts a stray cat who suddenly turns into a human teaches him about love, chaos, and family. SO CUTE it hurts and I got very “indulgent daddy” vibes from Mr. DD, which I’m not mad about it. There’s surprising depth to this very weird little show. It’s touching and relatable, but I guess it was trying to be too Japanese/Korean about it while the set up was all sweetness and Thai style, because they fudged the ending. For me, that’s a fatal flaw. Full review here.
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Minato’s Laundromat (Japan GaGa) 9/10
AKA Minato’s Coin Laundry AKA Minato Shoji Koinrandori AKA Minato Shoji Coin Laundry AKA Wash My Heart
Tropes: age gap, pining since childhood, 
A high school student pursues the man of his dreams who happens to run a laundromat in this classic age gap BL. Minato’s Laundromat is so steeped in yaoi tropes and archetypes, not to mention a typical romance arc, that it will be and overload for some fans, but those of who follow this genre for its DNA will adore it. It made me very happy because it did everything I want a BL to do, and there’s not much more I ask of a show than this. It’s the closest Japan has come to perfect live action yaoi since Seven Days. Squee watch along (in lieu of a full review).
Mr Cinderella (Vietnam YouTube) 8/10
Tropes: forced proximity, cohabitation, childhood sweethearts, opposites attract, good boy/bad boy, domesticity
Higher than normal production values plus experienced BL actors plus two charismatic smoldering leads with good kissing and comfortable body language make this Vietnam’s objectively best BL to date. Plus we got a fabulously (and quintessentially Vietnamese) domestic ending. Full review here.
My Only 12% (Thailand iQIYI) 8/10  
Tropes: friends to lovers, childhood crush, out gay character, jock/nerd, cancer mom, side noona romance 
Neighbors and codependent childhood friends, Cake & Seeiw, have opposite personalities but may be falling in love. Familiar faces include Prem (Between Us) and Peak (Make it Right). This is a complex, nuanced, and well done little BL romance (tailor made for SantaEarth) about holding onto first love and childhood, but it’s buried under waffling family drama and formless side characters so that it took a lot of digging to get at. 
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My Ride (Thailand GaGa) 9/10
Tropes: sunshine/softie, friends-to-lovers, crush, bisexual identity, out gay, rich/poor
BL grew up with this pulp - a truly lovely and special little show featuring the extremely rare pairing of sunshine/sunshine AKA the cinnamon roll couple. Mature explorations of relationships using one of the softest, sweetest and most innocent friends to lovers vehicles. Kindly overworked doctor meets broken hearted dimpled motorcycle taxi driver in an “other side of the tracks” slow burn romance. With great friendship groups and family dynamics the support cast is excellent. With honest queer rep that adds to, but doesn’t impede the story, good friendship groups and genuine conversation about the nature of class, wealth, and classism, not to mention communication, honesty, and respect for boundaries, you can’t go wrong with this show. In other news, I am a sucker for a single dimple. 
My Secret Love the series (Thailand YouTube) 6/10 
Tropes: jock/nerd, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, reunion romance, secret romance, LTR 
Lead couple had a tom/jerry vibe with the uke too stiff and serious and the seme a prankster immature arse - one of my least favorite dynamics (it always seems mean-spirited). They reminded me of My Boy (which I DNFd) X BonDuen from My Engineer (who I dislike). Other pairs include BearBomb, TimMai and ParkLee (LTR whom use ter with each other). The domesticity with the side couples was somewhat engaging, and the sex scenes were descent, but that’s it. The worst thing about this show (aside from leads chemistry) was that the chemistry of the friendship groups felt off too. Normally, Thailand can handle friendship groups fine. But these two different groups? I didn’t believe they were friends at all. Full review on MDL. 
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My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Gaga & Viki) 8.5/10
Tropes: childhood trauma, phobias, doctor/patient, age gap
It’s not love in Taiwan if one of them doesn’t stumble into the other.
From the producers of We Best Love, earnest dentist hottie with sad eyes who worries too much is smitten with an adorable sunshine neurotic bar owner with serious anxiety issues, they fall in love while courting each other with food, plushies, and naps. Then, shocker, talk about their feelings and try to actually sort out their problems so they can have an adult relationship. Bonus 18 year old poor little rich kid in mad crush with a much older man. I really enjoyed this show, it had a fun premise, killer dialogue, there was a solis lead pair with charming chemistry, soft flirtation, and delightful smiling kisses and stinkingly cute domesticity. All that said, I wasn’t wild about some of the darker themes it explored (abuse, panic attacks, abandonment issues), even though it did a good job with them. And while the crumbs and sides were v adorable they were chronically underused. In the land of May/December, baby boy kabedon is my kryptonite! Why so little of them? Kabedon is My Krytonite = also the name of my indie band’s first single.) 
In other news: I identify WAY too much with the bartender daddy. He pretty much opens his mouth and says what I’m thinking 90% of the time. 
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Not Me (Thailand YouTube) 9/10  
Tropes: enemies to lovers, secret identity, identical twins, goodboy/bad boy
GMMTV gave us a dark disestablishment narrative (in a time of civil unrest) with established queer award-winning director Anucha and starring OffGun. THIS IS AN AMAZING THING to get to experience in the BL world - nerve racking but remarkable. But was it ACTUALLY BL? Not Me had a lot of BL elements, but in the end that’s not what the show was about, or even what it was genuinely trying to be. Still an amazing piece of Thai cinema certainly worth your time. Don’t worry, it all ends happily. Full review here. OffGun Eulogy here.
Ocean Likes Me (Korea Viki) 8/10  
Tropes: opposites attract, grumpy/sunshine, impossible dreams
This is a solid little KBL, with a good premise and cast. Manic pixie dream boy can get old fast but when contrasted with awkward grumpy chef? Tasty combo that elevates both ingredients. Holland is a charming screen presence, baby boy is HYPNotiC. And while I wasn’t entirely sold on the chemistry with these two they gave us some very good kisses. I grinned through most episodes and I even didn’t mind the standard KBL 1 year separation at the end because it felt very true to the characters. Don’t worry they end up back together.
Oh! Boarding House (Korea Viki) 8/10
Tropes: forced proximity, cohabitation, crush, love triangle
Spoiled rich kid in financial straights has to manage a boarding house full of quirky characters including: bratty cousin, wacko writer, adorable bestie with a crush, and the new hot jock (love interest). All in all, this show ended up being A LOT better than I expected. It was uneven in its attempt to reconcile early sitcom (slightly Thai) style with a serious love triangle and genuine romance but the quality of the performances and the kind and honest treatment of the characters make it definitely worth watching. (Full review here.)  
DEFINITELY RECOMMENDED, a lost gem esp for Kdrama fans 
Oh! My Assistant (Korea Viki) 7/1O
Tropes: grumpy/sunshine, himbo chaos bi, out gay 
This is a very silly show that acts like it comes from a very silly yaoi. Reserved out gay younger assistant (we stan) pretending to be tsundere but is actually just v shy and smitten by his cheerful (seemingly straight) chaos bi himbo artist boss. I think the cross cutting in of old footage with the replacement actor after the re-cast did affect the chemistry with this pair. There was no way around it. Even KBL isn't usually this awkward and repressed. Although this show had the best bisexual awakening sequence ever put in a BL, and I really wanted to love it, I just didn't. 
Oh My Sunshine Night (Thailand grey) 7/10
Tropes: university, sickness, fated mates, whipping boy, poor little rich boy, soap opera
Kim, a tsundere musician meets Sun, a transfer student with a weak heart. Also there’s his hot older brother + their household servant, and a couple of fencers for good measure. Initially this pretends to be a normal university, then it slips on wet tiles and falls right on trough multiple shower scenes into ludicrous soap opera territory leaving one with a sensation rather like trying to hold onto soap in a communal shower. Ultimately, everyone seems pretty happy they bent over, but no one actually got clean. 
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Old Fashion Cupcake (Japan Viki) 9/10
Tropes: office romance, age gap, employee/boss, food is the love language, coming of age late in life
This show had me from the moment they broke the egg yolk with the chopsticks in the opening credits for episode one. It’s about a younger man with a long cherished crush on his boss (ten years older and going through a mid life crisis) who decides to save and seduce said man with pancakes. It’s wholesome, comforting, sexy, and a very necessary narrative about still having hope, interests, and openness to affection at any age. It’s coming of age/queerness packaged in a subtle critique of expectations around masculinity and love and loneliness... and it’s beautiful. Full review here.
Once Again (Korea GaGa) 2/10
Tropes: age gap, childhood trauma, tragedy, time travel, inevitable fate 
JaeWoo lives with childhood trauma and gets a chance to travel to the past to fix it by saving JiHoon. But you can’t change fate. From Moving Picture (studio behind equally tragic Kissable Lips)) this one stars actors (not idols) including Moon Ji Young (also in The New Employee) and is very well performed with a great, but sad, actual PLOT. It was a little bit more creepy than romantic, kind of Gothic and tense, but also strangely amusing (this odd kid just keeps hugging JiHoon - that’s like 1000x weirder in Korea than most places) and more enjoyable than it had a right to be with a really interesting take on the childhood crush trope. Ultimately, however, it kills the gay and is very sad. 
Our Days the series (Thailand GaGa) 4/10
Tropes: sports romance, messy gays be messy, cohabitation, crush, love triangle, tsundere
Enemies to lovers meets forced proximity (boarding house) in which I couldn’t decide if the unlikable main character was stupid or depressed (story of my life, see also Physical Therapy) but I can’t take yet another emo POV. There was no chemistry from the leads and great chemistry from the ex-friend/second lead. Saint’s dad punishing him, when he doesn’t realize it’s because Saint is gay and heartbroken, really had meat to it as part of a basketball story. But it was such a tiny part of the overall show it felt like eating a meal when all I liked was one ingredient. I’d like to see the actor who played Saint (Offroad) in other stuff but otherwise this one can fade and be forgotten. It was a mess, and not a hot one. Fatally flawed.
Paint with Love (Thailand Gaga) 6/10
Tropes: opposites attract, office romance, sunshine/tsundere, enemies to lovers, wierdo/rulebound
For me the mains were unlikeable and the actors had poor chemistry. So while this offered a lot of what I thought I wanted from a Thai BL - mature characters, office setting, adult themes - I’m wasn’t wild about the execution. I suspect Thai pulps are better when they stick to university/high school. This one felt like a better version of Loveless Society (but that’s not saying much). The side dishes (Yoon & Yacht) gave us more chemistry and a better kiss but had little screen time. It was interesting to see them portray BL actors being shipped and then confessing to actually dating each others I’m not sure how I feel about the handling of it but it was different from Lovely Writer. In the end, this show was nicely grown up but boring and became a matter of endurance for me. I can’t ever see myself rewatching it.
Papa & Daddy 2 (Taiwan GaGa) 6/10  
I don’t have a good history with 2nd seasons, and Taiwan really likes to make a soap opera out of their queers. Witness that this one starts with a secret baby trope. There’s a lot of lying to each other and evil parents and, of course, 2nd lead syndrome strikes again. The domesticity was, of course, excellent (I love the gay siblings sharing tips on how to parent) and it was actually kind of beautiful to watch them explore ideas around infidelity, affection, lost love, and rediscovery. However, it lost me at episode 3 and never quite got me back, not even with the delightfully cheesy wedding. All in all, this was a serviceable follow up to the first installment, if riddled by unbearable parents, lack of story, and sappiness.  
Plus & Minus (Taiwan Viki) 8/10
AKA Plus and Minus AKA PlusMinus
Tropes: friends to lovers, LTR, office romance, (himbo) sunshine/tsundere, found family, himbo
This is a solid safe little BL about codependent besties of 20 years finding their way into a romantic relationship. A bit cheesy, with lots of domesticity and occasional dumb drama. (But gay boys and chaos bis? What can ya do?) It’s not groundbreaking but it is a solid sweet unassuming little show of a style that is perhaps a bit more Thai than it is Taiwanese but I’m okay with that. Full review here.
Rainbow Prince (The Philippines YouTube) 6/10
Tropes: disney princess, opposites attract, sunshine/tsundere
This long form MUSICAL BL is fucking LEGEND. Also it’s profoundly not good. The acting is absolutely terrible but that’s not the point, the point is that it’s a cheesy af fairy story. Possibly the gayest BL to ever BL and certainly the most camp and very Disney. Watch it of that’s your thing, otherwise hard pass. (Full review here.)
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea Viki) 8/10
Tropes: rich/poor, boss/employee, enemies to lovers, office setting, cohabitation  
This is a solid little office set KBL about a rich kid who ends up both the boss and tenant of a total sweetheart cutie, and falls madly in love with him. Although the show suffered from KBL’s shorter length, I love the kissable lips pair - they deliver solid all round chemistry despite limited screen time, which is rare from Korea. So I hope they stay branded and we get even more from them in the future. Special extra extended kissing scene.
Secret Crush on You (Thailand YouTube) 7/10
Tropes: stalking, obsession, hottest guy on campus, multiple couples, queer affirming
Previously known as Stalker the series, and you can TELL. Co-produced by and featuring (but NOT staring) Saint and directed by Cheewin (sigh) with all fresh faces it was pure pulp and... I hated the plot. In fact I was ALL OVER THE PLACE with this show. SCOY drove me nuts and made me bush but had flashes of unparalleled genius. It had a ton of things I really did not like (e.g. the humor was crass and awkward, and the whole stalker thing was extremely CRINGE). It also had things that really worked: (e.g. representation of multiple different kinds of queerness, about which it very Taiwanese - in that there was no doubt that the characters really did want to bone). It was the opposite of sanitized gay. Honestly, if you can make it through the first half, and survive the never ending cringe-factor that IS this show, the second half is entirely unique - content we’ve never seen before in BL.
RECOMMENDED WITH RESERVATIONS, but not the usual ones.
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Semantic Error (Korea Viki) 10/10
Tropes: opposites attract, enemies to lovers, bully romance, sunshine/tsundere, teasing & pranks
This is my favorite BL of 2022 won a Blue Dragon award. Korea hits it entirely out of both Parks (pun on the actors’ last names intended) by doing a university set BL with everything we might expect done exactly right, their signature quality executed perfectly, and added bonus good story, great pacing, yaoi style filming, and fantastic chemistry. You cannot ask for more from a BL, let alone a KBL. Full review here.
Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! (Japan Viki) 6/10
AKA Senpai, This Can’t be Love!
Tropes: office romance, object of my affection, boss/employee
Adapted from a manga for the same name, it has a similar creepy worship stalking vibe Secret Crush On You. Look, I admit it, this dynamic (super awkward pining uke, rockstar seme) is one of my least favorites - high cringe factor meets navel gazing obsessive. Japan’s weird hang-up around physical expressions of affection in BL which I expect in their slapstick high school stuff, feels cowardly here. They don't leave out end kisses in their het office romances, time to stop desexualizing the gays, too. For a plot about courage, it’s a bummer that the narrative itself didn’t have any. I can’t imagine ever watching this show again or remembering its existence. When Japan drops the balls they drop all the way to the bottom of the well. 
Something in My Room (Thailand YouTube) 2/10
Tropes: paranormal, cohabitation, my ghost boyfriend, sunshine/tsundere
Horror BL starring Nut (Oxygen) who was a revelation, still a little stiff but he handled a totally different character from Solo with aplomb. Essentially, this was a well done pulp lockdown project version of He’s Coming to Me (with hints of So Much in Love and Peach of Time) but it was its own creature at the last gasp. I enjoyed it when it got a bit creepy but it was so slow it never had a chance to maintain tension. The two leads were ultimately cute together, but, like Peach of Time, we all knew how this one was gonna end. The narrative never left us in any doubt and I don’t like unhappy endings in my BL. So even though the sad was predictable, I won’t give this drama anymore than 2/10. Don’t kill my gays, Thailand, even when they’re already dead.
Star & Sky: Star in My Mind (Thailand YouTube) 8/10
Tropes: university set, high school crush, jock/nerd, long term pining, secret crush, reunion
This is (sort of) a lost love reunion arc + freshy hotness contest giving it 2 Moons vibes. Look, this is one of those shows that I shouldn’t really like after 400 BLs. It’s not at all unique, just some classic Thai uni folderol driven by miscommunication (or just non-communication) and yet... I COULD NOT STOP WATCHING. Sure it felt like everyone involved with this show was mostly phoning it in, but it was a REALLY nice phone call. It’s basic BL. But honestly, don’t we all need that plain white t-shirt to wear under our engineering smock... in the end? Full review here.
Star & Sky: Sky in Your Heart (Thailand YouTube) 5/10
Tropes: rural setting, country mouse/city mouse, rich/pour, enemies to lovers
A cheap 1000 Stars knock off about a doctor who goes rural and falls in love with a volunteer teacher. This show managed to be boring, corny, AND cheesy? I don’t know exactly how to write a review of this, as “dull” isn’t in my rating system but, it is a BIG SIN for me. I guess this should be added to my short list of BL‘s that are told from the seme’s perspective? Linguistically: these two are formal with each other using pom/khun. Also If you want to hear frozen register spoken, that’s what Prince’s maa speaks to tease Fah. Full review here.
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Takara-kun and Amagi-kun (Japan GaGa & Viki) 9/10  
Tropes: high school crush, chaos baby, high angst, classic seme/uke, secret relationship 
I gnawed on my knuckles and squealed a lot with this show. Reserved cool kid who must lean to communicate to keep the tiny disaster nugget he’s madly in love with. It is beyond charming: soft and gentle, packed with cuteness and high school angst. Did anything actually happen? No. Was it emotionally tense and paced well enough for me not to notice? Absolutely. Was there plot? Not really. Did I enjoy the hell out of it, anyway? Oh yes. Full review. 
That’s My Candy (Korea Viki) 3/10
Tropes: magical realism, LTR, breakup, amnesia, reunion
KimCop vehicle from Star Hunter, about an LTR between a student Jing (Cop) + nurse Guy (Kim) who have been together for 3 years. Guy is busy all the time so Jing is starting to feel neglected and look elsewhere. KimCop are excellent (no surprise there) but I was not into the story, premise, or concept. Side couple Viking & TamTam stole this one for me but the final ep activates the amnesia trope so even they could save it. Honestly I was left, ultimately with a sensation of: What did I just watch? It was terrible. Full review here.
Tinted With You (Korea Viki) 8/10
Tropes: historical, portal fantasy, time travel
Fun stylish time travel portal fantasy with a likable cast, historical setting, and two actual kisses that mitigate a rough plot and issues around anachronisms. Full review here.
To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories (Korea Viki) 7/10
Tropes: grumpy/sunshine, hurt/comfort, opposites attract, forced proximity, breakup/reunion
If you like angst, wallowing, and realistic relationship struggles in your BL, watch this. If you prefer fluffy comforting BL, avoid like the plague. For me the pay out was not sufficient to the pain. I enjoyed the performances, directing, and chemistry - the leads’ comfort with each other is unprecedented in Korean BL, but that’s not enough for me to rise above the pain of the narrative. This show is a home wrecking hussy, but like super classy about it. Full review here.
Triage (Thailand grey) 7/10  
Tropes: time loop, age gap, medical drama, fated mates
I thought the plot was good if a little redundant and occasionally exhausting. The pairs were all well done, low heat but with decent chemistry and the support characters were likable (or unlikable as required). I feel much as a did with Manner of Death, which is to say: this feels less BL than it does gay time-slip suspense. If anything, the romance arc detracted and distracted from the main plot. But I’m in BL for the romance, and the rewatchability, and this had very little of either. Full review here.
The Tuxedo (Thailand GaGa) 3/10
Tropes: tsundere seme, enemies to lovers, rich/poor
GMMTV be like, “see us squander glorious chemistry on terrible scripts.” The Tuxedo be like, “oh yeah? Hold my beer.” Watching this was like eating a meal of just spices. the spice profile was great, but it wasn’t ON actual food. The show itself had no plot or story and MADE NO SENSE, but I really hope we see these boys again in something more worthy of them.
Unforgotten Night (Thailand GaGa) 5/10 
Tropes: mafia, BDSM, not much of either 
Adapted from the y-novel Mafia's Bad Love, (originally featured both a gay poly triad and a GL sub plot). Stared Yoon (YYY, Paint With Love, My Ride) as a mafia Dom and Ton (Y-Destiny) as the accountant sub. Kim has a one night stand with a random stranger who becomes obsessed with him. Pretty soon into this I began to think this show should be called Forgotten Kink rather than Unforgotten Night. There isn't any. Mostly there's faucets left on and shower heads used for tie points (don't DO that). But honestly this was just bad. There is a moral to this show but I’m not sure what it is. Don’t combine your BDSM-but-not-really BL pulp with plumbing? In the end, this dumpster fire was extinguished by a garden hose and all we were left with was leaky pipes and the smell of damp trash. The only kinks were in the hose. No full review but I did to a trash watch. 
Vice Versa (Thailand YouTube) 8/10 
Tropes: alt reality, bodyswap, soulmates AKA fated mates, portal fantasy
Jimmy (Puen the super flirt confident king) is insanely charismatic and takes up all the air in (the proverbial cinematic) room, but I warmed up to Sea (Talay the timid acerbic sweetheart) eventually. As a couple they read as more teasing and brotherly than sexy, but that’s GMMTV’s brand. I enjoyed the concept of this show (I’m big into magical realism and skewed reality - see my adoration for Color Rush) but JittiRain’s plot was contrived and weak (normal for them). I find the “writing on each other” habit quite cute. Look, here’s the thing, flaws and all I pretty much spent this entire show smiling. I didn’t even mind being so obviously manipulated. That said, this is never going to be one of my top rewatch rotations, so I’m calling it for an 8/10. 
Want to See You (Vietnam YouTube) 5/10
AKA Muốn Nhìn Thấy Em
Tropes: whipping boy, disability, secret love
Everyone’s favorite Vietnamese hottie Ba Vinh (O2 Productions: Mr Cinderella etc...) played an arsehole blind man (Jane Eyre feels) who hires a live in nurse and both get taken advantage of by a series of psycho femme fatales characters. The chemistry was okay but not Vinh’s best. Did they serve up prime domesticity? Of course. This is Vietnam, you get what you pay for. But tonally, this show was all over the place, hugely inconsistent in characterization and motivation. No clean narrative through line. Nothing anyone did actually ever made sense, it was mostly just frustrating. 
What If (Thailand WeTV) 4/10
Had promised but was ultimately a complete letdown, not really BL either. It was, in the end, primarily about singing, so you know I didn’t like anything about this. 
What Zabb Man! (Thailand YouTube) 8/10
Tropes: enemies to lovers, tsundere seme, rich/poor
WZM was better than we have any right to expect with decent pacing and a foodie theme threaded through the narrative as both love language and plot driver. Basically CEO falls in love with a street vendor’s food, recruits him to work in his hotel, falls in love with him, and that’s the beginning. Class struggles! Kitchen drama! Papaya pounding (not a euphemism)! Chef poaching (not literally)! Spicy scenes (yes literally)! It’s all so delicious. Full review here.
RECOMMENDED, especially if you like Thai food
You’re My Sky (Thailand Viki) 6/10
Tropes: sports romance, friends to lovers, jock/nerd meets sunshine/tsundere, cheating
A serviceable college-set pulp that focused on 3 sports romances with high angst, but was ultimately too slow moving for me, and with only one couple I liked (SaenAei). Main couple, FahThorn = basketball jocks, boring. DomeVee = track & field with a disaster bi cheating with your sister’s boyfriend storyline (by FAR the best sexual chemistry). SaenAei = jock/nerd with a younger puppy sunshine seme, best boys. Saen was my favorite character; relentlessly flirty but always clear about with his interest and steady in his regard, but who wants this many eps for one side character?
Work from Heart (Thailand YouTube) 4/10
Tropes: Romeo & Romeo, office romance
Pulp office drama featuring tons of couples starring Gameplay as rich kid terrible dresser Dee who forms an unfathomable and poorly depicted romance with his internship supervisor. Some nifty linguistic stuff and great lead pair chemistry, doesn’t compensate for one of the worst wardrobes and an ultimately unfathomable plot. 
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Shows I dropped, lost track of, never got around to or otherwise failed to complete.
2 Moons: The Ambassador AKA 2 Moons 3 (Thailand grey) 
I hear that it’s pretty banal and I’m just waiting to collect them all and binge. I doubt it will get a high rating from me or monkey with the standings much so I’m not fussed. 
7 Days 7 Boys (Thailand grey) 
No subs and it is also profoundly not good. Do not bother.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us (Thailand GaGa) 
8 eps - This is a queer drama not a BL. It’s fine, reminded me oddly of early Taiwanese stuff, a bit slow moving and oddly paced. But I intensely disliked the lead character. He's a brat in the wrong way. Especially as a 20 year old. 
Country Boy 2 (Thailand who cares?)
I barely managed the first installment. No thank you. 
Fahlanruk (Thailand GaGa) 
I found all the characters profoundly unlikeable. I don’t like any of the couples and the fujoshi framing is repulsive under the context of a narrative trying to be this authentically gay. I lost all patience and cut my losses at ep 5. @heretherebedork said it was BohnDuen 2.0 only worse and that’s my least favorite dynamic of all time, so yeah, not gonna bother. 
Fudanshi Bartender no Tashinami (AKA Accomplishment of Fudanshi Bartender) (Japan Gaga) 
BL Express posted a review and it sounds A LOT like another kind of Absolute BL thing from Japan, but focused on the fudanshi side of the equation and I could not be less intersted so I did not watch. 
Gameboys 2
I have no idea what happened - to me or it. But I remember watching a bit, and then just got distracted or something. 
Getaway (Singapore YouTube)
Based on an original story from a gay creator featuring an openly gay cast this vacation romance from Singapore set in Bangkok did nto work for me. The lead was fine but the muscle boy love interest's acting was just bad. Look, I’m the first to admit that there’s a lot of bad and awkward acting in this genre, but for some reason… it feels a lot worse in English. I like how unabashedly gay the show is but (how do I put this nicely, I guess...) if I’m gonna watch English language gay vacay shit – I’d rather watch Fire Island. Still, as one might expect, the heat execution is good (Taiwan still holds the crown, tho). But I eventually just gave up.
In a Relationship (Thailand YouTube)
Thailand’s answer to Gameboys (a bit late, kids). I’m generally not a fan of lockdown romances and this didn’t grab me.
My Roommate (Thailand YouTube)
32 eps of 2 minutes each with such terrible production values I couldn’t be bothered. Def not my thing.
My Tempo (Thailand grey) 
A Thai BL movie about the Thai music industry. Yeah, no thank you.
On Cloud Nine (Thailand YouTube) 
A country-set atmospheric series from MindTrio about afterlife and awaiting loved ones. Def not my thing. 
Physical Therapy (Thailand GaGa)
Milk is basically a Mainland China-style super useless heroine type. He’s, ugh, so totally not cute. I just don’t think emo is sexy (sorry Japan). I don’t understand why anyone likes him: friends, crushes, lovers. And I couldn’t tell if the doctor was faking it or just a terrible actor.
Rak Dao (Thailand grey)
A real sit com that was just too much for me to take. I didn’t even survive the first 2 episodes. And I usually give a drama 3 eps.
Restart(ed) (Thailand grey)
Looked like Top Secret Together meets Y-Destiny but ended up being more like Club Friday. Glimmers of good chemistry and hella queer but even that did not save this from terrible sound and an incomprehensible plot full of completely random characters. An absolute mess.
Scent of Love (Thailand no idea)
Just couldn’t find it. Also it’s the lead pair from My Secret Love so could not be bothered to even try. 
SELF (Thailand YT) 
Is it sad? Worth watching? I don’t know, no one said a peep about this show but I got a bad feeling about the end so I never bothered. 
The Promise (Vietnam YouTube)
Stepbrothers trope, enemies to lovers, high school, reunion romance, grumpy/tsundere. Narrative has a “memoir” framework. Sort of Cherry Blossoms After Winter if they were enemies.
The Miracle of Teddy Bear (Thailand grey)
Surreal drama series with dark elements. Nat's giant teddy bear, Taohu, miraculously turns into a young man but can't remember anything about himself. I found out this has what I COUNT as a sad ending and with it being hard to find i didn’t bother.
The Next Door Crush (Vietnam YouTube) 
Reunion romance or something, I couldn’t be arsed. 
To Sir, With Love AKA Khun Chai (Thailand grey) 
I’m waiting on grey subs for this Thai historical gay soap opera that came outta nowhere. It’s more lakorn than it is BL (soapy) and word is it ends happily. It’s just taking me time to track down. 
War of Y (Thailand Gaga) 
Tropes: industry self criticism, messy gay, general chaos
COPY A BANGKOK brings us 20 episode of Cheewin’s nonsense starring the boys from Y-Destiny and SCOY. My initial thoughts? It was better than any of us have a right to expect but I hated it. I disliked it for the same reason I don’t like rockstar romances... celebrities (and their people) are assholes. This show features a bunch of actors behaving like actors, managers behaving like managers, all of them predators and victims and both. I’ve dropped before for less (Call It What You Want) and I’ll drop again. Then again I loved Lovely Writer - but I think that’s because Sib is meant to be a sinister dick who’s only an actor because it gets him closer to Gene, and i like that approach. War of Y is just a collection of fragile egos easily traumatized by their own desires (and the needs of others) - it’s brutal to watch. BillySeng are killing it, but.... it hurts, and not in a good way. I’m going to save it and binge all at once when I am feeling bored and resilient. Will I watch it eventually? Maybe? Probably not. I think we have an ITSAY situation going on here. Also BL Express was not best pleased, and I while we rarely share taste, in this instance I trust their reporting.
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Ones I Could Not Track Down - Japan of course 
Both Me and Him are the Grooms AKA Boku mo Aitsu mo Shinrodesu - Aired March 2022 on KTV & Tver, some see it on Gaga, but not me. This is a coming out drama rama. Ryosuke and Mizuki are getting married but on the wedding day Mizuki finds out that his partner didn't tell his parents, relatives, or friends that he's gay. Catastrophe results: furious outbursts, fighting between the two families, and then Mizuki's ex boyfriend shows up. 
Grand Guignol - a horror, paranormal, high shcool movie that released in Japanese theaters middle of the year. Starred Rio Komiya (Eternal Yesterday) and Ryosuke Sota (Mr Unlucky) among others.
Kamisama no Ekohiiki - body swap, paranormal, country set. Amano Yashiro has a crush on his best friend, Nanahara Kenta. Yashiro died in a car accident after being rejected by Kenta. However, due to God's favoritism, Yashiro was reborn as a female student called Tendo Kagura, and lives a new life. Yashiro decides to make use of his girly look to have Kenta fall for him. While Yashiro and Kenta become closer, they were interrupted by Kenta's ex-girlfriend, Torii Rin, who told "Kagura" to stay away from Kenta. Furthermore, it was discovered that Yashiro's body is still alive. What is actually happening?
Melting Night: Secret Kiss - microfilm part of the Kiss X Kiss X Kiss series, featuring the stepbrothers trope that aired on Tiver. A and B are friends who are secretly in love with each other. They became stepbrothers after their parents' remarry. Even though they acted like family, their feelings overflow and when their parents were gone...
Yes I REALLY want to see this one. 
Sing In Love AKA Miso's Koi Kogare Utae - movie adaptation of a PNR manga released in theaters, but no word on international distribution. About a teacher who encounters a mysterious man from his past, who is strangely obsessed with him. 
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2022 BL Announced but Never Aired or Otherwise Confusing 
Eye Contact AKA មើលបានហាមសម្លឹង - Cambodia
Tie The Not AKA Under the Same Sky - The Philippines 
Ghost and I Becoming Family - Taiwan 
God's Military Officer - Taiwan 
Melody In Me - Vietnam 
The Lost Ring AKA The Ring Goes Missing reboot - Vietnam
Bon Appetit
Comfort the Boy AKA A Shoulder to Cry On - premiere postponed indefinitely due to actor contract conflict, rated R15+ due to topic & vulgarity
Eccentric Romance - was supposedly in production July 2022. Silkwood’s 2nd Thai/Korean colab but not their last.
Eul's Love
Follow The Wind - supposed to have released in the first half of 2022
Happy Merry Ending
Heesu in Class 2
Individual Circumstances
Jun and Jun - filming Dec 2022
Love Class 2 AKA Love Class Season 2 - filming was to start Nov 2022
Love is like a Cat - supposedly completed filming aug 2022 so I guess stuck in post? stars Mew. 
Love Tractor
Secret Relationship -  was to be adapted by Cradle Studio (a subsidiary of Kakao).
Space Bakery
Two Game Over 
Why R U? Korean remake - supposedly filming Sept 2022 
I am assuming most of these can be transferred to 2023 expectations but am not sure. 
Art Adore En
Bitter Sweet
Boxer In Heart
Buddy Line Y Animal AKA Buddy Line Y(aoi) Animal
Call My Name
Cinderella Boys
City of Stars AKA Fueangnakorn
Destiny Seeker
Future the series
Heart by Heart
Imado Jinja
Intern In My Heart
Love at First Sight
Make a Wish
Mr. Bad Guy
My Broccoli
My Engineer 2
My Last Love
My Lucky Cat
Past Love In The Future
Past-senger AKA Pastsenger
The Sweet Robot
The Theory series
Trouble Maker
Does not include those announced for 2022 but which have since been officially moved to 2023. Those will appear on the 2023 forthcoming lists. 
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240 notes · View notes
The Trainee
Heyy =D
Okay, firstly, this post does not sing high praises, so please scroll past if that's not your thing. Don't come at me later, please, I'm too exhausted to write proper comebacks the tumblr way. Oh, and there will be spoilers-
I had high expectations from this show, ngl. I mean it's OffGun, so it's a natural reaction. Did I like Cooking Crush very much? Not really. Did I enjoy it? Yeah, sure. It was nice and the comedy was impeccable, I have to admit. But I was actually really looking forward to The Trainee. It was a new concept, OffGun were finally graduating (!!!).
All of those expectations aside, I would just like to point out that this is a BL and was advertised as such. So why, pray tell, did it feel like (I paraphrase @desi-yearning cause she got the sentiment down pat) a het show with a side of BL??
I mean look, I do mind het shows a bit (personal. opinion.), but I don't usually mind het sides in a BL. This was not that.
At this point, I think RyanJane had less screentime than TaeMhee. Which- again, why, why, why in the name of all that's good and gay would you make them get back together?! What were you on. The breakup seemed necessary and it felt like the show was building up to it. And the thing with Judy??? You could have had a GL side and you ignored that for a *gestures* whatever that was. Fine, no GL side. Still, you could have had Mhee explore her bisexuality more? She's literally wearing black even after she gets back with Tae?? Sigh.
Tae is... for a lack of a better word, very dependent on Mhee. A little too much. He really should learn to do things himself.
And don't even get me started on the proposal. Pie's "you're the girl. He should be the one proposing" had me losing almost all my respect for her. So much show and jazz. For a het proposal. A het that's supposed to be a side couple. What are you trying to do? Establish a new pairing?? With Sea? I mean yeah sure do that. But do that in a het series. Next time, please save me the trouble with proper advertising.
The characters were well-written, kind of, yes. But there was just so much potential that got wasted. It physically hurts to think of all the big time potential they wasted. Just... down the drain. This could have been the second best GMM BL of the year, now it's a mid series at best.
What are you doing with OffGun. You either stop baiting people with parings, or you start doing things properly. This is the most GMMTV ending I've seen in a while. And here I thought the year was going good sigh.
And what was up with those no-contact 5 years?? You could have at least had a Long Distance Relationship??? You just waltz back and expect him to take you back?
All this is giving me a headache. I need to still finish a paper that's making me go through the 5 stages of grief. It's just 500 words why- ugh nevermind.
Basically, this series was a big example of how you should build up and also a big example of what not to do in the middle and the ending.
GMMTV. You've given me We Are, from a Director I wasn't even expecting it from. You better do the other series I'm hoping for well. Please and thank you. <3
Finally, I just want to say for all that I... criticize this show, I do have good things to say about it. Would I hard rec it? Probably not. Should you watch it? Uh, sure, if you're bored, have time to waste and really like OffGun and don't mind a lot of het PDA. And I mean a lot.
That's all for this series. Hope y'all have a good day/night!
And if you got this far, thank you so much for reading. ☺️
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alloveydovey · 9 months
Dramas from this past month. I'm having such a hard time finishing things 😭
The Forbidden Marriage (rewatch) (kdrama) 9 ⭐️
A broken-hearted king imposes a seven-year ban on marriage, and after claiming to be able to channel the deceased crown princess, the FL ends up as one of his court ladies. Both the king and the officer assigned to protect her (the king's closest friend) end up developing an interest in her.
I love it so much that it became a comfort drama. I’m not into love triangles (who is?), but I looved every aspect of it. It’s a bit crazy how they go from extreme comedy to extreme drama, I’ll admit, but the actors deal with it really well. Romance is 11/10, the usual historical visuals are stunning, and the comedy had me laughing hard.
Love Me, Love my Voice (cdrama) 7.5
Nothing more soft and warm than watching these two characters fall in love. There are no obstacles here, just a doctor/voice actor wooing a senior student/singer/composer with the magic of cooking.
On the other side, because there are no complications, it gets boring. The characters get together way too soon for a drama where nothing happens. Luckily the second couple is as entertaining (if not more) as the leads. So, the main reason I continued watching, honestly, was because of them.
Secret Playlist (kdrama) 7
Cute 8 episode drama about an internet music composer and an idol who join forces to create music. Romance was a bit mid, but the songs were cute as hell, and so were the leads.
And Yet, You Are So Sweet (jmovie) 7
This was adorable af. A little silly (as usual with school love) but I liked the vibes. Girl confesses to her crush, he turns her down harshly and popular boy offers himself as a replacement for the crush. They both start a game where he basically lends himself to her so she can have a fake crush on him and forget about the other guy, except he obviously has feelings for her and she starts having real feelings for him as well. It’s a weird premise, but it gave out a lot of cute moments.
D.P. Season 2 (kdrama) 10
I’ve never watched a season 2 from a drama, and from what I’ve gathered, most of them usually disappoint or are good but don’t come close to the first season. Well, for me, this one was not the case at all. It just felt like a continuation of the first part. I'd say I even enjoyed this one more. Also, I miss theeeeem.
Sixteen Shoukougun (jdrama) 7.5
Okay, so basically, a fuckboy with mommy issues wants to get in between a "tomboy" girl who is known among girls as a prince and her best friend, a girl suffering from severe PTSD. He initially tries to go for the PTSD one, but soon realizes that her friendship with the "tomboy" girl is a little... special. After a few interactions, though, he begins to actually like the "tomboy" girl. In between all this, a sensible boy who is deemed "feminine" is thrown into the mix.
I'll be honest, I went into this one thinking it'd be gl but got disappointed it wasn't the case. At the same time, I actually enjoyed tomboy and fuckboy's relationship too. It's all a bit crazy, especially the friendship between the girls, but I was low-key into it. Fuckboy redeems himself, so I was okay with it, I guess? I don't know, jdramas are extreme, man. What I liked a lot about this one (apart from the sick intro that goes really hard) was how they showed the characters' feelings and the overall theme of just being 16 and growing up around prejudice, abandonment, and liking someone regardless of gender.
Our Secret Diary (jmovie) 8.5
Girl finds a love confession note on her classroom desk from the popular guy in school. Confused about it, she decides to answer him and soon begins exchanging secret notes until she realizes that the note was actually meant for her best friend.
This cute little school movie was very cliché but absolutely perfect.
I am Not a Robot (kdrama) 8/8.5
Here's to me never adding this one to my list because I was not into robots and stuff like that at all, and then completely ignoring my watchlist and going for it since I've read it's very cute.
The comments were right. The storyline is a bit wack and unreliable buuuut, as usual, the main leads make up for it with good acting and adorable scenes.
I'm adding these ones even though I didn't really finish them he ⬇️
The Matchmakers (kdrama) 8/8.5, because it's actually good, just a bit heavy.
Another comedy with Rowoon, sign me up. This one took me a while to get into because even though it was clever, the comedy was really good, and the mockumentary style rocked, there were just too many politics in it for me to fully dive into. I’d get lost and bored at times. It picked up after episode 5, though, and by episode 7, it was definitely more fun. It's more entertaining when they focus on the leads and the ladies they are supposed to set up. I still haven't finished it yet because... I don't know. It is a kind of slow drama, and I don't think I fully get what's going on with the murder and politics.
I May Love You (cdrama) 6.5
Oof. I have so many opinions about this one. ML asks FL to help him woo her best friend not knowing that FL has been in love with him for the past four years. FL fails to help him (on purpose lol) and after spending some meaningful moments together decides to confess in what I like to call the lousiest confession ever. ML rejects her but regrets it later on.
I'm always a girls girl, but here... FL was testing me. The ML spends most of the drama groveling because the FL is mad and upset he asked her for help wooing her friend and then rejected her (also rejected her book project which is possibly the worst thing he did) But the thing is, ML didn't even know FL liked him when he asked for help in the first place, and I believe he had every right to reject her after she told him she liked him because he was rich and handsome. Like?? Who confesses like that? And that's basically the whole drama. I don't know why they thought it'd be cute for the FL to have a wall full of his pictures and then forcefully kiss him. Truly not a good-written character.
A Good Day to Be a Dog (kdrama) 8
I'm gonna finish this, I swear. The whole girl turns into a dog and boy has to kiss her in dog form to break the spell is a bit... weird. Buuut aside from that, these characters and their interactions are just the cutest. It works well because Park Gyu Young is amazing with comedy and her chemistry with Eun Woo is perfect.
Now, the past lives part of the story? A bit too much meh. Some aspects are interesting (the whole story of the mountain spirit and the lady. I thought I'd die of boredom, but they actually made it cute and sad lol). The revenge thing? Boring and so over it. Still gotta watch the last four episodes.
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