#i still love the two i got (fOR .. BINX..)
pomfiores · 1 year
when I tell you guys that I am *pinches my fingers* this close to stealing the black cat on didney property. he's around the hotel where I am (he's 8years old!!!), I see him almost every lunch. I told the security guard I'd steal him if I could to which the guard said "do it. take him home" aksjfa bUT MY DILEMMA,, YOU SEE,, I live with my family therefore they have their restrictions on animals. so.
i think... I'll be venturing on my own soon. idk. but I am gonna try. for my boys and potentially mister at the hotel (there's another cat who he hangs out with and i'd feel bad to leave that one out. you see my dilemma?)
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I have an idea! What about reader smuggling a cat into the academy and asking Xavier to keep it in his shed? Xavier doesn't like the idea, but he grow fond of the kitten and takes it to his room becasue it's gonna be cold outside in his shed and it would be so cuteee
This took so long, please don’t let it flop. Please keep sending requests for tomorrow! It’s gonna be my birthday and I want to post a lot
my taglists are here + you can requests here at any time
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‘’Absolutely not.’’
‘’We could keep him in your shed until the end of semester and—’’
Xavier shook his head, refusing to hear any more. ‘’No. Absolutely not.’’
You cradled the small stray kitten against your chest. ‘’Look at his cute face, we can’t leave him without a home. He chose me to be his mommy. He needs me, he’ll die outside. He’s gonna get eaten by the monster— Do you want to live with the guilt of sending this cat to his death, Xavier?’’
You were pushing for the dramatics, but you weren’t entirely wrong. There were so many possible dangers outside for a kitten. And with the monster still out there, it wasn’t safe.
Xavier glanced at the kitten, watching him rub his face against your hand. The semester was ending in less than two months — seven weeks. If he said ‘no’, you would keep him in your dorm and there’s no way you won’t get caught. He sighed, giving in. ‘’Alright… But I am not taking any responsibility for this cat. If Weems finds out, it’s all on you.’’
The biggest grin formed on your lips. ‘’Got it.’’
In the morning, you went to Jericho and got some things like cat food, a collar, a few small toys, a blanket with paws all over and a bowl for water. Xavier even helped you set up a box to turn into a bed. You were surprised by his involvement, but didn't complain. It was sweet of him.
‘’You’re going to be so loved, little kitten—’’ you mused as you sat on the floor of the shed and played with the feline.
Xavier was sitting before you, painting the box for the cat he didn't like. ‘’You haven’t told me what his name is. I have cohabit with him and I don’t even know my roommate’s name.’’
‘’He doesn’t have one,’’ you admitted, watching the black kitten aggressively play with his toy mouse, rolling on himself and hitting it with his paws. ‘’Salem is overused, so definitely not that. Maybe…Licorice?’’
‘’You can't name him after one of the worst candies, he's gonna get bullied.’’
‘’He's a cat, who's gonna bully him?’’
‘’What about…Girlfriend Stealer. Murder Mittens—’’
You threw the mouse toy at Xavier and he laughed.
‘’Don't listen to your cat dad,’’ you told the kitten, ‘’he’s just jealous that my attention is on you and not on him.’’
Xavier raised his eyes from the painting to glare at you. ‘’I am not his cat dad.’’
The funniest thing about cats is that if you voice your dislike for them, they will purposely rub against your legs and beg you for pets and attention.
Xavier was trying to paint, but Binx — like Thackery Binx — kept rubbing against Xavier’s leg and meowing for his attention. He even dipped a paw in blue paint and got it all over the floor. Xavier kept shooing him off, but Binx was obsessed with him. He even curled on his hoodie for a nap and refused to get off.
Two weeks later, you went to the shed to feed Binx his breakfast, but the kitten was nowhere to be found. You checked under all the tables, behind all the canevas and even in the shelving unit where he kept his paints. Sadly, there was no Binx.
You began to worry and panic, making scenarios in your head and thinking the worst. Where was he? Did he slip between Xavier’s legs when he locked the shed last night? It rained a lot during the night, if Binx was outside—
You grabbed your phone and call Xavier.
‘’Pick up. Pick up.’’
Unfortunately, the call went straight to voicemail.
It was 8am on a weekend, he must be still sleeping. Your problem couldn't wait until the woke up though.
You returned to the academy and snuck past the house master while some students were walking out to head to breakfast.
‘’Xavier! Wake up!’’ you hissed through the door between knocks. ‘’Bin— There’s an emergency! Xavi—’’
The door opened slightly, a very sleepy Xavier rubbing his half opened eyes appeared in the ajar space. Through his sleepy state, he pulled you inside and shut the door behind you.
‘’Binx is gone. I went to the shed to feed him and—’’ Your state of panic was cut when your eyes caught the small ball of black fur curled on Xavier's bed, sleeping soundly by his pillow. An immense relief washed over you.
‘’It was cold last night when I finished painting so I hid him in my jacket and brought him here. We might not get along, but I wasn’t gonna let him die of cold,’’ Xavier explained, his voice hoarse from sleep.
You walked past him, going right for Binx who stirred and meowed when you sat on the bed. ‘’I was so worried about you,’’ you said to him. ‘’I thought you had gotten lost in the woods around the academy or died of cold, but it was just your daddy who took you in for a night of cuddles.’’
Xavier groaned, crawling back on his bed and into the warmth of his covers. ‘’Again, I am not his cat dad.’’ He pulled on the comforter and turned his back to you. ‘’Since you found him, Murder Mittens is getting all the attention and cuddles. When I accepted him in my life, I didn’t think I would lose my girlfriend.’’
You wanted to laugh and call Xavier jealous, but then you realized he wasn’t wrong. Maybe his reaction was dramatic, but Binx had taken your entire schedule since you found him. All of your nights were spent with him in the shed, playing and petting him. Xavier was there too, but your attention was mostly on Binx.
Your eyes shifted away from Binx and went to Xavier. Seeing his back instead of his face made your heart clench. He had turned away from you on purpose — and it hurt. You put your hand on his shoulder, but he didn’t react.
‘’I’m sorry, Xavier. I didn’t realize what I was doing, but now I see it and I am so sorry. I don’t want Binx to replace you — no one can replace you. I love you so much baby, don’t ever doubt that.’’
His shoulders started shaking and you thought he was crying, which broke your heart.
‘’Baby, please forgive me, I—’’
You were falling so hard for his act it was getting difficult for Xavier to keep his sulking face. And your sweet words were not helping.
A small laugh spilled from his lips, betraying him.
That’s when you realized that he was not crying. He was full on grinning and trying to hide from you.
You slapped his side over the comforter so hard it echoed in the room, making Xavier laugh harder. ‘’You’re an ass, Xavier Thorpe! I was genuinely feeling bad for making you feel neglected and replaced— You were playing me all along!’’
He rolled back to face you, dimples poking through his cheeks. ‘’You think I would get jealous over a cat?’’
You shrugged. ‘’You’ve made your hatred for him pretty clear.’’
‘’I don’t hate Binx,’’ Xavier corrected with a sigh, reaching for the kitten and kissing the top of his head sweetly as he cradled him to his chest. ‘’He’s alright.’’
Wednesday taglist: @sofiaadler @partyfly @hoodforcalum @thelilacmourning @ellessecretobsession @su-alteza-emia @achoo—uu @not-leaprvt @xaviersgf @peterparkerdilf @roadworkaheadisurehopeitdoes @dragon-chica @coldtacozinepanda @wrldofsage @eddiemunsonsluvrrr @capriaura @officialsaturn @babyfiva @maevaomizzolo @kelloggs-world @whosljt @ajpanda181 @belovedrey @emerycrt @elizabitchsshit @heaven-hiding @lilithlikestoread @est-liber @moonisu @dessxoxsworld @parker-nite @bellblake121890 @vesperazhier @kaldurahms-lover @beeebo234 @nephilimsss @mayuphoenix @sweetheartlizzie07 @watermelon-18 @snixx2088 @555stargirl555 @robinscardigan @chumchum19 @lilttblog @aphex2winn @heizenka @mystargirl-interlude @hwrtsiren @babygirljay20 @wildflowerlyss @strangersomeone @openfandoms @charlottelaffin @iheartmaddyperez @starless-starkov @ali-r3n  @poppet05  @ell0ra-br3kk3r​  @rhaenyraswife  @teaganthemorningstar  @aphex2winn @moompie-blog  @ifevilwhyhot @oliviah-25 @spenglerslime @wetwilliam02 @yellowcupcakes​ @haileyismoo​ @theyslayallday @wrldofsage
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munsonsmixtapes · 5 months
Wanna Bet?
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tattoo artist!Eddie x fem!tattoo artist!reader
word count: 4.9k
cw: some suggestive language
not proofread!
This series is being discontinued until further notice, but feel free to keep reading if you'd like!
part one part three part four
You stepped into your apartment and were immediately met by your cat, Binx. He rubbed his head against your leg and you reached down and scratched him right between his ears before heading into the bathroom. You flipped on the light and stood in front of the mirror, turning your arm to see your tattoo again. You still couldn’t believe how good it had turned out and knew that you were going to stare at in the mirror any chance you got.
Your mind drifted to Gareth and you couldn’t help but feel bad for the way things ended between the two of you. After he came over the night he did your tattoo, you ended up sleeping together that night only to decide that you would have been better off as friends, not having as much in common as you initially thought. You both thought that was the better option since neither of you saw a future together.
As if reading your mind, your cell phone dinged, signaling that you had a text. You pulled it out of your purse and sure enough, it was from an unknown number you could only assume was Gareth. Your heart raced as you opened it, terrified to see what he had said.
Hey darlin, miss me?
You weren’t sure why, but you couldn’t help but feel like that wasn’t actually him. He had never called you that in the two weeks that you had known him. A wrong number perhaps?
Who is this?
A few seconds later, your phone pinged again.
Who do you think it is?
The only person you could think of was Gareth, but you already had his number saved so it definitely wasn’t him. You were hoping it was that guy you had met at the bar the other night.
You crossed your fingers as your phone dinged again.
You wish
Another ping.
It’s Eddie
You threw your phone onto your couch and took a pillow from it then shoved your face into it, letting out a loud scream. Of fucking course the only guy texting you was the one you couldn’t stand. You had somehow run into the man everywhere you went and it was driving you crazy. He was always finding you, following you, showering you with his flirty words and you were sick of it. Once you had composed yourself, you took a deep breath and reached for your phone again.
How did you get this number?
All of the possible answers came to your mind but none of them were good. Couldn’t he get his own life and stop ruining yours?
Took it from Gareth’s phone when he wasn’t looking
You could picture him smirking while typing out those words and it made you sick.
Well, delete it.
As soon as you sent the message, your phone buzzed letting you know that you were receiving a call from that very number. What the fuck was he playing at? It was as if he was trying to drive you crazy. And you were letting him get to you, falling right into his trap.
You hit the button with the red phone printed on it and shoved your phone back into your pocket only to hear the buzzing again. You pulled it back out and accepted the call, pressing the phone to your ear.
“What?” You spit.
“Woah, sugar,” he let out a chuckle and both it and the nickname made your skin crawl. “Declining someone’s call sends the message that you don’t want to talk to them.” He had been bothering you and had the audacity to be offended that you didn’t want to talk to him? Just hearing his voice made you angry. It sounded so grating, like nails on a chalkboard.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” You were telling the truth. You only picked up to put an end to the way he was treating you. You couldn’t take one more second of his teasing, wanting to finally put an end to it.
“Then why did you pick up?” You could hear the humor in his voice and desperately wished that you could reach through the phone and choke him out. Why did you always have the worst luck when it came to your love life? The men that you liked never liked you and the ones that did were always fucking creeps or walking red flags.
“To tell you to fuck off or I’m going to block you.” You liked the idea of holding the power to get rid of him for good. If he didn’t have your number and changed all your usual hangout spots, you could finally be free from him.
“Well, that isn’t very polite, is it?” Eddie wouldn’t know what polite was if it hit him over the head, but he just liked to screw with you so he’d tease you any chance he got.
“You’ve been tormenting me for over a week and I’m sick of your bullshit.” The man was everywhere, the grocery store you shopped at, the coffee shop you frequented, and even the bookstore you went to on occasion. It had gotten so bad that now his laughter was haunting your dreams. Because of him, you hadn’t been able to get a single moment of peace and quiet since you met the man.
“I wouldn’t call it torment.” He laughed again and your grip around your phone tightened as you let out a deep breath. That was what he wanted; to piss you off and you were offering him the exact reactions he wanted on a silver platter.
“Then what would you call it, Edward?” Eddie usually hated people using his full name, but hearing it fall from your lips did something to him. It made him feel some type of way, even if he wasn’t sure what way that was.
“Flirting.” You just scoffed at that. He definitely needed to improve his skills, then. How he actually got women into bed you’d never know.
“Then you clearly need to crack open a dictionary because that was not flirting.”
“Then what was it?” There was a knock on the door and you opened it, your friend Meg on the other side holding a bag filled with takeout from your favorite Chinese restaurant. You had been so caught up in your pointless conversation with Eddie that you had completely forgotten that you had invited her over.
“I don’t have time for this, I have things to do.” You let Meg inside and pointed to your phone, letting her know that you were speaking to someone and she put her pointer finger to her lips as she hurried inside, putting the food on your kitchen counter.
“Like what, dreaming about what I look like naked?” You pretended to throw up, making sure that he could hear you and Meg gave you a look, very interested in who you were talking to.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You scoffed. “Now lose this number or it won’t end well for you.”
“Oh, what are you going to do? Spank me? I think I might be into that.” As soon as the words left his mouth, the line went dead and Eddie threw his phone onto his desk, not being able to keep his laughter to himself. There was just something so funny about riling you up. He then spun in his chair, rising from it and heading towards the door of his office. He opened it and Gareth was on the other side. Eddie pushed past him and Gareth followed him out into the main area, wondering why he was so smiley. Eddie was never smiley.
“What are you smiling about?” He asked as the two of them exited the hallway, passing the receptionist’s desk. Eddie had been in such a good mood all week and he wanted to know why.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Eddie let out a chuckle as he got to his station, making sure it was all nice and neat for his next client. Gareth sat in the chair that was next to Eddie’s station, leaning forward so the conversation could just be between the two of them.
“Is this about y/n? Why don’t you just give it up, Eddie? Clearly she’s not interested in you.” He wasn’t so sure about that. No woman had ever turned him down and he wasn’t going to let that start now. He was thinking about what it could do to his reputation and he didn’t like the possible outcome. He’d be damned if he let one rejection ruin everything he had built him up to be.
“And she’s not interested in you either, so I guess we’re both shit out of luck, huh?” Eddie shook his head, putting away his sketch paper and other things that littered the small desk. Eddie had heard through the grapevine that you had ended things with Gareth and he was just trying to make Gareth feel as bad as he did.
“You’re just mad because for once someone didn’t fall for your tricks.” That was the truth, but Eddie would die before he ever admitted that. He saw your rejection as a challenge to try harder and he’d do whatever he could to finally get into your pants.
“And you’re just mad because she didn’t choose you either.” Gareth actually wasn’t mad, especially since it was a mutual decision to not continue whatever was going on between the two of you. That was the difference. You had actually wanted him once upon a time and the same couldn’t have been said for Eddie.
“Well, you know what, at least I fucked her first, something that you’d know nothing about because finally someone’s able to see through your bullshit.” Gareth didn’t always have a temper, but when he did, he really knew how to hit Eddie where it hurt. “And guess what? She’s too good for you. She’s sweet and kind and actually cares about the people around her, something that’s clearly a foreign concept to you.”
Eddie felt his blood boil at that. There wasn’t a single lie in what Gareth had said and that was what pissed him off so much. He was just a selfish prick who didn’t have any regard for anyone’s feelings but his own. And that was clear by the way he was willing to destroy everyone and everything in his path to get what he wanted. At the end of the day, the only person Eddie wanted to be happy was Eddie.
“Fuck you, Gareth.” Eddie stood from the little desk, pointing a finger at him. He wasn’t going to let anyone insult him in his own building, not even his best friend.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you,” was all Gareth responded before standing up from the chair and heading over to his own station.
Eddie grumbled to himself as he finished prepping his station, trying to get himself out of his bad mood before his client showed up. He couldn’t believe that he was letting Garth’s stupid words get to him. Maybe there was truth to them, but he only said them because he was upset. He needed to remind himself who the fuvl he was. He was Eddie Munson, a god in the tattoo industry and people were willing to kill just to get a sliver of a chance to work with him. He was hot shit and women were lining up to sleep with him. Fuck Gareth. He had no idea what he was talking about.
Gareth watched Eddie out of the corner of his eye, wondering what the hell had gotten into him. He wasn’t always like that; so selfish and rude. Once upon a time, the two of them had been best friends. But as soon as women were actually interested in him and he got a little taste of fame, he wasn’t the same guy that Gareth once knew. He was mean and seemed willing to whatever he saw fit, even if that meant hurting the people he cared most about.
“So, who was that?” Meg asked, as she pulled the containers out of the bag and set them on the counter. She had an idea of who it could have been by the way you were speaking, but she wanted to ask just to be sure.
“Nobody,” you waved it off as you grabbed some plates from one of the cabinets. You really didn’t want to talk about Eddie. You’d honestly prefer to talk about literally anything else.
“Was it that guy who you’ve been seeing everywhere?” After telling Meg about it, she had been invested in the whole thing, convinced that it had been fate. You weren’t so sure you believed in that sort of thing. This was just another one of the universe’s cruel jokes that was being played on you. That seemed to be all your life was these days: a joke.
“Yes.” You grabbed the container of fried rice and poured some onto your plate, trying to busy your mind. You were already growing tired of the conversation.
“What was his name again?” You were thinking of all the nicknames you had created for him over the past week, but those had just been an inside joke you’d keep to yourself since you were the only one who would have thought they were funny.
“Eddie.” The name tasted like poison in your mouth anytime you said it and you were desperate to gargle something to remove the heavy feeling from your tongue.
“I don’t see what the problem is, y/n. He’s cute, you should go out with him.” Meg just didn’t understand. Eddie wasn’t actually interested in you, he just wanted to prove that you were into him. The whole thing was a game to him and you weren’t going to play. Maybe that kind of thing worked on other women, but it wasn’t going to work on you.
“You know what else is cute? A dog. And you don’t see me going out with them, do you?” You both served yourselves from the containers then grabbed some beers from your fridge before heading over to your kitchen table to eat. All of the arguing with Eddie caused you to work up an appetite.
“You’re cranky,” she glared. She had never seen you like that so clearly it was bothering you. She didn’t understand why you wouldn’t just go out with him. It would have just taken one date and then he would’ve been out of your hair for good.
“I’m sorry. He’s just driving me crazy.” That much was obvious by the way you were behaving. You just wanted him to leave you alone, but apparently that was too much to ask.
“Let me get this straight; a gorgeous man has been dropped into your lap and you're not going to hit that?” Yes, exactly. Sure, maybe Eddie was gorgeous, but his terrible personality automatically made him unattractive.
“No? Haven’t you been listening? He doesn’t even want to sleep with me. He’s just trying to prove that I want him.” You picked up a piece of sesame chicken with your chopsticks and popped it into your mouth. You then looked back up at Meg and her face lit up as if a light bulb had gone off in her head.
“Maybe you could beat him at his own game,” she suggested with a shrug. You had no idea what she was getting at and waited for her to elaborate, but she didn’t.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Your eyebrows furrowed as you took a sip from your beer. Meg set her chopsticks down on her plate then turned fully to face you. She had her mischievous look on her face and you were unsure if you were going to like what she was going to say.
“You turn the tables, play an Uno reverse card, if you will.” Your face lit up as you realized what he was hinting at. Of course! You were surprised you didn’t think of it yourself. The answer had been right in front of you all along, but you had been too blinded by your rage to see it.
“Meg, you’re a genius!” You pulled her into a hug as best you could since you were both sitting. She wrapped her arms around you, giving you a tight squeeze before letting go.
“I do know what I’m talking about sometimes, y/n.” She turned back in her chair and took another sip from her beer. The ears started turning in your head as you thought about all of the ways you could have messed with Eddie. Giving him a taste of his own medicine sounded so fun.
The next morning, you texted Eddie and asked him to meet you at the arcade in town. The first phase of your plan had commenced and you hoped you could convince him that you were actually interested in him. Part of you felt bad for messing with his head until you remembered just how much joy he got fucking with you. He deserved to be shown what it felt like.
You spotted Eddie entering the arcade and applied some more of your lipgloss and fixed your hair before waving him over. He was dressed in a jean jacket over a faded band tee and a pair of baggy jeans which was more toned down than what you usually saw him in, but the look worked for him.
Eddie approached you and you held your arms out for a hug. He quickly pulled you in and you were surprised that his hand stayed at your back, not even trying to move further south like you had imagined. Not that you were imagining it.
He was unsure as to why you asked him to hangout, but he sure all hell wasn’t going to question it. He assumed you just had a change of heart considering that a few days prior, if he had been on fire and you had a glass of water, you would have drank it.
He was just happy to be there with you, willing to do whatever you wanted. And he loved arcades, so it was a win-win. He had spent so much time at the one back home, trying his best to get his name onto every leaderboard.
“You, know, I’m kind of surprised you invited me to hang out,” he said, letting go of you, letting his arms fall back by his side.
“You wore me down,” you let out a sigh. “I guess I just fell for your charms.” More like you were just trying to put an end to them.
“They always do,” he draped an arm over your shoulders and yours went to his waist as you led him over to your favorite game.
You stood in front of the machine and Eddie just let out a laugh as he saw what it was. You rolled your eyes and put in a few quarters, waiting for the game to boot up.
“Pac-Man, really?” He scoffed.
“Yes, really. If you don’t like it, you can leave.” Once the game booted up, you began to play and even though he had made fun of you, he had to admit you were really good. In only five minutes, you were able to get through ten levels.
He stood by and watched, mesmerized by the way your fingers moved as you stared at the screen, like you had memorized every single movement. He assumed that you must have played it multiple times to be so good at it.
Eddie moved to stand behind you, so close that you could feel his breath on your neck. It sent a chill down your spine and you were so focused on his close proximity that you weren’t paying attention, causing your little guy to get eaten. You turned around, not able to ignore how good he smelled, but stood your ground, giving him a glare.
“What’s wrong, sweet thing?” His hands rubbed your arms sympathetically. “Sad you lost?” He jutted out his bottom lip and you could practically feel it between your teeth as he let out a whimper as you bit down on it.
“You did that on purpose!” You pushed his hands off of you, pointing at him.
“I did no such thing,” he put his hand up to his chest in feigned offense.
“Come here.” You grabbed him by the wrists and pulled him over to a photo booth that was only a few feet away.
“Oh, looking for somewhere a little more private? I see you.”
“Get in,” you held open the curtain and Eddie moved slowly to get into the booth. “Go,” you gave him a shove and he eventually got all the way inside.
“Bossy,” he grumbled, sitting down on the bench. You got in after him and sat down before closing the curtain that was next to you.
“What?” He gave you a pointed look. You knew you were supposed to be beating him at his own game, but you couldn’t last. You were throwing in the towel after barely a few flirty lines and were beating yourself over it. Whatever. At least you tried.
“Stop fucking around,” you gave his shoulder a shove. “I’m getting real tired of your shit, Munson.”
“And what shit are you tired of, sweet thing?” He leaned forward, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.
“I guess I’m going to have to spell it out for you so your pea sized brain can comprehend it.” Honestly, Eddie kind of liked seeing you like that.
“Lay it on me, doll.” He was looking at you so dreamily and you were hating that he was able to tug on your heart.
“I don’t like you,” you glared.
“Mhm,” he nodded. “Go on.”
“Do you have any regard for anyone but yourself?” Eddie laughed at that. He didn’t think it was possible to care about anyone other than himself. It was better that way.
“No,” he chuckled, with a shake of his head.
“Thoughts so.” Of course that was his answer. He was the most selfish person you had ever met.
“What’s got your panties in a twist, sugar?” He leaned back, fighting back the grin that was trying to come out on his face.
“You call women those nicknames because you can’t remember their actual names.” That was true, but he had remembered yours. He hadn’t forgotten it since the day he met you and swore that he would never forget it.
“I know your name, y/n,” he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s like you have no faith in me.”
“I don’t. Now stop fucking with me or I swear I’m going to make sure you can never walk again because your dick is so fucked up.” His cheeks flushed at your comment and he could feel his cock getting hard.
“That’s hot.” His eyes darkened as he said the words and you couldn’t help but feel disgusted at his behavior. Your insults seemed to only make him want you even more.
“Are you actually turned on by this right now?” You were constantly surprised by how much this man seemed to catch you off guard with his words. He always had something out of pocket to say.
“Depends,” he shrugged before leaning forward. “Why don’t you feel my cock to find out?” He winked and you hated how you kind of wanted to take him up on his offer.
“You’re disgusting,” you scoffed.
“You love it.” You actually sort of did, but you’d never admit that to him. You’d die before you let that happen.
“I wouldn’t touch your cock with a ten foot pole.” You couldn’t give in just yet. Just one more flirty response and you were sure that you’d want to plant one on him right there in the photo booth.
“That’s fine,” he scooted even closer to you. “You’d be surprised what I could do with just my tongue.” You could feel yourself getting wet just thinking about it; his lips on yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth, roaming around, making sure that he had tasted every single inch of it.
“Your ego is a little big, isn’t it?” It definitely was, but it had taken him so long to build up his self esteem so he wasn't going to let you get to him.
“It’s not the only thing that’s big,” he winked. “And you wouldn’t be saying that with my head between your thighs.” You could just picture it and now your underwear was more than damp. How were you going to keep it up if he was able to reel you in so easily.
“Believe me, your head will never be between my thighs.” Maybe they could be with just a little more convincing. One bat of his lashes and you’d be in his lap, your lips on his.
“You wanna bet?” You were convinced that you had accidentally ordered an alcoholic drink because you would’ve had to be drunk in order to think that anything he was suggesting was a good idea.
“Absolutely not,” you scoffed.
“Afraid you’re gonna lose?” He leaned closer, your faces so close that you could feel his breath hitting your cheeks.
“I’m not afraid of anything.” You leaned even closer, your lips ghosting over his before you leaned back, not wanting to give in just yet.
“I like that in a woman. Does that mean you’re willing to get freaky?” You were more than willing and wondered just how freaky he’d like to get.
“Sure,” you shrugged. “But not with you.” You were getting even more angry that you were imagining all the things you could’ve gotten up to between the sheets.
“Alright, how about this? If you fall for my charms after a month, I win, but if you don’t, you win. Winner gets to give the loser a tattoo of their choice.” That actually sounded very intriguing to you. You liked the idea of something you designed being on Eddie’s body.
“That could be interesting.” You crossed your arms over your chest, a smile appearing on your face as you came up with sketches in your head.
“So you agree?”
“Sure. So which arm do you want the hairy dick on?” He let out a genuine laugh at that and rested a hand on your shoulder.
“Let’s not get too cocky, sweet thing,” he patted your shoulder. “You haven’t won yet.”
“Key word being ‘yet’ because I’m so going to kick your ass.”
What you didn’t know was that Eddie would have let you win pretty easily if it meant that he got to see your smile. Maybe he was taking it all too far, but just loved the way your face scrunched up in that cute way in response to one of his lines. And the way it was so easy to irritate you and get under your skin.
“You really need to stop being so mean to me, it’s making me hard.” You looked down and saw that he wasn’t lying by the proof that was the tent in his pants. You felt yourself wanting to unbutton his jeans and give him a handy then immediately shook the thought out of your head, giving him one last glare before exiting the booth.
Eddie removed his jacket and covered his boner before following you, trying to catch you before you left. He really needed to win the bet. He never went down without a fight.
He followed you out into the parking lot, picking up the pace to catch with you because damn did you walk fast. He fell into step with you and you rifled through your purse to find your keys.
You had had enough of Eddie and his shit for the day, deciding that it was time for the two of you to go your separate ways. And besides, you had tattoos to sketch because there was no way that he was going to win with how stubborn you were.
You got to your car, Eddie hot on your heels. He moved to stand in front of the driver’s side and leaned against it, making sure his jacket was still covering his front. You were surprised that he hadn’t been embarrassed by it at all. In fact, it almost seemed used to it, as if it had been a normal thing for him.
“Can you please move?” You crossed your arms over your chest. Maybe this bet wouldn’t be as hard as you thought with how immature he seemed to be.
“Nope. I’m actually pretty comfortable.” You rolled your eyes at his stubbornness then unlocked the car, moving around to the opposite side. You opened the passenger side door and got inside before closing the door. You then climbed over the center console and slid into the driver’s seat before putting the keys into the ignition and starting it up. Eddie whipped around and gestured for you to roll down the window. You flipped him off in response and gave him enough time to move before pulling out of the parking space.
He watched you drive away for the second time and couldn't believe that you still hadn’t wanted to go out with him after all the things he had said. He was running out of lines and patience. If he was going to win, he was going to have to do something drastic. Something so unlike him. Unrecognizable. He was going to have to pull out the big guns, even though he wasn’t sure what they were. He was willing to do whatever it took to have you be the one under the tattoo gun.
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Will Binx get dressed up for the annual Curtis and Honey Halloween party? (I've decided it's an annual thing now, no takebacksies 🤭)
Babes, you say its a thing, It is now a thing. I deem it so, they have a annual halloween party with their friends. And of course Binx is gonna get dressed up! He wouldn't miss out getting all the attention because he was so cute all in costume. That cat is a fiend for affection.
How about we call this my first little entry to Horny Hoe's Hootenanny. Prompt is in bold.
Party Prep
A Curtis and Honey Drabble
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Curtis came in with a grocery bag of odds and ends tucked under his arm for you. a few last minute ingredients for making halloween themed snacks.
He wouldn't have minded doing the errand for you regardless, but you promised to let him taste test everything before anyone else and that was a job Curtis very much enjoyed.
Just being with you in the kitchen, watching you hum and chat excitedly while you were cooking, the man was smitten. He could watch you all day doing what you loved.
"I'm back." He called out, sliding the bag onto the table, figuring you were upstairs doing another one of your projects, so he went about taking care of the cold stuff when he heard a scuffle and mewl at his feet.
Glancing down expecting to see their black cat with sharp green eyes staring back up at him waiting for affection or treats wasn't what greeted him exactly.
Instead their were a pair of flimsy bat wings fluttering off Binx's back, making him huff in a laugh. "I see she got you too, Kid." Binx mewled again, stretching his front paws up Curtis's shin while he placed his hands on his hips, grinning down at the cat.
"I didn't make him do anything!" You protested from the kitchens entryway. "He wanted to dress up."
"That's what he told you?" Curtis arched an brow, amusment making his stoic features look softer, almost boyish.
You nodded while slipping in your pair of fangs, Curtis eyes narrowing on them. He remembered what they were, how you used them. Your voice was muffled a bit when you responded. "Yeah, told me he really wanted to play the part. Goes with the fangs." You snapped them teasing, backing up a step when you saw Curtis tense up.
"Well if that's the case... we better get upstairs, finish getting you in costume Pretty Girl." His foot nudged Binx back. "Get lost Kid, I gotta go play Count von Count for a bit."
"Count von Count?" You snorted, preparing yourself to bolt. You felt the anticipation travel down to your toes, just waiting for him to make his move. "Why the sesame street vampire?" You backed up a step towards the staircase, Curtis taking a step forward. "You gotta make this quick. I still have a lot to do." You warned him.
"Because we're gonna count all the times I ruin you till the party starts." He leapt, making you squeal and jump back, twisting to race for the stairs, Curtis right behind you following you up. "Fuck being quick Pretty Girl, Imma take my time. I will help you make your snacks." His hand swatted at your ass as you both tumbled into the bedroom.
Binx took all of two seconds to watch his people before bolting after them, his little bat wings fluttering in his actions.
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daddy-suguru · 2 years
𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 ❥ 𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ❥ fluff, forehead kiss, sneaking pictures of sukuna, Sukuna loves the kitten but tries to hide the fact he does
Rubbing your eyes to make sure you weren’t sleeping still. Before smiling at the sight in front of you of Sukuna holding your little baby kitten above his head.
Lifting your phone and taking a picture just as Binx stretched out a small paw placing it on the top of Sukuna’s nose. Biting into your bottom lip trying to hold back the sounds your excitement.
You take another picture as Sukuna lifts his head to move the kitten’s soft paw to his lip while he makes kissy sounds. And you can’t hold it back anymore, walking towards Sukuna and saying,
“It’s my turn for kisses! Then we can both cuddle Binx while we watch a movie!” Quickly Sukuna sets Binx down to the side as he stands up.
Pink matching his hair dusting his cheeks and the brides of his nose. While he snaps, “No! What! I’ll give you kisses, but you didn’t see shit!” He crosses his arms.
He can’t ruin your excitement. The picture had already been taken and you never intend to let this down. As you say, “I won’t tell anyone the big bad Sukuna is going soft for my little baby. He likes you too look at him.” As if on cue Binx hops off the sofa, their loud purring filling the living room. While they sway from side to side, with their rat looking tail in their air and large green eyes focused on Sukuna.
Sukuna points at then and says, “Away little flee bag go steal your mama from me some more!” Binx walks in between Sukuna’s legs with their back arched. While their purring only gets louder.
Your eyes widen as everything slips into place. And you say, “Is this is why you’ve been pouty all week! Aw handsome.” Binx decides to start climbing up Sukuna’s leg. Getting about halfway before you scoop up the small stray that appeared outside your apartment.
Holding Binx up to Sukuna’s face who glares at your baby before glancing at you. He then leans down and softly kisses your forehead, pulling away. The kitten softly bites his cheek while he says,
“Ay I’ll kiss you too! Now I got two attention needy fuckers bothering me when I’m trying to relax.”
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gemsofthegalaxy · 2 years
i feel like Rue kiiinnndaa was pissed off most of this episode but i also understand like,
this morning they wrote a letter, which contained a Declaration of Love for Hob, and gave it to their trusted friend Wuvvy to be delivered. they assumed that it was, in fact, delivered (it was not)
They also had a conversation where Wuvvy, one could argue, said her greatest happiness is serving them in the context of their job, and Rue had to break it to her that they are unsatisfied in their job and are considering leaving.
then, they were called into a meeting with higher ups in their Court, people they (presumably) have been trying to please for many years. They were condescended to, and there was a blatant attempt to bring them into the fold so they would stop causing trouble and making noise. They were asked to put on a mask and submit to their Court, days after finally revealing their true self.
they then realized they might not be able to trust the aforementioned best friend Wuvvy. they instead went to look for another friend, Binx, despite wanting to seek out the man they professed love to in their letter.
Binx was nowhere to be found.
they looked for another friend, Andhera. that friend was being accosted by some people who are probably friends (Chirp and Squak), but not so close yet. Finally, they saw Binx, but could not talk to them about what happened yet.
then. the man they love, Hob, strolled up to them, having been shot by someone with two arrows, and was entirely casual and funny about it- he also made no indication of reading the letter one way or another, which means he either didn't get/read it or he's ignoring it.
during a group discussion about where their loyalties lie, Hob looked at them and singled them out as the one that is not as trustworthy as the others, and implied they might still by loyal to the Court that just this morning tried to silence them.
Rue finally told them about the Chorus' offer, but it was not to be dwelled on.
They had another conversation with Hob, privately, about possibly changing courts, and they immediately disagreed on the use of courts (but, in my opinion, seem to be having slightly different conversations). Once again, there was no real indication Hob had read the letter, or he must have been ignoring it on purpose.
Later, they showed up to the theatre, discouraged, but looking beautiful. they immediately saw Hob on the arm of a woman, and sacrificed a bond within themself in order to overhear that Hob is marrying this person for the purposes of a political alliance.
Despite this, when they went to be alone and ended up talking to their trusted friend Binx, Binx them, assured them, that Hob loved them back.
Despite this, when they got another chance to talk to Hob, Hob accused them of breaking off an engagement of great importance to his court (which, in fairness, they did).
Then, they continued to fight about Courts and Alliances and the use for politics and Hob told them that, from his perspective, Rue was clearly trying to get his defenses down and/or pitied him, and nothing more. Rue could only respond by saying they were in love with him.
So. like. I get it?
rough fucking day.
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remidyal · 1 year
D20 Seasons, Ranked
Well someone else did this so now I have to do this, ranking (almost) all the seasons of D20. I have not watched Pirates of Leviathan still, I will get to it sometime.
Fantasy High Sophomore Year
In part this is a time and place thing, and as you'll see on this list sequal seasons tend to do a lot for me. Adaine and Aelwyn alone would get this into the top three, and it's not alone; to me, Fearful Symmetry might be the single best episode D20's done still. Even with all the production issues of a live show, this is firmly at the top for me.
The Unsleeping City Part 2
Solidly in second place, The Unsleeping City part 2. I love to hate Cody, I find Iga's family plotline great, and there are great villains throughout this season. Kalina's still my single favorite D20 villain, but Tony and Null might be second and third. I need to rewatch this season, but it's unlikely to drop too far on this list.
A Starstruck Odyssey
The next two flip back and forth in my mind constantly; today, this one gets the edge for third. There's not really a weakness here (though Gunnie is my least favorite Lou character, he's still pretty good), and I think it's easily the FUNNIEST intrepid heroes season; I just find the emotional hits stronger in the two seasons above.
A Court of Fae and Flowers
This is an absolute force of a season, highlighted in particular for me by Lou and Emily playing their most absolutely chaotic and hilarious characters as well as incredible performances from Surena as Binx and Omar as Andhera. More roleplay, less combat suits my own interests for certain as well. Aabria should get at least one ten episode season to GM a year as far as I'm concerned.
Fantasy High
There's a lot of learning curve here in their first season for certain - I'm not sure they get concentration right once in the entire season, the timeline at points is an absolute trainwreck, and all of them are kind of feeling their way into the level of roleplaying they eventually settle into - but the season is great and has some absolutely incredible moments, especially as they do settle into it.
The Seven
A completely wild season, and easily and by far the horniest season of D20 even though there are at least two seasons where that is explicitly a part of the theme (ACoFaF and Shriek Week.) Almost every cast is great; this one is top notch. I don't really have anything bad to say about it.
The newest season, this one might move up or down still quite a lot on a rewatch and with time to settle in my own personal library of memories. The characters are by design slightly one-note but it's done in a way that's incredible. Maybe the single season with the smallest gap between my favorite character and my least favorite; I'd be hard pressed to even settle on one for either end.
Never After
I wanted to love this season even more than I did, and I do like it quite a bit, but it has some missing potential. I don't need a horror season from D20 to be crazy hardcore or anything, but this one wound up being more of a weird metastory season than horror; I would argue that FHSY and TUC2 both are more of horror seasons in the end than Never After ended up as. I think this one needed a single villain to land a bit more, or maybe another ten episodes for some of the concepts to breath a little; there were just so many elements packed in and then at the end we hadn't even met large chunks of those present at the final fight. That said, it's this high because I more or less love all the things it's hitting on and there are some GREAT moments.
The Unsleeping City
To me this is the season that suffers the most from the early season RP episode - combat episode pacing, even more than Fantasy High. It's got some really nice highs, like the Titania fight or the moment when Ricky swims across to Staten Island, but it also has some real lows: The wall street fight may be the single most miserable to watch drag of a fight in the entire series, with the villain behind a globe of invulnerability, every minion in the fight having THREE legendary resistances, and a pretty dull set, and this is the penultimate encounter! Great characters, of course, but (somewhat uniquely) I enjoy watching Cody more than Kugrash and find the dynamics in TUC2 much more fun.
A Crown of Candy
This starts breaking the mold on the RP/Combat episode thing but still mostly sticks to it. The front half is GREAT, and would be much higher on this list. My complaint with the back half is not Saccharina related, but simply that I find the last three encounter designs pretty bland and unchallenging, a complete romp for the players. Some people actually do blame that on Saccharina, but I think it's mostly just a product of being higher level and Brennan not particularly balancing the fights around level - that made the early fights incredibly hard, but by the time people are level nine it's a different world than a fight where they are 1-3.
Also how do you go from giving your next to last fight 15 legendary resistances in TUC to 0 here? C'mon.
Mice and Murder
Maybe the most unique season of the show, I need to rewatch this one but remember really enjoying it, if for nothing else then just for Sam and Grant pelting Brennan with heckling from over the zoom call throughout the season.
Escape from the Bloodkeep
The first side quest, I'm NOT a big Lord of the Rings fan but this is a thoroughly fun season anyway. There's still some early installment weirdness, but I think there's a lot to love here; Trapp and Ify give performances I find particularly fun.
Ravening War
This one's a little controversial, and for the record we're still in seasons I like well enough. I think this was my favorite bit of Matt Mercer GMing I've ever seen; I also still do not particularly care for his style as a GM (though I quite enjoyed him as a player in Bloodkeep.) I wish this hadn't veered off into the underground at the end; something more tied directly within the events of the Ravening War would have fulfilled the promise more to me. I DID quite like the concept of characters going through a longer period of time between episodes, with this covering something like eight or ten years, and I hope that's a thing they revisit in the future.
Honestly, just watching how delighted Brennan is to get to play in a world of his creation is what led me to bump it up over Coffin Run.
Coffin Run
Honestly this one was fine but I do like the longer seasons and the larger tables; Jasmine did a solid job as a DM and all four players were good, but I do kind of wish they'd ended up going with WoD instead of 5E for this one. I don't dislike anything here that much, it just isn't a standout for me.
Shriek Week
This more or less plotless season does basically what it says; the cast is great and I like Gabe as a GM, but it's four episodes and four players and honestly my aroaceness might be showing here but it's largely a very small appetizer when I'm looking for a main course in a D20 season.
Dungeons and Drag Queens
This one's gonna be really controversial, but this is a season I would (and will) rewatch and it might move up. I think I wasn't really the target audience, and I'm glad it seems to have found people who were.
A worthwhile season just for how great the players and Brennan looked alone, though.
Misfits and Magic
So. This is the first season I won't ever rewatch again, and it's not really the fault of anyone who was involved. At this point, I just can't give even the slightest bit of cultural power to the property that this season is parodying. I'm glad that, at this point, everyone involved has been in other seasons because they all do incredible jobs, and I respect people who make different choices about engaging with it, but I just can't anymore. I think the season is good - probably good enough to go several slots above this - but here it is for me. Consider this kind of an N/A.
Tiny Heist
Oh boy. The only season I actively recommend against to people who ask my opinion, there'd be a country mile between this and Dungeons and Drag Queens (which I still liked) and it's entirely from the cast. I really hope we get Jess Ross in another season; Lily too even though she's quite good in Shriek Week. As for the elephants in the room, the oldest brother and the dad seem fine and fun, but the middle and youngest made this a miserable watch for me. For people who like them, I'm sure this is near the top of their lists; for me, it's an F-.
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1wn8ure · 2 years
Theater of War
I have so many feelings and not enough words to state them
first of all THE CHASE SCENE my god Apollo whaling on Hob while he just fucking runs for his life?? perfection.
secondly andhera taking care of hob while also trying not to expose him if he doesn't want to reveal he's injured? YES PLEASE GIVE ME MORE
thirdly RUE BEING THE ONLY ONE CONSISTENTLY FOCUSED ON HOB'S HEALTH (INCLUDING HOB HIMSELF)????!?!?!?! YESS!!! YES OSCAR YES THAT IS JUST EXACTLY CORRECT because also like it's things like that that make it painfully obvious how enamored Rue is and yet Hob doesn't see it that way, doesn't notice it because he doesn't think he has any reason to find it, and even when he can't deny the things they do he finds another explanation that doesn't insinuate that the most elegant, honorable, courageous fey at the Bloom has fallen for stupid, subservient, cowardly Hob because how in the world could that be the truth? and also the metaphor of Hob literally trying to ignore his own pain until his life was actually endangered for the sake of political gains. i mean, who cares what happens to him, right? bringing consequences against prince apollo is much more important. except rue cares, and has for so long, and hob fails to see that
fourthly Hob and Rue I was begging for you to talk but NOT LIKE THIS. NOT LIKE THIS on the one hand I am absolutely sobbing and on the other I am so genuinely impressed by the storytelling capabilities of these players. the acting is impeccable and it makes me want to grab the two of them and shake them around a bit, or at least stick them in a room together for an extended period of time so they'll have time to get through all of their miscommunications before one of them storms off
sixth BINX!!! BINX I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL YOU MAGNIFICENT FEY thank you for being the person to say hey idiot, he loves you back you know. but also Rue's reaction to that was SO JUSTIFIED from their point of view. for all they know Hob received their raw, unedited declaration of utter adoration and didn't acknowledge it- even going as far as to give what Rue sees as a final rejection, agreeing to a political marriage for little more than a promotion. like yes that is perfect I love this cast I love Oscar so much but also I am going to be incoherent until the end of ep. 10 and even then it's a stretch
seventh IT WAS RUE! AND NOT FOR POLITICAL SUBTERFUGE, JUST FOR THE SAKE OF ENCOURAGING GENUINE LOVE OVER POLITICAL UNIONS there are so many possible events that could have resulted in the termination of gribalba's engagement but that was unequivocally the best choice imo. because now Hob is struggling with the exact dilemma Rue had fought to prevent, and on top of that they are declaring their love for them but apparently they did before?? how did he miss that??? and he's shocked and confused and maybe a little guilty but also he thinks he should be angry. he thinks he should still be furious that they maligned his court in this way and yet he can't, because how can he blame them for wanting to save someone from the pain he finds himself currently entrenched in? AND THE MOMENT IN THE HUNT you mean, Rue wasn't offended by his actions? then what the hell was the duel about? and also Wuvvy is here and she's not doing anything and altogether this is an influx of information that Hob was absolutely not expecting and he does not know how to deal with it but he thinks it might be explaining a lot of the things that had been hurting him since that fateful moment in the woods and he's starting to maybe, possibly, imagine a future where a graceful owl bear could actually love a pathetic goblin like him
(seven and a half) ANDHERA AND BINX! BINX AND ANDHERA!!!
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hcmmersnstrings · 4 months
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[ dylan o'brien, cis-male, he/him ] — whoa! DAKOTA LOVE just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for TWO YEARS, working as a/an ELECTRICIAN AND PART TIME BARTENDER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 31 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit APATHETIC and TEMPERMENTAL , but i know them to be CALM and NON-JUDGEMENTAL. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to LOWER MANHATTAN! — (binx, 30, mst, she/her, n/a)
vibes and wanted plots
Name: Dakota Love Nicknames: None Age: Thirty One Date of birth: March 21 1993 Birth place: Stearns, KY Occupation: Electrician and part time bartender Romantic/sexual orientation: heterosexual // heteroromantic
Aesthetics: the cherry of a cigarette burning against a dark night sky, palm calluses, guitar string scars, smoky bar rooms, low lit rooms, steady heartbeat, tattered jeans, honey thick drawls, the pain of wasted potential, the promise that the sun will rise again
tw: drugs/drug use cw, prison sentence mention, poverty
Poor boy from a poor family in a poor town, there weren't a lot of options for Dakota to succeed. His mother was a young, single mom with a string of partners that filtered in and out of his life from a young age.
One of these suitors stuck and when he was still relatively little his mother moved them across state lines to West Virginia to be with this man. He worked in the mines so he wasn't around a lot, but when he was he was a musician.
Dakota was happy to be taught different instruments, playing along while his mother harmonized. It fostered his love for the arts. But the happiness was short lived as it always was, and eventually his mother split from this man and moved them into another town.
He would be hardpressed to remember a time his mother was sober. Especially after the move she worked multiple jobs and found multiple ways to just "take the edge off". This often left Dakota to the wayside and to fend for himself.
As he got older and realized his mother was unreliable, he took up his own odd jobs to bring money back into the house, often squirreling it away where his mother couldn't find it. Eventually, he dropped out his freshman year of high school so he could work full time as a mechanic.
They eventually moved back to Kentucky and he found work and so did she and she was sober for a bit but true to the pattern it didn't last. Trailer park to trailer park or run down apartment to rundown apartment, Dakota was still a teen and like all teens you can't stop curiosity from blossoming. Girls and late nights and smoking in the back of his pick up and drinking and being places he had no business going, there was no conductor for this train and it was off the rails.
Despite his wishes for his future, he fell down the same path as his mother and it happened before he could even realize it. At first it was just teenage experimenting. Dakota is trustworthy and this much is evident in the way he interacts with people. The folks he worked with asked him to help sell and in turn he got to take home a cut and some of his own supply. It was all an escape from the reality that was his life and the shitshow that waited for him at home. Whether it was his mother being erratic or the men he brought home picking fights with him, for a little bit, he didn't have to deal with it all. And the money was good. And the excitement of being somewhere new, of doing something dangerous was even better.
A whirlwind of years and youth lost he landed himself in prison with multiple charges including arson. He'll be the first to tell you that sure, it sucked ratting out people he thought were his friends, and sure it sucked realizing it was just more of his life lost, but what really sucked? What really made him go crazy? The withdrawal. It was hell. Worse than hell. Clarity eventually came and he settled into his new life, counting down the days until his releaes.
Dakota has never been a bad kid, just an angry one. With good behavior, he was allowed to take vocational classes and classes to get his GED. He was also allowed to join an arts group and play his music or sing in the choir. All these points earned him an early release.
He had no fucking clue what to do when he got out. Sure, he had training, but no one wanted to hire him. And all the people he knew in Kentucky still had the same problems. A brief relapse, a call from an old friend he'd met years prior brought him to New York. She let him crash on her couch and watch her apartment while she traveled for work. She put him in touch with unions and eventually all these efforts landed him a new job. A new career. A new start.
He lives in Lower Manhattan, his friend spends most of her time away so she just let him take over the second bedroom and he just pays her a portion of rent that goes towards her mortgage. Dakota toes a thin line with his drug and alcohol use, never quite falling off the edge but having a habit of dipping his toe into the water and seeing how long he can hold it.
He still sings and plays guitar, fiddle, piano, and the banjo.
Was incarcerated when he was twenty one and released when he was twenty seven. He likes to spend his time trying to catch up on all the events he missed. He has a list of movies he's currently trying to work through.
A handyman at heart, Dakota picked up a lot of skills working from such a young age. If you need something fixed, he can probably figure it out for you.
Loves to cook but cannot bake to save his life. He will not make you breakfast in bed as he would probably burn it.
Is allergic to cats but loves them.
Hasn't spoken to his mother in years.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
1st Halloween Outfits
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Media Some Dogs Bite
Character Casey
Couple Casey
Rating Cute
Halloween Day 1
I heard a loud knock on the door so I got up from my desk and headed out from my office into the main part of the apartment Casey sat on the little blue playmat with Edgar the two playing with many of Edgar's little toys, Casey saw me and smiled so I smiled back as I headed to the door opening it up to see the usual amazon man.
"Hi" I smiled
"Hi," He says handing over the large box
"Thanks" I nodded heading in shutting the door behind me and setting the box down on the kitchen counter "What have you been buying?" I asked 
"...nothing," He says sheepishly 
I grabbed a knife and opened up the box to reveal a myriad of items "What is all this?" I asked
Casey got up from the floor bringing baby Edgar with him on his hip having a peek in the box "Ohh yeah, I got some things for little boy"
"Without consulting me?" I glared
"You'll love them I know you will," he says sitting Edgar in his high chair and taking the box getting out the first item "It's a Binx onesie" 
"Awww that is cute," I smiled looking at the little black onesie with orange cat paws on the feet, a little black tail, and even cat ears on the hood "That is sweet"
"I have more, I got him this little pumpkin jumper," he says showing a cute little orange fluffy jumper with seams to make it look like a pumpkin with a jack o lantern face sewn on 
"Awww that's nice a little warm for him though"
"Well it'll be good, for when we go to the pumpkin patch"
"I suppose so"
"I also got this cute little skeleton set," he says showing some black pants and a shirt with a skeleton across it 
"I like that the best that's adorable"
"No no no I saved the best for last my love," he says getting a little striped shirt and denim dungarees
"Uhhhh? not really on theme? you couldn't have got fall colours at least? make a shirt with ghosts on?"
"Do you know get it?"
He rolled his eyes taking it and Edgar into another room for a moment When he returned Edgar was dressed up in the outfit 
"Aww you look very cute darling," I smiled 
"You still don't know?"
"Uhhh does this help" he says getting a knife and holding it close to Edgar's hand
"Casey don't give him a knife!" 
"I'm trying to help," he says "It's the Chucky doll outfit" 
"Ohhh? I never saw any of the movies"
"Really? Well, I know what we're doing on Halloween," he says "But doesn't he make a cute little mass murderer?"
"He does, come here Edgar" I smiled pulling him into a cuddle "You look very handsome" I smiled giving his head a kiss "and you did good, but don't buy Edgar clothes without consulting me. Mummy knows the aesthetics best" I smiled 
"Yes dear" He laughs giving us both a cuddle 
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i have finally found the time to watch through the entirety of a court of fey and flowers and it has left me clawing the walls
a few thoughts, here and below the cut:
aabria is honestly one of my favorite gms to watch work. like, literally watch, i am 95% podcasts for my actual play media, but the visual elements of her games (esp. her npc facial expressions & acting choices) are so compelling. every damn time wuvvy looked at rue i died.
never not gonna be impressed with how smoothly this team integrated dnd combat & magic & skill checks with the good society framework to make a compelling, weighty, primarily social game. the unique tokens! (the significance to burning them!) the many pvp insight/deception checks over sighs and glances!!
brennan being an eternal gm is a crime, hob is The Most Character
like, picture me taking that character art of hob, printing it out, folding it up, and eating it. love him.
he’s a self-loathing emotionally obtuse plothound who claims to be bad with words but gives The Most Austen-style heart-wrenchingly vulnerable speeches. who else is doing it like him.
(seriously, if you’ve got regency media recs with hob-alike MCs I Want Them)
i am imagining some bonkers child creation magic — like, cabbage patch If You Want One It Will Grow stuff, genetics and gametes need not be involved stuff — that gives hob and rue an enormous passel of kids to love on and Treat Right, including at least one Owl With Bug Wings and two or three Literal Bears.
also picturing atla level confusion when the first one of those bears comes along. “just a bear?” “not a bugbear, not an owlbear, not a bugowlbear. just a bear.” “…this kid is weird.” “yeah, but we’re gonna love them like mad anyway right?” “oh yeah, of course, i’m just saying!”
deeply shocked andhera was able to sit through that detect thoughts at the tailor shop scene without blurting out SOMETHING, given his tendencies towards blurting out everything in other moments.
but like. imagine.
hob: the k stands for knickolas!!
rue: i love him.
andhera: oh shit, for real?! you love him for real??
disastrous. andhera fails to keep his mouth shut, four wounded two dead. (rip buddy, you were a real one)
otoh. now i’m imagining a fun little trivia game at rue’s nearlywed shower with questions like “where did they meet” and “who asked whom” that give them an excuse to retell all of these cute stories about their relationship, and one question is “when did rue first realize they loved hob?”
the answer is supposed to be after they danced all night at the masquerade, because rue thinks it’s fine to lie a little for the Romance of it all, but andhera’s like “oh, i remember that! it was when hob told them what the k in k.p. stands for!”
and he’s very :D satisfied with himself for winning his team a point! not noticing rue and hob’s very complex face journeys as they silently have a Conversation about this.
most shocking moment for me, a person who saw a fair number of acofaf gifs on my dash last fall: chirp marriage & child reveal, no question. the cast around her reacting is also very good, but the twist in itself was honestly so unexpected! and it works fantastically to give the lords of the wing motivation to join the larger plot on Our Heroes’ Side, i thought that was very smartly done.
and last but not least, a fun fact!
I did not realize this until the ap episode where omar confirmed ace andhera, but my first dnd character was basically a mash-up of andhera and rue.
like. they were an ace paladin poorly faking charm and coolness, using a normative appearance (“imagine a combination of chris hemsworth and chris evans”) as a facade a scared, nonnormative creature hid behind— unfortunately my BINX-alike PC friend died early in the campaign, and the plot took priority over character exploration. but still: same hat!
also: me now, looking back at that character: [miranda cosgrove ‘interesting’ meme with the nonbinary flag superimposed]
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adiarosefandoms · 2 years
Hocus Pocus 2
Review: *Spoilers start at the end of paragraph 3
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Look, I am a witchy girl. I love black cats, and medieval/Victorian fashion, and all things magic. With this I have also fallen in love with witch-themed movies and books. Wicked, Practical Magic, and Harry Potter I all love. But little else signifies the transition into the Halloween season for me quite like Hocus Pocus. Me and my family have been watching this movie every October for, I don’t even know how many years. So, you can imagine that I was very excited, but skeptical, when Disney announced that they would be coming out with a second movie. And all I can say is, I am pleasantly surprised. I’m not sure how bad a movie can even be with the Sanderson Sisters at the helm, and while the first Hocus Pocus is superior, this one was still loads of fun to watch and I have zero regrets. I don’t care about the new teen leads. I had no emotional connection to them, I didn’t care about them, they didn’t matter. They were a means to an end to get this second movie made. But every scene with the Sandersons or Billy, pure childhood nostalgia. To start with the real stars of this movie, lets discuss the witches. I remember vividly just transitioning from wanting to be a princess one day, to wanting to be a witch the next. They’re stories always just end up being much more sympathetic, and they just seem like more fun. Seeing the sisters on the screen, Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy just looked like they were having so much fun. The dynamic between the three girls is as amusing and entertaining as it has always been, but they added an extra emotional element by giving us an origin where Winifred was almost taken from her sisters. And the ending where Winnie sees her sisters die, and without a second thought says that she doesn’t care about her powers, she wants her sisters back, it was just beautiful. But it was made even greater when revealed the sisters weren’t returning, she was going to them, and Winnie just had the most content smile on her face. You just can’t not love those witchy sisters. Next: Billy. I always liked Billy a lot. Next to Sarah he was my favorite character. But he just became even more lovable in this film, and even more like Johnny Depp Jack Sparrow/Edward Scissorhands character, so that I fully fell in love with him. I was skirting the edge of that pond before, but now I’m completely submerged and have zero regrets. I don’t know why actors focusing on physicality makes me fall for them, but every jerky movement Billy made just made me fall further and further. I also just loved the way he talked, and his insults to Winifred. Doug Jones was just fantastic in this role. I didn’t care for when the Sandersons appeared and did the musical number in the forest, because that’s meant to bewitch people and there was no one they were trying to bewitch. I was suddenly super afraid they were just gonna Disney Channel-ify the whole thing, but their cover of “One Way or Another” was super fun to watch. Also, I’m a little confused. Winnie plainly stated in the original movie that her book was given to her by Satan himself, so either that witch in the woods was Satan in disguise and Disney thought that Satan is too scary for kids, or the writers just forgot a key part of the canon they had to follow. I’m hoping it’s the former. I also really enjoyed all the callbacks to the original, including the fourth wall break of two guys actually watching a scene from the first Hocus Pocus. We had another black cat (though nonspeaking), Sarah’s song was reprised several times, and we got a random town’s lady in the mothers iconic Madonna costume. There were also mentions of Sarah’s hidden rat tails, talk of the spell that would one day be used on Binx, Mary riding a vacuum again (but this time two roombas), the use of water to trick the witches, the sisters saying “Buh-bye”, and Sarah gleefully shouting “Amok! Amok! Amok!”
Overall, the movie was just a good time. The Sandersons were fabulous as ever, most jokes landed, Billy was amazing, and it was about time that a book shed a tear after all the times they’ve made me cry. Is there going to a third one? The post-credit scene sure made it look like it, but I would be satisfied with this movie concluding the Hocus Pocus story. I was incredibly impressed with the writers’ abilities to not only emulate key characteristics of the witches, but also add more depth to them. If you’re looking for a high-quality feature, this movie isn’t for you. But if you want to have some fun, experience a spin on nostalgia, and get into the season, it’s a really good and quick watch. After all, it’s not meant to be a life-changing thing. It’s just a bunch of hocus pocus.
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seraphimdove · 2 years
Silver and Copper :]
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Wanna tell me your plushies names cause I really wanna no but it's fine if you don't. I'm just curious?
ok, so, there's of my MAIN buds:
Sam, a build a bear calico cat (the original version) who was my Pre-K's class pet, my best friend till I was like 11 and still dear even if we aren't as close.
Sugar Cookie: a Merry Menagerie penguin plushie/puppet, got him for Christmas, very huggable, my go-to to tuck under my arm
Binx: Thackery Binx.
Shamu: a sea world shamu plush I use as a pillow, very worn, hand-me-down from my brothers
Nightshade: smoll bat you know him.
Pokemon wise btw
Fen: A fennekin plushie! I like to tuck my head in-between her ears. My secondary plush to use as a pillow. Got her from my uncle at my birthday a long time ago.
Mitzy: Sitting Cuties zigzagoon! I usually tuck it in my bag.
(Wendy's) Chocolate Frosty.Jr: Alolan Vulpix plush! A gift from an old best friend:> very nice is baby.
Piplup: piplup
Al Funcoot: GIANT!! SNAKE!!! WITH REVERSABLE SEQUIN SCALES! also a great poet in his free time.
Charlie-bear: he's a bear I got when I was very little. He had fake patches all over and he used to play a small clip of my dad saying "I love you"
Jingle: a reindeer plush I stole from my family's Christmas decor!
The Dark Lord Pastel: A purple kangaroo with a unicorn horn! Two inches tall and won from an arcade machine at a birthday party a bit back! The dark lord of the rainbow isles! evil and plans on world domination.
That's everyone I can think of atm lol.
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Curtis And Honey Autumn This Or That 🍂
Week Four: Apple Picking or Carving Pumpkins
Summary- Short Drabble. Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. You have the picnic table all set up for a fun little competition between you and Curtis.
Warnings- mentions of IT.
This is an 18+ Only Blog
A/N- Thank you everyone for reading, commenting, and sharing! I loved this one, it was such a cute moment for them and I hope you all enjoy it as well. Please remember to vote on Friday for next week's choice. Happy Reading!
Curtis and Honey's This or That Masterlist
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet Masterlist
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You had the perfect afternoon. The chill was in the air but it wasn’t freezing cold, the sun was bright in a blue sky that lit up the whole backyard for this moment, and you had Curtis, assessing his pumpkin with a smirk of excitement that showed he was up for the challenge. “Oh Honey, you know that carving pumpkins is my specialty.” His brow arched, head tilting as if asking you if you were ready.
You narrowed your eyes, smirking right back at him as you picked up your weapon of choice, a large orange pumpkin scooper ready to tackle that pumpkins innards. “Then you shouldn’t be worried about little old me kicking your ass at pumpkin carving. You win, you get bragging rights to being the Halloween Pumpkin King and choice of scary movie tonight.” 
He grabbed for his own pumpkin scooper, ready to start cleaning his own massive pumpkin out. “I do like it when you call me King, Pretty Girl. Alright if you win you get the obvious Pumpkin Queen and any fall themed movie you want.” 
“Hocus Pocus.” You automatically said, as if he hadn’t already watched that with you just last week when you were scrolling disney plus on the bedroom television.
“You and Binx are obsessed.” He teased as he rolled up his sleeves and flipped his baseball cap around to get serious about what was about to happen. 
“We did name him Binx for a reason Curtis.” Your tone raised slightly, aiming it towards the kitchen window nearby the picnic table, the window open to have your echo dot sitting in it. “Alexa, play Honey’s Badass Halloween playlist.” You listened and when the beginning of Ghostbusters started playing, you and Curtis sprung into action and started scooping out innards as fast as possible. 
“We keeping these seeds?” Curtis asked as he twisted his pumpkin around to scrape the sides, while you ditched your scooping spoon to start using both hands, pulling out the orange strands of pumpkin guts, the slippery seeds scattering across the picnic table that was now a carving station. 
“Later I will roast them for us. Right now Everett you just focus on carving.” 
You glanced up to catch sight of him mimicking looking at you, your eyes meeting his playful blue eyes lighting up at you, a quick second passing between the two of you before both dropped to focus on the pumpkins again. “I already got mine planned out Y/L/N.” He grabbed at a sharpie, making sure to turn away from you to sketch out his outline. 
“Yeah, yeah, you think you got this already don't you. Fooled you, I have been practicing.” You retorted, grabbing at the other sharpie and starting your own sketch. Curtis paused, his knife half into the first cut, his assured grin turning into a questioning scowl. 
“Time out, you already were practicing without me knowing? Isn't that breaking some kind of rule?!” 
“Hell no, we never stated what the conditions of the challenge were. Snooze, you lose Curtis.” Confidently you stabbed into your pumpkin, rushedly carving out the first piece like you were in a race against time. Curtis went back to carving, muttering to himself. 
“Snooze you lose Curtis, just wait till next year Honey. Imma cover our porch in them just to practice.” You giggled hearing him, chucking the first cut out towards him which he ducked all while still carving his own, the tip of his tongue sticking out of his mouth and his brows furrowed while he put all his concentration into what he was doing. As soon as he popped out the first chunk, he reached over and slipped the obstructive piece into your pumpkin, making you lose precious seconds carving having to get it out. You cried out a protesting sound that he was hindering your progress which was playing dirty. 
“Now Pretty Girl, we never said we couldn’t mess with each other’s progress, remember?” He teased while grabbing another tool to start scrapping against the pumpkin flesh, purposely not cutting the next part out. 
“How bad do you want those roasted seeds?” You sliced into another piece of your pumpkin. 
“Whoa whoa whoa, you’re not holding future snacks out on us are you?” Another part down for Curtis as he went for his knife again, turning once more to make sure his pumpkin stayed out of your sight. “Cause that’s just mean.” 
“I’m tempted too.” You hurriedly sliced out the last piece and set your knife down, throwing up your hands in triumph. “Done!” 
Within seconds Curtis did the same, throwing his hands up, palms showing he had no tools, and stepped away from his. “Okay you had ten seconds, but you’re gonna love mine this year so worth it.” 
“Mmmhm, sure, we will see. Mine is pretty badass.” You grasped your pumpkin. “Okay, close your eyes and I will put them side by side.” You waited while he made a show of his eyes closed, tilting his head up towards the sky to keep from looking. You twisted your massive pumpkin around to set it near his. Putting a hand over your eyes to keep from peeking and worked your way around the table towards his side. Once you pressed in against his muscled chest under a soft sweatshirt, you turned facing the pumpkins. His arms went around you and you soaked in the feeling of his embrace for a few seconds. “Okay, look!” You both dropped your gazes to admire them side by side. 
Curtis’s pumpkin had an outline of a cat in front of a moon and above it had Binx’s Witch House carved in it. Your pumpkin had taken some planning, but a rendition of the original Tim Curry Pennywise graced the front, making Curtis cringe and hold you tighter. “Okay yours is officially the scarier Honey.” He shivered, making you fist pump your victory. “You purposely chose Pennywise, didn’t you?” 
“Sure did, I wanted a classic.” You said while he stepped closer, inspecting yours closer. “But yours…” You traced Binx’s name in it, making you sigh happily at the addition to your lives. “I love it, you win.” 
“Fuck that, look at yours.” Curtis hefted your massive gourd up into his arms, already marching for the front of the house. “This is the obvious winner. Getting a prime spot on the porch.” 
“What! No.” You hurried after him, not daring to carry his artwork in case you dropped it. “I want Binx’s Witch House on the steps by the mums!” 
You two finally ended up compromising that you both had the best pumpkins after a debate, deeming you both the winners. At least for this year.
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strawberryspeachy · 2 years
Had my last class with one of my favorite classes today.
I feel the need to clarify that I wouldn’t exchange contact info with children before saying that I always take it as a compliment when my students ask to keep in touch with me. I can’t/don’t but its still sweet when they ask. The ones who have been talkative with me all year were disappointed to learn i wont be in the school next year and after trying to get my social media asked if i would come to their graduation next year.
Another one of my classes - not their last class - was watching Hocus Pocus. I put a lot of thought into what movies/shows I wanted to introduce my students to with my goal being to show them either American culture or something that most Americans love (i showed some clips of mean girls with another class)
The other quiet advanced class didn’t seem too interested in your regular school life/home life show (boy meets world) for christmas
So while I showed my on grade classes Freaky Friday, I tried to think of what my advanced classes would enjoy that they have never seem that fits the criteria i had. And ended up with - well I love halloween and i didnt get to celebrate with them. Besides being a great movie imo it really shows what Halloween looks like in the states and has a lot of american lore.
And im glad that i was right, the class that didnt care for bmw paid a lot more attention to hocus pocus.
But the other quiet class i rlly enjoyed watching it with. They were super into it. Very invested, laughing and gossiping about the movie
We watched the second half today and they were really excited. They liked the music, they reacted to binx getting hit by a car just like how i always did as a kid, they fell for the jump scares and laughed at all the jokes.
The first class didn’t care about mary riding the vacuum but the second class all laughed every time they saw her on it. The student near me was having a mini celebration when the sun started rising
We had some issues with the tech in the first 10 min so to finish we watched after the bell during break and only about 4-5 students (of 50) left to go to the bathroom and even they rushed back to see the very end
And i could see a bunch of them holding back tears at the end when binx dies in the cats body and they all clapped when it ended
And it was really fun to introduce them to one of my favorite movies and for them to be so into it.
Anyway ive been sick since september and living with a psycho. Working with a psycho. Ive felt like a pinball for the past year stuck bouncing back and forth between two places i hate being.
Didnt get a comfortable place to live
Didn’t meet new friends
Barely went on dates
Haven’t traveled
Still haven’t joined any dance classes
Haven’t gone to concerts
I have to leave my current school because… so much stress and drama i could write a book
Found another school. Not great…eating away at my life…
I planned to just deal with the exhaustion and force myself to do the things i came here to do
And now my grandfather is in the hospital… from surgery he got sepsis then pneumonia now he has blood clots….
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hillingsama · 2 years
Twst OCs are very popular so I wanted to make some too, but my imagination stopped working after 30 so all my brain did was ponder if the cats went to NRC what dorm would they be sorted into…
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Meet Binx and Supra. They… are not friends.
Binx is very friendly, very very friendly, not aggressive at all, he just really wants to play with Supra… by jumping on her and knocking her over and biting her fur. He’s like a 5 year old boy trying to play with an 80 year old lady. (Supra is in her golden years.)
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Here they are at NRC! Supra is a Pomifiore junior. She should be a senior but she got held back because she failed flight class.. twice. She… is terribly afraid of heights.
Binx is a freshman in Scarabia (he’s a black panther beastman from Scalding Sands but I have no coloring skills 🥲) . He ends up in Supra’s flight class and is determined to help her fly and pass the class, especially after learning her secret…
Supra absolutely hates Binx because he won’t let her be. And he’s completely oblivious to her distress. He thinks he is being very helpful and that they are having a fun time learning to fly!
…. At some point in this AU I’ll never write, Supra screams for him to leave her alone and that she hates beastmen. This leads to half the school thinking she’s prejudice against beastmen.
Finally, Binx reveals her secret by doing the equivalent of a skirt flip on her oversized robe she wears over her school uniform, revealing that she too is a beastman. Supra hisses and scratches in response and throws things at him when he jumps away but he dodges everything easily and thinks this game is very fun! Because Binx is very agile and very stupid.
IRL Supra hates other animals. Cats, dogs, small children. She loves people and is SO friendly and absolutely fearless especially when she has to forage for food … she will risk being hit by the front door, sitting right in front of it if Feeder comes home after dinner time. She will risk being stepped on by following closely after Feeder as Feeder moves around the kitchen. She has zero fear of strangers and comes out for pets even during parties with lots of people over. And they would love her in Pomifiore because of her beautiful markings and delicate features.
But she absolutely hates cats.
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She also has disproportionately small legs and arthritis and doesn’t jump very high and even though she does run to play with toys and after Feeder she’s still the slowest cat I’ve ever seen. 😂 She can’t get up on the kitchen counter and only makes it onto tables if there’s a chair to act like a step.
If she is not fed on time (“on time” = two to three hours before meal time) then she will start searching desperately for scraps around the house. She’ll eat crumbs and lick empty bowls that only have sauce stuck to the sides. She’ll eat chips and quesadillas. She’ll sadly lick the kitchen floor hoping to lick up fallen crumbs from when Feeder cooks and bakes.
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