#i swear these boys know how to DANCE around difficult conversations
orbital-inclination · 2 years
Part 1, part 2 (you are here).
Summary: Dream wakes up in a strange place. His host seems kind enough, but there's something about her home that feels… off. He will need to leave if he wants to reunite with his brother. Later, Dream and Nightmare have a conversation to finish. Notes: Moltendreams!AU. Set some time after the brothers left Dreamtale during a time when they were still unfamiliar with the multiverse. General warnings for: dreamtale typical angst/drama, mild non-graphic injury, more references to past emotional manipulation and bullying, and parental neglect Wordcount: 6178
Something was wrong.
Dream stirred. He felt sluggish and weighed down. Pulled closer to the earth by the gentle press of the something that was draped over him. There was a soft surface underneath his cheek, it didn’t itch like grass, and it didn’t crackle like dry leaves when he moved. It took an embarrassing amount of time for his mind to make sense of that, trying and failing to justify why the ground he lay on didn’t feel right. He lifted his skull slowly, rubbing his cheek against the soft surface until the texture slotted a memory into place. This felt like... a stuffed quilt? He pulled an arm free from where it had been tucked close to his body and felt along the surface he lay on. The tip of a claw caught on something. Yep. Definitely a quilt. He could feel the cotton sandwiched between layers of fabric and the stitch between squares. That didn’t immediately alarm him, because his first assumption was that Night’ must’ve found a way to cross the river and found a place for them to stay. 
But... that explanation didn’t feel right. He couldn’t sense his brother nearby. The atmosphere was too... stifled. Syrupy, and thick. He almost felt loopy from it. Something wasn’t right.
Tentatively prodding around the quilt, and the surface he lay on, he discovered something else weird. 
He was laying underneath... a table? 
Reluctantly, Dream pushed himself upright— only to swallow back a strangled hiss as a pulse of pain and stiffness shot down his spine. Usually, the film that coated his bones took care of most things that caused him pain fairly quickly. He remembered slamming into the boulder, but he would have expected the injury to be gone by now. But, obviously, it wasn’t. Not good.
After waiting a moment, he tentatively propped himself upright again. This time, he moved slowly.
He had just enough room to rest on his elbows, slightly hunched over to avoid smacking the back of his skull on the surface above him. He mapped the space through touch and concluded that no. It was not a table. He was underneath someone’s bed. And it was a fairly large bed at that.
He was boxed in. The bed was shoved into the corner, which cut off two potential exits.  One end was blocked off by what he thought might be a chest. And whoever had set him up underneath the bed, had sealed the last opening with- oh. Oh, that was a teddy bear. They had sealed the last opening with plushies and cardboard boxes. Dream pulled the bear closer and gave it a squeeze, thinking. If the person who’d brought him here wanted to keep him trapped, they weren’t trying too hard. But... why put him under the bed? He didn’t feel like much of a guest, hidden away like this.
The hinges of a door creaked. Dream stilled. He hunched down, the tendrils on his back arching defensively. A hollow, tapping sound. A box was shifted, dragged across the floor slowly, and- “Oh! You’re awake!”
The voice belonged to someone who sounded roughly his age, maybe a little bit younger. Dream’s first impression of her was that she felt very bright. Or rather very warm, and it was a testament to how saturated this place was that he could only sense her clearly when she was this close. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. Uh, I’m Noelle. I’m sure this must be confusing for you but you’re in my room right now. I found you by the river bank. You were unconsciously so…”
She did something, moved a certain way, but he couldn’t tell what she was doing. 
He hesitated for too long. Disappointed chipped at her warmth, cooling it. But the difference was slight. “I… um-“
“Why am I under your bed?”
Embarrassment. “Oh! W-well… my mom doesn’t like to have guests over unexpectedly but it seemed like you really needed help. I couldn’t leave you on the river bank like that! That area floods a lot.”
Dream canted his skull to the side. “So you’re hiding me from your mother?” 
The embarrassment worsened. Made bitter-sour by shame and nervousness. “I know it sounds really, really silly but… if you knew my mother, it would make sense.”
Well, it didn’t make sense to Dream now. Weren’t mothers supposed to be loving or something? The closest thing he had to a mother was Nim, but he hadn’t had a relationship with her. Not really. She had been a presence. A thing that was just sort of there, but didn’t do much. She said things, sometimes. But it was like an echo of a memory with no mind behind it.
“Are you a human or a monster?” He asked because sometimes that made a difference in these things. Surprise, confusion, and the sharp tang of incredulity. “Um. I’m obviously not a human? I’m a reindeer monster??” He gave her a moment. “Oh,” she said. “Oh. I... I didn’t realize. You can’t see me, can you?” Dream shook his head. “Where is my brother?” “Your... brother?” He tensed, and a pang of uneasiness shot through his chest and squeezed. “We were separated crossing the river. He was supposed to find me. How long have I been unconscious?”
“I... I don’t know. You were alone and unconscious when I found you. That was hours ago.“ Dream didn’t like that. Had something happened to Nightmare? The tendrils on his back lashed. “I need to get back to the river. He could be there right now.” “No! You can’t!”
He flinched away from her, soul beating fast.
Noelle swallowed. “I… I mean. It’s dark out now. Mom doesn’t allow me to leave the house after dark.”
Right. Because that was a thing mothers did. Nim had also given him and Nightmare rules to follow. Just two. And they had disobeyed both. “That’s okay. You don’t have to come with me. Just let me out and I’ll find my way.”
Noelle was quiet for a long moment. “I can’t.”
“Why not?” He shifted, trying to show her that she had his full attention. And she did, but he was getting anxious now. He needed to reunite with his brother. He needed to apologize and know that he was okay and that nothing bad had happened to him. Something about this place didn’t feel right. Something was just off enough that he didn’t feel comfortable staying here longer than he had to be.
She didn’t reply. At that moment, a new sound interrupted the silence. A sharp rhythmic clicking. It grew steadily louder. Footsteps.
Noelle squeaked. “That’s my mother. I have to go. Don’t make any noise, okay?” The box was pushed back into place and the bed creaked above him. 
Dream lowered himself flat to the ground. He held his tentacles still, coiled close to his body. Was this normal? When Nim had been alive, had everyone been this nervous around her?
Seconds later, the footsteps stopped short. A creak, quiet at first. A whine. The hinges of the door protesting. And then, silence. Absolute silence.
Above him, Noelle’s nerves jumped and startled like rabbits. She seemed to be holding herself still as carefully as he was. Breath held. Waiting.
As the silence stretched, a chill crept down his spine. 
He shivered. Trying to make sense of the new taste to the magic pouring into the room. The stifling syrup-like nature of it hadn’t changed. If positivity was sweet like honey, then it was as though someone had dumped a box of salt into the jar. Something spoiled here. Something had been left to sit for too long. 
All the warmth had gone. The weight of it settled in slowly. It was blunt. And cold, not unlike fear. But many emotions could be cold, could turn cold, if given the right incentive. If Nightmare were here, he could tell Dream what it was. And how fear could feel so... hollowed out.  
Apathy, Dream realized as another shiver worked its way through his bones. This was apathy. Not the absence of emotion, but the rejection of it. He pulled his limbs closer to his body. As though to hide the warmth there, like cupping his hands around the wick of a candle to shelter it from a draft. 
Nightmare hid his feelings behind apathy sometimes. And it was frightening, to witness his twin severe himself from his own feelings. It made something in his chest squeeze painfully. But the cold he felt from his brother was familiar and comforting in a way. This was not.
This magic… the person it belonged to… he could not imagine magic so oppressive would belong to a monster who felt freely able to express themselves. The weight of this magic did not belong to a tolerant person. It belonged to someone who felt they needed to be in control of everything, or the twisted thing deep within their heart would snap. 
Without warning the door creaked again and shut with a final click. 
Noelle waited a while to speak, listening for the sound of her mother’s footsteps to fade. When she did, she whispered. “That was a close one. We have to be careful to be quiet from now on.”
“Is she always like that?”
“… my mother doesn’t like to be disturbed,” Noelle answered. “I like to collect scary things. VHS tapes, books, cassettes. Everything. But if I’m too loud, if I’m too excited or too scared she’ll force me to turn it off or take it away from me... and I just… I just wanted this one thing for myself, y’know?” 
Dream felt something in his ribcage hitch. 
She slid off the bed, onto the floor, and moved next to him. 
“Does she know you’re unhappy here?” Noelle froze. Stuttered a noise of denial as something within her heart squirmed. Dream had his answer. “You don’t want her to know.” “Hahaha... I don’t know what you’re talking about. Why would I be unhappy? I mean... I have to hide things sometimes but... I live in a nice place. I... I like my town! I have my own room, my mom, my dad... why would I be unhappy?” “I don’t know,” Dream whispered. “I gave my village everything they ever wanted. Did everything they asked of me... but in the end, I don’t think anyone was truly happy.” Least of all himself, but to give that thought a voice felt selfish. What right did he have to complain, when his brother had gone through so much worse?
The shame and guilt were unbearable, suddenly. A sickly cold sank into the pit of his soul. He swallowed thickly, mana clotted in his throat, because how had he not seen the full extent his brother had been suffering? How had he not known? How had he not seen it?
He thought back to every bad day he could remember. Every question he asked that was brushed off. His brother’s stubborn silence. How tightly Nightmare would square his shoulders and turn away. And all those times Dream knew his brother was upset but felt he shouldn’t pry or chose not to. Prying would aggravate his brother and it was his purpose to spread positivity, wasn’t it? What good would it do to make Nightmare even more upset? 
He wished… he wished he had tried anyway. Instead of waiting and fruitlessly holding on to the belief that Nightmare would eventually tell him on his own. When he was ready. If Dream was patient enough and did as he was told.
How naive he’d been. If hiding pain under a facade of irritability was a skill then Nightmare had surely mastered it. Dream learned not to talk about certain things and especially not to express those feelings that were cold or black and didn’t belong on his side of the tree. 
He learned that quickly because it seemed to him whenever he expressed frustration or sadness or gave even the slightest hint that he was feeling anxious or stressed, someone would turn around and find a reason to blame the black apples for it. “Taint,” they’d warn, “you must stay pure of heart. It is in your brother’s nature to be cold, just as it’s yours to be kind and warm. You mustn’t allow him to influence you.”
“I think...” Dream began slowly, forcing his claws to unclench, buried so deeply into the quilt he lay on, he felt the wood underneath splitter. He forced himself to relax. Noelle needed his help right now. “I think you and your mother are not communicating something important. You are both scared. And because of that fear, you hide things from each other.” “It’s not that! She just overreacts, sometimes... when she thinks I’ve been hurt.” Her heart and mood quivered. She was sad and lonely and trying so hard to hide it. “She just wants to protect me.”
“But it hurts, doesn’t it? Her protectiveness is smothering. It threatens the things you care about.” Noelle swallowed. He heard it, underneath something that sounded like a strained laugh. “T-that’s silly! She’s my mother, I can trust her with anything.”
“Anything but the monster you’re keeping under your bed.” “I...” a flicker, and the strange denseness to the magic surrounding them rippled. Shame was the stone thrown into the murky pool. “If you truly felt that way, you wouldn’t have kept me here. You would have asked her for help but you didn’t,” Dream pressed, voice gentle but firm. “In your loneliness, you wanted to carve out a piece of happiness for yourself. But Noelle… you can’t keep me. I don’t belong here. I can’t make you happy.”
Noelle made a soft sound. Her voice cracked. “I wanted to make a decision on my own for once! I know she means well, and I... I’m too nervous to confront her. I feel powerless. But then I saw you on the river bank, it was different. I felt inspired? It was weird I...” 
A pause and a strange dizziness overcame her. He shifted in concern, debating whether or not he needed to move closer in case she toppled over. 
“I felt special. I knew I wanted to be your friend. No... I knew I had to be because… I couldn’t shake the feeling that I already knew who you were.”
“Friends don’t force each other to stay where they don’t want to be.”
The slight bite to his tone snapped Noelle out of her daze. He felt the snap, the sharp lick of regret, and could not tell who it belonged to. “I… I know. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. It… it felt right at the time,” Noelle struggled for a moment. “I can’t… remember? There was something else but I don’t…”
Uneasiness swept through him. The tendrils he'd looped close to the quilt reared up warily, twisting over themselves in heed of his discomfort but unable to find the source.
“… what do you mean ‘it felt right’ ?”
“I can’t explain it. It just did, y’know? It was like one of those moments in a book when the world seems to pivot and the heroine realizes what she was meant to do.”
A shiver crawled down his spine. “Did you feel compelled to help me?”
“T-that’s a strange question. It’s what anyone would have done, isn’t it?”
He had nothing to say to that. Maybe. One would hope. But the situation still felt odd. She wanted to help him but didn’t want him to leave until he confronted her about it. It left a strange taste in his mouth.
“Will you let me up now?” He asked instead.
“Yes!” Noelle scrambled back and shoved boxes and plushies aside. One rolled over a tentacle so Dream grabbed it and set it next to the teddy bear he’d held earlier. There was a thump, as something that sounded like a book fell, and suddenly, it was just a little bit less stuffy underneath the bed. Dream felt along the edge of the bed frame above him and carefully crawled out. A sharp pain shot his spine as he stood, but he swallowed the hiss of pain in his throat and it faded, after a moment. 
The floorboards creaked underfoot. Noelle shifted her weight, a dim but growing cold spot of nervousness. “What happened? Between you and your village, I mean.” His soul skipped a beat. “I don’t know,” He didn’t want to talk about it, and he especially didn't want to talk about himself. “We left.” “Oh.” A pause and she said quietly. “Dess talked about moving to the city. She wanted to take me with her to explore the city together. Leaving without her doesn’t feel right, I don’t think I’m ready yet but, maybe someday.” And Dream thought about the tree and his brother. He vividly remembered climbing the hill, running, and the dry grass lashing at his hands and clothes. The voices shouting to be heard over the rumble of approaching thunder. His brother, cornered against the trunk—
“You... you’re not going to encourage me to talk to her?”
“You know your mother better than I,” he said, and distantly wished he could blink away the memory. Over and over again, it looped. “I never went to my brother with my problems because I didn’t want him to think less of me... I regret that now.” Nightmare thought poorly of him anyway. So it hadn’t mattered. “But I was never afraid of my brother. Not in the same way you seem to be of her.”
“I’m not... afraid of my mother,” Noelle said somewhat hesitantly. “It’s just hard to talk to her. She doesn’t like to be interrupted and... the town is more important.” “Is it?”  Bitterness dripped from his teeth. Hot in his mouth. Sometimes, it was easy to doubt himself. When he stole anger like a thief, he could only assume the villager elders had been right. He should have been more careful around the tree. But the branches sprouted from the same trunk. Black or gold, the apples came from the place, so there must have been something rotten in his soul from the start. 
Noelle startled. A skipped beat. And Dream took a breath. “You are part of the town too, aren’t you? Why are you excluded from the same care?”
“I…” she swallowed, overwhelmed by too many emotions to name at once. Most of them leaned close to sadness. “I never thought of it that way… you-you’re right. I’m part of this town too and… I don’t know if she’ll hear me out, but I’ll try. At the very least I have to look after myself better.”
Dream nodded, and the bitter, writhing thing in his chest settled. He wished he had looked after his twin better. “Don’t smother your loneliness.” 
“I won’t,” And then added somewhat hesitantly. “Do you still want to leave?”
She felt sad. Sadness was heavy and sank deep throughout one’s heart. It had the flavor of ice, without the bite of cold and he felt it as deeply as if it were his own. But, it didn’t make sense for the feeling to be this strong. Why did she want to be his friend so badly?
… he didn’t want to stay for much longer. 
“I can’t stay. I have to find my brother. I’m sure he’s worried, and I’m worried about him too.”
To his relief, she understood. “We’ll have to be quiet. I’m… actually surprised mom wasn’t woken up by all that.”
Noelle meekly suggested he take her hand so he wouldn't get lost. The cabin was huge, apparently. Dream offered a compromise and held on to the corner of her sleeve instead.
She led him to the door and into the hall beyond it. They walked, stopped to listen, took a turn, and then another. Dream kept one tendril on the wall to keep himself oriented, making note of the changing texture and the stray accent table that came out of nowhere. Someone ought to put bells on those things. 
Eventually, the wall ended. The sound of their footsteps changed and every breath and rustle of fabric echoed cavernously.
He only knew when Noelle took him behind a sofa because he bumped his knee into it. She directed him to a wall (it was made of skinned logs fitted together like the pieces of a puzzle with something that felt like coarse hardened clay holding it all together. Dream withdrew his hand quickly when he felt a cobweb. Spiders worked so hard on their nests.) and then to a windowsill. “All the doors and windows squeak but this one— it's a bay window. It swings open on your right— it’s the quietest. The sill is meant for sitting... um, do you need help climbing up?” He shook his head and easily pulled himself up onto the windowsill. He’d climbed trees all his life. This was nothing.
“Okay. On the count to three. One. Two. Three.” The window whined, loudly. Dream flinched and next to him, he felt Noelle jump. Her soul lurching in a half second of fright. They waited a long moment, breath held, but aside from the muffled sound of a nearby tree scratching the roof, the cabin was still.
“You better go now. Mom could’ve heard that,” Noelle said, the focus of her attention elsewhere. Dream tried to follow it, but he couldn’t figure out what she was focusing on. “I never asked for your name, did I..? That… that doesn't make sense. I really did just.. bring a stranger into my house like that.”
Dream nodded. “You could have picked a worse person to sneak into your house. My name is Dream, by the way. Thank you for your hospitality.”
“Y-you're welcome?” Sometimes, it was possible to hear someone growing pale. By the sound of her voice, he imagined her face had lost all its color. “I’m sorry for involving you in this and basically kidnapping you? Oh-my-stars. I kidnapped you!”
“Hardly. I was unconscious and too close to the river bank. But you did try to keep me here,” he added, but she was already very stressed and it was making him stressed, so he hastily continued. “It’s okay. I forgive you. I don’t think you were in your right mind anyway. Will you be okay with your mother?”
“Y-yes. I think so. I mean, it's just…” she sighed. “It’s complicated. But dad is here too, so. I’ll ask him for help if I think I need it.” 
Her voice was warm again, and it was slight, but for a moment, he almost couldn’t taste the sickly quality to the magic surrounding the cabin. “Thank you. I feel better now. I hope you can find your brother.”
He nodded, and murmured a thank you and goodbye because leaving someone’s home was always somewhat awkward. He turned, swung his legs over the ledge, and dropped down. 
Leaves and grit crunched under his feet. He waited a moment. Just to be sure. He canted his skull toward the window, listening, then he picked a direction that felt right, and started walking.
Gradually, the ground began to dip into a shallow slope, and though he could not hear the river yet, Dream knew he was close. The ground was damp, soaked through either from rain or because of its proximity to the river. He stepped through the underbrush carefully, mindful of the way his boots sank into cold mud.
The forest floor was a knotted mass of roots, rotting leaf litter, and moss. Twice, Dream almost tripped. So he spread his tentacles wide, two held wide and arching, level with his skull so he wouldn't walk headlong into a low-hanging branch. And two low to the ground, so he wouldn’t trip again.
A quiet crunch echoed from somewhere in the undergrowth. Dream paused, angled his skull towards the sound, and held his breath because the atmosphere felt cooler and less stifled in this direction.
“Dream!” The shout back was immediate. His ribcage hitched. He took three quick steps forward and broke into a run. He heard the snap of a twig underfoot and the branches of a bush part. Pure relief washed over him. Cool and warm at once. The weight of his brother’s magic was unmistakable. 
The rough bark of a tree snagged his tunic and he stumbled.
Two hands caught his shoulders. Dream redirected his balance and quickly latched onto his brother’s sleeve. Nightmare was not hurt, he could immediately tell. Worried and stressed, yes, but not hurt. Thank the heavens.
“Are you alright? What happened?” A sharp lick of concern. “You’re in pain.” Nightmare’s grip tightened for a moment. Dream felt one check, then two, as his brother looked him over.
He shot one back, just to make a point. He was too relieved to be truly bothered by the fussing. 
“That’s from the river. It’s better than it was. I’m fine.” and honesty? So much had happened in the last however-many-hours-it’d-been he hadn’t noticed the ache until Nightmare had pointed it out. “The family that found me was kind. They didn’t hurt me.” Nightmare released him and stepped back. “Stars... I should never have led you across. We should have waited for the river to level. Or for the rapids to settle or-”
Dream shook his head. “We had to cross somewhere. I could’ve just as easily warned you it was a bad idea. But I was…” too upset. Too consumed by hurt and frustration to really consider what it meant when the sound of the river had grown so violent. If he had just stopped to think. If he hadn’t lashed out...
The tight feeling returned to his chest. 
“I’m sorry.” he choked. “I shouldn’t have said what I did. I didn’t mean it. I was angry.“
“No, I…” Nightmare took a breath. “I should be the one apologizing. It was reckless to cross the river right there. I snapped at you. I hurt you. I knew better, but I didn’t care. I’m sorry.”
Nightmare didn’t... apologize often. He meant it sincerely when he did, but it was just the sort of thing his brother struggled with. Dream forced his jaw to unlock, he wasn’t angry. He was as tense as a spring, but he wasn’t angry. Not with his brother. He didn’t need to feel Nightmare’s remorse to know how much he meant it.
“But you were right… I wasn’t… I wasn’t there when you needed me. I prioritized the needs of the village over you. I saw how sad and lonely you were and still I... the why of it doesn’t matter now.”
“How could you not?” His magic was cool, a shallow pool of shade. His actions seemed logical to his brother. And that made it worse. Dream ducked his skull, feeling wretched. “They gave us clothes and attention. A purpose when Nim felt more like a ghost than the Goddess they later insisted she was. How were we supposed to interpret her will when her voice had been gutted and theirs spoke louder?”
He nodded, once and didn’t raise his head. ‘-it is in your brother���s nature to be cold.’ and Nim’s voice had always felt like the echo of a memory to him, not really there at all. He wondered, idly if they had ever really heard her. 
“We never heard contradictory ideas, did we? You were the only one who questioned anything.”
“I only questioned them because of the way they treated me.” Nightmare said bitterly. “We have books to thank for that. I knew what I was experiencing was unjust, but I couldn’t articulate why until I began reading. That village was full of hypocrites.”
Dream nodded again, heart pinched tight by a dark emotion he couldn’t name but was altogether painful. “They were scared of you.” 
His brother was quiet for a moment, not quite seething but close. “They resented me more than they feared me. I think I would have preferred fear. If they had been scared enough, they would have left me alone.” “Don’t say that,” Dream whispered. “Fear would have led to resentment anyway. They would’ve done worse.” “Worse,” Nightmare echoed, frigid and biting. “Do you know why I reached for the apple, Dream?” ‘Don’t...’ Dream wanted to say. ‘I already know why, please don’t say it.’ Words were stones and bile behind his teeth, he swallowed them down. 
“I was convinced I was going to die.” the simmering anger that had gradually been building behind his brother’s heart suddenly evaporated, released in a deep breath. “If... if you hadn’t arrived when you did...” His voice tapered off. Neither of them wanted to hear the end of that sentence. 
Guilt soured the silence. The pit of it gutted his brother. Dream looked up. The dark cold made his brother seem frail. It reminded him of the worst days. And the bitter rage he had felt when his brother had dismissed him now seemed like a pathetic response. 
“I’m sorry. What I said to you was cruel.” “It was,” Nightmare said, voice quiet. Dream flinched despite knowing the truth of it. He had hurt his brother. And he had said what he did knowing that it would. “You were right. I did reach for the apple first. I didn’t have a choice, in the moment, I truly believe that. But I... I regret what happened afterward. Dream, it’s because of me that you…”
His brother didn’t finish.
“That I… what?” He hasn’t meant it… as a warning. His voice sounded hollow even to his own mind. He wasn’t even sure what he was warning his brother not to say. But something was balanced, precariously on a knife’s edge. And it was tittering.
Dream felt his brother’s rapid pulse of guilt-anxiety thrum and Nightmare said, softly and carefully. Words chosen at length. “You were despondent for three days. I don’t think you realized we had left the village by then. You wouldn’t sit unless I told you to. You barely moved. And for a time, I worried that the dust might have stuck to your clothes or that somehow I’d missed it on mine and that was why—“
Oh. For a moment he thought Nightmare was going to bring up something else. (It wouldn’t surprise if his brother had wisely decided to change what he wanted to say at the last second.) He didn’t remember that. Something in his own chest sped up. Pounding hard. “Why would there be dust on our clothes?”
Nightmare went very still. “... why would there be— you don’t...”
Was he talking about the axe? “It only struck me once,” Dream said, and hoped that might be reassuring to remember. 
He didn’t understand the emotion he felt in his brother’s stare. “Right…the woodsman’s axe,” Nightmare said, slowly, muttering to himself afterward in words Dream couldn’t catch. 
The sound of a woodsman chopping wood on the edge of town had been the other reason why they’d left it so quickly. It did something to his soul that Dream didn’t have a word for. The sound made his chest hurt even though it’d been a long time since that wound had healed. It put Nightmare on edge too. Maybe thats why they’d been so short with each other.
Nightmare shook himself. “The river didn’t reopen something, did it?”
Dream snorted. His brother was such a mother hen sometimes. “It’s been years, Night’, I think we’re long past the risk of that.”
His brother clicked his teeth. “Do not overestimate the strength of newly healed bones.”
“The wound is hardly new now,” and then Dream frowned, and said quietly. “I don’t blame you, Night’. It wasn’t your fault. I said that because I was upset... but didn’t mean it.” But he could tell his brother didn’t believe him. Nightmare said nothing for a beat, and Dream tried and failed to think of something to say to prove to his brother that he meant it.
“It's not like you to lose your temper. Before we crossed the river, you were trying to tell me something but I interrupted you. What were you going to say?”
Oh. Maybe the conversation should have ended there. Dream shifted, uncomfortable. “It’s nothing.” “No,” Nightmare said, voice firm. And Dream could vividly imagine the frown on his face. “It’s not nothing. You are a difficult person to anger to that extent, Dream. I know I... said somethings that I shouldn’t have, just before... what were you going to say?” A part of him bristled. It was a small part, and he did his best to bury it. He knew though, as he felt Nightmare’s scrutiny intensify, that the attempt was pointless. He supposed it was a bit like trying to hide lightning. “... Earlier you told me I left you alone with the people who hated you. And you were right. I knew they distrusted you, I didn’t understand how deep it ran but even if I had, I... don't think any other outcome was possible for us.” He crossed his arms over his chest to hide the slight tremble in his hands and vainly hoped his brother didn’t notice that either. “I only did what I was told to, ‘Night. I thought I could make everyone happy. I thought I was being selfless by putting their needs—the needs of everyone above ours. But in the end, it never felt like a choice. I... I think I only succeeded in spreading selfishness.”
“I should have known,” Nightmare’s voice was hoarse and brittle. “I should have known... they used you too.” 
The crunch of leaves. A step taken closer while Dream struggled to wrangle the writhing thing in his heart. His ribcage hitched. Used? He would’ve never called it that. He didn’t want to call it that. He couldn’t think of it that way because then he would have to acknowledge that the people he’d loved had not only lied but used him too and— he found himself wrapped up in a tight hug.
“I'm sorry. We didn’t look after each other very well, did we?”
It felt like there was a dam behind his sockets. Burning, burning. But the tears wouldn’t come. He hiccuped and buried his face in the collar of his brother’s shirt. The arms wrapped around him squeezed. There was no judgment, no mocking sneers or scoffs. No teasing. Just marrow-deep sympathy and a shared raw pain he didn’t think would ever truly go away.
“It’s okay, Dream. We’re going to be okay,” Nightmare whispered and Dream wanted to cry all over again but couldn’t. It didn’t feel okay. When has anything his brother gone through been okay? It seemed like nothing had been okay for a long time. He didn’t like feeling like this. But he allowed himself to be held and rocked until the thoughts of a place he could never return to slowly faded, and the shaking subsided.
When Dream felt... not quite calm, but tired and spent, he stepped back. Nightmare let his arms fall. “I think I can take us out of here now. Something changed just before I found you. I felt a shift... Did something happen with the family that found you?” Instead of answering, Dream nodded in, at least he hoped, the direction he came from. He was too tired to explain the strange magic he’d felt in Noelle’s house.
His brother was thoughtful for a pressing second, then said, gently. “Whatever you did, it helped. Let’s leave it at that and get out of here before anything else happens.” Dream agreed wholeheartedly. He hoped whenever they went next didn’t have a woodsman. “Do you think there is a world out there without a forest?”
The question startled a chuckle from his brother. “You want to go somewhere without trees?” He felt a palm press to his forehead. “Are you ill, brother? Do you have a fever, perhaps?”
Dream swatted his hand away. He was too tired to fight the small smile that pulled at the corners of his mouth. “Where there are no trees, there is no axe.” “I’ve read of places where there is sand instead of dirt, for as far as the eye can see, and grass refuses to grow there.” Now, he could believe that first part. After all, some river banks and dry creek beds were like that, but where grass will not grow? There was no way. “You’re lying. You’re making that up!”  
Nightmare laughed and easily dodged his second attempt at smacking him. Cheater. “I don’t know when we’ll find such a place, but I promise one day I’ll take you there.”
“You read too much,” Dream commented, dryly. And if Nightmare wasn’t smiling, he was wearing an expression close to it. He reached for his brother’s hand, without hesitation this time. Nightmare took it, and in a blink, they left the forest and the AU behind.
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‘’NEXT TIME (1/?)’’
Aaron Hotchner x bau! fem! reader
- only got 3 more exams left and then i’m free ahhhhh. i’m working on like 3 fics at the same time to procrastinate lmao. but my boy aaron takes priority. i was planning on making this an even longer fic with like a super sad ending but its so damn long i’ll have to add another chapter. love yaaaa x
warnings: smutty smut smut so be warned. pnv. some angsty aspects lowkey. aaron being the dom we all know he is. some swearing and bants.
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It shouldn't have happened. It wasn't right. Your moral compass was straying, but when you were with Hotch...did it really matter if it felt like you were morally grey?
Time was blurring into a pin sphincter, it was flowing out of your fingertips and your grip on it was as neglectful as it was pathetic. Six months of dancing around knives and eggshells with Hotch, to hide the unprofessional courtesy of a passionate love affair between two federal agents that are bound by their work…..and secretly each other.
All you could ask yourself at this point was:
How did it come to this?
How could you have possibly been this stupid? This weak. This subjective. Now it was going to be the death of you, in more ways than one. It all started with one look, one small moment of weakness within both of you would inevitably be your undoing. One stupid look, on one stupid night between two sad and lonely people desperate to feel something, anything other than the pain and horror that's experienced every day on this job.
You stopped in your tracks when you should've kept walking.
12:34 am. You were so close, the end of this day was near, thank God. You had been rushing around all day- the case was nearby but it was especially difficult to catch the unsub due to Hotch's personal connection to this one. He had worked a similar case to this one when he first started the bureau and it turned out that this was a bloodline murderer and stalker- the unsub's father was the original killer on one of Hotch's first cases and he was just carrying on his legacy. Alex Wall was definitely an unsub worth remembering. It was hazy but solved, what was unusual though was that you noticed it seemed to affect Hotch in a way you've never seen before. You knew it was personal for him but you had never seen him crack as much as this, it was jarring and it made you halt in your tracks
Aaron Hotchner finally peeling back the brooding facade seemed like a lunar event that happened once in every blood moon. It reminded you that Hotch was just a man. Just human. Not this robotic machine that caught killers for a living. The thought made your gaze soften as you collected your files from your desk, your brain turning to static as these thoughts about your boss run rampant through the forefront of your mind. It made you think. Everyone comes to Hotch when they have a problem, and he always seemed to have a solution. But who did he go to when he felt like the world was asking too much of him? When the stress of this job felt like an eternal haunt? You dismissed the thought as quickly as it came.
You and Hotch were in the same chilly waters. Ice blooded. You were both incredibly opposed to each other, even though you were both serious as hell about this job. If anything, you were supposed to get along like a house on fire as you inhibited the same outlook. He especially pissed you off on this case because you suggested that the unsub might have been stalking his victims for a span of 6 months and then attacking. You've never believed in anything this strongly about a case in so long but Hotch shot you down. But your gut wasn't lying. It never did.
You shouldn't be reading into this, you shouldn't even care about it but your conscious was poking at you. Plus you had some files you needed to drop off.
No. Not now.
It was late, you were the only ones here and you weren't sure if you were ready to indulge in conversation just yet. You could drop it off tomorrow morning. You walked past his office and caught a glimpse of him through his blinded windows, he was writing but he looked distracted. Agitated. Sad, even. Alcohol. It definitely caught your attention and you resented it deeply. You were too much of a good person, the thought made your eyes narrow as you stopped in your movements. Instead, you shifted and turned around and stared at Hotch's door. Taking a deep breath before knocking.
‘’Come in.’’ Hotch said curtly, lowering his pen and standing up from his desk so he was in your eyeline
‘’I have some files for you to close the case." You parroted his tone back at him as you handed him the files.
"Thank you."
You paused for a moment to study him. Maybe it was because of how dark it was outside, maybe it was because Hotch was looking incredibly attractive in this light right now but it seemed your tongue was moving faster than your brain.
"What's wrong with you?" You questioned brusquely, not in an insulting way but in a matter-of-fact way.
‘’I'm sorry?’’ Hotch raised his brow at your purpose. It wasn't that surprising that you spoke whatever it is that was prancing around in that mind of yours but it didn't mean that it wasn't disarming
‘’Do you keep spare glasses in your drawers as well as the whiskey or do you just splash a dose into your coffee after hours?’’ You attempted to conceal your smirk but it barely worked.
Hotch just glared at you with furrowed brows and a certain distasteful passivity that you'd grown to expect but he wasn't lashing out at you- he was too tired and drained. He opened his drawer and pulled out two glasses and the bottle of whiskey he indulges in after hours when a case had seemed to scramble up his head. He knew it would be useless to lie to you right now, not when you were looking this incredible this late at night. The thoughts occupied him when he poured you a glass.
‘’Sit.’’ He ordered and you comfortably obliged.
"Thank you." You chirped with a half smile as he handed you the drink and he resumed his position of sitting, his fingertips toying with the glass. You sat in silence for a while, studying each other. Noticing how uneventful and sad everything is. Hotch thought you looked beautiful in front of him.
"I think you don't give yourself enough credit.’’
"For what?"
"For how incredible you are."
Hotch's stare intensified, compliments weren't a rare occurrence for him to endure but from you, was…memorable. The words you uttered made his body still.
‘’Thank you. Coming from a woman like you, I'm flattered.’’ He was happy with his more than eloquent response.
"'A woman like me?"
"The smart and beautiful kind."
You chuckled dryly, your face blushing a cute pink at his compliment- he caught you out and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't completely happy with himself.
You on the other hand were afraid you were going to start sweating in front of him, your thighs were involuntarily clamping together.
"Why are you telling me this?" Hotched added, your sudden declaration piqued his interest.
‘’I’ve heard whispers of you transferring." You sighed as you crossed your arms. "I'm hoping it's not true."
This wasn't because of your own biased viewpoint of Hotch at all, the team would literally have a gaping hole without him. Quite frankly, the team would fall apart. Everyone would be directionless. You never really put weight to these rumors but there's no smoke without any fire. The thought soured your mood and it was written all over your face, you hoped he wouldn't notice it but as usual, it was impossible for him not to.
‘’I thought about it a while back, maybe to transfer to a white-collar crime division but I've found that I'm far too attached to this team. You won't be getting rid of me that easily.’’
‘’I prefer it to stay that way.’’ You said softly like an angel wistfully staring down from the clouds. Your face instinctively brightened at the fact he was staying here. He's the only one that could effectively lead this team and you also didn't want him to leave your eyeline anytime soon.
Now you didn't know what to say, you both shared a longing look- something so strange and hard to define. It was easy for him to get you like this, like the basest of sentimentality, like a child at prayer. You were so good at hiding things, it was a skill that you practically needed to have in order for the people you work with not to pry into your life. Now, it all felt superficial when your exterior was cracking under his brutal gaze.
Hotch was a force of nature, you were sure even the weather bowed down at his feet. The thought made you bite your lip as you bashfully hung your head before meeting his eyes once more.
‘’Your tell.’’ Hotch stated.
‘’What?’’ Your eyes were bright with invitation and confusion, catching you and disarming you once more.
‘’You're nervous but I can't figure out for the life of me why.’’ Hotch announced and it made a deep pit form within your stomach, a strange heat swirling within your gut. Why was it only with him you felt this way? It was like he was playing God with you. You no longer wished to entertain whatever deduction he had going on, mostly for your own professionality and dignity so you stood up from your seat with your empty whisky glass in hand and leaned over. Face to face. Real close, placing your glass down in front of him. His scent was mystifying, his cologne was headily intoxicating.
You whispered. ‘’If I told you then transferring might be a good option for you to keep open.’’ Your voice was soft and serious, your face was hard to retain your reputation but your pussy was clenching around nothing. You leaned back and walked to the closed door, your hand placed on the handle, ready and willing to leave before Hotch also stood up from his seat and followed you to the door. Before you knew it, you could feel his massive frame and broad shoulders looming behind you. Turning around leaning against the door, you were met with Hotch's flaming and scorching eyes- his face was the nearest it's ever been to yours and you had to stifle any sound your body was willing to make.
‘’I meant what I said.’’ Hotch mumbled. You hung your head up to admire his dauntless eyes.
‘’So did I. You finished for the night?’’
"Yeah, let me just grab my stuff and I'll walk you out."
‘’I’ll just be a second.’’ Your hands twisted at the handle and you walked yourself out. You had to tamper down the shit-eating grin that was adorning your face but it felt like a near impossible task.
It only took a few brief moments to collate your things and swing your bag around your shoulder and before idling about it for too long, Hotch was already walking down the stairs with his eyes completely and utterly set upon you. Fuck. His eyes were unflinching, he drank you in as you waited so patiently and prettily for him, it was a sight beyond wildest dreams.
Neither of you said anything as you walked to the elevator and pressed the button, the tension between the two of you was egregious and so easy to spot. When the elevator dinged and the metal doors opened, Hotch being the gentleman he is, let you in first and pressed the ground floor. Time was going so fast, you had to do or say something before you never got the chance again. You felt his eyes burn into you, that serious Hotch face that's he so infamously known for etched on his defined features.
"What's going on up there, Hotch?" Your voice was flirty and breathy- there's no way you could possibly make it any clearer to him.
‘’You.’’ He declared, your body stood paralysed at the unexpected words.
He grabbed your face harshly and pushed you against the elevator wall, his lips colliding with yours in a battle against wills, a battle against the the longing and tension that hindered you both.
A kiss that was messy- no finesse. Something you absolutely wouldn't ever correlate with Hotch. It was like you wanted your mouths on each other but you knew you couldn't. Between breaths, you mumbled out a plea. ‘’No...no, Hotch…we can't.’’
His mouth traveled to the bare skin of your neck instead and planted kisses to atone for your sighs. They were becoming uncontrollable until he pressed his forehead onto yours.
‘’I know. I know. I just wanted to know what it felt like to feel your lips.’’ His thumb outlined the curves of your lips and and tugged your bottom lip down and all you could do was stare at him dumbly. ‘’I can't stop staring at them but I'm sure you've figured that out already." Hotch admitted in a hazed-out manner, all your body was willing to do was stare at him as he cradled your face, imploring him, begging him for something neither of you could have freely.
"You kissed me.’’ You remarked, completely oblivious and dumbed down by just a kiss. Your eyes were wide and glinting under the soft elevator light.
‘'You are quite the profiler, aren't you?’’ He said gently, traces of humor present in his voice as he stared down at you. You just smirked back at him, finally mustering up the courage to not look like a deer in the headlights.
"You're making me flustered.’’
‘’I can see that.’’ He shot back, almost as if he was goading you on. You paused to let the blood run back into your brain again.
‘’We shouldn’t.’’ You said heavy lidded, hoping he would back off because if he didn’t you’d jump his bones right now. It was like he could read your mind because he instinctively retracted his hands back to himself and instead resumed his prior postion by your side. In a half assed attempt to remain professional. ‘’Do you really want IAB down here probing on all of us?’’
‘’Yeah. We really shouldn’t.’’
You were in his bed. Hot. Wet. Aggressive. Bordering on delusional. Trying to hold out on him. Your naked body was all his to savour, all his to touch, all his to pleasure.
‘’Aaron…fuck….I’m-‘’ You were half hypnotised. Your clear thinking was long gone at this point but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
‘’Tell me what you want, tell me what you need and I’ll give it to you.’’
His voice was gruff. Sincere. It was able to turn you into a pile of ashes in an instant, it was pathetic but reasonable. You didn't know how to answer him, you knew with all your heart that you wanted him and now you have him- you had no idea what to even do after that, you never thought you'd get that far.
Your head was dangling off the edge of the bed, hanging off as he kissed down your neck, making you writhe and squirm beneath him in the delicious process.
‘’I just want you, Aaron...I-m-‘’ You couldn't properly articulate a sentence, your brain was fogged up with arousal.
‘'Come on baby, be more specific with me.’’
‘’Aaron.’’ You warned.
‘’Or I'll stop.’’ He replied in a thick, heavy voice.
‘’Don't be cruel.’’
With that, he smirked at you and leaned up from your body to stare down at you through surveying and analytical eyes, another means to tease you- he knew you couldn't take it anymore, you were desperate and it made him all the more aroused. The thought was a chilling one. It was an irrefutable fact: Hotch needed control in every aspect of his life. Especially in bed.
‘’You're the one that's been cruel.’’ Hotch declared softly as if he was profiling you- it made you bite your lip, the way that he's literally got you in his bed and made you this fucking wet already but he still had a polite tone. Hotch reached for your face delicately and traced his thumb on your soft lips. ‘’Oh, honey. You really have no idea how cruel you've been to me over the past few months.’’
‘’Enlighten me.’’ You flirted back. He paused at the brashness of your challenge.
Hotch gave you a severe look and attempted to dismiss you but he knew it was futile, you were insatiable.
‘'Aaron. Enlighten. Me.’’ You enunciated, unafraid of the consequences he would so deliciously inflict on you. You were begging for it at this point.
‘’No.’’ Hotch replied simply and just grasped your hips harshly making you yelp. Your ears pricked up at the clank of his belt being unbuckled.
"Fuck you, Aaron.'’ You whined as he started to position himself at your throbbing pussy. Lord above, he was massive and you didn't doubt it one bit. But Aaron not baring his secrets only reinforced the reason why you disliked him in the first place, even when he's about to fuck you into oblivion, he's secretive and closed off.
‘'That's no way to talk, is it? Apologize.’’ He demanded as his eyes met yours.
‘’Apologize or I'll edge you until morning's end.’’ His lips fell into an undeniably serious frown, he wasn't joking- he looked angry and it only escalated your heart rate. Your mouth was running before you could stop it.
‘'You don't actually think I'd have any complaints about that, do you?'’ You raised your brow at him, passion and desperation oozing out of every pore, hatred spewing from your eyes.
Hotch contemplated your purpose underneath him, a fire boiling within him every second his eyes panned to you. You were squirming and bucking against him already, desperate for friction. Lord, you were frustrating. And completely beguiling. It was so difficult getting you to shut the fuck up at work and it transfers into bed too. He knew you'd pretend that this never even occurred. Going to work. Going about your day. Acting as if he didn't leave you shaking and dripping the night before.
Aaron was a calm and reasonable man when needed to be- but you were a force that made him reckon with his own calm and reasonable iudements
He wanted to do wicked things to you.
He wanted to make you weep under him.
If he were a smart man, he would let someone else have you. He would be selfless, he could do that if he really wanted to. But you were his: His sweet fixation.
His. Only.
‘’You're drooling all over yourself.’’ Hotch gritted through clenched teeth, the need to possess you clouding him when his hands flew straight to his belt and undid it so roughly you thought the buckle would snap. Your gasp was sweet and breathless and he wanted to inhale it.
'’Aaron just touch me. Please.'’ Your beg was a sore reminder of how desperate you were for the man that you once considered the bane of your existence, it made you lazily attempt to bite back a smirk. Now you were under him, filled with reckless abandon. You were too busy being flushed and wonton that you were entirely shocked to feel his tip graze you already. You couldn't do anything, your head was just hanging off the edge of the bed and you were locked within him.
‘’Where?’’ He asked, dragging it out.
‘'Fuck...you. You know exactly where.’’ You spat back at him, completely unimpressed by his need to prove something that didn't need to be proven.
‘’You never talk to me like this at work.’’ Aaron reached his hand and wrapped his fingers around the skin of your neck. His tone was severe. And a strange frisson of fear, arousal, and anger started to welt within you.
‘’You actually get things done at work.’’ You scolded, instantly regretting your response because of the reaction you were sure to get.
Aaron didn't even pause after you uttered those words. He pushed his throbbing dick inside of you, not even bothering to tease you into it, get you to ease up. He clenched his hand harder against your neck and he bit your neck. You were shocked. He liked it. He was being selfish, caring about his own suffering and pleasure more than yours. Bless your heart, he knew you regretted saying it but you said it anyway. He couldn't let this behavior pass, he just couldn't. It wasn't in his bones. You were moaning and whimpering as your bodies rocked back and forth. Oh, you were full of regret. It was adorable
‘’Apologize. Now.’’ Aaron demanded deliciously against your skin, biting and nipping at your collarbone to torture you and make you weak.
‘’No! You can't- you won't-‘’ You couldn't string together a sentence he was fucking into you that good, that heavy, that deep. words sank into your soul, the realization only dawning upon you.
‘’Say sorry.’’ He cooed.
A rumble of helplessness coated your chest, you felt so exposed, you felt so tainted by his presence. This was something to remember, something to keep close. Aaron. Just Aaron. The real Aaron. The Aaron behind the tight ties and tailored suits, the man behind the polite forms and cooler than fucking ice and steel. All you could do was whine like a bitch in heat. He was pounding into you so hard you were sure your pussy would remember the shape of him.
‘’Come on baby. Articulate.’’ Hotch smiled menacingly, his eyes spiraling in complete satisfaction at how dumb he's got you. An experienced profiler that's seen it all forgetting how to use her tongue. It was cute as fuck.
‘’I'm sorry!’’ You screamed at him, his fingers gripping the dip of your waist even harder than before.
"Now thank me.’’ He ordered cooly. This you could do. He was fucking you so hard and so good it made your head spin.
‘’Thank you. So much, Aaron. Fuck...so good.’’
This he liked. You being grateful. Compliant. God, his dick was so hard it was threatening to fall off. Aaron always seemed to avoid beautiful women, or just dating altogether after Haley - the women he wanted harbored secrets and made his life a living hell. You were no exception, but you were always someone he had to look twice at. Fuck, that face. He wanted to cum all over those pretty lips and in time he will.
‘’Good girl. My perfect girl.’’ He whispered and it sent your body into nothing but a blaze. Aaron knew you were clenching around him, your wetness spreading around his rigid dick. You were going to finish.
Woah. This was...fast. An indefinite ego boost.
‘’Aaron!’’ You screamed, your throat going raw as you wrapped your hands in his hair and tugged tirelessly as he bit your tits.
‘’I’m gonna-‘’
‘’Now cum.’’ He ordered again.
It was like your heart was being strangled and your stomach was doing flips. Your heat was spreading to every inch of your body and it felt like the man was corrupting you- ironic because he's just so damn good and an altruist. You convulsed and a loud throaty moan left you, it was like your soul was leaving your body too. Your cunt squeezed him tighter and Aaron gripped onto you just as much.
But then his hand reached over your mouth and his palm covered your lips to silence the scream that came exactly the same time. Damn, profilers. You came violently around him, your perfect body arching into him as your body relaxed. It was so immediate. It was the fastest you've ever came. Aaron could then clear the knots in his lower stomach as he gladly painted your insides. It was such a fucking relief from all this stress and this tension between you.
It was necessary. You were a necessity to him.
It wasn't professional, but he couldn't care when he was in you.
Aaron's insanely massive hands aided you in getting you fully back on the bed, you were starting to feel sore, and it made you feel alive. He handled you as if you were a dove, gently caressing your skin as he crawled back up into his bed, your head hitting the pillow. Your neck needed the support, the blood had rushed straight to your head and you still couldn't believe you were in Aaron bed. As he stood up to go to his bathroom, he took a second to admire you as you were splayed out like a goddess about the clouds looking down on him: he was just a man and you were an angel. Twisted in bedsheets with a sheen of sweat thinly coating your skin-you looked like a mythical being. Golden.
'What are you gawking at?' You caught onto his lingering stare.
‘’Nothing.’’ He dismissed, whipping his head around as he headed to the bathroom to get a towel. Brooding as always, even after fucking the woman that has plagued his dreams and thoughts for months.
You felt yourself get giddy at the sweetest oblivion. You couldn't escape it. You bit your lip and your pussy started throbbing again.
Aaron stared at himself in the bathroom mirror as he grabbed a towel and put his boxers back on. An apparent blush stained his face and his hair was in disarray. Wow, he really went at it. Some profiler. His whole body was coated in sweat and he felt his palm twitch slightly. He wasn't completely enthralled with the idea of his inability to keep his hands off of you, he was afraid this would transfer into his behavior at work. He calmed the swelling idea as he had to trust his instincts of being completely unbiased. Yeah, he could do it. He couldn't help but smile into his reflection, he felt elated with you. Like the man he knew he could be with you. He went back into his bedroom and there you were laying there wearing nothing but a smile. He doesn't think he's ever seen you this flustered. You felt like a teenager the way you were blushing a light pink.
‘’Now what are you gawking at?’’ Aaron parroted your question from earlier and it made you flick your tongue on your front teeth.
‘’Since when were you honest?’’ He joked as he sat back on the bed and helped you clean yourself up.
‘'Since you fucked me until I couldn't think.’’ You replied truthfully, completely impressed with yourself. ‘’At least I can admit it.’’
‘'Huh, I wonder what would've happened if you didn't listen to me.’’ Aaron scoffed as threw the towel on the floor.
‘’Let's try that out next time.’’ You flirted unashamedly. Eyes locking in a perpetual battle, two strong wills locked within mere gazes. Like a drug you knew that was bad for you, but you couldn't help but beg for hit after hit.
‘’There's a next time?’’ He flirted back with a wicked gleam in his eye.
‘’Or we could go back to work. Stripping each other with our eyes. Wanting nothing but to fuck like bunnies. Or maybe even being as unprofessional as bending me over and fucking me on your desk.’’
‘’You never talk to me like this at work.’’ He repeated from before when he was quite literally inside of you. Something that's not forming into your own personal inside joke.
‘’You actually get things done at work.’’ You smirked and he bent down and kissed your lips then the bridge of your nose and then your forehead.
Aaron crawled into the sheets next to you and held you, pulling you into his embrace, his big arms holding you steady. Your hair cascaded against the pillows around you forming a halo-like effect in your stature. Did this mean you were quite literally an angel? His angel? The thought made him hold onto you tighter, you felt it and it made you kiss his lips tenderly.
‘’Hm, so beautiful, so frustrating.’’ He mumbled and you giggled at him.
God, he was so good. He was the best at what he does and he was able to make you feel so safe in his arms and in his presence. A few thoughts occurred to you as you fell into his chest, inhaling his scent as your eyes went heavy. You felt happy. Your dark thoughts were quelled as his fingers traced around your skin. It was like you could see a future where you weren't constantly looking over your shoulder waiting for the other shoe to drop. You...deserved this
But you couldn't have this and your job.
Not now.
You'll think about the consequences later. Right now, everything is just him.
It felt as though Hotch's ears were ringing.
A dull, screeching sound awakened him from the best night's sleep he's ever had, with you, here, next to him. Lying on his chest, breathing in and out, long lashes fanning your face perfectly. It felt too good to be true, for him to have you in his embrace. The ringing of his phone lighting up the bedside table made him sigh, he couldn't deal with this right now. Not this late or early, not when he had you in his arms- that was his priority right now. But he had a job to do, he couldn't give that up. You started to stir from your sleep as the phone continued ringing.
‘'Aaron...phone.’’ You mumbled. Hotch reached for the phone and tried to act as if he had been awake for hours but in reality, he was twisted in bedsheets with his colleague.
‘’Agent Hotchner.’’ He answered as he put the phone to his ear, his grip on you becoming tighter than before.
‘’Agent Hotchner, this is Erin Strauss. We have an issue.’’ Aaron's brows furrowed and his face hardened, why was Strauss calling him at this hour? Your eyes blinked open as he looked up at Aaron, he was wearing his serious face
‘’Alex Wall. He escaped from prison an hour ago and he's already killed again. Washington P.D has no leads and they need the BAU back.’’
‘’I'll be right there.’' He replied flatly but his blood was burning cold and his heart was thundering within his chest, he wasn't sure if you could feel it.
'’Aaron, what's wrong?’' You gazed up at him.
‘’We need to go.’’
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makoodles · 2 years
And the fact that you are writing for tsu’tey with human reader it’s mind blowing I just love it , but honey you know what I need now .
✨tsu’tey and human reader learning to live with each other✨
Because I can already imagine Tsu’tey being like ‘what the F***’ when he sees reader dancing around the room with music
Or she trying to cook him human plates
Or reader trying to use her normal hygiene products and our lovely boy being all scared about it , because why do you need to put those things in your body
Or imagine Jake and reader being like besties who are talking about their lost human traditions
And tsu’tey and neytiri watching them like ‘why’s your mate laughing and hugging MY MATE??’
You know things like that
I know that with your beautiful writing everything will turn out perfect
I love you and please please please please keep writing . I’m begging you please don’t stop writing for human reader
the learning curve would be so intense, i swear.
tsu'tey is an intense guy, and though he loves his squishy little sky demon mate he finds it difficult to get over his disdain surrounding human customs. having that said, that won't him making sure you have every weird little demon-made product that you desire.
the humans living in the science outpost are super intimidated by him, so whenever he shows up looking all big and scowly and demanding, they throw him pretty much anything he wants. that's how you end up with unending amounts of hygiene products at your fingertips. he makes sure to build a little shelf for you to keep everything on; shower gels, hair products, body oils, deodorants, tampons. it's more than what you need, but you have a hard time telling him to stop. he looks so proud of himself every time he returns from terrorising the scientists with an armful of new things for you.
there are little things that absolutely bewilder him. your loofah totally freaks him out, and the perfume in your body lotions make his nose itch. That doesn't stop him from eagerly helping you to rub the lotion in all over your body, as though you can't handle it yourself.
and you and jake would absolutely have such a bro relationship. jake thinks it's fucking hilarious that tsu'tey, the big, angry guy that had given him such a hard time when he had first come to the clan, has fallen so hard for a sky person. he loves it -- it gives him the opportunity to rib at tsu'tey in a way he's never gotten to before.
it's nice to have someone around that you can share stupid little human inside jokes and references with, but you both have to be cautious. both neytiri and tsu'tey are both mad territorial; you're gonna have tsu'tey plastered to your back and neytiri plastered to jake's as they listen to your conversations with bewildered frowns. their english is pretty good thanks to grace, but that doesn't mean they're able to follow what you're talking about. at least that confusion gives them the opportunity to bond over their confusing sky demon mates ✨
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luimagines · 2 years
How would the chain go about introducing their s/o when they're in their hyrule?
Oh this certainly varies from Link to Link huh?
I'm going to do this in headcanon form.... ish. I hope that's ok :D
Content under the cut!
Not one to do things with fan fare
Literally just walked home
Gave his S/O a proper kiss
Then told the boys to make themselves at home. 
Twilight trips over his own feet a bit when he sees them
Time sends him a knowing look at Twilight knows to expect a conversation later
“Oh it’s so good to finally meet all of you in person.” They say. “You’re all so dashing!”
Time snorts. “They get their looks from me.”
“Well thank goodness they didn’t get your nose.”
“Why must we mentions tragedies so casually in this house?”
Introductions follow similarly to the comic
Warrior raises an eyebrow at Time
This person sounds familiar to him and he’s going to ask his own round of questions later
Time gives nothing away, naturally
“We don’t have a lot of room.” They say as the boys get settled in. “I would have cleaned up a bit more if I knew you were coming today... or that there was no many of you. My goodness, I hope I can keep up with all the names.”
“Good thing there’s only one to remember.” Time teases.
“Quiet you.” They whip a towel in his direction. “It’s only polite to call them what they wish... The thing is, I fear that if I call them by their name, things would be more difficult than simply using the imposed nicknames.”
“It’s no so bad.” Wind pipes up. “If you need at least one of us, then we’ll come and help. I don’t think it matters who.”
They soften. “I can’t say that surprises me. If you’re like my husband, than you’re all willing to lend a helping hand no matter what.”
“Good, we can put them to work  tomorrow.”
All heads snap toward them. 
Time laughs. 
Twilight actually wouldn’t shut up about them the second they entered were even remotely near his village
“I’ve missed them so much. I’m happy to see them. I want to surprise them. Do I look ok? Should I wash? They tend to worry a lot. I don’t want to give them any reason to think I’m not looking after myself.”
Wild and Legend share an exasperated look
Warrior went to say something snarky but Time hits him over the head before any sound could leave his mouth
“Easy pup. Calm down. You’re going to make us worry.”
Twilight coughs and straightens tunic anyway
“Sorry, sorry.”
Sky leans over and steps closer to Twilight.
“Are they nice?”
Twilight gets a soft look on his face, staring a thousand yard away with hearts in his eyes
”They are the nicest person you would ever meet. Wouldn’t even hurt a skulltula. And they sing and dance and I swear it could be enough to make a grown man cry-”
“Well don’t start.”
Four punches his side, trying to knock him out of whatever unloaded rant that was about to be unlocked
“We get the message. They’re the love of your life. When do we meet them?”
Twilight begins to actually pay attention to where they are, just to make sure that they’re in the right place
He jogs ahead of the group and spins around with a large grin on his face
“Gentlemen, welcome to my home!”
And there, working at the front of the house, is his s/o
Twilight gets to surprise them after all
Wild was a bit nervous
Wild took the group to his house and hoped that his partner would forgive him for the lack of warning
He takes a deep breath
He opens the door and sets his supplies by the door
“Honey? I’m home!”
Wild is both relieved but on edge
Where are they?
The Champion turns to the others. “Make yourselves at home. I’ll get started on something to eat.”
“Question.” Hyrule raises his hands. “Who’s Honey?”
“The love of my life.” Wild replies easily. “I guess they’re not home right now.”
Wind and Warrior both walk into the room
Legend and Twilight both take a seat at the table, letting their bodies finally have a rest from the travel
Hyrule and Time just sit on the floor
All of their heads turn to the door.
Wild grins and rushes them, scooping them up into his arms and spinning them around for a short moment
“Don’t mind the company. But I had to see you again.”
They wrap their arms around his neck and hold him close. “It’s ok. I missed you too. It’s quiet without you.”
“Aww...” Sky lets out a little sound of adoration. “Cute. Is the fire normal?”
Wild snaps his head to the stove and runs to regulate the temperature.
This s/o laugh. “Yes and no. Not at that height.”
“Regular occurrence?” Four snickers.
“On the off days.”
It happens by accident
Warrior was happy to be home for a while and was eager to meet his partner
But life decided to throw a curve ball
“Link!” A guard runs up to the group, b-lining to Warrior much tot he group’s momentary confusion. “You’re partner is in the hospital! They don’t know you’re here-”
Warrior hears nothing else and takes of sprinting
The others don’t really know what else to do but to follow him
Warrior knows his way around the entire grounds
Sky is left behind (unsurprisingly quickly)
Four stays behind to make sure he’s ok
Warrior bursts in the medical bay and demands to see them
He had wanted to go home and surprise them but this is next 
Warrior is escorted to his partner’s bedside
Only Time, Wind and Legend were allowed to follow them even then
The staff didn’t want to over crowd the patient in the bed
Warrior rushes over and takes their hand
They cough and smiles. “You’re home.”
“I’m sorry.” Warrior bites his lip. He raises their hand to kiss it. “I wanted to come home sooner.”
“You can’t control that.” They wince. “I’ll be fine. Everyone is freaking out over this for no reason.”
“No reason?!” Warrior nearly jumps to his feet. “You were attacked. And this isn’t the first time-”
“Who’re your friends?” They smile as they cut Warrior off. 
Warrior pauses and only then he remembers that he has company. “Oh... My traveling group.
His partner smiles and points to Wind with their other hand. “I remember you.”
Wind nods and comes around the other side. “Hello.”
Time coughs. “I guess we should introduce ourselves... There’s more in the waiting room.”
“You’re too kind.”
“Warrior didn’t bother with an explanation.” Legend crosses his arms. “We didn’t have any other options that point.”
Time smacks his head.
Warrior coughs. “Right. Let me introduce you to my friends.” 
Wind (aged up)
Wind wasn’t thinking much about when it happens
It was a long time since he’s seen anyone of the group and he’s all grown up now
So when a group of freakishly familiar travelers knock on his door, he has no other option to let them in and let them talk
They all remember him of course but he struggles to remember some of them
“Link? Do we have company?” A new voice calls out
The group all freeze, stunned by the new voice
A few smug faces turn to the Link in question
His sun kissed s/o walk in and nearly drops the baskets they were carrying with the food for the week
They seem lost, a bit confused, and miffed all at once. “I would have appreciated it it you would have warned me in advance.”
Wind coughs. “To be completely honest, I wasn’t expecting them either. Don’t worry too much about the food, honey. I’ll figure it out.”
Warrior, older like the rest of them, smiles fondly. “All grown up now, are you?”
Wind can feel his eye twitch. “Aye, Captain. I’m no boy any more.”
“And yet we’re all still older than you.” Legend snorts and punches his shoulder. “Don’t get old, kid.”
“I’ll take that into consideration.”
“Link?” The s/o calls out again. “Are they... friends of yours?”
“I traveled with them for some time after I left the island.” He explains. “The heroes I mentioned when I returned.”
“Oh!” They smile.
They’re quick to introduce themselves.
The group returns the favor quickly, less they get confused with all of them sharing the same name.
Old nicknames make things easier to remember them by and Wind can very specific moments with each and every one of them
Memories that he shared with his partner 
Who smiles glee fully now being able to put a face to the names from the stories of old
Wind knows that look in their eye and is already dreading the moment the group leaves
Does he keep them a little longer to postpone it?
No, but he missed their company and he’s long due for brotherly teasing regardless
Everyone is aware of this, so why not get it out of the way?
Hyrule does so with little fan fare
He’s nervous but he can’t really understand why
He trust his friends
And he’s not embarrassed or ashamed of his s/o
Even so, he can’t help with desperately wish that they get along well
“So, this is the love of my life.” He says quietly, holding their hand with a small smile. “Say hi.”
They smile back, excited to meet the friends who helped their boyfriend gain some self-confidence. “Hello! Link’s mentioned you from time to time. I’m happy to finally meet you all in person.”
Legend, as always, has Hyrule’s back. “Of course. We’re happy to see him with someone as lovely as you. You’ve been taking care of this one, right?”
Hyrule is horrified
“Oh this is the Hero of Legend?” They laugh. “Yes, yes, I’ve been taking great care of him.”
Warrior and Four bow, introducing themselves next. “A pleasure to meet you.”
They grin and bow back. “The pleasure is all mine.”
Time has to bite his smile as he holds out his hand. Twilight and Wild do the same and so Hyrule’s lover goes down the line, learning their tittles one by one.
“I didn’t think there would actually be so many of you.” They admit.
Wind laughs. “It’s kinda why we can’t go by our names. It would get too confusing too quickly.”
They smile with him. “I believe you.”
Sky holds his hand out next and shrugs. “We can’t say much about it though. It appears if you’ve met one Link, you’ve met them all.”
That gets them to laugh louder. “I don’t thin that was Link’s intention. But I have you all to thank for my relationship.”
“H-hey.” Hyrule blushes.
“He could barely look me in the eye.” They continue. “Apparently you all did something that finally got him to talk to me. I can’t say I minded waiting though. He’s cute so he gets a pass.”
Hyrule covers his face with his hands. “Must you tell them that.”
“Because you’re still cute.”
Legend wanted it to be a surprise
Meaning he didn’t want to show the others his s/o but the universe had other plans
Not to say that he was ashamed of them but he didn’t want any of the guys to make any comments
He was afraid that they would get along like a house on fire
His s/o came running out of the house to meet him
The group was sequentially ignored as they jumped into Legend’s arm, wrapped their arms around him and peppered his face with kisses
Legend couldn’t find it in himself to complain
He’s gladly soaking up their attention and willfully ignores the gawking, wolf whistles and cheers from the other guys
“So... ummm.. Are you gong to introduce us at some point?” Hyrule raises an eyebrow
Legend’s s/o makes a noise of acknowledgement and finally pulls away from the hero in question
“Oh! Hello. I’m sorry. Let me introduce myself.”
They brush themselves down and fix their hair, smiling brilliantly at the others 
Time smiles, remembering his younger years and sticks his hand out
“Lovely to meet you. I’m glad that there’s someone here to take care of our friend back at his home.”
They blush and Legend takes their hand into both of his. Picking it up and holding it close to his heart
“Is the bunny man still here?”
“So not the one I’m looking at?” They smirk.
Legend frowns and hangs his head. “Just tell me.”
Legend groans and out comes the other man in question
Legend’s s/o is surprised that this group has already Ravio and they can only wait until he’s done with spiel before they can go around and make their own introductions.
“I’m glad that you’re here.” Hyrule says quietly while Legend tries to save Four from Ravio
Or rather, save Ravio from Four in terms of weapons and diligent care of the weapons he has
Legend would like to navigate the damage his s/o would do in terms of embarrassing him
But frankly, he’s missed them too much to care and Four might just go on a rampage
...Or get ideas...
Either way Legend isn’t willing to risk it
It’s not a large affair
It’s not even initially intended
Granted, Sky wanted to show off his s/o t the others at some point
But he was so homesick and full of yearn that he wasn’t really thinking about the others when he envisioned meeting them again
He wanted it to be just the to of them
Sky wanted to just lift them into his arms and kiss them senseless
He didn’t really think they would make it Skyloft as an entire group
So when all step through a portal right onto the main island, Sky is overjoyed!
He has to take a minute to let everything process
Sky’s first destination is his house where his beloved partner is
But everyone wants to say hi
Everyone wants to hear his story
Everyone wants to ask about the people he’s traveling with
Where they’re from
What they do
Why haven’t they seen them before?
Are they from the surface?
Well yes, technically
More questions follow
His partner actually hears about it before Sky can even make it through the academy grounds
Sky sighs and has to think about cutting the conversation short without seeming rude
“LINK!” The very voice he’s been yearning for cries out
He turns and it’s just like he envisioned it
They both start running toward each other
And collide with a solid thunk
He lifts them up and spins and begins to pepper them with kisses
Introductions will have to wait
Literally wouldn’t shut up about them the second he realized he was home
He missed them so much
He explains everything little thing about them
From their hair to their eyes to the way they have a little dimple on the right side of their mouth when they laugh
Only to instantly to dive into their overly charming personality
No one has the heart (no one has the courage) to cut him off while he’s raving about the love of his life
Four goes from gushing about their personality to raving about stories and instances he hadn’t told them before
The dam has been opened and no one is entirely sure how he was able to keep it shut up for so long
Or choose now of all times to get it out in the open
Four grins and all but races through the street of Castle Town “And then they came home with a raging cucco in their arms and told me to-”
“Link! Ex-nay on the chandelier story!″ A young voice yells from the distance 
Four shuts, perks and looks up.
Then he starts running for real
The others try to keep up, laughing and wolf whistling
“I can’t believe you!” The voice cries, scandalized, but with no real venom
“I leave you alone for five minutes and you come back and break your promise-”
“Shut up and let me kiss you. I missed you.” Four laughs, cutting them off.
They let him kiss them
Four jumps back, bouncing on his toes as he grabs their hand. “I have so much I have to tell you.”
“How about their names first?” They laugh and point to the others
Four grins. “They’re Link.”
“......Shut up..... You’re joking...”
“Nope.” He said, popping the ‘p’. 
There’s a large Cheshire Cat grin on his face.
The rest are now sporting similar looks
“Oh my god.... there’s like ten of you....” They say with mock horror
Four laughs. “That’s not even the half of it.”
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A mix of 31 prompts and microfic prompts…
Prompts 1 & 2
Prompt #3: fire and #4: “I know, but I wanted to”
Sirius Black heaved an irritated sigh.
“For Merlin’s sake, I’m surrounded by incompetent fools!” he muttered to himself.
“Ha! If you think you can undo Prongs’ idiocy when it comes to anything remotely related to Lily Evans - good luck with that!” Peter snorted, downing a contraband lurid cocktail that Mary had concocted. It was supposed to look like a mint milkshake - it reminded Sirius of swamp water - vague rotten egg smell and pond scum colour. It was wonderfully lethal.
“I swear to Circe, if they haven’t gotten their shit together by May, I shall be forced to stage an intervention!” Sirius said, folding his arms.
“Oh? And what kind of intervention would that be?” Remus asked, leaning into him and giving his shoulder a gentle push.
Remus was a bit drunk and much more generous than usual with physical affection, which Sirius deeply appreciated.
“A successful one,” he said in a lofty tone, resting his head against Remus’ own.
“Can’t wait,” Remus hummed.
James sat slumped in his seat, hand holding up his head, watching the dancing couples, eyes following a particular fellow Gryffindor - vivid green eyes, cheeky grin, cobalt blue dress twirling.
“She’s never going to go out with you.”
He turned his head slowly.
“Snivellus,” he sighed deeply. “What can I do for you?”
“There’s no point sitting there staring at her like a creep! She hates you.”
He hesitated. Had he actually been staring at her like some weirdo?
Looking up he saw Sirius reaching for his wand, Remus glaring at Snape and Peter’s eyes twitching nervously towards the professors’ table. The problem with friends who happened to have Furry Little Problems or furry alternative selves was that their hearing was too sharp. Minerva McGonagall was looking over at him too, wearing a sour expression, although she couldn’t possibly have heard the conversation?
“Apologies to Evans if I was making her uncomfortable,” he said.
“You don’t care how she feels, you just want to force her to go out with you, you disgust me! You disgust her!”
Sirius Black was on his feet and Remus Lupin had his wand out and McGonagall’s lips were a stern line as she dropped her napkin (was anyone else able to convey such disappointment and authority in such a tiny gesture?)
“For fuck’s sake, shut- “ he growled, feeling his shoulders tense, fingers finding his wand. In another lifetime, say this time last year, he’d have hexed Snape already.
Just then he caught Lily’s eye. She was looking at the with concern, her smile gone and replaced by drawn brows and pursed lips. Poor Evans, imagine having to deal with two stupid, selfish wankers like them…
He breathed out slowly, forcing his shoulders down and placing his hands in the air, a placating gesture.
“Look, Snape, you’re probably right - I’d say I do disgust her. I have no intention of asking her out, alright?”
One side of Snape’s top lip lifted in disgust, but he clearly wasn’t expecting that answer and couldn’t find anything to say. He stood there awkwardly for a moment.
“Can i interest you in a snack? Beetroot crisps? Twice fried chips?” he said.
Snape glared at him suspiciously.
“A glass of butterbeer?”
The thin boy squinted at him. James smiled, all laid back innocence.
“Wondering why I’m offering? I know, but I wanted to.”
“Fuck you, Potter!” he spat out, turning around and marching off in the direction of the Slytherin tables.
“Prick,” James said to himself, knocking back an entire glass of firewhisky.
“Alright Mr Potter?”
McGonagall was looking at him with an unreadable expression. It was difficult to answer when his eyes were watering from the strong alcohol.
“Right as rain. Fit as a charmed fiddle,” he coughed.
“Water, was it?” She asked, sniffing in the direction of the empty bottle.
“Something like that… a liquid, anyhow,” he said, with a sheepish grin as he ruffled his hair.
“Oh gods,” groaned Remus, face palming. “I can’t listen to this, it’s too painful.”
“Prongs is a useless liar when he’s drunk,” Peter noted helpfully.
“He’s an out and out idiot at the best of times,” Sirius said, wisely downing the remainder of his drink.
“Bit harsh, Padfoot,” Remus sounded amused.
“No, that’s it. I’ve told him time and time again. I’m not idly standing by while he makes a balls of everything. Tonight takes the biscuit.”
They watched as James moved towards McGonagall, who was muttering under her breath in response to his ineptitude.
“Care to dance, Professor?” they heard Prongs say.
“Smooth,” Peter said.
“Foolish,” Remus said.
McGonagall’s left eyebrow raised. Prongs swayed.
“Perhaps another time, Mr Potter,” she said, not unkindly, patting his shoulder in what could only be described as a consoling manner.
“Right. Another time. When I’m less drunk.”
“Precisely, next year’s Hallowe’en Ball, perhaps.”
James’ mouth gaped.
“Right. Spiffing. Merlin!”
“Holy shit!” Peter squealed.
Sirius was inclined to agree with him.
On the first of May, Sirius Black walked into Dumbledore’s office, unannounced.
“Professor, we have a problem,” he said, without preamble, sitting himself down opposite the headmaster’s desk and placing his right foot on his left thigh.
“Good evening, er, Mr Black. How kind of you to call in for a… chat. A problem, you say? May I be of assistance?” Dumbledore asked, periwinkle eyes curious as he reached over for the sweets. “Lemon sherbet?”
Sirius Black shook his head.
“A problem. Of the very irritating, long-standing variety. And I know how to fix it!”
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oliviasecrets · 1 year
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This is life
“Yeah I’m only here for two days then I play in Ibiza”
“No way I’ve always wanted to go there I’ve heard amazing stories about the nightlife”
“Why don’t you come with me it could be fun”
Johns invitation was very tempting but you had to draw your line
“It does sound like fun but I’m currently under a lot of work I can’t take a vacation”
“Hey I understand how about this give me your number and when you’re free we can arrange something”
“Yeah sure”
What you didn’t know is that a few yards away Jack was watching this interaction and when he saw you trying into that djs phone his blood boiled he tried to fight the feeling of jealous but that overcame
“Jack where are you going… wait up man”
Jack moved fast through the crowd so that he wouldn’t be recognized by any fan that wanted a picture, as he was about to enter the dj area he turn around when he felt a hand on his arm
“Hey if I was you I wouldn’t lose her”
“Emily hey yeah thank you that’s what I’m trying to do here”
“Show her that you really do care, and if you two do end up together please invite me to the wedding”
“You already thinking way to fast but definitely em”
The bouncer tried to stop Jack but luckily for him he was too damn famous know he didn’t need an introduction
“Have a fun night mr harlow”
“Thank you sir”
As Jack was getting close to you he made eye contact with the dj making you turn around from your previous conversation you couldn’t help but to smile and get all excited to finally see Jack after a week of crying over him, you made your way to him and wrap your arms on his neck taking in his delicious LV smell and Jack couldn’t resist but giving you a hard hug and kissing your cheek
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you”
“Yeah I figured that out since it took you a week to call me”
“Come on ma are you making this difficult for me now”
“Yeah actually until you realize how much I’m worth”
That had him smiling from ear to ear
“Oh trust me you’ve been on my mind since I last saw you, even had me writing you a song and shit”
“Is that so jackman”
“Wanna hear it”
“Not really, I prefer having some fun with you”
Jack took your hand and made your way out of the vip area, walking towards the bar you order yourself some shots to make your confidence boost Jack kept placing one hand curled up on your waist as he was getting close to your ear he whispered
“Let’s get out of here”
“Jack we haven’t even danced, don’t you wanna dance with me?”
“I do but I prefer to spend some time with you just the two of us”
“One dance first”
You took jacks hand and made your way to the dance floor the one and only song played my humps by the black eye peas
“Imma get you drunk get you love drunk off my hump”
You turned around so you could grind a little with Jack, he placed both hand on your waist holding you tight and slightly touching your abs and slightly your under boobs making you turn around and wrap one hand on his neck
“You are getting very touchy jackman”
“Please can we just go already”
Jack put a hand on your neck taking care of you while you made yourself outside the club, before leaving you texted em telling her you were leaving with Jack but oh boy what a surprise you were headed towards
“Jack y/n are you together”
“Y/n please over here give a smile”
“Jack how does it feel to be with y/n”
“How long have you’ve been together”
“Please smile this way”
Neither you or Jack knew there was at least 25 paparazzi waiting outside
“just hold my hand and not let go y/n”
You grabbed his hand scared of what was happening then you started feeling people getting crowed and suddenly you felt someone grabbed your ass
“What the fuck don’t touch me”
You let go of jacks hand making him look your way he didn’t really understand what was going on but once he saw you pushing a guy away he saw red
“Get your hands off of her right now, I swear I’ll fuck you up dude”
“Jack please let’s just go away”
“Jack please
Before you realized urban had come out of no where grabbing Jack and preventing him from starting a fight
“Come on babe let’s get going”
“Em where’s Jack please”
“Y/n please just come with me he’ll find us”
The anxiety and being scared of what was going on overcame as you started to cry you walked half a block when you heard Jack
“Y/n are you okay, are you hurt please tell me you’re good”
Once you saw Jack jogging to you you stared to cry even more, maybe it was the excitement that had this effect in you
“Hey I’m here don’t worry y/n”
You looked at Jack and all you could do was kiss him a very passionate kiss wrapping your hands around his neck making the kiss more deep and intense Jack stopped and kissed your forehead
“I’m going to take that as an im okay Jack”
“Please don’t scare me like that again you dick I was so scared”
“I’ll promise I will behave but if someone else touch what’s mine I won’t promise anything”
“I’m not yours Jack”
“Fuck yeah you are I’m never letting you get away ever”
Some action plus I love jealous Jack hahah any ideas text me!!
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book51ut · 2 months
Bugsy and Other Stories by Rafael Frumkin
Oof excellent. This is really, really, really good writing. Frumkin had a way of conveying such a strong sense of emotion and feeling between the words. The written and the unwritten dance around each other in a way that creates such powerful and poignant stories.
There were three stories that really stuck out to me. One was from the perspective of a young autistic boy who was nonverbal. We heard both his inner monologue and perspective and the perspective of his mother. What I thought was amazing was the ways in which his thought processes reflect my own. Also, his mother’s conflicting emotional journey. She has this eternal motherly love for her son and that is very obvious. She talks about wanting to kill herself and him for his own good, so he doesn’t have to be hurt by the world. Yet, she also desperately wants him to be different. She says that she wants the “real” him, the one “inside” to come out. She can’t see that he’s himself. He isn’t anyone else and he never will be. She, in desperation to make both hers and her sons’ lives easier, is willing to listen to quack science and form relationships with other women in similar situations, digging herself deeper into her own misguided ways of thinking. That is such a perfect and nuanced depiction of parenthood of autistic children. I’ve seen it, I’ve experienced it. It really struck a nerve for me. The last thing is that the young boy hears and sees all of the less than savory conversations that his caregivers are having around him. He experiences neglect, but isn’t able to articulate it or even acknowledge that he is experiencing it. That is an incredibly common experience.
The second story that really stuck out was of a young streamer who just turned 18, and a man who was stalking her. I liked this story a lot because it speaks to men who claim to be “nice guys” who are actually fucking weird incels. They think they’re “feminists,” but really, they’re predators. I also love the idea of a young woman giving that man a giant middle finger by not just rejecting him, but my going absolutely batshit insane. He has this idea of her as this “innocent” girl who is a sweet, mild-mannered person, couldn’t hurt a fly, would be his complacent wife and little sex bunny. And she takes a baseball bat and murders an animal in cold blood, destroys another man’s car and hits him with a bat. She makes him take drugs he’s never taken before, and swears like a sailor. She’s had a difficult life which he knows nothing about and she’s much tougher than him. Yet, his creepy disgusting pedophile brain imagined a whole life and personality for her without knowing it at all. And he’s sitting there talking about feminism and how much he respects women. This just hit something close to home for me, an anger and pain that is universally experienced by gender minorities and also universally ignored by men.
The last story that I really enjoyed was called The Last Show. It was a woman’s final moments, a mix of her memories and vignettes from the hospital room where she is dying. It’s confusing and comforting for her, and it is presented in the same way for us. I just thought the tumultuous way of writing was particularly well done.
0 notes
smhtaehyung · 3 years
shy on the sly (jjk)
chapter 3: rumors and visits
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pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: smut, comedy, summer camp au
warnings: eventual smut, oral sex, awkward kissing and oral sex, horny jk, masturbation, voyerism, inexperienced!kook, awkward conversations. (slowburn?) dirty talk, perverted fantasies, shy jk, maknae line ft. Hobi, summer camp alternative universe, swearing, underage drinking, thigh kink, scent kink, kinks all round, masturbation in shower, public.
summary: Rumors get spread overnight about Y/N and Jungkook. She tries to reslove it. Jungkook spends his entire night trying his hardest to think of a way to approach Y/N with his problem.
wordcount: 4k
Rumors spread around the camp were always so bad. So false and usually not of bright nature. And Y/N heard A LOT of them, but for the most, she just chose not to focus on them. The latest adventure of sexual nature with Jungkook made her replay everything she ever heard about him in her head. And she tried to focus so hard to remember the details.
Most popular rumors about Jungkook up to 2014 were as follows:
"He's such a good kisser. I was so turned on. Ugh, he's so hot."
"I heard he's so good at boxing. He must look good doing it."
"One time he stripped completely naked at playing nude poker. He has such great abs. And his dick? Pretty."
"He ate me out and it was a-ma-zing. Like it was actually JUNGKOOK. I managed to score him!"
"He came so much in my mouth. He said he's gonna call me soon to continue our session."
"I think he is a perv under all that serious playboy attitude. Like he's shy but he must be good at sex."
"He has a big one."
"His moans are so sexy."
Okay, that last rumor was true. At least to Y/N's knowledge.
The rumors never changed, only weighted more whenever there were new talks of his sexual adventures. Pretty much getting the same treatment as well as other boys from 027.
But there were some new rumors flying around the camp. And it involved Y/N, usually a quiet, average persona at the camp.
This time the rumors got worse.
"I heard he fingered the shit out of her. Have you seen her this morning? She looked so fucked out!"
"No, they most definitely fucked! It's Jungkook, it's only obvious."
"Y/N's kind of a whore actually, did you see her dry hump him? She was so horny and desperate."
"Jungkook must've dicked her down. I would too actually, she's kinda got hot."
"I heard Y/N even gave him her ass virginity. Like all in one night! She really doesn't waste time."
None of it was true. But, rumors are like viruses. Once they're out, you're going to have a difficult time recuperating the patients.
And some might still get by without knowing the full cure, the full truth.
It was still a scorching Thursday, and teens were slowly recovering from their hangovers. The dance class was just ended, Y/N's heavy breathing caused her to sit down. It was a difficult choreography. This time she noticed how good Hoseok was at dancing. It was always praised yet never overrated. She now admired him after meeting him and realizing he's not such a bad guy.
She hated to admit it, but Jimin was great at dancing too. He was quite talented. As much as you loved dancing and acting on your schedule, music was your favorite. So, you couldn't wait for Saturday.
But, for now, she was trying to plan out her evening. She wondered why Jungkook skipped dance classes. He was always training hard which annoyed and demotivated her.
Once Taehyung left to meet some friends, Jungkook finally had the cabin all to himself. Images of the previous night were flashing through his eyes and it really fueled up his thoughts to go through the perverted route. It sparked an idea. He could finally masturbate. In peace.
He laid in his bed, his fingers rubbing small circles down his torso, slowly travelling to his crotch. He sighed deeply once playing with his length a little bit, hardening each second. His phone was charging, so he used it as an easy excuse to imagine Y/N. It was a way of forgiving himself from having such perverted fantasies.
His length started hardening once he started playing with his balls, imagining Y/N smaller hands stroking and kneading them.
He let out a sigh, stroking his cock which reached its hardest stage. He lowered his sweats and underwear down, his lengthy member springing free. He opened his mouth in pleasure, tugging down onto his dick. He spat on his hand, coating his tip as he kept imagining it was her mouth.
"Ah, fuck." He whispered, stroking his cock up and down. He imagined the way her tits would jump up and down as he fucked her, hoping that he'd feel her pussy wrapped around him soon. He was really eager to actually go through with the sex stuff with her. His fantasies continued, imagining she was choking down on his dick. It caused him to stroke himself faster.
"Y/N, fuck." He whispered again, playing with his tip. He spat on his hand again, remembering how hot it was when Y/N started sucking onto his fingers. It made him not being able to slow down. He stroked his cock even faster, simultaneously playing with his red and swollen tip. He tried to visualize again every bare part of her body he's seen. The details.
He stroked himself fast, feeling his orgasm approaching. That was the worst flaw about his sexual side. Jungkook could never contain himself. He could never slow down and build up his orgasm, or build it up with anyone, really.
He started stroking his penis very fast, trying to reach his orgasm. He was now imagining the dirtiest things.
Y/N, on all fours, seductively sucking onto his cock. He also imagined fucking into her mouth, and how good that would feel.
He was so close.
And what pushed him off the edge was the memory of her rolling her hips against his hard crotch. He wondered how wet her pussy was and how good it tasted.
Jungkook hurriedly took the tissue and positioned it to hover over his tip.
His semen splurged out from his tip, his moans strained. Jungkook was coming hard, Y/N's face and lips poisoning his mind.
He sighed as he scrunched the tissue, throwing it away. He pulled up his underwear, resting his head on the pillow.
He stared at the ceiling, realizing he just came up with another idea. He needed to do something before asking Y/N to help with some of his problems.
Y/N listened to music over stereo at her cabin. The sun had set already, so she closed her window and turned on the lights, immediately scanning the walls for bugs or something that would bother her. After realizing everything was how it was supposed to be, she plopped back onto her bed, reading a book.
"What do you think?" Hae tried to pick an outfit for the small gathering at 027, asking Y/N for her opinion.
"Isn't that hang out tomorrow?" She furrowed her eyebrows, raising her head from the book.
Hae was parading the entire cabin, and Y/N could notice the nervousness, her door wide open as she rested on her bed.
"Yes, but I have to have a plan on how to look. Jimin must like it, I really want to slee with him." Hae whined.
"Just don't wear a bra and put a top on. Guys supposedly dig it." Y/N rolled her eyes, clearly awkwardly mentioning to herself the whole Jungkook situation.
"Really? I mean that's not a bad idea. I could wear a crop top and show a bit of side boob." Hae was actually serious, causing Y/N to blankly stare at her.
"Yeah. Good idea." She gave up on trying to oppose to Hae, starting to scroll on her phone, putting the book away.
"What are you going to wear?" Hae tried to sneak a question, thinking Y/N would bring up Jungkook and how she was not going to dress up for him.
"I don't know yet." She shrugged. Hae tried her hardest to avoid the elephant in the room. However, she could not hold off any longer. She took off her top and put on her t-shirt, grabbing Y/N's attention by staring to speak.
"I really want to know, so I'm just going to ask." Hae started and continued, ChiChi observing the whole conversation from the couch.
"How much of it is true? The rumors with Jeon Jungkook." Hae leaned against Y/N's door frame.
"Probably nothing. But, now I can't resist to ask...what are the rumors?" Y/N sighed, putting her phone away to pay full attention.
"That you two fucked, but some say he just fingered fucked you. And some people said you probably acted like a whore while doing it because you are, but like all the nasty stuff is spread around, I just want to know what really happened-
"I'm not going to tell you what happened." Y/N spoke quickly yet assertive.
"But, I can tell you, none of it is true. And I don't care about the rumors anymore. No going back now." Y/N tone was completely calm, kind of worrying Chi. Hae however felt proud that Y/N didn't care.
"Okay. All I wanted to know." Hae smiled, trying to cheer her up by jumping on her bed.
"Let's watch something, my laptop is charged."
"Yes please! I want to watch something too!" Chi exclaimed. Y/N smiled at her cuteness.
"I'm going to take a walk first. I'll join you later." Y/N smiled, getting up to have her usual evening walk. She loved walking around the camp when her mind needed to clear some thoughts.
So she walked. The colder breeze brushed against her bare legs, the long awaited drop in temperature after such a hot day. Se people were still outside, some talking some laughing and some just walking and running. Doing the same things she did.
Y/N sat down at the dock, observing the quiet lake and the stars' reflection on top. Finally some peace and quiet after such a weird day.
She took a deep breath, the never-ending sound of cicadas only present around her.
She wondered about Jungkook and why he was acting like that. But, she was more curious as to what he was going to ask her, what he needed help with. As she threw pebbles into the lake, thinking way too hard, somebody was approaching her. She turned her head around only to saw Taehyung, who looked slightly better than this morning. "Hey." He giggled, sitting down next to her.
"You look better." Y/N commented, making his eyes widen in excitement.
"Thank you! I believe so too but nobody wants to acknowledge it." He giggled, observing how pretty the lake looked.
Taehyung was always the most open minded out of them. He made friends with everyone and loved to get a good word thrown around about him.
He always liked being in the center of attention, so Y/N never thought she could make friends with someone so obnoxious sometimes. But, during the last 24 hours she realized he was just kind of a fool, who loved to act that he wasn't as smart or handsome.
"What did you guys do today?" Y/N tried to mask the question of - where the hell is Jungkook all day?
"They're playing cards at the cabin. I'm not good at those games though." Taehyung giggled at himself.
"I see." She smiled and looked down, trying to think of another question. Taehyung was quicker.
"I actually remember you since 2011. And Jimin does from last year but he has way too much pride to admit it." Taehyung's words made Y/N raise her eyebrows in a surprised manner.
"Oh...well I remember you guys too."
"Yeah, you're great at singing. I just wanted to tell you that you were great in the play last year. And Jimin wanted to say that, but, there's this stigma with the new girls-" Taehyung tried to explain, the first genuine moment you received from him.
"Yeah, I never understood the 'new girls' rule. Or is that a bunch of gossip?" Y/N turned towards him.
"It's not a rule. It's just exciting when there's new faces. Of course we can try and get into their pants, but we don't think of it as a rule. It's sort of like...a bonus...like bloating about the fact you can actually pick a new, fresh girl up." He tried to explain the hardest he could.
"Yeah, a boy brain sort of thing." Y/N tried to adjust to his way of speaking and it really helped him. Taehyung wasn't as eloquent, but everything he spoke was always coming from the heart. He was a good guy, a bit over-the-top sometimes, but a good guy.
"Exactly!" Taehyung agreed, smiling at her.
"So-" Taehyung tried to ask her a question but noticed some girls were throwing comments her way from up far. He hoped she wouldn't hear it, but she did.
"It's fine. Rumors like these always die out pretty quickly. You don't have to worry." Y/N tried to reassure him and herself.
"I'm worried about Jungkook. He hates attention."
"Yeah, well, no going back now. He'll live." Y/N's tone was quite direct.
"Did he invite you to our hang out tomorrow? We told him to ask you because you're pretty cool." Taehyung smiled, nodding his head away.
Y/N's overthinking mind took what Taehyung said badly. So, Jungkook wouldn't have invited her if they hadn't told him to ask her - this was running through her mind.
"Yeah, I'll be there. With Hae as well." She forced a smile out to match with his bubbly persona
Taehyung seemed to not comment anything about Hae, his eyes scanning around due to nervousness. As if he knew something about Hae or Jimin, but Y/N decided not to bring attention to it.
"Well, this was nice. I'll get back to the guys, don't stay out for too long, it's getting quite cold." His warm tone really made her smile.
"I'll see you around." She smiled. Taehyung waved as he stood up, walking away from the dock.
She stayed there a little bit longer, breathing in and out. She was curious as to what else can happen this summer. The worst thing was, 24 hours barely passed and there was already some trouble.
She couldn't believe that she was going to hang out with the boys from 027. That was always a 'no way' zone for her. But, actually meeting them, she realized she was the victim of gossips too, believing too much of them. And those boys really weren't that bad. They were just boys being boys.
She worried about Jimin the most. She just didn't want Hae to get hurt, but couldn't prevent it. She hoped that Hae was on board with the whole physical thing with Jimin and nothing more. He didn't seem to be romantically involved with anyone and it always caused trouble. Come to think of it, most boys at camp were like that.
Hell, Y/N's first time was at this camp. It was a random dude from 019. She remembered the dance and how he was dancing with her. But, it wasn't so romantic because as soon as they reached his cabin, she was on top of him already, taking his cock deep inside her.
It hurt, quite a lot, but she always liked sex, because after that first time, it never hurt bad again. It felt so good.
But, the list of boys with whom she fooled around with at camp wasn't as high. About her list outside camp, she didn't want to think about it. It wasn't as long as Hae's but there were a fair amount of guys.
Still, Y/N overthought a lot. She just hoped Jungkook wasn't some evil mastermind involving her into stuff without her knowledge. But, she was aware it couldn't be true. His eyes were way too innocent. And the whole 'shy' thing might not be fake at all.
With all that on her mind, she worried the most about Hae. She just hoped Jimin wouldn't hurt her.
The night was silent, even though the sounds of never sleeping cicadas always circled around the lake. But, everyone soon got used to it. Y/N was in deep sleep, 2:17 AM showing on her clock. However, one person couldn't sleep. Some racket over the tiny stones and branches under his feet caused Jungkook to get extra careful.
Three loud taps on the window scared Y/N to a point of waking up in a split second, aware of someone's presence. She sat up, heavily breathing.
Jungkook had sneaked against the curfew, tapping on her window. He was looking around, panicking. Y/N looked towards the window on her left, rolling her eyes at the sight. Jungkook's big doe eyes had an anxious look to them, making her pity him.
She got up and slid the window up, clearly annoyed. Her body was dropping down in energy once her brain realized he wasn't a threat to her. She started getting very sleepy.
"What the fuck are you doing?" She squinted her eyes because of the light coming from the outside lamp.
"Shhh." He put a finger onto her lips. He leaned towards her face, making her realize what he was actually about to do. He pressed his lips against hers softly. He entered her room, breaking off the kiss only to be leaning towards her, making her sit back down.
"Before we talk tomorrow, let me do this. Trust me." Jungkook leaned his forehead against hers, his calm breathing soothing her.
"Okay." She whispered, the moment feeling very real and raw.
Jungkook started kissing her softly, pushing her on the bed. He hovered on top of her, his lips softly reuniting with hers. He held her cheek in his hand and she played with the longer hairs on the back of his head. Jungkook bit her lip seductively, finally getting a moan out of her. He licked his lips and smiled at her. Y/N deepened the kiss, her tongue playing with the tip of his. She pushed him closer, putting her knees up so he would have better access to grind against her.
"You really are a good kisser." Y/N complemented him, causing Jungkook to smile and kiss her back even more passionately. His cock was hardening, causing him to hate his tight shorts. Y/N felt his hard member brush against her pussy, always loving that sensation of his dick being pressed up against her so close.
She was woken up completely by this point. She tried to rub her crotch against his, but Jungkook seemed to be more focused on her lips than onto her womanhood. He started kissing her neck and collarbones, loving the way her skin tasted and had her natural scent.
Jungkook had a plan of his own. Only this time that plan was much more sentimental. Jungkook was craving for her body badly, but wanted to kiss her more. He just wanted to make out with her and make her yearn for him. He thought that was a good plan with no future established ahead. Just a momentary solution to his horny brain. He wanted to ease her up for what he wanted to ask her tomorrow night.
Y/N moaned mid kiss, her tongue playing with his. Jungkook pulled away from the heavy make out session, placing a small kiss on her lips one last time.
"I got to go." Jungkook abruptly stood up, making Y/N lie still, completely shocked.
"What? You're going to leave? Like now?"
"I'm sorry for yesterday. I just wanted to kiss you. And uhm, please come over to hang out tomorrow, I really need your help." He slid her window up, taking one step out already.
Without much thought, she pulled him by his neck and kissed him again, eagerly.
Jungkook giggled at how needy she was.
"Aren't you at least going to tell me what it's about?" She whined.
"See you tomorrow." He stepped out completely, sneaking by the cabin to rush to 027.
Y/N still had a confusing look on her face.
"This is not a dream, right?" She whispered to herself, realizing it wasn't.
She groaned and laid back, staring up at the ceiling.
Jungkook successfully managed to sneak inside his room, careful not to wake up Jimin. He sat on his bed, smiling to himself. He couldn't believe he just did such a thing, so he felt proud. But soon, his mind was filled with worry.
He sighed to himself, trying his hardest to fall asleep but he couldn't. He tried to think of ways of how to ask for her help. He had no idea how to start that topic tomorrow.
Like hey, I feel really relaxed with you and I want you to help me with the sex stuff. He thought but soon mentally slapped himself. His thoughts carried a conversation of their own.
No, not like that Jungkook. Uhm, can you teach me how to eat pussy? I'm pretty bad at it - No! Are you joking? Ugh you're so pathetic
I've never felt so turned on in my entire life and it's because of you. I need your help and then you don't have to see me until next summer. Ugh.
I can pay you! - no, Jungkook she's not a whore.
He couldn't contain his thoughts, so he buried his face into his pillow, trying his hardest to fall asleep. But he couldn't, for hours on end. He finally thought of a way to ask her, though. He just hoped he would remember the words and go through with it. It sounded like this-
Listen, you make me feel so relaxed and tense at the same time. And I think we match on the whole sexual aspect. I want you to teach me stuff. I want to see you again, and taste you and help you relax sometimes too. Because I think you're cool, and I've never felt this horny about a girl. Ever. It must mean something.
Jungkook sighed, finally happy with his solution. He went pale once turning his head to the left, the sun already rising. He sighed to himself once again, hating how he spent another night overthinking. And yet he almost wasn't tired at all. But he needed to force himself to sleep. He had to be present during the day and endure the night and the talk with Y/N.
He closed his eyes, breathing deeply. Soon, he managed to fall asleep, but because of how tired his brain was, he couldn't wake up in the morning when Jimin nudged his shoulder.
Unfortunately, Jungkook slept until 2 pm, missing the breakfast and lunch. Most importantly, he missed the dance club meeting. Luckily, he had some good friends by his side.
"Jungkook-ie." Taehyung's deep voice woke Jungkook up. He sat up, still looking very exhausted.
"We brought you lunch." Hoseok smiled, trying to cheer him up. Jungkook smiled back, his eyes still puffy and closed.
He nodded in gratitude, deliciously eating his lunch. His friends tried to talk to him, slightly concerned because Jungkook always woke up at a certain time in the morning, no matter how tired he was. Jungkook shrugged off at every their worry, playing it cool as if he was completely relaxed. But he could not wait for the evening to finally talk to Y/N.
She was, on the other hand busy thinking about Jungkook all day. The way his kisses were some of the softest she ever got. And for the first time in her life, she wanted to wear something with a wow factor. Why not embrace the persona and still feel comfortable?
And then the evening came. But Jungkook wasn't feeling like himself. He was way too nervous and tired. He just hoped he wouldn't say something wrong or dumb.
Jungkook, once again, wanted to survive the evening with Y/N without being so vulnerable. And so fast. He did not want to embarrass himself again.
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kozumebunny · 3 years
Denji x f!reader: perfect reality together
canon divergence, homelessness, ya know only basic level thoughts going into this. the classic.
>I like to think maybe you met when he was still homeless on the run from the yakuza
>Pochita has already given Denji his heart BUT Pochita is still a dog SO he likes to wear dog clothes, sweaters. little booties. the works.
>its canon because these are MY comfort head canons
>I like to think you guys meet very specifically when one day denji is forced to look through garbage cans for food
>he's lost bread privileges pray for him
>but he finds you just. dumping over trash cans in the city streets. and its cold. you're soaking wet. just dumping over trash cans, shivering, and tearing open the bags rifling through them looking for food.
>Denji turns away to leave, he's maybe a block away when you grab him by the hand and give him a half eaten sandwich. its soaked wet from the rain.
>you bend down to give Pochita some little bits of meat you found
>oh boy. Denji?? SMITTEN
>so yeah that's how you meet
>you keep running into each other and you give him food
>he'll split his slice of bread with you
>and they say romance is dead
>and as for y'all being homeless together??
>idk I feel like you guys will like. either it gets late and Denji decides to just crash at your place yes he's thinking about sex but no he won't initiate it with you. makes him feel dirty :(
>or maybe you just. after giving him food you just follow him back to his little pile of blankets and couch cushion that is his pillow and pochitas bed and just. stay with him there that night. and sort of unofficially move in??
>when he meets Makima, she already knows he has the chainsaw devil obviously. and that's what she wants. but all you do is come up behind him and wrap your arms around him and squeeze. "please don't leave me denji" Pochita swears he can feel his heart break inside of Denji's chest
>Makima is of course a lil furious maybe even offers some booby but its too late. Denji's thinking about YOUR boobies pressing into his back. Let him leave this conversation cause I swear his dick is playing dance dance revolution rn
>so um yeah. maybe even tries to manipulate you to get Denji to join her task force
>so here is where life gets more difficult for you too
>she wants the chainsaw devil
>so now you have Aki, power, and Kishibe coming after you
>of course, if there are public officers after you there are private officers after you
>Hirofumi doesn't have a hard time tracking you down. He manages to find you guys first. after all, if you're rummaging through garbage you've gotta be homeless
>not that hard to door dash yourself some food
>but when Hirofumi finds you he doesn't really want to kill you
>you're just a human. you're a kid arguably. 15? 17?
>Denji is clearly the same age but... he's just as much a kid.
>knows it because when he opens the door to the little run down van that you two are hiding out in and sees Denji grabbing some handful of boobs he knows that he's down horrendously and just a kid.
>he's not a crazed chainsaw devil who's a danger to the public
>So Hirofumi does something uncharacteristic
>offers to help
>hides you out in his crappy little studio apartment
>you have to walk pochita so he can go to the bathroom
>cue Denji procrastinating his homework assigned by Hirofumi to learn to read and write
>you procrastinating with him <3
>anyways idk where to go with my brain rot from here
>I feel like. even though you are holed up in his apartment, and Denji is very limited in going out and Hirofumi keeps up the front of being a college student and not looking for you guys, he still has this attitude of mysteriousness
>Quanxi most likely finds you guys. and because she's an assassin, she doesn't plan on taking Denji alive. plans on bringing his head to Makima and claiming a reward or bounty of some sort.
>but when she does find Denji he's playing a video game. with you. you guys are just normal. she tries to tell herself don't fall for it. so she leaves and watches. and watches. and watches.
>and she sees the way Denji is so delicate with you. he goes out onto the balcony in the early mornings and prunes your plants for you so you can sleep in. and gives them to you with a bowl of cereal with breakfast in bed. She sees the way Denji plays fetch in the house with pochita and accidentally breaks three glass cups. Denji cleans it up and fesses up to it when Hirofumi comes home. She sees the way Denji helicopters you when you come home from a minimum wage job, dumping your cash and paycheck on the table and sitting in a chair. Pochita eagerly wagging his little tail handle at your feet, licking your legs, as you bend down to give him scratches. Denji moves behind you to massage your shoulders, wrap his arms around your shoulders, nuzzle his face into your neck and give small kisses to your check.
>and Quanxi knows. something is wrong here. Why is Denji being hunted? She hasn't even seen him in his devil form, she isn't even sure if anyone has. Something is amiss.
>so she does something unusual. calls kishibe and the first words out of her mouth are "I'm gay" and while Kishibe is silent she tells him what she's seen what her thoughts are and what she thinks might be going on
>she hasn't had a run in with Makima yet so how would she know
>so kishibe shows up at the front door when Hirofumi is home asking to meet you and Denji. Quanxi is there. A little game of catch up.
>found family trope with star crossed lovers the end
>just want to be Denji's little homemaker wife
>stay home making a quilt for him <3
>okay but also when y'all first living with Hirofumi he is SUCH a little shit
>"oh you're NOT dating her Denji? well I can fix that and I'll date her for you :)"
>just loves to rile up Denji because haha kids so easy to bully is fun
>is like an annoying older brother
>calls you kiddo in the most obnoxious way possible
>a hate crime
>also when you're living in the rundown immovable van
>its got no ac so you guys keep a front side window a little rolled down for air
>curtains in the front so no one can see in
>lazy mornings with sun there
>just. sleeping on top of denji face smooshed against his chest with an arm around your waist and Pochita curled up in Denji's other arm
>just staring at each other in the early mornings
>he eventually does ask to touch your boobs and it escalates so fast
"Can I... touch your boobs?" Denji swallows harshly, but he doesn't stop looking at you.
"I, uh-", he clears his throat and looks away as his face turns a bright shade of red.
Wordlessly, you move his arm further around your waist, and up, under your shirt towards your chest. you place your hand over his and show him how to squeeze and knead it.
"I've never kissed a girl before either", Denji dazedly mumbles. He short circuits when you press a shy kiss to his lips.
"I've never kissed anyone before either Ji."
That's all it takes to get him to snap out of his stupor. Denji gets excited and soon is between your legs, pulling them closer towards his hips, both hands on your boobs eagerly groping and kneading. He's eagerly rutting into your hips, sloppily French kissing you, and straight up sucking on your tongue. Going into your neck, sucking as hard as he can, hands on your boobs roughly squeezing as he pivots and grinds his hips into you-
The door to the van opens. You try to catch your breath, while Denji stares at the man with a tentacle around his neck with wide eyes.
The first thing the man with black eyes says to you is "god, I better not go to jail for witnessing two horny teens.
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
Tease [G.W.]
Character: George Weasley
Word Count: 4110
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Every time George tries to get you alone, something seems to interrupt you and he can’t seem to catch a break. Maybe he just needs to get a bit more creative, or maybe teasing you under the table is enough to get you as worked up and desperate as he is.
WARNING: this is NSFW, 18+, smutty, sexy times, idk how else to say it. george is being a hot cheeky bastard wanting to shag his girlfriend.
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @harrysweasleys @toranyx @theweirdsideofstuff @ickle-ronniekins @levylovegood @wand3ringr0s3 @diary-of-an-onliner
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: idk, george makes me feel things. enjoy and thanks for requesting nonnie! ❤️
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+ + + + +
George was frustrated. In both senses of the word. He had originally thought that inviting you to the Burrow over Christmas was a wonderful idea, and whilst he loved having you around, he felt as though he’d barely even seen you since you’d arrived. And it was beginning to drive him insane.
He loved that you got along with his family so well, that they constantly wanted to be around you but, in his eyes, he’d invited you there to be with him, and the fact you’d probably had around 10 minutes alone over the last week was starting to get to him.
It didn’t help, and he was certain you were doing this on purpose, that you kept wearing his shirts around the Burrow - something you knew turned him on - or that one day you wore a jumper that fell off one shoulder, exposing the area of skin that George wanted to kiss and bite down on. Or, worse, that one day you wore a skirt and knee high socks - Merlin, George thought he felt his heart stop that day.
He’d tried multiple times to get you alone - pulled you into empty rooms in the Burrow to kiss you, locked Fred out of their bedroom and even tried snogging you outside but it had gotten too cold and started snowing. Unfortunately, each time you were alone in a room together, you’d been interrupted fairly quickly by his family coming to ask you something or other, or in the case of locking his twin out, Fred had grabbed a broom and flew up to the window and knocked on there instead, wiggling his eyebrows and wolf whistling at the both of you as he found you underneath your boyfriend (fully clothed, much to George’s dismay).
So to say he was getting desperate would be an understatement.
And as he watched you from across the living room, sat cross legged on one of the couches as you laughed with Ginny, he began thinking of new ways to spend time with you, without the rest of his family barging in.
He thought about locking Fred out again, but this time closing the curtains and the window. He thought about the shed outside, and as much as he’d like to be in those close quarters with you, he knew it was far too cold. All he wanted was to be with you, without everyone else hanging round.
He finally saw his chance when Ginny decided to go off to talk to Hermione about some work she had for the next coming school term, leaving you in the living room with just the twins.
George seized the moment, standing up and walking over to you. He leant down to your ear, his voice low and warm breath hitting the side of your face, “My room, in two minutes.” You felt a shiver down your spine as you watched him walk off towards the stairs, eyes glued to the way his back muscles were moving in the t shirt he was wearing, but not missing the warning look he shot at Fred, who was sat in front of the fire and smirking at his younger twin.
You stood up after a minute, straightening out your sweater before following in the direction of where George had just left, rolling your eyes but laughing all the same when Fred called after you, “Not on my bed, okay?”
“That was one time!” You joked, laughing harder when you heard him spluttering out a horrified, “What?!”
Reaching the top of the stairs, you made the familiar journey to the twins’ room, where George was waiting. No sooner had you pushed the twins’ door open were you suddenly pressed against it, your boyfriend’s lips on yours, kissing you desperately, as if it were the last thing he’d ever do. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling you closer to him as he pushed his tongue into your mouth, making you moan softly as he deepened the kiss, his hands resting on the skin underneath the hem of your sweater.
His fingers ran up your side to the base of your bra, gently stroking along the lace as his eyes widened, him pulling away very slightly, both to catch his breath and ask, “You’re wearing lace for me?”
You shrugged, grinning at him, “Maybe.”
He groaned, his eyes almost rolling into the back of his head, “You’re killing me, love.”
He ducked his head to press open mouthed kisses across your neck, talking between each one, “Do you have any idea how difficult it’s been not being as close to you as I want to be? I’ve been going insane.”
“You think you’re the only one?”
His hands ran down your body and round to your bum, giving it a squeeze as he pushed you against the wall. As he trailed up towards your mouth to kiss you properly, he tugged gently at the hem of your sweater.
Just as you had pulled it over your head - George mesmerised by the way your lace bra accentuated your breasts - you heard Molly call up the stairs that food was ready, and for everyone to come down.
George shook his head, grabbing your waist, “I can’t wait any longer, just look what you’ve done to me, love.” He pressed himself against you, and you could feel him hard against where you wanted him, making your breath hitch.
“Let’s just not go,” he mumbled, tracing kisses across your collarbone and down to the tops of your breasts.
You let out a breathy sigh as you ran your hand through his messy hair, “We have to, your mum has made food and honestly I’d love to eat it - I’m hungry and she’s an amazing cook.”
George buried his head into your shoulder,
“I’d rather eat something else to be honest.”
“George!” You playfully swatted at his arm, before pulling away and moving around him to grab the sweater you’d dropped, putting it back on.
As you passed him again, he reached out to grab your hip, “Are you sure we have to go?” You nodded, “Yes! Everyone will be waiting for us.”
“Fine...” He agreed, albeit reluctantly, running a hand through his hair to tidy it a little as he sat on his bed. You stood near the doorway for a couple of minutes, waiting for him to stand up, however he continued to sit there, making you raise an eyebrow and turn to walk out, hoping it would prompt him to follow, “Right, come on then.”
“Give me a minute,” he replied, staring at the floor.
You turned back to him with a frown. “Why- oh!” You realised, “Want me to wait or go?”
George licked his lips, his eyes looking you up and down, “Should probably go darlin’, knowing you’re right next to me looking like you do is enough to keep me hard all night.”
Scoffing out a laugh, you looked at him sympathetically, “We’ll finish this later, I promise.”
You left him in his room, heading down the stairs to where the family usually ate meals, finding most of them already there, bar Ron and Harry, who arrived a few minutes after you, pushing and shoving each other as they laughed at something one of them had said.
You were sat at the end of the table, Fred across from you, an empty seat to your left for George. Molly rushed into the room, placing plates of food down with a wave of her wand, fussing over Harry before heading over to you, “Do you know where George is, dear?”
“I think he’s in his room, Molly. Said he’d be down soon,” you replied with a smile. She placed a plate in front of you and nodded as you thanked her, “That boy is never on time for anything I swear - he’ll be late to even your wedding, just you watch dear!”
Her comment made your cheeks warm, and you ducked your head to hide your smile just as she wandered off to grab a plate for Percy, who was sat at the other end of the table beside Arthur, deep in conversation.
“So, where is my dear younger twin?” Fred asked, shooting you a knowing smirk as he began eating the food on his plate.
“I’m right here,” George announced as he entered the room, finally making his appearance as he took the seat beside you.
“Nice of you to finally join us,” Fred spoke with a knowing grin shot in his twin’s direction.
“Yeah well, I had something to take care of,” George grumbled, sharing a glance with you and rolling his eyes when Fred let out a mocking laugh.
The beginning of the meal went by as normal, the family laughing and joking, you joining in. You’d just placed some more food in your mouth when you felt George’s hand on your thigh, just above your knee - the place he knew got you worked up. You glanced over at him, but his focus was on the conversation going on about a new muggle artefact Arthur had discovered at work.
Thinking it was just a coincidence, you went back to eating, however you suddenly felt his hand slide up your thigh slowly, fingertips squeezing gently, and dancing across the waistband of your trousers. Noticing the small smirk on George’s face, you shook your head a little at him, gesturing discreetly at the rest of his family, but he didn’t seem to be too concerned.
His hand moved down into your underwear, his fingers finding your clit easily - both from practice and from just knowing your body so well - and he gently began tracing circles, making your hips jolt forward and causing you to almost drop your fork.
He gave you a cheeky grin, “Everything okay there, love?” You grit your teeth as you replied, “Everything is just fine.”
His applied a little more pressure, circling faster and making you bite your lip. You swallowed a content sigh so as to not egg him on, and tried to focus on the main conversation, which had moved onto Hogwarts.
“So Y/n,” Molly began, making everyone turn to you, including George, who shot you a half smirk before picking up his pace, making you swallow harshly, “How are your lessons going?”
“They’re going quite well, Molly!” You replied, though your voice was slightly shaky, “I’m enjoying Care of Magical Creatures this year, there’s some interesting-“ you let out a half gasp as George suddenly pushed a finger into you, earning a few looks of concern.
“Are you okay, dear?” Molly asked, “Do you need me to get you anything?”
“Oh no! I’m fine, thank you! I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened there! But as I was saying, there’s some interesting creatures we’re learning about this year, so I’m really excited,” you smiled, hoping no one would be suspicious (nobody seemed to be, even Fred seemed preoccupied and wasn’t paying much attention, which you were thankful for.)
Hermione began talking about her own lessons, and you shot a warning glare over at George, who smiled innocently at you, as if he wasn’t currently fingering you under the table where his family were eating their evening meal. He added a second finger casually, bringing you closer to the edge.
He moved his fingers in and out, smirking to himself as he continuing eating his meal with one hand. He carried on for a couple of minutes and your hips began thrusting slightly towards his hand.
However, just as you clenched around him, he stopped what he was doing for a moment. You glared up at him, raising an eyebrow but he just shot you a lazy half smile, waiting for you to come back down a little before moving again, purposely teasing you.
Thankfully, the food was eaten quickly, meaning George had to stop. You were both grateful for that, and annoyed as you were now even more frustrated than before, as he hadn’t actually let you finish.
Soon after the plates were cleared, Molly ushered you all into the living room to sit down and wait for her to bring you all some hot chocolate. It was a tradition you adored usually, however since you were sat near your hot boyfriend who had now made you extremely sexually frustrated, you couldn’t wait for everyone to just go to bed.
George shared a couch with you, draping a blanket across both of your legs, and making sure you were comfy. You leant your head against his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
A few minutes later, you were all sat around the roaring fire, chatting together over your mugs of hot chocolate. You brought it up to your nose and revelled in the amazing smell, before taking your first sip. You had to admit, if there was one thing you loved about Christmas at the Weasleys, it was Molly’s hot chocolate.
You rested the mug on your knee, however nearly spilled some of your drink when you felt George’s free hand creep under the blanket and across your thigh. You tensed, still on edge from his antics at the dinner table - something that made him smile to himself, knowing you were getting just as worked up as he had been all week.
Placing a hand over his, you halted his actions, trying to push him away just a little, in order to be more decent. Undeterred, George decided to wait a couple of minutes before trying again. He placed his hand on the inside of your thigh, and then left it there, unmoving and right where you wanted him, making you shift uncomfortably.
You quickly drank your hot chocolate and placed it on the side table next to you, before looking over at George and raising an eyebrow at him. He grinned innocently just as he squeezed your inner thigh, making you press you lips together and it taking everything in you not to buck your hips against his hand.
Luckily, Hermione stood up soon after she’d finished her own drink, placing the mug on the table and stretching, “Thank you for the hot chocolate, Mrs Weasley, but I think I’m going to head up to bed. I’ve got a new book that I can’t wait to start!”
And then after Hermione, one by one, you noticed everyone bidding their goodnights and heading up the stairs and further into the burrow, until you realised it was just Molly and Arthur left. And after a while, even they retreated upstairs too - Molly ensuring you knew there was more food left in the kitchen if you wanted it - meaning you and George were finally alone.
“You tease!” You scolded, “Under the bloody table and then under a blanket when your family were literally less than a metre away from us? What were you thinking?”
“Don’t pretend like you didn’t enjoy it. It excited you, knowing they were there, didn’t it?” He said in a low tone, his eyes flickering down to your lips. You opened your mouth to reply but no words came out, knowing he wasn’t exactly wrong, and he knew it.
George bit his lip and gave one last glance up the stairs before bringing you into a rough kiss, pulling you onto him so you were straddling him on the couch.
It didn’t take long for you both to be breathing heavily, hot breaths hitting your face as he licked down your jaw.
He shifted under you, rolling his hips up into you, making the both of you groan, before you had to pull away a little.
“You sure you want to do it here?” You asked as you glanced up the stairs at where his family had disappeared to moments before.
“We’ve tried everywhere else, and kept being interrupted. Here, everyone is going to sleep. It’s our best chance,” George reasoned, running a finger along the waistband of your trousers.
“What if someone needs something from down here and catches us?” You asked, though you began leaning towards him to bring him into another kiss. He smirked back at you, “Isn’t that part of the fun?”
And you hated to admit it, but he was right. Something about the risk of being caught whilst being fucked by George was definitely appealing, and you looked up at him, biting your lip as you smiled, “I suppose so.”
That was all George needed to bring you back into a hot kiss, swirling his tongue around your mouth as you ground your hips down onto him, making him groan into your mouth. His hands gripped your waist pulling you against him further as one of yours ran through his hair, the other resting on his chest.
“I’ve waited too long for this,” he murmured against your lips, taking a quick breather to grab the hem of your sweater and helping you to pull it off, throwing it on the floor and leaving you in that lacy bra that George had been picturing the entire time he was sat at the table.
You reached round to unclip it but George stopped you, “Keep the bra on... and your knickers while you’re at it, I’m just gonna pull them to one side and fuck you whilst you’re wearing them.”
You moaned at the thought, grinding down onto his hard cock again, making him let out a shuddering breath. Pulling away for a moment, you stood up to take your trousers off, George doing the same. He then pulled off his underwear, his cock springing out, long and hard as he stroked himself a couple of times before sitting back down on the couch, pulling you down onto him again.
You could feel him against the lace of your underwear, and you circled your hips, making him groan against the skin of your neck, where he was pressing wet, open mouthed kisses, occasionally biting and sucking to elicit breathy moans from you.
“Look at you being all desperate for me,” George commented, watching as you kept bucking your hips against him, needy for the friction between your legs.
He reached down into your soaked underwear for the second time that evening, teasing your clit again before bringing his fingers up to his mouth to clean them off. He felt you grinding yourself down onto him and smirked to himself before deciding to move you a little to the right so you were now straddling his thigh, “Reckon you could come just from fucking my thigh, love?”
He jolted his leg a little, the skin of his muscular thigh moving against the material of your underwear and hitting you in just the right spot, making you cry out in pleasure.
“Merlin, you look so wickedly hot right now,” George breathed out, watching as you circled your hips around his thigh, eyes shut, head falling back as gasps fell from your pretty lips. At the back of his mind, he was aware that you couldn’t be much louder if you didn’t want to be caught, but Godric, did George love the sounds you were making.
“I’m close,” you gasped as he squeezed your hips, lifting his thigh a little to add more pressure. “That’s a good girl, I’m right here,” he murmured in your ear. Just a few minutes later, you felt the familiar feeling of pleasure washing over you, leaning your head onto George’s shoulders as he pressed kisses along the side of your neck.
“You looked so pretty coming for me like that, darlin’. Did you enjoy my thigh?” He murmured, sucking on a patch of skin below your ear. You nodded feebly, still seeing stars, and George smiled against your skin. He gave you a couple of minutes to bring your heart rate back to normal, however as soon as he felt your hips moving again, he leaned back with a smug expression and bit his lip, glancing from your dazed eyes to your swollen lips, “Are you ready for more, princess?”
All you could bring yourself to do was nod, finally satisfied from all the teasing he’d done to you over the course of the evening. He kissed you gently, a difference pace from a few moments previous, before thrusting his hips up to meet yours, enjoying the moan that escaped you as he hit your sensitive clit.
You felt him move your underwear to the side, and he lifted you up a little, allowing you slowly sink down onto him, making you both groan, enjoying the feeling of him being inside you again.
“You feel so bloody good, love,” he praised as you started to move up and down on his cock, circling your hips and falling into a rhythm as you rode him, “Taking me so well. My good girl.”
“George,” you breathed out, clutching his shoulders and he grabbed your hips to guide you. His head fell back, heavy breaths leaving his lips as you continued to ride him, both of you getting close - you from all the stimulation and him from his lack of.
You continued moving on him as he pushed his hips up to meet your thrusts. He sat up a little bit, causing him to go deeper, and you had to bite his shoulder to keep from screaming out.
“You’re so good to me, love. I’m getting close,” he groaned, leaning forward to press kisses to the tops of your breasts, gently biting at one in order to leave a mark.
“Georgie you feel amazing, I’m-“ you finished your sentence with a groan as you felt him twitch inside of you.
“Come for me, darlin’,” he murmured into your neck, and you let your second orgasm of the night hit you, pleasure flowing through your body as your eyes closed and head fell back, clenching around him and moaning again as you felt George finish inside of you just as you began to come down from the high.
You both stayed there for a moment, the only sounds being the both of your heavy breathing as you tried to steady your heart rate.
And that’s when you heard the sound of the steps creaking and you froze, hands gripping onto George’s shoulders as your heart beat fast for a different reason this time, praying whoever it was wouldn’t find you in the position you were in currently - namely, sat on top of your boyfriend on his couch with him still inside you. You waited with bated breath, eyes shutting in anticipated embarrassment as he pulled the blanket around you in case he had to hide you.
“Will you two be a bit quieter? Some of us are trying to sleep!”
You exhaled at the sound of Fred’s voice hissing down from the top of the stairs, thanking Merlin it wasn’t Molly.
“Please just go back to the room, Fred,” George called back to his twin through gritted teeth.
“I don’t know, I kinda want a glass of water now I’m up...” Fred replied, and you heard him step down onto the next stair tauntingly.
“Fred!” George warned. “Fine, I’m going, I’m going!”
You heard him heading back up the creaky stairs and across to where you knew his room was before opening your eyes to look up at George, letting out a small giggle as he leant his forehead against your shoulder for a moment, before pulling you off of him carefully and standing up to grab a cloth for you, unable to keep himself from laughing too.
“You know he’s never going to let us forget this right?” You grinned in the dark, before grabbing the cloth from him.
“Might as well make it a night to remember then, huh?” George grinned cheekily, leaning against the nearby wall and crossing his arms over his chest. Your eyes wandered down the veins in his lower arms before looking up at him, “What do you mean?”
“I’m thinking, round two, you sat on the kitchen counter, with my head between your legs. What do you say?” George smirked, bringing his bottom lip between his teeth as he looked you over.
You stood up quickly, grabbing his hand, “I say let’s go.”
“Well that didn’t take much convincing,” he followed you into the kitchen with a grin.
“Yeah well,” you replied as you reached the kitchen counter, him grabbing your waist and lifting you up onto it, standing between your legs,
“Right now I’d rather you use that tongue for something other than talking.”
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! boys with a s/o that becomes clingy/affectionate while drunk
characters: kyōtani, kenma, iwaizumi, matsukawa and bokuto
thank you anon for this marvellous request mwah
tw// drinking, suggestive themes, sexual references, swearing
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Kentarō Kyōtani
kyōtani was used to having a cool, laid-back s/o who was just as awkward about physical touch as he was 
i mean, that’s kinda a part of the reason he liked you so much - so y’all could get over your awkwardness together
so imagine his surprise when his usually level-headed, calm s/o came stumbling out of the club, a blubbering mess and threw themselves into his arms, wailing something about a maths test
he was like ‘omg why are they touching me? i kinda like it- wait are they crying? tf? i ain’t ever seen them cry before- should i help them? lord everyone is looking at us now. so what the fuck do i do- AYE DON’T TOUCH ME THERE’
so he had no choice but to dip with you flung over his shoulder lol
he took you back to your shared apartment and forced you to drink some water and instead of ordering a take-out, he just gave you his leftover burrito which he took to the club smh
it was probably cold 
but that was the best he could think of at the time bc he simply needed to shut you up with food bc the alcohol in your system was causing you to become especially touchy, hence resulting in kyōtani getting especially aroused
but the last thing he’d do is fuck you while you’re drunk and i firmly believe that despite the fact kyōtani is a bit of a lout - he still has like a basic moral compass
but i mean if you kept being so damn suggestive then it was gonna be a lot harder for him to resist his urges
you were rubbing him up and shit, calling him every pet name in the book so ofc he just stuck a burrito in your mouth and went ‘stfu 😡’
the painful part was that he was silently enjoying it too (┬┬﹏┬┬)
(though, he was red from blushing lol, not anger) 
and he wasn’t used to it either so obviously he was gonna get flustered, i mean, everything was happening all at once
oh and you told him ‘i love you’ and he literally combusted like lord have mercy on this man 
just that morning you were calling him your ‘annoying rat boyfriend’ (jokingly, ofc) and now you love him?-
that wasn’t the first time you told him that you loved him but he was still blushing none the less 
and he stammered out a ‘love you too’ PRAYING that you wouldn’t remember any of this the following day
anyway, he cuddled you to sleep and railed you as soon as you sobered up - the end ❤
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Kenma Kozume
pov: you’re kenma happily being a wallflower in the club then your s/o approaches you, demanding for you to fuck them 
- ok, end of POV - 
anyway, your speech was slurred so kenma wasn’t really sure if that was what you were asking him to do but if it was, he would’ve happily obliged if it wasn’t for the fact you were clearly drunk
mans was blushing though
bc y’all hardly ever do it but now - all of a sudden - you were tightly wrapped around him, garbling erotic threats into his ear
kenma was worried at first but you were like..really weak
so it wasn’t hard to get you off his torso, usher you out of the club and grip your hand as he ordered a taxi 
also kenma had read enough wattpad fanfictions to know how to deal with someone while they’re drunk 
but none of those fanfictions ever mentioned a single thing about how to deal with yourself while your partner is drunk
like seriously..he was in pain
both from the throbbing erection he had and the aching embarrassment he felt - both stemming from the fact you tried to give him a lap dance in taxi ✋ please oml
anyway, he took you back to his apartment and insisted that you have a few slices of the left-over pizza in the fridge along with a glass of water
after you changed into your pyjamas, you had clearly sobered up slightly as you could now compose coherent sentences
but that wasn’t any better for him bc now you were draped over him, whimpering into his ear about how much you love him
‘i’m so lucky to have you, kenma. i love you so much. you remind me of my first cat - you’re such a cat- i mean, blessing..you’re such a blessing.’ 
ngl, at that point he would be at a loss for words, just deciding to hug you until you fall asleep
like he finds it so cute that you’re finally opening up to him about how you feel as you’re usually quite composed and restrained 
but also- what does he do now? 
you eventually fell asleep in his arms and the next day, you woke up to kenma having made breakfast and telling you how much he adores you which was..confusing, to say the least
he told you about how you acted when you were drunk and to say you were embarrassed would be an understatement 
also, he’ll tease you about it for the rest of your life ;)
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Hajime Iwaizumi
literally all you had to do was send him a text like ‘iwa...,,.,...ily so mycj ❤’’ and he’s already waiting in the line to get into the club lol
he marches in there, finds you, grabs your hand and drags you home 
let’s hope that your friends know what iwaizumi looks like so they don’t have to just watch a random guy haul you out the club-
and tries to act all like angry iwaizumi >:( but when you are trailing behind him, muttering about how amazing he is, he becomes more like angy iwa grrr (*  ̄︿ ̄)
by that, i mean that angry iwaizumi would bring you home and lecture on how irresponsible it is to get so intoxicated 
but angy iwa just takes care of you but with a disapproving scowl 
and angry iwaizumi would make nasty, bitchy remarks about how inappropriate your outfit is 
while angy iwa would be like ‘babe, your outfit is lovely but maybe wear something different next time, idk....’
either way, he takes good care of you 
he makes sure you eat (and he cooks good food btw - he doesn’t make you eat leftovers lmao) 
he lets you change into more comfortable clothes
he ensures that you don’t die in the shower 
and he forces you to go to bed
but all of that is rather difficult when you’re clinging to him like your life depends on it, raving on about how sweet of a boyfriend he is and covering his face sloppy kisses
his original plan was to go train some more in his gym (yes, there is a gym in y’alls house-) but when you were peppering his cheek in kisses, begging him to stay with you for whatever reason, of course he didn’t have the balls to leave
 so he ended up laying like a log in bed as you cuddled up to him like koala, resting your head in his chest and allowing him to run his hand through your hair as you slept
in that moment - as he stared down at your tranquil figure - he realised how grateful he was for moments like these, as he finally got see a side of you that he knew you’d almost never exhibit when you’re sober
like yeah, you often tell him how much you love him but he can always tell that it’s as if you’re setting aside your pride to say such a thing but now, you’re gushing on about it with the most genuine look in your eyes, he can tell that you’re being completely sincere 
and to say that he adores it would be an understatement 
so yeah, you were kind of a pain while drunk but you were also the most adorable thing that iwaizumi had ever laid his eyes on (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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Issei Matsukawa
ok so the only reason matsukawa wasn’t getting drunk with you was bc the first time y’all got drunk together he got fined for public indecency and you got done for public intoxication
so you decided that it was best (for your wallets) if you took turns getting tipsy
emphasis on ‘tipsy’ bc you both went to the bar together (along with a few friends) and you promised matsukawa that you’d only have a few drinks 
so please explain to him why he is now having to carry you bridal style out of the bar because you are too hammered to walk properly 
and he was kinda grumpy bc he had to leave his friends mid-conversation bc not only were you pestering him but also, the erotic things you were whispering in his ear caused him to get a boner
and he was getting weird looks from people as he carried you home but that was the least of his problems tbh- he didn’t even notice lol
the biggest issue on his mind rn was the fact that you made him hard yet you can’t help him bc you’re drunk smh 
like he was tempted at first bc you seemed down to do it but he quickly came back to reality and realised how morally incorrect that’d be 
so he was mumbling curses the whole way home just to tune you out bc if he paid any more attention to the racy promises you were muttering in his ear- he’d explode
he’s alright at taking care of you like he isn’t iwaizumi’s level of caring but he’s a close second, i mean he’s gotten drunk plenty of times so he knows the basics
he was like ‘drink water idk lol ’
anyway, once he handled himself he wasn’t too fazed by your lustful advances
and he was so smug about it too deadass like ‘keep talkin’ me up, (y/n), you ain’t getting shit until you’re sober.’
smh ANYWAY he thinks you’re so charming when you’re like lovey-dovey drunk but SO annoying when you’re horny drunk bc like- he can’t get some (T_T)
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Kōtarō Bokuto 
best for last 👌
ok anyway he’s an athlete and he doesn’t need alcohol to have a good time- he’s forever drunk tbh- drunk on life :)
so while you’re getting hammered with your pals, he’s doing stupid shit while sober lol
once you both rendezvous outside the club to head home and you’re absolutely steamin- he’s just like ‘hi, babe! how’s your night been?’
anyway, he drives back to y’alls house and since you’re fatigued at first, you spent 90% of the car ride sleeping
but when you get home, more awake, you’re all up on him
but you’re not like sensual drunk- more like..emotional drunk but with love 🥺
so basically you are sobbing into his chest about whatever and bc he is an such empath he will start crying too, or at least get a bit emotional 
you could say something like, ‘omg, bo. i hardly get to see you because you’re at work so often- i wish i could spend more time with you. i miss you so much’  ╯︿╰
and he would deadass reply whole-heartedly while weeping into your shoulder, ‘I’M QUITTING VOLLEYBALL, (Y/N)!!’
(ok, so maybe he was a bit tipsy too- but like..definitely not has drunk as you)
he has no idea where to start when it comes to taking care of you but he tries (´◡` ‘) 
at the very least, he ensures that you don’t having any more alcohol and that you don’t die somehow 
he’s v overprotective though 
you could be getting a fork to eat your instant-noodles with and he’ll be like 
‘apologies ✋ but i cannot allow you to handle such a dangerous weapon while intoxicated. maybe eat with a spoon instead, idk.’ /h
other than that, he just cuddles you to sleep and deals with you in your badly hungover state the next day
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bangtae-sohotddaeng · 3 years
nugatory | p.jm. | drabble
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pairing: jimin x reader (ft. taehyung)
rating: m (18+)
genre: smut | angst | college!au
summary: Park Jimin is many things. Park Jimin is a responsible, smart, handsome and musically talented Taekwondo black belt. Park Jimin is Kim Taehyung's best friend. Park Jimin is a good friend. Park Jimin is a compulsive matchmaker. Park Jimin is many things – but he is not the guy you should be sitting in a car with, right now.
warnings: swearing + sexual situations (nudity, semi-public sexual acts in a car, fingering, penetrative sex) + possible allusions to some infidelity if you squint?
word count: 3.2 k
note: y’all. i couldn’t let butter!jimin keep ruining my life without acting out a bit, could i? this one started off as a pwp, but then i ended up combining it with a plot i had in my head for a while, and this turned into more plot and less porn, but. i’m okay with that, tbh. also! i’ve used one my older styles of writing (going back to 2016-ish) with this one. hope you all like it~ 🥺💜
— masterlist
— feedback is always appreciated!
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Park Jimin is many things.
He is an astoundingly handsome, cheerful – and yet somehow mysterious – psychology major that you shared Freshman year's communications class with. He is the only rich kid among the majority on campus that doesn't flaunt his wealth to scholarship kids like you. He is kind, helpful, generous – did you mention handsome? – perfectly athletic and perfectly aesthetic.
Park Jimin is a responsible, smart, handsome and musically talented Taekwondo black belt.
He is also someone that gets excited at the prospect of claw machines at fairs. He is also someone that looks at the universe with galaxies in his eyes. He is also someone that doesn’t realize he will always be more exquisite than any art his best friend might ever create.
Park Jimin is Kim Taehyung's best friend.
He is the guy that stood next to Kim Taehyung when Taehyung asked you to the Freshman dance. He is the guy that told you Kim Taehyung has the most gigantic crush on you. He is the guy that set you up on the first of your many dates with Kim Taehyung.
Park Jimin is a good friend.
Park Jimin is a compulsive matchmaker.
Park Jimin is many things – but he is not the guy you should be sitting in a car with, right now.
"You really don't have to worry about me, Jimin," you mumble, eyes flickering all over his face – you always tend to drink him up the best you can, whenever you can. “I know I stupidly called you here, but I was just in shock. I’m okay, now. I’ll be fine.”
"No, I do have to worry." His fingers thread through his hair, your eyes hopelessly follow. "This was stupid and reckless of Tae. I'm sure he'll come back to his senses soon."
You blink. Jimin really has absolutely no grasp of this situation. But he obviously thinks he knows everything, which is making this conversation progressively difficult.
(His muscles bulging beneath his jeans and the t-shirt he wears are a contributing factor in making this conversation difficult, too, you won't lie.)
You breathe out, partly to collect your thoughts, and partly because you've been inhaling too much of his heady cologne and it’s making you think about—
It's making you think about things. That you should have no business thinking about. Because you and his best friend have been going on dates. The same best friend who is currently, as you speak, on a date with someone else. Alluding to the reason why you have called up Park Jimin to see you in a confused panic, after ten, at night, at your place.
"Taehyung – he, um. He didn't see us going anywhere. We'd been on nine dates, but… He said he didn't think I was actually as into him as he is into me. He didn't want to go on like that." 
Jimin’s lips part. His brows hike up. You shrug, forcing your gaze away from the gloss on his lips.
“It’s been that way for a while. We were barely even texting. I think he has concluded that I don’t like him like that.”
Jimin rests his forearm on the steering wheel, almost leaning over the center console to catch your gaze. "Do you?"
His eyes pull you in like always and you're lost, just staring into their depths, as your mind ceases to think up thoughts that don't involve you and him naked and tangled up with each other in—
Your intake of breath is sharp, short and cold. Your insides are just as warm, turning everything in your head into incomprehensible mush. "Y–y–yeah?"
"Are you into Taehyung the way he is into you?" he whispers, and you follow the shape of his lips as they move. “Because you must know, he’s liked for a whole semester.”
You lick your lips, mindlessly nod, and then reach out with a finger to trace his cupid's bow. He doesn't pull away, he doesn't even flinch. "What do you think?"
His warm breath washes over your fingertip as you press it against his lower lip. His body jolts when your nail rims the plush cushion. "I… think he's my bestest friend in the world and he's basically in love with you…"
You shake your head, and your other hand travels past the console to grip his thigh. Your nails dig in. His breath catches. "He's on a date with someone else, as we're speaking."
"I just—he was so into you, I thought you'd be good for each other." 
Past the cloud of, well, something incomprehensible, there is disappointment in Jimin's gaze. And that is how you know he means it. You shouldn't be surprised, really, because Park Jimin always means everything he does, he doesn't have a single conniving bone in his body, but you still are. Part of you has hoped against hope that he set you up with Taehyung to get closer to you, himself. Which – sounds like a really flawed plan and doesn't really make much sense, now that you think about it.
But you still hoped.
Now, though. Now you know otherwise.
"How can I be good for someone else when I have never even been good for me?" you don't know why you confessed to that, but the words just tumble out of you and you let them. "I'm a mess, Jimin," you whisper, accentuating your point by massaging his lower lip by your index finger. "I destroy people, and I nearly destroy myself in the process. I am an emotional and psychological train wreck. He's better off without me. Anybody would be better off without me."
Jimin grips your hand on his thigh with his own. “Not anybody,” he murmurs, and through his furrowed brows and muddled eyes, you catch an emotion you have been well acquainted with for years, now.
Your heartbeat picks up as Jimin massages small circles on the back of your hand. You remove your other hand from his face.
“Yes, Jimin, anybody,” you say with conviction, even as you desperately hope for him to offer himself up as an alternative. “Everything is a wreck inside of my head. I can’t do relationships, I can’t even date someone without messing up.”
His pupils expand and his tongue flicks at his lower lip. His hand tightens in a grip on your other hand. His gorgeously bleached hair curl over the side of his head. "You don’t have to date, then.”
You scoff. “Taehyung would never go for—”
“I’m not talking about Taehyung,” Jimin’s voice comes out three octaves lower. “And you’re not talking about just anybody.”
You nearly stop breathing as he brings his free hand to your face, pushes a tendril of your hair behind your ear and traces a knuckle down the side of your face, your jaw, to hold your chin.
“You say you’re not good for you. Can you try to be good for me, then?" He pulls your face closer to his. “Would you let me save you from destroying yourself? Let me try to take care of the wreckage, hmm?”
Your body spasms when he reaches for the hand you’d retracted, pecks your finger before pulling it into his mouth. His tongue swirls, his teeth scrape and his eyes roll back as he sucks. He lets go with a pop. 
Boy, would you let him take care of whatever he wants.
"Can you, sweetheart? Can you be good for me?" He sounds like he’s at the brink of something, just teetering on the edge, waiting for you to flick a finger before he free-falls.
Well. You’ve been teetering for years now.
"I want to be.” You don’t sound like yourself when you speak.
And you don't sound like yourself when he pulls you on top of him. You don’t sound like yourself when your back hits the wheel, your thighs cage his, your hands instinctively twirl in his hair, and –
Your core presses up against his length. 
He's hard and straining against his tighter than sin jeans. You claw at his t-shirt. He takes it off in a swift, smooth motion — agile and rhythmic in everything he does.
You don’t feel like yourself when your eyes feast him. Because how could you ever get this lucky? How could you ever get to feel Park Jimin’s shirtless self beneath you? You had long since succumbed to your destiny of perishing in pining.
And yet, here you are.
You lean back to marvel at his toned, chiseled angles, you let your fingers smooth over every groove and crevice and line of sinew muscle you can reach. You trace his tight abdomen, nails scraping at the last of his eight-pack before veering towards his toned v-line. You shiver at the dark promises it leads to, looking up to meet his eye. And you shiver more when his feral gaze catches you.
Then he pulls you into a kiss and you're lost.
He tastes like stale coffee and breath mints and bad decisions –
He tastes delicious.
His tongue plunders your mouth, teeth bite into your lips—he pulls, pushes, drinks up, feasts. You throw your all into the kiss, meeting him in the middle with your tongue swirling with his, teeth latching on to suck at it. He groans into your mouth – all loud, and guttural and manly. And then he stops. Pulls away.
His wholly black eyes dig into yours. His lips are wet, swollen and bitten. You did that.
"You have to at least talk to him—"
"I have another important business to tend to, currently."
You grind against him and make your point. He bites down on his lip. His arms snake around your waist to cage you against him, he pulls you down on him. 
You don't recognize yourself when you moan.
Your shirt is off, your shorts are pulled down and your panties are pushed to a side—
"You can never tell him." Park Jimin glides two fingers over your wetness, making a bigger mess of you. "Never."
You don't intend to, because what you do with Park Jimin in your apartment's parking lot at eleven pm on a Saturday night is nobody's business but yours. 
His fingers part your entrance and slide in you abruptly, and you see stars. Your head tilts back on a long, drawn out moan, Jimin’s fingers picking up pace inside you. You rock on his hand, you claw at his arm, you desperately latch onto his shoulders and rest your forehead against his to ground yourself. He watches you with his half shuttered eyes threatening to eat you up whole. 
His lips press into yours, tongue swiping through your mouth, curling up behind your teeth – it's messy, it's sloppy, it's the most arousing kiss of your life.
His lips drag down the column of your neck, tongue licking at the sweat droplets quickly gathering above your collarbones, his fingers curl inside you, his teeth latch onto your shoulder.
You explode under his thumb's press against your clit and sob into his neck when he drags its nail over the sensitive bud. “Jimin, Jimin, too much~ ah!”
He presses some buttons in his fancy car and his seat inclines. He pulls you to the backseat with him. “You okay?” he breathes on your face, hovering inches above you.
“Never been better,” you truthfully breathe back, heart coiling in your chest at the radiant grin he rewards you with in response.
A blast of hot air hits your forehead, your thighs and your shins. You jump, realizing he has turned some sort of hot air blower on. “For privacy,” he says, gesturing to the rapidly fogging windows, and then flicks a switch to make the air stop.
You both gaze at each other. Your eyes flicker all over his face to save every last bit of it to memory. You self-consciously swallow when you see him do the same. “Jimin…”
He leans down to sponge a kiss to your sternum, and then your hips buck into his as his tongue licks a path on the wells of your breasts peeking above your bra. A breathless moan leaves you when he scrapes his teeth over your cloth covered nipple.
You both pause for a moment, wide eyes locking in surprise.
And then you’re ravenous.
He strips you bare when you tug at his belt, and you rush to return the favor. You struggle with getting his boxers past his plump ass as he grips onto your flesh, peppering bites down your hips, squeezes your boobs, licks at your nipples—
You grip him, warm and heavy, and glide your thumb over the leaking tip. His head falls into your nape, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass. “Jimin, ple~ase,” you moan.
He plucks out a golden foil from his wallet, meeting your eyes as he tears the packet and rolls the condom onto himself. 
Your hands are pinned next to your head in a flash, his tongue teases your pulse point, teeth toy with your earlobe, and you writhe in want under him, eyes watering at the sweet torture.
And then he fills you up with a single thrust.
You freeze on a gasp.
His hair hangs over his eyes, irises lost to the lust storming in his pupils, his mouth gapes open, his chest is heaving.
“You good?” His voice is deeper than the ocean.
You've never been more turned on in your life.
He hisses at your frantic nod. “Words.”
“Yes. Yes, oh my God, Jimin, move—”
He thrusts into you at an unforgiving pace. Your whole world literally tilts off its axis as he meets that spot inside of you, and your body wrings beneath him, twisting up to hold onto some buoy to ground you, but he is unrelenting even as you grip at his neck — his teeth encase his lower lip, brows furrow and eyelids flutter as he drives deep into you.
You groan at the sight, moving your hips to meet him. You rock with him, never catching your breath, and your nails just dig dig dig into his meaty back, drawing patterns all over the smooth, delicious surface.
Your release closes in on you, and you chase it with your mouth clamping onto Jimin’s neck, your eyes screwed shut as you groan into his skin, until—
He draws back, standing on his knees above you like goddamn Adonis in this goddamn huge SUV of his, and the sight of sweat droplets trailing down his neck, framing his pecs and racing down his tight abs has your whine of protest dying in your throat as you gawk. His lips are parted as he breathes, a couple of sweat soaked hair strands sticking to his brow, and his eyes — 
Oh God, his eyes have an animalistic gleam in them as he hooks his arms beneath your knees, and drags your hips to him.
You cry out when he enters you at this angle, every thrust pushing at what feels like your cervix, and the pleasure is so blinding it's almost painful. One of his hands maneuvers to your center, a finger rubbing at your clit, and you yelp out a distorted version of his name, completely unwarned when waves over waves of hot, sweet, toe curling climax crash into you.
Jimin chases you into completion, his broken moan of your name filtering to you through the post-orgasmic buzzing in your head. His lips connect with yours as he relaxes your legs. You both pant into each other's mouth after two, lethargic, sticky kisses.
Your sweaty bodies make a disgusting sound when you detach, and both of you scowl together, laughing when you catch each other’s expressions. You sit up on jelly legs, barely able to sit on your ass when your sensitive center protests. 
You both dress up in silence, although you don’t feel it to be awkward in the least.
You’re still mulling over how to frame in words what you have felt for him for nearly three years, how to tell him and even what to tell him when you’re such a relationship-phobe, when Jimin releases a long sigh.
You look up in surprise. That was not a contented sound. It was one of… was it defeat?
Jimin looks at you with a serious face.
Your heart plummets.
One of the many things that make up Park Jimin is also his brutal morality. And right now, you can see it in his face that he thinks he’s done something wrong. Your shoulders hunch up in subconscious defense — you will not say a word, you decide.
“Taehyung is my best friend in this entire world,” he begins, stomping firmly on any remaining embers of hope left in your chest. “He can never, ever, ever know this happened, okay?”
You give a numb nod.
“I’m sure he’ll come back around and try to talk to you again. If that happens, don’t feel like you owe me anything, okay?”
You look up to find Jimin’s eyes searching your face. He looks so soft and grave and sad, that it hurts to look at him. You look down and nod again.
“I — I feel like you two will happen, you know, when the time is finally right.” His words sound stiff. Practiced, even. “Don’t let this come in the way of that.”
Even though you decided you wouldn’t say anything, your mouth is nearly bubbling with too much to say, at this point. You take a deep breath. “And what if he doesn’t come back. What then, Jimin?”
Jimin looks at you with wide, clueless eyes. “He…will. At some point.”
“And what about until he comes back? Am I expected to wait around?”
Something crumples in his expressions. “No, of course not. You can do whatever you want. Even after he comes back, you don’t owe anybody anything.”
“Whatever I want, you say?” you ask him quietly, your heart thudding in your throat.
Jimin swallows, obviously catching on. “I mean…I guess?”
“You guess?”
He licks his lips and his gaze zeroes in on yours. “Whatever you want, yes. Certainly.”
“Great.” You take his acquiescence for what it is, and grab his wrist. “Okay, then. Until he comes back, right?”
Jimin nods, haltingly, gaze switching between your hand and your eyes. “Right.”
You feign a smile you don’t actually feel because something about this doesn’t sit right with you. This boy, you realize, deserves a lot more than being someone’s dirty little secret. He is Park Jimin, after all, a guy that is so many things that you could never run out of listing them and— 
Park Jimin is a gorgeous celestial metaphor in himself.
Because he may look at the universe with galaxies in his eyes, but he is your only galaxy, and all your stars shine at you through him when he smiles. 
Park Jimin is many things — but he is not the guy you want to just casually fuck.
But your pathetic self would take anything he would allow.
And so you pull his hand and stumble out of his SUV, sharing shy glances with him as you pull him with you up the stairs, all the way to your dorms.
Park Jimin is many things—
To you.
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nugatory (adj.) – worth nothing or of little value.
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532 notes · View notes
Draw your swords, pt. 10
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Summary: Haunted by her own mind, Y/N isn’t sure what to do with the information she uncovered. On the other hand, the Darkling felt a growing distance between them, allowing himself to admit something he never thought he’d say.
Warnings: angst, swearing, fluff, sexual innuendos 
Part one // Part two // Part three // Part four // Part five // Part six // Part seven // Part eight // Part nine   
A long time ago lived a young boy with the power of saints. He held the darkness at the tip of his fingers, capable of forcing the day into an eternal night. Back then, he made all the wrong choices for all the right reasons. To protect the ones he loves, he allowed the shadows to consume him. Cursed with immortality, he walked the earth ever since. Forever alone, hurt and betrayed, the Darkling's heart no longer beat as it turned to stone. No longer did he suffer, no longer did he feel pain or anything at all.
Until now.
There was no escape from emotions when he looked at her. Even in the darkness, she had the ability to set his world on fire.
A single badly made decision in a moment where everything feels more important than love can make your entire life feel like a failure. He would never make the same mistake again. 
This lifetime he gives to her – wholeheartedly.
When they stopped for the night, he had felt uneasy as Y/N conversed freely with everyone but him. It seemed like she’s on edge and not knowing why gnawed at him. Once night came and they settled in their tent, the Darkling couldn’t contain himself.
"I sense some...hostility."
Scoffing, she rolled her eyes, "Oh, how observant of you."
"What happened?” He asked, “Did someone at the Palace do something to you? Was it Genya?"
"And what if she did?” Tilting her head ever so slightly, she neared him. “What would you do?"
Without thinking, he answered, "I'd protect you."
Inhaling sharply, she raised an eyebrow. "And what if it was you?"
Pausing, his eyebrows furrowed as he unclenched his jaw. "Is it me?"
"If it was you who upset me, would that bother you?" Y/N pushed further, genuinely wondering if he cares for her as much as she thinks. After all, who’d believe the Darkling has a heart? She was still trying to convince herself it’s real when he kisses her temple when he thinks she’s fast asleep.
With her hands on her hips, she narrowed her eyes at him. "So, how would you protect me from yourself?"
Letting out a heavy sigh, Aleksander ran his hand through his hair. "I'd let you decide."
Closing her eyes in frustration, her lower lip curled inwards as her front teeth sunk into the flesh. A part of her wanted to ask him about being the creator of the fold, but it was an advantage that would be unwise to let go of. 
"Why are you being so agreeable? Is it because I spread my legs for you now?"
"I've never known you to be so crude." The muscles in his jaw tighten as he squints at her and it’s taking everything in her not to smile because she absolutely loved when he’d look at her like that. It felt more natural than the soft, wistful looks he’d send her way.
"And I never realized you could be so easily tamed”, she remarks, her voice louder than before.
Chuckling in disbelief, the Darkling shrugs off his kefta without breaking eye contact. "You believe that you've tamed me?"
Pinching the bridge of her nose, she shut her eyes. Her face is flushed, her head spinning and she has nothing concrete to tell him. She can’t make sense of anything anymore, the image of him in her head changing with every passing minute.
"I don't know what to believe anymore."
In two strides, Aleksander found himself before her. Cupping her cheeks, he tilts her head up to face him and when she opens her eyes, she’s lost in the universe that’s captured in his eyes. She loved the night sky littered with stars, but she never truly knew what it means to stargaze until she met him.
“I’ve discovered I love you.”
Raising her eyebrows, her jaw slacked. “When have you discovered that?” Her voice is high, tone defensive, but his smile grows because it wouldn’t be her if she didn’t fight him even when he’s trying to admit to something he long forgot exists.
“When all my decisions started to revolve around keeping you safe.”
Shaking, her eyes widened. “That’s impossible! You hate me!”
Placing a hand over her mouth, he used his other to press his index finger to his lips. “Shh”, he chuckles, “You’ll wake the others.”
Rolling her eyes, she licked his hand.
“Really? I’ve touched you in a way that made you scream long into the night”, he deadpans, “Your tongue can’t possibly disgust me.” Smirking, he leans in, “On the contrary.”
Slapping his hand away, she turned away from him. Grabbing her head, she sat down with her thoughts running so fast, too fast for her to pick one out to decide what she thinks, feels, wants.
Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her back flush against his chest. “I know you hate me now, but I’m a patient man. I won’t give up on you.”
He held her for a while, too long for either of them to realize the night had slowly trickled away from them and given way to dawn. Their journey wasn’t quite as long anymore. Soon enough, they’ll be at the fold and Y/N didn’t know what to do.
Should she tell him? Ask him for an explanation?
Would he kill her even if he said he loves her?
She still felt his kisses as he laid her down beside him. For the first time since they made love, they didn’t initiate any physical intimacy. Instead, they simply stared at one another.
She’s not for feeble minded people, there’s no doubt about it in his mind and if anything, Aleksander was more determined to love her because of it. She tested him in every way possible and while she was incredibly frustrating to argue with, Aleksander refused to give up on her. She’s difficult to understand to ordinary minds, but he isn’t ordinary.
His love will conquer in the end, he truly believed that. He could have continued on like nothing changed between them, but he could not be silent any longer. After all the time he’s spent in vein, all the years he wasted and lives he’s lived, Aleksander never found someone who gave him a reason to believe. Not until he met Y/N.
While she remained silent, stunned by his admission, he spoke of the day he first met Ivan and Fedyor. He spoke of their adventures, of their silly mistakes and she found herself smiling at first. Soon, she was laughing with him, and though she had no courage to admit it yet, she fell asleep thinking about him. Their knees were touching and her heart was racing, but the world never felt so right as it did when she was next to him.
Once on the road, she took the reins once again.
Kirigan ignored the whispers about her riding his horse, choosing to glare them into silence. No one dared to speak of it after.
Stopping a few miles short of their destination, Y/N drew a shuddered breath. The sight is hauntingly beautiful, a nightmare come alive. Swallowing thickly, a faint line formed between her eyebrows as they furrowed.
How could Aleksander be the Black Heretic? How is it possible for him to live so long?
“I’m here”, he whispers in her ear.
Goosebumps rise across the back of her neck as his warm breath dances across her skin. And there he is again, with her when she’s looking for solitude, offering his hand to hold and shoulder to lean on even when she least expects it. The worst thing is that she’s actually becoming dependent on his help and that scares her most of all, because what is she supposed to do when he decides he never did love her and all of it was simply an obsession fueled by her rejection. 
She’s still a novelty to him, that will wear off eventually.
“I’m not afraid”, she remarks, “I’m-“, she pauses in an attempt to find a better word, “Admiring it.”
“Admiring”, he repeats in surprise. “Most people find it absolutely terrifying.” 
She wondered if it frightened him. What would happen if he went in?
Turning her head to the side, she caught a glimpse of his parted lips. She felt ashamed how it caused her heartbeat to quicken, how it ached for a taste.
“I’m not most people”, she reminded him. And he knew that well. The Darkling would never fall for an ordinary woman.
“What I want to know is what went through his mind”, she grips the reigns tighter.
“Of the black heretic?”
Feeling his hands tighten around her waist, she nods. “I wish I knew what led to the creation of the fold. Why did he do it?”
“Maybe he just couldn’t help himself”, Aleksander’s voice is strained, “Maybe he’s just pure evil.”
Leaning the back of her head on his shoulder, she looked up at him. She longed for him, for an earnest conversation with their souls laid bare, but would she live long if she unveiled what her mind’s been tormented by?
“I don’t believe that”, she says softly.
Their eyes meet in an instant, the closeness forcing them both to hold their breath and look at each other silently. Looking at her, he touched her cheek gently with the back of his hand.
“Why give him the benefit of doubt?”
Aleksander’s free hand gently moves along her arm, finding its rightful place at the side of her neck, touching her skin so tenderly she felt blissful and it reminded her of that night where he unraveled her, made her scream in pleasure she never found before.
There was no denying it, Y/N had a weakness for his hand on her neck and his words in her heart, neither of which she had any willpower to refuse, especially not when she couldn’t breathe when he looked at her with such longing, shameful lust and indisputable passion and understanding.
It took everything in her to find the strength to speak again without her voice cracking under the pressure of her own emotions. 
“Because darkness doesn’t equate evil, just as light doesn’t equate good.”
Without a warning, he kissed her fiercely, violently, leaving her raw. She didn’t move away, she didn’t make a sound. All she did was close her eyes and part her lips and in that fraction of a second, she allowed herself to get lost in the beauty of a lover’s touch for when his lips claimed hers, nothing mattered anymore.  
When he broke away, she was breathless and undeniably his.
“What was that for?” She raised an eyebrow, a shadow of a smile forming on her bruised lips.
She shuddered, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip ruthlessly as Aleksander’s breath caressed her skin. It felt so right, too right to resist his advances. She lived for those long nights in their bed, those thick with lust and romance and naked kisses.
Aleksander shrugs, “I wanted to.”
Lips parted, she didn’t know what to do with that. He told her he loves her, that he’d wait for her to love him back and most women would fall at his feet. Something inside her refused to do so. To admit her feelings out loud would be the end of her. 
If she allows herself to love him fully, how could she possibly be the cause of his downfall? 
What would be left of her if she took his love and used it against him in the most cruel way possible?
She’s losing who she is around him, but it hurt so much more to reject his love. Hating him, pretending her heart isn’t a feeble muscle where he resides is exhausting.
Truth is, he doesn't make her feel safe or comfortable as she once believed a man should. He makes her feel like she's teetering at the edge of a cliff and she's getting addicted to that feeling. She’s getting addicted to him – his scent, his touch, his handsome smile and devilish smirk and most of all to the way his darkness drives away her demons.
Love has to come at once, with thunder and lightning like a hurricane that wreaks havoc on your life, to shake you up and break the heart like leaves off trees, to drag it into the abyss - abyss he created. 
She used to fear the dark, but now she found herself running into it.
In that moment, she smiled. 
Perhaps the darkness is not so bad if he’ll be there, holding her hand.
A/N - So, I literally wrote this in about two hours and I’m about to pass out. I wanna thank you for Eid Mubarak responses and especially for the feedback, I was just reading through them and they made my day so much better. I’m seeing some interesting theories too, some paragraphs you loved or just thoughts about the characters and IT GIVES ME LIFE. I’m so, so grateful for it all.
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9 @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x @girlmadeofavocados @ashdab2611 @acciorudolphx @ladyblablabla @wckedheart @xceafh @sanna2020 @tarkanelima-blog @takethee @mellifluous-cosmos @marvel-ousnesss @tea-effect @starlightofsolaria @p3nny4urth0ught5 @blackbirddaredevil23 @sarcastic-and-cool @slytherinsbiggestproblem @within-thehollowcrown @notthatchhavi @musicconversedance @freakytillthemoon  @lgkoval @honeyofthegods @queenmalhinewahine @misselsbells06  @whatthefluffrichard @aami98 @britriestbr @itsfangirlmendes @padme-parker @readingsssssssss @runawayolives @thehighladyofasgard @emlynblack @keithseabrook27 @dailydoseofchoices @deceivedeer @olympiacosplay @pansysgirlfriend @extrakyloren  @daybleedsintonightfa11 @thoughts-and-funnies @weirdowithnobeardo @folkloresworld @remugoodgirl​ 
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rcksmith · 4 years
You — Five Hargreeves
Request: “Could I get 37 and 63 from the smut prompts with older Five, if you are comfortable, if not then understandable”
Smut Prompts:
37. “I’m so sick of your voice. Why don’t you come over here and put your mouth to better use?”
63. “Could he make you feel as good as i do?”
A/ N: We not tolerate any pedophilia here!!
I write about Five with their 20s. I write the same about the characters of Harry Potter.
I hope it got close to what you wanted. ❤️
Guys, I really understand who doesn't feel comfortable reading or writing Five's smut. But I always say that I only write with him (any genre: romance, fluff or angst) with the notion that Five is 20 years old here. All of my fanfics mention swearing or sex, even if it is a memory or something shallow, but as I am writing with Five as an adult, it is consistent that the fic has aspects of an adult life.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Couple: Five Hargreeves / Fem! Reader.
Warnings: Smut, bad words.
— — — — —
You had dated some guys before, because no one turned 22 without getting hurt a little for love, but no relationship proved as intense (and difficult) as dating Five Hargreeves. If you could describe the 1 year that you were together, you would use only two words: sex and coldness.
Sex because Five had an appetite you've never seen in your life and you loved it. It was strong, intense, hot. He always seemed to want to discount your internal problems by fucking you hard, and you couldn't deny that his raw footprints drove you crazy.
And coldness because Five Hargreeves, as well as being hot in sex, was the north pole in romance. He was dry, very reserved, without any appreciation for physical touch or cutest demonstrations. He did not like to talk to much or participate in frivolous conversations.
He always had a sarcastic or rude argument for his comments about thinking that the two of you should act more like a couple and not like nymphomaniacs. And as time went by, you got tired of feeling that you didn't have a partner but a sex disk.
That's when you finished it all. It ended because you liked affection and love and not just fucking. It ended because you thought you deserved more and you didn't want to build a life with someone so cold.
That was the purpose of a relationship, wasn't it? Wanting to build a future with someone. And when you didn't see yourself building a future with Five anymore, you just finished. It was difficult, obviously. It shattered your heart, because in the end you still loved him, but it hurt more to know that there was no way to fix it.
And that's why you found yourself here, in a crowded nightclub, at 2 am, dancing with your friends and kissing any man just to try to forget Five. It had been three months since you two broke up, and staying in your room crying and eating chocolate didn't seem to be helping you get over it. So when your friends asked you out, you went. You went because you wanted to get drunk, kiss some cat guy and forget that your heart was in pieces.
And that was why you were kissing that guy, squeezing the back of his neck while his hands went down around you waist and squeezed your ass. He didn't have the intensity and electricity of Five, but he was a handsome, so... it would have to do.
As soon as you separated from him and started dancing with your friends again, enjoying the deafening music and what the drink did to your head and body, you felt more numb from the pain.
“I need another drink.” You warned one of your friends, almost screaming to try to make yourself heard with all that deafening music.
As soon as she nodded and you started walking among all those huddled bodies, you arrived at the counter a few seconds later, sitting in the only vacant seat.
“Vodka, pure.” You didn't want anything sweet, too soft. You wanted something rough, strong, that would mess with your system.
You needed something stronger than the pain you were feeling.
After turning the first shot, swallowing and closing your eyes for a second, trying to hold the grimace and the strong taste, you were going to ask for another when a voice came up behind you:
“Nothing more for her, thanks.”
You froze. Your heart failed and then shot to alarming levels. You knew that voice, you knew it better than your own. Suddenly, whether by drinking or by the presence behind you, your body started to get hot, shaky and wobbly. If you tried to get up now, you would surely fall.
That bastard wouldn't dare ...
“Hello, stranger.”
Yes, he would dare.
You turned to Five, amazed. Suddenly, you have never felt so sober in life, rigid, with heightened senses. And that was what you were talking about too. Whenever Five was involved, you became someone you didn't like. You were much more attentive to any intonation or half words, searching for hidden meanings for him sentences.
You hated that. You hated having to look for clues when in fact the person should say with word what he felt. You hated having to analyze syllable by syllable to know the true feelings. When all a dating should bring was honesty, calm, peace and complicity.
“What are you doing here?!” You were not smooth, because any situation involving Five was already exasperating for you.
“Is it forbidden to go to a nightclub?” The same condescending tone, the hands in the pockets, the smug look, the smirk.
Five was beautiful as sin, it was the definition of superb, but outer beauty was not you its weakness. So, as much as he looked like a God under those flashing lights, you just rolled your eyes.
“As far as I can remember, you called places like ‘Waste of time’ or ‘Ridiculous places Klaus goes to’ or, ‘Am I better than these places’ ” You were acidic, turning back to the front and asking the waiter for a shot again.
Five wouldn't tell you how much to drink.
“How skittish are we?” But turning forward was a bad idea, because Five leaned in behind you, breathing in your ear, in your neck.
You held a gasp, pressing your thighs together and trying to focus on anything other than the intense presence behind you.
“You are so skittish” then the voice continued under your skin, and you felt some fingers from it take your hair off your neck. “You used to be so obedient...”
So you were transported to the millions of memories of the times he fucked you. The millions of times he made you scream and obey his every command. Yes, you were a good girl for Five. And that sucked.
“Five.” Your voice was a warning, and when the waiter served your shot, you turned without thinking twice or without Five daring to intrude. “Go away”
You got up from the chair, trying to dodge his touch. Because you knew that if he touched you, you would give in, and if you gave in, you would end up in his bed, and if you did, your heart would be even more broken the next day.
Five frowned, questioning, his gaze fixed on you. Then all that intense energy was replaced by an angry wave.
“Is it because of him?”
Now you frowned, but in a confused expression and you were beginning to wonder if Five had gone mad.
“Don't be innocent, I saw you with him today, just now. Rubbing on him like... like... ”
So Five was close to you again. The height of him making you lift the chin to look at him, the smell of man invading your nose... God, his are a fucking handsome and...
"Whose are you talking about?" Five was still looking at you angrily and now with a hint of irony.
And that's when you realized who he was talking about. The guy you just kissed.
“For God's sake, Five!” You answered, incredulous. “It’s not ‘how are you, Y / N?’ Or ‘how have you been, Y/N?’ No, this is always your possessiveness of not losing your toy to someone else! But you know, big boy, your train left a long time ago.” You looked at him as if Five were your biggest enemy, and turned your back on him.
You needed to get away, needed to keep as much distance between you as possible. You already felt the grip in your throat, your eyes burning. God, this guy had an overwhelming power over you. You still love him, much, holy fuck!
Then you crossed the nightclub again, past the sea of ​​dancing bodies, hoping that, luckily, Five would lose sight of you in the crowd. But you no longer needed songs, dances or drinks, your mind was pounding so much that you just thought about being alone, at least for a second.
You continued to advance between the bodies, and when you reached the other end of the club, now far enough from the bar, you entered the ladies' room. The deafening sound of the music was drowned out when you closed the door, and only then did you manage to release the breath you were holding.
You was put both hands on the sink, taking a moment with your own thoughts before looking ahead and seeing your reflection. You weren't as bad as you felt, some mascara had out. The mirror said you should go home, but you didn't know if you could face those people outside with the possibility of seeing Five any second.
Lowering your head once more to turn on the tap and wet your hands to rub the back of your neck, you sighed deeply when the sensation of the cold water hit your hot skin. But all the sense of relief was gone when you looked in the mirror again and saw Five.
You gave a startled scream, turning to him in a burst and resting your hands on the sink behind you.
“What the fuck, Five!” Your heart was still pounding, but you were beginning to suspect it was because of his little smile.
Five was strode toward you, and he didn't stop until your body was trapped between his and the sink. It was hot. Five seethed like hell and smelled of sin, and you began to feel the pulse of it. It was unbearable how much power he had over you. But the truth was that you would always be a moldable dough in the hands of Five. Worse, he knew it.
He knew because you could see it in the way he looked at you, the way his hands went up from his your thigh to his neck, the way he leaned into your ear and murmured:
“You can't run from me, cute.”
And if you were a molding dough before, now you were clay on his fingers. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath through and pressing your fingers into the sink behind you.
“You were never a good liar.” He continued, the velvet voice from hell seducing you "I can feel your excitement from here."
Now you were on fire. Your core pulsed for him, your body burned and the desire became so strong that you felt like crying.
“Five...” You wanted to tell him to walk away, to leave. But your body begged you to willingly accept what he was giving you. The truth was, you wanted more.
“My good girl” now his thin, white fingers were on your neck, running the tips over your heaving skin.
Five Hargreeves was the wrong way and you were going willingly. You wanted to leave, but your whole body was begging you to let him touch you some more. Just a little more…
“Look at you…” Five's voice was still hoarse and seductive, his right hand wandered from your neck to the side of your body, outlining all your curves as if it were a goddamn treasure “I barely touched you and you're already excited.”
You wanted to say that it was ridiculous, that he was very arrogant. But you would only dig your own grave, because the truth was that you were excited. Much. And lying to a fucking genius was almost always impossible.
"Could he make you feel as good as i do?" If he hadn't been a presumptuous arrogant before, now he was.
His hand sank between your legs, and you groaned loudly when you felt the cold finger touch the core of your burning panties. You tilted your head back, leaning against the mirror as you closed your eyes in a silent groan.
“I bet you don't” now kisses landed on the skin of your exposed neck, heading towards the neckline “But I want to hear you say it.”
You could not. Because his fingers were playing with you and his mouth was all over the pulp of your breasts. It was too much, too much stimulus for your poor body that would be satisfied with just one kiss.
That's when the thought of the kiss brought you back to Earth orbit. Kisses have always been very intimate and romantic, and you remember that Five almost never kissed you much. It hurt you. It hurt because it looked like you were good enough for him to fuck you, but not good enough for him to think about being more loving and fighting for your relationship.
“Five…” Five lifted the mouth of your breasts, looking at you intently. “ I can't.”
"Why not? We had fun a loot before. ”
“Because this... this is not healthy. We will regret it tomorrow. ”
Five frowned, his hand motionless between your legs.
“Is there someone else?” His voice was low.
“Oh my God, no!” It was absurd how he only cared about that “You don't care about me! Only if someone is fucking me! ”
“God, Y / N!” Five was amazed “ What do you think I'm doing here?!"
You looked at Five as if him were crazy, and looked down at the position of their bodies and looked back at him, signaling very well what was happening.
Five laughed, perplexed, and took his hands off you immediately. He took a few steps back, the shadow of bitter laughter still bordering his mouth.
“Do you think I came here just to eat you?” Five's vocabulary could always be very dirty when he wanted to, and that secretly always turned you on. “Holy God, Y / N!”
“You think this is what ?!”
Then he came to you. And long hands held your face with intensity. There was despair in that touch, passion... and a very overwhelming desire.
“I want you. Ardently.” His voice was not soft “I came here to meet you and try to talk, because I want you back so much. Because I love you. But when I saw you in that little dress... kissing another one... Ah, Y / N” Now he stoked you with the words, each syllable beating against your lips “ I wanted to fuck you in front of everyone for them to see to whom that bitch belongs.”
You sighed loudly. You didn't want to, but it was involuntary. You should want more. You should want him to apologize out about the things he did, ask you back. But the truth was, the desire rumbled through your veins and you didn't want to wait any longer. For now, that would do.
You kissed him. With intensity, despair and savagery. Five reciprocated like a hungry animal and put his hands on your thigh, propelling you up and sitting you in the sink. You were hungry animals that used each other as food.
You thought a sex of reconciliation would be loving and intense. But Five always showed you that sex with him would always be rude. He was didn't make love to you, he fucked you, hard.
Five clutched your body with all his fingers, marking yoyr skin with purple ten digits. He pulled you close as if he could merge with you, and the panties you wore were brutally torn when he went to take them off.
When Five touched you, where you wanted it most, and pushed two fingers brutally into you, you screamed loudly and whined afterwards like a kitten.
"Oh, I will destroy you.” It was not a promise, it was a warning, a reminder of what he would do to you seconds later.
“Five!” You clasped your hands on his shoulders, shifting your waist around he fingers “please... please...!”
“Please what?!” Now he was rough, the fingers coming in and out of you aggressively, hitting your aching walls “Please, Five, fuck me? Or, please, Five, make me come?”
You groaned loudly, the words matching his aggressive rhythm.
“Fuck me! Fuck me, now! ” You stirred up more “Fuck me hard, Five.”
Suddenly, his other hand clung to your face, pulling you by the chin to look at him.
“Command, no! Begging, yes, it's cute, now commanding is unacceptable!” It was a clear, fierce warning. And when you whimpered and agreed to submit, Five tightened your jaw “I’m so sick of your voice. Why don’t you come over here and put your mouth to better use?”
Then him hand that was on your chin went to the nape of your neck, holding your hair tightly and bringing you closer. He removed his fingers from you, and come close at your mouth. You obediently opened it and took his two fingers. He didn't have to tell you to start sucking, running your tongue over all the mess you had made on his fingers.
“My dear good girl.”
His approval was followed by a friendly pat on your face, removing his hand from the back of your neck and unfastening his own belt. Five didn’t give you time to think before entering you, sinking deep into your core.
You screamed, pressing his fingers to your mouth and closing your eyes with intensity. But Five didn't give you time to breathe, his rhythm was constant, raw, arrogant, he was pushing hard inside you and you couldn't help but let out loud moans.
Five used the hand that was not in your mouth to grab your left thigh, releasing a loud, cracking slap when you squeezed it inside. You tried to keep sucking his fingers, but the intensity he put in you was so strong that your head was spinning.
“Do you want to come, little girl? Do you want to come for me?” He withdrew his fingers from your mouth, dissatisfied.
"Yea! Yes, please!"
Now you were begging. Begged in a pure and submissive way, and Five loved it. His pace increased, the thrusts became strong and steady, and his limb beat so deeply that you lost your breath. You were close, so close. felt herself being pushed into a giant, endless chasm, held by a thread that would soon break.
“Come to me, little bitch!” And that was cutting the wire.
You came. Intensely. You squeezed him inside as if your life depended on it and was rewarded with the hot, strong liquid filling you to the brim. You two were both panting, sweaty and satisfied. And you whimpered when his member was gone and the cum dripped from its pulsing core.
Five stared at the scene, mesmerized, letting out a loud sigh of satisfaction and kiss you again, now soft and lovin
"Welcome back." and you laughed, pushing his shoulder at the stupid joke.
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k3lynn · 4 years
already won — kenma kozume
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kenma kozume x f!reader oneshot
- cw: jealous kenma, insecure kenma, like one or two cuss words, reassurence. barely angsty but very fluffy- more comedic than anything. shows more of the angry-kitty kenma than the shy-kitty kenma
- summary: 1.3k | kenma gets jealous after someone confesses their feelings for you
- this is my first oneshot ahh- please tell me what you think! also check out my masterlist (will frequently add more stuff) thank you for reading! this is a female reader but I will gladly do gender neutral or male!
back to haikyuu masterlist
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Kenma walked down Nekoma High’s hallways, only passing a couple of students as most chose to stay in class during their break. In one hand, he held a bag with two apple pie flavored umaibo bars, and in the other, his phone.
Normally, he would be confident enough in his reflexes to never look up from his device and also not bump into someone, but he stared so intensely at his phone that he barely had time to react before he crashed into Yamamoto, sending himself flying to the ground.
“Pudding Head-“ the other second year loudly announced. “what’s got you so distracted man?”
In between getting up and muttering curses at gravity for letting him fall, Kenma softly spoke “Im heading off to Y/n’s class, she needs to speak with me.”
“In person? Must be prettyyyyy serious-“ he turned to see Kenma’s worried face “I mean it’s probably nothing!”
But Kenma just stared at him with a deadpanned expression.
“Wanna share an umaibo bar?”
Despite knowing Tora meant no real harm, Kenma couldn’t help but almost (Almost, he swears) let his words get to him. The two of you have been dating for nearly a year, and your relationship seems perfectly okay to him. One or two dumb arguments, but nothing you both didn’t get through together. He knows you still love him.
What if it’s me-
And Kenma stopped his negative train of thought right there. No point getting nervous over something that hasn’t happened yet. He reasoned with himself.
As if the gods were playing some cruel joke on the poor boy, two girls came gossiping from around the corner, oblivious to the fact he was there. If it weren’t for the sound of your name, Kenma would have never listened into the conversation.
“Did you hear about what was on Y/n’s desk this morning?”
“That first years love letter right, I’m pretty sure she has a boyfriend though- do you think she’ll replace him?”
“That quiet setter on the volleyball team? I would barely consider him a boyfr-“
Interrupted by a soft thud and a crinkle, the girls turned around and squeeled in fright to see nothing but a plastic bag. Kenma didn’t let himself hear anymore before he started sprinting to your classroom. Darting across hallways, racing around corners, and even scurrying around a very confused Kuroo, who has never seen Kenma run outside of Volleyball.
He barely let himself breathe before sliding open the door to your classroom and barging in, pausing only when he realized the amount of startled faces looking straight at him. Not one to fancy all the attention, his eyes danced around the students until he finally made eye contact with you.
He quickly motioned for you to go outside before slowly closing the door. Kenma leaned his back againts the wall and took a deep breath. It wasn’t until you emerged from outside the classroom that he looked up.
Your typically-stoic boyfriend just came running into your classroom as if he witnessed a murder, so it’s safe to say you were a bit concerned at what he was about to say. Although once Kenma explained what he had overheard, you couldn’t help and giggle at the realization.
“So you’re jealous of the first year huh.”
“Don’t tease...”
With a sigh, you took his hand in one of yours, and used the other to tilt his chin up and look at you. If you couldn’t see the blush on his cheeks before, then you could definitely see it now.
“Want to talk about it babe?”
He wouldn’t be able to play his way out of this, Kenma had no choice but to be direct with how he felt.
“I know you love me, and you do everything you can to show me that-“
You nodded.
“but I’m terrified at the idea that one day you’ll find someone that’s better in expressing their feelings than me. Like with a love letter.”
He quietly finished. There was silence for only a moment before your arms found their place around his small shoulders, pulling him into a warm hug which he happily returned. He was so comfortable in your embrace that he had almost forgotten what he came for.
“Can I just start off by saying I’m really proud of you?” Your voice cut straight through the hushed air. “It takes a lot out of anyone to be able to say what they feel. I know it can be a bit more difficult for you.”
And yet you still try and do it when necessary. Kenma I know you love me too. You have nothing to worry about.”
Kenma wasn’t one to cry in public, but, this did make him come close.
It wouldn’t help his current situation, but curiousity got the best of him-
“Can I read the letter?”
You grinned a bit before handing it over to him, holding in a laugh from seeing his distasteful face and hearing the small curses he swore under his breath.
With how hard he gripped the paper, you were sure it would easily tear.
“He wants to meet you in the front courtyard after school to hear your answer.”
“I know, I’m planning on going.”
“Good idea, go break his heart.”
“No Kenma, I’m going to let him down slowly. Feelings are delicate and deserve to be respected.”
“His feelings don’t deserve jack shit.”
“Kenma!” You loudly chuckled. His monotoned voice making his choice of language even funnier-
“Whatever” his hands came down to grip your waist before giving you a shy kiss on the shoulder.
“I’ll beat the competition.” He muttered into your neck.
“Am I one of your games now?” You teased.
“Beep boop beep boop” he poked at your back.
You pull him back a bit to place a small kiss on the tip of his nose “You’ve already won.”
Kenma should have known Kuroo’s “disguises”, if you could even call them that, wouldn’t work. The trench coat and large hat the both of them wore did them no mercy in the hot Tokyo sun, and instead brought them more attention to ongoing passer-biers who probably thought they were up to some illegal activities.
Out of nowhere, Tora came aggressively crashing into the bushes that hid Kuroo and Kenma, adorned with his own form of camouflage that consisted of a simple fake mustache and sunglasses, holding a familiar looking plastic bag.
“I came as soon as I got your message Kuroo-san, care for an umaibo bar?”
“Hey that’s-“
“Shush Pudding boy it’s starting.”
The three of them pull out a pair of binoculars, aiming it towards you, sitting on the bench but standing up once you see a sheepish boy, who you assumed sent the letter, walk towards you.
You gave him a sorry looking smile before speaking with him. From this distance, Kenma could just make out the words “flattered but... boyfriend and... great guy...” satisfied at the view of you handing him his letter back.
The first year looked a bit deflated but nevertheless seemed happy to be talking with his crush. Kuroo and Tora backed up a bit at the image of Kenma’s frustration. They could have sworn they saw flames-
“Hey Kenma,” Kuroo spoke between munches “didn’t YN just make it clear she was in love with you or something”
“yeah” Kenma sighed.
“Why are we here then?”
“To make sure this creep doesn’t try anything with my girlfriend.”
“Oi Kenma,” Kuroo gave him a good slap on the back, and from behind the binoculars, Kenma glared. The three boys turned back to the scene, just in time to see you giving him a handshake.
“He’s practically holding her hand.”
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© 2021 k3lynn, do not modify or repost without permission
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lxngbottom · 3 years
A Cold Night | N.L
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in which the reader is best friends with neville, & she swore he would ask her to the yule ball. she is forced to go alone without anyone’s knowledge.
warnings: just angst honestly, & swearing
word count: 1,575
im watching gof rn by myself & i just came up with this randomly so enjoy!
y/n y/l/n sat in the (now) glamours great hall. kids her age, younger, & older, laughed as they all danced. everyone was dressed in formal attire, even y/n herself who was never too keen on getting dressed up. whispers broke out when people saw her, saying how beautiful she looked. but, the look on her face contrasted from her baby blue dress. it was one filled with envy, and spite for the ginger girl that danced in the green dress.
y/n brought the bottle once again up to her lips, discreetly. the bottle was filled with muggle alcohol, as she knew it would be the only way to get her through the night.
she watched as neville smiled, laughed with ginny. they looked to be having the time of their life. and as much as y/n wanted to be happy for him, she couldn’t bring herself to be. her whole being was filled with rage, and the worst part was; it was beginning to become noticeable.
y/n looked over, and saw harry and ron with their dates, sitting down. they looked just as bored as she did. she looked around once more, her eyes landing on hermione and her Bulgarian man. she smiled lightly, happy that at least her girl best friend was having a good night. hermione had never glowed so much since y/n had known her, and it brought some serenity.
but, she thought about the conversation that had occurred between them, just a few days before this:
“y/n! the yule ball is in three days and you’re telling me that you still don’t have someone to go with?!” hermione exclaimed, her face filled with concern for her friend.
“don’t remind me, mione’. please.” y/n responded, plopping down onto her bed. she looked down at her fingers, remembering that neville had told her, seamus, and dean that he was going with ginny weasley.
“well... there must be someone!”
hermione began to think to herself, surely not wanting y/n to go all by herself. that would be completely unacceptable in her book. “i don’t think ron or harry have a date yet. maybe you could ask one of them! i’m sure they wouldn’t mind.” hermione suggested.
y/n shook her head, “they’re going with the twins...”
hermione sighed, a feeling of guilt penetrating her chest. “well... is there anyone specifically that you would want to go with?”
the question made y/n’s heart snap, as yes, there was someone she had in mind. neville longbottom. her best friend since first year. she assumed that neville would just ask her, and of course she wouldn’t have declined. she had fancied the Herbology loving boy since the second she laid eyes on him, and three years later, that still hadn’t changed.
when neville had informed her that he was escorting ginny, she had lied to him and said that she had a date as well. but, of course, she just didn’t want to look like a pathetic fool in front of him.
“yeah, actually. i’ll ask them tomorrow and let you know, hermione.” y/n responded, earning another small smile from the dirty blonde.
“great! there’s no way they would turn you down!”
but when the next day came, there wasn’t another person. y/n had lied once again, just to not seem pathetic in front of one of her close friends. she had even told hermione that the imaginary boy said yes, and that she was very excited to being attending the ball with him.
y/n took another swig of the bottle, her eyes still not leaving neville and ginny. maybe it was the effects of the alcohol, but y/n felt as if her emotions were about to burst right from her chest. she imagined a scenario where she slammed the bottle on the ground, grabbing everyone’s attention, and just storming out to leave everyone in question.
but, of course she couldn’t do that. she didn’t want to ruin other people’s nights.
time seemed to go by quickly, and y/n’s anger was quickly replaced with sadness. she looked down at her dress, hating it. she felt as if she had just wasted her time coming.
tears brimmed her eyes, and she quickly stood up to storm out. she did so whimpering, trying her best to hold back tears.
when she met the cold night, it nipped at her nose, causing a single tear to slip down her face. she quickly took her heels off, the alcohol making it increasingly difficult to walk in them without stumbling.
she looked around a few times, just to make sure no one was present. when she realized she was alone, she let out a small sob.
it wasn’t fair. it just wasn’t fair. y/n swore that neville would be the one to take her, and that she would be the one on the dance floor laughing with him. but, the world doesn’t always work in our favor. she took another swig, and continued to cry to herself.
by the time the bottle was empty, y/n was drunk. she began to see doubles, and knew that it was time to just to turn in for the night. there was no real reason to even be here. not now, or even in the first place. she had no idea why she even decided to come.
as she began walking towards the staircase, letting her drunk mind consume her, a familiar voice called out for her,
she turned her head, and her heart broke once more when she saw the person in question. he looked so handsome.
“what, neville?” she responded angrily, just simply wanting to disappear from his sight.
he looked her up and down, noticing her makeup running, and the empty bottle in her hands.
“where are you going? and, why are you crying?” he asked concerned, stepping closer to her. her breath hitched as he did so, and he began to put the pieces together of what he thought was going on. “merlin... did your date dump you? i’m so sorry, y/n. ginny and i—“
“no.” she interjected, “he didn’t dump me.”
neville’s eyebrows furrowed out of pure confusion, “oh, well then... why are you leaving? you seem really upset.” the boy moved some hair from her shoulder, secretly taking in how beautiful she looked. runny mascara and all.
“yes, neville. i’m upset. i’m glad you noticed...” she slurred out.
neville’s face dropped, “are you...” he began, still trying to out the pieces together, “are you drunk, y/n?”
y/n chuckled spitefully, her emotions being the only thing driving her at the moment. “yeah, neville. i’m drunk. i’m very drunk, actually.”
he noticed the edge in her tone, the anger. what was going on with her?
“y/n... you know you can talk to me, right? we’re friends.”
y/n laughed once again, this time, taking a hair clip from her hair and tossing it on the floor. “yeah, whatever, longbottom. just go back in. your date is probably waiting for you.”
neville was completely lost. y/n never acted like this towards him.
“y/n, seriously. what in the bloody hell is wrong with you, tonight? where is your date?”
finally, y/n broke.
“i don’t have one.” she spoke, her voice cracking. “i lied to you. i lied to every one of you.” she stepped closer to him, “i came here... alone.”
“what?” he questioned, “why—why would you lie, y/n?”
her fists clenched from his question. was neville really that oblivious? could she have not made it anymore obvious to him all these years?
“because... the person i wanted to go with, was already going with someone else.”
neville’s eyes softened, and he smiled. “y/n... you still could’ve found someone. i mean, look at me. somehow i managed to get a date and—“
“just fuck off, longbottom. okay? just leave me the fuck alone!”
his jaw dropped, and he started to reconsider ever word he had just spoken. what did he say that made her so angry?
y/n began to turn around and walk away, but neville grabbed her arm before she could move any further. “y/n, just talk to me. i just wanna know what’s going on, and why you lied about having a date. i won’t judge you or—“
“merlin’s beard, neville! you can be such an oblivious git sometimes!” she spat at him, yanking her arm away from his hold.
his chest tightened from her words. is that really how she felt about him? after all these years... she saw him just like everyone else did?
“i wanted—“ she started, scared to speak, but at the same time needing to, “i wanted to go with you!”
neville’s face contorted into a shocked one from her yelling,
“i lied because you were going with ginny, and i wanted you to ask me! i honestly, truly thought that you would ask me as a matter of fact! i didn’t care about finding another date because i was convinced that you would take me!”
neville didn’t know how to respond. all he could do was focus on her trembling voice, and the way tears continuously rolled down her face.
“but it doesn’t matter anymore, right? cause you’re with ginny and i’m just simply leaving! so... have a fantastic night!”
and with that, she dashed away from him. a trail of tears and whimpers leaving with her. neville stood there, shocked, confused, worried.
of course he had wanted to ask her. he just didn’t know how.
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