#also she’s an animagus but they don’t know
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A mix of 31 prompts and microfic prompts…
Prompts 1 & 2
Prompt #3: fire and #4: “I know, but I wanted to”
Sirius Black heaved an irritated sigh.
“For Merlin’s sake, I’m surrounded by incompetent fools!” he muttered to himself.
“Ha! If you think you can undo Prongs’ idiocy when it comes to anything remotely related to Lily Evans - good luck with that!” Peter snorted, downing a contraband lurid cocktail that Mary had concocted. It was supposed to look like a mint milkshake - it reminded Sirius of swamp water - vague rotten egg smell and pond scum colour. It was wonderfully lethal.
“I swear to Circe, if they haven’t gotten their shit together by May, I shall be forced to stage an intervention!” Sirius said, folding his arms.
“Oh? And what kind of intervention would that be?” Remus asked, leaning into him and giving his shoulder a gentle push.
Remus was a bit drunk and much more generous than usual with physical affection, which Sirius deeply appreciated.
“A successful one,” he said in a lofty tone, resting his head against Remus’ own.
“Can’t wait,” Remus hummed.
James sat slumped in his seat, hand holding up his head, watching the dancing couples, eyes following a particular fellow Gryffindor - vivid green eyes, cheeky grin, cobalt blue dress twirling.
“She’s never going to go out with you.”
He turned his head slowly.
“Snivellus,” he sighed deeply. “What can I do for you?”
“There’s no point sitting there staring at her like a creep! She hates you.”
He hesitated. Had he actually been staring at her like some weirdo?
Looking up he saw Sirius reaching for his wand, Remus glaring at Snape and Peter’s eyes twitching nervously towards the professors’ table. The problem with friends who happened to have Furry Little Problems or furry alternative selves was that their hearing was too sharp. Minerva McGonagall was looking over at him too, wearing a sour expression, although she couldn’t possibly have heard the conversation?
“Apologies to Evans if I was making her uncomfortable,” he said.
“You don’t care how she feels, you just want to force her to go out with you, you disgust me! You disgust her!”
Sirius Black was on his feet and Remus Lupin had his wand out and McGonagall’s lips were a stern line as she dropped her napkin (was anyone else able to convey such disappointment and authority in such a tiny gesture?)
“For fuck’s sake, shut- “ he growled, feeling his shoulders tense, fingers finding his wand. In another lifetime, say this time last year, he’d have hexed Snape already.
Just then he caught Lily’s eye. She was looking at the with concern, her smile gone and replaced by drawn brows and pursed lips. Poor Evans, imagine having to deal with two stupid, selfish wankers like them…
He breathed out slowly, forcing his shoulders down and placing his hands in the air, a placating gesture.
“Look, Snape, you’re probably right - I’d say I do disgust her. I have no intention of asking her out, alright?”
One side of Snape’s top lip lifted in disgust, but he clearly wasn’t expecting that answer and couldn’t find anything to say. He stood there awkwardly for a moment.
“Can i interest you in a snack? Beetroot crisps? Twice fried chips?” he said.
Snape glared at him suspiciously.
“A glass of butterbeer?”
The thin boy squinted at him. James smiled, all laid back innocence.
“Wondering why I’m offering? I know, but I wanted to.”
“Fuck you, Potter!” he spat out, turning around and marching off in the direction of the Slytherin tables.
“Prick,” James said to himself, knocking back an entire glass of firewhisky.
“Alright Mr Potter?”
McGonagall was looking at him with an unreadable expression. It was difficult to answer when his eyes were watering from the strong alcohol.
“Right as rain. Fit as a charmed fiddle,” he coughed.
“Water, was it?” She asked, sniffing in the direction of the empty bottle.
“Something like that… a liquid, anyhow,” he said, with a sheepish grin as he ruffled his hair.
“Oh gods,” groaned Remus, face palming. “I can’t listen to this, it’s too painful.”
“Prongs is a useless liar when he’s drunk,” Peter noted helpfully.
“He’s an out and out idiot at the best of times,” Sirius said, wisely downing the remainder of his drink.
“Bit harsh, Padfoot,” Remus sounded amused.
“No, that’s it. I’ve told him time and time again. I’m not idly standing by while he makes a balls of everything. Tonight takes the biscuit.”
They watched as James moved towards McGonagall, who was muttering under her breath in response to his ineptitude.
“Care to dance, Professor?” they heard Prongs say.
“Smooth,” Peter said.
“Foolish,” Remus said.
McGonagall’s left eyebrow raised. Prongs swayed.
“Perhaps another time, Mr Potter,” she said, not unkindly, patting his shoulder in what could only be described as a consoling manner.
“Right. Another time. When I’m less drunk.”
“Precisely, next year’s Hallowe’en Ball, perhaps.”
James’ mouth gaped.
“Right. Spiffing. Merlin!”
“Holy shit!” Peter squealed.
Sirius was inclined to agree with him.
On the first of May, Sirius Black walked into Dumbledore’s office, unannounced.
“Professor, we have a problem,” he said, without preamble, sitting himself down opposite the headmaster’s desk and placing his right foot on his left thigh.
“Good evening, er, Mr Black. How kind of you to call in for a… chat. A problem, you say? May I be of assistance?” Dumbledore asked, periwinkle eyes curious as he reached over for the sweets. “Lemon sherbet?”
Sirius Black shook his head.
“A problem. Of the very irritating, long-standing variety. And I know how to fix it!”
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liv2post · 4 months
Dungeon Bats
Animagus!Snape x Animagus!Professor!Reader Wordcount: ~1000 Summary: Severus Snape thinks the Muggle Studies professor is strange only to find out she is an animagus with an awfully familiar form.
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Read here or on ao3
The Muggle Studies professor was strange.
Hogwarts always had its fair share of odd characters occupying teaching positions. Even a ghost, evidently, was capable of teaching. But he couldn’t place what it was about you that made him so suspicious. 
You were human, not like Firenze or Professor Binns. You weren’t kooky like Hagrid or Professor Trelawney. Outwardly, you appeared perfectly normal. However, there were oddities if one looked closely.
You ate fruit. Lots of it. Every day at breakfast, instead of toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, things the other teachers would partake in, your breakfast consisted of fruit and only fruit, including a cup of pumpkin juice. Your plate appeared almost like a small pyramid, stacked with cubes of cantaloupe, pineapple, strawberries, honeydew, and grapes, leaving behind a pool of sweet juices when consumed. 
You also had a tendency to pop up and disappear seemingly out of nowhere. One time he went into your classroom to talk to you about moving a couple of detentions around only to find it empty, having swept his gaze around it. Just as he approached your office door to knock on it, you uttered a soft “hello” as you stood in the middle of the classroom, making him jump out of his skin. 
Furthermore, Filch had brought up to him once that he could hear some perplexing screeching noises echoing from random parts of the castle at night and even what sounded like right outside the windows. What was strange about it is he only brought them up the morning after you were scheduled to perform rounds.
This wasn’t to say he disliked you. Quite the opposite. Out of everyone in the castle, he’d say he preferred your company. Who he'd rather sit next to at Quidditch games? Probably you. Even though you were the Muggle Studies teacher, you had plenty of knowledge about Care for Magical Creatures and DADA. Potions weren’t your forte, but you’d happily let him ramble about the subject, even when he’d realize too late that he was rambling. 
“Why do you eat so much fruit?” he asked one day when you came into his classroom eating a sliced-up apple.
“Oh, uh, that’s just my animagus urges. Sorry, am I dripping juice on the ground again?”
He blinked dumbly at you. “You’re an animagus?”
You chuckled, “You didn’t know, Severus? I thought Minerva would’ve told you. Yes, I am an animagus.”
“What animal?” he asked. You smirked and set down the apple slices on a nearby table before shifting. Your robes moved with you, swishing up and shrinking until you took the form of a fruit bat. You flapped and swooped about the air in a few circles before landing on the flat surface of the table, using your talons and thumbs hooks to wriggle toward your sweet fruit.
“You’re a fruit bat,” he observed. You screeched at him in confirmation and began to gingerly gnaw on the flesh of the nearest apple slice. Severus remained quiet for a little, seemingly thinking to himself as his fingers flexed and his jaw clenched slightly. Much to your curiosity, he wordlessly set his wand down and took a deep breath. Within a flash, his robes swooped around him, and in his place was a fruit bat, just like you, but bigger. He flapped his wings just hard enough to get him onto the table as he landed with an audible thud. It was pretty much impossible for bats to take flight without launching from a tree or a high-up place.
[Woah! You’re a bat too? That’s awesome! Is that why students call you a “dungeon bat?”]
[Yes, I am an animagus whose form is also a bat, and no, that’s just a coincidence.]
[How come you’re so much bigger than me?]
[You don’t exactly tower over me, Y/N.]
From then on, the two of you would sometimes go on day flights if both of you had some free time. While both of you wished to fly at nights, you still needed time to sleep and perform your teaching duties during the day. However, your favorite times were when the both of you were scheduled to do rounds. Your classrooms were on opposite sides of the castle so it was almost like a game to use echolocation to find each other in the dark and meet up. It was a little fun considering the dungeons were almost maze-like. If the two of you were sure that no students were out and about, you’d ditch your duties, ascend up the Astronomy tower, and take off into the night sky, playfully chasing one another or showing off flying moves. 
Severus hardly used his form unless it was necessary. It’s not like one got to choose which animal they could shift into. Admittedly, he was a bit let down when he first shifted all those years ago, but with you he learned to embrace his batiness, though he still resisted such urges when it came to eating a castle’s worth of fruit. He liked flying, of course, but he found that he quite liked hanging upside down too, especially when he needed a break from grading or just wanted a change of scenery. Sometimes he’d come hang around your office when you were grading and vice versa.
Dumbledore came to visit his classroom one late afternoon to talk about a particularly unruly Slytherin, but could not find the potion master anywhere, not even in his office. It was rather dark, all the lamps extinguished and curtains drawn. What he did notice, however, was two wands haphazardly tossed onto the stone ground near Snape’s desk, one of which he recognized as your wand. Dumbledore craned his neck up towards the ceiling where an old chandelier hung and sure enough, hanging from one of the rungs was a large fruit bat, and swaddled in its wings being held close to its fur, a smaller fruit bat. The both of you were napping. The old wizard smiled at the sight and slowly receded back through the doorway, happy that Severus had finally found a little bat of his own.
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suugarbabe · 11 months
completely fine if not!! just wanted to ask if in the end you were going to write the Mattheo x animagus!reader thingy i sent in some time back, but absolutely just out of curiosity!! i hope i don't come across as pressuring or similar, because i'm also very excited for your other projects and i can't wait to read them!!🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Omggggg I’m trash I’m trash I’m trash! I swear I did have this done. It’s right here. I’m so sorry I had this in my Google docs and lately I’ve been working straight from my inbox so I forgot I even completed it. Please don’t hate me I’m so sorry love :((
One of your favorite things about being in your cat form was basking in the sun. It really helped whenever you were stressed, or anxious, or tired, or whenever you really just needed to get away from other people. Today's basking came from just needing to clear your head.
You stretched your little black paws out, letting out a soft meow like yawn before turning on your side right in a sun spot. You were nearly drifted off into a light sleep when you hear someone slump against the other side of the tree.
Curiosity getting the best of you, you slowly stalked around the trunk to see none other than Mattheo Riddle. He didn’t notice you at first, his head sitting in his hands and breathing deeply.
You nuzzled your head against his thigh, his head snapping up at the motion. “Well hello there, beautiful,” he get your head an affection pet, looking around the courtyard for another person, “Are you out here by yourself? Where is your owner?”
You nudged his hand with the top of your head. He laughed lightly, “Okay, okay, I get the picture.” He started to lightly scratch the space between your ears, earning an affection purr from you.
You stayed cuddling with Mattheo like that for a good hour before he had to go. He said his apologies to you, saying he hoped he ran in to you again soon. You rubbed yourself against his legs before he left, then you went and sat in the sun again.
Later that day at lunch, you were talking with Susan Bones when Mattheo came and sat down next to you, a rather large smile on his face. You rested your head in your hand as you turned to look at him, an inquisitive look on your face.
Mattheo caught you staring, “What? Something on my face, Princess?” You laughed, dipping your finger in the pudding bowl next to you before tapping his nose, “You’ve got some pudding right about…there.”
Mattheo’s mouth dropped open in shock, “Oh you’re gonna pay for that later, Y/l/n. You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.” This sentence caught your attention, “Oh? And what has put Mattheo in a good mood today?”
His smile was smug, “I made a new friend. Well, she’s a cat. But she’s beautiful and cuddly and…you know what I should just show you. She seems to hang out in the courtyard.”
Mattheo grabbed your hand, dragging you out of the Great Hall. You gave Susan an apologetic look, but see only seemed to be smirking. When you reached the courtyard, Mattheo was disappointed to see the cat was not there. You tried to give him a sympathetic look, without giving away that you knew why the cat was no longer there.
The next morning Mattheo found you again, in cat form. Giving you cuddles and ear stretches and belly rubs. It was the most physical affection Mattheo had shown you, even if he didn’t really know it was you. But you couldn’t give it up, not with the crush you’ve had on him for the last two years.
At lunch the same day Mattheo tried to show you the car, again. But again, it wasn’t there. For obvious reason. It went on like this about every other day for two weeks. Mattheo would find cat you in the morning, he started talking to you, telling you why he was upset, or about his day, his worries.
You started to feel a little bad every time he tried to show you the cat and it not being there. But nothing could prepare you for what Mattheo was essentially confessing one morning.
You were laying in his lap, stretched out while he made gentle circles on your belly. “Have you ever had feelings for someone that you weren’t sure if they liked you back?” You looked up at him from his lap, your little black ears perking up at his question.
He huffed to himself, “What am I saying, you’re a cat. You just look for rubs and cuddles. Ugh, gorgeous I really like this one girl. But we’re such good friends I don’t know if I should tell her. I keep trying to show her you. I really want to have something just between us, think maybe it’ll bring us closer,” Mattheo picked you up, holding you so your body stretched down but your little cat nose and his were nearly touching, his tone turning to baby voice, “but you always seem to be gone when I bring her, don’t you beautiful?”
He sighed, setting you down. You felt so guilty. You had to tell him the truth, you started running towards a set of trees on the other side of the courtyard. Your mad dash away startled Mattheo, him getting up and trying to chase after you.
Once behind the pair of trees, you transformed back to your regular self. Mattheo peaked around the trees, jumping back slightly when he saw you, his face quickly turning in to a smile, “Y/n/n, did you see her? The cat. She came right this way.”
You looked at him with an expression he couldn’t quite read. “Teo…I, I am the cat.” Mattheo let out a chuckle, “What do you mean, love?”
You took a deep breath, looking down at the ground, “I, erm, I’m an animagus. A black cat more specifically. It’s why…why, erm, you could never show me her. Well, I was her.”
There was silence. You waited a beat, expecting him to be upset for keeping a secret or get upset for allowing him to be so vulnerable and essentially lying to him for the last three weeks.
What you didn’t expect was his arms to wrap around you, for him to pull you close and squeeze you tight before pulling back, “That is so bad ass.”
Your face broke out into a smile, “Really? You’re not, like, made or anything? I know I should’ve told you sooner but I just…liked being close to you. Even if it had to be that way.”
You met his eyes shyly, only to be met by his shining, “Y/n/n, this is seriously so cool. Merlin, I thought I loved you before but this is so amazing. You’re so amazing, beautiful, gorgeous. Human form and cat.”
Mattheo’s eyes widen at the realization of his confession. “I, erm, I’m sorry I-”
“I love you too, Teo,” you cut him off. He flashed you a dimpled smile, “Yeah?” You nodded your head, lifting up on your tip toes to press a light kiss to his cheek, which instantly flamed.
He looked at you with shy eyes, scratching the back of his neck nervously, “Now that you’re secrets out, don’t think we could maybe…erm, use your animagus to prank the other boys one day?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, nodding, “Under one condition.”
Mattheo placed his hands on your waist, “What’s that, love?”
You couldn’t resist the urge to be cheesy in the moment, “You call me officially yours, both human and cat form.” Mattheo’s smile widen impossibly larger. “That I can do, Princess,” he leaned in, stealing another sweet kiss from your lips.
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interstellarlyinlove · 4 months
Almost kiss (May 13th)
word count: 707
Sirius is so angry he’s going to explode. He wants to break something but he’s sitting on his bed and there’s nothing to break. “What do you mean?”
Sirius can tell that Remus is also angry. His skin is blotchy and he’s pacing around their dorm room. “I mean, there is so way in hell I’m going to risk any of you getting hurt.”
“But there is no risk!” Sirius wants to hold Remus by the shoulders and shake some sense into him. “Why won’t you let us help you?”
“Because you don’t know that there is no risk!” Remus screams. “Who decided that an animagus is werewolf bite immune, again?”
“Mcgonagall said–”
“Everything McGonagall said is theoretical. And I’m sure she'd agree with me if she knew why you were asking her in the first place. There is no real-life proof or evidence or–”
“Remus, listen to me,” Sirius says, trying to keep his voice level. He stands up and crowds Remus’ personal space because he wants Remus to listen to him. He puts his hand on Remus’ shoulder, and Remus holds his gaze. “Animals can’t be werewolves. It’s safe. Lycanthropy only affects humans and how lucky are we? That’s–”
“Don’t patronize me!” 
“I’m not,” Sirius says. He tries again, “I’m sorry. Remus, we want to do this for you.”
Remus lets out a shaky breath. “Sirius, I truly appreciate it. I know I’m being harsh but this is the nicest thing someone’s ever done to me, and I love you all so much. It’s incredible. I can’t even express how grateful I am that you thought of something like this.”
Sirius shakes his head. He thinks it’s because they’re standing so close but he can’t scream anymore no matter how much he wants to. Instead, he whispers, “Don’t talk like that. This isn’t a favor.”
“I won’t hurt you.”
“You could never hurt us.”
“I would never forgive myself if–”
“We’d be safe, Re. We’d be helping you.”
“Sirius, you’re not hearing what I’m saying.”
Except Sirius is hearing what Remus is saying, he just doesn’t like it. Sirius wants to enter Remus’ brain and poke around until he makes him see sense. More than anything, Sirius wants to make the most horrible thing Remus has to go through incredibly too often suck less, because no one in the world deserves to endure horrible transformations on full moons, but especially not Remus.
Sirius wants to say all of this, and he looks Remus in the eye and opens his mouth to do just that, but nothing comes out. Because Remus is looking at him all heartbroken and somehow hopeful at the same time and Sirius has never seen anything more breathtaking in his life. He doesn’t know what’s come over him and he swears he’s still angry and furious but Sirius feels like he’d implode if he doesn’t kiss Remus this fucking instant. And, oh, that is a thought. 
Sirius is too angry to care, and he’ll scream some more after the fact, so he leans the tiniest bit closer and it may be his mind fucking him over but he swears Remus does the same, and they’re breathing in the same air and–
“This took us forever to find but– oh.”
Sirius jumps. He turns around and sees James and Peter standing in front of him. James is grinning and Peter is holding an enormous ancient-looking book.
“If I knew that making out with Remus was all that it took to make him change his mind I would’ve done it myself.”
“That’s not–”
“James! You–”
“It’s safe!” Peter says, cutting Remus and Sirius off and hitting Sirius’ chest with the book. Sirius yanks the book from Peter’s grip. “Look at the bookmarked pages.”
Remus is blushing when he takes the book from Sirius the very next second. Sirius thinks he’s blushing as well. “You shouldn’t dog ear library books, Peter, ”Remus mumbles as he starts flipping through.
Sirius chances a look at James and he immediately looks away because he can’t handle that much self-satisfaction right now. Only then does Sirius realize that it’s safe. He looks at James again and grins. 
This is Sirius’ most favorite day, for more reason than one.
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serpenera · 1 year
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One of the things that most irks me in the HP, and especially Snape discourse, is the misinterpretation of the meaning of the patronus. The general consensus seems to be that the shape of the patronus indicates one’s true love but that is a massive oversimplification that creates numerous inconsistencies. In other words, when we look at it like that, the patronus makes NO SENSE. Except the patronus makes PERFECT SENSE. Just let me explain.
The patronus, as we know, is a charm that repels Dementors - an anthropomorphized representation of clinical depression. Keep that in mind as this is important. You conjure it by focusing on a happy memory or should I rather say a happy thought.
Memory is the word Lupin uses when he first explains the patronus to Harry and I’d argue this is the reason why Harry initially fails at conjuring one. He remembers his first time on a broom and winning the house cup. Both happy memories to doubt but “not powerful enough” as Lupin puts it. So what makes a powerful memory?
Harry tries again and succeeds by focusing on the memory of finding out he was a wizard and would be leaving the Dursleys and going to Hogwarts. What makes this memory different than the other two is that it wasn’t just that of a fleeting moment of glee but of an event that marked a major change in Harry’s life, a change for the better. Yes, it was a moment from the PAST but one that influenced Harry’s PRESENT and FUTURE.
See, this is the key to understanding the patronus. The trick is not to remember a happy past long gone, it’s to find something in the past that gives you a reason to move forward. Anyone, who’s ever been depressed to the point of wanting to off themselves will know what I’m talking about here. And those who don’t, good for you.
Anyway, back to Harry. When he conjures his first fully corporeal patronus at the end of PoA, he thinks of going to live with Sirius. And when he uses the spell again in GoF he thinks of celebrating the end of the Tournament with Ron and Hermione. In both cases, he doesn’t even recall an event of the past but projects into the future. And note that regardless of whom or what he thinks of (and not once does he think of his dad), his patronus stays a stag. Even after his love and admiration for James falters due to the discovery of SWM, his patronus stays a stag. This is because the stag, while visually traceable back to James, does not represent James as a person but rather a concept that James himself is a representation of. The stag stands for family, legacy, and a sense of belonging. What keeps Harry moving forward despite all the obstacles is not the mere memory of having had a dad once, it’s the realization that he’s not alone in the world, that he has friends who care about him, and that he’s part of a community.
If we look at the patronus through this lens we can logically explain the shape and origin of all the major ones present in the books.
Snape is often accused of being a stalker incel and whatnot because (apparently) his doe patronus is the same as Lily’s.
First of all, did you pull that information out of your ass? ‘Cause I checked and nowhere in the book(s) does it say what shape her patronus was. The same goes for James. He was a stag animagus. We don’t know what shape his patronus was. That, assuming they both even knew the charm. Although, as Order members, they probably did. If they hadn’t learned it at school, Dumbledore or another Order member would’ve taught them.
Okay, for the sake of this argument, let’s assume that James’ patronus was in fact a stag and Lily’s was a doe and also that the animals represent them respectively. People will argue that the fact the patronuses match (they don’t actually cause they’re two different species of deer but never mind) implies they were each other’s soulmates. To back that argument they will cite Tonks’ patronus which changed into a wolf after she fell in love with Lupin. At the same time, they will argue that Snape’s doe indicates an unhealthy obsession with Lily. Can you spot the issue with this reasoning?
Snape’s and Tonks’ cases are analog: their patronuses turn into animals related to the other person. And yet in Snape’s case, it’s obsession, and in Tonks’, it’s love?
Lily/James and Tonks’ cases are opposite: Lily/James patronuses turn into animals related to themselves while Tonks’ turns into one related to her love interest. But in both cases, it’s true love?
If Snape’s obsessed with Lily then Tonks is obsessed with Lupin and Lily and James are just obsessed with themselves. Contrarily, if Tonks loves Lupin then Snape loves Lily, and Lily and James, again, just love themselves respectively. Moreover, if you follow either logic, Harry is obsessed / in love with James and Dumbledore with Fawkes.
See how none of that makes ANY SENSE whatsoever? Also, no, it’s not a plothole. Y’all are just looking at it wrong. Now let’s rewind and analyze all of these the same way we did with Harry’s at the beginning of this rant.
James’ case is very straightforward. Similarly to Harry, James finds meaning in the traditional idea of family, clan legacy, and belonging. Remember how on the train to Hogwarts he says he wants to be a Gryffindor just like his dad? That, in my opinion, is already very telling, and considering that right after school James marries the girl he decided would be the future mother of his children and promptly gets her pregnant we can easily deduce what he values and what he believes his higher purpose to be. When facing a Dementor and being consumed by despair, perhaps remembering the loss of his parents and perceived betrayal of his best friends, in order to push through he certainly focuses on his wife and especially his son.
Lily’s doe patronus has nothing to do with Snape. Or with James for that matter. Instead, it has everything to do with Harry. See, many real-life women who find themselves at the edge of despair for one reason or another declare they only push forward because of their children. I think Lily is no different. I mean, she did die trying to protect her child. So I think that facing a Dementor, she thinks of Harry. Her wish to be there for her son and protect him is what keeps her going forward despite everything. She has to be strong because she is needed and that is what her doe stands for.
The doe and the stag, somewhat complementary animals, both symbolize family-related but very different concepts. The stag carries a distinctly masculine meaning, that of the passing of legacy and prolonging the bloodline. The doe has a more feminine feel, that of nurturing and protecting.
Snape’s patronus is the same animal as Lily not because he loves her or is obsessed or even just friends with her. It’s the same because both these characters find purpose in the same thing: being needed.
While for Lily this mindset seems to stem from her motherhood, for Snape it seems to have always been there and for very a different reason. The severe neglect he experienced in his early childhood conditioned him to always seek external validation. It’s as if he couldn’t find value in himself unless someone else found it in him. This is why he was trying so hard to be useful to Lily when they first became friends. This is why he got himself groomed by the Death Eaters. This is also why he was so easily manipulated by Dumbledore.
Speaking of Dumbledore, he has to have taught Snape the patronus charm and it must have happened sometime between his defection and the Potters’ death. Now imagine what that might have looked like.
Dumbledore explains how the patronus works. Snape tries, recalling one of his happy childhood moments with Lily, and fails. He chooses another memory and fails again. Dumbledore tells him it has to be something really powerful. Snape is out of ideas, the only happy memories he has are of his childhood friendship with Lily but that friendship is over, it has been for a while, she’s married to his bully and having his child, and on top of that, she’s being targeted by Voldemort and it’s all his fault. Reminiscing their past together is nowhere near enough to fuel the patronus. Then Snape projects into the future in which thanks to him, Lily is safe, she forgives him for his past mistakes and they make up. This time he successfully conjures his trademark doe.
I imagine that, after Lily died, Snape would have had trouble producing a patronus. That would be until Dumbledore pointed out how even in death she still needed him to protect her child. He would then focus on a future in which Voldemort is defeated, Harry is safe, his debt with Lily is paid and his sins are redeemed.
Dumbledore knows that Snape’s doe patronus is related to Lily but it’s probably because he taught him the charm himself and in doing so he learned that it was thoughts and memories of her that fueled it. Not because it was (presumably, mind you) the same shape as hers.
That said, I’m firmly convinced that if Snape had survived the war he would again have had trouble producing a proper patronus, not because of any change in his feelings towards Lily but rather because with Harry safe and Voldemort gone, he’d find himself lacking a purpose. If, for example, he got himself involved with someone else, someone who would make him feel needed, he might be able to produce a patronus again but it would most certainly remain a doe.
Tonks’ patronus is an interesting one because it actually changes its shape in the course of the narrative. We know it became a wolf after Tonks fell in love with and started dating Lupin.
Yes, it’d be easy to assume that the wolf represents the character whose name is literally Wolfy McWolf and who’s also a werewolf but that would be both shallow and inaccurate.
Tonks’ wolf, not unlike Lily and James’ stag and dear, is symbolically tied to the concept of family and friendship. We don’t know what drove Tonks forward before she became involved with Lupin but we can easily deduce that what drives her afterward is the thought of being with him. When she conjures her patronus, she probably thinks of a future in which they have a proper relationship or perhaps start a family. When Snape makes a dab at her patronus he isn’t just being mean. Knowing Lupin, he probably expects him not to take responsibility for his actions towards Tonks and wiggle out of the relationship the moment things get a little bit too serious for his liking. In saying her patronus is weak he’s trying to warn her not to put her faith in Lupin.
In the end, I’d like to mention Dumbledore’s patronus. Just like a phoenix is reborn from its ashes, Dumbledore rises up from the pit of his troubled youth. When in the vicinity of a Dementor, he must be plagued by thoughts of his misplaced aspirations, of Ariana’s death, and his fall out with Grindelwald. The thought I believe he focuses on in those moments is that of having rehabilitated himself in the eyes of society, and having ultimately become a champion of the light.
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vinylfoxbooks · 3 months
July 4 - Wings | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 996 Medium James/Necromancer Potter Family AU
Regulus knows that she shouldn’t be in here. He always knows that when he walks into the forbidden forest but he does it anyway. He likes it, likes the environment, likes the noise that it creates even late at night from all of the creatures doing their own thing. So he walks into the forbidden forest, just like tries to do at least once a month. 
Only he stops short about halfway to the little clearing that he had found several years ago, when he sees James. Now, Regulus has known about the activities that his brother and friends get up to during the month, he’s talked to Remus enough about that for him to have confided that information in Regulus. But it’s nowhere near the full moon and James isn’t in any sort of animagus form -- he may know about them being illegal animagi but he doesn’t know what they are outside of Sirius being a black dog -- it’s just… James.
But what’s more concerning to Regulus is the fact that James is just standing there petting the wings of a fucking thestral. They’re cooing to it, talking quietly.
“James?” Regulus asks, taking a soft step towards the two of them, “What are you doing out here?”
James jumps at his voice but otherwise doesn’t do anything outside of turning to him, “Regulus? What are you doing out here?”
“I asked you that first.” Regulus says, crossing his arms and popping a hip, “Especially why you’re petting a thestral. Those aren’t common, and how can you even see it?”
“I just needed to clear my head,” James shakes their head, hand remaining on the creature’s wing, “I’ve spent so much time out here that I’m not scared of the forest anymore and so it’s a nice place to go. Your turn, what are you doing out here?”
“I try to come out here at least once a month,” Regulus shrugs, “I don’t have a reason, I just like it out here. I have a place that I like to go to. Why can you see that?”
“The thestral?” James asks, like it is not obvious what he’s talking about from the way that he jerks his chin in the direction of the horse.
“They’re only visible to people who have seen the dead.”
James is quiet for a moment before they shrug, “I’ve been able to see spirits my entire life. My grandfather died just before I was born but I didn’t know it until later when I started talking about him because I thought he lived with us. I always saw him around and figured that he didn’t talk because of his age or something. My parents also lost several children before I was born and they used to come to me when I was younger. I’d always ask my parents about seeing my siblings.”
“So you’ve seen the dead all along.”
“I didn’t figure that I needed to mention it. There are all sorts of spirits that follow people around but I don’t want to creep people out. And most people wouldn’t believe me.”
“Is it normal for your family to see spirits?”
“A lot of us do, but not everyone. My mum can see some.”
“So it’s genetic?”
“I guess. We may not do the whole dark magic thing but we do have strong ties with the dead. We have strong evidence that my ancestors did stuff with necromancy, so it’s not all that shocking that we can see the dead.” 
“Interesting.” Regulus hums, walking up to the thestral slowly, “So did this just come up to you?”
James hums, “It was hesitant but I’ve been wanting to see a thestral for a while and it warmed up to me quickly. Put your hand here.” They take one of Regulus’ hands and guides it to the creature’s neck, taking their movements slow and allowing the creature to watch the approach of their hands. 
“Y’know, you don’t seem shocked that I’m able to see this.” Regulus hums, slowly moving his hand up and down the neck of the creature, feeling the way the leathery skin dips between bones.
“Sirius can, too.” James hums, “I know what your family is like. I’m not shocked by it. I’d be more surprised if you couldn’t see it.” 
Eventually, the thestral seems to get tired of them and takes off, leaving the two of them. Regulus guides James to the clearing that he found and the two of them sit down in it, not saying much. 
“You needed to clear your mind?” Regulus asks, “Can I ask why?”
“I just have a lot that goes on up here constantly. Being in a place like this quiets all that.” James says, their eyes closed. Regulus takes the moment to gaze over them. The moon is shining through the canopy above them, hitting them just right. They look lovely in the sun but they look absolutely ethereal in the moonlight.
“Do you… do you see things in the forest?” 
“Of course I do, this place is crazy.” James hums.
“I mean…”
They crack one eye open, “Ghosts roam the forest, too. That’s a part of the reason that we’re warned to be careful here. There are some very malicious spirits in here. I try to avoid them as best as possible, they creep me the fuck out.”
“Have you ever seen a spirit around me?”
“Not you.” James shakes their head, “Your Rosier friends have one, though. I see it around them all the time.”
“Both of them?”
James nods, “It’s the same one, it’s got the same energy but I’ll see it around either of them at different times. Don’t know what or who it is.” 
“You’ll have to tell me more about the spirits that you see,” Regulus hums, “It’s interesting.”
“You’d be the first to say that, most people are freaked out by things like that.” 
“Well I’m not most people.” Regulus hums and James snorts.
Next part
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sxnshxnxxnddxxsxxs · 5 months
i really feel like we don’t discuss enough just how deep jkr’s white supremacy goes
like it’s way more than just:
cho chang’s name
almost every black character being tall and sporty
kingley’s name
the goblins
the house elves
the only south asian thing about the patil twins being their names
there’s way more but those are the talking points that are usually discussed in the white supremacy context of jkr’s bigotry.
but there’s something else that i find to be particularly insidious which i don’t see that many conversations about.
so for context when i did my a level i had had to research late 19th century pseudoscience because i was studying gothic literature. and i came across things like phrenology and the criminal mind and honestly it feels like jkr discovered these theories and just ran with them.
as a quick explanation phrenology is the theory that by studying the shape of someone’s skull you can see if they’re predisposed to criminality and lombroso’s criminal mind is the theory that criminality is hereditary and you can tell by observing someone’s physical features. it’s also the general consensus in both these theories that someone with physical ‘defects’ or deformities’ will be predisposed to criminality which also makes them incredibly ableist.
both are incredibly eugenicist and white supremacist theories because they’re essentially saying that you can tell if someone is inherently good or bad and thereby whether they deserve to be alive/within society/treated as equals by looking at their physical features.
they are both complete bullshit pseudoscience with no real basis in fact.
now where this comes into hp and jkr is that the antagonists and the villains of the series are disproportionately described as having these very negative physical characteristics.
like the very obvious one is voldemort with no nose and being snakelike.
but also the way peter pettigrew is described.
“His thin, colourless hair was unkempt and there was a large bald patch on top. He had the shrunken appearance of a plump man who had lost a lot of weight in a short time. His skin looked grubby, almost like Scabbers’s fur, and something of the rat lingered around his pointed nose, his very small, watery eyes.” (poa ch 19)
like the man is literally being compared to an animal (yes i know it’s implied in the lore that the longer one stays in their animagus form the more traits they take on but the point still stands).
then there’s marcus flint who as far as i remember is literally just a minor antagonist.
“Marcus Flint was even larger than Wood. He had a look of trollish cunning on his face as he replied” (cos ch 7)
like she really has a thing for comparing people to animals which is a very common tool in white supremacy for dehumanising people.
and then there’s greyback
“a big, rangy man with matted grey hair and whiskers, whose black Death Eater’s robes looked uncomfortably tight. He had a voice like none that Harry had ever heard: a rasping bark of a voice. Harry could smell a powerful mixture of dirt, sweat and, unmistakeably, of blood coming from him. His filthy hands had long yellowish nails.” (hbp ch 27)
now admittedly it’s slightly different with greyback since jkr is very openly saying in the narrative that he’s less than human and too dangerous for society because jkr only believes in equality for muggleborns and no one else.
but as is stands there are so many examples some big some small of the physical descriptions of villains and antagonists having negative connotations. the reason that it’s so insidious is because this is a children’s book series. and children soak up information like sponges including the implication that the further you are from the beauty standards the worse of a person you are (something that is reinforced by society). then when you place that in the context of the west where hp is most popular then it becomes the further away you are from whiteness (the western beauty standard) the worse of a person you are.
it seems like a really small thing which is why i don’t think it gets discussed nearly as much as the more overt things but even the small pebbles can have large ripple effects. besides i think think it’s incredibly important to discuss every aspect of jkr’s bigotry.
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el1zabeth132 · 15 days
Hiiiiii!!! I’ve posted about this before, but I deleted it. So I’m back again but with new headcanons.
So, hear me out. Wolfstar as girl dads.
When it comes to names i think they’d either go with the Black astronomy thing and go either the classic Cassiopeia. But I also feel like Remus likes northern mythology for some reason and would like the name Freya.
I feel like she would have Sirius curls and black hair. And Remus height and freckles.
She’s super funny and totally has Sirius humour. But she’s also very shy and snarky at times.
All of the wolfstar daughter headcanons ship her with Neville. But like, what about Cedric????
Her and Harry are definitely like siblings.
Her animagus is a black cat (just like Regulus)
Remus and Sirius tried to have “the talk” with her. But none of them could take it seriously and started laughing.
Sometimes when she gets overwhelmed or tired in school she goes to Remus in his office. And just sit and talk with him or read.
They try to comfort her when she’s on her period. But they don’t know how, so they always call Lily. (Yes I’m delusional. In my mind they’re not dead)
I feel like Sirius would teacher her French and how to play the piano.
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undergaunts · 2 months
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Call Me Baby (Chapter 1)
Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt (Modern!AU)
Summary: The text chat logs between Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt during their 6th and 7th year at Hogwarts. (or Sebastian and Ominis can't bear to be apart for longer than 5 minutes, so spend their entire summer, winter and spring breaks texting and calling each other)
Rating: Teen & Up (this will go up in the next chapters!)
Word count: 4.1k
Recommended to read on AO3 as the layout is better but it’s also below the cut <3
July 2nd, 2:08pm
Ominis Good morning.
SBSTN morning ?! it’s like 2pm
Ominis I’m aware. I was joking.
sorry im half awake
Ominis At 2 in the afternoon? What a shock!
SBSTN alright grumpy
just because u already miss me doesn’t mean u can be mean
Ominis I don’t miss you. I’m enjoying the peace and quiet.
SBSTN oh im sure
brb breakfast
SBSTN k back
Ominis Did you enjoy your ‘breakfast’?
SBSTN ya it was basically just toast lol
Ominis You’ll spoil your appetite for supper if you eat so late.
SBSTN I could eat more AND still eat dinner
im a growing boy!
Ominis Horizontally or vertically?
gonna ignore that
Anne says hello
Ominis Hello Anne, how are you?
SBSTN she says shes good
she asks how u r
Ominis Well, for where I am, thank you. Missing you already! 
u just said u don’t miss me
Ominis Indeed, but I miss Anne.
SBSTN piss off
she’s laughing at me
ur both bullies
Ominis :)
SBSTN >>>:((((
ok she’s dragging me out, imma leave my phone here cos solomon said he wont buy me a new one if i lose it again lol
speak later ?
Ominis Have a nice time. Speak later.
SBSTN phone?
Ominis If you’d like.
SBSTN kewl
Ominis Goodbye.
July 6th, 10:19am
SBSTN *image*
basically we saw this like albino cat and it reminded me and anne of u
it had little beauty marks and stuff as well
u sure ur not in feldcroft?
r u an animagus and u didn’t tell me ?!
Ominis Good morning.
prev mssgs plz
Ominis I’m most certainly not an animagus Sebastian.
SBSTN no i was joking
ik u wld tell me :P
not the point
Ominis Yes, very sweet.
SBSTN u ok?
Ominis Never been better.
sure ?
Ominis Yes, thank you.
sure ur sure
Ominis Yes, Sebastian. I’m perfectly well.
SBSTN Alright
July 9th, 12:30pm
SBSTN any plans the next couple weeks then ?
Ominis Much the same. Sit in my bedroom. Ponder life. I may even dare to eat some food.
SBSTN please eat lol
i can come to little hangleton and hang out if u want me to
lol mad ur family is so rich
Ominis I couldn’t think of anything worse.
being srs, floo straight in thru ur fireplace
bam, sebby and omi party time
if i was there u might venture further than ur kitchen lol
Ominis Absolutely not. I would send you straight back.
u wound me ominis
Ominis It’s not that I don’t want to see you. I’ve heard word is to.
Ominis Apologies. Damned speech to text. I was whispering. Some of these House Elves will report anything. Oh who cares. My mother and father are returning soon. Probably within the next week.
sorry :(
Ominis No need. I will do my very best to avoid them.
SBSTN i could still come for a day
b4 they get there
might make the next 2 months a bit bearable if u c me again
well not see me but u know what i mean
SBSTN hello?
Ominis Apologies.
I’d like to see you, but coming here is not a good idea.
Ominis You know why.
SBSTN ya but
surely having a friend over is fine right
i am also pureblood btw
Ominis Sebastian.
SBSTN well i am lmao
ik im not rich and there is probably some muggle blood in me from like … 5 centuries ago but
im all wizard, all man B)
anyway surely they aren’t even gonna be there for a few days yet
and even if they turn up i can just
bam floo straight back home
Ominis No.
SBSTN Ominis.
Ominis Sebastian.
I’ve said no. My decision is final.
SBSTN ok :(
Ominis but thank you for caring
July 11th, 6:00pm
Ominis Bye
dude what
Ominis Sorry. Speech to text is truly not understanding what I’m saying when I whisper. I’m trying to find my laptop, hold on.
SBSTN bruh u scared me
♫i wish u would step back from that ledge my friend♫
that’s probably not funny but i laughed
comedy with sebastian sallow
one night only
Ominis ok on laptop now. sorry if typing is bad
SBSTN terrible :’(
Ominis what wrong?
when you do speech 2 text i can hear u speaking in my head but when ur typing u just sound like me
Ominis easier to tyoe this way
SBSTN hell yeah brother
Ominis don’t call me tht
SBSTN what brother?
Ominis yes
would u rather sister?
Ominis …possibly
u weird
what were u trying to say to me?
Ominis o, my mothr and father have come home
my condolences
how r they?
Ominis fine
SBSTN good
and how r u ?
Ominis fine
Ominis not entirly
SBSTN do tell
Ominis don’t want to burdem you
SBSTN rolling my eyes here
theyve popped out my head
bye eyes
enjoy ur life as free balls
dude tell me
Ominis apprently they had beenin paris tofind suitable pureblood fsmilies or somthing
SBSTN what does that mean?
Ominis i think they trying to marry marvlo off
Ominis yes
SBSTN i mean it’ll get him out of ur hair right?
bye bitch
Ominis hopefully. think im jus nervous that once theyr done with him theyl look to me
Ominis yes
SBSTN ok well they cant do that until ur 18 and we r 16 so i think so we got time to think of a plan
if it comes to it ill kidnap u and we’ll go live in America or something
dw about it ok?
i got u
Ominis ok
thank you seb
July 15th, 1:18am
Ominis Are you awake?
Ominis Sebastian?
Ominis Hello?
SBSTN soz i was asleep what’s up
Ominis Nothing, don’t worry.
July 18th, 5:51pm
SBSTN sorry for such a late message 
how’s it hanging
Ominis Have you been busy?
SBSTN we went to London with Solomon
he left us at diagon alley for hours lmao
he said he had ‘ministry matters’ but i swear he just went and got drunk lol
he STUNK of firewhiskey 
i can still smell it and hes not even in the house
Ominis Perhaps it’s his cologne? They usually have alcohol in them, I believe.
Ominis Perhaps he had drinks with someone from the ministry?
SBSTN oh good theory
it’s fine
Ominis I can’t see him taking you and Anne all the way to London just for him to drink. 
SBSTN yeh ur right
Ominis As always.
SBSTN now now dear don’t go stroking ur own ego
Ominis Don’t call me dear, Sebastian. It makes me feel like an old woman. 
SBSTN sorry
sister :)
Ominis I’d like to wring your neck.
SBSTN dont tease ;)
July 21st, 2:13am
Ominis Are you awake?
Ominis Sebastian?
SBSTN yep yep here
Ominis Sorry.
SBSTN what’s up ?
Ominis Nothing. I apologise. Go back to sleep. 
SBSTN wanna call?
Ominis I don’t want to bother you. 
SBSTN ur not
SBSTN is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 1hr 6min
SBSTN ill ask him in the morning ok?
but i don’t see why not
Anne will be happy :)
so will I
in a macho way.
Ominis Of course. Thank you.
go sleep
Ominis I will try. 
SBSTN sweet dreams baby boy
Ominis You too.
SBSTN haha solomon said he’ll take my bed so u can bunk in with me
ik u would probably rather share with anne
but i think solomon would kill u before he let that happen lol
and she’s a kicker anyway
SBSTN me and anne r gonna go hogsmeade and get some stuff :)
u want anything?
i will make sure to put a little chocolate frog on top of ur pillow :)
SBSTN ok at HM now 
got a butterbeer sirona says hi
omgs if ernie lark doesn’t shut up imma make him
SBSTN Ominis?
Missed call from SBSTN
SBSTN yo can u just send me a message to lmk ur ok?
SBSTN Ominis
Missed call from SBSTN
Missed call from SBSTN
Missed call from SBSTN
SBSTN hey we are leaving hogsmeade, i got u some stuff anyway but just worried.
SBSTN made an extra dinner portion in case ur coming. 
call me when ur around ok?
Missed call from SBSTN
SBSTN ok, im hoping ur parents just dragged u somewhere today. hope ur ok. 
SBSTN im gonna try to sleep. really hope you’re ok.
July 22nd, 12:06am
SBSTN ok can’t sleep. 
here if u need me
Ominis Sorry.
Ominis is calling SBSTN
Call accepted
Call ended, 28min
Ominis I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. 
dude i only worry cos i care about u
stupid they took ur phone and laptop
ik it’s muggle technology or whatever but everyone uses them nowadays
but yeah I’d wait a couple days to ask them
don’t worry if u cant talk for a bit, but u know where to find me if u need me
alright go get ur beauty sleep
Ominis Thank you, again. I really hope to see you soon. 
SBSTN u will :)
promise :)
Ominis Goodnight Sebastian. 
SBSTN goodnight baby boy
Ominis I think I don’t mind that name
July 29th, 7:14am
Ominis Good morning :)
ur back :)
missed u
no homo
Ominis I am indeed back.
SBSTN r u ok?
Ominis I am. Are you?
SBSTN now that ur back !! 
again, no homo LMAO
no but srsly r u ok? been a bit worried, ik u were gonna lay low a bit but still
Ominis I’m fine. Good, even. My father has agreed for me to come and stay in Feldcroft. However, only for the last two weeks of the Summer. 
Anne’s gonna be so excited
Ominis It’s a shame I can’t come sooner. I think these two weeks might be the longest of my life. 
SBSTN we’ve gone longer before my dude
we’ve just gone like 4 weeks so what’s like 3 more
Ominis Very true. You are wise sometimes, Sebastian. 
SBSTN flatterer
August 3rd, 10:14am
SBSTN ur right it’s dragging
anne is making me go to gladrags with her 
i want u here so we can do manly things
like skipping rocks on the water
long walks along the beach at sunset <3
LMAO jk but srsly haha I’m bored
August 5th, 12:36pm
SBSTN 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ominis Could you not have sent more exclamation points?
SBSTN srry
Ominis It’s almost like you aren’t excited. 
SBSTN ill do better next time
Ominis I’m rather offended, actually. 
Ominis :)
August 12th, 2:47pm
Ominis One week, I believe. 
I’m dancing
u can’t see me rn but i am
Ominis I can’t see at all. 
SBSTN dude.
Ominis I saw the opportunity and I took it. 
SBSTN u didn’t see anything
cos ur blind
Ominis Haha. Very funny. 
1 WEEk!
August 18th, 6:04pm
ill walk over and meet u
r ur house elves gonna bring ur school stuff later?
cos there’s not a lot of room here haha
but it’s cool if u need 2 :)
come at like just after midnight haha technically counts
ill wait up
Ominis I’ll probably come around midday, if that’s acceptable. I will have to speak to my father before leaving, I suppose. I am looking forward to seeing you. Very much.
SBSTN me too :)
we’ll have lunch and then maybe we can go exploring or something
there’s an empty cave down by the water that has all these old stones and bricks with weird patterns on them i think you’ll like
like they feel all weird 
good hand feel
oh and the Ominis cat is back so you two will have to meet !
Ominis I cant wait. 
SBSTN me neither
August 19th, 12:05pm
Ominis I’ll be on my way soon. 
SBSTN just helping Anne finish the pie then ill head over :)
Ominis Are you covered in flour by any chance?
SBSTN u kno it baby
im a messy boy ;)
Ominis Looking forward to seeing you like that oh that doesn't make sense
At least look presentable for your guest.
SBSTN but u can’t see me?
will do, dw
SBSTN ok heading over now
Ominis And I am just leaving.
SBSTN c u soon <3
December 20th, 9:24am
SBSTN changed their display name to xmaSeb
xmaSeb i have ur tie
found it in my bag
idk why i bought it home lol
gonna wear it like a bandana
Ominis How do you know it’s mine?
xmaSeb its got a little og on the inside
Ominis What is an og?
Oh. My initials.
xmaSeb i wrote it in all ur ties so they don’t get lost or someone else steals then
Ominis How sweet
Why didn’t you tell me this before?
Would it matter, as long as I had enough ties?
xmaSeb no
i guess not
i just like the house elves to know whose is whose
Ominis Well, thank you. I’ll collect it in a few days. 
xmaSeb :)
how r the gaunts
Ominis I don’t think you want to know.
xmaSeb probably not
tell me anyway
Ominis Cruel, vicious, muggle-hating? I think about that covers it. 
xmaSeb ah
so not much has changed
Ominis Of course not. 
xmaSeb at least it’s only like what a week?
Ominis 4 days, 5 if you count the day it took to travel.
xmaSeb remind me why they wanted you to come back so bad ? 
Ominis The family of the witch that Marvolo is supposed to be marrying are visiting tomorrow. 
xmaSeb right
Ominis So I had to be in attendance to prove we are a worthy family, stronger together. Always in Power and whatnot. 
xmaSeb right
Ominis So now I’m stuck here listening to my father rant about blood purity when all I want to do is to be with you. 
And Anne.
Even Solomon. 
xmaSeb lol
sure he’d be chuffed
Ominis I’d take 100 Solomon’s over one of my fathers. 
xmaSeb how many mes would u take
Ominis 0
xmaSeb oh
xmaSeb devastated :(
Ominis You know I jest. 
xmaSeb :D
Ominis Excuse me. Apparently after breakfast I’m being taken for a suit fitting. I seem to have outgrown last years’ already. I’ll speak to you later. 
xmaSeb nice
send pics
xmaSeb ;)
Ominis You know I won't do that. 
xmaSeb :(
no fair 
speak later?
Ominis Call?
xmaSeb anything 4 u baby boy
Ominis *image*
I’m not sure if I even got a picture. But I’m sending this anyway. 
xmaSeb damn
u so fine
lol wear that at school and the girls will be all over u trust me
Ominis I don’t want
Do you really think
Thank you.
December 22nd, 12:32am
Ominis Thnk Merlin thts over
dmn key stuck
does  work?
a a a 
xmaSeb mine a works a just a fine a
Ominis on my laptop stupid
xmaSeb phone?
Ominis dead
xmaSeb charge
electric spell mate tht wht i do
Ominis fool
xmaSeb O YE
im 2 pretty 2 think
anyway how was it
Ominis horrid
apprently marv was makin bedrom eyes at her
thts wat my sister said
xmaSeb LMAO
was she pretty
do you kno
Ominis sis said she looked a bit like a horse
xmaSeb HORSE?
like NEIGH?
Ominis quote ‘very long face with very long nose, lovely mane thoug’
xmaSeb why does he want to screw her then
Ominis pureblood
xmaSeb don’t need to say anymore lol
how was it tho
Ominis painful
spent the whole night trying to remmber french 
which i def butchered
and they kept grabbjng my chin to look at me and commenting about my eyes
but I coulndt hear them coming
xmaSeb LOL
so when u gonna speak to me in French?
ik some french 
bonjour mon petit croissant
but yeh that sounds sucky dude
why r they all so weird
its a wonder u turned out so perfect ;)
Ominis not
xmaSeb yes
perfect baby boy :)
Ominis no
xmaSeb yes :)
Ominis no
xmaSeb YES
stop arguing
Ominis fine
xmaSeb i win!
only 2 days now 
Ominis indeed
xmaSeb then u get to see ur bestest friend in the whole world!
Ominis anne
xmaSeb me!
Ominis joke
xmaSeb im gonna sleep now v tired
Ominis talk tomorrw?
xmaSeb don’t even need to ask <3
December 24th, 10:43am
xmaSeb good morrow sire 
ur carriage awaits
(me, waiting for u to carry ur bag back home)
Ominis I shan’t be long. See you shortly.
December 25th, 4:52am
xmaSeb meryy chrismtas omii i lvoeu 
oh ur ruyght there
I stikl lovu
even if i dnttell u
March 25th, 10:14am
xmaSeb changed their display name to seabass
seabass haha just seen those last messages
Ominis You love me?
Were you drunk? 
seabass noooooooo
tht just shows how drunk u were if u dont remember me being drunk
Ominis I was drunk too?
seabass we were all drunk baby
Ominis Merlin. 
How do I not remember this?
seabass dont tell me u don’t remember our passionate night together as well?!
Ominis What
Sorry, what?
seabass wow
broken hearted
was this why we never discussed it?
Ominis I’m sorry, I really don’t remember, Sebastian. Why didn’t you mention this sooner?
seabass sigh
it was so amazing, so passionate
don’t think i could get u to stop talking about potions for a good hour
how much u HATE it
so much passion in ur heart!!!
Ominis I thought you meant
Oh, haha, very funny Sebastian. I was scared for a moment there. 
seabass what of lol
trust if we ever were passionate we would both remember VERY clearly ;)
Ominis Enough joking around. 
seabass never
but fine i’ll stop FOR NOW
how’s oui oui paris
(read tht with the french accent on paris so it rhymes plz)
Ominis Horrid. For the most part, I’ve managed to keep to myself, but this damned family might end up killing me. 
seabass which one lol
gaunts or delacar
or however u spell it
Ominis Delacroix. I just had to spell that out, this phone is really poor at spelling. 
Truthfully, it’s going to be one or the other. Marvolo is all over this Rosalié like a ravenous mongrel. Eleven year age gap, mind you. Their only topic of conversation seems to be about hating muggles in broken French and English. 
seabass the horse girl
oh so she’s like only a bit older than us?
Ominis Precisely. Only just finished Beauxbatons last year, apparently. She also has a younger sister, who is very timid, unlike the rest of her family, but I’m certain my mother and father are already hatching the egregious plan to marry us when she comes of age. 
seabass shit
i had to look up egregious lol
how old?
Ominis Eleven, I believe. Starting Beauxbatons in the Autumn if I understood her mother correctly. 
seabass oh gross
but that does give us time to hatch a plan and run away
Ominis I could very well be wrong, but I have sat next to her at every dinner we’ve had together so far. It would certainly not surprise me. 
seabass im so sorry baby
Ominis I’m here for another few days, then back home. I think I may not survive these two weeks. 
seabass plz survive
i wouldn’t be able to go on
itll all be ok, dw :)
Ominis Do you promise?
seabass on my life
March 30th, 8:27pm
Ominis Home now. 
seabass welcome back to to the British Isles
enjoy your tea and scones
me ol mucker
Ominis What on Earth are you on about now?
seabass haha
there’s this american muggle show thing and one of them is trying to do an English accent and its soooo bad
me and anne were watching it and couldn’t stop laughing
ill send a video hold on
u don’t have to see it just listen hold on
Ominis What did I just hear?
seabass HAHAHAH
absolute shambles
Ominis I think my ears may be bleeding.
seabass nooo don’t lose your hearing ur so sexy aha
Ominis Excuse me?
seabass meme
Ominis Clearly. If I did lose my hearing at least I wouldn’t have to hear you speak again. 
seabass if u lost ur ears how would i even communicate with u? 
Ominis No communication with you? Sounds like a dream come true. 
seabass yeah but if we couldn’t talk at all i wouldn’t be able to do this
seabass is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 2hr 3min
seabass <3333
Ominis Goodnight Sebastian.
seabass sleep well lovely <3
Ominis And you. 
April 3rd, 11:36am
seabass good morning angelface 
Ominis Angel face. That’s a new one. 
seabass do u like
Ominis It’s not something I’ve heard before. 
seabass so u DO like it
Ominis Hang on, I never said that.
seabass what do u prefer, sister or angelface
remember that hahaha
Ominis I do remember. It was only a joke. 
seabass ikkkkk
k of all the names I call u what do u prefer
baby boy
or dumbass motherfucker
Ominis You’ve never called me that last one. I dare not repeat it. 
seabass not to your face >:)
Ominis Really? Then to who?
seabass just in my head
to myself
whenever i look @ u
Ominis You are an idiot, Sebastian Sallow.
seabass i think my fave ones r baby boy and perfect because that’s what u r :)
Ominis I honestly can’t tell if you’re flirting
I’m really getting mixed signals
I think you’re more perfect
Such a charmer. 
I think I just prefer my name. 
seabass ahhh no fun :(
i only give u these pet names because ily :(
Ominis What?
In what way
I love you too, I have for
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck oh stupid phone stop listening to me I’m not trying to
seabass sorry was that weird haha
ur just my best friend and stuff
Ominis Oh, of course
I thought you meant
Don’t apologise, if I’m honest I don’t mind the names. It’s certainly better than some of the things I’ve been called. Haha. 
Ominis And I L Y too. 
So much
seabass :D
i shall continue to give you cute little names then
Ominis Alright. Don’t expect any from me though. 
seabass YES
seabass changed their display name to sweetheart
sweetheart look
i changed mine
mine display name 
change urs baby boy
Ominis What?
Oh, I’ve just heard it. Really?
sweetheart CHANGE UR NAME SO WE MATCH!!!!!
Ominis changed their display name to Baby Boy
Baby Boy Did that work?
sweetheart YEA
this is dumb
still love it tho
From Natty<3 to sweetheart
April 3rd, 11:55am
Natty<3 It's happened! Congratulations guys <3
From QUIDDITCHQUEEN to sweetheart
April 3rd, 11:56am
QUIDDITCHQUEEN So you finally got your shit together then?
From pops to sweetheart
April 3rd, 11:56am
pops just saw yours and Ominis’ names! :)
very sweet :)
happy for you both :)
From Gazza to sweetheart
April 3rd, 11:57am
Gazza always knew you two would get it on haha
From LEANDER1 to sweetheart
April 3rd, 11:57am
LEANDER1 r u an gaunt gay or smth wots wiv the names
not judging idc
April 3rd, 11:58am
sweetheart we can change it back lol
Baby Boy Why?
I thought you loved it
sweetheart idk
im gonna
sweetheart changed their display name to sebastian
sebastian leave urs then
Baby Boy OK.
sebastian k
gtg c u friday 
Baby Boy  Is everything ok?
Baby Boy changed their display name to Ominis
Ominis Ok, goodbye then.
Love you.
April 4th, 12:07am
Ominis Sebastian?
Ominis Are you there?
12:28 am
Missed call from Ominis
Missed call from Ominis
Ominis is calling sebastian
Call declined
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moutainrusing · 3 months
dark fic
911 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
Study sessions usually went predictably for Remus. Some thick kid would ask him a question, he’d pretend to care, they’d leave happy. The only reason he did them was to boost his credit; by being a werewolf, he automatically had none.
He was in the middle of a session with Sybill (she was struggling with her Charms NEWT, and he had no idea why someone so oblivious would even continue with NEWTs), when Sirius sauntered in, claiming he was bored.
Smirking at Sybill, Sirius threw himself into Remus’s lap, and began laving his tongue over Remus’s throat, eyes fixed on her as electrifying storms brewed inside them.
He kept his gaze on her lips as he grinded against Remus, and his heart swelled hearing Remus laugh when her mouth fell open, tongue lolling out as if she were in a trance.
“You bitch,” Remus whispered in his ear.
But then Sybill began speaking. Her voice was quiet and eerie, yet solid and firm. “James Potter is going to die.”
Sirius froze. Remus pushed him off and turned on Sybill. “The fuck?”
“James Potter is going to die,” she continued, deaf to their confusion. “He will be betrayed by one of his dearest friends. Dog. Wolf. Rat. One will betray him. James Potter is going to die. He will be sent to his grave by the one to rat his secret out.”
Sirius finally got his voice back. “IS PETER THE TRAITOR?!”
But her trance-like state had vanished. She blinked at them, eyes huge behind her glasses. “Huh?”
Sirius leaned across the table to grab her tie. “IS PETER THE TRAITOR?!”
She stuttered. “I don’t know. What are you—”
“Sirius,” Remus pulled him back. “I don’t think she can remember her prophecy. But yes, the traitor’s Peter. The rat’s the one who rats James out.”
“Oh.” Sirius turned around and slammed his mouth onto Remus’s. He opened their lips to murmur, “We need to kill him.”
Remus nodded, and sucked the words deeply into his lungs as he kissed Sirius even harder.
They were going to kill him.
- - -
The glint of the knife Sirius was sharpening matched the glint in his eyes and the glint of his grin. Remus kissed him, knife in between them, blade honed on Peter.
- - -
They crept out of their bed in the dead of night. Remus opened the curtains of Peter’s canopy, while Sirius towered above the sleeping boy, drool falling from his gaping mouth as his snores permeated the air.
Peter may look innocent. But he was a killer. Sirius didn’t look innocent at all. He was also a killer.
But he didn’t mind being a killer, because he was doing it with Remus. They were killers together, beautifully barbaric and barbarically beautiful.
Together, they raised their wands, and cast the spell to force Peter into his Animagus form. Rat. He squeaked at them, curling into himself as his small, beady eyes widened at the knife in Sirius’s other hand.
Peter tried to transform back, but Remus and Sirius held the spell, wands fixed on him. With his free hand, Remus grabbed Peter—
- - -
“What are you doing?!” James cried, flinging his curtains open.
Sirius kept his wand trained on Peter, now squirming in Remus’s hand. “Saving your life.”
“How is this saving my life?!” James rushed to try and pry Remus’s fist around Peter open.
“Because, James.” Remus simply stretched his arm out of James’s reach. Sirius smiled. He always knew his Moony’s height was an asset.
“We love you,” Sirius finished. “Now, let us kill him for you.” He raised his knife to Peter’s head, poking out of Remus’s fist and twitching horrifically.
“What the fuck?” James stared in horror. “Put the knife down.”
Sirius hummed. “I don’t think I will. I only want you to live. You’re my brother, and I’ll do anything for you.” He grinned violently. “Especially killing.”
“Mm, yeah,” Remus smiled. “We love killing almost as much as you, James.”
James was speechless. He lunged for the knife in Sirius’s hand. Sirius had to drop it in order to punch him away.
They both looked over James’s body, sprawled across the floor. Remus nodded appreciatively. “Mean left hook.”
Sirius looked at him adoringly. “Thanks, Moons.”
Remus’s gaze softened. “You’re lovely.”
Sirius smirked. “I know. Now let’s kill him.”
But as he crouched to pick up his knife, the direction his wand was pointing shifted.
- - -
Peter sunk his teeth into Remus’s hand, and Remus yelped, letting go of both Peter and his wand.
Peter transformed back to his human form, grabbed Remus’s wand, and Obliviated him. Remus collapsed next to James.
Sirius growled in outrage, moving to plunge his knife into Peter’s throat with such momentum that it was easy to dodge. It sank through the wall, and in that time, Peter aimed Remus’s wand at him, and cast, “Obliviate.”
His three friends lay unconscious next to each other.
He’d get revenge for this.
He’d be nice to James. Give him a way out of this cruel world.
He’d punish Sirius. Get him locked up. Dementors would be a nice touch.
He’d scar Remus. More than how the wolf did. Remus would be abandoned and alone for the rest of his life.
- - -
Next morning, James woke up and rubbed his aching skull. “Did we drink too much last night?”
“Yeah,” Peter replied quietly.
Sirius frowned. “Why is my—”
Remus slapped a hand over Sirius’s mouth. “Why’s there a knife in the wall?”
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jade-cant-fly · 4 months
>>>>> THIS IS AN OOC POST! <<<<<
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((THIS IS A HPMA OC!! Also I’m diverting from canon a little bit here so bare with me!! Also this mostly follows the HPMA details/things like spell names/classes/etc so be aware of that.)
Please send asks ^^ they’re what keep the blog fun and alive, plus I’ll try to respond with drawings as often as possible! Though they probably won’t turn out fully coloured. That aside, here look at these little tidbits about her:
Name? 王佳琳 (Jade)
Nicknames? “Ah Lin” (family), Spiders.
Nationality? British
Ethnicity? Chinese (Guangdong origin, Hongkonger)-British
Age? 15
Gender? Female (she/her/any)
Sexuality? “¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
Blood status? Half
Height? 172cm
House? “Slytherin!”
Most proficient class? Care of magical creatures
Least proficient class? Quidditch
Year? 3
Patronus? Spider
Favourite spells: (assuming summons don’t count)
💚 Piertotum Locomotor
💚 Incarcerous
💚 Glacius
💚 Accio
Favourite spells that aren’t technically spells:
💚 Spiders
💚 Cornish Pixies
💚 “I’m not listing all the summons man.”
Ask her stuff to find out > ,<!!!
Speaks fluent Chinese and English, knows a decent amount of Cantonese too. Will revert to Chinese when becoming vulgar.
Favours magical creatures far above spells and charms.
Wants an animagus SO BAD.
Underweight and easily injured. Probably the physically weakest student in her year.
A huge and shameless flirt.
Commonly found at either: the duelling club, dance club, or infirmary outside of class.
Effectively helpless without a wand.
Have fun interacting!
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jamesunderwater · 8 months
1. Tell us why you like James Potter! I want a whole essay please and thank you!
"Why I Love Like James Potter" by jamesunderwater 1/27/24 
So, I think an important context for my feelings about James Potter is that (as you know) I am a fandom elder. Which means, I already had an extreme attachment to James Potter and his pals before we ever even got the Snape’s Worst Memory chapter. I just looked it up, and somehow I was only ten when OotP came out, so evidently I was massively in love with Sirius Black and obsessed with the Marauders before I hit double digits. (Jesus, no wonder they’re molded with my identity.) The point being – before he was anything else to me, James Potter was the man who bravely sacrificed himself for his family, whose core feature was defined by Sirius’s declaration that they “would have died rather than betray their friends.” He was the guy who figured out how to become an animagus just to be a supportive friend, and based on the few lines that the Marauders have through the Map in PoA, he was hilarious. And really, the fandom kinda just took that and ran with it. So by the time OotP came out and we got so much more information on him – and his dynamic with Lily (cue me sighing dreamily here) – James Potter was already a venerated figure in my mind. -- OMG I just had a buried memory pop up of the Harry Potter Trading Cards as well, which, I don’t think I had one / there was one for James, but there was one for Lily, where she was holding toadspawn?? Or something? and I was in love with her just based on her cute face and red hair and bright eyes, so obviously I’m gonna also be infatuated with the guy who got to marry her.
Okay I got a bit off the point. 
I guess reflecting on it, the way I fell in love with James as a character was very different than how I did for Sirius, and it’s in part due to Sirius being alive in the books, but also speaks to who James is, too. I fell in love with Sirius for who Sirius is, all by himself. I fell in love with James for who he is with other people. I loved the guy who would do anything for his friends. I loved the guy who had this magnetic dynamic with the fiery redhead. I loved the guy who was brilliant and loved by all, and didn’t think twice about sacrificing himself for his family. And I think that this has, for the most part, remained the core of why I love him. 
But of course, I’ve grown up a lot since then, and so have my feelings and opinions. 
– intermission to say I looked back at the ask and realized it only asks about why I like the character, which…somehow changes some of my answer, but we’re gonna try to roll them together – 
Okay, so why I both like and love James as a character now has a lot more to do with the nuances of him. I love that he isn’t perfect. He’s multi-dimensional, and I think his character is a great opportunity to investigate growing up. I think that progression is harder to see in some of the other characters (I have thoughts on why but they aren’t the point right now), but James is just this splendid example of how someone can be so fundamentally good, and also be a fucking kid. He’s messy and that doesn’t make him any less of a “hero” or a “good guy,” but not in your traditional anti-hero or villain arc kind of way. I dunno, maybe it’s in part because I relate to this feeling of not always being a “good person” growing up. I could be arrogant, and mean, and over-dramatic, and stubborn, but people still saw me as a good, likable person, and eventually I did grow out of a lot of the harsher aspects of those characteristics. I love that James gives permission for that, to inspect the dualities within people. 
And on a basic level, I think he was kind of the picture of everything I wanted to have and be. His physical looks / physique is what I’ve been drawn to in men, and eventually realized it’s what I wanted to look like myself; he has this found family that he’s built that is truly a family, this best friend who accepts him fully and he accepts fully and they’re attached at the hip; he becomes a person deserving of and complementary to a strong, independent, kind woman; and his kid is Harry Potter, who truly is one of my favorite characters of all time. So. 
I dunno, I feel like this isn’t as eloquent as I wanted it to be… I’d be very curious to hear other people’s thoughts added onto this (yours and others’!) because I know there’s so much more that I’m missing that other people would say. 
I got to nearly 850 words, though, so hopefully this essay is sufficient enough to earn me a B, at least.
[Submitting for Extra Credit: Photo of the frogspawn card from the Harry Potter Trading Card Game]
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
hey robyn!! how are u doing?
can you do Hermione x fem!reader when they have a baby? adopted or not, you decide... and reader being wolfstar daughter please
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Oh dear merlin we’ve made another one
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wife! hermione granger x mom! reader (feat wolfstar dads/grandads)
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Summary: Hermione comes home to find her daughter, wife and father-in-laws have had a good day
Warnings: established relationship, wolfstar parents/grandparents
A/n: 0.7k words, hi! I'm good how are you? Their daughter is a toddler/small child rather than a baby I hope thats okay ♡
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Hermione dropped the keys in the small bowl by the door, smiling as she can hear the giggles of her daughter bouncing around the walls. Hanging up her coat and scarf she walks down the hall only to be greeted by your father, Remus, putting his finger to his lips as he hithers for her to follow him quietly
She does as her old professor, now father in law says, creeping slowly towards the door of the living room to see her daughter clapping and giggling at the large black dog sitting with a robin on its snout. She glances up at Remus to see him smiling wide, then back to the scene, watching as your animagus hops over onto your daughter extended hand eruptupting in more happy squeals while the dog lays down next to her, head on her lap and looking delighted at the ear scratches he receives with her free hand
“How long have they been entertaining her like that?” she whispers toward Remus
He chuckles “Well we showed up around 11 so 6/7 hours? Though they did nap together around 2 then eat the soup I gave them before continuing on” he informs her “Not mad are ya?” he checks before joking “He’s had his shots” 
She giggles at that “No not at all, especially not when it makes my little pumpkin so happy” she says the last part a little louder gaining yours, Sirius’ and your daughters attention
“Mummy!” she squeals, bouncing on her bum and getting all excited “I’m like the book!” she shines holding you up proudly on her finger
“What book pumpkin?” Hermione walks deeper into the room, kneeling down in front of her while Sirius doesn’t shift back he does walk over to the couch and jump up on it, laying his head on Remus’ lap now he’s taken a seat
“One with the emotional dwarfs” she answers earning laughs from Remus and Hermione, as well as a snuff and tweet they assume are also laughs from you and Sirius
“Snow White, pumpkin?” she leans in and kisses her nose, falling onto her side as she looks down at her daughter, heart feeling whole again now she’s in your presence 
Speaking of you, you fly up and land on her shoulder “Hi sweets” she whispers and you muzzle yourself into her cheek to say hi back
“Yeah! Grampa Moons said the muggles made a movie about it” your daughter says with a cheesy grin, a grin everyone knew meant you were all watching it tonight 
“Did he now?” Hermione turns back to the man who just shrugs with a wink “Well I don’t know about that you’ll have to ask your cooler mum” Hermione looks towards you, still perched on her shoulder
You hop off and onto floor in front of your wife and daughter, shifting back with a knowing smile at the former
“Can we mum?! Pretty please with cherries on top!” 
You melt at her little pout and bright eyes, and despite it being impossible, much like yourself she somehow inherited yours and your fathers puppy eyes
“Since you asked so nicely” you bend down and run your nose against her little one making her giggle and bounce with the sweetest little grin “Dad?” you turn to Remus, smiling as you your other father has now completely taken over his lap in his dog for 
“There’s a video shop down the road where we can rent the tape” he answers the question without needing to know “You want to come with us to get it? Leave your mums to get the snacks ready?” he then turns to your daughter
You and Hermione smile as she quickly gets to her feet “Can we take Grampa Pads too!” She asks and that’s what makes your father jump down from the couch and shift back
“What did we discuss little one?” he eyes her with a smirk, pointing a little as he kneels in front of her
“Not to call you a Grandpa because you’re too gorgeous and youthful to be one”
“Ugh” Remus scoffs “Hello” he waved at them while you and Hermione find each others sides, your head falling into her shoulder as you giggle
“Hi” they both wave back in unison, and both wear wicked grins
“Oh dear merlin we’ve made another one” Remus looks towards you and Hermione before pressing his hand to his face and sniggering
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Thank you for reading ♡
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not-a-taken-username · 5 months
harry potter and the stupid fucking triwizard tournament
by: notatakenusername (aka me!)
summary: The moment Harry James Potter hears his name come out of the stupid, obese, wine-glass doppelganger, (also known as the Goblet of Fire), he's done holding himself back. Queue the chaos that happens when he gives into his impulsive thoughts.
snippet from chapter 9, where Sirius gets his trail:
Umbridge stiffened, eye twitching in anger. “Very well then! Please detail the supposed incident.” 
“It was during my third year in Hogwarts. Ron’s rat, Scabbers, who was also Peter Pettigrew, escaped from Ron’s hold and ran to the Whomping Willow, which has a passage to the Shrieking Shack. It was there where Sirius Black was. We initially thought he was a threat, but he explained the truth not too soon after Professor Lupin showed up. I saw the animagus transformation with my own eyes, as well as Peter Pettigrew’s admission of guilt.” 
Fudge stared down at Hermione with an odd look on his face. Umbridge huffed. 
“Well, what an…interesting story! It would, of course, be possible, if not for the fact that all animagus are registered. Are you aware of this fact, girl?” 
Harry heard Remus scoff in disgust from next to him, which was honestly understandable. Umbridge was treating Hermione as if she had the intelligence of a five-year-old, which was just ridiculous! The reason was rather obvious, too– Umbridge thought because Hermione was Muggleborn, she was less intelligent. Based on the way Hermione’s eye just twitched in pure anger, she’s about to desperately prove Umbridge wrong. 
“Oh? Is that so? Well, girl, are you aware that not every fucking animagus registers in the catalog? Do you know how easy that is to do? No? Do you know that registering is something you do willingly, which means there are probably dozens of unregistered animagus running around out there? Do you know how absolutely stupid the animagus system, which you no doubt set up, is? Do you know how easy it would be to manage this by making the animagus transformation process a class mandated by the Ministry to track all of them instead of having them register on their own? No? You don’t, do you, girl?”
Sirius let out a loud bark of laughter. Umbridge and Fudge could do nothing but gape in pure shock. Hermione smirked in satisfaction. Rita Skeeter’s camera went off. 
Ah. It was simply perfect. 
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What do you consider "essential" when characterizing Lily and James?
Great question, what a fantastic ask!
Lily Evans
Lily is bright, and she has a sharp wit and is described as cheeky. What I mean is I always feel she MUST be good at banter? And makes me imagine that the “they didn’t like each other” stuff was mostly them bantering constantly back and forth and driving everyone mad. Then they become proper friends and then realised oh.. OH.. it’s more than that? She feels like she might have a bit of a temper in canon (from the little we know of her) and I like that. And she’s described as also kind and beautiful (which seems very boring and generic but kindness is always underestimated I think). With that combo, I feel she is NOT a walkover, she is a strong person with her own clear views and she must be a feminist. That’s just my take on her!
So essential aspects are her brains, her wit, her kindness and her bravery, but also she’s a badass member of the Order and Voldy tried to recruit her so she’s also dangerous in her own way. And hot. Make her fat, skinny, hourglass figure - I don’t care, she hot AF.
James Potter
James is equal to her in terms of brains - the guy was top of his class along with Sirius Black (He’s also a fecking nerd - the map, the becoming animagi etc). He’s a bit of a risk taker (the motorcycle incident with the police, the pranks, the forbidden forest, the animagus stuff). but also a jock (quidditch!) and popular and big headed and infuriating - aka charming++. He’s also very loyal and kind to his friends- takes in Sirius, pays for Remus during the first war, looks out for Peter. I feel from canon he’s bound to like the bantering too… and obviously he’s brave AF too. And good looking (not as model material as Sirius maybe but definitely Very Fit). I feel he comes across as generally more laid back than Lily BUT.. maybe not when it comes to Harry? Because she’s laughing at Harry zooming round on his new broom and James is the grimacing parent running after him??
So essential aspects are his brains, his confidence, his charm, his hotness and his loyalty and bravery? And like Lily, he’s badass, wanted by Voldy etc?
Basically Jily are academic rivals in whichever universe and I love that for them! And they are both really into family (their own family (James anyway in canon) and found family (both))
Let me know if you have any others! This is how I try to write them in any universe…
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sideprince · 29 days
Can we talk about this for a moment please:
‘Sir Cadogan, did you just let a man enter Gryffindor Tower?’ ‘Certainly, good lady!’ cried Sir Cadogan. There was a stunned silence, both inside and outside the common room. ‘You - you did?’ said Professor McGonagall. ‘But - but the password!’ ‘He had ‘em!’ said Sir Cadogan proudly. ‘Had the whole week’s, my lady! Read ‘em off a little piece of paper!’ Professor McGonagall pulled herself back through the portrait hole to face the stunned crowd. She was white as chalk. ‘Which person,’ she said, her voice shaking, ‘which abysmally foolish person wrote down this week’s passwords and left them lying around?’ There was utter silence, broken by the smallest of terrified squeaks. Neville Longbottom, trembling from head to fluffy-slippered toes, raised his hand slowly into the air.
-Prisoner of Azkaban, Ch. 13
According to Sir Cadogan, Neville had the whole week's passwords, which implies that Neville was only in possession of the paper he'd written it on for a week at most. In fact, in the previous chapter after McGonagall gives Harry back his Firebolt and says, “I daresay you’ll need to get the feel of it before Saturday’s match, won’t you?” Harry and Ron run into Neville:
They turned into the corridor to Gryffindor Tower and saw Neville Longbottom, pleading with Sir Cadogan, who seemed to be refusing him entrance. ‘I wrote them down,’ Neville was saying tearfully, ‘but I must’ve dropped them somewhere!’ ‘A likely tale!’ roared Sir Cadogan. Then, spotting Harry and Ron, ‘Good even, my fine young yeomen! Come clap this loon in irons, he is trying to force entry to the chambers within!’ ‘Oh, shut up,’ said Ron, as he and Harry drew level with Neville. ‘I’ve lost the passwords!’ Neville told them miserably. ‘I made him tell me what passwords he was going to use this week, because he keeps changing them, and now I don’t know what I’ve done with them!’
-PoA, Ch. 12
Stay with me, there is actually a point to all this.
The Quidditch game was on Saturday. Sirius Black entered Gryffindor Tower that same night. In the next chapter (Ch. 14) we see Ron spend the next few days getting attention for Sirius' attack, then he and Harry are invited to Hagrid's - who wants to talk to them about Hermione - and when they get back to Gryffindor Tower that evening there's a post on the noticeboard about a Hogsmeade visit that weekend. We know that Hogsmeade visits only happen every few months, and that the last one was in Ch. 10.
So the timeline would be:
Neville gets passwords and writes them down
Quidditch match within the same week
Sirius attacks Gryffindor Tower
Hogsmeade weekend announced for the Saturday following the match
Therefore Neville could not have possibly gone into Hogsmeade, ie. left school grounds, between writing the list of passwords and Sirius entering Gryffindor Tower. Which means that if Neville had lost the paper with the week's passwords on it, he could only have done so on school grounds. Yet no one, including the teachers, is asking the question of how Sirius Black was able to get his hands on Neville's cheat sheet if it meant he had to enter school grounds to do so in the first place.
In fact, all McGonagall does is punish Neville and prevent him from going into Gryffindor Tower by himself, while not checking the school's security and searching for the breach in it that allowed Sirius to get into the grounds in the first place. Sure, we know that he did so because he was an animagus and apparently the protective charms don't apply to animals (which, as an animagus and Deputy Headmistress, McGonagall should have flagged), and we know that it was Crookshanks who stole Neville's passwords to give to Sirius. But McGongagall doesn't know this. Neither does the rest of the staff. All they know is that a student lost a list of passwords on school grounds, and Sirius Black got his hands on them - inevitably also while on school grounds.
And yet no one reaches this conclusion or does anything about it.
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