#which she finds endlessly amusing
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A mix of 31 prompts and microfic prompts…
Prompts 1 & 2
Prompt #3: fire and #4: “I know, but I wanted to”
Sirius Black heaved an irritated sigh.
“For Merlin’s sake, I’m surrounded by incompetent fools!” he muttered to himself.
“Ha! If you think you can undo Prongs’ idiocy when it comes to anything remotely related to Lily Evans - good luck with that!” Peter snorted, downing a contraband lurid cocktail that Mary had concocted. It was supposed to look like a mint milkshake - it reminded Sirius of swamp water - vague rotten egg smell and pond scum colour. It was wonderfully lethal.
“I swear to Circe, if they haven’t gotten their shit together by May, I shall be forced to stage an intervention!” Sirius said, folding his arms.
“Oh? And what kind of intervention would that be?” Remus asked, leaning into him and giving his shoulder a gentle push.
Remus was a bit drunk and much more generous than usual with physical affection, which Sirius deeply appreciated.
“A successful one,” he said in a lofty tone, resting his head against Remus’ own.
“Can’t wait,” Remus hummed.
James sat slumped in his seat, hand holding up his head, watching the dancing couples, eyes following a particular fellow Gryffindor - vivid green eyes, cheeky grin, cobalt blue dress twirling.
“She’s never going to go out with you.”
He turned his head slowly.
“Snivellus,” he sighed deeply. “What can I do for you?”
“There’s no point sitting there staring at her like a creep! She hates you.”
He hesitated. Had he actually been staring at her like some weirdo?
Looking up he saw Sirius reaching for his wand, Remus glaring at Snape and Peter’s eyes twitching nervously towards the professors’ table. The problem with friends who happened to have Furry Little Problems or furry alternative selves was that their hearing was too sharp. Minerva McGonagall was looking over at him too, wearing a sour expression, although she couldn’t possibly have heard the conversation?
“Apologies to Evans if I was making her uncomfortable,” he said.
“You don’t care how she feels, you just want to force her to go out with you, you disgust me! You disgust her!”
Sirius Black was on his feet and Remus Lupin had his wand out and McGonagall’s lips were a stern line as she dropped her napkin (was anyone else able to convey such disappointment and authority in such a tiny gesture?)
“For fuck’s sake, shut- “ he growled, feeling his shoulders tense, fingers finding his wand. In another lifetime, say this time last year, he’d have hexed Snape already.
Just then he caught Lily’s eye. She was looking at the with concern, her smile gone and replaced by drawn brows and pursed lips. Poor Evans, imagine having to deal with two stupid, selfish wankers like them…
He breathed out slowly, forcing his shoulders down and placing his hands in the air, a placating gesture.
“Look, Snape, you’re probably right - I’d say I do disgust her. I have no intention of asking her out, alright?”
One side of Snape’s top lip lifted in disgust, but he clearly wasn’t expecting that answer and couldn’t find anything to say. He stood there awkwardly for a moment.
“Can i interest you in a snack? Beetroot crisps? Twice fried chips?” he said.
Snape glared at him suspiciously.
“A glass of butterbeer?”
The thin boy squinted at him. James smiled, all laid back innocence.
“Wondering why I’m offering? I know, but I wanted to.”
“Fuck you, Potter!” he spat out, turning around and marching off in the direction of the Slytherin tables.
“Prick,” James said to himself, knocking back an entire glass of firewhisky.
“Alright Mr Potter?”
McGonagall was looking at him with an unreadable expression. It was difficult to answer when his eyes were watering from the strong alcohol.
“Right as rain. Fit as a charmed fiddle,” he coughed.
“Water, was it?” She asked, sniffing in the direction of the empty bottle.
“Something like that… a liquid, anyhow,” he said, with a sheepish grin as he ruffled his hair.
“Oh gods,” groaned Remus, face palming. “I can’t listen to this, it’s too painful.”
“Prongs is a useless liar when he’s drunk,” Peter noted helpfully.
“He’s an out and out idiot at the best of times,” Sirius said, wisely downing the remainder of his drink.
“Bit harsh, Padfoot,” Remus sounded amused.
“No, that’s it. I’ve told him time and time again. I’m not idly standing by while he makes a balls of everything. Tonight takes the biscuit.”
They watched as James moved towards McGonagall, who was muttering under her breath in response to his ineptitude.
“Care to dance, Professor?” they heard Prongs say.
“Smooth,” Peter said.
“Foolish,” Remus said.
McGonagall’s left eyebrow raised. Prongs swayed.
“Perhaps another time, Mr Potter,” she said, not unkindly, patting his shoulder in what could only be described as a consoling manner.
“Right. Another time. When I’m less drunk.”
“Precisely, next year’s Hallowe’en Ball, perhaps.”
James’ mouth gaped.
“Right. Spiffing. Merlin!”
“Holy shit!” Peter squealed.
Sirius was inclined to agree with him.
On the first of May, Sirius Black walked into Dumbledore’s office, unannounced.
“Professor, we have a problem,” he said, without preamble, sitting himself down opposite the headmaster’s desk and placing his right foot on his left thigh.
“Good evening, er, Mr Black. How kind of you to call in for a… chat. A problem, you say? May I be of assistance?” Dumbledore asked, periwinkle eyes curious as he reached over for the sweets. “Lemon sherbet?”
Sirius Black shook his head.
“A problem. Of the very irritating, long-standing variety. And I know how to fix it!”
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clubforfrogs · 6 months
Also a request...!!! M so excited!!
Sirius black x reader snape
Basically snake's younger sister, is constantly bullied by the marauders, cuz of snape yk yk, especially on her make up preferable her foundation, after lots of teasing and bullying, she lashes out on sirius n removes her makeup to show a huge scar imprinted on her face. Cuz of her family issues n stuff. I leave how sirius reacts and their bonding up to you.
French love from dxb, Mon cherie
Um hello?! You’re literally the sweetest🫶🫶. I also love this request so much, so I hope I did it justice. I came up with this little blurb- I really hope you like it!
I’m currently working on a Sirius ask and a little James blurb- so keep on the look out for those.
Of All People - Sirius Black x Reader
~ 1.7k words
Now let’s be clear, you loved your brother, but some deep, shameful part of you resented him for the attention he attracted. Your parents had instilled posh pureblood ideologies into your heads from young ages. Luckily, you were able to see through their bullshit. Severus wasn’t so lucky. 
He brought that thinking into Hogwarts, and was ecstatic when both you and him were sorted into Slytherin, where he took no time at all befriending other air headed Slytherins who thought the same. This, along with the simple fact of his existence, brought the full wrath of the marauders down on your brother, which also trickled down to you. 
The marauders would endlessly bully and tease your brother. Being the dimwit he was, he always decides to try and fight back, ultimately failing every time. They would cast small hexes on you in the hallways, just constant, small annoyances. Eventually, it seemed as though Snape wasn’t enough of a challenge for the marauders, which caused them to turn fully to you. Now you were the one getting harassed. Constant jabs at the way you looked, filth about you thinking the same way as Severus, and the never ending comments about the amount of foundation you wore. What kind of guy even noticed that stuff? 
To be quite frank, it sucked. You were stuck with a shitty brother whom you loved, and a group of boys who bullied you for that very reason. It was exhausting, which meant that you valued every moment you could find yourself at peace- like right now. You were sitting underneath a tree near Black Lake. It was the first of the warmer days at Hogwarts, so you blended in with the multitudes of students soaking up the sun. You hoped this blending would be enough to allow you some quality time away from the marauders.
You leaned back your head against the bark of the tree. There was a gentle wind blowing across your face, a gentle buzz of voices coming from the other students outside, and a heavy liquid falling down your face. Wait… what? You opened your eyes quickly and rubbed at your face. It felt as though sticky black tar had been dumped on your head.
Though the substance made it hard to see, you could hear the roaring laughter of James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius. “What the hell? What is your issue? You couldn’t leave it for one day?” You questioned. You had cleared the goo enough clear your eyesight, and could see the amused faces of the boys. Sirius had the biggest grin stretching across his face, “Aw, we wouldn’t do that to you. You simply look too adorable with black sludge covering your face. Honestly, it looks better than that makeup you cake on everyday.” 
You could punch him for the look on his face. You had already been having a crappy day, as your parents had sent you a letter reminding you that the summer holiday was approaching, and they expected you to not forget your manners like you seem so inclined to do. 
Basically, if you didn’t listen to every word they said, you were going to “get straightened out” like your mother always said. The letter was fresh in your mind, and with it, a need to punch something. Luckily for you, there were four perfect targets standing right in front of you. 
You took a step towards James, the closest of them to you. He looked slightly confused, but taunted you nevertheless, “You coming in for a kiss? Sorry, I don’t French with snakes.” That was all you needed. You reared back your fist, and punched James Potter square in the gut. He doubled over in pain, and you swear you’ve never felt so much joy. Peter and Remus rushed over to him right away. Sirius looked at you in shock and took you by the shoulders. “You’re such a bitch! I knew all of the Snapes were the same. Just leave Hogwarts! We don’t need another bunch of rancid, pureblood twats spitting nonsense around here!” He was screaming in your face, and everything about what he was saying infuriated you. 
“Excuse me? Have you ever thought of asking about what I believe instead of assuming I’m just like my brother? I don’t believe in any of that shit! And what’s even worse, I have to suffer the consequences of being a half decent person all the time!” Sirius looked confused at your last sentence, so you rolled your eyes and casted a simple spell to clean the liquid off of your face, along with the thick layer of foundation you had applied that morning. Underneath, a giant scar cut along your cheek. It was relatively new, so the skin around it was red and puckered.
Sirius sucked in a quick breath. The other marauders had stopped cooing over James, and looked to you with shocked expressions. “Oh Merlin, I’m so sorry-“ you cut Sirius off. “Just stop, I thought you of all people would know what I was going through, but I guess not.” You started walking away, but when you heard the footsteps of Sirius behind you, you sped up to a run.
The footsteps behind you also increased in their pace, and a large hand grasped your wrist. You turned to look at Sirius. Tears had started forming in your eyes, but you wiped them away in futile the hope that would stop Sirius from seeing them. Sirius didn’t speak right away, instead he chose to study your face. You squirmed, under his scrutiny, you just felt ugly. Your red rimmed eyes, stuffy nose, and large scar now visible. You were heavily considering bolting away again until he spoke up, “I’m sorry. I- I never even considered that you might not be like your family. And you’re right, out of anyone, I should have been the one to give you the benefit of the doubt.” You looked back up at him, his eyes seemed genuinely apologetic, but that didn’t mean you were letting him off the hook just yet. 
“Yeah, you should be sorry. You and your cronies have been ruining my life here at Hogwarts. My one escape from my family. And you’ve been taking the absolute piss out of my brother. I know how he is, but he’s still my brother. Talk to me again when you show me you want to change.” With that, you pulled your wrist from his grip and walked back to your dorm. You really wanted to give him a second chance, partly because you had been harboring a small crush on him since first year. But before you could even let yourself consider that, he had to prove that he wanted to change. You sat in your dorm thinking about that very scenario, wishing, hoping, praying, that he would make the effort.
And in the next few weeks, he did. There were certainly the occasional taunts thrown towards your brother in the halls, but you supposed you could live with that. There were no more cruel pranks aimed towards you or Severus, and Sirius had even made James, Peter, and Remus write out apology notes and deliver them to you personally. You had probably gotten way too much enjoyment out of that one.
As you ate in the Great Hall, surrounded by a few acquaintances, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Behind you was a nervous looking Sirius. “Would you like to come over and eat with us? I swear, no bad intentions. We really want to get to know you.” His voice was much smaller than you had ever heard it. You weighed your options back and forth, but with the genuine effort he had been putting into righting his wrongs, there was no way you could deny him. “I would be delighted to.”
His face lit up at that, and you could see his confidence instantly repair itself. He led you over to where he and the other marauders sat, guiding you by placing his hand on the small of your back. The simple act caused your face to redden, but if he noticed, he didn’t say anything. Once you sat down at the table, everything was surprisingly normal. The other boys made one more quick apology each, but then the conversation quickly migrated to more light hearted topics.
“Okay, James,” it was hard to speak through your laughter, “You went up to this fifty year old dude, and insisted he was your mom?” The entire table burst out in laughter. “It was an intense game of truth or dare, I had ten galleons riding on it!” Remus smirked at him, “Yeah, but you still ended up losing,” he then looked to you, “You want to know why, Y/n?” You looked at him nodding, as you heard Peter groan, “Don’t do this mate.” Remus only spared him a glance as he launched back into his story, “So the truth or dare game was down to just Peter and James, and neither of them would back out. That’s when Sirius came out with this absolutely vile looking plate of chicken. It was cold, half raw, and definitely spoiled. We dared James and Peter to eat it for the win. James backed out immediately, but Peter ate it and puked for weeks.”
You had been drinking pumpkin juice as Remus told his story. But once he reached the part where Peter at the chicken, you lost it. Laughter spilled from your lips, and juice came up out of your nose. This only made the laughter at the table increase ten fold. You realized that you were receiving from worried glances from the students around you, but the laughter clouded your mind and you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You finally managed to calm yourself, and Sirius handed you a napkin of while wiping away a tear. You wiped away the juice, and caught sight of the watch on your wrist as you did so.
“Shit, I was supposed to be working on a Potions paper due tomorrow! I’ve gotta be off, this was lovely though!” You hugged Peter who sat right next to you, the boy looked a bit shocked, but satisfied nonetheless. You saw the pouty look emerge in Sirius’ eyes, so you leaned across the table and pecked him on the cheek. His face immediately blossomed into a lovely pink hue as the boys shouted out variations of, “You’re in!” “When’s the wedding?” and “Can I be the best man?” You smiled as you walked away from them, hoping that you’d be invited to sit with them again tomorrow.
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odinsonslut · 2 years
⊹ genre: Fluff mostly, minimal angst
⊹ pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin female reader
⊹ themes: Friends to lovers
⊹ summary: Fred rejected your advances, claiming you’re too young. You set out to seduce him, which backfires. Unwarranted comments were made in your presence, and George attempted to comfort you, finally explaining his fears and feelings in the process.
⊹ warnings: Swearing, third-party slut-shaming of the reader, mentions of an emotionally toxic relationship, very brief mention of drugs.
⊹ word count: 1.7k
⊹ a/n:  I don’t know why I’ve chosen to base this whole fic off of rejection yet again, but It’s completely different to the last, trust. A cute Fred one today because I’ve had a recent fixation on the twins and can’t seem to write for anyone else atm. 
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Confidence has come naturally to you since the first day you walked through the castle doors. Many would wager that’s why you ended up in Slytherin over Hufflepuff. You’d never had issues letting people know how you felt about them; rejection had never been a concern or a fear simply because your self-assurance wasn’t so easily deteriorated. 
This wasn’t ever in question until two weeks ago. You hadn’t thought twice about approaching Fred after months of mutual teasing, or so you thought it was. You went to his spot on Gryffindor’s table in the morning, greeting him with a single pumpkin pasty. You waited till he took a bite out of it before making some quip that you couldn’t seem to, or rather didn’t want to remember, about owing you a kiss and maybe something more in return for it, to which he painfully, tragically mustered a chuckle past his lips, probably the most awkward position I’ve seen him in, before finally finding the words to let you down easily.
“You know I love you endlessly, but we’re friends” He could’ve just as easily stopped there, but he continued. 
“You’re just a little too young for me.”
He briefly dated Amelia Farrow last spring, and she’s four months younger than you, so obviously, it wasn’t an age issue. He saw you as immature, a kid. He couldn’t even begin to picture you as attractive in any form. Actually, feeling affected as a result of rejection was unfamiliar; it was scary. How had you allowed yourself to feel enough for a man that your own stability suffered? As a result, you didn’t just feel hurt, you felt inferior, and that was harrowing enough in itself. 
You were just beginning to fall into another rant directing every expressional detail from the twitch of his bottom lip to the scrunch in his left brow when you were interrupted by a loud sigh.
“Babe, I couldn’t live a day without you, but swooning over a blood-traitor Weasley is way more than I can handle for the 7th time this morning”, Pansy quipped after a supportive kiss on my cheek.
“Give me a solution then”, you pleaded, faux pouting while hugging her thighs desperately.
“Seduce him, love; you’ve got the best ass on anyone in this entire school. Malfoy tells me he’s got a preference for it, says he lets a lot slip when they’re off smoking muggle grass.”
“Teach me how. You’re probably the only girl in our year every Slytherin male wants to shag a second time.”
It was the first quidditch match of the year, so naturally, you put on your uniform from 3rd year to cheer the team on. Malfoy found your overreaction to rejection amusing, like a fish out of water, to use his words, so he didn’t mind playing the role of the pawn in your game. You spent all game cheering Draco on, making sure you were just enthusiastic enough to attract Fred’s attention. 
The game finally came to an end. Gryffindor just barely scraped by, with Harry catching the snitch. I could already see Oliver Wood pushing Fred about, demanding a valid reason for his poor performance during the game. He pushed Wood off of him and stormed off with an exasperated look on his face.
I caught up to him a few feet away, deciding to skip past the jokes, figuring he wasn’t quite in the mood.
“Hey, you okay?” I timidly asked, reaching out to stroke his hand
“You sure move on quick, don’t you?” He spoke harshly, ignoring my question completely
“Are you serious? You reject me, then get mad at my attempts to move past that?” I shoved his shoulder, feigning annoyance. I knew exactly what I was doing, trying to prompt a reaction out of him.
“And what the hell are you wearing? Damn near sent Adrian Pucey spiralling into the benches with your ass out like that.”
“So I had both team’s beaters distracted, huh?”
“I wasn’t distracted so much as horrified.” He immediately followed
You shoved him playfully. “Shut up, weasel. You’re literally still staring at my tits.”
“You’re telling me you didn’t put that outfit on for me to stare at?” He whispered as we came to a halt just outside the quidditch changing rooms 
To my dismay, I couldn’t think of anything to do or say but scoff at him, to which his grin grew even bigger.
He turned to leave, my brain regaining activity without the pressure of his eyes in contact with mine.
“I put it on so you’d have a clearer image to jack off to tonight.”
I headed back to my dorm before he could get another word in.
I approached the great hall hand in hand with Daphne Greengrass, completely satisfied with the way I left things with Fred yesterday, convinced I’d won. The smile on my face immediately dropped as I heard the conversation taking place at the Gryffindor table.
“- he’s even got a Slytherin girl in his pocket, dressing up like a little slut just for him.”
“Tell me, Weasley, does she like it rough?”
“Seems like the kind of girl that’d take it in the back.”
Your heart dropped as you heard comments from miscellaneous men in the house, jeering over each other, collectively patting an angry-looking Fred on his back and shoulders in a congratulatory manner.  
We made eye contact. Before the men at his table sensed my presence, too, I broke away from Daphne and sprinted out of the Hall. I sank by a tree in front of the lake as I took shallow breaths.
What hurts is that every assumption they made about my character felt deserving. When did I become the girl so desperate for one man’s attention that I so pathetically made myself more sexually desirable in his eyes? So that his lust would cloud his judgement and throw me lay at the very least? I hadn’t even realised how delirious I was acting and how painfully obvious it was to everyone but me just how much more I clung to the idea of him. It was like a montage of clarity was playing in my brain, of the way I continued running up to the Gryffindor common room every morning, taking every opportunity to make what I thought was subtle physical contact with him. God.
I let out a little yelp when I finally opened my eyes. Fred sat right next to me, leaning his head against the tree the same way I was.
“God, you scared me half to death! fucking cunt” I muttered the last part, allowing my anger to peak through 
“I had Malfoy help me make sure those guys’ mouths stay shut. I’m sorry you had to hear that, and I’m sorry they were able to say more than two words without me hexing them and their mothers, to begin with. None of what any of them said is worth your care. They heard us talking outside the changing rooms yesterday. They’re all jealous little virgins that have-
“They were things I needed to hear” I cut him off before he fell into a rant that honestly wouldn’t have made a difference to the way I felt.
He looked at me incredulously, struggling to find the words to respond. 
“I was seeking your attention so incredibly desperately. It embarrasses me to think about it. You said no; I should’ve respected that and left it as it was. I took your reasoning personally, and for the way I’ve acted since that day, I apologise, truly,” I continued.
He sighed. “I only said what I said out of fear. I’m sure you remember I briefly dated a Hufflepuff girl in your year, Amelia. I made a mistake getting involved with her. She didn’t know how to separate love from attachment, and it got to a point her dependence on me started affecting her mental well-being, along with mine. Nobody saw much of me during the time we were dating because I was just so caught up with making sure she was okay since she relied on me completely. I didn’t realise  I was even allowed to have boundaries at all in a relationship. She constantly made me feel selfish and uncaring for wanting space or even just time with my family. When you told me how you felt about me, I had recovered from the relationship, but I hadn’t yet allowed myself to consider a future relationship with another person. I said what I thought I needed to say to avoid our relationship turning into the one I had with Amelia. But ever since you told me how you felt about me, it made me realise nothing about us has ever been platonic to me. I have never thought of you that way, and even when I tried to, I didn’t know how to look at you in any other way than lovingly. I feel so much for you. I could see myself loving you so easily. I’m just really afraid. I don’t know if I’m ready to navigate that all over again.”
It took me a while to respond, taking in everything he said in a state of such vulnerability. I noticed a stray tear on my skirt; it was his. I immediately reached out to hold his hands in comfort. I opened my mouth to respond but was cut off yet again.
“I will never allow anyone to say a word against you ever again, love.” He added
“I care a lot about you, Fred. I reacted the way I did, with such force and conviction, because it’s unfamiliar to me too, feeling so deeply for someone. Whatever you want to come from this, we can do. I want to learn to keep my independence through my feelings for you. I don’t think declaring something more than friendship will change things between us overnight, and I think all we need to do is keep being us.” 
“Okay”, he responded timidly but surely.
He could’ve just stopped there, but I’d come to learn that’s never something to expect from him.
“I absolutely did jack off to you last night, though.”
I kicked him in the shin as we walked back to the castle, hand in hand. 
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
fake dating sevika? obviously leading to real marriage cuz duh 🙄
how have i not done this trope yet? i love it
men and minors dni
you and sevika are friendly. you wouldn't go as far as saying you're friends, but you get along pretty well with your neighbor. that is-- when you see her. she's usually at work but from time to time, you both end up on the fire escape that connects your back windows at the same time, the two of you smoking together after a long day.
on occasion, she shares a cigar with you. you always share your weed with her-- giggling at the way her eyes get heavy and pink as she smokes. you've even shared a few late-night dinners-- just a bag of pretzels and a six pack of ale, but it's still nice.
despite the nice few nice nights you've shared, that's as far as your tentative acquaintanceship has ever gone. which is why you're a little surprised to find sevika at your front door as you get ready to head out to the markets.
"sevika?" you ask. she blinks in surprise, dropping her hand that she'd been ready to knock with.
"uh. hi." she grunts. she's not looking at you, her head is ducked and she's scrubbing the back of her neck. you're a little worried for her.
"you okay?" you ask. sevika sighs a long, gusty sigh, then looks up at you with a wince.
"i need a favor." she grumbles. you raise an eyebrow, curious. sevika groans again, and you giggle.
"come in." you invite her into your apartment, nodding her toward your couch as you grab a beer from the fridge for her. she takes it, nodding at you in thanks. you clink your glasses together, both of you taking a few sips as you settle on the sofa beside her. "so?" you ask. sevika huffs again.
"you know i work for silco, right?" she asks. you snort and nod.
"yes, i'm aware." you bite back the urge to tack on 'so is everyone else in zaun.'
"well..." she trails off, staring at the floor, before shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "basically, we gotta go up to piltover for a fancy-fuck dinner, but they won't let silco bring anyone from his crew besides me. so..." she sighs.
"so what?"
"the whole reason we're going to the fucking dinner in the first place is to get a good look at what the topsiders are cooking up as their own shimmer variants. we can't distract the pilties, and gather intel with just the two of us." she looks up at you, waiting for you to respond like she's somehow revealed the favor she needs.
"...okay?" you ask.
sevika groans, then slumps against your couch. "i need a date." she huffs. you raise an eyebrow.
"i'm pretty sure the girls from babette's--"
"no!" she squeals. you chuckle a little. "these people-- they can sniff out a sump-rat from a mile away. they're already nervous about letting silco bring me along. i need to bring someone..." she pauses and chugs the remainder of her beer, swallows a burp, then speaks again. "you're, like. sweet, y'know?" she whispers. you blink. "you're easy to talk to. you could charm the pants off anyone: zaun gangster like me or piltover elites."
warmth bubbles up in your stomach at her words, a soft smile pulling at your lips. "you think so?" you ask. sevika groans and rolls her eyes.
"fuck off. just: will you be my fake date to this dumbass dinner or not?" she asks. you grin.
"well, what do i get outta it?" you tease. of course you're going to say yes, especially after all the soft things sevika just said to you.
sevika scoffs a bit, smiling back at you. "topsider food for a night?" she bribes. "good wine?"
you snort, then reach your hand out between the two of you for sevika to take. she does, and you're surprised at how warm and firm her grip is. "deal." you agree.
the entire trip up to piltover, sevika's scowling and huffing, bitching to silco any chance she can get about the fact that he's dragging her up top. you find it endlessly amusing.
but the moment you enter the mansion, sevika's attitude does a complete 180. it's impressive to see. her pleasant smile, while fake, is just as pretty as all the quick smirks she's shot you on the balcony as you pass a joint back and forth.
she also starts touching you. at first, it's tentative; a gentle hand on the waist or small of your back; but as you relax into her touch and start touching her back, her touches become mindless.
as you sip on drinks and laugh politely at the rich-people humor you can't understand for the life of you, sevika slings her arm around your shoulders, pulling you toward her chest.
when you're two drinks in, she presses a kiss to the crown of your head. she turns her head to whisper against your ear, "regretting your decision yet?"
you have to bite back the shaky moan you want to let out at the feeling of her breath on your neck.
you end up drinking more than you probably should. sevika's always been attractive to you, but you've never acted on it. you're neighbors, sevika's pre-occupied with work and her girls, you don't want to make things weird. but it's hard to ignore how handsome she looks in her suit when she's staring at you with a strangely convincing admiring-gaze, her mech thumb gently sweeping across the back of your hand.
the wine loosens you up, all your jitters and nerves about being surrounded by wealth melting away with each sip of your glass. the guests find you endlessly entertaining once you start talking: your radical undercity politics softened by the docile way you're leaning against sevika and your slurred words.
you get into a few debates. silco seems impressed with your knowledge of zaun's history, his good eyebrow ticking up with interest as you berate a man who suggested piltoverian taxes shouldn't be funding any zaunite public systems.
you charm a few of the wives, complimenting the appetizers and asking for the recipes, helping clear empty dishes and glasses to the kitchen.
you even make friends with the violinist that's been hired to play music for the night, complimenting her music taste and requesting a few songs that make her grin. "nobody asks for that one, but it's so fun to play, it's my favorite!"
sevika has to keep hiding her cocky smile behind her hand as she watches you work.
dinner is delicious. you're wiggling in your seat with excitement as you tear into the fresh food: a rare delight for you. beside you, sevika keeps laughing as she watches you eat. "you're an animal." she giggles.
"you gonna need anymore dates up here in the future?" you ask around a mouthful of food, hiding your full mouth with your hand. sevika grins.
"we'll see what happens." she chuckles.
by the end of the night, sevika has to help keep you steady as you sway on your feet, laughing and jogging down the streets of piltover while sevika and silco trail behind you.
"i quite like her." you overhear silco mumble at some point. then,
"yeah, me too." sevika replies.
she doesn't kiss you goodnight. you're almost disappointed, until you remember that this wasn't a real date. you stand in your doorway awkwardly, shimmying out of the suit jacket she'd slung over your shoulders on the walk home and handing it back to her, trying to find something to say.
"uh. this was really fun." you whisper. sevika smiles.
"it was. i knew you'd be a good fake girlfriend."
you giggle a bit, something strange flopping over in your stomach at the reminder that tonight was fake. "you're not so bad yourself, you know." you whisper. sevika blinks at you with big eyes, but doesn't say anything. "anyways. was i a good distraction?" you ask. she grins.
"oh, yeah. you had those pilties wrapped around your finger-- i was gone for thirty fuckin' minutes and they didn't even bat an eye." she says, giggling. you smile.
"i'm glad i could help." you laugh. "if you ever need another fake date..."
"you'll be my first choice." sevika promises.
you gulp. this is the point of the night where you turn around and go into your apartment, watch through the peephole as sevika goes in hers, then go to bed. but... you linger.
sevika lingers too.
you decide to just go for it. you're drunk off good wine, full off good food, and... she looks so fucking pretty that the choice isn't all that hard to make. "or, you know. i'd say yes to a real date too."
it's quiet for a horrifying moment, sevika's eyes widening as they study your face, like she's trying to figure out if you're joking. you're about to laugh it off-- already planning on breaking your lease early so you can move out of this building before you ever have to see her again-- when sevika grins.
"a real date with me wouldn't be as classy as tonight was." sevika says. you bite your lip.
"that's okay. tonight was fun, but it was... a lot." you mumble. sevika giggles, a sweet sound, and your stomach flip-flops.
"how does take-out from jericho's at my place sound?" she asks.
it's your turn to grin. "fuckin' amazing." you say. sevika laughs.
"sure. or, we could go now?" you suggest. "jericho's is open all ni--"
you're cut off by sevika's lips. she crowds you to your front door, pressing her chest against yours. you hum into her mouth, and she hums back.
eventually, she pulls away for air. "i've been wanting to do that forever." she gasps.
you giggle, and pull her back in for another kiss. "me too." you mumble before your lips meet.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352 @artinvain
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gojossocks · 10 months
Jealousy, Jealousy
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Pairing: Gojo x reader
Genre: fluff, comedy
Summary: you’re watching the final episode of Attack on Titan. Fully captivated with the anime and clearly simping over your favorite fictional character, your boyfriend throws a silly tantrum.
WC: 1.3k
a/n: I hope jjk and aot fans' mental health is okay, here is a fic to make up for the shibuya arc and aot's final ep :")
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Gojo Satoru has always been insufferable, it is a known fact to everyone in Jujutsu High. He had been more insufferable this past week, though. 
He had been complaining to his bestfriends about you and Suguru swears that he might shave his whole head or commit murder as a result of his insanity. Being the receiving end of Gojo’s relentless antics can make you go crazy like that. 
Suguru’s sitting on his best friend’s couch, doing the paper that both of them should be doing. Instead, Satoru has been whining endlessly about you, claiming that you aren’t giving him attention anymore since you got hyped for the last episode of your favorite anime show, Attack on Titan. 
“Satoru,” he sighs, rubbing his temples. “It’s normal for our age to be obsessed over shows. She’s not cheating on you, stop being dramatic.” 
“I know but all she does is talk about it!” Satoru crosses his arms over his chest before huffing, glaring at your poor Levi plushie. “Especially that shorty over there.” 
“You’re right, Satoru. Maybe she does love Levi over you.” Suguru smirks at him, a mischievous glint in his eyes which earned a sharp look from his best friend. 
“OH shut the fuck up Sugu-” 
Satoru’s rant came to an abrupt halt when his door swung open. You rushed to him, pulling him in a tight embrace. Caught off guard, Satoru stiffened for a moment before tentatively wrapping his arms around you, rubbing your back in a soothing pattern. His eyes widened when you started to sob, staining his shirt with your tears.  
(Suguru pretends he is non-existent in Satoru’s apartment) 
He couldn’t understand anything you’re saying because you’re sobbing and your voice is muffled with his shirt so he pulls away and looks at you worriedly, concern etching his features.  “What’s wrong, babe? What happened?”
He gently scoops you into his arms, settling on the couch with you nestled on his lap. 
“It’s over, Eren’s dead.” you mumbled, your voice laden with the aftermath of the episode . He couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter  that quickly died down when he saw your puffy eyes and the glare you shot his way. He halted his amused look when he noticed you pulling away but his grip on you remained still, preventing you from escaping. 
He grins at you, pressing a kiss on your forehead. “It’s okay, Y/N. I’m here.” He assures you, his voice soothing. “Let’s get some ice cream and cuddle all day, yeah?” 
Satoru couldn’t help but to revel in the sensation of having your undivided attention, you just look so cute with your pout as you look at him with puppy eyes. The grip you have on him when he soothes you didn’t go unnoticed by him too. His eyes flickered to Suguru, who shook his head begrudgingly on the other side of the couch before returning to his work. 
“It’s such a shame, ‘Toru. I’m gonna miss Levi so much, my pretty pretty baby girl.”  you cooed, your eyes fixed on your phone. Satoru’s eyebrows shot up in confusion before your words registered in his brain.
“HA?!” He exclaimed and glanced over, only to find out that your lock screen wallpaper has been changed. No longer was it graced by Satoru’s cheeky grin as he stole a kiss from you, it had now been replaced by Levi ackerman. You constantly talking about your fictional ‘husband’ annoys your boyfriend but setting him as a wallpaper?! That is so low. You’ve done it now. 
Satoru looks at you in disbelief, his eyes wide in bewilderment. “Y/N! How could you betray your boyfriend like that?! It’s a show, he’s not real. He’s not your baby girl. I am!” 
A giggle escapes your lips as you look up at him“You’re my baby girl?” you teased. 
“That’s not the point.” He complains. “Why don’t you dote on your boyfriend instead?  I’m clearly more attractive and taller than Remy or whatever that guy’s name is.” 
“Satoru, you’ve read the manga. You know who Levi is.” Suguru chimed in, emitting a groan from your boyfriend. 
“Shut up Suguru! I thought you were on my side!” 
The next day, you were surprised when Satoru didn’t accompany you to school as usual. Throughout your shared class, he was uncharacteristically quiet. Not to mention that he styled and parted his hair differently, mirroring the look of your fictional crush. Suguru and Ieri couldn’t contain their laughter when they first caught sight of Satoru’s new look. 
Gone was his usual nosiness and his penchant for poking into other people’s business. Satoru, now wearing a stoic expression, glared at anyone who dared to look at him. It was clear that he was trying to also embody the persona of Levi Ackerman and you don’t know whether to feel concerned, annoyed, or amused. 
The breaking point came after your last class of the day. Back at Satoru's apartment, he continued with his newfound demeanor, and you'd had enough. Despite trying to hold back laughter at the absurdity of the situation, you found yourself missing the usual antics of your clingy and insufferable boyfriend.
When you requested for cuddles and he responded with a dismissive ‘tch.’ and that did it. You decided to take matters into your own hands so you straddled his lap and cornered him, smirking at the visible reaction you elicited from your boyfriend.
His eyes widened, cheeks flushing, as he looked at you in surprise. 
“Got you.” you grinned at him, your voice dripping with amusement. “I thought I was dating Satoru Gojo so why are you acting like Levi?”
He stammered for a moment, clearly caught off guard. "I-I thought you liked this... stoic stuff."
Rolling your eyes, you leaned in, your lips inches away from his ear. "I like my cute and energetic boyfriend way more," you whispered, the warmth of your breath causing a visible shiver to run down his spine.
“Well Satoru Gojo isn’t your wallpaper, is it?”  he grumbled, a hint of jealousy evident from his voice.  
"Come on, 'Toru, don't be jealous. Levi's just a fictional character. You're the real deal. I also changed back my wallpaper!" you opened your phone to reveal your lock screen, hoping to dispel his jealousy. You changed it back to his face. 
“But babe, you don’t love me anymore” he pouted, his lower lip jutting out a mockingly hurt manner, his expression resembling a wounded puppy. “I figured if I became a replica of him, you’d love me again.” 
You wanted to smack him but you decided against it. You know your boyfriend’s smart but you kinda doubted that once he made that conclusion.
“Satoru, it’s just a show. Of course, I love you!” you reassured, offering a warm smile to emphasize your sincerity. 
Satoru sighs in a deliberately exaggerated manner. A playful grin tugs at his lips as he looks at you.  "Fine, but I better get some extra attention tonight to make up for this betrayal," he demanded. 
You chuckled, and leaned in to plant a quick, affectionate kiss on his cheek. "Deal."
“Also, tell me you love me then.” He added, his hand squeezing your thigh. 
“I love you.” you reply sincerely, 
“Hm?” He leans his ear towards you. “What was that?” 
You decided to play along and plant a soft kiss on his lips, "I," another kiss, "love," followed by another, "you." and you conclude with a final, lingering kiss. 
"Happy?" you say, pulling back.
"Very much," Satoru grins at you victoriously. but then, he looks at you with a sly twinkle in his eyes. "Wait, no. Tell me you don't love Levi and that you'll throw your plushie away so I could cuddle you 24/7."
"BABE!" Satoru whines. 
You can't help but laugh at his theatrics and without a moment's hesitation, you shower him with even more affection and assurances. Needless to say, that day (and perhaps the entire week), you let him hog you to himself, indulging in countless cuddles and sweet gestures to nurse his ego back to full health.
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wanna read more?
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politemenacephd · 5 months
The Surrogate: Part IV
Miguel O'Hara X Peter B. Parker X GN!Reader (+18) Part one Part Two Part three Series Content: Planned pregnancy, Breeding kink, PinV sex, Oral sex, Threesome, Web knotting, Aftercare, Possible Angst/fluff.
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Miguel and Peter want a third child, and apparently they've run out of options. That is, except for you, their friend and colleague. They offer to cover everything, and the pay is life-changing. There's just one catch: they went to concieve naturally.
- One month later-
‘Breakfast! Come on, wakey wakey!
You darted your head towards the door of your bedroom as Peter’s voice drifted through. Was everyone awake already?
You were standing half naked in your own little guest room, one you were very well acquainted with at this point. Your clothes filled the wardrobes and spilled out over the edge of the bathroom hamper, and the bed had your signature messy look to it. Your items were all over the bedside table, the bathroom smelled like your favorite body wash, and you could find your way to bed now even with the light fully off.
You also had been here long enough to know that call, and to know what the morning routine was.
You hurried to pull on some comfortable, lounging clothes before pushing your door open to join the rest of the household.
Peter was in the kitchen behind a smoky stove, busy cooking away for once. You were used to Miguel being the chef around here, at least for the girls. Neither of the boys were very accomplished cooks but they desperately wanted you to believe otherwise.
You could also see two little heads bouncing up and down beside him, heads which immediately homed in on you as you entered.
‘Y/N!’ May squealed, her little socks skidding on the floor as she hurried around the counter.
‘Good morning, ladies’ you said, gently holding out your hands as the girls rushed towards you. You’d gotten used to the way May would squeal and rush to latch onto your leg, and the way Gabriella would politely take your hand and jump up and down as she tried to tell you about her day.
This morning was no exception. The girls both cried for you from the kitchen where they were huddled around Peter, tugging on his trousers as he tried to finish loading up five plates worth of pancakes.
You could see he was sweating over the pan but he had the most infectious, patient smile on his face regardless, dressing in his loose shirt and pants with a tight pink apron around his waist.
As you approached Peter beamed and made a slight ‘oh’ face. ‘Oh, good morning! Hey, watch this’ he called, and without missing a beat he tossed a pancake nearly a meter into the air before catching it again.
‘Come on, am I getting good or am I getting good?’ Peter crowed. He relished in your polite, slightly amused clap and the girl's squeals of excitement.
‘You’re going to make a mess, that’s what you’re doing.’
Miguel’s gruff, smooth voice filled the kitchen as he entered from his and Peter’s bedroom. He was still in his pajamas a common sight for you now, with his hair messy and unkempt and a slight stubble on his jaw. It was a weekend, and he’d just returned from a long and vicious mission, so you understood his desire to relax a little. You knew Peter tried to enforce rest where he could.
‘My love- I made EVERYONE’S plates without spilling a single one!’ Peter protested. He pouted up a storm but still melted when Miguel came up to kiss his temple.
‘Mhm. You got very statistically lucky’ Miguel purred back. ‘Now I’d like you to stop being that luck runs out.’
Miguel paused his teasing to scoop up May and Gabriella in both arms, kissing them both on the cheek before carrying them over to the dining table.
‘Yes, good morning mi amors’ he said with a yawn, his face also endlessly patient as the girls patted at his worn, rough face. He even chuckled as May tried to trickle him, showing no response to her patting at his thick neck.
‘Alright, come on, behave. What will our guest think?’ Miguel added as he put the girls down in their chairs. May groaned.
‘They’re not a GUEST anymore! They’ve been here FOREVER!’ she whined.
‘A month isn’t forever’ Miguel said gently, ‘and even if it was forever, would that mean you can still be so rude in front of them?’
‘YEAH! It does! They’re like you and daddy, they have to put up with us’ May insisted.
You couldn’t help but stifle a giggle on the sidelines. The girls were so damn charming, it was so hard not to love them. Just like their dads.
‘Alright! Sit, sit down, come on! Chop, chop!’
Peter’s impatient yelling and clapping drove you to rush to your seat, and as you did you got a chance to say good morning to Miguel. He bumped against you as you moved past him to your seat, and you got to watch as his eyes softened and creased. They roamed from your face, to your chest, right down to your belly, and there they lingered before rolling back up.
You felt your heart skip as he smiled.
‘Mi compinche’ he whispered. You snorted at the little nickname he’d given you over the past month, which was mostly a stand-in since they couldn’t really think of what else to call you. ‘Good morning’ he added.
‘Good morning, Migs’ you replied, only to be shoved into your seat by a huffing Peter.
‘Sit DOWN! No respect in this place!’ he groaned while also shoving Miguel into his seat. The man could have overpowered him all too easily but he sank down just to appease his sulking lover.
‘I know, I know. I’m awful to you’ Miguel chuckled as he checked the news on a holographic tablet. Peter snorted and put on a pout.
‘You are! Anyway- good morning you lovely little thing, look at you.’ The moment Peter turned to you his attitude changed, turning into another dorky smile as he laid down the first few plates.
‘Good morning again, Peter’ you replied with a similar chuckle.
You ate breakfast with the family in relative peace. Miguel was quite quiet, busy checking the news and the Spider Society’s daily going-on's while Peter chatted to May about her dreams and to Gabriella about her upcoming soccer game.
Miguel would interject to take notice every so often, still clearly concerned about the girls, but you knew enough now to know he showed affection in a more subdued manner to Peter. You could tell he looked contented though. Surprisingly contented…
‘Alright! Come on, Gabi’s got practise, let's go!’
You were jolted from your daydreaming by Peter’s cry, as the man pushed back his chair and hurried to get the dishes in the sink before herding the girls away.
Ah, right. They’ve got soccer practice, you thought. I’ll be home alone today.
The girls rushed off to get dressed, and while you got up to do the same, you were stopped.
You felt a thick, firm hand on your wrist, which then gently moved down to your fingers as if the person realized they were being a little too aggressive. You turned already knowing who it was.
‘Hey, hermosa/o’ Miguel said, his voice low and sweet. You smiled up at him.
‘Hey! What’s up? Is it—’
Before you could finish speaking you felt him slip something into your open hand, forcing you to grasp it. It felt like… a little cardboard box?
You rolled it around in your hand, your face growing more and more confused. It was long and thin, you could feel the soft raised brail points on its edge…
‘It- what is this?’ you whispered after a few moments of confused pause.
Miguel met your gaze with glimmering, bright red eyes. They were overflowing with excitement.
‘Pregnancy test’ he whispered, like it was the most inane thing in the world. Your heart skipped a beat, and you had to stop yourself from instinctively touching your belly.
‘You- wait, already?’ you whispered back.
Miguel’s eyes narrowed as he licked his fang, offering just a soft, almost amused grunt of confidence. ‘Mm, compinche, I already told you. The first time will have done it. You were ovulating then, it should have been enough time to show up. So, go on.’
You found your chest growing oddly tight. Already? You were already expected to be pregnant?
Miguel seemed to sense your insecurity, as his own brows went up, but before he could ask if you were okay, you smiled back and nodded.
‘Okay! Sure, no problem. I’ll um- I’ll check it this afternoon, whenever I need to pee, I guess. And- we’ll see’ you replied, quickly soothing his worries.
Miguel beamed down at you, and god it almost hurt. He looked so proud of you.
‘Mil gracias, mi compinche’ he purred back.
You stared down at the little test your hands, sitting alone in the en-suite to your temporary room in Miguel’s apartment. It was isolated here, and you’d hoped it would be quiet, but you could still hear May and Gabi playing in the living room just a few doors away.
One line. Just one line on the thin blue test in your grip. You let out a slight sigh of disappointment.
It had only been a month, that’s what you kept telling yourself, as your mind swirled.
It’d only been a month. Why, then, did it bother you so much?
You’d waited until the afternoon to take the test, as you’d somehow been too nervous to pee. You’d drunk nearly three gallons of water beforehand but only now had it worked, and only when the whole family happened to be home again after soccer practice.
You’d hoped to have time to prepare. Either to mentally prepare for this outcome or to prepare a surprise for the positive lines.
But now…
You crept out of the bathroom and peered into the living room. You could see Miguel and Peter were trying to teach May how to use her new web shooter to knock little plush toys off of the coffee table, while Gabi was mischievously throwing items in her way to distract her as she tried to web those instead.
You heard them laughing, and cheering.
Your stomach turned. Oh god. Were you about to ruin the good mood?
You slowly, shyly, closed the door, right as Miguel glanced at it.
You couldn’t stand to face them yet.
You lost track of time pacing in the bedroom, going back and forth over the fine wood flooring until it squeaked. How did you tell them? It wasn’t a big deal, right? It was normal, this was normal, but they’d made it seem like you SHOULD be pregnant right now.
Oh god, what if they were disappointed? What if they hated you? What if they thought you weren’t good enough for this?
You hated feeling this way about your friends, but you’d gotten so comfortable here, so happy, so content, and now… You remembered that you were here for a job. A serious job. And, it already felt like you’d failed…
You jumped in place, your spine chilling at that familiar voice. You spun in place and found both Peter and Miguel in the doorway.
‘Heeyy, pretty thing, just- can we, come in?’ Peter said softly, his eyes as desperate as a puppy.
Your heart sank. You couldn’t exactly tell them no…
‘Ah- sorry, yeah, come in’ you murmured. The boys took the opportunity right away, swiftly shifting the door at their backs as they crossed the room towards you.
Miguel looked ecstatic but impatient. He seemed surprised you hadn’t told them the moment you came out of the bathroom, confused as to why you weren’t screaming and jumping for joy about his new baby.
Oh god, why, why, why…
‘Look, hey, we have to get ready for dinner, but… We wanted to ask first…’
Miguel approached with his hands outstretched, the softest smile spreading across his face as he implored you. Peter was beaming at his back.
‘It’s okay, the girls can find out later’ he added gently when you refused to say a word. Your heart sank. God, it hurt so bad. He was expecting it already, like he was so sure it’d worked. He assumed you must just be shy about these things.
You couldn’t get the words out. It was too hard. You paused, and then slowly you shook your head. You held up the little test to show the single line instead.
The way Miguel’s face changed was agony. The way his lips jittered, like he was forcing them to stay up. The way his body tensed and lowered. The way his shoulders just… deflated.
He was fixed on that line like it was his worst enemy, like it was a person who’d personally spat in his face. He paused and went silent for just a moment as he wiped a hand down his face, and God, the sigh he let out was like a knife to the chest.
‘Okay’ he whispered.
You pursed your lips into a thin line as you tried to stay calm. Why was this so hard? Why was he taking this so badly? It was just the first time. Still, you couldn’t say it out loud. ‘I… I’m sorry—’
To your surprise he then suddenly pulled you into an embrace, squeezing you tight to his huge chest. You felt so minuscule against his enormous form, tightly clutched in his giant biceps, feeling his pectorals heave as his heart thundered against your cheek.
His heart thundering… His breath a little ragged…
Oh god, he wasn’t mad. He was upset. But, was he upset with you?
‘It’s okay’ he murmured, his chin resting now on the top of your head. ‘It’s okay. It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ll- try again, we’ll try again. We’ve got time.’
You could only nod awkwardly. This felt almost unfair. Almost nobody just got pregnant within a month of trying, it wasn’t this unusual. While Miguel’s confidence was fun and, in a way, sexy, the real pressure now mounting on you felt incredibly unnecessary.
But then he said something that really made you pause.
‘I can do this.’
I can do this. Not ‘you’ can do this, referring to you, or even ‘we’. I can do this.
He didn’t act mad, at least not towards you. Was he, angry at himself?
‘Hey, hey, it’s okay.’
Peter was the one who then rushed in and squeezed you so tight your ribs hurt, offering Miguel the same. Miguel was silent as he hugged him back.
‘It’s fine! It’s the first month, these things happen. It might even, just uh- show up next week, actually. Maybe it’s a little early. But either way, it’s normal. It’s fine. Nobody did anything wrong, YOU did nothing wrong mi amor, and neither did you pretty thing’ Peter said, softly tutting sympathetically as he saw the pain in your eyes.
Miguel remained silent.
‘We’ll try again tonight’ he repeated with a gruff tone, lightly rolling his shoulders as he forced that stoic, calm expression to fill his face. Peter’s smile faltered a little.
‘Is that, okay with you?’
As he turned to you, you nodded desperately. ‘Yeah! Of course, it—’
‘It is REALLY okay with you?’ Miguel said, his voice suddenly sounding oddly vulnerable and concerned. ‘I don’t- Ah, I’m sorry’ he said through gritted teeth, wiping a hand down his face. ‘I don’t- I know I’m, putting pressure on you, it’s not my intention. I’m sorry. I am. Just… are you really okay to try again tonight?’
You paused only for a moment in the face of his big, soft, puppy eyes, before nodding.
‘Yeah- yeah! Yeah. I am. I’m fine to go again. We’ll start again, I’ll- track my periods, I’ll take the injections, it- it’ll be fine.’
Peter’s sympathetic face turned into a grateful mess as his lip quivered, and Miguel too had his brows turn up with a look of what could only be pride.
‘… Thank you, compinche’ Miguel murmured. He put a hand on your head, ruffling your hair before pulling back with a melancholic huff. ‘Thank you.’
The two men left you as the girls started screaming for their attention. You watched Peter put a silent hand on Miguel’s back, as if propping him up when he barely had the strength to do so, before the two stepped out as if nothing had happened.
You remained, alone, in your room. This was going to be a long night. 
That evening you waited for Miguel and Peter to visit, and sure enough they appeared the moment the girls were asleep.
Miguel came in already half naked in just his pajama pants, while Peter was wearing his full loungewear. The two looked a lot less hopeful than they did the first night you’d been in this situation.
You gulped, trying not to show how nervous you were.
‘Peter, mi amor.’
Miguel addressed Peter first before you, his eyes glancing to his partner as you sat alone on the mattress. Peter glanced at you then at him.
‘Mm… We’ll, both do it, right?’ he said softly, a fang flashing beneath his lip as he licked his teeth. Peter nodded quickly. ‘Yes, if- they want that.’
‘Ah… guys?’
You couldn’t stop yourself from speaking up as they glanced at each other, but when they looked down at you in unison you felt the lump in your throat grow.
You were a mess of arousal and nerves, far worse than the last night. The sight of those huge men, powerful and relying on you, with those soft brown eyes and dark red eyes both peering at you like meat in the dim light, you felt your body stiffen.
‘Sorry, I—’
‘No, no don’t apologize.’ Miguel raised his hand and gently cut you off. He looked strained over something, but when he spoke to you, he was as gentle as ever. ‘You’re fine. It’s okay, just- We were saying, I wanted Peter to help with the, uh, foreplay first before getting into it, since…’
Miguel paused and glanced at Peter again, who gently nodded for him to continue. ‘He’s… agreed, I will be the only one having sex, with you, tonight’ Miguel said after a small pause, his voice dripping as it slipped from his lips.
You blinked in surprise at that. It’d just be Miguel tonight? Even after the bad news with the baby? Surely they’d both want to be taking turns even more now.
‘I… Oh, sure, no that’s- fine, that’s fine’ you murmured.
‘It’s not because I don’t want to’ Peter said, offering an awkward tease in the face of the weird tension filling the bedroom. ‘Trust me, I uh- would love to, but, papi here requested it.’
You glanced up at Miguel and saw that same look in his eye you’d seen before, that dark, red, glowering glare that seemed both so overly confident and so insecure at the same time. It was a look of desperation, a look of need. You felt his eyes on you like a drowning man swimming towards a pocket of air.
What had gotten into him?
You breathed in deeply and slowly nodded.
‘Yeah, of course. That’s fine. That’s, fine. I’m fine with that’ you reply slowly.
Miguel gave a curt nod, a contended, affectionate nod, and without another word, he crawled onto the bed.
As Miguel descended on you, he stank of hormones. He had a dark expression, one clouded with testosterone and primal need, and it was like that need was seeping through his pores, coating his rough, scarred skin in a light sheen of pure virility.
When he flexed his veins popped on his forearms, his biceps tight and round. He didn’t even need to speak for you to back down, cowering on your chest as he put his nose to your neck. He breathed in deep, and you shivered.
‘Mm… Okay, we’ll do your favorite, si?’ Miguel purred against your nape. You nodded.
‘Yeah, y-yeah—AH!’
You squeaked as Miguel lifted your hips without even moving his face or body. He spread your legs by slipping his muscled arm between your thighs and lifting you by the cunt, raising your hips about a foot from the mattress, allowing Peter to slide down beneath your pussy.
‘Good’ Miguel purred against your neck again. ‘Good, good.’
‘That’s it, pretty little thing, come down gently now. Don’t you worry about suffocating me either, if you do it’d be an honor’ Peter said as he carefully took over maneuvering your hips from Miguel. The larger man released your soft, wet vulva from his grip with a soft grunt, and Peter took the weight with both his hands.
He breathed on you a few times, teasing just a little as he blew hot air against your swollen clit, but he could only hold off for so long.
With a low moan, he dropped your pussy onto his face.
‘A-AH! Ahh, f-fuck’ you whimpered.
Peter moaned as he began swirling his tongue, eagerly sucking and slathering your clit with all the love he could muster, while Miguel moved his hand back down and carefully shifted it through the folds until he found your entrance.
He didn’t waste time on ceremony. He slipped one finger in, pumped, dragging the soft side of his finger right down your g-spot, then withdrew and replaced it with two fingers.
You screamed. You could do nothing else. The walls were thankfully very soundproofed, so it wasn’t an issue, but even if it had been you weren’t sure you’d have had the strength to stop.
Between Miguel’s thick, calloused fingers pumping in and out and Peter eagerly making out with your clit in the messiest way possible, you melted into absolute putty in their hands.
Miguel grinned. You felt it against your neck, his lips pulling back and his sharp teeth bumping your nape as he breathed. His breath was hot, potent, desperate.
He began to move his fingers harder. With each pump you got a little looser, a little wetter, and soon his fingers were squelching as they moved in and out.
‘Good, come on. That’s it, baby’ Miguel whispered against your ear. He was commanding you like a horse, like an animal to be trained, and it did something to you. ‘Go on, that’s it. Loosen up. It’ll make it easier.’
‘U-Uh, f-fucckkk, fuck—’
Your eyes rolled as Miguel pulled back a little and pulsated his fingers at about halfway, keeping the tips on your g-spot. Peter, sensing the movement, quickly moved to suck on your clit at exactly the right time.
With a dull, frantic cry you orgasmed for the both of them, your body shaking with the strain of every muscle slowly tightening and then releasing with that heavy wave of pleasure. Peter dragged your hips down until you were crushing him, cutting off all his air just so he could get his tongue right up into your cunt, tasting every inch of that orgasm as it quivered to a stop.
Miguel let his fingers stay just long enough to feel it, to help squish some of those precious juices down for Peter to taste, before abruptly pulling out.
Your body was limply rolled off of Peter’s face and onto the bed, still on your front, and after supplying a few soft, soothing pets and gruff praise Miguel moved to whisper at Peter.
‘I’m going now. Okay?’ he hissed.
Peter was barely lucid. His eyes were glazed over, his lips and face red and wet, and his cock was hard and throbbing in his loose pants to the point he had to half-heartedly adjust them, pawing at his own erection with a soft whine.
‘O-Okay, ah… I- can I—’
‘Yes, mi amor, you can watch and satisfy yourself. Or, you can wait for me to be done and—’
‘No. No, lemme- watch’ Peter whined, a dreamy smile spreading over his face. ‘Uh… I should take some pictures of this sometime…’
Miguel grunted, not even really focused on him anymore. All he could sense was you, all he could smell was you. His breedable friend, his baby machine, the foundation of all his pride.
He crawled over and pulled your hips up into doggy before mounting from behind.
‘Now… I’m going to fuck you’ Miguel said, his voice slow and thick. ‘You understand?’
‘Y-Yes’ you whimpered.
‘You want me to fuck you?’
‘I’m going to fuck you multiple times. I will ejaculate into you, multiple times. I will not let you lose any of it. You understand this?’
‘It’s going to be rough’ he groaned, pressing the tip of his erect cock right against your sodden entrance. ‘Very rough.’
‘I will stop. But if you can take it—’
‘I can… take it, please, just… uh… do it’ you moaned.
Miguel sneered with pleasure. His pride bristled, and without wasting another second he spread your cunt with his fingers and shoved his cock inside.
You were winded by the force, and winded a second time by his refusal to start slow. The moment his erection slid up and kissed your cervix he was pumping like mad, grunting like an animal as he thrust his hips back and forth.
You were forced to moan into the sheets as you struggled to maintain any control. He was slipping himself all the way out, so far that only his bulbous member was left to stretch your entrance, before slipping back in within barely a second, stretching you out over and over.
You felt the soft walls stretching, expanding, tensing, and quivering in response to his intrusion, as he made your body his, as he molded you for his purpose.
And he made that purpose clear.
‘Need to… cum… Mmm… need to, fill you… put my baby in here…’
Miguel’s barely coherent grunts filled your ears as he bent your spine and slapped his pelvis into your rear, making the skin hot and raw where he hit it.
‘My… baby…. Mine… m-mine… you’re…. mine…!’
His grunting got wilder, rougher, and between that and your own moaning there was a third voice filling the bedroom. You glanced over, and through the sweaty strands of hair covering your eyes, you saw him.
Peter was watching, as promised, lazily spread out as he stroked and fisted his own cock. It was a gorgeous side, with his pajama pants just down to his thighs and his hand eagerly massaging his member.
And his eyes were fixed on you.
You felt the heat rising in your belly from this, as you were held down and pumped by that enormous, grunting, red-eyed man while his partner watched and stroked himself.
You made eye contact with Peter just for a moment, as he watched your sweaty face taking his partner's load, and with a shuddered groan he came.
You watched his eyes roll back and his lips part as he ejaculated into his own palm. God, what a pretty sight. There was so much of it, thick and slick and glossy in the dim light, coating his fingers and belly. It made you involuntarily clench your cunt around Miguel.
‘Y-You, AH-!’
You squeaked as Miguel groaned, his thrusts getting harder as he also climaxed. You felt his claws digging into your hips as he humped that first load in as deep as he could, ensuring it filled every damn inch of your pussy, smothering the walls until they were practically stuck together.
As he rocked to a halt you took a moment to breathe. There. That was good, he’d done it. And he—
‘Uh- come on!’
You squeaked in shock as Miguel began to rock his hips again, barely a second after he was done ejaculating. He continued to pump just as hard, pushing you face-first into the mattress as sweat flew from his brow.
‘Come on…. Come on…’
It was like a mantra he hissed to himself, as he overrode his brain's desire to rest. There was no rest. There was only breeding. There was only you, and that womb, that he NEEDED to fill.
‘Come on- come on- come on-‘
Your soft cries were barely audible over the creaking of the bed, over the aggressive slap of his pelvis as it thrust and smacked into your rear until it went numb.
You felt Miguel’s whole body stiffen and release as he pumped that second load in. The hot, thick fluid seeped out and put even more pressure on your insides, forcing those soft muscular walls to strain. You squirmed a little.
‘M-Mmm, mm…’
No, no, you could take it. You could take it.
Miguel paused to grunt, his face now dripping with sweat and his thighs trembling from the pleasure of two ejaculations so close together, but even then he refused to stop.
You could only respond with a squeak as Miguel started pumping you all over again, violently rocking his hips as he pushed through the overstimulation and went for loads three.
‘AH! A-Ah—’
You tugged on the sheets so hard they nearly ripped as he thrust from behind, the smack of his hips letting out a dull, heavy thump that ripped through the room. He was groaning so hard, spitting and hissing involuntarily, his claws digging into your hips as he dragged you back against his cock.
‘Uh- uh- uh- uh- UH- UH- UH- !”
Thrust, after thrust, after mind-numbing thrust, until—
Miguel cried out weakly as he orgasmed for the third time in a row. He moved primally as he did so, his body bucking despite his exhaustion as he tried to pump it deep. You could only whimper.
You felt this load just like the others, in all of its terrifying potency. That thick, wet, hot seed spilling out and coating you from the inside, pressed right to your cervix with no escape. He was holding you against his pelvis and refusing to pull out, almost like some kind of basic form of knotting.
‘Hey, hey, big guy.’
As Miguel knelt over you, sweating and heaving, his chest dripping and slick, Peter crept up and gently gripped his shoulders. 
‘Hey, it’s okay. Take a breather’ he whispered.
‘Need, to… need to, prove…’
Miguel continued slowly rocking his hips, pushing past the overstimulation until his muscles were tensed and aching. He kept moving inside you, squishing until his cum started to slip out, which only drove him more mad.
He moved his hand down and used it to squish the little white drops back inside, all with his fat shaft still impaling you in place. You whimpered at the sudden extra intrusion.
‘Need to… Impregnate.. God, damn it..’
‘Miggy, hey…’ Peter continued stroking Miguel’s forehead as he continued rocking back and forth, pushing you until you whined. The pressure was immense. His cock, three loads
‘Give them a break, then.’
That seemed to snap Miguel out of his trance. He glanced down with those hazy red eyes and he saw you spread out beneath him, trembling from the strain of being taken so many times so fast. He saw the sweat on your skin, the shimmering glow on your skin, and the wetness of your parted lips.
Almost immediately he released his grip.
‘I… Mierda, I’m so sorry—’
‘No, I’m… f-fine…’ you whimpered. ‘I’m, not hurt…’
‘No, but, you are clearly exhausted’ Peter cooed softly. ‘It’s okay. If we really want to try again, we can, just… let’s rest.’
‘I know’ Peter whispered softly, his own melancholy seeping through. ‘I know. You both want this baby. A lot. I know. I want it too. But this isn’t going to change anything. So let’s just, rest for a moment, and go again. Okay?’
At that moment, Peter was the gentle voice of reason for both of you.
Miguel let out a soft grunt, but he did pull out slowly, making sure to keep his fingers and palm stuffed in the little swollen entrance between your thighs to keep his seed safely intact. You allowed your body to collapse into the sheets with a sigh.
His fingers made you jolt and whine on occasion, but, you could handle that.
The three of you lay back and moaned softly, trying to catch your breath, with Peter hugging both of you close.
As Peter held you, you couldn’t help but glance over at Miguel just a little, though you tried to keep your gaze hidden.
You were so confused by the insecurity you’d sensed in him. There was no other way to put it. Before he’d been so confident, so sure, so calm, like he was just messing around, but now… There was an urgency in his movement.
There was a need. That was the best word for it. But, it wasn’t just a need to get you pregnant. Not now.
There was a need to prove himself.
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hotchfiles · 9 months
delivered a crime.
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pairing: remus x fem!reader.
summary: once a month remus needs to be patched up. that times 15 equals how many times he has to patch you up monthly.
content warnings: fluff, mentions of violence, condoning of violence, cuss words.
word count: 1,3k
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      "Ouch ouch ouchhhh—" you wince scrunching your face hard, almost moving it altogether if it wasn't for Remus' strong grip on your chin as he cleans your bloody nose. "Remmyyyy, it hurts." You pout and he only shakes his head, chuckling through his nose.
      "D'whine like this when you punched her first?"
      You frown dramatically, he knew too well of your antics, too good of a boyfriend, you would get into some fight, like some super hero, no pain, no tears, and then would transform into a cry baby when he was patching you up simply because you loved being taken care of by him. And by him only, obviously, not a side of you that was shown to anyone else.
      "Nop, but that cocksucker sure did." You try to smirk while you reply, but his grip on your face makes it almost impossible too, still your shoulders move a bit as you laugh.
      "Language, lady." He doesn't really care for that, but Remus finds it endlessly amusing how far back you can roll your eyes when he teases you about it, specially because your mouth was always particularly dirty after a fight, still riled up from the adrenaline. He let your chin go and lightly pushed your cheek, turning your face around so he could clean a bruise near your scalp. "She smacked your head into a wall or something?"
      "Ground actually." Remus tries, he really does try not to be amused, he doesn't want to enable this behavior, it's not safe, it's not right.
      And he worries so much about you, he does. But how can he not laugh when you're in front of him, all bruised, bloodied up, and still look so beautiful and so charming and talking about it so nonchalantly? Not a single worry behind those eyes, only recklessness.
      He's almost jealous. He plants a kiss beside the injury, glad it wasn't deep and it wouldn't need any stitches this time.
      In a very sick sick sick way, this always calms him down, it makes him feel more normal. Once a month it's the other way around, it's you going through his body for cuts and cleaning the blood and checking if he would absolutely need Pomfrey this time (after a while it gets tiring being in a hospital bed). Some couples learn to paint, or to knit, for you two it was first aid. First aid was Remus' and yours thing.
      Remus takes both your hands with his carefully, looking to see which one was worse, your dominant one of course, he let the other go and kissed your knuckles, you tried not to but you still flinch, those were bad, you ended up hitting the ground a couple of times while you aimed for the Hufflepuff's chin. At least it bloody broke, along with her nose and a least three teeth.
      "Love, y'know so many jinxes, why, why always your pretty fists?" He always asks, he hopes anytime soon you will give him a different answer, but you don't.
      "I'm not a bloody coward, Rem." James and Sirius are never happy when they hear you talk like that, they were avid users of jinxes as prank devices, and... Problem solving devices.
      You told Remus you believed violence to be more effective, he knew, or hoped, you felt it was easier to truly hurt someone with no way back with magic.
      He bandaged the first hand thinly, so you could still move it with a bit of freedom and went to clean the other one.
      "Why this time?" You stayed quiet. Very quiet. Too quiet. Remus hated when you were quiet. You were not a quiet person, if you were quiet it meant you were in trouble. You were already being patched up so how worse could it be? "Darling, why?"
      "Dunno, quidditch stuff."
      You don't play quidditch. You close your eyes immediately as the terrible terrible lie leaves your lips. Quidditch? Where did that even come from? You so didn't want to tell him the real reason.
      Remus didn't like you getting hurt, he specially didn't like you getting hurt because of him, that was even the only reason Sirius kept you from punching Severus months before, if he knows I was here and I let you start this I'm fuckin' dead.
      But you couldn't help it, he's your beautiful, caring boyfriend, who reads you to sleep, who shares cigs with you even when he says he's trying to stop, he patches you up after fights, and he gets you coffee even when he's drinking tea. He opens his coat so you can hug him and snuggle inside of it when it's snowy, and he asks you to stay up late with him studying even if you're gonna fall asleep on his lap because the sound of your breathing helps him focus.
      How, just how are you going to let anyone say anything about him?
      He doesn't tell you off on your blatant lie instantly, finishing up the bandage on your hand.
      He sighs deeply and you know you did not get away with it, his right index finger goes to your chin and he uses it to push it softly so you're looking directly into his beautiful, worried, sincere eyes. "Why?"
      "She had it bloody coming a'ight—fourth year prick, too old to be blabbing about shit she knows fuckall about." Remus doesn't respond, because you haven't either, you're stalling, he crosses his arms in front of his chest and gives you the courtesy of ignoring the fact the girl was three years younger than you. You try to fidget with your fingers but the bandages stop you, so you shrug and give him what he wants, "she was saying shit about your scars, thought she needed sum' of her own."
      For him, for his sake. His hands drop to his waist and he looks at you shaking his head, but his heart is warm and he hopes his cheeks aren't.
      Sure, he could be sad, offended, about some kids being idiots about his appearance, and truthfully, if he was younger, he would. Remus didn't care about it much anymore, and how could he, when he pulled one of the most gorgeous girls he could ever dream of and you were smart, talented and could even easily destroy him with your fists if you wanted to.
      And there you were, all fucked up because you couldn't accept people talking about him. It was too endearing, and he shouldn't enable it, he knows it, his mind is yelling him not to, but his hands are pulling you to him for the tightest hug he's ever given you. "You gonna get scarred too, you—" He doesn't even have the mind to remember any cuss words to start any banter, really, "beautiful, little, crazy, thing." He kisses your neck countless times, his hand tangles in your hair, keeping you close.
      "Don' care, wear mine with honour." Your voice is muffled, your mouth too close to his chest, you pull away just enough to look up to him, your hands flat to his body, "as should you."
      He leans in, closing the distance between you both once more, now with with a chaste kiss, that even so tastes like iron, and stings like a bitch.
      "I love you, deeply, terribly. Please, please, don't do this again... Goddamn loony—Oh no."
      You widen your eyes instantly, but you both laugh, glad that neither James nor Sirius are nearby. If any one of them heard him slip up like that and use that word, of all the ones he could have... The two of you would never hear the end of it.
      But that was truly it. Moony was completely, head over heels, too far gone, heels over head, intensely in love... With a total loony.
      He was enjoying every minute of it, though, even right now, the tight hug, the blood tasting kisses, and the way you looked at him like he was the most precious thing in the world.
      And he was. As you were his.
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Don’t Worry, I’ve Got You
GN!OC (Rio) x F!R
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Request | Natasha had planned to sweep you off your feet when she returned from her mission. But it seemed someone else had beat her to the punch… | WC: 5,144
Warning: Domestic Violence - Abusive OC | Mentions of Sexual Coercion | Petrified R | Violence - Blood - Gory OC Death | Happy Ending 😀
Smut: Somno (Consented)-Oral (R) | Tribbing | Overstimulation | Sweet/Soft | Mommy (N)
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When Natasha exited the Quinjet she was in a state of disbelief to find Yelena stood there. It'd been a year since she'd been home, and it wasn't the compound she looked to, it was you. Not only was it strange that you were missing, but Yelena being there was truly worrisome.
The sisters loved each other endlessly, but they never wanted to seem vulnerable enough to the others by showing their concern outwardly. For you and Kate though, they'd always be there, and in turn the two of you'd always show too.
"Where's Y/N?" Natasha couldn't hide the fear in her voice, but her face remained neutral.
Yelena cringed at the mention of you, it didn't take a rocket science to know what happened.
The blonde wanted to help you the first time she saw you with a busted lip, and a bloodshot eye that wasn't simply from crying. Then you flashed her a nervous smile, and she knew that she would only make it worse. You were oddly attached to this asshole—she understood.
Not to say she didn't help in her own ways, she was fond of you, not the same way as her sister, but enough to want to protect you. There was a very specific reason Rio was sent on an influx of lengthy missions this year by his CO, Yelena, (and it wasn't the hopeful rank bumping).
As a former widow she knew that being under another's control is something you become conditioned to respect over time. Sometimes you're even to the point of defending your abuser, for her they doubled as her captors, she reasons it's the same for you in this case, but regardless the reaction all worked the same.
You wouldn't leave unless you felt safe, and you wouldn't feel that way until Natasha returned.
Which is why Yelena is here now. "Natasha, we need to talk yesterday, fuck the reports." The blonde knew the walls had eyes and ears so she pulled her confused sister off to her bike, then drove her fifty miles out to a quaint diner just far enough from the city that Natasha wouldn't sprint back to immediately avenge you.
It was the right thing to do, she didn't want you to see just how scary Natasha could be. The last thing you needed was to be startled into seeing any part of them inside of your Natasha.
"I'm going to kill them!" Yelena smirked over her stolen coffee mug as they'd moved to the dead fields just to the left of the rest top. The circumstances weren't amusing, but seeing that her sister shared her sentiments elated her.
"This is funny to you?" Natasha questioned, her fist shot out at the blonde with the quick reflexes, landing in her open hand. "Why didn't you help her Yelena? Sh-she was my..."
"Lyubov'," Yelena quietly finished for her, she dropped her fist and wrapped her arms around her trembling body. "I never got to tell her what it meant, she always asked, but just as I was about to tell her I had to go. I never..."
"No!" Yelena reprimanded her, "You are not to blame here Natalia. Neither am I. If I helped her alone it would have been worse. Doveryat'."
Natasha nodded, and for a few minutes they stood there, Yelena thinking over what weapon she will use on Rio, and Natasha mourning through sobs the loss of your perfect start.
Everything in both of your lives had been deeply rooted in pain, and now this would be too. Natasha dreamed of more, she wanted the silly first date where she fumbled over her words, that came with the reward of a kiss.
She wanted to enter into a relationship with that period where you dressed up for each other to go out on the town that slowly faded into lazy nights in wearing matching pajamas.
Natasha adored you wholly, and wanted to make every little thing as special as she could. Up until she left she had already been doing so, but still she feels like she failed you. Maybe if she had just staked her claim more outwardly then Rio would've never taken you as theirs.
They would have never been able to hurt you...
Deep down she knew all was not lost, and she could make it right with you. Natasha also knew Yelena was right, it wasn't her fault, but that didn't mean she didn't carry the burden.
All she ever wanted was to keep you safe, and this failed instance will forever haunt her.
"Go pay the bill, I need to make a call." Natasha handed over her card, and as Yelena walked away she dialed in a favor, "Afternoon Hill."
With an urgent need for reaching you the redhead had swiped her sister's keys, and drove them back with a practiced elegance in her every illegal swerve. Yelena grumbled about the likely wear and tear, but there was no genuine anger with her concern, and the redhead couldn't hear her over the racing of her nervous heart, or the harsh wind anyways.
Every second counted, she couldn't risk letting Rio do anything further to you, and she worried that her return might've sparked something in the devious agents voided chest.
"Meet me at the underground cells in an hour," she coldly said to her sister as she tossed her the keys to her bike before she sprinted off. The rooms were spinning when she ran through the compound doors, and it continued to do so until she finally managed to spot you.
You were sitting with your back to the entrance of the communal kitchen, your frame hunched over and your body was lightly shaking. It was clear as day to her that you were sobbing, even if you tried to muffle the sound with your hand.
Natasha wasted no time approaching you, and in her hurry she failed to announce herself. It broke her heart when you jumped away from her touch and skidded across the kitchen.
"I-I'm sorry, I promise I will never mention her again, but please don't —," you cut your shaky pleas off the moment you looked up to see it was a frowning Natasha and not a seething Rio.
Natasha saw the exhaustion in your cloudy eyes, and the rest was painted on your face. Your worry lines were more prominent from when she last saw you, and you looked small. You were once a strong, well built agent at the top of her game, with a ranking higher than her own, but now you looked like a weak prisoner.
There was a scabbed over gash of sorts on the apple of your right cheek, and scratches and bruises all over your upper arms that you tried to conceal with your sleeves but she saw them. The eyes of a spy were a curse just as much as they were a skill to the woman. Because seeing your skin marred broke down her resolve.
"D-don't cry Natty," you yourself said over a sniffle, she smiled sadly as she approached to give you the comfort you were trying to offer.
You whimpered as her strong arms wrapped around your tense shoulders, but your entire body couldn't help but to relax as you smelled the familiar floral scents of her cologne. It was like the world returned to normal for just a moment. All you needed was her touch and suddenly the tears were flowing unendingly.
"It's okay moya lyubov'," she coo'd, and you whimpered once more hearing the familiar words that always brought you comfort. You held onto her shirt beneath her leather jacket for dear life, and she gently swayed your form as you freely sobbed. "You're safe now."
Natasha grinned over your shoulder as her eyes met those of your sleazy partners. Rio's fists were clenched as they stood outside the room, their gaze held contempt as they scowled. They hadn't a chance to interrupt your moment as Maria stopped them in their tracks, and swept them away—if only they'd known of their fate...
"I am here," she whispered, "They are not."
It didn't matter that you knew what her words meant, the meaning was clear; Rio was gone, and you were nothing short of relieved.
Natasha watched as you removed the ring on your finger and dropped it onto the counter in a hurry as if touching the metal harmed you. It was self motivated, but it still left her hopeful to see you denounce them before her own eyes.
The redhead wordlessly pulled you out of the kitchen and you ignored the smell of Rio's musty cologne as Natasha took you straight to her bedroom, a place where you always found yourself sneaking off to when they were out.
While you sat on her bed silently pondering the fact that you were free from this last years terror she ran you a soothing bubble bath. It helped to ease the remaining tension in your body, the warmth of the lavender water helped to soothe the marks atop of your battered body.
Natasha did her best to respect your privacy, giving you her room as she stood outside of the door until you came to collect her. The redhead beamed as you cracked the door and beckoned her inside, seeing you wearing her clothes filled her with a sense of pride, it made her want to remember the way you looked in this moment.
"What can I do to make you feel better?" You smiled softly, and silently nodded towards the bed, she nodded her understanding and laid down with her arms wide open for you to crawl into like you'd always done in the before times.
"I missed you," you croaked, and she pressed her chapped lips against your temple, leaving a firm kiss against the skin and for a moment the persistent ache in your head from the earlier scuffle with your spouse seemed to fade away under the soft affection of your desired lover.
"I missed you too Y/N/N," she sighed, her arms gently tightened around you in emphasis. "Every day I found it harder and harder to stay away. I'm so sorry I was gone for so long, and.."
You shook your head and kissed the side of her neck as your lips were rested there. "Don't."
The redhead sighed, and relented on pushing you beyond your limits. Even if she felt sorry, she still should keep that to herself. It's unfair to ask of your forgiveness, when you were the one who had to endure the cruelty of another. All she was meant to do now was hold you close, and never let this ever happen again.
Once you'd slipped into a state of unconscious that had you snoring the redhead cautiously shimmied out from beneath you. She hated taking the comfort of her embrace away from you, but she had somewhere to be in ten. So with a final kiss to your cheek she left the room, securely locking her door as she did.
"Sestra, welcome to the party!!!" Yelena greeted her sister, "You are just in time."
Natasha took the brass knuckles from her sister's extended hand with a smirk, but before using them she decided to punch Rio square in the nose with nothing but her bare hand. A reminder to the crooked agent that she didn't need anything more to harm them efficiently.
Blood gushed from the asshole's nose and the sisters rejoiced when the pitiful excuse for an agent began to cry. "Seriously? Already crying? What a joke." Natasha snorted at her little sisters taunting, then she turned her malicious attention back to your sobbing ex. "Too bad you're not the funny kind. Just the pathetic."
Rio knew better than to plead for their life. Maria escorted them here and handcuffed them to a chair. Yelena menacingly stood watch over them before Natasha entered. It was clear to the criminal of the hour that their fate was sealed the moment they took your hand in theirs and abused your loving nature.
"Snyat' s nikh naruchniki," Natasha dryly said as she slid the brass knuckles over her fingers.
(Uncuff them)
Yelena obliged her sister, and with unnecessary but warranted strength she shoved them from the chair. "Wh-what's happening? Can I go?"
Natasha chuckled darkly, "Oh please, you are simply being granted a chance to try and throw one of your little punches at me. Show me the inexcusable power you used against her."
Rio smirked, then lunged at the redhead with a confidence they were sure to lose in seconds. Natasha cackled as they punched her nose just as she did theirs with literally no damage done.
"God damnit you're fucking weak!" She cackled as they stumbled back in shock, looking at their fist in confusion as if it betrayed them. "You're going to regret ever laying a hand on her!!"
A taunting smile adorned their face as they challenged Natasha with a tilt of their head. If they were going to die anyways, they decided it would be best to torment her back. "Not only did I smack her around, but I gave her my —."
Natasha socked them in the jaw, cutting their disgusting words off at the source. Only cries of pain left them as the bronze over her knuckles had effectively broken their jaw into sections. Blood mixed with their drool and dripped down their chin along with a chunk of their tongue, and that made Natasha smile wickedly.
Yelena watched with a glint in her eyes as her sister tossed the buff excuse for a human being around as if they were a weightless rag doll.
"Pozvol' mne povernut'!" Yelena eventually whined, and Natasha scoffed, "Imet' eto."
(Let me have a turn / Have at it)
While the blonde tormented Rio with her sharpened knife Natasha chose to discard her weapon and stared at the blood on her hands. Observing as it dripped onto the cold cement of the cell floor, staining it red; her ledger gushed. 
"Natalia!" Natasha shook her head free of the distraction of her dark, self destructive thoughts, and looked up to see a bloodied Rio on their knees, body swaying as they fought to keep their loose grip on consciousness. It was time to deliver the final metaphorical blow.
"Y/N's mine," Natasha growled while holding their disfigured jaw in her hands, her nails dug into their raw skin and they hardly winced as the life force left within them was dwindling. "She was never going to be yours, because she loved me, and she was far too good for you."
"Fut yuh," they spat incoherently, and Natasha grimaced as their blood spluttered onto her face. "I'd bless you, but we both know you're not going to make it to heaven," she teased, smile mocking as her hand lowered to wrap around their neck. Her stony glare of the black widow was the last thing the abuser saw before their lights officially went out. Yelena looked at her, and Natasha smiled weakly at her sister.
"Ready for cleanup," she muttered tiredly into the speaker of her phone, then left the room as fast as she could. The weight of the situation had finally gotten to her, the realization that she could have lost you to that weak fool had her crying the whole way back to her room.
She heard shuffling, so she stood with her head pressed against her door until her breathing regulated, and the tears had come to a stop. Only then did she enter her room, and headed straight for the bathroom to take a shower.
You were flat on your back now, your midriff exposed as the shirt you wore rose up and the plush blanket she left was kicked off the bed. Natasha admired you fondly as she walked out with her towel wrapped around her nude form.
When you finally awoke she was drying her hair in front of her body length mirror, she now wore a pair of biker shorts, and a sports bra. The sight of her flexed abs, and swell of her perfect breasts through the mirror made your mouth even dryer than the amazing sleep had.
The redhead turned around with a soft smirk on her lips, the teasing gesture was however overwhelmed by the distant look in her eyes. She watched guiltily as your eyes filled with recognition when you saw her purple hands.
"Natty?" The redhead sighed softly, "Don't." You nodded in understanding, and patted the bed besides you, and she stalled briefly as she walked into the closet to grab her shirt, as well as her favorite leather jacket for extra layers.
She didn't want to seem like a temptation, even if she only had to exist before your eyes to be.
You honestly couldn't restrain yourself, seeing the physical proof that she'd used her assassin skills to defend you turned you on. It was odd, the way that her violence didn't turn you off. It was perfectly understandable though, knowing that she loved you enough to chose to defend you was the most attractive characteristic.
You were down bad, and Natasha gulped as she saw the way your eyes bloomed with swirls of palpable lust. It took all of her not to pounce on the moment that presented itself to her, but she stood no real chance at abstaining here. In a matter of seconds you were straddling her lap and lifting her bruised knuckles to your lips.
"Y/N," she gasped, a subtle warning in the way her hand trembled in yours, but you cupped her cheeks and smiled warmly before saying: "I want to feel your love Nat, please show me."
Both of your hearts beat out of rhythm, but the jumbled thumps were however in sync. She surveyed your eyes for a brief moment, then she kissed you breathless as she lifted you both up off the mattress. Setting you down on shaky legs she smiled at the way your eyes took time fluttering back open. Her hands settled on the hem of your shirt, "May I?" You nodded, a bit emotional as she sought your permission out.
Natasha was incredibly gentle as she disrobed you, a muffled sob left you as you cherished the unfamiliarly soft touch. It had been such a long time since someone regarded your body this way. Every partner you'd been with since you moved into adulthood had been callous; rough around all your edges and cruel to your curves.
Your parents were just the same, the redhead had given you hope for a brighter future. Then she was gone, no longer present to keep that shadowed figure from exposing themselves.
Rio was never someone you regarded as a threat until the day when they introduced themselves, cocky grin on their face as they asked you out on the date you'd be at later.
It was never a question, it was a veiled prison sentence that you would fall into the trap of.
You were naive enough to believe it friendly, everyone knew you were unspoken for, but the whispers echoed that you were Natasha's girl.
Which you were wholeheartedly aligned with.
Rio disregarded the claim, showing you the empty finger that they shoved a ring onto a month into your assigned arrangement. It devastated you being with anyone that wasn't her, they never physically forced you down, but they used their venomous words to coerce you.
"Moya lyubov, are you sure?" You felt this wave of warmth tingle beneath your skin, and felt as her calloused thumb wiped away your tears. "We don't have to do this yet detka, or ever if-."
"Natasha no," you whimpered, nails dug into the nape of her neck as you feared being left sexually frustrated. You needed her more than you ever thought humanly possible, "Please."
Natasha's arm wrapped around your bare waist, she guided you back towards the bed and kissed your lips the entire time she spent cautiously lowering you onto the mattress. It was like she was in a trance as she took her time kissing away the pain of your scars.
It was her intention to make this moment one full of love, her lips gently kissed over the skin of your stomach and she felt the way your entire body tensed in anticipation. Yet she didn't take the bait, she instead continued to lick the salty sweat from every bit of exposed skin she could, and her kisses continued to drop all over, like into the crook of your knees and elbows, and the apex of your thighs.
You whimpered in need for nearly an hour, but she never heard you as she was determined to feel every last bit of your skin beneath her now numbed lips. Soft snores finally pulled her from her trance, she gazed up at you, her lips stalled on the skin beneath your belly button.
She grinned against your pelvis as she caught a whiff of your abundance, her eyes closed as she felt her mouth salivate in an instant. Her body shuffled until she could eye your cunt, it oozed like a waterfall and seeped into the grey sheets.
With the tip of her nose she nudged your lips apart, then slid up to bump at your clit as her tongue followed the trail with a firm lick. Natasha groaned against your sensitive nub as she truly tasted you for the first time. Her face was absolutely coated in arousal in seconds as she ate your pussy like it was her last meal.
If she goes down for her crimes today she would actually request you as her final meal.
Muffled whimpers left through the part in your lips instantaneously, your hips shifted, then all of a sudden your upper torso arched off the bed and you moaned yourself into consciousness.
You were enthusiastic as your hand wove into her hair and you loudly vocalized her praise: "O-oh my god, don't stop—fuck, never stop!"
Natasha purred against your pulsating clit, a clear indication that she shared your thoughts. Dangerously so honestly, because she made you release on her swirling tongue alone four mind blowing times before she took a break.
While you grappled hazily with the functions of time and space the woman merely watched you in amusement. You were adorable as you came down from your repetitive sequence of highs, yawning obviously and smiling contentedly.
Moments later you finally stared down at the woman whose body was pressed into yours. Natasha smiled up at you lazily, with her slick cheek smushed into your thigh, you returned the gesture and her heart skipped a million beats. You took her breath away every time she saw you, but this time was different, it was even better than she dreamed. She finally had you in every sense of the word, before she left you were already hers in totality, but it was never the right time to take that leap together.
Or at least you'd both thought that you needed the time to be right, but now you knew to stake your claims and to never let each other go.
The redhead needed to be closer to you, so she left the oh so comforting heat radiating from between your thighs behind and began to kiss up the center of your body, a snail trail left in her lips wake with each sloppy press of them to your sweaty skin. She relished in the way you'd shiver as the breeze from the window solidified your essence and had your heated skin chilled.
She smirked once her lips pressed into your cheek as you tugged at her clothes and whined.
"What is it moya lyubov'?" She chuckled, then prohibited your response as she pecked away your pout. Her tongue licked at your bottom lip and you allowed her the moment of distraction. Savoring the taste of you on her tongue as she kissed you breathless, your body pushed back into a needy state as your arousal soaked into her shirt, and she was reminded of your prior whining as you had just tried to undress her.
Natasha shook her leather jacket off of her arm, keeping her body raised on the other like it took no strength at all. She never once broke the kiss, managing to suck your soul from you, she even kept her balance as she threw it off. For her remaining clothes she had to pull away, but you didn't feel her absence for long as she moved rather speedily, almost like a cheetah.
"What does it mean?" You shakily asked as she lowered her cunt atop of yours, a carnal groan then left you, "Fuck, Natasha you are so wet."
She hummed teasingly as she began to rub her aroused cunt against yours, her plump lips hovered your ear as she whispered her secret words: "My love." You felt the warmth of her sigh tickle the skin of your collarbones, and it spurred on a flurry of goosebumps across your body and burrowed deep into your heart. "I'm only ever wet because of you Y/N, every time you'd kiss my cheek goodnight I'd be drooling."
"Oh god," you moaned as her lewd confession was huskily spoken just as her clit brushed over yours, the stimulating touch caused Natasha's arms to nearly give out as she was overrun with pleasure, but her impressive strength won out.
"You've always been mine Y/N," she murmured the truth you both vehemently aligned with as she kept up a breathtaking pace with her hips, it wasn't rushed though which was new to you.
The painstakingly raw jut of her hips left you feeling dizzy, her teeth grazed across the skin of your jaw before her lips latched onto the bob of your throat as your body arched into hers.
It was made worse when she pulled away from your neck and hovered you once more, her lovesick gaze locked on your hazy one, and you were surely a goner as the words as sweet as honey left her saccharine lips: "I promise to cherish your body for a lifetime if you'll let me," her pace sped up just as fast as your heartbeat had, and your eyes brimmed with tears of pure joy as you came in sync with your soulmate.
Whispers of yes and please left your lips in between the moans of her name, and the world stopped when you hoarsely cried out mommy.
Natasha collapsed into you, her arms giving out as her warm arousal gushed from her already dripping cunt onto your thighs as she came again from she's sure your words alone.
"You did such a good job for mommy," she pecked your cheek then pressed her lips to yours and satisfied your needs to kiss her luscious lips as you basked in the aftershocks of your highs in a bubble of undeniable passion.
"Get some rest now detka," Natasha rolled off of you and pulled your limp body into hers. "You're safe with me Y/N, I promise you this."
"I know Natty," you mumbled over a yawn while burrowing your face in between her soft, rounded breasts. The redhead smiled and happily admired your relaxed face, she wore a proud grin as you drifted off, trusting her to keep you safe with the same hands she'd used to wring the neck of your spouse this evening.
You knew deep down that Natasha didn't let them go like you’d thought when she said they were not here. Apparently she was foreshadowing their looming demise. You didn't question her for a meaning when it came to the bruises on her hands, you just accepted it because she loved you enough to bloody her ledger. Though they surely deserved it, she still had to consciously take a life, and even though they were wretched, she still felt the loss.
Good or bad, her heart still cared too deeply.
The world was a safer place, you'd pointlessly reminded yourself of her humanity, as if she would ever lay a harsh hand on you. She who hummed softly, and ran a gentle hand up and down your back even after you'd slipped off into a middle ground. Your mind was still aware but your body was slumped into hers, but you heard her whisper clear as day as her lips faintly kissed your hairline. "I love you Y/N Romanoff, I promise I'll put a ring on your finger soon, I just have to unpack the little box from my suitcase and threaten a judge is all."
You involuntarily giggled softly and her hands teasingly tickled at yours sides, "You sneaky minx," you could hear the smirk in her voice, and you knew then she'd known all along that you were still conscious on some plane. "So, tell me Y/N, will you be my runaway bride?"
"It depends," you yawned out exaggeratedly, "Where will we be running off to Natty-kins?"
"Wherever you want sweet girl, I can make a home anywhere in the world if you're there."
"So romantic," you giggled, your lips brushed over her racing pulse and you left a tender kiss there to try and calm her, but it only made it beat out of sync as it sped up then slowed back down. "Of course I will marry you, just as soon as I can get this crock of fibbery annulled."
"Fibbery?" Natasha chuckled and you whined a little too honestly, "Don't make fun of me, I'm tired, and have a lingering minor concussion."
The redheads breath stalled, her body tensed but you tiredly lifted your head and kissed her chin before you whispered, "It's okay, I'm safe now in my favorite persons arms. Like you said, nothing can hurt me if you're around."
"Damn straight," she said as her grip on you tightened, and you sighed. Natasha's hold was expectantly possessive, which briefly felt too familiar to another's, but the way Natasha kissed the skin beneath your hairline, and continued her prior humming soothed you.
This wasn't the start she dreamed of, but she also couldn't prevent the smile that adorned her sleepy face as you nuzzled even further into her embrace, your clear trust in her meant the world to her and even eased some of her guilt.
You both knew it would be a long while before you were truly yourself again, and you knew from experience that her patience would never waver, and that alone would be enough. One thing was rather clear as you slipped off to sleep—you were safe, and loved just as you'd always deserved to be in your home's arms.
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Things I think would happen if Jeeves and Wooster were on DS9
Bertie is the only person on the station who has not yet clocked Garak as a spy. He spends a lot of time in Garak's shop either ordering the gaudiest clothes imaginable or asking Garak to back him up in whatever fashion argument he's having with Jeeves (which Garak is only too happy to do).
Jeeves fantasizes about murdering Garak a thousand times a day. This goddamn lizard man is his white whale. Any attempt to find blackmail material on him takes him down a hundred different rabbit holes leading to dead ends. He's met his match. There are flames. Flames on the side of his face.
He can't even take Garak to task for his garbage opinions on Earth literature because he knows full well how that would be taken.
Garak actually quite likes Jeeves, because game recognizes game and he respects a fellow manipulative bastard when he sees one. However, since he is, at the end of the day, a little shit, he takes great pleasure in dressing Bertie in louder and louder outfits just to watch Jeeves grind his teeth.
(He's also admittedly fond of Bertie, who's too nice and trusting to treat him with the same suspicion and contempt that nearly every other person on the station does. And if Bertie vaguely reminds him of a certain doctor, what of it?)
Quark quickly figures out that Bertie is absurdly easy to scam. Jeeves spends so much time foiling him that he's practically an informal member of the station security team. Odo drops by his table at the replimat every morning to swap Quark-related intel.
Jeeves also won't stop winning at the Dabo table, infuriating Quark even further. There's an ongoing arms race between Quark trying to find excuses to ban Jeeves from the bar and Jeeves finding ways to blackmail Quark into letting him back in.
Jadzia is the first person to notice the weird requited-unrequited thing J&W have going on and finds it endlessly entertaining. She makes a game of chatting to Bertie about Jeeves as if they're already an established couple (I hear it's Valentine's Day on Earth, are you and Jeeves doing anything special? Worf and I had an amazing romantic date last week at that new Bolian place, you should try it!) Her amusement gradually fades into astonishment the longer Bertie doesn't get it.
Jeeves sees Jadzia's increasingly unsubtle encouraging glances and wishes he could incinerate her with his mind.
Worf knows Jeeves does illegal shit in the course of protecting Bertie or extricating him from accidental alien wedding rituals. He knows it. He just can't prove it. And Odo is no help, because Jeeves keeps himself too unobtrusive and is too invaluable to the cause of keeping Quark in check for Odo to want to look into him that closely.
In the absence of hard evidence to pin him down, Worf's relationship with Jeeves remains tersely cordial. He grudgingly supposes that nobody who has such an amazing depth of knowledge about Klingon opera and poetry could be that bad.
You can't let Bertie and Morn in a room together. Once they get going they NEVER shut up.
Part 1.5 Part 2
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xxspringmelodyxx · 4 months
That Girl’s a Liar~
Gojo Satoru x F!Reader
This is gonna have many chapters, so enjoy the ride, my lovelies!
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“I’ve got a test to study for that I don’t feel ready for at all,” I told Kento as we walked down the crowded school hallway. The blond-haired man shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose in clear frustration, a gesture I had seen many times before when he was trying to make a point.
“I told you to stop hanging around those three. They keep distracting you from your schoolwork, which is why you’re always left in a frantic state like this,” he lectured, his voice taking on that familiar stern tone that always made me feel like a child being scolded. His words made me pout, feeling both guilty and defensive.
“Can you stop acting like my dad and actually help me? You’re supposed to encourage me and say I’ll do great!” I protested, my frustration growing. I had hoped for a little bit of sympathy, or at least some encouragement, instead of another lecture.
“That would be lying,” he replied bluntly, his honesty cutting through my hopes like a knife through butter.
“You’re so mean,” I retorted, pulling out my phone in a desperate attempt to find any cheat sheets that might help me cram for the test. It felt like a futile effort, but I didn’t know what else to do.
“And you’re an idiot for ignoring my warnings. I told you hanging out with those three, especially Satoru, would cause you nothing but trouble,” he continued, his tone a mix of exasperation and genuine concern.
“Oh, buzz off, Ken. They’ve done nothing wrong. Besides, we’ve been such close friends since I first joined this school. I can’t just ignore them,” I said defensively,
Kento sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair as he tried to find the right words. “Well, perhaps I can help—” he started, but was rudely interrupted when a pair of strong hands wrapped around my waist, lifting me off the ground with surprising ease.
“Ah! Toru, let me go this instant! Ken and I were talking!” I yelled, struggling against the special grade sorcerer’s grip. Satoru turned around to see Kento and gave him a cheeky wave, his usual mischievous grin firmly in place.
“Hey buddy! You don’t mind if I take her, do you? I’m sure it would save you the hassle!” Satoru teased, his voice dripping with playful mischief. His eyes sparkled with that characteristic glint that always meant trouble was brewing.
“Hassle?! What do you mean by that?” I asked, raising my voice in disbelief at his audacity. I shot a desperate look at Kento, silently begging him to rescue me from this situation. Kento, my steady rock, my good old friend, had to see how much I needed his help. But instead, a small smile crossed his lips as he looked towards Satoru, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
“She’s all yours,” Kento replied, turning on his heels and walking away without a second thought, his casual dismissal leaving me stunned.
“W-What? Ken! You can’t just leave me here with him!” I yelled after him, feeling a mix of betrayal and frustration as Satoru began to drag me away. The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly as I tried to pull free, my pleas echoing off the walls.
“Hey, there’s no need to be mean, N/N. Besides, you should be honored being held in my arms like this,” Satoru said, his grip tightening slightly as he hugged me closer, his voice full of exaggerated affection.
“Toru! Now is not the time to goof off! I’m in serious trouble here!” I exclaimed, my voice tinged with panic. Hearing the urgency in my tone, Satoru loosened his grip and looked at me with a hint of concern.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice a little more serious this time, which was a rare occurrence for him.
I looked up at him and sighed deeply. “I have an exam in three days, and I have no idea what’s going on in that class. I tried to talk to Kento to see if he could somehow help me, but you took me away before I could ask him,” I explained, feeling the weight of my academic worries pressing down on me.
Satoru’s expression shifted slightly as you spoke. There was a strange look in his eyes—hurt. Why didn’t you ask him for help instead of Kento? After all, he was Satoru Gojo, the man who excelled at everything he did. He quickly masked his emotions, putting on his usual confident facade, and wrapped his arm around me.
“Oh come on, you don’t need him! You have me! Let me help you!” he offered, his voice full of enthusiasm.
I rolled my eyes at his typical bravado. “Yeah, right. Like you’d actually be helpful,” I muttered, though a small part of me was curious about what he had in mind.
“You wouldn’t be able to focus. You don’t take things seriously,” I said, making him place his hands on his heart dramatically as if I had deeply wounded him.
“Oh, you wound me! How could you think I, Satoru Gojo, don’t take anything seriously?” he exclaimed, pretending to be deeply hurt. His theatrics were both endearing and infuriating.
“Well, for instance, what you’re doing right now is a great example of what I just said,” I replied, turning around to go find Kento. He quickly stopped his acting and grabbed my hand, making me tense up a bit from the unexpected contact.
“Wait, I’m sorry. I know you’re actually being serious about this, and I was too… just maybe not showing it too well. I can help you. Let me help you,” he said in a more sincere tone this time. His eyes softened, and for once, he seemed genuinely earnest.
I turned around to see him really close to me, our hands still intertwined. The closeness made my heart skip a beat. Satoru noticed it as well and quickly let go, giving me some space.
“Uh… sorry,” he said, trying to calm down his nerves and the butterflies that were fluttering wildly in his stomach. His vulnerability was a rare sight, and it made me pause. Seeing this side of him, so different from his usual confident self, made me realize how much he genuinely cared.
“Okay,” I replied, making him look down at me in surprise.
“W-what?” he stammered, clearly not expecting my agreement.
“I agree with you helping me out,” I said, making the atmosphere return to normal. A smile spread across Satoru’s face as he heard those words. Just as he was about to celebrate, I put a finger up, catching his attention.
“But, you have to promise me you won’t get distracted and that you’ll take things seriously,” I told him, making him place his hands up in defense.
“Okay, you have my word. No goofing around, just strict business,” he said, nodding earnestly.
“Good. And if you do happen to break that promise—” I started, my tone firm.
“Which I won’t,” he interjected quickly, his eyes wide with determination.
“Then I won’t make you my world-famous kikufuku for a whole month!” I declared, making his eyes widen in shock.
“What?! A whole month! N/N, that’s not—” he began to protest, his voice rising in panic.
“Ah, ah, ah. Agree to it, or I’m going to go find Kento. It’s the only way I can make sure you don’t play around. I need as much help as I can get, especially in just three days,” I said, making him pout and kick the ground in frustration.
“Fine, I agree,” he said with a saddened tone, his shoulders slumping in defeat.
I clasped my hands together happily. “Great! Now that that’s settled, you wanna go grab something to eat before we begin studying?” I asked, making him perk up at the suggestion.
”Yes!” He said, grabbing you once more and putting you over his shoulder.
”Eh! Toru, stop just picking me up whenever you feel like it! Let me down!” You yelled, trying to wriggle out of his gasp, but he just held you tighter.
”No can do, Y/n. I know of this really great place to eat at. We can eat and study there at the same time! And we’ve got no time to waste!” He said, walking towards a small cafe.
Hours had passed since Satoru and I had arrived at the cozy little café, and here we were, still tucked away in a quiet corner. However, the stress that had been gnawing at me earlier had faded considerably. The café’s delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods, combined with its soothing background music, created a relaxing ambiance that helped calm my nerves. Savoring a light meal didn’t hurt either. To my surprise, Satoru turned out to be an excellent tutor. It was amazing how much I had learned in such a short amount of time, all thanks to him.
“And so, what do you call this structure?” Satoru asked, drawing out a hexagonal structure with a circle inside of it on a piece of paper.
“That’s just benzene, right?” I responded, trying to recall the details from our study session.
“Exactly! Honestly, I don’t know what you were so worried about, Y/N. You caught onto this stuff really quickly. You’re almost as smart as me,” he teased, his eyes sparkling with playful mischief.
I playfully glared at him, rolling my eyes at his usual boastful tone. “Almost as smart as you? I’m pretty sure I’m just as smart as you.” I replied with a smirk.
He laughed, the sound warm and genuine. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves~” He teased.
“I’m just saying, you’ve got a good grasp on this material. You’ll ace that exam, no problem,” he assured me, his confidence in my abilities boosting my own.
“Thanks, Toru. I really appreciate your help,” I said sincerely, meeting his eyes. “I was really freaking out about this exam.”
“Anytime, Y/N. Besides, I like spending time with you,” he admitted, his tone turning softer. “Even if it means going over boring chemistry stuff.”
I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through me as he said those words. “Well, I’m glad you’re here. I couldn’t have done this without you.”
He leaned back in his chair, a satisfied grin on his face. “You know, this whole studying thing isn’t too bad. Maybe we should make this a regular thing. Study dates,” he suggested, winking.
My face heated up slightly at the term “study dates.” “Dates, huh? You’re getting ahead of yourself, Satoru.”
He chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, okay. Study sessions then.”
I smiled at him, trying to ignore the tingly sensation I felt just from talking to him.
“But seriously, y/n… you should give yourself more credit. You’re smarter than you think.”
I sighed, feeling a bit more at ease. “I guess I just doubt myself sometimes. It’s hard not to when you’re surrounded by people who seem to have it all figured out.”
Satoru’s expression softened, “Hey, everyone has their moments of doubt. Even me. But you’ve got to trust yourself. You’re capable of more than you know.”
His words resonated with me, and I nodded. “I’ll try to remember that. Thanks, Toru.”
He reached across the table and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. “Anytime. Now, let’s go over that last section again, just to make sure you’ve got it down.”
As we continued to review the material, I felt a newfound sense of confidence. With Satoru by my side, I felt like I could tackle anything. And maybe, just maybe, this test wouldn’t be so daunting after all.
The day of the exam had passed, and I was met with great news. Excitement bubbled inside me as I hurried to find Satoru to share the good news. I spotted him walking with Suguru and Shoko down the hallway. Quickening my pace to catch up with them, I finally caught their attention.
"Hey girl~" Shoko greeted, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.
"Hey Shoko! You’ll never believe what I got on my exam," I said, a wide smile plastered on my face.
"Did you do good? Please tell me you did good, or else I’m gonna feel horrible for teaching you," Satoru said, his playful tone mixed with a hint of genuine concern.
I chuckled at his worried expression. "Well then, you’ll be happy to know that I got a 97 out of 100!" I announced, beaming with pride.
Satoru’s face lit up with a huge smile. "Oh thank goodness. I was starting to think my teaching skills were horrible."
"Not at all, Satoru. In fact, you’d be a pretty damn good teacher if you ever consider it," I reassured him, his smile growing wider at my compliment.
"Well, I think this calls for a celebration after school! What do you all say?" Shoko suggested with a gleam in her eye.
"You just want a reason to go out today and smoke, don’t you?" Suguru teased, raising an eyebrow at her.
Shoko shrugged nonchalantly. "My reasons are my own, my friend," she said, grabbing my hand. "Come on, we have to get to class before Sensei Yaga gets there," she added, pulling me along with her.
As we walked, I glanced back at Satoru, who gave me a thumbs up and a wink. The weight of the exam lifted off my shoulders, replaced with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. With friends like these, even the toughest challenges seemed conquerable.
"I’m really proud of you," Satoru called out as we moved ahead.
"Thanks, Toru. I couldn’t have done it without you," I replied, feeling a warmth spread through me.
"Alright, enough of the mushy stuff. Let’s get to class before we get in trouble," Shoko interjected, her tone light and teasing.
We hurried down the hall, talking amongst ourselves about random things in the world. Although Suguru decided now would be a good time to push the limits just a bit, especially with knowing how his best friend truly feels about you.
He turned towards Toru with a shit-eating grin on his face. "You helped her, huh?" he teased, his tone dripping with playful mischief, making his face start to turn red.
"Shut up, Suguru. She just needed a little help with her school work, nothing else," Satoru interjected defensively, shooting a warning glance at his friend.
"Mhmm. So you mean to tell me that—" Suguru began, but I quickly cut him off, not wanting him to tease Satoru any further.
"Hey, it's not like that," I chimed in, trying to diffuse the situation. "Satoru was just being a good friend and helping me out. There's nothing more to it." I said softly with a smile on my face, though the thought of it did make my heart race.
Suguru raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Sure, sure. Whatever you say," he replied, his grin widening.
"Seriously, Suguru, drop it," Satoru insisted, his tone firm as he shot another warning look at his friend.
Suguru chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Fine, fine. I'll let it go... for now," he teased, winking at me before turning to walk away.
I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that Suguru had dropped the subject. Glancing at Satoru, I offered him a reassuring smile.
As Sensei Yaga began the lesson, all four of us sat at our desks, bored out of our minds. Today's topic promised to be engaging, but we will see if that’s really the case. However, the atmosphere shifted when Sensei Yaga announced a special guest who would be joining the class for the day.
"Good morning, class," Sensei Yaga began, his voice resonating in the room. "Before we delve into today's lesson, I have the pleasure of introducing a new student. Please welcome Aksana."
The door opened, and Aksana entered the room with a confident stride. Her presence commanded attention, and she scanned the room with a subtle air of superiority. As she made her way to an empty seat, her gaze lingered momentarily on Satoru before moving on.
Satoru, ever the charmer, offered her a friendly nod as she took her seat. They had crossed paths before, just briefly, but Aksana seemed to remember him well. She had heard about him—his power, his popularity—and she saw an opportunity.
Throughout the lesson, Aksana's presence was palpable. She participated eagerly, her insights sharp and perceptive. But it wasn't just her academic prowess that caught attention—it was the way she seemed to gravitate towards Satoru, engaging him in conversation whenever she could.
As the lesson progressed, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Aksana's attention seemed fixated on Satoru, her eyes lingering on him a little too long, her smiles a little too calculated. It was as if she was trying to assert her dominance over him, to stake a claim.
After the lesson ended, Aksana approached Satoru with a charming smile. "Hey, Toru," she greeted, her voice smooth as silk. For some reason, it irked me when she called him that as well. They barely knew each other and she’s already treating him like they’re best friends. "I couldn't help but notice your insightful contributions during the lesson. You must be quite knowledgeable in this subject."
Satoru, always polite, returned her smile with one of his own. "Thanks, I try to keep up with the material," he replied casually.
Aksana's smile widened, and she leaned in a bit closer. "I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining me for coffee sometime. I'd love to pick your brain a bit more about the subject."
”Well actually-“ He started, but was cut off by her wrapping her arm around his.
”Great! There’s actually a little cafe near by that I saw and I have been dying to go there!” She interrupted, not giving him a chance to deny her offer
As they walked away together, I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Despite Aksana's obvious interest in Satoru, he remained polite but distant. Yet, the thought of him spending time alone with her still made me uneasy. Suguru, Shoko, and I exchanged glances, each of us wearing expressions of confusion. Shoko's gaze met mine, and she must have seen the worry etched on my face. With a gentle touch, she placed her hand on my shoulder, offering silent reassurance. Of the three, she was the only one who knew about my feelings towards the white-haired boy.
I appreciated Shoko's gesture, the warmth of her touch grounding me in the midst of my swirling emotions. Despite my attempts to appear unaffected, the sight of Aksana's obvious interest in Satoru had stirred up a storm of jealousy and insecurity within me. She is very beautiful after all, and she’s extremely smart from looks of it. I couldn't help but wonder if he noticed her advances, if he felt the same magnetic pull towards her as she did towards him.
Suguru, ever perceptive, must have sensed the tension in the air. "You alright, Y/N?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.
I forced a smile, nodding in response. "Yeah, just caught off guard by Aksana's sudden interest in Satoru," I replied, trying to downplay my unease.
Shoko squeezed my shoulder gently, her eyes filled with understanding. She quietly spoke to you so no one else heard.
"Don't worry, Y/N. Satoru's not the type to fall for just anyone's charms. You’ve got nothing to worry about." she reassured me, her voice soft but resolute.
As we left the classroom together, I just couldn't shake the feeling that our friendship was about to face a new challenge, one that would test our bonds like never before.
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The Ghost Next Door - Chapter 6
Prompt: After suffering an almost lethal injury in combat, Simon "Ghost" Riley expected a dull, and uneventful leave back at his shitty apartment. His new next-door neighbor ruins his plans. Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader (named Riley Thomas for plot purposes)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 7
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Disclaimer: slow burn; neighbor!Simon; semi-sexual content
Chapter Summary: In which Simon's neighbor gets drunk with his best friend and ends up, once again, on his couch.
Word Count: 3.1K
On a cold, rainy Friday night, Riley Thomas knocked on her neighbor’s door in sweatpants and a hoodie, a large pizza box from the restaurant down the street in hand. When Simon finally reached the door, the young woman slid inside quickly, sighing in relief at the comforting heat of his apartment.
“Why’d you take so long? The hallway is freezing!” She complained as a way of greeting, setting down the carton box on his table before rubbing her hands together.
“I took two minutes, you big baby.”
She rolled her eyes playfully.
“What’d you pick for tonight?” Riley asked curiously, peeking at his TV as she settled on the couch and quickly covered herself with their designated movie blanket.
“Mamma Mia.” 
“Fuck off.” She stared at him in disbelief, a mocking grin slowly creeping about her cheeks.  “Guilty pleasure?”
“One of many.”
She shook her head in amusement “You’re a man full of surprises, Simon.”
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” He chuckled.
A slow, tentative friendship had begun blooming between them over the weeks, as Riley found herself in her broody neighbor's company more often than not. Simon’s icy walls had started to crumble increasingly easier at the young woman’s terrible jokes, finding comfort in her amiable invitations for a movie night, a dog walk, or something as simple as a quiet talk while each of them did their laundry in the building’s basement.
Tonight was different for Riley, as it had been Simon’s idea for them to share the evening together, excitement bubbling in her stomach at their new found companionship. She spent her work days longing for their moments together, when she would come home to find he had prepared dinner and “accidentally” made enough to share, dropping by as soon as he heard her turn the key on her door. She noticed the recurrent acts of service with a soft, yearning heart when he took out his trash and offered to take hers as well, maintaining a neutral expression and shrugging awkwardly when she beamed at him and thanked him endlessly. 
A few days before, when she had invited him over for a hot cup of tea and cake, Simon had ended up washing the dishes, despite her constant protests, appearing nonchalant as he claimed he was just checking for leaks in the fickle plumbing.
Despite growing closer, the pair still maintained a set of respectful boundaries that assured their mutual trust: as Simon filled each of them a glass of wine, placing them on the coffee table along with the pizza, Riley knew she shouldn’t look as he removed his usual black facemask to eat, keeping her eyes on the screen as she made occasional remarks about the movie.
“I can’t believe you like this.” She laughed as the dramatic musical unfolded, cheesy and cheerful songs filling the dimly lit flat. “Big old broody man enjoying Abba songs in a rom com.” 
“It’s entertainin’.” He grunted as he grabbed another slice of pizza, trying to ignore how close they sat to each other under the blanket, her feet up and near his muscled thigh. Simon’s phone buzzed and he quickly grabbed it with his clean hand, reading the notification and stifling an affectionate smile.
He could almost feel how hard she tried not to stare, as well as ask about it, as she took another long sip of wine.
“Still interested in findin’ the pup an owner?” His deep voice made her snap her head at him on instinct, quickly looking away as she realized his face was still bare.
“Sorry.” She felt her cheeks heat, but Simon merely shrugged, eyes glinting as he put the mask back on. “Yes, I really can’t keep him trapped in such a small flat, let alone keep listening to Mrs. Parsons complain about the noise.”
“The old hag still botherin’ ya?”
“Every single day.” Riley sighed in defeat, running a nervous hand over her messy braid.
“My friend’s coming back from deployment in a few days. Might come visit and stay over to meet the dog, see how they get along.”
Riley felt her insides boil with something hot she tried hard to conceal. It wasn’t pleasant, and she felt ridiculous as she asked:
“Do you think she’ll be interested?” Her tone was almost casual enough that Simon didn’t pick up on her small trap. Almost. 
“I think he is very interested.” He made sure to drag out the pronoun and noticed her flustered expression, even as she kept her eyes on the screen. “He’s always wanted one.”
The young woman nodded silently and hummed to the music as she took another bite of her slice.
“Why’d you take on rescues anyway?” He asked, killing the awkward silence between them.
“They were gonna be put down! I couldn’t just let them die! Can you imagine being sentenced to death just because of undesirable traits or features?”
“I can. It was called the Holocaust, love.”
“Simon!” She scoffed, smacking him on the arm. 
He pretended it hurt, and she pretended he wasn’t funny.
Johnny MacTavish was a burly, five foot ten, crackling ball of energy that put any other force of nature to shame. With bright blue eyes, a questionable hairstyle and a barely understandable accent, the Scot appeared unaware of the existence of the very concept of shyness or social anxiety.
When Riley Thomas had opened her door on the next lazy Friday evening, in nothing but leggings and an oversized sweater, she found herself in the man’s bone crushing hug before she could even utter a simple “hello”.
“Christ…” She gasped, unable to process why, exactly, the stranger was so excited to see her, until she peeked over his shoulder and saw Simon leaning against the hallway, arms crossed as he rolled his eyes at the scene.
"There ya are lass" he cheerily put her down, and the young woman discreetly gasped for breath, laughing nervously at the unexpected display of affection. "I'm Johnny. I heard so much about ya."
"Did you?" She scowled at Simon "Unfortunately I can't say the same."
Simon's facemask covered his smirk.
"Aye, do not worry lass, I know Ghost can be an old grump"
Simon grunted in response and Riley quirked an eyebrow.
"Ghost?" She turned to Simon inquisitively, but he gave no signs of willingness to indulge her curiosity.
"Aye, it's his call sign becau-"
"Johnny" Simon warned firmly, and the Scot toned down a notch, nodding.
"Right...anyway lass, I thought we ought to invite ya to the pub with us tonight." His smile was so endearing she couldn't possibly refuse, despite looking down at her own clothes with a frown.
"I'm sorry, I had no idea you were coming today." She shrugged anxiously "I'd have to go get ready an-"
"That's alright! Wouldn’t want to steal yer night with him. We'll wait, won't we Simon?" He nudged the man with an elbow, his frame so much larger than Johnny's that it was almost comical.
Simon was silent for a moment, seemingly weighing the outcomes of what he was getting himself into, before looking her in the eyes and nodding once in approval.
“We wait.”
And that was how two hours later, the trio had ended up bumping shoulders at a packed bar in downtown Manchester, the two men always by her side. Riley glanced over her shoulder, amused by the view: it was like walking with a very intimidating Dobermann, alongside an overly excited and friendly golden retriever. Opposites in every possible way.
 Simon wore his casual black face mask and hoodie, along with denim jeans, his blonde locks handsomely swept back, the only indication he had made an effort to look better than usual, other than the smell of his expensive cologne that Riley kept discreetly trying to get whiffs of. The young woman had opted for a pair of her best jeans, the ones that didn’t yet look too washed up and hugged her curves just right, along with a warm, modest top that didn’t reveal too much cleavage, covered by a faux leather jacket.
Simon quirked an eyebrow at her gaze, silently challenging her to say something, to which she giggled, flushing slightly as his hand lightly nudged her lower back to steer her into the right direction. The three of them ended up sitting on a corner booth, after venturing to the counter to fetch their drinks: for Simon, a bourbon, for Riley, a gin, and for Johnny, a massive pint of beer that would make him carry his weight in piss in half an hour.
“I gotta say, you’re a bonnie lass.” Johnny was slurring out by the time the fifth pint was half way gone. By then, Riley was feeling tipsy from her own alcohol, her cheeks flushed as she giggled at Johnny’s predicament.
“I’m gonna pretend I understood what you just said.” She lazily twirled the straw on her third drink, playing with the ice at the bottom of the glass.
Simon rolled his eyes, the bourbon barely warming up his blood,  but there was a glint of affection in his eyes as he countered “Easy, McTavish.”
“Don’t lose yer wits, Simon, just trynna’ help you remember how to treat a lass.” He leaned forward, confiding in Riley “Did ya know he hasn’t gotten laid in-”
“Sergeant.” A low growl in warning as Riley pressed him on, curiously.
“Go on! Now I wanna know!”
“No ya don’t.” She could almost swear she saw him blush under that mask.
“I can’t count the months on me fingers, I’ll tell you that.” Johnny lifted his hands playfully, and Simon glared at him, a silent threat ever present as his dark eyes squinted at him.
Riley roared with laughter, her dimples more noticeable than ever.
“Months? Those are rookie numbers. I haven’t gotten laid in four years.” She drunkenly blurted out, and Simon stiffened by her side, as Johnny choked on his drink. 
“What? How’s that possible?” The Scot coughed as the young woman shrugged, amused by his reaction.
“I don’t go out much.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t like people much.” She avoided his gaze shyly, downing the rest of her gin “Plus, I work a lot.”
“Ya’ two are a match made in heaven.” He pointed out, ignoring Simon’s scowl and her playful eye roll.
“Cheer up Simon Riley, yer best friend is back and ya have a lovely lady by your side.” The Scot taunted before downing the rest of his pint.
Riley Thomas halted, looking up at the broody man sitting by her side, eyes glassy and sleepy as her drunken mind tried to comprehend what she had just heard.
“Wait…Simon Riley? Your last name is Riley?” Simon sighed deeply before looking her over, grunting in agreement.
The young woman chuckled to herself, leaning her head playfully against his muscled arm.
“Why didn’t you tell me? That’s hilarious!” Simon stifled an amused smile as he pretended to dodge from her touch. “Do you realize…” She poked his chest with her pointer finger “Do you realize that if we ever got married I’d be called Riley Riley?”
“That’s exactly why.” Simon retorted, rolling his eyes for the millionth time since the beginning of the day, but he felt himself buzzing at her words, at the fact she had considered, even if just for a moment, even if just playfully…
 For a moment, he found himself lost in her inebriated gaze. The droopy eyelids, the soft smile dotted by those damn dimples. The chipped tooth that always caught his attention, and the way she was leaning against his arm made something warm bubble in his stomach. She looked up at him so innocently, so curiously, that for a split second he almost forgot his best friend was right across the table.
“Get a room!” He taunted, almost breaking Simon’s usual stoic expression. “Save tha’ for later. Now we need shots!” 
“You’re a sip away from death, mate. I’d call it a night.” 
“But I haven’ even told her the Al Mazrah story!”
“And it’ll stay that way if ya want to live.” Simon threatened, and Riley perked up once again, eyes glimmering with humor.
“Tell me right now!”
“Imagine this, lass: scorching heat of the Middle East…”
 “A food poisoned Simon on a sniper recon mission, no toilets in sight-”
“I’ll smack ya so hard I’ll turn that mohawk into a fade.” 
The young woman had tears rolling down her cheeks as she roared with laughter, picturing the situation so clearly she was out of breath.
“Away n’bile yer heid!” Johnny retorted at Simon’s threat.
“English, Mctavish.”
“Sorry L.T. Let me translate… “Go fuck yourself.”
“Much better.”
It must have been four in the morning when Riley Thomas felt herself being carefully placed on a familiar couch, strong arms under her back and legs. She felt so dizzy she knew it would be over if she so much as lifted her head, opting to remain still as Simon’s comforting scent temporarily disappeared. She could hear him guide a stumbling, barely conscious Johnny into his bed, not trusting the intoxicated man to sleep properly on his couch. 
When he finally returned, seemingly the only semi-sober one of the bunch, he once again reached down to carry her to her own flat in his arms, halting once he saw her open her sleepy eyes. Simon felt himself stiffen as she wrapped her arms around his neck clumsily, inhaling his neck deeply.
“You smell so good, Simon.” She slurred out, tone soft in his quiet, barely lit living room. He couldn’t move, unsure of how to react to the sudden affectionate touch, hands holding his weight on the couch.
“You need to sleep, love.” He muttered gently through his face mask, giving her shoulder blades a quick rub through her jacket and hoping she would free him from the awkward position.
“I’m fine.” She nuzzled further into the curve of his neck and he shivered, feeling the smell of her own perfume, mixed with alcohol and sweat.
“Simon.” She let go of his neck, but forced him to sit down next to her, barely making out his face through the dim lighting and her blurred vision. “I…”
“Shhh. You’re sloshed.”
“I know, but I’m okay, I promise.”
“Let me get ya to your bed, yeah? Where are your keys?”
She had never heard him speak so softly, in such a caring, gentle way. Her heart was beating furiously, as deep, joyful warmth spread through her stomach when she looked at him. At his half covered face, dark eyes framed by blonde lashes that she found so endearing.
She silently moved closer, reaching over his lap and turning off the only source of light from a small table lamp. She heard him release a shuddering breath, his large hands gripping the couch for dear life. Riley placed a cautious hand on his shoulder in the dark, to guide herself into slowly straddling his muscled thighs, careful enough to sit closer to his knees, instead of his groin.
Simon Riley’s heart thudded so hard against his chest he was surprised she couldn’t hear it, his body frozen into place, nervously awaiting her next move.
Riley’s trembling hands reached up ever so slowly, fingertips trailing a curious path over his soft blonde locks, down to the crease on his forehead, the perfect arch of his eyebrows, all the way to his strong nose, where her finger locked in the black mask. Unmoving and barely visible, she was unsure of his reaction, as she slowly began pulling it down.
“Do you mind?” She whispered, so close their breaths mingled. 
“Hm.” Was all he could mutter, but one of his hands gently gripped her hip, steadying her in his lap. His thumb circled the small patch of exposed skin on her waist, where the top almost met the jeans.
She continued her ministrations leisurely, giving him enough time to stop her if he wished. But he didn’t, and her finger pulled his mask all the way down to under his chin, where she felt the stubble. Riley could barely breathe, doing her best to contain her excitement as her cold fingers trailed his face in the dark.
She felt the contour of his lips, slightly chapped as her thumb parted them tentatively. The raise of a scar, that seemed to have been carved all the way to the jaw, where she rubbed slow, careful circles lovingly. She felt his trembling breath on her flushed skin, the sounds of her faux leather jacket as she moved about, the only noise in the room. 
Riley placed a tender kiss on his cheek, feeling embarrassed as she felt the warmth that immediately soaked her underwear once her skin came in contact with his. The mixture of alcohol and desire in her blood seemed to burn, making her ache with longing as she kissed his nose, his forehead, and then his other cheek, until she was trailing his strong jaw, the stubble tickling her lips.
“Riley…” He muttered, their mouths so close she could almost drink in his words.
“Please.” She begged in a silent whisper, joining her forehead to his, hands cupping his face tenderly. 
His other hand held an iron grip on the couch, not letting up.
“You’re drunk.” He whispered back, teetering on the edge of self-control.
“I need you.” She replied, her lips ghosting his in the dark, skin almost grazing. She began moving her hips lower towards his groin, but although Simon had held his breath at the confession, his heart hammering in his chest, he finally gripped both of her hips firmly, keeping her away from the raging boner she would have found.
“I can’t, love.” He murmured softly, hoping she would understand.
“Please Simon.” She clumsily tried to fight off his grip, eager to press her aching body to his. “I need you so bad.”
Simon bit his lip so hard he was surprised he wasn’t bleeding as he did his best to keep his fraying sanity through her tender pleas.
He knew he was done for if he felt the softness of her lips, her wet tongue and the grind of her hips against his rock-hard shaft.
“Don’t do this to me, love.”
“I’m so wet.” She admitted, and he felt the crease of her frustrated frown against his own, words coated with need and shame. He sighed deeply, his bruising grip on her hips tempting him to just pull her into him. He could feel himself pulse in his briefs, so painfully hard.
“Four years is a long time.” He grunted softly.
“I know.” She practically whimpered.
“You’re very drunk, love. You can barely stand upright.”
“Riley.” She stilled at his commanding tone. “I’m taking you to bed. We’ll talk tomorrow once you’ve rested up, yeah?”
Her shoulders slouched in defeat, the rejection still stinging as she placed another kiss to his cheek before muttering:
A/N: I'm back! And I managed to bring my work laptop home, which (hopefully) means quicker updates! :) Once again thank you to everyone reading and keep that feedback coming - seriously, it keeps me going. The slow burn is finally burning and the next chapters are gonna be spicy.
TAG LIST (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone)
@xaestheticalien @bossva @missmae3004 @yyiikes @lillysfrogsandbogs @missmae3004 @spicyspicyliving @shuttlelauncher81 @generaldestinychild @semendreaminsblog @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @iloveghost900
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homeofatlas · 8 months
Five Times You Almost Kissed Elisa And The One Time She Kissed You
Authors note: I’ve been trying to write this all week between exams and summatives but it's finally here. Side note i miss you in french is tu me manques which means you’re missing from me and i think that’s super cute so keep that in mind. Hope y'all enjoy this and your weekends! 
Word Count: 5.3k
The first time:
You’ve been on the team for about a year now. You were signed because of your impressive scores and how well you’d communicated and fit in with the team. You’d become an asset to the team in such a short time, it felt like you’d been there forever. The girls were a family and they welcomed you into it with open arms. While you loved all of them, you’d always been slightly on the fence with a certain defender. She was beautiful, charming, and aggressive on the field, all things you found endearing. You’d been infatuated with her since the moment you’d first laid eyes on her. It didn’t help that every time you talked to her you found you had more in common. Her sense of humour matched yours perfectly and you’d never felt anything like what you feel with her before. When people talk about ‘knowing’ you’re sure this is what they mean. The only problem? You aren’t sure she feels the same way, in fact you’re almost certain she doesn’t. It frustrates you endlessly how you have these great moments together and she doesn’t seem to pick up on the fact that it’s you she belongs with. One time while over dinner she expressed she felt it had been so long since her last relationship that she felt lonely and wondered when she would find someone. All you’d wanted to do was scream the right person was sitting right in front of her. If you she’d give you a chance. But your relationship with her was too precious to blow up over romantic feelings. What if you’re wrong and it doesn’t work out? Then you’ve lost her and the relationship. You couldn’t risk it. 
There were times during practice games where you and elisa got put on opposing teams creating a healthy competition between you two. Sometimes this involved purposely aggravating her, trash talking, and the occasional trip which had either of you eating dirt. It excited you to see Elisa riled up in some way without compromising your relationship. There were times afterwards when you were both breathing hard and looking at each other intensely that you thought she could feel the electricity between you two. But at the end she’d throw her arm over your shoulder and laugh about what a good friend you were to put up with how aggressive she was. All of this was a part of a larger joke and amused both of you during ‘boring’ days. 
Today was one of those days. The sky was grey and getting darker by the minute but coach had you put on the coloured jerseys and get out onto the field to practise a defensive strategy he had come up with earlier. When put onto opposing teams you and elisa played this game. When you were put together your team almost always won because of how powerful you were together. Standing on opposing sides of the field you caught her eye and saw the competitive gleam there. Even if it was going to rain today, you would have some fun with her.
Staring off in your positions you eye each other making sure you both know the game is on. You warm up by getting a little too close when guarding her and making challenging faces at her. She tries to pull the aggressive pushes she uses on the field but you know her too well and dodge them everytime. After a while it begins to lightly rain, not enough to impair  the game but enough to make the ground wet. 
As the ball gets kicked into your side of the field you begin to chase after it trying to move it away with elisa right behind you. You can feel her getting closer and as you begin to fake right to go left she goes left, her foot coming out to steal the ball accidentally trips you and she tries to grab you as you fall but end up taking her with you. 
Heavily breathing with rain pattering on your face and all around you, you look up to see Elisa hovering on top of you, her eyes scanning your face for any injuries. Her left arm is to the side of your head propping her up and her right hand is cradling your head so it didn't hit the ground as you fell. The sight of her concerned face and her scent this close to you makes you dizzy. Whether the wind has been knocked out of you because of the fall or because you’re looking at her this close to you, you don’t know. You feel like you’re going cross eyed looking at her this close. 
“You okay?” She whispers in her heavy french accent.
Your eyes flicker to hers and she stares down deep into yours. You feel her intake of breath above you pushing her lower half closer to you. 
“Yeah” You breathe back to her. 
It feels like she’s moving closer to you but maybe your depth perception is off and the rain is hitting your skin cooling you down but Elisas body heat is warming you up and distantly you can hear the other girls calling your names and running over to you to make sure you’re okay but right now your world consists of only you and her. Her hand moves from cradling your head and she drags her warm hand down your cheek, her thumb coming to rest on the side of your nose before going to swipe it across your cheek. All of sudden you can feel a set of hands on your shoulders and arms pulling you up and away from Elisa. You can hear Sakina berating her for playing too hard in bad conditions but you can't hear her defending herself. She must feel guilty, you think to yourself. The girls crowd around asking if you’re okay. But all you can see is Elisa and how her back is turned to you and her side is covered in dirt. Turning to walk towards the benches you take what feels like your first breath since falling. As you walk away you wonder if she felt what you did between you two on the field. 
The Second Time: 
It happens again when you and Elisa are meeting up to carpool with Sakina for a day outing. Elisa shows up on time but uncharacteristically you both get texts from Sakina stating she’ll be about 20 minutes late. Left to yourselves you turn to grab a glass of water when you hear Elisa begin to move away from where she was positioned at the door. She moves toward the piano you have in your living room. You had hoped buying one would entice you to play it more often but often it sits there unused. 
“You play?” She asks, trailing her fingers along the keys. 
“I used to. I rarely feel like playing these days though.” You walk over to the piano bench and settle on it before patting the spot beside you where she fits in. 
“Can you play?” You ask. 
“Non, I wanted to but I was always too busy with football to commit to an instrument.”
You nod your head. 
“I wasn’t very good when I did play consistently, my hands aren’t big enough to make a lot of songs easy to play.”
“I’m sure they aren’t that small.” She responds. 
“I mean I can do things with them just not play the piano the best it could be played, you know?”
She gives you a look before gesturing to your hands to give them to her. You move your hands over to her and turn to face her. She inspects your hands and turns them over in her own warm palms before splaying her hand out in between you. You splay your hand out over hers and see how your fingers come up to just below her last knuckle. You both lean in to look at your two hands and make eye contact. 
“Guess your hand isn’t as big as I thought it was.”
“So you think about my hands?”
“I mean how do you even get anything done with hands that small.”
“You lay off my hands, I do things just fine with them!”
“Not play the piano apparently.” She smirks at her own joke. You narrow your eyes at her before realizing how close you are to her again. This close you can see the sunspots on her nose and her textured skin. Your nostrils flare slightly. She looks into your eyes, challenging you. You shake your head. You see her eyes flicker to a strand of hair that’s fallen into your face. Without a second passing she reaches up to brush it away from your face tracing your cheek as she goes to tuck it behind your ear. She looks back into your eyes and they flicker down to your lips, at least you think they do. Your breath hitches. You begin to lean in slightly and so does she when there’s a knock at the door. You both exhale and deflate. You look at her again to see her eyes scrunched up and she’s getting up off the bench and going towards the door. You can hear your phone buzzing, no doubt Sakina phoning you to tell you to let her in. You love the girl but right now she is not your best friend. All you’re thinking about is did that really just almost happen, again? 
The Third Time: 
The third time you were out on the field in the middle of the game guarding some player from Ajax when she elbowed you and caused you to stumble slightly before you got back up and kept running after her. She’d been harassing you the whole game, pissing you off more and more every time. Each time you cradled your stomach or winced you saw Elisa looking over at you to make sure you were alright. She’d come up to you and asked if you were alright at least 3 times now. These reassurances weren’t enough to keep her from shooting daggers at the Ajax player though. If looks could kill the Ajax player would be six feet under. 
But when she tripped you purposely causing you to have to sit out for the rest of the game Elisa was brutal towards her. Cutting her off at every pass, running faster than her, and never letting anyone near the net she was on fire. Finally the Ajax player became fed up with it and decided to take matters into her own hands. She and one of her other team mates used Elisas strength and aggressiveness against her by getting her to awkwardly on her foot. 
You immediately stood up from the bench and ran to help her limp back to the locker room as there was no way she’d be able to play for the rest of the night. You hoped the referee would red card her but figured it was unlikely as she hadn’t been yellow carded for putting you out of the game either. You helped to settle her into the a chair as you waited for the teams medic to come and check elisa out. You hold her hand tightly knowing how much pain she’s in but clearly trying to put on a brave face. 
“How are you feeling?” You ask, trying not to be obvious you know how she’s feeling. 
“Frustrated, angry, and i’m in pain! She shouldn’t be allowed to injure you and me without repercussions.” She exaggerates with her hands breaking out into a flurry of fast french. 
“You know you could have left her alone, you didn’t need to be so aggressive with her.”
“She hurt you, she put you out of the game, that’s not okay”
“I know but sometimes that’s how the game is babe,” You begin to rub soothing circles on her shoulder. “How many times have you put someone out with how aggressive you are?”
She guiltily lowers her gaze to the floor. 
It’s quiet in the room for a few seconds before you feel her sigh and kneel down to be eye level with her. 
“Elisa talk to me.” You try to reason with her. 
As she looks at you, you can see the ring of red around her eyes indicating how stressed out she is. 
“I just don't like seeing you hurt.” Her voice cracks. “Remember when I accidentally tripped you during the practice game? I felt sick to my stomach knowing I'd hurt you. I never want to hurt you Y/N.” 
Little does she know she breaks your heart a little more every day you can’t be with her. Your faces are close together after her confession. You reach up to push her hair which had been falling in her face to the side again. You see her big wide brown eyes staring at you and you lean in to knock your forehead against hers. An action you save solely for when you feel words aren’t enough to express yourself in the moment. It’s hard for you to be intimate like this with her knowing you can’t have it all the time, which is why you make the most of these moments. You can feel her shift to knock your noses together. The closest you’ve ever gotten. Your eyes shut and you can feel her breath on your face and her eyelashes tickling your cheek. You slowly begin to move in and maybe she does too when you hear the door begin to open causing you to inhale sharply and pull back before standing up next to elisa again like you had been before. While nothing happened and you had leaned your forehead on hers before it had never gone on for that long or felt so close to being what you wanted it to be. You and Elisa barely met each other's eye for the rest of the night. What the hell was going on, you wondered. 
The fourth time:
It was after a team dinner where everyone had had a good time full of laughter and stories of old games, the victories and the funny failures. You loved seeing the team this way, so open and relaxed. Additionally you loved to see their outfits outside of their uniforms you all wore everyday to work. Elisa was dressed up in a collared shirt with smart slacks. By the end of the dinner a button or two had come down and she’d rolled the sleeves up. With all the good food and wine flowing through you you found yourself leaning into her space when laughing more often than usual. You bumped your head into her shoulder and smiled at her brightly whenever she looked your way. All you wanted was to have her eyes on you. 
As she talked to the other girls scattered around the table you found yourself grasping for her hand to take and hold to have some piece of her. You were usually a touchy person so it wasn’t completely out of the norm for you to begin tracing Elisas hands and sliding your fingers through hers. Now you knew they were bigger than yours, you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the moment between you two at the piano. The thought of what might have happened kept you awake at night, thinking about her proximity, her warm hands on yours, how she brushed your hair away from your face. A shiver went down your spine thinking about it. 
Elisa glances towards you with the movement. She goes to retrieve her blazer from the back of her seat and gives it to you. You wrap the jacket around your shoulders and sit back and watch Elisa smile and joke with the woman across from her. In the ambient lighting of the restaurant she looks golden. Small rays of light gracing her face as though the sun was reaching out to touch her. The sun was Icarus and Elisa was the sun. Perhaps you were Icarus in your own mission to touch her but you’d endure the burn of the wax for a moment to be warmed by her. 
Falling back to earth you hear Elisa saying something to you. 
“Are you ready to go?” She lowers her voice and gaze to speak to you slowly. 
“Yeah.” You can’t look away from the light dancing on her face. It makes you sick to think someone can be this beautiful and you can’t have her. She’s everything to you. Definitely time to go home. 
As you gather your things and make the rounds saying goodbye you and Elisa walk in a contented silence back to her car. Luckily Elisa had volunteered to pick you up and be the designated driver so you could enjoy tonight. As you slide into the passenger seat you’re almost lulled to sleep by the fluid motion of the car. Neither of you speak, exhausted from the party with so many people. This is one of your favourite parts about Elisa, she always knows when you do and don’t want to talk. She reads you so flawlessly it’s a miracle she hasn’t discovered your crush on her by now. 
She silently pulls into the garage of your apartment and unlocks the door. The issue is you don’t want to go. Sure you hadn’t been in the middle of a conversation but you don’t want to leave this weighted content silence. Elisa relaxes back into the seat and looks over at you. You think she doesn’t want to leave either but you’re sure she’s tired and you’re projecting. You try to prolong the night. 
“I don't want to go.” You sigh. “I’ll have to walk all the way to the elevator and then to my apartment then open the door then put my things away. I’m too tired for that.” Your head rolls over towards her. 
The radio plays softly between you. 
She smiles lazily at you as if she’d peel a clementine for you if you asked. Of course she’ll walk you to your apartment and make sure you get in and give you someone to lean on in the elevator. That's who she is. It’s heartbreaking.
“I’ll come with you, come on.” She pats your leg and gets out of the car as you heave yourself out of your seat and into the cold air of the garage. Elisa extends an arm for you to slip under and you walk towards the elevator and then wait for it. Once there she presses the number for the floor and you lean your head on her shoulder. She allows her head to rest on yours until you reach your floor. She walks you to your door and wrestles with your key to get it open. 
Cursing she throws the key down onto your side table stepping into the hall entrance way. 
“I don't know why you don’t get those locks changed, I know you have the money to do it.” She looks at you. 
“Sure I could change them but where’s the charm in not struggling to get into a place I pay rent for. I think it gives the place character.” You smile charmingly at her and step out of your shoes. 
She rolls her eyes and looks back towards the doorway. You hand her back her blazer and your eyes linger on each other as if to say, what now? We feel unfinished. You lean up to give her a hug which lingers for too long to be strictly platonic. Her arms curl around your waist and yours around her neck. As you begin to pull away your cheek brushes on hers. You stop close enough where she could lean in if she wanted too. You breathe in sync for a couple seconds. Sex is great but if you could stay here breathing with her forever you would never be more intimate. You begin to hesitate, if she was going to lean in she would have done it by now. Her grip loosens and she pulls away. Her stormy expression confuses you and she quickly shakes it away. Giving you a small smile and wave before turning to leave the apartment and closing the front door behind her. Trailing after her you lean your forehead against the cool door. What are you doing, you wonder. 
The fifth time: 
After everything had happened things cooled down for a bit. You barely had time to do everything in the day with all the training you were doing. Times with Elisa became sparse and while you two tried to make plans things always kept coming up. It felt like the world had given you your chances and you’d missed it. Whenever you two had begun to have another moment you’d always gotten cut off or the moment wasn’t right. Just when there’d been a lull in your training schedules for the christmas break you’d thought you’d see more only for her to tell you she was going skiing all break with her family. You loved that family was so important to her but you were feeling very frustrated at this point. She always seemed to side step the topic when you tried to bring it up. Three weeks of little to no time spent with her and two weeks without her at all would be your own personal hell but if it meant at the end you could work things out it would be worth it. You were still confused over the last time you had almost kissed. Her stormy expression hadn’t left your mind for weeks. You were concerned she didn’t really feel the same way you felt and you’d been making up the moments all along in your head. 
The break passed with sporadic messages as she didn’t have great cellphone reception in the mountains. You visited family and mostly tried to complete a few errands you’d been putting off with your busy schedule. Your apartment had felt so empty without the person who was usually hanging out with you. It no longer felt like home as much as it did when she was there. You wondered what she was doing when you were folding laundry and loading the dishwasher. You thought about her while brushing your teeth and hanging up sweaters. You’d become so used to her presence you didn’t know how to be without her. 
On the first morning back to practice from break you were the first one to arrive. You set your bag back into your stall finally ready to go back to your routine. Slowly more of the team began to file in and grumbled about the early morning practices. You watched the door for Elisa. She’d flown in early yesterday morning and texted you back when she was on french soil. Since then you’d been on edge for the next time you saw her. Your ears picked up on her familiar french lilt speaking to someone coming down the hallway before entering the change room. Her and Sakina parted ways to go to their cubbies but when you saw her enter she immediately began to scan the room for you. Landing on you, she began to make her way to you. She set down her bag on a bench before coming over to where you had already changed into your uniform. 
Before that moment you had pledged to yourself you were going to play it cool and act like it had been a normal break where you had not thought about her all day and night since you last saw her. But when she was standing in front of you, it took everything not to fall to your knees. You’d forgotten how much her presence affected you and made you weak in the knees. Your arm extends without you thinking about it and she comes in to hug you so hard you feel like you can’t breathe. Or maybe you’re hugging her so hard you can’t breathe. Either way it feels like you can’t be close enough to her. It feels like you’ve taken your first breath of air since you last saw her. There’s no way the way you love her is normal. You stay locked against her until you can see the other girls begin to file out. Elisa gently rocks you in her arms whispering small “I missed yous” in your ear while petting your hair and pressing her face to the side of your head. Slowly you recover and begin to untangle yourself from her. She doesn’t let you away though. She pulls her hands to your face and pulls your forehead against hers. Gently she nudges your noses against each other. 
You might cry if she doesn’t stop. Being this close to her after so much time away makes you sick in the best way. You’re flushed with desire for her. You yearn for her. 
Cupping your cheeks she pulls away to look in your eyes. 
“We have to talk.” She whispers gazing deeply into your eyes. Her eyes flicker to each of yours as if searching for something. 
You nod as much as you can. 
“Can we go to yours after practice?” She asks. 
“Yeah.” You try not to let your voice crack. 
“Okay.” Her face breaks out into a small smile. She dips down leaving a kiss on your cheek before turning to go to her stall and change. You grab your water and walk down the tunnel to the field. You can’t be around her anymore, your head is starting to hurt. Today was going to be a long day. 
The sixth time:
You’d been practically electric all day. It felt like someone had electrocuted you with a ton of energy and you had nowhere to put it. Comparatively, you also hadn’t been able to focus on much of anything today instead of being hyper aware of where Elisa was at all moments. Positioning yourself so she was always in your line of sight helped you breathe a little easier. Still you and she kept away from each other for the most parts of the day, only coming together to stand beside each other silently. Nothing needed to be said, you both knew what needed to happen was going to happen tonight whether it was what you wanted or not. By the time coach whistled and let you go you were dragging your feet from how tired you were and your stomach began to tie itself into knots. 
Changing quickly you leave and see Elisa follow suit trailing two steps behind you in the hallway to the parking lot. Since you came in different cars that morning she’d have to follow you back to your apartment. Getting in your car you drive home watching your rear view in case for some reason Elisas car magically disappeared off the road. As you pull into the garage and grab your bag from the back seat you watch Elisa do the same and fall into step with you towards the elevator. As you wait for the elevator you can feel her shoulder pressing into yours, below that you can feel fingers interlacing with yours. You look down and then up to see her giving you a small smile as the door dings open signaling its arrival. You smile back and the cramp in your stomach loosens a little. Walking to your apartment from the elevator feels the longest it ever has. Now is the last time you’ll be able to imagine what’ll happen once you’re in there. Fighting with the lock to get it to open you finally get the door open while Elisa sighs and shakes her head. 
“Don’t even say it, I know what you’re thinking.” You threaten as you drop your things. 
“I didn’t say a thing.” She puts her hands in the air to simulate surrender. 
“Didn’t have to, I could feel it radiating off of you.” 
“Well that’s not my fault. I can’t control that.” She replies, placing her things down gently next to yours. 
Standing in your apartment now it feels so real. Months of dancing around each other leading up to this moment. You stand there feeling naked under her gaze. Sometimes you swear she can see right through you. This heavy silence feels almost suffocating. Elisa always knows how to break the tension though. 
“Can I use your shower? I changed really fast at the stadium and didn't get a chance to wash off today.”
“Yeah totally.” You shake yourself out of your daze. “You know where the bathroom is and there’s towels in the cupboard on your left.”
She smiles and begins to walk down the hallway. You aren’t worried, you have all night to talk. But it's eating away at you slowly. Turning on some music you can hear the shower begin to run.  Music will help distract from the fact that you’re about to have a conversation which might make or break your relationship. Spinning around your kitchen you begin to heat up the water while you prepare the other ingredients for D/Y/C (Dinner of Your Choice). You begin to hum along to the music and move your head as you chop up the ingredients. You begin to lose yourself in the act of cooking becoming so intensely focused on it so as not to think of anything else. By the time you zone back in you realize you can’t hear the shower running anymore. Glancing behind you to see if Elisas comes out you startle seeing her leaning against the wall and watching you. Her wet hair creates small water marks on the collar of her shirt. 
“You scared me, I didn't hear the shower turn off.” You say. 
“Sorry, you seemed into the cooking and I didn’t want to scare you while you were holding a knife.” She shrugs and pushes off the wall. “Plus, I like watching you do your own thing.” She begins to make her way closer to you. 
Stopping beside you she looks over and you know it’s time to talk. You turn the heat down on the stove and turn to face her with your arms crossed, almost hugging yourself. She inhales as if she’s going to say something but you cut her off. 
“Can I say something first?”
She nods. 
“I….” The words die on your tongue but you have to force them out. You swallow. Leap of faith. “I like you. I really like you, I have for a while now. I like everything about you, even the bits that kind of drive me nuts. I love watching movies, and going on walks, competing, and laughing with you. It never feels like a moment is wasted between us. No matter what happens or what you have to say, know you made my world bigger and brighter since you’ve come into my life.” You sigh with a long exhale. 
Elisas smile gradually got bigger the more you spoke. 
“Cherie, did you honestly think I would say anything but the same back?” She places a hand on your back. “I haven’t been able to get you off my mind since we met. My world is infinitely better with you in it. Over the break I looked out the window and saw these beautiful mountains and all I could think of was how much I wanted you to be there next to me looking at them too. Nothing seems half as beautiful without you.”
Her hands travel up to cup your cheeks. You feel so relieved she feels the same way your shoulders sag with relief. You look into her shining eyes. This moment is where you’d like to stay forever. Safe in her arms with all her concentration on you. Her wide smile is your favourite sight in the whole world. You can see her thinking though. 
“What?” You ask.
“Can I finally kiss you now?” She asks. 
“Yes.” You smile leaning in.
And she kisses you. 
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its-in-the-woods · 2 months
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Coyote Head - Part 7 - Bloodied Kiss
master list
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Pairing: Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean 
Includes many other characters from Fallout
Synopsis: The nightmares are finally catching up to Lucy.
MINOR GET OUT. Rating/Warning:  Animal/people death, Blood, Gore, Body Horror,Violence, Nightmares, Monsters, Alternative Universe, Slow Burn, Death, Aging, Family Feuding, Older Man/Younger Woman
Note: that I will not be spoiling any of the reading. So you have been warned. I will keep my tags relevant without spoiling what is happening in the story.
*Mind the tags
*This had been clawing at my mind for dayssssss I needed to post it early or I was going to explode
As the dust of the car faded, Lucy felt her shoulders drop, it was barely past mid-day and she was already feeling worn out. She was proud of herself, for not backing down and holding her ground. Max had been the first boy she’d really fallen for, and it sucked it had ended the way it did. It was time for her to move forward, to let that part of her life go. Move onto what was coming next for her, hopefully, something that won’t end as tragic.
Lucy turned to her two companions as they started to move, happy that they had stood at her back despite having no idea what was going on. She gave a weak smile at the two, trying to shake off the lingering feeling of dread.  
“Ya’doing okay?” Cooper asks as he moves towards her, the way the afternoon sun shone on his skin making her heart speed up. Her eyes unabashedly went over his body, the man was well-toned. The day-to-day work is evident on the hard lines of his muscles covering him; a crooked grin on his face when Lucy finally catches her eyes. 
Lucy glances away, as Dane grins at her, “Yeah, just, wasn’t expecting him to show up. Ever.”
“Well, shirtless. Could I get a hand movin’ some stuff around to get the mower.” Dane chuckles, Cooper smirking at the comment, the tips of his ears going pink. Lucy smiling at the two ribbing each other.
“Yeah, I can help the greasemonkey,” Cooper throws back, with raised eyebrows. “Shirt got wet. But pipes should be fine.” He said just loud enough for them to hear.
“Sure it did,” Dane rolls their eyes as turning to head to the other shed. Cooper gives them a sideways glance before following, a smile on his lips as he looks back at Lucy.
“I will go turn the water back on for the house,” Lucy chirps, her face was going to be stained beet red at this point. She was feeling happy that she had friends like these.
Lucy is once again sitting on the counter, the pipes are now running without leaks. Cooper had actually laid in water, which had given Lucy an excuse to toss his shirt into the dryer. She’d take any excuse to see the man move around her home and property shirtless. Dane had teased him endlessly about it much to Lucy’s amusement. Dane had taken off about an hour ago with the promise to come back on Monday to continue the work. Lucy had half a mind to figure out how to keep them on a more permanent basis. Something she’d run by Harris, see if it was worth doing, and if Dane wanted to stay of course. 
Cooper walks in, putting the caulking gun down beside the sink. He’d decide after finishing the pipe to fix up several issues around the sink. Lucy was positive she could have figured it out but Cooper was insistent. Really who was she to refuse the offer from a shirtless cowboy in her kitchen. She hands him a beer, he pops the top off with a ring on his middle finger. Lucy adds that to the list of things she found way too hot. 
“I can make up some dinner?” Lucy offers, she was pretty sure she could find something worth eating in the freezer. She also needed to make sure that she got Cooper some tallow too.
Cooper leans against the counter right beside her, taking a sip of the beer. Lucy can’t help but watch how he drinks it. “If ya don’t mind. Grandparents are taking the kidlets to d’pool and pizza after. Figured, we’re going to have a long day. ”
Lucy couldn’t help the smile that crosses her face, liking the idea of the two of them having an evening just for them. “Were you planning something, Cooper?”
Cooper’s sliding over so that he was leaning against Lucy, “Well, I was goin’ to ask ya out Ms. MacLean, but ya kinda jumped me.”
Lucy's head tipping back in a laugh, taking another sip of her beer. The two of them looked the other over, her eyes trying to memorize the way he looked out of his shirt.  “I don’t seem to remember you complaining,”
The man puts his beer down shifting so he is standing in front of Lucy, she swallows under his gaze. He leans forward putting a bare arm on either side of her, eyes wandering up her body, their face just inches from each other. Lucy’s breath catches in her chest as his hazel eyes stare into hers. 
“M’no, I certainly didn’t.” Cooper hushes, leaning forward to kiss her again. Lucy can’t help the little whine that escapes as she pushes back against him. Her hands ran up his arms, feeling his muscles twitch under the attention. He tastes so good, their tongues finding the other as they pull each other closer.
Her hands come up to cup his face, his hands resting on her thighs, fingers gripping against the flesh there. Lucy lets her legs open so that Cooper can move closer to her. He breaks the kiss, moving down along her jaw, small kisses down her neck. Lucy whimpers as he licks down her neck, his large hands rucking up her shirt. The callous on his fingers makes her body vibrate as he touches over her skin. 
“Cooper,” Lucy whimpers, her hands running up into his hair, as his hands cup her breast through her bra. “M’maybe we should-” His head ducks down, mouth going along her stomach. It feels so good, but it’s so fast. “Cooper, we shouldn’t-”
His teeth sink into her flesh, “Fuck- Ow- Cooper-” Lucy tries to pull him away but he bites in deeper, Lucy can feel her skin tearing. The sound of teeth in flesh, the wet sticky pop, her face twisting in a grimace. 
Lucy is scrambling, a scream finally leaving her throat at the pain, trying to get him off of her. “Stop. Stop-p it.” Lucy cries out, her hands finally pushing him off of her. The skin is not skin anymore, but rough and lizard-like under her hands. Cutting into her palm as she does her best to get it off of her. 
It’s not Cooper. Looking up at her, with blood painting its chin like a crimson river, is something that looks like Max. Its features are the same, but eyes instead of brown glow like orange flames, skin darker than shadows. Skin Covered in layers and layers of never-ending shifting scales that move in the light. A bloody grin spreads across its face. There are too many teeth, so sharp, in neverending rows, the pink spit glistening as it grinned up at her. Stomach oozing blood over her pants and dripping on the floor. 
“Just wanted a taste.” It growls at her, suddenly lunging forward to latch onto her neck.
Lucy is howling and fighting to get it off her struggling, as she falls to the floor. Her body protested as she hit the ground with a thud, the whole room going dark. She is pushing and struggling, but it’s soft now. Her hands are not grabbing at scales but material, eyes adjusting to the new surroundings. She was on the floor of her bedroom; chest heaving as she tries to make sense of where she was, and how she got there. 
Pushing the blanket off of her, she takes in the room around her. Her bedroom, she had fallen off the bed and landed on the floor. Lucy flips on the light and looks down, pulling up her shirt to look at her stomach. Hands running over where there should be torn tissue, before going up to her neck. Nothing. 
It had felt real, she could still feel the way it’s teeth had dug into her, the pain that had shot through her body. Looking at the bed Lucy expected to see blood, expected to see something. Throwing off the sheets there was nothing but sweat stains. 
Lucy collapsed onto the floor, her body trembling at the memory. It looked so much like Max, but it was all wrong. His face had been too round, eyes too far apart, hair too spiky, so many teeth. The eyes, orange fire-filled eyes, glowing like embers burning into her soul like hot ash on ice. Her hands scramble to the side of her table gabbing for her phone. 
For the first time, she doesn’t hesitate, hitting Cooper’s number. Pressing the phone to her ear, she hadn’t even looked at the time.
Cooper was there in a matter of minutes, Lucy opening the door for him, still in a state of shock. He had immediately gathered her up into his arms, hugging her tight against his chest, refusing to let her go until he got her over to the couch. He had her sit, covering her with several blankets, before moving into the kitchen. A hot cup of coffee with hot chocolate was put in front of her, along with some toast. He slid in beside her, bundling her up and tucking Lucy into his side. Her hands wrapping around him as she shivers, her whole body felt like it was frozen.
“You doing okay, sweetheart,” Cooper murmurs, his voice rumbling against the side of her head. Lucy could feel herself melting into his side, wanting to find some way to stay there forever.
Lucy swallows, nodding, “Just-” She wasn’t even sure how to put it all into words. It wasn’t exactly normal to have eighties horror movie dreams every night. “Nightmares have been really bad.” 
Cooper rubs his hand down her arm, Lucy lets her eyes close for a moment and enjoy the comfort.“How often have you been having them?”
Lucy snuggled in closer, reaching for the coffee mug and taking a sip. The warm caffeine and chocolate drink heating her insides. “Since the house got ransacked, it’s been nightly.”
Cooper’s chest grumbles at the words, arms somehow pulling her closer to him. “What was it about?”
“I don’t, I-” Lucy takes a sip of more coffee, before telling him what she’d dreamt about. Not skipping any details, the warmth of the coffee and his body made it easier to get it off her chest. 
Cooper hums, he takes his hat off, setting it beside him on the couch, hand running into his hair. He scratches at the stubble for a second. “Well, that wasn’t the dreams I’d hope you’d have of me.”
Lucy smacks his stomach at the joke, a small smile passing on her lips at the jest, “You think I like this? I’d much prefer no dreams, or well other dreams.”
Cooper grins, Lucy pouting a little, as he chuckles, “No, I don’t think that, I do worry about the nightmares. Can’t ‘member the last time I had a night-terror. Why you’re tired all the time?”
She nods, her eyelids weighing heavy despite the coffee and mind-bending visions.“I feel like I am losing my mind, Cooper.” 
“You’re not goin’ crazy, I think ya need sleep. Maybe some time away.” Cooper mumbles into her ear, pushing hair out of her face. “Why don’t ya let me take ya to my home.”
Lucy’s brows furrow, she didn’t want him to leave, but she also felt like she should stay. Why did she want to stay? The nightmares never stopped her, the shadows, the taping, the knocking? Yet the thought of leaving made her stomach turn, but when Lucy left she felt lighter. 
“You promise you don’t think I am going crazy?” Lucy whispers, wondering how much he would believe. How much did she even believe? None of this made sense, not really. 
He shifts so he can look right at her, eyebrows making his forehead wrinkle.“I promise I don’t think’ya’re goin’ crazy. Anymore than am goin’ crazy.”
“I feel like I am supposed to be here, even with all the nightmares, the shadows, the house being tossed. I keep comin’ back.” Lucy states, her fingers fiddling with the edge of the blanket. Saying it out loud made it seem even more ridiculous than it had in the confines of her mind.
Cooper nods, placing the mug on the coffee table, hand running up and down her arm more. “It’s not surprisin’, this place is your home. It’s where ya grew up.”
“It’s not just that,” Lucy said, sitting up a bit, clutching at the mug, trying to hold onto some shred of reality. “It’s like something is pulling me here. Like I can’t leave.”
“So, leavin’ would probably be wise,” Cooper replies, his hand finding hers. “You’re sleep-deprived, runnin’ on fumes, Lucy. We have a spare room ya can stay in. Until ya can catch up on sleep, have a better view on thin’s with a clear head.”
Lucy sat back, the thought of being off the farm made her stomach twist, but she also needed sleep. Actual sleep sounded amazing, to not feel like she was burning at both ends. 
She nods her head finally. “Yeah, maybe I do need to leave.” 
Lucy was sitting at her family's dinner table, watching the kids outside to play on the deck. She had slept most of the day away, her exhaustion not feeling nearly as pressing as it usually did. The spring air was warm today, the hints of summer shifting in the air. She’d slept most of the day, Cooper had brought her to his place at about three am, the two tiptoeing upstairs. Initially, he’d offered her the spare bedroom, but after opening the door and seeing a pile of laundry, his room was the next best. Cooper had insisted on sleeping downstairs, despite Lucy’s best attempt to get him to stay. Traumatizing the children wasn’t high on her list. She was a little peeved he hadn’t woken her up, but she was also grateful for the extended rest. 
Stephanie sat down across from her, glancing out at the kids. They were running back and forth across the deck, possibly paying tag. “How’s it going, Lucy.”
“I am doing okay,” Lucy lies, there was no reason anyone needed to know any more about her problems. “Did you ever talk to Betty?”
“Oh! Yes, Betty.” Stephanie smiled, digging through her phone. “I sent her the photos.” She lets out a sigh, “Unfortunately no dice. Seems like it’s still a mystery.”
“Dang was hopin’ we’d get somethin’ more,” Cooper said, sitting beside Lucy. She desperately wants to crawl onto his lap and fall asleep, but instead, she shuffles a little closer. Steph watching the two of them closely, one eyebrow up. 
“Yeah. probably something diggin’ like you said.” Steph says, shutting her phone off and leaning back into her chair. “Had any more weird stuff happen?” 
Lucy shook her head, not wanting to get into the details, “Nope, hoping it stays that way really.” 
Bert sat down beside Steph leaning in to give her a quick kiss, “Y’all heard about the Roths.”
Cooper and Lucy looking at each other, shaking their heads. It wasn’t like they had had a free moment lately.
“Last night something came and killed two calves. Did some damage to some of the cows too.” Bert sighs, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. “Like we needed more loss this year.”
Lucy's mind ran over the property map. The Roth's had a section leased from her that was back half on parkland and half onto her farm. There was also the nightmare last night.
“Which section was it?” Lucy asks, already knowing the answer.
“The section southwest of your place, actually,” Reg's brows furrowing. “Weird huh.”
“Do you know what time?” Cooper asks, his hands taping at the table.
Lucy realizing that Cooper was also putting two and two together. 
“Not sure, I know it was overnight.” Reg replied, “Why? Something happened with you guys too?”
Lucy swallowed, her hands going to cover her stomach. The feeling of her flesh ripping out, the haunting image of its eyes, the sound of its voice. 
“Nothing of note, we did have a mummified calf. But Barry figures it was just a bad pregnancy.” Cooper shrugs, the action supposed to be of disinterest, but his shoulders stay tight. Lucy is happy that he didn't bring up her nightmares until she got some more sleep it wasn’t worth mentioning. Right? 
“Maybe it's the weird spring. Warming up too fast. Animals reacting to it,” Steph adds, her hand covering Reg's. Her eyes looking between the two of them. 
Cooper is up and moving as the sliding door opens, Mathias holding a frog in his hand. The little boy had a grin from ear to ear as he holds it up to show his Dad the little critter he'd found.
“Can't bring it in here, buddy. Why don't we go take it to the pond,” Cooper tells him with a smile, petting the little creature his son held up. Lucy smiling as the two wander out of sight.
“So how long you two-” Steph raises an eyebrow, with a cheshire smile,
“Been a thing?” 
Lucy’s cheeks burn at the words, not realizing how obvious she had been. “No. Well. Yes. But not that long. Didn’t realize I was that transparent..” 
The couple chuckle, Steph smiling at her cousin, as she squeezes Reg’s hand. Free hand waving at Lucy as if it was nothing.
“You both need a little light in your lives,” Reg states smiling at Lucy, before looking at his wife. 
“Keeping things quiet for now. Haven't really talked about it much.” Lusy confesses, Marge coming over to sit at the table.
“Keeping what quiet hon?” Marge questions, holding a cup of tea in her hands. Cooper comes back in through the sliding door, walking over and kissing Lucy on the cheek. Marge chuckles and makes an ahh sound, Lucy doing her damndest not to slide under the table. 
“As long as you're both happy,” Harris says, patting Lucy on the shoulder. Lucy having a hard time keeping her cool, it wasn’t as if they’d put a label on things. They’d kissed once for crying out loud.
“Could I speak to you for a moment, Lucy?” Harris asks, kissing Marge on the top of her head before moving towards the hallway.
“Absolutely,” Lucy smiles, looking back at Coope who nods before following her Uncle into the big house. 
Down past the bedrooms a door leads into a well-lit office, the far wall has three large windows that face out into the backyard and forest line. A large old desk sat in the middle, along with several large filing cabinets and bookshelves. The room was bright against the dark wood, space big enough for two large overstuffed chairs beside the bookcases. On a well-worn stool were three faded bankers' boxes. Lucy recognizes her Grandpa's handwriting on the front. Harris puts a big hand on top of one rotating so he is facing Lucy.
“Me and Margie have,” He pauses looking out the large windows towards the forest. “Debated about whether we should give you these. Tim asked me to burn them. But it didn't feel right.”
Lucy crossed her arms, hugging herself a little as she looked at her Uncle. His usual nonchalant demeanor now scrunched together in tight lines across his face. Pacing back and forth in front of the window as he spoke. 
“These are Tim’s journals. Going back to a month after your Dad and Uncle went missing.” Harris replies, Lucy, feels a wave of dread wash over her as he moves over to his filing cabinet.
“They didn't go missing- '' Lucy goes to reply, Harris placing a newspaper in front of her. Headline read Two men killed in farm accident. “Yeah, this is what Tim showed me.”
“Flip to page four,” Harris said, Lucy did as he asked, unable to get a read on his emotions. Page four has a smaller blurb, Search for brothers ends. Lucy reads through the blurb, a cold pool of dread weighing in her guts. 
“They went missing in the forest. In the forest around my house.” Lucy whispers, her hands shaking as she rereads the words. “They never found the bodies.”
Harris meets her eyes as she looks up at him, “What is going on?” Lucy demands dropping the paper on top of the boxes. “Why? Why? Did no one tell me?”
“Tim made us promise,” Harris said, placing his big bear paw-sized hands on her shoulder, it felt like the weight of the news pressing down on her. “He didn’t want you or Norm to know. He figured that if you thought they were dead you could move on. In ways he never let himself move on.” 
Lucy moves away from Harris, a deep sense of betrayal washing over her. “You’re telling me he didn’t think they were dead? It’s been decades since they went missing.”
Harris had sat himself down in one of the overstuffed chairs. “We searched and searched for weeks. Even after search and rescue stopped, stuf-,” He rubs one of his big mitts across a day's worth of stubble. “Stuff happened during the search. Stuff that doesn’t make a lot of sense.”
Lucy sighs, flopping into the chair beside her Uncle, “Could we not be vague, please? I can handle whatever happened then.”
“While we were searching, people heard things.” Harris’s face went pale.
“They kept hearing Hank call out, or Shaun. It sounded like they were close, but we could never find them. It would go quiet for days, then Me and Tim would go out and hear them again.”
Lucy swallows, “Like it was calling you there.”
Harris looks at her, a knowing look passing over his face. “It scared some of the volunteers. Hearing them, but never finding them. Then a week before your Mom checked out it stopped. These journals are the first time I even had any idea that it had continued after you both got there.” 
“We spent our entire childhood in and out of those woods.” Lucy’s voice was raised, her heart thudding in her chest. “Why would he let us in there if he thought it was dangerous?”
Harris looking older than his year. “Lucy. If I thought you were in any danger I would have taken you and Norm out of there.” Lucy stands there staring at him, anger subsiding at the honesty in his words. “No one. Not one of us. Thought you were in any danger there.”
Lucy swallows, tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. “Once you kids arrived, Tim didn’t share anything. I thought. I thought he was dealing with the loss of his sons. In his own way, never finding the bodies made him want to hold on to hope. So I let him. Then when he got the cancer diagnosis he brought me these boxes. Telling me to burn them once he was dead. That it would all be over, I didn’t know what he meant. But it was like a weight had finally been lifted off of him. ” Lucy shifts in her chair, unsure how to feel. “When your place got tossed I pulled them out, I read a few.” Harris shifts in his chair, staring at the boxes. “I don’t know what I was expecting but you should read them.”
“What is in them?” Lucy pushes, feeling like she is waiting for a bomb to go off. Her hold on the world was sliding, and she wasn’t sure if she would make it.
“Memories, stuff about your childhood. But also. Other stuff. Stuff I don’t know if I can believe.” Harris’s voice going soft. “I should have told you a long time ago and I am sorry for that. But maybe this will help, maybe put things to rest finally.”
Tag list: @toogaytofunctiondangit , @hiddlebatchedloki , @whatsorceressisthis @dichromaniac @autumncryptids
*I am gonna say we are onto act 2... it's only gonna get darker from here < 3
**As always likes, comments, shares are soooo appreciated, you can find me Ao3 as well
** Want to be on the tag list let me know
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lopsicle · 9 months
Hi, @fictitious-fluff I’m your Squealing Santa!’I’m sorry this came out in the latter end of December, the holiday season was busy for me and this was my first tickletober!!
This was really fun to write, the prompts you left helped a ton as well!! Hope you enjoy it!!
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It’s Not Like I Don’t Like It
Summary: During one of Caine’s adventures, the group splits off into pairs which leads to some very interesting discoveries between Jax and Ragatha.
Characters: Ler! Jax, Ler! Ragatha, rest of the TADC cast
Warnings: Tickle Fic
In The Amazing Digital Circus™, it’s residents could only be sure of one thing. Life would never be dull, whether they liked it or not. It took Pomni some getting used to, much like the rest of the circus members and just like everyone else, she still had no idea what to expect. Whether it was being strapped to a target and having knives thrown at you, being pulled out of a hat, having your limbs played around with like they were apart of a mix and match set, the possibilities were endlessly terrifying. Caine just couldn’t understand how to please them.
He’d set them off on another adventure today, lazily dubbed ‘Sticky Situations’, chosen from a list of hundreds and hundreds of repeated activities for them to be forced into enjoy. The adventure was simple enough though, everyone would be split into pairs and forced to stay with their partner until they found a key that would allow them to separate. And because Caine’s adventures could never be simple, if someone stepped too far away from their partner, they’d be shocked.
The pairings were odd, but fun. Pomni and Kinger, Gangle and Zooble and Jax and Ragatha. Surprisingly, Ragatha was the one to be outraged first.
‘Him?!’ She cried, stomping her foot against the ground and making an over-exaggerated gesture towards Jax. The rabbit looked offended for a moment, his ears growing stiff at the top of his head before he smirked, his beady eyes getting a little wider.
‘Aw, don’t you wanna spent time with me, Dollface?’ He teased, not caring for her answer, just wanting to agitate her. Zooble shot the man a look which he just shrugged off while Pomni looked sympathetically towards Ragatha. She took a step towards the woman, wanting to comfort her but as she was finding the words, another voice overpowered the room.
‘Now that the pairs have been selected, you all have FIVE SECONDS,’ Caine screeched energetically, his eyes popping out of his head for a moment, ‘to stand next to your partner!’
Almost immediately, a pair of hands scooped the small jester up from behind, pulling her away from the red haired woman.
‘Phew, Pomni, I was worried you were gonna get electrocuted!’ Kinger fretted, totally oblivious to what she was trying to do. Pomni nodded along awkwardly, deciding to go along with it.
Begrudgingly, Ragatha made her way other to Jax who decided to stay put, not caring enough to move and knowing his partner wouldn’t risk getting shocked. She had a face like a slapped bulldog though, frowning with her arms crossed over her chest, staring away from the taller man.
‘Alrighty then, enjoy the games and have a spectacular time!’ Caine announced, waving goodbye to the circus crew before disappearing to who knows where. Most of them dissipated fairly quickly, some of them even looking forward to their new pairings. Neither of those were applicable to Jax or Ragatha.
‘Are you gonna move anytime soon?’
Ragatha asked impatiently, Caine’s explanation wasn’t the best; she didn’t know how far she could get from Jax and she didn’t feel like getting shocked.
‘Mmm,’ Jax looked up at the ceiling, pretending to think before staring back down at Ragatha, ‘nah.’
Ragatha’s eye twitched in annoyance, looking about ready to explode in anger at him already. While that would normally be amusing, Jax didn’t have the luxury of retreating as he got an earful of frustrated rants, instead opting to grab Ragatha’s arm and yank her along as he walked.
‘Come on then, let’s get this over with before you throw a tantrum,’ Jax teased her but Ragatha decided not to fight it this time. At least he was actually doing something.
It goes without saying that so far, this was one of their worst adventures yet. They didn’t know how that was possible after going through what felt like an eternity of them, but this easily my took the cake. Their bodies awkwardly bashed into each other to other being shocked, they hadn’t said a word to each other since they started walking and they had no idea where to find the key to free themselves from this God awful social prison. It felt like they were running around in circles inside the circus, and the silence was not doing good for Ragatha’s mental state. The worrying woman was just staring at the floor, questioning if they’d ever find this key. It wasn’t abstracting levels of bad, but it was easy to see that it was taking a toll on her. Even for someone like Jax.
He thought of what to do for a bit, it would be so easy to just ignore it, and Ragatha would deserve it for how she’d treated him today…but this trip was boring enough as it was, the last thing he needed was for them to just not talk.
‘Hey, redhead,’ the rabbit called out abruptly, poking her where her ribs would be with a gloved hand. It took all of her willpower to not jump back and get the both of them electrocuted, though her eyes did widen as a loud squeak exited her mouth. Ragatha covered her mouth afterwards, like she was trying to force the reaction back in before looking down at Jax, whose grin had grown ten times wider. Her eyes narrowed at him, almost like a warning to not say anything. And he didn’t say anything, he just burst out laughing.
‘Pffthahaha, oh my Gahahd, dolly, your ticklish! That’s fuckin’ priceless!’ Jax nearly doubled over laughing, clutching his sides while Ragatha just looked around worriedly, her face getting redder and redder as she hoped no one was hearing him.
‘Shut up, Jax, it’s not that big of a deal!’ Ragatha exclaimed, but her words were honestly true. She doubted anyone else in the circus would care about the grand reveal of her being ticklish of all things, it may be a little interesting to Pomni who was still getting the hang of things here, the only person reacting to it were the two of them. Even then, she should’ve expected something like this from Jax, but being teased about being ticklish was especially flustering to her. Mainly because she…liked it. It was hard not to like to her, it was all warm and fuzzy and made her all squirmy, how could she not enjoy being tickled? Plus, it was like having her real, non-rag doll body again, it reminded her of being a real person outside the circus.
‘Oh, this is a huge deal! I can’t believe it took me this long to find this out…hey, whatcha say we make up for lost time?’ Jax said, his yellow smile getting even wider, taking a soft step closer to Ragatha. The doll in turn, looked up near him, not having the confidence to face Jax directly, especially with her face being so red. She opened her mouth but it was like her insides were completely empty, she couldn’t get anything out of her mouth. Not waiting for an answer, Jax’s hands shot down to Ragatha’s sensitive sides, immediately squeezing at them.
‘Jahahahahahahax!!’ Ragatha shouted from the touch, her hands clasping right over her mouth as her eyes went wide. The woman’s feet tapped against the floor repeatedly, doing her best to not move away. This really was the best worst possible scenario for her.
‘Yeeessss, Dolly?’ The man asked, acting like nothing was wrong here. His dexterous fingers crawled over to Ragatha’s tummy, scratching against the fabric of her dress. Curiously, he was starting to notice how she wasn’t really trying to squirm away from his fingers, it looked like she was bucking into them actually.
‘C-cahahahahan you nanahahahat?!’ The redhead ruffed, struggling to get her words out properly through all her laughter.
‘Well, Raggedy, I don’t think you want me to not,’ Jax mimicked her fractured speech just to tick her off more, but the woman seemed far more preoccupied with the fact that Jax was catching on so easily that she enjoyed this. Of course Jax of all people had to find out, this would be the worst for her! Though, it wasn’t like he stopped tickling her yet…maybe she could enjoy this for a little longer.
‘Juhuhust, shuhuhuhut up!’ Ragatha pouted, tilting her face away from Jax who pulled his hands away for a second, earning a disappointed look for a second. His eyes looked wider and intense, yet somehow had a playful shine in them.
‘Oh, no, no, no, you do not get to tell me to shut up and get away with it!’ Jax called her out before shooting his hands right under her armpits. And that was when Ragatha started screaming.
‘WAIAHAHAHAT, NAHAHAT THEHERE!!’ The woman’s arms clung to her sides instantly, squirming about on the spot with a desperate expression taking over her blushing face. Jax had gotten really lucky just now and landed on her death spot, though she wasn’t complaining. It was sort of relieving in a way, she’d be anxious of him finding this out ever since this tickling attack started so it felt like a weight was lifted now that this was out of the way.
Though, Jax was absolutely loving this. He wouldn’t admit that now that he knew Ragatha actually enjoyed getting tickled, well he didn’t know but it was pretty obvious, but being able to make her screech and laugh was definitely going to be a way for him to kill the time. He messily grabbed at her wrists, clumping them up to hold them with one hand. Then, he raised her arms above her head, leaving that precious death spot of hers on display.
Ragatha tried to wiggle her way out of his grip but it was pretty useless, a couple loose giggles of anticipation slipped out of her mouth, staring over at the rabbit to see when he was going to strike.
‘Alright, let’s see if you can handle this!’ He announced, treating it like it was some game. His fingers began messily poking around the hollows of her armpits to start with, but it quickly morphed into fast, deep scratching against her sensitive skin which drove the woman insane.
‘NAHAHAHAHAHA, I CAHAHHAAHHAN’T!!’ Ragatha admitted instantly, dropping all sense of embarrassment or shame about getting tickled by Jax. Bouncing around on her feet, Ragatha felt like if she was tickled for another second was going to die, or at least get the two electrocuted. While Jax may not care about the first one, he didn’t want to get shocked too and decided to take some pity on the woman.
His hands left her armpits, leaving them with a slight tingling sensation but for the most part, Ragatha recovered pretty quickly. Her face still had a red sheen to it but the shock and horror of the tickling session was passing her now. Until Jax spoke up.
‘Oh, I am so telling everyone about this.’
‘Don’t you dare!’
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Each cast member's relationship with Vox in RAM
Alastor – Alastor decided to break Vox on a whim. Seven years ago, during one of their fights, he managed to subdue Vox, which he'd never fully managed to do before; usually, they would fight to a stalemate or one of them would decide to make their escape before things could get really serious. With Vox at his mercy, Alastor found himself recalling a certain experiment he performed several years ago on the former overlord of the fashion industry. Alastor wanted to claim victory over Vox, make him suffer for his decades of insolence, and, most importantly, wind back the clock. Vox used to be his starry-eyed little protégé, hanging on his every word and doing exactly as he said. He missed that version of Vox (or rather, what that version did for him and his ego) and hated the crass, obnoxious megalomaniac he'd become. If that experiment had transformed Niffty into such a loyal, amusing thrall... why not try the same with Vox? Alastor took Vox into the basement of Vee Tower and did things to him that no one will ever know, broadcasting his screams to all of Pentagram City. Once he was satisfied with his work, he dumped Vox's mangled body in the lobby and completely vanished from the Pride Ring for seven years. He hoped that, whenever he returned, he'd find a Vox that was far more to his taste. And he got his wish. Or at least, he thought he did.
Alastor finds Vox's state quite amusing, and he derives a great deal of satisfaction from having such total control over him, but... he still misses the old Vox, in a way. Alastor enjoyed the challenge Vox used to pose. He enjoyed being able to banter with him. He enjoyed how, for 60 years, he and Vox perpetually feuded, but never truly defeated each other. This new version of Vox offers none of that. He's almost cloyingly docile with Alastor and absent-minded to the point of incompetence. There's only so long the novelty of watching his greatest rival reduced to a pathetic, feeble-minded wretch can last. Still, Alastor is unwilling to let Vox go. He's his toy now, and there might still be some fun to be had by dangling him over the Vees' heads until this nonsense with the hotel is finished.
Angel Dust – Angel's feelings about Vox are deeply complicated. He was one of the few non-overlords who knew that Vox was still alive and had lost his mind, due to his constant proximity to Val. Vox's condition was a constant source of rage, grief, and frustration for Valentino, and more often than not, he chose to take those feelings out on Angel. He wishes so badly that he could just ignore Vox or laugh at his suffering, but he can't. Seeing it up close every day isn't cathartic, it's just sad, and he hates that it makes him pity the man who happily enabled his abuser for decades on end. He'll never forgive Vox or become his friend, but, after several months at the hotel, he decides that he can at least be a better man than Vox ever was and not be needlessly cruel to him. Read more here.
Charlie – Vox grows to really like Charlie (just like everyone else tbh). She's just so endlessly patient and kind; she always treats Vox with respect and understanding, which makes him very eager to please her. If she sets him a task, whether it's related to hotel maintenance or the redemption activities, he'll try his best to do it right– and if he fucks up, he'll attempt to make it up to her somehow, even if his methods are kind of... extreme (Accidentally fried the hotel TV? Time to go steal a new one!). They're not super close friends, but there's a lot of affection between them.
Cherri Bomb – Cherri is unsympathetic to Vox once she finally meets him. She's not willing to forgive him for what he helped put Angel through for all those years and tries to get Angel to laugh with her about how he got what he deserved. As much as he'd like to, Angel can't bring himself to laugh along. She'd probably be the hotel resident most willing to mock or prank him (other than Alastor) once she moves in, but we'll see what happens in season two.
Husk – Husk does his absolute best to never exchange words with Vox unless there is literally no other option. Vox scares the shit out of him. It'd be one thing if Niffty was just a one-off– maybe something went wrong with her during Alastor's usual overlord-murder routine and he just decided to roll with it– but seeing explicit confirmation that, no, this is something Alastor can and will do to people just for shits and giggles is terrifying. Husk has no love in his heart for Vox as a person, but watching Alastor puppet him around and utterly rob him of his dignity makes Husk fear and hate Al all the more. If Husk steps too far out of line, what's to stop Alastor from doing the same thing to him, someone he actually has under contract and who no longer has access to the power that Vox and Niffty had when they were broken?
Lucifer – Vox has an ongoing delusion that Lucifer is one of his old bosses from his human life. He's constantly sucking up to him, trying to earn his approval so he'll finally give him that promotion he's been after. Lucifer finds this situation fun and plays along. He's not malicious about it– he genuinely just enjoys putting on a show and doesn't think it's doing Vox any harm. He may or may not care about who Vox used to be; if he does care, it's only in the context that Alastor is capable of doing this to his fellow sinners, and that's all the more reason not to let him continue to manipulate Charlie.
Niffty – Vox and Niffty instantly click. They're from the same time period and are both in similar mental states, so they get each other on a level no one else in the hotel can. Alastor specifically fucked with Vox's mind to make him more amenable to retro culture, so Niffty's 1950s sensibilities immediately make him feel at home with her. She's also the only one in the hotel who isn't even remotely bothered by his cognitive issues. Vox forgets what he's talking about halfway through a conversation and tries to leave to do something else? Niffty will come along happily, regardless of what they were originally doing. Vox fries electronics or shocks her by accident? Yay, pain! And now there's a mess for her to clean up! They just adore each other. Neither of them is cognizant enough to realize that they're both ex-overlords in the exact same situation– they just "naturally" get along completely separate from that. They're one hell of a double act, causing problems without realizing it and occasionally calming down enough to have sweet, quiet moments together. Out of everyone in the hotel, Vox will miss Niffty the most once he finally goes back to Vee Tower.
Sir Pentious – Pentious is sent by the Vees to infiltrate the hotel and report back on how Vox is doing, as well as if the hotel has any vulnerabilities that they can exploit in order to rescue him. He isn't caught quite as quickly as he is in the main verse and instead choses to defect from the Vees after a few months due to how willing they are to kill everyone in the hotel as soon as they get Vox back. Pentious used to look up to Vox as one of the most powerful overlords in Hell and is caught off-guard by the state he's now in. Even as Pentious is playing double agent, he finds himself becoming very attached to the hotel and its residents, including Vox himself. Vox is supposed to be the hotel handyman, but he ends up breaking things more often than he fixes them due to his short attention span and volatile powers. Pentious finds himself helping Vox with his job more and more often; he has a lot of experience with wrangling mentally not-all-there people (or eggs, in his case) into successfully completing complex tasks, after all. Vox ends up liking Pentious a lot; they talk about mechanical stuff and Vox finds Pentious' big personality funny and interesting and attention-grabbing. They strike up a pretty sweet little friendship, which gives Pentious a bit of an ego boost that an ex-overlord likes him enough to consistently want to spend time with him. And at no point does Vox ever feel compelled to scream at Pentious to kill himself. Read more here.
Vaggie – Vaggie mostly kept her distance from Vox for the first six months at the hotel, like she did with most of the other residents. She doesn't trust easily, so it takes a while for her to open herself up to people. She sort of mentally filed Vox under the same category as Niffty: Erratic weirdos who Alastor brought to the hotel for God knows what reason, but who don't seem to be malicious. She struggled a lot with being patient with him and dealing with his destructive fits though. Her first instinct is to attack when threatened, so Charlie often had to get in between the two of them whenever Vox started losing control. Eventually, Vaggie starts picking up on the fact that something is off about Vox and Alastor's "friendship." Once she learns what happened to Vox, she finds herself empathizing with him quite a bit; she knows how it feels to be blindsided and left to rebuild your life from nothing, as well as what it's like to be an ex-monster hiding in plain sight.
Valentino – Valentino has not been doing well these past seven years. He was never known as an overlord with an abundance of self-control, but any he may have once had has gone completely out the window. He simply does not know how to deal with his emotions, so instead, he takes them out on everyone and everything around him, including himself. His reputation for needless violence towards his workers has grown exponentially every year since Vox's encounter with Alastor. He constantly starts totally unnecessary fights with other overlords and wannabe overlords just to give himself an outlet for his anger. He's abusing his body in a manner he hasn't done since he was alive and is doing so with increasing frequency. He's become a rabid dog that everyone in Hell knows needs to be put down, but no one can manage it because he and Velvette have become so powerful in Vox's absence.
But for some reason that even he can't understand, Val leaves most of that anger at the door when he goes into Vox's quarters to make sure he isn't driving his claws through his screen, or curled up in the corner of the room, screaming at memories from decades ago, or simply catatonic, unwilling or unable to move or speak. He becomes something that he never– not in a million, billion years– would've ever thought himself capable of being: a caregiver. A shitty one, probably, but a caregiver, nonetheless. He'll do his best to calm Vox down during his bad spells and, amazingly, manages not to retaliate when Vox lashes out at him. He'll try to provide what little comfort he can when it seems as though Vox is about to shatter into a million pieces. He somehow finds it within himself to be patient when Vox can't recognize him and asks the same questions over and over and over again. And never– not even once– has he been tempted to take advantage of Vox's vulnerable state. Why?! Preying on vulnerable people is his entire identity! Val cannot understand why– if he can't bring himself to take advantage of this weak, pitiful version of Vox– he doesn't just go back to his room, retrieve his angelic bullets, and put Vox out of his misery already. But he doesn't want to. Not really. Vox is his. And no matter what, he always will be.
Velvette – Velvette always considered herself "the backbone of the Vees." Well, now no one can deny that fact and she's infinitely less satisfied with her afterlife because of it. After it became clear that Vox was not going to recover, she took over his old position as CEO of VoxTek (now VTek). She'd always idly coveted Vox's power, but now that she has it, she's utterly overwhelmed. Between running both her and Vox's businesses, caring for a Vox who doesn't even recognize her most days, and having to deal with Valentino's self-destructive spiraling, she's simply spread too thin. Vox's situation on its own is so deeply emotionally draining, it's a miracle she still has energy to run the company. She knows she can't falter though, even for a minute. Everything, from her own power to Vox's personal wellbeing, is hanging on her ability to project strength and carry on like nothing's wrong. And on top of all that, none of the other overlords or the public in general give her the respect she deserves. They see her as a nepo baby who inherited the bulk of her empire from a man too arrogant to realize that sharing power is not generally considered a respectable strategy in Hell. It almost makes her as angry as Val, although she makes an effort to actually control that anger or at least put it towards something productive.
She never realized how much she loved Vox until she essentially lost him. She knew she had a good bit of affection for him, but she never would've anticipated that she'd be willing to go to such lengths for him. She's not a patient person, but she finds herself becoming one with Vox. She'll play along with his delusions if that's what he needs from her that day (even that horrible, gut-wrenching one where he thinks she's his seven-year-old, human daughter). She'll make whatever accommodations to the tower that are needed in order to keep him safe and as happy as he possibly can be, no matter how much they cost. She'll shout Val down when he reaches his breaking point and nearly lashes out at Vox, and then turn around and offer whatever comfort Val will accept when he breaks down over losing the only person he ever loved. The urge to be kind makes her skin crawl– she fully committed to becoming the most callous, impudent, self-serving version of herself years ago (with Vox's own guidance!)– and it makes her feel weak to love this deeply, but... she'll never stop. Not until all three of them are banished to the bottomless pits of Purgatory.
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elliesflower · 2 years
i saw you in a dream [4]
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chapter 3 here
summary; you finally take your anticipated final
chapter; 4/? 2.6k words
cw (per chapter); recreational marijuana usage, language
an; *peaks out from behind the curtain* hey lol
thank y'all so much for bearing with me, i know it's been over a month since the last chapter and i'm gonna try real hard not to let that happen again. just a genuine, sincere thank you to every single one of you who have reblogged or liked this story, given kudos on AO3, messaged me, sent anonymous asks, all of it. you all make my heart swell, thank you for supporting my works and loving this story. i love you all endlessly <3
okay enough sappy syd, on to the story! (as always, find it on AO3 here)
Okay. You have her number now. That was the easy part, and you didn’t even have to work for it. She just gave it to you. Which must mean she wants you to have it…right? There’s no other logical explanation as to why she’d email you if she didn't care. But now, the hard part was actually formulating a response—which you couldn’t do if you just stared at the screen. 
And, there was another facet—you actually had to attend your final before you could let Ellie know how it went. But, should you respond anyways, just to let her know you got the email? For fucks sake, its the twenty-first century, of course she knows you got her email. But maybe, you should just reply anyway, and let her know you were planning on texting her? Your finger hesitated over the touchpad of your computer, cursor tauntingly hovering over the reply button at the top of the screen.
God, maybe-kinda-sorta liking someone is annoying.
“Don’t you have a final to go to?” Dina suddenly raised her voice, snapping you out of your thoughts. You glanced up at the time on your computer and realized you were running a bit behind. 
“Shit,” you mumbled under your breath, quickly closing your laptop and rising from your seat. The music stopped abruptly as you turned around to face Dina, who was now watching videos on her phone. Even at the risk of being late, you had to tell her about the message. 
“Dee, you’ll never guess who just emailed me,” you said, words coming out rushed and giddy. She sat up quickly at your tone, leaning over the railing of her bunk to give you her full attention. 
“Oh my god--wait, let me guess,” she replied excitedly. “The Queen of Sheba?!”
You resisted the urge to step forward and flick her in the forehead, instead opting to give her the finger.
“Ellie fucking Williams,” you beamed, unable to contain yourself. Just the sound of her name rolling off your tongue filled you with joy, curling up like a ball in the pit of your stomach. It was literally already impossible to get her off your mind, and it sure doesn’t help that all you’ll be able to think about for the foreseeable future will be that email—when to text her, what to text her, if you should text her.
Dina’s mouth fell open as she gave you an amused look. 
“I knew it, I knew she’d be the first one to say something,” she said confidently, leaning back onto her elbow. “Come on, admit it. I was right.” 
You rolled your eyes, turning back to your desk to grab your wallet and keys to put in your backpack.
“What, you have absolutely no faith in me?” You feigned shock, and Dina shrugged at you. “I’m sure she just wanted me to let her know how my final goes for proof of her extra credit.” 
“Well, what exactly did she say?”
“She said to let her know how my final goes,” you said nonchalantly, turning back to face her. “And she also gave me her number and said I can text her if that’s easier.” The last part came out rushed, again. Dina’s hand flew over her mouth, muffling a scream. 
“For fucks sake, it’s a good thing you’re not a journalism major, always burying the lead!” She exclaimed, throwing her blanket off and climbing down the small ladder at the end of her bunk, landing on the floor with a soft thud. “That’s amazing! So what did you text her?”
“Nothing, yet,” you admitted, sitting back down at your desk to gather your sheet music for your final. You heard Dina plop into her own chair across the room. “She literally emailed me like five minutes ago.”
“Okay, so what?” Dina pressed. 
“So, I don’t wanna seem desperate!” You whined, spinning around to face her again. The sheet music creased between your fingers as you gripped it in your sweaty hands. 
“Dude, she made the first move, I’d hardly call you the desperate one,” she replied, and you had to let out a laugh. 
“Well I’d hardly call it ‘making a move,’” you scoffed, turning back to your desk to grab a pen. “She probably just wants me to confirm I did well on my lesson so she actually gets her extra credit.” In your haste to grab the pen, you knocked the sour pineapple pre-roll off your desk, and it flew across the room.
“Yeah, but email works just fine for confirmation. She didn’t have to give you her number,” she pointed out, bending forward to snatch the pre-roll off the ground. “And she definitely didn’t have to give you this expensive-looking pre-roll—” she popped open the cap and inhaled the deep, earthy scent. “—you don’t give perfectly good weed out to just anybody, you know?”
Your shoulders slumped in defeat, a smile still playing on your lips. In your mind, you knew Dina was most likely right. But your insecurities definitely got the best of you when it came to this sort of thing, not letting you fully believe Ellie may just be kind of into you too.
“Maybe you’re right,” you admitted reluctantly, standing up to pack away the papers into your guitar case. 
“So, what are you waiting for? Text her now!” Dina exclaimed, sliding the pre-roll out of the tube. 
“Okay, I take it back, you were wrong,” you held your hand out to her and beckoned, silently asking her to hand you the joint. “I’ll text her after I don’t completely fuck up my final.”
“You’re gonna do great,” Dina rolled her eyes playfully, pulling a lighter out of her back pocket. “And you’ll do even better if you share this pre-roll with me before you leave.” 
She left you no time to respond before she was lighting the tip and opening the window. 
Okay, maybe smoking half a joint before taking a really important final wasn’t the best idea. 
In theory, you feel like you had done okay. After practically running to make it to the music building on time, you still felt like a bundle of nerves despite the high—heart racing, palms sweating, brain fog—even weed couldn’t suppress the fact that you were an anxious test taker. 
It felt like everything Ellie had taught you was slowly fading away. Though, you found that if you just closed your eyes and pictured her sitting there, strumming her guitar with those perfect fingers and that goofy sideways grin and that quiet breathy singing you could…fuck, what were you doing again?
“So that’s it?” You asked when you were done, palm laying flat against the strings on your guitar. Your teacher sat in a small folding chair across from you, one leg crossed as he took notes in a small notebook. He briefly glanced at you from above his glasses before looking back down. 
“Yes. I’ll have your final score posted online by the end of day,” he said dismissively, continuing to write. As you stood, you tried to nonchalantly crane your neck to get a glimpse of what he was writing, but damn him and his tiny, scribbly handwriting.
“Okay, uh, thanks for that, and for a great semester,” you smiled weakly. Sure, they say flattery will get you nowhere, but it’s worth a shot, right? You received nothing but a tight-lipped smile in return, and he couldn’t be bothered to glance your way again. 
You packed away your things hastily and left without another word, wanting to get as far away from your professor and this goddamned class as possible. With a deep breath, you took your guitar off your shoulder, sliding down the wall at the end of the main hallway. You crossed your legs and pulled out your phone, opening your email and re-reading Ellie’s message over.
Did you tell her what time your final was at? Surely she’d think you’re obsessed if you took less than an entirety of five whole minutes to text her after it was over. But she actually needs to know how you did for her extra credit, so, you’d actually be doing her a favor by texting her as quickly as possible. You know, so she gets her extra credit…quicker. Or something like that. 
Dina, SOS
Obviously, you weren’t going to be able to craft a message to Ellie on your own. 
oh no, did you bomb your final?
i’ll never be able to find a roommate as cool as you if you fail out
Very funny.
First of all, fuck you. Second, what do I say to Ellie? Should I text her? Email her?
Dina will know what to say. 
text her, definitely
maybe something like “hey, just finished my final, wanna bang?”
then say “oops i meant hang”
Okay, never mind.
You have been absolutely no help at all.
You rolled your eyes at her response:
love you roomie &lt;3
Alright, so Dina helping you was out of the question. Looks like you’ll just have to formulate a response all on your own, of which the thought was looming over your head already. Closing your eyes, you leaned your head against the wall, sighing. 
“This is so stupid,” you mumbled quietly to yourself. 
“Final was that bad, huh?” 
You nearly broke your neck looking up to the sound of the familiar voice. 
“Ellie,” your voice broke pathetically with your surprise, and before you could even have another thought, she was sliding down the wall next to you. You could smell her, that same woody aroma melding into the ever-present trace of weed. Holy fuck, were you dreaming?
You looked to your left and had to stop yourself from consuming every part of her at once, in fear of losing all inhibition. You started with her face, those iridescent jade eyes that could even look pretty in the shitty fluorescent hallway lighting, halfway covered by heavy lids and long eyelashes; the freckles that littered constellations across her face, that fucking crooked smile. It had to be a dream. 
“What are you doing here?” You found yourself saying for lack of a better response. It didn’t seem to phase her though, as she smiled just a little bit higher on one side and slid her backpack into her lap. You watched her tattooed arm flex, her bracelets tinging together softly as she reached into the open zipper and pulled out a few papers. She was so close, you noted the way she practically felt like a furnace next to you, despite the chill outside.
“Just turning in my extra credit. Last minute as always,” she shook the papers in her hand for emphasis. Right—she was a Music minor. A completely valid reason to be in the music building at the same time as you, during finals week. She obviously didn’t come here just to see you, that would be ridiculous. “Don’t tell me my tutoring was that bad?”
“Oh, no, not at all!” You exclaimed, sitting up just a bit higher. “My final actually went pretty well, I was just texting my friend. She’s…thinking about getting back together with her ex.” Yikes. If Dina were here she may have slapped you for that one. 
“Yikes,” Ellie mirrored your thoughts, and maybe it was just the fact that she seemed a little high too, but she didn’t seem to notice your cover-up. “I know plenty about those toxic exes.” She smirked, putting the papers back into her bag before zipping it closed. Briefly, you wondered what exactly she knew about them—part of you wanted to ask her, but you definitely weren’t to that stage yet. For fucks sake, you were barely acquaintances at this point.
“Uh, did you need me to sign one of those papers for you or something? For proof of the tutoring or whatnot?” You pointed lamely at her backpack. It was like your brain and your body were fighting over what to do or say when you’re around her. 
“Nah,” she shook her head, fidgeting with one of her bracelets. “I have enough signatures. I’m just glad your final went well, and that I could help.” Ellie looked up at you now, that goofy grin slowly spreading back on her face. Your heart felt like it was about to jump out of your throat. 
“Oh, okay, yeah,” you smiled back, looking down at your phone in your hands. She was so close, you could almost feel the fabric of her hoodie against your arm, you wanted to feel the fabric of her hoodie against your arm, oh god— “Well, you were a great teacher. I couldn’t have done it without you.” 
Ellie leaned into you slightly, and you felt like you might light on fire. 
“I’m glad I could help,” she said softly, before sitting up just as quickly as she had leaned in. Swiftly, she grabbed her back and stood up. You watched her legs extend and her shirt ride up just slightly over the top of her jeans, revealing a small expanse of her skin. You had to look away, you had to, or she might see the stars in your eyes. 
“You leaving?” She asked, shrugging her backpack over one shoulder while extending her other arm. You looked up at her hand and it seemed like there was no other answer except yes. 
Her long fingers nearly enveloped your hand as she gripped, pulling you up with seemingly no effort. Her hands were almost exactly how you’d imagined them—warm, the skin on the back of her hand soft in comparison to the rough, calloused pads of her fingers. You yearned to feel them again, in your hand, on your face, anywhere. Whatever she would give you. 
Ellie dipped down quickly to grab your guitar case before you could protest, and it felt like when you were standing in her doorway, stomach doing backflips and full of nervous excitement. 
“I know I already said it, but I’m really glad that I was able to help you with your final. I’m sure you did great,” she said, and her confidence slipped, just a little. She passed your guitar between the two of you and you took it, careful to avoid the touch of her hand. “And I’m really glad I ran into you just now. It was good to see you.”
Yeah, this had to be a dream. Was that…a blush creeping up her neck? Oh no, stop looking at her neck. 
“Me too,” you said stupidly, but it earned you another grin nonetheless. “To both those things…you know, you helping me with my final, seeing you now…” You trailed off, running a hand through your hair nervously. 
“Hey, my roommate set up this…open mic thing as part of her final,” Ellie started, her casual tone of voice a contradiction to the nervous shuffling of her feet. “I’m gonna be performing a song and…I was wondering if you’d maybe wanna stop by. There’ll be other acts to watch too! Some cool poetry, other musicians, stuff like that. Oh, and free food, of course,” she began to ramble a bit, adjusting her backpack higher on her shoulder, scratching lightly at the back of her hand.
Oh. Oh. Holy shit. She was inviting you to something and playing it off like she wasn’t. 
“Yes, I-I’d love to!” You exclaimed, maybe just a bit over the top. You had to respond before she changed her mind or something. That earned you a smile though, and it was almost worth the embarrassment. 
“Cool, cool,” she replied. “It starts at seven on Friday, in the black box theater downstairs.” 
“I’ll be there, for sure,” you said, your knees feeling weak.
“Great. See you then,” Ellie gave you one last smile, and a small wave before turning and disappearing around the corner. 
You may or may not have pinched your arm just to make sure this was in fact, real life.
chapter 5 here
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