#i think about this moment so much all the time constantly
perfectlyoongi · 2 days
HUSBAND!YOONGI who asked you to marry him without a ring or planning, just the desire to be yours forever motivating Yoongi. you were about to go to bed, tired from another long day of work, but when he looked at you, focused on your night routine, arranging things for the next day, Yoongi realized that was a vision he wanted to have for the rest of his life; Yoongi's words came without hesitation, spontaneous, carrying with them all the hope and desire for a full life by your side. “let’s get married. i can't bear to spend another day with the fear of losing you. i want this life we have forever.”
HUSBAND!YOONGI who at your wedding, at the end of the day under the sunset, pulled you away from all the guests and said private vows just for you. at the ceremony Yoongi was nervous, too eager to hurry up the ceremony and finally have you forever and ever, and, as such, his vows were beautiful, yes, but brief; however, when the day was ending, when dancing and laughter occupied all the space, Yoongi gently held your hand, taking you to the garden, pouring out his soul in the form of simple words. “i promise to love you. not as i love you now, or as i loved you yesterday, but as i will love you tomorrow and the day after, for i continue to fall in love with you constantly and my love will never diminish, only grow.”
HUSBAND!YOONGI who sits in the kitchen with a guitar and serenades you. whenever you were cooking, cleaning the kitchen, or simply working, Yoongi would take his guitar to the kitchen and embellish your tasks with a gentle melody echoing through the room, the music that your husband played for you comforting your heart and making you smile every time Yoongi decided to accompany his guitar with his sweet voice. “i wrote a new ballad with you in mind. wanna hear it?”
HUSBAND!YOONGI who likes to be the little spoon when you take a nap on a sunday afternoon. Yoongi liked to have you in his arms, to have the feeling that, in a way, he was protecting you from the world and that he contained within you all the essence of your soul that made you so unique, so beautiful; however, Yoongi wasn't going to deny that he also liked to feel held, to have your hands around his body in a warm blanket of pure love and tranquility. “do you want to take a nap with me? i wouldn't mind being held now... because… i need you, to... you know. please?”
HUSBAND!YOONGI who adopted a dog on your first anniversary. Yoongi would be lying if he said he hadn't been thinking about a family with you since the day he told you he loved you — it was stronger than him. you made Yoongi dream, dream about things he never thought he wanted, things he never thought he was worthy of wanting; you were magic for Yoongi, an eternal source of dreams and hope and he just wanted to repay you — a dog, an animal that would keep you company when he was away, an animal that was capable of loving you almost as much as Yoongi, almost. “i don’t know what magic you have in you, but i just want to continue to grow with you and make our relationship grow. this dog is the beginning of our family.”
HUSBAND!YOONGI who reads you books out loud when you are tired or sad. Yoongi asked you to lay your head on his lap and choose the book he would read: poetry, fantasy, even plays he was capable of reading and interpreting for you if it meant you resting and laughing for moments; there were entire hours of nothing more than your husband's melodious words filling the room, various tales and stories coming to life through his voice while you closed your eyes and let yourself be carried away by the narrative recited by Yoongi. “if i read you shakespeare and look at you while i read the love dialogues, does that count as a confession from me to you?”
HUSBAND!YOONGI who loves you unconditionally for years and years on end, the feeling that was planted in Yoongi's heart only growing with each moment shared with you without ever withering or losing a single fragment. as if linked by the oldest constellations, your love was constant, long ago idealized by the universe itself with traces of stars and magic making your relationship lasting in each lifetime. “i don’t want to stop dreaming about you. i don't want to stop loving you. you are the only reality for me and i only exist with you by my side.”
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starkeysprincess · 2 days
okay so i was thinking something inspired by your fic,
Like the reader is inexperienced and knows that rafe doesn’t do virgins/soft so even tho it’s hurting she tries to take it, till eventually she can’t. She fears that he’s gonna dump her but instead rafe takes care of her
nonnie is referring to making an arrangement w/ rafe (dom!rafe) this can be read alone since it’s just my thoughts on this ask, this is soft!rafe
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
i can see this towards the beginning of their little arrangement that they have going on since she’s still fairly inexperienced around this time.
she knows what she’s gotten herself into the moment they made the arrangement and has heard about his experiences with other women which has her second guessing herself since he doesn’t sleep with women who are virgins or inexperienced but she’s the first and only exception.
because she knows what she signed up for, she’s definitely going to try to take it especially because she doesn’t want to stop seeing him.
she would have tears welling in her eyes cause she can barely take it but before rafe can even say anything, she would tell him to keep going and at first, he would.
but the moment he sees the discomfort and pain on her face, he immediately slows down and stops, “shit, princess, am i hurting you?”.
we all know she’s going to lie through her teeth and tell him no cause she thinks the moment she says yes, he’s ending the arrangement and dumping her like nothing.
what she doesn’t know is that rafe knows her body well enough at this point and knows when she’s in pain or in discomfort.
“don’t lie to me, princess. been inside of you enough to know when it’s too much for you to take”.
she doesn’t even realize the hold she has on him, she was different from the women he’s been with. she was constantly on his mind, no matter what he was doing, he was always thinking of her, he can never be upset with her.
when she doesn’t verbally answer but instead sniffles, his heart aches. his need for taking his frustrations out and being in control are automatically replaced with him immediately peppering her face with kisses, whispering nothing but reassuring words in her ears.
rafe cuddles her for a bit, holding her in his arms before getting out of his bed to start running a warm bath. when he comes back, he scoops her up in his arms, carrying her to the bathroom and helping her get in before settling down behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and giving her gently kisses to help make her feel relaxed.
once she starts to feel relaxed in the warm bath with him holding her, she can feel her eyes getting heavy as she rests her head back against his shoulder, making him smile.
“you have no idea the effect you have on me already” he whispers once he notices her eyes are shut and her breathing becoming more relaxed.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
tagging: @oceandriveab / @peterpan-neverfails / @flvredcas / @rafeinterlude / @drudyslut / @hallecarey1 / @xxbimbobunnyxx / @redhead1180 / @heartsforvin / @eddieslut69 / @babygorewhore / @kisses4angel / @hyperfixationgirl / @emilysuperswag / @sturnioloshacker / @starkeysheart / @ihe4rttwd / @maiiuelle / @nemesyaaa / @espressomunson
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barcaatthemoon · 2 days
down bad || lena oberdorf x reader ||
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your teammates tease you about your crush on lena.
your mouth went dry as you looked at lena's post. she looked good, ridiculously good if you were being honest. it was embarrassing how attracted to lena you were at times. your teammates definitely loved taking the mick out of you because of it. however, you liked to claim that it wasn't your fault that lena was so hot.
"what are you going to do when she gets here next month?" sydney asked as she threw her arm over your shoulder. you tried to play it cool, but the thought had been weighing on you for quite some time. you had no idea how you'd function with that hot german constantly around.
"maybe if i stick with magda, we'll never have to talk to each other," you tried. obviously it wasn't a good idea as sydney started laughing so hard that she was falling over. "i'll think of something."
you tried to push the thought of lena coming to the back of your mind, and you were successful for the most part. that meant when you received the email about all of the new signings coming a bit early, you didn't have time to prepare yourself to see lena. you just walked into an off-season training session to see her in the gym with sydney, pernille, and georgia.
"(y/n), over here!" georgia called out. she knew exactly what she was doing to you. georgia was one of the worst about your crush on lena. the only one who ever seemed to come to your defense was madga, but you couldn't see her anywhere. "have you met lena?"
"not officially," lena answered for you. she covered your hand with both of hers, shaking it gently before bringing it up to kiss your knuckles. your cheeks immediately turned pink, and for a moment, your other teammates didn't exist. "it's nice to meet you. i'm lena, but you can call me obi if you'd like."
"(y/n)," you mumbled. she smiled, and you thought you were going to die for a moment.
"it's a very pretty name liebe," lena told you. you just nodded dumbly until pernille took pity on you and ushered you away. once you were away from lena, you seemingly snapped out of whatever weird little trance she had put you in.
"what the hell was that? you have got it bad for her," pernille said. you covered your face in your hands and let out a quiet little scream of frustration. "i hate saying this, but you are pathetic honey."
"yeah," you agreed sadly.
it wasn't easy, but you managed to avoid lena for the rest of the day. throughout the following weeks, you'd run into her around the training facility or the coffee shop that sydney swore by. whenever you'd see each other, you'd always smile and wave, but she rarely tried talking to you. you thought that you were done for, that lena just thought you were a little freak she was better off not associating with.
once the pre-season started, things changed a bit. you found yourself not hanging around sydney or georgia's because lena always seemed to be around. you felt bad for ditching your friends with lame excuses, but you had yet to get a handle on your feelings for lena. it didn't help that you now shared a locker room and gym space together, so you got to see quite a few of the selfies she posted being taken in real time.
"pernille is worried about you," magda said as she plopped down next to you. you glanced over at the swedish defender, who had been one of your closest friends since chelsea. she was like your big sister, only much nicer to you than your actual siblings ever had been. you were sort of on your own before magda came along and unofficially had her parents adopt you. "sydney said that you haven't been over in a month. your friends miss you, even the ones you haven't made yet."
"what the hell does that mean? why do you always say cryptic shit?" you weren't proud of it, but you were huffing and puffing. it had been a hard month, and honestly, you were done with people trying to convince you to go out after practice.
"i mean that lena wants to be your friend. she was asking about you, i think she likes you." magda nudged you with her elbow, seemingly giddy about the idea of lena having a crush on you. magda hadn't seen you date anybody other than jessie, and while that had been a good relationship for the both of you, things just hadn't worked out.
"she doesn't like me. she's way out of my league. things haven't been good for me since jessie, and i don't want to subject lena to that shit," you sighed. magda wrapped her arm around your shoulders and held you in close. "maybe i should have stayed in england."
"absolutely not. now, you look at me and listen, okay?" magda waited for you to nod before she continued, "you're amazing, kid. the first breakup sucks, but then you go out there and find someone new. you fall in love until you find the right person. it's rare to find someone who can look at you the way lena does without really knowing you. i have it on good authority that you've been talked up quite a bit. lena will be here for a while, just like you, so why not give her a chance?"
"when did you get so wise?" you asked as you wrapped your arms around the back of magda's neck. out of the corner of your eye, you could see pernille watching the two of you. "oh, that's when."
"i told you she's worried about you, and she knows that you'll listen to me. now, go out there and charm the kit off of lena," magda told you. she pushed you off of the bench, where you fell ungracefully onto the floor.
"magda!" pernille chided. she threw her arms up into the air as she approached her partner. magda let herself be dragged away as lena made her way over to help you up.
"are you okay, liebe?" lena asked as she pulled you up onto your feet. she didn't let go of your arm, holding you close as the two of you spoke.
"i'm fine," you answered. lena let out a small sigh, seemingly in relief. you felt your cheeks heat up as she smiled at you. there was a distinct lack of privacy in the locker room, but neither of you could bring yourselves to care. "i think her plan the whole time was to shove me onto the ground."
"maybe, but look at us now." lena had a point, but you knew that you had to actually tell her that you liked her now. "i'll shove her later for you."
"definitely gonna take you up on that, but right now i think i have to tell you something," you said. lena was patient with you, waiting until you were ready to speak without pushing you there. "i think that you're really attractive, lena. i keep making a fool of myself around you, so i started to avoid you, but i like you. not in the way i like sydney or georgia, but in the 'i want to kiss you and am down terribly bad' way."
"hey, i'm a catch!" sydney scoffed. lena turned and glared at sydney, who promptly pretended that she wasn't eavesdropping. "sorry, go on."
"i like you a lot too. maybe after this we can get ice cream. i heard from a very reliable source that we like the same place," lena said. you caught georgia's eye from over lena's shoulder just in time to catch her wink. you smiled as you nodded, giving lena's hand a gentle squeeze.
"i'd like that, but for now, we should get to the pitch," you told her. lena nodded and let you grab your things. she walked alongside you out to the field, both of you falling into an easy conversation with each other.
"come on, get in closer," lena said as she pressed her body into yours. you weren't sure how you could possibly get any closer to her for the picture, but you let lena try. it was like this every single time the two of you went out somewhere. lena loved to show you off, even more than she liked showing off her own outfits anymore.
"lena, stop! you're gonna leave a mark," you whined as she started to suck on your neck. that wasn't the only reason you wanted her to stop, but if you admitted to being turned on, lena would never let you go. the woman could go from a complete gentlewoman to a teenage boy in an instant.
"you look good in purple though." lena pouted at you, but it didn't work. you turned to give her a quick kiss, careful to not linger too long in her arms. the two of you were meeting sydney and laura for dinner. it seemed that with every game came an outing with some of lena's german national teammates, all of whom were eager to meet you.
you had never thought that lena's feelings for you could have run in the same vein as yours for her. the attraction turned crush eventually forming into a budding love story. you had never thought of her viewing your stories and liking your pictures the same way that you had done hers. in hindsight, you felt stupid, but lena had been patient in waiting for you.
"please, do you want to give syd more to tease us about?" you asked. lena didn't mind the teasing as much as you did, but it bothered her to see when it pushed you too far. lena shook her head and promised to be on her best behavior for dinner where you learned how nice it was to not be the main focus on the teasing. you didn't think that you had seen lena blush as much as she did when laura brought up her constantly viewing your instagram page on international camps.
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parkerslatte · 2 days
Incompatible | Part Two
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Eris Vanserra x Fem!Archeron!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: none.
Summary: Y/N receives word from the Inner Circle that she is to spend a few months in the Autumn Court. Azriel helps her pack and brings her to the High Lord of Autumn.
A Court of Thorns and Roses Masterlist
Part One | Part Two |
Three days later, Y/N sat in the River House, peacefully enjoying her afternoon. The past three days had given Y/N a sense of peace. Her family and Inner Circle did not crowd her as much as they used to, mostly leaving Y/N alone to her own devices. The only member who graced her presence was Nyx and Y/N couldn’t be happier. The small child napped beside her as she flipped the page of her book, her mind only half paying attention to it. 
The past seventy two hours had been strange for Y/N, she would constantly find her mind drifting to a certain High Lord. His copper hair, his amber eyes, his impeccable clothing. Everything about him caught Y/N’s eye the moment he saw him. But most of all it was his personality. The way his demeanour changed the moment they were alone. The genuine care and concern he had for her made Y/N smile into her book. No matter how the Inner Circle said that Eris was only being kind for his own gain, Y/N knew that his affections were truthful, she felt it.
Three days. He said that in three days time he would find a way to get her out of the house but nothing had happened yet. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking on Y/N’s part. She was only human and Eris was the High Lord of Autumn. Realistically she wouldn’t blame him if he were only playing into her fantasy. But there was still that small glimmer of hope– knowing– that he would show up. 
As Y/N turned the page of her book, the peaceful atmosphere in the room immediately disappeared as Rhys entered the room followed by everyone else. Nyx immediately woke up crying. Rhys and Feyre rushed to his side uttering soft apologies. 
“I can take him to his room,” Azriel offered. 
Rhys nodded and allowed Azriel to pick him up. His shadows swarmed around the small boy in a comforting manner. Azriel swiftly left the room before closing the door behind him. 
“What’s going on?” Y/N asked, eyes darting around the room. 
“A letter came through today from Eris,” Rhys said. 
Y/N perked up. “What did it say?”
“I cannot go into detail but it demands that you spend a few months in the Autumn Court,” Rhys explained.
“Really?” Y/N got to her feet, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice. 
Feyre nodded. “But we came to ask if you really wanted to go.”
Y/N frowned. “Why?”
“While Beron was High Lord, the Autumn Court was not a safe space for most, everything the upper class fae did was for power. It has not been too long since Eris killed his father and took over so I do not know how much it has changed,” Rhys explained. 
“But ultimately it is your choice whether you wish to go,” Cassian piped up. 
Y/N frowned. “Why does it sound like you are all trying to scare me away from going?”
“We’re not doing that,” Rhys said. “We are just warning you about what you may encounter. Life was difficult for fae living in the Autumn Court, for a human, it may prove to be more dangerous.”
“I’m sure that if I were in any danger, Eris would help me,” Y/N said. “And even if he wasn’t there to help me, I am sure I would be able to help myself. Despite what most of you may think, I can handle myself. I did any and all jobs on my farm for six years until you all took me from it.”
No one responded.
“I am going to the Autumn Court,” Y/N said her tone was final. “When do I leave?”
“Azriel will take you after you have packed a bag,” Feyre said. 
Y/N nodded. “I will go and pack my things.”
Before anyone had the chance to respond, Y/N left the room. As soon as the door closed, chatter resumed in the room in hushed whispers. Y/N rolled her eyes before walking down the hall to her room. 
“So you decided to go,” Azriel said, appearing from the shadows. 
“Yes,” Y/N replied without looking at him. 
“And there’s nothing I can do to convince you not to go?” Azriel asked. 
“No,” Y/N said, opening the door to her room. 
Azriel huffed out a laugh. “I wasn’t going to convince you to stay.”
Y/N finally looked at him. “You might be the only one. Everyone was trying to scare me into not going.”
“I know that you are going to shoot me down immediately but just listen to what I am going to say,” Azriel said. 
Y/N sighed. “Go on.”
“They are just trying to protect you,” Azriel said and Y/N groaned. “I know that our methods have been stupid.”
“That’s putting it lightly,” Y/N mumbled, sitting down on her bed. 
“But,” Azriel emphasised, “it was only done to make sure nothing happens to you. Everyone here loves you, Y/N. We just want what’s best for you and if that includes going to the Autumn Court, I will accept it.”
Y/N eyes him carefully. “What is up with you being accepting of this? The last time I checked you hated Eris.”
Azriel chuckled and sat down on the bed next to Y/N. “I don’t hate him. I don’t think I can after all of his explanations for any previous actions after he became High Lord. I only dislike him.”
“Aww,” Y/N teased. “You’re making new friends.”
Azriel glared at her. “He is not my friend but I…trust him more than I did a few years ago.”
“Why?” Y/N asked.
“Since becoming High Lord, Rhys made me send my spies to see how Eris was acting at High Lord. He wanted to know if he would simply double cross us after we helped him kill his father. It is not my place to tell you what I found out but the way he acted was different to how I ever saw him,” Azriel explained.
“How long were you spying on him for?” Y/N asked.
“Not long,” Azriel answered. “A few weeks at most but in those few weeks I noticed him dismissing many members of his court, all of which lived and enforced Beron’s rule. I only spied on him once more after that.”
“When was that?”
“Three days ago, after he left our meeting,” Azriel said. “He took a liking to you and I just wanted to know if it was genuine or not. Rhys didn’t ask me to do it so don’t mention it to him.”
Y/N felt her heart beat faster. “And was it genuine?”
Azriel offered her a tight smile. “It was genuine.”
A smile bloomed across Y/N’s face. “Really?”
Azriel nodded and looked away from Y/N to the bag sat by her bed. 
“Why did you want to know if it was genuine?” Y/N asked.
Azriel shrugged. “You’re my friend, if something was amiss with his affections, I didn’t want him to lead you on.”
Y/N smiled. “Thank you, Az. Honestly, since I’ve been here you have been the only one keeping me sane.”
Azriel smiled though it seemed forced. “No problem.”
Y/N looked away from Azriel and to her bag. “Will you help me pack? I think it would be more fun with a friend here.”
This time when Azriel smiled, it was genuine and he stood to his feet. “Of course.”
It didn’t take long until Y/N’s things were packed into her bag. She didn’t have too many things since her things were spread out across the places she spent time in. The last thing she packed was a small sketch Feyre did of her when the two were eighteen and thirteen. Y/N smiled at it before she closed her bag. 
“I’m ready to go now,” Y/N said, turning to Azriel. 
“Do you want to say goodbye to everyone?” Azriel asked. 
Y/N sighed. “I suppose I should. Shouldn’t I?”
“Even if you don’t want to say goodbye to Rhys, at least say goodbye to Feyre and Nesta,” Azriel suggested. 
Y/N sighed before agreeing. She picked up her bag and together she and Azriel walked through the house.
“I’ll miss you,” Azriel said. 
Y/N looked at him, surprised. “Wow, I’m surprised that the big bad shadowsinger can admit he will miss me.”
Azriel laughed. “Ease up on the alliteration.” 
Y/N chuckled along with him before Azriel cleared his throat. “I am being serious though. I will miss you. With everyone spending time with their own families recently, I’ve been spending a lot of my time with you and you have become a good friend, one of the best actually.”
Y/N stopped in her tracks and turned to Azriel. “Thank you, Az. That means a lot to me. These past few years have been a lot and you have helped keep me from throwing myself down ten thousand steps.”
Azriel smiled, looking away. “I can hear everyone in the foyer.”
Y/N gave his bicep a small squeeze before the two continued to walk. As they entered the foyer, all eyes fell upon Y/N. 
“You packed quickly,” Rhys said.
“Azriel helped,” Y/N answered. “I have just come to say goodbye.”
One by one, Y/N bid everyone a goodbye, spending more time with her sisters, before moving to stand next to Azriel. “I will see you all in a few months.”
Feyre smiled at her and gave her a small wave. “Make sure to write to us. Nyx will be confused about where you have gone.”
Y/N nodded and turned to Azriel. “Let’s go.”
Azriel held out his hand and Y/N took it. Shadows surrounded them and Y/N was encased in darkness. 
The moment the shadows vanished they revealed the beautiful scenery of the Autumn Court and Y/N couldn’t help but let out a gasp. The sun streamed through the trees and cast shadows upon the cobblestone path leading to a small village in the distance. 
“This is the Autumn Court?” Y/N asked Azriel.
“Yes,” Azriel answered. “I will admit it looks more…welcoming.”
“Of course it does,” a new voice spoke up. A voice that sent shivers down Y/N’s spine. 
Y/N turned to the source of the voice and smiled. Eris stood in the centre of the path. He was dressed a lot more casually since the last time she had seen him. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up to his elbows, displaying his forearms to the world. He looked even more beautiful than he did when she had seen him three days ago. 
“I have taken up…replacing any negative voices in my court that want to still abide by my fathers rules,” Eris explained. “My court is no longer the place you remember, shadowsinger.”
Y/N dropped Azriel’s hand upon seeing Eris, missing the way Azriel’s face dropped. 
“Eris,” Y/N said, stepping forward. “I must say you look dashing.”
A smirk fell upon Eris’s face. “My dear, you are already starting with flirtations. I was not expecting this so quickly.”
Y/N smiled bright. “I’m full of surprises.”
Eris took one more step forward, his gaze never leaving Y/N’s for a moment. “I bet you are.”
Azriel cleared his throat, interrupting Y/N and Eris. Eris looked at Azriel, a hint of annoyance on his face. “I didn’t realise you were still here, shadowsinger.”
“I want to say goodbye to my friend before you whisk her away,” Azriel said, his voice holding none of the warmth she had gotten used to over the many months of his company.
Y/N turned to Azriel and smiled. “Believe it or not but I will miss you too, Azriel.”
Azriel’s smile was small as Y/N took a step towards him. She leaned up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “I’ll be okay, Az.” 
Azriel circled his arms around her waist. “I know, I just want you to–”
“I swear if you say be safe,” Y/N warned.
“–have fun,” Azriel finished. 
Y/N pulled away from the hug. “That response was better than I thought.”
Azriel dipped his head. “I will see you soon, Y/N.”
Y/N took a step back from him, unconsciously stepping closer to Eris. “See you soon, Az.”
Eris smiled at Y/N before he turned his gaze to Azriel. “You are free to return to your court, shadowsinger.”
With a final parting goodbye, Azriel disappeared into his shadows and he was gone. 
The moment he was gone, Y/N immediately felt relief. A large weight lifted off her shoulders that she did not realise was there. For the first time in years, Y/N did not feel the prying eyes from the Inner Circle upon her. For the first time in years she felt free. 
“Are you okay?” Eris asked, the wind lightly blowing the copper waves out of place. 
Y/N smiled brightly at him. “I think I have never felt this good in a while.”
Eris smiled back at her and offered her his arm. “Well, let us drop your things off at the cottage and I shall show you around my court.”
Y/N linked her arm with his. “I would like that very much.” 
Eris picked up Y/N’s bag and carried it in his other hand. “It is about an hour walk away, if you wish me to winnow us there it is no problem.”
“No, I wish to walk,” Y/N said. “The beauty of this court is incredible.”
“Not as beautiful as the woman standing in front of me,” Eris said, a cheeky grin on his face. 
Y/N laughed. “Well the handsome man on my arm has looked in a mirror, because his beauty outshines everything around him.”
If it were even possible, a faint blush dusted across Eris’s cheeks. “You flatter me, Y/N.”
Y/N smiled. “It’s not flattery if it's true.”
Eris looked at her and smiled. “That’s true.”
Y/N laughed but that laugh slowly faded away. “I’m sorry for calling you a man. I know that is not what you are. A ‘male’ is the correct word, isn’t it?”
The smile faded from Eris’s face. “Y/N you can call me whatever you wish. I am a male, that is true but I am a man in your eyes, just as you call yourself a woman, not a female. You are not fae, I’m not going to force you to use the way the fae speak around me.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked. “After all, I am in the land of the fae, I don’t wish to be disrespectful.”
“Y/N, believe me when I tell you that you are in no way being disrespectful,” Eris replied.
Y/N smiled at him and they continued to walk down the cobblestone path. 
“I hope you don’t mind the dust on the surfaces,” Ers said as he unlocked the door to the cottage. “I changed the bedding and cleaned the best I could. Alas, duties kept me away from making this a perfect welcome for you.” 
“It is already perfect, Eris,” Y/N said, looking at the cottage before her. It was beyond beautiful with flowers growing up the trellis and falling over the doorway. 
The door unlocked and Eris picked Y/N’s bag back up and gestured her to step inside. As Y/N did, her eyes lit up. 
“It reminds me of the cottage on my farm,” Y/N said quietly. 
“We have similar decor taste’s then,” Eris said, closing the door. 
As Y/N looked at Eris and his relaxed form she found herself drifting closer to him. She wanted to touch him, she needed to feel his skin on hers. Despite these feelings, Y/N restrained herself and stepped further into the cottage. Everything was slightly dated and a little mismatched but it was perfect to Y/N. Her own cottage was the same way. 
“I used to come here to escape my father,” Eris said. “Everything in here consists of things I have collected over the many years I have been alive.”
“And how long is that?” Y/N questioned.
Eris placed his hand on his chest in mock offence. “Y/N, are you asking me my age?”
“Yes,” Y/N said. “Honestly I am a little confused by how the fae age. Are you immortal or do you just age very slowly?”
“Technically we are immortal and age slowly but the ageing process sometimes depends on the fae themselves. I have known others my age who look hundreds of years older, to put it in your case, decades older,” Eris explained. “I myself am five-hundred and thirty three.”
“You don’t look a day over five hundred and thirty two,” Y/N teased. “Since I so unkindly asked your age, I myself am twenty-eight, twenty-nine next month.”
“Well that is an excuse for a small celebration,” Eris said. 
“There is no need,” Y/N said. “I haven’t celebrated my birthday in many years.”
Eris hummed. “Well I suppose just this once, Y/N, that I will go against what you say because since you are in my cout, I will make sure you get the best damn celebration I can plan on such short notice.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “There isn’t a chance you will simply forget about it?”
That smirk that Y/N had begun to love was plastered on his face. “Not a chance.”
“Then make sure it is the best damn celebration you have to offer,” Y/N said. 
“I plan on just that,” Eris said.
Over the course of their conversation, Y/N had failed to realise how they had slowly inched closer together. If either she or Eris took only one step forward, their chests would be touching. She could feel the warmth radiating from him and she basked in it. If only he would wrap his arms around her body and pull her close–
Y/N stopped the thoughts swarming through her head. She had never felt this deeply for someone before and she didn’t understand why she was beginning to now. Y/N cleared her throat and took a reluctant step back. 
“If I am going to be here for a few months, I should start by unpacking my things,” Y/N said, picking up her bag. 
Eris seemed to snap out of a daze as he slowly followed Y/N’s movements with his eyes. “Do you wish for any help?”
“I’ll be okay,” Y/N said. “Though is there anything you don’t want me to move or touch? It is your cottage after all.”
“No, do whatever you wish. I am rarely here these days,” Eris said, looking at his beloved cottage. “Though I regret to say that I must return to the Forest House, I still have duties to attend to for the following days. I have left food in the cupboards for you, I will return with more tomorrow.”
“When will you be back?” Y/N questioned. “I only ask because I want to explore a little more and I doubt it is not safe for me to be wandering around without an escort.”
“There are a few things that need my attention for the following days but after that I am all yours for the next few months. All my paperwork will be split between my trusted court officials,” Eris explained. “There are wards surrounding the property up until the wicker fence, so you can go outside if you wish to. I won’t confine you inside for the next couple of days.”
Y/N nodded. “Thank you, Eris. Not just for allowing me my freedom, but for making sure I feel welcome and not like a caged animal.”
“There is no need to thank me,” Eris said. “I hope you enjoy it here.”
“I already am.”
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@talesofadragon @impossibelle @the-sweet-psycho @lilah-asteria @acourtofbatboydreams
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hemmingsleclerc · 1 day
One last time pt2┃charles leclerc
@is-just-a @charlesgirl16 @spookystitchery @leclercsluvs @itsjustkhaos @willowpains @magical-spit @falaihullo @emryb @ssararuffoni
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ִֶָ 𖥔 ゚˖ ⊹ › ‹ ᵎ 𖧧. ⊹ ˖ ♡.˚˳១୨୧ ༘✰ ༘ ˚ ˚ ༘ ‧₊˚𖧧  ִֶָ 𖥔 ゚˖ ⊹ › ‹ ᵎ 𖧧. ⊹ ˖ ♡.˚˳១୨ִֶָ 𖥔 ゚˖ ⊹ › ‹
Y/N's hands shook as she wrote the message to Charles: "See you at our place by the old lighthouse in 20 minutes." She hit send before she could doubt herself and tossed the phone out of her reach. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her mind filled with thoughts of what she was about to do.
The old lighthouse had always been their place, a small hidden place where they escaped the pressures of their lives and were themselves without cameras or people around. As she drove there, memories flooded her: late-night talks, stargazing, and the countless times Charles had made her laugh when she felt like crying or vice versa.
When Y/N arrived she was pacing nervously, checking her phone every few seconds. Finally, she saw Charles' car stop and her heart began to beat even harder and she felt a chill run down her spine.
Charles came out and walked towards her nervously, his expression one of mere concern and confusion.
She took a deep breath, her thoughts confused and chaotic. “Charlie, I…” her voice broke and she looked away, gathering courage. "I need to tell you something"
Charles said softly, moving closer until he was a few inches away from her. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. You know it."
Y/N nodded and her eyes met his. "Well. Here it goes. The song I sang tonight is about you, I know you already knew that because it's been everywhere but I wanted to tell you myself. It's always been about you. All my songs have been about you. I've had a crush on you since we were kids and I was too scared to tell you because I thought you'd never feel the same. And seeing you with Elise just… broke my heart. But I had to tell you, even if it means losing you as a friend. I can't keep pretending anymore and I understand if you want to stop seeing me or talking to me I will understand."
Charles stared at her, his eyes wide with surprise. For a moment, neither of them spoke. The silence lengthened, unbearable and heavy.
"Y/N, I…" he started, but she cut him off, her words coming out quickly.
"I know it's absurd because you don't feel the same and now I'm just saying a lot of things and making everything awkward and…"
Charles stepped forward, took her face in his hands and kissed her. It was a kiss filled with years of unexpressed emotions, longing and love. Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly melted into his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck as she passionately kissed him back, standing on her tiptoes.
When they finally broke apart, they were both breathless, their foreheads pressed against each other. "ma cherié," Charles whispered, his voice full of emotion and desire. "I've always loved you. I was too scared to ruin what we had. I thought you only saw me as a friend and I didn't want to lose you, I didn't want to lose us."
Tears welled in Y/N's eyes, but this time they were tears of joy. "Charlie, I've had a crush on you since we were 15. What the hell?"
Charles laughed through his tears and hugged her tightly. “I can't believe we've wasted so much time,” he said, his voice filled with a mix of relief and happiness as he placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
Y/N leaned back a little and looked at him with a smile. “Wait, what about Alex? “I can’t do this to her.”
Charles chuckled and shook his head. “Oh, Alex. We're not actually dating. We never were, apparently swe both like people of the same... type. It was all just a misunderstanding. She's just a friend and we thought it would be easier to let people think we were together instead of constantly explaining our friendship over and over again''
Y/N laughed, feeling lighter than she had in years.
A few weeks later, the Monaco Grand Prix weekend arrived and the paddock was full of life. Y/N and Charles had decided to keep their relationship private for a while, wanting to enjoy their new happiness without the public's attention. But as they walked hand in hand, their love was impossible to hide.
ynln has posted a story
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caption: 🏎️❤️‍🔥
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Liked by f1_gossip, ynln_updates and 582,583 others
f1 Look who's here! Our favourite girl of the paddock!
username MY BABIES!
username YN 🥹💓💓
usermame chayn again I'm sobbing😭😭
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Liked by 2,823,108 others
username 😭😭😭😭😭
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Liked by 3,685,298 others
charles_leclerc BEST DAY EVER THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍
My very first win in home and finally able to call her mine ❤️🥲
schecoperez Bravo Charles!
arthur_leclerc Let's goooo
pierregalsy Bravo Champ!! Trop content pour toi!!!
ynln Congrats my golden boy
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Liked by charles_leclerc, pierregalsy and 1,593,294 others
ynln P1 IN MONACO!!! Tremendously proud of you Charlie, I know how much you have trained to get this wonderful achievement and I am truly captivated by your great determination and love! I love you from here to the moon my ferrari boy
pierregasly happy for both
charles_leclerc s'il te plaît, arrête mon amour, je suis sur le point de pleurer, je t'aime (please stop my love, I'm about to cry, I love you)
username My parents
username Right person, right time
Sorry if it's late in posting but I happen to graduate so yes! hope you like it🥲🤍
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sorceresssundries · 2 days
The Wizard who Waited
Summary: It is time to go and face the Elder Brain, and Tav stops by Sorcerous Sundries in the hope of saying farewell to Rolan. Let's all just pretend we don't meet him at the high-hall before the battle.
Pairing: Rolan x gn Tav - SFW
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N - This work is inspired by one of George's cameos. Featuring a monologue written by @gender-in-a-blender. I loved it so much that I wanted to create a short story to wrap it in.
'Wait! Before you go, I have something I need to get off my chest. You are without a doubt the most maddening person I have ever met! You are reckless and foolhardy! You put yourself in harm’s way time and time again, and it’s enough to drive a man to insanity... because… You see, I think about you constantly. Wondering where you are, what you’re doing, whether you’re safe. I think about the brief moments of time we’ve had together and how it’s not been enough. How it will never be enough. I know I can’t convince you to stay here with me, safe in this tower, but when this is all over... I want you to come back to me. Please, will you come back to me? Don't answer me right now. Go save the Gods-damned Gate. And if you want this, if you want us... come back to me. I'll be waiting.' - Written by @gender-in-a-blender
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It was time.
Night fell, as surely and steadily as it always had. The last blood-red rays of sunlight sank below the skyline of the quaking city, leaving Tav to wonder if they would ever feel its warmth on their skin again. 
There was no time to dwell on it. Blades sharp and spells readied, Tav and their companions made their way through Baldur’s Gate, the night air thick with promise. Whether that promise was of victory or defeat, there was no way of knowing, but the dread Tav felt was so intense they could choke on it. Candlelight flickered in the windows of the houses they passed, and babies cried, hushed by fretful parents unable to soothe them from the now-regular tremors rumbling through the city like shockwaves.
It would all end soon.
In front of Tav stood Sorcerous Sundries, light filtering out from the stained glass of the magnificent domed roof, scattering ripples of blue and orange through the surrounding streets.
Perhaps Rolan was there...
“I’ll be back in a moment,” Tav said to their steel-faced companions. “Let me see if I can get any last-minute supplies…”
They exchanged a knowing glance as Tav headed off.
“Darling, a giant brain is about to split the city apart, is now really the time for this?” Astarion called as Tav made their way over to the wizarding shop. Tav ignored him, as they often did.
“Leave it, Istik. A warrior should be granted a final goodbye to the source of their joy before a battle.” Lae’zel’s usually sharp voice was solemn.
The source of their joy. Was it so obvious?
It was late, and the shop was empty. Only a few enchanted sets of armor clunked around, guarding the precious wares and tomes. Despite its emptiness, the air was ripe with magic, sweet and delicate, like spun sugar and silk. The disappointment of not seeing the new archmage at the front desk busying himself in books was more profound than Tav had thought it would be. He must be in his tower. Perhaps they could leave him a letter, or even a...
“Well, if it isn’t the meddling hero!” Rolan appeared at the top of the stairs. His words were a usual wry quip, but a smile played on his lips, warm and inviting. “What trouble are you in now?” He made his way across to Tav, he looked as beautiful as ever.
Tav saw his gaze rake over their freshly sharpened blade and restless hands. His smile died.
“I…” Tav hesitated, searching for the right words. “We’ve gathered what we need to destroy the Absolute. We’re leaving now.” Tav wanted to say goodbye, but the words didn’t leave their throat.
The truth was, it was more than saying goodbye. Tav had stopped by to commit his face to memory. To count and remember each freckle and burn them so deeply into them that not even death could wipe them away. They were a constellation Tav wanted to map out and carry with them, wherever they went. They wanted to hear his voice one last time, so it would be fresh and colourful in their mind as the world quieted into darkness around them.
They wanted to tell him they loved him, but couldn’t bring themselves to say it.
It wasn’t fair to offer that now, freshly uncovered and full of potential with nowhere to spread out it’s wings. It is a precious thing, deserving more than to be grasped for a fleeting moment only to be let go.
‘I love you’ was a beginning to something that Tav couldn’t offer. 
“Right.” Rolan looked up through the stained dome of the ceiling, up to the stars, and squared his shoulders. “Let me leave a note for Cal and Lia. I’ll grab a few things and then…”
“No!” Tav grabbed hold of his arm in a panic before he could move away. “I need you to stay here.” His face slips further into his familiar frown.
“I can assure you I am perfectly capable of helping, despite what I may have demonstrated so far.”
“I know,” Tav said as calmly as they could, trying to keep the frayed edges of their nerves from knotting into their voice. They couldn’t let him know how frightened they were; it wouldn’t be fair.
“I need you to prepare the artillery. We’ll need it when the time comes.” Tav could see he was torn, clever thoughts dancing just behind his eyes, restless and painful. “Besides, the city will be in trouble and the tower will be the safest place for people looking for shelter. The safest place for Cal and Lia. For you. Please, Rolan. I’ll send a signal for when to fire.”
“Get someone else to send the damned signal! Stay here, if it’s so safe.”
“I can’t.”
“Let the others handle it!”
“Why must it be you?! Don’t be so foolish!”
“Surely there is someone else out there willing to die for this fucking city.” The air fizzled with his anger. Tav took a deep breath, steadying themselves. 
“Am I allowed to say something now?”
“Not if that something is ‘goodbye’” His voice cracked against that final word.
The world had not been kind to Rolan. Tav couldn’t bear to think about the countless goodbyes he must have endured throughout his life. To Elturel, his family, his friends, and now, to them. The scars of these losses ran deep, each one carving away a piece of his heart. Another challenge was about to come his way, and Tav prayed his would be the last scar Rolan would ever have to bear. He deserved a life of joy with the ones he loved, free to settle into the peace he had fought for. 
The thought of not being there to witness it almost caused Tav to crumble. They could picture it so clearly - Rolan laughing with his siblings, standing in the moonlight at the top of his tower, gazing down at the home he had finally found. It was a vision Tav yearned to be part of, but one they knew they might never see.
They had to leave now, or they would lose the strength to go at all.
“I know what needs to be done, and I have what is needed to do it.” Tav eyes shimmer. “It has to be me.”
They took a step towards him, a hand held out, but Rolan stopped them before they could get close.
“Don’t you dare hug me! I do not want our only embrace to have been as you wave me off on your way to war, leaving me behind like some weepy, heart-wrecked widow.”
A fresh ache stretched out in Tav's chest. Would he really let them leave without at least a hug goodbye? They hadn’t realised how much they had been relying on it.
“The world could end if I don’t go.” Tav said simply.
“Let it” Rolan replied.
The air between them was thick with unspoken words; the soldier who came to say goodbye and the wizard who would not let them. Another rumble shook the walls, and books tumbled from their shelves, scattering like fallen bodies across the floor, spines cracked and splayed open.
“We’re running out of time,” Tav said softly, unsure if they were referring to the world or the two of them. In this moment, it might as well be the same thing.
Rolan sighed deeply, holding his head in his hands for a few moments, his tail swaying in agitation. Tav wanted to go to him, to feel his arms wrap around them and lose themselves in the few quiet moments they had left, for their own sake as well as his.
His reaction was different from what Tav expected.
“You are without a doubt the most maddening person I have ever met!” Rolan suddenly burst out. Tav didn’t know how to respond; they hadn’t been expecting a scolding. Rolan took a step forward, coming within reaching distance. His eyes blazed and his chest heaved with angry breaths.
“You are reckless and foolhardy! You put yourself in harm’s way time and time again, and it’s enough to drive a man to insanity... because…” The bluster suddenly lessened, and the hurt and worry spilled through the cracks in his voice. “You see, I think about you constantly. Wondering where you are, what you’re doing, whether you’re safe. I think about the brief moments of time we’ve had together and how it’s not been enough. How it will never be enough. I know I can’t convince you to stay here with me, safe in this tower, but when this is all over... I want you to come back to me. Please, will you come back to me?”
He sounded gentle and afraid, and Tav wanted to say, “Of course I will. Of course, you stubborn, uptight, short-tempered, wonderful man.” But that was not an oath they could bring themselves to swear. Tav couldn’t bear the thought of dying with the pain of a breaking a  promise to the man they loved.
“Don’t answer me right now,” he sighed into the hesitant silence. “Wait there.”
He began to move through the chaos of the shop, rifling through drawers, shifting clinking bottles in cabinets, and pulling down various concoctions to gather in his arms. Murmuring in Infernal as he read labels and blew off dust, he eventually brought his collection back over to Tav.
Placing them on the counter, he started to sort through them.
“Thank you, but I really don't need…”
“Shut up and take them. This one is peerless focus. Give it to Gale; it will help him maintain his concentration. Gods know that fool will need it. This one is Bloodlust, fitting for your vampire friend. There are a few oils for blades and arrows which will increase their effectiveness. Giant Strength for Karlach and Lae’zel. And this one is for you.”
He set down a small vial that glistened with a honey-like substance, viscous and molten, the same color as his eyes.
“Guileful Movement,” he declared, his fierce gaze meeting Tav’s.
“You are strong, but you lack speed, and you get so caught up in watching out for everyone else that you leave yourself vulnerable.”
Placing the vial in Tav’s palm, he wrapped his hands around theirs, the warmth and softness comforting.
“Drink it before you fight. Move fast. Focus on your own strikes, and for the love of gods, run if you need to. You never seemed to do enough running.”
Tav smiled at him. “I never needed to.”
“Yes, yes, you were very tough and brave and beautiful, but trust me, there was no shame in running.” He kissed Tav’s hand, still cradled between both of his. “Run back to me.”
There was a sudden gentleness to his voice that Tav hadn’t properly heard before. They wanted to spend entire afternoons, whole summers, a lifetime sinking into the softness of that voice. They only had a few minutes at most.
Tav smiled, for the first time since coming into the store. Rolan wanted them to come back to him, he believed he would see them again. Perhaps things weren’t so bleak after all. A warm drop of hope fell upon Tav’s poor, burnt-out heart and it was enough to let something settle and take root. 
“Look at how far you’ve come.” Tav cradled his cheek with their palm. “From the chains of hell to the top of the tower. You, Cal, and Lia, all safe and together, as you should be.”
“I should be keeping you safe.” His voice was small and quiet as he fixed his eyes to the floor. 
“Always the protector.” Tav said, and they tilted his chin so his gentle eyes meet theirs. “You are. Keep me safe a little longer, wait for me, and i’ll come back to you.”
They kissed then, for the first time. 
When Tav had imagined their first kiss with Rolan, they had expected softness, uncertainty, maybe a little clumsiness—but there was none of that here. There was no time to be uncertain. His hands gripped the front of Tav’s robes like they were a lifeline, and his lips caressed theirs as though the taste of them could save him. Tav held onto him just as desperately in return, wishing it was enough to anchor them there.
Tav craved the luxury of an unhurried, tentative kiss. Perhaps during a leisurely stroll through the park, or after a little wine-soaked bravery from an evening spent together in the Elf-song Tavern. A slow kiss under a clear sky, savouring the joy of knowing it didn’t have to be perfect - it just had to be the first of many.
Tav thought of this now as his mouth moved against theirs, feeling the cool dampness of his tears mingling with their own. The kiss softened, their breaths steadied.
It was time to say goodbye.
Tav reluctantly pulled back, their forehead resting against Rolan's. 
"That was not a last kiss," Rolan said, his voice a hushed murmur. "That was a first."
Tav nodded, swallowing hard against the lump in their throat. They didn't trust themselves to speak, afraid that any words would break the fragile dam keeping them together.
Rolan's hands lingered on Tav's cheeks for a moment before he let them fall to his sides. "Go save the Gods-damned Gate," he said, his voice steadier now, "And if you want this, if you want us... come back to me. I'll be waiting."
It was done.
Tav left more hopeful than when they arrived, their soul bright and burning and loved. 
They had a battle to win, and a new future to fight for.
Hours had now passed, and Rolan stood at the top of his tower, a solitary silhouette against the flames and cries that echoed through the city. He gripped the ledge with white-knuckled intensity, his red skin stark against the pale stone, keeping himself steady.
The cannon had been fired, its aim fierce and true, and Rolan knew he had done all he could. Below him, Baldur’s Gate burned. Nautiloids filled the night sky, their fiery payloads raining down destruction, and the air was so choked with smoke that Rolan thought even the gaze of the Gods could not pierce it. There would be no help from them now. Debris and explosions collided with the tower's defenses, dissipating into dust and smoke against invisible barriers. Cal and Lia were on the lowest level, rallying the survivors, providing aid and shelter amidst the devastation.
His eyes, accustomed to fire and loss, remained fixed on the High Hall and the looming Elder Brain above it. The city was a grim echo of a past he did not want to think about. How many war-torn, flame-licked cities would he have to watch be assaulted? 
He could not think of Elturel now; that was the past, and he had a future to hope for. 
The temptation to reach for a bottle, to drown his helplessness in wine as he had done at the Last Light Inn, tugged at him. But he resisted. He was not that man anymore; Tav had made sure of that. He would not succumb to ineffectuality. He was more than he was then. For Tav’s sake, for his own sake, he would wait here, steadfast and vigilant. He would watch out for the person he loved, for as long as it took.
Through the smoke and clouds, atop the brain, strobes of magic flickered. He tried to discern the signs of each spell, to picture the battle. The light was dim and soft through the smoke, like lightning blanketed by storm clouds. The flashes of battle-slung spells bloomed through the dark. Sounds of cracks and hisses followed the scattered lights, shots of reds and greens and pulsing golds.
Rolan’s heart pounded with each flare, each distant explosion. He imagined Tav amidst the fray, their blade slashing through the chaos, their determination as fierce as ever. He whispered a silent prayer to any deity who might be listening, hoping that Tav’s courage and skill would see them through this nightmare.
The minutes stretched into an eternity. Every second felt like a lifetime, the wait unbearable. But Rolan watched and he waited, the fate of Baldur’s Gate - and his heart - hanging in the balance.
And then, the elder brain fell. 
Time fractured into shards as the creature tumbled from the sky like a marionette with severed strings. It convulsed and spasmed, desperate waves of psychic shockwaves firing from it erratically. The dangling spinal column lashed and whipped into the city's buildings as it descended, ensuring a final barrage of destruction. With a resounding crash, it plunged into the waters of the Chionthar, its reign of terror culminating in a colossal, explosive orb of energy. The shockwave erupted outward, smashing through the city, shattering glass and hurling Rolan backward, knocking him against the wall of his tower and into unconsciousness. His last thought as he slipped away being of Tav’s fate, and the certainty that he would not see them again. 
He was wrong.
When Rolan awoke, roused by Lia and dragged down to help the wounded, he felt broken. It hurt to breathe, to think. He just wanted to get out into the city, where the light of a new day spilled over the wreckage of the night before. He wanted to find Tav, whatever that meant. 
The hero of Baldur’s Gate stood, leaning against the doorway to the tower, clutching their side. Bloodstained and bruised, their armor and weapon abandoned, they now wore only a sweat-soaked shirt and trousers, looking less like a mighty hero and more like a lost refugee. The second they saw Rolan amid the survivors and chaos, joy filled their chest and pulled a laugh from between cracked ribs.
It was over. They had won. And even though their legs were tired, their muscles burned, and their heart ached from saying goodbye to forged family, they had come back.
The taste of the golden, honey-thick potion Rolan had pressed into their palm still lingered sweetly on their tongue.
They had run back to him.
Rolan's eyes widened when he spotted Tav. He pushed through the crowd, ignoring the protests of those around him. In moments, he was in front of them, his hands hovering uncertainly before he finally pulled them into a tight embrace. The feel of his arms around them was everything Tav had fought for. 
“You idiot! I thought you were dead.” He admonished.
“Careful.” Said Tav, wincing from the enthusiasm of his hug. “Don’t be greedy.”
There would be time now, in the settling dust, for peace to be found, clutched, and cherished. 
For the two heroes who had given each other hope when it had all but been extinguished. 
For the soldier who came to say goodbye, and the wizard who did not let them.
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archangeldyke-all · 17 hours
Hii! Wanted to say that I check your blog the second I start checking my phone every single morning! I love your blog sm and I'd like to thank you for all these wonderful sevika content. You make my day every day<<<3
So, what about sev with reader while reader is suffering from postpartum depression? Maybe reader doesn't want to hold little fucker or breastfeed her.
thank u for such a sweet note! hehe the idea that i'm part of ur morning routine is so sweet i'm like the lesbian newspaper lolol
men and minors dni
sevika knew this was a possibility.
the moment she learned you were pregnant, sevika went into Research Mode. not just for the baby-- how to babyproof a house and pick a baby name and not pass on generational trauma-- but for you too.
so while it breaks her fucking heart seeing you like this-- she's thankful for the fact that she was prepared for it, and knew what to look for.
it's been two months since you gave birth to your perfect little girl, and your postpartum blues have officially become postpartum depression.
you feel truly horrible. in all senses of the word.
physically, you're still recovering from a rough labor and delivery.
mentally, you're so exhausted and foggy that all you can find the energy to do is cry.
and emotionally, you feel like a failure.
for nine months, you were anxiously awaiting the arrival of your beautiful, healthy baby girl. and now she's here, the most important, precious thing in your life... and you can't even hold her.
sevika's been a fucking godsend.
she's constantly reminding you that this is normal. that 15% of people experience what you're experiencing after birth, that the act of giving birth is so intense and hormonal and disruptive and it's no wonder you're still out of wack afterwards, that your daughter loves you, that she loves you.
she's been dragging you to the doctors office once a week, your daughter in her carrier on her left hand, a list of concerns she has about you in her right.
she's been gently feeding you the medicine you've been prescribed each night with a nice warm cup of tea, kissing up your tears when they fall.
she knows that when this ends, what will come next is the endless guilt for being sick during your daughters first few moments. so, she's been taking endless pictures and videos for you-- little fucker throwing up, little fucker sleeping, little fucker's pooping face, and her first sink-bath, and her fast asleep on sevika's chest.
each night, sevika will crawl into bed beside you, little fucker in her arms, and the two of them will sit beside you and tell you what they did all day.
"and then after our walk, what did we do baby?" sevika asks your daughter, an adoring smile on her face. you want to cry but you've been out of tears since dinner, so instead you just reach out and hold sevika's hand. "oh, right, you took a nap and mommy washed all your new clothes from the store-- you're gettin' too big for your newborn clothes, baby girl!" she coos, running her finger against your daughter's chubby cheek.
then, she'll lay a sleeping little fucker down in her crib at the foot of your bed, and pay attention to you.
she helps you pump, holding you and kissing your head while you cry against her shoulder.
"i give it two months 'til you're back to normal babe." sevika whispers, rubbing your back.
you chuckle. "what makes you think that?"
sevika shrugs. "remember how much worse you were a month ago before you got your medicine? before you started goin' to your new-mom support group?" she asks. back then, you were sleeping more than your newborn, close to twenty hours a day, and when you were awake, you were just crying and staring at the ceiling. "look at you now, honey." sevika whispers. "went on a walk with us this morning, pumping three times a day, reading in bed instead'a sleepin'... you're coming around."
you melt into your wifes arms. "how am i ever gonna thank you for this, sev?" you ask.
"thank me?" she asks. you nod.
"for taking care of me. and our girl. holdin' down the fort with a fuckin' newborn while i get my head back on right."
"honey." sevika sighs, kissing you firmly on your forehead. "you never gotta thank me. 'm your wife, did you forget that?" she teases. you snort, pinching her side. "i'd do this forever-- 'til the end of time-- if it means i get to be spending time with my girls."
you fall asleep crying-- which isn't unusual nowadays. but, today, instead of crying from dread or anxiety or the pit of darkness in your chest-- you're crying out of love.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
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parvulous-writings · 17 hours
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, and Halsin react to being stuck in close proximity with gn crush? - Fluff anon
Notes:  My requests are currently open, though limited! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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Initially, Astarion is rather grumpy about the whole situation; being stuck in close proximity with anyone is going to initially make him a little frustrated. He likes having the freedom to move all his limbs as he pleases, thank you very much.
However, it doesn't take him very long to start flirting, or making risqué comments to you. He's of the opinion that, despite you both being stuck together, he might as well have a bit of fun with it whilst it lasts, right? What else is there to do, if not seize the moment to make a few cheeky jokes?
"You know, darling... Things normally happen between two people who are so close..." His voice isn't much above a whisper, but you can hear it loud and clear. "I do believe there may be a game around a situation such as this..." He taps his chin in mock thought. "What say we give it a try~?"
He very much enjoys giving you little, teasing touches. Nothing too risque, they're usually feather-light, the only reason you know he's doing them, is because you can practically see the smirk in those red eyes of his.
Once the pair of you are free, the whole ordeal becomes a little inside joke between the two of you for him, something that he frequently will bring up during your travels together, usually at your expense.
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Gale is incredibly awkward about the entire situation - he tries not to be, he tries to play it off coolly, but alas, it does not work. He's jostling near constantly, his legs always moving in a bid to try and give you more space, and always failing. He just ends up kicking you, which he profusely apologises for every time.
"Oh- sorry, sorry... I didn't mean to- Ouf- Sorry, again-" He falls entirely still for a moment, trying to think of a way out of this little situation. He, obviously, cannot wriggle out of it, lest he bruise your ribs more, nor can he actually see a way out - it was far too dark to make out many details. He would have used his magic, but it felt like any movement only ended up in hitting you, and making the situation ever more tense - and he's not looking to upset you, not in the slightest, he wants the same thing you do! To get out!
After the two of you are finally let out - thanks to a very helpful Karlach - Gale tries to brush over the whole incident. He tries not to touch upon it too much, if at all if he can help it. If you mention it at all, he'll play along in the conversation for a couple of minutes, though his cheeks are bright red, before he excuses himself for anything he can think of - no matter how trivial, or outlandish the thing may be. He doesn't overly like remembering the time he kept accidentally kicking you.
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Halsin is no small man - entirely the opposite, in fact. Thankfully, though, he is very aware of this. He tries not to move too much outside what is strictly necessary to keep his joints from screaming at him, and he makes sure to move slowly, and with warning. He's constantly mindful that it's not going be easy, being stuck in a confined space with a man who is quite literally as large as a bear.
He's very sweet about the whole thing - constantly asking how you are, and if there's anything you'd like to talk about to keep your mind off of the current situation. He'll only make jokes if you start making them first - he doesn't want to make you feel like he's making fun of you for somehow getting stuck in here with him.
He doesn't try to bash his way out - knowing full well that it may likely hurt you. He just reassures you that all will be alright, soon enough. And it is! He doesn't bring up the incident unless you bring it up first - he knows that some may make comments or assumptions about the predicament, so you touching on the topic first tells him that you're comfortable to talk about it in that moment, and he will almost happily reminisce with you.
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kuroppiii · 1 day
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     day by day ᵕ̈           husband!timeskip!kuroo tetsurō x gn reader ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : little moments from your ⋮⋮  daily life with your silly little husband
📋 content         ♡ # 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 🐮         ♡ # 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 🥛         ♡ # 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 - 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱         ♡ # ~700 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴
🧸 directory  ‹ ✩  like what you read ? check out more of my blog !  •ᴗ•
💬 kuroppiii ─ “ this is like word vomit but pleaseee he plagues my mind , i ' m clawing at the walls of my enclosure ( not proofread !! ) ”
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um yeah so congrats to timeskip!kuroo for being able to live his best life
an even greater life with you in it, of course
because although he swaggers along in his little suit and tie handing out his card willy-nilly to god knows who all day,,,
you bet your sweet ass he’s got a picture of you in his wallet
and that wallet is constantly getting whipped out around the office as he looks at your smiling face
looking longingly and with a little lovestruck sigh
(he’s so dramatic)
he has your drink order on lock and will pick it up coming back from work
but he is the type to take a “sip” out of your cup in exchange
(half your drink’s gone after that 🙁)
he “needs help” tying his tie like every other morning
“y/n love of my life can you help me with this”
it was cute
like the first couple times
maybe not so much at the twentieth time
at this point you just tell him to do it himself so you don’t have to get out of your bed bc you know what he’s trying to do
"have you ever considered trying a clip-on tie, tetsu?"
but granted, whenever you do cave, it’s impossible to miss in the corner of your eye the way his eyes are filled with pure unadulterated admiration as he watches you tie the stupid tie
(it was never about the tie)
(he just needs to look at you before he has to go the work where he can’t look at you like this until he comes home later that night)
and sometimes when he gets home he really tries to take up making dinner some nights to give you a break
he even wears a little apron (your apron) over the wife pleaser and boxers he’s so accustomed to changing into upon arriving home
(really not necessary but you two watched the bear together one night and he’s really just trying to get into it with the apron)
he looks ridiculous but you hate to admit you find it so adorable
"can someone get me a fucking sharpie, that fucking works!!!"
"i'm sorry for cursing at you babe, i don't even need a sharpie, i was just saying the thing from the thing–"
the best he can do is like cold noodles or the occasional steak dinner which really aren’t that bad when those are on the dinner menu!!!
when it comes to everything else? well... yeah he’s better off without the apron
but make him lunch for the office? oh he’ll propose to you a second time right then and there next to your fridge
put the cute character cutouts in there too, as if he cares what his coworkers might say bc anything you touch is gold to him no matter what
“ok but where are your guys’ carrot flowers, huh? don’t eat your veggies? have you ever considered that what you should actually be concerned about, is that you’re not eating as balanced of meals as i am every day?”
part of me wants to say when all is said and done, you two share a bottle of wine or smth under the night sky together to wind down
but honestly i don’t think a moment with this man necessarily calls for being a little buzzed like that
he makes you laugh simply by how he talks about his day, and with his little comments and reactions to whatever you may tell him about yours
"some people may wonder how he got demoted from a coordinator position–but y/n, honey, if you saw the way he parallel parks on the street outside our office, you would agree he's very much lacking in the skill of coordination."
"wow, i can't believe she treated you that way. and you're sure she knows the 'h' in 'hr' stands for 'human', right? because she sure isn't acting like a good one."
"😧 ..."
it’s like your home becomes your own personal comedy-club to round off yet another day with the love of your life
with the sounds of both of your laughter mingling together in a solemn late-night harmony only ever truly appreciated by the both of you
and when you two finally head to bed
his arm can’t help but snake its way around your waist
"g'night my love..."
pulling you close and breathing in your scent as you both get lulled away into a deep sleep
all to repeat everything again the next morning <3
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kaisa-ryo · 3 days
— who apologises first during an argument?
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jujutsu kaisen
characters: itadori yuji, megumi fushiguro, satoru gojo, inumaki toge, sukuna ryōmen
tw: english isn’t my native language! + this is my very, very old work, so there may be mistakes or complete nonsense :)
Itadori Yuji
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It's obvious: Itadori. It's not that he thinks he's wrong, but... he feels bad inside. He would, too. He thinks that a girl's delicate heart is worth more than his pride. Bitter as it may be, he's probably right. The moment he decides which is more important, he remembers a saying he heard once from a respected person: "There's only one absolute value in the world, and that's the soul—in the truest sense of the word." That was his grandfather. Maybe he wasn't like that himself, but he clearly wanted his grandson to be like that.
Itadori thought that repentance comes when you stop wanting things to be a certain way, and realized he actually wasn't very sorry. On the contrary, he felt even more guilty. Even the fact that he's an adult, that he controls everything and knows his goal, it was hard for him to accept. This pressure increases when he realizes that he might accidentally release Sukuna in a fit of anger. And we all know how easily he can ruin everything.
But from the outside, it looks much funnier — Yuji looks at you with puppy-dog eyes and begs her to go with him to another boring movie tomorrow. But in reality, this is just a mechanical reaction to the childish imitation of an adult male instinct, an attempt to extinguish his own inner protest and find a convenient alternative. Still, Itadori realized that's pretty much how all adult wolves behave — by imitating children.
"Please, y/n, let's go see the second part of 'Man-Moth' tomorrow," the guy whined softly. "I really want to see it... Maybe you'll eat something? Have some pineapple?"
Itadori Yuji is a prime example of a big child in a relationship.
Satoru Gojo
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This blond stubborn clod is all muddled and unbearable. He only apologizes when he has something in mind. But how often does that something appear in the mind of a person who constantly behaves like a dummy who can't tell himself anything smart or important, because he's afraid to interrupt the thoughtful, time free of petty concerns? Anything he says turns out to be a mere repetition of the same gestures.
"It's your fault. You could've kept quiet, and that's it. You're nice to her, and she's nice to you," Satoru mumbled, smiling skeptically and cleaning up after another serving of ramen.
"What do you know about people, Gojo!" you replied with a pained grimace, looking at the man's peaceful face, which she accidentally caught with one of her non-verbal scans, during which he, opening one eye, looked at her with bewilderment.
"I understand everything, y/n, everything," Satoru mumbled, putting the plate in the sink, "You just don't want to think that you can't trust people at all. And I understand you on that."
Yes, after all these words, he won't even come and hug you, but even without hugs, it gets easier, and you don't get so angry at him anymore. It's not every day you hear words of understanding from your beloved eternal child. Especially during arguments, these words become a real treasure. So it's precisely these insightful speeches that are the most sacred. Because he doesn't talk to anyone else like that. And you knows this perfectly well.
Megumi Fushiguro
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Oh dear, he's so sure he's right that he almost never sees beyond his nose. But he's a great listener.
Whenever you try to tell him through tears that he's wrong, he just sits there in silence, looks at you, and smiles as if you're giving him compliments. And it usually doesn't end with him just looking at your eyelashes; it continues with a whole mix of eye movements to his ears and back. After a long monologue, you suddenly stop talking and feel that he isn't listening at all.
"So, are you finished?"
he asks. You nod, feeling that you're about to cry. Then he raises his eyes to you and looks at you with a long, attentive look. There's no meaning in his eyes. And in general, this is the look not of a living person, but rather of a robot.
Inumaki Toge
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He doesn't seem to be reading anything at all. You stop mid-sentence, and your emotions pour out in a sigh, through your sobs. He doesn't say anything, he just looks at you, and you feel like he's simply pausing. You don't know what he's trying to say, but you try to apologize, although it's completely pointless. He quietly gets up from the table and approaches you. You feel the warmth of his hand touching you - and you know he's going to try to comfort you now. But instead, he starts some strange movement with his fingers in front of your face. You feel something very much like a tickle. Then he brings his fingers to your face and begins to gently wipe away the trails of tears. You flinch in surprise, and he begins to smile.
Of course, you have this kind of relationship, where your heart beats somewhere in the background, but you can't tell him about it because both of you, in your minds, remain in another reality. For you, it's a fleeting emotional experience, for him it's an eternity.
This sweet, reserved young man never allows himself to lose control of his emotions or to imagine himself as a heartless animal who would deny that you are hurting and uncomfortable. No, he just waits for your happy exclamation, followed by the long-awaited touch of his hands and lips to yours. And here the most important thing is that your dear one remains within the framework of conventions. Otherwise, you won't see how he risks everything.
And most importantly, he will never allow himself to use his magic on you at such moments. Never in a million years. No.
Besides, you can't resist his innocence yourself, even though he's far from a child in reality. The next time your sweetheart decides to make an open declaration of love, don't be afraid to understand him and accept, because he openly and honestly talks about his feelings, and doesn't hide them under a veil of lies. After all, he knows how you feel about him, and he's incredibly happy that you'll never reject his revelations.
Ultimately, whether out of fear of being under his control, or out of pity for him, you're the one who has to apologize.
- Tuna...
- God, how can I even be mad at you?! - you exclaimed indignantly, realizing that you had been acting like a real possessive person all this time. - Why can't you just say "yes" simply and clearly?
- Salmon!
Sukuna Ryōmen
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Firstly: why do you think a powerful demon is obliged to apologize to you?
Secondly: who are you to accuse him of anything?
Simply put, you apologize to him not out of conscience, but out of the thought that it would be good if he would back off and stop ruining your life in the most disgusting ways. If you know that he doesn't really hear you, but only experiences the state he's in when he utters the simplest and most vulgar phrases, then you can say nothing at all. But if you feel that he's saying the very words you really need, you're not apologizing, you're convincing yourself that he couldn't have acted any other way. You can consider this a rational use of free will. Just like you do homework in geometry.
Otherwise, he'll just throw insults around until he hears the words of remorse from your lips.
Putting on headphones, abstracting yourself from the outside world, you began to cry quietly into the pillow, either from the realization that you were dating such a disgusting animal, or from the realization of your helplessness before him. During this emotional break, you carefully analyzed everything related to Sukuna and your relationship, as if trying to find some reason for your unhappiness. Suddenly, when you were ready to burst into tears, you felt the presence of the only demon you knew at the entrance to the room.
- God, you're such a pathetic creature! - his voice was full of indifference and disgust. - I'm starting to understand why you were a virgin before me.
How his narcissistic ambition annoyed you. How you wanted to hit him, to suffocate him with a pillow.
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cozymochi · 3 days
Would Tia ever slap someone?? Just her getting upset to the point of being done with the bs and SMACK XD
I think hypothetically maybeee, but at the same time I’m not entirely sure about a FULL TORQUE ACROSS THE FACE kind. She’s “done” pretty much constantly, but it’s not like she can do much about it. Every soul at that school outclasses her, so I don’t imagine that going well.
As she came into her own, so far only person who gets any kind of “slap” exclusively happens to Ace. Usually in response his mild tomfoolery at inappropriate times (or what she deems as such). Though, it’s more like a light “corrective” smack on the arm that doesn’t really hurt at all. It’s a kind of second nature reflex.
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But they’re close, so it’s probably just a matter of personalities mildly clashing in the moment.
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alchemistc · 2 hours
Thinking thoughts about Gerrard deciding, day one, that Diaz is his only ally amidst this group of degenerates. Diaz, with his dead wife and his disabled kid, close enough to be white passing if he ignores the Spanish phrases always coming out in between his sentences.
Eddie, who has Too Much going on to really notice the preferential treatment until he's having drinks with Tommy and Buck and Buck is just railing about what a fucking douche Gerrard is being, and what he'd say if his job wasn't on the line, and how Gerrard seems to have an extra squirrelly bug up his ass about Buck in particular because he's really the only member of the group that actually fits Gerrard's typical bill.
("Except, you know, the part where I really enjoy having a dick up my ass, like that's a personal choice I made just to piss him off, specifically."
"Well I sure hope not," Tommy says, cheesing when Eddie makes a face at the both of them.)
In the face of this realization, Eddie decides he's already torpedoed literally his entire life, so what's a little disrespect to his Captain gonna do?
Eddie responding to every order from Gerrard with an obtuse "Si senor, claro." Eddie listening to Gerrard's commands and then immediately turning to Hen or Chimney with a raised brow like "Sound right to you?" and just waiting there until he gets a head nod from one of them.
Eddie gentle-parenting his way through every homophobic, racist, misogynistic remark that comes out of Gerrard's mouth. "Oh, the preferred term is transgender, Cap." "Actually, Cap, that's a term that's been reclaimed by the community but I'm pretty sure you're not in the community so you shouldn't say that." "Well, Cap, I think you'll be very lucky if she doesn't file a complaint -- were you not around for the whole #metoo moment we had half a decade back?" "They/Them is actually really easy, we use it all the time without realizing it, like, remember when [...]" etc etc.
Clipboard!Buck doesn't get him. Out and proud Hen doesn't get him. "I will talk back I don't care how many times you write me up" Chimney doesn't get him. Ravi constantly serving him the biggest, burntest piece of casserole every time they eat doesn't get him.
Eddie "Baby Runs For President" Diaz is what ultimately does Gerrard in.
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girl4music · 3 days
“Who cracks the most jokes in the relationship?”
Xena. You wouldn’t think so given her broody and stoic personality and her dark past constantly haunting her but Gabrielle just brings it out in her. Her silly side is her happy side and it’s honestly adorable to watch her be like this. What’s great about it is it happens really early. It’s almost like having a companion that loves her and that she loves back makes Xena a completely different person from the person she is when alone. Probably because she has more to do than think about how much pain and damage she’s caused to so many. The guilt and shame can’t eat away at her when there’s always someone with her to see the best in her and to keep her away from the suicidal mentality. And Gabrielle didn’t know it for a long time, but that’s exactly what she did for Xena the moment they met. Pulled her away from self-hatred and suicidal ideation and not a lot of people talk about how important Gabrielle is to Xena in this way. When Xena calls her her “source” and “light” - she means her happiness.
So Xena is only the Xena we know and love because Gabrielle is there with her as her cornerstone to living. So seeing her crack jokes at Gabrielle is honestly one of the most significant things about their dynamic and why the comedy episodes are deep and substantial episodes even if they don’t seem like it on the surface because they’re not really about anything. But that’s the point. They’re not about anything… except them. They become the plot. They become the narrative. Their relationship immediately becomes the point. And shows with WLW representation in today don’t do that not just because the WLW characters are rarely the leading characters. But also because they don’t realize that wrapping the characterization around the narrative is the wrong way of representing the relationship between the WLW characters. You always wrap the narrative around the WLW characterization. You make the characterization the focus of the story that is being told instead of the other way around. Xena absolutely excels in this to the point where what you pick up on when you watch the show is timeless because they always leave it open to interpretation.
It is so very important that you see Xena crack jokes, smile, laugh, have fun and just be ridiculous and I swear to fucking god if it wasn’t for Lucy playing her, improvising her lines and just being a total dork… and Renee just bouncing off Lucy’s energy so naturally…
Xena would not be XENA. She’d be lost and lonely. It’d be a different dynamic. It would be a different show. And it wouldn’t have captured my heart anywhere near as much as it has since I was only 5 years old. No, seeing Xena be silly, stupid and soft is EVERYTHING. This characterization is crucial to the storytelling of it. It’s fundamental to what ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ is. Which is a shows-long story about redemptive love and the power that love can have on a tortured soul. A soul that cannot heal itself and be at rest without its significant other salving and endeavouring to calm it. And please take note that I’m not just talking about Xena in saying this. I’m talking about Gabrielle too and how the roles shift depending on the developments. Depending on where the individual characters are at and that constant rotation of that as if they’re in an eternal dance and how much more romantic that is compared to your average TV show WLW relationship.
Something so seemingly small as a cracked joke at each other even now and again has a very big impact on who these characters are and what they become. When you look at every little detail in the characters as I do and how it all connects to the bigger picture of what the show is attempting to represent to the watcher - it is profound what you can learn and continue to be taught from it no matter how many times you watch it. It’s an incredible timeless show.
I really didn’t intend to write all this in answering this question but I’m an automatic-writer so… yeah. 👌
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auncyen · 1 day
I make an attempt at writing for Loop. This has 2hat spoilers from the get-go so it's allll under a cut, but actually takes place in act 3 (with Bad Touch).
That little song and dance Stardust does with the Fighter in every loop is so funny, so pathetic! They recite their pun every time to make him laugh, and then he reaches out, almost touches them, but he doesn't! He won't! He's not your Fi--Isabeau. This one is the Fighter because he's not your Isabeau.
(And you can't forget Isabeau's name. Not again.)
It's a strange difference between your Isabeau and this copy of him. Your Isabeau was willing to touch you. You remember a cautious but warm touch on the shoulder, sweaty hands holding your gloved ones and grounding you. ...You hold your arms more tightly. You miss that. Hah, no wonder Stardust is so needy! His Fighter won't touch him at all. But...you do wonder why their party seems to have that idea, that they're made of glass. Yours didn't.
You don't...think they did? They didn't on the third floor. You know that. (But even your Isabeau was cautious, wasn't he?)
You...try to put that out of mind. Stardust is coming. Wouldn't do to be muddled and maudlin when you have a Siffrin hanging on to your every word! Honestly, what would he do without you?
(He'd be going numb, because he'd be constantly dying to the King. Bastard doesn't know how blinding lucky they are.)
They start the old little song and dance. Pun, not-quite-shoulder-touch, lunge forward--whoa whoa WHOA WHAT IS THAT IDIOT DOING?!
The kiss is broken the same second you register what's happening, Isabeau pushing him away, and right then you know, the Fighter is your Isabeau, your Isabeau is still here, you remember--
the world shifts.
"Hi Isa, I need to do the Favor Tree thing!"
"Oh! Sorry, I'm in your way then, aren't I? I'll get out of your hair, see you at the Clocktower!!!"
No, but that's not what...
Oh, your Stardust really is such a coward! You can't help but make fun of them when they finally drag themself to the tree, their eye already downcast because they know you saw their shame.
"What were you afraid of? For him to finally see you? To see what kind of person you truly are?" You taunt him, but toss in as a kindness: "Maybe he would have accepted you, you know. Maybe you're not as disgusting as you think you are."
Because that's what your Isabeau did. He pushed you away in shock, and then he apologized, worried he'd bruised you physically or emotionally when you were already a husk that had just. You'd wanted to feel something nice for a moment, you'd wanted the warmth he kept teasing you with. You hadn't feared the consequences, it probably wouldn't even have fazed you if he'd punched you for trampling over his boundaries. The King fight had broken any scale for pain.
Is that why you didn't loop back, and Stardust did? You're still not quite sure how his loops work--but if that's the reason, oh, how funny! Their own luck cursed them. But it's still his fault for being so fragile.
"Or, stardust... Maybe you ARE that disgusting. Not letting the poor fighter make his own decisions! Who would do that! Or--"
...You ignored him the first two times, but this time he sounds mad enough to start a fight, so you pause the taunting.
"I don't want to talk or THINK about ANY of this." He glares, his eye squinting, trying to hold back the more fragile emotions. "Especially not with YOU."
But you're the only one who'd understand. You did nearly the same thing. You were disgusting too.
But that'd be telling far too much, so Stardust doesn't get to know~!
Next loop you stare at the Fighter. You've never let yourself before, but now you feel compelled to. That is Isabeau. When you were Siffrin, when you'd kissed him, he'd pushed you away, and then he'd panicked and apologized. You...think you had enough presence of mind to apologize too, aware what you'd done was wrong, even if knowing hadn't stopped you. Isa had laughed a little. Said it was-- 'well, kind of sudden, warn a guy next time maybe, but also could next time maybe be now?'
'better watch out then,' you'd said, and somewhere in you there'd still been a real smile or something close enough, and you'd moved in more slowly, not quite sure how you were actually supposed to do it in a romantic way, but Isa had made it easy for you by meeting you halfway.
You'd kissed a lot, that afternoon. And you're pretty sure you talked more in that loop than any other, because even if Isa liked kissing you he was a little worried about what had possessed you to be so daring, especially when he thought you didn't like touching. You'd explained that no, you had no idea you'd been flinching when people tried touching you, you wish they would (it'd be such a nice difference from the King beating the life from your body, please please please), and Isa had groaned hilariously loud into his hands 'THERE COULD HAVE BEEN SIF HUGS THIS WHOLE TIME?', his face darkening with hilarious fluster as soon as he caught himself.
You'd loved that afternoon.
You'd never dared repeated it. You might have done something wrong, made Isa upset as he rightfully should have been. You might have broken the next time he asked you what was wrong and told him about the loops. You'd made sure. To just stay in the timeline where Isa knew it was okay to touch you and passed it on to the others. You drank in those precious touches.
...And then you'd forgotten that afternoon.
And then you'd accidentally ruined the sleepover that now had hugs and a 'congratulations, you figured out communication' headpat from Odile (you can't remember if she actually said that or not, but it certainly seems something she'd say) by getting overwhelmed and crying once, and you'd made sure to never do it again by claiming you were tired early and never repeating the sleepover because YOU COULDN'T LET THEM KNOW, and so you'd just loop through the House, and you'd cut those loops shorter and shorter, with fewer and fewer of those precious touches until you were only going through one floor, but at least they didn't know, and--
oh, oh, oh! Stardust is coming! This is no time to unravel, you've got a show to watch. Pun, almost-shoulder-touch, and ah, Stardust improvises a small step away from Isa so they don't get tempted. They don't plan to try again, then? ...Maybe that's for the best. Don't want them getting distracted from breaking out of the loops! You have to keep them on task. And if they won't make a move...maybe, if you ever get free, Isabeau could be your Isabeau again?
You realize how ridiculous that thought is almost immediately. He has a crush on mousy little Siffrin, not a star. You look away from him, and remind yourself, the Fighter the Fighter the Fighter. He will never be your Isabeau again, because you are no longer Siffrin.
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ladyodium · 4 hours
I’m feeling strangely poetic today.
TW: Domestic Violence
Lestat is such a blackhole. He’s a chaotic mess with an abusive backstory from which he never really healed from. Lestat is a lot, he knows that and he loves very deeply. Louis to him is His. His creation, His sun, and His Saint. Louis is everything Lestat isn’t, he’s the human quality that he lost so long ago. Lestat believes that Louis is his saving grace, finally someone just like him. In this Sun he’s found there is a deep underlying darkness. He wants Louis so desperately to accept himself as a vampire. He’s constantly angry that Louis denies this dark gift, this blessing he’s given him. He wants Louis to act out, he’s constant pushing Louis to react like him. He cheats, he lies, and he manipulates. He does everything in the book to get a reaction out of Louis and sometimes it works! He gets that reaction he wants, the vulnerability that Louis shows in his anger delights him. He’s a blackhole sucking the light away from The Sun, he’s the darkness that devours light, he’s this all consuming being who wants so desperately to be loved for who he is.
Louis is The Sun, The Saint, The creation. Louis meets Lestat and he’s instantly sucked into the vortex of him. He’s intrigued by this man who seems otherworldly. He finds him so fascinating, so attractive and alluring. How could you not be pulled in? Louis also is someone who is a victim of abuse. His family, his mother, Lestat, and now Armand. He isn’t always a good person but he tried to be. Louis is so traumatized that his mind just blocks out certain memories. Even before Armand messes with his mind. He loves Lestat and he’s ashamed to admit that. He loves Lestat so much but he hates the way Lestat makes him feel so unwanted. Louis really suffers from these severe moments of depression. He struggles with the concept that he is no longer human. He can’t have his business anymore and he can’t see his family. He’s afraid of his own vampirism, he can’t stomach the guilt of killing someone. He’d rather just drain animals and Lestat can’t stand this. 
I feel like Louis is the perfect example of a domestic abuse survivor. Before Lestat never hit Louis, he never raised a hand to him. However, he would humiliate him, cheat on him and then turn a child into a vampire just to keep him shackled in the “marriage”. Louis was happy that Claudia was there for a brief period in time Claudia was his light. They were a happy family until they weren’t. Lestat was jealous of Claudia, they were too similar to each other. Lestat saw himself in Claudia and how Louis was so happy with Claudia. Louis never judged Claudia for eating humans. Louis wanted Claudia to have everything he couldn’t do or wouldn’t do. He (for a time) respected her choices. Claudia really loves Louis, she loves him so much that she wanted to save him from himself. Louis let Lestat do what he wanted, just like how a victim will agree with their abusive partner to keep the peace. Lestat was good at making such good promises to Louis, he whispered honey in Louis ears and he never did them. He was jealous of Claudia having Louis love and attention. He could handle that, so he went to Antoinette.
I’m really grateful with how the show kinda incorporates Louis being black to his situations, it’s very subtle, but you can pick up on it. Lestat could never understand how Louis being black in a very dangerous New Orleans contributed to some of his choices.
The whole fight scene was really graphic and so well down. Lestat had finally snapped because Louis was thinking about leaving him for real. Louis would talk about it, think about it, but he had no one to turn to. His family turned away from him, he doesn’t have his business, and Claudia was gone. I feel like Claudia gave him the courage to finally remove himself from Lestat. Claudia wanted to save Louis from his own abuser like she saved herself. The way Lestat dropped this man from the sky?! Then he comes back just like an abuser and tried to cover it up with gifts. “You are not cruel, Louis.” And he isn’t. Louis isn’t cruel, he’s a survivor. That’s why he’s so quick to deny that he’s Armand’s. He doesn’t wanna be someone else’s anymore, he knows what it’s like to be owned and shackled. He’s free and he doesn’t wanna be tied down.
There’s a whole lot else I wanna say but that’s another post. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

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poomphuripan · 2 days
what are your thoughts on ming seeming not very emotional in that sex scene of ep 7?
hi nonnie (❁´◡`❁)
i think you probably mean this NC scene in ep 8 right?
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actually i had a little discussion with @clowncroccharms about this scene in ep. 8 this week so shoutout to them first for making my gears turn whenever i think about this adaptational change.
so i think it's really interesting that they cheekily brought back that 'sneezing during orgasm' as the final straw for ming to confirm that joe 2.0 is definitely related to joe 1.0 somehow. but i wouldn't say that this particular scene was ming actual realization that joe 2.0 is joe 1.0. i felt this entire episode corresponds more with chapters 75 to 85, with this sex scene corresponding most closely to chapter 80, where sex is just one of the tests ming had for joe 2.0.
In the beginning, it was just like usual, a silent, unilateral venting sex act. Joe was still like an ostrich, concealing his face and emotions. Ming still didn’t utter a word as he forcefully thrust into him. Ming slammed his body with such powerful force that Joe’s head almost hit the headboard. He had experienced Ming’s abilities and strength in bed a long time ago. But at that time, both of them enjoyed it. They often did it throughout the night, satiating themselves. But now, this was for Ming to vent his desires and emotions. Joe merely took it as a job, never complaining. It’s good that this deal is settled to each of their satisfaction. However, something is oddly going on with Ming today. Whether it is intentional or unintentional, he’d touch his body a few times. These touches were like… like he is feeling him out. The areas that Ming touched were all his (older Joe’s) sensitive spots. Although he’s in a different body, he’s come to realize that he is still not immune to these touches. Very soon, he started to feel a different kind of sensation. He instinctively felt that Ming is trying to test him; that he is doubting him. This hasn’t just been once or twice; he just didn’t expect Ming to choose this method… Joe tried hard to control himself from making any sounds but Ming seemed to be doing it deliberately by prolonging his thrusts, very slowly entering and then very slowly pulling out, completely shattering his willpower. For the first time, Joe felt pleasure, making him endlessly terrified. He suppressed his body’s reaction but could not resist the increasing turbulent waves of intense pleasure. Ming also became unusual, his breathing becoming particularly heavy, as if he is trying to repress something. Joe voiced hoarsely, “Enough… you’ve had too much to drink.” Ming turned a deaf ear and continued to change the angle of his thrusts. It is the first time he has the desire to penetrate this body and the feeling is actually this good. It is as if the person beneath him is the one who had been constantly on his mind. At this time, how could he stop? He didn’t care whether it is his drunken delusion or what it may be, he just wanted to grasp firmly onto this current feeling. For the longest time, he had not felt this kind of satisfaction. Both of them are caught in an unprecedented state of ecstasy. Besides desires, there was nothing on their minds. In fact, who they are actually having sex with became insignificant. Joe felt like he is on the verge of drowning to death. He clutched onto the bed sheets tightly, withstanding the thrills of passion that seemed to have separated from his body a long time ago. In this moment, he couldn’t tell which body he is in, whether it is his past life or this present life. This kind of familiar feeling invaded all his memories, causing him to forget where he’s at. Or it could be said that whichever body he was in, at this moment is no longer important.
of course, the series did take the initiative and shuffled things around, making this event right before joe & ming learns that the body of joe 2.0 has been discovered so i actually don't consider that that scene in this week ep as ming's realization of joe 2.0 being joe 1.0, it's more closer to 'ming aggressively accuses that joe 2.0 must be joe 1.0 while joe denies it profusely'.
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all gifs courtesy of @jimmysea
and honestly if you look at it from ming's perspective, he might even have just thought that joe 2.0 was actually joe 1.0 who had plastic surgery to look completely different so i don't really think the news/realization has actually hit ming like a rock yet in that moment. not to mention that right after him trying to accuse that joe 2.0 is his p'joe, he receives the news that they've discovered joe 1.0's corpse... i mean can you imagine how insane the thoughts in his head must be... that news is probably going to mess with his crazy theory of joe 2.0 being joe 1.0 as well so i understand why he seems... not very remorseful at this point (ep 8) of the story...
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but not to fret because this week's ep 9 is already the moment everyone has been waiting for where ming starts begging on his knees for forgiveness so i can't wait for the actual realization scene where ming figures out how joe 2.0 is truly his joe 1.0 because the remorse definitely hits much harder after these two have seen joe 1.0's corpse face to face.
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i hope that answers your question nonnie \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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