#i think i barely remember the book tbh
sarosthewizarddude · 10 months
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Possibly my favourite moment in the whole show
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revivisection · 1 year
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cringeloser failharuspex fanart
back in january i remembered this guy and uhhh things happened. so he just kind of has been living there in the back of my mind this is what i think he looks like
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wicked-west-cats · 22 days
seeing the news: moonpaw is very cute.... dumb and inaccurate chimera thing tho but this is battle cats so lbr lol (plus i do like the dark side of the moon imagery idea so ill let it slide....even tho split face is just normal tortie markings)
also i hate to break it to yall but the series would need a total and complete rework and overhaul where the clans break apart and reform in order to escape the incest problem currently in the series just because of how much of firestars dna has injected itself everywhere >>;;
the authors clearly dont keep proper track of the family trees (they have a lot of cats to keep track of i get it) and i dont think it needs to constantly be this major talking point we all know it, its not ideal, but theres more interesting things to discuss about the character reveal for moonpaw imo
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pigeonclaw · 2 years
I'm like three chapters into Hawkwing's Journey, and this guy is a mess. Clans really need someone with a therapist role lmao.
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munamania · 2 years
this fall im gonna do a thg rewatch and ill be fun about it i prommy
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
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wheeboo · 1 year
streetlights | jeon wonwoo
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SYNOPSIS. in which you and wonwoo go on a midnight walk together. PAIRING. jeon wonwoo x gn!reader GENRE. fluff n cheesy cuteness, childhood best friends to lovers au, reader is the literal definition of a hopeless romantic (aka me fr), both reader and wonwoo just realising their feelings for each other tbh WARNINGS. none but just my efforts at building romantic tension and reader having their first kiss (: WORD COUNT. 1.9k
notes: honestly this is just me dumping my hopeless romantic thoughts in an imagine so uh... bare with me please.
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“Do you remember when we promised to marry each other by 30 if we were both still single?”
You don’t earn an immediate response, and you glance to see if Wonwoo was even still listening to you. Unsurprisingly, he wasn’t, as a singular earphone hangs off his ear. Frowning, you give him a playful (and maybe slightly aggressive) nudge on the arm, distracting him out of his little world.
“Earth to Wonwoo?” You call out his name. “Did you hear what I said?”
“Huh?” Wonwoo faces back to you blankly, his dark eyes meeting yours as he slowly removes the earphone out of his ear and puts it away in his pocket. You see his lips part to form an apologetic smile, his face illuminated by the looming streetlights above as he fixes his hat and adjusts his glasses. “Sorry, what did you say?”
You roll your eyes, huffing out a pout to his response. “See, this is why you’re single. You’re too invested in your little books.”
Wonwoo scoffs dramatically, the corners of his lips curling into a sly smile. His face is full of amusement, knowing he's not one to back down from any of your playful banter. 
"Says the one who is always daydreaming about finding the perfect partner,” he retorts back. 
You feel an embarrassed blush spread throughout your face because unlike you, Wonwoo has had a fair share of experiences with love. “I-I just haven’t found the one, okay?” 
Wonwoo just grins proudly at your reaction. Despite being best friends with him for most of your life, the bickering banter between you both was an unequal match. Even in a playful manner, he always knew the right things to say to have you at a loss for words. Sometimes, he could just look at you and suddenly your voice decides to depart out of your body. 
That’s... normal, right?
The two of you find yourselves trailing down an empty neighbourhood street at the wee hours of the night. It happens when the two of you can’t seem to fall asleep, along with an added boredom that just calls for a late-night stroll. The streetlights cast a soft, orange glow on the pavement as you walk side-by-side, the only sounds being the gentle rustle of leaves, the distant chirp of crickets, and your footsteps echoing in the quiet night when the world seems to be at slumber. You notice a few of the streetlights seemingly more dim than the others, some even blinking, and one or two barely even working. 
These kinds of strolls weren’t as strange as others may make it seem. You both enjoy the comfortable silences of being next to each other, minding your own businesses, and allowing the air to clear away your thoughts. But for some reason, your mind only continues to wander to what Wonwoo had mentioned just minutes before. Do you... really daydream that much for a partner that might seem impossible to find?
Wonwoo peers towards you curiously, eyes tracing over your familiar expression and side-profile. He knows when you’re deep in thought from the way you purse your lips together, or the way your eyes seem glued to the ground like you’re trying to laser a hole through the earth. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” he asks casually.
You shake your head. “It’s stupid.”
He raises a suspicious brow, feeling the bits of worry slip in. “Nothing you think is stupid, Y/N. Come on, I know that look when you want to say something.”
You feel the slight pressure on your shoulders from his words, but he’s your best friend. You know you can tell him anything and everything, and not once has he spilled any of your secrets. In some way he’s like a locked diary, a sacred vessel that holds the deepest corners of your heart and even the most ridiculous of thoughts you may have told him. 
Through the years, he's been your confidant, your rock, and your only support. You've relied on him for comfort and strength, and he has never faltered in his role. Not even once. Somehow, the thought is strangely soothing.
“Is it bad I just have so many scenarios in my head that I look for when looking for love?” You ask him; it’s a genuine question. “Like, there’s so many things I want to experience, you know? The nervous hand-holding, the cliché umbrella moment, or even a kiss under the moonlight... I want someone to look at me like those stupid dramas!”
You don’t notice as you continue to ramble, but a flicker of something indiscernible passes through Wonwoo’s gaze as his attentiveness seems to slip away at your last sentence. Yet he quickly recovers himself, a small smile playing at his lips.
“A kiss under the moonlight, you say?” he muses, but he murmurs it under his breath as if acknowledging the detail more to himself. 
“I told you. It all sounds stupid,” You groan hopelessly. “I won’t ever experience those kinds of things. I’m too much of a coward.”
Wonwoo just chuckles quietly, and because of the embarrassment, you can’t tell if he’s chuckling at you or not. But his face softens just seconds after as he unnoticeably steps closer to you to the point where your shoulders begin to lightly brush up against one another, and feel yourself begin to relax once more. 
However his closeness seems to send a jolt through your heart. 
A few moments of silence pass as you continue to walk together, a certain tension growing in the air that makes you feel oddly tense. You steal a sideways glance at Wonwoo, observing his seemingly contemplative expression and how he appears lost in his own thoughts as well. He’s always been a naturally quiet person, but this time, there was perhaps a miniscule shift in the silence surrounding you two. 
Then, abruptly, he comes to a stop, causing you to come to a halt as well. The two of you cower under a flickering streetlight, its intermittent glow casting dancing shadows on the pavement below your feet.
“Y/N,” he says your name with utmost seriousness, and as you meet his gaze, there’s a newfound intensity in his dark eyes. “You trust me, right?”
In that moment, the weight of Wonwoo's question hangs in the air, and you feel your heartbeat start to quicken. The intensity in his eyes sends a shiver down your spine as a mix of curiosity and anticipation grows within you. 
A flicker of uncertainty passes through your mind, yet you know your friendship with Wonwoo has always been built on trust. The two of you have always been open with each other, so you can trust him, right?
“Of course I trust you. Why wouldn’t I?” For some reason there’s still that quiver of doubt in your response. 
You watch Wonwoo take a noticeable exhale. 
He opens his mouth again but closes it quickly, leaving you hanging once more. The silence stretching between the two of you feels like an eternity, your heart pounding anxiously in your chest, as you watch the play of emotions on his face. For the first time in a long time, he looks just as vulnerable as you feel around him at times. 
“If I said I wanted to kiss you right now, would you let me?”
You could only stare at him, merely speechless as his question floats in the air around. Time seems to stand still as you attempt to process whatever the heck he just asked you. Your mind races with frustration, trying to comprehend the depth of his feelings along with your own as the line between friendship and something more starts to blur with each passing second.
Wonwoo bites his bottom lip nervously, feeling the slap of regret hit him in an instant.
“I shouldn’t have asked𑁋”
“No, wait,” You interject, effectively silencing him. Getting the courage to look up at him, you release the tension in your shoulders. You can’t believe you’re about say this. “I want you to kiss me.” 
Wonwoo’s eyes widen with surprise, momentarily taken aback by your bold statement. You watch as a mix of emotions flicker across his face𑁋doubt, hesitation, and a glimmer of hope. You’ve never seen so many emotions cross his face; you’ve never seen him so speechless before.
Then he starts to reach out excruciatingly slowly, hesitating for a split second, before letting his hand gently cup your face, as if trying to get used to the feeling. Your breaths simulatenously hitch together, and within just seconds, he allows his lips to brush against yours tenderly and carefully. 
You feel the inexperience coming to you, so you let your instinct take over and allow your hands to drift down to his waist, kneading the fabric of his white shirt loosely and pulling him just a bit closer.
Wonwoo's hand on your face moves, his fingers lightly tracing the contour of your cheek. The kiss deepens ever so slightly as you sense the feelings beginning to overwhelm you. It's a dance of emotions, a silent confession that speaks volumes.
As you pull apart from each other, breathless and wide-eyed, you feel reality sink in. You let your gaze drift back to his eyes, trying to search for the right words to say. His hand still lingers on your face, a gentle reassurance that whatever just happened was real. 
And you swear you see a subtle shift in the way he’s looking at you now. 
“I...” is all that comes out of your lips, feeling the heat sprouting in your cheeks. “Sorry, wow, um... It feels like the world just stopped for a second.”
Wonwoo smiles softly, his thumb gently stroking your cheek as he takes in your overwhelmed expression, eyes filled with a mixture of tenderness and something else you can't quite decipher.
“Is that a good thing?” he asks, his low tone sending chills down your spine.
If you look at him any longer, you feel like you’ll combust. It’s not an exaggeration (well, maybe it is); it’s a fact. So you tear your gaze away from him, glancing down at the pavement as if it holds all the answers. 
“It is,” You finally reply, voice barely above a whisper. “It’s a very good thing.”
Wonwoo takes his hand off your face. “Good, because,” He reaches down to grab your hand into his, lacing your fingers together. “We can do this now. The kiss under the moonlight is checked off, so the nervous hand-holding...”
“But you don’t look nervous,” You tell him teasingly.
Wonwoo just raises an eyebrow at you, taking your free hand by your side and placing it on his chest so that you were able to feel the fast racing of his heart.
“Does this prove your point?” he questions smugly, as if trying to test you. 
The feeling of his rapid heartbeat beneath your hand melts away whatever doubts or insecurities lingering around you. How long have you had this effect on him? 
“All those cliché moments that you want,” Wonwoo continues, voice laced with nothing but confidence. “I’m willing to give it to you.”
You feel the smirk crossing your lips. "And how can you prove that?”
Wonwoo tilts his head to the side as if in thought. “Can I... prove my willingness with another kiss?”
A giddy feeling explodes in your stomach as his words wash over you, and you can't help but let out a quiet giggle.
“You certainly can.” You say softly, before meeting your lips with his once again, the flickering streetlight above suddenly stopping to allow its bright light to cascade steadily around the two of you.
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solar-sunnyside-up · 8 months
hey! sorry to bother you, but is there anything a teen without transportation in a rural area can do on their own? im pretty isolated, and theres barely anything around me.
Hey ya sprout 🌱
**A disclaimer Punk comes with some risk socially. Particularly if your in a rural area this risk goes up bc people Know You and also typically these spaces have a different vibe to alt ppl in general. Some activities are more or less risky and I'll try and do my best to give you a range of stuff from the whole spectrum! Of course this is a generalization of rural areas. Some palaces will be more cool then others depending in so many factors I couldn't go into here**
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Rural solarpunk
Your gunna been to pick a topic, sorry babe. In order to not burn yourself out and in order to feel like you have an impact your gunna have to pick a cause to chip away at but I'll give you ideas! And remember just bc your focusing on one thing doesn't mean your ignoring or not helping others. Everything is interconnected and any help, helps all!
So let's give you some ideas to focus on:
Libraries- as a teen in particular you'll have access to a library at school, but depending on how big your town is you might have a public one as well. Become their biggest supporter! They are a great safe space, even conservative ones are still a good place to go for archiving/loitering purposes. They give you spaces to print stuff, to build clubs and community.
Archiving- if you cannot leave your house due to access you can always do stuff online and hear me out, i know when we do stuff online it feels like half points. Like we arent doing anything. I feel that with this blog, it feels so passive no matter how hard you work youll feel lesser. But Archiving is vital to humans! Think of the anthropologists wholl thank you down the road! Plus it does actually give you a way to have a physical representative of work your doing. Dvds, pirating media and archiving them to drives, collecting vinyls/tapes/cds!
DIY- To fight against fast fashion (although that barely exists in the towns I've been in tbh) and to stick out** you could make your own patches, battlejackets, gloves, etc.. They are statement pieces you can wear whenever your in town/at school/social spaces that ppl know what you stand for and who you are. Depending on who/where you are this might be risky so take what you can bare ok? You don't have to wear these items too you can just make them for later on!
Little libraries/little pantries- in a rural space you have more Gruella tactics you can take if you do them in random abandoned spaces. You could build a waterproof little pantry and stock it and leave info somewhere about it for ppl to drop off/pick up items. Stock it with mittens! With canned goods! With books! You might be able to do a space like this at school/library depending in how cool your town is too!
Zines- You could look into making a zine and even if it's digital you could have the QR code for download in places (stickers on lamp posts, flyers in school bathrooms, hidden in a churches pamphlet stacks >.>) making a zine is a cool task that is time consuming and informative and fun!
Vandalism- like I said you can often print off stuff at Libraries, or usually you can find a place to print stuff off near or at post offices depending on how modern your rural space is. if you have your own printer this will reduce your risk by quite a bit though! Create/find stickers or posters you want to toss across town or even school. I'd recommend starting off with some stickers and see how their handled, dipping your toes is important with these kinda things. If your really feeling it, and you know some abandoned places Moss Graffiti is also a good option! I've know ppl who have converted old abandoned stored to skate parks (I honestly have no idea how they built the ramps out of concrete but damn!! Good job guys!)
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Also I'll leave you with 2 book recommendations as well-
Moxie - a RIOT GRRRL story about a girl who gets so fed up with her conservative town she makes a feminist zine and distributes it via girl bathrooms (even having a basically me too stickers and encouraging ppl to put it on boys lockers who have assaulted them). I know there's a movie, didn't seem to capture the same vibe tho so book!
Braiding Sweetgrass - this focuses a lot on reconnecting and adding story to nature around us and having science along side spirituality
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hi~ can I request "committed relationship with lookism boys" headcannons (such as samuel, jake, gun, eli)? Sorry if it's too much and thank you in advance! 💙
Hi anon, thanks for the ask and sorry for the delay! Of course you can but how dare you leave off our Goofy and also Viiiin. I've got quite a few hc floating around (latest one here for almost everyone). Let's do committed committed though.
Do I have to mention that I hc most of the Lookism guys as romantics in their own way?
Lookism Boys in committed relationships (longer term etc.)
The usual - Sammy, Jake, Gun, Eli, Goo, Vin
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Samuel Seo
Being in a committed relationship, or really a relationship at all isn't something he has thought much about but with the right person it can work.
He wants the whole thing - engagement, marriage, kids.
Proposal would be something more traditional and romantic than you would expect.
Likely booking out the fanciest restaurant, enjoying a candlelit dinner followed shortly with Sammy down on one knee with a diamond ring the size of your fist.
Honestly, everything would be a little bit of a spectacle. Used as much to express his love to you as well as his power and status so it's not going to be quiet or chill.
Wants someone that will stay by his side and wants all the formalities to go with it.
The piece of paper saying you're legally married, in sickness and in health, for better or worse would mean a lot to him, though he would never express it.
As always with this guy, fingers crossed he's had a buttload of therapy especially before any kids come along.
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Jake Kim
Hmm, let's leave anything longer term until after he retires from Big Deal.
Obviously a romantic, though he does not want a repeat of his dad, where he leaves you at home and he's off gallivanting doing gangster shit.
It goes without saying but to clarify: Jake is a one woman man. If he's in a relationship with you, nothing will ever make him turn his head.
Like Sammy, wants to experience everything with you by his side. The marriage, the kids, the growing old together.
As the head of Big Deal though, he knows that he would not be able to give you the attention you deserve.
Doesn't ask you to wait for him, he could never get in the way of your happiness though he desperately wishes that you would.
And of course you do, it's Jake!
Meeting his mother, that force of a woman, wife of Gapryong Kim, might be the most intimidating experience of your life. You leave in awe and a little in love with her yourself.
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Gun Park
Actually did think marriage would be on the cards, although one of convenience rather than love.
(It would come as a very pleasant and welcome surprise that his life turns out that way.)
If it was an arranged/convenient marriage then you'll barely see him tbh. And he would expect an open marriage.
If Gun loves you, then this guy is traditional as hell in a committed relationship, and a romantic too.
Will get you a gifts sent to your work, bouquet of roses, or just buy you something because it reminds him of you. Remembers anniversaries and make sure there is something special prepared.
That antique necklace you said you liked in passing? It's on your pillow the next day. That place you said you wanted to see? You're going that weekend.
Yes to engagement, yes to marriage, yes to kids.
The proposal would be something very specific and sentimental to you both. The wedding, less so. He has a lot of customs he would need to follow being head of the Yamazaki Clan and Gun being who he is.
With kids, doesn't matter what gender, Gun would mould them to be his masterpiece.
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Eli Jang
Quite honestly didn't expect a long term or committed relationship to be on the cards. (He should really be focusing on Yenna instead of gallivanting around playing loan shark with 5A - ahem).
Most responsible parents would take a while before introducing you to their kid, but with Eli - has the vibe that oh shit something has come up with 5A and will dump Yenna on you.
What can I say, it's been obvious that this guy's logic and critical thinking isn't his strong point.
Doesn't really care for all the formalities of long term relationships, the expectation of marriage but isn't opposed to it. Besides, it would be good to have the extra bit of added stability for Yenna.
Would have a small intimate wedding with just the nearest and dearest.
Likely to also get a couples tattoo too (have you seen the H on his FOREHEAD? That guy is BOLD.)
Can't imagine him actually wanting more kids, the first time round was traumatic enough.
However, if you really want more then he will consider it. Especially because it would be pretty cute for Yenna to be the older sis.
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Goo Kim
Hard to get this guy to commit to you in the first place. He generally only has one thought: mind on his money and money on his mind.
Will be hard for this guy to admit his feelings for you, and whether he truly misses you or if it's just his clingy nature.
Once in a relationship, expect to be spoiled. What's the point of making all this if you can't enjoy it? And even though the gifts might not be to your taste (and in all honesty, pretty ostentatious), it's the thought that counts.
With long term plans, Goo is pretty easy-going and happy to go with the flow.
If you want to get married, just say the word. A little backyard wedding or hiring the most expensive wedding in Seoul - go for it.
Want a lil sparkle on your ring finger or none at all, also fine too.
Hint: best wedding present for him? Get him some swords.
Fence-sitter with kids, but if you want them then he can be swayed. Let's just enjoy more of our youth and our freedom first.
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Vin Jin
Ahhh he's a secret cheeseball. Although maybe it's not so secret. He is SOFT for you, in his own standoffish way. Thinks he's cool about it but it's obvious to everyone.
Doesn't think too much long term and doesn't feel the need to get married. He's committed to you, he shows you, he tells you and feels that that's enough.
More likely for you guys to get hitched with a quickie wedding where you may or may not be drunk.
And then the morning after and nursing a hangover, Vin thinks huh. This is sorta nice.
You guys don't really do the engagement ring or wedding ring thing. There'll be something just as sentimental like a couples necklace.
Besides, who wouldn't be able to tell you're together with your constant couple outfits.
Kids? Ehh. Vin likes the idea of them but not the responsibility. If it'll happen, it'll happen.
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General Jason Grace headcanons ⚡
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⚡ I feel like he's kinda sensitive. He isn't the crier type of sensitive tho but since he's super emotionally attuned to body language reading and stuff, he gets a little hurt easily, sometimes misinterpreting someone's behaviour to him, so maybe if one of his friend's start getting snappy with him because they're having a bad day, he'd actually be pretty damn upset about it, but would hide it.
⚡ Also also, this man HATES being yelled at. Sure, he's been trained harshly and stuff but he's very hard on himself too so I feel like if someone yells at him (like in an argument or something) the poor boy's whole day would be ruined.
⚡ This is also why I feel like he NEVER raises his voice harshly at anyone even if he's super super angry because he knows how much damage yelling can do.
⚡ But. He can still manage to be terrifying if he's mad. He'd have that intense icy stare directed at the person (I'm pretty sure this is canon and is pointed out by multiple characters in the books). And his voice would be steady but VERY firm and strong. Kinda like a strict dad.
⚡ Also, his eyes would get a slight shade lighter if he's super angry. Like he usually has bright electric blue eyes right? It would just turn into ice colured ones.
⚡ Okay I feel like before they all go to bed, he'd go check on everyone in the Argo ii to see if they're comfortable or if they need anything, etc. definitely an overbearing mother friend tbh. He gets this habit from camp Jupiter where he was kinda in charge for cabin rounds since he was centurion.
⚡ I hc him to have like lemony yellow hair, instead of platinum or golden blonde. It's not too light but it isn't dark either.
⚡ Why do I feel like sun tan literally never affects this guy? Like for instance, I totally hc that percy gets tanned pretty quickly, but this man's skin just wouldn't budge. Instead of his body getting tanned I feel like his hair would get a few yellow shades darker instead lol
⚡ I felt like he'd be sunburnt instead tho. There would be blotchy pink patches on his face and arms after he comes back from the beach.
⚡ He definitely LOVES his roman baths, could spend hours in that bath (honestly if u guys have seen traditional Roman baths, you'd know that they look like a spa day DREAM omg) so he would feel super disoriented when he has regular baths in chb instead and would miss Roman baths SO badly.
⚡ Like the Roman baths literally ease his muscle tension after a long day. It would be like the only part of the day in camp Jupiter that would actually feel relaxing for him.
⚡ He's such a foodie okay. Remember how he kept munching on his brownies religiously when the crew were in such a dangerous situation? ("Pass me the brownies bro") or when he loved the sweet stuff the snake people had made for them? Like food just makes him forget his duties and be a kid for once.
⚡ Which leads us to our next hc, he has such a sweet tooth! (Tho I feel like this was aluded many times in the books aswell). Like he's every dentist's nightmare tbh. He has like teeth stains which he'd deliberately try to get rid of by aggressively brushing his teeth (it does come off lol)
⚡ As opposed to what people usually assume about him. Jason is secretly such a hopeless romantic tbh. Nothing like his dad in that category. Remember how he snuck Piper out the window, led her into his secret rooftop passage simply to recreate their first kiss under the stars, since Piper was super upset about it being fake? Yeah, he hates upsetting his s/o. he's like super thoughtful and plans stuff like these days ahead so he doesn't forget :(
⚡ He's such a people pleaser even with people he barely knows, and the effect only doubles when he has a partner tbh. Like if his partner doesn't like a particular place? He won't like it either. So he needs someone to encourage him and tell him it's okay to like something the others dislike.
⚡ Which is also why I think that he'd be easier to emotionally guilt trip and manipulate. :(( somone wrap him up in a fluffy blanky pls
⚡ As opposed to canon, I feel like Jason only dislikes Camp Jupiter, not New Rome itself. He ADORES that place to shreds. I feel like instead of settling in a mortal area or something, he'd definitely stay in New Rome for long-term living (bc screw canon, him wanting to leave new Rome all together seems SO ooc to me idk) some parts of his roman self would ALWAYS be there tbh. That place was practically his home. Also, he only wants a peaceful, monster free life right? New Rome would obviously provide with all that, yk since they have a strong barrier for the city to prevent invasion.
⚡ He would have an aptitude for sculpting statues and stuff. He'd love to do it as a hobby, not like an architect or something like annabeth tho. He made such cool dioramas for his shrine ideas, so I feel like he just pours his heart and soul into making cool sculptures.
⚡ He would totally study in law school. His dad's legit the god of justice, he's a great speaker, can hold debates calmly, can canonically hear both sides of an argument before coming to a decision, seems very lawyer coded.
⚡ But he'd also be a good history professor. Have yall heard his yapping? Leo called him professor Grace for how much dedication he goes into explaining roman history. And he genuinely LOVES it. A very passionate teacher material to me.
⚡ Also, all he wants is for his partner to listen to him talk :( he has SO much to say but he feels like no one listens, so hed literally cry if someone takes interest in his long explanations (kind of like annabeth in this tbh)
⚡ Also, Octavian can NEVER argue with Jason because that man is just THAT good at smart and witty answers that even octavian saw him as a threat.
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 months
Started thinking about temple living quarters.
The standard I see in fic is private apartments, shared with a padawan if there is one, usually with a small kitchen and so on, like a regular apartment. It stands empty when they go away. TCW shows fairly small dorm-like rooms occasionally, but animation is expensive, so. I've also seen the term padawan-dorm referred to with confidence, so that probably crops up in a book somewhere. I was thinking about semi-communal living, in a place without nuclear families and
how particularly when it comes to cooking, whenever I've been in a situation where I'm close to the people I'm living near, cooking and eating solo were the first to be compromised and become a communal activity. I stayed private with most things but not that, at least not most meals.
how jedi aren't even at the temple most of the time when they are active, because they're supposed to be serving the whole galaxy, so whatever quarters they would have would be standing empty most of the time, and on a planet that is notoriously short on living space to boot
I don't remember the source but I remember a reference to the temple historically using it's towers as a beacon, sheltering people in times of disaster. Not having completely private apartments for jedi would free up space to serve as refuge and so on.
They're not supposed to accumulate possessions, strictly speaking. ...which doesn't necessarily mean having nothing, but maybe they don't have a habit of collecting personal furniture so much? Or just an excess of stuff? Idk.
Privacy is essential but at the same time spending so much time on the move makes the idea of returning to a solitary apartment on your time off kind of lonely. Especially if you have to cook all your own food. (I may be fixating on the kitchens here)
Also for masters and padawans it might be nice to have a break from each other at the temple and see other friends more, tbh
I like the idea of them just having a bunch of communal spaces scattered around, where even if their rooms are small, there's lots of places to hang out with each other and catch up, or relax by themselves if they want.
And maybe they have smaller but still shared kitchens rather than one big industrial scale kitchen? It's just not restricted to a single knight who is barely there. Maybe jedi cook together as bonding thing.
Baths? Communal baths? Like Roman or Korean style.
Imagine a bunch of half-finished art projects just lying around, untouched until the jedi in question gets back from wherever.
I could go even further and bring up the concept of no bedrooms everyone just takes out their bedrolls from a closet and sleeps side by side on a clean (under-heated) floor, which is something I have experienced.
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goldkirk · 4 months
Gregor the Overlander fanfiction?! Gregor the Overlander mention!?!?! Tbh it's been so long since I've read it I barely remember it. After Hunger Games' success they need to make a Gregor the Overlander adaptation.
I very genuinely wrote a letter to Disney as a 10 year old asking them to make an adaption and consider casting my new baby nephew and me as a gender-reversed Gregor and Boots I shit you not. I refuse to be embarassed by that, it wasn't cringe, baby me was just That Fucking Into It and wanted to share it with the world lol
My first fanfic was Code of Claw post-series fix-it fic written on a legal pad my mom gave me to use when I was bored silly partway through a day of errands. Complete with fanart of Gregor climbing into a sewer drain and all.
Frankly your excitement bouncing off of my excitement is making me think I need to read it again too, it's been so long. At my peak I could chant every prophecy in the books and tap and scratch messages to myself in code bc I had for some reason memorized the whole Tree of Transmission better than I ever managed to memorize Morse Code.
I'm so overjoyed to talk with someone who was also in love with that series. I completely agree that they need to make a Gregor the Overlander adaption, but also I'm 100% sure they NEED to animate it and never, ever, EVER fucking do a live show. I don't think there's any way to capture the depth and scale of the world/creatures and the differences between adult and kid perspectives of what's going on in the Underland and a lot of the unique features into live action stuff without weakening it, and for me, I felt as a kid like these books were the first and only series for KIDS (not teens) that really really made me feel known as a kid-who-knew-adults-in-charge-can-lie-and-be-bad-sometimes AND as a kid-who-still-defaults-to-believing-the-best-anyway and how those intersect.
I feel like The Underland Chronicles, Ender's Game, and The Hunger Games all are in a specific category of story and boy is that category important. The Gregor books additionally take kids more seriously than any of the others, which was extra cool.
Sorry for the wall of text and the rambling all over lol, thank you for the ask!!!! I hope you have an awesome day and an enjoyable time next time you reread the Underland Chronicles <3
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earlgreytea68 · 2 months
Every once in a while I get this twinge of guilt over the swan song books and how terrible I have been about making myself work on them and this morning during my commute I was renewing my vow to just sit down and DO THEM and it suddenly occurred to me, like --
I joined fall out boy fandom from inception, a wonderful, A+ fandom that has had no new canon in fifteen years and that was AWESOME tbh lol, and then I showed up in fall out boy just as mania was winding down and then honestly they did mostly nothing for years and I barely noticed because I was so used to quiet fandoms and so I thought I could just go about making plans for my life that were not about fall out boy.
And then we had, like, this astonishing year of our lives??????? Who knew this was coming????? I felt most of the time like the top of my head had been sliced off by these silly boys and everything they kept doing, and I think I *forgot* what an active fandom is like and how it eats your time. Which is not to say that I would trade a single second of this past year but more to say that I have decided to give myself grace hahaha how was I supposed to know this was suddenly going to happen?????
Anyway. I can't be too hard on myself when I spent this past year making sure to enjoy every single minute of it. And I did. I just finished a fic where Pete is so worried about living in the moment to remember all of it when it's over and I feel like that's what we all did for a full year, we just lived right here, in whatever absurd thing had happened now. Who could make plans? You never knew when Patrick might suddenly be playing the drums, or sliding up to pete to dissolve him into helpless giggles, or playing soul punk or pavlove or legendary or eowyg and whatever, how was I supposed to get novels edited in this environment hahahaha
Anyway, Pete Wentz, if you're still on Tumblr, thank you for the last year, which has been a blast from start to finish. I think you know we loved it but I'm just saying it again: We loved it. Not just the music, which was also great, and thank you especially for whatever you did to convince Patrick to have A Moment with his piano during the set. But also a special thanks from me for the gift of nightly Riff with Patrick, like, I will never get over that that just happened, over and over, and probably that really was about filling dead air while Patrick got ready for medley but whatever, it was a treasure trove of endless delight, thanks for that. Tell Patrick for us. (Also the interviews were all gold, too.)
Now maybe I'll get some work done???? Unclear lol
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donteattheappleshook · 2 months
WIP Wednesday Prologue Challenge
(I should probably actually do the challenge for my own event lol)
So many WIPs!
1) Not Broken At All
Killian gives a short, humourless laugh, head hanging slightly as he works a dampened cloth over the bloodied skin of his neck. “Believe me, Swan, it’s very easy to do nothing.”
2) His
She already hates the idea of this shop being sold and taken over by someone else or turned into a saloon or a tack shop or something else less wonderful and beautiful than the dimly lit, clustered little book store. 
3) Honey don’t feed it (It will come back)
"I don’t think anyone knows enough about you to warn me off… or warn me on.” 
“That’s not a thing.”
“Sure it is.” She pulls the empty stopper away. “Sorry, Chewie, that’s all of it.” 
Oh, hell, she’s bloody named it.
4) A Swan by Any Other Name (AKA Bi!Killian fic)
The quartermaster rolled his eyes. “Aye, Captain. Just remember, killing one on the first day invokes fear; killing two invokes mutiny.” 
5) Madly (a Cyrano de Bergerac AU)
“And what do you feel?”
“I feel… I feel the way I did the first time I saw the sea.”
“Go on.”
“It was terrifying”
“I terrify you?”
“Aye. frighteningly powerful, awe inspiring and strong willed, I knew that she could destroy me without even intending to. And I knew that I would never again want to be apart from her.”
“And now?”
“I’m reminded of the first time I fell in.”
6) Untitled silver Killian won’t date Emma fic
“Oi! What the hell was that for?” Will gasps, cradling his arm protectively to his side. Emma slaps it again. “Ow!”
“Are you kidding me?” Smack. “After six months -” smack. “I finally get him to ask me out -” smack. “I finally get him home. And you do this.” She lands three slaps in a row to his shoulder.
“Stop hitting me!” 
“No -” smack. “Do you have any idea how much goddamn furniture I bought? For nothing!”
7 & 8)How did it end up like this? (It Was Only a Kiss sequel) and Pining fic (an earlier version of only a kiss)
No words yet - just vibes.
9) Optometrist fic (I don’t think I’ll continue this one tbh)
“Fine,” she sighed, deciding it wasn’t worth the battle. “How long is this going to take?”
10) Pride and Prejudice AU
It was a bright, sunny, and perfectly pleasant afternoon when Cora burst into the room and disrupted it. 
“Have you heard?” She shouted, forcing all three men to jump in their seats and take note of her. Killian set down his book, wondering what could possibly have thrown his stepmother into such a state. His brother rushed to her side, trying to urge her to sit as she panted in excitement as though she’d run all the way home from the market. Their father barely looked up from his cards. “Misthaven Castle is let at last!” 
11) Remember the Night AU (I forgot about this one)
“Listen, if don’t come with me then I won’t go to Boston. I can’t let you stay in this city with nowhere to go. It’s my fault you’re in this mess and I feel a certain responsibility for you.”
“You didn’t make me steal the watch,” she deadpans. 
He tries again. “If you don’t come then you’re going to make me miss Christmas with my family. Can you live with that?”
Honestly a lower number than I was dreading!
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cleromancy · 8 months
while from the doylist perspective the stories are specifically propping tim up compared to jason by doing this... i am obviously still very interested in, and compelled by, jason canonically having a pretty high opinion of tim going all the way back to their first meeting.
(for the record, absolutely nothing in-universe justifies jason having this opinion of tim up until tim springs him from prison imo. he beat the snot out of tim in tt29 and it wasn't even hard and yet for some fucking reason he still walks away thinking tim is a Better Robin than he was? like... ok. sure. more thoughts on this later in the post tho)
so the new earth (post-crisis pre-reboot) continuity tim-jason interactions we have, in order, are batman 617-618 (from batman: hush, this ones a retcon and barely counts, its just jason holding tim hostage with a batarang to his throat; and you might also get a glimpse of jay doing this in batman annual 25 lol but its in the other room so im not checking), tt29 (published in the middle of uth coming out, lol), tt47 (countdown tie-in), robin 177 and 182-183 (post-countdown, immediately after jason dumps his red robin costume and one of tims rogues fishes it out of the dumpster to wear, correctly intuiting *for some reason* that this will get to tim), and......... sigh. stupid battle for the stupid cowl.
(and, since were talking about jasons perspective, theres also the picture wall in lost days. i dont know what issue it is because to me lost days is not "made up" of "issues", it is one book i simply open to devour whole whilst weeping.)
i think tt 29 is the interaction i find the most frustrating because... we have an idea what tt29 would have been like if it were good. bc we have ga01 69-72. and granted Tim is such a cocky little shit (affectionate) that jason simply. Would probably not have been able to scare him no matter what, lol... but imagine if this fucking issue had been good.
ok cutting 4 length
the problem with johns. .......the FIRST problem with johns. is that he regularly has interesting ideas and his execution of them completely falls flat. the second problem with johns is that he can't write dialogue. the third problem with johns is that it was really really important to him that you understood what a Talented And Special Boy tim is but instead of showing you that he just forced other characters to. tell you. over and over. jason is not johns' only victim in this quest. (and johns was also not the only perpetrator, as we will see when i get to fuckin fabnic.)
but like i said i *am* actually interested in the potential here, because i do think there is potential.
and i also think that--at least when you read into it as deeply as i do--jason is sympathetic in this issue. (don't give me "hes beating up a child" crap here btw. jason's only 2-3 years older, tims a peer to him, they could easily have gone to high school together if jason hadnt fuckin died.) johns deliberately shows us Jason hoping raven gets a reprieve from the nightmares, and he certainly was *trying* to show us how much it would fucking suck to be remembered as the Bad Robin, forgotten except to be a cautionary tale, what kind of things that would do to a person emotionally. AND he makes a point of highlighting Jason's loneliness and isolation as robin, and. tbh i dont think the issue itself rly blames Jason for that. (you most certainly do not gotta hand it to him though. under no circumstances do you gotta hand it to johns for anything.)
and while jason tearing off his clothes to reveal his party city knockoff robin costume--the better to beat you with, my dear--was, erm. falling mostly on the wrong side of the line btwn camp and cringe... i do think jason writing his own name in blood on the wall was right on the money, *especially* because it was obviously not tims blood. like, tim wasnt bleeding anywhere near enough for that. it was either fake blood or jason prepped his own beforehand for them to DNA test--but also if they saw it before they saw tim, to make them fear for tims life, as a reminder of the risks theyre dealing with here.
oh but i was planning on talking specifically about like. what Jason might actually have seen in tim that left him with a positive impression. as-written? kinda nothing. lmao. or well the one thing imo is this
just kidding i couldn't find the panelz somehow despite posting them literally like yesterday and i ran into this lol:
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>:| got distracted again. by this.
anyway i give up ill add the pics later. but its the exchange where jason has *decisively* won the fight, tims crumpled on the floor concussed and winded, and jason demands if tim *really* thinks he was good enough to tail bruce unnoticed for weeks.
and tim says "yes." hes beat up enough he can barely talk but there's still no hesitation whatsoever. and jason is *really* down on himself in this issue--he calls himself a failure, he feels like no one cared about his death, he feels unremembered. and jasons stated intentions here were to get the measure of tim but i also stand by the interpretation that he wanted to warn tim off of the sidekick gig, to remind him you uh. you have to be dick fucking grayson to survive it. (i dont believe either of them mentions him by name, but hey, dicks shadow is big enough for the both of them.)
i think what jason finds worthy of respect here--and, on top of that, intriguing enough that in robin 177 he entreats tim to join him--is the confidence, and also? at absolutely no point does tim believe jason is there to kill him. not a fuckin high bar, i know, but like i said i do think jason had *planned* to try and scare tim off (just also mega derailed himself by accident bc he got too in his feelings about the statue room 🥺), and... its not a bar he would have expected Tim to clear, is all im saying. particularly because while it is *possible* this took place in the middle of uth (tt 29 was released in november 05, between batman 646 and 647, which is the part where slade shows up bc black mask hired him to take jason out, so tt29 couldnt have happened in the middle of those two specific issues, but there are several other points at which jason could have taken a break in menacing gotham to fly to san Francisco), with Jason talking so negatively about himself i have to assume this is after the end of uth.
(you might be able to place this in the in-universe chronology by if/when teen titans mentions chemo dropping on bludhaven, which happens immediately before the bruce-jason-joker final showdown. however i dont feel like poking around for that or any other details to anchor tt29 to the other events happening at the time rn.)
i just also think so much of what jasons doing in this issue is like--he doesn't know *what* hes there to do. he had a plan and hes kinda fumbling it, not because tim is being especially resourceful but because jasons still licking his emotional wounds from uth, and titans tower is bringing up ones i dont think he ever realized hadnt healed. hes feeling everything at once. hes angry and hurt and full of self loathing but i think by the time tim simply says "yes," jason hits the stage of just being... burnt out. done lashing out, fucking tired, just wants to go home, if he can ever find it.
but i do think that "yes" would stick in his craw for a long time afterwards.
tt47: tim kicks jason in the nuts and pretty much declares them even for tt29 lolol. you may have seen my post about how jason only *sometimes* wears armor in countdown--hes drawn in the armored turtleneck and tac pants in tt47, but there are times in countdown hes out there fighting aliens and metas and shit in his jacket, a *t-shirt,* and *jeans.* just a squishy regular degular baseline human doing this and no one ever brings it up. but anyway. do i think tim would have seen jason wearing the equivalent of civvies plus a domino mask, narrow in on that, and immediately decide to kick him in the balls? i sure do. do i also think that this would make him rise in jasons estimation?
yeah. yeah, i really do. lol
anyway after this! after this is jasons briefish world-hopping stint as red robin saving the universe being a big damn hero and getting paid dust by everyone around him, in countdown; i think i mentioned before in this post that at the end he abandons the red robin suit in a dumpster, where it gets picked up by one of tims rogues. this storyline sucks and fabnic is a hack unfortunately. the rogue did it bc he wants tims attention or whatever. not important except for how irritating it is that fabnic fumbled a concept this juicy (tim inheriting and eventually purposely adopting The Bad Robin Mantle) which is also further fumbled by stupid battle for the stupid cowl, and the people who it falls to to salvage it are. johns again, in adventure comics 3, and yost, who is a better writer than johns or fabnic but not by like a huge margin.
and while i do think tim having a bad opinion of jason at this point was inevitable i find it so frustrating the way it was executed... like so often with Bad Tim Writing and also fuckin DC Editorial's Jason Slander Agenda shit it wasn't because in-universe thats how the characters would feel, the writer was using tim as a mouthpiece, and jasons competence and things he cares about arent taken seriously... BUT WHATEVER the point is that when Tim goes to stop Jason from his villainous scheme to reduce crime or whatevr jason has such a high opinion of him that he asks tim to join him:
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and jasons loneliness, his desperation to be heard, is such a theme for him in the new earth/post crisis era and i wish it had been. Handled better lol are you noticig a theme here its that Jason has been written badly. (tim too, tbh.) and when tim says no jasons dejected but unsurprised acceptance breaks my heart. but to me the most interesting part of jasons appearance at the end of tims robin series is in 182, when tim--for absolutely no good reason--gives jason the means to break out of prison.
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he says something about how its what Bruce would have wanted, but for. reasons i wont get too deeply into rn, that absolutely does not hold water.
anyway i just think there's no way jason doesn't start crushing on tim at least a little at this point. shrug.
bftc sucks and i dont want to look at it rn. but its also got examples of jasons high opinion of tim. and also im mad at it bc both countdown AND his appearances in robin feel like they could have been taking jason to a like. more of an antihero type of role and then we get bftc and morrison and its kind of. fucking hard to get jason anywhere near back on track after that for those of us who still like playibg in the post-crisis pre-reboot sandbox. and i wouldnt be mad about that if bftc had been good bc Jason absolutely does make an incredibly interesting and effective and tragic antagonist when handled well but well. he wasnt. and i have no idea what bftc would.have even been like if it was good bc it was so off the wall and dumb and assassinated actually *everyones* characters. so.
im just going to roll back to robin 183 now
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jasons referring to the damage tim got when he got a little bit exploded in 180, this pretty nasty burn on the back of his head, which was actually why he wore jasons RR cowl for the first time (he was still robin). but what you do see here--aside from Tims narration which puts him *firmly* on the side of obnoxiously arrogant and judgmental instead of charmingly cocky in this issue, to my estimation, thanks for nothing fabnic--is the two of them on firmly cordial terms. jason still thinks more highly than tim does of him, but theyre asking each other about their injuries... tim caring about the wellbeing of people he doesn't even like is par for the course with him, ofc, but once again Jason doesn't really get that a whole lot. constantly haunted by this panel from countdown btw:
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does he though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here is another jaytim preboot canon interactions post from a few months ago with some more thoughts, some repeated lol.
anyway. incoherent rambling complete for now. however. jaytim time is all the time 👍 i will revisit this.
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f4iry-bell · 2 months
Stained Shirt and Two Seats for One
a very long title, im so sorry about the setting of first chapter not being clear and switch of what is going on eacothers heads?? though its written in third person pov. first chapter is very terrible pls bare with me. its just for funies.
this is a regular x f!reader. anyone can read it.
NOTE: after TBH but AU where there is no tgg or anything that involves tgg(no avery's game, or alice being alive, etc etc). reader is 23-24. grayson is 26-27 y/o. im sorry for making gray kinda old ITS FOR PLOT REASONS.
warning: unclear setting 🧍‍♀️.
Y/n blinked rapidly as she was trying hard not to scream out of pain and anger. The hot liquid poured all over her burnt like hell. And the colour choice of her top was definitely not helping. At least she doesn't have to immediately meet her client as soon as she lands in London. Some of the people who passed by looked at her stained shirt and the man in front of her who looked so perfect. No, literally, he might just be perfect.
“My sincere apologies.” He apologised and his tone stated neutral, he sounded apologetic but yet not.
“It's okay.” She says giving him a poor smile while she looks at her top.
“It's not okay, your shirt is ruined.” He states.
“No, I was on my phone while I was walking, it's also my fault.” She said and watched him take his white handkerchief out handing it to her.
“I was not looking as well.”
“Thank you, but I don't think it's going to help.” She chuckled but his face remained neutral.
“I’m sorry again” He kept apologising and she kept saying ‘it's fine’
Finally they both parted ways. Grayson was thinking about the incident and the girl, he ruined a perfectly styled outfit. It was simple and probably comfortable for flying. He remembered that his flight is about to take off in 30 minutes. He can't let that event bother his whole plane ride.
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As Grayson walked inside the flight through the economy, he recognised one person sitting in the middle, the girl whom he poured his black coffee on. She was wearing a cardigan over her stained shirt. Her wired earphones disappeared in her wavy hair. She sat in between a weird old man and a woman with her baby on her lap. She looked so done. He can't imagine how bad her day must be. First, he pours coffee on her and now she has to sit next to probably two worst types of people you would find on a plane. He couldn't help himself. He walked to her seat, fortunately he didn't have to tap on her to make her notice his presence. She looked at him once he was near her seat and unplugged her earphones from her ears with a confused look. Probably wondering why he is here.
“Hi.” She said and gave him an awkward smile as if this man did not just pour hot coffee on her.
“I have an offer,” He said. “For you.”
“Oh. um, oh” He can tell that she was super confused by her response.
“You have a seat in first class” He informed her.
“Huh?” She was still confused.
“You heard me. I have a seat for you in the first class” He was trying to be clear.
She can tell that this man was about to board in first class when he poured coffee on her just by his looks. But why is he offering his seat? Because he poured coffee on her? And where will he sit? In her seat? He looks like he never travelled out of first class.
“Oh you don't have to give up your seat. It's fine.” She smiles.
“Ma’am, I'm not giving up my seat. Take the offer” He ordered, getting kind of impatient.
“You’re not? But you said that you have a seat for me”
“So, your seat”
“Yes. My other seat” He added “You'll be sitting next to me”
“You have booked two seats?” She asked. Was he supposed to travel with someone? His outfit might say that he was supposed to travel with a business partner or assistant.
“I always do. Now if you're done with your questions, we must leave before the airhostess asks us” He said.
She blinked a couple times not believing what just happened. She stood up and noticed the lady with her baby was giving her a jealous look. I mean she can't blame the lady, who wouldn't want to travel in first class. She took her small backpack with her.
She spoke as they walked “So um why'd you book two seats?” She didn't want to pry but she was going to sit next to this man for hours, she didn't want it to be awkward throughout.
“As I've mentioned already. I always do”. He replied. Showing no interest in a conversation. He is giving her a seat in first class that should be enough of an apology for the coffee, right?
“But why?”
“Because I do not like sitting next to strangers. You'll be surprised to find out even people who travel first class want to engage in unnecessary conversations” He told her. She gave a nod. She made a mental note to not engage in a conversation with him.
Grayson noticed it, he also thought that she is quite polite and beautiful too.
She tried hard not to think that he is an arrogant asshole, well he is giving his seat to her so he must be fine. She made sure not to make silly conversation with him or not talk at all. This man booked two tickets just so he doesn't have to engage with others. He must hate people. Y/n was not a fan of people or small talk with strangers either so it's not hard for her to keep her to herself. But if the awkward silence is too loud she won't be able to help herself, she will just say something random.
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The plane ride was quiet as Grayson wanted. He liked the fact that the girl did not try to have any small talk with him. All though he tried his best to mind his own business he kept noticing what she was doing, for the first half an hour of the flight the girl was writing something on her notebook. He wanted to peek but it would be too obvious. After some writing she took out a beige eye mask and then rested throughout the flight. Watching her like a creep he decided to do the same as well.
It was like an unwritten rule to walk out of London's airport together for them. Like the plane ride the walk was also quiet. Grayson had a car waiting for him outside already, the girl on the other hand was waiting for a taxi. He wanted to offer her a ride but he thought it was probably too much.
“I’m once again sorry about your clothes. Have a good life” He started and ended the conversation without even giving her time to speak. He didn't care if she thought he was rude, he will never see this girl ever again.
next part →
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