#i think i nerded out too much lol but my point still stands i want utonium to watch this and talks about the ancient tea amongst-
miutonium · 4 months
I've stumbled upon this channel that does great video about medical history and while I really enjoyed watching it, my silly brain kept thinking about how Utonium would love to hear this with me and nerd out about microbiology until I fell asleep hsksjsksksksk
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ganondoodle · 2 months
Not to add more fuel to the fire (I do) but seeing all your TotK rants and agreeing with every single part of them, I just remembered that as soon as the first Sages appeared on screen I immediately noticed that even their voice actors were the same as the Champions from BoTW but a bit "deeper" sounding and when I looked up they ARE.
I don't mind when voice actors make a come back for specific roles tbh but this time with how disappointed I was starting to feel about the game's story it felt super odd?? Like it did feel so much like they were reusing stuff ;;
honestly if anyone wants to rant about totk in my inbox feel free to do so, i might not always respond but its really good to hear others be similarly disappointed and maybe you are even pointing out something i havent thought about
(also its fine to not agree with everythign i say, just dont be a dick about xD)
you see ... now that you say that i remember seeing the leaks before the game came out that some of the voice actors from botw said they returned for totk and that was a topic of discussion .... which went nowhere also bc i guess they were too lazy (sorry, that word is way overused when people talk about games but ... well) to find anyone new for the few lines they say
that said it doesnt exactly help the case of ancient ancestor (that looks exactly the same as the modern people!! i cant stand that!! its my character design taste that is more annoyed than the lore nerd but its stilll ... they didnt do that either to differentiate the past thats OVER TEN THOUSAND years ago aaaaaaargh) that all say the same line only with a few words changed around or rephrased like someone badly copying your homework but trying to hide it- without telling you any new information at all that all have no personality, not even a different clothing style (its aaalllll sonau style now woooheeee) and dont even get to have faces bc they are hidden under a SONAU MASK AT ALL TIMES even when NOT FIGHTING (why are they even in their temples after rauru seals ganondorf ... no seriosuly what are they doing there, just standing around waiting for zelda to come beg them to swear yet another oath to some guy in the far future, theres no one in the bg either like idk, they could have been praying or sth- wait .... why are they still wearing the stupid mask and outfit .... raurus gone and minerus getting eaten by miasma i dont think anyone would care (i know its bc they dont want to make another model ... though removing the helmet at the very least ... no?) and then dont even get their own voice ... lol
(i didnt notice bc i played with japanese voices bc the german voice actor for gan sounded like german daruk and that was too weird for me ... i still expected him to say more than a few lines and some yells at that point .. hah ... )
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
Oh Pocky! I finally have a request idea lmao 👀
Any of the boys you want (but specifically Wanderer bc I've been thinking about him nonstop) with a reader who looks really weak (bc they're a nerd magic user) surprising him by picking him up bridal style. Reader's secret? They're using anemo to support his weight. Up to you if the reader tells him or if he figures it out lol. I just want to see these boys flustered >:3c
(If you want more details maybe it's after he got injured somehow and reader's like "you're not walking after this")
Jayyyy!! It's been so long! This was actually really fun to do! Thanks for the request<3
➺ Characters: Wanderer, Cyno, and Alhaitham ➺ Genre: Fluff ➺ Note: In Wanderer's portion, (w/n) mean's wanderer name in the event you chose something for him. If you chose a name as a joke (i.e edgelord lmao) you're welcome to use that or just keep it as wanderer.
Picking Him Up!
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“Are you sure you can walk?” You asked in a teasing tone, making (w/n) scoff a little. Just a few moments ago, the two of you were walking back home from your little day out, but (w/n) had stepped on a rock weirdly and fell. It seemed as if he really hurt his heel, but he refused to say anything other than he was fine. Not wanting to push the subject, you just accepted and continued walking on your way. However, he had been limping the entire time.
“I’m fine, you worry about yourself.” He replied as he limped onwards. You couldn’t help but chuckle, but at the same time felt really bad. He hurt his foot that much?
“Come on, (w/n), I can help you walk.” You offered to which he shook his head and sighed.
“It’s fine, really. I just hurt myself a little and I’m fine.” He admitted and kept limping. But now you felt even worse! He didn’t even wanna pretend he wasn’t hurt. Deciding to ignore him, you moved behind him and- rather easily- lifted him up. His eyes widened and he looked around frantically.
“Th-the hell?!” Weren’t you a little weakling?! How’d you pick him up?
“Surprised? I’m plenty strong too, yanno.”
“Bull! You're weak as hell!”
“Who’s carrying who right now?” And for the rest of the entire trip, he kept trying to get you to reveal your secrets. But you weren’t gonna tell him you were using your anemo vision to carry him. He looked kinda cute all shocked like this!
Cyno had been sparring earlier with a friend of his and you had been watching. Everything was fine and the little match ended. Thing was… he seemed to hurt his leg at some point. He was sitting for an extended period of time before you approached him.
“Cyno? Are you ok?”
“Oh, (y/n). I didn’t know you were here.” He said, eyes wide when they landed on you.
“Oh, yeah! I just got here earlier today! Are you ok? Is your leg hurt?” You asked with a frown as you crouched down next to him to see the extended leg before you.
“A little,” he admitted, “it’s my ankle. But I’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry about me. What brings you buy?” He inquired as he pushed himself to stand. You stepped back to allow him, eyes locked onto his face just in case you saw him wince, and you did.
“Are you sure? I just wanted to see you, that’s all.” He nodded to your previous question and began to walk back to his little house. But you noticed he was limping. Though you two were making conversation, you had a hard time following what he was saying because you were just so worried. If he couldn’t walk, then he needed to rest.
“Cyno, I can help you walk.” You offered, to which he shook his head.
“No, I’m ok, really.”
“You’re limping.”
“Nothing I haven’t dealt with before.” The way he said it clearly meant the end of your conversation. But you were relentless, so you just scooped him up and held up in your arms with relative ease.
“Wh-what?!” His eyes were wide and his cheeks were red from your actions, unable to understand how someone as weak as you just picked him up! Sure, he wasn’t the tallest, but he still had muscle on him- that weighed something! But the way you walked made him feel as light as a feather.
To you, he was, anyway. You had used your anemo vision to help you lift him up. The look on his face was just the icing on top.
“Alhaitham! Hi!” You called as you ran towards him. He perked up from his place on the desk when he heard your voice, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He turned to see you, waving a little.
“Hello, (y/n). What brings you buy?” He inquired as he watched you stop in front of him.
“I wanted to go out to eat today! You said your lunch was soon, so I wanted to know if you wanted to grab a bite!” You had offered with such enthusiasm, not even the cruelest could say no. Certainly not Alhaitham.
“Of course, I would love to.” He said as he closed his book and stood up. The two of you walked out of the building and down the path, talking as you went along. However, you two hadn’t noticed the run away card, flying down the hill. With his quick reaction speed, Alhaitham yanked you back, falling to the ground with you, the cart just barely missing you two. However, a crate fell on his leg, making him groan in pain as the owner of the cart stopped for only a second to push the crate off, offer an apology, and kept chasing. Alhaitham wouldn’t have had a problem helping… but his leg hurt.
“Are you ok?!” You yelled in panic, sitting up a little. Your boyfriend nodded, frowning a little.
“Yeah, just… I’m good.” He said as you helped him stand up. He winced again as he tried to step on his left leg, making you frown.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” He looked hurt- you could tell. He could barely apply pressure to his leg. “I can help you walk.”
“Don’t worry about it. Just a little ache.” His words seemed strained and he began to walk down to a nearby ledge to sit but it seemed kind of hard for him. So, deciding to ignore him, you just lifted him up. It wasn’t easy since he was taller than you, but with your abilities, he wasn’t heavy.
“Wh-what are you doing?! P-put me down!” Alhaitham protested almost the second he was off his feet. “H-how did you do that?!” He was conflicted between asking you to put him down and asking you to explain how you lifted him so easily. You only chuckled and kept walking.
“Didn’t think I could, did you? Well, it’s my little secret, darling~” you said with a wink, making his cheeks flush bright red. He was so embarrassed but at the same time, he found it kind of sweet. But too many people were looking now!
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arlertdarling · 10 months
Congrats on 100 followers! This is such a sweet thing to do to celebrate and I hope you have as much fun writing them as I'm sure we will reading them 💜
I don't want to take up a slot if you get too many requests, but the prompt of photograph made me think about Hange's excitement over Marleyan technology. Would you consider doing a canonverse drabble about Hange getting their photo taken for the first time (or something similar)? Whatever level of platonic or romantic so long as its sweet and fluffy because it's what Hange deserves ☺️
thank you so much! so far i’m really enjoying writing these and i don’t have many at all, so no worries, but i appreciate your consideration<3
i absolutely adore this idea, i hope i did it justice! i got carried away so this is about 900+ words whoops. also i did a lot of research on cameras from the 1910s lol i hope it’s accurate
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hange x gn!photographer!reader, anti-marleyan volunteer!reader, reader is a lame and insecure little photography nerd (affectionate), canonverse
this request is a part of my 100+ follower event; if you’re interested, check out this post!
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people have asked to hold your camera before, but never to examine it — which is exactly what commander hange did after discovering what you do for a living. along with that, they also insisted on a demonstration of what your ‘fascinating marleyan tech’ does — and that’s how you’ve ended up here, with hange turning over and inspecting a heavy, nickel-plated invention called the ‘camera’.
“oi, be careful with that thing,” levi says to hange, but they completely ignore him and continue to handle the instrument with frenzied interest, studying every component up-close and fiddling with its mechanics.
it’s not every day — at least not before you arrived in paradis with yelena and the others — that you see someone so in awe of the technology you’ve grown accustomed to and use regularly. it makes you nostalgic, in a way, seeing hange so amazed by the camera and all its intricate features, as it reminds you of when you first saw one.
“wow,” hange breathes, probably the only thing they’ve said that isn’t mumbled, unintelligible word vomit. “wow, this is just– wow!”
you giggle at their reaction as they take one last look over the camera before handing it back to you, a greater level of care and respect in their hold than before.
“so...” they point their thumb at the chair and backdrop set up behind them with a grin. “we just stand here and you make the ‘photograph’?”
the way they phrase it makes you smile, not bothering to correct them since it’s so endearing and instead just nodding. hange is already by the chair, gesturing to it for levi to sit in. he glares and slaps their hands away, telling them to sit in it. hange teases him about having a complex but complies anyway. you laugh at the scene inwardly while you set the camera on its tripod and readjust its mechanisms. in your peripheral vision, you see hange in the chair, rambling to levi — who’s standing awkwardly behind them — about how they should sit and what expression they should make. you smile and continue to make adjustments; turning the dial, tweaking the aperture, checking the eyepiece. once you’re sure that everything is calibrated, you straighten up.
“okay. please be as still as possible for at least eight seconds,” you announce.
hange sits up. “wait, wait! eight seconds? why is that?”
you’re a little caught off guard by their questions. usually people just nod and do as they’re told because ‘you’re the expert here’ but you admire their curiosity. “um, the camera has a slow shutter speed,” you answer, lightly tapping the lens, “so the photograph will be blurry if you move.”
hange frowns in thought. “what happens if i move on accident? what if i need to sneeze? what if– hey! maybe if you could make a quicker ‘shutter speed’–” they gasp. “or maybe if there was a way to allow it to capture movement–”
“focus, four-eyes,” levi snaps at them, “and quit fidgeting or else the photograph will be shitty.”
“ah, i can’t help it!” hange exclaims. the entire time, they haven’t stopped squirming, too giddy and ecstatic. they keep thinking back to the photo they found in eren’s basement and how soon they’ll have one of their own; a physical, permanent reflection of a moment in time. “this is just so exciting!”
they finally settle down and smile, all teeth. levi has been ready the entire time, posed with his arms folded across his chest; not even looking at the camera, but you suppose that’s likely the best you’ll get and press the button under the lens. the camera clicks and you wait a few seconds before taking it off the stand and opening up the shutter compartment.
hange is by your side in a flash and levi has to catch their chair as it’s almost knocked back from how suddenly they leap out of it. “is it done? can i see?” hange pesters eagerly, hovering over your shoulder and trying to catch a glimpse of the photo. levi follows after them, but stands to the side, waiting.
you laugh. “ah, no, it’s not ready yet,” you tell them. “it needs to be exposed to light for a minute or so before i remove it, and then it’ll take some time to develop, and after that, some more time to print... it’s, uh– it’s quite the tedious process, really.” instead of the typical confused or dumbfounded expression you’re used to, you see admiration and wonder and bewilderment, like hange wants to hear you keep talking, to tell them more about photo production — and that’s when you get an idea.
“actually,” you say, meeting their keen eyes, “i can show you, if you’d like?” they just stare at you, expressionless. “um, it’s– it’s time-consuming so i understand if you don’t want to stay for the whole process–”
“i can?! really?!” they cling to your arm like a puppy, almost delirious in their excitement. their face lurches forward, eyes wide and eager behind their glasses. “can i try making a photograph? please say yes!”
you chuckle. “i’ll have to think about it,” you say and take out the film, then lift it up and show it to hange. “for now, let’s go get this developed.”
hange’s glasses glint as they snicker almost maniacally before grabbing levi by the arm. “leviii!” they shout, and the short man winces at their volume, grumbling a ‘stop yelling’ to which hange responds, “wanna tag along?”
“uh, i’ll... pass,” he says, shrugging off hange’s hands. he glances at you, then back at hange. “i’m leaving. i’ll see you at tomorrow’s morning meeting, hange. don’t be late.”
as he’s leaving, hange calls out, “your loss!” and waits for him to disappear down the corridor before turning back to you. “anyway! ‘developed’, you said?”
you look up from where you’re collapsing the billow back inside the camera. “oh, uh, yes.”
hange grins. “lead the way!”
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fareehaandspaniards · 5 months
I sometimes wonder how comes you ended up SO attached to Damian specifically? When you first appeared you was just one of us Micolash simps, but before I've noticed it is just Damian everywhere ggjhggkj Sorry if you've answered somewhere already, but what made you so obsessed with Damian? What was that thing that made you see his potential and appeal the way you do now?
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Well, yes, you were right to point out that when I came here, I was mostly interested only in Micolash! But gradually getting used to the character, you start to think about his surroundings! And if Edgar I liked from the first glance and he always will be my favourite nerd-accountant-church boy with issues, then Damian I just ignored at first xd And in the game did not really notice him, although he stands out among the phantoms - Loch Shield, ability to heal with choir bell, Mensis cage (AND his amazing look. Long hair and tired old face? Ooooh, I'm in). The cage in particular makes you think that he is a very difficult character which belongs to an enemy fraction and fights on your side. Well beyond that, it was worth taking a closer look at him and it all went on its own :'D
Most of the fandom sees him in a similar way - caring, selflessly giving of himself to Micolash, loyal to the core, a bit slow due to age, and cozy man. My first vision of him was also like he is an absolute angel, the purest creation in the entire game! That was second phase of my simping I think xD Granddilf with the biggest heart and purest soul, loyal servant of his beloved one - oh my god!! Makes me go crazy because I want him to be respected immediately, be loved and cherished. Maybe he is my type? I don't know. Old, really OLD man with loving heart and I-i-i-i... melting...
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One of my headcanons is that Damian can kill a human, do crimes, cruel medical experiments (he is a Mensis scholar after all) but he can never hurt a child! ^^^^ There is him with little Yurie, Micolash and Edgar, and image I drew after a cool discussion with Fantomette! We talked about possibility of Edgar being Micolash's son, which means that Damian could possibly be his godfather xd
(Also you may see a plushie bunnie in little Micolash's hands and it has much more sense that it may seem!)
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I am too lazy to explain I am sorry Dx But I wrote about bunny and little Irzhie here, in an ask game. The question was - what would be his favourite toy? >>>
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Me and my husband talked about Irzhie too much and came to many funny and creepy conclusions and ideas (Damian's obsession with his little brother, projection his brother on Micolash, insanity, necromancy and,,,, Many other things :^) , so that picture was born)
(Sorry to put it in your ask lkak.ermkeamg,g,fdmg BUT you can't shut me up when it's about Damian D: )
I mean you can put Damian in ANY headcanon and he still be kindest man ever existed.
In myvision of lore he helped Rom when she felt really bad in Byrgenwerth, was one amongst three people in the whole college who supported Caryll, he protected Micolash his whole life, he was trying to soften Micolash's deeds and didn't want him to involve innocent children in his experiments (as much as adults. But I believe that Yahar'gul people were sort of fanatics so there were many volunteers for School of Mensis medical stuff), he was the one who will always do his best to help whenever you ask.
And my poor old man is also a saddest creature, because the fact is a fact - no matter if he hates or loves Micolash or just fights against his ideas in game, Micolash is in a Nightmare and Damian is here. I shipped Damicolash and it was really bittersweet. Mico dies and what is left for Damian? Only grieve and sorrow?
Damian/Yurie - bitter end, Damian/Rom - bitter end, Damian/Micolash - bitter end, Damian/anyone else - bitter end! :^)
Anyone else except sir Gremia! (This man deserves another post he is also so complicated! My husband KNOWS how much I adore him. Many of our daily jokes include him lol) Gremia has a strong need in an "adult/mother" archetype and also in "wife/lover", he needs someone who will pat his head and whom he can protect. And Damian needs someone to take care of, to protect and to be protected by that someone (Theme for another post :Р)
Damian, who gave love but didn't receive it, who did his best for Micolash but ended up leaving the Mensis School because his beloved crossed all bounds of sanity, who believed in Kos, his goddess of mothers and children, who genuinely tried to help everyone - I wanted him to be happy.
It really concerned me and I think then started the third phase of simping, when I found out that Sir Gremia exists and Damian just can't be perfect (it's so wrong and boring. I love when a character is like alive person, so it means they are problematic! There are no "normal" people)
I have to say, as you mentioned, I have seen him as a chad, attracting everyone to him xD But right now for me he has flaws, he can be very annoying sometimes, plus overprotection of Micolash (I think Micolash even got tired of him. Sounds like an absolute Micolash plus that may be a reason he let Damian go from serving him), weaknesses and traumas, cruelty and coldness in his heart, and a strong attachment to the past. But he's the kind one. And that's what hit my heart the hardest way. He is player friendly for his own unknown reasons, but I believe his destiny and talent is to lead and protect, which is what he has been doing all his life.
I write a fic about him and Gremia right now, connected with the early Healing Church and I want to put there all my headcanons, big and small and finally finish his story and give him the end of the game that he deserves
I am sorry for the amount of text. Old man took a place in my heart, he does not only looks like an absolute perfection but also seems to be a wonderful person with lots of issues and flaws. I LOVE HIM
I need to improve my drawing skill so I will draw him better and he will become more popular :'D
Maybe I got a little off-topic? But I want you to know how I see him - it's the main point of my simping xD So hard to put all my thoughts in one text. Hope it's not hard to read. It's much easier to write a story than tell the chaos that is happening in your head with your blorbo xD
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zivazivc · 9 days
Yesterday I watched Help! I'm A Fish and I had a good time! Chuck's seriousness and Fly's upbeat attitude made me think of Eddy M and Ravin respectively.
That movie is SO bizarre. I showed it to a friend a couple of weeks ago, so I watched it twice now, and we both kept screaming at all the emotional whiplash scenes jfksjhfdjh
I think I see what you mean about Eddy M and Ravin being like Chuck and Fly. Especially in the context of your headcanon where they had a rough childhood. They're not much like those characters in my version though.
Eddy M is a rude moody teen who is very matter-of-fact and headstrong - he's a 13-year-old who thinks he knows everything, and he will let you know that with sassy remarks and comebacks.
Ravin is definitely upbeat and more positive but I wouldn't call her Eddy's opposite because she is equally a smartass. She is just very jokey, self-aware nerd face emoji about it. She'll go "errrrmm, ACTually ☝" whenever she thinks she's right about something or when she just wants to annoy you. That's a good descriptor actually; instead of being rude the normal teenage way like Eddy, she is annoying - intentionally. It's a bit and she fully commits.
Dunno how to better describe them lol
Since I know you'll appreciate, I'm sharing a small chunk of my "Floyd runs into the techno troll and their kids" wip under the cut. It's been sitting and collecting dust for a while now because I have no idea how to finish it, but you can get a bit of an idea of what I imagine these two kids being like:
(for context, Floyd is helping Bruce at the bar and guess who happens to visit? And Floyd goes to take an order from them because he is a dumbass and needs too long to realize who he's talking to... The techno troll and Floyd have a private talk, it goes poorly and the techno troll lets him know that he doesn't want him to meet the kids or let them know who he is, and then Floyd hides behind the bar going full blown emo mode... (Also this is an unfinished draft so there might be some klunky parts, idk, I don't feel like editing it rn but I'm also very self conscious about my writing in general so I need to point this out 😬))
. . .
Floyd felt an intense misery wash over him. He really was a fuck up.
He stared at his feet for who knows how long (Maybe he had begun to dissociate?) when the faint sound of light feet stopping nearby made him look up.
Couldn’t this family gathering end already???
He nearly choked on his saliva while standing up in a desperate attempt to find something to busy himself with and not deal with this.
“Uh, h-hi, random kids I don’t know.”
He gave up at the sight of the empty sink with nothing to wash, and carefully looked at the two kids like they were going to bite him from any sudden movements. He probably shouldn’t stare too hard but that was what he ended up doing while taking in their appearance.
“How dumb do you think we are?” the boy—Edwin said with the distinct attitude and mannerism of a brash teen.
“From one to ten,” Ravin added quickly after and much more cheerily, while she pulled a small journal from her hair. She clicked her gel pen and pressed it against the paper in preparation. “Be honest.”
Floyd was a bit dumbfounded to be honest. “... What?” He straightened a little where he was still leaning against the sink and not facing them fully.
“Is on the slower side…” Ravin said out loud while scribbling the words down.
“We have to do this fast,” Edwin explained impatiently and with uncanny matter-of-fact-ness. “Dads think we went to the bathroom.”
“Uh… Do what fast?”
Ravin spoke up while staring at her journal: “How would you describe yourself?”
“What’s your favorite song?” asked Edwin.
"Would you say your hair is white and pink or white and red? And since when is it white? Dad never mentioned that."
“Do you think the words ‘drug addict hobo’ accurately describe you?”
“What’s better, hardcore or emo?”
“I told you it’s not emo!”
"Do you have any health history we should be aware of?" 
“If you were a bug, what type of bug would you be?
"Do we have any other siblings?" 
Floyd’s eyes grew wide from the onslaught of questions. “Whoa, whoa, slow down!” Then reluctantly he added “One at a time, please.” without even realizing he invited them into a conversation.
Edwin looked at his sister. “What was the first one?”
“How would you describe yourself? Three words.”
Floyd didn’t like the first question.
He should probably try thinking of positives…
“I’m a good singer. Well, I used to be…”
“That’s your personality?" Edwin deadpanned. "Singing?”
“I’ll just write down: bad self-image, bad under pressure, bad at understanding questions.”
"Those aren't personality traits either, sis."
"Fine! Unconfident, anti-equanimous, intelligently-impaired. There."
"Next question?"
“What’s your favorite song?”
Floyd's mouth was hanging open. He was pretty sure he just got called an insecure some-big-word idiot.
"Hello? We have a time limit. What's your favorite song?" 
“...T-That’s a hard question," he fumbled for words, "there’s so many songs, it would be impossible to choose.”
Ravin looked into her notepad with a sigh and jotted down: “Indecisive. Gives flakey vibes.”
Floyd didn’t know how to respond to that either. Would it be weird if he got upset? Because he was definitely offended. But then again maybe he deserved this. Like some kind of delayed karma.
“If you were a bug, what type of bug would you be?”
Floyd thought about it, trying to come up with some type of direct answer at least for this question. “Hmm… A grig, maybe?”
Edwin made a face. “What the heck is a grig?”
Ravin seemed to have an idea. She wrote down: “An old soul. Depressed.”
“That’s the opposite of a grig!”
“Have you heard of reverse self-awareness?”
“Probably ‘cause I just made it up. But the term kinda suits you." She scratched her scalp with the dull end of her pen."I think?”
Floyd, still feeling absolutely lost in the whole situation, continued to stare mutely.
Edwin was watching him judgingly. "You think there's any awareness there at all?"
Ravin gave a vague hum before getting back on track. "What do you do for a living?" 
"Rae, don't waste our time with stupid questions. It's obvious what he does."
Maybe, Floyd thought, he could finally impress them with something. "I'm a musician, actually."
"Yeah okay, music boy." Edwin replied without missing a beat. "Is the apron a new fashion accessory I don't know about?" 
Floyd’s mouth hung open (if it ever even stopped hanging). These kids were savage…
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writermai05 · 1 month
Arsonist's Lullabye
Chapter 7: Witness Me, Like Fire
Summary: Zuko and Azula reunite?
Pairing: Zuko x fem! reader (Live Action or Animated) 
A/N: A late/early chapter to make up for lack of chapter this week. I’m actually hoping to get another chapter out on Friday so let’s keep these good vibes going LOL.
Word Count: 800
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Avatar: The Last Airbender, I am merely a nerd who hyperfixates a lot. Lots of divergence from the canon story lol. 
Warnings !: Mentions of Zuko’s scarring, Azula has a mental breakdown (team get Azula therapy.)
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Zuko was going to burn down the shop if people kept coming in. 
He was so close to being done, and yet his shift at the Jasmine Dragon was never ending. A mere 15 minutes before Friday night closing, a whole group of college students from the university, probably a club Zuko had guessed, and they had about 20 people all together. It had taken Zuko alone nearly 30 minutes to get everybody their drinks and he was absolutely drained. 
As he ducked below the counter to put some pastries in the refrigerator, he heard the door chime once again. Letting out a silent sigh, he called out to the customer, “Sorry! We’re actually closed right now.” The person who walked in gave an eerily familiar chuckle. 
“Even for family Zuzu? How disappointing..” 
A chill shot down his spine. He straightened his spine, standing up from beneath the counter, facing his sister. 
She cut him off before he could even get another word in.
“A Southern Water Tribe girl, about..hm..” She laid her right hand flat in front of her chin, “This tall. Nice, talkative, kind of strange.” 
At the mention of you, Zuko felt lightning shoot through his veins, himself becoming a storm brewing in the middle of the shop. 
“Bingo! Right on the nose. She mentioned that the two of you were classmates, so I figured you and our dear uncle still lived at this little tea shop. It’s…quaint.” She said snidely, literally turning her nose up at the shop that Zuko and Iroh had put years of work into.
“How did you know about the shop?” 
“You think our father doesn’t know where you are? After all these years, you thought you were finally free?” Azula chuckled bitterly. “Ridiculous, really. You should know better than that.”
“What about Mai and Ty Lee? Did you know they were in Ba Sing Se? Have you been keeping tabs on them too?” Zuko knew that it was a deep cut, but at this point he didn’t even care. Azula’s facade cracked at the mention of her two former best friends. 
“They don’t matter. Nobody does.”
“Then why are you here? If you’re so much better than this, then why even come?” Zuko yelled, becoming frustrated. 
This alarmed Iroh, who was blissfully unaware of the situation that was escalating a mere five feet away outside of the kitchen. He came into the front of the cafe where the two siblings were arguing. 
“Azula? It’s been so long...” Iroh kept his eyes trained on the woman, a phantom image of the little girl he once knew, years before. Azula and Zuko’s heads snapped to their uncle.
“Hello Uncle. I can see you're still yourself.” Zuko rolled his eyes at his sister’s reply, letting out a scoff. 
“Knock it off. Why are you here Azula?”  
Azula shrugged, feigning innocence. “No reason. Don’t you think it’s nice to leave the Fire Nation every once in a while?”
Zuko, moved his hands over his face, rubbing frustratedly. “I wouldn’t know. I haven’t been back to the Fire Nation since, I don’t know, our father burned half of my face! I don’t understand Azula! You leave for, spirits knows what, and you come here, why? Just to antagonize me? What do you want?” He violently ripped his hands away from his face, fire coming from his hands out of a shear vexation. 
“Zuko!” Iroh scolded. 
“I don’t see what you have to complain about. You left! Just like our mother!” Azula began to laugh hysterically, much to the shock of both Zuko and Iroh. 
“You know what? Coming here was a mistake. I should’ve known that he was right.” Her breathing began to pick up, as she continued to laugh, bitterly, and clearly distressed. 
“Azula!” Zuko called out, as she made her way to the exit. 
Then she screamed, a guttural, and painful noise. Her arms stretched in front of her body, unleashing a torrent of flames towards the two. Iroh acted quicker than Zuko, dispelling the flames as they approached them. The older man stood in shock, as Zuko attempted to follow his sister out the door. 
Walking out of the shop into the cool night air, the dark sky clouded everything like a shawl, and with it Azula was nowhere to be seen. 
As he paced back to the shop, he made eye contact with his Uncle, shaking his head. They could not wrap their heads around what had just happened. Iroh put an arm around Zuko’s shoulders, locking the door behind them. He knew that Zuko didn’t mean for this to happen. They would probably talk about it all tomorrow morning. 
But just like that, Azula had disappeared into the night, 
and all Zuko could do was witness it. 
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earlgreytea68 · 9 months
Since we’re all kind obsessed with that excerpt from joes book (and for good reason it’s gold) I’m adding my thoughts:
1) I know we’re focusing on the peterick of it all bc it’s great but something gets to me about joe latching on to Patrick and his voice, like listening to the demos, showing them to pete, insisting they get him to sing even though pete didn’t like the recordings (which is hilarious but speaking of eowyg era I can see why, Patrick was SO young). Like this teenage joe got into a debate with some random kid and listened to a shitty demo, but something in there made him go yeah, that’s it, that’s our secret weapon, and I’m not letting Pete leave until he hears it too. Their friendship…..
2) and okay now the peterick and the rest. I think it is a combination of everything you and others have mentioned, where Patrick is just a little magic in person when performing, there’s Something that even early on without as good a handle on his voice must have been there. And Pete was Gone from moment one when he opened that door like there’s a reason that memory is burned into his head so hearing him in person after that he didn’t stand a chance
3) my theory on what was different about Patrick singing is two-fold: iirc, the demos were songs hed written, and he’s said before that early on he sometimes wrote songs out of his vocal range bc he didn’t know what his range was and he wasn’t focused on the singing at all it was about the Music, so maybe he either just didn’t do much impressive or interesting with vocals bc that wasn’t the focus, or he wrote something that didn’t suit his voice. He also had different musical influences than the others so his songs just might not have been to their taste. But when he’s singing songs they know and love? V different situation, they get to hear him sing the style of music he would be for the band.
The second part of the theory is Patrick has also said that early performances bc he was nervous he started out more imitating how other artists sang and that confidence over time was partially learning how to sing like Himself. So for the audition if he were singing songs by someone else it might have been easier for him to perform if he was trying to match someone else’s tone and and delivery, and might have forced him to show off range and vocal agility and little more than songs he wrote for himself.
This got really long but combo of a lot of factors with a heavy dose of Patrick being adorable and endearing and clearly knowing his stuff with music if he can just pull out these songs on request
I love that Joe immediately thought Patrick seemed cool and he wanted to hang out with him more, like, he definitely recognized a kindred hopeless music nerd who he could keep debating with endlessly. And he was like, "So let's find something for him to do" lol
THE FACT THAT THAT MEMORY IS BURNED INTO HIS HEAD. Sorry, I will just never get over how vividly Pete talks about the first time he saw Patrick.
This is SUCH a good point, you're so right. Patrick doesn't think he's a singer. He never has and he definitely didn't back then. He didn't give his singing any effort at all, and you're right, he wrote songs out of his own range, he didn't know how to show his voice off and he wasn't comfortable doing it anyway. But yeah, he can totally imitate somebody else, why not, absolutely. That's not him performing, that's a persona, and that he can nail. And I'm sure that would held him come alive a little bit.
(I still, btw, think that Patrick doesn't consider himself to be singing. It's Pete who's singing. Patrick considers himself to be up there doing his best Pete impression, being Pete's voice because Pete doesn't sing for himself. That's what we're getting up there. We are the beneficiary of all the love and affection that Patrick showers upon Pete when he stands up there and delivers his words to us.)
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dolphingirl1234 · 2 years
I started to analyse the hermit crabs episode a while ago, but the wifi cut out and it didn't save so that was the end of that. here I am like 3 months later doing it again.
(Excuse the terrible screenshots lol)
This episode has so much great Peso stuff and no one talks about it I swear.
First of all, look how they just run off without thinking when Barnacles calls.
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They have so much respect for him to just drop the rope they were playing with. They know they have to listen when he calls. Barnacles #1 Role Model TM
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Peso freaked out when Barnacles said that, while Tweak just didn't react. She's known Barnacles for so long that she just. knows.
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Just... absolute ocean nerds. forgot about the tide and kept looking at whatever crabs and stuff were in the rock pools. They live in the ocean. They see this stuff every day, but they still got distracted by it and completely forgot about the tide.
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He left Peso in charge. He left Peso in charge. He does that a lot. He trusts Peso enough to leave him in change of the Octopod while he's gone. This episode is in season 1 and we all know Peso's the little shy boi in season 1. Barnacles gave him a small task to start with, just keeping track of the Octopod while most of them are out.
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This guys taking his small job very seriously. He's the little one. The younger one. The smaller one. The shy one. He doesn't get put in charge. So he's gonna do this job and he's gonna do it WELL.
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She just goes along with it. She knows it's his first time being in charge and she's helping him. She doesn't say anything in this scene and just obeys. I just... I love that.
No picture for this one but Peso's voice sounds forcefully deeper in this scene. he's trying to sound like Barnacles because #1 Role Model TM.
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He hears the creature needing help and just,,, no more big boy Peso.
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She's so supportive I love it sm
Peso sounded the Octo-Alert solely because Barnacles does it. There was absolutely no reason to. He just went out by himself which he could have done without the whole process of explaining it. He just did it because his #1 Role Model does it.
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She prompts him to ask her to open the Octo-Hatch. She could have just done it but no. she wanted Peso to get to say it like Barnacles.
Inkling and Tweak have a little conversation about Peso doing well once he leaves and it's really sweet.
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He looks up to Tweak as well. Like "My friend's so cool look at her go" #2 or 3 Role Model. I'll name her #3 because Kwazii.
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He just,,, shuts down Tweak's plan. Not even "That's a great idea but I don't think it would work" like he usually would. Literally just "no lol whats next". This episode has so much character development.
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He goes straight to Barnacles for help because he is #1 Role Model TM
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There is no reason for Kwazii to be in this scene. He just stands next to Barnacles imitating his pose and occasionally changing facial expressions. He's just there because he wants to be like Barnacles, because say it with me: ✨#1 Role Model✨
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If anyone can speak in emoticons, it's Peso. He sounds so proud of himself when he says that it's adorable.
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Barnacles is so proud of him too. He singles Peso out in multiple episodes to praise him, and this is one of the first as it's in the first season.
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Taking a break from the Peso stuff to point out Tweak's level of empathy. This girl looks so sad when the crab says he doesn't have a shell anymore. I could point out so many examples of this in like every episode.
Anyway that's pretty much all. I've never seen anyone talk about this episode even though it's got so much analysing potential. I'm gonna try analyse more episodes and maybe characters too. So yeah that's my analysis of the hermit crabs episode thanks for listening :)
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Hi, this is the girl who sent you the message about your favorite canon and non-canon 🥰
(Ignore if there is a wrong word or phrase out of context, I'm Brazilian and I'm writing this using Google Translate)
I'm sorry if I didn't explain it correctly, I wanted to say that I love that you bring this information (plot headcanon), and I mentioned that you forgot a headcanon that if I remember correctly, was mentioned. That's what Marcela says that she would ask Mario to be the best man at her wedding with Armando, I hope I explained it better now. ☺️
But I loved knowing that these are your favorite headcanons!!! Patricia's - oh, I love this crazy woman even though I can't stand her sometimes (most of the time) 😭🩷, I also like the one with Mario and Armando's (I really imagine the headaches they must have given their parents during their adolescence together). I didn't remember that Daniel bite his nails when stressed, but I remember him bringing candy to Marcela, a cute side of him that we hardly see lol.
And about noncanons: I believe that Nicolas doesn't know how to cook anything is super canon 🤣
Marcela always waiting for her dad to come home— it breaks my heart to imagine that, but I believe it happened.
Yesss, I also firmly believe that Armando was a very troubled teenager, one of those “problem teenagers”, it’s practically canon for me.
I also agree with what you wrote about the Valencias: what you said about Daniel having to mature quickly when he was practically still a child, and now being almost a teenager trapped in an adult's body, really enters my mind and how I I believe it's real, it explains a lot about the character even though it doesn't justify many of his attitudes (as well as those of others too). I feel as if he had a greater affection and desire to protect more Marcela than Beata, of course he loves them, but he tried to take more care of Marcela. That little girl who was daddy's favorite, who was very attached to them and who was more “sentimental” (I believe that Marcela was a very sentimental girl, even though she might not show it much) than Maria Beatriz, who I believe wasn't as close to them and always lived in her own world, and didn't even have time enough to think about his parents to the point of suffering from their absence. That's what I think.
In fact, I believe and have this noncanon in my head that Marcela was the typical intelligent girl (not a nerd), antisocial (with few, but some friendships) and insecure (despite being pretty) during her adolescence. The opposite of Beata, who has always been very extroverted, friendly and doesn't care what others thought/think of her (but I don't believe she was the typical mean girl, I believe she was that “nice girl” but with confidence, without being mean to anyone because that's not the vibe she gives to me). And I like to think that it was during Marcela's teenage years that she met Patricia 😂🥰, (although they have already commented that it wasn't during her adolescence? but anyway, I don't care) and I also have this image that Patricia had what Marcela didn't have: confidence during her adolescence, and she helped her with that. I can see Patricia putting Marcela's makeup on and the two of them laughing together, Marce saying things like: “I feel so ridiculous” or things like that and Patri saying "there's no reason for that", saying she's beautiful and other things. (Situations that I wish we had seen in screen 🥹, because you know, they have changed but they already had their cute moments and sides). I also see Beata doing this, but I believe she didn't have as much free time to spend with Marce.
Anyway, I loved reading your comments, you are awesome!!! And I would love to talk to you about everything related to YSBLF 🩷🩷🩷
Hi againnnn!🥰
Don't worry, it's okay! I see what you mean now, and you're right, I forgot about that canon detail!! I'm still writing my next "canon details" list so I'll definitely add that!! Marcela does mention that the day after she finds the letter!
Yessss, those are all little details that caught my attention! I love that they bring so much personality to these very alive characters!! And I'm glad you like my headcanons too🥰🥰🥰
Yes! I totally see what you mean. You can tell Daniel really does have a favorite sister, probably due to seeing how much it all hurt her. You can tell he has a very tender spot for her with all those candies and the way he straight up said multiple times that Marcela is the mot important thing in his life
We do see Marce was very antisocial! She doesn't like collection launches or going out, she says so herself, and we never see her with anyone else besides Patty as her friend so maybe she doesn't have many friends at all. We also know she's very good at her job so I totally agree that she was the kind to always study hard and focus on her goals. Regarding Beata, idk!! She is pretty mean. She trashtalks Betty behind her back... I think she's the kind who never ever would pass the opportunity to gossip! Like Bertha😆 but she isn't confrontational nor passive aggressive at all. She can definitely say rude things but it's mainly because of her lack of awareness lmao imo! I imagine her as being the type to inadvertedly create insecurities by mistake by saying tone deaf things like "omg girl!! I can give you the number of my surgeon so you can get the bypass and get your waist libe back!!" To someone who wasn't bothered by her weight till that moment lmaoooo she gives me those vibes, it's not ill intentioned but we know she isn't very socially aware
Patricia is definitely the type to hype her friend up! She actually does a few times in the show, although always making sure to remark that she is prettier than Marcela jajaja I love to think they also met during their teen years! Idk if it's ever mentioned un the show when they met, I can’t remember-- good thing I'm rewatching it again rn!😂😂
Awww I'm so glad you liked it!! I'd love to chat too, whenever you want you can send me a private message or an anon ask if you're more comfortable like that!🥰🫶
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Hello! If you're still doing them, could I please get a Baldur's Gate 3 matchup? I'm bedridden right now from joint pain and need a pick-me-up, but if they're closed feel free to ignore this.
Gender: Genderfluid, but leans towards feminine
Pronouns: Any, but I tend to use she/her because it's honestly just more convenient
Sexuality: Any gender is fine. I might slightly prefer a man but if you think a girl would fit better don't let that stop you ☺️
Appearance: I am a 4’ 10” (147 cm) tall fem-aligned person with long wavy auburn hair, glasses and a fashion sense that varies widely from masc to fem. I'm almost never seen without my compression braces on because I have pretty terrible joint pain, so I've got compression socks, knee braces, shorts for hip pain, gloves for finger joint pain and am generally carrying quite a lot of medical equipment on me at all times lol. That being said, I try to work out when I can so I am getting pretty muscular and enjoy impressing people with my muscles because nobody really expects it.
Personality: I'm a very kind, friendly person but I still have a bit of fiery energy. I'm very passionate and will stand up and verbally smackdown anyone if I feel it's deserved, though generally I'm quite polite. I know tons of random trivia because I research and take notes obsessively. I have autism so the main way I communicate is by infodumping, and I can get easily thrown off in conversation when someone says something I don't expect. I love debating people respectfully, but I really do try to be very nice and as helpful as I possibly can be. I also kind of struggle to ask for help when I need it because I get embarrassed. Plus I am a very stubborn person in general. But most of all I'm very dedicated to self improvement and always strive to be a better version of myself.
Likes: Books and researching, Plants, Witchcraft and occultism, Mythology and religious studies, Linguistics, Exercising and working out and especially Science in general
Dislikes: My chronic illnesses, Heights, Being teased or made fun of (I make a point of not doing this to others either and even when debating I never go for personal jabs), People who are obviously misinformed but refuse to change, Rude and toxic people (If you're going to waste my time being a jerk you're not worth my time at all)
Extra Fun Fact: I currently work at a library and am hoping to become both a researcher and spirit medium
Race: Given my height, probably a halfling or dwarf of some kind
Class: Probably a Paladin or Cleric, maybe with a Wizard multiclass because I'm such a nerd lol
D&D Alignment: Neutral Good. I'm committed to doing good but not too strictly. Basically the “Yeah, but it would be funny” type of morality
Thanks so so much, I hope you have a fantastic day! Take care of yourself!
I hope this helps you feel better! I wish you nothing but a speedy healing process. You seem like a fantastic person. Thank you for letting me write to you!
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
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Wyll Ravengaurd
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Wyll is a gentleman with you, always seeking to get to know you and respect the newfound leader.
He was a lone wolf for so long that now, having a crew of friends and someone he holds near and dear is a fresh summer's breath for him.
He is afraid of Mizora, though. Not that she would hurt him; she wouldn't get anything out of that. He fears the restrictions, rules, and stipulations she would put on him if he sought you out.
Due to this, Wyll tried so hard to keep you at arm's length, only letting you know small fragments of him.
When Mizor made her debut, he felt better about his chances with you. He knew having someone as kind, understanding, and warm as you by his side was just what he needed.
Wyll courted you properly, asking if you would like to explore romance with him, go on small dates, and even take a dance lesson here and there.
No matter how badly he wanted to kiss you, though, he kept refraining until you asked him.
Once you two were past courting and officially together, he made it a point to get explicit permission from Mizora to tell you about Avernus and the Demons who inhabited the other planes.
He may have had to do a shady thing or two to earn this privilege, but it was worth seeing your eyes light up when sharing this limited knowledge.
When freed of the illithid, he would happily give up galivanting across the sword coast to settle down with you. He would only leave because Mizora asked him for assistance.
Wyll watched you flourish as a shopkeeper for books and magical resources, things only your humble shop could attain because of Wyll's Connections and adventures.
If you ever had a tough day or became bedridden, Wyll would drop everything to assist you. He would be your personal nurse. He'd even call Halsin or Shadowheart to help if he was worried about his lack of skill.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
It was a cold day in Faerun; snow had just coated the land and would soon fall again. You were seated in the foyer of your new home, watching the outdoors grow colder. You, however, were quite warm. A hand-knitted blanket was wrapped around you, and a warm fur pelt Mizora gifted you adorned your shoulders. Wyll was by the fire, tending to it. Today was tough for your body; everything was sore and hurting. Wyll did everything he could to help, even utilizing the books and notes Shadowheart and Halsin left for him.
As soon as the warmth was at its peak in the home, Wyll kissed you atop your head and made his way to the kitchen. He would prepare a meal for you two and ensure you had some sustenance. While still staring out at the beautiful white blanket of snow, the thought occurred to you that you were the fearless leader of the band that killed the neatherbrain. The illithid gave you an extraordinary gift of no more pain for the price of being turned. To think you almost took that risk but instead knew your humanity was far more a gift. Plus, you would have lost all the amazing friends you made.
Now, by your partner's side, you were even more confident in your choices because you wouldn't have him. Wyll returned some food and assisted you when you needed it. Once satisfied, you two decide some more rest would do you both well. Wyll had just returned a day or two ago from a grueling task from Mizora. Wyll gently picked you up and walked you back to your room. He knew just as well as you that you could take care of yourself, as you have done this time and time before, but his help was always so warm and appreciated. Once in bed, Wyll curled in behind you, holding you close. With one final kiss on your head, you both fell into a simple slumber. You might feel well enough to build a snowman when you wake.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Just after the freedom of the shadow fell, your group was looking over the security tower at the beginnings of Baldur's Gate. Taking camp before continuing on to your final destination.)
Y/N: Wyll, look at this someone left an enchanted Rapier!
Astarion: ooooh, and quite the liquor selection.
Shadowheart: Please share that with the rest of us.
Wyll: Why don't you all head to the fire and celebrate our accomplishments? Heard Gale cooked quite the feast.
(You walked up to Wyll and leaned your head on his shoulder)
Y/N: What do you think will come of us?
Wyll: Whatever you desire, my love, whatever you desire.
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
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Namor: Conquered Shores #1 SPOILERS
I’m gonna be read/reviewing the comic that has gripped my BODY AND SOUL today, and I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem.
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We start off Namor, 100 years in the future, and the explanation for why is short but to the point, I’m really glad Cantwell didn’t dwell on the whole end of the world plot because I have read those kinda plots so many times and I have zero interest in another one.
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When we first see Namor you get this sense of aloofness from him, as if he’s looking down at these two humans like they are bugs he can easily squash, even his offhanded judgement of “I don’t really care enough, to be honest” would make one think he’s removed himself from the situation of the surface human struggle to survive.
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Ferry’s art is wonderful, I do love how pointy he made Namor’s ears! But the sketchy quality of his work, really works for the story imo because it’s been giving me these raypunk scifi novel book cover vibe, it but it def has that astonishing stories cover art feel to it. As a person who loves most of the Punk subgeneres (cyberpunk, raypunk, steampunk etc.) this was great for me.
What I want to quickly point out is how awesome the colorist is as well, the toxic air in the surface world being represented by this mist is such a great touch!
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It's so refreshing to see Atlantis thriving when all we ever get in the current comics is another Atlantis is destroyed plot. I love the undersea scenes Ferry has created, it really has this beautiful underseapunk futuristic vibe.
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Namor’s arrogance is present as well, you can almost hear him saying “Am I not the most benevolent ruler?” and “It was I who usered in this golden age of Atlantis”, I love how Cantwell doesn’t shy away from his Pride and Arrogance which are both key traits for this character.
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You do not know how great it is to have Nita back, for many people who may not have read Namor and Nita comics, there is a Big Brother and Little Sister relationship, and when she died it really messed him up because she was the closest family he had. Future!Nita is now Queen, and there is a coldness to her in her regards to the humans that past Nita didn’t have, who knows what has turned her heart colder, one could explore a lot in the 100 years since to understand why.
However the aloofness we felt from Namor in the opening pages is contradicted by Nita’s words “When you do return home, you obsess over the suffering of the surface settlement clamoring for aid to a doomed people.” Namor once again showing that even if on the exterior he is a salty mean bitch, inside he is a bleeding heart. I love how this comic shows that Namor is still trying to bridge the gap between his two people, and how he’s always been the one to stand for and between them depending on the circumstances. The Atlanteans in the comics have always hated and mistrusted the surface world, Namor is one of the few who would actively seek peace (outside of plots that would require him to take vengeance for his people, etc)
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I ADORE this scene, lol. This Snobby Bitchy pair hold my whole heart, but I really love the third panel in the center, Nita trying to copy Namor, she’s looked up to him ever since her escape from Llyra’s clutches, and it’s just so cute, little sister coping her big brother. Also her words, her wanting Namor to be there to advise her. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR 1 CRUMB OF SUB-MARINER FAMILY FEELS? SO LONG.
lol, to Namor slyly suggesting/joking she give up her crown if she feels the burden is too much and have a council XD this is that dry sarcasm I don’t get from Namor these days because writers never write him well! I’m just really happy about this comic.
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Eudora is a great addition to the supporting characters. I do love a tiny science nerd lady.
The cool blues of the thriving people beneath the waves vs the harsh reds of the decimated world above really provides the best contrast between the worlds. I think the artist and colorist collaboration is perfect in setting the tones for each world. 
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I've always said "Namor going to the surface world should feel like he is setting foot on an alien planet bc to him the humans ARE aliens, their world isn't the world he was raised in by his mother, Princess Fen", for once I finally get that feeling that Namor is in another world.
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There is this vibe, this tone, that Cantwell sets within his words that I'm trying to describe, it's like a sadness? but deeper. It's sorrow. It's like they lost something long ago, and while Namor's people are thriving his heart is torn with sorrow over the plight of the humans. This whole surface scene is just ALOT, but the way Namor is shown is so in character, yes Namor is older and less brash and less ready to talk with his fists, holding himself back even when attacked. I like to think it’s because Namor knows how sensitive things are in the relationship between his people and the humans. A human dying at his hands would make his mission to convince the rest of the surfacers to move to one of his undersea settlements much harder, they already hate him.
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I was NOT expecting Jim to show up in issue one, but aaaahhhh my HEART, the way Namor is screaming for him!!! I wonder how long has it been since he’s seen Jim? I just love Namor and Jim SO MUCH, and this comic is gonna make me cry over them I just know it.
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Cantwell's letter at the end of the comic is a must read as well! I really enjoyed reading it and it really feels like I have a person who understands what makes these characters so beloved even if most of the world and time has forgotten about Jim and Namor.
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There’s more I haven’t talked about but I urge people to give this comic a read and to follow along with future comics!
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ambitionsource · 1 year
since you guys did the voice casts for the front nine, which singer(s) would fit jack and eric?
Pearl I am so sorry, you sent this 100 years ago lol so forgive me for the delay. As it turns out, shockingly, trying to vocally match older men is a lot harder than the young adults of our main cast LOL. Still, I want to do them justice so I've done the same as I did previously in this post, along with a couple others who have since emerged as more common singers in our ensemble:
ERIC | Eric is the one of the two of them that does have an actual musical theater background, so I do think that makes a difference. His voice would without a doubt be more trained, have a broader range, and probably have more inflection in terms of emotion and emphatic delivery (that's the theater kid edge). I also think that Eric's voice would be deeper than maybe one would assume off the cuff, at least when singing. So as requested, a couple of comps:
Hugh Jackman – This might be partially because we had him perform "A Million Dreams" in Season 2, but I think it fits. Jackman has voice that's like, sturdy and baritone, but it's not overbearing. It doesn't eat up all the oxygen in the room or feel like it's so deep it's coming from the pits of hell. Additionally, I like that he does have a decent range -- see him going for Valjean songs in Les Mis -- so I think that point is important. Example track: A Million Dreams
Christopher Jackson -- Whoop! Didn't see this one coming did we, especially since Jack tends to be the one singing Washington songs from Hamilton... but I do think this tone of voice fits Eric better. Again, it has that rounded, well-balanced, sturdy vocal quality and can emote without a doubt. Example track: History Has Its Eyes On You
Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) -- For a non-Broadway or film take, Justin Vernon of Bon Iver is a fitting enough comp range and tone wise. Example track: exile (with Taylor Swift)
JACK | I think Jack, much like his not-son Lucas, has an edge to his voice that is distinctly unpolished and rough. Even though he's an appreciator of the arts, and works at an arts school, a big part of Jack's whole thing is that he isn't from this world instinctively, and he for sure wasn't honing his range or vocal ability all through his youth. So his early 40s man voice is not Broadway ready, but there's a charm to that as well. I also imagining him having a bit of a husky, Southern quality to the edges of his singing voice because of his upbringing in Virginia. As such, comps to go around:
The Avett Brothers -- Obviously this is a bit unspecific because... there are three brothers in this band and only one Jack, LOL, but you can kind of get the vibe of the like slightly rustic quality, emotive without necessarily being good at channeling emotion, etc. I think this also fits that I picture Jack's singing voice a bit higher in tone than Eric's, and that register works here. Example track: I And Love And You
George Harrison -- I know my Beatles nerd is showing, but I stand by this. George was never the standout vocalist of the Beatles (not that I think any of them were tbh lol, they were much more about music composition and arrangement than like being the best singers ever), but his almost soft-spoken delivery just hits right for Jack to me. Example track: Something
James Taylor -- This is veering almost too much into the twangy territory, but I think it helps serve what I mean by sounding a bit more unpolished and husky while still being more in the baritenor range. James Taylor has had a long career, so there's option abound for sampling, but I went with a cover song from his latest album because he is. Well. Older lol. Example track: God Bless the Child
YINDRA | I would argue Yindra is the most defined singer in our new crop of elevated mains, so she needs a section here. When it comes to her, I want you simply to think of the most talented vocalist you know -- that artist you think is just unbelievably talented and you can't believe they have a range like that. You wonder how they're not a huge star already if they aren't well known. That's Yindra. I feel like there are genuinely so many talented female vocalists that could make this comp list, but since I'm keeping it concise, a top-of-my-head sampling:
SZA -- I think sometimes people think of SZA more as a rap-adjacent vocalist (i.e. more about rhythm and delivery than vocal range, to a degree, which is an equally impressive skill), but I love her voice from a tonal perspective too. Have you heard her jump the octave in tracks from ctrl? An immediately slay. In this case, I will reference one of my favorite tracks from that album and that I think lets her vocals really shine due to the stripped nature of the track. Example track: 20 Something
Tess Henley -- If I haven't made it clear yet by how I slip her songs into the series here and there, I love Tess Henley. She is severely underrated. Why I bring her up for Yindra is two-fold: she has an incredible belt range, and also has a somewhat scratchy quality to her voice in certain octaves that I think is such a unique sound and makes her sound so... authentic and evocative. I think Yindra would have qualities like this too. Yindra's vocal talent is raw, untamed, a force to be reckoned that is bursting out of her -- it wouldn't be polished to pop perfection like Maya. It's just against her nature. Example track: Boomerang
Alicia Keys -- Okay is this a basic answer. Maybe. But I think Alicia's vocal talent speaks for itself, and so does Yindra's. Not to mention, her range alone is blockbuster. Case in point, example track, we all know it's coming: Girl On Fire
NIGEL | Nigel doesn't sing as much as some of the other characters (he's an actor at his core), but he's picked up enough performances this season to warrant mention here. I think of his voice as a gentle, somewhat level tonal tenor, and while I don't have much to say beyond that, a few comps nonetheless:
HONNE -- I can't tell the two members apart so don't ask that of me please lol but the vibes are there. Example track: Location Unknown - Brooklyn Session
Hippo Campus -- Again, don't know who is actually singing here LOL but again, the sound will tell you what you need to know. Example track: Golden
JOSH | Same goes for the above for Josh -- he's not a singer in the explicit sense of the word, so to a degree, his vocals would just sound like some guy. But he's a guy who has a deep, intrinsic understanding of music, and I do think that colors his vocal delivery. He's no Farkle, or even Charlie, but it doesn't hurt your ears to hear him chime in on a tune every now and then (especially when he's splitting with someone like Maya). Comps:
AJR -- AJR are basically just some guys, but some guys who know how to craft a good song, so they're kind of my go-to sound comp for Josh. I also think they sing pretty well about both young adulthood what-am-I-doing-with-my-life angst, and the battles of the industry, so their emotion shines through in that way. Example track: The DJ Is Crying For Help
Glass Animals -- Same sentiments. Example track: Solar Power - Spotify Singles
VANESSA | Unlike Zay, Vanessa is less of a triple-threat than she is more consumed with dance, but we know she can carry a tune competitively. And unfortunately, unless you're going into ballet, it helps to be able to sing to get more performing opportunities that include dance (see: Broadway), so she has most certainly honed those skills. In terms of skill vocally, I would plot her somewhere on the scale between Maya and Riley -- she's more polished than Riley, from all her training and overworking competitiveness, but she lacks Maya's raw natural vocal charisma. But that doesn't mean her voice can't be a showstopper when the moment calls for it. Comps:
Jasmine Cephas-Jones -- The oft overlooked third Schuyler sister of Hamilton, Jasmine has vocals that can cut right through you. I love how much energy and power you can feel in her delivery. Vanessa definitely has that quality. Example track: Little Bird
Normani -- Goes without saying, since we gave her the bop of all bops with "Motivation." And also unfortunate how Normani despite being talented got kind of celebrity eclipsed by a fellow former bandmate (Camila), which is something I'm sure Vanessa would relate to. Example track: Motivation
Billie Eilish -- This one is a bit out of left field, but something about the somewhat flat inflection and lower range (definitely alto) that Billie's voice encompasses has always struck me as a bit Vanessa-like. So I'm including her. Example track: Getting Older
-- Maggie
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure (Manga) - Vol. 1
This is the manga (or manhua) adaptation of the original Digimon Adventure anime. I got my copy from the library and you can borrow it for free on Archive.org!
Manga adaptations of anime are typically cheap money grabs that just copy-paste from the anime, removing some of the soul of the original along the way. As such, I'm not expecting much from this.
Ch. 1
-You can almost always tell when a manga isn't drawn by a Japanese artist, it's just a certain vibe (I know this is technically a manhua). That being said, the art is competent enough. Yuen Wong seems to struggle most when it comes to faces. A lot of the faces look really janky and off model for both the digimon and the digi-destined. The only other thing that's kind of off is that the text boxes are very heavily lined and take up a lot more space than I'm used to.
-When Sora is drawn in chibi-mode she has the straps of her hat up like a rabbit. At first the silhouette was so unfamiliar that I had no idea who it was lol.
-So they covered two episodes in one chapter (up until the Shellmon battle). Let's see if the pace stays that way...
Ch. 2
-This definitely has a similar vibe to most manga adapted from anime that I've read. I wonder if it will diverge from the original material at any point, too soon to judge.
-Tai says to Agumon "I'll do anything but a teeth buffing" and I have nooo idea what that means? (Is he saying "don't eat me?") Also in chapter one Izzy said "baby blue, how emasculating!" when talking about the digivice. I don't think Koushiro would ever say that tbh. I feel like spotting these weird dialogue choices is going to be the most entertaining part about reading this.
Ch. 3
-I guess we're now going at a pace of one episode per chapter, which is fine. Somehow the content still seems a little condensed with a lot of the emotional beats cut out. I feel like the setting changes every two seconds which is giving me whiplash.
-Some weird quirks: the digi-destined call their digimon by their rookie names, even when they're in champion form. Also, the artist really really likes drawing smiley faces as stand-ins for the actual characters. That's like a step below chibification lol
-I think manga like this is perfect for if you wanted to watch Digimon Adventure 02, but you didn't want to catch up on a 50+ episode anime. It's a lot faster to read than to watch. (Although probably not as satisfying overall).
Ch. 4
-More cheesy dialogue. Izzy says "don't mess with an elite hacker" to Tai lol. Koushiro is way more likeable in the original Japanese because localizations loved to make nerds insufferable in the 90s.
-It's funny, I've never thought of Tentomon as robot-like, but in this chapter he said his parts were "short circuiting" and I was like "oh yeahhh...I guess he does have metallic features"
-Did we really need that close-up crotch shot of Andromon?
-You would think that the plot point of there being editable code laying around in random areas of the digital world would have come up again, but I can't remember another time it was really used to the kids' advantage.
Ch. 5
-This panel made me laugh:
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(something about this phrasing and the expressionless chibis is so funny).
-And then Izzy never manually triggered a digivolution again...for some reason? (I feel like this was definitely explained in the anime, but I can't remember what they said).
-They didn't censor the poop this time! As usual, you can get away with more in print than you can on the screen B)
-They confirm that you can repel Numemon with sunlight...and then immediately the kids get attacked by more Numemon in broad daylight. Quickest continuity error ever!
-Another chuckle worthy moment:
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Ch. 6
-Okay, but this one had me die laughing. Just a really good dad joke:
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-Going from Adventure 02 back to the early Adventure days the stakes really do feel lower. No existential conundrums or human/humanoid villains to contend with. Just rampaging digis that can be easily cured.
Ch. 7
-Maybe it's just a translation thing, but sometimes the digimon act like there's one of each digimon species. Like Gomamon says "Unimon's a nice guy!" as if there's one Unimon in the world. Pretty confusing for kids. I wish mon series would just use names (they do sometimes, but it's not the status quo).
Yep, that was pretty generic. I wish they had thrown some more personality in there to make this a unique experience. I would have loved to read some final thoughts from the mangaka or to have gotten an omake of some sort. Ohhh welll...
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
So, out of genuine curiosity, if they were to make spinoffs from Gilmore Girls, what would you like to see?
Personally, I would love to see a spinoff of Jess and someone who could be a version of Jess, like Doula, who we haven't seen. And also, it would be flipping the main idea of Gilmore Girls- from 'mother and daughter being friends' to 'brother and sister being more like a father and daughter'. And then Rory could be like the stand-in version of Luke, and she finds herself pining over him.
Another one, for me, would be Jess's spinoff but with Doula instead, maybe finding a relative and staying with them, eventually trying to piece together her identity as both a Danes and well, TJ's last name...
What do you think of these?
Also, love your AYITL 2 head-canons... Do you have any ideas for Doula and what her relationship could be with Jess? And who do you think should play her? My personal pick is Izabela Vidovic, cause she has the same eyes as Milo Ventimiglia, and she has a very distinct Jess vibe, if you see her in Homefront (2013) and the Veronica Mars reboot.
Anyway, sorry this got too long. Thanks. 😃
God I love your asks!! Anyway I never put too much thought to gilmore girls spinoff but however, if we’re talking about next gen thing? i want it to be about Rory’s kids, or rather, the Mariano - Danes family after Liz left again. In my headcanons, Liz leaves again and she never comes back, which lead Luke takes care of Doula as he did with Jess. But Doula is more open and yeah, in a lot of hurt, but she still has her father and her uncle and Lorelai to take care of her. I’d love to see Lorelai - Doula dynamics because I think, by the time Liz would leave, Lorelai is already part of their family at this point. Doula calls Lorelai “Aunt Lor” since she can remember, they are a family and the situation is very different to what it was with Jess.
But I think Jess would struggle with that a lot. With Liz’s leaving again. He’d blame himself over it again and again, he wouldn’t want Doula to feel what he felt since he was 8. But I also think about how he’d never pack her stuff and told her to leave with him. She has her father, and while I don’t think T.J is very bright or smart, I think he would do anything for Doula to make her feel okay again.
I would love to see Rory & Doula relationship! Especially if Doula ain’t book-nerd as her brother and his wife. I think their relationship would be so interesting to explore. Mostly because I don’t think Rory was around when Doula was growing up, not as Luke or Lorelai were.
I see Doula as more of a gamer teenager? She’d love Zombie and Apocalypse shit, her favorite game would definitely be tlou in my opinion and I think she’d make everyone play it!
Doula and April relationship is something that I would love to explore as well! Actually, I would love to explore Rory - April relationship but also April / Jess / Doula relationship with Luke and his different approach to each of them.
I read @lanekim great fanfic the other day (haven’t finished it yet!!!) about how Luke is actually the town dad and how he takes in the kids nobody wants and i think it’s very true and i think he is a father figure to most of the kids of stars hollow, not just to Rory or Jess…
Anyway now I need that Doula spinoff lol 😂
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heliotism · 2 years
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requested by: @average-unpaid-therapist ! thank you for requesting ^^
warning! possible ooc bc well, he's very new!
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my man right here
he's hot. he's smart. basically, he's got the looks and the brains, which is very attractive in itself!
so, overtime, he gets used to the fact that most of the museum visitors are really just here to admire him, rather than the ancient relics he collected.
(this one was at all you fucking simps /lh)
it gets tiring, it's true.
worst thing is that whenever eclair tries to explain a thing or two about this very interesting artifact, those people will just
stare at him. in a very lovey-dovey, and quite creepy way.
not cool.
problem is, those cookies become so much more frequent, that he can't even properly run the museum, as they always chase him and stick to him—
and then he sees you.
your eyes shine bright with interest, as you read the cartel right next to an antique painting.
you don't necessarily look prettier than the average cookie— and yet, you still are captivating.
eclair can't help but go your way, eager to find out more about you.
note that at this point, it's not love or obsession or anything else— you just piqued his interest.
“are you interested by our collection, dear visitor?”
you jump because that bitch just scared the shit out of you lmfao
“ah, i apologize if i startled you. that was not my intention.”
“oh! no no— it's fine, don't worry! as for your question, then i must say— yes. absolutely!”
you then go on a five minute talk about how each part of the museum had you absolutely thrilled, and how you felt blessed because archeology and history were your two major interests, and now that this museum was here, you could find fellow nerds history fans!
“but i gotta say— my favorite part of the museum surely has to be the dragon fighter cookies exposition.”
interest 100. he's absolutely hooked now.
you?? a fellow dragon-fighter cookies enjoyer??
“yes! i agree, out of all the expositions here, the dragon-fighter one certainly is the richest one— perhaps because i spend a bit too much time on finding relics related to them.”
you laugh at his attempt at a joke, and then you keep the conversation going, which i will not retranscript as i have no idea what to write for it.
but let's just say that with each word you say, especially about his one biggest interest, eclair cookie is slowly being more and more charmed.
you seen the meme that goes "my way of flirting is stating scientific facts"? well, basically, this is you right now, and you don't even realize it.
good job [y/n] lol
speaking of your name— eclair needs to know it.
you know, because it's pretty rare to find other people who enjoy the dragon-fighter cookies' history as much as he does.
“pardon me for being so curious, but may i ask for your name?”
“only if you give me yours first~”
“of course— i am eclair cookie.”
“well, i'm [y/n]!”
he'll make sure to remember your name— and spoiler alert, he does.
after that day, eclair looks forward to seeing you as often as possible. he, unfortunately, can only rarely leave the museum, as he's clearly bound to this place— if he isn't here to keep it clean, then who will do it?
whenever you're not here, he'll either spend his time cleaning the museum or think about you while standing awkwardly in front of the painting where you two first met.
and it's kinda weird because imagine just visiting the museum and then you see the dude that's in charge of the place, just. standing.
and he'd do that for three hours each day.
but thinking isn't enough. thoughts are ephemeral, and even though he's smart, eclair, like any other cookie, forgets them by the end of the day.
so he starts to write them down as they come, in a notebook he hides somewhere inside his office.
eclair certainly wouldn't want you to learn about him writing pages and pages about his kind of obsessive thoughts about you, y'see
poor man doesn't realize it, but he's sinking into the abyss of obsession faster than the titanic 🗿
after roughly four notebooks filled to the brim with lovesick and obsessive notes about you only, eclair finally realizes that he may or may not be doing okay rn
naturally, he comes to the conclusion that he should seek help and find a healthy way to cope with his obsessive and intrusive thoughts
just kidding lmfao
“surely, i must be in love with them..” yeah sounds more like it
he's not nervous when it comes to love, so right when he sees you, he just—
“ever since i met you, my heart has done nothing but ache when you weren't in the same room a me. and when it ached a bit too much for the first time... i realized i loved you.”
you're surprised. very surprised.
“i know, this is quite surprising considering the short amount of time we'd spent together, but— i truly love you, and i mean it.”
eclair will be very, very insistent about it, and he simply won't take no as an answer— even if you don't like him back at all. so congrats, you got yourself a cute boyfriend!
he'll become twice as obsessive as before, paying more attention to everything you do, like at what exact time you get in the museum, what you prefer to wear on which day, how you eat your start jellies— how do you not notice the way he's constantly scribbling down things in this little notebook of his?
i mean, yeah huh you did actually notice— but hey, he's actually just.
writing down hum. work related stuff! no need to worry hahaha...
dating eclair will be nice and all, until at some point— you'll constantly feel smothered in his presence.
turn your head around and that dude will follow your stare. it's creepy.
he can sometimes make strange remarks, like “but you usually don't wear that on a monday...” “well, [y/n], you are three minutes and forty seconds late. do i need to come to your home and kidnap you so you'll always be early??... why the scared face? my sweetheart, you know i would never actually do that! i was just making a light-hearted joke!”
when he's not being creepy with simple words, he'll ask you very strange questions.
“my dearest, what were you doing before coming to the museum?” “opinion on [very specific art movement that happened decades ago and that you've never heard of before]?” “if i asked you who your favorite person was, you'd answer me, naturally..?”
note that if you actually answer with someone else on the last one, hum. bad things may happen to said someone.
eclair wants to know everything about you, just like he wants to know everything about each relic he has in his museum.
you're like a relic. precious, rare, and god, he wants to observe you and keep you forever and ever.
so hum, remember when i said that you'll have to say yes to his confession, whether you like him or not?
this. this right here has consequences. such as you wanting to break up with him after like two weeks or even less.
also the fact he barely trusts you with other cookies. eclair can't stand seeing you chat with someone that isn't him and will interrupt your convo asap.
anyways. you want to break up with him? oki doki.
you'll just possibly get kidnapped and trapped into his office. and no one is allowed in there, apart from him.
“please, don't be mad, darling. and understand that those are only the consequences of your actions. have you not decided to 'break up' with me, we certainly wouldn't be here today.”
might or might not trap you into a glass box like the other relics so he can look at you without you running away.
the reason why eclair advises the visitors not to come at night is because during that time, your screams are the loudest— and it might raise suspicions. that or rumors about the museum being haunted might pop up. and that last one isn't stonks.
if you're not breaking up with him at some point, you certainly aren't safe from kidnapping.
if eclair notices that you're being a bit too distant for his liking, you're getting kidnapped.
“i've noticed you've been avoiding me a lot... are you seeing someone else?”
“huh? what're you talking about?? i would never do that, eclair! you know very well i only love you!”
“... i see. well, i apologize for doubting you, my love. here, take my cup of coffee, as an apology— no, no. i insist, really.”
'ayo dude that shit tastes wei-' bam on the ground
it's simple and effective, try it on your own! (don't actually please)
so, yeah. eclair cookie is a very obsessive one, as well as kinda controlling on some extent? he doesn't want you to hang out with people he deems to be bad, which is basically almost everybody. lmfao
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ah yes eclair cookie aka the man that wasn't even out and i already got a request for him. i actually love him sm weewee.
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