#i think i wanted to be on laptop... idk why anymore SOBS but i hope this is okay! ty again AAA HAVE AN AMAZING DAY! <3
astrxealis · 2 years
Your theme is everything !!! (*゚▽゚*) ITS SO PRETTY if u don’t mind sharing how did u make it?
AAAAAA PARDON LATE REPLY THANK YOU !! sldhldns i appreciate it wah TwT <3 ✨ and :O idm so ... !! this won't be like. a full guide or anything LDBSKD like a complete walkthrough ?? but >< :
i'm on laptop but uhh tbh any gadget wld work? apps/websites used: canva, photopea (editing/graphics) !! for the gradients on my pinned, i used this ^^
so like uhhhhuhhh idk how to really explain well sorry but simply put, for the dividers in my pinned, uh. it's a Bit Complex and tbh there's easier ways to do it prolly but i made them w canva using 1000x40px (40 is the minimum so ya)! so that's for the big one in pinned, but to make the smaller ones i made them w photopea w say, 1000x5, 1000x10, wtvr to make the dividers smaller! yeah!!
meanwhile for the picture in pinned :O w the cat & watermelons! i just used canva for that, altho the gif required work in photopea >_< bcs it's originally a cat that like. runs from left to right and sleeps in the middle, then ofc its a gif so it repeats, so i used photopea to remove the running and just keep the lil sleeping cat! and then put that into my canva ^^ i used the tumblr banner preset size (?) and mostly it's just uhh put a picture in, add borders, & then put a little overlay (w lowered transparency) to make it look more designy yeah! basically just that ><
and then for the header !! it's like uhh a transparent gif of the (cat) ears of my favorite character :] i removed the bg and all and yeah, just left the bits i wanted - then uhh edited the picture w the colors and whatnot, making my own filter/psd? which can be done through right-clicking the file in photopea, clicking blending options, and changing stuff w color overlay! if you wna try doing that, i suggest just playing around w it yourself ? >< and then for the designs in the gif, i made a copy of the ears and all so i cld have two pictures there, and make a gif! so basically just drew diff designs on both of the pictures, and that's basically it yeah!!
there's uhh a bit more complexities (like how to actually make it into a gif ^^ there's like uhh _a_ needed at the beginning of the file i think? smth like that?) and etc but thats basically it >_< sorry if this is long or anythinfFJSBDKSN i just word vomited my thoughts and all hehe so ^^ but again thank u uwah and i hope you have a great day, kaze!!
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sainns · 1 month
PROLOGUE the breakup and afterwards
note i lied this did not come out at 330 im impatient and uhh he kinda did u dirty i apologize but yn is maybe a little dramatic IDK
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“i think we should break up, yn,”
you blink, lifting your head up from where it was resting on his chest. your sudden movement knocks the laptop off of sunghoon’s lap, the movie you were watching continuing to play in the background as you stare at him.
“what? wait—are you serious?”
he sighs, running a hair through his messy hair, “yeah, i am,”
“that’s so random. we’re literally cuddling in your bed right now, sunghoon,”
you shouldn’t be getting angry with him, if he wants to break up then he’s allowed to—even if it hurts you more than anything. it just doesn’t make any sense as to why he wants to.
you can’t wrap your head around it, as far you know—or knew—you were perfectly fine. you’ve been together for three years, so obviously you’ve fought but it’s not like they were big fights. everything in your relationship was good. at least you thought it was, sunghoon didn’t apparently.
“i don’t know... i was just thinking, you know?”
you stare at him blankly because no, you didn’t know. you don’t get what’s going on at all.
you can see discomfort makes its way onto sunghoon’s face, his hand coming up to rub his neck awkwardly, “we should take a break,”
“a break or break up?” you ask, “they’re different things,”
you fully move away from him, pulling your legs from out of the covers, sitting as far away from him as you can. you stare at the floor as you wait for his response. he’s silent for too long and you can feel your heart sink to your stomach.
“break up, i guess. we can still be friends, though,” he reaches forward to grab your hand but you pull away, “i don’t want to lose you, yn,”
there’s a lot of things you want to say to say to him; that you can’t be friends, that he’s stupid for thinking that you would be fine with it. you want to tell him that you’re mad at him beyond belief for doing this out of nowhere. he could’ve at least broken up with you when you weren’t laying in his bed. 
you don’t say any of these things, though. instead you nod, giving him a forced smile, “okay. if that’s what you want,”
“i’m really—”
you interrupt him before he can give you that dreaded apology, “i’m gonna go, i probably shouldn’t stay the night like we planned,”
you crawl out of bed, your feet landing on his carpeted floor. your back is to him and you hope and pray that he can’t hear the sharp breath slip from your mouth, keeping yourself from bursting out sobbing. you blink quickly, forcing your tears away and move around his room to grab your things.
“you don’t have to leave, it’s late,”
“it’s fine, hoon,” it’s not fine, “night,”
“okay.. text me when you get home?”
“yeah, sure.”
sunghoon is an idiot.
he's an idiot that you’re still friends with.
it’s been five months since the breakup and you’re still friends. you don’t want to be friends, but your desire to keep him in your life overpowers that. giselle and winter have both been telling you to move on, to cut him out of your life.
every single one of your friends can see how awful this is for you, especially with sunghoon still acting like he’s your boyfriend. it’s like nothing has changed between you two if you ignore the fact that you aren’t officially together anymore.
he even goes as far as to tell you about girls that he finds attractive. does he not know not to tell you stuff like? he doesn’t. he doesn’t get how horrible and heartbreaking it is for you to hear. having to sit there and hear him call other girls pretty is worse than anything you’ve ever had to experience, you think.
so after urging from both giselle and winter, you ghost him on the sixth month after your breakup. you don’t go to any of your previously planned hangouts (you give him some half-assed excuse about being ‘too busy’ when really you were just staying home and eating ice cream), you stop responding to his messages and eventually he stops sending them.
and you write about it.
you’ve written songs about him before, as embarrassing as it is to admit, but it’s how you express your feelings. the only difference is that they were love songs; songs about you pining over the boy, how you felt during your relationship, all of the good things about him. you’ve never written anything bad, not even during your first big argument.
you admittedly feel better after you’ve written everything down, but you also feel.. guilty. it’s like you’re making it a bigger deal than it is. it’s not like he cheated on you or neglected you or whatever other awful thing other songwriters have written about. he just broke up with you and tried to stay friends.
you eventually get over that guilt, thankfully. you know that you’re allowed to be upset and it’s not like he’s ever going to hear it. you’re sure he’s forgotten all about you already. maybe he even has a new girlfriend.
you try not to throw up at that thought.
you end up making a demo, send it to your agency, and it gets produced. after a month of promotion and teasers, it releases on the ninth of april. exactly one year after your break up. it blows up, much to your surprise—you weren’t necessarily a big artist but you weren’t super small, having around 840k monthly listeners but you weren’t expecting to make the billboard hot 100.
honestly, you should’ve expected sunghoon to find out about the song, but you weren’t. and needless to say, you were absolutely horrified when he sent you a message for the first time in half a year.
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anxious2dsimp · 3 years
oooooh heLLO i really enjoyed your denki fic, very cute, 10000/10. since requests are open, could i get kirishima and kaminari with an s/o that Really Likes anime? headcanons or a drabbe, or whatever else you feel comfortable with :DDD
😭 Omg hi! Thank you so much, I appreciate it a ton :) You’re my first ever request & I go really excited about the idea, hope you like it! I decided to do it in Headcanon format bc there’s so much I wanna add omg I hope it isn’t too long...
Kirishima and Kaminari with an S/O that loves anime
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Pairings: Kirishima x Reader, Kaminari x Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral!
Format: Headcanons​
Warnings: None! Some light cursing courtesy of Bakugou :)
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Kirishima Eijirou:
I don’t think Kirishima watches anime regularly, or if he would even know any shows at all.
Let’s face it, he probably just watches workout YouTubers and regular action-packed movies.
HOWEVER, he loves knowing more about you, so he’ll be interested when you bring it up to him!
You probably first talked about it during a random conversation where he asked what you were currently watching.
So you just told him the plot of whichever anime you were watching atm, and he liked it so he asked for the name.
You told him it was an anime, and he was like: “so a cartoon?” sigh
*cut to you explaining how anime is more than just cartoons & how it’s a whole thing with genres and everything*
Tbh, Kiri probably wasn’t that sold on the idea...
but seeing how you lit up talking about it he wants to know more just to see you all excited and hyped
I love him sm😭
He’d probably not watch any shows by himself but watch whichever you decide to watch together to spend time with you and see your reactions <3
He’s probably paying more attention to you than the show, but he does get invested in the story since all the characters are so “manly”
Sometimes you’ll just be cuddling and you’ll rant to him about what happened in the latest episode of whatever show you’re watching on your own since he knows he won’t watch it.
And so you’ll just tell him all about the plot and the characters, and the unexpected twist and your theories...
He’ll just be attentively listening to your shenanigans thinking; “god I love them so much”
If he ever sees you crying over a show, you best believe he’ll bring you tissues and a snack, he doesn’t judge!
One time you were just sobbing on the dorm’s common room couch, still getting over your favorite character’s death in the episode you had watched the night before.
Bakugou was just like ?? and since Kirishima was getting a drink from the fridge apparently not even remotely concerned he asked:
“Shitty hair, shouldn’t you like check on your s/o or something so they shut up?”
“They’re fine, just getting over a character dying in their show. I snuggled them up in the blanket, so I’m getting them something to drink & they’ll be fine in a few hours.”
Bakugou rolls his eyes SO HARD, but Kirishima doesn’t even notice bc he’s on his way to cuddle you.
If you ever want to do something anime-related like go to a convention or go buy manga or merch he’d gladly come along.
Expect him to get you the coolest little anime-related gifts for your birthday or Christmas (along with whatever he had already planned to get you) since he knows how obsessed you are.
Overall, just a really supportive bf <3
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Kaminari Denki:
Unlike Kiri, Kaminari LOVES anime! Idk why, but he gives off massive weeb vibes to me (in the best sense)
The thing is, you had NO IDEA of this because at first he hid it from everyone.
He initially had merch in his room but Bakugou & Mina teased him about it so he hid it whenever the bakusquad would hang in his dorm :’(
He did it too when you two started dating, bc he wanted to seem cool in your eyes & not like a dork...
Oh boy how wrong he was
You didn’t hide your anime obsession but never brought the topic up bc you didn’t think anyone else in the class liked it
So you can imagine your surprise when you found out
You two were hanging out in his room, and while he was setting up a movie on his laptop you got up to grab snacks where you saw him usually take food out of.
The second you open the drawer and Denki’s brain registers it he just screams “NOOO!” at the top of his lungs.
You literally jumped so high, it really caught you off-guard lmao
So now you’re just standing there, confused asf, because all there was in there was a figurine from one of your favorite animes and snacks.
As you take it out and examine it, turning around to face your bf he’s just panicking
He’s just staring at you like a deer caught in headlights and thinking:
Omg they’re onto me, will they even know what that is? what do I say when they ask? Will they believe me if I say it's someone else’s? They’ll think I play with toys or something please let the earth swallow me, someone help!
“This figurine is sick, where’d you get it? I’ve wanted one from that show for so long!”
Kaminari just blinks at you.
Did he hear that correctly? By the look on your face, it looked that way. He thought there was no way you could possibly become even more perfect in his eyes, but you just did.
Needless to say, you two ditched the movie and spent the afternoon talking about anime.
Since then you started going to conventions together, even cosplaying for fun a couple of times (just imagine him cosplaying Zenitsu from Demon slayer & you Nezuko or Tanjiro 🥺)
You’d watch SO MANY SHOWS TOGETHER OMG, and once anime season starts you’d get together once a week to binge all the new episodes.
Also gets you cute gifts and you do the same for him (considering he doesn’t hide his anime stuff anymore).
Honestly, he doesn’t even care who teases him bc you think it’s cool and that’s all he needs to know :’)
Loves making anime references or jokes just to get you to laugh while everyone else just looks at you two like tf???
Speaking of, brace yourself because he will absolutely use anime-related pickup lines on you lol
You get to exchange mangas and wear his merch hoodies from shows you also love.
Overall just couple goals, I ship it so much
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Survey #460
“i let it fall - my heart  /  and as it fell, you rose to claim it”
When you were younger, did your mother or father ever let you open a few presents before Christmas or your birthday even arrived? We have a tradition of opening one of the smaller presents on Christmas Eve. If you could receive a 100 dollar gift card for either blouses, pants, dresses, shoes or purses, which would you chose? PANTS. I need new pants BADLY. What is your favorite thing to do after crying? Ex: Sleep, listen to music, have some alone time, talk to someone, etc? It really depends on why I was crying and how hard. Do you think Trump will be assassinated, or will he survive his term? Old survey. I really thought he'd be assassinated more than any other president, honestly. Last time you felt suicidal? A couple weeks ago, but they were only passive thoughts. Last time you had butterflies? Sometime today, thinking about things. Biggest asshole you know? Some relative of my sister's in-laws' is so fucking rude. Literally no one likes him, but because he's family, he comes to events, anyway. Did you ever leave someone because you know you’d hurt them? No. What song did you last listen to? I'm listening to No Resolve's cover of "Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele. I have seriously been into rock/metal covers lately. Ever ridden in a police car? Yes. That's how they transport you from the ER to psych hospitals here. Ever witnessed a murder? JESUS, no. Have you ever lied under oath? No. Have you ever failed a subject before? I failed Algebra I during my last college attempt. Have you ever had a deadly animal as a pet? Noooo. I wouldn't. I want tarantulas, which are venomous (the potency ranging from what side of the world they come from), but even the worst of their venoms isn't fatal. Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender? Yes. Have you ever been in a hot tub before? Yeah. Have you ever been to a movie that sold out? It's possible, idk. What movie last made you too scared to go to sleep? None, I think? When you’re on a laptop, do you hook up a mouse or use the touchpad? I use a mouse. What’s your mom’s mom’s name? Cecelia. Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the person you like? BOY THAT WOULD SUCK Have you ever been tempted to steal? No. What is the main character’s name in the book you’re reading? Moonwatcher. Do you have a favorite local band? Who are they? No. Who’s the last person you saw naked, aside from yourself? Mom, walking to her bedroom after a shower. Who’s your favorite horror monster/killer? Pyramid Head from the Silent Hill franchise. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to when driving? When I'm driving, no music. I can't focus. Would you ever own a hairless rat, cat or dog? I'd LOVE a sphinx. I doubt I'm ever getting rats or dogs again, but I do think they're cute. Females, anyway. I'm sorry but hairless male animals are just laksdjfk;lajdwkl;wj for obvious reasons. All the people you’ve kissed, what did their names start with? J, T, D, S. What did you and your ex fight about most? "The" ex, uhhhh... I don't really know. We didn't fight a lot. Don’t you love long hugs? YEAH especially if I'm crying or just in general need comfort. And long kisses? If we're serious and the timing is right, yeah. Have you ever purchased condoms? No. Have you ever gone on vacation with your boyfriend/girlfriend? No previous ones, no. Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? No. Even I wasn't THAT low. Would you leave a note on a car claiming responsibility if you damaged it? Yes. My guilty conscience would eat me alive otherwise. Have you ever used someone's handicapped parking pass to get a parking spot? No, and you're fucking garbage if you have. Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? I'm humiliated to tell people I don't HAVE a job. If you ran over an animal would you keep driving? omfg NO. I would absolutely pull over sobbing, move the animal to the side of the road, and hopefully there will be some wildflowers nearby to rest on it. I'd call whoever picks up roadkill, too. Where’s the best place to eat a romantic dinner? Take me out to Olive Garden like a basic white bitch & feed me spicy shrimp fritas and u have approximately a 90% chance of getting laid. :eyes emoji: What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue? Ohhhh I know there's one, but I'm blanking. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on? That is like an impossible question. There are so many possible, epic adventures. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? Writing stuff. Has anybody criticized the way your significant other looked like? Yup, in the past. Like shut the fuck up, are you the one dating them???? Have you written or drawn anything for somebody else? I've done this many, many times. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished? Idk, there's a lot of people I know like that. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives? Fall in love. Nothing matches that feeling to me. What would you rate 10/10? markerplayer What do you hope never changes? My resilience. I never want to give up when something knocks me down. Would you ever have sex with the last person you texted? UM THAT IS MY MOTHER Is there anyone that you’d love to just spill your guts to? Girt. Like. Now. But I'm waiting until I actually see him again. This needs to be said to his face. Where is the person you have feelings at right now? He's maybe asleep or just waking up? I don't actually know his exact hours and I know they alternate, but I think he primarily works the night shift at his job? Are you happy with your relationship status? I'm not anymore. I want to be with ^ like very badly. When did you last cry? What for? Today. I'm terrified of loving someone again in the fear of getting very hurt or plain traumatized again. Do you think you’re wasting your time on the person you love? No. When’s the next time you’ll kiss someone? I usually hate questions that assume I can see the future, but I can tell you I plan to whenever I see He Who I've Mentioned a Gazillion Times In Today's Survey Spam. Were you ever scared to death of anyone you knew? Or are you currently? My dad, in the past. Not currently. What’s the longest you’ve been away from home by yourself? If you wanna count hospital stays, like... a month? Have you ever been made fun of, because of what you look like? I've been made fun of online once because of my weight. The insult never left me. Have you ever made fun of others, because of what they look like? No. It's awful. Do you think it’s cute when you’re leaving a place, and a guy says “no hug?” What a dick move. Some people don't like hugs. Do you wear short shorts (if you’re a girl)? I didn't know short shorts were specific to females. Anyway, no. I hate my legs WAY too much. Who are you the most uncomfortable around? My sister's in-laws and her husband. Who has your heart? I'm never giving that to another person again. I've got it. But to answer the general question that's being asked, I've fallen like head over heels for Girt. Should cloning ever be allowed to happen? I think it's pretty... I don't know the right word. It just seems immoral to me? Especially when you start cloning things with an actual conscience. I can see a lot of problems arising from it. Are you impatient with really shy people? Well no, given I'm one of 'em. Does your house have air conditioning throughout, or do you have one that sits in your window? Throughout. What is the most ridiculous band name you’ve heard recently? Recently? Idk. Would you ever get a fashion mullet? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mullets are so ugly alsdkfj;aljdl;jwe Do you believe that Jesus lived and is returning? Isn't it historical, documented fact he was a living person? Even if that is true though, I don't believe in his "miracles." Do you believe in spiritual gifts? No. Do you believe in callings? No. If you were rich, would you get a professional photoshoot done? UM hell yeah. Pls take pictures of me that help me believe I'm even just 0.001% pretty.
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the118firefam · 4 years
Despair (15×18) Episode Rant :
- absolutely loved how dean just immediately jumped in to protect jack, "we're not giving up on you" it proves how whatever dean was doing, he was clouded by his hate of chuck and he just let himself be manipulated by that. plus, obviously, how he hurt billie just because she wanted to take jack away. i don't know why people aren't talking about how this was a clear change in the dynamic between the two (or maybe a restoring of what had been blurred?)
- SAM AND DEAN'S CONVERSATION in the bunker was so well-written and im so glad dean accepted what he did was wrong and how he let his hatred and anger control him and that was not cool (? idk which word to use). and how sam was still not ready to give up his hope - they had to find another way.
- i could see such a clear and distinct difference between this charlie and our charlie. like, this charlie was comparitively very closed-off and you could see how the brother-sister dynamic did not exist between her and the winchesters. i thought we were gonna get our charlie back, too? but i still do love au!charlie, and im glad we got to see more of her character and personality in this episode.
- cas and jack's conversation 🥺 it was p e r f e c t. the whole "we love you for you" has been long time coming for each of tfw2.0 and im really glad at least jack got to hear it because you could see in that see that he's just a fucking kid and he has to feel this huge burden and piles of guilt of how he destroyed everything and how he doesn't know what things mean for him anymore. cas was such a supportive father in that scene and as i said, the speech was perfect. jack crying and saying "im scared, cas" was gut-wrenching i am so sad for my baby
- my heart just stopped when eileen stopped typing. that was the moment i started sobbing. sam was so, so happy and he just lost it, in the blink of an eye. the broken look in his eyes when he found her phone and the lil crack in his voice, oh my god it killed me. i literally just want sam to scream for ten minutes, i wanna see his rage and his anger and his frustration because he didn't ask for this and he's honestly so, so fucking tired.
on a side note, i really, really feel for sam in these last couple of episodes. he knew it might be the only chance to kill chuck but he knew it would destroy everything they've formed, the family, the home, everything and so he made a choice - the heart choice, but the correct one. i am so heartbroken for sam, equally as much as for dean and cas and i really hope he gets the happiness he deserves.
- the hug between sam and dean and sam's lil breaths because yes, dean's here, he's still here focus on him and then the way dean cupped his face to convey that very emotion. it just showed that whatever happens, he's still sammy's big brother and he's going to protect him.
- "let's go reap a reaper" omg you dramatic bitch, but that line was so powerful. goosebumps. and cas' "i'll go with you, dean" and dean's little nod (this is the first time dean's agreed isn't it?)
- donna hascum you adorable and precious bean. her "anything for you" and the completely earnest and genuine tone. she's my favorite wayward sister and she's so underrated
- sam knows he can't do much right now but he can make his kid feel better. and that's exactly what he did by asking him to drive – it gave jack some purpose, at least for a while, which he believed was lost forever. it made him feel useful. the fact that sam understands and looks out for jack even in the midst of the literal end is so beautiful
- bobby was the light of this episode, "i bought a bucket, just in case" lmao bobby 😂 i love you whatta mood having peeing as the priority
- the scene where everyone started disappearing made my heart hurt, sam's face broke me fuck, you can see the literal moment when he realises what is happening it's so heartbreaking
- ok what was that scene with donna and jack and the plant? why was jack so shocked that the plant died, what was happening there? someone help me out!
- now let's move to dean and cas.
the line "stop killing my people!" hit me so hard oh fuck
dean's lil protective stance for cas, wholesome 🥺
billie was a bamf. iknow they were the villain but d a m n the power
"i've got you" akshhsjsjsjsjsksksks
now the confession. oh my god. fuck. chills. gave me so many chills. i was just hugging my laptop and sobbing. cas saying "i cared about the whole because you cared" and someone finally telling dean that he's driven by love and not anger was SO NEEDED "you changed me, dean" (the parallels during this entire episode 😩😩😩) and dean's reactions oh fuck. you could see the changes so clearly idk why people thought jensen's reaction was not a reaction. dean is an emotionally repressed man who is told by his best friend that he made a deal that could kill him and then proceeds to talk about happiness which sounds awful much like a goodbye and then tells him he's in love with him. you really think dean would've processed all of that information in the span of three minutes? i wouldn't have processed it– i didn't process it.
- dean ignoring sam's calls and just sobbing was so raw and the fact that they didn't add any music to it was a nice call because it just made the scene more real.
- EARTH IS EMPTY WHAT? everyone's gone?????? what the fuck!!!!! it's only jack, sam and dean now? and michael AKDHJSJSJSJ
speight and berens did a good job
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krreader · 5 years
the jeon twins | jk ending version.
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pairing: jeon jeongguk (jk) x reader fandom: bts warnings: language ; twins!au ; non idol!au genre: angst ; hints of fluff previous: x word count: 2.9k+
summary: everything was his fault, everyone knew that.. everything that had happend was because of JK and to his surprise, the only one that wanted to help was the one he hurt so much.. the one that had deserved the world that he was willing to give, even if it messed up his entire life.
a/n: long overdue, but here it finally is, the jk version. the kookie version will be posted tomorrow - hopefully lol ♥ (don’t get me wrong, it’s already done, but idk if I’m happy with it so we’ll see)
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This was all his fault.
Kookie never would have made this decision if it weren't for his twins’ stupid actions.
“But you have so many good job offers here,” his mother tried arguing, “Why.. why does it have to be the US?”
Kookie hated to see his mother so sad and no doubt, he would miss her and his father terribly, but this was the right thing to do.. he needed to leave.
“I need a fresh start, mom,” he said with a sad smile, gently holding her hand.
JK didn't look up once, his shoulders were slumped and he was both embarrassed of himself as well as ashamed. He would have assumed his mother would cry, but instead she was consumed with anger. Anger towards JK. Because she knew he was the reason her baby was leaving.
And then suddenly she was all over him, hitting him over and over again, his father trying to stop her while Kookie just watched with a heavy sigh.
JK didn't try to stop her. If anything, he wanted her to continue.. as if it would make things better.. his actions from before less horrible.
“This is all your fault!” she cried out, “It's all your fucking fault! Get out of this house! I don’t want to see you ever again!”
JK gulped down hard, getting up without arguing about it and quickly brushing away a tear that escaped his eye while doing so. He had no right to argue.. he had lost that when he broke his brother’s heart.
How did this even happen?
He used to be so happy.. popular. He had everything and everyone.
And now he was wandering the streets of Seoul, knowing that there was no one left.. and all because he wanted what his brother could have had.
He had never known love before you. Flings, flirts, sex, but never love.. that he only ever experienced with you.
The first.
The only.
This love carried him to your apartment complex. Not knowingly, though, he didn’t have a place in mind when he started walking..
It's been more than three years, so he doubted you'd still remember him. If you did, then definitely not in a good light.
You were probably telling your friends about the “guy that lied to you all along” or the “bastard that broke your heart”.
That's what he was.. a liar, a backstabber, an asshole, a horrible son and brother.
The longer he stood there, staring at your window and seeing you and him from years ago when you were standing exactly there, happily smiling at each other, the more he drowned in self-pity.
He would have gone to the nearest convenience store, would have bought himself a shit ton of Soju bottles, would have sat down somewhere at the Han river and would have drunk himself until he couldn't stand anymore, hoping the alcohol would make it all go away..
But the moment he wanted to turn away was the moment you arrived.
JK couldn't help but let out a breath he had apparently been holding.
You were looking more or less the same, but.. god, somehow you managed to get more beautiful?
No wonder his twin brother had been so infatuated with you. No wonder he had ended up falling for you.. and no wonder he could never forget you.
You were looking for your keys, rummaging through your bag for about a minute before you let out an annoyed sigh and started looking around..
It was probably just a reaction of you realizing you had left your keys inside your apartment earlier this morning when you had left for work, but you looking around made you spot him.
You didn't think it was creepy given the fact that this was the first time you had seen him in three years. He also didn't seem like he had been waiting for you here for a long time.
Even from this distance you could tell that he was having a bad day, though, his shoulders were slumped, he looked.. tired.
You had often thought about contacting him again.. and about contacting Kookie.
But no matter what JK had tried telling you, you didn't fall in love with Kookie, you fell in love with JK. Because deep down it was always him when he was with you. You realized that months after your break-up, after you had finally accepted what had happened.. and you didn't hate him for it. At first you had, naturally, but then you started to forget, or at least tried to.. and eventually, you were okay again.
And now you saw it from a different perspective, not saying that what he did was right, but you weren’t as affected by it anymore..
JK was surprised when you crossed the street and stood in front of him a moment later.
“I.. I wasn't..-”
“I know,” you said with a small smile, “I'd like to say you look good, but I'd be lying.”
JK managed to let out a genuine laugh, then nodded, his eyes now on the ground, “Yeah, it's not been a good day.”
“I can see that,” you waited a few seconds, then you said, “I left my keys inside the apartment, so I need to wait till my neighbor comes back from work so he can give me his spare key. In the meantime.. do you want to get a drink? Tell me what's wrong?”
JK shook his head, “No, I don't think that's a good idea.”
“Because of your brother?” you sighed, “JK, it's been three years.. and besides, it's only a drink. I feel like you'll drink tonight anyways. I'd feel better if I could keep an eye on you. Whatever happened to you, it makes me worry now that I’ve seen you, I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing I’d just let you go.”
“After everything that happened?”
“As I said, it's been three years.. that's a lot of time to get over someone.”
Well.. he was glad to hear that you got over him when he never got over you.
But he still felt guilty when he accepted your offer. He knew that Kookie had long lost interest in you and he knew that that was his fault. So maybe he owed it to his brother to say no.. say no because he took his brother's shot at happiness and swooped it up for himself.
But he was selfish once again tonight when he said yes.
He wanted to talk to you, wanted to spend time with you again.. because right now, you were the only person that mattered that was willing to be by his side..
You ended up going to a Korean barbecue place, with JK drinking almost an entire bottle of Soju himself in the first twenty minutes.
You didn't talk much in that time, mostly small-talk. But you watched him like a hawk, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
And the only thing that came to mind was the reason he ended things between you two.
“Is.. Kookie okay?” maybe he had died..
“Yeah,” JK nodded, “He got a job,” he smiled proudly.
“But that's great news,” you smiled as well, “I'm happy for him.”
“Yeah, me too,” but then the smile faded, “But it's in the US. He's moving in two weeks.”
Ah, so that was it.. his brother was leaving him and..-
“You think it's your fault, don't you?”
Again, despite what he had told you, you felt like you had gotten to know JK, not Kookie, despite him apparently acting like Kookie. But you knew him.. you knew the guilt in him.. because it was the same guilt that he had the day of the break-up.
It was that same look on his face.
Suddenly it was as if no time had passed.
“It is my fault,” he gulped down another shot of Soju, “My mother, my father.. they all know it.. they all know the reason he's leaving is because I betrayed him.”
“JK,” you tried reaching forward, but he immediately pulled back his hand like yours was fire.
“He really loved you, you know..-”
“No, JK, he didn't,” you shook your head, “Listen, I was angry with you for so long and I thought.. I thought about calling Kookie so many times, but at one point I realized that there was no way he could love me like you loved me in the end. Kookie never even talked to me, he didn't know me. You did.. you were there when I had my bad days, you were the one holding me and telling me it would be okay. That was you, JK.”
“But it shouldn't have been me!” he cried out, trying his hardest to keep calm so that nobody around you would realize he was crying, “I shouldn't have pretended to be him, I should have gone up to you and told you that he liked you, I should have given you his number, I should have..-” but then he fully started sobbing.
You could tell that it was both the alcohol, as well as the guilt.
You quickly switched seats so that you were sitting next to him, one hand now rubbing over his back and he let you. He needed the comfort now, he couldn't deny it.
“You can't change the past, JK. And.. maybe.. I don't know, maybe Kookie will meet the love of his life in the US and he will live a lot more happier than he ever could have done here,” you grabbed his chin and made him look at you, “Things happen for a reason, I truly believe that.”
“But this wasn't a coincidence.. this was me knowingly taking something that I shouldn't have. His opportunity.”
The thing is.. you knew he was right.
What he did was horrible, especially because it wasn't just a friend he betrayed, but his twin brother.
But nothing could be changed now..
All you could do that night was comfort him as best as you could and the fact that you weren't angry with him anymore helped JK massively.
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“Thank you,” Kookie smiled at the woman in the café and sat down at one of the empty tables, opening up his laptop and answering emails when you joined him.
And boy, did he look shook.
“I know.. this is kind of overdue, isn't it?”
“Three years ago I would have been the happiest man alive,” Kookie said sadly, a small smile on his face.
“Yeah, I heard the whole story. I also heard that you're moving to the US soon. Congrats on that, I heard about the job.”
“Yep,” Kookie nodded, “I felt like I had to get away from here..”
“You mean him,” you said bluntly, taking a sip from your coffee and then staring at the cup for a few moments before continuing, “What your brother did was a backstabbing move and I won't pretend to know what it must have felt like for you, but I was on the other end, Kookie. I've been involved in this situation as well and if I know one thing, it's that your brother never meant to hurt either of us.”
“And you know that how? From what he told me, he pretended to be me all throughout your relationship..”
“Yeah, see, that's the thing.. he tried really hard, but.. he's not that good of an actor. Younger me was naive enough not to see it because she was in love and she just fell in love with the man that cared for her, but me now.. I know.”
Even though he said he wasn't interested in you anymore, you saying you loved JK made him flinch a little.
“Why are you here, (Y/N)?”
“To tell you that your brother regrets what he did.. more than anything in this world. If he could turn back time to change it, he would.”
“But he can't.”
“I know that and nobody knows that better than him,” you leaned forward, your hand on his, “I'm asking you to talk to him one last time. I'm not asking you to forgive him because that is your decision, but I'm asking you to give him a chance to explain himself again. Because if you leave without doing that, it's going to destroy him.”
“How do you know? Did he..- did you two meet up?”
“I found him in front of my apartment building one night. He was ready to drink himself to death.. I later found out why. He's been staying at my place ever since your mother kicked him out, but I rarely see him. I hear him come back in the morning and I can smell the alcohol on him.”
“Why are you letting him stay at your place when he's like this? And especially after everything he put you through?” Kookie’s eyebrows were furrowed, “You should hate him as much as me, if not more.”
“Because I know JK is not a bad guy.. he's just someone who made a stupid decision in his youth. And I feel like I owe you and him one. After all, I'm the reason you're like this..”
Kookie immediately shook his head, “You don't owe us anything..”
“Please.. just.. sit down and talk to him. One last time. If you really cared about me at one point, then do me that favor..”
Kookie tried to tell himself that he hated his twin brother more than anything in this world, but deep down he knew that it was not true. He knew that if he left without saying goodbye or trying to reconcile, he would regret it for the rest of his life. But the hurt.. the hurt was still so bad.. even after all this time.
You wrote down something on the napkin he got with his coffee, then handed it to him.
“This is my address. Please think about it.”
And with that you left him to his own thoughts.
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“Here,” you put a soup in front of JK, “Eat it.”
“I'm not hungry.”
He looked horrible, even worse than a few weeks ago.
He didn't eat anymore, only drank alcohol and only took a shower because you forced him to.
He was falling apart, more and more, every day, and the only one who could stop it from happening any further was his brother.. the brother that would leave for the US tomorrow morning.
You had hoped that your little talk at the café would help, that Kookie would stop by, but.. apparently not.
“Just try it, please..” you said in despair.
“I'm not hungry,” he repeated.
He knew this wasn't fair to you. The only reason he was here was out of the kindness of your heart, but the self-pity in him was destroying him..
You let out a sigh, wanted to eat your own soup and let him and his thoughts be on his own for a moment when your doorbell rang.
“This is probably the delivery guy.”
But it wasn't.
When you opened the door you were greeted with a man you didn't think you'd ever see again.
He looked uncomfortable, unsure of why he was here, but you let him in.
“JK.. there's.. someone here to see you.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, turned around and then immediately stood up when he saw his twin brother.
The two of them stared at each other for a moment and the longer you stood there, the more awkward you felt.
Ultimately, you decided to continue eating in the living room and give the two some space.. they needed to be alone for this.
“The only reason I'm here is because of (Y/N),” Kookie said, “She asked me to come and talk to you again.. because she's worried about you.”
JK's shoulder slumped only more at that, “I'm sorry..-”
“You really don't deserve her, you know?”
“I never did.. that was always you.”
“No,” Kookie shook his head, “Neither of us could deserve someone like her. Not you and not me. But I only realized that when she talked to me.”
“Kookie, I..-”
“No, let me,” Kookie sat down with JK, but there was a lot of space between them.. quite fitting, “You apologized  countless of times and I'm tired of hearing it over and over again. What you did is in the past.. neither of us can change it now, I know that. All we can do is move forward. And (Y/N) was right.. I don't want to leave like this, I don’t want us to be like this forever..”
JK was hopeful, the first time in weeks, “Okay.”
“I talked to mom and dad and told them not to be angry with you anymore.. because I'm trying not to be as well. I'm trying to be the mature one..”
“You've always been the mature one,” that made both brothers chuckle, because they knew it was true.
And for a moment it was like it was all okay again..
..but it would take a lot of effort for things to go back to normal again between them.
“Tell me what I need to do for you to forgive me. I'll do anything,” JK promised.
“Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The only one you should feel sorry for is (Y/N), after all, she's the one housing you and playing your mom right now when she really shouldn't.”
He nodded, “I'm trying to find my own place right now.. a job.. something, you know?”
“Good. That’s good.”
The two of them talked for about two hours, you ended up falling asleep on the couch at one point when the exhaustion took over.
It was only when Kookie left that the two of them saw you sleeping there.
“You know.. I'm really excited to start my new life in the US,” Kookie said with a genuine smile, “I can't wait to meet someone I'll really fall in love with..”
“You loved her..”
“I thought I did,” Kookie shrugged and buried his hands in his pockets, “But maybe it was never me that was meant to be with her,” and with that and a clap to his shoulder, he left.
But he left with no hate for his brother anymore.. he left with a promise to call as soon as he landed. And that was more than JK ever thought he’d get from him after everything.
And as JK watched him leave and closed the door behind him, he walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch with you, smiling when you shifted so that your head was lying in his lap as if it was the natural thing to do for you.
He pulled the blanket around your body higher and grabbed the piece of bread that was lying on the table, eating for the first time in what felt like forever.
“I'm proud of you,” you whispered, half-asleep.
And JK couldn't help but start crying again, his fingers brushing through your hair.
And only when he was sure you were back asleep did he say, “I never stopped loving you.. and I never will.”
Maybe you were right..
..maybe all things did happen for a reason.
Maybe this was were he was supposed to be all along.. 
..with you.
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: To Thine Own Self (Chapter 24)
A/N: Anyway Idk what I'm doing sorry. I also love Bonnie and she's so cute, bichon frise’s are SO cute. But yay! We know a Lil more about our hot choco boy :))
summary: Ted rushes after a concerning text
words: 1,971
warnings: Swearing, homophobia, homophobic slurs, bleeding, violence
Ao3 Link
Ted was sure of one thing when he got that message, he was definitely about to commit murder. Ok well, not murder perse but if Billy even breathed in the same direction as Tommy, Ted might literally punch him.
“Stop!” He shouted causing Chad to hit the breaks. He turned eyes wide extremely disappointed. Ted shrinks mumbling. “Sorry” he shakes his head shoving his phone into Chads face “We have to go back, please” He begged, he didn't have to Chad was already turning the car around. They drove fast but still careful. They hadn't been too far from the school so they had made it quickly.
Not quickly enough
“Billy please leave me alone!” Tommy shrieked as Billy cornered him, tracing his bony fingers over Tommy, he tried so hard to push him off but his hands just wouldn't move. Billy's friend surrounded him too until suddenly he fell back into the curtain collapsing onto the stage floor. “Ow…” He mumbled to himself. Billy laughed he grabbed Tommy pulling him up, digging his nails into his arms. Tommy struggled trying to pull away but two of Billy's friends planted him in place practically shoving him into the ground.
“Little baby gonna cry?” Billy spat, a justified remark seeing as Tommy could feel the tears burning his cheeks. He swallowed, just hold on. “You really think that I'm going to let you walk around school all happy to be a fucking queer? Mistake one, thinking you can do anything without my permission. From now on anytime you think of being happy holding that fucking weirdo's hand-” Ted oh god, that was it for Tommy. He shoved Billy away, hearing an umph sound.
“Don't you dare talk about him” Tommy felt himself light up, he could feel his eyes burning but for a different reason. Billy cracked his knuckles and approached one more time. He landed a punch, knocking Tommy's glasses off, he felt his nose explode with pain. He kept landing more until Tommy was seeing red. He fought back kicking up until feeling himself land a painful kick, street smarts.
(If he ever got out of this with enough joy left in him, Tommy was going to have to thank Ted and Paul for introducing John Mulaney)
“You're going to pay for that” Billy announced, Tommy couldn't see much through his blurriness but he could hear the door swinging open. He struggled to stay standing.
“No, you're going to pay for that” Professor Chad's voice rang out through the theatre. Tommy exhaled feeling relieved. If Ted wasn't so worried, he would have complimented Chads entrance line.
“Get away from him” Ted's voice was fierce, it was closer, Ted blinked his eyes open seeing the silhouette of another figure. Tommy choked back sobs. He collapsed to the floor, frantically searching for his glasses. He cried every move he made, he couldn't hear what was happening anymore but a ringing in his ears. He felt something wrap around him cradling him, he blinked once more but couldn't see anything. Another figure placed his glasses on his face, he rubbed his eyes opening them to see clearer. He saw professor Chad kneeling in front of him, pity seeped from his eyes. He dared look up to be met with Ted who wasn't looking at him but was holding him, burying his face in Tommy's hair. He let himself feels Ted's heartbeat, mimicking it himself. He tried, he really did, to listen to what Chad was saying but he couldn't, he was focused on Ted and he grasping Ted's arms that were wrapped around him. He watched from the slit of his eyes as Chad said something to him before standing up taking a phone call.
“Hey” A soft whisper muffled into his hair, Tommy felt a flutter in his heart, he clutched a little tighter, why was he breathing so heavy? “I'm so sorry…” Ted whispered again, Tommy shook his head, he couldn't speak but he tried. He buried himself further, Ted took him. “I'm so sorry” He repeated, “Are you ok?”Tommy took a deep breath before sitting up a little, he held his nose but revealed the blood dripping from his nose. Ted's eyes go wide before he turns to Chad.
Ted didn't let go the entire time, he didn't let go getting to the car, he didn't let go in the car, he didn't let go at the hospital and he didn't let go as the doctors fixed up Tommy's nose. No matter what Ted had his arm, or hand connected somehow to Tommy. And he didn't mind, he was scared, and tired and having that touch to Ted was everything. So he sat waiting as the doctors talk to Chad as he held onto Ted's hand. He didn't look at him but he felt his eyes droop.
“Tommy, should we call your parents?” Chad asked as the doctor waved goodbye. He was kneeling slightly as he talked. Tommy shook his head violently, he really didn't want to see them right now in his state. Hah, not that they were in the State, He thought. “Ok...ok” He sighed looking around “Um, let's get you to our house then,” Chad said, Ted nodded encouragingly, Tommy didn't care he just wanted to sleep. Ted moved on to the patient's bed noticing Tommy's sleepy state, he let him lean into him falling asleep.
“I know it's against the rules-”
“And not to mention illegal love” Chad added
“But I would really like to kill Billy” Henry finished whispering as he watched Tommy nuzzle into Ted, sleeping away on the couch. Chad nodded approvingly, he sighed tiredly. It had been a long day. “God, can you imagine what he would have done, had you not stepped in?” Henry felt baffled
“I'd rather not” Chad yawned, his voice firm.
“Can you take me home?” Tommy interjected, he was sitting up now. The professors couldn't see it but Ted was holding his hand tightly as they sat. He looked disappointed but was clearly trying to support Tommy. Chad and Henry glanced at each other raising their eyebrows.
“Are you sure?” Chad asked concern riddled across his face “But you sai-
“I don't want to call my parents...but I'd like to go home” Tommy explained hoping they would understand. So they said nothing more, Chad, Henry and Ted accompanied Tommy home. Ted walked him to the front, helping him as he fumbled with his keys. “Guess you can say you finally dropped me off” Tommy teased sadly as he unlocked the door “Not the best date but…” Ted chuckled softly. They stared for a while, Tommy could read Ted's face. “I'm ok dearest, I'm just tired and would like to be...alone for a while” He managed, his ability to speak returning comfortably. Ted nodded as he took Tommy's hands.
“I'm so sorry about tonight” Ted wouldn't meet Tommy's eyes, he didn't need to see him cry. He pulled him into a careful hug, Tommy accepted gratefully. “Goodnight Tommy,” Ted said softly into his ear, Tommy smiled as they pulled away. There was more he wanted to say but didn't know if he should, so after a silent moment, Ted walked back to the car. Tommy entered his house awaiting the certain ambush of a certain bichon frise.
“Bonnie!” Tommy exclaimed feeling excited for the first time that day. The little puffball came running towards him as he kneeled to meet her. She bounced on him smothering him with slobbery wet kisses nuzzled herself into him. He stands securing the dog in his arms turning on the main light in the house. The brightness invites him upstairs to his room where he carefully deposits his things and lays comfortably on his bed, that has the same red covers and blue paint chipping away on it,  cuddling with Bonnie. Bonnie, whos more than happy to see Tommy, bounces around the bed yapping sweetly as if telling Tommy about her day. Tommy listens as he opens up his laptop looking for a good show to watch, he just wants a distraction.
The morning came soon enough with both parties involved not recollecting the events of last night for a sweet few minutes of exhausted awakenings. But once the coffee hit, and the morning light bled into the homes, it was inevitable. Bonnie scurried up onto Tommy's bed where he laid still in his attire from the previous night. His glasses fall crooked on his face, and his computer leans on him, the screen dark but open. Tommy feels a cold, wet, flickering movement on his face, he giggles softly as his eyes open painfully. He moves his hand over Bonnie, petting her fluff. He yawns sitting up he grabs his phone checking for any important updates.
I really got to change that, Tommy thinks as he opens the chat.
Ted: Hey gumdrop, I just wanted to check-in
Tommy could feel his heart pump louder, Bonnie bounced around more clearly sensing his mood. Or maybe not. He sighed closing the message. He felt a small pit in his stomach as he ignored the message. He moved onto the next one.
Charlotte: Hey! Just wanted to ask if you had any idea about the rehearsal schedule?
Tommy scrunched his brows, making a mental note to check the timestamps of the messages. And to check his phone more often.
Charlotte: Nevermind, found it! :)
He read the last one sent feeling the pit grow bigger.
Charlotte: I heard about you and Ted, are you alright?
He closed out once more, trying to ignore the guilty sensation in his stomach. He checked the last messages.
Mama: Tommy, how many times must I tell you not to text me during work hours.
Oh, Tommy thinks, guess she finally saw my text. Tommy doesn't know why he bothered after his fight with Ted, his mother couldn't care less, nor would she even acknowledge that Ted was an important part of his life. He scoffs closing his phone and getting up making his way downstairs followed by a very excited Bonnie. He sludged tired through the kitchen grabbing his hot chocolate packs, starting to boil some water. As he waited he grabbed the last of the dog food feeding a very persistent Bonnie. He ruffled her fur sweetly turning back to his own ‘breakfast’ if you could even call it that. As he moved around the kitchen he begins humming softly, mumbling the words lazily.
“Why did I wander so far...from the man that the two of you knew I could be? I lost sight of all that mattered somehow...I did not see it then, but I see it now...I just didn't think I had it in me. So I made it harder than it had to be. Should've followed my heart, should've listened to you” He yawns, deciding to return to the previous verse as his phone goes bright showcasing his background. He smiles fondly remembering the day Ted and Tommy took the silly picture. The two of them, making silly faces, Simple, but he loved it. Bonnie finishes, planting herself at Tommy's feet. “Sure as the day follows the night, sure as the sky turns to blue” He sings, his voice raspy but still carries somewhat. “This much I know, this much is true…Above all else in whatever you do,” he pauses pondering
“You really think that I'm going to let you walk around school all happy to be a fucking queer?”
“This was stupid and we’ve just been pretending!”
“Son, it's just a phase”
“We will get you the help you need when we get back from our trip?”
“Such a disappointment”
“I love you”
“To thine own self...be true” He practically whispers the last part
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
15. Who in the Hell Left the Gate Open?
Pushing out chapters pretty quickly. Finna go to sleep. Hope to wake up to feedback. I know Jasper’s been a little bit infuriating the last couple of chapters, but he is my baby and I will defend him. Mistakes were mad and in the words of @chenoahchantel “I’m mad at everybody”  Lmao. Enjoy or be enraged. Idk...
Who in the Hell Left the Gate Open?
“Do you remember when you told me that you would never take me for granted?” Charlotte asked, early into sophomore year. 
Jasper was on the couch in his dorm, editing a video and gave her a weird glance before asking, “Do you feel like I’ve taken you for granted?”
She folded her arms and shook her head, speaking angrily through her teeth, “Do not do that. If I ask you a question, I expect your answer. Don’t ask me a question back. Answer MY question before you go posing questions of your own!”
Jasper’s eyes went wide and he set his laptop aside, now sure that he was in trouble for something and guilty that he’d obviously upset her. “I’m sorry,” he said, getting up and coming over to her. He rubbed her arms, to try to comfort her, “Of course I remember. That was our first time. It was magical. All I wanted to do was make you happy and give you the world. I said more than that. I said that I would never hurt you, take advantage of you, or take you for granted, and I meant that. If I’ve mistakenly done any of that, that’s the part that I didn’t mean… Are you okay?”
Her eyes were damp and he was trying not to panic, but he had never seen this look in them before, so he didn’t know what that meant. Then, he was worried because he usually always knew what Charlotte’s looks meant, even down to the smallest curves up her lips, up or down, he knew when it was disdain, disgust, desire or delight. “I’ve made a terrible mistake,” she said, shaking her head. “I made a decision to give so much of my heart to you that I didn’t think of how much I needed for myself. You were dealt a bad hand and I’ve done everything that I can to convince you that I love you, anyway, even if you thought that nobody else did. I wanted you to be happy, so I’ve tried to make you happy, and I miscalculated what would do that. I thought that because praise seems to be your love language that I alone could compliment you and you’d feel amazing and you’d love me for that…” Her voice was breaking and so was his heart. Why did she sound like that? What was she saying?
“I do, so, SO much…”
“Let me!”She finally unfolded her arms, to raise a finger to stop him from begging her not to do this… what it sounded like she was about to do to him… “You needed so much validation, and for years, the people you cared about didn’t regularly grant you that and I knew, I knew, that I was one of these guilty parties that didn’t build you up. I wanted to try to rectify that…” She wiped a tear with the back of her hand, “I wanted to be loving to you and whenever you became this larger than life presence, I tried not to be jealous and I tried not to dampen things for you. You deserved the attention. You deserve that kind of love, you know?” Her face was distorted in pain. Jasper covered his own with both of his hands. He couldn’t think right now. His head was throbbing and his eyes were burning. What the fuck had he done to upset her this much? She looked like she was going to collapse and he knew that somehow, this was his fault. She was saying it was hers, but that couldn’t be right. She was just trying to be kind to him again. He’d fucked up and she was about to dump him for it… “Whenever you blew up on Henry a few months ago…” He looked up at her again. If this had anything to do with Henry, he was going to put his fist through a wall. “I probably should have come after you. Maybe I triggered a defense mechanism or, or  SOMETHING!” Her hands tried to clench the air in front of her, hoping to pluck the words for the feelings that were tearing her apart. “But, after that night, it went even darker. I’d come into a room and you’d be there, and it used to be that even if the room was full, we were the only people there. The room was always full… But I was the only person there. I made a mistake. I pushed you away, I guess? I just… I can’t be in a room with you and be alone. I hate it. I hate looking at you and seeing how happy everyone makes you and not knowing how to be a part of that anymore.” She clasped her hands together and shrugged her shoulders, “I thought of the two of us that I was the stronger one, because I’d had a stronger foundation. I thought I could handle these changes. But, now I have to be strong enough to let you know that I have to feel loved too, and I don’t have fans or friends here… So, it’s up to me, and I think it’s best that I figure this out and give you the space to grow into this supernova that I see in front of me…”
Jasper clenched his fists, his entire body shaking and turned a bright red color as he nodded his head and lied, "I want you to do whatever you think is best for you." She nodded, wishing deep down that he had fought her on it, a little bit more, but trying to tell herself that the mature thing to do was accept how much he was trying to make this easier on her. He looked like a different person. She could hardly recognize him as he tried to collect himself. But, when she made it to the door and moved to open it, he reflexively stopped her.
He shut it with his foot, placed his shaking hands together like a prayer and begged her in a whisper, "Please don't do this." 
"I'm sorry. I tried to just let you walk away, but I'm begging you not to. I know that I never even deserved you in the first place and I should just be grateful that you ever saw anything in me, but… don't you love me? Didn't I at least earn that in all this time?"
"You know the answer to that."
"Can I show you something? Let me go get it. Please. And if it doesn't matter, I'll get out of your way forever and let you live your life without me."
"I'm not doing anything on a whim, Jasper. I've thought about this. I've tortured myself with making this decision. I didn't make it lightly."
"Please, Dear God - just a couple of minutes!"
"Okay. But whatever you have doesn't change what I've told you."
He rushed to get a small locking journal and opened it with a key on his keychain of keys. "I have a crappy laptop and I'm always breaking my phone, so I put this on paper, to make sure that I don't lose the information." He showed her a page, "It's my life goals. I started this whenever we got together." He flipped some pages for her. "It's so that I could try to be the man that I thought that you'd want and need me to be for you." She looked at it and read in handwriting that she knew very well from years of Robin’s Telling, Interesting ways to make Charlotte feel beautiful, that she’ll appreciate. And it was numbered and in the margins, he had checks and X’s, because obviously, some things had worked and some hadn’t. He was pretty hit or miss with ideas, but just the fact that he’d been doing this when she was thinking that he wasn’t paying any attention to her..."I just need you to tell me that you still love me and I didn't fuck this up."
"I will always love you. And you didn't fuck this up.." She honestly said. That only made her feel worse.  WHY couldn’t she just be the strong person that she wanted to be? Why did she need his validation so much, suddenly? Was it her jealousy or had he really been neglecting her?
"I know I'm not meeting your standards. I know I'm not perfect and I know that even if I did everything in here, I still may never be good enough, but… I just have to know… don't you even think that maybe I'm worth trying to work it out with?" 
She was crying now, reading: Make sure to do whatever I have to to make Charlotte feel like I love her with all my heart, everyday. She nodded. "Yeah, you're worth trying to work it out with." She said and dropped her bag onto the floor. 
"You… does that mean you're staying?" He asked, apprehensive, trembling uncontrollably. Too scared to get excited without her approval. She nodded. She couldn't form words. Jasper dropped his journal to scoop her up into a hug and hold her closely to himself. He was still shaking in terror. She was sobbing against his chest. "I'll do better. I'll be better. I promise. I don't care what it takes."  
… Perhaps… A little rewind is in order?
Jasper changed shifts at the home improvement shop to a full time, daytime summer gig, so that he had his evenings free for practices, parties and the parlour. Charlotte was in class during the day, and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, so they had plenty of time together. It was going fine, good even at times. She thought that maybe they had gotten over the hiccup with Henry and that whole mess, but even though he said that he texted Henry and apologized and that they were “fine,” she knew that they weren’t good, because they weren’t talking. Whenever Henry visited, Jasper would always invite Casper along, like he needed someone else there to have fun with… which made it feel like an awkward double date. Awkward because Henry and Jasper were supposed to be best friends and Charlotte was supposed to be Jasper’s girlfriend! Henry didn’t want to bring it up since he and Jasper “were fine,” so whenever the four of them crashed at the frat house, Charlotte insisted that she and Jasper slept in his room alone and that the other two went and found an empty room or they could fight over the couch. She and Jasper went to bed, Casper crashed on the couch and Henry pulled into the bed on the other side of Jasper. Jasper didn’t have a problem with it. He was between them and it was fine. 
But, Casper was sprawled on the couch, topless with boxers on and Charlotte felt taken aback that she was that comfortable. “How often does she go around topless around you?” She squealed, before Henry and Casper could even leave the room good. 
“I don’t know. It’s a regular thing for her. She does that wherever. She’s been spoken to by the league for it on multiple occasions.” Charlotte was even angrier that Jasper wasn’t taking her frustrations about this seriously, but felt like he really did seem oblivious as to why it was a problem for her.
“I don’t care if she walks into CLASS like that, she’s NOT allowed to do it in here. In fact, I don’t even feel comfortable with you hanging out with her in here by yourselves now. Does she play video games like that?” 
“I think you’re…”
“I’d you say overreacting, my reaction will be to punch you right in the nutsack!”
“God!” He said, cuffing his jewels, “I was gonna say misinterpreting…” Charlotte went on screaming and losing her mind with Jasper trying to talk her down up until he must’ve succeeded, because Henry and Casper heard them… making up… 
Casper smiled and fist pumped the air, “My nigga Big Dog!” She said.
Henry gasped clutched his shirt. “You… SAY that?” He asked.
She laughed and shook her head, “Please don’t tell me that you’re gonna go off on a tangent about how I can’t say that around you, because I’ve already heard that from him and you can just say ditto.”
“You ABSOLUTELY can’t say that around me!” Henry said, disgusted. “How dare you!” She laughed, unsure if he was serious. He positively was.
“Look, I grew up around nothing but Black people and I have them in my family and stuff. It’s not a big deal to any of them…”
“I’m not them. You’d better be glad that Jasper didn’t tell Charlotte you’ve said that around him. And honestly… I can’t believe he still hangs out with you!” 
“He knows that I didn’t mean it like that, and I’ve never repeated it since he was so damn offended, like you’re acting like now.” she rolled her eyes.
“What are you like the girl variant of fuckboy?”
“Wouldn’t that just be fuckgirl?” She wondered.
“I guess you would know. That’s clearly your tribe.”
She shrugged, “Like your tribe is Team Abandon Jasper?” 
Now… Henry wasn’t the type to hit a girl, but he was ready to punch this one right between the eyes. She was a tall, athletic type with tone muscles and a flat chest. She almost coul;d pass for a boy. He really should probably talk himself out of socking her in the nose. Charlotte came out of Jasper’s room all happy looking, glared at Casper and asked, “Why are you still here?”
“My shoes are in there, Chica,” She said and went inside. 
“What, you grew up around a bunch of Latinx people too?” Henry called out. Whenever she was getting her shoes, Henry whispered, “She said the N word to me!” Charlotte gasped and turned around, ready to pounce on her. 
Jasper stopped her and said, “Let her go.”
“Let her go? Henry said she said the N word, I should be letting her have it. YOU should be letting her have it!”
“She didn’t mean it like that,” Jasper said. Henry scratched the back of his neck. “Her Black people let her say that around them like affectionately, and she forgets that not everyone is okay with that. It’s not like that guy that accosted you that time.”
“Unfuckingbelievable,” Charlotte said. “You just pulled your penis out of me and had best believed, you won’t be doing that any time soon!” She looked furious, gathering her things. She was madder about that than the tittygate from before. “And just so YOU know, from now on, the Black people get to decide if it’s okay and my Black ass says NO. NEVER. I don’t give a damn what her shucking jiving ass friends said. And if I see her around here, it’s going down. And if I see her with you outside of a game or practice, you can just take your dick to her.” 
She stormed off and Jasper asked Henry, “Did you do that on purpose?”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“Why would you tell her that? You know that Casper didn’t mean it like that.”
“Man, fuck Casper. She’s trash.”
“I’m a trash magnet,” Jasper said and shook his head, chasing after Charlotte. “Char! Char, please!” He caught her from behind in an embrace and she honestly couldn’t fathom what he thought that he was going to say to fix that. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you or make it seem like I didn’t think this was serious. Honestly, whenever I heard her say that, I blew up. I cussed her out, I threatened her. I lost it. Okay? It felt wrong, and I reacted. But, then she and everybody else started explaining to me that I was overreacting, so I believed them. I didn’t think that all of them were wrong and I was somehow right…”
“Who is everybody else?” She asked.
“The team.”
“So, all of those white dudes that you spend hours and hours with convinced you that it was okay for her to say something that you know people have called me to make me cry? And you didn’t think to ask me? Or mention it to me?”
“I thought that bringing it up to you would hurt you for no reason. She’d never say that to you, knowing how I feel about it.”
“You are still missing the point… Jasper… Don’t you want kids with me? You think I’d make kids with somebody trying to explain to me why a word weaponized against me, against them isn’t that bad because she said it in a certain way?”
“No. This is all really making me realize I am an idiot and it’ll never happen again.”
“Funny, because I remember you pledging that you would never allow that. Henry jumped to my defense. You tried to talk both of us down. What is wrong with you? It’s literally a slur. You’re supposed to love me.”
“I’ll… go kick her in the cooter if I have to, to prove myself.” The damage was done. That was two huge violations in one day, but he did stop hanging out with Casper and that took a huge load off of Charlotte. Casper tried to apologize to her multiple times, but she didn’t bother with her. She blocked her and put her hand between the two of them whenever she saw her around. She stopped attending practices and games, if they really felt that way about that word, she didn’t have any energy for them. Jasper stopped playing kite discs, too. He said that it didn’t feel the same knowing Charlotte’s take on using the word period. At least he was trying, she told herself. And white people often “get confused” about what was inappropriate. She sent him a post of Get Woke Quick ebooks and told him, “If you ever make a mistake like that again, I refuse to overlook it. He nodded solemnly and was reading all of the books by social justice activists and advocates about racism and antiBlackness in his free time. He started going to the campus events for movement meetings and stuff, which were actually on Charlotte’s campus. She was in the Black Students Union, but it was extremely small and composed mostly of biracial Black people, because there was more of them in the area than all Black, and whenever he was going to meetings for rallies and stuff, he got really cool with some of the people that she introduced him to from the BSU… and a few of them asked him if he’d like to be their token white boy for their radio show. He asked Charlotte if that was okay. She was fine with it. 
The next month of summer was awesome. She forgot to some degree the stuff that she had been rightfully pissed about and wondered about the things that she had been irritated by. Whenever she wasn’t around so much and he was back into classes and busy and whatever else, was he gonna still be cuffing her closely in big crowds? Was he going to notice when she came into a room? She felt like she was punishing him for stuff that she never told him about if she’d attack him now, or stuff that he hadn’t done yet, if the semesters were gonna be that way. So, she tried to enjoy the month and enjoy her man.
Sex was good again. She found that it was amazing whenever she wasn’t troubled or worrying or feeling ignored, and Jasper was fueled by her desire. She’d gotten more aware of what she liked and wanted and more comfortable with telling him. He loved directions. It for one thing assured him that she would like what he was doing and for another, even though she was just telling him what she wanted, hearing her say these things turned him on. 
Shortly after the semester began, while they were “doing great,” something else happened. They were getting ready to get down to business and Charlotte was practically begging him for it, whimpering and rubbing against him and pouting for him to hurry up and get started. Jasper went into his little nightstand and reached around, sighed and said, “Okay… I’ve gotta go snag a condom.” 
She was so busy pouting that the statement almost was lost on her as he scrambled to get up, but she sat up too and tilted her head, “We’re out?” She asked.
“Yeah,” he said, zipping his jeans up to leave the room.
“Wait. Why are we out?” She asked and a huge flood of fear and insecurity from the previous semester came flushing over her and her breathing caught. “Did you use them?” 
“What? No! The guys come in and take them because they know that I always have them because I have the steady girlfriend…” He looked at her like he couldn’t believe that she would ask him that and now that he thought about it, he was deeply hurt. “Why would I use them if you aren’t there?”
She was thinking about topless Casper and a number of other girls’ faces that she knew specifically from getting much to close to him and being much to flirtatious and him being much too cool about it. She shrugged and he sat back down. “You think I’d cheat on you?”
“I don’t know Jasper. You let girls lay around topless in here and say the most hateful slur in the world, so I really don’t know if you’re ABOVE cheating. Maybe you did something and “didn’t mean it like that.” 
He looked like she had punched him in the gut. “I thought you’d forgiven me for that gross misunderstanding on my part, and I never knew that letting a lesbian be topless was a big deal, especially since she does it in all kinds of places.” Lesbian? So, Casper was a lesbian now? Suddenly? He’d never said that before! “Are you ever gonna forgive me for that, or do I have to bleed again anytime you strike me with it because of an unrelated coincidence?”
“I guess I’ll have to think about that,” she said and got up to leave.
“You’re gonna leave like that?” he asked.
“You have something else to say?”
He shook his head, sadly, “Just that I’ve never cheated on you and I never would. I think about being with you any time that I’m not and I haven’t seen anyone nearly as pretty since I first noticed you. The way you make me feel, I don’t think I would ever be able to feel that anywhere else and I wouldn’t risk it all for even the possibility, because if it wasn’t with you, it wouldn’t matter…” He laid down, looking all depressed and she felt bad. She went to comfort him and they wound up making up… bare… but she mentioned that she’d simply stop by the clinic for a morning after pill, which to Jasper meant that he could go crazy. And it was the most mind altering thing that had happened between them, thus far. 
He was extremely excited, but she didn’t know if that was because it was makeup, or because it was raw. But, he mentioned several times how good she felt and laughed about the idea of him ever wanting anybody else when his Chef’s Kiss had gotten sweeter and juicier all summer. Her head was reeling. She was floating. She was high. Wrapped around him, nothing between them, hearing those declarations, she felt like everything that he was telling her that she was. 
But, whenever they got back around other people… She felt like… not even he was there. Which led us to that blow up where she almost broke up with him. Almost.
That was a real come to Jesus moment for Jasper. He started wrestling and boxing, to try to supplement his athletics, and for a while, he didn’t touch Charlotte… not like that, anyway, unless she seemed like she felt rejected, then he quickly tried to make up for it by loving her down in all the ways he knew that she loved. But, he was more focused on rebuilding their intimacy and regaining her trust. For a while, he felt like he was walking on eggshells, because he really didn’t know exactly where he went wrong the first time and he was scared of somehow winding up on the wrong path again. The path that might lead to her crying as she broke his heart, for her own good. He had nightmares about that talk. He had nightmares that he woke up from and cradled her close, having imagined that it really happened.
He couldn’t stomach the thought of messing this up and her leaving him. He couldn’t handle losing her. He would have given up every bit of fanfare and whatnot if all he had was her and he didn’t know how to make her see that. Then again, he had been constantly wondering for all of his life who he was and who he was supposed to be. He wondered if his dad had stuck around, if his mom hadn’t remarried so much, if she’d loved him like Charlotte’s parents loved her, would this be so hard?
He was used to being ignored for a long time, but it still hurt whenever he was. That was why whenever Henry and Charlotte were both working, even though he had other friends, he called them over and over, just wishing and hoping that one of them would love him enough to just reach out and let him know that he still mattered, that he hadn’t lost his people. More than the idea of Charlotte leaving him and him losing her, he was haunted by the fact that he made her feel that sadness of being alone… of not having your people let you know that you mattered. That made him cry when she wasn’t looking. He didn’t want her to see him crying, because she’d try to comfort him and how dare he let her comfort him for being upset about hurting her?
Being the center of attention was like a drug to him. Having so many people to enjoy him, even if they didn’t really care was exhilarating. But… it wasn’t like being Charlotte’s little spoon while she ran her fingers through his hair for the hands down best sleep that he could ever have, her little legs wrapped around him and her supple feet brushing the hairs on his legs. The crowds couldn’t compare to that ‘boozy mahogany flush” of her face whenever he kissed her behind her ear and the baby hairs on her neck shifted ever so slightly and the tingle sent shivers through her and forced her to smile that smile that brought the sunrise to shame. That she thought that she didn’t belong in his world anymore, not knowing that she was his world was… it had to be a failure on his part and he couldn’t stand for it. The fact that he’d missed it, in his reveling in attention was frightening, and he wanted to place a fraction of blame on Charlotte for not telling him sooner, but, he was too afraid that things were too volatile for that conversation. He did ask her gently, though, “Do you think if I ever seem to be making you feel some kind of way, that you could tell me and let me try to fix it?”
This sounded familiar. He’d asked this of her before, in high school after she’d run to Piper with her rants. But, they had been through a lot and she had felt like she was actually ripping her heart out of her chest when she was considering ending things, so this time she said, “I promise that I will.”
“Will you… If I go to meet up with my dad, will you come with me?” He asked. She looked surprised. He explained, “I know my mom’s side of things, but I also know the kinds of behaviors and habits that came from her and how we interacted. I just… want to see if seeing him could help me figure myself out.” 
Charlotte felt super guilty. Like she had broken Jasper, or something. He was so… timid in those days. “Yeah. Of course. And Jasper… You don’t have to be scared to be yourself. I just wanted our growth to be together, and I felt like you’d outgrown me. I was scared, but you don’t have to be. I’m not gonna leave again without giving you a chance to fix it… if anything goes wrong again. I just… wanted to feel like that girl who was up before sunrise making breakfast for a boy because he was the sweetest, more caring boy that she ever knew.”
“And I just wanna be that boy, but you know, in man form. Maybe I should grow my mustache back.”
“I will kill you,” she said. 
He laughed. “Why are you such a hater? Everybody loved it except for you. It was unanimous. Piper loved it and she hates everything.”
“It’s your face. Grow whatever you want.”
“Is it gonna affect how you look at me?”
“I’m gonna look at you like you have a big stupid mustache on your face, just like I did last time.” He laughed and she shook her head, “Either commit to growing a beard or shut up!”
“Oh, you want me to grow a beard?”
“I mean… I wouldn’t be against it. I’d have to see how that fares with the whole, your face spending time in between my legs thing.”
“I would like to see my face spending time between your legs again, just… you know, just ‘cause.”
“You just stopped! I thought I’d given you performance anxiety and didn’t want to put any pressure on you.”
“I feel extremely relaxed right now,” he said, shifting her legs and living for the smile of anticipation on her face. They were good again. They had some hiccups, some missteps, hell, even a trainwreck, but patching things up was even more fulfilling than the days that they thought they wanted to return to - when they weren’t sure of themselves or each other and bumbling through trial and error to reach something that it took a lot of work from both of them to have. At the end of the day, if anybody could analyze and understand someone/something, it was Charlotte Page, and at his core, he desperately wanted someone to understand him.
Charlotte’s last visit to Swellview, Jasper came along, to go see his mom. He hadn’t seen her in person for over a year and she was guilt tripping him about it, but he clarified for her that he was gonna be staying at the Pages but would stop by to see her. He didn’t stay very long. He tried to at least give her a few hours. Being away from her had made being in her presence again a supremely unsettling feeling. Charlotte told him that he probably finally knew how she felt around her. “How is Charlotte?” his mom asked.
“She’s good,” Jasper said.
“Everything’s okay?”
“Yeah. Everything is awesome. We’re better than we’ve ever been,” he said. She made a face, like it was surprising. He tried not to get angry about that and instead took the time to brag about her. “She started an initiative to preserve land to cultivate for community gardens in food desserts. My frat prides itself on being sure to have at least one member of every sports team in the school, so I was able to convince them to get their teams involved in efforts to assist with those.” He didn’t add on how long she loved him down for that accomplishment, but nearly every brother in the house commented on how they were both extra loud the previous night and reminded them that some of them had classes in the morning. Jasper had transported back to that night and morning. Charlotte and his sex life was good, but whenever he accomplished something or made her proud, he found that was a major turn on for her, SO… guess wtf he was constantly trying to do? Outdo himself, that’s what. 
He still had a lot of outside attention and “fans,” but if Charlotte was there, he had her right by him, so she wouldn’t be lost in the crowd or feel left out, often cuffed to him, but if not, ever so often, he’d smile at her and kiss her on the nose, or behind the ear, or caress the back of her neck. Those were things that made her weak, so if he casually sprinkled her with them all night, it was as intimate as if nobody had been there. She felt included and she felt loved and he still had the chance to kick it with his bros… he created some boundaries with his lady friends. Some of them would get pissy about it, but most were just as infatuated with his relationship as they were with him as a person. They wanted somebody LIKE him, not him, because if he could be taken away from his adorable long term girlfriend, they didn’t really want somebody like him, anyway…
“What are you thinking about?” His mom broke into his thoughts.
“How much I love Charlotte.” She rolled her eyes and he narrowed his. “What are you thinking about?”
“How your father told me that you found him online and want to meet up with him,” she said. He froze. “Were you gonna tell me?”
“No. I didn’t think it was your business.”
“How not, Jasper?”
“Because, I’m grown.”
“Well, do what you want. But, I doubt he’s any less toxic than he was when I was forced to leave him.” She got up and left the room. Jasper waited a while, went checked on her and.. She had gone to bed. He left and didn’t plan on coming back any time soon. In fact, he needed a complete realigning or something after being inside of there. 
Uncle Roscoe’s house was fortunately the right ambience. There was incense and good food and they had gotten a calming fountain in the family room that played music and lit up various ambient light colors. Plus, Uncle Roscoe made juice and Jasper loved his juice. Aunt Cohort and Charlotte were somewhere getting fish to eat dead skin off of their feet and Uncle Rox wondered, “You getting ready to ask her about it?”
Jasper smiled brightly, full of food and juice and sleepy from the mood of the room, “What?”
“You know what.” 
Jasper sighed and leaned forward in his seat, “We had a rough year, well… a rough year then a rougher year of getting back to good because of the first rough year.”
“I know. I pay attention to the songs she posts. I knew y’all were goin’ through it when she posted Karyn White’s Superwoman with the caption, “On Repeat Forever.”
“I don’t know what that is, but I think I’ve fixed things…”
“Yeah. I know. Like I said, I pay attention to the songs. If you would’ve remembered my advice and paid attention, you’d have had a less rough year.”
Jasper nodded, “I regret so much of my decisions for that time. Did she tell you about the night things hit the fan with Casper?”
“She don’t tell me nothing, Lil’ Nephew. But, I think that she’s ready to settle down. She talks about your future a lot.”
“Yeah, but… I’m the one that wants all the family stuff, she only will do all that because I want it. I’m not gonna rush her.”
“Don’t rush her no… But, don’t let her get away, neither.” Jasper nodded his head. Uncle Rox gave the best advice. She was never gonna get away, if Jasper could help it.
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yeppeojiwrites · 5 years
making the right decision//song mingi
uhh i don’t really know how to write titles but this is gonna be it for now until i figure out a better one
this is a college!mingi au requested by one of my mutuals on instagram (folow me at ericsblackgf) 
word count: 1628
warnings: angst and eventual soft sweet stuff (surprise ending!!)
members: mingi x reader, wooyoung x reader, ??? x reader (oh worm???)
You shouldn’t have let him go on that date.
Sure you waved him off and told him to go have fun, but you didn’t mean it. If you did, you wouldn’t be crying in Wooyoung’s arms.
“I don’t know why I did it,” you sobbed. “I just wanted to make him happy.”
Wooyoung sighed as he rubbed your back. “Think about yourself, (Y/N). Be selfish for once. This is the tenth date Mingi has been out on since the start of the school year.”
“I know,” you said. “And it hurts every time I send him off.”
You’ve liked Mingi since he sat down next to you in your European Literature class the second week of school freshman year. He noticed the stickers on your laptop and asked you about them, leading to you talking about yourselves over ice cream. You thought it was a date, but Mingi thought it was just a hangout between new friends. He was oblivious.
As always.
He never noticed the way your eyes lit up whenever you noticed him looking at you, the way you inhale sharply when his skin touches yours, the way your smile falls when he says he’s going on another date with another girl.
Maybe you should start looking for a romantic partner another person because clearly you weren’t getting anywhere with Mingi.
As Wooyoung tucked you into his bed, proclaimed, “Starting today, I’m no longer thinking about Mingi. I’m putting myself first and keeping only those who I like around me. Consider yourself included, Wooyoung.”
He laughed and patted your cheek. “We’ll see about that,” he said as he turned off the light.
Ignoring Mingi was easier than you thought. Sure it hurt to decline his calls and sure it hurt to watch his dejected face whenever you walked past him and ignored his greetings, but at least you didn’t have to hear about how his dates went or how far he went with them.
Things actually became easier. You no longer had to pack and buy meals for two. You no longer had to wait in the courtyard long after your classes ended to see Mingi, you could just go home. You no longer had to walk across campus to Mingi’s dorm for movie night, you could just call Wooyoung over and watch a movie with him.
Your bond with Wooyoung grew stronger. You texted each other more, hung out with each other more often. Wooyoung was your new best friend.
As you walked out of class one afternoon, your wrist was grabbed and you were dragged into an empty classroom.
“Why are you avoiding me? You aren’t answering my calls, you don’t meet me after class anymore, we don’t meet for lunch, we don’t talk anymore. (Y/N), what did I do?” Mingi said, his face scrunched in anguish.
“Why don’t you ask your girl of the week to keep you company?” you said, pulling your wrist out of his grasp and attempting to walk away. Mingi stepped in front of your path.
“My girl of the week? Is this what this is about? You’re jealous?” he said, grabbing your shoulders from moving further.
“Let me go,” you said, shaking his hands off of your shoulders.
“Can we at least talk about this?” he pleaded.
“No.” you said sternly. His face fell.
“Please, (Y/N)? I miss you a lot,” he said, reaching out to touch your face. You dodged his hand.
“If this is all you wanted, I’ll be going now,” you said in a monotone voice.
“Fine. But when you’re ready to talk, you know where to find me. I’ll wait for you until then.” he said.
Your interaction with Mingi that one afternoon made your resolve weaker. You started seeing him sitting on the benches near your classes, even when his class was all the way across the campus. He left letters taped to your door, addressed to “his best friend”. They accumulated in a pile on your desk, all of them staying unopened.
You could only guess what they were about. Maybe they’re about his day. Maybe they’re about his dates or his two week girlfriends. Maybe they were a collection of confession letters.
The last option seemed highly unlikely.
All you knew was that if you opened them, you were subject to another blow at your resolve of avoiding Mingi.
You confided in Wooyoung, who seemed to only become closer to you, like a brother.
“It’s getting hard to ignore him,” you said, “it seems like wherever I am he is too. I forgot he knows my schedule.” you sighed.
“You can always call campus police and have a restraining order made.” Wooyoung suggested. You hit his shoulder.
“He doesn’t mean to be stalkerish, he’s just waiting for me to talk to him,” you said.
“I guess,” he said. “Do you want to choose the movie?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure,” you said before taking the remote.
It was two weeks after your interaction with Mingi that Mingi wrote Wooyoung a letter. When Wooyoung woke up one morning, he saw a letter in plain envelope with his name written on it a few inches away from his door, it was probably slid under the door overnight. When Wooyoung opened the letter he immediately saw Mingi’s name printed at the bottom of the paper. He started reading from the top of the paper.
Jung Wooyoung,
I don’t really know your relationship with (Y/N) but it seems close. You and I haven’t really talked that often, usually only when we both meet at (Y/N)’s dorm for the movie nights you, (Y/N), and I have once a month.
I’ll tell you this simply.
I really like (Y/N). I know she doesn’t really want anything to do with me or at least it seems that way but I just want her to know that I like her. I recently discovered it when we first stopped talking, when she left it was like a part of me left with them. I realized that all of the girls that I went out on dates with were used as a way to feel like I was able to be loved or liked since I felt like (Y/N) didn’t like me the same way I liked them.
I miss them a lot.
I write them letters every day hoping that they’ll read them but I don’t think they have, or if they have, they don’t care.
Wooyoung, please tell (Y/N) that I’ll stop pursuing them if they want me to. All they have to do is tell me face to face.
If it comes back that (Y/N) doesn’t want anything to do with me, please take care of them. Like I said earlier, I don’t really know your relationship with (Y/N) but it seems close. Maybe you like them as much as I do or maybe you only see them as a sibling.
I hope you make the right decision for (Y/N).
Thank you,
Song Mingi
Wooyoung put the letter back in envelope. He knew what he had to do.
[A Few Years Later]
“Sweetheart, are you ready?” your mom said, peeking into the room where you were seated. You nodded, sighing and rubbing your clammy hands together.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess,” you said. Your mom smiled at you and took your hand.
“He loves you a lot, and you look wonderful today, sweetheart. You’re making the right decision, (Y/N). I supported your relationship from the time that you introduced him to me and your dad, your does too.” your mom said.
“Are you ready to walk down the aisle?” she said, her eyes expectant. You nodded.
“Let’s do it.”
As you reached the doorway of the hall linked arm in arm with your mom, everyone in the room stood to their feet. You walked in and smiled at everyone in the room. You saw the flashes of cameras and heard the artificial shutter sounds of cell phone cameras. Only a few meters away from the altar, you made eye contact with your groom, his eyes filled with tears. You smiled at him and reached up to wipe the tears away with your thumb.
You leaned forward a little bit, “I thought you said you weren’t going to cry,” you smiled, placing both of your hands on his shoulders.
“I didn’t plan to but I can’t help it. I never thought I would see you like this, in front of me, about to be married to me,” he grabbed your hands from his shoulders, “If you were me and you saw yourself right now, all googly-eyed and sweet looking, you’d cry too.”
You smiled and squeezed his hands, “I love you.” you said.
He smiled back. “I love you too.” he responded.
The wedding officiant began, “We are all joined here today to watch a union between two souls, two spirits made for each other. We will begin with hearing their vows.” She nodded at the two of you.
After your vows were stated and tears were shed, you exchanged rings. The ring bearer was your youngest cousin, all dressed up in a little tux, complete with a bow tie that matched one of the colors of the wedding.
“I now pronounce you husband and (your gender’s word for spouse). Please kiss to seal your union.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you and pressed your lips against his, a familiar action that makes you feel a little bit warmer now. You leaned your forehead against his, your noses touching.
“I love you, (Y/N).” he said with a smile.
“I love you too, Yunho.” you replied.
were you expecting that ending??idk it was kinda a shock to me,,,i did it so that the ending wouldn’t be as predictable,,unless you’re some kind of psychic,,if you are,,idk man thats pretty cool
as you can probably tell, i’m not very good at author’s notes but uhh please request something!! this was really fun to write!!
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shimmerystyles · 6 years
can u write like a really sad ass calum blurb like idk a plot so u pick!! maybe a lil angsty??! GAH IDK WHY
yes, i’m honestly not in the greatest state right now so this is gonna get emotional.
Cal x Heartbreak
summary: there comes a time in certain relationships, where you stop and think “is this person really worth fighting for? is it worth the distance?” and for you, it wasn’t.
warnings: angst, swearing, touches on alcohol. me being an over emotional mess tonight.
if u want to listen to some recommened music while reading, heres 3 songs: 
Places We Wont Walk - Bruno Major
NYLA - blackbear
Sorry - Aquilo
You walk through the quiet new york city streets, towards your apartment, rustling your keys to find the one to your apartment front entrance. You trudge up the stairs to your floor and slump into your place. You set your backpack down on the ground next to the entrance as you put all the locks on the door and finally flop down on your couch, pulling your laptop to your lap. 
Calum had planned a facetime call for after you got home. All you did, was facetime eachother. Obviously, he was on tour constantly, and today he had a show in LA, but it was his day off so he was set to call you as soon as you got home. You shot him a text telling him you were home and a notification quickly popped up on the screen.
“Baby!” you hear enthusiastically, which causes you to smile softly. “Hey, babe” you softly say as your smile fades away. His brows furrow as he analyzes your face.
“Whats the matter?” He asks concerningly. “N-nothing’s wrong babe.” You force a smile and he doesn’t buy it. “Please, talk to me.” He says getting closer to the screen. “I don’t know Cal, it’s just.. lately, i’ve been missing you.” He sighs. “I miss you so much more, baby. You know that. It’s just the boys and the tou-” “Yeah, I know. The tour, the week long breaks you guys have and not one of them have been spent with me. The amount of girls that gawk at you every night, and the ones that even try to hit on you. You don’t stop them.” 
“Woah, woah, woah” He shakes his head. “Babe. You’re still pissed about that?” You roll your eyes. “You don’t even realize how hard this is for me, Calum. I’m all the way in New York right now, you’re in LA. What am I supposed to do? Be HAPPY that my boyfriend would rather go to Mexico with his band mates and their girlfriends over coming to see me?” “Hey. You know that’s not fair Y/N.” You feel angry tears start to form and you wipe them. 
“Calum, you don’t get it. It’s not fair that I spend half the night up wondering about what and who you might be fooling around with. You don’t understand how hard I try to support you from far away, but I just want to hug you and be with you in person. It’s been 4 months Calum, 4 months since you stopped caring about me and started putting you first.”“Y/n/n, you know that’s not true. I love you more than I love anything in this world and I-”“I think we should take a break.” you blurt out. Leaving Calum in shock. “Baby, no, you’re not serious are you? Tell me you’re joking, please?” You can see the fear of losing the love of his life in his face.“I’m giving you free reigns Calum! I’m setting you free! Don’t you want that? Because If you wanted me to care less about you, then this is how to do it. You can’t tell me i’m wrong for feeling the way I do. I was and am still so broken, I needed you, but you were too busy taking tequila shots at bars with hotter girls and forgetting to text me goodnight. Not once, have you acknowledged coming to see me. So no Calum, I’m not joking. You know why? Because the past two weeks, I’ve thought about this. I’ve thought about you’re worth fighting for, our relationship was worth it. I stuck it out for a long time Calum, hoping you’d make an effort. You never fucking did.” Tears were now falling onto your crossed legs as you see tears forming in Calums eyes.
“Baby, please. Please don’t do this to me. I-I need you, you’re my whole world.”“U-until you get your priorities straight Calum, we aren’t together anymore.” You slam the computer screen shut and feel your body start to shake. The tears are falling faster and faster as you start to sob into your sweatshirt sleeves. No matter how hard this was for the both of you, you knew;
It wasn’t worth it.
(i normally don’t write like this, someone wanted sad…… idk if this is good or not. if it isn’t im sorry yikes ok bye)
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wannawrite · 7 years
Alpacas Over Flowers
who? : MXM’s Im Youngmin fluff bullet-point ver. 
the ‘Our Two Lips’ flower boys LDH PJH PWJ KJW
LGL [ coming soon ] | JH [ coming soon ] 
blog navigator. ndlahdkdhdj last few instalments of the flower boy AU series….for now. Please don’t request anymore for this series until further notice but I thank you to all who requested, these were really fun to write and experiment with but it is not something I want to dwell on for too long. I don’t think I’m very good at it either…lol rip. There’s still Guanlin and Justin left. Since it is October, it’s time to get spooky. 👻 Request Halloween, fall-related things, please! Never had a go at them but I will try. Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to this series, especially all the sweet and kind comments you guys leave. 💕 It was fun, and until Guanlin’s! - Admin L
• so there’s this cute adorable lovable amiable guy in your uni lecture • you have a major • major • major crush on him but honestly, who doesn’t ??? • but he doesn’t attend classes very often bc he’s sick • jokes • he’s just out there being an underground rapper • you don’t really pay attention to that scene but your best friend found out and pretty much told the whole squad • and she also spilled the part where you really liked him • wow thanks a lot andrea 
• 2017 best friend award • it’s embarrassing asf • now everyone ships you too together • Jinsoul offers to accompany you to one of his gigs but you decline since it’s super close to mid-terms and you aren’t sure how Youngmin can keep his grades, music and life balanced • plus, you can’t exactly picture cute, red haired Youngmin with an alpaca keychain on his backpack as a rapper • let alone one that spits utter fire • it’s lit 🔥🔥🔥 • you listened to two seconds of his diss track for Mnet and shut your laptop • contemplating life and sobbing over how good he was • it was that good • howdareyoumnet • the track was titled was titled SnakeNet™ ft. Park Woojin • bouta catch snakes with my net • * insert badly edited picture of Admin L swinging a net at Mnet and SM * • I need to stop making Mnet snake jokes i’m sorry • so • yeah, Woojin, that shy, awkward kid who majored in dance • Brand New College thrived with the talent • so anyway, your alpaca boy rarely came to class but whenever he did, you tried to sit as near as him as possible • he radiated sunshine and happiness • it made you all fuzzy and happy on the inside too, it was like he rarely had a bad day • trying to suck some of that positive energy • moving on…………….. • somehow, you always ended up like three seats away • Youngmin seemed to always be flanked by his best friends, Jeong Sewoon and Kim Donghyun • they always protected him from the world • asdfghjkl stop separating me from my man • but it’s cute to have such an amazing protection squad, they’re a force to be reckoned with • one day, you decided to approach him after your lecture • yes you did it • two steps away • his back was towards you, displaying some expensive brand of the shirt he wore • one!!! • unfortunately, he seemed to be hurried and rushed off,  a few pieces of paper dropped out of his backpack • even his cute little plushie alpaca keychain thudded to the ground • “hey! Youngmin!” you had yelled but he was already dashing down the corridor with his friends struggling to keep up • you were the last one in the lecture hall • deciding to return it to him another day, you picked up the soft plushie and the sheets of paper that fell out of his bag • c'mon you were a decent classmate • as you shuffled through the papers, a pastel coloured flyer fell out from one of them • it was very pretty • puzzled, you picked it up and examined it • “Our Two Lips?” • you showed it to the queen of knowing everything that happened in your city, Jennie • “ahhh, so the rumours are true.” she said, amused • furrowing your brows and frowning, you cocked your head to one side “what?” • “ahhh, Im Youngmin, Park Woojin and Lee Daehwi are rumoured to have been hired to work at this new cafe” • you swore you walked passed the place before when it was all boarded up and had no clue what tf it was • you nodded as Andrea cackled away • “oh my god Y/N you would love that place so much” • your friends confused you beyond imagination • “huh, why?” • Jennie and Andrea burst into laughter • “It’s a flower boy cafe!” • oh my god • w a s t e d • i’m still confused by this idea though…never heard of it until now and even though I’m able to grasp the basic concept, idk much i’m sorry :(( • okay just imagine • Im Youngmin as a barista • Im Youngmin as a barista in a flower boy cafe • Red-haired Im Youngmin as a barista in a flower boy cafe, Our Two Lips wearing a flower crown • Red-haired Im Youngmin as a barista in a flower boy cafe, Our Two Lips, wearing a flower crown as he serves you coffee • and food • food is important I hope you guys are eating well • you pretty much spit out a bunch of gibberish as your face becomes tomato red • “Oh! Wasn’t your last lecture today? Looks like you’ll have to visit him if you want to return his charm” • a s d f g h j k l • you really can just wait until the summer is up but that’s mean and he might want his charm back immediately • of course, he loves his charm, it is adorable • you love it too • it’s a soft, small plushie that has been patched on the side • :“) • you make it sit on your bed side table so it’s the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see when you sleep • also because you’re scared of losing it • how would you explain to the flower boy? • it takes you a couple of days to visit the place • a few of your classmates went on the opening day • it’s safe to say they almost fainted from the cuteness • they facetimed you right after • "oHMy gOD y/N yOu goTTa cOMe anD SEE YounGMIn” Jinsoul yelled as she shakily held her phone • “yO i’m shOokeTH” - Andrea, about the cafe, 2017 • “bye bye sweetie” • honestly, you were a anxious mess, your palms were sweating, your legs felt like jelly • it’s just to return his charm! • and his lecture notes • calm down!!!!! • nah • you fretted about it until you reached the cafe and put on a fake relax look • the plan was simple, approach the counter, ignore the food, pass Youngmin his charm back and leave • that was the original plan • until you saw how breathtakingly beautiful he looked • it was probably the first proper glance you had gotten at him • that was not from your seat, far away, through the lens of a pair of binoculars, like a creep • “hello! I’m Youngmin, and I’ll be your flower,” proceeds to grab a rose out of his apron pocket, “boy for today” • you weren’t joking when you said you felt a teensy bit light headed • your hand closed around the plastic-wrapped rose and you stared at it in awe • stick!! to!! the!! plan!! • you cleared your throat, “actually-” • “ahhh, table for one” • youngmin wasn’t being rude - at least he hoped you thought so- he just wanted to get to know you a bit better, plus, you willingly came to the cafe • “you’re in the same friday and wednesday lecture as me right?” he asked as he escorted you to your seat, ignoring your reluctant protests. Youngmin was going to keep you here • “um yes.” you replied softly, heartbeat accelerating by the seconds • he nodded, “ahhh, no wonder your face seemed familiar” • eye contact, charming smile, faint tinges of pink of his cheeks • “i knew i’d never forget a beauty like you” • he left you with the menu and your red face with a disorganised plan • that boy is smooth • @ Youngmin, I see you • it’ll be rude if i reject him as a server…..no i can’t do that • you ordered something because you were hungry though, it seemed too good to resist • “what’s a beauty doing here all alone?” Youngmin posed as he collected your menu • you mumbled out an incoherent, embarrassed reply • he chuckled, “will my aegyo get you to open up?” • instead of speaking, you plucked the plushie charm from your pocket. “i found this in the hall the other day, I figured I should return it.” • “oHmYgoD!” • truthfully, Youngmin allowed it to fall, hoping you would return it and take it as a sign • Donghyun had taught him a trick or two on how to be the nation’s boyfriend and he was ready to win your heart • “are you serious? I went crazy trying to find this! Thank you so much! Isn’t your name y/n? Can I call you that?” • he appeared a little flustered and surprised, clutching his plushie close • he genuinely treasures his plushie okay, fight me • it was cute • ugh • “y/n, and yeah sure” • Youngmin opened his mouth to speak but he was called away by another server. He smiled apologetically and thanked you again, promising to be back with your order soon • you scrambled to text your friends but your hands were trembling like a leaf that you missed all the keys • do leaves tremble? • your texts to them were a mess but they got your drift anyway • Youngmin arrived with your order, “I’m here to give you your food and my heart.” • you really couldn’t help but burst into giggles • “will you accept it, Y/N?” • beaming brightly, you nodded but was still unable to keep the laughter at bay • youngmin chuckled along with you • boi i kid you not hearing his laugh was a blessing • b l e s s • since the cafe was pretty empty, Youngmin settled down in the seat across from your own because “everyone should have company” • he wasn’t much of a talker but he was a good listener, the more he warmed up to you the more he spoke • his eyes lit up when you mentioned you listened to his mix tapes • “you’re a really great rapper” • he just blushed and mumbled a 'thank you’ in reply, the ability to speak left him • “ahh, t-thank you.” • you took note of how well his red hair contrasted against his peach coloured flower crown. It only made him all the more charming and prince like • Youngmin’s company was enjoyable and you could foresee him becoming one of your good friends • you were reluctant to leave • he felt the same way • Youngmin isn’t the kind for a hella lot of aegyo but he has a way with words • even though he says he doesn’t • “y/n? do you have a map? cause honey, I’m getting lost in your eyes,” he said, tapping the pot of honey on your table • o i love puns • “you’re so sweet, are you made out of sugar?” *lifts up jar of sugar* • you’re just out there dying at his lame ass puns • but at the same time, dying bc he’s FLIRTING WITH YOU • imagine your crush flirting with you • hah can’t relate • “y/n, we’re like a four-leafed clover, you are C, I’m R and there’s love between us” he purred out, making finger hearts • you’re nearly dead and although these are somewhat awful, it’s cute • “i never knew you were like this, you never really talk in class…..” you muttered. “so innocent…” • “the only crime I’ll commit is stealing your heart” • bYE BYE IM • it gets late and you eventually have to bid him goodbye • but before you leave, he slides you a note and says, “y/n, if you can accept my love, how about accepting my number?” • “yes! I’ll text you.” • you hastily punch his number into your phone, nearly messing up because you’re still freaking out • there’s an alpaca, llama emoji next to his name, whatever you can find on your phone • suddenly, you become the envy of all the customers, especially when he gives you a matching alpaca plushie • *makes a mental reminder to attach it to your uni bag* • Youngmin smiles bashfully at you but says nothing • when you hand back the board to him after writing your signature - because you paid by credit card, he whistles • “damn, i was looking for a signature on you because a masterpiece always has one” • you are about to punch him • but only out of love • your heart is going to explode • he winks from behind the counter as you head out • “see you soon, Y/N.” 
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tomhsparker · 7 years
missing you - tom holland imagine #4
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about : Tom is away at SDCC while promoting Spider-Man Homecoming. Things start to go downhill as a Facetime call ensues and jealousy arises. 
Warnings : a teeny bit sad. drunk tom!
The ID caller showed up on your phone and you grinned, flopping down onto the bed as you answered the call. Tom’s smiling face filled your screen and you giggled, greeting him with a simple ‘hello Thomas’.
 “Y/N! It’s crazy here!” Tom shouted, “I’ve never seen anything like this before! There were thousands of people on the panel it was insane!”
 “Are you having fun?” You asked, a small yet tired simper reaches your lips.
 “Loads! Everyone’s amazing! Laura is here, Jacob is here, Tony is here, oh and Zendaya is here too!” He continued to ramble on about how everyone had secretly arrived to the convention but your heart sank at her name.
 Tom was an extremely sweet person, and he was definitely good-looking. Your biggest fear from letting him leave to Atlanta was him finding someone new. What if he found someone else prettier, smarter and better than you? Maybe he was already tired of you.
 And it didn’t help that Zendaya was a part of your worry. She was the kind of girl you’d always want to be. She was gorgeous and successful, not to mention extremely talented. You let your insecurity get the best of you sometimes and you would always feel a bit glum whenever you saw them together. However, Tom wasn’t aware that you felt that way.
 “Isn’t Zendaya pretty?” you piped up randomly, playing with the hem of your sweatpants.
 “Yes, she is. Why?” Tom sounded confused. He looked at something behind the camera and he laughed, slapping his chest.
 “Oh, that’s amazing, Z,” he chuckled before looking back at you on the phone, “sorry babe, were you saying something?”
 You were about to say something before he interrupted you, laughing again and talking to someone you could only assume was Zendaya. You could hear her laughter too and you flinched, feeling annoyed. Anger and jealousy was already bubbling inside of you. Rolling your eyes, you scoffed at how he was so oblivious to you on the phone as he dropped his phone to his side so all you could see was his pants.
 This was the first time in days he had facetimed you, and you felt so put off by how he wasn’t even paying attention to you.
 Pissed off, you pressed the end call button hardly, ending the facetime. You put your phone beside you and picked up your laptop, trying to calm yourself down.
 It seemed like the world wanted to rub everything in your face when you clicked on a random song on your spotify. Everything I’m Not by The Veronicas came on and you gasped, throwing up your arms in anger.
 “Oh, come on!” You yelled at no one in particular.
 The song blasted on your speakers and you sighed, letting it play.
 Your phone beeped once.
 Tom’s face popped up on the screen, indicating a call coming in from him.
 You ignored it, letting the ringtone play amongst the loud tunes of The Veronicas.
 It stopped for a few seconds before ringing again. This time you decided to decline the call.
 A text came in. You peeked.
 Tom x : babe, what’s up? u  just hung up?
10. 50 pm
 Tom x : y/n? Im gonna call u again.
10. 52 pm
 Tom x : why did u decline the call?
10. 58 pm
 Tom x : did i do something wrong?
11. 05 pm
 You snorted, picking up your phone and typing a quick reply.
 Me : idk ask zendaya lmao
 Me : im gonna sleep. Have fun at comic con.
 Just as you were about to put away your phone, it vibrated.
 Tom x : I think I know what’s going on. Are you jealous of Z?
11.08 pm
 Tom x : I hope you know I love you, and that I will never eye another girl that’s not you. I understand how you feel, I get sad whenever I think of all the other boys that are with you everyday. So i dont blame you. But you can trust me love. I promise.
11.09 pm
 Tom x : z and i are just friends, nothing more babe. Im way too in love with you. Also im sorry if ive been distant. I miss you so much and i havent been able to really talk to you. Ive been very busy with work and everything else i just idk i feel really guilty now.
11.11 pm
  Tom x : call me back when u wanna talk. Im sorry, i love you. Xx
11.13 pm
 You sighed, giving in. You could tell he was feeling really crappy about it as you watched a livestream of the convention. Marvel was holding a livestream for the interviews and you saw Tom pop up in the screen when you opened the website.
 His eyes were downcast even though he had a small smile on his face. Tom was less energetic and gave the interviewer half-assed answers. He kept crossing and uncrossing his arms and he fidgeted a lot on his feet.
 His iPhone was gripped tightly in his hand, and every few seconds he went to check it.
 Probably for my reply, you thought.
 When the interviewer ended, you saw him walk away from the camera. The interviewer was about to interview Lupita Nyong’o next when another text from Tom came in.
 Tom x : love i really am sorry. maybe u went to sleep already. Im sorry. I love you. Goodnight. Xx
11.25 pm
 “Meh screw it,” you mumbled, pressing the call icon on his contact name.
 He picked it up immediately after the third ring.
 “Hello?” he said quickly.
 “It’s okay,” you sighed, slumping on the bed, “sorry, I just got jealous. I shouldn’t have hung up on you like that.
 “It’s just..I miss you so much Tom. And we haven’t facetimed in so long and.. I don’t know I was pretty pissed off by how you weren’t paying attention to me.”
 “I know, I know,” you could hear his guilt from across the line, “I’m really sorry. There’s just been a lot going on right now.”
 You sighed, “okay, now go and have fun. We can talk more later. I’m not mad at you anymore so don’t worry.”
 “Are you sure?”
 “Positive, I’ll be fine,” You lied through your teeth, even mustering a fake smile.
 Tom hummed, before speaking again, “I’ll call you when you wake up. I love you so much, Y/N. Goodnight, love.”
 “Goodnight,” you mumbled back as you hit the ‘end call’.
 Grabbing a pillow from the top of the bed, you clutched it tightly into your chest as sobs began to rack through your body. The tears didn’t stop flowing, even after half an hour.
 You’d think he would notice that you really weren’t okay.
 You missed him so much.
 And it already felt like, to you, he was slowly drifting away.
 The next morning was horrendous. You woke up to the feel of your soggy pillow and puffy eyes. Rubbing your face, you snuggled further into your duvet.
 There was no way you were going out today. Your heart felt the heaviest it had felt in a long time and nothing seemed to motivate you to get out of bed.
 You missed him too much.
 Making calls to everyone, you apologised for not feeling well and rescheduled everything.
 Nothing mattered more than the ache in your heart. If your mind wasn’t in the game, there would be no point in getting into the game in the first place.
 You decided to check your notifications and was surprised by the amount of texts Tom had sent in.
 Tom x : Good morning, babe. I hope you slept well. I’m out here in San Diego, in some bar. Missing you. 💛
7.30 am
 Tom x : I hope you’re not angry anymore. It’s been bothering me the whole day. I’m still sorry.
7.45 am
 Tom x : baEb i lpve you si much…….im sorry yoi think i luv zebdaya….i dont… i love you im sorry
8.30 am
 Tom x : jacOb says in Drunk! Haha@ he keeps tellinf me that i should go homE
8.35 am
 Tom x : i sAid wherE? LonDon? He saiD no You IdioT the Hotel
8.36 am
 Tom x : i saiD it aInt HoME UNLESS y/n is wit me
8.38 am
 Tom x : jeusu chrisy i lovw you
9.00 am
9.28 am
9.35 am
 You stared at the screen, taking it all in.
 Tom got drunk last night.
 Yet, all his words seemed so sincere. Just before you could exit the chat, a new message came in.
 Instead, this was from Harrison.
 Haz O : hey y/n, i think you probably read the drunk texts tom has been sending. just want to tell you. tom has been drinking a lot for the past 2 hours. he’s upset, y/n. after he puked on the sidewalk, he cried. he cried about how much he missed you and how he didn’t deserve you. that you lie when you say you’re okay. he said that it would be easier if you both broke up. you could find someone better. so, stop being mad at tom. there's nothing going on between z and tom. If they did, i would've told you. he’s feeling so guilty for no reason.
 You felt hot tears gathering at the side of your eyes. He was beating himself up because of your jealousy. Guilt took over you as you fumbled to type out a quick reply. A plan was already forming in your head and although it involved a lot of money, you knew it would help in fixing this problem.
 It was probably too reckless and spontaneous, but you had enough of missing Tom and clearly, Tom was sick of missing you too.
 You : I’m getting on the next flight to San Diego. Take care of Tom for me. x
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