#i think i will have to eventually dip into his POV
sabraeal · 6 months
The Sword Between, Chapter 5
[Read on AO3]
Blue silk settles over her like an estranged acquaintance; two years ago it had fit like a second skin, but now it squeezes at the bust and requires far fewer petticoats to pad out her hips. The hem, however, settles perfectly— a finger’s breadth above the the floor, just as it always had. A terrible way to learn she hasn’t grown a single, vertical inch since seventeen. Makiri will be practically unlivable.
“Such a pretty color, my lady.” Ami’s hands smooth over the skirt, coaxing out the creases that linger at her waist. Haki is half-tempted to tell her not to bother; it’s a fabric that begs to be rumpled, the furrowing above her hips only serving as a reminder of how hands might sit there, silk wrinkled in their grip. Of how easily it might crumple beneath the slightest pressure, like petals plucked from a flower's stem.
The last time she had worn this dress, she'd been more concerned about whether her prince might find her singing voice pretty, or hear rumors of her fair face and be tempted to sneak north simply for a glimpse of it than what an enterprising young man and a willing young lady might get up to in Wilant's dark corners. But Lowen had been her age now-- older, if she does not mistake her figures, though not by much-- and more than ready to contemplate such arrangements. Had he thought of it even as he knelt before her, head bowed in deference, swearing to protect her body with his own? Had he gazed up at her with that that placid mask of his, still as a lake's surface, and felt the first ripples of--?
“His Highness will surely think it suits.”
Haki's secretive smile sours to a pout. “I look young.”
Feels young is more like it, fingering the fall of lace at her décolletage. She’d been little more than a child the last time she donned this particular frock, and it’d been a season out style even then, the seamstresses of the city unable to keep up with the rush to raise bust lines and drop hemlines and overhaul sleeves altogether. But she had been proud of this one, so unlike the other gowns father had gotten for her— practically modern and made with silk bought off Tanbarunian traders instead of salvaged from one of Mother’s old gowns. A fairy tale of a dress, a dream, and...
And she’d put it away with all the others when the first prince had made clear he was in no rush to settle down with a lady wife. Yet here she was now, trotting it out to spin another story for a child even younger than she. There was poetry in that, perhaps, even if it was only the sad kind.
“Boys like His Highness do prefer a youthful lady,” Ami muses, gaze meeting hers in the mirror. “At least, if he’s naught but sixteen, as your father’s man says.”
Haki hardly misses the stress on that— your father’s man. As if she could not lay the same word's at Ami's feet-- her father's maid, paid to make sure all of her most embarrassing escapades ended up in the duke's ear.
“A pity there’s no time to have me done up in ringlets.” Fine hairs flyaway from the loose braids behind her ears; she smooths them down. “It would have made for a much more convincing ingénue.”
Ami is not the sort to smirk or sneer, but there is a twitch at the corner of her lips, a wryness that not even her scrupulous good manners can smother. “You are hardly old enough to need tricks for that, my lady. Sir Lowen is right” —as much as she is loath to admit it now, her sigh says— “it would be little hardship to fall in love with you in this dress.”
She doubts that this prince will be moved to devotion by a frock near three years out of date or by the older woman wearing it, but she must admit-- there is some charm left to it. The blue brings out the palest shades of her eyes and complements the most honeyed tones in her hair; a far cry from the humble damsel awaiting her rescue, but a fairy tale princess nonetheless.
“One can hope,” she breathes, hand splayed over the fabric at her belly. “Or at least fair enough to inspire some foolishness.”
Ami hums; a melody that swings between agreement and agitation with every note. “Certainly more reasonable men have made themselves fools for you.”
It’s a pointed remark, for all that she can’t think of a single one. The men who frequent Wilant are friends of her father, old enough to have children her own age. Few of them spare her a glance, save if they have a son her age, though those have been few and far between since her betrothal. There are soldiers of course— guardsmen who care more about Makiri’s skill than her conversation— and servants, but none that—
“Is there anything else I’ll be needing to take care of, my lady?” Ami asks, solicitously smoothing out the lace at her shoulder. And yet her gaze fixes elsewhere in the mirror, somewhere over Haki’s shoulder. The door to the sitting room, as if she’s waiting for someone to walk through. A ridiculous worry with Lowen guarding the door. “Anything that needs an extra cleaning?”
Her gaze cuts towards where the dressing screen sits, toile covered in scenes of young ladies picnicking and small dogs running over picturesque stone ruins. There’s not a stain on it, as cream-and-teal as it was the day she’d had it brought it, hoping that it might help keep the heat in around her—
Her bed. A pertinent question for a maid to ask after she had been sent away for the night, assured that there would be another set of hands to help her charge undress. Who had only seen a rumpled mess of sheets when she arrived in the morning, fire lit by an expert’s hands. And now with whatever she had seen in the hall…
Well, if she had thought her reflection young before, her flush makes it positively childish now. “N-no. There’s no need to—”
It’s mortifying to try to put the night into words. How close she had trod to impropriety, only to be rebuffed. How sure she was of his interest even so, only for yet another prince to put himself between them. Oh, if that Bergatt boy put himself before her right now and asked if she would like to see the end of the Wisteria reign, she could hardly be responsible for the answer she might give.
A practiced breath draws her upright, shoulders square as her father had taught her— you are my daughter, he would grunt, holding them straight in his hands, there are few to whom you must bow, and none to whom you must bend. It is not a sweet young princess that looks back at her in the mirror, but a lady of the North, ready to defend her walls.
“There is nothing with which you must concern yourself with,” she says with all the ice her blood can summon. “I think you will find your hands full already, trying to find more dresses that will please His Highness during his stay.”
“As you say, my lady.” Ami bows her head, as a servant ought, but it does little to conceal her smile— or her relief. “Though I’m sure there will be quite a few, if I look among some of your older wardrobe.”
It takes a concerted effort not to grimace. She too had been a more whimsical girl once, as taken with fairy stories as she was with the old lays, dreaming of knights and their ladies. Of princes disguised and true love’s kiss. “They will need to be retrimmed.”
“Of course.” There’s a fondness as Ami lays her hand on a trunk, a wistfulness Haki cannot quite understand. “I’ll see to it.”
“Good.” She steps down from the mirror with a sigh, her dress rustling after her like leaves in the underbrush. “I’ll need all the help I can get.”
Lowen is on his feet when she sweeps into the parlor. Odd; for all his much vaunted skill in the ring— a beast with a blade in his hand, Makiri had always told her, like he’s fighting for his life— her guardsman always seemed more apt to lounge than lunge outside it. And yet as he stands there, attention drawn to the angle of her entrance, his weight shifts in a way that implies movement rather than repose.
“Come.” It would be simple to brush too close as she passes him, to let their eyes meet in a gaze so heavy it might well be a caress, but she bustles past instead, careful to keep even the barest hint of ruffle from slipping over his boots. “My father calls.”
It is not until her toes cross the carpet’s edge that she realizes their are no footfalls behind her, that Lowen has not fallen into step, using that rangy stride of his to eat up the distance between them. No, when she glances over her shoulder, he is still where she last left him, hands curled to fists at his side.
“Sir.” There is a layer of reproach as she speaks, covering the concern beneath it. “He is waiting.”
His fingers twitch, the barest flinch. “Are you certain?”
Haki does not turn to him— that would be a concession too far, a confession with a dearer cost than she can afford— but her shoulder does lower. “That Father waits?”
“No.” Lowen hardly allows a thought to stray across his face, let alone wears his heart on his sleeve, but there is something that lurk beneath the gaze he fixes on her, a castigation and a plea all in one. “That it is wise to bring me.”
A princess does not allow her mouth to thin, does not let her eyebrows angle to imply impatience; a good thing, then, that Haki is not one yet.
“Sir, if there is anything that I am certain of, it is that.” She shifts— not a ceding of ground, but a firming of resolve. A planting of her feet, gaining better leverage to yank on his leash. “Come. You would not have your lady go to battle without her knight.”
Still, he remains unmoved. Not even the barest sway to show he’s heard her.
“Is that what this is?” he says after a long moment. “A battle?”
Her mouth works for a moment, uncertain. “What else can it be? If my father were to bend any more…”
Then the North would be broken. On one side would be the ones who still clung to Father’s prudence, who would see profit in playing Wistal’s games, and on the other—
Well, it had been said once that the stones between Wilant and Oriold would never wash clean. That even now, when the snows melt, the side of the roads run red. The lords of the North may play at civility now, nodding at the southern court’s fashion of love and courtly graces, but that only hides the histories written with bloodied hands.
Lowen breathes, eyes fluttering shut as he takes it in, but when they open—
There is steel there. A resolve that does not waver. “Then let us go to battle, my lady.”
She is too aware of Lowen as they make their way through Wilant’s halls; aware of how his gaze lingers on her, tracing the fall of lace along her collar and dragging down the silken curve of her waist. Aware of the space between them, just enough for an arm to reach across and grab, for the inches to disappear between them and to finally finish the conversation Ami had so unfortunately interrupted.
It’s tempting to turn, to catch his eyes and invite the sort of resolution it would bring. But even though his stare burns hot enough to catch her alight, he does not speak. Not a single word to draw her attention, not a single brush of skin against skin to call her to him. Although her legs tremble effort with the effort to keep putting one slipper in front of the other and her neck aches from keeping it angled straight ahead, he does not stop her, not once.
It is too important, she realizes. For all that she wants to clutch at Lowen’s shoulders and ask just what thought churn behind that stare of his, it is a distraction she can ill afford. Her father’s plans are balanced on a blade’s edge, and it is her who decides which way their fortunes tip.
She will not disappoint him.
It is still Arleon guards on the door to the great hall, and they move aside before she even utters, “My father is expecting me.”
A single step inside is enough to know why: the prince’s party has already arrived. Still covered in the dust from the road by the looks of it, harried and eager to be shown to the privacy of their chambers. By the wary angle of the royal guards’ shoulders, Father and Makiri have resorted to thin excuses to keep them here. Waiting for her.
With a steeling breath, she nods to the footman at the door. “Lady Haki,” he announces, the slightest tremble in his voice. He’s not used to such esteemed visitors, it seems. “First daughter of his lordship, the Duke Arleon.”
If she thought she might have trouble picking out the prince from among all this white and blue and broad shoulders, she is saved the trouble; his party drops to show the deference due to a duke’s daughter, leaving only a single one of them on his feet.
The queen consort had sent her a gift once, during the months in which her father and the king dickered over the finer points of her betrothal of the first prince— a miniature, done fully in oils, of Izana himself. Long engagements may be prudent, she had written in her elegant hand, letters looping across the page, but they often are lonely. Let this satisfy both your company and your curiosity.
He could not have been more than fifteen, maybe sixteen when he had sat for the portrait, but even so, there was a gravity to that narrow face, a piercing quality to the deepness in his eyes. A regal tilt to his pointed chin, a knowing that lingered in this corners of his mouth; strangely serious for a prince who would become more known for parties than policy. Not yet a man, but she could see the one he would make once the last of childhood was stripped from his cheeks.
What they have sent her now is hardly more than a child.
His brother’s portrait might have hinted at manhood, but this boy— his face is still round, baby fat still clinging stubbornly to his bones. Perhaps there is a threat of a heavy jaw lingering there, a promise of something masculine and square opposed to Izana’s more feminine angles, but it is impossible to tell beneath those full cheeks, flushed and flawless as a doll’s. His hair is cut the same way of his brother’s, but instead of falling with a stately sort of grace across his forehead, it is a dandelion’s tuft, baby-fine and untamed.
“Ah, Your Highness.” Father’s gaze holds hers for a long moment before it drops to the would-be heir,  meeting his wide eyes with no hint of his displeasure. “You have yet to meet the reason for all our celebration, I assume. Haki” — his hand sweeps out, beckoning— “come. Greet our honored guest.”
She doesn’t not so much walk as float down the runner of the Great Hall, skirts swaying as if it is only clouds that ruffle their hem, not carpet. It takes hours of practice to turn that which is earthly to the ethereal, but Haki had long shouldered every ache and tumble in the name of causing her prodigal husband to swallow his tongue at the altar.
There is something far less satisfying about inspiring the same reaction in his brother. “It is an honor that you have come for so humble an occasion, Your Highness.”
“Of course.” His voice is reedy, not quite finished changing even if she can hear the man in it. It breaks at her flawless curtsy, flustered. “I mean, the honor is mine. It is hardly every day that we can celebrate such a fine young lady becoming a woman.”
It’s the sort of thing a fond uncle might say, not a boy four years her junior, but Haki smiles nonetheless, hoping it does not sit as stiff as it feels. “You are too kind, sir.”
“Not at all,” he insists with a graciousness that would seem more natural on a man three times his age. “It is its own sort of accomplishment. To be, er…”
“Twenty.” When Makiri smiles it is all teeth, a wolf scenting blood on the snow. “That’s how old my sister is. Old enough to get married now, according to your southerners, isn’t it?”
The prince is too earnest— and his skin far too pale— to cover the flush that blooms up his neck, painting him pink from collar to brow. “T-that is true. But, erm…” His gaze casts about, trying to find a safe place to perch. “Ah, b-but I haven’t yet introduced my party. Sirs…?”
One of the men rises— dark hair shorn short enough that she can see a neck as brown as a laborer’s, far from the lily white of the noble son knelt beside him. He unfurls to a startling height with the same lassitude as the castle’s cats, as if he was only ever on his knees because it pleased him to do so. There’s a cant to his mouth that only supports the implication, but when she raises her eyes to meet his eyes—
She flinches. There’s a scar there— a gouge, badly healed, that stretches from cheek to cheek.
“Sir Zakura Shidnote, my lords— and lady.” He nods at her, mouth tilting toward a smirk. “Lately of the Royal Knight’s Circle. And this is Sir Michel” — his hand cuts toward the noble son getting to his feet, a boy just about Makiri’s age, though he carries it better— “one of the more promising squires from our last bout of new blood.”
“I’m a knight, really,” the young man insists, pushing back the hair that’s flopped over his eyes. “Though I am, ah…new, my lord.”
“Just earned your accolades, is it?” Father may not be a man of smiles, but his eyes crinkle at the corners, warm. “My son—”
“Earned them two year ago,” Makiri interjects acidly, brows bent in his most surly scowl. As if that would help him look any older than his scant years.
Practically a veteran, she almost says, but there is not enough wide-eyed sincerity in her to cover the bite. As much as she might like to tease, she hardly needs to be reminded: they are not among friends.
“Just so.” Father squints the way he does at their accounts, tallying up the men before him. “Did you not have another man in your party?”
“Ah, yes, Sir Mitsuhide.” The prince's mouth pulls thin before he recollects himself, grimace turning to boyish grin. “My apologies, I had hoped for all of us to be here to greet you, but time was short, and there was an issue with our…baggage. We left him to sort it out with your staff.”
Father’s mouth turns stern. “Then should it not be I who apologies to you, Your Highness? If there was some issue, then surely—”
“Ah, no no! This was, er…our fault,” His Highness insists, oddly guilty. “I’m afraid my mother insisted on one last gift, even after all the carriages had been packed tight! It changed…quite a lot of our travel plans.”
“I see,” Father murmurs, though it’s quite clear he does not. He is not a man of last-minute anythings, let alone travel plans.
“But he will be here for the formal reception, of course!” The prince smiles, bright. “He wouldn’t miss it— he’s a northerner, trained at your very own Sereg.”
“Sereg.” Now her brother straightens in his seat, an excited sheen in his eyes. “So he’s skilled, then?”
“Some,” Sir Zakura drawls, a corner of his mouth creeping up his cheek. “Enough that the king requested him by name.”
“By name…?” Now it is her father who leans in, brow furrowed. “You cannot mean— Mitsuhide Lowen?”
The prince nods, pleased. “The very same.”
“I’ll be damned.” Father settles back in his seat. “I nearly asked him here, before His Majesty snapped him up. He was one of Sereg’s finest swords. ”
Sir Zakura smirks. “And now he is one of Wistal’s.”
“Lowen?” Haki keeps her voice low, pitched for only her and her shadow to hear. It's a curious coincidence, considering how closely her knight has always played his card to the chest. “Is there any relation to…?”
Her chin tilts, hoping to catch his eye-- or at least the angle of his mouth, but--
But when she slants her eyes to his usual place at her shoulder, there is nothing behind her but empty air.
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summary; a snippet of the spring you share with a certain satoru gojo — who seems intent on making your high school life as difficult as possible.
word count; 5.4k
contents; satoru gojo/reader, gn!reader, enemies to friends (..but the ’enemy’ part is kinda one-sided), fluffy n sweet overall, satoru doesn’t know how to make friends + thinks lighthearted bullying constitutes as a bonding activity, he’s a little shit but he means well, switching povs, lots of gojo slander (but reader sees the light eventually), big shoujo vibes, they’re both tsunderes <33
a/n; i ended up scrapping the series i wrote this fic for originally, so i thought i’d rewrite it and repost it on its own!! teentoru is such a grumpy little kitten i need to squish his paws
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satoru gojo is annoying.
it might seem blunt, but after many weeks of careful thinking, you’ve decided no description could possibly fit him better. 
when you first met him, on that first day of school, you had no idea what to think. no real expressions or tonal shifts to clue you in on who he was, how he felt — nothing but the slightest peek of a terrifying blue to set your nerves on edge. 
in hindsight, you’re almost certain it was intentional. he wanted to appear unreadable. purposefully hiding his personality and mannerisms, to gain the upper hand — observing you, dissecting you inside his mind, while revealing nothing about himself apart from his surname. 
it’s a kind of power; a safety measure.
… but evidently, holding back isn’t exactly gojo’s forte. the very next morning, he was already beginning to loosen up, after getting more accustomed to the new environment and classmates. showing you his true colours; just a little hint of cerulean, a single dip of paint on the blank canvas of his soul.
and with the revelation of his genuine personality — your unease around him festered even more.
where could you even begin to describe him? for one, he’s childish. and cocky. and loud. arrogant, selfish and flamboyant — just generally an asshole? you could go on and on. none of the traits are particularly flattering, and you know he couldn’t care less.
gojo is annoying, plain and simple. almost constantly up to something, eager to push someone’s buttons, to get attention. like a bratty toddler. uninterested in manners, or even common courtesy; he says what he feels, regardless of how other people take it. 
to put it simply, he has no regard for the people around him. his self-interest is limitless. 
as if that wasn’t annoying enough — you have no choice but to admit that he does have a certain presence to him. a kind of charisma, or what you think could become charisma, if he’d just get off that high horse already. he won’t, though. you know he won’t. he revels in it, in looking down on everything and everyone, annoyingly boisterous and irritatingly tall. freaky, long limbs. like a noodle and an alien had a baby.
but, more than anything — above all else — what frustrates you most is the fact that his unbridled confidence isn’t exactly unwarranted.
as much as it pains you to say it… gojo is maybe just a little bit incredible. a natural-born genius. he’s intelligent, and observant, and awfully pretty, with those baby blues eyes and those snowy locks of hair. and he has no issue getting what he wants. 
absolutely zero. 
there’s something admirable about it, in a twisted way. like he doesn’t even need to try. he’s good at anything, if he just gives it a single chance. you can only assume he’s never given much thought to the prospect of being a decent guy, because that’s the only thing he sucks at.
effortlessly perfect, in the most imperfect of ways. that’s probably how you’d describe him.
… annoying is still the most fitting word, though. or maybe obnoxious. he’s got this spoiled rich kid vibe that irks you, gets under your skin. you doubt he’s ever had to empathize with anyone, in his entire life. 
and, yes — maybe you’re being a little harsh to him. but why should you bother being jovial when he won’t return the favour?
gojo is annoying; and when you say that, you mean annoying to basically everyone. as a basis for existing. always teasing and taunting, looking down from that high horse of his. you’re no exception to this rule, of course. but you’re almost certain that he has it out for you specifically.
you know he looks down on you, from behind those tacky sunglasses. you’re sure of it.
compared to geto or shoko, you aren’t very self-assured — and you think he must have sensed it the moment he laid eyes on you. sensed that you’re a little meek, a bit of a doormat, easy to push around and get a rise out of. maybe he also noticed your apprehension towards him, your apparent unease. 
you’re easy prey, to put it simply.
evidently, he’s developed a fondness for getting under your skin. it started as soon as introductions were over, and it still hasn’t gotten better. he loves catching you off guard, throwing you an unneeded comment or two, just to see what reaction you’ll give him next. almost like he’s solving an equation — said equation being you, the limit of your patience. and you keep giving him what he wants; a scoff, a roll of your eyes, an earnest fuck right off. you can never seem to successfully ignore him. he’s just far, far too good at being insufferable.
… and, more than anything, he’s far too out of reach. even when you try to get along with him, it backfires. you don’t have a single thing in common. you don’t understand him at all. 
(and that suits you just fine.)
a heavy sigh slips from your parted lips, as you examine your blurry reflection in the surface of the mirror. fatigue clings to your skin like a layer of sweat, your mind muddled, stuffed with anxious thoughts and discomforting feelings.
you’re exhausted. completely and utterly spent, even though the day’s barely begun — running on three pitiful hours of sleep, all broken up and jumbled by nightmares that wouldn’t stop spooking you. not a single wink of proper rest. 
and it’s painfully obvious. in your face, your posture, the dark crescents beneath your eyes; in the way you can’t help but drag your legs as you walk, your hair disheveled, little sighs and grumbles slipping from your lips for every step you take. all you can do is sluggishly blink the exhaustion away.
you just feel so tired.
it could be worse, though. you don’t have any classes today, no real reason to get out of your comfy bed, leave the safety of your cozy little dorm room. but you need breakfast, right now, or else you’ll literally explode — so you still get up on shaky legs and try to mimic the appearance of someone… even moderately well-rested.
it doesn’t work, but that’s besides the point. 
so you make your way to the dormitory’s shared kitchen. walking idly — clumsily — enjoying the sight of fleeting, fluttering cherry blossoms through the windows you pass. little pink butterflies.
once you’ve crossed the threshold, you’re relieved to find the open space entirely devoid of people. no shoko, no geto, not even a mischievous gojo. running into the first two wouldn’t be the end of the world — but it still wouldn’t be ideal. you don’t want anyone seeing you like this, tired and meek, a little vulnerable.
(least of all gojo. you shiver at the bare thought.)
with laboured, groggy movements, you waltz around the kitchen, getting cups and plates and turning on the coffee machine. enjoying the soothing melody of the pan sizzling, singing along to the purring of espresso being made. it’s nice and pleasant to your sensitive ears, as you blink under the rays of sunlight shining in, throwing together a lazy breakfast. 
you waste no time in taking a seat by one of the tables once you’re finished. eager to soak in the peace and quiet, wolf down a sandwich and copious amounts of caffeine.
but, as always — the world seems to have it out for you specifically.
”oh? well, look who it is. and here i thought you had left too.”
you stiffen. ever so slightly, barely noticeable, but still enough that you physically feel the dread envelop every single cell of your body. the voice that echoes out across the open air is a chipper one, a familiar one. a voice you were desperately hoping not to hear today. 
all you can do is continue to sip from your cup of coffee, inwardly wincing, silently going through all five stages of grief simultaneously — before accepting your unfortunate predicament. 
(that’s just your luck, isn’t it?)
finally, you raise your weary head, knowing exactly what sight you’ll be met with once you do. 
and, lo and behold — there he is.
gojo looks the same as always. grinning brightly, a little woflish, wearing those ugly sunglasses and making his way across the room like he owns it. a trait you can’t help but admire, envy, hate and worship at the same time. he plops down next to you like it’s nothing, a little too close for comfort, unconcerned about your concept of personal space.
”whatcha up to?” he chirps, in that sugar sweet tone, layered over with a boyish kind of excitement. there’s a teasing tilt to it, too — the one that always accompanies his voice when he’s speaking to you.
under normal circumstances, you’d flip him off. maybe even just glare at him, silently, or raise a brow in challenge.
but you’re far, far too tired to. too anxious. too in need of sleep, in need of a peaceful breakfast that he oh so cruelly ripped from you. all you can muster is the energy to glance his way.
for just a second, your eyes meet. not like you can actually see them, from behind his glasses — but you know they’re there. menacing and uncanny, bright and excited. too much to handle, right now.
”… morning.”
as soon as the mutter has left your lips, you take a tentative bite of your sandwich. gaze trailing sluggishly back to your plate.
gojo blinks.
he immediately notes that your voice sounds meek. even more so than usual. he expected you to give him a scoff, or even just a timid huff — but no such luck. 
you’re just sitting there, quiet, curling into yourself.
after a moment’s consideration, gojo opts to look at you. to really look at you, study your face, the way those twitchy fingers move to curl around the ceramic handle of the cup you’re drinking out of. the way your eyes shift from place to place, unfocused, your eyelids flicking shut every couple seconds. slow.
he’s always been observant — but it doesn’t take a genius to see that you’re tired. 
gojo is silent, for no more than a mere moment; contemplating his next course of action. he’s never seen you like this, before. did something happen?
(— well, it doesn’t matter. not his problem.)
”you look like a zombie,” he grins, a little teasing, showing off the white of his teeth. even though you look out of it, he can’t help himself — despite his own intuition telling him to let you be. 
you’re just too fun to tease. suguru and shoko only ever raise their eyebrows at him, or stare him down like a misbehaving dog, but you always have a good reaction to give. something to entertain him when he’s bored, distract him when his mind is too full of noise. 
so he can’t help but tease you, a little. hoping it’ll soothe the restlessness inside his chest.
but for once, what gojo expects isn’t what he gets. 
what he expects is for you to glare at him. tell him to leave you alone, or even just sigh in exasperation — either one would be fine. it’s just mindless enjoyment, to him, a little fun to lighten up his day. 
especially now, when suguru is away on some day trip he wasn’t privy to. that traitor. shoko is nowhere to be seen, either, probably off smoking in some random alleyway. or hanging out with one of the kyoto losers.
… the whole dorm is so eerily quiet.
(gojo would never admit it, not in a thousand years… but maybe he’d feel just a little bit lonely without any of you around.)
for a while after waking up, he assumed he’d have to spend the whole day alone. no one to talk to, no one to look at. he was practically dying of boredom. but then he entered the kitchen — and saw his saving grace. his dear little irritable classmate. 
he was so relieved. content in the knowledge that he’d get to push your buttons to his heart’s desire, bask in your playful banter and cold, joking little looks until suguru finally comes home.
only this time — you don’t react at all. 
you don’t give him what he expects, don’t indulge his little antics, in the way he’s grown so accustomed to. you just keep eating your breakfast, and drinking your coffee, in total silence. 
gojo waits, just a couple moments more. hoping for a delayed reaction, a witty counter, a snarky comment. anything. 
but it never comes.
finally, he starts to sulk. slumping against the leather seat behind him, quieting down with a low huff. furrowing his brows, as his glossy, cherry-tasting lips curl down into a little pout.
honestly, he’s kind of annoyed. just what is your problem? what is with you, today? 
… it’s no fun if you’re not playing along. 
gojo can’t help but grumble, a little, under his breath. you’re usually so responsive, so easy to rile up. so what’s wrong? why are you just sitting there?
whatever. so what if you’re not talking to him? so what if you won’t even spare him a glance? gojo has better things to do, bigger fish to fry. he wasn’t even that excited, when he saw you. the thought of bantering with you didn’t lift his spirits, even in the slightest. 
not even a little bit.
but, really — would it take so much effort for you to just say something? to just respond to his friendly little quip? you can’t possibly be that tired. 
or, what — did you get insecure, or something? because he called you a zombie? no way. you’re not that sensitive… are you? or is that it? 
what a hassle.
you know he’s just messing with you. he knows you know. so why are you acting so…. 
(sad, gojo wants to think, but he buries the thought before it can reach his frontal cortex. he doesn’t want to empathize with you, not right now — doesn’t want to feel that discomforting pang in his chest.)
a strange sensation bubbles up in his chest. something frustrated, a little unnerved; at your lack of a reaction, the weak glint in your eyes. he just doesn’t understand why — and that frustrates him even more. 
why can’t you just bite back, like always?
(… it’s fun when you do.)
the silence lingers on, stretches out across the room, festers and grows as you gulp down your breakfast. all while gojo keeps on sulking, still sitting beside you, waiting for something to happen. he briefly considers getting up and leaving, or saying something annoying to hopefully spur you on —
but you stand up before he can convince himself to go through with either option.
having finished your breakfast, your legs carry you to the sink. finally, you can head back to your room. gojo’s being weirdly quiet, but you pay no mind to it; methodically washing your dishes in silence. 
you don’t bother saying goodbye to him, either. still sitting there, seemingly deep in thought, grumbling something under his breath. 
he watches as you leave, gaze trailing after you, until you’re completely out of sight. 
then he lays down, flat on his back, with a frustrated huff. trying desperately to brush away the memory of your dim eyes, the slight frown on your lips. the dark circles under your eyes, that he tried so hard not to notice because they made him feel so weirdly uncomfortable. the meek, meek look you gave him.
gojo sighs.
(he feels just a tiny, tiny bit bad.)
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when you wake up from your slumber, you immediately note that your body feels lighter.
this time, no nightmares came to haunt you. having practically collapsed once your head hit the pillow, your body finally decided to give you some peace of mind, some well needed rest. thankfully.
with a groan, you lazily stretch out your limbs — enjoying the feeling of your veins waking up, gaze falling on the clock on your wall. you’ve only been asleep for about two hours, or so, but it’s more than enough to give you the little jolt of energy that you need.
what to do, what to do. you still have the whole day ahead of you. another nap wouldn’t hurt, but you don’t want to waste your precious free time just rotting in bed — maybe you could take a walk around the schoolyard instead? the cherry blossoms have started to unfurl, and the grounds of the school are just littered with them.
even just the mental image is enough to have you changing into some light and comfortable clothes, reaching a hand out to push your door open. excitement stirring in your veins.
as you do so, something is knocked over.
all you hear is a soft little thud, accompanied by the sensation of something colliding with the door. a low curiosity overtakes you — eagerly peeking around for a look at the mysterious something.
your gaze falls on something pink.
it’s tiny, awfully out of place, just laying unassumingly on the dusty floorboards. as you crouch down to get a better look, you recognize it instantly; a small carton of strawberry milk. a plastic straw plastered on its side, and an evil looking cow mascot staring at you from the front. one of the items sold in the schoolyard’s vending machines — your personal favorite. you drink it every time you need a tiny pick-me-up, the sweet taste always managing to soothe your spirits.
and it was sitting right outside your door.
you stare at it, silently, in deep contemplation. holding it in your hand as the gears turn inside your head. could someone have dropped it? no, that’s dumb — who’d drop it right outside your door and then not pick it up?
… did someone leave it for you, then? because they know you like it? that could be it, maybe, but who would —
your mind stills. 
(no way.)
when you think about it — that’s the only explanation that makes sense. shoko and geto aren’t there, and you barely know any of your senior students. yaga-sensei would never give you strawberry milk without a lecture on the dangers of cavities, either.
that just leaves one possible culprit.
but you can’t wrap your head around it. why would he do something like that? he doesn’t like you — you know that much. so it couldn’t possibly be him.
… then again, you have seen him drink it. both of you like it, contrary to your other classmates; shoko doesn’t like sweet things in general, and geto wouldn’t go for strawberry milk if he could choose something else. it might as well be the only thing you and gojo have in common — the one thing that binds you two together. 
a single carton of strawberry milk. 
it’s almost comical.
(if it’s really true — if he really did do it… then you wonder why. maybe he noticed that you were feeling under the weather, and figured it’d make you happy. 
you wonder if it’d be foolish of you, to believe that it’s true — if only because you kinda like the idea.)
your feet move on their own, before your mind has a chance to question the decision. 
where could he be? in the kitchen, still? in his dorm?
just as you begin to wonder, a flash of white dances in the corners of your vision. when you glance out the window, you see it; white, soft hair, like a fluffy cloud, in the midst of all the pink petals fluttering about. 
you stop.
then you start walking again. with more decision, this time. hurrying to the exit.
gojo is sitting right outside the dormitory, on a wooden bench, legs swinging idly as he gazes at the sky. his hair sways slightly with the breeze, soft strands moving and caressing his skin. pink petals dance all around him, gracefully descending down to the ground, together with a trail of bubbles. gojo is blowing them, haphazardly, following their movement with his keen eyes. they glimmer in the sunlight, reflecting all shades of the rainbow.
the sight is just a little bit breathtaking. 
the ground crunches beneath your feet, when you take a step forward — and gojo turns towards you. you stiffen like a deer in headlights, instantly regretting your decision. blinking nervously. you walked here almost entirely on impulse, but now that you’re face to face…
(it’s a little scary.)
… still, it’s far too late to back out now. you can’t do much except join him, so that’s exactly what you do — albeit a little hesitantly.
trying to ignore his continuous stare, burning into the side of your head, you plop down beside him. feeling the steady bench beneath you, breathing in the scent of sweet-smelling cherries and soap.
an uncomfortable silence lingers in the air around you both, as he waits for you to say something. 
it’s a little tough. mustering up the courage to say anything, even just to face him. the decisiveness you felt just a moment ago has faded, now only the ghost of a sensation — you’re too nervous to verbalize anything.
but eventually, after a deep breath or two, you force yourself to speak. hoping you won’t come to regret it.
”… hey, gojo?” 
it’s almost a whisper. soft and fragile, mumbled beneath your breath as you stare at the cherry trees in front of you. you know his eyes are on you, though. you can feel them, almost feel their weight in the palm of your hand. like marbles.
weakly, you raise up the carton of strawberry milk. glancing over at him, not quite managing a smile, but trying your best to look somewhat appreciative. 
a confused blink. gojo looks down the strawberry milk, and then back up at you. eyelashes fluttering.
a moment passes. 
then he turns his head away, swiftly, his hair tousled by the movement — a couple pink petals stuck between the soft strands. you can’t see his face anymore.
”i have no idea what you’re talking about,” he huffs, with a voice you’ve never heard him speak through.
when you look a little closer — you think the tips of his ears may be just slightly red. it makes your lips curl up into a small smile, but you barely feel it.
(like this, he’s actually kind of cute.)
cherry blossoms flutter in the wind, dancing joyously, without a care in the world. a spring breeze ruffles gojo’s hair, as he sits beside you, having begun to blow his bubbles again. not saying a word, and looking straight ahead. but you can’t help but stare, as sneakily as you can muster.
you find yourself thinking that he looks right at home, among the petals. fleeting, hard to get a grasp on, so pretty, and so out of reach — despite being so close. 
if you wanted to, you could reach over and touch him. you could reach for his sunglasses, lift them off his face, and finally see those eyes he’s so intent on hiding. you could see him, see straight into his soul — and find out who he really is.
you won’t, though. some boundaries aren’t meant to be so callously crossed.
instead, you puncture the pink carton in your hand with the plastic straw, and take a tentative sip. the sweet taste soothes you, straight away, blooming on your tongue. you can’t help but sigh, softly, relaxing even further — it’s absolutely perfect, for this kind of weather. the sight before you, cherry petals and shining bubbles, a boy you don’t like, but definitely don’t hate. 
you both look up, following the bubbles with your eyes, as they float up into the sky; as they get smaller and smaller, farther and farther out of reach. neither of you say a word, but the silence is comforting. light. 
gojo is the first one to break it — in a voice so small you barely hear it.
”… you don’t look like a zombie.”
a second passes. you’re left blinking in confusion, trying to decipher the sudden statement. you can’t get a good read on his expression, with those eyes of his conveniently hidden; he must have regained his composure, then.
it takes a couple seconds for his words to sink in — but once they do, all pieces seem to fall into place. 
and you burst into laughter.
gojo blinks at you, caught off guard, his eyelashes flapping like a little dove scrambling to get off the ground — staring at you like you just grew a second head. that makes you laugh harder, a bout of giggles spilling past your lips — you just can’t help it. 
”did —” you wheeze, softly, thoroughly amused. trying and failing to bite back the laughter. ”did you think i was bothered by that, or something?”
gojo looks at you. a little stunned, for a moment. the sight only makes your smile bloom further, eyes crinkled as you meet his gaze. from the angle you’re viewing him through, leaning back against the bench, you catch a glimmer of his eyes. they’re awfully pretty — blue and bright, full of life. when you look closer, you can see tiny, tiny splotches of white. 
they look like the blue sky. 
you called them menacing, before, but now you aren’t so sure. they seem soft, in the sunlight, especially when seen like this — right after catching him off guard. it’s a rare moment, terribly precious. something to savour.
gojo doesn’t let it linger, though. 
after a moment of two, he scoffs — turning away yet again. a soft, soft pout on his lips.
”obviously not,” he huffs, sounding nothing but irritated, resting his jaw on the heel of his palm. ”but with how sensitive you are, i wouldn’t be surprised.”
usually, a comment like that would irk you. now it just makes you giggle, lightheartedly — the tips of his ears turning redder at the sound. 
(he really isn’t so bad, after all.)
for a while, you don’t say anything else. afraid of ruining the tender atmosphere. you feel closer to gojo than ever before — and you wonder if maybe this is the gojo that geto sees. childish, but well meaning. arrogant and cocky, but oddly innocent. selfish — but not really. you’re starting to think that you may have been slightly off, with that one.
the strawberry milk on your tongue tastes sweet. a little sweeter than usual, though you choose not to dwell on it.
”hey,” you break the silence, surprising even yourself. the words fall from your lips like soft little breaths, rolling off your tongue like marbles pouring out of a glass bottle. ”i don’t dislike you, you know?”
it’s an impulsive admission. saying it out loud doesn’t feel wrong, though. maybe a little humiliating, sure, but not wrong. not dishonest.
you suspect that gojo may be looking at you, out of the corner of his eye, but you aren’t sure. after all, you’re vehemently avoiding his gaze — a little embarrassed by your own sincerity. 
he doesn’t know how to respond. you’re being strangely unpredictable, today, and it makes him feel unsure of himself. your tone is soft, almost friendly. he only ever hears it when you’re talking to shoko or geto.
not learning his lesson, gojo opts to tease you again. as always. afraid to let the silence linger for too long. it’s a halfhearted attempt, though, more of a vaguely amused huff than anything. 
”what, got a crush on me or somethin’?”
this time, you don’t scoff, or roll your eyes, or give him an earnest fuck right off. you only chuckle, in a way that almost borders on fond. you’re not one to tease, contrary to the boy on your left, but your words are teasing even still. ”i have better taste than that.” 
gojo should be irked, should grumble and bite back, but you don’t give him the chance to. 
”i just… you know,” you taste the words on your tongue. ”i still think you’re annoying. and childish.” gojo huffs, and your lips curl up. ”but i really don’t dislike you.”
you take a sip of the strawberry milk, before continuing, hoping it’ll make the words easier to say. ”… and it’s not like i know you, anyway. so i’m sorry for making a bunch of assumptions.” 
a pause. for a split second, you quiet down, a little flustered. gnawing on your bottom lip.
”… that’s all i wanted to say,” you exhale, gaze glued to your lap. feeling a heat on your nape.
as always, you can’t tell what gojo’s thinking. out of the corner of your eye, you try to catch a glimpse of his face, but you have a nagging suspicion that it wouldn’t tell you anything anyway. his eyes are hidden by those sunglasses, after all, acting as a wall between him and the rest of the world. so you don’t know if the words reach him, if they mean anything at all. 
but you hope they do. even as you brush cherry petals and non-existent dust off your lap, and get up to leave.
gojo just sits there, for a second, deep in contemplation. 
he tries to bury a certain thought, before it has a chance to reach his frontal cortex — before he has to accept that it exists. only this time, he doesn’t succeed. the words die before they reach his tongue, but he hears them, in his head. he hears them loud and clear.
and he flushes under the light of the sun.
(i don’t really dislike you, either.) 
what actually ends up leaving his throat is merely a scoff, so faint he doubts you even hear it. 
”whatever,” he mutters, hoping it’ll come across as cool and unbothered. it doesn’t.
one last smile reaches your face, before you head back inside. gojo stays behind, on the bench, lost in thought.
tossing the now-empty carton into a trash can, you try to calm yourself down. feeling oddly excited, as if you’ve reached something, the start of an eventual conclusion. something worth cherishing.
you still don’t understand satoru gojo. but you get the impression that you just grew a little bit closer to him. there are layers to him, more than what meets the eye, hidden behind those sunglasses of his. you can only imagine what the world might look like, from his perspective. what you look like, reflected in his eyes, a blur of colours and facial features, sparks and dots.
you wonder if the whole world looks like a painting, to him. 
you feel a little ashamed, for thinking you had him all figured out. a spoiled, self-centered rich kid, with no functional empathic abilities. it might be partially true, but you’ll have to reevaluate the statement. to see how well it holds up. you still don’t think his emotional intelligence is anything to gawk at, but you may have been underestimating it. it’s there, despite everything — in those eyes, in that single carton of strawberry milk.
you think there’s a certain maturity, there, in spite of his childishness. or perhaps the latter is no more than a product of the former, a way for damaged children to dress their wounds. the way he carries himself and the way he speaks both seem a bit forced. like he’s used to performing, used to moving in a way that demands attention. all eyes on him, at all times. 
you think that sounds just a little exhausting. 
even as you return to the safety of your dorm room, you still can’t help but wonder. there’s still so much you don’t know. despite the moment you shared, and the connection you think may be growing between you, he’s still so out of reach. almost lonely, in a way. you wonder what he looks like, when he’s alone, when there’s no one around to perform for. 
(what is an actor without their audience?)
and, despite everything, after all is said and done — you really, really don’t understand satoru gojo. not at all, not in the slightest. not one bit.
but you think you’d maybe like to.
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amaranthineghost · 10 months
Hi there! Can you do a pov/one shot/ fanfic where Lando is dating Y/N and her love language is biting. She randomly and softly bots Lando but he enjoys it knowing that she is fully comfortable with him to be herself. One day Max,Pietra and some other friends of Lando come to visit them in Monaco and Pietra is annoyed with Max for teasingly refusing to sit next to Y/N, P telling him that he can sit next to Y/n cause she doesn’t bite. Lando starts laughing and says that y/n does bite and moves his shirt to show a small bite mark on his shoulder. Y/N laughs it off but she gets insecure thinking that her love language is bothering Lando so she fights the urge to bite him again. After a few days Lando notices that she doesn’t bite him anymore and starts thinking that he did something to upset her. He asks her why and she eventually tells him and he gets a bit upset. He tells her that he actually likes it because its her way of showing her love and the fact that she is comfortable around him.
Idk some fluff or something
Thank you for at least reading this and I really love your work🧡
|  SINK YOUR TEETH INTO ME, MY DEAR ( lando norris. ) |
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ꕥ pairing: lando norris x reader
ꕥ summary: reader's love language is biting, but experiences a feeling of insecurity
ꕥ author note: oh to have a boyfriend to experience this with. fair warning, I refrain from using y/n in imagines unless it's really unavoidable because at this point y/n is a whole person by herself. if something is worded weirded, or 'she' and 'her' get repetitive, that's why. but anyways, I really like this request, its so cute and silly and i hope i did it justice :3
HIS BODY WAS OFTEN ADORNED with bite marks, indentions in his skin where you could see the canines had dipped it lower than the rest. it was a reminder to him of her love.
and he happily carried them everywhere with him, smiling to himself with every glance in the mirror at his bare torso. some faded more than others as they trailed along his arms, upwards to his shoulder and across to his collarbone.
the pads of his fingers slowly rubbed over them, a small smile spreading across his face, something he'd done everyday as the new blemishes came and went.
at first, he'd thought of it as strange, taken off guard by the sudden pinch on his bicep as she'd sink her teeth into his flesh. not so hard to break skin, she wasn't a vampire. but it was enough for him to be reminded of it.
as time went on and the occurrences became more frequent, he'd find himself smiling at it. it was his way of knowing she loved him, that she was comfortable around him, that she was safe with him, she always was and she knew that. at least he hoped she did.
to be loved was to be bitten, was what he knew. she had taught him that.
he had noticed a change though, it was hard not to. the sudden pinces throughout the day, he hadn't noticed weren't there because he had gotten used to them being there. if that made sense. it did to him.
but if he didn't notice the lack of sudden but light pain, followed with a trail of thin salvia leading to the culprits lips, he would notice the lack of marks that riddled his body.
lando had woken up that morning, groggy and his body sore from yesterday's training. the warm of his shared bed beckoned him to stay. to lay with her forever.
he wished he could, but he knew better than to lay around, even if it was with his girlfriend. though he might. was there ever any harm to remain within the comfort and grasp of the warm body that stayed passed out next to him, oblivious to his waking?
he always thought not. his trainer thought otherwise but turned a blind eye for the young couple. though their sickeningly love for the other made him roll his eyes behind their backs. all fun and games. something to laugh about.
his veined hands, warm and adorned with rings, traced across the low of her back. he watched the goosebumps take their place on her skin, her face stirring as she pushed herself further into the bed. he chuckled softly at her reaction, his thumb gliding across her exposed skin, dipping below the hem of the cloth on her body.
he lightly squeezed the flesh under his fingertips, pulling his hand across her back before replacing the covers on her. he slipped out of bed, leaning over momentarily.
his fingers slipped through her hair, getting caught in the knots that tied in the midst of her slumber. using his thumb, he brushed the strands from her face to see half her features smushed against the plush pillow.
another low chuckle escaped his throat, tucking the hair behind her ear as he pulled back and stared at the beauty before him. his eyes dilated the more he looked at her, but he wouldn't know.
his journey through the bathroom to get ready would be halted when he noticed a difference on his bare skin. but it wasn't bare because of the lack of shirt he found himself not to be wearing. what was different?
the pads of his fingers traced his skin for the indentions he cherished deeply, only met with the perfect evenness of his tan skin.
his actions haltered and brows furrowed. instinctively, he leaned closer to the mirror, the veins in his hands becoming more prominent as he pulled his skin. he turned in circles.
no blemishes in sight. not the work of his beloved girlfriend anyways.
he frowned, disappointed by the disruption of his routine. his ritual.
he swore to her many times that he could probably differentiate the marks of her teeth in his flesh to any other bite mark he'd come across. he knew her teeth better than his own. he swore he did.
he knew the indentions that littered his skin, but they weren't here. he wanted them to be so bad. why the change?
his heart sunk in his chest. he sighed. how could he not notice?
his eyes met his own gaze in the mirror, his fingers still tracing his bare collarbone and down his shoulder. he pursed his lips, eating away at the pink flesh until it irritated.
his hands fell down to the sink, supporting his body weight as he leaned on them as he pondered.
he surely noticed how faded they looked. how the red inflammation, that manifested on his skin, just didn't. but the change never processed in his brain.
he racked through the events of the past couple of days. nothing stood out.
they'd mostly stayed home together, other than the times lando went out for training. but it surely wasn't that, as she had no problem with it in the past. she understood what he did and the requirements of it that he had to meet.
lando groaned in realization. days earlier, lando and his girlfriend were out on the water with a few of their friends, drivers and their girlfriends.
it was a beautiful day, he had remembered because of the way the sun reflected off her skin, how her pupils shrank at the blinding light, but revealed the capsulating colors behind them.
he sat on the cushioned seats of the yacht, next to her with his warm hand on her inner thigh, a drink in the other. the rest of the group littered around the deck with various drinks in hand as they chatted.
most of them were just hanging out in their swimsuits as none of them had yet decided to take the plunge into the crystal waters.
they had sat next to each other for a while, lando leaning closer to hear her voice, the music was loud. her lips grazed his ear a few times, he remembered. the gloss on her lips left on his skin.
she remembered the scratch of his cheek as he'd forgotten to shave earlier whenever he'd lean into whisper in her ear. his lips ghostly hovered her neck, grazing her skin softly. despite the warm sun, goosebumps took their place down her neck.
he always chuckled at the rising bumps on her skin whenever he did something she liked. it always gave him a surge of confidence to know the effect he had against her.
"get a room!" the brit called out, laughing as he walked over with a drink in hand. his girlfriend followed behind, shaking her head at his words, but a smile evident on her face.
max fewtrell was one of lando's long time friends. their girlfriends also happened to be friends, long before the two guys came into their lives.
"mind if we sit?" pietra asked, not waiting for an answer as she took a place on the leather couch. leaving a space between the two girls so max could sit too.
she looked up to see max still standing, she rolled her eyes and patted the spot next to her, "there's enough room for all of us, why won't you sit?"
max shrugged his shoulder, "I don't know, mate, she might bite me if I try sitting down!" he exclaimed jokingly, inciting a laugh between the group.
she felt her body heat up uncomfortably, laughing along despite her discomfort.
pietra tugged on his sleeve, "she doesn't bite, you're being dramatic." her attempts were futile.
lando laughed and shook his head, "I don't know, mate, you might want to be careful." his hand left her thigh as he pulled up his sleeve to his shoulder, as he hadn't taken off his shirt just yet.
she felt her face flush and reddened, but hid it by laughing with the group, pushing her head into the crevice of his neck momentarily. his hand found her back again.
she felt the cushion next to her dip, followed by a hand squeezing her knee. she turned her head. pietra gave her a sympathetic look when she'd realized the girl's reaction.
pietra leaned close to her ear, like what lando and her were doing earlier. she whispered a few words to her before pulling away and taking a sip of her drink, wrapping her arm around her shoulder. she felt herself smile and relaxed in her seat.
but on the inside, she was eating herself up, overthinking to exhaustion. her stomach felt sick, was her habit a bother to him?
she found herself hiding in the bathroom throughout the rest of the hangout, claiming seasickness but denying medicine for it.
each time she find hersef back in the bathroom with anxious nausea and the door locked, lando would be on the other side. he'd knock on her door, talking her through it, asking her if he could get her anything, telling her he'd wait for her to come out again.
days past and she refrained from sinking her teeth into the perfect skin of his bicep, the valley of his collarbone, or the broadness before the drop of his shoulder.
each time she found herself with the urge to show the love she had through her teeth, she stopped herself.
it killed lando to think about how he could've made her feel. but he needed her to come to him, he didn't want to pry information out of her.
he could ask but he couldn't make her tell.
the door to the bathroom creaked open, lando's head snapping towards the noise, noticing the tired face eyeing him through the slit in the door.
he pushed himself from the counter, his heart beating slightly faster as he sighed. she opened the door more and dragged her feet against the tiled floor. he noticed the way her eyes squinted against the light.
she stopped when she collided against him. her cheek pushed against his chest as she leaned her weight against him.
he pulled her closer when he placed a hand on her head, another one around the low of her back. his lips were against her hair and he inhaled slowly. the faded tropical scent of her shampoo lingered in her hair.
in his head, he debated asking her. not only was she still tired, but he didn't want to push her farther, in case he had done something.
his heart beat heavily in his chest, muttering against her scalp, "what's going on, darling?" he caressed the strands of her hair, "hm?"
her heart skipped a beat, she thought he hadn't noticed, or that he didn't say anything because he had secretly hoped for this to happen.
she decided to play dumb, speaking softly against his bare skin, "what do you mean?" her voice muffled.
"come on, I know your biting habits. what's wrong?" he spoke patiently to her as he cradled her tired body in his arms, swaying softly as they stood admist the cold bathroom air.
her eyes fluttered shut as she mumbled, "I thought it annoyed you."
his head shook against hers, "why do you think that, love?" he held his breath for the answer, but in his heart, he knew what she was going to say.
he was met with silence for a long time, he knew she was thinking it over in her head. she finally spoke, "remember the yacht trip a few days ago?"
he exhaled deeply, his eyes clenching shut as he pursed his lips, "i'm an idiot," he muttered, pulling away partially.
" 's okay," she shrugged, looking up at him with big eyes.
he swore in his mind, if it weren't for the circumstances, he would've folded. he slowly blinked, his tongue gliding along his lower lip.
"it's not, darling. even if max and i were just messing around," he breathed in and out slowly, his hand caressing her pillow-marked face, "i'm sorry you felt that way, okay? you know, i love when you do it," he reassured, and he saw her eyes dilate when he did.
"really? but why?" she questioned him, scanning his face, eyes, body language for any hint of deceit. she found none.
"it tells me you're comfortable, baby, and that's all I want for you."
she listened for his tone. it was sincere.
and they stayed like that for a while. in each other's embrace, they knew all was well again as they talked through it some more.
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spiteless-xo · 3 months
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╰┈➤ aurora borealis. [ongoing] ⋙ A snapshot over five years of how your relationship with Satoru Gojo develops.
ft. satoru gojo / fem!reader cw. nsfw - minors do not interact, eventual smut, angst, alternate universe - no curses, explicit language, explicit sexual content, friends to lovers, pining, slow burn, sexual tension, praise kink, miscommunication, emotional cheating, unlikeable main character, some details are intentionally ambiguous, ⚠️major character death⚠️, jjk manga spoilers, POV second person
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001. LIKING (7k words)
“It’s funny how things work out like that,” Geto says. “You know what they say about sexual tension.” “What?” Gojo asks with whipped cream on his mouth. “That if you feel it, then it’s mutual.” Gojo runs his thumb over his lips, cleaning off the mess before sucking the finger into his mouth. You feel your throat go dry as you watch him, eyes focused on the way his lips circle the digit, pursing lewdly before he pulls his thumb out with a wet pop! You can see a string of saliva trailing from the end of his finger to his lips. He seems so distracted by what’s left of the cake on his plate that you’re not even sure he’s listening to what Geto is saying. Hell, you’re hardly paying attention to what Geto’s saying.
002. LONGING (7.5k words)
The corners of Geto's lips twitch up into a smile. “He’s been talking about you quite a bit since we’ve been here. He gets excited every time you send him a picture—like a little puppy.” You smile, sitting up a little taller, and leaning forward toward the screen. “He sends me pictures, too,” you say, and your voice has dipped down into a whisper, like it’s a secret. “So, I send him stuff back if I see something that makes me think of him.” Geto nods. “Keep it up, he likes it… he likes you, you know.” Your cheeks burn with heat and you have to shift your gaze away from Geto’s knowing smile. “Oh, I like him, too,” you say, and the words struggle to escape from the tightness in your chest. “He’s a really good friend.” “Friend?” Geto says, chuckling softly. “I don’t think Satoru sees you as his friend."
003. LUSTING (11k words)
“It’s a bit early to be drinking so much,” Geto hisses, “don’t you think?” “Nah,” Satoru dismisses, and he brings one of the glasses up to his lips. His movements are sloppy and uncoordinated and you watch as the red liquid sloshes precariously against the rim of the glass, threatening to spill onto his white dress shirt. He takes a big gulp—you can see his throat bob and rivers of red slide down either side of his mouth, along the curve of his chin—and when he sets the glass back down onto the table, his nose crinkles in distaste. “Satoru, honey,” his date coos, grabbing her napkin at the table to dab at the spilled liquid, “you’re making a mess.” “Honey?” you spit, brows raising into your hairline.
004. LOVING (10k words)
“What’s my name in your phone?” you ask, cocking your head to the side. “Snookums? Sweetie Pie? My Soulmate?” “My One and Only.” Satoru’s expression softens as he speaks. His face relaxes and his eyes widen minutely as his hands come to rest on your hips. The corner of his lip twitches against his cheek as he fights back a smile, but even with all of the theatrics, you don’t let yourself fall for it. “Liar. That’s your name for Suguru.” His features sharpen in an instant—grin splitting across his face and gaze turning sinister while his fingers press hard into your skin. Satoru runs his tongue across his teeth, catching on a canine and pressing into it with devilish delight. “You caught me,” he says, and he can’t hide his excitement. “Whoops! I guess I need to be punished for being so bad.”
005. ---
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ppomumgranatum · 5 months
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when time runs out, what comes after?
Available on Ao3
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC; Ominis Gaunt x Anne Sallow
tags: one shot, you POV, post-Hogwarts life
word count: 6.9k
Warnings: 🔞 angst as fuck, use of profanities, smut, 18+ explicit sexual content, adult characters, mild fingering, grief sex?
Summary: Because time is like a relentless river that will eventually run its course. Yet, amidst the uncertainty of what lay ahead, you found solace in the knowledge that new beginnings awaited. And you can’t wait to start your new journey with Sebastian.
Notes: I was watching FB and somehow Queenie and Jacob reminded me of Ominis and Anne. Then it led me into thinking about what life could've been for our MC and it got me feeling sappy as fuck like???? Tbh idk what this is? but enjoy it, anyway.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the quaint hamlet of Feldcroft, the autumn breeze enveloped the village in a serene embrace. The sky was painted with hues of orange, pink, and purple as if nature itself was bidding farewell to the day in a grand display of colours.
Over the years after the quaint little village was free from the gruesome terror enacted by goblins and dark wizards, Feldcroft has beautifully regained its liveliness.
In the centre of it all, a lively marketplace had sprung up, illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns and fairy lights. Stallholders peddled their wares– handcrafted jewellery, knitted scarves, jars of homemade preserves– their voices mingling with the laughter and chatter of the crowd.
The place that Sebastian once called home now truly feels like home.
His childhood house is now occupied by Ominis and his sister Anne. His best friend had promised that when they graduated, he would stay with Anne and take care of her with whatever time she had left. That was three years ago, and they’ve been living together ever since. Meanwhile, you and Sebastian found purpose living in the city. Your careers are thriving and you found solace in each other's company, living in a little space you happily share.
After your triumph over Ranrok, you had managed to gradually learn how to wield your ancient magic to its potential. Although you’ve not truly mastered how to completely cure diseases or curses yet, you found a way to somehow ease it. And that’s what you’ve been doing for Anne. Your effort managed to give more years to her life, hoping one day you would eventually master your magic to cure her.
You and Sebastian would regularly visit Feldcroft to do your mending routine on Anne, and this weekend was one of the occasions.
The breeze enveloping the hamlet felt like a gentle caress as it danced through the narrow path you were sharing with Sebastian. You were returning home after a quick grocery trip to the marketplace, accompanied by your boyfriend, who gallantly carried the grocery bag with one arm while the other was wrapped around you.
When you entered the house, Ominis and Anne were seated at the dining table, already eagerly awaited for your arrival. Your brows furrowed at the sudden lively greeting from the couple, “What’s going on?”
“There’s something we’d like to share.” The grin on Anne’s face was suspicious yet delightful.
“Come, have a seat.” Ominis’ tone was rushing the both of you to do as he said.
You and Sebastian quickly exchanged glances, feeling just a tad worried at what the other two had in mind, before finally doing what Ominis had asked.
After Sebastian put aside the grocery bag on the table, Anne quickly grasped his brother’s hand with that grin that has yet to dissipate, “You guys are freaking me out. What’s going on?” Sebastian said.
“Okay, Ominis and I were talking and we’ve been thinking about this for quite some time now..” Anne began slowly, “We have decided that..”
“We want to get married..” Ominis quickly picked up on Anne’s sentence, tone filled with excitement.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed, equally excited, “That's wonderful news.”
“..Tomorrow.” Anne completed the sentence that was apparently unfinished.
“What?” The tone of Sebastian’s voice dropped, “What do you mean tomorrow?”
“As in the day after today, Sebastian.” She clarified like Sebastian was a Flobberworm.
“Yes, I know what tomorrow means.” He was ticked off by the treatment, “But what– how– why so soon?”
“Why not?” Anne sounded disappointed that Sebastian wasn’t as excited.
“Are you pregnant?” Sebastian bluntly and inconsiderately shot his chance.
“No, I am not!”
Sebastian's face winced at the overlapping aggravation that came out of everyone, “What? It’s a valid question.”
“You don’t think it’s a good idea?” The timbre in Anne’s voice made you feel bad for her.
“Of course, I think it’s a fantastic idea to get married.” He was quick to reassure her, trying not to sound lacking in spirit, "But don't you want more time to prepare for something like this?"
Anne sighed softly, her disappointment evident as she exchanged a glance with Ominis, who seemed equally deflated by Sebastian's response, "It's just.. we've been together for quite some time now." Anne began, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "And we don't want to wait any longer than we have to."
“And it’s not like we got a selection of family to invite.” Ominis added, “You guys are our family.”
Sebastian’s turned to you like he was looking for an extra pillar of certainty. And his expression softened with understanding dawning in his eyes when he was met with your supportive smile.
“I’m sorry,” He tightened his grip on his sister’s hands, “I didn’t mean to dampen your excitement. If this is what you both want, then I’m behind you one hundred percent.”
You nodded in agreement, "We're here for you, whatever you need. And if tomorrow is the day you want to have a wedding, then we'll make sure it's perfect."
Anne's face brightened at your words, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion.
“I can’t believe tomorrow you’re going to be Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt.” You're basically kicking and giggling at the thought of your two best friends finally sharing their names.
“Sallow.” Ominis corrected, “It’s going to be Mr. and Mrs. Sallow.”
Sebastian couldn’t help but smile ear-to-ear, “That sounds even better.”
Everyone seemed to be filled with joy at the decision. But you understood where Sebastian’s suspicion stemmed from. If they were so worried about waiting, why not three years ago? And if there wasn't any particular urgency, why does it have to be tomorrow?
While everyone was exchanging joyous hoots and gazes, your eyes met with Anne’s and you almost didn’t notice that tiny twinge of gloom behind the yawning grin on her face. But it was there, ever so subtle. The sight gave you a small discomfort but you didn’t want to ruin the mood.
So you pushed the thought aside and were ready to get on with the dinner you promised everyone you’d prepare. There’s no room for anything but delight when a celebration awaits everyone tomorrow.
Since the wedding practically only had an invitation for two, naturally, you became the maid of honour. Today your service and dedication were solely in the courtesy of Anne Sallow to make sure that you had everything perfectly prepared for her.
As the bride settled into the chair in front of the vanity, you stood behind her, ready to assist with her makeover. With gentle hands, you brushed through the thinned and fragile strands of her hair, feeling the delicate strands beneath your touch. Taking Anne's fragile hair into account, you opted for a gentle half-up, half-down that would be both elegant and comfortable. Soft tendrils framed her face, lending a touch of romance to the look without adding any unnecessary strain.
Once it was arranged to perfection you moved onto her makeup, selecting colours that would enhance her natural beauty without overpowering her delicate features. You couldn't help but notice the prominence of her cheekbones like a stark reminder of the weight loss she had endured. Her complexion, though still beautiful, lacked the healthy flush of vitality it once held.
While you were intently putting your best work into Anne, both of you shared jokes and stories to accompany the duty. She had a way of making even the most mundane moments feel effortless and joyful. Her laughter was infectious, and her ability to find humour in any situation never failed to lift my spirits. Despite everything she had endured, Anne's eyes still sparkled with a glimmer of mischief and resilience.
As you shared laughter and fond memories, Anne suddenly clutched her abdomen, her face contorted in pain. Your heart skipped a beat as you realised the source of her distress—it was the curse. With a surge of panic, you hurried to grab your wand and kneeled beside the chair where she was sitting. Anne attempted to contain the pain at first, her efforts were evident in the furrow of her brow and the tight grip of her hands on her abdomen. But soon, the intensity became too much to bear, and despite her best efforts, a soft yet pained groan escaped her lips.
You had one hand holding hers, allowing her to clutch into yours while your other hand began to work your wand, channelling your ancient magic to help her ease the pain. Your heart clenched at the sound of her agony and your hands trembled with fear.
“Hang in there, Anne..” Your voice provided soothing comfort. You could tell the magic was slowly doing its work as the grip on your hand loosened and Anne regained control of her breathing, “I’m here..”
You stayed by her side, hand never leaving hers like a silent comfort as the magic continued to work its healing touch. After Anne's strength gradually returned, she managed to open her eyes and gave you a knowing smile, “I’m alright now.. Thank you.”
You put down your wand so both of your hands can grasp into hers. Worry still settled over you. It was only yesterday since you did your mending on Anne. The effect would usually last her a month– or two even when she was doing so well. But for it to not even last twenty-four hours meant the curse was only getting stronger, and your magic was becoming futile.
“How long?” You began to ask. Your voice was soft but still laced with anguish.
Anne let out a heavy sigh before answering, “Almost six months now..” Her breathing was still a little bit unsteady, "I’ve noticed the effects have been getting shorter and shorter.”
“Oh, Anne.. why didn’t you tell me.” Your heart ached even more knowing she must have endured it on her own.
“I didn’t know how to.” She admitted.
As a deep sense of despair washed over you, you couldn't help but grasp the gravity of the circumstances. Meeting her gaze, you glimpsed a reflection of your own emotions mirrored in her eyes. While kneeling beside her, you took a moment to observe the woman before you, her faint smile betraying the anguish she must have been enduring.
How awful it must’ve been to pretend everything was fine while she was crumbling inside.
“Does Ominis know?”
She nodded, “Not long ago.” Anne didn’t have to say it, but now you understand the underlying reason for the impulse on the wedding, "I tried to hide it for a while, but that man knows me too well not to find out something was wrong."
"How are you feeling?" You gently asked like a fragile little petal that she was. There were layers of concern in your voice.
She hesitated for a moment like she was contemplating whether to share the truth, "Not so good." disappointment coloured both her expression and tone, “I knew it couldn’t cure me. But I truly thought it would still last me forever, you know.”
“I know..” Your thumb caressing the back of her hand, "I thought so, too."
She let out a heavy sigh, "Well, it was good while it lasted."
“Have you told Sebastian?"
"Not yet. Not today," she said, eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I just want to get married to the man that I love and pretend, at least for this day, that I am not withering."
You felt a surge of empathy for Anne. Despite her hardships, there was a quiet determination in her voice. She just wished to find joy amidst the challenges she faced.
"You don't have to pretend with us."
"I know that." She smiled softly, "But it makes me feel a little bit better. Just for today."
She lifted her trembling hand to gently stroke your hair. And when her eyes met yours, the sorrow that reigned over her eyes pierced through you, shattering your heart into a million pieces.
"You have no idea how grateful I am that Sebastian's questionable behaviour ended up being the thing that brought you two together.” You chuckled at her remarks, and the twitch in your eyes finally allowed the tears that had been so desperate to fall to cascade down your cheeks, "And I'm grateful to have found a sister in you."
At that moment, neither of you could hold back the tears any longer. The floodgates of emotion burst open, releasing a torrent of tears that had been held back. Amidst the overwhelming grief, there was also a profound sense of gratitude for the strength you had found in the brief but powerful bond you shared with her.
"You can fight this." You choked out, "Please.. Just a little bit more, Anne. I'm getting better with my magic. I think I'm almost there."
"No.." She shook her head, "I don't think I can wait anymore."
You nestled your head on her lap, finding solace in her gentle touch as she continued to stroke your hair. It felt as though she was the one offering comfort.
“Promise me.” She said softly, “That you’ll watch over them when I’m not around. Merlin knows what those boys will do without supervision.”
And once more, amidst the tears and sobs, a faint chuckle escaped from both of you. It was a moment of bittersweet release.
And when you lifted your head, you met Anne's gaze with a solemn nod, though your heart felt heavy with the weight of her request. "I promise," You vowed, "I won't go anywhere. But you have to know, Anne.. I could never replace you."
“You already have.” She reached out to wipe the tears that streamed down your cheeks, “When I'm gone, they’ll have no one but you in this world. You are their family– my family. You have to understand that you mean the world to all of us.”
You took a heavy, deep breath, trying to stifle the uncontrollable sobs threatening to consume you. But it was no use– each inhale and exhale only trembled more with emotion. The thought of Sebastian and Ominis losing Anne, the person they loved, filled you with crushing despair. You couldn't bear the idea of witnessing their pain, knowing that you held the power within you to help her, if only you knew how.
Everything felt agonisingly close yet impossibly out of reach, leaving you feeling utterly helpless in the face of Anne's impending fate.
You don't want to lose her.
"I wish we had more time."
“You gave us more time when we thought there was none left. You gave me a chance to live, to love Ominis, and Sebastian..." Her voice trembled from the emotion, "You have no idea how much joy you've brought back into his life. And you've given me the gift of witnessing that happiness.” She managed to put up a smile and you wished she didn’t. Pretending was no longer necessary, and you wanted her to feel free to express her true emotions, “You have given me a lifetime. And for that, I owe you everything.”
You reached out and pulled her into a tight hug, holding her close while trying to imprint every moment of this precious connection into your memory. This could be one of the few last hugs you'd be able to share with her, and you wanted to cherish every second of it.
"Alright, that's enough tears for now," she said gently, pulling away and wiping your tears. "You've got to save it for when I'm actually dead."
“Anne!” You protested at the inappropriate joke. Although you’ve got to admit there was a mix of amusement inside of you at her attempt to lighten the mood.
“I’m sorry.” A faint smile playing on her lips.
The both of you shared a final chuckle before you set to work on redoing Anne's makeup, realising that almost everything was ruined from the intense sobbing. But you didn't mind– in fact, you welcomed the opportunity to spend more time with her, cherishing every moment you had left together.
After you finished, you picked up your wand and cast a spell on Anne's clothing. In an instant, she was adorned in a stunning white dress, radiating an ethereal beauty that took your breath away.
You took a moment to cast the same spell on your own clothes, transforming them into attire more suitable for the event. You left Anne to rest inside and headed outside to begin setting up for the ceremony this evening.
Working your wand with precision, you crafted a beautiful yet intimate setting in the confines of their backyard. Despite the limited space, you conjured an enchanting atmosphere, transforming the modest surroundings into a magical haven fit for a wedding. The flowers bloomed in colourful bursts, intertwining with lush greenery to create a picturesque backdrop for the ceremony.
Despite the simplicity of the setup, every detail was carefully curated to evoke a sense of intimacy and romance, ensuring that Anne's special day would be nothing short of unforgettable.
While you were immersed in the enchanting setup, you were surprised by the sudden embrace that came behind you, “Hello, beautiful.” Unable to resist the exposed skin from your updo hair, he planted tender kisses along your neck. Sebastian is always such a tease.
With a soft smile, you leaned into his embrace, “I’m doing something here.” you teased, but still couldn't help but enjoy the affectionate gesture.
Sebastian chuckled then nuzzled his head into your neck. His warm breath sent shivers up and down your spine, "Anything I can help with?" he whispered in your ear. You could feel his strong arms wrapped around you, holding you close.
Just as you finished with your setup, you leaned back against his strong frame, feeling completely secure in his arms. "You can be here with me, holding me."
A comfortable silence settled between the two of you, taking in the intimate moment and the romantic decor. The scene before you stirred thoughts of your own future wedding, prompting a gentle curiosity about when that moment might come.
"How's Anne doing?" Sebastian's voice broke the silence, drawing your attention.
You turned to face him, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you loop your arm around his neck, drawing him closer. "Very happy," You replied softly, "She's ready."
“Ominis is, too.” There was a mix of joy and relief in his face,“I’m so glad they finally get to have their happy ending.”
His words hit you hard. Sebastian remained unaware of the true extent of Anne’s condition. Because the happy ending he thought she’s having isn’t as perfect as it seemed.
“Are you alright?” He noticed the change in your expression.
You nodded, masking the trouble brewing inside.
“Are you sure?” He persisted. His voice sounded more concerned this time.
You wanted to confide in him, but it didn't feel right. Anne deserved to share the news with her brother herself. "I just think it's a beautiful day for a wedding," you lied.
Sebastian smiled, leaning in to give you a sweet kiss on your lips, his affectionate gesture momentarily distracting you from the weight of the secret you carried.
As the ceremony finally commenced, you and Sebastian stood side by side, bathed in the glow of the evening sun. The gentle breeze carried the soft rustle of leaves and the sweet scent of wildflowers, adding to the serene ambience of the outdoor setting. In the distance, the rolling hills provided a breathtaking backdrop for the intimate gathering.
Anne, radiant in her flowing white dress, walked down the aisle with grace, her eyes sparkling with love and anticipation. Ominis stood at the altar, his expression a mixture of nerves and excitement as he awaited his bride.
The sound of their vows filled the air, heartfelt and sincere, weaving a tapestry of promises and dreams for the future.
It was time for them to exchange rings. And finally, as they shared their first kiss as husband and wife, the world seemed to stand still, capturing the beauty and magic of this momentous occasion. You and Sebastian watched with pride and happiness, your hearts overflowing with love for the newlyweds.
But the joyous atmosphere shattered in an instant as Anne fell to the ground, her agonising scream piercing the air. Shock and fear gripped everyone present as they rushed to her side. The curse had struck once again.
The pain seemed to be worse than before because Anne's consciousness began to fade. Ominis lifted and carried her inside while his face etched with fear and worry. You and Sebastian followed closely as Ominis gently laid his bride on the bed.
You quickly tended to her side and began using your magic to ease her pain once again while Ominis sat beside you, holding Anne’s hand tightly in his own.
Sebastian stood by, watching his sister fighting her pain, feeling utterly helpless. Her screams tore at his heart, shredding it into pieces.
He finally began to realise the true situation of Anne’s condition.
Unable to bear the sight any longer, he stormed out of the house, his breath ragged from the onslaught of negative emotions. He wandered aimlessly, searching for a space where he could calm himself down and gather his thoughts.
After tending to Anne's needs and ensuring she had something to eat to regain her strength, you realised that Sebastian had been conspicuously absent. Concerned, you stepped outside and immediately knew where to find him. Following the familiar path atop the hill that overlooked the hamlet, you remembered how Sebastian always loved this spot for its breathtaking view of the village below.
Upon reaching the hilltop, you were greeted by the sight of your lover, standing at the edge and gazing out over the village. The fading light of the setting sun casted a warm glow over the landscape.
Sebastian's shoulders were tense, his hands clenched into fists at his sides as he stared into the distance. You approached him quietly, the soft crunch of gravel beneath your shoes barely audible over the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze.
You stood just a little bit behind him, giving him the space he needed to collect his thoughts. Despite the distance, you could feel the stress emanating from him.
"You knew, didn't you?" He finally said, breaking the silence. You expected something sharp and judgemental coming out of him, but there was none of it. His stare remained fixed in the distance.
You nodded even though he couldn't see it, "Just today."
"Did she tell you how long ago?"
You hesitated for a moment, "Six months."
Sebastian scoffed and his expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with a hint of anger. "Six fucking months," he muttered, "Why didn't she tell us sooner?"
You felt a pang of guilt at his tone, knowing that Anne's decision to keep her condition a secret had hurt him deeply, "I think she was trying to protect us."
He shook his head and his jaw clenched tightly. "Protect us?" he repeated, voice rising with emotion. "From what exactly? From the tremendous amount of pain we’re already living with every single day? We're her family, for Merlin’s sake, we should have been there for her."
You knew that Anne's silence had shaken him to the core, and the road ahead would be filled with challenges as they grappled with the consequences of her decision.
"I should’ve been there for her." The quiver of regret was evident this time, “How many times have we gone to visit her in the past six months? And not once did she mention anything. She pretended like she was alright.”
“That’s exactly why, Sebastian.” You replied gently, "She didn’t want to keep pretending. She just wanted to cherish the time she had left without constantly dwelling on her illness. By allowing her to live her life the way she wants to, we were already there for her."
“But she’s my sister.” His voice cracked with emotions.
“I know..” You murmured, feeling the weight of his pain.
Then, a single tear escaped from the corner of his eyes that was clearly betraying the emotions he struggled to contain. He instinctively turned his head, his hand moving swiftly to brush away the tear.
You wanted to give him space to be in his own vulnerability, so you stood in place.
“To think of the fact that she decided to endure it on her own..” There was so much guilt in his voice. Then he fell quiet for a moment before continuing, “It's funny, isn't it? How time seems to slip through our fingers, no matter how tightly we try to hold on."
You listened in silence, feeling the weight of his words settle over you like a heavy blanket. The realisation that time was finite– that eventually, it would run out.
"We spend our days chasing after hope, trying to cure Anne," Sebastian continued, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But the truth is, time waits for no one. Even for those who possess magic, it marches on, indifferent to our hopes and desires."
It was the first time you’d seen Sebastian being this vulnerable. It only showed how much love he carried for his sister.
"And when it's gone," Sebastian murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "all we're left with are the memories of what could have been– what I could’ve done for Anne.” His tone carried a sense of despair and it unsettled you deeply. It felt as though the fierce determination of a man who would move mountains to save his sister had been extinguished.
"I just wish I had done more for her," He admitted.
“Hey,” Closing the distance, you gently lifted his chin, urging him to meet your gaze with compassion while his eyes were shimmering with tears, "You've been there for her in more ways than you realise. And she knows that.” His tears flowed more freely at your comforting words. Without hesitation, you cupped his cheeks and brushed away the tears, “She’s made her choice, Sebastian. The most important thing now is to cherish the time we have left with her and make every moment count. Because you can’t go back in time, it only runs out."
As harsh as reality was, Sebastian knew you were telling him what he needed to hear. Because if you don’t make the most of your time, the only thing that will remain is regret.
“I can’t promise you that it will be easy," you continued. "But I can promise you that I'll be here every step of the way."
He closed his eyes, leaning into your touch as if seeking refuge in your warmth. Taking your hand, he pressed a tender kiss to your palm before meeting your gaze, "I don't know what I'd do without you." He whispered,
"You won't have to find out." You replied with a reassuring smile.
Sebastian's eyes held yours, filled with gratitude and a hint of vulnerability. In that shared moment, you both understood the depth of your connection and the support you offered each other.
Then he pulled you into a tight embrace and you yielded to his warmth, feeling the comforting strength of his arms around you. Resting your head against his chest, you listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a reassuring cadence amidst the uncertainty that surrounded you.
He fell quiet for a moment. Stroking your hair with one hand while the other rubs your back with comfort.
“Thank you.” He finally said.
“What for?”
“Everything.” He whispered as he reflected on how different things could have been for Anne, and how her current happiness was beyond anything he had dared to hope for. “If you asked me five years ago what life would be like for Anne today, I’d say she’d be long gone and buried deep in the ground. I never thought I’d see her get married. This is all happening because of you.”
“You know I would do anything for Anne.” You replied softly.
He pulled away to meet your gaze, “And I would do anything for you.”
There was something special about the way he looked at you, the way his dark eyes were captivated by yours. The warmth of his embrace and the tenderness in his touch made you feel cherished in that moment.
It felt like the world had faded away, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of intimacy. Everything else ceased to exist as you were enveloped by his presence, captivated by the depth of his gaze and the warmth of his embrace.
Sebastian drew nearer, his eyes locking onto yours with intensity. His hand trailed through your hair, tenderly caressing your cheek as he leaned in closer. The sensation of his chest against yours sent your heart into a flurry of anticipation.
It was kind of funny to you, how this man could still make your heart flutter in the most exciting ways ever even after sharing hundreds of kisses.
Right before his lips touched yours, he paused, looking at you intently. The intimacy grew with each passing second as he leaned closer until finally connecting his lips to yours.
Sebastian's touch was sensual, yet tender. There was a delicate balance of passion and tenderness in his kiss. His lips felt warm and inviting, like the gentle warmth of a summer in the middle of the cold autumn breeze.
The kiss deepened and the intensity rose with every passing second. Lost in the kiss, you could feel all the worries and stresses of life wash away– like maybe Anne wasn’t dying, or Ominis wasn’t about to face his worst heartbreak, and Sebastian wasn’t going to lose his sister, and all that was left was the warmth of his touch.
As the weight of everything going on amplified the intensity of your emotions, it also seemed to intensify your desire, heightening every sensation, every touch, every whisper of longing. It was as if the urgency of the moment fueled the fire burning between you and Sebastian.
You didn’t want this to end. You wished you could live in whatever intoxicating illusion this feeling was.
The kiss went on and Sebastian tightened his grip, pulling you closer to him. The sensation of his lips and the heat of his body pressed up against you had your mind spinning. Every touch of his lips on yours was more arousing than the last.
The heat was becoming too intense, and you wanted more.
Sebastian continued to explore your body with his hands, grazing his fingers along your curves. He moved his hands upwards towards your chest and your breath hitched at his touch.
Despite the lust that was slowly eating away your rational thinking, deep inside, in the back of your mind, you had a sudden realisation. Sebastian’s griefing and this felt like an unhealthy outlet. The guilt weighed on your mind but the brunette began trying to unzip your dress.
“Sebastian..” You pulled away and whispered breathlessly against his lips, “You’re grieving.”
He shook his head, “I want you..” He put trails of kisses along your jaw and neck, making everything even more irresistible.
You bit your lip. “Not like this.”
“Please..” He whispered in your ear and you couldn’t hold the soft moan that escaped your lips.
The sensation of Sebastian's kisses sent shivers down your spine, his breath hot on your skin. You tried your best to resist him, but it was becoming too much to bear. And when his hand slid under your dress and touched your heat, temptation took over you and your body yielded under his touch.
“Fuck.. Sebastian.”
"I know you want me, too," He whispered. Your body betrayed your words as you grew wetter with desire. The sensation of his touch on your clit, using your own fluids as a lubricant, sent waves of pleasure through you. At that moment, you no longer wanted him to stop.
Your body responded instinctively to Sebastian's touch. Your back arched into his hand as pleasure washed over you and your hips rolled around to the movement of his finger. Giving in to the pleasure, your eyelids fluttered shut and your head fell backwards.
As Sebastian kissed your collarbone, your dress slipped off your shoulder, exposing more of your skin and eventually revealing your breasts.
Sebastian groaned softly at the sight before him, unable to resist the temptation of your hardened nipple. With eager anticipation, he lowered his lips to take it into his mouth, his fingers continuing their skilful movements. The combination of his touch and his lips against your skin sent your senses reeling.
Your moans were like music to his ears. With each gasp and whimper that escaped your lips, his craving only intensified, driving him to seek out more ways to please you, “Oh darling, I can’t take it anymore.”
He pulled away, allowing your dress to fall to your feet with a soft rustle of fabric. With gentle yet firm hands, he lifted you, then carefully guided you to lie down on the ground beneath you.
As you lay there, the cool earth beneath you provided a stark contrast to the heat of your desire. You watched Sebastian undress himself, his muscles rippling beneath his skin with every movement. With each article of clothing he shed, your anticipation grew, knowing that soon you would be able to feel his warmth inside of you.
When his thick, hard cock came into view, your hand instinctively reached out to touch it, but Sebastian was quick to grab your wrist and pin it above your head. Leaning in close, his hot breath washed over your skin. While his cock, wet with precum, brushed against your stomach. "So eager now, aren’t we?" he whispered huskily.
“Just fuck me already,” you begged so desperately wanting to feel him inside of you.
Sebastian's lips curled into a wicked smile at your boldness. You didn’t have to tell him twice.
With a low growl, he released your wrist and positioned himself between your thighs and without a word, he entered you slowly, savouring every inch of the delicious friction between your bodies. His hand slipped under your thigh and pushed your knee so he could gain better access into your depths.
And just as he expected, the position allowed his length to slide inside you so gracefully deep. As he settled fully inside you, a groan of pleasure escaped his lips.
He began to move and each thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, you surrendered completely to the ecstasy of the moment, lost in the rhythm of Sebastian pumping you, “Ah.. fuck– yes..”
Your moans echoed through the silent night, mingling with the rustling leaves and whistling wind. The sounds of nature seemed to fade into the background and were replaced by the sound of your lusts.
His movement was slow but he hit you deep and right exactly where you wanted him to be. You clenched hard around his cock and it sent him frantic, “You feel.. so damn good..”
Your hand gripped his toned arms, your back arched, and your head leaned back in ecstasy. Without missing a beat of his thrusts, Sebastian seized the opportunity to lavish on your bare skin, trailing kisses along your neck and collarbone.
Then, he took the moment to give your bouncing breasts some attention, taking one in his mouth and sucking it gently. And by Merlin’s beard, this man knew how to multitask.
You spread your legs wide and angled your hips, meeting each of Sebastian's deep thrusts with equal fervour. When his rhythm intensified, the nails of your hand dug into his arm and it elicited a sharp intake of breath that came out of him.
With each thrust, you felt a different kind of connection with Sebastian, a deeper sense of intimacy. It was as if every movement, every caress, carried the weight of the world and the depth of your emotions. This felt more than just physical pleasure– it felt like a shared understanding of the fleeting nature of time and the preciousness of the moments you shared together.
Sebastian brushed aside the strands of hair that obscured your face, his gaze penetrating, filled with a tumult of emotions—lust, grief, love, all swirling together. At that moment, when his eyes locked with yours, you felt the depth of his presence. The way he looked at you, the way he felt inside of you, it was overwhelming– it was so, so good it made you want to cry.
Your legs wrapped around his hips, urging him to delve deeper. Sebastian's deep, husky voice filled the air with a moan, your name escaping his lips in a desperate plea for more, “I.. I love you..” He declared breathlessly, his words laden with raw emotion, “I love you.. so much..”
“I love you too..” You cupped his cheek, pressing your foreheads together, “I-im so.. so close..”
He tightened his embrace around you, his thrusts becoming more urgent as he chased his own climax. With a fervent kiss, he whispered against your lips, "Come with me, darling.”
The intensity built and you felt the tension coil within you, ready to unravel at any moment. And then, as if on cue, you felt it—the wave of pleasure crashing over you. Your body tensed, every nerve ending alive with sensation as cries of ecstasy escaped your lips, filling the air with the sweet sound of your orgasm, “oh fuck– Sebastian!”
With a guttural groan, he cried out your name and reached his peak, his body shuddering with release as he spilled inside of you.
Sebastian collapsed against you, his chest heaving in an attempt to catch his breath. You wrapped your arms around him, basking in the afterglow of your moment.
He kissed the line of your shoulders, then your cheek, and eventually your lips.
As he pulled back slightly, he took a moment to stare at your face, his eyes filled with all of the emotions that were left, like he was trying to memorise every detail, every curve, every expression– he never wanted to forget this moment.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said with a smile that reminded you of all the reasons you fell for him.
“Oh, shut up.” You kissed him to mask the way your cheeks flushed red.
When you both pulled away from the kiss, you found yourselves lingering in the intimacy of the moment. Your noses brushed together softly, eliciting a gentle smile from both of you. Sebastian's fingers traced the contours of your jaw with delicate precision, his touch telling you how much he loves you.
You reciprocated by running your fingers through his hair, feeling the silky strands intertwine with your touch. The closeness between you felt electric.
“Marry me.” He suddenly said and your loving gaze swapped into confusion in an instant.
“Marry me.” He repeated, “Today, tomorrow, next week– I don’t care.”
Sebastian's sudden proposal left you speechless as his words sank in slowly. His eyes bore into yours and you searched it for any hint of uncertainty. You know he’s grieving, and this could be just that. “Sebastian..”
“This is not grief talking or merely an after-sex impulse.” He assured you as if he could read your mind, “This is something that I’ve been thinking about for some time. With everything that’s been going on with Anne, don’t you think it’s telling us something?”
He was begging for your consideration, wanting you to believe that he meant every word.
“Cherish every moment we have left, you said.” He stroked your hair with a touch so gentle it felt so tender and reassuring, “You gave me a life to live. And I want to spend the rest of my time loving you.”
You took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts amidst the chaotic feelings swirling inside you. Sebastian's proposal was unexpected, but you know it felt right. There was something about his sincerity that was hard to deny.
"Do you really mean it?" You whispered.
"Yes." He brushed a loose strand of hair from your face, his hand lingering by your cheek. "I mean it with all my heart. I want to marry you."
A smile painted across your face, your lips curling into a wide grin. Without any inhibitions, you pulled him into a kiss, expressing your love and acceptance through the tender gesture. The passion ignited once again.
You lost yourself in the intimacy of the moment, wrapped in Sebastian's firm grasp, letting your mind and body surrender to the joy.
Sebastian quickly pulled away, eyes flickered with anticipation when he realised you hadn’t really given your answer, “Wait, is that a yes?”
A playful glint danced in your eyes as you nodded, a grin spreading across your face. “Of course, it’s a yes.”
Sebastian's face lit up with a radiant smile, relief washing over him as leaned in to resume the kiss.
Because time is like a relentless river that will eventually run its course. Yet, amidst the uncertainty of what lay ahead, you found solace in the knowledge that new beginnings awaited. And you can’t wait to start your new journey with Sebastian.
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a-998h · 6 months
You'll Never Leave Us Again
*Some angst might be present, if you don't like that then leave*
Creator's POV
I'm back in the colorful place, I think. The element colors are muted and the once white stone under the colored water is now black. This wasn't good, something bad must have happened. I walk across the muted colored water and the figure from that first dream and there is a frown on its face.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
The figure lifts its head and tears are running down its face. The figure hugs me tightly and whispers apologies.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry young one," the figure says.
"What, why are you apologizing?" I ask.
"You missed the deadline, the ritual time has passed," it said.
I froze, my dreams were now shattered. I never found the hydro core, and now I'll never go home.
I break down sobbing in the figures arms as it holds me tightly and tries to comfort me. It tells me it's sorry it couldn't help me get home. The dream world becomes more dark as the two of us sob in each other's arms.
Eventually, the figure let's go and says it needs to leave. I don't want it leave and I start crying.
"Why can't you be the god they want?" I ask.
It givens me a solemn look and just says it died, and that it chose me to take its place becuase I acted like how they were during their life. The crying doesn't stop as the figure disappeared and I'm left alone... I call out the figures name, the name of a God and... nothing happens. I drop to my knees in the water and sob my heart out....
"Why are you crying?" A voice asks.
It's faint, and it sounds blunt and a bit uncaring.
I shoot up with a heavy breathing, and thundering heart. Turning my head I see Chiori, working on whatever outfit she was doing.
Looking around the shop, I realize in on a fancy couch, I think, and my bag...
"Where's my bag?" I ask, with a yell.
"Chevreuse came by to shop to collect your bag," She said, not even looking at me or even stopping her work.
My mind is cracking, my only way home is gone for good and now I have no idea what to do!
I try to get up but Chiori pushes me back down.
"That nurse told me that the sedative would make you dizzy, so you are laying down until I say otherwise," Chiori commands.
Hours pass and, eventually, Chiori let's me sit and stand up. She has me sit with my hands in my lap until Chevreuse and some of her other officers walked into the shop and Chiori passed me over to them.
I was walked back to Neuvillette and he scolds me like a child. I snapped.
"Why? Why don't you want me to leave?" I yell.
Neuvillette keeps his stone face and grasps my right shoulder.
"You left our world once, and in that time many tragic events happened. We all wish to prevent that from happening again," he explains.
I keep asking questions and wanting to go home and he keeps reacting like I'm a child throwing a tantrum. Once he decides the conversation is over, he escorts me to my living space and closes the door.
I spend hours with my thoughts while I try to cope with my situation...
From then on the I was worshipped by all of Teyvat, having a residents in each nation and eventually, I learned to cope and sees the good side of the situation. The characters I loved, interacting with them was nice and learning about Teyvat and its nations was nice.
But, after that I never saw the figure in my dreams and no one seemed to believe me about the dreams.
I've started to forget things, my home, my family, my friends, my partners, and many other things about my old life but I don't feel sad. The people around me makes everything easier, I'm starting to feel at home and now I feel like I don't wanna leave.
Sitting with Venti at Stormterror's Lair he sings me to sleep as the sun dips Belo the horizon.
"Sleep well your grace," Venti says while petting my hair.
My eyes close, as his singing fills my ears.
"Thanks Venti," I says as I fall asleep.
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monsterbunny69 · 1 year
Julian devorak x Gn!Reader smut part 1
Context: you and Julian have come up with an agreement where if he has a sex dream you are allowed, and have his consent to, wake him up by giving him a hand job or blowjob. Tonight is the night you finally get to execute this.
Mc’s POV
Stir awake after feeling Julian toss and turn a few times in his sleep. I sat up, thinking it was a nightmare at first “jul-“ I begin to call his name and set my hand on his shoulder before I am interrupted but a low, desperate sounding moan. I freeze, not knowing what to do. He shuffles again, laying on his back now. I debate waking him up to ask what he was dreaming about because I know if he’s having a wet dream he’ll be very embarrassed~
Instead I decide to slide under the blankets, planting myself slowly and carefully between his legs. As I do this I hear him moan again, a little louder this time. I have the blanket covering me up to my neck so I don’t get cold. I set a hand on his left thigh, trailing it up his shorts that he slept in. His skin is flushed pink and warm, his breathing is picking up a little. I finally look down at his crotch and see his bulge pressing against the fabric. I bite my lip a little and reach up, beginning to stroke and massage his hard on over his pants. His dick twitches in his shorts as I palm it, drawing a breathy moan from my sleeping lover. I stroke him with a good grip so it feels like he’s fucking something, which causes him to jolt his hips forward into my hand. I’m glad he is a heavy sleeper because it’s interesting to see how his body reacts to my touch without him being awake to suppress its urges. I don’t stop stroking until I see drips of precum staining through his shorts. I stop the movements of my hands and slowly drag his shorts and boxers down his pale thighs so he won’t wake up. I sigh a little, knowing what I’m about to do will wake him up eventually. I watch as his dick twitches, leaking precum onto the shirt he slept in. I look up at his sleeping face, it’s flushed and there’s a bead of sweat on his forehead. Whatever he is dreaming about has him really fired up. I scoot a little closer to Julian, gently grabbing his erection and wrapping my lips around the head, sucking and licking on just the tip to test the waters. My actions cause him to let out a loud groan and I freeze, not wanting to wake him just yet. Once he settles again I start bobbing my head, sucking his dick all the way down to the base. He thrusts his hips forwards again in his sleep, so I pin him down, hands gripping his thighs. I don’t mind if I leave bruises on them, Julian has a thing for marking. Then I keep blowing him, speeding up. He is moaning a little with each dip I take and eventually his eyes flutter open, and I catch him staring at me with half-lidded eyes and desperation. “G-good morning to you too” he says, biting his lip and arching his back straight after. I try not to smile as I keep his hips pinned and my lips wrapped tightly around his twitching cock. Now that he’s awake his hands are gripping the bed sheets beside us and he’s moaning as loud as he feels like it- which is pretty loud. His moans are music to my ears and motivation for me to keep giving him the best blowjob I can. “Ah! Mc-“ he cuts himself off with another moan, back arching off the bed. I abruptly pull away from him, licking my lips. He whimpers and locks eyes with me “t-that’s not fair” he huffs, letting go of the bed sheets. I knew he was getting close, and I want to make him beg for it. “You know what I need from you first” I say, doing my best to be intimidating. He huffs, I can watch the gears turning in his head as he tries to decide whether he wants to be a brat or obedient. I cross my arms and give him a look, he knows I won’t let him cum if he’s a brat. Julian locks eyes with me and almost immediately softens his gaze and slumps back down on the bed “please make me cum” he gives me the same half lidded look as earlier, a red blush dusting his cheeks. I chuckle at him “good choice~” I reply, grabbing his wrists this time and pinning them by his sides. He’s avoiding my eyes now, embarrassed by how turned on he is. Instead of jumping right back into blowing him I lean down farther this time and place kisses on his thighs. I stare up at him while I do this, causing him to swallow and stare at me in awe. I then bite into one of his thighs hard enough to leave marks, causing him to moan loudly, balling his fists. I smirk and continue to bite along his thighs, leaving behind bruises and hickeys. When I’m done I look up at him. He lets out a shuddering breath and shuts his eyes, leaning his head back against the pillow. I remove my hands from his wrists and place them on his hips again.
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galebrainrot2024 · 8 months
Gale x Tav Enemies to Lovers Part 13 Read on AO3 Tav's POV Content Warning: Bullying, Self-Harm
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To some of the companions chagrin, Tav was set on exploring every crevice in the Underdark. She intended to head for the shadowed lands as soon as they were able to free Barcus and the iron hand gnomes and bring Nere’s head to Sovereign Spaw.
Astarion fussed, uninterested in helping slaves despite his sordid past and Lae’zel couldn’t be bothered either way. Halsin, ever the team player, seemed content with whatever Tav decided and Wyll was happy to help those in need, while Karlach was just happy to be alive. 
The conditions were brutal in Grymforge so tempers were short. It was sweltering like a humid summers day, even the parts away from the lava seemed to be uncomfortably warm. It was so hot that Tav wanted to rip off her armor, protection be damned.
Reprieve eluded them even as they camped in the coolest, darkest places they could find. Even still, the heat, grime and sweat were suffocating. She reassured everyone that their quests were almost complete and they’d be moving on promptly. But, something always came up.
Now that Shadowheart knew the forge to be an artifact of a Sharran temple, she was meticulously exploring it, reading every plaque and brushing her fingers against every fallen statue. Tav, ever one to please and ensure her companions felt supported, obliged to the annoyance of others. 
Astarion, for the most part. 
"It's beautiful... a past tribute to the Dark Lady..." Shadowheart murmured while she admired the architecture. Tav bit her cheeks to hold her tongue, hoping that eventually Shadowheart would recognize that Shar was an abusive, manipulative Goddess that she would be better off turning her back on. 
Tav was ready to sell her soul to Raphael if it meant she could dip in a cool river - the collar of her robe was a little too high, too itchy and she flinched, peeling her gloves back to get some air circulation. It didn’t work, obviously. Sweat dripped in rivulets down her back, feeling it pool in the most uncomfortable of places. Hells, even a luke warm river would have relieved her at this point. 
They had just secured the runepowder and were headed back to clear the rubble blocking those from freedom, and Tav couldn’t imagine how Karlach felt since she was already burning up. Tav asked about it which in hindsight, felt inconsiderate. Karlach took it graciously though. 
“To be honest, I don’t even notice heat temperature that much anymore. I’m so uncomfortable all of the time on the inside, I don’t have a lot of time to be worried about how I feel on the outside. Thank the gods we’re usually so close to running water so I can cool off every so often, but down here… we’re all uncomfortable, so I can’t complain. I can and will complain about the bloody stench coming off those robes, though, grandpa.”
Shadowheart snickered, “Heh. Gale you could use a proper bath. The rest of us don’t smell quite so… ripe..” 
Gale rolled his eyes and wiped the sweat dripping from his brows. “Lucky for you, I intend to do that first thing we’re near any source of water again. We don’t need to keep bringing it up. AND,” he hissed, “I’m not sure why you insist on sneaking around when my smell gives us away for miles.” 
Tav was staring at Gale when he turned to hurl a teasing accusation at her and her breath caught in her throat when he caught her staring. She tried to look away, yet felt compelled not to. Her cheeks were hot and her heart felt like it would explode. 
Tav ripped her gaze away when Shadowheart gave her a nudge. “What do you think, Tav? I know you must have an opinion.” 
“Um,” Tav had no response and her mouth felt like sand. Tav quite liked the way he smelled, actually, and was having a hard time focusing on much else. She kept getting distracted by how his forehead and skin gleamed with sweat and she felt too hot, needed to claw out of her armor and couldn’t. She felt beside herself, he was the only thing she could focus her attention on as if he bewitched her. 
Tav saw Gale smirk and blush as if in a silent understanding. He mumbled something incoherent, his eyes still fixed on hers. Karlach groaned and covered her nose with the front of her shirt. “The two of you need to get a room.” 
Shadowheart snorted, eyeing Tav pointedly. “It might do everyone some good...” 
Tav was shocked. It was like Karlach to hurl these jokes - but Shadowheart? Tav’s eyes fluttered to meet Gale’s and as he stood there, sweating and flushed she felt ungodly. Sinful. She turned away and moved faster towards the rubble, trying to escape the feelings that consumed her. 
As she rushed ahead she heard the whispers between Shadowheart and Karlach, her ears were hot and burning. What were they on about? Gale and she just had a complicated history… that was all. 
Karlach collapsed, rummaging through her bag until she pulled out water, “Oh thank the gods…” she chugged it, thirsty and dehydrated after carrying them to victory. Yes, magic was incredible, but nothing could stop some good old fashioned rage. Although Gale, Tav, and Shadowheart could be silenced and rendered impotent, Karlach was ever the heavy hitter. 
The gnomes were filtering about, mourning those who were lost and celebrating their new found freedom. Tav had just finished talking to Marcus when she saw Gale knelt over Nere, studying the lifeless corpse crumpled at his feet.  Tav cocked a brow, tilting her head inquisitively as her eyes drunk him in, how the sleeves of his robes were pulled back - just - to show his sinewy forearms and wiry veins. Her mouth began to water and she felt the tell tale blooming of heat at her core. 
Why was she so drawn to him? The magnetism, the pull of rivalry and the tension that had built in their past was born anew in the present, the feelings of angst and desire blossoming into an all consuming need. She cleared her throat, the sudden increase of saliva in her mouth making her uncomfortable, and wiped the sweat from her upper lip. 
There was something inexplicable about Gale. She recalled the first time she met him - it was her first day at Blackstaff and she was horribly nervous, her stomach twisted in on itself and her body shook from adrenaline. They must have been about ten and Gale, as confident as he was, tried to approach her. Tav had been terrified at the time and could only offer a small smile and head shake before walking away. It was a memory that made her baulk in embarrassment, how her tongue was so tied she had been unable to say a word. They were in almost all the same classes that year and it started Tav’s fascination with him. It wasn’t often she was met with someone whose mind and wit were as sharp as her own. Magic had been as much a part of her as her right hand, from the time memory solidified in her brain, and she quickly learned the same was true for Gale.  
Tav was sent to Blackstaff after an unfortunate turn of events involving frost and ice and a brief stay at a neighbor’s while her father adventured. Tav had been having a difficult day, her peers at her prior day academy were relentless - picking her apart for her tattered clothes, her weird abilities, her wild hair and when she arrived back at the home that wasn’t hers Gerald, the neighbors son, made a snide comment about her and… she snapped. She couldn’t remember what he said now - she did remember the streaks of blue ice that wrapped Gerald in its tendrils, choking him, freezing him and the look of abject terror on Gerald’s face. It wasn’t until Gerald’s mother intervened that Tav realized what happened. The wail that left her body wrought her core when she stopped Tav - she was consumed with guilt, had rushed to the bathroom to try to scrub her hands with scalding water in hopes it would take away her ability. As she rubbed her hands together the boiling heat burned her skin, her body shaking with violent sobs and heaves. 
By the time her father was able to get there, her hands were so raw they needed to be salved and wrapped for a few days. 
And so, it was decided it would be in everyone’s best interest for her to hone her talent, learn how to wield and master her abilities and the intensely growing emotions that coursed through her. 
Tav took the opportunity to transform herself, to camouflage and fit in with her peers. It was also exciting, to be among others who shared her thirst for knowledge even though many could not match her talent or ability. Gale could, though, and she found it thrilling. She couldn’t help herself, she spent so much time challenging him, poking at him, taunting him for a reaction because she needed to chase the trill it sent through her body. Even if it meant it was at Gale’s expense. 
She was too young to recognize what that feeling was at the time. Tav had always been one who felt a stronger desire for a persons mind, their spirit rather than for their external appearance - but, looks certainly weren’t a hindrance. Gale was wiry and gawky in their youth and the man before her now was quite different and yet exactly the same. Tav touched her lip, thinking of how close his face was to hers a few nights ago. 
A hand on her shoulder pulled her back to the present, “Tav?” Shadowheart’s gentle voice touched her ear, “Are you ready?” 
“Sorry, you startled me… I was miles away.” Tav blushed and rubbed the back of her neck and looked back towards Gale who had a curious expression. She began, unconsciously, to walk towards him.  
Gale pulled something from the body - a broken lantern of some kind. Tav sighed as his face scrunched, unable to decipher what it was, and she found his concentration delicious. Pull yourself together, she rebuked herself, trying to refocus her attention. Tav recognized it to be a pixie lantern - she had seen one once before, a broken one her father brought back. 
“A pixie lantern?” Tav asked, kneeling beside Gale and extending her arm to take it. “May I?” 
Gale was flustered and he thrusted the lantern towards her hand, his finger lightly brushing hers. “By all means. It seems you’re more familiar with this contraption than I am. Can you feel the magic of it?” Gale murmured, his eyes wide. “It feels dark…” 
“Likely a creation from the Shadow Weave…” Tav mused, biting her lip in concentration. “I wonder what this was used for…” Pixies weren’t known to be hospitable captives and what purpose could a lantern serve in the forge? Tav felt warm, too warm, and licked the sweat from her upper lip and she heard Gale’s breath hitch. Her eyes flicked to his, the brown irises drowned out by endless black pupils. 
Her mouth parted and she reached out to brush the sweat pooling beneath his lips. Gale sighed, “What are you doing…” The shock that swept through her was almost palpable, interrupted by Karlach’s voice. 
“Let’s GO,” Karlach fussed, growing impatient with their investigation. “If we don’t leave soon, we’ll never make it back to camp.” Her voice rose and fell like an over-tired child’s. 
Gale’s soft laugh ignited her and her eyes were glued to him, “Ah, Karlach - what would we do without your exceptional time keeping skills?” 
He was goading her and Karlach frowned playfully, holding up her axe in a faux threat. “I can show you some of my other skills, too, if you’d like.” 
Gale grunted as he pushed himself up, his knees cracking a bit. “Oooo, did you hear that?” He looked down at Tav, a smile playing at his lips and he held out his hand. Although surprised, Tav took it and stood, her hand remaining in his until he begrudgingly released it. “Knees aren’t quite what they used to be.” 
“I’m pretty sure they heard that crack in the hells,” Karlach tossed at Gale, smirking. “Now, I’m moving and you can follow or not.” 
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stellamalonesolaria · 26 days
BTS Jeon Jungkook x Reader X Kim Taehyung FF | Standing Next To You | mini series
pairing: husband’s brother! jungkook wife!reader husband! taehyung
warning: mild swearing, minor nsfw scenes, minor dni.
synopsis : when the time comes, will you choose your husband or your husband’s brother?
genre: rom-com, action thriller (you’ll know why eventually), love triangle au.
Episode 1:
Y/N's pov:
"it's been two years and we have no new lead whatsoever in this case. i'm as distraught as ever.", my firm partner and associate Alex turns to me and says this. I sigh as there's nothing I could do either. "the evidence was completely tampered with leaving no substantial proof", Alex fumes, "you go home Y/N, your husband must be waiting for your arrival, we will investigate this further tomorrow, goodnight", I nod and say "Goodnight Alex."
I get into a cab to commute to my apartment where my husband and i reside together.
I've lost the spark. I was once known as the devil's advocate but as of now I can't even properly review this. if only someone could just find the missing puzzle to this mystery.
time skip
narrator's pov
you reach your apartment. You remove your shoes and place them in the shoe rack situated right near your apartment gate. You get in the house only to be greeted by the aroma of a delicious supper. You immediately furrow your eyebrows because your husband doesn't know how to cook and you don't have a housekeeper or a cook. You usually do the cooking.
"Taehyung, have you finally learnt how to cook?"
You teasingly ask your husband
"Babe he'll never learn how to cook in this lifetime and even if he does it's probably when the pigs fly"
You roll your eyes identifying the voice immediately
"Who gave you the right to insult my husband, Jungkook", you poke as you enter the kitchen to see the muscular man with alarmingly ferocious and eye grazing looks wearing an apron with bunnies embroidered on it
"And of course, you're wearing this apron", you laugh
Jungkook suddenly looks at you intently with a spatula in his hand.
"so instead of replying back, you're gonna physically assault me now? Jungkook you know i'm a lawy–"
you were cut short by this man looking you up and down and then whispering under his breath "still as ugly as ever"
You get mad and say, "still an asshole"
Jungkook rolls his eyes and then takes out a spoon, dips it in one of the dishes he's preparing and inserts it in your mouth
"how is it?", Jungkook asks
"can't believe this scrumptious meal is made by a dick like you" you reply
"scrumptious huh" Jungkook raises his eyebrows
"made by a dick" you remind him that you didn't compliment him
"i know you like my dick" Jungkook retorts
"I don't like microscopic things" you feel your cheek flushing with a shade of pink
"Exactly why you like my di-" Jungkook is interrupted by Taehyung's entry in the kitchen.
Taehyung's eyes are glued to your figure
"di-ctionary, right brother in law?" you stifle a laugh as you say that
"i meant to say dick but okay" Jungkook whines as Taehyung looks at the both of you perplexed. You notice that and chuckle silently.
"Dear husband, go to the dining room, I'll fetch your dinner apparatus" you then look at Jungkook, "Babe, go follow your brother as well, I'll manage the rest, thanks for this though", you wink at them as they both exit the cooking area.
in the dining hall
Taehyung's pov
Y/N sets up the table so meticulously as I watch her, she's beautiful, I keep admiring her features till my eyes set on my brother, gross, didn't even let me feast my eyes with the view.
"Hyung and Y/N, you both haven't even asked my purpose for this sudden visit." Jungkook states, clearly offended.
"Brother, you're here like every month, you practically live here", I respond to him thinking how much that disturbs my alone time with her
"Well that is because I miss you guys too much but the reason of my visit here is work related this time, unfortunately." Jungkook says, satirically of course.
Jungkook and Sarcasm are soulmates; he can't go on without sneering, it's like his life is empty without the touch of mockery in it.
"That means you won't be home much, good for us" I state coldly
both of us laugh at her words, she's just perfect.
Y/N's Pov
I sit down for dinner after i finish serving food to the brothers but as I'm just done sitting on the chair in tranquility, I hear my phone ring.
I get up from my seat to take the call. It's from Alex. It must be about the case, this is important.
"Y/N, I have received an anonymous tip related to this affair." Alex states, cryptically.
"Is it an integral piece of evidence?", I ask demanding for him to not beat around the bush.
"it's definitely a mind blowing one." he replies
"what is it, Alex?" I ask
"The witness protection program authorities just informed me that the witness has been officially released from their center recently" Alex goes off
"How recent, Alex", I ask
"Let me complete Y/N, the spectator has been discharged from the institute today—that opens up many possibilities—" Alex says
"—Like the eyewitness may be associated with the culprit or the witness was a ploy to deceive us and distract us from the real perpetrator" I finish his sentence.
"Yes and what's even more shocking is that the whereabouts of the person is near your vicinity" Alex continues
"Huh—that means I'll have to examine this case properly and go on a lookout for the witness, you're telling me I have to work as a private investigator on top of being a criminal lawyer?" I ask in disbelief
"Y/N you're more than capable for this—plus I've hired a secret agent to assist you with this mission." Alex states
I scoff
"Professionalism can go to hell right? this violates work ethics, you cant just hire a private investigator." I deadpan tell him this
"Y/N, we need to do whatever it takes to find the one behind this—you do not understand the severity of the situation" Alex says sternly
I have to comply with him either ways.
"Okay Alex, goodnight." I say
Alex reciprocates the wish and we end the call.
I go back to the dining room to see Taehyung and Jungkook seated at the table looking like they were waiting for me?
"You're back Y/N", Taehyung says acknowledging my arrival
I smile as Jungkook remarks "No, you're hallucinating Taehyung". Taehyung rolls his eyes of course Jungkook has said that.
I take my seat and we have our dinner
Narrator's pov
dinner :
"I watched this romantic movie recently, it was amazing" you state trying to start a conversation
"What was it about" Jungkook asks
"Idiot, first tell us the name of the movie no" Taehyung adds to Jungkook's statement
"Okay okay, it was about two brothers and their love for the same girl and the extent they were willing to go to pursue the girl and articulate their admiration for her via actions and do you wanna know who the girl picks at the end—" you are suddenly cut off by Taehyung
"Save the spoilers, I'd like to find it out on my own" Taehyung says sternly
Jungkook adds on to Taehyung's statement "of course the main lead would pick the brother most apt for her"
You just slouch your shoulders mockingly indicating that you won't be telling them anything regarding the movie now.
"All i know is it takes courage to be able to go to any lengths for your one true love—that's why I liked the movie honestly" you remark
Jungkook's pov:
love? that's bullshit. i can't ever see myself falling head over heels for someone to an extent where i can do anything for them—including sacrificing my life for them because i know i can't love anyone more than myself
Taehyung's pov:
i mean i do like Y/N but i'm not sure whether i love her and even if i do allow myself to fall in love with her—i don't know if i'd love her enough to go to any lengths to do anything for her
Taehyung's and Jungkook's pov: (in unison)
“i guess only time will tell”
Narrator's pov: at that very instant Y/N gets up to put her plate away into the sink but she ends up slipping and falling backwards.
Y/N's pov:
I fear I'd injure myself badly. I just know my head will severely get hurt. I close my eyes as I prepare myself for the painful fall— I feel a hand—wait no two hands—two very different hands—on my back.
I open my eyes slowly just to see Jungkook and Taehyung holding me by my waist.
to be continued
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lady-embers · 10 months
Where does the Gwyn and Azriel ship come from?
For me, the Gwy/Az ships stems from a lot of things. From their banter to their interactions and how Sarah chooses to have Cassian and Nesta both noticing Azriel looking at Gwyn as well as the expressions Azriel has when he's not known to be so expressive with his emotions.
For instance, Cassian notices Azriel attention being fixed on Gwyn and looking at her with 'admiration and quiet encouragement shining from his face' when she's about to cut the ribbon.
When Gwyn has let out a sound of pure excitement, Azriel turned from talking with other priestesses across the ring with his brows high.
After Gwyn says, "See you tomorrow, Shadowsinger" Azriel stares after her with brows high with amusement and then we have Nesta saying Azriel was the new ribbon in regards to him and Gwyn so she was paying attention to their interaction and making a pretty telling remark on it that hints at foreshadowing.
We have this banter/competitiveness between them:
Gwyn asked Az, her teal eyes bright, “What do we get if we finish the course?” Az’s shadows danced around him. “Since there’s no chance in hell any of you will finish the course, we didn’t bother to get a prize.” Boos sounded. Gwyn lifted her chin in challenge. “We look forward to proving you wrong.”
Also, notice his shadows dancing around him during this scene? His shadows have a very distinct reactions to Gwyn. Something that can't be tied to any other character. His shadows are different with Gwyn and honestly I'd expect them to be if they are actually end up as mates/endgame. I wouldn't want them reacted to anyone else the same.
Plus, we have the similarities of them which I'll list here:
Both are competitive. We see that in ACOSF and the somewhat competition interactions between them.
Both have singing associated with them. Azriel revealed he does in fact sing in his bonus chapter and we know Gwyn sings herself. Also, there is this: "He could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. Could have sworn his shadows sang back in answer."
Both have competed in AND completed the Great Rite.
Both have intense trauma that was dealt at the hands of others. Azriel with his hands because of his brothers and Gwyn with her SA.
Both have spying associate with them. Azriel is the Night Court Spymaster and Gwyn displayed *actual* spy tendencies during the Great Rite with the monsters and waiting and watching them for days in a tree to eventually lead them to the Illyrian to help Nesta and Emerie.
Both have a preference for daggers. Azriel even gave Gwyn a private dagger lesson and Gwyn has been mentioned with daggers in ACOSF. More so than Elain, who gave truthteller back and never looked back and that was the ONLY point of connection between Azriel and Elain as Feyre thinks in her pretty picture of them.
Azriel has blue Siphons and Gwyn has a blue Invoking Stone.
Both deal with feelings of unworthiness. Azriel pretty much feels unworthy of love and Gwyn feels unworthy of wearing the stone.
And of course, we can't forget about the bonus chapter from Azriel POV where these take place:
"It's fine. I came to retrieve something I forgot." The lie was smooth and cool, as he knew his face was. His shadows peered over his wings at her.  The young priestess smiled--and Azriel thought it might have been directed at his curious shadows.
"How was the party?" Her breathe curled in front of her mouth, and one of his shadows darted out to dance with it before twirling back to him. Like it heard some silent music.
Azriel dipped his head in a sketch of a bow, something restless settling in him. Even his shadows had calmed. As if content to lounge on his shoulders and watch. We have direct reference to his shadows calming with Gwyn as well as something restless settling in him. Something we can't tie to anyone else.
Azriel entered the warmth of the stairwell, and as he descended, he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. Could have sworn his shadows sang in answer.
And this is how it ends:
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I also can't forget that at one point in the book it mentions how when Gwyn was cutting the ribbon, the world paused and there was a shift of one path to another and that was after the bonus chapter took place in ACOSF 👀
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soulofapatrick · 2 years
Hypnotised - Derek Hale
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Summary: You think your boyfriend Derek is dead but find out something more heartbreaking 
Words: 852
Warning: angst
Y/N’s POV 
"Y/N, you gotta keep going," Stiles scoots into the seat next to me, being the only one to truly see how much I'm struggling with Derek's death, "Derek wouldn't want you to be sad."
"Y/N," He shushes me and pulls me into a tight hug that has me squeezing my eyes shut tightly to stop the tears that are threatening to fall. I can't cry here, on the coach back from the lacrosse trip and especially after last night in that creepy hotel, "Try get some sleep okay." I just nod into his shirt and let the exhaustion take over.
Upon waking I find I'm in Stiles' jeep and we're outside the loft... Derek's loft. I know why I'm here but I don't think I can do it. Stiles stays quiet and I love that about my brother - he knows when I need him to comfort me and when I just need him to be a silent constant in my life. Now is a silent constant I need to get my thoughts together.
He eventually places a hand over mine, meeting my gaze with soft cognac eyes, "Okay, okay I'm going." I nod, "C-can you wait for me?"
"Of course." He squeezes my hand reassuringly before letting me get out.
The walk up the the loft feels like the longest walk I have ever done and I have to stop ever so often, wanting to turn around and run back down the stairs. After what feels like forever I'm standing in front of the door, shaking and the jaguar side of me becoming almost overwhelmed by the scent that is so... Derek.
The first thing I see is blood, lots of it. Then the bed and it's not empty. No. Derek's there, passed out and bandaged up and he's obviously not alone. A door opens somewhere in the loft and I can't stop the defensive hiss that leaves my throat as I lay eyes upon her... Jennifer Blake. She's wearing one of Derek's shirts and her trousers are thrown somewhere on the floor as all she's in is Derek's shirt.
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I shriek but before I can even think about lunging at the stupid bitch I'm being grabbed and dragged out of the loft by someone with a very familiar scent: motor oil, old books and coffee. Stiles.
"We're going home," He tells me as he manhandles me into the passenger side of the jeep, "Put your claws away!" He adds before shutting the door and climbing into the drivers side. I've seen Stiles angry but not this angry, especially when he speed dials Scott and starts practically screaming that has even me, a werejaguar, cowering in my seat.
I barely remember getting home and Stiles making me dinner as all I can see is Derek - my boyfriend - in bed with my English teacher. The evening blurs past with Stiles and Scott, who gets dragged over by a still fuming Stiles, doting over me. I think I remember one of them running me a bath and getting me into bed because I can't stop crying, finally understanding all those heartbreak songs. I cried myself to sleep and I know Scott could hear from downstairs.
I get woken a few hours later by the familiar slide of my window opening and closing  and suddenly my senses are filled with all things Derek. I whine into the scent but then again I don't know how to feel so I just roll away from the Alpha. He doesn't get to feel hurt yet the pain pheromones are all I can damn smell.
"Just... just listen okay Baby," The bed dips and a shaking hand is placed on my hip, pausing to see if I shake him off but I just can't bring myself too, "I really don't know what happened. Ever since you, Scott and Stiles called me in about the birds in the classroom and I met Jennifer... well, it's felt like I've been hypnotised in some way. Every action I've done has been me... but not me."
"Hypnotised?" I ask quietly, still facing the wall and keeping my eyes squeezed shut.
"Like Jennifer has had some spell on me. She kissed me and I did fight but..." He pauses, as if struggling for the right words, "It was as if my will was suddenly stripped from me. I didn't want anything from Jennifer." He tells me and I shuffle around a bit, unsure whether to believe him or not, "Y/N, I only want you."
"But they age gap and Jennifer's more your age and-"
"Y/N," He pushes me onto my back, climbing over me and holding my face in his hands so I have no choice but to look into his sunflower eyes as he speaks, punctuating every word, " I. Only. Want. You."
"I love you,"
"Yes, you."
I'm surging up, capturing his lips in a kiss and just relishing in the feel of Derek. He's mine and I'm not letting him go.
"You still have to face Stiles."
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fic-recommended · 3 months
Steddie Fics
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more to be added, if I feel like adding
Across, Diagonal and Upside Down – rajumat
(2,889 words, 1 chapter, Teen)
Tags: Fluff and Crack, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Bingo, no beta we die like men
After Billy beats the shit out of Steve, Dustin makes the entire party Upside Down Bingo Cards, because awful things suck less when you have something fun to think about. Or: Steve wins at bingo.
Cute intro to Steddie and just fun trauma bonding times.
Camp Folktale, Summer of ’86 – cairparaels
(113,859 words, 47 chapters, Not Rated)
Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Summer Camp, Steve Harrington Is a Mess, Hurt Eddie Munson, Eddie is nice to everyone but Steve and no one knows why, Miscommunication, Swimming, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington is Trying His Best, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Friendship, Campfires, Cryptids, Ghost Stories, Power Outages, Secret Admirer, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Found Family, Eddie and Steve are reluctant dads, POV Alternating, Slow Burn, Eventual Romance, Fluff and Humor, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down, Jealousy, eddie munson is a virgin, Flirting, Sexual Tension, Eddie Munson Gets Flustered Very Easily, So does Steve but he would never admit it, Not Beta Read, Tolkien References, Kissing, Making Out, Makeup, Flea Markets, Skinny Dipping, underwater kissing, Saving the camp, Eventual Smut, Smut, Overuse of italics
When Steve applies for a summer camp per Dustin's request, he doesn’t expect to have the most interesting summer of his life. Featuring a sulky metalhead who hates Steve for no reason, eight kids set on driving Steve to an early grave, Robin Buckley’s ability to charm any girl she wants, and Steve’s bisexual disaster/dream/nightmare. But hey, that’s what summer camp is all about. Right?
This fic made me obsess over making summer camps in the sims with queer romances. This fic is good. Simple word but an incredible feat.
The One in Which a Time Loop is Fucking Exhausting. – badpancake
(41,496 words, 12 chapters, Teen)
Tags: Time Loop, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Steve Harrington-centric, Hurt Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, im so sorry, steve deserves a little sexuality crisis, as a treat, Eventual Happy Ending, steve is sick of this shit, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, it takes a time loop for these fuckers to get together, Steve Harrington Is a Mess, Suicide Attempt, Whump, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Groundhog Day (1993) Fusion, Dyslexic Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Has ADHD, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Slow Burn, Kinda, BAMF Steve Harrington, Suicidal Thoughts, Steve Harrington Whump, can be read standalone!!, Touch-Starved Steve Harrington, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Protective Steve Harrington, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, in the end.... eventually, Families of Choice, Vecna Possessing Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Has Powers, kinda??, i guess we can call it that
It’s the first time in a while that he doesn’t know what comes next. He’s dove into the water hundreds of times. Screamed as his flesh was torn apart, heard Master of Puppets in the distance and held back tears. Felt Max’s cold, small hand in his as she laid in the hospital bed. There are things that always happen, no matter how hard he tries: El doesn’t arrive in time. Eddie dies. Max is put in a coma. Steve fails. They lose. “Steve, how many loops have you been through?” His head is nodding, and his eyes are watery, and Eddie has approached him like a spooked animal. “I lost count.” AKA: The one where Steve Harrington is stuck in a time loop, and Eddie Munson is really fucking hard to save, or: fuck Volume 2, these bitches are in love.
I cried alot reading this fic. Yet it is the only Steddie fic I can really think of that gave me such a lasting impression that I find myself quoting it even to people who have no idea where it’s from. 
You’re Divine – Oonionchiver
(259,565 words, 8 chapters , Explicit)
Tags: Slow Burn, Falling In Love, Codependency, Human/Monster Romance, Steve Harrington's Medium Tendency to Self Destruct, Blood Kink, BDSM, Choking, Painplay, The Worst/Best Bath Ever, Blood Drinking, Eating Disorders, Suicidal Ideation, Rough Sex, Daddy Kink, this might fuck you up, Vampire Eddie Munson, Human/Vampire Relationship, Monsterfucking On Main Oh My, DO NOT ADD TO GOODREADS, Robin and Steve are Soul Mates, Affectionate Obsession, Subdrop, Sharing Blood Before They Ever Kiss, Dom/sub, Happy Ending Literally Always Guaranteed In This House, Fuck Me Up But Make It Devastatingly Disgustingly Romantic, Switching, But y'know we cant be normal about it, Size Kink, This Might Awaken Things In You, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Possession, now with art!, Suicide Attempt
‘Blood?’ Eddie says again. Eyes black but for the slice of iridescent white in the centre. His teeth are sharp, his hands are weapons and Steve thinks maybe he’s made a mistake doing this without telling Eddie first. Eddie’s focus lowers, it moves to his left hand which is… Oh fuck. It’s dripping blood onto the floor. ‘Shit,’ Steve says, takes a single step back, swallows. ‘Eddie, I’m so sorry, fuck.’ Eddie can’t seem to look away, can’t bring his ethereal gaze back up where it belongs. Steve thinks he should run, he should flee. A tiny part of him knows Eddie will chase him. Eddie will catch him, outrun him easily. It's more than a little fucked up how that thrills him.
I think where I went wrong is not seeing the teeny tiny pesky little tag that says this might awaken something in you I know if I were to have see it I wouldn’t be who I am today. Because holy fucking hell does this fic make something inside you hatch. Like what the fuck. Incredible writing I love a monster fucker.
Suspended Bridges - foresthearts
(243,553 words, 35 chapters, Mature)
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Steve Harrington, Alpha Eddie Munson, Stancy is not endgame, Steve thinks he’s afraid of Eddie when he really just has a big fat crush, Oblivious Steve Harrington, mentions of Mpreg because omegaverse, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Steve meets Eddie before s4, Slow Burn, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Period-Typical Homophobia, Steve is an omega pretending to be an alpha, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Unreliable Narrator, Tall Eddie, Dom/sub Undertones, Dom Eddie Munson, EMT Steve Harrington, Mileven will break up in this i am sorry, Mutual Pining, Family Dynamics, Redemption Arcs, Found Family, Misunderstandings, But hopefully not in an obnoxious way, Protective Eddie Munson
“Steve really needed to get his stupid thing he had with Munson under control. He struggled to find a word for it. It was like an anti-crush or something. The same awareness and panic that a crush brought, but not because he had feelings for the guy. Because of the opposite. Because any time he saw Munson, his heart kicked up in fear, his breathing got shallow, his whole body started to warm. Munson made him want to turn heel and run.” In which Steve has the opposite of the suspended bridge effect. (Featuring omega!Steve pretending to be an alpha and alpha!Eddie silently losing his mind.)
I think I can sum this fic up better in a scene. So you see me standing in the middle of my kitchen, hand over my mouth, eyes wide, as I read the big reveal and a certain metal heads reaction. My partner is astounded. I am shaking and blushing. Nothing is more magnificent or earth shatteringly embarrassing for all parties, real or otherwise, involved. Magnificent fic if I do say so myself.
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dumfanting · 9 months
AO3 Link
Rating: E, explicit
Warnings: masturbation, being overheard (voyeurism?), orgasms | Fem reader, second person POV, present tense
Whipped this up in the parking lot while waiting for my shift to start. I have more ideas for it if this does well enough.
~700 Words
Hunter/ F! Reader
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You’ve been with Clone Force 99 for several weeks, and you’re surprised by how well you integrated into the squad. You get along with everyone, save for Hunter. He can’t seem to decide if he wants you around or not. On missions, you work together just fine, but in the squad’s downtime, he does his best to avoid you completely. To say that it’s frustrating would be an understatement. Especially since you’re so attracted to him. 
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The Marauder is currently in hyperspace, headed back to Coruscant after a mission, and everybody is asleep but you. What was supposed to be simple recon earlier in the day had gone very wrong, and at one point you and Hunter had to slip into a tight gap between buildings to avoid being captured. He’d gone in first, then yanked you in behind him. He held you into place with one hand on your hip and another behind your neck. Your hands were gripping his shoulders, and the two of you were chest to chest. It was the closest you had ever been to the Sargent, and now, lying awake in your bunk, you can’t help the flood of arousal that consumes you as you think about it, and him in general.  
You sit up and peek out at the others from behind your privacy curtain. Everyone’s still asleep. You pull your head back and make sure the curtain is completely hiding you and your bunk. You shimmy out of your shorts and lie back down, pulling your tank top up and exposing your chest. Your hand slips down between your legs, but you hesitate before touching yourself. You weren’t too worried about getting caught, but you still had reservations about getting yourself off while surrounded by men. Debating, you close your eyes and vividly recall the expression on Hunter’s face when you were so close earlier. His pupils had been blown, he was panting slightly through parted lips as he kept eye contact with you, and he had pulled you forward enough that you were mere inches from his face. 
‘Oh to hell with it,’ you think, biting your lip. You softly exhale, and experimentally drag your thumb along your clit. When your hips twitch in response, you bite back a moan, then begin moving in earnest, eventually dipping into your pussy and using your own juices to rub circles against your clit with little effort. With one hand busy, you massage one of your breasts with the other. You roll your pebbled nipple between two fingers and pinch, though not enough to hurt.
As your hands work, you allow yourself to relax and fantasize about what you wanted to happen in that tight space with Hunter today. You quickly imagine your hands as his, his fingers plunging into you as he hovers above you, his hair out of the bandana and curtaining his face as he watches you come undone for him. You’re so focused on this that you forget where you are and a soft moan of his name leaves your lips. As your peak approaches, you have no idea that Hunter has also been lying awake, and he could hear everything. 
His bunk is behind yours, the two of you separated only by a thin wall. He could smell it when you’d first gotten wet, but he was able to hold back from also touching himself. You’re a teammate and it wouldn’t be right, no matter how much he wants you. But then he heard you say his name, and he can’t ignore how painfully hard he is. Hunter grits his teeth as he frees his cock, already leaking precum. He uses this to lube up his hand and stroke himself, and by the time he hears your breath hitch, his peak is already just as close as yours. 
You come first with another gasp of Hunters name, fucking your hand through your orgasm and not really trying to be quiet. Afterwards, as you lie in your bunk, catching your breath, your entire body freezes when you hear a soft ‘fuck’, followed by a muffled groan, coming from his bunk behind yours. 
Oh sweet Maker, he heard you. 
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taglist: @kaminocasey @madameminor @jennamelinda12 @arctrooper69 @the-cantina @jedi-hawkins
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isagisbabygorl · 1 year
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pov: he’s your bodyguard <3 (suggestive!)
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“i don’t need a bodyguard.” 
i cross my arms over my chest as my dad sighs. why is my family paying so much money for a bodyguard? especially a bodyguard from the well-known and strong gojo clan. 
“are you guys affiliated with the yakuza or something?”
“no it’s not that.” my dad sighs again at my question. “it’s just for your own safety, okay?”
“i can barely go out on my own. i’m 25, may i have to remind you.” 
my dad begins to get irritated and dismisses what i said. “this is satoru gojo.”
i look at the man. first impression: he’s hot. he’s tall and handsome. white hair, cerulean blue eyes, has a muscular build. the facial expression he’s wearing looks like a mixture of cool, serious, bored, and tired. 
 “hi gojo, i’m (name),” i reply. he says nothing in return, but just gives me a small smirk. 
“thank you gojo for watching over our daughter,” my father says, finally showing a smile. 
“it’s no problem,” gojo replies. 
“you can go home,” i tell the white-haired man. 
“(name)! for goodness sake, can you stop being such a damn brat?!”
“i never asked for a bodyguard.”
“and i never asked for a daughter.”
my mouth drops in shock. “was i a mistake or something then?”
my dad realizes what he just says and pinches his nose. yeah, i hope you get a ragingly painful headache for that. i glance over at gojo who’s just standing there with that same rather cool smirk. 
“maybe use condoms next time?”
all it takes is one step from my dad and gojo is in between us. talk about fast reflexes… 
“yeah, i don’t need a bodyguard.”
“i don’t care what you think! he’s staying and that’s final,” my dad snaps. 
“whatever.” pissed off at everything, i walk out of the house. of course, gojo is following me behind. i can sense stares from people but i could care less. i mean it’s not everyday you see a 6’4 muscular man following around a small girl like a guard dog. 
“you can go home,” i tell him for a second time. 
“uh, no. sorry, but that’s not my job. my job is to protect you and keep an eye on you, remember?”
“i’ll be okay. i’m sure you’re tired.” i take note of dark circles growing underneath his bright blue eyes. 
“tired or not, i have a responsibility in my hands. and that responsibility is you.” 
i stop in my tracks. this causes him to stop, too. i take this moment to turn around and look up at him. “how old are you?”
i can tell the question catches him off guard. “i’m 28. why?”
“just wondering.”
i turn back around and continue walking. an orange glow from the sunset casts itself over the city. it’s beautiful and manages to calm me down a bit. 
“where are we going?” gojo asks. 
“to a hotel.”
“... why?”
“i wanna get away from everyone.”
eventually, i find a grand hotel and step inside the lobby, getting a room. i only get one room with one bed. i don’t expect gojo to come inside with me and hope that by having to stay outside the door, he’ll get bored and go home. maybe. am i being cruel? i just want to be alone right now and have privacy. 
even the elevator ride to the room is quiet. but soon enough, i find my room and unlock the door with the card, stepping inside. “you can go home, gojo,” i say for the third time. 
before i can close the door, he stops it. he puts his hand on the door as he looms in front of the doorway. he’s so tall that his head is practically touching the frame. 
“did you not hear me the first time?”
“i was listening when you talked about me being your responsibility and all, but-” i tried to close the door but it wasn’t budging. gojo’s palm pressed firmly above my head on the door prevented it from moving even an inch. 
“uh huh.”
gosh, this angle is bad. i hate the way he’s looking down at me and the way his arms flex whenever i try to close the door further. i wanna trace the dips of his muscles with my-
i snap out of my thoughts and see him smirking. that might just end me. actually… am i ovulating?
“no,” i lie. he sees right through it. crap. 
gojo takes advantage of my state and lets himself in, closing the door and locking it. i take a few steps back to give him space between my body and his but he’s quick to close it, leaning down to match eye level. 
“relax, i’m not gonna hurt you. or kidnap you. or murder you.”
of course, he sounds sketchy saying that but i can tell that his tone is genuine. still, him being this close is making my heart race. 
“look, if you don’t leave…”
“... what are you going to do?” he smirks more. it’s tempting to say the least. 
“i’m gonna…”
“gonna do what?” his mouth is close to my left ear. it’s low, deep, and husky. 
“i’m gonna shave your head bald!”
gojo stands back up straight and laughs. “haha, you’re cute. and funny.”
i blush at the comment. ugh i can’t take this anymore. i put my hands on his chest and attempt to push him back but he doesn’t move. just like the door. 
“how much… protein… do you eat?!” i say in between breaths, trying my hardest to push him but he remains firmly planted. 
“i don’t keep track.”
then gojo decides to stop being a tree and i end up pushing him back against the hotel room door. it makes a loud sound and i gasp. 
“oh my gosh, i’m so sorry! are you-”
“woahhh,” gojo teases me. “just what do you think you’re doing?”
i turn crimson red at his words and immediately take multiple steps back, covering my face with my hands. 
“awww don’t be so embarrassed. i’m just playing.” gojo walks past me and slumps in the chair. he just has to manspread, huh. “i’m staying here. if you try to run, i’ll catch you.”
“what if i just sneak out when you sleep?”
“i barely sleep. i’m also a pretty light sleeper and can tell that you’re very tired yourself. long day, right?” ugh he can read me too well. i watch as he takes off his black compression shirt in front of me. is that appropriate? 
“um well… you should get some rest though. at least 8 hours. you look tired,” i say. 
his gaze at me softens. “it’s okay, i’m used to getting only 4-5 hours.”
i feel bad and for a moment, i’m quiet. “i can sleep on the floor tonight. i’ll make a makeshift bed and-”
“no no, (name), it’s okay, i can sleep on this chair-”
“i’ve slept on the floor before a couple times already and it’s quite comfortable. don’t worry, i’ll be alright.”
gojo was adamant about me not sleeping on the floor. “no seriously, i-”
“hey, they have food service here!” i change the topic, picking up a menu on the table. “hungry?”
gojo shakes his head. “i’m alright.”
“mmm okay. i’m gonna get a bottle of red wine.” i begin to dial the food service number. the person on the other end of the phone picks up and i order the most expensive bottle of red wine on the menu. 
after hanging up, i tell gojo i’m gonna shower. i end up showering faster than i expected and come out to see him still on the chair, but with his eyes closed. he looks completely relaxed. i can’t tell if he’s just resting or asleep. 
my eyes wander across his bare torso. gosh, how much does he bench press? his chest is broad and huge. his firm shoulders are literal boulders. i also notice how big his biceps are. i can’t imagine how much they must pop out if he flexes them on purpose-
a knock interrupts my thoughts. “food service!” a voice yells from outside. 
gojo and i make eye contact for a second as he opens his eyes due to the sudden voice. i immediately break it and head to the door, thanking the worker and getting the wine i ordered. 
i find wine glasses in a cabinet and pour myself some. “want any?” i ask gojo. 
“i think it’s best if i stay sober,” he smiles. 
“low tolerance that’s why?”
“nope. how are you with alcohol?”
“i’m uhh…” all i took was a couple sips and my cheeks already feel warm. “i have a low tolerance to it but it’s fine. i don’t do anything crazy when i’m drunk.”
“is that what your friends told you?”
“i never really drank with friends before.” i finish my first glass and immediately refill it. this was some good vintage wine. 
i’m not sure how many glasses i drank. gojo and i made small talk, like him just getting to know me better, but my memory was becoming difficult to organize. like is it just me or has he been looking at me… hungrily? must be my imagination. 
“you’re… not gonna sleep?” i ask. i’m sitting on the floor, my left elbow on the bed as i use my left hand to support my head. 
“not yet,” gojo replies amusingly. 
i yawn and get up. “well i might.” i open the closet to find spare pillows and blankets and set up a little bed on the floor. 
“hey, i said you could sleep on the-”
i grab gojo’s hand before he can finish and lead him to the bed. i then gently push him down and crawl on top of him. “you,” i point at his chest. “are sleeping here tonight.”
gojo just looks at me with wide eyes. he’s shocked at my actions but shouldn’t this be expected? i’m literally drunk. or do i just smell good? the wine smelled like berries after all. 
“oh? did you have some wine when i wasn’t looking? your cheeks are flushed,” i tease, poking at his cheeks. 
he turns a brighter shade of red. “i was talking to you the whole time.”
“mhmmm,” i slur. my hands unconsciously begin to trace his muscles. 
i’m so glad he’s not wearing a shirt right now. he’s so fucking hot. 
“you think i’m hot?”
i pause. did i say that out loud?
“yeah, you said that out loud,” gojo chuckles. 
“shit… my bad.” uh oh, now i can’t seem to differentiate my thoughts from reality. “let’s make it even. you tell me something on your mind now.”
i can sense how gojo pauses. his jaw clenches. his fists curl up. it’s like he’s holding back something and debating between spilling his guts or keeping quiet. i wanna ask him what’s so badly on his mind but he opens his mouth before i can. 
“do you… want to know every single thing that i want to do tonight?”
i nod. 
“are you sure?” he asks me this like there’s no turning back if he does. 
“tell me.”
“alright, here’s the whole list.” gojo swallows and i catch the way his throat moves. “i want to get a good feel of you. since i’m definitely not going to let you get away with hiding yourself from me. then i want to make you feel... good. real good. i’d like that, if you do.”
for a moment, i can’t speak. i can’t move. i can’t blink. i can’t do anything but avert my eyes so i’m not looking at him. he must’ve drunk the wine. he must’ve drunk the wine. he must’ve drunk the wine. “how do you want to get a good feel of me?” i blurt out. 
“how do i want to get a good feel of you?” gojo rubs his hand up my arm. “i want to touch every single part of you.”
those words alone make me want to take this stupid oversized t-shirt off. his touch is driving me insane. his hands are rough from callouses and i can tell they’re from weight lifting. oh to be the bar he bench presses-
“is that a no?”
i kiss him before he can say any more. like hell i would say no to him. 
his lips are soft and seem to fit perfectly on mine. he kisses back, but that’s when i realize i didn’t ask him for his consent so i pull away. 
“i’m sorry i didn’t ask for consent…”
gojo just stares at me like he was hurt i pulled away. but then his expression eases into a smile. “you can do anything to me, baby girl. do i have yours?”
i nod. such a simple movement seemed to flick a switch in his head because next thing i know, he’s tugging on my shirt and telling me to take it off. he’s begging me. 
“please, i want to see the pretty sight you’re hiding underneath.” his breath is hot against my skin. "please." i nod again, looking at the way his hands are clenching on my shirt so hard that his veins are extra noticeable. my shirt is off before i know it and he’s tracing the outline of my black lace bra. i know what’s coming off next. 
gojo is sat up a little now. taking advantage of this position, he gently pushes me down, laying me on my back and now he’s the one hovering over me. his frame is huge but his abs are what catch my eye. gosh maybe he should share his workout routine with me. 
our lips are back on each other’s. his lips taste a certain way that i can’t describe but it’s addicting. unexpectedly, he slides his tongue in which earns a little noise from me. that in turn makes gojo hum lowly, a guttural noise from the back of his throat. 
eventually, he pulls away and breaks the kiss, leaving us panting. but he wastes no time. gojo goes straight for my neck, kissing it softly and it tickles a little, until he kisses harder. the force, especially on that sweet spot of my neck, makes me grip onto his shoulders. 
“how am i supposed to stop after that?” his voice is rough, hoarse, and desperate. 
“don’t,” i breathe out, breathless even though i’m not doing the physical work. “i want you.”
gojo unexpectedly pulls away, leaving my neck to feel cold and empty. he looks down at me with a smirk. “now that i’ve got you where i want you, i guess i’ll just have to make the best of it. how about i make you beg for it, hm? you say that you want me right?”
i was so needy and desperate that i threw away my self-respect a long time ago. “satoru, please. please touch me.”
gojo pauses at the use of his first name. “say my name again.”
“again,” he says, each time inching closer toward my neck and collarbone area. he plays with the left strap of my bra and lets it fall to the side. 
i decide to say something different. “how about you make me say your name until i lose my voice?”
“watch me,” he replies without hesitation, quick to kissing my neck again. he then softly bites down on my collarbone and begins to suck on the skin. i squeeze my eyes shut. he’s gonna leave a mark but i don’t seem to mind. 
“you’re mine. all mine.”
that night was a blur. unfortunately, i don’t remember the rest because i was too drunk. but there was a lot of kissing… touching… neediness… 
i wake up past 11 AM which is super late for me. this morning is different though. gojo is sleeping next to me, in nothing but boxers. he looks so peaceful. i’m sure that this is the most sleep he’s probably ever gotten in a while. 
i look down at myself. i’m back in my oversized t-shirt i swore he took off of me last night. even the bed i made on the floor is untouched. yawning, i groggily walk towards the bathroom. maybe that was a dream. or… not. 
i notice the mark on my collarbone. it causes me to clasp my hand over my mouth. did i… did i do that with my bodyguard? i CANNOT have my parents, my father especially, find out about this. 
the rest of the day was spent avoiding the topic of last night. i went shopping, gojo carried all my bags for me, we went on the city’s huge Ferris wheel, and ate dinner at a nice restaurant. 
when we got back to the hotel room, we were both exhausted. i couldn’t help but glance at the bottle of red wine on the table. there was still some left inside. that’s when gojo breaks the tension. 
“‘i don’t do anything crazy when i’m drunk,’” gojo quotes my words from yesterday. “do you remember what happened last night?”
my hands unconsciously touch that spot on my collarbone. “do you?”
“i remember it in great detail.”
my body shivers a little as i remember the way he touched me. his rough hands were soft, despite his callouses. he touched me gently like i was a fragile, delicate object. like i could shatter any second and i required precise care. 
he kissed me like my lips were an addicting drug he couldn’t get enough of. his body connected with mine like our bodies were meant for each other. he touched me in places i forgot about. he told me the most sweetest and most inappropriate things in existence. my ears heard it all, my eyes saw it all, my skin felt it all. he was greedy for me. 
“i want to remember.”
gojo put the shopping bags down and held my hand. he led me to the bed as he sat on the edge of the mattress, pulling me to sit on his lap so i was straddling him. he cups half of my face with one of his large hands and looks at me so… lovingly. 
“want to do it again sober this time?”
like hell i would say no to him. 
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a/n: character ai inspired 😞 gojo brainrot is real.
© isagisbabygorl
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milawritesstuff · 2 years
pedri fingering reader under table at a dinner imagine
A/N: I really liked this one. Also, I can’t imagine him doing this lol.
Warnings: ⚠️ smut
Pedri’s POV
The whole table laughed at something Gavi had said. I looked over at Y/N and smirked. She was trying to smile but my hand creeping up her thighs was making her uncomfortable. She looked over at me and with just her eyes told me to stop, but I didn’t.
She had been annoyed at me all week, avoiding me. I’m not even sure why but finally last night she caved in. -Even if you annoy me, I love you.- she had said. One week had been too long without being close to her. And to be honest the only thing I wanted to do today was rip that dress off of her.
I leaned in to her ear and whispered -If you could just open your legs for me it would be much easier and maybe people won’t notice.- her cheeks turned bright red but she didn’t say anything.
I kept my hand at her thigh and slowly moved to her inner thigh. The short dress she had chosen for today had been perfect. It truly wasn’t that short but sitting down and it hugged her ass tightly and moved up. When she finally realized that I wasn’t going to give up I felt her reluctantly spread her legs for me. I looked over at her and smiled, she rolled her eyes.
I moved my hand up higher and managed to push her underwear to the side quickly dipping one finger in her. I bit my bottom lip as I felt how wet and warm she was. I closed my eyes for a second thinking how nice it would have felt to have my dick inside of her instead of just a finger. I saw as she also bit her lip trying to mask any noise her body would make her do. Seeing how hard she struggled not to manifest her pleasure turned me on even more.
She wiggled in her seat as she tried to continue the conversation with the other people.
At the other end of the table was Gavi. As I turned my attention to who was talking our eyes met. He was looking at me with a questioning look on his face. He nodded his head as if asking what was going on. I smirked and he looked over at her. She was biting her bottom lip as my fingers went in and out of her. Pablo shook his head and covered his face with his hands. I began to laugh and Y/N turned to each of us. I felt as her legs closed on my hand. She wanted me to stop.
Your POV
You felt as his finger entered you, he added another and you wanted nothing more than to moan in pleasure but you couldn’t.
You had been icing him out all week because of something he said. The truth was it had completely gone over his head and finally last night you had forgiven him. He was so oblivious it would have taken decades for him to know what he said wrong.
You knew wearing a short dress was a bad idea.
You squirmed in your seat trying to act normal but it was impossible. You turned to look at Pedri who had a smug look on his face acting as if nothing was happening.
You thought about getting up and taking him to the restroom so he could do whatever he wanted to you there and then. But you didn’t want to give in so easily to his little games. You turned over to look at him and rolled your eyes seeing how turned on he was knowing how much control you lacked in the situation.
Your eyes met with Gavi’s who gave you a quick nervous smile and put his face in his hands. He knew what Pedri was doing. You felt your cheeks warm up. You blushed knowing Gavi had noticed and wondered who else had.
You quickly began to close your legs around Pedri’s hand which surprisingly provided you with more friction. Friction that you needed. But no, you had to snap out of it.
You leaned into his ear.
-If you keep this up Pedrito you’re not getting any tonight or tomorrow or the day after that.- he rolled his eyes in response.
-Fine.- he eventually said. You opened yours legs a bit to give him room to take his hand out. When he brought his hand up above the table again he looked over at you and put the two fingers that had been in you in his mouth. Her sucked then dry. This sent shivers down to your core.
-Did you like the food that much, Pedri.- said Xavi who was also sitting in your table. Pedri looked up a bit surprised that he had seen him. He smiled. -It’s probably some of the best I’ve had.- he looked over at you with a cocky smirk on his face.
-I should get what you got next time.- said Xavi.
TAG LIST: @cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff @bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0 @l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife @beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re @pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover
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dollyyun · 6 months
𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 | chap 02
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SYPNOSIS: wherein the princess, who is a clandestine assassin, has been commanded to eliminate the seven vampire princes.
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), reverse harem, contemporary fantasy, enemies to lovers, third pov, eventual previous past lives will be entailed.
WARNINGS: violence, expletives, toxicity, suggestive themes.
TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun @b3tt7boop @smg-valeria @lhspeachie @enhaverse713586 @strxwbloody @firstclassjaylee @jwnghyuns @luminouskalopsia @deobitifull @loumin908
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If there is one quality that vampires are incapable of possessing, it is the virtue of benevolence. Even towards their own kind, they are malevolent and callous, but strategic enough to grasp any opportunity that works in their favours, resulting in them ostensibly being amiable towards others. Utterly deceitful.
So, when Jungwon provided her with garments consisting of black pants and a white tunic blouse, enmity gave way to prudence within her. She had expected him to drag her to a dungeon or torture room, but he brought her back to the room where she had awakened earlier.
"Why?" The word instantly flies out of her mouth, dissuading Jungwon from leaving the room, as he intends to give her some privacy.
Jungwon cocks an inquisitive eyebrow at her in response. With the light streaming through the window pane, the ray of light kisses his complexion, allowing her to examine his striking yet divine features, notably his cat-like eyes that are piercing enough to unnerve someone. Though the hue of his eyes is crimson, she notices a tinge of green iridescence that seems to bewitch her the longer she gazes deeply into his eyes.
Truly bewitching, yet she senses danger lurking, or rather, slithering beneath his cryptic countenance, as though it is simply waiting for the perfect moment to attack her.
"What do you mean by why?" His voice is icy-cold.
Despite how austere he is, Elora remains unyielding. The frown tugging at the corner of her lips deepens. "Why are you being courteous to me even when you must've known that I'm a foe?"
The air in the room shifts into something that she discerns as pernicious as he stalks towards her, each step is deliberate. His crimson eyes bear wicked intent, prompting her heart to palpitate even though her face is void of emotion, not wanting to give away that he manages to intimidate her just a little.
However, Jungwon doesn't seem to have the intention to stop either, as he closes the space between them, forcing Elora to eventually back away from him without breaking the intense eye contact with him until her back hits the bed's columnar foot post.
Her breath catches in her throat the moment he leans down to the side of her head while his hand is placed just above her head. A menacing grin touches his lips upon hearing her heart beat like a drum.
"Now that you've brought it up, maybe I should have you locked up in a dungeon." His voice drops to an octave with a husky rasp to it, and she unconsciously curls her hand into fists. "Or better yet, have you chained to a wall as I inflict my torturous method on you." He whispers, his cold breath fanning the cusps of her earlobe, before he slowly dips his head at the junction between her jaw and neck.
Her pulses go erratic at the moment his lips come into contact with the skin of her neck. An odd sensation pools in her tummy when she feels the tip of his fangs graze across her skin tantalisingly.
"Would you like that?" His soft chuckle sounds lethal. "I think you would. I'd gladly show you the ways I could inflict unimaginable pain on you to the point where you'd be begging for me to end your life instead."
As he slowly pulls away, just enough for her eyes to meet his, she releases the breath she has been holding. She ignores the tension that feels oddly sultry between them while her cold eyes glare into his. "Just because I might be powerless now doesn't mean you should underestimate me. You have no idea what I am truly capable of, your highness."
His lips unfurl with a soft smirk, catching her off guard at the sight of a dimple on his left cheek. "You really want to know why I didn't? It's because we have collectively decided not to kill you."
"Why?" She presses.
"You'll find out sooner or later." The smirk on his lips drops just as the tension does. "Do not mistake our courtesy for being chivalrous. Now, no more questions from you. Go take a shower and change into the garments I gave you. We'll be expecting you in the main chamber."
Elora frown. "But I don't know where it is."
Jungwon pauses, as if he finally realises that she has yet to navigate her way around the palace. "Then I'll be waiting for you outside the room." He takes a step back. "Don't take too long."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Elora has embarked on perilous adventures and faced ineffable dangers, and each was a successful endeavour in which she assassinated the names and creatures on her extensive list, subsequently proving her worth in the eyes of monarchs despite her inaptitude of intrinsic power.
So to finally face the princes, albeit there are only four princes in her line of sight, is nothing to her. But their gazes alone are piercing enough to unnerve someone. The main chamber is dim with the curtains drawn down, obstructing the sunlight from streaming in.
The only luminescence derives from a few artificial lights afloat on the ceiling and the brilliance of their crimson-hued eyes that are leering at her as she stands a few feet from them. They are leisurely seated on four separate wingback velvet couches.
Elora stands tall with a hint of defiance displayed on her countenance, refusing to allow any of them to intimidate her. But there is something in the air around them, which she discerns. She blinks her eyes, and this time she sees obfuscate spectral stemming from their bodies. They last only for a second before disappearing as she blinks again.
Dread clenches around her spine while her heart palpitates unevenly. She realises that the princes and the power they wield are more mystifying than she thought.
"What's your name again?" Sunoo's voice echoes throughout these walls, and just by the sound of his voice she concludes that he is rather a conceited prince. His leg drapes over the other while his elbows rest on the arm rest with his hands clasped together. "Since we already know that you're a mermaidian, you should let us know your name." A sly smile smears across his sheeny pink lips. "After all, you're going to get used to seeing us and being around us from now on."
Fortunately, no one knows that Aetherlyn has a princess except the Mermaidians. "Elora." Her introduction is aloof, but Sunoo's last statement alarms her, causing her eyebrows to furrow while her frown deepens. "What do you mean by getting used to seeing you?"
"Well, after a discussion we had, we have collectively come to an agreement that it's in our best interest to keep you alive." Jungwon says, drawing her attention to his piercing gaze. As if he's reading her mind, he proceeds to elucidate further. "No, we're not keeping you as a slave─"
"Which we have considered, especially with exquisite blood like yours." Jake interjects in a seductive lull, giving her a simper smile that involuntarily sends a peculiar flutter to her heart.
Jungwon shoots Jake a glare briefly before resuming. "As I was saying, we're not keeping you as a slave, but rather, we'll hold you as a captive detainee instead."
Her ire is bubbling within her, but her demeanour remains collected. "For what purpose?"
"Because you're a mermaidian, obviously." Sunoo answers with his head tilting to one side. "We haven't seen a real-life mermaidian before. We'd love to learn about your species and explore what you have to offer." She senses an underlying meaning, as does the way his eyes rake her physique, sending an odd chill down her spine.
"But that's not the main point." Heeseung's voice compels her quicker than she likes. Soft as silk yet beguiling. Her eyes meet his, and a sense of familiarity is like a veil has been removed from her head, but it dissipates quicker. "You see, we are obligated to appease the royal court with anything that is beneficial and valuable to them."
Elora crosses her arms below her chest, not liking where this is going. "Let me guess. Is it me?"
Elora's heart skips a beat at the way he unfurls his pink lips into a soft yet handsome smirk. "As much of a beauty you are, Mia Cara, I'm afraid you're not as valuable as the one thing we desire."
Uneasiness crawls its way into her heart. "And what is that?"
Heeseung's smirk widens the tiniest fraction. "The crystal heart of Oceania."
Her heart feels as though it drops to the pit of her stomach. She swallows harshly, finding her throat going dry. "So why am I being held captive when you said so yourself that I'm not valuable?"
In a blink of an eye, Heeseung appears in front of her, causing her to jolt and back away from him, but he has other plans as he grips her arm firmly and pulls her towards him. "Don't you get it? You're a mermaidian, and your kingdom safeguards the crystal heart of Oceania." He says softly yet lethally, and his crimson eyes are glowing brighter.
Elora's breath catches in her throat as he leans his face towards hers, stopping just a few inches away. "Which means you'll be taking us to your homeland." He smiles. "Understand now?"
"No!" Elora pushes him away from her, though her push doesn't have an impact on him. "There is no damn way I'll take you there!"
"You have no choice." Jake says, sounding nonchalant.
Elora curls her hands into fists. "Even if I were to take you to my homeland, it would take weeks or even months!" She exclaims, no longer concealing her ire.
"Then use your magic to teleport us there." Sunoo provides the obvious solution.
She clenches her jaw. "I can't."
Jungwon raises his eyebrow, intrigued. "Why can't you?"
"Because─" She bites her lips, looking away from their curious yet attentive gazes. She shakes her head. "Whatever. My answer is a dead no."
"You don't seem to understand that you are in no position to object." Heeseung grips her wrist and pulls her impossibly closer until the space between their bodies is nonexistent. Her indigo-hued eyes glare straight into his, unaffected by how close their faces are. "Like what my brother said, you have no choice, or else you'll have to face the consequences of your defiance."
"Screw you." Elora whispers, her hatred is apparent in her tone. "I'm not afraid of you and your brothers. You don't have power over me."
"You should be afraid of us, Mia Cara." Heeseung utters softly, and a devious grin dawns on his lips. "Because you have no idea what lies beneath the power we wield."
Elora is about to retort but deflates instantly when Heeseung's once crimson-hued eyes are now in terrifying obsidian. She tries to yank her wrist from his hand, but he grips it tighter instead, now revealing his pointed-sharp fangs.
"What?" She whispers in shock, still staring into his obsidian eyes.
"I told you, Mia Cara," Heeseung places his hand on her nape, his voice sounds deeper, darker, so sinister. "That there will be consequences for your defiance. In other words, bad girls get punished."
The next thing she knows, her body goes into the familiar state of shock, feeling a searing pain from his fangs sinking deeply into her neck. Yet, amidst the pain, there is pleasure.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The last thing she remembers is that Heeseung rendered her immobile with his noxious yet sweet venom before she awakened to find herself surrounded by a plethora of scintillating gemstones.
She examines her surroundings thoroughly. It appears that she is in a cavern with a mouth broad enough for her to see the sight of dawn and the picturesque horizon. She glances around again, and this time, a sense of familiarity brings a benign smile to her visage while the nostalgia washes over her like a tidal wave.
Just as she takes a step forward, she discerns the sound of wings flapping distinctively, prompting her eyes to settle on the mouth of the cave, where a silhouette of a dragon can be seen landing on the ground with a thud. His amber luminescent eyes immediately lock onto hers while low growls emit from him, and he moves forward, each step is deafening due to how monumental he is.
But she goes unmoving, her eyes locked onto the ferocious creature. Instead of feeling frightened, she feels at ease with her heart beating in a familiar cadence, as though she had been awaiting his arrival. She doesn't tear her gaze off of the ferocious creature, even as he begins to shrink, shifting into his human form.
Her heart pounds loudly in her ears as soon as his brown-hued eyes meet hers. At once, her bare feet are running towards him, her white dress flailing behind her. She crashes into him just as he opens his arms wide for her.
His deep, handsome chuckles beside her ear awaken the butterflies in her tummy, denoting that he's more than pleased to be able to see her again after a long, long time. His arms engulf her body, hugging her close to him with his lips touching her crown—a familiar gesture of affection from him. She doesn't say anything, only hugging him tight as she basks in the warmth of her home.
They remain in each other's arms for some time, just listening to each other's hearts that beat in a symphonic cadence. She is the first one to pull away and look at him in the eyes without releasing her arms from his body.
"Lilith." Her name is uttered in a soft yet longing tone from his lips. A saddened smile dawns on his lips as he caresses her cheek gently while his arm remains locked around her waist.
Tears glisten in her beautiful eyes. "Jaan." She whispers, allowing a tear to escape from her eye. She doesn't know why or how she recognises him, but it is as if somebody else is speaking through her.
"Habibti," The endearment he used to call her brings more tears to her eyes. She sees a tear sliding down his cheek as he leans in to kiss her forehead with his eyes closed. "Hayati," The pain in his voice is all it takes for her to crumble. She weeps as he continues to pepper her with affection, trailing his kisses down to her temple before he cradles the cusp of her jaw and leans his forehead against hers.
"Rohi," He says softly as they flutter their eyes open. "You're finally here."
"But this isn't real." Her lips quiver in sadness. "I don't know how this has been happening, but I'm afraid that if each of you continues to call for my soul," She pauses, the fear in her voice is palpable as it shakes. "Who knows what Astra would do next?"
A muscle pulses in his jaw while his eyes harden, but his anger is not directed at her. "I don't know either, but I, for one, am glad that I got to see you after so long." He presses another kiss on her forehead and sighs against her skin. "I hate that I won't recognise you in the other realm."
She nods her head sullenly, her eyes crestfallen. "I do too."
"I really don't want to hurt you. I don't ever wish to hurt you." He says, looking utterly helpless. "But no matter how hard I tried breaching the border, I couldn't seem to get him to remember you and make him realise that you're not their enemy."
She smiles through the tears while a familiar lump appears in her throat. "It's part of the curse, Jaan."
He grabs a hold of her hand and raises it to his chest. His eyes bear such concern. "The curse─what about your heart? Are you still─"
On cue, she winces just as her heart throbs in a familiar affliction. She manages a small, wavering smile. "Even in death, I still bear the curse." A sigh leaves her lips. "The present me, she has the same infliction as I do."
His eyes widen. "What? But how? She doesn't even remember who she was."
She looks down. "I told you, Jaan, that it is all part of the curse." She sobs softly, and he wastes no time to embrace her once more. "Because Elora is me."
"I wish we could do something." He says. His devastation is apparent while he feels helpless. "I don't want to lose you, Lilith."
"But you've already lost me." A sharp sob leaves her lips. "It's been a thousand years, Jaan."
"No amount of years could ever get rid of my love for you, Rohi." He cups her cheeks, their eyes are welling with tears. "I'll try to get the present me to remember. We'll try."
Hesitation and fear glimmer in her eyes. "But what if Astra gets furious again? I don't─" She hiccups, bringing a fond smile to his face at how adorable she is. "I don't want to make things worse by breaking Astra's rules again."
"Yeah? Well, I don't care about rules or even Astra." His nose grazes against hers. "No one, not even Astra, could tear us apart. We'll always find our way back to each other." With her parted lips, he can't resist sealing her into a kiss. One last wistful kiss.
"I love you, Lilith." Underneath her touch, he starts to fade, as does his voice, making her heart ache tremendously. "Never forget that."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"Did Heeseung really drain all of her blood?" A voice speaks above her, yet somehow he sounds familiar, striking a chord in her.
"I wouldn't say all of her blood. That's a bit of a stretch." Sunoo refutes. "She'll be fine, Jay. Besides, we even formed an agreement that we wouldn't kill her."
"But it's been two days since she passed out." Jay emphasises, and she would've mistaken him for caring about her well-being if it weren't for the indifference in his icy-cold voice. "If she doesn't wake up by the next sunrise, we'll have to exterminate her."
Elora tries her utmost to remain calm and collected, unmoving from her position, despite the fact that she is close enough to lacerate the two princes. Truth be told, she awakened earlier, and not to mention her head was throbbing tremendously, but she didn't move an inch from the bed. Rather, she used whatever strength was left to use her magic and conjure a dagger once more, having it concealed from their eyes.
"But she's a mermaidian! She is the key to our lead in acquiring the crystal heart of Oceania!" Sunoo opposes with fierce resolution. "Even so, Heeseung is the one who decides, and his decision is keeping her alive."
"How are we even certain that the crystal heart of Oceania does exist?" Jay asks, the incredulity is apparent in his voice. "I thought it was just a myth that the elders foolishly believed in."
"We didn't, initially, so we summoned her to the main chamber to conduct a little test." She can picture an arrogant smile on Sunoo's face. "Heeseung mentioned the aforementioned myth, and she didn't even deny it. She looked rather alarmed. Ergo, the crystal heart is, in fact, real."
Her ears perk up at the sound of knocks, following another voice speaking. "Sunoo, you need to come with me." Jake.
"What is it?" Sunoo asks.
"It's about your garden." Jake sounds somewhat dismal, yet there is a tinge of levity. "Jungwon's snakes may or may not have marauded your garden."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Sunoo raises his voice, and in an instant, she hears a 'whoosh', denoting that he has disappeared from her room. Now, the room sounds so silent that she is able to hear a pin drop.
After much contemplation, Elora flutters her eyes open, being greeted by the familiar sight of the room, which she can now call hers. She straightens her body, moving her legs to the edge of the bed before rising. The door is ajar as she ambles towards it while clutching her dagger to her chest.
"What do you think you're doing?" His cold voice speaks from behind her near her ears, sending her body to jolt in surprise before she whirls around to finally meet a new face.
A feminine voice echoes throughout the walls of her mind. Her face has a twist of confusion, but she recovers, now in a defensive stance against the vampire prince. But her eyes betray her as they decide to scan his fine countenance.
His eyes are sharp and piercing, almost as if he can uncover her deepest, darkest secret just by his gaze alone. His nose stands tall and slim, while his sharp, angular jaw seems as though it can cut her with a single touch. Under the artificial lights afloat in the room, she is able to see the complexion of his skin, which is neither too pale nor too dark. Almost akin to the lighter shade of melanin. His dark hair falls over his forehead just above his eyebrows, making him look less intimidating. His black blouse hangs loosely on his body, allowing a glimpse of his collarbone. 
As her eyes return to his face once more, her head throbs. He doesn't look familiar, but he feels familiar, which is absurd because why does she feel that way when she hasn't met him in the entirety of her life?
"I'm asking you a question, mermaidian." The aura he emits is foreboding, prompting her to clutch her dagger tightly. She doesn't even realise that she's backing away from him until her back hits the door. His dark, dangerous gaze continues to drill into her as he stands in front of her, allowing her to catch a whiff of his scent.
"Stay back." Elora warns him, displaying her dagger in his eyes.
His eyes glance down at her dagger momentarily. "Do you think that your pathetic dagger will have any effect on me?" He purposely moves closer to the point where the tip of her dagger is now touching his chest.
"Maybe not, but at least I'll have fun carving your heart out." In an instant, she grabs him by the blouse and changes position, with her pinning him against the door while pressing the razor-edged end of her dagger to his neck.
However, he remains unfazed, simply cocking an eyebrow at her despite the fact that she is pressing the dagger harder until it manages to breach his skin, allowing blood to slowly trickle down. "We haven't probably introduced ourselves. I'm Jay." He introduces himself with a faint smirk on his lips.
"Nice meeting you, Jay. Any last words before I lacerate you completely and deliver your heart to your brothers on a silver platter?" She smiles almost wickedly, and it is rather enthralling yet refreshing to meet someone who is just as bloodthirsty as him.
"Habibti, did you really forget that I'm a vampire?" His voice sounds sultry, catching her off guard, and he uses this chance to switch positions. The dagger is knocked out of her grasp. His hand effortlessly locks her arms from behind as he pushes her, her cheek pressed against the door.
"Let go." She struggles valiantly in his oddly strong grasps. Her heart skips a beat at the moment his hot breath fans the cusp of her earlobe.
"I'm being lenient to you right now, but the next time you pull a move like that, I will kill you." His voice comes out in a low growl, almost inhumane. "You'd do well to remember that you're in my domain, and the reason we even allow you to live is because you serve a purpose to us."
"Fuck you." She grits her teeth. "I'm not your slave or lowly-life being just so you can dictate my life."
His deep chuckles send an annoying flutter to her heart. "Being my slave would do you much worse. Habibti." She shivers when his finger brushes her locks behind her ear. "You'd be serving me with your blood, and I'd bite you anywhere I wanted to." A gasp leaves her lips at the feeling of his groin pressing from behind, sending her mind into a frenzy. "And I'd use your body whenever I want to, have you completely fucked out, which you'd be begging for more." He whispers darkly in her ear.
Amidst the hatred, lust clouds her head while her mind begins to imagine such deplorable acts with her enemy.
"Oh, you love the idea, yeah?" He rasps, pressing himself harder against hers, and this time, a gasp mixed with a moan leaves her lips. His lips touch her earlobe, nipping it, and she swears she can feel his fang tearing into her skin, just slightly. Oddly, it sends her a peculiar sensation.
"Jay." She moans airily as he dips his head to her neck and nips at her skin, while she can't help but grind herself on him, eliciting a low guttural growl from him.
"Fuck." He breathes harshly, his fangs elongate, and his crimson-hued eyes darken with bloodlust and fervent desire for the mermaidian in his grasp.
He can't resist the temptation and caves in, sinking his fangs into her neck. Her blood has a unique yet heavenly taste. With her body grinding on him and airily moans occasionally leaving her lips, he reciprocates, pushing her up to the door and allowing his groin to feel the pleasure.
"Jay." His name sounds alluring from her mouth. She gasps in pleasure at both his fangs and his hardened groin. Though there is the familiar searing pain on her neck, the pleasure overweighs it, sending her into a state of pure bliss.
Jay pulls his fangs out, not wanting her to faint. He licks his fangs and lower lip, where there are still excesses of her blood. "If you keep doing that," He pauses, growling again while his grip on her arms tightens as he cuffs her from behind. "I might have to fuck you right here and now."
Elora halts her movement and squeezes her thigh upon feeling dampness below. Heat weaves across her cheeks, embarrassed and resenting herself for falling for the vampire allure. Before anything can happen, she is saved by a knock.
"Jay? Are you still in there?" Jake.
Thankfully, Jay decides to release her, though he doesn't look too pleased by the interruption as soon as she looks at his face. Seeing that he is being distraught, she grasps the opportunity to retrieve her dagger swiftly. He doesn't even have the time to react when she plunges her dagger into his stomach quickly and efficiently.
With her sudden strength, both physical and magic, she moves like lightning, swinging the door open to see Jake in her view with his eyebrow arched. He doesn't have time to react when she plunges her dagger into his stomach as well, sending his body into a state of shock due to a spell she imbued in the dagger.
"Too easy." She chuckles with a smirk before using her newfound strength to run down the massive, hollow hallway.
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