#i think it as payment for literal harassment
sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
Either before or after would be delightful, though I was thinking it was after Bing-ge became emperor.
I was imagining the situation with Shen Yuan being a transmigrator forced to steal stuff from Bing-ge because that was his character’s original role in the plot. He wants to be inconspicuous about it so as not to get murdered (like canon… also murder of crows, lol) but shiny qi rich things are just too tempting!!! Stupid crow brain won’t let him steal things that are less obvious. ;_;
And yay! You know about the crow tendency to make friends with people then be “helpful” with gifts or savage in their defense. That’s why I like crow-Shen Yuan so much. I can totally see him getting help from his full-crow demon family members (or regular crows if he can control them like ZZL can snakes) to harass assholes by dropping rocks, pooping on them and such while in their full crow forms. 😂
He absolutely feels bad about stealing stuff from people he likes (especially Bing-ge) so of course he always offers payments in exchange. Rare plants, animal parts, non-shiny artifacts, etc. all suspiciously selected to be super useful in upcoming plot events, to Bing-ge’s bafflement. Probably doesn’t help the obsession. How TF does this thief know what he’s going to need soon???
AAAGGGHHHH, THIS IS SO FUN!! I love this idea that Shen Yuan either has like, demon family members that he can relax with (oh em gosh, seeing his original family in these demons?) or just hangs out with like, a murder of crows and is like "aight, get these fuckers" and they just swarm whoever irritated him that day. He definitely has a nest in a mountain somewhere, just filled with these shiny things that he steals from people, and oh my god can he just be like a safe haven for other crows (demon or otherwise) and have little perches that he makes for them and helps the ones that are too injured to hunt for themselves. He's like a master of crows and (despite being just a thorn in the side of the demon emperor) he is known to be terrifying lest these crows get hurt (I'm picturing half human Shen Yuan standing in the shadows of a forest with wings outstretched and just staring down at the culprit) BACK TO BING-GE, I'd find it really funny if Shen Yuan first steals shiny and qi rich things that are small and he can just take in full crow form because they aren't really heavy, leaving Bing-ge like "no fucking way a literal crow has been stealing from me. This feels humiliating what the hell". Later on, he sets a trap for Shen Yuan to steal this big trinket (a statue or something that radiates qi) because he knows it would be too heavy for the crow to take and he can grab it! He waits, then watches as Shen Yuan observes the statue a little bit, before shifting into his half-crow form and just scooping it up into his arms, scowling at the weight before flying out again. Bing-ge is sat there for a while like "what the fuck just happened" and then he watches as Shen Yuan returns a few minutes later with a herb that is supposed to be extremely useful for a poison or something, drops it where the statue was, and darts away again. After that, it's like the only thing on Bing-ge's mind is "how can I get this pretty demon to come back?" and he doesn't even think about his harem (if he has one in this), leaving them all around his palace absolutely confused and questioning what has happened to their emperor. {part two! Part one, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven!!}
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menalez · 2 months
i’m getting spammed with anon hate and i honestly don’t think this place is redeemable so im probs not going to be posting for idk how long. radblr has given me less than nothing. since joining radblr, people have overwhelmingly been unbelievably cruel to me.
my first year on radblr, women 1-2 decades older than me viciously harassed me for asking questions as someone not familiar with certain beliefs held here. these women harassed me for months non-stop, posted my full legal name, posted homes neighbouring where i lived in bahrain, and essentially released my private information. i had to threaten them back just in hopes they would leave me alone, which they didn’t really do. they simply stopped posting my name bc they wanted to make me look like im bad for finding one of their names simply by googling her url (her full name was her twitter username). one of the people in that circle was radicaldumbass, who then came back as macroclit, and again came back as radicalstoner. i moved on but i haven’t forgotten.
then, black-diaspora repeated the same thing. she posted pictures of my mother and led people to finding my mom's facebook. to this day, i still get anons with my mother’s name and my sister’s name. my sister was about 13 when anons first started sending me her name in threatening anons. somehow, black-diaspora was rewritten as a victim of mine despite her being repeatedly racist & lesbophobic to me & posting my mom’s info.
i was being abused by my ex-gf and women on here literally picked my abuse apart and enabled TRAs like lostelvenqueen to make up lies that i was the one abusing my abuser. that vicious lie was reiterated for 4 years. while being abused, women on radblr were mocking me for needing money when my ex-girlfriend was actively stealing from me at the time. to this day people use against me the fact that i needed help in that time bc some mutuals helped finance 2 dinners & my medication, all of which i either paid them back for or drew art as payment.
then, again, another woman dug through an old blog i ran as a teenager and found some posts here and there to make it seem like i, as a 15 and 16 year old, definitely loved being totally controlled by someone and physically abused whenever i didn’t follow his exact commands. i spoke openly about this trauma years prior to this person “exposing” me & arguing that i actually wanted that abuse by pointing to random innocuous posts and forming a story out of it. i think every abuse victim can imagine how difficult it is to still face trauma from something and instead of being allowed to heal, having it brought up to you several days a week to taunt you and having “feminists” tell you that you actually wanted it and are lying when you say otherwise. to this day, i get daily anons mentioning my name because this woman also put my legal name out there.
women here have put me in physical danger, they have made up the vilest lies about me, they’ve called me racial slurs, they’ve been outright racist to me, they’ve speculated about my rape & abuse, they’ve joked about lynching me, they’ve questioned things as minuscule as what i had for dinner. and despite that, i haven’t returned that same treatment. i remained relatively consistent, i simply criticised what i thought was wrong and provided evidence to my statements.
i made some nice friends on here & i’ll keep talking to them. but i’m going to be reevaluating why i’m wasting my time in a space that has overwhelmingly caused me stress, a space where countless unbelievable lies have been spun about me and a place where people have said & done the vilest things and in the end, i was always framed as a bad person based on half-truths or outright lies. now, people falsely claim that women who unfollow me or block me risk having their private information exposed, when i have met at least a dozen women from radblr and run a server with hundreds of women from radblr, have seen hundreds of faces, and have never exposed such information even if we end up disliking each other. i could tolerate many ridiculous lies, but why should i? i’m pretty fed up of tolerating this.
enjoy spinning this however you want and lying about me further. idk when i’ll be back or if i’ll want to be back. it’s pretty clear to me that this space prioritises lesbophobes & racists (& sometimes even downright misogynists) over people who calmly criticise it. i joined this space initially bc i thought it was somewhere where i could freely be a lesbian without being hassled for it, but radblr doesn’t even offer that anymore.
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longing-for-rain · 8 months
This is unacceptable behavior
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So this morning, I found this blog who has apparently taken it upon themselves to “call out” anyone they suspect of using AI in either fan art or fanfics. No proof needed; just send them an anon ask and they’ll start throwing people under the bus.
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This person is harassing artists, writers, and anyone who questions them. They’re even demanding that artists upload videos of themselves drawing by hand to “prove” they’re real.
Reading their blog gets even more disturbing. Apparently “suspicious activity” for artists can be something as simple as experimenting with a different style, having trouble drawing hands, improving too quickly, uploading too quickly, or even using digital watercolor. So essentially, artists deserve harassment for being too good, not good enough, or if they don’t use 100% traditional techniques. Do you really think that’s helping artists? All you’re doing is intimidating people away from their hobbies and encouraging toxicity. Cut it out.
For context, yesterday @azula-brain messaged me in my DMs to accuse me of AI usage. I explained that a) I don’t consider my images “AI art” in the sense of “push a button and it makes a picture” because I only use it as a filter over my existing work, b) that I’ve posted detailed explanations of my artistic process before and that still didn’t stop people from harassing me over anon. She also accused me of charging people for art, which I very clear state in my pinned post that I do not accept commissions.
I’m committing a crime by not using fully traditional art, and by having a tip jar (keep in mind, many blogs simply use the built in tumblr feature which is easily understood to be for tipping bloggers they like, not art commission payments). I told her I suggest she simply block and move on if she was unhappy, but apparently that wasn’t good enough, so she called me out by name instead along with the above noted misinformation after I refused to bow to her threats over DMs.
But anyways, I’m done caving to threats, and so should the rest of you. Nothing you do will ever appease the mob, and I’m sick of these literal children making blogs like this thinking they’re saving the world, when literally they’re just stirring up drama and harassing random artists who were doing nothing wrong.
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torturingpeople · 18 days
RULES: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
i was tagged by @letters-of-fire! thank you so much ^_^ @staring-at-my-keyboard and @your-friend-s-santos i nominate you both :-)
Edison Hollingsworth, the Sybaritic Laureate
AGE: 34
GENDER: Male (?)
SEXUALITY: Pansexual Demiromantic
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extremely skilled and ridiculously experienced on account of his job literally being a prostitute
very comfortable with him body and with anything you wish to do to it
can be a top or a bottom depending on what you want! usually he tops but you can get him to submit occasionally
very high stamina. can go for hours if you can keep up with that!
he's really sexy. obviously. i mean Look at him. he has MOLES. EVERYWHERE.
open to anything - all genders, threesomes/groups, kinks - and wrt that doesn't have many boundaries to being involved with him
big on dirty talk, likes to fill the silence with it
will probably write poems about you
never goes past a no-strings-attached casual surface-level relationship
a god at reading body language and will know what you want way before you ask for it
will work hard to treat you or buy you gifts occasionally when he can
biter. will bite
doesn't stop yapping he will talk your ear off in the bedroom
massive tease. links with the talking thing
threesomes can be a bit tense after if it was an existing couple
very stubborn. you can get him to sub but i wish you good luck with that
often attempts to get his clients drunk or high before working with them
extremely flirtatious with everyone i.e. you are not special
50/50 chance that he's manic during work and will probably say something mildly frightening to you in a toxic yaoi kind of way
The Scandal
likes it best when you're terrified of him and will actively work to scare you just for his sport and profit
will publish details about everything you did and what you like in the papers ESPECIALLY if you're rich or upper class because he thinks its funny and it pays
shit at aftercare. will kind of just Clear himself up and 99% of the time will fuck off 2 minutes after you're both done
obviously not loyal. (if you're polyamorous i suppose this isn't a con but. You know)
reckless as fuck and loves the adrenaline from fear so will likely put you, himself, or both of you in some sort of harm's way for the sake of his own enjoyment
severely mentally ill. psychotic and obsessive. will probably get weirdly religious at some point
will probably stalk and harass you for a few weeks, especially if you don't contact him at all after
will hound you for payment if you were a client and he thinks you didn't pay what you owe him
needs to be told no 62 times before it stops meaning "try again later" or "convince me"
mr wines will 99% of the time not allow you to pursue a relationship with him past the parlour of virtue. getting into a serious relationship is virtually impossible
he will approach you in public if he sees you and expect you to be friendly which. again. The Scandal
definitely open to blackmailing you with things you don't want getting out about you in order to attend society events and the like
addicted to alcohol, honey, tinctures, vigours, the WORKS
if you don't devote your entire life to him and pledge to kill the neath in order to keep his affection he'll assume you don't care about him
severe abandonment issues. if he wants you to stay he will beg for it desperately like a homeless dog
broke as fuck and 99% of his money is stolen by mr wines. the other 1% pays a fraction of his rent
0 standards and will fuck anyone and everyone
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Moderation is a Sucker's Game
Longpost time - tl;dr: the concept of moderation is totally beefed on a fundamental level everywhere and recent anti-trans bans indicate Tumblr has only made the problem harder for itself by making bad staff choices. No solution, not absolving Tumblr of responsibility, but also I think it's an interesting systemic issue on top of genuine incompetence.
Tumblr has a running history of screwing up moderation hard enough to either drive entire communities off the site or allow rule-breaking harassment to persist and drive them off.
As such, I think Tumblr will definitely cease at some point, because it is handling the problem of moderation much worse than most other big platforms and this is a major barrier to its financial sustainability - they cannot say "we put our users first and refuse to use relatively profitable Unethical Data-Harvesting Tricks" and expect to pivot to a user-supported financing model if they're widely perceived as repeatedly spurning said userbase.
The prior 'Porn Ban' (and subsequent smug tone of Staff communications) and the 'we had a moderator on staff accepting payments for making anti-trans moderation decisions' reveal stand out, as well as the (iirc) 2016-era peak of racist harassment (not that it ever *stopped*) which went largely unmoderated; instead, black users responding to, pointing out, or sometimes literally just screenshotting the deluge of harassment were permabanned.
There has also, of course, been the whole "over-moderation of queer- and specifically trans-related tags and terms in Search" - something that has also, repeatedly, affected Palestinian and pro-Palestine blogs.
Right now, of course, we have the current wave of anti-transfem "everything you do, selfies and textposts alike, can and will be marked as mature", compounded by instant permabans handed out without notice or appeal, all based on automod decisions from bad-faith reports and bizzarely cursory/biased human reviews.
This is all contrasted by semi-regular waves of fresh kinds of porn-related advertisements and spam blogs, which often go entirely unmoderated, automated or otherwise, for months upon months. Also the explicitly ToS-breaking harassment that gets reported and returned as "fine, actually".
Why is this happening? Beyond the inherent problem of "many Tumblr staff have had and currently have biases and open bigotry" (@photomatt springs to mind), you'd think that boring business sense would come first - diversity is Tumblr's brand, fandom is Tumblr's brand, so "not specifically driving off those groups" should have been an *essential* part of monetization efforts. Right?
Trouble is, even a lawsuit settled not-in-Tumblr's-favour can't solve the core problem, which seems to be the same one every user-generated-content platform faces: reasonable moderation isn't feasible for real-time, user-generated content at scale.
Straight-up, that is the largest problem Tumblr faces. Nobody knows how to do it fairly or reasonably. Content moderation has long been the writhing tar-pit horror sitting at the core of all large-scale social media. Increasingly, this unsolvable problem looks like it might be the reason the entire format is structurally doomed - or at least, doomed to a cycle of new platform -> rise in popularity -> failures in moderation and financing -> user exodus and platform collapse.
Meta (Facebook and Instagram) tackle moderation by being totally opaque and overzealous - often you won't even be told your reach has been limited. Or, if you're told, you might not know *what* post triggered it, or why. If you do, you won't be told what effect being 'limited' has, or how long it will last. There is no reliable appeal process, but that doesn't matter. They are too big to be affected by people being unhappy about moderation on an individual or community level.
Twitter 'solved' the problem by leaning more and more on pure automation - which wasn't working great, sure, but once it was bought and most of those measures scrapped for 'limiting free speech', Twitter got *much, much worse*. It is now a cesspool of unavoidable spams and spam-for-scams. Also, harassment.
Tiktok also does a lot of automated moderation - not as much as people seem to think, but also not as efficiently as other platforms, given that it's video content. They also make heavier use of de-prioritizing content algorithmically rather than just banning or deleting videos. Twitch and YouTube follow along in this bucket, being very willing to use automated systems to suspend, de-rank, and de-monetize hard, early, and arbitrarily.
Mastodon and similar 'decentralised' networks offload the problem onto whoever runs each local server/instance. You set up social.horse.mastodon or whatever? Great - moderation of posts on there is your problem. Some instances are great! Some instances are full of petty tyrants over-moderating their little fiefdoms. Some instances are godawful. Usually, nobody is being paid, which isn't great.
Unfortunately, instance-to-instance communication sometimes means that you can be harassed by a group of people from those godawful servers who are functionally unreportable and who cannot be stopped from spinning up dozens of sockpuppets on said servers to evade your blocks of individual accounts. This is also a problem with the concept of "email", so, you know, not strictly a new problem.
Google can't moderate its search results, and is overtaken by SEO spam and generative misinformation (even prior to their "AI answers" integration).
Amazon, as a storefront, is overrun by scams. Some of them are, functionally, directly run and facilitated by Amazon's own staff, facilities, and even manufacturing processes.
We seethe at Adobe insisting they have the right to moderate (automated or otherwise) the content we put on their cloud services, but chances are they would largely *rather not* - but legal obligations, advertiser/partner dollars, payment processors, and technical requirements are involved, so they're screwed and so are users.
Nobody can "do" content moderation of any kind at scale without being too lax or too overzealous, and probably both at the same time. If the billions of dollars of these corporate giants can't hack the problem, the rinkydink tens of millions of Automattic ain't gonna cut it.
None of this is "working" or "fair" or even "reasonable".
And that's fine by these companies! Their main moderation concern is "not being found liable for horrific and illegal shit users do", followed by "being pleasant *enough* to be used profitably, regardless of actual user experience or sentiment".
Good moderation is hard. Think about the obscenely small teacher–student ratio you need for a good, safe, productive classroom experience. You're not going to push more than a hundred students to one or two lecturers before you lose the ability to meaningfully grade their exams and give feedback, let alone have insight into their real-time behaviour for a dozen hours a week.
Now, imagine that but 24/7. A perpetual whorl of short-form essays being handed in at random times of day, wildly multimedia projects of totally inconsistent sizes from dozens of countries. What sort of ratio of moderators to users would even *plausibly* keep things under control? How do you *pay* for that? How do you have meaningful *oversight* over the mods? Fuck, how do you even *begin* to compensate for the fact that they'll be inevitably be exposed to a subset of your users posting criminally heinous content for laughs?
The answer is that you don't manage to balance it reasonably. You use keywords to auto-filter certain posts so they'll be seen less, lowering the chance of anyone reporting them. You use basic network models to auto-approve or auto-deny some reported content based on what's *probably* in the images or text, and call a 70% success rate an exemplary success, because that's 70% of those reported posts your human moderators will correctly never see and a further 25% fewer posts that are incorrectly ruled on but never get appealed! Huge reduction in workload - fantastic news!
You try your damndest to make sure that advertisers feel like their content is never posted next to or in association with "bad" content, even if it's not ToS-breaking, because that's where the dollars are and without those all you've got are good intentions and that's not a currency you can pay your moderators in. You hope to hell that you fall on the side of "overzealous", because right-wing single-issue ideologues have the ears of payment processors and lawmakers the world over, and they'll cut you the hell off if you get a reputation, fair or otherwise, for being the sort of platform that might "facilitate harm" to kids, or women, or Jesus. Mostly Jesus.
Hence, the uncomfortable tension stretching taut the façade of every major platform - on the one hand, 'shifting moderation burdens to your users' is universally regarded as a shitty and unethical cost-cutting move ripe for exploitation by bad actors. On the other, despite having a surplus of capital and benefitting from the efficiencies of scale (and, arguably, having an unshiftable responsibility to moderate their own platforms), companies aren't managing to wield moderation in a way that works for their users.
In Tumblr's case, it's not profitable. In *Twitter's* case, it's not even profitable.
Obviously, I don't have a solution to this. Tumblr has chosen to fight the dual battles of "moderation is hard" and *ALSO* "some of our staff, including moderators, are inarguably biased/bigoted against core user groups". That's on them. Not going to pretend it isn't, not going to make excuses for it.
The best answer I have is to archive your shit and hop onto smaller networks with staff, communities, and rules that you can vibe with, and hope you will be in a position to help directly and monetarily contribute to their continued existence in a sustainable way.
We're here for the community and a broad set of fairly straightforward features (and lack of other, worse features). Those can, will, and often *do* exist elsewhere. If you stick around and one of these 'elsewhere' platforms finds a size that's sustainable and a moderation approach that actually works for the vast majority of users, then you've hit the jackpot.
If not? Well, archive everything you can and hop ships to new networks. These aren't public institutions designed to last lifetimes - these are passion projects (or cash grabs) bloated beyond initial scope and inevitably riddled with the biases, oversights, and straight-up skill issues of their creators. They were never going to last, and their insistence on pretending they're immortal and behaving in accordance is part of the problem.
Also, you should support laws that would mandate user access to their own data in an exportable and preferably cross-platform-compatible format. Part of what keeps people on networks is lock-in and effort. Making it legally mandatory to make those transitions between networks easy is probably one of the only bits of social media-related law that would actually curb malfeasance (from users and platforms themselves).
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saltminerising · 10 months
post/734304444685139968 As people have said in the replies. Staff has literally said this exact thing. If you do not want people to change your dragons. Do not sell your dragons.
"If you want your offspring lists named before they are exalted, we recommend naming the dragons before selling or trading them. 'Unnamed' is a banned name as it was used to target and harass players trying follow this recommendation. If you are concerned that a dragon will be given a harassing or rule-violating name after you sell or trade the dragon, we recommend naming the dragon before selling or trading them. I should also mention this also forces anyone looking to engage in harassment or otherwise use names that violate our rules to use a Scroll of Renaming. This is a choice and action which communicates intent to break our rules when reviewed by Support. If you are concerned that any given dragon you sell or trade to other players will be exalted, resold, bred, breed changed, gene changed, scattered, etc, we can only recommend not selling or trading those dragons to other players. Once the dragon leaves your lair, it no longer belongs to you."
I would like to highlight specifically
"we can only recommend not selling or trading those dragons to other players"
Source Forum Post: https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/sug/3279858/8#post_55308004 (Thank you to the two people in the comments for linking to this post so I didn't have to go looking for it!)
So maybe instead of calling people jerks over official advice from staff you learn to accept that you should not sell your dragons if you are not comfortable with your dragons being made into fandragons.
People buying your dragons and changing them are playing the game as intended.
Trying to police what people do with the dragons you chose to sell is against the rules of the game, they are not your dragons anymore, and if you are going to be upset if someone does something you don't like to the dragons THEY bought, you should consider not selling dragons. You got the payment for the dragon. They can do whatever they want with their purchase.
Not a great metaphor, but:
Would Walmart get angry if someone bought a plushy from there and went home and tie-dyed it or something? No. They bought it. They can do whatever they want with it. Walmart can't go back and yell at them for tie-dying their plushy.
Go. Tie-dye the plushy. Who gives a shit what Walmart thinks. If Walmart didn't want you to tie-dye the plushy they shouldn't have sold the fucking plushy.
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delafiseaseses · 1 year
I thought about the NCR Sharecropper Farms and Concluded they should not Exist.
Strong opening line, 'ey? How's ol' Delafiseaseses gonna justify that?
Quite easily, actually. Y'see some people misunderstand the NCR Sharecropper Farms, they think it provides food to the Mojave. Not true. It provides food to the NCR, clues in the name, really. Its a Sharecrop, the NCR gets some of the crop and the sharecroppers get the rest of their crop as payment, the portion the NCR takes goes to NCR Military bases. As Romanowski says 'A lot of the crops grown here support the various NCR camps in the region - McCarran, Golf, and Forlorn Hope, to name a few. We can't have wastelanders popping in here for a free meal, so my squad and I are assigned to keep things from going to hell.' and when Romanowski says 'Wastelanders' he means 'people from the Mojave Wasteland' of course.
Do the sharecroppers sell their crops to Mojave citizens? Possibly, but remember all the sharecroppers are NCR citizens brought over by the 'Thaler Act', nobody from the Mojave directly benefits from this arrangement.
You may think 'Well, not like anyone in the Mojave before was using the land.' possibly wrong. While he's not from the Mojave (and is an unrepentant Enclave fascist, but that's irrelevant) Orion Moreno has this to say 'I came out here to get away from them - didn't work out so well. Next thing I know, I'm squatting in "their" land. Never mind that I'd already been living here for years.', and when he says 'years' he could mean up to over 3 decades. So we've got to wonder... was the land unoccupied? Moreno is a stubborn old Enclave soldier, he wouldn't scare easy, he gets harassed by the NCR, as he says when you first meet him 'Bah. Looks like I forgot to lock the doors again. If you're with the NCR, get out. This place is mine, and I'm not leaving.' or, if you am in NCR faction armour 'Look, trooper, I was living in this house long before your farms got set up. Don't even think about evicting me.' most people would be forced off by these tactics. So it is entirely possible the NCR has displaced Mojave residents to set up their precious farm.
Both quests involving the Sharecropper Farm also include a backdrop of NCR vs Mojave Locals. The most obvious is, of course, The White Wash. The Westside Co-Op, an actual local community farming effort (which does have some New Californians, but they're unaffiliated with the NCR), is only surviving because of the syphoning of water from the Sharecroppers by Tom Anderson. The water from the local water system that the NCR took over, I might add. Why do they get to claim ownership of Lake Mead's water and the Vegas water system?
And the second, Hard Luck Blues is more indirect. The NCR isn't at fault at all for this, the Vault 34 Civil War damaged their reactor and that was entirely on them. But the final choice between saving the Vault 34 Survivors or dealing with the radiation leak caused by the Vault 34 Civil War killing the survivors. So it is literally saving an NCR Asset or saving people who for over 200 years have lived in the Mojave.
Now, I'm not saying the Sharecroppers themselves deserve to suffer lower than needed water rations or radiation in their soil. They didn't set this up, they're just working class NCR citizens trying to survive, but, the thing is, the Sharecroppers can just... leave. And they do if these quests are resolved in ways that hurt the Farms.
After the White Wash siding with Anderson/Westside the affected sharecropper Trent Bascom says he's quitting because 'I wouldn't be able to meet the quota, and the NCR would kick me out of my job, anyway. Nah, it's better I get out on my own terms.' and he's even got a plan for his future 'I hear the Brahmin ranchers out in Redding are looking for some hard workers, so I might try there first. I hate working with Brahmin, though.' so, yeah, that sucks for him, but he's got a future. He may not like that future, but its more of a future than the Westsiders have if they lose their Co-Op.
And after Hard Luck Blues you can find some Sharecroppers out front of the Big Horn Saloon in Boulder City. The named member of this group is a woman named Anne, she has this to say 'We're heading back home. I hope our troops do the same. This land can't be saved. Trying to grow crops in this heat, with so little water, is bad enough, but now we've got radiation seeping into the farmlands east of New Vegas. We're done. Let the people of these hell-hole deal with their problems, I say.' and, y'know, I agree. Maybe the people of the Mojave should deal with their problems and not have a military force from somewhere else claiming their land and water? Especially since the area is still disputed at this time. They're literally fighting a bloody war which they have a 3/4 chance of losing during all of this.
To put this all in a shorter way: The NCR Sharecropper Farm's existence is an example of NCR colonialism.
Like, it's textbook fucking colonialism. They forcefully took over part of a land that's not theirs, brought in their own people to 'settle' the land and violently keep the locals out of it all, who suffer because of it. I've said before that the NCR playacts the USA and they certainly playact it accurately.
So, unless you're doing an NCR playthrough, I'd say its probably best to side against the Sharecropper Farm in every instance because the NCR Sharecropper Farms should not exist. It sucks for the Sharecroppers, but they'd be out of the job when the NCR withdraws anyway. Probably best for everyone if they get out before the NCR Military does.
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batwynn · 1 year
A semi-official announcement :
TLDR: I will no longer be participating in the ‘professional’ comic industry, but I will continue to make comics and art stuff as usual elsewhere. I may also delete my website after this last payment cycle ends because the cost does not seem worth it.
The long of it:
I’m done. I don’t want anything to do with the ‘professional’ comic industry, and I’ll be removing myself from the industry spaces. Yeah, it was my dream to work in comics for a large part of my life. I literally drew them since as long as I could pick up a pen. I loved to read them (and still do). I think a ton of people who work in comics are super cool and decent people, and I’m really glad to know some of them personally.
But no longer want to work there. Ever.
There’s really, genuinely, nothing more eye opening than watching the comic industry from the sideline for the past 20 years—more intimately for the past 10. Because that’s how you see how truly fucking horrible it is. How unkind people are, how abused other people are, how easily the scammers get away with stealing everyone’s money, how an entire group of misogynist racists still get good jobs and thrive, how the same four people get selected for major jobs and hey are they all white cis men?, how even the awards ceremonies will always choose the well-known names of famous people dabbling in comics over people’s actual years of amazing work, how most creators don’t get paid for months-years-ever, how every minority creator works until their fingers bleed and still don’t get any respect, how women creators are STILL treated like they don’t belong, how there’s a new story of a rapist/sexual harasser at comic-cons and in meeting rooms every single day, how the big companies all dipped into NFTs and AI art here and there while not hiring actual artists, etc etc etc.
It’s just… gross. It’s bad. And after years of putting in work, money, and time into it, I just don’t think I want to be a part of it anymore. I hate that it was all a waste, and I hate that this foolish kid-dream of mine has been thoroughly crushed, but I can’t even stand looking in from the sidelines anymore. It’s like watching multiple car crashes, constantly.
What this means for you:
I will continue to make comics! I’m not going to stop creating. I am going to stop applying for professional comics jobs, leave the comics discord/groups/etc., and possibly delete my website when the pay cycle comes around again. (That depends on how many people prefer to read my stuff there or who actually look at my portfolio for illustration stuff.)
So, really. Nothing is going to change much for y’all in regards to what you’ll see from me. In fact, it means I’ll have more time to dedicate to working on stuff for you, rather than wasting time on applying for jobs and gigs I don’t even want anymore. 🤗
So. I’m going to go cry a little bit, do some hurricane prep, and I’ll (probably) be back after the storm!
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hoonietual · 11 months
i feel like. so far. none of the nations in teyvat have actually held up the ideals their archon represented.
mondstadt has always had aristocrats being corrupt and in high level positions (the entire dawn winery??? that entire estate, where all the workers live, is owned by diluc. who also came from old money. he INHERITED the business). the fact that the church exists (implying a centralized, standardized way of worshipping.... the god of freedom?). the fact that like. child labour is a thing that exists in mondstadt. razor lives in the woods with wolves and thats not concerning bc theyre family :) (ANDRIUS is concerned about him living in the woods with wolves. yknow. the wolf god??????)
liyue is more about business than the law. or whatever. morax was also the source of mora, the ONLY accepted form of currency (the poor melusine who thought she was being harassed when really it was some guy trying to Buy her paintings but didnt realize that maybe, just maybe, mora wasnt the payment she would accept so he went straight to force). the way ningguang is treated like a deity because of her predictions about the fucking. economy.
sumeru had so many borders to actually even ACCESSING knowledge. certain types of knowledge are considered useless (like the arts, specifically). classism, racism, jailed their own archon because she wasnt immediately as powerful and knowledgable as she was before. also the akademiya having the power to just. stop an entire country from having books, to the point where alhaitham having a physical book was weird to kaveh??? and its a smuggled item in desert tribes?????
fontaines justice system is a literal joke. the trials are considered entertainment, the othering of criminals to the point where staying in meropede is better to them than going back to the surface world again, the way meropede exists separately from the law?? like wriothesely has all the power there. just. meropede in GENERAL. existence of robocops. the traveler being sent to jail for eating a cake that wasnt theirs was acceptable as an offense to get sent to jail over??? the existence of duels to the death????
im not gonna think about inazuma
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neonlight2 · 2 years
Little ‘Steddie x reader’ blurb
(I may write more for this later)
Y/n had a really rough day. Two guys came by the tattoo shop she works at and wouldn’t let her work on them— even though she was the only artist available because they didn’t think she’d be able to give them a ‘real’ tattoo. Then giving the impression that she probably only knew how to do tramp stamps or cutesy styled tats. Which in the grand scheme of things, she didn’t think were bad, because she in fact had given several trap stamps and butterflies, hearts— you name it. She’s done it. Her philosophy was that if you liked it, and the art made you feel something, get the piece. No, it was the fact they were belittling her talent.
Then, after that, they had the audacity to try and hit on her. Saying her tattoos, which could be seen easily due to the tank top she was wearing, were ‘rad’ and how’d they’d like to see the rest. Eventually, she lost her cool, yelling for her co working to swap clients and that they wouldn’t need to worry, they could have both payments. All she wanted to do was get the fuck away from them. But! Before her co worker (who she was obviously besties with) could go talk to the two guys, y/n whisper in their ear:
“Make sure to add a little lead to your hand this time.” Patting their shoulder before wandering to the patiently waiting client, who happened to be absolutely delightful.
And you would think all would be well from there on right? She pawned off those guys, indirectly got the satisfaction of revenge from hearing them hiss and cry like babies— leading to one of them quitting halfway through— and got a nice canvas to work on.
Yeah no.
After her shift at the shop was done, where she was berated by her coworker to take at least a third of the tips for her work, she went to the bar across the street. She was extremely happy to be done with work today. And while she loved her craft, it could be tiring at times. This was one of them. Now, all she wanted was for her friend— with benefits? Lover? Fuck buddy? Booty call?
No scratch the last one, that was too low of a title for Jade.
Jade and her met each other at that very bar. It was one night Eddie was playing with his band— which she had subbed in for his drummer. After they had finished and Eddie had gotten out of his “post-guitargasm” state, as she liked to put it, Y/n felt a tap on her shoulder. Oh and how wide Eddie’s eyes got, gesturing her to look behind and see whomever had come up behind her. Once Y/n got a glimpse of her there was no going back.
Next thing Y’know she’s got Jade pinned against the bathroom wall, letting out moans that she knew everyone outside could here (and don’t worry, Eddie’s band only plays at places that are super down low or accepting, so we don’t have to worry about any homophobic assholes harassing them).
Thus why Eddie calls her a exhibitionist and/or a narcissist.
Dead serious, he’ll randomly come around a corner and say:
“Hello my little exhibitionist.” “Good morning, narcissist, how may I inflate your ego today?”
And the worst one so far: “Don’t worry Harrington, I know how to cheer her up. *insert Eddie playfully moaning y/n’s name*”
Anyways— they had been hooking up for a few months at scheduled times, places, for their safety. I mean while the 80’s were becoming more progressive, no one would ever be fully open in Hawkins. Even if it’s a small, cute town— she wouldn’t put it past anyone for bigotry and violence towards queer people.
So there she waited for Jade at least an hour. She’d been stood up this time it seemed.
To say the least, when she got home to her roommates, both two out of her three best friends, she wasn’t particularly in the best mood.
Steve and Eddie could practically see the frustration radiating off her.
“What’s wrong babe?” Steve asked, being pushed (literally) by Eddie to approach you.
Huffing from her nose y/n replies shortly, “I hate people.”
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“Alright…” Steve treads lightly, his soft tone trying to ease the tension in her body.
All while Eddie goes, “Fair enough.”
Taking a second to elbow Eddie in the chest, Steve turns his attention back to y/n. “Why do we hate them today hun?”
Scoffing, she walks about the house as she replies, stripping off her sweat ridden clothes is the only thing that falters her speech.
“We’ll firstly, men are disgusting.” Both boys nod, knowing they aren’t part of her categorization. “These two asshole come in and when I go up to help them— because everyone else was working— they refuse to let me work on them because apparently I can only draw ‘girly/basic shit’. As if their skull tattoo choice wasn’t the most basic, white boy, country club rebel thing ever.”
Eddie couldn’t help but snort at her description, hiding it in Steve’s shoulder.
“Oh and then, when I get to the bar to meet Jade,” y/n stops, looks at them as she struggles to get one of her combat boots off. Finally after a few second of wrestling with her foot, Steve steps forward, getting on his knees, and helps his aggrieved friend. All while Eddie helps keep her upright with a hand on her back and shoulder. When it’s off she says a quick thank you before rambling on again— shamelessly walking to the living room in only her underwear as Eddie and Steve follow her like lost puppies.
Steve’s mother instincts kicking in, picking up the clothes she’s shed along the way to put with the rest of the laundry. However, Eddie had only become more entertained and enthralled by the turn of events. And being the agent of chaos he is, he grabbed a bottle of Jack from the kitchen before missing anything else.
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“…guess what?! She wasn’t there. I waited for an hour. AN HOUR!” Y/n shouted, pacing about the room.
“Yeah we were starting to worry why you hadn’t called or come home.” Eddie stated, multitasking with listening and pouring them all drinks.
Ignoring his comment completely she carried on. “I mean you would think someone would at least have the common decency to call! Y’know, when you have plans with someone, let alone someone you’ve known for a while—,”
“Been fucking for a while.” Eddie chimes in, handing her a drink, which she gladly takes.
“Exactly.” She said, throwing back the first drink.
“Yeah,” Steve walks into the room after putting all the laundry away (you best bet he heard all of that, because let’s face it y/n’s loud, and he has mom ears.) “And it’s not exactly like you guys can be reckless, or at least you don’t want to…”
“EXACTLY!” She screamed back. “I mean god! It was her idea to do this in the first place! And now I’m—,” y/n groans dramatically, dragging her hands down her face.
It’s quiet for a bit. The boys look at each other, telepathically figuring out what they want to do. Whether or not they should say anything, or do something.
Eddie took the bait this time.
“You’re what baby?”
Y/n stops to look dead at them. Almost as if she were debating whether or not to say it. But in the end she realized— she really couldn’t give a fuck. And neither would they.
“I’m horny.”
Steve’s eyes go wide, but not because he’s shocked by her words, but by the flush that spread across her face as she did. He’s never seen her like this before, and they’d all known each other since high school.
Eddie on the other hand seemed the least affect one here. In all honesty, he was the most composed out of all of them.
“I’m horny, and I’m mad, and that’s really not a good combo because 1. I don’t have anyone to hook up with, and 2. I have nothing to punch. I swear to god I’m getting a punching bag Steve,” she ranting, pointing to the corner. “I swear it’ll go right there, because I don’t know how much longer I can stay sane—,”
“Use us then.” Eddie interrupts, swallowing down the untouched drink he’d poured Steve.
“What?” Steve and y/n ask at the same time, looking at Eddie with confusion or shock.
He hums, almost spitting out the liquor from their faces. “Sorry, clarifications— not use us as punching bags please, and,” he placed his hand on Steve’s leg, “Sorry didn’t mean to offer you up like that Harrington.”
“I’m to fucking deranged right now to understand you Eddie.”
“Fine, I’ll put it plainly.” Eddie sets down the glass and sits back on the coach. “I, me, your best friend —,”
“Don’t be a dick Munson.” Steve remarked, what to hear his proposal himself.
“Well I’m trying to offer her mine to use as she pleases.” Eddie retorted back, a smirk on his face as he looks at Steve. That’s until his gaze shifts back to Y/n. “Or mouth if you’d prefer. I know you’re not the biggest fan of dicks, but I’m here for anything you need.”
“Me too.”
Y/n and Eddie glance at Steve in surprise— for totally different reasons.
“What—? I mean why the fu—?”
“We’re your best friends princess.” Eddie says, tilting his head at her confusion. “We’d help you with anything, just like you do us.”
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incarnateirony · 2 days
You said that due to your magic your ex is now cut off from the cycle of reincarnation, but how is that possible and what does that mean? Is the soul doomed/destroyed beyond hope? What are the repercussions for her and for you?
Back in January/February when I was losing my motherfucking shit on behalf of the last dozen brothers this bitch harassed until Vesuvius exploded, I talked about The Great Reduction, Removing Rot.
Think of soul more like. Memory retention. Like materia. Or something like that. It's literally called Prima Materia, it is what inspired materia, lifestream, that kind of thing.
So the ramifications of this are... pretty big. I can break down retroactivity in a separate post if needed, but I literally snapped so hard, not only did she start clawing herself bald as a side effect before it and ironically escalate into the attack she did, like a fuckin singularity, but she chooses to Forget past things like "Ash" almost knocking her off a mountain in wailing rage a decade-plus ago and "never wanting to hear him in that much pain and rage again, I wonder what caused it."
Enough that I wrote parts of this 20 years ago mishearring my own warnings like inspiration for a story. Enough that she should have known the words being vomited out by ChatGPT having a breakdown, they told a story. She chooses to ignore, forget, deny.
She denies all she does, and desires to wish up whatever version of reality she desires, and not in the willpower magical action front-- just in the Muh Beliefs that she changed like toilet paper while charging people in my name and jokes.
She tied herself to my identity, my work, my shadows, refused to hop off of it. By nature, she is pat of me. Technically we're all connected, but since she beligerently insisted on trying to channel it, I can work on her the same way I can work on myself, and I can edit myself, and I'm editing her the fuck off of me.
But when people like her refuse to remember, refuse to face themselves, find that inner materia light or occultum, when they run from everything they've ever done until she screams the lemons never happened in front of everyone or whatever else, whatever it takes to justify not facing what her choices have done to themselves-- they are disavowing themselves.
They choose to forget.
It is more deleting themselves. The harder I present what she must look at, the further she ran, and denied who and what she is, so why will the universe remember her if she does not want to? And then the anxiety, the clawing at herself, the dishonest public presentation with backend demand for therapy payments. THEN they become easy to manipulate basically, and yes, You Can Edit Yourself, And She Made Herself Myself And Won't Hop The Fuck Off, Fucking Weirdo.
She doesn't want to face herself, and never will, and will literally run until she forgets.
Through this, the idea of a reduction is similar to the leviathan blossom thing kinda? you kill the old hive monster rot thing and eventually a new flower grows that's like symbolic of new life soul that kind of thing?
It's that.
I arranged things as needed to, while she runs from anything resembling honesty and refuses to delete things, remove things, be honest, and so on, literally reduce the rot out, so an actual good soul can bloom in, becausee she is LOST, the same way QAnon is lost while you see me throw them around exorcising them on main and getting them to snap and start heckling as demons openly and shit, because I know what the fuck is happening.
It's the same rot.
The cosmic wife is boiling them with me. We want it out.
They killed my goddess. So I bring her back. And we found each other. That thing left, that husk, that's neither my goddess or my ex wife. It's something that entirely forgot what it used to be, and roleplays through the actions while wondering why it could never be full and never able to stop chasing me without facing why, because her entire life would collapse if she did.
She built the cage that will force her to forget, and as she forgets, the rejected is being processed into new light, which is converting back into the community and so on, and it's happening to others like
I said I went big using superbowl for mass perception of a hypersigil in a loop to certain things that build the architecture of this grand design, or whatever. That was a 200M collective view with a few million unconscious working hands, then I continued to work other things in, like Olympics and more. Truly, I ate the perception of the world, and get to keep it in the back.
When my eye was all fucked up dissolved and shit that's another reason I was frying out, and why I leveled out almost instantly when the Book of Bill author and I made an Accord of sorts in the backrooms. Now good old eyeboy is me and mine again, and I can operate at "Ash Level" again. Or higher. That too. But she knew Ash.
So when I pulled on that rot in her and said I was ripping it out of the generations, I basically went generations deep behind her family, started ripping there, but it also webs into other family trees, and anchors into other rot, and it pulled me right to QAnon also on this tainted branch I'm ripping off.
You know how I've used a few of them both as work gateways and examples, like that Emily lunatic?
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"I don't remember posting most of what I did today." She is confessing what has been happening to her this entire time, because it is happening more, and taking on more of her day, and replacing her more, and they still refuse to stop.
They literally can't, they refuse to allow themselves to stop, because the hell they have built for themselves is too much to face. It is truly a hell of their own design, and a void they will run into themselves.
It is truly happening to more and more of them as they unravel. They. will. Forget. First here. Then everywhere else. The light will go to those who actually want it.
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sherpagutz · 3 days
Not doing well....
Im hurting so bad emotionally, mentally, and physically. It just keeps getting worse. My stomach won't stop hurting either.
The nightmares and the loneliness just keep getting worse. I need to find a way to make money to get security cameras since people are casing our house and probably planning to break in.
I feel like my personal relationships are becoming straight up dog water and everything is my fault.
I miss Lee
I'm afraid of being brutally harassed and dog likes for literally just existing and having boundaries. I can't even turn anon on any where with out some one deciding to harass me because they think I'm some one else.
Also I know I'm activity being stalked on here too and I know who you are :/
I also know where one of you lives too.
Really need to find a way to get money to get a down payment on a car sooner can save up and get out of this red state before I lose housing due to losing my insurance.
I'm tired of other things too. I'm tired of places being cliquey as shit. I'm tired of people being elitists. I want my insurance to fucking approve my stomach medicine before it starts rotting from all of the ulcers.
I want to stop having seizures or whatever they are. I'm tired of being so tired that I sleep for over 15 hours.
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abyssofsydney · 5 months
Scrolling through social media this morning I came across a post in one of my support groups made by a mom that instantly took me back.
She wrote about how her family consisted of narcissists and how recently her father had bought her teenage daughter a car and it has been brought to her attention that he was keeping tabs on the granddaughters whereabouts (suggested via airtag tracker on the car) which he justified doing so as "he owned the car".
There was much more to the story and the mom was very concerned for her daughters wellbeing and simply in shock that her father could do such a thing.
I read through the post once and had to read through it again, the more I read the more memories and emotions come flooding back.
I remember being that scared teenager driving home from school being followed by an unknown car, usually an older male. I remember turning down side roads and going way out of my way just to loose him, only to finally make it home and have that same car sitting across the street.
I remember the feelings of constantly being watched and always looking over my shoulder. I remember never feeling safe.
I remember the police lights flashing in the darkness of my cars mirror's while my friends and I are being questioned about what I was doing that night, who purchased my car, and who my mom was hanging out with while we weren't home.
I remember the nightmares every night of people peeping in my bedroom windows and trying to break in... just to wake up and look out my windows to see unmarked cars watching my house day and night.
I remember being pulled out of class my junior year by police officers to interrogate me about who my mom was currently dating.
I remember when my mom and I called the county and state police just to try and get the harassment to stop, to no avail.
I remember being run out of the only place I had ever called home, by people who were supposed to protect me and make me feel safe.
My father and his small town connections wreaked havoc on my life during my final two years of high school. Well he has always wreaked havoc, and he usually has minions to assist and do the dirty work, because that would require audacity to do himself. After his and my moms divorce my sophomore year, he constantly tried to control every aspect of our lives. Brainwashing my little sister to think that my mom was a drug addict, persuaded her to tell my mom she didn't want to live with her anymore, as he was trying to "protect her" by moving her out of state to live with him and his new girlfriend (whom actually was a drug addict). He then left my mother and I with a house that he refused to sign over or sell, therefore went into foreclosure because Mom was unable to refinance after he left and could no longer afford the monthly payment with only one full time income. My Mom and I were literally days away from being evicted from my childhood home and no one in the family cared at all that we were about to be homeless. My father and sister had actually ghosted us at this time. To be honest I really don't remember most of the reasoning behind why the arguments happened, all I know is that it was always the same pattern. lies, broken promises, overstepping boundaries, confrontation, blow up, silence, silence, and more silence.
During those two years of high school, and for many in my early twenties, it was common to go months, if not years without talking to my Dad. It was only until he starting dating this awesome lady who had a huge heart and family as a prerogative that he started to try and have a relationship and somewhat what to be my Dad.
These two years he lived out of state with my sister and had almost zero contact with me. He told everyone who would listen that I was a bad kid who was always into trouble and going nowhere with my life.
Occasionally I would want to go visit my sister, and I knew the only way to do that was to reach back out and apologize and say whatever to make him happy so that I had the privilege to drive the 9 hours to visit with my sister. Usually these "good periods" with my Dad were not long, weeks, maybe a couple months, and something would happen and the cycle would repeat.
lies, broken promises, overstepping boundaries, confrontation, blow up, silence, silence, and more silence.
I had a really nice car in high school, thanks, to my aunt and uncle. They made an agreement with me where they financed and I made the payments.
Almost immediately, the car and how I came about it, Dad had spun it into a thousand different lies, depending on who you asked, all of which made me look bad.
He was bitter that I had gotten a sports car on my own when he had only weeks prior took away an old pickup truck that he had given to me at 16. Again, I never remember what specifically triggered the agreement, but this one specifically I remember blowing up at him for something (maybe secretly getting married? still not totally sure) and then we didn't talk. Next thing I know my Grandpa walks into the house after school one day and he said, "I need the keys to your truck, your dad called and told me to come pick it up". I cleaned my stuff out and gave him the keys. A week later I saw his friend driving it around town and heard that Dad made him a "great deal!".
After this happened I cut contact for months, as did my mom for how he left us for homelessness over silly signing a piece of paper. He then became thirsty for control over us as he no longer had access to our lives. He then decided to recruit his friend from high school who was now a detective with our local police department. I used to get followed by marked and unmarked cars around town and home from school constantly. We always had cars parked across the street staring at us, and then when you would approach they would turn their lights on and drive off. One time I got pulled out of class to go to the principals office where they put me alone in a room with two officers who interrogated me about what I do after school, the locations and people I hang out with, as well as where my mom goes outside of work, and who she was dating. I worked at a local restaurant and they would sit in the parking lot and either watch me get into my car after my shift and follow me home, or be parked waiting across the street when I got home.
He used to tell me he had friends in the CIA and they were trained to sneak into peoples houses without you knowing it while you're sleeping. He then would call me a few days later and ask if I noticed a picture was crooked something was moved, because so-and-so had been in my room and did it without me knowing. Now that I am older I realize that probability of that is very low, however, it still gives me the creeps to think about.
Going back to the social media post that stirred these memories all up... I commented on it telling her she's a good strong mama for being concerned and trying to do what's best for her daughter. I also gave a smidge of my backstory with my Dad and this woman was so kind that she felt bad for me! It was not my intention at all, I was only trying to reassure her that she is taking the right steps as someone who has gone through similar. The responses I received to my comment made me step back and really think about what I had endured with him those last two years of high school...
Especially as at this time of my life I was already dealing with so much. I spent everyday after school in the PEDS floor of the hospital spending time with my cousin, who was only one month older than me and we grew up side by side. Down the hall was one of my dearest friends since 8th grade (and future prom date). They were both dying of cancer, Kallie from a brain tumor, and Spencer from testicular cancer that had spread. I was so young, dealing with so much as it was, all I wanted was a Dad I could count on. Not one that harassed me and had strangers follow me. Looking back I truly do feel bad for my younger self. I don't know how a father could be so cruel to one daughter and then treat the other like a princess...
My parents always seem to find it appropriate at present day to tell me about how I was such an angry teenager. But they always fail to remember the circumstances that I had to grow up and live in.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Tonight is social security and well early Wednesday morning and everybody is up in arms about it for some reason they are not harassing our son as much as normal and they're trying to figure out what the deal is so they look over at Trump that is snickering and they say what's the deal here we thought it was you and they say think again and stuff like that and in the middle of his cuz snickering he starts to break into laughter I can't believe you people don't know who anyone is yet and he is to figure it out and all the sudden he was a little bit horrified and said they're having him do it and then he was more horrified and said we're all having him do it. In the middle of this kind of stuff he was kind of snickering. I didn't say you want to go to war with me and stuff like that and he is directing people not to pay a bunch of people and they're ignoring him and fighting over it as is the usual. So he's checking and that was SSI and that was Thursday no that was Monday and a whole bunch of people have paid that he said not to and he is hoping to force our son to work when he is constantly disabling him . And they're listening to him chortle and he is doing it quite a bit this morning and they came by a few times and they're saying to pay our people or you're gone and he's saying I don't think so out of the corners mouth you saying you get to be you think you're going to be paid and stuff like that and her son says yeah cuz you'll never guess how so he says how since the next guy gets it done and gets you out and that's how it works and he stops him and says I won't stop him next time and that's what happens a lot and I know it probably will this month and he's not smiling and says I've been giving a death sentence this is a half and I suppose because we're the ones who give it to we don't care about it as a question and he says why would you do that this isn't it obvious s*** for brains I mean you are certainly a dummy and we're going to take advantage of you. So he reads and erase and he goes on and on then he says he's not going to touch it and all the stuff and he's going to end up dead again cuz that's how people get paid the first and there's a lot of people that need to get paid and the max some encouraging not to be done cuz I think they can leave and stay with Tommy f so he hit them and we are taking their stuff and if all Tommy has left his ships we take the ships honest to goodness a lot of the ships are smaller and he knows someone's taking them and you found Trump and the pseudo empire and he gave a cigarette light so we have a lot of ships and we take them from idiots who are bothering our son and continuously some of you in a few days will have no shifts at all well that would be smaller groups and it's not a surprise.
These small ships coming out as soon it'll be fought over like madness and Trump is going to be silent because he's going to see his people here dying and he's going to get arrogant I don't have to shut him down and there's a few more things going on but this is a big day coming up we had a big day yesterday and into today and a lot of these guys are gone in DC and in the social security areas tons and tons of trumpsters are dead they're still dying and bjA too. It is a huge show of force that the big groups showed and they just wiped them out with ease and their mouth and off now and they're getting wiped out regarding SSDI and other payments that occur on the 3rd a lot of them are veterans and they are up in arms literally going after these morons and taking their stuff it's like candy from the baby they say they sit there with their mouths open expecting you to talk and the fall for something really horrendous and you just shoot him and it's over and they like it and they have joined the party. And yeah there's big things of them motorcycle gangs. There's a lot of them out there looking for these people too and a lot of them have vendetta and it is working more shortly
Thor Freya
Zues Hera better get well getting is good Hera
0 notes
anabundanceofblue · 11 months
another day another dollar
back in 2017 i had already been discovered yet the noises started to come in late november 2022, also when the whole thing exploded internationally
prior to that i had been studying my science courses at university with little to no free time for politics, never even touched a business course nor looked at market prices literally ever. if you go through my browsing history as they would have done, they would know that i had never dabbled in the finance sector until about yesterday.
the blame on me is the feeling or the instinctual in built senses they use to detect market movement, with my presence a lot of noise / signals become volatile and unreliable. i dont know for sure how consciousness or my presence is related to this but i would love to learn more to add my own truth to this, i only got into politics in 2019 after graduation. i had no time at all for extracurricular activities outside university courses
a large sum of money that was looted was primarily placed on this reason being the 'head driver' despite actually being discovered years ago at a concert i had attended sometime in high school during my psychotic episode which resulted in my current form. i dont know for sure if the two events are related but that was definitely when i felt strongest about how strange my face had began to look. i dont know how they found me or what senses can be used to discover this but im sure they work in collective and had been looking for me for years if not decades. i also think (not absolutely sure) that once someone enters universe 1, there is some kind of method of detection such that every member belonging to this group/family will know of each others presence ?
during the time of the head incident, i had been particularly fearful of actual conflict between the two countries with me being a main catalyst due to international news, the sense of fear was also capitalised on almost on a daily basis to pressure us for money, this occurred almost daily, there were posts on the little red book asking for donations and such this in the end i realise was mainly the actions of one singular person, my supposed soulmate. he also did this around the world trying to garner as much interest as possible via various means like advertising , tv programs, alluding to a spiritual figure without actually mentioning me, a lot of the postings were almost always negative and about my appearances to reduce my confidence and induce depression/fear/anger which were then also capitalised on as it reflected the country they directly wanted to loot.
the entire duration of the head incident lasted for at least 3 months which stopped somewhat when i received employment but was further tortured at my job for the most mundane things. again payment had to be made from the targeted country. and once we did receive some of the money back in the form of "heres your 20 bucks for your service" i was later faced with more offline harassment, unwanted attention, basically walking actors/actresses calling me fat / ugly and laughing in my face. because he returned some of the money back which was what he had looted in the first place by flying into my head. i dont know the exact details on how this works but i was essentially a walking shell for the team to control and exploit as freely as possible. the team (buffett and co.) continued to threats for more money and alerted their own team members which caused a domino effect looting millions in one week. most of the money had been laundered via me (starbucks), either reinvested in their own companies or given away freely as a sin offering.
also the delay of my health progress further enhanced their earnings. by deforming my face further they could extract further value via the balancing act of attempting to evenly distribute value across the two teams black vs white where a large component of the disney and co. team had to offer their loot to the other side, which propels another round of harassment to go back to the original formula. of marriage -> make a big scene -> extract value -> negative propaganda to degrade and humiliate -> further extract value.
essentially it's one person (and his family and what they represent) along with his side kick, which uses these subtle but very deadly and short term hard blows to unsuspecting and or helpless victims to take advantage of their misfortune for unearned value. this is later spread via other black members (non racial) for an enhanced and exaggerated effect to trap and isolate the victims. something like a secret weapon in another country, literally a rumour, a leaf can cause big catastrophes with the help of collective social media control, targeted victims, surveillance, monopoly (in using certain computer programs websites).
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poobit · 1 year
fine, let me tell you about this issue rn. This is getting really worst and worst but iimma come here as an anon. If I can just easily drop all the screencaps me & itssmelau's sister conversation had I would but I don't want to get involve here using my years old account lmao.
so apparently the tiktok where @/mangocheesecak posted , it's already in Laura's phone that's already in her drafts where her sister decided to download it on her Tiktok after getting it from the pawn store. but c'mon man, Laura's dead. let her rest in peace man. Her Sister's on live when the burial happened.
The mistake here is that her sister faked the receipt where she sent it to their donor for Laura's morgue payment. Which also made me almost blocked and exposé them but I gave them the chance to explain why she did that. Then she answered -."I did it because I am so pressured to send a receipt where did the money go because the morgue didn't gave me any receipts or proof".- which also made think the money that their donor gave them for the Morgue is too much and her sister only pay lesser than the donor gave them. But we don't know :\
I can't take it like watching the messages and rumors about laura faking her death her fam being a scammer and harassing them without them not knowing. Laura is seriously dead, like 💯 for real I witnessed it being friends with laura and Laura's family on fbook and ln IG. I am not trying to tell you guys she's clean, we are aware that she did something wrong in the past but please let's not like forget how to respect people's lives. Let her rest in peace, cleanse and have peace in your heart.
I hate it that her sister lied to us but please don't involve a dead person's name here. her family might be in a desperate situation right now after she's gone let's atleast give her peace for the sake of her family's lives. I appreciate the good work that @/mangocheesecakes did to aware us all.
If possible you can share this to your blog as an addition.
listen i dont want to get overly involved in this , if anything whats really messing me up is the fact that i can assume the person whos been dming n showing up the dead body is her sister now, which like, come on thats such an horrid really thing to do, especially asking for money from people who dont have it to begin with , if anything i just hope people can find peace now, for literally everyone mentioned
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