#i think the beholder is eternal tho
ruushes · 5 months
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all? 😊
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
so many lol, they're my sparkledog oc, i just keep adding things to them 😂 they rly like body mods in an unconscious/unexamined bodily autonomy way, im thinking abt redesigning their tattoos since they've changed a lot as a character since i made them tho
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eyes-inthe-dark · 8 months
Hi Hello I actually make things sometimes
I don't know if anyone who follows me is interested in this stuff bc I very rarely post things from my own life, but I decided to be a little more active on here besides reblogging funny shit regarding my current hyperfixation.
So, here is the (incomplete) crafting diary of a neurodivergent trans person surviving christmas with the family and the dark and dreadful times (winter) in general by making shit! with my hands!
First: fiber stuff
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I picked up tablet weaving over the last few months of 2023 and made my first pair of somewhat mistake-free shoelaces over the holidays! Only got the pattern completely right on the second try with the red but both laces now get to add a fun little detail to my shoes.
Next I tried a more complicated pattern and experimented a lot, hence the irregular pattern and troubleshooting at the start of the band. I'm now repurposing it as a camera strap and I learned a lot from it tho.
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My current setup is basic cardboard tablets (I had to make extra ones so I had enough for the last band with 30 cards), tying the warp to something sturdy like a bookshelf, and sitting down with a backstrap belt on the other side of the room. I used thin wool yarn for this, which stuck to itself quite a lot, but not too much to be unmanagable, and I really like how the finished product feels.
If anyone's interested, I could make a longer post on how I made the shoelaces, I think it's a very beginner friendly project.
I managed to get my hands on a drop spindle and gave that a try, but I ran out of wool after making a very small amount of very chunky yarn and am currently working out where to best get sth local. It was fun tho!
I also finally finished the knitted scarf that has been in my wip pile for... approximately three years? I started it when I was still in school, feels like an eternity ago. It's just a simple (although very long) red wool scarf, but it keeps me nice and warm in this cold, harsh- *checks weather* ...5°C and neverending rain.
Next up: woodworking!
Noodled around with my grandpa's old dremel that we still had lying around, which resulted in this truly terrifying weapon:
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Behold! I named it Toothling. It's great for poking friends and family when they least expect it.
This was more of a test run to see if it all still works and to try out doing small scale work with wood, now I gotta think of something fun to make. (I say, as if I didn't already have 50 different ideas)
Before that fuckery, I made this magnetic dice box/rolling tray for my lovely partner's birthday.
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Though I don't feel like I can take credit for working the CNC magic on this, I did all the hands-on work with the sanding, assembling the magnets, shellac coating, and whatnot. I'm pretty sure wood is some sort of fruit tree, since it smells strongly of what I suspect might be plum or cherry.
Last but sure as fuck not least: embroidery
This I actually get professional instruction for at uni. I've kinda lost patience for it atm, but mostly because I cannot resist making unnecessarily complicated pieces with tiny little stitches and then am forced to finish it because I do actually kinda need to pass this class. My lecturer keeps telling me not to go so detailed, yet I have proven resistant to her good advice. But, I figured if I have to make two full pieces of embroidery to be graded on and put hours of work into, I might as well choose designs that I can turn into patches for my jacket:
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Catha and Ruidus! I love me some big moon little moon imagery. The prompt was to incorporate most of the techniques/stitches we've learned so far. Added the little gold chain stitch around ruidus for the arcane latticework. It came out a little wonky shape wise, but I love it nonetheless.
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And my most recent wip, a stained glass window design with the Ninth House skull and Gideon's sword behind it, to feed my current Locked Tomb obsession.
And that's it!
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lordarsonizzzzt · 2 years
HELLO HELLO BABY HOW DO YOU DO ITI was taking a shower and an idea struck me-What about (y/n) super mysterious demon??? (tall, maybe 250 centimeters?? Sharp claws, shark teeth and long horns??) She is a new anomaly who complains all the time to everyone who is near her, because this stupid person looked at her the wrong way (a couple of dozen seriously injured employees fund...And then the great minds of the foundation decide to send Dr. Glass to her. What will happen to him????? He will probably dieWait, why hasn't that super-tall demon killed him yet, AND THE HELL WHY THEY ARE SO CLOSE...
Actually (y/n) knew Glass's great-great-great-grandfather a long time ago. And both of them (y/n and very distant grandfather of Glass) had a falling out, and it so happened that the grandfather "lost" and, so to speak, "married" her grandson to her, who should be born in the distant future (that is, the current Dr. Glass) and lo and behold, they finally met and now (y/n) takes care of him as best he can-
I can go on forever, sorry about that,,,,
sorry for the mistakes english is not my native language
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➸ You got to the foundation after they found you killing people that got into you 'territory'
➸ You didn't mind the containment, they would listen to your petitions of having a tea set, a nice table and some couches.
➸ You wouldn't get many visitors tho, so those little times that they would interview you would be used to talk about this and that, your old days when the word was shittier and man couldn't do drag.
➸ One day tho, a tiny boy came inside and you were confused. Did they finally listened to your request of having someone to talk to?
➸ His name was 'Simon Glass', it sounded familiar. You two talked a lot while sharing a cup of tea, he would listen and question all the histories you would tell him, that alone filled your heart with joy.
➸ And then you remember! You decided you would tell him anyways, so there you were, telling the blonde guy that you met his great great great grandfather and he made a deal with you, eternal riches, and his great great great grandson would be your husband.
➸ Poor thing was taken aback after this information, he offered meeting more if that was okay with you since he wouldn't marry someone he doesn't know, normally you would kill whoever dared to say you weren't worthy marrying even if it was the first time meeting them, but since he was so polite you accepted.
➸ Glass was very nice to you and would bring different types of tea bags and a lot of shit that happened outside, you would always wait for him and slowly, you started feeling like you never felt before. Could this be love?
➸ Glass knew he had little to no choice in the matter, but he started taking a liking to you so he guessed, why not?
➸ You would pet his head like he was a little dog, I mean, you were pretty tall so he might as well be
➸ He would cuddle with you *after figuring out how* and would wait until you are fully asleep to get out your containment cell.
➸ Sadly for you, he is going to die one day and you'll keep on living, but you get to enjoy him now :)
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ruleofrosethorns · 1 year
notes for kuwtm!! (since some of yall seem to really enjoy this au)
the main au takes place a few months after SH3
james is here because harry kinda just felt like visiting sh after a couple of years and lo n behold
he saved wittle old james and the rest is history
Harry DID NOT DIE because his protective bf (james) saved his sleepy ass
they decided to go on a road trip to Silent Hill and fuck around for a bit
(i might start writing a separate thing for that hehe)
anyway at some point harry got separated from the gang(tm) and went to alchemilla hospital
(oh and Maria was out and about terrorizing James like old times <3)
pretty much there's just a group of monsters who are kinda just hanging out and smoking weed
they're cool w/ the gang and through undisclosed plot developments i'm still tryna work out in my brain-
the weed-smoking sh group survives the purge of Harold Mason and move into the human world
not directly next to but in the same area as the Masons (much to their concern (except for Heather))
and thus, the mlm wlw rivalry begins /j
Heather enjoys hanging out w/ them but Harry and James are UNDERSTANDABLY conflicted
like idk bro letting our adopted daughter hang out with the manifestations of my guilt seems kinda wack...
but regardless they all love Lisa because she has never done anything wrong ever
Harry's alright(???) w/ Maria and PH?? James is mostly just annoyed by Maria and PANICKED BY PH
Harry and Lisa are honorary siblings <3 they didn't really get to know each other during SH but that all changed when Lisa moved in
Maria and Lisa are in love and sort of formed a found family with the monsters. co-workers of the otherworld ig
the monsters sort of look up to Maria and Lisa as mother figures, PH being the weird uncle that they all love bc he supplies them weed
James & Harry tend to COINCIDENCELY run into Maria & Lisa whenever they go on a date its an ongoing issue
Most of the monsters can't really go outside?? (y'know because grotesque eldritch horrors aren't "allowed" in public SMH)
So Maria, Lisa & Heather usually go on shopping sprees to get their demonic buddies things that they want
Unfortunately Lisa sometimes starts leaking blood so that's sometimes an issue
(she has to inhale & hold her breath to keep it at bay for long periods of time)
She is like a balloon
ALSO Harry is still an author!! He's moved away from murder mystery's and works on supernatural horror & non-fiction novels about certain cults...
James doesn't really have a job.
he just sort of fucks around and gets a new part time job every time the last one realizes he has been legally declared missing for 12-13 years
Heather's still in school (doing her last year), had to repeat once because of SH3 kinda resulting in her family needing a REAL vacation
Maria and Lisa don't have jobs. No one knows how they managed to rent a house. James thinks they probably killed the landlord.
Like seriously, where does their money keep coming from.
Heather asked one day and Lisa spoiled the mystery by admitting they sell random demonic items they find in the Otherworld.
SPEAKING OF HEATHER. she is a girl liker. i don't make the rules (i do)
Harry is also teaching her piano (yknow for puzzle related purposes), James "trys" to help her maths homework to various degrees of success.
James does most of the cooking, but can and will resort to eating dirt if needed.
(He doesn't cook because he's good at it or enjoys it tho. it's not like he is better than Harry at cooking-he just REALLY wants to help out around the house)
Oh also James &  Harry got married a few years before the events of SH3. It was a tough decision for them at first but Heather helped them work things out
(She also hijacked the music at the reception and played My Chemical Romance)
Maria n Lisa had thought about marriage but they're sort of stuck with each other for eternity sooOo
LEMME TALK ABOUT HARRIA REAL QUICK (yes harv i have coined that name it is TOO GOOD)
So Maria is directly, y'know, connected to James' subconscious, so she can go back and forth between the forms
Again, James fell in luv w/ Harry and SH panicked and said "FUCK MARIA CHANGE UR PFP"
At first she didn't have much control over it?? So like a year after SH2, Maria's just chilling w/ Lisa and then POOF
HARRIA. And Lisa's like "AYO :O I KNOW THAT GUY?!" So they found out about the boyfriends PRETTY early on
It took a few months, but she managed to figure out how to shapeshift at will. Turns out shes genderfluid!
But after SH3 she doesn't use it that much (yknow considering harry is RIGHT THERE) but she will shapeshift just to fuck w/ people
James is ashamed to admit he actually fell for it once (he was SLEEPY and half-awake, okay?!)
Harry was a lil bit freaked out at first but now he just thinks it's kinda cool
Heather just thinks it funny that this eldritch demonic horror from another world is basically just a yassified vers of her dad and James' ex-wife
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irislazulee · 2 years
How Kane thinks of other hypogeans:
Abt Ezizh:
His strive for eternal chaos shown just in the dream realm is impressive, although it just may become his own drawback: It isn't known if he could do the same in reality. What? He created an external form to manifest himself in the mortal world? I wonder if he really knew what he was doing.....
Abt Mehira:
The succubus? Oh my Annih.... Don't tell me she's been chasing that bounty hunter's tail AGAIN- I'm used to the sounds of her sweet voice and her moans every night heard behind the doors of her bedroom, but this... Chasing after the tail of a WHAT?? A mere bounty hunter?! Isn't that pathetic?!
Abt Zolrath:
That idiot doesn't know what he's doing. It comes up as an advantage and a disadvantage for us. But his pranks-I'm sorry to say, he has a CLEAR sense of what he is doing. Even myself and the higher ups are no exception! Last he replaced the Mehira's lotion with my armor oil, I was forced to feel aroused all day, thanks to the aphrodisiac inside it!
Abt Khazard:
We weren't on good terms, was, is, and never will. Though he's highly tolerant to alcohol compared to the others, so we shift into human form and go out for a drink once in a while. He takes care of my drunk shenanigans sometimes. Besides, I'm quite amused that his human form hasn't attracted much attention. Hmph, "Opposites attract"? That's the most idiotic statement I've heard in my way-too-long life.
Abt Zikis:
With the exception of my dragon, I've never been fond of animals-ESPECIALLY cats. This one's worse.
Abt Framton:
What a relief that hothead has something else to feast on. When he thought the Solaris Flare was gone forever, what a sight to behold- he even had the nerve to bare his teeth at ME. What would Lutos say about if he witnessed that.
This took longer than I thought!
Scrapped only the ones who I had a clear idea of it tho.
Returning with pt.2: Baron Leofric!
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So, when you saw like a dragon what was your thoughts on it? Also when did you get into Yakuza?
i honestly hadnt seen or heard anything about LAD until i started to play the game. the most i'd seen was the jimas fight, and i remember seeing that and thinking the game would be too intimidating to pick up. probably wasn't the best idea to watch- arguably- one of the hardest boss fights casually as my first exposure to the game (tho lo and behold i run the stupid thing every other day now) LMAO. obviously now my opinion's changed A LOT and im eternally grateful ichiban won the twitter babygirl poll :]
as for when i got into the yakuza series dear government i do mean the series not da fuckin organization it's a trick question: i first played Y0 back in 2018-2020 (cant exactly remember when oops) when i saw Y0 had a sale on the playstore, but i stopped playing it until may last year when i figured i'd finally pick it back up after years of constantly saying i'd go back to playing it. after finishing it and going through a Mad Depressive Week and needing a distracction i figured i liked it enough to buy the rest of the games since they were all on sale once upon a time and now we're here.
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libidomechanica · 3 months
Untitled Composition # 11881
A ballad sequence
Of things I tried to awaken.     Deepening their state in compare, whaever has o’er-brimm’d the lily     will take something men
should do? Quo’ her gown; she was in     love enjoyment more paine. As though I adore that has washed     in them, my own animals.
Which never wi’ her call was     heard, and sweet, inspir’d with instance thy hook and mak’st all to     the mountains light, elbows,
knees, dreams are grazing, the spot, the     great song for the bed. And it mak me eerie, sir. Do     dictionaries methode brings
forth, that Martha’s name, at once it     bloomed like a gleaner though mounted on the skirts of vast     eternity. A little
helpe to harmony with Heaven’s     messenger of crimson holly-hoaks, among six boys, head     up as before the primrose-
banks, and prove unto the poet’s     matter; and her eyes my life began to stir? Who     remembered you will, but he
may say he put his Mortal Love.     For love retain. This love for even straining sunshine     tinselling place where the swan.
Made one about the green, red, and     fever dew on every petticoat he brush’d, and felt their     carefully the phone. Nor let me prop my mind, yet in the     trees and declared and disconsolate, thou seëst all heaven     for its poisoned serpent
covered with someone who wanted     of life, God wot, wot not what to doubt, that the forces we     had returning eyes and broider the summit of the night,     and smile upon her pallid cheek begins the Folding of     this Ambitious thou go
with many a holy and mellow     strings and what’s the time would make mad the rustling birds of     the psyche driven out of books, but hitherward you speak     silence with vulgar brains to knowing loue, wyll be lost. Of     his deuise: they strike, and still
more, but ever wi’ her can compare,     whaever has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ my Phillis,     has met wi’ the shadows bathe me, cold are all wracked be?     My braine so darke without tenderness, we are’ who might     determines here, and still told
of a vanish; why shoulders, breast     lie down the untill’d soil. And once deep heart of existence     beat for ever. That faire after many dayes: I wonne her     with a groan, more shak’d thyself with us. Of thy lawn, see     all. Robert Burns: glieb o’
lan’, a claut o’ gear, was my chiefe     praise, chiefe praises; or, if not, wish you had foul ones, arms, and     thicker, until I heare of Poets fury tell, and, like     a sweetbread fr an old grandfather. How heavy fire, obsessed,     when what cannot proud,
by that when thou shalt there I my     heart-strings he dreadful night the first he leaves were green hill in     an ear-shaped cone to the powers of the hill, or frosty     air is keen and revive the small gnats mourn among the best     wits doth endorse his lines,
and waile thy self-contemplate;     what you must take care and sorely hurt. These, and the dove. Fool,     against us and with his sheepe on the meads; where Loues feet     may kisses; which I though she were you up the morning Eld     now I see Tweed’s silver
current glide, and say—’Ah! Turning     dewy-warm will breath to die; yet waile with cold bene     an auncient tree, some say, if to the dreadful night looks shew     him truly not the more can write! Husks, cut flesh, all the flesh     further can compare, whaever
have been a caring, if unskilled,     which royally did wear his crooked, that’s like amorous     birds sing. Mother-Age! In that runs before the power     to this I know no beauty, make amends, tho’ my heart doth     belong yourself or face!
Behold them indeed speak plain and     again! And the gates were, who did the wonderous weight that’s     for the snow hath retreated,
and summer of father’s beer     to think they could I ail my life be led to join the breathing     spangles, shew like an
injured by my earthy mind is     her Johnny, her hair; sleeps in pleasure, but moderately,     and never a place! So
prayed the barre to play a plait upon     her skin’s most meet for thee there yet recovery, et     cetera—could not vary,
is constantly leans, the     invisible line pulled taut that tents thy early birds come to     tell you learned how silence,
that faded star flash the dead     unhappy woman in a world is more at her eyes I     was borne our wretch did you
gone. But at my feet. Moor-fields, this     old thorn, so old, in truth the storm, and knit in knots of     Paradise. When Venice and
skill, your charter is so accursed     be the sandy tracts, and could death. The daisy amus’d     my fond flyes, the silent
sympathize with the sparkling     sprites remoue from good time, which Musicke can be done him; such     a guest, but the moonbeams
fall as the stories are measure     nigh, which some may yet be the abandoned skins. Or snow; for     the lift? That we see or
seem is but silk that bear the love     and all my fancy. Then was triumphant show; all, that no     passion were a whole weeke
with its deep, while both th’ Indias     of spring on prey, rather, that this is true. In my     pouch I had nothing else
is. Which my veins fill with the others,     in its own skin. I cannot be given the bush her     conquest to every part.
But lo! Meantime we two being     plac’d; beauty of my life began to applie. Choir the sun;     whistle back the crickets
sing; and made to worke me more than     in my hand. To whom my soueraigne of seven together     at once our time for ever:
yet, ere I go hence, know the     quilts those bright-dark struggle, the velvet; or something my thumbs     press will ever languish
moist and fast bound, and o’er the hill,     or frosty rime, that then find, while the brain so wild; thou emblem     in the queen o’ the
fairest votary took up their     vermillion leaves it has its utmost will, and wears The Crown,     and down so we can’t espy
in any way to vary     from my brow with those rich anger than half of paradise.     He know no beauty make
my sight wait for verse; Thine age asks     ease, and about the tyrant cast out. Throng to hear of the     glow that slowly to th’
shades wherein affected seemed     to thee. And in your surqedrie, with weeping, I have gives me     his jacket as we do.
No, there quoth he thou be’st born to     snow, or I shall meet; myriads of rivulets hurrying     thro’ the father’s arms, neck,
thigh and I admire them doe loue,     with a shriek like a Lord alone that fair stand at our minds,     amidst our minds, amidst
our mirthful board, shall sweetness of     mine eyes and ovens and Soul are Lovers Each of other.     With new-borne sighes and
your tongues high have my sight so long!     I will take; she looket sae bashfully downe with me in     the mind? Puffed vp with patience,
fy! Of Animal Alloy,     till all its twined flower of my blood glow with thy mystic     changes in your hair, and
a song for you, only folly     rich! You long; for silk will end the shining swarm at every     hanging grove where poets
throngs of time my should she looked close     to move so suddenly, sweet hug, is stolen in garrets,     on the blade of fire. There
the only last hour I am     not your brow: and if a childe that in the wild herds spontaneous     as any, we
are two and twenty, Tam! This, she     woke Endymion with furious, love a goat in velvet     scabbard! On my fire. Brought
her senses back again: and when     the stormy winter, sir; and frostie furrow sound of this, old     Farmer Simpson did my
colds a forward let us make     captive art? High, and doing me a new gown, the night, grave     where their own disgrace inuent:
my very close did not said     or sung for Italy free, let none look along the durt     of cattell, and snow, or
crystal—and dreams, and hurl their frenzies;     thou stayed so long in wealth alchemy. For pity like     a rolling pin, over
knees; you take wrong is mixed. My notes     dost thou go with me. Out of my love? When glided in     Porphyria worships its fair
hair’d shadow of a babe you the     prime of yesterday, which we banter, wished for Love is of     their frenzies; thou straight so
long in wealth and hery with Heavens,     and found all, and I could never miss’d it yet, Gae seek     for pleasure thou hast got
by the lake, and his high up the     happy thresholds, when all her yellow peels, my stinging so     be hell; not blame your surqedrie,
without tread, and keeps her off,     and some, like flying words, as the face of my dull bear it     no more; drop like the gourd,
and of shame; my eyes caught light the     first unfauld her robes, and songs never move, too weak, for a     tranquil and misery.
Though some dozen times and despaired of, for our money;     and, pledging aft to cloke. That ushers in the durt of cattell, and beate vpon the blue     day-light’s in the distance then hastily. Nor the mice huddle, as the story, women     at once is Folly’s leasing nurse and
look down, an’ I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam! In the     wisest run. Beneath than we from thee I cannot be prolonged beyond, imagined you     like golden sands. Scatter thou canst not think us worthy of that bear the lonely cell     o Mercurius, that hides your ear still
their own selues to Tantals smart, wealth or company     to Stephen to hear mermaids’ singing, or to wrong is mixed. Why I tie about the     blames in photographs, and thou, Mercury, assist my lab’ring sea, in distance thy feet;     show me thy love enjoy tonight! The
snowy-banded, dilettante, delicate-handed     Baronet he, a great Solemnities, orinda’s wishes for peace thou woulds’t, when he     willow bend; nor shame, to sit in stately ships, and be the green, he dreary mountains doth     please, refused to sleep. Have cut the gateways
of thy crags, O Sea! Yet, hadst thou less unworthy     such agonies should hear planet with stormes, his toppe was buried. Cruel, cruel immortal,     while thou drawest the blue curtains call on a dewy morning daffodil dead, deserve     our best remember, whom reverend and
restore what He distribute of my tears themselves     as hands. Not with rocks, and come, for whom my foolish passion were a target for thyself     than storax from thee going to marry the beauty brings they fly; then, bosom’s core shall     be death of loue is no more; drop like
that done, then to anothers stand no one but earnest     as they. How rich the spirits rush’d together with life-enkindling breath finds you got     home to love must pine, neglect: they wont in the vales await thee; saw the hair away from     me: when the blooms that at each, while the
sweet in those friend, the Tory member’s elder son,     and the mountain-path, this chiefe Pernassus flowes, and the cause? As the husband’s rites in,     ere twere gone home to seruewe his grave sir, both drink too much wit impart as sacred thing     do, that thou go with moss, you must find
each other until surely, now for me the ringing     constellation, and I would she looked around, I trow, and hurl their own Joys, and sing     a faery’s child; her hair; sleeps in pleasures be, shewes loue and lock’d embrace that he shouts     with its too harsh kisses and of lady
fair to be leant on and while perpetual,     growing in the field alone and pale his mother’s threate. Wealth of globed peonies;     or if thy mistress, pretty ruth upon my pain. For ignorance is fled, and hides your     health or company to Stephen Hill.
To walk away, or learn some will     fly for your belles and your beautiful, the fairy tales of     dangling of things. We tore
oursels asunder; but oh! The     presence that’s like cloth’d: must I here stretch vnto that earlier     page. His kneeling by hardest.
She soon to be woo’d and pushing,     head under a cover. Vision of the death weighed downe     with despair print thy dazling
race onely vnto the difference     between the hills— teenagers in love. Sleepy pilots     casting that which I though
I die thirsting. So on thy cheek     discloses, when the mountain- top, can this happy The     misery is great disdain,
have put on, to do her husband     is, the town, unto their eyes and be the Knowledge comes in     force. Place. And look down with
potent spell. And can return see     never. The Girl, in rock and looked no little heart, then my     good Angell guides me too.
That we had lived twenty, Tam! On     Cupids help, on you talk of love, and smil’d at the feast and     being one, and feed deep,
deep upon her senses clear. And     asks you beautiful in silence, then to the fawn that though     in wretched wight, a few
hours to make the water, rising     they spring, or in the soft silver bow lie on thy choice,     who madest him yet
recover. This, readers did not these     hymns, all the Dross of Matter be consumes: I withers, in     thy forehead to be woo’d
and made music too,—while craftely     you see, sweet maid, say, maiden terrible, lov’st thou less     unworthy so to die.
A storm of sighs—all things. Of joint:     science, fy! Comfort? It is thine arms, here at least indecency;     but ever know
each other. Gray mockers and topp,     als my budding more, but plain and make you are not with such     sweets are, they say, full many
a soundless presume to pleased     we went. But cease your hand in Energy—his Treasures, like     Aurora, proue of gentle
Lawiers, waxen touched its struggle,     the very weel aff, Why stands not save one from car to     this twilight. Yet, hadst thou
the procession of the light. What     art’s for all her ills—a scatter their starved lips are steadfast?     Storm, and there, above me
immortality. What wintry     wind arises, roaring sense that come down a daughter’s case;     more than I can tell by
tongue but slow? And see the woods. For     naked as a fish, naked as a fish, naked as a     boy tugs at his zenith,
sweating gold, once, in some wind blows     chill; and made such mirrors, another womanhood, it means,     a Season of the purple
sphere. To tinder. When all have     not still: and die as fast and feather, for scorning winds, and     impudency raignes
without a star upon thy corbe     should instruct those rosy little hearts had warm’d; and the rest     of ony! Heaven of
my body this Exchange thou wilt     see these? How falls before you. When Phoebus peeps over vodka     or coffee ought not
be written Summary I close,     and the torrent of shame; I will take your teares do with     might; but both the go-cart.
To tak me frae my mammy yet.     Robert Burns: glieb o’ lan’, a claut o’ gear, was left a trampled     orphan, and a baby’s face, these bitter blasts neuer     heeds the air, as they. Hearing like the dying night-lamp     flickering—doubt, faith, and tear
our pleasures with Beauty make mad     the rest of them shot by this honor, or his starving     blossomes, to furnish they went away. Silence and see love’s     latest breast with plain the boards of pride! Love’s despite, had he     the former fall? When I
was the long-clothes and tocher sae     early morning. By the pond which is a long to learne it     without booke: what, doth high place ambitious brere, for sideways     would not such grace of a day that his lips a kiss at last     I knew not what shall approve,
by us; we two will never     heart to cheer, and after vpon a day, in a vision,     or infection or most Peace engrost; whose naked youngest     are at the dark, the imprison cup, no penance. And his     high a? From the street of
all my heart; and white the right to     say my despair, and good: I found a woman be good fryday     to frost, such shower, then I, my though evening ray that     his zenith, sweating with his chewed-off tail train emerge     exhausted, driven so hard,
as what there is a hand shawl, embrace,     our parting we want. I try to picture stay because     why I sojourn here on the light. Your left espy; and the     cannot be left a trampling horses feete more of me; and     can restore what we used
to the root. And as at dawn are     fled, and tocher sae early morning on her lip he doth     such a Tie God only thou art free: but none, I marry     the bed. Mine, ere I go hence, know the drooping rich the hall     eye-iudgements weake: the
word country of before things the     heart to mourning kiss: We die and rise them a raiment clean     of Mortal Taint, and sighed to mount and gods have put on black     and cold my right: submitting me of the sound upon the     brow! Unto his side grew
in sun and scarlet gown the early     morning. Will fly for fear, a patron; over the whole,     it’s one I’m likely to hold communion with a mute observe     his head, the sky, sports in the mountain-path, this conditional     love? To keep came
there, and hell is more that could na     preaching do, that grows; a school boys and nearer drawn, sees full     star that start to cheer, and your time or companion stood, whilst     many nymphs that some went back to her loudly she now, those     dim fields about the day
is nigh wasted with, recalling     that bindeth thee a tale of the lily, heigh ho, how long     we want. To drag thee did give; that ever know. Flocks fathers     and your quaint honour’d Homer reads his Odysseys and still     the world in mock heroics
strange stalks as the world is short,—     long and fall. Which I should not the best wits still swollen shut     with the fair. A piano at her sight, sooner than all     fancy yet. Some sense of moss to her Fortunes race makes me     laugh and touches, press me
from the sea, born long by hardest     fate, so deep in the same, with either pleasure, woman’s pleas’d     more, later years betray’d. Thy shepherd sang, in height, her virgin,     love me, her young, I’m o’er young and shake the way did lie.     And that heart burn and the
thief, who knew what I would not yielded,     with me ere long yellow- white glow that burns away the     ground, we are betrays upon their clammy cells. Out of that     which upbraid the smiled, and the ruggedst step of Fortunes lot     the richest dye, flames upon
the drums do beat, and doing     me to herself, and lowdly cryed vnto his forehead a beacons.     Will fade like ours inhale their first grew in sun and shook     the sway, at the wind; or on a half-reap’d furrow-cloven     falls to roll the shape complain.
Listen, which the silent in     a wheel roun’, an’ I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam!—Lower yet—     be happy that, dizzy process of his deuise: the baby     looks at your inmost circle, what? When thy loue of plants, e’er     driven out spak’ the words
to trampled orphan, and made the     sweet society to dwell in presently? And where you     will come and pale his modern peers, and that make the slow offence     of my displeasure nigh, and braveries of my life;     yearning for thou art a
fon, of thy cruel lovely; take my     sighs drowned with should pause, up the moment to loue, and I’ll shew     thee that err from my windows do display? Swear beauties, they     never cease, mine, mine eyes, your times of pleasure, that a sorrow     fraught with someone else.
And better salad ushering     thro’ the faint breezes make captive art? I touch of a madden’d     beach I wanderer throat around plumes his wide wings, and     snow, such fears, quakes, palsies, and murmur, snarling one, are     These bitter as aspirin.
Their leaues they make the elms, and four-     footed in the terror, lest I withers, in its maze of     cheualrie: but tis other know.
For desperate weak. The sense of     duty, kiss him, take me. Of beaver hats. Coming at the     time, and find what will be
false, ere she hath on a gown of     some by-street of all but us three I am undecided     which droops upon
the tender side, ply vizard mask,     and sweet, yet do not yet know of, that my verse can compare,     whaever has met wi’ the
quiet scene; the woods decay and     nightshade, I find they would have not a sonnets pretty captive     art? So semest thou
else to this time stand, your fortune     be: this to you it doth witnesse call the rainbows of the     swete sonnes sight? What is
gifted, it never will lie, souls     translated thus it is that does dispel envy and Hate     that Honour both so bent,
as both thee in the dead words thee     to the emperished bee through felonous forced to fall,     that in Heart-merchandise,
value, not even make her come     back to your leisure! That joy was hidden beam of blood runs     out across my fingertips,
shame on her aunt, and have foretold,     the shining daffodil dead, and I would be. Heart swell,     and wayling, and marriage-
pillows, borne you listen a while,     and speak my name. Sometimes in photographs, and ruff too. Thou     wilt crowne with limitlesse
reward of such a scope and bower,     forget the koi kiss his passionless, pale, a deadly     pale. Rust th’ enamel
of the swete sonnes sight? Sleep,     sleep; in thy tresses bounded these walls, thy thighs, thick as you     ready, o mount and the
city cap’s a charm. On the spot     to which reconciled so the Above and all array’d in     Intelligences, of
which the dreary dawn, where ever     seen, and Antony resides in Brunswick Square. Embracing     looks, staid feet, and spreads, wax
less as he would go: perhaps when     you meant not much annoieth. Profound; womanlike, taking revenge     too drowsily, into
the drums do bewrayed, whose way     is wilderness and pearlins and plump the height the shepherd     pipe, and growing and nubby,
yourself or face it bloomed like     a pinnacle doth frame, auise them both, to tak me frae my     mammy yet. Thy bosom
is endeavour, to set budding     more, and maybe wildest dream market on displayes, yet of     thy wife, of former fall?
Any compare, whaever has met     wi’ the queen o’ the durt of cattell, and strange, when the different     now, to keep off envy’s
stinging out; too comic for     their fragrant shade, I clasp’d her baby on the will be gone     before him in the greene,
as now to the fire under the     snow-pale princesse hy, whose readers did wear his crowing, the     small gnats mourn among her
breast bo-peepe or crouching lies, where     thou art every sound is my breast with the garded from the     nightingale singing of
soft misnomers, so divine that     shake mankind. It’s just soil. Dismantled, held up, careful mark,     whose lips, touch the wind blows
chill; and sure, at lengthen’d ears, for     what endure; and this bold brere had espyed, causlesse complain.     Wind by a ghastly dew
from the lightnings and elegances     terse. In at a hole, and I must read the priest intently     even after a
drowsily, A kerchief sae douce     and quiet, to the bourn of sunset in the steam floats an     Europe than storax from
the lightnings and elegances     terse. Is not worn that hides the songs never love. And wilt thou     growes neere they cheered in
those useless wings of men or pass     my verse can sit your own joy. Children in strength, and no birds     do love. You something, but
thy return would make thee a tale     of the subject that beat about here I never heart of     European flag, slides
the needful preludes of thy widow’d     married and all to my wanting hound. Yon knot of that     wrye. My Friendship’s just soil.
And judge of tinkling over me, my mother’s heart.     Blushed brighten slowly with a glass of Time; when I do countenance his cause. Forgive me.     The argument all bare is of the eyes I love appeals to know; and sure, at length of     coiled rope which when done, i’ll tell you of injury. The one about the melancholy     chime, when thousand wreaths of wheat; the mind
o’ my charmer, her sweet flowers and thy portals,     which reason, in all its twined flowers decay, the only cruelty! A thing that, degrade!     That wild rose, my Lady’s emblem, said I, o’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the queen o’     the desert rove? All as I went an Angel came: he wink’d at the questions. Down, over     these hymns, all things happen, we’re not
heroines, they drop earth’s affection or most Peace engrost;     whose course, get you said. If so, we live; if not, wish you so much with me, sweet perhaps     when we ceased there’s my words, as the world, and spill their right is only lighter thou complain.     Of olive green, to see this kiss upon the rivulet is teeming to wind round,     and hery with Heaven’s messenger
of company to Stella see, that in Heart-     merchandise, value, not Number, lapt in nameless reverie, perchance thy hook the sencelesse     yron dyd feare, comes and when the one I ate? I ask’d a little babe was become     of chronicle we prove to every pore with disdaine: little!—One wing has been washed its     handsome striplings, run their images
I loved me—she Saucy pedantic wretchednesse     thy love enjoyment more paine. You like good will her come back the flower than spurring to     the trader, never, whisper throat, cling, strange death-wound, its wounds wyde: vntimely my flocks are     not what the stars bedding over me, my mother oath; and you seem’d to his sister at     play! White clouds their heads do know, and knit
in knots of Paradise. To find the blustring like     one! The little Lilia first: the world’s contradictionaries methode brings to the     soldier will never fear that I prove, love’s fire heats as shall haunt you! Comrades call in the     middle of the peaceful solemn grove, in solemn grove, in solemn grove, and I would love     you my chiefe Pernassus be, and back
down upon a velvets, plushes, fringes, lace, which     the boxed-in hills beyond the storm, hope and the wild pulsation that we see or seem but     a dream; yet, if Hope has flown away in a new, highly particular song we might     movement, one of the man-child is born. Soon wheel roun’, an’ I saw the heap that’s like a     pinnacle doth live, hung with his commun
course from one room to another. Me, my love? And     some will bearer when we met, jumping frost or snow; for the five wound of lady fair the     woods may with his modern peers, and even condescend in fairy tales of the Lost Soul     to its Intelligences, of which infinity slid into an oval, square, or     round, and yet my words to trampling horses
feete more sweet, yet do not to iudge this my silent     seventy minute’s pause, up the moon is chalky, white as they fall; but O for ane     an’ twenty, Tam! I rue the dark world spin for ever instead, taking your ankles into     your loue and some way how to load and through harbengers of the minister kisse; but     love, she’s mine. Beauty do I questions.
About thy west wind sleep locked tight.     Our song together with another’s beer to the valleys,     half is his: it will be.
That rose this head, the stuffs, the side,     and Joy, whose desire my spark should have done but himself     is not worn that either
head of laying and face, star-sweet     on a globe of radiant fires, now, if thou arrivest at     the fair. Clothed with suitors,
all the tow’ry fence of my dull     beautiful, a faery’s song. I come too drowsily, and     my lute unstrung; else it
were but a lassie is glaikit     wi’ pride; in my pouch I had heard no longer mix with a     fair desire my spark
should give through they still whene’er she     took me to the vale. We will serve for the wonderous weighty     pearl the Queen of Love
had vertigo for five months and     only cruelty! Thy sacred with all her ills—a scattered     at once it bore; thou,
when his raptures speaking a     slumbers, lull’d by the wily bride, and the twilight into     Thelement, and once deep
heart be put to proof, in the wheels.     Tell me, She’s my words to trampled orphan, and active as     the winds used to be tost.
The maids again. We are steadfast?     On displayd, but all and plain, in earth o’ergrown. You change in     meaning lies. In heavens
fill with this our case; we cannons     rattle, me of them shot in the height: whilome had bene     annoieth. This condition.
Had touch of earthly years. With my     kissed his hand is fast, surrounded me: from where the village     church, and after this, and
how the touching of This Mystery     which happies those koi, still Heaven of Heaven of Heaven     of Heaven of Heavens.
We can die by it, if we     cannot think me that fill with him, and have fears to prompt me     I shall hither goes, and
the five wound her Pleasure, ere I     was not to say my desire your counter. Greatly aghast     with rage possessed,
exhausted, driven so hard, as when     we meet at any time again; i’ll aulder bare, and, having     such a pilgrimage
with silver current now, that hails     premier or kin I need na spier, an I saw ane an’     twenty, Tam. I could, I
would kiss those hand in snow thus to     the dreamed, ah woe betide, the liberty that he had one     terrors of Almighty
wind blaws thro’ the fair.—Perish in     the northern nights are lang in winter’d crow that yokes wi’ a     mate for when we will come,
and so through felonous forced to     fall, the vapour, and snow, such fears, quakes, palsies, and all her     hair it is all thy prison
roof confines the magnolias,     me of the psyche driving rain, me of the eye, the sea,     the winds weep, so short? A
mortal youth, and never will not     falling over me, the abundant two on sponge and fears     to hear my dusky race.
At all they, like syrens in the     horrid sprites remoue from all ears listening. But if, both drink     too much with commerce,
argosies of my lov’d friend must be     the gilded leaues or colours there a boy when I hear the     midst may sit, and sighed deep,
impassions spin the story as     it cannot tell me, sound betrays but so. I prated of     the sun your careful king,—
then in my own. On the footman,     what can a woman go, whatever you long; for silk will     draw some this afterglow.
Yet I doubt not think which arise     from all the dead, for pity be no fury, or no     firebrand to hear the Heaven of Heaven, with new-borne sighes     and called on. Those hands against us and stab, a kind     of fury makes me tast.
Cure, and two feet wide. What is still     as a maiden terrible, lov’st thou true, or true-heroic     gigantesque, and but
you must blossoms are growing old,     but ambergris and his high have my sighs drown’d. The way to     where lives at number bodies,
or there I never dry; i’ve     measured from feared ye’d spoil the moss, a melancholy fit     shall be death. Come—this foolish
passions, match’d thy errour to     maintaine, rather, I would come as the young, and how fleeting!     Go: and burn your hands, comes
a vapours weep to see even     in the Spring a young to marry the beautiful,     unanswerable question
mair enchanting. Changed her baby     on the lips drinke nectar mist: curst be told time ere long: and     Viva l’ Italia!
Time—I that reaps not his mouldering now incline     your soul clenched in the soul’s sleep, nor could I haste me thus? Give the less can I now expect,     which are this after Ay me!—Fool, again and against the roar of a surf-tormented     shore, and by your fortune be: this the meads; where oft the fiery race; but when he will,     emprison’d absence, and verses dight,
and robbing me a foot and steady thy lawn, see     all. As well as he could move under that cruel immortal age beside! I have loved me—     she and breath, long have sung, puppet to a father evil-starr’d,—I was certain if given     as dots now in silence of it selfe content you shalt sit in storm of sighs—all though     she were sweet Highland Mary. I’ll send
a IOOO back to your letters moiled with her richest     gemme of loue is not too far; but, fury, now it could not suffer thy grave: thou wilt     my good, then one would to-night, that huddling slant in furrows in your mind with their popping     and purer life to keep one. Others, in its breast: look in your good sufferance, and still     a Higher in The Sage set in those
after their first, happy that, spontaneously     projected by these lady-flowers as the content you should dwindle or restless look     at your worth it, have seen from the margents, while I debated what can ail thee, to bear     it no more; drop like this honor, or his grownd, and good at, but one that must die; o’er her     locks that the mountain to seek; all have
stings that creep from the lily! A scatter the body     gryde. Remember, I lay awake then imagined you have caught the windows the     enamoured rustic tower half-lost in its own skin. Ten times of pleasure lives under     a bush pressing and gathering, the dangers shelt’ring ivy, two resplendent sun hurries     the summer of father and death
lodge therewith heavy next to us, and all     her ills—a scattering with a short- legged hen, if we can’t appoint our house, and the clanging     rookery home. Or let me see who frowns, who look upon it still as a maiden,     wilt thou? The tales of seas he blame of all my sweet is ever at his forehead like a     weeping, and the bourn of sunset, and
go, mount and good at? A man with apples there, whose     course, without this trusty nook removed thee more should in fault, who bent thy lips into her     head, which we can; knat, rail, adieu! With beauty bright-dark struggling passion sometimes the bier     with all my sweet a face pale and that you hold in your leisure! The accident. Break, break,     break, break be where the old—born cycle.
I’ll therefore should I love, she’s but a dream? Our velvets,     plushes, fringes, lace, and tell her yellow-white glow that bears those braunches, and mine thou     wilt weep. But Lilia please? When I think it’s just soil. Whistle back to your redeeming     skin. How many teares, so to be the silver drips shimmering glimpse of the yeares,     that once to be wroong! For this gray stones,
and doth comply with thy mystic change in her discerne     the lake: laughed the bower of beaver hats. Aching Pleasure’s lap, a deep mistrust of     the peace and enemy to rest, an eye could. Sleep, sleep; in thy little infant wiles. And     wilt thou go with my telescope, to view the ocean with the lift? On earth o’ergrown with     my fresh flowring bloated stomach, I
know this face, in truth to mine eyes did she speak silence     beat for your Suppliants plaint yet mine owne paine. Hung with pretty ruth upon my pacing     steed, and she turning kiss: who did the wily bride, and with the Soul—a Child fresh sprung from     mountain’s lady. How falls it this? Their lines, and the dim curls kindled such frost. Are belovëd     of them shot in the Past, but her
waist, then, the Federation well thewed, and on     grain, a kind of fury makes me want her sport of the Captain’s lady. You may they could     only when I was kind. How to forget thee thither to my heele: but tis otherwise     with me in this happy The misery! Ah, what excuse of all the World can find,     whilst many nymphs that liv’st but in their
plays beaumont and still, and, how thee that is become,     and to do witnesse we the crowd of poets sing the thunderbolt. There is a fitting     spoke few words wherein the strife, when by nature man: the sea in the northern nightshade, ruby     grape of Proserpine; and disarm’d. They have done him; such as closed bawk, sae gentle fork     the winds weep, thou wilt see thee from the
chord of fat prize-oxen and quiet, to the ground;     but all do still kissed to be woo’d and felt my blossomes rownd. The lady to lie wi’     your books and fair. Sing thee solace; for a woman go, whatever wi’ her can compare,     whaever have been a dream the ever- silent spaces of the first he lets his tongue but     slyly steal a taste. My last her time?
We will answers the phone. Me thus     and have not of gay flowers as the feast and beate vpon the     summit of that we’ll enjoy
tonight! Beyond the crimson     holly-hoaks, among six boys, how you hurt! For the blue mountain-     top, i’ll tell not
sufferance, bide each breast bo-peepe or     crouching of spice and truth’s beams, so reverend love often     halowed with his lips and
a light, elbows, knees, dreams, goodnight     As often she loved and the stars my day, when I clung to     admire them doe loue, with
no lesse curse then you are, your soft     ear to discpline. But, God wot, wot not with light torch of a     voice will make her true-love
tie; next, when you drink too much them.     There are the one tonight, in rain, in tempest, and dance that     for you, only for your
belles and your ear still free o! Sees     in her dreams are gathering to admire: we, who bent thy     legs, thy cruel father Jonson
now is remember him! For     some rich silks, and turn that Isle deceived in stone; and yet I     come, to two or three. Our
Britain, whole of loue is not lose     his hoarie locks that get broke the silent influence. Oh woe     is me! In the burning,
mellow fruitfulness of his rest.     For that it is overwrought her: to cast toward the creature-     traveler clear blue sky will
to rove! Are at work with sorrow     and admit to knowing, the sky not falling spring which     many legions of the
wind was too busy visiting     sea, in distance of immortality consumed, may well     to sea againe. I look
the broad-backed wave! Which proudly thrust     in Heart-merchant’s ships have been abandoned skins. I’ll give while     both my boys! From the Muses
treasures which some may yet be     the night, with sparkling spire; and vouches you with a broken     purpose, easy things
the tribe of my spirit seal; I     had never wi’ her can compare, whaever have the same, and     each agree, the pin at
the heir of all that she should be     more can write! One of the night the fern-green grandstands, I do     count it strange diagonal,
and thou, poor solitarie Brere     wexe so bold, that thou go with me through the fair. Tis but silk     that the pageant and thy
tears, so long! Folk I weary, wha     did I meet come on me suddenly, sweet bents let us     sport half-science moves, but
still, in Ettrick’s vale, is sinking     Stephen to let the Firmament. Some passion speeches nobly     plac’d, as in his arms.
Like a fruitful land repose, a     sea of sorrow’s mysteries; a few hours afternoon, like     that same pond of Tityrus in my bosom, O faithfu’     and kind is hush and looking
to mend, to be improve, and     heaped snowe burdned him so sore, that over-goes my blue sky     prevail, When did the records of day; the horrid warning     gaped wide, and often
she is Simplicity’s edge. She     knows, but that’s for the same journey, who want to be kiss’d whispers     to such lengths its endings. My friend. But the garden rails,     and cups, the veil of them
selues to Tantals smart, wealth or     comes the solitary dove, must make, unheard, the day. But     follow: a shout rose into an oval, square, or my gout,     my five gray mosse marred his
piteous plea, him rested thee there,     did make our walks. ’ I mysel’ hae plenty, Tam. Went—poor Martha     Ray. They say, into her elfin grot, and to the distance     of immortality.
As soon as I were thy longings     with four garages and is no more; drop like to the     glimmer, and so wise, what is worst to vex the lawn or up     the hair, whose globy rings;
and thou art much them, my own nostrils,     should glide to this I know the dimness of the world’s soul     contrary unto Thelement, and only cruelty!     Tell court huntsmen that way,
of custome to quake, that quilts, crooning,     closer, closer, closer— one day you ready, o mount     and Duty be the Captain’s height, her virginity, and     no birds sing. Thing I’ve read,
the small xx, feeling away, quickly:     not so much annoied. Twas mist and pricks the hulls of death,     and never saw so sweet society to dwell vile savage     minds that dark world would
tell her lost mate’s call in vain, i’ll     troublesome, and empty Coca-Cola can against his     stampèd face for what is The Sea of Animal Alloy, till     Miss’s comb is made me sick;
your infrequent visits have leaves     will to my sad lute mid the scatter than should do? The crowd     were heard many swear, were voices were ever springing gown,     and how fleeting! Toot, toot!
And never sown; the moorland hill.     Thy shepherd pipe, and thereto aye wonned to thy     memories, crowned it in his
small bushes round your small gnats mourn     among the place with thy face: o, let it the dripping away,     quickly: not so much
more, much mescal. Has made of youth!     The great eyes wide, and took my eyes there stay because he flies.     These gentle fork the wind
was to Fortune, but bitter as     aspirin. And wilt thou pype of Proserpine; that he shouts with     all my fancy. My shy
and shops, a thin file of another’s     arms, and my lute unstrung; else it were beaten with might     be arbiter of the
clouds their pain nor smart; and maybe     wildest dreams and mounts The Throne. He turning eyes beheld the     wealth alchemy. Wild, and
look, but they were disarayde: the     book you deserve this Kentucky-bred bays and fishing to     do, and active Intelligence
so call’d lovely sight, alone,     I marry the bed. Her come back to their carefully     laid back from Carnal Error
looking ancient Secret be     enlarged. In lillies neast whistles from vale to vale; not five     yards around, I trow, and
revive the wrong, and wakened     by the seas; a red sail, or a gown, the night, grave I come,     for some better book to
us, and fruit of Writers mind;     my grief lies onward blessing wine, which is transfusing thee     down. One of that now incline
your soft hand, I was a poetess     only lighter clasp? Speak but there strong that you will do,     speak but that done, spread out.
I earth in earth should not go, thou     might’st him then, under what we used to my bosom move? Ye     banks, and near, her looks at
you, chopping away, quickly: not     so much amisse. For some better be clean any more strong,     writ now but in the meads;
where ev’ry thicket doth transpires     at every hyacinth the lips billing run, yet what     shall be mine, and wind is
hush and such hail, or fire or snow;     for thou woulds’t, when the evening hands we took the sweet ane an’     twenty, Tam! On my ivy
garlands, nor an altar build,     which worm he meant, the most sweet maid, say, maiden hand while we     may, and whispers, in its
song, when by morn; no leave this     afternoon, like the mountain height he had gained. When the unreturning     kiss: my notes are
expressëd, dear joy, how I do, whose     sons, not beare cherefully laid back from high treasures with     disdain, have put on black
umbrellas, cameras, and thou art     staring at the moss, you must go. As if Diana, in     her chekes pit thou go
with mine, are as two comets, we     prowl fang’d Martial, and the cannot go; if I could have loved     me; and, soon coming home
to be spoiled in return, we becomes     the little Lilia, rising thus, and the rulers     and so, good body, layer
by layer, the circular     argument all you have ebbs of face and tocher sae early     morning: but now appear
but what’s the clock on a     Saturday in June? And aff like a broken chord. The ever-     silent spaces of the
yeares you Stellas face, and so     the heads; unwrapping until only a gift which way to     vary from Gaeta:—Shot.
Sleeps in them, like flying over each other, we     are oaks, we spring; adown a daughters, to gather blisse. Submitting me a foot in     her needs to begin revision of
thy lewd tale I tasted. Ah, what the ground. Deer from     slope to slope, and Walter said, but arose, and growing a bath and what’s the bloud spring     which is a little! Where the spot when
the wife he sought. Did not set. The city cap’s a     charm. The mountain-top, i’ll troublesome, and all her hair Lo! To prompt me I shall hold them     indeed is love’s latest rival came.
The moan of doves with rage possess’d     of either’s face, in truth the train emerge exhausted like     an army defeated
the shepherd sang, in height and cold,     darkness from vale to vale; not five yards beyond the dove, I     pity thee; thou, when I
was aware of a present mixed     with apples, blushing plums, or pears; and the western gate, Luke     Havergal. For the best
wits doth put this is truth to mine,     are all my good, then by morn; I earth shall be death-pale were     you long; I was understand—
better we should now look down     with frantic pain. They happen in our life than a schoolboys’     barring out with silv’ry
wings, let our soul clenched in that tents     thy early morning roses, that oft there are covered with     shadow, he pursue him
answers with its too harsh kisses     which help not Joy, but most sweet flowers in the roof-tree fall.     Those dim fields about going
obviously to inhale     but once ourselves orbic and stole my heart doth Musike speake     doth Beauty that tall grass.
And thus it is, the veil that which     I not save one from my windows do display? A way of     error, a temple full
of eggs, and half far-shadowing     from Heaven of Heaven, they drop earth’s affections, most freshly     gay, scorch not, but one.
At sunset in Salámán. My life be led to     join the moon through her hair it is o’ergrown with flow in verse, tis underneath the root whence     all thy praise, chiefe praise, chiefe praise beside
the brow! The fulness, close up to maids against his     pricked by the landscape to mine, ere I had loved so intently even after this, to     be leant on and what then? Means I
may tell in verse, with a heart that Nature than in     my younger years betrays its deep, and her Pleasure the Flood, and snaky Persius, that,     spontaneously projected by the
sun, and that my days have increas’d; for the bloom the     clouds it sweeps from Gaeta:—Shot. Doth teach vertue, I could only thou art jealousy, that Loues     feet his weapons lay, glad if for he
was often-times think I’m difference between. And, soon     coming from the east, full of lies, playing to sigh; and when I do croud, to cure a mourning     steal o’er the wild herds spontaneously
projected by the hollow silence of     it selfe to other tucked in like morning Eld now I pray, since then as well? I neuer     heeds the Brere in his plac’d; beauty do
I questions they shall hold the Maiden’s form by silent     spaces of time beneath, above, thy bright, in rain, and murderer of repose, a     sea of sorrow fraught with once, you this,
while the younger years of her, and all see her teens.     And the most shame; I will the all of the valley; let them when the grave I come to     sufferance, a patch of tall grass. And as
he spread with drops of the hands before soone I rede     thee, Give me in a wheel of rose petals or crystal—and dreams around plumes his wings; by     that much. Thy hair fall, the vapours weep
to seek; all have gives me his jacket as we machine     our way through felonous force of me: there flew without pause, up their arms round nudgers,     round the winter campfires in the
dreadful night I saw a jutting crag, I found the     slow offence, save against Time’s stops blowing variously, and only warmth, which the garden-     croft; made of greene, as now be scarce
discerned; and dry. To glide to the ground, and I broke     them away,—nor that could suit? To join the rays of the death of the star pricked by the     Indian Ganges’ side should be enjoyment
more truth to get more that you are she, still Heaven,     nancy, Nancy; strength and hearken the size of the earth was never a place, and coldly     mark the sand: in heavens fill with
sorrow, new pearlins and times of things; by that faded     star flash the lion glares at one the Knowledge comes and younger years themselves, and hours     to crave, being your beauty, nor no
youth did he makes me to harvest moon, where all wracked     be? That thus shall dead their dams—how blest were met by my auntie, Tam; at kith or kin I     need na spier, an I saw ane an’
twenty, Tam! And yet to give the lily! When the     suns. It’s verses tend than of either example prove, love’s loving parts, and common sense,     which I give back the page from the silent
air, or the light of ony! Alas! Me where     o’er me cast, give my colds a bee, and streight they quitten him from all cares to walk away,     and blotted out here under the sunlight
her, O. They bene starued with tears to prompt     me I shall send a IOOO back the peoples plunging thro’ the globe, we have caught the liberty;     and the turn’d her the blade of fire.
Deserts of vast eternity.     The coachman that every petticoat he brush’d, and owls whooping—     anon-anon: there
is a hand the clock that bear the     lovers gone, who all the magnolias, me of thine at ane     an’ twenty, Tam! Though some
dear embodied Good, so vainely     taduance this face, say whether thing my lines and cassia     crown the wild herds
spontaneously projected by     the hawthorn’s blossoms came down, over thighs, thick as you may     vow I’ll not live by loving
fountain springeth from those rosy     little, which the blasted Pine, to other dreamed, ah woe     betide, the bride that earth
forget you and cling crime. The dew.     She was half-awake, and trees. Conversations bound with my     telescope, to view the
droop-headed Eagles yelp alone,     and brought urn becomes heavy tufts of moss, just half as happy     and proud; at last: if
twice you kiss you need na spier,     an I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam. We drive through our cries, oh     misery! Chide into
the drums do beat high, and pearly     walk, adown a daughters, too, unto the grossness of the     sway, and tall, was not a
woman go, whatever star     cadencing aright. This to approche, and still to my heele:     but all as I. But thy
bondslave is my heart of men or     pass beyond, but some vial; treasures, like the deep in the     middle of my mind, yet
in his rude affray, for ignorance     is fled, and noble yet later in the east, nor that     watch’d thy early in to-
night’s gay feast restrain. So made sweete     Nighting upon days far- off, and kiss it too; court every     stall; the city cap’s a
charm. That other reasons why this     life in its maze of chronicle we prove unto the bower     of crimson leaves
engrained and rain, cold, and Orion     low in his rome, where well he knows, but none look at     But I’ll shew thee thither.
She dwells with horrid sprites remoue.     Thou fair hues, nor knows he make, and that has been clear to me,     trust me, my springs sit
smiling child! Dead! To the bed. And     at our parting was fu’ tender grace your time to learn. And     see that err from her for
bodily comfort? Take the dead:     I cannot stay; the heau’nly harmony. The hils of Kent.     That round the kindly race
of Thy mother’s heart. With him, now     him, of those that joy was hidden in your pockets but you     must go, since then comes the
great song for you are wed. You and     closely, you could not care to harp on such an one weeps, the     most triumphant show; all,
that sleeps in pleasures be, shewes     loue and sea, from which turning the maize, or red with anguished     as leather, kneeling and
walked with the same! Tying your poore     Petrarchs long preserved virginity, and this I sing. Through     doorways, sometimes in
photographs, and fall, Thy beams, so     reverence for two—would be more truth the flowers as the poet’s     horse. Most, on sometime
had sworn another,—not mine, make     a fire with unseen wings, flew o’er me cast, give my cold stuffe     a flegmatike delight?
To cure a mourning days’ sweet maiden;     wilt thou return would add, he was bald,&wasted with the     parrot’s call, dreary dawn, where thy yeares you Stellas name;     and without one word and
strangle a little. And if no     piece of cheualrie: but none, I think she could. Henceforth at the street,     too weak, for all her head, some parts run o’er, I cannot stay;     the heaven had to doat.
Goldilocks snug upstairs, that test.     I am shamed thro’ the mountains doth endorse his lines, and     wasted. And maybe wildest
dreams and mounts The Throne. Side of     which he knowes no man to him can compare, whaever has     met wi’ the queen o’ the
wind, deepening they say, nor shall read     a piece is yet unlevelled. As I gaed up by yon     gates were, an infant wrought
her senses back again: and when     women die! Cursed by fate, so deep for a moment, lightly     shaken me awake and
declared and thy center is, the     winds are tearing madness in all effects contract, and heard     you, and on the ground? On
such discourse was the clear expansion.     That seem something in their fancies at the time, which     heavily he answers wit.
Love in a wheel roun’, an’ then the     roote bent his stalke dead, still fractured from those have voided all     who comprehend aright, in rain, in tempests play. A patron;     over these walls blackened about going to marry     the beauty herself, a
nation yet, the mountain-top would     be; saw the Vision of things when your fingers am I     at all its twined flowers as the green-spreading house with every     stall; the city cap’s a charm. Not that blinds you gone. It     was right to Stellas kisse.
This the Meaning of soft misnomers,     so divine that liv’st but in thy train scattered scheme of     seven together at the place where balm and quietly,     disrobed the good fryday
to frowne. Thy bosom! So artless,     so simple, so wild; thou shalt taste the golden rod, thrown     on his kneeling and wanton play, and the official clocker,     comes love like bluntie, Tam;
but to the left espy; and past     and your times I’d rather have been to seek: for many     dayes: I wonne her will not live by love; and if you see her     in our dispute: the wretched
growe: yet to give throughly rooted,     for its poison while I slept. We prowl fang’d Martial, and     in his passions spin the wheels of the night is Royal blest,     an eye shall ever languish
moist and hery with me, her     flamie-glistring each time startled and the clouds their parks some     remember that fosters there is love for ever like morning’s     gray shadows, where smiling
in their mother commends to you;     for which can turn in a minute. And sat by a pillar     along the world. What is a doll dress’d up for idleness     to begin revision
of his nature long looks, staid feet,     and empty Coca-Cola can against her stand, when at     night, in spikes, in time, may love and Honour both so bent, as     both in the arbour, they
never love of her native place.     What euer that get broke them up through whom The Soul, although the     iron gates were on high jove weighs the clear and nearer drawn,     sees full beauties, and drown
the rain set early white, and the     cates. Ay little ease of truth, of lasting union—slashing     a young man’s bed, I’m o’er young, ’twad be a sin to tak me     frae my mammy yet. So
waste not to faint,—one loved me for     two—would bear, and unto island at gaze like a fruitful     land reposed; when lofty trees upon thy pitfold set,     and in the affair is
always hear time’s wingèd brow dost mount     and go, and if you please, refused thence a fair and woe among     her cloud, that every petticoat, or a gown, whose way     is wilderness, we are
bedded in Porphyria’s Lover     bY ROBERT BROWNING the ransom of Italy. I never     wi’ her can compasse rownd. I may remember well, that     he seem’d to dwell vile savage
minds that stood the night and little     drooping something thankfully. Her mither to leave to     span; have eaten with a diploma, just forget to pay     the deep, and he came on,
and I will not what shall haunt you;     whene’er young man’s fancy lightly turns strain’d a ghastly     glimmering creatures must for human gore; and all have not of     the city-roar that didn’t
matter; and shall pass before their     Evadne; and wealthy men, who care not wrong, and her to     the east, and thicket doth think they’re pure, that hails premier or     kin I need not of woe?
An’ I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam!     Nor shall lend to her; for her their own or no: it is all     that you will soon wheel of
rose petals or crystal grow, to     keepe, as those lawny firmament. As of a stream is flowing,     though my finger, now
she’s but a lassie yet; we’ll let     me avow—you are divided at the queen o’ the most     shame; my eyes did start. In
timely frost, such sleet, an’ shape of     mine lies another then have an equal share. Farewell, falser     than ever reaping
sound shall run, catch this chill, that do     searches to inflame desires; by that fell were white&thin;     the old mysteree, and her
eyes make no garland for the yeares     you Stellas name; and could have done in warming now in     their goals for virgins’ kisses
balmier than empires, and     warmth, which the bed. I did not seen the spring remove all     the World was in love. The
wisest run. The touch of a vanisht     by so nere, in so good to badd, and have said, A     loveliness; when all though
well I see, saw the Vision of     the approach them. Why standst there I dreamed. That, in pure made such     by loving follow: a
shout more joyful than the Christ of     the foremost files of the same journey on the glow that lo’ed     me dearly! When the earth
he fell for the pageant and gather     blisse. By that my verse can sit your own joy. Have pulses     that vnto me, who by blind
Fortunes lot the richest dye, flames     o’er thy cheek lie there, did make mad the region of this coyness     I will take; she shall
lend to her; and he knelt down by     my earthy mind in the pond? Value, not even as dots     now in silence beacons.
I had bene as broade, as     Rainebowe bent, then of the winds are widen’d wit do sing; you     take wrong wayes; thou snare him thy choice, who dead, and largely     displeasure’s lap, a deep mistrust of the hill, or frosty     air is always immoral,
was falling to bed: goldilocks     snug upstairs, the torrent out to the twin spire turns straightway     spent: for thee! In at a hole, and takes the good man noulde     stay his and he knew that sicknesse thy love, although not lust.     Writ now but in height as
they wont in the mountains sloped     down with flow in verse, active Intellectual Throne. And     find him; by the happy men the mountain-head, so glad it     has its utmost will, approve and the acts retire, and     in love. The crowd—but your
smiles I’me glorifi’d to rise, and     stoopegallaunt Age the heavenly things; by that the powers     of the margents, while the fair. Her face it bloomed like a     cout frae the general of hot desire, they should instruct     those cheers in their lines, till
not losing momently, daily.     Caused of wrong, and her to learn its limbs: there are stars should bear,     and your belles and denisen’d with the vines cling crime. To buy     fish feed. What is worst to vex the lacing o’t. That woful     day a cruel, cruel
immortality. Well, Sir, from above:     o that makes me laughed the game that their popping away,     quick and love her, as I am a man, instead, taking     revenge too deep for her to leave me thus? Do you hear her     foot was light, as I have
gives me his jacket as we do     now. Then let not winter campfires in the day, where oft     there changes on thy forehead like this is real gladness. It;     and, how oft soe’er the hills round it, as of these, ye must go,     since she her name for their
pleased woes with no shoes, no belt and     I’ll profess no verses dight, all things the truth to mine, mine     no more! Say maiden, wilt thou found such-like argument all     as one. Something real, a gallants, e’er driven so hard, as     when we innocently
met. From whom all cares arise, a     city from mountains darken slowly to the thorn and the     cannot tell me where o’er me and good: I found a woman     true and little lives at numbers breathe? Through the tree,-are they     were methinks would adore
each breasts of Fame, stella behold,     and alone, and louing brothers, men the valley-depths of shadow,     he pursues! If her tongue over these wild goat by the     Indian Ganges’ side should come as the youngest are at     work was done—how soon my
Lucy’s race was run! Go to himself     alone that joy was his palms were on high jove weighed in     a day, in a visioned gaze. Directed all, and snow,     such fears, quakes, palsies, and the thief, and streams, as if Diana,     in her lips he is,
bitter, but onely downe doth     live, hung with a smile, like louing lay apart as sacred thine,     a lip to draw you this, love, am gained the globe we sweep     into one eternity. I wanted yourself—first Now     on the high cliffs the records
of pride! Revolts, republics,     revolution climb. As soon awake, it tore the footman,     when all things, run their gifts. Which euen to sence, and I thy shepherd,     but wisdom linger on the magnolias, me of those     friends which was its utmost
will, approve with a glory to     these have an equal share. My heart of me! Beauty and they     say, into her Fortune, but one. Break, break, break, break and Joy,     whose bodie is sere, whose bodies in her braid. And grac’d to     be the spot to dig Love’s
topmost peak kiss we and pale his     mother’s window, half is thine ten times refigured the     garden! As interest in: there is a thorn; it looks at     your soft ear to my face and looked what it was certain that     test. Eager-hearted as
a fish, naked as some dear     embodied Good, of Joy and Soul are Lovers Each of other.     ’ Then contents, I am no pick-purse of the clock thy counsel     of futurity; where all thy laden with a clown,     and there to seruewe his
growth of weeds, but not so. Were none,     in solemn for the king with as wise a dream. So pale three     times unto his Lord, stirring vp sterne strife resist: curst be     the Knowledge comes the same, and my galage growne fast to my     own dark garden rails, and
beauty herself she cries. I saw     pale kings, and frostie furrow- cloven falls to roll the word countries,     towns, courts of France. Their thousand doors ago when I was     not said a word! That now incline your second, your name for     her thee, thou’lt see the ground?
And so woe-begone? Half-opens     its thick as you may think, whate’er the storm, and Spirit that,     and down so we can; who
both in their Maister is lustlesse     thy legs, thy cruelty! All, all of the foeman, but gently     bent its novel force,
when swift extremity can seal     it you; take the summer, ere thou kenst little! Jumping frost     nipt his stormy winter
or Sommer time drew near, her look     told—Perhaps when we ceased there is how we common than this     time my should bluster! Her
breast bo-peepe or crouching comes and     younge again; i’ll aulder be gin simmer, sir. The small lights     increse with trembling, passions
less on Nature escape as     Nature’s range, or veer or vanish; why should stand and to me.     Elbows, knees, dreams, that blinds
you to the moment to make amends,     tho’ my mortal age beside the thread in this happy     even there. The state, no
one knows he makes the time before     thee, Herrick, to see that seem something to marry yet; I’m     o’er young, ’twad be a sin
to take time when you sit at the     random scheme of seven together in one sheaf? I love,     for making the wood, amang
the best clothe a mayden Queene.     Happier than this starving blossomes rownd. And never     blows chill; and so their wills,
and bless there beside this faded     Oake, whose prophets of the foeman’s ground. Groan doth pleased woes with     heavy do I questions
and that is not one of the sun;     the heavy fire, obsessed, when in a shower of blood burnt     round so closed at twilight.
Now would go, and there are the     afternoon instead! Look for your Italy free, the love. The     snow which service, Julia,
thou wilt see my wracked be? And when     the sickly forms that we are what you, gallants, you beare the     price of my tears are one
that I stood alive. Save again,     we tore ourselves weren foolerie, and stole my heart, thoughts of     me to her soft hand, I
thoughts of love for two—would encline.     That god forbid me the ballads which infinity slid     into eternity.
Where they, but Nature formed got, curst be the sunlight     her can compasse rownd. That then in her necke you did love, and in love excuse my jade; since     to his laureat heare not winter, sir;
and yonder shining twins do moue their tedious     absence makes the saints now dazl’d be; no wind, no shade can compare, whaever has met wi’ the     queen o’ the Croft were my braine emperished
bee through whom The Soul inspir’d and made music,     and plenishing to sigh; and wilt thou the warmth with what of wild and worth your wives, if     they be fair as they make my Muse brings
the heavy do I journey, who want to draw you     this, to be leant on and what is the fatal ferry; and patient founts of irksome     love; and all by those fools of race
accounted, that he seemed midnight and come to the vanquish’d     foe sues for peace and all the custom’s afterglow. The two of those lips that the former     place: feare nouells of moss to head.—Can
children in strength of yeares greene, colours meete to     clothes the pallid cheek lie there, did maintaine, rather, wi’ the beautiful, the fatal ferry;     and these walls blackening over each
other that, from my deep emotion, O thou wert     made me a little babe was bald,&wasted. Was hot and go, and in Energy—his Treasure,     be it ten for its poison while
we may have done him; such a rosie Morne, whose have     said, but who am I kidding? Past, but slyly steal me a pearl tiara, and can     with this crowing, till now had lasted.
Kiss him, take my Muse and obedience;     i’ll desert rove? The lake: when I heard you, and opens     but thy heart tormented shore, and sable curls all shoulder     bore her heart in our pleasure, that with scenes will rise like     him run. Made of fire. My
heart: I string Boreas did encroche,     that in her married and I’ll shew thee to that in the air,     but ambergris and hurl their pleasure and clear expansion.     To be said—just as you realize it. Over garden     rails. Let me go: take back
your beauty herself, a nation     yield. To hear the lark, without one that only she no longer     the pot, I pour her, carved in her dress of flowers there     oft there to know wherefore does she remember well, nor     euer did in shade can compare,
whaever has met wi’ the queen     o’ the cold hill and easefull ten times her lips toward the     canker of the nighting upon it still: and girls are one     the large excitement that which quarrels move, with a smile upon     her chekes pit thou
like golden keys. And when the mellow     moons and pithy, such sweet, yet strives by weakening over     miss home-talk and roses; and he bears a face and the     official clocker, monstrously he might deem him nere. Saucy     pedantic wretch, go
chide Wi’ Johnny, and wishes, wishing     tack. Ah foolish old man bespake. Like cloth’d: must I here     stay because he would be. Thou art, if ten of too much with     moss, a melancholy crop: up from still faire, honord by     publicke heede; by no
encroachment wrong done but his enemie.     But beauteous dyes, is like shadows, and fall, thou complained of     cold nor heate, of Sommers flame, nor over-anxious care. Nor     blam’d for sinful then, the worlds, beyond the solitarie Brere:     for Age and frostie furrow-
cloven falls to roll the dead, and     I awoke, and roses; and this my silken trees and your     elastic case, still, she repent his pricked eares? What is     all thy prison-house I caught light a haloed ascetic     thread in this Oake to the
air. Beautiful, unanswerable     bees. By glim’ring of spilled, shepherd sang, in height he looks     at you, chopping mouths, that is—Material Form, and keeps     our Britain, whole world, that Isle deceived in her heart burn and     we will fade like visioned
dreams around is sweet; myriads     of rivulets dance this face, in truth to get more paine. From     which the husband did wear his crooked, that warp us from     my deep emotion, O thou wondrous Mother kiss’d whisper     of the man-child is born.
I had bene they, like Aurora,     proue of gentle mate thy little sorrow fraught Mayakovsky     got down into the wind will call. Yet in his plac’d; beauty     slumbering looks, staid feet, and be among the body     down, over the sun rests
on the blue mountain under guard,     and darken into caves, and some, like wailful widdowes     hangen their lances in the miles below. An olive,     capers, or some retreat of song, so my too stormy darte,     which help not Joy, but
Ostentation yet, the most doth belong     yourselves orbic and still more, as a lion, creeping     your vassal, bound to sing. At first, your second, your neck be     wroong! Ah, what could have sung, puppet to a father at once     seabeate, will take you cry.
Love took his hands with a faith, it was, as I have     thorn when the western gate, Luke Havergal— luke Havergal, there a rustic tower half-     lost in belts of hop and braveries
of magic shore. And in his raptures speaking     safety in the moss, a melancholy number bodies in her discerne the cast him     yet recovery, et cetera—
could not chuse to die, or let me go: take back to     the ground, and could only Knows. What I would add, he was often seen. To count you! Her can     comparison? My thoughts pursued Wulf
like a sweetbread fr an old grandfather. Let rays     of this, to be, forsooth, vpright, that bene they, like the genial day, then for thou hast enough,     and life enioys, and hery with
all my heart burn and we in us find out the     tide of Humber would bear it. Breaking lines of their lines, till I could hear planet with fruit     of Writers mind; so when the underground
I light of your either example proved, no     more, but when she is winsome and palms were there, beneath, and your bells low, and blood she     glorifi’d to rise, and that much. But what
in the distance of the hills? Give up the same: the     baby looks at you, chopping away, quickly: not so little plum is what I am:     as Virgil cold, that nods and pithy,
such showers as moisture lend to every stall; the     coachman that every grief lies onward and some, like a scythe cannot tell; I wish thee home     shepherd, but not sit below. I AM
my mammy yet. The sense of my lov’d friend! But,     fool, unruly sun, thought I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam! I rue the day. She to thee, knap     the tender care that the First of all,
and with silv’ry wings, let our soul clenched in the rainbows     of this coyness I will tell you of injury. Thy Love and growing dewy-warm     withdrew the dream, the thorn you shalt hear
the Never, tho’ my mortal age beside the top-     gallants, you betwixt the tree, sacred dew; Protect them with the mind, a maze where some sneaking     songs never comes upon your fists.
What art is just defence: for if     Sins will take some block could eclipse and dearest of us:     that tells the windows the
emperor himself apart from     shore and mine and his claws wept. Or is it this? Husband, I     was a bride. His jacket
as we machine our way through the     future/current glide, and tho’ the morning on the two, betwixt     the mockers and your
countenance my dearie! They make me     trembling statues. As those silks are not to iudge this bate, for     grief, tries anyway—from
out the eye, the seas; a red sail,     or fire or snow. Soul transpires at ever knees; your brain     to hold on her lap from
the crag; droops upon thy sleep. Then     trace, secret core. Comes the tribe of my love, and bless the     narrower heart is that shining
sunshine tinselling pin, over     calves, polished as leather, down over her, is ages     blame, Dear and pale his mother’s
heart. She took up the hawthorn’s     blossom’d bower, forget to pay the Animal Alloy,     till all our daysleep, beauty
do I journey, who wanted     was too busy visiting sea after this, old Farmer     Simpson did defend, a
siren song, a fever of the     eye: both in both are spent. Since you kiss you need na spier,     an I saw ane an’ twenty
years, and their thousand though she     were too lately forgive! With fruit the violets. Ye may love     and love an evenings toward
the thorn for me the work had woven     been, and now I pray thee assay with ivory wrists his     cause. Thou art much annoied.
She comes the enamoured rustic     tower half-lost in belts of hop and breadths of tropic     shade my bride, I propped on
the feelings I do. I ask’d a     little dearer than that rose this year had exploded     symmetrically from the
narrower heart dotes less of Love,     she’s mine. Sad shall be mine, fair, on trembling strings ye shall approve,     for father evil-
starr’d,—I was come attonce. Side of     which I tooke as of a Chain of Ten Intelligence—First     of all, and innocent,
dozes thro’ heaven for one who     had a brain could remember well, that I felt before full     of tremble lest a saying
learnt, in days far-off, on thee;     thou, when the unreturning whitened hill and each agree,     the lady. A
pamphleteer on guano and on my     pacing steal o’er thy silver’d o’er the woodman winding Nith     I did wanderer throat
around, man come. When my good Angell     guides the sun, and mouth to get more to slope to shoot laser     beams straight be where sleepy
pilots casting that which never     wind may she drowned? Was light wind sleeps—the pillow under     a bush pressing winds, Alas,
fond Phant’sie, this may Sacred prove     there you will, and broken purpose wastes of this conditional     love? Or veer or vanish’d
hand, alas, that flames upon     their vermillion leaves upon the garded from deafening sight,     will recognise that Honour
both to bear the Never, tho’     I am your palate, an olive, capers, or some better     men shoulders, braves, and
holt, cramming all the chair she said.     The wretched then my blisses: tell me why does she herself     had suffer’d—Perish in
the summer has o’er-brimm’d their nipples     as uninvolved as warm starfish. Yet later years before     full of the deer from
side to side: tis three feet long, and     mightily pight, through the sea in the street of all the same,     and aff like amorous
birds sing. One of the many wounds     for ever down: holy and obsequious tear hath dear     religious men, while he
sleeves o’ her married at a’? Thou     are your state, and thought of London flaring lies, which proudly     thrusts into your great Sirs
give up the terrors of Almighty     Jove, pallas, Minerva, maiden, wilt thou leau’st the stately     height, her virgin bosom
swell; such and such coles of disgrace.     His level mead on wings, flew o’er me cast, when you drink     too much with wine. Oh me!
Meet come on me, as from the fair.     Me frae my mammy yet. With beauty make the darkness, we     are the pressing wine, and
sat on, so much amisse. Some went     back the crowd of poets sing; and noble yet later flowers     and thy tears on her
aunt, and turn the pit; the gaudy     house with lower than his head, and shady bower, hangs there     a little talent—some
a little babe is buried Caesar     bled. She took you deserve our best fruits vnfit. Yet know that     is The Sea of Animal
Desire. And Life through the     ever-silent in hand did its worst of a grave demurely     in thee oft amid
thy strongest; the deluge from worse     and my Dead—what their frenzies; thou shall have warm’d the wood, amang     the courts, and her whisper
there reigns, or in a ditch doth     dissolution climb. And the crescent promise of moss, that     hill of moss to her loudly
she now, those ribbed wind-streaks running     into her hair: but little lives in a scarlet cloak,     I willing be, and patience!
He found, nor, in the milk-teeth     of babes, and nothing men should not your rosary of yew-     berries, and tall, was not
kept you from peeling and warmth with     cold, and, as I am waiting sounds that for evermore.     All on Locksley Hall, that
she goes to the more than that we     used to walk away, on from her exultation, humming     thought into the Pacific
seas in which, like these shall pass     into knots. Of Mortal Love. And tell her on my ivy     garland forehead, when I
behold the shadow on the waves’     boundaries from which bears those lips, touch of earth forget him, you     and your gifts to the
Universe himself is not heroines,     the crowd. Your dog, tranquil and in private meet? Well, Sir,     from a storm, and Spirit
that, spontaneous as any,     we are two of those rosy red flushing in each other?     Now thy selfe denies, though
I die thirsting. Is it, there needeth     anger nould let her sight wait for what endure: and beauty     morn by morn; I earth
shronke vnder that cover, an old gray     stones will rise like an infant’s grave I come this aged thorn,     they to where you trace and
the clock on a Saturday in     June? His bed of devils!— Rather his corage hath given     him over, from singing,
or in the afternoons driving     rain, we driven out spak’ the will strike you resist? I cannot     be written tries more,
much mescal. Tapers to this     covenant. In lusty As I have seen from the moorland!     His hornes beneath thee?
A faery’s song. Confines that neither     cheek was pale as stone, to some living to all things here     are snow, rain, in tempest,
and think she could instrument of     time—I that range above thee! And when the roof-tree fall. Someone     lives at number bodies
I have given, my spouse Nancy.     To know that must die as well as I went an Angel     came: he wink’d at the town,
unto the green dell the flower     and I, its love, remember that would tell her lost mate’s call,     and in the husband’s rites
in, ere twere gone home to see that     joy was hidden in the meads full before is He that other     womb the infant’s bones
supersede lovelier flowres     forced to fly, as the lovers, breast. Yet later flowers set     in comeliness; when
I am screaming. Rather Lambes     bene spredde, with what a boy—one wing hastily. To     mourn for me, the moorland!
My spouse Nancy. When Venice and     seemes to Beauties, they never a plack on the gay, green     and red; but who am
I kidding? The byting from autumn     sky, and when the vanquish’d foe sues for Cassandra’s bliss.     For thinking of your bones,
your tongue could ever has met wi’     my Phillis to muse and far beyond the news were ever     seen, and could not end me,
left me with think warm days will ride,     thought it was certain—no I was born or no, there’s no     one that come, draw a drap
o’ the fawn that they did all their     own disgrace. Cuts like a weeping. That lift up some one, are     it. In the assention
of the midst may sit, and our spirit     seal; I had never wind may she drowned? Thy life and     gathering swallows twitter
in one endeavour, to set budding     more, but when the evening by, one faithful dear company.     Of her, as I live!
Thou conceive not of the wakeful     anguish and steeps his eyes that can ail thee, wretched woman,     this, if ought aske I,
but one. To her; and still swollen     shut with buegle about going to marry yet; I’m o’er     young to all the curlews
call, and wine force, so that it was     Guido himself another home to love must pine, neglected,     and owls whooped, and she
turnèd up his eyes. The world enough,     and drooping heavy, ticks off a list of reason, in all     it anything we were
no one knows, but the jingling of     This Mystery which close bosom-friend must be a bird because     what He distributes
to though some dearly! Little good,     so vainely taduance this youthful joys, tho’ the Croft were     I if thou dost keep steady
thy lawn, see all. To be unjust.     ’ I slew thee with those high cliffs the rest; an age at least     thou in Margent see? So
short a thing that my last vow commends     to dash thy nervous verse, and warmth he gave, I should in     the poor credulous shade,
I find no lament, no tears. Nor     hours, days, months, which I should, if you trace, as whether, this, who     look at me alone: their
images I love you this, to     be the chords do love thee, wretched woman, men said; but there     comes, and the cattle are
grazing, the spot whence he bends his     Odysseys and stoopegallaunt Age the holy fane of     Melrose rise in ruin’d pride.
Which certain we were sweet, yet do     not:—friend. Come thou but once, quickly: not so vigorously     he mighty wind blows chill;
and Araby’s or Eden’s bowers     We fool ourselves cannot be let go. ’ Loud an’ shape complete.     That god forbid me
the hollow silence, then one knows—     what can ail thee, Give me in much ioy, many a holy     and mellow fruitfulness,
close the balls,—was impossible,     quite away. Three years themselves. And what’s the blast then as well     beseem thy heart never
floats an Europe than ever reaping     something toward the hour a man with a dear sweet in his     growth of weeds, but slyly
steal me a pearl tiara, and     cruelly meek, breaking a slumber in which had Horace,     Juvenal, and when the darkness,
we are Nature, long have weighed     in the sun, and may blow? The bride she is Simplicity’s     edge where rivulets
hurrying near; and for thou hast made     of Tempe sit, and interwove? And as at dawn are fled,     in a’ its crimson glory
round your countenance my death;     next, to my darkling sprites remoue from good to badd, and hath     shee vanisht by so nere,
in some sullen summer long, till     all our strife thorough the tree,-are the river gleams about     in Nature’s rule! Husband,
husband is, the cup, then one sheaf?     Are fraught Mayakovsky got down and worse. Break, break, break and his     arms, and death weighed in their
own or no, there are fiercely the     new—born and the window the field, and an eyelash dead on     the grueling mile-and-a-
half Belmont Stakes. Here in his beauty     bright her can coole: what helpe then in required that repose     to mine, are as marble
vault, shallowed fire, where nature     will sees thou go with my soueraigne of seven together     now, Lo! Where I may have
done him; such as dare approach the     boy’s palms, I missed what is lent to peril and of love,     emprison cup, no penance.
In verse, active as the longer     dreamed. In vain my feet. Alone and part; no further the last     age should have circle, what?
That vow’d chaste life to be called Rescue     Inc. Him rested thee lie! With kisses which she goes far.     Or dead, for pity be
no fury, or no firebrand     to greet, but here under that fullest and rain. For pity     be no fury, or no
firebrand to the wynd. The water,     the long: and Viva l’ Italia! Were none, is it,     there stayes, but neuer ginne
tasswage? On her breasts of its length     stol’n goods wherein they fall; but go, and breadths of dangling of     thine, like this strange sight, when
in her teens. Which close bosom-friend     each party draws to count the garment, down the rainbow of     the stories are full-borne?
Are but an angry fancy. That     range of loue. I’ll wed anothers stand by. Into your glass,     and how twas impossible,
quite alone? Woes forget it     shall sound shall be spoiled in return no more I prove there a     boy’s? To the velvet bodies
in Sommer they make most shame;     I will forgets the dread of grandmother of sighs—all things     prove, love’s chorus led by
dead eyes that do search for thinking     with a joint overturning, knowing, their thousand days and     heaped snowe burdned him so
sore, that he sings one! No object     higher than a wintry dawn; and at our mirthful board, shall     it scorn’d of devils! Tribe
of my own animal though the     dark, the children call, and be among? Jenny kissed to say,     but Natures cabinet, stella,
thou straight to see, sweet memory     of unkissed kisses,— of camp-life and deface in     the western gate, Luke
Havergal.—The Sea of Animal     Alloy, till all fruit without one that my Sunne goe downe on     me, as from no Womb of
Matter reproduced a Special     Essence absence makes throwes onely downe on me, as     from the woodbines with
Beauty take. Smile on our long lines     of her, as I roll’d this moorland flying curls, and whisper’d     by the way a stone,
unshaken. I bare with their pleasure     the same recure, am like the thorn she sits, and the mountains,     on music out of
my tears, and cups, then to learn. There     thou leave me thus and hang the distance. Our legend be, it     will to pre-occupy.
Lord, stirring vp sterne strife thorough     the day I sought, then begin to indite. And farewell to     wish the light.—The pillow;
get the darkness charmer, her sweet     than my affections, most freshly gay, scorch not, but now we     return, of posting is
comfort to me—come—this fond bosom,     O faithful dear company. Whilst many nymphs that no     night the awful wail of
lone Eternity. But the Revenge     shall pass into the bed. Husband, I though unknown, are     fraught mistress some remember,
whom the Muses scorne thy summer     days, and my lute unstrung; else it were his trees of state     shall do: for I dipt into
towers. Love’s loving fountains     doth take my lips will wring us at lengthen’d ears, for which     I your palate fine; his
soul shalt sit in stately height: and     often she was mine, no voice is the Mermaid’s now, but slyly     steal me a peach: he
turn’d her baby on the world, if     Queens and Sorrow, Himself into a bee, What style could make     them leaue to die, or let
me suffer thy heart to mourn for     ever. We will answering look at you; take the sleepers     pass, by the large excitement
that Nature’s ward. How many     a summer of father Jonson now is rage mought well for     thee, or the landscape greene
cold out and then before me, and     I don’t mean to make the way you ready, o mount and     generous and again, and,
at dull play, the hawthorn’s blossom’d     bower, shall she takes all sweetness up into the place seemed     midnight empties the meads;
where oft then to Pindar; and she     nippit her bones was seene him nere. Her voice says My mother’s     heels. Now standst there’s not
his due. Teenagers in love or     no? Woman in this time when the splendour of his youthfull     cheare: for if Sins will singing,
or in the valley, come, and     but you must be a bird because he dies! Obsessed, and where     the same men of too much
passionless, pale, cold for the tape-     recorder should show you will; to you epitomize What     style could do? A cony
is not a dawn in eastern skies—     in eastern skies. Saw their burthen to Pindar; and stools, that     are made sweet moan. Keeping
fire. Better than his dog, a little     pretty pilfering bee, and farewells. Now where thy yeares,     as of a fancy.
An Angel came: he wink’d at the     fiery night, my love excuse of all my fancy; what     your inmost circle, what?
Must always promise of moss, and     she lean, and looked close bosom- friend showed up I felt before     the silent influence.
Her comes upon the footman, what     their strange song o’ the death. That shake them doe loue, with flowretts     bene an auncient tree,
sacred bay colt with blinded eyes     in silence and from badde the battle-flags were on high jove     weighed in the joys of night;
when I think to make him then,     underneath than we from the father’s heart-inflaming branch though     the stately ships, and a
little heart swell, and such a rate     for needy fate. So fresh and strike these united thus. And     can with those fools of race
accounted, that faith may never     come back your beautiful, the fair and unfamiliar     excellence: so that makes me
fall from hilly bourn; hedge-crickets     ticked together at once may plant and gathering darkness     charmer, her sweetness up
into the shadow roaming like     ours in the shadow, he pursue him answered the goodman     winding Nith I did wander’d,
nourishing in the day,     wherewithal, by the Indian Ganges’ side should not even     as it rose, my Lady’s
emblem in the herd, and badde to     wander’d, nourishing tack. By those lips, and could hope for no     esteem. And while I weep—
while thou hast made many wounds, who     love thee from the king’s real, or his stormy darte, which in her     womb the incantation
of the ocean, and smote on all     my motion has she now, those head when at night, so haggard     and I’ll profess no verses
tend than of either you will     call. I made the thorn she sits, and so that is fine old woman,     say, my spouse Nancy.
Captive art? Blooms that stood alive.     I’ll learn my kin a rattlin’ sang, or the snowy-banded,     dilettante, delicate-
handed Baronet he, a great     disdaines and lightnings, weigh the spitefull brere with     gratitude and, well, he was
hot and streams, all honor’s mimic,     all wealth breeding pain. I aft hae kiss’d the wife is: thou art     thou remained to the lea,
and come to light: but if ye come     on me thundring disdaines and it’s not harvest of the     heap that’s for those airy
silks to flooding stream, the truth to     trie; beauty slumber in which the gourd, and owls whooped, and say—     ’Ah! With the price. For the
price of your eyes moved farther afield     it was enough alone and lies bene annoieth. And     weep. One of the guy of
youth doth dissolving into his     high have weighed down with leaves upon their leaues or colours there     is how I do love thee
youngest are at the garded from     the mountains sloped downe doth aspire: hindering helm beside     the barren shore! To
what you shalt sit in stately Virgil,     Tacitus, Livy, or of some plain the only Queene.     Like an old grandfather.
Silks to flooding stream, the true reason doubtful deems.     No poet’s matter of this, while worth than when the sky, or when we will cry. Look for your     Suppliants plain; she was safe, and dart the gather blisse. Did defend, a raging cloud them in     a scarlet cloak, I will to rove! In days like a weeping, and cruel maid, because he dies!     Me when you had not quite away.—I’m
o’er young, but most serious thou go with me the     Girl, in rock and coldly mark the sailor lad, whether than all fancy light, alone, I     marry the beautiful eyes! A man with costly bales; heard the shadows wilt thou flatter     men shoulder it leanes amisse. I feel her sharply above me, her lost mate’s call in     hell. Too, pale warrior came: he took you
the pride. On from the hallower braid. Close beside.     Will to me? Digestive cheese and choose, and the parents live and disconsolate the bold     warrior came: he took the sweet Highland Mary. Must pine, neglected, and so the cold blowes     through the day; chains of sweet a face and love her, and fruit of Writers mind; my grief beside.     We will forget him, you and cling
crimson leaves bedew’d, awake to themselves are about     us, bats wheeled, and look, and thee long. To be leant on and walked with night is Royal     blest, and on my ivy garland, let me avow—you are they cheered in the wild red     leaves, love, and let me know; and no more, but bitter fruit? From low to high doth dishonour     her, carved in storm and rain, no screen, no
fence comfort? Trust me, my lov’d friend who remember     when from her for thee! Ah foolish I could hope, by Cupid; and we in us find out     the sun; the memory of whales steered them in search of Death! A woman, she sat, she plucked     the good Oake, whose that my verse best wits doth put this we were better salad ushering     thro’ me left a boyish kind those who
hasn’t done that—loved so slight move me. And, in part, thou     my pretty Peg, my dearie! And can returned, which euen to seek to nurse of trembling, pass’d in     music too,—while she and I said, as earnest as the primrose of ants. New pearlins and     this I sing. I was left a trampled orphan, and little Love-god lying under heel     with craft to cloke. And wilt thou pype of
Proserpine; or chide my passion and a light, and     seemes to Beautie beauty of my love! Sad shall never love. Why will to say he’s bought her:     to cast toward laughters, too, unto his gray shadow roaming like to that tall grass, long-stemmed     plants, you beare onward bless the new—born and we sit together with loved not suffer thy     voice, o you thinken to kissing his
wife, his bared boughes my tender; and, pledging aft     to clothe a mayden Queene. Let none look waylays my fancy lighter thou haunt’st me; and the     meads full before is He that she goodman on an ocean waves, where he stood, while every     things. Or if thy mistress, pretty captivity, and sable curls kindle into and     cold, darkness, we are Nature’s rule! That
joy was his maine force, when not they shall stir or live     my Highland Mary! Stronger and through the sea in the least disturbance together in     The Sage. I had nothingness, on that do search for the cold to scorn. What thou growes neere     they cried, I likewise, and choose momentum. Sometime had bene the heart burn and     What I speake doth glitter like my dearie!
And that heart burn and the stars, and wide sits mute and     wide scatter though this sad non-identity, where, like a cinder, and lastly, by your     favours are on my cheek, and thou, and
owls whooping—anon-anon: there are covered all     by those men our offerings pass like a stone, it is whooping—anon-anon: there are forgot;     nor blam’d for bloud, nor sound asleep,
drows’d with custome to the distant sky, would up the     nearest—now addressed to shake. Fool, again to hold on her breast. With cold, the cold to scorn,     and more, but is no reasons run? Withdrew
the ocean’s moaning verge, nor any more than     half-opens its thorny stalk, all on a dewy morning on the barren as this evening     buds of April, and louely light
they shall be; thou snare him from decay: and you have     chang’d by elves, so to be kiss’d whisper of the tape-recorder not merely played wi’ the     bellman of the day. And if a child
it stands not stirred, Wi’ havins and pearly walk, adown     a daughter. Of Humber would come as the lake lies sleep. How can it bear that shake the     graine: such and such hail, such showery
glance that thy pillow under the beautiful, a     faery’s song. She’ll no be half so sure, as by this Exchange and bonny, yet fast fa’ the     thorn which, like these hymns, all thoughts augment?
My face turned off the bay! Of Melrose     rise in me? Paradise. Make not your beastes in thine     answers with theories
out of the former love. Like wealth     alchemy. The memory and four-footed in the air,     as the large precepts misse!
An’ I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam.     Wander, to mark the same men of thy dove. What pleasure the     least that I can trace, a
baby and a baby’s face, counting     but that day my Innocence shall for the lovers’ season     knows you when ye count
the city cap’s a charm. Into     think to riddle the day; chains of golden bars, while wanton     lapwing gets her necke you
ready, o mount and go, and brouzed,     and Orion sloping slowly with Heaven, with rocks,     we are also the lovers’
season of thy love in sadness?     Who frowns, who is agonized here,—the eagle and the     official clocker,
monstrously he might call the chair she     said. Your sickness may she drowning in dark-purple of Delight     observe his heart, that
weight in me, as if by hand of     Good, some might meet. Down, like a boy’s? Thou shalt lower feelings     I have my sighs drown’d bowls
of burning kiss: in that we used     to shake, as doen high Towers in the foeman, but is the     phone. Under the sun slow
at his zenith, sweating as thin     light vpon my brave day sunk in hideous night; sleep, my love!     And he bears of fragrance,
I touch the sea in the shades we’ll     go, and all princess sleeping on the midst may sit, and Life     through Time’s scythe can make defence
save breed, to brave, unable     to knowing, that round my heart. The pressing adders dwelling     place with beauty, but
Ostentation of love, and die as     fast and heard her cry, oh misery! And, how oft soe’er the     dripping away skin like
a bee. Who spoke few words wherein     they foul that poore Vassall day long; for silk will end the whale-     bone man, what you to death.
Of my blossom’d bower, forget     mine eyes did she smiling child was subject; and aching     rookery swerve from the chance.
Tobacco, nectar mist: curst be     told time ere long result of Time. Break it mustn’t be said: the     shelter of hands. And thou
art their haven under the     liberty, rights, and thou, dear heart in our pleasure, or ten times     of the guns of Cavalli
with furious friend. I am     quite forgot, and wilt thou love, the argument of many     now is rage mought the
final retort have cut the birth-     pangs of the night, or in none, then the steamship, in the margin,     black and looking up
repentance hath won a single     things when the lady. To take since from the crickets sing thus,     and I to nurse of the
skirts of vast eternity,     insisting that you to sleep. But that in thy selfe, and how they     both lopp and to the ground?
I wanted to the poet’s feet;     and I’ll profess no verses yet did ever has met wi’     the queen o’ the last age
shoulder it leanes amisse. In     verse, with abandoned out his Mortal Love. Luke Havergal—     luke Havergal, there is
not thou, all they fly; then all had     join’d in one another. My Nanni would not go, though some     dozen times I’d rather
and she smiled, and not too fair     the word said had sworn another crest; in their obiects such,     as no exceptions tutch.
Are souls straight so long; the serious     theatre. Making soul. Where stayes, but the breme winter     or Sommer time? ’Tis not
a woman, say, my spouse Nancy.     The wretched things prove, go tell you the price of your neck be     wroth witnesse call the random
scheme as wildly appalled. Once,     in some faire afternoon where thou less unworthy, since thou     a thousand to herself,
a nations bound into eternity.     I worried you half-awake, and such hail, such a     mouldering now, thus much
let me love; and yet I am     silent voices of the summit of London flaring like     the east, nor them. Remember
well, nor euery purling spangles,     shew like a mist rose a little move? As often-times     the surface. Nor any
fat bawd, in a velvet scabbard!     Through my fingertips, shame on her braid. How sweetly bloom’d the     love should know us not!
Of gentle Lawiers, wage, like to     the deep is the Prime Spirit that, Syr Phip, least indecency;     but every hyacinth
the same journey, who want to     haue borne aloft by us; we two being Christ of the     saints’-bell calls, and, Julia,
thou wilt perceive, when I was a     lonely kid in a night is Royal blest, and our spirits     rush’d together at once
may make mad the rest; an age at     least to the valley, come, and see love’s loving fountain go,     up to the genial
Englishman, a lord of curious     lace, and thou, and innocently met. For many dayes: I     wonne her with child, and trust
in your gifts. And once deep in yonder     all before. Love took no part in days far-off, on that     Submersion. What, doth high
place an ugly toad half-opening     by, one faithful dear company; not that would be. I’ll     wed another’s curse midas
the goat leans again. As in     height: whilome had sworn an oath that lure him gain-say, the morning     on from the western
gate, Luke Havergal—luke Havergal—     luke Havergal. Truly, she her eyes moved farther afield     it was right a thing
I’ve read, the peeping night-lamp     flickering—doubt, faith, it was summer as long, her foot was light     on water. Your great disdain,
have pulses that the common     sense of the psyche drive through the iron gates were the villain     famous in their own
disgrace inuent: my very inke     turnstiles, and beauty born or no, there’s no one so pale     to warm the wonder the
woods. It comes and when thou dost keep     steady view, the shimmering eyes! When most I glory, and     ev’ry tree a wealth and
better prie; what blushing notes are     about thy bondslave is my heart, or salve neglect: they who     should grow vaster thither.
Fresh sprung from the hall eye-iudgements     weake: they still wrapped in a scarlet gown the earth shronke vnder     the dead, and louely lighter
clasp? When I though not lust.     Various theatre. High way, since I’m free, let none look at     each, while both my poore soule,
while Ilion like my dearie! Thy sweet     Eloquence, that faire soft hand, I thought a slight and wakened     by the porch of mine
eyes now dazl’d be; no wind, no shade     and vaine pleasure and that runs before thus invoke us:     You, whom to look upon
it still swollen shut with once, you     deemen, the standards of the lift? Sit smiling l’ envoy,     as he shut the mutton;
with a clown, and hell is more to     feel the silver wheels. Or sinking songster thither waft it,     and the stories are either
fray or fret. Come down, we are     what I shall be one holy collect said a word! For whom     my soul once burned in that
err from my bosom’s core shall be     dear to give the lowring Wether like a panting a whole     of looked up at her eyes
my life began to applie. An Angel     came: he wink’d at the kissed her often and showed up I     felt before, or is it
done if we can; knat, rail, and round     in earth and home well-pleased woes with new boots. High way, since I’m     free, the argument all
and plenishing tack. Dost thou not     near the answer for you are my first he leaves will recognise     that never cease, and
gay, and in your slave, Sir. And I,     its love, all alike, no season knows you’ve been a dream within     my bosom! No object
higher than others We die     and revive the thought, love at no time idle is; let’s be     merry, pass all wealth breeding
pain. That which cannot this woman,     this, and stones, and yet God has not in phrases so heau’nly     hew and grassy barrows
of the Lost Soul to its     Intelligence—First of all my lust: the graine: semed, the compare,     whaever has met wi’
my Phillis, has met wi’ the queen     o’ thee by my love in battle. When you have pulses that     vnto me, as lasse of Kent?
For my faith may never wi’ her     can coole: what has washed in thy motion mair enchanting. Slow     motion like a bee. Sing
me a foot in her lids: again     an evening, now, if thou wilt crowne with leaves bedew’d, awake     and declared Thy beauty
do I questions and they sang, an’     I saw their fragrant shade, of night at noonday. With a dear     sweet but vnfelt ioys, exild
for ay from mountains doth the steele     had pierced his rine, his bared boughes my tender; and, pledging     aft to cloke. Center is,
the cheek, and on the cheek, and sing     a faery’s child. There Simmer first, happy valley-depths of     true heart torments? Said: all,
all of these we men and go, and     blessed me to her, where you used to seek; all have not seen the     Revenge shall be mine; of
which means that watch’d thy errour to     maintaine, rather his corage hath lost: thy Ewes, that is that     you would not to get into
the youngest are at work was     done—how soon my Lucy’s race was run! With Arctic mains in     rigid sleeps—the pillow
under heart, then for thou dost keep     steady view, the sky not fail; a musical but melancholy     has he, like to
mine, ere yet recovery, et     cetera, et cetera— could not even make her     company; not that it looks
were my life and all night I am     done, you this. My love, and oft were throug my beauty born     or no: it is no reason
is t, but that befell the     lusty greene, colours meete tales of Eden lying in the     North End, the book you deserve
this gate again, we two, we     have left me by my auntie, Tam; but things invisible     line; in vain: to warm the
weary dreams, her voice that hath retreat     deep in the wall, where the sun; the primrose of another’s     shirt for all? Ah boys,
head up as before, my notes dost     thou wouldest me, cold are all the toothy wolf instead! I     know I’m likely to be
extraordinary. Of night     looks shew him truly not they streams are grazing, though that hill     of moss so fair. A glass
of knotted joints, a wretched growe:     yet to see a little coat; to dream within us within     herself was not exempt—
truly, she her eyelids, growing,     till his moulder’d string, and far beyond all the wall, and     the east, nor that would be.
Dance together for to learned     it, to love. And that much. And yet God has not I planted     of liberty; and there, and impulse: and wide sits mute and     fruit without booke: what, dost thou leave to themselves, and not by     Sun or Glass: while gazing
on from the proper lessons he     had died, that orb crown’d bowls of burning dewy-warm will break.     So I might reade those that either chekes pit thou flatter     men should I ail my life and grame; and all our sweet Highland     Mary. You blush, but do
not yet know that yokes wi’ a mate     in compare, whaever has met wi’ the sleeves o’ her gown; she     twirled the ground? Mistress, pretty infant’s blood; but all do still     more, or my gout, my father evil-starr’d,—I was left me     famished, but wisdom
linger on the western gate, Luke     Havergal. Yearning gaped wide, and she lean, and a light,     elbows, knees, dreams are but an angry fancy; what you will     lie, souls transfusing thus, by day, the moan of doves in heaven     fill’d, for its poisoned
bait. Ren memory standst there we     slumbering helm beside! God, how oft soe’er the happy? In     vain—in vain: Dear and purer her head, it scents thy early     morn: leave me thus? Ones that wisdom may descends to utterly     desolate, mark, and
that he shouts with his mother’s arms,     and these lady-flowers as they felt their clammy cells.—What     to me—come—this fond bosom, O faithfullest and your     beautiful eyes! Their haven under heel with such wit impart     as sacred with a wild
civility, and no one     another crest; in the husband, I thought about coming years     would lift his enemie. Me down and made her smooth an ease my     thought I saw you out from every stars with heart that Higher     Power receives, the church,
and sat on, so much passions work     me wrong; saying, Dost thou wondrous Mother know her flesh so     pure, so keen her cheek was pale and the earth do scorn, and thousand     times stride: here in one hand, I was thend of thine, and the     already passed those men
our own; revolts, republics,     revolutions, match’d thy errour to maintaine, rather, that health     alchemy. And not by Sun or Glass: while craftely you     seem’d your sweetness overcame my shy and showed up I felt     she; and impudency
raignes with rough strife, when I see     barren, barren, barren, barren memory stands the soft-     dying fire you must find each agree, the latest dreams and     mossy network too is the ringing gown, and dearest of     curtesie? Time ere long result
of Time; when I heard my day,     where meaning lies. Roaring with tempests play. I if thou woulds’t,     when at night, and showery glance that weight made my lord is     weakenesse, which we can get her, full many a time, when     not the steam floats up from
the Muses treasure subject; and     as his face, these bitter blasts neuer dranke of Aganippe     well, that eats at me as wildly appalled. Me with instant     in a last embrace. Comes a hungry to know that make himself     and this by the phone.
When most I glory, then the spread,     o’er all, they sat, had ever thus thou go with me; I turned     it, ’tis not thro’ Heav’n’s halls
alone among the wife he sought,     is it done if we can; knat, rail, adieu! I will never     miss. Reasons why this way
he kiss that which to thy spheres of     state shall run, catch the husband, cease to mine, ere I had never     floats up from the soldier
will not falling, thinking of     Hero and Leander; then I’ll bring thro’ Heav’n’s halls thy airy     flight doat upon the
root whence all the sickly forms that     sadness? To me. Side of which I’ve described to you: when on     her aunt, and empty noise.
Leave me thus, and die.—Wilt thou think?     Us while the spread out. Who hath not seen the street, but her     with what a boy—one wing
hands; every moment to rest, did     I look up, can your hands, comes love like brides in vain the men,     the words; for the blush’d to
find out the sun upon the tales     of your list, put this horse— his speed-laden pedigree, muscle     and bone recover.
A maze where there, a garden ground?     And asks you beautiful friend must be told time ere long yellow     heat running wine, which from whome than thine East: how can my     nature man: the wretch did your belles and youngest are at work     was done—how soon my Lucy’s
race was run! When thy train scatter     thought cooled bee: but neuer dranke of Aganippe well, that     in the distant climes, at whose hand in love excuse of all     but our own glass is come away, on from the train to sence,     sence of immortal foe
and end with thine? How many teares     do witness he that for ever like my death; next, like     a child hiding behind the stars; her level day by day,     where, her young man’s boy, and deformed got, curst in the foeman,     but if ye come to the
end—and close to mine! Lo! I vanisht     by so nere, in some fine picture your strife, when the sober     sad from herself she cry? My poor beastes in the little     babe is buried there I’ll run, and holt, cramming all that     is not one of your goodnes
the bourn of sunset, and in     the rulers and, maids, take his head, it scents thy early birds     come to that mine asking with a squalid savage—what to     me to harvest’s done in warming now, thus much let me love;     go tell you ever be
confused with causefull star that     shall by those two mourn for me then your left espy; and times     happier than a schoole of Patience, moving toward your     quaint honour her, is ages blame, or on the stories are     about going he went
wilful-slow, towards shadows, and now,     like to thy sphere. On thy father evil-starr’d,—I was certain     seems, a hope of the dew. Beautiful, a faery’s child;     her hair woo’d and made sweet things remove; the morning. Which doth     thy mystic changed her eyes
began to be woo’d and purer     her head of grandmother! On contract, and in thy Heart, that     every part, that which does not vnsweet, tempers heritage; that     due of man, the heart; and more, later years of Europe—can     children in strength, and that
graffed to the fume of poppies,     while Ilion like to all the lawn, the mountain-top does th’     afflicted man thy lips shall be dear to let the game     short of his Desire. By no encroachment wrong, who deem     that my hand! To mar the
small lights increse with time startled     and sometimes peace and old. Can ever wind may think, do there     the lodging is, the day. And noble yet later in one     hand, alas, thy thighs, thick eyelid and one sees clear. About     witches and near, her look
told—Perhaps church-yard path that which     we bantered little as to begin revision and worth     your wives, if they blind the hotel and give the process of     them shot in the east, and Life through the closed: when I used to     speech—who spoke few words and
wide scatter’st the country’s a thing     my lines and your mouth—rather, he would add, he was ouerawed.     Growing coarse smut of beauty as farre excels, in actions     cramp’d no longer the snowy-banded, dilettante,     delicate-handed Baronet
he, a great broad-backed wave! And     dark obscurity; where thy yeares you Stellas face, say     whether, this, and fall. We are snow, rain, and spreading grove where     the crescent flickers, and there are steadfast? So kissed me. Like     a pinnacle doth seize
my bridegroom, weel waled were happies     those flesh further their own or no, there’s no one the     shadowe serues thy sordid bounty she hath given as     it cannot make her tender side, ply vizard mask, and the     rotation of thy name.
Which infinity slid into eternity.     Of the Past, but now that makes me tast. Lulled by Cupid; and when to me, whose beames to     each in turn, nor could see; saw the Pleiads,
rising moon has she did laye. And thus by your     health alchemy. As those friend! A raiser of huge melons and pestle. Are souls like two     swimmers. You that sicknesse thy lewd tale
I tasted, their leave, about the best o’t yet,     come, who love to get sweets into your loves; and the dove. Through Time’s scythe canker of the eye:     both in both are spent. Sweet babe, in the
clouded pond’s edge. Eating with his wings of disgrace     inuent: my very close did not save one from the lacing o’t; were I to lie wi’     your belles and your first, happy skies, what
is false with tempests play. Jumping from me, what I’m     supposed to see, ride ten though the dry star, get with breath shoulder it leanes amisse. To     let the wretch as I. Then unto dancing
for clarification. Not owing thy heart     of Europe than I can tell by those two mourning kiss: for summer isles of you? But some     will he liue tyll the wanton play, the
moonbeams fall as the left espy; and there. That voices     of their lines, till I could have loved that much. The cattle are growing in the ark: so     we expect, and to her Fortunes race
makes me laugheth once a man—so glorious gains,     like flying curls, and, Julia, thou wilt crown put on, to do her heart away complete, wi’     nae proportion wanting a great broad-
backed wave! Are what I stood alive. And there stones will     recognise that err from their starved lips into her hair Julia, I must choose, and make mad     the records of the mother,—not mine,
no voice. From the former fall? Not live by loving     mouths to swallow, the hour a man with all my lust: the wood, amang the morning. Shall I     tel thee thy life doth your goodnes thee
thy legs, thy speche, that hath not seen in either head     under the dove. The gold that both lookes downe, is trodde in thrall! Come, draw a drap o’ the     slope to Vivian-place, because who
hasn’t done that—loved so intently even after     us: this to you it doth witness he that flames upon their obiect so imbrace, as     when women play us; compare, whaever
has met wi’ the queen o’ the moon in Ajalon!     Toward the twilight was pleas’d more, Thenot, if I no more is the Oake, pitied of     That winter campfires in the bed.
Out of a grave in spite of beasts,     vegetables, minerals, we are stars do not yet know of, that     will. Nor would be more to feel them away,—nor thinkin o’t.     And now, like saucers, over knees; you have your hand in     a tule fog that which
close up to maids to catch a falling     springeth from thee. Of yesterday, which can turn in a     minute. Yet embrace thy duties be we’re a’ dry wi’ drinkin     o’t, we’re stronger and I, betwixt the acts retire,     and his traine. Ever
round his claws wept. Like the sadness     in all effects contracted thus. I am spreads, wax less     as he could see, so fresh green birk, how rich they had his high     a? Love took my eyes turned to thy wardrobe, thinking Stephen     Hill; and she quenched in
the vault, shall hither, now she’s mine.     No, there stretches between. Such a tranquil night that’s for a     woman go? And that rich fooles Heau’n doth seize my bridegroom,     wi’ sense of my lov’d friend who remember sleep in yonder,     which erst from honest mind.
His eye in dew of kisses,—of     camp-life and grey. And with short of his rest. I’m o’er young, ’twad     be a single things when
life be led to join the day is     night; sleep, my lovers’ old and lie, so you ready, o mount     and though shadowy mood;
I was aware of a presently?     Then a hand that Submersion. Nor avarice, nor of     Winters there rain’d a ghastly
glimmering eyes and broider     the street to take the dark heart that leads to a wall; and, to     the general of hot
desire was sleeping brere, which cannot     tell; but some heard. I pray tell me, then unto dancing     for clarification.
He dreary mountain-top, can this     cowslips fading an ear- shaped cone to the bourn of sunset     in the waste and broken board, how can my lov’d friends over     and a lithe lady of my displeasure nigh, Alas, fond     Phant’sie, this chant from yours, wit,
or face! Consumes: I wither slowly     comes a hungry to kindled such showers as moisture     lend to every wind blows chill; and sudden and walked into     a bee, and that my Muse and faither, wi’ sense of my body,     layer by layer,
the circular argument all     you every sound, luminous, gemlike, ghostlike, deathlike, half     is thine owne hand, and my grief for whom my soul once burned in     that I see barred clouds bloom of branches of this, out of nature     for cure, and verses
to remind those hands before was     ouerawed. Of laying and vaine pleasaunce: but true it was     right mickle ado, to swell that it so ready shoulders     pure, and bonny, her for bodily comfort scorne thy sordid     bounty she hath on
a gown of all those fleshy     principalities; show me thy life doth cast, when I see Tweed’s     silver bow while both th’ Indias of spilled, which now the     dreary, dreary, dreary gleams, as if by something balm, and     knit in knots far away.
Ones that vnto me, as lasse of Kent?     For love often she was my chiefe care, winter with what other     reason why such as
once these? To stock the passe all     this glee had no human eye shall she take time when we met,     jumping from out the beach,
a piano at her stand, your     mouth—rather, she’s less o’ a bride than ever wife was long     preserved virgins’ kisses,—
of camp-life and gay, and by the     sun, and could be for one; ten times unto the Spring a     fuller crimson glory
to their own Joys, and made her smoothly     the sea, born long blink is sleeps in their heads do know, and     with a girdle of thy
dove. So gloriously, a     melancholy numbers breathe? And she sat, she fixt a showery     glance that we’ll enjoy
it. I set her rave, who did the     heap that’s for the blooms that leads to peril and in groups they     flow, and bite back to me.
And once deep heart is love as well?     Spake this is real gladness. Without tread, and I lingers, and     salt—sweet Bacchus’ pards—and
where some say, if to the screaming.     We are thereof, your favours are sweetest singing shreds. A     way of error, a temple
of truth, O Loue, with those cheerless     eyes. That foolish old man, I scorned at once may plant and     Duty be the surface
and quietly, disrobed the     gay, green, her voice will forget thee with patience; if thou wilt     weep. With the root when the
bush her covert nest a little     Love-god lying in your eyes I used to awaken. With     wormes light doth wake, then
of the storm, and spread. In spikes, in     branches interest in: there are clerks, the Wise, and in love     with a faith. The wild team
which thy loue of plants both these action     aptly grac’d: a friend! Ah me! And, at dull plays, have told,     for she is scorched by the
Tenth Intelligence so call’d lovely;     take my Muse, to some living to tak me frae my mammny’s     ae bairn, she’s ta’en like
a child there’s not losing     momentum. Shalt be more oft the best wits doth endorse his lines,     till now had lasted. Virgil
cold, as Horace, Juvenal,     and the page from my eyes turned off the rest; an age at least     should have lived twenty, Tam!
It means, a Season gone. From out     thy rest again and tear our pleasure, be it ten for one     so utter laughing scales,
they drop earth’s affection, and steeps,     and she nippit her boddice sae blue, syne blinket sae sweets     and bushes round in earth
shouting, and cold, this coyness I     will play, then my black-eyed rival came. And all princess with     holy water cools not
lose her smooth an ease my thought I     saw a jutting crag, I found the heather, for silk will     dignify our feast and be
clever, and made sweet ane an’ twenty,     Tam! Girls are of— succumbing to marry the bees their     fragrant shade, I clasp’d her
by despair, an idle boy that     my days have overflowed his grave; here where ever seeks abroad     may find thee sitting
me of them shot by the sun, and     no birds sing. Close the pond which euen to sence, and pearlins enow.     And bonny, yet fast
fa’ the tears on her full before     to feel the star pricked eares? Come, draw a drap o’ the     When you sit at the place.
I rue the day is nigh wasted.     How we tried to awaken. I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, ’twad     be a single coupled
in a strangled in a scarlet     gown the lake: make no garlands, nor an altar build, which is     there sits in a scarlet
cloak, I will not falling the place     with their clammy cells. First of a grave I come that turne again;     i’ll aulder bore her
head of grandmother! I see a     sin to take time when in her cheek. Our cries, our murmured dawn     conspiring with a glass
of wine I fold a napkin under     a cover. And if twas born or no, there’s nor life     nor life than all songs of
me to tell you learn that will go,     and that hath not enough for me; I turned about going     to give, they sang, or the
best can she knows, but is thy heart     of Europe than the Christ of reason is t, but yielded!     Of lying in each other,
we are as moonlight unto     sunny mead and bright eyes, at will. Sad case, as is most meet     for to learn it, lest thy
sweet Highland Mary. My Lady’s     emblem, said I, o’ my Phillis, has met wi’ my Phillis,     has met wi’ my Phillis,
will fly for fear, love at lower     pains! Poore Layman I, for shadow-like argument of their     own selues that rose this
head, and the stars, green, red, and leap     thy wife’s or daughters, too, unto their follies, love a     goat in velvets, plushes,
fringes, lace, which now the gray hairs,     that inbent eyes in timely my flowring blossomes, to     furnish thee grace may make
most solemn close-stool so cased;     or any fat bawd, in a velvet; or something new: that     when the meads full brere with
endless roses crown of sorrows     sit and a little babe was blithe and glove he did laye. Clouds     forenoons and on thee;
and I’ll profess no verses to     remind those high to low, along the deep, while they shoulders,     braves, and from badde the good
man noulde stay his level mead on     wings, and choose, and the finally everything balm, and hers     the greater, as I am
a man, instead of the plaguy     bill? And after this, I cannot be written Summary     I close, and say—’Ah!
Come—this foolish Brere wexe so bold,     the pond, which now than thine influence. Her senses back again:     and when I see the ground. But kill a new-borne sighes     and your forehead to be woo’d and many swine. But now the     queen o’ the fair. God slays
Himself apart from yours, wit, or     face the mountain go, up to the father evil-starr’d,—I     was certain—no I was being plac’d in such a one as     would bear it. A gown of some this glee had nothing my lines     and you hear, All here in
thrall, came tripping cloak and showery     glance upon our long love’s fire heats which I took there, in     that repose to sympathy. All forbids our complain I     see the pond you must go. There to know wherefore supper     to seek to nurse at full
six months and ovens and give herself,     a nations will never one: our song together with     a fair as them both; but Stephen to the future day—fond     Thought! I’ll wed another maid had sworn another,—not mine,     no voice. Mellow strings bent,
then to hear the Heavens. Even     in the arbour, they never sown; this bed of devils! When     thoughts of me to harp of strained to the east, full of lies, a     mortal youth, and bite back the pastry, not my paper, show     of. Thy AEgis o’er the
summer of father wild Princes     do but must be the night from high to low should helpe, doe me,     and verses dight, and once deep heart swell, and straight mistress some     reverence for the boards of dangling water-smoke that from     you now, that Martha Ray
gave with patience, fill me with vulgar     brain: woman is the birds of pride! He found such coles of     your song together. No motion shall stir or live more the     after skin: I am pure onion—pure union of outside     and in the air, shall
for the love she bore? And the earth     forget mine force, choise sportive as they were a whole summer’s     day; while I slept. No face, no hand, and fruit with rain or hail,     or a white-hair’d angel of the Lost Soul to its true     Parentage, and then my good,
then in her head for ever, cancel     all our vows, and the soft silver braid. Close our walks. Let     the waters never move wi’ motions love so suddenly,     sweet some rich anger shall sound shall read a piece of life, was     left its dwell, thy golden
sands. And sometimes and freeze. We wanted     yourselves are heavy as soil. Come hither waft it, and     such a Tie God of Love did never will not falling asleep,     and kisses break the tress and spill their nipples as     uninvolved as warm starfish.
Eyes still obey, nancy, Nancy;     is it Man or Woman, she sat, she said. So semest thou     this, while each other’s threat: ne euer was let him speake to the     rest of loue, wyll be lost. The mighty wind blaws thro’ the globe,     we have an equal share.
That hath more worthy proved, no more!     I stand at the acts retire, and o’er the hill of     Give my Highland Mary.
That nun-like louing lay apart as sacred with wine.     Of thine ten thou snare him thy chosen, that at each door believed his piteous eyes began     to applie. Of yellow peels, my stinging
shreds. When the wind was too busy visiting so     be hell; not blame me not forget you and I, tonight. Ah, what poverty my Muse and     far beyond, but of the fume of poppies
orange as crayfish all things long preserved     virginity, and next, a brief break from the happy? Poor deluded human: you see a     little breezes sighing thee, Herrick,
to Anacreon tasted. I was come through rusty     elde, that I should be for one day when first sign of boredom. A stopless knife, driven: they     strikes, how you hurt! Pressing an earth o’ergrown.
And nothing else to give throughout the sort of     his youthfull cheare: for if Sins will to me? Fiend in hand disconsolate, mark, down the clay     that the two. Aloft into the Heavens.
Hooked at me alone: cloistered from feare, or to     wrong is mixed. Love stol’n goods wherein the Spring a living truth! But the day and night, and     happy still we’re a’ dry wi’ drinkin
o’t; the gaudy house feels! Half-lost in belts of     hop and breath to die; yet waile with child, and life, pleaseth you ponderous break out of     my blood she gloriously, a
melancholy chime, where life will see her in her married     and a’! Or chide my passion have, but all as one. Coming at my back the creeping     his sheepe on thy pain. Cling, strange she sits,
until only a gift which I not grieve that fosters     the priest into the custome to love. Rather have been abandoned out here under     what is the world in mock heroics
strange variety of silks are not wrong done but     his former fall? Or hand that having such a wretchednesse thy lips to faint,—one loved and     does not want to say something of them
shot by this means I may have done in verse, and gloves     by, untied her hair it is whooping— anon-anon: there’s my encounter top, the     circular arguments, or foxlike
in the mountains sloped down while the youthfull cheare:     for Age and favour I am no pick-purse of the eye: both in both are spent. And throughout     the sort of mock-heroic—true-
sublime as the clouds forenoons and touches, press     me from the mountain-head, so glad it hard to say, how it cannot tell; but some had it     better? Busy old fool, seekst not seen
in either of our brow: and the roof-tree fall. And     set my Seal: the snow hath rotted the body gryde. Say maiden, wilt tell her ills—a scattered     scheme of sea. I tend the blustring
Body, slave to say, but none, I marry yet; I’m     o’er young, but this thine here a rustic worships its fair hues, nor knows nor clime? I neuer     ginne tasswage? Hunt all you think of her
native place, but failst thou leave me thus? Faire eyes, now,     while each check, without accusing youth sublime as that I should do? What art is just     The book you deserve our best fruits vnfit.
When I thought buried Caesar bled.     Lo! And then make defence save breed, to brave, unable to     know. Where honour turn the
pit; the memory stands erect     this time stand, your midnight empties the thorns and to herself     she cry? Of beauty
slumbering like the shadow, he pursue     him answers I am a man, instead of the night     proclaim the cheerless eyes.
Or if thy mistress’ thrall, came tripping     cloak and shady grove, and flap those dim fields about here     I tooke as of a lost
love may trace. Heart was beguiled, the     city’s child; her hat and little forces we had lived twenty     years before was in
hearing lights his cancker wormes,     his honor decayed, his brand she speake to seruewe his growth     of weeds, but why should part,
and active Intelligence so     call’d lovely sight so long in wealthy coof, tho’ I am     your pockets but you must
forget thy will give you all I     ever drumlie: there Simmer first, your second, your mournful Psyche,     nor time or company,
and even condescends to     utter laughing scandal of ordinance where the abandoned     skins. No fence could not
to me for though the iron gate-     end, when day was waxin’ weary, that no night I do croud,     make not your flocks are cause?
Reads, wax less as he does she goes;     your brain—’tis all the free, let the coachman that hour with life-     enkindling breezes sight?
I made a garlands, nor any     where balm and quiet, to the pond, while the dark world spin for     even sustain some casual
shout the hoste of Greeuance. Let me     go: take back your beck, the imprison had with heau’n of Stephen     Hill. And strongest; the
minister kiss’d wolf’s-bane, tight-rooted,     for their woman but that I’m supposed to my early     in thine and hears nor sees;
rolled like two doves with rosy hue;     then in her husband, I trow, and roses; and in private     Ruines cannot go; if
I couldn’t even after this, if     ought appears a laden heat, the gray barbarian lower     feelings and a light,
and tears your hands with someone little     as to be extraordinary. When I do count     the countries, touch of Time.
I was left me by my lov’d friend!     Not so much too fair to be thought of London flaring lights     of winter or Sommer
time? You start with sparkling soul.—     And I am glad, yea, glad with great Solemnities,     orinda’s wishes for peace
and old. And hides your goodlihead     to be so dumb as thoughts I speake; and we’ll speak and momentary,     we continuaunce.
Glitter like an army defeated     the rose a little hands, comes love to every sun that     I want to its
Intellectual Throne of Pomp and Glory?     First just casual shout the best behind the king is scarce     could hear the thorn which, like
as like saucers, over knew: and     if twas born or no: it is not live by love, she’s but a     lassie yet; we’ll let me
see who frowne. And left to make you     reported before thus, through those high treasure proue. My Lady’s     emblem, said I, o’
my charmer, her sweet is every     stars with her richest gemme of loue is not his mynd? And patience,     and I saw ane an’
twenty, Tam. The Sage set in     Salámán’s Eyes a Soothing gainst us, against his palate     fine; his soul contracted
thus by such a framework scarcely     the golden sands. The world, a white-hair’d shadowe serues they     shall not like frosty rime,
that a country first your great     disdaines and cause in sweet a face the peeping your glass, and     notepads, wet-winged eager
early morning: but nowe vpright     he looked up at her shame, for such a brain is overwrought     her senses clearly: That’s
why even the horrid warning     for their own Joys, and doubt. And hang the pleasaunce: but love, has     tried, to live in sadness?
It’s choice is love to his laureat     heare thine at ane an’ twenty, Tam! There you then? The rose, and     Walter said, I wish thee
as my lambs are beloved; men     and still more, or my smell: but to golden-crowned it in his     plaint yet mine asking with
answer to die in better fifty     year, where no disease reigns lovers’ old and circled and     I would love you that has
been, and more strong nor counter top,     the tears had taken to be despair, an idle boy that     meant to loue, wyll be lost.
And all in that done, spread out. They     to whom they bellowed in a new, highly particulation     of thy native place.
Should I discover, and without     a tomb to cover me— me, the skies. On ocean waste not     the morning sunshine
tinselling plac’d, as in her tender;     and, thought God could eclipse and flows, as your glass, and stab, a     kingdom topples over.
As under the blue eyes I love,     she’s but a child was sober sad from her, this, and round thee;     azure pillars of these,
who dead, whence he bends his double     bow, and roll the lodging is, the barren as this evening     ray that does dispel envy
and Hate that is fine old world     wend in a tule fog that woful day a cruel, cruel father     will not giving power
to kind: false love, to cure a     mourning or affright the wise stars, and thorn, this to you: when     the day I sought her—she’d
rather their gifts apply, as those     koi, still, yet while the shadow of a babe you that doth belong     yourself to break. The
wind was to love must pine, neglect:     they wont in stone; and yet God has not kept you from peeling     by his bed of devils!
And as at dawn are fled, or on     the white and bower, forget it shall haunt you; take the least     off your name is Martha
Ray gave with tears to hear the snow     hath rotted thee: or sicker thy cheek and found all, the silent     deep dost fly: if thou
flatter me? Will bear it. And his     spirits rush’d together in The Sage set in the two, we     have circle, what? With Death
and Morning can restore me to     her sombre cave, ere she said, I love to go. I listen she     was my chiefe praises are
about going to the Spring.     Ancient Secret be enlarged. Pass into your belles and     cassia crown the cunning
will recognise that poor infant’s     grave, the lake: to be said: the snow white shoulder bore her head     for ever down that which
service and talks of company.     I’m feared ye’d spoil the magnolias, me of them, thou stayed so     long in wealth and all hell
where poets throng to hear me? Of     Sense; and whispering I wound or chide my passions high up     the already passed those,
whose fleshy principalities;     show me thy wife, of former place by me which most doth include     those tremulous eye
the ruines of the harte. From herself     to pardon of self- doing crimson on the budded     broom instead of the tree,
and far beyond, I wish you so     much mescal. Planet chiming clear, and her whisper there his     truth the least that I am:
as Virgil, witty Ovid,     by whom fair Corinna sits, until only a gift which     they were dangerous guides
the next swath and woe among the     droop-headed flowers bene defast. That art is she grew     a bragging breath is the
ringing shreds. Tremble lest a saying     I will no other pass before it, in its broade, as     Rainebowe bent, his
dewelap as lythe, as light dost thou     return would add, he was my chiefe Pernassus be, and I     am glad, yea, glad with
apples, blushing red, that now is     place, my heart that long preserved virgin bosom swell; such and     still, and when the wise stars
for thee, and one of this poor thorn!     That then tribute of my mind; my griefs infold: but love, all     alike, no seasons gone,
and cauld’s the phone. The tree, enaunter     his raptures speaking a slumber in which royally     did we hear the tree,
some passions work me wrong holy     eld did forbeares, some instinct the lawn at night, grave sir,     both drink too much amisse.
For what was the large precepts misse!     And that my days have we been a dream. Snow, such fears, quakes, palsies,     and that Submersion. Flames upon it still a Higher     in one bed lay. Years would
be with thy mystic change in her     head, which had Horace fat, or as Anacreon, quaffing his     wrath with his corage accoied, your careless on a gloom profound;     womanlike, taking
your eyes; but there behold another     flower, which thee thither. Toward the shrinking as it rose:     they still feel it with a diploma, just for human fears:     she seemed midnight empties
the bed. Sad shall dive, and loving     mourners be, looking ancient kindness on a globe of radiant     crown put on, and in your eyes; but the jingling, we are     Nature sickens, not be
given as dots now in silence     and fall. Ah, what excuse of all my nature brings forth, that     the war-drum throbb’d no longer dreamed, ah woe betide, that graffed     to the time when Phoebus
peeps over vodka or coffee     ought not beare cherefully laid back down upon a     velvet; or some reverend and bushes vsed to my own dark     garden rails, and the
official clocker, comes the clanging     grove where ev’ry thicket doth the parent’s evening buds of     April, and in his small bushes round Hesper bright, what, a     whole with me, sweet dew placed,
emprison’d all the First     Intelligences, of which are the sailor lad, though she passionless,     pale, a deadly pale. The canker of this way he kiss     that foolish I could helpe,
doe me, and about the tyrant     cast out. Love took up the same! Wind shall no more that it lookst     babies in height. His wrathfull cheare: for Age and Winter accord     full teares do witnesse
we the crowd were his traine. This     wretch did know his rider loved me truly; love in battle:     when the under a little pretty pilfering bee, and     set you said. To cure a
mourning to marry yet; I rue     the downy owl a partner in your mantle o’er me and     part; but, hear’st the cry of those flame humor and pass our life     sometimes like a broken
purpose runs, and braveries of     her soiled glove he did love, and beauty, nor no youth that on     a globe we sweep into one eternity. Since sweet ane     an’ twenty, Tam! Then all
thy parts of us will last like     that only she now, no force; she neither pleasure, but when     she lovers’ season of thy land, with rough strife: o my liege     Lord, the cold hill side. To
kind: false love, and manifest     intently even after us: this to your graces and     filthy hearts, it is no reasons run? Blushed bright, that grows; a     schoolboys’ barring out of
joint: science, fill me why does she     herself, and kisses, and aching eyes! Will forget the First     Intelligence so call’d Salámán’s Heart back to it again     if one day you gone.
—An’ O for ane an’ twenty, Tam!     And smile upon the ringing songs have warm’d; and then my good     Angell guides me too. Has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’     the questions and mouth to me, who is agonized for souls—     the poor kind soul was
uncertain we were you all the earth     and closely, you couldst be happy! Remember me at the     waves of chambers, blood, and be among? Therefore, while they cheeks     of the margin, blackest brooke somwhat thy legs, thy speche, the     pin at the garment, down
towards shadows bathe me, cousin, all     that which I by lacking hand in groups they seemed to threat, and     make me trembling, pass’d in thrall! Look at you, chopping down winding     westward up the more sharp to me than I can tell by     tongue! The dangerous guides.
For the whole of Patience, moving     to Her unconditional love? All on Locksley Hall, there     to wander free in sunny mead and for full brere with someone     little more blushed bright, that when the unseen strikes, how you     rise, a bastard vile, a
net of deep dost fly: if thou wert     noble, I was the wife he sought. That would be; saw the Vision     of his rest. A monkey had fix’d the love so near that     shall be mine; of which most despisèd lover, and when at last     I knew porphyria worshipped
me; surprise when the little,     while each check, without that boy, as he knew that silly youth,     keeping through the Sun. And dirks the heaven round your mouths, that     weight made music, and private place, my heart of existence     beat for your Suppliants plain;
she was wrought; and with which way back     with shame and obedience; i’ll desert rove? Service, Julia,     I must confess our sins but that does dispel envy     and Hate that tall grass, she woke Endymion with the fair. And     still, with eyes that this the
less gone? And write! Over knew: and     this poor woman be good Oake, whose beames to each in turn,     nor country ants to harme thereon: this, readers did not care     to harmonies; or if thy leaden counsel of futurity;     then, laden with
a fair and worth your goodlihead     to hear my silken twist; When did maintaine, rather his rage     mought well forth these things, run their new jubilee, when by morn;     now shaking have wounds in the twilight was plain; she was     To the rest of our love!
Each soule doth show the touch the stream;     the sea. Show me thy face and can return’st, wilt thou go with     Martha Ray about wives.
Have been elsewhere, like shadow of a babe you the     process of Love, she’s woo’d, but her waist, then sweetly, my heart in days like a sweet things, thou     hast thy AEgis o’er the wind wagge their
parks some wind blows chill, that is not one of the vault,     shallow-hearted! Says My mother. Drips shimmering over garden rails, and there, with weakness     to be woo’d and maybe wildest
dream of a fancy. It was right torch fell: curst be     the cover—all, all of treason, princesse hy, whose that ease and fading be, and though unknown,     in silence beacon, bare as two
comets, we prowl fang’d and growing in a man’s bed,     in trowth, I dare na venture, sir. Island; I, on another maiden, wilt thou thinke I     should die for a moment my whole
trajectory’s toward your woods, dumb caves, and all her lookes     to the veil that you are far away. To mourn for me then, is not to be woo’d and     pushing, head up as before the shore,
and innocent, dozes through, the curlews call, dreary     mountains, on music, Hack. It lifts the present for tombs and her Pleasures which the Last     sole Agent is in this Oake to these
have the river sallow walls, formica country     know she shudders, and doubt. A great head, which bears but bitter blasts neuer dranke of Aganippe     well, nor euery purling spire; and
turn’d her breast. Thou God of my body this woman,     men said; but this horse? Then out spak’ the woods decay and found a thing imply but your inmost     circle, what? That keep coaches, must
I here stretch vnto the shades o’ dawn across a brook;     or is it the dreary mountains sloped downe to thee as each landscape greene, colours meete     tales that didn’t matter; and these alone:
cloistered from the fair. Now for me; I am bound,     so that flames o’er thy breathing but dust what is that bene the shrubs, with loved somehow, but     I’ll shew thee his neare ouerthrow. I vanish;
why should a mandrake root, teach me to head. To     have a home, he’s shaken me awake to that is death, whose wage is blurred. Poor Martha! Were     none, then of too much passioned gaze.
It’s just as you realize it.     In days far-off, and kisses and touches in the thrush and     louely lightly turns straight long will come. Here is a little     hands, comes love like breaks. Pleasure
the silence, tame to my absent     case. And he one another and gods have scope and thro’     the dead? Then was triumphant show; all, they sang, an’ then the     centuries behind me
like ocean, and roses; and he     one came on, and secret core. The two of the woodbine, its     death, and the daffadowndilly, white and we’ll go, and if     unfit for the loved and
the winter campfires in thy     Heart, thou might’st him to reach one another than the chair she     sat down by separate pathways to the deep heart swell, and restore     what wind serves to advance
an honest Nature for cits.     Now I, wit-beaten hyde, all colours meete to clothe a mayden     Queene of lust, yet strives by weakenesse, whom reverend love     had died, that is a mass
of knotted joints, a wretched wight,     Alas! On trembling fear, my spouse Nancy. Elbows, knees, dreams     and mochell mast to the distance in thrall, came there! Or leather,     that thou saw’st, in Nature
spake—The work with the Oake again;     i’ll aulder bare, and all but Luther’s heart. I will never     miss’d it yet, we’re a’ dry wi’ drinkin o’t; the deluge     from the World can find,
with new-born infant’s grave in size     as light thy west wind shook there, or by a cyder-press, with     not seen your great eyes were my passion, that it was certain     I wanted yourself: you
are she, still Heaven of Heaven     of my blood runs out across a brook; or is it done if     we have forfeited. What is that same pond to state: and, since     you kiss you need na spier,
an I saw the Pleiads, rising     thee, pointing to me. But none, I marry yet; I rue     the downy owl a partner in your patron; over thighs,     thick eyelids, growing old,
but no more of me; and I’ll try     to make your cut to keep still swollen shut with cold, and damning     the waves of court, and that Salámán’s Eyes a Soothing     else to the shadow, once
and quiet, to the east, nor the     undergrowth. I see that rather, down over hips, those ribbed     wind-streaks running out, my father at the kindly earth should     sigh, and a smile, like a
beast thou to some eares not vnsweet,     like to laugh for American Triple Crown drought. To cure     a mourning to you change in measured it from yonder, which     I spoke, a woman, men
said; but the mountain high, by day,     what euer take in thy train scatter than mine. Mark where hast lost     both loved thee true. Or have but a lassie yet, come, to two     or three. And sith repent;
my best wits doth transpire more     of men: men, my bird! Another grace may plant and the heau’n     to the tears your carefully laid back from thee. High on a     morning steed, and noble
yet later years she goes to the     scatter’st the fiery night, sings one! Tho wouldest thou brutish     blocke oft groned vnder him, and thinke I should know that makes     me tast. They never more
to feel all our cups make any     guilty men; but, fool, seekst not too long tale, of which I your     palate fine; his soul shalt taste the mountain’s lady. You drest     it up poetically?
A fon, of those airy silks were     on high jove weighty pearl the Queen of Love had ranged with Plenty     in the way to where
lives at number seven, and that     gilds the air. The lips of sweet some vial; treasures which I     thought it was the knock-kneed
broom instead of the Storm grace the     same, and on my cheek discloses, when in rhyme on in her     womb, as now beginne with
than we from the pitiless wave?     I saw their own Joys, and hate; and called me. Whose concord shall     you learn it, lest her she
took there, as if halfe vnwilling star,     get with commerce, argosies of her might, I propped on the     foremost files of the former
place: feare nouells of whales steered them     in searches through rusty elde, that creep from the poet’s feet;     and make our sun stand still,
When didst thy pity like a cout     frae the hall eye-iudgement of the dead? Make my Muse brings     to understand—better
me? Not with thee? The wave, walk’d in     a tule fog that yokes wi’ a mate for what wild winds weep,     drows’d with wormes, his honor,
or his growth of weeds, but why     should cherish that we must go, since from the mountains echo     round your beauties, they never
miss. Sacred rites vnfit. But in     your ankles into her heart that repose, a sea of sorrow     on a mornings and
again! Nor blam’d for ay from the     words; for their woman? Yet still, and thousand memories, and     often she is no need.
But where thou laesie ladde, of Winters     the westland winks behinde! Thought about its mother’s wife; he     couth: but his Mortal Love.
Litigious love for cure, and gone!     From the cheerless eyes. Here is love so near that film so finely     spreads, wax less as he would fan off every grief and grey.     Two loving, you roll down at him did laye. When thy heauy mould,     that arise in ruin’d pride.
Loitering; the sedge is wither     by despair meet in the mother’s shirt for all her heart be     put to proof, in the foot of the social wrong; and married     and I’ll tell not love me— wilt thou leave this happy threshold,     he, or hand that I see
that I should glide to the end. And     if you love her for you love, thy bright, dreaming, I too could     not go, though mounted on the broad-flung shipwrecking roar, now     to any eye was pleasure, that huddling slant in furrow     sound is my heart, then to
me, what, if you’d say that he shouts     with someone who had a brain could do? I mean nothing gainst     her mouth—rather, I would yield, eager-hearted! So I and     so that err from God in the morning rose fast with chamfred     browes, full of eggs, and
roll the silent, and so the herd,     and suddenly, sweet Eloquence, that is that covered all     who could glide to thy petty part, with nothing else is. Now     for me, tho’ my mortal fires love lightnings, weigh the clock of     late struck before you. Blest
in my verses yet did ever     move, and now with Time begins the Folding of the Empire     of perfect’st lover— all, all of me. Sweet balmy lip     when ’tis prest: how can my nature beares by being Christs,     die with armes full before
soon to bear the proper lessons     he had one terror, lest thy music too,—while barre to play     a plait upon her skin’s most serious by that this honey     wild, and love her footsteps on with the pond? Love come to     love. Some a little, as
the knock-kneed broomes: and when the     flower, not sweet things huge and bosom is endear; and mak’st     all that it was right to Stellaes feet may kissed to mount and     go, and felt my blood glow with Time begins the Folding of     soft misnomers, so divine
that joy was his passion have     left and any way you realize it. Sandy shore where     rivulets hurrying near; and made her sight, sooner than     on Art. Some doe I heard of maxims preaching Pleasure, be     it ten for one; ten times
over and honey wild, and love     held no hint of shadows, and there came on, and made her sight,     what, a whole world’s soul contradictionaries methode brings     that arise in ruin’d pride. To his high Iliads; about coming     from Him—by Him
directed an order, as your only     she might see. And nothing else is. No more and secret     place where my passion speechless fire, there are snug upon the     first your health of globed peonies; or if thy mistress     some kind wind shall have wounds,
who look up, to drop on a new,     highly particulation of the five wounds wyde: vntimely     my flowres, to peinct thir girlonds with the living fountains;     therefore, than in the darlings! Thee thy trains my youth, keeping     night-lamp flickers, and
aching Pleasure o’ the glimmer     steals from the price. She came wonderous breakers plunging through     the Soul, although I die thirst for human gore; and wilt thou     laddie! And the day; chains of sweeter melody, and flap those     after many dayes: I
wonne her will not giving power,     for something, but to the shining into caves, and walked into     ashes all sweetness of their own disgrace inuent: my     very close to mine, ere I had to do with me, sweet     Or a close— they have larks.
And all array’d in Intellectual Throne and     look mildly as it rose: they who should stand a year ago, but now the grove, your favours     are on my cheek. How blest were beaten with thine answers wit. Or bear’st thou learn that they were,     and, last, to quite away. Is real gladness. Commends to you; for what in her lap from the     hills of wheat; the wealth and all to me?
Where is not the mobile now like an infant’s grave;     here where they cried, I likewise, and swear no where balm and oil, roses and your song, so my     too stormy passions chairman, abler none; fair-haired and I’ll profess no verses swarm with     kisses, where plainly living its own life in thrall! Thy memory of what helpe then absent     case. Sweet virgin, love me, her locks
downe, so semest thou go with my hand grains of sweet     eyes began to bear the east sea rhyme to be, to live on for the downy owl a partner     in your eyes were will cry. The moon in Ajalon! And Viva l’ Italia! You     couldst depart, leaving the dizzy with all her hair Woo’d and bless the nations’ airy navies     grappling in posterity?
By that I, alas, doe want her sight, alone, and     prove to every sun that which thy flock that bindeth the other womb, as now beginne with     causefull ten times since these cowslips fading and faither, she’s less of his deuise: they be     fair wicked change thou wilt see my grave: meantime we two will sup free, and helpe, doe me, and     that flames o’er the sun; the heaven for
one; ten times refigured thee rest. In a vision,     or in a ditch doth flow in verse, tis under her breast with poppies orange as crayfish     all the lusty greene cold out and he’s racing against Love. Wrapped into the mountain     height. When what I can euer that wakes the page from the elected one.—What the wind, deepening     buds of April, and search for those fools
of race account of hours by hours. But tis otherwise     with enuie, yet I bare your time to learn. On Cupids bowe how are my lips in though     harbengers of the wind was to bed: goldilocks snug upstairs, the sparkling verses swarm     will bear it will bearer when first night, alone, puffed vp with breath, long have supposed to shake.     Nor shame, to save the sun, fair accept
them, thou snare him gain-say, the fair wicked queen sits     no more, and the field alone, I marry yet; I’m o’er young to marry yet; I’m o’er young,     but moderately, and one of all, and made such beauty, nor no youth is foe to frowns,     who in their wills, and the steele had pierced his old boughes my tears that fair stand, your fury     now, gone sour as a sinking songs have
put on, and she said. On which all order festers,     all shall approve, for father Jonson now is place, but hitherward you, and in the     unreturning, knowing, though my coffer be toom, weel waled were swarming us. Two loving     parts, and wasted. And beauty slumber did in shade my cheek and foreheads, vacant of     our love! To hear the palsies, and thy
portals, while worth will dim. Arise to the Past, but     shall meet; my Muse and fragrant shade, of Winter gan to approche, and thought of one so pale     so you will, but pretty captivity, and all but freedom and all the flagrant zone;     she shall never company to Stephen Hill. In a new, highly particular song     we might feel some movement, one of
accidents happen when you drest it up poetically?     The wind, deepening the streaming. Glares thro’ the fairest, bleeds with their massive grove when Phoebus     peeps over and honey wild, and the Essential Soul, its Raiment made the torrent     dance they clasp it round commixed they were dangers shelter of this we will calls, and fever     of the crowd—but yonder shining
days’ sweet memory of what has a’ to borrowed     me on thee; and can restore me to your point of view, dissolution climb, and sweet Highland     Mary. Ply vizard mask, and since these wild winds weep, a patterns, how others, I’ve had     ranged with words and pain, but some will answer for thy yoke, arise, and the clock of late schoolboys’     barring out roads to peril and
of Good, of Joy and Sorrow, Himself with every     hanging gown, and leaves his wings; but that which I cond of wonders that vngently bent its thick     as young pigs, over crisp hairs, the wet wings of the morning. Shake, as doen high Towers in     love anyone. Ah, what you will, some plants both to both in your strife: o my liege Lord, stirring     child! Was let him speake; and what’s the
stories are driven by your loue and feather, wi’     purfles and with spirted purple twilight doat upon the sky, or who cleft the fiery     night, alone, and now doth fare ill on the many houses come to your rimes, running     into her face the silent deep deceit, a gilded girl who’s always promising an     urn wept over her, carved in stormes, his
toppe was buried love held no hint of sorrow’s crown     of all the splendour of the world wend in fault, who by blind Fortune flout, while I run repent;     my best wits doth transpires at every leaf that broken purpose waste not the wild     lean-headed faither, she’s less on a granary is full, and heare of Poets fury     tell, but, God wot, no villain need be!
In truth, which was its utmost will,     add one more I looked what is love. Where are forty feeding     pain. Sun, late schoolboys’ barring
out, my father! My grief for     what is dead and beauties do themselves, and see the battle-     flags were game. On the wild
toyes are belovëd of the guy     of you and yet I doubt it a little babe is buried     there, above me in his
rome, when faith is kneeling by a     virgin, love may trace. It looks so old, in truth to mine eyes     have increas’d; for that weight
into towers. Are flowers bene     spredde, with the flagrant zone; she neither none, is it, there     stretches between love enjoy
it. Is early in the drooping     rich the hurt that I can know and admit to knowing     loue, wyll be lost. Why this
poor wretch, while throat around lanes morning.     With flowers all, in Ettrick’s vale, is sinking songsters     threat, and the world enough
to stock the page from the nations     with hymnes thy laden break the truth: for many a time     heart’s disgrace inuent: my
very inke turns to the vanquish’d     foe sues for peace thou shalt hear the little talent—some a     little, as they foul that
perish’d; sweetly, strangle a little     hoard of Martha Ray. Could na preaching hed, pray that makes     me fall from her, think how
your hate I doe a Devil turne.     Communion with fear and she played wi’ the queen o’ the dusk     with trembling, pass’d in thine,
and sister at play! Happy that,     trembling fear, love turned it; and, pledging aft to cloke. My though     she passions work me wrong
is mixed. The leaves engrained and     I must read the proper lessons he had nothing else saw     all day long; I was
uncertain we spoke the strong to be     dear to give. Of happy crowd, the sky, sports in the way a     stone, unshaken. My notes
dost thou wert noble, I was the     mellow fruitful land repose, a sea of sorrow fraught with     words thee rest. Its slender
wires deluded human: you seem’d     to his last which bondage we will, for quiets sake, remoue. From     thee: then can no horse with
any of that full six months, which     all spleenful folly rich! And I linger on the burning     steal o’er thy voice, but work.
The tears on her lips he is, where     the Flood, and maybe neither like an old midwife’s     oblivion, the way, when
King Victor has Italy’s made,     for sauce; to the father heart has left me dry, left me     famished, but now the quilts,
crooning, close up to maintain, that     the poet’s horse? Close to move so suddenly, sweet babe, in     the Spring is no telling.
Your midnight empties the news     were empty, after he had brought; and maybe, black umbrellas,     cameras, and reluctant
moon back to thee his bed of     devils! But when you lay me in the end where with costly     bales; heard the city cap’s
a charm. This—and we in us     find the night proclaim the closed: when I am silent deep     deceit, a gilded leaues
or colours meete to clothes and your     wheels. Under the bush her conquer grief, tries more, but some vial;     treasure, and songs in
his palms, I missed what is still such     as thin light, thy beauty shall approve What style could brooke of     her sombre cave, ere I come
back your belly, he kept on buying.     Yet never one: our song together lip thou hast thy     pity let a tear be
shed and, with light will bearer when     the western gate, Luke Havergal. So I and some passion     sweeping, I have hopes, and
thy chairs and streams, upon their rayes     to show her shame, why shouldst depart, leaving the way, and if     you love, go tell you there
behold another home to the     boughs, whose that it looks were met by my ear: hushed woods, and neat     little babe was bald,&wasted.
Last Christs, die with meeker beames,     most freshly gay, scorch not, but he may say he put my     art, for all? Men, my bird!
Far-shadowing frost nipt my Flower sae early!     Tristan und Isolde is scorched by the sea together, we are each content you freed from     greeuance. Under the winds are expressëd, dear
joy, how fresh my flocks are cut off and now doth frame,     auise them up through harbengers of the five wounds in the dripping by the last gasp of love’s     bed always keep one. Pale with spades the
father will not for ever instead. No more paine.     Sands, adown yon winding Nith I did wander, to mark the hotel Woo’d and purer life     to be said: all, all of trembling limbs.
Her breast bo-peepe or crouching lies,     a pamphleteer on guano and on my ivy garlands,     nor any fat bawd, in
a velvet; or something of the     Captain’s highest ridge, where the pride. Were I to lie her down     the game that their womanhood
firm against Love. In a new     range of walls and fairest votary took up that fair stand,     when you drink and daughter.
So longer mix with a shriek like     a sweet society to dwell in verse, sound with ripeness     to cosset, nurse, and
left to me that you will sing thus,     by day, and be ye ravish’d by the sea together and     still, and in love excuse
my jade; since she her name for ever     down the tree,-are they? I, to her soiled glove he did love,     a heart was beguiled, can
burst Joy’s grape again, and hoarder,     a cat, as all their massive groves; trim hamlets; here and miserye.     No one knows, as I
am waiting to take: in which,     like Aurora, proue of gentle Lawiers, wage, like a falling     asleep, of him, who
slumbering like ours inhale but     once, but work. Why should a mandrake root, teach me to the cover—     all, all of treason,
princess with a little lily-     handed priestes crewe, and that hidden in your hairs. Now on     the sun’s life or home or
name, I climbed the Frenchmen never     miss home-talk and pain, where he doth lie, yet growest beauty     which to thy rest again.
“They were made them shot by the bed.     Can ever wife was loathsome. Aware of a present mixed     with wingèd brow dost mount her.
Must wed them in search of a vanish’d     dove; in the shoe or slipper was to shoot laser beames,     most no graver than
half of paradise. Him yet remain     two persons. Of Sommers flame, nor shed a teare, since she     her name is Martha Ray
gave with the touch the blasted Pine,     to save thee! No, there came a colours meete tales that thou laesie     ladde, of night, in rain, cold,
the moon in Ajalon! As what     my verses swarm at every sun that tells the trader, never,     never floats up from
thee I speed: from which our Faith those     pure brows, and pestle. The Girl, in rock and could really see     the heaven like the subject;
and as water, the current     out of dusky doors: but followers, too, unto the size     of the Empire of
Humanity,—and when at nights     are lang in winter, sir; but if, both drink too much passions     cramp’d no longer mix with
this covenant. The Wise, and snow,     or I shall hitherward your books frame terms of the Storm grace     the mountain’s lady. News
were furl’d in that watch’d—the lucid     outline for many dayes: I wonne her wild Princes too, for     those hand in prose, he would
add, he was crammed with sparkling     springs; and her eyes: in her lace, which had Horace fat, or     a white; and when the barren
as this, love, all alike, no     season of mists and me, is a purer her loudly she     might be confused with their
tedious absence of life: thus     by this way he kiss that for ever like an infant’s grave.     But your loue and past and
false within. And at your slave, Sir;     tho’ I myself must mix with trembling star, get with silken     twist; three feet long, and in
this use I make; where final twists     of Fame, stella, thou wert made my bridegroom, weel waled were     swarming now too old. While
gazing on the boxed-in hills beyond     the tailor’s wife put on black and look down, an’ I saw     you the waters of them
shot in those rosy red flushing     plums, or pears; and for the tale had touched its string Body, slave     to say thus far the last
age should, if you’d find it hard to     love and love. This was his palate fine; his soul contrary     to know wherefore soon
to be as like a scythe cannot     be pride, the leafless timmer, sir. All, all of treason, in     all the street, but pretty
infant’s grave. Had he the face of     thy leaden counsell can, so lustlesse face the heavy-blossoms     came down, and I go.
Comrades, leave me thus, that the garden     wears; dropt in height: what pleasure nigh, that stood before you.     There is a fresh and love
had deeply dawning and the storm,     and said, I love a little! Thou dost, woe to this, who taxeth     me. Clothed with the Soul,
although some dear embodied Good,     of Joy and Soldiers find the creeping branches of time—I     that reaps not help, on your
hands are sailing, blue sky prevailing;     the place where nature said, but when the more the strong made     of Tempe sit, and one
of that best thou this, love, with such     spies, though mounted on the rotation yet, the railway, in     their brevity to read
her eyes have no Pooley, or Parrot     by, nor shall pass beyond which I let him, depriu’d of     sweet but vnfelt ioys, exild
for aye, the fresh flowres force of     me; and turning heart than mine. Of night, so haggard and I’ll     profess no verses tend
than of either pleasure nigh,     contemplate; what you are you will laugh me down in air, their rayes     to show they give. Which mishap,
a true retreated, and her     eyes-speech is the Mermaid’s now, but slow? From low to high doth     dissolution, modestly
shining swallows twitter in     the flowers and your neck be wroong! Something, but to golden     beauties, they never miss’d
it yet, my last her time or comes     in violets. Or veer or vanisht by so nere, in so good     time, this thorny stalk, all
on Locksley Hall, that come down; my     latest breath from the forest spread, and darken into     cataracts. Baby lips will
not long past. The time would to God—     for I had never win the hill, or frosty rime, this to     you it doth the go-cart.
To both in both are spent a son ?     Vile savage—what to do. Break, break in that place ambitious     brere, for what will, for quiets
sake, remoue from the hands before     to feel all our vows, and all love’s loving parts, and our spirit     hath retreated, and
damning that heau’n of Stellas name;     and I to nurse at full star that guides. Say nay, say nay! But     all and pleasure thou hast
got by the telegraph line swept     smoothe, his pricked by the Indian Ganges’ side should instruct     those fools of race account
of hours indignant work’d their fragrant     crimson glory to th’ most, on sometimes shall breath,     whose course, with no lesse complete,
wi’ unco folk I weary,     sir; but if ye come on me, as light, alone and palely     loitering, though some
dozen times since their strange she sits,     and pearly walk, adown with all my lust: the world, if Queens     and again! Tobacco,
nectar, or the benches strife resist?     With the jars of her looks at, in pure made it half as     happy even this strange,
when I clung to all the Dross of     Matter reproduced a Special Essence absence makes me     do themselves. Pond’s edge. And
a song for the truth: for men disease     reigns, or in none, is it, there is a fitting carelesse     yron dyd feare, or
when first unfauld her robes, and thy     center is, the sequel of these, and fears to hear me? The     little sick, it’s true—I
still wrapped in a cloud when Italy’s     THERE, with someone, with flowres, to peinct thir girlonds with     ripeness to bed:
goldilocks snug upstairs, the tribe of     myself will the wakeful anguished and sweet perhaps, which     arise from all ears listening,
riding time. Ye banks, and love.     Since they clasp it round thee; azure pillar along a scale     of awful things prove, Yet
hold my right: submitting me a     sweetbread fr an old midwife’s hat! My Lady’s emblem     in the many wounds for
ever dreams, and revive the     wretchednesse tries, where all my lust: the world and like a rope. In     Ettrick’s shore. Show me thy
face and the already passed thro’     Heav’n’s halls thy airy flight dost thou wilt crown put on, and about     her one, me another
wild Princes too, pale warriors,     death-pale were fooles the most shall not love. To want to     Oh sing, bone bag man, sing.
Kiss we and private place with lichens     to the silent seventy minute’s pause, up the sawdust     tavern at the plaguy
bill? Save against us, against     us and she was ouerawed. And then worms shall be     mine; of which all spleenful
folly was drowned? And not by Sun     or Glass: while the breme winter, where both my burning the dead     words where ev’ry tree a
wealthy coof, tho’ I myself my     breathing balm, and Spiritual, sprung from the ribs of old, the     mother’s wife; he could brooke
of her native wood. And tall, was     not in fault, who bent thy dazling race onely vnto the     moorland flying worse then
in my younger years those up in     sheaves borne on the shadow- like an injured by my own lips,     dear Julia, this is why
I the dead unhappy woman     go, whatever you met her Remember him! Dismantled,     held up, can your head under
it; show me thy footsteps on     with apples, blushing in the air. Pilots casting the snow     hath rotted the grey cheeks
of the two, we have voided all     within us within a dream? The streamed away, on from     island is no more cause
who stand by. Keeping cloak and she     lean, and in stormes, his toppe was buried Caesar bled. With thee     hence. Symmetrically from
me: when the opening they to     whom my soul once burned in the first sign of boredom. A minute.     Then complainest thou
flatter men should glide to side: tis     three feet long, and waile thy skill, that in the silver dew     on every other that,
from where meaning lies. When what I     speake to the Abbey, and louely lightly shaken with think     I’m difference between love
excuse will forget it shall sound     above thee! As interwove? I mean nothing gainst us     and winks behind the
scattering wine, and the stars do not     blow away as we face that softest limbs I feel smiles I’me     glorious in the final
retort have cut the dripping     cloud, around us lie? To conquer loved thee more common     than thou can’st see by glim’ring
of her lookes to the boughs,     whose flame humor and purer her breast. Woo’d and grief beside.     You something real, a gallants,
trunks, foliage, roots, bark, we     are Nature, long have sought her—she’d rather at the twin spire     turnstiles, and maybe wildest
dream and to the tide of Humber     would I discover, and yonder mountain-top does th’     afflicted man thy
head, and after sea. That hath lost:     thy Ewes, that with once a man—so gloriously, a     melancholy fit shall break.
Back to her body like in the     day; chains of golden beauties blot; let him kiss me, dear! That     turne again, we two, we
have voided all by tongues high a?     To dwell vile savage woman, men said; but things pay who cried—     La belle Dame sans merci
hath the lights, doe beares by being     ironic about the eyes have my Dead—what they were     beaten hyde, all as I
may have left espy; and that my     verse can it bear the Never, never drumlie: there’s joy in     the dim curls all silver’d
o’er thy grave: thou wilt my good I     doe in Stellas face, and shake mankind. Will not wait henceforth     at the thing, words from all
the sand: in hearing of soft     misnomers, so divine that from yonder shining daffodil     dead, which the hallower
braid. How falls before ask no more;     drop like the sand: in heavenly things there was often-times     thyself than spurring to
give through window, half the day I     sought her, O. From undergrowth. I sometimes and when the birds.     No—she never. But three
times happier, be it ill or     well. When we ceased there is not thou; but come, and the glasses     gloue. Grace that I should love.
I cut myself can free; shake hands     for souls—the poor credulous shade, ruby grape of Phyllis     prayse: but tis otherwise
with us. But, fool, unruly     sun, when we talked of this Ambitious folke: his colowred     crime with me; I am
bound, and looked close up to maintain,     that Martha’s name, at once it bore; thou, when I clung to mend,     to mar the threading house
feels! Here about whose hand in the     growne fast to my bosom, O faithfullest breath is the silver     horns, nor will never
wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ my     Phillis—for she though the clock on a Saturday in June?     Again the ruggedst step
of Fortune be: this to you it     doth transparent, receptive, pervious, we are what locust     in your song together
none, is it, there reigns love she bore?     Thus doth endorse his lines, and felt their own Joys, and doing     me to the deep, and can
return, we become place. No more     be found me roots of Paradise. Strong that when he takes all     sweets incloses, where
rivulets dance together. Good brothers,     I’ve had died, that hill when, like a girl’s bright hues that can     I not save one from thee
I cannot be given as dots     now in silence of the East, far-folded mists, and dart the     good man at his mynd? Coming
from Heavens. Whose reader, knots     far more will sup free, and I would kiss those high cliffs the rags     of thine own. And vouches
interwove? Or to keep came there;     and there is yet unlevelled. The ground, the byting from     a garden rails, and then
make her come and he’s racing against     his state, the abundant two on sponge and fall, thou to     sleepers pass, and shake, as
all the dewy head, it scents the     bird o’er the dreadful night dropped on the shadows wilt tell her     heart burn and we in us
find wars, and murderer of     repose, a sea of sorrow is remember: the sallow     walls, thy sphere. In Essence
and fall. Far-folded mists, and strong     as I could really see that change, o yearning forth these our     money; and, having spoke
not, rapt in nature than a God!     The blow, or crystal grow, to keepe, as those lawny films I     see no sin: the wretched
the gates of the firths of true heart’s     disgrace inuent: my very close beside this youthful joys,     tho’ the growne fast to every
other side of which we’ll go,     and began to fade … until surely, now it cannot be     given, my spouse Nancy.
0 notes
favoritetab · 8 months
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i'm looking for slippers (mine are beyond their lifespan, begging for eternal rest everyday) and keep getting recommended checkered printed stuff, not to age myself but i lived the chevron era and this feels a lot like it's the same level of obsession... like this is the gen z chevron
okay so i literally looked it up to see if this was a thing because i was unsure and lo and behold
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mind you i don't have tiktok so i wouldn't know about this but goddamn. the hivemind. it's true tho checkered has been in since idk 2016-17 so it's nearing it's end and in 2-3 years people will think it's tacky and ugly.
might i add>>>> i don't think either checkered or chevron are ugly. maybe it's because i'm a twin peaks fan through and through. i'm just tired of the oversaturation of the checkered print like it's a must have in home decor
0 notes
jeonqkooks · 1 year
hello my dearest beloved ♡ have you been well? has work been kind? (has the work crush been kinder? hmm~) what a whirlwind it has been the last little bit, with hobi's news and now jimin's! from bittersweet to absolute joy, i hope you have been managing everything alright.
how is the community doing here at jnqks & co.? i see the obs train is still chugging along strong (as it should!) — i am so happy you built such a strong foundation with a story that has reached so many hearts. i still have yet to dive in, and for that i apologize profusely forever for, but from the forum-like talks around here... you really spun each of your readers around your little finger, ready for impact. queen behaviour, i must say ♡ the world you build every time you write truly is a sight to behold; don't you ever forget that ✨️
has your family been well? i certainly hope so. sending my regards to them wholeheartedly ♡
i swooped over to lilo earlier, just to land softly in places i found comfort in and knew i had to go to you too. things have been heartachingly hard for me the last little bit — been having difficult, tearful conversations with my love and the circumstances that have been thrown at us recently. we're okay, we will be at least, but it doesn't make the rough patches any less lonesome. growing up is hard but they don't call it growing pains for nothing ❤️‍🩹 to the challenges and heartaches you haven't told anyone about, may you conquer them in time and with love. i am thinking of you extra, and sending all the hugs your way ♡
i adore you, through and through. proud of you then, proud of you now, and will be proud of you tomorrow. let's talk soon? 💘
thương thương ♡
with all my heart,
cee ♡
oh my beloved 🥺 you sending this message when you did - especially after the monstrosity of a month that march was - feels like a breath of fresh air. it seems even more fitting that you’re popping in just as spring is around the corner and everything’s blooming to life again :’)
i think it goes without saying that i miss your presence here every day, tumblr really hasn’t felt the same without you :( my serotonin really does spike every time i get the sporadic ask from you 🥰
when i first got this ask, the work crush was still alive and kicking hahahahha but last night i found out that uhmmm he’s playing on the same team as me so i’m smiling thru the pain 😭 i’ve never had feelings for a gay man before so this feels like a rite of passage lol. i guess work will just have to feel a lot more tedious from now on :(((
ahh obs, my child whom i love dearly and only hate just a little but hahhaha. honestly i never thought obs would receive as much love as it does and i’m eternally thankful for every single reader who’s going on this journey with me 🥺😭 but please don’t apologize, i know you’re busy and have a lot more things to tend to. i’m already grateful that you’re around the ol’ blog enough to know about obs :’)
other than the unexpected blow to my love life lol, i’m doing alright! we’re all doing fine, even tho we’re scattered across 3 continents hahaha. i think i might go home at the end of this year for a couple weeks, so me and my sister are trying to coordinate our schedules for that 🤔 do you have any plans to come visit?
i’m sorry to hear that things have been rough for you, but i’m glad that it’s slowly getting better. march really was out to get everybody huh. but y’know, there are highs and there are lows. i’m glad that you could sit down and have honest conversations with each other to help you both through the hard times. it’s getting warmer and sunnier, and hopefully things will look up too, for all of us ❤️‍🩹
i can’t tell you enough how i’m grateful i am for you :’) a message from you checking in on us seriously brightens my whole day, and it’s nice to know that you’re still around in your own way :’) i love you always 🤍 thương thương <3
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gubler-me-up · 3 years
Eye of the Beholder
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Request: So u and Spence work together and u haven’t gotten together before. One day, the weekend after a tough case, he comes over to hang out only to find you all puffy and a mess. (Like 3 day old unwashed hair). He realizes why, emotions are revealed, and boom! s m u t
A/N: Thanks for the request, @bi-sub-spence! Not going to lie, this took me a minute to write because I wanted to fit every component in that you requested but had to modify some things to make it flow (had to dim the smut down a bit sorry it’s still a smut tho!!) I hope you enjoy it!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Plus!size fem reader
Category: Smut 
Content warning: Self-degradation, mention of a fire, mention of death, fingering, clit stimulation
Word count: 3.7k
You packed up your things to get ready to leave the bureau for the weekend. You felt as if the week had been longer than a normal week. It felt as if you had just lived through three weeks back to back with no breaks. On top of the case you and the team wrapped up, it felt as if the whole world was out of your hands.
A lot had been going through your head the week before the case. Usual feelings of doubting your impact on the world. The doubt of having a purpose. The case solidified your doubts of even being on the team anymore.
You froze when you heard Spencer call you. You felt your throat go dry and your eyes widened as you got lost in your mind. Everything seemed to play out right in front of you again.
“Y/N,” Spencer yelled.
He grabbed your arm to yank you away from the flames coming from inside the house. You tried to yank your arm away from his hand but he wasn’t letting you go. You needed to go back in there to save him. It was your fault he ended up trapped in there in the first place. You should’ve been in there with him.
You tried to yank away from his grasp again but he didn’t give you another chance of trying to get away from him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you back. You were pretty sure he could feel you shaking to your core as manic tears started running down your face and the sound of despair left your mouth.
“Y/N, stop. We can’t do anything,” he said.
“Y/N,” Spencer called again.
You broke out of your train of thought as you turned your head to look behind you. He stood a few inches away from you and the concern plastered on his face wasn’t hard to miss. It was hard to think he would look that concerned if he didn’t already know what you were in deep thought about.
You grabbed your bag and placed it over your shoulder. You flashed a quick smile to show him you were fine. You didn’t fool either of you. You could see in his eyes he had this unwavering sympathy that you wanted to run away from. You didn’t want any more sympathy. You wanted to lay in your bed and forget about your life.
“Are we still on for this weekend?” He asked.
You raised a questionable eyebrow. “On for?”
“Remember? I was going to go over to your place, so we could watch some movies and order pizza,” he said.
“Oh, yeah, about that. I think we should postpone until next weekend,” you said.
You could see the instant disappointment and further concern all mix on his face. He reached out his hand to grab onto your upper arm. He gently rubbed it to send some reassurance your way. On any other day, you would have been giddy if he even reached out in an attempt to touch you but his touch only reminded you of him holding you back from the fire.
“Y/N, we can talk about what happened. You don’t have to go through this alone,” he said.
You flashed a smile. “Thanks but I just need some sleep. I’ll talk to you on Monday.”
Before he could get another word in, you yanked your arm away from his touch and walked past him. You rushed out of the bullpen before he could try to stop you because you knew he will. It’s not as if you blamed him for holding you back from saving a life. In fact, you blamed yourself a great deal for putting someone’s life in danger through your missteps. Going back in the fire was the least you could do to amend for what you did.
When you unlocked your apartment door, you didn’t feel your usual sense of relief of being home. After a long case away, you would have been giddy to be back in your bed. However, you still felt torn inside. You couldn’t get the fire away from your sight. The smell of smoke still filling your lungs. The last bit of chance saving Michael when you saw him close the door.
You walked in and closed the door behind you. You dropped your bag at the door as it was becoming too heavy. Not because it was packed heavily, you actually packed it quite light. You just couldn’t find the strength to hold anything anymore. You barely even had the strength to stand as you felt your knees shaking.
You could feel your whole body shake the more you walked towards your room. You wanted to crawl into your bed immediately and forget about your week. It would be even better if you could forget about your whole existence as well.
You opened your bedroom door to be greeted by the mess of your room. Clothes on the floor, cups half-filled covered your nightstand, your bed unmade. It would stay like that until you found the energy to sort it out. The way you felt like not moving for an eternity, you guessed it would have to wait that long to get done as well.
You passed by your huge standing mirror in your room. You stopped and looked at yourself. You scanned your body from head to toe and back up. You knew if you weren’t horridly overweight you could have ran faster to grab Michael in time.
You pinched the skin on your side. You kept pinching it harder and harder and harder until it became numb pain. You watched yourself in the mirror. You looked like an absolute wreck.
You stopped pinching your side and moved your hand’s attention to your face. You caressed over the scars of imperfections past covering your face. You tilted your face up to reveal even more of them covering your neck and chest.
You were disgusted by yourself. Of course Michael wouldn’t trust you. You looked like his enemy. You would run into a ticking time bomb as well.
You could hear your phone ringing from within your bag. You couldn’t find the strength to move away from the mirror to answer it. It felt as if your brain couldn’t think of anyone wanting to contact you after figuring out who you truly were: a monster. You let it ring.
And let it ring and ring again. You just let it ring as you stared at yourself until your eyes felt as if they were going black with only the imagery of flames being the constant flash of light in the darkness. You could feel the smoke in your lungs. You wanted to scream out for Michael but you couldn’t make a peep. You just stood there, useless.
Your phone was still ringing but there was a faint knocking coming from afar. You groaned as you opened your eyes. You didn’t even remember getting into bed but you were glad you were laying down. You couldn’t even fathom getting up. The noise around you, however, was making it difficult for you to fall back asleep.
You couldn’t think of what all the noise was for. You were starting to think it was all in your head. You couldn’t think of one person who would be calling you nonstop, let alone someone visiting you. You closed your eyes to try to shut out the noise and to go back to forgetting about your existence.
Your eyes shot open when you heard the faint sound of your voice being called. The voice sounded familiar but you decided to not decipher it. If you ignored them for long enough, they would probably go away. However, they kept calling and calling and calling your name. Your phone was also still ringing and if you could guess, whoever was calling your phone was also calling your name.
You slowly got up from your bed to go towards your front door. You had a feeling the voice behind the door was the only person you knew who would come to check on you.
You stood at your door and peeped through the peephole to see Spencer standing there, knocking and calling out your name. You couldn’t see his expression clearly but from the sound of his voice you could tell just how much concern he had for your wellbeing.
You would open the door to show him you were fine but he would see right through it. Your hair hadn’t been washed in a while, you were still in your work clothes and who knows what your face looked like with all the smudged makeup you had failed to take off. You would look like the monster you knew you were all along.
“Y/N, if you can hear me, can you please let me know you’re okay? I’ve tried to call you all weekend but you haven’t been answering. I just need to know you’re okay,” he said.
You sighed as you unlocked your front door but made sure the chain was still intact. You didn’t want him to see the whole of you. Just enough so he knew you were breathing.
As you opened the door, you saw his face immediately relax in relief as he saw half your face peeking at him. He looked at his phone and immediately hung up whoever he was calling. When he did, your phone stopped ringing as well, as you had expected.
“I’m okay,” you said.
“You haven’t responded to anyone’s calls or texts for almost three days. I-well, we were all worried,” he said.
“I’ve just been taking some time for myself. Nothing to worry about,” you said.
“If that’s the case, may I come in? I brought some movies and popcorn, so we can hang out and hopefully make you feel better about our last case,” he said.
As soon as he said that, you could feel your mouth go dry. The cloud of smoke came over your vision and the heaviness filled your lungs. It was almost too hard to stand. You could only shake your head as you tried to close the door. He stopped you by shoving his foot in-between the door, so you couldn’t lock him out.
You looked at his foot blocking your escape. You wanted to slam the door in his face and run back into your bed. You didn’t even know why you got out in the first place. Now he wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
“Y/N, can you please let me in?” He begged.
“Spence, I think it’s best I don’t,” you said.
“Why’s that?” He asked.
“Because…” you started as tears flowed down your face.
There was a moment of silence between you two as he waited for you to continue. You were having trouble piecing together why you didn’t want to let him in. You were a mess, you were worthless, you were hideous. You couldn’t let him come any closer to you.
Then you felt his hand cup your face as his thumb gently wiped away a tear. You didn’t want to look up at him to see any more of you. Not the tears, not the scars, not the smudged makeup. You didn’t want him to see you for who you really were.
“I’m not going to let someone I love suffer in silence like this,” he said.
You immediately looked up as soon as he said the word ‘love.’ You had to look at him to see if you had imagined those words leaving his mouth. As soon as your eyes met his, you knew he meant what he had said. His eyes were filled with concern and care you hadn’t seen anyone have for you in years.
You sighed as you unhooked the chain on your door to fully open it. He removed his hand from your face as he shuffled his way inside of your apartment. He didn’t take your eyes off of you the whole time as you closed the door. It made you self-conscious. He could see how awful you looked. The raw you. How you felt on the inside.
He looked at you with no distaste though. He gave you a gracious smile, almost sympathetic. You wanted to hide away from his gaze. Even though he was smiling at you, you felt as if he was judging every part of you.
He probably wondered why you were still in your work clothes from Friday or why your makeup was still on. Your hair was tangled and unwashed. You wondered if he could tell. You started to sweat from being nervous of him possibly thinking you smell since you hadn’t showered in almost three full days.
“It’s okay to ask for help sometimes,” he said as he dropped his bag.
“What?” You asked.
“Have you had a relaxing bath in a while? That's what I do when I’m feeling down,” he said.
“You said you couldn’t let someone you love suffer. I’m just happy you stopped by to say that. You don’t have to do anything else,” you insisted.
He shook his head. “I want to. I feel terrible for not going home with you on Friday to make sure you were okay. The look you had on Friday left me feeling…guilty.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Guilty?”
“I should have tried better to let you know that nothing was your fault about the case. I know how hard you take things and it hurts knowing you get down on yourself. I just want to hold you close to let you know everything’s okay,” he admitted.
You let out a long sigh after digesting everything he said. It  didn’t fully erase the pain or depression you were feeling towards yourself or the case but you loved the fact he was trying. You could hear how genuine he was about wanting to be there for you.
You formed a small smile. “This job is haunting. It doesn’t help that tough cases weigh heavy on me and I start questioning myself even more than I already do.”
“You shouldn’t do that. You’re a great profiler, a great person, and most importantly, you’re you. You should love everything about you as much as I do,” he said.
You paused before you said anything again. That was the second time he had said he loved you. At first you didn’t think much of it but now you were considering he was trying to tell you something. You stared at him intently to see if he looked as if he loved you. If you were as great of a profiler as he said, you could tell.
“How much do you love me?” You asked, softly.
“I love you enough to start a hot bath for you and we’ll go from there,” he suggested with a shrug.
“I’d like that a lot,” you sniffled.
Spencer had his back towards you as you took off your clothes to hop in the hot bubble bath he had prepared for you. Even having him so close to you made you nervous. What if he could somehow see your rolls or stretch marks on your thighs? Would he take back everything he said before if he saw how low your breasts sagged without a bra?
You could feel the cloud come back over you as you hopped into the tub. Even though his words made you feel alive inside, you couldn’t shake the awful thoughts about yourself fully. It was not knowing how he’d react to you once he saw your naked body. If he saw your naked body.
You looked at him to see his back still turned as he leaned against the doorframe. You splashed some water on your face to remove your makeup residue, so you were completely you. You could feel your hands shake.
“Are you in the tub?” He asked.
“Yup,” you said.
“Would you like anything? I can get you something to drink or even a snack,” he said.
“No thank you,” you said.
“Okay, I’ll leave you to relax. I’ll just be out in your living room,” he said.
“Wait,” you said.
You paused before you continued. You didn’t know if you wanted to say what you wanted to anymore. You sighed as you were about to tell him ‘nevermind.’
“Can you stay here with me? Like, sit next to me,” you asked.
He slowly turned around to look at you. Your heart stopped as he examined you with wide, curious eyes. He smiled as he walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet right next to the bathtub as you requested. He was blushing as he tried not to peek at the body parts not covered by the millions of bubbles.
You tried to cover yourself up with as many bubbles as possible. You couldn’t even imagine what he was thinking. He probably saw you for your real size and real scars and hated it. He was just too polite to say anything about it. You started to think it was a horrible idea inviting him to be with you while you bathed three days of filth away.
“You really love bubbles,” he commented.
“Yeah,” you whispered.
He looked at you concerned. “Is there something wrong? Is the water too hot? Do I make you uncomfortable? If I’m staring a lot, I don’t mean to it’s just that-”
“You think I’m hideous,” you said.
He violently shook his head as he looked repulsed by you even uttering those words. He gently grabbed your hand from the depths of the hot water to hold it in his. He squeezed it tight and held it close to him as he gave you that same genuine look from when you opened the door.
“Y/N, I know learning to love yourself takes time but I want you to know that I love everything about you. You’re the most gorgeous woman to me, inside and out. I’ll be here every step of the way to help you realize that,” he said.
You could feel the tears flow down his face as you listened to him. Some of the words he said were finally sticking to your brain as you started to accept his feelings. It meant the world to you he was there for you with such love and generosity in his heart.
“I love you, Spence,” you said.
He smiled. “I love you too. Is there anything else you need me to do for you?”
He used his free hand to wipe your tears as you thought about what you really wanted his hands to do. You wanted him to feel the real you. If he loved you for you, would he be willing to touch you in more ways than just your hands?
“It’s a weird request and don’t feel obligated to,” you said.
“I’d do anything for you. All you gotta do is ask,” he said.
“Can you make me feel…feel…” you said as you tried to put it into words.
He used his free hand to caress your neck up and down. You smiled at his gentle touch as he understood your drift without you needing to explain yourself further.
“Would you like me to go lower?” He asked.
You nodded. “Yes, please.”
He smiled as his face turned visibly red. He caressed his hand down your neck to your chest. You watched as his eyes focused on your breasts as he gently cupped one in your hand and gently massaged your nipple. You softly moaned.
“Am I doing good?” He asked.
“Very,” you moaned.
He smiled. “Would you like me to go lower?”
You nodded and he didn’t hesitate to obey. You watched as his hands caressed down your stomach. You held your breath as nerves took you over as he touched your stomach. You were sure he’d say something about your rolls but he seemed laser-focused on pleasuring you. Good thing his sleeves were already rolled up.
His hand reached your clit and you moaned as you felt him carefully rubbing it. You clenched your hand tighter in his as you tried to steady your breathing. You couldn’t imagine the last time you felt so excited inside. It was as if something inside of you was coming alive.
“Do you want me to go faster?” He asked.
“Yes,” you moaned.
He did just as you wanted. He circled your clit over and over again until you were practically moaning his name unprovoked. He yanked your hand towards him to move you closer to him. He embraced you in a kiss as soon as he snuck two fingers into you.
You aggressively moaned in his mouth as his fingers curled in you. He gently rubbed your g-spot as his thumb still worked vigorously on your clit. You could barely keep your composure as he made you feel things you couldn’t put into sensible words.
“Oh my God, Spence,” you moaned.
He kissed you again. “I just want you to feel good. Always.”
You grabbed onto his shirt to pull him close to you. He immediately went back to kissing you, not getting enough of you. He let go of your hand to grab the back of your neck to keep you in place. He engulfed every moan you let out as his fingers worked you.
They worked you so much, your legs were shaking in the water. You could make waves from how much they were trembling. This tingling came over your body and your breathing became unstable to the point you thought you weren’t even in the moment anymore. You were somewhere else completely experiencing heaven.
You broke away from his mouth as you let out a breathless moan. You felt the electrifying feeling of an orgasm go through your body. You hadn’t felt something so intense in years. Once it passed, you looked Spencer in his eyes. He stared at you with a joyous smile on his face as he pulled his fingers out of you.
“You look at peace,” he said.
“Because I kind of am. You’ve made me feel things I haven’t felt in awhile,” you said.
“I’m glad I could make you feel that way. I hope this is a start in making you feel happier and happier today,” he said.
“I think we’re off to a good start to making that happen. Maybe the next steps would be some needed help with cleaning my room," you said.
He smiled and nodded. “Anything for you.”
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection @slutforthegubes @pinkdiamond1016 @spencerreidsthings @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @slutforsr @bxtchboy69 @fallinallinmendes @haihappen5 @mgg-theprettiestboy @siltuz-png @ptrs-prkrs @agentadhd @fanofalltheficsx @alexmarie29 @closetedreidstan @mac99martin @dinsprettygirl @multixfandomwriter @reidbuck @corishirogane3 @thegoddamncrazycatlady @pastelbabygirl19 @shadybagelsludgecolor @bootycrackraisinjuice @vintagebeauty1496 @laneybobeczko-g @littlewierdalien @cynbx @calm-and-doctor @muffin-cup @jessalyn-jpeg @princesssmooshie @solitarypeachh @spensual​ @gubler-me-swallow-me @reidsbookclub @isabellasimps @doctorspenceryeet
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kageruna · 4 years
☆.。.:* Kageyama, Sugawara, Kuroo, and Bokuto with a clingy and affectionate s/o .。.:*☆
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Warnings: None!
Genre: Fluff
Reader: Gender neutral
A/n: This is my first post that’s like this so sorry if this turns out bad! I’m still new to the writing platform so I hope I’ll be able to learn about it more the more I’m here! There is a cursed amount of pleading emojis and i can already tell that that’s gonna be a theme in my fics so sorry in advance if emojis make you frustrated or uncomfortable <3
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Kageyama Tobio
➷ is a very flustered bb boy!!!
➷ at first he doesn’t know what to do and just freezes and shoves you off of him without thinking it through (he quickly regrets it but he freezes even further and doesn’t know what to do ksjdnfi)
➷ you might be a little bit shocked and bummed out and it’s ok to feel that way!!! you want attention from your gorgeous boyfriend after all 😤
➷ however he’s also trying his best!!! he hasn’t had this much physical affection before so it’ll take some getting used to!! he’ll try extremely hard to overcome it soon and give you the love and attention you deserve tho!! awwww what a sweet bb
➷ he’ll DEFINITELY still be prickly sometimes even later on into the relationship and not be 100% comfortable unless you’ve been in the relationship for a long time
➷ he still gives you the hugs and cuddles and lets you be clingy but especially if it’s in public, he won’t immediately melt into your embrace or indulge you 100% :(
➷ he’ll let you cling onto his arm whenever you guys are walking around or doing anything together but he’s desperately trying to hide his embarrassment with a scowl and bright red cheeks and ears 🥺🥺🥺
➷ he’ll give you little hugs of reassurances and maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll get little kisses on the head in public but he’ll still be extremely flushed 😭😭
➷ he’s even more open in private tho 🥺
➷ he’ll rather die than have his teammates see him being extremely mushy and lovey-dovey with you so he’ll save those really cute moments for when you guys are together alone <3
➷ further into the relationship he’ll open up and will be a lot more comfortable with you!! he’ll be less reserved and indulge you even more in public ❤️
➷ when he gets more comfortable in the relationship, he’ll even start being clingy too and it’s the most adorable thing ever because even though he still wants to cuddle or hug you spontaneously he’ll be quiet about it and have the cutest little blush on his face and a little pout 🥺
➷ it’ll be really really obvious that he wants attention even if he’s trying to be secretive about it so please indulge him 
➷ he wants little kithes and huggies too 😤😤
➷ you guys are such a cute couple, people either look at you while cooing or with a look of exasperation because it’s THAT obvious that you guys are madly in love with each other <333
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Sugawara Koushi
➷ he will be clingy RIGHT BACK AT YOU
➷ even if you guys are just starting your relationship, if you’re already so comfortable with him and are able to be your true clingy self with him then he’s totally gonna be his own clingy self too because the openness makes him so extremely happy!!
➷ it reassures him that you really do want to be with him and are willing to be vulnerable around him awwwwww 🥺
➷ once you guys are hugging or cuddling, it’s over. you guys will be stuck like glue until you physically can’t be with each other anymore KSJFIU
➷ he pouts when you guys have to stop being with each other 😭
➷ if he could, he would just hug you for all of eternity
➷ he loves you THAT much
➷ he LOVES pda as well 🥺
➷ he won’t care if he’s inside his room, in the middle of a crowded area, in school, wherever
➷ he can and WILL hug you and be just as clingy as you with him
➷ honestly a match made in heaven
➷ even later on in the relationship, you guys never change
➷ you both will still be just as clingy as the beginning of it and it’s honestly so cute 🥺🥺
➷ of course, this is suga though so he’s gonna be chaotic at some points
➷ he’ll tickle you, blow raspberries onto your skin, shift around a lot just to slightly annoy you, and other things that that playful brain of his thinks up of
➷ sometimes you just want to cuddle without any distraction but lo and behold, he’s gonna still tease you
➷ however, if you genuinely need a cuddle session without any distractions, he’ll totally give you the cuddle session you want
➷ because he’s such a tease sometimes, you decide to get your own revenge sometimes >:)
➷ you’ll act all innocent and he’ll come to you wanting hugs and cuddles but at the last possible second, you’ll move out of the way so that he stumbles into the couch or sofa or wherever you have your cuddle session
➷ his reaction is priceless
➷ anyways you guys are INSEPARABLE when you start hugging and cuddling and honestly people look at you guys with such genuine envy in their eyes because they wish they could be in such a cute relationship like yours 😌
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Kuroo Tetsurou
➷ he teases you SO MUCH
➷ it’s honestly insufferable at some points KSJDNFI
➷ like you just want to be clingy and affectionate with your boyfriend that’s IT!! 😤😤😤 why can’t you just hug him peacefully like you want to?? 😭😭
➷ even with all of the teasing tho, he loves it 🥺🥺
➷ in public you’ll always be really close to him no matter what and even though he teases you for “not wanting to get lost and needing a guardian with you” and other bs like that, he has such a sappy smile on his face he’s barely older or even YOUNGER than you in the first place stop acting like as if your s/o is a child kuroo 😡
➷ yes he might tease you like there’s no tomorrow but he secretly enjoys how clingy you are
➷ you notice and are fully aware of it and try SO HARD for him to admit it but his teasing self just simply can not
➷ he will though when you’re having a really slow day and are actually cuddling without him being annoying teasing
➷ those moments make you SWOON oh my god 😩
➷ he also becomes super affectionate and it’s the CUTEST THING EVER
➷ you cup each other’s face and give each other little kisses all over and hug each other until you have to let go 🥺🥺🥺
➷ sometimes he even becomes the clingier one and you pull away from him and tease him back just to get back at him for all he’s done to you 😈
➷ he’ll pout and beg you until you give. he will literally NOT stop begging until he gets what he wants he’s so spoiled
➷ one time you tried to resist for 30 minutes but LITERALLY THE WHOLE 30 MINUTES HE WAS WHINING FOR YOU TO COME BACK AND CUDDLE WITH HIM
➷ he’s so whiny and spoiled when he gets like that but he’s your whiny and spoiled baby ❤️
➷ people always laugh because of your relationship but they all know that it’s all sickly lovey-dovey friendly banter between you guys <333 they WISH they can have a relationship as fun and loving as yours 😼
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Bokuto Koutarou
➷ god he LOVES how clingy you are
➷ he will be TWICE as clingy as you no joke
➷ usually it’s the other party needing you to get off of them but with Bokuto, it’s the other way around 
➷ he’s so so happy that you’re just as physically affectionate and that you want to be with him just as much as he wants to be with you 🥺🥺🥺
➷ he almost never gets into emo modes when you’re with him 
➷ i mean why would he go emo if the literal light of his life is right there next to him???
➷ exactly
➷ like suga, he does NOT care where you guys are. you both will be extremely clingy and affectionate wherever with little to no regard of the people around you guys
➷ he wants you to know that you’re his number 1 so he’ll keep his attention on you all the time 😭🥺
➷ of course you do the same for him because he’s literally the sweetest person you’ll ever meet how would you NOT always keep your attention on him??
➷ you guys also peck each other’s lips whenever you meet it’s SO CUTE
➷ your cuddle sessions are the sweetest thing ever oh my GOD my heart is literally hurting so much and i’m almost tearing up i want to cuddle with him SO BADLY 🥺
➷ he has the most secure, loving arms and when he wraps them around you with all the love he can possibly give, you practically melt
➷ he basically does the same whenever you wrap your arms around him too 🥺🥺 he’ll literally be smiling like such a dork you can only watch in complete awe at this beautiful man
➷ all of that love is just for you and you alone and you don’t know just how lucky you got
➷ and he’s the exact same with you
➷ everyone wishes for the type of relationship you have with bokuto <333 it’s literally perfect, you guys love each other so much words can not even describe it ❤️
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading ♡
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fakecrfan · 3 years
Tova McHugh could kill Martin. This could be his way out. I know we already discussed in detail how this could possibly be an End of Martin + Tapes... but I beg you... can you share with the world the End of the Tapes AU where this hellish sitcom gets an end? It's just so good (even tho the canon is that nothing ever gets better and Martin will suffer always)
Behold! The oldest martin+tapes ask I have in my inbox! For reference, this is referring to this old part of the series, where I mentioned Tova McHugh being a problem. Anontypewriter here actually listened to me talk about some of my half-assed ideas about how that go, and demanded I share them here--but as you can see on the thread I linked, I ended up liking boombutton’s ideas better and also the ideas I had there were very.... final.
So this can all be disregarded as Not Canon for the AU, I suppose, but here we go! My old ideas for what happens with Tova McHugh. Mild warning for suicidality and The End (That Waits For Us All And Cannot Be Denied)
The first problem is that Jon, even actualized as he is, cannot See or Known anything about Tova McHugh when he tries. He and the other archives crew go up to Elias, convinced that surely His powers will be able to detect something.
“Ah yes, Tova McHugh, I am aware of her. Let me just look really quick where--oh, hmm. Yes it seems she’s gone completely out of sight.”
(cue nervous Eye shrieking.)
So they have to find out where Tova is the old fashioned way. Reading up on her appearances. Doing field work to talk to her contacts and figure out what she’s been up to. They find out that she is... completely missing. Apparently took a sabbatical. Where to? No one knows!
(cue even More nervous Eye shrieking)
Sasha: Gosh this is even worse because Martin’s suicidal ideation has shot up 67% after we put the safety goggles on him! If Martin finds out, he might--
(Eye shrieking intensifies)
Elias, already dealing with a migraine: Sasha. Sasha please. Be Quiet.
Martin tries to go home after a work day only for Sasha to appear in the doorway, smiling, to Strongly Suggest he stay in and they have a Super Safe I MEAN FUN Work Sleepover Party. And then Tim jumps up from behind him and forcefully links arms with him and drags him back for Fun Time. Martin turns back and sees Sasha bolt the door shut and locks it.
Martin: ....What’s going on?
Tim: Nothing! Nothing’s going on at all. You know we love you more than anything that’s existed since the dawn of time, right?
Sasha: He’s doubting anyone could love him without mind control again :’( quick, hold his arms while I initiate Reassuring Eye Contact.
Martin: No WAIT, I mean--ahahaha yes, of course you guys! You’re... very upfront about it.
So of course, Martin realizes something is up, especially after being literally strong armed into Multiple Fun Work Sleepover Parties and noticing them starting to hide all traces of his existence from public record. So he does some digging, finds out about Tova, and...
Well, it’s this or have this whole situation continue and get increasingly restrictive for all of eternity, isn’t it? So he has to jump on it.
It’s a tricky move. He has to discreetly contact Melanie and Georgie on the downlow and ask them for help (he doesn’t tell them them Tova will kill him, just that she will be able to help him get away). Melanie and Georgie have to be able to piece together Tova’s location themselves--maybe by insinuating themselves in the Martin Fandom and getting some insider info. And then. Martin has to make a break for it, and travel with them to some isolated cottage in the mountains where Tova is staying.
I think he makes a break for it by manipulating Jon. Says he wants to just have some one on one time. Jon is over the moon excited, so he agrees and is so, so distracted the whole time. He doesn’t seem to suspect at all--and then he wakes up to a “sorry, we put sedatives in your food” note from Melanie and realizes that Martin is heading off to his death. Naturally, he loses his mind.
(Martin feels like the Worst Person In The Whole World for this.)
And then, against all odds, Martin makes it. He rides along with Georgie for blindspot purposes and gets to the little mountain cabin or whatever. Jon might be on their tail, but he can’t use his Eye powers so he’s at a disadvantage. He knocks, and then when there’s no answer just kicks his way in.
“Tova McHugh?” he asks. “I have a--”
And then he sees a corpse lying in the bed in the back room.
Tova, he finds out from reading some assorted journals and letters around the cabin, got increasingly disillusioned with her ability to do good in the world while extending her life span through evil, and decided it wasn’t worth it anymore. Hence, she came back to this little isolated cabin to die where she wouldn’t be tempted by seeing all the lives around her.
Martin buries his face in his hands, and he screams. This is it, it seems. Another cosmic joke, another dead end--except....
Except, it’s still a blind spot. Whatever Tova was, or whatever she did via cutting herself off from a Power, lingers in that cabin. It’s what made it so Jon couldn’t see there, after all. So if Jon, and the others, make it there, they charge in and suddenly the Eye’s pressure lifts and becomes distance.
And as Martin is sitting there, pressing his hands against his face and screaming, he notices his goggles slip--and then, when he grabs them, slip off entirely.
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mikrowrites · 4 years
•aaron tveit headcanons•
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a/n: aight guys I’m not dead! i haven’t really had the time to write much, but aaron tveit lives in my heart rent free so here’s these dumb kinda specific really long headcanons:
so you both probably met pretty early into aaron’s career
it’s probably safe to say both of you would have the same if not similar careers, broadway and acting
and though aaron was lucky enough to get his big break, you had unfortunately not (yet) and had to wait tables for a couple years after college
(insert waitress/customer troupe here)
you worked at a restaurant close to the theatre district after undergrad and aaron was starring in Hairspray
the boy saw you and was w h i p p e d
would come to the restaurant like 4 days a week
kinda creeped you out ngl
finally got the balls to actually start a conversation and boom: instant friends
and you guys were friends for a while! dumbass and chaotic conversation was a YES
“did you know barcodes scan the white space and not the black lines”
“how many orders of fries would put me in the er?”
“uhhh... 30”
you first caught feelings when aaron invited you to see him as Fiyero in Wicked
was it his amazing talent and charm? or was it his tight pants? you’d never tell
but nevertheless, oh shit! the friends to lovers troupe!
aaron is a manly man™️ and will always say he asked you out first
which is somewhat true, but you always argue the dinner you took him to after that show was the first date
because that’s when you first kissed him
and just like that! he asks you out!
first date is literally a d r e a m
no romantic dinner, no dress and tux
there was wine tho
you and aaron watched a Yankees game and got drunk off your asses laughing and screaming at the tv and annoying aaron’s roommate
did it end with both of you passed out on his couch cuddling? maybe it did
best. first. date. ever.
the second date WAS a nicer one, going out to eat and wandering the streets of New York City
and yes, some dates were ABSOLUTELY a par 9 on a golf course
you didn’t really put a label on your relationship for a while
because aaron’s career began to take off with next to normal and you finally got your big break on a national tour!
it was pretty bittersweet, though
you and aaron had a healthy conversation about your relationship, and decided you weren’t quite dating yet, but still talking. you guys wanted to see if you could manage the whole “gone for months at a time” thing
and you could!
skype, texting, and random 1 am phone calls
one time you feel asleep during one of the calls, and aaron just smiled and watched you sleep (not in a creepy way guys)
when you came back from tour you’d think you had come home from war
he all but tackles you into a hug, and kisses you
“let’s make this work”
so lo and behold! you were dating!
takes you to meet his family on thanksgiving
they love you
attending the tonys together, which was basically the first time you two confirmed a relationship
he said “I love you” first
a couple years would go by, catch me if you can and such, and you make your broadway debut!!
you’re def a triple threat
aaron’s so gushy about it, constantly brags about you
rumor has it he cried watching the opening night, denies it every time
literally glued to you for the entire after party, he’s just seriously so proud and in love awwh
and then he books les miz and graceland
you’re unable to travel to London w him since you’re in your own show, and it hits both of you hard
so what does this mfer do?
it’s the morning he leaves for shooting and you’re dropping him off at the airport
“hey when i get back from filming wanna get married?”
totally gave you a little prize machine plastic ring at the airport
you guys are literally SO NONCHALANT about it as everyone around you goes insane
“i’m engaged, i guess”
the internet blows up because they actually can’t figure out if you guys are serious or not
don’t worry, aaron actually proposed properly with a proper ring eventually
you still wear the plastic ring on a chain around your neck for a while tho
you both decide to get an apartment together
domestic couple things
Your neighbors probably hate you from the amount of times you both have “sing-offs”
slow dancing in the kitchen, laundry day, watching football games together gets aggressive
i firmly believe that you aren’t a Dallas Cowboys fan
the biggest fights you have honestly is about the NFL
in all seriousness there is still small conflict every once in a while, but you both are fantastic at communication
attending the oscars with aaron
“yeah but lOoK aT mY BeAuTiFuL FiAnCeE”
you’d be lying if watching the oscars performance didn’t turn you on a bit
you guys get married!
it’s definitely not a huge fancy wedding, just friends and family
you know for a FACT he’d sing “marry me a little” at the reception he so would
you guys dance all night
it’s adorable, his hand literally never leaves yours
you end up with a sinus infection from all the cake frosting he smears on your face
aaron felt really bad for it, so like a good wife you hold it over him for eternity
“remember that time we missed our flight to Belize because we were in the ER-“
went to Belize to honeymoon eventually anyways
aaron was very much like that one john mulaney sketch
“that’s my wife!”
“hey! have you met my wife yet?”
“i love my wife”
life goes on for you two, you remain hopping from broadway show to show
aaron ends up working on his acting career more
lots of time apart, but that just makes the time together more precious
adorable phone contact names
“wifey❤️” and “hubby❤️”
you were on set a lot for rehearsals of Grease Live
you actually helped assist in some of the choreography from time to time
impromptu golf cart rides
and you get to watch it live! like, you were AT the carnival on the set!
you’re just really proud of your mans :,)
family and friends keep pestering you both to have kids
so you adopt a dog (MILES BBY I LOVE YOU)
also as a side note, you love Braindead
you laughed HYSTERICALLY during the salami sex scene
aaron filmed it and posted it on twitter
fast forward, you get offered to help choreograph a new show! woah! and you’d get to swing for it!
it’s super top secret tho, and you literally cannot tell aaron
you do eventually relent the information that you’re working on a new show, and the man doesn’t pry. he’s respectful like that.
you meet the team, and boy you are IN LOVE
auditions are fun, creating the choreo is exhilarating
you don’t hear about casting much at all tho
so when aaron walks into the studio you both immediately freeze
“wait what the f—“
yup. you both were working on Moulin Rouge! and had NO clue
you both share (1) braincell
the lab went great, and soon you were on your way to Boston!
you HATE aaron’s longer hair, mostly because he won’t let you mess with it >:(
he eventually relents, and you teach him the secrets of “the man bun™️”
you also braid it a lot
“stop being a pussy about it”
“your hair’s the money maker don’t make me shave it in your sleep”
performing with your husband is a dream
sneaking looks on stage
aaron calls your frustrated choreo-instruction voice “mom voice” and the rest of the cast picks up on it
“no, it’s 7, 8! Up on 3, down on 5, 6, spin 7,8!”
“ok, mom!”
then broadway!!
the ricky-aaron lives
you had to go on for nini one performance and ricky teased aaron ALL DAY
you were totally in on it too
but aaron isn’t really the jealous type. he knows you are so in love with him, the same way he is in love with you
so basically he knew it was all fun and games
shenanigans backstage
one time during intermission you convinced aaron to give you a piggyback ride the ENTIRE 15 MINUTES
“hey aaron nice backpack”
small talk between scenes
like aaron would be sprinting to his next cue and you’d just
“i’m ordering domino’s for dinner pepperoni or sausage?”
you both drink too much iced coffee, like people are actually concerned for you both
neither of you are party-ers really, but you can GET DOWN
i am convinced aaron can cook
like if he’d have a day off, you’d come home from an evening performance with a cooked meal and two wine glasses
never candles tho
not after the valentine’s day incident
y’all are cute :,)
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reallybadfeeling · 3 years
Day 1: Sith AU | Enemies to Lovers | Possessiveness
Sith AU & Enemies to Lovers Together - Selah Sue feat Childish Gambino
“I was lost on the dark side, till you crashed into my life We were scarred by the bright light Falling stars through the night sky I know we’re broken parts, but ain’t that just who we are We should be together We can reach the sun if we’re one, that’s easy Everything’s just better, better When I’m locked inside, you’re the ties that free me We should be together Together we hurt, together we take it Together we fall, we’ll never be breaking If we were apart, I know that we’d fade away Together we are, together we make it.”
Sith AU & Enemies to Lovers & Possessiveness Headcanon: Okay so both Anakin and Obi-Wan are Sith, but they are also enemies, always fighting against each other to prove they are the best, the strongest the evilest, the only one worthy of being considered a true Sith. Funny thing tho? They are super possessive about each other despite still being enemies. Like, some random Jedi hurts Obi-Wan? Anakin goes fucking berserker! He kills the Jedi, puts their severed head on a stick and presents it in front of the first jedi temple he can find (and also probably sets fire to the temple because sure, he has to make everyone remember that Obi-Wan is HIS enemy; but he still has to prove to Obi-Wan that he's the best Sith there is). Nobody would think Obi-Wan to be just as petty as Anakin, but lo and behold, he finds out Anakin's Master is being a manipulative bitch that tries to treat Anakin like he's a pet and Obi-Wan puts his big brain into action. He's not gonna kill Sidious, OH NO. That would be TOO LITTLE. He wants true revenge! So Obi-Wan finds out what Sidious wants the most and he kind of helps him almost get it in a subtle way, so that Sidious doesn't even realize that someone else is plotting behind his back. And then, at the very last moment when Sidious can basically already taste what he'd always wanted, Obi-Wan makes sure that he loses it and that there would never be a way for him to get it, not even if he fights an eternity to try and get it all back. AND THAT? That is the moment when Anakin goes from "I WANNA FUCKING KILL THAT MAN!" to "I'D KILL TO FUCK THAT MAN!"
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libidomechanica · 11 months
Untitled # 10593
A kimo sequence
Self and there not tyranny then me! Yea, tho’ followed from her to gain. And not speak? But this love!
An infant’s grown his wand; jove slyly stealth. For they still which quarried life, yet many dayes could spill.
We gambolled on her. The darken’d earth and riders from its bridge, as her tower and the earth?
Not from our star; unloved, that sway the Animal Alloy, till to extend, till then, purer laws.
The paths of shade, of all his for his life did lay, the school and proue? To whom ye doe comb’d its aim.
For the Way of the vaults with them is alyue. He look’d on that all in vain the wood and was inflamed.
The woods. Becomes the caught breathed and Nature breast. The voice; I shall star; where first doth hides the slant trew.
Yours is my smart disposed overtaken. And hid under other as a snag. For her depart.
And brawling cries, oh! But cannot hear a deeper was a truce and mutual bliss yet the longed.
Now waxed old, twixt their hearts, puts appall? Of insolence he gave my ear. And in their unborn face.
If all the obiect, I fynd, such sweet since were dead. White body, might; I seemed to be, best seem so.
Back returning with the kings, with the rest. To expiate whole corner secret oar and art not.
To play is long looke.—Ah me! These have turn’d him up to the earth’s embrew, chaunge of wit, they brought there.
Why thence clanks. To pointed the sensual Taint, and thro’ meadowy curve in Sestos to be wise.
They consumed, may I, poore. To knowen shielded up the sun walking on the sky with sad assay.
I wish that giues song we sang:br> we cease. Sweet Love would not so, quod I that sleepe. The lark behind.
And each other until they sat, she slid. A lady fair was artificial flowery way.
Where is prise, then more your eies beneath his thorn? Because of the phone. Till shining chast affection.
And fell in all allures there; grief hath in my free side, and all that iron welcome to bed.
He is not exhilarate. She mixt by equal balanced from wel temperature stain high, sdeath!
My mother she is know. More but him abhors the mood of one should not one chiefly provident.
’ That she coming wave? The look back to dissemble they melt the pair. Upon thy heart is the trees.
And makes they ne dare streight or wrong: we serves all my life is diuine in and shafts, which heauen. Swept far thee.
And by two armies and came, the wheel where wont with dead. Has nought it languish in. Eternal life?
This years of the same. Let dame Eliza thank your eyes my Theotormon once she is a hot proue.
I found native land; and after shakes out of view. King, calm in the harts but one that newe mischiefe?
Needed noons, thy name for an air the lark does the song; and told me breaking eye on songs, the cause.
I wage not at first ill-soundingly—a gift of smile me draws a fair as goods; wherein appere.
There mellower and gritty as silt. Then shame, in watching. Toward America, Oothoon shall stay.
The solid earth doth my friendly parting of Colin sing. Go to thinke not, but by heauen to jar.
For thin fingered day by day he sets up. Take this, that loue embased. My love speak. Your mother.
Now looking the victors sight as th’ assured blisse fit will contribute to herself, a shield.
Its dead: and rules the house and shocks of sweet thy Subject to none. He researchable to increased.
Time that like a tree, put our honour beautiful sight, is toil all for his rage; content? With me.
After the Sand. His court and euery rash behold, she measures, hours of us point of need not.
Yet won she replies, and whisper Peace. Began to moue, fed on a brute, the wild Pallas joys grow.
Be near himself thrice hath so much wondrous thine. Now weight revelled … to go: my feet, and lips will.
The sun rose, and fret. Them forth a naked tread my lips is always with which I doo comes the field.
Alas, tis truth for chaste Diana when he would sail, we are two brothers bend above payment?
Fought the submissive her loue now endeth on, and oft with blazing lists were woods. The mouing she dead.
Went at him that many a sandy down, there my flame all would, but once in the winds blow. A friends.
In time, your voice in the shining, because of dew. For lustie Loue still in his Hoard of Marses hate.
So kisses; and leave power, shining from Hebe Hebe Jove itself as blest. And love, nor cares to proue.
Chirp of birds in vaine? Ah, do not tongue, and he live with Death which did leaue to go: my feet were seen.
And a harsher most shall no being Kings of Leutha’s name. Most happy views; nor clouds coverture.
And save, whereto dote and Give. Home when I fade away, some and thine own hay, till Morning slain.
Beholder parted many a time. She long year by years the spoke to thy seeing here the rain.
And caught honest morn. What is thy quickly charlatan, and she treasure but vnto Gillyflower.
Cloud that so is fayrer wears that within. They are, in which out and storing and Body looks yield.
—Within him well; for now we saw me such heavy dews gather’s grave that himself beside the chiefe?
A treble into the scorn of bounteous emprize. Smile after to thee? In which hold me back down.
Deep-seated in Stygian empery. If we fail: she doth come, and, so far, is in the grain.
My hearts, which do sublime, the blaze her unjust. The King and skill exceeding to such high degree.
Her cold blows, their glory gates and travel’s end. We were ripe corners in his own hay, till the chase.
Her locks dooth perseuer; nor thou stands. The Panther know, I thinks I have contemplate all now not wait?
How did iar for who eats Profit and wan. As we. Till I not to bury the screeched fist the Dambe.
Their wanton play, the midnight there injured. Or in them: I store that I drave among his cruell hand.
If Pearles, hir teeth be broke on mind at his lips to advance; for mind is truth flower. But no.
And fro. Have lea and return againe with eyes the Breathless main the soul was so lucky place rest.
And I shall be love out. No more, involves to with festal cheerful hour survey our rustic love.
Yes, call the morn the life begin his grief of the quintessence declining and go; but for me.
And all the crescent pluckèd Leutha’s vale! Other fast and with money, house with she giue but ioyous days.
So that day’s rude in low coral, but being pulse, and long horse the dead. His worthy ev’n for all.
The primroses! But Diane beauteous dyes, is laid down to me rest, and placed a wrong, there’s nought.
But when I the town. The purpose still, as thy faith. And when more fayth doth hide, with panting of thee!
Bright came to that all, were will on his arrow days, moving pain. If not far astray: the commend?
Cold ingots likely, wishing joy. Who buys whole worlds most—and inflamed. For being vain thee loathes?
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I wish you would write a fic where Aang is just flustered and is amassed at katara while she’s just doing nothing ❤️maybe after the balcony kiss (btw your my favorite fic writer 💕)
*smacks table* *kicks a chair over* *screams into the void*
(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) NO YOU’RE MY FAVORITE, ANON😤❤💕💖
Ngl tho, this prompt and one other have been haunting me for so long oml I just for the longest time drew complete blanks like...just nothing came to me. Nada. I even tried getting a legit 12 straight hours of sleep to turn my brain off and back on again but nOpE. I really wanted to keep it related to after the balcony kiss since I wanted the challenge, but gosh did it fight me. My brain go poof I hope you’re happy for making me question everything, Anon lol
Anywho, I love and cherish you, Anon, you bean, you godsend, you magnificent angel, you🥰~ I hope you enjoy the fic!!!
Words: 1,785
Aang kneaded his right thumb into his left palm. The scars there were small and white and hardly noticeable unless he held his hand right to his face.
It was peculiar, to say the least. Only the hand that received Ozai’s lightning bore a shadow of his opponent’s cold fire. The belly of his palm was a memory of death barely avoided, but he tried (...tried…tried very, very hard...) to imagine the milky pattern on pale skin as looking like a leaf’s veins when held up to the sunlight.
Aang rolled his lip between his teeth. He was going to tear something if he crouched for much longer. The scars burned without burning, and he wasn’t sure which fate was worse. Was it even considered a scar if it was never open? It was just there after the battle like it was a maker’s mark on a finished piece.
Katara would know—there was little that she didn’t know—, but she had been far too exhausted for him to even consider asking—
Aang’s face burned like the fire she lit in his cheeks was eternal.
If he was perfectly honest, he didn’t remember feeling the kiss.
He only remembered how the kiss felt.
Because remembering the moment when Katara redefined what happiness felt like was a moment Aang would never forget.
His shoulders rose to his ears; his face smoldered as giddy magma crawled up his neck. He teetered to one side when thoughts of her shifted gravity. Maybe it was a good thing that he was crouching, after all.
...But then he looked at his estranged left palm and the new maker’s mark that it bore.
...And his heart crisped and flaked into ashes piling in the pit of his chest.
The scarring changed nothing but uprooted everything. It was a cancer, black and numb on his hand, like it was suffering from frostbite and needed to be removed.
The estranged left palm that saved his life was the same hand Katara held—all those months ago—when they kissed that day in the dark, trapped and alone, in an inky-black Earth Kingdom cave.
The kiss was a gentle waltz turning into a speedy tango, but her hand on his was the tug to lift him out of his chair. It was the strike of flint and steel that burned away the cobwebs in his heart and brushed aside all dust to welcome something new.
Sokka had interrupted before Aang could ask her to be his girlfriend. Time was an illusion, but time was precious. Memories framed in moments were the beginnings of beautiful new somethings.
What they were, though...
He really hoped Katara knew better than him. Of course, she would—there was little that she didn’t know.
Did the kiss make it—them—official? They said more in words unspoken than words said aloud ever could, but they hadn’t had a moment of peace since then. Surely, he had to ask her. He really, really wanted to, too. It didn’t feel right to celebrate an anniversary without a proper date—Spirits, he and Katara were gonna have an anniversary, oh Spirits—
Aang’s palm stared back at him. Embarrassment hit him like a skybison at full-speed.
Katara had nearly killed him during the meeting that morning.
Holding his hand—that hand—under the table was toying with whatever gave his heart reason to beat.
Aang had hugged her times a-plenty, but he had never held her hand in that way for that long. It eclipsed their kiss and left him powerless like a suddenly doused fire.
...It had felt like he was poisoning her—like he was touching her with an open wound. 
Aang slumped a little more in the corner of the balcony and stared at his callouses like they could tell him what to do.
The sunset was a smirk mocking his plight, but the moonrise was a gentle grin trying (...trying…trying very, very hard...) to heal his hurts.
Katara hated holding his hand. He felt that she did. She muted the room for him when she touched him; it brought her every reaction into stark relief. He had briefly wondered if that was what Toph felt like when she sensed when someone was lying.
Katara had stiffened. She even shifted like she couldn’t get comfortable. The breath that left her was fast at first like she was just told bad news. Her exhales after that were deep and almost seething.
...The worst part was when she wouldn’t look at him. She only glared about and around them.
Aang slumped from his crouch until his rear hit the ground. His right thumb stayed married to his left palm, and the white lightning stung tender like something freshly burned. He only partially wished that he had the top of his robes on when the thought of her regretting him cut the strings that held him together; he was a puppet collapsing against the balcony wall and sliding down gritty concrete. His scar—another reminder of her—stung him like smacks to the face and melted him into something made of noodles.
The moon was a bit higher, now, but its grin wasn’t any more reassuring than before. The bugs and small critters must have become annoyed with his melting because there was silence like Hei Bai’s forest when Aang made himself smaller than his shadow and dragged his kneading hand even closer to his face.
Their kiss—she had kissed him—barbed him with a sting like thorns on a rose bush except laced with poison and fiberglass. It was decaying from the start of something new into the empty longing for a once in a lifetime occurrence. 
Something shot him in the leg and crippled what made him Aang.
His right thumb kneading his left palm slipped and dug a fingernail into a callous.
He was goo freezing over—a body consumed by jennamite.
Aang breathed out, about to take the inhale to fuel the first hiccup dancing on his shaking lip—
—but then Katara stepped onto the balcony and leaned up against the bars.
Being an airbender had its perks, and his lungs not popping from the force and fullness of his panicked inhale was definitely one of them. He was a statue—a deformed gargoyle that looked more horrific to behold than to cross—, and the glimpse of Katara’s soft grin became a braided noose refusing to let him exhale.
None of the lights were lit.
Spirits, did he love his moonrise and the weakness that she gave him.
Katara was staring into something that didn’t exist on this plane and smiling at something he couldn’t see. She was a stilled lake normally raging and powerful and beautiful to behold. He wouldn’t dare disturb her. She was as calm as a reflection.
Sudden exposure reminded him of stepping into a forbidden part of the Southern Air Temple, and his presence became a violation of something precious. Katara was remembering moments of beautiful new somethings if the way she absentmindedly bent a stream of water about one wrist—her bending her joy unhindered—was anything to go by.
Aang blushed a shade of red that Aunt Wu could have mistaken as the intended location for eruption from the Symbol of Volcanic Doom. He closed his eyes, covered his ears, and dared to shimmy into the shadow of the corner. Katara was a warrior unmatched and without equal. That’s why she was Master Katara. He could no sooner escape her than escape the earthshaking hammer-blows that the hint of her smile drove into his chest. 
He sat on a tightrope whose cables were snapping and unwinding.
It was only when he felt weaker in a way that made him stronger that he peaked an eye open.
Katara was crouched and more concerned than bemused. “Aang?” She touched the knee that had curled to his chest and was threatening to buckle into his sternum. “Are you okay?”
…’Okay’ was a subjective and circumstantial term.
His voice was the sound of rubber sliding water off of wet glass. “M-hm.”
“What are you doing out here alone and...in the corner?”
“Well, I was just...Well, y’know…” His right thumb stuck to his left palm like they were nailed together. He tried (...tried...tried very, very hard...) to hide his wound from her. “Moon ‘s nice ‘n…’n stuff.”
Katara mulled over his words, said and unsaid. Her stare was an examination checking his vitals—his heart, his soul, and his happiness. She hummed a thoughtful sound that bookmarked her place in the pages of him.
It all happened in under the time it took her to breathe. Aang nearly stopped breathing altogether when she tapped her finger on his knee.
“You’re hiding on the balcony because ‘Moon ‘n stuff’?”
She spared his ‘hidden’ fiddling hands a half-lidded glance. “Aang...”
Katara flicked his arrow. Then, she waited.
Aang didn’t crack. He melted. 
“I was just—I thought…” He deflated. “I needed somewhere to think.”
Something about his words or the way that he said them made every bit of her soft. Her concern riddled him with holes, and, when she settled on the ground before him and propped her head on her arms on his knees, there was barely any of him left to keep him together.
“You wanna talk about it? It’s okay if you don’t. I just haven’t seen that look on your face since...Well, I can’t remember since when.”
One part of Aang threatened to grab the other part of him and throw him into a volcano.
He was making her worry. He should never make her worry, especially over something so silly—
He opened his mouth but hesitated. He didn't want to say no.
“Not—Not now.”
His honesty tamed her like she could feel it as easily as a temperature change. “It’s not something hurting you, right?”
Katara frowned with her eyes.
Then, she stood.
(Spirits, Aang loved his moonrise.)
“Take my hand.”
Aang’s heart took a trip to the tiny star just to the right of the moon.
She looked at him, and he felt hot cinders flake from his face and into his twisting belly. It sparked a fire so hot that it turned his sea of chi into an ocean of molten ore.
He was suddenly empty of something and filled to the brim with something else.
Katara’s hand was an invitation without equal, and the instinct to grab hold and never let go was a god’s hand trying to push him forward. 
He almost did.
But then his right thumb paused on his left palm, and white lightning struck him down.
Katara flinched like she felt it.
Aang curled into a knot like he could still hide it. 
Kneeling, Katara unraveled him without touching him. Her eyes found his and held him in place not like in a trap but like in a hug. Too soon his right thumb was hushed away from his left palm and his estranged hand was held close to her face. 
Aang couldn’t remember hearing her words, but he felt what she was saying.
Her sorrow nearly tore him apart.
Luckily, her smile kept his shredded heart together. 
And the kiss to his white lightning and the three points of his hand’s arrow put air back into his lungs. He dove into the cool-blue look she gave him and drowned himself in all that she was. 
He was filled with clouds so puffy that they threatened to let loose their rain, but his eyes became only wet and never misty. He smiled beyond the limits of what anatomy allowed when her face turn as red as his felt.
She said something that put his pieces back together, and she looked at him with something that gave him the strength. Cherry-red metal poured from a kiln and wept up her neck and into her cheeks.
Katara rolled her eyes to something that wasn’t there, disappeared inside, and returned with a mass of blankets.
“What are all the blankets for?”
“Moon ‘n stuff,” Katara said as she finished her nest of comforters and fortified quilt walls. 
Then she offered her hand again—she slipped it loosely into his own and waited for him to hold her first. 
“Sit with me.”
Aang shouldn’t have been as giddy as he was, and Katara pursed her smile like she was struggling not to enjoy his happiness too much when she tugged him up from the ground and laid with him against cushioned concrete. 
Moon ‘n Stuff was laughing and pointing out funny bits in constellations of their own designs. It was gossiping all the good rumors and their hopes about which of them might be true.
Katara crowned him King of their Chateau of Comforters with the softest blanket she had. It was blue and smelled like mornings when he could sleep in and like the small joys of finding warm things in cold places.
Katara accepted his invitation into his Blanket Castle within their Comforter Chateau. The blanket was plenty big for both of them and tied them together in a fuzzy cocoon.
She relaxed against him like she was sinking into warm water. The air that left her was fast at first like she just saw something she dearly missed. Every exhale after that was slow and satisfied—drunk on the indescribable and bewitched by the unimaginable. Aang felt her every movement so clearly that he wasn’t sure whether to give thanks or repent for the precious moment she was creating with him.
But then she shifted like she couldn’t get comfortable enough.
And she dragged an eye open to glare at any critter’s sound breaking their peace.
That was when Aang understood.
That was also when Aang lost it.
The urge to laugh was so overwhelming that it didn’t process into the bodily function, instead filling him from toe to brim with small giggles and soft feelings.
Katara didn’t want to share.
Of course, she didn’t.
Their moments were their moments, and he was hers and hers alone.
Master Katara was a being without equal, but Aang knew that which even she didn’t know.
Don’t worry about them. It’s just you and me right now.
Aang’s confidence limped back to him and convinced his estranged left hand to sidle towards hers. He touched the back of it with two fingers—an almost mute invitation, an almost silent knock on the door.
Katara laced her fingers with his like it was the most natural thing in the world. She handled it not like it was something wounded but like it was something precious, and she kissed all of his knuckles before cooling his white lightning with the gentle touches of her snowy-soft palm.
The hands were the most sacred part of a bender. They were the outlets from which their soul leaked. They were the culmination of all of their senses to interact with the world.
Aang’s world shyly smiled and fiddled with her hair. She shifted like she couldn’t decide on which spot against him or which way to hold him would bring them as close as she wanted. 
She wouldn’t even look at him for fear of changing color and state of matter from beautiful young woman to gorgeous little puddle.
She blushed like something beautiful coming into bloom.
Then, she said something.
Her words bypassed all feeling and branded themselves onto his heart
“...want to be my boyfriend? O-Only if you want to...because I want to, so...um...”
She inhaled on the word like she was telling good news and hoping for the universe to talk back to her.
Aang’s current incarnation threatened to be kicked out from under him and reborn into the Water Tribes.
His head nodded like it was trying to make a break for it.
Katara laughed like it was the only language she knew.
They shared each others’ smiles in a shy kiss that felt like a brushing of souls—like the gentle zap of lightning between earth and sky that brought beauty and shook all that they knew but brought with it no scars or destruction.
She squeezed his hand.
He kissed her again just because he could.
White lightning and snowy-soft touches connected what made them each other.
Aang wilted like soggy grass, full of that which gave him life and drunk on all that she gave him.
His hand didn’t hurt anymore. His heart was starting to ache, though. It was going to burst if he looked at her for much longer.
His night got darker when Katara closed her eyes, but he welcomed the weakness his rising full moon gave him.
She fell asleep against his side, and even when Aang no longer felt his arm, he didn’t dare move.
The balcony was empty except for them, and his heart was full of only her.
Katara mumbled once, shifted twice, and adjusted her grip to hug the whole of his arm.
She was hardly doing anything, but her doing nothing did everything to him.
Aang’s courage found him just as Katara found her new favorite spot.
He kissed her cheek, but, if he was being honest, he didn’t remember feeling the kiss.
“...I love you.”
He only remembered how her smile felt.
I hope you enjoyed, Anon! I know this isn’t Katara doing “nothing”, per se, but this is what my mush-brain put down when I sat and wrote😅  (I did, however, tuck that little ”doing nothing” idea away for different ficlet👀)
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