#i think the did this because they didn't care enough to give the makeup artists hairstylists and costumer designers time
thatmexisaurusrex · 1 month
I have the most wildest theory* for Bucky's travesty of hairstyle. John Walker's gonna be in Thunderbolts, yeah? Maybe... Ma.rvel told the stylist department downgraded Bucky to turn J.W into their next hearthrob. 🫠
*For legal reasons, this is a joke, lmao.
Hmmm, I mean, the man decapitated a whole ass person in front of god and everyone in a public area very graphically and messily with a shield, so like 😂 the people who love him are riding with Walker already as fans and the people who can't after that (or even before that tbh) aren't going to go for him because Idk if a glow up saves you from doing shit like that 🤣🤣🤣 He's definitely not off my "fuck you" list even if they make him like some Maybelline model 😂
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janesaridoll · 11 months
Birthday princess 
pairing || woc!reader x mob!ari levinson
genera || fluff.
summary || how’s Ari dealing with someone trying to disrespect his girl.
wordcount || 2,4K
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A vicious man who will go to any length to make his sweetheart smile.
Growing up, Ari enjoyed his mother's elaborate celebrations, where everything had to be extravagantly flawless—whether they were birthday parties, wedding anniversaries, or charity events. He thinks his mother did all that to compensate for her husband, his father’s harsh reality.
He especially gets excited whenever his birthday is nearing, he loved when he was ten and he loves it now, almost thirty seven years old.
Even though, it's different from when he was younger, he still enjoyed it. However, the idea of someone not celebrating their milestone were awful to him, So when he found out his precious girl never celebrated her birthday he was horrified.
He couldn’t fathom that someone not celebrating their birthday especially someone as sweet as his girl.
Your birthday was never acknowledged by your parents. Not even a happy birthday was said. Although, your siblings celebrated theirs, no one ever seemed to remember yours.
As you got older, you just forget about it. You knew you missed something, but there was nothing you could do to persuade your parents to celebrate your birthday because they always had some excuse not to.
At first, you resisted Ari's insistence on throwing you a birthday party. Therefore, Ari did not celebrate your first birthday together as he had intended while you two were together. But of course he did do something to celebrate.
He took you to an upscale restaurant, after both of you finished eating, he gave you your gift; an elegant pair of earrings. That was the first time anyone had ever given you anything. You were appreciative, till this day you never taken them off.
The following year, when your birthday approached, Ari broached the subject once more, you told him you didn't care and that what you both did last year was enough yet Ari didn't think so. He wants to give you the experience of celebrating your birthday properly.
After much persuasion, you agreed to the birthday party, Ari got his mother's party planner number in order for you to contact her to plan your birthday, he didn’t set a budget for it; just told you to do what your heart desired.
"I want everything to go as smoothly as possible, Steve, I don't want anything to go wrong," Ari says as he sips from his brownish liquor.
"Of course, I'll tell Peter to oversee everything," you'd assume from the way they're both talking seriously in their black suits that it had to be about business. No, it's Ari's princess 24th birthday celebration. Which, if you think about it, is more important.
Ethan, your bodyguard and friend, is racing with with staff members making sure everything is perfect for your birthday, including the lights, decorations, DJ, food and drinks.
“She even got Ethan to do all the work” steve mumbled to Ari who let out a chuckle “I can’t believe he’s the toughest one of our men” He sips the rest of his drink before smiling to himself “wait for me in the werehouse” Steve only nodded.
He went upstairs to the guest bedroom where you had your makeup artist and hairstylist stay because Ari doesn't like it when people are in his room.
He stared at you from the doorway, completely captivated; the expression of happiness in your eyes brought happiness to him as well; he can't believe someone could be so cruel as to not love or spoil you in the way you deserve.
"Can you leave us for a minute?" As soon as he said it, the room quieted down, and your best friend, Nat, who you met through Ari's friends, spoke up, "sure, we will be outside," she patted your shoulder. She had already dressed in a black silk dress, done her makeup beautifully with smokey eyes and her signature red lipstick that matches her hair, she looks stunning.
"You look pretty," he began, staring at you from the mirror “you do, too," you said, turning around to face him.
He takes a step closer to you, as soon as he is within reach, you wrap your hand around his neck, drawing him closer to you, tilting your heads up to lock your gaze on him smiling lovingly.
"Ethan needs a day off tomorrow," when you noticed that the party planner were demanding you gave her Ethan's phone number so she could organize everything with him rather than you, you just told them what you want the theme of your party.
He initially objected, after all, he is the toughest man. But he agreed simply because he likes you and he wants you to have the nicest and most memorable birthday celebration ever.
"Sure, anything you want." Even Ari is taking a day off tomorrow, he wants to spend it with you while business is calm nowadays.
"You spoil me a lot," you said, kissing his jaw. He smiled “that's the least I could do for you. honey"
"Thank you, I love you too much." You kissed him again. "I love you too."
"I’m leaving for a bit; I've got a business to take care of, and I’ll be back before the party starts."
"Why?" You pout. Is he going to skip your birthday? You know it was stupid. You shouldn’t have agreed. Maybe your parents is right; it is a waste of time.
"They need me there; it won’t take too long, maybe an hour max," he told you while curdling your face between his large hands and kissing your lips softly.
“You promise?” You smiled softly at him.
"Absolutely,I wouldn’t miss it for the world” he replied, you kissed him again.
“I’ll leave you now to finish, honey."
“Okay be careful”
He left, and the girls returned to do their tasks. Wanda followed Nat into the room; it appears that your friends are already showing up, so you should finish quickly.
“Hey! Nat told me you invited Ema?” Wanda said as soon as she’s stepped beside you, “hello to you too” you turned to her smiling.
“Im sorry babe” she kissed your cheek before continuing “is it true?”
“Yes, i thought it would be rude to invite all of our friend group except her!”
Nat spoke looking at Wanda “told you”
“Yep, she’s tooooo nice” Wanda replied.
“I don’t know, Ari is inviting his friends and business partners, his mom and sisters are coming as well as their friends, so I think it would be crowded and she won’t be a bother!”
“I hope so” Nat said before looking at Wanda who was fixing her red dress, adjusting her breasts “what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna go see Ethan, wish me luck” Wanda and Ethan has been flirting a lot lately, you know they would end up together it was just a matter of time.
Everyone has arrived an hour and a half later, including your friends, Ari's friends, and family. Nat helped you dressing up in your pink gown, you wore your jewelry as well. Wanda is working as your personal photographer; she took many photos of you before you had to go downstairs so the party could begin.
When the DJ announced your entrance, everyone's eyes turned to you, yelling and clapping, while your eyes scanned the the place looking for Ari.
As soon as your gaze latched on him, you smiled brightly, relaxing for a while before getting down and everyone began to approach you, wishing you a happy birthday.
You were quite apprehensive because it was the first time you had ever been the center of attention at any form of event.
Nat gave you a microphone so you could thank everyone who came to celebrate with you, and you specifically thanked Ari, none of this would happened if it weren’t for him. You wished them a good evening.
After you handed the DJ the microphone, you felt like you were being crushed in a hug by someone, and when you looked down, you discovered it was Ari's younger sister, Amara.
“Happy Birthday!!!!!” She said screaming a bit. You laughed before hugging her back.
“Stop squeezing my girl to death” Ari teased his sister before greeting his mom and his older sister Sadie.
When Amara separated from you Sadie hugged you, as well as his mother.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart; i loved the party theme!"
"Thank you, Mrs. Levinson," you respectfully said. The elder woman scoffs at you, "sweetheart, we've been through this a lot! Please call me Freya; you make me feel old."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll start calling you Freya," you said hesitantly, knowing she had told you that several times but you always forgot. Your mother taught you to never address someone by their first name; instead, use Mr. or Mrs.
Sadie looked around “are we finally going to meet your family?”
Your communication with your family has diminished since you left for college; you text and call, but they don't reach out to you as frequently as you would want. It's what they've wanted ever since you were born. To forget all about you.
You gave them an invitation to your party, but they did not respond. And when you called they didn’t pick up, No surprise.
You didn’t tell Ari that, you didn’t want him to feel sorry for you. But he can see it in your face when his sister mentioned your family.
“Oh they’re busy, they couldn’t make it!” You hoped your excuse was believed and by the look they gave you they did.
After a small talk they left to join other people for dance and chatting.
Ari left you alone for a minute to talk with his friends while you drank and danced with your friends.
Hours later, it was time to cut the cake, two servants brought the cake to a table in front of you. Ari hand wrapped around your waist while your hand was on top of his, him and everyone else singing happy birthday for you.
"Make a wish!" Nat called for you, and everyone else joined her, you giggled before closing your eyes and making a wish.
After opening your eyes and blowing on the candle, everyone clapped and whistled for you.
"I want to show you something," Ari whispered in your ear. You turned around, looking into his eyes. "What?"
"Come with me," he said, taking your hand a bit further and directing you to the double massive doors, which opened immediately.
A Rolls-Royce Ghost in Champagne Rose pulled in, you could hear the stunned screams of the people surrounding you; you were as surprised as they were.
“Oh my god!!, you didn’t!!!” You looked between Ari and the car, Ethan stepped out of the car, passing the keys to Ari, who handed them to you.
“All yours baby” you jumped on him, hugging him firmly, thanking him constantly “I love you i love you i love you!!”
Nat and Wanda came close to you both “girl you have to take us for a ride!!”
“I can’t wait to show off my first car ever!!” You smiled big and jumped up and down while clapping.
Wanda smiled “let me take pictures of you with the car!” She took her phone out and you got beside the car posing while she took a couple of pictures of you.
You grabbed Ari hand wanting him in the pictures. He smiled before letting you posing him in whatever way you wanted.
If he could, he would have given you the entire world without asking, but for the time being, he will give you anything your heart desire.
Life has its own way of repaying you. While you spent the previous twenty-three years begging someone to spare you a glance, right now you could ask for anything and it wouldn’t be trouble to give.
From behind, an irritating loud noise was heard. "I told you that he is her sugar daddy!!" Everyone fell silent, wondering who it was.
Your smile faded slightly; you weren't a particularly confrontational person to begin with. People would walk all over you while you excused them. You were too kind and too afraid to ever react to anyone.
“Who said that?" Ari stated calmly yet furiously, everyone got quiet surprised at the person who is brave enough to insult Ari’s girl
Wanda and Nat exchanged knowing glances. Finally, Ema made a fool of herself in front of Ari.
They know Ari doesn't accept disrespect, especially to those who don't deserve it, and to disrespect his girl? Oh, she just dug up her grave.
“Ema did," Nat answered, unconcerned about your glares.
Ari doesn't want to ruin your first birthday celebration, but he can't let this individual get away with it.
When he observed a girl who appeared shaking with fear, everyone's gaze was drawn to her, he knew it was her, and he approached her moved in front of her eye sight, almost nothing can stand between them.
"There are two reasons for saying this; one is that you are jealous because no one has ever loved you enough to provide you with something you desired, or YOU don't deserve to be loved or cared for like i do with my girl, I believe the latter it is," he said as calm as he can be
He could hear Wanda and Nat laughing mockingly at her. Finally, someone standing up to this bitch.
“Get the fuck out of my house and don't ever think of disrespecting my girl; or the next time you won't have a tongue to talk with; are we clear?" She nodded so quickly
“Good," he said, motioning for two of his guards to accompany her out; Bucky pointed out for the DJ to play some music to keep the party going.
Wanda yelled “ oh my god i love this song”
Her and Nat went dancing on the dance floor, while everyone else seemed to have forgotten what had happened and continued to have fun.
"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Ari spoke to you in hushed tones.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you replied, smiling back. "Do you know this is the first time I've seen you in your mob mode?"
“Really??” Ari was taken aback, saying, "I hope I didn't scare you."
"You did not, thank you for standing up for me; I really thought inviting her to my party would make her nice to me," you said, "I didn't want to divide our group into two sides."
"Sometimes, honey, being nice to someone so low is not the solution; if they don't respect you, they have to go; it's either they do or they don't." His huge hands comforted you by moving circles behind your back.
You thought for a moment about what he said "Yeah, you're right"
You got closer to him, your lips almost touching, "do you want to take my new car for a ride?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
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a-random-weeb · 8 months
Hiiii can I request prince chuuya x reader in an arranged marriage?
Alright, I liked this idea but it wasn't specific enough to turn into a story, plus I don't think I could turn this into anything other than a oneshot, so... Here's a oneshot I'm quite proud of! Unless this wasn't for the event, in that case, here's your oneshot!
You didn't want this. Why did this happen?! You came from a very rich family, your parents being owners of a HUGE business. You don't know how business stuff works (It's a fanfic I ain't doing a whole bunch of research as to why this very specific scenario could ever take place) but for some reason, you and THE PRINCE had to get MARRIED! You despised this fact, but it was for the business... Well... You didn't care, you didn't want to get married to some snobby prince with anger issues. Prince Chuuya was known for his horrible anger issues, he was pretty scary... You hated him, but alas, the wedding day is today. You sigh as the makeup artist finishes your makeup. Yes. Your parents got you a makeup artist.
"It's your special day, you're getting married!" Was their reasoning. You tried pretending to be sick, but your damn parents could see right through you. They were acting so sweet to you, but that's just because they're gonna make money off this marriage.
The makeup artist has to push you through the doors of the church, and you ungracefully stumble into the room. with all these people around there's no use in running. You gaze up at your soon-to-be husband, pissed off by the vail covering your eyes. Sure you can still see, but it still angered you. Chuuya notices your gaze as you walk down the isle and scowls, rolling his eyes. You shoot him a glare before tripping over nothing, falling face first into the carpet atop the grass. Some of the audience gasps, while others give a light chuckle. You were surprised to see Chuuya holding in his laughter. Either way you're incredibly embarrassed.
"I'm ok!" You scurry to your feet. You frown as you realize you ruined the flowers, they were pretty, but whatever. You continue to walk and blah blah blah. When you finally reach the end of the isle, the sun shines in your eyes as you try to look at Chuuya, looking away because of the sun. Chuuya wears his normal scowl. You don't listen to anything that's going on until
"You may kiss the bride."
You were disgusted, you didn't want to kiss this.. this idiot! He leans in, you're heart beats loudly... Why were you so flustered?! Why was he hot?! He leans in super close, his lips gently brushing against yours, close enough to seem like you two were kissing. The crowd cheers as the hot sun beams down. You throw the (ruined) bouquet out into the crowd, some fat, rich man catches it. You cringe, looking at your new husband. He smirks
"Your face is red"
"Shut up!!!"
"HEY! NO YOU SHUT UP!" You're guys parents shoot you glares and you both quickly shut up. The death stare he gives you tells you all you need to know about how he feels... he doesn't like you.
Throughout the next month of living in the palace, Chuuya doesn't even acknowledge you. Maybe the occasional glare while eating dinner or passing by in the halls, but that's it. Until... One day his overbearing parents announce you two don't love eachother as much as you should, and they're sending you both on a couples vacation where you're sharing a bed in a hotel room! You both groan at the same time
"I DID IT FIRST, YOURE THE ONE WHO COPIED ME!!" You defend. Chuuyas about to yell again when his parents intervene
"This is what we mean." His mom sighs "You two have to get along, if you're both gonna be king and queen, you at least have to have the ability to collaborate. The only reason you're sharing a bed is because your father is a sucker for enemies to lovers trope"
And so, they send you and the angry redhead end up in a hotel room.. together... You avoid eachother all day, until bedtime...
"Alright dumbass, there's only one bed, so you have to sleep on the floor." Chuuya collapses on the bed, exhausted from the day he's had.
"I'm, excuse me? Oh hell nah" you push him over, scooting in next to him on the Queen sized mattress. A vain pops out of his head
"There's not enough room for both of us!!"
"Yes there is!!" You hiss. He pushes you off the bed. After you get up, you lunge at him, using your body weight to throw the both of you off the bed, landing on top of him. You burst out laughing, and he gives a slight chuckle, though quickly hid behind the usual scowl. You fall onto his chest while laughing over the situation and adrenaline.
"Get off of me!" A faint blush covers his cheeks
"Ah, sorry." You're laughter dies down but the smile on your face unwavering as you climb onto the bed, relaxing and giggling. Chuuya finally gives in and rolls over you purposely. A small shriek escapes your lips as he does so, but then... He smashes his lips against yours... Well that was unexpected...
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changbinsboiledegg · 7 months
pls do catch-ups for sunoo and jw 🙏
Okay lovely, I’m gonna use your ask for this lol 🫶 thank you for your request :) A bit late but I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: thigh riding kink, praise kink, hickeys, making out, smut or suggestive, not sure which to label this as???
Note: obviously if you’re uncomfy with these kinds of topics, don’t read! Anyways, if no one has told you today, ily! 🫶
Linking the Hyung line versions for those of you who haven’t seen them.
Thigh riding kink (Hyung line post)
“Almost done already?” Sunoo’s whisper in your ear sent shivers down your spine as you moved your hips faster against his thigh, creating a damp spot on the fabric of his jeans.
“Mmhmm…” you were a mess and he knew this. Sunoo’s hands caressed your hips, waist, and back as he allowed you to ride his thigh, coming undone with each moan that slipped through your lips.
“Next time, we can do more.” Sunoo smiled, watching your facial expressions. You knew you needed to hurry so he wouldn't be late to his dance practice before their concert, but you didn't care at the moment, feeling way too good to even want it to end.
You were pinned against the wall with Jungwon’s thigh between your legs after you had spent the evening full of tension with him.
He waited until you two were going to be 100% alone, pressing you against the wall and crashing his lips to yours.
He was unaware of your thigh riding kink until his thigh was between your legs and the soft whimper you let out upon contact.
“Is there a reason you're so needy tonight?” Jungwon asked, pecking your jaw next to your ear.
“No…” You were at a loss for words, slightly rubbing yourself against his thigh. He chuckled as his hands slid down to your hips, moving you against his thigh.
“No? Because I think I know the reason now.”
Praise kink (Hyung Line post)
“You’re so perfect. Always so amazing to me.” Sunoo praised, tracing the skin on your arm, giving you a fond look.
“Hey, you are perfect too. You always sound so pretty with the sounds you make.” You praised him back, knowing he loved it too.
Sunoo felt his cheeks heat up, and the desire that was there moment prior, had risen back up.
“Wow…” He breathed out, a smile painting his face prettily. You found yourself smiling with him, your thumb gently rubbing against his cheek.
“Always such a good boy, huh?” you knew what you were doing, but so did he.
He’s always praising you, not knowing how much it turns you on hearing him simply appreciate you.
That didn’t stop him when he did find out though.
“My angel, you make me so proud.” Jungwon came up behind you, whispering in your ear while out at a party together.
He knew what saying that would get you going, and he was correct, watching you slightly squirm, trying to keep yourself together.
“You’re so good at pretending you don’t want me.” He winked, still whispering so no one near could hear him.
You fought hard, trying not to melt at his words.
Hickeys (Reader giving) (Hyung Line post)
The moment you mentioned wanting to give him a hickey, he’d be on board, wanting you to mark him up.
Little did you know, he already had an excuse planned for if, and when, someone noticed the marks and asked about them.
“How many should I give you?” You asked after the first hickey was left on his neck. Sunoo thought for a few seconds, a slight smirk on his face.
“Keep going until you feel like it’s enough. I'm all yours.” Sunoo’s smirk grew, giving you full reign of his skin.
The next day, with a ton of hickeys on his body, he had used markers and different colors of eyeshadow and eyeliner to draw around them, making them look like a form of art— even if it was strange for him to suddenly draw on his body.
No one suspected a thing when the makeup artists and Sunoo himself tried to wash and wipe off the marker and makeup, thinking the hickeys were caused by smears and how rough they needed to wiped the makeup off.
“Anything for you.” Jungwon always said when you asked for something, no matter what it was.
Even giving him a hickey, he let you. But just one, which was fine by you because you didn't feel the need to mark him multiple times for your first time with him.
Just one, and it was on the crook of his neck, not too big, but definitely not small. Even his hoodie couldn't hide it completely.
“Wow.” Jungwon looked at it in the mirror later. It was right before the guys were going to meet up with him and right after you left. His heart started to race, a mixture of the memories from when he was receiving the hickey and the slight panic from knowing the guys would see it if they looked at him too long.
“This is going to be fun.” Jungwon nervously thought to himself, hearing the doorbell ring.
Hickeys (Idol! Reader receiving) (Hyung Line post)
The hickey he gave you was an accident. He intended to kiss your neck. He intended to suck on your neck after each kiss.
But he didn't mean to suck hard enough to leave a sizeable hickey in it’s wake.
“Sunoo…” you were staring at it through your phone camera, shocked that he did this in the first place. “I don’t have makeup with me right now!”
Sunoo was confused at first on why you were worried about makeup, but as he got closer to you, he saw his mark.
“Do you need makeup?” He asked, wondering where and why you would need it right away. You put your phone down, looking at him.
“I have a photo shoot in ten minutes!” You crossed your arms. Sunoo laughed a little to relieve any tension, “then why didn't you tell me?”
“I am so so sorry!” Jungwon wasn't sorry about giving you the hickey.
He was sorry that it got you in trouble with your manager. If he could, he'd give you more and he wouldn't care he saw.
But this was your career and he didn't want you to get in trouble, whether it risked your career or not. He certainly didn't want your manager to force you to breakup with him.
“Don’t worry, he’ll get over it.” You reassured Jungwon, who seemed more panicked than you about getting you in trouble. The hickey was covered in makeup so skillfully that it was almost as if it was never there.
“But you were talking to him for a while, are you sure?” Jungwon asked, the worry was evident in his tone.
You cupped his cheeks and kissed him, easing his worries, “I'm sure. My manager isn't strict like that. He just doesn't want me getting caught in a scandal.”
Favorite body parts on their partner (Hyung Line post)
SFW: okay, as weird as this sounds, I think his favorite would be your nose. Like Jay, I think he’s a nose booper too, except more intense. Bops your nose (softly & with care) with his lips, finger, stuffed animals, even got to the point where he has to catch you off guard because you’ve started to block his attempts to touch your nose in any way. He just loves the shape and thinks it’s very cute regardless of your feelings about your nose.
NSFW: fingers. Hands down. (No pun intended?) if we’re head canoning rn, he strikes me as a finger sucker. I'm sorry, I see him as a sub, like y’all would have to provide hard evidence otherwise. Back to your fingers, catch them in his mouth while he’s looking up at you, waiting for the next move. Alternatively, he loves the feel of your fingers on him and how pretty they look needily touching him.
SFW: Arms. Arms. Arms. He loves your arms around him, holding him, hugging him, he just loves your arms. He feels his safe place is in your arms and always looks forward to feeling them around him. Every time he thinks of you, his thoughts always center around the feeling of how you held him and the words you two spoke while he was in your arms. (Take a shot for how many times I’ve said ‘arms’ lmao)
NSFW: Alright, my immediate thought when thinking of what his favorite body part of yours is was hips. Out in public? His arms are around/ resting on your hips. In private? Hands. On your hips. :). Y’all know the drill, he’d be pretty handsy when it comes to your hips. It’s his favorite part to grip because it keeps you in place while you’re squirming too much :))))) BYE.
Note 2: I’m sorry, if we‘re still head canoning rn, I would like to say I believe Sunoo has/would have a praise kink too. Like y’all can’t convince me otherwise unless you provide solid evidence.
Tagging: @peonywon
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thatuselesshuman · 12 days
Making Art Until I Learn to Enjoy the Process Again Day 1
So I'm going to start this series where I make art I enjoy and post it until I learn to like art again. I'll put the why under the read more, so you don't have to read all that lol
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Boom, day one. This is made out of makeup products (lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, and highlighter) and also nail polish
Looks terrible but i had fun
Why I'm doing this:
This gonna be kinda serious and I'm usually a goofy silly person so stick with me.
As a child, art was my shit. I asked for a drawing tablet for my birthday, and my favorite class in school was art. I dreamed of becoming an animator or a comic artist. Then I hit 6th grade, where I figured out I was colorblind. It's not that serious or even that severe, but it still hit me hard. It seemed like everyone suddenly became sympathetic towards my goal, instead of supportive. They no longer believed I could become a professional artist because I had a disability that prevented me from fully seeing one of the main facets of art: color.
I didn't give up though, because I'm stubborn as hell. That didn't help me any with my art teachers though. My art teachers suddenly became highly critical, seeming to think they were doing me a service by letting me down early. Soon, that critical nature infected me and I started hating my art. It wasn't bad, just typical child art, but I refused to show it to anyone or do anything with it because I thought it was never good enough. I was tired of fighting the fight to convince people of my plan. I stopped trying at art by the 8th grade, and dropped out of art classes entirely by 10th grade.
The story continues however, when I was forced to take an art credit this year at university. I had long since stopped caring about art by then, so I just tried to get through the class. My art teacher, as per usual, was highly critical of my art. She found it childish, and eventually just stopped trying to genuinely critique it. She gave up on me. It didn't hurt me all that bad, but it did make me realize something. I used to love art. Now, it was a chore I had to get through for the credit. That didn't sit right with me for a while, and I finally decided to do something about it today.
Is my art good? No. Does it have any deep symbolism? No. Do I hate to show it to the internet? Absolutely.
But that's exactly why I'm doing it. I'm not going to get anywhere by having such thin skin, so I'm putting it to the fire of Tumblr. I'm going to enjoy making it, post it, and do it day by day (aka when I have time lol) until the comments on it no longer matter. Until I enjoy the art I make not because it's good, but because it's fun.
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quickspinner · 1 year
Lukanette prompt: Luka models for Marinette and she learns that he looks amazing in a ball gown.
Let's Rock This Runway
“What do you mean, she’s gone?” Marinette screeched. She tried not to yell at her employees, she really did, but this was not news that she could take calmly.
“She just said she had somewhere else to be and left,” her assistant said, too upset herself to be cowed by Marinette’s tone. 
Marinette wrung her hands to keep from pulling her carefully styled hair. “She’s the finale piece! It’s the lynchpin of the entire show, I can’t pull it! We—we have to put one of the other models in it, pull a different look—”
“There’s no time! Even if we tried, none of the other models is tall enough!”
“How could she just leave?” Marinette moaned. “This can’t be happening. It—it has to be sabotage, or something, a showcase model doesn’t just leave—”
“I’ll do it.” 
Marinette jumped and whirled at the voice behind her, and then looked up into Luka’s serious face. “W-what?” she stammered.
“I’ll do it.” He took a step back from her and pulled his shirt over his head. “I live with Juleka, I know the drill. I’ve helped coach her for years. I’ll wear it. You don’t have anybody else, right?” Luka grinned at her. “Time to make it work.” 
Marinette stared at him as he dropped the shirt and began unfastening his jeans. Mercifully he stopped there, waiting for her answer. 
“B-but your publicist—” she began, trying not to stare at the bright pink boxers peeking out from his open fly. He wasn’t even part of the show, he was only back here because he was her friend, and what would his agent think about his rising rock star wearing a ballgown in a highly publicized fashion show?
“They can deal. That's their job, after all.” Luka raised his eyebrows and sat down on a nearby chair to pull off his combat boots. “Well? Clock’s ticking.” He said it kindly, but Marinette knew he was right. She glanced at the clock and panic resurged. 
Marinette looked at him, and at the dress, and back, mind racing. It could work, she realized. The laced corset bodice meant there wouldn't be any problem with a zipper. The dress was sleeveless so Luka’s arms, which though lean sported far more muscle than Annie’s, wouldn't be a problem, nor his broader shoulders. Obviously Luka didn't have anything to fill the top out, but really, neither did Annie, so it shouldn't be a big deal. 
And really, what choice did she have?
“Let's do it,” she decided, motioning frantically to her dressers. They brought the dress over, and Marinette quickly turned to her assistant as Luka shimmied out of his jeans. “Get me a makeup kit and send Gerrold over here now. Threaten him, bribe him, I don’t care. Luka!” she called over her shoulder. “Can you walk in heels?” The hem was going to be too short for him no matter what they did, there was no way around that except to own it. 
“Better than you,” came Luka’s teasing reply, and Marinette rolled her eyes, still keeping her back to him. “Tell Yvette your shoe size. Yvette, get him the highest heels you can find that can match the dress. You know what, get a backup pair of flats too, I don’t want to deal with his agent if he breaks an ankle. Make sure he can walk in the high ones and if he looks unsteady, put him in the flats.” 
“How’s it look, boss?” called one of her dressers, and Marinette turned around. The full skirt of the princess style ballgown poofed out dramatically, just as it was mean to, and the corset molded to Luka’s torso as Devine laced it up in the back. Luka’s broad shoulders actually emphasized the narrow waist, making the silhouette even more dramatic, and he had enough muscle in his chest that the front didn’t gape. 
He looked…really good, actually. The deep red of the dress looked fantastic against his darkly tanned skin. Gerrod had arrived and was busy applying product, gelling Luka’s hair into an artistic mess that would mesh well with her other models, while giving him an androgynous look. 
“Makeup,” her assistant said at her elbow, and Marinette took the kit from her, reaching over the wide skirt to hand the kit to Luka. 
“I know you can do it faster than me,” she told him. “Just don’t get any on the dress.” The dressers were already frantically draping him in scrap fabric to keep Gerrold’s products from dripping. Luka went to work on his face, and Marinette turned away for a moment to make sure everything else was ready. Her other models were already lining up according to the directions of the stage crew, right behind—Lila. She was waiting for her cue but Marinette thought she caught a malicious smirk before Lila disappeared through the curtains. 
Marinette pressed her lips together. She was willing to bet every garment in the show that Lila had paid off Annie to leave early, or something similar. 
Underestimating Marinette, as always. 
She was so lucky to have people she could depend on. Marinette checked the other models, made a few last minute adjustments, whispered a few words of encouragement where they seemed to be needed, and then turned back to check on Luka. 
He was walking towards her, carefully holding out the full skirt, navigating the high black pumps Yvette had found for him with an ease that justified his confidence. His hair was side-swept and tousled perfectly, giving him a touch of androgyny that he had leaned into with his makeup work. Even so, he was every inch a man, and not really what she had intended for this look, but…
But it looked good. He looked good. His painted lips parted in a smirk as he saw her approving look. “Told you,” he teased. “Your clothes look good on anyone.” 
“I think it might just be that anything looks good on you,” Marinette said, hands reaching out to adjust the fall of the fabric across his chest, and smooth imaginary flaws from the skirt. “Thanks so much for doing this, Luka.”
Luka’s hands caught hers. “Hey. Anything for you, you know that.” He smiled as she met his eyes. “It’ll be okay, Marinette. I promise.” 
She couldn’t help believing him when he looked at her like that. Marinette raised his hands to her lips and kissed his knuckles. Luka took his place in line and Marinette ran to obey the stage hands directions, barely keeping her grip on the microphone he handed her before shoving her out on stage.
Somehow, Marinette managed to announce her line—for once her insistence on over-rehearsing was justified. The crowd applauded, and Marinette fled back behind the curtain as the music started. She had to force herself to watch the monitor instead of the line of models behind her. 
Marinette’s heart leapt into her throat as Luka stomped onto the runway as confidently as any model she’d ever seen. The crowd went totally silent for several full seconds before cheers and applause erupted. Don’t fall, don’t fall, don’t fall, Marinette chanted in her head as Luka made his way down the runway. She held her breath as he did his pose-and-turn, staring into the camera with eyes so intense the dress almost seemed redundant. Marinette’s heart skipped a beat and she watched Luka’s mostly-bare back ripple under the lights as he walked back. 
Then he was backstage again, and extending a hand to her. Marinette barely had the presence of mind to take it (God he towered over her in those heels) and join the models on their final walk. 
“Smile,” Luka whispered urgently, just as they stepped out together on the runway. They followed the line of models, still hand in hand, Marinette belatedly remembering to wave to the audience and cameras—
And then it was over. They were all backstage again in a confused mass as the stage hands tried to herd them out of the way for the next line of models. 
Marinette kept an iron grip on Luka’s hand until they were back in their own dressing area. The dressers swept in and began undressing the models and calling instructions. Marinette found herself and Luka left alone in a little eddy of calm for a moment. 
“Are you all right?” Luka asked her, cupping her cheek with his free hand. “You look like you might pass out.”
“I might,” Marinette said faintly, and then she threw herself at Luka, bursting into tears. 
“Woah,” he caught her, stumbling for the first time in his heels. She felt him shrink as he stepped out of them, and wrapped his arms around her. “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay, you made it. Don’t drip makeup all over this dress. Someone very important to me worked really hard on it,” he teased gently. He reached around her to grab a tissue from a vanity and dabbed at her face. 
The tears went as quickly as they came and Marinette caught his hand. “Luka you were amazing,” she told him. “Thank you so much, you have no idea—well, yes you do, but I—oh, Luka!” Reaching up, she grabbed his face and pulled him down to slam her mouth against his, heedless that she was crushing the skirt of his gown. Her mouth slid on the slickness of his lipstick, but he quickly adjusted to meet her. His arms slid down and under her butt to lift her up against him. Marinette wrapped her legs against his waist and buried her hands in his hair before she remembered his back and shoulders were uncovered, and her hands slid down to trace the muscles gone hard with the effort of holding her up. 
It was the first time the tabloids would be right about her making out with one of her models after the show. The incongruous thought made her break away from Luka to giggle. 
“It’s a shame you can’t model for me again,” she said breathlessly. “You’re really, really good at it.” 
“I might be persuaded,” Luka rasped, and cleared his throat. 
“Nope,” Marinette shook her head. “Not possible. I don’t date my employees.” 
She barely had time to see his grin before he was kissing her again. 
AO3 Works | Fiction Master Post 
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bokutosmochi · 1 year
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zenin maki x fem!reader
"two orders of ice cream crepe for zenin maki and anon please!"
ingredients? you and maki get sent on a mission to retrieve one of sukuna's fingers in an art gallery
what's it? angst
allergen warnings? talks about canon compliant death and mortality, reader's parents forced her to be a jujutsu sorcerer, talks of reader's parents using her
sugar level? 1.5k
regulars? @tokyometronetwork @tahonet
parlor's note? ... first wlw fic i wrote and it's about a topic like this :/
bon appetit!
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"y'know when i was a kid, i always wanted to be an artist. had a knack for it too." you crossed your legs in the limousine the school provided for you -- the art gallery expected you and maki to be daughters of one of the elites, they knew you two under a different name as well.
the car passed by a green area, filled with trees and other greenery just as maki turned to you. no longer hindered by the leaves and thick branches, the sun shone on your face, covered by a thin layer of makeup, casting you in its golden light and halo. "my teachers would always compliment my drawings, and my classmates would frequently ask me to draw them. i never minded, though i think if it happened a few more times, i'd start to think it was annoying. maybe i would charge them a few yen for it too." you laughed humorlessly.
you didn't have to explain anything anymore. maki and you were close. she aware of your living situation and how it was the opposite of hers -- while she forced her family in becoming a jujutsu sorcerer, enrolling in the school against their desire, your family decided for you. they didn't ask for your opinion and signed you up to tokyo metropolitan jujutsu technical high school without your knowledge, and shipped you off to the heart of japan a week before class started. "you're blessed with such a cursed technique." they tried to excuse their filthy behavior. "it'd be a shame if you didn't utilize it."
you realized why exactly they did what they did during your phone calls after school during your first year - you cut off all connections to them during your second year - they wanted you to surpass gojo. they hated the white haired sorcerer with a passion, they yearned for the wealth and fame your sensei has for being a sorcerer of his level. both your parents wanted to overthrow him and gain the power he has, but they were unable to do so. that was the reason they got together and had you. it was not because they loved each other, not because they wanted a child of their own to take care of, but because they wanted a heir that would be powerful enough to be better than the gojo satoru.
you closed your eyes after that, basking in the warmth, the feeling of the sun kissing your skin, and the classical music ijichi had playing on the radio. neither of the three of you felt the need to fill the space with unnecessary chatter.
"remember not to spend too much time in there. retrieve sukuna's finger then leave as inconspicuously as you can." the older man reminded you when you finally reached your destination. "i'll be waiting here for the both of you, but just in case something happens, you have my number correct?"
you responded in the affirmative, before stretching your legs and leaving the car.
the art gallery was of higher class and the fact was obvious just stepping foot into the establishment. violin and piano music reverberated throughout the entire place, giving it the feel that not every art lover was welcome, they only accommodated those they look at as deserving of their time and effort. the building itself is reminiscent of statues carved from marble back in the earlier days. it in of itself was undoubtedly artwork, detailed, classy, and refined.
an usher appeared by your side as you were taking it all in, voice gentle enough to not disturb you from your admiration of his workplace. "ms. oniishi, ms. takeshita, we have been expecting you." he bowed. his voice hinted at british origins, but he looked japanese, about in his late twenties, clean shaven and was wearing a neatly ironed suit.
you and maki bowed politely to him as well. "i am aware our fathers have already informed you of our private tour?" the woman next to you conversed with him effortlessly. the way she enunciated the word private made it seem like she meant it a different way than what was usual.
"of course, right this way." he led you through pathways decorated with paintings, some you have seen and are familiar with, and some you are not. there were also a healthy amount of sculptures and plants in expensive looking pots.
"i understand you would prefer to not have a guide for today's ventures?"
"yes, that's preferable, thank you." maki nodded at him with finality ringing through her voice and with a final bow, the man left the two of you alone, "well, feel free to stay and marvel at our wonderful collection of arrworks for as long as you would like. please enjoy."
there was a mutual understanding between you and the girl you were with when the man left. you did not need to speak it out loud -- it was time to look for sukuna's finger.
thankfully, there was not a lot of people passing by the exhibits so you were free to look around as you pleased, although you kept the presence of cctv cameras in the back of your mind. the only downside was that maki could only use her vision to look for the cursed object, unlike you who could both look for it, and sense the intense cursed energy it radiated.
at first, you thought that because of that, it may take you a while to discover where the finger lay, but it was a cakewalk. you found it on the floor, discreetly pressed against the wall behind madonna of brudges. you "accidentally" dropped your lipstick, and it landed right next to what you actually needed to retrieve so you gracefully bent down to grab both items, swiftly encasing them safely inside your bag.
"good job," the sorcerer greeted you with a rare genuine smile on her face before looking around the place. "we should probably stay for longer though. we've only been here for.." she checked the dainty gold watch on her wrist "thirty minutes. and this place is huge, it'd be suspicious if we left so early."
you agreed with her and really drank in your environment. you have been experiencing artist's block for the past few months, and as they say, art inspires art. maybe this is just what you needed, and even if it doesn't work, admiring pieces of art never hurt anyone. in fact, in this case, it might be more beneficial.
you took a longer time than maki whenever gazing at the paintings. being an artist, it prompted you to think about things, factors that came into play when the masterpiece was being painted that non-artists did not think of. she understood that, so she just let you be and stood quietly behind you. every so often, she would turn around and lean against the staircase behind you, people watching. after some wordless walking around though, there was a piece of art that struck a chord in you, said chord was too loud, it bounced around your brain like the dvd symbol whenever the dvd player was empty, waiting for the disk to be placed upon it.
"you know, this painting, it really is something." you mumbled quietly, so quietly that maki didn't know whether she was supposed to hear it or if you were just talking to yourself. but then, you answered her unasked question when you turned to her with a small smile. "are you familiar with this painting?"
"can't say that i am."
"it was painted by an artist named paul cezanne back in 1901, if i remember correctly. it belongs to a genre called vanitas paintings which are.." you stopped to try and phrase the words you wanted to say correctly, unconsciously clenching your fists while you were at it. "interesting to say the least."
"they're paintings whose main theme is memento mori; the inevitably of death. just kinda hits different because of our situation as jujutsu sorcerers." you smiled bitterly, no sort of amusement or happiness behind it; appropriate for a topic so bleak.
"the painting's named a pyramid of skulls and many people have their own interpretations of what it means. all of it surrounds death though, of course." your voice trailed down to a hopeless mutter.
no jujutsu sorcerer dies without regret
"gojo-sensei always told me that although we must always work with our fellow sorcerers, we will die alone, but i hope that things don't feel as sad as that. this painting, it kind of reminds me of us." you paused. "at the end of the day, we'll always die for.. almost the same cause."
"it does feel a little depressing, huh?" she hummed to which you just nodded.
no words were needed to be said, the way she held your hand and nudged you to rest your head on her shoulder was enough.
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i get: reblog
you get: a painting
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babybatscreationsv2 · 11 months
Marked ch 7
Marvel | Starker
When Tony's soul marks first appeared he was afraid he wouldn't be good enough for his soulmate. When Peter's marks appeared he was afraid of what the blood and bruises meant. Now they're left dealing with the consequences of a dangerous lifestyle and a lot of distrust.
(There will be one more chapter for this one <3)
Peter stared at the drawing on the wall. His brain couldn't seem to interpret a single line on the paper. It was a blurry, charcoal, smudge. He looked at his hands where the charcoal stained them even after scrubbing them clean in the studio's bathroom. Tony would share the marks. Just like Peter shared his bruise along the side of his right thumb. Had he broken his thumb fighting? He had a small bruise on his jaw as well. Peter had taken to covering the bruises on his face with makeup so that Otto wouldn't worry, but Peter couldn't forget that it was there.
Aside from an anxious looking delivery boy bringing him the gym bag he'd left in Tony's car, he hadn't heard from the man in a week. He tried desperately to focus on Otto's upcoming show. As his apprentice, he had a spot on the floor. He needed to concentrate. He couldn't make Otto look like an amateur by showing up with a bunch of charcoal smudges.
Peter closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. When he was calm he opened them. Finally the charcoal took shape. He clenched his jaw. Tony. It just looked like Tony. The profile of his face, long lashes against his cheek seeming to rest or maybe to cry. Did he cry after he left? He didn't seem like a man who cried easily.
A hand squeezed his shoulder. "Why don't you take the rest of the day off, Peter?"
"I should at least help clean up. That's what I'm here for right?" He turned around and smiled half-heartedly. The worry in Otto's eyes made his stomach hurt.
"You're here to learn," Otto said gently. "Not just art either. The best artists are people in tune with their own hearts."
Peter rolled his eyes. "You're the one who said he was dangerous and I shouldn't have anything to do with him."
"And I was right. But the heart wants what it wants. So you have to decide. Can you move on and let go or will you give in? Either way, you have to choose. You can't stand there all day willing things to be different. The charcoal doesn't draw by itself."
Throat thick with emotion, Peter nodded. He turned away and grabbed his bag from his desk. "Thanks, Mr. Octavius. Let me know if you need help this weekend."
"I will not. Get some rest."
Peter stopped in the bathroom on his way out. He only wanted to splash some water on his face, cool himself off so he could think a little better, but he saw something in his reflection. Something that wasn't there that morning.
The skin on his cheek was red. Was he allergic to the makeup he was using? He wet a paper towel and rubbed it away. His hand dropped as he recognized the shape. Bright red lipstick had left a kiss mark on Tony's cheek.
He dropped the paper towel in the trash and swept from the room. His hands twisted the strap of his bag as he walked home. His jaw clenched so tight it ached. Was Tony over him already? Just like that huh? Well fuck him and good riddance. He was an idiot for pining after him like this. He was the one that broke it off after all. He told him to leave. So what did he care?
Ned wasn't home yet which was just as well because Peter did not want to talk. He went straight to his room, barely kicking off his shoes before he flopped onto the bed. Absolutely nothing was worth doing, not even breathing. How could his soulmate be kissing someone else?
Hours passed in which he went from spitting mad to ugly crying and back again. By the time night came he was entirely numb. He woke the next day and dragged himself through his routines. And the day after that.
And the day after that.
He checked his phone and chucked it into the trash when Tony still hadn't called only to fish it back out again. Did he even care? Was he over it?
Peter looked at the scars on his knuckles that weren't his. He used them to wipe away the tears.
He stayed in a state of grief until the day of Otto's exhibition. Then he swallowed it all down, put a little makeup on to hide the shadows under his eyes, and marched bravely forward.
Otto frowned at the sight of him. "When's the last time you slept, Peter?" His hand squeezed his shoulder.
Peter looked down at the floor before taking a breath and meeting his eyes. "We shouldn't do this here. Everyone's watching." He put on a brave smile. "Everything's fine, see? And look how many people showed up. You're famous!"
Otto smiled. "You're right. But we will talk about this later, you have to take better care of yourself."
Peter slipped out from under his hand. "Will do. Have fun, Mr. Octavius." He joined the crowd though he avoided conversation as much as possible. He wasn't in the mood to be around people let alone talk to them, but he had a part to play so he did his best.
He was just finishing circling the room when he spotted a certain someone very intentionally turning his back to him. Peter turned away as emotion welled up in his chest and threatened to heave itself up. Why was he here? Why he did he have to make things harder?
He couldn't just ignore him. Despite everything, they were bound together for life. At the very least, they needed proper closure. And maybe Peter was a masochist, but he needed to know who Tony was seeing.
Peter turned on his heel to see Tony still very pointedly not looking at him. He set his jaw and marched forward. As he reached the man, he grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into the hallway. He shoved the bathroom door open and slammed it shut, turning the lock.
"What are you doing here?" Peter snapped. He stared at Tony's startled chocolate eyes and found some satisfaction in even being capable of startling a man like him.
Tony tucked his hands into his pockets. "I came to support you. I know we aren't together, but I know this is important so I came. Brought a few wealthy friends, too."
Peter crossed his arms over his chest. "I appreciate it. Now leave."
Tony nodded. He stared away at the stall door. "I know it's too soon. I'm sorry."
"It's fucked up is what it is," Peter grumbled.
"Fucked up?" He couldn't believe he had it in him to look confused.
"Because life is some cruel joke that I ended up with a soulmate who doesn't even want me." Peter huffed, a bitter laugh barely escaped his lips before the angry tears came.
Tony stared for a moment. When he spoke his voice was gentle. "What makes you think I don't want you?"
"I saw the lipstick on your face." Tony rolled his eyes and Peter snapped. "Do not roll your fucking eyes at me! I have a right to be upset."
Tony held his hands out. "You're right I'm sorry. That wasn't meant for you. Natasha can be a little-"
"Who's Natasha? Your girlfriend?" Blood rushed through his veins, boiling and burning. Natasha? Fuck Natasha.
"No," Tony sighed. "Can we please talk? At a normal not screaming volume?"
"Why? Is Natasha here? Is she gonna hear us yelling?"
Tony just looked at him. They stared at each other for a long moment, Peter fuming and Tony incredulous. Then Tony laughed. He laughed so hard he doubled over.
Peter stared at him, mouth hanging open at the display. How could he laugh about something like this? "What's so funny?"
Tony took a breath then he looked at him smiling. "I thought you didn't want me. You're the one who rejected me. You remember that, right? Am I having a stroke?"
Peter blushed. He turned his face away. "I just... I wasn't ready."
"And suddenly you are? Why because you're jealous?"
He pressed his lips together. "Thinking about you with someone else made me realize that I messed up."
"I..." Tony took a breath. "We can't be together just because you don't want to see me with someone else. You have to want to be with me because you want me."
Peter nodded. "I know. It's not that I don't want you. You know that."
Tony stepped forward and took his hand, wrapping it in both of his own. "I know you're scared. I'm terrified of what could happen. And I don't scare easily," he laughed. "I won't force your hand. You get to decide on your own time."
Peter looked at their hands together. He shifted on his feet. Could it be that easy? "What if we take it slow? We could go see a movie... hang out at my place. Try being friends first."
Tony was quiet. He gazed into his eyes until he had Peter shifting uncomfortably. "That sounds difficult. We're soulmates. Souls don't like to take it slow."
"I know it won't be easy. But it's worth it, right?"
Tony's hand rested against his cheek. "Of course it is. Anything is worth it for you."
Breathing as if for the first time, Peter took a step forward and wrapped his arms around him. Tony hugged him back. His arms were warm and safe and right in a way that felt like coming home. They stayed that way, just holding each other, for a long while.
Peter glared into Tony's shoulder as a knock came at the door. "What's going on in there?" someone called.
Tony chuckled. "Should we leave together or will that cause a scandal?"
Peter blushed as he realized the position they were in. Everyone was going to assume what they were doing alone in a locked public bathroom that is very much not supposed to be locked. The longer they stayed the more attention they would draw.
"Let's go somewhere," Tony said. "Somewhere we can talk more."
Peter looked up at him, still warm and comfortable in his arms. "I'd like that."
He let Tony leave the room first. He told himself he wasn't hiding behind the man, but he wasn't not hiding either. They waded through a small crowd that was gathered curiously by the bathroom door. There weren't many and Peter was grateful for that as they made their escape. Tony led him outside and up the street where his car waited.
"You didn't bring a date?" Peter asked. He couldn't help but keep trying to gauge where they were at, what he meant to Tony.
"Of course not." Tony took his hand and stopped him there on the sidewalk. He looked him in the eye, his gaze impossible to look away from. "Peter I haven't thought about anyone, but you since the day you bumped into me. I've been so caught up in you that I let an enemy get the jump on me and I would have died if you hadn't been there to rescue me." He paused, the words sinking down beneath his skin like soul marks waiting to be seen.
"You're everything. Every breath I take. I'll do whatever I have to keep you."
Peter swallowed, anxiety gripped his heart. "What if I just keep getting you into trouble?"
"Maybe I don't mind."
"What if we're not romantic soul mates?"
"I'm okay with that."
"What if-"
"Peter," Tony stopped him. "There's a million possibilities between us, but we'll never know what's possible if we don't give it our best. Can't we just ride it out and see where it goes?"
Peter chewed his lip. Then he nodded. "Okay."
Tony opened the car door for him and Peter slid inside. They drove down streets illuminated by yellow street lights while the sky was dark above. They didn't talk until the car stopped on the other side of town where the nightlife was far away. Only a couple with a dog walked along a gravel path down by the river.
"I don't come here often," Peter said looking at the park at the fireflies that twinkled around the playground.
"Me neither." Tony offered him his hand. "I figured it was quiet enough. Somewhere neutral. No pressure."
Peter took his hand. "It's perfect."
They walked down the path. The crunching of gravel was the only sound within the awkward silence.
"So," Tony started. He glanced at Peter. "What's your favorite color?"
Peter laughed. "Blue. Yours?"
"Red." Tony smiled.
"A good combination." Peter nodded his approval.
"I prefer red and gold."
"To each their own."
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starseneyes · 1 year
Goodbye Cheryl Anne Marek 1984-2023
If you've been around for a while, you've probably seen me talk about my dear friend Cheryl in my Metas. Well, this morning, she lost her fight with cancer after a 5 year battle.
Under the cut is what I wrote on other Socials to remember her... not by how she died, but how she lived.
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CHERYL UPDATE: At 1AM, my beautiful friend left this mortal plane.
I've had so much time to prepare, you'd think I'd be impenetrable, but I admit I'm aching knowing she's gone.
For 5 years, she battled terminal cancer. But I want to share a few memories of how she lived.
Cheryl and I met when we were 11. Gifted kids, both of us. We shared most our Middle School classes.
Middle School was an adventure that we all survived together. Cheryl and I were always friends, even if I don't think either of us would have considered each other a best friend at that point.
We shared a lot of the same friends, so it was natural we hung out together.
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By high school, we were both in the chorus. I tried track Freshman year, but there was a snag.
Despite Mom working 18hr days as a film/tv hair & makeup artist, she couldn't afford to give me money for dinner out after track meets.
I babysat, but couldn't earn fast enough.
When I told Cheryl why I had to quit, she offered to pay for my dinners the rest of the year.
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It was $7 once a week to Sonic, but to me it was an overwhelmingly kind gift. I wanted to turn it down, but something in me said to accept.
That was Cheryl's first gift.
After Sophomore year, I moved to Virginia. We didn't see each other for nearly a decade until she moved to Virginia—a half hour from me.
We started hanging out, again. Cheryl wanted to do a Fun Run, but I was strapped for cash. She gifted it to me. Another gift.
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I had three kids, and when the Littlest was not even a year, I was laid off. I built my freelance career bit by bit, but that first year was tough.
Cheryl saw the strain and took me for dollar tacos every Wednesday. Sometimes the baby joined and flirted with other tables.
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I hosted chili cook-offs and game nights, and lots of other fun over the next few years.
Cheryl was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and given 2% odds of living a year.
She missed her commissioning as a Civil Engineer in the military by three weeks. Her Cancer battle began.
The short version is that she beat it… then was diagnosed, again, then beat it, again.
We saw each other as much as her schedule of treatments and trips allowed. You see, Cheryl didn't let Cancer stop her.
She went skiing, ice climbing, adventuring, and built memories.
Cheryl came on a camping trip with me that Matt couldn't make. We had SO much fun… until my Eldest nearly knocked out 4 teeth.
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As I sped down the mountain she made calls. When asked how long we'd be, she said, "It won't take long. Rachel's driving like a bat outta hell".
We tried an RV trip together, once (LONG story), and the kids had a marvelous time out on the water with Aunt Cheryl.
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One of the last good times before Cancer came back a third time. And still, as she was fighting to finish her Doctorate (she did) and finding ways to help those she loved.
The biggest gift Cheryl gave me was a friend who understood me. She got me. And I got her.
Talking to Cheryl, she understood my drive. My passion. How I'd forget to take care of myself while taking care of others.
Because she was the same way. We were two of a kind.
Our last text exchange was one of gratitude and love. I only hope with all that Cheryl gave me, I gave her something precious in return. Because, golly, I loved her.
Rest in peace, Cheryl Anne Marek. Your fight is over. Your legacy will live on. And I will always love you.
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woofety · 10 months
I was tagged by @valentinaonthemoon (thank you! 😊)
RULES: bold the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it.
blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
-- so yeah, if we consider any piercing I have the "boring" one per ear as well, I'm kind of entertaining the idea of doing a second piercing on both ears near the ones already open but my lobes are rather small, so I don't know, we'll see // I've been dyeing my hair for some years now, since nature didn't give me red hair I took that matter into my own han... well no, actually my hairdresser's hands 😁 (I've never dyed my hair on my own, I guess it would be cheaper but I'm afraid I would make a disaster)! I don't even go entirely red, I just do meshes on top of my head and keep my natural colour behind and on the sides (I carry short hair), which is dark brown... and grey/white, because nature did decide to give me plenty of white hair even if I'm not even 35 yet, yay! 😅 I think I have to thank genetics from my father's side for it but whatever, I don't really mind much, it's not really the reason why I dye my hair anyway // if by "braces" you mean that infernal stuff used by dentists to trap your teeth and having a nightmare inside your mouth, yeah, sadly I had them, and I HATED it!!! And I know I definitely should have kept them more, and on both dental arches (I only wore it on the upper one) because my teeth are far from perfect, but whatever, since they finally freed me from that instrument of torture I was sure I never wanted to have anything to do with it again! // ah, the "I am pleased with how I look"... coming from someone who has been struggling with her body (especially her weight) practically all her life, you know what? I am arriving to a point in which I'm more sure of myself when I say that yes, despite everything I am pleased with how I look after all, not because I was born or grew up to be particularly beautiful, at least... canonically speaking? What is considered canonical anyway? I believe beauty is very subjective and personal in terms of appreciation, and I can only speak according to my own standards of "beauty", which would make me say I'm not really beautiful, but I've been working on myself, I've been dealing with my ups and downs, my satisfaction and my guilt for whatever I have been doing (or not doing) to take care of me, and I'm finding that with time more moments came in which I rooted for and appreciated myself and my appearance more than the ones in which I thought it wasn't worth it and I wasn't doing enough and even if I did, MY enough would never be enough anyway... maybe it was the effort and sacrifices I put myself through, maybe I'm learning to be kinder and less judgemental with the way I criticize what I (or don't) say or do, but I can see I'm doing better, and I know that it doesn't sound forced when I say it and that I want to continue to walk this path! --
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
-- I don't know if I can say that I am artistic, does occasionally making jewellery and accessories and a bit of calligraphy makes me so? 🤷And in all truth I'm not yet able to make them from scratch, so I generally follow others' tutorials, maybe tweaking stuff here and there, but whatever 😅 // So far I know, aside from my mother tongue - Italian - I know English and a bit of Spanish... well, not nearly enough to have a proper conversation I've been studying for not such a long time but I'm starting to understand more the written language and catching up a bit more on the spoken one, but the latter is way harder atm, as with all languages, I suppose... Unfortunately my Babbel subscription (I started learning Spanish there) has expired and prices have increased since last year, so for now I put it on hold, even if I finished the main courses and was going through the ones to expand my vocabulary, and tbh I had half a mind, if I reactivated my subscription, to start learning another language, which would be Portuguese 😊, but I'm not really keen on paying for two languages at the moment, idk... // Well, when I say I can cook without a recipe, let's say they are rather basic dishes and that I do it with recipes I've done over and over, because otherwise I'm rather "maniacal" in following a recipe, and that is true especially with baking, that I really can't do from scratch - maybe it's also because even the baking recipes I do more frequently, like muffins or pancakes, I don't do them often, in any case I would be too scared of forgetting or messing up stuff, so I always need to have written instructions... I would hate to fuck them up, both for my sake and my mother's, since we are the ones enjoying them! 😋 // When I say I enjoy singing, I'm not saying I am good at it, although once some years ago, when i was really in the mood (because I usually sing on my own, I'm still not that comfortable with doing it with other people around) and I started singing along with friends in a car, a friend of mine who a rather trained ear for music said I had a good voice... Anyway, I give my best performances at home with nobody around: I believe my go to songs would be Abba's, or my childhood's anime theme songs (the ones sung in Italian, if you've ever heard of Cristina D'Avena or Giorgio Vanni 😝), but I've even dared to try some Nightwish or Evanescence, even when I'm working out, can you imagine the result (especially when I work out, while concentrating on the lyrics distracts me from the effort of doing an exercise, there is that tiny aspect of keep my breath, which I definitely can't use for both singing and exercising, and sometimes even laughing at myself for even trying and failing both 😂) --
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends// I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
-- I really don't know if during the years I've made some friends online (which would have happened only here on Tumblr, since I didn't meddle with other social networks), there were few people with whom I talked I did consider friends, but I've been so awful at keeping relationships going with my inconstancy and disappearances that I'm aware it's rather difficult to keep up with me and I don't know if those people ever considered me even close to a friend 😔 --
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Summer is my favorite season
-- I'm probably illuding myself but I think I've heard the ocean in a conch shell? I like to think I did, at least 🐚 // something I would like to do is sleeping under the stars and watching the sun rise, especially the second, not that I had many opportunities to do either but I guess what really prevented me so far has been that I'm too lazy and enjoy comfort too much to sleep outside or wake up at ungody hours ah ehm 😅 // the sound of chirping calms me... mh, not really at not even 5 am when I'd like to sleep but it wakes me up, it doesn't 😆 I mean I like it, but I believe not even the birds are chill most of the time (not the ones outside my window for sure), so why would their "chattering" make me calm?! 😝 // I admit I've been enjoying rainy days with moderation more recently, because we have some problems at home with electricity we still haven't figured out (there is likely an exposed cable outside the house which, when there is rain - probably also directed by wind - makes electricity go off) and it's rather annoying since we don't know what exactly causes it yet; not to mention that recently with heavy rain there have been some pretty serious floods in the region and in areas near where we live which were disastrous for some people, towns and infrastructures - they were surely exceptional events but they made me more distrustful towards rain; also yeah, well, surely rain is less bothersome when one's cozy at home and not outside! Let's just say that I mainly enjoy light rain, or better just cloudy days, ok?! // for all reasons above, I couldn't bold the fact that I enjoy thunderstorms, in fact they terrify me, but that was even before recent events tbh // when I was little, while watching the clouds I often enjoyed spnding time to guess what familiar shape they took, it's a fairly common game, one that I sometimes do even now 😊 // I'm not really sure what "paying attention to colours" means, but I do keep an eye on them and their combination, not only while dressing (I'm not a fashionista at all, but I still pay a bit of attention coordinating my outfits, with the little I have), Idk I just really like colours! --
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 cats
-- as long as I feel I'm safe knowing that someone I know is with me and is vigilant, like traveling with me on a train, yep, I believe I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle, I did it in the past after all, in a car with my family even more so, but if I'm on my own there's no chance, I need to be alert at all times, I'd be to anxious for someone to take advantage of my being asleep // I don't think I may have eaten enough of Mexican food to judge it fairly, but so far I liked what I ate, and I read some recipes that seem delicious even if I haven't tried them // if "stick shift" is indeed a car, eh, theoretically I can, but I almost never do it, because the road (mostly other people driving) drives me nuts andupsets me... it's something I'm aware I have to work on, because now I fortunately don't have much need of it, but being able to drive is sadly important, and as much as I don't like it I'll have to learn to be more comfortable with it, sigh // alas, don't ask me how or why, despite all in this world that wants to prove me otherwise and my character and better sense, somehow I still believe in true love, whatever that means (I think how it is perceived is s also rather individual, I have my own definition of it, or how it should be, and I don't consider it exclusive to romantic dynamics btw - friendship is a form of love as well and it can be as powerful and meaningful and worthy of being considered "true love" too, and I will die on that hill // given that my making up scenarios is not relegated just to bedtime, as much as I'd like for them to making me feel more cozy and relaxed and help me distracting from the day to day problems that I can't possibly solve while lying in bed so that my brain would just shut the fuck up and leave me be for few hours please and thank you 🙄, the thing is sometimes I find an idea or scenario that gets me excited enough to keep me wide awake, which is rather counter-productive if you ask me 😅 // I don't actually sing in the shower, not at least while I shower, or at least i do it very rarely, but I occasionally like to sing in my bathroom and shower stall because i like the acoustics in there 😎 --
I'm not tagging anyone (not even sure if people I'd tag would remember me 😅), but if anyone wants to give this a try and let me know feel free to do it!
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martiandiamondrose · 1 year
Ziggy Stardust Headcannons
-actually listens to music he himself didn't create. He usually listens to Electric Light Orchestra though, for obvious reasons. He rarely listens to Queen, but he highly regards Freddie Mercury as an innovative artist.
-he used to be incredibly egotistical, but is slowly becoming nice as he originally was, and, therefore, is becoming more sensible.
-he will always be wild, though, and can be very humorous, but not to the extent of Halloween Jack. Ziggy is mostly humorous unintentionally.
-he is obsessed with various countries. England, Japan, and surprisingly his newest obsession is France. It was after David baked quiche and macarons once and educated the guys were they came from, and Ziggy has been obsessed ever since.
-he is a BIG eater. You can find him snacking on things from time to time, and he does it everyday, when ever he feels like it. He is even capable of doing it before dinner, and can eat all of it, it's basically impossible to ruin his appetite. He sometimes eats crackers, biscoff cookies, Oreos, anything from lays, Cheetos, and even pistachios. I suppose having a strong appetite runs through his family line.
-he wears his stage makeup offstage. While wearing some powder wouldn't make one raise an eyebrow, Ziggy would literally wear green lipstick in public, and doesn't conceal his love jewel (an actual body part, above his eyes) he doesn't care about being an extraterrestrial in public as opposed to Newton, or even the Starman to an extent (we will talk about the Starman in a future post) but the point remains that Ziggy, if he ever chooses to dress similar to a clown (on Pierrot's level), he wouldn't care if people stare at him, it's kind of his thing.
-he's practically the Bowie character that is most open about his emotions. Yes, there are men that are very cold and distant, (the Duke), some that are just serious and strict, (Jareth, Celliers, Adler) and the rest are open on the condition that they are close friends with the other person, (Aladdin with Ziggy, but not Aladdin with Major Tom) but Ziggy himself with voice his emotions with the most random people ever, as long as they are not dangerous or Duke, who is and will always be Duke, and is potentially dangerous.
-due to this, he is particularly very chatty. Ziggy is… one of those very talkative people who will talk about the most random things if it's in their will and if they're obsessed with it, who are unfortunately slighted as too annoying or too weird. Ziggy would talk about absolutely anything from obvious things like space, music, and clothes, to important things like politics, the news, and other things, to complete unexpected things like what potato chip brand has the crunchiest chips, why mold grows on random places, or even why insects have six legs. That guy will run his mouth about absolutely anything. Just don't call him annoying, it hurts him, and he thinks being called weird is a compliment. 
-he does cry, and what he feels is usually genuine. While Ziggy has had a history of manipulating people into praising him and getting what he wants (it always has been something like money or appraisal) he was going through a tough time in his life and developed unhealthy tendencies like toxic positivity (and forcing it on others), being fake, and starting drama. This is not excusing it, because it was so overwhelming to the point where David had to step in and pull him out of the mess, and Ziggy is trying to learn and grow from that experience, and talking about it makes him extremely uncomfortable. Now, his emotions are back to normal although he now is too distressed to think back to those times. If he is upset, he will definitely tell you if you did upset him, and reacts positively if someone is nice to him. While he doesn't cry a lot, especially uncontrollably, he is emotionally sensitive and will tear up respectively (at a sad movie or if someone is aggressive enough to him) but he won't give in unlike Newton who doesn't take much to cry. Sometimes, he will if he feels it is important.
-the man cannot draw. While there are very good visual artists (Jareth, Halloween Jack, and even Duke come to mind) Ziggy… is definitely not one of them. Yes, he is especially good at applying makeup, but he can't do it on a piece of paper. If he ever attempts to draw himself, he will come out wonky and his hair frazzled more than it actually is. Do not destructively criticize him, for he will get angry, but he wouldn't mind constructive criticism or improving. However, drawing isn't really a hobby for him. He tried to make it a hobby, but it didn't work for him.
-he once tried to be a YouTube content creator. He tried many sorts of things, like reviewing makeup, a music channel, or even a stunt/meme channel where he would film himself doing embarrassing, weird things like people did when Vine was at its peak. It sadly didn't work, and stopped when a few hate comments got to him.
-somewhere out there, he has a Tumblr blog that he never tells anyone about. Not even his close friends. He has secret online friends that he sends memes to every night, and posts weird things like the most bizarre things and theories ever "what if we are in a simulation/ the moon is flat/ clowns are a species/cats know the secrets of the universe" as a joke at midnight spanning to even 4am, characteristic of a lot of Tumblr posts shown in reddit YouTube videos when creators cover "r/Tumblr". 
-he stays up late. Ziggy is one of those people that can go to bed at 1 am, wake up a 7 am, without coffee, and wake up in no time. At 6 am, he is as energetic as ever as opposed to the other groggy men. Lately, David has tried to make Ziggy go to bed at a reasonable hour, and even tried to make him sleep in a few times. No matter what, Ziggy will always have his unique characteristic Martian rockstar energy.
-he unironically watches cartoons. You know, like SpongeBob, the Simpsons, and even ones like the Regular show and My Little Pony, Friendship is magic. He even has made OCs for every show he watches. One OC he cherishes the most is his pony OC "Starburst Nebula", whom he visualizes as a female dark blue unicorn with a yellow/white mane. 
-he writes a lot. He has written so many fanfictions over his pony OCs, and even made one where a Simpson OC marries Krusty the Clown. Please, do NOT judge him. 
-he also has many plushies. He usually cuddles with one, which is a 627 plushie from Lilo and Stitch, but he has many more plushies. He has a Flareon, a Sylveon, an Eevee, skitty, Pikachu, Stitch, Angel, Reuben, Leroy, Sparky, Hello Kitty, My Melody, Kuromi, Luigi, Princess Daisy, Rosalina, a red yoshi, Blaze the Cat, Hatsune Miku, Ruby, Stella, and Bubbles from Angry birds, many cats and dogs, and even has tsum tsum plushies of all of the Queen members.
-he is fine wearing his jumpsuits, kimonos, and other stage clothes casually. However, he is particularly fond of sweaters. In the fall, he would wear thin ones with sleeves, and likes drinking hot green tea. In the winter, he wears very thick sweaters with thick collars and thick sleeves. In the spring and summer, he wears thin ones without any sleeves. He likes soft clothes, and hates wearing jeans as they are too scratchy, unlike Aladdin or Halloween Jack. He finds t shirts boring, and rarely wears suits and vests, as they aren't loose enough for him and cause him to overheat.
-to wrap it up, Ziggy also likes to browse the surreal meme subreddit. Don't ask. Just…. don't ask. You won't and will never be able to understand.
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Love is Love (stepdad!harry)
**Information on Step-Dad!Harry One Shot/Potential mini Series**
WARNING: this will contain mature subjects including the following- talk of trauma due to abandonment, sex, & alcohol!!!
(Smut/a little Angst/Sick Scene/Fluff)
Word Count- 13K
Tumblr media
Y/n gave birth to her daughter Emma at the early age of 16. It wasn't a planned pregnancy of course. Her and her high school boyfriend was just dumb and immature teenagers, thinking skipping a condom one time wouldn't hurt anything. Well the one time they were too lazy to wear a condom was the one time she got pregnant.
She had the option for an abortion but y/n knew she could never actually go through with it. Getting pregnant was a mistake that she needed to take responsibility for. So a month after her 17th birthday, she gave birth to her beautiful Emma. Y/n's then boyfriend said he wanted to be a part of his daughters life, and he was. Until Emma was about 5 years old. When Emma turned 5, her daddy just left. She didn't understand why her daddy had left her. Being so young, Emma assumed she must have done something wrong. But in reality, her daddy was always a piece of shit who just acted like he cared for the first five years and gave up on acting because he said it was too exhausting to carry on.
So y/n raised Emma the best she could. She was a great single parent. Of course she had struggles like any other mum but she was a fighter and determined to give her daughter the best life even if she didn't have a dad in the picture. Y/n was lucky enough to be giving the opportunity to work a great, high paying job in Hollywood. When Emma was 7 years old, y/n went to cosmetology school to be a hair stylist and makeup artist. She thought once she graduated that she would just work in a small, local salon there in Los Angeles. Oh how she was wrong.
Somehow she ended up working as the hairstylist and makeup artist on movie sets. At first y/n only did the movie extras hair and makeup, beings most of their shots were from a distance and they didn't have to look perfect. Not that y/n was bad at her job, but she was an amateur. She honestly didn't mind doing just the extras who played in movies. She had done makeup and hair for extras in movies like Pitch Perfect, The Hunger Games, and 50 Shades of Grey. It was really a variety of all different genres of films and gave her really great experience.
Someone high up in the film stylist department on movie sets got in contact with people from high budget films and recommended y/n, but not only recommend her for movie extras but for the main cast of those movies. It was kind of like a promotion so to speak. When she got informed of this information, she was over the moon.
Her first job after being promoted was the movie Bad Moms. When y/n got the assignment of doing Mila Kunis' hair and makeup, her first time doing the lead role, she thought it couldn't get better than for her. Some producers of films don't know how big their movie is gonna be until its finished and out in theaters. I mean some movies just turn out as flops. Fortunately, Bad Moms was one of the highest grossing movies in 2016. The better the movie does by critics and the public, the more the people behind the scenes get paid. Whether that's costume designers, hair and makeup artist, location coordinator, etc.
In May of 2016, y/n got assigned to a movie that would change her life forever. Dunkirk. For this film, she would have to travel for the first time with her job. So far, y/n had only worked on movies that were filmed in Los Angeles. But Dunkirk would be filmed in a variety of places but manly in France. Beings that it was a Christopher Nolan film, she was going to get paid big money and she wasn't even starring in it. Just doing the actors hair and makeup for their on-screen appearances was gonna earn her big bucks. The only down side for y/n was that she would be away from Emma for a few months. Y/n's parents were gonna keep her until y/n got back home. She was happy to have loving parents who adored her daughter.
Y/n didn't know much about the movie Dunkirk and what it entailed. She just knew it was going to be a war movie. In the United States, schools don't teach students about that war in particular because it had little to no involvement with the US. Y/n didn't even know who was going to be in the cast until she arrived on set the first day.
Hair stylist and makeup artist for movies usually get assigned to cast members who will be in a lot of scenes together. So most big production films have several makeup and hair styles on set for that reason in particular. When y/n got the list of people she would work with, she almost shit her pants. Harry FUCKING Styles. Y/n thought Harry was just a singer in One Direction. When did he become a actor she questioned.
Y/n didn't know too much about Harry or One Direction. She knew they were super famous and loved by many but y/n was too busy with her job to be an active fan of them. For all she knew, Harry was some rude snob that yelled at everyone in sight. But when he came in to her trailer to get his hair and makeup done on the first day of shooting, y/n soon realized he was the exact opposite.
Harry was a lovely guy who was super respectful. He came in each day with a smile on his face and even started bringing y/n a cup of coffee each morning. Y/n got to learn a lot about Harry in the time she worked with him. She learned that One Direction went on hiatus. She learned that Harry is actually 4 years younger than her. She learned all about his up bringing and hobbies. Though she only got about 2 hours with him everyday, y/n felt like she had known him all her life. They really connected.
One day while y/n was in the middle of doing Harrys makeup, which wasn't a lot because he had a ton of under water scenes, he reached forward and kissed her. You'd think that y/n would have pushed him away or act surprised but she actually kissed him back. It wasn't a super long kiss, but a quick and gentle one. Harry knew he was risking their jobs but he didn't care. Well he did care but he knew how to be secretive and not get caught by prying eyes. Mainly because he was use to sneaking around from being a public figure for so many years and enjoying his privacy.
A week went by after that kiss and that's all y/n thought about. That was the best kiss she'd ever had and the kiss wasn't even that saucy. Harry couldn't stop thinking about that kiss either. He had kissed many people in his day, men and women, but something about y/n's lips on his was the best. He knew he needed more. So late one night when he was alone in his hotel room, Harry got the courage to ask y/n to come visit him. Earlier that week, he told her what hotel he was staying in and what room number he'd be in.
First, y/n was apprehensive. Not because she didn't want Harry like that. She thought he was very attractive and she could only imagine his skills in bed, but Harry didn't know her biggest secret as of yet. Something she was scared to tell him because she thought it would push him away if he knew. And that was that she had a daughter. An 11 year old daughter for that matter. Not a 2 year old but a preteen. Harry wouldn't want to be with someone that came with baggage. Not to mention her body didn't look the best. She had stretch marks and saggy boobs. Y/n was very insecure about her body. After thinking and thinking about his offer, she decided to yolo and just go for it.
She drove to his hotel at 12:00 in the morning and took the elevator to the proper floor. Then walked to his room. Harry was very surprised she actually came, but none the less excited.
Y/n walks in his hotel suite and Harry can tell she's nervous. "You look nervous y/n." Harry says quietly, not wanting her to feel any amount of uncomfortableness.
"I mean I am a bit. I haven't done this type of thing in a while and their is something I haven't told you and I don't know how you'll react." y/n spoke. Harry gets nervous for a moment, trying to find the right words to respond with.
"I'm sure what ever you need to tell me isn't going to scare me away. Plus its alright if you haven't done this in a while," referring to sex, "I'll go at your own pace and be gentle." Harry says sincerely. He's very versatile in the bedroom. Whatever his partner wanted, he could accommodate to. If they wanted him to be dominate and manhandle them, while pounding them into the mattress, he would. If they wanted to take over and dominate him, Harry would let them. If who ever he was having sex with wanted to go slow and make everything sensual, he did just that. So he is unsure what she was nervous about or what she needed to tell him.
"Umm," she stutters before spitting out, "I have a kid. An 11 year old daughter. And I'm sure you wouldn't want to sleep with someone who has a near bout teenager. Plus my body doesn't look the best. I have saggy boobs and a jiggly belly. May even have a loose vagina for all I know. Haven't been with anyone since I was with my daughters father and when we had sex, he didn't even communicate with me, letting me know if I felt good for him or not. He'd fuck me in the dark and as soon as he got finished using me, he'd turn around and fall asleep." Y/n is out of breath by the time she finishes saying all that. Harry just stands their in shock. Not that he cared she had a daughter. He was actually fine with that. If his feelings for y/n keep growing, her daughter will just be a part of his life as much as y/n would be.
Harry also stands their in shock at what she said about her ex boyfriend. How could any man have sex with a women and not communicate how they feel or ask them how they feel through-out. To Harry, he could have sex with someone he's only known for an hour, but you best believe, their pleasure is his number one priority. He always asks the girls he's having sex with if they are alright or if they feel good. The thought of a women not being taken care of during sex makes him sick to his stomach. Also Harry's been with many older women and most of those women have children. Not in full fledge relationships but the sex part. Mostly one-night stands. He's never cared about a women's imperfections. He thinks they're beautiful. So he doesn't care what y/n's body looks like or how tight or loose she is. Though tighter the better but it wouldn't be a deal breaker if it came down to it.
Without a second thought, Harry strides over to y/n and quickly locks his lips with hers. She's taken back but relaxes into his gentle touch. Pulling his lips away just slightly, Harry pants out, "Y/n, I don't care if you have a daughter. If this works out between us, she will be a part of my life as much as she is yours. And I don't care if your boobs sag or you have stretch marks on your skin. I just want to make you feel good. Can I do that?" Harry whispers the last part. Y/n is so overwhelmed that all she can do is nod her head for a response.
Harry presses his lips to hers again and leads them over to the bed. The kiss gets more passionate and their tongues start touching and spit gets exchanged. Blindly, Harry reaches the bottom of her t-shirt and slowly begins to pull it over y/n's head. Then he switches spots with her so that he's sitting on the bed and he pulls y/n on his lap. More specifically his thigh. Her jeaned crotch sits directly on his bare thigh due to the shorts that he's wearing having ridden up. Y/n moves unintentionally and it was just enough to bring a shooting pleasure through her body, making her moan into his mouth. She tries to replicate that feeling by intentionally grinding down on his thigh and she starts to subtly shake on his lap. She hasn't even had the time to masturbate in months so of course her clit is gonna be sensitive.
Y/n keeps a steady grind going on Harry's thigh while reaching to pull his shirt over his head. They break from the kiss only for a second and continue. Her panties are dripping at this point. She honestly doesn't know if Harry likes her riding his thigh. He hasn't told her to stop she thinks, so he must not care.
Harry reaches behind her while kissing and unhooks her bra. He carefully drags the straps down her shoulders and tosses it on the floor. Now they are chest to chest and he can feel her hard nipples rubbing up on his tattooed front. He wants to stop her hip movement but y/n seems way into her pleasure that Harry can't help but let her continue. He just wants her to feel good and if that means she rides his thigh and has an orgasm than so be it.
Y/n doesn't even intend to actually come on his thigh, but she underestimated how sensitive she was. All the sudden the knot in her stomach, that she didn't even notice seconds ago, bust and she has to pull her lips off of Harry's to cry out as her orgasm rips through her. She grinds down her pussy as hard as she can at first, but suddenly her clit becomes too sensitive and she jumps up so her crotch is only hovering over his leg. Y/n's breathing heavy on his neck and Harry is being patient with her and lets her body slump over his as he rubs over her naked back to sooth her.
A few moments later once y/n has got her breath more controlled, she whispers, "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to come yet." Harry can hear her embarrassment by the way she speaks. He doesn't want her to feel embarrassed. He actually found it really sexy, watching her come all over his thigh.
"Hey," Harry pulls her face back from his neck so he can look at her face to face, "it's alright. I didn't mind. Just want you to feel goods all and I'm assuming that felt good yeah?"
"Yeah that felt really good." y/n says breathlessly.
"Good." Harry quietly replies and stands up turns them around so that y/n's back is on the mattress. He crawls up on the bed beside her and begins to unzip her jeans with his slow fingers. Then he pulls them down her legs. When he comes back up, he hooks his fingers in the sides of her panties and searches her face for reassurance. When she gives a small smile, Harry proceeds to pull down her soaked panties as well. Y/n is quick to cross her legs but Harry isn't having any of that.
"Y/n, you look amazing. I don't even see any flaws on your body. Alright? I won't judge you for how you look. I'm much smarter than to judge a women's body because I think every women is unique in their own ways." Y/n could literally burst into happy tears right now. She has never had someone speak so highly of her naked body. She always thought she looked ugly and fat but Harry sees otherwise. And she knows Harry is being sincere because from the amount of time she's known him, he's always had the up most respect for everybody but especially women. This is the type of man any women would be praying to marry she thinks to her self.
Harry stands from the bed and reaches down, sliding his sweat pants and boxers off. He isn't the slightest bit embarrassed about what he has. I mean he doesn't go around and brag but he knows he was gifted with a beautiful cock and every girl he's ever slept with has told him that.
Before he gets back on to the bed, Harry grabs a condom from his pocket, remembering safety first because doesn't want to accidently get her pregnant again and then questions, "Umm... how do you want to do this? You on top? Me on top? Whatever you like is what we'll do. Just want you to feel comfortable."
Y/n is falling more and more in love with Harry she thinks. Usually the man does the position he wants to do without even questioning his partner. Not Harry. He's always asked his flings and one-night stands what position they're comfortable in. For many reasons really. One being that the experienced women he's been with usually know what position gets them off the best. Two being that some women are unsure the possibilities of other positions and he will suggest a new position for her to try for the first time and see if she likes it. But for y/n, she's basic when it comes to sex. All her and her baby daddy did was missionary and in the future y/n may want to explore new positions, but right now she wants to just go with the classic. "You on top." she speaks slowly, as if she's unsure of herself.
With that information, Harry crawls up the bed and straddles her thighs. This is the first time y/n has got a clear view of his penis and she is in heaven at the sight. It's beautiful in her eyes. She could picture his cock in a porno or for educational purposes in a text book. It's got a bit of girth but not to girthy. It's long. Like very long. She guesses 8 inches or more. He isn't circumcised but that doesn't matter to her. A perfect cock to her is natural. Not one that's had surgery before. (Unless it was for health reasons.)
She hadn't even realized she was staring until Harry breaks the silence with, "Do you want to put it on," referring to the condom in his hand, "or me?"
"Oh um, you can." y/n speaks shyly. This was their first time being together sexually and she wanted to do the least possible things that could end in her embarrassment. Yes she has a child but she lacks in sexual experience. Her and her ex boyfriend was super young when they began having sex and neither of them really knew what they were doing. After Emma was born, they had sex a couple of times but like mentioned earlier, it was basic sex that she didn't even get off from.
Harry takes the condom from the wrapper and rolls it on his hard length, making sure to leave tip loose so his cum has somewhere to go. He's an expert at using condoms because with his career, he can't risk getting anyone pregnant. When the condom is perfectly secure, he hovers over y/n, supported by his muscular arms, and bends down to reconnect their lips. While kissing, Harry glides his hand down her body until his fingers meet her groomed pussy. He avoids her sensitive clit and dips a finger between her lips to see how wet she is. He knew she was some degree of wet from her recent orgasm but Harry being Harry, he wanted to be extra cautions and make sure she is wet enough for intercourse.
At the feeling of his fingers caressing her slit, y/n moans into his mouth. Harry can clearly feel she's wet enough for him. She's already dripping on the bed sheets. He removes his hand from her wet pussy and places it around his latex wrapped cock. He positions his tip at her entrance and begins to slide it in. "Mhm." y/n whimpers at the pressure between her legs.
"You alright? Just need to let me know if I need to stop and I will." Harry heaves out, looking down at the beautiful women below him.
"Yeah I'm good. Just tighter than I thought I'd be and its a bit uncomfortable but I don't want you to stop. Keep going." she says back.
"You're defiantly not loose I can tell you that. Feel like I could already burst and I'm not even half way in." Harry tells y/n, with his face contorting from the pleasure he's receiving. He takes his time sliding into her tight walls. Maybe its the fact that she had her daughter 11 years ago but with all the milfs he's slept with, Harry's never had any to be this tight. Not that any were loose but this is virgin level tight. And he's had sex with many virgins so he's well equipped in that area as well.
Harry finally makes it all the way in and stays still to allow y/n to adjust. While painfully waiting, he kisses along her jaw and neck, trying his best to comfort her and help her relax. They aren't dating officially yet so he doesn't want to scare her off with too much affection, but they know each other more than just a one-night stand would. He feels some kind of an emotional connection with her and Harry hopes she feels the same. So until she states otherwise, he feels its okay to show her sex is much more than stick it in, pump three times, cum inside female, and retract. It's about feeling vulnerable and letting euphoria take away your worries from the day. Even with the many one-night stands Harry has had, he made sure they always had the best time and even gave them proper after care when it was all over with.
"You can move now." y/n shakily says aloud while keeping a tight hold around his back with her arms. Harry pulls back his hips slowly and pushes them down to meet his hip bones with hers. His pubic hair grazing her trimmed mound. She moans but Harry can tell it isn't filled with complete pain. Y/n is beginning to enjoy it which is a good sign.
Repeatedly, Harry thrust in and out of y/n at a slow rate, not wanting to go too fast for her but she needs more. She's not feeling any more pain and her tummy is coiling up fast. To be honest, she's only ever came from penetration and penetration specifically once and it was by accident. One of the first times y/n and her ex boyfriend had sex, he was pounding into her and he angled just right and her body went into a frenzy. She's only ever felt that level of pleasure from her clit. So when her ex randomly hit her g-spot, she lost control of her body. Which was scary for y/n because she didn't fully trust him. Not that he was super evil and would do harm to her but in the state her body was in and the level of knowledge he knew at that time, she was scared to let go completely in his presence. With Harry, she feels completely safe. Even a little too safe if that's even a possibility. She may be older than him but his knowledge on sex makes her feel twice as young in the moment.
"Har....ry can..can you maybe go faster please. Feels so good." y/n moans below him.
"Mhmm of course love." Harry whispers in her ear and if he was in a different situation, he might have scolded himself for using the word 'love' but he couldn't find a reason to care right now. He listens to her request and starts to pick up his pace. The sound of skin slapping skin aluminates the hotel room, along with heavy breathing and low moans. Neither of them feel 100% comfortable moaning freely because this is their first time and both are a little self conscious.
Without stopping his steady pace, Harry brings his hands down from their position by y/n's head and grabs both of her legs, wrapping them around his waist. This creates her hips to elevate more and allows Harry to rub her g-spot repeatedly. Instantly, y/n throws her head back on the pillow below her and subconsciously digs her nails into his back muscles. Harry can defiantly feel the marks it's bound to leave but actually enjoys the sting it brings.
Over and over Harry's hips pound into her pussy and y/n knows she's close. When her ex boyfriend and her had sex and the rare times she actually did come, she never would tell him. She'd just crumble from her climax and her ex would soon follow. So right now she's debating on if she should warn Harry her orgasm is coming or just let go freely. Is that even a normal thing to say during sex? Letting your partner know you're about to release? Y/n didn't know the answer to those questions.
With Harry's knowledge and skills on sex and all things sexual, he can pick up on the signs that lets him know the female is about to come. By the way they hold their breath for seconds at a time. By the way their legs start shaking and chest heaves rapidly. And the biggest sign of them all are the vaginal contractions. When the female is close to or is in the process of having an orgasm, they squeeze their stomach muscles, which in return squeezes their vaginal walls that the male is penetrating in. Right now Harry can feel and see all the signs that y/n is on the cusp of letting go.
To help y/n reach her release faster, Harry brings one of his hands down to her throbbing clit and begins to rub pressured circles into it. This causes y/n to jerk and squirm and wanting to let her know that she doesn't have to hold on any more, Harry takes a deep breath and says in a dry voice, "You can let go y/n. Come on my fingers and cock."
With the reassurance from Harry, y/n finally feels comfortable and safe to let go. The way his fingers work perfectly on her clitoris. The way his long cock rubs her g-spot with every thrust. The amount of pleasure she's receiving is too much and she orgasms all over his dick. Her body shakes uncontrollably and her back arches off the bed, making her breast press against Harry's. She digs the heels of her feet into his ass cheeks. There is sweat rolling down her face. Her mind is completely blank and for the first time in her life, y/n has let go physically and mentally. The comfort of Harry allowing her to feel safe enough to do that.
Harry soon follows his release with hers. He's been holding off this entire time from how beautiful she looks and how tight she is, but feeling y/n squeeze his cock, he ejaculates ropes of cum in the condom. He lets little grunts escape his lips and is too deep in a state of pleasure to care if he sounds ridiculous or not.
Harry removes his fingers from y/n's clit and stops his hips from moving. Then he gently falls on her chest and buries his face in her sweaty neck. Both of them are heaving heavily, coming down from their highs. All y/n is thinking about is how that was the best sex she's ever had. Well she's only had sex with one other person so its not much to compare to, but it was way better than her ex ever gave her. Harry is thinking the same thoughts. That was some of the best sex he's ever had. Maybe because he's truly catching feels for y/n but on all levels: emotionally, physically, and mentally, that was the best sex he's ever experienced.
After laying together and catching their breath for a few minutes, Harry gets up to go into the hotel bathroom and fetch y/n a cloth to help her clean up. He comes back a minute later and carefully wipes over her sensitive pussy with the damp cloth and then helps her put on her underwear and bra so she's more comfortable. Harry does the same with himself. He puts his underwear back on so y/n doesn't feel weirded out or uncomfortable around him.
Nervously Harry asks, "You can stay if you'd like? I know its late and I'd hate for you to drive back to your hotel at 3:00 in the morning."
"Alright but I need to make sure I wake up a bit earlier than my normal time so I have time to go back to my hotel and get dressed before I have to be on set for hair and makeup." y/n replies back with a sleepy smile. Harry is very happy she decided to stay. He's never kicked one-night stands out after having sex but he's never asked them to stay either. He usually loves to cuddle with them even if they barley know each other because Harry is just a cuddly person. But he has to remember that y/n isn't some one-night stand. She's a women that does his hair and makeup on his movie set that he just so happens to have caught feelings for.
Harry goes around the room turning all the lights out and pads over to the bed where y/n is laying. He peels the covers back and slides in. At first he's scared to try and cuddle her. He doesn't even know is she likes cuddles when she sleeps. She may be the type of person who loves their space because they get too hot or just feel claustrophobic when someone is too close. So instead of trying to cuddle y/n, he just lays on his back and stays awkwardly silent. Its y/n who brakes that silence. "Do you like to cuddle." she whispers shyly.
Y/n is a very cuddly person herself. She doesn't get to cuddle many people but when she does, she loves it. Makes her feel safe and secure. She was nervous to ask Harry that question. Y/n just didn't know she was reading Harry's mind. "I love cuddles. Was gonna ask you the same thing but got too scared. Didn't know if you'd like that or not." Harry responds just as shyly. Y/n scoots over and hesitantly lays her head on his tattooed chest, right on his heart beat. He excepts her body instantly and wraps his arms around her back, shoving his face in her untamed hair. Then with the heavy hotel comforter on top of them, they fall asleep is a comfortable silence.
Surprisingly after the night that y/n and Harry had sex in his hotel room, it wasn't that awkward between them. He came into her trailer to have his hair and makeup done for his scenes of that day, and brought her a cup of coffee like usual. Harry did notice she acted a little shy, but didn't question it too much because he knew it was probably just in her nature. Being that intimate with someone and then acting like it didn't happened would be hard for anyone he thinks.
The days went on and finally the movie came to a wraps. Y/n felt really sad but Harry didn't. Well he was gonna miss his fellow actors that he was with each day but Harry knew he'd see y/n again. They actually made plains to meet up when they arrived back in LA. They still hadn't labeled what their relationship was at this time but they both knew it was more than a friendship. Both Harry and y/n were just afraid to say it. To say it was turning into a relationship.
For many reasons really. Y/n was scared to actually be in a relationship because she was afraid of Harry leaving her like her ex boyfriend did. She didn't want to put her daughter through that again. Also she knew being in a relationship with Harry came with a lot more baggage then she even had. She never thought it through properly, but Harry is famous famous. Y/n was good with taking criticism and hate but she knew that some people in his fan base was ruthless. And having Emma exposed to all that was something that terrified her.
Harry was scared to call what they had a relationship for many reasons as well. He knew that most of his actual relationships never lasted long due to them not being able to take online criticism very well. It would always get too much and they'd leave. He never really blamed them because he knew what his life entailed. The paparazzi and stalkers. The millions of fans that caught his every move. Also Harry was afraid of commitment. Not that he was scared he'd accidently cheat because he was getting tired of the same person each day, but afraid that one day he would realize it just wasn't meant to be and brake her heart. It would kill him to see y/n's heart get broken over something that wasn't even her fault.
When they got back to Los Angeles, y/n told her daughter Emma about Harry. Emma being a moody preteen was not pleased. Emma didn't care if he was famous. She lived in California where she'd walk by celebrities on the streets, so it was a normal occurrence for her to casually see someone famous. Not to mention her mum working on movie sets and getting autographs and photos with them all the time and bringing them home to show her.
When Harry got a break from his movie promo, he invited y/n and Emma to come to his home. Harry was always cautions as to who he let come to his house. If he ever gave his address to the wrong person, they could share it online for millions to see and he'd end up having to move. But he trusted y/n and wanted to spend some time with her that wasn't in some tiny trailer on a beach in France. Even if that meant Emma had to tag along. If Emma was a part of y/n's life than he'd fully except that.
At first, Emma was shy towards Harry. She knew he was really nice and she liked that her mum was happy, but she had deep rooted trust issues that her father gave her. So any man that her mum tried to be friends with or attempted to date, she would stay cautious and keep a guard up at all times. Also something that Emma found weird and hard to fully except was their age difference. Not that she found anything wrong with it but her mum already had her at a young age and Harry being younger. That would have made him like 12 or something when she was born.
Two months of being back in LA and they made it official. Y/n and Harry were dating. They still choose to keep it on the downlow from the media, but to them and close family, they were a couple. Emma was upset at first but finally excepted it. Her excepting it didn't mean that she was over the moon but she warmed up to the idea more than she had before.
They couldn't do normally dating activities like go to the movies or eat at fancy restaurants because of potential paparazzi, but Harry always tried to make up for that. He'd instead take y/n to his private beach in Malibu and they'd go hiking in the forest. Y/n would get her parents to watch Emma so she could stay the night over at Harry's house on weekends. They'd watch Netflix and cuddle on the couch. Have sex when they got the chance. Life was going good for them.
Through-out all of 2017 and 2018, Harry and y/n continued dating. They had bumps along the way but nothing that they couldn't work through. Y/n still worked as a hair and makeup artist for movie actress and actors. Harry still wrote and preformed music, along with a few acting gigs here and there. Y/n even moved in with Harry at his Los Angeles home a year into officially dating. Along with Emma of course. He gave Emma one of his many spare bedrooms. Harry could actually see himself marring y/n.
She had everything that Harry looked for in a partner. Y/n had a nice personality. Always caring for others. She didn't have the perfect body but that's what made Harry fall in love with her from the start. She didn't care about what others thought of her. Except for Harry because he was the only one who mattered. She was an exceptional cuddlers in bed. And watching y/n and Emma's relationship, it made Harry question what it would be like to see her holding a baby. A new baby. Their baby.
Harry also grew to love Emma. He noticed that she was very timid and shy around him at first but as time grew, she came around. He knew why she was being closed off because y/n explained a lot about their past a few months into dating. Not wanting to keep him out of the loop for too long. So Harry never held it against her or got aggravated with her when she didn't want to share certain things with him or just wanted to be around her mum. He knew how hard it was for him at the age of 8 when his mum and dad got divorced and his mum started dating someone. It took him a while to except his stepdad into his life, but eventually Harry considered Robin his father. Not step but just dad. He was devastated when he got the news of his passing and had to take a trip back to England for the funeral. Harry invited y/n and Emma but they declined saying it was a private family matter that they didn't want to intrude on.
In January of 2019, they got engaged. Harry purposed to y/n during a lovely picnic on his private beach in Malibu. Just him and her and the beautiful Pacific. He was very scared to ask her. What if y/n thought their relationship was moving too fast. They'd been together for a little over 2 years but some couples wait a decade before getting engaged and married. The one thing that made Harry brave enough to actually purpose was all the conversations they'd have late at night or on long distant car rides. Conversations about starting a family together. What it'd be like to have babies they made together. What it'd be like to be officially tied to each other for life. He couldn't see a life without y/n at that point.
Y/n said yes without second thoughts. She loved Harry. Was in love with Harry. And she loved how excepting Harry was of Emma. He never tried to exclude her from things. Always wanting her to be a part of their relationship. Except when he wanted alone time with y/n. They would finally be a proper family. Even though they both knew that a ring or a certificate didn't have to be necessary for them to not already be a proper family. Because they were already a family in their eyes. Harry just wanted to make y/n his wife so they were solidified.
In June of 2019, they had their wedding. It was a small wedding on the same beach Harry purposed to y/n on. They had only close family and friends. Harry's mum and sister came to California all the way from England. Y/n's immediate family were there. It was just what they wanted. Simple but sweet and very private.
Unfortunately the wedding announced their relationship to the public. With all the pictures their friends and family took and posted to Instagram, it was fast news in the Harry Styles fan base as well as major media outlets. Because they had been together for a couple of years, most of Harry's dedicated fans already knew about their relationship. Being as secretive as possible but still trying to live life so the odd appearance of them together would leak. Well it was never set in stone for them but they just assumed and most got it right. Some of his fans didn't take the news well. Saying it was fake and their relationship wasn't real. A stunt as some fans said. Other fans were just happy that Harry was happy. Then a couple fans were just sad and jealous but none the less happy. In the end though, neither y/n or Harry cared about what the public had to say. It wasn't their business even if Harry or y/n occasionally shared glimpses of their relationship online.
After their wedding and a long long conversation, y/n and Emma moved to London with Harry. Harry was still keeping his Los Angeles home for when he came back to visit or work, but wanted to go back to England because he was getting homesick. He'd travel back to England a few times a year as it was for Christmas or family emergencies, but mainly stayed in California for Emma and y/n. Harry knew that y/n loved her job and Emma went to school, but he came up with other options for the both of them.
Harry actually got y/n a job as a hair and makeup artist for UK singers. Well it's wasn't just UK singers but more or less singers singing in the UK. Like for instance Taylor Swift or Shawn Mendes when they would have concerts somewhere in the UK. Instead of doing the hair and makeup for actors and actress in movies or tv, she would be backstage at arenas and stadiums doing the touch ups on singers and performers hair and makeup when they came backstage for costume changes or during the halftime breaks of concerts. Usually singers would need light powder on their faces due to sweating or need a little hairspray if their hair is falling out of place.
As for Emma, Harry and y/n agreed to put her in a private school located in the heart of London. She had the option for public school but beings as though y/n and Harry had unpredictable schedules with their jobs, they knew that private schools were more lineated on missing as long as its a viable reason. And Harry had the money so why not put Emma in a top learning school that would give her the best education.
Emma wasn't happy at first. Moving to a whole other country was a big change for her. She went to a public school in California where she had friends and she had her grandparents that she loved dearly. Though she did visit England a few times since her mum and Harry's relationship begun, living there would not be the same as visiting for a few days. Also she worried the people at her new school would make fun of her accent. Emma had the typical California accent that you hear in movies and tv. Plus she was worried people would bring up Harry all the time.
Back in California, ever since Emma's mum and Harry's relationship was announced to the public, unintentionally, that's the only thing people talked about with her. How is it like living with Harry Styles? Is it weird I want to fuck your step-dad? Have you ever seen him naked? How often does he and your mum have sex? Emma was tired of people only wanting to talk to her because of who her step-dad was. And anytime those questions would be asked to Emma, it made her want to vomit. He's her fucking step-dad. Yes she can obviously see he's not ugly and has a nice body, but thinking anything sexual about him was gross to her. Emma didn't see Harry in that way. She barley saw him as a dad because of his age and her stubbornness to not let him enter her life completely.
Don't get Emma wrong, she loved Harry and y/n's relationship. She had grown fond of their family of three. It's just Emma never got too close to him or let him into her personal problems. Anytime she had trouble at school or felt troubled in anyway, Emma always went to her mum. Most times y/n would tell Harry anyways so he knew about the issues Emma had, but excepted her daughter still being a little closed off towards him. She knew that Emma was slowly growing from her past trauma of abandonment and was letting Harry closer as each day went past.
Once they moved to England with Harry (late 2019), in his London mansion, y/n started her new job and Emma started her new school. Y/n actually really enjoyed her new job. A lot of the celebrities she worked with, she had either met before from being married to a pop star or knew personally from Harry actually being friends with them. Emma started her new school. In America she was still in middle school but there in England, she was actually going to be in high school. Which she thought would be terrifying but turned out to actually make many friends. Friends who didn't care who her step-dad was. Of course some occasionally asked about Harry, which she didn't mind if it was innocent questions like when he's putting new music out or does he sing around the house a lot, but a few of her friends did like asking invasive questions.
Harry had to explain to Emma what she could and couldn't say about him. Like Emma couldn't go to school and share a unfinished song that he had shared with her and y/n. Or Emma couldn't talk about private matters when it came to his career. That wasn't much of a problem for her anyways because she quite liked knowing she had secrets only she and her family knew about. It was fun to her.
When covid-19 hit the world in the beginning of 2020, all three of their lives were put on hold. Harry couldn't go on tour like he had planed. Y/n didn't have a job because her job required concerts to happen and concerts everywhere had stopped. Though her not working didn't matter financially because being married to Harry, she was already rich, but she was sad because she actually loved her job. Emma had to do school work at home through zoom calls. Other students on zoom would beg her to show Harry on screen or ask her to sneak a candid shot of him doing an everyday task, but she was more respectful then that. Emma knew Harry liked his privacy and she knew how he struggled with finding it and knows his home is one of his safe spaces that she didn't want to mess with. She even had teachers that would try and medal in her home life and ask unnecessary questions just because they knew she lived with Harry. It aggravated her but she just had to ignore it and move on.
So through the remainder of 2020, y/n, Harry, and Emma stayed at home most days doing family activities or doing work related jobs that could be done at home. For Harry it was writing songs. For Emma it was school work. For y/n it wasn't much because she relied on other people in order to do her job but she did give Harry and Emma hair cuts and makeovers when she would get bored.
Now in the current year of 2021 and the world is slowly opening back up. Harry still couldn't tour yet but he got to do the odd radio interview if it was in England. Y/n started getting a few jobs lined up for some small concerts they're allowing to happen. Emma went back to actually attending school. Life was slowly getting back to normal.
Until one day, y/n had to fly back to LA for a friends funeral. A friend she had in school and kept in touch with for a few years after. They hadn't been the best of friends in recent years but still spoke over text every few months. Y/n got the call that her friend was in a horrible car accident in the middle of the night. As soon as she heard the words of her friends name, car, and accident, she broke into hysterical tears. Harry imminently sat up from the bed and comforted y/n by pulling her into his chest and rocked back and forth until she was breathing steady and fell back asleep in his arms.
(Emma age 16)
Y/n had just left with one of Harry's drivers to the airport so she could get on a plane to fly back to California for her friends funeral. She's gonna be gone for about a week and that leaves Emma and Harry home alone together. Sure they have been home alone together before but just not overnight. Emma was a little nervous to stay with Harry without her mum home. Not that she is scared of him or anything he'll do, but even having been in her life for 5 years now, she still isn't that close to Harry. Close as in hugging or having deep conversations. Still, Harry didn't push her because he could see the progress she was making and knew eventually they'll have a father/daughter bond that he actually wanted. Harry wants to be close to Emma. He loves Emma. He'd do just about anything for her, that's how much he loves her. Even if him and her mum got a divorce, which isn't happening, he'll still make Emma a part of his life.
"Can I maybe go to my friends house for tonight?" Emma asks Harry while they sit in the movie room, minutes after y/n left for the airport.
"Which friends and what will you be doing there?" Harry questions her back. Harry may be young himself but knows how to act like a parent when necessary. He knows all too well how British teens act and doesn't want Emma to be caught up in anything that's not appropriate.
"Umm, just Katie's house and a few others from school. We're hanging out and having a sleepover." Emma responds. Harry knows a few of her friends because on the rare occasion she was aloud to bring friends over they'd meet. Harry has met Katie several times and thinks she's trustable enough.
"Alright but if you need me for anything, anything at all, call me. I'll come pick you. And make sure you have your phone on you incase I need to call and check on you." Harry says to Emma.
With her step-dads permission, Emma goes up to her room and calls Katie to let her know she's able to come over. Then she quickly packs a overnight bag. Once that is done, Emma walks back down to the movie room to ask for a ride. "Harry, could you please drive me over there." she asks shyly.
"Of course, my love." Harry speaks while standing from the sofa. He calls all the women in his life love so he doesn't hesitate before saying it, nor does Emma feel uncomfortable with him saying it. She'd gotten to learn that the British love tossing that word around.
They walk to their home car garage and get in his black Range Rover. His least flashy car. Whenever he does normal things that isn't correlated to his fame, Harry likes driving his most normal car. It draws less attention to him and his family. Harry backs out and drives down their driveway that has a security gate and types in the code before continuing the journey to Katie's house across London.
Katie lives in a fairly big house. She does go to a private school after all so her parents have money. Emma tells Harry directions to her house and he takes her there. Once they arrive, Emma steps out and Harry wishes he could give her a goodbye hug but knows she isn't to that level of comfort with him yet. While backing up, Harry can see a group of teenagers staring out the front window of the house watching him. Presumably drooling over him. Though they didn't ask Emma about her step-dad a lot out of respect, doesn't mean they don't get excited when she talks about him or shows them photos of Harry. Yeah they have a crush on her step-dad but they don't care. As long as they don't share that with Emma.
Harry arrives home about 15 minutes later and decides to call his wife. He wasn't going to mention Emma being at a friends house unless y/n specifically asked because he doesn't want her to be mad at him. They don't allow Emma to stay with friends often because they are very protective parents, but Harry was feeling generous today. After a lengthy phone call with his wife, Harry takes a shower and decides to call it a night. Harry never was one for staying up too late anyways. Unless y/n took part in it and well, everyone knows what's being inferred.
Emma starts off having a great night. She and her school friends do normal teenage stuff. Until Katie decides to sneak a bottle of her parents liquor up to her bedroom. This has Emma caught off guard. She has never drank straight up liquor before. Only ever sips of wine that either her mum or Harry would allow at a fancy dinner. Mainly because the drinking age in the UK was a lot lower than in America, but she was still underage.
"I don't know if this is a good idea." Emma states concernedly to her friends. One thing her British friends learned from Emma, was how much of a scaredy-cat Americans are. Sometimes its for good reasoning and other times they think it's her being ridiculous.
"Oh come on Emma. My mum and dad just left for a friends party and we're here alone. It'll make you feel good. You can only take a sip if you'd like." Katie says to a nervous Emma.
Emma falls under peer pressure. Katie passes the bottle of liquor around the group of friends and they each take a hefty swig. When it gets handed to her, she takes a deep breath and tilts the bottle back, allowing the alcohol to run down her throat. This is nothing like the wine she's drank before. This is so much stronger and it's making her chest burn.
A few minutes later, Emma, Katie, and the rest of their friends downed the whole bottle of liquor. At this point they're all very tipsy and because they're tipsy, they aren't thinking clearly. Therefore they decide to do stupid things like drink more alcohol. They collectively walk down to Katie's kitchen and grab another unopened bottle of liquid poison. They each take turns chugging the newest bottle and before they know it, they're all DRUNK.
To start, they are all laughing and acting foolish like your typical drunks do, but then things go bad quickly. Because Emma doesn't really drink alcohol, her body isn't use to the amount she puts in it and in the short amount of time she's done it in. Her and her friends only started drinking an hour ago and they've downed two large bottles of hard liquor between them. They didn't mix it with anything to dilute the alcohol percentage, so it goes straight into their bloodstreams. Unlike Emma, the rest of her friends are use to drinking. Their parents may not let them drink to this extent but they allow them to drink on weekend and on holidays. They know what being drunk feels like and how to cope with the side effects. Emma doesn't.
They make it back to Katie's bedroom when Emma starts whining out. It isn't a cry and its not a scream. Just something in-between. Abruptly stopping her laughing fit, Katie turns to Emma and asks in a slurred voice, "Emmmma, what's the matter?"
Emma can barley think properly but all she knows is her chest is on fire, her head is spinning, and her stomach is in excruciating pain. Like stabbing pain. Maybe this is what it's like to be drunk she thought. She's never been drunk so she doesn't know, but she always thought people had fun when they were drunk. She isn't having fun anymore. All Emma can mumble out is, "My stomach is hurting so bad."
Katie knows that some people gets terrible stomach aches after drinking the night away or in the mornings due to hangovers, but she's never seen someone complain only an hour after drinking. "It's alright Emma. I'm sure you'll be fine." Katie says but not even sure if she believes her own words. The pain in her chest, head, and stomach get to be too much and Emma starts crying. While crying, she gets on the floor and curls into a ball, not knowing what else to do.
This is when Katie and the rest of their friends know they must do something. Even if that means getting in trouble for drinking themselves. They care about Emma enough to not let her suffer or even die before they would be too scared of getting caught. "Sadie, where is Emma's phone?" Katie near about yells from panic. She barley had a right mind herself but because she's familiar with the state she's in, she can still function to some degree. Their friend Sadie reaches on the bed to grab Emma's phone and hands it to Katie.
Emma is somewhat aware of what they're doing and starts to panic at the thought of them calling Harry. Her friends know her mum is out of town and that Harry is the only one watching her for the week. She never really acts up. She makes all good grades and has respectful manners. The thought of Harry or even her mum finding out she's got drunk at her friends house is terrifying. She'd almost rather die on the floor she's currently laying on then have Harry come get her. But that's too late because Katie is already stumbling out of her bedroom and walking down the hall to call Harry herself.
Katie is more than terrified to have to call Emma's step-dad at 12:00 in the morning and tell him his step-daughter is basically drunk and its all her fault, but she isn't going to let Emma die and that's what looks like is happening. She is also scared to call Harry because he's Harry, Harry Styles. The person she has naughty thoughts about on the daily. Pushing all those thoughts to the side, she unlocks Emma's phone and searches for Harry's name, then pushes call.
Harry is asleep in him and his wife's bed alone, wishing he has his cuddle buddy when his phone rings. Normally he wouldn't think much of it but because his wife is in a different country with different time zones, he thinks it might just be her. Then he thinks it could be Emma because she's at a friends house tonight. Harry sits up with squinting eyes and answers his phone that's charging on his night stand.
"Hello." Harry answers in a sleep ridden voice.
Katie takes a deep breath and prays her words don't come out slurred, "Umm yes this is Katie, Emma's friend. So umm Emma kind of got drunk and now she's on the floor crying and saying her stomach is hurting baldly."
Harry imminently jumps out of bed to searches for some proper cloths while keeping the phone to his ear with the help of his shoulder. "What the fuck! Why was she drinking??" Harry near about yells as his mind is racing to all the possibilities of what could happen to Emma.
"Well we kind of snuck my parents liquor because they went to a party with friends and everyone else is fine, but Emma just had a bad reaction." Katie says in a small voice.
Harry thinks Katie is absolutely mental. Of course Emma is going to have a negative reaction. She's 16 with a body weight of 120 pounds and she doesn't drink alcohol. Then Harry has to remind himself that Katie and the rest of their friends are very young and may not have known that though. He wants to be mad but is just thankful that they had the decency to actually call him and put themselves at risk of getting in trouble.
While grabbing his keys by the garage door, Harry questions out of breath, "Is she conscious? You need to make sure she stays conscious!"
"Yes, yes Emma is awake. She's just crying and in pain." Kate responds quickly to hopefully bring down Harry's nerves a bit.
Sighing in relief and driving out of their car garage, he speaks back to Katie on the phone, "Tell her I'm on my way and make sure she's on her side incase she pukes."
The call ends and Harry rushes to Katie's house. He's completely awake now and full of adrenaline, worried about his step-daughter even though he views her as his own daughter. His hands are shaking as he grips the wheel with nerves and is afraid that Emma has alcohol poisoning which would be the worst possible scenario.
While Harry is on his way, Katie and Sadie manages to get Emma off the floor and they carry her down the stairs, setting her on the couch. Emma cries the whole time from the amount of pain she's in. Then a loud knock comes from the front door. Katie, the owner of the house, runs to answer it knowing it's probably Harry. Even though she has been dyeing to meet him, she'd much rather not have to meet him this way. When Harry is probably mad at her.
Katie opens the door quickly and unsteadily walks Harry to where Emma is curled up on the sofa. And though she knows now isn't the right time, she can't help but think about how sexy Harry looks, even if he's just woken up and is wearing grey sweat pants and a black hoodie. Harry walks over to Emma, ignoring her friends all together, and squats down beside the couch. Then he cradles her jaw in his hand and wipes away some of her tears that can't seem to stop. "Shhh you're alright. Tell me what's hurting you!" Harry speaks as calmly as possible in his state of anxiety.
Barley opening her mouth, Emma slurs' with pointing fingers, "My chest is burning and my head is dizzy and my stomach feels like someone is stabbing me."
"Shhh you're gonna be okay my love. Try and breath for me. I'm gonna take you home." Harry tells her.
Without worrying about her overnight bag, Harry picks Emma's unstable body up from the fetal position she's in on the sofa and makes his way out the door. Katie hands Harry her phone so at least she doesn't go home without that. He takes Emma's phone and slips it into his hoodie pockets. Right before he exits the front door, Harry stops and says what he only thinks is right to say to her friends. "Look, I'm grateful that you girls called me to let me know something was wrong but its still very wrong of you to have let her drink or even drink yourselves. Something very bad could have happened tonight. Emma isn't used to drinking like most British teens are and her body isn't taking it well. When is your parents going to arrive home?" Harry ends his speech with that question because he's nervous about leaving two drunk girls home alone even though he can clearly see they are sobering up from the current events taking place.
"They're on their way." Katie says softly and avoiding eye contact because Harry scolding her is making her feel embarrassed. Rightfully so though.
Harry excepts her answer and continues his walk to his Range Rover parked by the street with Emma clung to his body. He wants to be angry with her as well. He wants to tell her she was so stupid for even taking a sip of alcohol, but understands what peer pressure is like and also feels terribly bad for his step-daughter right now. She looks helpless and in a lot of pain. He remembers his first time getting drunk and it didn't end well. He got in so much trouble that he was scared to even touch alcohol until he joined One Direction. He doesn't want Emma to fear alcohol like he had. He just wants to educate her on the risks and dangers of drinking it like she had done.
Harry opens the back door to his car and carefully places Emma across his backseat, laying her down on her side. He figures her sitting up causes a lot of pain since she's been laying down and he wants her to be as comfortable as possible. But he also wants her to lay on her side incase she throws up to avoid choking. He's dealt with many drunk people in his time to know how to properly take care of one. Harry just wishes it didn't have to be someone he loves dearly as far as them being this drunk in the first place. Not that he doesn't want to take care of a loved one who's drunk because he would rather it be him taking care of them so he knows their in good hands.
Once Emma is situated, Harry gets in the drivers seat and drives off in the dark. He can hear Emma whimpering in the backseat with her arms around her middle and knows once they get home, she must throw up the liquor. There is no way in hell Harry is letting her fall asleep with that much alcohol in her system.
Five minutes away from their gated neighborhood, and without warning, Harry hears the sounds of loud retching from the backseat. As soon as he turns his head to glance back, all he sees is a gush of vomit expel from Emma's mouth and onto his back floorboard. Now's the time Harry is mentally cursing himself for not bringing a bag or something to catch her potential puke in. "Shit." Harry curses out loud. The only thing keeping him able to continuing driving is knowing she's on her side and safe and the fact they are seconds from pulling into their long driveway.
They finally arrive back home from Harry's trip across London at 1:00 in the morning and he quickly exits the vehicle to be by his step-daughters aid. Opening the back door, he gets a clear view at the mess created. Harry has never been too well with handling vomit because of his weak stomach but right now, he's in dad mode. "Come ere' sweetheart." Harry softly speaks to Emma who's out of it, while carefully pulling her body out of the car and into his hold again knowing she's unable to walk. When her face lands on his shoulder, he knows she just got puke on his hoodie from her face being covered in it but blocks it out so he doesn't end up with two puking people. Right as he's shutting the back door of his vehicle, with Emma once again clung to him like a koala bear, he makes a mental note to call someone to come clean the vomit out the car tomorrow or he'll have a big problem.
While Harry is half way up the stairs inside their house, he hears Emma slur in his neck, "I don't feel good." This has him picking up his pace to avoid another vomit accident.
"It's alright. We're almost to the bathroom." Harry replies.
Thankfully they make it to his and y/n's bathroom before Emma pukes again. Harry sets her down in front of the toilet and grabs an elastic band to pull back her hair. The hair that already has small bits of vomit in it unfortunately. Then he pulls the soiled hoodie over his head and throws it in the clothes basket located in the corner of the master bathroom. After that, he comes to sit directly behind his step-daughter and positions her head over the toilet so he doesn't have to clean the floors afterwards.
Emma dry heaves in the bowl and Harry waits patiently for her to throw up, while rubbing over her back. "Come on darling. Throw up and your stomach will feel so much better afterwards." he coos to her. Right after the words leave his mouth, she pukes again but this time in a place where clean up isn't necessary. Harry is somewhat glad its pure alcohol she's throwing up and not chunks of rotten food. It doesn't look as disgusting but still looks unpleasing to the eye.
When Emma feels her stomach calm down, she raises her head and feels the urge to cry. This is the moment she finds out she's an emotional drunk. Some, like her friends, are giggly and laughing drunks, but not her sadly. Emma isn't crying because she's in pain like she was earlier. Now she's crying from guilt. Guilt that she even let herself get this drunk in the first place. Guilt that Harry had to drive across the city to come pick her up in the middle of the night. Her mind is much more clearer since throwing up all that alcohol and now just wants to die from guilt, shame, and embarrassment.
If she was sober, Emma wouldn't hug Harry. She's never too affection with him as far as normal father/daughter relationships typically are. Like hugging him. Telling him she loves him. Come to him with her problems. Harry wishes more than anything that she would open up towards him and allow him to be a proper father to her. He'd love to have daily hugs from her and give her warm cuddles when she isn't feeling well, but Emma hasn't been ready for that type of relationship with her step-dad. Right now though, she doesn't care that the part of her brain that has lasting trauma is telling her not to let Harry too close. That he'll only love her now and leave her later, just like her biological father did.
When Emma turns around completely from the acid filled toilet to face Harry, she without hesitation, lunges forward and engulfs him in a tight hug. Harry is taken back at first but then wraps his arms securely around her frail body and rocks them back and forth on the bathroom floor, as he lets her cry in his hold. "I'm sorry....I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Emma keeps repeating on his shoulder. "I didn't mean to get drunk." Even though Harry is aggravated that she fell under the peer pressure of her friends and this situation could have been so much worse, he can't be mad at her. Not when this is her first time being drunk and doesn't quite know what's happening to her body. She's just helpless at this point and needs to be comforted, not yelled at or scolded. Harry knows he must reassure her that it's alright and he's not upset with her so she can calm down and stop her uncontrollable crying.
"Hey," Harry begins, "I'm not angry okay. Slightly disappointed but its alright. I love you and I'm just happy you're okay and something bad didn't happen to you." Harry tells Emma he loves her all the time and never gets one in return, but that's okay to him. He knows deep down she loves him. She just has a hard time saying it .
A few minutes later, when Emma's stomach seems to be settled, Harry helps her off the floor and sets her on the bathroom counter. He wipes her face off with a wash cloth and drags a few strands through the cloth as well to get out remints of vomit. She can barley hold her head up but he prevents her from falling with his strong arms. Fortunately, Emma somehow didn't get puke on her clothes so she's fine to sleep in what she has on. Then Harry picks her body up and carries her over to y/n and his bed. He doesn't want Emma to sleep in her room alone in case she happens to throw up again and starts choking.
Once Emma is laid down on her mums side of the bed, Harry tells her he'll be right back and leaves to go grab her a glass of water. When he returns, Emma is half asleep but forces her to sit up anyways and helps her hold the glass to chug the water. He needs her to flush her system as much as possible. Yes she threw up most of the alcohol, but that doesn't mean there isn't still some left in her system. The water should dilute what's left in her stomach and eliminate the toxins alcohol creates. After Emma completely drinks the full glass of water, Harry goes to grab a trash can and sets it on the floor beside the bed nearest to her, in case she feels sick at any point during the rest of the early morning. Then goes to turn off all the lights and crawls back into bed.
Harry was gonna give Emma her proper space. He knew she wasn't very affectionate with him even though they shared a loving hug in the bathroom minutes prior. And even though he wanted a more affectionate relationship with his step-daughter, he did slightly feel uncomfortable because it felt new for him.
Right as Harry's mind started drifting back to sleep on his side of the bed, Emma starts shifting beside him. He gets worried she's feeling sick again but suddenly senses her body close to his. He lays as still as possible to see what she's doing. Maybe its her drunken mind or maybe its her disobeying the negative thoughts in her head that warn her not to get close to her step-dad (not necessarily physically but more so emotionally) because he'll only hurt in the future, but she scoots over towards his body and without much thought, places her head on his chest and curls up in his side. Harry just lays there in a bit of shock and before he has the chance to ask her what she's doing, Emma speaks. "I love you. I'm happy you're in mine and my moms life. You make her really happy you know. You also make me happy whether you know it or not. I just have a weird way of showing it because of these thoughts in my head that tell me not to let you too close. That you'll only hurt me by leaving me one day. Just like my real dad did to me." Her voice cracks when she mentions her biological dad and Harry stays quiet to let her continue. "But I want to be closer with you. I want to have a bond with you that I never got with my real dad. I want to one day feel confident enough to call you dad or refer you to my friends as dad instead of step-dad or Harry. You may only be a step-dad to me but you're so much better than my real dad ever was. I can't thank you enough. I love you." she finishes off with the second I love you and Harry has tears in his eyes. Good thing they're in the dark because he doesn't want her to know how much her words affected him.
Taking a deep breath to control his emotions and while rubbing up and down Emma's back soothingly, Harry says in a quiet voice, "Emma, I love you so so so much. When your mum first told me she had a daughter, I wasn't, not even for a second, upset or disliking of that thought. I told her that if this relationship works out, you'd be a part of my life just as much as she would. Well that relationship did work out and I ended up marrying your beautiful and amazing mother. I'm so happy you and your mum are a part of my life now. I couldn't be more happy. You both bring me joy and happiness each day that I don't think I would have found otherwise. And I will never EVER leave you like your father did. Even if one day me and your mum get a divorce, I'll still make you a part of my life. But we aren't getting a divorce in the seeable future so don't worry. Just know I love your mum and I love you very much and nothing will ever change that. Not even a mistake that happened like tonight. I was a teenager once and know all about the peer pressure friends can put on you. Know that even when you do wrong, I'll love you because that's how unconditional love works. No matter what someone does, if you love them unconditionally, nothing can ever change that, alright."
When Harry finishes his heart to heart speech that he was giving to Emma, he looks down and sees her softly snoring on his chest. He wonders if she got any of what he just spilled out, but really doesn't care either way because just saying all that out loud was therapeutic for him. What Harry isn't aware of is Emma did hear most of his words. The important words at least. The words that meant the most. Harry pulls the duvet up higher on their bodies so they don't get cold and quickly falls asleep, with her body half way on top of his, due to the state of exhaustion his body is in from all the running around he's done tonight. Now he has to debate if he should tell his wife what went on tonight of keep it a secret between him and Emma!
AN: Please let me know which part of this story you would like a whole "chapter" on. For example, their wedding. I just briefly mentioned that their wedding took place but if you'd like a play by play on their wedding day, I can write that. Or if you want moments from when they are dating and y/n is staying at his house. What ever you want me to go more into detail with, I'll write or things I didn't add but stuff that could have happened in-between their storyline that I can make up for this universe.
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pettyvxbes · 3 years
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"Can we get two 16oz house drips, one black with two sugars and the other with two sugars and a splash of cream?" He ordered, remembering exactly how you took your coffee, even after all the time you'd been separated. It made you smile, knowing that you still occupied some space in his mind.
"So this is your coffee shop?" You asked, leaning against the side of the counter as you waited for your drinks.
"Yeah, I opened it last year. It turned out pretty cool." He smiled as he looked around the room. You could tell he was proud of it.
"It's badass" You agreed with him.
"If you're hungry, we serve brunch." Colson handed you a menu to peruse. "This is actually why I was at the farmers market. All of our fruits and vegetables are local." You looked over the list of food, noticing all of the fresh ingredients.
"That's so cool. Everything sounds delicious." You said, flipping the menu over to continue exploring. On the opposite side, you found a cocktail menu. Some of the drink names made you chuckle. There was 'the gunner,' 'sex, dope, and cheap thrills,' 'screw me' with its counterpart, 'screw you,' and the 'you know I'm no good.' Without even seeing the ingredients, you immediately thought that the last one sounded like a drink you'd choose.
Colson exchanged the menu in your hands with a coffee cup filled with hot coffee. You looked at him and gave him a weak thank you smile which he inadvertently returned, and just like that, you were taken back to the first morning you had ever spent together.
You woke up randomly as the sun was shining through the tiny window of your dorm room. You were still wearing the same clothes from the night before. It confused you because you hadn't even remembered falling asleep. The last thing you could recollect was laying with Colson in your XL twin bed, which he noted multiple times was fantastic because his tall, lanky ass fit perfectly.
"Good morning," Colson whispered. It took you a moment to fully wake up, but you noticed how your bodies were intertwined when you did. Your head was on his chest, and his arm was holding you close to him. It was cozy.
"Good morning." You repeated, squeezing him and nuzzling your face into his neck. "How long have you been awake?" You asked sleepily, afraid that you were the only one who had dozed off.
You and Colson had agreed to stay up as long as you could talking to each other. After all, it was the first time you had seen each other since Atlanta, and even though you had basically talked every day for the last 3 months, you still had a lot to talk about.
"Not long, maybe like fifteen.. . twenty minutes" He shrugged. "I didn't want to wake you. I just wanted to lay here and hold you a little longer, watch you sleep, smell your hair." He squeezed you, placing a small kiss on the top of your head. "I wanted to memorize all of it because this weekend will be over before we know it, and then It'll be back to facetime calls and falling asleep on the phone."
"Blahhh, don't remind me." You pouted, sitting up to face him. You enjoyed every single second you got to spend with that blue-eyed boy in your bed, and you never wanted it to end. He had quickly become your best friend, your person.
"Sorry. Y'know, you're fucking cute when you're sleepy" Colson smiled at you, no makeup and hair a mess. To him, you were perfection. "Oh, I ordered coffee." He said excitedly as he sat up, reaching for the cups on the table next to your bed. "Remind me to thank your roommate later. She was not very happy when she was woken up by the Doordash driver." He chuckled.
"She'll get over it" You took the warm cup from him, sipping slowly. Careful not to burn your mouth. You immediately spit the coffee back into the cup, scrunching your nose up at the taste. The coffee was sweeter than a glazed chocolate donut filled with thousands of tiny sprinkles. You thoroughly enjoyed coffee, and you liked to be able to taste the flavor in every sip.
"Shit, did I get it wrong?" He asked worriedly. It was one of the topics you had discussed last night, and he had already forgotten.
"Yeah, but we've never had coffee together, so I'll give you a free pass." You joked. "Two sugars and a splash of cream," you reminded him with a small smile.
"I swear I will never forget again." He promised, passing you his coffee to share.
"Let's sit back here" Colson's voice pulled you from your memory. As you followed him to the back of the coffee shop, you noticed photos of different famous musicians on each table.
"What's with the pictures?" You asked, gesturing towards a table with Kurt Cobains' face on it.
"They're all a part of the 27 club." He could tell by the expression on your face that you had no idea what that meant. "a bunch of artists and entertainers that died at the age of 27." Colson explained.
"Oh." you gasped, finally understanding the name of his coffee shop.
Colson led you to a table in the back corner. It was secluded enough to offer a little privacy from the rest of the customers. You took a seat, instantly noticing the photo that was on your table. It was him. Your narrowed eyes and knitted brows caught his attention, and he followed your gaze to determine the look of confusion on your face.
"You're 31." You stated the obvious.
"Yes, but most days I feel like my life ended when I was 27." He let out a small chuckle.
You took a sip of your coffee, waiting for Colson to elaborate further. Quickly getting distracted by the liquid in your cup. When the coffee first hit your tongue, you could taste a combination of floral and fruity notes, but as you swallowed, you noticed a nutty caramel tone. It was unique and unlike any other coffee, you had ever tried.
"Mmm," You hummed quietly, approving of the noteworthy java in your hand. "You remembered how I like my coffee." You said without thinking.
You regretted it almost instantly. You didn't want to discuss your past relationship or talk to Colson like old friends. You just wanted the explanation you deserved so you could be on your way. It wasn't necessary to spend any more time with him than need be. You didn't want to conjure up old feelings any more than you already had by being in this stupid city.
"I said I would never forget, didn't I?" He looked at you like you made the whole world spin, and for a moment, it was like time stood still.
"God. I'm so stupid." His words came out as a whisper as he looked away from you. Shame and guilt wallpapered his face. "I made the biggest mistake of my life by losing you, and it's something I'm never going to forgive myself for."
"Why'd you leave Colson?" You were blunt, and your words were shaky.
"Because y/n, you deserved better." He paused, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "I was laying there with you in my arms that morning thinking to myself, 'how can I possibly love this amazing woman the way she deserves to be loved when I don't even like who I am."
The sadness in his voice was evident, and you could clearly see the pain in his glossy blue eyes. He hurt himself just as much as he had hurt you.
"I was the biggest fuck up on the planet. You sacrificed your happiness to be with me, to support my dreams, and be my biggest fan. . .I was selfish, and I took you for granted. I broke your heart, and somehow you still managed to see the best in me. It wasn't fair to you. -- Y/n, I had to go because I knew that staying would have been even more painful for you. I was a sinking ship that was burning, and I couldn't bear to be the reason you went down in flames too." A silent tear slid down his cheek.
You sat there speechless as you listened to the explanation you had waited years to hear. You hadn't even realized it, but at some point, you had started tearing up too. Colson reached over, wiping the tears from your face.
"I hate myself for fucking things up with you." He said, staring at you.
You didn't know what it was about him, but when you looked into those blue eyes, you saw a reflection of your soul staring back at you. He was your person, always had been, and always would be. You and Colson had a once-in-a-lifetime connection. The kind of connection that made you feel alive by just being near him, even the silence between you, was comfortable because you felt complete in each other's presence.
"You are worth so much more than second thoughts and maybes'. I am so sorry y/n" You could feel the emotion in Colson's words. His apology was like rain on a dehydrated garden. Grossly overdue, but miraculously just in time.
You sat in silence for a few moments before speaking. "Earlier, when you said you lost your life at 27, what did you mean?" You questioned.
"Y'know, everyone thought I was overreacting after our breakup. . ." He started. You had no idea where he was going with his response, but you let him continue." what they didn't get was how much of my life you really were. . .You were more than just another relationship down the drain. You were my past, my present, and my future. Y/n, you were my life."
At that moment, you understood why his photo sat on a table in that coffee shop. He was a part of the 27 club, not because he physically perished at 27, but because that was when he lost the only thing that ever made him feel alive, you.
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idkmaybesomething · 2 years
My Appearance is a Tool
From a very young age, my mother and my grandmother made it apparent that they wanted me to care about what I looked like. Eventually, I did. As a kid I simply wore whatever was fun and comfortable. I didn't really care. It wasn't like other kids really paid attention to me anyways. I remember I had these bright purple acid wash skinny jeans in middle school. I loved them and I wore them all the time. It puzzled me that I could wear something so odd and attention-grabbing, and still no one noticed me.
At some point in high school I started to care a lot about my clothes and my makeup. I was good at makeup. I spent hours watching youtube tutorials about the best products and how to use them. I remember my mom's pride in the change. I'm not sure that she ever even said anything about it, but I could tell that she was happy about it. She was happy about the clothes I was choosing and that I desired to look "pretty."
Some time after that, I started to be noticed. My efforts were not for nothing anymore. Puberty was good to me, and I felt it. I felt the attention and I liked it. I was a romantic at heart and of course I wanted to be loved. Everyone wants to be loved, especially when you're a teenager.
When I got to college, I kept it up. I dyed my hair purple, but I still worked very hard to be looked at as feminine and beautiful. Winged eyeliner and pretty summer dresses. Then I started dating someone seriously. Not that he didn't like how I looked with the makeup and the sundresses, in face he often expressed wanting me to dress that way more often, but I didn't need to. I trusted that he loved me for who I was, and I wanted to find out who I was. So slowly I started wearing his clothes instead of mine. A baggy tshirt and sweatpants.
You might think that I had been uncomfortable in the clothes I was wearing, but that's honestly not exactly right. The truth is that I didn't want ANYONE to like me for my appearance. I wanted my friends to find me because of who I am. I had spent enough years basking in the glances of men. It had started to bore me. Plus, I had found my partner, so I didn't need it anymore. And I think I have always liked feeling masculine. When people perceive me as more masculine, they perceive me as more capable. At least that's how I felt. It seems now that maybe they never really saw me as masculine, I had just been more confident because I FELT like I was being perceived that way.
And so now, I wear mostly whatever my mom and my grandma buy me. I appreciate that they try to buy things that fit the style they think I have. That is fine because I want to look like I wear clothes because I have to wear clothes. I want to look like I would feel okay in anything. I shaved my head and while it seems to bother everyone else, I don't really feel anything about it at all. Anyone who I was to meet that wouldn't want to talk to me because of the length of my hair isn't someone I would want to cultivate a connection with anyways.
There are certainly clothes I feel more like myself in than others, but I have spent so much time on my brain. I have spent so much time on my heart. I have so many close friendships because of what I have put into them. None of them have anything to do with what I look like in photos. That's all I ever wanted. I would never give that up simply to appease random people.
So, maybe it's manipulative to weed people out by looking different from what people expect, but it works. It keeps me from meeting people that I don't want to meet, and it allows for some conversation not to be had at all. I mean you can tell by looking at me that I'm not straight, I'm an artist, and I care little about what I look like. Anyone who sees that and takes interest in knowing me will probably be someone worth knowing.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 3 years
All Yours/ 2
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Includes- slight voyeurism-Namjoon catches Yoongi and reader, table sex from behind, riding, multiple orgasms, fluff
Part 1
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Namjoon POV
I stand in the slightly open doorway my mouth dropped to the floor. I just walked in on Yoongi having sex with Joanne
Our make up artist
When I got back to the room where we were getting ready, the guys asked me where Yoongi was. They told me he went to look for me and he never came back
Then they said I should find him since he went to find me. As I walked in the hall, I heard moaning and yelling
Opening the door I thought the sounds were coming from, I was hit with the sight of Yoongi and Joanne
Is this how he felt when he walked in on me?
They didn't even hear the door open, they're so into each other, kissing and hands touching all over they're bodies while they have sex
"More Yoongi. Harder", she moans
"Anything for you Jo", he answers
I can't. I've never seen two people that into each other. Almost like they love each other
Jealousy flares
I've never been that into someone and I want that. I want to feel that
Yoongi's hand goes to Joanne's ass, cupping and holding it, pulling her to him more. Joanne's body starts shaking and her head goes back against the table, her eyes closed
"YOONGI, fuck yes, YOONGI", she screams
Holy shit, she came
"Yeah baby. Good girl", Yoongi murmurs while she shouts in pleasure, "Fuck I love when you cum on me"
Oh my god. I need to fucking leave
Yoongi kisses her passionately and she kisses him back just as passionately, again making jealousy flare through me
"You want more Jo? I want to give you more baby", Yoongi asks
"Yes Yoongi. I want you. I'll never have enough of you.", she answers
"Good baby. Because I'll never get enough of you either"
Wait, are they in love? They're acting like it. Yoongi moves off her, grabbing her legs and sliding her down and off the table
He turns her around and bends her over the table. She stands opening her legs and he goes back in her
"Fuck!", she screams
I need to leave right now. They still don't know I'm here. I softly close the door and make my way to the bathroom
Because I'm fucking hard and I need to fix that
After I take care of it, I go back to the room where the guys are
"You didn't find him?", Hobi asks
"Uh..no I did", I answer, turning red
"Is he coming?", Jimin asks
He has no idea how ironic that sentence is
"Uh no. I didn't talk to him"
"Why not? I want to go home!", Jin whines
"He's uh busy"
"Doing what? I'm gonna go find him and tell him to hurry the fuck up", Jungkook says angrily
"No! Don't", I yell
They all look at me wide eyed
"Why?", Tae asks
"He's uh....he's...."
Fuck what do I say?
"What? If you don't spit it out then I'm going to go look for him", Jungkook threatens
"He's, uh, fuck, he's having sex", I answer, my face heating up
"WHAT?", Jin yells
"Yeah I uh walked in on him"
"Oh that's priceless! He walked in on you and now you did it to him", Jimin burst out laughing
"It's not funny"
"Yeah it is", Jungkook laughs
"Did he yell at you?", Tae asks
"Uh no. He didn't even notice I was there. They were so into each other, they didn't hear the door open"
"What? Who is he with?", Jin asks, shocked
"Yeah uh, he's with Joanne", I answer
"Joanne? Our makeup artist?", Jungkook gasps
"About time", Hobi answers
All of us snap our gaze to him
"What?", I ask
"He's in love with her. For the last two years."
"How do you know?", Tae questions
"He told me and you have to be blind to not see how he acts around her. Or how she acts around him. I told him she loves him or at least likes him but he doesn't believe me"
Well I guess I'm blind because I didn't see shit
"I think she loves him too", I bring up
"Really? Why do you say that?", Jimin asks
"Because of the way they were together. The way they touched each other, kissed each other, what they were saying to each other. And like I said, they were in their own world. I've never seen two people that into each other."
"Damn. If she loves him too, he's lucky", Jin answers
"He is?", Jungkook asks confused
"Yeah. Don't you want that? Someone who loves you and only sees you? Someone who wants you that much? If she feels that way for him, he's incredibly lucky"
He is, I realize
"Yeah, I was jealous when I saw them. I've never been that into someone and I want to know what that feels like.", I answer
"We all do", Jin answers
"Ok but what, now we have to wait for him?", Tae whines bluntly
"Yes", Hobi snaps, "Don't fucking ruin this for him. He's been wanting her for a long time. And if she loves him, then she's wanted him just as much. Leave them alone"
I sigh. I guess we should. If he loves her and finally got her then we should be happy for them. We can wait awhile more
I sit down, take out my phone and start playing a game
Yoongi POV
Bending Joanne over the table, she opens her legs and I slam into her
"Fuck", she yells
Moving hard again, I slam her over and over. I lift up one of her legs, giving me more access and letting me get deeper. Thrusting again, I hit her spot and she screams so loudly.
Holy shit, yes
I slam her there again and she screams, "Yes Yoongi. Right there baby. Please"
"Yeah baby. I'll give it to you there", I assure her, making sure I hit that spot everytime I move
She cums out of nowhere, screaming loudly. I watch her white creamy cum cover my cock. Oh my god
I've never seen a girl cum like her. I heard some girls can cum like that but I've never been with one. This just makes her so much more hotter and I'm fucking happy. Happy that my girl cums like this
"Jesus Jo. You're cum is amazing baby. I've never seen a girl cum like you"
She just moans
"I want it again", I demand, slamming her spot over and over
"Yoongi, god, Yoongi baby, fuck"
"Give it to me baby. I want you're cum on my cock. Please baby"
"Yes Yoongi, yes"
I slam into her hard and she tightens on me, orgasming again. Her cum flows on my cock and with every thrust, more covering me
I moan from the sight. I want more
Still fucking her while she orgasms, another one hits her flowing from the first one.
"Yoongi oh my fuck!"
"Yeah baby, keep going", I demand
Slamming her spot again, she explodes again, screaming incoherently
Yes. I love that I can make her feel this good and make her cum over and over
"Baby girl, more"
"Yoongi, I can't-"
"Yeah you can baby. Don't you want it?"
"Yes Yoongi, I want it so much"
"Then cum for me again baby girl", I plead
"Yes Yoongi", she cries, coming again
She moves and I fall out of her
Huh? Why did she..
She turns and kisses me, pushing me backward. My legs hit the couch and she pushes me on it, making me sit
She climbs on me and whispers, "Now it's my turn to fuck you so good baby boy. Just enjoy everything"
Oh god. She slides down my shaft and I gasp. Going inside her feels so good everytime
Every. Fucking. Time.
She starts moving on me, up and down, slamming harder everytime she goes down. She moves her hips around and kisses me while she fucks me
Then she leans back, her hands on my legs and slams hard, giving me a good view of her fucking me. The pure pleasure is driving me crazy
I lean forward, my hands slide up her back and hold her against me. Her bouncing gets faster and so hard. She moves up and I feel her tighten on my head before she slides back down
"Holy shit", I yell
Oh god, it feels so good. She keeps herself tight on me as she moves, sweat slicking her body. The pleasure increases so much and I just watch her ride me. The way she moves on me is so fucking sexy. I move my hands on her breasts and squeeze them
"Lick baby boy. You can lick and suck on me while I fuck you"
Oh god, she's fucking incredible
I latch onto one of her nipples and suck on it. I feel her pussy flood my cock with more of her juice
"Baby boy. I fucking love your tongue. You're so good with it"
I moan and switch to her other nipple
"And you're cock baby. God it's so good. I love being on you. You're so fucking amazing Yoongi. Every part of you", she praises
Hearing her words just make me love her more. No one has ever said things like this to me. Not during sex or after.
She's made me feel so good with her mouth, her hand, her pussy and her fucking words.
I want her. I want her to be mine
"Yoongi baby, cum. You've been such a good boy baby. I want you to cum"
Fuck me, I didn't realize how much I like being called a good boy. Normally I don't like it but with her I want nothing more than for her to keep calling me that. She can call me anything she wants and I know I'll love it.
"You first baby", I manage to answer, "I want you to make me cum by you coming on me"
"Anything for you Yoongi"
God she's the best. I'm never letting her go. I can't
She slams herself harder and harder until I feel her snap and she releases all over me, squeezing my cock so fucking tightly and still moving
Her whole body shakes hard, her eyes close and her back arches so much that I have to hold her up so she doesn't fall back
"YOONGI!", she screams at the top of her lungs
I can't take it- holding her on me, I cum inside her, the hardest I ever have in my life. I feel my body shake too and I squeeze my eyes closed, just feeling her and screaming her name. I don't care who hears me
"JOANNE!, oh god JOANNE!"
She keeps fucking me while I cum making my orgasm last longer. When I finish, she pushes my sweaty hair from my face and kisses me gently and lovingly
After the kiss, she moves to get off me but I hold her in place
"Wait", I request
I need to tell her. I can't be without her, not after this. I want her to be mine. I want to kiss her anytime I want, hold her hand anytime, hug her, hold her and just be with her.
"Joanne, be mine", I ask
Her eyes widen, "Www....Wha?"
"I love you. I'm so fucking in love with you Joanne. I've never loved anything as much as I love you", I confess, "I want you to be mine. You're all I think about all day. You're all I've wanted for so long. Today has been the best day of my life and we only had sex. I want other days to be the best days of my life just by kiss you or holding you or taking a nap with you. I want to take you out and tell everyone in the world you're mine. I just want you. I never wanted anything as much as I want you. Only you."
I'm so scared of her response
But she smiles at me and says, "Yes Yoongi. Yes. I want you."
Happiness bursts in my heart
"You....You do?", I ask
"Yoongi I've been in love with you before I met you. I was and still am an ARMY and I fell for you as much as I could without knowing you. Then when I got this job I was so excited because I'd get to be around you and the guys. I never thought you'd ever feel like I do, so I was just happy to be your friend. I was never going to tell you how I feel. I didn't take this job to get you. I just wanted to be around you. And that was enough for me. I want you to be happy with whoever you love. I never thought you would ever love me."
I'm blown away. She loves me and was just happy being around me. She didn't try to get me. She loves me and was never going to tell me
That makes me love her so much more. Because she was going to let me love who I wanted, even if it wasn't her. She was willing to watch me be with someone else and not say a word. She's incredible
"It is you Joanne. I love you. For the last two years, I loved you and I was so scared to say anything. I didn't think you'd love me either. Or want to be with me. Who wants to be with an idol? With my schedule, how busy I always am."
"Me Yoongi. I want to be with you. I don't care about you being an idol. While I love Suga, I want Yoongi. Suga is just one part of you. One part of Yoongi. And I want all of you", she says
I'm so touched at her words. She really wants me
"Can you really be mine Joanne? Please? I swear I'll make time for you. I swear I'll love you and show you how important you are to me. Because you are Jo. You are."
"Yes Yoongi. Yes baby. I love you", she answers, then kisses me, her arms around my neck
I wrap my arms around her, kissing her back and feeling so happy. I got the girl of my dreams.
I walk back into the room where the guys are
With Joanne
Her hand laced with mine. I don't care who sees. She's finally mine and I want everyone to know
"About fucking time", Jungkook yells
"Yeah we've been waiting for over an hour", Tae rolls his eyes
"Uh what?", I ask confused
"Namjoon saw you two together and we've been waiting for you", Jimin explains
"Oh my god", I hear Joanne gasp and hide her face in my arm
"You what?", I yell
"It was an accident! I went to find you so we can leave and I saw you two together", he answers
"Why did you tell them?", I shout
Why would he tell them this?
"Because Jungkook was going to find you when I said I didn't talk to you and tell you to we're leaving. I didn't want anyone to walk in on you so I told them", he explains
This is not how I was planning to tell them about Joanne or how I wanted to spend the first day with my girlfriend.
"It's not a big deal Yoongi. It was an accident. It's not worth getting upset over", Hobi says
It's not worth getting upset? Is he kidding?
Namjoon saw her naked. And he bit my head off when I walked in on him
"I'm sorry Yoongi. It was an accident. I'm sorry Joanne", Namjoon apologizes
"It's ok", Joanne says quietly
"Baby can we just let it go? I don't want to think about it anymore. I just want to forget that he saw. I just want to spend time with you", she asks
She's right. I should just let it go. I just want to be with her right now. I'll yell at him later, if I'm still upset
"Ok baby. Whatever you want"
She smiles and I lean down, catching her lips in a kiss
When I look back at the guys, Hobi say, "I guess you two are together now?"
Joanne nods, "I love him"
Hobi throws an "I told you so", look my way
"Told you", he says
"Yeah yeah whatever", I mumble
Joanne giggles and it's the cutest thing in the world
"Can we go now?", Jimin whines
"Yeah let's go", Namjoon says getting up.
"You coming Jo?", Hobi asks
"Yes", she nods, her hand squeezing mine.
Leaving the room, I walk with Joanne to the exit. She pulls back and I turn to her confused
"What wrong?", I ask
"We're going outside together? Don't you have to hide our relationship? People will see us."
"Joanne, I don't care. I love you and I'm not hiding you. I could give less of a shit if people are unhappy that I have a girlfriend. You make me happy and you love me. That's all that matters"
She gives me the biggest beautiful smile
"Ok Yoongi"
We walk to the door and go outside. Of course there's some media outside. They always know where we are and it's so fucking annoying
"Suga! Whose that girl?", one of them yells as we walk by
"Why are you holding her hand?"
"What is her name?"
I stop walking and turn to Joanne. She looks up at me confused
I lean down and kiss her in a searing passionate kiss. She throws her arms around me as I wrap mine around her waist, pulling her closer
Flashes go off and I know pictures and video are being taken. I don't care
After the kiss, I stand there, holding her and looking in her gorgeous brown eyes. I move some hair from her face
"I love you", I say loud enough that they can hear but not screaming it
"I love you", she answers back smiling at me
I smile back and give her a gentle kiss
More questions are being yelled at me but I ignore them. I gave them an answer, everyone knows she's mine
Then letting her go, I take her hand and walk with her to the car.
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Kisses // Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader
This is a request for both @boiled-onionrings and @aberrant-annie ! I ADORED writing this!!!
Summary - Reader is an artist with serious art block. So she decides to kiss her best friend all over and turn it into art.
Word Count - 2.2k
This is based off of THIS gif from @nationgubler
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I loved being an artist, but with any career in the arts, there is a time where you have some kind of block.
And I was having artist block, right now.
I sat in my studio, my back laying against the floor of the cold tile. As if the ceiling was going to spark some kind of Vincent Van Gogh idea in my head. I lightly brought my hand to my face, slapping my forehead.
"Come on y/n! There's something in there, anything, anything!" My head lolled to the side in frustration, eyes closed. I let out a loud groan of frustration, very grateful in this moment for choosing the most soundproof room of my apartment to do art. This was out of courtesy of my very kind neighbors. I opened my eyes slowly, hoping that something would come soon so I wasn't so damn angry. That's when I saw it.
The book Matthew had gotten me for my birthday a few months ago, sitting right next to my painting of lips, one of my best selling prints.
"Hmmm." I sat up slowly, contemplating if I should even ask this favor of him, but Matthew really cared about my career. Maybe I was in luck, so I dialed his phone number. He answered within 2 rings.
"Hey y/n, what's up?" He sounded out of breath, making his voice slightly raspy. This caused my heart to beat a bit faster.
"Uh, I have a favor to ask you, are you okay? You sound out of breath." I could hear him huff another deep breath.
"Yeah! I'm on a run in the park right now."
"Oh! Well don't worry about it then, I can save this-"
"No no! What do you need, I'm on my way home." This was honestly the most nerve-wracking thing ever, asking my best friend And someone I'm slowly falling for to do a kind of scandalous pose for a painting for me.
"It's kind of, weird. It involves art. I can't come up with any ideas and this one came into my head, you can totally say no, I won't-"
"Honey, good lord, I'm not gonna judge you, just tell me." He laughed in the end, easing my stress only slightly at the sound of it.
"Alright, it would be a portrait of you from waist up, but, also, I would, ugh. I feel weird about it!" I paused momentarily, sighing into the phone and making a pouty face that he *thankfully* couldn't see. "Then I would put kisses all over you, to like, I don't know."
"Spice it up?"
"I'll be over soon, I'm gonna take a shower. See you soon sunshine!" And that was it. Nearly no hesitation and he agreed to it.
*Why did I worry so much?*
Probably because you like him so much, *dumbass*.
I tidied up my studio as a distraction, waiting for a knock at my door. My wooden easel clicked on the floor as I set it near the big window in the room. I set a stool in front of it for Matthew, facing him towards it for good natural lighting. I plopped a 24x16 canvas onto the easel. My heart nearly jumped from my chest as I heard the knock at my door. I almost slipped running to it.
I opened the door to see a smiling Matthew. He was leaning against my door frame dressed in a white button-down and some regular jeans.
"I don't see you wearing any lipstick, how are you gonna manage putting kisses all over me without it?" He teased with a smirk.
This man really knew how to make my heart stop, it was almost insane how much of an effect he had on me. But I was surprisingly good at hiding it.
"I haven't put it on yet you nerd." I hit his chest lightly, moving out of the doorway so he could come in. "You can still back out if you feel weird about this. And also, this is gonna take a while." I looked up at him nervously. He grabbed my shoulders, looking right into my eyes.
"I love helping you with art, stop thinking you're such a burden." He shook me a little, bringing another smile to my face.
"Fine, go sit on the stool back there and unbutton your shirt a few buttons," I ordered him as if I had any confidence when it came to him. I walked to the bathroom adjacent to my studio, grabbing my red lipstick and applying it in the mirror.
"I love the color!" Matthew shouted from the doorway of the bathroom, almost causing me to drag the makeup across my face. I pulled it away from my lips slowly, looking over at the idiot who was constantly scaring me. I gave him the death stare. He quickly brought his hands into a surrender position and backed from the room and into the studio. But not without giving me a wicked smile. I rolled my eyes and followed him.
"Sit!" I shooed him onto the stool I set up for him.
"Yes ma'am!" He saluted, sitting gracefully onto the wobbly seat.
"You promise this won't be too weird?" I asked a final time, a very *very* small part of me hoping that he would think it was too weird so I didn't have to torture myself even more with this horrible crush of mine. He just stared at me with one eyebrow raised, as to silently say.
*Do I really have to assure you again that I don't care?*
"Alright! Let go then." Another wave of anxiety shot through me as I leaned down to his level. My hands parted his hair to where I wanted it. I then kissed my thumb to make sure the lipstick was still wet enough to transfer, and sure enough, the red pigment was smudged onto the finger. Here we go.
I grabbed his face with both hands and brought my lips to his left cheek, leaving a kiss slightly above his cheekbone. I then left another kiss lower on the same cheek. On his right cheek, I put one right in the middle and one more near his chin.
I backed away from his face, pulling the lipstick from my pocket to reapply it. I watched his eyes as I put it on, seeing something I'd never seen in his eyes before.
"You okay Gubler?" I giggled a little, recapping the tube, I smacked my lips, ensuring that I got it everywhere. He blinked several times before shaking his head a little bit.
"Yeah! Uh, yes. Just zoned out." He nodded curtly, now venturing his eyes out the window.
"Okay weirdo." I chuckled. "I'm gonna kiss your chest now." I chuckled again, much more nervous than the previous one. He simply nodded and looked down at me with a small grin.
I got on my knees and opened his shirt a bit. Hopefully, he couldn't feel how much my hands were shaking, because let me tell you, I was *trembling*. I placed my hands on his shoulders and placed a kiss on the side of his neck first. I watched as Matthew sucked his lips into his mouth slowly tilting his head back. His hand was brought to his face and he left it there for a moment. I raised an eyebrow at him but quickly shrugged it off, I wasn't going to let this lipstick dry again.
I leaned down further, kissing his collar bone and then a final one near the center of his chest. At this point, Matthew was looking down at me again. He let off a loud breath and ran his tongue over his lips.
I stood up dusting my legs off, Matthew's eyes following me.
"Are you seriously okay? You're acting kind of funny." I came close to him, putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked like a puppy dog looking up at me from the stool.
"I've got a small headache I think." It was a quick answer that seemed like a lie.
"We can stop-"
"No!" I jumped back from him, startled. "No, it's seriously fine. I'm just gonna get ibuprofen from your cabinets." He stood so quickly and turned toward the door.
"I can get that for you!"
"No it's fine I got it." His voice was farther now, almost completely in the bathroom. Even from this far his voice sounded strangled.
*Was this weirding him out? It really seems like it was.*
I gathered my colors from my oil paint box and brought them to the small table next to my easel.
Just a few minutes later Matthew emerged from the bathroom, looking like he felt better.
"Looks like the ibuprofen is working fast." I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He snickered, sitting on his stool with a suspiciously large smile. I just shook my head a walked up to pose him. I turned his shoulders slightly toward the window, opening the shirt to see the kisses. I frazzled his hair a little to give it a bedhead look and once I was happy with everything, I went back to my seat.
"Just look wherever is comfortable. I'm giving you free will on that." Of course, he chooses to look directly at me.
"You sure you wanna look at me during this whole process?" I joked, starting with some skin-colored paint on the canvas.
"Well yeah, you're the most interesting thing in the room." I could feel the tips of my ears burn at the comment, not bothering to hide the smile that formed on the face.
"Well, thank you." I kept my eyes on the canvas, partly because I was painting, and partly because I thought that if I looked in his eyes I might melt into a puddle.
I was finally done with the base of everything. I pretty much had an outline with the correct colors.
"Okay, I'm taking a break. Do you want to snack with me?" I stretched my legs as I stood from my chair, my arms flailing high in the air.
"Yeah, what are you getting?" His hands rubbed together like a mischievous fly.
"I made chocolate chip cookies last night. I'm gonna heat them up so they are melty." I excitedly padded my bare feet to the kitchen. I slipped 3 cookies onto a plate and placed them in the microwave for 20 seconds. My back leaned on the counter as Matthew peered over me at my cookies.
"Someones excited about cookies." I laughed, grabbing them for the microwave and setting them on the counter, eating half of it in one bite.
"And you say *I'm* excited." He replied with a mouthful, clearly poking at the way I ate the cookie.
"You just ate yours in one bite!" I shot back.
"Whatever." He grabbed another, eating that one whole as well, as melted chocolate, slipped down his chin. He raised his hand to wipe it off and I was not quick enough to stop him.
"I'll just touch it up when we go back." He looked at his hand that was a mixture of brown and red and made a pouty face at me. "It's fine, here." I handed him a rag to wipe his hands and we went back into the studio.
On the walk back I was already reapplying my lipstick so I could fix the smudge on his face. I slipped into the bathroom quickly, grabbing my makeup wipes to fix the smudge as well. He sat in the stool once again.
Much less nervous this time, I grabbed his face the same way I did before and kissed over the same spot, making it darker and more defined again. As I was about to pull away from his face, Matthew's hands grabbed my wrists, stopping me from leaning away.
"What are you doing?" My heart hammered against my ribs, and at this moment I was hoping he couldn't hear it.
"Do you think there's anything else that needs to be fixed up?" His voice came out in a whisper, I could feel it against my face. "Do you think my *lips* should be red too?"
*Was he saying what I think he was saying?*
Apparently he was, because we both leaned in with closed eyes, connecting our lips. He pulled me into his lap on the stool, grabbing the back of my neck to deepen the kiss. I was sure that I was getting lipstick on much more than his lips at this point.
After quite the makeout sesh, we pulled away, both panting.
"What was that for?" My brain was in a complete haze. I realized I was still on his lap and began standing up, only to be pulled back down by his hands.
"I decided to finally make a move." He chuckled, leaning his forehead on mine.
"You mean, you like me?"
"No, I make out with everyone, all the time." He deadpanned. I giggled, running my thumb across his lips and showing his all the red that had transferred.
"Totally worth it." He smirked, kissing the tip of my nose sweetly.
*I'm not gonna get anything done with this man around.*
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