#i think the last disney movie i watched was princess and the frog?
just-someone-online · 2 years
Lowkey, Encanto has actually given me an interest in Disney movies. Like, I saw a few when I was a kid, but it was less out of any real interest and more that that was what they turned on at my daycares.
But now I’ve got like five movies that I actually want to check out! I didn’t care for Frozen when it came out but now I’m gonna watch both tomorrow!
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youremyonlyhope · 2 years
Why did Randy Newman have to make me cry over a song about a firefly that loves a star?
How did this manage to be literally the most romantic love song ever written?
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tenshindon · 1 year
What’s a Disney movie that hasn’t been represented in a Kingdom hearts that you want to see.
why are you asking this on my dragonball blog bestie 💀
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littlemisssquiggles · 1 month
The Missed Potential of WISH
It’s funny.
Last year, I really wanted to watch the new Wish animated film from Disney.
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While everyone else were hating on the art and animation style, I actually kind of liked it and was genuinely looking forward to possibly viewing it on the big screen.
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Then the reviews came in. Needless to say, I didn’t watch Wish.
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I remember a time when people used to complain about Disney making “too many love stories”. Then Disney stopped making love stories leading to films like Moana, Coco, Encanto and even Turning Red, which weren't bad.
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Following the failure of Wish, the biggest complaint I’ve heard for that film is that “it probably would’ve been more successful if it were a love story”.
The last romance Disney had we’re the protagonist was a “black girl” was Tiana from The Princess and the Frog which was technically their last 2D animated feature film.
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And don’t get me wrong, til this day, The Princess and the Frog still tracks. Second to Tangled, I still very much love TPATF and it's one of Disney's classics that definitely have the rewatchability.
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That being said, Wish is the first Disney film I've seen where the missed potential of what its story was originally supposed to be (herego a love story between a human girl and shape-shifting star boy) versus what we actually got is more popular.
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Aww Disney, what were you thinking?! How could you think a film where the main character, who is a PoC, the first "black girl" (well technically I think Asha is meant to be mixed) female lead/love interest that you've had since Tiana in The Princess and the Frog in 14 YEARS where she is actually human for all of the movie and gets to share a love story with a handsome "star boy" who can literally make all of her dreams come and think that that's NOT gonna make you money!
I haven't even watched Wish yet I've seen more artwork and fan-made animatics of Asha and Star Boy than anything from the actual film.
At this point, Disney should just take all of the original ideas they left on the chopping block for Wish and revise them into a future title which is an actual love story they could market from.
Or…as an audience, we can just wait for one of their competitors, like Dreamworks to smell the blood in the water like the sharks they are and capitalize on Disney’s latest flop by taking the ideas they didn’t use and coming up with something that could potentially usurp the popularity of Wish’s failure.
In the case of Dreamworks, they don’t even need to make a new star boy since, technically, they already have potential “star boy” they can use.
Remember Rise of the Guardians?
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Hahaaaaa OF COURSE you do, since it gave us the original immortal boy internet heart throb (also ironically voiced by Chris Pine who played King Magnifico in Wish) ---Jack Frost.
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I find it hilarious that another reason why folks are hating on Wish so much is because Disney could've given us another potential immortal boy heart throb "Star Boy" to finally usurp the chokehold that Jack Frost has had on our generation of weebs and artists for the past 12 years since RoTG first dropped.
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We could've had it all.
But as I mentioned Rise of the Guardians, did you know that there is character in the original series it was based off of called Nightlight?
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While technically not a “star boy”, Nightlight is the closest thing to one in an already established universe from a Dreamworks property and since this squiggle meister never misses a beat to push for continuation of Rise of Guardians, hear me out:
Imagine a Rise of the Guardian prequel-sequel about the character Nightlight and make it a love story.
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(Because apparently there's a girl that Nightlight grows close to in his story called Katherine. It's just a friendship but needless to say, there is potential there).
I know it’s been 12 years since Rise of Guardians first dropped and I know I've be hollering for a sequel since 2012.
But c'mon, if there was ever a time for Dreamworks to capitalize on an RoTG sequel, it's now.
As Wish has proven, the internet is hungry for another handsome immortal boy with magical powers.
Dreamworks set the ball rolling with Jack Frost.
If Dreamworks were to revisit RoTG again, take Nightlight's story. Take his design and give him the "Jack Frost" treatment and make it a love story on top of that.
I'm not saying it will happen. Not even saying it could happen.
But if somehow thought becomes reality and something like this does actually happen, whoever does it will be rolling in dough.
This is just a longwinded way of me to say that somebody needs to bank on the concept of a star falling in love with a human and do it now since as the internet has shown, it's what the people want and what Wish failed to give.
~LMS (2024)
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moshpitgamma · 5 months
i absolutely adore the way you write viva <333 I’d love to hear your nsfw headcanons ;)
Omggg thank you☺️ and I’ve been thinking bout it for sometime and thank you for FINALLY requesting it🤍🤎
Viva x Reader||NSFW Headcannons
🌸Viva is totally into overstimulation. She will make you cum about 5 times before she gives you mercy.
🌸This woman is a sneaky fuck and will tease you just to see your baffled reaction.
🌸Viva kinks are hair pulling, edging, bdsm, and overstimulation
🌸She will take any risks she wants to do or you want to try out. If you want to try public sex, she’s all here for it.
🌸Her turn ons are you wearing her clothes, you getting overly excited like her, you giving her physical attention to her hair or face (She is REALLYYYY touch starved)
🌸When it comes to doing the do, she is into semi-sloppy sex. She will want to make a mess of you but wanna make it a little easier to clean up afterwards
🌸Viva is a switch but leans towards topping. If you want to be the top, she will let you, but once she sees you bottoming out, she is flipping y’all over and taking the reigns
🌸She prefers using her mouth and fingers, but when she uses a strap, you’re a loud moaning mess. Y’all can’t tell me she won’t handle a strap like she does it on a regular.
🌸She’s loud when having sex but knows when to be quiet when she has to.
🌸She’s more of a gentle dom but isn’t afraid to be mean when she has to. “Cmon my princess/prince/baby. You can take it, since you’ve been a fucking brat today.”
🌸I headcannon she’s also very flexible so she’s always putting her s/o into some sort of imaginative poses when pounding their guts.
🌸(pretend they have phones) She’s the type to record or take a picture of you while y’all are fucking or she’s giving you head to watch it later when she’s in the mood.
🌸She lovessss when you leave marks or scratch marks on her. She wears them as little trophies from her s/o. But don’t think she won’t mark you right back up.🤫
🌸If you wear anything pink or her type of styled lingerie, she’s gonna have you drugged up on her by the early morning.
🌸Viva can last up to 4-5 rounds because of her high metabolism and her high energy. If you get tired in between SHES giving you 30 minutes to catch your breath and she’s back on you again.
🌸WILL NOT AGREE TO HURT YOU!!! She’s only ok with spanking, but anything else is a hard ass NO!
🌸During the do she is very funny and makes jokes, but keeps it semi-serious if y’all are deep in the mood.
🌸When she’s in the mood she gets more physical and she pays more attention to you and your movements. She will also start grabbing on you and making her kisses more passionate.
🌸Viva keeps herself maintained down there and she’s kinda ok with being bald, but she prefers to have a little maintained bush down there.
🌸She is the queen of aftercare. She’s rubbing your body from the soreness, running a bubble bath, making your favorite snack, bringing you your favorite drink, and if you’re still up she’s cuddling you while watching a Disney movie (Moana or The Princess and the Frog.)
THATSSSS ALLL and I literally wrote this off of 2 hours of sleep and a badass headache so I hope y’all enjoy this☺️😮‍💨GAMMA OUT
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martianbugsbunny · 7 months
Maybe Disney needs to try taking on a fairytale they haven't done yet. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy more original stories like Raya and the Last Dragon and Encanto that as far as I'm aware don't originate from any particular legend (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong tho). Those are fun. Exploring different magical concepts like dragons and the miracle is awesome.
But that being said, I think Disney needs to go back to its roots and do a fairytale. Something with a princess and a big bad that comes from an existing legend. That's (generally) where Disney excels. That's why people love Disney. Little Mermaid? Classic. Beauty and the Beast? Classic. Princess and the Frog? Classic. Cinderella? Classic. Snow White? Classic. Really, I just think Disney does what Disney does best when they're taking a story that already exists and turning it into a beautiful piece of animation with a gentle, kind soul at the center of it, maybe with a different little spin like setting the Frog Prince story in 1920s New Orleans or having Beauty's father be an inventor. Little touches like that to make the story uniquely Disney, but with a solid basis in a folk narrative that touches something deep and instinctual inside most people.
Give me a girl who's cursed. A girl who either falls prey to evil or makes a deal with it, and whose sweetheart fights for her like Aurora or who does the brave thing and sacrifices to fix it like Ariel.
Give me a girl who's trapped. A girl whose family keeps her down or who just hasn't found where she fits yet, who stays kind despite her troubles like Cinderella or who finds her own alternative way out like Belle.
Heck, even a weird-ass thing like Shakespeare But Lions would be welcome. That's such a Disney thing to do, taking a story like Hamlet and filling it with whimsy and giving it a happy ending. Plus, Simba is one of the strongest protagonists and learns one of the best lessons in all of Disney fight me.
(I'm not going to count Frozen in the folk story group because the departure from the original was so wild I don't think it deserves to count. I love Elsa with my entire soul but I would also die to see Disney do a proper version of the Snow Queen fairytale.)
Look, my point is that I'd like to see something that really makes Disney dig a little deeper and recapture the spark of its classics. Because as much as I enjoy stuff like Tangled and Frozen and Moana (I've watched all of them loads of times and I cry about them consistently) they don't come to mind as Disney classics for me. Maybe that's just me. Maybe it simply hasn't been enough time. Maybe it's the difference in the animation. Speaking of that, however, I would actually love to see a Disney movie done in a 2D style again; I don't think 3D has any inherent superiority and I'd love to see what Disney could do with a 2D movie now. And there are so many folk stories in the world, surely there must be one that Disney can bring to life the way it used to. They haven't retold every story that's been told already.
Am I being a little picky? Probably. But I'd love to see something that reminds me of the Disney classics where a gentle person with a courageous core has their life touched by magic, faces an obstacle, and has a happy ending. Something that's not a variation on "X needs to be saved" but a specific character longing for a specific thing and either doing what they think is necessary to get it (like Tiana and Ariel) or giving it up for the sake of someone else, but getting a happy ending nonetheless (like Belle and Simba). Also a clear-cut badguy who gets to be absolutely cunty and evil about it with no peculiar twist.
I'd like to see something Classic Disney again.
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lulu2992 · 7 months
Last month, I also watched the Walt Disney Animation Studios’ 100th Anniversary short film Once Upon A Studio, and I loved it.
It’s not the story I liked most; it was nice and cute, but nothing revolutionary or unexpected. What I loved was seeing and hearing all these familiar characters, especially the 2D-animated ones, again. I’m a fan of hand-drawn animation and really miss it, so I was happy to experience it once more, even if it was only for a few minutes.
I love traditional animation because it’s always felt more magical and “personal” to me. I missed seeing a character on screen and thinking, “I know who drew you”. Here, when Louis (The Princess and The Frog) appeared, I recognized his original supervising animator Eric Goldberg’s work. I also knew that impressive shot of Peter Pan and the Darling siblings flying around the building could only have been animated by James Baxter (his brain works in 3D; I don’t know how he does that but it’s always mind-blowing). And as a fan of Mulan, seeing her not only being animated by Mark Henn, whose style I think is unmistakable and who was her supervising animator in the 1998 movie, but also holding hands and singing with Snow White (the first Disney protagonist) and Asha (the latest Disney protagonist) was quite special and moving.
What’s also great is that you can tell they tried to remain as faithful as possible to each movie’s original visual style, which means characters, for the most part, really look like they’ve just come out of their respective films. Graphically speaking, the numerous protagonists all have their own identity (it clearly was the artists’ goal, and I think they achieved it), but the whole thing still looks surprisingly coherent. The vast majority of the original voice actors are back, which is a very nice touch as well.
I don’t know, I just think the care, skills, and passion of the people who worked on Once Upon A Studio were palpable, and that felt good. Their attention to detail is evident, and as someone who grew up watching hand-drawn animated movies and truly loves the artistry behind them, I appreciate that.
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Journey Across the Disneyverse: Third Day
In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Walt Disney Animation Studios, I'm rewatching some of my favorite films from the studio.
This were the ones that I watched today.
1 - Aladdin (1992)
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One of my father's favorite Disney films and one that I held a lot of kinship because of that.
It's a very heartfelt and sincere story, even with all the anachronistic jokes. In any other movie, a character like the Genie would be unbelievably annoying, but Robin Williams makes the character so likable and charismatic that in end you want to hear more and more of his celebrity and pop culture jokes.
Now, my favorite random trivia about this movie. In the Brazilian dub, the song Arabian Nights has one lyric that can be translated as "And too many orgies". To my knowledge, no one ever took issue with this lyric.
Right wing evangelical groups swear that the "Good teenager, take out your clothes" made into the Brazilian dub, but the first song literally has the word "orgies" in it, and no one batted an eye.
In Brazil, we have a Disney movie where the word orgy is said, and it's so obvious that the Disney+ subtitles try to cover up the fact by ridiculously trying to gaslight the audience into thinking the lyric is "And too many parties"
2 - Lion King (1994)
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Disney's most epic movie.
Everything about this movie is epic, big, and thunderous.
People often compared this to Hamlet, but I think it's more complicated.
The film runs on a very ancient mythology archetype of son taking revenge on the uncle for killing the father. Heck, Osiris, Set, and Horus from Egyptian Mythology have the same story dynamics as Mufasa, Scar, and Simba. Hamlet itself is inspired by an older Scandinavian legend of a hero king named Anleth.
It's also worth pointing out how in the Shakespeare play, the ghost is a more malevolent presence, and the avenging the dead father is Hamlet's start of darkness, while in Lion King, Mufasa's presence is much more uplifting, and avenging the death father is treated like an rite of passage of sorts, granting Simba maturity.
3 - The Princess and the Frog (2009)
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A very underrated film, overshadowed by both Frozen, and to a lesser extent, Tangled as well.
Although I agree with the criticism of the first African-American Disney Princess staying most of the film as a frog, the frog transformation is so crucial to the plot, than changing it would create a whole, completely different film.
There something very charming about setting a fairy tale so late in the US during the roaring twenties. I love how the film incorporates many fairy tale archetypes like the Good King, the fairy godmother, the wicked sorcerer with the residents of New Orleans. New Orleans looks beautiful and bigger than life on this film, and thanks to the fairy tale archetypes and magical elements, the city becomes an alternative, magical world.
Ray's death continues to be one of Disney's bravest creative choice in the last twenty years. They could bring him back with magic like they did so many times, but they manage to create a beautiful and bittersweet farewell to him.
@ariel-seagull-wings @thealmightyemprex @tamisdava2 @natache @the-gentile-folklorist @the-blue-fairie @thelittlehansy @mask131 @princesssarisa @angelixgutz
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phil-lesterfan · 4 months
15 & 20
15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
1. freezing is easiest (FOR ME) and honestly i’m so fascinated with hypothermia. if i have to freeze to death i hope i get naked and run really far away
2. drowning is mid. i don’t really have many thoughts on it. my brother did accidentally almost make me drown last summer though. but i played it cool B) *coughs up more water*
3. burning is the most scary but boy does it make a statement.
20. favourite disney princess movie?
either mulan or princess and the frog >_< depends on the mood i’m in :3
brave used to be my 2nd fav but i think i watched it too much when it came out so now i’m like. ehh 💀
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writingbaddie · 1 year
Weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well:
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🌸 1. chipotle order?
🌸 2. thoughts on veganism?
🌸 3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
🌸 4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
🌸 5. favorite form of potato?
🌸 6. do you use a watch?
🌸 7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
🌸 8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
🌸 9. do you have a skincare routine (and how
many steps is it)?
🌸 10. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
🌸 11. anything from your childhood you've held on to?
🌸 12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
🌸 13. first thing you're doing in the purge?
🌸 14. do you think you're dehydrated?
🌸 15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
🌸 16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
🌸 17. an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
🌸 18. your boba/tea order?
🌸 19. the veggie you dislike the most?
🌸 20. favorite disney princess movie?
🌸 21. a number that weirds you out?
🌸 22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
🌸 23. do you wear jewelry?
🌸 24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
🌸 25. would you say you have good taste in music?
🌸 26. how's your spice tolerance?
🌸 27. what's your favorite or go-to outfit?
🌸 28. last meal on earth?
🌸 29. preferred pasta noodle?
🌸 30. ask me anything!
The reblog made me do this- xD, anyway, I brought you some tea (if you don't like tea then pretend it's coffee, and if you don't like coffee either then...idk. It could be juice maybe?), since I know that's gonna take a while to answer! 🌼
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Why THANK YOU for le tea. I happen to be an avid tea drinker (Black tea, 5 sugars and French vanilla creamer) Anywho, onto these asks: 1. Steak and cheese quesadilla with chips and queso blanco.
2. I think it's a nice lifestyle, but personally not for me. I'm a meat eater 100%.
3. Not many colors, but I suppose neon blue. Especially on neon signs. It's so bright but dark it assaults my eyeballs.
4. Hm...possibly ghosts and demons. Spirits in general.
5. Potato chips!
6. Yes, it's a fitness watch too! It helps track my calories, heart rate, and steps.
7. Octopi/squids! Squishy, sloshy, tentacle bois!
8. Sometimes, other times I'll flop on my bed in my work clothes.
9. I do! (Though I am shit at being consistent with it) It is 3-4 steps.
10. Apple, though I've never been on a plane that offers orange juice just yet.
11. For your sake, I'll give the lighthearted answer. I have a bunch of plushies from my childhood, including a stuffed beanie baby lamb named Lamby, who I used to say goodnight to as a kid before going to bed.
12. Not really, tbh. I do like Urea Cream. it helped my KP and ashiness.
13. Locking my house the fuck down and arming myself. Sorry it ain't as fun as raiding 7/11, but I'm a black woman. We ain't scurrying the streets with the crazies.
14. Considering how little water I unfortunately consume, along with my high-mobility job and the recent hot, sunny weather, most likely.
15. Based purely on length of time, I'll say: Drowning, Freezing, Burning.
16. I prefer other flavors, but it's one of my favorites!
17. Overapologize for everything, even things that aren't my fault (working on this in counseling)
18. Brown sugar boba milk tea (I don't regularly order boba, so I don't know if this is proper boba terminology)
19. Honestly, I'm not a veggie girl in general, but I hate zucchini. I've despised it ever since I tried it.
20. Princess and the Frog, all the fuckin' way.
21. Those super-high numbers like Googol and Googolplex. Just the magnitude of them is so interesting but existentially terrifying at the same time.
22. Considering how little I drink water, no.
23. I used to, but I'm a tad too lazy to accessorize now.
24. American, mainly because I was raised by a New Yorker and a Jamaican New Yorker.
25. Good and eclectic taste, yes.
26. For a Jamaican, not really. More than your average white Midwesterner, but not enough for my ancestors.
27. Lol, scrubs. No, like, nursing scrubs. I work in a daycare, I'm sorry. I would say my favorite outfit is this black dress with white embroidery. I call it my prairie dress because it's so pretty and modest, so I don't feel self conscious.
28. Bacon cheeseburger with fries and fried chicken on the side with red velvet cake as dessert and Sprite for my drink.
29. Fettuccine or shells.
30. Which word would you use if you could only use one for the rest of your life?
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pickypickypeak · 11 months
anyway while I still believe the new snow white live action pics are fake, seeing the online reactions to them just tells a lot… people are complaining about their ethnicity… “it’s woke”… can you please, PLEASE explain how is the SKIN COLOR of any of them supposed to affect the movie??? how are your children traumatized by looking at a person of color portraying a fucking dwarf from a 1937 cartoon???
if these turned out to be true honestly I would be pissed, but the ethnicity of them would be my last concern! the problem here is dwarfs not being dwarfs anymore, THAT was the iconic part of them, not the skin color or even their gender. if they make sleepy or happy a girl that’s fine! that would NOT delete what came previously. this is a NEW version. not only you don’t need to watch it, but it also doesn’t replace the original! honestly if they cast dwarfs like in the rings of power series, where they looked like dwarfs regardless of their skin color, that would be super fine with me! I’m not gonna rant about some cartoon character being black. “oh my godddd they’re trying to send a political message into a kids movie” they’re just casting actors regardless of their skin (when it’s not needed for the plot). it’s simple as that. and also, I’m sorry to have to break it down to you but disney has always been sending message into their movies, POSITIVE messages about inclusion and respecting people different from you. remember dumbo? remember pocahontas? remember princess and the frog? and those are not the “cash grabs remakes”. these are the original disney movies.
do you realize you see anything other than white straight characters as wokeness and propaganda? maybe it’s time to stop and think about it?
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
20, 28 and 5 for your ask game? ☺️
Hi!!!! :D
20. favorite disney princess movie?
That's tough, I haven't really watched any in a while. I guess I'd say I like Mulan, Princess and the Frog, and Beauty and the Beast! Though I have to say, it's been a more than a decade, and I'll still get Frozen songs randomly stuck in my head 😭
28. last meal on earth?
Lamb chops...They are such a delicacy to me, I go crazy every time I get to eat them, I just think they're so delicious aaaahh. I never got my brother's obsession with meat, steak specifically, and then I tried lamb and now I get it LOL
5. favorite form of potato?
Basic, but: French fries of course. Everywhere makes them different, and I love the variety, and they always reliably taste great. I love salty food a lot ahh
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geekynichelle · 1 year
Last “hot take” on this, for real this time!! I just think that whether or not you are a person that genuinely thinks the live action remake of The Little Mermaid is good, or you (like me) are very critical of it and of disney, I feel like we can both agree that it sucks that we are only getting one movie with a Black mermaid. Like, can we agree that it sucks that whether or not we get mainstream fantasy representation as Black women we have to rely mainly on disney. The company that took 75 years from its founding to give us the first Black princess (who was a frog most of the time, had a white best friend, and an ambiguous prince). There was year where two Snow White movies came out around the same time. Why don’t we have the same opportunity to say, “this Black mermaid movie just isn’t for me, which is fine because this other Black mermaid movie exists and I can watch that instead.”  Having options is something people take for granted all the time, and it’s frustrating seeing people seem to spend more time trying to convince people the live action remake is high quality instead of at least acknowledging that we shouldn’t have to put all our eggs in one basket.  Because as I had said before as critical as I am, my problem was never with Halle Bailey. She seems sweet, it’s just a little bit bigger than her that’s all. 
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Disney Review Request Princess and the Frog
Requested by @themousefromfantasyland who wanted me to discuss Princess and the FRog ,the PRincess film that isnt really talked about and why it is a bit under the radar ....And yeah I wanna talk about that too .See I remember the HYPE for this film :It was Disney going back to their roots ,a princess fairy tale musical in beautiful 2D animation by Ron Clements and John Musker AKA the best directors Disney has ever had ,this was it ,this was going to bring back Disney for a modern age.....And it did fine ,not the game changer Disney was hoping for and as a result instead of bring back Disney 2D after a long hiatus,it was more of a swan song befor one last gasp in the form of Winnie the Pooh .I also saw the film in the theaters right when Disney had kind of become an obsession and for a few years it was the fave movie of my lil sibling.....Till Frozen came out .Also spoilers ahead
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The plot of this 2009 film concerns a waitress named Tiana (Anika Noni Rose) who dreams of opening her own restraunt ,and meets Naveen(Bruno Campos) a selfish Prince who has been turned into a frog in a scheme by the evil Dr Facilier (Kieth David ) ,and going by the Frog Prince fairy tale ,Naveen convinces Tiana to kiss him in exchange for enough money to pay for her restraunt .....Only for her to turn into a frog as well ,and the two set off on an adventure to find a way to make them human
This is a film I wish I loved ,cause there is a lot to love .The animation is beautiful ,and everytime I watch it I get a little sad cause 2D has been completly taken over by CG ,at least in America .I like the side characters .Louis the Trumpet playing gator while not having a lot to do is brilliantly animated by Eric Goldberg and played masterfully by Michael Leon Wooley (THough I will confess ,since I found out he played Audrey II in the Broadway version of Little Shop of Horrors ,I keep expecting him to go "Feeeeeddd Meeeee" ).I ADORE Mama Odie ,a 197 year old blind voodoo priestess .She is kind of a deceptively goofy yet wise character which is an archetype I love and Jennifer Lewis gives it her all ,I had no idea the actress was only in her 50's she convinced me she was much older . I think my favorite character might be Tianas friend Charlotte ,a rich girl obsessed with marrying a prince ,she is just so energetic and funny and I love that she genuinely cares about Tiana .Ray the firefly is a character I thought I wouldnt like when the film was being advertised and I confess I dont like his design .....But he is actually the heart of the film ,Jim Cummings givers a great performance ,I love his sub plot about being in love with a star ,Evangeline ,and I remember how shocking it was that Ray DIES .At the end of the film Dr Facilier KILLS him ,and I remeber the audience gasped in the theater .Now I have seen people who either think Rays death is emotionally powerful or straight up silly ,for me....Im a big ball of emotion ,so when that second star eppears next to the wishing star meaning Ray is finally with Evangeline ......I tear up
I really love Naveen as a character ,a disinherited playboy who loves jazz and his arc and romance with Tiana is good.I also just adore the setting ,I think 1920's New Orleans is the perfect place for a 20th century fairy tale (Wish they used it better but I will get into that ).I also love the use of jazz music and speaking about the music lets talk about the songs by Randy Newman .Now I am not a big Newman fan but I think the songs are really good though some are just OK and I am gonna talk about them from my least favorite to my most favorite
8.Never Knew I needed-the obligatory end credits pop song that is good ,but I dont love it ,I kind of forgot this one existed
7.When We're Human-Sung by Tiana,Naveen and Louis Its cute but kind of meh for me
6.Gonna Take You There-Sung by Ray and his Firefly family ,its just OK
5.Down in New Orleans(All versions)-I actually really like this song ,its a good opener and closer
4.Almost There:Tianas song that is really damn good, Anika Noni Rose does a fantastic job ,I think it is also my third favorite song animation wise ....I just like three other songs better
3.Ma Belle Evangeline -One of the most underrated love songs in Disney ,I think the sequence is beautiful(One of my favorite scenes in the film honestly ) and Jim Cumming really shows off his singing skills
2.Dig A Little Deeper :Mama Odies song and its just got a good message while also be8ing a ton of fun and Jennifer Lewis just sells it .I got a weakness for Gospel style numbers
1.Friends on the Other Side-OK I have opinions that are unpopular about Doctor Facilier but I will give him this ,he has one of the BEST Villain songs in Disney .Kieth David really shows off his amazing singing skills here,the animation is perfect ,I like how it builds up to being completely insane ,its fun ,its creepy ,its just a great villain song.....With a perfect reprise ,but I'll talk about that later
I'll talk about Tiana later ,so lets go into what I think is the flaws/things I am kind of meh about/thing that almost work but dont but-...*Sigh* lets just get into it
In the meh category ....The use of celeb voices here are weird.Like usually you get a big star to play the main character or the sidekick or the villain.....But aside from getting the great character actor Kieth David to play the villain,which I get but the other three BIG STARs play supporting characters.Now I kind of get Terrance Howard and Oparah Winfrey for the parents but...I'm just gonna say it ,why is JOHN GOODMAN IN THIS FILM ??I love John Goodman ,dont get me wrong ,and yeah he is a plot point, (FAcilier wants to kill him and gain his wealth ) but he doesnt do much so I am always distracted when I hear Goodmans voice
Annnnnnddd lets get to the part that I think might get me some flack....Lets talk about my issues,AND what I like about Dr Facilier .I KNOW this guy is super beloved he is the part of the movie people REALLY like....And I'm sorry I got problems with him .I'll start with what I like :His design is great ,evoking classic DIsney villains like Captain Hook ,his villain song like I said is marvelous ,I like his evil plan to take over New Orleans and feed all the inhabitants souls to his Friends on the Other Side ,he's got menace to him,I love the fact his shadow is alive .he is played by one of my favorite actors Kieth David who delivers a phenominal vocal performance and I like that beneath his cool facade he is actually a desperate and terrified dude when it comes to his otherworldly buddies ......But while he is made of cool parts ,they emphisize his greed ,his motive is he wants money and power ......Thats boring and it doesnt really vibe with "Im going to let spirits devour New Orleans " .The other is he is more plot villain and not a good foil to the heroes . He has no connection with Tiana really ,they only have one scene together and she apparently knows who he is but thats never explained .I say to make him a better villain
1.Emphisize his back story that he was someone who used magic to fufill his desires the easy way ,and his desperation to pay off his debt is his motive
2.Have him pursue the heroes ,and tempt the heroes.
I wll say he is a fun character ,I just wish he was great .....Oh his death scene is AMAZING and TERRIFYING though, dragged to the spirit world by his own shadow as his own villain song is sung by monstrus spirits ,that was such a jaw dropping scene in the theater ,possibly my favorite Disney villain death
As for things in the I dont like section.....The film begins strong,and ends strong too.....But that middle section in the bayou is just kind of dull.Up to Ma Belle Evangiline that whole part of the film just drags ,including these three minor bad guys that dont add anything ,theres some terrible jokes ,and two of the songs dont do it for me .Humor in general is hit and miss .Oh I almost forgot ,Lawrence is one of the most forgettable villain sidekicks in Disney,I kind of forget he is in the movie
Well Question time
1 - What do you think about Tiana as a character?
I like Tiana ,I think she is a good protagonist ,Anika Noni Rose soes a good performance ,I find her likeable and I like her romance with Naveen.
2 - Do you think this movie would be better if Tiana didn't turn into a frog, or if the frogs journeyed through New Orleans more inteastad of the bayou?
Yeah I wouldve preferred mor human Tiana,and while I like swampy settings ,I wanted more in New Orleans .
3 - Is this movie good, bad, or just watchable?
Its... on the good end of Watchable .I dont return to it a bunch it has flaws ...But its got its good stuff in it .I dunno I always go in wanting it to be better then it is
Overall it almost works but it feels undercooked ,but I still reccomend it .If best is A+ this is about a B
@ariel-seagull-wings @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1 @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @amalthea9@goodanswerfoxmonster
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sonofcoulson · 1 year
Disney Princesses x Marvel
A diversion from the IAC universe...
This started as a Disney Princesses thing but expanded to include female characters from Disney films that would fit the bill.
Basically finding a Marvel equivalent for Disney characters.
Snow White:
Snow White - Struggling to think of a Marvel character that is good at sleeping, with a weakness for poison apples.
She does charm all the animals when she's singing, maybe Nature Girl? Or Nina Gurzky from the Apocalypse movie.
Cinderella - Sersi (w blue colour scheme)
After her Fairy Godmother's transmutation magic (Pumpkin into coach etc).
Alice in Wonderland:
Alice - Stature
#eat me #drink me
Peter Pan:
Tinkerbell - Pixie (w green colour scheme)
Wendy - Wasp (w light blue colour sceme)
Mimicking Tinkerbell's size and flight with tech.
Sleeping Beauty:
Aurora - Dr Strange (w pink colour scheme)
After Maleficent's power set
The Sword in the Stone:
Mad Madam Mim - Morgan le Fay
Maybe giving Mim too much credit here.
Mary Poppins:
Mary Poppins - Scarlet Witch
Reality altering powers? Check. Scarier than she looks? Check.
Jungle Book:
Shanti - Beast Master
From Mowgli's affinity with animals.
Bedknobs and Broomsticks:
Miss Eglantine Price - Magik maybe?
A better magic user than she gives herself credit for.
Robin Hood:
Maid Marian - Hawkeye (Clint Barton w pink colour sceme)
After Robin's archery skills.
The Black Cauldron:
Princess Eilonwy - Sylvie (w Black body armour, white cloak and pink trousers)
Black cauldron is all a bit mystical isn't it? Maybe I should watch it again.
The Little Mermaid:
Ariel - Namor (w Purple top and green bottoms)
After King Triton's powers. There is a Marvel Triton (Inhumans), but his look and powers don't match up.
Beauty and the Beast:
Belle - Beast of the X-Men (w yellow costume and brown fur)
After the Beast's powers and Belle's smarts.
Jasmine - Captain Agrabah
This is a reach. After the Genie's reality altering powers. Jamie Braddock was the first character to spring to mind, brother to Captain Britain, and the movie is set in the fictional city of Agrabah.
Pocahontas - Ghost Rider
No powers in Pocahontas but there is a Powhatan Ghost Rider in the comics.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
Esmerelda - Dazzler maybe?
Cos she sings and dances? idk
Megara - Marvel's Hercules or Mephisto?
From the power set of the protagonist/antagonist of her movie.
Mulan - Agent May
Jane Porter - Kazar
The Emperor's New Groove
Yzma - Sersi again?
Because of her transmutation skills? idk
Atlantis: The Lost Empire:
Kida - Namora/Namorita
Who else?
Lilo and Stitch:
Lilo - Love (from Love and Thunder)
Nani - The Mighty Thor
In the scenario where OG Thor sacrifices himself so that Mighty Thor can look after her little sister.
The Incredibles:
Elastigirl - Mr(s) Fantastic
Violet Parr - The Invisible Woman
Perfect power sets.
EVE - Jocasta
Had to be.
The Princess and the Frog:
Tiana - Sister Voodoo
Gender swapped, after Shadow Man and Mama Odie's powers.
Rapunzel - Medusa (Inhumans)
Really long hair with magical powers...
Merida - Hawkeye (Kate Bishop - Green colour scheme)
Vanelope von Schweetz - Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
In a souped up racing cart/tiny hot rod.
Elsa - Ice Man
Anna - Ever since Frozen II I've thought that Anna should have plant based powers, so maybe Klara Plast? Groot?
Big Hero 6:
Go Go
Honey Lemon
These two already are Marvel characters.
Judy Hopps - Umm...Rabbit Girl instead of Squirrel Girl? idk
Moana - Can't think of an equivalent, even though she befriends a Polynesian demigod and calms a corrupted Goddess!
Corey - There is actually a Marvel character called Manticore but he does not do this character justice.
Raya and the Last Dragon:
Raya - Blue Dragon from Marvel's Future Fight
She is called Blue DRAGON, she is a physical fighter like Raya, and she hails from Vietnam (Kelly Marie Tran is ethnically Vietnamese).
Abuela - Nick Fury
She knows how to put together a Team of supers.
Julieta - Heals with food. No equivalent in Marvel that I can think of.
Pepa - Storm or Crystal
Isabella - Plantwoman
Genderswapped Plantman.
Luisa - Captain Colombia
Super strength, agility and endurance like Captain America, but Luisa is Colombian.
Mirabel - Maria Hill
About to become Abuela's second in command/sucessor.
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jennyandvastraflint · 9 months
Hi!! Coming to your asks like I threatened to talk about the one frog king movie I enjoyed!
It is the German 2008 Version with Sidonie von Krosigk. You can find it here for reference & in case you want to watch it. (you might need a vpn if you're not in Germany but then it should be free I think? Also, I am just assuming now that I remember correctly and you speak German?)
Bear in mind, the last time I saw it is like 10-15 years ago so my memory is definitely faulty. But I remember I liked a number of things a lot:
There were Sidonie von Krosigk and Marie Luise Stahl and I found that very exciting because I am a child of the 90s and love witches and was accordingly into the Bibi Blocksberg movies that they appeared in (mostly the second one that involved maths tbh)
It's less about the princess and more about a whole friend group of nobles living at the castle and I remember them being precious together
They have that amazing thing (like really WHAT happened there?) that one of the princes only speaks in acronyms. Even when he proposes, I think. 'PS' f.ex. is how he adresses 'Princess Sophie', the main character. Flawless decision making in the writers department - this is the kind of stuff I will still remember in 20 more years. Also, I mean, it was definitely because he was the super rich and powerful prince, but everyone in the friend group accommodated for him, translating for him and making his speech pattern work. So A+ for solidarity there
The princess is - as far as I remember - very aro coded and her relationship to the prince is rather platonic, more like "two people with the same interest (=travelling) have found each other". Maybe I am making this up in my mind to make the movie appeal more to myself but that's how I remember it. Didn't feel much like a marriage in the end and more like, so, we're besties now, goodbye friends, we're off to see Spain! Like, still risky from his perspective to choose HER as a travelling buddy but at least it's not like she can throw him against the wall anymore, human as he is. And she gets to have more personality than 'spoiled' in this tale. So it makes a little more sense for them to go away together.
And I mostly wanted to ask whether you know the movie because of that shared interest being travelling. That is kinda similar to what happens in your story. Not the same motives but the result stays the same, the couple goes off to travel with their servant(s). So I was just wondering.
Anyway the number of frog king related things I enjoy went up to 2 yesterday and I'm very happy for it :)
(That said, I have never watched the Disney version and I feel like I might like it? But I also feel like it has little to do with the original.
...aaand I just remembered there are actually 3 frog king things I enjoy bc there is also a children's book about an unhappy prince and a frog is like 'I'm an enchanted princess, kiss me and you'll be happy and a king and we will have a thousand riches.' So he does and turns into a frog and they are happy together and rule the kingdom of the pond and have a thousand little frog kids together who are their greatest treasures. I liked that one, too. The art was gorgeous.)
Also I feel like I might just get my sister to rewatch the movie with me now. Very risky to do that with things you remember fondly from childhood (also I already remember the animation of the frog to have been terrible so there's that) but it might be fun? And I kinda wanna know how faulty my memory actually is.
Sorry, this is a lot of rambling now but maybe you enjoyed it? It all came up bc of your fic at least :)
I hope you'll have a good day today <3
First of all, hiii :D
I do actually know that one, I think I've watched it when I was younger! (I'm Austrian, so yes, I know German XD) I might have to rewatch it then!
The Disney one is quite nice! I haven't watched it in ages but I think it was one of the Disney films I enjoyed most.
Glad to have provided something happy for you to read!! (shameless self promo but if you enjoy Fairytale retellings - vague and closer to the original - I have one that's vaguely Beauty & the Beast inspired, and one that has a curse and mermaids XD Technically I have a plot for a Sleeping Beauty one but due to hhhhh work I haven't been able to finish any other fics to have time to write that yet. Herm, lots of fic ideas, there's also one with a Minotaur and the labyrinth :P) Tush, enough self promo! I'm glad you enjoyed my fic!
I realised btw that you're the Mels Zucker/Doctor Jones fic that popped up on my Tumblr a few times, and I'm so intrigued by it. I hope to be able to pick up reading it soon👀
Wonderful day to you too!
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