#i think the lore was that she was forced to kill her sister as a sacrifice every time?
nemiisnemisis · 4 months
falling back down the rabbit hole that is Yae Sakura again
my beloved
i wish for nothing but a happy ending for her for once. HYV why do u like making her suffer even in aus?
i still need to play pt 2 but i also cling onto pt 1 bc i played ggz before hi3-
still very upset they shut down the global server, i literally lost all the ppl I've played with for years :,)
also the boss themes were bangers even though i tended to get my ass kicked in higher difficulties
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mccoyquialisms · 6 months
my fantasy high red-string-conspiracy-theory-board-of-the-main-mystery lore tracker (a long ass post) (because I love both mysteries AND organization of inconsequential information):
rough chronology of events:
In ages past there is a wedding attended in the Chaos Mountains by Sol and Galicaea of their sister the Witch Goddess to an unnamed giantkin god. This god is a summer god, sibling of the giant winter goddess Ruvina
Over centuries, the unnamed god's domain changes from the sun and summer to fire
This unnamed god is killed and their name was wiped from history. The other gods remember who this being is, but due to obliviati mori, cannot reference them directly to mortals. Red shatter stars appear around this time
850 years before present day, the Witch Goddess's name is erased by her followers (encouraged by followers of Galicaea) and she is transformed into the Nightmare King. Before she does she performs the 4 trans-substantiations to resist being "unmade". Her familiar Kalina becomes a plague and begins to spread through the mortal populace. These events likely happen after the death of her spouse, as there is no reference to a spouse when the Witch Goddess was previously mentioned
Roughly 4-6 years before modern day, the pit fiend Bakur attempts to resurrect his god, whose name was lost "so they could not be worshiped." The return of this god is felt to be a significant threat to the world. Lydia Barkrock and her adventuring party stop him by sealing Bakur in a red gem in Lydia's chest, where she keeps him imprisoned with her rage
The Ratgrinders, then called the High 5 Heroes, meet in freshman year and consist of Kipperlilly, Oisin, Mary Anne, Ruben, Ivy and Lucy.
They xp level up by killing rats, twig gremlins and other small magical creatures in the woods behind Aguefort
The events of freshman year happen and Kalvaxus is released. During prom, Ragh spots Jace Stardiamond talking to Arianwen. He is later "barbarian healed" by Porter and after this can see Kalina. Kalina finds Ragh later and threatens Lydia if he talks about what he's seen
Sophomore year spring break happens and the Nightmare King is transformed into the goddess now named Cassandra
At some point Lucy began to return to the woods after party sessions to revive the rats they killed. She did this long enough and with enough regularity that the rats remember her name/face well and think of her fondly
Paperwork is submitted for Lucy to change her god from Ruvina to a god whose name cannot be read, just before her disappearance. A few days later a second request is submitted to withdraw this change. Neither form was ever seen by Lucy's teacher Yolanda Badgood
Lucy was killed near Lake Shimmerstone by multiple assailants with both weapon and magical damage towards the end of sophomore year, in the period of weeks after grades were complete, but before summer break. The area has multiple uprooted trees, some of which were used to hide her body. Unholy rites were performed over her body to force her soul to the beyond, so she cannot be revived.
Lucy is reported as dead but her body was never found. She was described as "not alive in this material plane" via divination
Because of the timing of her death, her party was not moved to pass/fail as all grades for that year had already been submitted
Night Yorb and the long dark summer happens
Buddy Dawn, a cleric of Sol, is specifically requested by the Ratgrinders to be their new cleric for junior year
Also over the long dark summer, the Loam farmers are accused of embezzlement and the Frostyfair festival is moved from there to the Thistlesprings tree at the recommendation of Lola Embers. Sklonda Gukgak is assigned as the Loam couple's public defender
Kipperlilly finds or is found by the rogue teacher and has passed the whole of junior year
Junior year begins. On her first day, Kipperlilly questions Jawbone on where YES! was created
Kipperlily announces she is running for student body president and her primary platform is for uniform equity under the rules without "favoritism"
In the mall of the Synod, the event that kicks off the battle is Cassandra becomes angry hearing Kristen isn't coming to help find followers. She says "This isn't fair!" as a razor-sharp flickering star of red light emerges from her chest. 24-point, red shatter stars infect nearby wizards and turns them into rage-filled, violent, giant versions of themselves. The people taken over by the shatter stars are instructed by an unknown voice to attack Cassandra
Cassandra is able to be calmed by a high persuasion and when she does, she expels multiple shatter stars. She seems to recognize them and says "I thought you were dead.”
Before Kalina is taken over by the shatter stars, she looks to Riz and says "Ragh Barkrock". She then slits Cassandra's throat, triggering a new round of rage in Cassandra
Cassandra suffers multiple attacks and begins to transform into a giant, red raging version of herself and attempts to kill the party. Before she's successful, the gang are swept away in a time loop back to Spyre. The Bad Kids see the Synod is destroyed, and Kristen finds she has shards of Cassandra in her pocket
Kristen attempts to commune with Cassandra and hears a voice say "She is at my side once more." The voice then mocks Kristen with YES!'s body and then tells Kristen it is coming for her, and it will break her irrevocably.
Ivy sees Fig disguised as Lucy at the party at Seacastor Manor, and has an inscrutable reaction to it, but did not seem surprised
The cloud rider engine in Fabian's basement is broken and a piece is found missing
Kipperlily does the food truck event with the subliminal OK messaging on the packaging
Ruben Hopclap performs at FrostFaire when he is attacked by Principal Grix. Grix is eventually killed by Fabian. The Bad Kids determine Ruben was doing some kind of ritual with a song about anger above an arcano-tech array in a 24 point star pattern, successfully releasing a large amount of some type of magical energy.
Simultaneously, Yolanda Badgood is killed at Lake Shimmerstone by immense concussive force damage, and afterwards her body is expertly hidden. She is subjected to the same unholy last rites that Lucy was.
The Bad Kids find Lucy and Yolanda's bodies, and Kristen releases their souls, who travel to the beyond on a "trail of moonlight"
Sklonda's clients are found murdered
Mazey reveals that the Vice Principal (i.e. Jace) does not become the Principal, and it would be the student body president who becomes the new principal of Aguefort
additional info we can reasonably infer or that don't fit neatly in the timeline:
Buddy's grandparents, and likely Buddy himself, have a vested interest in his grandfather becoming the cleric teacher. He went to Aguefort and is familiar with the school. Presumably he wants this to be able to preach about Sol and spread his influence
At some point before her death, Yolanda told Jace about her concerns regarding Lucy's deity-transfer paperwork
Cassandra is not dead, but is "beyond reach"
Lucy and Yolanda were noted to be in "realms beyond", which Brennan specifically noted they were taken from and "whatever was happening there"
The Ratgrinders are gunning for the bad kids and seem to be orchestrating situations to try to get them to take drugs
Porter's philosophical discussion with Fig regarding the concept of protection and how that is often inextricably tied with rage, that one can act as a fuel for the other
Porter is a paladin of the ancestors, and at some point was mentioned to be a goliath, though this seems to be debated in canon. If true, it's possible he's a descendant of giants
Kristen bring's up Sol's wrath and Buddy does not refute this, agreeing Sol's wrath is a well known aspect of him and he has been quite angry because of the dark summer/night yorb situation
As above so below. What the gods do affect their mortal followers, but conversely, what the mortals who follow them do also affect the gods
A god can only come back from death in a place a god had been born or created, meaning Bakur's decision to try to revive his fallen god in the Red Waste was what doomed it to failure
Bakur's documents are written in the language of giants, and his deity is said to be from the same region as Ruvina. Combining this with Adaine’s research, and the “mitochondrial magic print”, Bakur’s god is Cassandra’s former spouse
The cloud rider piece was likely stolen by the Ratgrinders as Kipperlily asked Aelwyn to research schematics of the device
Kipperlily seems to be keeping information from some of the other Ratgrinders, telling Aelwyn she needs to "protect Oisin" from their shady deals
Kipperlily's mother works for the city treasury and her father is in real estate. Neither are super wealthy, but Kipperlilly has been paying Aelwyn large amounts of money to obtain arcane components. Given the timing of this with the disappearance of a large sum of money from the Frostyfair accounts, the timing of the murder of the people who were blamed for it, and that the new chosen location happens to be the home of one of the Ratgrinders rivals, the Ratgrinders involvement is thought to be likely
Cassandra's whispered clue of "spies, tongue, curse"
Places outside Spyre, like the Synod, are easier for dead gods to reach
For whatever the Ratgrinders have planned, a student being the principal of Aguefort is essential for it. A lot of people have had to be conveniently absent or dead for this circumstance to occur.
This is all not even touching Aguefort's whole journey through time and possible time quangle issue and whatever the fuck Fig's Bad Luck Thing is. I'm not convinced that these are related to the god stuff and are likely their own separate issues. also, I am tired lmao. If you want to hear my rambling theories, I'll be making a separate post.
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holmsister · 3 months
Ok, my long delayed post about Kabru and the Winged Lion. This does not end here, I'm adding more in a reblog.
Heavy on spoilers. Taking the extra material from @dunmeshistash who I apologise to as usual
Let's start here:
I don't care if you're a wasp you owe him 22 years of alimony
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Two important takeaways here:
1) Kabru's hatred of monsters is caused not just by the Utaya catastrophe, but also from the fact that even before that, his unusual eye color was connected to monsters in local lore, and this led to ostracisation and, we can imagine, violence or at least the threat of violence towards him and his mother, serious enough that she escaped to Utaya, aka the place where the dungeon would kill her.
Kabru crucially does not place the fault for this on his father's family, but on himself for being born with 'monstrous eyes'. This is a normal way of reacting to ostracization in children, interiorising instead of projecting the trauma. It's much easier to imagine a world in which there's actually something wrong with you than one in which others might make you suffer for no reason. Monsters are also much more likely to be offered as an explanation by the adults than the actual more realistic explanations (infidelity or rape), which would not be considered appropriate.
This means that indirectly, child Kabru feels that his own 'monstrosity' is responsible for his mother moving to Utaya to protect him and ultimately dying.
2) in the Dungeon Meshi world there are specifically legends about *demon* succubi and incubi (real world lore says succubi prey on men and incubi on women and I assume that's what Laios is referring to with the distinction, but besides that lets assume theyre one and the same), distinct from the *actual monsters* succubi. The demons and monsters have a similar MO of using a person's desires to capture them, but while monster succubi suck a person's vital force, the demons supposedly use the men for their seed and the women for their womb to reproduce (again, completing dungeon meshi lore with bits of real world lore here). Laios, our local monster expert, thinks those demons are just legend. He tells us there are monsters that do use people as incubators for their eggs but I highly doubt that's Kabru's case, uncanny resemblance to a wasp notwithstanding (Laios...)
From here we go to:
Kabru's incredible rizz
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This is where the tumblr search function spat in my face and ran away with the rest of my references while giggling. Oh well.
It's noted over and over in canon and extra material that Kabru is charming. More than that: Kabru *will do anything to get someone to like him*.
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Worth noting that Daya and Holm *like* Kabru. This is not them disparaging an acquaintance, this is them levelling a criticism at a good friend, a criticism that seems to have been levelled at him before even ("it's no surprise...").
So, important takeaway: Kabru isn't just charming in general, he VERY SPECIFICALLY makes an effort to be charming. He needs people to like him, to trust him, and in order to obtain this, he's willing to lie and pretend.
Like with the Canaries: he needs them to trust him so they will keep him privy to their plans. So he plays up the poor innocent baby orphan angle:
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And with Laios? The what (pretending to like monsters) we know, but why?
Kabru thinks Laios is the only one who can conquer the dungeon without the elves or the dwarves intervening and taking control. He is however very worried about his motivation. He wants to know why Laios is going so deep into the dungeon - beyond wanting to save his sister. What motivates him? Can he be trusted?
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In the Toshiro chapters we find out that he has been trying to get in contact with him for weeks, possibly months, but this is the first time he has had a real possibility to meet him, and in order to make sure to leave a positive memory and possibly be an influence in the future, he pretends to be aligned with Laios' as much as possible, including hiding his hatred of monsters. I have written tons on this that has now been lost to tumblr like tears in the rain, but: I do not joke when I say that I think Kabru is flirting with Laios before and after the harpy egg incident. Let's be clear: Kabru's intentions are not romantic at this point. But he has noticed how lovestruck Laios was with Toshiro before their confrontation, and he's thinking, well, if I can get him to develop a similar crush on me, I can probably get him to listen to me more easily. Like I can mince words and put things in scary quotes but that's straight up what's happening. Kabru is trying to establish a close bond that wasn't there before: it might not be necessarily sexual, but it's definitely a type of seduction.
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It kinda works.
The rest in a reblog because I ran out of space.
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stealingpotatoes · 1 month
some ppl very kindly loredumped abt the organa-solo kids for me so gonna put that + responses below the cut!! ↓
@erkhyan asked:
Don’t mind me, just dropping some Organa Solo kids lore, hopefully summarized enough. Anakin: both motivated and intimidated by the fact that his name was supposed to redeem that of his grandpa. Had his grandpa’s qualities (excellent pilot, great warrior, very strong in the Force) but none of his negative trait. Traumatized by being unable to save Chewie. Died a hero at age 16 during a successful mission to destroy a Jedi-killing weapon. Jacen: a big, empathetic goof as a teen, but was traumatized by the war that killed Anakin. The war and the trauma of Anakin’s death turned him into an introspective monk who went to learn weird non-Jedi Force powers. Returned, fathered a secret daughter, fell to the Dark Side because the Force told him that every timeline in which he’s not a Sith ends badly for his daughter. Became a Sith Lord by killing mara jade Skywalker. Eventually died when he found himself having to choose between saving his daughter from an Imperial plot, and dodging his sister’s lightsaber. Jaina: best pilot, best lightsaber user, best warrior, earned the nickname of Sword of the Jedi. Unfortunately, people mostly remember the fact that she was stuck in the world’s most annoying love triangle for two decades in-universe. And that time she processed the trauma of Anakin’s death by trying to seduce her Jedi Master. And that time she was in a bug hivemind that tried to solve her love triangle with a sexy threesome. And that time she went to train under Boba Fett so that she could kill Jacen in Luke’s stead. And also because the Jedi Order finally recognizing that she should have been a made a Master years ago, was almost the LAST thing that happened in the Legends continuity. Heavily implied that her husband would have eventually become Emperor (but a good one) if the continuity had been allowed to go on.
CHEWIE DIED??????????? also christ thats a lot to put on poor lil anakin jr-- ALSO AGAIN. POOR LEIA. HASNT SHE BEEN THRU ENOUGH (poor han too but LEIA)
WHY ARE THERE MORE STAR WARSES!!! LEAVE THEM ALONE!! a secret daughter hi i love those but AGAIN. POOR LEIA. A SITH. FR HE KILLED MARA JADE WHAT???????????? oh my god.
i support jaina's turboslaggery she's been thru so much also WHAT potential emperor husband????????? wow ok legends gets wilder n wilder
@novastargalaxydesigns asked:
I saw your Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin from Legends! And as someone who freaking adores that trio, I'd love to help point out a few things! In Legends of the Force, Jacen starts to affiliate himself with the Dark Side with his cousin, Ben, as his apprentice. Anakin was killed before the book, The Joiner King, and I didn't get the book that he was killed off in, but if I remember correctly, it was told in The Joiner King that he was killed during a mission as a fighter pilot. Jaina, in Legends of the Force I believe if I remember correctly, she gave up being a Jedi to be a pilot. I don't have all of the Legends of the Force books so I may be a bit spiffy on a few things. But we cannot forget Chewbacca's nephew, Lowbacca aka Lowie, and Jacen's childhood and teen hood crush, Tenel Ka whom is a princess and he accidentally cut her hand off with his new lightsaber during the book Young Jedi Knights Lightsabers. And Zekke who went to the dark side in the series Young Jedi Knights (I only got the first 3), but was redeemed. Anyone please correct my nerdiness if I'm wrong. But anygays, you has been educated by a fluffy bean. Had a lovely day!
sorry all i can think w the tenel ka thing is:
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@m0th-person asked:
To follow up on the solo kids ask, Jaina had a weird love life. Her love interest that she eventually married was Jagged Fel. He is the son of the former baron of the empire , Sootir Fel, and Syal Antilles-Fel (Wedge Antilles sister) . (a picture I found on Wookieepedia when he was imperial head of state, the white streak in the hair seems to be genetic) Jag grew up in Thrawn’s empire of the hand (and was grown up with the chiss expectations, that’s literally the second quote on his wookieepedia page)
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he had 3 out of his 5 other siblings die. He eventually became the imperial head of state (he first lost to his rival political candidate for the role because abeloth messed with it) and flash forward to the legacy comics, his descendants have revamped the imperial remnant into the Fel Empire. It’s mostly believed that his descendants are also Jaina’s because both Roan fel and his daughter empress Marasiah Fel are both force sensitive. And Jacen Solo’s descendant , Ania Solo, says she’s a distant cousin of Marasiah. (Roan)
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(Marasiah and her love interest) ( the imperial knights were grey Jedi that served the Fel empire) — and in legends Han actually had a family tree (ancestors, specifically, Jonash e solo (who was Corellian royalty and the admiral-prince during the old republic time period)) , and him and Jagged fel’s father used to rivals in the imperial academy. Darth Vader attended his class graduation and I only find this funny because Han became his son-in-law.
jaina was rlly living that booktok enemies to lovers life back in the 90s huh. go girl i love her and support her weird love life decisions so much
omg go han having fancy royalty ties <3 see hanleia IS politically advantageous
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david-talks-sw · 2 months
The biggest problem in "The Acolyte"
I think I've given this show a fair shake. There are parts in it that I really like, and I think this sits in 3rd/4th place in my ranking of favourite Disney - Star Wars shows.
But here's the thing. It felt underwhelming. The only time I was genuinely excited was during the fight scenes, any of them.
But when I think about the events that take place in the show... they're not so bad! There's nothing really lore-breaking, I like flawed characters doing their best. It's okay!
So why was I almost always deadpan, while watching it?
The show doesn't have the same issue as other Disney Plus series, wherein they treat it as a 10-hour movie and thus lose all momentum every time. Headland knows how to raise the stakes properly... but unfortunately, the result is the same!
Because this series was structured and marketed as if it was some kind of investigative thriller, a noir movie about Jedi being murdered and needing to find the killer. And when you look at the events, and at the story it's telling... it really isn't that.
So when you're trying to make these twists... they're all predictable.
How could Osha have killed Indara when she's working as a meknik-- she has a twin.
But who could the Sith in the mask possibly be-- iiiit's Qimir, y'know, the guy who's literally quoting the Sith code and is trying his hardest to seem harmless.
Why is Mae going around killing these Jedi-- they had it coming, they likely wronged her in a way that was unintended and now she's in pain because of it.
What's the mystery behind the twins-- they weren't conceived biologically, they were created using the Force. They're Anakin 1.0.
Were the witches really killed by the fire? What did we miss, why are the Jedi so guilt-ridden over it-- the other side of the story, showing the Jedi probably killing them all through some big well-intentioned-but-misled accident that could've been avoided, which the Jedi now feel guilty over and try to cover up.
Osha seems to be fine with the Jedi arresting her sister-- her heartlessness makes her the perfect Sith, by the end of the Season, she'll be an apprentice and Mae will be on the good side.
Who is Qimir's former teacher-- Vernestra. His scars look like they come from a lightsaber whip.
Is Qimir the Sith master-- probably not, just an apprentice, a self-proclaimed non-Bane-lineage Sith, or an acolyte himself.
Will Sol survive the show-- no, he's gonna die, because of course he is, by Episode I, the Sith have been thought to be extinct for a millenia.
If you're a casual viewer, maybe these wouldn't be as obvious. But if you're a fan, it's like it's written on a billboard. And like, clearly Leslye Headland knew that this would be the case:
"I think a good twist is not about hiding everything from the audience and then throwing it on them like, 'Hey, this is what you didn't see! We hid it so well that you didn't see this!'" says Headland. "I think a good twist is telegraphing what's going to happen, and then once it does, executing it without an ounce of pity or sentimentality."" - Leslye Headland, Entertainment Weekly, 2024
But here's the thing.
You can't make an audience feel as if the stakes have been raised, when we can tell where this is all going.
Because then we're not watching, we're waiting for what will inevitably happen to finally occur. If most of these "mysteries" had been structured as simple plot points in a more straight-forward story about...
Two sisters trying to get back to each other after an incident in their lives caused by the Jedi.
The Jedi Master coming to terms with the fact that his flawed decisions led to tragic consequences.
A Sith Lord trying to appropriate the sisters' powers for himself.
... then I think that I wouldn't feel as underwhelmed.
Instead it's a murder mystery, and we already know the murderer, what motivates said murderer, how said murderer was wronged, etc... and they're feeding us the information by the breadcrumb to build up to these twists, but we can basically guess what these twists are.
Don't treat obvious plot points like a secret. You can get away with it a couple of times, but not with every single one of them. C'mon.
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axiian19-art · 4 months
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The more I think about it the more I realize that if this guys had met under different circumstances, they would have gotten along super well.
All 4 of them have lost their entire family, 3 of them have lost their entire race / homeworld (Boothill, Aventurine, Acheron), 2 of them lost these things because they were victims of the IPC (Boothill and Aventurine), and 2 of them have either lost a sibling or are afraid of losing a sibling (Aventurine and Sunday).
More specifically:
As far as I know, Sunday and Robin's parents were killed somehow, and they were taken in by the Family. Then as Sunday said Robin ended up getting shot in the neck due to trying to help others, and I think he got some kind of trauma from that and his fear of losing Robin, his sister and only remaining family, was amplified, leading to his desire to protect "the weak" no matter the cost—because to him, keeping Robin's wings "clipped" and her alive would be less painful than her being gone, and him being alone forever.
Boothill, as I understand it, was taken in by 2 people who found him as a child, and grew up in the countryside of his planet. He later found and adopted a young girl and raised her as her own, until his entire planet was destroyed by the IPC, causing him to set out to get revenge.
Aventurine also lost his sister and his entire home planet due to the IPC + his planet's own problems, and has been forced to work for the IPC ever since. It also seems like he's trying to destroy it from the inside out or at least obtain his own freedom.
As for Acheron, her entire world, as well as her memories of it, were destroyed—she's almost certainly lost people that were important to her, like the other three.
Like honestly if they all sat down and traded backstories I feel like they'd get along super well, they're all victims of circumstance and that's why they experienced so much conflict during the story
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amiya-shirou · 3 months
Spoilers about Miquella and Marika's DLC Lore
Hate how there's so much black and white perspective in the Elden Ring community, especially regarding Miquella and Marika. Sorry if this sounds too much like an aggressive rant, it's not really my intention
"Miquella did fucked up shit which clearly clashes with his previous lore about being kind and compassionate, SOTE has bad writing" even in the base game he was already said to be the most fearsome of the demigods and it was kinda implied that he made kindness his weapon as he knew well how to make others love him, perfectly consistent with Ansbach's speech
"Miquella is manipulative so obviously he never really cared about Malenia" with all the things he did for her? is it so hard to believe he truly cared about his twin sister for the sake of which he went so far as to find ways to protect her from an Outer God's influence? with Malenia seemingly knowing about Miquella's plan and everything?
"Radahn loved his horse and protected people so he was obviously a perfectly good gigachad who could never ever agree with Miquella" he was among the forces attacking Leyndell. his ideal was Godrey - a conqueror, and the first Elden Lord. having an obsession with battle and war certainly doesn't sound like someone who could never do anything wrong, no matter how honorable he might be in battle.
"Marika did a lot of bad things and was a tyrant so obviously she never held any real love for poor Messmer or even Godwin and all she cared about was power." she made blessings to help Messmer specifically, something unique enough it's specified she never did such a thing again. 2 of these are dropped by Tree Sentinels protecting her home village which she bathed with Grace and clearly held deep love for. She went to great lengths to help him with his curse when she could have just killed him or imprisoned him where he coulnd't be of harm like she did with the Omen twins. she smashed the Elden Ring, literally sacrificing her position as queen as that action put her against the Greater Will and resulted in her shackling, which definitely doesn't sound like someone who cares about power and herself alone. And about that, if she's been imprisoned ever since before the start of the game with no one knowing about it, why are most people so easily assuming she voluntarily abandoned and ignored Messmer? she physically couldn't contact him if she wanted to. Like, it's debatable, maybe she did abandon him since before the Shattering, but it definitely doesn't feel that obvious to me, and Messmer misinterpreting her disappearance feels more in tune with the FromSoft style tragedy
all this sounds like those who insisted that since Ranni caused the Shattering then of course she can only be evil and manipulative all the time and clearly holds no real affection for the Tarnished and is only manipulating us as well. Which I feel completely clashes with her questline, narrative and characterization.
Kind people can still do evil, especially if they don't fully realize how bad what they're doing is, or if they think they're making a necessary sacrifice. Cruel, fucked up people can still love, and love might be the very reason why they ended up being so cruel. This is something the whole game is built on, and even before Elden Ring, a constant of the Souls series has been about fighting tragic individuals who ended up in antagonistic positions despite their originally good intentions.
imho Marika and Miquella are both better, more complex character than they would have been otherwise, and leave more to discuss about the game's themes and narratives, specifically because they have multiple facets to them. The hated Queen of the Golden Order was originally a victim. Her kind son who tried to fix his family's wrongdoings discarded so much of himself and did so many things to achieve his dream of compassion that he ended up being just as wrong as his mother. Isn't this much more interesting than putting out an entire game-sized DLC just to say "manipulative evil queen girlboss truly didn't care about anything and just wanted power!!" and "Kindly Miquella is so perfect!!! this surely fits our 'nothing is perfect or eternal and everything is ambiguous' narrative"?
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caitlynxviolet · 4 months
"She's an enforcer to stop Jinx"
She's an enforcer to get to Jinx, and stop Sevika or literally anything else that has gone to shit.
Because a few of you said I didn't know the LoL lore, I'm going to talk about the lore. I read all of it. I know about it, probably more than you do, honestly. I've been playing the damn game since 2018.
Vi in LoL is just a cop. She grew up in Zaun as an orphan, became really good at fighting and was given an opportunity to work as an enforcer. Being an enforcer is her job, essentially, and the job looks like your typical cop job because it is. Was she hired to stop Jinx? No. She has to stop many bad guys and villains alongside Caitlyn. Jinx is just kinda there to mess with them. She frequently blows stuff up and is just a menace in general. Now, I don't know if they never arrest her because she's too smart for them and she escapes them, or if they just let her be. It's been a while since I read the lore, so I'm not sure about the details and it's also incomplete and from years ago (it's like 10+ years old). Vi doesn't remember her childhood because she was taken to an orphanage too young. If she knows Jinx is her sister, it's surface level information and it doesn't really affect their dynamic.
Basically, there's no depth in the LoL lore. The oppressive system of enforcers isn't addressed at all. Jinx being a nuisance is just a silly thing outside of Vi needing to do her job with Caitlyn. It's silly. It's goofy. We love it for that. Let it be that.
Arcane brings complex issues to a similar, albeit completely different, premise. From the literal start of the show, we see what enforcers are. They're there to enforce the rules. They kill people in front of children. Vi grows up with enforcers terrorizing Zaun. She has every reason not to trust them (she says so in the show) and not to become one of them. Outside of her existing views on enforcers, she knows her sister. She grew up with her. She was separated from her, when she was old enough to remember of course, and it haunts her. She loves her sister. She wants her back. Jinx is not just a silly troublemaker like in the LoL lore. She's traumatized. All she knows is violence. She's been brainwashed by Silco, someone who didn't exist at all in the lore, but he'd be like a big mafia type villain.
You can't look at her being an "enforcer" in Arcane and be like: "yup, she's an enforcer! it makes sense because she chose to be an enforcer in the lore". It makes no sense for her to choose to be an enforcer in Arcane with the way things are.
It'd make more sense if Caitlyn and Vi tried to abolish the enforcement system as it is by creating something new. A new defense force. Isn't that what we want? Someone still needs to fight off the Shimmer mutants and address the evil in both Zaun and Piltover. That's the solution they find out of necessity. Cait and Vi aren't rule makers, so I still think this part will be done by Jayce, Viktor and Mel if they're still alive, but that certainly changes everything.
Finding Jinx is a side quest in the grand scheme of things, but it's Vi's main quest. Always has been, always will be. It will be her main quest throughout season two, even if she's distracted by other things. So choosing to become an "enforcer" facilitates her way to Jinx and allows her to fight the bad guys. That's all.
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siboom777 · 3 months
The Salamander's family lore
Warning: English not my first language so there can be mistakes!!
I decided to finally write down some Sally's back story so when i put some details from the past in her future lore no one will be confused.
Alright, so it all started with Bernard Salamander, who at his young age (20-25) was working as an Auror. He showed himself as pretty capable employee so he was trusted with serious missions and dangerous dark wizards.
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One little fact, his nose is slightly crooked due to the fact that when he stood up for Lara(his future wife), some drunk guy was trying to reach to Lara and Bernard stood up. It was muggle man so he couldn't use his magic, and due to his pretty weak body end up with broken nose. He refused to heal it with magic and wanted to let it heal itself, so it will remind him to pay attention on his physical form.
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Lara Salamander. She met Bernard at the work, when they were forced to work in pair for some time. She was clumsy, pretty shy but really loyal to her work, and all of that made the heart of grumpy Bernard melt with every day. Especially her green warm eyes.
After their marriage they gave birth to the girl Maria. Bernard always wanted a girl who will look just like Lara, but even if Maria was literally copy of Bernard in girls body, it didn't stopped him from loving this child dearly. After 10 years their son Nash saw the light of the world. Due to not having really good experience with his father, Bernard didn't really knew what to do with the boy, But Lara was always there to keep the family together... until one day.
On one of the missions, Lara and Bernard wandered into the territory of the dragon, and because the dragons are very overprotective to their territory, the dragon attacked everything that moves.
Lara died in that incident.
After this, the whole Salamander family experienced loss very hard.
Bernard dismissed the children, Maria immersed herself in the study of dragonology, they do not believe that a dragon killed her mother. Dragon cannot be punished by law, and because her father nurtured in her a keen sense of justice, she could not just let her mother go until the "villain" was punished.
It was hardest for Nash, because he was so young at the time and didn't understand why everything suddenly became so bad, why everyone acted so cold and... why mother didn't visit them anymore?
Bernard will leave his job as an Auror and before Sally's birth would have worked as a locksmith at a factory to distract himself with hard work from problems and from magic world, after Sally's birth and the persuasion of friends, he begins to make toys to order, after which he opens a shop with homemade toys.
He changed his clothing style from dark for a brighter one. He read that children perceive such colors better and it is useful for them to stare at bright things. Plus, this style was better suited to the image of a person who makes toys
Maria won a grant after she finished Hogwarts and when she grows up, became one of the leading dragon scientists, so Sally won't see her until she graduates from Hogwarts due to her expeditions to learn about dragons. She will participate in the lore, but it will be close to the end of 7th year of Sally's education.
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Before the incident, she planned to be an Auror just like her parents, but refuse to go here after all that happened.
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Nash suffers from an inferiority complex, constantly being surrounded by the shadow of his father or the shadow of his sister and begins to work hard for the Ministry, using various dirty methods to get to the top.
He falls in love with a "night moth" named "Ruby" and makes Sally on the side, thinking that here he will have an outlet, then he will make a man out of her.
But her green eyes trigger trauma in him, this is superimposed by the fact that the friend who gave him a promotion was against of concepts like culture, love, beauty, and after learning that he is in love with a woman, throws him down his career.
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Ruby, Sally's mom sees that Nash has no money and disappears to nowhere, asking him not to look for her, what Nash is also suffering from.
And out of anger, he brings Sally to his father and says to Bernard: " If you want to throw it away, do so, if you want to leave it, I don't care."
And he leaves to rebuild his career, but this time on hi own, so that no one will say a word to him.
Well, Bernard couldn't leave a small copy of Lara, so he didn't even think about leaving her.
By the way, Ruby was afraid that Sally was not from him when she saw her green eyes. But when Nash said that she looked like his mother, she calmed down and did not even check.
Ruby named her daughter Sally because it is consonant with the word - silly, referring to the fact that this is exactly how she considered Nash, who so easily fell for her "game of love" with him.
Despite everything, not all so clear there. On the one hand, she was looking for a better life at the expense of men, using them and living not better life if you can say. And on the other hand, although not very well meaning, she gave the child a name and took care of it for a couple of months until she decided to run away. And she ran away without Sally because she knew that the Salamander family had people with a good reputation and funds for child maintenance, even if it will not be Nash then someone else.
I thought maybe when her father got out of Azkaban(little spoiler bu i will not give you more :3) she would meet him and maybe they would try again to live together.
Sally's father won't remember her until she turns 10, because at 11 she would have gone to Hogwarts in theory, so Nash visits the store just to check.
He visited the shop under the guise of a stranger a couple of times, but then loses interest in Sally when she does not enter Hogwarts immediately. He will come to talk to his father Bernard again when he heard how she suddenly became hero of Hogwarts. Bernard wasn't watching news about magic world so he didn't know about it, and Sally wasn't telling him, afraid that he will be too worried. After he pick her up from the train, they will have long, long talk.
Nash will show up again in her 7th year after the incident (that i will write in future).
Therefore, do not be surprised that he is a scum and i don't like him not like person and not like father. I will not try to make him a good person, but there will be some development in his character, and I hope i will manage to do it right.
But one thing i will say for sure, they may not be the most insensitive people, but as parents they are a complete 0.
I'm still leaving a lot of things behind the scenes, because I want to slowly throw a lop on all the characters so that everything grows evenly. I hope you will like to know about my funny girl a little more! Now this is time for some memes :3
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I still think it's funny how Sally don't care where her parents because her grandpa ultimate parent for her.
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And the thing that Seb maybe slightly but looks similar to her mom. I can see how Maria gets really suspicious towards Seb and put him through trials before approving him as a date for Sally. But he still need to meet Bernard. Good luck Seb!
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demvalhaken · 17 days
Hiiiiiii!!! Here’s some art!!!
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This is Lizard, she’s a Western Hornet, don’t ask why she’s named after a lizard cus I literally don’t know
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This is Björn, they’re very silly as they’re a Northwestern Hornet. I don’t know what gender to make them so they’re just they/them for now
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The queen of the Southern Hornets herself, Sykra, she’s not named after anything I just came up with that name. I decided to put metal bands in her hair cus it looks cool and she’s cool. She’s actually really nice for a queen, like Snow, but Snow is a Wasp… and also on the entire other half of the world as in the Eastern hemisphere of Catecis
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This is Queen Luna, she’s the only one not smiling… yeah… it’s because of her lore… I don’t know what to do with her yet but she’s a really inexperienced queen
This is a really random lineup of ocs, they don’t have anything to do with each other like at all
Also if you didn’t know, I fixed their ocelli to be in upside down triangle position because that’s anatomically correct for insects
To be honest, this was for more design purposes, as I needed to redesign (Lizard and Luna)/have a concept to go off of on (Björn and Sykra)
I’ve come to love hornets, despite all looking different and being from different regions, they still all bleed the same. Wasp blood is blueish green while Hornet blood is more of a bright green or yellow, might change it later though. Wasps were before Hornets and Bees, and then Hornets and Bees evolved from Wasp ancestry. That’s also why most of them have sharper jaws because Wasps have sharp faces even to this day
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I forgot to put this in my last post but this is concept art for General Whiteclaw, leader of the Waspian Sea Forces. There’s no colours on this but imagine the colours of an Executioner Wasp on her. The reason why Wasp eyes have different irises/pupils from everyone else is because it just makes them more insect-like and I think it looks cool.
Also look at that jaw, It’s giving Hornet.
Guys is it weird that everyone I’m friends with IRL is ghosting me, not my bestie pookie bbg Purpsie though who’s my online friend. Like, huh, they don’t even look at me no more. Mmm I love my depression that I’ve had for years cus everything happening to me IRL just fucking sucks. My mother literally won’t let me get short hair cus she wants me to have long hair, like bitch what, it ain’t yo scalp, so you shouldn’t care. I wish my parents weren’t literally homophobic and transphobic, cus if they were actually really nice and let me have my own goddamn privacy, I’d actually want to be around them. I don’t give a shit if “you’ve seen it all before,” it’s still wrong to invade MY PRIVACY WHEN IM SHOWERING OR USING THE BATHROOM, I THINK I’D LIKE TO KEEP MY BODY TO MY OWN EYES MOTHER AND OLDER SISTER, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. They don’t even do this with my older brother bro, why does he get privacy, and not me? Just another thing to add to my list of things that make me really really not well! Also my mother touches me a lot… so… yay… I guess… please end my suffering… my mother would totally kill me if she found out I was trans and liked women, oooo spooky, trans men, so scary (Sarcasm)
Anyways, I love you guys!!! Remember to be a menace to society, just don’t eat churches cus the wood is so scrumptious like you’re a termite!!! If you have any questions, you know what to do
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gojuo · 2 months
Hello! What do you think about these parallels? Link: manny-jacinto post 758104776759214081
Aegon has just lost his 4-year-old baby in the most horrific event in all of the ASOIAF lore (bar Elia), because a ratcatcher knew how to get inside the Red Keep. Which is why he hung them in the first place, innocent or no. Justice dispensed. They live in a medieval society, the life of the king's heir is infinitely more important than the few lives of commonfolk. I am absolutely not saying that what he did was morally right or that I believe he's justified in hanging innocent ratcatchers just to catch one guilty one, I'm saying that it makes no sense in a Watsonian reading for Alicent, Dowager Queen, to care about these ratcatchers so much that she'd invoke their execution as an accusation on Aegon for his treatment of her. Not to mention ... why in God's name would Alicent even insinuate Aegon would hang her? For what? What exactly did she have to do with Jaehaerys' beheading that she would imply the same fate of the ratcatchers awaited her? Oh right, it's because the writers needed to use her as a mouthpiece to make it look like Aegon hanging 10 people as retaliation for the murder of his son is somehow the worst crime ever committed in all of ASOIAF history because 1. they needed a reason for Alicent to hand over his life to Rhaenyra in that stupid season finale and 2. they needed his motivation for going into Rook's Rest be about his shattered self-worth thanks to Alicent & co's belittling, and not dead little Jaehaerys. Plus, Aegon's done nothing for two seasons long but yield to his mother and seek her approval at every opportunity since he wants her love so bad. The insinuation that he'd ever hang her for ... no real reason (unlike his reason for hanging the ratcatchers) ... is mind-boggling. Makes no sense. It's the writers forcing her to act as a mouthpiece for their nonsensical plot threads. It's manipulative and bad writing since they're trying to force me to feel a certain way, but it falls flat since it makes no sense in-universe for Alicent to act like this or say that to Aegon in the first place.
In contrast, yeah Aemond burned Aegon in an attempted murder, for no real reason other than his bruised ego. Now he's getting called out for it by Aegon's sister-wife. The very first time he's getting confronted with his appalling actions, mind you.
No shade to OP but the parallel doesn't work. Aegon hung the ratcatchers because one of them murdered his son vs. Aemond had no justified reason in trying to kill his brother + Alicent equating herself to the ratcatchers makes no sense since she had nothing to do with Jaehaerys' murder like they did nor are they in the same position of relation to Aegon like she is vs. Aemond burned his sibling on dragonback in a battle they were supposed to fight together and Helaena is also Aemond's sibling who would be on dragonback in a battle he's trying to make her fight together. The parallels are ASS!
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egghead1337 · 3 months
Y'all I have a theory after watching rhrn and the more I think about it the more its piecing itself together. This idea has been simmering in my head and I want to share it. I could be completely wrong and sound silly so don't come for me. I'm going off of source material and canon lore only (chapters, stage shows, etc.) Also for anyone who hasn't watched the ghovie and doesn't want spoilers.
Terzo and Copia could be twins. The movie hinted that Copias twin might be the next papa, while evidence of Terzo being alive/ressurected have been hinted. Some things make sense but other things don't. Idk its just a theory.
Somehow in someway, Terzo was snuck into the ministry and put into Nihils life as his son by Imperator. Now with how ghosts lore contradicts itself and doesn't make sense sometimes, I'm assuming that maybe this doesn't need to make much sense that Terzo and Copia are twins.
Sister Imperator ran away after finding out Nihil cheated on her, thus secretly having Terzo and Copia. So maybe she left Terzo on the doorsteps of the ministry and kept Copia? Or maybe she saw Nihil in Terzo as they got older and rejected him. Maybe she told Nihil about Terzo, sending him to the ministry to be raised as his child but kept Copia a secret.
Although they look different from eachother, they had similar features and facial structures even before Copias plastic surgery. I believe they could be fraternal(dizygotic) twins. Which by that, they were made from two seperate genes from both Nihil and Imperator. Copia ended up looking more like Imperator and Terzo looked like Nihil. Terzo also could've gotten plastic surgery as well, but we don't know that for sure since it wasn't depicted in the chapters.
When it comes to actual evidence from the chapters, I believe Sister felt guilty for not letting Copia know who his father was. She felt like she stripped her son from what he really was made to do. She had obviously returned to the ministry maybe with a young Cardi, putting him through the reigns until he reached cardinalship. Then seeing his potential she pushed her other son out of the spotlight, girlbossing Copia into it instead. She also had a more "emotional connection" with Copia as she raised him, making sure he got a chance to prove his worthiness of being Papa. I believe she didn't care for Terzo as much because he wasn't in her life as much as Copia.
I know in one of the chapters she said to Nihil that he was a little younger. however I believe she was just slowly introducing Copia as Nihils son making him seem more marketable to Nihil. Also completely dodging that he and Terzo are brothers. Maybe she hid that fact until way later into Copias career.
Now I believe Sister may not have killed Terzo completely or maybe casted him to eternal sleep. This explains the foot twitch in the chapter, the claw marks in the glass of his coffin, and the hints in the Escape the Ministry game. His official obituary in the game showed that he was killed by stranglers, but no autopsy was done on the body. I believe sister pulled strings to make sure her other son was safe from being cut open and disected, saving his life. And maybe the syringe we saw Terzo getting stuck with was filled with a potion that made him seem dead. He would stay safe in his coffin until they needed him, a backup if Copia failed. Thats why the other papas were depicted as completely deceased while Terzo wasn't.
Now with Imperator gone, and Copia the head of the church, who better to fill his shoes? The only papa to win a grammy, experience of being a performer, and her other son. The only papa to have his retirement forced upon and papacy literally ripped away from him. Sister feels like she owes Terzo something, maybe another chance as she took it so hastly from him.
Now we see in the end of the movie the shadow of the 'new guy' is already in papa regalia, so it had to be someone very looked upon. Copia had to wait and work for his title as he wasn't seen fit. Although the secret twin would be related to the Emeritus bloodline, it would be best to assume the twin wouldn't have the knowledge or skills needed to be papa. So with that, I believe Terzo could be Copias twin.
If a digital copy of the movie comes out before the next papa is announced, I would want to watch it again and form a better consensus on the idea. However only time will tell.
I'm sorry if this was choppy or incoherent but I keep editing this and I'll never post it if I just don't 💀
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lostbrazilian · 2 months
Ok so, i've finished SotE a few days ago and i fucking LOVED IT and i need to talk about it, particularly about Miquella. Because the thing is, i really like what From has done with his character but also i've seen a lot of discourse about it and i need to get my 2 cents in before i explode
So uh, long ass essay and spoilers below
First things first:
Character assassination my ASS
Fromsoft actually did fucking character necromancy the way they added depth to otherwise one-note characters. Even if unexpected, what we learn in the dlc makes a disturbing amount of sense and ultimately elevates the game's lore in my "humble but objectively correct" opinion. That being said, while Miquella is undoubtedly a irredemable villain by the time we fight him, his character is also much more than just the "gay evil twink" ppl make him out to be
Elden Ring's demigods, while powerful and often monstrous, are also very clearly people: they have feelings, ambitions, ideals and tragic elements about them, which is why many of them are very likeable or at least compelling characters. And Miquella is a prime example of this, because the driving force behind his character, and ultimately the reason of his downfall, is his compassion
Miquella saw the flaws of the Golden Order from a young age, mainly how it oppressed others and was powerless to help his sister. And everything he has done since has been in an attempt to bring about a better, more compassionate world for all. And while the way he manipulates others and removes their free weill is a clearly nefarious aspect of his plans, that doesn't mean his kindness wasn't genuine, for two main reasons:
First, many of Miquella's followers go on to stand with him even after their charm has been broken, which makes clear that many are koyal to Miquella not just because of brainwashing, but also because they genuinely believe in his end goals. And while we'll never have confirmation of this, i don't think the denizens of the Haligtree, or Malenia for that matter, are all under Miquella's spell. At the very least the majority of them must've willingly chosen to remain loyal to him (plus, his charming powers must have a limit of some kind, otherwise he wouldn't need to become a god to rule the lands between)
Secondly, St Trina's very existence proves that Miquella's love and compassion is not only genuine, it's strong enough to manifest as a whole ass second being, which in turn makes her abandonment all the more tragic. It's possible that Miquella himself was always driven by ambition, and that he saw his other half as a "weakness" to be expunged; Or perhaps casting Trina away was a necessary evil, a selfless sacrifice in the name of a greater good. Regardless of the reason (i tend towards the latter), the end result is clear: It was grave mistake
For without love, there can be no Compassion. Miquella's Age of Compassion would be doomed to become an era of subjugation and endless war, where those who resist Miquella's charm would not be allowed to exist. It's an end result that Miquella himself would definitely NOT want, but it's the one he uwittingly locks himself into after he casts away his humanity. Hence why St Trina begs us to kill Miquella, as she understands his ascension would essentially result in a fate worse than death for him
So, TL;DR: I think Miquella genuinely wanted to create a better world, but in his quest to do so not only did he forcefully take away the free will of others, he also wound up becoming a heartless monster that, if unchecked, would bring about great suffering to the world and himself. It's classic "good intentions, bad outcome" tragic writing and ultimately it makes Miquella a very memorable and compelling character, even if he is ultimately a villain
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anthurak · 11 months
So I’ve been reading/watching a few different Helluva Boss theory posts/videos recently, and I really have to ask:
We all recognize that when it comes to serious theory-crafting on lore, character backgrounds and most other things, basically EVERYTHING from the pilot is firmly in ‘take with a grain of salt’ territory, right?
Like this is not some ‘true episode one’ or weird ‘episode zero’ thing. It’s a pilot, a proof-of-concept and basic introduction to the series premise and main characters. Now it is certainly a GREAT intro to that premise and those characters, but it’s also clear that at this point the writers were still ironing out the characters, lore and other elements. I mean just compare Stolas in the pilot to Stolas in just the first episode, or how Tilla went from being Blitzo’s older sister to being his mother.
And we can really see this dissonance all over the pilot, as well as possibly getting a sense of what earlier drafts of characters might have looked like.
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For example, Moxxie’s ‘dreaming my parents were getting murdered’ line in the pilot certainly feels like it may have at one point been foreshadowing, but it also just doesn’t fit very well with what we later got in the actual show. It seems like Moxxie would have nightmares about his mother being killed, but find dreams about Crimson being murdered to be quite appealing. Instead, I think we can guess that the plan at the time of the pilot was for Moxxie’s parents to have both been murdered by the mob/Crimson, possibly leading to Moxxie being adopted (perhaps by force) by Crimson. But between the pilot and the first episode, Vivzie and the team opted to streamline things by making Crimson be Moxxie’s father in the first place and him having murdered Moxxie’s mother. As evidenced by how Moxxie’s ‘maybe a shitty dad, or a mob family…’ line in Murder Family is MUCH more in line with what we end up seeing in Season 2.
Likewise, I imagine that Tilla originally being Blitzo’s sister likely had her in a nurturing, adoptive older sister role to Blitzo and Barbie, until the writers decided it simply made more sense for Tilla to just be the twins’ mother instead.
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So when I see people doing stuff like using Loona’s implication that she has syphilis as a major part of or even the whole basis for theories on her messed up background/childhood, I can’t help but feel like they’re unwittingly building up their theory on a pretty shaky foundation.
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Like don’t get me wrong, I fully agree that Loona went through some major shit in her childhood. I even have a hunch/headcannon that her backstory is actually going to have Blitzo AND Moxxie beat in the fucked-up department. It’s just that I think a far more reliable source of foreshadowing on this is something like Loona’s whole ‘This kid probably sets dogs on fire’ spiel in Murder Family, rather than anything from the pilot. Particularly since we now how at least two other cases of seemingly offhand, inconsequential jokes from that episode actually being foreshadowing; again, Moxxie’s ‘maybe a shitty dad…’ line, as well as Blitzo’s ‘we’re just killing a mother…’ line.
Finally, everything I’ve said here goes double, triple and frankly QUADRUPLE for Hazbin Hotel. Whereas we only had a little more than a year between Helluva Boss’s pilot and first episode, we’ve had over FOUR years for Hazbin. And it’s clear already from the trailers and other promotional material that things have changed quite a bit since the pilot. Like I’m as hyped as anyone else to finally see this show get released, but when it comes to specific expectations, we REALLY need to take basically all but the most general, basic, broad-strokes story, character and lore details that were in the pilot with a MASSIVE grain of salt.
Things like the basic premise, general character personalities, Charlie and Vaggie being a couple, etc; those we know are still a thing. Everything else is WILDLY up in the air.
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hey-i-am-trying · 4 months
It is really telling that whenever I saw people talking negatively about an egg it was always one of the fem eggs. Either Em or Sunny or Pomme or Lullah or sometimes Leo. They were always “too dramatic” “too sensitive” “too whiny” in comparison to their male siblings, as if that isn’t textbook misogyny. Anyway, Empanada was one of my favorite eggs and I think she had girl’s night parties with all of her moms and Sunny and any of her sisters that wanted to join.
I will not say that there was 'no' hate towards masc eggs. Richas would get random hates comments(some pretty racist one too, not gonna lie). When Bobby was alive he also receive some shit comments. Some people said on twitter that Dapper should have died after Purgatory to make Bad sad, they even wrote fanfics about Bolas killing Dapper(yeah,I saw that shit).
I think the problem is the frequence and consistency, the fems eggs were attacked for the most stupid fucking reason in a almost daily based. And is honestly a reflection on how this community treats the female streamers too, they are okay to be there if they are just going to do what the masc stremers or eggs want, they can sit pretty and not express strong emotions about any topic.
In the eyes of this mysoginistic community:
Fems are not allowed political opinions even if it is fictional politics (still mad about Baghera during the election arc, come fight me).
Fems are not allowed to be angry or upset, even of someone dies but they are especially not allowed to be upset if it is with a masc friend or family member.
But they are also not allowed not care, they can't be cold.
They also can't interfer in masc people's lore.
But also, if they don't interfer, they do not care for that character and they are a fake friend that actually never cared.
Fems are not allowed to have different opinion than their masc friends.
If they have a strong personality, they are whiny, bossy and too arrogant.
If they have a quiter personality, they are taking up space.
Fem streamers also have to deal with the most pathetic stuff, like complaints about Mouse's and Bagi's voices, because the entire existence of this women should cater to the audience
Also see what happend when you mix mysoginy with racism and xenophobia because oh my god if Teaduo didn't had to deal with this shit a lot.
Twitter just likes to erase that it was Tina that started the to flirt with Bagi, they like to say Bagi
(or when then they say that the Bagi's fans forced the ship to happen, which is hilarious when most of us either shipped her with Baghera or Niki in the beginning).
"oh, no, this latin women is too imposing and loud to her soft-spoken asian friend to do anything about the minecraft couple they both are rping in" Get a grip
The women and fem eggs of this island deserve all the girl night parties, they also all deserve a gun, they are also deserved much better, so much better.
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hevthevoidling · 2 months
Hello fellow enjoyers of the bird lore,
I have noticed someone mentioning that Vast is significantly more interesting than Virgil in the story and as a person whose two favourite characters happen to be the paranoia birds I will now throw my brainrot about why these two are made more interesting because the other exists at all of you. I am only midly sorry.
There will be spoilers for lore as recent as 28th of July!!!
1. Magic
Now obviously all of the birds are connected to magic as it is what makes them fly, but the paranoia birds are a bit specific.
Vast has seen magic their whole life, worked with it their whole life, but has been kept away from magic actually works by her "family". To the point that they feel the need to ever know until there was an outside force.
In a very similar fashion, Virgil has seen magic his whole life. Studied it and used it, but was kept away by his family. To protect him, to make sure he was safe. It made him all the more curious, all the more burning for answers.
These two have been kept from how magic works for so long and both needed to find it from an outside source as the people around them didn't tell them, because they weren't trusted enough. Vast wasn't trusted to not defect and Virgil wasn't trusted to stay safe. And well, in the end both the Avicane and Pietro had been right in not trusting the two. (No I am not comparing Pietro to the Avicane in their ideals, I'm just saying that both had doubts about how a pranoia bird would handle a situation and they were correct)
2. Family
This brings to my next point. Both Virgil and Vast are siblings to someone, but here they are put on opposite sides. Virgil is the younger one, Vast is the older one. Vast had killed his younger sister and not only would they have killed another younger sibling, Pietro stayed silent about it. The older sibling protecting the younger to the point that everything is made worse.
Also the older sibling not listening to the younger one until it's too late is very much a plot point in both of their stories. They are just once again on the opposite sides of it.
3. Gender
I will only mention this briefly. The fact that Virgil had the time to come to terms with, who he is and be (at least I assume) comfortable with their gender compared to Vast, who has been thrown for a loop and is only starting to learn the messy soup that is gender is very neat to me. Not really as deep of a point as the other ones, but I think it's important nontheless.
4. Paranoia
Well, I do call them the paranoia birds for a reason. Virgil has been paranoid for a while now the peak of which happened around the Virgil POV ep. 10, which I believe mainly based on the fact that tge quotes at the end of the vod are suddenly ciphered. The thing is Vast has been paranoid her whole life and for a good reason, they killed people. One wrong move and she was on the run or worse killed.
Paranoia has been their whole life and in the end also the reason Vast decided to attempt to kill Virgil. I will even go as far as to say that Virgil might have been one of the first spikes of paranoia Vast has had, I believe right after Erin.
Virgil is new to paranoia, at least to the levels, which he has entered now. New to the fact that there has been an attempt at his life. Clutching a switch blade like a lifeline, just as much as Vast used to hold his sword or the crystal after a particulary gruesome mission, I'm sure.
5. Flock
I feel like their flocks are so different yet so similar and it gives me brain worms. Now neither of their flocks are fully just bird, pretty obvious when it comes to Vast and the latest lore. Obviously, Virgil's flock are mainly corvids, standart birds, but I also will say that the dust bunnies are a part of it in my book (yes, it is a hill I will die on), which is what I think is very similar.
So what is the main difference? Well, I am getting more into headcanon territory with this one, but what knowledge do the dust bunnies have? One from the books. And what about the magpies? They have their knowledge from experience.
Virgil and Vast are the difference of book smarts and street smarts. We obviously see this in other characters, like Mojave and Elwood for example where the difference is just as if not more stark. I don't think there is an another duo in which the flocks copy it so well, though.
6. Avianism
Now bare with me, this is the last one I promise.
So especially with us having confirmed that Vast in fact not a born avian there is now another interesting juxtaposition (I hope I am using this big word correctly, I might not be).
Vast is an amazing flyer, confident in the air, great landings the whole lot.
Virgil on the other hand... Not so much. He falls, takes damage, the landings are not super great and he wears the most uncomfortable looking set of boots I have seen in my life (/lh), which make it all the harder.
Vast was taught to be an avian, Virgil just is. Maybe some would call him a bad avian, because he does not fly as well, while calling Vast a very skilled one, but the joke is that she isn't an avian in the first place.
I just think that there's a great potentially for Virgil off-handedly mentioning how bad he is at flying followed up by Vast shooting back with "at least you are one". Because that's another part that came naturally for Virgil and another part of Vast that was supposed to come naturally, but might not anymore.
This is the end of this dumb little essay, if anyone wants to yell about the paranoia birds with me, feel free to! Have a nice day 🖤
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