#i think this game is still funny and cute this community is so very gay and diverse and thats swag
crest-of-gautier · 6 months
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throwback to the time i saw shadow the hedgehog in the inkopolis plaza and we stared each other down in the back alley
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mashpotatoe · 1 year
📝 inukawa
📝 misc thoughts
so to me his outer space escapade did happen just without the very unnecessary played-for-laughs bit. he learned a valuable lesson in communication and returned back home after a few weeks stuck on a different planet, and sure hes scarred for life but adding that much depth to his character feels inaccurate to me. i think his biggest takeaway from the entire experience is being able to do the shoujo eyes on command to be a little annoying freak around his friends so i cant explain how happy i was to see the anime epilogue made it canon
hes just so average and silly and nothing beyond that. his family doesnt care to show him kindness (see: in the fanbook when asked what his parents' reaction was to the alien incident he said they just Didnt Say Anything To Him?!?) but i think they're pretty loaded ¥¥¥ so hes inclined to wanting to slack off feeling hes set for life and can afford whatever game or puppy print jacket he wants.
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🔔 unpopular opinion
there aren't many popular opinions about him to begin with but i sometimes see him portrayed as too cutesy for my taste. hes a cringefail unnecessarily rude teenager with a short temper and a sailors mouth (at least in the manga) im sure he takes sweet selfies with his dog sometimes but i imagine he still does it in a funny rather than cute way. like the notion is nice but the angle makes it look like hes choking the beast to death and not hugging it by the neck
maybe he has a cute sneeze or something
📢 song that reminds me of him
who let the dogs out OBVIOUSLY but other than that... dale dale! by tokyo ska paradise orchestra i think he'd listen to shitty rap and ska music and can sit through 10 hour versions of meme songs just to stick to the bit
📦 general feelings about him
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it started off as somewhat ironic, i thought his design was funny and basically knew him as "dude who strangely resembles teen reigen and has a few funny lines" as im sure most people do, but the more i started noticing him the sincerer the inukawa craze became. what really sold me on him is his and tomes friendship, im a sucker for the 'lesbian and her gay poodle' dynamic and theyre precisely that to me. inukawa is a random cisgay to me just for fun. HE'S JUST SOME GUY! hes my star of mediocrity
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literally just tweeted happy inukawa day on a friday months ago and it stuck. just kept doing it
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ultramaga · 11 months
Feminists demand women in computer games be ugly.
The woman who just served me a coffee in the cafe would be too cute for a game, according to them. She would be an unrealistic standard, objectification, just there to wank over.
Meanwhile, gamers mod games to make the women even more beautiful.
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Cbbe for skyrim and fallout has enough downloaders to populate a country.
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I've seen huge numbers of otherwise far left women who will install it, along with pretty skins textures, clothes and hair, because they want to look gorgeous in their games.
Same with the Sims, I notice.
I don't see any gamers who want characters to look like Leftists demand. That push is entirely outside of the gamers sphere.
So are the women gamers who do it ever shamed? Of course not! Men are bad rapebeasts, women are angels who queef perfume.
So I think it's funny that the far left gamers who push the newest variants of rainbow flags in their screenshots... are STILL making the women prettier through modding.
Unless they are gay men, in which case they have werewolves with enormous schlongs.
Which is very offensive to the lycam community, I can tell you! How can we meet that expectation!!
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"The water is cold, I tell you!"
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heloflor · 2 years
A few random thoughts/comments after finally reading the Sam and Max comics (Surfin’ the Highway + “The Big Sleep”) :
- I absolutely love how, whenever they’re in town or in an open place, there’s stuff happening in the background. Random details like that don’t really have any purpose in the story but they make the world feel so much more alive !
- I’m really fond of the way Purcell draws Sam for some reason. Idk, his face is just pleasant to look at.
- Max is getting the Pikachu treatment, looking chubby/chonky in the first interpretation of the character only to look thinner later on.
- It’s very interesting to see how the first “official” Sam and Max comic, “Monkeys Violating the Heavenly Temple”, introduces so many moments that became recurring things (“Sam, I mean Max”, Max being the one who needs saving, Max not being into girls, “you crack me up little buddy”, the fight for the phone, Sam’s long-ass “holy-“ lines, Sam being overprotective, Sam finding Max cute etc)
- It’s also interesting to see “Bad Day on the Moon” in comic form and the few differences with the cartoon version.
- I love how everytime they walk to their office door, they check on Flint Paper. Also Max mentioning how Flint probably wasn’t hugged enough 🥺
- I need an entire series of Sam and Max going on a road trip ! Not only can we have small adventures with new environments and characters, there’s also their cute interactions in the car !
- It’s funny to see places and characters you know are going to come back later on in the franchise, like the carnival from “Hit the Road”.
- I kinda like the random intermission in the long comics, though it feels like a random commercial that’s somehow relevant to the comic. Also that page about the board game to play in a car trip with the advice of “if you don’t have dice, just look at the last number of the plaque from the next car that’s coming” is absolutely genius.
- There’s SO MUCH TOUCHING between the two, especially on Sam’s end ! Like, dude can’t keep his hands away from his bunny ! Ok I may be exaggerating here but still ! So much touching ! And between that and other small moments, it makes me low-key question if they were already boyfriends back then 🤔
(I swear “Purcell wanted to create goofy stories with a fun duo but ended up accidentally creating an amazing and healthy gay relationships with pretty good rep overall and ultimately decided to just accept it and roll with it” is my second favorite thing about this franchise)
- Speaking of which, there’s that one moment in the second road-trip comic in which Sam uses Max as a weapon and then immediately asks Max if what he did was alright or if it bothered Max. And I absolutely adore that.
I think it’s due to the fact that, usually, Sam and Max are on the same wavelength and know each other’s boundaries and likes/dislikes. So it’s interesting to “come back to a time” where they still had to understand those boundaries. I also love how asking this is literally the first thing Sam does, showing that there’s really good communication between the two, which could also explain why in later entries they understand each other so well.
(and sure, I know moments like this one happened in other entries of the franchise, like for example Sam in 301 telling Max he's uncomfortable at the idea of Max teleporting alone, but for some reason this panel really stuck with me)
- The office each time having different framed pictures of the duo like in the cartoon 💖
- As someone who loves when anthropomorphic characters behave more like animals, I am so happy that the comics mention Sam smelling stuff a lot and especially Max having good hearing at least once ! Because this is something I really liked to think about, so it’s nice actually getting to see it being mentioned in canon !
Also there’s that one page (I think in “Bad Day on the Moon” ?) where Sam straight-up bites someone and then gets weirded out by his own action. That was fucking amazing.
- Apparently one of Sam’s favorite things during missions is cornering the villain and telling them to freeze with his gun pointed at them. For some reason I really like that fact.
- The comic about the cereal aisle monster has some pretty good action and a cool monster design. Also apparently Max already had weird powers back then with him being able to communicate with the dead.
Also also Max at the end helping a kid while casually talking to Sam was really cute. Fun fact : Max having baby fever and loving kids is my favorite thing about him, especially due to how much it clashes with his usual “wilder” personality (And for those wondering, my favorite thing about Sam is him being protective and going apeshit when Max is in danger).
Also also also it’s pretty funny to see Sam disliking physical contact from the shopkeeper given how touchy he is with Max in those comics.
- There’s a one-page comic about a lady talking about aliens with Sam not buying any of it, and one of the panels is Sam with a glass of water in hand saying “Lady, I’m this close to pouring my drink on you” while looking completely done with this shit. Hands down my favorite comic panel of all the Sam and Max comics.
(Btw, my second-favorite panel is from the first comic, after Max was kidnapped, when Sam is spitting on a portrait of the villain while pointing out how he’s going to destroy him if he took a single hair off of his precious bunny)
- It’s pretty funny how the comics suddenly start having colors at some point out of the blue, like someone randomly gifted Purcell a box of colored pencils. Though, I don’t know what I like most between the black-and-white or the colored comics. On one hand, the colors add to the background. On the other hand, the black-and-white gave a style that’s pretty fitting with the titular characters being detectives/police.
Ultimately, I think I like the black-and-white more, not just because of the style but also because like half of the stories in color are AU stuff (“The Adventurer” comics) while the black-and-white ones are more “grounded” stories.
Yeah, most of the time, I’m not the biggest fan of AUs. I know, pretty surprising for someone whose first fandom was Unde//rtale of all things.
And yes I learned later on that the first comics actually came out in a colored version. That being said I do like the black-and-white version more since, again, it gives them a “detectives” vibe.
- Sam really has a thing for twin popsicles, doesn’t he ?
- Some comics, especially the ones in color, have a few small “mean-spirited” moments between the duo, especially on Sam’s end, and it feels weird to see them like that. Like when one says “shut up” to the other, when Max does something cruel and Sam points it out by actually calling him cruel instead of cute, or when Sam jokingly threatening to hurt Max for being annoying, including the “killing Max and being sent to heaven” comic.
Now I know those jokes also exist in the rest of the franchise, like for example the “I wanna write a reminder to smother you with a pillow in your sleep” from the first Telltale game or the “shut up it’s starting !” from the cartoon, or even some moments in “Hit The Road” like when you rescue Max at the golf game. But for some reason, the ones in the comic stand out more to me.
I think it might be due to the duo dynamic they have and how much more openly affectionate they are in the games and cartoon, making those “I’m going to hurt you” jokes feel insignificant. 🤔
- There’s a comic about Atlantis that opens up with Sam mentioning how he “never dated within my gender” and I don’t know what surprises me the most between Sam unironically saying this, as if open to the idea, or the fact that they used the word “gender” in a comic form the 90s. In any cases, I like it.
(Also I guess this means Sam and Max weren’t together back then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Unless you picture the comics as taking place out of order, which I might do considering that one Christmas comic with the duo living in a house and having a family dinner. Plus this could explain the “mean-spirited” stuff only being in some comics. Also the cereal aisle comic has a guy from the cartoon + Max having powers, so I could see it taking place around the time of the cartoon, after the Telltale games)
- Sam with abs from that one biker comic is cursed. Chubby Sam with “uncool 40 years-old dad” energy is best Sam.
- And from that same comic, Max gets a tattoo on his right arm. Headcanon that he still has it but it’s hidden under his fur, hence why it’s never visible.
- I love how “The Adventurer Comics”, “The Big Sleep” and the first page of the unfinished comic are just casually available to read on the official Sam and Max website.
- “The Big Sleep” was apparently written around the time of “Save The World”, and I feel like you can kinda see it from the way Max looks in this comic. They removed the chonk in favor of a rounder stomach that resembles his 3D model.
Also I really like how this comic has Sam in danger and Max trying to save him, with Max’s last line of the comic showing some protectiveness. Given how rare it can be at times, I like when they switch around which one needs saving.
Also also this comic has Max calling some guy gay and later on almost saying “piece of shit”. I love it.
Also also also, there’s a cameo of granny Ruth as part of Sam’s memories !!! (along with a picture of Max because of course 💖)
Last thing, since earlier I mentioned the “mean-spirited” moments : this one shows my point by having Sam mentioning bashing Max in the head to help him calm down, with Max reacting by saying “aww, you spoil me !” This is the kind of instance where a joke is actually not mean-spirited because there’s something immediately afterwards showing that Max is enjoying the thought, while in the older comics, it’s just Sam mentioning hurting Max without Max commenting on it, which gives off this “mean-spirited” side.
- There are at least two comics that I’m missing, or at least two that I’m assuming are official. Given how the franchise started with Purcell drawing after his brother’s stories, I’m pretty sure there’s a lot out there that was never published (for those asking, yes I stumbled across some of the earliest versions of those characters from back when Purcell was messing with his brother’s work).
But yeah, from what I know, one of the missing two has a page with Sam and Max pushing n*zis off a cliff, and the second one has a joke about Sam asking Max to remove what he’s wearing and Max refusing, with I think some kind of stereotypical tribe behind them ?
- Thinking about it, I’ve seen people talk about how trigger-happy Sam and Max are in the comics compared to the rest of the franchise, with them being toned down due to age rating. But tbh, I didn’t find them that trigger-happy in the comics, at least not more than the games. They felt pretty on-par with how they act in “Hit The Road” specifically. Might be just me tho 🤔
- Overall, I’d say my favorite comic is “The Big Sleep” due to the whole “Max saving Sam” situation. But more than that, I especially adore how evident it is that Max absolutely loves Sam without outright saying it. It’s shown very well with how worried Max gets, the fact that he greatly compliments the doctor at some point or even the way he decides by himself to investigate the phone because he feels uneasy about the bug and wants to find out what happened to Sam.
This comic aside, the road trip trilogy is a close second and I especially enjoy the moments with the duo in the car, like Sam telling Max a creepy story or them sleeping while still having the car on, etc. I’d probably put the very first official comic as third, mostly for how many recurring things this comic sets up + the usual “Sam saving Max” being nice to see. And the unfinished “Max getting shot” comic would be fourth, because angst is my jam.
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princessmuk · 2 years
911 S6E1 Reactions!!!
Seeing the previews is just reminding me that we never saw the ghost roommate episode :/ I was so curious to know wtf happened and I’ll never know 😭😭😭
Oh my god not High Hopes
Oh this poor girl
Uh ohhhh the blimps goin downnn
There is no way they could do this quick enough lmao
Okay why is Maddie so gorgeous tho
*What a Man plays*
The way Buck said Eddie’s name… why did that make me feel smth—
Athena doing the medic role 🥺
I legit thought he was gonna slide down that thing
Lmao the way Buck looked at Hen
Bobby and Athena going strongggg
This Google ad is fake as hell they’ve leaked so many of my passwords lmao
Nooooo I forgot she was gonna be out of the show for a while :(
Buck baby please 🥺
Eddie really diffused the situation well
The things they are saying… oh my god… Eddie literally just said Buck could have gotten a new gf for no reason. Had nothing to do with the conversation. EDDIE
The ball is gonna go in the wood chipper and the dad is gonna try to get it back
Or the son
Oooo he gay
ong now his ring is in there
Okay but back to that Buddie scene. Someone please gif that I NEED to see their facial expressions again
Like that was SO GAY
Like I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE it was Buck’s place
Buddie is going canon this season I stg
Do you think they already had the hang out planned or did Eddie invite himself over bc he knew Buck was salty
Buck wtf. You can’t just take over while Bobby is still here 😭😭😭
Show initiative don’t literally step on his toes
Eddie and Bobby’s reactions lmfao
Josh ships it hard
Yes girl just tell him!!!
Girl. No offense but you look the same age as them. And I say that as someone who is also near your age.
This is adorable. I hope we actually get to see the honey moon 🥺
Okay this will be overheating or dehydration. Or some weird random thing nobody could predict
Buck and Eddie’s expressions behind Bobby are so funny
What a trio lmao
Athena’s cardigan is so cute
End of year two 🥺🥺🥺
Oh so they’re. Gone.
Aw 🥺 He’s planning bc be doesn’t wanna drink
Lmao Maddie
My heart has stopped
Okay so what happens when Buddie kisses and they do the same flashback thing
Did they sleep together. And he just. LEFT???
But she was so happy when she turned around. Like so excited 🥺🥺🥺
Lmao Chimney is getting schooled
Don’t you DARE give her another love interest
Face your fears girl
Please just TALK
Madney wedding this season IM CALLING IT
“Our ambulance” - insert communism meme
Not Bobby not even realizing lmfao
Buck baby your heart is right on your sleeve rn
The couch is a direct metaphor for a lover. So that conversation earlier…. IM TELLING YA
Um. Sir. You can’t just lift a chair like it’s nothing.
Also. Hm. Chris and Eddie at home playing the same game at home without Buck. Right as Buck sets up his chair showing he’s single. Very very interesting.
Why did I know he was gonna get hurt
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theirloveisgross · 2 years
i'm just gonna ramble here for a bit, even though my tags have been rambley as hell lately. but i need to put stuff down somewhere and whatever. don't mind me, please.
looking back at my reaction on discord when shania came out and then when they brought the stools and when they started singing... i still remember the visceral reaction i had. i was shaking and crying. this is not very usual in me. and i couldn't stop thinking... "since 2013... 2013... fucking 2013". and then we got the new song... and i think i was fine, the adrenaline or whatever. i even got off my couch for kiwi and banged my head and punched the air with him (couldn't sing too loudly because it was 1am).
but then... after the show ended... it hit me like a truck. him singing Still The One with shania herself in the year 2022? holy fuck. 9 years after a 19-year-old harry mentioned on a stage in two different occasions that that song was on his ipod, and being a bit... embarrassed about it, but not really. he still said it with his chest. and louis was there. and louis smiled. and we all knew.
he then sang this song at madison square garden in 2018, 5 years later, with kacey musgraves, and it had to be that song.
i wasn't here for either of those but i've consumed everything i could in the past year.
to be present last night, knowing what this song means... wow. i am overwhelmed with so many emotions.
this is all over the place, but whatever, it's for me basically.
this past year has been a hell of a rollercoaster thanks to finding harry and louis. they've unlocked something in me somehow. it's funny because i've always tried to figure out WHY i'm so invested, why they affect me so much... i even wondered if it was because i wanted something like what they have, but not really, no. no... it's their fighting. injustice has always touched the depths of my soul and when i came to "know" them AND their fight something ignited in me. so fierce. so powerful. the fucking fact that they STILL communicate with us with things that only larries could understand in a split second fuels me to no end. to quote my favorite screenplay, "it's horrible and it's beautiful". wish they didn't have to, of course, but for now... they know they got us.
so... seeing harry sing that song about beating the odds, about making it despite what people say, about not giving up... in 2022? it threw me on the ground. i'm expecting to recover in the coming days, but holy shit, i've been a crying mess the whole day. and i'd like to emphasize that i'm not usually like this. accessing my emotions has always been a struggle of mine... but then these two gay idiots show up and ask for my help breaking down all my defences? and it's so fucking hard to explain to anyone... because it's not about "oh they're in love very cute" it's about "oh they had people tell them their love wasn't worth it because their careers would suffer and they wouldn't be successful, and they fought and fought and tried so hard but money and power were stronger than they were, and people were cruel to them, and they were given lies to spread, and yet... people stayed here and looked out for them as best as they could, supporting them, SEEING them, LISTENING, and they're grateful and they made it and they're going strong AND they are successful doing what they love and they're thriving" and that right there is what drives me.
i don't care if they never come out or whatever... i want the lies to stop... i want the stupid games to stop... just leave them alone. i want them to feel proud of who they are and of the people who have supported them, which i know they are, but gosh, sometimes i think they must feel terribly because of all the lies they've had to tell us? when it wasn't even their fucking fault?!
yeah... okay... i'm just gonna keep crying today. it's not even sadness i don't think. it's like euphoria. it's like- bottled up anger.
we need them and they need us.
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lilyhoshikawa · 3 years
Finished delta2ne last night. Final thoughts below, with spoilers:
1. I still hate Berdly. I appreciate his character arc fine enough but it was done pretty plainly and I’ve seen it done far better for much more likable characters. It just didn’t feel like enough, y’know? He’s a fine character just still not someone I’ve grown to actively like
2. Weirdly boomer move to pull the “addicted to screens” trope toward the end, it didn’t jive much with the rest of the themes of the chapter or Queen as a character and just felt bizarrely out of touch for a game that hits a lot of themes so intimately and beautifully
3. Shouldn’t have told Noelle and Berdly it was all a dream, that’s dumb. I’ve never liked the secret identities trope and having to keep it a secret from characters who played a major role and were really impactful on the story kinda sucks in a major way
4. The lesbianism should have been more explicit. I know it’s extremely blatant that Noelle and Susie have feelings for each other and are just blissfully ignorant but it’s a bit of a shame that whenever there’s been explicitly romantic feelings in Deltarune so far it’s been straight- Toriel’s ex-marriage to Asgore, Berdly’s explicit crushes on Noelle and Susie. Some more outright gay relationships would be appreciated. I also refuse to count Alphyne bc Undyne is a cop in this one which cancels out her gay status /s
5. Queen is very good, I liked her a lot. Aside from just being very funny and having a lot of great moments she was leagues more interesting as a villain than the King, who existed more as an intimidating figure to overcome and a force to facilitate development in Lancer than his own character
6. I’m a bit uncomfortable abt the like… very default Christian theming of Hometown? Toriel as a church mom, Gerson and his son as pastors and even having a significant subplot related to that, everyone in the town talking abt going to church and the prominence of the church as an object in the town, feels kinda… weird. Especially given that Hometown and the Dreemurr family especially are framed as ideals, the perfect town and community and the ideal family
7. Kris continues to be an icon. Eating moss, sniffing markers, making bath bombs, doing general feral activities
8. Lot of unanswered questions… I would try to list them but I can’t even remember all the loose ends the game introduced and hinted at future installments following up on, and just… gosh, I wish the full game was out, I want answers… and I wanna play more fndkfnf
9. The punch-out minigames were cute and fun, in general the chapter was significantly harder than chapter 1 but had a lot more unique ideas, battles and minigames as well as overworld challenges and puzzles. The final robot battle kicked ass
10. I don’t like Catti’s sorta weird implication that Susie will turn evil, something that’s kinda reinforced in a few places as well, just cuz it would be super uncool for the story to take that direction (imo), but it’s also weird bc Kris is like… the one doing what is “bad” in terms of the game’s story, the one facilitating the conflict is them, the Knight, y’know? So you can’t exactly have multiple secretly evil betrayal party members. There’s also a theory floating around online that Ralsei is secretly evil but I don’t personally think it holds much water
11. At one point Lancer calls Queen a “girldad” and that’s so powerful and so gender, god damn. I hope she continues to be a recurring character and I also hope Lancer just continues to collect dads like Pokémon
12. Kris being the Knight was a real cool twist but it’s surprising that we got it this early on. I was also very interested in like, the way Kris rips their soul out to stop letting the player control their actions, I dunno how that’ll factor into future events but I’m curious… like, if Kris will be the final enemy or what have you. Combined with the “your choices don’t matter” theme that keeps getting reinforced. It’s obvious that Kris is aware that the player is in control of their actions and is aware that by ripping out their soul- the means by which the player exerts their will on the character- and trapping it somewhere secure where it cannot be moved (as in battle) they can move about freely and do as they wish. My roommate theorized that there’s an additional external force controlling Kris when their soul is out but to me it makes more sense that the soul is just the embodiment or player influence- this is backed up a bit by the book on souls in the library which can’t determine their true purpose. So to me it stands to reason that Kris must have their own reasons for creating the fountains. I have multiple theories as to why but nothing concrete, one being just as Susie pointed out and was hinted at when the Lightner gang almost made a fountain, that being heroes in the Dark World has allowed these kids who were obviously very lonely (it’s repeatedly emphasized how much Kris misses Asriel and what a big deal it is for Kris to have made friends with Susie) to make friends and be important. The themes of the game so far as well as Undertale as prior knowledge kind of point toward the idea that the player is a force that influences the characters and this might not be a good thing, so Kris acting independently flies more on the path of that theme than a surprise evil influence, especially given Toby’s consistency in not writing completely malicious and irredeemable characters (I see all these ppl blaming Chara again as if they’re just some ultimate omnipotent malevolent force in the Undertale universe for some reason and I scoff), especially also since Kris’ independent actions take place offscreen, away from the player’s sight. My roommate also pointed out that Kris is the only human in the game and since we know from Undertale human souls are exponentially more powerful than monsters’ souls it stands to reason that Kris is A.) probably the only Lightner with enough Determination to consistently make fountains and B.) the only human in the entire game so far, which is coincidentally also the case with Frisk in Undertale, implying some innate ability of humans in this world to be controlled by players or that there would be some other complication brought on by having multiple humans in the Light World, presumably related to how souls interact and function. All just… super interesting stuff
13. Talked this over with my roommate as well and based on Ralsei not turning to stone in Cyber’s World like the other characters from chapter 1’s world combined with everything else (the hiding his appearance in chapter 1, his name literally being an anagram of Asriel, his knowledge of the Light World and people and places within it, his knowledge of humans and souls) it seems pretty possible that he’s just straight-up Asriel going undercover. These same pieces of evidence have been used to claim he’s secretly evil but they fit so much more neatly into place for me if he’s Asriel instead. It’s even stronger if Kris already knows this since it would reinforce my “Kris is making portals to see and spend time with their friends” theory
14. The scene where Susie stays over at the Dreemurr house was so pure and good it almost made me sob. Genuinely worried abt Susie’s potentially abusive home life (it’s vague but there’s implied Bad Stuff at home and I’m worried) but so happy to see her get to feel at home there. During the scene where Toriel calls the police abt the slashed tires I was so petrified that she was calling abt Susie and I was almost heartbroken
15. Susie, Noelle and Kris are probably my favorite characters so far, but honorable mentions to Lancer and Ralsei for just being funky little boys I’d love to hug and buy ice cream for
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vidcund4ever · 3 years
I decided to answer these questions about my Sim related ships. NOTE: These are just my preferences for my gameplay! I don’t dislike or judge other people’s ships in their games! In fact, I think a lot of them are neat. x3
01. Vidcund x Cassandra <3
02. Vidcund or Cassandra x anyone else. I don’t know. I don’t see anyone else being a good match for either of them.
03. I’m going to keep this Q&A to The Sims franchise. My first ship was Chris x Melissa Roomies in TS1.
04. I ship Vidcund x Cassandra because they’re both shy nerds who have a lot in common, and I picture them both having a love for plants. I don’t think any other girl would see past Vidcund’s demeanor. As for the usual pairing of Cassandra x Don or Darren... Don is a himbo, and I don’t think Cassandra would be into a guy like that. (In my headcanon, she’s only with him to find more information about her mother’s disappearance.) As for Darren, I think his last name says it all: Dreamer. He’s out of touch with reality and would never actually pursue Cassandra. Even if he did and they became more than friends, I don’t think she’d ever live up to his fantasies.
05. I could never figure out who would be a good match for Vidcund until I started sharing headcanons with @nanominyo, and they shared theirs about Viddie and Cassie, and I couldn’t believe I’d never thought of it before! They’re perfect together! ^^
06. For a (very) short while, I had paired Dominic Newlow with Circe to try and make what happened between them in the PSP storyline less heartbreaking, trying to make what happened consensual, but you can’t erase what actually happened, which the sims community reminded me of. :( Poor Circe... Please keep him away from her...
07. I don’t think I ship a couple that most people don’t like (minus the mistake I mentioned above). I think, at worst, my ships are considered lukewarm. If I happen to have one you don’t like, you can comment it. I’m fine with that. XD It could be interesting!
08. Hmm. A ship most people like that I hate? Honestly, I don’t hate any ships (minus, you guessed it: the one I came up with between Dominic x Circe), but there are a few I wouldn’t do, like Pascal and Nervous. I do think it’s a cute pairing, but I also think Pascal is more of a parent figure in Nervous’ life rather than a romantic one. He has a maternal instinct, as we can tell from how he fathers Tycho. Also, I’m not entirely sure he’s over his crush on Circe?
09. Besides Vidcund x Cassandra? XD Buzz x Bella. It’s not a lasting relationship, but it’s one I think makes sense since Bella doesn’t actually like Strangetown. She thinks it’s, well, strange, and Buzz is the most “normal” person she’s met there.
10. Mortimer x Bella. I know they gave off Gomez and Morticia vibes in TS1, but Mortimer remarried very quickly after her disappearance in TS2, and Bella confirmed in the PSP game that she’d only married him for his money.
11. Are we still talking about my favorite ship, or...? I’m going to assume another pairing because I’ve already talked about my favorite one too much. XD Let’s talk about Tank x Johnny, because they’re another ship of mine. OTP, all the way!
12. JRO is popular, and I can see why. They’re all misfits one way or another, and seem very explorative like most sims their age are. It is kind of funny how majority of simmers give them this alternative style because I picture them more awkward than anything. XD I’m unsure whether or not I ship them as a poly relationship. I do see both Johnny and Ripp liking Ophelia, but not necessarily dating her at the same time. Maybe I’ll come around to it...
13. Kristen x Erin. I think they make a cute pairing, but I’ve only seen a couple other simmers ship them. Maybe they come off as straight? I mostly see them end up with male sims, but Kristen x Erin have great compatibility. (Taurus x Aries.) I also think the differences they have, like Kristen being ambitious and Erin being more carefree, maintains balance. Kristen learns to loosen up and accept her true self (like stop straightening her curly hair and start dressing more masculine), and Erin tries to take things more seriously (like pursuing an actual career).
14. I don’t know if I’m doing this right. I’m rating any couple? Because if I am, I’m rating Johnny x Ophelia a 6/10, maybe? They enjoy their teen years together, but as they get older they realize that they’re better off as friends. They have different priorities, as well as viewpoints on life. Ophelia is nervous and paranoid, and Johnny wants someone he can go on adventures with.
15. The way Tank and Johnny tease and fight one another until they admit their real feelings. Even after they do, Johnny keeps up the teasing. He loves the way he makes Tank blush. x3
16. My favorite canon moment of Annie Howell x Nervous is when she brings him back from the dead. He dies in the PSP game, but I don’t want him dead (and neither does Annie), so Annie pleas with Death who, obviously, is willing to make an exception for his son... although he resurrects Nervous as a Zombie. Even so, I think it’s sweet that she brings him back to get married and have a kid and try to live a (somewhat) normal life.
17. AU? As in Alternative Universe? I don’t have one of those. XD
18. I don’t know why, but I have to rant about Dina x Michael. Well, rant more about how they’re typically seen. It’s true that Dina cheated on Michael by kissing Don, but I don’t think the kiss was mutual. (Don isn’t afraid to “take charge” of a situation.) Looking at her memories, her love for Michael is deeper than most think — or that’s my opinion, anyway. After Michael died, Dina gave up on love and decided money would fill the hole in her heart.
19. If you go through my Tumblr, you’ll find plenty of memes that remind me of a lot of different pairings. XD
20. “Today” by Jefferson Airplane is one of the songs I can hear Vidcund play when he sits alone in the dark, thinking about Circe. I don’t pair them together, but for a long while Vidcund thought they’d make the perfect pair.
21. Everyday is a date for Circe and Loki, like conducting experiments on Nervous and eventually Gimi Branko at home, and making evil plans over dinner at a fancy restaurant.
22. I don’t think any of my non-canon pairings would ever become canon. I think the one that’d have the best chance is Johnny x Tank because GAY <3
23. No, I haven’t written fan fiction or drawn my ships. I keep my fiction in game, and I’d love to draw something, but I suck at drawing. XD
24. That’s all for now.
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romulusfuckingroy · 4 years
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wow hey guys let’s cool it with the blatant homophobia there ok?
to op- i’m not sure why you even made this post to begin with. your dad being homophobic isn’t funny. there’s no joke in the post other than either “haha whizzer’s a slut” or “haha my dad said something homophobic.” both “jokes” are fucked up. i genuinely don’t understand the point of the post. nothing there is funny.
to the replies- it’s incredibly fucked up to say that people getting aids-especially in the 80’s- was their fault. you know that nobody knew how you got aids back then, right ? how the fuck could whizzer be at fault for not protecting himself against something nobody knew was even a thing? sure, whizzer’s not real. he never existed. but he represents an entire generation of gay men in their prime being wiped out by an unknown, unseen, deadly force. i don’t give a shit if it’s just a joke. it’s not fucking funny.
also, whizzer didn’t get aids from sleeping around. he got aids by having sex with one man who unknowingly infected him. saying it was “his fault” for his promiscuity? is extremely homophobic! you’re parroting the same exact words and sentiments that the government and society said to the gay community as dying men and their partners begged for help. you’re literally echoing the people who laughed as gay people lost their lives.
okay, but here’s the benefit of the doubt. you weren’t talking about the real gay men in the real actual aids crisis that were actually killed, i get that. you’re talking about the cute boy andrew rannells plays in the show! presumably you like the character quite a bit, so you should respect this: even if we’re only talking about the fictional character and not the very real gay men who died alongside him in droves, whizzer himself resents being called/thought of as a- in your words, commenter- “whore.” relisten to “the games i play.” he feels trapped in his lifestyle of screwing around. it’s not a point of pride for him, it’s the opposite.
overall i’m just appalled that somebody- 43 somebodies- could watch the entire musical falsettos from beginning to end and still manage to miss the point of it this badly. you know, the point that aids can happen to anyone, that it doesn’t discriminate old or young, ill or healthy. that it takes the lives of innocent people, and that those people are incredibly loved and important and worthy of respect. please think before you post next time.
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 years
reply roundup!
thank you to the patrons! fleurdelis, lukeperiodsun, @heraldinthedark, hadbabits, kellie, natascha, kirbx14, and @technophage!
also kirby’s [pride preparations] seemed to be pretty popular!
it’s a long one this time!
on [road trip]:
@littlemousejelly said: oh the universal Displaced Smol Feeling. doesn't matter how tall you are you look at a menu like this. doesn't matter how old you are being on a roadtrip means you feel like you're nowhere and everywhere and that's OKAY
@thebreakfastgod said: in 8th grade i went on a roadtrip in the week long break for Thanksgiving. on Thursday we were driving home but didnt make it back until Friday, so that Thursday we had Thanksgiving at McDonalds somewhere out in Kansas. we had actual thanksgiving the next day with my brother. this drawing is so cute n it reminded me of this :)
@nikuknight said: so cute!! and yeah this experience is universal I think ^^ relatable
@indigowallbreaker said: this was me last Sunday, what a feeling
@sortofabetaiguess said: this is probably what i’m gonna be like. actually if my queue works this is probably what i /am/ like. #not twilight
oh I didn’t expect to get road trip stories out of this post but it’s wonderful that I did, I’m glad so many of you can relate XD (also I had to keep the “#not twilight” tag because there’s just something delightful about my kirby making it to a twilight blog.)
on [sandwiches]:
@salted15 said: ohmygoodness !!!!! them hamds !!!!! they full !!!!!!! blessed
@orion-flux said: TWO GRILLED CHEEZUMS!?
two of them!!! (also I love that two different people tagged the same friend in this drawing, that’s so cute :’> )
on [mirror]:
@littlemousejelly​ said: OH CUTE, I THINK THEY BOTH LOOK NICE! i'm Love mirror kirmby very much they are as much shaped as a friemd as right side gorb kirby
oh he is definitely equally friend shaped! he’s just not quite as round lol
@macro-microcosm​ said: the duality of man
man vs self
on [game night]:
@lavendarjevil said: girls night
pedicures! talkin about boys! pillow fight!
@poltergeist-draws-probably​ said: me and the besties on a tuesday afternoon
heck yeah dude that is exactly the vibe I was going for
using the color names like that is so cute :0 I just love the excitement in these tags it feels so nice ;u;
@toastycharmander​ said: 🥺 imma be honest i wish i could sit with friends and watch them play video games like this, just seems so nice. i’d probably end up as the blue kirby at some point tho
man, same. someday we will all get to sit with our friends again and/or make good friends to sit with.
on [incognito]:
@gingersducksandbubbles​ said: the brows remind me of the cinnamon toast crunch meme. either way, adorable until proven innocent and even then still adorable. yes im aware of what the last tag says. its the law duh
the crime he was wanted for was being adorable! there is no escaping that! (also I don’t think I’d seen that meme before, drawing angry eyebrows on things is just almost always funny huh)
on [hat]:
@dragonsandmollusks​ said: baseball hats or whatever this type of hat is called are way too hard to draw
ugh, they really are. especially in lineless art! (altho the person who said they’re putting this one in the art ref folder is funny XD )
on [small]:
@littlemousejelly​ said: OH TEENY!!!!! HELLO YOU ARE VERY SMALL!! OR VERY FAR AWAY!! OR BOTH!! I LOVE YOU!!!! littol teeny kirby are you cold?? are you rubbing your lil hands together because you have a chill?? WAIT I ZOOMED IN AND YOU ARE POUTING! AHHHHHH CUTIE I KISS YOUR LIL PIMK HEAD AND PATPAT! i hope you feel better soon!!!
a true journey :’>
@gingersducksandbubbles​ said: hi kirbo! why you so far away? did he have a snack? i see that lil cheek curve. he holding his hands or arm nubs so cute like an innocent lil guy so cute. is he innocent tho? not gonna get into tjat discourse cuz the end result is that he's always adorable!! Thank you kirby!
I like this interpretation too! just trying to play innocent after stealing a snack. :>
there was a lot on [pride prep]:
@lammiies said: Kirby supports Gay Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
@macro-microcosm said: BEST MOST SUPPORTIVE BOI happy pride 🌈
@rainbowmilk1996 said: Kirby is a good lad. That, and he probably likes all the colors
@neurokinetics said: my sweet gay child
you are all correct! kirby is gay, kirby supports gays (and the whole lgbtqia+ community! all of us!), and kirby thinks all the pretty pride flag colors are very neat. :>
@drummajor-isyourbandready said: this is the only pride post I'll reblog probably. look at this fella
ohh a high honor! thank you :> (although of course if you find other stuff also worth sharing that’s a good thing too!)
@kiwi-lynx said: Ok, I’m obsessed with your drawings THEY ARE JUST SO CUTE 🥰🏳️‍🌈
@pizza-equals-poetry said: op this is beautiful
awwh thank you both so much!
also @your-local-neighbourhood-kat tagged me in this [very cursed image] by a deactivated blog which, thanks I hate it XD
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alexiaugustin · 4 years
waittttt. whats with Maxence that you didn't like??? 😯😯
but what things did maxence have done ???. since nobody calls him out on things you mentions, i actually don't know that problematic stuff he says or done.. and also, i see only good things are about him on ig and twitter so i really dont know 😅... sorry of this question 🙏
Okay so before anyone tells me that I said that I hate Maxence or some shit- I couldn't care less about what actors do in their private lives and I don't think that everything he ever said or did publicly was a bad thing but there were a lot of rly problematic things he said and did publicly and that's all I'm talking about here.
First of all at one of those dreamit cons he said that he would like to play a trans women in a movie/tv show once and that he even auditioned but didn't get the role because his face was too masculine. When fans later called him out for that more or less transphobic statement he never showed any kind of reaction and never apologized even tho especially trans fans were rly upset and tried to educate him on that matter.
Then there is this interview where he says "I already got messages saying 'you're not gay you can't play this role' I find it too bad that someone thinks a gay character has to be played by a gay person. Actually I think it goes against the message the LGBT community wants to give. It's very sane and important to give that freedom of speech around this, that straight people can defend this battle too and can take roles for homosexual, trans, bi characters" I get what he was trying to say here but he definitely did it the wrong way because being upset about lgbt ppl being upset about there not being more lgbt actors playing lgbt roles and even telling them that they are going against the message of the community that they are a part of and he is not really just ain't it. And again he's saying that cishets can play trans characters which is....ignorant.
Then there was this whole red bubble thing where he was freaking out about the tshirts with fanart of him on them. And like, I get it, I really do and it's completely okay to be angry about shit like that but "a part of me just wants to murder that motherfucker" and "those tshirts are ugly as fuck" ??? he's 26 im sorry but this is just not how you talk to your (mostly) younger audience on social media and it was super aggressive and not funny nor "badass" at all
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The most recent and probably worst thing was his reaction to the blm movement. Both he and axel stayed silent about it for days and when fans were asking him to post donation and petition links he was angry about that for some reason?? And a few days later he posted that story
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translation: "I hope that every person that has been annoying the shit out of me for a week, telling me what to do on social media will be there at 19h*. It's cute to hashtag, to copy-paste and to impose oneself as the dictator of ethic and good conscious, it's another thing to act. See you tonight"
*a blm protest he attended
Again he was super condescending and worded all of this super agressive. He is a white privileged grown up man who chose to stay silent for days and after all his silence and the reactions he got from that he spent more of his time on his insta story where he was shaming people who couldn't go to protest instead of reposting more links to donations, petitions and information. Can you believe that he really went out and said "I know I haven't done shit to raise awareness so far and for some reason all of u are so mean to me now. But I hope that y'all know that no matter if you don't have the possibility to attend a protest, aren't allowed to attend a protest or can't because of ur health condition (we're still in a global pandemic) U are the bad person and all the efforts you've made on the internet are worth noting" that's literally what he just said. People are suffering and dying just because of their skin colour and he has the nerve to play the victim in all of this. It was arrogant, condescending and his white privilege couldn't have jumped out more. He never apologized or acknowledged that either.
And here's another anon I got about this
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here's the video. And yeah exactly anon like I know that it was just a game and there to be fun but Robin tried to seriously educate him right in that moment and he just... didn't care at all.
And that's what actually makes him so problematic. Because he never learns from his mistakes and can't ever acknowledges that he might have made a mistake but tries to defend himself until the very end, makes things about himself when they absolutely aren't and can't just ever shut up when ppl are taking their time to educate him. He not even once apologized for one of the things he did and that already says a lot I guess🙄
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sparrowmoth · 3 years
😈🎞🖤⚔️ for the ask game!
Thank you, @hoodpane! ♥️ 😈 Favorite villain parent?
You know....... it’s Cruella. Which is funny because she often reminds me of someone I loathe right down to my soles, but I mean. That’s part of why I like her, I guess? It’s complicated lol. She’s... interesting to me. I find her kind of heartbreaking, actually. She’s something that I love but full of rot and disease and that compels me, if that makes any sense. She had so much potential and her narrative raises so many questions of whether it was somehow her fate to become as evil as she did or if she chose that whole-heartedly and yeah, I just absolutely love getting into her head and exploring what makes her Like That.™
🎞 Favorite scene?
Oh god, this is so hard lmao. UMMM. Every scene with Carlos?? jkldjksjkgldg
I keep wanting to be like “oh! what about-- wait, no, what about--” I JUST LOVE A LOT OF SCENES. If it involves Core Four bonding or Jaylos or OH OH OH Carlos being cute and sunny when Jay comes in with his jersey? Y e a h. Andddd I like watching that scene when Carlos asks Jay for dating advice, but I like watching it on mute so I can pretend it’s gay. Also the limo scene. Also the museum scene(s). All of it.... I just love all of it. Yeah.
🖤 Least favorite popular ship?
Oooh, that’d be Jay x Gil and yeah, it’s a little bit because Gil gets in the way of my OTP, I’m not ashamed to admit that lmao. It’s not JUST that though. Like, I am all about polyamory, but I can’t get behind Jay x Carlos x Gil either. I just... why?? Gil is so cute as part of the Sea OT3. That’s his crew. They’ve loved and cared for him so long. Gil having a crush on Jay? Cute! Jay spontaneously deciding he’s going to pull a “whole new world” with Gil as a consolation prize for the fact that we couldn’t have Jaylos be canon because fuck Disney? No. :)
No shade at people who like this ship, it’s just not for me. I won’t read anything tagged Jay x Gil unless it’s about Jay breaking up with him for Carlos lmao. >>
⚔️ Unpopular opinion about Descendants?
Hmm, hmmmm. Audrey and Ben weren’t in love. Their body language in D1, the way they look at each other... it’s so fake. I think people pull from the books when they make the claim that these two loved each other and that’s fair at least insofar as I think book!Audrey did love Ben. But I don’t think Ben ever loved Audrey, and... Okay, here’s the thing... and keep in mind that I like Ben, but I still feel very strongly about this: Ben was emotionally cheating on Audrey by the start of D1. Even if you aren’t aware of the book!canon establishing how Ben and Mal were dreaming of each other, the intro scene shows this pretty clearly IMO. Audrey knows it, too. She shows possessive body language because she sees the way Ben is reacting to Mal.
And here’s the other thing! Everyone points fingers at Audrey and Mal when they talk about this stuff. Why though? Ben has a good heart, sure, but he’s not perfect. Mal wasn’t flirting when they stepped out of the limo. You can see her assessing Ben’s behaviour towards her with a very guarded expression, but she’s not flirting. Ben though? Ben was flirting. And again, Audrey saw it. She was trying to stop him and he was pulling away from her. When they get into the school, he literally tugs out of her grip at one point and puts distance between them to communicate to Mal that he’s not invested in his relationship. The way Audrey looks at him in that moment? Betrayal. But she tries to save face by fake smiling at Mal. And IMO the only reason someone as headstrong as Audrey didn’t break up with Ben on the spot is that both their families are in such positions of power, it would have been a huge scandal. Especially to accuse Ben, the future king, of being potentially unfaithful to his girlfriend...? Audrey wasn’t just saving face for herself and her family, she was saving Ben’s reputation as a perfect prince charming. It’s all about image in Auradon, after all.
I’d like to think Ben wouldn’t have straight up cheated on her if the love spell hadn’t happened, but as far as canon goes, I think it’s just a simple fact to say that he would have broken up with Audrey for Mal. And if that had happened, people would still blame Mal for it. Almost like society hates women or something. Wild. 🍵🍵🍵
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thegreatyin · 3 years
I'm not very good at mmos but I love final fantasy, do you have any tips or advice? Your character is cute!
i don't actually know much about a good chunk of the game- i'm only at early heavensward context (the second expansion) so take my advice with a tiny pinch of salt.
having said that, sure, i can try to give advice! also please note that ffxiv is my first final fantasy game, but i'm experienced with mmos, so it's like... the opposite outlook.
if you look up literally anything about ffxiv, it'll be veterans saying that the current base game (a realm reborn) is slow and largely boring. i disagree for a number of reasons, but... it certainly does drag on for awhile. as i said, i don't know how this compares to other games in the franchise, but this one is a slowburn- well worth the payoff, but still slow as hell.
a single character can play all of the classes! this means, for example, rigel (my oc-turned-player-character) can be a black mage, white mage, warrior, dark knight, ninja... basically, alts (mmo-speak for alternate characters, basically any character you create and play outside of your "main") are effectively useless, but still fun to do if you don't mind a grind.
for the sake of all that is holy, when you unlock a job quest, drop everything and do it. these almost always give new abilities that become an essential part of your toolkit, and when they don't, they're leading up to one. i don't care if you're about to do a main story quest and think you can pass by without it, just do it and save yourself the trouble later.
you get your first mount at level 20, the grand company chocobo. however, due to the stupid amount of exp early quests give you/depending on if you're in a favored server or not, you'll likely be far above that when you finally get your bird. rigel was around 27 when he got bird-riding rights. said rights are tied to the main story quests, as is everything, so make sure to do those too.
red mage is really really fun i highly recommend it
at early levels the 2.5 second gcd (global cooldown, a timer where you can't use any abilities for a period of time) will seem agonizing. it gets better. by level 50 as a black mage i felt like it was too short.
i don't know how to navigate square enix's terrible site but be warned it is certainly something that needs mental preparation before attempting. buying this game is a nightmare.
so don't! the free trial goes up to level 60 and includes the entirety of the first and second expansions (first is actually the base game but that's a whole other can of worms) and lasts indefinitely. you can be a free trial player for years and never stop. just be warned that once you buy the game you can't return to free-trial status so once ur sins are committed, they're committed for good.
love yourself. don't play a healer class. or do, if you're into masochism.
housing is a fucking NIGHTMARE i haven't touched it with a ten foot pole
you can use FATES (open-world multiplayer events, basically) to grind extra classes in a pinch. it's not much, but you can do it.
you know that starting mount i mentioned? the grand company chocobo? you can nickname it. and dress it up. and change its colors. and eventually summon it to fight alongside you as a bird pet/companion/best friend and legitimately why would you use any other mount
seriously rigel's bird is named luhmel and i cherish him SO much i spent all my gil on outfits for him birb my BELOVED
i'd honestly recommend ignoring the gold/normal sidequests after the first few levels- they usually don't offer much, and don't give much back. it's only worth doing the blue "plus" quests (which always unlock something for you/your character) and the main story quests (which. are main story, lol. they're marked with a fire symbol around the edge of the icon)
oh hey whatcha know your job quests are blue plus quests maybe that means something
if you want to take Aesthetic Screenshots™ there's a thing called group pose (aka gpose) that you can use to loop an emote and modify lighting and everything to make some really nice pictures. i haven't used it much because i unironically discovered it two hours ago but i sure will use it in the future
once/if you hit levels 50/60/70, you should start hoarding poetics/tombestones! these can be used to buy fresh new gear that not only looks stylish but also will legitimately last you for half of the next expansion. i'm not joking. these are absolutely worth the investment.
if you play lalafell you WILL be pat on the head. it's normal. let it happen.
y'shtola best girl
new players are called sprouts, and are given a little sprout icon beside their name to represent that! this actually stays for a while- 168 total hours played and completion of stormblood (3rd expansion), iirc. i'm still a sprout. rigel's a little sprout boy.
once you unlock the waking sands, i highly recommend going into the side room and talking to all the npcs there! they have different/new dialogue every time the main story quests tell you to return there, and getting to know them all... well, let's just say that it'll make some parts hit harder, y'know? it pays off.
i haven't personally done them but i've heard the hildibrad sidequests are really funny i recommend those
there's a gambling cactus to gamble your life away and the parkour minigame infuriates me beyond reasonable definition
the community as a whole is super nice, and way better at giving advice on the spot than i am! for an anime game where i can play my depressed edgy angsty angel boy as a walking disaster gay catboy, it's really wholesome. not for everyone, but definitely a good time if it is your kinda thing.
okay but seriously do your class/job quests
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jidai · 3 years
jidai’s budget mutuals/friends appreciation
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Hi, all! I’m quite late with this but I decided to put a small friends and mutual appreciations post in hopes of brightening up the end of this year a little bit. ❤️ If you were tagged, please make sure to check below for a small little message from me. However, I want to make it very clear that I truly appreciate all of my mutuals. You guys brighten up my dash and always reblog or create so many funny and creative posts. I just wanted to give a few special shout outs to those that have taken out the time to reach out and interacted with me past my ask box or we just see each other often.
The messages are ordered by your URL, so you might have to scroll for awhile before you see your messages. I’m so sorry lmao. 
Happy New Years, everyone!
@25th​​, Nonnie, the Young Genius. bro, remind me how old you are 🧍‍♀️ Like my brain CANNOT fathom the thought that you’re so skilled at SO many things and you’re not even in your twenties??? PLEASE SPARE THE TALENT. i will even accept crumbs. But I’m writing to tell you that you are such a wonderful presence on my dash. I always look forward to your gfx. They’re so SO good and you’re improving from one post to another. Like WOW. Now, you’re even starting an art blog, too? You’re so dedicated to the arts. I respect that a lot. Your hard work and commitment will bring you very far in life, whatever you decide to do. 
I love interacting with you. You’re such a big sweetheart and full of positivity and energy. I look forward to seeing more of your art and gfx ❤️
@biscuitwalk​, Dann, the AK Wiz. Dann, I know you’re not as active on here so idk when or if you will ever read this but I want to say that I miss you and your creations so, so much. I will say it a hundred times over and OVER but you inspire me so goddamn much. You have no fucking idea. Your works are absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can look at it once and I can instantly recognize your style (and your cute lil’ pufferfish <3). The way you utilize colors and implement various techniques, shapes, textures into your work. Goddamn, you’re so good. I always look to your work if I ever need inspiration and they help me brainstorm. God, I wish I could put it into words how much I adore your works.
We didn’t really talk for long but you seemed like such a kind and fun person to be around. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, wherever you are. Stay safe <3
@elriccs, Mirai, the Short King. 🧍‍♀️ ok look I know, I know I’m TERRIBLE at replying to you and I’m so fucking sorry. I absolutely love to talk to you but my dumbass cannot seem to reply in a timely manner LASELKSAL. That’s on me and I gotta do better. Anyways!!! Thank you SO fucking much for always leaving such kind messages on my work. I swear to god you’re one of my biggest hype man and I ALWAYS look forward to reading your tags. They’re so funny and it makes me all tingly and happy inside. Bro, like, you just radiate big fun vibes, bro. I really hope that I can get to know you better so I can just insult you until it’s too late to walk away </3
And of course, let me also remind you that I love your works so much. They way that you utilize your textures and those muted colors... OOMPH *chefs kiss* I will always love--
@lockhvrts​​, Em the Soulsborne GOD. hi em 🥺 it’s been awhile since I’ve had a proper conversation with you and I hope you’re doing okay! I miss you and our conversations where we do nothing but geek out and complain about the game industry lmao. if you manage to read this, I just wanted to let you know I miss your presence here. It’s been kinda dull not seeing your beautiful soulsborne gifs and your game rants. Let’s catch up soon. <3 stay safe and well!
@nathanprescutt, Benn, the Man. BENNNNNNNN.  I love you a lot bro. I know we haven’t had long conversations for some time and I hope I can change that! You were my first friend on this blog and I will always appreciate it. I remember us just geeking out over your works and how I would always send you a gfx request like once a week LMAO. The one thing that I have always appreciated about you was the fact that you’re very opinionated (if not, very vocal on your stance on things) and you hold your ground. There were a few time where you encouraged me to speak on topics that I think I shouldn’t and that stuck with me for quite awhile. I’m still a nervous rambling mess when it comes to debates but just know that the one time you supported me to voice my opinion--I hold it very dear to my heart. 
While I don’t spend much time together, I will always remember our animal crossing session. It was  so much fun just trashing and chilling on your island. Especially the bar :( that bar was fucking AMAZING. Maybe once FFXVI comes out, we can geek out hehe
Also, thank you so much for sending in photos of all your doggos, omg. I miss seeing them so much I hope they’re doing well. Stay hot, my German bro lol. Ich bin sehr dankbar, so eine tolle Freundin zu haben. ❤️❤️❤️
@noxdivina​, Lin the Big Dick Daddy Kind. The church is open for business bitch and I’m here to preach the GOSPEL.
Okay, jokes aside, I’m really happy that we became mutuals. You’ve always give off this like, mysterious cosmic vibe (????? huh). And your selfies just further proves that you are wtf. But you’re always so kind to those that you interact with. You’re an absolutely sweetheart and like I just want to give you a giant hug every time we interact. You’re such a soft human being. It’s so nice being around you. It’s like being tossed in the oven and baked at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes. And to boot you’re really talented, hello? God really said let there be a perfect human being and yeeted you into the universe. Thank you for always leaving such kind messages and words in my DM/askbox/works. I cherish them so much. I hope I can get to know you better in the future bc you’re rad, bro <3
anyways, updated drawing of u and maya:
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i always assume you’re in a black fur parka 24/7 and maya is coatless neck down. also deck me with those jacked arms of yours thanks  🧍‍♀️
(edit: fuck i forgot to draw a PARTY HAT ON MAYA IM SORRY)
@rokuseis​, Sei, the Dumber.
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i have nothing to say to you go away you banana hater ASELKSAEKL
BITCH, you doo bee getting on my nerve 24/7/365 🧍‍♀️ you were an unexpected but a very welcomed addition to my life. I can’t believe we really went 1 fuckin’ year without speaking to each other and then suddenly our friendship blew up because over a stupid BANANA. Now you gotta deal with me and my stupid, random, crude ass messages daily. I cannot. Clown to clown communication. But thank you so much bitch for being there for me and telling all of these funny ass stories and life experiences.
I know I don’t say it a lot because when we talk it’s literally just dogs barking at each other but I want to make it clear now: I love your humor and vibe so much. You never fail to make me laugh anytime I talk to you and I appreciate it so much. I can’t tell you how many times I felt better after talking to you. Even though sometimes your fucking jab hits hard and I end up actually inSULTED BY IT. But thank you for becoming my friend and I look forward to all of our stupid moments together. Looking forward to shitting in your sink when I finally fly to your home <3
@wolfamongthem, Anna, the Grinch. Please don’t hurt me for that title. I'm just saying if someone needs a live casting, it’ll be u. Anyways, did you know that I was so fucking intimidated by you for a long ass time, even before we became mutuals aseljas LMAO. I always see your gifs around on explore and they’re so gorgeous and then I look at your text posts and it’s u roasting people like there’s no tomorrow- 🧍‍♀️ bitch I was SCARED OF U KSKS. Now that I’ve talked to you a few times, you’re really funny like where do you find those reaction memes????? Like bro you and your shitposts is my morning cup of coffee. 
Anyways, in 2021 I expect a full-fledge review of all AAA games from you-- no more shit talking in the tags let it all out BITCH. Thank you for being such a great mutual! I look forward to see what weird shit you will send me the next time we talk lmao
@zenien​​, Selm, the I’m-gay-for-Lady-Maria-or-anything-that-moves-in-BB-Bitch™. ok bitch if I’m being honest I wrote yours last so my brain is FRIED. so everything i say from here is raw from the HEARt cause that’s all I got left. But anyhow, we savin’ the best for last! honestly, i didn’t expect you to barge into my life like that. i really didn’t. i was just gonna keep admiring with my 7 feet (2.1336 meters) pole. I’m glad you made the first move because look where we are wtf 🧍‍♀️ friends??? I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that in 2014 when I first followed you lmao. 
You’re such a kind soul. I know you may disagree but I’m determined to convince you. I can’t tell you how much I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me during my rough bits. It’s like sitting on a wooden bench in a park during sunset and you sit next to me, just enjoying the vast sky. You radiate such peaceful energy. It’s very calming. Or you know, 2 seconds later i’m suddenly suplexed by your 40 tons of insults like what-- 
Thank you for everything, so far. Truly. It’s been so fun listening to you talk about your Bloodborne journey and see your reactions live. It’s been so fun to see you post your graphics and it continues to blow me away. It’s been so fun hearing about your life and the stories of your adulthood. Every words that we have exchanged, I hold dearly to my heart--more than you ever know. Love u bitch.
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sunmaylight · 3 years
TGCF Book 3 Reaction pt.3 - Wind Master’s Self-Designated Quest & The Events that Happen After
I am back again with reactions & comments for when I read book 3. 
This is honestly fun for me because I can look back at what I read and remember my first reaction to everything. I can also see how things connect to make up each arc by going back and reading them. 
I really want to start book 4, but completing this first so I compose myself and not be a mess of emotions reading it. Cause, any book that is mainly about Xie Lian’s past is bound to be filled with angst and possible tears for the guy.
Ch 102: The Love for All Seasons Stew, the stew Xie Lian made and Shi Qingxuan is enthusiastically wanting to try some, shares with Ming Yi. Hua Cheng eats it like nothing and gives Xie Lian feedback
- Me: Ah, RIP Shi Qingxuan and Ming Yi. It was nice knowing you two.
Start of the Venerable of Empty Words
Ch 103: The stew knocks out Ming Yi and sends Shi Qingxuan to tears. Then Shi Qingxuan hallucinates
- Me: You know, by this point Xie Lian should have his own warning label to prevent this from happening in the future. What if he made something for Jun Wu and kills him with his cooking? Actually, that sounds pretty funny. This just in: Heavenly Emperor Jun Wu defeated by a plate of questionable food made by his favorite Heavenly Official, Xie Lian.
103: Shi Qingxuan tells a horror story. Xie Lian feels a cold breeze and discovers it’s made by SQX.
- Ah, I think I’m understanding more that Heavenly Officials are really eccentric. Especially the upper court.
Xie Lian casually mentioning he has encountered a Venerable of Empty Words in the past and how that ghost left him after staying with the fallen god for almost a year.
- Me: *sobs* Xie Lian. 
Wind Master talking about his past before ascension and then post ascension
- Me: Okay, but did you actually ascend?
Learns about Heavenly Calamities
- Me: Well, that will surely be relevant in the future.
105: Investigating for the Ghost. Learns that from a tampered list that Hua Cheng killed vengeful, malevolent tyrants
- Me: Hua Cheng, who else have you killed? How the fu-dge is it that you are more productive than Heavenly Officials in making sure nothing bad happens?
As the group was going to leave, Xie Lian remembers the kids (& Qi Rong). 
Hua Cheng: I have already called a babysitter. Don’t worry about a thing Gege.
106: The group was teleported to the wrong place.
- Me: Well, aren’t things starting out just lovely.
Hua Cheng changed clothes and Xie Lian Noticed. 
Hua Cheng & Xie Lian exchange verbal communication passwords. Hua Cheng’s password has Xie Lian blushing.
Xie Lian’s password: “Just recite the Ethics Sutra a thousand times.”
- Me: ...Is that a joke? Xie Lian, if they actually had to recite that, it’s like saying you don’t want people to talk to you.
Xie Lian’s password is revealed to be just that phrase. He set it up as a joke
- Me: goddamnit. I have been bamboozled. 
Learning about the legend of the Potential Scholar He, who was mad smart but got a lot of people wanting to crush him out of jealousy. He died after getting his revenge against those who were gatekeeping him.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng now have to play Mafia in a four man group.
Ch 108: A game to sniff out the Word Ghost. The game reminds me of the Japanese Game, King’s Game.
- Me: Is there a Chinese equivalent to the King’s Game?
SQX -’king’- Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have to strip each other. Just one layer
- Me: If this was me to my crush, I would be weirded out to do this in front of my friends. Unless if I was drunk
SQX to Hua Cheng (from the book): “What’s the worse suffering in the world?”
Hua Cheng: “To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet unable to do anything. That’s the worse suffering in the world.”
- Me: (ToT) Hua Cheng. I got to mark this down. Hua Cheng’s beloved and him need their happy ending.
Ming Yi to Xie Lian: “What’s the biggest regret of your life?”
Xie Lian: “My Second Ascension.”
- Me: !!! Xie Lian, what the F*CK happened during the shortest ascension recorded in Heaven?
Ch 109: Hua Cheng lends Xie Lian a ‘bit’ of spiritual power. Xie Lian does a palm thrust and blows off the roof of the temple.
- Xie Lian & Me: ...Hua Cheng, that’s a little bit?
Hua Cheng: Was that not enough? I can lend you more.
Ch 110: Hua Cheng puts on a mini fashion show to Xie Lian in the middle of something important. 
Xie Lian: *focus is pulled away to stare at Hua Cheng*
- Me: Okay. Cute, but please focus. There is a time and place for everything. Now is not the time!
Water Master is suppose to prepare for the third Heavenly Calamity. SQX is kidnapped
- Me: What if this is the third calamity? Having to save SQX from the Venerable of Empty Words?
Xie Lian wants to do a soul-shifting spell, but Hua Cheng is stopping him.
- Me: Hm, does Hua Cheng know something? That is suspicious.
Ch 111: Venerable of Empty Words says: “Don’t worry, with your eyes wide open, you will watch the person coming to seek you die before you!”
- Me: *Thinks of Hua Cheng for Xie Lian* Shit, it got to Xie Lian. I really hope this doesn’t happen in the future. Cause, it’s not like Hua Cheng can die by conventional means since his ashes are ***** - Safe
Wind Master is revealed to be wearing a lot of treasures and gems on their person
- Me: Why is Wind Master wearing all of that?
Soul-Shifting spell ends, Xie Lian hears Hua Cheng’s voice
- Oh shit. I think Hua Cheng is mad.
SQX: “This is the Terrace of Cascading Wine. It’s where I ascended”
- Me: Wait, SQX is one of the Four Famous Tales? The odd one that is like Qi Rong that is about a guy who ascended for just pouring wine?
Learns that Xie Lian was actually sleeping when he ascended.
- Which ascension did that happen at?
SQX is in hysteria after Shi Wudu grabs him. SQX was acting suspicious before then SWD arrived.
- Me: Wow, what happened to SQX? D-did he actually fail his Heavenly Calamity and this is part of the punishment? Do Heavenly Officials get an advance notice that they have a Heavenly Calamity they have to face? Or is he behaving like this because of the removal of all of those artifacts and jewels?
Ch 113: Hua Cheng sent a step-litter, a step-litter that is very extravagant, to Xie Lian. Hua Cheng is giving Xie Lian a fancy carriage ride towards somewhere.
- Me: Wow. What an obvious sign that Hua Cheng has deep feelings for Xie Lian 
The whole Step-Litter Scene of Ghost calling Xie Lian Hua Cheng’s ‘lady’ while he was in the Step-Litter and everything after until they drop Xie Lian off at Puqi Shrine
Xie Lian’s new banner: “Return Babes through Miraculous Hands”
- No words
Hua Cheng helping Xie Lian do a task of working in the field. There is an indescribable tension that has been created through Xie Lian’s dense brain
- Me: Man, you can slice the tension with a sword and they still wouldn’t realize anything.
Xie Lian has a mysterious donor who filled his donation box with gold bars. He decides to return them
- Me: Yes, good for you Xie Lian. You do you.
The Drama between the Wind and Water Masters
- Me: You know, there is someone on YouTube who animated this part. I can now only visualize that while reading through my notes.
Earth Master forged his shovel to be his spiritual device. Ming Yi, Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian travel through the tunnels dug by the Earth Master’s Shovel under Heaven
- Me: Wait, does this mean technically anything can be made into a spiritual device?
SQX can’t access his spiritual powers
- Me: shit. Did he actually fail a Heavenly Trial against Reverend of Empty Words?
The three are forced to dig and end up at Quan Yizhen’s palace with Pei Ming behind them
Pei Ming: QYZ, help me out and capture them
QYZ: *sees Xie Lian and remembers what he did for him during the Lantern Festival* - Grabs bed and throws it at Pei Ming- YEET!
Xie Lian tosses dice and the three end up at Puqi Shrine again. Xie Lian is greeted to the sight of a shirtless Hua Cheng finishing up some labour work with using E-Ming.
- Me: Is this going to be Xie Lian’s gay awakening? Will he finally acknowledge he has feelings for Hua Cheng?
Xie Lian immediately calms down and gets back into action
- Me: dang it!
The group, now with Hua Cheng, teleports to the Rain Master’s land. They exchange what they know and Xie Lian is drawing a very terrifying conclusion.
- Me: So, if there was a chart of the four famous tales compared to the four great calamities based on comparing their authenticity of tales
- Xie Lian    Hua Cheng       (They have to match somewhat)
- Princess who slit her throat         White No-Face      (Both have very little knowledge and seem very much bamf)
- General who broke his sword       Black Water       (Just vibes based on their names)
- Shi Qingxuan         Qi Rong     (Don’t really match the others, but are famous enough to get on the list)
Xie Lian connects the dots on Scholar He's name
- is that even possible?
Pei Ming arrives and then the group moves to Shi Wudu’s Heavenly Trial ground cause mortals are in danger. Their mission is to help the mortals and not get in the way of Water Master. 
Hua Cheng changes into a fisherman outfit
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng share a tender moment with a steam bun. General Pei watches them
- Me: Oh? Pei Ming, what did you notice? Did you notice the potential ship between the two of them?
118: The ship somehow wandered into the Ship-Sinking Black Water’s territory.
- Me: Oh no. The drama.
Alright, here seems good. The next part will be the Wind & Water Master Arc pt 2 (?). At least I think so since the Wind part was discovered and now it’s the Water part that’s next. 
You know, I really wanted to comment on a bunch of other stuff. Especially the Hualian moments, but decided against it cause there are some things that should be read
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
some writing prompts from stuff that’s happened to myself or my friends in college
you’re my new roommate and you seem really fun and you suggest that we go exploring across campus…do you know it’s 1am? yes? okay cool let’s do it
we started watching america’s next top model together as a joke but now we’re both super invested
we were both kinda drunk and flirting after this party so i walked you back to your dorm and kissed you but now you won’t talk to me and i’m very confused about these mixed signals
we’re like the only two people who ever talk in class and when we disagree we go all out but when we agree we are an unstoppable force
you talk a lot in this class and the teacher is really chill and you EXUDE BDE you put your feet on the chair in front of you and i’m so intimidated you seem so cool but it turns out you’re actually really friendly
just joined the all-male/all-female acappella group on campus and…wow everyone here is really pretty…i thought you were all straight but it turns out most of you are gay and that’s a lot
i’m your RA and i live next-door to you and listen, it’s not that i don’t like hearing you play guitar, i just don’t like it at two in the morning please i really don’t want to have to keep coming over here asking you to quiet down
two-packs of red bull just appeared on everyone’s doorknob during finals week and i don’t drink red bull but you do and you come knocking asking if you can have mine
you’re making tea in the communal kitchen, i come in for something else and you ask if i want to try some. have we met before? no? …okay, sure, i’ll try some
bonus: holy shit this tea is good please make me some more
we met by chance at school and it turns out we’re from the same city and now we hang out when we go home for breaks
i work at [a dining location] on campus and you are here…with concerning frequency at very late hours. why do you keep needing pizza at 1am
i thought my sleep schedule was bad but you go to bed at 5am and sleep til 5pm how did i suddenly become the responsible roommate
of fucking course i get the dorm right underneath the people who are always banging. also the roommate who keeps weed in our room. i’m not saying i mind but you could have asked
you’ve been flirting with me over snap for like two weeks. when i asked you, you said you weren’t, but trust me, i know flirting when i see it, and you definitely were.
you’re my roommate for orientation and wow we have a lot in common and you’re really cute and oh hey, good news! we’re living on the same floor of the same residence hall
yes i do think you’re cute. no i still will not get high with you
just matched with the entire acappella group’s collective tinder account so i jokingly swiped right and they did too and now i need to figure out who runs this group’s tinder
you’re my best friend’s roommate and i don’t know you super well but we have similar taste in music so we regularly text each other playlists and song recs and it makes me happy
it’s super late and im about to go to bed when you call me crying and in a state of panic and i have to go help you right now what’s wrong babe
how many ways can starbucks misspell my name
this can go any number of ways but i’m fond of “every time they mess up my name i text you the new version of my name and you think i’m funny so i keep doing it”
we’ve been wandering around for like an hour trying to locate a party that’s allegedly happening and we haven’t found it but we did have a lot of fun looking. wanna get pizza and talk about life?
you’re my roommate and you have this great group of friends and you guys do game night like every week and you always invite me but i always say no, thank you you’re so sweet sorry i’m such an introvert
came into the campus dunkin and the place is full but you’re sitting at a table and you invite me to join you even though you’re clearly waiting on someone, wow that’s so nice i love you
it’s your first time getting drunk. you take five shots, say you feel dizzy and kinda weird, then go back to your dorm and immediately fall asleep
bonus: i sit outside on the steps with you for like twenty minutes chatting about nonsense because you seem like you need the fresh air even though it’s drizzling out
we’re in an acting class and we get a scene that’s supposed to end with a passionate kiss. hey, professor? hello? are we supposed to actually kiss, or……???
you’re my roommate’s friend and you recently injured yourself so you’re in a wheelchair and my roommate is supposed to take you to your class this morning but they are still asleep it’s fine i can take you, no problem
we came into the city with the class but stayed after they went back to campus and decided to go to the macys near penn station and holy fuck this macys is so big and scary where is the exit why cant we find the exit they keep saying it’s half an hour to closing and we just want to pay and leave but there is not a single cashier in sight why the fuck is this macys so big
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