#i think this was just supposed to be one hc each but i saw 'random' and just had to gush lol
acerikus · 2 years
Uh random headcanons for Flowey Undertale Baldr KH and Volo Pokemon!
Oooh some good ones 👁️👄👁️
Flowey (gonna go w some post pacifist headcanons mostly I think)
It takes him a really long time before he feels like he can be open with anyone, but he's working on it. It's always far easier to lash out rather than to process anything he's been through, but he'll get there.
He has genuine respect for papyrus and is one of the few people who understand his brand of humour and sarcasm. Part of his distaste for sans stems from thinking he babies him too much.
Even if other characters eventually learn that he used to be Asriel, he's very firm in the fact that he doesn't want to be referred to with that name again. He's feels so far divorced from who he used to be that he basically considers it his deadname and everyone respects that. Once he starts to learn how to live with himself that hasn't changed, but he sees it as a fresh start with a new name and another chance to try to make it up to everyone.
Flowey and Suzy (assuming she's Susie's undertale counterpart) get along like a house on fire. They like yelling and swearing and giggling about violence together. Frisk has their work cut out with these two.
Flowey really wants to imitate Chara's creepy faces so, so badly.
Anything he does to scare people is 100% projection, he just thinks of things he knew HE used to be scared of (or still is!)
Despite his own insecurities with his darkness, Baldr tried his absolute hardest to stay positive and fight for his friends. He was completely genuine in saying he wanted to become a master to protect those he loved, but he was failed by the system so much that it just wasn't enough.
Him and Hodor tried to pretend to have the perfect sibling dynamic, but deep down they both felt how flawed it was. He knew he'd never have her light, and she knew he'd be taken by the darkness eventually. In the end, it sort of became a self fulfilling prophecy.
He's definitely a descendant of ephemer. Extremely distantly mind, but he'd end up on that side of the missing link blood feud for sure.
Riku is absolutely either part of the same bloodline as him or his reincarnation lol
He KNOWS the irony of his name, and he thinks it fucking sucks
Him and Xehanort were great friends before everything kicked off, probably him and Vör too. It's part of why he saved them for last (vör was admittedly more luck that he appreciated, and eraqus lasted so long bc he wanted xehanort to have to watch the boy he liked die lol)
The darkness that took over him wasn't capital D darkness. It was his own plaguing him - all his darkest thoughts and most negative emotions rather than any kind of outside entity. Probably still some kinda Evil Magic sprinkled in there and influence from the general force of darkness, but no direct possession. He probably could've been saved if he wasn't abandoned in a room alone for over a goddamn week.
Before All That, his friends always tease him about being a total weenie. Scary stories freak him out and Hodor makes sure he had a night light so he doesn't get too scared after Bragi whips out some of his spookiest tales. He feels faint at the sight of blood.
Whenever they go anywhere chilly, he's the most likely to be unaffected. His jacket is nice and toasty :]
He's... Not great at magic, and tends to avoid it. He especially sucks at healing magic.
He sees his pokemon as tools, but unlike some of the other villains his mentality towards them is 'Pokemon are weapons, but weapons must be maintained and taken care of'. He looks after his pokemon diligently and showers them with affection - it's much better in the long run.
All of his pokemon absolutely LOVE him. This also applies to Giratina, there's no way the big silly dragon doesn't adore this man.
All his pokemon have the serious nature in canon and I choose to believe it's specifically because he fed them those mints for modifying natures. No silliness in HIS battalion!
Cogita is DEFINITELY his aunt imo.
I see a lot of people hc that he'd hate Cynthia and everything she stands for, but I think he'd be extremely proud of her. The reason he's Like That is implied to be bc he's had a rough time w life, and I think he'd be delighted to see how much fear and respect Cynthia emanates and just how much power she holds over Sinnoh - and that she doesn't NEED to remake the world to live a good life. AND she's met arceus! His bloodline succeeded in everything he truly wanted in life and I think he'd be satisfied with that.
Volo is immortal and keeps an eye on things from a distance. After leaving hisui, he takes some time to reflect and educates his descendants on his mistakes so this never happens again. He's probably gone after Enamorus, Xerneas AND Celebi before for the sake of his lifespan. The reason Giratina sometimes hangs around with Cynthia is bc he asked them to watch over her.
Alternately: Cynthia is his reincarnation rather than his descendant, explaining why there's seemingly two Cynthia ancestors instead of one. Big fan of this one.
Different alternative: Volo is immortal and also trans. She's actually just Cynthia. Since she calmed down and stopped trying to remake the world, Cogita has been helping her cover her tracks for years so nobody realises she's not aged.
With either of the last two, Arceus appearing to Cynthia in hgss is a really big fucking deal. Cynthia's proven herself worthy of their respect and trust.
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What hcs do you have for Tokyo revenger characters slipping and falling infront of someone they like ?
Here's how I think each of the guys would react to them falling in front of someone they like!
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Takemichi- Poor guy is so embarrassed, nearly cries from the shame and goes bright red. Scrambles to get up and away from the situation.
Mikey- He's a bit embarrassed but is honestly more concerned about the taiyaki he just dropped. Quickly brushes off the embarrassment of falling and demands Draken get him another one while pouting.
Draken- Mentally curses, that wasn't very cool of him and he was trying to impress you. Gives you a slight nod before walking off, vaguely thinking of ways to make you forget that.
Baji- Gives the floor a quick whack as punishment, then gets up and walks away, pretending he didn't even see you. (Maybe if he never brings it up then you won't either????)
Chifuyu- Blushes a lot while letting out a quiet curse. This isn't how it's supposed to go!? Smiles as he gets up though, goes to crack a joke but his mind goes blank and instead leaves without saying a word.
Mitsuya- Grumbles a bit at first but eventually ends up laughing it off. Figures that seeming chill about it is the best approach.
Hakkai- He just stays on the floor, doesn't even try to get up.
Pah- Goes red and turns away from you, he expects you to laugh at him but is pleasantly suprised when you don't.
Peh- "what are you looking at!???" He didn't mean to come off as aggressive but ends up questioning you. He's just very nervous around you.
Smiley- Hopes and prays you somehow didn't just see that. Peeks up at you before putting on a confident act, that everything is fine.
Angry- Frowns even more, he's a bit upset at falling in front of you but at least the fall wasn't a serious one. Gives you a thumbs up to show he's ok. 
Mucho- Says nothing, just gets up and leaves.
Sanzu- Blinks in surprise, he really wasn't expecting to fall in front of you. Blushes a bit at you seeing him like that but quickly moves on, just trying to get out of the situation.
Kisaki- Curses but tries to play it cool with you by shrugging it off and saying he's fine.
Hanma- Rubs his head and frowns before getting an idea. He puts his hand out, acting like he wants you to help him up. Only when you grab it he pulls you down onto him instead. There now you've seen each other fall.
Kazutora- Tries to hide behind his hair a bit, he's very embarrassed about this. Get's up quickly and tries to leave, probably avoids you for a bit after that.
Inui- Just gets up and walks up, he seems very calm about it on the outside but on the inside he's cursing his luck. Wonders if he can do something else to impress you later.
Koko- Wishes the floor would just swallow him up. His face goes bright red and he avoids making eye contact with you. He tries to talk to you after getting up, thinking of something interesting to say to get your mind off of what he just did.
Taiju- Get's annoyed for a sec but then acts like it didn't even happen. Very much a "you didn't see anything" attitude.
Izana- Frowns and asks you to help him up (he doesn't actually need help but figures he might as well take advantage of the situation by getting to hold your hand quickly). 
Kakucho- Panics! He starts doing press ups or sit ups because his brain just kinda short circuits when you're near. Then spends the rest of the night regretting it because he must've looked so weird. (He did but it was kinda cute too???)
Ran- Plays it so smoothly, immediately says he just "fell for you"
Rindou- Ends up getting into one of his weird poses (probably the splits) to show off to you. Basically tries to pretend he meant to do that all along.
Shion- Gets up and points at a completely different guy, making a comment about how funny it is that guy just fell over. Even though you literally just saw it was him and not some random guy????
Mochi- Brushes off then grumbles a quick greeting in your direction before walking off. He's very embarrassed, makes plans to get into a fight in front of you to show off later.
South- Turns to ask you if you just saw that, takes the direct approach with you. If you say yes then he tells you to forget about it.
Wakasa- Gets back up so quickly that for a moment you're not even sure it happened. Gives you a quick nod before walking off. He honestly doesn't care that much, everyone trips sometimes.
Benkei- Groans but then tells you that he's had much worse before. Asks if you wanna hear some of his old gang stories. 
Shinichiro- Looks you nervously "I meant to do that". Probably ends up using a pick up line on you but get's it wrong. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" "But you're the one who just fell?????"
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Felix x Rime x MC Polycule Domestic Headcannons
Fandom: Last Legacy (Fictif/Nix Hydra/Dorian) Characters: Felix, Rime, Gender neutral MC Prompt: hcs ab how would domestic life be for Felix and Rime and MC polycule Requested by: @mossmosis Warnings: Brief stabbing mention (Rime is in this, so-)
Last Legacy content, in this day and age?! It's more likely than you think! I've gotten a bit distracted with other fandoms, but I've been meaning to return to my beloved Fictif fandoms. I suppose now's the time!
Also, thank the dice gods for bringing you this particular treat! I had motivation to write, but no idea what to do, so I rolled some dice and this was the result!
Requests are open, as always, so if you'd like to see more, send me an ask!
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For starters, there is no shortage of sarcasm and snarky commentary in this relationship. It's practically one of your love languages at this point! Rime and Felix are both prone to making smart remarks, and when they're both in the mood for banter, things can get mildly out of hand... you've had to calm Anisa down after she witnessed one such moment, assuring her that the two of them were not, in fact, in a terrible mood and taking it out on each other. You've come to enjoy their banter, regardless whether you join in or simply sit back and watch the show.
Both of them enjoy teasing you and each other, though there are some stylistic differences. Felix tends to be a little softer and kinder with his teasing - don't get me wrong, there's often a little bite behind his words, that cute little smirk and playful sparkle in his eyes that makes your heart flutter. He teases you about lighter subjects, and though he often speaks without thinking, he never means any harm by it.
Rime, on the other hand, doesn't hold back in the slightest. It's not that he means to hurt your feelings, he isn't doing it out of malice - he simply doesn't know when to back off sometimes. If you call him on it, he'll scoff and roll his eyes, likely making some little comment about you not being able to take a joke - but he won't tease you about that again, and he'll do something nice for you in the near future as an unspoken apology.
Speaking of gifts, both of them will absolutely shower you and each other with small gifts for absolutely no reason. Felix is prone to bringing something home for you both anytime he visits the market - it's very rare that he forgets, though sometimes he'll return empty-handed and visibly frustrated that he couldn't find anything suitable. He sometimes gifts you and Rime jewelry, and has surprisingly impeccable taste, always giving you something you'll love. Books are another of his frequent gifts, of course - you can expect any new books to go missing shortly afterwards as he borrows them to read them himself before quietly returning them a few days later. You've also received a few trinkets that match his gothic mage aesthetic, too, because it wouldn't be Felix if he didn't share his love of vaguely creepy things with you!
Rime tends to focus less on physical gifts and more on actions. He spends time with you both, learns about your interests, stabs your enemies, and does small things to help you out. He prefers to be a little more subtle with his affections, almost pretending like he doesn't care, when in reality he cares very much. It's not that he's hiding it, he just... isn't very open with his emotions yet. When he does bring you gifts, though, it's usually something pretty simple, like some random trinket he saw and thought of one or both of you. I could also see him taking up woodcarving as a hobby to help him relax and unwind, so you'll occasionally find a new gift from him sitting on your desk, carved from wood or, sometimes, from his shed antlers. He likes bringing you food, too, and memorizes both of your tastes and favorite treats so he can choose the best treats.
Getting all three of you in bed at the same time can be difficult, but when it is achieved, you have a delightful time cuddling with each other. On the somewhat rare occasion that you all turn in together, you take turns being the one in the middle unless one of you has had a particularly bad day and needs double the snuggles. Most of the time, though, whoever goes to bed first ends up in the middle, with the other two crawling in wherever there's space when they're finally tired enough to get some sleep.
Mornings are always interesting, too. You or Rime are always up first - it's almost never Felix. Whoever is up first starts making the coffee and/or tea, and you try to take turns making breakfast. Rime might complain if you miss your turn, but you know he doesn't really mean it. He won't admit it easily, but he actually enjoys cooking, especially for his partners. Once breakfast is ready and one of you drags Felix out of bed, you all sit down for a nice meal together. Depending on how busy you three are, sometimes breakfast is the only meal you can all have together, so you make the most of it!
When you do have time off from your busy schedules, you almost always spend it together. Most of the time you're in the study/library at Fathom, doing more casual research projects together or reading books in a comfortable silence. Sometimes, though, you go out to get some fresh air and a change of scenery! Wandering around Porriman markets is often a good way to spend an afternoon, sampling various treats and buying interesting things for one another.
Something else you three often do together is stargazing. Felix obviously loves it, especially when he gets to share it with his loves, and though Rime might comment that it's boring just to be a bit of a brat, once he gets comfortable he'll become far more relaxed. Often times these nights consist of you and Rime gazing quietly at the stars, listening contentedly to Felix's soft voice as he rambles on and on about them. He'll inevitably get a bit flustered when he realizes just how long he's been talking, but it's nothing a few kisses can't fix~
Honestly this entire relationship would just be so soft and so chaotic at the same time. You all love each other so much and care deeply for one another, but there's rarely a dull moment!
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amomentsescape · 8 months
Hey can I place an order for a #5 and #10 Jason Voorhees? And maybe #5 with Bubba?
Thank you! 💫
October 2023 Halloween Prompt List
Jason Voorhees x Reader, Bubba Sawyer x Reader
A/N: ORDER UP!! I split Jason's up into separate HC's if that's okay!
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Jason Voorhees
#5: Raking Leaves
This chore is very nostalgic to him
He remembers doing this with his mother when he was a child
But since then, he hasn't really paid any mind to the falling leaves that occur each year
But when you came along, it all changed
When you suggested raking up the leaves together, he agreed quickly
Mostly because he just wanted to do something with you
The rake felt a little awkward in his hands since he's only held a machete the past few decades
But seeing your smile and enthusiasm helped settle him
He listened to you chit chat about random things and occasionally hum to a song in your head
This felt very domestic to him, and he loved it
Once you both had a large pile, he almost jumped when he saw you throw yourself into the leaves
You giggled and threw them all around, looking at Jason
He took an awkward step into the pile next to you
You laughed more and grabbed his hand, pulling him deeper
Once he was plopped down beside you, you began to throw leaves at him
He was a little confused since his mother never really let him jump in the pile
But seeing you have so much fun made him feel comfortable in joining in
He picked up a leaf and put it on your head
You smiled brightly at him as you did the same
He hopes you get to do this again next fall
#10: Using a Ouija Board
Jason never really quite knew where he stood when it came to ghosts
He believed in them as a kid of course, but he became a little more doubtful as he got older
But he also came back from the dead more than once so he supposed anything was possible
He did think it was a bit odd that people chose to do this for entertainment, however
Communicating with the dead didn't seem like much fun to Jason
He was honestly a little bit worried that you would connect to something
What if it was his mom or one of his past victims?
He didn't like this thought
But you insisted
And what his partner wants, his partner gets
Was hesitant to put his fingers on the planchette
But he eventually gave in
You asked the basic questions like 'what's your name, how did you die,' etc.
You guys didn't really get much of a response
To the disappointment of you and to the relief of Jason
You tried a couple more times, but the planchette never moved
You had some suspicions that Jason was holding it down a lot harder than he should have
But you eventually gave up
Ended up just watching the film Ouija on TV
He liked this more to be honest
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Bubba Sawyer
#5: Raking Leaves
He actually really likes doing this
This chore was a lot more relaxing than some of his.... other work
And you wanting to join in only made it better
It took you both a while to actually complete the task though
You both kept throwing the leaves on each other
And the moment you both had even the slightest pile made up, Bubba would lift you up and toss you into it
This cycle continued for a while
You finally decided that the chore should probably be finished before dinner however
So you talked to Bubba a bit while you both finally got all the leaves raked up
Bubba gave you a huge hug when it was done, excited on how big the pile was
And during this excitement, he hugged you tighter
So tight in fact, that he eventually lifted you off the ground and threw himself into the pile with you in his arms
You could hear his giggles and heavy breaths as you both played around in the leaves
So much for finishing that chore
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reikamasama · 2 months
Heya!! I've noticed you've had your reqs open for a while now, so I hope you don't mind writing my idea for me!! Lol
Soo.. could I get some general hcs for the hazbin hotel cast (whomever and however many you feel like doing) with a Cerberus!reader? Preferably sticking to a more platonic theme
No pressure, ofc!!
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Thank you for the request when! I’m not to educated on Cerberus but i tried my best to make some general head canons for the main hazbin crew although its not proofread i hope its to your liking !!
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Cerberus!reader grabbed Alastor’s attention right as they joined the hotel, the concept of having 3 heads with all different emotions and feelings was odd to him. He had many questions but the gentleman he was, was not going to stress you with so many question’s until he got closer to you. As he decides to build up his relationship with you he would drop questions here and there — this way he learns more about you.
When he gets to know you, he would grow to enjoy asking your opinion on things, three opinions will always be better than one! (Unless it hurts his ego somehow, but that was a rare occasion)
He would cook a lot of food and use you as the taste subject. He makes you sit in the kitchen as you watch his process listening to some jazz while having a chit-chat with him is a weekly routine at this point and he’d be confused if you weren’t in the kitchen by Sunday afternoons to try his cooking. He will ask you multiple times if you would want human meat in your food, if you refuse he will defeatedly accept the loss — but he won’t stop asking you just because you said no (and if you say yes he will happily purchase the best kind of meats he knows and sometimes bring you along to purchase them! You also get introduced to Rosie this way)
Since Alastor has taken a liking to you he would randomly pat your heads as well as purchase gifts for the three of you. He made sure they were always tailored to your liking.  He would also ask you to join him on his walks sometimes, and if anybody made you uncomfortable he would reassure you that you’re safe with him.
“So, what do you think?” 
He stands in front of you expectantly, as your tastebuds get filled with a tasty dish you’ve never tried before, you are not quite sure what kind of dish it is — you only that it’s some kind of steak. You take a long second really thinking before the three of you in sync say;
“This is spicy.. is it supposed to be like that?”
“I’d like to have some more flavor just simple things like salt and pepper would do well!
“I like it, it’s perfect!”
The three of you glance at each other and then at Alastor who stands there with a slightly concerned grin.
“Uh huh you don’t say.”
And after that he made sure to tailor the food to the each of you! He thinks of it like a puzzle in some sort of a way, if the three of you are satisfied then he finished it 
At first husker didn’t really care for Cerberus!reader, they were probably gonna be like any sinner anyway, someone trying to be better — only to drink their sorrows away.
When he realizes that none of you drink alcohol he changes his opinions on the three of you!(if you do drink alcohol… Nuh uh :3) He tries to actually entertain you whenever you enlighten him with random visit at the bar, chatting about topics the three of you’ve been thinking about lately. 
He would definitely grow a bit protective of you and would use nicknames like kid, champ, bud to address you and would give you thumbs ups to quietly show you he’s proud of you.
He would allow you to touch his ears and his tail if you’re curious about them, and in return he gets permission to pat your head whenever he pleases.
He would show you multiple card tricks and would always wear a smug expression on his face whenever he saw the three heads getting fascinated with his simple tricks — that definite made him more confident as you praised his tricks!
His deck quickly mixes together with the flick of a wrist, you watch in amusement as the cards go back and forward in a very mesmerizing pattern. Husk clears his throat before he starts;
“And now, watch as the cards mix..”
The three of you have your eyes fixated on the cards spinning round and round. Until he stops and then spreads it out in a half circle before picking up a card making sure its back is facing you. The three look at you in anticipation waiting for him to show the card she chose.
“Was this your cards?”
He flips the cards and show them to you; two of you look in excitement as he shows them their cards they had chosen earlier, they bombard husk with questions but then the third head speaks up;
“Wait, those are only two cards! Where’s mine?”
Husks chuckles before he grabs something from the back of the third heads ear,
“Oh sorry! Forgot i left the card here!”
Niffty takes a quick liking to you, and as soon as she gets a moment alone with you she will show you her bug collection and give you a bug that in her words “matches your fur and compliments all of the eyes you have”. 
She would sew you some small accessories.. yes they might have had sticks and bugs used in the materials but it’s the thought that counts! Besides it doesn’t even look bad, she would normally place them behind your ears or somewhere on your head. 
If you can’t find niffty? Expect her to be messing with one of your heads, she loves to climb up on them and just sit there, following you in your daily life as you’re out and about. (She is an automatic free-escape pass from Valentin[hoe]!)
“I was thinking!! What if you join me for cleaning duty tomorrow! I’ll even pay you… three queen roaches!”
She says this with starts in her eyes as if it’s the best offer she could ever give you, and who are you to say no? You can easily spot dirt and dust with the help of your other heads and you can help Niffty reach tight spots
“Why not!”
When Cerberus!Reader first joined the hotel she was very chipper just like she is with any other guest, but the fact that you had a very intimating look but still acted better than half of the sinners inside the hotel was something she was extra excited about!
She bombards you with questions and asks a lot about how the three-head thing works, did she need to fix the room so it fitted all of your standards? If you all ate same food or not? When you guys decide outfits, do to often disagree with what your going to wear. Etc.
Would try to have therapy sessions with you! I believe one of your heads would be.. not so pleased with this whilst another one would vent their heart out. (Also Charlie would definitely try having karaoke sessions with all of you and would adore the way the three of you are able to harmonize even if you don’t always get along)
Her pen taps along a board before she looks at the three of you;
“So you have a problem getting along.. mm have you tried telling each other why you are annoyed?”
“Well these loudmouths are nothing but trouble! They can’t keep their mouth shut even if the world was ending!
“Wha— says you! It’s not my time you keep being a buzzkill”
“You both are annoying! Just shut the fuck up before i start fighting yall.”
After that the bickering grows and Charlie has to step in to help calm the three of you down.
When Cerberus! Reader joins the hotel Vaggie is very cautious, three heads— three problems! She will keep her distance and give you some glances but never actively act rude towards you since you haven’t actually bothered her. 
If you give her time to get used to you and get to know you she will grow to trust you more and more, and she would give you words of advice when your not sure on what to do to show her appreciation towards you. But when the three of you argue with each other she will give all of you a bonk on the head.
Would train the three of you to become better fighters and when you fight against heaven you’re a real pro, she’s very proud of you even if she dosent show it to well!
Her angelic sphere pointed to one of your three necks as you lay on the ground defenceless; she has just beaten you guys in a fight once again, 
“If you guys were better at working with this body, maybe we’d win?”
One of the heads scoff
“Pff, as if! If you would follow my lead? It would’ve been as easy as pie!”
“We havnt even baked before how could you say it’s as easy as pie..”
Vaggie sighs as the bonks each of your heads talking about how the three of you needs to learn on how to get along.
Angel dust
When Cerberus!Reader joins the hotel he will quickly point out the uneven fur and would quickly take the role as a ‘big brother’  to the reader. He would bully the three of you multiple times but only in a friendly teasing way.
He would have sleepovers with you, he enjoyed gossiping with the three of you as he would give you a ‘makeover’ mostly by brushing your fur and giving one of your faces makeup as he would recommend you shampoos and conditioners to keep your fur looking more fresh.
Would ask your opinions on outfits even if they are revealing, since he is like a brother to you it’s not that strange. He would most definitely not throw any sexual comments towards you and if anybody else does so, they get a beating.
Will randomly come into your room to check up on you,( and borrow some of your clothes) he most definitely steals a lot of your stuff and whenever you have a sleepover he would just put it of as if it was nothing. Will also multiple times tell you not to drink and go down the path he went.
“Ow! Be careful you dunce!”
One of your heads mutter as angel dust tries to brush through your matted fur struggling with every brush stroke he makes.
“Well maybe if you’d be more careful i wouldn’t have to fix it so damn often!”
It all comes from a place of love though!
Sir pentious 
When Cerberus!Reader join the hotel, Sir pentious gets a good feeling about having you around right away, your demon form has three heads and he is very snake — like with makes him feel less out-of-place with the rest of the crew.
If you joined around when he joined he never made any plans to kill you with his weapons (in episode 3) instead he would order angelic weapons from Carmilla and then try to teach the three of you how you could make weapons! As long as one of you learn the most simple of things he will feel super achieved and want to teach you more and more things as you slowly get better and better. 
Would make weapons for you and give you a tour in his evil lair (/his ship). 
His egg boys would absolutely adore you and frank would normally hang around the three of you the most, even calling you boss in front of Pentious — he woudnt even mind!
“Sso you ssee, if you take these parts together.. and then place them like that.. it will create a blasst-gun, but if you move thiss piece it will create a bomb weapon, do you get it?”
“Yeah not to hard to remember”
“Uhm.. wich piece did you move again?”
“Nope no! I’m completely lost right now!”
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dragonnyy · 1 year
Hi! Hope I’m not bothering but I really love your writing and I was wondering if you could write some Bob x demon! Reader meeting/dating hcs? Something along the lines of him going after them thinking they were just a human in costume, but upon looking at them up close he notices something’s off with them. I hope that made sense haha, have a nice day/night! :>
Yoooo totally! I really like dis idea! My writing for this might be a little shit as always but hey :')
Reader is described to just have horns and unusually coloured skin. Your also taller than Bob 😼 (gn reader for this)
(Random thought but perhaps I should make another one where reader looks and/or acts like hellboy?)
Bob Velseb x Demon Reader
Today is halloween - the day you’ve been waiting for all year! Today’s the only day you get to travel to the human world without worrying about anyone noticing your not human.
You emerged from hell into the human world, exploring around and gathering free delicious treats from the mortals.
As it started to get late and more people headed home, every street was finally empty. You were the only person on each one, but you still wanted to explore more and spend as much time as possible in the human world.
You later catch this person following you around. You didn’t ever glance for too long but they looked like they were wearing lots of red. And your pretty sure you saw some horns too.
You weren’t actually sure if this was another demon or not, but regardless you kept your guard up, humans could be dangerous too.
You tried to lose the person by running away, but accidentally managed to trap yourself in an alley.
As soon as you were about to run out, you were too late. The person was already blocking your way, menacingly standing there before making their way towards you.
You could see now what the person looked like - a big man in a devil costume, wearing a red turtleneck along with black jeans. You could tell now that he was a mortal.
Unsure what to do in the situation, you let this play out. He made his way close to you before slightly tilting his head up, and telling you… a meat fact?
You didn’t exactly know how to respond. Sitting there in the silence for just a few seconds, his face formed from a devilish smile into a confused expression. The further he inspected you, the more confused he looked.
He finally made a move, almost making you flinch, leaning up and touching your horns.
His eyebrows rose slightly, and a slight frown was left on his face as he stood there, looking up at you. He then grabbed your hand and rubbed it, checking for any fake makeup on your skin or anything. Then letting go and furrowing his brows, him looking up at you with a look of almost fear on his face.
Well, there weren’t many options in this situation. He already knew you were not human, and you just couldn’t let that slip.
You could kill him and move on, but that right now didn’t feel like the best option… for some reason.
“Uhh..” Not knowing what to do, you just awkwardly stared back at him.
“Are you a real demon?” He bluntly asked you. Not really having any other response, you just nodded slowly.
You were about to threaten him to keep his mouth shut, until he said “Wow, that’s cool.”
Not really the response you expected, but it was better than him screaming and running away.
He took a step back and stopped staring at you. “What’s your name?” You asked.
Bob, he told you his name was.
“So, Bob the human.. if you wanna keep your life, may as well shut your mouth.”
Responding to that, he happily grinned and zipped his mouth.
A surprisingly positive response, but you weren’t complaining.
He then started a conversation, sitting against a wall with you and asking you about yourself. You of course couldn’t tell him much.
When he asked you what it’s like in hell, you simply said that “That’s supposed to be a secret.”
After having a good chat for an hour, you both bid your goodbyes and left.
Returning back to hell, you thought you kinda missed that guy. Thinking about him non stop.
You’ve never really talked to a human like that before - or anyone.
The next day you go back into town, searching everywhere for him all day, before finding him hiding out in an abandoned house.
You then have another pleasant chat as he invites you in, and as your sent off again, you still can’t help but replay your long conversation in your head over and over again.
This goes on for a few months - you’d find him wherever he was and chat with him about, anything really.
You’d grow a strong bond to the point where you’d even sleep in his home, and he’d share meat with you.
I'll skip the confession part, but you grow feelings for each other n blah blah blah. You can basically let your imagination roam for this part.
Romance HCs:
He probably convinces you to just live with him from then on.
He likes to feel your unusual features, like your horns or claws, etc. It's one of the big things that makes you unique. He'll even kiss them, too.
Going out is hard if you don't have some sort of disguise, so he prefers to make nice romantic picnics in the forest where no one will find you. It's sweet.
You most likely will eat human meat - which he really appreciates, since someone shares his tastes for once!~
If he's lazy for some reason, he'll probably go ask you to slaughter someone for him if your willing to. Don't worry, he'll cook them himself.
Speaking of which, if you also willing, he'll ask you to just come with him if he's out to murder random citizens. He likes to watch you scare them into an alley before he finishes them off.
Sorry if the romance headcanons were a little short, can try to make a lil more when reqs are open if you want
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noxexistant · 1 year
crutchie hcs for the masses ❤️❤️
( aka me. it’s me who is the masses )
i am also the masses <3 i will talk about crutchie at literally any opportunity, god bless
i’ve got my headcanons about his past and real name and stuff here in case you’re interested!! but here are some more random ones for u <3
crutchie has chronic pain associated with his disability, specifically the spasticity in his leg. it hurts bad sometimes, muscle spasms he can’t control or stop or even slow. cold weather and rain always make it worse, sometimes in winter it’s so bad he can’t get out of his bunk - he always moves to sleep indoors soon as the weather starts turning cold - but the other boys look after him as best they can. split money from their sales to keep him fed, defend him from any adult trying to poke their nose in, refuse to dip into crutchie’s own savings. crutchie hates to be a burden, but he reminds himself over and over that he’s not - he’s just loved.
he loves spicy food. he can take it, too. stuff that has some of the other newsies hacking and blowing their noses has him looking at them with sincere confusion - “‘s’good! wha’s the matter with all’a you?” he’s henry’s favourite person to introduce food to for that reason - crutchie’ll eat anything, but also sincerely appreciate it.
he’s very good at whistling, particularly imitating birdsong - he got a lot of practice in when he didn’t have anything to do but sit in the church and listen to the birds. finch got a little defensive the first time he found out that crutchie could do it too, but now they just compare and teach each other, particularly birds the other's never heard. they can communicate in whistles too.
he has very pretty handwriting. a loopy cursive script. again, he got a lot of practice in in the church, he liked to imitate the neat handwriting of the nuns who taught him how to write, and he takes great pride in the work he can do with his hands since he’s one leg down. his arms being strong and hands being dexterous enough to write prettily means a lot to him. (his letter from the refuge was the first time jack ever saw his handwriting look sloppy - cramped and jittery.)
his arms are very strong. he sweeps the room every time the lodging house has arm wrestling competitions. albert is desperate to beat him, but has never managed it. crutchie’s aim with a slingshot is also impeccable, and he can pull back far enough for near lethal force - god help any window he sets in his sights.
he prays frequently, for comfort and for habit. his rosary is incredibly important to him, though he’s had several over the years when they’ve broken or been taken. he keeps the remains of broken ones in a little box beside or beneath his bunk, all the cords and loose beads, though it upsets him when he adds a new broken rosary to the box and learns he’d lost beads from it so there’s no longer the correct amount. it doesn’t truly matter as soon as he’s got a new one - though he could easily do the Rosary without them, just from memory - which he gets from the nuns at the church where he was raised. they’re always glad he’s keeping God in his heart.
he has countless decidedly non-godly habits, though. he’s an instigator and thinks it’s hilarious to start fights amongst the newsies that he then dodges right out of to instead watch the mess as it unfolds. when taking breakfast in the mornings, more often than not he’ll tuck an extra doughnut or two in his pockets once he’s sure everyone else has been served. he curses like a sailor, words he’s picked up from all sorts of places. he gets occasionally bitterly jealous of those that have more than he’s got - particularly david and les with their parents, something entirely abstract to be jealous of because he doesn’t even really know what parents are supposed to be. he just…knows he wishes he had them, sometimes. but he reminds himself that his real life with jack and the others is better than any imaginary what-if life he could ever come up with. he loves jack more than he could ever love any imaginary vision of his parents, and he loves the rest of the newsies too. they’re his home, his family. which is why he takes such offense when anyone asks him if he’s got a family or folks, or a real name.
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milkb0nny · 2 years
Hi hi! I'm in absolute love with your works!! uwu
I saw your requests were open and would love if you could do: soulmate au hcs for yoo jisuk & lee subin!!! owo
I understand if you refuse, don't feel pressured!
Thank you, have a great day!!! =D
𝑱𝒊𝒔𝒖𝒌 𝒀𝒐𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒖𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒆𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
𝒘𝒆𝒃𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒏: 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒆𝒅 - 𝑱𝒊𝒔𝒖𝒌 𝒀𝒐𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒖𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒆𝒆
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⚜️ 𝑱𝒊𝒔𝒖𝒌 𝒀𝒐𝒐
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🌸 Jisuk as a soulmate is hard to imagine. His way of handling things and his blunt way of speaking might make it difficult to get close to him.
🌸 When this white haired boy found out about the soulmate stuff, he was sorely confused. Subin told him that for every single human, there's a soulmate. At first he laughed it off and called Subin a crazy horoscope girl but little did he know there was some truth to it. Eventually he'd end up reading about it on the internet late at night. Believe me when I tell you that this man researched at least two nights about finding your soulmate.
🌸 Still, he doesn't believe you are automatically attracted and attached to the human you belong to. I mean... Why should anyone have a big meaning in his life when he doesn't know them? He lives on like nothing ever really happened. The chance of meeting his soulmate is so low as well, there's no hope in fighting for it.
🌸 Jisuk gets to know you; you met by accident. Neither of you know that the other one is an awakened one, and neither of you know you are soulmates. How are you supposed to even know? The little meeting ended in a friendship between you, him and everyone else who sticks around him.
🌸 After some months of meeting up, spending time together and getting to know each other, he feels attracted to you. It developed at a normal pace and he assumed it was just a little crush. Jisuk himself usually avoids talking about love (due to the fact he was never attracted to someone). But because of you he begins to question a lot of things. He insisted asking Subin about it.
🌸 Subin, who's a total bitch about keeping love secrets, immediately jumped to you and asked you if you already found the one and only. You denied of course, and she screamed. A small action of hers resulted in a never ending love.
🌸 When you both found out, Jisuk was hesitant. Simply being in love may be easier to deal with, than actually having a soulmate.
⚜️ 𝑺𝒖𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒆𝒆
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🌸 I think Subin could be one of the horoscope girls. Not someone as annoying but she'll inform herself about zodiacs and soulmates when she's alone. With that being said, she does believe she has a soulmate but won't share it with anyone.
🌸 Having a soulmate is a difficult imagination to her: is it truly romantic love? Or just a commitment between two random people? Maybe it's something platonic? What if they argue a lot? Are you forced to be together the rest of your life?
🌸 Of course she's very curious but also anxious. Normally she doesn't give a damn about opinions others have towards her. But a soulmate is supposed to be someone very special. Subin agrees with herself that keeping her cocky attitude and putting more effort in looking fabulous will do the job.
🌸 On some occasions she pays a lot of attention how others behave towards her. Jisuk couldn't be it, Jiwoo has Jiyoung, Wooin... Well, he has a bond with food. So most of her friends aren't in the league, but who else is?
🌸 You met her by a coincidence. She was buying flowers for her grandfather, as she does occasionally to pay her respect. It's something she wouldn't do in front of her friends. She enjoys the space when visiting the flower shop and choosing some roses and daisies. She bumped into you because she was daydreaming and immediately you liked her cool yet warm expression. "Oh- uh sorry. I didn't mean to bother you." She apologized and picked another flower. You still looked at her, nearly stared.
🌸 She was confused. Out of confusion, she waved her hand in front of your face and you reacted. She smiled beautifully and offered to pay your flowers as a former apology. You insisted. While looking through flowers you got into a conversation and weirdly enough it ended on the term soulmate.
🌸 You asked her if she already had one. She shook her head. "Dunno, I think it's not that easy meeting them. And I'm also anxious about it since how would you know what a stranger thinks of you?" She looked at you when you answered you feel the same. She grinned and paid your bouquet. When you thought you'd never meet again, she gave you her number.
🌸 "Well... I'd like to keep contact since you're a really nice company. I wasn't able to talk about this with any of my friends. So hit me up when you find time." Winking at you, she took the other path and you only see her checking out the flowers for her grandfather and doing a little happy jump.
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Quick notice: I'm never sure how to deal with soulmate AU's. I hope I did it the right way. <3
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zimithrus1 · 5 months
Kotetsu and Barnaby for the character ask pls? 💚💚💚
Ohoho the boys! The lads! The bickering buds themselves! 💗 Don't mind if I do~! Thank you so much for the ask @isleofair! 🌟 (Ask list for the curious ❤)
I will start with the wildest of tigers 🐯💚 And since there's two, I'll put this under a read more cut so I don't flood anyone else's dash XD
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Sexuality HC: I'm leaning towards Bi with Demi tendencies for him
Gender HC: Himbo lmao XD
A Ship I Have With Said Character: Obviously Taibani - though a close second is Kotetsu/Tomoe because 🥺😭💗 He loved her so much, gah!
BROTP: Kotetsu and Antonio, like, they already go way back, to high school if I remember correctly. They always go out for drinks together and they always just seem to have a good chill time together 🌟
NOTP: Karina and Kotetsu. Like, I can see the appeal but i just do not vibe with it lol Like she's 16 in the beginning of season 1, and Kotetsu is like, 35? Like he is almost/practically old enough to be her dad. It's not the age gap I have a problem with really, it's mainly more that I kind of think of my dad when I see Kotetsu? Like, my dad and him share the same birthday and they both act goofy, aren't always around for their kid but try their best? I can't help but kind of think of my dad sometimes when I think of Kotetsu so, thinking of Karina x Kotetsu it's like 'that would be like if I dated my dad fjdbfkdjb' just can't do it man 😂 Sorry for the ramble there! 😂
Random HC: One of mine I like to ruminate on is Kotetsu accidentally hurting his family members when he was a kid and first developed his NEXT powers. Like, that scene in season 1, during the flashback of the bank robbery? In the sub, the dialogue reads 'I'm not supposed to touch anyone when I'm shining like this', compared to the dub that simply says 'don't come near me' - like, the sub implying he was told to not be near people, to not touch them, and that got my brain going: What if he was told he wasn't allowed to touch anyone because he might have accidentally really hurt a friend/classmate/family member before he had total control? 👀 cough cough Kotetsu's dad perhaps?? cough cough 👀
General Opinion: I love him. He's dorky, funny, earnest, tries too hard, fucks stuff up, but never gives up. Despite his past and hardships he is still a positive person and always sees things through to the end. A type of person I wanna be. 💚 Less formal version: I want to put him in a blender and drink him 😂
Next up, the bun! 🐰❤
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Sexuality HC: He gives me Ace/Demi vibes 💜
Gender HC: Pretty boy but not a twink - he can still kick your ass into next week lmao 😆
A Ship I Have With Said Character: Taibani once again - no contender for me XD
BROTP: Barnaby and Mattia - the childhood friends. They catch up and talk about their work and even vent with each other, springing for dinner every now and again. I love the side of Barnaby we get to see when Mattia is around, he seems almost carefree, it's nice. They vibe well together ❤
NOTP: Oh man, I haven't really though of a NOTP for him?? 😅 I guess I wouldn't want to see him put with Maverick, because like, not only did he orchestrate the most traumatic events of Barnaby's life he was also a father figure for him before that. Otherwise, I dunno 😆
Random HC: Speaking of Maverick, I HC that he wiped/altered a lot more of Barnaby's memories than we were shown. Like, thanks to the comic anthology I saw one chapter that kind of made a little point at that and it's stuck with me ever since. Like, if Barnaby ever started to rebel at a younger age then Maverick would alter his memory. Got too close to discovering the truth? Nope, no he didn't, silly boy that was just a bad dream. So much to the point where Barnaby has trouble remembering his past at all and can't help but feel like even his memories aren't his own. Good angsty potential - and potential me and a friend discuss frequently 👌
General Opinion: At first I was like 'okay we got a cocky pretty boy, alright, he seems alright, let's see what he can do' and then the more I watched the show the more I really loved his character. How he always seemed so poised and suave and haughty - like he's confident definitely and he knows it, but also that sensitivity, that raw emotion and anger he displays - it is so incredibly human and realistic what drives him to do what he does and act the way he does. Slowly learning over time that his life has room for more than just revenge. Now I like him just as much as Kotetsu ❤
Wow, I really went deep into some of these answers my goodness! I think I've spent over an hour thinking all these thoughts out!😅 But anyways, thank you so much for the ask isle, I had a blast answering these questions - and even better, you gave me two characters! Double the fun! Thank you so much!! 💗💚💗
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klngfili · 2 years
Perhaps a very random request but do you have any hcs about Legolas and Arwen being friends, either before or after the trilogy?
aaaaaaaaaaa tysm !!!!!!! i love headcanons for those two!!! there are just so many!!! so im sorry if this has gotten a bit long and rambly its just THEM yknow
they actually started out as penpals when they were younger because they are cousins basically
legolas is still a good deal younger than her tbh so he was slightly intimidated by he at first because omg she's elronds daughter!!! and galadriels granddaughter??!
but yeah penpals they exchange all sorts of gossip and hairtips, fashion and jokes
but as is the thing with all long distance friendships they always go 'omg we should meet up!! wish i could send u some of the lembas i just made with my grandma!! next you're in mirkwood!! maybe you can come to my dads next council!!' is as far as the whole meeting up in person thing goes
there's always something coming up when legolas is supposed to leave for lothlorien, or his father thinks rivendell is too far and when arwen and celeborn visited mirkwood legolas was away ons some of his travels o whatever and then the two left before legolas got back
and then they finally get to meet after being penpals for like almost 2100 years and they hang out a ton in rivendell and basically cannot be separated (unless for aragorn or her brothers but legolas is almost like a brother to her at this point) they laugh and chat and sing and play music together and leggles keeps her up to date on like mirkwood stuff and ofc leggles knows all about aragorn but actually seeing the guy?? the pimply teenager she mentioned in a few letters a couple of years ago?
and that time in rivendell passes way too quickly for both their likings
after the trilogy when legolas moves to Ithilien with some elves they get to hang out a lot more
they still tease each other endlessly, they still sing and they still stay up all night to gossip but it still feels different somehow, less likes its just the two of them, young and carefree, with legolas pining after some guard captain or some other elf, arwen teasing him about it and vice versa when it comes to aragorn
because one of them is now mortal and the other very much not but they tend to forget about about that quickly after legolas once teased her about being the older one of the two after all (arwens response to that was 'at least im still prettier')
legolas shows up unannounced in Minas Tirith plenty of times, with gimli of course
and ofc when Arwen and Aragorn leave and visit the shire legolas comes with them, of course and while gimli does drinking game w the hobbits those two sit back with some old vintage and like judge elfily and arwen snort giggles cause gimli loses!!! he actually loses and legolas is so embarrassed
and like when he bursts out laughing and tips over the table he and arwen are sitting on and they both unceremoniously land on the floor absolutely no one saw that (or so they tell themselves)
and then after aragorn's death legolas is there for her ofc and he really wants to stay and help her as much as possible but she sends him away in the end, tells him to sail and leave her to her shadows
she sends him away with a letter to her parents because elladan and elrohir have decided to stay
anyway ~THEM~
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radioves · 2 years
i saw a bunch of other people doing trafficsonas and since its come to my attention that cringe culture can burn ive decided to make my own lol
still on the fence about the skull and bone charm thing. idk someone give me feedback and i might change it out or remove it
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this is ermine. his name isnt permanent i might change it considering its literally just polilla’s dads name. also if it isnt obvious hes based off polilla bc my current skin doesnt have much to work off of
lives in a cave in the middle of the tundra because its ‘easier to defend’, which is codeword for ‘who the hell would put effort into building a house when you got a house built by mother nature herself right here’
literal menace. finds joy in blowing up peoples houses despite the current life hes on. also disappeared for the entire first session just to breed an entire army of dogs for the sole reason of He Could
depending on his life, his pupil color and sword gem changes color, while the badges on his sash crack and stop glowing. theres also moths on the back of his shawl that change color, and starting from green life as he loses lives he also loses moths, until hes only left with a big red moth on his last life [queue laugh track]
the beads are random colors but the ones on his dogs do correlate to the life theyre on- btw if your wondering why the heart colors are weird its bc i just color picked from his outfit and just turn the saturation and brightness up, hence why green is yellow and yellow is orange
i am planning* [*see : rotating it in my mind] on making a traffic hc post about how the players make their clothes, but the basics is they spawn in with their clothes from other servers, but as their clothes get torn up from classic scuffles such as Dying, they have to make new clothes with what they have to work with, for example: wool, leather, string, cotton / hemp / other plant-based materials, furs, etc.
as for ermine, he spawns in with his base clothes [sweater, pants, and boots] and has to make the rest of his clothes with various leathers and fur. and for the select few of you asking where he got the polar bear parts: um uh uhm,,, i personally believe that the map he plays in is alot bigger and encompasses more biomes, including cold biomes such as his tundra and also frozen oceans.
its kinda like a uhc game in a way if you think about it, with a bigger but still enclosed map, and the border slowly closes in each session until all the players are forced into the middle and ok i need to just make a proper post for this stuff Moving on
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the dog breeding deal kinda backfires on him when he dies to a skeleton while farming bones [he just like me fr [bc he is]]
after that he kinda begins to realize ‘damn. im gonna die’ and starts wearing the mask more, kinda as a threat, bc we all know characters with masks are more mysterious and therefor dangerous. except for him bc he runs at the sight of any conflict as he is absolute ASS at fighting. hence the blowing everything up part
when he dies again his were-aspect starts to show itself in places like him growing wolf and dragon parts and scales and fur showing up on his face and limbs. its kinda annoying but he supposes its useful considering it also comes with heightened senses + partial night vision
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and now red life. This is when it all goes downhill for everyone including him
like all stereotypical weres, he loses the majority of his sense of humanity and just starts going literally, as the cool kids say, off the shits- he doesnt hesitate to attack everyone and anyone, even if it risks him getting killed in the process. there is no stops for this man, someone is going to die and it doesnt matter who
yes he still has his dogs, at least the ones that remain, though at this point hes less a commander and more one of them, attacking in one big pack of fluffy piranhas
dubbed ‘the bloodhound’, he attacks mainly under the cover of dark, be it at night or in dark places like caves. just like his namesake, once he gets a scent on his next victim, he will track them down to the ends of time until they finally turn and fight back
the name ‘bloodhound’ comes from the concept of werewolves shifting during the full moon, the inherent violence of red lifes, the fact that hes literally a dog, bloodmoons, his red circle markings, etc. etc. tl;dr its cool
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oddshroom · 2 years
|Asking Tokyo Revenger Characters a Question When Your Suppose to Sleep|
Characters: Manjiro “Mikey” Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Baji Keisuke, Kazutora, Nahoya Kawata “Smiley”
Summary: You asked a question and Baji what else 👁👄👁
Prompt: None. I used my remaining brain capacity to think of this 😶🤌
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“Do you think if we scream loud enough they’ll hear us?”
Type of Fic: Fluff and Crack
Delivery: 📦 January 4th, Tuesday 2022 📦
Style: 🎀 HC’S 🎀
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Manjiro “Mikey” Sano:
Mikey was laying next to you passed out with drool dripping down his mouth
You were staring at the ceiling unable to sleep (me to buddy me to 😔)
Contemplating whether to wake up Mikey to ask him something or not
It was a dangerous choice when it came to waking him
But you were taking that risk anyway
Turning to his side you rolled over to him
Hovering slightly above him but close enough to his ear
“Mikey, Mikey, Mikey, Mikey-“
Letting out a small irritated but tired sigh
“(N/N)-chin your suppose to be asleep”
He whined…and pouted
“I know but listen, do you think if we scream loud enough they’ll hear us? As in Darien and Emma”
Soon enough he turned your way to look you in the eyes
So enough you were by the window
Looking at each other
You grinned and ran down stairs to Draken with a tired Emma ready to fight you both <3
Isn’t that sweet
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Chifuyu Matsuno:
I must say it’s bold of you to assume he has the energy to do it
You better believe he had to keep Baji under a leash the entire day before he could beat anyone else up
But you ask anyway
“Chifyuu, I have a very a scientific question that I would like to test out and I would be very grateful if you could just inS-”
“I love you, but what is it 🤨”
“Do you think if we scream loud enough they’ll hear us? Like Kazutora and Baji”
Silence that was to loud right before he just pulled you towards him
“You need sleep and so do I, good night”
Let me tell you, it hadn’t even been 15 minutes yet before both of you started hearing both of your names
And in front of your eyes you saw a pissed Chifyuu
He looked very dead though
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Baji Keisuke:
He was already ahead of you
I know the title said it would be you asking although titles can be misleading 🤧
So trying to sleep
Key word: Trying
When this man woke you up as if he burned some cars down in the middle of the night
“(N/N) do you think if we scream loud enough they’ll hear us? Like both Kazutora and Chifyuu”
All you did was squint your eyes at him before you could say anything you were outside screaming their names
Well he was
“Baji, you realize your mom-”
He slowly turned to you before realizing his mom, only to look up and see her staring at him
His soul
You went back inside sleeping in his hoodie perfectly safe and sound
While him on the other hand…you can imagine
After he came back seeing you asleep making him smile, he crawled back in only to be kicked in the leg by no one other than you <3
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Kazutora Hanemiya:
This banana split wanted to annoy Baji
You found out about it when he was ranting about random things to you
So here you are at night looking out the window thinking
While he sleeps next to you
That’s when the idea struck you
“Kazutora, wake up”
After his few twist and turns
“Hmm, what”
“Do you think if we scream loud enough Baji would hear us?”
He slowly got out of bed letting you know your having a sore throat tomorrow
He heard you both
Man’s was downstairs taking your snacks and all he heard were “BAJI’S”
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Nahoya Kawata:
This man is energetic like very energetic
So he most likely wasn’t even asleep yet probably just in the living room
You were kinda of sleeping but you didn’t want to
Getting bored of just laying there you went to the living room
The moment you went down you proceeded to ask
“Do you think if we scream loud enough they’ll hear us?”
“Wanna test it out?”
Let’s just say both of you were screaming whatever names you knew
Mikey was one of them
Did hear? No. Man’s to far gone in sleep
But the others like Draken or Chifuyu yes, yes they did hear you
Angry had to shut up smiley before he screamed anymore
You already had became quiet the moment you were tired
It was an interesting moment when Smiley attended the next meeting in Toman
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ayamturd · 3 years
can I request headcanons on how the sbi or dt would react to a rich reader who spoils literally everyone? platonic ofc 😈
spoiler│dream team hc
warnings: none, only fluff
pairing: real-life platonic!dream team
a/n: first headcanon! i thought this idea was really unique so thank you for requesting it :)
wc: (0.7k) - m.list
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dream -
considering how successful he is, it probably doesn’t faze him so much as it would others
now when he’s the one you’re spoiling一 man’s shocked to say the least
since he mainly spends more on food for himself, you would push it further from both gourmet to assortments of junk food
if he’s not going to care for his appearance, then someone has to
you’d try to buy him more simplistic clothing but still high end or name brand
knowing him, he’d try to give it back but you’d guilt trip him into accepting
doesn’t like to admit that he think’s its sweet of you to care
“No, y/n. I don’t need more clothes!”
“But I thought of you when I saw this!”
“… fine.” >:(
if you were a streamer or online personality yourself, you would send him loads of your own merch
now that he would easily, proudly accept (he’s a huge softie for his friends, and he only wants to support them uwu)
would complain if you were spoiling someone other than himself as a joke, but pull you aside to reassure you that he wasn’t serious
there is still the offhand chance he actually tries to rival your gifts and spoiling
imagine: there was this one day where you two kept out-gifting each other on George’s stream to the point where he had to disable them
“I swear to God, you two are going to be the death of me.”
he understands the want to spoil your friends the most out of the group, so he’s not one to try and stop you
respects you greatly for putting others ahead of yourself, even if they don’t necessarily need it like himself
george -
let’s be honest, he’s the most mature out of the group so he’d try to lecture you on your spending on multiple occasions
however, he knows it’s from a good place, so it’s not to the point where he’d try and stop you from spending on behalf of others (even though he can’t)
more so off-hand comments in reaction
“No doubt you’re going to go broke at this rate.”
“If it’s for you, guarantee” :)
“No, no, no, don’t do that. You’re not allowed to do that.”
it’s out of habit at this point that he’d yell your name out the same way he does with dream
“Y/n! What??”
isn’t like dream to playfully complain if you gift others, but plays into his shock
probably privately tells you that you don’t have to spend so much for others since they already know you care
you would say thank you and try to heed his words, but don’t lol
even though there is no way to physically do so, he isn’t an affectionate guy (physically and verbally), so you would target him the most as a way to show your appreciations for him
imagine: he’s doing a solo stream for once and chatting with chat when a large donation from you comes through, immediately calls you
“Y/n! Why did you just donate [something something amount]??”
“Cause can” :)
he would try to fight you on it the most
always fails
doesn’t like to admit how meaningful he finds it so will say a simple ‘thank you’ every time
like he doesn’t know how to verbally express it beyond a ‘thank you’
struggles but always tries to outwardly say he appreciates you beyond what you try to give
sapnap -
now this boy would whine the most if you were spoiling someone else
like dream to do so as a joke, but can sometimes be emotionally vulnerable to the point he where believes you don’t like him the same way as others
since in this scenario, gift giving/ spoiling is your love language and way to show your (platonic!) love
you’re always quick to spoil him after, which makes him feel guilty to think something like that
has the best reactions when you gift him things
“Wait… oh my gosh, y/n!”
“Hehe, surprise!”
“What the hell!”
you would send him the most random things
both as a joke or because you found it cool
from foods (mainly sweets), clothing, plushies
imagine: you send him, like, a giant panda plushie as big as him
“Where the hell am I supposed to put this thing??”
“I don’t know, but it looked cute” :D
the most outward with his appreciation, whether on stream or private
this isn’t to say he only wants gifts from your friendship, but is the most susceptible out of the three
will always say you’re his favorite *^*
is the quickest to reassure you that you didn’t have to given how accepting he is to your giving nature already
no matter what, admires you for your kind-hearted nature and values your intentions (either significant or as a gag gift)
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asteroshearts · 3 years
[Actor!AU] Relationship HCs
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[Levi + Eren] 
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Levi Ackerman: 
Even though he still has his RBF off-screen he’s a hell of a lot nicer than people think he is. 
Probably asked Eren if he was okay several times before and after the trial scene. 
They used one of your tweets that read, “I want Levi to break my back like a glowstick” during those “____ reads thirst tweets” videos and his face immediately became full-on red when he saw your @. 
I mean, he was blushing before, but when he saw that it was you he jokingly says, “I had no idea they posted this... Why are you like this. If you wanted me to break your back you could’ve just asked me to my face.” 
Great with puppies, kittens, children, and other infantile creatures. If he’s carrying a bouquet during an event or something and a kid comes up to him, he’ll give them a flower. 
“Levi Plays With Puppies While Answering Fan Questions” probably got over a million views in less than half an hour. 
People probably take more pictures of you two at the front row seats of fashion shows more than the models themselves. 
Probably has the Rihanna Effect™ where he’ll wear something that looks bad on the OG model on the runway, but once he wears it, it’s suddenly fashionable. 
Speaking of Rihanna he’s probably in a random music video of hers like Mads Mikkelsen in “Bitch Better Have My Money.” 
On one hand he does expected “gentleman” things like opening doors for you, closing your car door after you, holding your bags, etc. 
On the other hand he goes to the extreme. 
If he’s not filming something or busy, he’s by your side doing all of the jobs your assistant is supposed to do. 
The directors and cameramen are looking around being like, “Where’s our Important Character Levi” when they need to shoot scenes, but if they find you they’ll just see him following you around, holding an umbrella over your head in one hand and holding your coffee in the other. 
When they first saw it everyone was like...couldn’t you find someone else...that’s not an extremely important cast member to do that... but it’s just Levi, he insists on doing it himself. Your assistant has the easiest job in the world because he elevates all of their jobs for them. 
When your hair gets tousled or locks fall over your face during filming or photoshoots, the cameramen will point it out, but before any of the hair or makeup people manage to get to you, Levi will just ;; walk over and fix it himself. The two of you probably have the softest smiles at that moment when he’s carefully brushing your hair out of your face. 
Isn’t in a lot of roles. He definitely gets offered a whole bunch of roles!! but especially when you two started dating, he told himself that he didn’t want you guys to crash and burn like many other celebrity couples since they normally spend a lot of time apart and are usually thousands of miles away from each other. When he’s not filming AOT, he tends to take a break from acting and go with you to your jobs. 
However, if he does find himself in a role that he wants to do, he’ll definitely appreciate it if you reciprocate, but doesn’t expect nor force you to. 
Instead he’ll leave your assistant with a long-ass list of how you like your coffee, what you like to eat after a long day of filming, how to approach you when you’re stressed, etc because this man has been doing your assistant’s job the entire time asdfghj 
The only time he’s gently smiling in paparazzi photos is when he’s with you, other than that he looks angry or bored. Like he’ll be at a beautiful beach party with Erwin and Hange but he’s just sitting in the shade with a drink in one hand looking inconvenienced. 
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Eren Jaeger: 
There’s this one video of Dylan Sprouse putting his hand on his heart like it’s the national anthem or something when Barbra Palvin walks by on the runway AND THAT’S EXACTLY EREN 
When he sees you walk by either on a modeling gig or on the red carpet this man just stops ,,, and immediately stares and puts his hand on his heart like he’s seen Jesus. 
ALSO does anyone know that one video of the dude tripping over his words when he tries to talk to Jhene Aiko during an interview. 
When you and Eren first met he had to bring Armin as a translator because he was never able to get a straight sentence out in your presence. 
He was legitimately stunned stupid when he saw all of your red carpet looks or interview looks when you two were still new friends during S1 or something. 
follows Ere[Name] ship accounts on twitter and your stan accounts. 
Why do you even have a publicist. He’s your personal hypeman. Sometimes people get confused when they go to his official instagram bc it’s just pictures of you, him promoting your stuff, or really grainy, desaturated pictures of you two doing dumb things together like doing the JOJO Torture Dance together on an empty street at 3AM. These are interspersed with pictures of him when he has to promote something that’s like in his contract. 
When he posts pictures or stories that doesn’t have you in it, the comments are all, “Where’s [Name].” 
When little kids come up to him during panels or out on the street he’ll get jokingly concerned that they’re watching AOT. Like, “Y-You watch the series?? Do your parents know? Is it too scary for you?” 
Tries to make you laugh by pulling funny faces where the camera can’t see him. 
If you mess up on your line, he’ll immediately build on that and goof off with you, resulting in the two of you getting yelled at. 
Quality time is one of his love languages, so like Levi, your managers will work together to make sure your schedules work with each other. 
Sometimes when you have other roles outside of AOT, you might catch him as some regular extra in the background. 
It can’t be helped if sessions go on for too long sometimes, but if it becomes a reoccurring thing due to unorganized sets, he’ll fight with the director and crew to get a break since it’s important for everyone to get some rest. 
If your character is shipped with some character That’s Not Him, the directors know not to show his face during kiss scenes or romantic scenes because he’ll legitimately break character and pout or become so stone faced that he can’t emote at all. 
This Academy Award winning actor will just go 🧍 on the sidelines while you’re trying to kiss Jean for a scene but his stare is burning on the side of your head. 
Eren to Jimmy Fallon or something, “I guess Jean and [Name] are cute but it would be better if it was Ere[Name]. No, no I’m not complaining or anything...” 
Begged the writers to have more Ere[Name] content in Junior High.
If they let him direct an episode of AOT he will film it like Parks and Rec or The Office.  
[Eren: commits war crimes 
Camera: swerves and zooms in on your face grimacing and Levi’s dead expression while he stares right at the camera.] 
People probably know that they can’t interview him/force him to do lives after shooting because his voice is gone after all that shouting as Eren Jaeger. 
Has a Dan-Emma-Rupert relationship with Mikasa and Armin. He legitimately sees them as siblings even off-set. 
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jaesqueso · 3 years
On camera (m)
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Originally posted by @nakamotens .
pairing: fuck buddy!haechan x fem!reader
summary: you come over to Haechan’s place to play some games and have some fun
word count: 1,678
warnings: fingering, orgasm control (not really edging but close), oral sex (giving), voyeurism (I guess), protected sex, some comedy to lighten up the mood
a/n: this scenario has been stuck in my head for weeks, I think I needed to write it down to get it out of my brain! anyway, hope this is decent considering it’s my great comeback to writing, do give me some feedback! ❤︎
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
You meet Haechan at a party a few months ago. You two were getting along just fine but the alcohol involved in the night led you to a random room in the house. Clothes came off, bodies collided and waves of pleasure filled the air. You didn’t run into him until a few days later and, although you tried to avoid an awkward conversation about what happened, he came forward and told you he had a good time, he was not looking for a relationship at the moment but if you were interested you could occasionally get together and have a do over. Honestly you weren’t all that interested in dealing with the hardships of a relationship either and it would be nice to have a go to when you needed to get yourself off, so you agreed.
And that’s how you found yourself sitting on his lap on his gaming chair at a Thursday night, legs spread and his hand inside your panties.
“C’mon babe, you know I’m not letting you cum until you pass that level.”
Oh right, besides already being a mess as he pumped his fingers in and out of your very wet hole, you had your hands on his mouse and keyboard trying to pass a new game he discovered.
“Please Haechan, I’m almost there…” you moaned as you clenched around his fingers.
“Then keep playing,” he said as he slowed his pace, “this level isn’t even that hard.”
“It is when you’re not fully concentrated” you sighed in frustration as you tried to focus back in the game.
He moved you hair off your shoulder with his free-hand and started kissing your neck while still looking at the screen. The heat inside you was getting unbearable and you didn’t know how much longer you could hold your orgasm in, until finally…
“I did it!” You almost screamed and he smiled against your neck.
“Good job babe, I guess I should keep my promise then.” He picked up the pace on his fingers again and circled his thumb in your clit.
“Yes Haechan, please…” you moaned leaning back into his chest. It didn’t take long for you to finally get your release, legs shaking as you clenched around his fingers. He kept touching you slowly as you road off your high and once your breath came back to normal you took his hand out of your panties and stood up from his lap.
“Ok, your turn” you said with a smirk as you kneeled between his legs under the table. You pulled the waistband of his sweats and boxers just enough to release his half hard length. “Have you started the game yet?” You looked up and saw him looking down at you taking his time licking your juices off his fingers.
“I’m gonna start now,” he said as he removed his fingers from his mouth, “didn’t want to cover my mouse with your delicious cum.” He winked at you and then looked at the screen.
You started licking along his length and then focus on the tip as your hand pumped the rest of his dick. Once he got even harder you took him in your mouth bobbing your head slowly to tease him a little like he did to you.
As you started working on him Haechan was getting ready to start a new level on the game, until a notification in the corner of the screen caught his attention.
Johnnyboiiiii: Hey dude, you know you left your camera on right?
Shit. Before you had come over to his place, Haechan had been playing and video chatting with two of his friends, Johnny and Jaehyun. By the time you arrived they had just left to buy some late night snacks and he was pretty sure he turned off the chatroom. Well apparently not.
HC: …
HC: How long have you been watching?
Casper: When we arrived Y/N looked like she was cumming all over your lap…
Casper: I didn’t even know you were a thing!
HC: We aren’t a thing…
HC: But that’s not the point, Y U STILL WATCHING!?
Johnnyboiiiii: Dude she just went under the table, we got interested in what’s coming next…
Casper: Oh it’s gonna be Haechan, have you seen his face?
Only then Haechan realised he was bitting his lip as you still continued to bob your head up and down on his dick, clueless of the conversation he was having. But then he realised the fact that his friends were watching you two kinda turned him on and if they were so interested in the view he might as well give them a show.
HC: Mute your mics and enjoy.
Haechan grabbed his headset, placing it around his neck and turned his mic on.
“Hey babe…” he said while gently tapping your shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” You looked up as you freed your mouth.
“Come here,” he said as he pulled you up from under his desk. “I want you to ride me.”
“Is my mouth not enough to distract you?” You teased as you walked to his bedside table and opened a drawer. “What colour do you want?”
“Pink.” He smirked to camera clearly teasing the valentine boy and his recently pink dyed hair.
You return with a pink condom in your hand and handed it to him as you took your panties off, thank god you decided to wear a dress today. Haechan then pulled you to his lap, facing him, your legs on each side of his. He opens the condom and rolls it down his length. You align yourself and slowly sit on his dick. It slides in easily has he had previously stretched you out with his fingers and you were already so wet again. You lean you head back moaning at the feeling of him inside you.
“I want you to moan loud for me, ok?” He said while kissing your neck that was now exposed in front of his face. “I want everybody to know who makes you feel really good.” You were still clueless that these lines were all to tease the two boys listening and watching, probably with their hands down their pants.
“Yes…” you moaned as your started bouncing up and down on his dick.
His hands went to your back pulling the hem of your dress over your butt. And for his friends to have an even better view he pushed his chair back a little bit so they could see the full picture.
“Wait, what about the game?” You slowed your moves as you remembered he was supposed to be fighting against his orgasm as he played the game, just like you did.
“Oh we’re playing a different game now, don’t worry.” He attacked your neck again, sucking and bitting to win more moans from you. And that’s exactly what you gave him picking up your pace riding him.
Between you sucking his dick, to now riding him in his chair and knowing there were people watching, Haechan wasn’t sure how much longer he would last but for the sake of the show he wanted to make you cum again first. He moved one of his hands between your bodies and started rubbing circles on your clit.
“Haechan!” You moaned loudly at his touch, he knew that would push you closer to the edge.
“That’s it baby, who fucks you really good?” He speed up his hand on you.
“You do…” You moaned.
“Who gives you the best orgasms?”
“You do…” You kept moaning.
“Who are you gonna cum for right now?” He felt you were really close so he leaned a little bit a whispered in your ear, “Say my name.”
“Haechan!” With that you reached your limit and almost screamed his name as you came all over him.
He kept your hips steady as he started to pound into you now, ridding off your high while chasing his own. With you clenching around his dick it didn’t take him long to explode on the condom. You sit there for a while panting and leaving sloppy kisses in each others shoulders and neck.
After a while you leave a peck on his lips and get up to go to the bathroom to clean yourself up. As you get out of the room Haechan removes the condom, throwing it in the trash, and returns to the computer to check out the chat.
Casper: Oh shit, is he really doing this?
Johnnyboiiiii: Hey language!
Johnnyboiiiii: But damn, I think he is…
Casper: What did he say?
Casper: Is he teasing me with that pink condom?
Johnnyboiiiii: hahahaha I can’t with this guy!
Casper: Oh shit, he sure is giving us quite a view…
Johnnyboiiiii: Ok I’ll allow that one, sh*t…
Casper: And he keeps teasing us!
Caster: Although I can’t say I’m mad at this…
Johnnyboiiiii: What a show off!
Johnnyboiiiii: I bet he never says those things when they’re alone!
Casper: But she does sound good moaning like that…
Casper: I’m considering changing my name to Haechan…
Johnnyboiiiii: Don’t you think you changed your name enough times already?
Johnnyboiiiii: She’s getting up, STOP TIPPING!
Haechan smiled at the comments, proud of his performance, but quickly played it cool as you got back into the room.
“Hey.. come here.” He gestured for you to sit on his lap. “Have you ever thought about being watched?”
“Watched?” You were slightly confused with the question.
“Yeah.. while we do… you know… what we just did…” he hesitantly explained.
“Oh…” you thought for a second and then continued, “I guess I’d have to think about it but it does sound kinda hot…”
“Cool…” Haechan felt a little relieved with your answer but he still thought you should know. “Well what if it already happened?”
“What?” You widened your eyes and turned to the computer seeing the red light right next to his camera. “WHO WAS WATCHING US!?” You almost screamed as two notifications showed up in the screen.
Johnnyboiiiii left the chat.
Casper left the chat.
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wakatvshi · 3 years
Hey! I saw that you receive requests so.. I would love some marley warriors + jean (because i love him) with an s/o who's really.. Touchy, please? Could be headcanons or imagines🥺 thank you so so much! 😭
Yeah! I would love to! They’re kind of rambling but I hope you like them and that this is what you wanted! I didn’t do Annie because I just couldn’t really figure out what to write about her but if you really want her send a seperate message and I’ll give you annie with a touchy s/o!
Heads up though I’ve never written or read for Zeke before because he’s not personally a favorite so I hope he’s okay in this! 
Jean would LOVE a touchy s/o. He’s a very touchy person himself so having someone who’s as touchy as he is would make him so happy. 
When the two of you are alone he’s all about touching you and always wants to be touching you. When you’re working on something and he can’t be touching you all the time he’ll sit next to you or as close to you as he can be and just be near you. Which helps you both because you’re a touchy person. 
Something both of you love is when you’re sitting in his lap, just doing whatever you’ve been doing. He’ll walk in and you’ll give grabby hands and want to be held and he’ll want to hold you. Doesn’t matter what gender/size anything he wants to have you in his lap and it makes him happy. 
In public, he’s more shy about touching because he’s actually a huge baby and his ‘flirty’ persona that some people think he has is 100% real. He wants to act like he’s smooth but he’s not. He’ll hold your hand and walk with you in public but anything more it’s not going to be him initiating it.
If you’re with him in public and you want more affection than holding hands then you’ll have to do it and he will turn bright red and stutter if he’s supposed to be talking. It’s adorable and he’s so happy even if he’s bright red. 
Another one of his favorite things is you playing with his hair, it turns into a big puddle when you play with his hair and when you compliment him in basically anyway.
If any of his friends catch him being super cute or you being cute with him (aka Sasha and Connie) they’ll laugh and tease him and he’ll get defensive but doesn’t actually mind it. Even if he did you’d just hug him from behind or wrap your arms around him and he’s glaring at them but also super focused on the attention he’s now getting. 
Sleeping with Jean is basically a cuddle fest as well, thankfully for you he’s touchy as well so when you both wake up tangled in each other neither of you really mind it. 
Bertholdt with a touchy s/o would be so good for him but also something that he has to get used to. 
Eventually he finds out that he loves it but at first he doesn’t expect it. He’s very shy and stand-offish even if he doesn’t mean to be. So any physical affection for the most part will have to be done by you. Even years into your relationship you’ll have to be the one who makes the moves. 
The first time you initiate any kind of touch he goes bright red and has no idea how to react. Outside he’s frozen and staring at you, sweating a little. Inside of course he’s beyond happy and he wants nothing more than to move and do the same, he wants to hold onto you too. He wants to touch you and be affectionate but he doesn’t know how. It isn’t until you try to move away that he finally acts and grabs your hand.
Even years into your relationship most of the affection will be initiated by you so it is a good thing that you’re not afraid to be the one who reaches out for him. It also brings him out of his shell quite a bit. 
When the two of you are alone he loves the affection you give him. He doesn’t know how to ask for the affection he wants but he does give small signals and you know him well enough to reach out and grab his hands or crawl in his lap. 
PDA is a no go for him completely, he’s obviously a shy person and being super affectionate is outside of his comfort zone as it is so adding anything else would just be far outside his comfort zone
I also do feel like physical affection is his love language so him having the freedom to act on that and having someone who wants that affection like he does would make him so happy. 
Sleeping with Bertholdt is always a fun experience. You might start holding into him or him holding onto you but you’ll end up in a dozen different positions before you wake up.You’ve got no real say in how you sleep when you’re with him.  
Literally a teddy bear and would LOVE to have an affectionate s/o. Needs an affectionate s/o. 
Reiner feels unlovable, he feels worthless and he is very depressed and I’m by no means saying you can fix him or fix anyone like that, but affection is everything to this man even if he doesn’t think he deserves it. 
You’ll have to be the one to make the first move for the first time but as soon as he realizes how much you do love affection he’ll be happy to initiate as well. Sometimes he’ll surprise you by being the one to reach out and hold you first. 
Obviously you love that, you’ll just be doing something and possibly not even paying attention to him and Reiner will be the one to walk up and wrap his arms around you and just stand there. 
To him affection is proof of love and comfort that he desperately needs. It would take him a little to get used to at first im sure, he’s not used to it like his mother isn’t very affectionate but he craves it. 
With Reiner it’s easy to be touchy. Even in public he doesn’t mind, he’s more in awe of the fact that you want to be seen with him and want to give affection.
He’s not super huge on over the top PDA but he does love holding your hand or kissing your cheek. Also piggy back rides, I can see him being a fan of that because it’s touch and that’s what he loves and craves.
Sharing a bed with Reiner is always the two of you tangled in each other. He likes to be the big spoon and likes to hold you but he’s 100% okay with you holding him, sometimes he even prefers that. 
Reiner needs to feel loved and affection is the best way to do that in his mind. So being touchy would be perfect.
To me Porco is literally the embodiment of “disgusting. do it again.”
Now not because he’s not a fan of affection but he has this cool guy persona that he puts on around people. He wants people to see him as the tough guy when it’s only half true. You can see it with the kids that he’s actually a super affectionate guy. 
Porco needs validation and having an s/o who’s super touchy would give him that. When you’re touching him he feels like he’s number one. He’s your main focus and it means the world to him. Of course he’d never tell you that. 
You’ll have to be able to read him a little to be able to tell when he wants something because he’s stubborn and sometimes it takes a lot for him to ask you for something if he’s not sure how. 
Now if he’s just in the mood to be affectionate himself he’s good with just holding you or grabbing your hand. He’s also big in kissing, he loves kissing but usually he tries to make it more suggestive or almost casual. 
For just cuteness you’ll have to be the one who holds his face and kisses him or who just holds his hand or hugs him. He has to lean the importance of cute nonsexual affection. 
PDA to him makes him blush a little also super proud that you’re the one on his arm and he wants to show you off and loves that you want to show him off. Being the “most important” to you is important to him. 
When Porco sleeps he’ll sleep holding you for a few minutes but he’s not one who likes to hold onto someone when he sleeps. Biggest surprise when sleeping with him is that Porco LOVES to be the little spoon. He’ll deny it with his dying breath but he adores it. 
Also random cutsey headcanon for Porco that will never leave my head is that Porco loves when you baby talk to him. I have no reason for this hc but I just feel like he would love it. 
A queen of physical affection honestly. Lives for it and lives to give it. 
She’s in her titan form a lot and when she’s finally out of it she has trouble walking on two legs so you being there for her to lean on when she’s not walking with her crutch and just actually physically supporting her would mean the world to her. 
She also likes that you want to be affectionate with her after being in her titan form for so long. she wants to be held and wants her hair played with. If you let her just lay in your lap and play with her hair or hold her hand she’ll be the happiest woman in the world. 
A lot of your affectionate time is spent with you both laying or sitting somewhere together. If you’re giving her attention or letting her give attention she’s loving it. 
Another thing she loves is walking around with you, she doesn’t shy away from PDA. If you’re together and if you want to kiss her cheek or something she’s more than happy about it. She’ll laugh softly and get the faintest of pink on her cheeks
She does have to make sure that she’s professional about it because she is a warrior and has to keep up her professional persona. 
Of course, you’ll have people who are beyond jealous watching her with you and honestly she thinks it’s kinda cute that people are jealous because to her it doesn’t make sense. 
Sleeping with Pieck is just cuddle city for both of you. She likes to be hold and be held and you’re happy to do both as well. There’s nothing either of you like better than the intimacy and connection that the two of you have laying there and holding each other. 
This man takes a while to get used to physical affection. He’s not really had affection before so you’ll have to work at it.
When he was younger he didn’t have much affection, we know that grandfather spends a great amount of time in the hospital for mental issues and we saw from how they raised Grisha that they’re not super affectionate.
His life has mostly been spent working towards his goals and trying to do what he could to make sure he could complete the goals. So he’s not really put much attention to romantic relationships. 
Having you be super affectionate would for sure throw him off a bit but he’s good at hiding that. I do think once he was used to it, he’d just lean into your touches and want to stay there. 
He doesn’t like PDA at all, he’s the captian of the warriors and he’s respected even by some of the people of Marley. So it is hands off in public. He will walk close to you though, if your arms are brushing and you’re close to him he is happy. 
Alone though he does love affection. You playing with his hair is a good one but what he really loves is getting massages from you. He works hard and if you’ll just stand behind him rubbing his shoulders and kissing the top of his head he’s the happiest man ever. 
When you’re sleeping Zeke is 100% big spoon. He wants to hold you, if you want he’ll let you hold him but he’s most comfortable when he’s able to hold you. That’s when he shows his real affectionate side. He wants you close to him, and he loves holding you. He feels like he can rest when you’re in his arms. 
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