#i think u should try to work on loving you body and having realistic transition goals
weed666 · 11 months
need to get away from the ‘trans ppl with skinny anime characters as their icons that use skinny anime characters in all their trans memes and only reblog skinny anime art’ section of tumblr and find more of the ‘trans ppl who appreciate body diversity and art of trans ppl that actually looks like the trans ppl i know irl and not like a conventionally attractive model’ section. where r y’all at. pls for the love of god help me get me out of here i’m fighting for my fucking life where is the fat hairy transgender art i can’t take this anymore
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wayward-pendragon · 4 years
Iwaoi fic rec
So since quarantine started I’ve literally watched Haikyuu like three times oops. Honestly if u haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend. Anyway, Iwaoi is one of my fav ships so I figured I’d make a fic rec so y’all will have some good reading to enjoy in this time of distance :))
All of these are complete and on ao3. I tend to like the longer or chaptered fics so most of these are like that but a few shorter one shot pieces are listed as well! 
The PDA Jar by Poteto 
Summary: “What is that thing for?”
“I’m glad you asked, captain. This… is the Public Display of Affection jar. Or PDA jar for short.”
“Now whenever you do something that may hurt our children’s innocence, you’ll have to put money in the jar as a punishment."
One of my first Iwaoi fics and its super sweet and fluffy. I love how Iwa and Oikawa come to realize their feelings it’s just really really cute. 
Press '1' to Get a Call From Your Drunk Best Friend by UmbrellaMartialGod
Summary: Press '2' to hear him talk about you for thirty minutes, press '3' for him to compliment your ass, and press '4' for more options.
This is a short and sweet fic where Iwaizumi basically confesses his feelings for Oikawa when he’s drunk af. Super cute and funny. 
to be first, to be best by kittebasu (chanyeol)
Summary: Hajime is apparently something of a masochist, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks “I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren't I?”
This is hands down one of my fav Iwaoi fics ever. It feels so realistic to their relationship on the show and it so fluffy but also some angst ugh its just so cute. Basically Oikawa moves in w/ Iwa after he blows up his kitchen and things go from there. 
When You Wish Upon a Star by emerald1963
Summary: Hajime has no idea how this situation is even possible, but he’s one hundred percent certain that it’s all Oikawa’s fault. Oikawa blames the aliens.
The Iwaoi body swap fic that this fandom needs, if not the one it deserves.
The Iwaoi body swap AU. Its absolutely adorable as they try and navigate living in each other’s bodies and how they come to understand each other’s feelings just ugh so good. 
Kotov Syndrome by valiantarmor
Summary: Corruption is brewing in Seijou's police force. Oikawa Tooru, the captain of Special Investigations, is put onto a case where he cannot afford to fail.But despite his best efforts, not everything goes according to plan.
A standalone fic in the buddycop AU series; reading the others isn't necessary if you'd just like to read this one!
Iwaoi as cops oooo boy. Honestly funny and adorable as you get to see their relationship but also suspenseful and has a great plot. This is a long one too so be prepared to get hooked. The rest of the series is also freaking awesome so I highly recommend reading all of them. 
i’m gonna be the man who comes back home to you by baekuugo (insxouts)
Summary: Iwaizumi Hajime is a single father trying to raise a teenager (or three) on his own. He thinks he does pretty okay and things are going great until he meets the Oikawa Tooru (who isn't as great as people think he is, if you ask Iwaizumi) and his life takes a turn for the best worst.
I really love the single parent AU and the author does a really good job of balancing the family relationship and Iwaoi. I just really love this one and its so wholesome but if i remember correctly there’s some angst too, I highly recommend reading. 
dyspnea/arrhythmia by carafin
Summary: In which Iwaizumi Hajime is a junior doctor suffering through his medical rotation, and Dr. Oikawa Tooru is his insufferable mentor. Medical AU.
This fic omgggg. Both Iwa and Oikawa are doctors and ofc oikawa is terrifyingly good. Basically you get so their relationship change as they get closer from working together and supporting each other. A really good read!!
you’re looking like you fell in love tonight by anyadisee
Summary: “So, let me see if I understood this correctly,” Hajime says, slow and careful like he’s still waiting for some kind of punchline. 
“You want me to help Oikawa Tooru, a guy I barely know, because your boyfriend owes him a favor?”
“And you owe me a favor,” Hanamaki adds helpfully.
“That doesn’t even make any sense!”
“Sure it does.” Hanamaki’s smile widens. “Issei and I are practically the same person by now, anyway, so whatever favor you owe me, you also owe him. And by repaying me, you are repaying him, and in turn he is repaying Oikawa. Think of it as, like, the transitive property of equality. A equals B equals C. A equals C.”
“I know what the transitive property of equality is,” Hajime snaps.
[in which iwaizumi pretends to be oikawa's boyfriend.]
One of my fav Iwaoi fics holyyyyyyy. They start off as just acquaintances and then my weakness, the fake dating AU comes in and omggggg its soooo good. Less angst than many other fake dating fics which was a nice change of pace. 
darlin’, your head’s not right by aruariandance
Summary: “Our wedding,” Oikawa says by way of explanation, tapping his finger against his magazine more emphatically. “What colors should we use? Color scheme is important, apparently.”
Iwaizumi feels his lifespan shortening.
“I was thinking our Aoba johsai colors to go for more, you know, softer tones? Besides, I’ve always looked great in that sea foam green color. Oh, and I guess you look decent in it, too.” He grins, saccharine sweet, and Iwaizumi has never been so tempted to knock one of his perfect pearly white teeth right out of his stupid mouth."
Oikawa teases Iwaizumi about a childhood promise he made to marry him when they were older, except suddenly it's not really a joke at all.
This is such a sweet getting together fic omgg. Basically follows them living in Tokyo and going to uni and omgg its so freaking sweet plz read. 
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu (chanyeol)  
Summary: Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right.
Basically Oikawa has to give up volleyball and becomes a professor but Iwa continues volleyball and the two have drifted apart and their friendship has weakened. THIS IS SO GOOD. This is a long one but man did I fly through it, the author is fantastic!! If you love Iwaoi give this a read. 
Well that’s it for this list but it’s just a few to get ya started! If y’all want more I would be happy to provide, I have way too many bookmarks on ao3. Let me know if you read of these or have anymore Iwaoi recs for me!! Happy reading and stay safe everyone :)))
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girlwonderxo-blog · 7 years
Want to feel better without having to think about it too much?
Here’s how: Improve your diet. Yep. Notice I said “improve” NOT “change” (simply to emphasize the need for improvements that are easily sustainable). How do you do this? By not ripping away everything you’re used to all at once of course. Realistically, this is why fad diets rarely, if ever, work long term. You drive yourself (and your body respectively) crazy trying to eat barely anything, or only things you don’t really enjoy. I used to probably be the world’s pickiest eater (Guinness Book of World Records status). As a result of this, I had a HORRIBLE diet that lacked a ton of important nutrients. I’m lucky that I’m as healthy as I am eating like that for so long; YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! On top of that, I used to, as a lot of us do (especially here in the good U S of A) consume a ton of meat and not nearly enough fruits and vegetables—However, now I’m a vegetarian and l-o-v-i-n-g it. No matter what your goal is (indeed I know not everyone is trying to go as far as vegetarianism), I’m going to share 10 honest to goodness tips on how I personally have achieved a mega transition in my diet with little or no pain. But first, a disclaimer:
 I am not, nor do I claim to be, a Nutritionist. 
These are merely 10 simple strategies I’ve implemented when starting my journey that I found to be effective. Enjoy.
Start off by substituting; no need to fully eliminate. You wouldn’t wean yourself off of a medication all at once would you? You’d go bonkers. The same goes with food. My favorite trick is to substitute my junky snack cravings with healthier ones that actually hold nutritional value. So slice up an apple and eat it with your favorite chunky peanut butter instead of the cookies, eat healthier options that still pack a crunch if you’re craving potato chips (think crisp veggies with your favorite ranch dip, plantain chips, pea crisps etc.), or make a smoothie with your favorite fruits instead of drinking that double chocolate milkshake; but on occasion... Do have the double chocolate milkshake. It’s OKAY in moderation.
For goodness sake lay off the sugar. It is horrible for you and not doing you any favors. When I really started reading nutrition labels I realized just how much a lot of the products pushed to us are often overloaded with sugar (more than the 25g for women / 38g for men daily recommended amount in just one product). When shopping always grab a few options to compare their sugar content. After reading the labels, opt for the one with less sugar. I’ve long ago given up soda, but I still enjoy my occasional juice beverage. I swear by Kombucha, because despite costing about $3.99 per bottle, they are one of the few juice drinks that do not literally have 30-58g of sugar per serving (note: there are some classified as non-alcoholic and alcohol). Being more conscious of the amounts of sugar in each product that I am consuming has become a habit and drastically brought down my over-all level of sugar intake on a daily basis. My waist and newfound lack of insomnia thank me; yours will as well.
Also, lay off excessive amounts of sodium. This is another baddy the food industry just loves to overload our food with. As with sugar, weigh your options and go with the one that has the least amount of sodium. I definitely used to do counterproductive things like add extra salt to my fries, potatoes and pasta until I realized how much salt were already in these things; yikes. If it already has sodium in it, there’s no need to add anymore.
For the amount of meat you think you need on that dinner plate, make sure you have at least equal (preferably more but here’s hoping you’ll get there) servings of fruits & vegetables too! This will ensure that you’re eating balanced and not getting full off one thing food group before you can get your other, necessary nutrients. A trick I like to do is to mix vegetables I am not that fond of with something I do love, like preferred veggies or brown rice. 
Go whole or go home. Whenever you can, opt for whole grains vs. refined ones. Brown > white. Natural and less processed is generally better for you.
Drink more water. We all know we’ve got to, but it just seems so much easier to drink that 24 oz. Venti coffee than even 3 of the recommended 8 glasses of water per day. On top of that, if you’re like me, you’re often so busy that you don’t have time to keep getting up to re-fill your glass. By the end of the day you realize you haven’t had any water. I’ve solved this first world problem by purchasing a 64 oz. jug from Amazon, which I fill up at the beginning of the day & goal myself to finish by the day’s end. You too can purchase this magical product here >> Bluewave Lifestyle Daily 8 Water Jug << 
Try using organic raw honey as a sweetener instead of granulated sugar if you’re a tea totaller or coffee lover, (I love to do this). I find it to be sweeter, and therefore I can use less to achieve the desired taste. I’m no Baker, but I’m sure this can be used as a substitute here as well.
Eat smaller portions, more frequently. This is great for your metabolism and keeps blood sugars leveled. It also helps to take your time when eating! Our brains do not immediately realize the chemicals we’ve put into our bellies to register that we’re full. So if we eat a lot too fast we often don’t even realize that we’ve met or surpassed our threshold of satisfaction, causing us to overeat. I like to eat a serving and then let it marinate for about 15-20 minutes before deciding if I need seconds to be content.
An extremely effective remedy that I want to state again is: Pair foods you know are good for you and that you should be eating (but maybe you don’t really care for) with foods you love. This is one thing that immensely helped me to grow out of my picky eating frenzy. Every time I would take a bite of something I didn’t care for, I’d have something I love on the fork also. You can also find a seasoning or dressing you like to help you enjoy new and healthy foods. Before you know it your palette adapts and that BIG bad broccoli isn’t so icky anymore—dare I say you might grow to enjoy it. On the flip side, it’s important not to force yourself to eat more of things in one sit in then you can stand to. This will only create a disdain for that particular food, and you’ll never learn to enjoy it. It’s a gradual process. Introduce yourself to it multiple times and eat only a little until you find yourself wanting more.
Be aware of, and probably avoid all of the products with the super duper marketing health claims of being low fat, or low calorie. At the very least compare the labels. Often, they reduce the fat or calories in exchange for upping the content of some other horrible ingredient to keep the flavor. Then, they market it to misled consumers as “healthy.” Quality over quantity is always better and you can control how much you eat of anything.
Well, that’s it. Try some, or all, of these pointers if you’re beginning to change some things in your diet for the better. Everyone is different and you have to find what works for you. However, these life hacks have been pivotal for me on my journey and I hope they will be for you. In the very least, it will cause you to be a lot more conscious of what you’re putting into your body and you’ll start noticing what does, or does not work for you.
Happy Shopping.  ✌🏼 💚
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Also, to keep getting fit with me check out & follow my primary blog @ ~~>https://www.tumblr.com/blog/stylefit
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read-red · 5 years
Portrait #5
Welcome back to an other episode of Portrait, This time i’m joined by someone i met on Instagram (find her links at the end)
She’s a talented artist from Connecticut, without further ado :
I’m Bryan, i guess i’m Bryan the girl, i’m from New Haven Connecticut and i’m 23 Years old.
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When did you start drawing ?
I’ve been drawing on and off my all life but i didn’t really think of my self as an artist until after college when i had to decide on a career. I had tried a lot of different careers and none of them have really felt right. I was bored in them, so i set down and had a good long think about what i could really envisioned myself doing as a career, the only thing i could come up with was art.
The problem was that i wasn’t a very skilled artist at the time. The list of things i was afraid to even attempt to draw was very long and so tackled that list by doing a new year’s resolution to draw every single day for a year. So i did, and i started to share my work and i started forcing myself to post on Instagram twice a day which was a lot, and i would never do that nowadays [sometimes she still does tho] but i didn’t had job at the time so i drew and drew and over time i got good .
Then people started to seeing my started paying me to do art and buying my art. I think i went through and arc of not drawing at all, drawing a little bit, drawing everyday all day and now that it’s my job i don’t draw as much, because i’m doing a lot of business too.
How did you get into drawing ? (tho’)
I’ve done a lot of different types of art, I’ve done traditional figure drawing, some painting… They don’t really teach pen art in school, like in a traditional classroom, it’s not part of the foundations. I was always drawn (ha ha) to it but i didn’t have  chance to learn how to do it, so then i realized i would have to teach myself.
That’s what i worked on, i was figuring out how to make my drawings look like the drawings that i really liked in the old hatching and graving ways that i love in the renaissance…(a cute dog passed by and caught her attention:). So my challenge was to just teach my self over time, and that’s how i grew to love ink drawing : by learning out on my own.
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How did you build yourself as an artist? Because there’s some construction going on. You can’t like be like « ok now i’m drawing , now i’m an artist » you know, there’s some kind of transition, like who am i as and artist, in what i do…
That’s a really hard question…
For a long time i felt so uncomfortable, saying that i was an artist. Because i either felt like i wasn’t legitimate , like i didn’t have the right to say that or like people would think that i was really egotistic or something. It feels lie saying you’re an artist carries a lot of weight to it.
And it feels like something you’re not allow to call yourself an artist, like you can’t call yourself a genius only other people can call you that and so i’m like i can’t call myself an artist other people have to decide.
But then at a certain point when it’s your career ad it’s all you do and earn a living you have to identify yourself as that. I will say that often times i will say that i’m an illustrator and not an artist. Because when you say that you’re an artist people think that you’re taking your cloth off on the street and screaming and like smearing chicken blood on your body or something but i’m just drawing so i think people get a clearer idea when i way illustrator.
How did you get your name?
Actually i used to be a musician and i remember i was on Soundcloud, way back this was like 7 years ago. I went by my full name, which is Bryan Schiavone ( Italian name ). It’s a very difficult name, and when people have name like that they somehow try to shorten them and nobody would ever be able to spell it or pronounce it so… One day i was on Soundlcoud i saw this person had a username that was whatever-Thegirl, and was like that’s so interesting i’m gonna do that for my name too. So when i started doing art i just kept the same name that i was using for my music. It’s so much simpler.
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As a teacher, because you teach on Patreon and you have a podcast too, how does it feel like to teach ? You did some workshop too.
I’m still not fully comfortable with teaching because a part of me still think that in order to teach you have to be the best
A master ?
You have to be a master, and i’m not…i mean you just saw me struggling with my drawing earlier (she didn’t…she was so quick she was halfway through when i was still sketching….). I’m so afraid that i’m gonna be in this situation where a student turns to me and says how do i draw this tree ? And i go i don’t know that looks like a difficult tree… i can’t help you…. A part of being a good teacher is admitting that you don’t know how to do something and learning it with you students. It’s hard to know when to start teaching when you get to the point where you’re like : I’ve learned enough to share with people. I think it helped me just to have people ask me enough how do i do it and i started telling them and i guess that’s teaching.
And i think as a teacher you’re still learning, if you think that you’ve mastered and you’re not gonna learn from nobody any more then you’re closing yourself to new ideas and techniques.
And you’re a bad teacher and bad artist at that point…
Especially in art, you always have to learn something new, something new will always come to you.
When you began, how hard did you hustle ? How hard was it to get from Bryan to BryanThegirl ?
Oh my god, the hours that i put in , unpaid, over the past few years it’s just like… If i had known how much time it would take i would never have done it. Because i remember two years ago, i started selling my drawings for 15$ each. You know I’ve spent hours on these drawings and i was begging people to buy them every day like « i’m selling them i’m selling them ». I remember i made 100$ and i was like i’m making all this money… and even up after this past year i really couldn’t get any commissions and i kept advertising for them but nobody seemed interested. Even if they were interested they’d be so surprised of the cost which was incredibly low, like 30 dollars for a custom portrait. So they’d freak out and say « omg i don’t have money for that » and i would ask « how much money did you think you were gonna spend.
So there was a lot of just being rejected or not finding customers and then there was a lot of finding a lot of customers that would not pay me enough so i’d spend 10 hours doing something for 15$… Which is horrible and it made me unhappy but i guess i knew it was part of the journey, part of something that i had to do in order to get further along.
And then after working for hours and hours and not making money for years it all started to happen. Every body wanted commissions and i started saying no to people, i started raising the prices because i had to many request…
And you also you could afford to ask more
Because if they’d say «  i’m not gonna give it to you » then i would get more free time anyway. One time i got a commission request for a tattoo and i didn’t really wanna do it, i wasn’t interested in it so i told the guy this crazy price and he was like « OK, if that’s how much it costs » … ugh* so now i have to do this tattoo request, i’m getting a really good price but i don’t really wanna do it, it was so strange, but in the end its fine.
Nowadays after doing all this commission work, pet portrait Christmas gifts and everything i’m starting to focus more on personal projects, book projects which i find more rewarding and exciting.
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Did you think that at some point you should have quit ?
I thought that every single day for about a year. It was a combination of « i’m so tired » « my neck hurts » « my hand hurts » and «  i hate this » and then also « this is crazy, i can’t do this i can’t just be an artist ». And everybody was telling me « you gonna have to get a normal job » «  it’s not realistic, you should give up ».
I was going to, but i think what happens is that the craziest people just keeps going,  all the reasonable people stop and then all the work goes to the people that stuck with it. If you can handle it financially and psychologically then you’ll probably be fine but the key is to not give up.
Yeah, i didn’t start any projects after my school so i can’t say I’m gonna quit because i didn’t do shit… you have to do this for like 2 or 3 years, get straight with your partner about it and then depending on how it goes you might wanna quit.
Yeah, you set a time frame and say « i’m gonna do everything i can in this time frame » and if i doesn’t work out then i’ll know I’ve tried everything and i don’t have to have any regrets i never have to have that dream anymore it’s dead so i can’t move on…
Even at a smaller scale when people come drawing with you and they quit after like 1 hour… that’s not it, i didn’t get here in 1 hour. It took me like 5 years and i’m not even good enough yet. So why would you quit (anything) after 1 hour ?
Everything that’s worth doing is difficult. That’s what i try to tell myself when i’m struggling with something. Would i want to do something that’s so easy that anyone could do it ? NO, the whole fun of it is knowing that you pushed through it.
Every great artist, Rembrandt like u mentioned, they did so many paintings you can’t really count the sketches and the little drawings just for fun, for learning and practice. In the end it was worth it.
What i love about these artist is that you can see their old sketches , like you can see Van Gogh, you an see his beginning sketches and say look he made « stupid » mistakes the same way i make mistakes and look at what he created…so it’s encouraging.
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What feelings are you going through, right now, as an artist ?
Right now i’m at a transitional point, although i’d probably say that about every point on my career…hum
I got past the point of can i make it as an artist, can i earn a living. I answered it ; The answer is yes. So now that i’m out of that stress zone and i’m more confident on my ability to make money, the question for me is how do i wanna earn money ? What do i wanna do ?
And i’m starting to think about if i have the choice of doing commissions or working for and agency or doing publications or my own teaching/illustration, in a perfect world what does my life look like ? Because you start to be able to ask questions like that if things are going well. I’m starting to think i want to express myself more beyond just images. Like i wanna tell my story more i wanna talk about my life , i wanna talk about my feelings and i’m trying to find a way to do that. Part of it is done through being opened on social media. I also really wanna write more and illustrate things that are more personal to me and aren’t just still life and landscapes…i wanna share more of myself through my art.
Ofc that sounds like some hairy-fairy-lofty artist talk but I’ve been thinking about it a lot. How do i go from drawing apples and bananas to drawing how i feel inside?
Yeah, maybe that’s the goal we should all thrive to : expressing ourselves and tell a story.
Stories are like the heart of the human experience, it’s everything we do, all our relationships our lives…it’s all about communicating and telling stories. And i wanna contribute to that, i want my story to be a part of that because i love hearing other people’s stories.
At the end it’s tradition that i ask : if you could speak to you past-self or future-self which one would you choose and what would you say ?
My past-self. I think about that a lot because i had a really difficult childhood i was unhappy for most of my life until the past few years and….i don’t even think i would have said anything. If i had just seen as a young person that i would grow up and be OK and alive and have a career and be in love…if i just looked up at my adult self and knew that i was gonna be OK  i’d be like « i can get through this ». I don’t think anything that i could say would communicate that. When i was younger i felt so lost and alone i felt like it would never end…if i just knew it would get better then it would have been easier…
It was a very interesting evening with Bryan. I’m really glad she came to Paris, meeting her made me want to hustle more and travel more. Talking with her felt educating and inspiring. I came a stranger, with a camera and recorder, and i left with emotions and stories of an artist i now call friend.
Thank you for reading this portrait, it was very dense but i hope you enjoyed getting to know Bryan more, as i did.
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how much would health insurance cost?
Does affordable car insurance exist for a 19 year old?
I'm a 19 year college student. Currently I'm a closing manager at McDonald's and a certified Cisco Network Associate. I'm in the process of buying a vehicle and was optimistic about it until I started to look for insurance. The cheapest policy I've found is $338 a month. There isn't any way I can afford that and the car payment. It's not that I'm lazy and don't work, I work 40 hour weeks plus overtime from closing. I live in a rural area (North Georgia Mountains) so taking the bus isn't a option for a 20 mile commute. My closest neighbor is 7 miles away so car pooling isn't realistic. I feel somewhat hopeless. I would join my parent's policy or something similar but I live on my own and have little to no contact with them. I've been borrowing my Mother's car to get to work but she's given me 3 weeks to get a vehicle or walk. I have found it to be almost impossible to transition into the real world and become an adult and live on my own. What's a guy to do in my situation? I can't work without transportation, and without work I can't pay bills. That American Dream I grew up hearing about seems to only exist for people who have established wealth and good parents. What's left for the others? Are people in my situation just ******?""
Car insurance on a WRX or Mazdaspeed3?
I am a 17year old guy and since I got into my early decision college my parents are buying me a car. I like power in a car but I dont want an american muscle car because I would like to go in a direction rather than straight. Im looking at a new (yes my parents are crazy for buying new im trying to convince em to buy a slightly used one) Subaru WRX or a Mazdaspeed3. They are going to pay upto 25k for it so the WRX Hatchback just falls in there. I was wondering what would insurance be on these cars for me and any reviews u guys have on them and if there are any other good choices out there that have the same power and handling as these, I would love a rear wheel drive car but I live where there is quite a bit of snow so FWD or AWD please. Thanks.""
Can any body tell me what is the lowest online car insurance company?
i have an old car and sometimes i use it but i think i pay too much to insure it $55 a month and it is just liablity insurance and i am looking for an online insurance company that can give me a very low rate
How should health insurance companies thank Obama?
I just found out that my health insurance, which used to have a $500.00 deductible, will now be MORE expensive and will now come with a 5,000.00 deductible!! Which means, in order to see any benefit at all, I have to fork over $7,000.00 of MY OWN MONEY!! Which basically means, I have no health insurance now yet I still have to pay for it because it is now the law! If I don't, I get garnished. Asking around, I have learned that this is happening to everybody. So instead of getting MORE people covered by health care, Obamacare is getting millions of people effectively kicked off! But because of the law, we still have to pay the insurance companies, while they are free to raise the deductible to the point where their only purpose is to sit back and collect our money. Great. So I think the insurance companies should fork over a big, fat billion dollars to Obama for the all the cash he sent them!""
On average how much would it insurance cost for new drivers?
Well I passed my road test the other day and also took drivers ed. My mom doesn't have a car or a license, so I'm the only one with a license and my mom will be buying me a car. We are going to get a car that's no older than 2005, arond 40K miles and is used. I also don't have a credit card. Would anyone know on average how much insurance would cost on average for someone in my situation?""
How can you find out a property owner's insurance company?
Can you sue the owner for violent acts of a minor who lives on their property as well as the violent act physically occuring on their property? My daughter was jumped from behind and beat violently in the head. The girl recieved a ticket yet my daughter had to go to the hospital. Now she is afraid to go to school. The attacker is in her class.
Someone hit my car...will my insurance rise?
Someone hit my car last week and got a ticket. She received a ticket. Someone also hit my car a few months ago. Their fault. Is my insurance going to go up because of this second one. I imagine it wouldn't since her insurance will take care of my car but I'm not sure.
""Selling Car, how to do a test drive with no insurance?""
I'm selling my car but it has no insurance or a plate. I live in Alberta, Canada. I know people would like to test drive the vehicle before buying it, is there a way to do this legally?""
I need health insurance for my baby... please help.?
Sadly we missed the open enrollment date at my husbands job to add our infant son. He could have been added up to 30 days after he was born and we missed the date. We filed an appeal and they denied us. So now I have a 3 month old who has no insurance and cannot see a doctor for his shots or if he gets sick. We make too much money for like medical or healthy families but not enough to afford expensive private insurance for him. ANy advice would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you
Resolved Question Show me another  In what ways does buying a car affect auto insurance premiums?
I'm looking at buying or leasing a new car and am wondering how that'll affect my auto insurance premium. Also, which features in a new car affect the premium. I've heard about red paint and sports cars causing higher premiums, but are there any other factors?""
How much would full coverage insurance cost on a 1965 Silver Cloud 3 Rolls-Royce?
Male driver, clean driving history.""
Do older cars cost more for insurance? I was thinking of getting a bmw m3 2002 or 05.?
or for my 1st car should i just get a infinity? cus someone told me for those cars insurance is like 220 a month!!
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
How much will my insurance be?
I only have 90 bucks on me, im buying a 1985 mazda for 700... Im going to go on my parents insurance and my older sister is also on their insure, so they're insurance will be covering 4 cars including mine... Will my insurance be under 90? Any extra payments?""
What are a list of cars that are cheap to insure? and is a 1990 geo metro cheap to insure?
What are a list of cars that are cheap to insure? and is a 1990 geo metro cheap to insure?
I need a site where I can compare health insurance quotes from the top companies. Any help will be appreciated?
Health Insurance Quotes Needed Online...
Auto Insurance - Spouse coverage mandatory in Ontario?
I've been told from my insurance company that since my wife holds Ontario Driver's licence, she will have to be covered under my insurance and pay a higher premium eventhough she does not drive at all. I also saw on-line that you can sign an 'excluded driver form' (OPCF 28A) in which you declare that she will not drive my car and you can exclude her from your insurance and maintain your premium rate. The insurance company basically denied this and told me that as long as her and I live under the same roof, I will have to pay the higher premium. Can someone please advise?""
How much does motorcycle ensurance cost?
I am planning on getting a bike. used,street bike probably a 04-07 dont know what kind yet but i was curious if a) is insurance on a motorcycle absolutely needed? b)how much if im 18, but father as a co signer with GREAT credit score c)on a $5,000 bike how much would it be a month overall, insurance and payments.""
Buying Insurances with a G1 licenses in Ontario.?
I recently just bought a car. Its registered to me. Although it does not have any insurances right now. I have my G1, but I want to insure this car now, so I can drive it. (obviously with a licensed driver). I think I read that I can purchase insurances as a G1 driver, and just list someone else as the primary driver, until I get my G2. Does anyone know how expensive this might be? If I had my G2, the lowest insurance quote for my car I could find is about $450 a month. However, since I will be listing someone else as a primary driver, like my dad, would the price be significantly cheaper?""
How to find people who need life insurance?
I am a Housewife and working as Insurance agent. Can u pls help me to find the people who need life insurance and investment plans? Thanks in advance.
""Good, cheap auto insurance?
Need good cheap auto insurance. Can someone recommend me to one and/or some? Im talking cheap as in $30 per month or lower cheap. Thanks!
How much would it cost to get added to someones insurance policy...?
I need to prove that I have insurance to get my license reinstated. My grandma said I can use her car, but I'm not covered. She has liability insurance for her car. How much would it cost me (18 year old male, inexperienced driver) to get added to her policy. It is a small, older 4 door car. Any idea about how much it would be extra a month for me to be added? Also, would she be able to take me off of the policy whenever she wanted without any kind of fee (like if I tried to get taken off in a month, would they say that she has to pay for 6 months...). Thanks!""
Car insurance advice needed?
My nephew passed his driving test yesterday and has a P reg Volkswagon Polo for his first car. I've seen adverts on the tele for Direct Line car insurance and they aren't on comparison websites, does anybody know if they are averagely cheaper or not? Are there any other companies that don't appear on comparison websites? Thanks.""
Life Insurance?
I am about to meet with a Insurance Broker and I wanted to be aware so that I am not sold what he wants to sell me instead of what I need. Does anyone have any good tips or resources?
Is what my car insurance company doing legal?
I am in the process of purchasing a house. I received a quote from the insurance company I picked. And they said they could lower it even more if we add our 2 cars on. So they checked, and their offer for insurance on our cars was lower then what we are paying now. So saving us even more money. I went in, signed the papers for both auto's and the homeowners and was happy. They cancelled my previous auto insurance policies, and charged me my first month. Now, a week later, they are saying due to my previous car being stolen two years ago they can no longer offer me my 100 comprehensive deductible. They can only offer me a 1000 dollar deductible and if I choose not to accept they will cancel my auto insurance. This if frustrating considering my other insurance which wasn't bad to begin with has already been cancelled and I have already been charged my first month so if I don't accept I will have no insurance and my homeowners policy will go up in price. Sorry for the long explanation. I just don't think they should be able to get you in then change things up on you. Is there any law against that? Thanks for your help!!!""
""Car insurance, Am i being Ripped off?""
so Im 18, and my brother is claiming that my dad has been ripping me off on car insurance for the past year since Ive had my 99 coralla, its a beat up car. I pay $70 a month, where my brothers gf is only paying $10, I have only liability, we are with country financial or whatever and Im under my dad, and my dad has three cars with them, so his insurance is like 30+ for full coverage each car. So is 70 bucks justifiable for me or is my dad lying to me, i never seen the bill, ive always have given him money when he told me to give it to him. (i do understand that my age causes my insurance to go up) im just curious before I confront him.""
Does a rear view camera affect car insurance rates?
Will installing a rear view camera on my car affect my insurance rates? The reason I ask is because late last year the news media began reporting the fact that the federal government is considering mandating rear view cameras on every new vehicle sold the United States.
Pregnant with health insurance but no maternity coverage?
Would I qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women if I have cigna health insurance without maternity coverage? I live in Florida. If not does cigna offer maternity coverage?
Hi I are v8 insurance more expensive than v6?
I'm getting a car soon and I can pick between an 08 bmw 528i v6 or 08 bmw 550i v8. I was wondering if insurance would be the same because there the same car. I live in California thank you.
Car insurance payments?
i am 17 years old and i'm on a plan with my parents right now. i drive a 1993 cavalier, and am looking into buying a 2005 impala. how much (roughly) will my insurance payments be a year, or per month. (please no websites. i tried them and they are too long and don't give me enough info)""
Had an Accident Car insurance question?
I had my first accident the other day and it was pretty bad. I was the person at fault. I am about to turn 21 in 8 days. I have allstate insurance and the othe party of the accident no has a lawyer even though he acked fine at the accident. How much will my insurance go up and is there anything else i should know or can do?
""Hi, this is my first time getting contact lenses, i just wanna know where can I find an affordable price?""
I have called a few optometry clinics already but the price is just not satisfying; it was around $350.00 for a year (including eye exam). I would like to know if there is any other place that would do it for cheaper. By the way, I live around San Gabriel, CA. Please recommend optometry clinics located around me(less than 20mins drive), I would appreciate it.""
""I recently got a dui in florida, I'm 19 and i'd like to know what does everyone pay for their sr22 insurance?""
trying to find cheap sr22 insurance, i juss read that its going to be required that i have it in order to reinstate my license. Been lookin around online for quotes and I was wondering what other people in similar situations are paying monthly and by which carrier. Thanks""
How much is car insurance for a brand new HS 250h Premium Luxury lexus?
I'm 17, female, I live in St.John's NL and might do driving school""
How much is car insurance be?
I am 15 about to be 16 NO record at all.. I have a 1999 ford escort no wrecks 80,000 miles. I would like to know how much car insurance would be and a tag would be and how much my license would be I live in florida. also are their any other fees?""
I need to know which car insurance is both reliable and affordable?
I need to know which car insurance is both reliable and affordable?
If i was to buy a car 300 miles away from where i live what would i do about insurance and driving back?
Hi Question pretty much says it all, , I cancelled my insurance few months ago when i sold my car, so it wouldnt be a matter of ringing them up and transferring over. I dont know how it works could i just drive it back and say i have just bought it if for whatever reason if i get pulled??""
""A life insurance company sells a $250,000 1-year term life insurance policy to a 20-year-old female?""
for $200. According to the National Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), the probability that the female survives the year is 0.999544. Compute and interpret the expected value of this policy to the insurance company - I also have to find the probability that the company has to pay the female Im suppose to get .000456 but don't know how to get this?""
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
How much does it cost to replace an in-dash navigation system and does insurance cover it?
So here's the story. I was driving in my 2012 Honda Civic today and got angry and punched my navigation system (I know. It was unbelievably stupid. I know.) Anyway, the screen is shattered now, but the system still works. I called up a Honda dealer who said it would cost $3600 not including parts and labor. When I search online, the navigation systems seems to cost between $250 and $700. So what I want to know is, how much should I expect to pay to get this fixed. How long does it take? Will my insurance cover it? If my insurance covers it, will my rates change? Is the dealer the best way to get it fixed? I'm also under my warranty still, is there any way this is covered in my warranty?""
Car insurance help!!?
i am just about to re new my car insurance, the cost without protecting my 4 year claim bonus is 550 and protected would cost me 800.. is paying the difference of 250 worth it? thanks""
Is a 93' mustang hatchback cheap on insurance cause its a hatchback?
hello I'm 17 and i'm looking to get a car. I have always loved the 93 mustang.Its my favorite car ever.It is a hatchback so would that make it cheaper on insurance?? my parents always helped my brothers by putting there name on the tittle along with my brothers.I'm pretty sure it made it cheaper.There are only 2 cars that i really want either the mustang or a older honda civic hatchback.i like the way both the cars look.please help. leave you comments/opinions Thanks!
Can i freeze my car insurance?
Hi i am from ireland, and i am insured with Quinn insurance, I am 20. I am goin travelling for a few months in February. I am insured under my fathers policy, but he doesnt drive my car as he has his own van. I have to pay nearly 1000 at the end of January to insure my car but i am wondering could i freeze my insurance and pay for it when i get back. During my time away i am also going to try sell the car. so any help please.""
Car Insurance for teens?
How much would it cost monthly for a teenage girl? You don't have to be exact but make an estimate.
Is 21st Century Auto Insurance a good company?
I'm asking because I just switched over from progressive to 21st and now I'm a little worried because I've seen a lot of negative comments on their facebook fan page and after reading some of the things about their roadside assistance works I'm wondering if I made a mistake. My policy with progressive didn't cover much and the one I have with 21st gives me more coverage for the same price so idk. Is 21st as bad as they're making it out to be?
Whats a good insurance?
I need a good insurance. Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any info please help?""
Accident and no car insurance?
I live in Hawaii and i got in to a one car accident with my two kids. my daughter was flown off to another island with Air Ambulance and was in ICU at Queens Hospital for a two days. Were are all alive and well but im stuck with a 70,000 medical bill. My truck that was in the accident had no car insurance because i just brought it and my children and i are on MedQuest(medical through the state) Please help me on how to get my bill payed for. thank you""
How much is Jay Leno's car insurance premium?
How much is Jay Leno's car insurance premium?
Car insurance rates for men vs. women?
I was just wondering if there were any car insurance companies that charge higher premiums for men and in what locations are they higher. I was looking at a study that says that men are more dangerous drivers. Statistically men get into more accidents and cause more accidents with severe injuries. I live in Michigan and I don't think that insurance rates are higher for men here. Thanks for your answers!
""If I had a company, and I had to pay for car insurance out of the capital...?""
Would the car insurance be counted as an 'expense', 'liability', or an 'overhead'? Also, if possible, could you provide an explanation as to what each term means exactly? Many thanks! :-)""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
Is this covered under home owner's insurance?
We have been doing A LOT of work on our house (getting it ready to sell), and we've paid for basically everything (even things that would've clearly been covered by insurance). However, this problem is one I'd rather not pay for if it can be avoided. There was apparently a leak under our shower and it caused some fairly serious rot under the floor. We were unaware of the leak. The carpenter who came says that there will be some fairly extensive work necessary on the shower itself, not just the rotted wood (which will be easy and fairly inexpensive to replace). Will my home owner's insurance policy cover that?""
How much would car insurance be...?
My Bf and I are going to be moving in together within the next year, we are going to have only one care, (i think) and possibly two within the next 2 or 3 years. We'll be living in North Carolina. I just need an estimate as too how much car insurance for us would be? Thanks!""
How to get cheap insurance for bike?
I'm 24 and trying to find cheap insurance for bike 125cc in Ireland. Can somebody help me please. I'm girl and having provisional driving licence. Thank you.
How come my insurance is going up?
My mom just told me that the insurance company is raising my insurance by like 168$(6 month pay day) and I dont know why. I havent gotten a ticket, pulled over or anything. I mean at school I get parking infractions and stuff and it says ' your license plate has been reported to the police department' but ive gotten multiples of those and have friends that have gotten way more and nothing happens. So I want to know a reason on why the insurance would be going up. Thanks""
Which car is a good cheap first car?
so im starting driving in january and my grandad has promised to buy me a car (which i am very grateful of). So i was just wondering which car to get? I was thinking a ford Ka. Also i need the car to have cheap insurance. Cheers.
What is the day to day of a Commercial Insurance Broker?
I am interested in becoming a wholesale insurance broker as a career and would like to here from those that know about the current day to day life of someone in this position.
What is the best cat insurance in the uk?
What is the best cat insurance in the UK I can get for my 12 week old kitten?
Can I get an auto insurance without owning a car?
Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be renting a car. Since the insurance from rental companies is so expensive, I'm planning to get my own liability insurance and use it with the rental vehicle... can I do that? I do not own a car! Also, what is the best insurance company for me, I'm 23/male/texas with a clean record.""
Are there any affordable insurance companies out there for carpenters?
i need to obtain general liability and workers comp. to start my business. looking for affordable insurance in louisiana, (preferrably in baton rouge).""
Where I can get accident insurance plan?
What is the difference between a accident insurance and an Health Insurance. Which is the one I should go for?
Where can i find the cheapest insurance??
im 19. i live in california. ive never been in an accident and ive never gotten a ticket. i drive a 2004 suzuki forenza and i pay almost 200 dollars a month for insurance!!! i have to have full coverage because im still paying off my car, but come on i think thats a little ridiculous.. its more than my car payment. Any idea where i can get it cheaper and if so, how do i go about changing it?? any help is greatly appreciated!""
Car Insurance for young driver?
Hi, I'm currently doing my drivers licence and should get it by the end of next month and I'm just confused about the cost of insurance.... I'm planing to buy small Fiat which is Insurance Group 5 and I looked up for costs through money supermarket and the cheapest deal was over 9000 for a year and that's just ridiculous so I'm a bit confused about it and don't know if i did something wrong when filled the information but anyway what the average cost should be like? Thanks in advance""
How does car insurance work?
Okay, I'm 17 and I'm getting my first car this summer, maybe June. Thing is, I am only going to have my car from this June until March or April of 2009. The reason for that is that I'm moving to Mexico on one of those months. I would actually have liked not to buy my car now but I'm going to have to because where I live, there's absolutely no public transportation. (I live in the northern part of Texas.) I graduate high school in a couple of weeks and need to get to and from work. Up to now I had been working but work was pretty close and my aunt (which I live with) gave me rides. She's getting a job now too so I can't really be dependant on any one and I don't want to at all either. My big question here is... when I get my car, does car insurance come with a contract or something? I won't be here for a year so if it does, what's the minimum plan available? I will also be with my aunt's insurance so I will be included in their plan or however that works..""
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
Car insurance 16 year old living in NC?
I am turing 16 in March and I am looking at buying a car. How much does car insurance cost a month? I don't know which car I'll have. I live in the Charlotte area
How much is auto insurance for teenagers?
I'm 16 and I want to know how much does auto insurance cost for an age like mine..
Someone at fault with no insurance suing my insurance?
I was t-boned at an intersection by a lady who had no insurance, no license and who ran a red light (she was ticketed for all 3). I filed under uninsured motorist claim and my deductible is $250. She tried making a claim against my insurance, but it was obviously denied. She is now saying she is contacting an attorney because the officers at the accident were corrupt ...Can she sue and will she likely get anything? Can I counter sue for the decidable?""
Porsche boxster insurance?
I just got a quote online with my moms insurance for my new porsche boxster. It says $2789 a year. If i say my mom is the first and im the secondary driver since im 16 and insurance would be over $6000 a year. I live in a small town in Ontario.
Information about health insurance in indiana?
I need some best and cheapest health insurance company . Any site would be helpful .
Whats The Cheapest Car To Get Insurance For?
Whats The Cheapest Car To Get Insurance For?
Why are Americans so opposed to universal health insurance?
Virtually every Western industrialized nation has it, even Canada, and they are not more bankrupted than the US because of it. It seems like getting in the way of progress for the local population, really. So, what are the arguments of the people opposed to this reform? Thank You.""
Looking for affordable health insurance?
My employer does not offer health insurance. Does anyone know of a private health insurance company? I was with Blue-Cross Blue Shield and they kept raising the rates. I don't qualify for any assistance due to low income. Also some coverage for dental.
Car insurance if I don't drive?
My mom is taking me off of her car insurance policy since I no longer own a car, don't have a job to get one or pay gas, and don't even live with her anymore. Yesterday I got my drivers license address changed to my current address which is with my boyfriend. Now his family is making a big deal about it saying that even if I'm not driving, it's illigal to have a licensed driver living in their house with no car insurance and that I have to be under insuarance. This dosnt make any sense to me. Is it even true or are they misinformed? Please help!!!""
Switching car insurance?
I am thinking of switching to Esurance, it's about $25 a month cheaper than my current insurance. Anyone have any experience or knowledge of Esurance? How hard is it to switch?""
About how much would liability insurance be for a lawn care business with 2 workers?
Any idea of what liability insurance would be monthly for a brand new business that mainly mows, weedeats, and blows trimmings/leaves? Only 2 guys working (partners) the yards and one secretary/accountant.""
When you do not have car insurance in California then ONLY IF YOU GET CAUGHT?
by someone it's a problem right, or is it a problem as soon as your car insurance stops for example, only if someone who does not have car insurance gets into an accident then everyone is wondering about it right, or if you had car insurance and could not afford the bills anymore do they tell DMV and then you're in trouble immediately""
How do I get individual health insurance quotes for North Carolina?
I am currently living in New York State and am considering moving to North Carolina. How do I get individual health insurance quotes while still living in NYS? All the websites ask you to provide a North Carolina address which I do not have yet. Thank you.
What if I upgrade my car insurance because someone threatens to mess up my car?
An old roommate stole a lot from me the day he moved out. I've been waiting 5 days for the police to take the report (they're busy according to them). In the mean time I contacted him telling him to return my stuff or I'll involve the police, and he said if I do that he's going to f*ck up my car. Right now I have basic insurance but after he told me that I want to upgrade my insurance just in case. My question is what happens if I upgrade and he does mess up my car? If I file a police report about the threat can my car insurance deny the claim? What if the police are still too busy and he does this before I get to file a report? What should I do? I already started parking 2 blocks from my apartment.""
Immediate Medical Insurance Help Required?
Hi I am Rishika from Bangalore. I am new to this place. I had got a medical insurance done for my parents but It got expired one month back. Unfortunately, my mom is due for a surgery in the next week and I am looking for any quick medical Insurance help that I can get. I understand its too late to get a medical insurance done. I can arrange for the medical expenses by hand as of now. Is anyone aware of any policies from which I can reimburse the amount later. Or is anyone aware of any medical insurance people from whom I can make a deal and make it a cashless transaction using the insurance policy?? IM confused like hell. Please please help :(((((( :( Yours, Rishika""
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
What is the cheapest DUI insurance in california for a male when i become 18?
I just want liability for other drivers and i will get a crappy car so i dont need coverage for it. & I am 17 now. Am i able to get insurance if i don't have someone 18 or older sign for it? any ideas? Thank you
""How long, on average, does it take to learn to drive an automatic in the UK?""
I'm a US citizen, with a US driving licence. I've relocated to the UK recently, and need to learn to drive fast! I don't want to drive on my US licence cos the insurance costs too much. I've never driven a stick shift and think learning in an automatic will be easier. As I'm already used to driving an automatic and just need to learn the UK roads, how long do you think this will take? Anyone got any experience of this? Thanks for replies in advance !""
I broke my phone will my insurance cover it?
i threw my phone t-mobile sidekick lx and the screen broke will my insurance cover it?
Car Insurance?
I wanted to know how much would it cost for a 16 year old teen to get car insurance just to cover damages to someone elses car they damaged would it cost alot or not?
Having a hard time to find affordable health insurance?
I just need a simple surgery on both my ears. About a year ago I developed a keloid on both ears. I know they can get bigger so I want to get it fixed before it looks like a grape behind my ear. My biggest problem is in finding affordable health insurance. Can anyone tell me a good site to go to for affordable health insurance? All answers would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone have good materninty insurance?
HELP... Any advice on good maternity insurance that isn't sooo expensive!!!
What insurance (car) does not ask for driver license?
Do you need to have a DL to obtain insurance on a car? if not what companies insure u in DALLAS, TX""
I don't have dental insurance.?
I don't have dental insurance and I haven't been to the dentist in years. Anyone know of any good dental discounts or insurance. I really want to go and get a cleaning and check up. I think i'll need some work done considering my jaw hurts and the gap in my teeth seems to be getting wider. Anyone else not have dental insurance? Thanks for the help
Am I paying too much for car insurance? Advice?!?
I'm 19 years old. Has had my license since I was 16 1/2. No tickets or accidents. Right now I'm paying $150.00 a month with my current insurer (which is based off my Mom's) I recently searched and Liberty Mutual is giving me a quote of $79 dollars a month which is obviously a whole lot cheaper. How easy is it to switch and is there a down payment? And any other advice you may have. Thanks.
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
Victorville California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92392
0 notes
samflahertyxx-blog · 6 years
Acting/ development of character.
Wednesday 23rd May
In this session we did a run of both the musicals. I felt confident with the energy I put in however, I realised I need to get off script to feel my character develop more as each run through I feel as though I just stand there and act with no emotion however, I cant work properly with a script in my hands therefore it was down to me to get rid of the script. After this run we found out that rock of Ages was finally improving and it was honestly the best news we could of possibly received considering each time we get feedback its always bad. Each number still needed more energy because there was just no love or passion there therefore there was not really a musical at this point. Some personal comments we received were:
- [ ] Radio GaGa practice dancing and singing at the same time to make them both strong. - [ ] Work on ‘someone to love’ backing vocals. - [ ] Only one heard out of female voices in ‘Killer Queen’ - [ ] pointed out for vocals in ‘I want it all’
We will rock you!- 2nd run through - [ ] Radio GaGa still not loud enough!! - [ ] stronger as a group! - [ ] cut out Galileo in the prison cell - [ ] I want it all- better aggression - [ ] ‘We will rock you’ finale get the audience on their feet - [ ] ‘I want it all’ improved level of volume and the rock theme. Face needs to show what your saying.
No massive comments were given on rock of ages in this session apart from it improved. 
Friday 25th May 
In this session we just decided to focus on Rock of ages to make sure it stayed as strong was it did on the previous session. I felt better on this run as I became more familiar with my lines and I finally brought my costume in. One comment which I'm used to getting and got again today was to put more emotion in the songs because recently I've just stood there and sang and shown nothing however, I need to start showing how my characters feeling through my voice and facial expressions. As next week is half term my next aim is to learn all my lines so I can think more in to character development.
- [ ] Good costume choice shows country and rock - [ ] Swap lines around : 1.Reading he book to get to place 2.say hi to the hooker after reading the book - [ ] Get a bag to create a more realistic mugging - [ ] I wanna rock choreography and singing really dropped. - [ ] emote in ‘more then words’ standing against the wall looked good. - [ ] take the mirror off Olivia and look in the mirror before going off. - [ ] waiting for a girl has no emotion- needs more practice so we can actually start ton pretend we have a connection. our connection needs to look real. - [ ] need to practice being a lesbian. - [ ] need to project in all songs because band will be louder on the night of the performance then in rehearsal- Class need to start putting more energy in and going for it more instead of letting other members of the class do it for you. - [ ] need to go for the fight, really shout at Becky.- need to project at each other more and start going for it to build the climax to give Lonny something to come over and disrupt.
Monday 4th June
In this session we did a full run through of the musical and I successfully came back from the half term with all my lines learnt. However, one thing I did forget was some of the dances especially one vision. The reason of this was because I was so focused on developing my character and researching different versions of Rock of Ages so I can see all the differences of how they play my character I hadn't had time to go over the routine. As it was the first session back peoples attitude were quite negative as they didn't want to be back rehearsing they would of rather been at home but to become professional you have to put all that behind you.
We will rock you - [ ] Not enough energy and is insulting to the show!! Directors weren’t focused as we didn’t show enough!- we don't deserve to do the musical at this point because we aren't giving it what it deserves. - [ ] GaGa kids smiley cheesy robots. - [ ] Low professionalism in the run. - [ ] Perform to the top of the theatre! - [ ] Entrances and exits need fixing. - [ ] No excitement or danger in the numbers. Need to be a push pull relationship with the band. - [ ] Need to be confident with the dances.
Rock of ages - [ ] Need more emotion shown on songs- Again I got this comment even though this time I was more focused unmaking sure my lines were perfected therefore I believe I could have it for next rehearsal.  - [ ] Need more of a connection with Becky in ‘waiting for a girl.’- We still don't show any connections on stage together even though were trying I believe it is just coming across very awkward. - [ ] Provide magic you don’t get when watching the telly.- We need to show the audience why they should of came and watched the show and didn't stay at home and watch the telly.
Wednesday 6th June
In this session we saw that we were a lot further behind rehearsals then we should of been therefore, we made up for this by doing two rehearsals in one day. I believe this was a good idea because we needed the extra practice and our bodies needed to get used to performing full out so they wouldn't get tired quickly. Both runs were successful however, the second run was the most successful and this shocked me as I thought it would be worse as I thought people would of lost energy after already doing once. I was so pleased with how both of these runs went because not once did my emotion in songs needed to be improved I was honestly so proud off myself that I finally was able to get where I wanted to be in the song. My voice want the only thing showing emotion, it was now also my body language.
1st run
We will rock you - [ ] Radio GaGa complicite... more work on the cannon. - [ ] killer queen- best it’s been... lots of acting used, better vocals and facial expressions. - [ ] need to stay still in ‘one vision’ when your on the floor or stood still. Need to stay rigid so it looks more powerful.
Rock of ages - [ ] opening number feels like the opening to a musical. More playfulness has been added. Ending needs to be stronger. - [ ] need a leaflet and a suitcase and need a penny. - [ ] work on timing when I come and distract Becky from her song writing. - [ ] improvise Micheal Jackson section of ‘anyway you want it’ if can’t do the dance. - [ ] better movement transformation to show I’m sad when I’m coming off of the phone and start the song ‘more then words’ - [ ] Good vocals with trills on ‘harden my heart’ - [ ] Transition for the strip club needs to be tidier.
2nd run
We will rock you - [ ] we will rock is more pantomime and rock of ages is musical as it’s more cheesy - [ ] one vision is great energy but stops as soon as they sing ends. Need to make a dramatic exit. - [ ] 80% there - [ ] killer queen dance v good - [ ] I want it all first time u want applause
Rock of ages - [ ] too early AGAINN!!! Enter and said ‘Hey’ - [ ] listen to to Judas Priests - [ ] I want to know what love is- needs to be played to the audience - [ ] songs are better - [ ] acting has improved - [ ] need slurped and leaflet - [ ] good I wanna rock and here I go again - [ ] goood fight between me and Becky.
Friday 8th June 
Today we a full tech run of both the musicals and I believe this went a lot slower then it should of. The reason of this is because it was some peoples first time using microphones therefore we had to take things at a slow pace so people were able to keep up with what they were doing. People started to get very frustrated with this run because of how slow it was going however, I found this very unprofessional because we've all been in the same position at one point. I believe with the lighting and the mics I feel like I could really get into character this session as we had the full scenery.  - [ ] make sure you always turn the mics off. - [ ] 80% of the show is been given. - [ ] still only 1 person catching people’s eye. - [ ] everyone needs to put passion init or it won’t work. - [ ] don’t be afraid of the microphone- play with it more. - [ ] if instrumental from the band starts while your speaking you have to say your lines in the mic. - [ ] Rock of ages- hit me with your best shot weakest number. Go to the back on the blocks instead of doing the Micheal Jackson move and have a chat, do makeup and hair and then come back to place ready for the repeat of the first verse. - [ ] knee slide needs working on in Don’t stop believing- more enthusiasm - [ ] Noticed for carrying on smiling even though I was probably in pain ahaha - [ ] if your doing a ballad- needs to be cheesy 80’s video RESEARCH!!!-  - [ ] need to make songs more comedic and play them less serious- This note confused me as in the previous sessions I've been told to add emotion in. - [ ] need to make the audience feel like they wanna rock out. Need to play the characters and songs rights because the people who are watching it, will know these songs as it’s from there era. - [ ] colours and feather bowers for hit me with your best shot
Thursday 14th June 
In this we did a run through of Rock of ages and I felt as though my character had finally started to develop each comment I receive I take it away and practice to make my character better and in each session I come in positive attitude and give 100% effort. After being told rock of ages drop after twenty minutes I was gutted because I try all the time and its unprofessional people who are bringing the whole class down because they don't want to try to they'd rather be else where. 
‘Your’e only as strong as your weakest member’ therefore the whole class get brought down.
- [ ] Diction and clarity - Making sure are lines are clear enough for the audience to understand. - [ ] loose energy 20 minutes after rock of ages has started
Friday 15th June 
Finally things started to come together more but most importantly me and becky started to have a connection. This is really important to me as it’s something we’ve been trying to improve on since we started rehearsals and it finally started to seem as though it was coming together. The hardest thing was to make mine and becky’s kiss feel as though it was real and we had a connection this was because it was such an awkward thing to do without an audience there. At first I felt as though the audience would make it worse but I've now realised it doesn't. if someone came in rehearsals to watch it felt so much easier and natural. - [ ] More work on singing - [ ] need a mic for radio GaGa - this is because the journey of the mics keep changing. - [ ] killer queen number should be what everyone goes for - [ ] journey of he mics need to be remembered, can’t use different mics all the time - [ ] ‘nothing but a good time’ and ‘don’t get better then this’ said to the audience because they need to know they won't get anything better then this show. - [ ] I wanna know what love is harmony good. Make sure both harmonies are done - [ ] waiting for a girl- playing with it more better today. - [ ] Big songs, people are going missing- not everyone’s pulling in the same direction (people rely on others and people are becoming more tired as they have to do the work that people don't want to do.
Tuesday 19th June
This was the week of the show and one of our last rehearsals and I honestly couldn't wait for show day! However, even though I like to take comments on board and work on them I was so angry at how many improvements I had to make before the show. The reason of this is because I have been playing the exact same character since day one of rehearsal and made improvements so why didn't I get these notes sooner to give me more time to work on them? This frustrated me however, I wanted to prove to my directors I had what it takes to be challenged even if the show was only a few days away. Rehearsals were more enjoyable now then stress because I felt like we finally had a show therefore people were enjoying out more and coming into sessions in more of a professional manner. One thing that made me feel like I have achieved something was the vocals were now louder then the band and the audience were struggling to hear them because of how much effort everyone was giving.
I was little down hearted after this session because it was mentioned I had no emotion in some of the songs however, I believe I was able to change this before show day! I felt like this session it was because I was to excites to show emotion because it was show week!
We will rock you - [ ] we will rock you looks like we’ve got more of a show - [ ] chorus are miming most of the time- people are using more of their energy to make up  - [ ] reaction good of the GaGa kids. - [ ] killer queen is the first musical theatre number cause it seems like we’re performing that one more then the others. - [ ] research what rocking out looks like.
Rock of ages - [ ] opening number is good but needs to be big!! - [ ] act as though your actually at the oscars. - [ ] need to show emotion in sister Christian instead of standing there, Giving nothing - [ ] emote after Becky said she loves me because I kind of heard her even tho I said I love her. Blush. - [ ] show I’m effected of the wafting wind to add humour to the song. (Girl like you) - [ ] show that stacee Jax amazes me, eyes and mouth open- I wanna know what love is. - [ ] still need to act innocent in the strip club ... Hungarian dance alter ego move needs to be worked on. - [ ] here I go again happy/ angry. People miming it. - [ ] laugh at each other in mine and Drew’s argument to create more tension. - [ ] every rose. NEED TO LEARN HARMONIES. Sit in the back in a train of thought and see justice walk past and then stop her to talk about my problems. - [ ] Giving it loads in don’t stop believing but need to put that much effort in all the other songs- need to want it in all the songs not just the finale!
Show day
I honestly couldn't of been any prouder of myself after the shows. When performing I could actually feel that I put emotion in when in rehearsals I was confused if I was or wasn't however, during the shows I felt it. I also started to use gestures in the show and it wasn't forced like it was in rehearsals it felt more natural and smooth. I was honestly so worried with how it was going to go but I felt myself shine at this role and I have been priverliged to have the opportunity to challenge myself and play my chapter like this one. Another thing which I did on show night which I don't believe I did in rehearsals was let myself go more. On show night my character was totally over the top and it felt right it didn't feel awkward or embarrassing I just had fun with it and I feel like this is the most important of a show. I felt as though there was even more of a connection with me and Becky as we became closer at the end of ‘waiting for a girl’ and if there was awkward moments between us we didn't feel awkward do to the audience having a moment of laughter. Something I would of improved on in the show was the robbing scene just because that does feel quite awkward to play as I don't feel like it happened fast enough also when I'm at the bourbon room and I jump of the blocks to get there coin, I kept forgetting to set the coin on stage however, I don't think the audience noticed. I am gutted the shows are over and I'd love to do it all again!
0 notes