#i think what i pulled away the most from this though was that Demeter is Olympus' dealer.
atlabeth · 9 months
bleedin' me dry | luke castellan
runaway with luke ending here!!
summary: luke has a proposal. it doesn't go over well.
a/n: so um. obviously im a huge percy jackson stan ive got annabeth in my name and ive literally wanted to be her since i read the books in second grade and by virtue of being an annabeth stan i hate luke but i also think he is so interesting and so good for angst and i also love the pjo resurgence we’ve got going on here from the show!! so here you go. here's some angst
title from vampire by olivia rodrigo
wc: 2.8k
warning(s): fem!child of demeter reader. luke is his own warning lmao. pushy and manipulative behavior, not the healthiest relationship! and no happy ending
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“You know I love the forest,” you mused, “but you have to have a reason for bringing me out here.”
He gave you a wry smile as he squeezed your hand. “Do I have to have a reason? You said you love it—that’s gotta be reason enough.”
“I love it, but there are monsters here.” You twisted your free hand and flowers sprouted up a few feet away. “It does give me a chance to show off, though.”
You were in your cabin helping Katie clean up everything—it was the last day of summer and most of the Demeter kids had already left—when Luke knocked on the door and asked you to accompany him on “a little adventure”. Despite the teasing of your siblings, you bashfully accepted.
It wasn’t the smartest thing, admittedly, to find yourself in the forest with your boyfriend with a couple hours ‘til curfew when you still weren’t even sure if you were leaving or not, but you had your dagger. Luke didn’t have his sword, but you had been practicing.
It wasn’t like it really mattered, anyways—he probably just wanted to make out with you. It was far from the first time, and for all he knew you were leaving for the school year in a few hours.
He chuckled but didn’t say anything. You looked up at him, a slight frown creasing your brows, and nudged him with your shoulder.
“Is everything okay, Luke?” you asked. “You’ve been… oddly quiet.”
Again, it took him a moment to respond before he just shrugged. “I’ve been thinking, I guess.”
“About what?”
“Life,” he said. “Our lives.”
“Very philosophical for the hour,” you said dryly. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah,” Luke nodded, “yeah, I’m fine. I just wanted to ask you something.”
“Ask away.”
“Have you ever thought about leaving?”
“I’m still deciding whether I want to go back home for school or not, but—”
“Not after the summer,” Luke interrupted. “Leaving camp. For good.”
You frowned, a chill running down your spine. “Of course not. Camp Halfblood saved my life, Luke. I could never leave.”
“Says who?” Luke stopped and your intertwined hands pulled you back, stopping you as well.
“Says all the monsters that tried to kill me last time I went home,” you said slowly. “Don’t tell me you forgot the dracaena that nearly got me on that field trip.”
“‘Course I didn’t forget,” he said, inclining his head. “I just think you’re good enough now to make it without this place.”
“Luke,” you said with a strained laugh, “you— you can’t be serious.”
He shrugged. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because if we leave, we’ll die,” you said slowly. “I barely made it on my own out there.”
“You’re more powerful now. And you won’t be on your own,” he said, tugging you closer. Despite it all, warmth bloomed in your chest. “I can protect you.”
“Luke…” You trailed off as he cupped your cheek with his other hand, bringing your gaze back to his.
“What’s the point of staying here?” Luke murmured, an unmistakable softness in his eyes. “Just so we can sit around at summer camp for the rest of our lives? I mean, it’s not like that’s gonna be much longer, the way Chiron tells it.”
“I ha— we have friends here,” you said, huffing another laugh as you took a step back from him. It was easier to think when he wasn’t touching you, when you were still able to sever the string connecting the two of you. “We have a life here. A safe life, Luke, where we don’t have to look over our shoulders constantly.”
“Not me.” Luke shook his head as he moved a step forward in tandem, and he took your hand again, his grip tighter this time. “You’re the only thing I’ve got keeping me here.”
“Please,” you said in disbelief. “You’ve got a whole cabin of siblings that adore you. You’re the best swordfighter here. I’m pretty sure even Mr. D has a soft spot for you.”
“Please,” he mocked, “you can’t seriously believe that.”
You shrugged. “All I know is that when you finally asked me out, I gained a whole lot of enemies.”
“Like that means anything,” Luke said.
“The kids love you too!” you exclaimed. “Their eyes light up with stars whenever you help them with their sparring. You’re a beacon of light to this place— where is all of this coming from?”
“I’m tired,” Luke said roughly. “Tired of the gods ignoring us when all they’ve caused is pain.”
You frowned, but he continued on.
“You’re telling me you haven’t noticed it?” he asked. “When’s the last time you ever saw my dad give me any kind of attention besides some fun-colored smoke? He ruined my mother’s life— he ruined my life! And our cabin is damn near overflowing with unclaimed kids. Where are their parents?
He shook his head as he forged on. “And you can’t say that Demeter is any good either. I bet she makes your cereal tastes real good in the morning, but she’s abandoned you for your whole life.”
“Luke, where is this coming from?” you asked, your frown deepening further and further as you let go of his hand and took a step back. “You— you know I’m not a fan of them, but you can’t just go around saying things like this. The last thing I need is for my mother to— to smite me, or strangle me with vines or something because I’m not appreciating her enough.”
Luke huffed a laugh. “That would be the most attention she’s paid to you since she claimed you.”
“She’s a goddess,” you said. “She’s got more important things to do than send me emails asking how my day is going.”
“Really?” Luke asked, his eyebrows rising.
“Yes, really,” you enunciated. “I expect it. I consider myself lucky she claimed me at all.”
“Do you even hear yourself?” he marveled as he said your name. “Your mother has never been there for you, and you think you’re lucky?”
“Luke—” you started, but you couldn’t even finish as he continued on.
“Demeter wasn’t there for the year you spent feeling like the scum of the Earth because you hadn’t been claimed yet. Demeter wasn’t there for the childhood she gifted to you then abandoned you for.” He pushed forward still. “Demeter wasn’t there for all those sleepless nights you spent in the Hermes cabin wondering if you were ever going to know who got you into this mess.”
“Luke, stop,” you finally managed to get out, moving back in turn.
“You know who was?” He continued to forge on, capturing your wrist when you tried to take another step back, eliciting a shaky exhale as you flinched. “Me.”
You ripped your arm away from him, fire in your eyes and blazing in your blood. “Don’t ever touch me like that again.”
“I’ve been here for you since the moment you stepped foot into Cabin Eleven!” Luke’s voice rose, and you’d never been more aware of the dagger hanging off your belt. “Through every tear, every tirade, every godsdamned rant about the gods—”
You stumbled back, and your heart stuttered in your chest as your back hit a tree. Your jaw was clenched, attempting to stop your tremors trying to wrack your body.
“And you’re telling me,” his voice suddenly lowered until it was scarily soft, little more than a whisper as he leaned over you, noses nearly touching, “that you would still choose them over me?”
“If you do not get away from me right now,” you said, quiet and even, “what we have, and anything we could have, will be over.”
Luke didn’t move. “Answer me.”
For a moment, it was just that—you and Luke staring at each other. His chest rising and falling just so from the effort of yelling, his beautiful eyes devoid of any previous softness. You thought your teeth might crack with the pressure in your jaw.
“No,” you said. “I wouldn’t choose them over you.”
And for an even shorter moment, his eyes do soften.
“But I won’t leave my family,” you whispered. “Not for whatever cause you think you’re fighting for.”
And just like that, the armor went up again.
“So that’s the way this ends,” Luke said evenly, and when he moved a few steps back, you felt like you could finally breathe again.
“You know who I am,” you argued, though you couldn’t make yourself move. “My siblings are my family— my friends are my family. I’d never leave them.”
“Oh, I should have expected it,” he said offhandedly. His laughter was a cruel thing. “I always knew you were a coward.”
“Don’t you dare turn this on me,” you spat. “Why do you even want to leave in the first place?”
“Because I’m sick and tired of all the bullshit that goes on here!” Luke yelled. “We’ve been here for years, and what the hell do we have to show for it? A couple scars? A lot of near death experiences? Some deadbeat parents that ruined our damned lives?”
“I have a family that I never could’ve dreamed of!” you exclaimed. “I have sisters and brothers that love me, friends that understand me, and—”
Your voice broke for a moment and you swallowed the lump in your throat, forcing the tears back. Some of the fire burning through your veins had been extinguished as you continued.
“And I thought I had a boyfriend that was there for me.”
It was there again—his eyes softening ever so slightly when he looked at you. But then he clenched his jaw. “And I thought I had a girlfriend that was there for me.”
“I won’t leave,” you enunciated. “I’m not going to help you with whatever crusade you think you’re meant to lead against the gods!”
“You don’t understand,” he insisted.
“You don’t understand!” you exclaimed. “You’re ready to leave all of this behind, and for what?”
“I don’t want to leave it all behind,” he said. “I want you by my side. We could be something truly great together— can’t you see?”
Luke took your hand again and pulled you away from the tree, gesturing with his hand around you. “You can control all of this. The whole world is your domain—we’d be untouchable.”
“Luke, you sound crazy,” you said roughly. “Where is all of this coming from, seriously?”
“I just know that we can live a better life,” he said. “Together, without the gods.”
“Witho—” You couldn’t even manage to finish the word, shaking your head at the pure absurdity of it. You hardly recognized your boyfriend purely because of the insanity he was spouting. “Luke, we don’t need to leave! We don’t need to stand against the gods, or— or whatever this is!”
This time, you took his hand as you tried to smile. “We can make this work, Luke, and we can make it work here,” you begged. “I promise.”
“Things need to change,” he said, voice steely, pulling his hand away. “And they’re clearly not going to change here.”
“Yes, they can,” you insisted, your hands clenching into fists at your side. “I want things to change too, believe me! But going off on your own isn’t going to do anything for it. We can start it here—together.”
His eyes were colder than ever as he looked down on you, and you truly didn’t recognize him. The glint in his eye and edges you would cut yourself on and the insanity he was spouting for no damn reason. You didn’t know what in Hades’ name had gotten into him.
“All we do is sit around and wait for that hag in the attic to spout prophecies, and then Chiron sends some kids off to die, and then we sit around and wait to do it again,” Luke said. “The gods keep making kids and the kids keep dying because they leave them in the world alone— we’re practically grandparents here because we’re lucky to make it past sixteen! The gods don’t do a damn thing about it, and neither does Chiron.”
He shook his head as he stared right into your eyes. “You’re not as smart as I thought if you think you can change anything here.”
“So— so what?” you asked brazenly. “You’re just gonna leave?”
Luke shrugged. “I was always gonna leave. It just depended whether you were with me or not.”
He turned around and started walking, and for a moment you were fully dumbstruck, unable to move. Then something snapped inside of you, and you moved your hands straight up through the air. Vines sprouted from the ground and tangled around Luke’s legs, stopping him and nearly causing him to fall.
“You don’t just get to walk away from me after spouting this bullshit,” you fumed as you ran to catch up with him. “What in Demeter’s name has gotten into you, Luke? Gods— this isn’t you!”
“See?” Luke smiled, ignoring your question. “You are powerful.”
“Answer me,” you seethed.
He shrugged, that small smile still on his lips. “It’s always been me. Maybe you’ve just been too stupid to realize.”
“Where are you going to go?” you asked, ignoring his jab. “Not home, clearly.”
It was a deep cut, something you never would have said under normal circumstances, but his expression didn’t change.
“I’ve got plans,” he said, ignoring your jab, and he huffed a laugh. “And I guess they don’t involve you anymore.”
All you could do was stand there, stunned as you stared at him. It was cliche, but it really wasn’t him, because you loved Luke and he loved you.
He’d always been a bit spitfire, always a little sharp around the edges, but you loved that about him—and he softened those edges for you. He was strong-willed and caring and passionate about everything, and you didn’t want to lose him. Not like this.
You knew what he’d been through. You knew what happened to his mother, what happened to Thalia, everyone he’d lost and every reason for every scar. But you never thought—
Gods. You never thought he’d actually do… this.
“Let me go, will ya?” Luke asked, tilting his head. “Or else what we have will be over— or whatever it was you said back there.”
The vines receded against your will, like his words just connected to your subconscious. You stayed rooted in place as he continued walking away.
But then he stopped. Turned around, looked right at you.
And for a moment you were fourteen again, feeling alone and forgotten going into your third month in the Hermes cabin. Grumbling your way through sword practice because the excited camp counselor who just happened to be your age refused to let you sulk for another day.
It was days after your fifteenth birthday, and the golden sickle with sheaths of wheat had finally appeared over your head at lunch. Luke had lunged at you, wrapping you in the tightest hug possible, and looked at you with all the stars in your eyes as he congratulated you. He helped you move your meager belongings into the Demeter cabin the very next day.
It was the first time you decided to go home since arriving at camp, and Luke was sidled outside your door, making wry comments every so often as he kept you company while you packed.
It was him kissing you right before you went over the hill because he said he couldn’t keep his feelings in any longer. It was you kissing him right back wondering why he waited so damn long.
It was three years of the best thing you’d ever experienced, of the most steadfast companion you could’ve had by your side—three years of Luke Castellan’s love.
Then you blinked, and you were back in the woods. Luke’s expression had softened, but the brimming tears in your eyes blurred your vision.
“I really did love you, y’know,” Luke finally murmured. “But you should know that love isn’t ever enough.”
He was out of your view before you could even muster the strength to move again, and then you were running through the forest faster than ever before.
But when you reached Cabin Eleven, there was no sign of him. And when you checked the pavilion and the forge and the amphitheater and the training arena and every other godsdamned place, you were just as disappointed.
But by the time you got to Chiron and found out the chaos that had spouted in his wake, that he had wanted you to be a part of, it was much, much too late.
Percy Jackson was fighting for his life. Camp had been left in complete disarray. Luke was working for Kronos.
And the man you loved was truly gone.
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LOVE TO HATE YOU ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
pairing: percy jackson x demeter!fem!reader
warnings: swearing + minor violence (punches basically)
a/n: i wanted to write some percy jackson enemies to lovers (sorta) so here we are!! i don't know how i feel about this one but enjoy! (also im changing the layout of my fics - in case you couldn't already tell :))
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when percy showed up for sword training this morning, the last thing he was expecting was to be paired with you.
i mean hey! at least he could take his anger out on you and nobody would notice or care for that matter - well y'know... except you.
being thrown on you ass for the fifteenth time in a row really wasn't on your agenda for today. and you'd had enough.
"goddamnit jackson!" you yell when you get up again. "what the hell is wrong with you?"
"right back at you y/l/n!" percy hisses.
seething you narrow your eyes at him. "i swear to fucking god, i'm going to kick your ass."
"right, cause you seem to be doing really well at that."
you launch at percy. why? why is he like this? why is he popular and nice to everybody but you? why?? why is he infuriatingly handsome? from his soft looking hair, to his blue-green eyes- wait, what?
where'd that come from?
you're supposed to be angry at him.
your fist connects with percy's jaw and he stumbles back in shock. his eyes land on you in a deadly promise as he flys at you himself.
"you're honestly so annoying, i don't know how i put up with you," he sends a punch to your face and your head snaps back, your eyes filling with tears. fucking hell.
arms wrap around you then, pulling you back from attacking percy more. you swing your arm back accidentally knocking the person in the face causing them to cry out. "oh shit! im so sorry!" you exclaim turning around to comfort annabeth.
"fuck annabeth, im so sorry."
you're a child of demeter, the most violent thoughts you've had all week is how you accidentally made a strawberry explode. you shouldn't be thinking about how the next time percy comes near you, you're going to strangle him with the nearest vine. no, scratch that you're going to strangle him reguardless.
you crouch down next to annabeth worry in you eyes, "are you okay?"
annabeth nods and takes your hand when you offer to help her up. "i'm fine, but you two," she says waving a hand between percy - whose still pissed by the way - and you. "need to sort out whatever shit you're fighting over."
percy looks over at you a scowl etched on his face and his arm still captured by luke. "yeah fine whatever." he throws his sword down on the ground before stalking away growling about how everything's going to shit.
"what is with him today?" luke asks walking over and picking up percy's sword.
"i don't know!" you huff exasperated. "he's been like this all morning. i was the one on the receiving end of it!"
"well i'm like ninety percent sure punching him wasn't the best way to go about that," luke says still watching percy walk away.
"well you try being kicked on your ass fifteen times in a row," you snap shoving past grover. a little part of you is sorry for how you're treating them but honestly you're so sick of the way percy treats you.
the way he's kind and caring to everyone else but you. the way he always calls you names and groans whenever you're paired up. the way he rolls his eyes whenever you talk never bothering to listen.
it pisses you off how he's attentive to other campers, how he has the prettiest smile and looks amazing in that navy shir- woah woah woah what?
nope, you're not even going to think about that. about the crush you've had on him ever since he arrived at camp. you two had gotten along for the first few days and then, boom, he's hated you ever since.
you dont even know what you did to make him suddenly hate you. but deep down, you've always had a feeling that maybe he knows about your feelings - though you've never, ever, said anything about them - and they repulse him. so to cover that up you've gone right ahead and hated him - for the most part - back.
you slam the door shut of your cabin and flop onto your bed groaning loudly into your pillow. mostly out of annoyance a little out of actual pain. you slowly start to drift off then only realising you've fallen asleep when your sibling gently shakes you awake.
"y/n? its dinner time."
you groan softly and thank the girl for waking you before making your way to the mess hall laughing at the jokes your siblings are making, and feeling much calmer - and not violent.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
there are perks to living in a cabin all by yourself. percy found this out a few weeks after tyson had left - yes he misses tyson - but having a cabin to freely scream into a pillow, was pretty neat as well.
gods percy hated y/n sometimes.
she was the most annoying, know-it-all, shrill, person ever. like seriously how is she so talented at annoying him? its like a god given gift.
whipping his pillow back onto his bed percy sinks down onto the mattress feeling it dip with his weight. he hated how he reacted earlier.
did he seriously fucking punch you? did he actually punch a girl? anybody's mom would be disappointed in them if they found out their son punched a girl, but sally jackson? you'd have to come up with a whole new word for what she'd feel.
gods he was stupid.
he fucking punched a girl.
even worse he punched y/n.
the first thing he did then was pick up a discarded drachma and send an iris message to his mom.
when sally turned around to see percy, her face changed instantly from excited to be getting a call to worry.
"percy? whats wrong?"
"i fucked up mom."
"language," his mom scolded. "but how did you mess up?"
percy hesitated not wanting to tell his mom that he hit a girl. "i hurt y/n."
"y/n?" sally's eyes flash with surprise. over the years she'd heard of the infamous y/n. percy would always complain about her, or just talk about her. but no matter the time he'd always bring her up in a conversation - i mean sure most of the time he was whining about how she'd pissed him off, but he'd still talk about her.
"yeah, i- i don't know what to do."
sally's eyes soften, when she sees the way percy is distressed. "you could apologise?"
percy looks down and runs his hands through his hair. "i don't think she'd believe me, mom."
"it's always better to try, i'm sure even though she might not show it, y/n would appreciate it." she purses her lips trying to hide a smile as she thought of what to say next. "besides i thought we didn't like y/n."
percy's head snaps up and he shrugs. "we don't... not like her," he starts. "we- i- i just hated the way she fit into camp, when i first came here. she was like their perfect camper, she even went to the lenghts of being nice to me! but i just, ugh." percy sighs. "it was always so hard for me to see her being so comfortable with everyone, she's only been at camp for like three weeks more than me and she was already practically ruling the place!"
he stands up starting to pace the room as sally sits patiently listening to him. "and then i iced her out and started treating her like shit - i know, sorry about the swearing - and she started acting the same way towards me so there was no way i could just- uh." he runs his hands through his hair for like the millionth time. "i just messed up. and now whenever i talk to her i can practically feel her dislike towards me."
sally is quiet for a moment and when she does finally speak, she says something that percy didn't expect. "do you like her?"
"i- what?" his bewildered expression facing sally.
"do you like y/n?"
a frown crease percy's forehead, and just as he's about to answer the door to his cabin swings open and annabeth and luke storm inside.
"i'll leave you guys to it! love you percy, talk soon," sally smiles from behind percy and the iris message dissolves.
"you need to go apologise to y/n right now," annabeth huffs.
"hey! she hit me first!" percy defends.
"yes i know, luke and i have just given her this exact talk. so listen percy jackson, you, are going to grow a pair of balls and talk to y/n. no fucking name calling or bickering, just plain talking. and if you don't, i'm going to sneak in here in the middle of the night and cut your dick off."
luke clears his throat and places a hand on annabeth's shoulder pulling her back. "okay... annabeth, take a chill pill." he turns back to you. "but seriously jackson, annabeths right - minus the dick cutting and shit - talk to the girl."
sighing percy just looks up not bothering to even fight anymore.
"i'll take that dejected sigh as a hell yeah," annabeth smiles. "y/n will be waiting for you at the end of the dock after dinner - which by the way is right now."
without even giving him the chance to object annabeth - and luke, i guess - usher percy out of the cabin and to the mess hall, snickering behind him about how he's secretly in love with y/n.
'do you like y/n?' his mom's question flits into his mind.
does he?
maybe on some level he's had a crush on her since he came to camp.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
the water lapped at the edge of the dock posts.
you had been sitting here for five minutes - as per a very huffy and flustered annabeth's request - why you're sitting here? you actually don't know.
the moonlight shines down on the earth and you smile at the serenity of the moment. footsteps sound from behind you and you don't bother looking back - thinking its just annabeth coming to tell you why she wants you to wait here.
but the second his scent hits you, you tense up, his body radiating heat when he sits down next to you.
you turn to face him. "hey." you're both quiet for a moment. "annabeth set you up too?"
percy nods and chuckles, "gotta love when she meddles."
you shoot him a look. "when annabeth meddles, you know things are either going horribly wrong or horribly wrong."
percy laughs and you can't help but smile at how simple the moment is and that you're not arguing.
"i'm sorry."
"i'm so sorry."
you both freeze at your double apology and look at one another. a new tension settling over the both of you. not the fierce type when you're both angry at the other, but a new type, a gentler one.
resting your hand on the dock you look out to the water, tensing up when you feel a warm hand cover your own.
your buried feelings rise very close to the surface and you curiously look over to percy, to find him earnestly looking at you.
"y/n... im so fucking sorry about earlier."
"hey its not entirely your fault," you offer. "i mean i punched you first."
"no, thats not it, i mean yeah, i'm very sorry about this morning, but i'm also sorry for the last like four years. i treated you ike dog shit and i have no excuse for it."
your soft eyes nearly send percy over the edge of the dock. he was finally doing this, he was finally going to tell you the truth.
"when you came to camp a few weeks ahead of me, i was jealous at how fast you had managed to fit in, how quick everyone seemed to accept you. it made me angry and i started to resent you," you suck in a breath at percy's explanation. "i resented you for like three weeks tops, by the way, and when you started to treat me the same way i thought you hated me too. by the time i had found my place in camp and had finally started to relax, it was too late for me to just stop suddenly acting shit towards you." percy rushes out. "so i kept treating you that way, i called you names and started fights with you because having any of your focus on me - even if it was bad - was worth it. i hated you because you were practically perfect and i could see it in every way. i hated you most of all because i didn't hate you at all."
the air is sucked out from between you.
"w-what?" you whisper. "you don't hate me?"
"i don't hate you either!" you rush out suddenly needing him to know. you're like two seconds off floating off the earth, the warmth of his hand practically grounding you to the dock.
percy's heart swells, "you don't?" his voice is whisper soft.
percy seizing his chance, slides closer to you angling his head towards your in question as he stares at your mouth.
you catching on quickly, nodding to him, grinning internally at how this moment - one you've dreamed of for years is finally about to happen.
he presses a soft kiss to your mouth, his hands shooting to the sides of your face holding you as if you're the worlds most precious gem. fireworks explode low in your stomach as if to remind you that you're kissing percy jackson, you're kissing percy jackson!!
your hand makes its way to the back of his neck holding him there and pulling him impeccably closer. your heart rockets when you pull back for air and percy makes a whining noise.
you shuffle closer to him then, basking in his warmth. only now just noticing the small vines and flowers that have twisted their way onto the dock and curled around your ankles.
grinning percy turns back to you running a hand on the back of your head and pulling you back for another kiss.
somewhere in the back ground you can hear annabeth victory cheering and laughing with luke but you don't care. at this point nothing could tear you away from the boy who's kissing you, who's holding you with such reverence you'd think he was holding a priceless artifact.
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a/n: lol sorry this was so long (un-edited btw!! i stayed up wayyyy too late to even think about editing this lol)
© strawberries-and-summer-days please do not steal, use or repost my works.
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
One of my favourite little things about Apollo is how casual his and the Fates' relationship was.
Now, this isn't to understate how grave the Fates were in any way, as a matter of fact, it's written multiple times about the complex interplay between the Fates and Zeus (Stobaeus even wrote that the Fates were given the seat closest to Zeus' throne so he could better give counsel on all things from their machinations)
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Indeed, even Zeus was beholden to them and even though the Fates usually left things up to natural course (and Zeus in his position as Moiragetes - that is, the Leader of Fates could even intercede on these events, even interrupting when a someone was set to die) in a lot of ways, there are many, many things that even Zeus could never interfere with, things that were above even the King of the Heavens. Some really good examples are things like Persephone's Abduction which the Fates ruled as necessary for the propagation of the seasons and his marriages to Themis and Hera.
By all accounts really, the Fates were incredibly stern, incredibly grave deities who presided over law, order, birth and death and even worked with the Furies to punish those who broke the sacred laws!
And then you have Apollo who was also known by the title Moiragetes (In Delphi, there were only two Moirai depicted and in place of the third was Zeus and Apollo Moiragetes according to Pausanias) but who did things like, checks notes, send the Fates to be the midwives of his paramour Evadne when she had to deliver his son alone in secret (by the way, he also sent the actual goddess of childbirth to help. The Fates absolutely did not need to also be there, he was taking every precaution:
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and get the Fates drunk so they would agree to save his bestie Admetus' life:
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Keep in mind btw - this con Apollo pulled for Admetus was multi-layered and even included getting Heracles to wrestle Thanatos and keep him still so Apollo could proceed to help Admetus cheat Alcestis away from Fates when Admetus expressed regret for making his wife die in his place:
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And I cannot stress enough that Apollo faced zero consequences for this nonsense. NONE. The Fates weren't even cordial with other Gods - they're almost never referred to directly, they were often depicted apart from other deities or described as old, ugly and unable to walk (though, generally speaking they were artistically depicted as young maidens!) and apart from comforting Demeter by going to personally explain what happened to Persephone in some versions of the story, they didn't really get humanised the way most of the other gods or spirits did. Usually they're referred to euphemistically, or someone will speak distantly about a prophecy they once heard was designed by the Fates but Apollo? Apollo knew the Fates! He was good friends with the Fates! And I think it's even cooler when you consider that both instances of Apollo showing off his Fate's Favourite privilege have to deal with birth (of Iamus) and death (of Alcestis/Admetus) which were the two points most deeply associated with the Moirai and why there were usually depictions of them as a pair over that of a triad.
(Excerpts sourced from Theoi, Aeschylus' Eumenides, Pindar's Olympian 6 and Statius' Silvae; though just a note, one instance of the Fates' involvement with Apollo is misquoted on Theoi - that is the Fates being present for Apollo's birth, that's actually a misinterpretation of Evadne's birthing of Iamus.)
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pinksilvace · 8 months
Fern guides their mutuals and followers through Cats 1998 as if we're all sitting on the same couch watching it and I'm shouting out stuff: 3/?
shaking you by the shoulders it's about the SUBTEXT this is SUBTEXT you've got to trust me on this one I swear
7: Grizabella the Glamour Cat
OKAY OKAY OKAY NOW WE'RE COOKING!!! We're moving along with Plot #1 (Grizabella) and getting hints about Plot #2 (Macavity)!!! Wahoo!!!
Unfortunately, the beginning of this scene is cut off in the official clip, so I'm going to drag a few pics from this recording as well since it covers all the same bases:
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Starting off strong with a Psychic Moment (TM) so we know Something Big is coming
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Bombalurina always does this sort of haughty walk past/around Grizabella, since Bomba's 100% on Team Demeter and Grizabella (maybe) represents stuff that Demeter wants to detach herself from. I will say, this production is quite a bit more aggressive than 1998, but I like this portrayal a whole lot too!!!
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One of the big and obvious things to notice is how the kittens are physically protected from Grizabella (and moreso her past/what she represents). In 1998, this happens more in the form of the older cats pulling the kittens (Mistoffelees, Jemima, [who Skimble does physically restrain], Electra, Etcetera, and Victoria) away from Grizabella.
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Another kitten moment - Plato and Tumblebrutus convince Pouncival to scratch Grizabella (in this recording it's just Tumble convincing him) and are reprimanded by Munkustrap. This is definitely one of my favorite background moments.
First, it shows off a dynamic consistent throughout the show: everybody takes care of everybody. More specifically, there isn't a specific assignment of which adult takes care of which kitten or who is closer than whom, and however much I'll reference ships and siblings and whatnot throughout these posts, I can only think of one canonical relationship; the rest change production to production, even in replica performances. Hell, they change cast to cast. The one exception is that of Coricopat and Tantomile, who are almost undoubtedly siblings/twins. Even the thing going on between Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer is left vague. TLDR, I enjoy how everybody bears some amount of responsibility for the kittens in this community model.
Second, this is one of those parts that calls into question Plato's age. He's in the same nebulous area as Mistoffelees, Mungojerrie, and Rumpleteazer, where he primarily hangs out and has interactions with the kittens but spends more time on his own than most of them. This is where looking at the RCCL performace coincidentally comes in handy for this analysis; the interpretation of Plato's character in that one has him older and more responsible. I've seen versions wherein Plato essentially acts as a third protector, and that's a neat way for his character to progress! Anyway uhhh I like him and he's pretty :3
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THIS, THOUGH??? THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART. Demeter reaches out to Grizabella, gets skittish, and rushes off to seek comfort from Bombalurina.
SO. Obviously, with all of the lines she sings, Demeter is familiar with Grizabella - if not on a personal level, then at least at a level distinct from that of the rest of the tribe.
What gets me. What GETS ME. is that Demeter only acts strangely (and stands out in general) whenever events have to do with one of two cats: Grizabella and Macavity. Most fans I've come across elect to go with the theory that these relationships are connected, especially because Demeter appears to have some sort of trauma associated with each of them. Their appearances also affect the tone of the Jellicle Ball in relatively similar ways, the main difference being that fear of Macavity translates to disgust of Grizabella.
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Other folks have pointed out before that some stagings of this scene have Bombalurina (and sometimes Munkustrap) physically turning Demeter away from Grizabella, presumably for her own well-being.
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Somewhat similar to what I pointed up above, this number establishes one of the few gender norms recurring through this show: the female kittens are guarded/protected/turned away, but the male kittens are left comparatively unsupervised. Considering that the only male kittens are Pouncival, Tumblebrutus, and Plato, one could argue over whether this is a gender norm in this society or whether there are other reasons for this. For instance, it is possible that Plato's older age and taller stature grant him independence, or that Pouncival and Tumblebrutus don't have solid guardian figures in the tribe.
Personally, I think it's more likely the choreography was directed with the mentality that the female kittens have a greater need for protection - which, considering the implied content of Macavity, Grizabella, and Demeter's stories, might not actually be wrong in-context.
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So, it's obvious that Demeter wants to talk to/about Grizabella, even if she brings up apparently bad memories. She turns away from Bombalurina of her own volition. Whatever memories are stirred up, the badness of them likely does not have to do with Grizabella herself, lending credibility to the idea that she's connected with Macavity.
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Tottenham Court was, historically, somewhat of an entertainment district in a poorer area of London. Allegedly (as in, I've only seen this stated in Cats circles and don't have time for further research at the moment), it was also strongly associated with prostitution in Eliot's time. "The Rising Sun" and "The Friend at Hand" are local pubs.
Essentially, the lines Demeter sings imply that Grizabella was a cat of the streets that hung around seedy areas, and that she eventually became so wretched as a result that even humans wonder how she's still around.
Some earlier lines - those that Grizabella sings about her appearance - are from a different poem of Eliot's and are used to describe a prostitute.
All in all, one interpretation of all of this is that Grizabella fell from grace by being "in kahoots" with Macavity. At this point in the show, the other Jellicles don't chase her off, but she is clearly not welcome.
I'll talk more about Demeter's deal in the Macavity section.
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Electra loving Munk moment :3
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How/whn did it go from “Demeter is the mom Quasi never had” to “Deme and Munk are the parents he never had”? How did his relationship with Munkustrap develop, and how did Demeter react to it? Was she surprised, or did she almost expect it to happen?
ohhhhhh this is SUCH an important point in their relationship and i cry when i think about this, because it's honestly just all about respecting boundaries and reconciliation and I'M SOBBING OVER THEM
so understandably, Quasi is not the... most relaxed around Munkustrap. Even though they've cleared the air and each apologized, there's still that little bit of unease between them.
(for those who don't know or forgot, Munkustrap is the one who gave Quasi his scar across his nose due to the fact that Macavity sent Quasi to attack the Deuteronomy brothers, and Munkustrap got startled by this little slip of a kitten trying to go up against him and Tugger)
being so close with Demeter actually really helps Quasi to see Munkustrap in a new light, and watching Quasi interact with Jemima does the same for Munkustrap.
Additionally, seeing how quickly @rainbowratsstuff's Quill attaches to Munkustrap also helps Quasi to become more relaxed around the Protector.
Demeter completely understands Quasi's hesitance around Munkustrap, as much as it breaks her heart, and wants both her boys to be comfortable. She doesn't force Quasi to interact with Munkustrap, but might suggest he come and sit with her while Munkustrap is teaching Jemima, Quill, and surprisingly enough, Jitterbug, a new dance in their den.
Those little moments, with Quasi cuddling up to Demeter, watching Munkustrap interact with the trio of kitten queens, all tucked away and safe in the den, is really what made both Quasi and Munkustrap feel comfortable.
the real breakthrough isn't until Quasi is woken up by the worst nightmare he's had in months, plagued by thoughts of Macavity killing the ones he loves and coming after him. He jolts upright from the cuddle pile with his sisters, and staggers outside, heaving deep breaths as he tries not to start sobbing.
Munkustrap hears him wake up, and follows him out. He sees Quasi, always so tough and happy, completely break down, looking so much like the kitten he never got to be, and he can't resist. He sits himself down next to Quasi, and pulls him into a hug. He doesn't make him talk about the nightmare, doesn't make him talk at all, just holds him.
That's when their relationship takes the most positive shift.
Quasi actively searches out Munkustrap when he's not having the best day, even if Demeter's around as well.
Munkustrap saying "that's my boy" when Quasi excitedly learns a new dance step that Plato's teaching the toms.
Quasi accompanying Munkustrap on patrols every so often, something he only sees Alonzo and Tumblebrutus doing, and hiding his joyful smile.
The real kicker is during the next Macavity attack, when Fang tries to go after Quasi, and Quasi's trying to protect his sisters. Munkustrap steps between them, eyes absolutely blazing as he stares down Fang and tells him, in the angriest, most vicious snarl, to stay away from his kittens.
Demeter knew it would only be a matter of time before her two boys connected, but she also knew it would have to be at their own pace.
So when Quasi quietly calls them Mom and Dad the next morning after waking up in a family cuddle pile, tucking himself up against Munkustrap as the sun rises over the Junkyard, Munkustrap and Demeter can only exchange the biggest, brightest of smiles over their boy's head.
(@afairytalestray more Quasi lore and soft Demestrap parents 😌)
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 38 (SPOILERS)
"The plague spread." These are not promising starting words.
"Strangely enough, Damien White got sick right after he learned that Chiara was sick. The two had cots next to each other in the infirmary . . . even though they kept sniping at each other whenever they knew they were being watched." OTP OTP OTP
"recruiting whales and hippocampi to help him haul away the Colossus." How're they gonna get rid of the oil? Would the seashells and sand dollars that Percy used that the Triple G Ranch and in the Manhattan rivers work in this scenario?
"his own weathered, bearded mien." MIEN (n.): a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood
"The canoe dock could be rebuilt." And guess who's gonna be rushing to be the first to use it? None other than our best worst Canoe Duo!
"The Colossus's footstep craters could be repurposed as convenient foxholes or koi ponds." I really like the koi pond idea.
"The only major damage was to the Demeter cabin . . . the Colossus had managed to step on it before turning around" I'll bet that was on purpose. What if Nero goes after Miranda and Billie and any of Meg's other half-siblings as a warning to her?
Oh wait, is Apollo going to get slapped in the face by the Styx for using the plague arrow on the Colossus? Ah, the Styx's slaps are relatively gentle, anyway.
"At the moment, I did not want to be Apollo. All the destruction I saw below me... it was my fault." You know, this is one of the few times when the protagonist wallows over a disaster or conflict being their fault and I actually agree somewhat. The villain being his distant descendant, he's responsible for them to a degree and his neglect of his duties as a god allowed them to grow their power. Most of the Oracles being lost is his fault, but I am hesitant to blame the loss of Delphi on him considering the lockdown state of Olympus and split personality going on when Python took it over. Lots of this is his fault, though.
"What I needed to do was to find her. I wondered if Meg had phrased her order that way on purpose, or if that was just wishful thinking on my part." 100% wishful thinking. There was too much going on at that time for Meg to think that much about her phrasing and even if she did, if she wanted to be found, she wouldn't have run away to begin with.
"I should leave Camp Half-Blood immediately, before the campers woke." Don't do that. That is unwise. Athena would never recommend that. Don't pull a Nico and suddenly disappear when no one is looking.
"I wanted to flirt with Chiara and steal her away from Damien... or perhaps steal Damien away from Chiara, I wasn't sure yet." Please do not.
"Because I was a coward, I waited too long." Same.
"Lord Apollo." I love how Rachel still calls him Lord Apollo when he clearly looks like Lester Papadopoulos.
"The Arrow of Dodona just gives random advice." Yeah, where did that arrow come from? I'm willing to bet it's just something that exists in Greek mythology with no further explanation. It talks and gives sage advice simply because it does. No further context.
"'I appreciate the offer of assistance, but--' 'Whoa.' Percy held up his hands." He's drawing a CLEAR line. No taking chances that he might end up going unwillingly on a quest again. "'I'll go,' Rachel said. I shook my head." Aw, I wanted to see The Wacky Misadventures of Rachel the Prophecyless Oracle and Apollo the Powerless Sun God. It'd be so interesting to see a mortal go on a quest normally intended for demigods!
"I've lost too many people to bad influence . . . We almost lost Nico, too..." Bullshit. Nico never once blinked in the general direction of Kronos's army.
"I didn't want to speak the words." No, not the limerick! "A limerick?" "I know! . . . I'm doomed!" No, not the limerick!
"Percy slapped his knee. 'There you go. Happiness approaches. Happy is a name'" I get that Percy knows Festus, but how does he know that he's a three-seater? He's only seen Festus in his dragon form when he picked up Gaea. I guess it's unreasonable to assume the Lost Trio never bragged about their own quest.
Where did Leo get all that Celestial bronze to rebuild Festus's body? They had a hard enough time getting enough bronze to repair the ship that one time with Echo and Narcissus.
Anyway, HAPPINESS APPROACHES. I never thought to link that to Festus!
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- OOP Dracula pulled another “disguise myself in the skin of the people I killed”
- also idk why he was hitting me now but he let Mina go. What is she doing now? How is she? I hope she’s ok!
- oh wait he didn’t lol Agatha was just worried (as she should be)
- but also why does she reveal all her plans to him, like what’s the point in that? It seems a bit counterintuitive — that’s like my only note on her character at this point.
- I really don’t like what they did with Adisa (the valet/servant that was in love with Ruthven). Like they play him up to be a super smart character, but he decides to leave the sea bear circle (yes that is what I’m calling it) because he wants to “be his own person” and “not fall to superstition”. Like even the most skeptical person would see that it was working and realize it’s smarter to not mess with that. I realize that he just lost the love of his life and he’s not thinking clearly but PLEASE give him more credit than that. I think if Dracula had baited him with “he’s still alive/he’ll be a vampire soon” or if Adisa had just said “I have nothing left to lose I’d rather die” then I could see it. Perhaps the second thing was implied, but it could have been stated more clearly. I just feel like it’s a disservice to his character to write him like that and feels icky. But maybe thats me?
-does everyone think they can take on dracula now???? Why are they all attacking him?
- BURN BABY BURN lollllll get wrecked dracula! So glad…wait why are there still 15 minutes left???
- if she’s so concerned about dracula healing from his wounds why wouldn’t they just throw out the box with the dirt on it? Or am I missing something?
- she honestly looks pretty good for becoming a vampire, but I guess he wasn’t doing it as fast as he was with Jonathan (why do they always have to show the bloody fingernail peeling though I really don’t like that).
- yeah sinking the Demeter is their best option but I just know Dracula isn’t going to let them get away with it.
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sunniskyies · 8 months
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𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 || 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: - 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You, a child of Demeter, have powers that unfortunately go out of control whenever emotions are involved. And don’t think Percy doesn’t notice !! 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: book!Percy Jackson  x Demeter!fem!reader 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Bad grammar today 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: Fluff with a dash of fluff 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.2k 𝐀/𝐍: I’m back at it again !! This was supposed to be a blurb, but ofc I got carried away. Pffsh
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You're sitting on the edge of the lake, your fingers aimlessly running through the water. The gentle breeze plays with your hair, sending strands dancing over your face.
Under the water, you're manipulating native algae to creep over the pebbles. As the child of Demeter -and a head councillor no less- it's your responsibility to keep the plants at camp in good health. And even though you're off-duty right now, you find yourself tending to them.
You almost don't notice when someone approaches you from behind.
"Hey there, Petals," a familiar voice says.
You whip around to see Percy's sun-kissed face grinning at you. Your heart flutters at the sight.
"Hey Perce," you try to say, but it comes out more like a squeak. This just makes Percy's smirk widen.
Gaze suddenly averted from yours, Percy's eyebrows raise in surprise. You turn back to the lake to see what he's looking at. Heat rushes to your cheeks when you realise that around your fingers, half a dozen water lily buds have sprouted in the water.
You quickly pull your hand out, hoping that Percy isn't thinking about what a loser you are. You're used to your powers manifesting unexpectedly, but gods it's embarrassing when it calls you out in front of people.
You can't bring yourself to look at him, eyes averted even when he sits down right next to you. You busy yourself by clearing the lilies, causing them to brown and wither beneath your touch.
"Stop that, they look lovely," Percy interjects, quickly snatching the last remaining bud from your murderous grasp. He holds it delicately, stripping the leaf from the long stem.
You're still avoiding him, face flushed pink. So Percy rests a fingertip beneath your chin and turns you himself. His hands are tough and calloused from years of sword fighting, but he feels warm and gentle when he touches you.
With a lopsided smile, he slips the bud behind your ear. His fingers brush your temple on the way, and to your absolute horror, the bud blooms into a full white lotus.
"Oh my gods," you groan, burying your red face in your arms. You hear Percy laugh, a gentle thing that sounds like a breath of wind.
You're pretty sure everybody at Camp knows you have a massive crush on the black-haired boy. Unfortunately for you, unlike other girls, you don't have the luxury of hiding your feelings. You have little to no grasp on what your magic chooses to do when exposed to your stupid feelings. Especially not when Percy Jackson is involved.
You must be the most pitiful camp councillor Camp Half-Blood has ever seen.
"Hey, don't be embarrassed," he murmurs, his voice now so, so close to your ear. "It's just a flower."
You peek up at him, hoping your pupils aren't too dilated. "Yeah, and magic that blossoms every time I do anything," you mumble. Percy gives you the sweetest, most understanding smile known to man. You can't believe he hasn't run away in repulsion yet.
"I think it's cute," he laughs affectionately.
Your mind flashes back to a few weeks ago. You and a large group of campers were sparring on the large grass field. When Percy stepped forward for his turn and you were met face-to-face, the shorn grass around your feet sprung up into long, grassy seed heads. The entire field had turned into a paddock in seconds, so tall it obscured your mortified expression. But while the rest of the campers were laughing mercilessly, Percy's intent gaze through the grass-heads was soft and considerate.
Your breath catches at the identical look in his eyes now, deep and green and all-encompassing. He drops it for a second, looking down to gently grasp one of your hands. He looks at it for a moment, soft curiosity etched on his face as he traces circles onto your palm and wrist.
In the wake of his finger's touch, blossom petals sprout up from your skin. He smiles at the reaction.
"It's true then?" He hums, syrupy eyes meeting yours as he presses a soft kiss to your knuckles. You know that vines have started growing throughout your hair, petals and leaves adorning your locks until your hair resembles that of a willow tree's canopy.
"Is it?" He murmurs when you fail to answer, spare hand reaching up to brush a curtain of willow leaves from your face. Hesitant doe eyes look back at him.
You still don't respond, words stuck like sap in your throat. Percy lets out another breathy laugh.
"You do know that you're not the only one with uncontrollable powers, right?" He grins. Then his hand is back on your face, this time cupping your cheek. He gently turns you head to stare out at the lake.
Where the water was calm and still minutes earlier, the lake's edge now laps eagerly at both of your feet. Above you, a storm has rolled in. Soft droplets have begun to speckle your skin, and you realise with caught breath that they feel like warm kisses.
You look back at him, his gaze having never left you. "Is this you?" You breathe.
Percy shrugs nonchalantly. "Yes and no. I can't really help it," he grins sheepishly. "Water tends to respond to me, whether I want it to or not."
You can't help but laugh, your worries and embarrassment melting. That sure sounds familiar.
The rain continues to fall, surrounding the two of you in a gentle mist before growing into a steady patter. The storm's growth is mimicked in his eyes, unidentifiable emotions swelling in the green depths.
Percy leans closer, his lips now just a breath away from yours. "You know," he says, his voice barely above a whisper, "I think our powers are trying to tell us something."
Your heart pounds in your chest as you meet his gaze. The vines in your hair grow longer, rooting you in place and winding tendrils around the places where Percy holds you. He doesn't pull away though, instead putting his other hand around your neck and letting the foliage tie you to him.
He doesn't look at this curse like others do, instead leaning into it with fascination. At this moment, you realise that maybe your powers aren't a curse after all. They're a part of who you are, just like the water that bends to Percy's touch.
Your heart is pounding in your chest, and you wonder if Percy can feel it through the vines that tether you together. You comforted by the knowledge that Percy’s heart must be doing the same thing anyway, as the lake is far from quiet now, the waves rolling in strong and fast. You’re both surrounded by the churning water, but you can't tear your eyes away from each other. You finally distinguish the emotion in his eyes, as you recognize the hunger in yourself as well.
Unable to wait any longer, Percy finally closes the distance between you, his lips meeting yours gently but so eagerly. His thumb drowsily pulls at your lips, teasing your mouth open. You lean into his attention for once, hands curling around his dark hair.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he murmurs against you, barely pausing before kissing you again.
You remained locked in a tight embrace for only the Gods to see, your bodies drenched and overgrown. And around you in the passionate water, hundreds upon hundreds of water lilies have sprouted.
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© sunniskyies 2024, do not repost or translate my work
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godsofhumanity · 3 years
Demeter 30 day HCs
- apparently demeter was not just an agriculture goddess, she was also worshipped as a mother goddess, a CHTHONIC (underworld) goddess and (possibly) an earth goddess as well. Apparently she was also conflated with rhea and gaia, and could have similar origins with other mother goddess from other civilisations like cybele from ancient anatolia. Demeter was huge yall
- apparently apart from some other myths, demeter only gets REALLY upset when 1. persephone gets kidnapped (we all know she let all agriculture die) and 2. poseidon rapes demeter (apparently she was called demeter enriyes, or raging demeter, and had to go through cool stuff to purify herself). And even during the time when she was tired and distraught looking for persephone, she even had the heart to help people like demophon (whom she nearly made immortal) and triptolemus (whom she first taught the art of agriculture and told him to teach everybody) as reward for their father for showing her hospitality. So i think demeter was mostly a very chill, kind goddess, who is more inclined to help you than hurt you, and who will only get VERY angry and upset when faced with severe loss and heartbreak.
- ofc im going to talk about persephone. Ok so it seems to be that demeter and persephone were IMPORTANT AS HECK and were often worshipped together. It seems to be that demeter was worshipped as the mother, bringer of life, etc, and persephone as the daughter, bringer of death and destruction. And the whole process of her kidnapping, the search and her ascent from the underworld symbolised the eternal cycle of life, death and rebirth. Apparently worship of demeter (and persephone) was related to obtaining a better afterlife for yourself. What i am trying to say is that to me, it makes little sense to characterise demeter as "bah mean helicopter mum" like what vans said in the tags of the original 30 day HC prompt. When you do the research (i mean i barely did anything but still), it feels that hades' abduction of persephone and her becoming queen of the underworld was inevitable, and demeter was just playing the role of an antithesis (like an opposing concept) if you get what i mean. Ofc myths reflect reality and humanity but i just find it so interesting that abstract but very real concepts of life, death, rebirth, and agriculture could be interpreted so vividly
- anyway getting back to the HCs, i really can't quite imagine what demeter would look like. After all the history surrounding the myths and all the folklore about her, i really can't picture her other than a vague concept of "benevolent but ultimately unknowable all-powerful mother goddess of agriculture, life and fertility". Wow thats a mouthful. What a concept. No wonder she had so many interpretations and no wonder so many of her cults are mystery cults (meaning only the initiated get to see and experience what goes on in the cults)
- also btw demeter's sacred flower is the (opium) poppy. And bcos demeter was worshipped in very prominent, very important mystery cults that were OLD AS HECK and lasted A LONG ASS TIME, some scholars believe that the lasting power of the mysteries/cults came from PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS. Make of that what you will. Imagine demeter getting high LMAO. Although maybe thats part of the reason why the eleunisian mystery cult believed that worshipping demeter and persephone would help them gain a better afterlife. Bcos they were using the drugs to conjure/see the afterlife. Wow it's so interesting and intense
Anyway i think I'm done. Honestly youtube channel OSP (who did a video on hades and persephone which covers some stuff i mentioned in my post, i love OSP so much i have learnt so much from them) influenced me significantly in the sense that i honestly think that the history/folklore/context surrounding the myths is a lot more interesting than the myths themselves. Like from one story, the society it was in and the history of the society, we can analyse and glean so much info from it. It blows my mind. This is true civilisation yall. Truth is stranger (and more interesting) than fiction.
Anyway sorry for boring yall with this post thats not really about HCs at all LOL. Its literally just history and comparative mythology LMAO im sorry
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Twilight Characters as Gods:
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Tag: @vampirism-and-slashers @oceansrose2002 @simpfordemetri @iloveslasher
Alice is Hekate. Now I may be a little biased because Hekate is my matron deity, but I think Alice suits her well. Hekate is the goddess of good and evil, associated commonly with the moon. But what most people don't know is she is also the goddess of clairvoyance. Also had her "third eye" long before she was gifted with immortality. At first, her visions were quite distressing, but she grew used to them. Learned how to use them. I would say we are all very lucky Aro was unable to convince her to join the Volturi. Currently, Alice uses the gift to prevent evil, but she could just as easily use it to commit unspeakable atrocities. Aro knows this, which is why he's so despite having her. Alice's aloof and bubbly nature is because she is a child of the night. She plays amongst the ghosts like Hekate intended.
Rosalie is probably the easiest, I believe she would be Aphrodite. It should be obvious why I chose her, Aphrodite is the goddess of sexual life and beauty. Even before she became a vampire, Rosalie was one of the prettiest women in town. She took pride in her looks and how she presented herself in public. But it wasn't cockiness, or arrogance, simply confidence. But with love, sometimes follows lust. And her first husband had a ravenous one. Rose feels as though love and fertility were taken from her, withheld as some sort of punishment for her actions. She doesn't hate her father for turning her, but she longs to go back to how she once was. Aphrodite was known to share her love, she believes strongly in the power of loving yourself before lusting for anyone else. In the scene where Rose helps Bella get ready for her wedding, you can really see it. She wants Bella to have what she couldn't, and doing this makes her happy in return.
Esme is Hera. Hera is the goddess of Marriage, women and family. She is also the protector of women and childbirth. Esme's first marriage was arranged, it was something she had to do out of obligation and not love. He was abusive and she was forced to bear his child. But Esme attempted to make the best of it and fled, wishing to give her child the best chance at life. But ignorantly, just a few days after she gave birth, her baby died. Prone to depression, Esme wished to end her life, but Carlise offered her a better one. She is like Hera because she believes in the illusion of choice, marriage and family are sacred to her. In the end, she still became a mother. I believe that is why she was so happy when Bella fell pregnant because she knew that choice was taken away from her other daughter, Rosalie. She is an amazing mother and an even better grandmother.
Bella would be Soteria. Soteria is the goddess of spirit, safety, salvation and prevention from harm. Although Bella herself does not execute caution, she affords that luxury to the people around her. One of the first things we hear Bella say in the film is. "Surly it was a great way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I love." Bella is a fierce protector of friends and family. And her powers are a literal manifestation of that. She is a shield. But more than physically, she makes people feel safe. Soteria has a sanctuary, a place where no harm can be done. Bella is Edward's sanctuary, she holds all the strings of his heart and keeps them locked safely away from harm, from himself. No matter how many times he tries to claim he's not good enough for her, she pulls him back in further.
Sue would be Demeter. Sue Clearwater owns my bloody heart. Demeter is the goddess of agriculture and fertility. The Clearwaters are part of a Native American tribe. The land is very sacred in most of these cultures. It makes sense that she would reside over the land on the reservation. As a mother, fertility was vital for part of her experience. She gave birth to two children, and she loves them with everything she has. But giving birth wasn't what made Sue a mother, I believe even if her womb was barren, she still would have found a way to have kids. She is amazing at motherhood, and I think she, as well as Esme, are better role models for Bella than Renee ever was. The thing about Demeter is that Her children always come first. She neglected her duties as a goddess when her daughter went missing. She is the reason we have such harsh winters because she is not complete without her children at her side. Sue is much the same way.
Demon spawn would be the goddess Mnemosyne. Mnemosyne is the goddess of memories. We all know Renesmee's special power. Mnemosyne was also a goddess of inspiration. She is the mother of the muses, one of the most reverential creative groups in all of history. Renesmee connects with her father through their music. She's different with him than she is with anyone else, their communication style going deeper than most. Mnemosyne was in charge of the river Lethe,, a river of forgetfulness. Those who passed would drink from it so that they would not remember their past lives. Transversely, some drank from the river Mnenmosye in order to stop their souls from transmigrating. Renesmee can use her powers similarly, to bring fond memories or take those that would leave a scar.
Edward would be Anteros. What can I say, I'm not the biggest fan of Edwerido over here. I think he would be Anteros because he is the god of requited love. Edwards's whole storyline is about how lonely and miserable he is before Bella. Carlise even tried to give him a mate because he couldn't stand to see his adopted son hurting so much. Anteros hated those who scorned love. Edward had to live for so long seeing all of his siblings find their mates, but not finding his until Forks. Instead of living his life before his soulmate came along, he wasted it away moping and being sorrowful. And when he finally meets his mate, he doesn't even think it's true. He doesn't believe she could love him and in the process, he tries to push her away. Edward feared love because he never believed he deserved it until Bella showed him how. I think of Edward as a sort of incubus, but instead of feeding on sexual desire, he thrives in a loving environment.
Emmet reminds me of Orion. Orion is the lesser-known son of Poseidon and Euryale. Orion's special ability is to walk on water. Now I know this trait isn't specified to Ememt, as he does not have any special abilities. But I find it rather interesting that vampires could just walk at the bottom of a lake or a river if they wanted to. Orion was also a well-known hunter. Emmet is the type of man who would want to provide for his family. He's also the first in line when it comes to protecting the people he loves. He has the spirit of Orion in him, with a touch of his arrogance too. But at least it's charming on Emmet. Orion was a hero and had a constellation named after him. Similarly, Emmet is popular around humans, and very difficult to forget.
Now you might expect me to say my boy Asclepius, but I actually believe Helios is a better fit for Carlise. Helios is the personification of the sun. Not be confused with Apollo, who governs the sun. Helios appearance is typical angelic in nature, being surrounded by a halo of light everywhere he goes. He was known to take oaths and promises very seriously, thinking them to be sacred. Helios has a hatred for those who spill innocent blood, and a thirst for venagnce. But this is the one point where he and Carlsie differ. While helios would choose to make those who wrong him suffer a terrible fate, Carlise shows mercy. I mean he started the whole "vegetarian" diet thing just so he wouldn't shed mortal blood. Because he, like Helios, views human life as sacred. The old Carlise, back with the Vultori would have been much closer to his godly counterpart. I believe that's was Aro finds so fascinating about him. His moral compass wonders, but never too far.
Jasper would be Pelios. Pelios isn't a very well-known diety, and neither are his parents, but I think that suits Jasper. He's not the biggest fan of attention, always attempting to blend in the best he can. Pelios was not originally a fan of his ability, thinking it more of a curse than a gift. Something Jasper felt when he was with Maria. With the ability to control emotions, came the burden of bearing them. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Of course, through the years, Jasper learns to control it better, but the pain of the bad emotions doesn't get any easier. Pelios was made so that he does not have emotions of his own, forever forced to choose between feeling or not. Jasper, like Pelios would always choose to lessen the burden on someone else if it meant they could be happy.
Charlie, the absolute best boy, would be Virtus. Virtus is the god of bravery and military strength. Charlie is the only cop I like because I believe he would walk out the second any of his coworkers step out of line and abuse their power. He's in it for all the right reasons, he wants to keep his town safe, and his child safe. Unlike her lame excuse for a mother, Charlie would do anything for his child. Virtus was never seen in life without a male companion, and despite the relationship being platonic, Charlie and Billy are soulmates. Charlie is the only human in the town allowed to know the secrets of this world, and he faces them without fear. Charlie would fist fight a vampire, you can't tell me otherwise. He'd go all "Salem witch trials" on them and burn them at the stake in the middle of the town if it meant keeping Forks safe.
The love of my life would be sweet little Fenrir. Fenrir is the offspring of Loki and a giantess. He is a large and menacing wolf. Similar to how Fenrir was forced to be caged, for the gods feared his strength, Billy too is caged. In the more literal sense, by his wheelchair. Many people think wheelchairs are "giving up" and take pity on those of us who use them. But this wheelchair is actually what gives him his freedom. But he's still trapped within the limitations of where his chair can take him. Metaphorically, Billy does not possess the wolf curse, though he did pass it on to his son. His wolf has been tamed like they did to Fenrir. Billy is already extremely powerful, as his knowledge and the sincerity of his heart make him dangerous. A man like him is willing to do whatever it takes to protect those he loves, which is why I think he wasn't given the ability to shapeshift. He doesn't need it.
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healpeony · 3 years
Love Story
Levi Ackerman x reader
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; Levi's and Y/n love isn't accepted by many specially Y/n's parents, an Eldian and a Marleyan? a great represention of Persephone's and Hades love.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; profanity, angst, scene of smut (not explicitly described), violence, blood, being called whore (by her mother), homophobia (also used by her mother), spoilers.
Taglist; @icedkoffees
Note; she/her pronouns used for the reader as well as female anatomy. Also I'm using what Isayama said about how Levi would act shy around his crush and him being uncomfortable with sexual intercourse. And I also want to add that I don't know much about what happens when the Marleyans invaded Paradise, and I also added my own thing to help with my plot so this could be call a cannonverse!au.
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PERSEPHONE a young women who's innocence was taken from her the moment she was kidnapped by her uncle, who fell in love with her. Despite her mother's (Demeter) attempts to fully get her back right away from the hands of her brother, it was too late that wasn't going to happened not after Hades persuaded Persephone to eat four seeds of pomegranate, which forced someone to have a connection with their captor, making them come back to them.
Each spring time Persephone would be living with her mother on earth, while in winter she was with Hades in the underworld.
Levi was the Persephone to Y/n's Hades, she being the one who used him and their love for each other was the pomegranate making Levi come back to her.
It's ironic how their love story started with y/n getting taken away from Marley, a place she called home.
Even though she wasn't necessarily kidnaped, she was sent away to accomplish a mission in a place called Paradise, she found it ridiculous how it was named that way when that land was full of devils.
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Y/n was shipped to Paradise along with the warriors. She was going to infiltrate into the Survey Corps where she would hopefully sabotage every expedition without getting caught.
Her mission was to make sure none of the warriors get too cozy in the foreign place, and to focus on their mission, but it was impossible to do so when all the people who were described as devils, were actually just like them. Humans.
She was older than those kids being 22 when they were still 15, y/n loved them, they were like little siblings to her and it hurt when they lost Marcel, the jaw.
"Oi brat! Stay focused" the voice of her captain took her out of her train of thoughts
Captain Levi, he was called humanity strongest and was also what everyone called their only hope. At first Y/n didn't understood why he needed such a big tittle, but after being in his squad and witnessing him showing his skills and his hatred towards titans, she got why.
"I'm sorry captain" she saluted, which was dismissed by him
"You called what you did back in the kitchen, cleaning?" he asked pointing towards the place he just mentioned "There is dust everywhere, go and clean everything again, I don't want to see any dust in there again. That's where our food is made, you idiot"
Without another word he left, and when she felt like he was out of earshot, she kicked a chair, breaking it. He might be Humanities strongest, but he was soo irritating, so obsessed with cleaning. That's what they always did for the most part of their time.
"there is dust everywhere my ass" she mocked Levi's voice while looking around the kitchen she just finished cleaning minutes ago
She had made sure everything was left without a spot of dust, how in the world did Levi saw dust anywhere.
After she had cleaned the kitchen area, Levi had send her to clean the stables which took a lot of time since he told her to clean alone. It was already sun down when she had finished.
She was exhausted, her clothes were pooled with sweat and glued to her skin making her uncomfortable, she really needed a shower.
"Go take a shower" the sudden voice of the raven man scare the hell out of her
"Fuck Captain!" y/n yelled, putting a hand on her chest as if that would calm her speeding heart beat
"Go now, and then come to eat dinner with us" he continued, the blank stare he gave her when they made eye contact given her chills
"Yes, sir" she saluted, before leaving
The mess hall was well a mess, the cadets eat like animals. The same soup and bread they always eat, Y/n found it extremely annoying how the Military Police get all the meat when the Survey Corps were the ones doing the only brave work inside the walls.
"Y/n if you're not going to eat your soup can I have it?" Sasha asked
Oh, how much she wanted to say no, but she had a reputation to hold and she didn't want the soup anyway.
Y/n faked a smile, (one that everyone thought that was genuine) before saying "of course, Sasha" passing the bowl full of hot soup to the girl
Y/n felt how eyes were burning through her skull and turned her head to look down the table, just to see Captain Levi staring at her with a suspicious look in his eyes.
Oh shit, if he in some way found out about who she really was, she was fucked. The young women tried her best to stay seated, but her nerves didn't let her making her stand up.
"I'm exhausted, I think I'm going to sleep"
It wasn't a lie she was tired from all the cleaning, but she didn't want to sleep, she just needed to desperately get out of there.
When she was finally outside, y/n leaned against the wall, sliding down while taking a deep breath.
"You know, it isn't good to fake smile to your friends"
Y/n immediately turn around at the sudden voice of her captain, he did it again, he scared the living shit out of her.
"Captain!, Stop doing that!" her face felt warmer than usual for some reason
Was she blushing?
"Why did you do it? Are you sad?" Levi asked putting down a handkerchief on the ground before sitting next to her, looking over at her examinating her face
"Oh it's just stress" Y/n replied, praying that he would just believe her
"I see.." he turned towards the sky where the moon shined brightly along with the stars
What Y/n thought that would be a awkward silence, turned into a comfortable one. They just stared at the sky above them, it remind Y/n that she had a family waiting for her outside the walls and she was not going to disappoint them by getting comfy with the captain, even though she didn't know what his intentions were.
"I'm going to take a nap" she stood up, and called over her shoulder "Have a good night, captain" before proceeding to walk towards her room
"Good night, cadet..."
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Y/n didn't know when it happened, was it when they continued sitting together and looking at the sky in complete silence, or was it when in some of those same nights they spoke more and more about each other's personal life (in none of those conversations she mentioned Marley, but still talked about her family). She didn't remember how her feelings for him changed, but they did.
Right now she was there, in the same spot on the wall with Levi next to her. They were even in first name basics with each other.
The raven man cleared his throat catching her attention, turning her head to the side to look at him she noticed how he was blushing.
"I.. I think is pretty obvious what I feel for— about you by now"
A surprised noice escaped Y/n mouth, she expected to have that talk with him some day, but not today or Levi being so straight forward with the subject.
The women could only nod, her brain still processing what he just said.
"I was wondering, if you felt the same.." his voice dropped to a whisper, while he looked down
"No" she shaked her head, making Levi looked up at her eyes widened with embarrassment at the rejection "Look, Levi.. it's just that I have done terrible things that you're not aware of. You don't want to be with me"
"Then tell me what terrible things you have done and let me be with you after your done" Levi said
"No, Levi you don't understand" tears pooled in her eyes, y/n didn't even remember the last time she had cry "I can't be with you"
"Why? Is it because of the terrible things you have done? Well guess what everybody has their own flaws, everybody in this world is an angel, at least until they get tired of the cruelty in it and let the demons take over" Levi grabbed her face between his hands, wiping the falling tears from her face "I want to be with you, wether you have let your demons take over or not"
Y/n felt the man lean in to place his lips to hers, they stayed pressed together without movement, before Levi pull away and kissed her again this time letting his emotions be known through the kiss.
Passion. Love. Care.
This is a moment in her life she would never forget not even when hers and the warriors mission is over.
Retaking of wall Maria
"I let you. I fucking let you in!"
Levi stood infront of her heartbroken, she told him, now he knew everything..
"Levi-" however she wasn't able to continue speaking since she received a kick right in the face making her fall on her side
She looked at Levi surprised, he had kicked her. Y/n knew she deserved, but it still hurt to have someone you loved hit you.
"You lied about everything didn't you? For what, to get information?" his voice was cracking slightly with each word he said "Was it necessary to use me for your stupid plans?"
"I didn't use you!, What I felt for you was real" y/n said defending her feelings
"I don't even know what is real about you anymore, is Y/n actually your name? Or is it just another lie?"
"It is my name.." she weakly murmured tasting blood in her tongue, she figured that her lip might have been split open from the impact
"Oh good to know"
Sarcasm tried to cover his hurt voice, which actually didn't work, since Y/n could clearly hear his shaky breath and it made her feel soo guilty.
"I hate you"
Those three little words were enough to make her world come crashing down, he hated her. Of course he did, it hurt so much but she had seen this coming, and she still didn't felt ready for it.
"I'm sorry, Levi"
That was all she said to him, before she was grabbed by a titan being controlled by Zeke, taking her away from the place where she meet someone who meant so much to her.
One thing that she was sure of was that
She will never forget Levi Ackerman.
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Screams, that was what was heard everywhere. Kids either with their parents or alone were running desperately trying to find shelter, and that broke Y/n's heart.
She was tired of all the fighting, she was tired of pretending to be stronger than she felt. For once she just wanted peace and happiness, something that she didn't quite have the past four years.
How did they got here? That was one of the many questions going through her head, but one that she paid more attention to was the most important
Was he here too?
"There you are, piece of shit."
That voice, it was him. It might have changed, but she could recognize it everywhere, the same voice who used to startle her everytime they saw each other, the voice that bought her comfort, the voice of the man she fell in love with.
It was Levi.
Slowly she proceeded to turn around, the fear for what might happen next running through her veins. She was ready to be killed by him.
Finally she look up and saw the same man she fell in love with, the only change that she saw was the uniform, apart from that he still seem like he had the same height as before and from the look on his face he still had the same temper.
"Nice uniform, I like it" she told him quietly not knowing what to say
Levi scoffed at her statement, taking his blade out. So he was going to kill her.
"You can go ahead and kill me, might as well add another ghost to haunt you"
Did she felt fear? Yes she did, but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing it.
"Shut up" that was his response, before he connected his blade with her cheek leaving a long but not deep cut "You're going to come with me"
"I'm not going anywhere!"
The last thing he told her was that he hated her, why would he want her to come back to Paradise?, Was it to use her for information? Or because he missed her? It was stupid to think of the latter question, but she was still hopeful.
"I'm not asking, you brat"
That was the last thing she heard before he knocked her out.
"How could you be with a devil?!"
Her mom's scream hurt her eardrums, Zeke had told them about how she had been in a relationship with a so call devil. That seem like the only thing Zeke could do apart from throwing rocks, snitch.
"You were send there for a reason Y/n! No child of mine should've or should be with one of those devils!"
"Mother, I'm so sorry it's just that it would be easier for me to get the information about them that I wanted"
That was a lie. She loved Levi, even though she didn't get the chance to say it to him. She did, and that feeling wasn't going to go away anytime soon.
Her father stood next to her mother quietly looking at her with disgusts as if she was the trash people get rid of because of the smell, she hated that, it hurt to have your own parents hating on you.
"So what? For a piece of information, you had to go and whore yourself in there?"
Y/n gasped looking at her mom shocked "What? No mother, I didn't do anything like that with him!" she argue
That wasn't a lie, Levi was uncomfortable with sexual intercourse, since his own mother worked in a brothel and he had been the witness of how much that act hurt his mother, he had trusted her enough to tell her that.
"Good, you still have your purity." her mom nodded, before letting out a sigh "At least it wasn't with a women, you would've been completely kicked out of this house young lady"
"Now go take a shower, make sure to wash away every memory in that land while doing so." her mom smiled softly her hand reaching out to touch her cheek, before hugging her "My poor baby, having to live with those devils for so long. Don't worry you're home now, you're safe with us"
What once was her home didn't feel like home anymore, her house was just a place, her home was the person she left behind in Paradise.
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Y/n didn't remember how many days have passed or what was going on outside of her cell. She didn't know in what prison she was in, but just a few days ago it had seem like there was a whole damn war going on outside.
She hasn't seen Levi since he put her into the cell, and she was scared that something might have happened to him. She heard the door of the corridor open, Y/n stood up walking towards the bars to see who it was, it was Hange.
"Y/n" Hange nodded at her as if they were saying hi "He said your name, so we think it would be good if you saw him"
"Who are you talking about?" Y/n asking looking at them confused
Her heart immediately speed up, something happened to him. Her anxiety grew each passing second as she took step by step through the halls, Hange having a hold of her arm to make sure she didn't try to run away.
"What happened to him?" Y/n questioned scared for what the answer might be
"Explosion" was all they said, before entering a room that seems to be Levi's, there was only a nurse sitting in a chair probably just there just in case Levi needed something
"Thanks, you can stand outside. We would call if we need you" Hange told the nurse who nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her, but not before throwing Y/n a look of disapproval about her being there.
Y/n ran to Levi's side as soon as the nurse was out, he had bandages in one side of his face, and on his hands. Tears started sliding down the young women's cheek while Hange looked at her with pity, but also cautiously not wanting her to do anything that might hurt Levi.
"Levi.." she whispered, even though
y/n felt bad about disturbing him from his sleep knowing how difficult it was for him to do so, she wanted to hear his voice, reassuring her that he was going to be ok "Everything it's going to be fine, right Hange? Tell him"
“Yeah, I agree with you y/n”
She didn't knew who she was trying to convince herself or Levi, but that didn't matter, because she felt a squeeze in one hand and immediately look down to see that Levi was the one holding it. Y/n look back up to his face seeing how his eye was open and he was staring directly at her.
Y/n smiled "Hey darling, you're okay now" she let out those word between sobs "— I'm sorry for everything Levi, for not telling you where I was really from, for letting you fall in love with me when I knew how it was going to bed. I'm so sorry for every misery that I have put you through"
Levi squeezed her hand again "- 's ok, I f—orgive you" his words came out has a whisper and he struggled to speak but she heard him clearly
Hange watched the scene playing out infront of them, they could see how much those two loved each other. They were like a puzzle, that could figure each other out, knowing each piece of themselves like the back of their hands.
It has been a month and a half exactly since Y/n had seen Levi in the bed witnessing how helpless he looked, she had never seen him like that and wasn't planning to anytime soon, since then she hadn't left his side.
He was currently touching her bare back leaving kisses down her neck, their naked chest pressed together, hot and sweaty.
"Levi..." she moaned softly
This was their first time being intimate, and she didn't want him to feel pressured into anything.
"I know what you're going to say, and I want to how much as you" he said before continuing marking her, claiming her as his
Each move of his hips against hers, reminded her of who she was with. The gentleness in his touch making her forget about the world around them. The softness of his lips against hers taking her breath away.
It wasn't just the pleasure that made Levi take the decision of doing this with her, this was his own way of showing how far he would go just to be with her, to come out of his comfort zone just to shower her with intimate kisses and touches that he and neither would she forget.
“I love you Levi”
Her skin was the canvas, and his lips was the brush painting each part of her body.
“I love you too...”
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“You will come back with us immediately young lady!" her mother said trying to remain calm infront of the devils
The rumbling was over, Eren Yeager was killed. Paradise and Marley were allies, but that doesn't mean they have forgiven each other for what each have done. Many Marleyans and Eldians from Marley came to visit out of curiosity, while people from Paradise went to explore the world (if we are talking about visiting the outside world and finding new things as much as possible), but they never want to visit Marley afraid that they might get turn into titans and angry for what those monsters have done to other people.
"I'am old enough to make my own decisions, mother" Y/n had answered, wanting to remain as calm as she could
"His manipulating you isn't he?"
"How dare you!—" Y/n yelled, before regaining her composure, her voice going back to calm but being loud and firm at the same time "I love him, he didn't manipulate me into anything. It's bold of you to assume that, mother"
"We're your family, your place it's with us!"
Some of the Military Police who were there scoffed along with some of the scouts, they have warmed up to Y/n already, but the Marleyans didn't seem to accept that one of themselves loved an Eldian, specially from Paradise.
"You're my family? Then where were you when I needed you the most?, All I needed when I returned to Marley four years ago was my mother!, The one who an illusion of my mind created, a sweet mom who would love me for being her child, and not see me as an object" Y/n couldn't remain calm anymore she needed to let everything out "— The time I spent with him, I got to truly know what comfort was, what being loved and being needed felt like! And you—" with tears in her eyes she turned to her father who was quiet, like he always was "You're so afraid of mom that you don't even dare to speak for yourself!, You did nothing to help your own daughter!, You just watched as she was raised to be something she didn't want to be!"
She spoke out her mind finally letting out those built up words that haunted her, needing to be said "— I thank you for everything though, despite not given me the love that I needed, your own choices took me to where we are now. Without those decisions, I wouldn't have met Levi so I thank you, for what you both did" she smiled at them
Her mom stood there quietly, before turning around and walking towards the door, her father following close behind "Don't bother returning home" was all her father said
"I won't"
She was already home, she was standing next to it. Holding his hand, Levi Ackerman was the safe place she will always and forever need.
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“— And they lived happily ever after”
Y/n closed the book, looking at the twins, her daughter and son who had fallen asleep half way through the story.
“Please tell me you didn't read to them the explicit parts”
The voice of her husband scared her and she turned to him, who stood by the door leaning into it.
“Of course not you idiot!”
She stood up turning off the lamp and given both of the children kisses on their head, before going out of the room with Levi.
“I still think we should publish this book” Y/n smirked, a mischievous look in her eyes
“Absolutely not”
Yeah, their Love Story had a happy ending after all.
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This was so much fun to write! I wrote 4k words and I'm proud of that! I feel like my writing has improved in the past few days, and this might be one of the works that will show it, and I hope future ones show the progress too! Also I want to punch y/n's mother in the face.
Thank you so much for reading, you can support my work by hitting reblog or liking! But don't repost to other platforms!
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
what about yandere persephone and hades sharing a darling?
Ah, the most functional Olympian couple. That’s not saying a lot, though, considering how quick they’d be to argue when it comes to their Darling… I can only assume things would get out of hand rather quickly, all things considered.
Title: Lovers’ Quarrel.
TW: Unhealthy Relationship, Mentions of Kidnapping, Blood, Minor Injuries, and Implied Past Abuse. 
Of all people, you’d thought Persephone would understand how you felt.
Sure, she’d come to love Hades with time. Not as romantically as the story-tellers would’ve liked, but there was a fondness in her eyes when she looked at him, the kind of endearment a friend would hold for their closest companion or the trust a queen would save for her favorite advisor. She’d come to terms with her place among the dead, with the throne she hadn’t asked for, but once, she’d been a captive, a prisoner in a realm she didn’t fully understand, of a man she didn’t know to trust. She’d been like you. She’d been just as confused as you were, just as devastated, just as scared. She must’ve been.
But, it’d been centuries since then. She’d had so much time to grow comfortable, so much time to adjust. She’d had so much time to forget, and you could only assume she’d used it wisely.
You’d be lying if you said you wouldn’t, if you were in her place.
If Persephone harbored any sympathy for you, she didn’t feel the need to put it on display. Rather, her gaze was cold, unyielding, her smile sharp and careless as she fiddled with the hem of your clothing, her other hand splayed over your hip, keeping you pinned in her lap without so much as a solid grip. Chains and cuffs were unnecessary, despite her husband’s concerns. You’d been little more than a pliable doll since you first laid eyes on her, since she first pulled you into her arms, ran her fingers through your hair, and asked so sweetly if you’d behave for her. Part of it was fear, most of it was fear, but you could hardly be blamed for letting her intimidate you. Her resemblance to her mother was apparent, but whereas Demeter’s warmth was only faded by experience and loss, Persephone was simply faded. As if someone had drained the color from beneath her tan skin and replaced it with molten ivory. As if her blood had been exchanged for ice long ago, and the cold was all that survived.
“We should’ve waited a few more days,” Hades muttered, his voice low and gruff, abruptly reminding you of his presence. He was seated less than an arm’s length away from Persephone, from you, but if she was winter chill, a wind so intense and cutting you couldn’t hope to ignore it, he was the ice that lingered beneath more hospitable snow, all pale skin and dull edges and dark eyes that made you want to look away and sink further into Persephone’s chest, an instinct she encouraged with a light squeeze to your side. With an idle grace, she tilted her head in his direction, silently signaling him to continue without letting her sight stray from the court. A spirit was still pleading his case, trying to win a more favorable afterlife than the Asphodel Meadows, but if either deity was listening to his impassioned speech, neither felt the need to do so attentively. Persephone usually took joy in the morbid proceedings of the Underworld, but even she was distracted, today. You could only lament being the cause of their disturbance. “Look at (Y/n), they’re practically shaking. If we just gave them a little more time--”
“If anyone’s shaking, it’s because someone only knows one way to invite people into his home.” Persephone’s retort was flawless, her tone never wavering nor shaking, but you winced at the mention of your… invitation, as she’d put it. Your skin was bruised where his fingertips had dug into your wrists, pinning your hands at the base of your spine as you thrashed and screamed, and you could still feel a steady ache where your stomach had been pushed against the edge of his chariot. Your discomfort must’ve been obvious, because Hades sent you a regretful glance, the closest he’d come to apologizing since your arrival. The closest he would ever come, if his pride was as unswallowable as his brother’s. “This is fine,” She went on. “You’d much rather be with me than locked inside of that cramped, lonely bedroom, wouldn’t you, my love?”
“I don’t mind my chambers,” You mumbled, letting your attention fall the stone floor. It was a simple arrangement, as plain as a room could be when gold and gemstones were used in the place of clay and stone, but you liked it. Or, rather, you liked having a place to be alone, especially when your hosts were so determined not to give you that luxury. “If you’d like me to leave, I can--”
You couldn’t finish, you didn’t get the chance to, not before she caught you by the jaw. Long, pointed nails threatened to pierce your skin as she tilted your head back, forcing you to meet her eyes despite your frantic attempts to avoid her stare. “I don’t think that was the question,” She said, her thumb digging into your cheek, drawing something warm and wet that you desperately didn’t want to identify. “I asked if you wanted to be with me. And I do expect the answer to be agreeable, if that isn’t too difficult for you to handle.”
You opened your mouth, a plea for her forgiveness already playing on your tongue, but Hades was faster than you were, holding up a hand to silence the proceedings as he leaned onto the arm of his seat, twisting his body to direct an unadulterated glare towards his wife. “Don’t resort to that so soon,” He snapped, gesturing vaguely as he spoke. “Be gentle. Keep your temper in check, or you’ll break your toy before you even get the chance to play with it.”
“You’re acting as if this is my doing.” When Hades bristled, Persephone was quick to respond in turn, growing hostile, baring her teeth but releasing you all the same. Instead, she took you by the collar of your robes, keeping you grounded as she spoke not to you or her husband, but for herself. Aiming to stoke her own sense of righteousness as much as to nurture Hades’ anger, nursing it the way a survivalist would a flame. “Remind me, dearest, whose idea was it to bring our beloved home? Which one of us wasn’t satisfied with admiring from a distance?” She paused, tapping her chin in faux-thought. “You might call me volatile, but between the two of us, who lost their temper first?”
That earned a grimace. Persephone wrapped an arm around your midriff, but you couldn’t be sure whether the gesture was meant to be protectively or possessive. “Watch your tongue. Whether it’s your gift or mine, it can still be taken away.”
Persephone huffed, letting out an airy, desolate chuckle. “You’re not my master--”
“I am.” Unlike Persephone, his declaration was absent of her playful levity. “You’re in my domain, and therefore, you belong to me. As long as you’re here, I am your sovereign, and my word is law. Keep that in mind the next time you decide when and where to discipline your pet.”
Persephone’s jaw clenched, her gaze narrowing into something vicious, but she relented without further argument, and your heart skipped a beat before resuming its normal rhythm. You hadn’t noticed you weren’t able to breathe, not until Persephone’s grip loosened and a crushing tension shattered in your chest, earning a sigh of relief echoed by Hades as he fell back into his throne, allowing the trail to continue with a single, easy nod. You wanted to relax, to let yourself ease into a more tranquil state of panic, but with a guiding hand, Persephone pushed her fingers in your hair and guided you towards the crook of her neck. For a moment, you thought it was her final selfish act of the day, an instance that, if you were going to rest, you were going to do so because she allowed it. That may’ve been true, but she had something to say, too, even if you couldn’t be sure she cared that you were listening. “Don’t listen to him,” She whispered, her voice tender but far from empathetic.
“He just wants to make himself seem nice before he breaks you in.”
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Anon said: tried to read through all your request rules, but I didnt specifically see which Characters you write for. If you do, could you write for Porco helping his S/o sleep? I have super bad insomnia most days, and I just really want something fluffy with Porco...just cuddles or stories or something. If you dont write for Porco though could you switch it with a AoT character you do write for, I'm not really picky. Thank you so much in advance! 🥺💗
Porco helping you sleep
{Porco x reader | tw:none | sleep help, fluff | canon }
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{ "The Night School" C.1660-C.1665 By Gerrit Dou 1613-1675 }
Unmoving shadows cast into the empty white walls, slightly flickering with the flame on the white candle sitting on the nightstand. Half lidded eyes observe their small movements for they're the only interesting thing in this empty hotel room you've been assigned. 
Your beige uniform tucked into the small closest with a single hanger inside, the armband hanging on the closest door for easy reach. The squeak of the spring mattress chirping up whenever you moved to flip your too stiff pillow. 
Judging by the amount of melted wax collecting on the bottom of the candle, you've been awake for far too long. 
This isn't the first time this has happened, you're used to getting acquainted with the room's walls and shadowy furniture.
Sleep has abandoned you long ago, its friend insomnia visiting you daily instead. Only leaving every week or so to remind you of what you could never have, taunting almost.
You've tried to force yourself to sleep really, did every known trick in the book, you even tried mediation like Zeke has been preaching to you about, but to no avail. so you've started making peace with the thing, you know at least using the night time to get things done since you're not getting rest either way.
Books were your first friend, for staring at the walls could only be entertaining for so long, but now with your stash of books miles away back home, you're left with nothing else to do.
The nightstand drawer only contained an emergency gun with several bullets inside, and the pocket knife under your pillow wasn't interesting enough.
Getting up from the bed, you picked up the candle before slowly inching the creaky door open. Maybe a glass of water could help, who cares that this is your third time going for water in the last hour? Well hydration is important after all, or so you tried to bargain for an excuse to stretch your legs.
Attempting your best to glide through the old wooden boards without as much as a squeak, you headed towards the kitchen, passing through several other bedrooms in the process, probably all deep in dream land already.
Everything was too quiet, the sound of water filling the glass was the only thing interrupting the silence, its cool feeling going down your dry throat helped you a bit.
Drinking down what you can, you decided to take the rest with you back, a good excuse for a trip to the bathroom later. Although as you turned, a figure was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and staring at you.
"Isn't it too early for breakfast?" Porco said, covering his mouth with his hand as he yawned, "you should get some rest while you can, we're getting thrown in the front trenches tomorrow." 
Just the mention of it made your stomach roll at the thought of staying in a muddy hole for days, the smell of gunpowder and yelling of soldiers, not to mention the crowded train rides back home.
"I know, it's just…" you stared at the water moving inside your glass while tilting it, "one of those days, you know?" 
eyes narrowing with his eyebrows pulling down in concentration, even Porco's sleep clouded mind could recognise the heavy bags under your eyes. The ride here used all of your energy and now you're too tired to even sleep.
Feeling an unpleasant weight on his chest, he wasn't sure what to say as he approached you, awkwardly leaning against the sink, a heavy sigh left him.
"You know, you should bother me more often, I don't mind it." His gentle tone was followed by a melancholic smile, "let's just...go to bed."
With that his hand wrapped around your wrist, loosely at first like he was reluctant about it, before it got more secure once you didn't pull away.
The old door gave out a creek as it closed behind you, the room dimmer than you left it with the candle you're carrying almost burning out. 
Looking at the small bed with a single pillow, you wondered how the two grown people would fit in it and judging by the frustrated look Porco was eyeing it with, he must be thinking the same.
Looking at him, your mind wondered back to all the battles you've fought together. For some reason the superiors always seemed more strick and harsh with him, especially after the paradise mission was launched.
Belitting and nagging, carelessly throwing him in risky situations.
Your grip tightened around the water glass, feeling growing thickness in your throat. "Hey...it's okay you can go to your room, you need sleep." You said moving past him to sit on the bed, "I'll be fine."
"Should've thought of that before waking me up, now scoot over." He said, rising an eyebrow and stepping closer.
"I didn't wake you up, you're just a light sleeper." Laying down, you stretched your limbs filling the bed, "there's no room, it won't fit."
Silence filled the room for a while, you could feel his eyes roaming over you, "Oh really? Well…"
One second, you were laying on the mattress while staring at his stubborn expression in confusion, the next a pair of arms was lifting you up as he stole your place before dropping you on him. His arm circled your waist not trusting that you won't pull away
"I made it fit." he looked at you with smugness in his eyes
His warm skin felt comforting against yours, contrasting with the cold room air, you could hear his slowing heartbeat with being so close to his chest, your legs slowly tangling to fit under the blanket covering you.
Apparently that's as far as his genius plan went, because after that an awkward silence filled the room.
"So...you made it fit huh?" You couldn't help but say, a grin slowly spreading on your face. 
Porco blinked in response, tilting his head, before his eyes stilled as his ears flushed. "Fucking god, you're such a-" his attempt to scold you was interrupted by a chuckle escaping mid-sentence.
Having a contagious laugh, soon enough you too joined him.
After it died down, the atmosphere was replaced by a much more relaxed one as his hold on you softened, more intimate than the previous one. 
"When I was a kid, i used to have trouble sleeping- well more like i was too stubborn to fall asleep." Porco said, trailing his finger up your back soothingly, "and since Marcel was stuck sharing a room with me, he'd tell me stories to get me to fall asleep."
"What kind of stories?" 
"...if you tell this to anyone I'm reporting you to the higher ups you for treason, they were flower stories." Clearing his throat, you could feel his heartbeat rising under you, 
Closely watching your reaction, Porco continued after some seconds. "now I'm not calling you a kid nor do i think it's as simple, i just think...we should give it a chance." 
With the heaviness of the blanket above you and warmth of his body underneath you, it was hard to refuse his request, especially with the way he looked at you so earnestly. 
You agreed, and felt his other hand reach to pull up the blanket more, tucking you protectively between his body and the soft fabric. 
"This first one is called...well i don't remember what names Marcel gave them, but it's about poppies."
Crimson red bringers of eternal sleep, their crumbled petals and dark centers often found in the ancient tombs of soldiers.
As the mother of nature, Demeter, mourned and grieved from the betrayal of Zeus, it wasn't only the mortal realm in which death loomed at every corner, for her own mind was a tormenting prison of never ending suffering.
And so a droplet of her blood sprang and flourished to create a six petaled flower, easing her heartache if only for a moment as the poppy put her to sleep, numbing the pain.
Following in her trail was a red carpet of poppies, soon enough death and sleep themselves wore the flower, red crowns resting on top of Thanatos's held up head and one almost slipping from Hypnosi's leaning one as he dozed off. for eternal sleep was only another name for visiting the underworld. 
A symbol of peace in resting and condolence for the loss of a loved one, became the poppy's role. 
"This is why you'd often see them in people's front pockets whenever we return home." Porco said, the light slowly vanishing from the room as the candle burned itself out, the flame snuffed.
You've never questioned why a delivery of poppies would always be on the requirements in each returning celebration, it's just always been there. 
Slow and easy breathes flew through you, lazily stretching your arms up till it met something soft. Porco seemed to tense as your fingers loosely combed through his hair, leaning into the touch after a while.
"Don't stop." He murmured, sleep clear in his voice as another yawn left him.
"Do you have any other stories?" Drowsiness sweeping through your mind, you buried your hed deeper against his neck, eyelids fluttering shut.
"Yeah just…" his hand stilled from behind you as he looked into space attempting to recall a memory, soon enough the soft stroking returned. "This one is about peony."
Named after none other than Paeon himself, these flowers lived up to their reputation of healing and honour, for they have their own story to tell.
How the peony came to be declared king of flowers.
During the Tang dynasty, empress Wu Zetian strolled through her garden. Frowning at the empty field of green covered in thick white blankets of snow, the harsh season not showing mercy for the plants.
With a new goal in mind to flip this dreadful looking graveyard of a garden, she set to defy nature for she is the ruler of the land and her word is law.
Per her majesty's order, all flowers shall bloom in the midst of winter's visit.
As the word travelled far, all the fairies in the land couldn't believe their ears, how could such delicate fragile petals grow amidst the storm and snow. For flowers only bloom in spring, how could we go against mother nature?
While merciless mother nature was cruel, she couldn't compare for the empress's strong rule. For the fairies feared for their wings as their knees shook in her presence.
When the sun shined again, it welcomed colourful fields of different flowers in full bloom. The empress was pleased with their sweet smell and proud colours, each one rivaling the other.
And yet, she stood still near one flower bed, eyes wide. The peony deified her words and stubbornly refused to open, only sticks and brittle leaves left in their place.
In a fit of rage, the empress banished the flower to a far away city, striping away their status.
Living up to their stubborn nature, the peony bloomed that spring the most beautiful flowers humans have ever seen, turning the city of Luoyang into a heavenly soft land as their petals danced through the wind.
But their beauty couldn't last long, for a hungry fire swallowed them all, under the order of the empress who turned their green to coal.
And yet to everyone's surprise, when the earth circled the sun again, the peonies were back in bloom. Springing from the ashes were their mesmerising big petals and soft colours. 
In their respect, the fairies crowned them for their bravery as the ruler of the flowers, for wasn't it for their sacrifice the flowers wouldn't have been freed.
"They stayed on the right way, even if it meant going against the world." Porco's slurred words were half muffled against the pillow, head buried in it, his eyelids seemed to get too heavy for him to force them open again.
Turning his head to the side, you felt his lips press a light kiss against your forehead before whispering a goodnight, his hold still comfortably secure around you as if you might slip away. 
Soon enough, you too drifted into sleep as only his soft snoring filled the room. The moon watching over both of you through the windows as her light barely reached inside. 
And at this instant, you didn't think there was anywhere else in the world you'd rather be. Thoughts of what the future holds were pushed to the back of your mind next to the past, for the present is now and what a waste it would be not to bask in these rare moments of peace in this horrible world
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My Play
If you follow me on my main, you know I am a big fan of the band AJR for many reasons. One of those reasons is how relatable the lyrics are and how wonderful the orchestration is for each song. Their music is perfect for writing inspiration which is what I have done for this short. ‘My Play’ (from their album OK ORCHESTRA) is about a young boy experiencing his parent's divorce and having to move with his father. I took a lot of inspiration from the lyrics and the music video. 
Anyway, when I first listened to this song, my mind immediately went to Munkustrap who (in one of my headcanons) wrote plays as a child to show his creativity which helped him become a director as an adult. I will warn you that this story will make you cry without a doubt.
Yes, I will be posting this on AO3 eventually.
Summary: Munkustrap knew something was wrong when their mother stayed out of the house longer than she used to. Sometimes staying out overnight which caused so much pain to everyone in the family.  When she was home, she and dad were always arguing nonstop. Nothing could stop them.  It was those times where he would try and make it a game with his younger brother as an older sibling should
Characters: Munkustrap, Tugger (meantioned), Grizabella (mentioned), Macavity (mentioned), Deuteronomy (mentioned), Demeter (mentioned)
Warnings: Divource, emotions
Prompt: My Play by AJR (Link to Music Video)
Munkustrap knew something was wrong when their mother stayed out of the house longer than she used to. Sometimes staying out overnight which caused so much pain to everyone in the family. 
When she was home, she and dad were always arguing nonstop. Nothing could stop them. 
It was those times where he would try and make it a game with his younger brother as an older sibling should. 
But then it really shattered when he was told to start packing his things into boxes. He asked his dad what was happening but was told they were going on another adventure. 
Without mom.
And so he kept his mouth shut to his mother knowing he wouldn't get answers from her. He stopped talking to his older brother Mac. It was his younger brother who tried to make him smile though he had trouble understanding what was going on.
When they moved in and settled into the new house without mom, Munkustrap kept thinking. He kept thinking about the plays he wrote and put on for his family. It was one of the few times he caught everyone smiling and laughing. 
Then it came crashing. The old house was a place of love and where he and his brothers’ imagination thrived. Kind of like that spaceship they drew on the basement wall that no one had the heart to clean. 
He wondered if it was still there.
The years went by and Munkustrap witnessed Mac leave for good and Tugger pull away. He saw what finding love did to his father. Love caused his family to break. What good was it for him to love?
There were times where he wrote in his notebook of plays that made sense to only him and no one else. He kept it hidden from everyone for it was the only place where no one could sense his true emotions of anger, abandonment, or even loss. But damn if he didn’t want his mother to be here in the moment to watch him give a soliloquy from one of his plays. 
Now as an adult. Now learning what it truly meant to be lonely. Watching Tugger find love. It was now his turn to find his place in the world that he’d rather isolate himself from. For what would happen if his relationship were to turn out like his parent’s.But then he met her.
Demeter was a woman that he never thought he could possibly talk to. She was beautiful inside and out, charismatic, and brought out sides of him that he forgot about.
On their first date he brought her flowers, all while trying to be great for at least an hour. It lasted for almost 4 hours. But that fear still lingered. That fear dissipated after the 5th date when he asked her to be his girlfriend. 
Of course he added to the notebook over time with new plays and ideas, most of them were about family and love. A turn around from what he was writing as a young adult.
Though he still wished to share his experiences with his mother for whom he hadn't seen in years. Or maybe his older brother who still held anger at their father. 
By the time he himself became a father to his daughters, he flashed back to being a child with the piles of boxes in every room. He wished. He desperately wished he could go back in time and spend one more day with his mother and brother. Showing them a play they just might have brought their family together. Or maybe tear or even further apart.
@storyweaverofgondor  @uppastthejelliclemoon  @roxycake  @is-it-mungojerry-or-rumpelteazer  @the-pied-pipers-assistant @the-bunny-wife  @thunderwhenhepurrs  @queen-with-the-quill  @dramatical-cat @falasta
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Pomegranate Seeds 3
well we got some BIG projecting going on here. if yall didn’t know i had mommy issues before, you sure as fuck do now 😂😂😂
Warnings: insecure Jask, allusions to verbally abusive/manipulative parents, lmao rebellious jask, good ole miscommunication between jask and geralt - but solved quickly, lol swearing
Letter after letter reached Jaskier in the underworld, and time after time, he destroyed them. He didn’t tell Geralt, telling himself it was because the ruler of the underworld had more important things to deal with. He didn’t want to admit he was scared Geralt would send him packing. 
Eventually, Demeter resorted to threats. Threats of famine that she followed through on. She underestimated just how like her Jaskier was, though. He didn’t dignify her tantrum with a response. 
When she sent messengers, he started to worry.
He told Charon to alert him, not Geralt, if another god or goddess came to visit, even one of the more senior demigods. He didn’t want to take any chances. Geralt didn’t need to know anyway. 
But Geralt noticed something was off.
Jaskier would say he was tired, or he couldn’t perfect a specific verse of the song he was writing. Usually it worked, but it was only ever a salve, never a cure, for Geralt’s suspicions. 
“What’s wrong, love?” Geralt cradled him in his lap, lounging in the now lavish courtyard under the pomegranate tree Jaskier had brought back from the brink of death. 
Jaskier nuzzled closer, “I’m just ti-”
“No, I asked you what’s wrong,” Geralt insisted, giving him a gentle squeeze and placing a kiss to the top of his head. 
“It’s nothing,” Jaskier lied, hoping the sigh he accidentally let slip didn’t register, “You don’t need to worry about it.” 
Geralt hummed and went quiet for a moment before he curled a bit tighter around Jaskier and whispered, “Do you want to go home?” 
Jaskier scrambled up, sputtering and terrified, “Did she get to you?!” When Geralt just looked at him with an unreadable expression he started to panic, feeling hot tears welling up in his eyes as he did his best to keep his voice steady, “Don’t send me back. Please, Geralt. Anything but that.”
“I’d never,” Geralt soothed, standing and hesitantly reaching for Jaskier’s hand. 
He eyed the offer warily, sniffing and trying to calm himself, “Then why would you say that?”
“I thought you were unhappy. You’ve been… acting strange.” 
Jaskier ignored Geralt’s outstretched hand, choosing to wrap himself around Geralt’s torso and bury his face in the crook of his neck, “I’m sorry. I’ll be better tomorrow. It’s just, uhm. I’m just a bit off.” 
Geralt instinctively held him tighter, “Jaskier I want you to be happy, not ‘better’.”
Jaskier just hummed, swallowing back his unshed tears. 
“Who were you talking about?”
For a moment, Jaskier had to remind himself to breathe before he could respond, “Hm?”
“You asked if someone had ‘gotten’ to me?”
Tears spilled regardless of Jaskier’s best efforts, “My mother. She wants me to come back. She’s been sending letters and messengers.”
“And you don’t want to?” 
“Never,” Jaskier insisted, “This is the most freedom I've ever had. I don’t have to hide in the treetops to feel any sense of calm, I get to make decisions, I make things grow when I want, for whom I want.”
Geralt ran a hand over his hair, resting it at the base of his skull and brushing his thumb through the little hairs behind his ear, “You don’t ever have to leave. I love you. I want you here.” 
“I love you too,” Jaskier whispered, “I’m just scared.” 
Geralt gently pushed him back just enough to look into his eyes, “There’s a way you could stay forever…”
The hopeful glint in his eyes told Geralt everything he needed to know, so he continued, “If you eat even one pomegranate seed you will be tethered to the underworld. You can stay and do whatever pleases you. But it is irreversible. One bite and your fate is forever tied to this place.” 
Jaskier thought about it for a moment, searching Geralt’s eyes for something, anything, that could make the decision for him, “I could never leave?” 
“Only if the both of us willed it and only for a short time,” Geralt explained, tenderly wiping his tears away, “I could never keep you here if you were miserable. Try as I might to think about anything else, your happiness consumes much of my thoughts.” 
“Hmm,” Jaskier leaned into Geralt’s touch, turning his head to kiss his palm, “Do I need to decide right now?”
Geralt kissed his forehead, “Of course not. It’s just an option.”
“Okay,” Jaskier sighed, curling his fingers around the robes cascading down Geralt’s back, “I like it - the idea. I just… I want to take my time?” 
Time wasn’t something Jaskier was allowed apparently. 
The two of them were just climbing out of a lovely bath when a chattering skeleton announced the arrival of a visitor. 
Demeter stood in the throne room with her back turned to them, examining one of the glowing diamonds when they entered. She looked so small, almost insignificant. Her hair was in an intricate braid, she wore a cream toga, adorned with gold that made her look more like a savior than the horror she really was. 
Jaskier gripped Geralt’s hand tightly and pulled them to a halt, knowing very well Demeter wanted him to speak first. It was a stand off he was familiar with. If he spoke first she had the upper hand, hearing his tone and picking apart his words. She always knew how particular her son was with words. 
“Julek. It’s time to go.”
Her voice echoed off the stone walls as she calmly stated her order, not even bothering to turn and look at him. 
Jaskier took a deep breath and squeezed Geralt’s hand, not looking at him for fear of crying, “No.” 
“Playtime is over. You have duties. The humans did not prepare for you to leave. They’re calling it winter,” she snorted as if the idea was as ridiculous as standing on your head in a temple. 
Jaskier grit his teeth, feeling the rage bubble up in his chest, “I don’t care.”
“Clearly,” She rounded on him with a condescending look of disappointment, “It doesn’t matter if you care. They’re still your responsibility.” 
Jaskier took a step forward, “A responsibility you assigned me. You fixed it before, fix it now.”
“I cant.” 
“Tough shit.”
Jaskier wasn’t sure how any of his words were coming out without sounding absolutely hysterical, but he was glad for it. He glared at her, daring her to try again while internally he was scrambling for a plan.
“For this particular magic, I need you. Seasons will take more work than a year round harvest, but you have set them off nonetheless.” Demeter’s voice was softer than usual, though Jaskier didn’t miss the incincerity of her words. She’d raised him. He knew her, probably better than she knew herself for all the introspection she refused to take part in, and he knew she was playing games. 
"Oh? Are you no longer capable?" Jaskier laughed bitterly as he turned to walk toward the courtyard, "The great goddess of plenty and harvest can't sustain what she's built? Unfortunate. I am good at what I do here. I am so good at caring about the souls that end up in our audience-"
"DONT interrupt me," Jaskier shouted, turned and stomped his heel into the ground making vines burst forth from the marble beneath them, wrapping around Demeter's waist and mouth, "I have also found I'm rather adept at torture when necessary. I love it down here! I love being able to right wrongs and show the righteous to Elysium. I love having a purpose to my actions, not just being someone's unappreciated trophy! And I love Geralt. He treats me so well and loves me so sweetly and wants only to make me happy. Nothing about your 'seasons' and 'bringing life' interests me in the slightest, Demeter. Because that's not who I am. I am rage and justice and I am to be feared, not manipulated. Take your failing crops and go." Jaskier waved a hand dismissively and the vines disappeared back into the ground. 
Without looking back, he strode toward the pomegranate tree in the center of the garden, plucking a fruit from the nearest branch and turning to glare at his mother. Geralt was hot on his heels, glancing between the two but keeping quiet. Jaskier had told him he wanted to confront her himself, without her thinking he’d been told what to say. So Geralt stood by and seethed. 
Jaskier pulled a knife from the holster in Geralt’s belt and sliced a nice section out of the pomegranate. 
“Don’t you dare.” Demeter snarled, standing at the edge of the courtyard. 
Jaskier smirked and peeled the white fiber from the blood red seeds with a casual sigh, “I don’t think your opinion matters much here.” 
Jaskier flipped the knife in the air and caught it by the blade, maintaining eye contact with Demeter as he handed it back to Geralt.
“Are you sure?” Geralt’s voice was just a whisper as he took the blade.
Jaskier picked a particularly dark red seed from it’s home and turned to look at him, “There’s absolutely nowhere else I’d rather be, my love.” 
With that he popped the seed in his mouth. 
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
The Daughter of Aphrodite | Leo Valdez
Hello Lovelies! So I was inspired by my classics class and figured hey, what better than to write about Leo Valdez to make the cravings go away? This is my first Leo fic and I decided to take up a third person perspective because it felt right. It’s really fluffy and I hope you all enjoy! Until next time, all my love!
Description: Leo and y/n have been pining after each other for too long. Her friends help her come up with a plan to get close to him, now she has to cross her fingers that her mother, Aphrodite, doesn’t step in.
Pairing: Leo Valdez x Female!Reader
Warnings: Absolutely none
Word Count: 2.7k
(Pics not mine but mood board is :) )
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Her hands were covered in dirt, a trait most uncommon to a daughter of Aphrodite. Somehow, though, she wore it like a pair of silk evening gloves. Her hair was messy, thrown in a bun atop her head, but every strand that fell around her face seemed as though placed by the gods themselves. Even in chaos she was perfect.
Leo leaned precariously against a two by four, watching the daughters of Aphrodite and Demeter replant the gardens around camp. Well, more like the daughters of Demeter and one daughter of Aphrodite. The rest of the Aphrodite sisters were lounging in the sun, avoiding the mud. He couldn’t help but smile when one of her friends gingerly rubbed some dirt off her face. He could almost hear the girl scold her. Always getting your hands dirty, hun.
“Just talk to her already man.” 
“I have, multiple times. At least a couple times a day.” 
Jason ran a frustrated hand through his hair, watching as his friend watched the girl he loved from a distance. Everyone at the camp knew how Leo felt, everyone except her. She was every bit as pure as she was kind. Not to mention loving, gentle, and patient. She was everything he knew he needed and, even more so, everything he desperately wanted. 
“You know what I mean.”
Leo turned to his best friend, a lazy smile plastered on his face, “I know, man. I will.”
Jason only grumbled before heading off. Leo always said that. Clearly he hadn’t followed through yet. Not that it mattered. No one was exactly raring to go head to head with the boy who could light his entire body on fire. His girl would remain his girl until he could work up the courage to, well, make her his girl. Still, Jason just wanted his friend to be happy. 
Leo watched her for another moment before heading off to do what he was supposed to be doing; fixing the door for the sons of Ares. 
Across the green, musical giggles filled the spaces between the chatter. Her laughs were contagious, the Demeter girls rolling around in the plots they were supposed to be filling with hydrangeas, clutching their stomachs with red faces. The other girls, her sisters, also laughed, just a little more contained. They sipped on pink lemonade, twirling the straws in dainty fingers.
“So you’re telling me,” Arabella, a Demeter daughter with wayward curls, barely contained a chuckle, “you have never been kissed.”
Dawn, one of y/n’s sisters, chimed in with a few of her own runaway giggles, “don’t forget the best part: she’s never been kissed because every time a boy gets close, mother steps in!”
They collapsed again in another fit, filling the camp with some much needed life. She smiled sweetly, cheeks blushed like an angel, giggling right along with them. It was funny after all. She liked making her friends smile, it made her feel warm inside. 
“Is it really true? Every time a boy has gone to kiss you Aphrodite has stepped between it?’
Her voice was pure honey, slow and sugary, “oh yes. One time, right as a boy leaned in, a bolt of lightning struck the ground, right at his feet. I’m not sure what she told Zeus to get him to do it. Mother has her ways, I'm sure.”
“Well,” the giggles died down but the atmosphere remained light, “if you could kiss any boy here, without Aphrodite striking him down that is, who would it be?”
Her eyes widened a touch at the question. One boy immediately swam to her mind but she brushed it away quickly, her smile still neatly in place. She knew for a fact that he wasn’t interested in her like that so there was no reason to offer his name to the group. Regardless, though, her heart still fluttered for a certain son of Hephaestus. 
She coiled a loose strand of hair around her finger, her charm bracelet jingling gently on her wrist, “hmm, I’m not sure.”
Her sisters eyed each other cheekily before peering around the camp. When their gaze landed on precisely who they had been looking for, they giggled a collective hum. 
“How about him, hun? Would you kiss him if you could?” Daisy nodded her glass across the field.
Her eyes wandered with her sister’s gesture, past a couple of younger campers playing a game, to a boy fixing what looked like the door to the Ares cabin. Silly boys, always rough housing. That cabin had to have the window fixed just last week. Her eyes lingered on him a little longer than they should have considering she was trying to convince her sisters that she didn’t like him. Her soft lip pulled between her teeth as he ran a hand through his hair. 
Giggles erupted around her again, pulling her from her daze with heated cheeks, “Leo? He would never kiss me.”
The giggles only increased. Her eyes shifted quickly to the Ares cabin, hoping to Zeus that her group wasn’t causing too much of a scene. She wasn’t so lucky. Her eyes met Leo’s brown ones from across the lawn, her nose instantly burning. She tried to look away, she wanted to. Well, she thought she wanted to, at least, but his eyes held hers in a way that made it impossible to look anywhere else. 
She bit her lip again and he smirked, his lips pulling tight in a way that should be a crime. His skin caught the light like a gem, shining from his labour in the hot sun. When he noticed her eyes, drawing over his face and arms, his grin widened and her heart stuttered dramatically. When he winked at her and went back to work, her heart stopped. 
“Oh, hun,” Arabella’s hand swept under her chin, pulling y/n’s focus from the fire boy, “you’re clueless, aren’t you? Have your sisters taught you nothing? That boy is smitten.”
Sarah Beth, her eldest sister, huffed indulgently, a teasing smile on her rosy lips, “oh we tried, Ara, trust us we did. Sis is helpless. Blame it on mother.”
Y/n whined, the sound like one of Apollo’s harps, “what do I do? I’m cursed!”
Even in her torment she giggled, rubbing her cheek affectionately in Arabella’s palm. Arabella smiled lovingly, an idea sparking as she pulled y/n’s face back up. It was a foolproof one, too. Arabella looked at her wide eyes, watching them dart across the green to the boy she was clearly head over heels for. Yes, it needed more than anything to be foolproof.
Arabella poured a fresh glass of lemonade, taking extra care to mix enough ice with the pink liquid. She plopped a straw in it, stirring it once, twice, three times before shoving it in y/n’s perfectly polished nails. 
Her eyebrows scrunched, a cute confusion laid over her features, “I have lemonade, Bella.”
Arabella had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, “it’s not for you,” her eyes tilted to Leo, “he looks thirsty, hun. I think he wants a drink.”
“I don’t think lemonade is what he’s after,” Sara Beth didn’t look up from her own drink but her cat like grin said it all.
Her sisters had to stifle another wave of giggles as she gingerly passed the lemonade back and forth between her hands, contemplating whether or not to go to him. When she looked over at him for the hundredth time in an hour, she made up her mind. It was now or never.
She stood, much too gracefully for a girl with a heart racing a mile a minute, and took a deep breath, “please, mother, do be nice. He’s a lovely boy. I really like him.”
“Go get him, tiger,” Arabella nudged her gently towards the mechanic, a proud smile on every girl in and around the flowerbeds.
The walk across the green felt like it was never ending and much too short all at the same time. Every step that she took towards his crouched figure she debated downing the liquid herself and then running away. But no, she couldn’t. He was like a magnet, drawing her towards him with ridiculous ease. He didn’t even know he was doing it, that was the worst part. The tips of her ears felt hot, her feet stopping a few feet away from him. Oh, gods, what did she get herself into this time?
Leo’s hands stalled, a flowery scent curling around his face and clinging to his skin. He closed his eyes, breathing in as much of it as he could. That had to be what heaven smelled like, he just knew it. Like chrysanthemums and honeydew. Yes, he knew for certain. He drew another breath. Gods, he couldn’t get enough. 
“Hey, Leo,” her voice went high, her words like unintentional poetry, “whatcha working on there?” 
Why did she say that? She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. So silly, what did it look like he was doing? When she opened them Leo was looking at her, a loose grin on his lips, a glint in his chocolate eyes. Her chest squeezed fervently.
“I’ll give you one guess,” his eyes glanced to the door before landing back on her, peering at her from his seat on the ground.
She scrunched her nose at him, trying not to giggle as he stood to face her, “oh ha ha, very funny.”
Leo laughed easily, a sound less honeyed than her own but still so sweet, “that’s my job. Well, when I’m not picking up after Ares’ sons. Can you believe they split the door in half?”
She glanced up at him, her doe eyes dancing over his tanned skin and black curls, unable to fight the butterflies that bounded inside her chest. He really was something. She held the glass a touch tighter when she breathed in his motor oil and nutmeg scent. She was certain this was what Olympus smelled like, not that she’d ever been.
“Honestly yes, I can,” she met his eyes again, sucking in a small breath when they drew down her body to the drink she had yet to hand over.
His eyes flitted back to hers and darkened a touch, a knowing smirk plastered on his lips, “say, is that for me, cariño?” 
Her cheeks flamed and she knew if she lifted a hand to them they would be hot to the touch. How fitting. 
“Erm,” she stalled, pulling her lip between her teeth once more, her eyes shifted to the grass at her toes, “I thought you might like some lemonade? If not that’s ok! It was silly of me, I’m sorry, I can just-”
Leo’s hand closed around hers, pulling the glass, and by default her, closer to his heady nutmeg chest, “I’d love some, thank you.”
His voice had lost its playful edge, only the soft warmth remained. He lifted the glass to his lips, drawing her hands with his as he took the first sip. She could practically hear her sisters swoon from across the grass. Wow, she’s really doing it isn’t she? Way to go, sis! Her whole body heated this time, her neck to her toes consumed by lapping flames. It was intoxicating.
Leo took the glass from her hands and set it on the step beside him, the taste of strawberries pungent on his lips. When he glanced back at her, he ran his tongue across his lip. The light hit her in a way that was entirely ethereal, clinging to her skin in a way that defied the laws of physics. It was maddening, like standing next to one of the muses themselves. God’s when did this ever happen to someone like him?
“It’s my sister’s recipe,” she fiddled with her fingers, lost with what to do without the glass to hold onto, “I hope you like it.”
He closed the small gap between them even more, pulling her fingers into his. Her heart skyrocketed, his hand was warm and calloused. His fingers fit too perfectly into the spaces between her own. Was it normal to be this breathless?
“It was sweet,” he squeezed his hand in hers, his voice carefree but low.
He slipped his other arm around her waist, thanking the gods for wherever his courage was miraculously stemming from. She practically buzzed in his arms, her melon and flower perfume melting around him. He bit the inside of his cheek. Was it perfume, or was it just her supple skin?
“I like sweet things,” he mused, revelling in the way her eyes widened, catching his innuendo without missing a beat. 
Her mind was stuck on his hand. It was on her back, low on her spine, his fingers lightly tickling up and down. She avoided arching into his fingers. It was heavenly. He was good with his hands and it showed.
Her eyes brushed over him once more, stopping on his lips for a millisecond too long, “she makes muffins too.”
He tightened his arm around her, drawing the daughter of Aphrodite against his chest. Gods, she was soft.
“I don’t want muffins, cariño.”
Now or never, Leo. He leaned his head down, his nose brushing hers sweetly.
Please, mother, let me have this. She tilted her head up, her hands sliding up his chest. 
Leo’s lips found hers at the same time her hands circled his neck. His lips were slow, testing to see if she would kiss him back, as if it was even an option for her not to with the way the flames, his flames, were licking at her skin. How did he do it? She felt like the sun; his lips tasted like fire and recklessness. And strawberries, a bushel of them.
She took his sweet kiss, savoured it, and then slammed her lips back against his, slipping her hands into his raven locks and tugging-- hard. He moaned softly against her sweet lips, giving in to every demand her mouth challenged. How could her lips be sweeter than the lemonade? He clutched her harder against him. 
She pulled back only when her lungs demanded it, leaning her forehead against his heaving chest. She took the staggering lack of lightning as a good sign as a dizzying warmth filled her chest. He pressed his face against her hair, nuzzling against her sweetness lovingly. He had been waiting forever for that and he wasn’t about to let her go just yet.
Her fingers slid back down his chest, curling around his shirt, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to distract you, Leo.”
What? He pulled his head away from her hair, staring into her doe eyes confused. And then he laughed, a full laugh that had his whole chest shaking and hers as well, before drawing his lips back to hers. He tugged her bottom lip between his lip, his hands squeezing her hips fiercely. She’s mad, beautiful but out of her mind. Gods.
“Cariño,” his lips brushed over hers, his words mingling with her breaths, “I kissed you. And trust me, I wanted to. Believe it or not, I don’t owe anything to the Ares’ brothers. You, on the other hand, have all my time at your disposal.”
He didn’t wait for her to answer before closing his lips over hers. There was a lot of lost time he was more than ready to make up for.
Meanwhile, across the green stood Jason, Sarah Beth, and Arabella, their heads close together but their eyes glued to the Ares cabin.
“I’m taking credit for this,” Jason and Arabellas’ voices mingled, proud and in sync.
Their eyes flashed to each other, “no, I did this!”
Sara Beth just giggled lusciously, twirling the straw of her own lemonade in lazy circles.
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