#i think. making it at least partially animated. would be really cool.
gayangelcrimes · 2 years
When will we get Supernatural 2: Down to Agincourt
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seph-ic · 2 years
My favorite thing ever?
Nico has a service dog 
Because after Mr. D diagnoses him with PTSD he feels kind of hopeless and overwhelmed (especially after her hears that it can’t be easily fixed with magic or anything) 
So Mr D. Suggests that he get a service animal. 
Nico argues that animals hate him because he ‘smells like death’. Mr. D Points out that Mrs O’Leary doesn’t hate him. 
They both go talk to Hades who jumps at the excuse to win back his son by buying him more stuff. 
The dog ends up being a hellhound mix (don’t ask how.) 
The mix is mostly so she is a bit smaller for convenience (so she can fit in places.)
I'd assume she looks something like a Burmese mountain dog mix.
Her names Penelope (Penny) and Nico loves her. 
Nico and Her spend a couple of months doing service dog training with Artemis and the hunters (dogs are one of her patron animals.)
the time he spends with them also gives him a bit of closure and helps him process what happened to his sister.
soon enough she's graduated their honorary service dog school and is fully trained.
She goes with Nico everywhere. Since she is half hellhound she can assist with shadow travel and make it easier for Nico. (To Wills relief) 
She helps Nico with panic attacks and nightmares. 
She grabs things for him (KitKats, sword, water, pillows.) 
she can even open the fridge in the big house.
If Nico is having a really bad episode or a flashback he can’t come out of or if he’s in any physical danger, she knows to go get Will Chiron or MR D. In a heartbeat. 
Again a shadow traveling dog being useful.
Will makes extra sure that everyone at camp is aware of how service animals work. 
He teaches all the campers about what Penny's job is and why they’re not allowed to distract her.
On occasion when she isn't working she'll play fetch or get pets from some of the kids. 
All Nicos freind's and family love her.
Like everyone wants to be a part of this dogs life, Nico has literally never been more popular.
Hazel buys her a sweater for the holidays.
Rachel helps Nico also dye part of her tail at one point (to keep her identifiable) and they give it a cool design.
Annabeth asks if she can make her a cool dog house.
Piper insists that they take her to the groomer and buys her little bandannas.
Percy helps Nico teach her how to swim.
She will also grabs medical supplies for Will sometimes.
Grover also knows how to talk to her and regularly lets her know how Nico is doing (not that she doesn't already know.) 
Nico finds it easier to eat with Penelope.
It kind of forces him to eat on a schedule, since Penny has to be fed three times a day and the two of them can eat at the same time.
Nico also gives her little scraps off his plate sometimes which makes them both happy.
She gets absolutely spoiled. 
At one point Nico gets worried that she might get hurt fighting a monster. Hades assured him she won’t but Leo makes her some extra cool dog armor just in case
She also has a little bag attached to her vest for carrying supplies on quests and long journeys. (list of things these bags might contain: Ambrosia, Dog treats, Water/kitkats, extra weapons, drachmas.)
Nico connects so well with this fucking dog.
Like he always struggled with people and he never really even considered being an animal person.
But he absolutely adores Penny.
He talks to her about things that worry him and just finds her presence so unbelievably comforting.
Will solace (who I think personally would become a vet sooner than a doctor) Has this dog on the best fucking diet you could imagine
you have never seen a more medically healthy dog.
And she ADORES Will
Partially because of how calmer Nico is with him, and partially because he keeps a treat jar in the infirmary now.
The best part! she cannot die (from old age at least) Immortal service dog!
Having a huge fluffy head is great for pressure therapy.
Nico (neurodivergent) likes the texture of her fur and stims by petting her or playing with her ears.
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crevicedwelling · 9 months
I have a pretty bad fear of wasps. Nothing crippling, I can observe them from a distance just fine, but it does make being outside on warm, sunny days a stressful experience. I want to work on it, because I know they're just like any other animal: they're just minding their own business 99% of the time, they're not out to get you, and they deserve a place on this world as much as any other. And I know some can even learn to recognize/"befriend" people, which I think is super cool. I actually followed your blog partially because you post about wasps and I knew it would help to regularly expose myself to wasps that way.
I still sometimes freeze up or get really jumpy when I see a wasp near me. But I can tell I've been getting better. Just the other day I went to the Renaissance Festival and was carrying around a big cup of mead (a.k.a. wasp attractant) and, yeah, I was followed by a couple wasps. At one point two of them just hung out on the inside of the cup for like five solid minutes licking it clean.
If it weren't for your blog I would've been so terrified I probably would've thrown the cup onto the ground and waited from like twenty feet away for the wasps to leave. But I DIDN'T. I carried it around with me and patiently (and anxiously) waited for the wasps to fly away whenever they did show up.
It's really hard to make myself just stay still when I see a wasp near me. Earlier today I could only do so for maybe 30 seconds before I had to stand up and wait nearby for it to leave. But I'm really trying to get over that fear, and I'm slowly getting better, and I think I owe your blog quite a bit in that regard. So, thank you.
I believe the most common wasp here (at least, the one I was dealing with in those two anecdotes) is some kind of Vespula yellowjacket, probably Vespula maculifrons. So... I dunno, if you have any fun facts or pictures or videos about yellowjackets (either V. maculifrons or yellowjackets in general), I'd love to hear/see those. And if not, that's okay too <3
I think a fun fact that most don’t appreciate about yellowjackets is how much they parasitize one another!
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Vespula maculifrons here is a widespread, common species in eastern North America. queens of this species do the usual overwinter under log, find a hole, make a nest deal. they scavenge, they hunt, they feed on nectar. pretty standard Vespula.
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V. squamosa is a species that’s very common locally, and when you see workers out and about they act much like other yellowjackets. however, their queens (no photo) are huge, hornet-sized orange wasps quite different from the workers. curiously, V. squamosa don’t make their own nests about 85% of the time. instead, most of those big bruiser queens wait a few weeks longer to come out of hiding, and track down a new Vespula maculifrons nest founded earlier in spring. she’ll march into the smaller species’ nest, chew the original queen to pieces, and bully her daughter workers into submission. she then lays her own eggs in the nest, and produces her own workers who forage alongside the V. maculifrons workers, and over time the colony becomes only made up of V. squamosa. V. squamosa will even take over nests that have already been usurped by another facultative parasite, V. flavopilosa, which usually targets V. maculifrons as well!
in the warmera south, V. squamosa nests can become massive superstructures housing dozens of queens, used year after year. if you’ll allow me a moment of poetic speculation, most of these ancient castles must therefore contain the remnants of a tiny V. maculifrons nest at their core, the gnawed ruins of a conquered house.
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highfantasy-soul · 6 months
Princess Yue - Netflix Edition
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Yue's character concept is so cool, but in the animated series, like Suki, she was a cool concept that really just became a plot device rather than a full character.
The live-action fleshes her out as a young woman put in a position of authority over a tribe not just as a princess, but as someone with a part of the moon spirit within her, so she chooses to use that to be a spiritual leader of her people as well. She shares how she serves them, not just as a bride to be married off like in the animated series, but as someone who helps make desserts and councils them on spiritual matters. Yue has stuff going on outside getting married to Hahn and it makes her feel like a real person rather than a plot device. She has likes and hobbies and struggles like a whole character - ya know, stuff she can also talk to Sokka about to create a connection rather than just…thinking he's cute, I guess?
I love the additions the live-action gave her due to her having a part of the moon spirit within her! Being able to pop over into the Spirit Realm in her dreams was a wonderful touch and having her meet Sokka there added to their connection - she saw him as he was, not as someone trying to impress a princess. It also makes total sense that she's a waterbender - she has a piece of the moon spirit in her, the first waterbender - why would she not also have that ability? It was a great way also, to show subtly in the finale that her giving her life back to the moon would bring back waterbending as she bends even when the moon is 'gone'.
Her and Sokka's relationship, though still rushed, feels a lot more organic and understandable in the live-action. They bond over being in positions of authority and sometimes wishing they could just be 'regular people' so they both understand at least partially what the other is going through. It's beautiful that Yue falls for Sokka not because of his battle prowess or status as the warrior of his village, but because of his heart - his first words when she meets him are of concern for his friends.
In the battle, Yue takes an active role with Sokka - not to fight, but to help get people to safety - showing that there are many ways to help during a crisis other than being a master in combat. She shows Sokka the hidden oasis not to stand by while Aang meditates, but to heal someone who'd been hurt - even if that someone was 'just a pet'.
Finally, I love giving her the agency to realize that she is the one who can bring back the moon spirit. In the animated series, Iroh is the one who prompts her, but in the live-action, she comes to that conclusion herself. It's just her and Sokka in the end and she makes her sacrifice. 
I couldn't tell you what animated Yue enjoys doing, what she values in a person, or what she did in service to her people. But I could tell you all those things and more about the live-action Yue. Even though she's only in 2 episodes, she's a full person and you know exactly how her loss will affect her people: the Grans will miss the princess coming in to the kitchens and helping with dessert, the people will miss getting advice from her, but hopefully, a silver fox will still be able to roam the Spirit Realm.
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seeminglydark · 1 month
hi! is there are reason that you decided that cassette tapes would be john’s chosen form of physical media? how would john organize his music (i.e., genre, band name, release date) and what would john keep his cassettes in? i can imagine him either having stuff in old shoe boxes or a cassette case that he hand-painted himself!
Yes! It's my personal favorite form of media, I'm really partial to cassettes, i think from growing up in the early 90's when it was the norm, so imprinted on my brain. I love mix tapes, jumping up to smash the record button when my fave tune came on the radio, so id always miss the first 10 seconds haha, my first several cars had tape decks. i love Walkmans, it was such a HUGE thing in my life to be able to put headphones on and take my music with me for the first time. I translate a lot of that nostalgia to john. I always imagine him with his Walkman and headphones, or small portable stereo, in bed with all the lights off except the white christmas lights that criss cross his ceiling, Creaky on his chest, listening to the episodes on repeat.
John organizes his music by How Much he Currently Likes A Band, grouped by band name and then oddly enough by album color. (so if he had several cassettes by say, Social D, they'd be next to each other in rainbow or light to dark.) He does most things by color, he's slower at reading and alphabetizing is a bit of a chore and makes him feel self-conscious and stressed. He doesn't mix music and books on tape, they each have their own shelf. He does rearrange a LOT.
Right again re: shoe box and painting the cases! I actually wrote a little snippet of this a long long time ago that didn't make it into the comic, but you can have it now, under the cut.
'Caro eyes a shoe box on the shelf curiously, its covered in stickers, anti fascism and punk rock bands. 'Can i look at this?' they ask, he nods, his back to them. They pull it down and settle it in their lap, lifting off the top to discover... cassette tapes! Oh wait, John did say Maddie recorded their show for him onto cassettes. There were at least 40, all lined up in the order of episodes. Caro pulled one out, the white paper inside the case was filled in with bright colors and shapes, elaborate images of ghosts and snakes and monsters. They pulled out another. A cartoon portrait of the little blond, violet eyes wide at the barrage of brightly colored spirits hovering behind them. 'Is this me?' they ask out loud. John turns to look and freezes. 'Oh….' embarrassed. 'Uh yeah…' 'Wow the art is so…?' they murmur, pulling out another, this one done in greens and blues with metallics. 'Ive never seen anything like these before?' They saw a lot of fanart, but this was different somehow. It felt more personal. Like the person who made them really put their soul into it, like it wasn't just fanart to the artist, but something really deeply important. 'I…um….' Johns face is bright red now..' um…I mean, you know I dont have social media..' he reminds them softly, rubbing the back of his neck. 'Wait.' Caro looks up, he's so flustered now, shuffling his feet, ears on fire. 'These are YOURS? You did these?' Somehow they've forgotten he used to fill up notebooks with colorful drawings, street art and tagging. Liquid letters and cartoon animals with thick black outlines. 'Sure.' He shrugs and turns away, back to them again, 'I would draw on them while listening, you know. It just felt kinda sad to leave them blank. Maddie showed me some of the fanart online, and the box set of the first season. I can't do the same kind of art, I'm not good like those other people, but…I didn't want to leave them blank, so I made my own I guess.' he pauses. 'I'm sorry…you must think I'm so fucking weird.' 'I don't think its weird…' they murmur looking at the tapes. 'I think its really cool. I didn't know you were such a talented artist.' He laughs, a short bark that sounds like a cough. They put the box gently back on the shelf, and sit on the bed, deciding to spare him. They can see he's smiling though, even if he's trying to hide it with his fist pressed against his lips.'
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Yuu is a Rabbit-Diasomnia
he gladly looked after his friend, even if he wasn´t really the best at it I mean he meant well but forgot that yes even if they are actually a Human but now physically a Rabbit they kinda can´t eat Ice Cream or at least shouldn´t eat it
also he somehow managed to forget them which was weird because he never let them out of his sight or insisted on carrying them, partially because they were to slow to keep up with him and him just enjoying getting to hold something
he also tried to take them with him into class nobody said anything and you were just chilling on his desk, watching everybody and even trying to participate
it was difficult but you did manage to write something that was even correct
to reward your good behavior Malleus made you a small Gargoyle, it was an interesting thing but it looked cool at least
he tried to make some Rabbit food for you, all he had to do was maybe mix some vegetables together but no Lilia had to be Lilia and add all kinds of crazy things
it looked more like a poor attempt at poisoning you more than anything and of course he expected you to eat
he even made sure there were no exits available to you, so you were forced to try and eat it
it ended poorly, so poorly in fact that just a small nibble made you faint
but after that he´s decent he gives you cute things to wear and even shows you of to other students or even the Light Music club members
he seems very proud of you for no reason, he did teach you some cool tricks too the most important one was playing dead
he is literally the best person ever for the job
I mean yeah he will fall asleep but who would run away from him???
actual animal or not you sure as hell won´t but his animal friends might try to chase you away, seems like you give of really bad vibes and they hate you
good thing it´s mutual and you scared them of, which everything considered is very impressive nobody died
Silver will also be very surprised when he doesn´t see his forest friends when he wakes up but he might just think they didn´t want to come over this time
he´ll just shrug, hopefully not forget you and continue with whatever he did before
or if he sleeps for to long you have to try and wake him up but it´s Silver and you are just a Rabbit so the chances for you actually waking him up are pretty small
he nearly screamed the poor bunny to death and he wasn´t even angry at them!
he thought somebody else insulted Malleus and went off and the poor Rabbit was caught in the crossfire
even worse no matter how far they ran they couldn´t out run his voice, which was pretty bad for them at least when Sebek noticed they were gone he stopped screaming
but only for a short while, he panicked and screamed for them to come back here
he won´t get embarrassed in front of his Lord because a Human decided to mess with him
if he finds them they´ll get a scolding and then they´ll try to run away again and this will just continue until the turn back or run into somebody else
maybe if they are lucky Lilia will tell Sebek to shut up but the chances for that are small
he would enjoy teasing them more than anything
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soleminisanction · 7 months
U know i do kinda find it weird how some make steph have camaraderie w the ppl that tim knows
Like outside of the generaal batfam sphere(excluding helena bc she is a outlier and maybe jason but even then they get paired up in fandom spaces)
She just not?? Amicable or a team player tbh
Like in yj19 all the sudden the c4(excluding tim) are cool w steph??? Like what? When did that happen???
(or even that arc that they went to evil alt earth where they are all evil but steph isnt??? Writer did u not even realize what you have said about the other steph???)
Idk i just think of all bat character, she is to be stricly gotham base
I give Brian Michael Bendis (the writer on YJ19) a pass because I was following him on Twitter from the point YJ19 and the Wonder Comics imprint was announced, all the way through the end of that series.
From the second the announcement was made, his social media was completely inundated with people demanding that Stephanie be included in YJ19, entirely because she'd last been seen leaving Gotham with Tim. He also got flooded with asks about whether Cissie would make an appearance, or Aqualad (because YJ animated was still at the peak of its popularity and there was a whole contingent of fans who had zero clue that Kaldur was created for that show and that Jackson Hyde looks like but isn't exactly him), but with Steph? He and his co-creators got full on harassed, and it only got worse because she happened to turn up in a flashback in Issue 4. There were Internet journalists who derailed interviews he was giving to hype up his new Black and gay heroines just to demand more Stephanie, it was bad.
And then there was this whole mess that's going to be hard to explain succinctly. But it boils down to: given the timing of when the series was announced, they almost certainly had issues #1-#3 fully drawn and either at or on its way to the printer, issues #4-6 at least partially drawn and colored, issues #7-9 completely scripted and possibly with pencil drafts under way, and issues #10-12 drafted, with an outline already prepared for the second year if they thought they were going to go beyond 12.
But then something happened after the announcement -- and it had to have been after the announcement, otherwise they could've pushed back their release dates -- that led them to rewrite the entire second half of the year, everything from the end of #5 on. You can tell because the covers, which get made ahead of the rest of the issue, start going really wonky from #6 on and don't match up with the contents of the story, plus there's disconnect in the early solicitations. Also they skipped a month between #6 and #7 while making #7 basically a filler issue with guest artists who happen to have very simple, quick-draw cartoony styles that are easier to produce in a hurry.
That kind of turn-around on a publishing project is nuts, it's not fun to deal with. I would be surprised if Bendis had time to give his artists more than a "shitty rough draft" to work off of. But like I said he was still getting this constant barrage of demands for Steph so, as long as he was doing rewrites anyway, he took the chance to drop her in, or maybe the editor insisted he do so to try to bring in more readers. Either way, he just didn't have the time to make it good or put any thought into it.
I honestly feel so bad for their whole creative team. That's such a terrible situation to be in, and the first five issues make me feel like they were really putting their hearts into it. It's so sad it got derailed so badly.
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thebreakfastgenie · 3 months
i'm provoking you about vienna. elaborate
Billy Joel always says Vienna was partially inspired by “friends” of his who needed the message and I’m sure that’s true but it’s also such a thing he needed to hear (and probably still does). A lot of us who relate to the song are neurotic perfectionists and, well, it take one to know one. In interviews he's talked about having a whole life to live and my unsubstantiated theory is that that's something he consciously reminds himself of, or at least did at that point in his life. He self-produced his previous album, he started playing musically professionally when he was 14, his biographer described him as only caring about the music when he was 18. He was the ambitious juvenile not so long before.
At 21 he wrote the lyric “I’ve seen a lot of life and I’m damn sick of living it” in his suicide note because “the world doesn’t need another failed musician.” At 28 he wrote “slow down, you’re doing fine, you can’t be everything you want to be before your time.” I don’t think it’s a coincidence that he wrote that in his late twenties, having made four albums without really finding commercial success. His breakthrough was The Stranger, the album Vienna is on.
I think there's a lot of symbolism behind the choice of Vienna that's very personal. He talks about writing that song after visiting his father (who he had recently gotten back in touch with after he left him when he was 7) and seeing an old woman sweeping the street (this is alluded to in the animated music video that was released recently) and seeing that the elderly had a place in Vienna and didn’t get “put away” like in the United States. Billy Joel's father was a talented musician who wasn't able to pursue music professionally when he was young, and it's hard not to think about "you can get what you want or you can just get old" when I think about his connection to the song. Vienna is a city with a lot of history and a lot of music history and I don’t think that’s coincidental either because Billy Joel loves history and being weird about classical music is basically his main pastime. He recorded his classical album in Vienna (Richard Joo played the music but he was there for the recording process).
Also for all of his "you have a whole life to live, you don't have to do everything when you're young" talk, Billy Joel also said many times over the years he didn't think his career would last into old age and that he used to buy into the idea that success in pop music came with a time limit. That's not how his career turned out, of course, but he didn't know that back then, and he felt that pressure.
So when he says "I had all these friends" it's like "asking for a friend... how do I cool it off before I burn it out?" The second person distracts a bit from how applicable it is to the singer. I do believe him when he says he saw how his friends were stressing themselves, he has a lot of observational songs like that (James, for example) but I don't think it was just his friends. I think it's such a good song and relatable to so many people because it was written by someone who understands. But he never talks about the song that way, he always makes it about other people.
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ink-flavored · 5 months
everything under preferences & emotions for the jumbo ask game? :3
woagh a beeg one
so my heart always wants to talk about Pride and Justice, literally all the time, for any reason. but i also want to shove Harlan and Yvonne in everyone's faces, as the new kids on the block. so to satisfy my extremely indulgent urges, i'm going to split this list in half and answer 5 for each couple.
Pride & Justice
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colors, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Okay for Justice this is easy. He likes books and analyzing books (especially romance, especially in his book club), basically any animal (including humans), bright colors (yellow, light green, soft blues, lotta pastels in his wardrobe), soft textures, fruity scents (like in lotion and shampoo and stuff), his favorite season is spring, he likes overcast skies, and he'll listen to just about any music but has an affinity for classical and Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Beats To Study/Relax To.
On the other hand, Pride is so repressed that he does not allow himself to enjoy things for a hot minute because he's afraid of looking Weak and Vulnerable for Experiencing Joy. He'll admit to enjoying weed, alcohol, shoplifting, and inciting violence, but that's about it. Eventually, he comes to enjoy the punk scenes Ollie frequents and trips and falls into emo stuff (he also listens to pop-y club music when he's not at the club, but won't admit it), he can tortuously admit his favorite color is maroon, he obsesses over telenovelas with Sofia, he loves watching bad movies on purpose to make fun of them, he likes rain and snow, and his favorite texture is "Justice's clothes."
🍊 What is your OC’s favorite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes? What is your OC’s most hated food? Stuff they can’t stand to eat or drink?
Justice is partial to breakfast food in general, but simply cannot resist the opportunity to eat French toast when it's available. It's the first thing he perfected while learning to cook for the first time, so it's special in that way too.
Pride doesn't cook much (or rather, doesn't cook anything recognizable as human food), so his favorite things are made by other people or store bought. In general, he likes tart, sweet-and-sour flavors because it reminds him what his sin tastes like, and Ollie's weed brownies for exactly the reason you're thinking.
I haven't thought too much about what either of them dislike, so I'm pulling these out of my ass. Pride thinks yogurt is the weirdest, grossest food in the world, and Justice really doesn't understand the appeal of avocados.
🍑 Where is your OC’s favorite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them? Is there anywhere your OC hates to go to? Anywhere that stresses them out or have negative memories of?
For a while, Purgatory was Pride's escape. Nobody cares about Purgatory, nobody would ever look for him there, so it's where he went to cool off after another fight with Lust or to escape someone he pissed off. Relatedly, Hell is his least favorite place (shock, gasp).
On Earth, he kinda just goes to his room and curls up in his blanket nest when upset. Sometimes he will accompany this with extremely loud sadboy music. If he's just chilling though, he'll sit in the most space-taking position on the couch possible and watch Epic Fail compilations or something. Bonus points if Justice is there and he can invite himself into his lap.
Justice likes to sit on the balcony and be quiet, either with a book or nothing. It's his Thinking Spot, where he goes to brain it all out. It's important to him because he never really... had a place for that in Heaven. Everything he did was strictly regulated and controlled, so all his "relaxing" had to be done during his designated "relax" time, which he """shockingly"""" didn't get a ton of.
He hasn't been on Earth long enough to have negative associations with any particular place, but his memories of Heaven have been quite tainted by his recent rejection. He both wants to go back desperately, and hates that he wants to at all.
🧡 Who is your OC’s favorite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or role model or celeb can be someone’s favorite after all!). Who does your OC absolutely hate, the one person who they’d sell to Satan for one corn chip? Why do they loathe this person so?
Pride's favorite person is HIM!
In seriousness, Pride has himself on a pedestal because literally nobody gave a shit about him up until the events of the story happened. It was/is a coping mechanism, a survival technique, a way to rationalize all his actions away as Correct, because if he was ever wrong then that meant that everyone who had ever hurt him was right. As he grows, he begins to unlearn this way of thinking, but he never really lets go of that core idea. Pride is the most important person in the world to Pride, because he has to be. When nobody else is around, he has to truly, genuinely, earnestly love himself, not just to cope, but to like... be happy. But since he's not alone, and does have people who love him, Justice is his favorite non-him person for both character development reasons and extremely gay reasons.
As for his least favorite people, that could honestly fill a book. He is so bitter. God for obvious reasons, Lust for being abusive, Lucifer for lying about being better than God, but his hatred for Envy is I think the most interesting. In real life, the emotions of envy and (unhealthy) pride are very closely linked - people who have an unhealthy relationship with their pride are often envious of other people. Pride hates Envy because she's the concept of everything he can't admit to himself (he's envious of angels and humans who are happy, loved, and have God's affection), and Envy hates him right back for flaunting his confidence/dismissal of her sin as a concept at her and showing what she thinks she needs to be happy (and no longer envious). They're catty as fuck.
Justice loves Pride (for gay reasons and character reasons), but it's an extremely close race, maybe even a tie, for his sister Kindness. She's the reason for a lot of who he is, they intentionally modeled their human bodies so they would look related. Kindness really helped shape his understanding of how God's justice and God's kindness work together to create the Perfect Wholesome World of Heaven and is a big reason he believes what he does. Obviously when Heaven turned out to not be so wonderful and wholesome, he still took those ideals with him to Earth. One of his core philosophies is that justice should be guided by kindness, not the other way around, and she helped teach him that.
His personal antagonist in the book is Honesty, and he loathes her for extremely good reasons. She was his direct superior in Heaven, and made his life very difficult once he started suggesting that maybe Purgatory isn't the best way to do things. He has been under her thumb for ages, and him leaving Heaven was basically the excuse she was looking for to brand him a traitor. Justice does not wish death on anyone, but he's very close saying some very mean words about Honesty.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun? What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
Justice LOOOOVES Blorbo From His Books. Pick up any book in his collection, he'll have hours of conversation at the ready. Even the trashy pulpy ones - ESPECIALLY the pulpy ones tbh. He's also a rules lawyer by definition of embodying God's justice, so he also enjoys having a friendly argument of semantics and creating the most busted TTRPG characters you've ever seen based on nothing but technicalities.
What Justice does not like talking about is... arguments for the sake of arguing? I guess? He doesn't like getting into fights, he just likes talking about rules, so anyone coming at him with like... real Stakes in the topic at hand with Furious Rebuttals immediately turns him off. He's just playing toys. Why are you so mad.
As previously mentioned, Pride doesn't really allow himself to enjoy things for a while, and even when he does, he doesn't like the idea of talking for hours about stuff. When he gets into art and starts painting, he doesn't really talk about it as much as he just... does it all the time, here's a picture. He'd rather show, not tell, and let the art speak for itself. Even with his bad movies and telenovelas, he doesn't have much to say other than "they're so fuckin hilarious, this one's my favorite, we should watch it Right Now, No Take Backs."
Pride finds SO many things boring actually. Don't talk about sports, don't talk about anything with numbers, don't bring up PROBLEMS in the NEWS??? It better be FUNNY or SEXY or VIOLENT or he is not listening to you.
Harlan & Yvonne
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC generally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
Harlan is definitely a happy guy by default, especially after starting magic HRT. He lives a very party-heavy college lifestyle around a lot of other party people, so he's very rarely in a situation where thinking about his problems is in the forefront of his mind.
Music pretty reliably makes him happy, and just being in a situation where there are lots of people having a good time also makes him want to have a good time, which is where the parties come in. The infectious energy and the drinking games and whatever party potions everyone is passing around, all that is where he wants to be, with the people he wants to be with.
Harlan is also very good at being your personal hype man? He will simply not let his friends get away with self-depreciation, and give you compliments until you agree that they're true.
Yvonne is a more subdued kind of happy. She's consistently homesick for her herd, but does her best to keep in touch and explore her big city lifestyle in Athendrolyn and make a new "herd" for herself.
When she's particularly homesick, she'll either go on a long walk/trot along the beach or the forest trails, or if the weather's bad, curl up with a warm drink and a blanket and watch nostalgic movies from her foalhood.
Her social battery for people she hasn't integrated into her "new herd" is drained quite quickly, but if she's mentally made you part of that group, you're basically family to her. She'll drop anything for her herd, no matter the situation, and is all around a very compassionate and loyal friend.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
Yvonne is a centaur, so she has crippling horse anxiety. Which is to say, she's afraid of most things! When she was living with her herd, it was mitigated by being in a herd and having a community and a leader to follow, but when she moved away for access to magic HRT, it got worse. She's particularly afraid of unexpected loud noises, sudden movements, and can get pretty overwhelmed in flashy environments like parties or concerts. She definitely leans on the "flight" half of fight or flight, and will look for any escape route possible. Depending on what's causing the episode, just being in a quiet room with someone she trusts for a few minutes can be enormously helpful, but the most reliable way for her to not be anxious is for people to announce when they're coming into a room, explain whatever that noise just was, and not go to parties.
As for being scary, Yvonne is a Clydesdale, so I wouldn't put it past people to find her intimidating, but usually once she opens her mouth all that is put to rest. She's very friendly!
Harlan isn't a particularly anxious person, but does avoid the ocean whenever possible. He's terrified of the sea and most deep water in general. He can swim, he just doesn't like doing it, and it's pretty easy for him to be calm by not going near deep water👍ever 👍
He's not scary either, nor would he ever want to seem scary.
🍋 Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not?
Harlan is definitely very petty. One thing that happens in the short story is that his friends tease him about making up Yvonne (because they'd never met her/seen a picture of her), and once she shows up he takes EVERY OPPORTUNITY to rub their noses in the fact that HHHIISSS girlfriend is here, and his REALLY AWESOME GIRLFRIEND is right there, and wow did he mention they're DATINGGGGG??????
He really hates being underestimated, or being made a fool of, which is why he reacts so strongly to things like that. He doesn't like feeling like he's second best, so if he feels like that's happening (even if it isn't), he asserts his "authority" basically with any straw he can grasp. Sometimes this is easy, like when Yvonne turns out to be real and not fake, but other times it's just... unrelated or insulting or made up. He's not good at impulse control, so usually he has to be told to knock it off.
Yvonne is not very petty or jealous because in general very calm and not very confrontational. She can be a little insecure, too, so in instances where she is feeling jealous, it's more internal, and she doesn't act on it.
When she does feel it bad enough, she can shut down and be kind of closed off. Usually someone can help talk her back out of it, and Harlan is especially good at this because he likes to hype her up at every opportunity.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
Yvonne grew up pretty sheltered in a rural area with only other centaurs, so she's pretty out of her depth when she moves to Athendrolyn with its dozens of different creatures and customs and traditions. The culture shock made her pretty susceptible to being tricked, both in non-serious ways and worse ways, but she's definitely more vigilant now. She's very trusting, even after those unfortunate incidents, and will generally give people the benefit of the doubt.
Harlan is much quicker to call bullshit, but also quicker to go "yooooo no wayyyyy," about something that personally piques his interest, whether or not it's true. He tends to trust people unless they have a known history of being untrustworthy, and his fraternity (or whatever I'm calling it in this fictional world) can definitely spread news, true or false, faster than anyone can possibly outrun it, so if he's trusting someone he knows he can trust, but they got their info from someone else who got it from someone else etc... yeah.
On his end, Harlan is a pretty straightforward guy, but he does fib a liiiittle bit on occasion to seem cooler. It's why his friends jumped to "your girlfriend isn't even real" in the first place. It's more dramatic than the things he's done in the past, but it's also not not something he would do.
💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
As previously mentioned, Harlan doesn't have the greatest impulse control, and will act on how he feels before he thinks through what he's actually doing. He really feels the need to prove himself among his peers and seem cool and interesting, and the party lifestyle that encourages impulsive actions ddddoesn't help? much?
He knows he has this problem, and does try to catch himself, but it's a process after acting impulsively for so long. Yvonne being a stable, calm presence in his life has tremendously helped him.
Yvonne isn't impulsive at all, kind of the opposite. She has a lot of anxiety, and that prevents basically any impulsive action, which can cause her feelings to rule her life in a different way. She can be closed off and wary of things that aren't already in her comfort zone, especially growing up so sheltered.
She actually didn't realize how closed off she'd gotten until she met and started hanging out with Harlan, and has been slowly trying to increase her tolerance of out-of-comfort-zone experience since.
[send me something from the jumbo ask game]
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blessedshortcake · 1 year
My opinion on the finale episodes below the cut. Obviously spoiler warning lol
First of all. I see people say it was really underwhelming and i kinda have to agree? It wasnt a Bad ending or a lazy one or whatever words have been thrown around tho imo. I feel like with all the hype about how "painful" and emotional itll be from the VA and from everyone, we all just expected more tragic outcomes or something.
I am dissappointed because of that as well. I liked how Simon finally reflected a bit and had some self awareness about their situation with Betty. I loved that he didnt become Ice King again or that they didnt do some actual time travel to "fix" stuff. I also liked that they didnt necessarily made him a bad husband (?/boyfriend?) he kinda just never realised that Betty has been putting more into their duo than he was.
That doesnt make him innocent tho b4 someone comes at me. He was a bit too self absorbed but i dont think he was entirely selfish either. He was a person who made mistakes and didnt realise them. The line where he said smt like "i wish we could have talked like this before" also makes it pretty clear to me that Betty never really spoke up about these things either. Golbetty had to make him aware and tbh? I think that was more Golb than Betty.
The whole Scarab ordeal felt a bit. Ehhhhhh I dont know. His anger reaction to things suddenly becoming "canon" (lmao) was very nice to see but him being allowed to wreck havoc like that for a good while felt more like an excuse to bring the others into this world. I dont have a problem with it btw i just dont see the point why we need Farmwold Jay and Little... I forgot her name damn. Also whys Babyworld Finn here 😭 (i get it, he was in the tank, i dont mean literally i mean Why)
As much as i was soooo mad when LSP freed the scarabs it was very in character. I like how it was a thing that he likes animals from the start so it wasnt senseless stupidity, it was something he would do even tho it was the wrong thing to do. Made me pause and lay down to stare at the ceiling in frustration for a solid minute i cant lie, still in chacter tho.
But alas. I like how in the end it all didnt turn magical (completely since ig its partially magical with Cake and everything else) and how Cake finally cooled down about the crown. IM ALSO SO HAPPY THEY KEEP IN TOUCH WITH SIMON OVER THE PHONEEE!! But yea him wanting to move was so real and I hope he does lmao he deserves it.
I only kinda wish they made him reconnect with Marcy a bit more. I am actually pretty dissappointed that we dont know if he ended up reaching out to her more or not. I understand his situation with not wanting to spook her, i actually feel that bit in a soul connecting level good god, but idk. Im at least happy he is Literally in therapy now
(Kinda makes me wonder tho if he spent the time between the end of AT and the start of FC with no like therapist or psychologist. Just rawdogging his mental illness about everything. Mood tbh but like did he? Did he??)
Anyway despite my slight dissappointment i am actually pretty happy with the outcome. I really liked the theories and the ideas of how Simon may make FC magical or what he will become but tbh this is probably the best outcome. Everyone got a happy/hopeful ending (minus Farmwold Finn ig who im atp assuming is dead. Also Star Marceline and PB) which i am really REALLY happy about.
I gotta say I already wanna write fanfic about these guys so inspirational effect granted. Woooo.
I was kinda dissappointed because it was overhyped about how emotional it will be when it really wasnt but other than that I am really happy about how the ending turned out save for the alternatives staying in FC
Also Simon had like 10 minutes to get closure with Betty which was horrifically rushed but again, when your wife turns into Basically God you kinda dont really have a choice to chit chat. Still not happy about it but again, could have been worse. Could have been much worse.
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wroef · 11 months
Theory on how Barbara died and Rick's disappearance. Based partially on/inspired by this post:
So I saw this post and it sparked this theory of mine.
You see, I never really bought that Rick was responsible for Barbara's death given the fact he was on crutches at the time.
Not to mention the comic is not very reliable (since Edith signed off on it and might not have really liked Rick much, in my opinion).
So.. here's the theory:
They didn't have cellphones back then and Rick probably didn't walk to Barb's. His parents either drove him there or Barb did.
So if she kicked him out and didn't let him call home, he probably decided to suck it up (cause toxic masculinity) and walk home.
Barbara lives near the ocean. On uneven land. Surrounded by forest. And wild animals.
And it was night.
Rick probably got lost.
And it was Halloween.
It was probably cold.
So either he succumbed to the elements or got attacked by an animal.
Or maybe he went to seek shelter in a cave or went to chill by the ocean. Waiting for his parents to pick him up (if they had drove him) or for Barbara to cool off. Only to fall asleep and get pulled in by the tide.
Hence him disappearing that night.
(My friend pointed out that his crutch was found by the water).
I hear you say... How did Barbara die?
Well. They focus on the skates.
So I'm thinking one of the boys (Walter or the twins or all three) were playing with Barbara's skates before she got home and since the place was cluttered, she probably didn't see them and slipped. Tripping over the railing. Breaking it and falling to her death.
And of course, Walter would be messed up whether he was playing with the skates or not (suggested in the link) because he just saw his older sister die.
And well.
Edie might have blamed Rick for Barbara's death if he disappeared or just for not stopping it since he was there earlier.
Also Walter would be even more messed up because of how strongly his mom believed in the curse after the death of his uncle and grandparents and both his sisters.
And as more deaths started to happen, it'd probably cause a lot of stress. Especially with nobody getting help for him.
I don't know how much of this disjointed mess makes sense but I hope it does make a little sense.
Ooh, this is interesting!
I've never been of the opinion that Rick killed Barbara either, for starters. My guess was the serial killer or maybe some crazed fan(s?) mad that she wasn't able to make her appearance at the convention. I'll need more time to sit on this new theory but I do think it's worth considering
I do wonder though, if we assume that was true, why does he blame the monster for Calvin's death? He arguably has the most cut and dry of Walter's siblings (that he's aware of anyway, him not mentioning Sam makes me think he might not know he died which is :(( but anyway), and while I guess it could be the guilt mentioned I have to imagine that at the very least Sam would try to clear that up? Maybe he did and Walter just didn't believe him, though. It's hard to say. That's something that's bothered me long before I got this ask tbf
As far as the Rick part, yeah him drowning somewhere does make sense. Now that you mention it I wouldn't be surprised if he tripped around that river and cracked his head there.
(Happy birth/deathday queen. RIP Barbara)
-Mod Edith
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vigilskeep · 1 year
hiii so what do you think orzammar fabrics are like? like they canonically dont have animals with fur/wool down there and plants are difficult to come by so what are they doing on that front? maybe spider web silk? the main problem with spider silk in real life is the fact that its just too small to do anything with but that would likely be mitigated by um. spiders that are bigger than people. it'd be really durable as well as being like, silk. maybe they could make fabric out of mushrooms? thats a thing right? im interested in your thoughts
i had no idea fabric could be made out of mushrooms but apparently it’s true! and yes spider silk might be worth harvesting, that would be really cool
going to merchant stalls as an aeducan, “surface silks” are a high-priced foreign commodity. gorim expresses disdain for them in comparison to the stone and metal products of orzammar, actually fully implying that orzammar doesn’t make fabric at all. considering that orzammar does have hairless animals, i would suggest (and @v-arbellanaris suggested this to me) much more use of leather than fabric, made from bronto and nug hide and the like. it’s also part of the lore that armour and especially chainmail iirc is incorporated into noble dress thanks to the cutthroat nature of dwarven politics, and it doesn’t seem too far-fetched for the warrior caste to wear at least partial armour day to day as a marker of their status?
otherwise honestly i think orzammar is very reliant on trade with the surface and has been for longer than anyone could possibly remember. there’s a reason everyone inside and out is dismayed with it closing its doors during dao, and that during wicked eyes & wicked hearts you can overhear discussion of how long orzammar can last without trade in foodstuffs from orlais. the idea that orzammar might be able to sustain itself independently does not even come up as a possibility. if it’s truly that reliant on humans for food crops, i don’t see why fabrics would be any different
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kabutoraiger · 8 months
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fun find at the used bookstore the other day since their horror section is usually pretty sparse. had to stop myself from saying Holy Fuck out loud upon picking it up and seeing that guy. retro horror book covers you will always be famous to me
as for the actual stories inside,
son of celluloid - really cool concept of a monster in a movie theater that can like send your ass to the Movie Dimension and shapeshift itself into old film stars to lure you in with a beloved face and gets stronger the more it is "perceived"
however i really did not understand part of the lore of this creature which was that it partially grew out of cancer cells...?? what does that have to do with the rest of this... and unfortunately this story gets bogged down with the central POV character who is a fat woman, which is obviously fine, but like half of her narration is just thinking about how she hates being soo fat and how men aren't into her which is just. :/
also it made me question if clive has ever actually seen dumbo. dumbo's ears were his notable feature, my guy. that's kind of the whole thrust of the film.
rawhead rex - this is the only one i'd heard of in advance and it's certainly... memorable.
again the idea here is kino with this beast from ancient times being unleashed on this blase little british town and kind of plunging them back into a more primal state of being. the descriptions of rawhead and especially of him eating the children is like. viscerally freaky and horrible.
but the decision to write some scenes from the POV of rawhead himself is... i dunno. like i do think the story would feel a bit unfinished without his perspective so it's more How they're written, i guess, in this very normal voice that just makes him come across as a simple animal crossed with a petulant cruel teenager or something, and thus kind of ruining his scariness. maybe that was part of the intention and i just didn't fully get it? to me it would've been better for his POV to read as very stylized & different from the humans somehow.
and god i wish there didn't have to be so much piss involved. the demonic watersports scene got me staring off into the distance with a tired resignation
confessions of a pornographer's shroud - relatively simple ghostly revenge story. due to being told in big part from the POV of the ghost i can't call this one particularly scary, but the base idea of taking the silly halloweencore ghost wearing sheet and turning that into an actual serious haunting is fun.
scapegoats - a ship gets beached on a creepy little island they hadn't even noticed on the map which turns out to be a burial ground for tons of unidentified bodies who washed up there during the world wars.
the ending bit of this one was pretty effective but i can't get over my disappointment that this island wasn't more like lovecraftian in origin, which felt plausible based on initial descriptions of it. half alive corpses are scary sure but i wanted At The Shitty English Island of Madness instead.
also there's one part that felt straight out of one of junji ito's weirder oneshots which made me laugh out loud and im not sure the humor was intended.
human remains - sex worker goes home with a guy and finds some kind of sentient human sized statue in his bathtub which then proceeds to start following him around and taking on his identity & exact appearance.
probably my favorite in this book which feels odd to say since it's the least horror out of them. the MC's reaction to this creature eventually becomes almost friendly or loving, and the creature is polite and well spoken and though it kills people it generally only does so to live. very interesting. a story that it's difficult to imagine a straight author writing. could probably read some layers of metaphor into it if you were inclined
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
Pippa has asked your OCs to take care of her pet tarantula! Who says yes, who says no, and how does it go?
Thank you!!
Rae: Agrees. She's not super fond of spiders, but she can manage for a few days. Mostly it's just keeping an eye on it, right? Maybe feeding it once or twice? She'll be fine.
Robin: Absolutely not. She can't stand spiders. She'd try to decline politely at least, knowing Pippa really cares about her pet and not wanting to offend her.
Madison: Sure, why not? Creepy-crawlies don't scare her, and she knows how important it is to have petcare you trust (she wouldn't let just anyone take care of Bravo if she was out of town, after all). As long as Pippa leaves her some instructions on what to do, she'll do her best.
Ophelia: Actually has a really great time. She's comfortable with spiders and actually finds the tarantula kind of cool, and (with Pippa's permission) carefully handles it a few times over the time she's taking care of it.
Gia: Similar to Rae - she'll agree, though for her it's partially out of anxiety about saying no, but she's probably not doing much more than what's required of her. She's generally okay with most arthropods, but mostly bees and smaller insects, so a spider that big would kinda toe the line for her.
Jasper: Probably not. They've got two dogs and a cat, and they're worried one of them could stress or injure the tarantula while it's in their care. They would hate for Pippa's pet to end up hurt.
Kestrel: Agrees without hesitation, and probably takes the best care of it overall.
Katherine: Declines. She hates spiders (though she wouldn't say this to Pippa's face) and isn't going within five feet of it if she can help it.
Quinn: Hm... hard to say. I think she'd agree, and probably would think it's pretty cool, though wouldn't be as enthralled as Ophelia.
Eris: Agrees, takes good care of it for the first few days, then accidentally leaves the enclosure open and loses it. They manage to find it literal hours before Pippa is set to return, and only just barely.
Nikoletta: Agrees... she's not super fond of spiders (way too many experiences living in should've-been-abandoned buildings and running into black widows or brown recluses), but Abner likes them (I can explain this one I promise, but I will admit it's also partially based on those pics with the tarantulas from the Overlook film fest), so she figures he'll take care of it. Nik's main job is just keeping the cats away, but she's careful about that.
Jimmy: Absolutely! He was already a zookeeper in his life, and in his afterlife he has even less reason to be wary of it, so he asks Pippa to write down some care instructions for it and off they go. If anything, it makes him realize how much he's missed having animals to take care of, since that was such a big part of his life.
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desultory-novice · 1 year
So some more details for Kirby and The Circle of Time:
Some lore I'm including for this is that Kirby and Zero both spawned from Void in its orb state, whereas Eifilis spawned from Void in its beast/Termina form. As such, Kirby and Zero warp space in order to surpass time,,whereas Eifilis warps time in order to surpass space. Kirby and Zero also act more like blackholes,,whereas Eifilis acts more like a sun.
Marx here is still very chaotic neutral. He's helping the main crew because "Kirby owes him a ten tier cake." Of course, that partially a lie, for he does care for Kirby. He still wants that cake, though.
Magolor acts as the party shopkeep and the sort of... lore keeper of the group. He appears at random locations,,selling various upgrades for party members and also dropping hints at lore for this game.
Shadow Kirby plays a huge part in saving our Kirby.
Hi Winter!
Elfilis as an offspring of Void! Oooh, I've never heard of that before! I really like it!
Plus "warping space in order to surpass time" "warping time in order to surpass space" Hello?! That is SO cool sounding?!
Plus the black hole/sun comparison!
I love your description of Marx's motivations, his false ones and his real ones! And I've always thought Magolor would be a great RPG shopkeeper! I'm glad someone's going through with that!
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As for shifting the project...
You know, there's nothing wrong with that. Programs like RPG Maker (not sure if you were thinking that or not) are supposed to make it very easy to make an RPG but... that's only an RPG if you're using their resources. I should know, I tried to make one for a different fandom I was in. 
I ran out of resources about one town in and found I was spending sooo much time making custom stuff I wasn't progressing on it at all. (And that's ignoring the time spent making custom character sprites/portraits for my party.)
And if it's story-based/has a good story (as I believe it does, based on what you've told me) then you're not losing much by writing it as a fanfic! Just some random battles, and who needs those, right?
...I do wonder about Nintendo take downs though. I've heard they can be brutal, but there's another Kirby RPG project that just came back from the dead and Gamble Galaxy (?) Stories didn't seem to run into any trouble. It's true that would be a really awful way for your project to end though.
(That's partially why, for my own Kirby fan game, I've been thinking I might just work on it entirely in the background. Not doing anything more public than the kind of vague hints I've dropped before.
And then, when it's done, just drop the thing on social media *BAM* and run!! Hope that people circulate the tapes after the ninjas get to me! They may take down The Crazy Idea, but at least the version traded back and forth on secret Discords will be the full version, and not a demo doomed to be forever unfinished!)
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As for your last ask...
God, I would love that! Honestly, I feel like that is a worthy fan-game project all on its own! I don't know how complex it would be, as Chao Garden seems to have stuff in it that people are still figuring out to this day (?) but Chao Garden as a (mini) game really ought to have dozens and dozens of spiritual sequels.
I think what makes it stand out from other "collect cute pets" game like Neko Atsume or that recent bunny island game that just came out IS the interaction element. You can walk around and tour the garden on your own two feet. You're not just collecting adorable PNGs.
But given that Waddle Dees are already shown to have slight color variation in Kirby and the Forgotten Land.. plus Key Dees and Golden Dees... And oh, giving Waddle Dees little animal features!!
Yes, that would be good.
If it's not in the cards for the fandom to make, maybe HAL will grace us with a mini-game similar to that down the line...!\
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(Just more of me yapping about Simon in a Legend of Zelda AU, first post can be found here)
When talking about Simon being Link in a BOTW AU, I imagine him as looking pretty rough- at least compared to Link.
I mean, he’s tall and pretty well built, that alone would make him pretty intimidating. I know the longer hair would be pretty on him, but I’m inclined to say he comes out of the Shrine of Resurrection with kind of like a buzz cut, but then as he goes around Hyrule doing his thing (smacking bokoblins, eating things he shouldn’t) it starts to grow out more and more. I think it would be a cool little way of showing him changing as he adjusts to Hyrule and becomes more confident in minding the hand he’s been dealt.
I also see him as having a few scars, I’m not sure how the Shrine of Resurrection is supposed to work, but we’re going to say it let him keep his battle scars.
He’s got one across his upper lip, starting under one of the high point’s of his Cupid’s bow and going diagonally up and out. He’s got another stretching from his brow to his hairline, along with a particularly ugly one where he’d nearly had his ear torn off.
Naturally, he keeps the earrings. They’re essential, and Simon would look hot in Link’s iconic little blue hoops. And of course, the champions tunic is still a thing, but I think he has some sort of brown scarf or handkerchief with a traditional design (similar to what’s on the Hylian or champion’s tunic) that he pulls up over his mouth and nose whenever he’s in crowded places or doesn’t want people to talk to him.
He’s also a frequent user of the Hylian hood, likely in conjunction with his little mask. That combined with his stature and frame is enough to make most people duck their heads. He doesn’t like being recognized as who he is, partially because he hates the attention, and partially because he feels so disconnected from who he was. How could he not? The old Simon was gone, what was left of him rattled around in Simon’s brain like a caged animal. Simon was not Simon.
Maybe that’s where the moniker of Ghost came from- he didn’t want to be called by the same name of the man that he was trying so hard to distance himself from.
Or maybe he never began going by Ghost, maybe it was just an off handed comment shared under the stars with the pretty girl he met at the stable in the Tabantha Snowfields who didn’t seem to mind his aversion to speak or show his face.
Maybe it was just a whispered admittance that he felt more like the ghost of Simon haunted him than anything else.
I know people are divided over whether they read Link as completely mute, selectively mute, or not mute at all, but at least for this AU, I’m going with the selectively mute route. As in, Simon will avoid speaking if at all possible. Mostly nodding his head, pointing, or using other means of communicating whenever possible. It gets worse the more people who’re there, especially if they’re strangers, and the only exceptions are Mipha’s spirit, Zelda, maybe the other champion’s spirits (excluding Revali), and maybe the girl from the stable if we’re still including the x reader aspect of this.
For Mipha, it’s frankly because it’s Mipha. She’s genuinely one of the sweetest people(?) ever, and operating off the idea that Simon feels really disconnected from himself before loosing his memories, and that they’re almost haunting him, I think that the past closeness of his relationship with Mipha would make her one of the only people he might be able to speak around. I also think that talking with her about who he used to be might help him get some closure and better understanding of who he was before. It’s similar with Daruk and Urbosa- although probably to far lesser extents. With Daruk, maybe it’s more of the kind of comfort that comes with having a stupid friend that you can always rely on to fuck around with- or in Simon’s case, knowing that he used to.
Btw the part where Link/Simon ate rocks is cannon in this AU.
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