#i try to be. OPEN to alternative ideas & hearing people out trying to take their perspective etc etc but at the end of the day
biceratops7 · 11 months
I’m gonna SCREAM-
We’ve already established as a fandom that Metatron could teach a masterclass on gas lighting, but I wanna talk about how he specifically validates the things Aziraphale cares for while simultaneously devaluing them under the surface.
First off, this moment?
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Tells us everything we need to know. It sets the scene for exactly the games Metatron is playing. He makes Muriel feel important while openly insulting them (flat out calling them stupid), aka seamlessly reinforcing the idea that they’re less than to both them and anyone else in the room. He knows he can get away with this easily, he knows that Muriel, lonely, overlooked little Muriel, will be completely distracted by the fact that someone so important is taking an interest in them.
This is already horribly clever, but then later on you realize it’s doing even MORE heavy lifting when he appoints Muriel to run the bookshop. “See? What’s important to you is what’s important to me! I’ve graciously taken the time to ensure your beloved shop is looked after by Muriel. You know, the dim one!” …let’s suffice it to say he’s ensnared too birds with one net for this one, and that a pattern is already starting to arise.
So when Metatron says Gabriel came to Aziraphale because he’s a “natural leader” and “doesn’t just tell people what they wanna hear”? Yah he’s full of shit. Aziraphale struggles with his sense of purpose when he doesn’t have someone or something guiding him, and for thousands of years he’s been terrified of sharing his true feelings and opinions to 90% of people he’s known. Completely just trying to butter him up. Wanna know the real reason Gabriel seeks asylum with Aziraphale?
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Exactly this. Gabriel just says so point blank. It’s not because Aziraphale is this person for him, it’s because despite knowing nothing, he has this instinct that Aziraphale is the only one who can possibly understand why Gabriel did what he did. He is, I mean as far as we know, the only other angel who has fallen in love. (In general, let alone with a demon.)
But nope, can’t have that. We can throw the promise of restoring Crowley in the mix to sweeten the pot, but we can’t acknowledge why he’d want that so badly in the first place. So now it’s cause they work so well together. We can praise the angel for the fallen archangel Gabriel himself coming to him protection and guidance, give him a gold star. But we couldn’t DARE imply that it was by virtue of Aziraphale’s courage to choose earthly love over heavenly. How Gabriel didn’t need a leader, but a friend who’s truly known the joys of adoring that “particular person” and the pain of needing to hide it.
Cause then Aziraphale would start getting crazy ideas, like that his silly little human feelings have a great deal of worth. That they have the power to inspire, form cracks in the institution, fundamentally weaken what has controlled and harmed him. We wouldn’t want him to know the true value of the cards he holds when he has the ace in a match against you, now would we? After all…
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Metatron uses this ingeniously sinister tactic of taking away Aziraphale’s choice while giving the illusion that he’s actually opening up doors. Notice how he tells Aziraphale he would have the authority to do something as extraordinary as turn a demon into an angel, yet he never once puts the much simpler alternative of just working with a demon on the table? The sleight of hand here is that he’s being offered the opportunity to freely be with Crowley… but he’s already freely with him as is, no bargain to be made. In fact he fought to be. Metatron disappears this accomplishment right before our eyes, while seamlessly maintaining the illusion to Aziraphale that he (Zira) is in control.
He sets Aziraphale up for failure by only providing the option he knows Crowley will not only decline but be deeply hurt by. It’s all so cleverly planned. Once this plays out exactly how he wants, he delivers the finishing blow by diminishing Crowley and his “damned fool questions”. Suddenly doing a complete 180 and emphasizing how foolish and troublesome he is. Metatron was offering Crowley by Aziraphale’s side as The Carrot. Now he’s telling Aziraphale it was stupid of him to want The Carrot, un-heavenly.
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Aziraphale’s life, love, happiness, it’s all not only a massive inconvenience for Metatron but a liability. He has successfully taken a weapon from Aziraphale’s hands he didn’t even know he had. Metatron sees the writing on the wall, and he wants it contained.
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liliacamethyst · 1 year
So apologies if in advance this is in anyway triggering but I had an idea for a great angsty reveal and all I ask is to be heard out
It involves a miscarriage scare, not that it happens but the scare happens. Here’s the bare bones prompt:
During a mission Sun Spider (ie us) got really bad cramps and is of course terrified that she’s having a miscarriage. As soon as she’s able to she rushes to her place and sets up the ultrasound. (I was kinda thinking the reader were a doctor or nurse of sorts, or at least know another spider who is that would keep the secret.) She wanders the wand and begs that the baby is okay, finally breathing a sigh of relief when she hears the heartbeat and sees her tiny one. Unbeknownst to her Miguel had followed her….
Ahhh this is so angsty and good. Thank you so much Jesse! I thought it would be perfect to combine it with this comment by @fleeingdawn-blog1 :
"Imagine him being FURIOUS that you slept with someone else, the screaming and all the vitriol he would spit your way. Then the dawning horror when he slowly pieces it together and feels his world fall apart around him."
So, because you guys are amazing and have even more amazing ideas, here's another alternate reveal Drabble:
In the middle of an intense mission, you feel an agonizing pain in your lower abdomen. It's a sharp, cramping sensation that doubles you over and forcing you to stop in your tracks. You clutch your stomach, dread sinking in. No, it can't be... Please, no.
You have to leave. You have to get home.
Making some vague excuse to your fellow Spider-people, you swing off, all while trying to ignore the terror building up inside of you. “Please, please let my baby be okay,” you whisper to no one in particular. You had never prayed so hard.
You're careful as you swing, each movement precise so as to avoid jostling too much. As soon as you reach your apartment you rush inside, immediately heading to the hidden medical room you've set up.
You're not a doctor, but you're resourceful. You had to be. You had to protect your baby.
Setting up the ultrasound, your hands tremble with anxiety. You take deep breaths, trying to stay calm for the sake of your unborn child. Picking up the device, you slowly move it across your belly, your eyes glued to the screen, your ears straining to hear that precious heartbeat.
And then you see it. The tiny flicker on the screen, the reassuring beat that echoes through the room. Your baby is alive. The relief washes over you like a wave, tears prickling your eyes. You breathe out a shaky laugh, one hand coming up to cover your mouth.
"You're okay... oh, thank god, you're okay," you whisper, tears streaming down your face. You continue to stare at the screen, memorizing every curve, every line of your tiny baby. You're so wrapped up in your relief and joy, you don't hear the door creak open.
Miguel, who had silently followed you, leaning heavily against the doorframe. He's staring at you, at the screen, at the clear image of your unborn child.
As Miguel’s gaze moves between the ultrasound screen and you, something inside him snaps. His face contorts, his nostrils flare, and his eyes flash with a fury you have never seen before, turning even more red than usual.
“What is this?! Who is he?!” Miguel’s voice fills the room as he points toward the screen.
“Miguel...” you start, but he cuts you off, his voice now a roar.
“WHO’S IS HE? DIME!” Miguel’s words are like knives, slashing through the air.
You’re cowering back, tears streaming down your face. “Mi... Miguel, please, just...”
“WHO ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH, HUH?” He's practically spitting the words at you, venom dripping from every syllable.
“HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!” he bellows. His eyes are wild, his rage all-consuming.
“I... I didn’t... you...” You’re stuttering, trying to get the words out, trying to tell him the truth, but his anger is like a tidal wave, overwhelming you.
And then just like that, in the midst of his rage something changes. His gaze flicks to the ultrasound screen again, and his face goes pale. The room is deathly silent except for your ragged breathing and the rhythmic beating of the baby's heart on the ultrasound monitor.
He blinks. Once. Twice. His voice drops to a whisper. “How... how far along...?”
“Three months,” you manage to whisper back, choking on your tears.
His brain races, the timeline whirring in his head. Realization dawns on him like a cold sunrise.
“Is it...?” His voice is barely audible, a ghost of its former fury.
You nod, tears streaming down your face. “Yes, Miguel. It’s yours.”
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yawnderu · 7 months
Doomed — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Idea by @actuallyhiswife from this post!
Alternative happy ending here.
Black. It's all you can see, all senses numbed by the water sneaking into your lungs, burning everything in its wake like a raging fire. You can feel it— her pain is your pain, his distress while he holds the body of his lover is just as yours, even when you don't recognize these people.
''Shh, s'alright love, I'm here.'' Simon's deep voice snaps you back to reality, your lungs greedily taking in the air like a man starved. You suck in a sharp breath at the touch of his bare fingers against your stomach, one of his bloodied hands coming up to cup your cheek while the other one applies pressure to the bullet wound.
"What h—" A groan takes over your sentence, face scrunched up in pain as your brain finally registers that you got shot. Blood pours out of the wound no matter how much pressure his strong hands apply, now using both of them in hopes that'll keep you alive.
"Stay with me." It's not an order, it's a plea, tone laced by pure desperation. You cry out as the bullet digs deeper into your flesh, tears already falling down your cheeks at the pure agony, body growing weaker and weaker as the blood pours out of your body.
"Simon." You call out softly and he ignores it, refusing to let you go. Refusing to let the sun that casts away his shadows go. Simon finally had one good thing in life, and he'll be damned if he ever lets it go.
"Simon." You call out again only to be ignored. Your bloodied hand manages to drag its way onto Simon's forearm, squeezing gently to get his attention.
"I love you. I'm sorry we—" A choked breath escapes his lips as he takes in your image. Roughed up and dirty, yet still the prettiest fucking thing he's seen his whole life.
"I'm sorry we can't go pet the fluffy cows in Scotland together." A small laugh manages to come out of your lips, followed by a cough. He recognizes that look in your tear-covered eyes, the way you're trying your hardest to fight death barehanded... and losing.
"Don't say that." He grunts out, the pressure he's applying on the wound growing weaker by the second as he prepares himself to accept whatever life will throw at him, as usual.
"We'll go pet those bloody cows together— maybe even stay over at Johnny's." He promises, having spent countless nights listening to you ramble on about going to Scotland just to meet Johnny's family and pet the fluffy cows he claimed they have.
"Just gotta stay with me, pretty girl." His hands come up to adjust your body so that you're laying on him, his back against the wall of the abandoned building as he cradles you.
You don't have the energy to speak, still managing to give him a lethargic nod, eyelids growing heavier by the second. You can barely hear his voice, everything sounding muffled all of sudden, but you register the kiss planted to your lips, his balaclava pulled all the way off.
"Marry me." You nod, allowing yourself to entertain him as life slips away from you. His tone is raw, trying and failing to cover up the pure agony that he's feeling.
"Do you—" He chokes up, taking a deep breath to calm himself down, knowing he doesn't have a lot of time left with you.
"Do you take Simon Riley as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" Another weak nod.
"I do." You manage out, trying your best to ignore the taste of blood in your mouth, eyes finally rolling to the back of your head as your eyelids close, unable to keep them open anymore.
His shaky hand holds your left one, carefully drawing a circle around your ring finger with your own blood. It's all he can do for now— the real engagement ring is back on base, carefully tucked away in his closet.
He holds you close for what feels like forever, ignoring the way your body gets colder and stiffer as the hours go by. He plants gentle kisses onto your hair, refusing to see your face, wanting his last image of you to be when you smiled at him. Simon Riley, the man who always kept everyone at arm's length, had to be ripped off of your body by Johnny and Price once they found you.
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The day you left him, the little humanity Simon had died alongside you. He could barely eat, was drinking himself to sleep every single night to numb the pain, and yet his dreams were just as restless. His mind had been plagued with images of lovers seeing each other die, each time just as tragic. He couldn't recognize the people in his dreams up until it was his turn to watch you die over and over— that's when he understood. Simon Riley always thought he was cursed, yet seeing the other piece of his soul die over and over again in his arms? It was pure agony.
He stumbled to his desk, harshly putting down the bottle of bourbon he downed in less than an hour. His shaky hand opened the cabinet, looking at his service pistol with contempt before reaching out for it.
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futterurl · 8 months
Owe It To You
Josh Futturman x fem!reader
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WARNINGS: smut (mdni!), oral(f!recieving), fingering, clit play, female anatomy on reader
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you were tired, to say the least.
going back in time, checking on the future to the same, demented outcome, really took a toll on you guys. it always seemed as if every effort and alternative path taken for the future didn’t matter.
you were lost in thought as tiger and wolf fought with each other, it was the same empty argument: wolf didn’t listen, tiger wanted control. it was draining to hear.
you all were in Joosh’s super house, taking a peek at how fucked up you all made this future. you left the living room in frustration, heading up to Joosh’s room.
you crashed onto the bed, covering your face with a pillow, letting out a low groan. you were tired of all the fighting, all the time travel, everything. you needed a break.
you heard a knock on the door, followed by a calming voice asking, “hey, you okay?”
you lifted the pillow from your face, seeing josh, peaking the door open, worry etched on his eyebrows. he knew how much of a toll this was starting to take on you, you guys were best friends, after all.
“yeah, just…tired, is all.” you half mumbled into the pillow, just loud enough so he could barely hear.
he leaned off the door and sat on the bed that you lay on. he scratched your head.
“something’s telling me there’s more to it than that.” he inquired.
“i don’t know…i guess i’m just tired of all this shit.” you began. “we try so hard to perfect the future, but are met with the same outcome. i’ve been trying to think left and right of new ideas…nothing’s working.”
he understood that this was only the tip of the iceberg, regarding your feelings for all this. when you got roped up into this mess, you left more behind than him. you left behind an internship you had busted your ass off for, and two other jobs, which you probably got fired from, due to your absence.
you had two different jobs just to meet ends meet, in your shitty apartment. sure, they were crappy, dead-end jobs, but they helped you get ends meet. you were somehow able to balance those along with your internship which you fought so hard to get.
all down the drain.
in a way, it was relieving, not having to juggle all of this, living every day as a drained, sleep deprived zombie.
unfortunately, this scenario was just like everything else in your life: there was no way out.
“i know, i know…i really am sorry you got dragged into this. it’s all my fault.” josh sighed.
it had just been a fun night of you guys playing video games, finally beating this one you guys had been playing for…forever. once you guys were just hanging out and talking about it, in a flash of light, wolf and tiger had appeared, needing the people who beat the game’s help. immediately. you both were there, so they needed the both of you.
“it’s not your fault, josh…we did it together, we gotta get through this together.” it really wasn’t his fault. you didn’t want him to think that.
“no, it is. i’m constantly getting you roped into all the shit that happens in my life, and you’ve been working your ass off to fix this timeline. you deserve better.” josh stroked your hair.
you sat up. “it’s okay, josh. there’s nobody i’d rather fix the timeline with.”
“still, it’s not fair. all of this isn’t fair. let me…let me make it up to you.” he seemed a bit nervous and started hesitating on his words.
you started to feel a little hot. “how would you go about ‘making it up to me’, josh?”
you did not expect what he did next.
josh was this awkward gamer nerd who had never felt the touch of a woman before. he’d always been so out of place and nervous talking to anyone, which made it so weird to hear what he said next.
“let…let me make you feel good.” his hand laying on the bed crept closer to your thigh, covered by your pants.
you started to get a little nervous yet excited. you had never seen him be this bold before.
“you’ve been so stressed by everything in life, and i mean everything. a-and you never have anyone help you out with anything. i want to help you…feel good, like stress relief.” his pinkie played with the fabric of your pants.
you couldn’t believe this was real right now. josh, the one you had known for years, barely having the balls to talk to girls besides you, doing this. your mine was racing.
he noticed how quiet you were being. “o-of course you don’t have to let me do it if you don’t want to! it was just an idea, it was stupid, i don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or anythi-”
he was cut off by you kissing him, hand holding his jawline. he melted into the kiss.
as you pulled away, you smiled. “i…i think i do want this. please, josh. make me feel good.”
“okay…okay..” he started to trail off with his words as his thumb ran back and forth on your cheek. “before i do this, i just wanna let you know that if you’re uncomfortable, please tell me, and we’ll be done. won’t have to speak of it ever again. promise.”
he was very sweet. sure, he was awkward, but he put your comfort and pleasure first. it made you feel happy and safe.
he went back to softly kissing you as his hand went slightly under your shirt and rubbed your waist, just above your pants. soft, delicate touches.
as he unbuttoned your pants, he tapped your hips twice, signaling for you to lift them up. as you did, he tugged your pants down at an agonizingly slow pace. he was such a fucking tease.
his eyes became infatuated with your lace underwear you were wearing. the way it clung to your hips was driving him mad. he hoped you couldn’t tell how crazy you were making him. he toyed with the fabric as you smiled.
“as much as i love these,” he snapped them on your hips. “i’m gonna have to take them off. is that okay with you?”
you felt so safe, knowing how tender he was being. he didn’t want to fuck this up. you lifted your hips. “that’s more than okay with me, josh.” you played with a handful of his hair.
he dragged your panties down your legs, exposing your glistening cunt to him. he audibly gasped, he couldn’t believe he was doing this to you. sure, he always thought you were sweet, and even fantasized about doing things like this to you, but he didn’t think it’d ever happen.
he was lost in thought, staring at your cunt. you started to get insecure, closing your legs. “josh, stop staring.” you pleaded.
he shook his head. “sorry, you’re just…so beautiful. i can’t believe it.” he thumbed little circles on your inner thigh.
“can i…feel you? down there, i mean?” he asked. god, he was so awkward it was funny.
you nodded your head. “yeah. please.”
his fingers started inching closer and closer to where you needed them most. suddenly, he ran one through your slit, barely touching your clit. you shuddered. that felt good.
“fuck…you’re so wet. you’re so hot.” he ran his finger slowly around your clit, seeing if he’d get any reactions from you. you silently gasped.
“that..that felt really good. please keep doing that.” you felt so good right now. no guy had ever focused on making you feel good before. this was new. you liked it.
“god, please moan for me. love the little noises y’make.” josh was rubbing your clit a bit faster, making you let out a quiet moan.
“f..fuck. feels good. really good.” feeling that little area constantly stimulated was the ticket. you hadn’t felt this good in a long time.
“can i…can i put a finger in?” he asked, slowing down his aggression on your clit.
you furiously nodded your head, your pussy clamping down on nothing. wanting to be filled. by him.
“please, please josh.” you said, getting lost in the pleasure. you let out a grunt as he slowly inserted a finger inside you.
“fuck, it’s only one finger but you’re so tight, fuck.” he started to ramble as he moved his finger in your wetness. you squirmed a bit. it felt so good, his thick finger getting lost in you.
“m’ gonna put another one im, ‘kay?” he asked, prodding another finger to your tight hole. you nodded, to which he slowly put it in. you groaned at the tight stretch.
“you good?” he asked. he wanted this to be good for you. the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you.
“yeah, was just..new, was all. please keep going. feels good.” you went on.
he did just that. he curled his fingers inside you, pumping them at a quick pace. that, with stimulation he was putting from his thumb to your clit, was making you moan left and right. you felt something stirring inside you.
“god, you’re so cute like this…should’ve done this sooner.” he gushed, turning you on even more.
“fuck, m’close.” you panted.
as soon as the feeling met you, it left as he pulled his fingers out of you.
you looked up at him, confused. “why’d you do that?” you asked.
he started to sink down. “as much as i was getting into that, i wanna see you cum on my tongue.” he kissed your thighs.
you felt the wetness pool inside you even more once he said that. god, you couldn’t get that image out of your head now.
“please, fuck, josh. make me cum on your tongue.” you pleaded as he slowly trailed to your inner thighs, giving them a lot of attention. you had taken him for the thigh guy, but not to this extent.
“since you asked so nicely…” he lowered his head, taking a long lick to your cunt, you releasing a pornographic moan.
“fuck…feels s’good josh…oh my god.” you had never felt this type of pleasure anywhere, and here he was, giving it to you like his life depended on it.
he gave a light kiss to your clit before lightly tracing his tongue over it, testing the waters. once he heard you becoming a moaning mess, he licked it with more vigor, wanting to pull these moans out of you.
the stimulation felt like no other, him focusing on making out with your clit and entrance. he pulled your thighs closer to his face as he licked at more of your slick.
you pulled at his hair, letting out breathy moans. he groaned at this. hard. right into your cunt, which felt so fucking good. you could feel your back arch off the bed as he lapped into your juices, him tonguing your clit. your nails scratched at his scalp as that familiar pit in your stomach came back.
“josh…so close…holy shit.” you moaned as his tongue swirled around you.
“please, come on my face. please.” he pleaded. the vibrations his voice sent to your core sending you even closer. “wanna make you feel better than you ever have. come on my tongue.”
one final stroke of his tongue lead you to your peak, your thighs tightening around his face. you let out incoherent babbles as you came on him. he continued to lick you as you rode out your high.
once you calmed down, you looked down at him, catching your breath. he had slick all over his face and wore a dopey smile. “are you okay?” he asked.
“never better.” you replied. “that felt so fucking good josh. thank you. so much.” you caressed his cheek.
“i hope it’s not too weird to tell you i enjoyed that.” he had a slight tint of red on his cheeks.
“oh! not at all. it was amazing. i can’t thank you enough.” you smiled, laying onto the pillow.
“no, i can’t thank you enough. you always stay by my side and always fix my messes. this is the least that i could do.” he said as he handed you a glass of water that was sitting on the nightstand, which you took.
“i’ll always be here for you, if you ever wanna do shit like this again, or even something soothing like a massage.” he added.
you put the glass of water down, hugging him. “you’re so sweet, josh. i appreciate it so much. you’re such a good person, i really hope you know that.”
“anything else you need?” he asked.
“take a nap with me for awhile?” you asked. you had gotten very sleepy.
“of course.” he get under the covers, cuddling you and stroking your hair. “i’ll do anything for you, i hope you know that.”
you nuzzled into his chest, getting comfortable. “you too, joshy.” you mumbled as you started to fall into a deep sleep.
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a/n: hi guys first(ish) post. hope u enjoyed :p pls send requests as well! i’m so bad at ideas
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gotham-daydreams · 9 months
Is it possible that one of the villains of Gotham to develop an obsession with the reader like batfam? Like for example one of them once attended or attempted to attack at one of their performance but got mesmerized by them and decided to stalk them instead
I am now very much thinking about and considering this anon. Thanks for the new idea, I'll be thinking about all day 🙄 (okay, first, /pos, but really- this can easily change up a few more things and add some more conflict. I love it!!! Though maybe I'll make it a sub-series if I actually write it, since the "Not [ ]" is mostly focused on the Batfam, so kind of like an alternate universe type deal? I'm willing to know anyone's thoughts and suggestions on this.)
That can definitely happen, and it makes a lot of sense too when you really think about it (at least the part leading up to where the villian runs into the reader and encounters their music), especially when the reader is not only a well known musician- but known to be the kid of Bruce Wayne.
Even if no one really knows the identity of Batman, everyone and their dog knows Bruce Wayne. You'd have to do more than just live under a rock to not know that guy — especially in Gotham.
Just that fact alone — the reader being another kid adopted by Bruce Wayne — is definitely going to paint a target on their back, especially when they're in a big industry like music. The "well-known" part is just the sprinkles on top of the "you're fucked" cake. Even if I have said before that the reader isn't well-known to the point where they'd be considered super famous or popular, but enough to where people can still recognize them on the street and just kind of say "hey, isn't that the musician who played ( ) the other night? i heard they're pretty good, y'know."
Basically, someone trying to attack them for whatever reason, or even trying to kidnap them, is very possible and highly likely.
I can't say who in particular I think the villian would be? Only because I'm not sure myself, with how flexible the situation is.
The villian could be going to one of the reader's performances simply because there are a lot of other people attending, and if they want to make a grand performance of their own, or have a grand opening to a game, one of the reader's performances seem like the easiest way to do just that. So they settle in a little, waiting for everything to be just right... then they see the reader and whatever instrument they'll be playing, as they and the other performers wait for everyone to get in and settle down.
Maybe the villian hardly notices it at first, or it immediately catches their attention. Maybe they just roll their eyes and scoff or just become curious in some way. Maybe what makes them hate it/curious about it at first is the reader themself. The villian thinks the reader is just another rich kid trying to show off their 'talent'... or notices that the reader is from the Wayne family and that catches their attention, maybe.
Or, alternatively they try to assassinate or kidnap the reader. Maybe just rob them too while they're at it.
It doesn't matter how they get in- what does matter is that they don't know much about the reader besides that they're a musician of some kind and the kid of Bruce Wayne, and maybe for whatever mission they're doing- that's all they need to know. Or all they feel they need to know, as maybe they catch the reader in the middle of a performance no matter how they try to go about their mission — either planning to take the reader out from the backstage, drop them from beneath the floor boards, or snipe them from up top — and the villian hesitates as they really listen to the reader play once their focused is centered on them.
Regardless of how it starts, once it does- they're captived, near mesmerized by what they hear.
Before the villian even knows it, they're watching the entire performance. Any compliments they have towards the reader's music turn to the reader themself, and by the end of the night... the villian is caught in a trap of their own making.
If they were looking into the reader before, that research only delves deeper as they try to figure out each and every little thing about the reader. If they weren't really looking at information about the reader before, they definitely are now.
A simple 'interest' turns into a whole obsession, and now, as you've mentioned, are stalking the reader.
Maybe the villian even dedicates certain atrocities they do in the reader's name, maybe they attend and try to ruin the reader's performances because they believe they should be the only one to hear the reader's music, or just want to be all that much closer to them.
Maybe the villian tries to kidnap the reader, but just so that they can hold them close, or have them play all the tunes they wish to hear from the reader for the rest of eternity... however long that lasts. Who knows?
Tldr: It is very possible, and if anything, more likely than you think!
I hope this answered your question! If you or anyone else has another question, feel free to send in an ask! I'll try to answer them when I can!
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beskarandblasters · 6 months
“Din”scord Kitten
Discord Kitten!Din Djarin x F!Reader
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Main Masterlist | Din Djarin Masterlist
Author’s note: I don’t fucking know anymore okay 😭 The Discord Kitten!Din edit is by @pedgito!! Shout out to my boyfriend for taking a mirror selfie in the Mando helmet for this 💀
Summary: When bounty hunting doesn’t work out anymore Din has to turn to alternative methods to support himself.
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, this is a crack fic lmao, Discord/Venmo/Dr. Pepper existing in Star Wars, bad sexting, dick pics, masturbating, bad Star Wars puns, sex work, cummies needs its own warning 😭, pet names (cyar’ika), oral sex (M receiving), cum eating, no use of y/n
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“I’m sorry, Mando. I’m fresh out of jobs today.”
Kriff, that’s the third day in a row that there’s been absolutely no jobs, no bounties to go after, nothing. 
How is he supposed to repair the Razor Crest’s engine? How is he supposed to fix the broken pipe in the refresher? How is he supposed to feed himself?
“Thanks anyway, I guess,” Din mumbles. He sighs. It’s not really Karga’s fault that things are slow lately. He must be suffering, too. 
Din wracks his brain, trying to think of different ways to earn credits. But his mind is blank. 
He could get a job…? But then he shoots that idea down pretty quickly. How funny would it be if he just walked into a place of business and asked for a job, all decked out in beskar? He can’t make or sell anything. He doesn’t have any skills. His skill is bounty hunting and that’s about it. 
Just as he’s about to exit through the cantina door, he hears a voice whisper, “Hey, Mando.”
He looks to his right and sees a man, one he’s never seen around here before. The man motions for Din to come closer. He’s skeptical but Din knows when and where to keep his guard up so he follows. 
The man is shorter than Din, with shifty eyes and greasy hair matted down on his forehead. Before Din can ask what he wants the man speaks first. 
“I heard about your little problem just now.”
“It’s none of your business,” Din says, starting to turn and walk away. 
“What if I had a solution for you?” he says, stopping Din in his tracks. 
“What is it?”
“You ever heard of Discord?”
“Do you have a data-pad?”
“Download the app Discord.”
“What is it?”
“Like a chat room. Trust me, there are so many lonely housewives who have too many credits lyin’ around. You chat them up, maybe show em a little something something, minus the face of course. And you’re golden. Just make sure you download Venmo so they can wire you the credits.”
It sounds nefarious, taking advantage of lonely, vulnerable people. But he needs to earn some credits. Or else he’ll never take a bounty again, never use the refresher again, and never eat again. Not dramatic at all. 
“Okay… Thanks,” he says awkwardly, slowly inching his way out of the cantina. He power walks to the Razor Crest, anxious to boot up his data pad and download this Discord thingy. He’s not the best with social interactions to begin with but surely being behind a screen will help… right? 
As soon as he’s settled in his bunk he pulls out his data-pad, searching up Discord and Venmo and downloading them both. Once he opens Discord, he’s prompted to pick out a username and password. And he spends a bit too long deciding what his username will be. But ultimately he goes with BountyMan1 because BountyMan just had to be taken already. For a password, he chooses… password. Not much thought was put into that one. 
Ah kriff, he needs to choose an icon. There’s no way someone will want to chat up a blank circle. For this one, he’s going to need the mirror in the refresher. He holds up his data pad in the mirror, taking an extremely blurry photo. He looks at it and decides it’ll do before retreating to his bunk again.
And now… it’s time to flirt with some lonely women. He has his location service activated so the profiles he’s seeing are from people on Nevarro, some of the people he recognizes and knows. Who would’ve thought? 
But to be safe, he chooses a different planet instead. He doesn’t need anyone recognizing him in the streets as that weirdo on Discord. So he sets his location as Tatooine just to be safe. 
He decides to slide into the direct messages of three profiles to start, to get some practice in. He messages the users; TatooineBaby, SoMuchSand47, and JabbaTheSlut. Each of their icons is just a picture of them on Tatooine. JabbaTheSlut’s icon is a little risqué, showing a bit of cleavage. He tries to ignore the way his cock twitches in his flight suit.
He types out a simple “Hey ;)” and waits for a response. To his delight, JabbaTheSlut responds first, saying; “Hey there handsome,” which Din finds extremely funny given that she can’t see his face. Not even just because of the helmet, but also the blurry as shit photo he used. 
SoMuchSand47 blocks him and his ego is bruised a bit. But he reassures himself that there will be a few losses in this line of business. TatooineBaby responds with a simple “Hello!”
It’s a small victory but he’ll take it. He got two out of three women to respond to him. And now he’s about to enter the next phase; chatting them up. 
“Thanks, sexy,” he responds to JabbaTheSlut, internally cringing at himself a bit. 
As JabbaTheSlut is typing, he responds to TatooineBaby, taking a different approach this time.
“How are you doing, beautiful?” he types, feeling a little less cringe about this interaction.
Soon enough, he’s engaged in conversations with them both. And he already finds it overwhelming to maintain two at the same time. Maker, how is he going to handle any more?
The conversations are fine, nothing too abnormal. JabbaTheSlut is more flirty than Tatooine Baby is. He thinks it’ll probably be easier to squeeze credits out of her than the other one. And that’s when JabbaTheSlut takes the conversation to a sexual turn. 
“You packing? ;),” she asks.
“Care to show me?”
“Not for free. How much would you pay for a dick pic from a Mandalorian?
Kriff, what if she ends it here? What if she tells him to piss off and then blocks him?
“Fifty credits. What’s your Venmo?”
He can’t believe his eyes. Kriff, he needs to set up his Venmo. He still hasn’t done that. He closes out of Discord to open Venmo, hastily making an account with the same username as Discord. He links his Venmo to his account at the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Cool, that’s all set now. He messages JabbaTheSlut back with his Venmo handle and now it’s time for the… dick pic. 
He’s never done this before. Of course, he hasn’t. He barely knew how to work the holo-pad when he first bought it and honestly, he still doesn’t completely understand how to use it now. He pulls out his cock, stroking it enough just to get it hard but it’s not working. He’s feeling the pressure. He has to think about something else, something to get him hot and bothered. His mind immediately goes to this hot woman he saw at a cantina on Naboo once. She had long green hair and beautiful eyes. And when she spoke with Din at the bar she placed a hand on his bicep– he thought he was going to melt right there and then. 
Okay, this is working now. He’s getting hard. Alright, time to take the picture. He grabs his cock and strokes towards the base, pulling his foreskin down. He can’t decide whether or not to take a picture with the flash on or off so he does one of each. But ultimately he decides to send her the one with flash.
He checks his Venmo and sees she sent him the fifty credits. He can’t believe someone actually paid for this. He sends her the picture and anxiously awaits her response. 
“Damn. It’s big. Not that I expected any less from a Mandalorian ;),” she says.
Alright, this was enough activity for him for one evening. He needs to rest and try not to feel shame about what he just did. He checks on the conversation with TatooineBaby and she never responded. Oh well, a win is a win. Maybe he won’t be so bad at this after all.
When he wakes up the next morning, there’s a slew of messages. There are some from JabbaTheSlut but there are also some messages from new people entirely. He has messages from JediPussyTrick, BeMyNaboo, SorganSlut69, and WhoreForMandalore. They’re from planets all over the galaxy. He must’ve changed his location range by accident. 
All of the messages are various generis horny messages, except for one. There’s one from WhoreForMandalore that’s not sexual in nature but rather curious instead. He looks at their icon, a beautiful woman. He swears the background of the picture is Nevarro but it’s hard to tell from how small it is. 
“Are you a real Mandalorian?” WhoreForMandalore’s message says… your message says. 
He chooses to respond to you first.
“I am.”
“Nice username.”
“Thanks! Bit of an inside joke between me and my friends.”
“What kind of joke?”
“You could say I have a fetish for them I guess.”
“Mask kink goes hard.”
“I see…” he replies. He doesn’t really know what to say next but he’s intrigued by you. In the meantime, he checks out his other messages. JabbaTheSlut is asking about pricing for other stuff this time… videos of him masturbating. He supposes he could, but he’ll have to charge more. 
“A hundred credits,” he types. 
“You got yourself a deal baby,” she responds. And within an instant, there’s a notification from his Venmo, one hundred credits. Alright, it's time to do the deed. It’s hard to get hard on demand but he’ll have to get used to it if this is the life he wants to live.
His mind wanders, going back and forth about what to think of to get himself hard. His mind settles on you and your Discord icon. He can’t quite put his finger on why. Your picture wasn’t a sexual one, just a normal photo of you smiling with the sun beaming down on you. But then he thinks about what you said… mask kink. 
Kriff, that gets him hard. He’s stroking himself mindlessly before realizing he has to film this, hastily opening his camera and pressing record. It all happens so fast– his hand wrapped around his cock, his pre-cum leaking from the head of his cock, the soft moans and groans he’s letting out. Before he even realizes it, he’s coming ropes of cum, moaning and cursing under his breath. He stops the video and takes a second to process what just happened. That’s the fastest he’s ever came. And all he did was think about you and your mask kink…
He has to message you again. 
He sends the video of him jerking off to JabbaTheSlut and rushes back to his conversation with you.
“You ever been with Mandalorian?” he types.
While he anxiously awaits your response he checks his other messages. SorganSlut69 is asking what types of services he offers. He supposes he should make a price list now. 
He types out:
15 credits for nude mirror pics (helmet stays on of course)
25 credits for bulge pics
50 credits for dick pics
100 credits for jerk off vids
+25 credits for pictures of the mess after
Venmo: BountyMan1
That seems reasonable, right? He sends the price list to SorganSlut69 and checks his other messages. He decides just to send his price list to everyone actually, figuring it would be easier that way. But he holds off on sending the price list to you for some reason. JabbaTheSlut immediately asks for an aftermath picture and sends twenty-five credits. He takes the picture before his cock goes fully soft and sends that over. 
SorganSlut69 says, “Mirror picture first. I want to see what I’m working with.”
He sighs and gets up, cleaning up the mess of cum and slowly taking off his armor and flight suit. He realizes he has to be hard again for this picture so he strokes his cock once more, thinking of you…
Soon enough, he’s rock-hard and holds up his data-pad in front of the mirror, snapping a photo but waiting to send it until he receives the credits. SorganSlut69 sends the fifteen credits and he sends the picture, taking the time to transfer all of his new credits to his bank account before proceeding any further. He surely has enough to fix the pipe in the refresher now but he has to keep going if he’s going to repair the Razor Crest’s engine. 
A notification from you pops up on his screen. 
“Nope ;),” you respond. All the better for him. 
I can do this, he tells himself. 
Little does he know he’s great at this actually.
A few rotations have passed and even if that short amount of time he’s built up regulars; JabbaTheSlut, BeMyNaboo, JediPussyTrick, and SorganSlut69. And then there’s you. He hasn’t brought up his new line of work with you just yet. His conversations with you range from sexual topics to random casual stuff. He likes talking to you and maybe he doesn’t want to bring up what he does yet, fearing it may change your dynamic from a woman he’s talking with to one of his clients.
His regulars are… fine. The conversations there are purely transactional, never extending into real conversation. Except for SorganSlut69 who tries to converse with him. She’s extremely annoying but she tips on top of paying paying Din his normal rate. So he feels obligated to entertain her.
One afternoon you happen to ask him, “So you’re a bounty hunter?”
Kriff, he feels like he can’t lie to you for some reason. Even though it’s so easy to do that over a screen, but he just can’t bring himself to do it.
“I used to be,” he replies.
“What do you do now?” you ask.
“...I sell photos.”
“Photos? What kind?”
He sighs and figures it would be easier just to send you his price list. Maybe you’ll want something?
Your response is so cute to him for some reason.
“Would it be okay if I bought something?”
You’re like… asking for permission to use his services. He doesn’t quite get why but it’s adorable to him.
“Of course. What would to like?”
“Hmm, a bulge pic.”
Right after you send that he gets a notification from Venmo. And just when he thought you couldn’t get any cuter you do, putting a little note in the memo on the transaction.
“Thank you <3,” the note says.
He’s already hard because it’s you of course. He snaps a photo and sends it your way, extremely anxious for your response.
“Oh wow,” you respond with an emoji that has a shocked expression on its face.
“You like what you see?” he asks. 
“I doooo,” you say.
“You want anything else?”
Maker, he’s excited to send you this video. He’s already hard and horny for you, thinking about what it would be like with you here, straddling him and soaking his cock. Kriff, he wants you bad.
He pulls out his cock, the tip glistening with the most pre-cum he’s ever seen. He begins recording, stroking his cock slowly before building up to a faster pace. He wishes he wasn’t about to cum in his hand, instead wishing he was coming on you, inside you- wherever you wanted him. 
Before he knows it, he’s coming in his hand, letting out a deep and visceral moan, his imagination feeling almost real for a moment. He stops recording and sends you the video before checking to see if you even sent the credits first. You did, though, he just couldn’t recall during his state of bliss. The memo on the transaction is filled with a bunch of hearts of course. He’s got it bad for you.
A few weeks pass by and his business is going stronger than ever. The Razor Crest’s engine is repaired. The pipe in the refresher is fixed. And he’s got enough rations to last him for weeks. He has a few more regulars and SorganSlut69 is just as annoying. His conversations with you are deeper and more meaningful, despite you being one of his customers. He wonders if one day this will progress any further. 
His questions are answered when you send him a message that says, “Have you thought about selling your cum?”
The question makes his brain short-circuit. 
“No… Why?”
“I told my friends I was talking to a Mandalorian and they told me I need to try some of his cummies.”
“To do what with it?”
“I don’t know exactly… Play with it?”
That’s not. 
“Okay… How do I get it to you?”
“Where are you located?”
“No way! Me, too.”
Kriff, he wasn’t imagining it. The background in your icon was actually Nevarro. 
“Meet up at the marketplace?” he asks. 
“Sure. How’s tonight?”
“Yeah! After sundown?”
Krifffff, he’s nervous. How is he going to do this? It’s still pretty early in the day. He can’t imagine you want his hours-old cum in a jar. 
Maybe he can… convince you to watch? Maybe. 
Whatever, he’ll just find out when he sees you. 
Nightfall comes around and Din is anxious to meet you in person, to hear what your voice sounds like, to see what you smell like– to see if you match the idea he has of you in his head.
He heads to the marketplace as darkness sweeps through the town, no one around except for nefarious characters. And Din doesn’t care about what those people think of him. He spots a figure in the center of the marketplace, facing away from him. 
It has to be her, he thinks to himself. 
He approaches slowly before softly calling out, “WhoreForMandalore?”
“Hi! You must be BountyMan1,” you say, turning around and greeting him with a smile. You immediately tell him your real name and he repeats it over and over in his head, deciding that it suits you. 
“So… Do you have it?” you ask, complete with a suggestive smirk. 
“Oh! I, uh, thought you might want it… fresh?” he sputters. He could have worded that better. 
“Oh! Um-”
“You know… not stale.”
“Right! My place or yours?”
“I’ve got a cramped ship so maybe yours?”
“Sounds good!” you say cheerfully, leading the way to your house.
It’s a small house on the outskirts of town, the opposite side from where Din parks the Razor Crest. You let him inside, closing the door behind you before leading the way to your bedroom. Din takes a look at his surroundings, noticing little details about your living space as he walks through. You sure like Dr. Pepper… He can tell by all the cans on your coffee table, on the kitchen counter, and on your nightstand. 
“Make yourself at home,” you say, gesturing to the bed. 
He sits at the edge of the bed awkwardly, feeling incredibly nervous. Are you going to watch him do this? Kriff, that thought alone already has him hard. 
“Where do you, uh, want it?” he says, glancing around the room, “In this?” he says, picking up an empty Dr. Pepper can. 
“Hmm, I have a different idea,” you say suggestively, walking in front of him and kneeling on the floor.
“Oh? What are you-” he cuts himself off when his breath hitches at your touch. Your hand slides up his thigh, inching closer to his cock.
“Is this okay?” you ask sweetly, peering up at him.
“Y-Yes… More than okay,” he stutters.
“Alright,” you chuckle, undoing the flight of his flight suit. Never in a million cycles did Din think he’d be here in your bedroom, with you on your knees before him, taking his cock out. His brain short circuits and he realizes he should set down the Dr. Pepper can he’s still awkwardly holding. He sets it back down on your nightstand and shudders when your hand finally wraps around his cock. You start by going slow, licking his balls, and kissing the base of his shaft. Your lips and tongue move ever so slowly, teasing him relentlessly. 
“Kriff, cyar’ika,” he moans, “Oh wait, do you know what that means?” he asks, voice jumping an octave as you lick one long, slow stripe from his base to his tip.
“You think WhoreForMandalore doesn’t know what cyar’ika means?” you tease.
“You’re right. I-” He’s cut off again when you swirl your tongue in between the head of his cock and his foreskin. He curses in Mando’a, his voice low and the words so jumbled you can barely make out what he said. Your hand wraps around the base as you finally take him in your mouth, fitting as much of his length as you can. Your head bobs up and down as your tongue is flat against the underside of his cock. His hands caress each side of your head, ever so lightly because he’s unsure if it’s okay or not. But when you moan at the feeling of his gloved hands enveloping your face he grips harder, using a little more force. You look up at him, directly into his visor and Din has to try his best not to bust right then and there, in love with the way you’re so eager to please him. Your other hand cups his balls as you suck him off faster, picking up the pace when you hear his moans grow stronger. 
And then he cums, hot cum spilling down your throat all while you don’t break eye contact, swallowing every last drop. He lets out a deep, guttural moan from underneath his helmet, his mixture of pants and curse words filling your bedroom. And once he’s done coming, you don’t stop, prolonging his high even further. 
But once he’s finally done and you take him out of your mouth, you look up at him, resting back on your heels. 
“Was that okay?”
“That… was amazing, cyar’ika,” he pants, still in disbelief that that just happened. He just expected to jerk off into a Dr. Pepper can, not receive head from the most beautiful woman on Nevarro. He looks down at you as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and feels… nervous all of a sudden. He’s never done anything like that before… like ever. 
He rises from the bed and dashes out of your room, all while you’re looking up at him in confusion. 
“Bye. Thanks for everything. Don’t worry about paying me!” he calls out over his shoulder, leaving your house and swiftly heading back to the Crest. 
He runs inside and sits in his bunk, panting from his little sprint and the evening’s activities. He wants to see you again. That is if you’ll still have him after.
His worries subside once he hears a noise from data-pad go off. He picks it up and reads a Discord notification from you. 
“I had fun tonight. Until next time, Mando ;)”
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Hopefully y’all caught the little Easter egg in the beginning but, the woman with long green hair and beautiful eyes is @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin 😍😏
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how to be more creative?
Three Steps to Being More Creative
Step One: Filling Your Creative Well
You can't create something out of nothing. You need not just the right tools and medium, but also knowledge, ideas, and skills to help you know what to do with those tools and that medium.
Ideas come from the data that's already stored in our brains. That data comes from a variety of places: your day-to-day life, your life experiences, what you hear about others' day-to-day lives and experiences, your experiences with the people and places around you, etc. Any little thing your brain absorbs can become an idea.
So, the number one thing you need to do if you want to be more creative is to fill your head with ideas. I like to call this "filling your creative well," because it's all about filling up your brain with a variety of experiences, stories, and experiences so that you have someplace to draw from when you need ideas.
Guide: Filling Your Creative Well will walk you through how to do that.
Step Two: Learn to Take Creative Risks
Another important part of being more creative is learning to take creative risks. By trying a variety of creative endeavors, even if they're not something you think you'll be good at, and by trying new things in current creative endeavors, you can exercise and expand your creativity. For example, grab a friend or family member and head to one of those "paint and sip" places where they guide you through doing a painting. Alternatively, a lot of craft stores offer free and inexpensive classes that teach you how to do different crafts. You could also go on YouTube and learn how to do something you've never tried before, like origami, crocheting, or calligraphy. Even doing things like building and decorating homes in The Sims, decorating homes or your island in Animal Crossing, or any game where you get to exercise creative choice is a good way to try new things and take creative risks. For writing, try doing some writing prompts or participating in a writing challenge, like a six-word story contest or challenge yourself to turn a favorite song into an actual story (just for fun and personal use.) If you've never written fan-fiction before, try that! Or try writing a story in a genre you've always wanted to write but never have before. Even reading a book, watching a TV show or movie, or playing a game in a new genre can help expand your creative horizons.
Step Three: Let Go of a Need for Perfection
One of the biggest enemies of creativity is a feeling that everything you create needs to be perfect, and this is such an unfortunate thing because most things that require creativity are not things you're ever going to do perfect the first time. So if you can't get past this need to be perfect, you'll never be able to exercise and grow your creativity. So, don't be afraid to paint a bad painting, crochet an uneven scarf, fold a lopsided paper crane, or write a bad story. The point isn't to be perfect or even good. The point is to do it, because even bad art is good practice.
And... if you just wanted to know how to be more creative within a story you're writing, all of the above advice still stands. Fill your creative well, take creative risks, and let go of a need for perfection. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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sessakag · 1 month
Now all I can think about is Prey!Papa-Naruto because it would be the wildest funniest thing ever! Poor Hinata is probably trying to make sure her kids grow up to be good morally upstanding people and Naruto is just….Yeah 😬. Funnily enough this Naruto probably wouldn’t have as much of a contentious relationship with Boruto because there’s no way he’s putting work above spending time how he wants 😭. And as a Kawaki hater I’m pleased to say I don’t see this Naruto being altruistic enough to take in some random abused kid so really we’ve got my ideal version of the Uzumaki family 🫢. Anyway, I bet parent-teacher conferences and kiddy playdates and birthday parties are gonna be fun times 🤣. Speaking of bday parties happy early birthday! I hope it’ll be a fun one.
Daddy Prey!Naruto is the funniest thing ever, lol.
For sure, Naruto would spend time with his little mini-me. Who would stop him?
I feel like Boruto would be very aware that his father is a homicidal nutjob and spend his time trying to keep innocents out of harms way, but he does it in ways that are just as bad as his father, because of course, the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree, and that he has this huge blind spot to when his own inner crazy is starting to show, lol. And of course, mess with his mom or baby sister, well then, you'll have a hard time telling Naruto and Boruto apart at all🤭he'd justify his violence and the bodies in his closet because Prey!Narupapa taught him that delusion is just another way to say correct, and there's nothing wrong with customizing your own reality when it's convenient. He'd also spend so much time trying to undo Hima's worst tendencies their dad is teaching her in an effort to help his mom out, but ends up making it worse by teaching her "alternative" tendencies that are just as bad but much more slicker than his father's open bluntness, which ultimately, makes Hinata's job harder, lol. Poor lady, I can see her trying to explain the situation to her crazy husband. Hinata: I'm trying to make sure the kids have a moral compass, Naruto Naruto: The fuck they need that for?
I'll be honest, I really don't know all that much about Kawaki since I don't watch the show, but his design is very cool, and the clips I've seen of him on youtube I vibe with🤭but Naruto being altruistic and adopting a poor orphan? Not fuckin likely at all, lol. Prey!Naruto wouldn't care about any kids but his own🤷🏽‍♀️so you're all set for sure, lol.
Parent-teacher conferences would be lit af😂imagine Naruto's big buff tatted up self sitting in one of those itty bitty chairs at a table lower than his knees while the teacher tries to get him to understand that it's not a good thing that his little girl is drawing her classmates with their heads somewhere other than on their shoulders🤣he would be so insulted and have a very scary diatribe about why Hima's work is "art" not a "red flag". The teacher would resign the next day by the time he was done. Omg birthdays🙈One word: Pinata. Take that as you will, lmao!
And omg, I wanna write Prey!Naruto at a PTA meeting, lmao! And you'd think Hinata was the one that dragged him to it, but NO, he'd go on his own because he's a super paranoid bastard that needs to know what is going on in his orbit and that includes his hellspawns, and if he doesn't like what he hears he'll have to retire a few folks to ensure things are being run for the benefit of his offspring😂
Hima's not doing a kiddy playdate, study date, pretend date, any date. Over somebody else's dead body would Naruto allow his baby girl to do any sorta dating🤣hell naw, and don't @ him about it. End of discussion. Why? Because Naruto knows how guys are, and considering the things he does to Hima's mother on a regular basis, he's dead set on not letting any guy near his daughter until she's at least 80 years old, if she's lucky. Teen!Hima good luck trying to date or get a boyfriend😅especially since big brother's not gonna be too keen on the idea either, lol. And thank you for the early birthday wishes!!💕
I feel like this SOL Prey!Naruto family is set in stone to be a thing at this point, lmao. I'm certainly sold on it. I won't say whether or not I plan on Hinata getting knocked up in Prey, ya'll will have to wait and find out but I definitely think this should be a full SOL fic at this point, lol. It's just too good to pass up🤭
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motherofdragonflies · 10 months
The Elevator Game: A Choose Your Own Adventure Fic
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Written by: @motherofdragonflies / bexgowen
Art by: @xfancyfranart
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 95,000
Tags/Warnings: Major Character Death, Choose Your Own Adventure Style, Psychological Horror, Canon Divergent, Post 15x03, Case Fic
The game is simple.
Get in an elevator, alone, and follow the rules. If you follow them correctly, the elevator will rise and when the doors open, they will open onto a world that is not your own.
When his brother goes missing after investigating the death of a teenage girl in a hotel in St. Louis, Dean Winchester is dismayed to discover it involved an internet legend called “the Elevator Game”.
He’s even more dismayed when Castiel—who walked away weeks ago and hasn’t been returning Dean’s calls—shows up, also looking for Sam.
Dean doesn’t want to work with Castiel, and Castiel doesn’t seem thrilled about working with him, either. Can they put their differences aside when  they discover that Sam disappeared after playing the Elevator Game? Will Dean and Castiel play the elevator game and travel to the Other World themselves? Will they find Sam before it's too late? 
The choice, dear reader, is yours. You are in control of the story.
But choose wisely, for once you play the Elevator Game, things may never be the same again.
“Where did Ali hear about the game?” Sam’s voice asked. 
“She, uh, she loved scary stuff. Horror movies, urban legends, that kinda thing. I think she found it on reddit, in one of those scary story subreddits? I don’t know, I don’t…I don’t like that kind of thing. But, um, she was always talking about wanting to try it but you need a tall building and we’d never been anywhere anyway tall enough until…”
“Until that night. Did you tell the police?”
Lilah scoffed. “I told them. They didn’t believe me.”
“Lilah…what do you think happened?”
“I... I think…I think it worked.”
The audio file ended, and Dean sorted through the rest of the papers from the envelope Lilah had given him. The first page was a print out from a true crime subreddit: Dean recognised it as one that Sam checked constantly. His brother had highlighted a post on the page, one consisting of a single line that was posted four days after Alison and the others had disappeared:
Ali Bleaker played the elevator game.
Frowning, Dean turned to the next page and found that it was an article from a website called “The Ghost In My Machine”, titled “The Most Dangerous Games: The Elevator Game Revisited.”
Dean snorted at the title but read on:
"Some people know it as ‘Elevator To Another World’. For others, it’s the ‘Elevator to Hell’... But no matter the name, this peculiar…game, I suppose—although there’s nothing playful about it—it always said to have the same outcome, as long as you follow its rules to a T: By riding an elevator alone, visiting a handful of floors in a particular order as you go, you can transport yourself to another world entirely."
Dean stared at the words on the page.
Another world.
“Jesus, Sam, tell me you didn’t.”
Once upon a time, Dean might have dismissed the claim of ‘another world’ as something out of a science fiction story. But having visited several other worlds, Dean knew that alternate realities, multiverses—whatever you wanted to call them— were real. He doubted that something as simple as riding an elevator could take you to another world, but the idea wasn’t as far-fetched as he once would have believed it to be.
Snatching up his computer, Dean quickly pulled up the phone tracking site that he’d bookmarked and searched for the location of Sam’s phone. 
He was not at all surprised when the map showed Sam’s phone was at The Millennium Hotel, where Alison Bleaker had died.
Going up at @deancashorrorfest this October!
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scaredcrab · 4 months
Macaque x Reader - Silly Vallentine
Promotional Disclaimer: This chapter is being posted here to promote the whole work on AO3! To read more chapters, go to the AO3 link, in fact, the new chapters will be posted there first!
✐ 1 Chapter summary: Overcome by boredom, Macaque goes for a walk on Valentine's Day and finds you. An event that turns out to be more amusing than expected.
✐ Category: Fluff; Hurt/Comfort; Cute; Slow Burn; Slow Romance; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Reader-Insert; Touch-Starved; Cuddling & Snuggling; Foreign Reader; Gender-Neutral Pronouns; Humor; Mythology References; Not Beta Read.
Trigger Warning (for the whole work, not this chapter in particular): Angst; Blood and Violence; Trust Issues; Self-Esteem Issues; Self-Worth Issues; lots of issues; Xenophobia; Trauma; Swearing; Emotional Baggage; Emotional Hurt.
Chapter 1 - Valentine
This kind of celebration usually doesn't matter much to warriors dedicated only to fighting and revenge, there's no time to meet new people and to love if you're busy going after a hated acquaintance.
But that doesn't mean boredom can't knock on these people's doors.
A powerful monkey demon walks through a large city disguised as an ordinary human. The monotony of his hiding place had ended up irritating him, resulting in a stroll during "lovers day".
The tedium was enormous to make someone so reclusive go out on a day like this. Streets are full of commemorative decorations, mainly pink heart-shaped ornaments, and serenades with sweet music can be heard everywhere, even the sky looked rosier than usual, however what occupies the surroundings more than the color pink are couples laughing. 
Couples that make you want to throw up for being so clingy, many of them look like exaggerated caricatures of what a happy pair would look like. The demon even rolled his eyes when he heard some phrases from the loose lovebirds, sometimes having a good hearing is a nightmare.
"I'm scared, honey, what if I don't like the people at the party?" - A short girl passes by the monkey.
"Calm down, if you get nervous, we'll just get out of there. Trust me, we're in this together." - The other girl takes one of her partner's shoulders and speaks in a sweet, calm voice.
He stops in place, for a brief moment.
... Yeah, even though the concept of clingy couples was a little annoying, there was a part of him that held a certain... Interest. 
The idea of having someone who cares about your emotional and physical state, the idea of being appreciated, someone to give you attention and affection, someone to trust, all of this was somehow pleasant to imagine. A part of him really craved someone he could actually count on, someone that would actually choose to stay with him.
The warrior shook his head to get that unimportant feeling out of there. Is the holiday making him emotional? This is so pathetic. Like, come on, he had more fun things to do than that!
The biggest fun of being on the streets today is watching couples break up. Or to see people rejecting each other. Dramatic love situations filled with people with broken hearts, looking like over-the-top soap operas in real life. That was pure entertainment.
A rattling bell and the sound of hard material hitting the wall shows that someone has opened a door not far away with incredible brute force, the door in question being the door of a luxuriant restaurant.
"Wait! Come back! What did I do wrong, my little pudding?!" - A man cried while trying to reach a woman in a fancy dress.
"I've already made it clear to you that I hate it when you call me that. What were you thinking, showing up dressed like that in front of my entire family?" - She pointed with her index finger at the clown nose the man had on his face.
"I-I wanted to make your family have fun."
"You made everyone laugh at me! Laugh at us. You made me look like an idiot!"
Ooh, this was a good drama, an argument for a ridiculous reason. This gives a bunch of inspiration to an artist, stupid story scenarios becomes the perfect reference to fun scenes. The beauty and the clown, yeah, this could be the theme of a shadow play, a funny one. A few laughs escaped the demon's lips, so much suffering for such a stupid reason was a special comedy to watch.
Unfortunately for him, the pairing didn't take long to reconcile, returning to the restaurant's interior happily and holding hands.
He rolled his eyes at the scene, boredom returned and, so did his quest for entertainment. Maybe looking for fun outside the hideout wasn't such a good idea at all.
He looked at the restaurant through the front window, taking off his hood of his head, so it wouldn't get in the way of the view, inside there were several couples eating fancy dishes that looked delicious...
Ah yes, the second reason to go out today, the food.
The dishes had too many heart decorations for the Six Eared Macaque's taste, however, that didn't change how tasty they looked. Main courses full of meats and spices, a big variety of drinks and sugary desserts filled the space in every busy table.
If he sneaks into the shadows the right way, it won't be hard to get some good meals.
His belly growled.
"AaaAh! That was loud!" - He looked to the side and saw... You. - "Gosh, you scared me!"
Macaque jumped startled, he hadn't seen that a human had approached to look in the window too. A loud noise came from your belly almost as if it was competing with his stomach.
"Oh... You must be hungry. You also don't have a partner to eat a Valentine's Day food?" - Your hunger had reminded you of that scary noise that came from his tummy.
Macaque was starting to consider fleeing away from there, all he needs less now is boring small talk in the midst of invasion plans.
"Today there are various places offering special dishes for couples, but only for couples." - You keep talking even without hearing an answer from him. - "I'm alone too, so I understand the feeling of walking around without a partner, it makes us think about all the good food we're missing. I only left my house today to see everything decorated and pink, you know. I wanted to see the city transformed." 
/ Does this human get chatty when hungry, or are they just naturally annoying? /
After that thought, the belly of the two rumbled together, a synchronized noise, it sounded like a were a rehearsed trick.
"Argh! Those foods look so delicious! I would even pay someone to accompany me, pretending to be my partner."
/ Wait a minute, what did they just say? /
"Would you really pay someone to do something like that?" - An interest appeared behind the question.
"Of course, I really want the couples discounts and stuff." - You answered honestly without even thinking twice, it's a habit of yours that ends up putting you in complicated situations all the time.
A mischievous grin broke out on his face. 
He turned around and put a hand on your shoulder to have your attention just for him, you look into the eyes of the man who was holding you. - "Well, today is your lucky day! I am completely willing to cooperate with you in exchange for a good payment."
Now the human eyes stared at the man, the owner of those eyes carrying a certain nervousness within them. We all know that you shouldn't make deals with strangers, you know that very well yourself, but this is an opportunity to eat the exclusive foods that will only be available for today...
You took a good look at his figure to study his details, checking out the sparkle in his eyes, the charming smile, the beard that added the final touch to his attractive face. He wears clothes in nice colors that match each other, specifically dark red and black, his dark hair wasn't super tidy but wasn't tossed around either. The strands look very soft too, a strange urge to stroke the locks of hair haunted your head, but you held back. A man full of charisma stood before you.
You had to admit, he is hot. He is really hot, and he probably knows that (right?), so how expensive would that service be?
"... And how much would be a good payment in your opinion?"
He moved closer to your ear (a thing that made your whole body heat up and shiver) and using a seductive, soft voice, he whispered the value. Your brain melted hearing the voice while collapsed, listening to the number being said. God. The company of pretty men really was expensive.
He seemed to be delighted to see you shudder, to see you making such a shocked expression at the answer, a smug and satisfied smile graced his face. And honestly, this attitude only made you feel more silly feelings in your chest.
"My lord! This much just because you're handsome?!"
"Nice try, but flattering me isn't going to make me change the price I set."
"W-Wait! Let's talk a few things before accepting any price! Like, what places do you allow us to go? What couple things I can do with you? What are your personal boundaries? It wouldn't be fair to charge a specific amount without considering certain things."
The man stares at you intently for a few seconds like someone trying to see through dark glass, arms crossed defensively as he "scans" you up and down. He seemed to be searching for lies through the aura of your soul, or something like this.
"... Like a spoken contract? A kind of sacred agreement between us?" - You nodded with your head.
After thinking some more, Macaque started to say his limitations: No kisses. No hugs. No pet names. You're only allowed to walk holding hands (so you don't end up getting lost). 
On your turn to speak, you negotiate the places to visit: an elegant restaurant, a chocolate fondue stand and a cute cafe. These places had great deals for couples and unique Valentine's Day dishes.
/ Isn't that too much food for just one person? /
He had no idea how much food would fit in your stomach, but he could eat a lot himself, so he was getting a big prize. Caring for you was the least of his worries, so your final state at the end of the tour doesn't matter as long as he's well paid and well-fed. 
Being so demanding and limiting turned out to affect the final price of the deal, you would have to pay less to the fake boyfriend, but it was still a hefty price.
With everything settled, it was time to pay.
You looked in your wallet with a sad expression. - "Goodbye sweet money, I will never forget you."
When you were about to hand over the payment, you remembered a basic socialization step.
"Wait a minute! I don't know your name." - You held your money close to your chest, hesitating.
The monkey blinked in disbelief, processing the moment, of all suspicious things was it the lack of name that made you hesitate?
A light chuckle escaped from him. - "You can call me Mac. What about you?"
After revealing your name, you glared at the man as you slowly handed over the money, taking your time to say goodbye to the lost fortune. When he took the money from your hands, you made a thin little noise of suffering. Honestly, you're so exaggerated.
We can say that you're dumb too! Knowing each other's names isn't going to stop one from running off with the payment. Lucky for you, Macaque was starting to be entertained by the human innocence. Or would it be better to say stupidity instead of innocence?
Well, it doesn't matter, a fake date has begun.
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We're Not in CW Anymore - 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
The reader gets blasted into another universe - one where Sam and Dean Winchester are real people, real hunters, and really fucked up. To her surprise (or horror), Dean has been getting glimpses of her life in his dreams and is completely enamored with her. It's nothing like the cable-friendly CW show that she knows and loves.
Reader x Dean Winchester
Warnings: language, violence
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Chapter 3: The Bunker
The Impala pulled up to the bunker, the car still awkwardly silent. Dean opened the door for you and offered a small smile as you climbed out of the backseat. It was almost comforting. Almost. You couldn’t shake the idea of him watching you undress or take a shit. God knows what he saw. And until you figure out what exactly he’s witnessed, you’re going to keep your guard up.
Sam led you down the corridors of the bunker, which did actually look a lot like the show. Dean followed behind you, making you a little more uneasy. You were suddenly very aware of how tall they are compared to how short you are. Sam and Dean towered over you. They also walked too damn fast for your little legs. Finally you were standing in the main room of the bunker. Unlike the show, the room was bustling with people. There were a couple gathered around a book, a few staring at laptop screens quietly, and a handful typing away on their keyboards. You recognized one of them – Charlie. She had on headphones and was bobbing her head to the beat no one else could hear.
“Right, let’s ask James where to start,” Sam said after clearing his throat. He went over and talked to one of the men reading off his laptop. You could see them talking, Sam pointing over to you. You blushed heavily. Trying to ignore Dean staring at you again, you took a moment to look around the room. You were pleased to see a pretty good mix of people – not everyone was a white man. They were all dressed in business casual, mostly button-ups. A stark contrast to Sam and Dean’s flannel and jeans. You remembered their grandfather thought of hunters as less than – do these Men of Letters feel the same?
“Thanks, man,” Sam said to James before walking back towards you. He shot Dean a look, probably for staring again. “So, he gave me a few books to start off, nothing really concrete. I guess we won’t find out until we start digging.” Sam gestured for you to take a seat at a table in the back of the room. “Be right back,” he said.
Dean stood for a moment, contemplating if he should sit next to you or across. He decided to sit next to you, maybe he won’t be as tempted to stare. He couldn’t help it – he watched you for months, and he couldn’t help but fall for you a little. You were funny, had great taste in music, and killer curves. He liked the way you talked to yourself and sang in the shower. It’s only natural he developed a crush on you. And now he was in such close proximity to you. He wanted to touch you, just to make sure it was really true. You were here, in his bunker, in real life. Not only that, but you were supposedly soulmates. It made his heart flutter a little, though he’d never admit it.
“Do you think Gabriel was telling the truth?” you blurted, breaking Dean’s train of thought.
“Which part?” he asked.
“You know which part. The soulmates part. That’s crazy, right? Soulmates aren’t real.”
He didn’t respond. He didn’t have time to – by the time he opened his mouth, Sam slammed down several books onto the table. “Alright, everyone pick one and let’s get to work.” This was going to be a long night.
After several hours of reading the oldest book you’ve ever seen, you were ready to call it a night. The number of people in the main room of the bunker was dwindling, just like your patience. “What exactly are we trying to accomplish?” you asked, stretching with a heavy sigh. You didn’t see the point in researching soulmates and alternate universes. It’s not going to change anything. Unless they could get you back home.
“If Gabriel worked hard enough to transport you to a whole different universe, surely it was for a good reason. There has to be some sort of explanation besides you and Dean being soulmates,” Sam said, not even looking up from his book. You stole a glance at Dean, who met your gaze. Your eyes silently begged him to put an end to this reading torture and suggest we go to bed. As if he could read your mind, he cleared his throat. “I don’t know man, I think we should call it a night. It’s been a long ass day.” Thankfully Sam agreed.
“Where am I sleeping?” you asked. Surely there was a spare room in here somewhere. “Let me find an empty room. I think there’s one not too far from our rooms,” Dean responded. You were ready to have some time to yourself to process everything that’s happened today. Especially the whole soulmate thing. That was going to take some getting used to. Dean led you to his bedroom, inviting you to sit on the bed while he searched for a room you could use. His room was decorated with various guns hanging on the wall. A picture of him and his mom sat on his nightstand. You walked over and picked up the photo. Dean was a cute kid, and Mary was beautiful. They looked genuinely happy. It was a nice picture.
“Good news and bad news. There IS a spare bedroom, but it’s filled to the brim with boxes of old files. I’m not even sure there’s a bed underneath all that crap.” Dean’s voice made you jump. You were too focused on the photo to hear him coming. You blushed as you set the picture back down – he caught you snooping around his stuff. “Then where the hell do I sleep?” you asked. This is a nightmare.
“How about you take the bed and I take the floor?” Dean suggested.
“I’m not going to make you sleep on the floor in your own room. YOU take the bed, and I’LL take the floor,” you responded.
“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor after traveling dimensions. Take the damn bed.”
“You’re stubborn as fuck,” you sighed. “Okay, we’re both adults, right? We can share a queen bed without being dramatic about it. Just no funny business, or I’ll kick you in the balls.”
He chuckled. “No funny business. I pinky promise,” he said, holding out his pinky finger to you. You took it in yours and immediately felt sparks fly. You both stared at your hands for a moment, half expecting literal sparks coming off your fingers. The electricity you felt off his single digit was intoxicating. You wondered what would happen if you did more than touch pinkies.
He cleared his throat, letting go of your finger quickly. “I could find something for you to wear to bed, get out of those jeans. I doubt you’ll want to sleep in them,” he said as he started rummaging around his dresser. He pulled out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. “Bathroom’s around the corner. I think Sam set out a toothbrush and whatnot for you already.” You changed quickly, anxious to get the whole crawling into bed part over. That would be the most awkward part, you told yourself.
You walked back into the room, the sweatpants going inches past your ankles like little socks. Dean was matching you with gray sweats and a black t-shirt. You gawked a little. The shirt was tight enough for you to get a peek of the wall of muscle underneath. His arms were toned and muscular. One was covered in tattoos, the other in various scars from fighting monsters all his life. I guess that is more realistic, you thought. The idea of him getting all those scars made you sad, nonetheless. “Alright which side do you want?” he asked. You shrugged and picked the left, crawling under the covers. You stayed as close to the edge of the bed as possible. Dean did the exact same thing, leaving a large space in between you two. You prayed you’d fall asleep quickly, feeling uncomfortable in this awkward situation. Sharing a bed with a complete stranger. God, please don’t let him be a creep.
Chapter 4
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@5tud10-54r4h  @deans-spinster-witch
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vampyrsutton · 1 month
Do You Hear What I Hear?
When Hawks passes out on patrol and is forced by Rumi to take a break, she is less than thrilled to find out he has no interests or hobbies so insists he at least get some in some capacity. This is how she ends up making him an account on a cam site, but in a world where when you hear your soulmate's voice, they can hear everything you do, what is Hawks supposed to do when the pretty scarred boy starts hearing an echo of his stream on stream?
Ao3 Tags:
Sex Work, Sex Cam Worker Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Not a Villain, League of Villains Are Not Villains (My Hero Academia), Repressed Takami Keigo | Hawks, Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne Lives, Switch Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Protective Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Hero Public Safety Commission's Bad Parenting (My Hero Academia), Background Relationships, How Did That Plot Get There?, blood mention, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Needs a Hug, Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs a Hug, Sex Toys, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Crack Treated Seriously
For Day 3 of @dabihawksweeks 2024!
NSFW Prompt: Sex Work
“Stupid fucking Shie Hassaikai,” Hawks mutters to himself as he flies to his office again after he was supposed to have finally clocked out. 
This is the third time tonight he’s been called in to help assess possible leads, and he doesn’t even want to try counting what time this week. All he knows is that he hasn’t slept in three…four? He hasn’t slept more than maybe two hours in days and this intern is about to get fired if he doesn’t learn to use his damn brain and read. He swears if this is another mixed-up file, he’s joining the enemy or at the very least getting ahold of one of the quirk-erasing bullets they’re hunting so he can finally get some damn sleep. 
He forces himself to plaster on another picture-perfect smile as he flies over some fans snapping pictures and goes to do a flip in the sky, but that proves to be a horrible idea when being horizontal for even a second makes the world spin and his wings refuse to take him another centimetre. 
‘Dammit,’ He thinks as he plummets to the ground, getting his feathers to at least make sure he won’t die. ‘This is gonna be so much paperwork..and extra training.’
He hears the fans scream and one talking on the phone, hopefully calling for help, but that’s all he gets out of it before his eyes refuse to open and his body’s demand for sleep finally wins. 
When he comes to who knows how long later, it is once again to the sounds of someone on the phone, but this time instead of a teenager, it's a rabbit hero, and she is pissed. 
“I don’t give a rat's ass how many photoshoots or hours you think he has, I already found people to cover his shifts and will be covering multiple myself! He is not leaving this hospital until he is discharged, and he is not putting on that tacky-ass suit until the doctors clear him! If he does either even a second before he’s allowed to, I will make Kamino look like a fucking joke, do you hear me, you old hag?!” Mirko—or he guesses Rumi based on the casual clothing—yells down the line with her foot threatening to stomp a hole in the floor. “You don’t think I will?! How about this? Someone had to go get clothes for him and I don’t have a handler making me trim my claws!”
Hawks pales, looking at Rumi in horror at what she’s insinuating she now knows. “Rumi, don’t-”
“Oh, he’s awake.” Rumi grins like she didn’t just put a target on her back before growling into the phone again. “Don’t even think of sending a hitman. Not only would I love to see them try, but I’ve already put nets in place in case they succeed so don’t bother, and fuck off. I have a friend to check on.” 
“Rumi, what did you-” This time Hawks is cut off by a coughing fit. Shit, how long was he out?
Rumi just brings him some water. “So, wanna tell me the last slept, or am I becoming public enemy number one?”
“Like you aren’t already,” Hawks mutters once his throat doesn’t feel like sandpaper. "I think I got like two hours on Saturday surprisingly?"
"Hawks! It was Tuesday!" Rumi scoffs, stomping her foot in outrage. 
"Yeah? And?" Hawks tilts his head like it really is no big deal. “Wait, was? What day is it now?”
"And?! What do you mean and?! Is this normal for you?!" She demands, completely ignoring his other question.
Hawks just shrugs like she’s the one being unreasonable. "Uh, yeah? I’m the number two hero. I don't have time."
Rumi makes a low bunny sound that he hasn’t even heard in battle. "Hawks you need sleep, you dumbass!" 
Hawks scowls, feeling she’s over reacting. "Well, I can't just take time off! People need me!"
"Oh, yes you can! And you will! I already publically recorded and cussed out the Commission bitch trying to get you out of here and back to work before the doctor approved it, and you heard me on the phone just now!” She thumps again in irritation. “You have all of next week off. You're welcome." 
"Rumi!” Hawks squawks, still too tired to hold it in and making her eyes widen. No one has ever heard bird sounds out of him since his debut. “Why would you do that?! What the hell am I supposed to do for a week?!"
"Uh, whatever you do on your days off?" Rumi answers like he’s stupid.
There’s silence.
Rumi narrows her eyes. 
"Hawks… when was the last time you had a day off?" She asks evenly. 
"Uh...I had a week off in the spring?"
"In the spri- Hawks it's fall and speaking from experience, mating season doesn't fucking count, you birdbrain!” And she’s back to yelling, her ears twitching as though trying to shake out the excess rage. “What about before that? And I swear to god if you say last spring I will find the Meta Liberation Army and tell them how to take down the Commission myself!"
More silence.
Rumi glares. "You're kidding me.”
Continued silence, Hawks’ brain too sleep-deprived to think of anything. 
Rumi sighs, gritting her teeth as she pinches the bridge of her nose. "Goddammit Hawks. Just- Just go home and relax. Maybe get laid or something I don't fucking know. Hell, when was the last time you even did that?"
Who knew silence could be so deafening?
"Okay fuck the Liberation, Im committing arson myself!” Rumi stomps. “What the actual fuck?"
"I don't have time for a relationship, and a hookup could ruin my image,” Hawks shrugs, for some reason sheepish about this part. “Plus my species of hawk kind of mates for life.”
"Oh, for fuck’s sake, no wonder you’re such a bitch after your week off," Rumi grumbles, running a hand down her face. “What about your soulmate? Have you tried finding them yet?” 
Hawks just blinks at her in confusion. “Aren’t those a fairy tale?”
Rumi blinks back before nodding slowly. “Yup. I’m stomping a bitch in a suit." She decides,  taking out her phone and typing furiously "Do you like guys, girls, both, or yes?" 
Hawks blinks in bewilderment now instead. "Uh, why?" 
Rumi grimaces, "Yeah, srorry,  that's a weird question, but just answer it. I won't tell and will love and support you no matter what. Lesbian's honour." 
"...I believe you,” Hawks finally relents, “and, uh, ditto I guess? I like guys, but why are you asking?"
“You’ll see in a second.” She mumbles, still typing furiously. “Check your phone." She orders, finally handing it to him off the nightstand where she had it charging. “Don’t worry, the Commission is blocked.”
Hawks sighs in acceptance, unlocking his phone when an email comes in. There on his phone, a link pops up to a cam site with an account already made and awaiting email confirmation.
Hawks' entire face goes red "R-rumi! Why?!" 
"Thank me later.” She says as she snatches his back to confirm the email before he can delete it. “There. It's set up and I gave you 50 tokens so use it during your week off. It's anonymous and they never have to know who you are." She smirks before heading to the door. "I’ll go let the doctor know you're awake." 
Hawks face is about as red as his feathers, and all he can do is stutter as she walks out, but he has to worry about convincing the doctor he’s fine so tries to force it form his mind. Unfortunately, the nurse with the doctor has a quirk that lets him read vitals like video game stats so Hawks doesn’t stand a chance at going back to work for the next week apparently. He does, however, get released to go home at least where he tries to push the site from his mind.
That was Thursday morning. 
He makes it to Friday evening before total and complete boredom and maybe a little bit of curiosity gets the better of him.
"Dammit Rumi. Why? Just why? And how does she know what I usually make my password?" He mutters as he changes it and changes the display name from ChickenWingz69—the smart ass—to HotWingz. 
Once he's set up, he sighs and accepts his fate before starting to scroll. 
Or, at least, he plans to before he refreshes his page and a blur of purple and silver catches his eye. 
Hawks hovers over the thumbnail to enlarge it and his breath catches when striking turquoise eyes stare into his soul and promise to call him a million and one names that are guaranteed to make his wings quiver. Framing the pretty eyes is soft looking, spiky black hair that is dyed based on the shock of white Hawks can see lower down, but does this guy dye his eyebrows too? Anyway, besides thick lashes, his eyes are also framed by some rougher-looking, pinkish skin under his eyes in half moons and pretty pale skin. His lower jaw, neck, and continuing onto his right arm until his wrist has the same faded pinkish-red, but his left arm from wrist to mid-bicep and in a band around his stomach and lower pecs has a deep purple scar tissue that Hawks realises are grafts that are being held on buy silver staples. 
He probably turns the more judgemental or insecure off, but Hawks is captivated. 
Hawks finally clicks to join the stream. 
He must have just started because he’s still wearing tight leather pants that do nothing to hide the monster pressed against his thigh, and he appears to be talking, letting Hawks take in the piercings on his also pinkish ears, the three studs forming a triangle in his right nostril, what Google calls K9 piercings, and barbell in his healthy right nipple, all in silver. 
Hawks didn't think someone so perfect could exist, but then he greats Hawk’ screen name and Hawks is done for.
"I see we have a new viewer.” Drawls a low, smoke-worn voice that explains the grafts and makes Hawks’ wings puff and flutter. “Welcome HotWingz. Sorry for the weird echo. Let me just fix that real quick." Dabi hums before fiddling with something off-screen that Hawks assumes is a mic.
'Echo?’ Hawks manages to think as he tries to get the rest of his brain back online despite his blood suddenly being in the wrong head. ‘I don't hear an echo?' 
He decides to type as much.
[Hotwingz: Hey! Glad to be here! I dont hear an echo tho???]
"Huh? Well, that's weird. Anyone else?" Dabi checks in.
The chat sounds their lack of echo and Dabi looks really confused before his eyes widen "Shit. Is there anyone else new in the chat?" He asks, hand out of frame to scroll 
A few people seem to catch on and the chat loses it.
[DustyHandHeld: What the fuck? Whats this guy's deal coming in here and stealing Dabi from us?!]
[NotTheTurtleMaster: Oh! Congrats! Not what I was expecting of my fun time, but go off I guess]
[AppleBottomJeanz: @DustyHandHeld Don't be an incel.]
[Deadpool: Oh my god! Congrats!] 
[~So am I not getting off tonight?]
"What are they talking about?" Hawks wonders aloud before typing in chat.
[Hotwingz: Uhhh? What's everyone talking about? Is there something wrong with the stream?]]
"Well fuck. This is not how I expected this show or that meeting to go.” Dabi snorts, pushing his hair back from his face in amusement. “Here, let me spell it out for you, Wingz. I'm gonna turn on music then mute myself guys, hold on." 
[DustyHandHeld: This idiot needs it spelled out? Dabi shouldnt even waste his time]
[KnivesOutforHarambe: Extra Crusty aren't we tonight Dusty?]
[Deadpool: Thanks for the warning Dabi!] 
[~Don't be a dick Dusty]
"Not a problem, Deadpool.” Dabi waves off. “You mentioned on the server that sudden loud sounds set you off, and while being a dick might be part of my charm, I'm not a complete asshole.” He says with a smirk that does horrible things to Hawks’ heart before pretty eyes narrow in a way that makes Hawks sit up up straighter. “And he's right, Dusty. Behave. We've talked about this.'' Dabi drawls as he finally picks a song on his phone. Something hot and sexy. "Hope you don't mind the choice, Birdie, but I do still have bills. Muting now, guys." Dabi warns before the music suddenly sounds like it's underwater to Hawks as Dabi starts slowly teasing those damn pants off to the music.
[Hotwingz: Uh it didn't mute?] 
[DustyHandHeld: Is this guy fucking serious?]
[AppleBottomJeanz: @Hotwingz Oh hun.]
[NotTheTurtleMaster: @Hotwingz The rest of us can't hear it bud.]
[IveLostMyMarbles: @Hotwingz Does the music by chance sound like its underwater?]
Hawks is so distracted by the sight on his screen that he doesn’t bother reading the chat for a moment despite the pinging. There are more of the darker scars on Dabi’s left calve and making a mid-thigh to ankle stocking on the right with more staples, but Hawks is more focused on what has to be eight inches of thick cock coming from the shock of neatly trimmed white pubes and lined with a Jacob’s Ladder of piercings and…another Google search says a Prince Albert. 
Ah, so this is how people end up spending their life savings on cam sites because Hawks doesn’t think he can entirely blame his bird brain following the shinies on his urge to give this man anything he asks. 
It’s not until the third consecutive ping from his laptop that he finally reads Marble's message, and listens for a second.
[Hotwingz: Woah how did you know???]
[DustyHandHeld: I- I'm gonna scream]
[AppleBottomJeanz: ...I can't argue for once] 
[Deadpool: Hotwingz... 
[~Is this guys for real?! ]
[KnivesOutforHarambe: Oooh! Soulmates! How romantic!]
“Soulmates?” Hawks mutters, remembering the conversation with Rumi where he had asked if they were fairy tales because, despite all the hype, that’s what they might as well be to him.
There’s no fucking way. Rumi will never let him live this down if they’re right.
[Hotwingz: Huh? Soulmates? What does that have to do with anything?]
[NotTheTurtleMaster: ...]
[KnivesOutforHarambe: You do know what a Soulmate is, right?]
Hawks sighs because, obviously, he knows what they are. It's all anyone ever talks about after all, but he doesn’t have time for that stuff and avoids it in interviews to the point that people have finally stopped asking. To be honest he doesn't even remember how one went about finding theirs anymore. 
[Hotwingz: Well yeah...I just don't remember how you know...?]
[AppleBottomJeanz: …If I may before Knives hits us with a wall of caplock]
[NotTheTurtleMaster: Please!]
[KnivesOutforHarambe: You’re no fun]
[AppleBottomJeanz: Very well. Do you mind if I DM you so the others can enjoy the show, and Dabi can make some money.]
[Hotwingz: Sure.]
It takes seconds for Hawks to get a DM that he eventually figures out how to open in a new window so that he doesn’t have to leave the stream while he reads it. 
[AppleBottomJeanz: Hello. First, I feel I should ask, you are over the age of 18, correct?]
[Hotwingz: Im 22]
[AppleBottomJeanz: Just checking. Are you in a situation you need help out of?]
Hawks sighs, starting to believe it the more he’s asked. 
[Hotwings: No]
[I don’t know anymore, but it /is/ mostly just my schedule.]
[AppleBottomJeanz: Understood, feel free to reach out if you end up needing the assistance. This site may not be very heroic, but I am a hero and will offer my help if yo]
[chara limit- u need it.]
Hawks snorts. Oh, if only this guy knew. 
…though that user is a little suspicious, but also way too silly so there’s no way. 
[Hotwingz: Thanks. Ill let you know]
[Now about the soulmates? Because if you all are right, mine is hot and I wanna go back to watching him]
Somewhere in Japan, a different hero snorts into his denim pajamas. 
[AppleBottomJeanz: Very well. So, as you have noticed, once Dabi started talking after you joined the stream, as in when /you/ first heard /his/ voice, Dabi started hear]
[chara limit- hearing an echo and things he was hearing sounded underwater to you. I imagine before tonight, there was a loud white noise in the back o]
[of your mind. It should be gone now or at least quieter if you have multiple. Is it gone?]
Ignoring that white noise had been part of his earliest training but now that AppleBottomJeanz mentioned it…
[Hotwingz: Hey its gone!]
[AppleBottomJeanz: It will complete when you meet and he hears your voice. You’ll be able to hear everything the other does.]
Hawks suddenly understands why his voice being slightly altered was part of his contracts, and—despite not caring about soulmates twenty minutes ago—knowing Dabi was his, he was now furious.
Maybe he could let Rumi commit an atrocity.
[Hotwingz: Thank you!]
[AppleBottomJeanz: Happy to help.]
Hawks returns to the stream now and curses as he returns to the view of Dabi stroking his absolutely perfect cock with a sinful groan that goes right to Hawks’ dick and makes Dabi chuckle. 
“Welcome back, Wingz.” Dabi smirks, looking down his nose at the camera with sinful eyes that make Hawks chirp and Dabi curse. “Fuck, he chirps, guys. Should I call you ‘Pretty Bird’ then?”
Hawks will claim his dick types the next part. 
[Hotwingz: Fuck man if you keep saying it like that, you can call me a whore for all I care]
[I am so sorry my goldfish typed that]
Dabi’s laugh is the final nail in Hawks’ coffin. 
“Nice to meet you, too. It’s a shame, I can’t make you work to see the goods, but ain’t no rest for the wicked, right?” Dabi smirks in amusement before moaning when his thumb teases his Prince Albert. “Fuck, you caught up now, pretty bird?” He asks before his smirk turns wicked when he can hear Hawks coo again. “You like that, don’t you?”
[Magnetizing: Well @Hotwingz? You caught up or are we getting cucked until you are?]
Hawks drags his talons through his hair in embarrassment despite being alone before sighing.
[Hotwingz: Yeah.. AppleBottomJeanz filled me in]
[...hi Dabi]
[Deadpool: There we go!]
[~He finally gets it!]
Hawks had looked away from the show for only a few seconds to read chat, but a hiss draws his attention back only for his mouth to go dry at the sight of Dabi starting to finger himself open, head thrown back in a moan.
[Hotwingz: Fuck. Yeah, Im caught up and just so everyone knows, God is real and I'm petitioning for Lust to be taken out of the sins. Holy shit that is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen]
Dabi must glance at the chat again because that sinful laugh sounds through Hawks’ speakers once more to wrap around his dick and make him groan, finally getting his hand on himself. He did have a purpose in coming here after all. 
[Hotwingz: Im closing the petition. That was illegal]
Dabi’s laugh filters through his speakers again before being cut off in a moan when Dabi seems to hit his prostate. "Thanks for helping him figure it out, Jeanz. Hope you don't mind if I finish the show, birdie?" 
[several people are typing...] 
[DustyHandHeld: Dammit! What the hell?]
[AppleBottomJeanz: Behave. We dont mind. Wingz is more important]
[NotTheTurtleMaster: It'd be a shame, but we'd understand.]
[KnivesOutforHarambe: Eeeee! I'm just happy to witness this!]
[IveLostMyMarbles: It's quite alright you two]
[Magnetizing: It was fun while it lasted. Farewell big tittied emo boy]
[Deadpool: This is so cute!]
[~Wholesome? In my fap session?]
Dabi laughs at the last comment from Deadpool as he removes his fingers and reaches for something off-screen. His eyes pierce the camera as he smirks while pulling what appears to be a fucking machine with a sizeable dildo attached into frame, and Hawks swears Dabi is staring directly at him. "Well, pretty birdie? Up to you?" 
Hawks doesn’t hesitate.
[Hotwingz has donated 20 token] 
[Hotwingz: I'd be upset if you /Stopped/! I came here to get off just like everyone else]
[Hotwingz: I mean only continue if you want of course but /please/ continue]
Dabi chuckles before lubing up the dildo, "Fuck, birdie, that's kinda hot. Well, you heard 'em guys. The show must go on."
[DustyHandHeld: Thank God!]
[NotTheTurtleMaster: I second that]
[OrigamiDom✅: Third]
[Deadpool: Fourth! 
[~The cryptid speaks!]
[KnivesOutforHarambe: Ok but Magne-chan had a point. /Does/ this count as cucking?] 
[AppleBottomJeanz: Knives? What the fuck?]
[IveLostMyMarbles: No, Knives has a point]
[Hotwingz: @Knives ...Lets not unpack that right now] 
Hawks turns his attention back to the show to watch his soulmate be fucked by the machine. It doesn’t take long for him to realise that along with the dildo being rather big, the machine’s power and speed appear to be connected to donations because the scarred man curses and moans when Dusty donates ten. 
"D-damn... You all are ruthless tonight huh?" He pants as he adds a cockring after a goal is met that Hawks finally notices on the sidebar. "Shows gonna be over too fast if you keep thIIIs u-up! Fuck!"
[KnivesOutforHarambe donated 5 tokens]
[KnivesOutforHarambe: Might as well give your Birdie a show!]
[NotTheTurtleMaster donated 8 tokens]
[NotTheTurtleMaster: It's the least we can do to thank you both for the continued show]
Hawks can't say he minds as he purchases more tokens and donates 15 to watch the man about fold in half as he arches off the bed, cock twitching helplessly as an orgasm is stopped. 
"Fuck!" Dabi whimpers, making Hawks curse and need to squeeze his dick not to cum with him. "Tha-That was just mea-” He finally sees who sent it and glares, but it’s softened by his lip just barely jutting out. “Of course, my soulmate's as much of a dick as I am!" 
[DustyHandHeld: Thank you for this visual meal]
Hawks smirks at getting a positive reaction out of Dusty and feels a little daring. 
[Hotwingz: Maybe you can do that to me when we meet]
The shudder that wracks Dabi’s body is visible when he reads that. "Bet you won't be that cocky when there's not a screen to protect yoOu~ Ahhh!"
[Hotwingz donated 10 tokens]
"F-fuck you." Dabi growls, the panting not making it as threatening.
[Hotwingz: That is what I was implying yes. Try to keep up]
[Deadpool: I like this guy!]
[~Stop making me laugh! Im tryna get off!]
"Asshole," Dabi mutters as he begins matching the machine’s thrusts. 
[Hotwingz: Your asshole apparently]
This makes Dabi snort again, shaking his head before it falls back in a moan when OrigamiDom donates 20 tokens to make Dabi arch and wither. 
[OrigamiDom✅: Both of you shut up. As hot as his laugh is, it should be moaning like a good boy, not back talking]
Hawks grimaces, but based on the reactions in the chat, this guy talking at all is an event.
[Hotwingz: Yes sir :( ]
[OrigamiDom✅: That’s a good boy. Thank you again for letting us continue]
Hawks blames his already hard dick on why that makes him blush before Origami donates another 20 and Dabi whines when the machine starts thrusting harder. 
“Fuck! No more instigating, birdie. He’s rich and it’s mY- mnmm ass that gets the pounding. Not yours.” Dabi moans, playing with the healthy nipple and making a breathy sound.
Hawks considers this and chooses violence. 
[Hotwingz donated 50 coins]
Dabi jerks, withering on the bed as that apparently takes the stream to a new donation goal and the ring starts vibrating. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Wait- Ahhhh~”
Hawks smirks. He was expecting a Dom when he clicked on the stream, but he can work with this. 
“What’s wrong, baby? Sensitive? Fuck, I hope you make these noises for me, too.” Hawks groans loud enough Dabi will be able to hear him through the link. 
Sharp turquoise eyes flick to the screen and Hawks’ bird instincts scream danger. “You wish.” He practically growls. “I’ll fucking ruin you. The piercings aren’t just for show, you know?”
Hawks chirps, the sudden tone change making his cock throb as he curses, and Dabi chuckles dangerously. 
Where were the donations when Hawks’ sanity needed them? Did the machine slow down actually?
“You showed up for a requested show,” Dabi explains with a low moan. “You’re singing so pretty for me now? Imagine my piercings splitting you open one by one…” He drawls, slowly dragging a finger along his shaft and up his stomach so Hawks has to take in how deeply Dabi would fuck him. You can try to fuck me, but whatever they give me tonight?” Dabi’s smirk turns evil and he glances at the chat bar like he’s issuing a challenge. “I’ll give you you tenfold.”
The chat is quiet for a moment. 
[DustyHandHeld: Fuck thst waz hopt]
[@NotTheTurtleMaster wwe can waity to buy theat game rightt]
[NotTheTurtleMaster: I suddenly don’t know of any games]
The chat explodes. 
Dabi screams. 
Hawks curses.
He has to watch the donations coming in like crazy, some lurkers even getting involved as Dabi moans and withers on the bed, the machine at full speed now and making. 
“Fuck! Guys! Mnmm~ Please! The ring! Fuck!” Dabi moans eventually, looking at the camera pleadingly. “You want me to break him?”
Hawks doesn’t remember making the next donation. 
[Hotwingz donated 100 tokens]
Dabi’s eyes widen almost comically before some new pattern kicks in and he cries out, cumming hard despite the ring before collapsing against the sheets, body twitching with aftershocks and whimpering when the machine doesn’t care that he just came. “Please.” He pants, an arm over his eyes. 
Hawks curses, stroking himself faster and cumming hard into a tissue moments later with a moan, wings puffing behind him, and nearly blacking out if he didn’t know any better. 
Which he really doesn’t know with how his ears ring and his balls ache. 
“Fuck.” Hawks curses, sinking back into the pillows behind him and letting a feather put his laptop on his chest. 
“Don’t cover your face, baby. Wanna see your eyes.” Hawks actually slurs a little. 
“Can’t,” Dabi pants, the machine having finally turned off though not removed yet as he comes down. “ToS doesn’t like blood.”
Hawks blinks in confusion, but Marbles is kind enough to explain about Dabi’s tear ducts in chat, and how it’s the next surgery on Dabi’s list.
“What whoever that was said so thanks for funding it, birdie.” Dabi chuckles breathlessly before groaning when he finally starts getting the dildo out of him. “Fuck, you guys are assholes.” He mutters as he grabs a towel from the floor out of frame. He glares at the camera once he’s sure he won’t get flagged though his eyes aren’t quite as sharp as earlier. “That good enough, Jeans?”
[AppleBottomJeanz donated 100 tokens]
[AppleBottomJeanz: That was perfect, Dabi. My partner and I enjoyed it greatly, thank you.]
 “Anytime.” Dabi sighs, lying back again with a groan and resting for just a moment before his eyes flick to the camera. “Which there will be a next time, birdie. Not many people hire human bacon.”
[Hotwingz: Can I watch live next time?] 
Dabi barks out a tired laugh, shaking his head in amusement. “Oh, thank fuck. You dropped that hundred token and I thought we’d have to fight.”
[Hotwingz: When you figure out who I am, you will have too much power for me to be able to say shit even if I wanted to] Hawks admits, his brain not back online yet. 
Dabi looks at the chat confused but shrugs. “Guess I’ll figure that out soon. I’ll DM you after I shower. Anyone else have any easy requests before I end stream? You guys gave me a pretty tall promise to fulfil after all.”
Hawks chirps, having thought that was just dirty talk. 
He had tipped 100 to being broken.
Well…he did have a week off. 
[Magnetizing donated three tokens]
[Magnetizing: Get some water dear.]
[IveLostMyMarbles donated three tokens]
[IveLostMyMarbles: And a snack. Someone better take someone out to dinner obviously, but we did abuse our power a little.]
“You guys are so weird.” Dabi snorts, reaching out of frame again for a water bottle. “And no shit you abused your power. Assholes. The lot of you.”
This gets a stream of heart reactions that makes Dabi roll his eyes and shake his head. “Whatever, degenerates. Kurogiri should be putting a poll in the server tomorrow for the next show. Dusty, we still filming next week or has that second soulmate shut us down?]
[DustyHandHeld: Uhhhh about that…]
Dabi raises an eyebrow. 
[DustyHandHeld: Yourbrotherdoes’twanttosharewithyou.]
[DustyHandHeld has left the stream]
[NotTheTurtleMaster: Oi! Don’t just leave me here!]
[NotTheTurtleMaster has left the stream]
Dabi’s eye twitches as he looks at the ceiling. “You avoided villainy. You avoided villainy. You avoided villain- I’m killing them.”
[OrigamiDom✅: 😶‍🌫️🤐]
[OrigamiDom✅ has left the stream]
[AppleBottomJeanz: 😬🤐]
[@Hotwingz, remember my DMs are open if you need help with that thing]
[Hotwingz: 😶🤐]
[AppleBottomJeanz has left the stream]
Hawks can’t help but laugh at the thought of his coworkers deciding they suddenly do not see just to continue getting their rocks off to one hot edge lord, but can’t say he blames them.
[Hotwingz: Talk to you soon.]
“Later, pretty bird.” Dabi smiles crookedly, giving a little wave. “Alright, guys that’s all tonight. I’ve got a bird to stuff. Stay nasty. It helps pay my bills.” He smirks wickedly before the stream ends and Hawks swears he can still see those eyes burned into his screen. 
Hawks sighs, flopping his laptop to the side as post-nut clarity starts sinking in. 
What the fuck?
He groans, dragging a hand down his face before grimacing when he smears cum on his face. 
Dabi would DM him after his shower. 
Hawks apparently needs one too. 
But first, as though sensing his dilemma, some American female country song blasts form his phone, making him squawk then groan again. 
Maybe Rumi would know what to do. 
“Whaaat?” Hawks groans before wincing, not meaning for it to come out that way. 
“Well fuck you, too.” Rumi laugh. “Put on something fun. I’m dragging you and the string bean sticks in the mud to the club. I’ve decided no more heroes are being left alone and introversion is not to be trusted.”
Hawks blinks at his phone. “Who?”
“Jeanist and Edge, duh.” Rumi laughs. “Partially cause they were the only ones who had the night off who I’ve said anything to, but you vibe with Jeanist, right?”
Another blink before he nods despite Rumi not being able to see him. “Uhh, yeah…but I kinda might have a date tonight.”
“You what?!” Rumi yells and he hears something crash. 
Hawks’ face burns as he groans. “I found my soulmate. I’ll hopefully be meeting him tonight.”
“Meeting him? How the hell have you found him, but not met him?” Rumi asks suspiciously. “Are you being scammed? Is someone trying to trick you? I’ll kill them if they-”
“No! I-”
“Then how?”
Hawks’ face burns, but he knows she will hunt him down if he doesn’t have a good enough explanation. “You know that cam site you signed me up for…?”
“Yeah, what abo-” He can practically hear her feral grin. “You did not! Hawks!”
“Shut up!” He groans, hiding in a pillow now, and groaning again when he remembers the cum he smeared on his face. “This is embarrassing enough.”
“Oh my god, you have to bring him with you.” And she really doesn’t need to sound that giddy. “Ohhh, I guess this means I get to find out what kind of porn you wat-”
“Rumi!” He squawks. “Absolutely not! ‘Hey, I know we met when I was trying to jerk off and you were trying to get others off for money, but wanna come meet my coworkers before we even properly meet?’ No, fuck that.”
Rumi just cackles. “Either bring him, or I drag the boys into following you. We have to make sure the top ten’s baby isn’t meeting a gold digger after all.”
Hawks chitters angrily at the insinuation before wincing. “Sorry…there was another hero in his chat dropping a lot of tokens…and he said he was going to fight me about continuing if I tried to stop him so he seems to want to be independent…”
“Does he know you’re a hero?” She asks much calmer than she’s been. “The number two at that?”
“...No.” Hawks sighs. 
“Then please?” Rumi prods. “You can fuck off to a dark corner after, just let us vet him.”
Hawks worries his lip before sighing again. “Fine…I’ll ask. Let me take him out to dinner first though.”
“Deal.” She agrees. “Go get ready and wear the dark skinny jeans. If I see a single thread of khaki on you or god forbid that eye strain jacket, I’m kicking you into the next prefecture, and I think Jeanist would help me.”
Hawks snorts, finally getting up to shower. “Fine, I’ll find something else. Though if he can still stand me with the eye strain…”
“He’d have to be a gold digger. No amount of soulmate shit and pretty face is getting you laid in that otherwise.” Rumi deadpans without hesitation. “Text me when you have a time.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Hawks snickers. “See ya.”
It doesn’t take him long to shower and get presentable after that, and soon, he’s pacing in front of his laptop, waiting for a message from Dabi_Touyaroki✅ and desperately trying to remind himself that the man had a very big dildo in his ass and was probably sixty per cent scar tissue so probably needed some extra time. 
This doesn’t stop Hawks from diving for his laptop with a squawk when it chimes. 
Hey pretty bird
Soooo did you two forget that I can now /clearly/ hear everything you do? 🤨
Hawks winces. He had forgotten that. He doesn’t know about Rumi.
Thanks for standing up for me though I guess
Youre right. I dont want your money and if you could actually tell me who the other hero is so i can kick him? 
Wait, that’s why Jeanz and Origami dipped, isn’t it?
One hero fucking with my life is enough. /You’re/ lucky I’m curious
And hungry. Does food count as gold digging?
Hawks makes a sad croon. Frowning at the sudden tone change.
Ugh! Don’t make that sound, I feel bad now >:( 
I still want to meet you. I’m just a little pissy that I can’t seem to escape number two heroes but your actual public relations are leagues higher than his so I’ll give it a shot
Tell the Boomer to change his passwords by the way. I burned at 13, I shouldn’t still be able to find out this info about you
Hawks frowns, tilting his head. “What do you mean you can’t escape number two heroes?”
Please tell me you’re not a bird brain
Eh, granted, they /did/ cover my “death” pretty well
How many kids does the former number two have?
“Uh, three living, and the top ten of the time as well as Commission associates were invited to the funeral of the eldest,” Hawks answers out loud.
Yeah, a jaw isn’t a corpse. I was in a hospital
Huh, does topping the new number two count as surpassing him?
Hey birdie >:)
Hawks just blinks but public relations numbers aren’t public, only popularity…oh my god the screen name. “I don’t know whether you’re morbid or an edge lord. So, what do I call you then?”
Dabi. I don’t use that old one
Can I ask your real one or will you have to kill me like trying to find is doing to my computer?
Hawks snorts. “It’s Keigo.”
Hawks grimaces, but Dabi had aired his skeletons. “...Takami.”
Oh shit! So my dad arrested yours!
Uh sorry?
Hawks laughs again. “It’s fine. He was an asshole. So about dinner and getting interrogated by numbers three to five?”
Dabi_Touyaroki✅ has sent an address
Dabi_Touyaroki✅ has sent an address
First one is my apartment. Second is a restaurant that ik won’t fuck with my stomach. I get motion sickness so we probably can’t fly to the club so hopefully its close or you’re not getting any tonight
I swear I don’t usually put out on the first date but you are really hot and according to fate or the universe or whatever I am stuck with you so might as well
Well not /stuck/ with you I guess
Wait. Hero. That TBD
Hawks can’t help but smile. “I’ll be there in ten. Twenty if I get stuck behind a particularly slow pigeon.”
That apparently makes Dabi laugh loud enough to make it through the underwater sounds. 
See you soon Pretty Bird
And I agree with carrots
I will burn that jacket if I see it and you wont get so much as a kiss
Hawks laughs again, already smitten. “Fineeeee. I’ll wear the leather one.”
Good boy
See you soon
Dabi_Touyaroki is offline
Hawks smiles stupidly before going to his wardrobe to grab the mentioned jacket and jumps off the balcony soon after, doing several loops above his apartment building before heading to his soulmate’s.
His soulmate. 
To think he didn’t care just a few hours ago. 
And now he’s taking him to dinner! 
Hopefully, he doesn’t find Hawks’ actual voice annoying. 
He manages to make it in eight minutes and chooses to take the actual entrance to give him time to fix his hair before knocking on the door and hopping on the ‘Fuck Off’ mat anxiously. 
His photos were usually photoshopped to hell and interviews could be excused as hero grime. What if Dabi didn’t like his natural face either?
He doesn’t even notice the door has opened until a low voice speaks. 
“I can practically hear you overthinking, birdie. Do you need to trauma dump, too?”
Hawks’ head shoots up and his eyes pin as he stares in awe, and fuck, he’s even prettier in person. His hair looks even softer than on camera and he looks like he’s wearing eyeliner on his upper lids. A few of the fresher grafts are slightly shiny, probably with some sort of cream or gel to help them, and his piercings catch the light in a way that’s horribly distracting to Hawks’ bird brain. He already knows what’s happening under Dabi’s clothes, but the clothes look really good on him too with a deep purple shirt of something similar to silk, and tight, black leather pants that hug everything. It’s finished off with black skate shoes that probably had the club in mind and Hawks trills before slapping a hand over his mouth and looking around in panic. He’s not supposed to make those sounds in public. 
“Relax, birdie. No one here gives a shit.” Dabi chuckles, running a hand through his hair and making Hawks notice the rings on his fingers and fuck did he need to be this effortlessly hot? “Soooo, you gonna say anything and complete the link orrrr?”
Hawks flushes in embarrassment, his feather trembling behind him with nerves. “Right, um, hi? Nice to meet you.”
Just like that, Hawks can hear the echo too and his eyes widen before he grins. “Huh.”
“Yeah,” Dabi smiles, his eyes shining with amusement. “Your ears are sensitive as shit, aren’t they?”
Hawks grins giddily up at Dabi who is a good probably eight centimetres taller than him. “And yours kinda suck.”
“Hmm, dying in your own flames will do that to you.” Dabi hums, his amusement never leaving his face so as to not make Hawks fear he said something wrong as he closes the door behind him and locks it. “Shall we go, birdie? I was promised dinner before my interrogation.”
Hawks chuckles, nodding. “Yeah, let's go.” He agrees, falling into step with Dabi. “And it’s not an interrogation.”
Dabi snorts now. “First time having friends? Soulmate or not, I’m about to get the shovel talk.”
Hawks just can’t stop smiling. “Eh, more like threats of being kicked really fucking hard.”
“I’ve seen what she does to buildings. I wonder what I’d need to frame you for to not die.” Dabi hums as they make their way out of the building. 
“Well, hopefully not the double murder you premeditated earlier.” Hawks jokes.
Dabi grimaces, glaring at a door they pass. “No promises. Fucker. I introduced them in case a graft got infected again so they could call someone, specifically with some medical knowledge. They weren’t supposed to fuck my brother.”
Hawks can’t help, but laugh, finding it ridiculous. “Small world?” 
“You’re telling me,” Dabi mutters, before huffing. “Anyway.”
They spend the rest of the walk talking back and forth, either sharing stories or trading insults after Dabi asks if Hawks has a life outside of hero work half way through dinner. 
“I’m mostly joking.” Dabi hums, taking another bite. “Mostly. I will say right now, I’m not gonna be a constant second fiddle to hero work again. That’s what contributed to my death the first time was Endeavor dropping a goal of surpassing All Might on me the second my quirk came in, and then abandoning me once my quirk started hurting me. Training was the only time he looked at me though so obviously I didn’t stop when he told me.” Familiar but much brighter turquoise eyes bore into Hawks’ old as though bored though Hawks’ feathers can hear his heartbeat hiking. “I know we just met and I’m not saying me or hero work, but if I’m just going to get abandoned again, I’d rather leave now before we can get attached.”
Hawks bites back a sad croon at the thought of Dabi leaving, but can understand where he’s coming from so puts his fork down to consider. “...For reasons, I can’t answer that yet.” He admits but quickly continues when hurt flashes across Dabi’s face. “Tonight was my first time having an account on a cam site. Rumi made me get it while I was in the hospital due to passing out from exhaustion after working on a few hours of sleep for four days, and Rumi had to threaten people to get me time off. I haven’t had more than heat leave since I was eleven in terms of time off, and as you’ve already learned, I have no hobbies or anything really.” Hawks sighs sadly, finally starting to realize how fucked that sounded. He wasn’t just ‘doing his job’ he was a fucking slave. “You were rght that Jeanz is apparently a hero, and he offered help since me not knowing how soulmates work set off alarm bells. I know it won’t be right away, but I would like to start getting some sort of balance, especially if you’re going to be on one side of the scale.” 
Dabi stares at him in consideration before finally nodding. “Okay…fine. We finish tonight, and you find me when you can have a life. That sound reasonable?”
Hawks perks up, having half expecting to be told to fuck off. “More than I was expecting. I’ll make any wait worth it.”
“And I’m still filming either way.” Dabi reiterates from earlier.
Hawks just laughs. “Can I at least buy you a better camera then?”
Dabi hesitates for a moment, finally lowering his spoon. “Wait, for real? Wait no- you’re not buying me more than dinner.”
Hawks can’t help but smirk. “Like two hundred tokens says otherwise.”
Dabi grimaces. “You make if sound like you got me off the corner…to be fair if it had been two years ago…”
“Wait, what?”
Eventually, they make it to the club where Rumi pulls Hawks into a noogy for taking so long before immediately laying into interrogating Dabi about his intentions for their baby bird. 
Dabi is upfront about the conversation at the restaurant and Rumi grins, now considering him an accomplice in the breech of labor laws that is Hawks’ existence. “Perfect answer.” She snickers conspiratorially before dragging Dabi away to the bar to pester him further. 
Hawks just sighs since he can still hear everything being said to Dabi, and turns to the other heroes that we dragged out. “Hey, Jeanist! How the hell did she- Jeanist?”
Jeanist is, for once, not in head-to-toe denim but some weird mix between a Poindexter and a nomad or something. Whatever it is, it makes Keigo’s closet look a little more normal and he’s surprised Rumi didn’t force the taller man to go change. That’s not the weird part though as he is staring at Dabi like he’s seen a ghost, and glancing at Edgeshot for some explanation, the Ninja Hero isn’t looking much better. 
“Uhhh, guys?” Hawks prods. 
“Hotwingz?” Jeanist whispers in horror, making Dabi choke on whatever drink he was given across the bar. 
It’s Hawks’ turn to pale. “Jeanz?” He gulps, eyes drifting to Edgeshot next at Jeanist uncomfortable nod. “Origami?” Another nod and Hawks wheezes. “You have a check mark.”
“I wear a mask in my hero costume and civilian wear,” Edgeshot answers, indeed wearing an outfit that still looks like a ninja, but covers even his hair now. “Taking it off and wearing mostly leather confuses people.”
“One second, carrots.” He hears Dabi through their bond before he sees the cam star moving away more. “Oh my god, I’ve let fucking Edgshot dom me,” Dabi says like he’s freaking out so Hawks can hear. “I’ve let Edgeshot fuck me. I just did a show for Best Jeanist. Is being a gold digger still an option, birdie? I would like to stop existing and being a house husband suddenly sounds great.”
Hawks can’t help a shocked laugh as he looks at his fellow heroes. “You’ve fucked my soulmate?” He wheezes.
Edgeshot shrugs. “Of course. Good boys get fucked.” And Hawks never thought he’d see amusement in the normally serious heroes eyes. “Weren’t you, Dabi.”
There’s more choking across the bar and Hawks’ face flushes, having just spent multiple hours losing any chance of seeing Dabi as any more than a brat at best. He was definitely Dom leaning and did not seem to not like having control. 
Was that just a Hawks thing? 
“Umm, anyway, so about helping me with the Hero Commission then?” Hawks asks, looking to Jeanists to end this horrid conversation. 
Jeanists eyes widen then narrow. “They’re the situation?” He asks before sighing as Hawks’ nods. “Very well. Rumi! We’ll be heading up to the private rooms to discuss Hawks’ issue.”
“Fuck, yeah! More allies!” Rumi grins, rabid as she drags Dabi after her for this meeting, ordering for drinks to be brought immediately. 
Hawks really doesn’t remember much after that, having never drank in his life and making the horrible decision to accept whatever cocktail Rumi handed him. By morning, there is a note shoved in his pocket that a plan was made, but he has no idea what it was or how he got home, but some picture on his phone tell him he had fun finally getting to have fun.
He gets a picture from Rumi of a very drunk Hawks tryign to dance with Dabi who is laughing and looking at the mess of a hero so fondly that it’s sickening. 
They’ve known each other one night. 
He doesn’t want to lose him.
AppleBootomJeanzzzz Message (1)
[Good morning, Hawks. I hope you are feeling well and will once again consider changing my name on your phone or at least spelling it right. Any way. Are you ready to be free?]
Hawks looks at the picture again when another comes in of them actually kissing, and the untamed joy the Hawks has never seen on his own face and the softness in Dabi’s makes up his mind.
[No to the name. Yes to the freedom]
[Very well.]
It takes months and a lot of lawyers and hits on all three heroes, but, eventually, Hawks reclaims his freedom and gets his abusers put behind bars. 
The first thing he does with it?
Fly full speed to a small apartment he hasn’t been to in months to practically tackle Dabi the second he opens the door. 
“We did it.” Hawks breathes, squeezing the other man and chirping since he can now. “We did it.”
Dabi wheezes slightly form the tight hug, but chuckles, ruffling wind-mused hair. “That you did, pretty bird. That you did.” He hums, pulling Hawks up for a kiss he’ll actually remember this time. “Welcome back, birdie.”
Hawks grins, kissing back eagerly. “I’m back.”
“I think this calls for celebration,” Dabi smirks against his mouth, not caring they’re in the hallway. “I think I promised to give you my stream tenfold that first time?”
Hawks flushes but smirks. “Pretty sure I donated 100 tokens to be broken.”
Dabi grins wickedly now. “I think I remember something like that.” He snickers before yanking Hawks fully into his apartment. “Ever done this though?”
Hawks shakes his head as he follows Dabi to what he finds is the bedroom. “With what time?”
Dabi hums, but Hawks’ feathers can feel his heartbeat spike. “I’ll need to take my time with you then.”
And take his time he does. 
By the time Dabi is easing his way into Hawks to loud, chittering moans, Hawks has already cum once and his hole is drenched in spit and lube from Dabi eating him out like a man crazed. Thank something Hawks had decided to clean up this morning just in case they won because that was a glorious way to find out Dabi’s tongue is stitched longer and pierced. 
Now, though, Hawks is trying not to mess up Dabi’s grafts with his talons as he’s seemingly split in half, each barbell along Dabi’s shaft catching on Hawks’ rim and making him chirp. When the Prince Albert alone finds his prostate Hawks sees stars and he warbles when the runs of the Ladder are allowed to grind against there. “Dabiiii~!” He moans. 
“Easy, pretty bird. I’ve got you.” Dabi chuckles, looming over him as he eases in centimetres at a time. “Fuck, you’re so tight.”
Hawks moans as he’s speared open, sure the words aren’t helping the tightness as his body reacts to every little pet name and praise, his wings fluffing behind him. “Big…” He manages to chirp out. 
Dabi smirks against Hawks’ throat, kissing every freckle his shitty eyesight can find as he eases into the base. “And you’re doing so good taking it.” He praises, groaning slightly as he finally bottoms out. “See? It’s all in.”
Hawks shudders, squeezing around Dabi experimentally and making them both curse. “Heh, you weren’t kidding about ruining me, huh?”
“I like to keep my promises.” Dabi agrees with a hum. “Tell me when I can…I’ve seen you on the news. I’ll choose when to move.”
Hawks huffs, muttering that he knows his limits, but then Dabi starts nibbling along his neck and it makes something in his bird brain shut off so he croons. 
“Good boy,” Dabi chuckles, continuing like this until he feels Hawks relax enough to feel comfortable moving, pulling out slowly to hear him croon again before thrusting back in to get a chirp, trill, or moan. 
“Dabiii~!” Hawks moans. “Move! Please!”
After his victory today, who was Dabi to deny him?
Dabi gives one more tester thrust before leaning back to plant his hands for leverage and starting to fulfil the promise he made all those months ago, making Hawks really sing, every moan music to Dabi’s ears as he fucks the hero. 
“Been waiting for this haven’t you, baby bird?” Dabi grunts as he fucks Hawks. “Saw some pretty metal on a thick cock and decided to overthrow your abusers just to get it in you. That desperate to not think, huh? Want fucked stupid that bad? I could bend you in half right now and give it to you like you made to machine fuck me.” Dabi smirks before cursing when Hawks squeezes around him. “Fuck. Like that idea, don’t you? Want me to ruin you for anyone else?”
Hawks moans, clinging to whatever parts of Dabi he can reach as his back arches, making him cry out when this gives Dabi a new angle to abuse. “Dabiiii~”
Dabi chuckles lowly, taking that as his cue to go harder, fucking and grinding into Hawks as hard and fast as his beat-up body will allow him, and drinking in every sound like praise that encourages him to work harder, reaching under Hawks to pinch a nipple and hear him coo. 
It’s not long until Hawks is begging Dabi to touch him, saying that he’s so close, Dabi, please. 
And who is Dabi to deny him? 
Dabi spit into his palm before moving it down to stroke Hawks and let him thrust into it and…
He barely had to touch the little hero to get something between a caw and a moan and feel warm cum spurting over his hand.
“You weren’t kidding about being close, huh, birdie?” Dabi smirks as he licks his hand clean. “Too bad I’m not.”
Hawks warbles, but doesn’t try to tell him to stop, just whining softly as his sensitive hole is fucked right through the aftershocks of his orgasm that leave him boneless. “Dabi…”
Dabi coos teasingly but takes pity, manoeuvring his thrusts how he knows will feel good and cumming inside the birdie with a groan not long after, draping himself over Hawks’ back as he pants and nipping lightly at his neck like he’s seen a few different heteromorphs do with their partners.
Hawks chirps, wings puffing up at the bites, but eventually groans. “Either break skin or stop that, you’re confusing my bird brain.” 
Dabi hums in consideration, but just places a last kiss for now, pulling out to pull Hawks to the side and hold him close. “Sorry, baby. Saw it in porn.”
Hawks snorts, cuddling close and nuzzling Dabi. “Well my species of bird isn’t as casual as others so maybe talk that over first.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Dabi smirks, kissing Hawks’ hair. “Sooo? Did I live up to my promise?”
Hawks hums, smirking in turn. “Hmmm, I don’t know. I can still feel my legs and that doesn’t seem 100 tokens worth of broken.”
Dabi rolls his eyes, but his smirk never falters. “We’ll have to fix that then, won’t we, pretty bird.”
“Hmm, sounds like we will,” Hawks chuckles before he’s pulled into another kiss that makes him moan. 
And now, he finally has the time to.
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Safe Haven (Soldier Boy)
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Pairing: Soldier Boy X F!Reader
Summary: You're a paramedic and you find Soldier Boy after the explosion at Vought Tower, he forces you to help him, so you take him home.
Warnings: Bit of violence, soldier boy being soldier boy, cursing, bit of spoilers for the finale.
WC: 3.4k
A/N: idk where this came from, just something I thought about after watching the finale, an alternative ending if you will. This might flop cause no smut and no smut always flops, but hey if you stick around I'm thinking of writing some smut for this. Who knows, I'll see where I go with this idea.
Series Masterlist | Soldier Boy Masterlist | Taglist
Comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!
You needed a new job. Like you seriously needed a new job. Or move to a city that wasn't supe central. But alas, you were a paramedic in New York City, and lately, it seemed like you were being called to supe related catastrophes more than ever. You didn't know what the fuck was going on, but honestly it didn't make a difference, you still had a job to do. You were working the night shift and your station responded to a call at Vought Tower. Firefighters and paramedics were dispatched, and lucky you, you and your partner were the first paramedics on scene. When you arrived at the tower, part of the building was falling apart like some kind of explosion had hit it. And you didn't think that had been an accident. 
"Fucking supes man." You said to your partner Jackson as he drove the ambulance and parked on the street. You eyed the damage from your window, and you had the feeling this would be a long night. 
"I know, first the explosion at Midtown, then at that Herogasm party and now at Vought Tower? These fucking supes don't even care about themselves at this point." He chuckled dryly and shook his head, giving you a glance, "Alright, let's go." 
You got out of the ambulance and right away you could smell smoke. You slightly covered your mouth with your sleeve as you walked closer to the scene. And you could already hear people screaming and panicking. You gave Jackson a look before you both ran in different directions looking for people that might've been hurt. You stumbled upon a few people, thankfully nothing more than maybe a few bruises or just the shock of it all. You didn't find anyone that needed medical attention. Until you cut a corner and you thought you saw a man, lying on the ground under some rubble probably from the explosion. You ran to him, immediately crouching down to pull him out from under the pieces of concrete and ashes. He was fucking dense, and heavy like dead weight. You nearly fell back on your ass trying to pull him back. He was unconscious, or at least he looked like it. You pressed two fingers to his neck, scrunching up your face as you tried to find his pulse. You sighed with relief when you felt his quick but steady heartbeat. You nodded to yourself and swiped a hand over his dirty face as you eyed the large gash on his cheek. He had armor, a superhero suit and he looked familiar, but you didn't know  where you knew him from. You couldn't quite tell which supe he was. Didn't matter. You looked behind you to look for your little flashlight in your bag and you turned to face him again, but when you did his eyes shot open. 
"Fuck." You gasped as you flinched, your pulse spiking for a second. The man snapped his head in your direction, green eyes big and alert, panicked even, like it was taking him a minute to put together where he was or what happened. But in a quick second he sat up and he reached out to you, his fist grabbing the back of your head with a grip so tight you thought he was going to snap your neck. "Hey hey hey, it's okay, it's okay I'm- I'm a paramedic, I'm not going to hurt you. Please." 
"I-I.. I need your help." His voice was deep, and it was smooth, it was kind of intoxicating even. But your mind was more focused on not getting your neck snapped. He exhaled unevenly, his face turning into a small grimace as he looked around for a second before he looked back at you. His grip loosened, but he didn't let you go. "You're going to help me."
"Yeah, yeah, I can help. Just please don't.. Don't break my neck." You said shakily, holding your hands out so he could see you weren't going to hurt him. He eyed you, almost like he didn't quite realize the hold he had on you and he nodded, releasing your head. 
"I'm not going to hurt you, I just need your help. I need to get out of here." He said as he tried to stand up, grunting with discomfort as he stood on his feet. He held a hand to his chest, like that was where it hurt, or at least where it bothered him the most.  
"Okay, okay uhm, you- you're hurt? I can take you to a hospital." 
"No." His voice was sharp and his eyes were even sharper. You swallowed and nodded. 
"Okay, no hospital. Uhm," You were back on your feet, you eyed him again and you remembered his suit. "You're a supe, right? I-I can find someone from Vought, they can help you." 
His head snapped in your direction and it was like you just kicked him in the nuts because his eyes grew big again with the same panicked look from before and he grabbed the back of your head again, this time wrapping his hand around your hair with enough force make you wince in pain when he pulled your head back to look at him. 
"There's no fucking way I'm going anywhere near Vought. No hospitals, no Vought. Just get me the fuck outta here. Do you have a car or an ambulance or anything like that?" You nodded quickly, your face twisting with both pain and fear. "Okay good, then fucking drive me as far from here as you can and I won't break your neck. I'd hate to waste a pretty thing like you." 
You stared at him with wide eyes, did he just compliment you in the same sentence he threatened to kill you? Fuck you really needed to move somewhere away from supes. 
"Okay I'll take you whenever you want. Just please, let go of me, you're hurting me." You swallowed thickly, hoping you could reason with him. His eyes grew big with surprise and a slight bit of amusement, almost as if he didn't think he was hurting you that much. 
"So not into pain, got it." He let go of your hair nonchalantly and he eyed you with a raised eyebrow as you rubbed the back of your head with a twisted expression of pain on your face. 
"The uhm, the ambulance is that way." You said to him quietly as you started walking. You thought about running, but then again you had no idea what kind of supe he was. If he was anything like Homelander he could laser you or fly after you, if he was like A-Train you couldn't outrun him. And you liked the idea of having a functioning cervical spine so you guessed you were now being hostage by a surprisingly attractive supe. Great. 
"Hey," He called out to you, his voice ringing a gravely echo that made you stop in your tracks. He caught up to you and grabbed your arm, but he wasn't holding you nearly as tight as before, "Can't have you running on me, can I sweetheart?" 
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to remain calm and control your uneven breathing. If you did as he told you you would be fine. 
You were surprised that you didn't run into anyone on the way to the ambulance. The green eyed supe, who you still had no idea who he was or even his name, was having a hard time getting there. You didn't know if he was hurt or just had a hard time staying conscious, you honestly didn't know what had happened to him before you found him, but you didn't want to know either. Once you made it to where your parked ambulance was, you tugged your arm away from his grip, giving him a side eyed look as you opened the back of the ambulance. 
"Get in." You motioned at him and he narrowed his eyes at you. 
"No fucking way I'm riding in the back. You could drive me to a hospital or worse for all I know." 
"Unless you want people to see you at the front and grow suspicious of a supe riding shotgun in an ambulance, I'd say just ride in the back." You sighed, eyes looking around cautiously in case Jackson or someone found you. The man raised an eyebrow at you, and you could see the slight bit of amusement in his bright green eyes. "Besides, I like having a spine, so I wouldn't try anything with you in the back knowing you could snap my neck in seconds. I'm not that stupid." 
"Pretty and smart. Since when did they start making 'em like you?" He chuckled and his pink lips twisted into an amused grin. You slightly rolled your eyes at him and stood there with your hands on your hips  expectantly, not really having much to lose by staying here, unlike him, "Alright fine. Just behave, make my life easier, yeah?" 
You said nothing to him as you walked around to the driver's side, you saw him climb in the back out of the corner of your eye and you heard the back doors slam shut. You sighed heavily, running a hand over your face exasperatedly. You were officially being held hostage by a supe. Or you were aiding some war criminal or terrorist, because why else would he be so hellbent on running and not get help? Either way you were fucked. 
You climbed in the driver's seat, digging around the console for the keys, knowing Jackson always left them in the ambulance in case either one of you needed to take it in an emergency. You found them and you drove off. You didn't know where you were going. He didn't tell you where to go, he just said to get him away from there. So you just drove.
After a few minutes you saw him pop his head in the small opening that connected the back and the front seats. He looked at you expectantly. 
"Where are you going?" He asked, looking around with a bit of confusion, like he didn't know his surroundings very well. 
"I don't know yet, I'm just driving," You sighed, glancing at him for a second before you looked back ahead. You knew he had to get rid of his suit, he stuck out like a sore thumb. "You need to ditch the costume. You can tell you're a supe from a mile away. People might recognize you, and I don't think we want that. I think my partner left his bag back there. There might be some clothes in there." 
"Awe, you worried about me darlin'?" He chuckled, leaning close to your ear, you could just hear the arrogance all over his tone. It made you roll your eyes.
"Like fuck I am. I'm just watching out for myself." You shifted in your seat, feeling his warmth breath fan close to your face and you tilted your head away, "Look, I don't know what your deal is, who you are or who left you to die out there, but I know that if I'm with you that's my ass on the line too." 
"Whatever you say sweetheart." You heard him scoff softly as he disappeared behind the small curtain and you didn't hear him again. 
You squeezed the steering wheel under your hands, your teeth digging into your lip so hard you thought you were going to bruise it. You had no idea what you had gotten yourself into or what you were going to do now. But you just kept driving.
"Where the fuck are we?" Green eyes, what you had decided to call the supe since he still hasn't told you his name, asked as he followed you into your house. 
"My place. You said to get you away from Vought, so I did, we're on the other side of town." You responded with a heavy sigh. You knew your family home wasn't exactly in the middle of the city, definitely not where most supes spent their time, so you figured if he wanted far that was as good as it got. "Listen, I don't know what you're planning on doing but I'm done, I helped you get away from whatever, and now I need you to leave me alone." 
"Alright sweetheart just, slow down, what's with the hostility?" He laughed as he took in his surroundings. You glared at him, crossing your arms over your chest. 
"You threatened to kill me, three times." 
"Yeah well I wasn't going to. I wouldn't hurt a pretty thing like you. Besides, I said I wouldn't hurt you and I haven't." He argued, head tilted and lips curved into a surprisingly genuine smile. You didn't know what scared you more, when he threatened to kill you or when he tried to be charming. This guy was absolutely out of his mind. 
"Okay so what the fuck is your plan? Am I just supposed to let you stay in my house until you feel like leaving? I'm sorry, but I don't know you, you could be some supe terrorist or some shit like that and that's why you're running." You crossed your arms over your chest and frowned. 
His lips fell into a flat line and he shifted on his feet, scoffing like you had just insulted him and his entire bloodline. He took a step towards you, slowly, like he was stalking a prey, and when he stood right in front you, you realized just how tall this man was. Be had ditched the suit and had replaced it with one of Jackson's emergency t-shirts from the station. And it fit green eyes a bit too tight, hugged his muscles and framed his shoulders in a way that made him seem fucking massive. 
"Now I'd watch your fucking mouth if I were you. I have no reason to lay a hand on you, so don't give me one." He warned, raising both his eyebrows and gave you a small nod of affirmation. You stood frozen and you swallowed, the way his low voice echoed in your ears making you shiver. "I'm not planning on staying long, sweetheart. I kind of, uh, blew up, so I need to recharge. I need a night, and then I'll be on my way. Unless you want me to stay, but then you might have to beg me for it." 
The way he spoke in your ear, his smooth voice replaying in your head like a song you couldn't quite get out of your head, it was intoxicating. You wouldn't mind hearing his voice all night. Wait what the fuck were you thinking? He was hot, hotter than any other man you had ever met but he threatened to kill you and was pretty much holding you hostage in your home. The last thing that you should think is that you found him attractive in any way. 
You watched out of the corner of your eye as he walked past you, searching around your home for somewhere to sit down. He stood confused for a second until he found your living room. You followed him silently and watched as he sat on your couch, looked around for a minute until he found your TV remote and turned it on. 
"Christ, I still can't believe this is what TVs look like now." He laughed and shook his head in disbelief as he searched through the channels. You looked at him with confusion, but didn't question him. 
You left the room and eventually came back with your first aid kit, remembering the uncleaned cut on his face. You sat next to him on the couch without saying a word. He glanced at you, noticing the kit in your lap and he looked at you with apprehension. 
"You got a pretty nasty cut on your face, just gonna clean it." You explained, seeing the distrusting look on his face. He simply nodded as he watched you soak a cotton pad in antiseptic solution. "Aren't you a supe? How did you get a cut like this?" 
"Some asshole lasered me in the face. Didn't think it'd actually cut through my skin though." He answered nonchalantly like it was a typical conversation to have for him. You eyed him with big eyes as you dabbed the cotton over the cut, getting only a sharp inhale from him. 
"Jesus, the hell did you do to get uh, lasered in the face?" You asked with caution, not wanting to upset him again for asking too many questions. But he didn't snap at you, instead he just stared at nothing, his expression suddenly turning pained. 
"Trusted the wrong people I guess." His voice was soft, probably softer than you had heard from him all night and he gave you a sad smile that made the corners of his eyes wrinkle. It was kind of cute. 
Stop it. 
You didn't say anything, you didn't know what to say, so you simply nodded as you finished cleaning the cut on his face. You eyed the rest of his body for any notable cuts or anything broken, he didn't look to be in pain so you figured nothing was broken. And then he spoke again. 
"I'm not a terrorist," He said, making you look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Earlier, you said I could be a supe terrorist, whatever the fuck that means, but uh I'm not. I'm actually —heh, I'm a superhero. Or at least I used to be." 
You laughed at this and you tried to find the humor in his words, or playfulness in his tone, but you didn't find any, he was serious. So he was. But you still couldn't figure out who he was. 
"So you are a supe? Is that why you have that superhero costume?" You asked, setting your kit on the coffee table in front of you. He chuckled and nodded. "So if you have the suit, you must have a superhero name, what is it?" 
His face turned serious again, lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed, "I think it'd be best if you don't actually know that." He looked away, turning his attention to the news broadcast on the TV. 
"Those assholes really did fuck up your trust huh?" You joked as you brought your legs up to the couch and hugged them close to your chest. He glanced at you and rolled his eyes, before turning attention back to the TV. "So if you won't tell me your supe name, what the fuck am I supposed to call you? Green eyes?" 
"Green eyes?" He looked back at you with a confused expression and he laughed at the stupidity of it. But he saw you were serious and he sighed. "Ben, my name is Ben." 
You couldn't help but snort a bit at that, "Your name is Ben?" You had to bite your lip to hold your laughter, even more so when he narrowed his eyes at you. 
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" 
You quickly shook your head and raised your hands up in defense, "Nothing man. Didn't expect that to be your name is all. I'm Y/N." 
Ben, stared at you for a second, eyes slightly narrowed into a confused look and his lips slightly parted but he didn't engage with you any further, just nodded. You both stayed silent and watched the news broadcast about the explosion at Vought Tower. Suddenly he was tensing up, gripping the remote like he wanted to break it when the news reporter mentioned a fugitive supe, the one that caused the explosion and was currently at large. You saw him straighten up, the muscles in his back tense and strained under the material of the t-shirt he had taken possession of. He looked fucking tense, panicked even, like he had when you found him. 
"And if you see this man, he is very dangerous, has been brainwashed by Russian forces and is the suspect in three terrorist attacks that left dozens of casualties. If you see him do not approach him and contact the local authorities immediately." The news reporter said, and suddenly a photo of Ben appeared on the TV and the name Soldier Boy right under it. 
Soldier Boy. He was Soldier Boy. 
"Holy shit." 
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subwaytostardew · 8 months
how would the twins feel about the flower dance?
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Ingo likes it! He's quite interested in the valley's customs. Emmet on the other hand...
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Emmet hates it, but he finds fun elsewhere. It doesn't really matter if he likes anyone or not….. he's just nosey for the sake of it.
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Joltik is having fun, too!
Their rejection dialogue was actually the first lines of dialogue we wrote for them... It took months to come back and finish writing dialogue for the festivals. We were originally thinking that they would be more reserved and reluctant to join, but they would have become more comfortable by then. The first Flower Dance they attend would take place after they've lived in the valley for almost a year, since the Railroad doesn't open until Summer 3. They both used to be tucked away in the corner... now they're spread out and Emmet is stalking people in plain sight like usual.
Rejection/marriage under the read-more.
- Rejection Lines - ▲ Ingo ▲
"I see… my apologies, but I will have to refuse. I simply do not know you well enough to embark on this cab with you at this event. Thank you, however, for considering myself as an option. Perhaps the other townsfolk may be more inclined?" ▽ Emmet ▽
"No. I am Emmet. And I am not going to dance with you. Talk to someone else."
- Alternate dialogue when married to Ingo -
▲ Ingo ▲
"You look as astonishing as ever, dear! If you would be so kind as to indulge me, I look forward to coupling with you upon the tracks of the Flower Dance."
"Embarrassing as it may be… ever since I had learned of this festival, I had fantasized endlessly about engaging in its customs with you."
"If you wish to head upon those tracks, it would be my pleasure to accept your request!"
▽ Emmet ▽
"Hey. You're here to dance with Ingo, right? He's been practicing. It was verrrry annoying when he first made me learn all the customs. It's funny now that I know how lovesick he is about you."
"I hope you're ready, too! I am on picture duty with Joltik. He wanted to preserve his memory with you forever. He's so cheesy like that. Smile!"
"Emmet gave me a verrrry important task! I get to be on camera duty when you dance with Ingo!"
- Alternate dialogue when married to Emmet -
▽ Emmet ▽
"Darling! You’re going to participate in the Flower Dance, aren’t you? I will be your partner. Yup. Even though I don’t like the dance. It’s weird. My legs do not like bending that way. You know that. But I will still be your partner for it. Yup."
"You know my favorite part of the Flower Dance is watching the other townsfolk be nervous about rejection. I don't want us to be part of that."
"That doesn't mean I want you to try to get rejected by someone else. I can decline if you really, really want to do that part. We do everything together as a two-car train."
"I can't risk you coupling with someone else. Don't ask anyone to dance with you. I'm watching. Joltik is, too. They will be verrrry sad if you do. Don't try it. You don't need anyone else."
"If you don't want to dance here, we can dance at our terminal station. Later. Just the two of us. With more fun moves!"
"It would not be nice if you coupled with someone else… But I trust your judgment. I am here for you. We can dance, or we cannot. The choice is yours. I'm yours, too."
▲ Ingo ▲
"Though he may complain quite a bit, Emmet would indeed be pleased to oblige in your request to couple with him during the Flower Dance!"
"He has actually been quite nervous that you wouldn't enjoy his company as your Flower Dance partner… His train of thought is not headed in the right direction…"
"But I have confidence that you'll quell his unfounded worries once again!"
"Emmet will also not take kindly to your cab diverting tracks from him. He was never the fondest of sharing…"
"Please refrain from entertaining the idea of dancing with anyone else. If you do, I will not hear the end of it… There should be no need for me to console him afterwards."
"Are you going to dance with Emmet? He put me on camera duty, just in case!"
"I want to use the camera! It's fun adding to Emmet's scrapbook! He feeds me batteries when we do!"
"It's okay if you don't dance! I'm taking pictures anyways! I'll get lots of batteries later!"
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That First Night
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POC!Reader x Nomad!Steve Rogers
Wordcount: 1986
A retelling of the night you both finally gave in to your thirst for each other.
Content Warnings:
Nomad Steve Rogers, Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Shameless Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Reader-Insert, POV First Person, Post-Civil War (Marvel)Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Light BDSM
I'm a sucker for some Nomad Steve and I just couldn't get this idea of him meeting someone while hiding out on the run and just having this casual relationship with them. Starting as friends and turning into more naturally. I might turn this into a series of one-shots/vignettes told from the readers POV, possibly Steve's as well. I'm not sure yet. We'll see how this one goes. This is written in first person from the readers perspective. It played out like movie in my head while I was writing and this is how it turned out.
Banner by @cafekitsune
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So here's the thing. We'd known each other for only a little while. Yes, but there is nothing I find sexier than a man who's tall, dark, and damaged. I just couldn't resist him. And dammit if I didn't try.
He's standing in front of me while we chat at a party and my eyes can't help but roam all over his form. Memorizing the sway of his hair, the tilt of his eyebrows, the dark pools of cerulean he calls eyes. That jawline that just kills me.
I catch myself staring at his mouth when he speaks. Biting my bottom lip, wishing that I could just lean forward and bite his instead. My eyes continue their journey over his body, his biceps I want to wrap my hands around, his large hands that could easily engulf mine, his solid chest rising and falling with each breath, his long strong muscular legs that support his tall stature.
I take my time gazing at the bulge in his pants. Knowing that right behind that zipper there's a glorious cock waiting to give me nothing but the utmost pleasure.
A sly smile spreads across my face as I continue to stare at his crotch. I can feel a pool of wetness forming as I'm thinking about all the lovely things I want to do to him. I squeeze my thighs together trying to relieve some of the pressure from my throbbing and aching clit. It feels a little too good and before I can catch myself I let out a soft whimper.
I quickly look up to his face, hoping he didn't hear me over the chatter and music surrounding us. I watched his pupils dilate with lust and a devious smile spread across his face. Oh he definitely heard me. Damn supersoldier hearing. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours? Please, do tell, Doll. Inquiring minds want to know." I should play coy, but why do that, I want him so badly my whole body is vibrating.
I wiggle my finger in a come hither fashion so he can lean forward and bend down to my level. I place my right hand on his chest and whisper in his ear, "I'm thinking about how badly I want you to pin me up against this wall so I can slip into your pants and finally get my little hand wrapped around that big cock of yours." I then lay a sweet kiss right below his ear.
"But there's people here all around us", he mumbles into my neck. With a light chuckle and a mischievous look in my eye, I tell him, "I know. That's the fun part. How long do you think you can last before you either A. Cum in your pants and all over my hand, B. Drag me to the first open room or bathroom you find or C. Want to leave so we can continue this at your place?"
"Challenge accepted baby". With a chaste kiss to my lips he places his hand on my hip and guides me to the wall until my back is pinned against it. His large frame pretty much hiding me from sight. I waste no time, running my hand over the ever growing tent in the front of his pants. He lets out a low groan. "Tsk, tsk there Captain. You better keep it quiet and look like we're just talking. Wouldn't want to get too much attention now would we?"
Right as I finish my question I slip my hand into his pants and wrap my fingers around his stiff length. I slowly start to play with his foreskin and begin to move my hand up and down his long, velvety soft shaft. Making sure to sweep my palm across the head every few strokes to gather up the precum leaking from the tip.
As I increase my speed, I begin to talk to him. "So, seen any good movies lately?" I giggle as he looks me in the eyes with a strained face and clenched jaw. Clearly trying desperately to stay quiet. I tighten my grip and he presses his pelvis into me. Pinning me harder against the wall, stopping my hand from moving any further.
"Ready to cum already? That was quick." He smiles, "More like, turnabout is fair play darlin."
Before I can even fully register what is happening his hand is down the front of my pants. His middle finger making small circles against my sensitive clit. I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from moaning. "Someone's playing dirty. This was supposed to be about you Steve."
To which he replies, "I just had to see you squirm for me". He sinks his middle finger in my dripping pussy, curves it and lightly strokes against my g-spot. "Now who's ready to take it someplace else?", he whispers against my ear and then pulls his hand out of my pants. Licking his finger clean, "Mmmm even sweeter than I imagined".
"If you want an even better taste we're certainly gonna have to find some place a little more private", I respond in a lust filled voice, pulling my hand out of his pants after one more slow and teasing stroke. He grabs my hand and heads down the hallway. Pushing his way through the line of people waiting for the bathroom. As we are about to pass the bathroom the door opens and he rushes us inside before the next person in line can even realize what is happening and locks the door.
He grabs me by the hips and lifts me up and onto the counter, not wasting any time. "I wanted to take it slow with you. Take you out first, but you've got me so worked up that I have to have you right now." He kisses me hard. Our tongues dancing a tango together as I wrap my legs around his waist and grind against the steel rod that's just begging to be released from the confines of his jeans. I moan into his mouth as I grab his hair, trying to get as close to him as possible.
We both come up for air, panting as we try to get our lungs to settle back down. "These leggings have got to go. Hold on to the counter and lift your ass up for me." I do as I'm told and he practically rips the pants, panties included, off of me.
He sinks down to his knees so that his face and my pussy are level with each other. He looks up at me with lust filled, hooded eyes and licks his lips. "What was that you were saying about a better taste?" Before I can even get a word out in response he licks a stripe up my folds to my swollen clit. Moaning into me, delighted with the sweetness flowing onto his tongue.
I grip his head for balance and he starts to really go to town. Feasting on me, like I’m his favorite meal and he’ll perish if he does not devour it all. As he adds 2 fingers inside me I begin to squirm and grind against his face, fucking myself with his fingers. He curls them, hitting that sweet spongy spot that has me seeing stars and coming undone on his tongue. Letting out a long guttural moan, gushing my sweet nectar and making a mess all over the lower half of his face.
I release his hair from my hands and he looks up at me, lips and beard covered in my juices, looking like the cat that got the cream. I cup his cheeks, pull him up to me and kiss him; tasting myself on his tongue.
I unbutton his pants, slide down the zipper, free his raging hard on and drop to my knees. As I start to lick the head, savoring his precum, he pulls my hair and makes me look up at him. "As much as I want to watch and feel your mouth bob up and down on my cock, I need to be inside you right now." With him still in my mouth I sink down as far as I can take him before releasing him and standing up.
"Turn around, put your hands on the sink and look into the mirror. I want you to watch me ruin you Doll." I turn around and slowly place my hands on the counter. He smacks my ass once, rubs his dick up and down my folds, teasing me, before he sinks in slowly, bottoming out, giving me a moment to accommodate his size, stretching me out. I feel so very full and begin to swivel my hips, looking for friction. I look back at him. "Please fuck me, Captain. I don't think I can last much longer. I need to be cumming around your cock." He grabs my hair turning my head to face the mirror and starts moving his hips.
Fucking me hard and fast. His balls slapping against my clit with each thrust making me see spots from the pure ecstasy of it all. I'm staring into the mirror watching his face as he grunts, swears and groans while he fucks me hard from behind. He throws his head back "Fuck baby, your pussy is so damn tight, feels so good wrapped around my cock. You ready to cum for me? I need you to cum on my cock before I can cum down your throat."
"Mmm fuck yes Steve. Fuck me harder. I want to cum all over you". He begins fucking you even harder. You know you'll most likely have bruises on your hips from the counter but you don't care. His hand still wrapped in your hair pulls tighter, the pain setting of your orgasm. "Don't close your eyes, baby. Look at yourself. See how gorgeous you look when you come undone for me." I scream out as my pussy clamps down on his cock and my legs begin to shake. He tightens his grip on my hips and continues to fuck me through my orgasm.
When my pussy finally stops clenching around him he starts to fuck me slow and deep. Hitting all the sweet spots. I begin to squirm against him again. He watches his cock sink in and out of me. Hypnotized by how well I can take his dick and still be so tight. He starts to pick up the pace again. "I'm close Doll. You ready to take my big load down your throat?"
"FUCK! Yes please" is all I could manage to say with a swivel of my hips.
He pulls out and I spin around. Sinking to my knees and taking him in my mouth before he had a chance to even pump his cock. I bob my head up and down his shaft, moaning against the taste of us mixed together on his cock. That was all it took and he was cumming hard down my throat, slowly fucking my face. "Fuck. Your mouth is just as dangerous as that sweet pussy of yours" I release him from my mouth and grin from ear to ear.
"Don't sell yourself short Captain. That mouth of yours is just as deadly", I say right as someone pounds on the door. "Guess that's our cue", I say with a laugh. He pulls me up, grabs my ass and kisses me deeply. "Oh we're not done tonight. That was just round one. We're heading to my place now and I'm really gonna make you scream. Now get your pants back on."
"Yes, Captain."
I quickly get dressed and we head out of the bathroom to a line full of eyes casting glances of annoyance and jealousy. We make our way to the car and on to a night full of orgasms and no sleep.
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the-wip-project · 8 months
SloMo WriNo: Getting Into The Writing Zone
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A week into the challenge, and how are you doing?
From talking to people in the discord I’ve been hearing a similar sentiment phrased in different ways. That it’s hard to muster the self discipline to sit down and write day after day, that it’s hard to get the first words out, or to even hard to open the laptop.
If you’re not used to writing daily, after the first excitement wears off it starts to feel quite hard. And as one person said: sometimes it doesn’t feel worth it to go through the effort of starting if you’re only going to write 200 words anyway.
I have good news and bad news. The good news is that it will get easier if you stick with it. The bad news? Establishing a new habit takes work.
But here are some tips that I find helpful. (And if they look awfully similar to how to get past executive dysfunction? That’s because it’s more or less the same thing.) You don't have to implement all of them, and you won't find any secret shortcuts here. But if you're struggling, try a few things.
To start with it’s a good idea to create some small rituals and a ‘writing space’ that cue your mind and body that this is writing time. Now I’ve talked previously about being adaptable and writing at times and in places that you might not consider ideal. So how does that work for creating a writing space?
No matter where you are you can create a writing environment. Make the background color of your writing document a different color from what you use for work or play. (one you find soothing and pleasant). Make a playlist that you only listen to while writing. (Or alternatively choose something specific from an ambient sounds mixer). If you can, change your body position and location. If you normally work or do homework sitting at a desk, try standing to write, or sitting on the floor, couch, bed. Relocate to a different room, or even (and this is lux level) a different place.
If at all possible, write offline. If you can’t do that, mute or close any tabs that will ding or flash with notifications.
I’ve been told that the hands down best way to do this is having a separate laptop or tablet that you only use for writing. I’ve never done that (that pesky money thing) but if you have the finances for that it might be worth trying.
Once you’re all set up to write, set a timer, for a relatively short period of time. Somewhere in the 15-30 minutes zone, and promise yourself that all you have to do is write for that time period. If it’s not working after that you don’t have to continue. In fact, if you’re really tired/not feeling it you don’t have to write at all! Simply read over your writing from the previous session (with full permission to tweak as you wish) and then make some notes for what ideas you have about what comes next.
The trick here is obvious, usually if you get as far as looking at your words, then you end up writing a bit. But if you’re really not feeling it, do not break that promise to yourself, either by forcing yourself to write, or by feeling guilty about not writing. It makes it all the more harder to convince yourself next time if you know deep down that you’re making false promises.
What’s the point of going through all that and then not writing? Or even what is the point of it all to only write 2-300 words?
Right now you're building a habit. Once the habit is established, it will get easier and easier to slip into the writing zone with a few cues, and easier still to write those 2-300 words without a lot of painful decision-making, stern self-discipline, or ugh, willpower. But it will take time to get there. Weeks, or maybe even longer. Do your best to find a way to stick with it.
It can help a lot if you have a buddy or group to report to. (Obligatory WIP discord mention.) Sometimes I just need to message a friend and say ‘tell me to write’ to get me past the initial inertia. (If they can write at the same time as you that’s a huge bonus!)
As I said at the beginning, nothing about any of this is new or unique advice. You’ve no doubt seen most, if not all of it before. And you can feel a little silly trying to trick your subconscious with playlists and screen colors. But it works for a lot of people. (including me!) So what have you got to lose?
(and it should go without saying, if what you’re feeling is bigger than trouble with writing, seek professional help. Your mental health is more important than any writing project.)
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