#i used to work 7 days a week but now i do mon-fri and everyone i know has their weekend off from mine
anotherpapercut · 10 months
so wild to me when someone will only make plans with me on their weekend or only do stuff if they don't work the next day regardless of whether or not I also work that day and/or the next
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starvi-boi · 1 month
yall asked me how i did it so here we go:
first of all, if you dont struggle with an ed or are in recovery than dont interact or read this. i am pro recovery for everyone except myself. stay safe everyone!!
my situation:
im 167 cm tall
i started at 67.7kgs and now im 43kgs, (bmi 24.3 -> 15.4)
i live with my parents and they after two months noticed and now they watch what i eat
it took me around 5 months but during 2 of them i was just maintaining because of miscalculations and binges
1) meals:
i do omads, its really effective, keep it around 350 - 900 cals a day, i used to fast for few days every now and then but omads work wonders
heres how my week looks:
mon: 400-700
tue: 400-800
wen: 400-600
thu: 350-650
fri: 400-800
sat: 900-1200
sun: 850-1250
omading dinner works quite well and so does omading breakfast, but i prefer dinners, i can keep my morning skinny all day and i dont have to walk outside being bloated af
2) exercise:
i do around 5 hours climbing a week, after 3 months i added a 20 minute workout every day that i dont climb, also sometimes i spent whole days climbing on rocks outside
i also have 2 hours of pe a week
i try to get at least 5k steps, mostly i get around 6k a day
im not a try hard in exercise, sometimes i go inline skating but its for fun
i dont distract burnt cals from the days total. i dont.
3) pürging:
i used to pürge anything that was over 500 cals, but it was useless, dont do it, its not helping, i did this only the first 2 months because of guilt
4) binging:
before i began eating less, i used to binge like 4 times a week (around 4k cals), it used to be my coping mechanism
at first i didnt binge at all, i didnt eat because of guilt, i hated food
lately ive been binging on low-cal stuff which is bad, but at least its not as high cal (i actually crave low-cal things), but now i tell myself this: 'enjoy the emptiness, nothing can fill in the void inside, especially not food' and it has helped a lot
but im not rlly sure what to do about it- it just sometimes happens
5) weight ins:
i do them everyday in the evening before dinner, i dont drink water during the day (dont do this, i forget to drink and am used to that, stay hydrated), which makes me not want to eat because id gain the food and water weight, if i knew i was having two meals id weight in in the morning
6) metab days:
since i live with my parents who now check on me, i do them on weekends - both days, i mostly binge on those days (sometimes even 3k cals) lol
i aim for 900-1100 cals on them because on other days i try to restrict as much as possible and my bmr is around 1200
even though they seem scary, theyre very much needed!!
7) rituals:
i dont snack, only gum - it works amazing (i go through like 30 a day :'))
i always plan my cals for the day in the morning and always add in the food before eating it
i spend a lot of time on edblr and edtwt and edtt, motivating
i always have an emergency snack on me and water, im allowed to eat it if im too dizzy or too weak
8) my tips:
never eat alone. never.
eat only at the table - it makes it really annoying to sit there while eating which makes me not wanna eat
romanticize hunger (not the best but ykyk), be a good ana, be pure, be pretty
wear layers, youre gonna be freezing all the time
vaping/smoking can help if youre already into it, dont start with it just because i said it might work
be patient.
skip any meal you can, fake eating, empty packages, hiding food in clothes, taking in to your room, dirty plates, sitting and staring at an empty cup licking the clean spoon over and over as if the cup was full so you seem like youre eating... anything
dont obsess over food, obsess over being skinny and over fasting!!
dont eat more than 2 meals a day
prepare your own food so you can calculate it right
high volume low cal stuff and high protein stuff are your new best friends (lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, pickles, rice cakes, tomatoes, melons, coldfish, chicken breasts, cottage cheese)
warm water fills you up, so does coffee and tea
be nice to yourself, reward yourself when you do good, make it a game - points for being good -> rewards you can buy with your points, when you mess up you have to extract few points
take it slow, one day at a time or one week at a time, you have plenty of time, messing up is okay (one binge doesnt make you fat just as one fast doesnt make you skinny, but doing it repeatedly will)
if youre getting weak -> increase your cals, its better to get your energy back but maintain for few weeks than it is to be weak and passing out
9) do what works for you
i cant do longer fasts because of my family, just because this worked for me doesnt mean its gonna work for you, find what you can do and stick with it
i really suck at portion control so i omad, its way easier for me to not eat than to eat small amounts through out the day
thats it for now!! thanks for reading, if i think of something more ill write it down!!
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absolutebl · 1 year
May 2023 Wk 2 
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Thai Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 4 of 10 (MDL still says 12, but Gaga still says 10) - Jeng trying to improve himself so awkwardly is kinda sweet. I love that Bruce it here & queer! Yay! Chot is my favorite but Pat is my spirit animal, I always sniff people’s bath products. Jeng looking at Pat in the suit = hello, future husband. The irony of Pat running around trying to find Jeng’s weakness, when it’s clearly him. Also WASH YOUR HANDS & NO SINGING. 
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 3 of 10 - still loving this one, enjoyed seeing the seme’s side of the meat cute. The miscommunication seems properly vested (although we may be manipulated by the visuals into thinking it’s kissing when it isn’t). But so far I am all in. Also killer chemistry with the leads already. My catnip. BUT... NO SINGING! 
Our Skyy 2 (Vise Versa) eps 7-8 - Each day of the month is a BL trope? That jives. The kid was a fun plot twist - if he had been real and not a lie. I chortled a lot and all the domesticity was nice, but I wasn’t surprised when it was all Pluen lying again. Once a liar, always a liar. Could Jimmy please play a better character next time? Also. NO SINGING. 6/10
Pastsenger (Thai Weds Gaga) ep 10 of 12 eps - Amnesia just makes me feel like we backslid and all the previous work of watching 9 eps is for naught. And it was WORK with this show. At least it only lasted one episode, but still, they’re gonna use it to continue the rift? Sigh. 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 11 of 12 - As much as I dislike these characters being constantly betrayed by the narrative, I really do love Cher. A sunshine sweetheart who is actually a decent honest human, who’s not ashamed of his love or his personality, it’s really rare and admirable on screen. I have to give B&B props for this character, if nothing else. And there is nothing else. This was possibly one of the stupidest episode 11 dooms ever fielded. And I do not say that lightly.
The Promise (Thai Weds YT & WeTV) ep 8 of 10 - This show has got to stop dwelling on the separation, every time they do it it just makes Phu look worse. I legitimately didn’t think that was possible. I LOVE Party so much. Not only is he a good friend, and probably an excellent boyfriend, he’s a great businessman. Khun is lovely too. Happy to have him win Nan’s heart. Really, anyone but Phu. Also Nan = an ace who collects hotties everywhere he goes? Props baby. 
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) ep 2 of 12 - Very soap - kinda creepy, too long pauses, bloated cast, and utter confusion. Odd. The captions are insane, one name can (and will) be spelled 3 different ways. It’s a VAST cast and I can only really identify 3 characters: 1. the actor with the (beard?) gf who’s a suspiciously militant ally, 2. The oldest actor in the house with dark traumatic past, 3. The adorable evil femme who needles everyone. I might drop this show, I’m only really still watching bc it’s the only BL airing on Monday. Also: NO SINGING
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 6 of 10 - I’ve been waiting for this chapter. It’s one of my favorites from the manga. 
Love Mate (Korea Thurs Viki) eps 3-4 of 8 - Aggressive flirting or stalking? These 2 give Lovely Writer vibes. Honestly, I never thought Korea would go so very old school yaoi. Also went quickly to a high heat place I wasn’t expecting (but Japan would). 50% for a sex scene is very gay but wild for a KBL. If this were Strongberry it would’ve ended on this episode and I would’ve been fine with it. Now what? 4 eps of boyfriends? That’s cool but what is this crazy surreal BL world I am living in?
Happy Merry Ending (Korea Thurs Gaga) eps 5-6 of 8 - Honestly, Korea, does it always have to be a love triangle? Always? Anygay, timid tsundere & confident sunshine is an interesting match. They’re sweet together, almost kindly. I like the calm ache of this pair. At first I thought it would be too much like Love Mate, but they’re completely different. I really want someone to punch the CEO ex, oh goodie! Battle of the hyungs. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) - very in line with the my cat boyfriend tradition but honestly how can any human look like that? He truly myst be a cat. 
The Day I Loved You (Pinoy YouTube) eps 4-5 of 10 - It’s cute. They’re cute. Truth comes out when locked in a bathroom. Yay a new pinoy BL I actually like for a change. It’s been a LONG time. However BOOO for the doomy  “I want to be remembered, are you dying”. But a nicely dramatic midpoint. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 5 of 12 - How can he be so completely unaware of how in love he is? Ah well, I suppose we aren’t yet half way through and it’s one of THOSE JBLs. In yaoi half the time you are husbands before you even confess you like the other person. 
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It is unfair for a real live human to be this beautiful. We talking Hunjin-level unfair. WTF Vietnam? Why you gotta broadside us like this? 
It’s Airing But ...
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) stopped at ep 2 of 12 - I’m just not into any aspect of it (except Lee Long Shi) - saving to binge if the end is solid.
Venus in the Sky (Sat YouTube) pilot/tester?) 0 of 10 - not entirely sure what’s up with this one distribution-wise, but the pilot was classic university-set pulp. I hope it happens because the leads are cute with good chemsitry and I thought it was fun. However, this pilot holds together as its own little short too.
Stormy Honeymoon (Vietnam)
My Story (Pinoy Sat YouTube) ep 4 of 10 - I bounced.
Next Week Looks Like This:
Star Struck (Korea iQIYI) ostensibly starts Thursday but icky is being janky about it, so we shall see - A boy has had a crush on his childhood friend for a long time. Stars Zuho (Kpop SF9 - noted good egg) opposite rookie actor Kim In Sung (the one with the crush).
Happy Merry Ending and Boss & Babe both end. Be My Favorite will be taking the GMMTV Fridgay time slot. 
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Coming in May 2023:
5/26 Be My Favorite prev title: You Are My Favorite (Thai YouTube) Adapted JittiRain y-novel (2gether, FUTS, ToL, Vice Versa) one of those “rewrite the past to change the future.” Stars Krist (SOTUS) + Fluke Gawin (DBK, Not Me). Expect this to be v low heat, full of LIES and manipulation. 
5/27 The Luminous Solution (Thai ????) 10 eps - Thana is having trouble at work and in his relationship. He can't seem to catch a break. So he makes a wish to change everything. The wish has a price.
5/27 Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan) - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS (but that has never stopped Japan before) and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I ?????  (Say it with me everyone: Oh Japan, must you?*)
* At least I never have to tell Japan to stop singing. Small mercies. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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House of Cards. I like this character. I don’t have any idea who he is or why he’s so militant of an ally but I still like him. 
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I LOVE HIM SO MUCH JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. (Vice Versa’s Our Skyy eps) 
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Preach, sweetheart.
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Yes, please and thank you. (Both Boss & Babe) 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? ONEUS - ERASE ME, I like the concept (suits! corset! kinky!) and it’s catchy enough
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simplysnowbarry · 8 months
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Big thanks to everyone who voted in our poll recently. We can now announce that Snowbarry Week 2023 - our final full-length Snowbarry Week - will run from Monday December 4th to Sunday December 10th this year!
We’ve chosen the prompts from those submitted to us so as to speed the process along and give everyone plenty of time to create. And we’ve also got extras for artists, as well as a few song prompts.
day 1, Mon Dec 4th - First + Last Time
day 2, Tues Dec 5th - Innovation
day 3, Weds Dec 6th - Reconnecting
day 4, Thurs Dec 7th - FREE DAY + any past prompts
day 5, Fri Dec 8th - Fantasy / Fairytale
day 6, Sat Dec 9th - "Just a normal day"
day 7, Sun Dec 10th - Post-canon / Future AUs
extras for artists:
silver and gold
hues of red and/or blue
song prompts:
The Script - No Good In Goodbye
Picture This - Take My Hand
The Heydaze - New Religion
Posting guidelines will be posted closer to the date. We hope to see you all in December, and in the mean time, HAPPY CREATING!
(!) F.A.Q
Who can participate in Snowbarry Week?
ANYONE! Writers, giffers, manip-ers (?), fan artists smol and toll. We welcome fan fiction, gifsets, manips, fanart, fanmixes, …
Can days be combined?
YES! Reconnecting with future AU? Or innovation and fairytale? All joking aside, you can combine whichever prompts you’d like.
Can I create work for both the artists prompts and the writer prompts?
Can I use the artists prompts for a fic, or the writer prompts for art work?
If I want to contribute something do I have to do something for every day?
Not at all. You’re free to commit to a single day, and we will be so flipping excited to see it. The point is just to have fun with the prompts, even if it’s just the one.
Can I post a WIP that I started working on before that fits a Snowbarry Week theme?
Yes, of course! We’re not a Big Bang, or even a Mini Bang, we don’t require art or fic to have been created from scratch for exactly this week.
I’m going to be busy/out of town during Snowbarry Week. Can I post early/late?
We’d really like to avoid early posting. If you’re out of town or too busy the week itself you can always schedule posts for the correct dates.
Posting late shouldn’t be a problem. Posting Day 1 on Day 3 is also perfectly fine, just make sure we can tell which day you’re posting for, so our heads don’t start spinning.
What does free day mean?
Basically, free day is where you decide what prompt you want to do something with. As long as it’s Snowbarry (or one of its variations like Savifrost, Flashfrost, etc), you’re okay to do whatever you want. A free day in the middle of the week might also provide some much needed breathing space for all the contributors.
Also, the same as last year, our free day now doubles as an opportunity to create for any of our past prompts! If there was a prompt you didn’t manage to finish something for, or just always liked the sound of doing but missed the opportunity, we’d love to see that for this day to have a fun revival of some of the great prompts from past events.
What does [insert theme] mean?
Oh man, this is a hard one to answer. Reconnecting could be about Barry and Caitlin getting to know each other after falling out, or after drifting apart, but it could also be about reconnecting with other things in their life or even as literal as reconnecting cables on some tech as part of an action plot! We can’t tell you which roles to cast your characters in, because everyone has different interpretations. If you can justify the connection, we’re pretty sure you’re good.
Does my idea fit the theme?
Like we said above, if you can justify it, we’re pretty sure you’re good. If you’re really not sure, hit us up!
If there are more questions, please don’t hesitate to drop us an ask. Any questions you don’t want published, feel free to come off anon and ask us as well - we promise we won’t publish what you’re not comfortable with, just let us know if you want it answered privately.
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bex2313 · 2 years
can you please make your cold call drabble a fic?? I need it in my life.
Wow, I never thought that would become as popular as it has? I can't commit to making it a whole fic, but I did write a continuation. Exclusively in text messages. Will I write more? Maybe. It depends on how frustrating the end of the semester gets. But for now, here's another little piece of this story. (And if you want this to make sense, here's part 1)
Tuesday 1:22 pm PST
Hi Luke, this is Julie Molina!
doesn’t seem like you had time for more than a quick look at your calendar. sure you’re ready to make plans? 😉
Lol yep! I’m free every day next week. 
Just let me know what works for you!
how about monday night?
instead of coffee we could get ice cream?
That sounds perfect! I love ice cream!
Plus there’s a fantastic old-timey ice cream shop near my apartment
cool. meet there around 7?
Can we say 7:30? Traffic.
definitely. 7:30. send me the address?
You got it. I can’t wait!!
Wednesday 9:17 am PST
so jules
i was thinking about our plans
You’re not changing your mind, right?
no way!!!
not what i was thinking
actually the opposite
The opposite of?
opposite of canceling
can i steal 2 nights of your week?
Depends. What for?
so you can meet the guys
maybe that’s dumb
but they’re my people
i want to meet flynn too
and carlos
and anyone else
since you and i are already friends, our friends should be friends
or something
idk alex worded it better
maybe this is a bad idea
No, I love it!
I’ve been dying to meet the guys, anyway
So, does this mean they’re getting ice cream with us?
Or is ice cream just us and we’re doing something else with them?
how about ice cream just us, then we get drinks as a group another night?
willie’s bartending on wednesday at some underground club in los feliz called jumeluf. 
it’s a dumb name but the band is supposed to be excellent
according to willie
My brother’s mentioned that place. I’m in!
cool i’ll see you then
well, after i see you before
i’ll see you mobfay
ugh you know what i mean
lol yeah I do. I’ll see you Monday!
Thursday 7:52 pm PST
so there’s something i didn’t consider
about any outings without lila
i won’t have a car in la
because mine’s in chicago
Oh, I didn’t think about that
Do you want me to pick you up? I don’t mind!
You’ll just need to give me your hotel info
nah i can borrow reggie’s car
but he said he has to meet you first
because he’s an idiot
is that okay?
Sure! I don’t care! 
So drinks on Monday? Or ice cream with everyone?
drinks monday if that’s cool
flynn can come too
for safety or whatever
although i promise me and the guys are cool
but bobby says his sister would never meet a group of guys without a friend
especially not in a bar 
for safety
but also i want to meet her
i can’t remember if she was coming anyway
Yeah, I asked her but she was busy on Wednesday.
She’s free Monday, though!
That sounds great!
Will Willie be working?
he’s working mon-thurs at jumeluf, this weird artsy bar
then fri-sat he’s teaching painting with a twist classes
so the only way i’ll get to meet him is if we go to his work
since i’m working during the day while he’s not
tho we did facetime once with alex
Cool! Yeah, I wanted to meet him too, so that’s perfect!
And Flynn has just agreed with Bobby’s sister
“No woman with half a brain meets a group of strange guys in a bar they’ve never been to without their best friend sitting two tables away drinking water, carrying binoculars, and armed with pepper spray and/or a knife.” 
She will have both, by the way.
A small knife, but a knife. 
should i be worried for our safety??
Definitely not!
Flynn’s protective, but not unnecessarily violent
She won’t hurt you if you’re not a threat
And I’m trusting you not to be
You don’t seem like the type
so long as we’re all still alive and not in the er by the end of the night
Perf! It’ll be great! 
Friday 8:33 pm PST
what’s the weather like in la right now
it’s so cold here i’ve forgotten how to dress for warmer temps
Oh, it’s a little chilly. Mid 60s mostly this week
I’ve been wearing cardigans over my dresses for a while
Not that I can think of a men’s clothing equivalent to that outfit
But that’s been my solution.
What did the boys say?
they rolled their eyes and then ignored me
Well, what do you normally wear in LA at this time of year?
I’m sure that would be fine. 
Luke sent a photo
Not sure your boss will want you working in a cutoff band tee
That *is* you middle-left, correct? 
yup! how’d you know?
Lucky guess, mostly. It was the vibe
Plus I saw the blond guy at Eats N Beats, so I assume he’s Alex
Process of elimination from there.
You’ve talked about how in love with his fancy red bass Reggie is
And there’s something in Bobby’s face…
He doesn’t look quite as obsessed with music as you
Still like a nice guy, but not crazed enough to be you
i’m not crazed
but also you are completely right
alex would be laughing at me right now
saying if even the girl i talk to once a month knows, there’s something wrong with me. 
I guess it’s good they’re ignoring you
But Flynn and I are about to walk into the theater
Talk to you later!
Saturday 10:26 am PST
Luke sent a photo
You got snow!!!! I’m so jealous!!! 
I’ve never seen snow in person before!
no way!! snow was such a common part of my childhood
i’ve got so many fun snow day memories
one year, we got out of school for three whole days for snow
reggie stayed with us for a couple days and we built snowmen and a fort and drank cocoa
mom made us matching scarves. 
bright red, so we would stand out in the snow
Awww, that’s so sweet! 
Do you still have it?
And will you build a snowman this morning?
Julie sent a gif
lol i’ve never seen frozen, but i’m definitely more anna than elsa
and no, i don’t have time for a snowman today
i’ve gotta take mom’s car to the shop and then pick up some groceries
confirm that mrs. callahan is still coming tuesday morning
run to the pharmacy to refill mom’s prescriptions
and pack for la
but man would i love to build a snowman instead
I guess you don’t have time for a snow angel either
Too bad!
I’ve always wanted to make a snow angel
snow angels take way less time
i’ll try to fit one in 
Whether you get a snow angel in or not, make sure you get the essentials done
And then get some rest! 
Can’t have you too tired to hang out when you get to town!
i’ll get everything done and sleep on the plane if i have to
i’m too excited to meet you
Saturday 4:32 pm PST
Luke sent a photo
You did it!!! So fun!!!
I hope you get some good rest now!
And maybe drink some hot cocoa?
i went with coffee, actually
but yeah, more fun than I remember
and now i’m resting-ish
i’m resting. and also doing something else
Is that something relaxing and restful?
i’m working on a song
So no. 
Get your thoughts down and then put the notebook away and watch a movie or something
i hear you. but also 
i want it to be done so the boys and i can try it out
I’m sure they’ll help you write it if you let them!
Just think about it!
Travel is the opposite of restful
So rest while you can!
i’ll try
That’s all I ask! 
Sunday 6:37 am PST
Julie sent a photo
I know you’re probably not awake yet, but the sunrise was beautiful this morning
I had to share it with someone, and Flynn is sick of my sunrise obsession
Sunday 8:21 am PST
dude that’s stunning
i love that
good morning!
in 12ish hours i’ll be on a plane to la
You’re coming in today?
I thought you’ll arrive tomorrow
we’re getting in just after midnight. 
lila’s big on night travel, apparently
I never travel at night
You’ll have to let me know how it goes!
you got it, boss!
Sunday 7:15 pm PST
headed to the airport! be in la in about five hours
Thanks for the text. Be safe, Luke! 
yaass cant wait to see you
i call dibs on picking you up at the airport
We’re all picking him up at the airport
Actually I cant make it
Dad called a family meeting
But Ill be back in the morning
technically none of you are picking me up at the airport. 
lila hired a car service to take us to the hotel
but you can get me from the hotel
Have a safe trip, Luke! Can’t wait to see you!
hi random stranger
Reggie! Don’t be rude! 
That’s Julie, right? Are you Julie?
lol yep, that’s me! 
julie are you a serial killer
no jules isn’t a serial killer
be chill!
Sorry about him. Reggie’s got a good heart. He’s just… Reggie
You’ll understand when you meet him. 
I’m Alex
No worries hahaha! My best friend would probably react the same way
But more intense, actually
And no, I’m not a serial killer
alex im wounded
dont make me come in there and fight you
Noooooooo wait to fight him till I come home
Ive got money on Reg winning but I have to have video proof
You bet Reggie would beat me in a fight?!?
Guess he’s not the only one I’ll be fighting this week, Robert
If it makes you feel better Willies got complete confidence in you
It does, actually. Thank you. 
we’re boarding in ten minutes 
but apparently i have to do work now
so i’m turning off my phone
talk to you later
and please stop blowing up julie’s phone
oh right sorry julie
see you tomorrow
No worries!! I’m excited to meet you all! 
Monday, 12:32 am PST
just got in to lax
we’re at baggage claim and then we’ll head to the hotel
address is 5249 W Century Blvd
its the la quinta
Thanks! We’re headed that way now! 
Glad you made it safe!
Monday, 1:17 am PST
Reggie sent a photo
evidence that I *did* in fact pick up luke at the airport
except we were at the hotel already
but you know what i mean
Duuuudeee some of us are trying to sleep
thats what do not disturb is for
I hate to say it, but he’s kind of right.
But also, why are we texting pictures to people who all saw the thing in person??
julie didnt
*cough cough*
neither did bobby
Reggie sent a photo
Monday, 1:44 am PST
Reggie sent a photo
Monday, 2:01 am PST
Reggie sent a photo
Monday, 6:13 am PST
Looks like you guys had a fun night! 
I hope you all got some sleep!
I’m expecting four wide-awake musicians at a bar tonight!
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urlove-crt · 6 months
Current Skincare Routines 🎀
I have a morning skincare routine and two separate night routines depending on the day of the week. I'll also include some tips that work for me at the end!
🩷 AM Routine
1. I wash my face with the Clean & Clear Morning Burst Face Wash.
2. Once I dry my face, I use the Clean & Clear Morning Burst moisturizer.
3. Chapstick or lip balm on my lips for some nice, not chapped lips before I do makeup and/or apply lip gloss.
🩷 PM Routine: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
1. I wash my face with the Clean & Clear Essentials Face Wash using warm water and do a final rinse with cold water. Of course, I pat dry with a clean paper towel.
2. I rub some Clean & Clear Essentials Toner along my face to remove dead skin. I have to be careful with my eyes cause it will burn them if I get it in my eyes.
3. While the toner is still a bit damp on my face, I pump some Clean & Clear Essentials Moisturizer onto my cheeks, forehead, chin, and a little on my nose and pat it in gently.
4. I let the moisturizer dry a little bit and then apply some face serum while it's still damp. I pat this in as well, as it's better for absorption than just rubbing it in.
5. Occasionally, I'll use an acne spot treatment. I use The Clean & Clear brand.
6. Next, I use my Spascriptions Lift and Firm Eye Cream (the pink one) under my eyes for extra hydration while the serum absorbs into my skin.
7. Depending on how I'm feeling, I'll use either the SNP Snail Gel or the SNP Pomegranate Gel to lock in everything. I usually choose the snail gel as I prefer it, but it again depends on how I feel!
🩷 PM Routine: Sun, Tues, Thurs
1. I wash my face with The Body Shop Vitamin E Gentle Face Wash using warm water and do a final rinse with cold water. Of course, I pat dry with a clean paper towel.
2. I use the Clean & Clear Lemon Exfoliating Slices.
3. Occasionally, I'll use an acne spot treatment. I use The Clean & Clear brand.
4. Next, I use my Spascriptions Lift and Firm Eye Cream (the pink one) under my eyes for extra hydration.
5. Depending on how I'm feeling, I'll use either the SNP Snail Gel or the SNP Pomegranate Gel to lock in everything. I usually choose the snail gel as I prefer it, but it again depends on how I feel!
Now, for some Tips
Pat your face dry, never rub it with a towel. Rubbing it causes friction and pulling on the skin while patting is way more gentle on the face.
Initially wash with warm water but always final rinse with cold water. A while back heard this helps with your pores, so l've just always done it and it makes my skin feel nice, especially in the morning!
Try to use either paper towels or a departed face towel (not your body towel) when drying your face. I myself use paper towel for my face and my skin doesn't typically break out.
Brush your teeth before applying skincare! This way, you don't disrupt the skincare surrounding your lips when brushing your teeth, flossing, or using mouthwash.
Always wash your hands before starting your skincare routine to minimize bacteria getting on your face.
Always try to patch test and figure out what works best for your skin, never just use what's viral or popular because not everyone has the same skin type. I feel lucky that my skin typically likes most products.
Do your research! When I find a product that interests me, I watch Pinterest and YouTube reviews. I also like to read ingredient lists, application directions, and details on products, and always Google what products can and can not mix together. it's helped me determine what to buy and what not to buy, and so far, my skin has loved it!
Try to wash your pillowcases at least once a week and avoid touching your face with dirty or greasy hands. Also sanitize/disinfect your handheld devices/audio devices (cellphones, iPad or tablets, headphones, etc), eye glasses/ sunglasses, and really just keep anything that touches your face as clean as possible. All of this helps to minimize how much bacteria and dirt make contact with your face. Research different things that may help with improving skin. lce rolling, gua sha, silk pillowcases, physical exfoliates, face masks, etc. Look into stuff that might help your skin or make a difference in your skins appearance and health.
This should've been higher up, my apologies, but drink your water! Staying hydrated on the inside definitely shows on the outside, and being hydrated is an essential component to health overal!
Don't be afraid to apply skincare to your neck!! I've seen photos of older individuals who took care of their face and not their neck and the difference between face and neck skin was astounding, so I personally like to rub excess hydrating serums and moisturizers into my neck as well.
Don't pop your acne! If you do get pimples, which I used to get all the time tho it's slowed down a lot, use a warm/hot washcloth or something similar to apply heat to the pimple. This will help it pop naturally, although popping your pimples may allow for the oil, dirt, and sebum to spread to other areas which may cause more acne. Popping acne with your hands may also cause scarring.
Love your skin!!! Skincare results take time, and there's going to be ups and downs while trying to find what products work for you, so try to love your skin throughout the process. Acne and other skin issues are caused by things sometimes out of our control, such as genetics, hormones, climate and weather, etc, so try not to be too hard on yourself!! Things will improve, and if they don't, after some time, seek out a reputable and trustworthy professional for an opinion and better direction on how to care for your skin!!
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randynova · 2 years
I just got home from school gosh it's 12:20 pm here... This week is a hassle like fr they changed our schedule from every other week to every week and now the whole section is crying because they HAVE A LOT OF SCHOOL WORKS that they leave for us to do this week. The worse thing is some sections didn't show up cuz their teacher says so...
I'll just do this very quick cuz me having little sleep is basically the consequence are catching up with me.
Body Ache Issue
- since I was born I sleep on my stomach my mother told me that. She told me I wouldn't stop crying unless they put me on my stomach (it is the most comfy position..) I don't know if that can contribute to the situation but ghadness my body ache is just like from 10 pm - 6 am then It is already okay then it would be back at the afternoon (probably because I just sit around lol). Our bed is with us since grade 5(?) and it is comfy I don't know if it has something to do with because our bed is like in Japan the bed is on the floor and there is no bed frame (we try that bed frame but it only consumes to much space so it's a no, also because sometimes I fall of-)
Yall don't have spring break??😭 or am i just misunderstanding?!?! I thought everyone had spring break, like,, my ass really got americanized💀💀💀 but the strom thing sounds scary, bruh😭😭hope you're okay during those times<3 And I had to look up how much 43°C was and jfc,,, that's so hot💀
BESTIE IN THIS COUNTRY WE GO TO SCHOOL FOR 10 MONTHS, MON-FRI FROM 7:00 AM TO 4:00 PM (lol if we lucky enough to actually follow that schedule cuz sometimes classes could be too early or too late, the most late class that I attend I think is we get dismissed around 6:00 pm). We only have 2 months break, classes starts from June then ends in March well before covid, now it is still 10 months but the classes are now 7:00 am to 12:00 pm(in limited face-to-face). We only get class suspension or if there is a holiday then we don't have school! that 43°C (109.4°F) is a normal temp in here, we lucky if its below 40°C (104°F). Holyword I forgot that not all people uses Celsius 😭. The strongest storm that happen in here the electricity is out for at least 3 days or a whole week. Can't do anything about it we near at the pacific ocean and there is alot bodies of water in here.
But I feel like everything i do write about is what i've read/ heard about/ researched. The conecpt of romance starts to get messy and I can't wrap my head around it. It's like,,, I can't imagine myself experiencing it or yknow, I have the occassional crush, but I don't see it going past that. Fanfictions are my attempt at understanding but even then, I feel like I can't grasp it right. I don't pursue anyone and I agree, when it's writing it's different.
IT IS ALWAYS DIFFERENT IN WRITING OR BOOK WHEN IT COMES TO REAL LIFE- NOPEEE JUST NOPEEE I CAN'T COMPREHEND IT. Looking back from now I could confidently say that I only say that I have a crush because I don't want to be left out but everything I feel is just platonic and then hate or dislike it's just that! I only based everything in what I read/researched/observed/heard about it only come from it and now I'm thinking that would you feel if you fall in love. And I ain't felt that, now I'm curious if I really can't feel other emotion or what 😅.
Bestie, with that height, you reach his chest or sum,, you can burry your face in them mommy milkers of his😩😩😩 Me tho, gonna put my crocs in sports mode and be a freak
I kinda want to know how soft his mommy milkers- Looks soft to me! That would be a dream that I can't reach the guy is fictional..
What if that happens like he become real then I'm about to hug him but then he just absorb me 👁️👄👁️. Kinda wish I survive if I meet him, cuz bruh just want to learn more and interview him! But if I'm asking a death wish I would just give myself to him.. Like sir I volunteer as your lunch!
Also, I'm not that start my grades are just around 90-98 (based on our grading system don't know how to convert it to US grading system). The last average that I remember I have is 95.something it is pretty high but my classmates grades are higher than that.. (they don't procrastinate like me tho it make sense). Last year the highest grade that I get is 99(?) shocking cuz that is high in our grading system. Don't know if I could reach that again. I'd see you soon bestieee~ Do your school works first then rest take careeeee! <3
this is not quick as I thought it would
It's like 12:15 am rn, I should be sleeping or at the least, finishing this assignment thats due lmao.
- since I was born I sleep on my stomach my mother told me that. She told me I wouldn't stop crying unless they put me on my stomach (it is the most comfy position..) I don't know if that can contribute to the situation but ghadness my body ache is just like from 10 pm - 6 am then It is already okay then it would be back at the afternoon (probably because I just sit around lol). Our bed is with us since grade 5(?) and it is comfy I don't know if it has something to do with because our bed is like in Japan the bed is on the floor and there is no bed frame (we try that bed frame but it only consumes to much space so it's a no, also because sometimes I fall of-)
Ok, so that's a reocurring issue, hmm. I mean, I forgot why sleeping on the stomach is bad (i mean, it's the only way i can fall asleep) but maybe try sleeping on your side,,, But it's odd, like it only happens between certain times? Jfc, that is torture.
And bed thing --- uH?! I think you should maybe change it if you can or get some padding to soften it😭😭😭 but I understand if like the situation doesn't allow it, like for me, we got money issues and I barley got a new bed 3-4 years ago after having the same bed for 15 years - but that mattress was my parents for like 20 years. So basically I got a 30-something year old mattress lmao. But that's interesting, maybe the floor is too hard (that sounded so dumb, like no shit, the floor is floor, im sorry)
I am no doctor, please do not listen to me in terms of alivieting pain then, but I am now ur bestie, so it's better to go see a specialist perhaps? If you can? I just hope the issue gets resoolved soon or can be managed<3
BESTIE IN THIS COUNTRY WE GO TO SCHOOL FOR 10 MONTHS, MON-FRI FROM 7:00 AM TO 4:00 PM (lol if we lucky enough to actually follow that schedule cuz sometimes classes could be too early or too late, the most late class that I attend I think is we get dismissed around 6:00 pm). We only have 2 months break, classes starts from June then ends in March well before covid, now it is still 10 months but the classes are now 7:00 am to 12:00 pm(in limited face-to-face). We only get class suspension or if there is a holiday then we don't have school! that 43°C (109.4°F) is a normal temp in here, we lucky if its below 40°C (104°F). Holyword I forgot that not all people uses Celsius 😭. The strongest storm that happen in here the electricity is out for at least 3 days or a whole week. Can't do anything about it we near at the pacific ocean and there is alot bodies of water in here.
YOU WHAT??!?! THAT'S 9 HOURS?!? BRUH, THAT'S WAY TOO LONG AND THATS NOT COUNTING IF IT GOES LATE😭😭😭 Nah, hs we got in at 8:00am and got out at 3:00pm. But with covid, we got in at 8:30am via zoom and left at 2:30pm. But that was b/c some students were complaining about the weird all class day schedule so better than that yknow?
Covid really helped us end school earlier at the least.
The break, ok, at least you guys get break so yay!!! Hope that you had a good one!!
That's a normal temp?? Oh god, bestie, what?? Yall are superhuman or sum,, i just start dying once it gets to 105°F (40.5°C)😭
Storms,,, holy shit, what?? that's crazy, damn😰😰😰 Mother nature is scary but I hope you guys are okay when it happens and wish you the best😰<3
IT IS ALWAYS DIFFERENT IN WRITING OR BOOK WHEN IT COMES TO REAL LIFE- NOPEEE JUST NOPEEE I CAN'T COMPREHEND IT. Looking back from now I could confidently say that I only say that I have a crush because I don't want to be left out but everything I feel is just platonic and then hate or dislike it's just that! I only based everything in what I read/researched/observed/heard about it only come from it and now I'm thinking that would you feel if you fall in love. And I ain't felt that, now I'm curious if I really can't feel other emotion or what 😅.
Hey, bestie, I am no expert but: maybe you're on the aromantic spectrum? Like, from what you're saying, it could be a possibility🤔🤔🤔 Actually, wait, don't listen to me, cuz I'm still trying to figure out my sexuality and am confused af ;-;
But exactly!! When it's writing, it just feels so diffenernt, natural even, but in a way that makes you feel happy and relaxed. That's probably why I like reading about all types of romance and writing about it lmao.
And I do the same sometimes, the falling in love part. I can't describe it but when you do... it's stupid.
It feels both painful and exciting. Because that person you fell in love with is suddenly the focus of your universe.
You want them to be yours but their happiness is more important so if they want soemone else, you stand aside. Every flaw is suddenly gone and no matter how hard you try, you can't see them in a different light or forget them. Something about them is addicting and you don't know if you can stop.
Even if it's for a second, you'll ceherish every interaction and time you see them. You try to impress them, get their attention, anything, because their smile is everything to you.
Maybe it's infatuation, maybe a puppy crush, but all I know is that to me, they will always be my unrequited love. And I'm okay with that as long as they're in my life someway or another.
Keep in mind, I have never dated or anything -- I have been single since my day out the womb!! This is just my expereince and it just,, happened lol. Haven't been asked out since 5th grade and only relationship experience I have is the reader-inserts I've read lol.
So I shoved those feelings deep down and it came to bite me in the ass cuz now the new crush made me realize I have a type lmao. I would describe it as mania love or eros love (yes, I follow the types of love ).
I'm a wreck haha.
I kinda want to know how soft his mommy milkers- Looks soft to me! That would be a dream that I can't reach the guy is fictional..
What if that happens like he become real then I'm about to hug him but then he just absorb me 👁️👄👁️. Kinda wish I survive if I meet him, cuz bruh just want to learn more and interview him! But if I'm asking a death wish I would just give myself to him.. Like sir I volunteer as your lunch!
Oh mans is a walking dream and it's times like these I cry inside because he's only fictional. Like, you're onto something -- they basically pillows.
LMAO, JUST ABSORBS YOU AND YOU'RE LIKE "Oh fuck, where am I???" And the deathwish part?? Fucking lost it💀💀💀 Yea, an interview would be fun and I think you'll make it interesting! You seem really fun and very easy to talk to --- it's comforting! So he'd probably open up lol!
Also, I'm not that start my grades are just around 90-98 (based on our grading system don't know how to convert it to US grading system). The last average that I remember I have is 95.something it is pretty high but my classmates grades are higher than that.. (they don't procrastinate like me tho it make sense). Last year the highest grade that I get is 99(?) shocking cuz that is high in our grading system. Don't know if I could reach that again. I'd see you soon bestieee~ Do your school works first then rest take careeeee! <3
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Bestie.... Bestie that's an A+ here in the U.S.💀 WHAT COUNTRY IS IT WHERE THIS IS BAD OR NOT GOOD???💀💀💀
You really smart, holy crap. You got more of my respect, fr!! I applaud you with this duck🦆🦆🦆
But let me provide the grading scale for the U.S.of A:
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So for me, if I'm not in a depressive episode, my average would be A+ to B+, but math would always be a C. I just have crap memory and since we gotta remember a bunch of formulas, you can see how that affects my grades lmao.
Howevevr!! Uni is different in the sense that it depends on the subject! My sister is a biotech major, so she told me that for chemistry and calc, their percentage grade for an A would be I think around 85-87. But a B would be in the mid 70s. So like, they're a little more lenient in that aspect.
And since I'm an art major (I want to double major in creative writing but I'm still thinking about it), I only had to take one math class that satisfied my GE (general education) requirements. We had this grading system above for math since it wasn't something we needed for art.
I guess it all just depends on what infrastructure the school has for grading
Also you take care too!! Wish you luck in school and thank you!! <33
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junejalow · 3 years
"I tried to warn you" R6 operators/oc
So a friend of mine from Discord, Cammie08 wanted a bar fight with Lion getting defensive over Rook that included my character Saulo "Chameleon" Benjamin with her police oc Venny Warwick who worked with Saulo's unit a few times. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!
Idel chatter, music thumbing in the background, people dancing in the middle of the large bar room, the smell of alcohol and food lingering in the air around the bar. A good friday night for the Rainbow operators. Harry had given them two weeks off to do as they please, a small handful of them went home to spend the down time with family and friends. The other's had decided this bar was a good start to their relaxing two weeks. They had nearly taken up one corner of the place, moving tables and chairs together to fit their large group. Their own idle chatter, stories, card and drinking games, sharing food, bellowing laughter, singing. All of it was a major stress relief for them.
"Did I ever tell y'all how Saulo got that scar on his face?" Asked the man sitting beside the urban expert. Saulo had introduced him upon arrival as an old work buddy from his Delta Force days, Venny Warrick had near 30 years experience working in police joint units. The very reason they met in the first place and continued to work off and on before Chameleon's departure to Rainbow. The aforementioned man gave a sharp jab to his side.
"What? It was funny!"
"Like hell it was! Never liked birds after that."
"Must be quite the story then, I would love to hear it." Timur piped in across from them, nursing a beer bottle in his hands.
"No, no you don't." Saulo replied quickly before Venny could, earning a snicker from the police man. "I'ma tell you anyways, I take the beating later." His friend said, shifting away when the other tried to snag him only for Maxim to swing an arm around his boyfriend and pull him and his chair closer. Effectively keeping him from moving.
"Really Maxim?!"
"What? I want to hear it as well, I find anything about you amusing and interesting. You know that." Calmly replied the trapper.
"Right right, so we were held up in Norway around Oppdal. We had this hot lead on a arms dealer who was using the storms around the area to cover their tracks and we were sitting outside just eating and enjoying a good warm meal and this bird of some kind literality came out of no where and snatched food from Saulo, gashed his lip in the process. It took months before we let him live it down." Venny told them, eyes gleaming with the memory as the table erupted in laughter and chuckles at the story.
"You fucker, Y'all tormented me every single time I ate somethin'!"
"And you was funny as hell too!"
"So you ain't gon' tell them about the time you got tied ta a bed while drunk?"
"Whoa whoa, time out there mate. Was this all in good fun or was a girl involved?" James asked from a few seats down, one hand mindlessly twisting around in Mark's short curly hair as the younger operator was leaning against him. Everyone always though they were a cute couple.
"Well I guess that's fair right? One story for another." Venny replied, downing the rest of his beer.
"And to answer your question good sir, there was a girl involved. So long story short, someone in the joint unit decided some sketchy bar on the edge of town was a good place to just knock back a few drinks before we head home after a successful mission. I got drunk worse than a nine eyed dog ever dared to be an-" He was cut off by Shutrat snorting and nearly spitting out his vodka.
"A nine eyed dog? What the fuck is that?"
"I believe it's an American term for a very drunk person." Jager replied from across the Russian, swatting Bandit's hand away as the other German attempted to steal his french fries. He mumbled under his breath about Elias having some and shoved his hand away again.
"Pretty much so." Venny replied, "Just a southern term I learned from Saulo. He thought us a lot over the course of our missions together."
"Look y'all kept askin' what I called different things so I told y'all."
"That... is a very odd term." Fuze mumbled.
"And calling Aleksandr 'Sasha’ isn't strange?" Marias asked, grinning at his boyfriend. Shutrat shot him a glance across the table, cold stormy grey eyes piercing into warm honey brown eyes.
"You leave that nickname alone Mari." The engineer raised his hands in mock defeat, knowing better that to push the Russian on subjects.
"Back to the story!" Smoke protested, growing impatient to hear the end.
"He was basically lead ta a back room by one of the dancer's and thang's got complicated, she tied him up, stole his wallet and we already knew somethin' happened because no one gets laid that fast." Chameleon chuckled, earning a playful glare from his friend.
"No bloody way! Why do ya like that mate?"
"Unfortunately, but she didn't get away. Perks of working with half a police and military unit."
One story turned into another, many of the operator's recalling times of fun moment. Dominic's best pranks, Maxim's CQC record attempt that disarming 4 people in quick session, Tachanka and Finka's drinking contest on base that ended with Doc forcing both of them to puke their guts out to avoid alcohol poisoning, Kali and Glaz's sniping contest which both were disturbed on when they caught sight of Lion chasing down Smoke over a prank Bandit came up with. The talk soon turned to missing places from their home towns, what they wanted to go see again and where they would visit on the next down time.
"Right well, I'ma go get more drinks." Saulo said as he stood up with Rook who offered to help carry. They got everyone's orders and headed off to the bar, Saulo watched the bartender fill out the orders with trained actions retaining to muscle memory and years of work while he chatted with Julian about different things. "Was that story true? The one Venny said about your scar?" Rook asked with a genuine smile. "Sadly. I'm honestly terrified of birds now. Fucker's just unsettle me." Chameleon replied, shaking his head a bit with a chuckle. "So that's why Monty doesn't bring Doux around, he never told us. I personally think she's a beautiful parrot." "I kindly asked him not ta speak about it but I'll agree she's pretty. Just don't want her near me is all." "Seems fair mon ami (my friend)." He agreed, taking a few drinks to add them in with the growing collection. A sudden presence behind them had both operator's tensing, thankfully Rook was the first to speak to the large man behind them. He greeted him with a smile, "We'll be out of the way soon." "I didn't come for a drink, I came for you short stuff. Been watching you since you came in." Julien shifted a bit closer to Saulo, he disliked starting anything or being center of attention. "I'm here with my friends and my boyfriend sir, I would very much love to return too them."
"I don't thank you understood my clearly, you're going to come back with me to my table and enjoy some drinks with us." "Olivier really wouldn't like that...Please move so we can return to our table." "What? That blond you were sitting with? He looks soft." "Sir... please I won't ask again. And don't try to start anything with him, he's a lot stronger than he looks. It's a warning for your own safety." Lion flicked his gaze from the card game in front of over to the bar, he noticed the uneasy expression his boyfriend held and slowly put down his cards much to Gustave's and Emmanuel's confusion until they followed his gaze over to the source of his distraction. Gilles released a knowing sigh. To say Lion was simply protective over Julien was a serious understatement. He was fiercely possessive, protective and loyal to anyone close too him. Rook's brow furrowed as he frowned at something the man had said, before he or Saulo could say anything he heard a chair from the table squeak across the floor followed by a booming voice that belonged to Lion, the name keeping his namesake. "Hey asshole!" The large french man barked as he stormed over, piercing blue eyes glaring pure anger into the civilian. Lion held nearly 7 inches on the man and had a much larger build. "I tried to warn you." Rook mumbled under his breath. "Get lost and leave them alone." Olivier snarled at the man who give a defiant look. "What? Thank you're scary just because you got muscle? I've been boxing for over 10 years and won several belts, you look like someone who just works out for fun." The arrogant man chuckled which was quickly cut off by Lion surging forward, the man's face met the bar with a loud thud. Thankfully Saulo and Julien had ben quick in moving with the drinks, careful not to spill any as a few of their friends cheered from their table. Lion twisted one of the man's arms behind his back, holding it there in a iron drip. "I don't care how long you've been boxing, don't speak to my boyfriend again. Understood?" He said with a deathly calm tone, he wasn't playing and Rook knew it. His worry starting to pool in his stomach as the owner came out from the back, upon seeing the operator's he had come to know he sighed and motioned for the bartender to clear out. He knew better than to get involved with the soldiers when someone pissed them off. Soon enough the man against the bar had called for his friends to help out instead of sitting down which got rainbow's attention. Smoke standing from his spot beside Mute, Montagne joining him along side Kapkan, Doc and Tachanka. They quickly got involved in the fight after a punch was thrown, by who no one could see outside the mass. All that mattered was the fact that the fight was over in minutes, the offending group at the feet of the operators. People around them cheered as they returned to their table, Lion gently wrapping an arm around Rook to guide him back. They passed around the drinks that had been ordered and acted as if nothing happened. Gustave inspected everyone for a moment, stopping at Olivier's hand right hand for any damage but boxing with James had toughened his skin, it only had light marks that would most likely bruise later but lesson learned to the other people. It was soon made better Julien linking his left arm with Lion's right as they sat back down, his smaller hand gently rubbing across his knuckles to sooth the irritated skin.
The rest of the night went by smoothly, eventually the bar closed and they had to leave. Saulo gave Venny a hug and promised to meet up again. Thankfully the bar wasn't that far from the base and most of them walked back while other's went to their apartments two blocks away. Little pieces of heaven away from work on the rare times they got away from work. The base settled down after drunken laughter and helping each other to their dorms, thankfully Doc and Montagne had stayed sober enough to make sure of that. They were like the responsible parents of the operator's that always checked in on everyone and watched like hawks for any issues. Doc made his rounds before bed and helped Montagne go about setting out drinks and meds for hang over's in the morning. Once that was done and everyone were in there respective rooms, the two GIGN operator's went back to their dorm and went to bed together.
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What kind of path do you see Camila’s career taking, outside of her connection with Shawn Mendes? How do you feel about her publicity/marketing teams? Are they doing too much or too small, based off of your own experiences?
Full disclosure – I am not a fan. Wasn’t into of 5H (which I mentioned herein the Normani ask earlier today) and really wasn’t a fan of her once she went solo. I’m approaching this solely from PR professional/music industry perspective here.  
Her team first and foremost needs to understand what I call separation of churchand state. Right now, ALL you see is her and Shawn. There’s little to no separate entity of it. They played it all through from the drop of Senorita to album press to tour press to second single push. It’s all her talking points seemed to be about during anything on press. Little on the album, heavy on the relationship and the Shawn of it. They’ve had a loud social buzz from her fan base through it all, but it has not translated into transactions, sales, traction with general mass pop or anything of the like. And let’s be honest the approach they’ve been taking - it ain’t working. That’s not opinion (which of mine it is) it’s fact. 
Let’s break it down for proof’s/facts sake:
Album sales were lackluster stateside for a sophomore release with the amount Sony was throwing at it. It may have somewhat ok overseas, but the US - it didn’t move the units. Yes, it was a top 5 debut on the charts coming in at 3 with 86K in equivalent units, but it only moved 50k in pure sales, 30,000 stream-equivalent sales resulting from 40.6 million on-demand streams (which I would love to know how many are Seniorita pre-album drop), and 2,000 track-equivalent sales. Sourcing/thanks to Billboard and the charting master Keith for this. It maxed out at a top 2 position before sliding off the top of the chart. 
Singles really didn’t get high up (not taking into consideration Seniorita because that success came before the album dropped as much as it’s on her album) nor get a ton of spin on the radio. Streaming numbers can be shifted the same way due to the single “non-single” being included. The secondary push of My Oh My was a valiant effort, but considering it dropped so soon after the album push/press, other than Fallon, you didn’t see a lot of major outlets doubling up on the press ops or support. 
Let’s not forget the tour that they couldn’t sell and fill. Scaling for it was high meaning ticket prices weren’t too forgiving I think at ON SALE the cheapest ticket was 99 upwards of 899 for platinum/VIP (give or take a few bucks on either side on both of these). It was a new promoter for this tour (went from smaller scaled/smaller venue Live Nation produced tour playing theatersand smaller GA venues to AEG/Messina Touring production in a massive haul across the globe). The first headlining tour kicked off in Spring 2018 so not too far in the distant past, something like 16 US/Canada dates but again,smaller venues. This new tour also jumped from places like Terminal 5 in NYC where she played on the first tour straight into a venue like MSG. T5′s max cap is 3,000. MSG depending on the concert setup is almost 21,000. That’s a MASSIVE JUMP in a short period of time. This new tour routing was 28 across US/Canada/Mexico in venues that are 3-5-7 times the size she was playing last. I did see they added some dynamic pricing models for some buildings, doing me + 3 ticket packs with TM and dropping some price points through their scaling. It also was super telling when Ticketmaster went from the dot map matrix for some venues that they’ve been loving to tout to fans so you can see exactly down to the minutia where you’re sitting, to the greyscale here’s the map and this is what we’re pulling for ‘best available’ for you. Last I had seen, venues were looking somewhere between a 20-45ish% capacity. Even with as far out as some of the dates were, from a building/promoter perspective, that raises some red flags.
PERSONAL OPINION ON TOURING (given I’ve worked touring and venues before): They never should have transitioned her into venues like that just yet. This should have been a summer/fall/winter outing starting in sheds/amps outside here in North America where max caps can range from 9k to 15k depending on the market and are probably more forgiving when ticket sales aren’t there - ex: PNC Bank Arts Center in NJ, their set up is seated amp then a whole back lawn for GA seating. Then, transition over to closed buildings in Europe/South America/wherever else they had her routed where you’ve got some more flex over closed building size.
She was everywhere and anywhere pimped out to the max. We all saw it. Anywhere she could have been on, she was and then some. Like it got to be well-oversaturated overkill. The partnerships they did like The 1-800-Flowers Valentine’s day promo with buy roses and here’s a pair of tickets, the CD bundles, concert ticket bundles they were throwing at it, the sheer amount of PAID radio, digital and streaming ad promo. There were entire FULL WEEK LONG takeovers of ticket giveaways for this well after the on-sale date. Like one Adult Contemporary station in New York, Fresh 102.7, it was anytime ANYONE calls in, even if it’s not a call in to win, we’ll give you tickets. There were long blocks of giveaways like that on Z100 here in NYC too, like 6 times a day we give away for a long weekend Fri-Mon. Like Sony threw everything and the damn kitchen sink at this and now we can look back and see the results.
PERSONAL OPINION: I don’t think they’ve done a good job, I think they need to work smarter and definitely more strategic. It shouldn’t be about volume and quantity and mass overload spray and pray - it should be about quality and making moves that matter. It should be about the music, and her as an artist, not who she’s seeing and sleeping with now. They need to brush up on the media prep and media training for sure before any ops or big press tour undertakings. They took a massive jump and risk this go on a sophomore release/campaign and they lost a bit. It’s in the numbers. You can’t dispute that. Coming off COVID pandemic, it’s going to be interesting to see how the industry shakes out, let alone how labels shift perspectives here. They had to have dropped massive bank on this album and tour support, and there’s not a lot of real returns. In talks of touring/rescheduling - building avails are going to be few and far between with everyone wanting to reschedule PLUS need to take into consideration there are already tours that have booked out dates for the next two years or have dates on hold with buildings that we don’t even know about yet. It’ll become do you tour even at all at this point, do you do abbreviated swings meaning fewer cities/more compact routing based off avails, do you push to 2021/2022 where there may be better avails but risk the fact it’s so far out from album release that is it even worth it/relevant at this point, do you shift from arenas to sheds/amps/outdoor spaces and you need to factor in the economic impacts of it all.
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kattakk · 4 years
Sushi, Funerals and Lots of Crap
Quite literally too.  I converted the Lieutenant to sushi.  And he watches anime and buys me Funko Pops now, all things he swore he’d never like.  What a world!  
Youngest had therapy today.  We talked a lot about her behavior with holding funerals for her stuffed animals lately.  I wasn’t too concerned, as their amazing therapist has taught me that they work through a lot of things through play.  This morning, most were dying of the virus and it made me sad that she’s working through that.  We talk about why we wear masks and stay away from people, but it breaks my heart that it affects her that much.  After thinking about it for a while, how could it not?  Everyone’s lives have been changed one way or another.  I’ve comforted more stuffies this week than Doc McStuffins, y’all.  She’s an anxious thing, like her birth giver.  She tends to follow me around the house, making sure I’m there all the time.  I can’t tell you how many times a day she hugs me just to be closer to me.  I’m grateful she likes school, and doesn’t mind the amount of map drawing, leaf collecting, and meetings she has to do, though.  
Oldest struggles with his ADD, anxiety and depression with school.  I get virtual learning is newer to most right now, and I think they should have backed off unnecessary crap.  Who the hell is worried about Group Sports in the middle of a pandemic?  I’d rather him focusing on learning math, english and science right now. He doesn’t learn well virtually, but couldn’t handle a mask all day with his sensory issues.  No winning here.
Then there is middle....oh dear Poopsqueak.  Where do I begin?  We’re still adjusting meds.  He’s not sleeping, thanks to a new med we now have to move fully to the morning,  but he’s eating well at least?  I made a rule he had to have yogurt anytime he wants a poptart.  Yay for probiotics, right?  I guess I get what I ask for, in the form of way too much shit to clean up.  I found a mom-hack in the form of microfiber underwear and it’s easier to clean. He openly lets us all know his absolute loathing of school. However, he’s smart. So am I. So he has to complete school to be able to play video games because Minecraft is his life. Kid makes blueprints of what he’s planning to build for his next Minecraft build.  He wants the full education set, which isn’t available.  When he’s not playing it, he’s watching people play it on YouTube.  It’s what we write about for school, it’s what we talk to our teacher about.  He doesn’t engage with friends on Zoom, and he’s the only one.  He just wants to talk about Minecraft to people, anyone who will listen.  
I’ve been in a terrible flair this week.  Today is better with pain at a 4 and bearable.  2 nights in a row I barely slept it hurt so bad.  The days are long.  Mon-Fri I school the littles til around 1-3pm, then I move to help oldest with his questions and support him with his needs.  That can be til 5-7pm, while trying to fit dinner, clean up then 7:30 we start to prep for bed so the littles can be down around 8.  Saturdays I work and it takes a lot out most days. Sundays are sacred.  It’s the only day I get to relax.  The first half, I’m drinking coffee and relaxing, by the second half, my mom guilt has taken over and I clean or food prep for the week.  Throughout the whole week, we fit in baths, showers, laundry, dishes, litter boxes, and my diabetic cat.  I will fully admit, I’m desperate for some organization time, and hopefully soon, the stars will align.
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woodlandcomforts · 5 years
Taking Care of Your Face and Looking Good (With Minimal or NO Makeup)
Disclaimer: I am not a cosmetics or skincare professional. I would not even classify myself as an expert. But after years of confusion I still haven’t found a comprehensive beginner’s guide explaining not just what to use, but why, and whether it is truly an essential step or just a brand trying to sell more products. I hope my decade of frustration can prevent others from the same fate.
My daily skincare routine used to consist of washing my face with facial soap before I went to bed. I figured that was enough; it’s soap made for the face (so not too harsh) and I’m cleaning the dirt off, so I should be good, right? Wrong. You don’t just want your skin to be clean, you want it to be healthy. I didn’t realize ‘clean’ and ‘healthy’ weren’t mutually inclusive until a couple years ago.
I have very fair skin that is “normal” (i.e. not too oily or too dry) and I suffer from mild but chronic acne. The products that work for me may not work for you, but the basic guidelines still remain the same. Just make sure to do your own research on certain products before buying and using them. Unlike many beauty gurus, I am not trying to sell you products and I received nothing nor will I receive anything for linking them to you. That means I am suggesting products I do genuinely believe to be good and am not just getting paid to promote.
Warning: This is a long post with a lot of reading. I promise it is worth it if you want to understand skincare. If you just want to know what to do, there is a TL;DR at the end.
Washing your face daily is important if you wear makeup. You want to go to bed with a clean, healthy face to prevent clogged pores overnight. Make sure your pillowcase is clean as well; changing it every two to four days is ideal. If you accidentally fall asleep with makeup or some other heavy cosmetic on, change your pillowcase before the next night regardless of the last time you changed it. (Yes, I have a ton of pillowcases. You’ll want to stock up.)
I wash my face twice a day if I’m wearing makeup: once before applying it and again before settling down for the night. (The steps for each change, look at the bottom of this post to see morning versus nightly routines). If you do not use cosmetics you may find you only need to wash your face once a day. Others wash their face every other day or even less. Do what is best for you. Allowing your face to regulate itself may in fact be the answer to your problems. For others (like me), your face may be abysmal at taking care of itself and thus you’re left to do the work for it. Thanks, face.
Here’s the optimal way to wash your face:
Remove makeup. Use an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup. I recommend this cleanser with jojoba oil. Use your fingers in gentle circular motions over your face until your makeup is loosened. Do not scrub your face with a towel or loofah. A cotton pad works best if you need to wipe more aggressively. If you don’t have any makeup on this step isn’t 100% necessary, but many people swear by double-cleansing so it doesn’t hurt if you’re feeling ambitious.
Cleanse. Removing makeup does not necessarily clean your skin, nor is oil-based cleanser the best way to rid your pores of dirt, so you need to clean your face again even if you did step one. I use this fermented grain cleanser. When looking for your own, make sure to avoid oil-based cleansers on this second step. Oil sits on top of your pores and doesn’t penetrate into them so it does not clean your skin fully. Water-based cleanser works best (meaning water should be the first, main ingredient).
Exfoliate. *Do not do this step every day*. Exfoliation should be once a week, no more than three. Exfoliating rids your face of dead skin cells, meaning if you’ve already exfoliated recently you’re just rubbing abrasives into your healthy skin... not ideal. Exfoliate on the last night of your most heavily cosmetic days, such as a Friday night if you work Mon-Fri or Sunday night if you wear more makeup on the weekends. Make sure whatever product you are using has been made for the face, as body exfoliators are too harsh. I really like Mary Kay’s Botanical Effects Scrub but it’s on the expensive side. A cheaper scrub I've been using recently is from St. Ives. Again, rub gently in circular motions, avoiding the eyes, then wash with water.
When massaging cleanser into your skin, start from the middle of your face and rub outward in circular motions. This helps prevent wrinkles among other benefits (some people claim this alleviates puffiness and even makes your face look smaller).
Wash with cold or lukewarm water. Hot water dries out your skin.
Wash your hands often, and not just after bathroom visits. Everyone touches their face way more than they think they do. Keeping your hands clean will keep your face cleaner, too.
I repeat, do not exfoliate your face every day. You will ruin your skin.
Likewise, don’t ever scrub your face, especially not with abrasive items like loofahs. Even if you want to get rid of blackheads, little bumps, or acne, scrubbing your face will only irritate it more and exacerbate the problem.
Many people claim that washing your face makes it worse: causing dryness, redness, oiliness, etc. While some may have good results by leaving their skin alone, I do not believe it is the universal answer. The most likely reason someone sees bad results is because they are not rebalancing their face to its natural levels. When you wash with cleansers, you are stripping your face of its oils and protections. Your skin may produce more to compensate (making your face oily)... ...or not (leaving it uncomfortably dry and unhealthy). How do you “balance” your face? With:
Toner. I thought this was pseudo-science nonsense for a long time, but it is actually an essential part of your skincare regime. A good toner shrinks your pores, restores your face’s natural pH level, and pre-moistens your skin so moisturizer will be absorbed more easily instead of sitting on top of your epidermis. Stay away from toners with alcohol as they will dry out your skin more than moisturizer can repair. I use Thayer’s Rose Petal Toner. Be wary of this product as it causes some people to break out. Remember, this isn’t a product you wash off-- it will stay on your skin, so if you have sensitive skin be on the look-out for any known irritants, drying agents, or allergies.
Treatment. Serums, essences, boosters, and ampoules. If you don’t have any problem areas, you can skip this step. However if you have redness, acne, dark spots, age spots, wrinkles, or any other number of things you want diminished, you can really benefit from this. I’m a fan of this Vitamin C Serum. Ampoules are concentrated serums made to target specific problems with more aggression and are short-term treatments. ‘Serum,’ ‘essence,’ and ‘booster’ are all kind of the same thing but are toted to have different properties and purposes (though they often don’t). If researching just one term doesn’t come up with anything you like, try the others.
Moisturizer. Good moisturizer maintains your face’s pH level and hydrates your skin, then keeps the moisture locked in throughout the day. If you are washing your face, you need to moisturize it. If you don’t, your skin will either remain desert-dry, or it will produce excess oils to compensate for all the cleansers that removed its natural oils. Because moisturizing is so important while at the same time so detrimental if you use the wrong product for your skin, I’m not linking to any specific product. Please research for your individual needs. A simple google search of, “Moisturizer for oily (or dry/ normal/ acne-prone/ sensitive/ etc) skin,” will produce results. Make sure to read reviews and ingredients. Some particularly good ingredients to look for are Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Vera, and Centella Asiatica. Avoid products with high pH levels (of 7+).
Sunscreen. This is a necessity in the morning. Prolonged exposure to sunlight (which happens even on overcast days) hastens the aging of your skin, causes sun damage that will eventually be visible dark spots, and increases your risk of skin cancer. If none of your cosmetics have sunscreen and you will be outside for more than 15 minutes that day, I highly recommend adding sunscreen after your moisturizer has settled. Try this SPF 46 sunscreen. It’s a bigger hit to your wallet but it’s worth it to avoid visible-later-in-life sun damage and a visible-right-now greasy face.
Wait a minute or two in-between steps before applying the next product. This gives the product time to sink in and do its work before being diluted by other ingredients or possibly even being wiped away when you apply something else.
Don’t rub toners and treatments on like you do for cleansers. Pat them gently onto your skin.
Buy facial sunscreen instead of reaching for whatever sunscreen is in your cupboard. If you are going to be exposed to the sun for prolonged time or in a more intense way, heavier sunscreen may be necessary, but for day-to-day use, more sensitive facial sunscreen is better for the more sensitive skin on your face!
Investing in a hat that shades your whole face is another option to protect your skin from sun damage. Especially if you refuse to wear sunscreen. But wearing both can’t hurt either.
Beware of knock-off brands on Amazon or Ebay. Even if the product looks the same and costs the same, check reviews for red flags. Or just be safe and buy straight from the company’s online store instead of going through a middle-man. Knock-off brands can use alternative ingredients that cause break outs, skin damage, or allergic reactions. At the very least, they will be worse quality products.
Having a clean, balanced face does not guarantee a blemish-free face. If you’ve tried everything under the sun to no avail, you may need prescription drugs to combat your skin problems. Consult a dermatologist if possible. They can also offer expert advice on what products your skin needs so you won’t be guessing.
You might not have the time or desire to put on even a little makeup, and that is perfectly fine. Feel free to skip this category. If I’m not going to wear any I don’t usually wash my face in the morning unless it’s feeling particularly gross. If you are going to wear makeup, first wash your face with a water-based cleanser then apply toner and moisturizer before any other products. This ensures any sweat, dust, or other dirt from the bed is washed off and the makeup won’t dry out your skin. After you’ve done that, you can do one of the following depending on your needs.
BB Cream. Essentially a very minimal foundation but, unlike foundation, BB Cream often comes with a host of other skin benefits such as sunscreen, color treatment, or special extracts. I use this MISSHA BB cream with sun protection and soothing extracts.
CC Cream. Stands for color correction cream. An alternative to BB Cream, though often a lighter product with less fancy skincare benefits. CC Cream may not cover every blemish to make your face look flawless, but it can cancel out redness or yellowing. Use this if you only want to even out your skin tone and don’t have any obvious bumps to cover. I don’t use CC Cream but based on my research, my best suggestion is this one from bareMinerals.
Foundation. If one of the creams is still not enough coverage for you, you can apply a layer of foundation over it or use foundation in its place. If you are putting foundation on top of a cream, remember that you won’t need as much product so be on the cautious side and use very little at first. You can always add more if it’s needed. I use this foundation from Colourpop; it comes in a huge variety of shades and is pretty cheap. However, the bottle is small. If you use a lot of foundation this is not ideal for you.
Concealer. If you’re still seeing acne, dark spots, or other skin blemishes, apply concealer to only those areas to cover them up better. Make sure to blend it out. I don’t think this is concealer but this is what I use and love: L’Oreal True Match Powder. Sometimes this is the only product I use because it works great, however since it is a powder it is very drying. Most people I know prefer liquid concealers. My friend swears by this concealer from Burt’s Bees, though it doesn’t offer a lot of shades.
As you can tell, I’m not “brand loyal” and I don’t think anyone should be. Don’t assume because one brand’s toner works for you that their moisturizer is the best for you, too. Don’t be afraid to shop around, do your own research, and pay attention to ingredients, not the name on the container.
Long, scary-looking chemical names do not necessarily mean unnatural or harsh ingredients. Do not be scared off from a product just because the ingredient list isn’t five colloquial English words. If you’re concerned, a quick google search usually brings up an ingredient’s cosmetic purpose and whether it is known to cause problems. 
Everyone has different skin types and thus their skins have different needs. Don’t assume the “miracle cure” your friend is raving about will solve all of your problems, too. Keep this in mind especially for people giving one-size-fits-all advice. “Stop using skincare products and your skin will take care of itself.” “The only thing people need is moisturizer after showers.” And so on. Unless they’re your dermatologist, they don’t know you or your skin. Ignore ignorance and focus on what you’ve seen and felt to work best on your skin.
Morning Routine:
Clean face with water-based cleanser.
Use alcohol-free toner to shrink pores and prep face for moisturizer.
Find the best moisturizer for your skin type and always use it after washing your face with anything more than water.
Apply facial sunscreen if none of your cosmetics have SPF properties. Don’t use sunscreen not specified for the face as it is greasy, heavy, and clogs pores.
If you want, apply BB Cream or CC Cream to cover blemishes and even-out the tone of your face. You can skip this step.
If you want or need more coverage, use a light foundation on top of or in place of a cream. You can skip this step.
Use concealer after cream or foundation to better cover problem areas that still stand out. You can skip this step.
Nightly Routine:
Wash off the day’s makeup or surface dirt with oil-based cleanser.
Clean face with water-based cleanser.
Exfoliate once a week.
Use alcohol-free toner to shrink pores and prep face for moisturizer.
If necessary, use a treatment to target specific problems with your skin. You can skip this step.
Find the best moisturizer for your skin type and always use it after washing your face with anything more than water.
Mix up your routine by wearing the occasional mask after cleansing. I didn’t go into masks here because they aren’t necessary, but... they are fun, so if you have them, use them! 
 If you want to do as little as possible and/or buy the least amount of products (I don’t blame you), the fundamentals of skincare are cleansing, toning, and moisturizing before you go to bed. Three products, three steps, once a day. Hopefully that’s doable for you!
As I said above, I’m not getting any money or benefits from this research and product advertising. If you’ve found this guide helpful please consider donating a few dollars as my family and I are in a tight spot financially. Here’s a link to my ko-fi. No worries if you can’t or don’t want to.
I hope this guide helped you understand skincare better. Feel free to send me questions, though I cannot guarantee I’ll be able to help. I’m also open to requests for other guides, or comments with your thoughts on this one. Thank you for reading.
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week In BL - October Is Looking Chunky
Sept 2022 Wk 5
Happy fall everyone! 
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Eclipse (Fri YT) Ep 8 of 15 - The pacing is starting to feel off and I am getting frustrated with the plot. That said, K is such a killer actor. And Aye is so damn pushy but with emotions as well a physical affection, he exposes his own vulnerability as a kind of benevolent attack on Akk to instill trust and worth and value and safety. Akk is just so scared and closeted. This whole narrative is less about love than it is about courage. Whether that is courage to live or courage to love. 
Vice Versa (Sat on YT) Ep 12fin - They are very cute and domestic boyfriends, and I realize GMMTV often does domesticity with their couples in the final episode. I’m thinking about the fantastic final ep of Dark Blue Kiss. “Celebrity coming out for love” is very Love Stage!!  Interesting that they advertised Not Me at the end, does that mean we have no new BL in this time slot from GMMTV next week? Curious choice they still have 4 more from their 2022 lineup.* I half expected the high school one. 
So what do I have to say about Vice Versa? 
It’s a solid BL with a weak plot but a strong concept. It’s very well acted and Jimmy remains the most charismatic talent that GMMTV currently fields. I hope we get more of this pair, either together or separated. That said, this is never going to be one of my top rewatch rotations, so I’m calling it for an 8/10. RECOMMENDED 
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My Only 12% (Fri iQIYI) Ep 8 of 15 - Oh goody more pain. Look I like the noona romance thread. It’s obvious she had to break his heart, it’s what I would’ve done, it’s what Minato should have done. But it was still sad to watch. This is a well cast show. Sniffling at the end of this ep. Looking forward to seeing Siew come into his own and Cake crumble while they are apart. 
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) Ep 1 of 10 - Words cannot adequately describe how much I dislike the credit sequence and music on this show. I nearly DNFed before a single line was spoken. The subs are also not good, but my Thai is getting better so I don’t mind as much as I once did. The show leads us out with: Slow motion + instalove + tons of familiar faces + some very terrible sound effects. Pretty much standard pulp territory. Despite all this, I actually kinda like it and they are so pretty. A rare sunshine/sunshine pairing! Nhai is an adorable idiot and Ai is confident king and I’m chortling away. Also GAY DADS played by IRL husbands Arm & Porsch! We’re good here, I’m happy. 
Work from Heart (Thurs YouTube) Ep 2 of 7 - Cute ex boyfriends. Thank god for uniforms. But now evil ex is overly aggressive. I’m getting Check Out vibes and that’s not a good thing. I love the tattooed actor who plays Guy, I wish he’d get more roles. I loved him in Ingredients too. 
Love in the Air (Thurs iQIYI) Ep 7 of 13 - It was a fine ending to the first couple and a good (if audio dubious) start to the second. I made more puns in the DUMPSTER FIRE TRASH WATCH ALONG HERE.
Fahlanruk (Sun GaGa) 3 of 12 - And now identical twins? SERIOUSLY?  The show sucks so bad. The story of 2 players never runs deep. Absolutely nothing happened this episode. I might drop this one. 
* GMMTV’s remaining 2022 BL line up is:
My School President - which I expected to be in VV’s time slot.
Moonlight Chicken - EarthMix’s next one, probably what they are working on next
Be My Favorite - recasting 
Never Let Me Go - filming now (assuming this will take on Eclipse’s time slot) 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Takara-kun and Amagi-kun (Japan Thurs GaGa & Viki) 6 of 8 - This is my favorite BL currently airing BY A LANDSLIDE. 24 minutes of pure agony and joy. It just makes me so happy but it’s also so high school angst and traumatic to live through. This is the best of Japanese BL, I keep getting a feel of Seven Days off it and I don’t mention that comparison lightly. Takara is SO CORNEY. Also. THAT ENDING. Yes. Exposed! No more secrets! Squee! I can’t wait to see what happens next week. 
Once Again (Korea Fri GaGa) 5-6 of 8 - This show. I swear it’s so in the throat creepy and tense (in a Kassandra the mad prophet way) but also weirdly sweet. Poor Ji Hoon, he’s such a nice guy in a world just has a in for him one way or another. I’m glad both actors are so good since it’s the whole reason to watch this. I’ve no idea how they are going to manage to resolve it, but it looks like we get a cute date next ep!  
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y - too hard on my soul. Will I watch it eventually? Maybe? Probably not. I think we have an ITSAY situation going on here. Also BL Express was not best pleased, and I while we rarely share taste, in this instance I trust their reporting.
My Tempo - a Thai BL movie about the Thai music industry. Yeah, no thank you.
Oh My Sunshine Night - I’m scared it’s gonna be sad, so I’m waiting for spies to tell me it’s safe
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us - ditto above
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In Case You Missed It 
More Than Words (Japan indie subbed by furritsubs) - TIP ‘EM if you like em!)  All the eps have dropped, so I binged it. Basically the definition of moody arthouse smackdoodle. Makki is an outgoing but mysterious boy with secret pain. Eiji is the an older gay boy struggling with identity. Mieko is a broken angry girl who both makes them work as a couple and aches to belong with them. This is a story about all 3 and their complicated interweaving relationship. It’s about love and intimacy in all its many faceted forms. This is not, and I'm being very clear here, a romance. In fact this is not a romantic show in any way. It’s poetic, sad, and wistful. Is it beautiful and a little lovely? Yes. Did I like it? No. For BL stans like me? NOT RECOMMENDED. For the ITSAY and YNEH folks... have at. BL Express likes this kind of thing and did a great review. 
Zero Supporter featuring EarthMix in their KornWin roles dropped. Look these two are just so cute together. They aren’t as good at this premise as OffGun were in Our Skyy, tho. Still, ultimately, I like this special better than the original Cupid’s Last Wish. 
NetJames (forthcoming BL Bed Friend) portray a BL side couple in Thai drama Catch Me Baby starting Oct 6 on WeTV. 
Semantic Error won Best Couple at the APAN Star Awards 2022. And Jaechan won the Popularity Award. 
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Thai casting call went out for the world’s first omegaverse BL Midnight Fortune. Twitter went as pearl-clutchingly hysterical over it as we might expect. It's not my thing personally and I doubt I will like it (frankly I doubt it'll be very good, either, the plot looks like it was written by MAME & Jittirain) but you better believe I will dumpster fire trash watch this SO HARD if it airs. It's about time Thai BL started to get seriously experimental in its cinemagraphic life cycle. It will be gloriously whackdoodle. I did have it down for Japan first, Thailand is so plucky! 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting: Mon: To Sir With Love AKA Khun Chai - Thai (10 eps 40 min ea) on One31HD & possibly WeTV. Kabe Koji - Japan (10 eps 20 min ea) on Viki.  Weds: Ghost Host, Ghost House - Thai (5 eps 30 min? ea) YouTube for reruns. Sat: Big Dragon - Thai (8 ep 40 min ea) reruns on Star Hunter’s YT. Sun: Remember Me - Thai (8 ep 40 min ea) Gaga. 
FULL October 2022 line up is here. 
This week’s best moments?
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Fucking awesome Takara. 
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This year’s Namgoong Award for BEST WINGMAN goes to Katori in Takara & Amagi. He’s glorious. 
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Ai Long Nhai calling itself out. 
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And again. 
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Eclipse being a tease. 
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My Only 12% pulling our heart strings.
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Vice Versa, beat that drum honey! 
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I LOVE a back hug. 
(last week)
Current earworm? JJ Project (fetal GOT7) Coming Home 
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simplysnowbarry · 2 years
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Big thanks to everyone who voted in our poll recently. We can now happily announce that Snowbarry Week 2022 is happening from Monday November 7th to Sunday November 13th this year.
We’ve chosen the prompts from those submitted to us so as to speed the process along and give everyone plenty of time to create. And we’ve also got extras for artists, as well as a few song prompts.
day 1, Mon Nov 7th - bloggers / youtubers / social media
day 2, Tues Nov 8th - traditions / holidays
day 3, Weds Nov 9th - shop AUs, e.g. coffee shop AU, florist AU, etc
day 4, Thurs Nov 10th - FREE DAY + any past prompts
day 5, Fri Nov 11th - role reversal / meta whammied
day 6, Sat Nov 12th - flings / friends with benefits
day 7, Sun Nov 13th - alternate fandom / fandom fusion, Snowbarry belonging to another fandom e.g. Star Trek, Bones, etc.
extras for artists:
black and white
snow / ice & winter aesthetics
matching / in sync
song prompts:
MYMP - A Little Bit
Imagine Dragons - Sirens
Lady Gaga - Hold My Hand
Posting guidelines will be posted closer to the date. We hope to see you all in November, and in the mean time, HAPPY CREATING!
(!) F.A.Q
Who can participate in Snowbarry Week?
ANYONE! Writers, giffers, manip-ers (?), fan artists smol and toll. We welcome fan fiction, gifsets, manips, fanart, fanmixes, …
Can days be combined?
YES! Social media with shop AU? Or friends with benefits and alternate fandom? All joking aside, you can combine whichever prompts you’d like.
Can I create work for both the artists prompts and the writer prompts?
Can I use the artists prompts for a fic, or the writer prompts for art work?
If I want to contribute something do I have to do something for every day?
Not at all. You’re free to commit to a single day, and we will be so flipping excited to see it. The point is just to have fun with the prompts, even if it’s just the one.
Can I post a WIP that I started working on before that fits a Snowbarry Week theme?
Yes, of course! We’re not a Big Bang, or even a Mini Bang, we don’t require art or fic to have been created from scratch for exactly this week.
I’m going to be busy/out of town during Snowbarry Week. Can I post early/late?
We’d really like to avoid early posting. If you’re out of town or too busy the week itself you can always schedule posts for the correct dates.
Posting late shouldn’t be a problem. Posting Day 1 on Day 3 is also perfectly fine, just make sure we can tell which day you’re posting for, so our heads don’t start spinning.
What does free day mean?
Basically, free day is where you decide what prompt you want to do something with. As long as it’s Snowbarry (or one of its variations like Savifrost, Flashfrost, etc), you’re okay to do whatever you want. A free day in the middle of the week might also provide some much needed breathing space for all the contributors.
Also, the same as last year, our free day now doubles as an opportunity to create for any of our past prompts! If there was a prompt you didn’t manage to finish something for, or just always liked the sound of doing but missed the opportunity, we’d love to see that for this day to have a fun revival of some of the great prompts from past events.
What does [insert theme] mean?
Oh man, this is a hard one to answer. Bloggers could be about Barry's blog in canon, or a slight AU where Caitlin has a blog as a hobby, or an AU where the characters blog professionally, or it could even be a story told in the style of blog posts! We can’t tell you which roles to cast your characters in, because everyone has different interpretations. If you can justify the connection, we’re pretty sure you’re good.
Does my idea fit the theme?
Like we said above, if you can justify it, we’re pretty sure you’re good. If you’re really not sure, hit us up!
If there are more questions, please don’t hesitate to drop us an ask. Any questions you don’t want published, feel free to come off anon and ask us as well - we promise we won’t publish what you’re not comfortable with, just let us know if you want it answered privately.
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sirenofthetimes · 5 years
talking to my mom about how the 2 full time leads at the front desk work 7 day weeks and she was saying it's on them to say no to doing that and then she goes "and you, stop working 6 day weeks" and i was like damn... you right 😔
like i was moved from tues-sat to mon-fri but then my supervisor emailed us every month like "give me 2 saturdays and 2 sundays you can work" and it literally never occurred to me that i could say "can't work any saturdays or sundays! if you need me on weekends so badly i need to take off during the week then!" so i've been working mon-sat every other week i let capitalism win!
so we have someone else doing the schedule now and she does it all through the when 2 work app and so i went through every saturday through the month of august (everyone knows i don't do sundays) and marked "dislike" because that was only way to say i was unavailable?? anyway hopefully that works and i can have 2 days off every week!
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assholemurphy · 6 years
i am incredibly sad that i only have like, 1 extra adderall left (i may have to find somewhere to buy more from, since i only get like, enough for the month with my prescription, the only reason i had extras this month is bc it took a week for me to be able to get my prescription filled, so i literally had to go a week w/o adderall and i don’t wanna do that again, ever, it was hell, esp bc i ran out of sudafed, too, that week) bc holy fucking shit am i awake. i’m getting so much done. i took a shower and then highlighted all of the units in my script, which is usually hard to focus on bc it’s so dull, and i got another 15 units done, so i’ve only got like 30 left and i’m still wide awake and focused AF. like, i’m p sure that colors have smells, but also, like, the world is so intense and amazing. i feel fucking fantastic. i kinda wanna go skydiving, but like, not until i get my hw done, ya know?
but i’ve got 30 more units to do, then i’ve gotta make a graph, but after that, i’m done with the project and can move on. depending on how i feel/what time it is when i get that done (bc if it’s past 3:30/4a, i can’t sleep, i’ve got to stay up bc if not, i won’t wake up in time for class, but also, if i still feel this awake, then there’s rly no point to sleeping bc i won’t be able to, anyway) i might sleep, or i might start working on my playwriting assignment (bc that’s due mon @ 2p and i’ve got to write 6 1-min monologues for my characters) and watch the first 30min of shrek: the musical (bc i gotta have that done by fri @ 9a bc we’re watching it in class and that’s where we’re picking up at since the audio wouldn’t work in class, so it’s hw to watch the first 30 of it, but we can watch all of it, if we want, idk if i will, i’ve got too much to do and if i watch all of it, then there’ll be no point of going to class bc i hate rewatching things bc i’ve got a damn near eidetic memory for movies/books and certain other things, depending on how much i’m paying attention, but almost always books/movies unless i find them boring and don’t care abt them, so it would be stupid to watch all of it and then be bored in class), then maybe read some of after the fall (the script i’m pulling my monologue from for acting i) and do the assignment that goes with that (bc it’s due tues @ 9:30a). after that i should do my therapy hw (we’re still working on stuck points and i’ve got like, 5 more sheets, maybe more, to fill out) bc that’ll be due at my next counselling appt, which i think is next week, i’ll have to call them, but it’ll take abt an hour and it’ll emotionally drain me.
i think that’s abt it for hw, tho, but all of that’ll take roughly 9 hours, which means i def won’t be able to do it all tonight, but i can get most of it done if i don’t sleep, which means i’ll have more time for sleep/writing/literally everything else on the weekend. i might even be lucky enough to be able to get drunk. maybe. i’d have to start drinking at like, 3p and stop at like, 6p for it to all be out of my system so i can get to bed by 2/3a. so that’s a maybe. but a nice maybe.
ofc, i’ve got non hw stuff to do, too. i’ve got to make a list of roommate requirements so i can start looking for a new one (i’ve also got to talk to goldilocks to see when she plans to move out, bc like hell am i moving out, all the bills except her half of the lease are in my name and most of the furniture (aside from her personal stuff and the coffee table) is mine and i don’t want to have to move ALL of it out and into a new place, plus it’s her decision to not be roommates, so it’s on her, not me, and i won’t budge, not this time). then i’ve got to get my study/organization binder made so things’ll be easier to keep track of. i’ve got to do some cleaning (taking out the trash, cleaning up my side of the living room (we didn’t divide it, it’s just where the couches are so we stick to our couches most of the time) and the coffee table). then laundry, gotta do laundry, i’m almost out of socks.
ofc, i might have to start on my part of the second part of the group project. i wanna design costumes for the play, if neither of the others is doing that, which i hope they aren’t, bc i don’t know enough abt any of the other elements of production to do something else. but if i have to, i can try to do sound, maybe, that’s my second choice. so, i may have to start on that this weekend. i’ll talk to hurricane bianca and tim the toolman taylor and see what they’re doing for it probs on fri if not tomorrow at rehearsal. then i can start on my part and get it finished ahead of time to prove i’m capable, when i’ve got my shit together and am not having a breakdown every week. then, after i talk to prof j abt what i’m supposed to do for the show (something with finding times for freeze frames and spotlights, which is fun, but i’m worried my comdic timing isn’t the same as everyone else’s bc i’m autistic, so my sense of humor is a bit skewed, ya know? but anyway, prof j specifically told goldilocks (who is stage manager, i’m one of two assistant stage managers) to have me do it, so i’m afraid i’m being set up to fail bc i know nothing abt theatre, rly, and i’m always paranoid abt these things, but i’m also kinda thinking it might be bc she actually thinks i can do it, which sounds unrealistic, but she’s not a mean person, so i’m willing to bet it’s that one. but i need to ask her what all she needs me to do, bc goldilocks has no clue, which was so fucking helpful, what a great stage manager she is (no, srsly, idk if i bitched abt this earlier or not, but she’s absolutely horrible at this shit so far and i can’t stand working under her bc i hate working under incompetent ppl bc i feel it makes me look incompetent, too, if the job isn’t done right, even if it’s not my fault bc i wasn’t in charge and i’m always, always terrified to look stupid or incapable in the eyes of others). so, i’ve got to ask prof j abt what all i need to do bc i’m p sure the advice given to me by the lighting tech (who is apparently a decent stage manager, tho i doubt it, truly, she doesn’t have the personality for it, she’s too pushy and it makes her hard to work with, but that might just be bc i don’t like her as a person, so i’m reserving judgement until i see her in the position) is wrong bc it makes no sense, is way too hard, doesn’t actually help with anything and gives me a headache (bc mapping out the goddamn blocking is impossible when the actors do diff things every fucking night, wtf??? do the same shit, you assholes! but it’s also useless bc it doesn’t tell anyone where the spotlights/freeze frames should be, and blocking isn’t my job, it’s the other asm’s (who i don’t have a nickname for, but will probs have before the end of rehearsal) so why she’s not doing it, idk???) so i’ll ask tomorrow.
so, i’m looking at 9 hours hw now, then 30 min of cleaning, 3 hours of other paperwork shit, and potentially 4 hours of hw and 2 hours of theatre stuff this weekend. which means i can get at least 10 hours of sleep per night and get some writing done, if i finish most of my hw now. i think that’s worth one sleepless night. it rly is. so, here’s to hoping for at least one day off this week.
but if i don’t sleep, i’ll probs crash after rehearsal tomorrow night, unless i can convince my friends to come over and hang out, since they won’t be here this weekend and i kinda need their help making the roommate requirement list bc otherwise it’s just gonna be like ‘can’t leave time on the microwave after they’re done using it’ and ‘must know how to use headphones when others are studying in the living room’ and ‘must not whine when i want to stay in my room and do work instead of being around them 24/7′ (tho, goldilocks doesn’t spend much time with me anymore, which is fine, i guess, but it’s a complete 180 from what she used to do and honestly, i’m offended bc i caved and started staying in the living room and now it just feels weird not being in the living room and idk what to do abt any of this). i need real things, too, like, big concerns that i’ll forget abt when writing it, and i need to know if my requirements are petty or things that aren’t specific to most ppl, just goldilocks. and it’d be nice to hang out with them and shit.
anyway, this is rly long and rambly, but i rly need to vent all of this shit somewhere, it helps me sort my brain out. i don’t actually expect anyone to read it and you can always blacklist my personal tag ‘iz says stuff’ if you don’t want this shit on your dash. but if you do read them, then you’re always welcome to come to my inbox and be like ‘quit bitching and get back to work, dumbass’ or something. 
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travelingtheusa · 3 years
2021 Aug 31 (Tue) – Well, the caravan is over.  It was a job but we happened to fall right into the perfect time period to make our trip.  We started just as everything was starting to relax and finished up just as restrictions were starting to come back into place.  
     Newburgh was lots of fun.  We did not get to take the group to the FDR Presidential Home & Museum.  The National Park Service stopped group tours but they were allowing individual, timed entry so several of our group went on their own.  We took the group to an Italian restaurant for dinner in place of the museum.  It was a great choice!
     On Sunday, we took a small group of folks into New York City on an extra excursion. It was a long day with lots of walking but we got to see the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and the 9/11 Memorial. Some of us couldn’t go to the Top of the Rock because they were requiring everyone to have a COVID vaccine card.  That requirement was just started by New York City two days ago.
     We had our farewell dinner on Monday and a continental breakfast on Tuesday.  Then it was hugs and good byes and in one fell swoop, 15 rigs pulled out of the campground and we were standing there alone. And just like that, two years of planning, months of changes and nail-biting anticipation, and 41 days of caravan were over.
     We pack up and leave tomorrow for a race to South Carolina to help our son celebrate his 40th birthday.  We’ll be there for 2 nights then it will be another race to The Keys to join my brother, Tim, for a memorial service for his son, Joe.  
2021 Aug 25 (Wed) – Our next move was to Saratoga Springs where we toured the racetrack.  It was interesting to see that the horses have the right of way as their stables are across the street from the track.  Cars were stopped as a parade of horses crossed the road back and forth. There was a cruise on a boat on the Hudson River where we saw several eagles.  They have made a successful comeback in the area.  We also toured the U.S.S. Slater, a WWII destroyer escort. Then the group moved to Cooperstown and we toured the National Baseball Hall of Fame.  That night, we had a barbecue of hot dogs and hamburgers. That was followed by a rousing game of bean bag baseball where the women challenged the men.  The women started off strong and kept the lead until the bottom of the ninth when the men rallied and overtook the women.  It was a lot of fun.  Tomorrow, we leave for Newburgh and the final stop on our caravan.
 2021 Aug 17 (Tue) – We enjoyed Alexandria Bay and Clayton in the Thousand Islands where we toured the Boldt and Singer Castles, looked over beautiful antique boats, and enjoyed an outdoor concert on the St. Lawrence Seaway.  Then we moved to Lake Placid where we saw the Olympic Sports Complex.  Unfortunately, the Olympic Museum was closed for renovations but we did drive up to the top of Whiteface Mountain and climb to the summit.  It was breathtaking!  We toured John Brown’s Farm and Gravesite and learned about the abolitionist movement. We are currently in Ticonderoga where we toured the fort yesterday with a docent dressed as an English soldier. That was followed with a tour at the Star Trek Set Tour.  They have lovingly recreated the set of the TV series Star Trek.  It was fun to pose in the different sets and hear stories of how the series was made.  Finally, we toured Ausable Chasm today with a delicious lunch of barbecue chicken and salads.
2021 Aug 12 (Thu) – The past week has been very busy.  We moved from Niagara to the Thousand Islands.  Took a boat ride on the St. Lawrence Seaway and toured both Boldt and Singer Castles.  We went to the Antique Boat Museum and walked around a 106’ house boat.  We had a potluck with a Cajun/Mexican theme.  The food was very spicy!  The campground host and her band played music for us while we ate. The next day we went to a free concert in Alexandria Bay where we heard a tribute to the Beatles.  The music was very enthusiastic.  Today we moved to Lake Placid.  
2021 Aug 5 (Thu) – We are camped at Red’s Twilight on the Erie RV Resort near Rochester.  We went to the George Eastman Photography Museum and Home.  Eastman committed suicide when he was 77 years old.  He left a note saying that he had done everything and “why wait?”  We also went to the Strong Museum of Play.  It was three floors of everything you ever wanted to know about games. They had a beautiful butterfly garden with 600 butterflies in the enclosure at any one time.  They bring in 250 chrysalises a week.  
     We carpooled to Seneca Falls (an hour away) where we enjoyed lunch at the Ventosa Vineyards and walked up and down the historic street.  The movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” was purportedly based on the town of Seneca Falls.  We toured the museum.  We also went through the National Women’s Rights Historic Park and the Seneca Falls Waterways & Industrial Museum.  
     At happy hour, we played corn hole and beanbag baseball.  It’s been lots of fun.
2021 Aug 2 (Mon) – Sorry.  We have been so busy that I fairly collapse at the end of the day and don’t get a chance to post on this blog.  It will only go on for a few more weeks, then we will be back to normal (whatever that is). Hang in there.
     In Chautauqua, we visited the Chautauqua Institute; took a dinner cruise on the Chautauqua Belle, a steam powered paddlewheeler; toured the Lucy-Desi Museum; and visited the National Comedy Center. We had a member of the caravan (Doug) have a heart attack.  He went to the hospital and they put in a pace maker.  We left him at the campground waiting for his son to come drive them and their rig home.
     In Niagara Falls (where we are now), we saw the Falls and took a ride on the Maid of the Mist to the base of the Falls on the Niagara River.  We took a bus tour that included the NY Power Vista and Old Fort Niagara.  Today we took a ride on a canal boat on the Erie Canal and went through two locks. That was followed by a delightful buffet meal.  Jim and his wife decided to leave the caravan because he is still now feeling well.  We are now down to 16 RVs in the caravan.
     Tomorrow we leave for Rochester where we expect to explore the Strong Museum of Play, the George Eastman Museum & Home, and Seneca Falls.
 2021 Jul 26 (Mon) – We moved out today, leading the caravan with 3 other RVs.   We arrived at Camp Chautauqua at 1:40 PM.  After checking in, we got settled in then made us the sheets for where everyone else would go.  It was another 2 hours to get everyone parked and settled in.  There was a delay as Doug couldn’t get his satellite dish to stow properly and Johnny waited with him.  When they left, Doug got lost on the way.  
     Paul set up the tent and we had happy hour at 4 PM.  At 7:30 PM, we tried to show a movie – The Long Long Trailer with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.  This is in preparation for our visit to the Lucy-Desi Museum on Wednesday.  It was still too late and the movie didn’t show up on the screen.  So we sat around, waiting for the sun to lower in the sky.
     While waiting, Janet told me Doug was going to the hospital because he was experiencing chest pains.
 2021 Jul 25 (Sun) – We rode with Rick & Brenda to the Brewery of Broken Dreams. The name intrigued me and I wanted to see what the place was like. As we were getting out of the car and posing for pictures, Rick passed out and face planted, hitting the car on the way down.  After we got the bleeding stopped, we took him to the hospital.  After waiting a while, Brenda gave us the keys to the car and we returned to the campground.  Brenda called later to say they were admitting Rick for testing at another hospital.  Hank and I took care of their dog, Timmy, until she came back after 10 PM.
     At 5 PM, we held our travel meeting.  Announcements included the fact that Rick was in the hospital and Jim was recuperating from his bout of dehydration.
2021 Jul 24 (Sat) – We went to the Finger Lakes Boating Museum this morning. They split us into 3 groups.  We got the newbie who didn’t really know that much about the collection.  After admiring their large collections of boating paraphernalia, we went down into the former wine cellar and enjoyed a catered lunch.  After we were done, everyone was released to explore the area on their own.
     We returned to the campground.  At 4 PM, we had happy hour. Everyone appears to be very happy.  
2021 Jul 23 (Fri) – We took the group to the Corning Museum of Glass today. Because the drive was long (32 miles), we told everyone to go on their own rather than drive in a long caravan line. They just had to arrive by 9 am. One person didn’t arrive until almost 9:30.  We gathered outside and I assigned everyone their times to go do their projects – either a holiday ornament or a fusing glass project.  The museum itself was huge!  It is amazing how many products use glass.  
     We went to Corning with Rick & Brenda after the museum for lunch.  We had wanted to tour the Rockwell Museum but we were running out of time and needed to get back to the campground.  Western Winery did a free tasting at the campground. We also had a potluck dinner, which went very well.  Everyone had a good time.
     One of our group, Sue, came to me during the dinner and told me she and her husband were going to leave the caravan.  He has been feeling very bad and she is afraid it is his heart.  He is not able to go on and they are going back home. After she left, we discussed their situation and felt that he needed to go to the hospital if he was feeling that bad. So Paul and Hank took Jim to the hospital where they left him to be evaluated.  While they were at the hospital with Jim, I worked with Sue to file the paperwork to the Good Sam Emergency Evacuation Program.  If you are too sick to go on when you travel, this insurance policy assures you they will fly you home and transport your rig as well.  We got a case number assigned and called to find out what the next steps were.  Jim needs a doctor’s note saying he is unable to drive.
     At 10:30 pm, the hospital called to say we could pick Jim up.  It turned out that he was severely dehydrated.  They gave him fluids and he says he feels 100% better. They will sit a day or two after we leave and then follow us.  We are glad he is OK.
 2021 Jul 22 (Thu) – We took the group to the Glenn Curtiss Museum today. What a remarkable man he was!  He started inventing things at the age of 14. Curtiss was into speed and made motorcycles that went faster and faster until he hit speeds over 100 mph.  This took place in the 1920s!  He was soon billed as the fastest man alive.  He moved from motorcycles to planes, dirigible and boats, and even built the first fifth wheel RV.
     Following the museum, we went to lunch at the Switzerland Inn.  We had originally reserved the Bully Hill Vineyard but they couldn’t stabilize their chicken prices and we wound up having to cancel. We found the Switz (as they like to be called) online but it turned out to be a disappointment.  First, we arrived for an 11:30 lunch only to be told they don’t open until 12.  Then they messed up the orders and Paul saw them take 3 meals back to the kitchen. Two people did not get what they ordered but were happy with the substitute meal they did get.  The place was very small.  We were all crammed in a small room that looked out on the lake. We had wanted to sit out on the deck but the restaurant insisted we sit inside.  I think it was easier to serve us because we were closer to the kitchen. Then the bill came and I was unable to sort it out.  Instead of listing each meal (burger, fries, Pepsi for example), they had 14 burgers, 17 fries, 8 onion rings, etc.  There were many variations and they just billed the total.  And, again, the bill came in higher than what was budgeted.  
     After lunch at the Switz, we went with Rick & Brenda, Hank & Brenda, Johnny & Linda, and Joe & Diane to the Bully Hill Vineyards.  I was kind of depressed after that.  It was beautiful located high up on the hill overlooking the lake with a large outdoor patio.  They also had a tasting room, a museum, an art room, and a gift shop. What a come down to have gone to the Switz.  I hope the rest of the trip goes better.
 2021 Jul 21 (Wed) - The caravan started today!  We spent the early part of the day getting things ready. Paul and Johnny put the ladder plates on and collected forms certifying vehicle worthiness.  I finalized my briefing.  We all put the gift bags together.
     At 4:30 p.m. we held the orientation briefing.  After that, we rode to the American Legion Post in Bath. They served us a meal of salad, chicken speedies, salt potatoes, brown baked beans, and cheesecake.  The food was very good.  They were very appreciative of our payment.  We had everyone buying drinks at the bar to support the lodge.  Everything went off well.  It was a good start to the caravan.
 2021 Jul 20 (Tue) – We spent a good part of the day getting things together.  There was a quick run into town to get groceries and wine.  Johnny & Linda are eager to take on their Tail Gunner duties.
     At 4:30 p.m. folks started showing up at our campsite for happy hour.  By 5 p.m., we had quite a crowd around us.  About 2/3rd’s of the group is in the campground now.
 2021 Jul 19 (Mon) – Hank left early this morning to go to Lockport. He is picking his wife up from the airport tomorrow.  The rest of us left Laporte, PA, at 11 a.m. since we did not have very far to go.  As we were going up the long hill, there was a bang and we lost power.  We knew the repair on the turbo hose failed.  We pulled over to the side and opened the hood.  This time, the hose really blew apart.  We told everyone to go ahead.  We parked the trailer on the side of the road and drove back into town to the Ford dealer.  After hearing of our dilemma, they sold us the turbo hose they were holding for another customer and fit us right into their schedule.  They even gave us a car to use to go into town and get lunch while they did the repairs.  We were in and out in less than an hour.  Wow!
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      Back on the road, we arrived at the Hammondsport/Bath KOA campground around 3 p.m.  We set up then returned to the office to settle accounts.  What a shocker that was!  They charged us more than $2,300 more than we budgeted.  The manager mumbled something about us getting put in higher rated campsites.  She is an extremely poor communicator.  She changed our campsites about a month ago but never explained they were for more money.
      About a third of the caravan is here.  We were tired and didn’t really do anything tonight.
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